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>> No.3953527 [View]
File: 95 KB, 320x200, duke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with a DX4 100mhz and 20mb of ram, I was running Duke Nukem 3D in 320*200, with graphics details set to "low". Pic related.

It may work like that on yours, but may lag still.

>> No.3442257 [View]
File: 95 KB, 320x200, duke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>downgrade was a thing even back then.

Yeah I know, "cutting is shipping" is true in many sense of the word. They simplified detailing a lot, getting rid of stuff that weren't essential, for better performance. For instance in Hollywood Holocaust, that area near the cash register with the atomic health comes off as being a little weird, but there used to be a door there, which makes a little more sense.

I guess that back then, I was glad they did that though, because playing DN3D on a 486 DX4 meant playing in 320*200 with Details set to low! Only way to play it smooth, pic related.

Nope, I came with the walls. The last survivor of a time when more than a third of the posts on /v/ were from trip and namefags.

>> No.3280921 [View]
File: 95 KB, 320x200, duke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry that video was uploaded by Hendricks like you said, it's just that the link you posted is a mirror.

Someone made a map inspired by LameDuke if you're interested


Not just sprites were reduced in the final version of the game for better framerate, but also structural details as well. Quite a lot was simplified. In the end I guess I was glad they did because i played the game on a 486DX4 100mhz back then, 320*200 with details set at LOW.... pic related but fullscreen.

I'm not sure if I see what you meand with Escape From New York, I love that movie, but I don't see the connection. If you like that movie btw, few days ago I watched LockOut (2012) which reminded me a lot of Escape From New York, except in a space prison.

>> No.3112078 [View]
File: 95 KB, 320x200, duke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing DN3D on 486 at 320*200 with graphics set to low

It will be back. Now that Pitchork has fullfiled his lifedream and stole Duke with the help of lawyers he's paid with Borderlands 2's DLC money, he's not going to just sit on it.

>> No.2330112 [View]
File: 95 KB, 320x200, duke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although I seem to have had a thing with playing great games in terrible conditions.

Back in 1996 I had a demo of Duke Nukem 3D thanks to a demo on a PC video game magazine. I had a 486 dx4 100mhz and the best it could do was run the game at 320*200 with details set to low. Pic related, imagine this, fullscreen, it was hard to make out what some of the things were.

I had already played Doom, Wolf3D and various other clones, but needless to say I was completely blown away by DN3D and everything it offered (interaction, atmosphere, usermaps, etc) despite playing it in the worst possible conditions.

When we eventually changed computer for that 500mhz I mentionned, replaying DN3D to death in 800*600, smoothly, was the first thing I did; before even trying new games.

>> No.1989090 [View]
File: 95 KB, 320x200, duke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah some of them, there was the holy grail area, the seppuku trainstation, and maybe another one; but most were original areas

Auto-aim couldn't be turned off in the original game, at least not in SP and not in the game's settings or setup menus (not sure about MP and not sure about changing something in the con files).
So, the most "authentic" way to play EDuke32 is with autoaim on, to disable the new HUD (in game options -> upgraded status bar: NO) and obviously to play in 8bit video mode since the other renderers only starting existing with sourceports. If you really want to be autistic you need to play in a non widescreen resolution too.

This being said, even if it's what I do in EDuke32 (though I do use widescreen) it's a bit silly because if you really want to be picky EDuke32 has some small differences with the original game (mostly what can be considered improvements); so if you want to be fully authentic, just use DOSbox.

This doesn't really matter, "keyboard+mouse" is the default controller device when installing DOS Duke3D, sure it's not used at all in the same way as WASD+mouse; but back in the days tons of players, especially in multiplayer, used keyboard+joystick (because joysticks gave you the 20% speed boost of strafe-running even without strafing) which is very similar to keyboard+mouse.
The game could go up to 800*600 by default, but natively the Build engine supported resolution that can go as high as you screen can, the problem being that this wasn't programmed in the early Build games so you'd need a patch which would let you use some higher resolutions.
BTW it's not 320*240, it's 320*200. Also in EDuke32 you can't set details to "low" like in the original game, pic related (how I played it on a 486 DX4)

>> No.1928996 [View]
File: 95 KB, 320x200, duke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing DN3D on 486 at 320*200 with details set to low. Pic related, try this in fullscreen. I couldn't even make out what some things were supposed to be due to how shitty it looked.

Also playing Ocarina Of Time at half the normal framerate on emulator (pj64 I think). I eventually gave up and didn't beat the game.

>> No.1539331 [View]
File: 95 KB, 320x200, duke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I played Duke Nukem 3D on my 486dx4 100 mhz for years. Try that fullscreen, it's 320*200 but with graphics details set to "low" (you can't even do that in any duke3D sourceport, you'd have to try it in dosbox if you want to see it in game) It was very hard to even make out what you were looking at at this.

When I got a 500mhz one of the first and most thing I did at first was replay Duke3D in higher resolution. I compeltely rediscovered the game.
Then, I played Half Life on that same 500hz and each loading screen would take up to 5mins, that includes loading a save. Sometimes I spent more time in loading screens than playing

>> No.1366840 [View]
File: 95 KB, 320x200, duke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm usually don't like insulting people even on 4chan but goddamn, you're really stupid. You sound like your first FPS game was half life (or worse) who then goes on trying older stuff. In that Duke level (E1L3), it's really very obvious you're supposed to find the cells there BECAUSE the last thing you did progression-wise within the level was to unlock them.

Also, eduke32 does not "change" duke controls. It changes the DEFAULT controls, sure, but TONS of people back in the days played with keyboard+mouse as it was invented prior to that for FPS games, but it's true that most people used keyboard+joystick (especially in deathmatch) but both are very similar. The point is, you could change the controls, tons of people did it, and keyboard+mouse controls dates from way back.

>I think that the big problem with it is even though the level design was so ahead of its time, it is still not as good as modern day level design.

Sounds like you're confusing "level design" with "realism". Realism was ahead of its time in Duke3D (and yes, on that point of course modern day games can be more detailed and realistic), but not level design. Duke3D level design is like any Doom-like, except that pushed even further in terms of how everything connects together because the majority of maps were designed to be played both for single player and deathmatch, but it's still typical Doom-like stuff.

I was 8 when I first played Duke and while I remember being stuck for a little while in E1L3 for the poster as well, it didn't take me too long to figure it out, EVEN THOUGH i was playing in a resolution of 320*200 with graphics set to LOW (something you can't even reproduce in eduke32), pic motherfucking related

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