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File: 189 KB, 1275x1275, 1603522719345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28202890 No.28202890 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>28202910

>> No.28202898
File: 378 KB, 1000x625, Ravenholm_view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28202899
Quoted by: >>28202949

I want all boat apologists to get out

>> No.28202901
Quoted by: >>28203074

Moona is getting wider but that's okay.

>> No.28202903
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, 【The Witcher 3】Side quest on Side quest on Side quest on Side quest on Side quest on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202924

Elementary, my dear

>> No.28202905

You can ignore it though?

>> No.28202908
Quoted by: >>28202918

I am starting to warm up to Ina

>> No.28202909
Quoted by: >>28202925

Mori and Kiara are the only ones that care about reading lore
Ina would just look up what to do on the internet
Ame and Gura would get filtered

>> No.28202910
File: 485 KB, 1200x888, 82397517_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203126

easy modo?

>> No.28202911

>She plans to play Portal

The real suffering hasn't even started yet.

>> No.28202912

Best Half-life level

>> No.28202915

Yup, but its hyperbolic to call it unplayable. It's the first FPS to be built in a heavily object-oriented world with a physics engine, rather than a mostly static world with some active models that may not even share physics.

This is EXACT reason why they have the "pick up that can" scene in the intro. Before HL2 if there was a can on the ground, it either was literally baked into the ground, or it was a nonentity.

I'd compare it to Alyx today:
It probably won't age even as well as HL2, but name me a better longplay FPS VR game on the market today or a game which has gone to cement VR as a viable platform for non-novel games.

>> No.28202918
Quoted by: >>28202946

I want to warm up inside Ina

>> No.28202919
File: 487 KB, 402x603, 1602991943645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she gets all spooked

>> No.28202920

Do you think Ina's milk-tentacles squirt when she gets scared suddenly?

>> No.28202921
File: 250 KB, 1592x1307, 1601103173719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up. Is the stream actually interesting?

>> No.28202924
File: 158 KB, 364x351, 1212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If Ina doesnt stop in 40 minutes shes competing with both Ame and Ina
Oh no...

>> No.28202927

Ina playing portal will be kino

>> No.28202925
Quoted by: >>28203047

You couldn't be more fucking wrong.

>> No.28202928

Not today probably

>> No.28202930
Quoted by: >>28203887

Imagine the squeaks she's going to make

>> No.28202932
Quoted by: >>28202954


>> No.28202933
File: 812 KB, 1920x1080, new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28202935

I haven't heard of that term but I've seen a lot of that kind of stuff to know I don't enjoy it.

>> No.28202937


>> No.28202940
Quoted by: >>28202975

>there's a button next to the door
>these puzzles man

She really has one braincell huh

>> No.28202942

It's great

>> No.28202943

portal 2 iirc
she already played portal

>> No.28202944

Outer Wilds

In fact just get literally any of the Holos to play Outer Wilds and I'll be super happy

>> No.28202946

can't blame you

>> No.28202949
File: 717 KB, 756x751, 1575311711665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apologize for fun

>> No.28202952
Quoted by: >>28202992


>> No.28202954
Quoted by: >>28203008


>> No.28202956


>> No.28202957

Ya like boats?

>> No.28202958

She spooks easy so it's a sure thing. Just depends on whether she's doing it today or next time she playing HL2.

>> No.28202961

i dunno...
I know shark cunny squirts when shark gets scared

>> No.28202962
Quoted by: >>28202984

This part was always oddly comforting with all the background noise.

>> No.28202963

based takobros

>> No.28202964
File: 83 KB, 330x397, tumblr_petqyyMXEj1v69yhk_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203026

Is it over yet?

>> No.28202971
File: 276 KB, 864x665, 1602402895128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Ame playing Jump King or Getting Over It

>> No.28202972

No they grab the nearest object or person and squeeze tightly

>> No.28202974

actually hyped for when she gets here

>> No.28202975
Quoted by: >>28203031

wasn't funny the first time anon

>> No.28202976

no, hl2 is boring

>> No.28202978
Quoted by: >>28203013

Please remember that due to bioaccumulation, apex predators often contain potentially dangerous amounts of toxins and are unsafe for human consumption

>> No.28202980

Gura, is on youtube right now, What do you think she's watching?

>> No.28202981

>hop hop hop

>> No.28202982
File: 96 KB, 940x500, 1603331851319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting for squid to finish so ame can start
pain peko

>> No.28202984


>> No.28202986

Hey /hlgg/.
Nice Boat.

>> No.28202987
File: 172 KB, 750x750, pancakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread is unironically better than hlg now
What the fuck happened

>> No.28202991

Metro series

>> No.28202992
Quoted by: >>28203208

Is this just a pity fav? Noor had the potential with her voice but dropped the ball really hard. Doesn't help having a shitty mic.

>> No.28202993
File: 1.31 MB, 318x222, 1599462494281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just actually thought to myself "wow, a lot of drawfags like Ina! I wonder why?"

It took me a solid 5 seconds to catch up to that thought. I might be the dumbest person in this thread.

>> No.28202994

Painful, but a blast.

>> No.28202997
File: 411 KB, 692x692, 1603335769655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203035

I loathe FPS games and yet Ina managed to make me sit down and watch this for 2 hours...

>> No.28202999
File: 254 KB, 490x490, 1602365263660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is one lewd Ina above Artia.

>> No.28203000
Quoted by: >>28203365

>a mostly static world with some active models
thats what HL2 is

>> No.28203002

ina hours

>> No.28203006
File: 15 KB, 272x222, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203008

I love all the autism that surrounds and permeates through this game.
Would make me extremely happy if Gura or Ame played it

>> No.28203010
File: 68 KB, 240x240, wanjirou-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should Hololive hire male gamers into the roster?

>> No.28203012

Day/night in HL2 is fixed, so it's always going to be nighttime in Ravenholm, and it'll always be morning at the start of the car section. Then night again as you make it to Nova Prospekt.

>> No.28203013

Nice try Gura, but I'm still going to eat that cunny like it's lunch.

>> No.28203014

Ina streaming

>> No.28203017

Ina happened.

>> No.28203018

What a night
>watch Ina go waaaayyy to fast and not look at anything while asking "where do I go?" repeatedly
>get to watch Ame do the exact same thing in Witcher 3 in less than 10 minutes

>> No.28203019

Ame obviously

>> No.28203021

Tako's are 99% more calm than the other fanbases.

>> No.28203022
Quoted by: >>28203046

Did she just strand herself?

>> No.28203026
Quoted by: >>28203184

you should know better than anyone, the boat ride never ends.

>> No.28203027
Quoted by: >>28203056


>> No.28203028

And people prefer this over HL1?

>> No.28203029

I want tako merch

>> No.28203030

her best friends ina and ame when she goes live!

>> No.28203031

Wasn't a joke?

>> No.28203032

>the entrance to the secret vort cave is right near here
Man HL2 was the shit

>> No.28203034
Quoted by: >>28203197

For me, it's Follow Freeman. The dystopian worldbuilding in all the chapters prior is the best in all of video games and it culminates in this fierce fight for the survival of mankind in the rubble of the city feeling like fucking world war 3 while the gigantic citadel looms closer and closer.

>> No.28203035

it's been two and half hours anon..

>> No.28203036

/hlg/ is full of bitches

>> No.28203038

I can't wait

>> No.28203037


>> No.28203039
File: 31 KB, 201x270, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever drew this you deserve a medal

>> No.28203041
Quoted by: >>28203100

Boat section is the worst part of this game, even back in the day. It tops the list of my "this game would be great, if not for this part" list. 90% boring shit driving, 10% shitty physics puzzles. At least Gravity Gun and Ravenholm is right after, but I think she's gonna call it a night after she clears boat section unfortunately.

>> No.28203045

Tell me, why?

>> No.28203047

Looks like you need to keep watching because you haven't grasped their personalities yet.

>> No.28203046

There's a backup

>> No.28203050

Ina probably, then Ame later

>> No.28203051
Quoted by: >>28203105

Am I a faggot for always just noclipping through this part on replays? So much fucking walking for no reason

>> No.28203052

Ame said she'd never stream a souls game due to rage so she'd probably never stream that either

>> No.28203053

Comfy tako

Don't worry anon, it happens to everyone

>> No.28203054
Quoted by: >>28203284

It would not work at all.

>> No.28203055

/hlg/ has always been seething since EN debuted

>> No.28203056

The pants.....

>> No.28203058
File: 14 KB, 235x215, Coach Z phone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hellor? Is dis the watson detortive agency? Yes, I'd like you to investigort why Coach Z hasn't been reaped yet. ...What, you say Mori refuses to come to Free Country, USA? ...uh huh ...uh huh... yeah those are all pratty good reasons to stay away, but she's got a jorb to do, man! ...hellor? Aw geez, I'm gonna spend the rest of eternity in the clink, aren't I?"

>> No.28203059
File: 723 KB, 849x1200, 1603071737161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203092


>> No.28203061
File: 1.86 MB, 1920x1080, Gura finger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203086

I miss her. . . .

>> No.28203063
File: 779 KB, 4096x3407, 1603402311080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203090

My boy

>> No.28203066

How new?

>> No.28203069

She'd unironically break her computer and take a 1-week vacation from streaming.

>> No.28203074

That was moona? i thought it was HER.

>> No.28203075

did you enjoy your meme review anon? We've been stuck on the boat for a hour, I wouldn't have it another way.

>> No.28203078

Only the ones I approve

>> No.28203083

No... not a ramp...

>> No.28203086

I want gura to push my buttons...

>> No.28203088

/hlg/ just had to suffer through a meme review stream.

>> No.28203090

Ya boy is cute

>> No.28203093
File: 722 KB, 1017x1139, INA NOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203091


>> No.28203092
Quoted by: >>28203145

why is there a tentacle coming out of her crotch

>> No.28203096

I always hated this portion of the game as well

>> No.28203097
File: 106 KB, 725x672, 1601267994783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we almost always are?

I glanced over there during the among us this morning, they genuinely thought it was the worst thing ever and they all hated each other

>> No.28203098
Quoted by: >>28203155

I like being outside, HL1 is oppressing

>> No.28203099

RIP table-kun.

>> No.28203100

>Boat section is the worst part of this game
That's not the antlion section
Or the turret section
Or the super gravity gun section

>> No.28203104
File: 1.71 MB, 3000x2333, 1603079872246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to get comfy with Ame.

>> No.28203105

nope, not at all

>> No.28203106

I love Ina's "haah?"s

>> No.28203107

There are streams going on and /hlgg/ actually talks about it

>> No.28203108

Halo Reach
Would be a fun stream, if she did viewer games there'd probably be a ton of armor lockfag trolling

>> No.28203110

Shes waiting for Ame

>> No.28203111

Ina is streaming.
Humu humu

>> No.28203114
File: 2.78 MB, 448x568, Ame eats snack.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Ame eating rice and cucumbers as snacks. You can imagine her snacking on something >else< if you want.

>> No.28203118
File: 561 KB, 1080x1331, gigacraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy stream
I love it

>> No.28203117

She didn't even flinch with the ichthyosaur, there's no chance.

>> No.28203120
File: 136 KB, 500x500, 1603589603191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203175

Don't worry, there's layers of dum you wouldn't think possible yet they post here daily!

>> No.28203123
Quoted by: >>28203164

im amazed at how ina's chat is the only en chat i can stomach.

>> No.28203126
File: 389 KB, 1537x1137, 82397517_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203127
Quoted by: >>28203173

Why can't Ina drive in a straight line

>> No.28203130
File: 365 KB, 1448x2048, 7108FAEA-AECF-4C3A-99AA-759032135543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203129

I will pray for Gura's poor pussy after that stream...

>> No.28203133

Is that a Jerma pekora

>> No.28203132

>shitting on super gravity gun
FUCK you

>> No.28203135

Drawfags like flat girls

>> No.28203138
File: 500 KB, 800x748, 1574286330140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203169


>> No.28203142 [SPOILER] 
File: 29 KB, 415x203, 1603599944374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this was an easy game (according to mid 2000's standards)

>> No.28203144

You're right, it's not. It's the worst section of the game, like I said.

>> No.28203145

No, it's about to go in

>> No.28203149

>still 25k two hours in, overlapped with Meme Review and playing like shit
Ina having her best stream in a while huh

>> No.28203154

Always has been.

>> No.28203155

There's lots of outdoors segments in the second half, and then even more in Blue Shift and Opposing Force.

>> No.28203159

let's just say the episodes are the better hl2 experience. Not sure why they only made 2 and quit though

>> No.28203162
Quoted by: >>28203347

Kitkat for halloween

>> No.28203163
Quoted by: >>28203256


Watching her tilt and blame her her teammates would be heaven

>> No.28203164

Ina's chat is quite friendly, her personality doesn't mesh well with the twitch style of spam

>> No.28203170
File: 281 KB, 595x595, 1560389410083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That fucking boat section

>> No.28203169
Quoted by: >>28203226


>> No.28203173


>> No.28203174

She was at 31k for awhile

>> No.28203176

>ina stream here
>afrtermath of meme review there
what would you expect

>> No.28203175

Source for this?

>> No.28203179

I thought she was doing some kind of autistic tic sort of like stimming but with her mouth

>> No.28203181
Quoted by: >>28203365

Good post anon, thanks for clearing that out.

>> No.28203182
Quoted by: >>28203225


Consider that Halo 2 was released the same year.

>> No.28203183

tako, your bitrate...

>> No.28203184
File: 174 KB, 641x435, Worth the Weight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203186
Quoted by: >>28203216

Ina has really really high viewer retention i've noticed. Not the highest numbers but they stick around the entire time

>> No.28203189

It is very easy to get lost

>> No.28203190

Is it because they can't understand what the JP holos are saying even when they dogpile on clip watchers?

>> No.28203193

I'm surprised they are considering Pekora and Aqua are streaming too

>> No.28203194


>> No.28203195

Man I've seen people play this fucking game worse.

>> No.28203196

Silent Hunter series
She's going to drop it like hot shit and it'd be understandable. You need true autism to enjoy a sub sim.

>> No.28203197
Quoted by: >>28203688

Nova Prospekt for me. Raiding the place with an army of antlions at your control has always been my favorite moment in HL2.

>> No.28203200
File: 164 KB, 1280x720, ElJct7eUYAAxBQV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203202
Quoted by: >>28203383

Like DICK!? You mean DICK Anon!?! You're talking about DICK right!?!?!? HUH!?

>> No.28203203
File: 2.34 MB, 448x568, Ame vibing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203261

Here's Ame vibing to some song from Wildiepeople or whatever the movie was called. You can imagine her trying to seduce you with a mating dance instead or something.

>> No.28203204

Mori playing Bloodlines would be pretty fucking sweet

>> No.28203208

I can't help but say that she's my favorite when she's the only person I've messed up my sleep schedule for before. Lots of the other Nijis are great too though.

>> No.28203211


>> No.28203212

I want Ina to shove her tentacles in my mouth!

>> No.28203213

It is though

>> No.28203216

Her chill streaming style attracts a certain type of people that's more likely to stick around.

>> No.28203218

>getting filtered by Water Hazard

>> No.28203219

It IS an easy game, Ina just sucks.

>> No.28203222
File: 103 KB, 435x396, 1603232048418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's finally over boys.

>> No.28203221

Risk of Rain 2

She would be absolutely terrible at it

>> No.28203224


>> No.28203225
Quoted by: >>28203302

I sure do love legendary halo 2!

>> No.28203226

lol based

>> No.28203230

she's so cute talking to the npc's

>> No.28203231
File: 1.75 MB, 374x254, 1603598783267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to ask again for new thread some responses were real good.

Your favorite oshi plays your favorite game

who and what is it?

>> No.28203232

>This quickly

>> No.28203234

>Can't count to three
Though, after Alyx and the recent L4D update, one can still hope

>> No.28203233

wait is ame a rager? she sounds so chill playing puzzle games.

>> No.28203236
Quoted by: >>28204453

That's because it's coming from a time where people were much more open-minded with the mechanics. Nowadays games are too linear even in expectations.
At least Ina is enjoying, that's good enough for me

>> No.28203237
File: 86 KB, 400x400, inahumu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203238
File: 27 KB, 429x421, 1601937643248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me Gura will show up to this

>> No.28203240


>> No.28203241

My friend is so nice to her kouhais

>> No.28203242

>What training?
>Boat training?

>> No.28203244

Ame please take me home

>> No.28203248

Fuck off already.

>> No.28203249

Her reactions and retorts are really enjoyable, it was higher earlier but the backseats are lesser now, or filtered by boat

>> No.28203250

This friend is okay.

>> No.28203253

Same reasons that hlg used to shit on vyt for, they became old and bitter.

>> No.28203256


>> No.28203260

I don't get the other two.Freeman makes sense.

>> No.28203261
File: 1.94 MB, 448x568, ame vibe.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Ame vibing to a slower song.

>> No.28203264

I like how Ina is having these little one-sided conversations with the NPCs

>> No.28203265

Ame nibbling on your bell end!!

>> No.28203267

>amelia keeps bonking the rule spamming idiot in her chat
Lol nice.

>> No.28203268

My friend is such a nice senpai

>> No.28203272

Klonoa 2

>> No.28203273

I'm reminded of the fact that we'll never get an Alita sequel and I'm sad about that.

>> No.28203277

Asian women and driving....
It is done now. I am free.

>> No.28203278


I had forgotten about this cunt.

>> No.28203279
File: 11 KB, 423x89, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28203282

Ina please, it's not rocket science

>> No.28203283


>> No.28203284
Quoted by: >>28203403

Kenshi would be an insanely comfy stream if the chuba had prior knowledge and could just do a zatsudan during the downtimes.

>> No.28203286
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1599960767282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people dislike the boat section? I remember enjoying the feeling of boating through such a big area and stopping at places like that gate you have to open. It continues the chase feel of the sewer section but in a different context. It's similar to the coast map which is also great.

>> No.28203287
File: 365 KB, 220x220, 123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It IS easy, it's just that nowadays people are used to being haldholded though the entire game.

>> No.28203288
File: 300 KB, 345x379, 1597976395152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seeing hundreds of anons getting redpilled about polka during among us this morning
Best fucking collab ever


>> No.28203289

I haven't watched HL2 since Davidr64yt's playthrough years ago. Can't wait for Ravenholm.

>> No.28203295

Its been 2 and a half, anon...

>> No.28203297

Just wait for the car section.

>> No.28203298
File: 540 KB, 824x1200, 016 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina playing washizu Mahjong

>> No.28203301

It was a shit movie anyway.

>> No.28203302

Oh boy I can't wait to play Halo 2 legendary with my friends, surely their help will make it so much easier than playing it alone!

>> No.28203303

>Ame playing Frogs&Flies.webm

>> No.28203304
Quoted by: >>28203545

Still waiting on that War Thunder stream from Ame. The snail jew will give her a freebie account with everything unlocked.

>> No.28203308

friend is good friend...

>> No.28203314
Quoted by: >>28203556

It feels like filler, but so does most of the game

>> No.28203319
Quoted by: >>28203364

I'm still sad Gordon never got to put on the labcoat and do science with Eli

>> No.28203322

Some zoomer fuck is going to ruin Mossman's moment

>> No.28203324


>> No.28203325

I remember not liking the controls and the fact that it was getting in the way of shooting stuff.

>> No.28203327

FBK is probably the one senpai Gura has talked about the most. I can't imagine why not.

>> No.28203330

Mossman and Eli acting like Black Mesa wasn't puling sketchy shit.

>> No.28203331
Quoted by: >>28203379

This but instead of drawer her blood I fill her with my cum

>> No.28203332
Quoted by: >>28203391


>> No.28203335
File: 1.52 MB, 448x568, sad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Ame that is sad because a dog died to a cg boar.

>> No.28203339
Quoted by: >>28203401

Her energy works so well with the EN crew she crushed it. Nene too.

>> No.28203341
File: 38 KB, 512x207, Coupon Amelia didnt count.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She plays it up a bit but yeah she can get salty sometimes. It's part of her charm.

>> No.28203342

I have a really good PC and internet, but everytime I open the emotes box the stream and everything lags. Why is youtube so shite

>> No.28203344
Quoted by: >>28203688

Steam started bringing in more cash than making games would in 30 years

>> No.28203346

She thought the vortigaunt was his wife

>> No.28203347
Quoted by: >>28203422

There's coupon for that coming up ;)

>> No.28203349

I just want Gura and/or Ame to play XCOM:EW and XCOM2. Bonus points if they name their soldiers after Hololive members

>> No.28203350

>my wife Asian
>she's asian

>> No.28203354
File: 267 KB, 518x560, 1603477325767.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Fubuki really happy for Gura or is it all an act?
She seems nice and not seem to care numbers though, so she seems genuinely happy for our shark.
Korone on the other hand doesn't seem to have acknowledge her at all, unless I missed it.

>> No.28203360


I enjoyed the atmosphere and the actual place itself when all the fighting and shit boat driving stops. The ambient sound is fantastic, I'd love to hang out in a place like that IRL.

>> No.28203362

>Vortigaunt wife
Ina is a deviant

>> No.28203364
Quoted by: >>28203410

>the rest of the game is 10 hours of science with Eli, then the Citadel explodes

>> No.28203365
Quoted by: >>28203469

Obviously relative to everything that came before. For example, before HL2 a concept like using the sawblades in Ravenholm as a weapon you literally pick up from the environment wasn't a thing; the sawblade would instead be an item, would become a weapon in your inventory, and if models of the sawblade remained after firing, it would either revert to being an item or just be static.

And a fence or a building or a street or a large object being static is still the case in modern games in engines where they could technically have more physic properties for the sake of resources/simplicity.

No problem, just like to give context.

>> No.28203367

>Half Life 2
>2 hours ago

>> No.28203368
Quoted by: >>28203555

She fucking rages at Mario and has almost said yab words during fps streams. She's furious.

>> No.28203372
Quoted by: >>28203449

More Nene x Ina art when?

>> No.28203373

I hate it cuz it used to give me motion sickness

>> No.28203374

HL2's reverence baffles me, the first one was miles better.

>> No.28203377

Read the manga, it's much, much better.

>> No.28203376

How can she be so pure?

>> No.28203379
Quoted by: >>28203440

Also read Ten faggot

>> No.28203380

its just 2 or 3 stops too long. If you trim off like 15 minutes it'd feel a lot less tedious. Everything after you get the gun is fine.

>> No.28203381
Quoted by: >>28203453

i want to see this so bad i would actually pay cover to make her play it.
she would disintegrate her desk

>> No.28203383

No. Rice crackers.

>> No.28203384
File: 73 KB, 544x544, 1592442851711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woooooow, FBK has to do a 1m celebration because for her because Gura won't. Wooooow, I can't believe it.

>> No.28203385
File: 126 KB, 1000x1000, 1602739166626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203458


sounds comfy and she already expressed interest in doing this

>> No.28203386
Quoted by: >>28203688

>Not sure why they only made 2 and quit though

Around the time of Episode 2 is when Steam started picking up steam. Gabe realized he could make a lot more money selling other people's games than making them.

>> No.28203387

She's getting close to Ravenholm right? I wanna see that part so bad.

>> No.28203390

Korone just doesn't care about numbers at all, either hers or anyone else's.

>> No.28203391

It's the head of the cut Cremator enemy

>> No.28203393

Amelia's starting.

>> No.28203395
File: 513 KB, 878x1240, 1603395722814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203446

Ame starting

>> No.28203396
File: 178 KB, 454x474, 1602443211040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teachads WW@?

>> No.28203401
File: 637 KB, 2940x2192, 1603552244857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203819

Honestly everyone was great, Botan seemed to have a great time, and was ULTRA friendly to all of them on twitter

I felt bad for Lamy because she talked about how much she wanted to connect but her eng sucks and she's polite/shy so the large collab filtered her then 5ch shit on her

>> No.28203403

I was thinking that the other day, but it's probably way too yabai for any holo to touch even if they could make it entertaining.

>> No.28203402

Do wild boars really tank rifle shots like that?

>> No.28203404

People generally tend to think it overstays its welcome and don't like that it's a chase sequence with no fighting for most of it. I love it personally, though.

>> No.28203410

>you have to do qte equations

>> No.28203411

It's right after this bit

>> No.28203413

her loading BGM started playing in another tab right as I clicked this and I got REALLY confused

>> No.28203416

gura said she's preparing something for the celebration

>> No.28203417
File: 722 KB, 2000x2000, 1599969392852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203418

Korone is probably seething in private, punching ikea sharks. FBK loves everyone.

>> No.28203420

Yep, right after grav gun tutorial.

>> No.28203422
File: 92 KB, 202x221, 1602391415461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203423

all korone cares about are endless marathon streams

>> No.28203424


>> No.28203426
File: 804 KB, 664x1283, 5P5R7Zd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203673

Huh, Ina's gaming streams do surprisingly well. She's like a reverse Mori in that sense, or maybe it's just a timeslot difference

>> No.28203425

here we go

>> No.28203427

yeah, nah.

>> No.28203428

>she tried to escape the cat fight.

>> No.28203431
File: 7 KB, 296x33, 564645465465456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203679

Here's Ame that has been pumped full of spaghetti.

>> No.28203432

It was probably just the spur of the moment, but I still felt a little peeved when Ina asked whether she was actually damaging the heli. Man... games these days would have displayed number indicators.

>> No.28203433
Quoted by: >>28203665

Anyone have the clip where she asked what "let's go" is in english?

>> No.28203434
Quoted by: >>28203465

Ina stop streaming amelia is starting...

>> No.28203435

I have to wonder why she would though, she is only drawing her, right? Nothing here seems to suggest a collab, just how Ina draw a bunch of other Holos.

>> No.28203436

>Timesplitters FP
She gets filtered, but keeps trying her hardest at Cat racing

>> No.28203437
File: 145 KB, 1200x1600, 1561941243204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203514


>> No.28203440
File: 91 KB, 240x240, 1592701634834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203500

It's in my backlog

>> No.28203441
File: 404 KB, 2048x1262, 1603406189092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me anon

>> No.28203442
Quoted by: >>28203507

>Its a toy if I make it a toy

>> No.28203443
Quoted by: >>28203507

>It's a toy if I make it a toy
Ina is kinky

>> No.28203444

>not ogey

>> No.28203445
Quoted by: >>28203688

valve literally runs on "do whatever the fuck you want" mode
it's a miracle they can ever get anything done

>> No.28203446

Nooo I haven't caught up yet, last thing I saw was her looking for herbs to save the dying guy
Oh well

>> No.28203447
File: 1.98 MB, 1621x1561, 1603429805661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203449

I'm slow, I am currently drawing the "Ivan IV kills his son" painting but with Ina and Nene.

>> No.28203451

I want to be In's toy haha...

>> No.28203452
File: 85 KB, 475x478, 1603509233353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry teamate, i want to watch Ame, but Ina is my first priority

>> No.28203453

She would either drop it on the first stream or play it for a year before she's told to stop, personally i wanna watch her try underrail, love it and then have an autistic meltdown at the final area

>> No.28203454
File: 58 KB, 641x635, 1602653573236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203567


>> No.28203455
Quoted by: >>28205332

In all honesty when FBK was the highest subbed Holo she had a lot of performance anxiety and pressure on her to keep things going, this was especially during the time Vtubers hadn't reached their current zenith. Having someone above her might honestly take some pressure off of her.

>> No.28203456

Free Masons?

>> No.28203458
Quoted by: >>28203646

I hope she plays Morrowind just to piss off the zoomers, but Oblivion would at least piss off the kids asking for Skyrim.

>> No.28203459

pretty sure that was an animatronic puppet

>> No.28203461
File: 49 KB, 472x423, 1600313183965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here. That movie was pretty comfy. Didn't change my life or anything but it was simple and enjoyable.

>> No.28203462

She talked about Getting Over It once on stream and said "I wouldn't really get mad at it"


>> No.28203463

>tfw you have to keep trying to show people you like Gura or else they’ll keep being tribalist dumbasses
Poor friend

>> No.28203465

frig off rrat

>> No.28203468

Korone just wants to play games for 40 hours straight

>> No.28203469
Quoted by: >>28203594

HL2 didn't invent dynamic enviroments, I don't need zoomers lecturing me on game history

>> No.28203471

Bros there are so many streams... my sleeping reps...

>> No.28203472

Alien Isolation

>> No.28203478

Might poke her head in chat, but I wouldn't expect a surprise collab or anything.

>> No.28203479

is Ame hitting 500k today?

>> No.28203480

What will Ina do when she comes across the house of zombie goasts in Ravenholdem (you shouldn't come here)?

>> No.28203483

Well they're pretty tough but I don't know what kind of ammo they were using.

>> No.28203484

>he can't give two streams his full attention simultaneously

>> No.28203485
Quoted by: >>28203688

They couldn't figure out a way to one-up themselves like they did with HL and HL2. Eventually they just gave up and the passage of time did the rest.

>> No.28203486

They're different enough that they attract people with different tastes.

Some people are more HL1/CSS fans, some people are more TF2/Portal fans, and HL2 fits somewhere in between.

>> No.28203488
Quoted by: >>28203521

Doggo unironically doesn't care about her own or anyone's numbers. She just wants to play video games.

>> No.28203491

there is this things known as VOD, as they say.

>> No.28203489

The time warp made me miss my anki reps for the day, so I got double to do before goin to sleep now...

>> No.28203494


>> No.28203497

>My 2 favorite HoloENs playing 2 of my favorite games at the same time

>> No.28203499
File: 341 KB, 657x461, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one prop everyone used to build their base.

>> No.28203501

here, but Im still gonna watch ina over ame

>> No.28203500


>> No.28203502

I could start a new HL2 file and catch up with Ina so we could play together

>> No.28203504

laugh and shot a rocket at them

>> No.28203507

Anything's can be a toy if you're brave enough, humu humu,

>> No.28203505

probably not, witcher 3 is pretty debuffy as fun as it is to watch

>> No.28203508


>> No.28203512

Valve basically proved episodic gaming was a shit idea and doesn't work.

>> No.28203513

Fubuki has been in the game for too long to care about petty shit like this and she's solid as a rock.
Korone is shit at games but she's still a gamer at heart, as can be seen from her marathons, numbers was never a thing for her to begin with.

>> No.28203514
File: 54 KB, 720x588, 1603271502758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203708


>> No.28203515
File: 518 KB, 1033x942, 1603420730297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203709

When is it ever not?
Chances of Gura waking up for this and at least saying hi in chat?

>> No.28203516


>> No.28203518
File: 113 KB, 827x1138, Ei4OfB2UwAEk4jC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight Ame witcher time, thanks for the peep of Ina noises while she plays HL2 takobros, now time to go to my oshi

>> No.28203519
Quoted by: >>28203537


>> No.28203521
File: 40 KB, 397x510, Korone CHAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203528


>> No.28203529

kys faggot

>> No.28203530
File: 1.44 MB, 1523x2200, 1603431433111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I love both Ina and Ame, don't make me choose

>> No.28203532
File: 510 KB, 860x777, 1603553179452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was one of the only ones I was really interested in from Gen5 around debut. Her collab with coco playing Nobody Explodes sold me hard on her. She's got really good energy to her, more than the usual genki girl energy.

>> No.28203535

Yes. Killing really big things by poking small holes in them isn't that easy, and if you don't hit the central nervous system or lungs, you have to wait for it to bleed out which can take more then long enough for it to ruin your day.

>> No.28203537
File: 27 KB, 400x300, 1601596139591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203563


>> No.28203538


>> No.28203539

Fuck off

>> No.28203541


>> No.28203543


Nah, Kojima is much more of a hack about it.

>Hot Coldman

>> No.28203544

Only needs 5k so probably

>> No.28203545

This. Really waiting for that. Any br any nation I will follow her and protect her. 7 years experience will not wasted

>> No.28203547

She sure did paint that tire with white...

Narrative fags?

>> No.28203552
File: 115 KB, 271x216, 1603386797454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people consider HL2 GOTD again? It just seems like a COD campaign with physics puzzles.

>> No.28203553


>> No.28203554

aaaah she's so cute

>> No.28203555

Honestly Odyssey is the only mario game that never made me rage, even Galaxy and it's ball sections were the bane of my existence back in the day.

>> No.28203556

Does it? You need a journey from point A to point B, not sure how that's filler when Gordon getting where the plot is moves things along.

>> No.28203559

>paint can leaves paint stains
It's the little things.

>> No.28203560

Its that or hit markers, but I dont know if I can blame Ina since so many games do a poor job at making enemies react to damage.

>> No.28203562


>> No.28203563


>> No.28203564
Quoted by: >>28203606


>> No.28203565

In those times you just had to keep shooting and fucking hope you were doing things correctly, I actually miss it a bit, MOH Allied Assault was a fucking godlike experience.

>> No.28203567
File: 397 KB, 2048x1601, 1602954175923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203570
Quoted by: >>28203619

Didn't Hitman and Hitman 2 somehow worked with some kind of episodic systems?

>> No.28203571
File: 2.71 MB, 448x568, ame viber.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203641

Here's Ame riding a high intensity vibrator

>> No.28203573

Ame's been practicing her Japanese!

>> No.28203574
File: 183 KB, 1298x1240, 7545466554365463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made those webms instead of focusing on the movie because I was kinda bored. Hope you get at least some use out of them.

>> No.28203575
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203576

everyone loves grav gun

>> No.28203577

Hello, zoomer.

>> No.28203580
Quoted by: >>28203715

Nothing is worse than Freeman, sorry broski

>> No.28203581

>Ame delays for Ina
>Ame overlaps with Kiara


>> No.28203584

wew I figured ina would stop right before ravenholm but it looks like she’s enjoying the grav gun too much

>> No.28203583
File: 60 KB, 609x556, 1603564594310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203589

Ame BGM is so goddamn comfy I just wanna crawl into bed

>> No.28203591

Fubuki doesn't give two shits about numbers or idolfags, she has had numerous collabs with the homos and was at every EN debut. She did a guerilla Muse Dash stream after Gura's to keep her up until Ame's
And Korone is autistic, she hasn't even had a collab with any Gen 5.

>> No.28203590


>> No.28203592

Still no fart edit...

>> No.28203594
Quoted by: >>28203658

I'm not claiming that man.
I'm claiming it was revolutionary in how it was employed in the context of the game.
What game comes to your mind for the first breakthrough FPS with dynamic environments?

>> No.28203599

cuz its what made shooters like CoD be the way they are

>> No.28203598

Ravenholm = best HL2 section

>> No.28203600
File: 262 KB, 406x406, 1601541062033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>COD campaign

>> No.28203602 [DELETED] 

New Schizo theories, far from baseline edition:
>kiara has a gun
>Watson plays an extra in one Bladerunner 2049's accompanying shortfilms on the Bluray. Check out the scene where Batista's character visits the marketplace and you can see Ame working behind a market stall.
>Ina is pregnant
>Bubba is a rrat
>Gura was the first woman Ame has ever been with, Ame is not the first woman Gura has been with. The tiktok girl is
>Mori got kicked out of her old appartment for brapping 24/7 and making the neighbours vomit uncontrollably
>Mori's new song will feature a guest spot from a famous youtuber
>Gura has bought an ring and intends to propose to watson when she hits 2m.
>Kiara once got drunk in a karaoke bar and had to fight off a group of Japanese police. She won easily and is no longer subject to the law.
>Watson is afraid of Japan because she saw a Godzilla movie while drunk and thought it was real

>> No.28203601


>> No.28203604

COD campaign with physics was legendary for 2004

>> No.28203606

its an edit made in here based retard bro

>> No.28203608

I love Africat!

>> No.28203607

Yes, you need real big caliber with expanding bullets to put them down fast. Honestly the kind of rifles they were carrying would probably never kill a boar before they ran out of ammo

>> No.28203616

Still feels weird seeing all the JOPs appearing as soon as they speak japanese.

>> No.28203617

>yubi yubi


>> No.28203619
Quoted by: >>28203703

They worked in spite of that, they pretty much dropped it for the second game and released all their content at once

Hitmans episodes were pretty much just diferent levels

>> No.28203622
File: 148 KB, 731x381, 1603467804092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203620

Your aim...

>> No.28203621
File: 71 KB, 939x487, 1572336593977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno maybe someone can find a use for this

>> No.28203624

Context is everything. Also not fair to compare it to a CoD campaign since most of them got worse after MW2

>> No.28203627

zoom zoom

>> No.28203629
File: 338 KB, 768x719, 1603434465264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura ruined her 100% winrate

Is she plotting her revenge?

>> No.28203631

Same thing on what she did to Bradley and to the cult

>> No.28203635 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28203672


>> No.28203638

Gyakuten saiban/kenji series

>> No.28203639


>> No.28203640
File: 619 KB, 1210x658, 1589325527418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203641


>> No.28203642

Here for fun and ignoring Gwent! (hopefully) Still keeping an eye on Ina

>> No.28203647

Witcher is a debuff game while Minecraft is a buff game so the chicken will be fine desu

>> No.28203646
File: 730 KB, 1440x1080, 1600567427098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203840

>out of stamina
>go to sleep
>get killed by ninjas
I think everyone would be pissed, Gura included.

>> No.28203648


>> No.28203651 [DELETED] 

>Ina is pregnant
I prefer
>Ina is a boy

>> No.28203655

She delayed for pasta

>> No.28203656

Gman (Government Man) is symbolic of interdimensional cosmic bureaucracy, Freeman is the antithesis.

>> No.28203658
Quoted by: >>28203778

It was one of the first games to use modern rigid body physics but it's not really anything more than a gimmick
FPS games are still just static enviroments

>> No.28203663
File: 45 KB, 208x271, 1601561810804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203693

Bros, my wife looks so happy playing with the gravity gun.

>> No.28203665
Quoted by: >>28203984

found it.

>> No.28203667
Quoted by: >>28203801

Is Ame too small?
Is Ame too big?
What do you think?

>> No.28203672 [DELETED] 
File: 745 KB, 630x540, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203673
Quoted by: >>28203772

Mori's streams in general doesn't do that well viewer wise, not sure how she has that many subscribers or get that many superchats.

>> No.28203674

Ame I know you're lurking please wink for us

>> No.28203675

wait a second, watson's watches from the waiting screen shows the current hour in some timezones
I didn't notice before, maybe I'm too slow

>> No.28203677 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28203745

god I wish

>> No.28203679

Is that what we're calling her BFs dick nowadays?

>> No.28203683

>her saying "It's elementary, my dear Watson" in Japanese but Ame not getting it

>> No.28203684


>> No.28203685


>> No.28203686


Missing the gosling picture

>> No.28203687
File: 1.31 MB, 480x480, 1603165580563.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could they collab on that gives them good chemistry while also not requiring tons of communication since Ame knows barely any Japanese and Polka knows barely any English?

>> No.28203688
Quoted by: >>28203997

it's pretty much all downhill from there
>have all the guns
>have ammo and opportunity to use them all
>show off the physics by throwing the sentry guns around or knocking them over with boxes/grenades
>show off the AI by letting you move them around and setting up your own turrets
it's like the final boss section except there's still like 3 hours more of emptying and refilling rockets at designated boxes
yeah I've heard that but they still made alyx and kept updating tf2 for ages and apparently they've scrapped l4d3 multiple times? I'm just confused since it'd be free money to use their stuff to keep pumping out episodes. They reused a lot of assets between them so just let your mappers and artists go wild.
that too
the new hitmans and all those walking dead games sold pretty well i think. I mean, isnt story DLC the exact same thing? Destiny, borderlands, and a few rpgs have those i think. mmos too

>> No.28203691
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 456365435634545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame is in full control of her life.

>> No.28203692


>> No.28203693

Go to fucking bed Nene

>> No.28203695


>> No.28203696

>3 hours later Ina is still playing catch with dog

>> No.28203697
File: 427 KB, 629x614, 1602976995576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme phrases are global

Miko has gone on and on how the "a" gura does is the funniest shit ever to her, it's an easy way to bypass language barriers

>> No.28203700
File: 513 KB, 878x1240, 1603414933191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203703

I thought the second game had the same system, I must have remembered wrong

>> No.28203708
File: 217 KB, 1450x2048, 9e56f89797ec702ff0c4f9de4b376bbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203871

not slut! Just Friend!

>> No.28203709
File: 52 KB, 413x424, 1598005704340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When is it ever not?
When you guys posted so many off topic reaction images I thought I was in a different board
When you guys ruined gosling posting by spamming it nonstop
When you guys posted more doxx than your average 5ch anti thread
When you guys recorded and post-processed a fart
When you guys had a meltdown over Ame's [redacted] and a faggot even cut himself
When you guys posted selfies for a date

And I don't even come here too often

>> No.28203715
File: 260 KB, 2000x2000, 1602750431415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gabe wanted his name to be Dyson Poincaré
laidlaw said no

>> No.28203714


>> No.28203719
Quoted by: >>28204050

She should play the co-op campaign with the girls. Not sure who would be a good partner for her between Watson or Gura, though.

>> No.28203722

Ina is too fucking cute I love my wife

>> No.28203726
File: 209 KB, 412x519, 1600179494333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203730
Quoted by: >>28203762

>I want to date a woman like this

KFP bros...

>> No.28203732
File: 24 KB, 500x375, 1597346774935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame has a 6 AM stream with Kiara
Ame isn't going to sleep, will she? She'll be running on less fumes than Mori did during the Among Us collab.

>> No.28203733

no hoop...

>> No.28203734



>> No.28203736


>> No.28203738
File: 250 KB, 610x632, 1603580749142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203743
File: 352 KB, 586x586, 602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>superdoxxerchi will be the first person to discover HER identity.

kino incoming.

>> No.28203744
Quoted by: >>28203813

Stop talking and nobody explodes

>> No.28203745 [DELETED] 

Weirdly me too, it would be really cute

>> No.28203746

they have a collab in 6 hours. Ame can help buff Kiara then

>> No.28203748

What should I play while watching Ame? Because I've sat here for the last few hours doing nothing, but watch Holos

>> No.28203750
Quoted by: >>28203815

Portal 2 since you can just ping everything.

>> No.28203755

It's time

>> No.28203754

That's enough to far

>> No.28203758


>> No.28203759

Only good thing to come out of the trannyshark debut is finding her

>> No.28203762
File: 375 KB, 1182x568, 1603424292402.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suffering comes with the membership

>> No.28203764


>> No.28203765


>> No.28203766
Quoted by: >>28203824

It should be called HololiveUS because these stream times fucking suck for eurofags. End me

>> No.28203768

Why does Gen 5 only have four members as opposed to the usual five? They could've done a 10 player Among Us game

>> No.28203770


>> No.28203772

Her talking streams get as many or more viewers than her gaming is stream is what I mean, that's not the case for the others

>> No.28203773

i play runescape while watching holos

>> No.28203774

You should play do your reps

>> No.28203775


>> No.28203776

Keep talking and nobody explodes

>> No.28203777

katamari damacy

its a pretty good fit

>> No.28203778
File: 1.08 MB, 320x240, Nice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may argue it being entirely a gimmick, but I agree it was overdone in HL2 and that FPS are still mostly static. Fair take.

>> No.28203780
File: 179 KB, 1000x1000, EiRr3E6UcAc1t8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got a wife in exchange

>> No.28203781

Did they even watch it? I say that because there were people in there an hour or two who didn't understand why Ina was being referred to as Nene's wife. They spam CEO shit all the time, but they don't actually watch her, or what?

>> No.28203783
File: 534 KB, 4000x1900, 1603549936496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nenechi you will never break the unity.

>> No.28203784


>> No.28203786
Quoted by: >>28203839


>> No.28203787
Quoted by: >>28203839


>> No.28203791
File: 1.83 MB, 1215x1700, d2c4e59faab1b75f583a4af53e1d4fe3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still better than /hlg/ desu

>> No.28203792
Quoted by: >>28203839

>Ravenholm time
Oh boy.

>> No.28203795

>Ravenholm time

>> No.28203798


>> No.28203800

Because the ugly midget 5th member got COVID and died.

>> No.28203801

um well when i watch uh when i when i consume what i pa when i see um when i see art um i personally uh you know the big oool' badanka with the big ol' basdujwn the big big um im not a huge fan of the you know you know uh the big uh b-b uh uh si-size uh uh size of L uh uh i like em sm smaller yeah not too not too ok next question

>> No.28203802


>> No.28203804


>> No.28203805

>tfw Dog isn't coming and you're alone

>> No.28203808


>> No.28203807


>> No.28203813

>stop talking

>> No.28203815

Ame's already played it

>> No.28203818
File: 3.79 MB, 540x304, 1602053721858.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203847

Amelia should play Henry Comes to Town.

>> No.28203817

she prob already slept and is just on degen schedule

>> No.28203819

don't understand why japs thought polka talked too much

>> No.28203820

You guys ready for FATHER GRIGORI? HA-heHAHAHA

>> No.28203822

Got Episode 3 spoiled
But with Alyx being released and Valve teasing the new story, do you think Valve will rewrite HL3's intended story?

>> No.28203824

Wait for Gen2, if the leaked list is accurate there's
>2x French girl twins
>2 British
>1 USA

so 4/5 EU is pretty good.

>> No.28203826

Scared Ina
time for cute

>> No.28203828


>> No.28203829

Delete this.

>> No.28203830


>> No.28203832

>hasn't even entered town
>already shitting herself


>> No.28203833

Why is Kiara so smug

>> No.28203839

what happens there?
i've never played hl2

>> No.28203840

>dude wtf i put all of my points into athletics and mercantile, why are my spells failing to cast and my blunt weapons not hitting????
ninjas are only with the tribunal xpac installed, you can still escape the assassin or tp away if you arent strong or smart enough to kill them

>> No.28203841
File: 356 KB, 2047x1539, ElHg2-LWAAAEUhl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got a wife she'll be fine

>> No.28203843

>he doesn’t think the guy who dressed up was kino

>> No.28203844


>> No.28203848

This is going to be good

>> No.28203846

Yes anon thats why they changed the ending of Episode 2

>> No.28203847

EN playing death straining when

>> No.28203849

Will Ina get attached and cry for the priest just like Bradley?

>> No.28203850

Oh this is good. This is going to be pure kino

>> No.28203851

Geralt is so handsome...

>> No.28203853


>> No.28203854
File: 1.17 MB, 350x191, 1525339326090.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203855
Quoted by: >>28203924

he was in pre-chat and he had membership, i have no clue why it didnt show him w membership in the wilderpeople stream

>> No.28203856
File: 283 KB, 480x480, 1596084069851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203857

Surprise, it was a horror game.

>> No.28203858
File: 587 KB, 800x1080, infected grigori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28203952

Reminder that Arkane (Dishonored devs) were going to make a spinoff game about going back to Ravenholm after the events of HL2 and Grigori was going to eat Headcrabs and inject their blood into himself then become infected and become a boss.

>> No.28203859

Is she just gonna play the whole thing in one sitting or what
I thought she was gonna quit after the helicopter

>> No.28203860

>put a grid that you can just climb over the ladder
Fucking stupid.

>> No.28203862

I imagine that when a Holo is mass retweeting and liking that they're probably on the toilet taking a massive shit.

>> No.28203864

We don't go there anymore...

>> No.28203865
File: 28 KB, 630x453, 1603324667150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203866
Quoted by: >>28203890

it begins... pain tako...

>> No.28203869


>> No.28203870

>Been a week since she abandoned the image.
I just know she'd gloss over it or get pissy if I SC'd her about it.

>> No.28203871
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1601349097086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too small sukumizu
This gives me a fucking gigaboner every time

>> No.28203876

its just spooky and shit

>> No.28203878

ame leaving town with a literal broken sword

>> No.28203879

>Those scared humus
We havent even seen her react to poison headcrabs

>> No.28203880

>those scared noises

>> No.28203881
File: 414 KB, 1200x1281, 1603379977190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203885

Ahhh Ina's already scared
this gonna be good

>> No.28203886

Be honest: did you get scared by Ravenholm?

>> No.28203887

Well here we go

>> No.28203888
Quoted by: >>28203911

I j_st w_k_ _p, can someone explain this one for me?

>> No.28203891


>> No.28203890

So it begins

>> No.28203894
Quoted by: >>28203955

>2x French girl twins
It would be great

>> No.28203898


>> No.28203899

spooky zombie place

>> No.28203900

The pants were dead

>> No.28203901

To be fair, her voice is pretty much guaranteed to win over EOPs. It's raspy and sexy sounding.

>> No.28203902

Grumpy Ame today

>> No.28203903


>> No.28203904

yell at me more Ame-sama...

>> No.28203908

>makin me choose between Ina and Ame
evil motherfuckers

>> No.28203911

it is what it is, a schizo donating to amelia

>> No.28203914

>Chill stream suddenly becomes an endurance stream

>> No.28203915

There's still room for VR to be explored so expect an episode or two of Alyx. They can't think of any way to revolutionize the regular hl gameplay so they're not going to touch that end. Maybe if they invent something better than m+kb that isn't VR

>> No.28203917

Survival horror out of nowhere

>> No.28203918

I shidded and coom

>> No.28203919
File: 186 KB, 1226x1542, 1602990010728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ame's hands are too small to hold shift comfortably

>> No.28203920

>I like this

>> No.28203922

i love amelia

>> No.28203924

Bro I didn’t get banned lmao I just don’t talk in that chat

>> No.28203925

>shut the fuck up backseating faggots
Yeah Ame, you tell 'em!

>> No.28203926
File: 6 KB, 318x36, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this got me

>> No.28203928

>Ame shitting on chat
Based gremlin

>> No.28203929

ame not taking shit from chat. FULL WRANGLE MODE

>> No.28203930

Ame is shitting on chat extra hard today

>> No.28203931

>being an ALL CAPS fag

>> No.28203934


>> No.28203935

Yes, THAT elevator part was a nightmare for me.

>> No.28203937

Ame telling off the backseat gamers again

>> No.28203939
File: 151 KB, 850x576, __ninomae_ina_nis_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_grandia_lee__sample-41efd0ac5547382e167e170071938aad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204010

>Ina is a boy
Oh god please. I didnt know I needed this.

>> No.28203942


>> No.28203943
File: 47 KB, 627x205, 1600544204570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the current Artia narrative

>> No.28203944

Ravenholm scared the shit out of me when I was young. Those fast zombies are terrifying.

>> No.28203945
Quoted by: >>28203985

>My icing!

>> No.28203946


>> No.28203949


>> No.28203950
Quoted by: >>28203985


>> No.28203951

Even in 2016 when I played it, yup.
The way in which enemies both snuck up on you silently and menacingly approached was brilliantly designed.

>> No.28203952
Quoted by: >>28204023

Why are french devs so based?

>> No.28203955

I'd love to smell both of their hary pits

>> No.28203956
File: 51 KB, 500x386, 1515867238673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28203957
Quoted by: >>28204002


>> No.28203959

Only during the elevator part

>> No.28203960

Stop telling Ame what to do, faggots

>> No.28203961

>She Learned the gimmick that quick
Smart Ina!

>> No.28203962

Shits on chat and the immediately asks them how to do the thing they were telling her to do, that's our Ame.

>> No.28203963
Quoted by: >>28204016

Did that Zombie just yell out "YABAI"

>> No.28203965

Are you ready for Full Life Consequences?

>> No.28203967

she and civia are streaming on sunday and addressing the situation

>> No.28203968


What a shitshow that would be.

>> No.28203969
File: 359 KB, 1563x2198, 1601670180827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I'm sorry A-Amelia... please calm down, don't shout..

>> No.28203970


>> No.28203971


>> No.28203972


>> No.28203974
File: 137 KB, 720x720, Mori 1st.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Number 1

>> No.28203975

she is a precious snowflake and we love her

>> No.28203976
Quoted by: >>28204108

My icy
what was the meaning of it? I remember it was backwards

>> No.28203978
Quoted by: >>28204034

It was scary as hell when I was little, but then again I was scared by the level 343 Guilty Spark in Halo.

>> No.28203979

Bugmen played their hand and their girls paid the price.

>> No.28203982
File: 588 KB, 1000x577, 1601002458038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara Minecraft kino in 15 minutes

>> No.28203981

great fucking horror game and based NPC

>> No.28203983

Woah chillax Arinmelia 'DSP' Hanswatson.

>> No.28203984

>Polka gushing over Mori's mic slip
Fuck I didn't see that the first time. Cute..

>> No.28203985

I don't have your icing!

>> No.28203989

It marked me as a man

>> No.28203993


>> No.28203994

>set zombie on fire
>it runs away screaming

Why am I laughing so goddamn hard

>> No.28203996

Ina has no mercy

>> No.28203997

They made Alyx to sell their VR headset. They did do some retconning in there, so maybe they'll finally make 3. But I was in high school when Episode 2 came out, so I'm not exactly holding my breath anymore.

>> No.28203998

oh for fucks sake, I had finally forgotten about that god damnit

>> No.28203999

any kid would

>> No.28204000

My bad

>> No.28204001

I hope ame does the armor quests to get the lady armorsmith and autismally makes the best armor she can

>> No.28204002

But this is our house :(

>> No.28204004


>> No.28204005
Quoted by: >>28204102

I can't listen to the zombies the same way ever since I found out that they were screaming for god to help them backwards while they're burning to death

>> No.28204007

What's the ETA on this?

>> No.28204008

She wanted to repair her armor instead of helping with the fire...
Ame, your roleplaying reps

>> No.28204010

It mostly works with her roommate but it's still a really cute idea

>> No.28204011
Quoted by: >>28204135

YOUR icing?
I don't have your icing.
Anyway, how are the wife and kids doing?

>> No.28204012
Quoted by: >>28204053

the first gosling's selfie and the L O N D O N were both based and you know it
all your other points are valid though

>> No.28204016

I heard that too, kek.
VERY late

>> No.28204017

>walks right into the spinning blade

>> No.28204020
File: 81 KB, 904x1024, heavy metal intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she instantly learned how to use the saw blades

>> No.28204019


>> No.28204021

oh god

>> No.28204022

ame seriously needs to wrangle her chat it's so fucking cancer, nearly worse than this pisshole

>> No.28204023
File: 98 KB, 500x373, 1596253181006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204054

Culture of making serious high art out of what is considered to be pedestrian and trashy.
See: OFF

>> No.28204025


>> No.28204026

Poison headcrabs spooked me.

>> No.28204027

Ina your framerate

>> No.28204030

Ina says "Haaah?" too often.

>> No.28204034
Quoted by: >>28204075

The flood were genuinely creepy

>> No.28204040

Ina getting frustrated at game physics is too cute

>> No.28204041

Jerry of Rivia...

>> No.28204044

This is fine.

>> No.28204045

Why is her game so fucking glitchy? I never get this shit

>> No.28204046
File: 354 KB, 896x509, 1603219618903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori's new song will feature a guest spot from a famous anituber
>Gura has bought an ring and intends to propose to watson when she hits 2m.

These are going to happen

>> No.28204048

The witcher or HL??

>> No.28204050

Ame said she'd already beat Portal 2 and recommended Gura play it with her.

>> No.28204052

The 1% are antis that harass Holos on twitter.

>> No.28204053

would be based if you didn't look like sticks wearing your dad's baggy clothes you beta faggots.

>> No.28204054

What's that?

>> No.28204055

P-please Ame... Don't dig your heels in! A-Ah ahh, I can feel my testes leaking out of my scrotum...!

>> No.28204056

you breathe too often

>> No.28204057

oh look another retard who doesn't get banter

>> No.28204058

Becoming a independent vtuber twitch streamer


>> No.28204059


>> No.28204061

more like not often enough

>> No.28204062


>> No.28204065

Yes absolutely. Fast zombies and poison zombies scared the fucking shit out of me

>> No.28204069

Wait isn't the portal gun based on this one?

>> No.28204070

hlgg actually likes their chubas

>> No.28204071 [SPOILER] 
File: 63 KB, 659x515, 1603601271590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lurking in the shadows waiting for you

>> No.28204072

Poor Baron...

>> No.28204073

>Ina HL2
>Ame Witcher
>Kiara Minecraft
Sounding pretty kino

>> No.28204074

>i guess he had a lot of practice

>> No.28204075

The Flood were annoying too

>> No.28204077

I like it desu tbqh desu ngl

>> No.28204078

Those fucking screaming running skeleton shitters freaked me the fuck out, yes.

>> No.28204081

Stuff happens in HL2

>> No.28204082

>Wasting ammo

>> No.28204083
Quoted by: >>28204121


>> No.28204084

Ame groundpounding Santa Claus!

>> No.28204085

Those fuckers in hla caused me to mag dump and spray randomly in a panic. Most realistic vr scenario I’ve ever had.

>> No.28204086

does anybody else think walking headcrabs look kind of cute?

>> No.28204087

>that was easy
No shit watchama you're playing on easy modo...

>> No.28204088

"Guess he has a lot of practice" Ame is so based holy FUCK

>> No.28204089

happening 10pm ET

>> No.28204090


>> No.28204093

Is Ame seriously going to go through the entire game? I love the Witcher 3, but it's fucking long.

Also, ursine armor + slicked back hair is best jerry.

>> No.28204095

>picked up on using saw blades quick
>still switches to crowbar to break obstacles

>> No.28204096


>> No.28204097
Quoted by: >>28204153

She reacted to the guy cut in two on the wall, you know, the things the devs placed that is intended as a tutorial

>> No.28204100

>Missing Ravenkino
Ame is great but come on anon.

>> No.28204101

Yes but in a good way. Had a great atmosphere.

>> No.28204102

>found out
You couldn't hear the screams?

>> No.28204104

Fuuuuuuck you

>> No.28204105
Quoted by: >>28204126

wtf jannies deleted my schizo theories do I need to take meds or go further

>> No.28204106

these fuckers are nightmare incarnate in HL:Alyx

>> No.28204107

What situation?

>> No.28204108

>God help me! Help me!

>> No.28204109

launch a grenade at my feet and hope I'm not 1hp yet.

>> No.28204110
Quoted by: >>28204155

who are you quoting?

>> No.28204112

>Competing against gookshit and boomershit
Jesus Christ, what a sad state music is nowadays.

>> No.28204115

Ah god, it's such bad timing. I can't pass up a first timers playthrough of Ravenholm but Kiara's become my must watch EN streamer...

>> No.28204116

Ina is sat on Nene's face in this picture. Just look at her expression

>> No.28204119
File: 1.20 MB, 1200x1200, Ek1BsWkU0AIbVJi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204120

I fucking HATE these motherfuckers like you wouldn't believe

>> No.28204121

She obviously played it before. It the guy who's playing did. What you think she's playing instead of just commenting over get bf's gameplay? Haha

>> No.28204122


>> No.28204124

The blade is stuck in a wall by an already dismembered zombie, and as soon as you pick it up one spawns. It's the most intuitive shit ever you asshats

>> No.28204123


>> No.28204126

go further

>> No.28204128
File: 109 KB, 818x119, FUNNY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204129
Quoted by: >>28204208

Leaked list? Fuck I missed something again

>> No.28204130

Fast zombies! Fast zombies!

>> No.28204131


>> No.28204133
File: 399 KB, 562x468, FatherG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Judge, oh Lord, those who do injustice to me. Fight for those who fight with me.

>> No.28204135
Quoted by: >>28204508

It's been nearly 12 years.

>> No.28204136

Why couldn't the whole game be like Ravenholm? HL2 could have been way better if they just cut out the shitty parts and made more normal kill enemies areas like this.

>> No.28204137

>Ame gets mad at capslocking poorfag retards.
>Asks for help afterwards.
>Give short and concise answer.
>Get drowned out by spamming capslocking poorfags.

>> No.28204138
File: 114 KB, 200x216, 1583711116434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204174

seems so

>> No.28204139
Quoted by: >>28204171

being annoying isn't banter it's just fucking annoying

>> No.28204145

These get a lot less scary once you realize they can't kill you by themselves.

>> No.28204146

It fills the quiet and keeps things going

>> No.28204149

The leadup spooked the hell out of me but as soon as they gave me the sawblade all fear vanished and the whole level just became a halloween-themed physics playground.

>> No.28204153

You'll need to forgive that other anon, if the game doesn't pause and bring up a tutorial text box complete with video he doesn't even know how to walk forward

>> No.28204154

As I was saying, it's just jealousy

>> No.28204155

The voices in his head I think; He's off his meds, plz undastand.

>> No.28204156

10k viewers, Witcher already showing its debuff power

>> No.28204161
File: 133 KB, 960x525, 1603232822396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Ina being a huge scaredy baby made me think... None of the ENs are older siblings from what we know. Mori and Ina had older sisters, Kiara has an older brother and I think Ame is an only child. Gura hasn't gone into her family from what I know but considering how well she jives with Ame she sounds like an only child too.

I wonder, is this common among holos?

>> No.28204163

it's what people that still use fucking itunes are buying anon, finding your niche amazing 10/10 tech-death jazz fusion prog trap band is easier than ever

>> No.28204166

promoting is against the rules
get lost

>> No.28204167

Not picking the white options to get more dialogue....

>> No.28204169

Think she'd prefer the tight gimp light armor.

>> No.28204170
Quoted by: >>28204317

Take your meds and stop bringing up Jerma on hlgg of all places

>> No.28204171

It is banter. She shits on chat, chat shits on her.
If you did your reps you'd know that she's always been like this.

>> No.28204174

Is that real?

>> No.28204175
Quoted by: >>28204197

>amelia will never make fun of your flaccid prick

>> No.28204176 [SPOILER] 
File: 66 KB, 700x350, 1603601450879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204431

its call peak game design
you are welcome

>> No.28204177

oh no he's actually fucking seething kek

>> No.28204178

at what point does this become reportable harassment?

>> No.28204180
File: 156 KB, 1160x1337, f9b250afd12209a291318b507dd20f5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204182
Quoted by: >>28204260

why does this faggot have a check by his name

>> No.28204186

Can this guy just fuck off already?
Jesus Christ.

>> No.28204187

This wasn't banter you retard, there was no gremlin laugh she legit found them annoying which I agree with.

>> No.28204189
Quoted by: >>28204211

>"For the days of my life have vanished like smoke, and my bones are parched like ash, and let all my impurities be as fuel for that fire until nothing remains but the Light alone."

>> No.28204191

Yeah. They had a fuck load more hp for some reason and you couldn't just punt them with the gravity gun anymore.

>> No.28204190


>> No.28204192
Quoted by: >>28204211

Draw for the sword, and sheath it in those who afflict me, say to my soul, I am thy salvation.

>> No.28204194

his fault for not being a cute anime artist girl

>> No.28204197

>she says it's just sad, not funny

>> No.28204198
Quoted by: >>28204225

It honestly upsets me that shes using her guns so much and not the grav gun or traps.

>> No.28204199

Yes but then again I was a kid when I played HL2

>> No.28204200
Quoted by: >>28204233

I don't remember if it was the hotel room where there were loads of these fucking things, but it made for one of the scariest experiences I've had with a game. Especially when I opened a dumpster and one of those cunts came out.

>> No.28204205
File: 40 KB, 463x335, takocrab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204246

>It's fine, Priestess!

>> No.28204206

can't believe this faggot is still going

>> No.28204207
File: 542 KB, 1921x1080, batter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204358

>he doesn't know off
Damn bro you're in for an experience, I wish I could play it for the first time again.

>> No.28204209

Why is an eldrich abomination apologizing for killing zombies?

>> No.28204208

You didn't miss anything, he just pulled that out of his ass.

>> No.28204211

>May their paths become dark and slippery; and may the angel of the Lord afflict them.

>> No.28204213

Isn't she supposed to be the gamer?

>> No.28204214
Quoted by: >>28204265

yeah it is decided I love Ina

>> No.28204215

took this fag until now to realize this? what a retard lmfao

>> No.28204216


>> No.28204218 [DELETED] 
File: 279 KB, 360x450, 1589845431774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HoloEN gen 2
>she's in
how mad?

>> No.28204221
File: 72 KB, 222x264, 1584262438197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That dude is shamelessly promoting himself through inciting controversies. Ignore him.

>> No.28204225

she will run out of ammo soon

>> No.28204227
File: 310 KB, 1359x1166, Mmoonnaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona loveyou!!!

>> No.28204228

He's seething

>> No.28204232
File: 859 KB, 1659x1074, 1603424668886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is that?

>> No.28204233

It was the hotel where you get the combine assault rifle. Then you turn the breaker on and every goes fucking PITCH BLACK AND THEY SPAWN NON STOP

>> No.28204234


>> No.28204237
File: 438 KB, 1075x1192, 1602487729794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im pretty sure Ame mentioned she has an older brother. dont know if they talk tho.

>> No.28204239
File: 34 KB, 227x222, 1603341296454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204275

>ame will never call you pathetic
why live bros

>> No.28204243

stop posting your shitty comments here

>> No.28204247
File: 123 KB, 983x950, 1600566914581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204276

The same reason she's apologizing for not being the best or smartest at the game.

She's Canadian.

>> No.28204246

anon you are doing the old ones work beyond based

>> No.28204250
File: 221 KB, 1212x582, takomashingun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204249

Still some space left for those who want to draw along side of Ina's voice

>> No.28204252


>> No.28204255

Honestly people just don't buy music much any more, especially not people who actively use apple products. it's just the big fans and the audiophiles/data hoarders who care about having permanent copies.

>> No.28204256

>Can't watch Ame since I don't wanna be spoiled for when I play the game
I love you Ame, but I have to watch you later...

>> No.28204258
Quoted by: >>28204281

thought she was playing on normal

>> No.28204260

Anyone can get checkmarked on youtube, all you need is 100k subs.

>> No.28204265
Quoted by: >>28204341

Me too takobro, I want to see her play nuPrey

>> No.28204266
Quoted by: >>28204329

Ravenholm is a lot less scarier as an adult

>> No.28204267

Ame just said ``lubricant''

but she pronounced it like luh-brick-unt

does she not use lubricant enough to know how to say it?

>> No.28204268

Mori almost certainly has younger sisters. Read the lyrics to 'Girls Who Say Fuck'.

Ame also is a younger sister, given she's talked about how her older brother is who got her into gaming.

>> No.28204269

towa burger version?
cute pit tho

>> No.28204272

Just report him and fuck off

>> No.28204274

She can probably understand what they are saying

>> No.28204275

But she calls chat pathetic all the time.

>> No.28204276
File: 6 KB, 189x267, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I have been laid down in a pit of darknesses and the shadow of death. And thy anger has pressed down upon me; and all thy cares have come down upon me. And from this bed I cry out for the kindling of thy Light!"

>> No.28204278 [DELETED] 

She's literally a boomer s*nzawa so I don't think too many people will be upset

>> No.28204281

normal might as well be easy. this game takes the piss

>> No.28204285

Is Ina refusing to use the magnum on purpose or does she actually not notice it every time she switches weapon?

>> No.28204286 [DELETED] 

Everyone in /hlgg/

>> No.28204287


>> No.28204288

And some guy told me I was being autistic for calling him a leech
That's embarassing

>> No.28204290

To be honest, no monster bothered me like the fucking worms in the water.

>> No.28204291

cute! cute tako!

>> No.28204292
File: 154 KB, 445x390, 1593549867102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look so cool here! Thanks Takobro!

>> No.28204293
File: 605 KB, 1018x936, 1564807405471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell if this is trying to be funny and failing or genuine seethe, either way this fag needs to fuck off

>> No.28204294
File: 13 KB, 189x189, 1603114339516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204295

Oh yeah, she did, didn't she?

>> No.28204296
File: 72 KB, 538x670, 5344543531315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204298 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 1024x576, kyoani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204385

>how mad?

>> No.28204299

what's moona appeal? what does she do in her streams

>> No.28204302 [DELETED] 

Not at all. She’ll get doxxed to hell and back and will be constantly reminded of pomf.

>> No.28204301
Quoted by: >>28204358

RPGMaker game made by a French dude that had a cult following in the late 00s . It's artsy and abstract, so you'll either like it or you'll hate it, but its probably the most exceptional RPGMaker game alongside Yume Nikki.

Oh, and it's actually an RPG, unlike Yume Nikki.

>> No.28204304
File: 436 KB, 1920x1080, 【Half-Life 2】Rise and shine, Mister Freeman_00.40.54.111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204720

>Gas them all
Ina wtf

>> No.28204306
Quoted by: >>28204965

she said lubberkin retard

>> No.28204308

I like how she does live mystery with her genmates. I can't understand the stories but the comments say she talks about cryptids and ghosts.

>> No.28204310 [DELETED] 
File: 262 KB, 859x1153, 1603567529840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grigori reminds me of a certain someone.

>> No.28204311


>> No.28204312
File: 7 KB, 344x60, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204309

It was only a matter of time

>> No.28204314
Quoted by: >>28204420

Don't know what's worse, this guy constantly spamming his shit or the fags who actually acknowledge him in the chat.

>> No.28204316

I'm choosing HL2 over witcher 3 despite being more of Ameliafag, please forgive me

>> No.28204317

Look at the bottom right, retardchama.

>> No.28204318

I'll make her explode

>> No.28204319

Rrepair the Arrmor

>> No.28204320

Now that Gura isnt going to stream until Monday night, are you ready for some "only X sub growth, SHES RECLINING!" posts? We are in a timeloop after all.

>> No.28204322
File: 7 KB, 367x61, 68325385345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28204323

>this game takes the piss

What's it gonna do with it?

>> No.28204324

Noel is singing the SOUL song.

>> No.28204325

>All gen 5 getting a boost in subs
feels good man

>> No.28204326 [DELETED] 

Total meltdown.

>> No.28204328
Quoted by: >>28204413


>> No.28204329

it's way brighter than I remember. Also not on a CRT with true blacks.

>> No.28204331

Ina seems to enjoy this...

>> No.28204332

She said that he talks about batman all the time when she ends up talking with him

>> No.28204334

aint nothing but a heartache

>> No.28204337
File: 737 KB, 2015x4096, 1601779807916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Although they call me crazy, I care not, for thou art my helper, my strength, and my savior.

>> No.28204342

vietnam vet tako never came home...

>> No.28204341

I haven't paid much attention to her
are her streams this chill usually? I hope that they are because I love this

>> No.28204343
Quoted by: >>28204377

probably just wants to use the grav gun but she lost her saw

>> No.28204344
Quoted by: >>28204356

Poison crabs are here..

>> No.28204347


>> No.28204348

Now he's straight up insulting her, great.

>> No.28204350


>> No.28204351
File: 8 KB, 364x74, based ao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear cover get some chat jannies

>> No.28204355

who cares fuck off

>> No.28204354
File: 182 KB, 460x383, 147574096146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is who valve hires to do playtesting

>> No.28204356

Ina's squishing them like bugs...

>> No.28204357

The poison headcrabs noises still make me unsettled and I'm not even playing it. Ina is a brave soul

>> No.28204358

Thanks, I'll take a look at it

>> No.28204359
File: 6 KB, 365x100, ytcFilter-dWPEe7sgF_Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204360
File: 5 KB, 362x49, 1579825781052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204361

This reads like the schizoposts made here

>> No.28204362 [DELETED] 

She wouldn't last a year. Her past would catch up to her.

>> No.28204364

She doesn't even know what the black ones do, she just launched furniture at them

>> No.28204365
Quoted by: >>28204542

Ina streams are always chill and always distort time

>> No.28204366
File: 1.92 MB, 500x390, dpkagTS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204433

kek, i can't take him seriously after all those gmod videos, same as almost every valve character.

>> No.28204367

get that ass banned

>> No.28204368

cant wait for ame to hit sub 10k numbers playing the sleeper 3
fucking horrible stream game. dont care if its an actual good game, there's a difference between good and watchable.

>> No.28204370

I don't mind personally, I don't have the confidence she would do well on a harder difficulty and she seems to be enjoying the story and pace of the game.

>> No.28204371 [DELETED] 

will become doxxfag myself

>> No.28204372
File: 2.84 MB, 2015x4096, hmmhmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204373

Gwentniggers need to leave

>> No.28204374

you guys are too triggered by a checkmark

>> No.28204375
File: 49 KB, 932x537, Fuck you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Made a suggestion to Ame during her quests to help her
>She yells at me

I'm done, she didn't have to be like that. Maybe I'll renew later on but I've had enough of her shit for today. Christ, just do your armor repair already

>> No.28204377

I meant whenever she switches to the pistol, she hasn't even tried using it yet.

>> No.28204378

Based AO-chad

>> No.28204380
File: 496 KB, 2737x3924, 1603169477795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confession: I have a small penis...

>> No.28204379
Quoted by: >>28204447

That has been her manager that has been in her chat since day 1.

>> No.28204383

>"My power was lost in places which were not mine. Affliction besought me, and the merciless ones attacked me without cause."

>> No.28204385


>> No.28204387

Based fuck this literal who.

>> No.28204388

just report the niggerfaggot and move on

>> No.28204389

Niggerman save us from this autistic fucker

>> No.28204390

Based AO-Chan putting the seething retard in place

>> No.28204391
Quoted by: >>28204466

I assume he's simply trying to be funny by indirectly calling himself stupid, but it just falls flat.

>> No.28204396

mucho basado, AO-chan

>> No.28204398

Is it gay to want Ao-chan's futa cock to peg me?

>> No.28204400
File: 249 KB, 542x634, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204563

so much overlap..

>> No.28204402

Holy shit is Ina the only one with a mod?

>> No.28204404

So the EN collab really boosted her popularity, huh?

>> No.28204405

This guy posts videos to YouTube every 3 months. Maybe he should work harder.

>> No.28204406

>I can relate to her stupidity
This comes off as an autist trying to be funny but just being a dickhead.

>> No.28204407

Nothing beats those dumb glasses you get at the auction, not sure if hey make Geralt look awesome or like a moron but i love them either way

>> No.28204408

What was said? I've got chat hidden

>> No.28204410

She never needed it, I get her wet enough the natural way

>> No.28204411

>Titanfall 2
Hopefully the gods of speed bless her

>> No.28204412
File: 34 KB, 1200x599, 1602849973079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nidhogg 2
Sea of Thieves
Risk of Rain
Rock of Ages 2
4X games
Racing games
Honestly, I think latency is bigger problem than language barrier.

>> No.28204413
File: 528 KB, 920x495, Screenshot 2020-09-30 090250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...is doing better than the rest of hololive as well. keep it up kiara!

>> No.28204414

Get told caps lock faggot.

>> No.28204415

>He was the caplocks fag
Good riddance.

>> No.28204416

who is this mod btw?

>> No.28204417
File: 227 KB, 719x729, 1599302190370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame just completely ignoring chat now

>> No.28204418

remember to thank your meido

>> No.28204419


>> No.28204420

What's worse is youtube giving snowflakes a highlighted name in other people's live chats. If they're not a mod, the owner or staff it's irrelevant.

>> No.28204422

Not sure who's dumber between Ame and her chat.

>> No.28204421
Quoted by: >>28204542

ehh i couldn't say for sure i watch her play Call of cthulhu but that's about it. But yeah she's chill most of the time and likes to make puns. Also she seems to be a closet pervert. Kiara is the open one

>> No.28204424

Ina's BF...

>> No.28204423

He's trying to be funny but is just coming off as a faggot. He needs to kill himself.

>> No.28204426


>> No.28204427

You won't be missed

>> No.28204428

literally just watch the stream and let her play...

>> No.28204429

she doesnt need to anyways so why does it matter
she could always try to collab but i think she has an exclusivity deal with twitch for streaming

>> No.28204430


>> No.28204431

Lord GABEN, praise be to him.

>> No.28204432

Maybe you shouldn't backseat.

>> No.28204433
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.28204434
File: 224 KB, 1280x1024, gVJrXBAp9S_ha4R47d4nx79IWpz1nl4g86F5Jnna0a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204697

Jesus anon, could you have insulted Ina any harder?

>> No.28204435
File: 360 KB, 748x848, 1603388716988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204436

Pekora as well.

>> No.28204437

A-Ame please stop hitting me, it hurts, I promise I wont do it again, is all my fault. I know you keep teeling me to not make you do this, Im just too useless.

>> No.28204438
Quoted by: >>28204478

scroll up

>> No.28204440

It's a good stream game, it's like watching a movie

>> No.28204441

it was a kind of cute bit to start off with but there's a point where "haha I have to go through this shit so I'll ironically do it to someone else" just becomes shit.

>> No.28204442

what a catastroff

>> No.28204444
File: 4 KB, 279x223, averagetentacultmember.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Ao-chan

>> No.28204443


>> No.28204447

AO-chan is not manager, she's more like chat mod for Ina.

>> No.28204449

Imagine outing yourself because you're pissed you were a faggot

>> No.28204450

Get backseated

>> No.28204451
Quoted by: >>28204625

Probably doesn’t even know it exists. She keeps using the pistol and forgets about the smg, and grenades

>> No.28204452


>> No.28204453

comparing today, What is improving?
games, gamers or level design?

>> No.28204454 [SPOILER] 
File: 57 KB, 470x750, 1603601898328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204455

あばよ fag-kun

>> No.28204456

I have gave him the benefit out of doubt first but he is just self promoting now.

>> No.28204457

Hololive needs more people to do this.

>> No.28204458

Reminder that valve put no melee weapon in Alyx because retards kept thinking they were Gordon

>> No.28204460

As far as I can tell the only one who is 100% present and active. Huke comes close but idk how much moderation actually is done.

>> No.28204462
Quoted by: >>28204539

>This guy?
>This guy?
>This guy?
>How do I?
>This guy?

>> No.28204464


>> No.28204467

Aight gonna report this faggot, let's hope that along with some takobros we can get this twitchfaggot away from our Ina

>> No.28204466

are we writing narratives for youtube chats now?

>> No.28204468

>rock of ages
Holy shit forgot about this game. Would love to see it.

>> No.28204470

The Half Witcher 2

>> No.28204471
File: 393 KB, 2000x1250, 1602359871723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does all the time anon, making twitch chat stop sperging is an endless battle, will take many many months

>> No.28204472
Quoted by: >>28204604

Imagine crying about someone playing a game sub-optimally.

Just watch the cute girl kill monsters anon

>> No.28204474


>> No.28204473
File: 422 KB, 216x194, 1597243335155.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204475

It's like you barely know your oshi. Amelia hates backseating.

>> No.28204476
File: 199 KB, 2048x2048, 1586655508363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit what a faggot

>> No.28204478
Quoted by: >>28204503

Woops, missed that one sorry

>> No.28204481

If you think Mori antis are bad, if this bitch got in, there'd be real shitshows.

>> No.28204482

I'm sure she's really hurt about losing your $5

>> No.28204483

Don't forget about L*ger

>> No.28204484
Quoted by: >>28204510

turkey comment
god I love her

>> No.28204485

I'm surprised she got such a boost, considering how much she was sperging out most of the time

>> No.28204487

>headcrabs kinda cute

What the FUCK Ina

>> No.28204489

out of

>> No.28204490
File: 29 KB, 400x400, takowarning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204491

Keep it that way. Not worth it

>> No.28204493

>he doesn't want to get yelled at by ame

>> No.28204494
File: 305 KB, 478x480, 1602907659114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204492

did Ina just say she feels the headcrabs are cute?

>> No.28204496

Valve kino/10

>> No.28204499

>She yells at me
I'd pay double for that

>> No.28204502

Do you think Gura hates Coco's guts for being a redditdragon?

>> No.28204503

dont worry

>> No.28204504
File: 92 KB, 388x360, 1599937306832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I love Ao-chan so fucking much, I wish every Holo had an equivalent.

>> No.28204506

more like your back is seething

>> No.28204507
File: 168 KB, 900x896, 1343382710654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204552


>> No.28204508
File: 2.38 MB, 1452x1070, 1601831466422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204509
File: 318 KB, 750x750, ina pancakes lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204510
Quoted by: >>28204548

canadian as fuck

>> No.28204512

BASED book

>> No.28204511

dude you're such a faggot you really wanted her to thank you and say your name for telling her how to play?

>> No.28204513
Quoted by: >>28204549

Cute but ao-chan isn't a tako

>> No.28204514

Wait a minute... that cat...

>> No.28204517

Why I always miss participating in these...

>> No.28204520

see you tomorrow

>> No.28204522


>> No.28204523

AO is pretty reasonable to be fair, the bits were cute to start out with but it's actually interrupting her chat. Apply the hammer Ancient One.

>> No.28204524
File: 31 KB, 370x299, rrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204525


>> No.28204526
File: 118 KB, 1200x900, dfyrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First picture of HL3 headcrab zombie leaked

>> No.28204527
File: 10 KB, 160x160, 1600960461347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204662

>Who's a good Turkey
Ina is brave or fucking insane to find them cute

>> No.28204528

Hahaha get fucked backseater

>> No.28204529
File: 80 KB, 288x288, 1595857558357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what reason did you post this.
Ah, right, for (You)s.
Good thing we have something around here for that.

ogey rrat

>> No.28204532

Inna's inner S is showing...

>> No.28204534

Sometimes I wish I was allowed to post crying wojak faces on /jp/

>> No.28204533
File: 146 KB, 1920x1080, EivrLA3X0AAM9wJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get rekt rrat

>> No.28204535

Oh no, now she's having fun killing...

>> No.28204536

based, one works better desu since simpler, faster and less fucking ugly

>> No.28204538
File: 414 KB, 1281x1116, 1603563898064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked

>> No.28204539

Yeah, I'll watch the VOD later on x2 speed and so I can skip annoying shit like that

>> No.28204540

Can she stop hurting herself for one encounter with a mob?

>> No.28204541

Lol get filtered faggot.

>> No.28204542

glad to hear

>> No.28204543

Get fucked lol

>> No.28204545
File: 45 KB, 404x532, 1464989616859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204547

the fuck kinda help do you even need on normal? it's a pure faceroll.

>> No.28204548
Quoted by: >>28204582

Turkeys are a Canadian thing...?

>> No.28204549

she's goddess tako and ina is her head priestess

>> No.28204550
File: 17 KB, 389x389, 1601357763991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I used to watch this guy play through shitty Half Life mods all the time. Then he started using a mic instead of captions and I lost all interest.

>> No.28204552

Shit I haven't seen one of these templates in a while

>> No.28204553
File: 16 KB, 128x124, 1579296980906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204556

Good riddance, dumbass backseater. You don't deserve her.

>> No.28204555

>ame guerilla streams witcher
>says it's just side quests
>she's doing main quests
ey wtf

>> No.28204559

I just checked that page and Gura is 100 000 subs up on Korone now.

>> No.28204560

Anyone got the clip?

>> No.28204562

Level design has been dumbed down. What do you mean improved?
Dishonored devs had a level where you as a THIEF needed to steal some stuff and the guest said level 2 is out of bounds so the playtesters took it at face value and never went up. Players cannot understand context anymore. Any information the game gives is taken by the game at face value, even if the information is given by a someone you shouldn't trust.

>> No.28204563
Quoted by: >>28204649


>> No.28204565

Caplockfag BTFO lmao

>> No.28204566

Ame, don't fuck up the botchling

>> No.28204570


>> No.28204572
Quoted by: >>28204709

>how do I repair
>chat tells her
>goes to wrong npc, does everything wrong
>this doesn't work right... how do I do it chat?
>chat tells her again
>takes her another 5 min to do it
>chat: that's what we tried to tell you

>> No.28204581
File: 219 KB, 412x444, 1602908100558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked backseater

>> No.28204577
File: 442 KB, 712x1043, Noel TAKE YOUR MEDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204579

Based, one fewer retard in her chat.

>> No.28204582

canadian thanks giving was like a few weeks ago

>> No.28204587
Quoted by: >>28204635

Based Ame BTFO another nigger

>> No.28204589

I didn't think I'd ever see Jolly getting ass mad over chuubas

>> No.28204588

its a good stream game, its just a commitment to stay up to date which is unappealing to the masses

>> No.28204591

Why isn't this part of the manager's job? They should be watching the streams and supa pruning anyway.

>> No.28204592


>> No.28204593


>> No.28204594
Quoted by: >>28204735

This shit he’s pulling makes me want to unsub

>> No.28204595

Do JOPs get super autistic about backseating when Japanese Holos play Japanese games? Because between Half Life and The Witcher the entire chat is just filled with autists telling them how to play

>> No.28204597

Ina and explosive barrels is a dangerous combo.

>> No.28204599

That fastcrab, man.

big kusa

>> No.28204600

Ina and explosive barrels are a winning combo

>> No.28204601


>> No.28204605


>> No.28204606
File: 748 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204642

>> No.28204604
Quoted by: >>28205016

>Imagine crying about someone playing a game sub-optimally.
this entire thread when Mori plays anything

>> No.28204610
File: 84 KB, 288x248, 1602846529041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get dunked on caps fag

>> No.28204608
File: 62 KB, 400x400, aeZ0X9TlKM-n-gPnnL-QBg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204658

I fucking love it when Ina does something stupid and she just goes dead quiet with a gigantic smile on her face

>> No.28204611

first the dog retard and now this lol, the absolute state.

>> No.28204613

I feel like gamers are getting worse exactly because of the stupid amount of handholding games have today, trying to leave the "nerd" niche they had in the '00 in exchange of a larger market pandering.

>> No.28204615

Lmao get fucked retard

>> No.28204617
Quoted by: >>28204668

desu she wouldn't have that problem if her streaming performance wasn't so bori- i mean "comfy"

>> No.28204619

Dude getting yelled at by her should cost extra, I would pay for that shit in a second.

>> No.28204620
File: 87 KB, 248x238, 1603331183082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel being the biggest faggot in this thread?

>> No.28204624
File: 319 KB, 1246x2000, 1600671937687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watchama's fat, sweaty tits after beating the shit out of a backseater!

>> No.28204625

Yeah, chat keeps telling her too but she doesn't seem to notice. Oh well.

>> No.28204627
File: 1.60 MB, 1877x2326, 6876786874868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204629

>open ames stream
>see some disgusting abomination crawling towards the screen
wtf is this game about witcherfags?

>> No.28204630
File: 75 KB, 377x617, fast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204705


>> No.28204632

Best thing is this works for the thread too.

>> No.28204633

save the botchling!

>> No.28204635

She’s on a roll today making examples of people

>> No.28204636

Imagine there are Amelias out there in the real world.

Now imagine that the men in their lives are as fickle, weak and unstable as this.

>> No.28204637

>Not donating $500 after getting directly yelled at by Ame
What a nigger, not even a true teamate

>> No.28204638


>> No.28204640
File: 37 KB, 742x565, Nevermind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay nevermind what I said, I just renewed. I'm sorry Amelia and Teammates, I'm just having a bad day. I overreacted about this

>> No.28204639

yes, you should have saw the early days of holo jp minecraft if you thought the backseating in holo en was bad

>> No.28204641
Quoted by: >>28204859

Where Gura?

>> No.28204642
Quoted by: >>28204924

is this all the OC we've produce in these threads?

>> No.28204648
File: 66 KB, 326x282, 1601757761690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204649

There is only on choice and it's this one for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=valQZEMJBEg

>> No.28204651

Cute little baby!

>> No.28204653
Quoted by: >>28204703

Ina seems to be ignoring the chat. Amelia should do the same as well.

>> No.28204657
Quoted by: >>28204692

Why would a headcrab be poisonous tho?

>> No.28204658

It's bloody adorable, I can't get enough of it.

>> No.28204660
File: 15 KB, 423x64, 1603602169622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204662

She's got a point on the regular headcrabs, the way they waddle is kinda cute.

>> No.28204665


>> No.28204666

no one will ever care about your "suggestions", sperg

>> No.28204667


>> No.28204668

It wouldn't be a problem if an attention whore wasn't attention whoring. And he's getting put in his place.

>> No.28204673
File: 44 KB, 600x356, Moona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uuuhh... Moona?

>> No.28204675

that's the man's dead baby. have some respect.

>> No.28204679


>> No.28204676
Quoted by: >>28204773

>using guns in Ravenholm


>> No.28204682

Easiest bait ever.

>> No.28204684

it's an abortion

>> No.28204685


>> No.28204691

Do we watch comfy MC with Chicken guys?

She might get into stupid shit or give us lots of lore

>> No.28204692

They are black headcrabs and have HIV

>> No.28204694


>> No.28204695

trying to give peace to the crawling abomination because it's a cursed aborted fetus

>> No.28204696

I haven't played HL2 since it first came out but I remember this area clearly. Good shit.

>> No.28204697
File: 65 KB, 750x642, 1461671289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, she is literalyl retarded.

she is navigating every part of this game the completely wrong way and missing literally every clue the game throws at her.

>doesn't look at character whos talking to her
>doesnt look at all the action going on
>doesnt use the traps
>loses the combine ball and fucks up the rest of the game of catch

how do you fuck up this much

>> No.28204698


>> No.28204699

>oh fuck

>> No.28204700
File: 19 KB, 534x248, 1601701412030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, anon. Take a few for the road, too.

>> No.28204701

mmmm Kiara sheepherding stream.

>> No.28204702

Attention seeker faggit

>> No.28204703
Quoted by: >>28204776

ina looks at chat backseat after a couple minutes of each puzzle

>> No.28204704


>> No.28204705

>sections without muscle fiber

>> No.28204709
Quoted by: >>28204762


>> No.28204710

ok actually based

>> No.28204712


>> No.28204717

I would, see you there

>> No.28204718


>> No.28204720
File: 1.28 MB, 851x1045, ina gas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204920


>> No.28204721

ah, yes, the ol "who baited who" scenario, subarashii

>> No.28204722

Arise Chichken

>> No.28204726


>> No.28204724

Supernatural shit, curses and people being people, this nigga beat up his wife until she miscarried and left him, now he has to save the monster baby to find her wife again

>> No.28204725

I like em wide

>> No.28204728

Just remember there can always be a worse day and be thankful for whatever you can

>> No.28204729
Quoted by: >>28204781

What are people even talking about in Ina's stream chat if not the stream? What possible personal conversations could they be having?

>> No.28204732

where do these faggots come from?

>> No.28204733
File: 7 KB, 367x54, 6735476346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are these fags coming out of the woodwork...

>> No.28204735
Quoted by: >>28204796

that dude has like 600k subs and 45 videos with over a million views each. Why is he shitting on Ina? It doesn't even make sense to be jealous of her numbers; he's already doing fine

>> No.28204737

>So many dead hours
>The 3 HoloEN decide to overlap

>> No.28204739 [SPOILER] 
File: 72 KB, 412x327, 1603602278276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204840

W-what's this...?

>> No.28204740
File: 334 KB, 681x383, 1599307994368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all coming together.

>> No.28204743

Ok now this is where it gets good

>> No.28204745

she's had a lot of boosts lately. A mild boost from HoloEN to start with by interacting with Ame a lot in her chat and passively from being a English speaking Holo. Then the whole Pekora thing happened which shot her to the moon, she also helped Sora and a few others and was part of some real cute moments on the main server. After that you had the HoloEN collab where she toured the server for them and then she turned up in Miko's minecraft stream and showed Miko her fanfic. Moona is inclining hard lately but she's also moving so she's not going to be streaming much.

>> No.28204746

Ina's in the big leagues now...

>> No.28204749
File: 72 KB, 194x163, piercebrosnan3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, YES.

>> No.28204751

DeSinc is actually based

>> No.28204750

Pekora rolls her r's really well for a nip.

>> No.28204754
Quoted by: >>28204824

Same people wondering why they're building railways on a fresh Minecraft server instead of building ice boat roads.

>> No.28204756

It's very likely that backseating will rob you of a cute moment or something similar, given the possibility of it happening, wouldn't you?

>> No.28204757


>> No.28204758

do these faggots not have private accounts they can use. surely they know coming in with their primaries is just going to derail chat.

>> No.28204759
File: 19 KB, 320x368, 1603512139036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disappointed she didn't upgrade her armor at the smith. ame's just not as autismal as I'd hoped

>> No.28204762

Just happened my dude

>> No.28204764
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1601341865090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina not B-hopping out middle, through ivy, into connector to speedrun Ravenholm

>> No.28204765

Using the scientist as his profile image makes it
>come on, Gordon, you're an MIT graduate

>> No.28204766

Is anyone else annoyed that Gura's opening logo bounces randomly instead of just copying DVD screensaver logic and periodically bouncing off the corner?

>> No.28204767
Quoted by: >>28204816

Anyone has the clip of this anon getting dunked?

>> No.28204768


>> No.28204769


>> No.28204770

down under

>> No.28204771

Fucking based

>> No.28204772

Half life autism

>> No.28204773
Quoted by: >>28204858

What's wrong with using guns in Ravenholm?

>> No.28204775

do a 360 off this zombie

>> No.28204776

That is cause she wants the help. That is the only time backseating is probably allowed.

>> No.28204777

Everybody has said it, but still, I'll chip in. Kill yourself loser.

>> No.28204778

>So dark just like my heart


>> No.28204781

Some literally who Half Life letsplayer with a verified checkmark is talking about his own channel and calling Ina stupid "ironically"

>> No.28204782


>> No.28204783

>She yells at me
Why is it the undeserving ones that have good things happen to them?

>> No.28204785
File: 5 KB, 289x36, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit!

>> No.28204787

First time a vtuber is playing stuff like this, I guess.

>> No.28204789 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 172x185, 1603602350832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204791

so true peko

>> No.28204794

Leeches looking for a boost.

>> No.28204793

>eceleb I don't like comments on stream
>eceleb I don't like comments on stream

At least be consistent retards, are you all schizophrenic?

>> No.28204796

>It doesn't even make sense to be jealous of her numbers; he's already doing fine
Jealousy is not rational, he's attention starved

>> No.28204798

Valve games is one of the worst communities

>> No.28204799

what's moona appeal? what does she do in her streams

>> No.28204797

Ina really does deserve more erotic art.


>> No.28204802

why do verified faggots have such obvious names? Super obnoxious

>> No.28204807

Woke up early just for that

>> No.28204808
File: 3 KB, 315x33, 1577423275930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AO is angry.

>> No.28204809

AO laying the smack down

>> No.28204810
File: 4 KB, 261x40, 1576252473427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28204811


>> No.28204812

AO-chan banned someone? How do you even tell?

>> No.28204813


>> No.28204814


>> No.28204815

I hope that faggot got banned

>> No.28204817

I missed the thread for the Minecraft HoloJP server tour, but I'm watching the video and Moona's English really makes her come off being the wallflower of the three. Her ESL'ness was really showing, but maybe the experience was useful for helping her in regards to how people who are more proficient in English actually conversate. Like in regards to word choice and such. Then again it was really only two hours of an experience at most. Maybe she can collab with them more in the future. Would be cute to see her graduate from fresh off the boat ESL talk to a more well honed English.

>> No.28204816

The stream just started clip watcher.

>> No.28204819
File: 250 KB, 1084x257, 1593323640372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204820
File: 3 KB, 330x52, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204876

>> No.28204824


>> No.28204826


>> No.28204827


>> No.28204829

I can't tell if she is enjoying it. It seems a solid "meh", but then again, it's been like 3 hours.

>> No.28204830

Holy fucking based, I love AOchan. Drawfags, where are you?

>> No.28204831


>> No.28204833

oh is this haachamas alt?

>> No.28204836

>Missed the best quest in the entire game cause I thought it was just supposed to be side quests this stream and wanted to watch Ina
God damn it Ame, title your stream better.

>> No.28204834

Ame streams a fucking lot, so it's fitting for her to play long games.

>> No.28204837

Sorry Ina, my oshi is live...

>> No.28204838

who got hit? I have chat off but I still reported that one fag out of spite

>> No.28204840


>> No.28204839

play with blocks and eat

>> No.28204841

Delete another image of Pierce Brosnan and I'm gonna stab you in the eyes with my willy

>> No.28204842


>> No.28204844

I remember this quest being an absolute shit show on Death March

>> No.28204846
Quoted by: >>28204958

Why are Half Life fans so autistic? It wasn't like this a few years ago

>> No.28204848
File: 909 KB, 2896x4096, 1602779354993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204850

blast these faggots

>> No.28204851

Imagine all the autists who would show up for Warhammer Total War

>> No.28204852

>My heart is full of....delicious food
She's still human right? That's where humans put their food.

>> No.28204853

>Kiara bonking the chat for being spamming shitheads

>> No.28204854


>> No.28204855

B-bros... the ancient ones...

>> No.28204858

With all the objects and traps intended to be used, just using guns is less ideal than saving them as backup.

>> No.28204859
Quoted by: >>28204881

gura sleep

>> No.28204860

Unbelievably based
fuck verified faggots

>> No.28204864


>> No.28204866


>> No.28204865

I hope we get a mass banning in her chat

>> No.28204867

>no bgm

I love this chicken.

>> No.28204871

Drop the banner hammer AO-chan!

>> No.28204872
File: 102 KB, 722x597, takoface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204906


>> No.28204875

Can we get Ao-chan as a /jp/ mod as well?

>> No.28204876

Thank god

>> No.28204878

About time

>> No.28204879

Desinc was talking to Ina
the others werent
but you knew that, you retardchama

>> No.28204880
File: 17 KB, 367x251, 1600251637176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a difference between making a funny joke and crying over people liking anime girls more than you

>> No.28204881

For 19 hours?

>> No.28204882

>Signal before you cum

>> No.28204884

Finally, based AO-chan.

>> No.28204883

>kakage never posted the other EN pictures he did
what is his problem

>> No.28204885


>> No.28204886
File: 6 KB, 149x137, Tako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End of days incoming friends, get comfy and bring some marshmellows.

>> No.28204888

>signal before you come in
Surprise nakadashi with Ina!

>> No.28204890

wait a minute
that's not a cucumber

>> No.28204891

It doesn't even excite me, I just want to rub her head. She's so cute

>> No.28204892

Are you? Do you realize how many people comment in these threads? Do you lack understanding of large groups you autistic faggot?

>> No.28204893

Guys how do you deal with the overlaps?

>> No.28204894

All this time we wondered what AO chan even did, she was here to save us from literal namefags.

>> No.28204895

20k+ is huge for any game, especially old shit like this

>> No.28204896
File: 286 KB, 480x480, 1603581838679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28204899


>> No.28204900
File: 4 KB, 125x125, Chibi Chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking overlap... i will to pick my oshi i guess and put Ina and Ame on mute

>> No.28204901

>eceleb talks shit on stream
>eceleb talks like a normal person
Fixed that shit for you, FAGGOT

>> No.28204903
Quoted by: >>28205083

first Noel and now her?

>> No.28204904

I think it depends on how popular the game is, games like Half Life and The Witcher are juggernauts.

>> No.28204905

Never realized this game was so easy on normal, holy shit. She's just spamming light attack and tanking attacks. Doesn't even use signs

>> No.28204906

I like this one

>> No.28204908

Every EN needs an AO chan. These leeches, attention/sympathy baiters, and spammers need to read the rules

>> No.28204909
Quoted by: >>28204969

>ame minecraft stream to build office and railways
>makes a farm to balance it out
>gets caught on fixing the water around her house and decides to make a waterfall to cover the ugly stonework left behind
>spends over a hour on a symmetrical water feature

Ame is just... special.

>> No.28204910
File: 62 KB, 606x680, 1586503687353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's happening in Ina's chat? I just woke up for the chicken

>> No.28204911

I have to pick favorites :(

>> No.28204915

>eceleb talking about himself
>eceleb talking about the stream and the game

>> No.28204917

Why are teamates so thin-skinned?

>> No.28204920
File: 445 KB, 2480x2974, 1603238223053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Ina!

>> No.28204918

He's been seething about this for months.

>> No.28204924
File: 54 KB, 541x259, 1587686910920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204954

as in "thats it?"

>> No.28204923

Thank you as always AO-chan

>> No.28204928


>> No.28204931
File: 1.11 MB, 2076x2730, 1602393060689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casual Ina is too powerful. With normal clothes on, she feels like someone you could run into on the street and make friends with, rather than a gacha game character.

>> No.28204930

she does but for some reason i really dont like this

>> No.28204932

What's going in Ina's chat? Streamlink anon here.

>> No.28204934

Archives as long as they are still there

>> No.28204936

no no, she tweeted earlier. she almost never streams on sunday, so just wait until tomorrow.

>> No.28204937

I want to impregnate her so bad and have a big family. Raise kids together. Share happy memories. Cum on her ear.

>> No.28204940
File: 77 KB, 211x215, 1600984341642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28204991

I had a thin hope that Ross Scott would be next to comment, but maybe this shit's too mainstream for him anyways.

>> No.28204943

>Friend will be streaming in 50 minutes, too
This is rough.

>> No.28204944
Quoted by: >>28205283

based ao chan banned faggots

>> No.28204945
File: 3 KB, 168x22, 768786786786486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28205239

>> No.28204948

i want kiara to bonk me

>> No.28204950


>> No.28204951

Stick with whoever I was watching first, unless it's a stream I really wanted to catch, since I'll probably catch up with the archives and jumping back in halfway through is annoying.

>> No.28204952
Quoted by: >>28204981

Piston bolts are actually faster, but requires too much autism

>> No.28204954

no no, its impressive

>> No.28204955

Did Ina do this Haaaah thing before today?

>> No.28204958

It's been like that for 6 years minimum

>> No.28204959

this quest actually does a decent job at humanizing an abuser. still fuck him entirely though

>> No.28204960


>> No.28204961

Might as well just put chat in members-only mode if you're going to do this.

>> No.28204962

Ame made saying "Gwent" autoban you in her chat kek

>> No.28204963


>> No.28204965
Quoted by: >>28205027

ok but why does she keep repeating it every time they say it in game?

I think it's because she knows it sounds like lubricant

>> No.28204966
File: 1.91 MB, 1916x936, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all setup

>> No.28204969
File: 798 KB, 1920x1200, watsoncraft_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what she'll do next after taking notes from the JP server.

>> No.28204970

The Jolly cunt is still around

>> No.28204971


The .357...


>> No.28204975

youtube checkmarks coming in to talk about themselves

>> No.28204978 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 528x85, 1603602590533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28205001

Forever bro...

>> No.28204979
Quoted by: >>28205263

>Every EN needs an AO chan.
More like every Holo.

Fucking Yagoo cheapskate

>> No.28204980

god scared Ina adorable

>> No.28204981


>> No.28204982
File: 5 KB, 411x41, Screenshot_47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who even is this faggot

>> No.28204984

chill stream, also autist for building game.
she's not really for everyone.

>> No.28204985

She'll get fucked later on, don't worry.

>> No.28204987

Those headcrabs arent cute anymore are they Ina?

>> No.28204988

Easy is basically story mode
Normal is actually the easy mode
Hard is the mode where people should play on
Insane is legit difficult till you start cheesing it

>> No.28204989 [SPOILER] 
File: 19 KB, 1160x870, 1603602610265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you see when AO-chan bans you

>> No.28204991

He has to make the movie

>> No.28204995

Amelia has you by the balls, never try to run away again, she'll beat you and you'll love it.

>> No.28204998

Good, fuck gwent

>> No.28205000
Quoted by: >>28205071

Is there something I'm missing there?

>> No.28205001

Why would 40 thousand people like that?

>> No.28205002
File: 622 KB, 1602x444, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are too many streams....

>> No.28205003
Quoted by: >>28205283

other streamers in the chat whining about 'this is just what I do but with a cute anime avatar' and generally talking about how they would've done things better.

>> No.28205005


>> No.28205008
File: 5 KB, 292x30, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28205009

Hope this faggot is more tolerable than that self-promoting faggot.

>> No.28205010

Boohoo keep crying faggot.

>> No.28205011

I'm LAFFIN, I don't mind this one.

>> No.28205012

I’m too scared to try so I’ll just believe you.

>> No.28205014
File: 58 KB, 880x265, 1600108453197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28205016
Quoted by: >>28205290

Mori deserves contempt though

>> No.28205017

ao chan please ban this nigger

>> No.28205018

Full screen that monitor so it eliminates the white space anon

>> No.28205019

>banning offtopic = paywalling chat

>> No.28205020
Quoted by: >>28205084

>Red screen
What the fuck she's still streaming

>> No.28205021

Has Ina run into any fast zombies yet?

>> No.28205023

Zoomer baby

>> No.28205024

A guy who plays shitty HL mods and sucks at them.

>> No.28205025

I can't believe Kiara is a Piercefag

>> No.28205027

Nah she's just retarded like that for some reason. Had the same thought a few days ago, I think it's because she genuinely doesn't know that the words mean so looks for a reaction in chat or something

>> No.28205028

Is this when the fast ones show up?

>> No.28205029

source/gold source games and mods funnyman

>> No.28205030

He plays shitty HL mods. Funny content but he's being a dick tonight.

>> No.28205031

I-i kneel..

>> No.28205032


>> No.28205034

not yet

>> No.28205035
File: 104 KB, 401x452, ina glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally blind.

>> No.28205036

I'm reporting him for harassment and not giving a fuck.

>> No.28205037

plays custom half life 2 maps or something. is he really still commenting? Take the hint retard

>> No.28205039

Hahaha get fucking smoked bitch boy

>> No.28205041

Why is the Witcher battle music so fucking weird?

>> No.28205043
Quoted by: >>28205115

I reported him for harassment just out of spite, he can fuck off.

>> No.28205044
Quoted by: >>28205072

It's here...

>> No.28205045

Damn, I love police brutality.

>> No.28205048

there's another checkmark there i don't really mind but this faggot holy shit.

>> No.28205049

all according to plan anon.

>> No.28205051

Here it comes

>> No.28205052


>> No.28205053

She's about to.

>> No.28205058
Quoted by: >>28205155

Gotta look at groups: big games (think AAA for example) definitely dumb down the game design so they can maximize sales (there's too much people nowadays that don't have nor the patience neither the appreciation for more intricate games)

Meanwhile on the lower tiers there's plenty of room to risk it, thus it's bound to find some with pretty good design. I'm not sure if the average has gone up or down because there's so many games now. On another take you'd think that this much hand-holding would make streaming more fun if the streamer is clueless about the game.

Now,which holoEN could endure an old game?

>> No.28205060

>even slower mode
AO your job is hard

>> No.28205062


>> No.28205064


>> No.28205063
File: 251 KB, 522x476, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're almost there, they made it even slower now

>> No.28205065
File: 644 KB, 1024x1024, jp_awesome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28205067

This faggot does nothing but play HL2 and he's complaining about a first timer not blazing thru it? Fuck off dude.

>> No.28205068

Kiara the child murderer...

>> No.28205069

this guy couldnt be any more embarrassing. imagine having such a lack of awareness

>> No.28205070
Quoted by: >>28205114

Reported for harassment, I hope he gets banned

>> No.28205071

People were spamming it like retards

>> No.28205072

Oh no

>> No.28205074

Kiara... your egg hatching reps...

>> No.28205078

what a nasty piece of shit.

>> No.28205080

here comes the ZOOMbies

>> No.28205082
Quoted by: >>28205124

Be honest, how long did it take for you to clear Ravenholm on your first go?
For me it was two hours

>> No.28205083

what happened with noel?

>> No.28205084

And she's still full of energy

>> No.28205085

That color...

>> No.28205086

Kiara already suffering.

>> No.28205089
File: 154 KB, 828x996, Pekora 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28205170

>tfw ENgen 2 hits
>10 streams at the same time if you follow JP

>> No.28205090

do you use a piss bottle when your oshi streams or do you... god forbid... leave the room to piss?

>> No.28205094
Quoted by: >>28205138

I dont want to imagine her going through Alyx. That game somehow tops Ravenholm in terms of genuine fear.

>> No.28205095
Quoted by: >>28205132


>> No.28205096

BASED. They should all take notes from AO-chan. First time I've seen active moderation on an EN channel.

>> No.28205097

Thanks anon, you too

>> No.28205099
Quoted by: >>28205122

Desinc wasn’t being a cunt

>> No.28205100
Quoted by: >>28205224

She had a NND stream that showed a bit too much

>> No.28205102
Quoted by: >>28205283

Checkmarked people ruin everything, as usual.

>> No.28205103

God I fucking loved throwing paint cans at the zombies

>> No.28205104

>tfw Ravenhom level is better at horror than entire horror games

>> No.28205105
Quoted by: >>28205251

oh for fuck's sake now i want to watch subaru too

>> No.28205106

The other ones are just commenting and talking properly, while this one is all
>waah anime girl has more viewers than me
>haha she sucks
What a fucking asshole.

>> No.28205107
Quoted by: >>28205297

>monsters fucking everywhere
the witcher universe seems like a shit place to live in

>> No.28205108
Quoted by: >>28205283

she streamin HL2 and the normally comfy chat is full of backseating retards and literally who valve game e-celebs
ao-chan banned some

>> No.28205112

Has Ina used her flash light at all???? Jeez

>> No.28205113

>do you wanna die


>> No.28205114

ok you are, as they say, ``based''

>> No.28205115

Spite? Sounds like integrity to me.

>> No.28205117
Quoted by: >>28205165

I can't bear to look at Ina's chat any more guys.

>> No.28205118

why the fuck are there so many washed-up HL2 backseaters trying to remain relevant

>> No.28205120

Vods. Gives me something to do during dead hours.

>> No.28205122
Quoted by: >>28205184

your reading reps anon

>> No.28205124

Like 10 minutes because I am actually good at video games

>> No.28205125
File: 109 KB, 700x933, nijumanyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28205126

>you wanna die??
>chicken literally nods
Fucking kek

>> No.28205127
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1200, 2020-10-20 13_43_48-【Minecraft】Road to the ULTIMATE CHICKEN FARM #1 #kfp #キアライブ - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you wanna die?
I hope someone clips that later.

>> No.28205128

Cope fags you should be happy that people even posting in chat

>> No.28205130
File: 4 KB, 255x43, 6486346734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate these fags so much

>> No.28205131

Okay, fuck this guy

>> No.28205132

I've never related to a chicken as much as I did right then

>> No.28205133

I piss in my oshi of course

>> No.28205134
File: 65 KB, 312x497, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this stream

>> No.28205135


>> No.28205136

Not having a triple monitor set-up in your bathroom, never going to make it bro

>> No.28205137

switch to my phone and watch it while im pissing, easy

>> No.28205138
Quoted by: >>28205220


>> No.28205141
File: 10 KB, 504x70, just bants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this faggot. It's not banter if you're just showing up in a total fucking stranger's stream and making fun of them repeatedly. Like Ina should be fucking honoured that a well known member of the prestigious HL2 community is deigning to offer her his commentary. Like if he just made one or two comments I wouldn't be mad, but he's just kept going the entire stream despite Ina actively ignoring him. What level of autism is this?

>> No.28205142


>> No.28205143
File: 1.00 MB, 970x545, 1599701238677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28205144

Because source is still around

>> No.28205147
Quoted by: >>28205263

They also need to start pinning messages like Moona does. If not to tell people to read the rules, then to make announcements that would get lost in the chat.

>> No.28205146
File: 7 KB, 649x39, Screenshot_48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what antis feel like now. I hate this person and wish him nothing but ill.

>> No.28205151


Previously KFP

>> No.28205150

Japanese Holos have played this before, it's just HoloEN is trending like crazy these days.

>> No.28205152
Quoted by: >>28205230

>click on baquas stream
>making autistic noises
>stay on stream

>> No.28205154

Wtf, Kiara is live?
Bye Ina, I gotta watch my Austrian chicken!

>> No.28205155

I want to see Ina ragequitting Darkest Dungeon

>> No.28205156
File: 100 KB, 224x214, 1600388192421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Ina the only one with a mod like ao-chan?

>> No.28205157

Slower mode doesn't affect Members, though, because Youtube is a quality streaming platform.

>> No.28205159

>that bonk


>> No.28205160


>> No.28205161

Is there anything left that's interesting until the DLCs? The baron quest and maybe the ladies of the wood we're the only things I distinctly remember.

>> No.28205162
Quoted by: >>28205207

Ame doesn't side quests..

>> No.28205164


>> No.28205165
Quoted by: >>28205218

don't ever look at chats

>> No.28205166


>> No.28205167

Stuff like this is pretty normal on twitch, it wasn't for jewtube. I guess all these new western vtubers streaming on youtube dragged in the twitch culture. Ame and Gura are used to this, but not the others.

>> No.28205168

I hold it, dumbass.

>> No.28205170

JP is dead, long live EN.

>> No.28205171

Just turn on members only to get rid of the checkmarks ancient ones

>> No.28205172
Quoted by: >>28205212

because she's the most innocent

>> No.28205176

Pause button my man, than 2-3x playback when I get back.
mpv is a godsend, hope youtube-dl and its forks survive the RIAA DCMA.

>> No.28205177

is Ina gonna draw cute pictures of the headcrabs now?

I thought that picture you guys posted of the cute headcrab was silly but now Ina is like really into them and calling them cute

>> No.28205179

Rimmy's been around a bit. He watches Mori. Dudes alright.

>> No.28205181


>> No.28205182

if he died tonight i would feel it was just

>> No.28205184

He was the other checkmark

>> No.28205185
File: 309 KB, 420x456, 1603500639830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely Ina gets an ego boost from all these verified Youtubers watching?

>> No.28205186

I'm Ina's dad btw.

>> No.28205188
Quoted by: >>28205234

There were a bunch of deleted messages in Ame's chat. AO-chan just talks in character there, but all the ENs have mods.

>> No.28205189

>Calling him "dad"
God damn that's too cute.

>> No.28205190

he's based though

>> No.28205194
File: 756 KB, 600x627, crowbonk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28205250


>> No.28205196

what an insufferable cunt.

>> No.28205198


>> No.28205199

Reported him for harassment for that comment.

>> No.28205200


>> No.28205201

That actually deserves the AO banhammer, dunno if she's based enough for that however

>> No.28205202
File: 7 KB, 394x46, Screenshot_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AO chan, permaban them... onegai...

>> No.28205203

Well, why doesn't AO-chan just ban him?

>> No.28205205
File: 40 KB, 235x104, chonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont know, but here is a picture of an unrelated girl from NND

>> No.28205204

that FUCKING scream oh my god

>> No.28205206

Ban those checkmark fucks already

>> No.28205207
Quoted by: >>28205315

Good, I want her to actually finish the game.

>> No.28205208

Desperation, i guarantee you most of these guys thought they would never stop being relevant

>> No.28205209

Wow banning people for using the chat based based based

>> No.28205211

If only there was something I could do, like maybe watch all of them at once

>> No.28205212

no, this is simply not the case.

>> No.28205213

I want a glowing flying demon baby to guide me places too..

>> No.28205215

the aliens are making me really scared

>> No.28205217
File: 539 KB, 534x571, 1601773164181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina being scared is CUTE

>> No.28205218

Same, without this stream I never would've known anything was going on

Time to go back to ignoring it

>> No.28205220

I kind of want to see that now, forget what I said

>> No.28205221

im hopping back over to ina's stream just to report the youtuber fags

>> No.28205224

Bruh she thick now

>> No.28205223

It's amazing how every time chicken opens minecraft it's like the first episode. birdbrain in action. it's too cute.

>> No.28205226
File: 115 KB, 704x753, 1602982186986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i report him now?

>> No.28205229

That's obviously a joke. Unlike some of his other comments.

>> No.28205228

Why do they create specific schedules instead of just creating one based on time slot?

>> No.28205231

bring phone with you while you pee

>> No.28205230

I find her bgm very cute.

>> No.28205232
File: 6 KB, 271x65, 9643532532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he being ironic or seething?

>> No.28205233

AO chan...
Do your job...

>> No.28205235
Quoted by: >>28205265

What's up the verified faggots in the chat

>> No.28205234
Quoted by: >>28205264

I think that's after Ame automuted "Gwent"

>> No.28205236

ina is so fucking cute

>> No.28205237

Ina could not give less of a shit.

>> No.28205239

>Ina shitposting with her alt

>> No.28205238

The other girls probably don't have any tech literate close family member with enough free time to mod it

>> No.28205241

For those who don't know.
The HL2 checkmarks that are flooding the stream are all aussie shitposters, keep that in mind.
They don't have the proper filter for vtubers.

>> No.28205245

Her husbando Steve1989 and Ina

>> No.28205244

haha look it us were youtubers nobody watches, lets act like were the shit!

>> No.28205248

Oh god, I hate those fucking skeletal freaks, everything about them is horrible.

>> No.28205249
File: 400 KB, 590x591, 1601670937648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ame's chat

>> No.28205251

I kno I am. Love this duck and wind waker

>> No.28205250

holy based

>> No.28205252

he's literally backseating, holy shit

>> No.28205257
Quoted by: >>28205293

Ina playing Alien isolation when

>> No.28205261

He's actually talking about the game and not insulting her unlike the other faggot

>> No.28205262

Do you retards not understand sarcasm? Of course a new player wouldn't know speedrun strats, they're just joking around.

>> No.28205263

This would actually be a smart idea, as would reminding people of the rules at the start of the stream. Repetition should help drum some manners in hopefully

>> No.28205264

>Ame automuted "Gwent"

>> No.28205265

Need an ego boost

>> No.28205268

By the way the "haaaah" thing is spooked Ina shit.

>> No.28205269

People should cope

>> No.28205272

Faggots who comments as if they're speaking to the crowd instead of the streamer are literally the most autistic type of people

>> No.28205273

It's a joke. He's not expecting a casual playthrough to do speedrun strats.

>> No.28205275

>detective ame barging in on a family and shaking them down for info
wtf based?

>> No.28205276

they're obviously joking around but coming off with an autistic vibe

>> No.28205277
File: 8 KB, 444x425, 1603165157148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28205278

Man I really wish Ina would play a genuinely terrifying game. Those noises are adorable as fuck.

>> No.28205279

What is going on there?

>> No.28205281

To play devil's advocate, these old boomers aren't used to JP style chat etiquette, and if they were on Twitch or something, those comments would just get swallowed up in the usual chat chaos.

>> No.28205283
File: 523 KB, 2675x3320, 1584821165727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come these faggots didn't start giving cancer in Gura's chat too? There's only that David guy, but he's just an akasupa and supports Gura.

>> No.28205282

That guy is probably "lol ironic".
Jolly is legit seething at Ina though.

>> No.28205285

Neither. He's being asshole

>> No.28205286

Jesus fuck

>> No.28205289

He's trying to hide his seethe with irony.

>> No.28205290

poorfags like you do though

>> No.28205291

They're breaking the rules, and ao-chan already warned about that.

>> No.28205292

That's not the point you mong.
Its two fuckwits with an inflated sense of ego going on to someone else's stream and making in joke about themselves and their experience

>> No.28205293
Quoted by: >>28205352


>> No.28205294

They are not really worse than many others in chat but the giant checkmark becomes a hey look at me. Wish people would just learn to lurk before posting.

>> No.28205295
File: 79 KB, 480x473, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28205296

literally kill yourself

>> No.28205297

It is, but the games turn up the monsters up by a shit ton.
In the books monsters are pretty rare and Witchers barely find work anymore.

>> No.28205298


>> No.28205300
Quoted by: >>28205339

When has the second one ever happened?

>> No.28205302

god she is cute

>> No.28205303

Ao-chan just please ban him

>> No.28205304

That's clearly a joke...but a shit one and it is feeding idiots who really are criticizing the gameplay

>> No.28205305

Busy watching scared tako, give me a siterep.

>> No.28205306
File: 45 KB, 119x176, 1600215837180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28205351

>DeSinc ignores him

>> No.28205307

>Ina whining about the noises

>> No.28205308

Imagine Ina’s reaction to Jeff

>> No.28205310

Imagine ACTUALLY seething over an anime girl playing a game for the first time holy shit

>> No.28205311
File: 314 KB, 356x431, 1603410339027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always keep chat off b/c it melts my laptop
>mfw I don't have to see any of this cancer

>> No.28205312

Bro why is Ina sooo cute the same with Gura!

>> No.28205313

70% of /hlgg/ is autistic anon, of course they don't understand banter

>> No.28205314
Quoted by: >>28205337

opened the chat to report the shithead checkmarks, but the whole chat is filled by backseating cunts. mistakes were made.

>> No.28205315

Better not ignore some tbough, there are many sidequests that change events in main story and the crafter quests are mabdatory for the good gear, recipe are side quests too.
You just need to do some

>> No.28205318

theyre being ironic but theyre fags for acting like other people are in on the joke when theyre literally in a random person's stream with their own audience, basically hijacking chat

>> No.28205317


>> No.28205319

Probably joking in a 'people recognise me so they'll immediately get my sense of humor' that comes off as dickish to anyone else.

>> No.28205321

>Imagine having chat open during the streams

>> No.28205323

She's the type to not really care

Thank you for everything

>> No.28205324

shes so cute when shes scared

>> No.28205326
File: 1.28 MB, 2342x1674, I&#039;m sure I saw a hentai like this once.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best EN girl distracted her

>> No.28205327

dick status: muh

>> No.28205328

pick what you want to watch and watch the others later. It's not that bad. Or you could watch all of them at once.

>> No.28205330
Quoted by: >>28205382

>imagining ina 3d vr

stop anon i can only get so erect

>> No.28205332

And sadly this pressure is now on Gura.

>> No.28205333


>> No.28205335

They are having personal conversations on her stream, you tourist

>> No.28205334

Fucking based. I hope the narrative about AO-chan becoming EN's ei-chan becomes true

>> No.28205336

>having private chats
they deserve a ban

>> No.28205337
Quoted by: >>28205372

Cope stop being a unpaid janny

>> No.28205340

Because HL2 has one of the worst, most elitist, community. Everyone decent has left the community long ago.

>> No.28205339

Look at the replies on the post I replied to.

>> No.28205344

I usually just turn up the volume high enough so that I can hear it throughout the house

>> No.28205345

Anon, I can barely handle jeff, that shit wrecked my heartrate

>> No.28205346

>that looping sound during loading
The hl2.exe has stopped working PTSD is real

>> No.28205347

Probably posted in some Half Life discord

>> No.28205348

Went over from Ame's stream to report this faggot, fuck them and I hope Ao-chan bans them

>> No.28205349

this is the reason why you faggots took narratives way too seriously, you can't understand shit

>> No.28205350

Even hotter

>> No.28205351

Spoke too soon anonchama...

>> No.28205352

oh right
it is so tiresome

>> No.28205353

put a holo in this image

>> No.28205355

They are pretty based, having all these SEAfags seething that their girl is getting bantered on.

>> No.28205358
Quoted by: >>28205373

chat is better than schizoposting on here bro

>> No.28205361

I think this was the part that filtered me because the enemies wouldn't stop spawning.

>> No.28205360

Because Gura plays kusoge and people don't feel proud about being good at them.

>> No.28205364

Banter with people you don't know is stupid

>> No.28205366
File: 85 KB, 251x263, 1588023814449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28205368


>> No.28205371

It's still fucking rude you autist, they're not friends, Ina doesn't know him and he's criticizing how she plays, being sarcastic doesn't make it right

>> No.28205372

I'm deeply, deeply hurt by that comment.

>> No.28205373

go back

>> No.28205375
File: 51 KB, 262x599, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28205390


>> No.28205376

DeSinc's alright, leave him be

>> No.28205379

i love gura so much

>> No.28205380

>Where's the chorch?


>> No.28205382

>she falls down running away from him

>> No.28205386

I want those checkmark fucks and everyone in the chat who spams their names whenever they post to die a slow, painful death.

>> No.28205387
File: 119 KB, 225x474, 1601158961463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, next thread lets all stop talking about these faggots in chat and talk about the game/stream. This shit was comfy until the last hour or so

>> No.28205390


>> No.28205392
File: 32 KB, 112x112, 1600274779574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else here /playsthestreamonfullscreenanddoesntreadthechat/?

>> No.28205393

go back
