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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 79 KB, 700x474, look carefully to discover the secret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2250081 No.2250081 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>2254063

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >>2243709
(We mainly talk Doom, but Unreal/Duke/Quake/Marathon/whatever are also welcome! Let's post like gentlemen)


The OFFICIAL Doom Wiki, actively maintained and supported by the Doom community. Want to learn more about Doom? Check this site first!

FAQ/Pastebin, updated semi-frequently

IRC (Password is in the FAQ.)
Channel: #vr



Vanilla/Boom: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/
/idgames torrent (as of 11/25/2013; 12GB): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13513277/idgames.torrent

##Our WADs can be found here!##
http://pastebin.com/5sKRiJzS (old)


200 Minutes of /vr/: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=17781
Demonsteele: http://zandronum.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5302
GMOTA: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?p=742401
HDoom: http://hdoomguy.tumblr.com/tagged/hdoom
Metroid Dreadnought: http://zandronum.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4561
Push: http://zandronum.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5423
The Space Pirate: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=37064

Doom RPG: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=33292
DoomRL Arsenal: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=37044
Hideous Destructor: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=12973
Shut Up And Bleed: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=47302

>> No.2250084
Quoted by: >>2256379


[02-20] GMOTA v0.9.8 work-in-progress release (not actual v0.9.8): https://www.dropbox.com/s/7rffkdaunqm0axx/GMOTA_V0.9.8%20%28WIP%29.pk3?dl=0 with changelog http://pastebin.com/sqkQx6Zg Feedback is requested.

[02-18] Just GZDoom, a GZDoom-focused community mapset: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=47895

[02-14] Instagram/#Selfie Doom: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1344760

[02-10] Another BDv20 test release: http://www.mediafire.com/download/p40aj6vklq76tt5/brutal20test-feb10-2015.zip

[02-07] Valiant, a 32-map megawad for MBF-compatible ports, by skillsaw: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1342825

[02-01] 50 monsters E1: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/71625-50-monsters-e1/

[01-30] Hocus Doom update: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18675596/Doomstuff/hocusdoom-01-24-15.pk3

[01-29] Eriance retires, releases all remaining Demon Eclipse resources: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?p=809621#p809621 https://www.dropbox.com/s/5cyq8ainn1knnd7/DEHEv01.rar?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/oh965ifww68270z/DEHE-RES.rar?dl=0

[01-26] You can finally upload stuff to /idgames again, seems like Ty took care of the issue.

[01-26] Devs Play feat. Romero http://www.doomworld.com/vb/doomworld-news/71519-devs-play-doom/

[01-26] Mythbusters does Doom http://www.doomworld.com/vb/doomworld-news/71568-have-you-seen-my-chainsaw/

[01-26] /newstuff Chronicles 472: http://www.doomworld.com/php/topstory.php?id=4329

[01-23] Russian Overkill v2.3 update: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?p=809099#p809099

[01-22] 3 heures d'agonie 3 has been launched a few days ago, no information on how many maps have been done so far. This time rules are a little more strict and a certain quality standart is required to improvave the wad's global quality.

[01-17] New Push release v0.6b. Banners for everybody. http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=47076


Please reply to this post with news.

>> No.2250096
Quoted by: >>2250207 >>2250996

How's Marathon 2 compare to the first? I enjoyed the first one, save for the lift puzzles.

>> No.2250207
Quoted by: >>2250251


Pros: Better sprites, cooler story, lonelier atmosphere, more interesting level design, shotguns are sensational.
Cons: No music, Aleph One is still terrible.

>> No.2250247
File: 252 KB, 1024x1365, let_the_dream_come_true_by_mazmon7734-d8j1zqz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2250251

>Aleph One is still terrible
More like Alelph One

>> No.2250270
File: 32 KB, 960x236, Doomguy visits a resturant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2250278 >>2250308

>> No.2250278
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>> No.2250308
Quoted by: >>2250362 >>2252372

Does anyone have the "back of the knee maybe" comic?

>> No.2250362

>google it
>find it within 12 seconds

>> No.2250371
File: 301 KB, 1280x960, 1424638780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deathmatch Alpha - http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?file=levels/doom/d-f/dm_alpha.zip

No monsters. In the wrong directory.
Doesn't look too bad, a few bits of nice lighting or nice architecture.

>> No.2250493
File: 518 KB, 1280x960, 1424644147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rule the world! - http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=3180

this map is a little cramped for my tastes, but not bad. it starts off inspired by Gotcha, and then more clearly Nirvana. it ends in an area coincidentally resembling Garden Terminal (HR04). you can press the exit button quickly if you're fast enough, otherwise you have to survive dual boss spawners(!) for 30 seconds.

it appears to be an early Malcolm Sailor map, although his page on the Doom wiki doesn't list it so maybe there are two of them? the map could certainly be described as claustrophobic in some places.

>> No.2250513
Quoted by: >>2250536 >>2250621

You know what I love? Monster in-fighting. Are there any maps with tons of monsters flanking you, say on separate landmasses, that encourage you to just dodge their attacks so that they anger the monsters on the other flank-island, thus making the gameplay a "survive being in the crossfire of two fighting sides"?

Apologies if there are well-known examples of this, I'm only recently getting into the world of user wads

>> No.2250531
Quoted by: >>2250538

Just recently finished pirate doom and I realized just how much I fucking love TCs/reskins that explore new themes. What are some other GOAT TCs?

>> No.2250536
Quoted by: >>2250558

Tricks and Traps

>> No.2250538
Quoted by: >>2250632


Batman Doom?

>> No.2250558
Quoted by: >>2250621

Yeah the cyberdemon versus barons fight was pretty cool, and getting the tons of imps to fight with the cacodemons is pretty funny. But I want more!

>> No.2250618


Of course the trade off would be you can't use power sword attacks or item crashes, and I think I might make it burn through arcane energy fairly quickly, forcing players to beat the shit out of monsters to keep their mana high.

And of course you won't be able to plow through crowds either

>> No.2250621
Quoted by: >>2251042

really any map is going to feature monster infighting, the higher the population count the more you will see it. slaughter maps are all about it.

i can't think of many specifically designed as a crossfire, though. maybe that one bit of hell revealed map18 with the two spiders.

>> No.2250632
Quoted by: >>2250704

Playing it now, great fun. Thanks for the reccomendation.

>> No.2250704

make sure to use the decorate patch too, dehacked is deprecated since 75 BC

>> No.2250705


>> No.2250715
File: 492 KB, 500x332, Ready to lay down.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2250840

Are there any other megawads like Going Down?

>> No.2250730
File: 302 KB, 290x705, 1414355890729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2250734 >>2250743

So, what do you recommend for playing Doom?
I've been using Skulltag for god knows how long.
Is there anything wrong with ST?

>> No.2250734
Quoted by: >>2250737

Skulltag was a multiplayer focused port and it pretty much got moved to become Zandronum. Both are mostly intended for online play.

>> No.2250737
Quoted by: >>2250750 >>2250768

Oh, okay.
I've been able to play single-player WADS pretty well.
Should I just use GZDoom?
What's the recommended setup?

>> No.2250743


>> No.2250750

GZDoom for singleplayer
Zandronum for multiplayer.

You can also use Zandronum for singleplayer but some mods are not going to be compatible.

>> No.2250754
Quoted by: >>2250786 >>2250813

How come there are people who hate Tricks n Traps and onwards?

I always felt Doom 2 picked up with these maps. American McGee's early maps got got a bit boring by The Waste Tunnels and Crusher.

>> No.2250768
Quoted by: >>2255898

GZDoom, then stick a front-end like ZDL or Rocket Launcher onto it to manage your mods and wads and keep everything nice and tidy.

>> No.2250786
File: 774 KB, 1776x1000, Screenshot_Doom_20150208_182118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2250810

Dunno honestly, I liked most of Doom II's levels, even downtown which people do (understandably) hate on a lot.

>> No.2250789

Can someone help me out?
Im using doomsday and can´t get to run a music wad, its the music wad from the PSX version of final doom, for some reason the engine doesn´t read it or recognize , but it recognizes the CD music wad i have.
I want that sweet ambience (the SFX reverb on DE engine is a great addition too)
Just want to play my custom doom with more ambience kinda tired of the same music and it really gives another feeling to the game.

>> No.2250797
Quoted by: >>2250819


Just sayin, in general, when I activate shining knight with zdoom, it causes my FPS to freeze then jump forward. Know why/anyway to fix it?

>> No.2250810

Honestly, the only Doom 2 level I didn't like was Nirvana.

>> No.2250813
Quoted by: >>2250916 >>2251003

I like Tricks and Traps. The Pit is pretty much the falling-off point, though.

>> No.2250819
Quoted by: >>2251805


That's... Pretty fuckin weird. Maybe it's the particle effects, does it happen only when you begin powering up or during the whole time it's active?

It might also be due to the transforming HUD sprites aren't cropped, meaning there's some empty dead space there.

>> No.2250832
File: 568 KB, 960x540, Screenshot_Doom_20150222_204117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2250848 >>2250850

I'm playing through Doom 2 with Project MSX and I'd say the levels are hit and miss. Level 1 and 2 is a good start but Gantlet and the next half dozen levels are poor. Tricks and Traps is where it gets good again.

Also, what are some good wads to play with Project MSX?

>> No.2250840
Quoted by: >>2250885

In what sense?

>> No.2250848

>Also, what are some good wads to play with Project MSX?
Back to Saturn X Episode 1. The atmosphere fits like a glove. Some textures will have some bright pixels because BTSX uses a custom pallette, but otherwise it's gr8.
Hellbound is alright too.

>> No.2250850


>> No.2250885
Quoted by: >>2250893 >>2250896

just, that thematic level design.

>> No.2250893
Quoted by: >>2250896 >>2250902

Like everything feeling connected by one central thing(The elevator)?
Or do you mean like a level set following a sequence and there's a connection between the two?

You might need to clarify more on what you want

>> No.2250896

what >>2250893 said
lots of wads follow a "theme"

>> No.2250902
Quoted by: >>2250917


I did mean levels connected by one central thing, like an elevator.

>> No.2250904 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2250910

Doom fucking sucks. You can't even aim down the sights, and health doesn't regenerate fast enough. Plus the graphics blow.

>> No.2250910 [DELETED] 


Yeah, and the levels aren't a long corridor with a cutscene every five steps.

Totally lame.

>> No.2250916
Quoted by: >>2250972

I never had a problem with The Pit. Its very action packed.

>> No.2250917
Quoted by: >>2250967

BTSX Episode 2 has a central sort of hub you keep returning to.
So does BTSX episode 1.

But the levels do not all end at this central thing, it just leads back into it.

>> No.2250961
File: 12 KB, 328x500, tumblr_nk39iqIS3O1tlb4xko1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking forward to HDoom, but the sameface and everyone-has-short-hair approach is really turning me off.

Combine this with the author's reaction to criticism (change nothing, complain about people complaining, and stop posting things on 4chan), an "official blog" that's only 5% official content, and it's all just extremely disheartening.

At least the CG work is good. Jessel's Hell Knight CG is probably my dick's newest favorite thing.

>> No.2250967
Quoted by: >>2252660

I hope we get a new RC for E2 at some point. While its great, In its current state, I just don't find it as well balanced or as polished as E1 currently is.

>> No.2250969
File: 290 KB, 480x480, cyberass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2250997

>and stop posting things on 4chan
The fuck you talking about nigga? he's here a lot.

>> No.2250972

Yeah, I don't understand what people don't like about it.

I can understand disliking, say, The Chasm, since its actually pretty empty for its size.

>> No.2250976
File: 956 KB, 400x182, tumblr_nj4hooyhMS1szcxzqo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2251000 >>2251428

Let's play a game guys.

Mention five good WADs that fulfill the following requirements:

*They have not received a Cacoward or they were not mentioned in the 10 Years of Doom special
*They were not runner-ups for a Cacoward either
*They were released BEFORE December 10, 2014

My picks:

Zone 300
Doom: The Golden Souls
Relentless Decay
Vanilla Sky
Urban Slaughter

>> No.2250996
File: 278 KB, 1440x900, Marathon Infinity 2014-08-29 01-58-47-447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The visual quality jump (especially sprites and textures) made M2 look like Crysis in comparison. More bigger and more detailed maps. Way less lift puzzles. Bungie had fun with the new deep water though.

New enemies, and more interesting ones. One new gun. Kinda like Doom 2 to Doom 1.

No music, but at-the-time revolutionary ambient and random soundscape.

>> No.2250997

Is he? I'll happily stand corrected if so, but I don't really recall anyone other than TZK posting about code updates.
Design discussion and sprites haven't been posted in...forever.

>> No.2251000

Dark Covenent
The Twilight Zone 2

>> No.2251003

>the pit
I hope that was intentional.

>> No.2251042
Quoted by: >>2251045 >>2251372

I guess I'll stick with slaughter maps for now. Maybe I'll take a break from mapping Duke to learn to make doom maps and do it myself.

>> No.2251045
Quoted by: >>2251071 >>2251113

How IS the Duke modding community?

>> No.2251071

I have no idea I don't actually participate in it and have done very little research. I scrounge for custom maps and play them, and I make my own on my own. I don't really know why I haven't actually looked into the community.

>> No.2251113

From what I've seen, Duke's modding community is nowhere near the size of Doom's. I'd assume its partly thanks to Build engine being harder to map for.

>> No.2251114

I'm sorry you don't like HDoom. I don't care much for it as it is either. Maybe you could make some edits to make it better for you. I like Jess' art too. Thank you for reading and have a great day.

>> No.2251196 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2251202

do you seriously jack your dick to a cartoon doom monster lady. is this a real thing that actually happens

>> No.2251202 [DELETED] 

You get the answer when we get to see your browser history, mister Anon "Innocent" Ymous.

>> No.2251208 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2251253 >>2251259

at least we now know where to look when someone counterposts in a nancy way

>> No.2251253 [DELETED] 

In the mirror?

>> No.2251258 [DELETED] 

case in point

>> No.2251259 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2251297


>> No.2251297 [DELETED] 


It's just some nerd who thinks that making vague statements is better than actually saying something.
Pay him no heed.

>> No.2251357
Quoted by: >>2251363 >>2251384

What Cacowards year do you consider to be the most disagreeable or disappointing?

I've always seen 2008 to be the most boring year. Deus Vult II being the only wad I cared for, and even then, I wouldn't even put it in my top 20 mapsets. I can't even think of anything from 2008 to replace anything, so I guess it was just a slow year for Doom.

>> No.2251363
File: 62 KB, 540x437, Mine hands are full of golden vertebrae and my head floweth over with SALTY TEARS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What Cacowards year do you consider to be the most disagreeable or disappointing?


>> No.2251365
Quoted by: >>2251374 >>2251384

Interesting, because I actually find that the least disagreeable.

>> No.2251369

gmota_guy confirmed for suicide watch again

>> No.2251372
Quoted by: >>2252172

well you don't necessarily need to immediately go for the hardest maps the community has to offer. any map that has a wide open, arena-like design will do.

here's an old thread with some suggestions:

>> No.2251374
Quoted by: >>2251386


I'm being a smartass, 2014 was really good and helped me discover that neat digging map set to Lorenzen's Soil.

>> No.2251378
Quoted by: >>2251997

>golden boner
Its coming up to March 18, /vr/'s anniversary, again. If we're going to do the golden boners, that should be the time (the other obvious date, Doom's birthday, is of course already taken)

>> No.2251384

>What Cacowards year do you consider to be the most disagreeable or disappointing?

Very, very interesting question.

Before anyone throws 2013's, I must say, as someone who believes Hellbound was 'robbed', it was still a great year for mapping in general. I mean, look at the piece they wrote for Kama Sutra back in the day, telling that "people would only remember the secret map"; how true that was? What really matters is what the people think.

So anyway, I double-checked the 2008's awards, and out of them I can recognize DV2 and Action Doom 2 as the ones who stood out the most and are still being played. And of course, the community was 'recovering' itself from the KDIZD controversy from last year so I kind of understand why 2008 could be a low point.

>because I actually find that the least disagreeable.

Me too. And I find it funny too, you know, because of how turbulent it was two years ago with the delays and the 'they might just be idclipping thru all the nominees' rumours.

Absolutely zero complains, everyone deserved the spot.

>> No.2251386

Ah, I see.

>> No.2251418
Quoted by: >>2251441 >>2251448

i just think they get far too much attention. the picks are just one or two guys' opinions at the time, yet somehow they get promoted to "official list of objectively good wads" and constantly recommended.

>> No.2251428
Quoted by: >>2251450

>*They have not received a Cacoward or they were not mentioned in the 10 Years of Doom special
>*They were not runner-ups for a Cacoward either
does anyone have a concise list naming all these wads i'm not allowed to pick? preferably as a text file or all on one page. make it easier for others to play your game. i'm sure the information is listed on the doom wiki but spread over a dozen different pages.

>> No.2251441
Quoted by: >>2251454

I've rarely seen people promote the cacowards as being "objective". And honestly, you should never treat a "top 10" list as objective, because at the end of the day, they're all usually just a couple people sharing their thoughts. Cacowards are a well known source for recommended wads, because of its annual frequency, and ease of access.

>> No.2251443
Quoted by: >>2251460

Hey GMOTA guy I was wondering when the next test version will go up.

I'd really like to see the new changes and stuff.

>> No.2251448


Yeah, when I heard that argument it just pissed me off. If they don't mean for it to be anything more than "just what a few guys liked at the time", then why do they put so much ceremony around it?

It's on the anniversary of Doom, there's a massive topic for nominations and counting votes, there are categories specifically designed with the intention of honoring people, it's hosted by the Big Dudes of the community, they are literally giving awards to people, and they're archived in THE biggest Doom site as a yearly celebration of Doom and a representation of the best of the year.

Why in all of the hells would they NOT think people take this shit seriously?

>> No.2251450
Quoted by: >>2251640



>> No.2251453

it's almost like people completely ignore how strong and influential words could be on the internet

>> No.2251454
Quoted by: >>2251457

>I've rarely seen people promote the cacowards as being "objective".

perhaps not explicitly but my impression is that they're seen that way.

>you should never treat a "top 10" list as objective, because at the end of the day, they're all usually just a couple people sharing their thoughts.

that's what i said! but my impression is a lot of people take them as gospel.

>Cacowards are a well known source for recommended wads, because of its annual frequency, and ease of access.

this is true, because they're promoted everywhere, and end up on the wiki and such. but it annoys me that there are thousands of good wads that very few people will ever play because they're not on some list, plus that so many players can't be bothered to go digging and just want to be told what to think.

>> No.2251457
Quoted by: >>2251546

>many players can't be bothered to go digging
I'm digging through the old newstuff chronicles now, picking out favorably described stuff - I know that it fills your description of "people who only think what they are told to think", but that is as close as I can go to digging, since my own sense of good/bad WAD is unreliable due to me being bad at actually playing doom.

There's also a guy here (or several) that just plays a random maps from idgames then pours his thoughts - that helps too (I'm going to get the wads he described as decent too).

If you want to help digging for gold - start digging, and promote doing so in other places/forums.

>> No.2251460
Quoted by: >>2251464 >>2251534


Gimme a bit, I want to polish a few things here and there and test out adding the shoulder barge. Then I'll share with you guys.

I feel like I'm cheating with version numbers at this point

>> No.2251464
Quoted by: >>2251468


Could just bump the number up.
DemonSteele's getting so much new stuff at this point I've given up on v0.75, it's just v0.8 now.

>> No.2251465

>an "official blog" that's only 5% official content

Do what the OP tells you and put tagged/hdoom on the end of the blog's address.
Then, add /rss too and add it to a feed reader.
Now you need never manually check the site again!

>> No.2251468
Quoted by: >>2251534


The problem is my autism won't let me do that, I technically have two updates left before 1.0, which isn't that considered "complete"?

I mean I guess I could just press onwards and just keep updating like normal and call a future version the for reals thing.

I mean I guess 1.0 wouldn't be truly complete either seeing as I got more heroes planned and shit, but 1.0 ideally would have all monsters done and Blaz -finally- finished

>> No.2251502 [DELETED] 
File: 478 KB, 485x600, 1415507621858.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how good is E2 of BTSX in comparison to the first one?

i.e just wanna know what sorta shit I'm about to face

>> No.2251507
Quoted by: >>2251537 >>2251552

Alright, sirius question time:
1) In your opinion, which wads from the past Cacowards and 100 best etc. didn't hold up that well, and are not worthy to be included in the modern "Wads worth playing" compilation?

2) What wads from the shovelware CD's are worth being included?

Heretic/Hexen counts too.

>> No.2251529
File: 372 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20150223_050642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2251680

Blood money left ungathered now goes into "limbo" and can be retreived by either exchanging 500 score or finishing the level.
Score may do more in the future. That rhymed.

>> No.2251534

>I feel like I'm cheating with version numbers at this point

your past self has screwed you by thinking of version numbers as decimals in the first place. they are better thought of as finite sequences of nonnegative integers. the next version after 0.9 is 0.10.

date-based version numbers are an increasingly common alternative these days.

a single integer is a great version numbering system, but few people seem to have the stomach for it. the classic unix file pager program 'less' <http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less/> is probably the best example. that said, it probably has a similar issue to decimals - you find yourself thinking version 100 has to be special somehow.

>1.0 ideally would have all monsters done and Blaz -finally- finished

i agree that would seem an appropriate 1.0 point. provided you stick to it and don't start coding your second character before you've reached the milestone.

>> No.2251537
Quoted by: >>2251559

>In your opinion, which wads from the past Cacowards and 100 best etc. didn't hold up that well, and are not worthy to be included in the modern "Wads worth playing" compilation?

Most of whats listed in 1994 and 1995 could probably be skipped. Especially since a lot of them are only there for historical significance.

Memento Mori 1 probably hasn't aged too well for some people. I still like it myself, though. MM2 holds up better, overall.
99 Ways To Die was only really on here because of its lighting. Gameplay is pretty meh.

Requiem was super popular back in the 90's for its software rendering tricks, such as fake 3D bridges, and prettiness for its time. Unfortunately, only 1/3 of the maps are actually fun even today.

Gothic DM2 was pretty much only on here because it was pretty for its time. Hell, they even admit that it played like shit even back then.

>> No.2251546
Quoted by: >>2251559

you're doing good work. also nice to know my posts are usefui to someone ;)

i've thought about this some more and realised there is a place for recommendation lists. we were all new once and needed some way to avoid choice paralysis when looking at thousands of filenames in an FTP directory. heck, i got started on pwads via "doom reviews for the recreational user" ( http://www.toolworks.com/doom/ , which unbelievably is still up, 15 years later, look at that glorious 1990s site design) and then from there "the all-time best doom levels" (the link is broken, but http://www.gamers.org/~williams/ still works)

so having disproved my own argument, i will slink away in shame, but not without reiterating that recommendation lists and highly visible "award ceremonies" are not the be-all and end-all of doom user content!

>> No.2251552
Quoted by: >>2251568

>being this specific

why may I ask?

>> No.2251559
Quoted by: >>2251569

i think if you miss out mm1 you're missing out a lot. if you like complex maps with lots of switches and exploration, few things beat (some of) it. map28 is still one of the greatest maps ever made.

agreed on 99 ways, it has nice lighting but no texture alignment - which doesn't usually bother me, but it's particularly evident when you split a line into small pieces for doing graded lighting, and then never change the texture offset from 0, so the same tiny slice of texture stutteringly repeats a dozen times in a screen width - but worse, i think there's a broken teleporter on UV that prevents you from finishing the final map.

also agreed on requiem, it was talked up a lot, e.g. practically ascended to sainthood by sir robin's doom castle, another review site i (>>2251546) used to use, but i found it quite disappointing, and annoying to play - perhaps there was no way it could live up to the hype i had read.

>> No.2251568
Quoted by: >>2251572

Im doing a compilation, and also categorising wads on the go, so I'd like to separate wads that have purely historical significance from wads that are actually fun to play even today.

After I dig through the oldstuff chronicles, I'll present you (/vr/) with what I gathered so we could root out the unworthy wads.

After that I'm going to run through the sourceport-specific forums (EDGE, ZDoom, skull/zandro, DEngine, maybe others if they have notable port-specific mods) and gather some wads/mods there.

The endgoal is to make an archive of "All the Doom stuff that's actually worth wasting time on", while specifically marking all the "must play" stuff.

>> No.2251569

I liked MM1 myself. Certainly worth a play, IMO. I mentioned it mainly because I have seen newer doomers be critical of it.

>> No.2251570

How do I launch a map pack together with a mod/tc using gzdoom?

>> No.2251572
Quoted by: >>2251595 >>2252252


On a very related note, I can't be the only one not to find Icarus fun at all.

>captca: eryyy

>> No.2251583
Quoted by: >>2251589 >>2255487

I have an issue in Chocolate Doom where my mouse will "hitch" every so often. It seems to happen more often in windowed mode than fullscreen.

Anyone know what might be causing this?

>> No.2251589
Quoted by: >>2251592

USB polling, background processes executing long strings, something incompatible, something dividing by zero?

Little hitches and visual lag are the worst to troubleshoot man, they just suck.

>> No.2251592
Quoted by: >>2251597 >>2251601

I have no issue in anything else, it's just chocolate doom.

>> No.2251595
Quoted by: >>2252252

i wouldn't go quite that far but i can see your point. i replayed it and Evilution last month by pistol-starting levels. i found i had a "nope, skip this one, can't be bothered" reaction (for whatever reason) to far fewer levels in Evilution than its successor.

>> No.2251597
Quoted by: >>2251598

Doesn't mean *too* much, as it can be horrible in one game and barely noticeable in another/not there at all. For examine, USB polling got me on original FEAR, and max Payne 3 really really bad, got me nowhere else really.

Anyway, does this happen with no mods loaded, original doom/d2 wads installed?

>> No.2251598

Yes, I tried making a completely fresh install with just the base doom iwad and it still happens.

>> No.2251601
Quoted by: >>2251602

do you play anything else that uses SDL for input
it might just be that being crap on windows

>> No.2251602

>>do you play anything else that uses SDL for input
Not that I know of, at least nothing that mouse issues like this would be noticeable.

Maybe it just is SDL.

>> No.2251625
Quoted by: >>2251631 >>2251815

Good Model Pack for Doom is?

>> No.2251631
Quoted by: >>2251634


>> No.2251634

i was going to post that, but i thought, no

>> No.2251640

I find it amusing that «The ZDoom Community Map Project "Take 1"» is under Z but «The ZDoom Community Map Project "Take 2"» is under T

>> No.2251645
File: 647 KB, 1280x960, shrine.wad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2254170

Shrine.wad - http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?file=levels/doom2/s-u/shrine.zip
This is a 3 map wad from the 1997.
First map looks bland and gameplay here consists of taking cover 99% of the time and peeking from time to time to shoot damn enemies, which are hitscanners exclusively: sniper hitscanners, surprise hitscanners and hitscanners in the dark. The second biggest problem about that level is that the only non-secret health and armor pickups are few health and armor bonuses, which are going to be used to cover whatever health player loses to damaging floor with keycards.
Second map is an underground maze with a little bit of non-linearity, but this is where the good things stop. In general it's barely interesting maze which mostly consist of 64x64 corridors painted with single green brick texture and two flats.
Third map is the best one in the wad. It has more interesting architecture to it, some easy ambushes and ends in arena with the final battle which won't bring player much problems though.

>> No.2251680
Quoted by: >>2251684 >>2251685

I'm certain it's mentioned elsewhere, but what gameplay/gun mod is this?

>> No.2251684
Quoted by: >>2251697


>> No.2251685
Quoted by: >>2251697

It's Psychic, by Xaser. I'm modifying it to add some stuff I always wanted to add.

>> No.2251687
Quoted by: >>2255393

What happened to the /vr/ Music wad that one anon was planning on making. Music from the same time that Doom was being made, but not put into the original game. It was going to be based on our suggestions and the midis were going to be made from scratch, as far as I remember.

Otherwise, can anyone recommend a good music wad?

>> No.2251697

Ooooooo, that's why it looks familiar, post a build when you feel it's changed significantly enough to warrant it.

Y'know, if you want.

>> No.2251743
Quoted by: >>2251754

Playing doom without savescumming for the first time and I'm having loads of fun. It's much easier than I remember though, and I used to quicksave around every corner when I was young.

>> No.2251754

Probbably because now you know how to avoid projectiles without running into a wall, as well as how to use cover when dealing with hitscanners.

>> No.2251805

It happens only when powering up.

>> No.2251813
Quoted by: >>2251842

and what happened with that viking mod? honestly is the only 4chan mod i am looking forward nowadays

>> No.2251815
Quoted by: >>2251829 >>2252702

There really isn't any, there's no set of models that don't look like complete trash.

Aside from a lack of skilled modelers, there's the issue that animated 3D monsters look really fucking weird in Doom, their movement pattern tend to not look as good in 3D as in 2D. Have you seen them walk? Their animation looks oddly smooth, yet oddly stiff and rigid, they almost look like they float over the floor rather than taking actual steps.

I think you'd really need to overhaul monster behavior and maybe even the engine to get 3D monsters to look good at all in Doom. If you look at Doomsday, it's made to work with 3D models, yet the models look really odd and absurd when they move because it's still the original monster behavior from the original game.

I think the tendency for the AI to meander around might look weirder in 3D than in 2D but maybe that's just me.

>> No.2251829
Quoted by: >>2251840

I found the ROTT remake very difficult to play because the AI acted pretty much exactly like in the original game, and it's extremely jarring with modern 3D graphics.
Also doesn't help that it was programmed by apes, but at least they tried.

>> No.2251840
Quoted by: >>2251883

ROTT was disappointing, for the reasons you mentioned and others, weapon variety was sad, level design was meh at best, collision was bad, ai was bad...

Really had high hopes for it, shame it's mediocrebad.

>> No.2251842

Anything where someone comes outta no where saying they have a bunch of modding experience, but don't know what to do with it, typically ends up getting a tiny bit of work done on it and then fadding away into oblivion.

I feel like the same guy keeps doing it over and over, which is a little sad because if he kept at it he'd have a nice, size-able mod by now.

>> No.2251856
File: 323 KB, 1280x960, Thisisgonabeacolourfulhell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2251862 >>2251957

so I was planning to make a zandronum working version for this silly colourcode mod but then I found out how seriously much I need to cull out and work around the most simple stuff, I'm not sure anymore if I should.

I kinda could release a barebone version now as I have working alpha for common to purple for everything expect lost soul, pain elemental, cybie and spider, but idk.

should I try bother with zandro version or not, tho?

>> No.2251862

Eh. I never really use Zandronum anymore.
Unless your mod's balanced for multiplayer, you don't really need to make a Z& release.

>> No.2251883

It was definitely a preorder I regretted, and I've barely touched it in the long time it's been out. A year and a half later even, and I still can't even run it playably.
I'm the odd one out for loving the original ROTT, but I just couldn't like the remake. Good intentions or not, it's a mess.

>> No.2251893
File: 219 KB, 460x332, 265483562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are TNT and Plutonia worth playing? I vaguely remember playing a few levels of TNT and finding it rather boring.

>> No.2251898
Quoted by: >>2251948

Every single server I join on Doomseeker nowadays is people in the chat using green text. Stop it. It's really dumb.

>> No.2251908

Both are solid, Plutonia is considered better by some and has higher difficulty. But I like TNT more for its map design so I finished it more times.

>> No.2251948
File: 3 KB, 180x40, ss+(2015-02-23+at+01.26.31).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2251951


>> No.2251951
File: 99 KB, 640x480, 1424716540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2251954

how does this joke go again?

>> No.2251954
File: 55 KB, 800x298, klips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2251957
Quoted by: >>2251978 >>2252346

So what's the point of this mod? Difficulty scale? AI changes?

>> No.2251958
Quoted by: >>2252112

tnt map07 claims another victim

>> No.2251978
Quoted by: >>2252346

Presumably the rarer critters have more power, and drop extra ammo or maybe health.

>> No.2251997

There's this collection of ideas from last year:

>> No.2252017
File: 380 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20150223_142937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2252032 >>2252357

Revamped the score system, it now boasts a hefty limit of 76 octillion.
You also gain a ton more points, for fun.

>> No.2252026
Quoted by: >>2252039

>Playing GMOTA
>Constantly almost dead for like three levels
>Remember GMOTA guy mentioning the power cannon heals in the last thread
>HP is no longer an issue whatsoever

>> No.2252032
Quoted by: >>2252095

shame i can't see shit, cap'n

>> No.2252039
Quoted by: >>2252051 >>2252160


It's the most unintuitive method of healing I've seen yet, but it's been in the mod long enough that I'm pretty sure suggesting to rehaul or remove it will give Kegan an aneurysm.

>> No.2252046

Can anyone recommend me any weapon/game-mods? I really love Russian Overkill, but it tends to make things unchallenging due to the uncapped hp/shield ( which is still bit necessary considering the ridiculous splash damage of the weapons ).
I know Accessories to Murder, any other remarkable ones?

>> No.2252051
Quoted by: >>2252160

My issue is more that there was nothing to really indicate it had that kind of use.

I mean the normal cannon has:
>Really powerful charge shots(Awesome)
>Rapidfire stunlock darts
>Access to good subweapons
Then you go in powered form and it's like pew pew pew or you shoot a big ball that doesn't seem to do much of anything besides nudge people.
It is just really weak and if I had known it healed on hit I probably would at least use it for that.
I'd also cut the heal in half and make it hurt more because damn does it turn anything into a HP fountain due to being so weak

>> No.2252059

Guncaster (By the guy that made RO)
Trailblazer (Partially by the guy that made RO)
Project MSX
Brutal Doom
BD:SE (should have been named Brutal Doom: Sperglord Mod imo, but whatever)
Metroid Dreadnought
Hideous Destructor

>> No.2252067

GMOTA is really good if you like Super Ghouls and Ghosts weapons and Megaman X weapons.
Demonsteele is really good if you like dashing through projectiles and swords/punches
Hideous Destructor is really good if you like super slow paced tactical gameplay and enemies that can kill you ridiculously fast.
The Space Pirate is really good if you like shotguns and rocket launchers(However since there's still stuff missing it's not compatible with lots of maps that require something like a BFG even with the new laser gun)

Also if you haven't checked it yet there is Project MSX and DoomRL Arsenal

>> No.2252072
File: 322 KB, 531x471, 1418806934022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BD:SE (should have been named Brutal Doom: Sperglord Mod imo, but whatever)

>> No.2252080

Demonicron doesn't change the guns or the gameplay, does it? Excluding the devourer.
Demonsteele for cutting shit and doing badass tricks
Project MSX for a combination of Doom and Halo that is just bombastic and fast as fuck

>> No.2252082
Quoted by: >>2252114

Has anyone here jerked it to HDoom

>> No.2252084
Quoted by: >>2252096 >>2252267

tbh I would just wait for the next public release to play tsp for fun unless you want to give feedback on the github verison

>> No.2252095
File: 619 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20150223_150654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2252105 >>2252109

Took me half of an hour to fix these fonts.

>> No.2252096
Quoted by: >>2252137 >>2252267

I can quickly put the beam thing in for the plasmagun and bfg pickups if you guys want.

Also for >>2252067
That gun has a hold-to-charge altfire.

>> No.2252105
Quoted by: >>2252178

kill the gradient on the font. kill it with pyrokinisis.

>> No.2252109
Quoted by: >>2252178


>> No.2252112

Give them a go, perhaps with a gameplay mod, they're worth checking out.

I'll admit, that is a pretty weak level, but there's great ones in there too.

>> No.2252114

Have you?

>> No.2252137
Quoted by: >>2252267

This would be very nice of you to do.

>> No.2252160
Quoted by: >>2252184


>I'm pretty sure suggesting to rehaul or remove it will give Kegan an aneurysm.

It really is shamefully unintuitive. But I'll look into lowering the heal effect and crank up that damage.

If I remove it there'd be a lot of things I'd have to re balance, but if it has to be done, I'll do it

>> No.2252172

Wow that's great. Thanks!

>> No.2252178
File: 333 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20150223_154710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2252197

Fixed up

Doesn't look very good, and now I have to redo all of the fonts a fifth time.

>> No.2252184
Quoted by: >>2252251 >>2252253

Well GMOTA guy it is kinda like this:
>Cannon set to darts
>Take forever to kill an enemy(Even the basic Archers) by going dewndewndewndewn
>Get full meter on one enemy
>Find another enemy
>Full heal

Things that give a lot of a resource should probably not give so much off of one enemy.

Rapid fire darts should also give less red meter.
Like it should be weak but you need to do something about that meter gain.

It doesn't feel like I am really making a trade off(Power for Speed) by using them because I only need to use it on one enemy and I get what I want off of one enemy and it's not really battle effective enough to use it outside of meter management

Also just to mention I test out GMOTA's balance by using the sword/power sword and cannon/power cannon exclusively for a whole tough level.
With the upcoming changes to Power sword's waves it should be somewhat balanced.
Turn the triple dagger into a double dagger by the way. It's getting 3x the effect while other POW weaponry feels like 2x

For the cannon the abundance of red meter due to darts and abundance of health due to powerballs being weak is the only real issue.
Charge shot level 1 could use a buff though.

>> No.2252197

Doesen't matter - more readable.
Or make it unpalletted and into a PNG font, then reduce the gradienting, so it does not end up being too dark in the end of the gradient.

>> No.2252251

Oh yeah, found a bug with Shining Knight.

If you beat a level with it on you go to the next level as a permanent Shining Knight.

>> No.2252252
Quoted by: >>2252270 >>2252279

Icarus' main problem was that it wasn't exactly that challenging outside of a few exceptions. Map13, Map15, and Map30 were pretty meh maps. But overall, I still found Icarus enjoyable myself.

>> No.2252253
Quoted by: >>2252350 >>2252352

Basically all of this.

The darts are not the "too tired to spam regular shots" option, its the "shitty firing mode that does nothing besides rack up mana".
It should do higher damage than uncharged shot spam but award you no mana.

The vampiric projectiles themselves are weird as fuck, who would guess that a small spiked metal ball can leech life, specially when there is a fatter version of the same sprite that doesnt?
A tiny red lightning bolt coming back at you when it hits, a flashing hp bar or a powered necromancer gauntlet's red energy effect on your hand when firing would be great. Basically anything that tells you this thing does more than just bounce around. Its incredibly easy to have full health when testing this for the first time and never waste mana with it again after you see the pitiful damage.

>> No.2252267
File: 1.90 MB, 400x300, 1415422766863.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry that took a second.

Went ahead and added the WOGbeam/Wep7 to Plasma Rifle and BFG9000 spawns. The altfire for the gun will only be available once you pick up a BFG9000 spawn. It works by charging to a maximum of 20 shots after which it will jump from enemy to enemy per it's charge. At the beginning of the charge each charge costs more than subsequent charges. Keep in mind the primary fire would normally be only available with the secondary fire as part of the BFG9000 replacement; it's dps is higher than the vanilla plasma rifle but it's less ammo efficient and less accurate. There will be other weapons taking up the spot of the plasma rifle.

Marty went ahead and put in the new pistol reloads shown earlier in this thread as well.

Check the Space Pirate options in the menu for gameplay options. For instance you can toggle mag or bullet reloading for bullet weapons. All options can be changed on the fly, no need to restart the map you're on. For mag reloads it tracks the number of bullets in each mag, so if you reload a partially full mag whether or not you throw it will depend upon how full the other mags you're holding are. Same for picking mags off the ground. You can make it so that all mags you pick up from enemies are full if you wish. Map-placed mags default to full.

The second to last difficulty is currently not really enabled. The last one is very WIP at the moment but playable.

Remember this is a WIP git version, not a release.

If you can't run it on GZDoom because you need an svn version of GZDoom, but can't run the latest GZDoom, there are two svn versions of GZDoom included on the git download. The last one before the last OpenGL upgrade, and an earlier svn for people with real toasters. You can also just run it in ZDoom (like me.)


Come join us on irc as well to give feedback/share bugs:


>> No.2252269

Forgot to mention you can also check out the public plan doc if you want:

>> No.2252270
Quoted by: >>2252279

Regardless of Challenge, I still reckon all Planet levels, and all Simulation levels (minus 13, and 31) are worth playing. Its mainly the Ship levels that kinda bring it down (though they're not all bad).

>> No.2252279
Quoted by: >>2252356

my main problem with it was that it often felt cramped with little room to move, and/or too much of a maze of twisty little passages, often with a too-easy-to-miss switch that leaves you running round empty places with no idea why you're stuck.

i agree the more spacious maps were rather noticably empty of monsters. then you'd get some dreadful "fuck you for playing this" map, like the start of the wonderfully colourful map12 (but i thought the stream of plasma from deep space was a clever idea) - or the whole of map28...

31 has one huge redeeming feature.

you can fire a bunch of rockets or plasma at an arachnotron in the wall miles away, then teleport and watch them sail over your head and crash into it.

i love this part.

>> No.2252342
Quoted by: >>2252525

Alright, tried out Guncaster and Trailblazer bit on Deus Vult 2.
Mostly Guncaster, played until Ejipt. Rather fun mod, still pretty imbalanced, though not as imbalanced as RO ( which is essentially non-standard god-mode )
Not particularly bothered by the scalie, but feels that dosh trickles down bit too slowly.

Trailblazer I only did a little, but liked it. The weapons feel rather hurtful and the boomerang machete made me chuckle. But I see that it is still in its baby shoes.

Also downloaded Psychic, probably going to try it out tomorrow.
I already know Hideous Destructor and I absolutely love it. I have already played through Doom 1 in completion, plus some select maps from Scythe 2. Even Sunder's first map.

>> No.2252346

Pretty much yeah. The rarity and strength of the critters go hand in hand and then later; the three most higher tiers are pretty much a "boss" tier.
Green: Little Bit stronger. Blue: Bit more Stronger. Purple: Noticeably Stronger, usualy come with secondary moves.

If anyone wants to try, I uploaded a very early alpha of this mod here;
Its very small cause like, this is all pretty much only code so far, there is no new graphics, no new sounds.
So this is very early barebones, meaning its playable and monsters have their tiers up to purple (apart from the earlier mentioned; lost souls, pain elemental, cybie, spidie)
But it doesn't look as pretty as intended yet, pretty much all graphics are really placeholder level.

But hey, if anyone wants to give it a spin and give some feedback balance wise atleast that'd be nice.
It will generally work with any mappack and it will work with weapon only mods too (like russian overkill)

Eitherway I'll pretty much now start to move onto trying to polish things up and make these guys more prettier, at current state I wont dare to post this to other places yet

>> No.2252350


I've had people complain about the darts when I removed the mana gain. As for the spikeballs being a little confusing, yeah I can agree with that. The problem however is every other projectile Blaz uses is a physical object. I'd like to keep that consistent, and having an effect fly toward you to grant healing is gonna fuck players over when you're waiting for a heal orb to get to you and a stay arrow drops you.

Boy the cannon is in dire need of a rehaul.

Also yeah I'll make the triple dagger a double dagger, for the sake of consistency

>> No.2252352



>flashing HP bar


>> No.2252356

Map28 is still fun as heck, though.

>> No.2252357
Quoted by: >>2252359

the fuck
is that the shadow temple

>> No.2252359
Quoted by: >>2252373

Looks like BTSX E2 to me.

>> No.2252372
File: 93 KB, 600x2300, back of the knee maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2252373

looks kinda like the beginning of it

>> No.2252383

Does it need the latest GZDoom? I'm getting errors on launch.

>> No.2252393

>tfw have two prboom+ installations
>one setup for vanilla/limit removing
>one setup for boom/mbf

I do this mainly because prboom lacks automatic compatibility flags. And I don't use -complevel for casual play either, since -complevels 2-4 force you to have certain cosmetic things to be how they were in vanilla .exe (like sky not being affected by invulnerability). So I just have doom compatibility settings used.

>> No.2252441

People complained about the darts because they were still ass after the nerf. Make them worthwhile in something that isnt mana/lazyness gain please, doesnt matter what or how. It looks cool but is incredibly boring to use.

>having an effect fly toward you to grant healing is gonna fuck players over when you're waiting for a heal orb to get to you and a stay arrow drops you.
I imagined a nearly instantaneous one-pixel-wide bolt on top of a sound effect, but if you can do the flashing hp its obviously a better indicative.

>> No.2252465

Let's say you had all the time and skills in the world.

What would you change about your favorite gameplay mod?
What would you change about your favorite mapset?
Which would you combine to turn into a standalone game?

>> No.2252471

I think the darts can keep the mana gain effect but it should be really minimized somehow.
Even if it's a every 3rd/4th shot gives a little mana it would make it so that it doesn't turn an Imp into a battery for free.
Right now it needs something to make it stick out besides the meter gain because it's really really not good for anything but that.
I am also a little worried it might not have a use at all if the mana gain was completely removed.

For the red shots, you could make a little HP up arrow symbol flash near the red bar or something when you turn on the power cannon on the HUD, that would let you keep the spike ball mode and tell people who had no idea it had a life leech.

>> No.2252474

>What would you change about your favorite gameplay mod?
Project MSX


>What would you change about your favorite mapset?

>Which would you combine to turn into a standalone game?
I wouldn't do that.

>> No.2252481
Quoted by: >>2252790 >>2252962

I've brought it up in the threads before, but I'd make a DoomRPG/DRLA/DRLM with brutalesque hitboxes and pseudophysics and "weapon feel", with an OBLIGE-like level generator and a persistent character system and turn it into a standalone game.

It would be like a low-tech Borderlands that doesn't suck!

>> No.2252486

the magazine system seems needlessly complicated. in wildweasel mods, you just discard a half used magazine and that's it. now the bullets magically refill to other ones and honestly it's a bit much

whats the "lone survivor" difficulty exactly?

>> No.2252509
Quoted by: >>2252558 >>2252693

>now the bullets magically refill to other ones

They don't. At least not during a level.

What happens is if you have a mag with less than the amount of bullets in your gun, or you don't have the full amount of mags you can carry, when you reload you save the mag currently in the gun for later use.

The only time mags refill is between levels, when the number of bullets you have is consolidated between all mags and all guns reload themselves.

>whats the "lone survivor" difficulty exactly?

A WIP spoopy/hideous destructor light difficulty setting. It's maybe 10% done right now, if that.

>> No.2252521

I think I broke DRLA...

Nuclear plasma rifle, maxed orange aura, 200 agility, firestorm mod... Seems to crash the game pretty damn quick

>> No.2252525

The good thing about Guncaster is that you can simply ignore mana upgrades to fix 95% of the balance problems.
It goes straight from "So OP that you can timefreeze and kill both of D'sparil forms before he can even move" to one of my favorite mods.

>> No.2252551
Quoted by: >>2252568 >>2252627

In GMOTA do the Imp Knight's maces turn into rippers at random?

I got instakilled by one at max HP/Armor.

>> No.2252558

>What happens is if you have a mag with less than the amount of bullets in your gun, or you don't have the full amount of mags you can carry, when you reload you save the mag currently in the gun for later use.

I've read this five times and I still don't understand what they do.

>> No.2252564

I am assuming you keep the half-filled magazine to use if you run out of full ones.

>> No.2252565

Anon has three mags.

Two mags are full, one is is not.

You reload, switch to full mag.
You shoot all bullet, switch to full mag.
You shoot all bullet, switch to partial full mag.

>> No.2252568
Quoted by: >>2252580

I've seen this too, but was "only" at 100/100. Someone mentioned something similar earlier too.
This never happened in earlier versions, the fuck happened?

>> No.2252570
Quoted by: >>2252663 >>2252693

These guys
are correct. You do not throw away a mag when you reload unless the mag is empty or you are carrying the maximum number of mags you can and the number of bullets in the mag currently in the gun is less than the mag with the least number of bullets you have outside of the gun.

>> No.2252573

yeah but how the hell are you supposed to know what mags you have are half-full? like i said it needs to be simplified quite a bit. that's ridiculously complicated

>> No.2252580

I think at the very end of the Mace's range there is a period where it rips and since rippers do so much damage at once this might lead to instakills.

>> No.2252589
Quoted by: >>2252610

Showing off my noobness here, but is there any way to play the Xbox Live exclusive levels on PC? I rather enjoyed them and wouldn't mind trying them on PC.

>> No.2252590
Quoted by: >>2252663 >>2252693

>yeah but how the hell are you supposed to know what mags you have are half-full?
When it reloads it puts the amount of bullets from the fullest magazine you have into the gun.
When you try to pick up a magazine it picks it up if it has more bullets in it than any of your less-than-full-magazines.
All this is done automatically without player input.
If it didn't keep track of the number of bullets in the gun you would simply not have a magazine to reload with, and would just be out of ammo altogether.
>like i said it needs to be simplified quite a bit. that's ridiculously complicated
I'm currently putting in a CVar so you can have it be exactly like AtM if that's what you want.

>> No.2252610
Quoted by: >>2252672



>> No.2252626

It's not my most favorite gameplay mod but I would play more Shotgun Frenzy if I could run around with my dumb vampire skin, but that one map still doesn't release monsters properly so I'm pretty sure it won't be updated past a few weapon patches.

>> No.2252627
Quoted by: >>2252668


That's... Really fucking weird, they don't rip at all. Ever. I'll need to look into THAT too, and a new feature for the darts... I'll lessen the mana gain on them for sure

>> No.2252660
Quoted by: >>2252731

I feel like the map order in the early levels should be redone a little bit. Like maybe switch Map02 and Map06.

Mainly since Useless Inventions actually makes sense after Shadow Port, IMO. And Underwater Explosions feels too concepty to be map02, IMO.

>> No.2252663


The fact that it needs to be clarified this much and people are still having trouble with it means that it's probably not an ideal system.

>> No.2252668
Quoted by: >>2252713

You are making the boomerang sword have better tracking with the next update right?
Sometimes it circles around enemies endlessly instead of cutting through them or switching targets. Not sure how to fix that.

I only realized it was a thing just a few minutes ago and I basically opt to punch everything instead of sword combos

>> No.2252672

Thanks bro

>> No.2252674
Quoted by: >>2252693 >>2252771

...no, it means these people don't know how to track more than one inventory.

Let me put it this way:
You have three magazines. Each one holds thirty bullets at the most.
Right now, it looks like this:
>Mag 1: 30 bullets
>Mag 2: 27 bullets
>Mag 3: 10 bullets
>Your gun: 20 bullets
When you reload, the game fills the gun with Mag 1, because that magazine has the most bullets in it. It then takes all the bullets that were in your gun, and puts them in a new magazine, Mag 4. Now, the inventory looks like this:
>Mag 2: 27 bullets
>Mag 4: 20 bullets
>Mag 3: 10 bullets
>Your gun: 30 bullets

The only simplification I made here was that some guns will keep one bullet when you reload, to simulate the way real guns work. And also because TACTICAL RELOADING.

>> No.2252693
Quoted by: >>2252714

>The fact that it needs to be clarified this much and people are still having trouble with it means that it's probably not an ideal system.
It does exactly what you would expect a person with a carry limit for mags (full or not) to do.
If a mag you walk over has more bullets in it OR you don't have the full carry amount of mags, you pick it up.
If a mag you have in your gun still has bullets and has more bullets in it than the mag with the least amount of bullets you're carrying outside of your gun OR you aren't carrying the full amount of mags, you save it rather than throw it away, and if you were full you instead throw the mag that has less bullets in it away.
Any mag that has been thrown and still has bullets in it can be picked up again later on.

Like this guy >>2252674 explained.

Anyway if you still don't like it then see below.


Added another cvar in the latest commit: tsp_forcethrowmags

If you want mag reloading exactly like AtM then either

Go into the menu
main menu->config->the space pirate modifiers
set the following

"Magazine Reloading (Pistol & AB-50)"
"Magazine Pickups Always Full"
"Always Throw Magazines On Reload"

to "On"

or go into the console and type:

tsp_usemags 1
tsp_fullmags 1
tsp_forcethrowmags 1

>> No.2252702
Quoted by: >>2252729 >>2252734

Actually part of the reason why i want to remodel them,

>> No.2252713
Quoted by: >>2252735


I'm gonna leave the orbiting sword for now. It's kinda cool and of you clobber the monster that's being orbited, it'll resume flying around and going apeshit, punching is fun as fuck yeah, though sometimes I think it's a little too good.

>> No.2252714

>If you want mag reloading exactly like AtM then either
>Go into the menu
>main menu->config->the space pirate modifiers
>set the following
>"Magazine Reloading (Pistol & AB-50)"
>"Magazine Pickups Always Full"
>"Always Throw Magazines On Reload"
>to "On"
>or go into the console and type:
>tsp_usemags 1
>tsp_fullmags 1
>tsp_forcethrowmags 1
I'm not >>2252663 but this still seems like a lot of work to do every time you start up Doom.

>> No.2252720
Quoted by: >>2252770

...what? GZDoom saves your options.

>> No.2252729

>Fuck forgot the rest..
Anyhow, I kinda want the most accurate stuff i can find as reference material because having something you can then look at and figure what they fucked up is good.

because it means i don't make the same mistakes.

>> No.2252731

Actually, nevermind. Map05 exits through the same door that Map06 starts behind you.

>> No.2252734


good luck with it, then.

>> No.2252735
Quoted by: >>2252778

I am not sure how punching can be too good.

Both it and the sword can kill a Mancubus in a single combo so they are about equal.

I feel that the biggest difference between the two is how the final combo hit works.

Sword shoots a piercing wave(Two if you count the stab)
Fist uppercut is a bigass hit.

Their damage seems about the same.

I am not really a fan of the orbiting sword because sometimes it just tracks circles something out of my range but honestly the real selling point is that there's a second thing attacking while I'm attacking.

I have also grown to really like the turrets for the power cannon.

>> No.2252770
Quoted by: >>2252817 >>2253015

it still seems like confusing work for people to do, imo, and the better option would just be to use WW style mags everyone is familiar with or at least have it default to use WW mags if you're dead set on using this system with 4379547 million options

>> No.2252771
Quoted by: >>2252827

>The only simplification I made here was that some guns will keep one bullet when you reload, to simulate the way real guns work. And also because TACTICAL RELOADING
Would it make sense for the guns in TSP to do this? I don't know enough about different guns to know which chamber a round vs which just eat boolit out of magazine, but I can add tsp_tacticalreload easy enough.

Your cvar settings are saved in your .ini so you don't need to do that again unless you reinstall G/ZDoom or you change them yourself.

>> No.2252778
Quoted by: >>2252795


Turret spheres 2 stronk. I love them.

I've been thinking about what I can do for the powered arm cannon, the two things the come to mind are:

A) make the primary fire even faster, introduce some weapon spray to it so you just overwhelm monsters in your balls. Make life drain a chance based rather than with every shot.

B) make it shoot slower, harder hitting projectiles.

And maybe the altfire should be different too. Hm

>> No.2252790
Quoted by: >>2252807 >>2252840

I don't know how this never gets any enthusiastic response, like, does that not sound like a pretty fuckin' fun formula for a game?

Procedurally generated FPS-diablo?

>> No.2252795
Quoted by: >>2253183

I think it should have slower harder hitting projectiles. There's a lot of overlap with the darts right now.

The alt fire absolutely needs to be changed though, I can't think of any time where I'd rather use that over something else.
Like swarm them with balls seems alright. Definitely has a place now that I know it heals.
And making my balls shoot at them? It's really useful and since it's an extra target it has become much easier to melee as a result.

But hitting them with big balls? It's so weak and doesn't really work well even if my big balls slam through an enemy twice.

Like maybe the big balls could shoot out pulses of darts or something. It just needs something going for it.

>> No.2252807
Quoted by: >>2252814

To be honest procedural generation for levels leaves a lot of things feeling rather generic.

Doom shines more when the level design gets attention. Whether it's well done traps or just good enemy placement, it will always feel better than random.

That would be my only real nitpick about the whole thing.
I can't even enjoy Oblige for more than a few minutes, Doom's enemy design just doesn't compliment random level generation and it feels like groups are just pasted everywhere.

That's just my view on things though.
Also it is quite a lot of work to make such a thing be satisfying.
I think Diablo got away with it purely for the multiplayer and constant little rewards with items.

>> No.2252814
Quoted by: >>2252840

Well, it doesn't have to be pure procedural, setpieces can be made, and should be for the reasons you mentioned. And I'd have all/most of doom's archetypes, but also others that are more/less threatening, aggression and AI changes (ala brutal/DRPG's shit, like Cacos that shunt over away from slow projectiles like rockets, add flanking AI to zombies around a commander/commando/archvile, etc).

But yeah, for, say a retail game, I'd say 20-50 normal levels with maybe procedural components, and then a fully proc'd endless dungeon kinda thing.

>> No.2252817
Quoted by: >>2252825

>at least have it default to use WW mags
It doesn't use magazines by default, instead using Doom style reloading. Going from default to WildWeasel style mags is just turning on "Magazine Reloading (Pistol & AB-50)" and "Magazine Pickups Always Full."

>> No.2252820

Crying in vanguard. Played up to where you get dropped off in hell - a few maps after super structure? Then I get hit by a bug, crashes the game! Curses. Oh well.... onto jenesis. Playing boom maps, on d touch using my ouya so I can play on muh tv.

>> No.2252825
File: 176 KB, 228x253, 1366235740412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2252842

>by default, instead using Doom style reloading

It's like the more you explain this, the less interested I am.

>> No.2252827
Quoted by: >>2252850 >>2256542

Basically, revolvers are the only guns I know of that don't have a chamber and are still in use.

The terms you want to be familiar with, for the purpose of knowing if your gun can into tactical reloads, are these:
This is the "bolt" in "bolt-action rifle"--but semi-automatic (one shot per click) and fully automatic (hold down for PEWPEWPEW) rifles will also have this. The main difference between a bolt and a slide is that the bolt is usually contained within the gun, with the exception of a lever or handle used to manually move the bolt (for instance, when reloading). For your purposes, all you need to know is that when the bolt moves back, it pulls whatever's in the chamber out of the chamber, and when the bolt moves forward, it pushes a bullet out of the magazine and into the chamber.

This is pretty much only used in pistols. You know how the top bit of a pistol moves back when you pull the trigger? That's what this is. It's pretty much the same as a bolt, except that it's much larger, is on the outside of the weapon instead of hidden behind other bits, and usually doesn't need a lever or handle to pull back on (because you can just grab the damn thing).

>Have the character pull back the slide/bolt when you reload after emptying the gun. Some people just make the character pull the slide/bolt back after every reload, but doing this IRL would fling away a bullet that was left in the chamber. Fun fact: To fully *unload* a gun, you're supposed to pull the bolt/slide back after removing the magazine, so that anything inside the chamber is removed.
>As is implied in the above tip, you want to skip the bit where the character pulls the slide/bolt back if there's still ammo in the gun.
>The gun will hold a maximum of (mag size) + 1, because there's room in the chamber for one bullet. This is why you sometimes see people describe a gun's capacity as being "x + 1".

>> No.2252832
File: 422 KB, 1360x768, Screenshot_Doom_20150223_214452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-guys. T-that's a lot of Barons.
send help

>> No.2252834

That feeling when the 13yo kid who made this: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?file=levels/doom2/megawads/dot.zip

Made more recent stuff like this http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?file=levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/cafebrk1.zip and has contributed maps to BTSX and Adventures of Square.

>> No.2252835
Quoted by: >>2252845

You've got help. Look, they're already infighting.

>> No.2252840
Quoted by: >>2252847


Not really, it sounds extremely boring. I usually hate random elements, with few exceptions.

Procedurally-generated levels are always terrible compared to things that take effort to put in regular setpieces, a consistent flow and theme, a unique setting, tricks and traps, and more, something even the most complicated generator that's been worked on for years upon years still has trouble with.

>procedural components

A good while back, I wasted my teenage years on an MMO called City of Heroes. It wasn't a bad game, but I still regret it completely.
One of the things about its levels is that 90% of them were procedurally generated with specific setpieces--all of the levels had a specific set of pieces that were hooked together in mostly-random ways.
And then there were the few missions that had the same tiles and bricks, but were manually hooked together and had unique placement, unique enemies and encounters, unique traps, and more.

The procedural missions were boring as hell. After so long, the complete lack of heart in everything took their toll on you. There was no rhyme or reason, and even the most interesting setpieces got boring as hell.
The unique missions with their own little bits and pieces were infinitely more fun, precisely because of the unique touches in every single one of them.

>> No.2252842

I don't understand how this impacts the gameplay for you at all.

If you want regular old Doom reloading, do nothing. Play it as is.

If you want WildWeasel style magazines, turn on "Magazine Reloading (Pistol & AB-50)" and "Magazine Pickups Always Full."

If you want the default style of TSP magazine reloading, where it tracks the number of bullets in each magazine like a milsim, turn on "Magazine Reloading (Pistol & AB-50)."

Once you have one of these done, the other existing CVars will have no effect on your game. You can forget you ever changed the settings.

>> No.2252845

Too bad Barons don't fight Hell Knights.

>> No.2252847

OBLIGE itself isn't a great example, the only "trap" it knows how to do is random monster closets.

And AI tweaks go a LONG way, complex AI wasn't a thing when Doom was made.

You aren't wrong in that specifically, skillfully designed levels are way more interesting than those that aren't, but with a new release, you can't rely on user-generated content, and you can't feasibly make free DLC forever, so I'm putting it in as a form of game life extension, not a basis for the game to run on, although I could see from my OP how you could get that image.

Still, I think you could make procgen levels more interesting than what we're used to. A lot more interesting.

I get the distinct feeling he just wants to complain.

>> No.2252849

You have a BFG and a Rocket launcher.
And mouse look.

You're fine.

>> No.2252850
Quoted by: >>2252863

Thanks, I'll take that into account. It sounds like both the pistol and the AB-50 would have it, so you should see a CVar for it sometime in the near future.

>> No.2252851
Quoted by: >>2252861


You seem to have me confused for someone else, anon, I haven't participated in the cvar discussion at all even though I think this weird magazine reload thing is dumb as hell.

I'm just giving you shit for
>If you want regular old Doom reloading,
>regular old Doom

>> No.2252852
Quoted by: >>2252909 >>2253015

Because it's a lot of unnecessary complication for what should be standard. Just set it to WW mags and then everyone will be happy.

>> No.2252861

>If you want regular old Doom reloading,
>regular old Doom
Ah, gotcha. Well by "regular old Doom reloading" I mean that it does what the typical Doom mod and FPS does, and it takes bullets from a magic pool and puts them into your gun while having a mag thrown away as an aesthetic effect rather than an actual mechanic.
>I think this weird magazine reload thing is dumb as hell.
It just behaves like an actual magazine would. It saves ammo for the player as a result. It requires no extra effort or tracking on the part of the player.

>> No.2252863

The shotgun should have the animation tweaks, too--there's a bolt involved in pump-action shotguns, it's just moved by the pumpy bit instead of via a handle near the "ejection port" (the bit that the spent shells come out of).
I'm really impressed that you're trying to take this stuff into account, and trying to learn more about it. Most people who aren't familiar with the way IRL guns work simply assume they already know it all from video games, even if they have it wrong.

My advice? Go lurk /k/. Maybe start a thread saying that you want a crash course on how guns work. They know their shit, even if they're always drunk on vodka and clamoring about Russian surplus rifles.

>> No.2252875

Hey GMOTA guy do you think you can add like a bit more time allowed between each hit of a combo?

Not like a lot of extra time between hits but a lot of the time my sequence is broken because I needed to dodge something.

If not it's cool.

>> No.2252892
File: 438 KB, 960x718, Are you finished with those Barons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2252909

exactly this. i never thought of tsp as being ridiculously tactical hideous destructor thing. from what i understand the new mode is supposed to be survival horror and i get that because of the RE roots, but maybe just make this super realistic magazine behavior off by default

>> No.2252915
Quoted by: >>2252924

Magazines are already off by default.

>> No.2252924
Quoted by: >>2252973 >>2253015

i meant the used magazine behavior. i like mag reloads.

>> No.2252959

>all this confusion and whining about an optional and simple(to use) reload system

>> No.2252962

I was working on something like this before but never got it done. I wonder if I still have it somewhere.

>> No.2252965
Quoted by: >>2253015


because muh realistic mechanics for the most unrealistic game known in earth

>> No.2252973 [DELETED] 

But if you have to set it to use mag reloads anyway, why does it matter that you have to set one more setting, which is located directly below the mag setting?

>> No.2252996
Quoted by: >>2253015

>and simple(to use)
Yeah, sure.

>> No.2253004
Quoted by: >>2253007

I find it incredibly hard to believe that its not just one troll.
It takes longer to write one post than to change a couple options on the menu, eliminating the problem permanently.

>> No.2253007

I understand the shock though, it's kind of new and different from other mods that are connected with Teaspoon. But scroton is working on changes and once the official OFFICIAL release is out, I'll do another video tutorial explaining all this stuff.

We appreciate the feedback though!

>> No.2253015
Quoted by: >>2253023

Fine. I've changed the default CVar settings:
Now, when you go into the options to change the reloading from typical doom mod or other fps reloading to mag reloading, you are saved the monumental effort of changing two other settings.

>> No.2253023
Quoted by: >>2253026

you've still got a bunch of extra options in the menu that are just going to confuse people and don't really need to be there

>> No.2253026
Quoted by: >>2253031 >>2253115

They'll be explained in due time! It looks like a lot but these are super brand new features.

Also some of them (Action! Mode in particular) don't quite work yet. It's a WIP after all!

>> No.2253031
Quoted by: >>2253040 >>2253043

I just think adding a lot of extra complexity in the form of cvars is a bad practice and doesn't lead to good gameplay.

pick a default (the one people are familiar with) and trash the rest.

>> No.2253040

>pick a default (the one people are familiar with) and trash the rest.
i'm not on board with this magazine system, but you know what leads to worse gameplay?

not having options for people to play differently.

>> No.2253043
File: 59 KB, 198x200, MelChHD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2253057

Well they're optional for a reason, you can start a new game and never mess with any of these options and be fine. It's what I do when I'm not testing features. Using CVARs allows us to please a wider crowd of people and also allows us to do some fun stuff. I know it can be a bit confusing, and just seeing all these options without explanation is kind of overwhelming, but the options are here to stay! Ignore them if you'd like, there's no obligation to use any of them and that was our intention when implementing them!

>> No.2253051
File: 53 KB, 353x353, bootleg ms. crosswell checking that sweet sir blaz&#039;s dong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2253057
Quoted by: >>2253061

Will the sword have combos?

Right now it has only two slashes but they don't combo and I can't really see a difference between the two.
It also seems to be missing hand sprites.

>> No.2253061
File: 834 KB, 540x810, Nikana-Teaser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2253064

Yep! It's super WIP, which is why it doesn't have anything other than a strong slash, a light slash, and the helmbreaker. All of it is ridiculously WIP (which is why it doesn't spawn quite yet!)

The missing hand sprites are due to me trying to figure out the best way to do the least amount of work, since about four characters are gonna be wielding this thing. But I haven't worked on the weapon in about a month or so, maybe I should focus on that pretty soon. I have no guarantee it'll be ready for the upcoming(ish) release, though I really want it to be!

>> No.2253062

Hey weird question but does anybody still run DOOM1 multiplayer still?

>> No.2253064
Quoted by: >>2253070

I figured everyone was going to have the black gloves.

You could cut corners with that by making some characters have fingerless gloves or maybe black "sleeves" for their arms.

>> No.2253070
Quoted by: >>2253078 >>2253085

Part of the reason why I feel like TSP is going to be unique is because every character will actually have different hand sprites and such. Which mostly means more work for me, but that's something I'm figuring out right now. I'm in the process of doing the next character's hands so we'll see how that goes!

>> No.2253076

it has has the different shell types with individual reloads since forever though

>> No.2253078
Quoted by: >>2253085 >>2253098

Simple solution.
>Mel gets fingerless gloves
>Weskerfanboy gets covered gloves
>Third person gets metal plating on gloves
>Fourth person is I don't know who but they probably get different gloves entirely

Or something.
I think Mel should have fingerless gloves

>> No.2253085
Quoted by: >>2253095 >>2253098


The obvious solution is that wielding the Nikana gets you white sleeves and wraps on your hands.

Hee hee.

>> No.2253095
Quoted by: >>2253098

Plans for the Nikana have been in the design doc before Demonsteele was a thing, but TSP is just super slow to update. There's even a Demonsteele fortune cookie making fun of it.

>> No.2253098
File: 232 KB, 500x500, TSP-Icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2253104 >>2253127

Here's how it shall go down!
>Mel gets black gloves, pale arms
>Vexler gets black gloves, tan arms
>3rd gets black gloves with orange accents, black sleeves
>4th will probably get black fingerless gloves with black dude arms.

I always tease Term about my crossover ideas but he never wants to do it. Probably because he knows Mel's Nikana would destroy Hae-Lin's Kharon any day of the week.

Fight me

>> No.2253104
Quoted by: >>2253116

Who is 3rd?
I like black and orange.

>> No.2253110
Quoted by: >>2253118

what is it? thought it was Gotcha from D2INO but it's not.

>> No.2253115

Add as many options as you want/can.
I love extra options!

>> No.2253116
File: 441 KB, 800x450, 2WLkDGL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2253121

She's going to be a stealth/assassin character. She'll start with kunai and a bow and arrow! You can check out more info on her in the plan doc posted above, in the characters section.

Not to hype her up since she's a bit aways, but she's probably my favorite character conceptually.

Also, Pillowblaster and Doomnukem heard about the people who hated the current shotgun's look, so Doomnukem offered to make me a new Zeke! And it looks amazing.

>> No.2253118
Quoted by: >>2253128

Looks very familiar to the Going Down map with the spaceship.

>> No.2253121
Quoted by: >>2253125

That shotgun is pretty unf.

My only issue with the current shotgun is that I am so used to seeing it as an assault rifle.
Feels great to use but I just see it as a rifle.

Will stealth lady have melee combos too?

>> No.2253125
Quoted by: >>2253137

Yeah, I actually get that assault rifle thing. Hopefully this makeover will change that!

Everybody will have combos! :D

>> No.2253127
File: 1.81 MB, 400x215, 1401668229934.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2253146

>Probably because he knows Mel's Nikana would destroy Hae-Lin's Kharon any day of the week

Keep dreaming, nerd.

>> No.2253128

oh okay, well i got the author right at least. i've never really felt like playing it, but Going Down is apparently becoming one of those things you are expected to know

>> No.2253137
Quoted by: >>2253146

I saw like an autoshotgun.
Will that be for everyone and completed in the next version?

>> No.2253146
File: 331 KB, 400x462, W0LJISu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2253148 >>2253167


Yup, it's an everyone weapon. I'm still figure out a way for it to spawn, but the plan is to have it be one of the rewards for the hypothetical bounties system. If it's done by the time of the next release though and we haven't made any progress on the bounties (which I can see happening), it'll just be part of the super shotgun spawn.

>> No.2253148
Quoted by: >>2253158

> I'm still figure out a way for it to spawn
Random chance on SSG spawn regardless of bounties system maybe?

What's a bounties system?

>> No.2253158

The most likely outcome!

Basically, the idea is that you start with an inventory item, when activated, gives you a random bounty. This bounty can be anything from "Kill 20 Chaingunners" to "Defeat a Baron with your fists only". These come with rewards, so the Assault Shotgun was going to be one of those rewards. I don't want to cram too much for this upcoming(ish) update, so that whole system will probably be saved for the next update in 2024.

>> No.2253167

he would if you actually showed up to a match :^)

>> No.2253168
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, oh-so-thats-what-those-are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2253169



>> No.2253180
File: 84 KB, 600x371, I AM TEARING YOU APART LISA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2253183
File: 113 KB, 200x200, DICK KICKEM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2253189


That's a lot of balls talk.

Anyways yes, the secondary fire is definitely VERY dated at this point, as it was originally conceived as a means of scattering enemies, something that's not needed as much anymore seeing as so many other things have that job.

So how about a new primary fire involving the spiral effect like from that cool rocket launcher thing from lelweps, the weapon that shoots two spiraling energy balls? On direct hits you'd get the drain effect, if you hit a wall the two spikeballs would split and ricochet away.

I need to think of a new secondary fire too, something POWERFUL and HEAVY.

>> No.2253189
Quoted by: >>2253235

The balls talk was intentional.

I don't know lelweps off hand.
The effect you describe sounds nice though.

>> No.2253216

After playing silly zandronum coop mods[RGA2ref, Hard Doom, Complex Doom and DnD(short for Death and Decay)] i come to this conclusion
Mods should have different sets of enemies like how DoomRLA does but in a simplier way that could be playable in zandro[because DoomRLA monsterset has 2manyfeatures4zandronum], in DoomRLA, there are 4 kinds of enemies: Normal enemies, Nightmare enemies, Technologic enemies and the Armageddon set.
After [again] playing the mentioned mods i come into this conclusion, more coop oriented mods need these things combined
RGA's Resurrectable enemies[they randomly revive into different version, and there's the rare case where they keep evoling until they reach the god mode, where they are flaming versions of the monster. As far as i've seen, only cacos and revenants have this morph] combined with DnD's monsters that drop temporary weapons, Hard Doom's variety, Complex doom inventory gimmick and different kinds of enemies like DoomRLA
Buffed Vanilla enemies: Think in Project MSX monsters BUT without the turbo vanquish speed and without the custom sprites except for the Spider Mastermind
Military only set:Soldiers everywhere with different features, major demon replacers use Mechs or tanks
Demons only set, Soldier enemies replaced by other kinds of demons[one of them, imps using demonized weapons]
Nightmare set of both Military and Demons:Dark mother fuckers that are hardcore as fuark, Nightmare soldiers are demonized versions of them[think in a mix of an imp and a shotgunner, that's practically a nightmare soldier] the Nightmare demons are stronger demons.
Techno set of both military, demons and nightmare: Augments everywhere, like fucking everywhere.
Jurassic set: which is dinosaur versions of all of above sets, Turok styled[For example: you will see Velociraptors with either A:Mounted soldiers. B:Super black velociraptors or C:Velociraptors with cybernetic parts]
All of the sets have their special monsters with temporary weapon drops.

>> No.2253235
File: 2.55 MB, 640x320, lelweps is silly.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2254470


>I don't know lelweps off hand


>> No.2253264
Quoted by: >>2253290 >>2253349

And as for the weapons, There should be more a lot more stuff with more variety like this
Slot 1:Melee[Punchs and Kicks(Berzerk makes you use different attacks). Chainsaw(upgradeable sawblade) and Knifes(throwable)] and Gadgets[Landmines, Turrets, Drones(can be controlled manually). and Land traps(stun or poison enemies)]
Slot 2:Pistols(you can go akimbo mode, upgrade their firepower, increase mag. size and/or add a special type of ammo), Assault Rifles(you can add gadgets like a greanade launcher with different types of greanades, a bayonet or a scope, and change its fire modes), Crossbow or Tek Bow different types of arrows and gadgets) and SMG's(either Uzis or MP5)
Slot 3:Shotgun, Double Barrel Shotgun, Autoshotgun, and a Benelli M4[semi-automatic] with different types of shells
Slot 4:Chaingun that has different firemodes but no different types of ammo or gadgets, LMG(No gadgets but different ammo types), Minigun(more types of ammo) and Nailgun(different types of ammo)
Slot 5:Rocket Launcher(different types of ammo, upgradeable to hold more ammo or hit harder), Greanade Launcher(different types of ammo, alt fire makes them explode on impact), Mine Launcher (different ammotypes, different fire modes), Homing Missile Launcher and Fire, Napalm, Lava, and Nukage Throwers(Nukage and Lava throwers recharge if you are near a lava/nukage pit but it stops working if overused)
Slot 6:Plasma Rifle(different ammo types except fusion rounds, can be upgraded), Fusion Pistol, Railgun and Shockwave Cannon[has different effects where it impacts]
Slot 7:BFG9000(can be upgraded to BFG10K, Fusion Cannon, Unmaker(can use demonic temp. weapons for ammo can can be upgraded) and Atomic Rocket Launcher(manually guided missile mode)
Slot 8:Temporal weapons, dropped by special monsters from the mentioned sets.

>> No.2253273
Quoted by: >>2253287 >>2253358

In GZDoom, how do I turn off the bullet hole and blood decals?

>> No.2253280
Quoted by: >>2253287 >>2253292

Is there a Doom port with "Room over Room" support?..

>> No.2253287
Quoted by: >>2253335

cl_maxdecals 0

ZDoom, GZDoom and Zandro all support it. Plenty of tutorials exist to make 3d floors in Doom Builder 2.

>> No.2253290
Quoted by: >>2253349

(continuing becase lol digit limits)
Inventory items:
-RGA's Tactical insertion, if you died, it spawns you were you put one, works the same as RGA's Tac. insertion, you can only drop one at a time, alt fire disables it[NOTE:If the tac. insert is at a large distance from where you placed it, it will destroy itself].
-Medical kit that revives dying partners[think in RGA's Last stand] but if someone died and respawned, reviving its corpse will make it spawn there instantly because magick]
-Vile-shrads kit, revives dead enemies and makes them your allies, can be collected from demonic props like flaming skulls or archviles[Note:You cannot revive archviles, cyberdemons and spider masterminds].
-Repairing Kit, this is for enemies that used vehicles[arachnotrons for example], you repair them and mount on them(can be upgraded if you double repair it).
-Ammo satchels, you gain one of these if you over collect X number of ammo[you can only carry 3 though]
Specail inventory items which are dedicated keys to...:
-Stimpacks(can be dropped to share them with partners, including revived demons. There's also a Cvar that makes them look like food), -Greanades(different types)
-Night vision googles(can toggle heat/sound and infrared visions but takes more battery and you reload the battery by picking more of Night vision googles)
Taunt button makes you open a small menu[that will disappear if you don't do anything in 3 seconds. For people who read slow or are new, there's an option to set the timer up to 10 seconds] that works like this when the menu is up: Primary fire makes you say "Fire at will" or "FIRE FIRE FIRE" if there's a large enemy or lots of enemies or "Go go go" if there are enemies far away. Secondary fire makes you say "Split up and fire" or "Go, go, go". Taunt button does the regular taunt[there are different voices varying on your ammo count or life count]

>> No.2253292
Quoted by: >>2253296 >>2253335

heh there was a "room over room doom" source port once. can't think what happened to it now...

>> No.2253296

http://doomwiki.org/wiki/RORDoom - superseded, discontinued.

>> No.2253335


And what wads actually use the feature?..

I asked because I was watching GoldenEye Doom in YouTube and some maps are impossible to do in normal Doom but they were...

>> No.2253345

GoldenEye Doom, Cheogsh series (and most other stuff by Shadowman).

That new Prodoom3r thingy.

>> No.2253349
Quoted by: >>2253357 >>2253390

WTF is this wall of text/thoughts?

>> No.2253357


I dunno, I got a headache trying to read it and skipped it.

>> No.2253358

In latest svn, there should be a slider in display options.

>> No.2253390 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2253404

Sounds like someone's "will some person make my dream wad/mashup for me because I have such great ideas!" dream post of hopefulness. Feel free to ignore it.

>> No.2253396

...was your post warrant of all of that harshness?

>> No.2253404
Quoted by: >>2253415

Well, I too have a lot of mapping ideas, as well as general ideas on how to implement them (like a tower of several floors, each of them rotating independantly, made with quiet teleporters that switch targets).

Actually I have an idea for a plot-based megawad with lots-of-cool-stuff-youve-already-seen-and-some-extra-that-you-probably-didn't.
I know how I want levels to be and what gimmicks they should use....

But i have no mapping experience and no artistic talent which is somewhat required.

If somebody is willing to listen to a coolstory, I'm willing to share. If not -I'll just stfu and get back to work (boring boring work)

>> No.2253415

If you're really serious about it I'd start with doing something that is reasonably unique in that list and trying to implement it, like the thermal vision. There are also a lot of doom mods that implement ideas that are similar to what you have listed, you can research them for ideas since it's not like they're closed-source black boxes. If you can create something from scratch and have it work, you might be motivated to try and adapt one of your ideas and work up from there.

>> No.2253464
File: 2.47 MB, 640x320, my balls are spiraling out of control.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2253517 >>2253519

I might be onto something here. It sure does look cool

>> No.2253471
File: 27 KB, 635x481, LISTEN UP YOU BAKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want lots of monsters, dude?! check out earthbound doom: http://doomwiki.org/wiki/EarthBound_Doom

>> No.2253486

AEons of Wathefuckery
Also Brutal How Do I Make This Shit Not To Conflict

>> No.2253514

I'd say go check out Putrefier by Ed Cripps (and his earlier map without 3d floors, Valhalla). Also, Stronghold makes some use of them. WhoDunIt straight up abuses them. There's plenty more, even some CTF packs, but this is off the top of my head.

>> No.2253517

>cannon hand isn't jammed up into the mana bars


>> No.2253519
File: 1.80 MB, 640x320, Maybe I should get a beefier firing sound.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or maybe I should stick with the basic spikeball, ramp the damage up, and lower the firing rate. There's nothing WRONG with the spikeball as a sprite I don't think.

Also I added weapon spread to the darts and lessened the mana gain, AND I have an idea for what I want the secondary fire to be thanks to Yholl:

a cannonball that changes its properties with each bounce, then when it collides with a monster, its effect is unleashed.

>> No.2253521

Vaporware :P

>> No.2253549
Quoted by: >>2253558

So I just "finished" Hellbound, but it ended on map 30? I thought there were 32 maps.

>> No.2253550
Quoted by: >>2253554

The spiral balls look really cool compared to the beefy balls.

>> No.2253554
Quoted by: >>2253558


They do, but I also need to take into consideration of what's more effective and practical too

>> No.2253558
Quoted by: >>2253559

What makes the spiral balls less practical/effective?

Map31 and 32 are secret levels

>> No.2253559
Quoted by: >>2253563


If you're up against a wall they'll clang against it, effectively gimping your shot. Though I'll playing around with this shit and see if I can come up with something decent.

>> No.2253563
Quoted by: >>2253571

Well the beefy balls are alright too if you want to use them.
I just dig the spiral shot effects.

>> No.2253571


Oh I do too anon. If I can make the spiraling shots practical, then I'm gonna use them and call them bola shots because that's fucking cool.

I'm pretty confident I can make them work. But I really need to stop fucking doing other shit and putting this off, so best case scenario will be:

>fix bugs and shit
>Make powered cannon's primary and secondary good
>get shoulder barge working
>git gud

and then I'll officially release v0.9.8

>> No.2253582
Quoted by: >>2253587

Did you make the darts hurt more?

Or is it just that meter gain option still?

>> No.2253587
Quoted by: >>2253595


I'm not sure what I'm gonna do for that, really. I feel I've made a mistake implementing the darts, but I don't want to remove them, so I might add a different special effect with them.

>> No.2253595
Quoted by: >>2253601

Dumb ideas for darts:
>Remove rapid fire and give it a low firing rate and turn it into a paralyzer with reduced effects on larger enemies
>Dart forks into two extra darts on hit that autotarget other monsters(Keep dinkiness at current level)
>Dart that breaks apart into multidarts like Hexen's Frost Shards(No rapid fire)
>Stronger darts with no meter gain(Rapid fire)
>Turn dart into a 3 shot burst, give it a charge that shoots a piercing shard and basically make it an alternative to the standard buster cannon charge shot with a focus on lines instead of an explosion
>Keep it dinky like right now but make it so enemies can potentially drop items at a higher rate when killed with it

Now I don't know how viable any of these ideas are.
But I think the darts do belong and make enough sense. They just need to stand out as something to use.
Right now I don't see much of a reason to use them except for red meter, and I don't think that should be it's focus.

>> No.2253601
File: 17 KB, 241x230, 1409713450355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Turn dart into a 3 shot burst, give it a charge that shoots a piercing shard and basically make it an alternative to the standard buster cannon charge shot with a focus on lines instead of an explosion

Hey now THAT is interesting. Though for the sake of balance and fairness I'd give this piercing shard drop off after it travels a set distance, and it probably wouldn't do the greatest damage out there but might be cool.

>> No.2253613
Quoted by: >>2253616 >>2253620

No, but for real, how the fuck is your screen not weirdly cluttered? When I pick up an item like a hammer or porta-chest then the item bar appears underneath the life/armor bars. Not like actually underneath it, but behind the bars themselves; this is on top of the arm being slightly obscured by the mana bars.

What hap?

>> No.2253616
File: 23 KB, 599x486, I can&#039;t even reach the fucking keyboard, what am I doing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a retard and my HUD is very. very. poorly coded. I'd like to go back and make it not shit but I don't know where to begin with that fucking nonsense

>> No.2253620

Change your resolution.

>> No.2253663
File: 341 KB, 1280x851, fuckyouyourenotheresiarch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polishing round is on the go, maybe Ill get a version that doesnt look like complete ass done by later today for this colourblast.

>> No.2253973
Quoted by: >>2253974 >>2253978

How do people distinguish between "good" and "bad" hard wads? Making a difficult wad seems almost trivially easy. Just add low ammo, scores of hitscan enemies, and certain enemy combinations (2+ archviles, tons of Revenants/Mancubus in a tight space, multiple archviles with a bunch of other types of enemies) and call it a day.

>> No.2253974

1) Variety of challenges
2) Good pacing
3) Hard but fair
It sounds easy but it's not.

>> No.2253978


If you die, it should be your own fault.
The problem with your example is that it'd almost certainly kill the player with very little chance to fight back, which would be the Bad kind of hard.

>> No.2253984


A four-map Boom set themed around technology and shit.
Seems neat, gonna try it out.

>> No.2254063
Quoted by: >>2254084

Anyone here use models?

>> No.2254084
File: 36 KB, 640x400, 1416057327764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2254105 >>2254179

If I knew where these models came from I'd try it out.

All other models for gzdoom etc I've seen are shit.

>> No.2254105

How come GZDoom models seem to be always shit? Is there some sort of very tiny polygon limit or is it the modders who want to make it as less taxing as possible due to the fact that there's many people who play Doom and have crappy computers?

>> No.2254115

The quality of the models is not just in the number of polygons, a lot of it has to do with the animation too, which isn't exactly easy to do, so most people stick with sprites. Try making animated models and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.2254119


Because the only kind of people with the ability to make models that aren't shit are probably the same people who would be better off making money instead of dedicating years trying to recreate a bestiary in any half-decent manner in an engine that only barely supports models.

>> No.2254127
Quoted by: >>2254173 >>2256010

>GZDoom models
There's not really "GZDoom models"; the model formats that GZDoom supports (md2, md3, dmd) are all originally from other games (quake2, quake3, doomsday source port, respectively.)

>> No.2254170

allow me to add some of my own observations

- map01 has blue armour and medikits at the start, but they're on top of a rock and unavailable until lowered by a switch in a secret in the exit room. i.e unavailable until you've cleaned out the entire level. the impression that continuous play is intended is clearly given.

- map02 - three hundred small monsters in a maze of 64-wide corridors, all with identical texturing! - turned out to have a small section in the north east that is inaccessible from the rest of the level, preventing 100% kills (that said, why anyone would bother with 100% kills is beyond me). the only way in is if you are a co-op or dm player starting on the north east teleporter pad, and jump into the inaccessible section. but then you can't get out. lack of testing perhaps.

- map03 has the fun of a pain elemental in the first room before you have any weapons, adding to the impression i gleaned from the end of map01 that the wad was meant to be played continuously. there was too much forced running through damage sectors for my taste.

- the plot in the text file was quite amusing.

>> No.2254173
Quoted by: >>2254202

Md2, md3 and dmd are all shit formats. Well, not shit, but they did not age too well. Had GZDoom supported md5, that'd be much better incentive to make models.

>> No.2254179

if you're talking about the picture you posted, i don't think those monsters in it are models


>> No.2254202

What are you going to use skeletal animation for in a Doom port? There's no need for physics/IK/etc.

>> No.2254291
Quoted by: >>2254297

>dat magazine pool system

Eat your heart out, Hideous Destructor

>> No.2254297 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2254459


no you didn't. you don't insult HD without being beheaded by the HDDF

it was nice meeting you anon.

>> No.2254380
Quoted by: >>2254404 >>2254452

Is there any reason to run normally in Doom? Everybody seems to use straferunning. Some maps are easy simply because the creator didn't take it into account.

>> No.2254404

>Is there any reason to run normally in Doom?

Not really. You go faster straferunning and it's been used by players since very very early on.

>> No.2254452
File: 112 KB, 640x480, 1424818329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a contrived example: on map15, you will overshoot the jump off the castle wall to the switch in the lava, if you straferun. (this is apparently the intended route - the torches shown on the right of this picture are a hint.)

>> No.2254459

Why did you delete your post anon?

>> No.2254470
Quoted by: >>2254480

that seems fun but the only download link i found was dead ;_;

>> No.2254480
Quoted by: >>2254493

try on here
put lelweps into the search box

>> No.2254483
Quoted by: >>2254494

Ive been trying to run AliensTC and a couple of other WADs through the Ultimate DOOM running through Chocolate, and (fuck me for being a faggot) but I can't find the command line. Ive went through Chocolate DOOM setup and went to Warp and the add WADs but I'll enter the argument and it just sends me straight into regular DOOM. Any help?

>> No.2254493

Thanks a bunch bb ;)

>> No.2254494
Quoted by: >>2254497 >>2254504

>I can't find the command line
here's the command line

>> No.2254497

I entered that into the Add WADs part.

>> No.2254504
Quoted by: >>2254525 >>2254571

And Ive got all the files. But it just goes into normal DOOM when I try to run it.

>> No.2254525
Quoted by: >>2254569

Are you running the command from the directory containing the WAD files?

>> No.2254539

Scythe 1 vs Scythe 2, which is better and why?

>> No.2254542

Scythe 2.
Better difficulty progression and music and detailling.

>> No.2254560
Quoted by: >>2254592 >>2254641

Scythe 1 for me. Scythe 2 seemed to sacrifice the punchier, more concise and gameplay-centric maps of the first for prettier environments and higher levels of detail.
Controversial opinion in the spoilers.
I don't care much for detailing in my Doom maps and feels that the community is growing more and more focused on making more and more highly detailed maps rather than focusing on how to better the gameplay of their maps

>> No.2254564

Scythe 2 offers more variety in thematic settings, and is a longer journey.

Scythe 1 is still fun to speedrun, though.

>> No.2254569
Quoted by: >>2254595

no... Is that what I'm supposed to do? Ive looked for videos and the Wiki isn't very detailed and I'm not exactly a hardened vet when it comes to computers.

>> No.2254570
Quoted by: >>2254601 >>2254613


Scythe 2. Scythe 1 had a whole ton of boring, bland-y speedmaps, while Scythe 2 had a very straightforward flow in all of the maps and yet still gave the player tons of room to explore.

Fuck the map21-map25 branch, though. Even by his own admission it's pretty lackluster.

>> No.2254571

1. Throw all files (alitcsnd.wad, alitcsf.wad, atclev.wad/alitcwad.wad*, atcud19.deh) from the archive into the Chocolate Doom directory.
Then you can:
2.a) Create the shortcut to Chocolate Doom.
2.b) Create text file.
2.c) Shift-click in the explorer -> open command line.
If you went with a) then:
3.a) Right-click the shortcut and click properties.
Now we're writing text:
4.a) Add "-iwad doom.wad -merge alitcsf.wad -deh atcud19.deh -file alitcsnd.wad atclev.wad*" without the quotes and the asterisk into the "Object" field.
4.b) Write "chocolate-doom -iwad doom.wad -merge alitcsf.wad -deh atcud19.deh -file alitcsnd.wad atclev.wad*" without the quotes and asterisk.
4.c) Write "chocolate-doom -iwad doom.wad -merge alitcsf.wad -deh atcud19.deh -file alitcsnd.wad atclev.wad*" without the quptes and asterisk.
5.a) Save it. Launch it.
5.b) Save it as .bat file. Launch it.
5.c) Press enter.
Now Chocolate Doom should load Aliens TC.
* - I used archive from DoomedSDA and it has this file name ATCLEV.wad, while in Chocolate Doom's wiki article it's called ALITCWAD.wad, you might want to check your folder.

>> No.2254573
Quoted by: >>2254575 >>2254583

e1m1 is ass

>> No.2254574
Quoted by: >>2255516

Okay man. Thanks.

>> No.2254575

no u

>> No.2254583

Make sure you nab the secret! Have to be fully equipped if you want to survive the "Inferno."

>> No.2254592
Quoted by: >>2254606 >>2254641

>I don't care much for detailing in my Doom maps and feels that the community is growing more and more focused on making more and more highly detailed maps rather than focusing on how to better the gameplay of their maps

I agree with this. Detail is overrated in Doom maps. As long as the asthetics are on-par with the iwads, I don't see what the fuss is about.

Though, I don't agree with Scythe 2 sacrificing gameplay for aesthetics. Gameplay was still pretty top notch for most of it. And detailing-wise, its actually pretty minimal considering its a Limit-Removing megawad.

>> No.2254593
File: 187 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20150225_080327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we expect glowmaps for DRLA weapons someday?

>> No.2254595
Quoted by: >>2254627

Chocolate Doom needs to know where the PWADs and .deh files you are trying to load are located. The easiest way for you to do this is probably to put the Aliens TC files in the same folder as the the Chocolate Doom executable and your IWADs and then run the command on the wiki from that directory.

>> No.2254601

>boring, bland-y

No way, man. Scythe 1 was still pretty fun.

>> No.2254603

Ive got them in the same file as the CDOOM executable and when I try to drag and run it says im missing an IWAD but Ive got all the files I need. >>2254571 And I'm in the shortcut properties and I cant find the object field.

>> No.2254606

Don't get me wrong, gameplay was great other than those plasma marines.

>> No.2254608
File: 179 KB, 1080x1204, 1424102489604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are /doom/'s thoughts on Accessories to Murder?

>> No.2254613
Quoted by: >>2255725

I thought 21, 22, and 24 were fine.

23 and 25 felt like massive spikes in difficulty, though. Espeecially 23, starting with revenants, and a Cyberedemon eyeballing you.

>> No.2254616
Quoted by: >>2254619

Just finished Winter's Fury, is there any other mod that adds bosses like this?

>> No.2254619
Quoted by: >>2254649

Pump action shotgun = Hell to the fuck yes satisfying
Minigun = This is really fucking nice
Revolver = Kinda cool
The rest = No thank you

Invasion mods for ST/Zandronum have lots of bosses.

>> No.2254624


The smoke effects are ugly as shit

>> No.2254627
Quoted by: >>2255516

Guys thanks so much for the help. I finally got it running I guess target is the same as object field. I'm a huge fan of the Alien movies and DOOM is one of my favorite games so this is hella sweet.

>> No.2254634


I love the sprites, though the strict mag based reloading annoys me a little, and I don't like the hammer.

It's got a hell of a presentation though

>> No.2254641
Quoted by: >>2254668

Proper texture usage looks better than excessive use of sector-detailing

>> No.2254642
Quoted by: >>2255391


Are there any more neat wads like this that use just vanilla mechanics to create game-play that differs from the standard Doom experience?

>> No.2254649

>Invasion mods for ST/Zandronum have lots of bosses.
I had in mind something singleplayer with classic maps, instead of arena slaughterfests.

>> No.2254668

Proper texture usuage is rarely an issue at all, though. Weird use of textures is usually just a newb mistake.

>> No.2254708
File: 129 KB, 320x322, PaulMcCartneyalbum_-_McCartneyII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2254715 >>2254770

>Going Down with MSX

>> No.2254715
Quoted by: >>2254727

How good is it? I don't remember GD level design being too conductive to MSX gameplay, barring some later levels.

>> No.2254727

So far it's been some typical MSX craziness. We'll see if it holds up in the long run.

>> No.2254746
Quoted by: >>2254750


Glorified r667 randomizer with cool weapon sprites

>> No.2254750
Quoted by: >>2254753

>r667 randomizer

>> No.2254753
Quoted by: >>2254765


last time I played it the monsters weren't the same each time you enter a level.

when you replace the original doom 2 monsters with monster spawners with a % for some monster to spawn THAT is a randomizer.

>> No.2254765
Quoted by: >>2254771

but that's not what it does
at all

unless you're saying different imp sprites make it a randomizer

>> No.2254770
Quoted by: >>2258437

>Community Chest 1
>Going Down

Fuck all this. Fuck all this shit. Fuck corridors full of enemies leading to acloves full of enemeis which drop you down into more enemies so when you stumble in another direction you fall down into more enemies.

Nope, nope, noep nope nope fuck that.

>> No.2254771
Quoted by: >>2255241


>last time I played

ww did tons of changes at AtM over months, also didn't ww added the Whore, I mean the Vore and everyone flipped the fuck out?

>> No.2254790
Quoted by: >>2254804


ACTOR ImpDropper : RandomSpawner replaces DoomImp
DropItem "DNImpVariant1"
DropItem "DNImpVariant2"
DropItem "DNImpVariant3"


Actor DNImpVariant1 : DoomImp 14803
SeeSound "gauntimp/sight"
PainSound "gauntimp/pain"
DeathSound "gauntimp/death"
Obituary "%o got imped."
Health 70

Actor DNImpVariant2 : DoomImp 3102
Health 55
Radius 20
Height 56
Speed 11
PainChance 200

Actor DNImpVariant3 : DoomImp 30123
Health 65
Radius 20
Height 56
Speed 7
PainChance 200

>Health 70
>Health 55
>Health 65

When you change health values they totally stop being just sprite replacements.

>> No.2254804
Quoted by: >>2254809


These are the only monsters with any differences, and even then the differences are so minor it's laughable.
To call the entire mod a monster randomizer because of it is even more laughable.

>> No.2254809
Quoted by: >>2254815


Well they call other mods this and that when they're not and nobody raises their voice to question such claims.

>> No.2254815
File: 97 KB, 410x324, 4990139841.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2254818 >>2254823


>> No.2254818
Quoted by: >>2254827


So are you going to write something logical instead of posting inane pictures, or should I just stop giving you attention?

>> No.2254823
Quoted by: >>2254827


If your defense is legitimately "other people say other things about other mods which makes it all right to say accessories to murder is a randomizer mod", then yes, I'm going to post an image of a shifting goalpost because that's what you're doing.

Do you want to try again and say it better, anon?

>> No.2254827


Whoops responded to the wrong one OH WELL you're probably just gonna waltz around anwyay.

>> No.2254829

the usual

>> No.2254850 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 342x267, REPORT AND IGNORE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every shitpost until you like it.

>> No.2254858
Quoted by: >>2254865

People disagreeing is now considered shitposting.

>> No.2254865
Quoted by: >>2254872


I'm surprised nobody cried "importing drama!!" when an anon shared Eriance's retirement message.

>> No.2254872
Quoted by: >>2254882

Maybe because it wasn't actually fucking retarded drama bullshit like what gets posted sometime here.

I wouldn't be surprised if a certain person did so tho Or that you are that person

>> No.2254882


Keep jumping at shadows, anon.

>> No.2254883

i think that the cyberdemoness needs some more work to be honest, the hyper detailed muscle legs and butt dont really fit with the softer, redrawn torso in my opinion, especially the man ass it still has

>> No.2254903

Dewce plz make more maps.

>> No.2254916
File: 464 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20150224_214638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added a score accumulator that is reset after 5 seconds of not gaining points or losing 4000+ points (losing 4 health will do this).
Also score ranks which give you small bonuses, or big bonuses if you get to the insane levels (S/SS/SSS).
ScoreAccumBonuses[7] = {
{ .ScoreRequired = 2097152, .Level = 1, .Health = 5, .Psy = 5 }, // D - Deadly
{ .ScoreRequired = 33554431, .Level = 2, .Health = 30, .Psy = 30 }, // C - Catastrophic
{ .ScoreRequired = 536870911, .Level = 3, .Health = 20, .Psy = 20 }, // B - Brutal
{ .ScoreRequired = 1056964623, .Level = 4, .Health = 40, .Psy = 70 }, // A - Atomic
{ .ScoreRequired = 12884901888, .Level = 5, .Health = 70, .Psy = 100 }, // S - Smokin' - OH GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING
{ .ScoreRequired = 103079215104, .Level = 6, .Health = 100, .Psy = 200 }, // SS - Smokin' Style - WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING
{ .ScoreRequired = 1030792151040, .Level = 7, .Health = 100, .Psy = 200 } // SSS - Smokin' Sick Style - HOW

>> No.2254919

props for the hud

>> No.2254921
Quoted by: >>2254927

we psysteele now

>> No.2254924
File: 894 KB, 300x167, the biggest bonar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2254931

my body is ready

>> No.2254927

damn it ryan

>> No.2254931
Quoted by: >>2254934

>That fucking video

dat nostalgia

>> No.2254934

I actually don't know where it's from. Sauce?

>> No.2254942
File: 388 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20150224_220611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone wants to test/play.
Source included.
I hope Xaser doesn't mind. I'll remove it on request.

>> No.2254943
Quoted by: >>2254968

you make my heart go doom.wad doom.wad

>> No.2254968

you you you take my guts and shake 'em up

is that the right song

>> No.2254989

So I saw this on the front of ModDB, an automatic map builder for Doom 3


Not retro but whatever

>> No.2255023
Quoted by: >>2255103 >>2255109

When it comes to storing wads, do you guys ever delete any you didn't like and only keep stuff you liked, or do you keep everything?

>> No.2255032


Up and down, up and down, up and down...

>> No.2255103

I keep two folders. One where everything goes into by default, and another where I throw things I like.

I nuke the temporary folder now and then to get rid of clutter. Works

>> No.2255109

I just have a single fuckhuge folder where I keep everything. I can't be bothered to organize.

>> No.2255137
File: 781 KB, 1030x1462, 1399203001156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yours

>> No.2255142
Quoted by: >>2255146


>post yours

But I'm the one who made that you fartknocker

>> No.2255146
Quoted by: >>2255150


bu i never claimed ownership sweet buns, stop being angry on the internet

>> No.2255150
File: 33 KB, 106x166, aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>stop being angry on the internet


Pirate doom really is wonderful, and I hope we get some other people who post the What I played things, I love those

>> No.2255220
File: 987 KB, 1030x1462, reelism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2256498

I made this ages ago, got deleted by a janitor at least once

>> No.2255241
File: 66 KB, 198x169, 1405713881310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Whore, I mean the Vore
I've been in a wheelchair for most of my life and even I think that was lame.

>> No.2255253
File: 736 KB, 1000x1436, absolutely crazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sorry term, i get more dmc feels than anything else

>> No.2255284
Quoted by: >>2255308 >>2255350

Who's the most overrated mapper of the modern Doom community?

I would personally vote Ribbiks. Aesthetically, he does an excellent job, no complaints here. However, while there are some occasional good moments, the gameplay in his maps are generally a bit boring for me.

>> No.2255308
Quoted by: >>2255327


his audience is the slaughterwad one, it's kind of logical that one may not find his maps that much entertaining

and also if you don't do slaughterwads you kind of don't exist to him too.

>> No.2255327
Quoted by: >>2255603

I enjoy slaughtermaps. I just don't think Ribbiks knows how to make them that exciting. His maps often seem "detail over gameplay" to me.

>> No.2255350


No, really.

The definition of overrated is giving it more credit than it deserves.
Terry's maps are just boring. They're not even bad, they're just the stereotypical "gotcha" in any modding scene, thinking you're gonna play something and NOOOPE SURPRISE IT'S ANAL RAPE FUCK FUCK LOL LOUD NOISES!
It's the most generic joke with any custom content, be it Zelda Classic or Doom or Build or Skyrim or whatever. Present something as being normal, but then turn it on its head with shit fuck penis ass shit shit shit.

The only reason those maps are still given any attention whatsoever are the scrubs who think "omg this is the WORST EVER!!!", and the idiots who think that by extolling it as interesting they can get a few sad giggles among their assbuddies who should know better but don't.

>> No.2255351
Quoted by: >>2255380 >>2255384

>hey nice map! here's an FDA I did of your map!
>it's in a website which download page takes 15 secs to load, has a countdown for the download link, and in the end it made you store in your cache five times what the filesize of my demo actually is, but I hope you don't mind!

y'all motherfuckers NEED puu.sh and pomf.se

>> No.2255369
File: 230 KB, 1024x640, gzdoom 2015-02-25 00-14-02-125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2255371

So has anyone noticed this yet

>> No.2255371
Quoted by: >>2255374


No Kegan, we haven't.

>> No.2255372

Hey, I'm just checking the Doom 2 source and i can't seem to find the monster class's are they not there or something?

>> No.2255374


well I thought it was funny.

>> No.2255378
Quoted by: >>2255385

I thought overrated was giving it more praise than it deserves. hence, the rated part.

>> No.2255380
Quoted by: >>2255432

4chan doesn't accept puu.sh or pomf.

>> No.2255384

>Tickbox thats automatically ticked to download our malware...i mean software

>> No.2255385
Quoted by: >>2255387

For the people who keep asking for models, try Risen3D.

Unless you have better suggestions?

>> No.2255387

Wrong quote?

>> No.2255391
Quoted by: >>2255402 >>2255508

run darn you run http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=12198

charge through an enormous obstacle course, chased by an endless cloud of revenant missiles.
by bprd (nuts, equinox, grove etc.). more of a joke wad than anything (the exit)
can't remember if it needs boom, or just doom+.

canal run http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=10553

stuck in a river with a number of barons and barrels.
the opposite of a running track map (kill monsters, while hampered by forced running, as opposed to ignore monsters, run for exit)
this is a boom map, it uses conveyor floors.

ndcp2 map25 http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=15652

like canal run but harder, in fact i'm not convinced it's completable. another boom conveyor floor map.
disclaimer: i can't recommend this map, i think it's terrible. i'm just mentioning it because i thought of it.


(don't have a url to hand, sorry. it's somewhere on the competn website. they should have put it in /idgames.)
made for a demo contest in 2001 or so. you have to run three times around the track while crowds of monsters in the stands throw fire at you.

dystopia 3 map03 http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=5999

a race through a town. you must complete one cycle within the time, or you die.
if you make it, the timer halts and you can go back and clean out the monsters if you want.
being dyst3 it has a bunch of pretty textures.

scythe map28 http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=11944

you probably know this one already.

>> No.2255393
Quoted by: >>2255396

Can anyone help me out?

>> No.2255396


If there's no responses (for multiple threads), anon, it's safe to say that project either never existed or died an ignoble death.

>> No.2255402
Quoted by: >>2255426

Scythe 28 UV feels like it was designed specifically as a "fuck you" to non-speedrunners.

>> No.2255426
Quoted by: >>2255435

i would claim that it's not so much map28 in particular but everything from map21 onwards.

i think if you have the skill to pistolstart maps 21-27 on UV, then map28 would not be beyond you, at least, after a few failed attempts and studying it a little in a map editor (i doubt anyone'd do it first time)

to re-use your phrasing, map21 onwards were "designed specifically as a 'fuck you' to people playing on UV". although i wouldn't myself call either a "fuck you". a "rude awakening", perhaps. and not even particularly rude, after all the text file has a big warning about the difficulty jump at that point.

>> No.2255432
Quoted by: >>2255438 >>2255447

>or pomf.

...what? I've straight up linked to pomf.se at least three times over the past 4 weeks. how come?

But I wasn't exactly referring about this place but Doomworld. If they care that much about another person's bandwith, they should really drop websites like sendspace and mediafire. It doesn't make any damn sense.

>> No.2255435
Quoted by: >>2255475

My point was that Scythe 28 doesn't leave any room to play at your own pace. UV especially doesnt, since the required path takes almost as long as the crusher reaches you.

Meaning, if you waste even just seconds on UV, you'll inherently die before you've reached the exit.

>> No.2255438
File: 20 KB, 170x227, 1357305630023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2255447

What's bad about MediaFire?

>> No.2255475
Quoted by: >>2255479 >>2255482

>My point was that Scythe 28 doesn't leave any room to play at your own pace

yes, and..? i don't really get what you're saying, sorry. i mean your point, as stated, is just the truth. in sc28 you must simply run to the exit, you can't dawdle. that's the whole point of the map, and of the others i listed, and of the map that started this discussion (pagan's run)

i think your point must be more than that, otherwise you're just stating facts i already know, and have previously stated by putting it in a list of running track maps, back at me :)

>> No.2255479 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2255481

I said it was a "fuck you" to non-speedrunners because it forces you to speedrun. Holy shit.

>> No.2255481
Quoted by: >>2255484

...yes? what's your point?

>> No.2255482
Quoted by: >>2255484

I feel stupid now. Sorry.

>> No.2255484
Quoted by: >>2255502

see >>2255482
I didn't read your initial post fully. I apologize for being a dick.

>> No.2255485
File: 2.78 MB, 640x320, new darts.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2255491 >>2255689

Okay I should probably make the big dart a little stronger, but once again, I think I might be onto something here.

>> No.2255487
Quoted by: >>2255985

Chocolate Doom hitches for me when the music loops and restarts. Is that it?

>> No.2255491
Quoted by: >>2255913

Those are cyan.

>> No.2255494

I wish Chocolate Doom, or at least, Crispy Doom, would use Portmidi.

>> No.2255496

Is there a better feeling than a level dropping you down to 1% health and 0% armor and then you come back and win it with 100% health and 100% armor?

>> No.2255502

shit happens man, no problem :)

i went off and thought about it some more anyway, and realised you were probably saying you didn't appreciate being forced to play in a way you don't enjoy, and there should be a way to play the map where you can take your time. which is fair enough.

how could this have been fixed? maybe making it the super secret level (thus skippable), then retexturing enoz soahc as a hell map, and putting it in the third episode in its place, it's certainly hard enough to fit in there.

>> No.2255508


I have trouble deciding if Doom 2:2 or Nuts2 is his best work.

>> No.2255516
File: 20 KB, 380x520, bzing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry anon. You see, I use Russian interface on Windows and that field is called "Oбъeкт" which easily translates to "Object" so I assumed it is called exactly like that in English interface.

>> No.2255554 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2255576

It's the artistic value of postmodernist doom modding that makes terry maps beautyful. You know well the wad is too good to be true, you see the nick of a well known trickster and description shows all the red flags, but you still get baited out of pure curiosity, just to see what kind of surprise awaits you, be it a full campaign of fighting troll enemies, destruction of your config files, or just the usual rape room with a twist or two

>> No.2255576



>> No.2255582

>but then turn it on its head with shit fuck penis ass shit shit shit.
I like that line, gonna write it down for future reference.

>> No.2255603
Quoted by: >>2255616

out of curiosity, what are some slaughtermaps you like?

>> No.2255616

I like slaughtermaps from the Hell Revealeds, Alien Vendetta, Kama Sutra, the Scythes, Speed of Doom, Resurgence, Vanguard, Deus Vult, Sunder, Newgothic, Some maps from Slaughterfest 2012.

I dunno, Ribbik's style just feels a bit too copy-cat of Sunder (detail-wise), but not quite as fun. His maps aren't awful, just not exactly good enough to warrant "mapper of the year" for 2013, IMO.

>> No.2255642
File: 2.03 MB, 1030x1462, Roulette Simulator 2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2255662
Quoted by: >>2255685

Its kinda funny that "boom-compatible" still gets used, when pretty much all modern wads (even most 00's wads) that are described as such, are actually designed with PrBoom(+) -complevel 9 in mind. For example, the static limits aren't as high in Boom.exe, and sky transfers won't work, as they were an MBF feature originally, that later assimilated into Boom format thanks to PrBoom.

>> No.2255671
File: 3.77 MB, 5184x3456, IMG_5660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2255674 >>2255691

Playing DOOM the WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BE PLAYED. Keeps me occupied on quiet nights at work.

>> No.2255674
Quoted by: >>2255683

How well does that control?

>> No.2255680
File: 228 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20150225_063853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2255690

Second release tomorrow, much was fixed and much was added.

>> No.2255683
Quoted by: >>2255705

Better than iOS or any other Touch Based DOOM. Not MUCH better, but buttons beat touch screen most of the time.

The controls are finicky though. My MP3 player there, the Sansa Clip Zip, has 9 buttons. Volume Up and Down, located on the left side of the device, Power, located on top, Play/Pause, Next, Previous, Menu (just below the Select button), Select (the silver button in the center, and Back, the button in the upper left of Pause/Play and Previous Song.

By default, the controls are:
Select - Shoot
Back - Open/Interact
Volume Up - Switch weapons
Power - Open menu
And the directional controls should be fairly obvious.

The default controls work well enough, except for the lack of strafe. But like I said, the controls for the thing are finicky. I had initially tried mapping Strafe to volume down, but it just doesn't work. I also can't run forward and turn left at the same time, but I can run forward and turn right at the same time. Odd things like that.

Anyways, what I ended up doing was mapping shoot to where Interact was on the Back button, and then put Strafe onto the select button where shoot originally was. So this meant I had to move interact somewhere, and the best thing I could come up with was mapping it to Play/Pause, where moving forward is also mapped, so it's two actions on one button.

I haven't done any extensive playing with my new control scheme, but what I've played with it so far seems to work well enough.

>> No.2255685
Quoted by: >>2255696

term i've seen used by some, e.g. TGH in Doomworld's recent CChest5 thread, is "Boom+".

analogue of calling vanilla-feature-only-but-renderer-limit-breaking maps "Doom+" maps, after entryway's doom2.exe assembler hack that raises its limits.

though i doubt "boom-compatible" will go away any time soon. incidentally, for a while i remember freedoom was trying to be strictly dos boom202.exe compatible, don't know if that's still being kept up.

>> No.2255689
Quoted by: >>2255692

Maybe make the piercing dart do less damage with each enemy it passes, if that's possible.

>> No.2255690
Quoted by: >>2255694 >>2255705

Shit, what mod was this? I remember playing it, but don't remember what it's called. Last I recall is it wasn't being updated anymore.

>> No.2255691
Quoted by: >>2255705

I was playing Doom on PDA several years ago. It was actually pretty good - touchscreen aiming wasn't that bad in vanilla gameplay, and PDA had physical buttons for movement.

>> No.2255692


It's possible, probably, But it'd most likely require some more in depth sorcery that'd make it a huge pain in the dick.

and I'm currently bashing my brains out trying to make the shoulder barge work because that's going to be a fiddly bastard too.

>> No.2255694

Psychic, by Xaser.
I'm modding it, adding more DMC elements.

>> No.2255696
Quoted by: >>2255702

>vanilla-feature-only-but-renderer-limit-breaking maps "Doom+" maps

People usually call those "Limit Removing" maps.

>> No.2255702
Quoted by: >>2255712

which is plain nonsense. the maps don't remove limits, they break them.

>> No.2255705
Quoted by: >>2255708


D-Touch, which is an Android port of GZDoom actually controlls (and runs) pretty well. Left side of the screen acts like an analogue stick, and right as a touch-screen-alike view, which is common in Android FPSes that do not go into a stick-view retardidness.

THere are customizable buttons and all the options GZ has.

>> No.2255708
Quoted by: >>2255719

Yeah the iOS port was like that too. The problem is that you have to lift your finger off the screen and hit a virtual button if you wanna shoot or change weapons or whatever, it's kinda awkward.

>> No.2255712

You misunderstand the term "Limit Removing"

Its not saying the maps themselves magically remove limits, its saying the maps require a port that raises/removes limits.

>> No.2255718

Anyone else playing the current TSP build notice that the clipbox gives you unusable pistol and uzi mags?

>> No.2255719
Quoted by: >>2255723

In DT you can set tapping movement/look zone to open doors/jump or shoot. You can also bind physical buttons and change sensivity of the zones, not to mention you can play all of the GZDoom mods.

On my 1Ghz 256RAM Demonsteele runs at relatively smooth 45-50 MGHz on vanilla D2 maps, ZDoom-specific stuff slows things down. KDiZD plays at 25-30 FPS =\

>> No.2255723

Huh, that sounds pretty nifty. At some point I'll need to get myself a non shit phone.

>> No.2255725

Don't remind me. I played through 23 on Brutal Doom and it was pretty nightmarish.

>> No.2255750
File: 1.18 MB, 640x320, I dunno, this might work.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2255772

Eeehh I'm not so sure about this now

>> No.2255772
Quoted by: >>2255776

How strong is this going to be?

It might not have a use

>> No.2255776
Quoted by: >>2255907 >>2255925


I don't know about strength just yet, this was something I was just testing out seeing as the shield dash is being removed and I felt bad about that so I've been fucking around with different ideas.

>> No.2255898
Quoted by: >>2255960

Does ZDL (or any similar front-end) support relative filepaths easily yet? I got it working with ZDL once, but I had to manually edit the configuration file, and it seemed to randomly switch them back to regular filepaths, including the drive letter.

I like to keep my setup portable, and it's a pain in the ass to have to adjust all the paths just because the USB drive mounted under a different letter.

>> No.2255907
Quoted by: >>2255934

I've been gone from the thread for a while. Why is the dash being removed?

I'd suggest adding something that works similar, but I'm assuming that there's a reason you want to remove that style of attack.

>> No.2255913

They dont look bad or anything, but they arent black anymore, if that matters.

I say leave them this way, with the black outline its not jarring like the spears were.

>> No.2255925
Quoted by: >>2255939

Well for one it would be better with fighter's-third-hit-esque sprite. That shieldless shield dash always looked pretty bad and nothing like a shoulder hit imo.
Something like dash with your hands down -> strong punch once you hit something -> self knockback after a minor delay, but not vertical.
Blaz looks like he is a ragdoll hitting imps with his wrist.

>> No.2255934


The shield dash is being removed because item crashes are all going to become more dramatic and powerful to compensate for the new ammo source they'll use.

So yeah I'm being an indecisive shitter again and revamping more stuff on Blaz. I swear I'm getting closer to making everything not suck. Punching is good, sword combos are good, basic subweapons are fine. I'm content with the buster mode on the Blazter, and I think the subshots are okay now, and finally I think the new power sword attacks will be a million times better.

All that's left is to fix the powered up arm cannon, and the item crashes.

>> No.2255939


The problem with having hands down is it'd be weird sliding forward with no visual on screen indicators of any kind.

Though I should probably address this with the dash in the shining knight form. No idea what to do there sprite wise

>> No.2255960

So I've been looking at frontends, and it doesn't seem like any of them have easy support for it.

So lets get some discussion here. What frontend do you use? What feature(s) do you wish it had that it doesn't? What features do you love about it?

>> No.2255985

No, it's much more frequent than that.

>> No.2255991

Are there any scans of the doom comic that aren't abysmal quality?

>> No.2256010

I'd like to see a dark forces type gzdoom mapset using jedi knight 2 models and maybe some assets

>> No.2256016
Quoted by: >>2256964

fucking terrible hud
some of the worst reloading bullshit in any game ever, let alone in fucking DOOM where there should be none or at least very quick and not fucking clip based

>> No.2256074
File: 1.18 MB, 1030x1462, Russian overkill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2256081


>> No.2256081

i see you do not suffer from high expectations

>> No.2256137
Quoted by: >>2256195

What exactly is it doing when it does it? What CVar settings do you have?

>> No.2256195

Nvm I see what you mean.

>> No.2256308

Fixed now. Also fixed a bug where the AB-50 would not reload if out of pistol mags.

>> No.2256354
File: 12 KB, 320x200, Shotty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2256373

Not a fan of the angle, I liked the pseudo-centered look better. Looks great otherwise, though.

>> No.2256374

damn thats a nice sprite

>> No.2256375

smooth and very nicely lit

>> No.2256379
Quoted by: >>2256386 >>2256394

>[02-10] Another BDv20 test release: http://www.mediafire.com/download/p40aj6vklq76tt5/brutal20test-feb10-2015.zip

Link will no longer work because I had to delete it.

>> No.2256386
Quoted by: >>2256521

sorry to hear it. did something happen?

>> No.2256393

much better

>> No.2256394
Quoted by: >>2256401

>because I had to delete it.

if I had to guess, I think someone did what you told people not to do, share the link outside this place.

>> No.2256401
Quoted by: >>2256521


It's not like /vr/ is a super secret clubhouse. Anyone could pop in here and grab the link and do whatever.

>> No.2256485
File: 348 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20150225_160412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2256491

Notes before playing:
Go into the options menu and to the - Psychic Options - submenu. Adjust the HUD accordingly.
Droplets v13 is merged, it's by SidDoyle.
You get small bonuses for ranking up points, and large bonuses for getting insane amounts of points.


>> No.2256491

Fuck, I forgot, go to the bottom of the binds menu and BIND THE KEYS. There's now dodging.

>> No.2256498
Quoted by: >>2256520

I love this too but they lag in my pc for some reason.

>> No.2256520


Both mods are very resource intensive.

>> No.2256521
Quoted by: >>2256532 >>2256591

3500 downloads and reposts everywhere, that happened.

Seems like I will have to keep the download link of the next version up for only 24 or 48 hours, because seems like some people enjoying sending hype and anticipation down the pipe.

But it's arguably less popular than the forums or fb. When I post stuff here, I never expect it to get more than 50 downloads, that why this is the only public place I post my betas.

>> No.2256532
File: 122 KB, 897x540, mwpaoh98JD1rdmp13o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2256558 >>2256561

>When I post stuff here, I never expect it to get more than 50 downloads

You are really underestimating just how many people visit 4chan.

>> No.2256542
File: 1.32 MB, 800x409, sten-action.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should point out that revolvers do have chambers, in the cylinder, it's literally a revolving cylinder with chambers for cartridges, lining up for the hammer and barrel.

There are some guns that you can't have a +1 round with, as in, you can't keep a round in the chamber.

Old fashioned submachineguns typically fired from an open-bolt, as in, the bolt is typically one solid piece, the firing-pin being milled into the bolt-face, when ready, the bolt is held to the rear, and under spring pressure from the main-spring, when you pull the trigger, it drops the sear down, and the mainspring throws the bolt forward, the bolt picks up a round from the magazine, and then immediately chambers it and fires it, the bolt then recoils from the forces, the empty casing is either extracted by the extractor on the bolt (if it has one), or it's just blown out of the chamber by the pressure and force of shot and then bounces out of the ejection port, the bolt continues forward to rear, either to be caught by the sear if you have let go of the trigger, or then be thrown forward again by the mainspring, to shoot again.

Old subguns like that aren't used as much anymore (though they're not gone), that said, modern light machineguns and general purpose machineguns are very commonly firing from an open bolt, as it generally runs much cooler than a conventional closed bolt design, a round can't be kept in the chamber, so even if the barrel is blazing hot, a round won't cook off by heat. LMG's are typically a bit more advanced that subguns though, as they usually operate by some sort of gas or delayed recoil system, as well, they can actually have mechanical firing-pins and extractors + ejectors, rather than relying on the cartridge being pushed out by gas pressure (that works for pistol cartridges, but not as much with rifles). Also, belt feeding is way more complex than magazine feeding.

*adjusts glasses like a nerd*

>> No.2256558

This is not either /v/ or /b/. /vr/ has a very small traffic if compared with large boards. Also, did you know that 90% of /vr/ users hides Doom General threads on sight?

>> No.2256561
Quoted by: >>2256591

This is the same guy that said our community was completely irrelevant to him, so he probably has absolutely no clue.

Let's break it down for Marky Mark and the Jelly Bunch.
This thread alone has 102 unique posters. The beta has been up for five threads, and assuming that we have only a quarter of new people each thread, that's 127 posters total. We have numerous people that say that they read the thread but claim not to post in it, so let's be extremely lenient and assume another quarter for 157 people total. This number is probably much higher.

And then there's all the people that are constantly looking for more information on the next Brutal release. Just doing a search on the archives for "brutal test" will reveal every single link that has lead to the beta. And it's not like the archives are difficult to find, 4chan has numerous different archiving services.
You have an incredibly large fanbase, so let's double that number to 314 people. Hey, it's not-pi.

Out of those estimated 314 people, all it takes is one single person to post the link outside onto a forum or upload it onto a wad hosting service like BE, and then the beta's out for everyone to play with as they see fit.
The chance grows higher if you explicitly ask to keep it secret or private, because come the fuck on, if your only security measure is the honor system, people will be crowding in.

>> No.2256565
Quoted by: >>2256584

>Also, did you know that 90% of /vr/ users hides Doom General threads on sight?

Did you know that there's a 152% chance you're making that up on the spot?

>> No.2256574


I suspect there's a sizable chunk of people who, like me, hang out on /vr/ JUST for the doom general.

>> No.2256584
Quoted by: >>2256587

>>2256558 >>2256565
bluntly, i think this is why we've been asked to preserve the phrase "DOOM THREAD" in the first post. because then the rest of the board can set a filter on it.

>> No.2256587
Quoted by: >>2256595

A few autists and shitposters does not compose the entirety of /vr/, anon.
We had a thread a while back that was just "doom is cool, talk about doom", and we had zero complaints about filtering.

>> No.2256591
Quoted by: >>2256615

>>2256521 >>2256561
>The beta has been up for five threads
this is probably my fault for putting the link in the news post.

i did that because a thread or two before the current test version, someone was asking for the previous one. so i thought i was being helpful. i never even stopped to consider "maybe it's not meant to be easy to find".

i'm really sorry mark, i hope this doesn't cause problems for you later :(

>> No.2256595
Quoted by: >>2256601

sorry, you are right. i was remembering a few months before that when it was briefly "DOOM / RETRO FPS THREAD" and that broke people's ability to find our thread by putting "doom thread" into the catalog.

>> No.2256601

>not just having >>>/vr/doom bookmarked

>> No.2256615
Quoted by: >>2256634

No worries. It's not a "problem", just a personal sperg. I just don't like unfinished versions of my stuff being exposed to too much people.

>> No.2256625


My man wildweasel has done A LOT better. Still is an okay mod.

>> No.2256634
Quoted by: >>2256637 >>2256642

>I just don't like unfinished versions of my stuff being exposed to too much people.

that's understandable, perhaps we should also ask GMOTA Guy if he wants his 0.9.8 prerelease tests in the news post?

>> No.2256637

or rather, doesn't want them there

>> No.2256642


Not yet. Shit's not ready.

>> No.2256649
Quoted by: >>2256865

Does Quake have any weapon mods worth noting?

>> No.2256656
Quoted by: >>2256834

still only page 4? oh well, sleep now, make new thread in morning

>> No.2256718
File: 848 KB, 640x320, Uncertain of this one too.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2256747 >>2256768

Okay, I really really like the idea of a 3 shot burst and a charge attack for the darts. but I'm not feeling the big piercing dart attack, that suggestion list anon offered earlier has some other promising suggestions though, so I could have the big dart do:

>Dart forks into two extra darts on hit that autotarget other monsters

>Dart that breaks apart into multidarts like Hexen's Frost Shards

>> No.2256747
Quoted by: >>2256761

The problem with both of those is that they are not very likely to match up to the buster cannon's charge shot in any way.

You'd need to amplify the power of those suggestions quite a bit to keep up with the level 2 charge shot.

Unless this is made to match the level 1 charge shot at which point you'd probably want to do the extra darts that autotarget thing.

>> No.2256748
File: 458 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_D2INO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2256753

>> No.2256753
File: 287 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20150225_210812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2256761
File: 125 KB, 640x550, Original idea do not steal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2256765


Okay so what about this: You shoot a big dart, it hits and spawns a NEW dart that keeps going in the same direction as the first shot, and this chains forward a few times

amazing idea sketched out for easier understanding

>> No.2256765
Quoted by: >>2256774

So basically one powerful dart rebounds between enemies along a row?
Wouldn't this be like the piercing shot but it ends eventually?
Would each individual dart hurt a lot compared to the piercing shot of one power dart?

>> No.2256768

>>Dart forks into two extra darts on hit that autotarget other monsters
like tsp's bfg thing or is it less aimed?

>> No.2256774
Quoted by: >>2256784


Yeah each big dart would do enough damage to one shot most lower monsters, (Archers, dukes, imps, armors)

>> No.2256784
Quoted by: >>2256869

So they all have to be lined up?
Or will the dart attack enemies at an angle and all that matters is that they're behind the initial enemy?

This is important to clarify because this tells me approximately how useful it is.

I also feel that the initial big dart should give a little red meter to help differentiate it from the standard charge buster shot.

>> No.2256823
Quoted by: >>2256834

New thread soon?

>> No.2256834


>> No.2256865

Quoth! Has weapons and enemies. Not a full on weapon mod per se but has enough content to supplement modern maps.


>> No.2256869
Quoted by: >>2256902


Well now I'm not entirely certain, I need to be wary of overlap with item crashes/subweapons too.


I'm not sure if a split up homing shot would work, but a big dart that fragments into a shitload of smaller darts after traveling a set distance might be good, direct hits with a big dart would hurt like a motherfucker though.

I also need to take into consideration the new big cannon shot idea. fuck

>> No.2256902
Quoted by: >>2256913

All these item crashes need to do pretty big damage.
As is I don't even touch them at all.

Like even what I'd argue is the strongest one right now(Daggers) feels really weak compared to just POW dagger spamming

Out of all these proposed changes I like the sound of the Lance crash the most.

And some overlap is okay, what matters is that everything is at least useful and equivalent to the cost of using it.

Stupid big cannon shot idea:
>Giant ball comes out and deals big damage on hit
>On impact it turns into X amount of small ones that bounce out
>X amount of small ones deal almost no damage on hit but eventually shatter into a fan of spikes in all directions
>Spikes do whatever damage you want

Replace X with how many you want.

> a big dart that fragments into a shitload of smaller darts after traveling a set distance might be good, direct hits with a big dart would hurt like a motherfucker though.
So basically a reverse Frost Shards?
That sounds fine.

>> No.2256913
Quoted by: >>2256931

>All these item crashes need to do pretty big damage.

That's the idea, I'm going to turn them into goddamn smartbombs essentially.

Also Yholl already gave me a really cool idea for the big cannon shot I'm gonna try:

>Fire big cannon ball
>each bounce changes the color and properties of the cannon ball
>on hit, depending on what color it is, a different effect kicks in

>> No.2256931
Quoted by: >>2256937

That sounds unusually elaborate for Blaz.

I am interested in how it plays out but if it becomes too annoying to use(Or has a lot of bad effects) then chances are people are just going to roll with spamming turrets.

>> No.2256937
Quoted by: >>2256949


I'm still up for other ideas, though the "on impact it spawns x" idea sounds similar to the cluster missile. You might have a point on it being overly elaborate for Blaz, most of his weapons are a simple case of "Hit the guy til it falls over."


>> No.2256949
Quoted by: >>2256952

You could make each bounce do something instead of having it do something based on the number of bounces.

Having to choose an effect based on number of bounces sounds a little hard to work with.

>> No.2256952
Quoted by: >>2256959


Like blades or spears jutting out of the ground with each bounce? I'm thinking about removing its ability to plow through monsters and instead bounce off them -hard-

>> No.2256959
Quoted by: >>2256995

That could work.
Or bounces off enemies too.

The idea was that Blaz still gets something without having to really arc his shot a lot.
And if it did become complex to use then chances are people won't really bother with it unless the payoff is rather big.

And considering a lot of Doom's fighting is done at closer ranges having something that takes more than two bounces would probably just be impractical.

>> No.2256964

B-but Anon-cun, I-like clip based reloading.

>> No.2256995
Quoted by: >>2257068

>considering a lot of Doom's fighting is done at closer ranges having something that takes more than two bounces would probably just be impractical.
What if its a huge ass ball that flies very fast, ignores gravity and can bounce a shitton of times? (disappears after hitting something or after X seconds, after the 4th bounce it doesnt get any more powerful)
Instead of an overly complex weapon that you have to time your bounces, you can just fire it in a corridor to either zigzag or spirral on the walls and hit hard.

>> No.2257068


I'm not sure if I'd want it to break on impact if I went for a big ass rebounding ball, so it'd probably have a count down, and maybe a unique effect when it bounces off a floor

>> No.2257179
File: 599 KB, 1467x1079, BERSERK_060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2257224

I've been running a Doom 2 server with the real guns advanced wad for my friends and myself (usually about 2-5 of us online at most) and we pretty much just play deathmatch.

Any suggestions for maps I could grab for us? We're hoping to find something a bit on the smaller size... Medieval themed maps are a personal favourite of mine as well.

Not sure how you guys feel about this either but if you're aware of any COD maps that have been ported over that'd be cool! Two of our regulars are complete noobs to Doom and I think having something they're familiar with would be nice.

>> No.2257224

Crucified Dreams, Gothic DM, MAYBE Greenwar 2.

>> No.2257236
File: 476 KB, 800x800, dt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this on the /v/ drawthread

>> No.2257242
File: 152 KB, 1147x637, 1424877051323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic from the request

>> No.2257245
Quoted by: >>2257276

This better be the next OP pic

>> No.2257259


sums up Comic Doomguy nicely

>> No.2257276
Quoted by: >>2257292


The fact that it was posted kind of messes that up.

>> No.2257292

I'll delete it if you want.
Putting a dot somewhere usually does the job tho

>> No.2257521



>> No.2258437

Yeah, the level design in GD looked really nice, but I didn't care for the huge amounts of monsters later. It started off okay in difficulty and then ramped up very quickly after a few levels.