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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 725 KB, 3719x1933, build engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1978610 No.1978610 [Reply] [Original]

Build engines games General.
Duke Nukem 3D
Shadow Warrior
Redneck Rampage

What's your favorite by:

>> No.1978613

Blood because its blood.

>> No.1978637
File: 76 KB, 640x400, ex_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Exhumed/Powerslave (the PC one, running on Build). The level design is excellent, very underrated.

>> No.1978639
File: 160 KB, 800x600, ridesagain9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redneck Rampage Rides Again In Arkansas, the sequel to Redneck Rampage, is very underrated too. It fixes most of the flaws of the original, has much better gameplay and level design than the original game, and has cool stuff like the driveable vehicules, etc

Most people stop at the first game, which to be honest is a good but very flawed game, not knowing that both the add-on and the sequel are much better.

>> No.1978642 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>1978649

thats some really shitty fan art OP

>> No.1978649
Quoted by: >>1978652

let me tip my fedora for you.

>> No.1978652 [DELETED] 

did you draw it? lol

>> No.1978661


I love all the big three though. I should probably give the RR games another chance.

>> No.1978665

Shadow Warrior
Shadow Warrior

>> No.1978951

Duke Nukem 3D
Shadow warrior

>> No.1978962



>> No.1979146
File: 1.62 MB, 1360x768, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There has been a few SW usermaps made this year, which is rare enough to be commented on, including this one which I just discovered and which I liked a lot. It's kind of a remake of the restaurant map from Wanton Destruction

With Redux on one hand, and on another hand an upcoming 'eduke' version of SW as well as an upcoming official 3DRealms mapping contest for both DN3D and SW, it looks like SW gets a new birth.

>> No.1979225
Quoted by: >>1979297 >>1979304

who's the artist of this image?

>> No.1979297

You are, OP.

>> No.1979304
Quoted by: >>1979470


>> No.1979312
File: 13 KB, 300x225, Duke-Caribbean-Lifes-A-Beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we can all agree that Duke has the best expansion packs.

>> No.1979315
Quoted by: >>1981698

>inb4 nesfag going on about sunstorm entertainment zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
nesbro, started copypasting that shit yeah?

but yeah where can I download that m80?

>> No.1979328
File: 105 KB, 800x600, eduke32 2014-09-08 23-24-39-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1979445

mah nignog

>> No.1979445
Quoted by: >>1979504 >>1981693

I want to play this for free.

Where can I download it right now? Pls help. Quick.

>> No.1979465
Quoted by: >>1980451

Downloaded powerslave recently. I had only passed it over because it didn't get the best reviews. That was when I was young though and didn't realize reviewers only care about how games advance the industry. Same shit happened to blood and that game was fucking awesome. I also downloaded Witchaven just to try it out. I love the shit out of duke, shadow warrior and blood, exhumed/powerslave on the saturn was pretty fun too but a linear duke nukem style game sounds awesome too.

>> No.1979470
File: 11 KB, 270x270, yeahbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!

>> No.1979504
Quoted by: >>1979613


>> No.1979546
Quoted by: >>1979572 >>1980451

I prefer Doom but I'm really glad to see you guys chilling out and thriving as well. Hopefully things go smoothly for you bros.

How good is the Shadow Warrior Classic Redux thing on Steam? I've been burned before with some people packaging up retro games with shitty pre-designed execution stuff, but I'm interested to see that it actually got featured on Steam.

Is it actually good, or is it just "lol hey we packaged in Dosbox and a ton of terrible presets for you"?

>> No.1979572

It's a great port that features achievements, better visuals, all the expansions and doesn't use dosbox. Shadow Warrior Classic included with patched on dosbox support, but then again you could just download that for free on Steam, which you wouldn't be able to if Redux was a rush job.

>> No.1979578
File: 19 KB, 243x300, 41GQCMAGWDL._SY300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1979815 >>1986794

What about this?

>> No.1979613

>trusting a random link from 4chan
>even on /vr/
yeah right lol. I bet it's loaded with cp. no thanks

>> No.1979643
File: 58 KB, 420x310, 1407961799634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1979659


I can't remember the last time someone tried to put up a bullshit link on this website, at least outside of /b/.

>> No.1979659
Quoted by: >>1979731 >>1988546

I remember my early /b/tard days (fucking five and a half years ago).

I've been duped on more than one occasion. Never again.

>> No.1979731
Quoted by: >>1979763

i feel sorry for you, I started browsing around 05-06 in its glory days

>> No.1979763
Quoted by: >>1979765

Seriously? how have you been here that long? does your head feel fucked? It's only been five years for me and I feel irrevocably damaged. Well, not irrevocably (I hope), but pretty damn deteriorated just the same.

>> No.1979765
Quoted by: >>1979771

nah hahah it sure was consistent either it was lurking /b/ and /gif/ not rly posting, posting on /b/ when I was about 18 on and off when I was bored, I pretty much come on 4chan now exclusively for /vr/. Sometimes go to /pol/ if something is happening cause they always say funny shit.

>> No.1979771
Quoted by: >>1979781

/vr/ is pretty much my only regular board now, too. I don't think I'm gonna be on 4chan much longer though.

>> No.1979781
Quoted by: >>1979793

whats going on? are the SJW mods ruining it? I don't really pay attention anymore. I don't want people to leave /vr/ though I really like this place and wish more people would start posting here because its honestly the best board on 4chins. Sure we do have some contrarians but they aren't the assholes you would deal with on other boards. I really don't want to see this place die cause Ill have nowhere to talk about retro really. I aint going to nintendoage or one of those other cancerous cesspools.

>> No.1979793
File: 37 KB, 580x295, I'm getting too old for this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats going on? are the SJW mods ruining it?
No, I just have to move on already man.

And don't worry /vr/ won't die; it will only get bigger and bigger.

>> No.1979815

This tells you most of what you need to know about the game:
-Wonky, unbalanced weapons
-Obnoxious, obtuse, irritating level design (everything wrong with 90's including invincible wall turrets).
-Date GRFX
-Other nonsense

The sequel is surprisingly playable.

>> No.1980451
File: 87 KB, 640x400, ex_008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like can we all agree that Caribbean Life is the greatest thing ever.

Here are some protips to make Powerslave controls more tolerable :
> if you set the "run" key as "capslock", you can actually have autorunning. No need to hold that shift key all the time anymore!
>and if you use that capslock autorunning; you can strafe super fast! The superfast strafing doesn't work with the 'strafe left' and 'strafe right' keys, however it works if you use 'strafekey + left' or 'strafekey + right' (again only if you use the autorunning capslock). So, by settings the Q and D keys to 'left' and 'right' (rather than strafe left/right in a normal WASD setting) and use a key like Lshift or Lctrl as "strafe" key; and hold that key anytime you want to strafe, you can use that superfast strafing.

Those 2 tips by Anonymous, and another one from me :
>not a glitch this time : in this game you have to hold a key to be able to look up/down with the mouse. Well, if you set that key to a mousebutton like RMB or MMB, it makes mouselook much more convenient....

It's good but personally I still use DOSbox. The problem with the Steam versions is that they have a forced 32bit true 3D renderer. To me if it's not 8bit 2.5D it's not Build.

>> No.1980521

weapons: Duke
levels: RR
artstyle: RR

overall: Duke

>> No.1980527

Then, search mor eon google for Duke carribean's beach.

>> No.1980528
Quoted by: >>1980767

>Be too fucking stupid to be able to look up where to get free games
>Sperg out when you get a link
Are you legitimately autistic?

>> No.1980554
File: 288 KB, 640x480, 1384742591435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still play DOOM but I'm getting back into Build games now. Specifically, Duke, SW and eventually Blood.

Just finished E1,2 and 3 for Duke, love it's level design. Might play SW again but I'm really holding out for Blood, have not played that in yonks and I never did play the full version.

I hear it's mouse is shithouse (SW, even the Redux on steam, has awful mouse controls)....is there anything that can be done about this?

Duke has EDuke, what do the others have?

>> No.1980560

>Duke has EDuke, what do the others have?
They don't have shit. Blood is still closed source, and its code is lost deep inside Monolith. Redneck Rampage is forgotten. Shadow Warrior has Redux, but it's not reassuring.

>> No.1980573

I still use DOSbox for everything, but actually I also use DOSbox for DN3D whenever I can.
Get bMouse if you think mouse control is a problem, it works like a charm for SW and Blood after proper configuring.

Otherwise SW has Redux and SWP, they both have their pros and their cons... SW is also getting an 'eduke' version, it's being made atm, but I have no idea when it'll be out.

Only SW and DN3D had their sourcecodes released.

>> No.1980623
Quoted by: >>1980634 >>1980639

>tfw its borderline impossible to get any of these except Duke working easily

why the fuck arent source ports a more common thing

>> No.1980634

Dosbox makes them work relatively easily. Sourceports would still be welcome, though.

>> No.1980639

There can be no sourceports if there is no source. But anyway, once you know how to use DOSbox, they're all easy to install and at least you're sure it's 100% accurate unlike sourceports.

>> No.1980767

Are you getting upset because of the internet bro?

>> No.1981301
File: 313 KB, 1280x960, r3mix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1981330 >>1981371

I've started uploading maps on DN3D Megaton's workshop again.
I've added all of Maarten Pinxten work, which is 12 quality SP maps, as well as some old and forgotten but rather good oldie "Flash Flood" (a kind of mix between Flood Zone, Dukeburger and Freeway), and 3 maps involving Fakir (pic related, We Store Your Crap Remix).

When looking at DN3D through the angle of 18 years of mapping, it's amazing to see the amount of quality stuff there is.

>> No.1981314
Quoted by: >>1981341

Speaking of source ports, is there a Chocolate Doom equivalent to Duke, or am I better off just using DOSBox if I want the vanilla experience?

>> No.1981330
Quoted by: >>1981341

>DN3D Megaton's workshop again.
let it rot.

>> No.1981341

There is xDuke, and I heard there actually is a sourceport called Cholocate Duke that someguy did for fun but I never tried it.

Why? It's a pretty big window to what the DN3D community has to offer (2 of my maps got downloaded 5000 times), and I wouldn't want to think that all there is to DN3D mapping is the crap that some people put on there.

>> No.1981360
File: 318 KB, 1300x1390, marijuana-leaf-vector-7572093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1981772

How many of you smoke and play vidya?

It just occurred to me that I would really like to smoke a joint. I haven't smoked in over three years and I've suddenly had the urge to do so, and I've also realised I've never played the BUILD engine games (or even Doom, or even most retro games) stoned. I can only imagine that they'd be fucking good while you're high.

I think tomorrow I'll have to acquire some marijuana and see what it's like.

>> No.1981371
Quoted by: >>1981389

Hmm, is there a eDuke version of these maps available somewhere?

>> No.1981389
Quoted by: >>1981415

If a map works in Megaton, it works in EDuke32, it's the contrary that isn't always the case.

You can find maps/mods/episode here:
http://msdn.duke4.net/ (some older links are dead but there is a download pack with all the old maps somewhere on the site which i can't even seem to find)
http://dukerepository.com/ (dead and hasn't been updated in 3 years but still a good ressource of pre 2012 stuff)

You can find some stuff on MODDB as well though mostly episodes and mods.

>> No.1981415

Thanks, gonna get me some Nukem tomorrow.

>> No.1981693 [DELETED] 

WTF, they were involved with the skunny games?

>> No.1981698
Quoted by: >>1981715

WTF, they were involved with the skunny games?

>> No.1981715
File: 17 KB, 320x200, 471341-skunny-special-edition-dos-screenshot-these-barrels-fire-skunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, just Skunny Kong.

>> No.1981772
Quoted by: >>1981913

i only game while stoned, I was ripped out of my god damn mind last christmas playing duke nukem it was amazing.

>> No.1981913
File: 12 KB, 251x389, weee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1982036 >>1989970

Have you tried Blood stoned? Goddamn that must be something.

>> No.1982036

I'm sure it would be awesome I always have more patience for hard games when Im high. Playing Kid Icarus and Zelda 2 baked when I was a teenager is what reminded me how much I loved retro games.

>> No.1982517
File: 8 KB, 250x188, revtcp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just replayed The Christmas Project, we talked about it in a previous thread. It's a small 2 levels mod for EDuke (EDuke, the predecessor to EDuke32, which ran under DOS after the release of the DN3D sourcecode and allowed greater modding possibilities than vanilla DN3D) but there is also a patch to make it run under EDuke32.

It's basically a ripoff of that HL mod in which you play as the enemy alien, except done in Duke. It's short but decent.
DL link : http://dukeworld.duke4.net/2001-current/tc/tcp/
Installation : unzip in a new folder, then unzip both patches, then unzip EDuk32 in that same folder, put the file Duke3D.grp from your copy of DN3D into that same folder; and run EDuke32.

>> No.1982821
File: 9 KB, 595x105, specs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea how pic related laptop specs will handle Blood gog dosbox? Any chance I'll get constant 60+fps at 640x480?

I've heard dosbox only uses one core, so it doesn't matter if you have quadcore. All that matters is the ghz on one core. My current laptop is 2.4ghz core2duo and I have to play at 320x240 to stay above 60fps. On 640x480 It drops to the 30s at times, averages in the 40s. Can I expect more of the same shitty performance?

>> No.1982843
Quoted by: >>1982850 >>1992975

I'm no expert but I heard like you (number of cores doesn't matter), so this shouldn't change much, it might just be a bit better. I used to have a dual core 2,5ghz and I'd play in 320*240 like you, only now with a quad 3,4ghz can I play in 800*600 with constant 60FPS and it's the best use I got of this computer.

Have you tried testing all the different video outputs of DOSbox (overlay, surface, direct3D, etc) ? Some are smoother than the others depending on your computer.

>> No.1982846

*Also, that i7 in the new laptop has something called 'Turbo Boost' technology which can take the ghz up to 3.5 under certain conditions. Don't know if it can be used for DOSBox though.

>> No.1982850
Quoted by: >>1983693

I've only tried the default Overlay and OpenGL. I switched to OpenGL just so I could record it with DXTory. Haven't tried the other options though.

Also see this post >>1982846. You reckon Turbo Boost will work with DOSBox? God I hope so.

>> No.1983627

>no sourceport of darkforce

>> No.1983659
Quoted by: >>1983915


DarkXL actually works fairly well.

>> No.1983687
Quoted by: >>1984493

They never released the source code.

>> No.1983693
Quoted by: >>1983840

Turbo Boost works with any single-threaded program when the other cores are idle. The CPU can't dissipate enough heat to run all 4 cores at 3.5GHz, but it can run a single core that fast if the others are idle.

>> No.1983840
Quoted by: >>1984493 >>1984525

So it should work well for DOSBox right?

What if I'm recording with DXTory or Shadowplay at the same time?

>> No.1983915
Quoted by: >>1984493

what the fuck are you on? no it doesn't it's unfinished as hell and the AI is fucked. I'd rather play it looking old than use an unfinished port.

>> No.1984493
Quoted by: >>1985297 >>1985553

>Build engine thread

Maybe if you can set both DOSbox and DXTory to use the same core?

if the source was never released, so it's a recreation like BloodCM or eRampage?

>> No.1984525
Quoted by: >>1985291

also if you want to record something, you always have the possibility to record in game demos; and then to play and record that demo with whatever other program.
The problem with this is that a demo stops as soon as you die; and that it asks you to replay the demo in order to record it.

>> No.1984910
Quoted by: >>1985291 >>1985982

Bump with a video of me playing my favourite recently released map


>> No.1985291
Quoted by: >>1985309

Yeah I know, but with that I'd only be able to do pitchfork starts with each level. It won't record when you get to the next level unfortunately.

Nice video broski. /vr/ should do stuff like this more often. Uploading gameplay/webms is always fun to see.

>> No.1985297

>Maybe if you can set both DOSbox and DXTory to use the same core?
Dunno how to do that. Hmm, will try.
I wish the assholes would just send it over already. I ordered it on the 19th, they're taking so fucking long.

>> No.1985309
Quoted by: >>1985326

Have you tried enabling demo recording and then loading a save? But yeah, it's still annoying having to rewatch the demo in order to record...

Thanks for the video, I'm also uploaded 2 other videos, played the 2 other maps from the same author. I plan to add more.

>> No.1985326

Yup, tried it. Didn't work out.
Will watch the vids bro. When I eventually get my new laptop I'll upload some stuff, too. Fingers crossed for Blood at just 640x480 native at 60+fps when recording but eh, probably unlikely :)

>> No.1985553

yah darkxl is some ambitious project that is never going to see the light of day, the idiot is trying to port over daggerfall, and dark forces in the same engine. I just checked again and he hasn't made any updates since I last checked years ago. Project is good as dead, to make this thread related he was trying to get blood to run on his engine too. I hope nobody wastes their time with XL engine though its just a fucking cocktease that will never get completed.

>> No.1985567
Quoted by: >>1985610

I just tried playing some Shadow Warrior Redux and the sonofabitch crashed twice.

Actually the first time it glitched out. There was this one standard uzi soldier guy and I couldn't kill him. Shot the shit out of him even with rockets and he wouldn't die. So I let him kill me.

Then I tried the expansion Wanton Destruction and it crashed. Had to do a hard restart from unresponsive Windows.

Lame shit. Can I expect this all the way through?

Also how are the SW expansions that come with Redux? Which one is better? Any advice for them? I remember NESfag saying something like turn off voxels for them for mines or something.

>> No.1985610

Redux used to be fine for me but it now it crashes every time I press a F1, F2, F3 etc key; it's very unstable...

Though Redux comes bundle with a DOSbox versions, which supports both add-ons too. I recommend to configure and play that, and if mouselook is a problem for you, bMouse works great for SW as well. DOSbox is still the best way to play SW, until the 'eduke SW' comes out and we might finally get a decent sourceport.
If you really want to play in a sourceport, SWP is more stable but I still don't like and it can be a bit glitchy too on the edges.

And yes, in Redux there is a glitch with voxels that makes them all appear one-inch lower; which means that all the mines are invisible with voxels on. There aren't many mines in the original game, but there is a lot more in a couple of levels of the Twin Dragon addon, so it gets annoying quickly.

Both add-ons are great imo, they both have their share of great maps and their share of not so great maps.

>> No.1985749
File: 279 KB, 1650x1275, UcvKv4R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1985838
File: 138 KB, 640x480, screenshot.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deepest lore

>> No.1985982

What did you use to record this?

And did you convert it to another format before uploading to youtube? When I record I get ridiculously huge file sizes that would take years to upload. If you converted it what program did you use and what were the settings? Cheers.

>> No.1986731


>> No.1986736
Quoted by: >>1986921 >>1987657



The mysterious beauty girl who is bathing herself on the reverse side of a waterfall or the roof of a public bath of the destination of RO WAN. Although other characters has the real style, she is a character with wonderful ANIME-face! We do not know whether she is an enemy or an ally. However, if we speak to her, we will be shot by her.

>> No.1986772
File: 3.00 MB, 640x480, warehouse.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1986774
File: 2.99 MB, 640x480, aquad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1986778 >>1986783


>> No.1986778 [DELETED] 

I was on another chan earlier that allows for sound webms + 5mb webm size limit. It's too bad moot doesn't allow sound webms here.


>> No.1986783
Quoted by: >>1986921

I was on another chan earlier that allows for sound webms + 5mb webm size limit. It's too bad moot doesn't allow sound webms here. Makes a huge difference.


>> No.1986794

I've got a weak spot for Witchaven II.

Witchaven II: Blood Vengeance...

>> No.1986921
File: 97 KB, 576x867, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1987337 >>1987657

Fun fact, here is the girl who appears on 2 posters in Shadow Warrior, she is called Miho Nomoto and did some soft porn pictures.

... Did she make it directly from George Broussard's porn folder to his Shadow Warrior folder ? We shall never know....

Nice, I really like those maps. Have some more Duke :

>> No.1987337
File: 3.00 MB, 640x480, ghost ship.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1987402

Aye, I've heard some say on /vr/ that they don't like Blood's episode 5 but I don't get that. It's probably my favourite episode and those two maps are killer.

Very nice gameplay. You've convinced me to get round to playing Duke Hard at last. I'm on map 28 of Scythe 2 (first playthrough ever), once that's over with I'll get started on DH for sure.

>> No.1987402
Quoted by: >>1987439

Yeah episode 5 has some great fucking maps, and the new enemy add something new to it all.
Some of the maps are more fully conceptual which might be why some people don't like them.

Also that warehouse map, the theme of the map is pretty cliché and boring (warehouse and crates); but it's executed incredibly well and it has some of the best gameplay in the entire game.

If you play Duke Hard, don't use the latest EDuke32 (r4593) there is a glitch with it which stops the episode at map7; I don't know exactly in which version of EDuke32 that glitch appeared so I dunno if the previous version worked; all I know is that r4525 works

>> No.1987439
Quoted by: >>1989915

I completely agree. In terms of layout Public Storage may well be the best map in the game.

>> No.1987657
File: 111 KB, 697x760, 1365695233459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1987676

>mfw bath girl returns in the remake, original sprite and all

>> No.1987676
File: 391 KB, 1680x1050, 233130_screenshots_2014-06-21_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1987705 >>1988317

I feel like recording some Blood, pitchfork start on skill4. Any level recommendation? Could be anything (original game, addon, usermap)

To be honest those retro areas in the reboot tickled my autism at times. Some of the things they did in those "retro areas" looked nothing like what it would have been if the same room was made in the original SW using Build; and sometimes some of the things they did wouldn't even be possible at all in Build. It's also rushed with no shading and sometimes not even completely done like the missing part of this computer here...
What's supposed to make the devs look cool with fan service, instead make them look like they have no idea what they're talking about and that they never opened a Build map editor...

>> No.1987705
Quoted by: >>1987901

Do the first level of Death Wish brah.

>> No.1987901
Quoted by: >>1988107

There you go


The video is still processing so if you're waiting a few mins you'll have access to higher quality.

I didn't play very well, I was a bit rusty (hadn't played Blood or Death Wish in a little while; didn't remember the enemy and item placement of this map at all) and I was forced to play in a 800*600 window due to my recording program, I even almost died at 9:50; but I guess it turned out alright in the end and there are a few cool moments.

>> No.1988107
File: 3.00 MB, 640x480, pitchfork.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1989094 >>1992926

Not bad bro but you're more a Duker than a Bloodite I see. A tip for zombies though; if you strafe to the side a bit when they swing they'll miss and you can keep hitting them with the pitchfork without a problem so poking them goes a lot faster.

I'd like to record a Death Wish playthrough some time but as you can see even at this shitty native res I get a joke framerate for it when recording with DXTory. Still waiting on that new laptop. Time will tell if it's any improvement or not. Your picture quality is so nice even at just 800x600 native. I haven't tried out BMouse but seeing your video makes me think that maybe it's not such a big deal that Blood doesn't have a source port release.

>> No.1988317
Quoted by: >>1989090

weren't a some of the retro areas directly from the original? like the holy grail area

>> No.1988507
File: 82 KB, 640x421, 18j32zjxuvn4ajpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1988526 >>1989090

What's the correct - or rather, 'autist approved' - way of playing eduke32? With or without auto aim?

>> No.1988526
Quoted by: >>1989090

Keyboard controls only

>> No.1988546

>not browsing teh 4chins with a VM
>actually being scared of links as a result


>> No.1989090
File: 95 KB, 320x200, duke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah some of them, there was the holy grail area, the seppuku trainstation, and maybe another one; but most were original areas

Auto-aim couldn't be turned off in the original game, at least not in SP and not in the game's settings or setup menus (not sure about MP and not sure about changing something in the con files).
So, the most "authentic" way to play EDuke32 is with autoaim on, to disable the new HUD (in game options -> upgraded status bar: NO) and obviously to play in 8bit video mode since the other renderers only starting existing with sourceports. If you really want to be autistic you need to play in a non widescreen resolution too.

This being said, even if it's what I do in EDuke32 (though I do use widescreen) it's a bit silly because if you really want to be picky EDuke32 has some small differences with the original game (mostly what can be considered improvements); so if you want to be fully authentic, just use DOSbox.

This doesn't really matter, "keyboard+mouse" is the default controller device when installing DOS Duke3D, sure it's not used at all in the same way as WASD+mouse; but back in the days tons of players, especially in multiplayer, used keyboard+joystick (because joysticks gave you the 20% speed boost of strafe-running even without strafing) which is very similar to keyboard+mouse.
The game could go up to 800*600 by default, but natively the Build engine supported resolution that can go as high as you screen can, the problem being that this wasn't programmed in the early Build games so you'd need a patch which would let you use some higher resolutions.
BTW it's not 320*240, it's 320*200. Also in EDuke32 you can't set details to "low" like in the original game, pic related (how I played it on a 486 DX4)

>> No.1989094
Quoted by: >>1990971

Yeah I use that strafing a bit in the video but like I said i was rusty. I was hopping around like a Duke.
For the video recording I use bandicam, not sure if that's better or not than DXTory...
and yeah a Blood sourceport would benefit mostly people with older computers which can't run it at 800*600 in DOSBox.
I can think of other benefits though; even for me it would mean even higher resolutions and widescreen support; also the map editor could get the same improvements Duke3D's had. Also support for fan made voxels, like Shadow Warrior's "missing voxels" pack. More userfriendly netplay.
... and then people would ruin the game to themselves and use a high-res pack
>implying the Blood community has enough members for a high-res pack to be made

>> No.1989430

who uses those high res packs for DN3D anyway?

>> No.1989915
Quoted by: >>1990964

You know what sucks in Public Storage? That secret with the invulnerability, it can't be reached unless you play in coop or unless you have jump boots, and there is no jump boot in the map.

>> No.1989970
Quoted by: >>1990982

Not related to Build games but I playing Earthbound on LSD was a crazy experience.

>> No.1990964

Oh yeah? I've never come across that secret ever, hah. I've never been one to care about finding all secrets within levels tbh.

>> No.1990971
Quoted by: >>1991024

>>implying the Blood community has enough members for a high-res pack to be made
Well I wouldn't count out the dedication. You might be surprised. Bloodfags are poor bastards, they've been screaming at Monolith to release the source for over 15 years now. When Atari announced the Blood Steam release, I checked out their twitter announcement, and it again composed solely of Blood fans telling them to release the source. In that time there have also been some nice projects though, like Death Wish and RATM.

Even as shitty as BloodCM is, it no doubt took a lot of time and dedication on that guy's part to make that abominable imitation. If somebody is willing to do that, I'm sure a high resolution pack wouldn't be out of the picture even now.

It's all making castles in beach sand though. We're never gonna get a source code release.

>> No.1990982
Quoted by: >>1991120

>Playing vidya on acid
What is that even like? Never done acid but I'd imagine it would make things incoherent as hell. Pls describe the earthbound experience to me on LSD.

>> No.1991024
Quoted by: >>1991179 >>1991383


People here are very harsh critics of BloodCM, but it's still under development right ? Who knows maybe it'll turn out alright someday. Maybe a dev with some real reverse engineering chops will join the team or something.

>> No.1991102
Quoted by: >>1991124

The chances of Redneck Rampage making it onto Steam is pretty much 0, right?

>> No.1991120
Quoted by: >>1992919 >>1992929

Not the same guy, and i havent played earthbound on LSD, but i have played games tripping before.

Biggest thing to know about LSD is that its primary effect is that it alters pattern recognition. Not necessarily visual patterns, either, but interpretive patterns (i.e. a cheap b movie can become a multilayered philosophical piece).

>incoherant as hell
Not really. I often describe lsd experiences to people as things being "the same but different".
For instance, playing through silent hill 2 tripping was interesting: i could operate the controls and interface easily and even understand the plot with 100% clarity -- but i just couldnt stop laughing at shit. Like minor shit like james' hairstyle, or the ambient sounds...it all just seemed funny.

>> No.1991124

it's on gog anyway, and a steam version won't be much different.

>> No.1991179
File: 164 KB, 900x563, blood_caleb_by_tacotown5-d42anpd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1991185

>People here are very harsh critics of BloodCM
Well, there's reason for that buddy. It's just not Blood. It looks the same, sounds the same, but that's about it. It is literally a cheap imitation.

It's not this game at all:

It's not like I didn't want it to be good you know?

>> No.1991185


Oh I'm not arguing that, just saying it's still unfinished and therefore there's still time for it to improve.

>> No.1991280
Quoted by: >>1991383

Agreed, though Nuclear Winter was rubbish. First two maps were just revisits of the first two maps from L.A. Meltdown in reverse. and then the original maps were just ugly and boring. The new enemies were unwelcome additions, too.

>> No.1991383

I don't think so. AFAIK the only reason they consider it unfinished is because they still haven't ported over the later episodes; they do consider the first episodes finish.
The problem is people are telling them they're going a great job, and those who know the game enough to realize the behaviours are off don't say anything.
The only people I know that would be skilled enough to do a decent job and who would be dedicated enough to Blood to do it aren't interested in joining what they consider an amateurish project; and instead started their own, but that got even less far than BloodCM and afaik it's on a big hiatus.

But even then, even if it's well done, it would still never be perfect (a recreation can never be, even when done by professionals), so I don't see the point, I can play Blood just fine in 800*600 and a recreation wouldn't support the usermade content for Blood.

NW is such garbage. Even the 2 first maps aren't good because they succeeded in ruining them with their few changes.
What's funny is that it's the same people who made the unreleased Deadly Kiss addon for SW; and I heard from people who saw the files that Deadly Kiss was really good. I think for NW they lacked time (some stuff are unfinished, like the lack of coop support past the first 2 maps, the unfinished vents in the last map, that glitch in one of the maps that can make it unbeatable, etc), and that they also lacked discipline: if you look at some of the maps, they spent an insane amount of time doing amazingly detailed shading (there are some multi sector shading on sloped curved ground and ceiling for instance), yet didn't have time to even finish some of the maps; that's a lack of priority.

>> No.1991738
File: 44 KB, 160x200, caleb___blood_by_sequity-d6b0cay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1991762


>> No.1991762
Quoted by: >>1991776

Nice, I was just trying to play Aqueducts pitchfork start on skill 4 without saving. Tough fucking map on pitchfork start. I died 4 times, last time just after the boat part so I almost made it, damnit...

>> No.1991776
File: 2.45 MB, 854x480, bounce.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1991780 >>1992996

I've never tried doing Blood with pitchfork starts (or Duke/Doom with pistol starts). I told you this before but I like going through games all the way through without dying (or per episode basis). If I die I'll restart from the beginning NES style. I like having all the guns and slaughtering the map, not feeling limited. Maybe I'll see what pitchfork start is like some time.

>> No.1991780
Quoted by: >>1992996

I figured that would be a Blood webm.

I can't believe you don't like Quake btw. Wtf. Some of the best level design ever, easily my favourite 3D level design ever.

>> No.1992919

I want to try LSD but I'm scared of it. Honestly, I'm less scared of something like heroin than I am of LSD because it doesn't really make you think.

I used to smoke a lot of pot back in the day during uni years. I used to LOVE weed. It used to make me laugh and enjoy everything a lot more. Then as time went on I started having bad highs, and I'd get really paranoid and introspective. Now I can never smoke it ever without having really depressing thoughts. I can't even smoke hash even if it's far less psychedelic than weed is. I always get paranoid and feel like shit so I had to drop it.

I loved ecstasy right to my last rave though. Probably my favourite drug after alcohol. The thing is I can't smoke weed anymore for the reasons described above. Because it always makes me so introspective and depressed, I worry that if I tried LSD I'll start thinking about the same things but the effect will be even stronger and maybe I'll never recover from that. I've heard stories about just one trip of LSD can change someone forever. I've heard the urban tale about how the guy who made LSD. The story goes that he started taking it every day and he rode his bike for the rest of his life tripping out and that was it. I know that even if it's real it's just an isolated incident but still. Shit like Syd Barrett. I'm sorry if this is all sounding incredibly naive however.

>> No.1992926
Quoted by: >>1992927

>Your picture quality is so nice even at just 800x600 native. I haven't tried out BMouse but seeing your video makes me think that maybe it's not such a big deal that Blood doesn't have a source port release.
lol nigga please. 800x600 is fucking nothing. Needing 3.4ghz quadcore just to play it at that is a joke.

>> No.1992927
Quoted by: >>1993243

also fuck dosbox in general

>> No.1992929

If it's not incoherent, why do people trip out so much on LSD? Like people go on about shit they're seeing. What's the strongest dose you ever took? What was your favorite game on LSD?

>> No.1992975
Quoted by: >>1992996

Wait! Is DOSbox really that much resource hungry?


>> No.1992996

Pitchfork start is harder in Blood, compared to other Build game pistol starts (not counting Powerslave since it wasn't designed with that system in mind). On normal difficulty you should be alright; but on skill 4 it is pretty clear that you need to know a good share of the secrets to make it in most levels. I think that's pretty fair though, because it's mostly fine on normal and because someone who'd do a pitchfork start on Hard most likely knows a good share of the secrets anyway.

I love the level design in Quake; it's everything else that I don't really like, gameplay is mostly a chore.

It's really that much DOSBox's fault, it's mostyle Blood. You'll have no issue running other Build games smoothly at high resolution in DOSBox, both Redneck Rampage, DN3D and SW will run fine. Well, you might get some framerate drop around mirrors or Sector Over Sector in SW; but that's about it.

Blood was far more demanding by default than other Build games.

>> No.1993192
File: 131 KB, 800x600, E6M9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1993236

I just played the secret map of the Post Mortem episode for the very first time (I had somehow missed it all this time), and it's a fucking great map. Layout and gameplay absolutely excellent (past the fact you can sequence break some stuff if you jump on enemies to reach higher platforms)

Also is it me or do Hellbounds corpses sometimes have convulsion shortly after they die? I thought I saw something like that for a second.

>> No.1993236
File: 42 KB, 215x138, head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, one of the best levels in the game. Seriously dude Episode 5 is the best.

I'm not sure about Hellbound corpses having convulsions but I know cultists' feet randomly kick when they're dead. Also one of those background gib heads lying around that you occasionally see open and close their eyes. That shit creeped me out so much when I first noticed it.

>> No.1993243
Quoted by: >>1993249

I hate DOSBox now because I'm not able to upgrade Duke 3D to Atomic Edition and my discs are freaking flawless, so I don't know why the update keeps failing.

>> No.1993249
Quoted by: >>1994869

gog version is atomic. Pirate it?

>> No.1994869


>> No.1995286
Quoted by: >>1995298

Blood has 2 controls called "tilt right" and "tilt left", however when I press the keys nothing happens even after redifining them.
This would be a very useful function against cultists. Any idea if it can work somehow?

>> No.1995298
Quoted by: >>1996657

To my knowledge those don't work. I've never seen anybody tilting in blood either.

>> No.1995708

Someone made a tutorial to get Blood running smoothly at resolutions up to 1280*1024, using another version of DOSbox. The feedback to that tutorial seems mostly positive.


I haven't tried it myself but it might be something worth checking out for people who have trouble running the game past very low resolutions.

>> No.1995730

Man I just started Blood and it's kicking my ass something fierce on the default difficulty. I'm really enjoying this.

>> No.1995806
File: 2.79 MB, 500x282, HE'S TOO FAST.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1996005

I've always thought that FEAR's gunplay was reminiscent of Blood's. No game really had gunplay that matched Blood's visceral feeling of destructibility for me until I finally played FEAR many years later. I have a feeling that a lot of the team that was involved in designing the feel of Blood's shooting also worked on FEAR.

>> No.1996005

I checked out FEAR's wiki and found that the lead designer of FEAR (Craig Hubbard) was also a Blood developer, so the two games did indeed have common devs. I came across this interview with Hubbard which is pretty interesting. You can find it on this webpage:


At about the 10:48 mark the interview asks him about Blood's multiplayer. Hubbard responds that around the Monolith offices they used to play a lot of MP, including Duke 3D, Blood and Quake. He compares kill counts they had between Quake, Duke and Blood after about an hour's time worth of play and while Quake and Duke would be at around 30 and 50 kills, Blood would be somewhere ridiculous like 400 kills. He called it 'sublime' and the best MP he had played back then. Sure he's a developer and biased but I can understand where he's coming from. That shit was a lot of fucking fun.

When I was a kid around 11 or 12 years old that was also the main MP game we'd play on PC at my friend's house. We had this one friend that had all the game systems at his house - you know, that one kid - including 2 PCs back to back connected by LAN. That was the only real LAN party we had then so it could only be 1v1. This was also before we knew about mouse control but still. We had all the main PC games (Quake, Blood, Doom, Duke, SW, GTA1&2, Quake 2, Red Alert, etc) but Blood MP was fucking ridiculously fun over the rest of them. If you've never checked out its multiplayer you must, even if it's probably difficult to in 2014.

Here's some examples I found on youtube:


Here's some coop gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqBJKmtlhc4
^It seems it's point based. Fuck it would be fun to do that with some /vr/os

Atari a shit.

>> No.1996071
Quoted by: >>1996090 >>1996556

>Atari a shit.
When they finally kick the bucket, what are the chances we might actually get that delicious source code?

>> No.1996090

eh, Idk m8, but definitely higher I guess. although Jace Hall claimed he had the source code around 2012 and he even said he could release it if he wanted to... but he didn't. He was however working on a modern source port which he said he wanted to release for free. For no reason Atari castrated the project near its completion.


>> No.1996556

There is more chance that someone gets the IP, keeps the soureccode for himself, and makes a commercial sourceport rather than just handing out the sourcecode for free to the public.

The problem with this is that chances are a commercial sourceport would not get as much support as an 'amateur' one (I mean, EDuke32 has gone through more than a decade of improvements). Commercial sourceports like Redux or Megaton are subpar compared to 'amateur' ones.

I've never played Blood's MP but the best FPS deathmatch experience I've had in my entire life was with Shadow Warrior, and that comes from someone who put HUNDREDS of hours in Q3A, UT, TF2,etc

>> No.1996657

In duke3d those keys make you turn 90 degrees horizontally and 45 vertically (so you ended up looking to your right or left but with an inclined view). Mostly a quick key for keyboard players to look sideways without having to turn all the way. Not meant to peek around corners.

>> No.1996716
File: 29 KB, 492x640, suck it down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1996730

How does one go about hosting a Blood game?
I heard you have to use YANG nowadays or some shit like that. Also, anyone knows if you need open ports to host YANG matches?

>> No.1996726

I just followed the instructions on that GOG forum thread and blood changed from unplayable at 320x200 to full speed at 800x600 on my laptop (didn't try higher res).
The link to that "sped up" version of dosbox is broken; here's the new link: http://ykhwong.x-y.net/ it's "dosbox svn daum"
Besides downloading it, modify dosbox.conf as noted in the forum.

>> No.1996730

AFAIK the way to play blood is emulating an IPX server via dosbox on a host machine with ports open, and the rest of the players connect to him. All users should enable IPX emulation in the dosbox configuration first.

>> No.1996939
File: 7 KB, 126x196, 660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't work for me.

>> No.1997045

Nice, I'll check it out.

>> No.1997078
Quoted by: >>1997080 >>1997673

You know I'm growing more and more impatient for this thing to get here, and when it does it probably won't make much difference for DOSBox Blood anyway leaving me with a fucktonne of disappointment. It's funny how the main thing I'm hoping it will improve is an ancient game that by and large should be working flawlessly on that thing (hell even on the core2duo 2.4 ghz I'm using now). That laptop can run all sorts of modern games at 60+fps with high settings at 720/1080p depending on the game, but I'm mainly hoping it will run an ancient game at 60fps at only 640x480 native. Kek.

If there's someone here with similar CPU specs, pls try Blood DOSBox out and tell me how it runs. You can check the framerate by pressing 'Y' in game to talk, and then entering 'rate'. I'm tired of all this suspense. I should get the laptop by Friday at the latest.

>> No.1997080

Personally I'm considering getting myself a late 90's build up to play all sorts of dos games. the problem is the lack of space for another computer...

>> No.1997121

Well I just tried it and it hardly changes anything for me. I might be getting a SLIGHTLY better framerate, but I still can't go over 800x600 for a smooth 60FPS.

>> No.1997673
Quoted by: >>1999431

My laptop's specs are lower than yours (mostly the same except it's core i5 instead of i7 and the screen is a bit smaller) and I couldn't run GOG blood even at the lowest res before I found this thread and followed the instructions on >>1995708 and >>1996726.
Now I even managed to open the game twice in the same pc to test connecting to myself in multiplayer, and it worked flawlessly at 800x600. I don't see the point in using higher res.

>> No.1999431
Quoted by: >>2000286

Hmmm, interesting. When you say flawlessly, do you mean 60+fps constant at 800x600? Well your message gives me a lot of hope.

>> No.1999582
Quoted by: >>1999610

Am I the only one who doesn't care about Duke's fourth episode, 'The Birth'? I like the rest of the game but I can't be bothered to play through The Birth. It just feels so meh.

>> No.1999610

I think The Birth is really good. It goes even further into the comedy aspect of DN3D to the point where it almost becomes a full parody, and for this The Birth had a lot of influence on the franchise and character of Duke, how people see him.
The level design can have some flaws, like a serious case of "giant plain grey walls surrounding the level" (Going Postal, Pigsty, etc) and also suffers from some shitty puzzle or progression aspects like in Duke Burger and Derelict.
But overall, I think it's really good, I love Mission Impossible for instance and how much freedom you have at the beginning of the map.
The expander isn't the best of weapons (and it breaks Deathmatch beyond belief, to the point that if a map has the expander in it, you can be sure deathmatch will suck in that level); and the Newbeasts aren't the most fun of enemies but they have the advantage of posing a threat no matter how much geared you are.

I'd say it's probably the most uneven, least consistent episode, but it's very fun nonetheless. Personally I have only discovered it in 2004, I never had it as a kid, so it has the advantage of being something I don't know as much as the rest of the game.
The best thing of the episode is all the new material (textures mostly) it gave to mappers.

Fun fact, it seems that a lot of that episode were actually left overs. Things that were scrapped or unfinished during the making of the original game. For instance traces of the Mission Impossible level and of the Expander were found in 1994 betas of the game.

>> No.2000286

sorry, not constant 60fps, but it runs just like I remember it back in the day with a pentium. And before making the changes it was just a choppy unplayable mess.