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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 141 KB, 1186x578, 1692502173321360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10291040 No.10291040 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10272895

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

Quickstart torrent (IWADS etc): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake 1-3 FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters:
Doom Shovelware:
Fileplanet archives:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/







OUR SRB2K SERVER (Kart Game in Doom), more info here:


>> No.10291041
File: 1003 KB, 1968x1118, 1695623935843093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See https://desuarchive.org/vr/thread/10230372/#10235841

WAD BOORU (open for submissions)

FORE/VR/ ALONE (beta 3)

=== WHEN IT'S DONE ===


=== NEWS ===

[9-30] Ion Fury: Aftershock release announced for October 2, 2023

[9-30] Kingpin: Reloaded release announced for December 5, 2023

[9-30] Wrath: Aeon of Ruin release announced for February 27, 2024

[9-30] MARROW, a fan-made Blood episode, released

[9-28] The Force Engine 1.09.5 released, featuring new graphical features

[9-27] Venturous, an Indiana Jones-style partial conversion released

[9-25] GZDoom 4.11 released, supporting DSDHacked and new ZSCript features

[9-21] Naku-Naru 2 released

[9-20] GZChaos 1.0 released

[9-18] Doom Mac sourcecode

[9-15] Doom Retro 5.0 released

[9-15] E3 of Rise of the Triangles has released:

[9-15]/vr/ has made a Doom wad

=== PREVIOUS ===

>> No.10291047
File: 582 KB, 521x621, 1574241953051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say VIDEO GAMES
Server Name: Booty Lickers Incorporated
Pass: penis

You'll need Odamex 10.4.0 and Ad Mortem v5.1
Server does, in fact, appear in Odalaunch and Doomseeker.

>> No.10291052
File: 3.89 MB, 1280x720, notblood zombie punt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marrow's been fun, the new music is nice, and Not Blood is best

>> No.10291057
Quoted by: >>10302548

Finished BTSX1 and it's really impressive how they managed to pick the absolutely worst map to put at the last slot (ignoring Domino map since it's just glorified credits) just because it has the biggest slaughtershit section.

>> No.10291059
File: 160 KB, 278x243, Aw shit,it hurts my hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The year which /vr/ turned 10...
>The year which 4chan turned 20...
>The year which Doom turns 30...
Wouldn't trade you faggots for anything, here's to one hell of a site.

>> No.10291065
File: 17 KB, 287x280, AGITATION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10291110
Quoted by: >>10291120

downloading odamex, see you there mate

>> No.10291112


>> No.10291117
Quoted by: >>10291195

It's been a long road, hasn't it?

>> No.10291120

Best be quick, we only got 92 slots left

>> No.10291136
Quoted by: >>10291138

download for ad mortem please, oda couldnt get it

>> No.10291138


>> No.10291195
Quoted by: >>10291349

Yeah. Getting from there to here... It's been a long time.

>> No.10291237

Uh oh

>> No.10291239


>> No.10291240
Quoted by: >>10293124

Nice map17

>> No.10291241
File: 2 KB, 713x49, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10293124

what a great map

>> No.10291249

Time to write that bug report...

>> No.10291273


>> No.10291306

Cool, but not FPS related.

>> No.10291315


>> No.10291316
File: 1 KB, 337x58, kek2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i swear to fucking god

>> No.10291317
File: 18 KB, 112x112, 1693852293002661.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10291319
File: 174 KB, 1438x810, he laughed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10291321

quality experience

>> No.10291341
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, Odamex_COOP_20231001_212930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10291456

Alright, that's a wrap on Odamex right now. Here's your lazy group photo. Hate doors, hate video games, simple as. One of the dudes mentioned wanting to get Deathmatch going via the normal Zandronum means, so stay tuned for that, but with Ad Mortem complete, I hope absolutely none of you people had any fun.

>> No.10291343

post server settings of your liking, i will set up a tspg deathmatch server for zandro

>> No.10291346
File: 433 KB, 1150x1150, Word cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10291347

odamex sucks, thanks trannies for nothing

>> No.10291349
File: 92 KB, 1024x1024, 1693376296399215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10291352
File: 58 KB, 320x240, 1672557247932303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, and any interest for Whodunit further down the line? Not tonight but sometime this month. Feels appropriate for the season, and there seems to be more than enough players to make it fun.

>> No.10291370
Quoted by: >>10291484

dm server is up, running greenwar and dwango50
pass: penis
join if you know whats good for you

>> No.10291374
File: 696 KB, 840x1114, 1679836157248074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was thinking the same thing but got up to get a refill before posting

>> No.10291385
Quoted by: >>10291392

whoever just tried to join, i think if it detects vpns it autokicks you

>> No.10291392

I know, I just can't be assed to turn it off

>> No.10291456
Quoted by: >>10291496

My fuzzy pickle goes bump in the night.

>> No.10291478

why did this dude copy his tv listing to the source code?

>> No.10291483
File: 5 KB, 971x30, healterskemter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dm server going down, was fun boys

>> No.10291484

ggs guys that was fun

>> No.10291495

>anon games probably

>> No.10291496

My turkeyknob goes bump in the night too. Maybe we should get your fuzzy pickle and my turkeyknob together sometime? Maybe a little oil?

>> No.10291497

update WHEN

>> No.10291513
Quoted by: >>10291535

Is "setup_ion_fury_1.0_(31740).exe" in the OP folder the original uncensored version with "FAGBAG" still in it?

>> No.10291535

I'm not sure, but you can tell it's the original version if you download it and the acidipedes ear rape you when you kill them with explosions.

>> No.10291553
Quoted by: >>10291570

Does anybody have that video about why a mapper would get dark enemies in Quake?

>> No.10291556
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, 2023-10-01_21-07-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10291570

Couple bugs VRanon:
-If you get hit multiple times immediately while dying, the message "player was killed by x" will print for as many times as you are hit when you die". Maybe not that big a deal
-Centurions have no death message. Just "player" prints or whatever the player's name is

>> No.10291570
Quoted by: >>10291571

Huh, I'll have a look at those when I get the chance. Thanks.

>> No.10291571


>> No.10291587

DBP62: Haunting Hollow is out now!

>> No.10291591

>MAP08: Trickz N Treatz - thehockster
wtf literally plagiarism

>> No.10291593
Quoted by: >>10291640


>> No.10291607

40oz never changes.

>> No.10291614
File: 120 KB, 519x768, 1665720761246665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>striking distance

>> No.10291626
Quoted by: >>10291994

>Carlito's Way
Nice. Among Pacino's best.

>> No.10291640
File: 105 KB, 871x711, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of stock replies, probably Chinese bots. Damn commies.

>> No.10291643
File: 563 KB, 800x450, That's better.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave myself a headache trying to make the smear effects good looking, ultimately it came down to someone else stepping in and showing me how it's done. But it's done now.

>> No.10291654

not sure if serious

>> No.10291656
Quoted by: >>10291658

Tears at the base of the blade. Does vsync fix that? Otherwise DUDE sick

>> No.10291658
File: 122 KB, 582x223, Slashing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10291664

I think you're just seeing the smear frames.

>> No.10291659
Quoted by: >>10291663

what the fuck is nostalgia?

>> No.10291663
Quoted by: >>10291667

There're hundreds of Doom wads released every year you'll never hear of. I don't know why anon insinuated those guys are bots at all.

>> No.10291664

Oh hmmm in-game the blade is closer so it looks like tearing. Otherwise it looks great.

>> No.10291667

And here's Nostalgia 2, which the video mentions.

>> No.10291682
Quoted by: >>10292918

Does anybody know why this died?
If the creator is taking his shit and making a game that's fine, and the mod is pretty complete already, just some annoying visual bugs that never got fixed.

>> No.10291869

>only just realized I somehow forgot to put links for the wads in the Vanilla Break 2.0 section in the pastebin


>> No.10291897
File: 175 KB, 1148x613, 169874598235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10291915
File: 285 KB, 479x533, MRsweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized that the image of the previous OP is in 666x666 dimensions.

>> No.10291994
Quoted by: >>10292696

Underrated movie desu.

I should try to do smears.

>> No.10292123

Will anyone ever do a .mid rendition of Death Wish music for a Doom mod?

it reminds me of Lee Jackson's ROTT soundtrack

>> No.10292137

I love you anon. Glad you are here with us.

>> No.10292150

>making things make little thing
>thanks community

>classic sword retro
Mmmmm, just replayed Witchaven. On the suffering on those spike pits. I love how this sucks.

>> No.10292165
File: 20 KB, 247x350, af51980942215312eb2cbe506be5e3c29d9f6c95_asset_2_1171778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10292236

Just finished Star Trek Elite Force 2. Weird that we only got 3 Star Trek FPS that I know of in all those years. Given how big the franchise still is, one would hope for more, maybe less clunky games.

>> No.10292236
Quoted by: >>10292328

I recall hearing that at least one of them was pretty decent. I feel however that Star Trek would lend itself more towards some manner of FPS-RPG, given that you'd want a good bit of character interaction and dialogue trees and stuff, maybe with a bit of light point and click puzzling.

Star-Trek was never void of action and combat, Kirk would kick ass in person when he had to, and Picard was talented in the interstellar equivalent to naval warfare, but you need the mystery and problem solving, the negotiating and arguing, and the disparate cultures and how they clash.

>> No.10292305
Quoted by: >>10292360

how do I into Arcane Dimensions progression?
I have multiple saves but loading the hub seems to clear the "complete" tag for levels. I just want to know what levels i've beaten and what levels I still haven't played.

>> No.10292328
Quoted by: >>10292450

If Star Wars without lightsabers can be good, I see no reason why Star Trek without dialog can't be good.

>> No.10292360
Quoted by: >>10292513

Complete a level>booted to hub>saving your game should be fine. Or otherwise the same process but start a new level and save there.

>> No.10292365

hey /vr/, I'm looking for some Doom mods based on obscure and weird stuff and I have a list of what I found so far:

I want to expand this list and if anyone's willing to help I'd appreciate it greatly. thanks!

>> No.10292403

>aftershock is $15
I'm not feeling so sure about this one, lads.

>> No.10292420

Just get it off the gog-games website when it's up there.

>> No.10292426
File: 200 KB, 364x489, MRmad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, WTF? I guess I'll have to wait on a sale.

>> No.10292429

and The Black Labyrinth is $12, seems to be a pretty standard price for the amount of content provided, what did you expect?

>> No.10292438

i expect expansions to learn from the flaws of the base game instead of doubling down on them
and if they don't then i expect them to be free

>> No.10292441
File: 59 KB, 600x900, 1672890903162249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I hate work and I hate doing shit I just want to map why do I need to eat and sleep aaaa

>> No.10292446

$10 max for something that is supposedly less than half the length of the main game.

>> No.10292450

That’s placing way too much importance on the lightsaber. You should be comparing “Trek with action” to “Star Wars without action”.
That’s within the budget so I’ll grab it later.

>> No.10292452

You also have main game remix.

>> No.10292454

> supposedly less than half the length of the main game.

gggman review said it's 4 to 5 hours + arrange mode

>> No.10292457

And he said the base game is 8-9 hours

>> No.10292463

mr. 3d realms i know you have sent your SHILLS into this thread
i BESEECH you sell me the ion fury expansion for $5.99 and i will buy it otherwise you get NARY a cent

>> No.10292470
Quoted by: >>10292651

I'm fine with that. Let's hope they put that money to work so Phantom Fury doesn't look like cheap trash when they release it. That demo is...rough, to put it lightly.

>> No.10292474

also fix the fucking way shelly holds guns in phantom fury so they point toward the crosshair instead of up an adjacent invisible person's asshole

>> No.10292483

But conspiracy anon, how shall they pay shills if they release jack shit. They need the sales from this so people won't talk shit about that ugly Kingpin Reloaded or Phantom Fury.

>> No.10292513
File: 552 KB, 720x405, 1692874826691538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a pisser because all my saves are in-level and the one I believe to be the latest I can't finish because it crashes to desktop near the end of the level. Presumably due to a dodgy script firing.

>> No.10292519
Quoted by: >>10292561

what's the downside of using raze?

>> No.10292520
Quoted by: >>10293310

Why would I watch someone who sincerely reviewed Quake 3 as a singleplayer game, let alone trust anything they say?

>> No.10292561

Less specialized game support. It’s great if you just want to play the major build games as they are.

>> No.10292581

How about testimony from someone who isn't a known shill and fuckwit?

>> No.10292601

Is Doom marine from Doom the same Doom marine from Doom II? I know the Doom marine from Doom and the Doom marine from Doom 3 are the same and that the Doom marine from Doom II becomes the Doomslayer. Didn't Tom Romero make another Doom level pack? Is the Doom Marine from Tom Tomato's Doom level pack the same Doom Marine from other Doom games and/or level packs?

>> No.10292609
Quoted by: >>10292676

Auto corrected from Tomato

>> No.10292619
Quoted by: >>10292991

D3 is supposed to be a seperate timeline because id at the time never really cared for a "Doom universe", even if there was some advert for Doom RPG that kinda went "play as the iconic marine from Doom 1, 2 and 3" but i can't find it.
It's Doom, the "lore" was always a mess and in a way, has benefits and appeal from it.

>> No.10292651
Quoted by: >>10292675

>That demo is...rough, to put it lightly.
Allegedly, the demo was seemingly rushed: not only many of the chances and tweaks from latest RF build didn't get in, but the stuff that was carried over affected gameplay balance and enemies. Anyhow, they're paying close attention to what people say regardless.
As for "why they won't just say it", I have no idea and can't answer that.

>> No.10292675
Quoted by: >>10293115

>our demo was poorly received due to some issues that are actually fixed and people are losing interest in the game. Should we say something
>lol nah
I don't believe it for a second.

>> No.10292676
Quoted by: >>10292696

Fucking shit I meant Tomato

>> No.10292696
Quoted by: >>10293169

Looks like you’re doomed to say “Tomato” forever, anon! There are worse fates.
Me too actually, looks much better than managing blur options.

>> No.10292852

So, about the same price (without correction for inflation) as the Sunstorm expansions were on release?

>> No.10292897
Quoted by: >>10292912

Ion Fury is stupidly long to the point same enemies and industrial corridors make you sick.

>> No.10292912
Quoted by: >>10292932

not really
enemy usage and progression sucks yeah (last enemy is a useless zombie lmao) but nothing overstays its welcome pacing wise

>> No.10292918
Quoted by: >>10292932

Happens all the time actually, it's called burnout. All tho i yearn for a tactical lite mod like this, HD is too Hideous for me.

>> No.10292927
File: 104 KB, 500x375, 1371997777095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10292930

Duck mod when

>> No.10292930
Quoted by: >>10292945

it'd require a brutal slammin duck metal soundtrack

>> No.10292932

It has the same trademark “dip” in the campaign near the 75% mark like Blood and Duke. It’s fun otherwise and I’m curious how it could’ve been improved.
>All tho i yearn for a tactical lite mod like this, HD is too Hideous for me.
This is way too dashy to be in the same realm as “HD-like”. I also agree about wanting a “not so Hideous Destructor” I found that in Deathstrider’s Wraith class

>> No.10292945

>Quack 'Em All by Metal Duck
We have growling demonic frogs for vocals, now we need evil Donald Duck impersonators

>> No.10292991

OK but what's the answer to my question?

>> No.10293063

>Is Doom marine from Doom the same Doom marine from Doom II?
Yeah I think the manuals make that connection.
>I know the Doom marine from Doom and the Doom marine from Doom 3 are the same
They’re not, 3 is a reboot. Original Doom all takes place on Mars’ moons while 3 is on Mars’ itself.
>and that the Doom marine from Doom II becomes the Doomslayer.
I think it’s specifically whoever is at the end of Doom 64, and I think it’s implied to be the same marine from Doom 1 and 2 and even Final Doom.

>> No.10293090
Quoted by: >>10293181

>3 is a reboot
So he is the same character then.

>> No.10293115

>>lol nah
Who are you quoting? What I said is literally that: I have no idea why they won't be just upfront about this and alleged person in the know (who is the "keeps things to themselves" type for the most part) doesn't know either. Perhaps PR/Marketing team (who can be dumb as fuck regardless of the company, everyone knows that) is like "hey, let's use this fuckup to show that 'we really took community's feedback to heart' for some good boy points". Or they think the audience will call that story a total bullshit, so "might as well keep your mouth close".

>> No.10293124
File: 53 KB, 679x427, huuuuuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10296341

>>10291240 >>10291241
so uh, is this an actual problem I need to address or what? I used glBSP, and I guess LunchLunch did too. the reason for picking it was that other nodebuilders would leave weird slivers on the textured automap in DSDA. and, well, nobody complained so far. other than that, the map doesn't have any nodebuilder-specific tricks, so I'll leave it up to Vaeros to rebuild the nodes if needed.

>> No.10293131
Quoted by: >>10293181

>Is it the same guy in DOOM and DOOM 2
Depends on how particular you wanna be. The DOOM 2 manual states that the Marine was the only survivor of the events of the events on Mars, that he was able to be fully debriefed and discharged from the military, and that he arrives on Earth via a drop pod. This would actually give room for the DOOM 1 Doomguy and DOOM 2 Doom Marine to be two different people, as the events he deals with are on Phobos instead of Mars, he did in fact actually die, and that there was no time between DOOM 1 and DOOM 2 as he returns to Earth directly through an invasion port from Hell.

The real answer is that the guy who wrote the manual probably just forgot or didn't care. It's the story for DOOM who gives a shit. If there's inconsistencies that give room for it to be a different person, then it's more of a fuck up regarding something that didn't exactly matter too much in the first place.

>> No.10293154

Here's like 5 bucks after adding all the absurd taxes

>> No.10293169

Smear frames will always be better than blurring.

>> No.10293181
Quoted by: >>10294645

It’s still “A DOOM MARINE PLAYER CHARACTER” but no those are different characters.
>It's the story for DOOM
>who gives a shit.
The “who” these days is “too many”. Too many people give a shit these days.

>> No.10293182
Quoted by: >>10293203

update for Ad Mortem MAP17: https://files.catbox.moe/f88hhu.zip
- rebuilt with ZenNode (fuck it, might as well)
- fixed getting stuck in church if entered through a window
- fixed a bleeding midtexture above forest cave entrance

>> No.10293190

Aftershock just got a 100% discount https://files.catbox.moe/dpk1sv.7z
Fuckers raised prices for thirdies an hour after release and also used Steam DRM. I guess 3D Realms is at fault but still.

>> No.10293198
File: 6 KB, 350x64, shell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10298207

who the hell is "Shell" Harrison, anyway?

>> No.10293202
Quoted by: >>10293206

D64 marine was never meant to be the same protagonist or have connections with the originals, that's just Bethesda/Eternal's absurdity to put all the classic games into some cringe dogshit lore.

>> No.10293203

Which texture pack is used in ad mortem?

>> No.10293205

It's a mix of several. Check the post linked in the news post for the resource pack.

>> No.10293206

Pages 6 and 7 of the 64 manual are referencing the previous games. I think what nu-idthesda did was change the end text scrawl.

>> No.10293208
File: 295 KB, 2560x1440, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is a "SKUB"

>> No.10293212

it's linked in the newspost. a compilation of stuff, mostly the usual Blood + GothicDM + Heretic

>> No.10293215 [SPOILER] 
File: 56 KB, 178x312, 1686868709955830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's for total chads.

>> No.10293218
File: 65 KB, 640x295, 1537972550534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10293220
File: 1 KB, 128x16, T6_SM3GR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10293232

speaking of AM textures though. does anyone know where the grass midtex originates?
DBPs aside, I think the earliest I know is Valiant. Skillsaw credits Tormentor, but I don't think it's used in BoA, and I don't see it in the repository.

>> No.10293224

It's for godless heathens.

>> No.10293232

Assuming you're Vaeros, are you gonna be leaving those easter eggs from Phase 2?

>> No.10293237
File: 2.28 MB, 496x496, if I may interject.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10293261

>Assuming you're Vaeros
I'm not

>> No.10293239
Quoted by: >>10293261

The Sonic CD ones?

>> No.10293241
Quoted by: >>10293261

>easter eggs from Phase 2

>> No.10293261
File: 7 KB, 119x151, DOOMGUY .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ok.
Yeah, those. They're ALLSMILE and MONGLER in the WAD. The second one is the interpic from /vr/y Spooky 2017, submitted anonymously. I could not find any credits for the first one, the earliest instance of the face dates back to a doomworld post by Xyzzy, so maybe he made it? Just trying to credit things that aren't mentioned in the txt.

>> No.10293310
Quoted by: >>10293385

Just don't. He's an idiot, throwing himself always in at the highest difficulty, just too whine if he get's his ass handed to him.

Also I hate his "that's the only way to play the game right" attitude.

>> No.10293357
File: 386 KB, 1920x1080, 1692733466182990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10294537


>> No.10293362

What the fuck?!

>> No.10293385

>he's an idiot
no shit

>> No.10293389
File: 3.87 MB, 854x480, furytime_arraow.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to go back and see what dropped my health and it was from those new white snipers. These new turret bot things aren't too shabby either.
Not Blood lets you enable an altifre for the pitchfork: It lets you charge it for a poke of utility and extra fun.

>> No.10293396
Quoted by: >>10293401

Did they fix reload cancelling?

>> No.10293401
Quoted by: >>10293405

Nope still there thankfully
But it's weird: I can't reload cancel the SMGs by switching to the shotgun, but I can by switching to the magnum

>> No.10293405
Quoted by: >>10293498

I'm really glad. Reloading is stupid and I'm glad I could get around it in the original game.

>> No.10293498
File: 815 KB, 1920x1080, furytime_2fer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reloading is fine and fits the gameplay, but the cancelling feels smooth and great so I just think everyone wins here.

>> No.10293538
Quoted by: >>10293552

Where do you get the chaingun at the start? I had it once, but died and can't find it again. I have no ammo for anything else after clearing out the bar.

>> No.10293552

In the arch where dirt/rock falls down.

>> No.10293679

>used steam DRM
fuck them then

>> No.10293742
Quoted by: >>10293962

i don't get it how do you put drm on a .grp file

>> No.10293745
File: 514 KB, 1920x1080, 562860_20231002215803_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10293784

>> No.10293749
File: 477 KB, 1920x1080, 562860_20231002215808_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10293784

>> No.10293784

>Bayo's pistols
>Terminator 2 shotgun (?)
>Blade Runner Blaster
>Noisy Cricket
>Robocop's auto pistol
>Anti-Freak Jackal
>Alien's Pulse Rifle
>Doom 4 SSG
>Han Solo's blaster
The only ones I don't recognize is that rifle with the knife on it

>> No.10293795
Quoted by: >>10293914

>The only ones I don't recognize is that rifle with the knife on it
That's the one I didn't recognize either.

>> No.10293914
File: 366 KB, 1067x1600, planet_terror_poster_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10293919

Looks like the rifle with a knife on it is also a leg prosthetic.

>> No.10293919

That'd explain the padding in the first image. That's fucking cool.

>> No.10293960

>there's ion bow ammo at the start of the game
where is the earliest you can get it?

>> No.10293962
Quoted by: >>10293997

I think it's just the version of eduke they're using isn't it? but that version of eduke is needed to run it because it's a custom version.

>> No.10293997
Quoted by: >>10294006

IIRC you can copy fury.grp + fury.grpinfo and put it into your eduke32 directory and it'll run fine. Just make sure you grab the latest build.

>> No.10294006

that's how I played it on linux

>> No.10294036

VRanon is there no gib_head_zombie?

>> No.10294043

Mah nigga, thanks for uploading
>Steam DRM
So weak that it's practically nonexistent.
>Fuckers raised prices for thirdies an hour after release
Did they? It still costs rather cheap for me.

>> No.10294059
Quoted by: >>10294064

By the way, is there really supposed to be no sound and music?

>> No.10294064
Quoted by: >>10294068

idk sound and music work great for me but I'm playing the paycuck version

>> No.10294068
Quoted by: >>10294073

Huh, I guess my PC must be acting up or something.

>> No.10294073

Make sure it's not muted by default in settings

>> No.10294082 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10294086

Holy shit. Did we talk about this when it happened? I'm only now finding out.


>> No.10294085
File: 38 KB, 258x387, Quake1cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the general consensus on the recent commercial Quake sourceport that's on Steam?

>> No.10294086

What's the big dealio? Wasn't that possible?

>> No.10294087
Quoted by: >>10294594

Holy shit. Did we talk about this when it happened? I'm only now finding out.


>> No.10294094

YOU fucking try it and tell me if you think it's humanly possible.

>> No.10294097
Quoted by: >>10294104

Single level runs are done on pistol starts and it was thought impossible. The luck required to do it makes it very improbably though

>> No.10294098

It's pretty shit, at best lagging pretty far behind sourceports that have been out for years. I guess it's okay for literal retards trying to play Quake for the first time, but that's about it. I guess AI waypoint support is nice, but nobody has done anything with it and FTE had some equivalent to it anyway.
Kex Quake 2 is infinitely better in comparison, albeit mostly because Quake 2 sourceports splintered off into a dozen different directions that lacked coherence and standardized features. Both are cucked by Bethesda login and their shitty peer to peer multiplayer.

>> No.10294103

Is Quakespasm still the recommended sourceport?

>> No.10294104

There's a pretty thick line between impossible to do and impossible for anyone to want to do it

>> No.10294105
Quoted by: >>10294110

Ironwail which is a fork of Quakespasm. It includes a really nifty mod menu and levels menu.

>> No.10294107
Quoted by: >>10294110

Very much not, unless you have an absolute toaster. Ironwail is the way to go for now.

>> No.10294110

Thanks. Haven't been following the Quake scene for a while

>> No.10294237

i think its a straight graphical improvement and the best vanilla experience but gog is cucked out of multiplayer and i dont feel like playing through vanilla quake again. so that said i think its a good introduction to the game

>> No.10294259

>Bethesda login
It's not? There's no Beth launcher anymore, is there? Login's tied into whatever launcher you're launching the game from nowadays.

>> No.10294260
Quoted by: >>10295537


>> No.10294271
File: 3.27 MB, 1280x720, The cubes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10294281

Has any high profile wad ever used things rising like that? It's inconvenient in vanilla but boom would make it simple, I'm surprised it was never used.

>> No.10294281
Quoted by: >>10294286

That's pretty cool. Raising ceiling in both the room and the cube sectors to maintain visibility and size?

>> No.10294286

Yes, sky is rising along the ceiling.

>> No.10294361
File: 118 KB, 640x480, 1681090455999988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, for this >>10291352 I can either host Saturday or Sunday around 8 and 7PM EST respectively. Sunday I'll try to avoid since I know there's plans with the SNS, but you know, video games. Lemme know if any of this this especially works for any of youse.

>> No.10294381
File: 769 KB, 1280x720, skub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10297896

>wtf is a "SKUB"

No clue

>> No.10294387

It's a meme spawned out of Perry Bible Fellowship comic. It looks like non-descript product that somehow entices heated debate.

>> No.10294494 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10294497

whos worse, gmanlives or midnight

>> No.10294497 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10294507

Is this retro videogaymes, let alone vidyagames?

>> No.10294507 [DELETED] 

yeah? one of em is a shitty doom youtuber and one of em is a shitty youtuber who has alot of shitty opinions on retro fps

>> No.10294537
Quoted by: >>10294594

Is that supposed to be the Ukrainian flag?

>> No.10294594
File: 62 KB, 599x245, doom-classic-logo-i31641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuckers raised prices for thirdies an hour after release
Seconding >>10294043. What countries? Because I see nothing on SteamDB. Not to mention that back in August Steam itself made some changes for pricing in non-USD currencies.

Have you tried Angel of Death difficulty yet? I thought about jumping straight into it as I didn't had much issues with Maximum Fury, but something tells me I might regret it later.
Solid starting point for new Quake enjoyers.
Don't even think it was posted here at the time.
It's DOOM logo.

>> No.10294604
File: 2.72 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_Doom_20231003_123640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For people looking for Golden Souls 3 updates, I have good news, as of today, I finished working on the Undead Mansion level, considering it took me one whole year to get it to this point, I consider this a milestone. I can't wait to start working on a new map at last, but for now, i'll take a small break. Cheers!

>> No.10294613

Skub is for sick degenerates.

>> No.10294645
Quoted by: >>10294661

But it actually is the same character in that case. Like the Longest Yard, Vurt Reynolns and Adam Sandler played the same character despite it being 2 different movies.

>> No.10294658

>I finished working on the Undead Mansion level
Hell yeah!
>for now, i'll take a small break
You've probably earned as much. GJ

>> No.10294661
Quoted by: >>10294718

Depends on what you mean by “doomguy is doom3 guy”. They’re both meant to fulfill the same role in their respective settings, but it’s not the same person from Doom 1+2 getting transferred to Mars in Doom 3.

>> No.10294697

>Have you tried Angel of Death difficulty yet?

Not him but I have; just stick to Maximum Fury for a first playthrough. Enemy corpses that aren't gibbed respawn on Angel of Death, and they respawn faster than in any other game I've seen. At least you can just shoot the corpses to gib them

>> No.10294709
Quoted by: >>10294737

That sounds like a pain for the first couple maps of the expansion when you have no ammo.
Do the Lord Zedd guys respawn?

>> No.10294718
Quoted by: >>10295082

Adam Sandler and Burt Reynolds aren't the same person.

>> No.10294737

>Lord Zedd

Nope, because they don't leave a corpse

>> No.10294747
Quoted by: >>10295953

You need to learn about animation timing.

>> No.10294754

>Not him but I have; just stick to Maximum Fury for a first playthrough.
I figured. My desire to hunt down achievements be damn. I'm sure there's a way to cheese the hell out of it anyway. Either way, I really love Ion Fury, but didn't had proper practice in forever (only rare Queen of the Hill runs). So even then I would just end up playing more of it, which is a good thing.
Arrange Mode, however... I might brutally torture myself there.
>At least you can just
Can't you destroy them with a baton?

>> No.10294760
Quoted by: >>10295982

You're a SKUB anon

>> No.10294827


>> No.10294853
Quoted by: >>10294904

well, that's one way to fix Q2. just don't use its levels or its movement or AI or weapons or engine. ez

>> No.10294880
Quoted by: >>10295853

>Can't you destroy them with a baton?

Yes you can, but that takes such a long time you can barely dipose of 3 corpses before they start to respawn.

>> No.10294897
Quoted by: >>10295853

>My desire to hunt down achievements be damn.
You get the same achievements as you would on MF, Angel of Death is thankfully optional. You can jump straight to Arrange and then beat Aftershock, or beat Aftershock and then do Arrange.

>> No.10294903

>weirded out about all these changes to Q2 before realizing it’s a GZD mod
Yeah that actually is interesting. Also I think Citadel and the 25th Unit have a degree of weapon value customization and it is fun increasing the blaster’s travel speed.

>> No.10294904
Quoted by: >>10294962

Funny you mention this. It made me think that it might be a good idea to do a semi-accurate "port" of Quake 1 to GZDoom, as a platform for Doomfags to make levels for and mod.
I mean, I'm pretty sure that it can handle all of the Q1 resources and its monsters, weapons and even movement were ported a long time ago in stuff like AoD and QCDE.

>> No.10294962

hell, I'm starting to think that's the only way we're gonna get half-decent decals. even Wrath only has those stretchy projected ones.

>> No.10295030
Quoted by: >>10295079

Are you the same person when you play Doom and Doom 3? Because Doom guy is you.

>> No.10295079

woah. so DOOMSLAYER really is Mario after all!

>> No.10295082
Quoted by: >>10295268

The post you’re quoting agrees with you. Again, it depends on what was meant when >>10292601 said
>Doom and the Doom marine from Doom 3 are the same
He’s right if he means “same character”, he’s wrong if he means “same person”. It would have helped if he specified what he meant to say.

>> No.10295135

So I finished the citadel today. wtf was that ending?

>> No.10295149

>wtf was that ending?
A unique one. Only requiring 2 of 3 keys is cool because of how there are multiple methods you can use to beat the level.

>> No.10295218
File: 12 KB, 458x274, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is from the quake3 source code.
these functions seem to turn a seed that is a random number from 0-255 into a number from -1 to 1. this number is then used to calculate the spread on each pellet of the shotgun.
thing i don't get is, the seed is calculated before it enters the for loop that calculates each pellet's trajectory. So all pallets should hit the same place since they all have the same seed. am I missing something here? what exactly are these 3 functions supposed to be doing?

>> No.10295232
Quoted by: >>10295403

>finished Citadel
The Doom 2 level, the Q2 mod, or the not retro game?

>> No.10295235

at a glance, each time you call Q_rand it changes the seed, so the next call will give a different result
you're not showing the spread code, but I assume it calls Q_crandom for each pellet
then you apply the mask to get the precision you need or something

>> No.10295268

The Doom marine is a fictional character, not a person if you want to get nit picky about it.

>> No.10295276
File: 96 KB, 600x832, skub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10295346

The seed itself isn't being passed in, but a pointer to it. q_rand directly modifies the seed.

>> No.10295352
File: 800 KB, 480x360, pitchfork pro-strats.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10291052 >>10293362

>> No.10295403

the game by the guy who retweets bestiality and loli cumflation art on his dev twitter

>> No.10295417
Quoted by: >>10295424

Quake 2 Remastered was updated

>> No.10295424

>Bumping RG SP damage to 125
Why halfass it like that? If you can bump SP damage separately from MP then why not up it back to 150?

>> No.10295431

Ah that means it’s the third option. You’re in the wrong thread for that.
They’re “finetuning” the nerfing. They clearly feel 150 is too much otherwise they wouldn’t half ass it.

>> No.10295436
Quoted by: >>10295517

Here is the new Berserker Jump post nerfs

>> No.10295443

Because the guy at id who did it is literally a zoomer who was a toddler when Quake 2 came out and can't comprehend a singleplayer without the fun meticulously """balanced""" out of it.

>> No.10295479

Why not use shaders

>> No.10295484
Quoted by: >>10295546

how's the waifu wad lead?

>> No.10295486
Quoted by: >>10296995

Excuse me, you can post bestiality on twitter now?

>> No.10295517
Quoted by: >>10295525

Seems like they're back to doing nothing.

>> No.10295525

He’d probably be getting flung off the side if he wasn’t jumping.

>> No.10295537

FUCK off back to PLEBBIT!

>> No.10295546
File: 828 KB, 960x720, 1598914552950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10295629
File: 1.25 MB, 1848x828, asssssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any ideas what I could put there where the question marks are? The arrows show where the player is supposed to go to reach the blue key. There are already some traps and triggers for mostly the lower part where you walk up the stairs.

>> No.10295630
File: 197 KB, 1248x692, Scarecaleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10295637

From the latest and final Batman Adventures comic

>> No.10295636

When in doubt, place computer stacks or glowing techpillars with scrolling inlets.

>> No.10295637

Feel free to make Caleb Edits off it

>> No.10295661
File: 48 KB, 1080x449, bud white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10295690
Quoted by: >>10295738

The faster grenade launcher projectile speed and the faster blaster speed are pretty sexy

>> No.10295698 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 851 KB, 983x880, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat Shelly

>> No.10295738

>faster grenade launcher projectile
That’s actually a decent way to balance it. I’m going to mess around with some sk_weapon values, see how it feels.

>> No.10295804 [DELETED] 

Looks like a Roblox character

>> No.10295852 [DELETED] 

Less bland somehow, huh.

>> No.10295853
File: 55 KB, 1050x440, They Are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hat takes such a long time you can barely dipose of 3 corpses
Oh. I actually went on to look into some Angel of Death gameplay and I'm like "yeah, so it definitely is a speedrunner mode".

>You get the same achievements as you would on MF
Oh yeah, I know. That's one of the reasons I went for Maximum Fury on the first playthrough many years ago: to get everything at once. So I'll definitely go back to it instead of lowering the difficulty because of a break.
>Angel of Death is thankfully optional.
>You can jump straight to Arrange and then beat Aftershock, or beat Aftershock and then do Arrange.
I'll save Arrange for last. Perhaps my then there would be a clear cheese option like going straight to the last zone or something along those lines.

>> No.10295867

why couldn't they make a real new difficulty instead of a gimmick one
better enemy reactions, better enemy aim, maybe even fastmonsters or increased damage on some enemy attacks
why deprive me of gameplay in favor of a duke homage

>> No.10295887

did you forget about Doom 64 and Final Doom?

>> No.10295916
File: 35 KB, 1049x449, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They applied the new Steam rates about 2 hours after release. You can see them in SteamDB but you have to plot the specific currencies, or just look at the difference between "Converted Price" and "Lowest Recorded Price" in the table.
ARS 161.99 -> 945.00 (+583%)
TRL 22.50 -> 134.10 (+596%)
Also UKR, URU and HK, but a lot less.

>> No.10295919
File: 5 KB, 160x141, morelikebadmortem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this error crispy-doom throws when I try to play Ad Mortem, and how do I fix it? same error is happening on Linux builds

>> No.10295929
File: 383 B, 200x100, crisped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should mention I don't have this problem with any other IWADs so must be AM specific

>> No.10295943

Oh neat, Golden Souls is made by someone that slums here? Didn't know that.

>> No.10295948
Quoted by: >>10296002

I don't think Crispy supports MBF21, which is the mapping format Ad Mortem uses. Try Nugget or Woof.

>> No.10295953

if you're talking about anticipation here, I can't do much else about that without making the weapon feel like shit. I'd speed the frames up further but I can't do that either as those are all a single tic. Stripping a frame out could help but it'd also mean I'd need to adjust the other frames I have.

>> No.10295976

great for multiplayer when you dont wanna download shitty sourceports with vomit inducing hd textures, great for getting into quake

>> No.10295982
File: 146 KB, 700x394, 1667936972362684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take that back

>> No.10295987

ad mortem is a MBF21 wad, retard

>> No.10295992
Quoted by: >>10295998

There was another "Brutal Quake 2" mod that gave the player a kick, the ability to pick and throw corpses/knocked over soldiers, and a charge shot for the Blaster. It was more interesting but it seems to have vanished from Youtube, I swear it was something Decino had on his channel years ago.

>> No.10295993
Quoted by: >>10296002

Crispy only supports vanilla and limit-removing wads, not MBF21. Use Woof instead.

>> No.10295998

I found it, it was on Decino's other channel.


>> No.10296002

thanks, woof is in the debian repos

>> No.10296035

why the fuck do people keep making these bot account hosted "247 instagib quake2peniscockweiner.cum railgun only" servers
its flooding the server list with empty servers

>> No.10296091

Jesus Christ Paril
Its happening, Animated skyboxes

>> No.10296106


>> No.10296119
Quoted by: >>10296515

Dumb question, but on Saturday I tried out a Zandronum server that was basically boom shoot all stars and now I can't find it. Any leads?

>> No.10296125
File: 2.18 MB, 2560x1440, Moon space base KexQ2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10296128

>Kex Quake 2 exclusive maps
More of a blessing but also a curse because I like port options.

>> No.10296128
Quoted by: >>10296153

Source ports will follow up later as soon as they emulate everything or Sponge top being a faggot and have id to release the remaining source code.

>> No.10296153
File: 381 KB, 1493x576, cerberon concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10296159

I'm under the impression it's just the Yamagi guys looking to support content from the new port and that the Kmq2 crew isn't interested, but if I'm honest my only info is from here and quick glances at forums and that ain't shit.

>> No.10296158

I was expecting something like unreal skyboxes, why is this shit not a thing yet?

>> No.10296159

knightmare stated that he wont support Q2R because it clashes with his vision.

>> No.10296161

Knightmare, eh? What does he have to do regarding Yamagi's development?

>> No.10296162
Quoted by: >>10297257

>ARS 161.99 -> 945.00 (+583%)
for context, a 2L coke here costs 750

>> No.10296168

Yamagi is working slowly on making Q2R work on it, their github has a update on it under the new branch
Knightmare said KMQ2 isn't and wont support Q2R per his own post at quake 2 café

>> No.10296171

Honestly, based.
Kmq2 was mentioned above and is in use aside from Yamagi too.

>> No.10296176
Quoted by: >>10296196

KMQ2 was always garbage and Knightmare is a lazy fuck who never cared to make it a proper update to the long dead Quake 2 Evolved.
and back when Oblivion was still in "development" in the 2000's he never cared to reach the guys who worked on it at tenfourmaps.

>> No.10296178

>Honestly, based.
wat no it isn't knightmare is a faggot

>> No.10296179
File: 2.11 MB, 2560x1440, Hall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my currently preferred port but meh that's totally fine, he can do his thing and that's fair. Maybe I or someone else will figure out a "vanilla/expac compatible" thing for these levels even if it means cutting out a lot of the newer enemies.

>> No.10296181

People asked about the Quake 4 hud for years and he never cared to release it

>> No.10296184

someone else remembers. i know some people have whatever grievances for the q2r and its tranny flag and whatever but knightmare has his own bullshit and he is not based

>> No.10296196

He might be a shithead, but I can respect him for sticking to his guns.
As for what is garbage or not is highly subjective. I mean, there are people who use Q2Pro for SP (supports CotM and N64 now btw) or ugly shit like Q2RTX and Q2XP. KMQ2 isn't THAT bad honestly.

>> No.10296197
File: 56 KB, 700x610, 4hudstuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10296224

>Quake 4 hud
I was browsing through one of the newest paks and noticed that and the Doom 3 HUD are both in here. There's no way to turn these on, it's just all the assets sitting there?

>> No.10296224
File: 747 KB, 2560x1440, Q4Hudly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it's just in screen options. That and the Doom 3 HUD script.
It's also fucked right now because I got rid of the higher resolution icons but yeah it's there if I want it.

>> No.10296239

>>The year which /vr/ turned 10...
>>The year which 4chan turned 20...
>>The year which Doom turns 30...
>anon still didn't make his 32 map megawad
wtf, anon..

>> No.10296341

It's a sourceport kind of problem, the wad is just fine. It has some nodes that is just not compatible for those sourceports, as far i'm aware someone made a fix already to make it playable for zandro which it's also in the thread.


I have no plans atm to make it compatible for those sourceports, I might figure it out for another time, or someone else has to do it because I don't play DM/Co-op.

>> No.10296407
File: 733 KB, 1000x740, admortemupdate.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a little update:

-I'm gonna extend the submission deadline, see webm.
-MAP11, MAP13, MAP33 will not be removed from the map list, but they will be tweaked.
-Any maps/updates delivered (and other content), the links will be added to the .doc file
-A minor update of the resources will come soon.

>> No.10296416

Hey, is there a rain ambience sound spawner? DBP37 has audio we could use.

>> No.10296434

Graf is planning GZDoom 5.0 to be Vulkan only

>> No.10296442
Quoted by: >>10296475

I miss the Doom 3 Marine man

>> No.10296475
File: 3.87 MB, 640x360, Doom 3 WMDtest.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'll always be there to hang out with you. It's also a good month to try some modded Doom 3.

>> No.10296487
File: 957 KB, 1920x1080, 562860_20231003215254_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Aftershock. That ending really is abrupt, as soon as you kill the boss it cuts to credits.
Really good overall, I like it more than the base game because you get to spend so much more time outdoors.

>> No.10296507

Does that mean we get LZDoom back?

>> No.10296515

Sounds a lot like samsara reincarnation, that mod just had a big update a while ago. You'd probably find a server playing it if you search for samsara on doomseeker.

>> No.10296532

There will be a separate GLES branch that'll be maintained for about year, which is about the amount of time they expect people to really give a damn about it.

>> No.10296538

not retro

>> No.10296557
File: 31 KB, 530x512, 1672703354721635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat, I was thinking about modifying/overhauling my level after the Odamex session.

>> No.10296581

I just want my menu fonts to not be so fugly, god damn it.

>> No.10296583

It's a Duke3D mod

>> No.10296620
File: 211 KB, 1024x1024, 80s doomguy ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10296647

>Mountainous demons

>> No.10296705

people wouldn't bitch about doom filtering if graf could stop for a moment to add 3-point like Doom64

>> No.10296707
File: 146 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10296712

Duke Nukem and Doom guy having good time by AI

>> No.10296710
Quoted by: >>10296848

I heard there's a fork being made (also vulkan centered) and one of the features is that the filters will be turned off by default.

>> No.10296712


>> No.10296734

>Gordon spastic

>> No.10296801
File: 11 KB, 360x288, tumblr_p9b7qaa6MQ1t4f3euo2_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10296805

Been playing DOOM II and I'm getting sick of it after 2/3 through. Chasm broke me. The first 10 maps are good but it starts falling apart. DOOM I was more cohesive.

>> No.10296805

Another one filtered by kino.

>> No.10296823
File: 174 KB, 1024x1024, 1696393505422662[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10296831
File: 874 KB, 1920x1080, three-point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3-point like Doom64
what is this ugly fucking shit
THIS was what the Q2 schizo kept going on about for years? for reals?

>> No.10296848
Quoted by: >>10296858

vkDoom? That one seems very promising.

>> No.10296858

I think that's the one, yeah

>> No.10296864
File: 220 KB, 386x367, ai sprites and shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ingame screenshot of rpg 1993 1994 on sega saturn, 2D pixel art sprite sheet, 3x3 square grid over plain white background, prism of power, gemstone bracers, holy gleaming shield, steampunk motifs, procedural textures, Phong shading, crt picture, ingame, screenshot, high resolution pixel art, polygon, HUD
I doubt this thing can generate full rotational monster sprites, but these are still very impressive results. Maybe a certain lazy ass can use this for making gun sprites.

>> No.10296908

I don't think anyone making weapon sprites is lazy.

>> No.10296936

The fist on the bottom right looks sick.

>> No.10296995


>> No.10297004
Quoted by: >>10297156

Looks like an Ion Fury: Aftershock update came out, anybody seen any details on what it does? Version number hasn't changed much (, so it can't be too serious.

>> No.10297038
Quoted by: >>10302046

I wonder what game database stole

>> No.10297065
Quoted by: >>10297606

Probably not.

>> No.10297076
Quoted by: >>10297094

LzDoom is already part of GzDoom since a while.

Who is saying this?

I'm so glad that the new port lets you turn that shit off.

>> No.10297094
Quoted by: >>10297109

>LzDoom is already part of GzDoom since a while.

>> No.10297109

Fair, I do miss the nice font.

>> No.10297120
Quoted by: >>10297124

>build engine game/mod = retro
>gzdoom engine game/mod = retro
>q1/darkplaces engine game/mod = retro
>unity game = not retro
>ue4 game = not retro
>ion fury = build engine game
>ion fury = retro = allowed
Learn the rules, fag.

>> No.10297124

Absolutely BTFO

>> No.10297128

Throw Crispy into the trash bin where it belongs. It's outdated source port. No more reasons to use that than Doom 95.

>> No.10297135

Is there mod pack like enhanced vanilla experience? Smoother animations, maybe upscaled sprites and textures, etc.

>> No.10297156
Quoted by: >>10299418


>> No.10297237
File: 1.14 MB, 454x640, confusopie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do bulleteye`s elite weapon drops work again
i just want my space sword

>> No.10297257

>You can see them in SteamDB but you have to plot the specific currencies
I called at the some, let me go through every single one just in case: Argentine Peso, Turkish Lira, South African Rand, Kazakhstani Tenge, Ukrainian Hryvnia, Uruguayan Peso and Hong Kong Dollar.
So yeah, new rates just as I thought. It sucks for those regions I suppose, but it is what it is.
>just look at the difference between "Converted Price" and "Lowest Recorded Price" in the table.
Honestly, I feel like the "Price History" section is easier to digest since it literally shows you all the changes.
Read on 3DR's Discord server that the ending is bugged for some users. At first I wanted to get Aftershoch as soon as possible, but then figured I should wait for first batch of bug fixes.
Rent free.

>> No.10297259

You need to jack up your treasure level(blue guys, secrets) by a lot. You're not seeing rare stuff before map10.

>> No.10297265

From Mor:
>Basically any enemy that has over 450 health has a chance to drop it. Treasure Level, the equipment bonuses called "Obsession" and "Luck", and levels completed add to the chance they can drop. But you need to at least have a Treasure Level of 60. I may drop that part of it though.
>When one does drop, it takes 50 Treasure Level away. It's a way to control the amount of good drops, similar to how Enter the Gungeon does it.

>> No.10297268

>Argentine price goes from $0.78 NZD to $4.58
Give me your pricing, Argies.

>> No.10297271
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, do a crime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anons

>> No.10297339

The newest AI thing is pretty adept at making shitposts, I saw some of the Dumbledore >calmly ones yesterday.

>> No.10297362

Still looks better than bilinear
Also it is made to work on a fucking CRT shader or real screen you lazy inbred faux hipsters.

>> No.10297501
File: 1.19 MB, 1699x819, asssss2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10297504

Well, I kept building more stuff onto it. There is now a poison pit on the left side that allows for an alternative way up with a few rewards, instead of taking the elevator. On the right side I added a supercharge reward and a few Caco traps and other minor additions. I still haven't done the upper area where the player runs to the blue key, how can I make a long straight path more interesting?

>> No.10297504
File: 93 KB, 1024x645, 1619727496532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to clarify: Are you saying I wouldn't be pissed if the filtering left on by default was "better", as if I still wouldn't prefer Doom to look unfiltered?
Nice progress here.

>> No.10297508


>> No.10297510
Quoted by: >>10297513

who cares

>> No.10297513

Me. I care. I asked.

>> No.10297534

if you can't accomplish TAS feats without tools you SUCK
every single feat should be balanced around MAXIMUM human potential
i am ETERNALLY disappointed in how EASY things are
i CANNOT rise for mere tedium, only PAIN

>> No.10297550
Quoted by: >>10297553

How did wow.wad become so famous, out of all the crappy levels made? Was it the meme "illusion pit" explanation in the readme?

>> No.10297553
File: 269 KB, 319x498, 1683221702035276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Wow wad" is quite the catchy title so I'll at least give it that.

>> No.10297606
File: 34 KB, 869x363, Screenshot_20230925-110757_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably yes, Graf is a fucking faggot who doesn't care about low end users or mobile in general.
His fucking engine managed to run worse that both Unreal Engine 4 and Unity combined

>> No.10297612
Quoted by: >>10297628

I can't seem to make bulleteye hud to show, did you have any issues with it?

>> No.10297626
Quoted by: >>10297703

so what is your best accomplishment anon

>> No.10297628
Quoted by: >>10297636

I assume you already tried switching hud size? This mod does not have statusbar hud.

>> No.10297636
Quoted by: >>10297646

Fuck, I needed to make the screen BIGGER from the default for it to show. I had a similar issue in ashes but there I needed to make it smaller.

>> No.10297646

Just so you know, there's 3 blockmap states (not counting modes for ants): Statusbar hud, Fullscreen hud, and no hud at all. And it's never consistent which one modder will put work towards.

>> No.10297686 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.23 MB, 3024x4032, 1642565217426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psst, Jarmo, if you still plan to host SNS, check your shitcord.

>> No.10297693
File: 2.16 MB, 1920x1080, beefaroni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tried so hard this time to get something everyone would like. Yet all I get from you, is more complaining. I'm trying to be a good host to a human who somehow ended up in the lowest depths of hell. And yet here you are being ungrateful yet again. Why do I even try? If you're not going to eat it, give it to Pinky, he's already been staring at it before you even bothered to look at your plate.

>> No.10297703

140 kills in a single life in tf2 without a medic
yeah that's basically it
i can't feasibly replicate that sensation in singleplayer unless i make my own game cause nobody else wants what i want
if you come across anything that perfectly marries slaughter and near-human tier enemy ai/damage let me know

>> No.10297867

>Not Blood is best
Got a link? Can't find anything on google. It was hard enough to find Marrow.

>> No.10297894
File: 3.89 MB, 854x480, notblood marrow02.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10297904

It's elusive like most other Blood stuff.

>> No.10297896
File: 252 KB, 1024x768, coder7400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10299371

"'People"' who got triggered by this bottle sprite shouldn't be considered human beings outside of Soviet Cannuckistan

>> No.10297904
Quoted by: >>10297906

Thank you

>> No.10297906
File: 25 KB, 264x269, 1632889291005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10297947
Quoted by: >>10297957

This joke is much funnier than the one it replaced.

>> No.10297957

It didn't replace Ogay, it's just a different bottle.

>> No.10298016

How do you rank Aftershock between the Build games?

>> No.10298045
File: 730 KB, 1920x1080, notblood mrw05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like Deathwish it has a soundtrack you'll want to enable.
I'm still working on arrange before I go into the new levels. It was already close to the big three (Duke3D, Shadow Warrior, Blood) and there's been numerous improvements so far. Blood is still favorite.

>> No.10298207

Never heard of Shell Y. Harrison?

>> No.10298210
Quoted by: >>10298213

The levels are mostly better than the base game. There's more outdoor areas and more variety in those maps, but spotting enemies can be tough sometimes. They love putting enemies across gigantic rooms.

>> No.10298213

The levels are more interconnected and less linear than the first game. They are more interesting from an exploration perspective.

>> No.10298216

Yeah, but they're still going with the meme of giving every map 20+ secrets, with most of them being pointless. I guess there's gadgets now, but I barely used them and you can only carry 2.

>> No.10298229
Quoted by: >>10298237

I hate the flying robot head enemies. I swear their hitbox is messed up or something.

>> No.10298232

>but they're still going with the meme of giving every map 20+ secrets,
First Build game?

>> No.10298237

I think it just gives you something to jump off? As far as I can tell there's only one. I saved it in my inventory until the final boss and never got a chance to use it.

>> No.10298243
File: 132 KB, 640x480, doom110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have released a map I've been working on for the last few days, as MAP22 for Hell Frontier.

Complevel 2, as usual. This time I remembered difficulty settings, although I didn't test outside the UV.

>> No.10298347
File: 3.88 MB, 640x360, testinghfrontdevrh.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10298407

I haven't played in forever. This has been fun to jump blindly into and now I'm interested in your megawad. I'm testing it with the newest Nugget build.

>> No.10298350
File: 146 KB, 1440x1080, load.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10298367

can I get a zscript sanity check?
I wanted to customize the load/save menu. and I have - it works, I got what I wanted (seeing 32 saves at once). but I had to repeat the same 200 lines of code for both menus. isn't there a way to reuse the stuff?
extending LoadSaveMenu with a shared function would have worked, but zscript doesn't allow extending vanilla classes. any other options? here's what I have: https://files.catbox.moe/vdrr89.pk3

>> No.10298367

Without looking into it, can't you use inheritance?

>> No.10298383


>> No.10298387
Quoted by: >>10298407

Oh hey, I've seen this one in a stream today. It doesn't really feel like it's been inspired by Hunted. Still, it looks pretty cool and has a rather hot start.

>> No.10298407

It has a flat arch-vile maze. Of course, because it doesn't as many arch-viles and is much smaller, it plays differently.

>This has been fun to jump blindly into and now I'm interested in your megawad.
Doomworld OP has a link to the first 20 maps uploaded to idgames, not much will probably change. I'm churning maps out at an increased speed now, so it might not take years to make a full set. I might also stop before I hit 30 maps mark, I'm not sure.

>> No.10298416

SaveMenu and LoadMenu both inherit from LoadSaveMenu. if I inherit one from the other, GZ will complain that I'm trying to "replace with a menu of a different type". and I'd still have to duplicate 100 lines of stuff unique to SaveMenu.
I was thinking maybe there's a way to declare a global helper function and stick it into both Drawers. but I don't know how to do that without it missing menu class context.

>> No.10298487
File: 63 KB, 500x500, 1662687789693925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom is a humble walk in tha park these days, u kno~

>> No.10298493

Combined Arms and Space Hunter got me thinking: Are there any FPS games that have a weapon with multiple fires instead of a set of multiple guns?
And I do mean as in actual game "IP's" so licensed games like Dredd vs Death's Lawgiver wouldn't count.
And this would also exclude armor like Metroid in general.

>> No.10298507

Heretic has Tome of Power, Unreal/UT have two modes on each gun, Gunman has up to 4 (iirc), Painkiller has 2 each + combos, Hard Reset has 5 modes on both weapons

>> No.10298519
File: 10 KB, 233x360, caution_doom_engine_kart_game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wednesday Kart Whatever
Details: https://pastebin.com/fFj8euau

No changes since last time, some anon thought keeping tricks would be fine as long as chao isn't banned.
I doubt that's true, but I'm lazy/distracted enough to give it a shot, if it breaks again though, it's gone.

>I heard /vm/ made a new client based on 1.6, are we using that?
No, we're still sticking with 1.3 CEP.

>> No.10298538

VRanon you made a post ages ago documenting the exact stats of the powerup shield, what were they? They're not in the FGD.

>> No.10298567

I seem to recall a D-list 90's game that basically gave you the Johnny 7 gun. I thought Civvie had done a video about that one but a I couldn't find it on a quick lookthrough.

>> No.10298574
File: 147 KB, 1080x1512, image_2023_10_04_15_58_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10298596
File: 55 KB, 110x100, 1682705270654364.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omw, gimme about half an hour

>> No.10298606
File: 1.74 MB, 1920x1080, gzdoom 2023-10-04 16-22-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10300326

3point is made to look sharp under a low resolution and a CRT, the problem is that every autist pushes all into high res and it looks terrible and smudgy.
playing "le crunchy is good" created a whole new variant of the pixel is better indie brainrot
it gets even worse when you see the "people" who are behind their shit and their irl look.

Also, D64CE for GZD has a more sharper and updated version of 3point

>> No.10299067
Quoted by: >>10299202

Are you playing with Fresh Supply?

>> No.10299070
File: 2.44 MB, 1280x720, friendmod.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now anon, will you fight for your country, or will you fight for what you believe in?

>> No.10299092
File: 46 KB, 1313x776, berserk in cars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10299106
File: 616 KB, 658x150, pressBtostart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vroom vroom

>> No.10299202

Anon is using NotBlood, but the mod also works with Fresh Supply.

>> No.10299340

>throwing over console wars


>> No.10299343
Quoted by: >>10299352

What happened?

>> No.10299351
File: 2.29 MB, 640x480, no kartan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10299391

>ah man, it's been a long ass week
>but kart on Wednesday tomorrow will make all the difference, nighty night

>> No.10299352
Quoted by: >>10299368

Check the team names, anon.
stopped on purpose so N64 would lose

>> No.10299368

haha based

>> No.10299371
Quoted by: >>10302784

Is this Orbb's failed lil bro?

>> No.10299391

I'm sorry to hear you overslept by 9 hours anon. I think you better see a doctor about that.

>> No.10299418
Quoted by: >>10299565

>Just finished Aftershock. That ending really is abrupt, as soon as you kill the boss it cuts to credits.

The changelog now mentions that the ending was bugged >>10297156

Maybe that's what you got?

>> No.10299449
File: 1.44 MB, 1600x900, spasm0031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mjolnir is such a crazy hodgepodge of almost everything you could dream of, I'd love it even more if those giant maps ran on my toaster in more than 10FPS when cool shit happens but that's just me being a poorfag.

>> No.10299454
Quoted by: >>10299478

Still waiting on a patch for it for more levels and bugfixes, but what I played was gorgeous.

>> No.10299459
Quoted by: >>10299546

I think the official lore goes
3 is a different guy, let's call him Doomfelow. There's a room later called Tomb of the Hero that's surrounded with imagery for the original Doom. It was likely just a self-reference but 2016 does start with Doomguy waking up from a coffin so I'd say it works.

>> No.10299461

Are you playing it on Ironwail? If not, you should try it.

>> No.10299462
Quoted by: >>10299472

If it's the same qs anon as always I think IW doesn't run on his machine.

>> No.10299472
Quoted by: >>10299896

Does he have no GPU at all outside of old integrated one? Is he using a laptop that has no discrete card?

>> No.10299478
File: 1.24 MB, 1600x900, spasm0018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10299479

It still has that 'armor loss' bug the KeepMod itself also has - that makes your armor no longer work when entering a new level despite still being displayed on your HUD, also the Crossbow weapon of both kinds seems to have 2 different ammo pools with a shared pickup - as I have experienced numerous instances in the Heretic levels how after using-up all of your bolts with the ice-Xbow, it inexplicably restocked itself with anywhere between 12-40 bolts from thin air.
I suspect that the Drake's one is supposed to use a different ammo-pools than the AD one and this is just a side-effect of sorts from a temporary solution of them using the same ammo pickups (no idea why it wasn't done the same way the Flak-Cannon already works by using 2 different ammo types, out of time for throughout playtesting perchance?)

>> No.10299479
Quoted by: >>10299896

From what I've seen and heard the 1.0 release was rushed out the door because it's been two year since the first trailer, and 16 years since the project began. Just wanting something out the door will result in this shit. I'm impressed however and just want MORE.

>> No.10299489

did you get all the secrets on map 3?
I'm missing 2 and it's been driving me crazy

>> No.10299491

boise potato festival

>> No.10299494
Quoted by: >>10299749

Has he actually said that he's going to toss out all other hardware rendering in favor of only Vulkan?

>> No.10299496
Quoted by: >>10299749

For a guy who doesn't care, he sure went out if his way to have GLES added for legacy support after having previously been firm in getting rid of the old OpenGL backend.

>> No.10299546
Quoted by: >>10299549

Remove Sigil and you're correct.

>> No.10299549

I only added Sigil since Bethesda actually updated the console versions to include it. It's unofficial but it wouldn't surprise me if they make it canon or end up making a small reference down the line.

>> No.10299565
File: 232 KB, 1920x1080, 562860_20231005063853_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That actually did fix it. Weird there's no one-liner from Shelly or anything afterward.

>> No.10299570

thank god they kicked tom hall or doom would be filled with all that lore that no one gives a fuck about

>> No.10299653
File: 756 KB, 601x589, d4xhrhk-6e2b1f07-4e66-4034-bd9d-cf145f00bb95.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like doom

>> No.10299718
File: 1.07 MB, 634x810, pharoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what WADS you fags playing. i'm playing through 10X10 atm alongside some of the later DBP's i missed

>> No.10299728
Quoted by: >>10299872


>> No.10299731
Quoted by: >>10299872


>> No.10299739

>I only added Sigil since Bethesda actually updated the console versions to include it.
It being part of re-release's add-on selection doesn't mean anything in this case. If anything, Final Doom has higher chances of being suddenly included into id's current canon.

>> No.10299747


>> No.10299749

Yes, his "surveys" are pretty much a proof of this.
That and this commit:
A branch that will only last a year until they go with "lol, just buy a better PC bro"

>> No.10299850

>some of the later DBP's i missed
Name 5 DBP's you've recently played that aren't Jackie Chan.

>> No.10299860

That's easy. Jackie Cha WAIT NO

>> No.10299872

just finished Zeppelin Armada, it was ok. the last map was really good. Emerald City was fantastic probably my favorite, plutonian sunrise was nice. i tried giving augustland barrens a go but never really got into it. the halloween one i'm gonna try after 10X10.
the last one before that was jolly junkyard which i loved. such a comfy wad especially at Christmas time.

sick, much power to you bro. i mapped a few maps but none of them were any good. i'll have to try to get back into it

nice, would you recommend them ?

>> No.10299889

I am at half point of atonement so judgement is not final, but it's fine. It won't blow your mind but it's competently mapped.

>> No.10299892

Fragport is pretty fun.

>> No.10299896
File: 1.61 MB, 1600x900, spasm0046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10300243

I am aware of that from the fact of how some levels give you ammo for weapons that don't exist yet which might use it someday in the future.

I once downloaded UQE, FTEQ, IW and vQuake last year and found out vQuake refused to run the executable outright, UQE was unable to load most new mods or run better than Mark5 already does.
Both FTEQ and IW ran worse than QSs on my toaster somehow despite being allegedly better optimized than it, also I don't remember which ones was is it exactly but one of them didn't supported my shitty widescreen rez at all while the other ran only in windowed mode (even if the fullscreen option was toggled 'on')
>Does he have no GPU at all outside of old integrated one?
Well it has a GT720M that needs to be enabled via right-click to start working, but in time it makes my figurative toaster laptop slowly become a literal one, I am not joking how in each summer it reeks of melting plastic so I didn't used that option for last 3 months out of safety concerns.
>some of these oldest models really need at least a touch-up to their skins, seeing those decades-old Barons next to the AD revamped knight models is just too jarring of a sight to ignore it at times

>> No.10299949

I think to make it "canon" they'd have to actually own it, up to Lovell's artwork and Jimmy's tracks
Unless they'd do an official version with made up tracks and their own artwork (Bet they'd use 2016/Eternal concept art to replace the goat and deer)
In general, the copyright owner is a bigger force at deciding the canon than the original creators

>> No.10299967
File: 41 KB, 1024x551, 1689610876569010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>call the run "pacifist"
>fire your pistol in first minute of playthrough

>> No.10299972

It's to wake the monsters up, which is allowed.

>> No.10299978

Does shooting a gun in a safe environment at a target without hurting anyone prevent me from being a pacifist?

>> No.10299991
File: 2.13 MB, 640x564, 1691907941186767.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10300035

>Emerald City and Jolly Junkyard get compliments
>tfw my map for each one was horribly marred due to wasted time on meaningless elements
Glad you enjoyed them, tho. Emerald City really is fantastic, overall.

>> No.10300028
Quoted by: >>10301115

Anyone have that screencap of the "Not to be rasterist/can't have shit in these 2.5D neighborhoods" post?

>> No.10300035
File: 277 KB, 810x526, pepechristmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn fr. which maps did you work on ? honestly i can't think of a single map i didn't like from either of them. both was fun cover to cover. thanks for helping make them. the DBP's have a level of soul that i love seeing in a wad. makes for a very comfy play through

>> No.10300195

Guys, rekkr is canon now. Nice.

>> No.10300206
File: 1.03 MB, 2976x1993, IMG_20230713_180258137~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10300243
File: 1.30 MB, 1366x768, voxsecretupoffices_scene100051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10300282

Hey, I'm not the one with my 820M!

>> No.10300254
File: 2.34 MB, 1600x900, spasm0053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10300326

>this is a new one, never missed enemies when looking for all the secrets in a map before - I'll assume that there was more entities stuck in wall than just all those spiders in the crypt area I had to Noclip inbetween coffins just to kill them

>> No.10300280
File: 31 KB, 234x198, doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after finishing Doom II I started the Master Levels and so far Dr Sleep's maps have been my favorites. I liked them so much I played his Inferno series in order, downloading the first and second map and also played Chiron again from E4.
What are your most liked Master levels maps anon?

I also played Knee-deep in the DEU but I was expecting something else!

>> No.10300282
File: 1.71 MB, 1600x900, spasm0054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually had to copypaste the "heapsize 524288" argument from TerShib2 readme in order to even run this level, and I *will* have my fun even if my toaster catches fire trying to render this map in more than a single-digit FPS

>> No.10300291
Quoted by: >>10300303

What's the deal with Vulkan, what kind of hardware does it run best on? Am I fucked for investing into an Nvidia GPU before?

>> No.10300301

Final Doom already did the separate DM arenas thing, Map30 of Plutonia has a completely separate section unreachable in SP. TNT's, uh, I think Map26 maybe? That one where the exit is a green marble sacrificial altar which you see at the start of the level, it has a section which you can't reach in SP, but which functions as a (very crude) DM arena.

>> No.10300303
Quoted by: >>10300913

Vulkan is less than ideal on Nvidia cards before the 2000 series, but it shouldn't matter for GZDoom. I can meet GZDoom's Vulkan requirements on a ten year old 600 series equivalent Quadro laptop. Anything of that age or newer should be fine, either AMD or Nvidia, even low-end cards. Intel stopped supporting some of their older iGPUs before Vulkan came out and you can only get Vulkan support on those if you run Linux.

>> No.10300326
Quoted by: >>10302826

>playing "le crunchy is good" created a whole new variant of the pixel is better indie brainrot
I can’t see them changing their minds when presented with a better default filter. I’m picky about these things myself and don’t often enjoy putting filters on games that were out before 97-98. Exceptions are when it’s some N64 nostalgia.
Wish there was a better way to find missed enemies and secrets beyond noclipping at 2x game speed.

>> No.10300481
File: 80 KB, 1080x1512, image_2023_10_05_12_12_34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10300485

Tbh I like the idea of having a dedicated 1v1 section, but I'd put the 1v1 arena in view of the main arena. Like a coliseum or some such. Pic related. Orange is normal dm arena, yellow is 1v1
For spectacle

>> No.10300485

Red. Made a revision and forgot.

>> No.10300580
File: 117 KB, 168x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10300748

Revae's made it to the big time.

>> No.10300764

>[a distant echo from beyond space, time and sanity can be heard]

>> No.10300806
Quoted by: >>10301091

Rekkr =/=Sigil
Also, I'd really love to see a HL:Uplink mod that tries to make a path of its own: one that is at least slightly divergent from regular HL 1.

>> No.10300913
Quoted by: >>10301798

Ergo, ditching OpenGL support as a whole is a complete nothingburger unless you have a completely ancient povertymachine? I've got a 3050Ti, so I'm probably good.
I think they should keep GLES though, if old Chickenhead can put up with having to keep DeHacked around and maintaining that for legacy reasons, he can very well keep SOME sort of low intensity hardware backend for legacy machines.

>> No.10300931
File: 1.47 MB, 1600x900, spasm0059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10302140

Somebody needs to tell this guy this isn't Hexen2 and I can just safely plonk him to shreds with any ranged weapon at my disposal

>> No.10301091
Quoted by: >>10301207

> at least slightly divergent from regular HL 1.
Like Uplinked?

>> No.10301115
File: 206 KB, 1607x649, rough neighborhood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10301135


>> No.10301116
File: 3.85 MB, 854x480, notblood marrow03.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm missing 2 and it's been driving me crazy
I'm terrible at secret hunts on maps I'm running blind because it does just that: Drive me insane. I save that 100% for a replay on harder settings, sorry I'm not much help here.

>> No.10301135

Thanks, anon.

I'm the second guy

>> No.10301181

I know that feeling.
I'm at 6/7.
Waiting on pagb to show me what I missed.

>> No.10301207

Ok now I remember again.

>> No.10301315

>ad mortem
more like fag mortem lol

>> No.10301326
File: 1.03 MB, 2560x1440, notblood marrow end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10304012

Final thoughts on this: Good shit all around, and I could only find one small visual glitch. With how much they emphasized Fresh Supply I thought it would be awful.

>> No.10301332
Quoted by: >>10301354

Reminder that if you haven't recorded a pitchfork-start demo of every level of Blood in the game, then you haven't actually beaten Blood. Every level is designed to be beatable with a pitchfork-start on Lightly Broiled, except E2M8, fuck that level.

>> No.10301354
Quoted by: >>10301367

>Every level is designed to be beatable with a pitchfork-start on Lightly Broiled, except E2M8, fuck that level.
How about Well Done?

>> No.10301367
Quoted by: >>10301375

This was not recorded using the original executable and is therefore invalid.

You can use the code "spielberg E M" where E is episode number and M is map number to record demos in the original game. You can't change the diff, it defaults to LB

>> No.10301375
Quoted by: >>10301424

>You can't change the diff, it defaults to LB
IIRC it inherits whatever setting is used for the current session.

>> No.10301381
Quoted by: >>10301396

I propose that we are not allowed to discuss any mod released after 2007 and any attempts at making something new such as violent rumble or forevr alone should lead to bans for everyone involved.
Get to work, mods.

>> No.10301396
Quoted by: >>10302354

this comment doesn't read like it could be from 1995-2004. i propose we ban any comment like it going forward

>> No.10301424

Ah, shit. You're right. I just assumed the website was correct. This changes things. I already demo-recorded all of episode 1 in dosbox lol. I will continue on LB anyway since it's actually surprisingly fun to record these. Try E1M5 with no saves, for example. I hated the level the first time I played it but if you know the secrets, it has every powerup and a preplanned route by the designers that you gotta figure out. The very start of the map is tricky but at least the hardest part is at the very beginning

>> No.10301557

1 - Hole in the wall with the flickering lights, right next to the 3 buildings
2 - Middle bookcase on the 2ed floor of the pub
3 - Grey building cracked door, 2ed floor (touch TV to open locked door) (3 skull leavers from left to right: closed, open, open)
4 - Crack in the wall by mansion
5 - Public telephone inside the mansion
6 - Crack in the wall inside the mansion, maintenance room, check the furnace

>> No.10301658

I finally found them all.
7 - Mansion 2ed floor, explore the vents to find a small room

>> No.10301798

I thought I read in the past while researching why Gzdoom has performance issues with some wads, that chicken thinks there are some potential optimizations to be had if not for the enormous amount of legacy rendering code, so maybe it's a pathway toward that?

>> No.10301805

>Gzdoom has performance issues with some wads
As far as i'm concerned, it happens with big ass maps (Sunlust, Valiant or whatever the fuck that aims to BOOM based ports)

>> No.10301873

Most of it's issues there aren't down to the graphical shit though.

Hell I just spent a day working out why the fuck I was getting random frequent stutters but on a fresh install it was fine, fucking thing suddenly took an issue with my gamepad that I don't even use for Doom and disabling gamepad shit in the settings suddenly cleared it up.

Just fucking GZDoom things.

>> No.10301924
File: 54 KB, 127x260, 1678093772700693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On a roll with mapping
>Look at the time
>Work in 9 hours

>> No.10302018

>making things made little thing

>> No.10302046
File: 1.77 MB, 2048x2048, 1688643320503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10302056

What did they "steal" from to give AI the ability to construct plastic toys and objects that look like any real human you specify? There are no Audrey Hepburn castle playsets in existence to my knowledge, but AI knows how to make them according to your specifications. This shit is getting spooky in a hurry, it can create things that look like object X done in style Y even if those two themes have never been combined before, without directly ripping anything off. The next major hurdle is temporal consistency and causality.

>> No.10302056

It can't accurately create Serious Sam so it's useless.

>> No.10302140
Quoted by: >>10302223

Who's dat canned boi and what does he do?

>> No.10302223
File: 1.56 MB, 1600x900, spasm0067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basicly just a DK variant who *really* wants to cut you up in favour of doing the trusty "fanning fireball attack", and he also got that "running stab attack" nicked from Nehara's DK in adittion to somekind of "ducking behind shield and laugh" move he only does when hit hard enough - but it seems to be just an alternate pain animation for now methinks.
Overall there's a crapload of DeathKnight clones in this mod that more or less do the exact same thing (most of them even have tha same HP values and attack patterns), I was expecting things to be a tad more like NSoE in this regard

>> No.10302257

It's already been proven with VKDoom.

>> No.10302354

Good idea

>> No.10302374
Quoted by: >>10302413

>if not for the enormous amount of legacy rendering code
And virtually every new release breaks gorillions of old mods anyway, he achieves nothing.

>> No.10302394

Get a better computer lmao

>> No.10302413

You're thinking EDuke32, which breaks almost everything with every update. GzDoom breaks mods pretty seldom, the last time I can think of was maybe 2018.

I think getting rid of the old OpenGL stuff is purely for making it easier and quicker to maintain update existing code.

>> No.10302484
File: 2.34 MB, 262x256, 1665363485180252.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what was the story in Ion Fury about anyways? Aftershock didn't really clear anything up for me and just made things slightly more confusing. I know that the GDF was working with the villain but I don't understand why. Everyone kept talking about how big of a mistake Shelly was making but they never elaborated why. She kills the evil scientist and things seem like they worked out in her favor so I guess I'm missing something here.

>> No.10302509

tl;dr: Shelly goes on a rampage over a spilled drink.


>> No.10302521
Quoted by: >>10302695

Likely they took Carmack's story in a porno quote as an excuse to be lazy, forgetting that while a lot early shooters didn't present much a story during their course, they at least tried to set up a coherent premise. Angry army man yelling at you is just an excuse for generic background NPC - I mean Shelly, to make empowered woman noises longer than her usual ones.
Regardless, I'm sure we'll get the IMMERSIVE DEEP LORE in an upcoming not retro game with hideous aesthetics and and awful demo.

>> No.10302527

Heretic is kind of boring desu. I should just go and play Hexen instead, having classes adds lots of variety.

>> No.10302548

Was that the one where you wait an eternity for a lift to drop in a cave while monsters teleport in? I remember there being lots of dead air if you killed waves fast enough.

>> No.10302560
Quoted by: >>10302579

Yeah, that's the one. The slaughter was okay~ish, and the whole level was mediocre at best, really strange way to end your wad.
>but muh most memorable map ever of sinking ship underwater kino 10/10
Missed me with that gay shit.
The last fight with archs and cubuses was cool though.

>> No.10302579

The ship sinking is pretty cool in theory but then you're just standing on the water like you're jesus or some shit while waiting for your health to slowly drain. It was a neat idea for a spectacle but the implementation was very clumsy.

>> No.10302648
Quoted by: >>10302695

The GDF were funding Heskel.

>> No.10302695
File: 239 KB, 680x418, 1695064985921530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured that out pretty quickly, but throughout the whole story I was always waiting for the fact to be elaborated on. Especially with the GDF commander dude constantly telling Shelly what grave mistake she was getting into. But then nothing happens and Shelly saves the day in the end. The only mistake that actually happened was with the commander himself.
I'm being way too critical about this but I just can't shake the feeling that a piece of the puzzle is missing here to fully flesh out the story. Like >>10302521 said an FPS story can still be simple and coherent at the same time. Aftershock muddled the coherency this story had.
Still a fun expansion in the end however so I can't complain too much.

>> No.10302765

It could be dumb stuff they’re trying to prep for that new game coming out. Otherwise it’s a spilling spoiled milk.

>> No.10302771

This final fight was lots of fun on Babel and Deathstrider, not too bad on vanilla as well. The mancubi and vile fight should have come before it.

>> No.10302784
File: 551 KB, 1024x768, coder7800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10302831

No idea - but this *is* a Q3A clone afterall, so have fun with your headcanon I guess...

>> No.10302789
Quoted by: >>10302793

The first Quake 2 Deathmatch Map Jam is out
pester them for a Single player one too with a theme

>> No.10302793
Quoted by: >>10302810

>pester them for a Single player one too with a theme
heh... I'd say we should just make our own, but it's become pretty apparent that all the mapfags here only want to do Doom.

>> No.10302796
Quoted by: >>10302823

>All other 90s FPS welcome
So does Aliens vs Predator 2000 count? It was originally released in 1999, but then it's gold edition was released in 2000.
Jokes aside, the marine campaign is a very unique experience. I've played games that were about consonantly fighting enemies, I've played games where you can clear a room and explore. AVP meanwhile has both. I can't tell if enemies respawn or just come after you from the corner of the map, but I swear I can kill some aliens and then get jumped exploring previously cleared hallways. It's a very nerve wracking experience, being unable to even navigate levels without getting jumped. And the motion tracker is bloody well useless, since it keeps detecting stuff that isn't aliens and more importantly, you and the aliens are so fast that by the time you do see some movement, they're already in front of you.

>> No.10302801

Same. I like chex quests, I like RPGs, and I wouldn't have it any other way, in spite of what he has to say about it

>> No.10302810
Quoted by: >>10302814

you can make a map into doom, export them into 3d unto trenchbroom anon

>> No.10302814

In fact a Entire Foursite for Quake 2 would be nice

>> No.10302823

I liked the FMV monitor screens and the fact that mirrors worked. It's been so long since I've played, but I remember it being jank and each campaign having their sets of questionable design choices. Controlling the alien was headache inducing, and the predator had an energy system that didn't seem to recharge when depleted.

>> No.10302826
File: 1.40 MB, 1600x900, spasm0052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this was any of the oldschool Q1 maps you could just go to the walled-off chambers all offscreen monsters get teleported from, but it seems to me that most newer ones can just spawn-in monsters without having them already present on the map to move them elsewhere.

>> No.10302829 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10302846

I was serious with that post by the way. Since everyone is talking about things made recently, these threads should be moved to /vg/.

>> No.10302831
File: 595 KB, 1024x768, coder8700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10302846

>Yes I forgot to post any of the CodeRed comparison pics last week, maybe I'll get to that "Quake4 in Quake2" schizomod before ths Chrismas.

>> No.10302846

You can talk about “recent” games made for older consoles on this board. >>6775606 Some of the newer “retro engined” games walk a weird line but I feel these wads and mods should be alright to talk about here.
>Quake4 in Quake2
Wow. This sure looks like something. How’s Castle of Stroggos? I beat Earth and 1964 and am feeling great.

>> No.10302885
File: 2.25 MB, 1917x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is going on here? There's something invisible blocking this alcove. It goes away when the nearby door is open but comes back when it closes.
Ultimate Doom E1M6 in Nugget Doom if that helps

>> No.10302908

Inspect it with doom builder, might be something with the iwad depending on where you got it. Otherwise it's Nugget.

>> No.10302921

It's probably nugger. You could try reporting it.

>> No.10302935

I got the IWAD from one of the megas linked in OP.

>> No.10302936
Quoted by: >>10302950

FMV was cool but I love how you cannot even appreciate the cutscenes. You get jumped. There's games that have unskippable cutscenes, but how many make it so you can't even SEE the cutscenes?
I like the jank, it gives it a sense of character. From bunny hopping to wall climbing, it's a very memorable game. It's very weird to say but I think polish can be taken too much. The imperfections combine to create an esoteric system that makes up more than the sum of it's parts.

>> No.10302950

>The imperfections combine to create an esoteric system that makes up more than the sum of it's parts.
Not an FPS but the glitchy jank is what makes Bethesda RPGs so entertaining; I wouldn't enjoy them nearly as much if they worked correctly.

>> No.10303026

>So what was the story in Ion Fury about anyways?
Despite being a lore janky in games, I actually haven't really paid any much attention to Ion Fury's storyline. There wasn't really that much going on: Shelly was just sitting in a bar before the giant flying thing blown it up. Her drink fell on the floor and she got mad, but there was also some cyborgs trying to take over the city. So Shelly chased Heskel down to his lair or something where he revealed that GDF (won't be surprised if behind the scenes it was taken over by some ex-Dynasty people; seems like that's what Phantom Fury will be about) was funding his research.
Haven't played Aftershock, but it appears to be going this way: GDF lets Heskel go free and Shelly got demoted. She was drinking... you got the idea. Except this time besides Heskel, some GDF commander also tells her to stop going after Heskel.
>Especially with the GDF commander dude constantly telling Shelly what grave mistake she was getting into. But then nothing happens and Shelly saves the day in the end. The only mistake that actually happened was with the commander himself.
>I'm being way too critical about this but I just can't shake the feeling that a piece of the puzzle is missing here to fully flesh out the story.
Oh, I see. Should just pick up the expansion by this point.

>> No.10303112
Quoted by: >>10303225

happens in chocolate doom too, and i didn't get the iwad from the OP so it seems the map' just has this bug

>> No.10303142

If that's in the last room, then it's fine in Gzdoom

>> No.10303184

Really hoping I get it together and make a map. It would probably be small, but whatever. After pumping out 3 maps for my own project in rapid succession, I feel burnt out again.

>> No.10303225

Is this an another episode of "/vr/ finds a bug that's been sitting in plain sight for decades"

>> No.10303270
File: 180 KB, 963x896, HFRONTE3_DEV.wad_MAP23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed I made a map that looks like a dude, lmao.

>> No.10303291
Quoted by: >>10303296

>a dude
So, he's asthmatic?

>> No.10303296

Maybe. Or maybe he's chewing a box.

>> No.10303312
Quoted by: >>10303321

i wonder who is behind this map.

>> No.10303321

It's clearly Romans.

>> No.10303331

I downloaded fragport out of curiosity, and holy shit, those sound replacements are awful.

>> No.10303334
File: 7 KB, 420x40, doom111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10303339
File: 3.80 MB, 304x219, 1668179164093715.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10303391
File: 68 KB, 1616x859, e1m6nodes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10303415

I can't provide a super technical answer, but I am reasonably sure this is just a case of Id's primitive nodebuilder. It is well documented that Id-bsp is inefficient and error prone compared to fan made equivalents, probably just because they were busy designing every other part of the game and this one worked well enough for vanilla maps. You can see in my image that this subsector is shared between the door sector and the room sector. As the name implies, subsectors are always supposed to be part of a single parent sector, and since that's not the case here, the collision of the door extends beyond its visible limits. I'm guessing it doesn't happen in gzdoom because that port automatically rebuilds nodes. The wiki doesn't mention this as a bug but that might just be because it's very minor. I'd be surprised if others haven't observed it.

>> No.10303394

I have not experienced this bug, could this have to do with complevel somehow? Does it happen in Chocolate or Crispy?

>> No.10303415

Maybe it's because the door to the right is closed? Works either way in gzd though.

>> No.10303447
File: 820 KB, 1366x768, citadel2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10303468
Quoted by: >>10303516

I really wish to see Citadel ported to Q2R

>> No.10303516
Quoted by: >>10303529

It’s one of the best ways to play Q2 desu
I’d want it supported for the new port as well, it needs normal brain behavior put back into it though.

>> No.10303529
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, 2320_20230817162205_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10303603

Speaking of that since i gave that shit to the map discord guy at nightdive
Quake Wiki still has a working link of the latest version source code

Also can someone here mail blendo about porting Citizen Abel to it?

>> No.10303576
File: 79 KB, 912x1476, c a l e b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marrow was fun but it reminded me how bad I am at secret hunting.

>> No.10303603

I think I’m going to borrow those gloves.
That’s me when I play anything cab is best
It was quite good

>> No.10303953

I had no problem with the alien and loved it. Predator campaign was unmemorable for me in avp1 but great in 2. Marine campaign in 1 had a great feel to it and didn't overstay it's welcome.
All campaigns in 2 are good tho imo.

The water physics in the avp1 demo convinced me to buy the game.

>> No.10303974

I have the opposite problem where I'll find secret rooms no problem but for the life of me can't find the map's exit.

>> No.10304012
Quoted by: >>10304019

is notblood the samething as NBlood?

>> No.10304019

It's a NBlood fork. The readme covers most of the changes.

>> No.10304226
File: 1.39 MB, 1600x900, spasm0065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10304243

Ande here's the BlueArmor again that I still dunno anything about, just like it appeared once before in AD (where it was just a YA with 200 armour points IIRC, but here its just the same thing as YA for some reason), showcasing it merely to proove that I wasn't making shit up back then.

>> No.10304243
File: 343 KB, 1920x1080, on the circulation of blood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another great set of levels.
This is what the Keep readme says for item_armor2, don't know if it helps:
>armorvalue: 150
>armortype: 0.6
>Yellow armor. Set spawnflag 2 to use Blue model instead.

>> No.10304450
File: 57 KB, 609x720, c74d2a57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10304462

>still no "/vr/ so you wanna play some Blood"

>> No.10304454
Quoted by: >>10304465

Hey /vr/, did Atari ever end up letting the Fresh Supply devs update the game again or should I just snag a copy of the regular version instead? Want to do a playthrough for October.

>> No.10304462

Make one

>> No.10304465
Quoted by: >>10304630

Atari switched CEOs to the guy who typically funds Nightdive's ventures, who then axed a lot of the NFT meme shit, and then bought Nightdive to turn into a subsidiary.

Who really knows where things are going, but it's at least a new Atari.

>> No.10304630

>but it's at least a new Atari.
It's like the eighth Atari so far.