Previous: >>24455749What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!Low res globe editionInteractive map: GOAL:- Survive>Note that the map isn't set in stone.>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.THREAD REP TRIPCODE>/∞/: !XcNdwMsONs, !np2UIvxwi. (backup)>/pcclg/?: !!S9vZSg00/Br>/meat/: !!J7IsvbPoQE1CLIMATE & TECTONICS POSTS (AIDS LORE/PLACEMENT):Ocean Currents Systems Analysis Plates and their Movements Provinces POSTS ARCHIVE
Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day.If you will be using a rentry link, please use> of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.Thank you!Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP!
Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.>Vote Results>Bylaws>Vote post archive
CURRENT PROMPTSFeel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!>ClothingWhat does the average Joe wear daily? Any formal dress impacted by tradition/culture? Is fashion being split by class or regional differences? Climate or other fantastical wackery making certain attire a necessity? Paint us a clearer picture of who you'll see walking through the streets!>FoodWhat crops do your people grow for consumption? What about the food you import, and from where? Do you have unique delicacies? What are the common snacks or meals for the working class, or the rich and powerful? Any food reserved for ritual purposes? How about etiquette when eating? Any special practices during mealtime?>EntertainmentWhat kinds of entertainment is popular for your people? How important are they seen as part of life? Do different class people have sufficiently different tastes? How much do the chuuba gods play a role in these entertainments?>ReligionWhat religious rituals does your nation have to worship its deities? What's the religious structure look like? What's the official stance on other faiths?>Alcohol and Drinkwhat do your people drink and what's is it made from? what sort of culture is there around drinking in your split?>DevelopmentWhat are your nation's current goals now? What are you trying to aim for in your development? Would said development make your people happy?>Funeral RitesHow do your people observe the death of one of their own? What kind of ceremonies are held? How are their belongings handled?>MusicWhat kind of musical instruments/music does your nation make/use?>NameDoes your thread's nation have any naming conventions? What are people named, and why? Do names have meaning? Do people have surnames, and how are those derived?
If /nijiEN/ or /OBSY/ rep comes by, in this chapter >>24557079 I had a schizo use a coat of feathers probably related to Selen/Elira-esque dragons as a source of magic power. Since they're meant to come from the Nijilands, I think it's neat, but I can re-write this detail if desired.
>>24565360That's pretty cool! I'm okay with it, honestly. In fact, I can actually use that myself. I was going to make Selen-based dragons just normal scaly dragons, but it might be fun to add feathers to the design. Thanks for the idea!
I am going to kidnap as many Risuner females as I could and breed them like animals to populate my own kingdom!
>>24566629Nice, glad you like it! Feathery reptilians are neat. I'll leave it as is then.
>>24567736whoever you We have all the allies in the world anyway good luck trying.
I am going to marry as many Risuner females as I could and breed them like my wives to populate my own kingdom!
>>24561527etc.theoretically, there should be no automatic way for chuubanite alone to identify whether someone is friend or foe unless that was one of the unique magical effects it has. also, i really dislike the "store heat" idea, as i explained in the past that it is incompatible with the original rentry, and doesn't do anything to explain anything more, not to mention it kind of explains things less than if it weren't there to begin with.with that said, the original rentry explained how you could easily turn chuubanite into a light generator. as soon as the glyph is formed, or the activator substance makes contact it will release the energy, and depending on how thick, large, and powerful the glyph is it will take a different amount of time to release all it's energy. it doesn't store energy from it's environment, you can't refresh it by heating it up, it's just a radioactive element, stop thinking you have to/can energize the weak nuclear force externally. also, as someone else mentioned> can still have a flashbang pigeon if you want, just try to rely less on "hur dur magic = everything, ogg to simple for world build" logic and actually try to get to the very bottom of everything from a physical perspective if you can. i want the setting to be grounded, if you have to say "it's magic" as a way to explain something because you don't have any other possible explanation for it, you've found the limit of your idea, and you should look for an entirely separate idea that lets you go further.
Tfw ywn be a local warlord with 50 Risuner breeding slaves licking your dick together like a village tootsie pop
Where is "magic is everything" anon when we need him?
>>24567736>>24568021>>24568615Another poor soul consumed by his lust for Risuner sex...
I hit a bit of a wall. On one hand I have an idea how the meeting will go. On the other hand the specics are a pain. Not trying to over plan. I think I need more caffeine.
>>24570746More caffeine, or more sleep? Either helps in my experience.
>>24575294>>24576276Will WARanon and PEACEanon go to war with each other?
>>24577549That would be against PEACEanon believes.
>>24577642Then, they have to do something that is in the middle.Hatefuck?
>>24577682They bond over having a threesome with COLDWARanon.
>>24574169Sadly tonight I need sleep because I want to take my elderly mother to the zoo before gas prices hike up again.
>>24576276>>24577549>>24577642PEACEanon, I will protect you
>>24579066We all need a Luknight sometimes.
>>24580127>sweet>literally sweet...yeah
As the Risuners say, gentlemen?
>>24582605Rosebud! How are you doing.I'm experimenting with ways to apply blood on materials, WARanon will be happy.
Ninisani the newly established capital of /NijiEN/. It rose from the desire of its citizens to have a place where all of them could build structures in the name of their gods and to have a a trading hub amongst each other. It lies in the center of the nation where all states could easily have access. The capital is in its infancy and is looking to expand its land.>>24564366
>>24582798I'm doing fairly well, all things considered.Out of curiosity, what would applying blood do to said materials? I wasn't aware blood had strengthening properties or anything like that. Is it for cosmetic purposes?
>>24582965It's for blenderanon purposes, I'm working on a gorier render.Though, I'm sure /meat/ has a blood infusion ritual somewhere out there, seems right up their alley.
>>24565360that's pretty cool im okay with it too (i feel like when it comes to obsydia stuff, it's better for roseanon to have more say than me since he knows more ;;)
>>24583144Ohh, very neat! Excited to see what you come up with, then. Good luck!
>>24583191Nice! I'm curious, who are your faves in NijiEN?>>24583476Thanks rosebud, samewise to you!
>>24564366 here, reworked our core lore a bit and reworked our chuubanite into a retro chuubanite instead of chuuba ones, think this fits better with the overall theme and motivation of the nationwe also now have quartz and amethyst as our pretty gems of choice since it seems to matter in this world a lot due to risunersif archvie anon could exchange the old rentry to pls because i lost the edit code for the old one
>>24584045i like ike the most but i still watch the others when their streams interest me, especially luca and enna's. have you been to our thread? what do you think? (i just wanna know about how non regulars see our thread lol)
>>24584535Never been, but it's nothing personal, I don't go much anywhere other than /morig/, /vtwbg/, /HAHA/, /nasfaqg/, and whoever I'm watching's general and /koopa/ when it's around. My cursory look tells me it's chaotic and 2fast4me kek. Looks fun though.>>24584260Quartz is a great choice for /vrt/, lots of applications in electronics.
>>24584951i honestly did not even think that much about quartz being good for electronics, not that it helps us too much either since besides building onobots we are not technicly advanced at all like /nasa/ for example
>>24585570Well, once we enter the late 1800s, you can flood the market with cheapo quartz watches and bankrupt the entire /inf/ luxury goods economy.
>>24582605Mentlegen?>>24584260most pretty>>24568021You can marry ONE risuner but then your stuck with her for life. NTRfags get executed via geese chamber. >>24568615We are not slaves. Geese chamber>>24570344Little does anyone know who the risuner truly loves in this thread its WARanon >>24586317Once we wenter that time period risuners would have duplicated so many gem via gemtrees we will basically be openly using them all the time. And finally to>>24568393 and >>24584260pic related
>>24564366Hi a kronie from /∞/ here.This is a short lore about our clockwork.Clockwork in /∞/
>>24587185Man... The One are fucking the clockussy, aren't they?
>>24587428Erm... that's just your imagination running wild! I have no idea what you're talking about!
Little do they know that I, the OGsuner am actually >>24586432 all along. I kind of want art of the same meme but with risu instead of reinhardt. Oh well.
>>24587712are you also the "forget science, have sex with squirrels" poster? i kind of preferred that.
alright also came up with a base idea of how the big trade alliance between /meat/ and /vrt/ with help of risuners has come together
>>24588102just do sex science, stupid.
>>24585570Even if you're not advanced quartz is still useful. It can generate electricity for things like cigarette lighters and hand-cranked phonographs.>>24587185Here's a device that runs entirely on clockwork. assume Kronies would have master clockwork and interchangeable parts. Interchangeable parts would be essential for clockwork as you will be able to replace pieces rather than the entire machine.
pic related is my fucking face when I see that one risuner autist from about a month ago i guess donated to rosemi and same shit is happening all over again
>>24588478As for electronics, the primary use of quarts is use as a resonator or oscillator which are use to create clocks within the device. Quartz would be more useful for space people like /nasa/ because there's no clay to make ceramic with in space.
>>24588478ohh i am not saying its not useful, it jsut was not my primary reasoning when i choosed it, i just liek it personaly since its pretty and i did not see it yet on the lsit of gems other nations use prominently
>>24588834Well anon, you better either give us a QRD or don't spill the beans.
>>24588478AAAAAAAAAAAH CLOCKWORK AUTOMATONS ARE COOL AS FUCKThank you for sharing this! Adding this kind of thing to /∞/'s lore is a must!
/who/ alphabet update. Replaced letters, with IPA includedX is /x/, and /h/.H is /n/П is /p/P is /r/I stole them from the russian alphabet and the greek alphabet, i should probably make a transcription table sometime.
>>24588283We'll spread the good word! Especially when it comes to Risuners' participation.
>>24589184Ok fine last post before bed.>Some risuner donated $5 to risu>Thought it got ignored>Makes a post saying he fucking hates risu and shit>Some anon sends the timestamp of her thanking his SC>Next day risuner comes back apologizing>Turns out said risuner has narcolepsy and probably fell asleep during that part of the stream>Apparantely he lives off government social security or something too in the middle of a farm but im not too sure on that one>Sees the same name and PFP SC Rosemis yugioh stream today>Rosemi blatantly fucking ignores it and says nothing during end of stream zatsu>Right now in NijiEN general that fuck is bitching about it so go check it out. And now I really am going to sleep.
>>24588478Depending on the manufacturing capability of /inf/, interchangeable parts didn't become popular until around the 1850s. But if clocks are household items then individual manufacturers would likely have their own standards. Cheap household/personal watches from A would have different manufacturing standards from B and thus their parts aren't interchangeable. For more artisanal pieces you would have to go to the original clockmaker if any of the parts break as he is the only one who knows how to manufacture replacement parts that fit.
>>24589535Kek ain't that some shit. Thanks.
>>24589535 complaints are the life blood of /NijiEN/ its gonna get ignored because the thread is still livid about the half anni merch
>>24589106If it makes you feel better /nasa/'s national gem is Peridot. And that's because you can find peridot inside of asteroids and meteorites called pallasite.>>24589261A clockwork automaton Kronii wouldn't be able to do much. You're not going to get a walking robotic automaton with the amount of parts you'd have to fit inside her. A clockwork automaton Kronii would be something like a moving statue. A complicated moving statue but a statue nonetheless. Keep in mind the writing boy is a massive clockwork Rube Goldberg machine only capable of writing a single sentence.>>24589581Ah, makes sense. Manufacturers will have their own parts incompatible with other manufacturers. Kind of like how Fords could have only been repaired with Ford parts for example. Also I assume it is still very difficult to cast and polish the parts.
>>24590209i feel like some basic movement is all that "The One" needs to enjoy his Kronii automaton
>>24589306Nice, not much comment from me other than I'd like to see a couple more letters maybe being replaced by an invented letter.
>>24590209Oh the the image wasn't related to what I was talking about. It was just a cool looking image with a clock motif. It's just the idea of clockwork automatons are cool as fuck. If we write them in after discussion, they'll probably be only performing certain repetitive tasks or otherwise be very limited and/or impractical in most cases. Or be a huge glorified toy or as you phrased it a statue. Still want it. Because they're COOL AS FUCK. But yeah. Maybe there's some clockwork machines out there for more practical uses? I might have to dig into it I guess.
>>24590809Even better if it gets a silicone upgrade?
>>24590809Cease with these baseless accusations about our leader! She does not act out Kronii x Kronii sex fantasies!
>>24591327ha you fell for the trap, i misgendered your priestess and yet instead of correcting it you came out of your own to expand upon the kroniixkronii stuff. this basicly confirms it outright!!
>>24591972Nooooo! For devoted believers of Kronii, the One is supposed to be our Goddess Kronii incarnate! Everyone knows this! That's why our religious leader is always female! The One does not desire to sniff and lick every inch of our Goddess Kronii! I have no idea where you got that impression!
>>24590986thanks, I'll try to invent something for either G to fit better whenever i come up with something good. But for the rest of today I'm just going to watch VODs
>>24592378face it, the rumours are already spreading, at this point you only have one choice left, you must allow us to draw art of this and spread it as fiction in order to muddle the rumours and make the people believe that people only are referring to the art instead of the real priestessalso sell us milk pls, we can make /inf/ a part of our big trade route we have with /risu/ and /meat/
This might sound like a stupid idea, but I'm going to write a parallel universe version of the principal's arrest when I return home tomorrow. I'm currently not liking how this story went. I feels like a bad end. So I'm going to write an alternative story and see how that goes.
>>24592847Say, would /vrt/ be interested in any of /morig/'s trade products? Rapeseed oil makes a really great lubricant for mechanical systems, might help your aging robots run a bit smoother. It's even used as a motor oil IRL.
>>24592847Kronii x Kronii art would be lovely... I-I mean what rumors? I have no idea what you're talking about!As for milk, I'm sure you mean Kronii Milk? I'd have to get a hold of one of our representatives for diplomatic decisions. Map autism died in our split and one of our reps is nowhere to be seen even now. We've been dormant and I've only returned here like 2 or 3 days ago after a 2 month absence. But I do know that we are friendly with /risu/ and /meat/ and we have deals with both of them. You're /vrt/, right? I do remember we wanted friends from your continent. I'm sure we won't be opposed to a trade deal.
>>24594113sure, would also be interested in wine too since you got the best as far as i know, we should have a good amount of ships heading towards /ggg/ anyway since the place is a bit holy to onobots since onolumi herself is a proud shrimp with 1 year+ membership so it should be easy to have some travel a bit further to /morig/ for further trade. also since you have warrior liek culture i would assume you go through a lot of training weapons, would you mind exchanging old metallic trainign weapons for fresh metal sicne we need resources that have emotional value attached for our chuubanite now.>>24594168yeah i am the only /vrt/ person in here and we just recently started trade with /meat/ over the /risu/ road so we would past by /inf/ a lot with ships anyway so having /inf/ as part of the trade alliance would be no problem and in fact beneficial for us since we can have our ships rest once more on the route in your ports and bring back whatever youa re willing to trade from your kronii milk and clockwork
>>24594990Yeah, that's a good deal. Deadbeats do get really emotional about their memorabilia, so our old weapons should be really potent. What kinda metals do you have? If you have iron and copper, we kinda never have enough of those.
>>24595378we got copper and gold in surplus so thats no problem at all, the iron might be more sparse but we would import the necessary amounts for the exchange elsewhere since in the end we get the same amount out of it and the iron we get from your old training weapons is more worth to us than fresh iron ore
>>24594990I'm sure /∞/ would love to trade with you. We'll just have to wait for the other rep that's still active.
>>24596103You can keep the gold, we've got a surplus of the stuff as well (goldbros?). We've got a deal!
CAPITALS OF THE IMPERIAL THEMES-Canichoriote: Koprítis tou Krasístóma-Amarikiyan: Melliloukopoulis-Podian: Alzaxandreia-Chairetisman: Mavrotafos-Klephtikan: Nifáda tou Glóssa-Tsipouran: Icthyopoulis-Oinópneuman: Gamiméno Phýllo-Magissan: Kryfíchora-Skoupídian: Soupereídolo (YOU tell me what uruka's capital should be named and I'll change it)-Gen 2 theme: Hagia Shirara (will change if needed)
>>24594990/who/ could provide a lot of middling beef to you, and if there's a market for it, maybe eventually live cattle as well(journey is short enough for dedicated cattle ships to maintain a good survival rate for the livestock). Of course, we also produce smoked/salted fish and other canned meats. Thinking about having whaling fleets that operate in the northern holo continent-ocean as well so maybe even whale meat tooAs for weapons, although the arms trade is kinda non-existent, any mothballed muskets that are too old to be restored or modified can be traded as well. As they are more considered tools, they probably don't worth as much as old weapons from true warrior cultures though.
>>24597305Arms trade ain't as dead as you think. I'd say the mothball muskets are in such a state because you've yet to refit them for needle, centerfire, and percussion cap ammunition. Unless you don't trade with /haha/ for those.
>>24597403Arms trade has been limited due to political initiative from the Republic to mantain a large supply of weapons in case of emergency, Modernization of weaponry does take place and is rather fast. Thanks to current demilitarization and change in geopolitical strategy, arms trade may take place only with select chosen allies.
>>24597716So you do have pinfire and capfire weapons, then? And I'm assuming artillery up to the level of Puckle and Nichols guns?
>>24597756Yes, the military has currently been designed after the napoleonic era, but even if the size of the military has been reduced to a more managable level during peacetime, there is heavy investment into it and the development of weapons thanks to a continued interest in sciences and engineering by the Republic. Artillery has specially recieved a lot of attention due to its usefulness.
>>24564366Say, OP, how would you feel about a union between /tsun/ and /pcclg/? after tonight's league stream and how the two companies are clearly quite close (plus slugma apparently doing pc stuff now?) >>24598126based, you guys are probably the only holo thread who might get shit done in a full war, /haha/ and /rose/ cover that base for niji, and we're clearly the most competent fighters on the western corpo continent
>>24597403>>24597756Although I had the Republic's tech level be that some of the guns are being converted to breech loaded, percussion cap fired guns, some muskets are just too old to be worthwhile. Any that's too old to be considered in working order(thus aren't counted as weapons) can be traded away.The Puckle is quite old in terms of mechanics and design. Currently, most field guns are flintlocks. Seeing other nations have mid 1850s arms I do kinda want to cheat a little and have some units start experimenting with breech loaded rifled guns
>>24598297Do we have anything on /haha/?
>>24598423well since Selen's fanbase is called Dragoons, and she plays a lot of shooters, may as well say they're good at modern cavalry warfare and firearms development. not much sure what else they do
>>24598383I mean, we might as well, file it under "experimental weapons" or something just to be sure.
On that note, does anyone have the worldmap with rivers or is it still being worked on?
>>24598917Haven't had an update from the /meat/ drawanon in a minute. If he's around, maybe he could upload his latest set of images? This way someone else can finish it if needed. There was only the indie continent missing.
>>24599042yeah, once we get the map with rivers and other features I'm going to start working on developing /who/'s internal borders. Thanks.
>>24598383I thought we already had the interrupted screw for breech-loading artillery? I figured the Puckle gun at least made sense as "early semi-auto, but not busted" and meant to be used by specialized teams of infantry defending picket lines, defending batteries from cav raids, or firing off the decks of ships. We have our smaller vessels still use abus guns as more menacing and maneuverable versions of punt guns, after all, when full swivel culverins aren't suitable.That's why I proposed the Nichols Gun, an early predecessor of the Gatling that apparently never made it out of the pages of Scientific American, besides whatever prototype J.R. Nichols, whoever he was, built. Electrically ignited too! I have the excerpt here, that's the only source Wikipedia gives me.
>>24598492That checks out, yeah. Most holo nations seem geared towards a fierce defense instead of conquest, /rbc/ has elite troops, and /luna/ has a history of artillery and war. /inf/ and their advanced technology would be a contender for main regional power, certainly in their ocean. /morig/ would have a capability for power projection on the naval side, but has no history for land conquest in foreign territories. /kfp/ has a fairly well-organized army as well.
>>24599229Only industrial nations would be able to produce them it seems. /pcclg/ industrial enough to justify it? from lore i've read you seem more like early 1700's technology with byzantine-ottoman goverment systems
>>24599892(me)talking about breech-loaded artillery, breech-loaded small arms are more within the realm of possibility due to various historical precedents.
>>24599966In theory, you could have breech-loaded smoothbore artillery in the period, but that would be suboptimal since the main advantage of breechloaders is that you can have a tight fit between the shell and the canon so that the rifling can impart the stabilizing rotation to the shell. For smoothbores, breechloading is an added expense.
>>24599229Guncotton might be just a little a bit far off for /who/ but I guess it canbe just hand waved away as the result of good education and a competitive arms contract + research scene. The construction is simple enough and is basically a turret gun but I guess the big reason why it never when into actual production is the use of gun cotton(too volatile & too much pressure) and the durability of the wire. Turret guns can be sort of a next step in the ship-mounted pickles before /who/ has the capability to make Gatlings or Nordenfelts. Depends on how we eventually figured out how to use our chuubanite though. Grounded magic is a pain in the butt, you see.
>>24601164*Puckles; although we do have a lot of pickles in our ships' ration hold
>>24599892>>24599966We're basically a super-heavily centralized Byzantium with an 1830s-1860s military. I am taking heavy inspiration from the "Age of Miracles: Revival of Rhomaion" timeline over on to kind of justify why this kind of "haha fuck the rural nobility" might be feasible. Helps a lot that we don't have many mountains, a long coastline, a couple big rivers, etc. Our military is largely based on the Union Army of the ACW, but with some Byzantine trappings. We seem a bit schizo on tech but I do have a few hard cutoff lines. Our land artillery is FIRMLY at an 1840s level since we have dependable breech loaders. Soldiers equipped with muskets use rifled muskets on par with the Springfield 1855. We have rifles on par with the Sharps. At worst they're percussion cap muskets, so 1830s in terms of firing mechanism. At best we have centerfire metallic cartridges in our rifles, so 1860s and 70s. Most of our troops are musketeers, now, with 7000 of a tagma's 12000 infantry effectives fighting as them. 3000 riflemen. 1500 close combat shock infantry. 500 "grenadier" troops who fire various man-portable light artillery as preferred by the regiment. Hand mortars. Prussian-style Abus guns. Puckles. Anything that can be carried by two men and operated by one. Our close combat shock foot, the Skoutatoi, still exist in small numbers, they serve kind of a rodelero's function...ish. Instead of doing what early modern swordsmen did, these guys are meant to storm fortifications, flank skirmishers, and the like. For this purposes, they wear brigandine and use rattan shields and backswords, plus the always kino Zischagge helmet with a face-guard attachment. Since lots of people are still using medieval formations or fighting with massed infantry in general, these guys will kind of do the Roman legionary thing (or fight like harquebusiers on foot)--fire a brace of buck-and-ball loaded pistols at the front ranks and carve up those left with their swords. Elite vanguard troops will trade out brigandine for true plate cuirass and better more modern combat helms, and will use revolvers or shortened shotguns instead of b&b pistols. Skoutatoi are not "haha charge", they are built specifically for pressuring key points of an opponent's line that might otherwise stand up to artillery barrages or normal bands of rifleman and musket squares trading fire. They are most certainly not a defensive unit type--Skoutatoi are by and large NEVER employed in a pitched battle where Imperial forces are expected to be reactive.Our cavalry are the Epidromeis, wielding primarily a repeating carbine (Think 1857 spencer) and 180-cm koncerz, along with a cavalry saber. Completely unarmored horses, though horses of officers may have an anti-shrapnel faceplate and decorated caparison denoting unit and rank. Cav troopers wear 40-ply silk coats tatami faulds, which are shared with Skoutatoi, plate greaves, and a visored, cheek-flapped precursor to the M1934 combat helmet. We'd be down to use a modern steel-hafted lance for those few cavalry who might use it, but it's for the time being just better to have ash wood for that. Our fatigues are now #231f20 in color for the main fabric, #f5ede2 for the accents. I think it's an attractive palette. Soldiers will wear sashes with various stripes to denote which tagma (sash base color), tourma (all 1st tourma share, all 2nd tourma share, etc. across all tagmata) bandon (all banda of the same number within a single tagma share a color), and allagion (all allagion within a single tagma sharing the same number share a color) they belong to. All line infantry have 40-ply silk overcoats embedded with steel ballistic plates, tight silk undershirts, unspun cotton overshirts, and leather breastplates. They wear thick silk pants with plate greaves and tough, water-resistant boots.
>>24599042Im hereJust really occupied with irl stuff right now, orders coming in by the hundreds
When I come back from waging I will make a short story about /ahoy/ since they actually dont have much I realized.
Hello everyone, with new blood writing lore for us, is time to make this official./∞/ lore clean-up. >>24564366
>>24586317We will have to dedicate ourselves to luxury goods then. It's a smaller market but with higher profit margins.Also, that gave the idea that now we have another good from /Risu/ that we can trade then, gems for making clocks. We might need to make that official.>>24587428The One is a shut-in, so... but I don't believe she would do that...>>24592378The clockwork Kronii might be a rough cuddling partner at most.>>24599591>/inf/ and their advanced technology would be a contender for main regional power, certainly in their ocean.We're big on sovereign, so maybe we will not go in imperialist tours around the globe, but we'll shoot you if you're in our backyard. And we probably will help protect nearby friendly nations, like /Risu/ (and we were going for /mep/ and Anya-Petra too but I haven't seen them for a while) for geopolitical peace in the region.
uooohhh!!!shota risuners in my dungeon!!ToT
>>24612558geese chamber
/risu/ produces a lot of lumber right? Would /risu/ be willing to negotiate a confirmed trade route of good quality lumber to /nasfaqg/? What other nations with access to the holosea (i assume it can be called that?) produce lots of lumber?
>>24567736>>24568615>>24612558Why is everybody lewding risuners today?
>>24612841WHY YES! our trees grow 3 times the speed so that much lumber for us and anyone else. Its our main export.
>>24612938They figured out how cute we are. Word has spread.
>>24612939Perfect! In-universe I think this would mean that there is confirmed traderoute where a number of /nasfaqg/ companies buy raw lumber from /risu/ and carry it back to the serene republic where they would sell the lumber onwards to wood processing workshops and shipyards. What do you think would be a suitable resource/service /risu/ gets in return? The default for /nasfaqg/ would be to offer cash money (in the form of whichever of the 3 currencies used in nasfaqg /risu/ accepts), but other methods of payment would be on the table as well as those would possibly make for a more interesting dynamic
>>24613146Well other payments would include any unique nuts you may have. If you have any unique gemstones those are very sought out.
>>24612651You really overestimate your information gathering, my squirrel friend.If members of, or hell, even the entire fleet, went missing in what are territorial waters of another nation, and they were sold as slaves to important members of that society, the most any investigation vessels sent after them, if they even were sent in the first place, would get is "proof" of a documented unknown shipwreck, if not just straigh up told to fuck off. Not like the risu slaves would walk around in broad daylight for you to spot. And if you were allowed to investigate in your own, by some miracle, you would probably get nothing more than rumors. What, you gonna start an war because of a rumor some nobodies from one of your fleets are getting used as cumdumps by the royalty or rich merchants of this nation?
>>24613512Risuners on expedition have a deadline to return to their homeland. If they dont make it back in time then it is to be assumed that something went really fucking wrong and to burn down that country to the ground. Especially if they found an abandoned pinisi. Risuners are still kind of hurt from /meat/ raids and dont want to lose anyone else.
> What, you gonna start an war because of a rumor some nobodies from one of your fleets are getting used as cumdumps by the royalty or rich merchants of this nation?Yes
>>24613722That's all fine and dandy, but looking at your entires, the only thing that highlights on "weapon" is the Grape agate, a fireball staff weapon. Now, that might look strong at a first glance, but fireballs really aren't that powerful, since they are not a continous stream that would burn skin and flesh, but more of a single instant thing. Remember that we can pass through fire IRL without much damage if we are fast enough.Second thing is the enemy forces. They won't just stand aside and let you do your thing. If the firestaff weapon is really all you have, you stand little chance against even just spears and shields. Yea, you have range, but what about when the water soaked shield units get right up in your face? Slaughter, is what. Also, these are people that captured perhaps an entire fleet of yours, so not someone to take lightly.And lastly:>Top priority is placed on making sure nobody, not even outside risuners get their hands on these weapons.From the grap agate entry. You really want to venture out into the world with ships full of this to raze a country, only for those forces to be stopped, or even defeated, and basically give your enemy, which is fully conviced you are the agressor not one but two reasons to invade and enslave you all? (hell, if you want an example, look no further than Ukraine and the farmers there towing russian tanks for ukrainian forces to use.)What I'm saying basically, is that you really need to reconsider if you wanna wage war just because some fucks went missing.
>>24614789Logistically everything you say makes sense. But I want to think in the mid of the risuners in the game. DnD has taught me never to metagame so risuners with their simple mindset are just going to think >Theyre not back in time? SHIT WE NEED TO INVESTIGATE BRING TORCHES IN CASE WE HAVE TO BURN IT ALL DOWNRisuners on the homefront have many allies which would be used to protect us, although im not sure how they would feel about us when they realize we started it. We really just dont want to lose any more people. We have deadbeats with their big powerful boats, Big strong Luknights, Kronies with their big fancy guns, and even /meat/ heads with their combat prowess. Risuners are feeling mighty as fuck right now. If risuners were to burn shit down they would use torches or just hurl fire or something from their boats. No fucking way are they ready to use grape blasters other than home defense. Will this bite them in the ass later if this ever did happen? Yes. Are they going to do this even if its fucking stupid? Also yes. Because god dammit that's just what they would do and it makes for good story and potential character development
/meat/'s ideology in a nutshell
>>24613266Hmm. Did some quick googling and I found out that /nasfaqg/ could plausibly have Chestnuts, Walnuts, hazelnuts, and (definitely has) acorns. On the gems front, if /nasfaqg/ has bauxite deposits (like the geologic analysis for the nation implies), then /nasfaqg/ would likely have gibbsite deposits, which then means that the orogenic areas of /nasfqg/ could have corundum gemstones (sapphires, rubies) found in some quantities.Technically the synthesis of corundum (invented in 1837) could be accessible to some of the plutocrats but I doubt this would be that widespread of a practice as of yet.The northern areas of the country, (the volcanic islands to the north, and the tip of the /#/ peninsula) could have quartz gemstones, such as rose quartz, rock crystals, and smoky quartz, and maybe amethysts, citrine, or ametrine. (Citrine and Ametrine being on the rarer side).I dont know well enough to say which gems would be the most plausible, and which of the above would be mutually exclusive, so if anyone knows better please do correct me.The most suitable solution would be for /nasfaqg/ to buy the gems and nuts from elsewhere but we dont really have any confirmed trade routes yet outside of some private corporation ones...
>>24616425Yea, didn't want to metagame too much, just wanted to point out some things for the inevitable future. Godspeed you beautiful bastards.Also,>SHIT WE NEED TO INVESTIGATE BRING TORCHES IN CASE WE HAVE TO BURN IT ALL DOWNWent from being /meat/'s little bitch to throwing your weight around real quick kek. I would say Hoomans are rubbing off on you, but they wouldn't be that open about it.
>>24617181 (me)Well fuck, guess I'm too tired to post without fucking up
>>24617181This is a natural animal trait. You need to show that your bigger to not be taken advantage of. Risuners are trying to establish theyre no longer the little weak fluffs with no military anymore. Theyre just doing it completely wrong.
>>24613266Oh, and taking into account how regrettably horny /nasfqg/ is nowadays I guess some other types of nuts are also on sale, although I guess these type of nuts are usually not traded for lumber but are a part of mutual nut trading transactions between individual persons instead.
>>24616425But you would also need to get in the head of a young Risuner captain, whose friend onboard that phinisi 50 yards over was just devastated by a broadside of a technological and tactically superior foe. If Risuners adopt a shoot first, ask question later approach for any of their rescue forces, most of them would just end up raising the white flag.And what about the village elders, because some in the council of elders hyped up the rescue effort so much, just lost over half of his village's ship and many of his village's able bodies? Risuners might be canonically pretty dumb but they are still smart and resourceful enough to have survived all these years. If a big gun-ho rescue fleet is launched everytime someone have gone missing in a foreign country /risu/ is going to be depopulated to hell. Those in charge would learn or be forced to learn, either from their own or outside forces.It's very funny but I don't know about having it as a set in stone thing and they won't change their ways. It can(and I'd say should) be another process for the Risuners to learn how to diplomacy and make decisions.
>>24617526 (me)Although I guess we are talking about /nasfaqg/ traveling to /risu/ to get some wood so I wouldn't be surprised if such nuts are to be traded too.
>>24617799This is also true. Even though we building a FUCKLOAD OF BOATS were only doing so because....we have no boats. Boats that are made are immediately sent out to expedite. We have no navy of our own. Still this is something that has yet to happen so im going to let it happen if it happens and if not then good for them. Risuners ultimately care for each other and especially on the western side where foreign intervention is much more common. So it would really hurt on an emotional level to see more risuners go missing. Anyway im gonna do some short stories. Gotta finish up the morig one.
My trip out of town got delayed until afternoon. Back to redrafting the next chapter in the civil war arc I guess.
>>24618401Gambare sanallite
>>24618708Mom overslept today. And because she has arthritis I have to let her sleep. Yes part of my job is to take care of her. So the trip to the zoo got cancelled. I wanted to go before the gas shortages hit next month. I've practically cancelled all plans for summer trips this year.
>>24618925Stay strong sanalite.
>>24607170Oof, gambare anon. Glad to know you're around.
Is anyone doing an event timeline for themselves yet?
>>24620744/meat/ had one, and I was working on one for /morig/, but got distracted.
>>24620744When I'm done with the civil unrest arc I can make a timeline for /nasa/ based on our arrival. Though I probably should make a timeline of a time before we landed on Vitubia.
>>24564366Reza logs ch 4Well we made it back. Our second time in /morig/ and I expect great things. Once again we landed in roughly the same place and the deadbeats were welcoming like before. They really are good friends.One of them informed me that some of the ones of higher rank wanted to discuss a trade deal with us. So i'm super excited to see what that's all about. If they want things from us then we can get those diamonds in return. And here's Cahya. Looking super happy to see us too. It was actually unusual seeing him in partial deadbeat armor but I guess I should be proud. He seems to have learned the culture well as well as the language. More excitement when we gave him some nuts from his homeland. I can tell he really missed them.He tells me that /morig/ is fractured and that seeing a rep for the navy is difficult but they do have a contact. This man runs a part of their militia. I mean fair enough as long as we can trade for gems. What they need is wood and bog iron. Wood we have plenty of but bog iron might be a little more difficult. Sure we seem to have a lot of it but were new to mining it and we need that metal ourselves. So its gonna be tough but they need it for their big guns on their boats. And if its for diamonds then how can we refuse.You know maybe I should ask at some point for those big guns. It would be cool to have pinisi with them. But for now were gonna get diamonds. And were gonna be rich in nuts. Were probably gonna stick around for a bit to see what else they want or need along details but this is already a promising deal.
Winardi logs ch 3Plumdrop is being a cool guy despite his refusal to give me his pretty gem or exchange his nuts with any of the locals. I gave up on them both and cannot stop thinking about how this guy is even able to have all this armor on in our weather. I believe /luna/ is much colder so surely the heat should be taking its toll. Maybe he has ice in his armor?At Pasuma he did notice one of our healers using gem magic. This man is the luckiest motherfucker alive because we are supposed to keep that a secret from most risuners let alone foreigners. It must have been an emergency I guess. We will have to make an exception but I made sure to tell him to keep that a secret. We will cut off all deals if he spreads the word of our gem use. But he seems like a noble guy so this shouldn't be a problem. He had plans for Gaputan too. Is he going to visit all of our major cities? It will take him a while and surely he would not walk around in armor if that's the case. Gaputan is known for being less trees and more farmland compared to the rest of the country. They grow many fruits and nuts out of the ground directly. Its also the official meeting point for /towa/ tourists. The only thing they don't have is boats aside the jukung but its still a nice place. I even heard its where we plan to grow and experiment with any future exotic nuts we get from foreigners. Well if he wants to go there then sure I can accompany him. There was one incident where somehow an executor geese escaped and I got to see Plumdrop kill it with his cool sword. Shame but at least it didn't hurt anyone. (Arriving at Gaputan)We have been traveling for a while and I continue to share things with him. He of course remarks at our massive abundance of trees and asks us why we don't chop them down. I simply told him "We do, they just grow back really fast" I guess nobody told him that our trees grow much faster than other places thanks to the magic of Risu.He seemed amazed by this, telling us that we have a potential massive lumber market and should take advantage of it. We could but we love the forest so we dont just cut down trees for no reason. I wonder how fast trees grow in other places now that he said something. Do other powers really need us for wood this bad?Right before We arrived and the city came into view he asked me another question. About our red rocks in the ground and how they contain metal. At first I thought he was crazy. They're just rocks. But I know that rocks can be mined and metal ore can be found. We have this red rock everywhere especially on the western side of /risu/ so this is my next priority. If this man wont give me that SUPER SHINY GEM or give us his nuts then dammit he better tell us how we can all have shiny armor too. He had to calm me down with some candy because I was being so curious it scared him a little. I guess Risuners have as they say 'insatiable curiosity'.JUST GIVE ME THE PRETTY GEM PLEASE!!!!!!!!
>>24625834>>24564366Anchoring is a thing kek
>>24624692Wooo Reza's back in town! I'll write up the response shortly.
does anyone have a that map of /risu/? i can't find it in the archive
>>24627970this one?
>>24628233hell yeah
Sumargo logs ch 4.Well we have finally reached a comfortable point. We now have 3 dedicated translators than can speak very well in their language including myself. Our guests are hesitating on letting us talk to their big leaders for now though despite my admittedly passionate curiosity.The rosestones they have been trading us are not only pretty but super useful. They keep us warm when we would normally be extremely cold. Its gonna be great when we bring these back to /risu/. The nuts we gave to them should be useful for them to regrow their trees if they wish. Now on to the incident where one of my men thought it would be a fantastic idea to educate one of their females how we nut. We know by now that they treat sex as a way to re grow. They don't view it as we do but apparentaly they can be aroused. Of course he taught her how to arouse his nuts and actually instructed her on how to use her mouth. According the the roli the taste was terrible and the only thing more shocking was the fact that we use this method to trade with other people. From that point on they figured out the 2 meanings of nut.Luckily it didn't go too much farther than that. He did try to have sex but she released that horrible smell and i had to smack him. Still, he did say that was the best blowjob of his life by far so I'm curious now. But I'm here to do a job so I wont let it dwell in my head for too long. None of the females have tried to 'educate' their males. At least not yet.One of the lead sunwalkers told us that in time we would be able to visit their leaders. In return I offered some of their people to come back with us to /risu/ as honored guests. I got a total of 5 volunteers for this which was very promising. So in a few months when the waters are better for sailing we shall head out back to our land with our new friends. I'm sure they will love our beautiful forests.This is super exciting! We have pretty gems, new friends, and so many new opportunities. The sunwalkers even make great cuddle buddies too especially the big ones. They smell so nice and really love our tails. I can't help but laugh when one of my crew brushes their tail against one of them. So cute. (1 month passes)WE HAVE BEEN GRANTED ENTRY! It seems that their leaders are willing to allow the 3 translators of our group (which of course includes myself) temporary access to their capitol! All I can do now is shake in excitement and eagerness. My tail was going nuts with the news!(Next day)And....of course after just one day one of the girls thought it would be beneficial to privately teach one of their males or 'peccary' the joys of nutting. Even though we cant breed with each other they can still enjoy pleasure to a degree. When asked, she told me it was just as good as a risuner. She used her hands, mouth and eventually even offered herself claiming she wanted to be the first risuner to fuck one of them.Well congrats you have your title. I also spoke to the peccary and he said it was very pleasurable but didn't find all the joy that he hoped since pollination wasn't an option.But its nothing to think about. We are making very good progress and I intend to do my best to represent the great nation of /risu/.
>>24597305/vrt/ here, we absolutly will trade you for cattle since there can never be enough meat for barbecueas for the muskets, when you say not able to be restored or modified do you mean they are absolutly destroyed or just to the degree you deem it worth the effort as you see them as tools first.because having workshops to restore and modify every bit we can get our hands on, no matter how old is the whole core of retro's culture, being a big trade nation is not to simply get rich but to have the resources to buy all the old stuff of other nations so we can have it and use it
>>24629811FUUUUUUUUUUCKthank you anon
>>24629501You're actually relatively close by, aren't you? Arms trade is restriced due to previously mentioned political initiative. Most weapons do go through modernization processes, so those that are considered non-modernizable or too expensive to do so would be the ones elegible for trade. Well, /vrt/ does have special focus on restoration of things and this is knowledge that the Republic considers "Important to the Human species" meaning that beneficial trade deals and research sharing might be desired between our countries. Basically, we can come to an agreement regarding multiple things and services that we might desire of each other, researchers of the Republic would love to learn from the retro restorers. Establishing another market for the Republic is important to us too.
>>24630204well each workshop or chain of workshops has their own unique culture so overall sharing of research might be a bit hard but we are not against contracts with outside countries so we are more than happy to restore some of your stock for you, for the workshops the act of restoring, maintaining and modding stuff is already a positive thing in itself and if we get to keep a few pieces for ourselves to use and show off than its a a win for us
>>24630572Sounds good. If it's chain based then we could certainly sell and buy material from them more selectively. That in addition to the other poducts that you might wish to buy from us, would you let us establish and have an embassy/market in your lands then?
>>24631080we don't mind that if we can in return do the same in your land too, i would also suggest for each of us to be able to establish a port office with regular inspections of the homecountry too to make shipments and storing a more smoother process
>>24631378Brilliant. I say yes.The embassy will help organize imports and exports between our countries and allow our merchants to more easily see what is available to sell and buy. Our post office and logistical system is very good so you won't have to worry too much about time.
>>24631515nice, while our post system might not be as advanced we got logistics down too and bots help keep thing nicely in order with them beign able to keep stuff in their memoryyou might need to teach the bots about /who/ culture a lot tho since they can be a bit slow in that regard
I made a flag for /yah/
>>24633842based I'm drunk and didn't see that thanks anon
>>24633884no problem, it's a good flag
>>24633842>>24564366this actually reminds me i totally forgot to anchor the flag i made for /vrt/ way back too
>did 3 things in 1 day Feels fucking good man
>>24634474Oh that looks nice.
>>24633809That's a cool flag!
I probably won't do another captain log today but /meat/ is next.
bump hours.
bump just in case
I'm home. I wonder if I should post both versions of the next part and see which one is liked.
>>24629327Good stuff. Nice to see that Risuners started looking for sex the moment they could converse, classic.
>>24660518Was i correct in that sunwalkers can of course experience pleasure like a human or do they just pollinate to pollinate?
>>24660851You got it right! They get horny just like anyone else, though their average experience is far less than most. Far, far less than that of a Risuner for sure. They do on average go on for longer than most species though, due to their usual way of reproducing. So Sunwalker sex has its ups and downs.Sex is educational!
>>24661241Sex education with risuners back in our land.
>>24661241Are... Are sunwalkers literally hentai ogres?
>>24625834Very good-nora. Plumdrop probably doesn't know how to turn iron into armor. There's a lot that goes into a top-shelf set of Lunaito armor... I make a lore post about it but for now only skilled blacksmith-luknights would really know.
>>24661493Oh fuck. You might have a point there.
>>24662700Shit. Stay the fuck away from /bakatare/.
>>24662838Can we visit? We would love to exchange our nuts!
>>24664293Sorry, I'm just a deadbeat roleplaying as a rapeable dark elf.
>>24624692Captain Albus was reading the latest news from the Imperial Capital while enjoying a glass of wine in the afternoon. "More space people? Bet they'll be just as stingy with their flying bolides as the Moonmen and those other aliens, why don't they stay up there if they like it so much...", the captain grumbled. The officer looked longingly at the Eastern horizon. "Young rising star of a captain, what do you do? Assign 'em to a "trade negotiation", that's what. These old dogs at the Admiralcy have lost it." Albus would have much preferred to be sent out on a counter-raid, or a hunting mission.Still, Albus was a volunteer Officer of the Black Fleet. He had a mission to further the interests of His Mori's nation, and he would complete it to the best of his capabilities.***Albus felt a bit overdressed. Given the circumstances, an official negotiation with a foreign power, he had opted for his most elaborate formal regalia. He sported a full set of plate enameled in black and gold low-reliefs, his largest set of metacarpal pauldrons, and an overcoat of deep black-blue fabric, threaded with gold thread. His bronze-plated demonic Death Mask rested on his right hip, while his ceremonial nodachi leant on his chair, too large to be worn at the waist. The other attendees were less ostentatious. The Goddess Faithful priestess Yama wore the elegant robes expected from her ilk, and the Risuner, Reza had opted for her sailing clothes, a practical but well made set of leathers. Cahya was proudly displaying a custom light harness, including mail and greaves. He'd explained to who would hear it that it was kindly custom-built and donated to him by a local armorer, in preparation for a training mission at the Ossex Shrine in the next month. For some reason, Albus had a feeling Cahya was less excited about his martial development than other things, he'd heard some saucy rumors. Finally, representatives from the guilds of shipbuilders and steelworkers rounded off the auspicious meeting.Well, Albus envisioned it as being auspicious. Once the captain had introduced the attendants with his firmest, most booming voice, the two blue-collar leaders had gotten to informally discussing the details of the Risuner's resources, the types of wood they had, their bog iron supply et cetera, et cetera, so much mundane talk. Which Albus had to admit, bored him terribly. Finally, the priestess' sharp voice cut into the monotone hubbub. "It seems like we can come to an agreement regarding the resources required by our Navy's effort in safeguarding the Holosea. Shall we discuss what Our Goddess' island's bounty can provide to you, Risuner?"Damn, that was a good change of topic. Albus kinda wished he'd thought of that instead of staring into the window. "Ahem, yes, indeed! I believe your people shows a pointed interest in nuts and gems, yes?" Reza reacted enthusiastically "Oh yes captain, we fucking love nuts! All kinds of nuts, and diamonds too! We want lots of those diamonds that were glowing pink we bought on our last trip!" Well, Albus liked enthusiastic agreement more than hardball negotiating. "Wonderful! Reporting from our expatriates also say Risuner greatly enjoy... Doughnuts? Erm, I have a note here saying that our rapeseed oil makes for the finest frying oil out there, our farmers have taken to calling it our "liquid gold"... Anyway, would the inclusion of this product interest you?" Reza happily agreed, though Albus realized midway he'd been reading out a brochure from the South /morig/ Farmers' Association. Well, it had worked out."Excellent, with all this I believe the gist of the agre-" "An amendment is required." Albus' snapped his eyes to the aloof woman. "Yama, what the hell are you doing!" Albus attempted to transmit those thoughts in his glare, but she wasn't looking at him. They almost had this in the bag, another successful mission under his belt, was she going to sabotage them?"I believe the gems you purchased during your last visit were genuine Mont Mori diamonds, correct?" Reza nodded adorably "Yes, that's right, from the big magic mountain, they're the best ones! We got them from your jewellers, we bought them for nuts!" Yama pondered this for some time. "For nuts, you say? Reza, if you could provide us with the coordinates of the jewellers who sold you the diamonds, we will have to reward them for their hospitality. Regardless, the supply of Mont Mori diamonds is tightly regulated by the Goddess Faithful; select sellers are allowed to purchase limited quantities of them. This supply will not be increased to match the demands of this trade agreement."She was really doing it. Seconds away from sealing the deal, she was going to throw it all away to put the interests of those damn zealots over those of the Navy. Albus was trying to find the words to stop her, interrupt her foolishness, surely-1/2
>>24624692>>24670547"However, do not worry. Our Goddess' generosity extends beyond the borders of the Underworld. We have plenty of diamonds mines in the North of the island that will produce diamonds suitable for your purposes. If anything, they are even purer, since they have fewer chuubanite impurities."A droplet of sweat was working its way down Albus' smooth scalp. W-was it going to be okay?The Risuners looked puzzled for a moment and discussed in their squirrelly language for some time. Cahya seemed to point at the priestess' Death Mask, encrusted in Mont Mori diamonds, to explain their religious significance, and Reza came to an understanding. "Okay, I think that should be fine! I'll have to confirm, but, it's probably okay." Yama shone a bright smile at the table. "Superb, I'm glad we could figure something out!" Albus calmed down somewhat. "Crisis averted, I guess.", he thought.***The rest of the meeting proceeded more smoothly, to Albus' eye. The agreement was written out, and witnessed by the participants. Reza, Albus, and the guildmen were walking down the deck of Albus' frigate, where the negociation had been conducted. Cahya and the priestess had stayed back to discuss his mission in Ossex, allegedly. Albus decided to try out some small talk with the Risuner diplomat. "So, Reza, before we part ways, is there anything else that interests you here? Working with Risuners is always a pleasure." Reza's eyes displayed a glint of mischieviousness, but Albus seemed to miss it. "Ah, well, Sir Captain, I am *very* interested by those big Deadbeat cannons, especially those you dashing Naval soldiers swing about." As she was explaining this, she gestured towards one of the massive 50-pounders found on the ship's top deck. Albus' mind ran wild with the implications "Well, of course! A brand new fleet, constructing all those ships, but they have no metalworking expertise, no way to arm their boats! They need armament to be able to stand up to the dangers of the oceans!" was his thought process. "Why Reza, this is a valid point! Your beautiful Pinisi should be armed with fine weapons, and there are none finer than the cannons of /morig/. Clavicus, do you think something can be arranged?" The steelworker crossed his thin but surprisingly muscled arms and spoke through a smirk. "The /morig/ factories are already working at full capacity to supply your Black Fleet with cannons. But, I could put together a team of engineers to send over to Risu and help build a cannon-casting center."Albus nodded happily "Yes, yes, give a man a cannon, and let him arm one ship. Teach a squirrel to cast a cannon, and let him arm a fleet! This could be done Reza. The engineers would need to stay in contact with /morig/, so naturally we'd need to build a messenger bird office in /risu/, to maintain a line of communication. We should also build a resupply warehouse, to ensure the engineers have everything they need. Should there be a need, this also means the Black Fleet will be able to defend your shores more easily. What do you think, Reza?"Reza seemed a bit taken aback by this development. "Err, well, yes that seems good, I guess. I'll have to get back to you on this." Albus did not concern himself with her hesitation and thanked her profusely, before rushing off to write a bird to the Black Fleet HQ, to hopefully confirm the allocation of the resources needed for this new development.Rear Admiral Albus, Commander of the Black Fleet's /risu/ resupply center. He loved the sound of it.***Trade Agreement:/morig/ receives: bog iron, teak wood, ironwood/risu/ receives: North /morig/ diamonds, cashews, rapeseed oilFollowup proposal:/morig/ receives: Resupply warehouse and post office somewhere in /risu//risu/ receives: Artillery engineering and manufacturing experts to build a cannon-casting facility in /risu/
>>24564366Please anchor alongside Reza's logs.>>24670547>>24670631TL;DR The Goddess Faithful won't allow export of Mont Mori diamonds, but diamonds from the rest of the island are fine.The Black Fleet would be willing to sponsor teaching the art of making artillery to Risuners if they can build a resupply center (basically a place for messenger birds+a warehouse) in /risu/.
Guys! Spacebeats.
>>24672139God, anon, they have no idea what's coming to Vitubia in 500 years.
>>24670775>WE BUILDING BOATSgive it a few years>WE BUILDING BOATS WITH GUNSThat was a fantastic read there deadbeat. It's pretty early in the morning for me but when I get the chance I'll go into details about how this will change everything. [Spoiler] risuners definitely would lean towards deadbeat side at this rate if they had to choose [/spoiler]
>>24675956Oh god you fucked up the spoiler, /meat/ is gonna see your encrypted communications
>>24676053It's fine, they'll know the folly of their ways when the foundry eats up most of their iron supply (for guns to point at no one) that could go for a more valuable cause instead
>>24676540so, if /risu/ sides against /meat/, would /meat/suners side with meat since that's their culture and life, or with /risu/ since that's their race?i'd figure /meat/suners would be more responsible with their strength, and /risu/ betraying the people who helped them get to where they were for powers they aren't fit to handle might be somewhat embarrassing.i figure we should welcome them back in if they ever wanted, but if we get into conflicts we only agreed to stop practicing our rituals on people we've made peace with, so that might end up creating more conflict. it would be better for everyone if it just didn't get to that point, of course.
>>24677564Not /meat/ or /risu/ but I'd wager the vast majority would side with /meat/. Even if some /meat/suners knows /risu/'s language or even live among them they are still /meat/heads first and foremost. Both /meat/ and /risu/ are tribe/clan-based societies so the concept of race or ethnicity likely isn't big, their allegiance would lie first to their clan rather than an imagined concept like that. Sure, you can probably persuade a couple /meat/suners to side with /risu/ but their main way of determining which side to support would base on the more physical things(connections, culture, their way of life) than concepts like race or nation.
>>24675956DAMMIT PHONEPOSTER! GET BETTER PHONE! But in all seriousness it would be a very difficult choice. Risuners would hope to be friends with everyone but thats probably not gonna happen. While meatheads do have a lot to offer the deadbeats would be looking pretty good right now. And >>24676540makes a good point. Ultimately it would be easy for some to go with the skellies cuz of biased hatred for lost family menbers but as time went on and that sentiment fades away, well who the fuck knows.
>>24679534That's what I assume as well. In fact, whether risuners would accept /meat/suners itself is a pretty interesting question. Sure, risuners are hospitable, especially when considering how /meat/suners come to be, but the cultural difference's probably significant enough that the two actually living together might get into conflicts sooner or later.>>24681010Hey, as long as /risu/ remains friendly, /meat/ probably won't mind helping out by selling some of its iron to /risu/ as well
I'm hoping I won't be too late ending the civil unrest arc before /risu/ finished BOAT MOTHERFUCKERs.
>>24675956Nice, I'm glad you liked reading it, it was fun writing it too. This Albus guy is one of my favorite comedic archetypes, incredibly neurotic and goal oriented.I also like further establishing that the first instinct of a Deadbeat when uncertain who the enemy is, is infighting with other Deadbeats kek.I look forward to the response!Also, /morig/ is not forcing /risu/ to pick a side or anything, we're just working on this soft power that /meat/ is so good at... /meat/suners are the descendants of Risuners taken to /meat/, right? I don't think international /risu/ propaganda is present enough to keep them aligned with the homeland for more than a generation. They'd stick with /meat/, if only because becoming an insurgent in the country where you were born is not fun and a lot of work.
>2pm EST in the weekend>ded thredAHHHH I'M GONNA DOOMPOST
>>24693154Goddammit sapling, keep it together!
>>24693154I-I miss /vtwbg/... HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIt's fine, thread is usually pretty empty during these hours at the weekend.
>>24693473try aiming better
>>24693626Begone, Carlos
>>24693671Talk about letting bygones be bygones haha
>Be Sapling>Cries in sleep>Wakes up>Cries again>Take a shower>Sobs while taking a shit>Have breakfast>It's soggy from tears>Get on the computer>Keyboard busted from excessive salty moisture>Fetal position on the floor>Cries again
>>24693816Y-yes? Is that unusual?
>>24693816>>Sobs while taking a shit
>>24693771*says nothing as the trigger is pulled*
>>24693931You're going to have to pull all the stops!
>>24694488>a freaking T-B3-4T
>>24694794We've all got a deadbeat inside...
If you want your usual updates with /nasa/ then sorry, I got busy. Even then there's no point in doing anything else until the civil unrest arc is over.
>>24681010now i hope that no matter what the future will bring that we can come to an agreement that any conflict should not impede upon civil merchant ships in the holosea. /vrt/ would not be too happy to lose the trade route with /meat/ via /risu/
>>24696272In any case, the fleets of the gulf aren't quite suited for the challenges that are faced in the western ocean, /meat/, /morig/, and /risu/'s navy all would get trashed if they were to start aggresive operations in the western ocean
Does anyone know how/if the ancient japanese caught octopus? I want to right about a /ahoy/ octopus fisher but I don't know how octopus were caught before we had stuff like rebreathers.
>>24696695Nevermind, that was the wrong link, but they left traps by the seabed, often with bait, that would trap the octopus inside, the fisherman would go pick up the traps after a few days or weeks
>>24696521Would they? What's happening in the western ocean?
>>24697158This is my very surface level analysis (also, keep in mind that currently the only generals in the western ocean that have written something about naval doctrine are /vrt/, /who, and what Hoshiyomia wrote doesn't really corncern naval theory, but they are the considered "unrivaled" float):/meat/'s navy has a very heavy focus on transport ships and coast raiding, however, on the western coast there isn't as much coast to raid and due to distances involved most states there have invested towards sea raiding and escort ships that can hold their own in the large ocean. /meat/'s heavy transport navy would suffer from constant interception and they'd get chased easily by those that wish to destroy them completely. Their possibilities of coast raiding would be snuffed thanks in part to the logistics of it, and due to the fact that there is little place to hide in the relatively open seas, also, due to the escorts and raiders./morig/'s navy is focused on swift mid-sized ships, port inspections, and merchant escorts, so they'd fare better than the others, but they'd still suffer heavily from the raider and sea battle focused ships of the western coast, /morig/ also suffers from some overspecialization as a considerable number of their ships are designed to counter /meat/ specifically. The larger distances involved means that /morig/ wouldn't be able to properly translate their messenger network to the western ocean and they'd be vulnerable to interception. /risu/ barely has a navy (yet) and next to none experience in naval combat or logistics. They'd get trashed on principle.
>>24698354I think functioning would be hard just by virtue of being so goddamn far from the homebase, we're talking tens of thousands of kilometers away in the best of cases, in the Age of Sail that just isn't feasible without colonies on the relevant continent. War ships in that period need a lot of resupplying.
>>24698354I wonder how much of star-ship combat could be translated into naval combat. Probably not much because star-ship combat is all about shooting missiles at each other until your missiles is lucky enough to slip through.
>>24698905Well, according to Legend of the Galactic heroes, it's very similar.
>>24698905Starship combat would probably be BVR, so dunno. Not much probably.
I somehow slept until 4 fucking 30 PM when I went to sleep around 12. I didn't think the human body was capable of sleeping like that, I have alarms set up to prevent this even. That's over 16 hours, past around five alarms, and well through most of the day. Most of the daylight is gone, but I'm awake now. So, good morning /vtwbg/? Sorry for not being here during dead hours.
>>24699029>rosebud is in my timezone
>>24699023Technically, you're never BVR in space, unless you find an object to occlude yourself or you're beyond the diffraction limit of your optics.
>>24699029>>24699063>and so began the age of dox
>>24699029How was the sex?
>>24699241A dox would imply someone cares enough to learn more about me.
>>24698354i mean it would depend how much focus /morig/ puts into their navyfor /vrt/ its just the most logical choice to develop their navy as much as they can since our border is mostly at sea and a stronger fleet also means making sure /indie/ can never even think of trying to invade us without commiting suicide since they border water anywhere but us and ccu
At first I was thinking about building aluminum alloy ships for speed. But then I remembered most of that speed also comes from motor paddles. Also if the ships get stolen then they can be reverse engineered. It looks like /nasa/ is going to have to stick with building hardwood sail boats after all. We still need practice at sea. We do have virtual reality simulations on how to operate the boats. Though blueprints of boats are lost in history. I'm sure /nasa/ can engineer a fast and sturdy ship from simulations.
>>24699830/morig/ puts a lot of focus into their navy, it's pretty much the only state enterprise they have. Generally the open ocean borders and hegemon status of Hoshiyomia probably mean that the western ocean is in various states of arms races and cold wars between multiple states. However, very few nations in the zone have not developed naval lore. /uuu/ and /nasa/ have no navy or way to develop one, Hoshiyomia is missing, we don't have enough representatives from the indie continent or from /sora/, stuffs like that.
>>24700112>have not developed naval lore*have developed
>>24700112If our government wasn't going police state then /nasa/ would be rebuilding some decommissioned enterprise ships from /who/ by now.
>>24699830I think the biggest roadblock for /morig/ operations in the western sea is the distance from re-supply stations. In the Holosea, /morig/ ships can resupply in /kfp/, /nasfaqg/, /morig/. The indie continent is just too damn far, the ships would be too busy having enough supplies to keep the crew alive to focus on fighting a war.
I AM HOME GENTLEMEN>>24699427 i care about you but im not gonna be a doxxfag. i just think you have a unique style, are super creative, and your the one that got me interested in rosemi who i watch regularly now >>24693626>>24693671>>24693771>>24693931>>24694488What the actual fuck is this shit? Is this some meme i dont know of?>>24696521well. risu doesnt have a navy. We have about a dozen unarmed ships that are frigate size i believe? And most of them are out in random parts of the world while the rest are under construction. >>24698354 is correct.>>24699029Sounds like you fucking needed it rosebro. Hope all is well>>24699415It was great. I would know since it was with me. Anyway i'm gonna work on /meat/ story. As well as doing a quick thing about Silvanus sunce a /morig/ resupply station there would mean that Silvanus has >Kronii ports>Risuner ports>Embassy for Luknights>Morig StationAnd thats all on the fucking beach. LEt alone all the houses both on the ground floor and the ones in the trees. Pic related
>>24700705yeah with overall strenght itself i think west or east is not all that far apart in either directionnot that i want to fight anyone in the gulf anyway, the hopes of /vrt/ that i wanted to convey a long tiem ago is that when conflict between /morig/ and /meat/ will force /risu/ to choose side that this does not shut down trades with /vrt/
>>24701414Don't worry, we don't really have the tech for a war with worldwide ramifications yet
>>24700705Space rations could help out with long voyages. But yeah historically most naval battles were fought close to the coast. We really didn't have open ocean battles until the World Wars.
>>24701181Woo that's gonna be a busy beach! I've been wanting deadbeats to interact with clocks, that'll be a nice excuse.
What are Deadbeat's opinions about Kronies on /vt/?
>>24706722Their fanfic archive includes a really hot story where Mori fucks the brains out of Bae, and for this I am forever in their debt.
>>24706814Oh, you are that deadbeat, we were talking about you today. Me and the other kronie are going to work on the prompts, maybe after we describe our nation a little better we can do a story together.
>>24707005Kek, it's a small board. I love reading the generals' prompt responses, have fun with them! Perhaps they'll give us an idea for a story.
I need to finish the arc so I can get started on the Kronie Priestess immigrating to /nasa/.
>>24706722I feel like we're similar in that there's a lot of "kronies" around just like there are a lot of "deadbeats"
>>24707211You write smut, kronies will remember you.
>>24706814yeah, it's a shame the better half of the story didn't happen live, but i guess the reasoning for that was a good justification for that half to even play out the way it did
>>24564366Current update for /who/'s alphabetI decided to put in some runes because Mumei's outfit has some.G got it's little apendage upside down, but it's functionally the sameO got changed for its runic counterpart Othala, functionally the same.I was going to add in some egyptian hierogliphics but the more I started researching it the more I realize that i won't bother learning it.I am somewhat satisfied with putting it on the document. Still, feedback is appreciated.
>>24709148>>24564366Wait, nevermind, don't put it in the document yet, I need to make a conversion table for the letters.
>>24564366Alright here it is for real this time, as always, up to change.
>>24707248Because I'm taking a rest of writing my kroniicle story (bad taste with the last part, bad mindspace for personal reasons) and it will take a while to get to this I will tell you that the scribe and his risuner partner will be in the mission to escort the priestess in her travel, but that won't limit you in writing the story in any way.But, and I don't care for spoiling this, once there sanalites will discover that her /meat/ tattoo generates a small electric current that could power an robotic arm prosthetic...
>>24710843Is the priestess an amputee?
>>24711141The risuner is the amputee with the /meat/ tattoo.
>>24711179If you want prosthetics then you want to see /rbc/. Even if /nasa/ has the blueprints we lack the infrastructure to manufacture computer chips needed for the arm. Also since we're dealing with chuubanite circuits /rbc/ would know how they work.
>>24710843Gambare Kronie!
>>24708761Oh, there's a bit of mistaken identity, I'm just a big fan of that smut, not the original author.
>>24711716Oh, interesting. Well, then maybe the mission will travel from the east of /∞/ and make a stop in /rbc/. I'll need to get familiar with their lore then. In any case, they will travel to /nasa/ with the priestess for story reasons, but that doesn't affect anything that we already talked about her arrangement in /nasa/, so you can write the story as you wish.>>24711793Thanks!>>24711857Oh, ok. The comment stands anyway kek.
>>24711716Maybe the Principal can introduce his girlfriend to them.
>>24712006Fuck, I mistaked /rbc/ for /ybc/, stupid sleep deprivation. It's Roboco, now it makes more sense to me.
>>24712168Block game autism, yes, known for boosting prosthetic performance kek.
>>24712209I was confused, but because I'm not familiar with their lore I guessed they were advanced following anon's comment. This kronie brain smol.
>>24712006Either the Principal is going to sit in jail or he's going to be executed unless he can convince the security forces and the senate to overthrow the council.
>>24712975Well, the scribe has contacts if he needs to start a new life elsewhere. Not in /rbc/, sadly. And I don't know if he could live with his nation's life support tech.
>>24713231I think I have an idea on how to resolve /nasa/ as civilized men. Sadly I need to sleep to go to church with mom tomorrow.
>>24713421One day, you'll tell us why you go to church sanallite. I feel it in my balls.
>>24713441>I feel it in my balls.You might want that checked anon...
>>24713441Not without an attorney present.
>>24713441>Hearing voices in his headMeh, just a regular schizo>Hearing voices in his ballsJESUS CHRIST GET AN EXORCIST MY DUDE
>>24713441y-your balls?
>>24713525>>24713807>>24713850>>24713893Yes, my balls. Your balls don't talk to you? Mine practically provide a sixth sense. It's like the Shivers skill from Disco Elysium.
>>24713975Do they sing Wrecking Ball?
>>24714054Only if I'm about to fuck up tremendously.
>>24701181carlos is a meme from the magic school bus series. he makes good puns and everyone loves him for it
So once we get shale mining done properly /nasa/ could probably enter a "siloxane toy" trade with /infinity/. The priestess's foster family will know all about siloxane toys as they're lesbians.
>>24715937Can the other countries get a horny clock priestess?
>>24714087>ywn get a CBT from your oshilife is so unfair...
>>24718412but what would cognitive behavioral therapy do for schizos that hear stuff from their balls.
>>24717781If I remember correctly this is a humane mission to save the priestess from execution. Perhaps she's just loved that much to be saved.
"Fisherman"Short story in the port city of the Republic.A fisherman was passing by the city after a good day of fishing, he's a fisherman, you see. Oh what's his name? Don't worry about it, it's not important after all, he's simply a fisherman living life, that's what it's there for.While walking, he noticed something. "People here really like covering their skin as much as possible, from face covers to gloves, boots, and long sleeves. One only really notices it after traveling over to other countries". He recalls the time he once took a trip to the coast of the druids, they were all almost naked for they wore short cloaks and were barefoot all the time, well, that's what he saw before they started throwing rocks at him. "That might just be tree people customs thought, the space farers do seem to fit better with cultural norms since they wear their heavy suits all the time". Althought, he once heard some explorers talking about how they can't wait to use their normal clothes, so that's rather odd. "What would their normal clothes be like? Since their manufacturing capabilities seem really advanced, they probably have some nice fibers available to themselves, surely they'd be able to make a killer fisherman work unif-.""I'll fucking eat your brains, cunt.""Fucking try me".Looks like a little brawl between 2 gentlemen is going to pop up in this street, better go the other way for one never knows how they grow. In any case, the fisherman does wonder why so many brawls pop over, apparently the public brawls in the industrial cities are sort of insane. Maybe it's a culture thing since they also happen whene'er celebrations are around. Nothing like getting drunk on both alcohol and the masses.Crossing over this street and you'll see the famous coffee shop "Étranger" thanks to being run by a family of inmigrant melhomies, so they hold the know-how on just how to most exploit their coffee stuffs. Lots of people come here to read books while they drink some cups."Give me a standard brew along a piece of krisbread, mate, for table 3"."Got it and stuffs"."Table 3?" You might ask, well, that's where some strange people always sit, today it's the Professor. No idea what he teaches or researches thought nor what his name is. Well, he doesn't know the name of our fisherman either."Greetings, Mr. Fisherman, what's bothering you this cloudy day?"."It's always cloudy, Professor, what about you? Got your Doctorate already?"."Who knows? Might have one already! Still, you heard the news? Some robots from the "Retro Reich" are establishing an embassy over here"."Now that sounds good, I once went over there to get my ship fixed and so it was, haven't had an issue since, however, t'was rather expensive, had to sell off my trusty harpoon".The coffee arrives, 2 standard brews, 1 krisbread, and 1 brownie."The explosive one?""The very same, I'll get another one when I get the chance since whale hunting is making the rounds right now".-----"Well that was nice, Professor, don't give too much work to your students"."Don't tell me what to do, Fisherman, either they learn or they learn"."Good talk today". The fisherman thinks as he heads over to his lodge near the coast, maybe next week he'll go buy the harpoon and associated equipment.>>24564366Anchoring.Writing stories? Who would've thunk.
>>24723110Reading out those dialogues with a thick french accent in my head really enriches the experiences (even though the slang suggests a britbong intention). Whale hunting being a thing is pretty cool, maybe we can come up with some cool fictional whales.
>>24723376Making up accents is always fun even if they don't work right for the dialogue, I've found.surely we can make moby dick real in this world
I need to figure out how a Sanalite eats while wearing a space suit.
>>24723507Hell yeah, among others. Maybe we can have a loch ness monster thing somewhere. Are there any chuubas with giant whale lore?
>>24723662besides the orca ones the only one that comes to mind would be Bao who would be a /Lig/ deity
>>24725031Oh right, I forgot about Bao. Our blue whale analog could draw from her.
>>24723591When you aren't looking
>>24723591Unless they are rations out of a specially made pack usually worn at the waist, it would be a huge gamble to eat anything while outside on this planet. We haven't yet finished our research on pathogens we might encounter, nor did the /meat/ priestess (which I am pretty sure just got forgotten in the story our rep is writing) get back to the station with Principal to share her knowledge of the tattoo "spells" which would help our immune system and finally make us able to take our helmets off.But yea, the air here isn't toxic to us, it's composition is actually very similar to our own planet's, it's just the little fuckers that float in it that are the problem, mostly. If a Sanallite wants to take risk (specially if around locals or Sana forbid in a populated area) they can just take off their helmet and eat like any other person.
>>24723110a quaint little time for a quaint little fisherman. What a pleasant chap.
i am making swamp octopus lore pls wait thred
>>24727087Allergies are more dangerous than disease. Disease can be treated over time. You'll choke in about 10 minutes due to allergies.
/morig/ said that the diamonds glowed pink last time we got them. Would the ones around the island glow pink too? kind of important detail i wish i knew since i base my gem powers off colors
>>24738477Does that mean different gems of the same colour have the same power?
Bump, just in case.
Hello my fellow worldbuilding enjoyers. Hope your writing, drawing, or whatever else you may be working on is going well. I'm mostly done with the transition from /rose/ to /OBSY/, then I'll be working on the next chapter for the squirrel bros. I do have bowling tonight though, so I likely won't finish anything today.
Do dragons like headpats?
>>24738477They also glow pink, but more faintly.
>>24738477I'd say most of those diamonds are comparable to the 1995 Buzz Lightyear, while Mont Mori diamonds would be more like the Night Controll Buzz Lightyear.
>>24746509Past bump limit bumpanon...New bread doko?
>>24746531didn't notice it, i should pay more attention sometimes. where is the bread anon?
Previous: >>OPWhat if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!Map Love editionInteractive map: GOAL:- Survive>Note that the map isn't set in stone.>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.THREAD REP TRIPCODE>/∞/: !XcNdwMsONs, !np2UIvxwi. (backup)>/pcclg/?: !!S9vZSg00/Br>/meat/: !!J7IsvbPoQE1CLIMATE & TECTONICS POSTS (AIDS LORE/PLACEMENT):Ocean Currents Systems Analysis Plates and their Movements Provinces POSTS ARCHIVE
New Bread:>>24747431>>24747431>>24747431>>24746607not here