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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.12 MB, 2000x1700, ina-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28199449 No.28199449 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.28199462
File: 44 KB, 441x441, Gawr411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is she doing right now?

>> No.28199466
File: 26 KB, 640x480, 539dafa8d0574105560dcb440a314f95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28199470

The most kino song

>> No.28199472
Quoted by: >>28199565

>Slow mode

>> No.28199475
File: 149 KB, 919x1344, stalkeralker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28199522

Elementary, my dear

>> No.28199489

On her meds hopefully.

>> No.28199491
Quoted by: >>28199616

Watching coco meme review with Ame

>> No.28199492

I love how she brings her tentacles out for the zatsudans

>> No.28199494



>> No.28199496
Quoted by: >>28199526

ina makes me horny!

>> No.28199501

Is Ina bad at HL2 or was the design bad? I don't remember having this much troubles beating the game 16 years ago.

>> No.28199504


>> No.28199507

Its just like when I played HL2 for the first time on Xbox as a teen.

>> No.28199508

*this filters the elder godess*

>> No.28199510
File: 1019 KB, 2896x4096, 1598608129441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rubbing her cunny

>> No.28199511

>slow mode
>don't backseat guys
Ina's chat is officially redeemed for me.

>> No.28199512
File: 128 KB, 587x509, Burrito1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks like a good hitting target

>> No.28199513
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x720, 1603595509737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shark on next meme review

>> No.28199514

I bet Ina is hugging her bunny so tight while playing this...

>> No.28199517

I love mori!

>> No.28199518

Discord sex with ame!

>> No.28199520 [DELETED] 
File: 338 KB, 714x503, A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28199519

Her preferred games are gacha and RPGs, FPS are alien to her

>> No.28199521
File: 176 KB, 345x304, 1602119215248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discord sex with Ame.

>> No.28199522

When the fuck am I supposed to sleep

>> No.28199524

she did it

>> No.28199525

What could it possibly mean?

>> No.28199526

everything makes you horny Marine

>> No.28199527
File: 70 KB, 197x218, 1603233126222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28199528
File: 11 KB, 398x81, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck Jolly is in chat

>> No.28199529


>> No.28199530

If you mean with the 'avatar lights up as people talk', Ina had that as well.

>> No.28199532

So what's the narrative with Ina overlapping with Coco? Are ENs really avoiding her existence after her return?

>> No.28199531

she's an mmorrat, shooters arent her forte

>> No.28199533
File: 29 KB, 480x285, 1586766626632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28199535
Quoted by: >>28199597

hl2 is so fucking boring

>> No.28199537
File: 63 KB, 2560x2560, 1584395147922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make blank posts?

>> No.28199541
File: 2.13 MB, 1600x2000, 85187339_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28199539
File: 640 KB, 768x768, 1603160179676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stretching reps with Ina
when was the last time you did a posture check anon?

>> No.28199540

trying to nap but failing

>> No.28199543
File: 87 KB, 850x684, 1603166914604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleeping for 15 hours probably

>> No.28199550

Lets be honest. Half life 2 would be a lot better if it didn't constantly stop the action to masturbate to its engine. The shooting is actually really satisfying. I wish it it just let you keep doing it instead of so much downtime.

>> No.28199547

HL2 was made for an audience who knew PC games already, especially FPS. Going in blind is much harder

>> No.28199551 [SPOILER] 
File: 224 KB, 850x1200, 1603596015508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best HoloEN.

>> No.28199555

Shlicking with Ame

>> No.28199557

the saddest part is Ina is literally the smartest EN girl, we all know ame is too gremlin to think outside the box and gura is infinitely worse than both combined...

>> No.28199563

She's new to FPS games so Ina is "bad"

>> No.28199568
File: 639 KB, 850x865, tako9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:3 Remember to hydrate while you watch the High Priestess stream! We can't be takodachi if you're dead! :3 :3
every sip brings us closer
the great hydration waits for no tako

>> No.28199564

What a cheeky cunt lmao

>> No.28199565
File: 17 KB, 568x202, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it feels like it hasn't slowed down. There's still too many backseater messages even if they only send 1 a minute

>> No.28199571
File: 59 KB, 400x400, 1602166355309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so fucking comfy, I love Ina's gameplay and getting to talk about HL2 with you guys.

>> No.28199575


>> No.28199582
File: 2.91 MB, 1754x1240, 1603209059143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina is cute. CUTE!!!

>> No.28199581

Nah Ame already confirmed a big collab for next week

>> No.28199585 [DELETED] 

Seems like an ok dude, dunno if I'll watch more though

>> No.28199590 [DELETED] 

Meet your Holo EN gen 2

>> No.28199591
File: 34 KB, 450x450, 1602959317358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28199847

i can barrel-ly resist the urge to hit that with my crowbar

>> No.28199593
Quoted by: >>28199723

Post best track from HL2 OST

>> No.28199597

kys zoomer

>> No.28199600
Quoted by: >>28199676

Was vortal combat on this game or episode 1?

>> No.28199602 [DELETED] 

Tranny out

>> No.28199601

wow what a humungous faggot

>> No.28199608
File: 115 KB, 1280x708, 1603514886807.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame Witcher in 45 minutes

>> No.28199609

What does Polka smell like?

>> No.28199610
File: 617 KB, 2800x2102, 1603494193044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharing a loving night of gentle sex with Ame

>> No.28199613
File: 68 KB, 960x784, bruh-zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hell the only named character that carries over from HL1 is the Gman and he had a token role at best in 1.
and technically Freeman but that's obvious.

>> No.28199616
Quoted by: >>28199717

I wouldn't want to subject Ame to this.

>> No.28199614


>> No.28199617

would be worth it just for the absolute cringe of Gura politely pretending to be amused by reddit memes.

>> No.28199620
Quoted by: >>28199827

Chickens more German sounding normal voice makes me big horned, I feel you brother

>> No.28199624

She doesn't have the 3D spatial reasoning that FPS gamers at the time grew up with.

>> No.28199630
File: 179 KB, 560x556, 1603593195289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28199631

are any of the EN girls good at videogames?

>> No.28199635
Quoted by: >>28199838

Thats a good ass coupon

>> No.28199640
File: 230 KB, 1514x1800, 1602566098082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Gura asked Ame for a collab this week but Ame already had too much going on so she had to turn her down so it's highly likely Ame will do one with her this week to make up for it. Prepare for more Gurame kino soon.

>> No.28199646

Its a combination of not being a big FPS player and being accustomed to contemporary game design. One of the first things she asked was whether this game had a quest marker.

Ina isn't 'bad' and neither is HL2, the game is just a product of its time.

>> No.28199645
File: 107 KB, 500x500, 1581786569683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha... woocha...

>> No.28199647
Quoted by: >>28199689

what's going through Ina's Mind

>> No.28199655

Why does everyone think that puzzles must be solved immediately? Spending some time on it and then solving it is the whole point of puzzle

>> No.28199664
Quoted by: >>28199845

Yeah this cunt is in the chat acting like a fucking twitch anti

No one's here to shit on Ina, fuck off you imbecile

>> No.28199665

>you can't overlap with coco!
>you can't overlap with miko!
>you can't overlap with pekora!
>you can't overlap with sora!

That doesn't work man. When a really big event is happening like a new 3D reveal or something they'll try their best but otherwise it's impossible

>> No.28199666


>> No.28199668
File: 11 KB, 230x230, 1603507492827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28199671
Quoted by: >>28199732

It's almost like they don't want their brand new branch to be involved with their biggest controversy

>> No.28199672
Quoted by: >>28199707

Is there anything more cringe than some noname eceleb showing up in someone elses chat and flouting themselves?

>> No.28199674
File: 61 KB, 594x719, 1576318629907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28199698

Mori shit and farted while streaming and the audio of the shitting and farting was captured by her microphone and heard by all attendees of her stream.

>> No.28199676

It's episode 2.

>> No.28199678
File: 1.76 MB, 1500x1332, 1600542538942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo /hlgg/ i took a break from holos for a few weeks were there any good memes i missed?
I saw Gura hit 1 mil subs how did this place react? Kneeling and coping?

>> No.28199683

>got the next puzzle right away
she is getting it now bros

>> No.28199686
Quoted by: >>28199822

cotton candy and peanuts
and her feet like buttery popcorn

>> No.28199687
Quoted by: >>28199904

Imagine being assblasted because an anime girl got 10 times more viewers than you.

>> No.28199688
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 2gr1asbykqo41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn walk in on Ame groundpounding your mom while she slowly turns towards you with a toothy grin

>> No.28199689


>> No.28199694

You can actually see Ina processing in real time.

>> No.28199698
Quoted by: >>28200375

But it didn't happen...

>> No.28199700

>Polka wants up!
Up on my face, hopefully.

>> No.28199702
Quoted by: >>28199822


>> No.28199703 [DELETED] 

Did he manage to apply for Holostars gen1?

>> No.28199704


>> No.28199707
Quoted by: >>28199837

Hes the best HL/Source mod youtuber. His videos are fun as fuck.

>> No.28199708

Hololive Fighting game
Who would you main?

>> No.28199711 [DELETED] 

This tranny was so terrible

>> No.28199713

i like the meme reviews

>> No.28199714

It's not about how long it takes but how much fun you have!

>> No.28199716

Made for rough sex

>> No.28199717

could Ame host her own meme review for English memes?

I'm not sure Ame is the right person for that. Maybe Mori since she's all about the cringe

>> No.28199719

gotta love that shared sprint/oxygen/flashlight bar

>> No.28199721

Just report the guy for child abuse

>> No.28199722
File: 257 KB, 800x800, 1603117773051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the origin of gura and ame having discord sex?

>> No.28199723

Even that music kit Bailey did for CS:GO was so good.
Shame he didn't return for Alyx.

>> No.28199732

Amelia don't worry, chinks can't hurt EN

>> No.28199735
Quoted by: >>28199797

Coco unironically doesn't like other multilingual Holos, she acts like a massive gatekeeper when anyone tries to speak their non-native language

>> No.28199739

The narrative is that it doesn't fucking matter and all holos can stream when they want to.

>> No.28199740

She's not even taking that long for the puzzles. You can't instantly know the answer

>> No.28199741
File: 13 KB, 189x189, 1603114339516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28199743
Quoted by: >>28199822

Salted popcorn, cotton candy, wet clown noses and pussy

>> No.28199745 [DELETED] 

tranny out

>> No.28199747

God that was such a retarded comment, fucking hilarious.

>> No.28199750

Ina is doing to pretty good for someone who doesn't play FPS games.

>> No.28199751

thinking of ways to frustrate you

>> No.28199753


>> No.28199754
Quoted by: >>28199836

yeah he's been in the chat more or less from the start being cheeki. It's pretty harmless fun really and more a laugh at his own chat interaction when playing HL mods.

>> No.28199755

then you win

>> No.28199758
File: 16 KB, 427x381, 1600638308300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28199757
Quoted by: >>28199822

Cotton candy and wild animals.

>> No.28199760

she has a really nice tummy...

>> No.28199761
File: 1.12 MB, 1094x728, ina MURDERS doxposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28199767

was thinking just that. if you wanted to solve puzzles that what portal was for.

>> No.28199766


>> No.28199769

It's Ame

>> No.28199772

Ame talked about how she enjoys cumming with Gura in a Q&A

>> No.28199773
File: 2.49 MB, 2400x1900, ____.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + w
>Not a single mention of Calli

>> No.28199777
Quoted by: >>28199905

Why is everyone getting upset at this? Dont know who this is, but it just seems like banter.

>> No.28199778

Drinking and wishing she was a cat so she could make interesting content again

>> No.28199780

I really loved how much of a pain in the ass Vortigaunts were in HL1 only for them to become allies in HL2.

>> No.28199782

Ame called her

>> No.28199783

They had sex on discord

>> No.28199786

run of the mill yuribaiters

>> No.28199787
Quoted by: >>28199834

I didn't remember Half-Life 2 being so action oriented. Anyways, is black mesa any good? i have played HL1 a lot of times before.

>> No.28199788

I like the drinking game

>> No.28199789


>> No.28199791


Why is my Tako broken?

>> No.28199795

What an ass.
Go watch a speedrunner fag

>> No.28199796

ina belly erotic

>> No.28199797

What the fuck kind of retarded narrative is this?

>> No.28199801
Quoted by: >>28199859

Unless you're playing Black Mesa, Kleiner and Eli are technically retcons.

>> No.28199803

No one, I don't enjoy playing fighting games

>> No.28199806
Quoted by: >>28199917

i never noticed how good the sound design of the manhacks was until today

>> No.28199807 [DELETED] 

thou shall not pass

>> No.28199808

Shitposting in this thread

>> No.28199809

She's playing on Easy, and the game isn't particularly hard to begin with.

>> No.28199811
File: 966 KB, 1400x1400, 3e8e21b9bd734bf1ececabcc901ae80f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28199894

People are going to meme that she's garbage at the game but honestly somebody used to modern shooters where you can climb literally everything easily would suffer in old games.

>> No.28199812

Ame at Apex and Gura at rhythm games
That's about it.

>> No.28199816

Kiara saying in her first minecraft stream that she needs to be there to stop them from making out.

>> No.28199819

Dudes a real piece of shit, as far as I can tell. Assblasted over an anime girl getting more views than he did.
Sounds like someone who builds themselves up as a "pillar of the community" and gets off to thinking how great they are

>> No.28199821

jolly I watch you but stop treating the elder priestess disrespectfully or your sanity will be lost

>> No.28199822


>> No.28199827

Her Austrian accent is peak nutbait

>> No.28199830 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28199980

>kinda hyped for her debut
>sounds like my fucking brother when faking gay voices in jokes
give me back my hype

>> No.28199833

Watame, no question.

>> No.28199834

very good, if anything, the Xen chapters make it worth buying it.

>> No.28199836

if that's true it comes across as being an asshole and he should realize this isn't twitch and read the room

>> No.28199837

Coreyladdo the best one dude

>> No.28199838
File: 15 KB, 900x400, watson doggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good ass coupon

>> No.28199840

Thankfully thats where the Episodes come in. Valve basically got over their love of physics by that point, and I hope one day Valve makes another VR game in the same vein now that players are getting used to it.

>> No.28199841

i was hoping the kfp employee training was going to be something cool but it's just minecraft

>> No.28199842
Quoted by: >>28199928

Because it's shift + ctrl + w dummy

>> No.28199843


>> No.28199844

The gang is too busy supporting Ina right now

>> No.28199845
Quoted by: >>28199994

His entire stizch is being a fucking "pro gamer" for single player Source games. He's civvie 11 for source games.
Pretend its civie watching John Romero play Doom Eternal.

>> No.28199847

This is making me rather incendiary.
Your troll posts are technically flaming.

>> No.28199848

gura leaked discord chats

>> No.28199851
Quoted by: >>28199911

It's clear she's picking things up fast, people are just blind to how not obvious some game cues are when you've never really played this type of genre.

>> No.28199853

Why would ENs kneel to an inferior lifeform?

>> No.28199860 [DELETED] 

She has a cute voice

>> No.28199859

Ah, you meant it like that.
In that case, fair point.

>> No.28199862

Literally who?

>> No.28199864
File: 387 KB, 646x647, 1602903914395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The advanced search with ctrl + w is really something isn't it

>> No.28199866
Quoted by: >>28199972

danchou is the worst singer on the internet and that's so cute

>> No.28199867
File: 95 KB, 850x1050, Amelia you get what you deserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you get what you deserve
yeah I'm thinking based.

>> No.28199869

Literally who

>> No.28199871


>> No.28199874
Quoted by: >>28199933

>thinks ammo pickup noises are enemies coming in

>> No.28199878

>ctrl + W
Try alt + f4, you retard.

>> No.28199882

actually wait no he's just making cheeky throwbacks to the fact he's retarded in his Half life stuff

>> No.28199884

Where is the Lamy post?

>> No.28199889

tako is smart

>> No.28199890

Sleeping, Ame discord, practicing karaoke, watching Ina, eating caffeine cheese, lurking this thread, or shliking to (You).

>> No.28199894
Quoted by: >>28201981

Unless you go even further back where climbing isn't even an option, like Doom 64.

>> No.28199897
File: 1.83 MB, 1872x2867, 1603563151536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure how I'll handle a Moriless week

>> No.28199901

mio mama

>> No.28199902


>> No.28199905

I don't understand either anon. Thought he was just making a joke.

>> No.28199904

Fucking ross got more views than him for making a dumb parody machinima.

>> No.28199910

Please stop giving us updates on this cunt.

>> No.28199911

Doesn't help that 90% of the textures is this game varying shades of grey.

>> No.28199915

Having known several clowns irl, this is the only one I'd actually believe.

>> No.28199917

I just realized they whimper like dogs. Kinda cute now

>> No.28199920 [DELETED] 

>shilled for fucking MONTHS
>tried to cash in on gura as hard as possible
>4k tweets
>Suspiciously no voice clips
>is a tranny

I'm laughing at any moron that bought tranny shark coin

>> No.28199921

I don't play fighting games because they're shit.

>> No.28199925


>> No.28199928

Do you guys have different keybind or do you just want to make people close their window/browser?

>> No.28199930

>she thought the headcrabs were friendly

Oh Ina

>> No.28199931

>could Ame host her own meme review for English memes?
Maybe doing a coupon review or something?
>Maybe Mori since she's all about the cringe
If Mori is gonna collab with JP, for the love of god let it not be Coco. Getting to know her senpais who don't speak english would be a much better use of her time.

>> No.28199933

Yeahi coming in her takohole

>> No.28199934



>> No.28199940


>> No.28199946
Quoted by: >>28200161

Mori claims she's good at Bloodborne but they're stuck in permissions hell and she's dying to play with Ina

>> No.28199947

how come she didn't show up to the among us collab?

>> No.28199950


>> No.28199951

>still missing the supply crates

>> No.28199956

>Nonchalantly walks past everything.

>> No.28199957 [DELETED] 


>> No.28199961


>> No.28199964

Imagine loading a massive shell with headcrabs instead of explosives

>> No.28199966
File: 105 KB, 255x268, 1603425558717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people so mad about a HL youtuber making bants in Inas chat? He was dog shit when he first played the game and just having a good time. Why are you people so fucking angry all the time?

>> No.28199969 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28200049


>> No.28199972

Noel is a bad singer?

>> No.28199973


>> No.28199976

if he drops a superchat in good humor it would clear things up a bit, but it's just a dumb meta joke people who watch his content would get. Kind of dumb out of context yeah.

>> No.28199980 [DELETED] 

Surely at this point technology must have advanced to the point where there's some sort of voice filter they could use to sound like an actual chick.

>> No.28199983

I'm pretty sure you can handle not spending $50000 ins supas for the week piggy

>> No.28199991

Ina just went super sonic

>> No.28199994

No, because that makes no fucking sense

Romero is a dev. This is some eceleb faggot being rude to Ina

>> No.28199998
Quoted by: >>28200040

literally can't unless you speedrun

>> No.28199999

Oh god, Airboat begins. I wouldn't blame her if she quit soon.

>> No.28200003


>> No.28200005

god the fucking boat part.

>> No.28200009

Oh boy, the motor boat sequence

>> No.28200008

She isn't great

>> No.28200011


>> No.28200012

I will be interesting to see how much Ina improves over time if she actually does a full playthrough

>> No.28200015


>> No.28200014

discord sex with ame is the only answer.

>> No.28200016

Ame said that she dared gura to shove her webcam up her cunny and the madlass actually did it

>> No.28200017

you can't blame her

>> No.28200019
File: 71 KB, 354x385, 1603156625603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like the boat

>> No.28200021

depends on how they play but first ones that came to mind were Gura and Haachama

>> No.28200023
File: 232 KB, 1400x1295, 1593799486764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*shatters your jaw*

>> No.28200024

Boat time

>> No.28200025
Quoted by: >>28200099

What's the 10/24 collab on Gura's schedule? Has it been announced yet?

>> No.28200026

watame with her unga bunga rushdown gameplay

>> No.28200032

Helis incoming now....

>> No.28200033 [DELETED] 

would be funny if people praised him as the "first openly transsexual vtuber" I'm already chuckling just thinking about it.

>> No.28200035

Ah fuck. It's THAT fucking part of the game

See you in a few hours

>> No.28200034

he's leeching

>> No.28200039
File: 37 KB, 143x140, GREATASS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28200037
Quoted by: >>28200111

Doing banter when you're no a nobody feels like self promotion or gatekeeping, I can understand people finding it weird

>> No.28200038

4chan gold membership perk unlocked after 10 years

>> No.28200040

You can, you just need to make a barrel bridge

>> No.28200042

Rushia for I-frames, small hitbox, and powerful smash.

>> No.28200043

It's terrible, but charming. Her Shaka Beach is enjoyable.

>> No.28200049 [DELETED] 

You can be a girl with a penis relax bro it's 2020

>> No.28200051
File: 778 KB, 881x509, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28200230

chat called this thing a boat

>> No.28200058
File: 705 KB, 1523x2200, 1603404341396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28200055


>> No.28200056
File: 453 KB, 900x720, 1600410905705.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never sent a supa in my life

>> No.28200063
Quoted by: >>28201842

HL2 is a great game but it really is a product of its time, I played when I played it when I was 15 and had no trouble what so ever. I get the feeling now if I went back and replayed it I would have trouble with it since I've gotten so used to modern game design. I'm not surprised she's having a little trouble with.

>> No.28200064
File: 69 KB, 1019x869, 1599798459213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28200062


>> No.28200069

Time for worst segment of HL2: the fucking boat

>> No.28200068
Quoted by: >>28200518

she looks like Makima in this pic

>> No.28200074

Me too

>> No.28200077
Quoted by: >>28200141

>tfw I love the Airboat part
Am I in the minority?

>> No.28200082
File: 287 KB, 1200x899, 1589695773557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28200086

God the boat is... so bad

>> No.28200092

>Which incline?


>> No.28200093

I got SO FUCKING LOST playing this entire boat level

>> No.28200095
Quoted by: >>28200150


>> No.28200096

They're like her cousins practically.

>> No.28200097

lmao valvecucks how do you defend this dumpster fire driving?

>> No.28200100

I understand that people here are mad since they don't know him, I'm also surprised that AO-chan didn't banned him yet.

>> No.28200099


>> No.28200103

Asian driver genes

>> No.28200105

Is it possible that Ina will finish HL2 in one sit?

>> No.28200108
File: 562 KB, 678x641, 1602867631532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame shits on reddit maymays
feels good man

>> No.28200109

Ame tier but also Ame tier enthusiasm

>> No.28200110


>> No.28200111

>a nobody

>> No.28200113

Waypoints have FUCKED the average players ability to problem solve.

>> No.28200115
Quoted by: >>28200433

It better play like Hisoutensoku and not Tekken or SF

>> No.28200117
Quoted by: >>28200238

Kiara. Each time you drain her health bar it'll just refill.

>> No.28200119

I like it as long as I have the gun

>> No.28200123

Mori did that in her first duo collab with kiara and it was cringe

>> No.28200124
File: 122 KB, 484x899, Screenshot (57).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is wrong with this shark?
did her manager (ame) call her out for not having any social media activism or what?

>> No.28200127 [DELETED] 
File: 401 KB, 582x771, It'sT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it

>> No.28200129 [DELETED] 

Is she really a dude?. Please spoondfeed me. If she a dude I will not watch her again ever

>> No.28200133


>> No.28200134 [DELETED] 

>Alt + F4
>No Mentions of Pekora


>> No.28200137

the turret part is worse

>> No.28200138
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1603143270566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quitting after of one of the best boss fights in the game

>> No.28200141

It goes on for too long, but I enjoy it regardless.

>> No.28200145

what song did Ina just sing?

>> No.28200150

Not really traced, just edited.

>> No.28200157

I am sure shes glad she picked HL2 over 1

>> No.28200158 [DELETED] 

naive rrat

>> No.28200159

>still no cumshot edit

>> No.28200161

>loads in to bloodborne
>starts spamming transformed hunter axe r2 or some sleep-inducing weapon like rifle spear
i can see it now

>> No.28200164

Ladies and gentlemen this>>28200097 is a /v/ post.

>> No.28200174
Quoted by: >>28200279

>She doesn't like people who shut down as soon as they get off
So can you satisfy Ina in bed?

>> No.28200176

hl2 has waypoints though

>> No.28200177
File: 211 KB, 850x1202, botan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.28200178



>> No.28200181 [DELETED] 

We don't know pekora.

>> No.28200180

Social Media is Cancer

>> No.28200182
Quoted by: >>28200265

I cant find Gura's response for seome reason

>> No.28200189
Quoted by: >>28200250

come on, bro

>> No.28200188
Quoted by: >>28200294

if I donate and ask her to sing Miko boat she won't, right?

>> No.28200190


>> No.28200192 [DELETED] 

Decide for yourself

>> No.28200193


>> No.28200195

coco, would probably be gorilla as fuck like potemkin or tager

>> No.28200198

ESLs can't into banter.

>> No.28200199
Quoted by: >>28200369

Really weird how the understanding of what the game expects you to do has changed over the years. I guess people just expect more handholding nowadays but it's not really their fault, but the developers'.

>> No.28200202
Quoted by: >>28200335

What? What's wrong with that tweet?

>> No.28200204

Can someone ban that A Jolly Wangcore fag? He's endlessly talking shit

>> No.28200208

>Ame on meme review
>Roasts people for their shitty memes

>> No.28200210

She's just not addicted like most people?

>> No.28200211
File: 69 KB, 1024x749, 1600381469999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice digits bro

>> No.28200215
Quoted by: >>28200280

Gigi D'Agostino - Ininterrottamente

>> No.28200216
Quoted by: >>28200268

>zooms past the barn
>doesn't notice G-Man

>> No.28200221

Fuck fhe the airboat. Almost made me quit the game and miss the best level of the game, Ravenholm.

>> No.28200222 [DELETED] 

Do you have ears?

>> No.28200223

I appreciate the sentiment but Ina isn't a loli

>> No.28200225

Drover right by the Barn. Although I did that too on my first plaything so I can't blame her.

>> No.28200226 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28200340

We have okama in japan, as in okama vtubers.

>> No.28200227

>pekora setup character with high IQ gameplay
>risu fast rushdown low hitstun
>haato messatsu cooking
>marine swinging around a huge anchor
>at least 5 shotos on the roster one being korone

a man can dream

>> No.28200229

dun dun dunnun dun dun dun dahn dahn

>> No.28200230

it's an airboat though

>> No.28200231

This checkmark faggot needs to actually fuck off already.

>> No.28200233


>> No.28200232

I can't believe she just flew right by the barn

>> No.28200234 [DELETED] 

That voice sounds like a dude doing pretend gay voice

>> No.28200238

>literally just phoenix in UMvC3
Top tier immediately

>> No.28200241

Prepping Ame for the Witcher 3 stream

>> No.28200243

Darude Sandstorm

>> No.28200249

>be kiryu coco
>get involved in one of the biggest vtuber controversies
>come back to roaring crowds, a lot of sc, extreme hype
>plan a meme review after 3 weeks with overseas favourite aki rosenthal
>its on a saturday at prime time for NA and JP
>go live
>barely get 15k more viewers than ina playing a 20 year old game
sasuga reddit dragon

>> No.28200251 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28200868

You could seriously not tell the moment he opened his mouth? That tale tell tranny voice didn't give it away for you?

>> No.28200250

yeah I haven't been doing my song humming recognition reps

>> No.28200252 [DELETED] 

yes, he's a tranny

>> No.28200255

she was sleeping when Aqua tweeted that

>> No.28200256


>> No.28200258

I think she honest to god hates reddit and would refuse.

>> No.28200259


>> No.28200261

She got asked this question already, she laughed it off but tossed an idea about doing coupon reviews

>> No.28200263

We need her to slap the retard out of these redditors

>> No.28200264

It'll take around the same amounts of streams it took her to finish Call of Cthulhu.

>> No.28200265


>> No.28200267

Back to >>>/v/eddit

>> No.28200271
File: 137 KB, 318x421, 1594383241288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28200268

she's new oaky?

>> No.28200270

>takes 10 seconds to realize she's going the wrong way
Yep this is gonna be kino.

>> No.28200276
Quoted by: >>28201149

gimme 10 minutes to make it

>> No.28200277

she procrastinates and gets stressed out about it. i do the same thing and it's really unpleasant.

>> No.28200278

Because making "bants" is ill-advised when you have no clue if the audience has an idea who you are, and will know you aren't just being an asshole.

>> No.28200279

I'm sorry Ina... I haven't been doing my eroge protagonist reps...

>> No.28200280

Didn't know I was sharing this thread with GigiCHADS

>> No.28200282

>Asian female driver trying to do a three-point turn

>> No.28200285

Please understand Ina is still on her learners licence

>> No.28200287

Mori. Scythes are shitty weapons but I love them.

>> No.28200288

asian drivers...

>> No.28200290
Quoted by: >>28200518

God chainsaw man has got me addicted to girls in plain suits

>> No.28200293


>> No.28200294

probably won't notice it in time but miku boat would be a perfect spontaneous moment.

>> No.28200298
Quoted by: >>28200374

Coco is all style no substance.

>> No.28200304

Now that is something I'd like to see.

>> No.28200305

Pain tako...

>> No.28200306
File: 834 KB, 871x508, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28200307 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28200448

you can be mentally ill with a penis*

>> No.28200309

>Chotto a minute

Ina.. your reps

>> No.28200311

Alright fellas, place your bets. How long does she take on this puzzle?

>> No.28200314


>> No.28200319 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 400x400, JoeGun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell Antis

>> No.28200320

GOD that would be awesome

>> No.28200328


>> No.28200329
Quoted by: >>28200944


>> No.28200330

The HoloEN Gen 2 Wizard for the zoner gameplay.

>> No.28200334


>> No.28200335
Quoted by: >>28200367

it's 24 hours late

>> No.28200339
Quoted by: >>28200822

God I love this dog


>> No.28200340 [DELETED] 

I know, I just find it funny when "allies" make a big deal about someone being a minority or something and the person in question getting annoyed by it.

>> No.28200341

I'm like 99% sure she already showed a variation of that same meme, sasuga reddit dragon

>> No.28200343 [DELETED] 
File: 1.10 MB, 1491x1066, 1603508873083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28200346
Quoted by: >>28200471

2 minutes tops

>> No.28200352

Ina... the barrels.. your puzzle reps..

>> No.28200355

>one of the biggest vtuber controversies
It's only a controversy for mentally ill chinks

>> No.28200357


>> No.28200360

I thought it was more the engine than the graphics that made HL2 stand out so much back then.

>> No.28200361

Devs being complete shit at level design is the reaon why we need waypointers in the first place

>> No.28200364


>> No.28200366


>> No.28200367


>> No.28200369
Quoted by: >>28200408

Ina is also managing to somehow zoom through all the "tutorial" segments where they intentionally try to force you to slow down and observe something. Like the barrels and the group of barnacles.

>> No.28200372

who is jolly? i don't really watch e-celebs sorry /v/

>> No.28200373

I want her to review ogey rrat and try to explain it

>> No.28200374

Good thing the usual red-text donors are still around or we might still be tied to the bugman menace.

>> No.28200375

The fabled brap truther. It was just a hologram right? And brap tower 7?

>> No.28200377

Would Gura be the small speedy one?

>> No.28200379 [DELETED] 

>a literal fucking tranny

>> No.28200382

Watame, Amelia, Aki, Polka
Blonde power.

>> No.28200384

Ame. I'll main my oshi even if Mori would take up the whole god damn screen with her scythe

>> No.28200385
File: 480 KB, 1086x1052, 1603503088155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28200386 [DELETED] 


>> No.28200390

You're watching an e-celeb right now.

>> No.28200395

I want to blast this rabbit ass.

>> No.28200400

For some reason I get the feeling Coco doesn't like these reddit memes either but she does them cause they get high views and get a bit more SCs than usual

>> No.28200403

INA....what are you....

>> No.28200404
File: 45 KB, 300x300, 1602471286221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get involved in one of the biggest vtuber controversies

>> No.28200405

Seethe, poorfag

>> No.28200406

I've played this game countless times, how have i never noticed this.

>> No.28200408

god, Its Ame's superliminal stream all over again.

>> No.28200410
File: 37 KB, 1460x389, rrat2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28200411


>> No.28200420
File: 29 KB, 427x381, 1598549171571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28200634

My narratives are too strong for you traveler.

>> No.28200419
Quoted by: >>28200681

plays shitty HL2 mods and is somewhat funny

>> No.28200423

stop paying attention to attention whores anon

>> No.28200421


>> No.28200424

wow holy shit she figured that out way faster than I was expecting

>> No.28200425
File: 1.20 MB, 640x922, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28200457

How hard would it be to get permissions for this game?

>> No.28200426

Ina talking about her floaties!

>> No.28200438
File: 1.92 MB, 10000x10000, 1602020536545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28200431


>> No.28200432
File: 2.51 MB, 460x337, 1603380608625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't prop flying on a pallet


>> No.28200433
Quoted by: >>28200553

I'd pay for a Holo Fighting Game that's like UNICLR or Melty Blood.

>> No.28200437
Quoted by: >>28200643

Ina is actually progressing faster than I did...

>> No.28200440

Same. I've never understood why people hate it.

>> No.28200443


>> No.28200444
File: 29 KB, 239x158, tentacult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timecheck. We are now past 90 minutes.

>> No.28200445


>> No.28200446
File: 47 KB, 958x539, LEON_PLEASE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28200448 [DELETED] 

I can't find any medical or psychiatric organizations that call it a mental illness :)

>> No.28200449


>> No.28200457
Quoted by: >>28200488


>> No.28200455 [DELETED] 

Did anybody actually look at the trash they were tweeting and go convince themselves to buy tranny coin?

>> No.28200460
Quoted by: >>28200499


>> No.28200461

What would life be like if you were married to Ina?

>> No.28200462
File: 12 KB, 378x66, unknown (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the guy and his video, it's probably not his intention but he absolutely looks like an asshole here.

>> No.28200467
File: 1.13 MB, 2212x3270, 1577109209584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart tako

>> No.28200469

It should be Sora, EN stalking mother fucker

>> No.28200471
Quoted by: >>28200607

called it

>> No.28200473
File: 341 KB, 570x336, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28200601

Narrative? Sponsorship?

>> No.28200474

Ina was the one who needed floaties all along, not gura.

>> No.28200477


>> No.28200478

got it on loop, I'm really feeling it now.

>> No.28200481
File: 170 KB, 312x290, 1603209236404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tako just can't be stopped

>> No.28200486

She actually seems to be kinda shit at social media interaction. Look at HER old account, she really just shitposted there. She'll open up with time.

>> No.28200488

It's Kino

>> No.28200490

Botan, i like grapplers. Imagine german-suplexing Polka with her

>> No.28200495
File: 494 KB, 776x939, image_2020-10-24_233425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get this.

>> No.28200496

Going by this stream, incredibly frustrating.

>> No.28200499

Lemme tell you boys something about women.

>> No.28200505

Truely a masterpiece, fuck vtubers disgusting leeches how dare they play it wrong disrespectful whores, gabe pls allow me to choke on your cock as jerk on about HL3!!!

>> No.28200508
Quoted by: >>28200681

He's a streamer who is known for being very unskilled/slow/unlucky in video games, and his videos are mostly about jokes at his own expense.

>> No.28200507

What the fuck

>> No.28200510

Imagine how much trouble Ina would have figuring out which way to go in Halo CE

>> No.28200516


>> No.28200517

She wanted to do a coupon review. Honestly it's much better since the coupons are Amelia related content.
But in all honesty Meme review really needs someone that can throw jabs at Coco and call out how terrible some of the memes are

>> No.28200518 [SPOILER] 
File: 373 KB, 1566x1145, 1603596895435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you see Kiara

>> No.28200520

> Ctrl + Alt Gr + F1
> 0 Gura

>> No.28200521
File: 102 KB, 512x512, 1wyJX8z_DMu68wTNxJO4DQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laughs as she runs people over

>> No.28200529

What's wrong with her chest

>> No.28200532
File: 246 KB, 463x453, 1601100875048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28200533 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28200641

Cause most changed their definitions when it became political suicide to Call Mentally ill freaks mentally ill.

>> No.28200535

I like seeing Aqua forced to pretend she doesn't hate foreigners

>> No.28200537


>> No.28200539

Just pretend she is streaming, but they're all 4+ player collabs.

>> No.28200543

Thank god for the timewarp, it helps with not having dinner.

>> No.28200545

>she's having fun
yea fuck you, nice digs tho

>> No.28200546
File: 202 KB, 463x453, 1603576809852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28200712


>> No.28200548
Quoted by: >>28200638

i remember the boat being really fun. actually i remember the entire game being fun and it's no surprise to me why it's such a beloved game.

>> No.28200551

happy so long as she manages her fucking gacha whaling or at least budgets her own earned money for that shit

>> No.28200553
File: 65 KB, 210x256, 1603566382341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based french bread chad

>> No.28200552

tits way too big

>> No.28200560
File: 14 KB, 235x215, Coach Z phone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28200700

>"Hellor? Is that Shork girl? The one what with the million subs and the good singin' voice? I'm gonna drap a new track and I was thinkin' it'd be be dope if ya sung the R&B break!...Hellor? Dad? No, I'm not talking to myself. Yes this phone is plugged in!"

>> No.28200561

Fuck this is the reason rule 4 exists cover get some chat jannies

>> No.28200566


>> No.28200571

the context was above
i think the bluepill was understand any language
Still a shitty meme that she's used before but whatever

>> No.28200574

Same as now but sometimes you have pickle that appears in your house

>> No.28200576
Quoted by: >>28200751

>people here unironically watching Reddit Dragon Meme review.

>> No.28200577

I love the discoloration on the anus.

>> No.28200578
Quoted by: >>28200666

I cannot believe it's been less than 2 hours until the airboat part. I'd have expected 5 hours or something. Maybe I was a shitter in my youth

>> No.28200581
File: 58 KB, 350x405, Pekora wait thinking time ples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you know Pekora?

>> No.28200584 [SPOILER] 
File: 78 KB, 1076x742, 1603596962785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28200586

I think China is bigger than Aloe

As far as recent big controversies go, it's probably
HoloTaiwan > NijiGoldfish (although this may not be completely done yet) > Sex CEO

>> No.28200587 [DELETED] 

That's alright. The 40% filter doesn't give a shit what the organizations say.

>> No.28200593

he is so fucking bitter, this is incredible. someone please compile all of his comments, stacked together it will make him look like a fucking asshole

>> No.28200594

That almost got me

>> No.28200595 [DELETED] 

Anon... Do they really sound like a girl to you?

>> No.28200599
Quoted by: >>28200680

>marrying a gambling addict

>> No.28200598 [DELETED] 

Try this source faggot-chama https://streamable.com/fcb013

>> No.28200602
File: 814 KB, 641x811, PARDUN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28200658


>> No.28200601

holy shit we should have known from the start

>> No.28200606
Quoted by: >>28200642

It's funny how Gura is known for 'cute noises' but Ina has got her beat in that departement for sure

>> No.28200607

Alright she did better than I expected, here's your (You).

>> No.28200612
File: 6 KB, 358x48, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28200611
Quoted by: >>28200865


>> No.28200613

it just looks like he's trying to be relevant honestly

>> No.28200616
File: 492 KB, 685x836, ElI7A9nXYAAaAqz-orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28200615

do not post that image

>> No.28200617
File: 48 KB, 640x806, 1603150349908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

related to this meme

>> No.28200620

But why?

>> No.28200622

Ehh I've seen worse

>> No.28200625

She's a psychopath!


>> No.28200628
File: 1.96 MB, 334x241, hl2 speedrun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28200634

in an ogey world, rrats like me would not exist
but this is not an ogey world

>> No.28200638

Yeah I don't have any bad memories of HL2. I thought the boat was a nice change in pace.

>> No.28200641 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28200787

Sounds like the medical consensus just changed after more research into the topic, are you coping right now anon?

>> No.28200642
Quoted by: >>28200716

It's not a competition you faggot

>> No.28200643
Quoted by: >>28200686

were you playing on easy modo?

>> No.28200644


>> No.28200645

i should have listened

>> No.28200646 [DELETED] 

Why do people hate him so much?

>> No.28200648


>> No.28200652
Quoted by: >>28200859

What's going in this picture?

>> No.28200654
File: 260 KB, 2048x1534, Ek7aIJgU8AASf4Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.28200656
File: 295 KB, 2000x1841, 1573656706226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28200658


>> No.28200659

what the FUCK

>> No.28200664

Ina, your machine gun reps...

>> No.28200666

You most definitively were shittier in your youth

>> No.28200665

This is what "sarcasm" does to your brain

>> No.28200668

China is bigger than Aloe for Chinese, most normal people don't care now

>> No.28200669


>> No.28200667

My sleep reps...
...Okay, Ame...

>> No.28200674


>> No.28200676 [DELETED] 

this dude is alright

>> No.28200677


>> No.28200680

>No Birth control, having children is a gamble.

>> No.28200681


Sounds like cringe. not into HL but thanks kind anons.

>> No.28200682

>she breaks every box because she's been conditioned to expect random loot

modern game design has RUINED gamers brains, SAD!

>> No.28200685

There was a yab discord leak she had to edit out of a video but it was just a literal single frame so autists here were pretty much the only ones that noticed. Archivereps.

>> No.28200686

no but I don't think the puzzles change by difficulty

>> No.28200687
File: 3.35 MB, 1941x2160, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some believe the fate of our streams is inflexible. My employers disagree. They authorize me to… nudge things in a particular direction from time to time.
What would YOU want nudged, /hlgg/?

>> No.28200688
File: 378 KB, 1920x1080, 【Half-Life 2】Rise and shine, Mister Freeman_01.30.53.270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28200691

why does this make me horny?

>> No.28200693

like now but i have a thing to talk to

>> No.28200697

Why was Mori so low energy in the big Among Us collab today?

>> No.28200698

>sharp fingernails

>> No.28200700
File: 506 KB, 515x528, 1602235997344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'M SO OLD SCHOOL (1,2 1,2)

>> No.28200699
File: 35 KB, 640x499, 1602295842421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28200865


>> No.28200703

>oh God I'm sh- bad at aiming.

>> No.28200704


>> No.28200707 [DELETED] 
File: 614 KB, 648x678, Pardun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28200792

>Shilled everywhere for months
>Tranny voice
Please tell me this motherfucker didn't actually get substantial subscribers or superchats.
For some reason YT keep recommending me clips of him, I only needed a few seconds to see through him.

>> No.28200709


>> No.28200712


>> No.28200713
Quoted by: >>28200778

>forgoing ranged weapons for melee
is melee dps more reliable than ranged builds? mmo bros???

>> No.28200716
Quoted by: >>28200763

Calling others a fag when you have a stick in your ass kek

>> No.28200719

That looks like either being an ass or trying to get attention, which are both pathetic

>> No.28200720


>> No.28200723

Comfy but she would spend the money she earns on gacha, thankfully the money she makes from coms would be more than enough to make up for it.

>> No.28200728

>running straight to the mounted gun
oh ina

>> No.28200730

She's always been that way. Never active in social media in general other than her content. I don't think that's a bad thing to be honest and I like her not kneeling to reddit aswell.

>> No.28200731
Quoted by: >>28200795

I want the Antis to leave Earth

>> No.28200733

middle of moving

>> No.28200736

>thread makes narratives out of every scuffed interaction the girls have
>some eceleb outright keeps insulting Ina in the chat
>n-no its probably not his intention bros he's just friendly ribbing haha

>> No.28200740
File: 19 KB, 590x350, 1586527265582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28200865


>> No.28200741
Quoted by: >>28200767

Because she was in the middle of a move and hasn't slept.

>> No.28200745

Ame's spaghetti.

I'm sticking with Ina this time, normally Watson is my girl but I can catch up with Witcher 3 later and get cosy. Ina live is more fun right now.

>> No.28200749

I want... I want aloe back...

>> No.28200750 [DELETED] 

At least one person in her chat did.

>> No.28200751

I am only watching it ironically.

>> No.28200752

you mean like it was in HL1

>> No.28200753

My oshi's happiness guaranteed from this point onward

>> No.28200755

not even close
1 was a sex scandal that got 1 girl graduated
1 started a low-level cold war, got Holo CN disbanded, pulled the company off an entire streaming/video hosting service and multiple permissions forever removed

>> No.28200757

Ina no...

>> No.28200756

is she joining the Hachama Sunday cooking contest?

>> No.28200758
File: 362 KB, 1920x1080, 【Half-Life 2】Rise and shine, Mister Freeman_01.34.56.903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28201514


>> No.28200762

>modern game design
Crash Bandicoot came out before HL2.

>> No.28200763
Quoted by: >>28200799

Ntayrt but youre definitely the one with a stick in your ass

>> No.28200765

Shes moving, working on a freelance project and still doing other work on top of streaming so burnt out

>> No.28200767

she's a trooper for turning up at all.

>> No.28200768

im just gonna watch it in bed while falling asleep i guess

>> No.28200770
Quoted by: >>28201017

Is his content normally like this? He doesnt sound as endearing as other personalities like Ross.

>> No.28200775 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28200839

I haven't seen her debut stream but now everyone's calling her a tranny? Are people just shitposting? Her design always seemed fine to me.

>> No.28200778

Crowbar is OP.

>> No.28200779

i'm late to the stream friends, did ina throw the can like a good girl at the beginning

>> No.28200781
File: 125 KB, 1100x600, 1594134769434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28200782

picked up

>> No.28200786
Quoted by: >>28200850

It's pretty much how he speaks when he's playing and probably doesn't realize it's rude to do to someone else.

>> No.28200787 [DELETED] 

Science isn't a consensus, if it was the Earth would still be flat and be the center of the universe. Just because all the "Experts" are so terrified of cancel culture doesn't change the biological facts.

>> No.28200788

She delayed the stream to watch Ina's HL2.

>> No.28200790

i suppose i should have kept reading chainsaw man

>> No.28200792 [DELETED] 

Holy shit did it actually turn out to be a tranny voice, I thought people were just memeing about that yesterday.

>> No.28200793 [DELETED] 


>> No.28200795 [SPOILER] 
File: 44 KB, 1000x350, 1603597206560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s quite a considerable.. nudge. However what if I can offer you something you don’t know you want?

>> No.28200796


>> No.28200798 [DELETED] 

Jealousy, he's a guy (like us) but that has 10k on youtube as a cute anime girl and already makes money from it

>> No.28200799

no u

>> No.28200800
Quoted by: >>28200895


>> No.28200802

Gura seriously needs to have an upgrade to his rig/model, she needs to be able to grin or smile with those sharp teeth.

>> No.28200803
Quoted by: >>28200895

She picked it up and put it in the trashcan very compliantly.

>> No.28200805


>> No.28200807

I guess I'll cook something too

>> No.28200808

Every time I learn about some new shit e-celeb, it's from you faggots. All of this knowledge I have learned against my will. Just talk about Holos for fucks sakes.

>> No.28200810
Quoted by: >>28200945

ina isn't too bad at vidya, I'd wager she's better than chicken and ame. mori chama your gamer reps... you're gonna be left in the dust...

>> No.28200809

kill all antis and doxxfags

>> No.28200812

>a healslut
>being good at shooters

>> No.28200811
File: 218 KB, 666x666, 1597738400238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want all the girls to be happy and friends!

>> No.28200813
Quoted by: >>28201873

I open it every time expecting something different and everytime I'm disappointed

>> No.28200818

Fucking going insane trying to figure out why Firefox suddenly started declining my SC's earlier this week.

>> No.28200819

Works 3 jobs, moving, was on her craptop, sleep deprived, wanted to still show up despite her net dying on her and nobody showed her how to play the game 10 minutes beforehand.

>> No.28200822

It took me a while to realise where this song was from

>> No.28200821

Propety destruction with Ina!

>> No.28200823
File: 236 KB, 436x383, 1603551085320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28200910


>> No.28200824 [DELETED] 


>> No.28200825

Exhausted from moving, technical difficulties, literally set up her shitty old laptop in an empty apartment, also just general overwork.

>> No.28200829
Quoted by: >>28200967

Anon, she's asian. She put the can in the trash and asked him if there was anything else that needs doing

>> No.28200839 [DELETED] 

see the debut stream and you'll understand why.

>> No.28200850
Quoted by: >>28201056

He's being a fucking leech signalling for his fans in another persons stream
It's pathetic

>> No.28200851 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28201038

>Hyped up for months
>Yabs on twitter
>Disappoints and turns out to be a tranny

>> No.28200854

Its fun the first few times, but I've replayed the game like a dozen times since it was released and it really is just kinda boring compared to other parts. Being placed before you get the grav gun and more of the fun weapons definitely doesn't help either.

>> No.28200855

You chose a shit oshi dude, just pick a better one.

>> No.28200859
File: 2.70 MB, 2892x4096, 1601987467794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori killing Kiara, duh

>> No.28200857

No one deals with chinks ever again.

>> No.28200865

>They don't know

>> No.28200868 [DELETED] 

Please andastd, in his homeland he gets tricked by flip trannies all the time.

>> No.28200871

imagine being so fucking stupid you keep the chat open

>> No.28200873

The physics engine was the only thing it had going for it. The gameplay and story are shit.

>> No.28200875
File: 146 KB, 238x216, 1602249162646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28200950

Impostor syndrome.

>> No.28200876
Quoted by: >>28200944

Ina definitely learns game mechanics pretty decently. Has a good memory for things, the problem is she is just fucking FLYING past all the tutorial parts and missing really obvious things so she never learns in the first place

>> No.28200881
File: 1.55 MB, 4096x4096, HoloEN Ryan Gosling vs the World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let the girls be happy.

>> No.28200882 [DELETED] 


>> No.28200890
File: 132 KB, 692x621, 1603438703121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't pick up a single grenade

>> No.28200893
Quoted by: >>28200920


>> No.28200894

Aloe > Holo CN unironically

>> No.28200895
File: 277 KB, 756x739, 1603550380935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28200901

Can Coco accurately explain meme's to Gura? Gura seems kind of sheltered and not really "in the know" when it comes to internet culture in general.

>> No.28200902

>that trigger discipline

>> No.28200905

Capcom permissions onegai

>> No.28200906
File: 1.57 MB, 1172x1563, 85187121_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame to kick me in the nuts.

>> No.28200908

what would the point be?
they can read english and she'dunderstand the meme
and she wouldnt laugh because its not funny
and then Coco would explain it and she would sort of force a small laugh

alright maybe that would be kino

>> No.28200910
Quoted by: >>28200973

God I want to eat her nicotine tasting pubes.

>> No.28200915
Quoted by: >>28200994

She clearly doesn't give a fuck about streaming or hololive in general

>> No.28200921

It's the combination of photo textures and baked lighting, aside from the addition of normal maps, roughness and better reflections, game graphics haven't evolved much since then.

>> No.28200920
Quoted by: >>28201021

Use context clues anon

>> No.28200927

>how long is this section
Oh Ina...

>> No.28200935

I know it's easy but can you really just stand there and tank every single shot?

>> No.28200937
File: 157 KB, 1280x723, ElGj370U0AAW_cW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another big collab next week

Anyone kinda wish they'd play with gen 5 again? Among us was kino

>> No.28200938

>Gura seems kind of sheltered and not really "in the know" when it comes to internet culture in general.
>he lacks the information

>> No.28200941
Quoted by: >>28201031

>boat section is already too long for Ina
what were Valve thinking

>> No.28200940

is Ina gonna draw Half Life art after this?

>> No.28200943


Mori plays Drug Deal in DarkRP
Gura plays Gunshop Owner in Dark RP
Watson plays Cop in DarkRP
Ina plays Civilian
Kiara plays Hobo

>> No.28200945

yeah, even though she's not used to fps but honestly she's doing a great job.

>> No.28200946

She's getting filtered by the boat, understandable

>> No.28200944
Quoted by: >>28200988

>the problem is she is just fucking FLYING past all the tutorial parts and missing really obvious things so she never learns in the first place

>> No.28200948

>1 was a sex scandal that got 1 girl graduated
Niji drone again? Aloe is not about "sex scandal", Aloe is about Niji antis trying to cover up the fact that Ichikara is a black company. Roa's scandal is just a follow up of what Aloe was talking about. But niji antis tried to frame it as a "sex scandal" to protect Nijisanji and Ichikara

>> No.28200951


>> No.28200950

we need a ppt edit like this and w watson sand

>> No.28200955

>how long does this go on for
Oh, Ina, you're one with everyone who played HL2 for the first time

>> No.28200956

>Are we there yet
Half done with the airboat, haven't even started on the buggy tho

>> No.28200958


>> No.28200960

How new?

>> No.28200964

Coco burned that bridge with the buttplug thing. Gura won't touch that with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.28200967


>> No.28200968

even Ina is checking out of the boat section, oh right, time to turn om3tcw again.

>> No.28200972
Quoted by: >>28201037

>I can offer you a battle you have no chance of winning... Rather an anticlimax, after what you've just survived.
>Time to choose...

>> No.28200973
Quoted by: >>28201027

w-why do her pubes taste like nicotine?

>> No.28200974

>nobody showed her how to play the game 10 minutes beforehand
Pretty sure that's not true. Polka talked about a practice round (which they must've done off stream) and Kiara also did, iirc.

>> No.28200981



>> No.28200982

Dumb nigger you got me, here's your (You)

>> No.28200984

>Driving directly into the fire

>> No.28200987

easy mode anon

>> No.28200988

I'm not saying its her fault, anon, please take your meds.

>> No.28200989
File: 148 KB, 1200x600, 1_J2nqKouoNbmfhxxwaFRtMg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make my oshi real.

>> No.28200994


>> No.28200999

oil flots

>> No.28200998 [SPOILER] 
File: 59 KB, 479x479, 1603597426823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her to be happy.

>> No.28201006 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 900x900, 1603559884650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28201005

it's probably the standard difficulty anon, i remember playing a much harder one.

>> No.28201008

HL2 had a really solid base for reasons beyond physics though. The episodes highlight it, and it shows when playing through mods or other source engine games.

>> No.28201011

Gura is 3 dimensions ahead of the reddit dragon

>> No.28201009

easy modo

>> No.28201012
File: 874 KB, 600x490, 1600930923562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want people to translate every stream the day after if not sooner

>> No.28201010

Ina just said ``I'm scared Mom''

does this prove her Mom is here?

>> No.28201013
File: 18 KB, 320x320, bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28201055

>How much longer do we have on this part

>> No.28201015

Because he is. He hasn't watched enough of Ina's stream to know whether this kind of joke would fly well here and he's making jokes that assumes people know who he is.

>> No.28201017
Quoted by: >>28201076

Ross for Holostars when?

>> No.28201016

Suffering kino.

>> No.28201019


>> No.28201020

Can we please adopt Gura's sister and her friends as EN2, they're legitimately amazing

>> No.28201021

I'll do my searching reps then. This reminds me of Inuyashiki.

>> No.28201022

I never got past the boat part bros

>> No.28201026

HalfLife2... it's been 103 minutes...

>> No.28201027
Quoted by: >>28201092

Because of that famous gig where she smokes a cig with her pussy.

>> No.28201031
Quoted by: >>28201306

The most amazing part? The entirety of Lost Coast was in the MIDDLE of the fucking airboat section.

>> No.28201032

me btw

>> No.28201033

it'll be ogey, rrat

>> No.28201038 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28201133

wait he yabbed?
hell yeah dude i'd want them to play together again. what game tho? more among us would be cool but what other big multiplayer games are there?

>> No.28201037

>choose the battle
>face an army of Pekoras

>> No.28201041

She is gonna get filtered by water section and never touch it again then go to /v/ and make shitpost threads about how the game wasn't even that good and we all have nostalgia googles right?

>> No.28201042
Quoted by: >>28201095

The actual minecraftJP visit with 5 members?

>> No.28201043

capcom and fromsoft permissions prease

>> No.28201045

She seems pretty happy.

>> No.28201049
File: 488 KB, 956x534, linus shark tips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally "driving into a wall" tier gameplay
This is fine

>> No.28201050
File: 86 KB, 938x522, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28201051
File: 752 KB, 841x1000, 1601519517344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28201052
File: 76 KB, 639x479, 1472873602273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28201075


>> No.28201055

Almost halfway

>> No.28201056

He has more subs though.

>> No.28201057
Quoted by: >>28201400

I never had an issue with any of the car of boat sections, why do people get so angry about them?

>> No.28201059

Jesus I forgot how heavily this game relied on environmental clues.

>> No.28201062 [DELETED] 



>> No.28201065

Am I the only one that doesn't view Gura as a child?

>> No.28201066

i want kiaras long juicy legs

>> No.28201070

ahhh Mori walking down the street with Gura
theyre holding hands

>> No.28201073

oki doki boomer

>> No.28201075

the ride never ends

>> No.28201076

game dungeon kino, I'd watch it

>> No.28201083

Yes, he's a known meme copypasta tuber in the vein of nyanners who is known to this board, and who is openly a tranny. Archivereps.

>> No.28201087 [DELETED] 
File: 228 KB, 278x288, confused ross.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28201113


>> No.28201088

Don't post that cursed shit here, let /hlg/ handle it

>> No.28201089


>> No.28201090

s-sugoi reddit chicken

>> No.28201092

Jesus. Imagine the nicotine rush. It'd be like smoking for the first time again.

>> No.28201093
File: 1.04 MB, 694x685, 1601034924154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28201184


>> No.28201094

The story is great, if it was just the physics it would've been forgotten a decade ago

>> No.28201095

It's either Minecraft JP welcome, English Among Us, or Meme Review.

>> No.28201096


>> No.28201100


>> No.28201104 [DELETED] 

Reminder you niggers were no better

>> No.28201106

No, she is definitely mid 20s at the youngest and feels like it.

>> No.28201110
File: 27 KB, 464x393, patri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ina quotes pic related often

>> No.28201113
Quoted by: >>28201167

I just killed THREE video games.

>> No.28201114
Quoted by: >>28201171

How could you forget that, thats like one of half life's most remember-able elements

>> No.28201115

Not feeling that... I feel like shitty reddit memes are beneath Gura.

>> No.28201122
File: 16 KB, 609x359, polka rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'll be ogey, rrat

>> No.28201123
Quoted by: >>28201172

She lives with her mom, it might even be AO-chan.

>> No.28201124 [DELETED] 
File: 493 KB, 1920x1080, 1584810915423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28201125
Quoted by: >>28201209


>> No.28201128
File: 487 KB, 402x603, 1602991943645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck was that

>> No.28201131

Wait, so was Aloe black?

>> No.28201133
Quoted by: >>28201169

l4d2 versus mode

>> No.28201135

>massive padlock
>doesn't shoot it
Oh my lord this tako.

>> No.28201136
Quoted by: >>28201186

>Conveniently ignoring the lock

>> No.28201138

You mean Kana?

>> No.28201137
Quoted by: >>28201268

Dude! Yuri! Lmao!!!

>> No.28201145
File: 2.74 MB, 498x372, 1599138964457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a single mode of transportation more toxic to a story than boats.

>> No.28201146
Quoted by: >>28201449

Was Breen in HL1? I don't remember.

>> No.28201147

there is no joke
coco is just dumpster diving reddit for absolute garbage tier content. just be glad she isn't in here collecting ogeys or rrats

>> No.28201149

alright done

>> No.28201151

Anon, we're watching a game, read the mood

>> No.28201153

She's a much cuter menhera than festival

>> No.28201154

Then get 500k people to unsub and stop making shitty memes of her

>> No.28201156
File: 13 KB, 171x204, 1603506210341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never flipped upside down from getting off the boat before, how do beginners find the weirdest shit

>> No.28201160 [DELETED] 

That was this year? I could have sworn it was older than that.

>> No.28201161

you know the real sad thing is that Kiara might actually tweet about getting a meme in meme review. Our Stacy can't help herself sometimes.

>> No.28201168

HL1's tutorial told you about crouch jumping. Does HL2 just never tell you it's a thing you can do?

>> No.28201167 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 789 KB, 1041x650, 1603597602511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28201194


>> No.28201169

>whatever team botan is in wins

>> No.28201172


>> No.28201170 [DELETED] 

God if only

>> No.28201171

Its been 16 years its like a nostalgia trip honestly

>> No.28201174
Quoted by: >>28201341

Helicopters in any action or horror game

>> No.28201178
File: 319 KB, 1920x1080, 【Half-Life 2】Rise and shine, Mister Freeman_01.39.27.070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fine.

>> No.28201179

I want Gura to be my sharkwife, make it so P-Man

>> No.28201180 [DELETED] 
File: 540 KB, 1920x1080, 1584812839138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.28201181

Backwards bunny hops

>> No.28201184
File: 802 KB, 620x459, 1603565027494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based clownposters. I'm watching Ina muted with this on the bg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3O6O7wzi30

>> No.28201186

pls understando good asian girl who isn't rebellious

>> No.28201190

Just got through a four hour fuck session with Kiara who was unaffected from boundless genki energy

>> No.28201192

did she really just???

>> No.28201193

the supply crates...

>> No.28201195

It's not a joke

>> No.28201196

imagine something involving Mori being more cringey without her input
jesus Coco has to be able to pick better stuff. why wont she?

>> No.28201194 [DELETED] 

Begone Mold Demon

>> No.28201197

There is no joke, but chicken is cute

>> No.28201198

>haha funny dragon reviewing reddit memes, haha.

>> No.28201199
File: 93 KB, 750x750, 1599916307719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely ignores revolver

>> No.28201200

please anon, I already took my drink, don't make me do it twice

>> No.28201202
File: 212 KB, 320x320, 1602338241057.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28201203
Quoted by: >>28201289

God I fucking LOVE THAT GUN

>> No.28201205

As long as Char actually does anything Gundam related then yes

>> No.28201207

For me it was being briefed to go to the "big red barn" and just flies by it

>> No.28201208

The autist in me winces for every missed supply crate.

>> No.28201209
Quoted by: >>28201283

So you are a fucking retard.

>> No.28201215

it would be fun if ina was friends with the dude but this is some literal who attempting to be funny and failing miserably

>> No.28201218
File: 317 KB, 1240x1753, 1603508549933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28201248

Her character is tailor made to invoke sexual urges from cunnyseurs.

>> No.28201227 [DELETED] 

>Fuck that was tedious, took me like 15 minutes. Did people really think this was fun in 2004?
>massive (You)s
Holy shit this thread is gold

>> No.28201229

I like it because it doesn't spoonfeed you

>> No.28201231

hl2chads, how far away are we from ravenholm or at least the underground parking lot filled with headcrab zombies

>> No.28201234
File: 17 KB, 368x200, medium_0015371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about starting off the game with 5 minutes of biking?

>> No.28201240

I don't think they ever tell you that in HL2, now that I think about it.

>> No.28201243

Warp zones.

>> No.28201246
Quoted by: >>28201308

I hope they have more interactions with Gen 5 than anyone else

I remember when EN was first announced, Nene (I believe?) said they were debuting so close to Gen 5 that she could consider them genmates

>> No.28201248

not really, pedos just like to draw her that way

>> No.28201249 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 593x610, 1603202744527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28201250
File: 2.53 MB, 1920x1200, 1585235111848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28201253
Quoted by: >>28201345

Many hours

>> No.28201264


>> No.28201268

Yuri Lane!

>> No.28201269

why does she pick shit like this? it feels like she doesnt even speak english sometimes with how crap these are

>> No.28201275


>> No.28201276


>> No.28201282

me, I view her as a wife.

>> No.28201284


>> No.28201283
Quoted by: >>28201336

Not as fucking retarded as the guy who shows up in someone elses chat to try and surf off their popularity

>> No.28201285


>> No.28201286
Quoted by: >>28201409

She's a lolibaba! It's kinda cringe to see some of her chat act like she's a real child though.

>> No.28201289

Best gun in the game

>> No.28201292 [DELETED] 

you are on to something....

>> No.28201293
Quoted by: >>28201345

Not even close

>> No.28201295
File: 210 KB, 414x613, 1602705966587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people making fun of Mori who is trudging through Doom on normal using a controller
>some of those people said Ina is potentially best gamer in EN


>> No.28201298

The bikes in SA handle perfectly fine though.

>> No.28201300


>> No.28201303
File: 4 KB, 236x48, 1602427997583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28201306

Lost Coast was part of the Highway 17 section with the buggy, not the boat.

>> No.28201307
File: 28 KB, 455x372, 1594051958182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28201308
Quoted by: >>28201385

Her and Kiara both said that during the karaoke stream

>> No.28201310
File: 81 KB, 832x868, 1600993207828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina only sometimes breaks open hp and ammo boxes.

>> No.28201313
Quoted by: >>28201506

>this is fine
it never is

>> No.28201315
Quoted by: >>28201362

honestly i went to /hlg/ a couple times and seriously forgot that was a fucked up narrative
you're right
sorry Aloe

>> No.28201317

Ina, when you yell 'ITS FINE' louder and louder I have a harder time believing you.

>> No.28201318

I kneel, anonsama

>> No.28201319
File: 28 KB, 957x573, 1603243563208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how was the Ame watch along? Couldn't catch it, kind of pissed.

>> No.28201323
File: 5 KB, 342x38, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28201402

>> No.28201327
Quoted by: >>28201442

pls andastd redditors can't do anything eithout shitty meme templates

>> No.28201332


>> No.28201336

Take your meds.

>> No.28201337

there's a few more things with the boat, then the boss, then the cutscenes at the lab then ravenholm after the gravity gun

>> No.28201338 [DELETED] 

>only does mre reviews on stream

>> No.28201341

>FPS Game starts
>On Helicopter
>Heli crashes
like clockwork

>> No.28201345


>> No.28201347 [DELETED] 

nice hiss...

>> No.28201348
Quoted by: >>28201415

Only redditors are actually likes Aki Rose

>> No.28201353

So did Ina even realise that she picked up the magnum? I don't think she did.

>> No.28201354 [DELETED] 

>MRE reviewing anime bro

>> No.28201355

Without the hoodie she is 100% lolibait, and she doesn't like using the hoodie at all.

>> No.28201356
File: 257 KB, 600x600, 1599660525429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28201362

As long as you understand

>> No.28201367
Quoted by: >>28201509

Ina sure loves that Glock.

>> No.28201370

nah, i see some adult characteristics in her too. but the childish characteristics that make me feel protective of her are dominant.

>> No.28201378

based based based

>> No.28201379

>some of those people said Ina is potentially best gamer in EN
they're delusional

>> No.28201380

i kneel

>> No.28201384
File: 93 KB, 484x512, 1586991548553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Source2 Pekoraman

>> No.28201385

fuckin' nice

I love gen 5 and EN I hope they continue to get along

>> No.28201388

>Ina is potentially best gamer in EN
no one legitimately thought that when ame actually plays video games

>> No.28201389


Anonymous you motherfucker, you've done it again

>> No.28201394
File: 295 KB, 498x500, 1603596062195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit meme
How do people find this funny? Am I retarded for not laughing any of these or am I just becoming too jaded?

>> No.28201400
Quoted by: >>28201443

The vehicles were innovative at the time for combining a (relatively) complex engine physics alongside an a world with interactive objects and mostly working.

Today however, this comes off as clunky and comes off a part meant to showcase the engine's capabilities. Other games at the time had more fluid gameplay with vehicles in a FPS by just switching control/camera modes and having more constrained physics and objects, like HALO.

>> No.28201401

She's an unprofessional hack who can't be bothered to make sure her schedule allows for her to be in good condition for the first major collab her generation has done despite it being scheduled weeks in advance.

>> No.28201402

Spag hetti

>> No.28201406

They will never admit their mistakes, anon. Just let it go.

>> No.28201407
File: 328 KB, 467x374, 1603395367525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is not gonna collab with reddit dragon, right?

>> No.28201409

Maybe she should stop acting like one

>> No.28201410

Cauldron & hammer

>> No.28201411

Ina...these noises...my dick....

>> No.28201415 [DELETED] 

I like Aki! But I hate meme review more so I am sitting out this one

>> No.28201416

deadbeats are offically all antis and none of the other girls can be wrong so says the schizos, get with the times gramps.

>> No.28201417

She was too focused on the movie and didnt say much. A gosling sent an insensitive joke in a SC and she got mad but they made up at the end.

>> No.28201418

The movie was pretty decent but it seems like people were pretty split on it as a watch along movie.

>> No.28201421

Fucking gold. Good job, anon.

>> No.28201424

i literally see gura as like that drunk loli teacher from a certain magical index, she's just a tiny ball of cynicism and unintentional cuteness

>> No.28201423
File: 199 KB, 1146x1698, 1603163669848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was okay. Not as fun as John Wick, but a good movie regardless

>> No.28201425

Not for long, I don't think he has Hololive's growth

>> No.28201428

they might even have a chance of being funny if any of them used the templates correctly

>> No.28201429

Gender dysphoria (GD, previously GID) is a mental illness in the DSM5 wtf are you talking about

>> No.28201431

ignorance is bliss

>> No.28201434

This is a great one, have a (you)

>> No.28201435

Bugman kneel

>> No.28201438

Ina is a better shot than Mori though

>> No.28201439


>> No.28201442

True, but she can't even use all of those because of copyright bullshit.

>> No.28201443
Quoted by: >>28201616

Tons of FPS games had vehicles you zoomer

>> No.28201445

Movie was fun, ame was cute

>> No.28201446

this is why you're here and not there

>> No.28201447

honestly I couldn't hate the start of SA, it's all part of starting off with jack shit and building yourself up. The real bullshit was that fucking RC plane mission.

>> No.28201449

Not directly IIRC

>> No.28201454

You are a normal person

>> No.28201455
Quoted by: >>28201607

No. I tried watching Kana once and it was awful. I refuse to have a fucking flip who feels no shame about ripping others off in Hololive. I don't know anything about the third one but fuck that whole group out of principle.

>> No.28201459

nah most of them are legitemately unfunny.

>> No.28201467
Quoted by: >>28201688

Doe anyone have the link to all of Guras member only streams for download?????

>> No.28201469

I see her as a punchbag. Does that count?

>> No.28201468

They practiced for like two hours beforehand.

>> No.28201473


>> No.28201474

No, you're just not a 14 year old anymore

>> No.28201478
File: 534 KB, 800x971, 1600989585606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28201517

Can anyone upload to catbox, I keep getting an error

>> No.28201479
File: 66 KB, 960x540, 1602194966610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It WILL happen anon, there's no escape.

>> No.28201480

Not for the meme reviews. Those are for JOPs.

>> No.28201483

>close to death this many times but still pulled through
wow, easy is actually the perfect difficulty for Ina.

>> No.28201484

Ina need to play metal gear sol-

Oh shit...

>> No.28201486

haveing the EN react to JP meme would be cool

>> No.28201487

I didn't know you could destroy the helicopter in this section

>> No.28201489
File: 319 KB, 1920x1080, 1593547281036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the blessed content anon-sama

>> No.28201490


>> No.28201491
File: 8 KB, 304x304, 1603510326946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking oortia over here has me laughing harder than anything I saw from today's reddit stream

>> No.28201497
Quoted by: >>28201557

Why is it that only overseas people connect to Polka's Among Us rooms? One would think that some Japs would've tried to join by now.

>> No.28201499

very nice

>> No.28201506
File: 166 KB, 1017x481, Amelia this is fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28201510

>Well-regarded MMO raider isn't good at every single genre of game
Nah, nothing to apologize about deadbraap.

>> No.28201509

She wants to spare SMG ammo and I don't think she even noticed picking up the magnum...

>> No.28201511

Is Ina our only hope for STALKER?

>> No.28201512

someone prepare drinking rules or use /hlg/'s

>> No.28201514

see >>28200758

>> No.28201515

not based, deadbeat
apologize to Mori

>> No.28201517
Quoted by: >>28201640

This stream?

>> No.28201520


>> No.28201522

Halo CE is unironically easier to navigate than hl2

>> No.28201524

There's nothing inherently wrong with templates, it's just that retarded redditors don't actually understand the templates

>> No.28201527

I never would've imagined people looking at her as an 8 year old daughterwife had I never browsed these threads. I view her as in her early 20s.

>> No.28201528

Ina is actually doing pretty well.
Sure she has chat and playing on Easy Modo but still impressive.

>> No.28201536
File: 158 KB, 400x400, 1601865950110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28201642

Still a better shot than mori
I don´t want to be an anti of your oshi man, I tried really hard to like her but I hate you deadbraps

>> No.28201538
Quoted by: >>28201563

i cant believe she's tolerated this boat and helicopter so long

>> No.28201540

that just makes her more relatable to be honest

>> No.28201543

it's not hard when your target are basically standing still rather than madly running at you from every direction

>> No.28201550

Every single HoloEN will at some point.

>> No.28201552
Quoted by: >>28202514

how long do you think she has been preparing to move?

>> No.28201553
File: 191 KB, 1266x688, stalker choke 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28201555

True, but in her stream she seemed completely oblivious to the idea of tasks being minigames so either she missed the practice or only showed up near the end.

>> No.28201556

jaysus these noises

>> No.28201557
Quoted by: >>28201638

she originally did half JOP and half EOP

>> No.28201560

They remind me of the early 4chin and internet "memes."

>> No.28201561

She's already suffering enough here anon, I don't think she could make it.

>> No.28201563

She's so over it.

>> No.28201564

The ride never ends ina

>> No.28201568

They're not funny, but Aki's laugh fills me with bliss so I'll take it.

>> No.28201569

They need to see ORGASTOPPINGMAN

>> No.28201570
File: 54 KB, 339x339, ---.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's physique, her stature, it's...

>> No.28201574

I think that would be Ame.

How do you get permissions for a game whose dev/publisher doesn't exist?

>> No.28201576

Nice boat.

>> No.28201575


>> No.28201580
Quoted by: >>28201618

It's just memes for normies, their meme lifespan lasts about a week at most from what I've seen. I guess it's funny to people that don't spend much time on the internet

>> No.28201582

That game has waypoints and a radar. Significantly easier than HL2.

>> No.28201588
Quoted by: >>28201716

>how long is this boat segment
lol she hasn't even gotten the gun attachment for the boat yet.

>> No.28201594

They don't tell you, but I don't think you actually need to crouch jump to beat HL2.

>> No.28201593

Extremely based

>> No.28201597
File: 654 KB, 1000x720, 1601131643499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah we jammin again

>> No.28201602

>How long is this segement

If she doesn't like this, she's gonna hate the rest of the vehicle segments.

>> No.28201607

>a fucking flip who feels no shame about ripping others off in Hololive
Congrats, that's basically gura.

>> No.28201608

for mating press!

>> No.28201609

Given that she didn't start her stream until like 5 minutes after everyone else did, I don't think she got into the practice round and was fighting technical difficulties up until the last moment.

>> No.28201611

Moris japanese gave me 2nd hand embarrassment wtf

>> No.28201613

How did people 20 years tolerate the boat section? I remember hating it and I played when Orange Box came out.

>> No.28201616

Did you not read the second fucking sentence?
My point is that the vehicles in the source engine are composed of the same modeling, physics, and interactivity as the every other object. That was not done previously because it was both more resource intensive and buggy than giving vehicles a special place in the engine.

>> No.28201617

Imagine Gura in Lamy's lap wearing her boobs like a hat

>> No.28201618

Its also funny for JOPS that literally never interact with western humor aside from this shit.

>> No.28201621


>> No.28201623

ill include it in my app to the hypothetical holostarsEN

>> No.28201625
File: 394 KB, 1080x1080, dduleup-09b890ce-35c8-4374-95de-b3545c6b3bba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are in the future... this is the moment you watch your oshi... graduate...

>> No.28201628
File: 231 KB, 463x453, 1603334409870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that snazzy 2000s action game soundtrack all of a sudden. really brings me back.

>> No.28201629
Quoted by: >>28201713

They're around and working on Stalker 2 anon

>> No.28201634

god half life 1 had good music

>> No.28201636
File: 3.96 MB, 266x400, 1600367337550.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28201639

>"Oh jesus, when will this segment end!?!? Preasu..."
>Ina during sex with me, 2020

>> No.28201638

Thanks for the lore, anon.

>> No.28201640

I just mean in general any file

>> No.28201642
File: 50 KB, 486x485, takomegane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice falseflag

>> No.28201645

She's in physical pain

>> No.28201646

haha of course she is

>> No.28201647

No, she's not the type at all. Ame maybe but even her it's not sure. If the holo didn't already mention it there's a good chance she won't play it, STALKER players are always a bit obsessive

>> No.28201648


>> No.28201650
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, om3tcw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28201652
File: 130 KB, 781x989, 1600733524598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you're just an adult and have a decent since of humor. "Memes" as far as redit is concerned is a pre-formatted joke, so obviously it'll never be funny. Reddit sucks at actually making OC

>> No.28201653

what about a Stalker watchalong?

the movie's themes might fit with her character

>> No.28201654

It was the flagship for the Source Engine. What people remember fondly isn't HL2, it's all the things that were done with the engine after HL2 combined with almost two decades of nostalgia to make people forget the flaws.

>> No.28201660

I will personally waterboard Gaben for every minute he made Ina drive the boat

>> No.28201661

>this is worse than mario kart

>> No.28201662

>This is worst than mario kart


>> No.28201663

It filtered me hard the first time I played.

>> No.28201665


>> No.28201667

radical moves, Ina

>> No.28201668

>she doesn't know the rest of the game is just boat and boat episode 1 and 2

>> No.28201669

we warned you not to bother and just watch Ina, you can only blame yourself.

>> No.28201674

nice boat

>> No.28201672
Quoted by: >>28201723

she can't drive straight because she keeps turning the view to one side or the other

>> No.28201678
Quoted by: >>28201719

Did we just get Inaboat?

>> No.28201679

perfect for breeding!

>> No.28201680

Doing the jalopy part with the gnome in episode 2 was fun as fuck

>> No.28201681

it cant happen, i wont let it

>> No.28201682
Quoted by: >>28201713

>doesn't exist?

>> No.28201684

The buggy was fun though. I liked the checkpoints and using the antlion machines

>> No.28201688
File: 132 KB, 2048x2047, pekoland popsicle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28201972

here, friend!

>> No.28201689

My knees are non-existent

>> No.28201690
Quoted by: >>28201719



>> No.28201692

>I think that would be Ame.
You would think the same thing for Half Life, but she hates singleplayer FPSes.

>> No.28201695

>/hlgg/ thread
>anons falling for schizos
meido banned salmon poster
kidding love you retards, except doxxretards

>> No.28201697

Unless!? Unless what?

>> No.28201698

nice boat

>> No.28201704

U-unless what?

>> No.28201709 [DELETED] 
File: 1.14 MB, 1128x638, meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent like 5 whole minutes staring at this trying to figure out what it means. Is there no joke? Do I just not get the joke? Is the joke that there is no joke? Do I not have a high enough IQ to appreciate it? Somebody please put me out of my misery I don't think I'm ever going to be able to sleep again until I can comprehend this.

>> No.28201708

Could be worse, they'd have to deal with fucking Hasbro if they ever want to play a Transformers game since no one's picked up the license for that after Activision let it go

>> No.28201712

not to out myself as a huge faggot but the reddit does have SOME decent memes
Coco just picks the shittiest ones
even if she tried harder there arent enough to fill an hour

>> No.28201713

It's technically not the SAME company though, who has rights to STALKER /CoP?

>> No.28201714

This is fucking hilarious

>> No.28201715
File: 150 KB, 1045x794, 1603510459957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He got filtered by Water Hazard

>> No.28201716

The segment before and after the gun is really not the same experience

>> No.28201717

>Holy shit, I can actually get in the boat like IRL. It's like I'm really driving it.
Something like that. It was novel.

>> No.28201719

Fuck... Streamable when.

>> No.28201722

Man FUCK the boat segment.

>> No.28201723

She groovin' to the music

God the boat controls are such ass. I get why they are the way they are but its so unintuitive

>> No.28201725

Buggie isn't that bad, you just ride between points of interest.

>> No.28201728

fine ship

>> No.28201731
Quoted by: >>28202009

reddit is just young nowadays, hell 4chan is young compared to how it was back in the day

>> No.28201733

>almost caught up with freeman's mind

>> No.28201734

Why are people surprised Ina's bad at this. Of course a gook can't drive.

>> No.28201737

Dude the map is so huge and look at that water that's amazing

>> No.28201738


>> No.28201741

How did she do so well in Hades which is an actual dificult game but she struggles so hard with HL2 and Mariokart?

>> No.28201742

Why does this feel like sufferkino

>> No.28201743

Holy shit I forgot how long this boat section goes on for lol

>> No.28201745
File: 84 KB, 500x500, BASED Shuten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28201746

>gotta get up early to vote tomorrow
>Ame delayed her stream
Come on

>> No.28201747

its just repeating the same formats and inside reddit jokes that have been overused to death

>> No.28201748

You know Ina not enjoying it when she didn't comment how detail this game is

>> No.28201749 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28201966

harambe chocolate dying adios my time has come moment

>> No.28201752

did he actually deserve it tho

>> No.28201757

Movie sucked, ame was into it and was cute though

>> No.28201760


>> No.28201763 [SPOILER] 
File: 276 KB, 1024x768, 1603598247882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28201816

I’ll do it

>> No.28201768
File: 274 KB, 505x452, 1602813099214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reality is most reddit memes are "Ecks dee how relatable template"

>> No.28201769

>Don't explode, don't explode, don't explode
>Ina having sex with ME, 2020

>> No.28201772 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28201966

idols are stew, its obvious

>> No.28201773 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28201966

The joke is Haachama cooking

>> No.28201775

Im going to fucking barf. This shit is giving me motion sickness.

>> No.28201774 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28201966

it's a joke about the curry advertisement

>> No.28201778

This thing actually annoys me.. How can someone make shitty meme to reach this degree.

>> No.28201779 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28201966

It would be funny if the last image was the correct one

>> No.28201780 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28201966

It's curry I think in the 4th panel

>> No.28201782

Collabs with JP are unironically awful because of the language barrier and they shouldn't do another one.

>> No.28201783


>> No.28201790 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28201966

is this shitposting or are you actually to much of a smooth brain to understand the premise of this "joke"

>> No.28201793

Because the next level is arguably the best

>> No.28201800


>> No.28201802 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28201966

this is the original meme (i think its funny)

i think this meme is a play on Curry Messi collab
still unfunny but just some context

>> No.28201801 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28201966

a negro was assimilated into white society now that nigga curry brain guacamole penis

>> No.28201807
Quoted by: >>28201927

How is that even possible.

>> No.28201813

Just watch the vod later, Sunday is always dead anyways

>> No.28201814

Never post on the internet ever again.

>> No.28201816


>> No.28201818

watson in chat she got stuck here

>> No.28201820

I thought the whole shtick was to show the JP girls english memes and explain it to them. Kind of hard to do that when they are all entrenched in the western meme culture.

>> No.28201821


Yes. I agree to be your weird intergalactic frozen-in-time hitman that indirectly works for whoever the fuck YOU work for. Just let her be happy for a while longer.

>> No.28201822
File: 27 KB, 420x154, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28201823
Quoted by: >>28201859

Because 20 year old game design fucking sucks now.

>> No.28201827
File: 15 KB, 451x59, 1603598300509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28201828


>> No.28201829
File: 565 KB, 367x265, Hard on.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28201855

Just listening to Ina's audio while not watching. This is what sex with Ina must sound like.

>> No.28201832

Boat was so fucking good and cool. For me, It was Innovation and It felt so fucking good the way the boats becomes apart of you.

>> No.28201831
Quoted by: >>28201927

based motionsicknessAnon

>> No.28201835
File: 50 KB, 500x468, 1586156782863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna make it...

>> No.28201836

Watson confirmed delaying her stream so she can watch Ina airboat

>> No.28201837
Quoted by: >>28201942

>you go ball deeps on Ina

>> No.28201840
Quoted by: >>28202002

more like cunny

>> No.28201838
Quoted by: >>28202075

>why do people have different levels of skills in different types of games?

>> No.28201843
File: 41 KB, 637x358, mitchel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28201968


>> No.28201844
File: 6 KB, 350x40, 45343534535435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Delays stream by 30 mins.
>To watch and chat with Ina.

>> No.28201842

it's biggest fault in modern times is the abysmal accuracy of the guns.

>> No.28201847

The Among Us collab was great and it's only going to get better when they become more familiar with the game and each other

>> No.28201848


>> No.28201849

It's the same company and the same CEO, it's the devs who are gone

>> No.28201852 [DELETED] 

i think the OG gorilla meme was about race-mixing But not 100% about that

>> No.28201853

she's directionally challenged
also she did say FPS isn't really her forte

>> No.28201855

holy shit youre right its like taking her virginity

>> No.28201857

Same guy, so basically same company.

>> No.28201858

The boat sucks, man.

>> No.28201859

Zoom zoom

>> No.28201866
Quoted by: >>28202008

Maybe Coco just has a terrible taste in humor? She can be funny when creating Asacoco content but otherwise her taste is just bad.

>> No.28201871

Did she just skip that whole thing

>> No.28201872

i love ina normally, but there's something extra special about her hating being on this boat

>> No.28201873

Every time? Has this been posted before? Looks new to me.

>> No.28201875
Quoted by: >>28202057

Don't remember that part anymore. Did Ina glitch through or was that supposed to be like that?

>> No.28201876

Sleep is for the weak chilean bro

>> No.28201874

Go look over there. She doesn't have many options.

>> No.28201878

Ross has to make the MOVIE!

>> No.28201880

if you don't think polka and nene trying to convince ame through the language barrier was kino you're a dog and i will shoot you behind the shed with a hint of sorrow

>> No.28201881


>> No.28201882

>Ame got filtered

>> No.28201884
Quoted by: >>28202298

coco should do a 5ch meme review with a HoloEN as a guest

>> No.28201891

Ina is the best gamer in EN. There's a lot more to gaming than FPS, and she's one of the top FF14 players in the world.

>> No.28201897
Quoted by: >>28202020

This game has aged like tentacle milk. Not the graphics, but the gameplay.

>> No.28201900

Splendid vessel

>> No.28201903


>> No.28201904
Quoted by: >>28202075

different genres and game design I swear how do retards not understand this?

>> No.28201905

nothing wrong with that

>> No.28201908

you guys are listening to om3tcw during this right?

>> No.28201912
Quoted by: >>28202217

They will all be on reddit meme shit eventually, it's just a matter of when

>> No.28201913
Quoted by: >>28201961

Not afraid to admit this section filtered me for like a week

>> No.28201917

There's millions of shitty memes. The problem is Coco popularizing them and acting like they're funny.

>> No.28201919

>Ame got stuck on the boat section

Even the FPS autist got filtered LMAO

>> No.28201921

>Doing anything else when you could chat with Ina instead.

>> No.28201924

>Delays stream by 30 mins.
>To watch and chat with Ina.

>> No.28201927

I haven't gotten motion sickness from a game ever. Fucking end me. Just doing shit on my second monitor at this point. Please tell me we are almost done with the boat.

>> No.28201934

that fucker ruined half-life 1 for me. I hear nothing but freeman's mind quotes while playing through it.

>> No.28201933
Quoted by: >>28202075

Hades is not that difficult, and she was playing the safest way possible of just throwing frisbees

>> No.28201939


>> No.28201942

Don't make me think of these things

>> No.28201944

The best part of Half Life 2 are the episodes and crying 16 years for HL3

>> No.28201947

She's eating spaghetti and watching Ina, now fuck off.

>> No.28201949
File: 2.31 MB, 2793x3584, 453354354354345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202307

>> No.28201951
File: 1.21 MB, 800x1185, 1601850806553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 2 hours

>> No.28201952
File: 48 KB, 299x263, spag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28201953

She also hadn't eaten.

>> No.28201955

being on a horse that is artificially limited to a low speed for no reason so rockstar can force you into listening to their shitty cowboy story.

>> No.28201958

>FPS autist got filtered by the driving
still funny though

>> No.28201961
File: 72 KB, 247x248, 1601565048953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28201966 [DELETED] 


Good Meidos, deserve a raise!

>> No.28201969

Is Half-Life 2 pc gaming's super mario sunshine?

going so far with physics and forgetting about making something actually playable??

this looks jank compared to HL1.

>> No.28201968
Quoted by: >>28202131

Just realized he looks like Geralt

>> No.28201971
File: 933 KB, 1080x703, shes gone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28201972

based and Obamapilled

>> No.28201975

Shes also eating her SPHAGET

>> No.28201978

>When she slows down and takes shit in clearly puzzles it out

Man combat really fries her brain doesn't it I love this tako

>> No.28201980
File: 26 KB, 622x408, 1603391351958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202046

K-korone will catch up any day now

>> No.28201981
File: 101 KB, 1003x1148, 1602019352614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even (for the time) kusoge like elder scrolls arena had climbing

>> No.28201982

It's cute how Ina's gotten a lot better at anticipating and executing the HL2 puzzles now. She's actually learning instead of brute forcing like a certain blonde.

>> No.28201984
File: 1015 KB, 3024x3024, 1600696852399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202138

2 hours have passed

>> No.28201986

This is the shit that I come here for.

>> No.28201991

Just accept it anon, a lot of HL2 has aged badly.

>> No.28201993

The language barrier is the best part shitdick.

>> No.28201995

She's good at the shooting, she bad with the "puzzles". If having eyes is a puzzles.

>> No.28201997
Quoted by: >>28202050

Imagine Gura in futa Lamy's lap.

>> No.28202002

>this was the only reply that wasn't deleted
Are maids based?

>> No.28202008

maybe she saw how low the bar has to be for it to work and only works as hard as she has to in finding good ones
mybe she's picking ones that translate better?
honestly the earlier ones were kind of a riot and the last few have been really bad

>> No.28202009
File: 165 KB, 995x956, 1603580275747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the amount of Wofags and frogs posted unironically, It's ironic the only place I feel at home anymore is on what used to be the fucking containment board.
I hate time. Time fucking sucks

>> No.28202010
File: 184 KB, 973x1400, 8upseppfolo51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You will never love your oshi as much as Watson does.

>> No.28202012

anon, you sir are not a faggot. Well done.

>> No.28202017

There should be a gun attachment for the boat and then we'll catch up with old friends. I'm surprised at how fast Ina is going though.

>> No.28202020

apologise immediately you can't blame the game, game company or the person playing it for being bad, you can only blame your own shit taste anti schizo etc..

>> No.28202019

Can you blame her?

>> No.28202022

The joke is that No means YES.

>> No.28202023

Did she ban jolly?

>> No.28202024

Because Coco is promoting them.
Redditors want to get featured on her Meme Review so they just keep on making those.

>> No.28202025


>> No.28202027
File: 141 KB, 1162x645, ElIHPUcUYAI0iTU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202096

Playing catch up and you guys all must have called botan+Gura getting impostor together would be absolute slaughter

>> No.28202034


>> No.28202035

Redditors amd their godawful memes are like the late night talk show comedians of the internet

>> No.28202036

Kiara x subara spaghetti cooking collab when?

>> No.28202038

Dodging stuff in an MMO and dodging stuff in Hades use a lot of the same kind of spatial awareness.

>> No.28202041
File: 40 KB, 636x392, 1593364515953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28202042
File: 178 KB, 700x990, 818f7fe97ea8852f6f5d13e3fd1a6c67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202145

*Creates HoloSPN next*

>> No.28202046

she's done for

>> No.28202048

>figures out the puzzle
>can't reverse out of parking spot

>> No.28202049
File: 432 KB, 3270x1872, 3453541545335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28202050
File: 308 KB, 1000x469, 78 84 82 10 V.3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28202051

I fucking love Ina

>> No.28202052

It's not about showing how funny reddit is, it's about showing what english fans say about hololive and girls cute reactions to it.

>> No.28202057

Going on the fallen chimney? It's right, Ina just kept somehow missing the gap every time.
It's something Ina is having trouble with all game. Her non-native FPS instincts keeps having her looking in the wrong direction leading her to miss obvious clues.

>> No.28202060


>> No.28202061
Quoted by: >>28202126

I got motion sickness from watching too, don't worry you're not alone.

>> No.28202064
File: 20 KB, 458x86, 1603598572372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28202073
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x720, 1585453195577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28202075

If you're good at 1 game you're good at most games, S4 is a pro dota player and GE in CS:GO, Akke is a pro dota player and a competitive smash bro player

No one has beaten Hades at max difficulty yet, only 3 people have even completed 50 heat or higher runs

>> No.28202077
File: 8 KB, 396x87, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Ame

>> No.28202078
File: 321 KB, 161x169, Yupiel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202257

I view her as an older, much more experienced woman who enjoys mocking me with her ability to overpower me despite having a childlike body.

>> No.28202079
Quoted by: >>28202197

Kek. Who did gman take to bring back Aloe?

>> No.28202082

This sounds like a threat

>> No.28202083

Now here comes the false hope that you're done with the air boat.

>> No.28202085

>"I'm free"


>> No.28202086

Suprised Ame made it this far before getting considering her bullheadedness.

>> No.28202087
File: 283 KB, 1281x1152, BOOBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202147


>> No.28202090
File: 1.05 MB, 706x706, 1603167492052.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202175

Man I am not gonna be able to wake up at 7am to watch Watson and Kiara play...

>> No.28202093
Quoted by: >>28202164

THE Gordon Freeman?!

>> No.28202095

Will any of the EN girls sing the IBO meme song?

>> No.28202096

called that when the collab was announced

>> No.28202097

Why did they put in all those stupid ass boat sections. Water levels have literally never been good. Why the fuck do developers keep making them

>> No.28202102
File: 305 KB, 478x480, 1602391708292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202196

>She's so happy to be done with the boat
>She's gonna get back on the boat in 2 minutes

>> No.28202106

what was the point of this boat interlude?
is there a fun way to do it?
Ina's run makes it look like boring filler

>> No.28202107


>> No.28202108
Quoted by: >>28202342

The fact that Ame is the most active in the other EN girls chats make me like her a lot more. She really does feel like the leader.

>> No.28202114

>she thinks it's over
Wait for the disappointment

>> No.28202117

>We made it!


>> No.28202116

Max heat hades...might not actually be doable without unbelievable luck

>> No.28202120

It's a guerrilla stream anyway. It's fine

>> No.28202124

How late

>> No.28202125
File: 72 KB, 590x693, aquaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For being the biggest social awkward autist in JP she honestly was really sweet

>> No.28202126

I think it's because she isn't staring straight ahead while driving the boat.

>> No.28202128

>just figured out the supply crates

>> No.28202130

sasuga ina

>> No.28202131
File: 55 KB, 740x389, Geralt-of-Rivia-Witcher-3-740x389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202206

>"you fuck'd up my face"

>> No.28202133

Based pedos

>> No.28202138

Is there a website selling these?

>> No.28202139

>supply boxes have supply written on them

>> No.28202141

I don't have any gosling pics saved so pretend I posted one

>> No.28202144
Quoted by: >>28202213

>only took 2 hours to indentify the lootboxes
Some gacha player

>> No.28202145
Quoted by: >>28202302

HoloSP would be 90% lesbian soap draama

>> No.28202147
File: 714 KB, 2729x2012, 1603508912171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit always cracks me up.

>> No.28202148

>The Supply boxes have SUPPLY Written on them
A+ Game Design

>> No.28202151
File: 15 KB, 350x305, Pekora 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28202152

>the supply boxes have supply written on them

>> No.28202153


>> No.28202155

>She figured it out
Unstoppable tako

>> No.28202156

What do you use to filter the chat?

>> No.28202157


>> No.28202161

guys I saw P__o__s R__m__te and now I have lewd thoughts about the rabbit....

>> No.28202164
Quoted by: >>28202274

I just realized she passed the point when they call him the FREE MAN

>> No.28202168

Your favorite oshi plays your favorite game.

who and what is it?

>> No.28202173

>If you're good at 1 game you're good at most games
Actually no, your examples are two people good at 2 games, not 5 or 10 games. Also it's people playing games all day, it's literally their jobs to be good at games

>> No.28202174

get help anon

>> No.28202175
Quoted by: >>28202198

What are they playing?

>> No.28202177

>Ame has played HL2
Fucking based. Do you guys think she playing HL1?

>> No.28202181
File: 332 KB, 489x474, 1384149396976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the supply boxes have supply written on it!

>> No.28202185
Quoted by: >>28202276

Is this your brain on gacha?

>> No.28202186

Its a boat! With a gun on it.

A Gunboat.


>> No.28202191

>If you're good at one game you're good at others
You mean you're good at PICKING UP games. She's doing fine in terms of picking things up

>> No.28202195
Quoted by: >>28202284

>Thanks, Yoda
Vortigaunts blown the fuck out

>> No.28202196
File: 84 KB, 602x674, 1602893880762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28202197

One of the HoloCNs
If we want to stick with the canon of course

>> No.28202198
Quoted by: >>28202347


>> No.28202206


>> No.28202207
File: 338 KB, 963x716, 1603383180501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28202210

>Thanks Yoda

She's so cute bros I can't take it.

>> No.28202211


>> No.28202212

i honestly don't understand why people are complaining.

>> No.28202213

She didn't recognise them because she didn't have to pay any ingame currency for them

>> No.28202214

"boring filler" describes pretty much all of Half Life 2

>> No.28202217
Quoted by: >>28202312

doesn't Gura hate reddit?

>> No.28202219

Ina is coming to open those ports

>> No.28202221
File: 585 KB, 899x682, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202267

>> No.28202222

>She just realized loot box has signs compared to regular boxes

Ina...your gaming reps

>> No.28202223


>> No.28202224
Quoted by: >>28202340

Was that the same VA as cave johnson?

>> No.28202227

Because it brings in the engagement. Look at all these people sharing her stream with their hot takes on even the wrong thread. It's free advertisement.

>> No.28202229
Quoted by: >>28202253

ina plays half-life 2

>> No.28202230
File: 486 KB, 533x401, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iofi joined the game

>> No.28202231

Only fun if you turn it into Tribes

>> No.28202234

Favorite song in the game right here.

>> No.28202236
Quoted by: >>28202302


>> No.28202237

You fly through the map

>> No.28202238
Quoted by: >>28202304

Ina... your ramp reps...

>> No.28202240

Aqua is really cute
id like to see Ame or Ina play on the JP server and communicate with her thru text, Peko-Moona style

>> No.28202244

Deus Ex
She quits before finishing Liberty Island and goes back to Muse Dash

>> No.28202246

Getting revenge on the chopper after being bullied by it is honestly peak game design.

>> No.28202247

Most enjoyable part of the gunboat segment is here

>> No.28202249

this song, ahhhh

>> No.28202252

Alright guys I legit laughed at "Thanks, Yoda" that was good deadpan & comedic timing

>> No.28202253
Quoted by: >>28202291

Congrats anon

>> No.28202257

>ties you down
>are powerless to stop her raping you despite her having a childlike body
>"does this frustrate you?"
my dick

>> No.28202258

How suprised would Ina be that men are attracted to her?

>> No.28202261
Quoted by: >>28202326

Ina's camera is giving me motion sickness

>> No.28202262
Quoted by: >>28202343

Do I wanna stay up another 30 mins for the beginning of witcher3 stream or 60 mins for kiara MC?

Then I wanna see Fubuki x Gura collab in 120 min...
fucking hell

>> No.28202263
File: 184 KB, 423x316, 1278661369685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28202266

So many missed secrets and easter eggs...

>> No.28202265

Gura will unite the divided factions of /jp/ by streaming Touhou

>> No.28202267


>> No.28202269
File: 1.75 MB, 374x254, 1534466457288.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love HL2 soundtrack

>> No.28202272

S Ina is coming out

>> No.28202274

I'm fairly certain a few vorts say it as the game goes on but yeah we already had the one in the container say it

>> No.28202275


I don't think she would actually make any progress lol.

>> No.28202276

Yes, this is your brain on gacha and MMOs

>> No.28202278

Is there anything better than Koikatsu for waifu making yet? It looks so dated.

>> No.28202279

Oh no she's going on a rampage

>> No.28202281

For some reason they feel more brave when talking to foreign Holos.

>> No.28202282
Quoted by: >>28202493

EYE Divine Cybermancy
I don't know if she will enjoy

>> No.28202284

At one point they were actually going to make them speak like yoda

>> No.28202288

>She likes the gun


>> No.28202289

Ina easy on the slaughter

>> No.28202291

thank you. I'm quite happy right now.

>> No.28202293

Anyone else watching Peko's stream?
Her cold is really killing her voice huh.

>> No.28202298

This is actually a good idea

>> No.28202297

>Ina hates the boat
>Gets a gun attached to it
>Now Ina LOVES the boat
Girls don't like boys girls like heavy weaponry

>> No.28202301

Fallout 2

>> No.28202303
File: 89 KB, 268x317, 1601099170876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28202302

that doesnt sound that bad
t. yurifag


>> No.28202304

she's asian give her a break

>> No.28202307


>> No.28202308

>ame playing megaman X through X3
she would get filtered at sigma stage 1 probably

>> No.28202313
File: 14 KB, 455x461, 1602910954798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28202312

she hasn't said anything about it, but no evidence has yet emerged of her using reddit at all. she'll still go on coco's show and it will be fine.

>> No.28202314
File: 303 KB, 1000x1000, Ina AYAYA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our autistic art girl is starting to vibe with it, I'm so proud.

>> No.28202315
File: 10 KB, 388x69, firefox_Z7HHF8GCdF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28202316

This squid is way too cute

>> No.28202319
File: 130 KB, 354x385, smugsquid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boat gets a gun
>Smug aura multiplies

>> No.28202321

Heroes of Might and Magic 3

It... might work? I dunno man, she'd probably learn necro early and just stomp on accident.

>> No.28202323
Quoted by: >>28202370

I miss Bill Wurtz

>> No.28202324

is she... finally having fun?

>> No.28202326

This is nothing compared to Ame's spastic Witcher camera.

>> No.28202327

Mori playing Dota. That would very quickly become a 12 on the tilt meter.

>> No.28202329

Ame playing Factorio

>> No.28202333

Aqua has actually made a lot of progress since she started. That's part of the joy of Hololive, seeing the Holos develop.

>> No.28202336
Quoted by: >>28202420

>those machine gun sound effects she makes
Imagine the sex.

>> No.28202334
File: 227 KB, 332x433, 1602452425827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina gun sounds are CUTE

>> No.28202338

NOW she's having fun kek

>> No.28202339
Quoted by: >>28202380

Its a shame both half life games have such Bad OSTs

>> No.28202341

Pathologic 2

>> No.28202342

They all are equally retarded so I don't really see any of them as a leader

>> No.28202340


>> No.28202343
Quoted by: >>28202426

>Fubuki x Gura collab
It's just Fubuki drawing Gura. She won't be there.

>> No.28202344

A Link to the Past
Sounds like a cozy stream

>> No.28202347


>> No.28202348

I guess but max heat Hades and the game Ina was playing are entirely different entities. At low levels the difficulty of the game comes from just learning the boss patterns, but once you got that down pat it's pretty easy. You have to add a LOT of heat

>> No.28202351
Quoted by: >>28202422

As I said earlier, the gunboat is totally different and way more fun than the regular boat part. What's annoying about the boat is not the controls, it's the powerlessness

>> No.28202357

i think almost everybody understands she's a gremlin

>> No.28202359

>2 arms
>8 tentacles
>cant drive in a straight line

>> No.28202362

Ina sounds like Squidward when saying "Ow"

>> No.28202370

It's not like he died, he's just some due who operates at his own pace.

>> No.28202374
Quoted by: >>28202472

>Mori prioritizing 12 hours of anything other than superchats

>> No.28202378
Quoted by: >>28202418

It's hard to drive the gun and shoot the boat.

>> No.28202379
Quoted by: >>28202462

Ame playing Halo 3, it could happen and I would love it

>> No.28202380
Quoted by: >>28202596

Your shit taste is shining through

>> No.28202382


>> No.28202385

kiara plays lobotomy corporation
part of me thinks it will hard filter her first day or her autism will activate and she'll beat it

>> No.28202386

Ah, this is a good a place to ask as any.
I still don't get how alyx worked. How'd g-man get captured in the past? I would understand if it was him time traveling but then how'd he get stuck and the timeline of half life 2 also happen?

>> No.28202390

Shit taste

>> No.28202392
File: 112 KB, 474x720, 5f879f9e74e4ab3908c2de584cec4c34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina right now

>> No.28202391

this is bait

>> No.28202394

>Asian driver
>Woman driver
always has been

>> No.28202396

ina....your driving reps...

>> No.28202398

Mori playing Metal Gear Solid...it would be PAIN.

>> No.28202399

The pasta puns are contagious!
Clearly she must be culled before the infection spreads further.

>> No.28202401
File: 333 KB, 526x348, 1603502887965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she thought they were troll accounts when they first joined

>> No.28202403

gonna have hard time with that one since I remember it having the lewd cult

>> No.28202405
File: 256 KB, 1286x2048, Vgo73zZXR71uJr1Q0_s5QoBUqb3I4fI4f3iavn8cQ70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202437

How many months of memrise will it take to be able to enjoy unsubbed pekora and botan

>> No.28202407
File: 83 KB, 828x808, 20201022_130524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28202410

That fucking incredibly high pitched MATTEYO

>> No.28202411
File: 544 KB, 600x585, 1602910222500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen5 and EN play TTT

>> No.28202413

>Fuck you


>> No.28202416

Ys Origin or Touhou 7
She probably wouldn't like either desu.

>> No.28202418

If you have room temperature IQ.

>> No.28202419


>> No.28202420
File: 680 KB, 1198x574, 1603233943314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28202421


>> No.28202422
Quoted by: >>28202501

the worst part about holos playing popular games is apologists like this start posting

>> No.28202424

>drives through 2 barrels

>> No.28202425

F-Zero X
I don't think it would work out.

>> No.28202426

That's what she wants you to think.
Gura will be a surprise guest, announcing herself with a 2 minute long SHAAAAAA.....AAARK

>> No.28202427

>Binding of isaac

hey everybody, SHAAAAAAK here!

>> No.28202433
Quoted by: >>28202466


>> No.28202437

quit falling for memes and actually learn the language. there is no easy way out

>> No.28202439
File: 499 KB, 667x822, c6d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get Ame on Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

>> No.28202442

Magic government powers.

>> No.28202443

When Ina does well, does she ink-line?

>> No.28202444

The saving grace of the boat section is the fact that getting the gun does make for a fantastic change of pace and lets you feel pretty powerful

>> No.28202445

G-Man was never actually captured, he's operating outside of the timeflow to make Alyx his pawn because the Vorts have Gordon

>> No.28202447

She's about to be filtered.

>> No.28202450
Quoted by: >>28202522

How is it compared to the first one?

>> No.28202455
File: 758 KB, 847x476, fine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202594

>this is fine

>> No.28202456

What's an orbit?

>> No.28202457
File: 29 KB, 505x464, 1603154218273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would be kino

>> No.28202462
Quoted by: >>28202547

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft got Cover to make the girls play Halo and Gears so they could actually make sales in japan

>> No.28202463
File: 95 KB, 240x240, aiharamai-4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina's sex noises are heavenly

>> No.28202465

Okay seriously how much longer does this boat ride last

>> No.28202466

good taste

>> No.28202467

your questions havent been answered in the half life story

>> No.28202470
File: 167 KB, 512x512, 1603377468844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Souls 3

I don't think her attention span would let her make it past the tutorial, honestly.

>> No.28202472
Quoted by: >>28202536

We were robbed of skrellington king.
Your basic reading comprehension reps...

>> No.28202473


>> No.28202478
File: 153 KB, 382x352, 1601440262915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has a gun
>Doesn't use it

>> No.28202481

30 minutes or so

>> No.28202483

ahhhhhhhhhhh shes so cute

>> No.28202484

would be interesting, but it would filter her or honestly any of the girls super hard. They'd have to mess with difficulty options to stand a chance and the whole game is oppressive by design.

>> No.28202486

I love her.

>> No.28202488
Quoted by: >>28202559


>> No.28202489

They wanted the world to be believable so they put in these long ass vehicle segments.
It's sort of like Dark Souls except you're stuck on a janky boat and there aren't even any weenies in the distance to look at.

>> No.28202491

It's that time again.
Favorite HoloEN
Favorite Nijisanji.


>> No.28202493
Quoted by: >>28202608

I love that game, but feel like it'd be terrible for streaming. So much jank/tedious shit, just walking around the levels can take 10-15 minutes of absolutely nothing.

>> No.28202494

Exploding barrel filters my oshi.

>> No.28202492

Castlevania: Ariah of Sorrow.
She might like it desu

>> No.28202497

Ina playing EDF5.
It'd be kinda weird, but could be pretty fun once she got to some of the higher tier weapons. I can see her playing Air Raider.

>> No.28202498

They've largely fallen by the wayside but old 4chan used to thrive on exploitables and photo editing, someone coming up with a concept and then the rest of us building on it in dumb fun ways. Templates are fine if the content is good. I think the problem is that those sites aren't built for collaboration in the same way.

>> No.28202499

A fag

>> No.28202501

I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the gunboat anon

>> No.28202503

Why do japs abuse punctuation like this?

>> No.28202504
Quoted by: >>28202532

Steambot Chronicles
She'll love it

>> No.28202506

War thunder
She already said it in apex eps 2 stream that wanna play it soon

>> No.28202507

lobotomy corp the entire game through is an autism filter, theres zero chance any of the EN holos will make it through to day 50

>> No.28202509

Divinity: Original Sin 2

>> No.28202510
Quoted by: >>28202595


>> No.28202514

Long enough to have her shit together. Kiara managed to move without any issues aside from her ISP fucking up the appointments and having to deal with some rrats in the attic.

>> No.28202516

>yfw it's been over 2 hours already

>> No.28202517

you didn't learn from earlier did you?

>> No.28202520

If she could get Ame in on it sounds like a fun time

>> No.28202521
Quoted by: >>28202575

Medieval 2 Total war

>> No.28202522

Much better than I expected. I think they really pulled it off, -especially- with the story.

>> No.28202524 [DELETED] 

It is a bait and switch joke, you simpleton.

>> No.28202525

Mori playing prey? I think she might actually at least somewhat enjoy herself

>> No.28202526
Quoted by: >>28202586

Timewarp check, she's been at it for 130 minutes.

>> No.28202530
Quoted by: >>28202577

Ace Combat 7

>> No.28202531
Quoted by: >>28202690

Titanfall 2

I hope she will plays any shooter fps games in the future

>> No.28202532

She probably would, comfy game

>> No.28202534

wait till she uses cancer R3

>> No.28202536

He even has little ones for her to gush over.

>> No.28202537
File: 506 KB, 515x528, 1603003959464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOONA fans

>> No.28202539

New Schizo theories incoming, haven't taken my meds since Ame's dinner date stream, I see the truth now.

>Kiara has a gun
>Ina is pregnant
>Bubba is not a dog but is actually a rrat
>Gura lost her pinky in a fight against her nemesis the tiktok girl
>Kiara has fucked literally everyone she has collabed with in Japan, except for Subara because She is married and Kiara respects the sanctity of marriage.
>Watson and Gura are looking for a house together
>Bugmen tried to infiltrate HoloEN but Watson cracked the case before their debut and the found out their 6th member was actually lucy liu
>Gura hates Ina because she feels like she has to share Watson with Ina
>Ina hates Gura because Gura is entertaining and Ina is jealous of that
>Cali once got her ass stuck in a train turnstyle and the poor guard who helped free her took a massive brap straight to the face, he now lives at home retired with full salary as a disabled man.
>Pekora is afraid of collabing with Kiara because Kiara sent her a DM asking her if there were other carrots we can't see.
>Kiara sends Pekora collab invites every 20 minutes. By collab invites I mean pictures of her scissoring other holoJP girls.
>KFC have issued Kiara with a cease and decist but she ignored them because she's a gigastacy and has Colonel Saunder's nudes.

>> No.28202541

Is that...

>> No.28202542

>Hana and her dad are the only good part

>> No.28202544

loona's (kpop group) fandom name

>> No.28202546

Jesus, the enemies aren't even aiming at her...

>> No.28202551
Quoted by: >>28202571

I legit can't fucking remember where to go here.

>> No.28202547

As long as she doesn't fuck around with 5's campaign or 4's multiplayer I'll be happy.

>> No.28202549
File: 234 KB, 2016x1134, ElJEgY_VMAEOSso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Kiara had this outfit

>> No.28202552

Just use ctrl+s, anon.

At least they aren't discord spoilers.

>> No.28202553

Based /wtg/ bros can't stop winning

>> No.28202554

>Ys Origin
The boss fights would filter her so hard each one made me put down the game for a few months and I still haven't beat it, I don't even remember where I was up to at this point

>> No.28202555
File: 504 KB, 500x713, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any holo handle this?

>> No.28202559
Quoted by: >>28202655

Stop, not even ironically

>> No.28202560


>> No.28202561

How long will it take her to get past this part? It took me like ten minutes the first time

>> No.28202565

>Dark Souls 3

>> No.28202571

Blow open a container

>> No.28202573
File: 1.76 MB, 2000x1414, 1603551364477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.28202574


>> No.28202575

total war permissions when
>ywn never make your oshi shogun of nippon

>> No.28202576
File: 382 KB, 515x292, Inasoul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina playing moar mahjong plz

>> No.28202577

Im thinking of dling AC7, sell me on it anon

>> No.28202578
Quoted by: >>28202642

Monster hunter world Iceborne

>> No.28202582
Quoted by: >>28202604

In two hours she accomplished what it took Freeman's Mind three years.

>> No.28202584

only when speaking english. probably think it conveys what they want to say better than their shitty engrish

>> No.28202586

my sanity reps....
the time warp stops happening when another anon mentions it and then it goes back in

>> No.28202588

HL2 is basically an engine demo. It's not even close as good as first game.

>> No.28202592
File: 169 KB, 512x512, 1603434285199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202660

Oh no, she won't make it to Ravenholm this stream

>> No.28202594
File: 177 KB, 503x559, Ina spirals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pain tako...

>> No.28202595

We know, Guts.

>> No.28202596

They hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.28202597

Gura has expressed interest in Enter the Gungeon before, if she becomes the Roguelike vtuber it would be incredibly based. I think roguelikes would be a perfect balance of zatsudan and gameplay with the way that most of them are structured.

>> No.28202599

maybe ame or ina but i highly doubt it

>> No.28202600

fellow Northernchad, I see?

>> No.28202602

ESL, pls andastando

>> No.28202604
Quoted by: >>28202716


>> No.28202606
File: 1.02 MB, 2878x1763, meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28202608

Same, but their reaction to it could be fun. It's a really unique game

>> No.28202613

Sunset Overdrive

>> No.28202616

Bro... I will defend her

>> No.28202618


>> No.28202619

>Not 2
>still no other routes

>> No.28202621
File: 178 KB, 512x512, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I hear the railgun, I just think of the Gmod tool gun. They use the same Sound effect.

>> No.28202622

>Ninja Gaiden Black
I don't see her getting past Murai without help, honestly, like chat telling her to do the wall-run cheese.
And I don't see her getting past Alma at all. Still, it'd be fun to watch.

>> No.28202625

Closer to the end than the middle now I think. Just a bit more level and a boss.

>> No.28202624
Quoted by: >>28202686

Mother 3

>> No.28202626

Couldn't you just drift onto the platform on this one?

>> No.28202627

Tribes: Ascend

>why are these maps so big
>walking to these flags takes forever reeeeee
>why are there no other players

>> No.28202630

It's cute you fucking asshole

>> No.28202632
File: 63 KB, 942x695, stalker super box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori plays STALKER
real sufferkino

>> No.28202634
Quoted by: >>28202738

Gura can't realistically do egosearching, imagine the amount of results every day

>> No.28202636
Quoted by: >>28202698

Pick it up again anon. It's the easiest of this trilogy/style of Ys games and it's (imo) the best one. The story is pretty good and the boss fights memorable. Definitely worth it.

>> No.28202637

That was solved way quicker than I thought it would be.

I love my tako head learning how to play a game.

>> No.28202638
Quoted by: >>28202708

My favorite line was "Amelia, we are both blonde, we gotta stick together - trust me!"
Based Polka

>> No.28202639

Sounds like career suicide, honestly

>> No.28202641

mario kart

>> No.28202642

She would probably be playing it too if it weren't for fucking Capcom

>> No.28202643

Yeah the bosses can be fucked especially on nightmare on above. You really have to memorize a plan for every attack since the telegraph window is too small to react.

>> No.28202645

This was the best

>> No.28202646


>> No.28202647


>> No.28202649
Quoted by: >>28202746

I don't know anything about nijisanji besides the fact that apparently their fans really hate hololive and caused much drama in the past

>> No.28202650
File: 16 KB, 627x223, 1575450473675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just Aqua, have you seen her tweets?

>> No.28202651

HL2 was a tech demo for the Havoc engine to sell to other devs. The fact that regular people also bought it for $50 was a side-benefit.

>> No.28202652
Quoted by: >>28202838

>Shadow of the Colossus
I could see one of them playing it eventually but not her.

>> No.28202653

I want to share body heat with Ina.

>> No.28202654

Super Metroid

She'll probably get bored after Kraid, watch a speedrun, learn movement and finish the game.

>> No.28202655
File: 2.53 MB, 784x1040, 1600497225138.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202700

fancam coming soon

>> No.28202660

Ina playing Ravenholm is gonna be peak VTuber kino

>> No.28202662
Quoted by: >>28202732

Maybe Ina, but it would be really painful

>> No.28202664

When speaking an unfamiliar language the easiest way for them to convey emotions is just to act exaggeratingly like anime characters, and there's no other great way to type out those gasps anime characters do every 14 seconds.

>> No.28202665


>> No.28202666

Ina is pretty perceptive for some of these puzzle segments.

>> No.28202668

good work schizofriend. keep us posted.

>> No.28202670

A lot of these sounds just bring back memories from moments in gmod Ive had.

>> No.28202671

Boat segment ends soon Ina, stay stong.

>> No.28202672

the only thing worth a fuck from that game is planes RB and SB in there and they made it worse and worse over time

>> No.28202674

She said in a livestream past week she'll train before playing it again.

>> No.28202673


>> No.28202677


>> No.28202678

nice spoiler nigger

>> No.28202679

Witcher play-through? More like Bitcher watch-through. Haha, I love Ame.

>> No.28202680
Quoted by: >>28202715

>Wait, it's STILL not over?
HL2 in a nutshell

>> No.28202683
File: 57 KB, 247x380, 1590001535420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game built with the intention of failure and resetting to undo shit decisions
>Kiara, the girl who broke from having to constantly redo the simplest shit in mario 64 purely because she hates having to redo things just to fail.
Sound like a recipe for disaster

>> No.28202685
File: 601 KB, 914x713, A O K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28202686

She'd probably enjoy Mother 3 I think

>> No.28202688

Gura play Summon Night

>> No.28202689

>This fucking boat section is still going
Jesus Christ

>> No.28202690

Anyone playing Titanfall would make my day, I can't believe Aruran is the only holo to even touch it, meanwhile everyone else has done multiple streams of fucking Apex

>> No.28202691

>It's still not over
Almost there

>> No.28202694

I got stuck at this container section for 30 minutes and it caused me to leave HL2 alone for months. Ina solves it in 5 fucking minutes. See ya lads. I'm doing a backwards B-Hop off a skyscraper.

>> No.28202693

probably more then they could handle Pathologic 2, the pace of it would filter them more then the difficulty.

>> No.28202696
File: 161 KB, 463x453, 1601605803229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are there no other players
pain peko

>> No.28202697

God i dont remember the boat section being so fucking long

>> No.28202698
Quoted by: >>28202862

Ark is probably the easiest. Then origins, then Oath which is the hardest by far. Oath has the best story too desu

>> No.28202699

people want a sequel to this..?

>> No.28202700
Quoted by: >>28202741

>He hasn't seen the "<holo> edit" videos already
Anon.....it's too late.....

>> No.28202701
Quoted by: >>28202721

this is the bossfight for the boat section, its almost over bros right? i dont remember hl2 very well

>> No.28202705

card please

>> No.28202706

I'd like to see someone blow themselves up in Noita.

>> No.28202707
Quoted by: >>28202839

>It's still not over


>> No.28202708

wait, no, we're all blonde

>> No.28202710

>"It's a straight road from here!"
>drives into wall
Yeah, more Mario Kart reps needed.

>> No.28202709

unironically Mori, tilt only makes her go harder in and she doesn't care much for being miserable

>> No.28202712


>> No.28202715
Quoted by: >>28202877

Ina is actually zooming faster through the boat levels than expected

>> No.28202716

He hasn't done anything for the movie though.

>> No.28202719

Ina Kiara or Mori? Gura & Ame are too much of zoomers to sit through the dialogue.

>> No.28202721
Quoted by: >>28202774

Yes its almost done.

For what its worth, the feeling of taking down the gunship feels so good after this fucking section

>> No.28202722

ina or ame maybe but I doubt any of them will play it because the amount of reading filters people hard

>> No.28202723

Holo's inspired me to become a vtuber
so here's my pitch
>want to be qt girl but no voice for it so my avatar will be a demon possessing a cute girl
>Can't get a real job because the voice didn't change so i'm stuck playing games
>Play rts/rpg/fighting games

Is this good enough anons?

>> No.28202724

Maybe it wouldn't be so long if you weren't so shit at the game

>> No.28202726
File: 26 KB, 558x183, 1603549025678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the one holoEN who can actually understand you just randomly fucking turns on you and votes you off while you're innocent

>> No.28202728
Quoted by: >>28202788

>Half Life Alyx still has the awkward abrupt loading screen, same as HL2
Source engine never changes..

>> No.28202730

i only know Hana

>> No.28202731

She's great at persevering as seen with the horror pacman, some places would fuck with her though. Like Farron keep, and the catacombs, she'd be lost as fuck...

>> No.28202732

For you.

>> No.28202735
Quoted by: >>28202840

She really needs to ask his papa to make her a new outfit

>> No.28202738

Sounds like a job for the manager haha

>> No.28202739

This sounds like when you spawn dynamite in gmod and mash the detonate button

>> No.28202740

Oh hey the boss is breaking geneva convetions

>> No.28202741
Quoted by: >>28202830


>> No.28202743
Quoted by: >>28202803

>playing Mahjong S*ul
HoloEN, too japanese

>> No.28202744

why are people chatting in Ame's chat so frequently?

they're going at like 30/messages a minute and the rules say

6.Please refrain from chatting before the stream starts to prevent any issues

>> No.28202745

Ame would probably play brits to keep doing her accent.
Gaijin would also cough up every premium for her considering how many viewers holos pull per stream compared to their usual shills.

>> No.28202746

Are you a sheep? It's literally antis on both sides fueling the flames.

>> No.28202747
File: 143 KB, 1200x853, 20201025_111746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28202748


>> No.28202750
File: 39 KB, 281x324, 1501796688861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202828

there's nothing like flying the open skies destroying everything in your path

>> No.28202752
Quoted by: >>28202800

God I remember playing HL2 for the first time all those years ago, and the in-game day > sunset > night transitioning happening at the same time as in IRL for me.

>> No.28202753

I actually really enjoy the whole boat segment. I think I'm alone with that opinion.

>> No.28202754

Plays sleeping dogs

>> No.28202755

We've had enough trannies for one day thank you

>> No.28202756

This just reminds me of that clip where somebody said hello and Baqua hesitantly typed out a response before realizing they were talking to someone else and she backspaced it

>> No.28202757


>> No.28202758

once again get fucked

>> No.28202760

such a good game killed by HiRez incompetence.

>> No.28202762
Quoted by: >>28202865



Her reaction to the Controller in Agropom Underground would be beautiful

>> No.28202765
Quoted by: >>28202809

>Youtube chat expecting Ina know how to glitch

>> No.28202767

Ina please dont drive through that explosive barrel

>> No.28202768
File: 19 KB, 290x290, 1603435871992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you.

>> No.28202772
File: 54 KB, 680x443, Gura in the drain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this I can get behind

>> No.28202773
File: 341 KB, 249x266, 1603402478489.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic 3 & Knuckles
don't know about this one chief

>> No.28202774

>the feeling of taking down the gunship feels so good
Apparently not in this case?

>> No.28202775

Because she's dumb and chats with them from time to time so they get enabled.

>> No.28202777

Yes, I have a thing for girls with deeper voices

>> No.28202778
Quoted by: >>28202844

Sasaki And yes I also love Luna

>> No.28202782

I just wokeup.
How has Ina's stream been doing so far?

>> No.28202783

If you're a tranny, don't.

>> No.28202784

>Wild Arms 1
Sony permissions are shit but a man can dream.

>> No.28202788

Those loading screens destroyed my gtx 1050 and hdd

>> No.28202792

An actual patrician taste.

>> No.28202793

nah i liked it

>> No.28202794

You're already dead in the water.

>> No.28202798
File: 572 KB, 903x446, Screenshot_38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202879

All this fucking open space and she hits this sign somehow...

>> No.28202800

wtf how long did you play, it's like 72 hours in game

>> No.28202801

>Ys Origin
Gooood shit, I remember putting hours trying to beat Nightmare I think it was, did 2/3 characters if I remember correctly.

>> No.28202802

not the worst idea but you actually need to be entertaining to back it up regardless of whatever your gimmick is

>> No.28202803

didn't she already play it?

>> No.28202806

fun but pain tako

>> No.28202809

>he doesn't close chat whilst watching

>> No.28202810

Are there actually people itt who are as shit at videogames as Ina? I beat this game when I was 11 and never remember getting caught up with something like the fucking physics.

>> No.28202811

I enjoyed it, never understood how people got filtered by it.

>> No.28202812


I think I'm seeing a trend here.

>> No.28202814

Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward

Thematically appropriate on a 4D level

>> No.28202816

tranny then don't
not a tranny then what fighting games

>> No.28202819

no, I like it a lot too

>> No.28202818

She's pretty bad at this.

>> No.28202817

Do you want to be an unstoppable god of the skies? Do you like cool airplanes and silly but fun plots? Do you want to hear some of the best music in gaming?

>> No.28202822
Quoted by: >>28202851

Ame plays Final Fantasy Tactics
She'd ragequit at Dorter Trade City

>> No.28202823


>> No.28202824

Turns out you can just sit there and shoot at it for a few seconds in easy mode.

>> No.28202825
Quoted by: >>28202875

>Female 3D avatar
>Male voice
please no

>> No.28202826

pain tako

>> No.28202827

honestly im happy that kiara played the game as it was intended, while she was wrong her logic was really sound and I doubt any of the other girls would be able to throw an accusation like that.

>> No.28202828

Hey buddy

>> No.28202830

They're super lame, but sure
I saw others, but only on the mobile app. Those weird....not actually really video things? That sometimes show up

>> No.28202832

That rule makes no fucking sense and is for faggots

>> No.28202835

Ars Almal

>> No.28202836

Why is Czech money so worthless and why don't they use euros?

>> No.28202837

Take your meds tranny

>> No.28202838

actually it fits the genres she supposedly gave herself. Remember for Ame investigator games are:

Multiplayer FPS
Puzzle games
Open world games for exploring.

>> No.28202839

To be honest I think that's most people reaction to this boat segment.

>> No.28202840

I was gonna say that'd never happen considering how close they are but Subaru and Ui are pretty close and Subaru made it clear that she didn't like her OG outfit.

>> No.28202843

i felt so much secondhand relief that she didnt press enter holy shit

>> No.28202845

It was bound to happen considering both their track records.

>> No.28202844

There's a Luna in nijisanji?

>> No.28202848
File: 6 KB, 376x41, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28202872

this dude is, as they say, ``based''

>> No.28202850

you'd have to play the character like the holos do, don't just become a normal ass streamer, and you MIGHT pull it off,.

>> No.28202851

She'd crystal at least 2 members in garland magic city because of turtling chemists.

>> No.28202855

Would be kino, but I could see her dropping it at Thieves' Guild.

>> No.28202856

maid is cute

>> No.28202859

oki doki boomer

>> No.28202858

>Roguelite vtuber

sounds great for her, hope she tries spelunky.

>> No.28202861

that's easy modo for you

>> No.28202862

Oath is amazing but its bosses are all over the place, they're hard but a lot of them aren't in a particularly good way, like that shitty lava dragon that spends most of the fight popping in and out of holes.

>> No.28202865

None of the girls would make it past the electric anomaly tunnel in the first map

>> No.28202866

Please remember that due to bioaccumulation, apex predators often contain potentially dangerous amounts of toxins and are unsafe for human consumption

>> No.28202867

we got inaboat.

>> No.28202870

Hana macchia
's dad

>> No.28202871

Fumino Tamaki

>> No.28202872

what is youtube vanced?

>> No.28202875

guessing you've never heard of babinikus?

>> No.28202876


Granted I haven't really delved into Niji outside of listening to music here and there from some of the others.But I love this shitter https://files.catbox.moe/r38a7o.webm

>> No.28202877

Yeah, I expected multiple play sessions.

>> No.28202879

Because she wanted to? Probably thought it had a button on it

>> No.28202878

If you can make a voice like the other shark that we talked about here recently it's fine for me, just realize that you won't have much to stick out

>> No.28202883

What if the meido are deleting blue shark even debut because Meido knows the voice all along

>> No.28202884

>there's a button next to the door
>these puzzles man

She really has one braincell huh

>> No.28202885

Based. Lize need more love

>> No.28202886

Just bite the bullet and use a male avatar. Live2D is all about the illusion of being an anime character and the contrasting voice breaks that illusion.

>> No.28202887
File: 89 KB, 844x845, 1586604735618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 words: Private, Discord, Ame
