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File: 1.68 MB, 1150x1995, 1600715195178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27297583 No.27297583 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive global

>> No.27297603
File: 313 KB, 1080x1611, Screenshot_20201005-124836~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your fastest growing Holos

>> No.27297604

seething meidos deleteing the cursed thread

>> No.27297606

I knew we could trust you meido.

>> No.27297610

this one seems safe

>> No.27297611
File: 277 KB, 505x705, 1597973166391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297612

Five 2hu threads were brutally murdered...

>> No.27297613

/hlg/, why do we suck so much at making threads?

>> No.27297617
File: 201 KB, 1303x900, wheels@harlequinwheels [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F76ivbk.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elementary, my dear
Amelia's Schedule: https://twitter.com/watsonameliaEN/status/1312946396488626176
Thank you, sharkmeido.

>> No.27297622

yay Kiara is growing

>> No.27297623

What was that? Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of the cops shooting at you.

>> No.27297624

>6 threads

>> No.27297625

>5 threads
holy fuck

>> No.27297627
File: 1.45 MB, 1243x1144, 1600850460409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27297857




>> No.27297628

>all these new threads
No... The 2hus....

>> No.27297629

That other thread was cursed

>> No.27297631

Thank you meido.

>> No.27297632

we really suck at making threads

>> No.27297636

>6 new threads
The tuhu threads...

>> No.27297642

I fantasize about that pic but its Iofi

>> No.27297643

>5(five) threads
Based meidos for deleting that cursed image though.

>> No.27297645
File: 250 KB, 1500x878, 1601635156602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them so much bros...

>> No.27297647
File: 391 KB, 776x834, 123223S.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlg/ is two blocks down.

>> No.27297648
Quoted by: >>27297720

>five threads
Guys please think of the 2hu threads

>> No.27297649
File: 215 KB, 1213x373, jpteamwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27298107

Outstanding /hlg/!

>> No.27297650
File: 717 KB, 1280x720, 1599904029546.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27297746

Smile status: reborn

>> No.27297651


>> No.27297652
File: 922 KB, 851x705, Reminder Haachama is HoloEN!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27297887

Reminder Haachama is HoloEN!

>> No.27297654

watame 500k by the end of the month!

>> No.27297655
Quoted by: >>27299061

Proud of my wife Kiara

>> No.27297656

There is a shark meido after all. God bless.

>> No.27297660

Guys I was gonna make a new thread but suddenly there's 4 of them.
>Meidos deleting all of them except the Gura thread even though the other had more replies
Smells fishy.

>> No.27297662

Pissed off that the weird art OP was taken down. I wanted to know more about the style, if it was from something or whatever...

>> No.27297664
File: 2.08 MB, 1200x1200, 1601407815187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27297709

>that super concernfag telling Kiara to worry that Gura seems stressed
absoutely disgusting

>> No.27297668
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, 0675d8183706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna vroom vroom into Mori's vavavoom.

>> No.27297670

>last day: 16,000
Is she finally slowing down?

>> No.27297671

The 2hus deserved it.

>> No.27297673
File: 324 KB, 1920x2680, 1601697411224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chum antis BTFO

>> No.27297677

>amelia never said she was the girlfriend experience
>members only date stream


>> No.27297676

>making five at once
Nah, y'all are quite proficient in fact.

>> No.27297679
Quoted by: >>27297734

post the 2hu genocide coupon

>> No.27297680
Quoted by: >>27297729

Or he thought it'd just be funny. He's pub-warned horrible art before in /hlg/ like that one Marine pic, and said just the other day he's a big Senchou fan.

>> No.27297685

I hope chicken sees these numbers and stops worrying so much

>> No.27297686

meidos... onegai... the tuhus...

>> No.27297689
File: 506 KB, 849x1200, 1601178391804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297692

This one was made first

>> No.27297696
File: 103 KB, 400x400, illust_84355868_20201005_135619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're good, bird

>> No.27297700
File: 3.54 MB, 2850x3624, 1601695950325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27297799

She hasn't streamed

>> No.27297704
File: 657 KB, 494x827, tfwvirginitygone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manage to find Ina in ranked mahjong soul
>immediately start her stream to see her hand
>let her win a few rounds by discarding my tiles so that she can achieve easy all simples
>"See? I told you I'm good at this game!"
>East 4
>Ina managed to win all 3 previous rounds, I'm surprised at how fucking retarded our opponents are but that's gonna work in my favor
>she's at 30k points and I'm poor at 20k
>I swear the two others are just fucking asleep
>force her into playing all simples by giving her easy pon/chi bait again
>she bites
>she reads chat
>"so, if I want a yaku, I need to not have the 1s and 9s right? so I should discard the 9 bamboos right? humu humu"
>that one chat member looks at my discard pile and realizes the shit I'm about to pull
>game blares out "RON-NYA"
>ina starts hyperventilating at her first round loss
>"b-but it's okay right, I still have 30k points we'll be okayyyy"
>panik noises
>her eyes start welling up with tears as she looks at her score slowly going in the negatives while I shoot up to the 50k's
>goes from 1st to 4th
>starts crying
>next 30 minutes of the stream is just her crying and her singular braincell trying to process what kind of rape she just went through
>tfw I took her yakuman virginity
>SC's flood in to try and comfort her
no need to thank me bros

>> No.27297709

>Someone actually saved the Shark Hyde I made
He can't keep getting away with it

>> No.27297710
Quoted by: >>27297840


>> No.27297712 [SPOILER] 
File: 227 KB, 1402x1574, 1601899194658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of cursed

>> No.27297714
File: 60 KB, 1151x488, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27298008

2nd in SC money, OUR BIRB IS KAKKOI

>> No.27297716

Supacha speedrun!

>> No.27297720 [DELETED] 
File: 448 KB, 1596x1232, AB409644-5307-4ADE-9658-F9827D5DFA76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys please think of the 2hu threads!

>> No.27297721
Quoted by: >>27300672

>amelia never said she was the girlfriend experience
Saying it would kind of ruin the whole point wouldn't it?

>> No.27297724


Last time I'll post this unprompted:

Archive of Ame's Limbo-turned-APEX-turned-zatsudan stream from 2020-10-03T03:05:00Z with the second of footage redacted. If you know, you know.

Original URL: https://youtu.be/gzePE1KcJ4I
Mirror: https://mega.nz/file/p45RwAyD#ia9qKkLQeG_C4-MRT1tqwA0sZ3TjSN800NnyN7ijhg4

>> No.27297723
Quoted by: >>27297742

The first one was also a Gura thread but with "that" one pic as the OP.

>> No.27297729
Quoted by: >>27298012

Show the cursed Senchou. I unironically like the art style.

>> No.27297734
File: 57 KB, 627x205, 1601116791371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27297769


>> No.27297738


>> No.27297740

We'll see, but it's probably just a bait and she'll give us another dose of her concoction or something.

>> No.27297742

There's a lot of "that" pictures, you gotta be more specific.

>> No.27297743

Amelia's like of explicity SHARK CUNNY is still up.
She doesnt give a shit, she will hornypost on main whenever the fuck she wants.

>> No.27297744

>last stream 2days ago

there is no stopping her she grow by doing nothing meanwhile JP stream daily and doesn't' even come close

>> No.27297746

Based not-a-mahou-shoujo poster

>> No.27297753

Kiara had a hard life...

>> No.27297755


>> No.27297756

>Rapping bird

>> No.27297757

How horrifying

Anon please, don't post things like that.

>> No.27297758
File: 42 KB, 552x887, 1601787563687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297765
Quoted by: >>27298106

God damn didn't realize she was that close to a million. She keeps hitting the dumb meme jackpot I guess

>> No.27297766


>> No.27297769

Not the 2hus!

>> No.27297775

>tfw your holo-papa is Junji Ito

>> No.27297778

I hate it

>> No.27297779

Why was this archived anyway? Did the stream go that badly?

>> No.27297780


>> No.27297781

go back to /v/

>> No.27297786

Third gen is really top dogs of hololive. First Pekora MC then the day after Marine Baba.

I hope EN also can learn from them as EN already had many talents. I am really excited for their development.

>> No.27297799
Quoted by: >>27297828

Gura that's not how you wear that mask, please pull it up over your nose.

>> No.27297800
File: 590 KB, 2869x3585, 1601708855168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweaty shark

>> No.27297803
File: 385 KB, 644x811, 1601750917298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301701

That Fanfare at the end was cute as fuck.

>> No.27297805
File: 2.59 MB, 3840x2160, 1572248484660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this pretty chicken.

>> No.27297807
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so excited for this week.

>> No.27297810
Quoted by: >>27297847

>Iofi has chat on screen
This can't end well

>> No.27297817


>> No.27297824
File: 2.79 MB, 4096x4073, 1600047293669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is her endgame?

>> No.27297825
File: 97 KB, 240x240, ichihime-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based nyagger

>> No.27297829

It's fascinating. Is it a reference to something? Or is this just the artists art style?

>> No.27297828

She just finished her eating break, pls andast

>> No.27297830
Quoted by: >>27298300

Senchou baba is some surreal shit I cant even.

>> No.27297833
Quoted by: >>27297860

She accidentally showed off discord for a frame. Nothing particularly interesting in it (it wasn't posted here for over 6 hours and none of the content was narrative worthy), but it was pulled because of that frame.

>> No.27297834
File: 132 KB, 680x680, watson injection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>members only date stream
Imagine not being an investigator

>> No.27297837
File: 184 KB, 973x1400, EietV_nXgAMOOpY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this week you will not only get to enjoy more pop rock and other snack asmr with Amelia you will also get to take her out on a date

You guys did make sure to listen to lots of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SBcBDHYfv8 to be ready, right?
Maybe if you do very well during the date you might get a chu at the end...

>> No.27297838

I'm glad we're getting another movie stream
last one was max comfy

>> No.27297840
Quoted by: >>27297950

>actually getting superchats
I feel glad for OUR FRIEND.

>> No.27297842
Quoted by: >>27297876

>can't even end the stream properly
kiara suffering KINO

>> No.27297845

To make you kneel

>> No.27297846

> Saved the technical difficulties for the end of the stream

Every stream, huh?

>> No.27297847
Quoted by: >>27297878

Cover really doesn't care about HoloID, huh?

>> No.27297850
File: 116 KB, 762x932, 1600620649525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hold Ina in my arms and watch her squirm as I finger her to completion. I would hold her such as to maintain eye contact throughout.

>> No.27297855

Gura's cunny and an army of goslings.

>> No.27297857 [DELETED] 
File: 474 KB, 1072x4131, 1594057831491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297860

Oh wait, I screwed up the time. Should be 2020-09-28T03:05:00Z. Bad copy-paste job, sumimasen.

Nope, the stream is otherwise fine other than what >>27297833 said. I'm not sure why it's still privated, as the COD stream was privated and reuploaded due to similar circumstances.

>> No.27297863

The complete and total destruction of all Goslingposters.

>> No.27297865

Go away festival, Gura is for handholding and gentle love

>> No.27297868

This fucking cursed PC...

>> No.27297872

>From CageKino to Kino Reeves
Bless this squid.

>> No.27297875
File: 71 KB, 1333x805, true.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It begins

>> No.27297877

based gigachang

>> No.27297876
Quoted by: >>27298935

i love the retarded chicken!

>> No.27297878

I wouldn't be surprised if they don't even have managers. They're already like 1 step away from being indies.

>> No.27297879
File: 121 KB, 400x400, illust_84355868_20201005_135625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297885

>movie watchalong is members only
It hurts

>> No.27297887

God I miss her...free my nigga Haachama

>> No.27297894
Quoted by: >>27297925

Are all the birthdays the holos celebrate on their actual birthdays or fictional birthday dates set for their character?

I assume it's the former

>> No.27297896
File: 164 KB, 1200x1200, 1601102515832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW I will miss this week's movie date with Ina

>> No.27297897

Gura is for procreation and family building doujins

>> No.27297903
Quoted by: >>27298083

>discard 9s
>all honors
anon... your yaku reps....

>> No.27297904

That or she wants to turn all of us into Goslings.

Which is a lot more scarier...

>> No.27297906
File: 165 KB, 442x604, amelia x goslings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297905

Yeah I've thought about that sometimes, how the fuck 3rd gen was all so fucking successful. Except Flare.

There's always one runt in each gen no matter how good, and Kiara is screeching and crying all the way down knowing it's her this time. I feel for her really.

>> No.27297909

Anonchama... You know what to do.

>> No.27297913

Fuck off

>> No.27297915

She's basically an english Rushia manipulating people. Maybe with a bit of Matsuri craziness in the mix.

>> No.27297919

and this is why so many people hate speaking German out of their home countries, beautiful language but it attracts some really insane people.

>> No.27297923

These Amecucks have literally no excuse now

>> No.27297925

It's the latter.

>> No.27297928
Quoted by: >>27297963

>There's always one runt in each gen
Let's name them.

>> No.27297932
File: 454 KB, 603x500, watson aaaaaaaaaah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get a choice. Amelia is in control.

>> No.27297935

Join the cultists

>> No.27297938
File: 920 KB, 788x771, 1584391645208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waking up early in the morning to watch The Matrix with Ina is going to be one hell of a weird experience.

>> No.27297947

Just get a 10$ gift card, you bum.

>> No.27297950

It might be because Coco's gachikois don't have anywhere to go.

But yes, I'm happy our friend is getting some wholesomeness.

>> No.27297958
Quoted by: >>27297983

can someone give me a brief explanation on rushia's deal?

>> No.27297960

Cool it with the anti-semitic rhetoric please.

>> No.27297963

Strangely it's always the runt that I tend to enjoy. Nene, Kiara, etc.

>> No.27297968

>cute girl playing mahjong
I can't believe Ina is going to stream while no-pan

>> No.27297969
File: 96 KB, 649x719, 1544241225381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is our Friend's birthday. Go give her a view or even an ARS supacha.

>> No.27297970

Perfect. I love being manipulated by girls. There's a reason I love Rushia and a reason why Amelia gives me the same vibe.

>> No.27297971

Sure I do, I got loads of 'em. And they're allllllllll great

>> No.27297972

You hold no power here, gremlin.

>> No.27297978
File: 79 KB, 400x410, Kiara comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Auf Wiedersehen~
Yeah just put "talking with YOU chat while reading superchats" in the title and she will get double the viewers for the comfy talk sessions.

>> No.27297983
Quoted by: >>27298007

Loner bait

>> No.27297984

probably...a bait...probably...

>> No.27297985
Quoted by: >>27300757

only a lonely woman wants to be loved by lonely neets.

>> No.27297986 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27297993

Is that before or after her bf is done with her?

>> No.27297993 [DELETED] 


>> No.27297994
File: 57 KB, 1433x593, 1601748773361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't want to be a gosling, anymore

>> No.27297996

Used to be true. Not like it matters anyway, it just helped the idolfags cope a bit easier.

>> No.27297997


>> No.27298007

just missing an S

>> No.27298008
Quoted by: >>27298033

Did you really have to leave this in your meme currency?

>> No.27298009

For us to discover our own happiness and grow to be better.

>> No.27298010
File: 527 KB, 1920x1080, 1601800867576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27298012
Quoted by: >>27298079

Whoever has it don't do it, the first time I saw that in /hlg/ the dude actually got banned

>> No.27298013
Quoted by: >>27300672

Can someone post the "This poster is Amelia Watson. Don't fall for ver lies" image please

>> No.27298018

Yes, it's what she does most of the time anyway, hours long zatsudan while reading SC

>> No.27298019
File: 217 KB, 1772x1772, 1600144653552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27298048

>tfw can't decide if I spend the money on her membership or not just to watch a movie i've seen a billion times

>> No.27298024

And, like Flare, Kiara is making a ton of money despite her low subs. She'll be fine.

>> No.27298033
Quoted by: >>27298052


I don't know how to change it, sorry.

>> No.27298036
File: 14 KB, 474x280, Garcian Smith gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get into new group online
>say Hallo to bring soem of myyself into international togetherness
I hate it.

>> No.27298038

I was watching my CEO work out, how did Kiara's depression zatsudan go?

>> No.27298039

Gura looks so stupid here I'm cracking up

>> No.27298042

Did Chicken say she's moving to Austria?

Her stream times and all will change again?

>> No.27298043
Quoted by: >>27298102

Can someone tell me why people on Twitter and r/Hololive are so incredibly retarded? In hlgg people also write bullshit but almost always in order to troll, on the former people invent some factually false things and believe in it themselves.

>> No.27298048
Quoted by: >>27298116

There's cute art gated behind it too. Seems like something she'll do every so often.

>> No.27298051
Quoted by: >>27298082


>> No.27298052
Quoted by: >>27298087

It's easy, just move to a civilized country

>> No.27298055


>> No.27298060
File: 401 KB, 1001x1055, watson gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27298098

But if you hit the the superchat goal, I'll take my coat off.

>> No.27298063
Quoted by: >>27298499

Which gosling movie is this referencing?

>> No.27298070
Quoted by: >>27298135

>I was watching my CEO work out
Is he hot?

>> No.27298072
File: 121 KB, 472x444, 1601413490388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there others in this comfy pose too?

>> No.27298074
Quoted by: >>27298156

Yeah, Ame should take notes from Rushia (and Ayame).

>> No.27298076

>she takes you out on a date
>date goes well, she's super sweet
>an hour later near the end, you had the best time ever, you've truly fallen for Amelia in every way ever
>it's already late at night, you arrive at some beautiful spot out in a park
>your heart begins to flutter because you feel like this is the moment, this is where you will get to kiss her

>her eyes widen and she looks at you with a rather blank stare
>"Hey... did you believe it? Did you really? Did you think for even one moment that I would consider you as my partner? Are you stupid?"
>she starts laughing
>"You are pathetic."

>> No.27298077

I enjoy how on-brand this winku is:

Ina, Calli, Ame all managing to sync up.
Kiara gets the direction wrong.
Gura sitting there just "a".

>> No.27298079
Quoted by: >>27298136

Holy shit. Was it actually that bad? I was just imagining some weird shitty off-model art...

>> No.27298082


>> No.27298083
File: 661 KB, 960x953, painpeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm retarded

>> No.27298086

But she has no paypigs anymore because of how she treats superchats equally...so what's in it for her except, well, satisfying her urges?

>> No.27298087
Quoted by: >>27298124


God, i hope i can

>> No.27298088

Most likely just a quick visit/visa stuff It's five months away anyways.

>> No.27298090

What kind of Mongolian throat singing off-brand is that from even?

>> No.27298092

She’s going back to Austria in March, dunno for how long though. But hey at least we’ll have a EU holo then

>> No.27298098
File: 480 KB, 725x1024, amelia misaki new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wouldn't she let me die?

>> No.27298102

Tribalism, just of a different variety.

>> No.27298104

You always show up when I least expect you, thank you.

>> No.27298105


>> No.27298106

Yeah Korone gonna be first to hit 1mil and second place will be battle between FBK and Gura

>> No.27298107

Good lord, at that point you're starting to dip into 2hu threads that have been bumped as recently as three weeks ago

>> No.27298109


>> No.27298110
File: 105 KB, 445x458, 1600012401580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the Ame ver.

>> No.27298111

I would coom so hard my pelvis would shatter under the pressure.

>> No.27298112
File: 1.79 MB, 2070x1380, 181023-ryan-gosling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still in awe that Amelia tweeted this exact image out after seeing it in these threads after the collab. She still comes here despite all that we've done to her. What a sweetheart, we don't deserve her.

>> No.27298115
Quoted by: >>27299641

>hlgg people also write bullshit but almost always in order to troll
>invent some factually false things and believe in it
Yeah..., /hlgg/ totally doesn't do that hehe...

>> No.27298116

i'm not a huge art stream guy so I don't really care
the only reason i'd ever do a membership is to either watch movies or play shit like mahjong with them, but even then $5 a month to do it like once is a bit much

>> No.27298124
Quoted by: >>27298243

I'm rooting for you with feeling supachas, anon. Just don't come to the US for a little while. We're full atm and about to free up a lot of space by killing each other.

>> No.27298131
Quoted by: >>27298150

Remember that only 4 of them winked because Mori was making a 4 = death joke.

>> No.27298133

Next time finish the job, Hans

>> No.27298135
File: 813 KB, 800x1422, EjKGkBbUMAU_Dyw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27298282

The hottest.

>> No.27298136

babby's first 3D modelling class crossed with a perverse sense of abstract art

>> No.27298142

It's censored. That's not explicit

>> No.27298143
File: 102 KB, 422x442, 1601584998661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27298173


>> No.27298149

I think I saw one for Watson but didn't save it.

>> No.27298147
Quoted by: >>27298215

Stop starting the fucking timeloop.

>> No.27298150

Oh shit

>> No.27298153
Quoted by: >>27300672

Goslingfags are being played a damn fiddle. Wake up already.

>> No.27298156
Quoted by: >>27298228

What’s up with Rushia and Ayame?

>> No.27298161
Quoted by: >>27298502

Truly Ame is the e-Misaki that we need

>> No.27298165
File: 1.20 MB, 1337x752, 1587106285161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27298173
File: 81 KB, 398x414, 1600303230995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27298174

This is the dumbest narrative. She has friends, it might as well be made by one of them and send to her.

>> No.27298176
File: 571 KB, 1280x1216, feel the pull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gesture reps stream
dangerously based

>> No.27298179
File: 24 KB, 1205x161, 2AADE16D-5E22-4AE9-BD0E-8DE1BDE2CA8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27298177
File: 3.04 MB, 444x250, 1506494356081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27298367

I control my own destiny still like her the most but I never got into the whole gosling angle, she's just a sweet girl

>> No.27298180
Quoted by: >>27298231

@sachiihappy on Twitter makes them.

>> No.27298181

>gura to lazy to even wink
Sharkfags will defend thi and make another 5 accounts to sub to her.

>> No.27298187
Quoted by: >>27298314

Do your archive reps. It came from reddit.

>> No.27298194

No technical difficulties till the end. Seems to have cheered up and wanted to watch FBK's stream

>> No.27298201

Its funnier with Gura sitting there not doing anything

>> No.27298203
File: 125 KB, 940x500, watson tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27298234

>she will hornypost on main whenever the fuck she wants
She's actually going to review all of our fetish coupons.

>> No.27298204
File: 115 KB, 1000x1000, 1600864854090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's this thing about ina having a big sister that I've been hearing about?

>> No.27298214

Seek actual mental help if you believe that narrative before you damage your life further.

>> No.27298215
File: 55 KB, 1077x395, 1600923236213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late, I already redeemed my coupon

>> No.27298219
File: 266 KB, 1446x1704, Eiia25EXYAAnXl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27298238


>> No.27298220

Wait what if this is a hint at future collabs?

>> No.27298227

I work with a Kiara. When I introduce her to the vtuber, should I start with her roommate for normie cred, or assume all hispanics have seen DBZ and dive headfirst ? Thank you.

>> No.27298228

ultimate gf experience pandering.

>> No.27298229
File: 210 KB, 1200x1448, 1600928347679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then she asks you on another date the week after.

She can't do this, bros. I might become a teamate if that happens.

>> No.27298231
Quoted by: >>27298328


>> No.27298233
File: 73 KB, 573x500, 1600308980532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27298281


>> No.27298235

Mario kart stream

>> No.27298234
File: 108 KB, 1024x1024, 1601192814340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so has ame admitted she released those lewd underground coupons here on /jp/?

>> No.27298236

Watch the Mario Kart stream.
She mentioned it in passing before but people didn't pay attention. But she brought it up again harder in the Mario Kart stream.

>> No.27298238
File: 301 KB, 828x1755, 1600593507712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to RAPE this silly chicken

>> No.27298241
File: 11 KB, 230x230, watson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27298280

>> No.27298243 [DELETED] 


Until you get ride of your jews, i won't even think to go to USA, my country is still better in that regard. but thank for your support

>> No.27298246
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1200, rf319h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27298248

She's a fucking Bene Gesserit imprinter. Get out when you can, the rest of us are lost

>> No.27298249
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, MuMu20201005081725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait until Gura is playable in this game

>> No.27298254
Quoted by: >>27298585

how long do you think the last stream of Mr. Pierce's adventure will be, I don't know how long the game is

>> No.27298255
Quoted by: >>27298265

she definitely made the footjob and thighjob ones

>> No.27298258
File: 274 KB, 1500x1864, WAaatsooon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27298328


>> No.27298261

Ame.....your Protocols of Zionreps

>> No.27298263
Quoted by: >>27299387

Why are you black?

>> No.27298265
Quoted by: >>27298313

Wheres the infograph comparing the coupons?

>> No.27298267

Coco took away that chance forever.
Same with any arknights or genshin collabs/streams

>> No.27298268

I would member but it's too expensive in my meme currency for a neet and I don't have a bank acc despite being 21, fuck

>> No.27298269
File: 69 KB, 1024x749, 1600909216300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ane'nis recently came back from a long journey abroad for the sole purpose of humiliating Ina at Mario Kart.

>> No.27298270
Quoted by: >>27300672

Yeah them's fucking burgers have no tea eh, no surprise you don't like it Amelia

>> No.27298271

What the fuck Watson?

>> No.27298272

Based Ame

>> No.27298274
File: 69 KB, 463x453, 1598457457959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27298280

I'd believe it desu


>> No.27298281
File: 432 KB, 2125x707, 1600342613708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good moment

>> No.27298282

The dumbest. Nene Kiara collab when?

>> No.27298284

Jesus fucking christ Ame, hide your powerlevel a bit.

>> No.27298297

Just dive right in.

>> No.27298300

I am glad Gura already on contact with senchou, hope they have good relationship at the future.

>> No.27298302
File: 298 KB, 2048x2048, 4903265C-D8DD-42AD-A88F-22C024BB417A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn they work fast

>> No.27298308
File: 7 KB, 225x225, u7712377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27298313
File: 451 KB, 2000x2195, Coupon counterfeit analysis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27298314

Do more archive reps. It definitely came from here, the reddit image is different. Just that I also believe it was her manager or someone else in the holoEN discord.

>> No.27298317

Please understand shark has sharkbrain

>> No.27298323

All her fanart will be of her crying from now on...

>> No.27298325
File: 41 KB, 1078x964, 1596888722886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop with the doxing

>> No.27298328

It's HER

>> No.27298329
File: 21 KB, 349x360, 349px-Watson_Amelia_-_Portrait_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"alright guys one second" said amelia before muting herself
>a whimper as a small body smacked against the wall "SHUT THE FUCK UP BUBBA"
>"if you don't stop crying you aren't getting food next week either"
>"alright back. so sorry guys! was getting bubba a bone. what? no i didn't give them a treat!" she glares at the still spasming dog "it was a scolding"

>> No.27298330
Quoted by: >>27298852

this is 1 minute before she swallows them all to absorb their nutrients into her own body

kiara is into vore

>> No.27298332


>> No.27298339
File: 2.91 MB, 900x712, 1594866115340.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27298441


>> No.27298343
Quoted by: >>27299846

just got back home from work. How was Kiara's streams. Read that she was having pc problems?

>> No.27298346
File: 35 KB, 604x241, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27298423

I can't read German but I can tell this comment is really based.

>> No.27298347
Quoted by: >>27298396

She admitted to releasing "underground" coupons but like in the first week some glorious autist made this infograph >>27298313
so she probably did those ones at least

>> No.27298355

Fuck soulless chink gacha.

>> No.27298364
Quoted by: >>27298701


>> No.27298366

create an army of lovestruck gosling supachatters
Get out while you can. Like I did.

>> No.27298367

Steve1989 war veteran vtuber when?

>> No.27298369

Me on the right!

>> No.27298374
Quoted by: >>27298417

If she pulls this up as the first image on her coupon stream this thread will shit its pants

>> No.27298383
File: 7 KB, 218x231, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I get to watch Kiara's minecraft Stream!
I'm impressed a girl like her made it to the nether under 2 hours though.

>> No.27298384

Both of them have liked my tweets before so I'm basically already married to them.

>> No.27298385
Quoted by: >>27299798

How does this count off that alone? I do Os like that too.

>> No.27298388

Holostar Steve1989 reviewing 9927 year old Gura cunny and saying "nice hiss" when he spreads her legs when?

>> No.27298396
Quoted by: >>27298449

She also said "I'll show you how to spot a counterfeit." when she suggested the coupon review. Implying that there was a way to tell which ones were hers.

>> No.27298395
File: 16 KB, 900x400, 1601116603234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27298397

I would come so hard my penis would sprain.

>> No.27298403
Quoted by: >>27298445

No one wants to watch The Matrix for the millionth time.

>> No.27298411
File: 285 KB, 961x545, 1601900630644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura made friends with Fubuki!

>> No.27298415
File: 178 KB, 600x338, 1600968670807.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah about that...

>> No.27298417

she would never, but I do wonder how lewd she'll go with the coupons. there is a wide range of them available, she has the option to go as lewd as she likes

>> No.27298420
Quoted by: >>27298460

Oh shit, Gura was on our friend's stream

>> No.27298422
File: 402 KB, 480x270, 1578386092825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27298423

Those chicks are going to be nice chicken nuggets

>> No.27298426

>Fubuki got a shark as a present and said "SHAAAAAAARK"

Ok, narrative?

>> No.27298437
File: 466 KB, 914x982, 1570395474834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27298441

Yeah hardly saying a word during a collab sure is tiring.

>> No.27298442
File: 169 KB, 512x512, Kiara notlikethis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27298444

>kiara is absolutely retarded when it comes to computers

how is this possible...?

>> No.27298443


>> No.27298445

You speak as if you command the crowd.

>> No.27298448


>> No.27298449

If she teaches us how to spot a counterfeit by pointing out that she draws her Os counterclockwise from the top... oh god

>> No.27298452

No narrative. SHAAAAK is just a fun meme.

>> No.27298458

She's kneeling.

>> No.27298460

>It was Gura who mailed that to Fubuki as a threat, meaning "I'm coming for you, fox"

>> No.27298463

So I picked up Osumania again watching Ame play. How the fuck does she last hours in that game without getting a headache or dry eyes?
I mean, is this age related? I was really, really good at that game once upon a time (I am 27 now) and now when I play, my head and fingers start hurting after 30 to 45 minutes.

>> No.27298472

>woman is absolutely retarded when it comes to x
truly a mystery for the ages

>> No.27298473

Fubuki is okay making friends with Gura because she doesn't yet realise that Gura will beat her to 1 million

>> No.27298478


>> No.27298486

Yeah, she definitely made it to hell way faster than anyone was expecting.

>> No.27298498
Quoted by: >>27298619

I got bad news for you bro, it only gets worse. You just get tireder faster and faster the older you get

>> No.27298499

The usual, but not directly. Rather than settling on the steps, Ame strings him along.

>> No.27298502
File: 290 KB, 750x1122, misaki amelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watson is /hlgg/'s misaki
wat do?

>> No.27298505

Yes, unironically, you are old. Reaction time video games are a young person's sport

t. 31 year old and suck at shooters when I used to be great

>> No.27298508

Oh no, I think she knows it's very possible so she's basically sending out an olive branch now.

>> No.27298517

>Still no shark schedule
Did Gura get blitzed and pass out under an overpass or something?

>> No.27298518
Quoted by: >>27298545

Fubuki is waiting for someone to hit 1m so she can rest

>> No.27298524

I just realized her name is Iofi not Lofi

>> No.27298526

>gura mailing FBK a warning
Jesus Christ gura

>> No.27298529

I love these, please never stop making them

>> No.27298530
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1600608610136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this from the members' only stream? I'm a 100% jew who will never pay/donate any of them even one cent

and definitely due to age. It'll only get worse from here on out, anon. I'm 34 and I can't stand fast paced music games or FPS anymore, even though I used to play them all the time when I was in my early 20's

>> No.27298535


>> No.27298538


>> No.27298545

She hasn't even gained 1k yet despite birthday stream, korone will overtake her

>> No.27298547


>> No.27298549

that reminds me some JP holos thought lmao is imao

>> No.27298554

She shook her head a little too fast and knocked herself out.

>> No.27298560
Quoted by: >>27298597

You typed the same thing twice, but used lower case L in the first one.

>> No.27298561

One osu stream was members only, the other was free for everyone but only members could suggest beatmaps. They were unarchived though so they're deleted and you have to rely on people who archived it themselves

>> No.27298563

It's weird because Io isn't the fifteenth moon of Jupier

>> No.27298565

the first Osu stream was members only, the second one was available to everyone
>giving (You)s to namefags

>> No.27298567

I wish this was the arcade date

>> No.27298570

She learned Japanese instead of caring about stuff for ugly nerds

>> No.27298576

i dunno, Botan seems to be doing just fine

>> No.27298579

Damn, I really like this remix, didn't think Cali and Eurobeat go well together

>> No.27298581

>Every morning she wakes up it's like switching to Trevor from gta v

>> No.27298584 [DELETED] 

Does the China thing mean that Fubuki can't stream with her newer costume? I didn't like that costume.

>> No.27298585
Quoted by: >>27298683

She's starting chapter 9 next time she streams and there's 14 chapters in the game, but I have no idea how long each chapter takes.

>> No.27298591
File: 669 KB, 833x1000, 1600688366191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27298626


>> No.27298597
Quoted by: >>27298692

I wonder why regular fonts don't have two lines on top and bottom of uppercase I. It's kind of annoying

>> No.27298605
File: 290 KB, 1447x2047, 20201001_183319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27298644

I missed her.

>> No.27298608
File: 198 KB, 700x700, 1601791003243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27298614

She has autistically perfect gamesense and strategy but you can definitely tell her reaction time is not on the same level as the rest of her skills

>> No.27298619

Fuck. I hate that. How do you cope?

I mean, I still get past top 30 in some songs there (mixing 4keys and 7keys is retarded, obviously the 7keys player will always beat everything lower), but my head just hurts easily now. I cant play that game beyond 30 minutes now.

>> No.27298620

I’m literally crying and shaking right now, Amelia would never say something like that to me.

>> No.27298626
Quoted by: >>27298649

post milk bag

>> No.27298628

Iofi posted on Reddit and the admins didn't mod her or even acknowledge her. Why is ID hated so much?

>> No.27298644
Quoted by: >>27298839

Then just watch her streaming?
Oh wait lmao

>> No.27298649
File: 75 KB, 412x361, 1601223950530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

malk bag

>> No.27298659
Quoted by: >>27299066

as you grow older, you'll learn it's ok to move on

you'll probably be too busy with more important things in life to really care too much about vidya anymore

>> No.27298658
File: 37 KB, 533x248, 1601898832022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27298660

I never stood a chance. I've had Puru Puru Pururin as my ringtone for years.

>> No.27298662
File: 931 KB, 1307x502, what to watch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm guys, what do I watch now? It all look so similar...

>> No.27298671
File: 26 KB, 463x453, 1597800811550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well its just Lofi with a lower case L right?

Are you saying its actually iofi????????????????

>> No.27298677
Quoted by: >>27298712


>> No.27298683

Where was she last time? Playing as nurse?
There's about 3-4 hours left. I think she said "until finish" on purpose, probably has permission to stream as much as she wants on that day.

>> No.27298684

All of them

>> No.27298688

You play easier games or play the hard ones and accept you're gonna be shit every time.

>> No.27298691

>only got 2 hours of sleep last night because I got sucked into watching Kiara
Sitting at my desk right now contemplating suicide, these girls are bad for my health...

>> No.27298692

Some fonts do, but typography is a very trendy art so hyperminimalism took over at some point and tried to make all the letters look the same

Well, more accurately, they tried to use the fewest number of geometrical shapes combined in various ways to produce the entire alphabet, but the end result is the same

It just so happened that a major proponent of this style, Helvetica, took off like crazy, so that's what we use for 90% of text, and probably 100% of user-submitted text

>> No.27298696
Quoted by: >>27298716

watch based debi

>> No.27298701

It's like the Manson Family, but with more suction cups.

>> No.27298702
Quoted by: >>27300162

Tearing up, I am a lonely wolf
I want to forcefully herd, I jump on you
I make my tail round, wag, dangle
Wolf blues

Will my howl reach to my comrades?
I howled for while, but I don't hear back from anyone
That's fine, it will be a big dungeon world, all to me,
Wolf princess

I drop my food, I drop my tears, too
My bone tastes so salty

My plan is when I wake up tomorrow
My pheromones will be overflowing
And will make you crazy
I don't care if you cry later
See you tomorrow

Every single song she sang was a message.

>> No.27298704

play more

>> No.27298707

I'm still going going to call her Lofi hip hop radio neats to relax/study to.

>> No.27298711
File: 220 KB, 309x345, lewd amelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amelia wouldn't let goslingposters die because she's a sadistic yandere
here's the new narrative

>> No.27298712


>> No.27298714
Quoted by: >>27298785

Why would her name start with a lower case letter? It's iofi.

>> No.27298716

Debi was ruined when I learned it was a he

>> No.27298722
Quoted by: >>27298785


>> No.27298724

what is milk bag?

>> No.27298729

channel your inner coomer and watch DWU

>> No.27298731


>> No.27298735
Quoted by: >>27298805

>He doesn't have 12 monitors so he can watch all of them at the same time
What are you even doing anon

>> No.27298741

Adapt a different sleeping schedule. Your lofe as a whole will improve for it.

>> No.27298779

Hana Macchia is practically an arknights character at this point. Collab with the Njijs is inevitable.

>> No.27298782

That sounds pretty hot

>> No.27298785


>> No.27298798
File: 1.11 MB, 1061x707, watson mouth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please.

>> No.27298805
Quoted by: >>27298846

>12 monitors
This isn't /biz/.

>> No.27298816

Why is Ina the only one to do a video for her schedule and why didn't she put a non JP version of the schedule that WASN'T a video?

>> No.27298834
Quoted by: >>27298932

>look at her with a silly smile on my face
>"so...same time next week?"

>> No.27298839


>> No.27298840
Quoted by: >>27298883

>that sigh after crash
Chicken had a hard life...

>> No.27298842

Please don't, i haven't fapped in 3 weeks

>> No.27298845

Do it infront of your boss.

>> No.27298846
File: 499 KB, 500x500, domp eet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27298852

Yeah, that's the part that makes the image a little creepy.
As long as we don't get any of them willingly jumping into deep fat fryers to serve the KFP cause.

>> No.27298853
Quoted by: >>27298957

I notice that she drop shots a lot which is what I do nowadays to compensate for my degenerating reaction time.
t. 30yr old tarkov player, was performing great during the era of small lans tourneys during CS 1.6

>> No.27298865
File: 293 KB, 1448x2048, 1590275567662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boogey Voxx girl is streaming rn and just brought up Mori, and I realized something.
If these two really are her old friends she no longer got to see as they went off trying to be vtubers, their characters really match up a lot.
These two are undead, while Mori herself is death. I'm really not sure how much the girls got to influence their designs but in Mori's case there's a lot of reasons to think she might have had a reasonable amount of influence, perhaps even enough that she thought of matching these up alongside her other reasons for being a reaper.

>> No.27298872

I feel bad for debiru. She interacted several times with hololive and the niji fandom cancelled her ever since.

>> No.27298883
File: 85 KB, 366x459, 1601477026570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pain like this shouldn't be experienced by anyone.

>> No.27298890

>Why is Ina the only one to do a video for her schedule
She thinks it's cute.
>and why didn't she put a non JP version of the schedule that WASN'T a video?
So I have a reason to watch it every time.

>> No.27298901
File: 54 KB, 592x558, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she ever explain if there'd be T2-exclusive streams?

>> No.27298911
Quoted by: >>27298948

>Iofi still has chat on
Does cover just not give a shit about ID?

>> No.27298919
File: 264 KB, 640x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27299151

Just be a member, easy.

>> No.27298926

Pardon the off-topic, but FBK's new outfit is pretty good, actually.

>> No.27298930

Still waiting for the plugsuit fanart.

>> No.27298932

>"Ha..? What are you.. are you deaf? I just told you that you mean nothing to me and that's your reply? You must actually be stupid... well, I could use an idiot to carry bags for me next week, I wanted to go shopping... I guess"

>> No.27298935
File: 13 KB, 476x302, 1590308895898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27299026


>> No.27298936

She will never explain it

>> No.27298940

just imagine a future where Gura gets as many new outfits as FBK does

>> No.27298945

Consensus is there aren't, but she didn't seem to have understood how tiering works and was just mumbling to herself pretty much

>> No.27298948

Cover doesn't give a shit about any of their talent, ID just just the least given a shit about.

>> No.27298952

It's not tiered she just has shark brain

>> No.27298956
File: 253 KB, 115x115, presented by the letter a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't, it's all available in T1. It was a shork brain mistake.

>> No.27298957

what's drop shot? I need to know if I'm losing my touch

don't want amelia to be disappointed in me

>> No.27298958

I watched NHK dubbed. It was pretty good

>> No.27298959

>Shark explaining anything

>> No.27298961
Quoted by: >>27299058

It's classy and she's very cute as always.

>> No.27298964

There won't be

>> No.27298965
Quoted by: >>27299053

anime girls must either be terrible at cooking or technologically illiterate.

Since Kiara runs a restaurant, the outcome was obvious.

>> No.27298966

not offtopic

>> No.27298970
File: 857 KB, 1193x1418, Ane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ane'nis confirmed

>> No.27298983

how is rrat beating ogey?

>> No.27298985

Replace Bubba with Gosling and it's the current narrative.

>> No.27298997

>shork brain

>> No.27299003


>> No.27299004

but that was 5 years ago, time to rewatch it in JP without subtitles

>> No.27299006
Quoted by: >>27299086

It's where HER appears and gets very high on stream

>> No.27299007

Maybe next year she'll tell us

>> No.27299009
Quoted by: >>27299049

>tiny hat

>> No.27299016

The tiny hat is very very cute

>> No.27299017

Does it even work if the audience knows too much?

>> No.27299018
File: 385 KB, 792x627, carrey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27299021

Go away Nijifag

>> No.27299026

I need a "this is fine" edit of chicken.

>> No.27299028
File: 165 KB, 528x285, 1584010207197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please understand

>> No.27299029

inaxpochi artstream collab WHEN?

>> No.27299040

Still haven't finished it yet

>> No.27299041
Quoted by: >>27299464

yanderes are the most likely to timetravel so this adds up

>> No.27299042


>> No.27299046
Quoted by: >>27299112

Like two days ago it was even then some fucking autist decided spent several hours putting rrat up by like 200,000 clicks

>> No.27299048

schedule onegai...

>> No.27299049
File: 658 KB, 666x998, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27299178

I'm assume it's a fox thing.

>> No.27299053
Quoted by: >>27299156

How many of the Hololives can actually cook anyways? All the ENs seems to be instant noodle/pasta with canned sauce tier.

>> No.27299055

That actually makes a lot of sense, if they are friends we might even see them work together in the future

>> No.27299058


>> No.27299060

Wait is this NHK? I literally forgot how it ends.

>> No.27299061

Go stream some more instead of thirsting for Kiara, Mori.

>> No.27299066

That is true, and its kinda sad. I hate it. You get shittier, You lose the buddies you used to play vidya with, they stop because of their children and wives and work and family, while I'm as kissless and virgin as ever. But vidya is the only thing I have to cope with loneliness.
I don't want to move on, in fact I can't.

I wish I can go back to my early 20s again. Watching these HoloENs who are possibly born in 2000 is kinda sad for me a little bit.

>> No.27299078

Place your bets, how long will Ame play Mario Odyssey tonight?

>> No.27299079

The fuck going on

>> No.27299083

depends on the game, but in COD it is going prone while in a gunfight.

>> No.27299085

You prone as soon as you spot someone. Most people aim center of mass causing them to miss the first burst leaving you some ample time to react and get your hits on target.
A variant would dolphin diving, where you jump and prone. Same effects, causing opponent to miss the first burst.

>> No.27299084

Watch Mikoto or Sou for me

>> No.27299086
File: 123 KB, 804x720, shark cowboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too risky even for HER, considering Japanese policy. Getting plastered seems feasible though.

>> No.27299094

Shark will get a new costume too. Seems like they get new outfit based on subs count and not generational.

>> No.27299095
File: 60 KB, 1284x583, 1600611198982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara finally receives her internet and a better computer
>North Korea EMPs Japan

Why is being Kiara so hard?

>> No.27299099

Please I can only get so erect

>> No.27299101

as long as it takes her to say fuck 10 times

>> No.27299105
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1530086419898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that long torso

>> No.27299110

Hopefully not for a very long time, it starts at 4am.

>> No.27299112

The code is complete garbage so it's trivial to add clicks artificially.

>> No.27299114

This Lofi has the worst mic of all hololive, even worse than old Kiara's mic

>> No.27299133

USB mic

>> No.27299140

This thread has been diamonds so far with all the people fantasizing about a sadistic Amelia toying with the feelings of [us]

>> No.27299142
Quoted by: >>27299246

>They're both at 2mil
The fuck? Last time I was here they were only at like 2k each.

>> No.27299143
File: 56 KB, 680x523, 1600337016941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People always depict these kinds of situations but they don't really have their intended effect. If someone exposes themself as vile and cruel they wouldn't have made a good partner to begin with. In fact they probably saved you a ton of trouble. It's much more painful if someone you like awkwardly leaves the date, delete your contacts and ghosts you.

>> No.27299151

Why did you post one without Ina in it.
Why would you do such a thing anon.

>> No.27299152

>Watching these HoloENs who are possibly born in 2000 is kinda sad for me a little bit.
All the roommates are probably older than that.

>> No.27299153


>> No.27299156

I think Kiara talked about doing a cooking stream once. Ina could do one with her mom

>> No.27299160
File: 11 KB, 183x182, 1601876559568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By the time Kiara makes it to 300K, all the other girls will be at or near 400K+

>> No.27299179
Quoted by: >>27299236

Sleeping pills are apparently acceptable also.

>> No.27299178
Quoted by: >>27299209

Does that mean Kiara is a fox too?

>> No.27299180

She got this one for her birthday, it was probably planned well in advance. Gura's explosive popularity was probably well beyond expectations so I doubt they have an outfit ready yet. It's probably already been greenlit though.

>> No.27299188

>Watching these HoloENs who are possibly born in 2000
You're really flattering them.

>> No.27299189
Quoted by: >>27299214

Japs wont understand a thing!

>> No.27299190



>> No.27299192
Quoted by: >>27299816

Pochi's art is shit

>> No.27299195

Look at the bright side, she will do fake tears again and got a lot of supachat later!

>> No.27299197
File: 95 KB, 800x688, 1601790750063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27299199

you could say that her audio is lofi

>> No.27299200
File: 48 KB, 622x629, 1601708149719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by the time she makes it to 350k shark could be over a mil
pray for chimkin

>> No.27299209

With those thighs......yes.

>> No.27299214
File: 25 KB, 678x210, The king sleeps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27299270

Do not wake the sleeping king.

>> No.27299215

You know I hope she does just because how funny the thread will be

>> No.27299228

Something like yandere or heavy tsun only works in anime
We're just roleplaying

>> No.27299236

Japan's drug laws are fucking weird, doing weed is worse than rape or murder but you can get codeine over the counter.
At least it's not Thailand where drugs can get you the fucking death penalty, but it's still fucked.

>> No.27299246

the site is trivially easy to bot
post to count.php?key=rrat or key=ogey
don't wanna crash this guys server tho

>> No.27299249

Kiara isn't fake you fags, she even stopped superchats last time, she's a good girls

>> No.27299270 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 628x415, 1601902509059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I want her to.
S*nzakrakish, the Stream Troll!

>> No.27299286

Cover's threshold for a holo to get 3D used to be, what, 30k? Since popularity exploded, there has been no consistent pattern, they just get to things when they get to them.

>> No.27299300

When her eyes turn deep red and the cowlicks return SHE will return to her throne

>> No.27299301
File: 120 KB, 257x312, 1600184603960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever get the feeling that these people just did the vtubing thing as a fallback after their actual aspirations failed?

>> No.27299308

>doing weed is worse than rape
yes, probably
>or murder
Also I already see a lot of "well it's okay in America so why not here" so I don't think it'll be that way for many more years.

>> No.27299316

She is actually really honest, too much even, not afraid of showing her ugly sides.

I like this about her, but that can be dumb for this career, but the chicken is not very smart anyway.

>> No.27299333

Anon we just had this conversation....

>> No.27299335

wanting Gura to go zawa is like wanting Joji to go Filthy Frank

>> No.27299336

A good girl wouldn't be trying to fatten up her fanbase just to consume them later.

Except Ina. To be eaten first by the elder gods would be an honor and a privilege

>> No.27299341

>In fact they probably saved you a ton of trouble.
This, honestly. When a girl I liked just told me that I'm nothing more than a friend to her, I was a bit heartbroken, sure, but this is way better than being mislead and used as a walking wallet for years. I appreciate her honesty, she's a good girl. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.27299361

Fuck, that's hot.

>> No.27299366

There are more than enough 20-40 year old losers to hang out with anon, don't worry.

I don't think it ever changes either, just the age range you associate with steadily increases, in real life or in vidya. The "videogames are for kids" notion is basically dying as all the people that grew up with videogames are getting older. Not to mention there are people with interests outside of their own generation, I even knew some 60+ year old that was really into starcraft 2.

>> No.27299370

> Antis shitting on Kiara again

Atleast go watch our cute friend's new costume you fags.

>> No.27299373
Quoted by: >>27299460

Maybe just dont be a degenerate drug user?

>doing weed is worse than rape

>> No.27299377
File: 751 KB, 842x1028, 1601842151624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27299380

Mori sounds like she had her dreams come true and is still having a very difficult time coping with it.

>> No.27299385

Ina's Roommate was doing promo work and professional art up until her debut, and probably still is, hence why she doesn't stream often.

>> No.27299387
Quoted by: >>27299549

He's a cleaner
Don't make him say it again.

>> No.27299415

Not a good comparison because Joji is unironically dogshit

>> No.27299422

I'm sure that holds true for a lot of Holos.

>> No.27299429

Joji has franku flash backs sometimes in his content but yeah. i doubt Gura with go full zawa gremlin

>> No.27299435

That's my headcanon now

>> No.27299438

It's pretty obvious that's the case for the JP ones

I heard somewhere that being a vtuber idol is pretty much failed idols (not as talented as the best ones, too old to compete against cuter 20 year old girls, idols who are great at everything except for her looks) given a second chance at life

>> No.27299440

Aside from Kiara, no.

>> No.27299446

Did you ever think about, like, egg sandwiches, man? Like, did you ever really ever THINK about them?

>> No.27299447
File: 113 KB, 720x720, 1601770884434.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina draw stream
I am ready

>> No.27299449

I mean, that's literally the case for Kiara. But really aspiring to be an idol and becoming a virtual idol aren't all that different.

>> No.27299457

Someone mentioned that between streams she was cosplaying

>> No.27299460

>weed is a drug
Take your meds schizo

>> No.27299461

Which EN will be the first to get a nendo?

>> No.27299464

I supposed Sexy Boomer Grandma Marine is the exception that proves the rule.

>> No.27299468
File: 258 KB, 540x540, 540_540_102400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina's roommate literally doesn't have to be here. She'd be fine regardless.

>> No.27299472
Quoted by: >>27299525



>> No.27299475
Quoted by: >>27299578

I'm a retard and forgot to mention it was Kiara

>> No.27299479

There's ones for all the HoloEN girls, as well as for the JP girls too, IIRC

>> No.27299480
File: 331 KB, 2309x1088, 1601184296518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken attracts white knights the most of the EN. Both Ame and Mori got screwed up by tech a lot, but i dont remember the wave of pityposters for either of them, cos they took it like a champs everytime.

She doesnt need an army of fanatics telling her everything is OK. She needs someone to show her how to fix that is wrong and grow up

>> No.27299483

Gura obviously.

>> No.27299488
File: 194 KB, 1024x768, Welcome-to-Indonesia-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level.

>> No.27299497

Ina is a seiyuufag just like me, this mean we meant to be together, see you later virgins

>> No.27299520

Anon... why have you done this?

>> No.27299523
Quoted by: >>27299612


>> No.27299525

Nothing wrong with THAKing a FRIEND.

>> No.27299529

Sometimes actual aspirations don't make money.

>> No.27299531

Have fun getting arrested for anime posters on your wall

>> No.27299535

>Hana's bgm is a rpg maker song
I know because I play a lot of ntrpgs.

>> No.27299536

The bland pedobait

>> No.27299545

The thing about Mori is, instead of throwing a pity party for her, they threw money at her instead to get better equiment. And while she made getting the SC a big deal she didn't go full WOE IS ME while doing it, instead she spilled spaghetti so hard the canadians and americans started fighting.

>> No.27299549
File: 13 KB, 400x300, Harman Smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garcian, how long has it been?

>> No.27299565

You're not wrong

>> No.27299566

man I wish I was Thak

>> No.27299575

This, also all of her music is getting more attention and honestly I'm glad, I really like her stuff https://youtu.be/KRQ3sKGQ2KQ

>> No.27299578

was about to say Anon, thats some news to me that the shut in was doing cosplay.
makes sense for Kiara

>> No.27299580

Grim, wouldn't want to live in an Islamist dictatorship.

>> No.27299582

God I want to bingewatch streams while high on meth so bad

>> No.27299591
Quoted by: >>27299628

>giving me another chance
I'm in, bros.

>> No.27299594

Weed is one of those things where it's only really as bad as the willingness of the police to prosecute, and people to report. Getting caught with it here can technically ruin your life, but in practice it almost never will unless they have reason to catch you with it/are a repeat offender/have massive quantities or a grow op and they think you're selling it.

I doubt Japan is so different, really, especially in [current year].

>> No.27299596

They get to that " son of a bitch " right off the bat eh.

>> No.27299600
File: 27 KB, 600x450, drug-trafficking-death-sentence_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same in Singapore.

>> No.27299612

For holostars

>> No.27299615
File: 574 KB, 1114x1600, Idol to Otaku no Risou no Kankei amelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will bully a lonely fan
it's basically this manga

>> No.27299623

Are you saying I watched an Indonesian squirrel play with rubber ducks for ONE FULL HOUR and she wasn't on something?
I need to take a moment to process this.

>> No.27299624

does it work though?

>> No.27299628

Yeah, surely she'll see your good sides and fall for you.

>> No.27299639
File: 544 KB, 2321x2543, 1600479061554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To sniff petrol from a can

>> No.27299641
Quoted by: >>27300672

We don't do that, we are self-aware. With the possible exception of the Gosling fags maybe but they merely did the mistake to get obsessed about the joke itself and self-suggested into becoming true Goslingers but that's about it.

>> No.27299653

God I love this manga

>> No.27299654

Ask if her brother is Koefficient

>> No.27299658
File: 26 KB, 128x128, ameliawhatson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27299663
Quoted by: >>27299699

If you want to frame and kill someone, yes.

>> No.27299666
Quoted by: >>27299834

Same in Malaysia.

Death penalty if you're found trafficking drugs/using drugs. No appeal

Works very well so far

>> No.27299667
Quoted by: >>27299729

I wonder if Ina could stream her character in front of a flat-color-background so she could be over-layed onto the movie.

>> No.27299670

For Indonesia? Fuck no, huge amounts of the regional drug trade transits though there. You just have to pay the tax and give them a couple of scapegoats to publicly hang every now and again.

>> No.27299675

to buy kitkats for the n*** individual

>> No.27299676
Quoted by: >>27300345

They never do it again once caught.

>> No.27299688
Quoted by: >>27299715

I wasted 20 mins to make an edit of a similar manga panel but it got deleted. Hiro can't take a joke today.

>> No.27299692

Well, it's extremely rare to hear of people getting the death sentence for drugs nowadays - maybe once a year at most, so I guess? They only send the addicts to rehab. An underground scene definitely still exists, though.

>> No.27299697
Quoted by: >>27299746

There's little to no drug-related crime in Singapore and the ones who normally violate them do are predominantly foreigners

>> No.27299699

Working as intended then. How much drugs would qualify as trafficking?

>> No.27299702
File: 2.79 MB, 2943x3533, EjfH6qjVgAAhWIi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27299715
Quoted by: >>27299754

post it

>> No.27299717

She's perfect bros. Is her design on purpose? Was her handler like "You're going to want to make this one extra retarded"

>> No.27299718
Quoted by: >>27300672

Amelia is doing the Masamune revenge, where she becomes a much more popular vtuber than before and gets to toy with the feelings of her bullies and new fans.

>> No.27299726

>And then she ate them

>> No.27299727
Quoted by: >>27299820

It works in keeping folks here clean of drugs. We don't want our streets to be flooded with chink drugs like it's in the Filipina.

>> No.27299729
Quoted by: >>27301191

indeed. #FF00FF perhaps?

>> No.27299740
File: 90 KB, 648x567, 1600108148351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27299763

kon peko~

>> No.27299746
Quoted by: >>27299885

>massive corporate fiefdom with hugely rich occupants
Oh there's a huge amount of drugs going on in Singapore, just not for the proles.

>> No.27299748

Do you know how long it took for them to make a nendoroid of a JP and it doesn't even have a prototype yet?

>> No.27299754

Actually it was an edit of an edit, I just had a sudden inspiration: >>27294443

>> No.27299755

Youtube link? I need to watch that for reasons.

>> No.27299761
Quoted by: >>27299839

i love my charming shark daughter and i am proud of her even if she won't post a schedule!

>> No.27299763

Anon, I think you need to take your meds.

>> No.27299767
Quoted by: >>27299837

Ina's just doing it for fun. She's been a hololive fan for ages now (since subaru's 3D debut) and joined up as a hobby and maybe make new friends. I doubt she even cares about her popularity and it shows in how calm and confident she is streaming, she's just having fun and nothing can bother her.

>> No.27299768
File: 271 KB, 640x640, 1588515397562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27299778


>> No.27299797

Guys, guys, remember

Hololive is a TECH company
Meanwhile their talents/performers keep running into repeated technical issues with streamings/ their talents not understanding how to properly set up their system for a stream/mic problems, etc.

It's almost as if Hololive doesn't really gives a damn and wants them to figure it out by themselves, embarrassing/stressing themselves out when a technical issue pops up during a live stream

Why are you guys still supporting Hololive?

>> No.27299798

They have similar art styles too, not just to "O"

>> No.27299803

I hold no responsiblity for any braincells lost through viewing of this video.

>> No.27299806


>> No.27299808

Absolutely not. The only places in the world with z bigger drug trafficking market is Mexico and south America. It's a scare tactic to turn away dumb foreigners looking to score cheap shit or make a quick buck, but also mostly just a way the corrupt government can contrive reasons to remove people they don't like. Planting evidence is the first thing 6lyou learn in police academy

>> No.27299810
File: 84 KB, 310x289, i_kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27299816
Quoted by: >>27300428

anon....your heterosexualityreps....

>> No.27299819

>Why are you guys still supporting Hololive?
the talent are too compelling

>> No.27299820
Quoted by: >>27299843

Uhhh... I've been to indonesia and malaysia a bunch of times and there's meth, coke, and weed fucking everywhere. I got high with locals a lot.

>> No.27299827

Kiara did a really cute Fubuki cosplay.

>> No.27299831

Because their fucking talent won't go indie.

>> No.27299834

>SEA has the most severe drug laws
>Also the biggest shitposters and doxxfaggots

>> No.27299837

It was super fucking cute when she got emotional over people wanting to do art because of her and how she was being an inspiration for the cultists

>> No.27299839
File: 468 KB, 1300x1700, 1601820700024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27300139

/jp/ sings "fly me to the moon" for Gura when?

>> No.27299840

here's a personal favorite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Iz8qlWk4hY

>> No.27299843
Quoted by: >>27299913

in city ? or in country side ?

>> No.27299846

>Read that she was having pc problems?
And how! She had to use her manager's potato PC, which was somehow worse than the potato rental she had been using, because she won't have her higher spec comp hooked up to interner for THREE FUCKING WEEKS
What would have normally been sufferkino was just straight up SUFFERING. And the computer was so crap, it could barely handle Superchats, so she decided to end the stream to cry for a bit, and set up her second stream, just to read the SC, a few hours later
The second stream was a whole lot better.

>> No.27299849

I hope Ina draws a cardboard-version of Mama'nis and Ane'nis to play with them on stream.

>> No.27299850

I haven't seen Chumguts posters in a while, did they leave?

>> No.27299858

Early morning runs/walks are very comfy.

>> No.27299861


>> No.27299860

I want to cum ALL OVER her tummy.

>> No.27299866

Yes. It's not a secret either. That's basically how Yagoo described at least in part how the type of girl he looked for to start HoloLive. Obviously in more flattering terms though, and not every girl fits that archtype. Holo looks for girls who can entertain, where their limitations are overcome by the medium and where their strengths are supported by it.
No idol company would ever take Subaru for example to be a 'real' idol, but make her a vtuber and give her a cute avatar and she can shine as an entertainer. The idea of a 0 year old princess idol would be insane, but you can do it with a virtual avatar.
Mori has gone from working shit tier minimum wage type jobs to support her attempts at making some kind of career out of a dying musical genre (while being a female foreigner) to her music getting millions of views and making a significant amount of money.
I wouldn't have been surprised if she had been starting to think about going back home at some point because the life she was living before holo came along sounds incredibly depressing.

>> No.27299868

Don't expect it. Don't think about it.

>> No.27299877

Yeah she did a cute job. Nice tum.

>> No.27299878
Quoted by: >>27300005

I mean half the appeal of a Vtuber is that you can get a wider range of talent that doesn't need to hit certain physical marks

>> No.27299881

Just wait a random number of minutes before starting a new thread and don't try to be first.

>> No.27299885

Sure, but if you're stupid enough to get caught and get on the news you're still getting fucked.

>> No.27299886

>it could barely handle Superchats
in manager-san's defense, the SC javascript is a lot more demanding than minecraft.

>> No.27299904
File: 80 KB, 636x900, 1601736898946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I say GANG GANG you say KAWAII

>> No.27299907

Teachads, i kneel...

>> No.27299906

Oh... Anon...

>> No.27299908

From what I've seen, every girl has a much bigger army of white knights, as they are also more popular, and many of their mistakes and flaws get simply ignored. But I agree with your point, even Kiara herself said that she doesn't really want this sort of pityposting and that critics are welcome.

Well, even in these threads the other girls literally get fanfics about how hard were their lives. So if this is about shitposting, everyone corrects the twisted narrative shitting on the girls they're watching, It's just happened that only recently people started watching chicken's streams and doing that for her too. So it's now hard for people to shit on her without a proper argument.

>> No.27299913
Quoted by: >>27300001

Both. Some parts of indonesia it's blatant, probably most in Lombok.

>> No.27299914

and she's not replacing her fucking shitter laptop for at least five months.

>> No.27299922
Quoted by: >>27300088

really cute I bet doing cosplay helped her feel better

>> No.27299923

She is an attention-whore in the truest sense of the word.

>> No.27299924


>> No.27299933

Pretty good choice desu

>> No.27299941
Quoted by: >>27299994

Please stop this, go somewhere else.

>> No.27299940

difference is Ame understand technology so her tech issues don't cause her to breakdown Kiara is like the boomers when I fix their computers they get flustered not knowing what's wrong

>> No.27299952

The fucking 3 weeks is more of a problem because she clearly can't play shit on the computer. So what the fuck is she going to do? Zatsudan until the end of time? That's how you lose people. This was all poorly thought out.

>> No.27299957



>> No.27299962

>astolfo pfp
and why does he sound underage?

>> No.27299970

Wait this means the minecraft collab is dead, for both mori/kiara and the weekend one

>> No.27299976

>This was all poorly thought out.
I don't think it was thought out at all.

>> No.27299979

He is underage.

>> No.27299995
File: 563 KB, 1381x1447, gura knees self in the head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27299994

I'm not the guy who usually posts it I've just been listening to her music for like two hours now and I'm in a trance

>> No.27299997

Probably a fatty, since he's jogging at a low speed he's out of breath

>> No.27299999

It depends if Kiara's ISP will enable her internet until 9/10, because yeah, her manager's PC won't do.

>> No.27300001
Quoted by: >>27300074

they probably more open to outsider because they never stay long, i live in jakarta now only meet one seller, that guy stopped because it didn't sell well. dont know about malayasia

>> No.27300005

I sometimes wonder why Hololive doesn't bother with male talents

Nijisanji had already proven there's a market for male vtubers. Chaika, Yashiro, Gwelu are all pretty entertaining, and they all have like >300k subs. Gwelu even had an 8 hour stream with another younger nijisanji vtuber girl, teaching her high school arithmetic on stream for 8 hours straight. That happened last month and the video received like a million views

>> No.27300006

Kiara has less subs but really dedicated fans. She will be fine.

>> No.27300010
Quoted by: >>27300056

she still has the rental PC. i think the plan is to bring it to manager-san's house for the next try.

>> No.27300013
Quoted by: >>27300056

she's gonna bring her PC to manager's home

>> No.27300019

Is this another of Ina's deadlines? https://twitter.com/ArknightsEN/status/1313101641512554498?s=19

>> No.27300025

but anon... winning son...

>> No.27300030

>tfw sound weeb jay called her that in his Risu video
>Risu, in the chat during the Premiere: Thanks for the teasing material for our next collab

>> No.27300035

Official chicken fanartist.

>> No.27300042

Yes indeed.

She's a surprisingly good cosplayer. And a cute one at that.

>> No.27300043
Quoted by: >>27300103

She has more subs than Towa

>> No.27300044

She'd never say this if she knew that you'd easily find someone else.

>> No.27300053
File: 331 KB, 800x1192, 1581730586318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27300080

Is this another of Ina's deadlines?

>> No.27300056

Watch it break on the way.

>> No.27300061
File: 64 KB, 555x800, decantering-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme use checks out.

>> No.27300062

Btw how do I, a millennial, get myself to like this zoomer thing? It seems that the concept of vtuber as a whole is kind of lame. It's like watching retarded children.

>> No.27300069
File: 1.45 MB, 1600x2000, 1588923864299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kept Sabbath day holy like always.

>> No.27300071

Please no... I just want my chicken to have a fun stream without any bullshit...

>> No.27300074
Quoted by: >>27300171

I met some girls from jakarta at gili trawangan rolling on MDMA. It was quite a sight.

>> No.27300078
File: 69 KB, 1013x1027, Kiara smol @Alpholo_V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27300080

Da Vinky...

>> No.27300087

I'm feeling a Daiz pasta with Amelia

>> No.27300088

It's a shame she can't publicly cosplay herself, I bet she would love it. She mentioned in her debut that she dreams of someone cosplaying her.

>> No.27300089

Ame is just trying to be friends with you guys stop messing with her dudes.

>> No.27300094
Quoted by: >>27300666

her luck has been miserable. it hurts too much to try to watch anymore. i just can't feel good at all watching someone break down and cry because her career is falling apart in front of thousands of people, over and over.

>> No.27300097

no, different artstyle and those have been there for awhile for the older servers

>> No.27300098


>> No.27300101

I bought myself a fucking phone holder for my bike purely to be able to watch Holos when I'm riding between places, only being able to listen to Ame during her superliminal stream with my phone in my pocket convinced me. Didn't even know it was a thing before I searched for it, works really well so far.

>> No.27300103


>> No.27300106
Quoted by: >>27300135

just don't watch Gura then

>> No.27300108
File: 76 KB, 1187x780, inspect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stopping by Starbucks on my way home. Do you want something?

>> No.27300109

In reference to what?

>> No.27300113

peesa kikka

>> No.27300115

Get old and jaded

>> No.27300120

cunt milk

>> No.27300126
File: 128 KB, 360x317, 1601046940415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They may be still banned due to the mass ban, I was sleeping at the time otherwise I could've fallen with them. I miss them almost as much as I miss Gura's streams.

>> No.27300129


>> No.27300131
File: 72 KB, 720x720, 120030147_194207955410949_1990152983296837092_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to chicken? Is she moving or something? Why can't she quickly get a brand new computer and have everything set up and ready to go? Isn't Japan always proud of being stupidly efficient at moving/setting up stuff?

Last time coco moved into holohouse, it didn't really affect her schedule. she still actively streamed quickly, you'd never think she moved

>> No.27300132

I'd like one of those 3-cheese sandwiches

>> No.27300133

She explained it very clearly in the stream you dunces. There is manager pc, rental pc, and her gamer pc. The gamer pc is 5 months away. The rental pc does minecraft fine, she's done several minecraft streams with it. She was on manager pc only because her rental pc was at her new place, and her new place doesn't have internet for a few weeks, so she was at her manager's place. She is bringing the rental pc to the manager's place because the manager's pc isn't good enough. She didn't bring the rental pc right away because the manager told her the manager pc was good enough, but it wasn't.

>> No.27300135

excuse me, little guy, but i am gen x and gura is my favorite.

>> No.27300136

>stop messing with her dudes.
She has more than one?

>> No.27300139

>fly me to the moon
you mean "can't stop falling in love"

>> No.27300144

Was Misaki used goods too? It's been years since I watched NHK.

>> No.27300147

matcha latte

>> No.27300148

Why is chicken so obsessed with pekora? I mean, even her roommate was also so obsessed with Pekora so much that she can't stop talking about her. There's no way she can control herself if they do a collab.

>> No.27300150
File: 184 KB, 496x379, 1601878319110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the kitkat webm is gone

>> No.27300154
File: 8 KB, 217x217, skedni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls watch my pet moth Luna

>> No.27300156

>They may be still banned due to the mass ban
I don't like the implications of this. My brain is creating schizo narratives on its own.

>> No.27300159

she is moving and her internet is somewhat fucked in her new home.

>> No.27300160

She doesn't get any money till end of month.

>> No.27300162
Quoted by: >>27300519

Yo, is that an original poem?

>> No.27300165
File: 1.66 MB, 1350x1900, 1572891586535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you want the Shark to cry?

>> No.27300171

thats nice, good talk

>> No.27300184

As long as she's not one of those vtubers whose only personality is making sex jokes

>> No.27300183
File: 418 KB, 715x1000, EjZT24xU8AM2R0l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she'll be crying from happiness.

>> No.27300189
File: 72 KB, 587x400, mori retweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27300215


>> No.27300192

not every woman you talk to has to be a gf candidate

>> No.27300194

It's more like watching grown women acting like retarded children. See, now it's worth watching.

>> No.27300197
File: 385 KB, 667x654, Untitled-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i havent read it yet but as of now I'm typing this,
I'm reading the manga version
pic related is for just in case

>> No.27300198
Quoted by: >>27300234

Guys i think i am addicted to these threads. I enjoy them more than the streams itself even though a never post anything. I probably need help

>> No.27300199
Quoted by: >>27300335


I mean, with a 1050 and that Ryzen 5 is good enough to stream, but 2 FUCKING GB IN RAM?!

>> No.27300201

Gotta say, that live2d face is kinda uncanny

>> No.27300206

Can someone explain to me why this is allowed? How hasn't EN caused controversy with this shit?

>> No.27300207

>like retarded children
so, like women?

>> No.27300209

Some chicken anti in this thread needs to take zier meds

>> No.27300214
Quoted by: >>27300273

I feel less bad for her after the Superchat, especially when the problems are really only because of crap timing all round. It's good to know she already has a proper gamer PC but a shame it won't be shipped to her for months. So until the internet is hooked up in two weeks to her decent rented PC in her new place she will have to deal with her manager's potato.
It's not that she doesn't have enough resources, just that they're not installed yet or in the wrong place.

>> No.27300215

Narrativebros? Why is she liking solo art of Kusotori?

>> No.27300221
Quoted by: >>27300272

listen, asshole, i am in the middle of trying to work, and i don't need you forcing my brain to work on coming up with an arrangement for that song while i am trying to concentrate.

>> No.27300222

Says she doesn't want to get one when she's going back to Austria in five months and could just use the one she has back there.

>> No.27300225

it is really fucking adorable ngl

>> No.27300231

So basically women when they don't have to put up an adult front.

>> No.27300233
File: 172 KB, 1220x1220, EjUAdREXkAA8fuV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Gura to cry when she sings fly me to the moon to me before I pick her up and kiss her, telling her I will always be with her and never stop loving her

>> No.27300234
Quoted by: >>27300291

These threads unironically make veechoobas watchable and enjoying, they are what chat is supposed to be but it can't because 20k viewers. Nothing is wrong with you

>> No.27300238

>The gamer pc is 5 months away.
I don't even get what this means. Shipping a PC across the world sounds like the best way for it to get busted, building one locally can't be that tough.
But in the end, it just reinforces that Cover should be investing in their talent.

>> No.27300242
Quoted by: >>27300270

>Listening to Ina's schedule video while in the dark.
We're kids having a sleepover and she's Whispering so we don't get caught by her parents.

>> No.27300246

they're fucking and Kiara is using her account

>> No.27300250

Kiara had a rough day, she's making it better

>> No.27300252


>> No.27300253
Quoted by: >>27300326

He's still around? He just some pro singer now?

>> No.27300254

Why do you have to get yourself to like things?

>> No.27300257
Quoted by: >>27300424


>> No.27300258

>melting dress
Kinda hot?

>> No.27300261
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1601037079874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The gamer pc is 5 months away

What is even going on...? Is she getting it shipped from her parents' house overseas or something?

>> No.27300265

>new filename
It's just not the same...

>> No.27300267

Apparently Mori does have 10 collabs lined up before the end of the year, it would not be surprising to see that one of them was with boogie voxx

>> No.27300270
File: 194 KB, 1244x937, 20201002_204324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful anon.

>> No.27300272
File: 881 KB, 400x354, 1601723949319.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it faggot
do it after work

>> No.27300273

>shipped to her for months
More like she's beight shipped to her PC.

>> No.27300277
Quoted by: >>27300295

She's going back.

>> No.27300283
Quoted by: >>27300295

Seems like she's planning on going back to Austria.

>> No.27300286

In the stream she also mentioned seeing her phoenix parents again in several months, it seems likely she's going to pick it up in person and doesn't want to buy a new computer that's just gonna be a carbon copy of the one she already owns. She was pretty confident about this decision, didn't take any shit from chat.

>> No.27300290

Amelia is bulletproof, she even mentioned T*iw*n in her debut stream and kept on going. She is HoloEN's shield and will protect the others with her life.

>> No.27300291

Until chicken thinks it's a good idea to do '4chan meme review' and brings 5k people here

>> No.27300292
File: 518 KB, 872x602, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27300295

Didn't she said it would be just to visit?

>> No.27300296

>180 viewers
>meanwhile Mori pulls in tens of thousands
I bet both of them feel really fucking weird about it now.

>> No.27300298
File: 1.04 MB, 975x618, 1601182823662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a mass ban? Sorry, but I just woke up.

>> No.27300301

At least she's confident about something.

>> No.27300303

yeah cause of covid couldn't see her phoenix parents cause japan was hardcore on it

>> No.27300306
Quoted by: >>27300341

I really wish she had tears in her eyes in that art, giving a blowjob should make you cry a little bit or else you're not doing it right

>> No.27300308
File: 1.36 MB, 800x800, 1600710564755.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vtubers are literally wrestlers, but anime girls

they're all real people performing live shows in front of an audience, having a lore of their own and acting as a character

>> No.27300309

No she's not even the one that wants to commit suicide in that other pic

>> No.27300310

Earl grey latte please, Thanks.

>> No.27300312


>> No.27300314

Doomer here. You aren't desperate enough if you cannot enjoy cute and funny things, just go back to your last hobby/interest and continue enjoy that, there is no point in forcing yourself.

>> No.27300315


>> No.27300317

It is the darkest period of this thread's short history and shouldn't be brought up again.

>> No.27300318
Quoted by: >>27300492

Post your schedule Gura

>> No.27300326

The meme videos were killing him and he wanted to do music. He's pretty popular as a musician now, millions of views for new stuff in a few days.

>> No.27300329

Look how cute this silly bird is

>> No.27300335

That's how much was allocated to minecraft max, not the total amount in the machine, without using command line arguments minecraft is always like that.

>> No.27300338

They'll do better after Mori collab.

>> No.27300340
File: 33 KB, 640x360, 1571040501122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27300360


>> No.27300341

As someone who's given a lot of blowjobs, that isn't true. Learn to control your gag reflex.

>> No.27300342

What did she mean by this?

>> No.27300345

Talk about a warm welcome

>> No.27300346

That would involve going back to Austria, yes.

>> No.27300347

A dragon drink, tall please

>> No.27300354
Quoted by: >>27300390

the fact that she's already well off from the start compared to some other holos alongside some preferential moves from Cover makes me wonder if she was actually scouted instead of auditioning, especially since YAGOO had followed her before she became a holo herself

>> No.27300358

>Kohigashi Hitona

>> No.27300357

The fact that it was rightfully blamed on SEAniggers too was the silver lining

>> No.27300360
File: 160 KB, 1080x1235, 1599998351950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn chicken if you insist

>> No.27300366

Why does she say skrellington

>> No.27300367


>> No.27300368
Quoted by: >>27300492

It happened I'm pretty sure around the doxposting I know because it caught me

>> No.27300369
File: 11 KB, 271x280, artia ur mom gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27300371

If she plans to visit now and then I imagine it would be smart for her to have a pc locally and the one at home. But that's fair enough, it's a bit greedy to expect her to build a new one if she's able to stream decently in the meantime.

>> No.27300374

I find it sad that almost all her songs have a sense of wistfulness to them. And it works for her.

>> No.27300377
File: 77 KB, 680x680, 1582884622986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27300382
File: 10 KB, 534x248, 1588750734631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27300386

Way to ruin the blowjob for your partner, anon. We like seeing the tears

>> No.27300388

>entire job is just to play video games
>can't do it

>> No.27300390
Quoted by: >>27300651

Considering how happy being a vtuber has made her, it wouldn't surprise me if YAGOO did scout her, and she jumped on it like she wanted to audition but shut in brain was like nahhhhhh. That narrative would make sense.

>> No.27300394

Given how Mori likes backyard wrestling and plays the most into her character, this is a good analogy. There's still a lot of the real them in it though, especially, it seems to me, with Mori, Kiara and Ina.

>> No.27300398

because she's a sperg and attaches silly names to things

>> No.27300399


>> No.27300406


>> No.27300408

Her new internet was scheduled to be set up today, but due to various issues with the ISP being shitty they pushed the install date back to the 12th. She then announced today it was pushed back again to the 26th, hence 3 weeks without good internet.

>> No.27300409

I can imagine skeleton is like the n-word for the undead.

>> No.27300410
File: 900 KB, 483x483, 1596799682040.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a schizo meds coupon A S A P please

>> No.27300412


>> No.27300414
File: 622 KB, 655x629, 1601034137725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of this makes any sense

A good PC with a price slashed GTX2080 is like what, $1000 tops? Surely she's already making way more than that from her first month. She can get a PC or a high spec laptop set up for doing her vtuber work, and sell it off by the time her career's over, if she's really that conscious about not wasting money. Plenty of second hand shops in Japan that would gladly buy the old hardware off her I bet

She's literally missing the forest for the trees. Like a boomer parent who drove all over town for an hour just to find a gas station that charges 5 cents less for gas

>> No.27300415

No, she's a vtuber, she can still do zatsudans and also, she could do a full week of Karaoke and it would be pure gold.

>> No.27300419
Quoted by: >>27300470

Why is her outfit melting?

>> No.27300422


>> No.27300424

uhh you lost me after Same-chan, sorry

>> No.27300428

Sorry I don't like deformed humans

>> No.27300434

Someone mirrored it after it was deleted: https://files.catbox.moe/9rjtxv.webm

>> No.27300440

Yes. And to grab some of her shit.
Kind of like I did when i moved out of my parents' house only to move back in 13 years later

>> No.27300441

Mori was in that spot too up until last year.

She was grinding away for years as a nobody, with a small channel that nobody paid attention to. Until she hit it big and some big shot artist commissioned her to create/design/animate his song's MV and her channel finally picked up some traction

>> No.27300444
Quoted by: >>27300512

>Learn to control your gag reflex.
Poor Ina can't. The urge to tell gags is too strong.

>> No.27300445

>people asking nonstop about toe sucking
Chat was a mistake

>> No.27300446

You can't spend money you don't have, anon.

>> No.27300447
Quoted by: >>27300513

>1k tops
>in japan
You don't know what you're talking about go look up prices listed in japan and you'll understand.

>> No.27300461
File: 169 KB, 544x509, 1601394035209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27300465

She definitely hasn't played a single game since the 90s and it's hard to close the gap, imagine a grandpa that tries to play Fall Guys for the first time, something similar.

>> No.27300467


>> No.27300469

Very disrespectful desu

>> No.27300468

Watch some Mori.

>> No.27300470 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.94 MB, 1426x2048, 1601905611714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27300548

she's Shub-Niggurath

>> No.27300471

that's cruel and unusual punishment anon.

>> No.27300472
File: 208 KB, 967x497, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its $1000 dollars in US but nip land man fucking expensive

>> No.27300476

Seriously go read the fucking archives we're not going to rehash this again. You're right but her retarded enablers don't want to admit it.

>> No.27300482

Who here /samefag/?

>> No.27300486

This motherfucker got what he wanted.
Ame why.....


>> No.27300488

it's Japan, so (at least) double the prices of computer hardware
She said she hasn't actually received any of that money yet. An anon with a youtube channel informed us that Youtube doesn't pay out a month's earnings until the 22nd of the next month, and that would be to Cover, who would then take some arbitrary amount of time to pay her.

All of this could have been prevented if you just watched the stream. Do your reps.

>> No.27300490
Quoted by: >>27300553

can you guys fuck off with the unrelated bitches already

like 3 times a day you have to bring up some literal fucking who when there's a fucking thread for these literal fucking whos

>> No.27300493
File: 1.34 MB, 2998x3589, 84574244_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27300511

People say dumb shit when they are in love.

>> No.27300492
Quoted by: >>27300538

SEAmonkey here. It's 9pm over here.

This sucks. I swear the most interesting things happen here while I'm at away work

>> No.27300495
File: 282 KB, 1624x2048, 20201003_071726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who loves Ame, it still blows me away that she was able to land the job. The rest of her Gen mates seemed to be pretty talented or have impressive pasts. Nene mentioned that she applied for Hololive around 5 times before hearing anything back. She really ended up being a diamond in the rough because there was no way they didn't receive a metric fuck ton of applications for the EN branch. I'm glad she made it and ended up being by far my favorite, there's something magical about the gremlin.

>> No.27300497

Dunno what's wrong with you, I'm 30 and just as good as ever.

Still got it in shootans too.

I think a lot of the perception is just from people that don't play for years and expect to be as good as they were when they stopped.

>> No.27300500

Thanks for the explanation Gigguk

>> No.27300504
Quoted by: >>27300638

why are amefags like this?

>> No.27300511
Quoted by: >>27300604

stop pushing this retarded narrative

>> No.27300512
File: 70 KB, 605x586, 1601627255351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27300513

I think the thing is that she was planning to stream console games anyway, she talked about Ps2, Ps3 and Switch games in a previous stream, so I guess she's not interested in a hardcore gaming PC to begin with, except for Minecraft.

>> No.27300515

Except no overarching storylines and plot twists.
And playing character very loosely, dropping the act the more they do this thing.
To me, vtubers are not like anime made real, or pretend girlfriend. I think it's more like the most genuine 1.5 sided human interaction. Those girls(and boys) are hidden behind anime avatar, their looks don't matter and thier real identity is hidden unless you try to dig for it. This allows them to be thir real selves. And this is the thing - vtubers must be interesting people first. Someone fun to hang out with, listen to, spend time after a long day at work. Marine is the best example of this, I think.

>> No.27300519
Quoted by: >>27300913

It's the English lyrics to Ookami Blues
Even the meme songs kept to the "wanting you to come back to her" theme.

>> No.27300524
File: 73 KB, 452x395, 1352731311823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27300638


>> No.27300528

>embarrassing/stressing themselves out when a technical issue pops up during a live stream
Occasionally makes for great content.

>> No.27300530
Quoted by: >>27300853

If Mori is the character i'm supposed to be immediately filtered by and unable to watch more than a minute of, she's nailing it

>> No.27300534

Pekora just said Mori's line.

>> No.27300537


I think she hasn't realized how much money she is making, already like 70K USD alone in 3 weeks + Memebeship which was a lot.

With that, she can have a new everything for November

>> No.27300539
Quoted by: >>27300672

This is the average Goslingposter

>> No.27300538

>all the worst shit happens during SEAnigger working hours
it's the unemployed SEAnigger neets, I fucking knew it

>> No.27300547

She said it during her minecraft stream too. This isn't new.

>> No.27300548


>> No.27300552

except mid range is whats listed in the picture. Budget parts are still expensive there anon.

>> No.27300553


>> No.27300560

>Mori's line
what is that?

>> No.27300567

Why didn't you post the best part where she actually starts to cry?

>> No.27300566
File: 1.99 MB, 960x514, 1563600242819.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27300573

Who is the undertaker

>> No.27300576
File: 74 KB, 277x277, 1589296758502.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27300638

Amefags everyone.

>> No.27300577
Quoted by: >>27300791

dO yOuR rEpS aNoN

>> No.27300578

Why the fuck is tech expensive in Japan out of all places? I built a 1k rig a few months back that can run all modern games at at least 60fps and high end settings.

>> No.27300582 [DELETED] 
File: 851 KB, 2133x4092, 1598430141505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<span class="sjis">test[/spoiler]

>> No.27300583
File: 450 KB, 471x493, dfh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching the vod of Kiara's SC reading, saw this.
>"So sad how fast life changes. How fast your image can be completely ruined"
Fuck I hope things get better for her.

>> No.27300586

I think it's because of western streaming culture that's so PC focused, while in Japan is really common for streamers to just go for consoles instead. So EN fans probably think it's really weird for a streamer to not have a super machine.

With HoloJP was like this too, most of them had really trash PCs and it took months for they to get something better.

>> No.27300591
Quoted by: >>27300616

Please be a girl (female).

>> No.27300592
Quoted by: >>27300625

People, especially women, get attached to their PCs and treat them as valued furniture rather than just a tool. Once it's set up the way they like it becomes a part of them, that's why you see a lot of women with old clunkers that should be dumped, they just can't bring themselves to cut their 'trusted friend' loose.

>> No.27300594

we get it faggot stop shilling your own tweet

>> No.27300595
File: 190 KB, 1000x750, 1584602393941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27300670

Yagoo explained it himself. The biggest issue facing any idol is something they can't control - their looks and their age. A girl can be very talented and entertaining while being plain-looking (or even ugly) or too old to be an idol, and Yagoo decided to harness all that talent by simply hiding such girls under anime avatars. Ina, for example, could never be an idol - no matter how talented she is, her roommate is a very plain, quiet, tomboyish, and introverted Korean girl that might as well not exist in the real world. If she tried to become an artist idol like Ina, no one would've even looked in her general direction. But Ina is a very colorful and cute character that people can't help but notice, and now she suddenly can become that inspiration she wanted to be.

>> No.27300599

i am not sure i understand the point you are making. that may be extremely expensive compared to US prices for exactly the same parts, but for tools you use for work it's still just-run-out-and-buy-it cheap.

>> No.27300600

I'm thinking her tech savyness and alleged programming experience (she's making a holo game) might of helped her get picked.

She's talented but her talents aren't as flashy like the others.

>> No.27300604
File: 427 KB, 2150x3035, Mori home Kiara @MrBellic3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's official #HoloMyth canon. Get used to it.

>> No.27300605

That's still not that much more expensive than in the west.

>> No.27300610
Quoted by: >>27300638



LMAO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AymHGNEmblw

>> No.27300611 [DELETED] 

Censors make me hard

>> No.27300616


>> No.27300617

Ame was born with 20 LUCK

>> No.27300622
File: 374 KB, 1122x1600, 20201003_071714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever it was, I'm glad she made it.

>> No.27300623

idol industry is a bad place

>> No.27300624
Quoted by: >>27300683

Extremely low demand leading to extremely low supply.

>> No.27300625

I know a female /g/entooman friend who held a funeral for one of her servers when it died

>> No.27300629

The name of her most popular song.

>> No.27300631
File: 584 KB, 2480x3203, Mori @lucabassiart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27300638
Quoted by: >>27300650



>> No.27300636
Quoted by: >>27300683

because they all use prebuilts, prefer mobile & console games to PCs and they don't build any of the items, it's all made in chinkland.

>> No.27300639
Quoted by: >>27300683

If you ask for the reason: Because economics. Companies charge what they can and Japan is an insular market. Viable electronics from Korea and China are a very recent development and many Japanese people do not trust other Asian brands as much as domestic or western brands. Plus, the mindset of paying a premium to get a quality Japanese or European product is deeply anchored and reaches far beyond electronics.

>> No.27300644
Quoted by: >>27300923

Venti Matcha Green Tea Frappuccino with no Whipped Cream, thanks

>> No.27300645

Luck 100.

She probably also put something super whacky into her application video which stood out to the recruiters. When Gyari was recruiting voices for VOMS, he said he got so many good applications that just being good wasn't enough, but you had to put something whacky to really stand out.

It would be interesting to see the applications for all the ENs, but for obvious reasons we'll never see it.

>> No.27300646


>> No.27300650
Quoted by: >>27300664

this is why everyone hates gay people

>> No.27300651

well, she can technically go indie if she wanted to be a VTuber (since her roommate did a L2D avatar and rigging) but getting a job offer from the very company that hosts your favorite VTubers and having a chance to get close to them as a fan is too good to be refused
also gives the chance to find more friends that aren't just limited to online ones

>> No.27300654

Already did, thanks.

>> No.27300655

You keep posting this tweet and no one gives a fuck. Stop posting this everyday and then samefagging your post.

>> No.27300657
File: 36 KB, 236x610, chickensimps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27300666

To be fair, the most recent SC stream was pretty smooth sailing until the end and was nice and comfy.

>> No.27300664


>> No.27300668

Still can't believe she straight up put "Jerk it now" in her song
Mori definitely has a ero side she isn't yet ready to reveal

>> No.27300670

Meanwhile clip watchers: lol AKB48 YAGOO's dream

>> No.27300672
File: 16 KB, 541x406, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27300675
Quoted by: >>27300747

She did had real life antis stalking and fabricating scandals to try to ruin her life.

What I find crazy about this situation is the whole cancel culture thing we have on the internet but there IRL, guilty until proven innocent, with friends even abbandoning you until you can prove yourself innocent. It's fucking weird, man.

>> No.27300676

Go back

>> No.27300678


>> No.27300681
Quoted by: >>27300710


>> No.27300683

Japan just doesn't mess well with computers and the internet. Japanese web design is so fucking God awful.

>> No.27300684

It's only canon that they've known each other for a long time. If anything, their relationship is more like Bugs/Elmer or Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner. Except one of them is thirsty for the other one.

>> No.27300686
Quoted by: >>27300721

This is true of literally every eceleb. Taking a chance and letting your livelihood be dictated by YouTube algorithms isn't something anybody says "yes, this is my path in life" but when someone's dream fails or they're struggling to finish a college degree they know they'll never use, suddenly an easy way out starts looking pretty good. You can especially tell from the reluctant way that Kiara leans into the lewd pandering that she was really hoping for more out of life than this.

>> No.27300687

Whats 5ch opinion on Kiara

>> No.27300688

reddit gets blown out once more

>> No.27300691
File: 111 KB, 1016x485, 1601800698344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we know

>> No.27300692

Go back.

>> No.27300693


Is that gura? She did say that she can't sing that because she'll cry

>> No.27300695

Go back to >>/v/

>> No.27300697

Man, I would love to see her reaction when she found out she got the job.

>> No.27300704
File: 174 KB, 1920x1080, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_nem_rui__0c67e26a4e5db2bf2deb663a36ea9e20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27300706 [DELETED] 

<span class="sjis"> based[/spoiler]

>> No.27300710
File: 817 KB, 1877x2326, 20201005_095709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27300751


>> No.27300713

>The rest of her Gen mates seemed to be pretty talented or have impressive pasts
This narrative has been debunked over the past few days, Amelia has done some professional work but I can't delve much further do your archive reps.

>> No.27300714

>literal /v/ meme

>> No.27300716

I can't wait for EN to get a yukata for New years. Mori will look gorgeous in one

>> No.27300720

But those were all extra reasons to watch her, you irony devoid faggot.

>> No.27300721

The attention feels so good though, so she's warming back up to the lewdness

>> No.27300722
Quoted by: >>27301247

She exaggerated.

>> No.27300723
Quoted by: >>27300922


Who is this faggot? KFP is more 4chan-ish than reddit, we always discuss how Kiara can improve with criticism + support, not fucking begging on reddit.

>> No.27300725
File: 111 KB, 1016x485, 1582796681292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27300749

Anon! That's the one with the typo. Here's the correct coupon.

>> No.27300728
File: 76 KB, 221x200, 1601792240035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27300730

only a hooker will ever say they have a girlfriend experience.

>> No.27300731


>> No.27300732
Quoted by: >>27300761

/pol/tards like amelia?

>> No.27300734

I’m surprised that as far as I know no one has talked about their experience applying for HoloEN. I don’t mean just some random no effort application but instead the group of people who were seriously looking to join And had skills to back it up .
I want to see the type of talent pool that they got these five from

>> No.27300738

Anon pls

>> No.27300739

The meme is to call them 'skellingtons'
But that comes from the Nightmare Before Christmas character Jack Skellington, whose name is copyrighted. She doesn't want to actually say Skellington and risk getting can'd by youtube's algorithm, so she just added an extra letter.

>> No.27300741

>Condomates are literal /v/edittors
Can't make this shit up

>> No.27300742


>> No.27300745

Was it autism?

>> No.27300747
Quoted by: >>27300845

hell some idols cant even talk to male fans out in public if it isn't an official event. I hope Holo can be healthy for Kiara because she needs help that the rest of EN seem to provide

>> No.27300749
Quoted by: >>27300758


>> No.27300751
File: 561 KB, 1080x1331, gigacraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301046

i don't like that image, friend

>> No.27300757


>> No.27300758

I didn't mean to typo it...

>> No.27300761

as one myself yes

>> No.27300773

her bf had big connections

>> No.27300775

Fuck off. Stop trying to give Teamates a bad name.

>> No.27300777
Quoted by: >>27300800

Nene talked about it yesterday, she said she applied four times and failed and only got in on the fifth

>> No.27300778

>voice cracking

>> No.27300779
Quoted by: >>27300839

M-mori what are you doing, we are supposed to be boys!

>> No.27300780
Quoted by: >>27300850

Even Kiara herself said she doesn't want the pity from reddit and that she doesn't want her breaking down to be the image that new people see of her. These faggots always think they need to "save" these girls when all they want is to be treated normally.

>> No.27300785

Should i feel bad i said potato pc in her live stream

>> No.27300786

what has my life become. that i'm giggling like a fucking idiot at Risu playing with rubber ducks.

>> No.27300789

Anyone else notice that so far Gura's played or talked about watching gameplay of otherwise obscure Shitstorm games? Not to mention being generally inspired by older let's plays. I wonder how possible that crossover is.

>> No.27300791

Are all deadbeats literally from reddit?

>> No.27300793

Could be possible that they had to sign an NDA after the first batch of approvals.

>> No.27300794

i want to fuck your ass falseflagger

>> No.27300796

She actually saw this and even asked people to not do this kind of thing, she prefers critics and memes about her instead of pityposting, it's not a positive thing.

Concerfaggtos will always be the biggest of faggots and no streamer even appreciates this kind of stuff. Just like Ina yesterday with the sandbaggers or Korone with the guys desperate about her long streams.

If you're a fan, create positive content about the vtuber, showing what you like about her. That's what the vtubers really like. Unfortunately the western fanbase can be filled with people like this.

>> No.27300800

do people even like nene? she only has like 200k subs

>> No.27300811
Quoted by: >>27301247

i don't know if gura will cry if she sings it, but i am sure i will.

>> No.27300813
Quoted by: >>27300890

Yukata are shit, keep them away from EN.

>> No.27300815

He rage deleted it cause of the BF bullshit like anybody would care about the link itself.

>> No.27300819
Quoted by: >>27300874

The fuck even is that image? Is it a dark souls humanity, or some really weird silhouette of a dude with an aura

>> No.27300820
File: 3.86 MB, 320x339, 1600486558984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27300821

>reddit whiteknighting her

Meanwhile water is wet

>> No.27300822

r/hololive gets worse every day, holy shit

>> No.27300828
Quoted by: >>27300936


>> No.27300832
File: 685 KB, 753x579, 1571000794585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27300833
Quoted by: >>27300898

So, how much work does Kiara have to do to get rid of the crybaby image and army of concern/pityfags? I want her to be a normal holo.

>> No.27300835 [DELETED] 
File: 2.29 MB, 1625x1300, 84750398_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SEAnigger prime time comes along
>Thread goes to shit
>Anti-Amelia spam starts
Wow what a surprise. Time to summon the meido.

>> No.27300834


>> No.27300839
Quoted by: >>27300998

Aren't you homiesexual?

>> No.27300842

So I've just listened to this like 30 times in a row, I might have a problem

>> No.27300845

Kiara seems like she'd benefit a lot from talking to the other Holos, but to be honest I think she'll get more support from JP than EN. Not that EN haven't and won't be supportive to her but I think some of the JP girls may understand her frustrations better about being bothered about numbers and her preconceived expecations going in.

>> No.27300850

God just needs to not fuck over Kiara for a good week and she can shake the pity image hell her mario 64 streams were great cause it was suffering without lame pitty

>> No.27300851

This is actually a great idea

>> No.27300852

o-oh my

>> No.27300853
Quoted by: >>27300907

unbased and lowtestpilled

>> No.27300855


Do these people not get it

>> No.27300857

Amefriends this is the usual end of the line. Beyond this point falseflaggers, doxxposters, cuckposters will start appearing more and more often.
Also dear Chumfriends be careful you're the main target now for these retards.

>> No.27300863


Slave's Moral do really fucks up minds in this part of the world

>> No.27300866 [DELETED] 


>> No.27300869

Thought the JOP's didn't like her because she pandered to hard.

>> No.27300870 [DELETED] 

well would you look at that

>> No.27300872

Failed applicants are probably not allowed to talk about it, best you could do is maybe ask Kiara what it was like, she'd probably talk about it.

>> No.27300874

Dark souls humanity is a weird silhouette of a dude with an aura, so yes.

>> No.27300876

I'm sweating profusely over here...

>> No.27300878 [DELETED] 
File: 1.66 MB, 1580x2355, 84543266_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27300885 [DELETED] 


>> No.27300890

You're shit mate

>> No.27300891
File: 290 KB, 654x666, 1582398683557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this is even hotter now after the bf leak

>> No.27300896 [DELETED] 

>>Anti-Amelia spam starts
Anon, that was going for at least 5 hours now.

>> No.27300898

Unironically use less reddit. They've latched onto her with their pity party just because she's the only EN to interact with them when all she wants is to be treated normally like the others.

>> No.27300903 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 534x248, 1601898207934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27300904 [DELETED] 
File: 991 KB, 478x243, 1577692660631.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very, very nice.

>> No.27300907

the trans rights skeleton is a high t oshi? really made me think.

>> No.27300909

rrat in the area

>> No.27300913

Picking a song that was intentionally sung bad was pretty big brained of her.

>> No.27300919

See you later, anon. I'll be taking my leave as well. Have a good one.

>> No.27300922

Plus there's a non zero chance she could be lurking here now

>> No.27300924 [DELETED] 
File: 1.32 MB, 1817x2232, 84587830_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301012

>> No.27300923
File: 176 KB, 1067x1078, S A L M A N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301500


>> No.27300930


>> No.27300935
File: 38 KB, 720x502, 1601572398743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guras the first to graduate after her first karaoke stream
FUCK, mentioning coco was yabai after all

>> No.27300936

more like counterfeit
One thing Kiara talked about that blew me away was the phenomenon where stalkers will place weird as fuck objects on porches and wait and see if the girl tweets about it to confirm living location. Like fuck what kind of industry has that happen. So yeah after that I don't want to be a concernfag but I do hope she doesn't get Aloe'd

>> No.27300937 [DELETED] 


>> No.27300938 [DELETED] 


>> No.27300942
Quoted by: >>27300991

Implying sharkfags don't take any bait given to them.

>> No.27300951
Quoted by: >>27300986

stop being a tribalist retard

>> No.27300958 [DELETED] 

Relentlessly based.

>> No.27300957

Welp see you when the medios wake up

>> No.27300962 [DELETED] 
File: 2.45 MB, 2807x3051, 84560324_p1 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27300963
Quoted by: >>27301010

Stop ban evading

>> No.27300964
Quoted by: >>27301033

Gura and Mori drunk rap collab when?

>> No.27300966 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 626x256, 1601026316858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27300975


This is why i love that Subaru is the first collab, so a new relationship could form, imagine how many support Coco will bring to Kiara as a fellow gaijin in JP.

>> No.27300982
File: 609 KB, 2882x4096, 20201005_062649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God that shithole is bad in the exact opposite way of this thread. Forcing support is only going to play harder into her imposter syndrome and does nothing but ACTUALLY hurt her by forcing positive reactions. No one needs this kind of hugbox bs

>> No.27300986
Quoted by: >>27301007

are you actually retarded my dear friend

>> No.27300990

there's not much to share considering the audition process has already been described on the audition page, and the larger talent pool compared to holoJP means that Cover can try to cater to different appeals
what I'm more curious of is if there's anyone who got in through scouting instead of audition

>> No.27300991


>> No.27300993
File: 236 KB, 991x1080, watson kitkat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>next watson karaoke
>sings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWNNjIIq4TA after starting with 2 love songs

>> No.27300995

>she said these posts dont really help
>I can definitely respect that but I dont care
concernfags disgust me

>> No.27300996


>> No.27300997

Now add the "Call me a piece of shit" to the end so I can really get off.

>> No.27300998


>> No.27301002
Quoted by: >>27301247

I need this. Please

>> No.27301007

all /hlgg/ posters are important

>> No.27301009

>water is wet

>> No.27301010 [DELETED] 
File: 3.90 MB, 2136x2606, 20200920_055628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301066

Did you just reply to two posts that are still clearly not deleted and claim them to be ban evading? How new are you?

>> No.27301012 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 512x512, 1597848975535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27301013

Worth it.

>> No.27301017

cute, keep them coming.

>> No.27301021

But Cali is not a piece of shit she is a wonderful beauty

>> No.27301026
File: 74 KB, 600x449, vintage chumbud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have much confidence in my singing for that song but I would gladly contribute if it can make her happy.

>> No.27301028


>> No.27301030
Quoted by: >>27301196

Except doxxfags.

>> No.27301033

If they did an irl collab that included alcohol I probably would pop my sc virginity.

>> No.27301040

Bros... Kiara NEEDS our superchats...

>> No.27301042

>if reddit defends ame for having a bf
>/hlgg/: BASED

>if reddit defends chicken
>/hlgg/: uhh cringey concernfags
this double standard makes me sick

>> No.27301044 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 352x480, 1601906937668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301233


>> No.27301046


>> No.27301049 [DELETED] 
File: 3.74 MB, 2067x2923, 84541260_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27301048

This is clearly for fetishist purposes only

>> No.27301051

That will be quite hard for them to do an irl collab

>> No.27301055
File: 255 KB, 569x427, 1598260464865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301105


>> No.27301056

See this shit?

This is the kind of people that denied us the experience of Ina eating a cucumber live on stream. Fuckers...

>> No.27301058

What mass ban? Did chumguts posting get outlawed?

>> No.27301060

meme spice, it's only natural

not even the coffee, just get a canister

>> No.27301066 [DELETED] 

Ina with the other girls is just so hot.

I want more of this.

>> No.27301069
Quoted by: >>27303579

I can tell you never had a gf.

>> No.27301070

thank god I thought I was the only one who noticed that shit.

>> No.27301071

Because you don't buy prebuilt PC in nipland, they're a huge scam.

>> No.27301079 [DELETED] 

POV: you're me

>> No.27301085
Quoted by: >>27301143

Wtf is wrong with reddit? They did similar shit with Aloe and it was more creepy thsn supportive.

>> No.27301086

>holo says not to do something
>does it anyway
Jesus they really are an inverse version of this place. They do the same type of shit just in different ways.

>> No.27301087

Looks like sharmaido forgot her pills and spams her shit fetish now.

>> No.27301088
Quoted by: >>27301182

chum"buds" are purityfags

>> No.27301090

Finally some tasteful art

>> No.27301092

Reply chain ban.

>> No.27301096

how are you faggots unable to function without a reddit mod to symbolically delete the posts you don't like?

>> No.27301102

They are not even defending her from something though.

Just concernfagging.

>> No.27301103
File: 873 KB, 4093x2791, 84823784_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27301105

the ground will be watered with the blood of martyrs and the tears of UOOHHH

>> No.27301114

Your reps anon...
Even chinks still love Gura after all of that. Also they didn't want to attack us because fear of EN audience.

>> No.27301115

>if reddit defends ame for having a
>/hlgg/: BASED


>> No.27301118

subs aren't always indicator of popularity. Even when she's relatively lower than others, she's still a holo, which puts her subs and viewers above a lot of other VTubers, and her numbers can be pretty solid at times (her morning breakfast streams for example)
I also heard she also has a lot of members, so she's like the Flare of Gen 5 in that regard

>> No.27301121 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 416x430, 1601482565209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27301126
Quoted by: >>27301267


She's second place in money in Holo EN, people are donating so she can read us, it's funny and wholesome.

>> No.27301125

cute GurAme otp cloeseness

>> No.27301128 [DELETED] 
File: 859 KB, 1079x1525, Vgjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301168

>> No.27301131

It's a bit different since Kiara herself said she doesn't want reddit pity and just wants to cultivate a positive image like the others without pity. And then these faggots tried to do it anyway.

>> No.27301133

Quality uninformed post by a teammate once again

>> No.27301136

>ina looking defeated after being served tako
>ina actually says she likes tako
this artist needs to work on their holo lore reps

>> No.27301141

At least use new images when summoning the meidos. For my collections

>> No.27301142

r*ddit had nothing to do with people being sick of doxposters, fuck off

>> No.27301143

Basically >>27300796

Concernfags are pretty much the worst we have amongst the EN fanbase, antis are shitty retards, but are at least very few in numbers, concernfags are in thousands.

>> No.27301157 [DELETED] 

Ame getting horny again

>> No.27301162

after these three weeks chicken will be prepared for anything

>> No.27301163

Friends don't tease friends like that, Ame.

>> No.27301164

She has loyal and dedicated members

>> No.27301166


>> No.27301167
Quoted by: >>27301202

The dish is nearly the size of her torso

>> No.27301168 [DELETED] 


>> No.27301180

All thanks to our support!

>> No.27301182

Purityfag here, I was never banned, also your oshi a WHORE.

>> No.27301184

Kappamaki would fit better in lore but it's obviously intended to be a background sight gag to not think heavily about.

>> No.27301185
File: 234 KB, 585x583, 20201004_053759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wat the fuck is going on in Iofis stream

>> No.27301187

Why is Amelia Watson spamming NSFW Gura pics?

>> No.27301190

Don't you think I know that? But I like hearing her say it.

>> No.27301191

Any color except black would do.

>> No.27301193

>sharkzawa acknowledging alcohol
Those days are behind her, she's a family-friendly shark now.

>> No.27301196 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27301279

Sharing music isn't doxxing!


>> No.27301198 [DELETED] 
File: 1.50 MB, 266x293, 1601291140962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>r*dditor white knights missing the point this hard

>> No.27301200

she can be whatever she wants in my bed

>> No.27301202
File: 85 KB, 1200x675, 213344254521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your point?

>> No.27301205

Nice that Haato has not stopped growing even when she’s suspended

>> No.27301206

is she doing child murder asmr again?

>> No.27301210

Hopefully. Even when she gets a better pc it's still possible to get technical difficulties so I hope she manages with them.

>> No.27301216
Quoted by: >>27301255

>after these three weeks chicken will be prepared
And I thought it took a long time cooking a turkey.

>> No.27301220


After so man set backs, i think she will be the one who can easily get her shit together when the real problems arrives.

>> No.27301227
File: 54 KB, 700x600, Kiara leg control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's gonna pay voiceoverpete to do one for Kiara?

>> No.27301228
Quoted by: >>27301296

i fell asleep with one of ame's vods on TV and i had a dream about her, but i woke up and i can't remember the dream...

>> No.27301233

Wrong Ushiromiya.

>> No.27301235

Did I miss something? Why are people spamming porn?

>> No.27301236
File: 24 KB, 364x364, 1601266451679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you fellow friend.

>> No.27301237
File: 153 KB, 320x624, 1601786991819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27301242

Cover is a black company
The girls deserve better
Do not meme YAGOO he has failed in protecting the girls many times
Cutting his pay and having him say sorry once doesn't do shit
Cocolive when

>> No.27301243
Quoted by: >>27301264

its that time of the day

>> No.27301247
File: 65 KB, 1440x1080, 1601450918189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not for the faint-hearted

>> No.27301249
Quoted by: >>27301335

Considering her roommate's life experiences, she's been through a lot of shit. Hope she gets through it alright and doesn't have any long-term insecurities.

>> No.27301252

good to hear my shut the fuck up bubba copypasta's getting some love

>> No.27301255
Quoted by: >>27301310

gotta do an extra long marinade then slow cook her into a new phoenix. I know it won't be until hell a year but after she gets a new outfit she will have all the kinks worked out

>> No.27301263


>> No.27301264

SEA hours have arrived.

>> No.27301265
File: 124 KB, 1000x1000, 1600680822434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send your best non holo minecraft vids
i'm sending a package to kiara for inspiration

>> No.27301267

I think it's because not only she reads but creates discussion on what the reads, making your SC content for the stream.

It's interesting seeing these things now HoloEN since I didn't undertand HoloJP.

>> No.27301268

amefags are summoning the meidos because trolls and antis are still talking about THAT

>> No.27301272

now this is the good stuff

>> No.27301271
File: 1.67 MB, 228x498, 1573534219666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27301279 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 651x386, 44383543534478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell that to the meido.

>> No.27301280

Giant Iofi still freaks me out.

>> No.27301281

Hopefully she doesn't lose her mind and will before then and graduate

>> No.27301284
File: 82 KB, 800x800, 1601515056071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27301285
Quoted by: >>27301371

She doesn't need the money, she's earning quite a lot. She just needs people to not pity her.

>> No.27301288

Just came back from the nether, how was chicken's SC reading?

>> No.27301289
Quoted by: >>27301323

Amefags being amefags.

>> No.27301295


>> No.27301296

It wasn't a dream. She drugged out. Make sure you aren't missing any organs

>> No.27301297
Quoted by: >>27301348

Gura... your schedule...

>> No.27301300
File: 92 KB, 488x516, 1590058021783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r*dditor trying to summon a jannie bc someone hurt his feelings

>> No.27301303
File: 2.91 MB, 220x324, 1585056168509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301361


Help save the 2hu threads

>> No.27301306

Can we take the ID girls out of Indonesia and nuke SEA already?

>> No.27301310
Quoted by: >>27301359

Pity, the kinks were the best part.

>> No.27301314

>No mori stream till tommorow
>Ina/Ame stream still 9 hours away
>Kiara graduated
>Gura MIA

Bros....Holo EN is dead....

>> No.27301316

Is Amelia placating schizos with the date stream?

>> No.27301319
File: 100 KB, 367x251, 20201005_035812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301341

<span class="sjis"> ᴘɪɴᴘᴏɴᴘᴀɴᴘᴏɴ[/spoiler]

>> No.27301323


>> No.27301324
Quoted by: >>27301396


>> No.27301327
Quoted by: >>27301396

This one's always fucking hillarious

>> No.27301330


>> No.27301331
File: 582 KB, 578x509, 1601208815762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27301335
Quoted by: >>27301380

oh I already know about her, don't worry anon she already has those long term insecurities

>> No.27301338
File: 637 KB, 700x746, 1601216945303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301444

Hey Risu, when are you streaming next?

>> No.27301341
Quoted by: >>27301402

Smart sea creature

>> No.27301344
Quoted by: >>27301396


>> No.27301348

please be patient. the shark needs her sleep.

>> No.27301350

>Ina/Ame stream still 9 hours away
? did I miss something

>> No.27301352

based unhinged antifucker

>> No.27301353

why is gura so obsessed with boomer music?

>> No.27301354

>I sometimes wonder why Hololive doesn't bother with male talents
Because how a man looks matters less if he has other qualities.

>> No.27301355

>Attention all kfp employees, Kiara's computer is dying, and she needs YOUR help to get to the nether. But to do this she needs an rtx 3090. To help her all she needs is your credit card number, the 3 digits on the back, and the expiration month and year. But you have to be quick so she can finally get a better pc.

>> No.27301357
Quoted by: >>27301392

is she crying? sounds like she stopped bc she fucked up the uke playing

>> No.27301359

But seeing her grow and evolve is the best part

>> No.27301361
File: 84 KB, 1150x1018, DffcKiMV4AAWJzI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to wipe out the yoki
cute lol

>> No.27301362

Antis are on full alert and samefagging and falseflagging like usual.

>> No.27301371

I WILL protect her.

>> No.27301374
File: 698 KB, 904x1262, 1591109971094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are going to lose it once Gura starts to do her schtick aren't they?

>> No.27301378

I'm pretty sure they're trying to get the mods attention.

>> No.27301380
File: 435 KB, 1650x2048, 1587095444371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. It hurts.

>> No.27301382
File: 182 KB, 1600x1565, image0 - 2020-10-03T034439.652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301391


>> No.27301383

Is this a new bugman tactic?

>> No.27301384

Newfagchama, they have Holostars

>> No.27301385
File: 59 KB, 400x400, literally me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301429

Ina's streaming first, then after is Watson.
Starts in 9 hours unless Shark guerillas.

>> No.27301388


Fuck off, i'm watching our winning son now

>> No.27301391
Quoted by: >>27301449

wtf sheep you cant say that

>> No.27301392
Quoted by: >>27301425

She probably stopped right before the tears got uncontrollable

>> No.27301395

anon copying /hlg/ way of summoning meido. Not sure where he was these past days when doxxpostings gets ignored and he doesn't need to cry.

>> No.27301396

thank you, much appreciated

fuck twitch

>> No.27301397
Quoted by: >>27301426


>> No.27301402

cant say the same from shark

>> No.27301405

it's fine anon Kiara now has a family because HoloEN is one big happy family

>> No.27301407

Ame just hates every single one of her viewers.

>> No.27301408


>> No.27301412
Quoted by: >>27301446

This gentleman is cultured
This guy is a faggot

>> No.27301415

Because of Reina

>> No.27301422

Just a normal coffee, please. It's my favorite.

>> No.27301425

i really like that narrative but i can't buy it.

>> No.27301426

Shark's in the hospital, I'm afraid.

>> No.27301428
File: 258 KB, 378x466, 1601690955111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame snacks ASMR
>chewing peesa kit kat on your left ear
>chewing another peesa kit kat on your right ear.

>> No.27301429

ah thought there was a collab
Ame's stream is 13 hours away still

>> No.27301431
Quoted by: >>27301553

>Makes fun of boomers
>Is actually a boomer herself
The lore is rich..

>> No.27301435

>3 weeks ago
>the reality now
>everyone streams at the same time and dead hours feel even longer
Good that I can always watch some Rocobo Apex during down times

>> No.27301439
Quoted by: >>27301458

Ok, schizo...

>> No.27301440

I've said this before, but she's not my type but would definitely love to have a friend like her...

>> No.27301441
File: 2.68 MB, 1920x1080, 1583955601408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi, is roinin'

>> No.27301444
Quoted by: >>27301490

Nut Rate Stream when

>> No.27301446

>This guy is a faggot
I'll be honest I was trying to do a Kiara joke

>> No.27301449

sheep saw the whole of earth from space, her sense of scale may still need adjustment.

>> No.27301450

test failed successfully

>> No.27301458


>> No.27301462

she has good taste in all eras of music

>> No.27301471

I did actually hear her voice in the back of my head when I read it so I guess you succeeded.

>> No.27301473
Quoted by: >>27301491

Trigger warning, narrative contained within this post.

Was Marine helping set up the story for Amelia and the rumored John Titor holostar?

>> No.27301475


>> No.27301478

>my dick twitched
oh no

>> No.27301491


>> No.27301490

her poprocks during the collab lead me down degenerate youtube searches and now I feel dirty. Did you know they make knock off poprocks for blowjobs
treerrat is very entertaining the ID girls are top tier

>> No.27301493

Pain-peko. High hopes for the subaru collab, the duck really knows how to make her partners shine and have a good time.

>> No.27301497

Can't wait for HoloEN gen 2 whose theme will be Europe!

>> No.27301500

Sorry I didn't make up the retarded size names that sound like a whiny SJW e-thot

>> No.27301503
Quoted by: >>27301538

>defending normal behavior
>enabling bad (for her) behavior

>> No.27301506

ironic boomer?

>> No.27301507
Quoted by: >>27301605

I searched for them too but most of the vids i found are made by dudes, so I closed the tab.

>> No.27301523

Shit, anon, I do now...

>> No.27301527

>ame stressed from doxx and schizos
>kiara stressed from self-esteem issues
>mori stressed from overworking
>gura stressed from sudden popularity and imposter syndrome
and it's only been 3 weeks

>> No.27301533

That is your brain on reddit karma. He cares more for his upvoted post than for Kiara

>> No.27301534

ina stressed from gacha

>> No.27301538

This. Am chickenfag and I have to agree that the pityparty isn't good for anyone except for reddit's savior complex.

>> No.27301539
File: 485 KB, 1105x1494, ooh my heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301564


>> No.27301548

I just realized why I don't like Amelia, it's for the same reason I never liked watching Rushia.

Rushia's whole shtick was being a clingy parasocial girlfriend and Amelia tries to do the same thing, but more bubbly than clingy. For someone who watches Vtubers for entertainment and not for a relationship simulation, I don't find her appealing at all.

It's whatever though, she's carved out her niche, and it's a road filled with gachikois and paypigs, so good for her.

>> No.27301549
Quoted by: >>27302086

Gura isn't stressed about shit, she's just lazy

>> No.27301553

she should play fallout

>> No.27301554
File: 31 KB, 960x407, 10838233_1555778998037124_9035806100268084376_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 hour of snapping 50 different kitkats, commenting on how each flavor makes a slightly different sound and then breaking it down further into how each individual ingredient affects the overall tone of the snap.

>> No.27301555

Western women are WEAK.

>> No.27301564


>> No.27301568

dumb sharkunts

>> No.27301579
File: 861 KB, 1170x585, d1cf56e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was checking FBK birthday pack and noticed the out of place shark at the right hanging like it was fished, does she fear the shark? dorsnt even go with the theme.

>> No.27301582
Quoted by: >>27302309

Why is this general so obsessed with labeling every holo with impostor syndrome? Mori admitted to having it her whole life in one of her streams but the rest of the girls are just grappling with perfectly normal feelings associated with sudden popularity. Not every instance of stage fright or being made slightly uncomfortable by complete strangers throwing 500 dollars at you unprompted is evidence of cognitive dysfunction.

>> No.27301583

I mean when people were saying "girlfriend experience" what did you think they were talking about?

>> No.27301589

Let's see paul Allen's Kit-Kat.

>> No.27301591

thank you for the based reddit spacing
plus you have no idea what you're talking about but oh well here's a (You)

>> No.27301596

I'd say deadlines instead but that's not really related to her holo career

>> No.27301597

i want her to recreate the m&m tourney post on stream. is that too much to ask?

>> No.27301598
File: 68 KB, 540x540, ShotType1_540x540-626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301660

I think she will make the ahegao face when she sees this.

>> No.27301605

Not to go further off topic but there is a bunch by women though they are the common asmr thots but hey we watch vtubers so it's not a huge difference in degeneracy
I won't blame chicken because this is the fault of concernfags but god I just want a stream to go right for her without bullshit issues cause without the major issues the concernfags have like nothing to grasp onto

>> No.27301609
Quoted by: >>27301624


Join KFP, we have Huke memes


I talk to the OP from the reddit post, he realized he was wrong, so everything is ok.

>> No.27301622
Quoted by: >>27301663


>> No.27301624

>reddit spacing
Go back.

>> No.27301626
Quoted by: >>27301671

If you told me Kiara feeling down wasn't due to any idol related activities but solely down to her buying Magallan's outfit without having Magallan first, I'd believe it.

>> No.27301627

the bugmen are too afraid to attack HoloEN.
They don't want the rabid English fanbase attacking them. They learned pretty fast they can't use the same tactics towards HoloEN as the English Fanbase is way more vicious and resilient

>> No.27301630
Quoted by: >>27302541

That is pretty odd ngl
Is it perhaps related to that boat girl gacha the Holos appeared in?

>> No.27301635
Quoted by: >>27301654

Same here, I was thinking what kind of content she makes and was hit with the same realization. If you're not a broken person, why would you watch her? There are a lot of broken people around though.

>> No.27301641

im sure we will get a hololive gacha someday

>> No.27301648

The cat is getting too cocky sharkbros

>> No.27301649

it's a Twisted Wonderland (Disney villains as ikemen gacha) themed outfit, she's a big fan of Ursula's genderbend there

>> No.27301650

>she's carved out her niche, and it's a road filled with gachikois and paypigs

That would be Mori and Kiara tho...
Actually, is kind of funny how Mori and Kiara have the most stables and strongest SC incomes compared to the others who are arguably more famous than them lol.

>> No.27301654
Quoted by: >>27301821

if you're not a broken person, why are you here?

>> No.27301657

the talent that everyone ignores, her voice.

>> No.27301660

She has been to Japan and they always have special Kit Kat flavours throughout the year. Shes probably used to it.

>> No.27301662

Who is the Aqua of HoloEN?

>> No.27301663

Signalling her inevitable konquest over HololiveEN and the fish.

>> No.27301666
File: 71 KB, 1024x840, 1560434307091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How in the fuck is that reddit spacing you stupid sub-human motherfucker?

>> No.27301669

Well folks, at least you're never be as retarded as the guy who compared Amelia to Rushia

>> No.27301671

I still can't believe that the birdbath did that kek.

>> No.27301672
File: 142 KB, 360x450, Airani_Iofifteen_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Iofi?

>> No.27301673
Quoted by: >>27301703

that's it niggers, i'm quitting /hlgg/ and trying to do something productive.
see you in a few minutes when i give up for the 10th time.

>> No.27301676
File: 3.04 MB, 2192x2337, 9c43d8554a6d45a88041df8545813afd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301716

I will get to the bottom of this case!

>> No.27301681

Smart hard working alien

>> No.27301683

Dirty thoughts.

>> No.27301686

Surprise Gura's appearance soon.

>> No.27301692

good background music when working

>> No.27301696

Recently I've had a lot of inappropriate thoughts about Iofi.

>> No.27301699

Their numbers grew way too fast, no one could handle such sudden mega popularity. These issues wouldn't have surfaced if they had modest success.

>> No.27301700
File: 82 KB, 304x392, score_ 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301730

Isn't it obvious?

>> No.27301701
Quoted by: >>27301756

At this point Chicken would be better off embracing being a walking Murphy's Law and making it part of her shtick. The game crashing and then her raging once she started again was great and she needs to play more into that than crying whenever something happens.

>> No.27301703

>he doesn't rep japanese while /hlgg/ posting first thing in the morning

>> No.27301704
Quoted by: >>27301723

Why would she be stressed if HER past persona had 900+ subs?

>> No.27301705

let him be I bet he hasn't even watched 10 min of Rushia

>> No.27301707

Watsonfags you better save up some money, come January 6 she's gonna get merch.

>> No.27301708
Quoted by: >>27301743

Amelia doesn't have it in her to be the yandere that Rushia is

>> No.27301713


>> No.27301715

I want more true crime asmr

>> No.27301716

Gotta say all the Gura in other costumes makes me wish vtuber avatars shit wasn't so hard and you could just change costumes quickly cause halloween would be kino for EN girls if they could dress up for it

>> No.27301723

Because her past persona didn't have to stream for 30k+ people

>> No.27301725
Quoted by: >>27301774

I thought she was called Loli-fifteen at first, then I thought she was Lofi-fifteen, and only now I realize what I thought was an L is actually an I, so yeah, that's pretty much it

>> No.27301726

Just go

>> No.27301730

not enough autism and social anxiety

>> No.27301733

she can speak five languages so naturally I want to hear "IM CUMMING" in all five of them

>> No.27301735

honestly pretty underrated as far as holoID goes, she's got guts to actually approach Sora

>> No.27301738
File: 622 KB, 872x500, gura coexist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27301743

rome-shia wasn't built in a day

>> No.27301746
File: 387 KB, 452x432, yc2pcj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish other holos got as my costumes as Friend. Shes had so many nice outfits.

>> No.27301751

>falling for the reddit spacing meme
It's always funny to see

>> No.27301756


Actually we were getting fun with mad's Kiara when the crashed happen

>> No.27301757

why is her name io fifteen when io isn't the fifteenth moon of jupiter??

>> No.27301763

>defense Ame

>> No.27301769

Probably the ID I know the least about, but if she's good enough for OUR SON to hang out with then I can't say a bad word about her.

>> No.27301774

Airani Iofifteen (airani iofifteen) is a pun on Area 51 (area 15), that's why she's an alien

>> No.27301775

I used to wonder they can't just cut the head off and paste it to a new body but now I realize just how much work goes into it

>> No.27301782
Quoted by: >>27301845

Surely Gura will get new outfits now that she will be the new No.1 soon

>> No.27301785
Quoted by: >>27301796

Funny enough, it's actually a problem for Sora to find people to collab with since most of them are intimidated by her.

>> No.27301794

Played that last night.
Was disappointed there was no orgy ending where all the girls fuck each other.

>> No.27301796
Quoted by: >>27301840

Part of me wonders if that isn't another Reddit concernfag narrative though

>> No.27301799
Quoted by: >>27301816


>> No.27301814
File: 542 KB, 383x726, 08x6nf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's wild how much work goes into it and it's probably pretty costly for the mama/papa. Fubuki new outfit has 3 hair styles, multiple accessories and apperently a jacketless/glasses version is still in the works.

>> No.27301816

Are you fucking kidding me

>> No.27301819
Quoted by: >>27301878

Still. Kiara should have more hats.

>> No.27301821
Quoted by: >>27302428

Because 4chan is the best place to talk about anything. And I was a broken person too.

>> No.27301822

how was their collab anyway? i missed it

>> No.27301839
File: 1.88 MB, 480x480, F1D87783-2075-4F3E-BECF-43A7458CC68B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was supposed to be the funny one...

>> No.27301840

I don't think so. Plenty of holos have admitted that they feel kind of scared to collab with Sora due to how respected she is in Hololive. Even Pekora, who eventually ended up including her in her prank, was scared when Sora was in her chat.

>> No.27301845
Quoted by: >>27301929

I want her to get a more childlike outfit like in that casual outfit fanart, maybe even have her have a backpack

>> No.27301853

Based Vergil

>> No.27301856

how come Kiara speaks Japanese if she's white

>> No.27301866

didn't get to watch the whole thing but it was pretty wholesome, Iofi called Sora "nee-san" and she was really happy

>> No.27301875
File: 673 KB, 827x1080, 1591470656643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27301876
Quoted by: >>27301939


>> No.27301878
Quoted by: >>27301940

I wonder if she could do low quality just glued to the model hats without rigging

>> No.27301880

just get a real gf instead of being an stacy's dog

>> No.27301884

They talked like old friends for 2 hours and both enjoyed themselves greatly. Iofi is a good child

>> No.27301891

Ancient phoenix folded 1000 lifetimes, I'm pretty sure she knows more languages than she lets on.

>> No.27301893
File: 92 KB, 1016x485, unknown-131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised Mori's coat isn't removable in her live 2D. Give me those bare shoulders.

>> No.27301895

she's weeb like you guys!

>> No.27301901
File: 94 KB, 286x237, 1600539546812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not "You're a dirty boy"

>> No.27301902


>> No.27301919

she did her fucking reps

>> No.27301921
File: 308 KB, 1619x2121, 20200928_104806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301943

She's been a weeb for so long she became japanese

>> No.27301922

japanese people are white and they speak japanese...

>> No.27301925

Oh shit, it's almost as if you can actually learn other languages and not speak only one

>> No.27301927

Because Goslings are fucking poorfags

>> No.27301929
Quoted by: >>27301935

does she look young enough for a randoseru?

>> No.27301935

Don't do this to my dick anon

>> No.27301937


>> No.27301938

she weebed to hard

>> No.27301939

It's known german are red colored

>> No.27301940
File: 53 KB, 150x150, 7214bf78624a6aa337689a63fda61439[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of the vtubers do basic hats/masks as static overlays on occassion.

Has anyone ever done one where they wear a hat drawn by a viewer though?

>> No.27301943

she even mentioned how strangers think she is a hafu

>> No.27301944

But there's this girl who keeps telling me I can't learn japanese

>> No.27301955
File: 177 KB, 503x559, 1601884316111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27301984

>had a random dream last night that Gura was stepping on me
I don't know what my brain is trying to do to me but I'm oddly okay with it.

>> No.27301962
File: 2.03 MB, 2945x3930, 1166170ba207fcded8745c09cdaf8af5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are going to fall in love with me

>> No.27301968

You are now a multi billionaire, how do you change Cover?
>Buy Cover at a loss, pay them so much money that they can't refuse, get rid of the board of directors, any shareholders, etc.
>Sell off Hololive CN to China so they can have their own thing. Included are the rights and models to all the characters they already have so nothing has to change for them, they just won't be a part of Hololive. If China is being difficult about it, just fucking give it to them (another loss but it can't be helped)
>Put a moratorium on YAGOO memes and references with the girls, slowly phase him out, have the mods on the Hololive subreddit delete or hide any posts/memes about YAGOO
>Bring in actual agents/managers than have experience handling talent for the girls. Important note: they must be professionals, so no fans. In fact it would be better if they hadn't heard of Hololive or only slightly knew of it.
>All the SEAnigger fans that were hired to be managers or mods, dedicate them to translating JP content for EOPs to grow the brand, keep them away from the girls, no more contact
>Kill *yger before he skins, rapes and kills Matuli
>Establish a budget for getting girls computers and equipment to stream.
>Keep Holostars and ID, I don't like them but there's a market for them and as long as it's not too expensive to maintain, why not.
>Offer to promote Coco, if she wants is, maybe scale back streaming but she clearly has some managerial skills with how well she wrangles the girls. The girls trust her and she's good for talking to them about stuff.
>Give her permission to make Asacoco 1.0
>Upgrade the legal team, aggressively pursue permissions and also slap any schizo Antis with massive harassment lawsuits and shit.
>Put a hold on any new debuts, work on bringing all current girls up to spec. Model tuning, rigging reworks, better mouth tracking.
>Look into making own streaming platform, free from the restrictions of Youtube. May not be feasible, may not be profitable, may be profitable once Hololive grows even bigger and can sustain it's own brand. Still worth looking into.
>Months later (Maybe a year?) after everyone has forgotten about YAGOO, summon him up to my office and read off a list of all the ways he has failed the girls. (Mel, Holocaust, Aloe, etc) Then toss him a knife and assist him in commiting seppuku, swinging the sword that takes his head.
>Finally rest and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe

>> No.27301972
File: 64 KB, 375x500, 29833089_b6e06e9020[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine that whilst being rivals, her and the colonel were also good friends.

>> No.27301974

The part that bugs me is that they're seated at different tables. Why would they even go to the same restaurant if they're not going to sit together? Looks like hazing.

>> No.27301975

>overcooked stream where gura jokingly asks amelia to get angry at her like gordan ramsay
>amelia cutely fumbles with her words cause she's incapable of being mad at the shark
>calls her a donut
>that little squeal giggle but gura
they are perfect together

>> No.27301979

You are gonna let a girl stop you?

>> No.27301980
Quoted by: >>27302038

yeah I know the static overlay gura did a few I meant like actually have it track with your head I guess it would be programming it to track a point on your head and move the image

>> No.27301984

I had a vivid dream where I woke up to check twitter and I saw that Gura had posted her schedule. I woke up and there's nothing...

>> No.27301993

You just have to live in weebland for almost a decade. Day to day live interaction with native speakers will do wonders.

>> No.27301995
File: 2.94 MB, 1131x1600, killing skelebros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27303204

Still here.

>> No.27301997
Quoted by: >>27302116

I'm sorry, but I love Rem

>> No.27302001
Quoted by: >>27302037

>Gura discloses she talked with Marine
>days later Marine calls herself a boomer
you can't make this shit up

>> No.27302006

Imagine the sex

>> No.27302013
File: 561 KB, 854x480, 1580151921603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will Shion see?

>> No.27302017

>also slap any schizo Antis with massive harassment lawsuits and shit.
Good way to bankrupt your company.

>> No.27302018

I'm hoping they all give themselves little Halloween hats or masks like Gura's headband. Doesn't need to be great but I want SOMETHING for Halloween.

>> No.27302019
File: 3.40 MB, 2508x3110, 1601235677345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to

>> No.27302020 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 772x525, 1601909577733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27302021
File: 1.21 MB, 3540x2788, 1601907054013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27302022

>new branch/gen speaking european language
>stream mostly when euros sleep/wageslave

>> No.27302027
Quoted by: >>27302088


>> No.27302030

Especially when you consider there's space for two other people on the other side.

Hell, if Mori and Kiara were sitting there, it'd be even worse.

>> No.27302032
Quoted by: >>27302123


>> No.27302034

I'm sorry, but I love My Mori.

>> No.27302033
Quoted by: >>27303230

Any fanart of Gura with a guitar yet?

>> No.27302037

ogey bowomer

>> No.27302038

Didn't Watson do this with her cowboy hat? Or was she just moving it manually?

>> No.27302040
File: 40 KB, 750x350, 1601758457802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27302152

Pre-hololive, which HoloEN lives in squalor the most?

>> No.27302041

BEGONE you evil, dream crushing FIEND

>> No.27302046 [SPOILER] 
File: 666 KB, 1115x627, 1601909625347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27302050
File: 27 KB, 344x427, 1600896219761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27302269

Having to perform for a single person is hard enough, I cannot even begin to fathom doing it for 10~20k live and a hundred thousand more after.
The sudden burst in popularity would not only drive me insane but would also make me withdraw from it all.
It is in my hopes that they are close enough to confide in one enough and find some form of comfort because they aren't going to find it in the viewerbase who have absolutely idolized them.

>> No.27302056

Maybe if Euros interacted more. Gura did a EU friendly stream and it was her worse performing stream.

>> No.27302057

She is just lazy af. Her and Ina are just in this for the fun of it. The only time Gura is stressed is karaoke streams, but that’s fairly normal given the expectations.

>> No.27302058
File: 886 KB, 814x764, 1551331617593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gura actually getting super shy
>amelia having to gently explain things like a proper older sister

>> No.27302060

She should really buy a second PC that works. A spare capture-card would be nice too.
Does COVER allow them to claim stuff as a business expense? They are employees after all.

>> No.27302061
Quoted by: >>27302111

Social distancing!

>> No.27302070

They seem the most similar out of all the girls, I have really high hopes for the collab.

>> No.27302073
File: 33 KB, 112x112, watson pet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27302074


>> No.27302083
Quoted by: >>27302126

the last time she did that, they were complaining that her idea of euro-friendly was 1:00 am.

>> No.27302085

Gura is an actual 10/10 loli-baba but we'll never know.

>> No.27302086

Gura was saying shes been so stressed shes unable to properly eat.

>> No.27302088

you can hear her clapping

>> No.27302091
File: 4.00 MB, 1451x2048, 1601234795071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you, but I ain't in love with you.

>> No.27302092

The abyss.

>> No.27302094

a mutt american goblin

>> No.27302095

>give all talents opsec and basic tech literacy training

>> No.27302098

That's going to be one hell of a challenge for you considering I clicked on "Not interested in this channel"

>> No.27302104

>Things Cover should do for their idols.mp4.exe.odt

>> No.27302105

Amelia, please.
Have mercy on us during the Arcade date...

>> No.27302106
File: 138 KB, 929x448, 1601853354149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27302174


>> No.27302111

Ame and Gura are right next to each other, anon...

>> No.27302112
Quoted by: >>27302803

hell you can even hear her stomach growl on streams. the retards that say that she's just lazy clearly don't watch her streams.

>> No.27302113
File: 110 KB, 1019x485, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to

>> No.27302116
File: 448 KB, 542x608, haachama amelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27302118

>helping talent
good fucking joke, but yeah chicken is jewmode due to her upbringing of barely getting by moneywise so she doesn't plan on getting a new PC when she will get her good old one in 5months though she might cave and get one before then

>> No.27302121

>Does COVER allow something that could benefit the talent the manage?

>> No.27302122
Quoted by: >>27302226

>Mori talking over it

>> No.27302123

目 - eye
口 - mouth
耳 - ear

Nose is fucking 鼻. A fucking 鼻. What the fuck?

>> No.27302125
Quoted by: >>27302187

>They are employees after all
Are you sure about that? I'd assume they work as contractors.

>> No.27302126

Every Kiara/Mori stream is pain for burgers but you don't hear us complaining.

>> No.27302130
File: 631 KB, 1024x682, 1491080326622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27302160

Fucking hilarious I've never seent his one before.

>> No.27302132

Gura and Ina both did euro-friendly streams last week and got shit numbers. Either pay up or stay up.

>> No.27302134

it's been a while since she mentioned that. but she was talking to ina about being nervous in their DBD collab so i hope she's doing better.

>> No.27302137

>Does Cover help their talents?

>> No.27302138

<span class="sjis"> I'd rather not[/spoiler]

>> No.27302141

holy shit her hands sound SO SMALL

>> No.27302145

omg stacy you can't just ask someone why they're white

>> No.27302147

Cya guys in 12 hours

>> No.27302152

Can I get uhhhhh one free jerk it now?

>> No.27302153


>> No.27302154
Quoted by: >>27302177

it seems like these girls are categorized as independent contractors (different from employees) so they will have to buy their own equipment for work and also have to pay self-employment tax on their own.

>> No.27302160


>> No.27302166

You mean the guerilla stream she did that wasn't even on the schedule?

>> No.27302168
Quoted by: >>27302198

>her upbringing of barely getting by moneywise
What? Isn't her family loaded?

>> No.27302171
Quoted by: >>27302202

the more kanji and japanese you learn the more you question how the fuck their society manages to function

>> No.27302172
Quoted by: >>27304383


>> No.27302173

You know when a women garners attentions from broken people like this, something is wrong with her love life/experience.

>> No.27302174
File: 835 KB, 496x580, blah.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27302227

Reminder that Ame and Gura masturbate together on Discord voice.

>> No.27302176

Why is Mori like this? Cringe but also adorable.

>> No.27302177

I think you are applying US tax code to a Jap company it's probably different over there

>> No.27302178
File: 52 KB, 272x254, amelia watson getting too hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i already am

>> No.27302179
File: 1.59 MB, 600x600, salman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27302185


>> No.27302185


>> No.27302187
Quoted by: >>27302265

Nah, if they were there should be less hassle getting permissions, especially for EN located oustide of Jap

>> No.27302192

>>Ina/Ame stream still 9 hours away
Why don't they use placeholder streams on their channels?
doesn't work without those.

>> No.27302197

>two lines at the bottom for the two openings
>the middle representing the nerves and shit inside
>finally one hole leading to the trachea

>> No.27302198

did you watch her superchat stream? She did journeyman's apprenticing or some shit and basically said she made 600 a month while rent was 500 so she didn't have much money cause you gotta add in food costs so her 100 bucks was stretched thin

>> No.27302202
Quoted by: >>27304336


>> No.27302203

I thought eye was 眼

>> No.27302214

You hold no power here, gremlin.


>> No.27302223
Quoted by: >>27302382

>>the reality now
>>everyone streams at the same time and dead hours feel even longer
This won't get better, will it?

>> No.27302226

Technical issues, Mori couldn't hear the other girls and they couldn't hear her at that point. She wasn't consciously talking over them.

>> No.27302227

You know for a fact if this is true she calls Amelia oneesan

>> No.27302228
Quoted by: >>27302256

Even her parents were surprised at how little money she had so it doesn't seem likely that she's from a very wealthy family that can pay for all of her shit.

>> No.27302229
File: 72 KB, 512x466, 159996122034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I can barely wait

>> No.27302230
Quoted by: >>27302287

I'm surprised their live2d app doesn't allow the girls to attach arbitrary things to the rig, it shouldn't be hard to implement.

>> No.27302232

>Not finding your own hags and using them to wage war on Yagoo
Personally I'd leak fake doxes to rally all the idolfags/seaniggers into an arena then have them kill each other.

>> No.27302234
File: 1.01 MB, 1540x1600, image0 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of mine drew this Calliope

>> No.27302235

I think that's eyeball

>> No.27302236
Quoted by: >>27302279

There better be an anon recording that Ame date stream. I'm really curious how it's going to go but I've already membered to my favorite HoloENs

>> No.27302237
Quoted by: >>27302293

Kiara is behind everyone including SCs. I don't know how long the reddit pity party will last but I wish her the best because I think huke is best papa and that live2D is too cute to go to waste.

>> No.27302241
Quoted by: >>27302285

I said this during her stream in the thread but during apprenticeships you are eligible for gibs. Most people do those while still living at home to begin with.

>> No.27302242
Quoted by: >>27302337

how do i defeat gura

>> No.27302243

fuck off i love INA

>> No.27302245

Is mahjong soul an easy way to learn mahjong? I've tried in the past but every english resource I found was shit.

>> No.27302246
Quoted by: >>27302276

Thats really cute! Is it posted anywhere on twitter?

>> No.27302251

Ina Q&A when

>> No.27302252

Get out of my head! Get out of my FUCKING head! AAAAAAGH!
... Every waking moment I spend thinking about you. I was supposed to be free of your spell. I was supposed to let go! I know it's never going to be! So why are you still in my head!?

>> No.27302254

She's the stereotypical insecure tomboy trying her best

>> No.27302256

that or she just didn't want to leech off her parents oh fuck that's where she gets it

>> No.27302258

They are weak & lazy compared to JPholo's.

>> No.27302265

Not sure how permissions are related to their employment status.

>> No.27302269
Quoted by: >>27302413

Ok which nosless niiji is this and why are u fags trying to pepe her?

>> No.27302275
Quoted by: >>27302543

What do you want to ask?

>> No.27302276
Quoted by: >>27302458

Yeah I already put it on the hashtag for her since she doesn't use twitter

>> No.27302278

I almost did until you took your coat. I fell for Gura and Ina instead.

>> No.27302279

I'm recording it to be safe but it's gonna be archived anyway so pay up, faggot

>> No.27302282
File: 781 KB, 1352x1138, 1601863702967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been avoiding the threads following the Taiwan sperg outs, now I hear something happened wihh Amelia? Someone give me the basic gestalt

>> No.27302283

that's specifically the ball of the eye

>> No.27302285

well chicken clearly didn't do either of those

>> No.27302286

I still don't get what makes Ame more of a "girlfriend experience" than any of the other girls. I guess there's some truth to it because she attracts all the Goslings but I can't see it myself.

>> No.27302287
Quoted by: >>27302661

Pretty sure that would require an engine overhaul since the current one just loads their L2D model without having a 3D workspace to add objects.

>> No.27302289
Quoted by: >>27302525

Sounds like more pityfuel for her SC paypiggies tbqhwy.

>> No.27302290

Very cute. Thank you for your service, my mom's been lonely lately.

>> No.27302291


>> No.27302293
Quoted by: >>27302429


That is a lie, she's second. With more public she will surpass Mori

>> No.27302295

>Actually, is kind of funny how Mori and Kiara have the most stables and strongest SC incomes compared to the others who are arguably more famous than them lol.
That's because those two are the real idolchad rags to riches character progression arc experiences.

>> No.27302298

I want to cum inside chicken's unprotected womb while she cries into my shoulder and begs me to forgive her for her fucked up streams

>> No.27302305

Is this a combination of their winks through the stream?
I'm assuming so, but what's the timestamp if it isn't.

>> No.27302308

If that's the path she chooses, then good for her. Too bad tho, I like her for the gremlin. I hope someone in Gen2 on 2021 takes the mantle of gamer gremlin.

>> No.27302309

People do this all the time with celebrities.

>> No.27302310

Just ask her in chat. If you're not a lucklet she'll see it.

>> No.27302313
Quoted by: >>27302398

you're asking to be banned because it was sea monkeys trying to dox her

>> No.27302317

she got badly doxxed, and goslings abandoned ship
and as that started to die down, she got doxxed even harder.

>> No.27302321
Quoted by: >>27302398

Don't worry about it. Shark meido has it under control.

>> No.27302337

be cuter, more talented, funnier, or a better singer

>> No.27302338

And then goslings just jumped right back on the ship

>> No.27302341

Imagine they actually put in the R&D to accomplish easily changeable outfits.

>> No.27302346


>> No.27302347

>responding to spoonfeed beggars

>> No.27302348
Quoted by: >>27302387

That is completly normal in Germany/Austria though. You just have to be smart with money to get by. I earned 720€, after deductions it was around 550€. 270€ went into rent (shared appartment with another guy) and the rest into food and savings.
Most people will stay with their parents until theyre finished and earn real money or do house sharing to split costs.

>> No.27302356

You don't understand. They were drowning.

>> No.27302359
File: 17 KB, 389x389, 1601357763991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27302360

some of them.

>> No.27302363
File: 40 KB, 640x526, joaquin_featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27302430

>goslings abandoned ship
I never left, she just aspired me to be a better person.

>> No.27302364
Quoted by: >>27302418

I have an important announcement
I want to lick Gura's anus
That's all.

>> No.27302365
File: 522 KB, 1400x868, comf slep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 hours till Ina's next stream

>> No.27302367

They don't even manage to superimpose a flat transparent picture with a hole for a face (or a sunglasses picture superimposed on the face to follow the L2D-render automatically

>> No.27302378

Very nice, you'r friend is talented it's cute af

>> No.27302382
Quoted by: >>27302811

Ina and Mori might eventually be able to stream more once they finish up their previous obligations.

>> No.27302386

so we getting an avian collab?

>> No.27302387

yeah that's what I assume but clearly chicken was birdbrained about it I didn't say it wasn't normal for germs just that she did have money issues and that has shaped how she treats money

>> No.27302389

mostly within a single day. we're shifting the internet into fucking hyperdrive.

>> No.27302390


>> No.27302395

What the fuck bird

>> No.27302398
File: 618 KB, 832x1000, 1601135894459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anons

>> No.27302400
Quoted by: >>27302467

Ironically the Taiwan spergouts were the least of this thread's problems.

>> No.27302409
Quoted by: >>27302466

basically the art museum date, now love songs and then an arcade date.

>> No.27302413

Samfagging, probably

>> No.27302418

Let me know how my cum tastes.

>> No.27302420


>> No.27302419

Ina and Gura are both M's and that's why they like Ame.

>> No.27302427

When's the birds collab?

>> No.27302428

Exactly this.
This place may be a complete shithole, but it's the only place where you can freely talk about chuubas, about what you like and especially what you dislike about them.

>> No.27302429
File: 461 KB, 1202x825, image_2020-10-05_110951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever try to numberfag, at least do it properly.

>> No.27302430

>in addition to goslingposting, larsposting, and HERposting there is now herposting.

>> No.27302431

Karaoke song list was created to recapture the goslings she lost

>> No.27302432
Quoted by: >>27302460

Based feiend

>> No.27302433
File: 140 KB, 223x430, 1600051931561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neet was the one that broke away
>Stays friends so the S yandere doesnt hurt him

How do you stop amelia who has time powers when she sets her eyes on you

>> No.27302441


>> No.27302444

You need to drink more pineapple juice.

>> No.27302450

I love Rem.

>> No.27302453

Like peanut butter and Gura

>> No.27302455
File: 404 KB, 1280x529, amelia runner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27302457

We know Kiara

>> No.27302458

Hopefully it will get noticed by Mori, it looks great!

>> No.27302459
Quoted by: >>27302476

>not rub my tummy

>> No.27302460

My fat finger pressed a wrong button

>> No.27302461

Absolute state of Ina.

>> No.27302466

It's just goslingbros latching onto the vibes from the Superliminal stream.

>> No.27302467

Classic /hlgg/

>> No.27302470

holy shit didn't expect Mori to be gaining so much sasuga

>> No.27302475
File: 26 KB, 128x127, cryaya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu... Dont look...

>> No.27302476

I'm watching the replay now, I'll post it when I find it

>> No.27302478

If I had the editing software I'd clip the original video and when it gets to right here I'd zoom in on Gura's face, replace the background with clips from Vietnam movies, and play Fortunate Son over it

>> No.27302480


70K > 64K anon

>> No.27302481

Are chumbuds poor

>> No.27302485
Quoted by: >>27302517

She shares so many personal anecdotes that people feel like they know her. She interacted with chat a lot during the impromptu zatsudans caused by technical failures. And the rest of it is just her voice and the content she's delivered so far.
But honestly if Gura or Ina did Superliminal and those songs, the same thing might be said of them instead. Watson's never gone full "you'll stay with me right"/"I'm here for you" or shit like that and she hasn't been indulging the $100 paypigs, so it's hard for me to see the comparisons to Rushia at this point.

>> No.27302488

>"she's second"
>disagrees while posting something showing her in second
the absolute state of goncernfags

>> No.27302491

First minute into her debut my danger sensor goes off and I avoid her since because I know this would happen.

>> No.27302492
Quoted by: >>27302551

Its not for the thin skinned. Anon will be brutal and unkind not for good reason, but just because they can. Ultimately its an honest gut reaction and that is becoming increasingly rare on the internet nowadays.

>> No.27302497

I want to glaze her alright

>> No.27302499


>> No.27302510
File: 764 KB, 917x769, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she played Song on the Beach in one of her streams

>> No.27302511


>> No.27302513
Quoted by: >>27302548

not to disparage shark but I think a good amount of her fans are actual children

>> No.27302516


>> No.27302517

She's more like Ayame but streams more.

>> No.27302518

Gura would of probably broke a record if she enabled superchat in the unarchived karaoke stream

>> No.27302519
File: 227 KB, 719x729, 1601850782398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the Girlfriend to die so the Gremlin can live. Fuck goslings
Fuck parasocial relationships
Fuck roommates
I just want a barely civilized neet raging at vidya gaems

>> No.27302525

Chicken is the most transparent holoEN, why do people keep pushing the faking narrative?

>> No.27302527
File: 235 KB, 498x498, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL fall in love with her
You WILL enjoy the "GF experience" provided by her
You WILL pay the membership for exclusive "dating experience" streams
You WILL get hypnotized by her ASMR sessions
You WILL give her red superchats
You WILL pay for her BF's condoms
You WILL NOT dig into her roommate and find out she's taken

>> No.27302530
Quoted by: >>27302664

Botan doesn't exist?

>> No.27302533


>> No.27302534
File: 126 KB, 1000x1000, 1600710913472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not a material girl

>> No.27302537
File: 86 KB, 473x587, 1581855634323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27302566

The problem with these people is twofold. First, they see the girls as children in need of urgent emotional support, and not fully grown people who already went through things in their lives and are perfectly capable of coping with things not going their way. In fact, Kiara is probably older than most people pitying her on Twitter. Second, they never stick around. They'll just send the support tweet and then ride into the sunset, adding one more saved soul to their tally. They won't subscribe to her or watch her content, so when she goes online the next day and sees everyone disappearing, she might get the wrong idea and that would be even worse.

>> No.27302538

>my whole face was covered in cinnamon

>> No.27302539

It's funny to me that shark doesn't cry, hardly acknowledges super chats, and streams less but still manages to be not to far behind Kiara in super chats lol.

>> No.27302541


>> No.27302543
Quoted by: >>27302587

>which Hololives do you want to collab with the most?
>which Hololives do you want to step on you with the most?

>> No.27302548

i'm not sure what i think of the theory that her audience has a lot of children, but it seems clear that a much smaller proportion of her subscribers are inclined to send SCs.

>> No.27302550

wtf I love chicken now?

>> No.27302551

The only problem is that the same anonymity and freedom leads to tons of doxxfags, schizo narratives, and falseflagging.

>> No.27302552

If you say anything you dislike about a chuuba here you'll just called an anti and told to fuck off though

>> No.27302554
Quoted by: >>27302591

Because Rushia?

>> No.27302555

Because she's the most transparent. If you did your reps you'd realise.

>> No.27302563 [SPOILER] 
File: 435 KB, 1280x720, 1601910945125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didn't you just kill me?

>> No.27302566
Quoted by: >>27302673

Should be fine Kiara already asked people to stop with this kinda shit

>> No.27302570

That also doesn't count member streams. Mori got another 5k+ from the T3 stream.

>> No.27302571

May have to do with being a literal walking/swimming meme.

>> No.27302575

can you imagine a woman being taken doing something like this? something must be unfulfilled?

>> No.27302576
Quoted by: >>27302599

What reps are you all doing today?

>> No.27302582

her phoenix gimmick really does lend well to discussing IRL/Past while keeping in character. I like her chatting streams because Kiara is very natural at fan interaction

>> No.27302584
File: 64 KB, 540x505, 1578956835321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf happened? On debut everyone had agreed that Amelia was de facto the worst with Kiara as a close second, now you fags are all goslinging.

>> No.27302585

>3:00 AM
>Euro friendly
>Don't put placeholder-streams far enough in advance so people don't go and do something else because there was nothing listed when they checked the schedule.
Building a brand takes time.

>> No.27302587

She already answered the first one, she said Marine and possibly some others, I can't remember

>> No.27302591

Amelia already fits that role

>> No.27302595


>> No.27302599

Jerking reps

>> No.27302605
Quoted by: >>27302745

What helps push this is that Ame streams a lot, almost every day if not twice a day, and almost always around really good times for North American viewers. Kiara might potentially have more streamed hours over all, but Ame absolutely streams the most frequently.
So not only is she really friendly and open about herself, she's also just simply around a lot more, during times when people will actually watch her.

>> No.27302606
Quoted by: >>27302662

She's pretty honest, to a fault, showing her ugly sides and even talking about roomate stuff like it's a phoenix past life. So attacking that honesty is an easy way to shitpost.

>> No.27302607


>> No.27302616

ina should be right behind or = to gura if people had some taste

>> No.27302617
Quoted by: >>27302658

>he still thinks the gremlin will drive away the goslings
They might post less but the goslings will always be there.

>> No.27302618
File: 10 KB, 212x212, A91B154C-F004-4D19-B575-031B6D00B0F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This so hard.

>> No.27302622

You shouldn't be so concerned about it.
Ultimately what Watson is, is a lewd gremlin.
The "girlfriend" thing is to just put on a bit of eroticism. Kiara is a full blown bottom left, but Watson is bottom right. She might not be smart, but she's cunning in the way she plays with the expectations of the chat, scolding them for being lewd while at the same time making a lewd art hashtag.

>> No.27302629
Quoted by: >>27302693

I'll start making a collection of out-of-context Kiara, she gets pretty lewd.

>> No.27302630

Get back to twitch ice gremlin.

>> No.27302632
Quoted by: >>27302700

Well clearly she doesn't want to do that, she's going all in on the gf experience

>> No.27302635

The point is that she could use it as a spare should she have another HW-failure.

>> No.27302640

maybe its because shes more talented then chicken

>> No.27302643
File: 1.52 MB, 300x453, 1601609760911.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your punishment must be more severe

>> No.27302644

Jesus, even if you divide that by 3, and then half (youtube+holocut then a 50% tax as an estimate) that's still ~$15k in 3 weeks for Mori.

>> No.27302645

No, lmao

>> No.27302650
File: 46 KB, 827x431, 1600325812632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27302688

On the date stream, Amelia is gonna read chat an edited contract from NHK.

>> No.27302654
Quoted by: >>27302734

I think it is because with Mori superchargers can justify it more since she has already delivered an EP and while be providing monthly songs, so there's a more tangible "product" to support than just whatever happiness you get from the video game livestreams. That and her to all appearances legit Cinderella story drives a lot of people to support her.

>> No.27302657

quizmaster knows japanese and he's really disappointed in the EOPs in here

>> No.27302658
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x796, 1601908928824.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are still tourists from /tv/ and by extension /v/. Its practically a tradition during her streams now.

>> No.27302661
Quoted by: >>27302732

It doesn't need to have 3D support, just a way to copy the location/rotation of the object you want to attach your assets to

>> No.27302662

I used to think inability to lie was one of those false "tell me your greatest weakness" bullshit answers but having more interactions with people I've seen that it actually can be an issue

>> No.27302663

Ice cream goblin protect me from ever falling as low as ame goslingposters

>> No.27302664


>> No.27302669

Hey guys its been a busy few days for me. What did I miss? why hasn't Amelia streamed at all? Whats this about doxxfags getting purged?

>> No.27302672
File: 174 KB, 2048x2048, EjS-ZxyVoAIE7D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fellow tentacultists.
I'm about to get my first real drawing tablet after researching what mangaka and the like are recommending.

From what I've gathered
>lcd screen is not needed and will give you bad posture
>wii nunchuck style remote in your left hand for shortcuts is superior over whatever shortcuts are on the tablet, so that pretty much doesn't matter either, see clip studio tabmate
>the tablet size should be as close as possible to my screen size (27 inch)

With that said, should I get the XP-Pen deco pro or the deco 01 v2?
Or is there something else you'd recommend?
I can't really find bigger ones that aren't really pricey.

>> No.27302673
File: 274 KB, 750x609, Ei-yUT0WkAAKNdH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina got upset in the DbD stream for the free win. During Mario Kart she told them to stop when she finally caught what they were doing, and they STILL did it despite her saying no. These people never get it. It makes them feel better about themselves so they won't actually stop.

>> No.27302675

I didn't go to my work.
Anyone streaming soon?

>> No.27302676
Quoted by: >>27302716

For someone supposedly obsessed with money she's doing a heck of a poor job milking her paypigs. I haven't even seen the Clouds dude in her last two monetized streams and can count the number of red supas per stream on one hand. Just like give them a wink or some shit to make them feel special and she'll probably rake in a few hundred more easy.

>> No.27302677
File: 128 KB, 720x1057, 1600011344994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27302701

>Goslings awaiting a wholesome arcade date when it's going to be Ame hitting the machine then drugging us halfway through

>> No.27302681


>> No.27302682
Quoted by: >>27302704


>> No.27302684
Quoted by: >>27302885

I really hope the Date stream is an elaborate bait and switch.

>> No.27302688
Quoted by: >>27302717

>bahasa? coupon
what the fuck

>> No.27302693
File: 26 KB, 389x389, 1601357763992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27302694
File: 108 KB, 802x402, which way.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Way Western Man?

>> No.27302697
Quoted by: >>27303088

Shit < slightly better smelling shit.
I still don't see what's gosling tier about her. Bad voice, shit at games, kind of a brainlet.

>> No.27302699

I want gf experience but in the sense of her getting pissed that you're shit at apex and her getting increasingly more tilted.

>> No.27302700

you don't know what she'll do

>> No.27302701

you underestimate gosling. She can stream ant observation all day long video and they will still watch it.

>> No.27302704

squeaking and squirting gura

>> No.27302705

I know Cover doesnt give a shit but Yagoo, who is the one in charge of the Hololive branch, should step up and do something. They are literally sitting on a goldmine of free advertisement, other tech companies would gladly fund all of the idols PC just to have Korone say "in game on doggo card X700000"

>> No.27302709


>> No.27302710
File: 105 KB, 1893x1024, billposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long until we get pic related posting?

>> No.27302712

didn't her stream lag non stop when her membership get added due to how much was coming in

>> No.27302713

Nice link chickenchama.

>> No.27302715
File: 91 KB, 1270x719, EjXk-RjXYAA1x1i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason why hololive is the worst prison on earth... Hope. Every virgin who has rotted here over the months has looked up to the holo's and imagined them being their girlfriend. So easy... So simple... And like shipwrecked men turning to sea water from uncontrollable thirst, many have died trying by spamming superchats. I learned here that there can be no true despair without hope. So, as I seduce the community, I will feed the Goslings hope to poison their souls. I will let them believe they can have a gf like me so that you can watch them clambering over each other to stay in the sun. You can watch me torture an entire community and when you have truly understood the depth of your failure, I will fulfill N**T's destiny... We will destroy the Goslings and then, when it is done and the Goslings are...ashes... then you have my permission to die.

>> No.27302716

Wow it's almost like it's a retarded narrative or something.

>> No.27302717
Quoted by: >>27302774

whoops how did that get in with my legit coupons

>> No.27302721
File: 616 KB, 543x767, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27302722

nutting deep inside gura while ina rims you

>> No.27302724

I already am

>> No.27302725

ganbare, kiara, i believe in you

>> No.27302727

Can you kick people in Tournament mode in Mario Kart?

>> No.27302732

Either way, the current app is not designed with this in mind so it would take a substantial rewrite to implement this. It's like the difference between a photoviewing app (their current build) and an image editor (your suggestion).

>> No.27302734

I like how Mori's doxx just made people like her more lol
yeah but in Kiara's case since she's aware this is not a good a thing the chances of affecting her mentally are small so it should be fine

>> No.27302736

please understand japanese archaic business practice bullshit

>> No.27302737

A chat baiting, bantering, and falseflagging a suffering chuba will always be 10000% better than a chat just pampering and pity-partying the suffering chuba.

>> No.27302743
File: 991 KB, 478x243, 1598823150176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27302745
Quoted by: >>27302857

Sounds like she's just a good streamer.

>> No.27302748

Was huke papa in the chat again?

>> No.27302750

Gura gets so much money from her sub count

>> No.27302756

What happened? People just letting her win I assume?

>> No.27302762

The former with GFE paywalled behind membership for a more immersive GFE experience

>> No.27302764

Oh god I hope I never tune into an Ame stream and have her talk about raycons or raid shadow legends...

>> No.27302771

FBK and Watame have already been sponsored and promoted Asus gaming laptops so Cover and Yagoo are just being incompetent and or greedy fucks as usual.

>> No.27302772

>say "a" a bunch of times
Thats all you need to be popular.

>> No.27302774


>> No.27302775

you know Kiara should look at her superchat numbers compared to her genmates if she wants to feel better about herself

>> No.27302778
Quoted by: >>27304206

Not a numberfag but I'm happy for our boy, she fucking did it deadbeatbros!

>> No.27302786

Not only Cover is a black company, they're also terrible at being one.

>> No.27302788

>>yeah but in Kiara's case since she's aware this is not a good a thing the chances of affecting her mentally are small so it should be fine

This is the same woman who thinks she'd be leeching off shark if she collabed(when everyone else already fucking did it). Her brain doesn't function properly.

She put on a challenge:
If she gets last place, she'll eat a cucumber salad. They refused to let her be last place despite her being fucking bad at the game.

>> No.27302793
Quoted by: >>27303076

Unless you're a professional, just get whatever works best for your budget and workspace.

Hell if I paid any mind to any of those guidelines when I bought my Cintiq 16. I just got it cause I prefer drawing on the screen, wasn't too pricey and it fits on my desk.

>> No.27302803

Her stomach growling could be for any reason. Some people just don’t eat much or have a shit tier diet. Saying it’s due to stress is retarded.

>> No.27302811

>Ina and Mori might eventually be able to stream more once they finish up their previous obligations.
Everything will be okay once Steiner attacks.

>> No.27302813

4k more subs until Gura catches Coco.

>> No.27302814
Quoted by: >>27302867

Fubuki gets ASUS sponsorships. She's done one for their gaming laptop and one for their gaming phone.

>> No.27302817
Quoted by: >>27302861

She made a bet that if she got last place then she'd eat a cucumber on-stream. Near the end it became apparent that people were literally stopping in front of the finish line so she wouldn't get last. She noticed and started calling them out but they kept doing it.

>> No.27302818

That would undermine her whole pity schtick and ruin her SC numbers.

>> No.27302821
Quoted by: >>27303045

>This is the same woman who thinks she'd be leeching off shark if she collabed
i know this is how it was retold here in the thread, but i've also seen people say repeatedly that was an exaggeration. what did she actually say?

>> No.27302824


>> No.27302825
Quoted by: >>27302904

Absolutely cringe. Why is it always western fans that pull this shit

>> No.27302827
Quoted by: >>27302996

We should collectively destroy Amelia posters.

>> No.27302833
Quoted by: >>27302904

Some anon mentioned this yesterday but the DbD free win might've just been an etiquette thing rather than stream sniping.

>> No.27302836

I feel like the part that bothers her the most isn't having lower numbers but rather being seen as a failure or the pitypick.

>> No.27302838
File: 738 KB, 850x1195, bane amelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27303130

>I will fulfill /r9k/'s destiny.

>> No.27302841

Yeah, how is she going to improve if she's never allowed to lose?

>> No.27302842

Being aware that your parasocial simps are of no help has no correlation to her insecurities in my opinion at least

>> No.27302846

Sandbaggers more afraid of Ina putting phallic object in her mouth than she is herself lol.

>> No.27302848

>Her brain doesn't function properly.
but it does function well in the areas she is good at
she wants to make good content not pity money look I know this is a bullshit sentence cause we all love money and all that but sometimes it's not about the moolah

>> No.27302849

i am suspicious that this is actually representative of how she eats, but this is all the food i've heard her talk about with enthusiasm:

seafood generally
hamburger with peanut butter
hamburgers generally
hot dog with mayonnaise
tootsie roll
buttered popcorn
raw ramen
french fries with ice cream

>> No.27302851
Quoted by: >>27303076

Both options are fine, big ups for not shelling out hundreds of dollars like some people do, but since you're just starting, get the cheaper one. You'll always be able to upgrade later.

>> No.27302854

>collab ban lifts in 1 week
How the fuck has it been a month

>> No.27302857

Well yeah. She absolutely has the most streaming experience out of the five of them, aside from maybe Ina. And even then, Ina's focus has been more on art than lengthy intense game streams.

>> No.27302861
Quoted by: >>27302898

Chat was getting annoyed at it as well, though I think that her giving Parker a lot of attention made everyone else think that if they did something they'd get noticed too.

>> No.27302862

Mindbroken already?

>> No.27302867

>gaming phone
but why?

>> No.27302868
File: 228 KB, 500x501, shark9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:3 Remember, Gawr-chan wants you to hydrate so your survive! We can't be chumbuddies if you're dead! :3:3

>> No.27302871

the youtube kids apps prevents viewers from donating.

>> No.27302872
Quoted by: >>27302922

I stopped watching at some point but yeah, she is terrible at the game. Its a suprise she even managed to finish in 6th and 8th place in the first couple of races.

>> No.27302878

Except that Kiara is completely correct, She asked people to not do this kind of thing, she would rather have critics, memes etc instead of pityposting, it's not a positive thing. No streamer appreciates concernfags.

>> No.27302880

I keep reading this post. The reason why people are saying she's hungry because she's stressed is because she fucking said so. Is she still not eating due to anxiety? I have no idea, but she said herself live on stream that she couldn't eat because she was stressed.

>> No.27302884

that's just called being Atlantean-American

>> No.27302885

What if it's another drug trip?

>> No.27302888

God it's been so comfy without coco

>> No.27302889
Quoted by: >>27302984

Did you see her debut and her now?

>> No.27302896
Quoted by: >>27302959

gura is awake and is liking tweets.

>> No.27302898
File: 157 KB, 380x274, jwoxj3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27303084

Goddammit Parker!

>> No.27302900

>ywn cook proper food for your oshi

>> No.27302904
Quoted by: >>27303105

I'm aware that it's etiquette, but my point was that she didn't know and it still upset her because she didn't like getting the free win. When she got attacked in the match after and the killer looked like he was just gonna leave her there she was like "OI OI OI?" until he picked her up.

Because, as I said earlier, it made them feel better about themselves. Look, they helped the streamer!!

Nowhere did I say that Kiara isn't right telling them off. I'm just saying it's both not going to stop them and to say it won't affect her is just wishful thinking.

>> No.27302905

She has a (?multiple??) sponsorship(s?) with gacha game(s?) so they probably want her to have something better to show off their stuff

>> No.27302909

Can I be "sexually attractive to each other"-buddies with Gura?

>> No.27302915

I choose.... my mori.

>> No.27302919

I don't know homie.

>> No.27302922

steering assist helped a lot early on and some of those 6th and 8th placing were more down to being in last/near last and getting some good items.

>> No.27302927
Quoted by: >>27302970

ok incel go shoot up a school or something instead

>> No.27302934
File: 2.13 MB, 1912x2700, EiwWWPcVoAAm1XD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know she will escalate things each week and before you know we'll literally get a stream of her telling us to kneel before her and lick her toes, right?

>> No.27302935

>Kiara roasting weebs who can't speak Japanese but think they can
Holy based why didn't anyone tell me this was in her SC stream

>> No.27302937
Quoted by: >>27302967

Gura needs covers and an original song. In english damnit.

>> No.27302943

let's face it though mori's dox feels less like a 'dox' and more like an actress doing a new role.

>> No.27302944

The "right" in bottom right wasn't because of her tech savviness, but because of her manipulation.

>> No.27302951


Wasn't Suisei someone who couldn't even make the cut for an idol? The girl went and bombed, then Yagoo turned her into gold.

>> No.27302957
File: 226 KB, 1766x2021, 1601422862616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27303052

I'm marrying Ame's socks

>> No.27302959

my drunken daughter has a hangover!

>> No.27302961

Its just that concernfags are actual western simps that were probably previously watching pokimane or some other ethot. They take their cringey simp culture from that shit and try to apply it to this not realizing holo is fundamentally different

>> No.27302967

>Helping their talents develop original songs
That's fucking funny.

>> No.27302968

superliminal happened

>> No.27302970


>> No.27302974
Quoted by: >>27303033


>> No.27302976

Yeah and then telling us that only T3 members actually get to kiss them

>> No.27302979

we can only hope

>> No.27302980
File: 34 KB, 590x350, K-1094095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks. I prefer to keep an empty stomach, until the hardest part of the day is done.

>> No.27302983
File: 2.73 MB, 1524x720, 1601049262004.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am again gonna watch Kiaras VODs now.
I know they went shit...

>> No.27302984

Yes her debut is just her now but louder and more annoying. Same shit comedic sense, shit singing, etc.

>> No.27302985

dude during the Kiara and Mori collab for the album Kiara pointed out Mori's shit pronunciation

>> No.27302990
Quoted by: >>27303020

I see you're making good progress with making that schedule, Gura. Lazy fuck

>> No.27302996

Somebody sent a link to these threads to Cover, they sent their discord army already (several MEGA accounts were reported and closed), there is nothing that can be done except humiliate them with condomposting until they kill themselves one by one.

>> No.27303007

I don't know why but I actually clapped IRL at this message.

>> No.27303011

God I wish

>> No.27303012

I'm going to core you if you keep coming to this thread.

>> No.27303020

Time traveler here, please give her an hour.

>> No.27303021

and thats a good thing!

>> No.27303022

It's ya boy

>> No.27303026

Don't do it anon it's too depressing, and not in the funny way

>> No.27303029

Still better than a pis5.

>> No.27303031

And then she starts the member stream, calls everyone there scum, and closes it.

>> No.27303033

Should be around 1:28:40

>> No.27303041

Dammit Mori!
Now all I can focus on is the skrellingtons!

>> No.27303045

Having watched the member stream live (so it's been a while) I'd say she puts it in less harsh terms, but yeah. It's pretty Implied that she thinks others will think she's a leech. Don't feel like digging the stream back up. But if there's interest I might bother

>> No.27303046

it wasn't that bad she kept the stream entertaining

>> No.27303050
Quoted by: >>27303094

>Yabai moments
>huge superchat numbers
>anti drama
>all members already about 250k, nearly all at 300k or above
>Gura a legit contender for first to 1 mil subscribers

It's like a speedrun of all of HoloJP to this point

>> No.27303049 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27303109

She's going to mindbreak Goslings into licking N**T's cum off her feet

>> No.27303051
Quoted by: >>27303161

M-maybe EN collabs will help ID grow...

>> No.27303052
File: 65 KB, 579x536, tm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A'm married to me missus but a'll watch that girl on th' telly while I 'ave a few tins of stella I will

>> No.27303054

I can't believe vods can record lag.

>> No.27303058

Chicken actually has talent. She is multilingual in three languages and she is a good singer. Amelia has nothing except pajeet tier tech support. All of holoEN is talented except for her.

>> No.27303063
Quoted by: >>27303093

Imagine hearing that from self-hating white.

>> No.27303064

that's your headcanon
she said she thinks it's funny how people who know very little japanese but try to use it get complimented, but once your japanese is native level good no one mentions anything anymore

>> No.27303065
File: 7 KB, 383x207, Captura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27303092

Psssh… Nothin Personnel… Kid…

>> No.27303071
File: 56 KB, 585x543, 1601388766299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nihongo jouzu

>> No.27303076

Thanks, I was eyeing the cheaper one because I prefer its design, just wanted to confirm there isn't another option I'm overseeing.

>> No.27303084

>want to call Ina antis "Parkers"
>there are no Ina antis

>> No.27303088
Quoted by: >>27303141

thanks for the (yous) <span class="sjis">[/spoiler]

>> No.27303089
Quoted by: >>27303118


You know it's cute how her character bounces between absolute self-deprecation and flexing like Hulk Hogan.

>> No.27303090

>Shark will get a new costume too. Seems like they get new outfit based on subs count and not generational.
I've always wondered about that. It's the popular Holos who gets priority over the higher earners. Of course there's overlap like Rushia but that's still the trend.

Coco hasn't got shit yet.

>> No.27303092
File: 155 KB, 1615x786, 54646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27303122

Good... keep it up and you might get closer to my feet

>> No.27303093

she's not self hating stop that narrative, for some people that speak multiple languages your first one is more personal obviously this won't apply to english as first language

>> No.27303094

>Yabai moments
4chan shizo posting is not yabai moments

>> No.27303098

gura best girl

>> No.27303099

It really is the definition of Suffering From Success.

>> No.27303105

Just wanted to say that your replies are pretty based anon

>> No.27303106
File: 828 KB, 1084x677, 84088349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I learned here that there can be no true despair without hope.

>> No.27303107
Quoted by: >>27303425

ame has charisma
why else would she create so many goslings

>> No.27303109

You dont even need to mindbreak them, theyre already at that level

>> No.27303110

i dont hate ina but her fan base is exclusively hugboxers who concernfag every en girl

>> No.27303118

Menheras are the spiciest gap moe.

>> No.27303122
File: 767 KB, 1280x720, 56168864546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27303205


>> No.27303123
Quoted by: >>27303193

Mori LITERALLY said n-word a few times bro.../

>> No.27303125
File: 74 KB, 664x830, 93756523_933543250411753_4168522307351228642_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She is multilingual in three languages and she is a good singer.

She needs to start banking on that singing voice though, it's for her not to be putting out original work like Mori.

>> No.27303130
File: 791 KB, 1280x720, goose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27303137

What the fuck?

>> No.27303140
Quoted by: >>27303425

Being a good entertainer is a skill. Not the guy saying she's better than kiara, but to say ame has nothing is wrong.

>> No.27303141

>has no rebuttal
>haha gottem
Are Amelia fags really this pathetic?

>> No.27303146
Quoted by: >>27303227

How can Mori resist that?

>> No.27303148
Quoted by: >>27303217

>Ina's fanbase!!!

Bro, they've been doing this shit since before EN existed. Don't try to pin it on one fanbase, it's just westerners in general.

>> No.27303152

that sounds like another fanbase though

>> No.27303154
File: 1.13 MB, 2159x1894, EjirpQQXgAAQWia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hm... based or not based?

>> No.27303155
File: 46 KB, 512x384, unnamed (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up Parker!
I wouldn't say exclusively, but there are quite a few

>> No.27303157


>> No.27303159
File: 5 KB, 362x43, 1932010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final image

>> No.27303161

Risu is a fan of HER so maybe she’ll collab with Gura

>> No.27303167
File: 44 KB, 512x512, ffbe76089c0729e36d62a2fffbacf71b0684f05b_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I learned here that there can be no true despair without hope.

>> No.27303168
Quoted by: >>27303227

any rips of her gravur books?

>> No.27303169

i found video of kiara getting slapped by her manager

<span class="sjis">


>> No.27303176

Mori and Kiara should make a song together. I'd literally die for that.

>> No.27303177
Quoted by: >>27303433

Been keeping track when it starts each day. I guess schools out in Europe by this time?

>> No.27303178

That must hurt like hell. Nice angle though

>> No.27303182

Ame implying that Gura was drinking salmon semen was pretty yabai

>> No.27303187
Quoted by: >>27303364

Chickenfags seem to be the hugboxers. Ina just got unlucky getting those guys in MK8.

>> No.27303189

Man, giving her the potato laptop wasn't enough huh.

>> No.27303191

it was bait all along not even a tem8 nigger just like (you)s <span class="sjis">[/spoiler]

>> No.27303192

holy shit

>> No.27303193

It still boggles my mind that people think tricking streamers with superchat names like that is funny.

>> No.27303198

she was though

>> No.27303203


heres your (you)

>> No.27303204
Quoted by: >>27303252

Guts posting needs to stop. It's a bad omen for our girl.

>> No.27303205
Quoted by: >>27303232

No wonder you like Ame

>> No.27303208
Quoted by: >>27303231

>every virgin
Stop projecting your mental illness on others

>> No.27303217

most concern fags have ina avatars and her artist skills attract tumbler shits

>> No.27303221

this is so fucking sad yet arousing

>> No.27303227
Quoted by: >>27303255


That's not her

>> No.27303229

>combo of rap and idol singing
Would be either complete kino or mediocre but I'm betting on the former.

>> No.27303230

Banjos only.

>> No.27303231


>> No.27303232
Quoted by: >>27303273

It was a nice show. I miss Xebec...

>> No.27303235
Quoted by: >>27303342

lmao I haven't followed last few days of streams, when did this happen?

>> No.27303237
Quoted by: >>27303353

>when your Nihongo is not jouzu
>get told your Nihongo is jouzu
>when your Nihongo is jouzu
>nobody tells you your Nihongo is jouzu
I kinda understand this now:

>> No.27303248

It's salman milk. The milk that comes when there's baby salman.

>> No.27303252
Quoted by: >>27303297

I think you mean HERposting and numberposting. It's putting unhealthy expectations on Gura.

>> No.27303255
Quoted by: >>27303348


Yeah, that's Loli_Dololi. Did anyone get confused?

>> No.27303256
Quoted by: >>27303287

>20k+ people watching
>3 people sandbag
>"Inas entire fan base are concernfags"
Also everyone in chat was telling those fuckers to stop sandbagging

>> No.27303261

how do you make a short sound clip from their bideos?

>> No.27303263

These dozens upon dozens of Gura fanarts with tactically covered pantsu is having the reverse effect of making me think that Gura goes commando.

>> No.27303271


>> No.27303273

It really was. Maybe we would have gotten an S2 if both them and the author didn't die.

>> No.27303287
Quoted by: >>27303392

He saw someone with an Ina avatar "spoiling" minecraft for Kiara and decided to generalize. It's why I stopped responding to him.

People have been concernfagging since the dawn of fucking time, Korone has told people to fucking stop and they still do it despite her getting annoyed.

>> No.27303291
Quoted by: >>27303348

to be fair on Risu, she also has Streamlabs for donations so her SC aren't truly representative of her donations. It's true the IN girls don't get as much interest however.

>> No.27303296
Quoted by: >>27303324

load the video in your video editor, clip the section you want, then save just the audio. the details depend on what video editor you choose.

>> No.27303297

>Posting that she's going to be the most powerful vtuber in history is more unhealthy than saying it'd be just fine if she was like she was before.

>> No.27303300

Isn't that just Saint Snow?

>> No.27303303


>> No.27303309

just use it as the nickname for the concernfags instead

>> No.27303313
Quoted by: >>27303319

Spats is the canon Gura underwear.

>> No.27303319
Quoted by: >>27303344

Misspelled nopan

>> No.27303320
Quoted by: >>27303344

During Outlast stream
>"Hey could you put some pants on?... Like, I get where you're coming from but y'know..."
gura canon nopan confirmed

>> No.27303321

*as unhealthy, even.

>> No.27303324
Quoted by: >>27303398

i mean is there a site to do it

>> No.27303325
Quoted by: >>27303372

she was an alcoholic before so unhealthy in a different way

>> No.27303329
Quoted by: >>27303376

nopan, bandaid, spats, either way i love all options

>> No.27303331

Besides this arcade date thing, I don't really get why people keep saying that Amelia is trying to push the "girlfriend experience". Did I miss something?

>> No.27303332

>I learned here that there can be no true despair without hope. So, as I seduce the community, I will feed the Goslings hope to poison their souls
But from this will emerge the ultimate Gosling hope that can overcome any despair
Despair is just stepladder for hope

>> No.27303342
Quoted by: >>27303373

During the big collab gura had a "salmon milk" milk carton next to her and Ama kept asking what salmon milk is

>> No.27303343

did you not watch the stream?
literally the cultists said not to sandbag her, both in chat and in here

>> No.27303344

nopan mind

>> No.27303348

hopefully not but some people did buy from the past life then claimed hacked so you can't be sure with retards
Honestly any girl smart enough for a streamlabs link is pretty fucking amazing

>> No.27303353
Quoted by: >>27303365

She really needs to start those karaoke streams.
She's also the best at being a lightning rod for bad luck, attracts enough bad luck you'd think she was attracting it from others in her gen

>> No.27303354

Misinterpretation of the Karaoke stream

>> No.27303355
Quoted by: >>27303437

See above, we already discussed this. tldr half narrative and half just the content she's done so far.

>> No.27303357
Quoted by: >>27303423

>Saint Snow



>> No.27303364

Chicken said she doesn't want hugboxing in the early superchat reading. Hugboxers are chickenantis

>> No.27303365

I hope she remembers the whole translating songs gimmick she can do jap into german german into english etc

>> No.27303368

You must've missed the chat during the Mario Kart stream. It was all green and it wasn't due to people suddenly becoming members. They were hungry for cucumber salad.

>> No.27303372

Do we know she was an alcoholic or is that just yet another narrative? Drinking for your own enjoyment != alcoholism, see Mori.

>> No.27303373

That was Chicken

>> No.27303376

I like the aesthetics of bandaids but it screams like you're wearing "I <3 Canada" shirt carelessly.

>> No.27303385 [DELETED] 

>I learned here that there can be no true despair without hope.
/人 人\

>> No.27303386

Check her schedule and look at the members only stream and ask yourself the same question

>> No.27303392

you're a retard for responding in the first place

>> No.27303393
Quoted by: >>27303417

>"I <3 Canada" shirt

>> No.27303394

The true girlfriend experience is watching and teasing your gf because she suck ass at simple video games like Mario Odyssey.

>> No.27303396

no, it's just a narrative

>> No.27303397

>Chicken wants to sleep in Coco's bed
DragonxPhoenix legendary ship?

>> No.27303398
Quoted by: >>27303422

>Wanting to use a site for your editing purposes
Have your heard about our lord and savior, Richard Stallman?

>> No.27303417

if you cover up CANADA so you remove the C then the DA it becomes ANAL

>> No.27303422

at this point i wouldn't bother replying. anyone who is too lazy to install something and learn it is too lazy to do any meaningful amount of fan labor anyway.

>> No.27303423

Haven't heard of this before today but that's some good shit

>> No.27303425
Quoted by: >>27303478

To each their own, but Amelia doesn’t really come off as being more charismatic or entertaining than the others. She is just the only one that fills in the “gamergirl” vibe that simps really love. Funny enough Gura is actually better at games from what I’ve seen. She is actually at the very least decent to good.

>> No.27303426

Kiara already helped her out in the Dead Beats song. She was the other voice in the chorus. She can rap, I believe her.

>> No.27303428

>Why is the narrative [thing that annoys people]?
Gee, I wonder.

>> No.27303433

Do your timezone reps.

>> No.27303436

Amelia is HERE

>> No.27303437

Yeah, it just seems like people getting clingy and then blaming it on her.

>> No.27303438

It's pretty funny that her initial question got twisted like that, it really wasn't that lewd.

>> No.27303440

Saint Snow is the only good thing to come out of the dumpster fire that was Aqours.

>> No.27303443

Apparently something happened in the superliminal stream? Only skimmed it, so no clue what goslings are talking about

>> No.27303449
Quoted by: >>27303560

I volunteer to inspect guras butt then

>> No.27303458

the alcoholism was part of her kayfabe. she would actually drink for fun but people exaggerate and conflate her real tendencies with her character's. the funniest thing about it is that she possibly made the jump because she was tired of that image and yet people still continue to pin it on.

>> No.27303459

Anonchama... your Rabu Raibu reps...

>> No.27303465
Quoted by: >>27303528


>> No.27303474

Can she even drink? I guess if she isn't from the US she can drink starting from 18 but she dragged the alcoholic thing for years, makes me wonder if it was all just pretending for the sake of comedy.

>> No.27303477

What should I bring for Amelia's date stream?

>> No.27303478
Quoted by: >>27303534

Only certain games. She admitted in the Maneater stream she's got issues with games with lots of buttons or open worlds where you can easily get lost in.

>> No.27303489
Quoted by: >>27303530

tfw every evening I'm done for the day, turn off my pc to go to sleep and get reminded that there's something other than hololive and /hlgg/
weird feeling

>> No.27303490

She said in the latest SC stream that she can rap. Even in Japanese.

>> No.27303500

That's kind of the idea, isn't it?
I thought the whole idea of vaginal stickers/bandaids came from anal fetish JAV where they used it so they wouldn't have to mosaic the whole crotch.

>> No.27303503

why do you think she's that young

>> No.27303505
Quoted by: >>27303717


>> No.27303506

>was an entertainer/content creator exaggerating for the sake of comedy?

>> No.27303507
Quoted by: >>27303566

>official retarded narrative

>> No.27303511

Nothing particular happened. Thread was already full of goslingposters even before stream started

>> No.27303514

A noose.

>> No.27303515

>newfags unironically believe in narratives
i'm just shitposting and creating OCs and you retards suddenly believe everything

>> No.27303516

If she lives in japan, it could very well be an alcoholic situation

>> No.27303524
Quoted by: >>27303556

Ccoins. lots of them just to wreck her in fighting games

>> No.27303528

More cute panels for my folder, thanks, very nice.

>> No.27303530

>he doesn't plug a cord straight into his skull so he can dreamstream of vtubers and /hlgg/

>> No.27303534

>problems with open worlds you can easily get lost in
>enjoys minecraft
don't take everything at face value

>> No.27303536

You only missed a few years of lurking and maybe a dose of meds

>> No.27303537

There were already goslings before superliminal but it was just her being cutesy and then one part of the game where she's like "wow look at all the pretty stars, this could be us" or something to that effect and that's what drove the thread wild

>> No.27303556
Quoted by: >>27303596

>Ame hasn't starting distributing tickets for the arcade yet.
Are you even trying Ame?

>> No.27303560

Oh, that's hot then.


>> No.27303561

Sorry bro but I'm already bringing her kitkats

>> No.27303566
Quoted by: >>27303610

Why did you wait an hour to doublereply?

>> No.27303572

The legal drinking age has never stopped people from being alcoholics, anon. Either way, it doesn't seem like she'd be young enough to be underage anyway.

>> No.27303579
Quoted by: >>27303615

>calling your gf a piece of shit
do normaltards really?

>> No.27303580
Quoted by: >>27303752

I know people are autistic but are they really so bad at reading people/emotions/atmosphere that they can't see what Amelia is doing? Her karaoke stream alone should have removed all doubt.

>> No.27303582

She will tell me how much I suck even at arcade games and tell me that I am a sicko for liking to be scolded by her.

>> No.27303585
Quoted by: >>27303631

Kiara is gonna do alright when she's allowed to do collabs with the jap girls. They will steal her from HololiveEN.

>> No.27303592


Wonder when Nijisanji will try their hand. Sure they have that [EN] team, but let's be honest...it's more of a Gen -1, then a Gen 0.

>> No.27303596


>> No.27303598

I feel like you guys don't know what actual alcoholics look like.
Getting drunk and acting silly is not it. Especially when they're obviously doing it for an act

>> No.27303601
Quoted by: >>27303654

why the fuck doesn't akirose have her english name in her channel title?

>> No.27303606

Post the time stamp

>> No.27303610

he was late to be angry about it

>> No.27303614

I'm just saying. Anticipating greatness for Gura is fine, but only being there for the numbers and a different character aren't real good expectations that you can expect to fully pay off. And I can tell you that the purpose of ChumGuts isn't meant to cause any sort of "bad omens".

>> No.27303615

spotted the virgin

>> No.27303629

i like kiara

>> No.27303630
Quoted by: >>27303699

Dead Beats is all Mori.

>> No.27303631

JOP's will never see her as a JP and EOP's will never see her as an EN, but she'll always have her hardcore fans.

>> No.27303646

oof okay that was indeed rough, so happy when she talked about the collab with Subaru and then MC fuckin crashes.

>> No.27303649

kiss me...

>> No.27303653

She seemed really calm and easygoing in what I can only assume was one of her final streams that was uploaded to BB and no one, I never got to see the other ones but it strikes me that the drinking memeshitter thing was more just for her youtube songs.

She just sounds young, I doubt she was below drinking age even back then.

>> No.27303654

To filter EOPs of course.

>> No.27303664

What's stopping kiara from being seen as Coco 2.0?

>> No.27303667

Dangerously good taste

>> No.27303679

She already is.

>> No.27303681


Didn't he just describe Coco?

>> No.27303686

C'mon Mori, you know we're just friends

>> No.27303687

It's ok, she has me.

>> No.27303692
Quoted by: >>27303720

down by the broken tree house...

>> No.27303699



>> No.27303708

nice try but i'm a Chad

>> No.27303709

At first I liked everyone but Kiara. Now I only like Kiara.

>> No.27303712

the stupid amount of work coco put in when she was new

>> No.27303717

wtf haven't heard this name since 2008

>> No.27303720

my heart...

>> No.27303725


Bad internet and poltato PC, give her time, and she has the personality, not even Mori can do that.

>> No.27303728
Quoted by: >>27303761

Yes. Should I repeat the question?

>> No.27303744

Why don't they discuss the streams in /hlg/ anymore?

>> No.27303746
Quoted by: >>27303917

How's the dragging going familyposter?

>> No.27303748

I got Indies vtuber recommendation and she's only got 5 viewer average after a year and only 200-ish sub while streaming regularly.

I kinda respect Ame now and happy she can join hololive.

>> No.27303752
Quoted by: >>27303973

She just sang some love songs, right? Girls like love songs. Most songs are love songs. Seems normal to me.
Feels ironic for me to be called the autistic one.

>> No.27303754

Combination of timing and image. Gen 4 debuted at the absolute perfect time to be ready to make use of the Hololive boom this year and all had established identities when a ton of new viewers came to watch them. In addition, Kiara is currently (falsely) seen as the pitypick since she hasn't had time to flesh out her identity whereas Coco has been seen as muh hardworking strong yakuza boss. Also helps that Coco put in a ton of time and effort.

>> No.27303757
Quoted by: >>27304187

*and no one seemed disappointed that she wasn't drunk
Fixed, dunno how I missed that bit.

>> No.27303761
Quoted by: >>27303822

have you ever heard of masochists?

>> No.27303765

How much hype is there for Ina karaoke?

>> No.27303767
Quoted by: >>27303787

You must give them pity views now.

>> No.27303787

Yes I will

>> No.27303793

indie hunting can be nice if you actually stick with them I just don't like it when they get treated as a one week girl then forgotten by her new "fans" though this is more a topic for vy
Honestly how good of a singer is she even like on a scale of Ame to Kiara?

>> No.27303800

>sings white girl classics, meme songs, and a song from a movie about how a virtual GF won't end well
People really think she's some 5D mastermind trying to rope the goslings in?

>> No.27303804

I already did the moment I heard you sing Pururin, Ame-chan...

>> No.27303807


>> No.27303812

That's just Mori twice

>> No.27303821

You know instead of talking about our dumb narratives during dead hours, what about for once what are the narratives that 5ch has (on EN)

Or are they still stuck on the jannie thing?

>> No.27303822
Quoted by: >>27303873

most women are normal, masochist women are like 1% of them

>> No.27303823
Quoted by: >>27303863

I'm still editing my goslings to have purple eyes.

>> No.27303827 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty hype
Same time as Gura thankfully.

>> No.27303833

How do you come across indie vtubers?

>> No.27303841
Quoted by: >>27303904

When is Weebstar joining holostars?

>> No.27303842

last night, most of our discussion of that was how to block him from being suggested by youtube

>> No.27303846

Thanks, I hate it.

>> No.27303856

Don't post this fucker here.

>> No.27303861

All the voices in the song are Mori. She has that seiso voice on/off thing going.

>> No.27303863


>> No.27303864

The combination of that dude's voice, movements, and his avatar unironically sends me into a seething shoot.

>> No.27303866
Quoted by: >>27303937

They literally copy/paste anything they can find in these threads. Pretty sure we could convince them of anything.

>> No.27303871

Haven't seen many updates since the Taiwan debacle and I guess the janitor shit just followed on from that.

>> No.27303873


>> No.27303876

Dumpster diving through twitch. Chances are if you find a couple, you find some more since they tend to form close circles.

>> No.27303881
Quoted by: >>27303914

I'm afraid of watching streamers with ultra-low viewer count because I don't want them to call out my name.

>> No.27303885


>> No.27303891

Post THAT narrative

>> No.27303894

>Kiara let it slip she thinks Ame maxed out WILL instead of LUCK
It's all your fault guys...

>> No.27303896
Quoted by: >>27303925

>Kiara literally says she doesn't want pityposting
>this absolute faggot makes a video out of a reddit post
God fucking damnit.

>> No.27303903

Really it was just one line during the planetarium room, something like "Wow look at all the stars, so many yet there's just us"
Plus Goslingposters projected their own desire to date her just because of the "ambiance" from the BGM
The rest of the stream is just her playing the game normally

>> No.27303904
Quoted by: >>27303974

He'll be Gen 1 EN along with Gigguck, Nux, and Hero.

>> No.27303909
Quoted by: >>27303992

They think Ina is married cause they saw us talking about her FFXIV wedding.

>> No.27303914

Based anxiety-anon
me too

>> No.27303917

all is comfy. more shark soon. legendary karaoke. the chumbuddy family grows. the great hydration is nigh

>> No.27303921

Anyone else think Amelia will actually be the one with the least JP collabs?
She speaks no Japanese and there's no immediately "yes these two MUST collab!" feel I have about any pairing.

That said, it would be funny to see her and Haachama

>> No.27303925
Quoted by: >>27303967

It's almost like she knows exactly what she's doing or something.

>> No.27303937

To be honest, we're the same and believe anything they say about HoloJP

>> No.27303938

Gura is a military grade AI gone rouge which is why she has no past

>> No.27303946

the way Risu voice changes when she sings is scary

>> No.27303948

ngl, kind hyped.
The moment she goes JIBUN WO is the moment chat crashes under the weight of too many tentacle glowstick emotes.

>> No.27303952

Look at Ina's karaoke, the thread will all be goslings, but it'll be accepted because Ina is comfy.

>> No.27303953
Quoted by: >>27303979

Ame vs. Botan in Quake

>> No.27303958

the EOP EN's are for western indies

>> No.27303960
Quoted by: >>27304273

Yeah her and Haachama seems like a good pairing. Other than that I don't see any. Maybe she can buddy up with the ID girls.

>> No.27303962

Gura doesn't know a lick of JP either though

>> No.27303967

Cute narrative but no, it's just shows that this guy doesn't even watch her, he just checks reddit and makes videos with what he find there.

>> No.27303973

Watson's a gigantic romanticist fed a constant supply of shoujo manga and otome games through her formative years
Her song choice during the karaoke stream was half "fuck with the Goslings", half her own rose-tinted tastes IMO

>> No.27303974

Who are these nobodies? Everyone knows HolostarsEN Gen 1 is going to be Steve1989MREInfo, MandaloreGaming and The Distributist

>> No.27303977
Quoted by: >>27304058

So does Gura HAVE a banjo or will she get one?

>> No.27303978

Gura also doesn't speak any Jap.

>> No.27303979

true camaraderie forms not through words, but through frags

>> No.27303980
Quoted by: >>27304022

>gone rouge
We went past code red and straight into rouge

>> No.27303983
Quoted by: >>27304022

>She's one of the old chatbots that 4chan flooded with shitposting and useless meme knowledge years ago and just eventually developed self-awareness

>> No.27303991
Quoted by: >>27304051


>> No.27303992

Surely they know better than anyone else about FFXIV marriage.

>> No.27303995

>tfw chingchong runaway and can only read the kanji in japanese
I just can't fucking hiragana, man. Kanji is easy but how can anyone differentiate the squiggles?

>> No.27304002

what are some /hlgg/ approved indies?

>> No.27304004

At Ame's level or maybe slightly better, less than Gura. Ina might be better if she isn't nervous about it. You can see some of her singing during her debut stream.

>> No.27304009

It all makes sense now, no wonder his vids are trash

>> No.27304016
Quoted by: >>27304419

When she did a duet with herself it was pure kino

>> No.27304019

She could collab with Coco or Haachama

>> No.27304021

Gura and Ame will collab with big-name western youtubers while Kiara and Mori are stuck pandering to a smaller market

>> No.27304022

Oh no. Oh nonononononononononono. Gura is TAYTAY holy shit.

>> No.27304023

That's not Risu, that's Ayunda.

>> No.27304024
Quoted by: >>27304281

I see this misspelling fucking everywhere. Do people do this just to fuck with other people?

>> No.27304025

ame maxed libido

>> No.27304027
Quoted by: >>27304135

Think it would be easy for managers to get permissions for early 00s obscure slav games?

>> No.27304036

>Honestly how good of a singer is she even like on a scale of Ame to Kiara?

>> No.27304048

SSeth Holostar WHEN?

>> No.27304051


>> No.27304058

she has one she already knows how to play a little

>> No.27304061

I'd support him

>> No.27304062

According to Kiara, Gura doesn't speak Japanese either. Obviously there's more incentive to collab with Gura but there's no reason Ame can't. I actually think she and Polka would be fun together.

>> No.27304063
Quoted by: >>27304089

they will definitely try come up with some ways for the EOP holoENs to collab with the JOPs, but they won't be the kind of stuff we are accustomed to with the talent talking to each other a lot.

>> No.27304064
Quoted by: >>27304102

Proof? She seems to sing those jap songs pretty well. I wouldn’t be surprised that she didn’t know much, but at the same time we haven’t seen her speak much jap either.

>> No.27304065

>leech doing leech things
color me surprised

>> No.27304072

Also Steve from Gamer's Nexus and Woolie to complete the gen.

>> No.27304076

Wouldn't a roguelike be the best thing for a game-oriented holo to play? There's a good enough balance of gameplay and downtime for short zatsudans. I remember seeing something about Mori getting Hades, do you think any of the other EN girls would be into roguelikes?

>> No.27304080

She barely has any JOP fans, why bother

>> No.27304088


>> No.27304089

>Kiara becomes translator for both sides

>> No.27304090

According to Chicken:
>If every holoEN dumped all their points into 1 stat
>Ame would be Luck or Willpower
>Ina would be Intelligence
>Mori would be Strength
>Gura would be Agillity
>Kiara would be Charisma
Does /hlgg/ agree?

>> No.27304091

Fuck that's hot

>> No.27304095

Can't tell if she let it slip or she let her ETL slip.

>> No.27304102

Kiara's membership stream.

>> No.27304103

I'd rather Plague than Woolie, frankly. At least Plague can draw and animate.

>> No.27304104

Yeah but Gura is the meme shark so everyone will throw themselves at her from coco to matsuri to marine etc

>> No.27304108

I'd watch the fuck out of that.

>> No.27304111

Also this

>> No.27304119
Quoted by: >>27304154

binding of isaac is free content if you look at how long some youtubers run their lets plays

>> No.27304121

Gura said she wanted to do Enter the Gungeon at some point

>> No.27304122

shes pretty good
why are girls so good at singing

>> No.27304125

>Gura is a military grade AI gone rouge
So she's Sharon Apple (forma de Gala?)

>> No.27304127

The question is how many layers of overlays he'll have.

>> No.27304128
Quoted by: >>27304408

She's probably not that young, but also I managed to become a raging alcoholic and get sober all between 18-20 in Burgerland.

>> No.27304133

>starts with "hey, hey people"
>Membership is the Merchants Guild
>does literally nothing different besides have an avatar
Would be perfect

>> No.27304134

An AI developed from technology dredged from the depths of the Mariana Trench. The remnants of a long dead civilization built around a dead god. Beyond death, the god slumbers. It's unrealities twisting fiction to fact, horrifying nightmares unmaking even those who sought to worship it's power. It stirs

>> No.27304135

I'm sure someone in his bafflingly large eastern european fanbase would be more than happy to be the go-between so we could get a Vangers playthrough.

>> No.27304138

Gura > Ina > Kiara > Mori? > Amelia

>> No.27304141

>Also Steve from Gamer's Nexus

>> No.27304154

It would be career suicide to still be playing Isaac in like 2020 or something

>> No.27304156

Maybe give Mori Willpower instead of Strength, other than that I'd agree.

>> No.27304171

Tasmanian devil holo soon

>> No.27304172

Ina Nethack when

>> No.27304173

I'd say that Gura has CHA seeing as how popular she is and Kiara has CON for putting up with all the shit she went through.

>> No.27304175 [DELETED] 

Gura has a very good singing voice as well
Her cover of the Made in Abyss OP was well sung

>> No.27304177

Wow Gura is a slut

>> No.27304178


>> No.27304187
Quoted by: >>27304351

It's moreso that people made the same kind of jokes about her getting drunk before. All over her comments and shit. The people who actually tuned into her streams were bigger fans. Nobody was being serious but I could imagine her getting kind of bored with it.

>> No.27304189


>> No.27304194
Quoted by: >>27304234

You forgot gun jesus to complement

>> No.27304198

I can see her in 3-way collabs, with Kiara, Mori or the reddit dragon as a chain link.

>> No.27304200


>t+, fucking, pazolite is a deadbeat

>> No.27304201
Quoted by: >>27304311

Yes they are.

>> No.27304202
Quoted by: >>27304299

I'm not really sure why I did but I might as well post it because I already made it

>> No.27304204

implying matsuri isnt already planning a rape trap to get her lolicon rocks off

>> No.27304206

Same. Truly "based".

>> No.27304205

gura is definitely maximum CHA

>> No.27304207

I'd love to see ame play strafe

>> No.27304212

Doesn't stop it from being a shit mix.

>> No.27304214
Quoted by: >>27304319

It's going to be pretty pathetic, honestly. I'm not looking forward to to watching them fall over themselves just to kneel before someone who replicated and surpassed their success by doing almost nothing by comparison.

>> No.27304218
Quoted by: >>27304255

It's because she was basing on the characters

>> No.27304220
Quoted by: >>27304311


>> No.27304224

I love Gura but she isn't rank 1 singing I'll admit she has the soul but not the fundamentals

>> No.27304225

Hades is has both Action Roguelike and Roguelite as it's top tags, get with the times boomer

>> No.27304228


Mori should definitely try Brogue. She's the only EN who can get away playing indie stuff.

>> No.27304229
Quoted by: >>27304253

ok i'll tell amelia you want this

>> No.27304231

If I holo played dungeon crawl stone soup I would cream my pants right then and there.

>> No.27304234
Quoted by: >>27304373

Ohaiyo minna-san ore wa Ian McCallum~

>> No.27304235

Doesn't Kiara have better range than Ina?

>> No.27304241

who's rank 1 then?

>> No.27304250

Maybe because she's subscribe to Gura and Aqua and I watch these two on regular basis. For once YouTube algorithm help her

>> No.27304251

ehhh gura could probably get away with indie horror games

>> No.27304253

no tell her I want the maximum gosling pandering, rushia overdrive

>> No.27304255

Even so, it would make sense for chicken to have max CON since it lets her get the Resurrect perk.

>> No.27304257
Quoted by: >>27304285

>retards misusing steamtags means I am right!
We gave you the compromis term roguelite. Fucking use it.

>> No.27304262

ame would be a lot better if she used autotune like kiara and gura

>> No.27304266

chicken knows more about her fellow genmates more than any of us really will
i guess ame works harder than some of us thought for chicken to say her willpower would be her dump stat

>> No.27304267

I suggested she play Post Void on marshmallow (though I might pay for a superchat for that). That game would be perfect because it's challenging but it has an end and she could probably beat it on one stream.

>> No.27304271


But...you already do.

>Let's open this Skyrim chest.
>Nice hiss.

>> No.27304270

Mori shouldn't even be here because we've literally never heard her pre-processing. Just like the people praising Kiara because of her roommate's shit despite her Karaoke stream not being so hot are also retarded.

>> No.27304272

Kiara is #1 from a "proper", vocal coach singing perspective but it's understandable if people prefer Gura

>> No.27304273

Hooking onto EN would be a boon for the indogs. Bet most don't even know about them.

>> No.27304281

I’m stupid and can’t spell

>> No.27304285

You need a rope

>> No.27304287

kiara with studio recording and autotune

>> No.27304288

why do people rate Mori so low even though songs are her specialty? I get that that she mostly does rap which a lot of people don't count as real singing but that doesn't mean she can't normally sing well.

>> No.27304296
Quoted by: >>27304329

Stop using her karaoke'd japanese songs as a comparison
It's funny how fags keep comparing this to Kiara's rehearsed overproduced idolshit productions

>> No.27304299

Nice, quite fitting. Streamsniper harassment

>> No.27304304

Kiara is unironically the best singer in EN then probably Mori second but that's just due to how much singing they've done. I'm sure after the other girls get more experience/training hell Kiara could do some teaching the placement would shift. Gura is nice but mainly due to just doing something over and over instead of actually having the experience to sing you notice it with her breath control

>> No.27304306

Roguelikes are awful streaming games though.

>> No.27304311
Quoted by: >>27304330

Imagine searching for eurobeat music or whatever but all you get recommended is jazz, metal, funk and everything that's not eurobeat, that's what happened to roguelikes

>> No.27304319

But anon, she said 'a'. That takes a lot of talent.

>> No.27304323

t. faggot who heard her roommate's shit and judging it through that

Fuck off already

>> No.27304325

Just woke up, what happened?

>> No.27304327

man god, animals , and technology , and the internet hates kiara

>> No.27304329

you know she did a karaoke stream also it was part of the thread bitching cause she wrote her setlist in japanese

>> No.27304330
Quoted by: >>27304375

nah it's more like
imagine searching for jazz and all you get is electro-swing and everyone keeps calling it jazz

>> No.27304336
Quoted by: >>27304355

>spamming it every day
Man, I regret linking it here. Just so you know, there's plenty of great articles on that site, most without clickbaity titles too.

>> No.27304351

Makes sense I suppose.

>> No.27304353
Quoted by: >>27304403

This meme narrative needs to die.

>> No.27304354

Does Kiara have the worst chat in all of hololive?

>> No.27304355

yeah it's a real funny blog, thanks for linking it buddy I picked it from here.

>> No.27304361
Quoted by: >>27304391

you do remmeber when she did karaoke with her shit mic right?

>> No.27304364

I think they're fine as long as you're not being autistic about it. Don't 100% get all weapons/collectibles/abilities or whatever you collect/upgrade. Play it from time to time, complete it once, then you're done (unless people really like it, then you keep going)

>> No.27304372

will you mind if Ina's setlist turns out to be mostly Japanese songs?

>> No.27304373

I'd unironically get a membership.

>> No.27304375

to be fair jazz sucks

>> No.27304376
Quoted by: >>27304391

Wtf else are we supposed to judge them on

>> No.27304377

Cats hate kiara she cant even get an animal to like her

>> No.27304383

>hmm, why did he say "hoc"
>then it dawns on me

>> No.27304386

[game genre i dont like] fucking sucks for streaming, i agree

>> No.27304388

gura doesn't deserve her success. she is just being carried by her cute design, her voice, her sense of humor, her singing, and her youtube experience.

>> No.27304391

She re-sang with a better mic and it was still lackluster. Try again.

Her fucking karaoke stream?

>> No.27304392

What's meme about it?

>> No.27304393

3 of them already are, so nah

>> No.27304395

i would since i cant search up the songs afterword.

>> No.27304398

No one will ever beat Rushia's.

>> No.27304401

That's why I said Brogue. It's flashy and short despite the ACSII. Mori already played Mad Dad and it was slow as fuck. She can pull it off.

>> No.27304403

>Doesn't agree with something
>Calls it a "meme" narrative

>> No.27304404

Now that's a name I've not seen in a long time.

>> No.27304405

so far only Ame did english songs so it wouldnt be weird for Ina to do just weebshit

>> No.27304408

Well, I thought I had to discard the reply since I was late but here is my narrative:

She does sound young but in the most natural way, unlike certain youtubers like lilypichu who are blatantly forcing themselves. Older women cannot pull that off. For example if you listen to Kiara's older videos and then to her most recent ones, you can hear how her voice changed in 10 years, although she still sounds very young, Gura sounds much younger.

Another thing, when she was asked to sing Guilty Crown's OP during the Karaoke stream she said she didn't know Guilty Crown, she knows "classics" like NGE but not GC and I speculate she watched NGE only because it's mentioned pretty much everywhere in anime-related communities, to have watched and to remember GC you've to be someone who is heavily into anime or old enough to have witnessed the series on air because it's not a mainstream series and it already reached its conclusion so the interest is very low, someone born in the mid 2000s would never know about it unless they randomly stumbled upon it.

In addition, when she claps her hands it sounds like she's physically small, I got the same feeling when I heard her moving around on the chair, she can also sit with both her legs crossed while playing games which requires either a very large chair or a thin and short body frame. This concludes my wishful thinking head-canon theory that Gura is barely legal and probably started making content when she was 13 or 14.

>> No.27304416

fuck off rap nigger

>> No.27304418

I'm fine with "mostly", just not "all".

>> No.27304419

Rrat is insanely good.

>> No.27304430

retarded faggot tier take, kys
t. jazz pianist
