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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.43214398
File: 599 KB, 4096x1762, Manticore_105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manticores... more like manti-cutes!

>> No.43214405
File: 1.65 MB, 3948x3666, buffgoat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43214418

baphomet... more like buffopmet!

>> No.43214409
File: 1.67 MB, 4500x4500, nam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes.

>> No.43214410
File: 138 KB, 1199x900, 1655358658116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43214453


>> No.43214418
File: 696 KB, 851x1523, 1681343205841162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bapho doesn't need to lift to be stronger. She lifts to be heavier so she can pin down Anon easier.

>> No.43214420
File: 930 KB, 1080x1920, 1635170363485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need foxwife

>> No.43214435
File: 236 KB, 1225x1606, Kikimora - Baby Mants!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43214453

Careful! Manticores reproduce by sending their fluff out on the wind. Your home could quickly be infested with dozens of baby mants in the springtime.

>> No.43214444
File: 116 KB, 455x740, firefox_SEswn7NhAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43214474

it is flatfish friday

>> No.43214453
File: 43 KB, 638x760, Manticore_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manticores reproduce by sending their fluff out on the wind
they lied to me! I thought there will be sex!
>Your home could quickly be infested with dozens of baby mants
that's the plan, as soon as I get my hands on my manti wife
oh careful, that's a one dangerous noodle

>> No.43214464
File: 56 KB, 877x911, aXQsceTh_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna sniff danuki breath!

>> No.43214470

I also want to sniff centaur breath or whitehorn breath too right now

>> No.43214474

Quads don't lie, be a good Catholic and enjoy the fish.

>> No.43214492

The Order will win in the end.

>> No.43214503
File: 131 KB, 840x1200, vEXt7UrJ_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellhounds are cutest when they're being teased

>> No.43214514

cute valkyries and angels waifus for everyone then.

>> No.43214544
File: 254 KB, 1731x2251, tom_2d_0000108_Noriko_Isobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having a monster wife that loves you is definitely a win

>> No.43214583
File: 801 KB, 1343x1408, 1637616036890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to kiss and rub her qt big feet

>> No.43214617

Literally the only mamono I can imagine refusing, those hands and feet are uncanny as hell

>> No.43214626

Made for handholding and handjobs, would touch her feet too.

>> No.43214640

I want 2 meters+ tall wight.

>> No.43214646

man, you cant refute those tits

>> No.43214684


>> No.43214710

What's a monster you disliked at first but grew on you a lot? For me it's gazer, I dislike the mono eye thing but they're cute and I'm a massive hypno fag now.

>> No.43214733
File: 799 KB, 1482x1154, Baphomet - She IS a Goat Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43214826

Baphs. I'm not into lolis but they have a lot of charming points and tend to be very smug.

>> No.43214747

Sneaking into the stables at night to get horse'd by some big strong centaurs ready to carry healthy foals!

>> No.43214748
Quoted by: >>43214830

wurm and sandworm, mostly because the anons in this threads post always cute memes about them.

>> No.43214771
Quoted by: >>43214786

Alps because I got too angry about faggots and trannies.

>> No.43214786
File: 352 KB, 1500x1500, 1680630959414657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43214806


>> No.43214790
Quoted by: >>43214812

Hellhounds tongue my anus

>> No.43214806

Thank the DL for making my dick the cure for irritating lisps, gaudy clothing and anal fixations.

>> No.43214812

How long is a Hellhound tongue?

>> No.43214826
File: 781 KB, 1414x2207, f568a75a433e4dfe451d9c5cfccd3e40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respect that, I dislike Lolis but imps do something to me man, I had a dream where a group dragged me into a alley and raped me while bullying me for getting overpowered by imps
I have been marked by them

>> No.43214830

Wurms are cute, not sure if I'd date one though since we'd both be retarded

>> No.43214850

I want a mist continent wife but jinko is too muscular, hakutaku is too ara ara, kakuen are misandrist rape monkeys, foxes are for guys with plain tastes, pandas are goofy and not cool enough, and hinezumi are stubborn fighters plus martial arts is cringe.

>> No.43214853
File: 1.64 MB, 1240x1754, y2vFKSLT_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43214909

I wasn't big on most of the undead but they've all grown on me. Dhampir especially since she makes a cute adventuring partner

>> No.43214854
Quoted by: >>43214900

>defeated by imps
Once you blasto in her happy funtime place, your grammar will never recover.

>> No.43214877
Quoted by: >>43214900

>”Make your cummies go pew pew pew in my snackhole oni-chan!”

>> No.43214882

>Black Cat Manticore

Oh no! She's unlucky!

>> No.43214884
Quoted by: >>43215113

>jinko is too muscular
Bad taste, but okay.
>hakutaku is too ara ara
They come in different ages, you can even have one from a Sabbath if you want.
>pandas are goofy and not cool enough
Ren Xiongmao are very classy and pretty.
You didn't mention Jiangshi, maybe you'd like one of those.

>> No.43214900

I forgot they talk like that...I hope if I do get imps that they don't talk like that. It would drive me to madness I'd have to move to wonderland to fit in

>> No.43214905

>Jinko too muscular
Then why do they refuse my batchall like cowards? COWARDS!

>> No.43214909

Oral sex with Dhampir!
Making her cum with your head between her legs!
Eating her out while she it's on your shoulders!
Kissing her tummy while she recovers!
Getting a blowjob afterward and cumming on her cute hat!

>> No.43214915
Quoted by: >>43214975

They're faking it. They can speak normally if they want to. Can't wait for sabbath larpers to get added next decade.

>> No.43214951
File: 134 KB, 949x981, Imp - Cool Dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Wants his imp wife to stop talking like a sex-crazed 8 year old.
> Every time she starts he just goes into overdrive, fucking the crap out of her while either jamming her mouth shut with his hands or pushing her face into a pillow, the mattress, a wall, whatever's handy.
> Now she talks like that constantly.
You can't win. But your wife loves you!
> Of course she says it as stupidly as possible.

>> No.43214964
File: 1.33 MB, 1767x2500, 107178363_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43214993


>> No.43214972
File: 497 KB, 1800x2200, 594608CD-5334-467C-AE03-09747AE89D81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I calm down a very mad monkey?

>> No.43214975

>Talk like what? You don’t have to vroom to wonderland to have the bestest goodest girl on your big boy stick! Oni-chan can always have special playtime! Little sis will take extra special lessons with oni-chan to make his head stop going hurty!
Once you’re in, there’s no way out. She’ll keep talking like that. Forever.
Don’t recall seeing that.

>> No.43214977
File: 1.14 MB, 1468x2000, 1681337100142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Elves and Porcs shall come together for one goal

>> No.43214993

Are elves hard to breed? They're immortal, or at least very long lived, so do you have to really go at it for a long time to impregnate one?

>> No.43214998

Creamed corn wrestling. Both Inand the sacred dubs approve.

>> No.43215009

What if
Stinky mg

>> No.43215011
File: 982 KB, 1425x1134, 76072657_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer is almost upon us, imagine spending a week with your auntster on the beach in her private cabin, getting pampered, great homemade food, enjoying the sea and getting your stress drained gently.

>> No.43215014 [DELETED] 
File: 949 KB, 980x1400, 1679737631237307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43215183

Cats keep moving, this is a wan thread.

>> No.43215020
Quoted by: >>43215059

What if
No vagina mg

>> No.43215026
File: 108 KB, 1280x961, Troll80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43215217

I had no idea that people that haven't read the profiles nor have read about the setting were allowed to post here

>> No.43215043
Quoted by: >>43215083

>danuki drains stress gently
>does not do a takeover
Relax harder, fag. Make that auntie work for it!

>> No.43215049
Quoted by: >>43215137


>> No.43215053
Quoted by: >>43215102

I hate sand

>> No.43215058
File: 112 KB, 789x801, Sahuagin_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43215059
File: 258 KB, 2428x1720, Nightmare - Ass Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if
TWO vagina mg

>> No.43215076

What an asslet. Can anyone even use her for transportation? Only in her dreams.

>> No.43215083
File: 778 KB, 1173x1500, 61705967_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43215099

>Make that auntie work for it!
She's getting old and plump, doesn't have the same body or energy as a young gal anymore

>> No.43215093
Quoted by: >>43215140

seven vagainias

>> No.43215099

I can drain my own stress, I just need to borrow her holes

>> No.43215102
Quoted by: >>43215169

Based schizo cursed sword husbando.

>> No.43215103

titania and elves but i still hate elves

>> No.43215109
File: 34 KB, 402x394, 1681333500009092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what foxes deserve

>> No.43215113

If jiangshi gets very good fan art I might wife her

>> No.43215117
File: 403 KB, 1871x2595, 1678469280677526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stinky mg
Wisps are probably shut in neets. Nevers cleans her room and rarely showers. Due to her clinginess, you can easily convince her to practice basic hygiene.

>> No.43215125
File: 271 KB, 1383x1529, 12ada173006999ac5988f6f7b8aa73fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43215136
File: 1.10 MB, 1051x1572, 107102725_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43215146

>> No.43215137
File: 490 KB, 828x1220, 79445729_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A very succesful one

>> No.43215138
File: 262 KB, 1055x1772, 1635587684420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BDSM? I agree.

>> No.43215140
File: 104 KB, 922x853, Hakutaku - WRONG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43215146

Shortstack fairies led by a tellflat titanic, or by an even BUSTIER titania?

>> No.43215150

"Dislike" is a strong word but the greenworm guy made me think of greenworms as endearing instead of a slightly grotesque speedbump to papillon. Still not interested in them sexually but they make fun characters

>> No.43215158

>cat has cat speak and puns
>imp has uWu speech
What would werewolf and holst be? Dog puns and "howdy" cowboy accent?

>> No.43215169

>I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and monster wives to my new empire

>> No.43215183
File: 560 KB, 854x1195, __grey_wolf_kemono_friends_drawn_by_nananana_nanana__0c880c72113d4ec00b5c3d4bccbbca42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell you how much I love seeing dogs act funny when they get pats

>> No.43215185
File: 1.90 MB, 2021x2723, 102103663_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43215202


>> No.43215191

Long periods between ovulation, so technically no. But long ears don’t believe in pregnancy tests, and do sexxxo like Filipinas…so you will experience some chafing. Painful chafing.

>> No.43215193
Quoted by: >>43215219

The Wizard anon needs has hired a built elf barbarian and lithe porc archer for his adventuring party. All he needs is a rogue and its complete

>> No.43215202

ovary poke

>> No.43215217

Trolls aren’t stinky, but are arguably dirty. Because they are earth elementals or something like that.

>> No.43215219
File: 127 KB, 800x1400, Arachne - Bai Bai!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43215232

Miss Arachne is quite the cat burglar. She also needs to leave town immediately for unrelated reasons!
> She burgles cats.
> It's actually quite sneaky work.
> Please don't ask her why she does it.

>> No.43215232
File: 1.61 MB, 2300x1300, 1665284682807951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like she would make a good tank. Hired.
Ms Mino from the local ranch will have to do as our party rogue

>> No.43215236
Quoted by: >>43215246

Dog puns, held Rs that sounds like growls and a twang with held Os that sound like moos, respectively. Also, shout out to sbeks with their oddly sssssensual manner of speech.

>> No.43215246
Quoted by: >>43215258

I hope not.

>> No.43215258

The alternative is Scooby Doo. Pick your poison.

>> No.43215272
Quoted by: >>43215297

Thats a big bote.

>> No.43215273

>monster of the week show where every monster gets married by the end of the episode
Get the Mamano Board of Film and Culture to fund it

>> No.43215276
File: 1.57 MB, 3113x2996, office heron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43215283
File: 84 KB, 898x1134, 70f78cd2e3d385cd39e4fe4475d695a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls you master uncomfortably often
>barks at nothing
>starts panting after any type of activity
>cannot physically express her emotions without making a sound like whimpers, whines, or growls
>asks you to howl at the moon with her
Better than "nya" every few words.

>> No.43215291
File: 256 KB, 750x1200, cusith (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ruh roh

>> No.43215296
File: 1.14 MB, 1635x2377, FqtHcX1aYAEKl1V.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cannot physically express her emotions without making a sound like whimpers, whines, or growls
The tail wag never lies

>> No.43215295


>> No.43215297
File: 180 KB, 673x1003, FoNHDLfaAAIaqU7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big bote you say?

>> No.43215299
File: 3.95 MB, 2036x2215, Catgirl - Stolen Cheezburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyot really.

>> No.43215301

Big birb

>> No.43215309

She's a big girl

>> No.43215310

I'm going to defeat the ancient evil fox through kissing with tongue! The old virgin won't know what to do when her mouth is attacked.

>> No.43215361
File: 619 KB, 850x1795, 1676143634620966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quote from anon drained all the way back to level 1

>> No.43215372

For me it's shortstack titania

>> No.43215375
File: 911 KB, 1000x1200, 1669261592503864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dammit, guess il have to beg the ancient good fox to replenish all the levels i lost.

>> No.43215377
File: 247 KB, 903x376, Level drain by fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how you get level drained into being dependent on your wife

>> No.43215386
File: 1.19 MB, 1554x2176, Succ_glowing_eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43215398

It must be scary signing paychecks as a single man, what if a demon put an illusion on it to trick you into signing her contract

>> No.43215387

Just according to keikaku. If she steals all of my NEET levels she'll become lazy and stop trying to destroy mankind! Incident resolved.

>> No.43215393
File: 1.28 MB, 1833x2160, LoiW1JR83SI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when KC is gonna release malef? I'm pretty sure a month has passed since it's release already

>> No.43215398
File: 1.64 MB, 2000x2436, 1646938128096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb demon can't get me that way. I use direct deposit

>> No.43215400
Quoted by: >>43215436

>get level drained
>start using FEAR loadout

>> No.43215402

What's with the butterflies? Ancient magic is weird.

>> No.43215409
File: 384 KB, 960x1200, Demon - Who, Me?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43215567

> I use direct deposit
Yeah, you will be, Anon.
You will be.

>> No.43215410
File: 303 KB, 1519x2000, FtV9_RkacAE2-wY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody wants em i guess

>> No.43215420
Quoted by: >>43215567

>Your direct deposit suddenly stops working
>Your employer's hand you a new direct deposit application
Well anon, do you fill it out and sign?

>> No.43215421

T-pose and blank dead eyes to assert dominance?

>> No.43215424

I'm pretty sure that elf has holst somewhere in her bloodline.

>> No.43215431

They're huge! Too big to be attractive! Those ears!

>> No.43215436

What's fear

>> No.43215437
File: 191 KB, 1468x1546, Ratatoskr - Oral?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43215474

Elves are fine, I guess. But, like, what's the point of elves in a setting where I could get something like this fine lady instead?

>> No.43215457
File: 2.18 MB, 2869x3013, malef_dragon_high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah it's been ages now. idk.
pay up, gaijin. Then you can look at this super secret image.

>> No.43215471

or just look it up on kemono.party

>> No.43215473

look at how flat she is goddamn that's hot

>> No.43215474


>> No.43215476
Quoted by: >>43215492

I thought I could defeat the witch, but then I realized she cast duplicate instead of mirror image. I now have three copies of the same big hat virgin trying to undo my belt. Please help.

>> No.43215477

i want to measuring tape that tail

>> No.43215492
Quoted by: >>43215525

Submit and become her familiar.

>> No.43215493
Quoted by: >>43215503

I just want the fan art already, come on.

>> No.43215503
Quoted by: >>43215516

Me too man, I wanna see big bobs one

>> No.43215516
File: 625 KB, 1024x1206, 94455481_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do wonder if artists have some stuff saved up for the public release but maybe that's too optimistic

>> No.43215524

Doubtful. And if they did they're certainly going to think twice before doing it again.

>> No.43215525

But she's a creep! She has a hideous cackle and a musty odor. I bet she hides her long unkept hair with that big hat, too.

>> No.43215556
Quoted by: >>43215597

Calling your wife/master a creep isn't nice anon, she'll correct you for it

>> No.43215567
Quoted by: >>43215585

Demons are sore losers but that makes them cute

>> No.43215570
File: 2.17 MB, 1748x2480, FsYoFcVagAArsD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43215575
File: 1.37 MB, 2359x2000, Cursed Sword - I bet WW is your fav Zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a computer, Anon? Because I swear you got a sticker on you that says
You're not too good for her--she's too good for you. Now go dick her down before she comes to her senses.

>> No.43215583
Quoted by: >>43215593

I would like to be a mana pump. Give me a witch too.

>> No.43215585
File: 354 KB, 904x1270, 1673986220472878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43215664

A demon's hips are going to be sore when I'm done mating pressing her

>> No.43215593
File: 487 KB, 3663x3055, Baphomet - Petomet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43215603

Fresh outta witches. Can get you a Best Goat, though. And she's got a baphomet with her, too!

>> No.43215597
Quoted by: >>43215645

She would have to overpower me first, which is unlikely considering mages like her never exercise.
Can it, letter opener!

>> No.43215603

>no claws

>> No.43215613
Quoted by: >>43216521

Touch her tail and she’ll have no choice but to calm down

>> No.43215617
Quoted by: >>43215658

Her lack of feminine traits and terrible personality are worth waiting for!

>> No.43215635

Look at all of those unnecessary spikes. What a horrible design. Hopefully it never gets published.

>> No.43215641

Nah, mge is not some super popular stuff that will get million likes like genshin. Though lots of artists drew leaked unreleased genshins anyway

>> No.43215645
Quoted by: >>43215706

>She uses level drain, engery drain and magic bondage to keep you trapped in bed until you come to your senses
Sorry anon, you'll like being a mana pump for your creepy wife

>> No.43215651

It released at the start of February. Sometime the end of this month, maybe the end of the next.

>> No.43215658
Quoted by: >>43217797

>Terrible personality
I'm going to throw you into the wurm pit

>> No.43215664

Need a demon to beg me to sign her contract in between her squeals from being bred

>> No.43215692
Quoted by: >>43215730

I saw her and the profile, I just want new update from KC on the game or whatever

>> No.43215696

>eating your lunch in the breakroom one day
>a piece of bread lands next to you on the table
>heron harpy is staring at you, waiting to see if you'll take the bait

>> No.43215701

The contract wouldn't be really needed anymore at that point though

>> No.43215702

Young men who don't respect their elders require hag pussy correction.

>> No.43215704
File: 105 KB, 1102x651, 1673935893591219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time to go to another party!

>> No.43215706
File: 1.01 MB, 3277x4096, Mothman - Mothic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> creepy wife
> complains about it
Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.43215730
Quoted by: >>43215761

Anon, he's given up on the game without saying it. He doesn't even give bimonthly status reports anymore.

>> No.43215761
Quoted by: >>43215776

Then where are the profiles?

>> No.43215773

Based bug fucker

>> No.43215776
Quoted by: >>43215801

I have no idea. He already did the poll and said he's going to do more profiles.

>> No.43215781
File: 2.84 MB, 2048x3072, 00014-20230414231921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43215782

ffm threesome with party wight and lich

>> No.43215793
File: 611 KB, 3277x4096, make her a mother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black sclera moths can't be beat.

>> No.43215796

Sorority party girl monsters are the worst. They keep drinking all my booze

>> No.43215801

>do the poll
>game option wins
>ignore it and say you're going to do profiles
>profiles still come out slower than they used to and game is effectively abandoned
The fuck is he even doing these days?

>> No.43215811

Do white rabbits have a higher affinity for magic compared to other rabbits due to being the preferred animal among magicians?

>> No.43215813

Are undead girls just immune to alcohol, because undead?
Or are they terribly affected by it, because they don't actually process it out of their systems w/o a working liver?

>> No.43215820

Spending his money on vtubers

>> No.43215843
File: 226 KB, 1431x1000, FUX8yz1WAAEvk1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43215847


>> No.43215866
Quoted by: >>43215944

>You can't drink them all by yourself anyway
>Let us help you

>> No.43215875
Quoted by: >>43215884

KC seems more of an Idolm@ster kind of guy.

>> No.43215878
Quoted by: >>43215886

japan economy make life harder, pureezu undastando

>> No.43215884

It's old news, japs are all about that horse pussy game

>> No.43215886

>Make monster girl
>Add tattoos
>Yakuza come and demand you pay protection
Life is hard indeed.

>> No.43215905
Quoted by: >>43215956

Patreon/Kickstarter disease has set in.

>> No.43215918

man, that genshin fish guy just doesn't stop

>> No.43215929
File: 508 KB, 1000x1000, 1672932036429217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43215938

Foxes are notoriously stinky, you can smell an unmarried fox from across the street because she has no man to obsessively groom her tails.

>> No.43215935

genshin swimpact

>> No.43215938

Hey, just because she smells like fried tofu and masturbation doesn't mean she stinks.

>> No.43215944

Those are fighting words. I'd challenge them to a drink off in a hearbeat

>> No.43215951
Quoted by: >>43216228


>> No.43215956
Quoted by: >>43215981

>Patreon/Kickstarter disease

>> No.43215973

>loli Demon's seduction efforts are successful
>she forgets about pushing the contract because being lewded feels too good

>> No.43215981

It's when people developing games get funding by Kickstarter or Patreon never complete the game and it's stuck in limbo. Like that Star Citizen one for example.

>> No.43215989

Look at the face. That's a different artist.

>> No.43216003
File: 991 KB, 1794x1758, 105080120_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43216521

>Offer her unicorn horn
>Pull her tail
>Offer her blue stretchy meat
>Dress up as a banana

>> No.43216004
Quoted by: >>43216306

KC doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to get attached to vtumors.

>> No.43216047

Hopefully KC just finally decides to take a leap so that lazy nip can stop leeching off of patreon dollars for doing nothing.

>> No.43216056

KC is a hard worker who has proven himself multiple times.
However, Patreon is actively enticing him to take it slow.
>Spends 150 hours per month working on the game for 10 months
>Get 10 times X dollars
>Spend 15 hours monthly over 100 months
>Get 100 times X dollars + get to enjoy a lot of free time

>> No.43216062
Quoted by: >>43216125

mg from the city isn't having a great time getting used to the country lifestyle...

>> No.43216067
Quoted by: >>43216082

Does Patreon have a provision to stop collecting money for dead people? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.43216076

>KC is a hard worker

>> No.43216077
Quoted by: >>43216090

And I call this Patreon/Kickstarter disease.

>> No.43216082

Based on other sites probably not. It would at least run until someone brought it up to a manual review.

>> No.43216086
Quoted by: >>43216110

But that would be the end of MGE.

>> No.43216090

Patreon is even worse than kickstarter because you are being rewarded for dragging the project indefinitely, no such incentive with kickstarter.

>> No.43216110

Am I supposed to care? There are other monster girl settings and at this point MGE is dead as it is thanks to KC deciding he'd rather steal money from other people while spamming DMCA's instead of deliver a product.

>> No.43216125

Damn spoiled city brat having a breakdown because she can't get 20 different fast food delivered to her doorstep
She'll either have to learn to cook or get a househusband

>> No.43216130
Quoted by: >>43216149

>some /d/troon spamming the thread with muh patreon muh dmca bullshit again
Shut the fuck up faggot, go cry on your home board.

>> No.43216134
Quoted by: >>43216169

>There are other monster girl settings

>> No.43216138
Quoted by: >>43216148

>hoping an innocent person kills himself
it's one thing to troll a thread with your stupid prompts and drama, another thing to wish death upon your neighbour
seek out Christ and repent, or you will earn yourself hell eternal

>> No.43216148
Quoted by: >>43216487

>unironic cristcuck

>> No.43216149

Yeah I'm legitimately worried about the project but this obvious retard makes me reconsider before speaking out. You even know exactly who he is.

>> No.43216168

I don't, I don't keep track.

>> No.43216169

NTA, but there are other settings if you can endure any or all of the following:
>Monster boys
>Monster girls who act just like human women
>Monster girls who act like actual monsters (killing and such)
>All sorts of /d/ fetishes

>> No.43216172
Quoted by: >>43216188

He's shitposting on 2chan.

>> No.43216174
File: 55 KB, 682x199, walking garbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are other monster girl settings
If you want to enjoy a setting where the girls are more likely to literally eat you or dryfish you, than that's your preoperative. Just don't expect everyone else to follow you.

>> No.43216178
File: 292 KB, 904x1075, Kakuen_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43216194

Marrying a Kakuen childhood friend is always nice, but you ought to remember to protect your daughters from these pesky baloons.
best not give him attentnion, just tell him to buzz off and post about cute monsters instead, he's working hard for his own tragic end

>> No.43216182
File: 170 KB, 850x1080, EA0AE899-1BEE-4347-97AE-51580D316D84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43216190


>> No.43216184

Yeah I'm going to second his
comment on that

>> No.43216188

And what is he shitposting about?

>> No.43216190

Gotta admit, these horses are cute.
Bipedal centaurs are underrated, need more species like satyros.

>> No.43216194

you just need to teach your daughters how to operate the dart throwers and make sure they carry everywhere. you never know where the bloons can be hiding

>> No.43216199

Taking gaijin money while not doing a lick of actual work.

>> No.43216207
Quoted by: >>43216227

The design makes the massive bush tolerable.

>> No.43216210

>There are other monster girl settings
That arnt isekai?

>> No.43216212

Shut the fuck up, you fucking smell from the cuckshit rot trying to slide and defend all that disgusting crap you are into. You never loved the setting in the first place, and only wanted to see it fall since you bastards were never loved IRL, you fetishize and idolize misery, while trying to drag down others. You don't deserve a (You) either.

>> No.43216215

Based. I want to do that too.

>> No.43216226
File: 501 KB, 1200x1338, Kakuen_004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43216248

better teach them gun safety too while you're at it
that's also a good bonding activity for you and your daughter
it's that kind of response he wants from you, talking about cute monsters is the best course of action

>> No.43216227

Young monsters shouldn't have massives bushes, those only belong on older monsters.

>> No.43216228

Umas aren't even that. They're just human girls with horse ears and tails.

>> No.43216234

They're rare but they exist.

>> No.43216235
Quoted by: >>43216268

NTR is his topic, because he is a schizo. His posts don’t make any sense, because he is alcoholic.

>> No.43216239

Jesus, anon. Don't get overly attached to a setting and honestly you've given too much credit to kcs character here. Any goodwill that he's just trying his best is really starting to seem unwarranted.

>> No.43216242

Well Ive never given him any money. So lucky me. But do you have a link to his shitposting?

I mean, just take the setting and be rid of the MC of the Isekai part bothers you so much. What's funny is that KC has been flirting with the idea of people coming to the MGE world iirc in tweets

>> No.43216248

the first rule of the gun safety is to have fun, also demon silver bullets so no one gets hurt
cummed pants don't count

>> No.43216260
Quoted by: >>43216282

>KC has been flirting with the idea of people coming to the MGE world iirc in tweets
Like in the setting or is this moving towards Final Fantasy House tier stuff?

>> No.43216264
Quoted by: >>43216291

KC shills are hilarious. You people have stockholm syndrome I swear.

>> No.43216268

You really sound like a tourist, just go back to /v/

>> No.43216282

Like I recall tweets about MGs going to other world that are RL earth or resemble it and get humans from here that can then travel between the MGE world and the RL earth world and then I think there was a discussion about the school sailor uniform somehow ending up in MGE land and the MGs making their own version of it from the original uniform that showed up.

>> No.43216287
Quoted by: >>43216317

>KC implies real people going into mge
That’s amazingly retarded and amusing. No one he could photoshop into MGE would actually want to be in MGE.

Personally: I think he’s probably nearing a stroke/malady and that’s a muted premonition. There’s a long and storied history of people trying to predict [massive event] and only getting a heart attack or something on the predicted day.

>> No.43216291
Quoted by: >>43216319

See >>43216174

>> No.43216299

>Star Citizen
I remember reading about this almost ten years ago
>FUNDS RAISED 563,388,593
Holy cow

>> No.43216304
File: 22 KB, 373x466, Lamia_007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43225106

imagine if lamia went to a school with mandatory sailor uniform, but she was actualy a sukeban and wanted to wear a "down-to-the-ground" skirt

>> No.43216306

R u sure?

>> No.43216312

Everyone here knows the truth about KC. He isn’t very functional. I sincerely apologize if it looked like I was mocking him. I am not from /v/ and have posted here for years.

>> No.43216313

Em, just don't imagine that part?
It's like saying to enjoy mge you're obligated to imagine having an orgy with a bunch of siths who will become your forever harem and each one has a preference efor what beatiality potion you use.

>> No.43216317

Just think of it as similar to RL humans from some anime mundane slice of life world getting sent to MGE then. Same thing in the end anyway

>> No.43216319

>being so cripplingly terrified of the chance that you'd be cucked that you can only enjoy some grifter's rug pull that hasn't been updated in years
Sounds like a you issue.

>> No.43216323
Quoted by: >>43216355

So that just sounds kind like monster musume

>> No.43216355
Quoted by: >>43216367

Somewhat. Just that MGE land is it's own universe or world and they can come here and go back.

>> No.43216359
Quoted by: >>43219829

I'm still carrying an original plastic pledge card from 2012 in my wallet, just watching the middle-aged men getting fleeced for thousands of bucks makes my ~40$ """investment""" absolutely worth it.
I guess Chris Robert's wife would instantly monsterize into a Danuki on the portals day, I heard she was also in on the con.

>> No.43216367

Aw hell yeah, explosion of portal stories NOW

>> No.43216368

There you go. The epitome of Patreon/Kickstarter disease.

>> No.43216372

This situation reminds me of that faggot which I'm not gonna name and his army of cucks who raid the board often, and immediately sliding and using ad hominem when called out. This guy has been in these threads for some time, as its quite easy to notice him.

>> No.43216383

I don't get it why are so many schizos trying to destroy these threads?
why is it so bad to want to post and discuss monster girls? no harm is coming from that

>> No.43216389
File: 420 KB, 2132x2872, Griffon - Finger Guns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all motherfuckers need monster girls.

Pic related. She's a monster girl.

>> No.43216396
Quoted by: >>43216411

…so MGE updates are finally at the sailor fuku stage? Only a few more decades until they get the Internet, you’ll see!

>> No.43216398
Quoted by: >>43216422

>I don't get it why are so many schizos trying to destroy these threads?
Msybey it's the economy

>> No.43216401
File: 963 KB, 700x753, Goblin - The Pistols.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is, and I hesitate to think that it was possible, ALSO a monster girl.
Turns out we can still post them! Please do that instead of whatever it was you were doing.

>> No.43216403
Quoted by: >>43216422

Half the schizos are rabid mge fans from other places so their reasons are simply unfathomable.

>> No.43216408
Quoted by: >>43216422

He's so butthurt about KC it's not even funny. How the hell can you even think that shitting on KC would get you any approval here, it's just nonsense

>> No.43216411

No. Those things were mentioned on tweets some time ago. I recall seeing someone on the redux discuss this. It had little to do with the game.

>> No.43216413
File: 279 KB, 917x1198, Lich - Pipe Lady Cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43216437

This is actually kind of a twofer, as she's a lich dressed up as the pipe lady.

>> No.43216422
File: 102 KB, 828x644, Harpy_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a cute griffon, is she pink because of Eros association?
if you are an mge fan, post monster girls and talk about cute monsters, if you are not - please leave the thread
you'd think that as times got worse people would have less time for such horseplay
ignore him, talk about monsters

>> No.43216424
Quoted by: >>43216431

MGE has a rabid anti-MGE group. Just look at tg, sb, and the fanfic sites like fanfiction and ao3

>> No.43216431

why dedicate your life to destroying softporn fanthread? lmao just go get girls, or money, or play videogames

>> No.43216437
File: 1.48 MB, 1875x2500, Mershark - Sand Shark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43216441

Land shark. Very dangerous. Can't swim.

>> No.43216439
Quoted by: >>43216464

woah hey super cute griffon

>> No.43216441

what about swampsharks? can they both swim and walk on land? doesn't that make them OP?

>> No.43216451
Quoted by: >>43216456

>you'd think that as times got worse people would have less time for such horseplay
Not really
When you're unemployed most of the time you're just waiting fir phone calls.

>> No.43216456

they can only swim in swampwater
I am trying to get a new job myself and it's constant phonecalls and interviews, in fact it makes me want to not leave my old abusive job

>> No.43216464

No idea! Probably, though. That usually tracks.

Thanks; I found the pic and saved it because finger guns.

God, I am so terrified of the water. That's my only mershark pic because mersharks are hot as BALLS (black sclera, sharp teeth), but I can't into water mamono AT ALL. So, maybe there's swamp sharks, but they sound terrifying.
> Also I would make sure they are Cajun as fuck.
> Natural frenemies of gator girls
> Incredibly strong opinions on food

>> No.43216465

Strongest Mamono husband vs. The weakest Order inquisitor
Guess who wins?

>> No.43216466

Very slimy and moist.

>> No.43216470
File: 130 KB, 768x1024, CaitSith27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bring her home to introduce to parents
>barely get her to agree to keep the more dommy cat kingdom stuff to a minimum
>parents have no idea how to talk to a talking cat
>ask about her job.
>"I find men who have been mean to cats and make them cream their pants before selling them off to catgirls. Also day to day minutiae of keeping a pocket realms economy going."

>> No.43216473

strongest mamono husband, because order inquisitors are virgins
>Also I would make sure they are Cajun as fuck.
>Natural frenemies of gator girls
>Incredibly strong opinions on food
I don't know my Anon, you sold the swampsharks to me!
Also water is not that bad, I hope you can overcome your fears at some point!

>> No.43216479
Quoted by: >>43216489

Shrug. HFYfags, morally offended fags, miserylovingfags and feminists are some labels that explain some members of that group. Anyway, let's move on and discuss MGs.

>> No.43216481
File: 933 KB, 3000x3200, 1458021781127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43216489

It's just the new generation of 4chan newfags being human trash getting their rocks off on causing misery, it's a sad reality we're living in.

>> No.43216487


>> No.43216489
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1080, Manticore_030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting monstergirls is what I call for! always works well for making the undesirables scram

>> No.43216495

The DL's husband is basically God tier.
KC also mentioned a hero who married the original Malef, he seems overpowered too.

>> No.43216497
File: 1.27 MB, 1400x2000, zinogre_koburatuisut2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43216521

Your time as a virgin is zinover

>> No.43216496
Quoted by: >>43216515

she cute

>> No.43216500

Furfags calling anyone a shitposter is hilarious.

>> No.43216503
Quoted by: >>43216515

>always works well for making the undesirables scram
Porn dumps work better.

>> No.43216515
File: 145 KB, 666x1000, Manticore_011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy, don't lump me with that guy just because he names his pics the same
all dorks are and all batcats are in fact - dorks
I remember that happening a few times, but it got scary once, when mods decided to start 404ing the entire thread.

>> No.43216520
File: 1.97 MB, 1854x2052, 1668135196579606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting warmer, so the opportunity to return the favor is bound to come. How would you help a Yeti get through the summer heat?

>> No.43216521
Quoted by: >>43216748

Okay, what's up with the Monster Hunter posts? We had them every once in a while but I feel there's been a huge upsurge in the past month.

>> No.43216525

It's just the filename scheme from MEGA image archive, I also use it and it's now seen more frequently now that old imgur gallery is ded.

>> No.43216537
File: 495 KB, 706x1000, MGE dino girl when.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43217000

Deviljho ravenous blowjob.

>> No.43216544

I like this idea and am stealing it.
> Take home arachne wife to visit parents.
> They're still in shock that you got married.
> Wife promises to stick to the PG version of how you met when they inevitably ask.

> "I snuck into his home while he slept and..."
> You shake your head in terror; she can see your eyes bulging out of your head in fear.
> "I snuck into his home while he was awake and..."
> Not better.
"We met on the web!"
> She starts to retort and sees the pleading look in your eyes.
> "Yes, we met on my webbing."
> You let out a long, drawn-out sigh.

>> No.43216548
File: 710 KB, 2500x580, 1668061385796438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are mermaid bait. Half of all the love stories told underwater involve a romantic sequence where the mermaid teaches the guy to swim.

>> No.43216551
Quoted by: >>43218789

Don't respond to the shitposter

>> No.43216568

The flats and subtle shadows on this picture really help sell the softness of this yeti. Regardless, probably best to bring her to that traveling glacie art fair that's taken over the local convention center

>> No.43216569
Quoted by: >>43216679

Why does this fag leave a space after every green arrow? Is this some new phoneposting thing or something?

>> No.43216575

There are multiple monsters that'd be very hard to introduce to your parents, or friends.
Imagine any loli, any gigantic monster (like sandworm or wurm), any chaos girl, or elemental. I think dark matter would be almost impossible to introduce.

>> No.43216590

Not really. Look at Sapphirette. She looks normal. Probably just needs some illusion to cover the black magic ball.

>> No.43216610
Quoted by: >>43216623

She looks normal but I'm sure she produces quite the aura.
Do you think your parents would be ok with a woman who makes them feel like a cataclysm is about to happen?

>> No.43216623

MGs are noted for being able to blend in human controlled areas which would require suppression of the aura. Shrug

>> No.43216638

Guess we can post the good girls in the next thread.

>> No.43216654
File: 3.27 MB, 2480x3508, 98556117_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these things is not like the others.

>> No.43216656

I wish people would stop calling me "bait" for certain species of Monsters just because of my hobbies or quirks.
So what if I like reading books and collecting them?! I don't see how that makes me "Hakutaku bait", I don't even live near the Zipangu region! And stop calling me "Shog bait" just because I have an eldritch horror novel too! And for the last time, I am not "Automaton bait" because I download lots of e-books!

>> No.43216668
File: 2.79 MB, 1600x2600, Manticore - She says what we're all thinking!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Meeting the parents for the first time.
> You demanded, then asked, then cajoled.
> Then begged.
> Eventually your wife promised to behave around your parents.
> Ease them into her sensibilities.
> "Tail. Pussy."
"Fuck me."
> Oh shi--

>> No.43216672

monster bait

>> No.43216679
File: 139 KB, 1000x1000, Ghoul - Heart!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it slightly improves readability!

>> No.43216688
Quoted by: >>43216734

It’s a massive ball of sex energy. Putting a towel over it and visiting your parents with her is a brilliant and not terrible idea. You want to watch your parents bone on the coffee table? Shrug.

>> No.43216691
File: 112 KB, 768x768, 1592598128877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43216694
File: 580 KB, 850x847, Anubis - Reason for Butthurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> All this 'tism.
Maybe you and Miss 'Bis can sort this out.

>> No.43216717
File: 25 KB, 349x360, A9D44749-E302-4FD2-AE7A-F05EABAF2854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I can always call you Cheshire b8. Cuz your life is a fucking joke.

>> No.43216734
Quoted by: >>43216764

Yeah she is but she can likely control the sex energy and have it not leak around.

>> No.43216748

MH is perfectly compatible with MGE in premise

>> No.43216757
File: 90 KB, 959x887, Hellhound_148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that anger and demands
hellhound bait

>> No.43216764
Quoted by: >>43216782

>monster self-control
Yeah. If she can be trusted not to turn a book into a personal sex ad, I’d certainly trust her with my parents! Her thirst is not some unquenchable void that distorts reality, it’ll be fine.

>> No.43216766
File: 1.72 MB, 5357x7504, 1665160359707087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43216931


>> No.43216775

Isn’t that a game about murdering dinosaurs for parts?

>> No.43216782
Quoted by: >>43216813

An ad is just an advertisement and it was to get a husband. Meeting you parents means she has a husband already. So no need for ads anymore.

>> No.43216789
File: 981 KB, 2500x2321, 1508207614635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to lie to the local amazon tribe and say the best way to get a house husband is to learn to cook first. That way I can trick them into paying me for cooking lessons

>> No.43216790

Oh right, forgot about that.
Even a full blown ancient evil could give off a homely housewife aura with just a little bit of practice.

>> No.43216796
Quoted by: >>43216805

Most humans are illiterate peasants that can’t detect aura.

>> No.43216798

It can work. MGs and their husbands do eat meat from animals.

>> No.43216803

goodnight lads, I hope you dream of monster girls

>> No.43216805
Quoted by: >>43216871

Then why would your parents be able to detect the aura going by this logic?

>> No.43216806
File: 1.23 MB, 1864x1826, 1464714159319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43216830

I'll take miss Yeti and the Snuggle Scouts to a water park

>> No.43216808

MGE should cross over with reality TV shows like The Bachelor.
Mamono would have ZERO chill about a show with that premise, and would absolutely never, ever allow it to run 1 more episode let alone 1 more season without stripping it down to the most earnest, heartfelt love story they can.
But it'd still be watchable because
> mamono beach volleyball
> mamono bikini carwash
> mamono love confessions
Downside--"The Bachelor" uses an average of 40-50 bachelors per season.

>> No.43216812
File: 3.72 MB, 3000x1921, Aknosom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In essence yeah you hunt monsters a little cat and dog buddy for whatever in game reason then use their parts to make new weapons, armor, and enhancements
But you could just distort the mechanics slightly so its like pokemon and you just knock them out every time and you hunt them because they went feral and you need to bring them home to their husbands, family, friends, etc etc

>> No.43216813

>Sapphirette destroys the advertising industry
Wtf. I learned to love the bomb(girls).

>> No.43216817
File: 253 KB, 1193x2048, FK2OYryXEAI9vQv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send rookies on the most difficult hunts first

>> No.43216830
Quoted by: >>43217119

But the wendis will get their coats soaked!

>> No.43216832

You could easily see both types of bachelor shows
"the Bachelor" where its an anon getting to know all the girls and choosing one. A lot of seasons end up in harems but are hastily edited for views
Or "The bachelorette" featuring the reverse. This doesn't ever end in harems but its specifically advertised to lonely Mamonos who eat icecream alone on their couches on Friday nights

>> No.43216855
Quoted by: >>43225163

Last time I dreamt of monster girls a horde of zombies derailed my train then I came on insertion when a pear shaped wight raped me.
That even was a wet dream. Scary.

>> No.43216866
File: 704 KB, 1016x1000, Oomukade - Good Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43216892

Love it.
> Miss Oomukade is The Bachelorette for season 135.
> See her face light up as a bunch of men pre-selected to like 'pedes are all in a room with her.
> Season ends after 4 episodes.
> That's actually the slightly better than the average season length.

>> No.43216871
Quoted by: >>43217096

Actually that’s two discussions.
1. The chances of them ‘main-lining’ sexxo energy is the trouble for a parent-wife meeting
is separate from
2. Dark clothing isn’t required to sneak past the blind; most humans suck at magic eye

It follows that monsters don’t need to suppress their magic to avoid human detection, and implies that they have little self-control, in yet another area.

>> No.43216892

>season of the bachelorette featuring an oni
>Its basically baki sans the gay rape

I can easily imagine that most seasons of either show will be going through at least 3 or 4 bachelors and bachelorettes per season

>> No.43216918

Would it be better than hunting viagra scorpions? Killing things that make my dick hard is not my fetish. I don’t know why it’s a combination.
Sounds cool. Why are they feral, and how do you capture them?

>> No.43216931
File: 749 KB, 1278x1438, 1627433334380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43217074

...is a trap

>> No.43216967
File: 1.27 MB, 2928x4096, Shirohebi - Eye Sparkles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43217047

Oh, for sure--you're never getting to like 13 episodes with 1 bachelor and 16 bachelorettes.
> Except for the Hebi season.
> So many other contestants got injured.
> Eventually she won by attrition!

>> No.43216972

>both shows do an annual Lizardman show
I’d watch Fight Club. It would be the most brutal show monsters would approve of, excepting turtles. They have their own channel. It’s a very /b/ad, but surprisingly polite horror show.

>> No.43217000
File: 1.06 MB, 2198x1750, 5b3d7ed87107177d3192fc16ee2348fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to give stretchy meat to all the little jhos

>> No.43217007
File: 1.90 MB, 2000x2828, a centaur and her knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43217011
File: 2.36 MB, 2268x2968, Legiana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43217165

>Sounds cool. Why are they feral, and how do you capture them?

Mamonos go feral after awhile of not being married or they simply get too ansty and start giving into base instincts to go around and cause trouble. If we go by Rise's recent plot then theres some really horny elder dragon that whips up all the unmarried mamonos into a frenzy and they raid the nearest human settlements in order to find mates.

You capture them by using the normal means, maybe the weapons all have demon silver in them? or maybe we just handle it like pokemon and no matter what happens they just get knocked out and any "broken" parts simply regrow after a bit.
After being captured whoever contracted you, be it a husband, their friends/family, or a victim of their mischievous antics you turn them over after trapping and tranqing, or just knocking them out and hand them over. All "hunters" are vetted and tried and true experts and know how to handle monsters while not getting caught nor lewded, naturally married monsters simply fight.

>> No.43217018

I hate hebis so much.

>> No.43217047

>one time the show featured two hebis
>they played the monsters off one another
>it turned into a cold war
>everyone wound up in the hospital at one time or another
>Bachelor-kun was entirely unaware of the entire thing

>> No.43217074

I feel like Doskoinpo is the reason I dislike big tits. Also Succubi.

>> No.43217082
File: 998 KB, 1024x768, 29962677_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43217094


>> No.43217091
File: 962 KB, 3048x3271, Fj3KFjbVUAAtsSY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you could just distort the mechanics slightly so its like pokemon
There's already a monster catcher spinoff, Monster Hunter Stories

>> No.43217094

Never really got into precure designs, but then again i'm not the target audience

>> No.43217096
Quoted by: >>43217107

The argument was the parents would be able to detect aura. I said that the MG should be able to suppress it cause otherwise how can they mingle in human order controlled territories pretending to be human. The person then said that the humans can't detect the aura which would apply to anons parents as well.

>> No.43217107
Quoted by: >>43217118

My headcanon would be that humans from this world wouldn't be able to detect auras unless its so potent it affects things around the monster like static electricity. While humans from across the portals would because they were born into an environment where its all around

>> No.43217113

>The one and only time an amazon showed up she ran off with her man 5 minutes into the first episode
>They hastily pulled a single staffer to take her place, the unexpected and unscripted twist resulting in one of the show's most memorable seasons

>> No.43217118

There probably other food that's not just scorpion. We just haven't seen it yet.

Sure. They as in MGE would be able to feel it normally but the MGs are likely able to suppress it when needed barring heroes who are likely able to see pass the suppression.

>> No.43217119
Quoted by: >>43217157

Wendis need their coats cleaned one way or another!

>> No.43217138 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, Fe05bhJWQAMiL2B.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lovey-dovey/borderline Yandere personality
>Touch-based husbando correction powers

>Electrical-based powerset, flight
>generally mischievous, upbeat personality

>Ridiculously, comically strong
>Reduced nudity taboo
>Prone to violent outburst, often involving large clubs

So Lum from Urusei Yatsura is like a Hebi-Raiju-Oni chimera

>> No.43217153
Quoted by: >>43217185

She's a high level Oni with thunder powers, so technically a Raijin.
The Raiju part would be unnecessary.

>> No.43217157
File: 328 KB, 992x1403, aHR0cDovLzQwLm1lZGlhLnR1bWJsci5jb20vMjg5ZTY3NzIwZWQzYTkzZmZmZTA0ZmY2NzliZGE0YTkvdHVtYmxyX255dHgzOXRueHAxcmtuMjVnbzFfMTI4MC5qcGc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43217174

Anon no! They're strictly dry-clean only!

>> No.43217165
File: 297 KB, 900x1200, BC4380FB-7532-4384-AFB4-74C350B9DA72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43217401

I’d play it, don’t think anyone else would. Guess you’d have to be married to be a bounty hunter. Otherwise monsters and incubi would turn you into paste. Since a portion of targets are ‘amok’, the chance of rape-loss persists for the lawdog. This is actually a situation where a man would sincerely want to avoid losing — he’s already (happily) married. Couples could work together, inflicting violence legitimately without repercussion. A very charming profession. Do married monsters flip out? Got any fun ideas for when/why monsters flip out in general?

>> No.43217166
File: 2.62 MB, 1024x1538, 31f04b95cc5097077879ba3213f989c0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43217228


>> No.43217174
Quoted by: >>43217208

Mama Wendi might be mad that their coats got wet, but Papa Wendi lets his girls have fun on the waterslide!

>> No.43217185
Quoted by: >>43217236

>Also known as Raiden-sama
Now I'm just picturing Lum in cyber armor fighting her father dressed as an American politician

>> No.43217208

Obviously Wendi's wear swimsuits, probably full-body wetsuits (Papa Wendi wants his girls to dress modestly, but they worry the tight-fitting wetsuits don't flatter (heh) their svelte figures

>> No.43217212

Lum isn’t yandere, her man has a brain made of discarded washcloths. Private time discarded washcloths.

>> No.43217222
File: 119 KB, 829x626, 1681331159619177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you stop your monster daughter from being a bully?

>> No.43217228
File: 875 KB, 1000x1112, 1679723795877376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cats size is directly correlated to the amount it is spoiled.

>> No.43217236
Quoted by: >>43217272

And here I was imagining Lum electro-kanchoing my enemies for my amusement.

>> No.43217245
File: 2.93 MB, 3000x2600, 98905137_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43217249
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x1080, 80044099_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely true.

>> No.43217250

I've been obsessed with the idea of a chubby neet werecat for some reason

>> No.43217257

Big breasts can only feel your hand, but they can never fill your heart.

>> No.43217259 [SPOILER] 
File: 315 KB, 1200x1821, 74266-hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, never thought of that, but actually Lum is a pretty good Monstergirl for being from a non-MGEsetting. What are some other good Monstergirls from outside MGE?

For me it's Dejah Thoris-chan. Need Red Martian deredere waifu

>> No.43217265

>So-called "fierce hunters" when confronted with modern convenience

That's what the girl is for.

>> No.43217272 [SPOILER] 
File: 190 KB, 1920x1080, Fhgh6ktXoAE30yg.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much like Hebi, Lum only uses her powers on the Man she loves.

[spoilers]she has plenty of firepower for other purposes though[/spoiler]

>> No.43217273
File: 235 KB, 670x670, Yen grabbing you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43217288

I really like yen from MGD and the lumerian, also from MGD.

>> No.43217281
File: 123 KB, 270x270, 1371542_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh no he's retarded

Save me, Chesh-sama!

>> No.43217284
Quoted by: >>43217321

There’s not enough Deja art. I feel your pain.You freaky pervert eggfag.

>> No.43217288
File: 305 KB, 1200x1490, yande.re 907615 sample animal_ears monster_girl_encyclopedia ratatoskr_(monster_girl_encyclopedia) rnskkn tail thighhighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, now this is a monster I can trust!

>> No.43217304

>manticore's husband treats her like a goddess
>she loves it
>that is until her clothes stop fitting

>> No.43217315

The offerings shall not stop.

>> No.43217321
Quoted by: >>43217399

>Busty Red Martians
>Musclegirl Green Martian Tomboys
>Tsundere Therns
>Prideful Delicious Brown Firstborn
>Mysterious Yellow Martians

Wait, is Barsoom just Western MGE?

>> No.43217325

You can trust Yen, I promise she won't turn you into a pet.

>> No.43217327
File: 258 KB, 1280x1780, verylargekot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mana is a hell of a thing. Can't find clothes made for big and tall monsters.

>> No.43217337
File: 85 KB, 697x1060, 92cd9afdaa9e46cb5567e2a139e202e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based Dubs
Wight Supremacists really are a growing threat

>> No.43217345


>> No.43217348
File: 412 KB, 800x650, FHInnqdm_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quite like the idea of the feared apex predator turning out to be a lazy fucker who lays on the couch and eats potato chips. Gap moe is great

>> No.43217360 [SPOILER] 
File: 126 KB, 636x900, 397F7DFB-3090-436A-A85A-CFC1375C5F29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, I’ll admit it. I would nail Cheetah. Yes, the bestial one. But only because of her scientific tenacity! The villainy is a large fringe benefit. Here’s a less appealing cheetah girl, she probably wouldn’t cheat on her taxes.

>> No.43217362 [DELETED] 

Corrupting your apex predator wife into a lazy couch potato who begs you get to get more chips

>> No.43217366
Quoted by: >>43225276

arimura daikon primal sex

>> No.43217378
File: 68 KB, 894x894, Thunderbird - French Fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43217386
File: 746 KB, 1051x1400, 1667490165375893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but they can never fill your heart.
True, you need a little girl with a big butt wearing a g-string or backless thong for that.

>> No.43217399
Quoted by: >>43217543

No. The distance is too vast, between heaven and earth. KC does not understand the beautiful potentials of space, and it’s attendant many armed floozies. It’s very sad.

>> No.43217401
File: 3.85 MB, 3000x1921, Bishaten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't have to be necessarily married, it'd be entirely in the spirit of monsterhunter for humans to be able to use armors to do stupid things like walk on lava or climb up walls with enough weight on them to put a body builder to shame, or fall from insane heights without breaking a sweat. That means with some planning and the right armors you'd be able to resist those kinds of monsters and successfully "hunt" them.

Married monsters could flip out, mostly for silly reasons like their husband was too busy with work, or their beast wife's instincts got out of control this full moon, or something similar like that. Monsters in general would flip out from loneliness, instincts, or external reasons like some greater monster stirring up trouble or just natural inclination like a feral running amok for fun.
The Ero's temples would be keeping tabs on all of them like the hunter's guild in MH and would be handling quests in order to sort all kinds of situations out. Hunters would naturally be well vetted by the temples and cupids in order to ensure quality hunters.

>> No.43217422

>8ft tall manticore that used to be buff once
>now she's just a big chubby cat that eats all your snacks
>could still chase and catch you with ease but would rarely ever do so because she's too lazy

>> No.43217427
Quoted by: >>43217476

That sounds well-considered. The only loose end I see is “what do monsters do, when feral, that causes problems?” Looks interesting so far.

>> No.43217442
File: 471 KB, 1100x800, Manticore - Mom's Lump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43217630

Yeah, but real talk, mama don't need to go out chase me down if she looks like that.

>> No.43217446
File: 126 KB, 1000x999, 358dbccb753291f47e13c6da16b28040580b45e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the cuddlesex

>> No.43217464

>Still tries to put off a languid, dominating "deep female energy" vibe
>Mostly succeeds by tempting you with glimpses of her thighs and breasts peeking out from under the throw blanket
>That, and how swollen and drippy her tail bulb has become from gorging on your cum 3x a day
>Always succeed in breaking her Dommy Mommy act by insisting on breeding her PIV against the couch and making her cum just from putting it in

>> No.43217476
File: 103 KB, 850x956, Rakna-kadaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43217566

Using MH as a direct inspiration you'd have them do anything from harass men and caravans passing through areas, married monsters would likely steal their food and other shiny bits that interest them, single ones would go for the obvious or at least try. They could be riotous in general accidentally hampering a village by making hunting grounds unusable via a variety of means like scaring off wildlife. Maybe a biologist needs to get into a certain area to research x or y and the resident mamono is making that difficult cause they either chase the researcher or they hunt the animal he's researching for food or simply scares them off with loud noises.

Theres all sorts of reasons why the guild will accept a request to handle a feral mamono.

>> No.43217479
Quoted by: >>43217644

Ah yes, the wonders of oni technology. How do they make all their devices run on alcoholism? The world may never know…

>> No.43217539
Quoted by: >>43217548

Star batter Rosa ready to hit one out of the park.

>> No.43217541

Which species makes for a got cousin-wife?

>> No.43217543

Oh shit, I forgot about Multi-armed factor.

Poor Red girls would be overshadowed by Greeny Martians I think, unless KC gave them a gimmick

I bet Red girls would secretly love being captured and thrown over a guy's shoulder to be ravished, whereas Greens would be more dominating.

Therns would be sneaky little tricksters that act haughty but inevitably screw up their overcomplicated schemes for love (also they'd have cute horns and like to dress up/use disguises). Firstborn would be classic Domineering Amazon types that talk endlessly about how superior they are, but if you can outwit them they'll worship you as a King.

Yellow Martians would be at home in Winterstown and would be good at taming Demon realm beasts. They'd constantly be feuding with their sisters and cousins and are total NEETS who want to live in peace and seclusion with their husband (but probably don't because they like to talk smack)

>> No.43217548
File: 117 KB, 899x1200, 309CB707-474E-4CAD-8AB4-C539F84CD19E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the image

>> No.43217554
File: 26 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43217627

>hating elves
Alps the lot of you

>> No.43217566

So hunters conk them on the head and they sleep off the crazy? Guess they could go into a probation program, if still crazy later. >Law_and_Order_sound_effect.mp3
>Sexual crime is common and lightly punished…

>> No.43217578
Quoted by: >>43217644

on the other hand 90 millisecond fiance might do well

>> No.43217613
File: 175 KB, 1450x1508, Raiju sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43217627
File: 720 KB, 1392x1215, nZEbyeto_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not falling for a boring, arrogant hippy is hardly a sign of homosexuality when you have so many superior girls to choose from.

>> No.43217630
Quoted by: >>43219987


>> No.43217631
File: 2.58 MB, 2122x2500, A85E2B0A-C527-4F45-A572-CA11A96D3939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MGE Monster Hunter would be a thinly veiled mail order bride service
>Mr. Anon wants an ushi-oni wife but none are around him
>Puts request to the guild for an ushi-oni
>Hunters find and hit one with oversized demon silver weaponry till she gets tired and capture her
>Gather any scales, horns, claws, furs, etc. that fell off when the fight is over to make better armor and weapons
>Send her to the guy so they can enjoy a honeymoon

>> No.43217644
Quoted by: >>43217711

Oh crap anon that's amazing! Did you draw this?
Don't be dismissive bro, that cannon can fire beans at 2000 rounds per minute!
Way more entertaining would be 90-day fiancee, but neither guy nor girl can physically touch before the 90 day waiting period. Over the course of the season 3-5 couples are put through a variety of species- and personality-curated romantic situations. If the couple holds out for 90 days, they get an all-expense-paid paid wedding and a cash prize, with minor prizes awarded for couples who only make it to a certain number of weeks. The Cupid show runners cheat fantastically, using their long experience, interviews of the couple's friends and family, and illegal internet surveillance to design the hottest, most romantic scenarios possible to tempt the contestants.

>> No.43217648

>Survivor is just dumping a bunch of guys onto an island of monsters and recording the chaos

>> No.43217656
Quoted by: >>43219387

>more baseball monsters
I have a strong need for monsters in tight baseball pants. I need to dig up the writing stuff the thread did afew years ago designing a team for mgc

>> No.43217671

Imagine fighting a girl who has a Matcha complex and doesn't want to smooch the cute boy (because she's so lonely that she's internalized it and rejects affection by reflex)

Imagine breaking down her resistance and watching her stern, abrasive facade transform into the gooeyest, dere-est puddle of love you've ever seen

>> No.43217697
File: 379 KB, 1023x1447, FklpeCiaYAAVOHk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43217711
Quoted by: >>43217732

I would watch that show.

>> No.43217732
Quoted by: >>43217767

Of course, but would you make it through 90 days with your favorite monster?

>> No.43217752

This kidnapping is over complicated for the situation. Monsters would insta-yes because of love-sensors. You’re more likely to hunt down men for monsters. Monsters could insta-no if they disagree, because of soulmate things. But then hunters are in a weird spot. Unless they are amoral mercenaries, which is considered the best sort of mercenary to be…

>> No.43217762
Quoted by: >>43217774

>superior girls
200% Haram

>> No.43217767
Quoted by: >>43219372

Of course not, but that’s stale and predictable. If those pink snipers want to earn their Eroscoin they should use anon’s LEAST favorite monster as the challenge!

>> No.43217774
File: 3.46 MB, 1798x2564, ZByxWrp7_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka "no fun allowed"

>> No.43217775

My thick barbarian wives taking it easy after a long day.

>> No.43217789
Quoted by: >>43219372

Eyepatch h'orc is way too cute

>> No.43217797

Le super duper femdom dragon
Who care, it's everytime the same thing.

>> No.43217804
File: 1.65 MB, 2040x2653, __kirara_genshin_impact_drawn_by_penshuishanaiduo__a17054a59ab7206901a6a08f5c06950c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love cat girls

>> No.43217811
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1697, 1654741084624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should marry cat

>> No.43217842

Never trust a Satyros bartender.

>> No.43217852
File: 251 KB, 767x511, 1456032122030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43217932

You should trust satyros as a bartender

>> No.43217856
Quoted by: >>43217932

Do trust a Satyros customer when you're the bartender.

>> No.43217868
File: 207 KB, 500x500, disappointed kot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too but those fuckers need to be corrected

>> No.43217873
Quoted by: >>43217960

>wake up in bed next to satyros after a night of drinking
>"i thought followers of bacchus weren't supposed to use alcohol for nefarious purposes?"
>"i'm not a follower of bacchus"
fair enough

>> No.43217932

No way, Satyros would be banned from my bar. They'll drink it dry and they can't afford the bill, all the other customers would be left out.

>> No.43217949
File: 87 KB, 720x800, 1498339992364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43219407

>they can't afford the bill
but they insist that the alternate payment is a giving you a child per digit on the bill

>> No.43217960

>”Nefarious? You really needed to get laid. Now pull the muddler out of me and let’s drink breakfast!”

>> No.43217980

They don't look like they're broke to me. If an Oni can behave in a bar and pay for her drinks, I don't see why a cute winegoat couldn't.

>> No.43217994
File: 404 KB, 1059x1223, scales on arms is best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need snex with snakes to fertilize their sneggs.

>> No.43217999

The Oni don't pay with money they just threaten to smash my bar so I have no choice but to make it on the house for them.

>> No.43218012

She is a gaijin.

>> No.43218020
File: 537 KB, 1981x3450, Red Oni - Take Me, Mistress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this beautiful ANGEL of a woman and try to pretend that she could ever threaten a bar for free booze.
She is as innocent as the wind-driven snow.

>> No.43218036
Quoted by: >>43218059

Did you try looking sad and explaining that if you keep giving away free drinks, you won't be able to run the bar and will have to live in the street?

>> No.43218041
Quoted by: >>43218099

Poor girl only has one milk dispenser left...

>> No.43218059
Quoted by: >>43218085

They usually carry giant clubs man, I won't fuck with the Oni. They go "Yo, punk! What's the tab little guy?" I say free.

No. Thankfully a Wight hag comes by every night for the super expensive things in my stores and singlehandedly keeps the business afloat. She just keeps giving me these intense looks that make me shrink back while she giggles. Giant claws are scary man.

>> No.43218069
Quoted by: >>43218099

>She lost a nipple
Useless, red piece of trash only good for Ryona and humiliation

>> No.43218085
Quoted by: >>43218113

Anon.... have you ever considered that maybe the Oni ARE willing to pay but you keep giving them free booze because YOU'RE personally intimidated by their mannerisms? Don't you also know Oni may take this as a sign you're attracted to them? They may snatch you up and carry you home one night.

>> No.43218099
Quoted by: >>43218115

Scars are sexy. And there's a lot more to a woman than a single missing nipple.
And she has black sclera, which I am personally weak to.

>> No.43218100

She must be pampered!

>> No.43218113

Well what do I do about it?! I don't want to get grabbed by Oni but I also don't want to offend them by making them suddenly pay! I'll be sending mixed signals!

>> No.43218115
Quoted by: >>43218223

A lot of mental gymnastic to ignore her "used good" nature.

>> No.43218122
Quoted by: >>43218156

Have you ever heard of KS-23? They can answer your dilemma

>> No.43218132
Quoted by: >>43218156

It's too late.

>> No.43218155

Have you considered making a deal with that wight you mentioned? She might be willing to protect you from those oni.

>> No.43218156
Quoted by: >>43218182

I'm not going to shoot someone in my bar man, I don't even think it would tickle them anyway.


>> No.43218158

Wanna know how to not get nabbed by an oni? Hire a hellhound bodyguard, there will be no unintended consequences

>> No.43218159
Quoted by: >>43218166

>That much scared
She loves getting beaten, father issues I guess

>> No.43218166
Quoted by: >>43218220

maybe she's just clumsy

>> No.43218167

She writes fanfiction about anon loving the gentle side of her: the gentle sloppy alcoholic bedfame-destroying slip of a girl who wants to be loved so hard that she has bruises and blacks out. Why can’t anon see past her dozens of vandalism and aggravated assault charges, and instead gaze upon her as the loving young woman who habitually ruins metal sex toys purely via pelvic musculature? Truly man is the real monster.

>> No.43218182
Quoted by: >>43218253

It would take them down.
First put a FLASHBANG round in the chamber and blind the drunk Oni then follow up by 3 fast successive demon silver 4 gauges buckshots, She will fall on the floor. If it works with dragons, It will work with a mere Oni

>> No.43218220

No, that's an invitation for hard bdsm and soft healing afterward.

>> No.43218223
Quoted by: >>43218283

How do scars make a woman used goods?

>> No.43218253

I tried this because I didn't want to mess with that creepy Wight or hire an autism hound and the Oni just laughed it off and they decided they like me even more for being feisty. The silver didn't fucking work, all it caused was my rape in the back room.
Now I'm married to a Blue Oni with two kids on the way and she's officially my bar's co-owner, and she lifted the ban on Satyros customers! Thanks a lot you guys, all your suggestions failed me!

>> No.43218273

Classic tsundere excuses for picking the option most likely to get you an oni bride.

>> No.43218275
Quoted by: >>43218316

Then why did the dragon I shoot with the same tactic fall to my feet and ask me to take care of her wound?

>> No.43218283

Anon is just being hateful, too much loneliness

>> No.43218316
Quoted by: >>43218320

Anon, where is that dragon right now?

>> No.43218320
Quoted by: >>43218356

In the kitchen, making dinner. Why?

>> No.43218327
File: 873 KB, 1075x1400, Jubjub126b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going through my pics
>Find the Nav Jubjubs
>Instant boner
>Start looking for more
I'm not the biggest fan of big tits. Actually I prefer them small in most cases. But GOD DAMN do hyper horny busty girls turn me on. I don't like lactation either, but HOLY FUCK it's hot in those jubs.
And the corruption just makes it even better. Is Jubjub corruption real?

>> No.43218339

Congratulations anon, you have been marked for portal day.

>> No.43218356

You know what, you sound happy, don't worry about it. I'm sure she'll eventually heal up and go back home.

>> No.43218366
File: 552 KB, 3600x4500, 98404514_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43218370
File: 933 KB, 2000x2000, 1444606297812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43218449



>> No.43218371
Quoted by: >>43218449

the essence of carnal desire

>> No.43218381
Quoted by: >>43219480

The tourism industry is a trap! You either get snagged by some monster along the way or your “tour guide” takes you.

>> No.43218387
File: 675 KB, 1000x1000, 1680257610385260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You kept posting stuff about how you'll never date a monster girl and that you can't love
>A few hours later you hear a knock at the door
>You open it and see picrel
How do you escape this situation

>> No.43218400
Quoted by: >>43218457

I don't get it. There's plenty of other lonely dudes to go after, millions in fact. Stop wasting taxpayer dollars.

>> No.43218407
Quoted by: >>43218431

>Close door
>Go back on the computer
>Play Battlefield 4
>Keep posting the same stuff everytime you die
>Ignore the door knockings
>Feel sad
>Go to bed
It's easy.

>> No.43218431
Quoted by: >>43218483

>Before you can do any of that she puts her tail in-between the door
>"Sorry Anon, but we have a warrant for you. Please don't resist, it's for your own good."

>> No.43218449

I want to Jub my waifu. As a joke hahaha... for a night or two.

>> No.43218457

Ah but you see, being a sad single lonely man is a very serious crime anon. Very, very serious. The penalty is getting put in monster girl jails, don't worry you'll get out very early once you get claimed by one of the other prisoners

>> No.43218483
Quoted by: >>43218614

>"Don't care I need to finish my game first. Come in if You want."
>Proceed to do everything said before while She watches me.

>> No.43218485

Why do I feel like there is a alp joke involved in this of don’t drop the soap in prison.

>> No.43218486

Wait a minute... these aren't jails at all. These are government run matchmaking facilities! I see you eros cultist bastards.

>> No.43218504

I already liked big butt lolis before he started drawing them, now I like them a lot more.

>> No.43218569

You know a lot of these Ancient Evils killed tons of innocents in the past before they were sealed right? That means you can't just excuse their crimes because they're hot, and no, you can't "fix" them either.

>> No.43218584
Quoted by: >>43218599

you totally can, things were different in the former era

>> No.43218589
Quoted by: >>43218599

I can fix her

>> No.43218593
Quoted by: >>43218599

I’m gonna turn them all into mommas by the end of the night.

>> No.43218599

A murderer is a murderer even if they have large tits. They shouldn't be forgiven. People like you are why the Order is right.

>> No.43218614
Quoted by: >>43218632

>mamono PD busts down your door
>get detained
>get loaded into the back of a patrol car after finding illegal contraband (a flesh light)
>gets put into protective custody (ero's matchmaking services)

>> No.43218620


>> No.43218621

they were as the chief god intended and lifted themselves out of the cycle.

>> No.43218623
File: 69 KB, 1280x997, 13C7832C-42F0-4ED2-BA65-8C43D1EA253A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I resist the alluring power of meaty cats

>> No.43218630
File: 1.07 MB, 1022x1792, FtlPYAEaEAEaxE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43218632
Quoted by: >>43218644

I don't have one, they rigged me. Cringe. I won't comply until my PC is given back and tendies provided.

>> No.43218638
File: 196 KB, 1440x900, 1673801166350421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43218642

So fat, disgusting. I don't like this cat.

>> No.43218643

Orderfags GTFO

>> No.43218644
Quoted by: >>43218655

Congrats, you’ve been given a one way ticket to the spooky shog mansion on the top of the hill

>> No.43218655

Good, those Eros faggot won't get me there

>> No.43218657

>Forgetting what the Chief Goddess originally intended them to do
Based retard.

>> No.43218664
File: 147 KB, 849x1200, Demon - Ancient Evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43218692

I just want the most powerful mamono to make me feel safe and loved. Nothing feels more like love than knowing she could kill by the scores or hundreds, but every single day chooses instead to hold my hand or tell me that she loves me.
This probably says absolutely horrifying things about me psychologically, but, like, whatever.

>> No.43218666
Quoted by: >>43220278

Make me.

>> No.43218689
File: 2.35 MB, 4350x5748, 745f0d46_2b8576120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43218700

Get a dog.

>> No.43218692
Quoted by: >>43218725

She will throw you away and switch to another men when You stop being funny

>> No.43218694
Quoted by: >>43220278

fuck yourself

>> No.43218697
File: 338 KB, 1300x1700, cusith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43223964

yandere doggy

>> No.43218700
File: 200 KB, 828x795, 1668616394433857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cats are funnier and more useful

>> No.43218702
File: 952 KB, 1208x1400, __jubjub_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_nav__dd8711b7214b62c55971ae58e63431bc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you come home one day to find your house a mess of pink feathers and unknown fluids
>your wife has contracted a serious case of Jubjub flu
>over the next several days, she will be a hopelessly horny, heart-pupiled mess
>Her symptoms intensify over time. Her plumage gets fuller and fluffier, as she grows plump and busty.
>By the end of it, she's leaking milk, drool, and pussy juice
>BEGGING you to fuck her
Symptoms alleviate after a week or so, and you get to be one smugly satisfied husband while she has a somewhat hazy memory of her behavior while ill

>> No.43218722
File: 372 KB, 1425x2048, B7F0C95C-97E9-45CD-909A-603F799EDAA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will breed out the brats and the ancient evils until there is just motherly monsters left.

>> No.43218725
Quoted by: >>43218762

It's astonishing that you're literally describing how I feel about every friend I've ever made.

>> No.43218760

Wrong, there was no geneva convention therefore no warcrimes

>> No.43218762
File: 75 KB, 250x250, 1662821117407925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have only 3 friends left and I'm already feeling that I'm on the select with all of them. Unironically, this thread will be my last """friend""". I hope chesh are coming soon.

>> No.43218774

You know what jubs need? Tail feathers.

>> No.43218775

Stupid Monsters always beeing horny and wearing skimpy clothes, then going on to rape innocent man. Have they no decency or dignity? They don't even allow you some distance for solitude. Stupid, annoying Monsters only thinking about their own needs.

>> No.43218789

Don't produce quality content because some one is shitting up the thread???

>> No.43218794

As a switch, nothing activates my dominant side more than a smug girl suddenly being overwhelmed by horniness.

>> No.43218796

>concerning hobbits

>> No.43218800

hits pipe

>> No.43218806
File: 195 KB, 2000x2000, fkt9py5spcka1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43218836

There is only one way to fight back against the Cheshire menace.

>> No.43218808
File: 262 KB, 854x1500, Cheshire - Smile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know we should be talking about monster girls, but, like, just for a moment...
I started taking SSRIs in February--it's been helping. I don't know you or your exact circumstances, but I am rooting for you.

>> No.43218820
File: 329 KB, 1000x1000, 68747457_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43218835

>> No.43218827
Quoted by: >>43218845

What are the hobbits doing that's so concerning?

>> No.43218829
File: 438 KB, 608x860, 1681046300732100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't take any drug or see a psychiatrist, they don't want to help you, just sell addictive drugs. I will daydreams about MGE and play Vidya, It's more healthy.

>> No.43218835

... lewd

>> No.43218836

Butt rape the kot?

>> No.43218837
File: 79 KB, 844x602, 3d70060a9bc9a169ea1dbcb66d00b482ade23c61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go outside, eat heathy, get some sunshine, and work out. SSRIs fucked me up when I was a teenager and I never recovered. You can't solve unhappiness with medication, you need to improve your life by taking care of yourself and your body. Best of luck, anon. I'm rooting for you.

>> No.43218842

human brothers should have sex with their monster sisters!

>> No.43218845

smoking pipe weed

>> No.43218861

What about monster cousins.

>> No.43218904
File: 484 KB, 653x988, 1591993789904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43218918
File: 287 KB, 1200x1800, FtuS9y_aQAAreV6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43218986

I will keep her too busy to be evil by making children

>> No.43218997
File: 2.27 MB, 2806x2480, 85303080_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't defeat a Dragon.

>> No.43219003
File: 1.79 MB, 3000x2000, 1679240533439359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43219006
Quoted by: >>43219054

I bet she's weak to anal

>> No.43219011
File: 114 KB, 1045x975, 1679963706253602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope things get better for you Anon, I lost my friends too. Granted mine was my own dumbassry but still, I get it.

>> No.43219023

Gonna call her the prettiest treasure and that she makes a gold hoard look like copper

>> No.43219029
Quoted by: >>43219200

Which sister? Older or younger?

>> No.43219048

Time to escape to the ONE PLACE that hasn't been corrupted by mamonos...


>> No.43219054

She’s clearly weak to paizuri, always go for the glowing spot.

>> No.43219063
File: 1.50 MB, 1191x1684, f350251d4aed13a8c196977aefc1436e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43228882


>> No.43219065
File: 196 KB, 500x474, Shoggoth - Heart Eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, what about chaos mamono? Aren't they literally from there?

>> No.43219067

Malef-chan when?

>> No.43219072

>Anon gets dragged into the abyss and raped by a chaos god
You can't escape mamonos anon

>> No.43219074

>get ambushed by space wurms in an asteroid belt

>> No.43219147

Friday night after work, all fatigued, tired and lonely. Wouldn't it be nice to have certain someone that has been all along for you like for example your momster's sister waiting comfy and warmly for you? You know that your auntster will always be there for you

>> No.43219159
Quoted by: >>43219205

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, listen to the soothing song of a ghandarvah playing her sitar and singing on a cool night....at least before the neighborhood siren starts blasting J-Pop for a few minutes.

>> No.43219187

Beware of the space elves

>> No.43219200

Same age.

>> No.43219205
File: 458 KB, 695x1147, 1559673216253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's when you start playing your jams

>> No.43219208
File: 19 KB, 100x100, 1680149692748776.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do if one of your wives is a bully to the others?

>> No.43219212

get horny

>> No.43219220

Divorce both

>> No.43219231
File: 784 KB, 2029x2681, hRTMuaij_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not falling for that again. Last I tried to break it up it was a trap and I got bullied by both of them

>> No.43219242

MGE game has lots of isekaid dudes roaming around. Though that makes me wonder about MC - he has his own house so he is not isekaid but why he didn't get a monster waifu before the game start?

>> No.43219265

Hellhound and Cheshire Cat are the best combo.
They're like Shoggoth and Kikimora

>> No.43219270

ah yes, my Monazon ordered nuclear annihilation arrived at last

>> No.43219299

The perfect harem, Cheshire to make you lose your mind, Hellhound to break your body, and a Bicorn to watch.

>> No.43219303

A real man marries a horse. Though a deer can be acceptable too.

>> No.43219309
Quoted by: >>43219363

Can you trust anything these two tell you? Seriously, one of the brawn the other is the brains.

>> No.43219319

Being married to a Chesh and Hound would destroy me, too overpowered

>> No.43219329
Quoted by: >>43220278

It does? I don't remember talking to the guys ngl

>> No.43219338

Rape both by using 3 raging mushroom injectors in my chest.

>> No.43219363

No, it's pure chaotic evil. The only time you may be able to trust them is when asking for cuddles or affection

>> No.43219372

>POV: your wife if has a way to make driving more fun
That does up the drama, considering there's the possibility of one or the other partner saying "no"--maybe a random man/monster pairing, and you have half the drama be on the couple, and half on the crack Eros team that scrambles each week to provide a romantic challenge.
>Top Gear except it's Cupid, Apsara, and Houri-chan trying out date ideas
H'Orcs are cute, but I'd prefer grabbing a regular P'Orc.and carrying her off from the horde to make her my wife

>> No.43219387

I have a few of the cards saved

>> No.43219388
File: 710 KB, 900x1200, 02QvNF9W_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43219572

I need it. My lawful aligned heart yearns for the chaotic harem.

>> No.43219400

Just never stop cuddling them and they can never trick you

>> No.43219407

>a quarter of all your customers try to offer "alternative" payment methods
>your business is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy
>satyros awkwardly leaves and returns with the money to cover her tab after you have a breakdown at the bar

>> No.43219450

>Cheshire cat x Centaur hybrid

>> No.43219454

>Get grabbed by cocky, scarred-up red Oni
Over the next few weeks she uses you like a human toy, making you massage her taught, scarred flesh, kiss every inch of her body, bring her breakfast in bed and snacks in the bath, riding your face every morning and demolishing your pelvis every night.

Despite being exhausted, your heart is tender to her obvious pain and loneliness, and her brash, commanding attitude can't hide her desire for love and affection. Her drunken, sloppy kisses and strong arms cuddling you every night show the depths of her love for you.

After a few months of praying, it seems your good deeds in comforting the misunderstood miscreant have paid off. You awake to see your mini-Anon replaced with a throbbing purple club that would be the envy of any Oni. The look on her face as you part her enormous, muscles thighs, place her long, shapely legs over your shoulders, and plunge your massive, girthy, galvanized Oni-breaker into her tight ogre-pussy make all the drama worth it

>> No.43219455
File: 35 KB, 200x200, 1663773447963498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you said yes to your hebi neighbor yet?

>> No.43219468

>Anon overhears some of her friends talking about the oni's fanfic
>he looks it up and reads some of it
>the next time she comes into the bar, he addresses her by her insert's name and calls her cute
>oni flees the scene
>leaves so fast she knocks the door off its hinges on the way out
>she can never return

>> No.43219469
Quoted by: >>43219488

I only say 'no'. Hopefully she'll get the hint soon and take the loss already.

>> No.43219471

I have no female neighbors

>> No.43219472

Kys monsterboy

>> No.43219480

>and here is the famous dark alley on the bad side of town!
>please, feel free to wander down it at your leisure

>> No.43219488 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.36 MB, 600x338, 1660505026083400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are just feeding the yandere meter, you don't want that to be full

>> No.43219519
Quoted by: >>43219567

Neighbor? There's no one around for miles. Just me out here. All alone. Where no one can hear me scream and where help could NEVER arrive in time even if someone was aware that I was being assaulted. I did see a pale figure lurking in the wood line the other day, but I just figured it was a skinwalker and bought more ammo in town.

>> No.43219522
Quoted by: >>43219576

She needs to learn that 'no' means 'NO'.

>> No.43219540


>> No.43219556

It's already full. If she's worth her salt, she's already aware of my penchant for psychotically obsessed women and is probably preparing accordingly.

>> No.43219567

she's in your walls anon, have you ever wondered why you keep losing underwear and shirts?

>> No.43219572

You'll have to move to wonderland Anon, they'll break your mind

>> No.43219576
File: 83 KB, 660x983, 1656178608862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She needs to learn that 'no' means 'NO'.
>hebi translation
>Yes my lovely hebi, we shall be married and have 20 kids

>> No.43219595

They always turn up in the washer eventually. I think they get sucked into the back or something, because they come out all wet and really musty. I'm just a forgetfull guy too, so it's no big surprise. Sometimes I even forget I cooked entire meals. I just open my fridge and bam! Food. Living alone might be making me crazy. I swear I can hear whispers when I go to bed telling me that I want a big family and I want to snuggle with my cute wife.

>> No.43219598
Quoted by: >>43219647

More men need to start going commando with all the monsters that steal underwear around

>> No.43219608

And She don't pay half of the rent, clean or do the laundry ? Bad wife material!!!!

>> No.43219629
File: 252 KB, 800x710, kgCvAkue_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yanderes are objectively the best. No girl will love you more or be a better mother than a yandere monster. She'll never ever leave your side!

>> No.43219633
Quoted by: >>43219705

>Marry shirohebi
>She goes with you everywhere
>Stalks you when you don't leave with her
>Every single girl that is nice to you or smiles at you disappears the within the week
>Missing person's report in the news, etc.
>Every time this happens her tail always seems to be swollen
>And you swear you hear whimpers or groaning coming from her tail
Weird, but it's best not to ask about it. Maybe she just has some lamian medical condition

>> No.43219638
Quoted by: >>43219662

Total Shoggoth Death

>> No.43219641

I have a gun, she better not mess with me.

>> No.43219647

>succ sneaks into anon's house for some thievery
>watches as he does morning stretches in the nude
>passes out from a nosebleed

>> No.43219660

I don't want a dominatrix or a mother, I want a nice loving wife like a tomboy farmer Kot with good milky and we have equal power in couple (or some time she goes sub). Yandere don't tick this case

>> No.43219662
File: 2.68 MB, 1323x1871, 1656562188475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Kikis, but I will love any yandere. Aside from a select few monsters, of course.

>> No.43219663
Quoted by: >>43219680

>yanderes are the most effecient at catching men because they're specialists
>population of yanderes slowly rises in all species
>dark mage yanderes obsessed with the guy who cast a better spell one time in the second grade
>salamander yanderes who have been stalking a fledgling adventurer for months, fighting him as an alter ego to make him stronger
>yandere bunyips who are so stealthy and efficient at stalking they put kunoichi to shame

>> No.43219667

Fuck off to /d/ vorefag

>> No.43219680
Quoted by: >>43219740

Fluffy white noodle is not stealthy, I just ignore her so She don't cry...

>> No.43219692

Nah the most successful monster girl type is either the creepy ones or the gentle and very friendly mob faced girls

>> No.43219704
Quoted by: >>43219723

Fool the creepy ones are yanderes too just low level class yanderes.

>> No.43219705

Anon, I think you hebi is eating those girls. Remind her they only alps should be eaten.

>> No.43219713
Quoted by: >>43219727

I have examined this thread and determined it requires more meaty tails

>> No.43219723
Quoted by: >>43219744

there is a difference between a yandere and a female creep.

>> No.43219727
File: 149 KB, 893x1378, A40C9B20-210A-4A2E-9CC2-ACA9B5799BD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43219741

Sorry I only got photos of big butt monsters.

>> No.43219740

>Anon lying awake in bed one night, about to fall asleep
>hears a floorboard squeak outside his room
>she's back
>bunyip fumbles the doorknob a few times before managing to open it properly
>door squeals on its hinges
>she slowly slithers into his room and shuts the door behind her
>moves to her corner
>starts masturbating while staring at him
>Anon has to try and sleep while ignoring the glowing eyes and soft grunts coming from the corner
>the stain on the carpet gets bigger every day

>> No.43219741
File: 79 KB, 850x1200, bb1bafc4cf50ae94dfad16499b11e7b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more thick asses

>> No.43219744

I mean creepiness and yanderes do mix together a lot, but I get what you mean not all the time they’re connected.

>> No.43219756
File: 97 KB, 850x1204, 88AAACB8-5217-4EFB-8E16-540F53BC6606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Anubis butt.

>> No.43219762
File: 145 KB, 1013x1433, 366C85D4-F49C-4E0B-88F5-1F3FE16C6D4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43219770
Quoted by: >>43219819

No rape. $500 fine.

>> No.43219772
File: 119 KB, 850x601, 1646674169384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43219799

>thick ass brown monster always asks if you want anything when she raids your fridge
>have to fight the urge to say "chocolate cake" every time she does

>> No.43219808
File: 168 KB, 850x1403, 655F55C2-8134-450F-A6F4-B31D1C9A6069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a dark elf with a huge ass who may have visited the orc village too many times.

>> No.43219817

this choco kot needs impregnation correction for raiding my fridge

>> No.43219819
Quoted by: >>43219910

>oil baroness pharaoh holds out a hand to her anubis secretary
>anubis hands her a stack of cash
>pharaoh counts out $20000
>tucks it into your pants
>her security grabs your arms and starts dragging you towards her hotel

>> No.43219820

Too make up for their lack of social skills and thus difficulty in finding a mate, creepy girls are massively more fertile than the average girl.

>> No.43219829
File: 277 KB, 1000x602, Curazy diamondo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43219866

The Wing Commander games and especially Freelancer were so good
How did it come to this?

>> No.43219866
File: 581 KB, 768x768, GyoubuDanuki4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one came out only because microsoft finally booted him out for stalling the project and wrapped it up. SC is what happens when you don't have such evil publisher to keep things in check.

>> No.43219904
File: 331 KB, 1526x1086, 1529319861024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43220053

How goofy is your wife?

>> No.43219910
Quoted by: >>43220390

A fine is a penalty, not a price tag.

>> No.43219987

He used to make lotsa mg stuff. Did he really just got quit drawing mgs because of 1 schizo?

>> No.43220036
File: 180 KB, 700x700, 1657163690842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43220051


>> No.43220051
Quoted by: >>43220097

I'm glad Wight san understands that I do not wish to copulate with a corpse like her. She's so nice.

>> No.43220052

Chesh probably did something to deserve it.

>> No.43220053
File: 209 KB, 1017x832, Da Hoard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43220109

Goofy? Not at all. All seriousness and gravity is she!

>> No.43220089
File: 44 KB, 1024x576, 1680833509770728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still think about the dorm dash in journey of the magi god I wish that were me, I love it when monsters are pissed and wanna put you in your place so bad

>> No.43220097
File: 94 KB, 594x631, 1681082013394929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43220103

She understands what you need perfectly, she actually wants to have a discussion with you at her mansion anon.

>> No.43220101
File: 1.26 MB, 800x1122, 1654007609533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guys at the office set you up with a blind date. SURPRISE! It's Tiamat, the Serpent of Cosmic Chaos!

>> No.43220103
Quoted by: >>43220138

I'll stare back at her at the window

>> No.43220109
Quoted by: >>43220118

Surely a Dragon doesn't need so much treasure?

>> No.43220118

Needs and wants are worlds apart.
Most of it is painted rocks

>> No.43220138
Quoted by: >>43220174

That's considered consent to monsters anon

>> No.43220144
Quoted by: >>43220176

Why does she have such small wings compared to the rest of her
I will bully an ancient goddess

>> No.43220174

I will prepare the bed

>> No.43220176

She floats, she got that anti gravity flight.

>> No.43220225

I never considered furnace paizuri, might be as good as furnace pussy.

>> No.43220266
Quoted by: >>43220786

>tfw everything translates to “set your husbando’s dick on fire”
It’s a genetic condition linked to herpetological albinism. Very sad many such cases. Have included instructional pamphlets, interesting applications of water magic. Anti-inflammatory ointment recommended.

>> No.43220267
Quoted by: >>43220885

Post your cutest ratas please!

>> No.43220278

Kill yourselves trash

Those guys in the game are native to the MGE world just human controlled parts of it and thus never met Mamono. So not isekaied.

>> No.43220293
Quoted by: >>43220333

C'mon eurofags and aussies, let's see those cute ratas with those excessively fluffy tails!
Don't hold out on us

>> No.43220322
File: 604 KB, 1715x1207, 1EDFE282-AB74-4C26-8F1E-F35D3F56BFFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I join the snake cult?

>> No.43220333
Quoted by: >>43220351

Sorry anon, red squirrels are endangered over here

>> No.43220339

You shouldn't hang out with that sort of crowd

>> No.43220351

Exactly why you post them. Build the appeal. Make people wanna wife them and breed them. Then no more endangered status

>> No.43220390

>t. peasant

>> No.43220395
Quoted by: >>43220500

I'm going to demand a tall glass of smilk from that grape snake

>> No.43220421

>cuddling with a rata in bed
>her tail slipping between your legs and up your back
Like having a body pillow between your legs that you share, and a pillow keeping your back warm. All in one special. And it's soft and fluffy. Never loses it's fluff.

>> No.43220500
Quoted by: >>43220691

This sounds so fucking retarded
I love it.

>> No.43220611

>baki sans the gay rape
gonna need context on that one, I know baki himself has a girlfriend and buiscut has a ..."wife"

>> No.43220614
File: 616 KB, 2200x1600, kushala_daora_humanization_by_muhut_dc4j81f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I hug Ms. Windy if she keeps blowing me away?

>> No.43220691

>apophis tries hundreds of plans to usurp the pharaoh or mentally break her
>astronomical costs, needlessly complicated schemes
>pharaoh manages to mindbreak the apophis by sending a few dozen men to ask her for smilk
>grape anubi scrambling to sift through the royal library for what smilk might be
>still not sure if it's a thing or an abstract concept
>the mere mention of smilk is enough to give the apophis a migraine

>> No.43220732

She's just being tsun.
Give her a few drinks and she'll open up, she's really weak to intoxication.

>> No.43220771
File: 362 KB, 557x610, proteinshakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43220960

goodnight, consider d o g!

>> No.43220786

In other words fucking your hebi wife is the best medicine.

>> No.43220794
File: 138 KB, 445x450, Sphinx_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43220812

Riddle me this now, and riddle me fast! Why did you apply for this job?

>> No.43220812

I just wanted to be surrounded by lewd desert mamonos.

>> No.43220875

Wait, She's not, She's a Yu GI oh card

>> No.43220885
File: 454 KB, 1861x1312, 1669952232135595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43222800


>> No.43220960
Quoted by: >>43221007

I will consider dogs.
Werewolves are superior

>> No.43221007
Quoted by: >>43221258

What happens if a werewolf bites a guy? Does it mark him as her husband, attract more werewolves to him, make him inexplicably get a raging hard-on around werewolves, or something else?

>> No.43221051
File: 154 KB, 681x800, 1633855166539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The legendary heroine is about to set out on her most challenging quest yet.
Destroying Anon's virginity!

>> No.43221077
Quoted by: >>43221084

everybody knows that wizards beat warriors, dont you know your basic runescape triangle

>> No.43221084
File: 110 KB, 731x367, DarkBraveStats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But heart beats all

>> No.43221176
File: 2.57 MB, 1440x2488, 1646927586265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super easy solution if your town is struggling with money. Just hold a 'Male Companion Charity Event'. Round up a dozen or so eligible bachelors (and make sure there's variety. Making it something like all knights or all nobles will give poor returns, trust me. Toss in a poor farmboy or two who's convinced he's just there to pad out the numbers).

A bunch of women with lots of money will show up. No one the village will have seen any of them before, but trust me when I say they'll be loaded and eager to bid high. Do this whenever you need funds for anything, works every time.

>> No.43221195

thats what the big wizard tower is for

>> No.43221214
File: 1.25 MB, 2898x2442, 1666952584996851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the weekend so just stay home and play bideo games

>> No.43221231

but anon a tower will just attract p'orcs and other minion monsters

>> No.43221238
Quoted by: >>43221748

Goddamn porcorians! How come every time a wizard builds a tower stupid orcs have to come camp at it

>> No.43221258

I just assumed it's a "you're mine now. See? I marked you. Now mark me as well"

>> No.43221269

I'm drinking sake in Japan but I didn't have any nekomata on my lap. Portal when?

>> No.43221271

Evil dwarf girl when

>> No.43221330
Quoted by: >>43221619

She's actually quite approachable when you appear to be minding your own business. Surprise her with something big to catch her off-guard!

>> No.43221571
File: 129 KB, 1135x916, Dormouse61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll ask a Nightmare or Hakutaku about how I can enter a Dormouse's dream later on. First we must snuggle.

>> No.43221575

Okay! Who is the stupid fucking amateur developers who decided these stats are fair and balanced and not brokenly unplayable!? That, and no looks like a lack of game testing and just basic quality assurance!!!

No wonder why Triple A Games are shit these days, and if that is an indie game from an indie team. Then they are still shitty amateur devs that need to learn more!!!

>> No.43221587

She will certainly inspect your "tower",

>> No.43221619

I don't have a big dick, I feel bad now

>> No.43221647
File: 598 KB, 2000x2600, 52943C58-B7EE-4483-9BF7-4C4F3B270184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last living noble in the undead kingdom
>Rest of the aristocracy plays it off like they’re still alive
>Despite the fact I knew them since I was 8 and they haven’t aged a day
>And that many of them have glowing red irises that no living human I’ve ever met has
>Banshees tear up whenever I ask them why they have pointy ears if they’re human
>Bump into dullahan guard causing her head to fall off as her friends play it off as an elaborate prank and special effects
>Half the time the wine the zombie maids get me is blood, when I point it out they say I’m not a wine connoisseur
>Whenever I cut myself half the hall looks directly at me before I get swarmed with bandaids
>Whenever I point out how cold everyone is they play it off as being cold outside despite it being summer
>Whenever I ask why the maids have so many stitches and keep mumbling about warmth I get called rude
>Phantom and doppelgangers are the only ones who put effort into appearing human changing their skin and eye color to something natural
>Lich accidentally lets the undead nature of her adoptive daughters slip is quickly interrupted by vampires before they pull me away
>When I tell anyone I know they’re undead I get called crazy as they try to gaslight me into thinking they’re alive
>Even the dhampirs won’t outright confide with me
>Come up with the “I don’t want you in danger” line

>> No.43221667
File: 2.36 MB, 1856x2028, 1639785607894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43221692

I woke up at 10 am and my head's been hurting ever since.
Does succusex cure headache?

>> No.43221692

No. Only anal succusex curse headaches

>> No.43221695

Introducing video games to monster girls is a bad idea, they'll get addicted.
You'll end up proneboning your wife while she's playing Elden Ring.

>> No.43221712
File: 464 KB, 2894x4093, Hellhound_078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you can't make babies there!

>> No.43221731
Quoted by: >>43221907

Alp hands typed this post.

>> No.43221748

>try to explain to the p'orc horde and other assorted minions your just a humble agricultural wizard who helps with the weather and plant growth

>> No.43221789

>Uhh, yeah. Today's forecast is half cloudy with light winds.

>> No.43221907

Nah, they want to be impregnated too.

>> No.43221929
File: 63 KB, 520x462, virginity control law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43221994

Uihara is a headcanon Dryad mamono

>> No.43222055

>off-topic image

>> No.43222094

gotta keep em busy so they don't get up to porcish shenanigans, have them fix the roads, clean the tower, have a weekly barbecue and pray they don't start showing up in the inner sanctum

>> No.43222110
File: 1.83 MB, 900x1390, Gazer - Schoolgirl 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're doing off-topic images now that the thread's almost dead?
Cool. Here's a generic schoolgirl, then.

>> No.43222233
File: 3.08 MB, 236x498, 1681443727749558.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43222274

Porc shaman want You teach her something

>> No.43222258
File: 203 KB, 1240x1754, __nurarihyon_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_barbariank__a1ced16e9799503d5c2271ba055fa13c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, and here's my totally normal house-mate who has been here since I moved in.

>> No.43222274
File: 1.88 MB, 900x1390, Gazer - Schoolgirl 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43222285

OK, fuck it, then--off topic images it is. Here's the rest of my generic anime schoolgirl pics.

Pic #3 (NSFW):

>> No.43222285

I made a mistake and I can't delete it, mb

>> No.43222290
File: 412 KB, 807x782, Gazer - Sailor Fuku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same girl; slightly different schoolgirl outfit.
I honestly blame watching Sailor Moon dubs before school for this interest.

>> No.43222314
File: 139 KB, 1005x1200, Hakutaku - High School Uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm even into older women wearing schoolgirl uniforms.
Ok, I'm actually MUCH more interested in older women, period, and I like the idea of an older woman in an outfit that's just a little too tight for her comfort.

>> No.43222321
File: 951 KB, 1575x2115, squeak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43222414

I'll doze off soon
Have this cute mouse girl

>> No.43222414

I want to see a werecat eat out as a thief mouse as a punishment. Ahah would be fun...

>> No.43222444
File: 807 KB, 3423x2328, Shirohebi - Delinquent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a couple of juvenile delinquents. Again, student-posting in the last hours of the thread. Try and stop me!

>> No.43222457

Huwaito suneiku!

>> No.43222758
File: 130 KB, 555x432, Porc_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hulking horde appears on the horizon
>war chants and horns tear the silence of the morning with brutal terror
>citizens flee in terror, locking themselves into their houses or escaping into the forrest
>menacing army stomps the earth that creeks with terror as they nearby the local road
>with songs of conquest and roars of battle they start the road construction
>in mere hours the entire neglected road is brought back to former glory, hardened and even
>brutish cheers and victory shouts fill the air once again, as the horde packs up their "weapons" and goes back to their master, to report their success

>> No.43222800

Detective Snowrata is on the case, she'll get to the bottom of why Selkie's Diner ran out of hot cocoa!

>> No.43222837
File: 864 KB, 1000x1400, 1669287260979338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maid upgrades

>> No.43222856
Quoted by: >>43222926

what if none of this was real?

>> No.43222883
File: 355 KB, 2080x2080, 1659804458575196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43222926
File: 592 KB, 752x1062, 943247408fbdce2a9aa72583105464a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a grand dream already tainted by real life autism. I can't imagine some of the people who post around here deserving happy ends.

>> No.43223073
File: 273 KB, 827x1094, 1681562615812460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43223168


>> No.43223087
File: 101 KB, 794x1140, 1651406992760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43223134

Do it

>> No.43223134
Quoted by: >>43223178

What's this lewd pervert going to want next, handholding? Take this to /d/ where it belongs.

>> No.43223166

All it takes is one lecture on how the strength of Rome was based on road networks

>> No.43223168

noise is one of the few times i can get aboard oppai lolis.

>> No.43223178

>we lost chaostfanon to /d/

>> No.43223220
Quoted by: >>43223250

He's still around, he's just not a piece of human garbage like the breath shitposter, so he doesn't double down when people complain about him being weird and actually stop.

>> No.43223250

It's the morality of posting in the ntr-lite thread. I wouldn't want to get tarred with that brush.

>> No.43223353
File: 129 KB, 1024x689, 1681560620563490m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43223604

>Alice overload
>Alice is a lie
>She can't be found
>All those souls are wasted
>Death is awaiting

>> No.43223409
File: 98 KB, 874x1240, 4f28a99d019df4678569c20dff98bace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43223412

god i want a monster with a fat fucking tail i can hug while it's slung over my shoulder as i pound her

>> No.43223476
File: 261 KB, 1190x1680, Lamia - Fat Snek 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43223515

Like, this fat?

>> No.43223515
Quoted by: >>43223611

sneks cannot achieve being slammed from the rear

>> No.43223591
File: 112 KB, 316x338, 6885fbb12e6a4df14c6c077bb024bd9b1cff26fb_s2_n2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43223616

>> No.43223604
Quoted by: >>43224799

I love Alice. Give me a cute Alice harem.

>> No.43223606
File: 674 KB, 679x960, EdbwW9LU0AAoKzc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43223609

can kc's balrogs fly?

>> No.43223611
File: 696 KB, 1130x850, Lamia - Fat Snek 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure they can!
The lamia in that manga rearranges herself to let her love interest pound her both snek and missionary style.

Now, in that manga the snek has more of a proper cloaca than a pussy, but the same basic principle applies. You just need Miss Lamia to let you prone bone her while you hoist her tail over your shoulder.

If you're not into that, you can also bang her cloaca, which would be similar, but lower down on her body so you don't have the Herculean task of lifting like a thousand pounds of snek.

>> No.43223616
File: 93 KB, 256x206, dllhost_hkxNvGOtgT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43223747


>> No.43223712
Quoted by: >>43223781

>Black haired, model student shirohebi
100% has eaten a handful of girls and a few guys on the verge of alping who threatened her chance at a monogamous marriage with her boyfriend/future hubby. Feels no remorse for doing so.
>White haired, delinquent shirohebi
Has threatened to eat those girls who eye up her boyfriend and even threatened to eat her boyfriend if he dares to even hook-up with other girls or break-up with her, but in reality doesn't have the heart to do such a thing.

Those girls who act tough on the outside are usually some of the softest girls you'll ever meet. But those girls who seem like delicate, little flowers can be some of the most crazy girls you'll ever meet. Be careful!

>> No.43223733

I like a smaller and cuter tail that can be groped and pulled during pounding

>> No.43223747
Quoted by: >>43224047

is this AI?

>> No.43223777
File: 1.41 MB, 1759x990, 1633830005738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43223924

How small?

>> No.43223781
File: 1.62 MB, 936x914, Baphomet - Vore-e-oh's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weirdo Baph paws typed this post.

>> No.43223787
Quoted by: >>43224087

Pursue salamanders then. They store fat in the tail and use it as a weapon by slamming their opponents with it. And in particularly difficult battles, they can lose their tail and hurl it as a club at their opponent. It'll grow back.
Lizardmen can do the same, but their tails aren't as meaty. Unless she's fat, but lizardmen never get fat because they're all about that warrior/athletic life. At least, you're chances of coming across such a thing as a fat lizard is less than a 1/10 of a percent.

>> No.43223924
File: 899 KB, 2000x1260, 1577872601296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About this size but a bit thicker at the base

>> No.43223935
File: 265 KB, 1269x950, TrollHole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know

>> No.43223942
File: 242 KB, 434x441, 1681496557078233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramu is cute! cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!

>> No.43223955
File: 392 KB, 694x982, 66A8929A-06E6-414C-AF23-8C914DDFAAE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You talking about me, that was my first time using that thread but it’s pretty much just the futadom thread at this point.
So I’m probably just going to move back to the normal /d/ monster girl thread or find a TF thread to talk about my stuff since this place is more for the normal side of monster girls.

>> No.43223964
File: 1.65 MB, 849x1200, 1673701985348999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43224177

Cute and loyal doggo

>> No.43224030

Mrs. Gaunt is a pervert, shopping for groceries while her husband rails her under the goo.

>> No.43224038

Full set never

>> No.43224047


>> No.43224087
Quoted by: >>43224158

i wonder how salamander feels about maining a quarterstaff

>> No.43224134
Quoted by: >>43224189

I mean, it comes and goes really.
Also being surprised that a /d/ thread focuses on futa is quite something. There's a reason the normal thread needs to specify no futa.

>> No.43224153
Quoted by: >>43224183

Wonder what kind of noises they make when they cart their master's bountiful crops to the harvest festival

>> No.43224158

Salamanders learn to wield all types of weapons, simple and complex, but typically with a focus on melee as well as some basic fire elemental magic to add a bit of range to their attacks. No doubt you'll probably find some salamanders who prefer staffs, polearms, and spears. But as for a simple stick like a quarterstaff, I could see that too, especially if they lean more into the fire magic.

>> No.43224161
Quoted by: >>43224181

Would centaurs use a modified car wash?

>> No.43224177
Quoted by: >>43224202

She's a very underrated girl. Most anons would be very happy with mans best friend in monster form.

>> No.43224181

Nah, they've just got very large bathrooms and showers and very long brushes. Thankfully, equine biology prevents the rear end from getting too messy. In either case, if you marry one, no doubt you'll always be bathing together and helping her brush and clean those hard to reach spots.

>> No.43224183
File: 161 KB, 934x1110, Horc_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they probly oink happily

>> No.43224189

Not really surprised more disappointed than anything because there’s so many of threads about them on /d/. That why does there need to be that many, ridiculous if you ask me.

>> No.43224202

Let's be honest 100% of the anons here would marry and breed a cu sith or cait sith if one popped up in their rooms right this very second. I know many may say otherwise, but they're lying. The horny is too strong.

>> No.43224246

No. I have standards.

>> No.43224271

>he didn't use peanutbutter

>> No.43224285
Quoted by: >>43224293

I hate furshitters.

>> No.43224293
Quoted by: >>43224315


>> No.43224295

I don't deny you have standards. I do too.

But say a cu sith popped up into you room. She's very interested in you. She wants you and to have your offspring. She's got a heart of gold. She's going to be exceptionally beautiful as all mamono are exceptionally beautiful; more beautiful than any human woman you've ever seen as all mamono are. Your door is closed; no one else is home. You're going to do the deed with her. You can deny that you would, but deep down you know you would. I would. I would do it with any mamono, even an alp or matango, and I dislike them the most.

>> No.43224300

The only positive to a Sith appearing right here right now is it's a sign that the Portals are open, so I still don't want or need the Sith.
Out of my way CatShit, I have a waifu to claim.

>> No.43224315

Because you keep constantly shoving your garbage where it is not wanted and act like vermin in general.

>> No.43224329
Quoted by: >>43224383

Yes, yes. You'll find and probably get your non-sith wife. But you're also gonna have that sith wife. You know it. I know it. Just accept it that your lower head is stronger than your upper head.

>> No.43224383
Quoted by: >>43224427

The only 'fucked' that Sith is going to get is fuckedup if she slows me down for even a second.

>> No.43224400

Don't bother replying to the resident human waste, you're only validating him.

>> No.43224401

Don't project your furfaggotry and gay retardition unto others.

>> No.43224404
Quoted by: >>43224427

I'm not you, faggot. The only thing that furbeast is getting out of me is a boot in the ass when I kick her out of my house.

>> No.43224415
File: 378 KB, 649x1200, 1614813761149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are getting baited, stop responding to the shitposter
instead tell me, would you take a huge whiff if you entered a gym full of sweaty monster girls?

>> No.43224427
Quoted by: >>43224465

She's stronger than you, much stronger than you. She's definitely gonna slow you down and "mark" you.

>I'm not you, faggot.
Yes you are.

>> No.43224432
Quoted by: >>43224484

It's usually just one guy playing off himself. Normally nobody cares about sithposts, or does it 10 times in a row.
Or maybe it's two guys and one can't resist replying to the schizoid. That happens too.

>> No.43224441
File: 506 KB, 2000x2000, brr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furfags AND smellfags? This place has gotten a lot worse than when I last visited.

>> No.43224447
Quoted by: >>43224484

If it's a gym full of alraunes and/or dormice, yes.
Otherwise, no. Sweat stinks.

>> No.43224451

So... when the Demon Lord cast her spell and changed the nature of monsters, did male monsters all turn into women? What happened to monsters that were married to each other before the spell was cast?

>> No.43224464

They became a yuri couple.

>> No.43224465

Go get your dad's gun and paint your parent's basement with your brains.

>> No.43224470
Quoted by: >>43224484

nah, i just go and fuck tall yet chubby monsters

>> No.43224479

>did male monsters all turn into women?
Yes. For example, most pharaohs were formerly male. Though I believe in the case of dwarves and elves, their men didn't turn into women. Rather, they just don't produce any more males; the tribes that've been monsterized. I think it's implied that not all elves and dwarves have monsterized; though most have.

>What happened to monsters that were married to each other before the spell was cast?
They stay in relationship but find a human husband together.

>> No.43224484
File: 958 KB, 965x1400, 1614810403283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe it's a coordinated effort? whatever it is, it doesn't deserve a response
girls smell nice when they get worked up, they don't stink like men
hey man, you're welcome to give your ideas for fun dicussion too
it was clarified by KC: if male monster really loved the female monster - he'd turn into an incubus, if he just treated her as a baby factory to rape and fuck off without feelings involved - he'd turn into a monster girls like other monsters
how do you pick them up?

>> No.43224498
Quoted by: >>43224517

>They stay in relationship but find a human husband together.
nope, if it was real love and not just reproduction instincts - he'd turn into an incubus

>> No.43224517

Was that from a Q&A? I kinda swore that's how it was before. Or maybe I'm thinking of the husband of a monster alping situation.

>> No.43224518

The dwarves are mostly women now because they embraced monsterization, there are male dwarves It's just that they're rare now and they're all incubi. I'm pretty sure that's just straight up in their profile

>> No.43224531
Quoted by: >>43224560

yes I believe it's from his Twitter, I remember when thread talked about this
I am trying to find something about it in warosu rn

>> No.43224539
Quoted by: >>43224585

by doing it very carefully of course, you do eat wurm eggs for breakfast right?

>> No.43224556

It's a couple of shitposters particularly obsessed with the idea of turning this place into second /v/ or /d/, overall it's still fine.

It's like stepping into dog shit that you can't really clean from under your boot, you just have to live with it, for the time being.

>> No.43224560

It's hard to keep track of all his extra-literary statements. I gets me into trouble here from time to time, but I like to just stick with the original canon described in MGE 1. It's changed so much since then though.

>> No.43224562
File: 349 KB, 1200x1225, 1654446096583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around witches, never relax, next thing you know they make an entire coven with you

>> No.43224579
Quoted by: >>43224585

paywalling patreon questions just adds another layer to the confusion. Especially since we have a few dedicated arsewipes that like to hype it up and muddy the waters.

>> No.43224582
File: 372 KB, 700x674, 1678754289221154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43224585

I had a dream last night where an Indian Jinko kept sending me DMs on Twitter about how cute I was and to send naked pen pic

>> No.43224585
File: 164 KB, 700x652, Wurm_004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it, here you go:
>8)I would like to discuss monsters right after the new Demon Lord takes over. Of course, there were types of monsters that initially consisted exclusively of women, but there were also monsters like dragons that became women. In this case, the monsters that were a couple before, after the transformation, began to engage in lesbian sex, regardless of their past? And what would happen if, following their instincts, they brought in a new human man?
>In the first place, the monsters from the era of the old Demon Lords had very little love and did not marry. I think that most of these monsters became women and started looking for men-people. However, there were some exceptions: individual male monsters who "aroused love and entered into a marriage with the same female monster, forming a couple" did not become monster-girls. It is rumored that they began to look like human males.
not really, I don't remember any significant changes, that weren't just clarification of misconceptions risen from misstranslations
who wouldn't?
I believe you do not post in good faith, that question was asked way before KC made his patreon and he's answering them on twitter which is not paywalled
nice, did you do it?

>> No.43224606
File: 43 KB, 417x579, BlackHarpyExtraArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43224644

Furfags, smellfags, vorefags, NTRfags, alpfags, Orderfags, /v/-tards, /d/-tards, etc, etc.

They've been present in these threads since their inception. It's nothing new. It hasn't gotten worse or better. They've always been here, and they always will be here. It's just a matter of how you respond to them or don't.

My solution, just post pics of happy mamono.

>> No.43224607
Quoted by: >>43224638

>pic says wurm
>is obviously a ryu

>> No.43224621

>I believe you do not post in good faith,
I meant in the future, genius. We had like a week of people bringing up q&a stuff that nobody could understand because the only people who actually saw the questions are the type deep in enough to not just post them.

>> No.43224627
Quoted by: >>43224638

Nah, I was confused. I woke up when she said "rape you when portals open" so if the portals open I guess I'm getting an Indian Jinko

>> No.43224638
File: 841 KB, 2000x2900, Wurm_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're one lucky sar

>> No.43224641

I am in the mood for a chuckle. Post your silliest monster.

>> No.43224644
Quoted by: >>43224720

I can respect smellfags more than the other fags

>> No.43224665
File: 437 KB, 1097x1094, wise wurm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43224709

wurms are quite the silly monster

>> No.43224669
File: 59 KB, 750x999, Manticore_104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arguing on anonymous boards sure is silly!

>> No.43224670
File: 177 KB, 1315x1881, EB21508A-E6E8-46B9-A1E9-7616FB10E239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This good.

>> No.43224671
File: 91 KB, 719x966, Echidna319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43224700
File: 126 KB, 640x990, EzZdC-PVcAQuNMV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43224703
Quoted by: >>43224978

>not really, I don't remember any significant changes
There have been. One of the more notable being in the original canon, there was the possibility of a monster girl not marrying their first mate. Very rare, but still a possibility. Newer canon forbids it entirely as NTRfags tried to exploit it.

And that's usually what happens. Some fags try to find a loophole or gap. They fixate on it. Exploit it. Use it to justify their abhorrent behavior, and them KC changes it to prevent the faggotry. As a result MGE has gotten super hugboxy. Which I don't really care about, it's a masturbatory fantasy after all. That's all I've ever used it for. But I recognize that there has been many changes.

>> No.43224709
File: 122 KB, 988x736, Wurm - Pro Bono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43224719

Nuh-uh. My wurm is a LAWYER.

>> No.43224717
File: 656 KB, 1997x3712, FDgAv4QZ_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43224719
File: 44 KB, 801x718, Wurm_003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43224748

how many cases she had a success in?

>> No.43224720
Quoted by: >>43224785

Shut up Breathfag. You and your furfag cohorts are not welcome here.

>> No.43224732
File: 51 KB, 411x451, Ushi-Oni - Blind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss Ushi is bein' silly.

>> No.43224748
File: 132 KB, 572x569, Wurm - Nerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them!

>> No.43224750
File: 237 KB, 1080x1073, Cow_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever heard the term - silly cow?

>> No.43224783
File: 85 KB, 900x834, Gazer1146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I handle an extra horny Gazer? Time is of the essence.

>> No.43224785
Quoted by: >>43224818

don't associate siths with a single ritual poster who posts almost the same lines every thread.

>> No.43224797
File: 3.06 MB, 2976x3968, Griffon - Chirp with Malicious Intent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43224799
File: 454 KB, 1600x881, 1668011063018630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alice harem

>> No.43224803
Quoted by: >>43224820

Oh, huh, that's weird. Makes sense. Are those incubi also... anthropomorphized, or are they still monstrous?

>> No.43224804
Quoted by: >>43224820

Are monsters okay with feudalism since they clearly don't live in an industrialized society?

>> No.43224818

>t. breathfag

>> No.43224820

look at the later post, they are identical to human men turned incubi
you live in industrialized society right now! you can clearly see that it's not really better

>> No.43224824
File: 2.93 MB, 400x372, Gazer - Heart Eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43224841

Cowgirl position sex where you hold her hands tightly with intertwined fingers and lots and lots of eye contact.

>> No.43224841

Exponentially more eye contact

>> No.43224852
File: 768 KB, 1920x1080, 1681483707176374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lvl 1 adventurers bumping into the chests of high level monsters is more common than you'd think.

>> No.43224868

How did adventurers ran into high level monsters in the starting town?

>> No.43224879
Quoted by: >>43224894

the monster replaced the "lvl 100 zone" sign with "starter town" sign

>> No.43224885
Quoted by: >>43224947

What anime

>> No.43224894
File: 844 KB, 2915x3092, 1680959280740332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43224925

Sounds rude

>> No.43224897
File: 512 KB, 992x1364, FfvVkC_aMAAiBUg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could take her

>> No.43224925
File: 164 KB, 938x1746, 1614653555653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's these pesky low level common monsters, who are hogging all the cute shotas for themselves!
something had to be done, powerful monsters also deserve a cute boy to spoil

>> No.43224933


>> No.43224934

Good thing I found a high level mage to train me for a while instead of going out adventuring completely inexperienced. I do wonder why her house is so isolated in the forest, maybe her magic is too powerful to use in a village?

>> No.43224942
File: 230 KB, 1280x956, Cheshire - Magic Trick?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good manager is going to be looking out for her people. Miss Mamono here is just scouting out the new talent to see if anyone looks promising.
> Her ushi-oni is really jonesing for a frail, effeminate wizard to dress up like a cat and fug
> Her cheshire is CONSTANTLY trying to dress up as an effeminate wizard to mess with her ushi, so she's gotta find someone (anyone) who can put up with all that bullshit, or she'll never hear the end of it.
> Her lich keeps making zombies and then demanding husbands for them--no matter how many times you tell her to stop.

>> No.43224944

Most men when isekaied into MGE Land, don't make it far outside Startville. Those new Lvl 1 adventurers would get gobbled up by low level holsts, imps, kobolds, etc.

Because of this Startville started to become Startcity, and all those high level monsters were getting jealous that 95% of the men were ending up in the arms of these "inferior" girls. So many high level girls started moving into Startcity as well, and now there's this epidemic of low level adventurers getting gobbled up by high level monsters.

Thankfully, the devs are fixing this issue and creating a new starting area called Beginnertown on the opposite side of the map.

>> No.43224947

Isekai-neesan/My one-hit kill big sister or something like that.
It's airing currently.

>> No.43224954
File: 641 KB, 1000x1414, 1680749398721414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use reverse psychology, tell her you want her to hypnotize you into a drooling mess while she fucks you senseless. Works everytim

>> No.43224957

Kikimoras outside of their motherland are so nice but the ones from their motherland are cruel beasts

>> No.43224959
Quoted by: >>43224987

I'm going to let myself get beat up by the end-game monsters just so I can get treatment from the cute healer girl for longer.

>> No.43224962

i want to tame a cruel beast of a kikimora

the bloodline must expand and continue so future generations can enjoy the pure kikis

>> No.43224970

I humbly request a kikimora from their homeland, then. Ideally one who is 110% yan, -10% dere.

>> No.43224978

I think the soulmate and attraction stuff takes the fun out of the idea of a girl you don't like wanting you. i prefer the old lore about just raping them into liking it.

>> No.43224987
Quoted by: >>43225029

>Beat up
>Going to a healer
Anon you're getting snatched up by a high level demon and taken back to the demon realm

>> No.43225019

blame people who constantly look for edge cases for suffering

>> No.43225025

I mean, that can still happen anon. Lemme give an example
>Be artist
>Give up on your dreams of doing art
>Forget all about it
>The portals open
>You hope that you'll get claimed by a demon
>Instead you get claimed by a art fairy
>You try to resist her and fight back but she shrinks you and fucks you senseless
>She starts to help reignite and remind you of your lost passion
I don't think the soulmate stuff works by want 100% of the time, I think it goes by what you need.

>> No.43225029
Quoted by: >>43225068

> Anon gets into a fight with a high-level demon.
> She's just toying with him, trying to get him to see that if he signs a contract with her, she'll join his party AND equip him with sweet gear 30 levels higher than him.
> Accidentally knocks him down.
> He's not dead or anything, just injured.
> [pun intended] Blue Screens hard.
> By the time she comes to, Anon is gone.
> Track him down posthaste.
> He's with a healer.
> She's not even a unicorn!
> Unacceptable! You know at least as much healing magic as some scrub human cleric.
> Succubize the healer while Anon is forced to watch.
> Incubize the Anon after booting the healer out to find her own man.
> Starting City is NOT for the faint of heart.

>> No.43225068

>That perspective switch at the end
I wish the portals would just open so we can stop dealing with monster glowies trying to be sneaky.

>> No.43225076
File: 1.44 MB, 1134x1530, 94100131_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look right into her eye and stare. Don't break eye contact until she backs down.

>> No.43225087

>How to get magicked

>> No.43225104
File: 675 KB, 570x990, Gazer967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally that's always the right thing to do with Gazer, but she's especially horny and can't focus on her magics today.
She's sucking my fingers. Please help.

>> No.43225106

>constantly tripping over her own skirt
>everybody thinks she's lewd because she always has a bloody nose

>> No.43225130

Mating press her anon
She has needs

>> No.43225157
Quoted by: >>43225180

Imagine that warm, slimy, gazer tongue dancing across your face. Breathing in her hot, steamy breath while she does so. Mmmphf!

>> No.43225163
Quoted by: >>43225182

Somewhere out there in the void a pear shaped wight woke up from a wet dream of raping a man on a train

>> No.43225180

What's it gonna take to get you to leave, Breathfaggot?
For someone to draw your stupid breath sniffing fetish in action?

>> No.43225182
Quoted by: >>43225204

for me it's being raped by a loli raiju on a subway

>> No.43225204

You gonna give her your 5 dollar footlong?

>> No.43225207
File: 8 KB, 100x100, 782143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what happened with that chesh figure?

>> No.43225208

>encouraging shitposters with attention
Are you downs? Ignore and report

>> No.43225214
Quoted by: >>43225240

I order one.

>> No.43225229

Please don't ever draw it. I'd be genuinely upset if that happened. I don't deserve it, and I really don't think I'd want it. Not because i wouldn't enjoy it, i would enjoy it. But it's one of those things that's better left to the imagination. I'd prefer to keep it that way.

>> No.43225240

Order what? They didn't even open pre-orderds yet

>> No.43225271
File: 522 KB, 1280x1807, 20220826163300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fox demands a tribute. What have you brought?

>> No.43225276

What a pity that this is the only good doujin the artist has done

>> No.43225294
Quoted by: >>43225360

Nothing. It takes years for this stuff to come to fruition.

>> No.43225297

I have nothing for foxes. Go find somebody else to mooch off of.

>> No.43225302

Who cares at this point? KC's already got IRL shit and the DMCA malarkey he's pulling because of Wightnigger on top of this stuff taking years to go through. Either wait for it or don't.

>> No.43225311

All I have is a handful of nuts...

>> No.43225315

Hope she likes granola bars

>> No.43225316

because we don't give a shit about his drama only what he produces.

>> No.43225341
Quoted by: >>43225350

One of the worst parts of the whole Cheral situation is that he couldn't reveal his true nature before shitting up half the Wight gallery with nigshit. It should be removed in all honesty

>> No.43225344
Quoted by: >>43225399

My ten year old son

>> No.43225350

Do you ever get bored of cycling bait

>> No.43225360

Are there any fan garage kits MGE figures?

>> No.43225364
Quoted by: >>43225409

3d printing is trivial at this point.

>> No.43225385
File: 2.14 MB, 1280x720, 1658536010827876.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43225399
File: 2.25 MB, 397x397, 1669710228540088.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43225425

you better ask for some blessings now. cuz shes never gonna let him go now.

>> No.43225409

Did any of the waifufags make one?

>> No.43225412

All those burgs will go straight to her tits!

>> No.43225425

the only condition is that he can take over my business of being a court jester

>> No.43225465
Quoted by: >>43225473

i wonder how would harems go down post portal?

>> No.43225473
Quoted by: >>43225479

Well there are still harem oriented monsters, so probably quite a few.

>> No.43225479

i meant in how would it change society?

>> No.43225501

I gotta say, if the portals opened harems becoming a thing would be the least invasive change they bring.

>> No.43225507

It probably wouldn't. Society already has harems. Even in the west lots of men have harems of women they'll abandon later in life.

>> No.43225524

As long as the monsters can cone over quickly it probably wouldn't be that big of a deal. If they can't, there might be a shit show for a few generations until there are enough women to go around.

>> No.43225527

Minimal change. The culture is already promiscuous and depraved. We're two steps away from pedophilia being legal. One step away from bestiality. Harems already exist all over today by alpha males, in practice, just not in law. Changing the law to allow for multiple marriages would be the least controversial thing an MGE invasion would bring. In fact, the most controversial would be that women stick with their first partner and never cheat or abandon him.

>> No.43225529
File: 393 KB, 1577x2046, 1678504855499501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys did you know that Amazons aren't actually dominant? A funny purple cat told me the truth, they're actually really submissive! You just have to go up to a single one, slap their ass and tell them to make you a sandwich.

>> No.43225544
Quoted by: >>43225551

>. We're two steps away from pedophilia being legal
I hope that this is just the sabbath preparing for portal day.

>> No.43225551

Nope, just the result of a decaying civilization. Sorry. I don't want to get your hopes up or anything.

>> No.43225581
File: 336 KB, 1350x1125, 12cbc82d03178a47c6f649e6f0f3d2a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's common for the final boss to make a brief appearance in the starting town to establish their character and give the hero a motivation to adventure. Traditionally the hero is supposed to narrowly escape the first encounter and only face her for real when he's strong enough to defeat her, but a lot of the new evils don't respect tradition like the ancient evils do.

>> No.43225596
File: 1018 KB, 1500x1200, 1667947739960183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43225606

She says that, but her body is honest...

>> No.43225616

what a dork

>> No.43225634
File: 19 KB, 402x372, smugexe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true, but only for some of them. The strongest, largest, and mean looking amazons use that demeanor to appear tough when in reality these are the ones that want to be dominated the most.

>> No.43225639

It's kind of funny and sad that the main reasons people would be angry about mamano is the opposite of what is presented in the lore

>> No.43225645
File: 1.27 MB, 2800x5000, 100670161_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43225650

She'll definitely make you a sandwich. It's a special kind where she sandwiches you between her and the bed for a few hours until you learn your lesson

>> No.43225744
File: 432 KB, 2500x3250, 102300273_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43225752
File: 326 KB, 1254x1900, Shoggoth48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43225809
File: 358 KB, 610x797, 1659764773104148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to work or go to school. I just want to stay home and fuck my monster wife. Or go on small trips around the city and fuck her in interesting places like public bathrooms and forested areas

>> No.43225842
File: 89 KB, 539x825, 74721824_p57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43225848
File: 728 KB, 1014x1082, Echidna59b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breeding an echidna/becoming the broodfather of a insect hive will be your full time job and you WILL like it!

>> No.43225863
File: 3.88 MB, 2894x4749, 1669300525667327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43226096

>Wight when she sees what gets called "wight" in ASOIAF.

>> No.43225890
File: 254 KB, 566x1213, 1662388089118447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43225918

Parenthood is never a job but a God-given right! Shame on you for thinking otherwise.
However it is really hot to refer to a monster as a "broodmare" after cumming inside her whether or not she's pregnant

>> No.43225910

gonna play knuckles & knuckles outside her dungeon until she comes out and rapes me just to shut me up

>> No.43225918
File: 264 KB, 1536x2048, MpPje8Rj_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the kiki bloodline must expand

>> No.43225931
File: 366 KB, 784x857, Kikimora - The Cleaner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But career kiki has a job that is hard to do while pregnant!

>> No.43225939
Quoted by: >>43225987

I admire this artist and his dedication to drawing kikimoras

>> No.43225949
Quoted by: >>43226010

>"Anon, I need you to fuck my sister and continue the Kikimora bloodline!"

>> No.43225987
File: 1.03 MB, 1613x1836, QEdo1gti_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43226001
Quoted by: >>43226144

but what about the romance part where she comes back from her last mission and its ready to settle down and make a family?

>> No.43226010

>"Hell, I like you! You can come over to my house and fuck my sister!"
>But literally
Oh boy. Want to bet Cleaner Kiki's maternal instincts would engage after seeing her sister pregnant anyway?

>> No.43226096
Quoted by: >>43230314

>Caring about GRRM shit in 2023

>> No.43226144
File: 226 KB, 616x1148, Kikimora - Chastity Belt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43226197

"The name issh Mora. Kiki Mora."
> You have flirtations, sure.
> But you alway complete your mission.
> No time for romance when you're pitted against O.R.D.E.R.
> There's a cold war going on, and by the Demon Lord, your side will win it!
> Plus they put you in a chastity belt so you wouldn't get distracted all the time like that Bond guy.

>> No.43226151
File: 2.14 MB, 2480x3507, cleaning up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is much cleaning to do

>> No.43226173
File: 227 KB, 808x1080, UUG8WId0IS4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian MGEfags make figures with glowing womb tattoo

>> No.43226185

an actual decent paint job for once

>> No.43226197
Quoted by: >>43226273

>No movies about kiki rescuing hubby from villain shog
>And the obligatory sex scene at the end

>> No.43226272
File: 872 KB, 3680x5404, 81523a5252a89eb0aefec3b6e4484c95cd0f32dfb0aa60ef2acae297f4b9b692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43226299

>> No.43226273
File: 147 KB, 728x670, Ushi-Oni - Impending Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, here's my movie proposal:
> Miss Ushi is getting married.
> Big, public, outdoor wedding.
> Her husband-to-be is walking down the aisle to her...
> Suddenly a human woman TELEPORTS in
> Declares the fiance is HERS, and HERS ALONE
> Teleports away with him
> Are you a bad enough Ushi to rescue your husband?
It's just 90 straight minutes of action scenes and 1-liners, with a couple of truly harrowing moments where Miss Ushi LOOKS like she's been messily slaughtered by the jealous human woman, but she's a fucking Ushi-Oni so of couse that doesn't happen.

Final fight scene is the evil human woman has gotten enough Ushi blood on her to become one herself, so it's not just a mirror match, warrior ushi has to fight warrior-mage ushi.

> The entire ending credits sequence is just Miss Ushi fucking the everloving shit out of her husband after a Lilim-copter FINALLY brings in the cavalry.

It's everything I want in a movie--one liners and a giant spider who fucks the shit out of some wimpy-looking dude.

>> No.43226287
File: 1.90 MB, 3508x2480, 96233496_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43226299
Quoted by: >>43226317

i don't expect you to stop but we're getting pretty low on images

>> No.43226314
Quoted by: >>43226344

So she is going to break down everything on her way hulk style and then SMASH that pelvis?

>> No.43226317
Quoted by: >>43226324

Oh, dang, you're right. And we're only on page 9!

>> No.43226321

cute fish/eel/eldritct abomination

>> No.43226324
File: 171 KB, 900x1188, 1665971228207667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exciting, isn't it?

>> No.43226330
File: 1.12 MB, 703x900, 1674840868993672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one liners and a giant spider who fucks the shit out of some wimpy-looking dude.

>> No.43226344

Oh, absolutely. Mamono would be great at action movies, since it's all physical acting and charisma, which mamono would have in spades.

>> No.43226353
Quoted by: >>43226410

nah, a man thrust into a world of underground monster fighting, where the loser is raped is taught by an old kakuen how to dance while fightng

>> No.43226361
Quoted by: >>43226374

wonder what the world looks like through a hebi's eyes

>> No.43226374
File: 108 KB, 404x368, 1679771696524524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a world of hearts with (you) at the center

>> No.43226382
File: 1.32 MB, 1800x1405, almudron_koburatuisut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43226393

Water wurm is now mud wurm

>> No.43226387

Genuinely curious, is there anyone here for which centaurs or any centaur-like species like whitehorns, etc. are a hard no?

I know everyone has an ideal girl(s), but say a centaur was your only option, would you say no?

>> No.43226391
File: 350 KB, 1280x1024, Ushi-Oni38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cow spiders are for IMPREGNATION

>> No.43226393
Quoted by: >>43226419

Anon, I think that's a bug, not a wurm, dragon, or lizard.

>> No.43226401
Quoted by: >>43226423

whitehorns (deer) are less of an issue than centaur to me.
i couldn't see myself with centaur, unicorn, bicorn, maybe nightmare could make the cut.

>> No.43226402

>old ushi oni adopts an adult cheshire due to how lonely she got

>> No.43226410
File: 2.08 MB, 1323x1871, Oomukade - Shy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43226467

Nah, a man thrust into the world of underground MILKING.
> Be you, innocent farmboy.
> First time in the big city. Only here in the big city for the Dairy Expo.
> There's rumors of an underground network of milkers.
> You decide to try your hands at it--you're the best milker in your hometown, after all.
> Little did you know what you'd be in for.
> There's so many mamono you can milk that aren't cows.
> And there's so many liquids you can get from them that aren't milk...


>> No.43226419
Quoted by: >>43226442

Rude, just because Almudron-sama has barbels and a big grabby tail doesn't mean she's not a proud ryu

>> No.43226423

If you don't me asking, what is it about whitehorns that're more acceptable than a centaur?
Is it the centaur biology and how it could be a bit more awkward for intimacy?

>> No.43226438

I'd prefer a satyr patterned body type for horse girls and I'm not a huge fan of the vanilla centaur personality, but I wouldn't dismiss a centaur out of hand. The gimmicks and default personality most of them have range from from good to fucking great, and frontpussy and Polymorph exist to handle life's little inconveniences.

>> No.43226442
Quoted by: >>43226521

Looks more like a glorified centipede if you ask me. Very unmajestic.

>> No.43226448

overall smaller, more handleable and the shaggier hair is nice.
a slightly better ratio of woman/animal maybe?

>> No.43226449
Quoted by: >>43226486

most centaurfags are horsefuckers.

>> No.43226467

i will squeeze her on the bed alright

>> No.43226486

Well yes. I'm not denying that. But these threads are also home to fishfuckers, wormfuckers, and snakefuckers. The list goes on.

I'm just interested to see if anyone sees them as an absolute no.

>> No.43226494

Pretty fucking good tbqh.

>> No.43226508

>no eye flames
>no yellow teeth
Only drawbacks. The rest is good

>> No.43226521
File: 3.77 MB, 3000x1921, almudron_muhut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43226590

t. man who is about to be mudwrassled like a virgin at a dorome convention

>> No.43226574

I don't like nightmares because their whole gimmick is a tease. If you want me, don't pursue me in dreams, do it when I'm awake. I'll love you long time if you do.

Unicorn is meh. Not because there's anything wrong with them. It's just the fear that they could transform into a bicorn if another girl enters the picture. I love bicorns, but if my wife was originally a unicorn, I'd end up missing her old self.
>just don't cheat on her
I wouldn't. But I can't control if some faggot alp or whatever were to come along and ruin everything.

>> No.43226584

Are you sure whatever you're doing is worth it?

>> No.43226590

man who's married to dorome is sure to have a smooth and beautiful skin

>> No.43226601

spider cow, spider cow
does whatever a spidercow does
can she swing from a web?
no she can't, she's a cow

>> No.43226621

Spidercow should not be confused with spider cow.

One's an ushi-oni. The other one is just a very thicc and milky spider.

>> No.43226640

Post pics devious and/or plotting bicorns please!

>> No.43226659

Watch out! Here comes the spider cow!

>> No.43226804
File: 360 KB, 2777x2825, B32BA7AF-159C-4ED1-A85F-80086C5F9F23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wild naked werewolves>Tamed clothed werewolves

>> No.43226820

i like the torn clothes motif for them even if they don't actually shapeshift
at least not after the first time

>> No.43226892

I think she's just mad that she has to try and fit her pants over those thighs.

>> No.43227009
File: 502 KB, 982x1283, 1c8aab5e341822d231708b2be7d68972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43227041
File: 756 KB, 530x522, 0077y0vsly1gfv6fhoypbg30eq0eib2a.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43227053

why is my cait sith purple
and how is she seemingly teleporting to stupid places

>> No.43227102
File: 356 KB, 600x604, 1593551994612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cheshire transforms her face into a Cait siths mid coitus and calls you a furfag
That fucking cat.

>> No.43227112
File: 30 KB, 448x896, 1670974543886239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43227307

occasional dom shog maid would be nice

>> No.43227116 [DELETED] 
File: 406 KB, 672x1100, CaitSith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prime cait sith. Cute and has soft fur.
>no snout
extremely hairy catgirl, highly undesirable.
Either way you are going to be eating a lot of fur.

>> No.43227120
Quoted by: >>43227147

Time for divorce

>> No.43227122

Oh, they're like that sometimes. Cait sith really do need a litter box, and that might be your problem. I suggest getting her one and apologizing for making her use the human toilets when you know what she's more comfortable with.

>> No.43227147
Quoted by: >>43227164

I wouldn't divorce her but she would get some corrective sodomy, and make sure she never does it again.

>> No.43227164

>she keeps doing it more and tells you to do more correction
something is amiss.

>> No.43227307

Anyone got all these complied?

>> No.43227309
File: 474 KB, 1700x2395, 97485952_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Steals your last image

>> No.43227318

Gonna feel that eel.

>> No.43227363

at least it's not the furry shitposter

>> No.43227370

It WAS, though. Image 300 was a cait sith for a bit. I SEEN IT.

>> No.43227388

>only at the top of page 10
>already hit image limit
I swear, this board is always slowest when we need it to be fast.

>> No.43227407

>Judge Lilim agrees that is grounds for divorce
>alternate sentence is Dr.Flayer's full personality mindwipe
Anon gets to choose, and the ~dere he wants

>> No.43227416

Natural born echidna or former human childhood friend turned into an echidna to fix her infertility?

>> No.43227423
Quoted by: >>43227427

>Image limit
HAHA! now you'll have to make greentexts and make an actual effort instead of just spamming images

>> No.43227427

I try to include a greentext about her every time I post cait sith. Sometimes it feels the effort is unappreciated.

>> No.43227440

Yes, I'm sure that talking about retards will make them fuck off and stop bothering us

>> No.43227459

I still see you

>> No.43227491
Quoted by: >>43227536

Tell me anons, where is pyramid station located in MGC?

>> No.43227492

Spring is here, lonely, single mantises are in your area.
Watch your back.

>> No.43227498

> Portals open.
> Your dream girl goes through and finds you.
> That's right, your very own devil bug!


> At some point, you two get to talking about all the weird parallels between earth mythology and flora and fauna and her side of the portals.
> She wants to know what devil bugs were on earth.
"Well, cockroaches, I guess."
> "What."
> "The."
> "Fuck."
> Oh, man, now she sounds upset.
"Well, I don't think you're a--"
> "I demand you call me a cock roach from now on!"
> "Cock."
> "Roach."
> She pumps a fist.
> "Fuck yeah."
> She's all over you now, wings fluttering, antennae gliding against your face and hair.
> "Who's your little cock roach?"
> "Roachin' all up on your cock?"
> Better than you were initially thinking her tangent was going to go.
> She's taking your belt off, so you're pretty sure the conversation part of the night is over.

>> No.43227520
Quoted by: >>43227595

>Kleaner Kiki has that '!Russian/!Scottisssh' HfRO accent
>introduces herself to Anon in a Casino Tavern
>"Mora, Kiki Mora"
>after many drinks, shaken not stirred, has wild exotic location sexx with Anon
>Anon wakes up next morning, Mora is gone - Ohfuck,Anon is just another eyecandy Mora-anon
>Mora returns with breakfast in bed
>...wedding, house, domestic bliss...
>Anon just knows that eventually he is going to be kidnapped by some CatSith-fingering Tanuki Supervillian working for O.R.D.E.R and strapped into some over-elaborate cum-draining machine that will destroy the world
>cue Mora waifu blasting and Demonsilver-slashing her way through a horde of Sith and Alp hench-mamonos to save her Anon and the Realm

>> No.43227536

I'd say it would be the center piece of the city centre

>> No.43227557

Cheshire cat and hellhound doing a really hot kissing competition!

>> No.43227564
Quoted by: >>43227649

I've been jacking off into the same river every day for a month and I still haven't gotten a water elemental girlfriend. Guess I'll start shooting my load into a mound of dirt and hoping for an earth elemental instead.

>> No.43227576

fumo bogey

>> No.43227582

What does Mrs. Echidna and her husband do with defeated adventures? Just let them go? Naughty torture?

>> No.43227595

Updated version:
>Anon is married to his cute Kikimora
>nice house, nice car, has a lot of cute !notRussian tattoos she doesn't like to talk about, CuSith maido
>one day at the gas station the leader of 3 Gyaru-mamonos starts admiring Kiki's Anon, asks her if Anon is for sale
>....break-in at Kiki's house...
>Kiki Anon regains consciousness, Anon is gone, CuSith is fuckedup
>Kiki smashes the concrete in the garage (but sweeps up the debris and dust afterwards)
>meanwhile the Gyaru gang-leader is telling the BabaYaga-Kiki "sodomised 3 Alps with a pencil"-story....

>> No.43227596

Marry off their one-star gacha roll daughters to them. Only men who clear the dungeon get the SSR daughters.

>> No.43227600

GremTech Omega Milker 35001, with ultradrain setting

>> No.43227612

That's an uncommonly spicy joro.

>> No.43227611

Usually the adventurers don't lose to echidna herself but to one of her many daughters.

>> No.43227616

It's all just an elaborate dating scheme for their numerous NEET daughters, the dungeon is unsolvable since they can't just kick their daughters out. Better lure in some suckers and marry the girls out to them, that way they get space for more kids.

>> No.43227649
Quoted by: >>43227682

By that theory, a lot of Anons are going to get Sock Ittan-momens when the Portals open.
That one Mon-chan Anon who gets a harem of Djinns of Jars each one year younger.

>> No.43227682

At least you aren't getting a sith.

>> No.43227716

i like wild but covered in furs but like huge furs and fur cape

>> No.43227719
Quoted by: >>43227726

Stealing a single Porc away from her tribe in order to make her the Horc of a brand new tribe we'll make together

>> No.43227726

>ends up a mere piggy

>> No.43227737

>captain Anon has finally caught up to the infamous pirate ship, The Black Eel
>after a brief cannon fight, he deems that they've crippled the ship and crew and orders the ship to be boarded
>his men swing over
>entire deck is coated in eel slime
>unagi joro crew bursts out from below the deck
>captain Anon's crew doesn't stand a chance
>it's like trying to swordfight on an ice rink
>none of them can line up a shot since they're flailing around so much
>once they fall down, they can't get back up
>eels hiding in the water counter board Anon's ship
>quickly subdue the rest of the crew
>take both ships back to their pirate hideout along with their new "booty"
>another ship in the armada of the Benthic Jane, the pirate queen
>another story to add to the legend of The Black Eel

>> No.43227858

>Medusa, Cockatrice, Basilisk, Owl Mage, Gazer
Anons like to talk up Pharaoh and her voice, but I think it's hotter when a girl can render you unable to resist with just a stare. Anyone else? I think I have a fetish for being watched. Not exhibitionism, this is different.

>> No.43227879
Quoted by: >>43227954

Basilisk and gazer are the only ones on that list that do anything for me.

>> No.43227897
Quoted by: >>43227914

does it count if you're frozen by their boobs instead of their eyes?
>anon, my eyes are up here
>I know

>> No.43227905
Quoted by: >>43227926

>Challenge vampire for the ownership of her castle
>Decide upon a duel
>Put a little clause in the document pertaining to victory on death of opponent as well
>Duel starts
>Declare I win due to Ms. Pire already being dead
>Tanuki judge that I bribed rules in my favor

>> No.43227912

I like the "forced to stare into the eyes" coupled with the "psychic whispers in your head" thing.

>> No.43227914

This is where I'd post that one pic of Anubis. And, to me, it doesn't count unless the gaze is at least as powerful as the breasts.

>> No.43227926

This is a demon's schlickfic

>> No.43227936

I get off to the idea of my face being stuffed into fur, pretty much the same thing in the end. And I'm pretty sure it's the most popular fetish going here.

>> No.43227954
Quoted by: >>43228007

What about Creeping Coins? I like to imagine the eyes on their hair ornaments are real. They're advanced mimics, so I think they have some degree of shape shifting ability, and could probably make more eyes if they wanted.

>> No.43228007
Quoted by: >>43228079

Meh, I'm more into stage hypnosis style stuff from a confident or nonchalant qoman. Creeping coins and the rest are a bit too psychological to spark my interest. Also, I meant to type owl mage, not gazer. My mind must've been on tentacle eye stalks.

>> No.43228079

Gazer-chan is always on my mind, too.

>> No.43228116

>The Fox still hungers! For goodness sake Anon, keep flipping patties! We need to keep the burgers coming!

>> No.43228122


>> No.43228130

i like ms hatters piercing gaze

>> No.43228259

New thread?

>> No.43228268
Quoted by: >>43228288

These threads have extremely autistic traditions for baking, and I request that you respect them.

>> No.43228288
Quoted by: >>43228307

They also get really pissy if you start the new thread with a Cait Sith pic.

>> No.43228307
Quoted by: >>43228328

almost as if they're detested or something

>> No.43228328

But they're not.

>> No.43228369

Here's a big ol' alphabetical list of the undead mamono:
> Banshee, Doppelganger, Dragon Zombie, Dullahan, Ghost, Ghoul
> Jiangshi, Lich, Mummy, Ochimusha, Phantom, Pharaoh
> Skeleton, Vampire, Wight, Will-o-the-Wisp, Zombie
Pick your poison! What're you into and why? If you hate 'em all, what makes them all skeeve you out?

>> No.43228373

>You'll never get molested by drunk older monsters

>> No.43228375

I choose the witch. Tetori or something

>> No.43228379

tetori acute

>> No.43228385

1000 posts = 1000 years of mofu imprisonment
Get ready to become an eternal fox breeding stable

>> No.43228401

they can't catch me if i jump into the snake pit

>> No.43228410

I like liches, ochi, and (low-profile) wights. Most of the rest are boring, too flamboyant or don't pass the Bant test. I wish pharaohs didn't put their husband into a position of imminence pretty much by default, they'd be on that list otherwise.

>> No.43228445

Every post is another year

>> No.43228451
Quoted by: >>43228649

Wights and Pharaohs are both extremely alluring. I also like Liches because they're cute kuudere mages. They're all the best as cute and erotic lolis

>> No.43228455

For me, it's Miss Lich (she's a spellcaster!), although I'd probably be into phantoms or wights who are more on the low-key side, and the "less yan" tiers of Banshees and Wisps. I like SOME yan, but Miss Wisp's cage is kind of a lot of yan.

>> No.43228478

Man I want to post cows

>> No.43228485

Ahhh, I wanna taste a tit~

>> No.43228582

>call out “mommy!” Into a hag monster country club
>see about 30 heads turn and then book it
Works every time hehehe

>> No.43228594

Dragon Zombie, Dragon Zombie.
Those stupid foxes can try.

>> No.43228630

It’s even funnier when you walk up to random hag and insist she’s your mom

>> No.43228649

I'm not really into lolis, but I AM into smug. More mamono should be smug! Especially yandere mamono.

>> No.43228666

Post a cow.
Post it now!

>> No.43228677
Quoted by: >>43228872

gimme the shy one

>> No.43228705


>> No.43228720

Wikifag here, this week's new additions add up to 33. This concludes the weekly report.
New Images start here: https://imgbox.com/hd1tv4MA

Search schedule is at the bottom: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html

>> No.43228872

The Mino on the right is the one I like.

>> No.43228880

I wanna be pinned down and "forced" to inhale danuki breath!

>> No.43228882


>> No.43228884
Quoted by: >>43228897

>Thinking you won't get grabbed with magic
>Thinking you won't be passed around like a blunt at a college frart party
Sorry anon, you're going to have a harem of hags

>> No.43228890
Quoted by: >>43229012

Honestly all the undead are really, really good girls. I think the worst one is skeleton, but she has potential to be pretty good she just needs a better design.

>> No.43228897
Quoted by: >>43229013

That sounds delightful, actually.

>> No.43229012

Literally no tits, no ass, not even a Bonepussy

>> No.43229013
Quoted by: >>43229016

You fool, you'll be coddled until your mind is happy dependent mush. Your body will be defiled by pent up hags, some pent up for hundreds or thousands of years as well

>> No.43229016
Quoted by: >>43229062

Yeah, that's exactly what I want.

>> No.43229021
Quoted by: >>43229039

wish i could post hebi

>> No.43229037
Quoted by: >>43229059

Without images, no one will know that I fuck all the Succubi at the gym 3 times a week.

>> No.43229039

Here, a tiny hebi.

>> No.43229043

Need a muscle harem that becomes a strongthick harem after the kids.

>> No.43229059

Liar, I bet you can't get past the succ gym receptionist

>> No.43229062

I weep for you, not to mention most are foxes, you'll also become a mofu addict on top of it. Poor soul

>> No.43229065

>enter the hag supermarket
>walk along minding own business near the garden section until see one of the Kiki employees get done using one of the worker terminals scattered throughout the store
>memorized the code to it
>make sure the coast is clear and then punch it in and raise the speaker phone to mouth
>momentary static that always precedes an announcement over the intercom resounds throughout the store
>"Attention all shoppers, to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of MonsterMart's opening, we are giving away free complimentary young human men in the electronics section. Get them while supplies last!"
>make my way out through the garden section as the employees have to deal with the chaos that unfolds
>the undisciplined stampede of hags towards the electronics section
>all the hags that just got trolled by my fake announcement who'll have to leave disappointed
Nobody ever knew it was me.
And that's how you bully those ugly hags who will always be lonely.

>> No.43229072

smol hebi is cute

>> No.43229080

>They check the cameras
>They see you and ask their friends daughters how to find you
>Their friend is a gremlin
>You end up being kidnapped and rape corrected by dozens of hags
Bad end

>> No.43229087

That's way too cruel.

>> No.43229100
Quoted by: >>43229224

But... but I wore a hoodie to obscure my face.

>> No.43229120

Hags AND a Gremlin?
> Everything is coming up THRILLHO

>> No.43229130

Do not bully hags, breed hags instead

>> No.43229139

>That Jub
Fucking nice, hopefully >>43218327 sees it.

>> No.43229224

They saw enough identifiable features anon, they made an algorithm to look through the internet and narrowed it down fast. Sorry, it's what you deserve for bullying hags

>> No.43229249

Thank you wikiman

>> No.43229259



>> No.43229261

Does your wife know lewd magic? Do you want a wife with lewd magic? What about magic that isn't inherently lewd, but gets used in lewd ways?

>> No.43229272

I want a magic user with hypnosis, and pleasure sensitivity magic, oh and binding magic
Mage waifus are God tier

>> No.43229273

My wife knows Greater Destroy Pants and uses it often in crowded public places

>> No.43229294
Quoted by: >>43229450

I want to hug a real doppelganger and tell her she's cute.
I want to give a massage to the Jiangshi.
I will force a skeleton to drink milk to restore calcium.

>> No.43229450
Quoted by: >>43229474

I still think Dopplers should lose and regain their ability to shapeshift after falling in love, treating the transformations as mere cosplay rather than hiding who she is y'know?

>> No.43229474
Quoted by: >>43229511

Losing the ability to shapeahift after marriage is so dumb I headcanon it away. Like, I get the message there, but really?

>> No.43229503

I bet cheshire did this

>> No.43229511

Yeah it was silly, especially since they could keep the message by having her gain the ability back after she realizes that he loves her for her, shapeshifting is god tier man
Hell in MGE I'd probably use magic to change my form for my wife, especially for specific fantasies.

>> No.43229525

Fav MG story trope is when the brothel is a glorified matchmaking service. I love that shit so much it's like crack

>> No.43229535
Quoted by: >>43229605

A brothel for men or monsters?

>> No.43229539

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember to appreciate the nekomata.
She has TWO fluffy tails to enjoy.
And also may spy on you in cat form.

>> No.43229578

In monster girl adventure tales, it's always the big scary lilim overlord antagonist that always wins and makes the heroic protagonist her husband.
Are we really teaching young monster kids the right lessons with these stories?

>> No.43229605

Monsters. Like example
>Be lonely anon
>Really want to fuck but you're scared of commitment and being unlovable
>Go to a red light district
>Go up to the bicorn running the place
>She says the rates are 200 a session
>You swear you saw some sinister look in her eye
>You give her the money and ask to pick a girl
>She says a girl will be chosen for you
>Still has that weird sinister gleam in her eye
>You get a succubus and head off to your room
>She locks the door behind you
>She has a mischievous smile that would put a Cheshire to shame
>She says "Sorry, but I don't do one stands... husband."
>You try to run past her but she quickly subdues you magic chains and ties you to the bed before fucking you senseless
Stuff like this

>> No.43229614

Yeah it should be the other way around where the overlord antagonist is a human male instead that always loses to the heroine monster girl and makes him her husband.

>> No.43229624

Very true, we need an evil greenworm overlord. She goes in people's gardens and eats all of the vegetables

>> No.43229637

Most places of business in mamano realms are like that, Strip club? End up following a monster to get a private dance and you will end up married before you leave the booth, Coffee shop? Same thing, you are just simply charging your phone while sipping some mana infused coffee drink and one of those sneaky monster employees will inevitably put the moves on you, it leads to a high turnover rate of employment but jobs are quickly filled as soon as they are lost by thirsty mamano. And you don't want to know what awaits you if you go to Carls Jr.

>> No.43229669

>ask for a black coffee
>dumb cow puts milk in it
>gives me an attitude when I tell her to remake it
How fucking hard is it for monsters to just do their jobs?

>> No.43229699

>She gets angrier
>She drags you to the bathroom and force feeds you her milk
Aggressive heifers are scary

>> No.43229704

>Imagine getting upset at free milk from the source in your coffee
I don't even like cows but I would try it.

>> No.43229712

>ask for the manager
>it's an even bustier holst who frowns at your anti milk stance

>> No.43229729

>Drinking coffee
>acts like a bitch
makes sense

>> No.43229733

dont forget the red armbands
you can never be sure if the bloon is camuflaging within the area, taking on appearance of everyday objects like condoms

>> No.43229737

Can't get me in a plane, Mamono.

>> No.43229744

This is how all monster girl threads should be. Text only. Now I can post without having to look at the hideous smear of yellow-spotted purple refuse that is the shoggoth.

>> No.43229753
Quoted by: >>43229765

>t. kiki
go back to cleaning kiki

>> No.43229754

W-what happens at Carl jr's

>> No.43229757

>cue the many snake girl on the plane slithering out of their hidey holes
bogie pussy burgers

>> No.43229758
Quoted by: >>43229770

Shogs best girl

>> No.43229760
Quoted by: >>43229805

Hellhounds inside and even rapier Hellhounds outside.

>> No.43229764

there's a gremlin on the wing of the plane
you've got to believe me

>> No.43229765

I don't like either of the dedicated maid monsters. I want a wife, not a servant. It's just that sludge is uglier than feather duster.

>> No.43229769

they'll eat your fries while raping you

>> No.43229770

Absorption is just another word for vore.

>> No.43229795
Quoted by: >>43229801

>eats your fries
>drinks your soda
>finishes your burger
>rapes you silly and leaves you passed out with her number and a kiss
Vile monsters

>> No.43229796



Anon opens the pizzabox thinking he's safe

>> No.43229801
Quoted by: >>43229822

>Implying she wouldn't just take you home to fuck you the second you wake up

>> No.43229805
Quoted by: >>43229816

Will I at least get some fries and aftersex cuddles?

>> No.43229813

In other words, human women who monsterize into slimes, they're absorbed (vored) and digested until there's nothing left up a core, from which, she splits off into a new slime.

This is canon

>> No.43229816

Every order of Extra Big Ass Fries come with a Strong Fat Hellwan.

>> No.43229819

>Not wanting to be closer to your wife

>> No.43229822

>turns out you are the toy in the meal at Carls Jr
oh no?!

>> No.43229826

I always thought it was fusion instead of absorption, that in a way you become a extension of her that still has a mind of it’s own that it’s still you.

>> No.43229844

Why are we here? Just to suffer?

>> No.43229855
Quoted by: >>43229886

I'm here for kots

>> No.43229858
Quoted by: >>43229886

These threads or life in general?

>> No.43229886

Our image limit surpassed... our thread lingers past its wilting. A cold wind blows among the ruins. A cat meows, unseen.

>> No.43229900

>A cat meows, unseen.
I can save her

>> No.43229914

>A cat meows, unseen
It's just a chesh hanging out on the fringes of reality fucking with (you)

>> No.43229923

The post below this one was funded by the Sabbath. Do not trust any statements made in the post.

>> No.43229925
Quoted by: >>43230021

Massive mammaries are love!

>> No.43229930

I will only hire hag maids

>> No.43229946
Quoted by: >>43230010

>Mom and dad are fighting again
>Begins with yelling
>Dad calling mom a weak fucking lizard
>Mom calling dad a pussy footing coward
>Then it gets physical
>Can hear their swords clash
>Goes on for hours
>Till it goes silent
>Then they begin loudly making love
>Goes on even longer
>Try to drown it out with mindflayer asmr

>> No.43230010

a little better than redcap mom

>> No.43230021
Quoted by: >>43230028

Damn Marune Sabbath propaganda.
I'll never ever drink oppai Familiar milk.

>> No.43230028
Quoted by: >>43230215

but what will else could you pour into your bowl of star shaped cereal?

>> No.43230190

I will take all the centaurs and make them into a fighting force to conquer the world, even the unicorns

>> No.43230206
Quoted by: >>43230270

You will have nothing to do with my centaur wives

>> No.43230215

If you're going to have a breakfast so sweet then you might as well eat out a (not too busty) bee first thing in the morning.

>> No.43230219
Quoted by: >>43230320

Thankfully, because Mindflayers are not very mobile, it is very easy to escape and outrun them. Though they are very persistent, this one Mindflayer keeps coming after me and I escape her every time. I can't imagine why she insists are trying to reach me when I can see her coming, you'd think Mindflayers would actively approach stealthily and from behind when men are preoccupied and least expe

>> No.43230223

Good luck crossing the sea to Zipangu, anon

>> No.43230270
Quoted by: >>43230279

You and them are responsible for breeding more keshigs for our armies

>> No.43230279
Quoted by: >>43230307

Nor will you conscript my daughterus into your war band

>> No.43230282

I wouldn't say that Mamono stop working once they have a husband. We see this with a husband and wife business in both the game and books.
And KC did give an example of a wife working with her baker husband.

>> No.43230307
Quoted by: >>43230311

They'll be fine, they'll conquer not-China and not-Persia and make you proud

>> No.43230311

No, they will stay on the farm and tend the horses, cattle, and sheep.

>> No.43230314
Quoted by: >>43230479

in all seriousness, tolkien may be boring to some people, but at least he didnt make shit unsexy

>> No.43230315
Quoted by: >>43230379

>eat some of your nuggets when you order McLilims
>steal a slice of pizza when you order from Domamono's
>bite missing from your burrito when you order Taco Cat Bell
What is it with monsters and stealing food?

>> No.43230320

Mindflayers definitely are stealthy attackers on land but are agile predators in the depths.
>when men are preoccupied and least expe
Good luck anon. Having lewd wet noises in your head isn't so bad.

>> No.43230379
Quoted by: >>43230436

>bite missing from your burrito when you order Taco Cat Bell
Better be extra careful with that, if you eat that without cutting out the whole chunk she ate into, you're now a couple since you already exchanged bodily fluids.
And yes, she will know thanks to natural anti-NTR instincts which will lock her to (You) or maybe she'll be just spying on you through the window

>> No.43230413

good morning sirs!
>thread still up
at least maybe people will start to telling offtopic images to fuck off again

>> No.43230436

>eat at a Zipangunese place
>server brings you a fortune cookie after your meal
>crack it open and read your fortune while you eat the cookie
>fortune says: "I'll move my things in tonight"
>see a hebi staring at you with heart pupils from the kitchen

>> No.43230479
Quoted by: >>43230503

That fat guy fell victim to the Patreon/Kickstarter disease except this time its cause of HBO.

>> No.43230482

will incubizing regrow my hair?

>> No.43230485
Quoted by: >>43231188

God I hope so

>> No.43230493
Quoted by: >>43231188

>bald guy subjects his wife to demonic energy to turn her into a mamono so that she'll incubize him and regrow his hair
>wife turns into a werewolf, growing fur all over her body
>husband stays bald
>constantly subjected to jokes about how she wishes she could give him some of hers

>> No.43230503
Quoted by: >>43230516

At least we have elden ring

>> No.43230512

No. Your bald head will be very attractive to that p'orcer raiding party. So much so, they'll purposely lose to you and throw themselves at you. And you'll become their chieftain.

Remember, bald, fat, ugly, and hairy are the attributes p'orcers love in men. One of the weird quirks leftover from old DL orc sensibilities of beauty.

>> No.43230516

Ah yes, contributing THE LOATHSOME DUNG-EATER was truly valuable to us all.

>> No.43230517
Quoted by: >>43231188

If it can regrow back limbs then hair wouldn’t be that hard to regrow back since limbs are more complex than hair biologically speaking.

>> No.43230532
Quoted by: >>43230537

Reminds me of that one hentai manga where a bunch of orc women fall in love with the fat MC.

>> No.43230537

That's more or less what I was drawing off of

>> No.43230544
Quoted by: >>43231188

If she turns you into a shota.. maybe.

>> No.43230573

Depends who you marry
Sabbath? you'll have thinned perma-balding hair along with the ugly bastard bod
Salamander? you'll be perfectly bald and never grow a single hair on your scalp to give you the vin diesel look

Remember that BOTH of you adapt to your partner's preferences

>> No.43230594

>When baphomet goes for your dick and disappears under your massive girth
Uooooh, erotic

>> No.43230621

>The Hentai Protagonist Morphs
Choose the form of the pussy destroyer.

>> No.43230632
Quoted by: >>43230728

phew safe from porcs

>> No.43230728

No one is safe from p'orcs. It's just a matter of if you're going to be the chief of them all or a slave to one or more of them.

>> No.43230771

>going on a picnic with your Cait sith wife
>Carrying her during a hike once she gets bored
>Watching her chase birds
>Not letting her pack anymore after she overstocks on sushi
>She's not willing to share it either

>> No.43230925
Quoted by: >>43231336

What happens if I give the ancient evil my cursed sword, will Ms. Sword take over the ancient evil or can Ms. Evil resist it?

>> No.43231141
Quoted by: >>43231188

I like my shaved skull, I hope that It will block the regrow progress and make It smooth and shiny

>> No.43231188
Quoted by: >>43231403

I looked way better with hair, and I can't do the transplant.
I mean if she liked it better that way than so be it, I don't have to be attractive to anyone but her.
I hope not, I don't want to lose my gains.
yes, but limbs are needed to live, while hair are not.
damn these piggies...
me too, man

>> No.43231303

damn, where are the vtubers when they are needed?

>> No.43231336

Either way you're getting 2v1'd

>> No.43231403
Quoted by: >>43231409

Don't feel bad about being bald. I am. Embrace it. Shave whatever hair you have left on your head.
Keep the beard of mustache if you want.

It's much better to have a shiny head than to go for the George Costanza look. You'll look younger, to an extent. And you don't look pathetic trying to hold onto what few strands of hair you have left. Also, you save on shampoo.

>> No.43231409
Quoted by: >>43231423

>Keep the beard of mustache if you want.
I don't grow facial hair
>And you don't look pathetic trying to hold onto what few strands of hair you have left.
I just don't really care, I don't have friends or gf, no one really looks at me anyway.

>> No.43231423

People still look at you. Trust me.

Besides it's not hard. Just buy an electric razor. Shave it off yourself. Easy to do. Takes a couple minutes at most.
