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File: 508 KB, 800x502, ina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27292702 No.27292702 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.27292713
File: 551 KB, 594x814, schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27292729
File: 21 KB, 534x248, 1583002636013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, make it a priority to redeem this coupon. Thanks.

>> No.27292730 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 923x343, 1589444773224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even reddit is starting to think Kiaras hugbox is weird
Whats your excuse chickenfags?

>> No.27292734
File: 130 KB, 2048x1463, rtst@0sanity rlntlss_ju [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzdbbs1.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elementary, my dear

>> No.27292737

Do we know how good she is at Mahjong?

>> No.27292744
File: 9 KB, 212x231, 1590181579261.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Kiara suffering! Haha...

>> No.27292745
File: 138 KB, 850x816, sc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any time there is a Poal for "your #1 favorite holoEN"
>Ina is sadly near the bottom
>Any time you can vote for more than one
>Ina is always near the top right behind Gura

So does this mean that Ina is a lot of people's second favorite EN?

>> No.27292752

You have to go back.

>> No.27292751
File: 204 KB, 1338x1211, 1601875692754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27292753

me on the right

>> No.27292756
Quoted by: >>27293409

Just use NVENC and run OBS in admin mode so it can grab priority over the game. Not worth setting up the iGPU.

If you have an AMD GPU... well, try out their encoder and see how it runs. The encoding quality was very bad last I checked.

>> No.27292757

I think her MC streams are great but yeah she has to work on her confidence. She won't get anywhere getting pampered by yes men.

>> No.27292758

Stay there please

>> No.27292759
Quoted by: >>27292900

Is the date with Ame a members-only stream or will it be archived and available for non-members at some point in the future? I'm curious as to what it'll be like but I've never paid for membership before.

>> No.27292760
File: 431 KB, 691x691, 1591964734508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back

>> No.27292761
Quoted by: >>27292827

So we can blame incompetent management again. Okey.

>> No.27292762

She said she's new so probably as shit as all the other casual streamers.

>> No.27292763
File: 59 KB, 400x400, 5rN0X-WOAtGQ-gODwpSoCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27294545

>Wake up, Ina posted Schedule

>More art
>CoC stream that'll end when it ends

Holy shit I'm excited.

>> No.27292764
File: 1.59 MB, 600x600, salman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27292765

Shes my #2 behind Gura yes

>> No.27292767
Quoted by: >>27292901

>aloe flair
wait, is that the exact same redditor shitting on kiara's self shipping yesterday?

>> No.27292768

Yes, I remember she topped a second favorite HoloEN poll.

>> No.27292770
File: 230 KB, 418x404, 1601732509387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you go back?

>> No.27292773
File: 86 KB, 400x400, 1601499948829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292877

I love this squid!!
In the video announcement she said shes not very good at it.

>> No.27292772
Quoted by: >>27292882

I forgot to include her schedule.

>> No.27292774
File: 846 KB, 660x788, 1478798182858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292819

Can't wait for reddit posts being linked.
reddit screencaps being posted.
twitter screencaps from literal randoms.
Discord screenshots.
Non-vtuber youtube videos.
Random youtube comments.
facebook screencaps
being posted in this thread

>> No.27292777
Quoted by: >>27292838

So while I do think Kiara has gone through way more bullshit than necessary just trying to fucking do her job at all, just flooding her with pity money isn't necessarily going to fix her fragile mental state anytime soon either.

She just wants to not be seen as a failure is all and when it seems fate itself is intervening to force it to keep happening, I can understand why it's just too much sometimes.

>> No.27292778

Fuck off. The aloefag seems to be lurk here too. Fuck him too.

>> No.27292780
File: 81 KB, 313x393, kiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shark in a chicken suit?

>> No.27292782

>Time art-tack

>> No.27292783

I agree that she should improve and not break down like that.
I just sympathise with her and don't think she's putting on an act.

>> No.27292784

She can't win, can she

>> No.27292787
File: 11 KB, 183x182, 1601876559568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293143

Please... No...

>> No.27292788
File: 14 KB, 309x318, 1589183110848.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meido faito!

>> No.27292791

Back with you

>> No.27292795
File: 54 KB, 915x455, 1601575062495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up and scrolled through the chicken minecraft stream timeline bar for a quick peek
>no nether
What the hell happened?

>> No.27292800
File: 145 KB, 462x499, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27292802
File: 555 KB, 1455x1000, __akaza_akari_yuru_yuri_drawn_by_suzushiro_suzushiro333__dd6be11542ca527cb14083e85f6929d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing how to play mahjong
What's your excuse? It's so simple that a literal toddler can learn how to play it.

>> No.27292804

Ina is my third followed by gura in second and ame at numbah wan

>> No.27292806
File: 884 KB, 2531x4096, 1601304996442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one day is a gigantic drama explosion that causes a meido to go nuclear
>another day is just chilling with boring shootan
>next day she silences goslingposters
>the day after that she takes us all out on a date

This girl is such a wild ride

>> No.27292808
File: 277 KB, 756x739, kokujinaman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anihilating Ina's morale by 13 orphaning her virgin no yaku hand!

>> No.27292809
Quoted by: >>27293074

Everything that could've gone wrong did.

>> No.27292811
Quoted by: >>27292830


>> No.27292813

Go back

>> No.27292815
Quoted by: >>27292829

its fine her sc reading will be suffer free

>> No.27292818
File: 2.93 MB, 1510x1080, 1601294755889.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Q: Hello Amelia, since you first made your debut just over two weeks ago, your bust size in fanarts has increased dramatically. Do you have anything to comment on the matter?

>A: Ummmm cough well, when I watch uhhhh when I c- [as if about to say "COOM"] when I consu-, when I um path- when I see um h-hen- when I see art ummmm that I per-personally uh you know the big ollll' badonka-, the big ollll' tiddie adeebadeebabbee big big ummmm I'm not a huge fan of the you know you know ummmm the big uhhhh um uhhhh cough size eh cough uhhhh size uh L um ahhhh, I like 'em small er smaller, yeah, not to not too small, ok next question!

What did she mean by this?

Also, Amelia bungled up reading the question to begin with.

>> No.27292819

Discussing what's going on over on reddit is off-topic, let's just make that clear.

>> No.27292821

Blech, boring Mario to watch

>> No.27292823

Yeah Ame first, Ina second

>> No.27292824

>rollercoaster of emotions
Yep, that's the girlfriend experience right there

>> No.27292826
Quoted by: >>27292849

>all the streams at 4am for me
>uni ramping up so now I need to spend 50 hours a week on it

mori... ina... please..

>> No.27292828

Holy shit this new schedule + Daylight saving time change is amazing for me. No more getting up at 4am to catch her streams

>> No.27292827

In fairness, the PC can probably run minecraft just fine. It's OBS and their L2D app that's killing her.

>> No.27292829

>her old PC explodes while reading supachat

>> No.27292830
Quoted by: >>27292884


>> No.27292833
Quoted by: >>27292881

Either this or just enjoy it with the room if you can't pay for it.
A handful of the anon in it said that they ended up paying more attention to the movie + the chat than Ina's reactions.
By the way, it would be better to decide on a password at least a day ahead of time. Possibly a different one. At least a different one for Ina's stream. Don't wanna make it too easy for tourist to enjoy the paid content.

>> No.27292835

I'm excited for her utawaku.

>> No.27292836

Manager-san lied, Manager-san's PC died.

>> No.27292837

I forgot about that comic, that's an oldie but a goodie.

>> No.27292838

She fostered this. She either has to nip it in the bud or just embrace the bullshit, but her community will always be hot trash if she doesn't.

>> No.27292839
File: 723 KB, 1647x811, rankings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga.

>> No.27292840

Yeah, for most shes the 2nd favorite. Honestly I think shes one of the few holos who is more than okay with being near the bottom of being the favorite for everyone. Which makes her even more endearing. She might be last or 2nd last, but I think her membership numbers are very high, when it comes to subs to members ratio.

>> No.27292841
File: 69 KB, 495x478, 1601728826924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like them all but if I'm forced to ranked them then yes Ina's my #2

>> No.27292842

doesn't like the question so she made it a performance

>> No.27292843
File: 137 KB, 675x900, 1599636813229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll be watching and cheering on your boy as she does her biggest live performance ever, right deadbeats?

I hope Kokoro beats manages to come and play music for her so it isn't mostly just singing.

>> No.27292844

Computer was a potato as it turned out and asploded, kept lagging/freezing so she gave up and went to superchats, which also started lagging/freezing so she called it off. Considering she was ready to commit to like 6 hours if necessary to get there it seemed to really get her down.

She is doing a SC read in a few hours though.

>> No.27292846
File: 448 KB, 658x537, 1601877053956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>collab with Cali IN MINECRAFT this week

So is she just going to desperation buy some souped up PC or something? A collab with a JP going wrong would literally make her graduate on the spot so she's gonna do something

>> No.27292848


>> No.27292850

She obviously played up her stumbling on words for comedic purposes

>> No.27292849
Quoted by: >>27292864

Dont you have online classes or something?

>> No.27292853

Amelia can be truly-autistic seeming sometimes. It's kind of cute.

>> No.27292857

Mori is my #1 so I'll be there live instead of just watching the archive a few hours later.

>> No.27292861
File: 285 KB, 795x318, watson-runner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Watson Detective Agency."

>"I heawd youw fwiend was havin' some twoubles. Well luckily for her, I know a guy who's a gweat motivational speakew!"

"Homestar, I'm sure that won't be ne-"

>"When life throws a pie at you, you just take that pie and make youwself a tall glass of piemonade!"

>> No.27292862

Kiara's forte is working with other people, though. She just doesn't have a lot of self-confidence when she's alone.

>> No.27292864
Quoted by: >>27292887

No, my stuff is 90% labs

>> No.27292866

She already has a new PC just no internet.

>> No.27292867
Quoted by: >>27292914

>What did she mean by this?
She medium-sized, and she can't get off to inaccurate cowtit fanart.

>> No.27292868
File: 212 KB, 432x291, 0430005639804949915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit I just wanted cute anime pewdiepie that says faq I never asked to cry this

>> No.27292870

>song starts playing
Fuck, I forgot I had that extenstion and got spooked

>> No.27292871
Quoted by: >>27292892

Realistically, how long until we get Gen 2?

>> No.27292872
Quoted by: >>27292939

Imagine ruining your body and your health just for the sake of watching some thots pretending to be anime girls

>> No.27292876
Quoted by: >>27293253

Just imagine everything that can go wrong with her Subaru Collab.

>> No.27292877
Quoted by: >>27292965

The video announcements are super cute, what other holos do that?

>> No.27292879

Instead of being sufferkino
It was just suffering

>> No.27292881
Quoted by: >>27292938

personally I'd say don't leak member stuff but let the movie be it's own thing that the nonmembers can watch along with members

>> No.27292882

>memebers arcade date
What? What does that mean? Is this for Goslings?

>> No.27292884

still my favorite stream of hers aside from the karaoke, i unironically believe that she was at least a little drunk for this one

>> No.27292885
File: 101 KB, 707x648, EjHloeGVoAAh3ak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JST schedule
>Movie watchalong
This is a blessed week

>> No.27292887

Should have saved the labs for when the pandemic ends. That's what I did.

>> No.27292889

>break on 8th
>break on 9th
Wait, so which one of these is correct?

>> No.27292890
File: 21 KB, 1280x720, shuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ready for the absolutely blessed collab?

Not even Kiara's negative luck can stop Shuba's power

>> No.27292892

Hopefully not until early-mid next year, knowing Cover though? Probably before Christmas.

>> No.27292895

I'm not a deadbeat, but I'll be tuning in and cheering.

>> No.27292896

Yes, you don't need to remind us every thread.

>> No.27292898

She's going to play Third Strike with her members using Fightcade.

>> No.27292900
Quoted by: >>27294159

respond onegai

>> No.27292901

Yep. Pay no attention to shit r*ddit says.

>> No.27292906

There was a time when the notion of having a multiple favourites didn't cause these threads to descend into anarchy that this was easily demonstrated

>> No.27292909
File: 177 KB, 842x1302, EiMODOsVoAERKNq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292928

Anon, your timezone reps...

>> No.27292913
Quoted by: >>27292928

Anon...your timezone reps...

>> No.27292915


>> No.27292914
File: 240 KB, 744x1052, 1601341401304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292975

sounds to me like she was bailing out of the question if you ask me

>> No.27292920

>Subaru/Kiara collab
Two negative luck stats make a positive luck stat. Everything that can go wrong will but will loop back around to being great.

>> No.27292922

M8, all it means is there's more Ina for (You). Don't be the same kind of numberfag Kiara is, for your own sake.

>> No.27292923
File: 364 KB, 1562x2151, Vhi9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon! Let me beat you at least once at this fighting game!! Im no good at fighting games!

>> No.27292924

Timezones you blind ass nigga

>> No.27292926
File: 240 KB, 345x406, 43C6BDB3-6C5F-4F45-AAA0-57702B231F60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara said she was gonna come back after an hour
>she’s actually coming back after 4 hours
Dear God, imagine how long she must’ve been crying.

>> No.27292925
Quoted by: >>27293246

She's going to go full yandere, and drug and torture us.

>> No.27292928

timezone repsmind

>> No.27292929

>fighting games
cringe and unbased

>> No.27292930

Fuck really? I can show off my non-existent skills with Q.

>> No.27292933
File: 250 KB, 480x473, peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah senpai you're taking this L

>> No.27292934

Why doesn't she ask Botan for advice? I think she helped out some with their setups

>> No.27292936


>> No.27292938

That'd be what I prefer too, but you know how some people can get.
If someone ends up doing it, better to try to contain it before it spills.

>> No.27292939
File: 177 KB, 503x559, 1601841831395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, because I spend a lot more time watching HoloEN, but they also made me fix my sleep schedule. As Ina says, focus on yourself first, the vod will always be there waiting for you. And even if it gets deleted, people archive it themselves.

>> No.27292940
File: 8 KB, 330x85, 1580258596259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27292941


>> No.27292943

They're playing the goose game right? Subaru has already played it, so she should be able to be a good wingman.

>> No.27292944

The expression is so cute what the fuck....

>> No.27292945
Quoted by: >>27293009

She has Subaru's luck with Pekora's timing.

>> No.27292946
File: 205 KB, 1377x824, Good PC coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27292950

Shuba is gonna shine like the sun. She'll always be my favorite Holo

>> No.27292951

She's been lezzing out with Mori and manager-san.

>> No.27292953

It's never going to end.

>> No.27292956

my urien practice will finally pay off

>> No.27292957

I can't sadly because I'm normally in them for 6 hours a day so I can't just store it up and do it all at the end.

>> No.27292959
Quoted by: >>27293006

I'd say just not worry about it do the free movie and that is more than enough. I use that website for when I need to stream Kung Pow

>> No.27292960

Never forget

>> No.27292961

Tori....we don't deserve you....

>> No.27292962

Learn your oki game you scrub.

>> No.27292965

I don't know of any others. Ina seems pretty professional in some respects, I look forward to her mastering streaming

>> No.27292971
File: 450 KB, 471x493, dfh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made that edit in 2 minutes, didn't expect it to be reposted. it's so fucking low quality why would you do this Hope Kiara has some luck with her streams this week, she needs it.

>> No.27292973

>people always archive
Y-yeah, haha..a-always..

>> No.27292975

But she ended up answering it at the end.

>> No.27292980

she probably wants to be fully calm for the stream so she went and looked at fan art and cute women

>> No.27292981

god i want a fighting game playing holo so bad

>> No.27292982

Ever since college started and I got to talk to real 3d girls, I’m starting to not like these 2d anime girlz. Is this normal?

>> No.27292985
File: 1.46 MB, 1018x728, 1410122897101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gonna miss the drawing, karaoke, and movie streams because of wageslaving

>> No.27292987
File: 96 KB, 288x288, 1595427848752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real talk those cute game-show type collabs Subaru and Mio love to do would be amazing to have Kiara or Mori stop by on

>> No.27292988


>> No.27292990
Quoted by: >>27293083

No, you are probably infected.

>> No.27292993
Quoted by: >>27293099

Ironman didn't even get FINISHED for there to be something archive because youtube pressed the panic button.

>> No.27292994

>what did she mean
that she's a cute autist who gets flustered by breast questions
>bungled up reading the question
she chose the question so that she could do her bit anonchama

>> No.27292996

Kiara is a good girl

>> No.27292997

What 3D girls? Everything is online.

>> No.27292999


>> No.27293000
Quoted by: >>27293083

Get out.

>> No.27293001


>> No.27293004

If I remember I'm gonna archive the karaoke stream.

>> No.27293005
Quoted by: >>27293083

Yes, you'll come around eventually.

>> No.27293006

I'll ignore anyone trying to propose it then. Better this way. It was already a bit annoying that someone posted "that.

>> No.27293008

She's trying to be SFW but her brain won't let her

>> No.27293009

And Matsuri's mental health.

>> No.27293011
Quoted by: >>27293065

Just do the movie and nothing else. Its the best option. To really be able to moderate the whole members thing you would need a form of registration and membership verification, by using some 3rd party setup. I doubt its worth the hassle.

>> No.27293012

We don't need actual pedos in this community.

>> No.27293013

But muh Pikamee Roberu collab stream.

>> No.27293014

git gud scrub

>> No.27293015

That case was so weird. I don't think I've seen any Ironman Fire Emblem streams get dmca'd despite it being the title. Maybe there was a snitch watching?

>> No.27293019
File: 908 KB, 1600x1800, 1601493029054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Ina and Watson love wearing mustaches?

>> No.27293026

I won't be here for the arcade date stream, I can't wait to get home after and find out this thread has just been permanently banned.

>> No.27293032


>> No.27293034
File: 496 KB, 549x494, 1601436224263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always assumed someone deep enough in the rabbit hole to go from

Liking weebshit -> liking vtubers -> going to 4chan to gossip about vtubers

Are so in deep that they'd likely given up on even speaking to women for many many years. Is that not the case?

>> No.27293037

appeal for the tranny crowd

>> No.27293040
File: 369 KB, 463x453, 1601837711981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3am for europeans again
God fucking dammit

>> No.27293042
File: 352 KB, 1276x2048, IMG_20201005_095704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27293044

At last, we'd be all free.

>> No.27293045

Could be AI. Youtube wants to get rid of human reviewers so they give more power to the AI

>> No.27293048
File: 88 KB, 1800x1012, 1601622033493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293092

>an actual date with Amelia
Can you even imagine how fast the image limit will be reached

>> No.27293049

Can't decide whether this is avant garde or not.

>> No.27293050
File: 598 KB, 845x1200, 1601647994062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tako queen schedule this week is pure kino

>> No.27293052
File: 362 KB, 2192x2337, 1601619047874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27293054

smash isn't a fighting game

>> No.27293055

I love this bird.

>> No.27293058

Mori played in a guilty gear tourmenet. And got bodied.

>> No.27293059

It is also normal that in a few months you will glimpse the horrifying souls hidden underneath their nice outward appearances and return to 2D

>> No.27293060

They tickle your ass when they rim you.

>> No.27293063

But we already have Matsuri though?

>> No.27293065

Honestly I love the fact that it needs a few hoops to jump through to get the site working reminds me of Panda
it's gonna be a fun collab

>> No.27293064
File: 2.29 MB, 740x484, 1601265977777.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think they're gonna play?

Please god give them a chance to talk to each other a lot

>> No.27293066

>Ina's community post
The second song is good but I don't fucking know about her singing that 3rd meme song.

>> No.27293074

kiara's law

>> No.27293078
File: 206 KB, 1174x1220, 20201005_040014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's fucking goooooooo

>> No.27293079

>Matrix movie watchalong
>Niggerman spam anytime the black cat shows up
won't be as fun as color out of space, but not a bad choice. Kinda wished she chose Bladerunner (the first one) because she mentioned it before the last watchalong and i haven't watched either BR movies yet, but hey there's always next time.

>> No.27293083

Infected? Nahh im fine
I mean i got to hang out with them for like a couple of days, then the ministry kinda forced all unis to do online again. The 2nd wave, anon
/int/ourist here. Rude
Yea maybe
Nahh I never really got into anime, I just stumbled upon videos and webms of v-tubers saying the n-word. So I was thinking these girls are quite based you know.

>> No.27293090
File: 301 KB, 1920x1080, 1600453753393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293101

>absolute dead genre
>most popular dev of fightan will never give permissions anyway
>genre that has THE WIDEST male:female ratio in ALL OF VIDEOGAMES

Just give up on that anon

>> No.27293091
File: 2.90 MB, 2007x1248, illust_84818916_20201005_095843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ima deadbeat but I really like Ina, she's extremely nice an Sher stream ls are comfy af
I want to see it live so bad and I will unless something screws me over

>> No.27293092
File: 132 KB, 680x680, watson injection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293116

I hope it goes fully off the rails.

>> No.27293093

That shrinking Gura

>> No.27293095
File: 76 KB, 301x330, 1601448634957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293122

Reminder that Gura and Amelia masturbate together over discord voice chat!

>> No.27293099

I know. But still. Fuck.
If only I didn't wake up an hour later.
Didn't an anon say that someone was waiting for Ame's public OSU stream and pulled the trigger as soon as it ended?

>> No.27293100
Quoted by: >>27295273

Youll get your EU holo someday

>> No.27293101
Quoted by: >>27293152

>genre that has THE WIDEST male:female ratio in ALL OF VIDEOGAMES
I'm pretty sure that award goes to Grand Strategy

>> No.27293103

>go check Ina's membership tiers
>none of them are called takolyte
aw man

>> No.27293104
File: 497 KB, 800x450, 1601181000355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do people keep drawing tits on ina save it for her older sister

>> No.27293105

She is absolutely going to take the threads down a wild ride. I don't believe for a second it'll be all sunshine and rainbows.

>> No.27293109

*I'm a deadbeat but I really like Ina, she's extremely nice an her streams are comfy af
Jesus Christ autocorrect

>> No.27293114

Marine is playing Smash right now

>> No.27293116

Mark my words she's gonna watson concoction us halfway through

>> No.27293119
File: 33 KB, 1016x485, 1583183555955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27293121

She was going to say "When I coom to hentai I don't like cow tits. I like them smaller".
>Wait, I can't say coom. Wait, I can't say consume. Uhh... see?
>Wait, I can't say hentai. Uhhh... art?
>Wait, I can't say cow tits. Wait, I can't say badonkadonks. Wait, I can't say big ol titties. Wait, I can't say big breasts. Uhh... size L?
>Wait, I can't say I like them small, that sounds like I like them flat. Uhh... not too small?

>> No.27293122
File: 276 KB, 864x665, e8tg33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293154

Imagine what Gura had to go through when Amelia had those doxxing stream snipers

>> No.27293123

You're a tad young to understand.
It's okay. You'll come around.

>> No.27293126

This pic is great except for the fact that Ina is canonically flatter than a board.

>> No.27293127
File: 246 KB, 337x396, wink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant wait, hope these two spergs play something nice and not a walking sim

>> No.27293128

This Ina art delet

>> No.27293132

Lads, I had some obligations to fulfill during the last week and the weekend and I might have missed some streams, Gura didn't do a membership stream yet, correct?
Can someone point me to Amelias 2nd Osu and the Karaoke archive? Searching the archive for karaoke or archive is a futile endeavor
I'm not membershipped on the other three so I'm fine with just that

>> No.27293135

hard agree, naizuri shouldn't be messed with

>> No.27293136
Quoted by: >>27293153

You can check if she has the Mahjong achievements in her FFXIV account

>> No.27293137 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure that at least most of deadbeats and tentacultists are well adjusted, productive members of society. I go out, have a good job, meet with friends for cople beers sometimes.

>> No.27293138

My predictions for the arcade date stream
>She drugs you
She did say that she would eventually do it in a members stream and this looks like a great opportunity to do it

>> No.27293143

To be honest hearing cute a girl cry turns me on. Reminds me of a girl I was fucking in college. I would occasionally sabotage her day just so I could pity fuck her hard.

>> No.27293149

if she did this in the first place instead of tentacultist she might not even have had to deal with youtube's shitty red tape

>> No.27293150

Gura fan here. I've been NEET for 15 years

>> No.27293152

The only one I can think of that isn't almost exclusively played by males is Stellaris. All the other ones would be lucky to have single-digit female players.

>> No.27293153
Quoted by: >>27293156

do we even know her xiv account tho?

>> No.27293154
File: 26 KB, 128x126, gura1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't care if it's the middle of the night, I want you to be loud for me

>> No.27293155

I swear every time I watch Holos play Smash they pick Kirby or Pikachu

>> No.27293156
Quoted by: >>27293181

Do your archive reps and fuck off.

>> No.27293157

Yes, we know you wrote script beforehand Ame, it was a good bit

>> No.27293162

>No Gura
I know where this art came from.

>> No.27293164
Quoted by: >>27293171

Can someone suggest Galaxy Quest for a watchalong on her community tab? Comfy sci-fi comedy would be pretty great.

>> No.27293166
File: 669 KB, 833x1000, 1600659357347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what should I draw

>> No.27293167

tall flats are too amazing

>> No.27293171

Maybe next month?
Would like a horror movie for october if she's hopefully doing another.

>> No.27293174

Will Gura's chill reduce Ame's toxicity, or will Ame's rage unleah Gura's toxicity?

What if Ame turns Gura to the dark side of being a gf simulator and we get girlfriend Gura?

>> No.27293177
Quoted by: >>27293210


>> No.27293181
Quoted by: >>27293198

fuck you seanig it was a legit question

>> No.27293182
Quoted by: >>27293212

Gura and Ame

>> No.27293183
Quoted by: >>27293352

Cultist here. You're wrong.
I don't know about the others, though.

>> No.27293186
Quoted by: >>27293212

Ame kissing gura's cunny

>> No.27293187
Quoted by: >>27293212

lewd Gura and post it on you know where site

>> No.27293189
Quoted by: >>27293196

more coupons

>> No.27293195

My dorm literally prohibits us from having people over. They'd kick me out if I ever had a chance to even get alone with someone.
Not that there are many women in this shithole of a city to start with.

>> No.27293196

give idea

>> No.27293197
Quoted by: >>27293225

Do your best, anon. I'll be archiving as well.

For the karaoke, search the archive for the video ID (yHy2lhZjnr4), there are a number of archives that anons have uploaded. Not sure about the osu!.

>> No.27293198
Quoted by: >>27293284

And I fucking answered you. I'm not even SEA you fucking ape.

>> No.27293202
File: 459 KB, 1543x1401, 1600818338963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but gura ame

>> No.27293203
Quoted by: >>27293970

Ane'nis or Mama'nis

>> No.27293204

I would find it funny if HoloEN Gen2 has EU Holos and NAs would then whine about their streaming times.

>> No.27293205

Ame injecting toxicity into Gura

>> No.27293207
File: 2.91 MB, 562x720, 1600595735305.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293232

For everyone here saying Amelia is "constantly gf pandering" she barely ever does shit like that

she's just really fucking cute

>> No.27293208
File: 657 KB, 494x827, tfwvirginitygone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manage to find Ina in ranked mahjong soul
>immediately start her stream to see her hand
>let her win a few rounds by discarding my tiles so that she can achieve easy all simples
>"See? I told you I'm good at this game!"
>East 4
>Ina managed to win all 3 previous rounds, I'm surprised at how fucking retarded our opponents are but that's gonna work in my favor
>she's at 30k points and I'm poor at 20k
>I swear the two others are just fucking asleep
>force her into playing all simples by giving her easy pon/chi bait again
>she bites
>she reads chat
>"so, if I want a yaku, I need to not have the 1s and 9s right? so I should discard the 9 bamboos right? humu humu"
>that one chat member looks at my discard pile and realizes the shit I'm about to pull
>game blares out "RON-NYA"
>ina starts hyperventilating at her first round loss
>"b-but it's okay right, I still have 30k points we'll be okayyyy"
>panik noises
>her eyes start welling up with tears as she looks at her score slowly going in the negatives while I shoot up to the 50k's
>goes from 1st to 4th
>starts crying
>next 30 minutes of the stream is just her crying and her singular braincell trying to process what kind of rape she just went through
>tfw I took her yakuman virginity
>SC's flood in to try and comfort her
no need to thank me bros

>> No.27293209

wojacks for each of the girls

>> No.27293210
File: 62 KB, 750x350, BB420B41-0C97-48B6-BAEE-9E3BEE264FCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293235

>Ame in ina's outfit

>> No.27293211

Kiara thighjob

>> No.27293212


>> No.27293214

Kirby's a fun character anon, try him out

>> No.27293213
Quoted by: >>27293235

1 FREE Ame'nis

>> No.27293217

Mori wearing Ina's outfit

>> No.27293220

Amelia's members only are reuploaded on youtube too.

>> No.27293222

>Ina might not even need to get her papa to make a model for her sister, since Ina is a pro
>Ina can literally be her sister's mama

>> No.27293225

Thanks a bunch

>> No.27293227


>> No.27293231
File: 355 KB, 756x739, 1600387959509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27293232
Quoted by: >>27293254

please stop gaslighting the goslingposters, they're having a hard enough time of it already

>> No.27293234

Cultist here, complete shut in. I did have a really nice job, but the trade wars with china before rona lost me my job and haven't nailed anything down since.

>> No.27293235

Shit I meant Ane'nis
I'm having a stroke

>> No.27293236

"What should I draw?" coupon

>> No.27293237
File: 76 KB, 1024x576, 3a4cd515d55e517230d828564eacd289f9073898v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293319

Amelia played a lot of VNs, I wouldn't be surprised if she gets some CG art done for some gags. Maybe a detailed close up of her injecting the syringe into the "viewers" arm or some shit. If you think about it, talking streams basically just VN scenes.

>> No.27293239

Gura riding on Amelia's shoulders and carrying her like a big sister would do for a younger sister. Also Gura has her trident

>> No.27293242

Daily reminder that Ame wants the shark cunny

>> No.27293243
File: 1.60 MB, 1158x1637, illust_84819193_20201005_100708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me redeem myself for posting Ina with big tits

>> No.27293244

>>Ina can literally be her sister's mama
this is gonna end in her being her own grandma

>> No.27293245

Is anyone archiving all the coupons made here? It’d be a shame if they were lost

>> No.27293246

God I hope your guess is right

>> No.27293247


>> No.27293248

As long as its not a FPS prob will be laughs all the way. Gf gura sounds great to me, especially if we get a real version of that wake up sound clip.

>> No.27293253
File: 89 KB, 329x272, Artia Tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27293254
File: 24 KB, 364x364, 1600224834555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293375

Nah we're cool man. The rare times it happens just makes the waiting worth it.

>> No.27293255

Kiara's ass

>> No.27293257
File: 65 KB, 248x254, Ina wink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina karaoke

well shit. I'm not sure my heart can take it.

>> No.27293261

getting 13 orphans as a nyagger good luck faggot

>> No.27293262

much better thank you that is nice

>> No.27293263

I have no idea what 70% of that means, but I believe in you anon

>> No.27293264

No, I understood. I think you are the one misunderstanding. I already told you that you are misplacing blame. It's squarely on Kiara, and has nothing to do with her fan support. It's not really making it better because if you know these type of people the support goes in one ear out the other and they focus on the bad comments. It happens to regular people to. Doing the reverse will make the issue even worse, not some lame ass praise. Like I said don't let that hate boner for the retarded chat make you the retarded one.

>> No.27293267

I look forward to it.

>> No.27293270
File: 39 KB, 279x394, kiara thighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reaper and chicken

>> No.27293278
File: 69 KB, 1024x749, 1600736550070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not last!

>> No.27293279

I finally understand what women feel like when I talk to them about fightan games Anon

>> No.27293282
Quoted by: >>27293314

Is Ane'nis also a flatty or did she hog all the titty

>> No.27293283
File: 110 KB, 1000x1000, 1597398119993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Movie Watchalong
We are truly cursed.

>> No.27293284

You sure act like one, or just a low iq fucking nigger.

>> No.27293285
File: 82 KB, 600x613, gee bill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a "2 free cucumbers" coupon that's just pic related but it's AO and Ina eating cucumbers

>> No.27293286

The Last Supper painting with hololive members with Artia representing Judas.

>> No.27293291
Quoted by: >>27293616

Yeah I'm probably just too dumb to find the second Osu stream (there was one, right?)
I'll spend some time looking for it after work

>> No.27293292

I'm annoyed that the only thing that upset Ina the entire Mario Kart stream were the idiots letting her win. Why the fuck can't she show more emotions?

>> No.27293302
Quoted by: >>27293374

I'm a neet.
I wouldn't say I've given up, but I just don't have (almost) any interest due to the past experiences.
95% of the time it doesn't come even cross my mind to treat them as if they were friends, nor girlfriends.
And yeah, that was the order, but I've been here long before vtubers became a thing.

>> No.27293305
File: 17 KB, 471x63, 1600897969711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27293308

Kiara should do a 2nd stream after her Subaru collab to translate it.

>> No.27293310

We're all the 'nis effected in the same way as Ina or is Ame, Mama and Papa normal?

>> No.27293314
Quoted by: >>27297438

All the titty with wide hips
Hell I feel like drawing this myself

>> No.27293316

ame rages enough for the entirety of EN

>> No.27293318
File: 883 KB, 1920x1080, persona 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN All out attack

>> No.27293319

>live action Amelia visual novel drawn by Ina
Take all my money Yagoo

>> No.27293320
Quoted by: >>27293360

Pretty sure mahjong soul doesn't like you streaming without a delay same as Tenhou.

>> No.27293321

she is a professional autist, please be patient

>> No.27293323

Gura and Ame rubbing their beans together

>> No.27293328


>> No.27293332

Oh shit, this is actually a genius idea

>> No.27293333
Quoted by: >>27297478

I wish she would do it Coco does and just subtitle it afterwards but depending how long the collab is that might be a colossal undertaking.

>> No.27293334

>only time she gets upset is when people aren't treating her like an M

>> No.27293335

Delete this right now.

>> No.27293336
File: 52 KB, 466x680, 1601834729857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can still go flatter

>> No.27293349

Goof troop like game grumps

>> No.27293351
File: 75 KB, 1095x778, 4B39FF0A-3B0E-4F03-8301-FD67B8D13784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lonely v-tuber grilz just want attention from lonely neet guys. This is a scientific fact

>> No.27293352
File: 320 KB, 620x877, 84810277_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, we survey now?
I wouldn't call myself well-adjusted or productive, but I do have a job with higher-than-average salary for my shithole.

>> No.27293353

>why cant she show more emotion
You mean why cant she autistically rage. She showed tons of emotions and was happy, panicking, worried and everything else during the stream. She wont be the desk hitting or cursing streamer that zoomers love.

>> No.27293354

Would be hard but great if she did

>> No.27293360
Quoted by: >>27293396

No, they allow it unless it's a high level room (jade+, I think).

>> No.27293361

Cultist here. University student dropout, i did have a job until recently but quit, almost a complete neet now

>> No.27293369

Pity wins feels shittier than losses
Dunno if it's just me but having someone deliberately lose when your trying to win at a game makes me seethe like nothing else

>> No.27293374

I'm goslingfag, I don't see them as girlfriends but as someone I would like to be in a relationship with.

>> No.27293375


>> No.27293376

fanart of ina eating a slice of pizza with the cheese dripping all over her and pepperoni covering her dfc where?

>> No.27293378
File: 17 KB, 186x200, EVxtQ3bWsAEpAbW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't speak bugman nor play bugman games

>> No.27293381

This is absolute perfection. All Ina art should be this flat.

>> No.27293383

She was showing a lot more emotions than normal besides the shitters.

>> No.27293386
Quoted by: >>27293441

I hope you'll get better, anon.

>> No.27293387

That's uncannily flat. Where are her pecs?

>> No.27293390 [SPOILER] 
File: 189 KB, 2064x1457, 1601885897979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize Ina's square dress section covering her chest is actually perfectly cut to fit the size of her massive flat pepperoni nips

>> No.27293393

Wouldn't miss it for the world.

>> No.27293394

here you go bro

>> No.27293395
File: 240 KB, 1280x704, Ayunda lore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293420

design the witch

>> No.27293396

Ah right, sounds reasonable. Haven't played or watched anyone play below jade in a long while.

>> No.27293402

As long as she keeps giving me the brain drug happy feeling I'll keep giving her attention. It's a sad lot in life but it's the one I have accepted.

>> No.27293404

This is especially hot because it's anatomically correct to her roommate.

>> No.27293407



Hololive Sings intensifies

>> No.27293409
Quoted by: >>27293526

So AMD CPU like a 3700X plus an Nvidia GPU would be a bad combination of things?

Just saying, based on what I have lying around and looking at the impending CPU panic sale in a few days.

>> No.27293411
File: 328 KB, 361x480, 1571581402555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning to become a good artist is also about learning to manage your negative emotions.

>> No.27293413

Deadbeat here. I own a house, have a good job, but I've pretty much given up on ever losing my virginity. You get to the point where you're 36 and you just don't fucking care about it anymore.

>> No.27293420
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x718, Screen Shot 2020-10-03 at 23.11.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this fucking tree rat

>> No.27293424

They're actually the female's most popular picks besides peach.
It's just a difference between men and women.

>> No.27293432
File: 89 KB, 187x268, kiara-chan by pekora-senpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293480


>> No.27293437

Nigga he said fightan game.

>> No.27293438 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27293463

HololiveJP stream generator (last two digits of your post):

1. Minecraft
2. Muse Dash
3. Getting over it
4. ARK
5. Apex
6. Fall gays
7. Cryptopia
8. Bunny shit
9. Shiity japanase horror game
0. Random game

Type of stream:
2. Collab
3. RTA
4. English Only
5. Superchat Reading/TALK
6. Offline/Stayover
7. Karaoke
8. 3D in Studio
9. Drawing
0. Shitty reddit memes review

>> No.27293440
Quoted by: >>27293474

Ina is my favourite, but I'm more of a [redacted three sided object fan] and I'm a NEET

>> No.27293441

thanks anon, i'm working on it, have an offer out on a house closer to some family who are gonna help out once shit calms down

>> No.27293445

Seven Risus all for me!

>> No.27293450
File: 108 KB, 1024x1024, 2A44AAA1-794D-46A8-A1D9-5DACC6FE8F1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a teamate I’m just a college student giving my scholarship money to anime girls online while I’ll leach off my well off parents

>> No.27293457
Quoted by: >>27293530

Deadbeat here, Im a student but I always have a job or 2, I'm almost done with school tho I'm a radiology technician (?) I guess, I'm not a English speaker so not completely sure what's it called as over there it apparently means diagnostics only while I do everything from diagnostics to radiotherapy all the way to work in nuclear medicine

>> No.27293463
Quoted by: >>27293490

This is Gura playing

>> No.27293467

HoloEn in Halloween costumes

>> No.27293472

SLAM DESK AND FART amirite poggers
Ina's doing fine, maybe stop watching twitch streamers for a while

>> No.27293473

>Ina said it's important to get your sleep, the archives will wait for you
>karaoke unarchived

>> No.27293474
Quoted by: >>27293517

>three-sided object
I'm struggling so hard to understand...

>> No.27293480
Quoted by: >>27293796

his best song by far

>> No.27293482

Squirrel Satay sounds good.

>> No.27293484

I was a worthless NEET for 7 years after college and then finally got my shit together. Still poor as fuck because med school.

>> No.27293487

When will Gura sing Ringo Hiyori?

>> No.27293490

Gura playing fall guys RTA, sounds legit

>> No.27293491

That dumb whore

>> No.27293494
Quoted by: >>27293554

Implying people won't archive it anyway.
She knows damn well it will.

>> No.27293500

Tentacultist here. Was a complete college dropout and NEET for 6 years until I turned my life around and started doing stable freelance work by doing what I love, instead of listening to my family and being miserable. I watch Ina with my gf now and we both autistically talked yesterday about how we'd take her on dates and cucumbers while wheezing at the stream yesterday.

>> No.27293512

I don't want to sound racist or anything but Ina is aware of who HP Lovecraft is, right? Like she knows who he is and that his cat was named after the n-word. I'm just worried one day she's going to say it on stream because I don't really know if they understand what the n word means over there in korea.

>> No.27293516

Used to hate Risu because of how much she'd get spammed but this video turned me around on her.
Someone post the pic. You know the one.

>> No.27293517


>> No.27293521 [DELETED] 

Kiara's roommate's Fubuki is pretty cute.

>> No.27293523

Teamate and college student here
I watch vtubers to relax and take my mind off of the stressful things like adapting to the new way of teaching
I donate some of the government good boy money for memberships so I can have more things to listen to in the background while I work on stuff

>> No.27293526
Quoted by: >>27293640

What generation gpu do you have

>> No.27293529
Quoted by: >>27293571

>350 posts in

>> No.27293530
Quoted by: >>27293592

Wild guess, but German?

>> No.27293541

If the goslings bother people here so much we could always just make an actual /ameg/ as a containment thread when Ame does karaoke or "dates."

>> No.27293543


>> No.27293545

Surely this is a shitpost and not a legimate concern r-right?

>> No.27293553
File: 1.14 MB, 746x1285, risu piggy bank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27293554

I unironically hope someone does archive it, it would hurt Ina's feelings if Gura and Ame both did unarchived karaoke that people rushed to save and then nobody did that for her. Even Ame was a little afraid of this happening after Gura's monster performance, that's why she took the time to give implicit permission

>> No.27293555

Everytime Ina says oi, she actually is saying cucumber in korean.

>> No.27293557 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27293599

Has HoloEN softened your hearts on western women in general?

>> No.27293561

Gura vs the top 5 holos.

>> No.27293563

Did you just copypaste a reddit post?

>> No.27293568

Haha never mind it bothering people I would just want to see what happens when a thread is filled with nothing but goslingposters

>> No.27293570
File: 76 KB, 614x694, 1601217860612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293575

this one?

>> No.27293571

>thread for the EN Vtubers
>none of them streaming
>complain that discussion sucks

>> No.27293574

I'm sure others on /jp/ would *love* Holobros straying outside our containment threads

>> No.27293575
Quoted by: >>27293597

The post specifically about this stream.

>> No.27293580
File: 871 KB, 3000x3000, 1601796078048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293609

I wish ID would just go full mental and English

>> No.27293583

Give it a rest dude, the 5 people that watch her don't need to constantly be reminded.

>> No.27293585

An /ameg/ will devolve into nothing more than doxxposters after all the goslingposters off themselves

>> No.27293586
File: 622 KB, 600x706, risu delet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu is watching. I've been here the whole time.

>> No.27293588

You don't really sound racist but another R word certainly seems appropriate

>> No.27293592

No but I am a yuropoor

>> No.27293594
File: 8 KB, 401x100, 1584764133174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27293595
File: 94 KB, 1200x1163, 1600113808235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw missed kiara's sufferingkino
Kiara is going to make it, right?

>> No.27293596

I haven't seen much of her, but that piggybank video was cute.

>> No.27293597
File: 10 KB, 401x100, 1601784563640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27293599 [DELETED] 

It's made me consider that what I really need, is one who wouldn't judge me for liking anime stuff so much and would instead be delighted at my geekiness, the figs/gunpla around my place etc. Lots of fujos in japan make for good holos but it's so far away, different culture etc but now it seems potentially much closer than I realize seeing some of the HoloENs like Ina.

>> No.27293602

Why people on the other thread treat her like a fake persona? Did i miss something? She is my favorite of the HoloID

>> No.27293603

If they haven't offed themselves by now they never will.

>> No.27293605

where's /vyt/ fucking japmoot

>> No.27293606

No kino, just suffering. It was painful to watch.

>> No.27293607
Quoted by: >>27293622

Why do we not have a pastebin with links to the archived streams? The archive is a piece of shit to actually find stuff in

>> No.27293609

iofi does english zatsudans monthly

>> No.27293611
File: 637 KB, 700x746, Screen Shot 2020-09-28 at 00.28.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293633

>there are multiple Risuposters in this thread rn

>> No.27293612
Quoted by: >>27293623

>more posts whining about goslingposters than actual goslingposts
/schizog/ at it again

>> No.27293613
Quoted by: >>27293621

is it possible for them to get permissions for god hand?

>> No.27293616
Quoted by: >>27293634

Oh the second. Yeah sorry I'm idiot. That wasn't on youtube, probably because it wasn't members only.

>> No.27293621

no because capcom is gay

>> No.27293622

Because the threads are all full of doxfags.

>> No.27293623

Your meds, take it

>> No.27293624

Of course. Once she has her internet back and can fix all her technical issues she'll be fine.
Just a shame she has to go through all this shit first.

>> No.27293627
File: 771 KB, 4096x1832, 0e1e2db86c399ed464314ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293656

idol outfits

>> No.27293628
Quoted by: >>27293646

Did she delete the VOD?

>> No.27293630
Quoted by: >>27293664

We're usually only 300 IPs, surely we couldn't fill out a whole board with the usual stuff going on in these threads

>> No.27293633
File: 502 KB, 499x573, risu smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't really been back to the other thread much since EN debut, but I used to Risupost there a lot.

>> No.27293634

Yeah I can find clips but not the full thing.
Being EU is suffering for holoEN, last week I was late to work three times because of guras 3am streams

>> No.27293639

Sounds like a plan.

>> No.27293640
Quoted by: >>27293714

Just a 1080 + i5-8400.

>> No.27293642

I hope Kiara gets better soon

>> No.27293643
Quoted by: >>27293681

Just 86 minutes for her redemption stream, chickenbro

>> No.27293646
Quoted by: >>27293707


>> No.27293651

It was so much suffering that it wrapped around from being kino to being utsuge levels of sad.

>> No.27293656
Quoted by: >>27293717

Why do the Holos like mismatched socks/thighighs so much?

>> No.27293658
Quoted by: >>27293679

>the rage of 3.5 touhoufags
Sounds scary.

>> No.27293664
Quoted by: >>27293706

Check https://4stats.io
Take a look at /jp/'s posting rate over the last yesr. There's clearly enough demand for a board

>> No.27293666
Quoted by: >>27293680

We don't deserve a board, or even a thread after all the doxxspamming desu.

>> No.27293667

How exactly did we get an Indonesia specific group in Hololive? like having an English branch totally makes sense because there's so many people in the world that speak English but the Indonesian language, they only speak that an Indonesia, right?

>> No.27293668

There was no kino, feels bad man

>> No.27293679

Why the .5?
There's a half-2hu poster on this board?
Is it called 1hu?

>> No.27293680

just blanket ban SEAniggers and we'd be fine

>> No.27293681

>Superchat reading

>> No.27293686
Quoted by: >>27293809

Holo ID and niji India make no sense to me

>> No.27293691

Aqua mains Cloud.

>> No.27293695

Big country, low running costs, large weeb/internet community potential. A lot of them can speak a broken mix of Indo/English. Probably was a trial for expanding into other markets.

>> No.27293697

tried to follow Niji ID, which isn't really that successful either, to be honest
what I don't understand the most is why they'd start an ID branch when the locals can't even send superchats

>> No.27293704


>kit kat

>> No.27293706

Dunno if it was an accual meido that said it but the problem with having a board is needing someone to moderate all the threads and they said noone would want to do that because of all the [redacted]

>> No.27293707

>Skip to the end
>If you will hopefully give me another one of the 500 chances...

Bitch is legitimately acting like she's the only one who's had issues streaming.

>> No.27293709
Quoted by: >>27293749

Probably the 2nd largest viewership outside of Japan. A real stupid idea though by how a majority of the country/region lives in poverty.

>> No.27293711
Quoted by: >>27293721

>Una pieza de kitkat

>> No.27293714

Just use NVENC. It should run fine for most things unless you're pushing ultra high FPS.

>> No.27293716

Should have voted

>> No.27293717

Asymmetry is extremely good for making a design more pleasing to look at and memorable.
If you can simply mirror a design to get the other half, it's gonna look plain.

>> No.27293721


>> No.27293724

HoloEN getting destroyed in Smash Bros when

>> No.27293729

she's my #1 personally

>> No.27293730
Quoted by: >>27293773

Are you retarded? She lives in Canada, how can she not know what is n word?

>> No.27293735
Quoted by: >>27293786

Havent been there in a month but probably has somethinmg to do with her not acknowledging a $500 USD superchat at all a couple of months ago. At least thats when the Risu hate kicked up.

>> No.27293738
Quoted by: >>27293758

Is Bird really going to collab with Duck? Sounds fun. I'm mostly interested to see how Kiara handles a collab with a senpai.

>> No.27293742

Would rather see them getting destroyed in a fitan game tbqh

>> No.27293746
Quoted by: >>27293781

Trial run to peak into the overseas market. Indonesia has a huge weeb community, but it has major problems as well. Honestly HoloENs success showed that they should just focus on making JP and Global talents. The English market is gigantic, theres no real reason to focus on regions like ID or KR with what Niji tried doing, and failed, as well.

I wouldnt be surprised if HoloEN success was a huge surprise to Cover. HoloEN gen 2 will happen sooner than most people think.

>> No.27293747

>mori just finishes grading her last test
>the long exhausting day is almost over with
>she rides the train to her stop
>on her way home she decides to stop at the inconvenience store to get her 200 yen bottle of red wine
>she finally makes it home
>sits at her cramped work station
>pull out her phone
>turns it on
>15 missed calls from Kiara
>40 new text messages from Kiara
>I hate it

>> No.27293749
Quoted by: >>27293792

Poverty is exactly the kind of demographic that flocks to these kinds of low budget, quick to produce kind of media. They might not receive superchats but make up for it in views I'm sure.

>> No.27293752

Why do I have the feeling that these HoloEN-JP collabs are gonna be moona-tier? Isn't there too much cultural difference and "talk" sense that the JP chuubas have.

>> No.27293756

Stop making "Subaru Reacts™" a thing for fuck's sake.

>> No.27293757
File: 106 KB, 725x672, 1581491901894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's spooky month and I can buy infinite big bags of kit kats with little amount of money

>> No.27293758

She is good with collabs and desu, her japanese is better than her english imo. So it'll be a redemption stream, I am sure.

>> No.27293760
Quoted by: >>27294031

Oh jesus fuck. I saw wrong. The second one where she has the coat on is still on youtube, the first one without coat seems to have been removed. Based on cursory search. Just search the archives after the streams, there are downloads if they exist.

>> No.27293763
Quoted by: >>27293808

What is Moona saying?

>> No.27293766 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1369516909042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara roommate FBK cosplay on her twitter
Wait how did she have the time to dress up and prep the SC stream

>> No.27293767

Nintendo's online is too shit to even consider that.

>> No.27293768
File: 98 KB, 327x435, 1601437473495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27293773

If Ina drops the gamerword, a team mounties would bust down her door and arrest her for hate crimes before she could say humu.

>> No.27293774

shut the fuck up bitch

>> No.27293776
File: 118 KB, 322x372, Gura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stops at the inconvenience store

>> No.27293779
File: 165 KB, 442x604, amelia x goslings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the sun go on shining?
Why does the sea rush to shore?
Don't they know it's the end of the world?
'Cause you don't love me anymore

>> No.27293781

Americans won't fucking watch cartoons unless it's edgy and then complain it's too edgy and want it banned.

>> No.27293783

Kiara is fine. Mori and Ina know enough japanese that it should mostly be okay. Ame and Gura are gonna struggle the most.

>> No.27293786
Quoted by: >>27294069

This: >>27293735
and also her trying to justify simping as having a hobby, probably.

>> No.27293787
File: 201 KB, 480x480, 1598463820968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike the other anons, I understand you completely!
I like it

>> No.27293788
Quoted by: >>27293818

No it's all over now, a few hours ago that Vtuber Tengoku channel posted a video about Subaru noticing their channel specifically

They are wedded for life to the Duck now

>> No.27293792

>make up for it in views
How would that make up for it financially speaking? And from what I've seen the ID girls all get pretty pathetic numbers.

>> No.27293793

Shion really wants shark
Kiara can deal with JP fine and her collaboration with shuba will go well
Ina and Luna

>> No.27293794
Quoted by: >>27293824

>3 times
Anon... Be careful not to lose your job...

>> No.27293796
Quoted by: >>27294121

Why his new shit sucks?

>> No.27293797
File: 62 KB, 542x540, 1601851703741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think compared to the other English girls at least she had had much more problems. Only other one is Ame and the only really bad stream she had was the one switch kusoge. But yeah I do think she needs to learn to laugh it off like Ame, but I can get that its extremely frustrating.

>> No.27293798

Could've been pictures she prepped earlier.

>> No.27293799

Shes asian, asians cant be racist according to canadians. You should know better

>> No.27293806

i don't like this headcanon.
in my headcanon there are 0 messages but mori sees how many problems her stream had and sends her messages of encouragement and then denies ever having sent them
>I was just worried you were making us look bad

>> No.27293808

Literally "MY PIGGY BANK?!"

>> No.27293809

Lots of weeb Indonesians who watch HoloJP. Indonesia's the 4th largest country in the world. Their DLC language learning systems makes it easy to find people who speak Bahasa and English/Japanese. Lots of factors that make it a logical move and they are reasonably successful even if they are outperformed by local indies.
NijiIndia was a mistake though. The rebranding to NijiEn was a bigger mistake.

>> No.27293813

There's a reason it's called HoloEN and not HoloEU, anon.

>> No.27293814

We're all going to make it, brah

>> No.27293815

She was streaming in cosplay all along.

that's kinda hot

>> No.27293816

Suisei mains Jigglypuff

>> No.27293818
Quoted by: >>27293832

>Subaru reacts to a video reacting to a stream Subaru had
Full circle.

>> No.27293820
File: 480 KB, 725x1024, amelia misaki new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293885

shhh amelia will always love you

>> No.27293823

>Asians can't be racist
Holy shit you have no fucking idea how racist Asians are
White people have nothing on Asians in that department
t. Am chink

>> No.27293824
Quoted by: >>27293902

I work from home so I just say I couldn't be in the daily call because I got a call from a customer. No biggie

>> No.27293830
Quoted by: >>27293857

Do people even actually look out for that retarded yakuman?

>> No.27293832

She's already done this basically, she watched a translation video on stream and critiqued it

>> No.27293836
Quoted by: >>27293865

Fellow EUanon here. Just watch the vods. Take their advice and dont let the streams ruin your health or life.

>> No.27293837

It's just you chinks

>> No.27293839

Your sarcasm reps

>> No.27293840

>that song

>> No.27293841

Asians are natural born racist and haters.
t. Canadian Chink living near Ina

>> No.27293842

Last I checked English was a European language, but yes, I know what you're saying

>> No.27293844
File: 518 KB, 872x602, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27293848

Indonesians prety much speaking English and Japanese from birth so you can milk them on both sides. Sasuga Cover Corp

>> No.27293851
File: 160 KB, 850x1202, __watson_amelia_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_yatsucchie__sample-c749c35e8fd775ef7503e670c556f92a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modesty, propriety can lead to notoriety
You could end up as the only one
Gentleness, sobriety are rare in this society
At night a candle's brighter than the sun

Takes more than combat gear to make a man
Takes more than a license for a gun
Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can
A gentleman will walk but never run

If "manners maketh man" as someone said
He's the hero of the day
It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
Be yourself no matter what they say

>> No.27293852

I mean it's also not HoloUSA

>> No.27293855
Quoted by: >>27293893

DAMN I'm dumb, posting in the wrong fucking thread.

That said I feel like ina is the team mom, seems the most soft spoken among them to.

>> No.27293857
Quoted by: >>27294034

Yakuman are a meme. You get the via dumb luck and trying to win faster is almost always better.

>> No.27293858

That was my introduction to her, it was magical.

Been watching her since then.

>> No.27293860
Quoted by: >>27294027

My wishlist for HoloEN x JP collabs:

>Mori + Coco
>Gura + Luna
>Kiara + Pekora
>Ame + Matsuri
>Ina + Suisei

Ina and Suisei doing a collab drawstream would be Iyashikei.

Outside of Hololive, I'd like to see Kiara + Tamaki Inuyama. I think that could be wild.

>> No.27293863

Based and Canadapilled

>> No.27293864
File: 155 KB, 1615x786, 1601688044439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293906

>Asians can't be racist

>> No.27293865
Quoted by: >>27293913

It's not the streams, it's following the threads here as the streams happen.
The last couple weeks were on a whole different level of entertainment

>> No.27293866

>according to canadians
only wypipo have consequences for racism anonchama

>> No.27293869
Quoted by: >>27293885

Just Amelia.

>> No.27293879

Careful, you might offend the neets with the truth. Her sad face was really pissing me off but when she starting to break down and show frustration it kinda turn me on. I like when emotional wrecks fuck up live.

>> No.27293880

Reminder that she browses 4chan, and for once this isn’t a narrative.

>> No.27293881
Quoted by: >>27293890

>If Ina drops the gamerword
she already did

>> No.27293882

What is your freelance work?

>> No.27293885
File: 57 KB, 1433x593, 1601748773361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293931


>> No.27293888

You guys think Kiara's magaer is mad at her? Would they like take a cut from her pay for his pc or some shit? I hope not and I hope he treats her nicely

>> No.27293890


>> No.27293891
Quoted by: >>27293920

Deadbeat here. Dropped out of college but I do work. Might go back to school someday though.

>> No.27293893

Were you waiting for a reply on that abandoned Mel thread? Heh.

>> No.27293900
File: 236 KB, 991x1080, watson kitkat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teamates is this your man?

>> No.27293902

From experience, you can only use a single excuse a couple of times before people start to get suspicious

>> No.27293904

What do you guys think would happen if it ever came out that a holoen member smoked/s weed or something? It's pretty much entirely a non-issue in the west but I know japan gets pretty autistic about that shit, so I wonder which side's influence would win out.

>> No.27293906
File: 454 KB, 603x500, watson aaaaaaaaaah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293925

>according to Canadians

>> No.27293907

Sucking dick.

>> No.27293911
File: 161 KB, 579x576, Kiara_Norf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news chickenfriends, the stream today may have been absolute suffering, but I decided to ease your pains and make your Norf.

>> No.27293913

Fair enough. Personally I just open up the archives of the period when the stream happened and slowly go through them while watching the vod. Not quite the same, but I want to stick to my new sleeping schedule.

Hope everything goes well for you and you manage to balance your stream watching and your job.

>> No.27293916

>This shit again
I fucking swear it's the same guy posting this shit every time

>> No.27293917

He's probably abusing her like her uncle Fritzl did.

>> No.27293920

>Might go back to school someday though
eh it's not bad, dropped out of engineering like a year ago and returned to school and currently taking a CS degree

>> No.27293922

hahaha what the fuck

>> No.27293923


>> No.27293924

What a Chad.

>> No.27293925

Do they still sell milk in bags in leafland?

>> No.27293926
File: 1.25 MB, 1030x636, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently Artia is playing Jackbox with Sodapoppin, moonmoon, etc. on twitch right now

>> No.27293931
File: 78 KB, 425x591, watson smug2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia is in control. You will worship her.

>> No.27293932


>> No.27293935

>What do you guys think would happen if it ever came out that a holoen member smoked/s weed or something?
Uh didn't this already happen?

>> No.27293938

This joke was fucking layered

>> No.27293939

Norfs literally dressed in the girls outfit is trash. They need fan attire and have their belly breath freely.

>> No.27293941

Not gonna lie, pretty jealous. One day I hope to achieve this level of CHAD.

>> No.27293943

Do you mean he is banging her? Then yes, he is treating her nicely.

>> No.27293945

Literally me

>> No.27293946

Yes, it’s not in all regions though

>> No.27293947
Quoted by: >>27293966

>Uh didn't this already happen?

>> No.27293952

Time to watch minecraft with kiara. And wow she has a superchat reading in 1 hour? Bird is busy.

>> No.27293953

wtf artia

>> No.27293956
File: 109 KB, 472x444, 1599953190446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27293991

I talked to real girls all my live, having them one internet away from me and also in 2D improved the experience a lot.

>> No.27293958

she mentioned her mom being the high priestess, though considering her background had her being described as a "normal girl" it's probably likely the book also rewrites her family as well

>> No.27293959

sadly hlgg bought into the whole shit with artia being pro China so now apparently they hate her so no one cares anymore.

>> No.27293962

shit maymay, especially in /jp/

>> No.27293963
File: 99 KB, 680x626, 0BFCD41B-CA08-4A5D-B6B3-CDC8B6AAF900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state of flips

>> No.27293964
Quoted by: >>27294057

backstabbing bitch

>> No.27293966

Not really. Mori said her friends used to smoke it but not her.

>> No.27293967
Quoted by: >>27293999


>> No.27293970
File: 108 KB, 765x965, _anenis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27294002

Here is your request. I call it "RTA speedrun shitting out a drawing at 5am"

>> No.27293973

Based, thank you

>> No.27293974

how many times is this going to be posted

>> No.27293975

artia in her normal state when shes not being a gremlin. poggers huge brother

>> No.27293983
File: 80 KB, 703x394, ComfyKaraoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27293986

I personally like versions of the norfs dressed in the girls stuff, it's more hilarious

>> No.27293991
Quoted by: >>27294122

We are right here though.

>> No.27293992

artia your roommate is trying to sleep...

>> No.27293994

wait she actually is, whoa

>> No.27293996

They're smoking weed??? It's probably to alleviate the nausea from their pregnancy/cancer/multiple boyfriends! AaaaAAAAa!

>> No.27293999

>those independently moving eyebrows
What in the fuck

>> No.27294001

She said she was pressured into trying, but it's unconfirmed if she actually did or set her hair on fire before that.

>> No.27294002
Quoted by: >>27294043

I can hear her voice!

>> No.27294004
File: 82 KB, 740x827, Tentative Schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27294176

Someone suggested google calendar and this was the halfway point I preferred. Will update once shark or chicken come up with something more concrete,

>> No.27294006
File: 1.11 MB, 1023x568, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs to work on her bars

>> No.27294008

Is this the new Carl edits?

>> No.27294011


>> No.27294012
File: 230 KB, 600x600, artia thumbs up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Artia

>> No.27294013

Yeah, Mori's roomate's "friends" used to smoke weed and offered her one but she did not inhale.

>> No.27294015
Quoted by: >>27294096

With a little bit of pushing it can become /hlgg/'s https://files.catbox.moe/om3tcw.webm

>> No.27294019


>> No.27294020
Quoted by: >>27294210

Given how autistic Japs are about weed she was playing with fire by even broaching the subject

>> No.27294021

3d and art in general for games. Its one of the many tentacultist career paths.

>> No.27294023
File: 385 KB, 667x654, Untitled-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27294024

As long as she was getting stoned in America then that wouldn't really be much of an issue, but being on a work visa and smoking weed in Japan is a big No-No.

>> No.27294027

Ina+Suisei+Ane'nis+Anemachi collab would be kino

>> No.27294029
Quoted by: >>27294076


>> No.27294031

Lucky for you I still had the tab open. Here's a link to the first one if anyone still needs it.
https://anonfiles com/RbleEba6p5/_osu_Mania_and_taking_requests_-gG-A9gP_ZTY_mp4

>> No.27294034
Quoted by: >>27294056

Well except for Aqua, she was able to pull off actively looking for a yakuman somehow

>> No.27294035

I can't remember the last time I had milk from a bag. My mom started buying those huge ass 4L jugs years ago

>> No.27294038
Quoted by: >>27294089

Makes you realize how few anons do any sort of archive or even basic twitter reps

>> No.27294039

I'm sure Kiara would be greatly pleased with this.

>> No.27294042
File: 134 KB, 957x896, Artia Cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just cooled it on Artia posting in these rough times.

>> No.27294043


>> No.27294048

Can you provide some link

>> No.27294050

Whatever gets Subaru some attention. I'm kinda glad she seems to be their favorite.

>> No.27294051
Quoted by: >>27294059

Kiara sounds kinda drunk in her minecraft stream.

>> No.27294054
Quoted by: >>27294100

They'd likely cancel her visa and deport her for just admitting she'd tried it in the US even without a criminal conviction.

>> No.27294055
File: 1.53 MB, 3840x2160, EiVzjbZUYAAR0dX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27294107

So what are your thoughts now on the girls versus before they streamed? I had no idea who they where before so I just made assumptions based off their designs, well some of them anyway.

Gura: No assumptions to be honest, she seemed like the cutest and her stream took me by surprise, really in her element. Makes sense given who she was.

Kiara: Expected a more bubbly person, she's can be bubbly but goes in to hard on herself.

Mori: No particular expectations, that said she doesn't seem used to the love tossed her way, did people just treat her like shit before?

Ina: Wasn't expecting her to be so quiet, I enjoy it though, I feel like she's incapable of raging.

Amelia: Seemed like a memelord from the start, guess I was right.

>> No.27294056
File: 18 KB, 491x322, saki tanoshii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>able to pull off actively looking for a yakuman somehow
Lesbian superpowers are the only way to consistently win

>> No.27294057
File: 1.48 MB, 1918x1079, oof artia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27294188


>> No.27294059

I'd be hammered out of my god damned mind if I went through as much shit as she did

>> No.27294060

>be a flip
>hurr durr why flips so self hating
Do you really have to ask?

>> No.27294062

I am from east germany and we had milk in bags here when I was a lil kid.

>> No.27294064

She made it big time.

>> No.27294067
Quoted by: >>27294095

sure we can watch the stream vod we missed but for some of them the thread here is like half the experience, has anyone figured out how to "replay" a thread with a custom timer so you can have the full experience replayed?

>> No.27294069
Quoted by: >>27294181

Oh! now i understand
I found the clip, she doesn't justify it, she just give advice to not get a insane obsession of giving all your income to a vtuber

>> No.27294072


>> No.27294073

Do I look like I know who these disgusting normie ass streamers are?

>> No.27294076
Quoted by: >>27294111

>moved from one of the least anal countries in the world into one of the most anal countries in the world, of her own volition
I du

>> No.27294080

Punished Artia.

>> No.27294081
Quoted by: >>27294108

Who are these nobodies?

>> No.27294089

I don't go on twitter because I'm not a faggot, so there.

>> No.27294090

The pro ccp and the amelia doxxer are playing together.

Funny, isn't it?

>> No.27294092


>> No.27294095

That would be an interesting webdev project to do. Sync youtube with an archive of a thread so that the posts appear at close time intervals of the original time of the stream.

>> No.27294096

Please don't soil my precious Miko with disgusting flip posting.

>> No.27294100

Nah they have laws against that from the US Japan treaty.

>> No.27294105

In Japan being caught with any illigal drug is the same if not worse than commuting murder. You basically are erased from society. A voice actress was caught a few years ago and now she is blacklisted. She will probably go into porn.

>> No.27294107
Quoted by: >>27294132

>did people just treat her like shit before
Her and Kiara have had tough lives. Doesn't help that both of them are foreigners living in Japan, which doesn't usually end up with good treatment.

>> No.27294108

The XXII Roman Consuls

>> No.27294110
File: 124 KB, 1000x1000, Kiara point down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kiara knows of bed in nether exploding and not attacking the pigmen

>> No.27294111
Quoted by: >>27294156

I cannot imagine why you would think that if someone has smoked dope at some point that it would be the overriding factor in them deciding everything about their future.

>> No.27294121

I like it. See no reason why you would say his new stuff sucks when you listen to his old stuff.

>> No.27294122
File: 595 KB, 600x479, 1600925632132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27294135

funny anon don't scare me like that, girls only exist on thot platforms

>> No.27294128

I almost read it as
>attacking the pigment

>> No.27294131

wait what

>> No.27294132

That and they both have imposter syndrome but Mori seems to have it much worse than Kiara

>> No.27294135
Quoted by: >>27294146

/jp/ was always slutty girls, newfag.

>> No.27294142

Artia, your bars...

>> No.27294144

Whereas in the west if you get caught with loli, shota or really anything vaguely suggestive to be underage you can get prison time as a child sex offender, which in the west is basically considered worse than murder and permanently ruin your life. So pick your poison, I suppose.

>> No.27294146
File: 7 KB, 99x132, [GJM] Tanaka-kun wa Kyou mo Kedaruge - 14 [5C34B8F6].mkv_snapshot_00.28_[2017.03.20_01.37.56].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27294184

I'm a crossboarder from [a/ and we're all little girls over there

>> No.27294149

Ina maybe, probably not but won't be surprised if she did. Canada has the best weed and easily accessible to anyone even pre-legalization.

>> No.27294156

I dunno, I'm just inclined to bleeb her for some reason. I mean if she was complicit, why would she bring up a subject so yabai in the first place?

>> No.27294158
Quoted by: >>27294179

People spoiled it on twitter for her. Don't underestimate Kiara's white knights

>> No.27294159
Quoted by: >>27294200

Archived. For member only.

>> No.27294164
File: 1.34 MB, 1090x610, managersan pc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manager told her he has a beefy pc
>runs mc worse than her shittop

>> No.27294167
File: 98 KB, 224x217, 1600993167337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish we had the same mentality. Watched a bunch of people in my HS gradually become bumbling retards after smoking everyday and fucking around constantly with psychedelics. I don't know if it's the drugs themselves that fuck up young brains or if its just the people who gather around them.

>> No.27294171
File: 231 KB, 1280x1792, Artia IceCream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27294172

A friend of my professor (immigrant from the US) at the Japanese university I stayed at for a semester got deported and blacklisted for entry after being discovered with weed

>> No.27294174
File: 2.53 MB, 2045x2200, 1601336417312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was Chikincraft?

>> No.27294176


>> No.27294179

We saw them with ina avatars dude.

>> No.27294181


>> No.27294183

Why the FUCK is she running Minecraft in a 1549x870 window?

>> No.27294184
File: 107 KB, 819x1024, momoka-chama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigg/a/

>> No.27294185

>Liking weebshit -> liking vtubers -> going to 4chan to gossip about vtubers
This but insert "going to 4chan to talk about weebshit" after the weebshit

>> No.27294188

New narrative: they did it to spite Artia.

>> No.27294191
Quoted by: >>27294849

>and now she is blacklisted
She had a small acting role after that IIRC and her charges were dropped. Plus her agency and the production company who completely erased her from their records caught a ton of shit from the Japanese audience for it.

>> No.27294192
File: 448 KB, 658x533, 1585768897781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me, God are you punishing me?
Is this the price I'm paying for my past mistakes?
This is my redemption song
I need you more than ever right now
Can you hear me now?

I wish that someway and somehow I could save every one of us
But I'm only one girl

Maybe if I keep believing my dreams will come to life...

Come to life...

>> No.27294194
Quoted by: >>27294219

Not in free countries only pathetic commie shitholes.

>> No.27294198

Suffering on a scale not yet known.

>> No.27294200

restream and mirrors when?????

>> No.27294205
Quoted by: >>27294233


>> No.27294206
Quoted by: >>27294219

>in the west
Except the US, no one's really ever been prosecuted for that unless they also had actual cheese pizza on their hard drive

>> No.27294207
File: 50 KB, 400x400, Kiara derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching right now and the vod is 720p max...

>> No.27294210

Yeah, I was a bad idea to even bring it up.

>> No.27294219

Pretty much the entire western anglosphere has those laws now. Maybe not all US states but at least some, IIRC.

>> No.27294221

Happened to that big time actor guy who was in Judgement after he got caught with some coke.

>> No.27294224

Which boards did you guys come from? I'm curious to find out what kind of people got into Vrubers.
/g/ and /a/ here. I'm assuming most people would be from /a/ or /jp/

>> No.27294227
File: 171 KB, 738x658, 1599940661851.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Matrix
>another movie not on Netflix

>> No.27294232

Well, looks like I'm joining the cult.

>> No.27294233
File: 195 KB, 682x399, artia sex poggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27294271


>> No.27294234

This has never happened. Loli/shota porn is only ever tacked on as an accessory to actual CP offenses.

>> No.27294237

I used to spend a ton of time on /a/ pre split, then /a/ and /jp/, later also /v/, but I was basically gone from here for 5-6 years before returning a couple months ago

>> No.27294238

/jp/ since 2008. Mostly used /a/ and occasionally /v/ since then, even though it's fucking terrible.

>> No.27294240
Quoted by: >>27294286

>entire western anglosphere
As I said, commie shitholes.

>> No.27294241

Not fun, this is not suffering kino, it's just suffering.
She comfirmed she's collabig with Subaru when the ban lifts.

>> No.27294242
Quoted by: >>27294286

>uhh yeah all of the world I guess I don't really know but doesn't it make you think how bad things are that I would believe this
It's like I am really on /vol/

>> No.27294248

/a/ and /v/ lurking the Fluttershy thread on /mlp/

>> No.27294249

During dead hours, I shall ask but one question.
Have you done your reps?

>> No.27294250

Probably more than half this thread is unironically /v/.

>> No.27294251
Quoted by: >>27294262

this sums it up: https://files.catbox.moe/2v7a3k.mp4

>> No.27294253
Quoted by: >>27294267

I came from /vg/ (/mbg/ threads)

>> No.27294256


>> No.27294261
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, Kiara minecraft fanart by @Vgamer3111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27294262
File: 19 KB, 540x468, EhxA-qnXcAA4Q7I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27294264

Only board I frequented was /tg/ and /vg/

>> No.27294267
Quoted by: >>27294461

Modtools any good? Dropped it a few weeks after release.

>> No.27294268

I'm no footfag but a lot of Ina's art in particular has really nice looking feet that anyone can appreciate.

>> No.27294270

Just pirate it or something.

>> No.27294271

she wouldn't accept anything less then a 3090 though and only if she loves you back

>> No.27294274
Quoted by: >>27294288


>> No.27294273
Quoted by: >>27294288


>> No.27294275

/vg/table here
>your home board saying what "kind of person" you are
Well if you say so

>> No.27294277
Quoted by: >>27294294

/d/, I visit /int/ occasionally though
I only came here after hearing about the Aloe incident on Twitter, I thought maybe /jp/ has vtuber threads and indeed this place has three (4 now I guess)

>> No.27294278
Quoted by: >>27294299

I don't think I've ever seriously browsed /v/ in my entire time on this site. It always struck me as just /b/ with a bit of set dressing.

>> No.27294279
Quoted by: >>27294299

>all of these /v/irgins
I still do not understand the appeal of that board.
You don't even talk about video games

>> No.27294281


>> No.27294285

Originally from /g/ and /v/, started watching vtubers back in January and got hooked, some flipnigger mentioned /jp/ in the youtube comments back in late July, now I'm here

>> No.27294286
Quoted by: >>27294302

Bongland, Canada and Australia are all confirmed, dunno what to tell you but enjoy your unfounded security I guess.

>> No.27294288


>> No.27294289


>> No.27294294
File: 12 KB, 251x251, 1283042071466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27294310

>I only came here after hearing about the Aloe incident on Twitter,

>> No.27294297

I honestly don't know what's more fun to watch, her streams or this thread during

>> No.27294299

/v/ got progressively worse over time. When /jp was new /v/ was actually still pretty alright, but look at this shit now, I haven't been there for a good 4-5 years but all those splits are dumb and generals on /v/ have always been cancer

>> No.27294300

Dipped into vg for visual novels now and then, hopped over and stayed on jp for vtubers since mid 2019

>> No.27294303

Do we know if Mori and Kiara have met irl yet? I think Mori has said that she met Kiaras "latest incarnation" only recently, whatever that means.

>> No.27294302
Quoted by: >>27294320

You post seems to be implying that those aren't commie shitholes and I can't understand why.

>> No.27294304
Quoted by: >>27294313

Assuming that computer has 8/16GB of ram it should be able to run Minecraft without choking.

Thing is they're sending the technologically illiterate idol blind because they're retarded/incompetent or want her to suffer.

Nobody took 20 fucking minutes to make sure the game would run properly. It's installing a launcher, logging in then going into the settings menu.

>> No.27294310

fuck off 2hufags, seirensen was the last good game

>> No.27294313

without OptiFine Minecraft runs like shit either way

>> No.27294315
Quoted by: >>27294335

Gonna share this with Kiara and say it's based on her RL appearance

>> No.27294316
File: 374 KB, 688x500, 1582427082769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vg/ /alter/tard here

>> No.27294320
Quoted by: >>27294358

Okay /pol/.

>> No.27294321

Girls posting their schedule and after all kiara's plead. Only mori wants to collab with her.

Btw is it just me or Kiara sounds mentally unstable on her minecraft stream. She's I their on drugs or drunk.

>> No.27294327
Quoted by: >>27294337

cute Aloe

>> No.27294328

Been a while, got tired of 4chan for a while. /a/, /g/, /vg/ (mainly the vn general), /v/ (if there's a new jrpg I like out to discuss, it's pretty shit and off topic too much), /jp/ (untranslated vn gen).

>> No.27294331

/g/ and /a/ here too, and I'm still trying to figure out how to make one of those virus-laden desktop buddies with a cute anime girl

>> No.27294335
File: 187 KB, 586x1932, kiara anti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't she block you?

>> No.27294336

>She's I their on drugs or drunk.
it's you

>> No.27294337
File: 363 KB, 688x500, 1591609509408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27294382

Aloe love!

>> No.27294342

I would say my home board is /vst/ since that's my main genre, but I only lurk occasionally there really.

>> No.27294343

ESLkun, your narrative textblocks.

>> No.27294348
File: 217 KB, 1080x872, Screenshot_20201005-172407~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your top 6 holos, bro

>> No.27294349
Quoted by: >>27294365

Gura is still on the table

>> No.27294351

>She's I their on drugs or drunk.

>> No.27294352

You don't sound too stable yourself, you vegan shit.

>> No.27294358
Quoted by: >>27294714

It is always really sad talking to prisoners of other countries like you, you just cannot conceive that there exists places in the world where your freedom is protected and you're not at the mercy of an authoritarian nightmare legal system.

>> No.27294359
Quoted by: >>27294392

what are the others supposed to do with Kiara? games are out of the question (shit temporary PC, latency problems)

>> No.27294364

I'm tri/g/gered by the girls posting schedules on twitter for whole week but not putting them on youtube as well so they appear on those schedule scraping websites

>> No.27294365

You are not allowed to point that out, barracuda.

>> No.27294367

Clip from her stream earlier really hit hard https://streamable.com/zc42dv

>> No.27294369

Last time I really used 4chan a lot I was a fa/tg/uy back in 2014ish when quest threads were still on that board, so I'm basically a tourist at this point

>> No.27294372

Reddit dragon...

>> No.27294380

How big is the numberfag meltdown going to be if/when shark doesn't beat foxcat to 1M?

>> No.27294382
Quoted by: >>27294398

Still convinced that Lizfags cursed Aloe by association

>> No.27294384
Quoted by: >>27294407

Jesus christ, she isn't stopping any time soon. She still gets above 15k without streaming for two days.

>> No.27294385

/a/ and /tg/

>> No.27294390

Nobody will give a fuck unless it's the other way around and even then it'll only be shitposting.

>> No.27294392 [DELETED] 

Talk I guess. It's really the only thing she's good for.

>> No.27294393
Quoted by: >>27294416

According to Kiara it sounds like they have met. Not to mention Mori did give her a mic so I'm assuming she gave it to her in person.

>> No.27294398

Very possible desu

>> No.27294399
Quoted by: >>27294415

/fit/ and /vg/, specifically/neog/

>> No.27294402

As it stands right now Korone is the frontrunner for the 1M.

>> No.27294404

i personally will be popping the biggest metaphorical bottles and shitposting it all over /hlg/ the moment she surpass FBK

>> No.27294407

makes sense though, she's viral with the content she has already produced. People will sub just to see when she uploads new content.

>> No.27294410

I post on no other message boards, and I haven't browsed 4chan for a few years.

Don't remember how I found out about the ENs, but it was before the debut. I knew /jp/ would be the right place for news about them.

By the way here's the first archived post mentioning Gosling on /jp/, 1675874, I might have made it, but I don't think I did. I do have an original variant of the copypasta from 2007 tho.

>> No.27294414

Korone's 24h stream got her a sizable boost in subs, so don't count her out yet.

>> No.27294415

Also /vst/, forgot about that one and I'm there every day since it came to be

>> No.27294416
Quoted by: >>27294449

arent they living together right now

>> No.27294418 [SPOILER] 
File: 121 KB, 300x300, 1601890311402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27294423

But how does she feel lonely? Not fulfilled?

>> No.27294426
File: 555 KB, 3200x3840, Ejios51U4AAFT5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27294437

Those numbers are based on Korone having just had a massive stream, and Gura not having streamed for two days. So I don't think that's quite representative of the current state of things.

>> No.27294438

There will be plenty of shitposting and mildly hurt feelings i guess.

>> No.27294439
File: 215 KB, 1944x1832, EjioynfU8AEW1MT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27294443 [DELETED] 
File: 234 KB, 443x785, ogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27294446
File: 50 KB, 800x900, EfSgG5AXsAIuzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you made it, anon.

>> No.27294449

That's too wild of a narrative. Mori hasn't moved yet and we're only assumong that they'll be living a walking distance from each other. Living together is out of the question.
Bird is living is a house though, she said she can have 4 other girls living with her no problem.

>> No.27294456
File: 221 KB, 274x330, 1572742067993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/,/lit/,/int/ and /vg/ are my main boards.
I also have frequented /jp/ for some of the specific threads that have actual topics but toe hoe fags for some reason make up like 80% plus of this board and I'm not into that shit

>> No.27294459

Mad jelly cause I have 0 talent and I'm reaching the point of no return

>> No.27294461

It's all a shitty and buggy mess.

>> No.27294465
File: 4 KB, 180x135, 985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27294469

At these exact current rates, Korone would take about 27 days to reach 1m. Gura only needs about 17.
Keep in mind Gura hasn't been streaming for 2 days while Korone just had a very successful endurance stream and is about to go on a weeklong break. These rates are bound to change in Gura's favor.

>> No.27294471

the last collab almost sounded like chicken jumped on Mori's headset

>> No.27294472

It's only a short rental like 6 months.

>> No.27294476

There will be more shitposts if gura gets it first. If Dog or Foxcat get it there will just be the few butthurt numberfags.

>> No.27294486


>> No.27294502

They definitely met before and maybe even knew each other well. Their interactions are good, banter natural when it's just the two of them.

>> No.27294505
File: 130 KB, 541x547, 1585319672562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/u/ is my home board, but I also frequent /k/ and /m/, oh and /vrpg/ now for the /mon/ threads.

>> No.27294506

heck, how the fuck did gura blow up so much?

>> No.27294509

God I hope they don't all move in together. Holohouse is a terrible idea and a security disaster waiting to happen.

>> No.27294511

I wonder if any of the JP holos ate secretly jealous and hate shark’s sub counts?

>> No.27294513

its the fucking matrix, pirate it, ore rent it on a shit site like youtube or amazon for 3 dollars, thats why she put all the perks in tier one incase we had to rent it.

>> No.27294517

she's cute and funny unironically

>> No.27294522

hopefully Gura waits til after our Dragon Emperor is back from exile to pass her but thats a doubt

>> No.27294525

natural chuuba talent+good design

>> No.27294526

Sounds like hell for Ame and Gura especially since they don't even know japanese.

>> No.27294527

How exactly would they do it if 3 of them are in NA and the borders are closed for however many months more?

>> No.27294531

I'd say if not second then middle of the road. She's one of those streamers where it's possible to have no strong feelings about whatsoever because she lacks any standout moments to either be really hyped for or really anti against.

>> No.27294538

voice of an angel
I felt my heart actually beat in my chest when she said aishteru live

>> No.27294542
Quoted by: >>27294569

>Ryzen 5 1400
>RX 580
>2 fucking gigs of RAM
Is this what the Japanese call beefy? This is bargain bin office hardware.

>> No.27294545

How did you get those very high quality emotes?

>> No.27294549

Gura doesn't have any say in this. In fact, she's probably very self-conscious about her meteoric rise and wishes she was a bit more low key.

>> No.27294553

>a security disaster waiting to happen.
Given the number of times Coco has emphasized its security Holohouse is almost certainly a gated apartment block with a 24 hour doorman service. Nobody the Holos don't want there is getting in.

>> No.27294560

Definitely my second fav after Amelia. She's always super comfy to watch and I like her design and voice a lot.

>> No.27294562

I don't think they'd be jealous, the Gura phenomenon is like an act of God, it just came out of nowhere and blew up 5x what anyone was expecting. They probably see it more as an opportunity to get extra English viewers than a legitimate threat to them

>> No.27294566

That was honestly the weakest part of the song.

>> No.27294569

Japs have consoletism and don't believe that PCs that are used to build and benchmark games can run said games better.

>> No.27294573
Quoted by: >>27294614

Doggo becoming top Holo will be surreal.

>> No.27294576

She's my 2nd fav behind Gura she's tied with Ame


>> No.27294577
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, 1586375477508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally doing them all right now, plan to get 6 hours of reps done today.
Also my HQ microphone just finally arrived much earlier then expected, going to try and make a remix for Mori's competition this week, will be my first song/remix ever and guaranteed shit but I'll do it for fun and the reps anyway

>> No.27294578
Quoted by: >>27295162

i ask myself that question every single day

>> No.27294579

A woman or a homosexual wrote this post.

>> No.27294582

God-tier design, cute voice, and total void of loli characters in the other generations

>> No.27294587

Sharkfags are the playstation fanboys of holoen.

>> No.27294599

>So this is the power of sharkcunny... Whoa...

>> No.27294600

Based deadbeat

>> No.27294603
File: 15 KB, 450x399, 517IfI1ImIL._AC_SX450_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how the fuck did gura blow up so much?
Gas canister?

>> No.27294610

Kuroboshi’s loli designs tend to explode in popularity. That man is a god at what he does.

>> No.27294614

Inb4 inevitable "top dog" puns.

Even if she reaches it she may not hold onto it for long before Gura knocks her off the perch.

>> No.27294615
File: 597 KB, 2480x3508, 1601522589145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27294651

The real question is who isn't jelly of Gura among ALL holos?

>> No.27294621

okay, so let me get this straight:
>mori - cringekino
>phoenix - schadenkino
>amelia - gremlinkino (formerly gfkino)
>ina - comfykino
>gura - ????

>> No.27294629

Kentucky Fresh Cunny...

>> No.27294631

kino and funny

>> No.27294636


>> No.27294637

"a" memes
Normies flocking to see "that cute shark anime girl"
Angelic voice (I'm not saying she's always perfect pitch, but she has a really pleasant timbre that a lot of people like)
Memelord background
Lolifags that found her from tons of amazing art everywhere

It's a chain reaction at this point, the hype is self-sustaining now.

>> No.27294642

>but thats a doubt
Are you retarded? Gura is literally half-a-day away from passing Coco. We're way past "doubt".

It would take Gura releasing an hour long video of her screaming the word "nigger" over and over again over gore imagery for Coco to even have a glimmer of hope of still being above her in two weeks.

>> No.27294643

Bull fucking shit

>> No.27294645


>> No.27294646

Shark is Playstationfags
Ina is PCfags
Mori is Xboxfags
Kiara is Nintendofags
Ame is SEGAfags, that will always be loyal to their waifu no matter what happens.

>> No.27294648


>> No.27294651

Honestly. Probably Ina. She seems like she could have Kiara's numbers and still be content with what she's doing: regular comfy streams with a small but dedicated fanbase.

>> No.27294659

>Implying that wouldn't just accelerate her growth

>> No.27294660
Quoted by: >>27294758

Amelia is gremlinkino and gfkino at random. Possibly more drugskino in the future.

>> No.27294662
Quoted by: >>27294736

Good luck deadbeatbro. Proof that deadbeats are the hardest workers.

>> No.27294666

>smol girl voice/design/attitude
>nailed the singing debut
>sweet personality
>involuntary meme generator

>> No.27294671

Gura was not by Kuroboshi

>> No.27294673
File: 597 KB, 3013x2168, EibwoJtU0AEADGM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because you're already dead inside, anon.

>> No.27294674

kuroboshi drew Ina, not gura

>> No.27294678

holoen are the holoen of holoen

>> No.27294680

>schadenkino - shameful theatre
Makes it sound more like an epic tragedy than a girl dying in minecraft over and over.

>> No.27294695

None. I was linked from bestgore.

>> No.27294694
Quoted by: >>27294720

Most of her growth is being fueled by the youtube algorithm. Hard racism would get her booted from the algorithm asap.

>> No.27294707

The next MFDoom

>> No.27294708


>> No.27294713

It's certainly more interesting than opera, that's for sure

>> No.27294714

It's always funny to see burgerclaps who've never spent a day outside of their own country commenting on the rest of world. Everyone has their own form of entertainment, I suppose.

>> No.27294716

chicken has very colorful thumbnails

>> No.27294720
File: 9 KB, 300x168, mikochi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hard racism would get her booted

>> No.27294724

>shameful theatre
but schadenfreude is a german expression for enjoying someone elses misfortune, it has nothing to do with shameful

>> No.27294728
File: 126 KB, 1024x659, 22537404667_0794d549c1_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27294814

Ame can be gf and gremlin at the same time.

>> No.27294729

Sounds like that avant-garde, modern pseudo-porn the off-broadways do.

>> No.27294733

>God-tier design
When they first debut, I honestly thought Gura has the worst design among the five. Maybe a combination of the somewhat plain hoody and lack of shading. But the way she acts with the live2d definitely makes her cuter.

>> No.27294734
File: 213 KB, 1365x2048, 1601695640486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if she chooses certain songs on purpose, because this song reflects the feels of her fans a lot.

>> No.27294736
File: 211 KB, 1499x1092, 1584593382709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owe it to Mori really, she somehow broke into my mind and made me realize what I can do unlike any other person I've seen in person or online, I can only half explain why.
I wanna try and be like her, capable of working my ass of from the moment I wake to the moment I sleep, no matter where I am in life, smiling from beginning to end despite the struggle.

>> No.27294740


>> No.27294743

Wow holoens getting unhinged.

>> No.27294744

When Kiara returns in a couple of minutes I just hope she'll be happy

>> No.27294748
Quoted by: >>27294768

First time on /b at 2012, then /a, occasionally on/pol until 2016. Back to 4chan after vtuber craze around 5 months ago

>> No.27294750

I think I found the words to describe the part of Gura that makes me dislike her but many people love her
she's like post-smartphone internet

>> No.27294753

I feel really bad for Amelia pretty much nuking her roommate off the internet but I don't think doing dates after the night of the broken goslings is a good idea.

>> No.27294754

I love it. Plus it's German.

>> No.27294755

youtube bots are too shitty catch it from JOP speakers

>> No.27294758

Amelia is more Jekyll and Hyde than Holmes and Watson.

>> No.27294759
Quoted by: >>27294811

It really sucks, hope it didn't hurt her or her old fans too much

>> No.27294761
Quoted by: >>27294778


>> No.27294765


>> No.27294768

You left this hell hole. Why come back

>> No.27294775

Find some better words.

>> No.27294777

Oh my fucking god you are right. She is like a toddler with zero life experience that got born into a hyperrich family while the others are all real, seasoned humans.

>> No.27294778
Quoted by: >>27294981

She's early pewdiepie.

>> No.27294780

Not trying to sound like an as s but this kind of stuff should be something you self realise pretty early on in your life. It you need to wait for an anime girl to give you basic life advice before it is something you bother doing then it....shit I'm sorry.

>> No.27294782

>digging dirt with a sword
>whats wrong with eating rotten flesh
lmao what a mess, I need to watch the bird

>> No.27294783
File: 516 KB, 616x654, CDD298F0-822E-4514-89FF-E52087EF1F37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the narrative behind this

>> No.27294784

Gura is Scooby
Amelia is Shaggy
Ina is Velma
Mori is Fred
Kiara is Daphne

Sorry for putting this image in your head.

>> No.27294790

>digging with sword
my tism is triggered

>> No.27294794
Quoted by: >>27294832

>let them eat cake
Kiara with the historical references.

>> No.27294799

Kiara stream is live, get ready for pain.

>> No.27294801

Our boy doesn't actually hate the pairing, she's just not good at playing it up.

>> No.27294800

Basically, Mori's tsundere walls are thorny, but paper thin

>> No.27294802

I dont get it. Her music tastes says otherwise?

>> No.27294803

It's kind of fascinating to hear HER rendition of this song from some time back and comparing it to this, maybe she wasn't trying so hard back then but the improvement is staggering.

>> No.27294805
File: 29 KB, 424x389, 1600436611593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27294806
Quoted by: >>27294887

Kiara is live

>> No.27294807

anyone see the new Marine stram coming up

>> No.27294808

I'd switch mori and amelia

>> No.27294811
Quoted by: >>27294845

Are you kidding me imagine her roommate goes to a con or a public place and they're like hey give me your Twitter or Facebook, what is she going to do lol

>> No.27294814

>Ame can be gf
not after you know what, nah
most people don't know, so it should be ok

>> No.27294817
Quoted by: >>27295339

She is doing it to make Kiara feel batter in these hard moments of her life, such a sweetheart

>> No.27294822
File: 295 KB, 1600x1092, Kiara Mori hot drinks @Alpholo_V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another morixkali image by this artist
Ok that's it. Have t follow.

>> No.27294823
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1601521740167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>messed up sleep schedule over the weekend
>now gonna sleep through gura's streams all week

>> No.27294825

Prepare for some sufferkino

>> No.27294826


>> No.27294827

Realistically, what would Gura need to do in order to have less subs than Coco in two weeks?

>> No.27294828

mostly /v/ with /vst/ and /vrpg/ sprinkled in which isn't much for variety but I have been visiting /ck/ a lot more often recently
saw the eekum bookum meme, decided to look more into it, and apparently HoloEN was right around the corner. Watched shark's debut and have been putting vtubers on my second screen since

>> No.27294832

Architectural references you mean

>> No.27294834

I don't think the people posting pictures of Ryan Gosling are really as deranged people like to pretend. It's meme. The ones causing problems are just assholes who never liked her and get off on hurting other people.

>> No.27294835

Kiara hack

>> No.27294839

Looking forward to more sufferingkino

>> No.27294842

Name the Jew

>> No.27294844

delete her channel

>> No.27294845
Quoted by: >>27294867

Give Line.

>> No.27294847

>humming along with her intro
Sounds like she's feeling a little better after a good cry
>"brb getting a sandwich"

>> No.27294849

She was arrested twice for drugs.

>> No.27294852

Delete her channel, that's probably about it.

>> No.27294854

food poisoning RTA

>> No.27294855

Ina doesn't have the tits for velma

>> No.27294856

>The chat is nothing but an endless spam of simps trying to pump her ego up
Holy fuck chickenfags how can you stand this? It's cultish

>> No.27294857

Nothing aside from deleting her channel outright.
The numbers rise even as she does nothing at all.

>> No.27294859

What's the ETA on Kiara crying this stream

>> No.27294861

Her humming is so cute

>> No.27294862

Just call her a zoomer if you're determined to be prejudiced against generational differences.

>> No.27294866


gura's pop culture references are 90s kid millenial

>> No.27294867


>> No.27294872

Mmm... I feel a bit concerned about this flatness.

>> No.27294873

Imagine Gura singing the Doo Doo Baby Shark meme song



>> No.27294875
Quoted by: >>27294901

Watching this bird play minecraft makes me want to play it and I haven't touch it since Notch was shilling it on/v/ all them years ago.

>> No.27294880

I use picture in picture mode I don't see no chat.
Also I always hide the chat everywhere.

>> No.27294881

>implying people here actually use the YT chat
If you're using YT chat for anything more than supacha or the special comment plugin you're retarded.

>> No.27294885
File: 591 KB, 800x576, zoomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got that Hades game because Mori said she was going to play it and God damn its really fucking fun. I expected no less from a Supergiant game with how good Bastion and Transistor were, but man, that's a really fun Rouge-like. 2 hours just disappeared while I was playing.

>> No.27294886

Mori being dere off stream

>> No.27294887


>> No.27294894

What the fuck is she talking about?

>> No.27294896

>kiara thinks eggs are vegetarian

>> No.27294898
File: 305 KB, 1243x1754, EiDilfeWsAMM2Wr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27294901

same here
don't think I've touched the game since the alpha where you could play the game in the browser

simpler more enjoyable times I sure miss them sometimes

>> No.27294904


>> No.27294906

just let us know the times she doesnt cry

>> No.27294910
Quoted by: >>27294970

I liked it a lot too, is it still early access?

>> No.27294914

aren't they? they're not vegan

>> No.27294916

how much weed did kiara just smoke?

>> No.27294917

nope she high and talking about eggs

>> No.27294918

>literal loli
>probably grew up using tablets and watching crunchyroll
You don't say.

>> No.27294920
Quoted by: >>27294951

>Plague in the chat
Man, that guy just gets everywhere now.

>> No.27294923


>> No.27294924

I like to think that Kiara was a relatively normal austrian girl who wanted to become an idol and got fucked by producer after producer into her current mental state.

>> No.27294925

First time I’ve ever been glad I was born in the west coast. Every trinity stream is in my grasp.

>> No.27294928

>chicken existentialism

>> No.27294926

>Implying I read the damn chat

>> No.27294927

>Deep thoughts about an egg sandwich

>> No.27294930
File: 535 KB, 648x606, 1600404092285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27294969

Eggs are vegetarian?

>> No.27294932

They're vegetarian but not vegan

>> No.27294934

Tsun on the streets, dere in the sheets

>> No.27294935
Quoted by: >>27294950

Eggs are vegetarian, they're not vegan. You can also drink milk and some people think you can eat fish.

>> No.27294936

Aren't they? They're not vegan, but I think vegetarian is just not meat.
Then again it's been so, so long since I've met a vegetarian. It's all vegans now.

>> No.27294937

The thread theme song is gonna be

>> No.27294938

He said Kiara not Watame

>> No.27294939

They are vegetarian. Vegan is the one that doesn't allow eggs.

>> No.27294946
File: 235 KB, 501x711, 1601876137322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27294980

>Why yes I'm here for the suffer kino

>> No.27294948
Quoted by: >>27294972

I think she is asking for someone to volunteer to fertilize her eggs

>> No.27294950

>some people think you can eat fish.
That's just wrong.

>> No.27294951
Quoted by: >>27295010

Got a cap of it?

>> No.27294952

*hits bong*

>> No.27294953

Kiara starting strong, I'm already laughing my ass off

>> No.27294955

She's so retarded, I love her

>> No.27294957

Yup she's lost it.

>> No.27294958

Clip the "that's some deep shit bro"

>> No.27294963

>being even more retarded than kiara

>> No.27294962

Kiara is just being cute and weird as usual.

>> No.27294966

Voice an opinion about transexuals that offends multiple social groups.

>> No.27294969

Ovo vegetarianism allows eggs to be consumed while being considered vegetarian

>> No.27294968

leave it to our birdbrain to realise her character arc while eating an egg sandwich
sasuga, kirararara...

>> No.27294970
Quoted by: >>27295068

Nah, I think it's out of early access now. They used the epic store and took Tim Sweenys money for the entire early access period and then when it was ready for full release they put it on switch + steam.

>> No.27294971


>> No.27294972

Don't do it, it'll produce a balut.

>> No.27294974
Quoted by: >>27294989

What a beautiful disaster it would be if he made it into holostars EN.

>> No.27294978

I agree, but just pointing it out

>> No.27294980
Quoted by: >>27296153

Pikamee... your mareo reps...

>> No.27294981

I actually used to watch his early stuff and can say you completely pulled that out of your ass. Gura's streams aren't just screaming, noises, characters and innuendos

>> No.27294982

Please eat me Kiara...

>> No.27294989

Make it happen.

>> No.27294998


>> No.27294999

Supachat stream.

>> No.27295001

If a bird says eggs are vegetarian, who am I to argue?

>> No.27295002

My cinnamon eating bird can't be this cute

>> No.27295004
Quoted by: >>27295032

Imagine chickens face covered in milky clear cinnamon glaze.

>> No.27295005

>I only use my mouth

>> No.27295006

pespetarian is when you don't eat meat but eat fish.

>> No.27295008

>Kiara vore
I will now watch your stream

>> No.27295010

Can't right now, here's what he said:
>​an egg can also be a skeleton!

>> No.27295011

>i shoved it into my ...
>actually i didn't even use my hands, just my mouth
>it was so big
>my whole face was covered in ... liquid

holy fuck

>> No.27295018
File: 1.98 MB, 450x250, 1597815451316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27295053

Kiara STOP

>> No.27295021
File: 664 KB, 669x758, what to watch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27295104

Gomen Kiara, I'm watching a god-tier karaoke collab now...

>> No.27295022

Just /a/, /jp/, and /vg/ for specific games (mostly gachashit).
Anyone else should fuck off back to where they came from

>> No.27295025

Deep shit bro

>> No.27295031


>> No.27295032

God, I wish that were me.

>> No.27295034

God this bird's voice is gonna make me fucking coom

>> No.27295035

Oh no

>> No.27295036

>Checking Reddit
My god...

>> No.27295038


>> No.27295039

>reddit bird

>> No.27295040

Explain yourself chickens.

>> No.27295041

>Thanking Reddit
Oh no no no Chickenbros

>> No.27295044

>checking reddit

>> No.27295045

Bros, please archive Ina's stream for me...

>> No.27295047


>> No.27295048
File: 399 KB, 658x537, nothing ever works.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's attaining awareness

>> No.27295049

Please btfo the the redditfags Kiara.

>> No.27295050

normally kiara's voice alone makes me rock hard but this is too much

>> No.27295051

/pol/ and /vg/ (/gsg/ and /alg/)

>> No.27295053

a chicken eating cinnamon should not be this erotic

>> No.27295054

Well yes chicken, you are crying nearly every day

>> No.27295055

Name several Japanese warcrimes, call all black people braindead apes, say Taiwan is the real China, and tell everyone to browse /hlgg/ to see her real face.

>> No.27295058

>bottom left again
Guess I'm picking up bingo again

>> No.27295060


>> No.27295062
File: 60 KB, 450x331, 1449296628106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27295118

inb4 Pewdiepie randomly reacts to her clips.

>> No.27295063

orange dragon bad

>> No.27295064
Quoted by: >>27295085

>Thanking reddit for cheering her up

>> No.27295068

Gonna play it again today then to see what happens after the last boss.
Before there was just a placeholder scene.

>> No.27295073
Quoted by: >>27295102

semibased kiara telling reddit to stop sympathyposting about her because it makes her look bad

>> No.27295074


>> No.27295082
Quoted by: >>27295102

>Kiara telling reddit to stop posting about her
woa based

>> No.27295084

is this...
is this kiara trying to...
tard wrangle?

>> No.27295085

Well she isn't going to thank us, we're the bad place

>> No.27295086
File: 78 KB, 811x1206, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27295251

ngl that's pretty funny

>> No.27295088

How do people get this triggered by a website

>> No.27295089


>> No.27295094

So chicken is the sheep of holoen?

>> No.27295095

What if by r*edit she was referring to us? She can't just say 4chan

>> No.27295096

>Thanks but don't do it too much on reddit.
I guess that was the most diplomatic way she could've said it.

>> No.27295099

/k/ and /sp/

>> No.27295100
Quoted by: >>27295126

>Even cats bully her

>> No.27295102

Chickenfags reaching critical levels of cope to defend their redditbird

>> No.27295103

It’s over...

>> No.27295104

>God steam
Now I have to watch nenechi.

>> No.27295105

>turn on stream

Does she not have a single fucking story that isn't something like this? It's so annoying.

>> No.27295106

Reddit is living rent free in 4chan's head for many years now

>> No.27295108
File: 64 KB, 680x556, 1571531183192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27295147

>go to a cat cafe
>get ignore by the cats
Been there, several times, I hate it, I felt like such an absolute loser

>> No.27295111

>cats at cat Cafe ignore her despite best efforts
It's like poetry lmao

>> No.27295116
Quoted by: >>27295391

cause FUCK reddit
and FUCK artia
FUCK chinks
and FUCK hlgg

>> No.27295118
Quoted by: >>27295160

He reacted to the Oki Doki Boomer clip before, and he was pretty chummy with Kizuna AI, so anything is possible.

>> No.27295119

Im sorry.

>> No.27295126

Such is life at the bottom of the foodchain.

>> No.27295130

Okay, /hlgg/, I'll watch Kiara's supacha reading.

>> No.27295132

I feel this about cat cafes.
It does feel a bit cruel to have dozens in a tiny room.

>> No.27295139

Cats ignoring Kiara at a cat Cafe is so fucking in character it's not even funny. Jesus christ this chicken.

>> No.27295140


>> No.27295143 [DELETED] 

Kiara's friend did a nice FBK cosplay for her birthday and Kiara pushed her stream up an hour for FBK. Kiara sure is a nice girl

>> No.27295144

The cats know!

>> No.27295145


>> No.27295146

Kiara got NTR'd by a cat.

>> No.27295147

I'm pretty sure all cat cafes are like that, the cats get harassed by a constant stream of strangers and so they learn to completely ignore all of them
They're the most resigned cats you'll ever see and it's sad

>> No.27295148

Man trying to get into the idol industry really fucks your head up, being chicken is suffering

>> No.27295149


>> No.27295150


>> No.27295152

Kiara... Pls

>> No.27295155

>Double kitten

>> No.27295154

>kiara talking about her panties

>> No.27295156


>> No.27295159
File: 168 KB, 354x387, image_2020-10-05_181701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27295189


>> No.27295160

He would, she did a cover of Bitch Lasagna and specifically told people to sub to him.

>> No.27295161
Quoted by: >>27295272

It would be best for everyone if all of the holoEN girls didn't avow this place. They can come and browse all they want and see all the stupid shit we post but they absolutely should not mention us or mention that they post here. Nothing good can come from it.

>> No.27295162
File: 360 KB, 2000x1800, 1601636850903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27295217


Can you sing some Depeche Mode some time, for the meido (actually a mod) who worked so hard to unfuck these threads?

>> No.27295168

This is a fucking riot so far thank you chicken

>> No.27295171
File: 205 KB, 900x720, 1600800571154.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price of immortality is the curse of misfortune

>> No.27295173

>everyone is sitting cross-legged
>i have a really short skirt
>imagine me sitting like that
>if i sat like that, my skirt would rip or go up to my bellybutton
>you would see what's underneath

i LIKE this horny chicken

>> No.27295177

Anon your vegan gains reps.

>> No.27295178

>talking about exposed panties
Holy shit

>> No.27295180
Quoted by: >>27295220

Don't they usually have a separate space they can fuck off too if they dont want to deal with the people?

>> No.27295183

>Kiara asking us to imagine about skirts, perfect holes, and pussies.

Thank you chicken, that'll be enough.

>> No.27295189

shame about the chicken legs

>> No.27295190
Quoted by: >>27295254

Owl cafes are objectively worse, they have no space to fly and some are often tied to perches.

>> No.27295192

does this means she's really really thicc?

>> No.27295199

>mori and kiara are both cat people

>> No.27295201

Owl cafe sounds amazing

>> No.27295204

Are all holos except Amelia cat ladies?

>> No.27295207

>Kiara: I M A G I N E

>> No.27295208

Fuck it she's redeemed in my eyes

>> No.27295210


>> No.27295211

Oh that's pretty cute.

>> No.27295212

o-owl cafe's?

>> No.27295213

5sq meters is a damn closet kiara, did you get abducted by owls?

>> No.27295214
File: 277 KB, 377x538, bubba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there dog cafes?

>> No.27295217

Hope she sees it, meido.

>> No.27295219

>you would see what's underneath
this makes my benis big benis

>> No.27295220

Yeah, I saw that when I went to one in Osaka.

That said, that's two tiny rooms for two dozen cats, I can't imagine that's a good environment for them given how grumpy they all looked.

>> No.27295226

Amelia has a cat.

>> No.27295228
File: 42 KB, 400x489, 1577274627264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>touch me touch me touch me touch me
>rub my belly

>> No.27295229

Because I just don't like reddit

>> No.27295231

Anyone know how tf YTCfilter works with names?
I'm adding PlagueOfGripes as an author but his chats don't appear when he makes them

>> No.27295232


>> No.27295235

>is someone going to clip that
Totally uncalled for!

>> No.27295238

So anyone got the clip of that out of context?

>> No.27295239

Rub my belly please please

>> No.27295237


>> No.27295240

Her roommates got a bit of junk in her trunk.

>> No.27295243


>> No.27295245
File: 9 KB, 319x319, 1594996218773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting stream so far

>> No.27295247
File: 270 KB, 1200x1600, Johann_Wolfgang_Goethe_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veganism/vegetarism is not just about the ethicality of eating animals but also about he conditions of how that meat is "produced". You can make th case for selfcaught fish to be an ethical consumption.

>> No.27295250

Amelia has said she has a cat called Wellington.

>> No.27295251

Is this from a HER video?

>> No.27295252

C-Chicken pls slow down...

>> No.27295253
File: 141 KB, 1500x630, WEB_dog-cafe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like it. That's amazing.

>> No.27295254

Yeah agreed, Owl cafes are just cruelty.
I went into one out of curiosity and just left feeling a little sick about it.

>> No.27295257

Seems so

>> No.27295258

I know at least one of you is recording the stream right now.
Clip it right now!

>> No.27295260
Quoted by: >>27295322

Chat needs to be auto scrolling.

>> No.27295262

She should just talk shit for an hour, this was pretty great.

>> No.27295265
Quoted by: >>27295290

>touch me, touch me, touch me, touch me! rub my belly! pat me!

great development! kiara discovered "inadvertent bimbo horniness" aka "bottom left" is the cure for her streaming woes

>> No.27295272
Quoted by: >>27295349

If they ever mention this place even once they'll get themselves associated with all the stream ripping, weirdass fetish stories, and strange narratives and tourists will come here then keep asking them about it thinking it's funny. It's not worth it.

>> No.27295273

Just stream shortly after noon on some slots and it will hit EU prime time.

>> No.27295274

>You can make th case for selfcaught fish to be an ethical consumption.
By that logic self hunted deer is vegetarian

>> No.27295275

How does the bird hit perfect strings of lewd lines?

>> No.27295277

Girl got kinda thicc ass and thighs, thin waist.

>> No.27295279

She really is good at just talking like this. Shame we're about to get into pityparty superchats.

>> No.27295285
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1599960767282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the dog has a drtink

>> No.27295287

I like the FBK cosplay she did for her birthday
I really like Kiara's sc streams because they are comfy

>> No.27295289

did the Veganism/vegetarism movement in the US get kicked off by The Jungle

>> No.27295288

As expected of glorious Japan

>> No.27295290

her streaming woes are really just her tech fucking up on her and things being beyond her control.
If everything works the way it should she has pretty nice streams.

>> No.27295292
Quoted by: >>27295362

She doesn't think it's interesting for viewers

>> No.27295295

Did she get dicked, is that what fixed her mood like this

>> No.27295296
Quoted by: >>27295322

Mine's updating but it won't update retroactively, unfortunately.

>> No.27295298

I expect all the dogs to be eventually fat.

>> No.27295299

4chan is reddit these days so she thanked us.

>> No.27295304
Quoted by: >>27295347

Better, she ate a few sandwiches.

>> No.27295305

My remote pc at work crashed and I can watch chicken while the IT fixes it, nice

>> No.27295306
File: 165 KB, 1000x1412, 1601788506166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara...those noises...

>> No.27295308

I think that was just priests making up excuses during lent.

>> No.27295311

kiara's strength, even moreso than being a complete idiot, has been zatsudans from the beginning
it kills me that she doesn't think much of it, but maybe that's why she's so good at it

>> No.27295312

>barely 4k
Explain yourselves chickenkeks

>> No.27295315

Only if you use your bare hands.

>> No.27295317

Guess I gotta do those archive reps to find her roommate's thick ass

>> No.27295318

now imagine if they were all rottweilers, dobermanns and pitbulls

>> No.27295320

Yeah it's pretty decent.

>> No.27295321
Quoted by: >>27295362

If Kiara was like this all the time she'd be good.

>> No.27295322

Thanks, got it working
Adding him to my global default filters, this cunt is popping up in a bunch of streams

>> No.27295324

Heh, right.

>> No.27295327

it looks nice

>> No.27295328
File: 339 KB, 4184x1560, 1585953532139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27295331

>Superchat reading
Gee I wonder.

>> No.27295332

Not vegetarian, ethical.

>> No.27295333

She had to thank the manager for using his PC.

>> No.27295334

>superchat reading
come the fuck on numberfag

>> No.27295336

It's 3am pst and 6est.

>> No.27295335

Rising blood sugar from eating konbini egg sandwiches

>> No.27295339

Mori probably cheered her up after that MC stream. She sounds a lot better now.

>> No.27295342

Sometimes having a good cry helps

>> No.27295343
Quoted by: >>27295394

>making something as mundane as eating complicated
Truly mentally ill

>> No.27295344


>> No.27295347
Quoted by: >>27295383

Japanese egg sandwiches are god tier.

>> No.27295348
Quoted by: >>27295389

Probably hiding the pain, we're all pros here

>> No.27295349

>If they ever mention this place even once they'll get themselves associated with all the stream ripping, weirdass fetish stories, and strange narratives and tourists will come here then keep asking them about it thinking it's funny. It's not worth it.
Yep that's exactly what I'm talking about. They'd also get associated with dox posting which is even worse I'd argue, then all the tourists would see the dox posts making it worse. I'd like to think that their management has told them not to mention this place but probably not coz they're useless lol

>> No.27295350

we're trying to fix our oshi's numberfagging

>> No.27295353


>> No.27295354
Quoted by: >>27295376

stream just reading superchats at literal dead hours. She hit 18k for minecraft before it crashed hard.

>> No.27295357

I like this delusion

>> No.27295362

She was like this in most of her zatsudans, during chat reading too.

I think the western fanbase is not used to this kind of content, that's why they judge things around videogame streams.

>> No.27295365

>barely 5k
Gonna have to put up with her bitching about this next stream aren't we?

>> No.27295376


>> No.27295377

/vg/alter/ mostly. Other popular boards occasionally.

>> No.27295380
File: 3.92 MB, 727x810, 1488075876122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27295819

>Ame and Kiara have talked about belly rubs
Very good

>> No.27295383

It's why I said that, they really are, amongst the things that are a thousand times better than sex.

>> No.27295386

She's graduating right now.

>> No.27295389

>I don't even know anymore where to relieve all my stress
Yeah SHE says she needs a spa day so I hope Kiara gets a nice day off soon

>> No.27295391
Quoted by: >>27295412

/hlgg/ is the only place you can see actual unfiltered opinions mingling in a public space on these, and isn't just some fucking faggoty adult daycare center like the holo reddit. Shitty as this place gets sometimes, I'd still rather be here than there anyday.

>> No.27295394

Go back to your cave Grug

>> No.27295397
File: 11 KB, 534x248, 1600248029572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27295399

God fucking damn how is this chicken so HORNY?

>> No.27295407
Quoted by: >>27295504

No it's not about a singular word you can push all the people you like/dislike in you brainfart. It's very nuanced and personal interpretations.

>> No.27295412
Quoted by: >>27295420

no one care fag lmao

>> No.27295415
Quoted by: >>27295506

I mean, it really depends on what an individuals code is. Older vegetarianism didn't include fish and shellfish, etc, since they're not warmblooded/land creatures. Essentially, just broadening the scope of species identification.

But if you're simply against the meat industry, self-hunted deer is ethical enough.

The thing is vegetarianism and veganism for as much as it pretends to be an ethical philosophy/position in and of itself is simply at best symptom of an ethical position. In reality, it's more a comfort thing. I once knew a girl who was vegan except for shellfish because crabs and such look creepy in her opinion, and so she didn't feel sympathy for them.

>> No.27295416

I mean, you guys bitch non stop about the same thing. You guys were even retarded enough to bitch about shit that has already been fixed.

>> No.27295420
Quoted by: >>27295579

You seem to, otherwise why are you here?

>> No.27295424

Ryonachads rise up

>> No.27295427
File: 177 KB, 866x1200, 1601390126307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So was Kiara-chan really saying something about jews on her stream? A clip would be nice

>> No.27295428

This bitch is high

>> No.27295429

She's talking directly to you right now, schizos.

>> No.27295430

narrativefags btfo

>> No.27295431

narrativefags on suicide watch

>> No.27295434

I must have missed it, but I'm glad Mori's interested in playing this game
Fits her theme too! I'm glad to see any Supergiant game get the attention it deserves

>> No.27295436


>> No.27295435

Is Kiara telling me how to think? I don't like this bird.

>> No.27295437

oh nonono she's talking to us narrativebros...

>> No.27295438

whoops forgot the second part
>A day at the spa is long overdue I think
but yeah I hope Kiara can get rid of stress

>> No.27295439

>Some of you just think too much of what is written on the internet.
Is she right /hlgg/?

>> No.27295442

>5k for superchat reading at odd hours with others streaming
It's alright.

>> No.27295445

Spa day with Mori hype

>> No.27295447

>There is money here yet anyway
Interesting. That would imply that any of the girls have yet to see their share from super chats after Cover has taken their cut.

>> No.27295449

So how loaded is Kiara's family that they can afford to buy her a 10k mattress on a whim?

>> No.27295456

>I just referenced a $10,000 mattress randomly I didn't even know Coco had one
Does she think her viewers are retards? Who the fuck says their supporters are like a 10,000 dollar mattress? If it wasn't a reference to Coco that's weird as shit

>> No.27295458
File: 344 KB, 748x844, soynix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhhhhh you stupid chikan stop taking the bait already, Jesus Christ.

>> No.27295460
File: 17 KB, 367x251, 1599939589461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's talking to the narrativefags

>> No.27295461

They're paid after a month

>> No.27295462

youtube pays after one month

>> No.27295463

It takes over 2 months apparently.

>> No.27295466
Quoted by: >>27295913

kiara's body seems pretty broken and injured. fucked up shoulder, fucked up neck, back problems

>tfw you will never massage her and make it better
tfw you will never beat her up and make it worse

>> No.27295468

Yes, that's why I don't fall for her crying tactics.

>> No.27295470

Its not even a month.

>> No.27295475

she's stalling, she doesn't want to get into the pity party SC's

>> No.27295476

No shit, Youtube takes forever to dole out the money you earn through them so they can make bank off of the interest.

>> No.27295480
File: 417 KB, 610x742, IMG_20201005_033114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amelia liked this
uh bros?

>> No.27295482

part of this stress is her moving, she could take a break but doesn't want for fear of missing out on this formative first month.

Chicken just has some really bad luck with things as everything has broken down or blocked her in some way.

>> No.27295484
Quoted by: >>27295549

She's never going to get to SCs is she

>> No.27295486

A bit of the pot calling the kettle black here.

>> No.27295487

rip anon

>> No.27295488

grrrrrr PARKER

>> No.27295489

It's a thing in Japan, like
>these warm feelings are like a million yen futon
Things like that

>> No.27295491

What if she didn't realize what it was..

>> No.27295492

no she didn't

>> No.27295493

is it a Japanese expression or something

>> No.27295495
Quoted by: >>27295525

Hey Kiara, stop doing the CTRL + F to search for narratives related to you here. You seem to ignore all the nice messages and advice and jump straight to the nasty stuff.

>> No.27295496
Quoted by: >>27295526

Guy who has a youtube channel that generates revenue: You get paid on the around the 22nd for the PREVIOUS months earnings. They still got 2 weeks + however long it takes Cover to process the payment on their end.

>> No.27295500
Quoted by: >>27295559

Being able to say "Past life" seems like cheating but it actually works in character because of the whole Phoenix thing. Nice kayfabe keeping.

>> No.27295502

She doesn't have a 10k mattress.

>> No.27295504

>It's very nuanced and personal interpretations.
Either you eat meat or you don't

>> No.27295506

It's similar to how in the west men will be really loud and annoying about eatin any meat but if you even suggest to eat dogmeat they will go full reddit crybaby mode.

>> No.27295509
File: 151 KB, 589x506, BdEJD2y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did. She's based.

>> No.27295512
File: 370 KB, 300x302, 1382918624464.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wouldn't? Is Gura into some /u/, is the question.

>> No.27295513
File: 6 KB, 225x225, do u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha I make joke on serious topic to sound funny!!
Haha I say reddit buzzwords in public with friends, we secrrat reddit club now!!
Haha I use same username for everything and get doxx'd, chumboss say post not ogey!!
Dew yu reely belieb that leddit trayknees arent trying too gatekeep us? Du u rely beleb?

>> No.27295514

It was a metaphor, you dunce

>> No.27295518

well maybe if you didn't shit on her so much maybe she wouldn't cry every time, hmm?

>> No.27295523

>she's poor
Narrative fags?

>> No.27295525

Kiara literally has an anti on reddit of all places, that Aloefag that likes to screencap his posts and post here

>> No.27295526

>we hold on to all money for at least a month and half
sasuga jewtube

>> No.27295527

7th from the top

>> No.27295528

At least she wasn't a NEET living off her parents in her past life, just a poorfag

>> No.27295531
File: 213 KB, 406x430, 1590726943372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based cunnyseur

>> No.27295534

Can't believe Ame actually lusts for the shark cunny

>> No.27295536
File: 1.17 MB, 1723x2048, Screenshot_20201005-063344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, your Twitter reps...

>> No.27295538

EOPsama....your japanese word of mouth reps.

>> No.27295542
Quoted by: >>27295639

She's desperate for attention.

>> No.27295546

>Cut off
She didn't open the full picture..

>> No.27295547

Haven't gotten fuckin paid yet it seems. Probably burning through their savings to move/buy shit right now or even taking shitty loans knowing they'll be able to pay it all back without getting fucked by interest.

>> No.27295548

Daily reminder that "anti" does not mean a person who posts criticism. Please refrain from calling people who dislike your particular favorite holo an "anti" as it depreciates the term, thank you.

>> No.27295549


>> No.27295552
File: 306 KB, 1465x1410, 1601307083504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>date with members stream
Anyone still claiming she has zero blame in creating goslings at this point is insane
she loves it
rushia 2.0

>> No.27295554

Here goes the time loop again

>> No.27295556


>> No.27295559

as a fan of her "past life" I'm glad she didn't have to kill it totally her cosplay is nice

>> No.27295560

Holy shit, is she /ourgirl/, cunnychads?

>> No.27295562

>apprenticeship life
Too real, Kiara.
Also she's good with money and learned to save up, apologize.

>> No.27295567

>she is getting her gamings pc in 5FUCKING MONTHS
Jesus Kiara

>> No.27295569
Quoted by: >>27295610

Ame liked this too

>> No.27295573

>her real pc is 5 months away
wait kiara what the fuck

>> No.27295575

>reddit aloefag
>fannyflustered finn
>literal discord tranny
>/cgl/ snakes
Bird has it rough...

>> No.27295577

I wonder what her definition of a good gaming PC is.

>> No.27295579

to tell you bitches that you're trash and your opinions are worthless and you should take your blog to your mothers anus LMAO

>> No.27295581
Quoted by: >>27295619

Reminder: Ame and Gura masturbate together on Discord voice chat every night

>> No.27295583

why did he use amelias art tag for this?

>> No.27295587
Quoted by: >>27295658

So what's the narrative: girls like Gura and Amelia favorite the nopan art because of the thumbnail or that they see the whole thing and favorite it anyway, banking on the 'I only saw the thumbnail' excuse if it becomes an issue later?

>> No.27295590

Just means she is easier to be exploited by my fat manager cock.

>> No.27295591
Quoted by: >>27295641

>5 months until she gets her gaming PC

How can a company be so incompetent?!

>> No.27295592
File: 238 KB, 561x677, EiuKaJdU8AAbpDU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She liked this on Twitter as well. She also called Ina a shota during the collab and talked about watching Boku No pico during her Valorent stream. She's /ourgirl/.

>> No.27295593

>5 months until she gets her good PC

>> No.27295594

Probably didn't open up the full pic. It looks innocent from the thumbnail.

>> No.27295596

After so many hours, someone will have told her. She knows and just doesn't give a shit.

>> No.27295599

Kiara I didn't come here to be reminded that I have to think of money every two seconds when I'm buying a drink

>> No.27295601
Quoted by: >>27295641

>5 months of technical difficulties

>> No.27295600
Quoted by: >>27295633

The fuck, how would it take more than 5 fucking days to get all that shit in and assembled?

>> No.27295605

Just buy a new pc jesus fucking christ Chicken

>> No.27295608

Anyone who thought she wasn't going for the gf experience was dumb.

>> No.27295610

>'stache panties

>> No.27295612

Now she's really being retarded.

>> No.27295614

Is she going back to Austria in 5 months?

>> No.27295615

Black Company anon...

>> No.27295616

The problem wasn't the pc. It's that she didn't have good enough internet to have the live2d work while playing.
Today she used a different pc that was shit.

>> No.27295618

She's a literal gfsim and for some reason she's trying even harder now, I don't understand what people find in her that makes them go full schizo worship mode, I can't stand her.

>> No.27295619

I will never forgive Mori for this

>> No.27295621
Quoted by: >>27295687

also fuck she had to buy her own audio equipment out of pocket

>> No.27295622
Quoted by: >>27295665

So what, when she gets paid she's not gonna fucking buy a new PC?

>> No.27295623

She liked loli. Face it, loli is much more common than previously thought

>> No.27295628

Last time she blocked donations, now she's telling people not to give her money for new pc, what are you doing silly bird

>> No.27295633

She's getting it shipped from EU because she doesn't want a buy a new one. Spent too much on mic and other accessories already apparently.

>> No.27295636

Moving back home

>> No.27295638


>> No.27295640
Quoted by: >>27295678

>bought a Mic and a micstand

>> No.27295639

she really is
and retarded goslingposters itt keep giving it to her

>> No.27295641

I really wanted to see her stream Genshin Impact...What are her current specs anyways?

>> No.27295642


>> No.27295648
File: 220 KB, 2048x1365, EjgOh11WoAINCyF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27295649

We have no idea what her idea of a "date" is
I'm guessing she'll do something gremlinlike and troll everybody

>> No.27295651

Her roommate posted on twitter about the travel restrictions getting lifted soon so she could go back, wouldn't be surprised if it was before the end of the year.

>> No.27295653
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 1601708270972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is Amelia the one most likely to say she likes Quzilax doujins like Matsuri?

>> No.27295656

Shes renting her laptop right? maybe the lease ends then.

Or she has a bunch of more pressing expenses to take care of first.
Responsible Chicken

>> No.27295658

pretty much, they know they can get away with a fair bit of horniness given what the jap girls do

>> No.27295659
Quoted by: >>27295706

She said gain access to her gaming pc, probably still in Austria or something

>> No.27295660
Quoted by: >>27295688

The adorable little Hololive shark sings us a cute song.


>> No.27295661

>"Kiara ara"

>> No.27295663

>kiara ara
>is this what you wanted?
what did kiara mean by this?

>> No.27295665
Quoted by: >>27295679

Did you pay attention when she talked about necessary expenses vs long term investments?

>> No.27295668

Hi ar*ht why haven’t you 41%’d yourself?

>> No.27295669

Nice try, but concern trolling is literally peak anti shit, Aloebro, particularly when what you call critic are based on twisted narratives and on blind bias even people her went to disagree.

>> No.27295670

Where have you been? No holo is gonna be allowed to ever stream genshit impact

>> No.27295672

Ain't happening unless hato and Coco heads are on a pike.

>> No.27295674

Bros we need to give Kiara more superchats to make her feel better

>> No.27295678

Being a holo is her job, yes.

>> No.27295679

How is a fucking computer not a necessary investment when she's been having issues since she fucking started?

>> No.27295687

As far as I know Cover only supply a phone for Live2D.

>> No.27295688


>> No.27295691

Do these cunts not have a fucking credit card or something? Jesus fucking christ it's only a few thousand dollars to get a perfectly capable streaming PC.

>> No.27295696

cause it'd be expensive.

>> No.27295697

>stream spyware chinkshit
>after what happened last week

>> No.27295698
Quoted by: >>27295761

are you kidding? they get 15x the cost of a gaming PC donated to them on every debut because of simps saying "buy a new graphics card", if they actually spent money on a new PC for each girl they wouldn't get those donations

>> No.27295699

Would you rather akasupa with no message and get a kiss or akasupa with a message and have it read?

>> No.27295705

Yes. No more Jap bird.

>> No.27295706

I wonder what makes her wait 5 fucking months. Just send it by mail.

>> No.27295708

It always amazes me how opinions on chicken 180 depending on the time of day

>> No.27295710
File: 583 KB, 644x888, 1574224588409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Gura is

>> No.27295713

This is some big brain lore.

>> No.27295715
Quoted by: >>27295817

It's a chink game. Either cover doesn't want to stream it or their permissions are revoked.

>> No.27295716
File: 47 KB, 437x658, wgvgwlm[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27295763

>Kamen Rider
>Ghost Rider

>> No.27295718

>only a few thousand dollars
more like one thousand dollars

>> No.27295719

Kiara calling the chickenshits and detective to dox a viewer... I can't believe it.

>> No.27295720

Saying the chicken is a shit holo doesn't make someone an anti. It's just stating facts. I know your brain is melted from being in the Kiara hugbox too long but she isn't owed anything, much less unwavering praise.

>> No.27295725

Because her computer is fucking fine. It was that she didn't have enough internet in the new house to have the live2d work.
Today she streamed at her managers because there is internet, byt the manager had scuffed pc.

>> No.27295727

>Dedicated EU Holo in 5 months
Lets go.

>> No.27295728
File: 336 KB, 620x492, 5027f1d96f256a2735f5298a62c9f833edce70827df4d83e9f48602349eef908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godspeed anon.

>> No.27295731

>March 2021
Fucking what?

>> No.27295733

At least her times aren't super late like Amelia's this week

>> No.27295734

European audiences like the european chicken who streams at euro-friendly hours.
I'm slightly less amazed myself.

>> No.27295735

Even at worst she should get 10k+ already. Get the fuck out here, how did she survive for years without this much money if she can't spend 2k out of these 10k on PC.

>> No.27295738
Quoted by: >>27295770

Some got the link to Ame's karaoke? I feel like feeling things again.

>> No.27295740

well she says and does a lot of dumb annoying shit, but baseline kiara is actually pretty good.

>> No.27295741

>but concern trolling is literally peak anti shit
Antis are people who harass, doxx and stalk. Concern trolling is far from "peak anti shit" it's not even on the scale.

>> No.27295742


>> No.27295744
Quoted by: >>27295757

I guess the new Visa stuff comes in on March 20, 2021 then?

>> No.27295746

She didn't have any issues with her PC except for her capture card and shit internet which don't require a whole new PC to fix. Her minecraft streams were fine. Today's stream was on her manager's potato.

>> No.27295749
File: 566 KB, 640x717, roast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara liked this

>> No.27295750
Quoted by: >>27295964

Clearly referring to her getting back home to Austria.

>> No.27295751
Quoted by: >>27295801

>only a few thousand dollars
Anon, your falcon guide reps.

>> No.27295752

Gura is cunny but there's no proof she's into cunny yet like Amelia

>> No.27295754
Quoted by: >>27295799

Teamates is this your man?

>> No.27295755
File: 42 KB, 552x887, 1601787563687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this?
This right here is based.

>> No.27295758

probably cant get out of the contract from her current place earlier

>> No.27295757
Quoted by: >>27295907

god I hope she doesn't get fucked over by a visa issue again

>> No.27295759

Wait is she still at managers house? So she was laying in bed browsing reddit at managers house?

>> No.27295761

yes but it is more important to capitalize on the debut viewer boom to have quality/interesting streams to build a stable fanbase which would be better for long term earnings

I really doubt Cover knows anything about running a business at this other than scouting and auditioning the right talents

>> No.27295763
File: 27 KB, 704x396, 1250746192758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know who's really behind all this

>> No.27295764

The sand in depths of hell are truly magical sand.

>> No.27295765

Keep being evasive, faggot. This is no safe space for anyone, and if you're talking bullshit I'll call you out on it, simple.

>> No.27295766

If shes in Japan its literally thousands

>> No.27295770


>> No.27295772

streaming cuts into her enjo kosai time

>> No.27295774
File: 226 KB, 1134x1770, 1573444458996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How new?

>> No.27295776
Quoted by: >>27295808

>for me that was not today

Yes it was.

>> No.27295777

I’ve been to japan a few times and the speeds there are among the best I’ve experienced. What’s she on about?

>> No.27295779
Quoted by: >>27295866

>There's no safe space for anyone
>Waaaaah stop saying mean things about my oshi! You're an anti! waaaah
ogey chickenfag

>> No.27295782

between the chicken's innate 0 luck, sufferkino, and bimbo sexiness, I can see her becoming quite a good holo

with her menhera nature, pitybaiting, and self esteem problems, i could see her becoming a shit holo

who knows where it will go

>> No.27295786


>> No.27295789

My guess is she must be returning to Austria since that date lines up - why would a cheapskate pay a few hundred dollars to ship her PC and accessories to japan and then pay the same to ship it home.

>> No.27295790
Quoted by: >>27295909

Gura retweeted and liked multiple cunny images.

>> No.27295798
Quoted by: >>27295820


>> No.27295799

What a chad. It took him only 7 days to get a pussy crumb.

>> No.27295800

Cover is the yanderedev of

>> No.27295801

Japan tax and you're a fucking retard if you think that a capable streaming for someone who's literal job relies on it should be some budget-build kusobox.

>> No.27295805

*internet speeds

>> No.27295807

she has like a week until her place even gets internet

>> No.27295808
Quoted by: >>27295820

It was like 5 AM for her though.

>> No.27295815

She can buy a gaming laptop for 2k

>> No.27295816

>Trusting the jewish institution

>> No.27295817

>Either cover doesn't want to stream it or their permissions are revoked
Which one do you really think it is anon.. answer honestly. The answer is in the spoiler below

>> No.27295819

Amelia talked about belly rubs??

>> No.27295820

Except she's wrong. Ina streamed at 5am jst.

>It's 5am so it doesn't count as today

Are you stupid

>> No.27295823
Quoted by: >>27295864

Narrativefags should watch kiara more often, she's pretty transparent about these things

>> No.27295828

I think she'll be ok

>> No.27295830
Quoted by: >>27295859

>for someone who's literal job relies on it
All the more reason she should be investing in one rather than waiting 5 months

>> No.27295839
Quoted by: >>27295900

Not gonna give a (You). You have to be insane to think Kiara isn’t better at talking to fans than the other ENs. Even a failed idol has more skill interacting with fans than 2 Twitch memers and 2 actual artists.

>> No.27295841
Quoted by: >>27295868

chicken doesn't get internet in her new place until the 26th

>> No.27295842
Quoted by: >>27295868

>No internet for another 21 days


>> No.27295843
Quoted by: >>27295863

>what are timezones
anta baka?

>> No.27295846
Quoted by: >>27295915

Everyone here complaining about the pc.
Please shut the fuck up. You have not listened to her streams clearly.

Her regular pc was fine for the games she planned to play. The problem was that she did not have proper internet at her new home.

>> No.27295851
File: 53 KB, 500x461, 1300096560545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 weeks at manager house

I hope he's getting the best of the opportunity.

>> No.27295854

Her day starts when she wakes up. She didn't wake up at 5 AM. There solved your dumbass problem.

>> No.27295855

>the internet fucks pushed it from the 5th to 12th to 26th
bird is suffering

>> No.27295856
File: 3 KB, 345x55, cursed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>internet pushed back another two weeks

>> No.27295857

>3 weeks
alright yeah if I was chicken I'd be crying too

>> No.27295859


>> No.27295862

Glass Haatos

>> No.27295863

Are you? She said no one streamed today. It's still fucking Monday for her when Ina streamed at 5am ON A FUCKING MONDAY.

>> No.27295864

She's really honest and is not afraid of talking about her ugly sides, I actually like this about her.

>> No.27295866


>> No.27295868
Quoted by: >>27296026

Honestly how do nip companies take this long for internet connection even in pandemic

>> No.27295869

>no internet for a long time
yep, it's Akiroze all over again.

>> No.27295870
Quoted by: >>27295953

>you're a fucking retard if you think that a capable streaming for someone who's literal job relies on it should be some budget-build kusobox.
Any budget shitbox beats a laptop

>> No.27295872 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 1080x491, Called it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara just called out toxic fans that post "lets SC kiara cause she cried huhu" on reddit.

Then she wants her viewers to suffer 5 months of technical difficulties with the potato pc.

What is this bird thinking? Atleast be like botan or lamy.

>> No.27295874
Quoted by: >>27295917

yesss no chicken shit cancer for 3 weeks

>> No.27295876

all the ingredients are there. She just needs to reach her full potential, at the very least she'll be interesting.

>> No.27295875

she just wants to visit

>> No.27295877

What kind of sick joke is this?

>> No.27295878

Can confirm. Getting internet, especially as foreigner is kinda a pain. Also japanese providers are famously shit.

>> No.27295882

God what utter little bitches. I can't tell what makes me cringe harder, the le wholesome bullshit from holo reddit, or the CCP's fragility.

>> No.27295894

I used to shit on chicken before but now I understand her personality, we're similar.

>> No.27295896

/mu/ and /jp/ since 2012/2013(?), but I also browse /vr/ and /vg/ from time to time.

>> No.27295897

>Ame took all the luck stats
yeah...of course...

>> No.27295900

Utterly unsurprising honestly. One's an autistic alcoholic recluse, one's a standard small time twitch streamer who's head and shoulders above them in terms of interacting with her audience and the other two are also autistic recluses.

>> No.27295907
Quoted by: >>27295951

Cover is a legit company, should have no problem.

>> No.27295909

I know that, but that's not as lewd as what Amelia just liked.
She also hasn't said anything degenerate on stream like Amelia has already

>> No.27295913

>that spoiler

>> No.27295915

The problem is that bitch got 40000$ in superchats already, and she can't buy a new PC and spend money on 5G modem. Lazy fucking cunt. The ONLY reason for that is maybe she needs 20k to pay for life saving surgery.

>> No.27295917
Quoted by: >>27296042

Did she quit?

>> No.27295923

kiara's thoughts on which stats the holoEN members have maxed

>ame luck
>ina int
>calli strength
>gura speed

>what would i be? is there a stat called unlucky? bullied? charisma, okay, i'll take that

>> No.27295926
Quoted by: >>27296040

No one got money yet, they will only be paid after a month

>> No.27295929

Japanese companies aren't obliged to pay their employees until a month and a half after their contract starts and that's assuming they have a FTE contract (which they obviously don't). Youtube payout is also delayed.

>> No.27295931

A ghilly tee

>> No.27295934


>> No.27295935

It's true isn't it. What the fuck, did she use a monkey's paw to become a Holo, and the consequence is everything else about the gig fails and beats her down?

>> No.27295937


>> No.27295940 [DELETED] 

>This is no safe space for anyone
Except sharkfags because we have a redditmod getting triggered at anything not praise for her.

>> No.27295941
Quoted by: >>27296040

Youtube pays late, please stfu

>> No.27295943

chicken just made an accidental shark pun

>> No.27295944
File: 329 KB, 334x429, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27296018


>> No.27295947

How the fuck she plays RPGs but doesn't know stats?

>> No.27295948
Quoted by: >>27296040

Pay attention you fucking ESL, she didn't get paid yet.

>> No.27295950

>wanting brain cancer

>> No.27295951

Can't wait for the visa arc of this suffering kino saga

>> No.27295953

Would be a waste of money to get a stopgap solution to something that has a very achievable long term solution within her reach.

>> No.27295955


>> No.27295958
Quoted by: >>27296205

>kiara played a healer in mmos in the past


>> No.27295960
Quoted by: >>27296040

They won't get their superchats until at least the 20th because Google is fucking incompetent in every way when it comes to running youtube.

>> No.27295962
File: 1.67 MB, 1720x1140, 1601521349003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amelia liked this
uh guys?

>> No.27295964

>My guess is she must be returning to Austria
Is she going back to live there permanently? I can't even imagine how online collabs are going to work within HoloEN if that's the case

>> No.27295965

Is it just me of she pronounces agility weird?
I'm a filthy ESL so please edumkate me.

>> No.27295967

Chicken Healslut.

>> No.27295974
Quoted by: >>27296117

>ina int
Technically that's cheating since the tentacult acts as her braincells.

>> No.27295979

plays in jap of course

>> No.27295981

just to visit

>> No.27295983

That shittyness extends everywhere. Telecom is scum.

>> No.27295982

EU pronunciation

>> No.27295984

/jp/, /vn/ and the djt on /int/

>> No.27295987

classic german native mispronunciations, I do it the same way
t. Kraut

>> No.27295988
Quoted by: >>27296040

She probably didn't receive the money yet
You know the payment isn't immediate

>> No.27295990

she likes cute anime style MMOs

>> No.27295992

Of course she played as healslut, lmao.

>> No.27295994
Quoted by: >>27296007

isnt ina a healslut too?

>> No.27295993

It's not like they work now

>> No.27295995
Quoted by: >>27296064

>superluminal date play
>karaoke millennial feelbait songs
>arcade date
glad I dropped her and went back to my original love my mori. amelia is making her girlfriend simulator style too obvious.

>> No.27295997

Kiara would need to be VIT

>> No.27295999

soft g, pronounced ajility

>> No.27296000
Quoted by: >>27296060

Kiara is looking a lot happier now

>> No.27296005
Quoted by: >>27296038

no, its totally right we use ot here in the states

>> No.27296007
Quoted by: >>27296027

Yes, but it's ok when Ina does it

>> No.27296009
Quoted by: >>27296091

Amelia is a bottom-left, she's liking cunny on twitter only because she needs attention.

>> No.27296010
Quoted by: >>27296059

if you honestly think that gurameido didn't clean up the shitty doxxthreads we were having then you're either dilusional or one of the SEAniggers who got banned 3 days ago

>> No.27296013

Not sure why she'd say Ame is max luck, the girl is pretty talented at FPS and it the best streamer among the bunch.

Is she talking about her getting into hololive when she was just a small streamer?

>> No.27296018

does his key say sneed?

>> No.27296019

Tech retarded birb

>> No.27296024

Either MMOs or JRPGs. Western RPGs place a lot of emphasis on the classic stat system because of its DnD roots though that part is being streamlined more and more recently.

>> No.27296025
Quoted by: >>27296130

I don't get it, it's just a cute picture.
What's the big deal?

>> No.27296026


>> No.27296027

Take your tribalistic bullshit elsewhere no one fucking said it was a bad thing.

>> No.27296029
Quoted by: >>27296224

Kiara would be HP but low defense/endurance

>> No.27296033

>all these fucking chinese bot spammers saying genshin impact in her chat with no end
Good lord.

>> No.27296034

It says SMITE

>> No.27296038

No we don't.

>> No.27296040

Fucking bitch enablers you know that credit cards exist? She knows the amount of money she will get in a month, she can even take a loan.

>> No.27296042
Quoted by: >>27296079

No internet

>> No.27296043


>> No.27296046

go outside man, it says smite

>> No.27296051

dunno anon this one >>27295710 is pretty lewd

>> No.27296050

How the fuck are you supposed to pronounce iron? AUYURON?

>> No.27296052


>> No.27296055

She probably saw preview only, it completely cuts the legs out.
Either this or she's horny for shark for real.

>> No.27296057

She doesn't live in bongistan

>> No.27296059

t. reddit tourist
really easy to spot you guys since you have no idea how 4chan works

>> No.27296058

It says smite.
Clearly god is a MOBAfag.

>> No.27296060

She cosplayed before the stream so that probably helped her

>> No.27296061

anon... do your stream reps.

>> No.27296064

I don't know, I love how it's all seeped in irony but most the goslings can't read into it. Amelia's having fun with it.

>> No.27296067


>> No.27296069


>> No.27296070
Quoted by: >>27296266


>> No.27296073

100k for being a Holomem
100k for being the first true loli design in Holo
100k coverage from the right-leaning anime community because of the loli controversy, projekt melody had her initial bloom in a similar way
100k fanart buzzing over Twitter just like natori sana, who is another loli
100k sub for loli voice and singing. Many think anime voice=high pitched voice. Lilypichu, Wolfychu and Nyanners are popular for a reason
100k fans of her old lolibait persona migrating
100k she earned it in this 1 month span for acting like a loli in stream
500k for being a loli
100k for Holomem

>> No.27296077

Can I get a QRD on this genshin impact shit? It just looks like BotW for mobile plus gachashit.

>> No.27296079

So the same shit now.

>> No.27296080

Oh thank god, I prefer Kiara to stay in Japan, moving back to Austria would isolate her.

>> No.27296081


>> No.27296082

>She also hasn't said anything degenerate on stream like Amelia has already
Anonchama, your roommate reps...

>> No.27296083
Quoted by: >>27296188

Cover the black company can go bankrupt at any time, even before she gets her first paycheck.

>> No.27296086
Quoted by: >>27296188

She's a foreigner in Japan. Why don't you go look up how "easy" it is to get loans in Japan as a foreigner.

>> No.27296087

>Kiara teams up with death, a cosmic abomination, a shark, and a Britbong to fight God.
Deepest lore.

>> No.27296091
Quoted by: >>27296211

I really hope she's not going to try to force some kind of weird ship with gura or something...

>> No.27296093


>> No.27296094
Quoted by: >>27296188

She's stupid but not "juggling with 12 credits cards because it's fine I'll get paid eventually" stupid.

>> No.27296095

Christ please give chicken a break she doesn't deserve this

>> No.27296097

g and ck

>> No.27296098
Quoted by: >>27296188

>be in debt

>> No.27296103

so manager-sama fucked her in cosplay??

>> No.27296106
Quoted by: >>27296147

Fuck her thighs and tummy look great in that outfit.

>> No.27296107

She can't get pity moneys if she get a proper one

>> No.27296108

>getting loans in Japan
Might as well borrow money from the Yakuza

>> No.27296110
Quoted by: >>27296169

you guys are so gullible. She doesn't like them, but she knows YOU like them.

>> No.27296111

I've been playing it blind and I've been pleasantly surprised. Feels like I can Jew all the content out of it without paying anything, like Warframe.

>> No.27296112

That's pretty much accurate, but with more animu and terrible gacha rates.

>> No.27296117

The most average of all hive minds.

>> No.27296119

Yeah right, there's been plenty of valid critique on her, I think this may be the only fucking place on the internet where you even see it. Also it seems plenty of other faggots have gotten their shit kicked in by that mod lately, such as with ame and now kiara today.

>> No.27296121
Quoted by: >>27296188

>unironically tells people to take a loan
Are you poor?

>> No.27296124
File: 418 KB, 715x1000, EjZT24xU8AM2R0l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it interesting that HER was putting up an overly cutesy voice for memes yet Gura's voice sounds much more natural?
You'd think it'd be the other way around.

>> No.27296125
File: 265 KB, 512x384, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27296129


>> No.27296130

but bro

>> No.27296133

>Move Countries again
This bitch is going back to Austria

>> No.27296135
File: 37 KB, 392x408, 1586779074002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That dead serious "holy shit that's expensive" when Kiara googled RTX 3080 gave me a hearty fucking chuckle.

>> No.27296141

wow so kiara actually wants to move back to austria. b-but what about the 3D...?

>> No.27296143

>Move countries
She just let it out after trying to hide it.

>> No.27296144
Quoted by: >>27296160

>telling her to get a new graphics card when there's like an 80% chance it won't fit, she'll need a new PSU, or some other fucking bullshit

>> No.27296145

lole based

>> No.27296146

Moving back to Austria confirmed

>> No.27296147

truly that was a good design for her to do

>> No.27296149

>just to visit
Ah I see, she's going to bring her gaming PC that's in Austria when she goes back to Japan

>> No.27296150
File: 31 KB, 747x197, 1586401457692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why tf is this janny deleting mild criticism?

>> No.27296153


>> No.27296154


>> No.27296156

She should be vitality - takes damage constantly, still here, streaming. And her character is unkillable. She's 100% VIT.
Charisma is Mori, chat was in agreement.

>> No.27296157

Nah, korea.

>> No.27296158
Quoted by: >>27296163


>> No.27296160

people on youtube aren't exactly known for their intelligence

>> No.27296162
Quoted by: >>27296265

>moving back to Austria
HoloEU confirmed

>> No.27296163
Quoted by: >>27296190


>> No.27296166

chat teaching kiara about computers

>> No.27296167

It's hypershilled gatcha with kernal level access. Just ignore it and it will go away in a few weeks.

>> No.27296169

Amelia looks at lewd art 100%, its not a big deal.

>> No.27296170

>eu friendly streams
fucking finally

>> No.27296172

I think she's just going to visit, and get her good PC back

>> No.27296173

>she doesn't know what CPU and GPU are

>> No.27296174

Not really. Her natural voice has a kind of a raspy quality that works with the shark character that doesn't work the same with the more generic 'kawaii uguu' design.

>> No.27296175


>> No.27296177

no she didn't

>> No.27296178

single player always online gacha shit was garbage rates and chink rootkits anti cheat that doesn't uninstall

>> No.27296179
Quoted by: >>27296274

Does kiara's stream stutter for anyone else? like not buffer but just stutters now and then for a fraction of a second? I can't tell if it's me or her

>> No.27296183

>2k for a round trip ticket and a day or two in a hotel
>make $50,000+ in superchats for HoloEN 3D

Hopefully Cover can do basic math.

>> No.27296184

Who care, hololive is banned from playing it

>> No.27296186


>> No.27296187
Quoted by: >>27296257

I want to sit down with the chicken and explain the basics of PC hardware

>> No.27296188

It's her opportunity to be rich and famous, and she bottles it by not spending money on a fucking PC, for fucks sake she can even ask her family in Austria. Imagine defending this position. And let's not forget that she knew that she was accepted more than a month ago. Of course, people will watch her still, but she will be even more behind other girls.

>> No.27296190
Quoted by: >>27296214

dilate tranny meido

>> No.27296191
File: 30 KB, 750x120, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt even realize people rent PCs

>> No.27296193
Quoted by: >>27296239

Yeah he's been very overzealous with a lot of the deletion shit for days but you won't stop people ITT sucking his dick for dabbing on the SEAniggers.

>> No.27296201


>> No.27296203
Quoted by: >>27296252

>living on $100 a month eating bread from work
>bruh just take out a loan bro offer your pussy as collateral
Looks like /biz/ is in here as well

>> No.27296204
Quoted by: >>27296312

>the same flipnigger tweet posted 4 times
>probably posted by the guy himself
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.27296205

Amelia actually has a foot fetish.

No surprises here.

>> No.27296206

>taking loans, ever
Uhh, retardchama..?

>> No.27296209

>only 2 good europoor times

>> No.27296210

The only EN that's primed for 3D is Gura because obviously. The rest aren't gonna get 3D for a long time. 3D streams are boring af.

>> No.27296211

Same but...
>first duo collab
>it's with her

I want to believe Ina was too busy again to take part in the same collab. I know there was already some bonding going on at least since the Mori stream (the failed one), but I just can't get myself to relax about it.

>> No.27296212

She's actually a fucking retard.

>> No.27296214

Why are /v/ tourists like this?

>> No.27296224

>More HP to survive life's bullying
Seems legit

>> No.27296225
File: 75 KB, 1200x1200, EJsXkZXWoAEphGI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27296390

Wait how many homes and PCs does this birbrain have?

>> No.27296226

Still no schedule or anything from Gura?
Why is the most popular one the laziest?

>> No.27296230

That's just for HER shitpost videos, HER actual streaming voice was barely distinguishable from Gura's.

>> No.27296234

I shipped a custom loop, liquid cooled PC , with the liquid still inside overseas and it had 0 damage... what is she on about

>> No.27296239

Meido is fine

>> No.27296241
Quoted by: >>27296301

Oh god Chicken is unironic shit.

>> No.27296243

Just like my japanese rpgs.
Once they're done defetead that secret boss they'll get the true ending when they face against YAGOO BLANCO.

>> No.27296244
Quoted by: >>27296302

Nigger, shut the fuck up about the pc. At least the "just get a loan to get super good portable internet until you get a landline" is a valid criticism.

>> No.27296246

Privacy nightmare.
Imagine all the thots synching their photos.

>> No.27296252

She should have applied for gibs.
Unless Austria is completely different than Germany in that regard she would have been eligible

>> No.27296257

>pretending her manager doesn't already do that
>as if she doesn't just listen idly while giggling
>he does all the work building it while she lets him hit it raw as a reward
Please anon. Watch after she gets her new powerful PC, she still won't know shit about PCs for some "reason."

>> No.27296265
File: 262 KB, 1200x960, DrmYQTGUwAAduVt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HoloEU confirmed
I am okay with this.

>> No.27296266

01001110 01101111 00100000 00110001 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 00110000 01110011 00100000 01101111 01101110 01101100 01111001

>> No.27296271

Hololive confirmed to last for 50 more years

>> No.27296272

It's chinese spyware with the face of an anime girl. It won't be here forever, just ignore it for now.

>> No.27296273
Quoted by: >>27296450

I want to blow on Soras hands and then hug her and never let go

>> No.27296274

Nah it's fine here. Means youtubes shitty streaming servers got to you. Either pray it gets better or alt+f5 to get a new pipe access.

>> No.27296281

>he wasn't around when gura was on hiatus
au nyu?

>> No.27296282

Shes already renting a pc. Shes a foreigner in Japan. Please shut the fuck up already.

>> No.27296287

her manager told her they had a good rig, and we saw how that turned out

>> No.27296288

this smug chicken. narrativebros ww@

>> No.27296290
File: 297 KB, 654x367, 1601220393235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did. She's based.

>> No.27296292

>Characters designed by somebody else.
>Live2D model created by somebody else.
>Brand recognition earned by somebody else.
>Paychecks leeched from somebody else.
Remind me, Anonchama, why do you support these parasites?

>> No.27296296

Anon-chama...stream reps

>> No.27296298

Janny had a bad day because he let the 2am flan thread appear again.

>> No.27296300
Quoted by: >>27296536


>> No.27296301

No that would be you little bitch

>> No.27296302

"Your piece of shit laptop will hold you back invest in your future" is absolutely a valid criticism you retarded chicken apologist.

>> No.27296308
Quoted by: >>27296536


>> No.27296312

It's a time loop

>> No.27296316

Knowing what I know about other girls like her, she's definitely into cunny. All tiny weeb shitposter girls with high-pitched loli voices are. It's part of why they get into anime in the first place instead of being normies.

>> No.27296317
Quoted by: >>27296398

Welcoem to the real world and capitalism. The worst pieces of shit born into riches get rewared the most.

>> No.27296322
Quoted by: >>27296536


>> No.27296332
File: 614 KB, 1000x1000, e3a073bc9200a5a4228668ae8c9cde84.1000x1000x1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I now want to hear her sing BIG I-RON.

>> No.27296333

It's pretty obvious that her manager knows absolutely fucking nothing about PCs, whoever it is, is even more tech illiterate than Kiara herself

>> No.27296334

WOW another sob story by the shit bird

>> No.27296336
File: 1.44 MB, 1183x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't she get Botan to help her out? She probably has a spare computer that Kiara could use.

>> No.27296338

>same pasta posted every day
Remind me, Anonchama, do you really want these (You)s so badly?

>> No.27296337

Visa is expiring. Needs to go back and apply again.

>> No.27296339

hows that different from watching actors in a film or play

>> No.27296340

because she doesn't want to be the first hololive streamer to reach 1 million sub, imagine if she did her karaoke streamed at weekends.

>> No.27296344

Most of the money goes to someone else anyway.

>> No.27296349
Quoted by: >>27296536

Do add external sound next time you post it

>> No.27296358

Yea I just have a bad feeling about it. I don't expect gura to be as pure as the driven snow especially since HER, but I don't want her character subject to outright verbal molestation. She needs to maintain the "everyone's sweet daughter" image, and a little sister relationship with Ame. If you want lewd stuff and ships, there are other girls for that. Let us bros who want an innocent daughter character be in peace.

>> No.27296360
File: 1.80 MB, 600x556, 1593008272284.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken rap!

>> No.27296362

dont give HER ideas anon

>> No.27296366
File: 69 KB, 622x744, 1600180546823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you thought that was rape, wait until I rape for real!

>> No.27296369
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x1024, greg coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27296394

She has the analytical abilities of a valve playtester.

>> No.27296371

Japanese bureaucracy is a fucking nightmare

>> No.27296372
Quoted by: >>27296447

All this just makes me wonder what she'd be doing if HoloEN was ID tier like everyone expected. Did she have some kind of plan in place for all of these things cropping up or what?

>> No.27296373
Quoted by: >>27296392

Botan attempting to talk to Kiara about computers and technical details would cause the phoenix to overheat.

>> No.27296374

She probably applied directly from the main providers, she should have applied from the electronic stores instead. A lil bit more hassle but will connect you faster with the same speed and since the main/top provider is just the same

>> No.27296382

you have to leave

>> No.27296383


>> No.27296390

8 houses. 4 pc.

>> No.27296392

Botan seems like she would be able to handle talking to dumb people, shes a COD player.

>> No.27296393

Someone clip that Kiara Rap

>> No.27296394

Hold on is that name edited or is he really called Coomer?

>> No.27296395

>Food grown, created, packaged, delivered and sold by sombody else.
>Power generated, maintained and delivered by somebody else.
>Water purified and delivered by somebody else.
>Language used created by somebody else.
>Technology utilised to communicate invented and manufactured by somebody else.
>State existing in declared by somebody else.
Truly the only option to avoid this kind of parasitism enabling is to not support anyone, even yourself

>> No.27296397
File: 5 KB, 251x126, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-but she will get paid only in a month
>ss-s-she's a foreigner
>aaa loan wtf you talking about
Yeah, finding 2k to buy a gaming laptop when you know that you'll get 20k in a month is so fucking hard.

>> No.27296398

A faggots hands typed this post.

>> No.27296399
Quoted by: >>27296463

Dumb pedophile

>> No.27296401
Quoted by: >>27296451

What was it? What was she going to say?

>> No.27296402

Because they entertain me.
That's why they get my money and you get a (you)

>> No.27296404
Quoted by: >>27296451

What is the secret?!

>> No.27296406
Quoted by: >>27296481

So looks like we might get a Mori Kiara duet. Can’t see what else it would be

>> No.27296411

so basically another SMT plot?

>> No.27296412


>> No.27296415

He’s in both games

>> No.27296419

but she hasn't had any issues with her current PC playing minecraft and arknights!

>> No.27296422

well, you said it yourself, complain about it in a month then

>> No.27296424
File: 203 KB, 991x1400, 1600786465687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27296426

Please take your meds and go to bed American.

>> No.27296427
Quoted by: >>27296536


>> No.27296430
Quoted by: >>27296470

how new

>> No.27296433

I wouldn't worry about it desu. Ina was the one mostly doing the flirting in her duo collab with Ame.

>> No.27296434


>> No.27296435
File: 29 KB, 681x383, shutterstock_editorial_10580125f-e1591816164466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm running out of Nutella

>> No.27296440

Would you eat birds freshly baked bread?

>> No.27296446

Don't bother, they're just going to keep apologising for the chicken making all of her problems worse.

>> No.27296447
File: 2.86 MB, 480x480, watagalaxy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A plan

>> No.27296450
Quoted by: >>27296850

Sora collab with HoloENs when?

>> No.27296451
Quoted by: >>27296481

Song with Mori maybe?

>> No.27296453

fucking burgerfag shut the fuck up, go to another country and get a loan see how well it works, noe very country prints money to hand to poor fags, she just moved, twice, where do you think her money went dumb bitch, actually kill yourself faggot

>> No.27296454

She checks and rechecks her plans and everything that's going on around her many times because she's a perfectionist and that's a good thing, much better than wasting a whole stream troubleshooting technical issues at least, besides, she's practicing her singing because she doesn't want to fail to deliver her love to the world.

>> No.27296456

Marine's stream right now is called "Sexy Boomer Grandma Marine"

>> No.27296457

Ame and Gura seem pretty close and have talked a lot, Im sure they understand each others barriers.

>> No.27296459
Quoted by: >>27296531

They only get a 35% cut and Cover will withhold roughly 40% for taxes so she'll be getting around 14,000 in the hand. Still not too shabby but not as much as you think based on the raw superchat numbers.

>> No.27296463

I don't want gura lewded and somehow that makes me the pedo? Anon, your mess onegai

>> No.27296469

hello What are we arguing about today then?

>> No.27296470

not new at all, last time I saw that image was before the stupid coomer meme

>> No.27296471
Quoted by: >>27296523

What’s the next step in his plan?

>> No.27296472

Uh Cover, YouTube, taxes, yakuza take like 98%

>> No.27296477

Yeah but who put it all together? hahaha
Some underpaid intern that's who lmao

>> No.27296481

One can only hope.

>> No.27296487
File: 24 KB, 705x500, 1592170626391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27296559

Who the fuck taught her that word? Wait, fuck..


>> No.27296489
File: 112 KB, 496x700, 1601693235584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is for sex

>> No.27296490

Anon, I think you are self-inserting way too much as her manager.

But judging by her roommate's last cosplay. One would have to be extremely gay to not tap that. Yes, even if you were a woman.

>> No.27296491

I thought if you have a job in Japan it doesn't expire?
Does hololive not qualify?

>> No.27296498

are you retarded? the reason why she even reached that number is because of her shit setup, why would she want to fix that shit when it earns her easy money from simps?

>> No.27296499

chicken not buying a pc with her SC money that she does not yet have

>> No.27296503

do you fags even watch the streams, or just come here to shitpost and maybe hate on the ENs occasionally

>> No.27296504
File: 225 KB, 1000x1333, 1601606989230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia already targeting my heart last week
Seems like she wants to finish the job and forever enslave me for good this week with the date

I guess that's my fate, no use in struggling

>> No.27296507

>that thumbnail

>> No.27296508

How many days it'll take for Gura to put her fucking schedule up. What the fuck is she even doing right now?

>> No.27296510
File: 89 KB, 844x845, 1601597837870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With me.

>> No.27296511

Look at this thread, twitter, her chats and elsewhere. If you seriously think you are not in a giant ring of basement weeaboo pedos then think again.

>> No.27296518
File: 2.84 MB, 2015x4096, hmmhmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27296563

>> No.27296519


>> No.27296523

Crashing these scales....with no survivors.

>> No.27296524

And she's shitting out future Hololive lore.

>> No.27296526

I don't want to see Gura turn into another gremlin either, hopefully Yagoo is keeping an eye on them.

>> No.27296528
File: 13 KB, 300x300, FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this picture so fucking much.

>> No.27296529
File: 168 KB, 1334x750, watson money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27296655

Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.27296530

Why is she like this?

>> No.27296531

Cover is such a scam holy shit.
Youtube too. Does youtube not allow paypal donations?

>> No.27296536
File: 103 KB, 1148x1148, 1600915550864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this new.

>> No.27296537

Imagine defending chicken not buying pc when she won a golden ticket and there are way better entertainers who buy pc with hard-earned money and get way way less money in return for their hard work.

>> No.27296538
File: 33 KB, 448x537, 789484894615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enjoy Amelia's snack ASMR
>immediately after go on a movie data with Ina

>> No.27296539

There is no correlation

>> No.27296545

Yes, that's usually how things end up with people who are very outspoken about lewding lolis.
They usually end up being outed as child molesters or CP collectors.
Now fuck off.

>> No.27296550
File: 248 KB, 800x1200, 265000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your two en favorites are Gura and Amelia you are now officially known as a


>> No.27296553

Why does he look like the KFC dude here? It's to fitting right now.

>> No.27296556

>RPing as grandma

>> No.27296557
File: 37 KB, 579x536, 1601583418513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck on yer date lad, give 'er one for me

>> No.27296559


>> No.27296562

The IDs have streamlabs. I dunno why the ENs don't also use those.

>> No.27296563

Stop posting my dox!

>> No.27296566

drink bleach

>> No.27296567
Quoted by: >>27296598

let's complain about when she actually gets her payment in a month, then

>> No.27296568

>Kiara speaks more German
Are rare treat, but worth every second

>> No.27296572

Welcome to japanese companies.

>> No.27296571

Shut the fuck up Brittany Venti

>> No.27296573

Even Gura herself likes the lewds. Hell, even Amelia does it.

Go back to r*ddit, newfag.

>> No.27296575

It's weird as fuck because she clearly has that tendency but is bottled up so tightly in-character.

They all turn into gremlins eventually though, anon. Personally I don't like the le wholesome gura at fucking all and want to see her be more like, well you know.

>> No.27296577


>> No.27296579
File: 773 KB, 1200x1697, 1600457393183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never doubted chumbud but I don't want to see Gura turn into an ame clone. I love Gura the way she is.

>> No.27296582

Confess your sins.

>> No.27296584

I see no connection

>> No.27296585
File: 1.15 MB, 900x1200, 1601732983230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being angry about loli on /jp/

>> No.27296588

>That music box version of Ahoy!
This whole thing is more comfortable than disturbing....which is disturbing.

>> No.27296590

All payment processing platforms are a scam, it's what happens when you effectively allow a global duopoly on all transactions. If they allowed Paypal then Paypal would just take their cut after Youtube.

>> No.27296595

>Does Youtube not allow people to bypass giving them a cut of the money being paid to people using their platform?

>> No.27296597
Quoted by: >>27296627

As much as I like the name, lets not do that. We have enough tribalism as is

>> No.27296596
File: 1.55 MB, 1280x720, ABAYO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27296598

She already said she's going to use her PC at home in Austria... in 5 months.

>> No.27296602
File: 2.56 MB, 1174x1220, 1601564820111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heck yeah bud

>> No.27296600

She's already showing a few signs of it during Falls Guys.

>> No.27296603

>try to censor self
>just say the swear and the censor at once

>> No.27296605

>Chicken antis are in a constant state of looking for something new to complain about
Watch the fucking streams

>> No.27296610

Loli is not CP.

>> No.27296612
File: 45 KB, 679x680, 1601780318989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27296639

I want to fuck Gura and I want to watch Amelia molest Gura on-stream.

>> No.27296616


>> No.27296622

As a German, hearing her swear in German right now is fucking cute

>> No.27296626

I think you're right anon. Go do something about it. Somewhere she'll see like twitter.

>> No.27296628

>German swearing

>> No.27296627

>having favorites is tribalism now
This is getting retarded

>> No.27296629

>Diese verdammte Scheiße ich hab' kein Bock auf

>> No.27296630
Quoted by: >>27296678

CP is not loli.

>> No.27296631


>> No.27296636

>heil hitler
what did she mean by this

>> No.27296639

This is literally me.

>> No.27296640

oops i meant "outspoken against* lewding lolis"

>> No.27296645

Reason why I'm saying this. Kiara plans to stream console games.

Right now is pointless, that's how it went with Flare and many HoloJPs, they had really trash PCs until an actual reason for them to get a better one appeared.

>> No.27296646

>BOATED twice in a row
Got me good senpai

>> No.27296650

>Can't curse in German as she thinks it would be too severe
This is giving me way too much freedom for my imagination.

>> No.27296653

She also said she got no internet and look at her now. Something fishy is going on.

>> No.27296655
File: 141 KB, 540x253, 1601831107358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27296659
Quoted by: >>27296683

I can’t stop having fantasies about strangling Kiara while fucking her bringing her to the brink of losing her demi immortality.

>> No.27296660

What's the bet her PC back in Austria is worse than her laptop or manager-san's PC?

>> No.27296661
Quoted by: >>27296677

You are the reason us germans don't speak more german on the internet.

>> No.27296663
Quoted by: >>27296730

>Amelia liked the cunny pic
Just when I thought she couldn't be any more based, dream woman

>> No.27296665


>> No.27296667

>I'm gonna teach you more German swear words
I love this bird

>> No.27296668
Quoted by: >>27296691

It's the smell of your moms pussy

>> No.27296669

>Doesn't want an upgrade because it's a waste. But rent a "HOUSE" which is by far more expensive than an apartment. Unless you're on the coutry side Japanese rents aint cheap.


>> No.27296671
File: 41 KB, 381x369, yab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking of sharing Ina's next movie watchalong to /hlgg/

>> No.27296674
Quoted by: >>27296694

I posted last thread that the n-word I said was dedicated to my favourite holoEN, but to be honest I just wanted to say nigger and now I feel bad that I used watson as an excuse.

>> No.27296677

sieg heil!

>> No.27296678

If you're referring to >>27296545 I worded it wrong.
I'm very into loli

>> No.27296679

fucking kek

>> No.27296680
File: 63 KB, 550x255, you 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27296728

You clearly don't know how Japan works. Here's a free (you), now fuck off and don't post again you dumb nigger.

>> No.27296681

Anon-chama, stream reps

>> No.27296682
Quoted by: >>27296715

I have masturbated to all five HoloENs
Ina was the hardest, Kiara was the easiest

>> No.27296683

I have a feeling she'll enjoy it.

>> No.27296687
Quoted by: >>27296714

Her previous place had neighbours complaining about the noise she was making during streams, so she found a new place. Not much choice there.

>> No.27296688
File: 73 KB, 128x128, 1577984975181.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the appeal of small breasts over large ones?

>> No.27296689
File: 261 KB, 1451x2048, 1600482077994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the sake of my daugtherwife I won't support this tribe.

>> No.27296691

Can't be she's at your house.

>> No.27296692

Don't. It's archived. If they want to fucking watch it they can pay.

>> No.27296694
Quoted by: >>27296733

It’s ok I give you a pass

>> No.27296699

She was getting complaints about noise from her neighbors. Rented a house to prevent it from happening again. Really the only choice she had to guarantee the same problem wouldn't happen again.

>> No.27296700
Quoted by: >>27296727

does anyone find this funny

>> No.27296703

Shes at her managers place

>> No.27296710
Quoted by: >>27296787

I like the thing one dude did where they put both the movie and Ina in one video so it's perfectly synced and easy to watch
Would be cool if that is done for Matrix too

>> No.27296713

don't bother someone is already going to be playing the movie

>> No.27296714

Japs are natural cucks, you just need to be assertive with them and they'll shut up. They literally let their women get groped on trains because they're too scared of making a fuss.

>> No.27296715

>Kiara was the easiest

>> No.27296717

Deutsch sprechende Brüdi
Wie fühlt ihr dass sie kein Stream machen wird in dem sie für den ganzen Stream Deutsch spricht?
Fühlt sich schlecht an

>> No.27296719
Quoted by: >>27296752

Flat is justice.

Big tits look disgusting, they're fat soggy cow udders.

>> No.27296722
Quoted by: >>27296779

Many vtubers had to do this, Japanese apartments have paper thing walls and the neighbours will be always complaining and not let you work.

>> No.27296724

flat is justice

>> No.27296726

you hold them closer to your heart

>> No.27296727

The election tourists from /pol/ do yeah.

>> No.27296728

She has a family in Austria, when your daughter is about to become a millionaire you can find some money to help her.

>> No.27296729

since flat is objectively less attractive for majority of male population you don't have to feel getting cucked as much

>> No.27296730
Quoted by: >>27296781

wtf she actually did

>> No.27296731

They take all those assets and give it personality which is most important.

>> No.27296733
File: 103 KB, 940x500, watson gamerword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27296735

Nip apartments are notoriously anal about noise and she's someone who now makes a living off of making noise sometimes at inconvenient local hours.

>> No.27296737
Quoted by: >>27296748

Kiara SS officer roleplay. I plead for my life as she angrily gasses me to death

>> No.27296740

I'd actually love to see an Amelia NTR doujin.

>> No.27296742

>hold her closer to your heart
>fully fit into your hands
>scientifically proven to be more sensitive (same number of nerve endings on smaller surface area)
>more clothing options and overall less inconvenience for the girl

>> No.27296744

Gura, when the fuck is your schedule going up goddamn.

>> No.27296746

Ina Korean stream when?
The nips would rage

>> No.27296747

I had lewd thoughts about OUR BOY during the last Doom Eternal stream and have been consumed by guilt ever since.

>> No.27296748

Good news anon, I've commissioned some art of exactly that. I'll post it here when its done

>> No.27296749

Some people have pride and don't beg for money from their family members. Have you ever thought about that? Do you have any pride?

>> No.27296752

Calling them fat soggy cow udders just makes it hotter, anon

>> No.27296751


>> No.27296754

More sensitive
Small = Cute
Aren't saggy and gross

>> No.27296756
Quoted by: >>27296769

German streams make me cringe anyways. I stream in English as well

>> No.27296757
File: 198 KB, 700x700, 1601791003243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up capitalist pig, go back to plebbit

>> No.27296764

who the fuck cares about some rando's dog
who donates that shit unironically

>> No.27296766
Quoted by: >>27296834

Did she change her mind on german-only member streams?

>> No.27296767

>It's archived
If not archived would you be okay with sharing it? I'm curious of what you think since your writing is aggressive.

>> No.27296768

They beg for money from strangers though. Get the fuck out with this bullshit.

>> No.27296769
Quoted by: >>27296827


>> No.27296771

Nothing about the word "fat" is ever remotely hot in any way. Chubby chasers are broken. Unironically more mentally unfit than pedos.

>> No.27296775
File: 28 KB, 500x536, Bruder muss los.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gut. Fuck the people you attract when speaking german on the internet.

>> No.27296779
Quoted by: >>27296808

If you watched the MO stream you'll know that the house is cheaper than her previous place. Member reps please

>> No.27296781
Quoted by: >>27296837

no she didn't

>> No.27296782
Quoted by: >>27296857

It's not begging if you can pay it back though.

>> No.27296787
Quoted by: >>27296935

I'd watch it if this was done .

>> No.27296788

Some people have pride and don't beg for money from strangers, streamers aren't prideful people.

>> No.27296789

holy crap that neck crack was loud

>> No.27296791

Go to bed venti

>> No.27296792
Quoted by: >>27296849

Naizuri, esteem issues, scandalously small clothing, nipple exposure via downblouse, justice, closer to her heart, better armpit exposure.
Probably forgot a few positives.
t. all sizes

>> No.27296794

Pride is for gays. Ask watame.

>> No.27296795
File: 16 KB, 376x168, 1601750316352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27296842


>> No.27296800
Quoted by: >>27296840

what is going on with this bird's body

>> No.27296801
Quoted by: >>27296830

I bet you like armpit hair too

>> No.27296802

Holy shit that neck crack.

>> No.27296803

>If not archived would you be okay with sharing it?

Yes, because it disappearing completely is shit.

>> No.27296805

I like both

>> No.27296806

I don't even watch chicken and I'm pretty sure she doesn't cry on stream for SC. I don't believe anyone has ever begged for SC other than Choco-sensei and her red carpet of SC last month.

>> No.27296808

That's awesome then, didn't knew that.

>> No.27296815

Kiara, your words...

>> No.27296818
Quoted by: >>27296859

Share it, don't listen to >>27296692

>> No.27296820

HL3 Bros....

>> No.27296827
Quoted by: >>27296927

I can't really tell honestly, I think it's mostly because I associate german streaming with the popular german youtubers etc which are all terrible

>> No.27296829

there's none and anyone that has watched Noel's roommate knows that

>> No.27296830

Only if it's especially long and smelly.

>> No.27296831

Ain't got much, just procrastination reps

>> No.27296832

there is none

>> No.27296834

Verdammte haider

I don't remember her promising them? She's only promised German teaching streams as far as I know, and they will probably only be basic shit like "wie geht es dir" and "guten morgen"

>> No.27296836

I had too many fat milkers in my lifetime, you fet bored.

>> No.27296837


>> No.27296840

It's falling apart.

>> No.27296842

Imagine Gura

>> No.27296845
File: 404 KB, 2000x2000, watochama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27296948

I almost let the schizos ruin my enjoyment of vtubers in general.

>> No.27296849

>t. all sizes

Brother! Being sandwiched between some big gazongas and a plank would be heaven.

>> No.27296850

The Goddess is not for the gaijin to see

>> No.27296851
File: 197 KB, 850x1202, BlLnOLq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're cute

>> No.27296855

I once jerked off to a german dubbed hentai and I felt filthy for the rest of the day

>> No.27296857

Yeah and if you get a call from a family member living overseas asking for $2k and promises to pay you back because she'll make it big as a youtuber, would you lend him/her money?

>> No.27296858

No. Only chosen cultist can lay eyes on the sacred visuals.

>> No.27296859

Don't listen to this faggot, cultist, >>27296818
someone will have it set up don't compromise your promise to AO-chan

>> No.27296863
Quoted by: >>27296924

HER member only Osu stream was archived and shared here. This has been pre established.

>> No.27296864

Same, anon. I've decided to become a member after karaoke stream and this schedule with the date and ASMR got me hyped as fuck.

>> No.27296866

Why are most of our German brothers so obnoxious online? They are all emoji spamming retards who are all overly friendly 24/7. At least you can still use racism as a litmus test for Germans.

>> No.27296870
Quoted by: >>27296928

Always perky
Age well
Emphasises the naturally attractive curve of a woman's chest
Erect nipples stand out much more when they're the only thing protruding from an otherwise relatively flat surface
Scientifically proven to be more sensitive than large ones
Can hold them closer to your heart
Don't cause back problems

What's not to like?

>> No.27296871
File: 391 KB, 776x834, 123223S.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27296939

I fap way too much to hololive girls.

>> No.27296879 [DELETED] 

If they have proof. Which she does.

>> No.27296884

wait are you for real?

>> No.27296886
File: 26 KB, 128x128, watson eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27296891
Quoted by: >>27296911

>don't compromise your promise
Yeah make sure you can give her that money!

>> No.27296893
File: 239 KB, 640x360, watson mikakunin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27296894

I'm currently learning German, and I'll be watching some BDSM porn, and suddenly they'll speak German. It puts me off desu

>> No.27296895

I've had multiple sex dreams about Gura

>> No.27296903

>it's a waste
it's literally her job
like, you want to live off of zatsudans and utawakus you're free to try but dont complain when you get left out

>> No.27296902
Quoted by: >>27296998

I have never fapped to a hololive doujin

>> No.27296904
File: 1.81 MB, 1269x1136, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27297000

Embrace it.

>> No.27296906


>> No.27296911

How does it feel to be a faggot?

>> No.27296912

>explaining nihongo jouzu
Based chicken

>> No.27296915 [DELETED] 

her roommate is really thin and looks fit

>> No.27296917


>> No.27296919

I want Amelia to drug me and make me her test subject.

>> No.27296923

I shit on Mori for being cringe but I fap to her.

>> No.27296924

>HER member-only OSU stream
>member-only stream
anon, how new are you?

>> No.27296926
Quoted by: >>27296960


>> No.27296927

Kiara's German is super cute though.

>> No.27296928
File: 475 KB, 1580x1366, 1601413660914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great list

>> No.27296931

Since the ENs debuted I've gone from fapping maybe once a week to doing it every day and it still doesn't feel like enough. I'm losing my fucking mind to the coom

>> No.27296932
Quoted by: >>27296982

It does not take $2k to ship a fucking computer you monkey.

>> No.27296933


>> No.27296935

Good point, I'll just wait for that anon to do it.

>> No.27296938

>faping on exhentai
>by chance see a gallery in german
>cringe 3 words in and close the tab
>stop jerking it

>> No.27296939
File: 38 KB, 750x350, watson horny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No such thing

>> No.27296946 [DELETED] 

her thighs and stomach look nice as FBK

>> No.27296948
File: 137 KB, 400x450, 1494051643264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27297015

It's not schizophrenia when the narrative is based on true facts. Too bad you let 1 single gremlin decide whether you'll keep watching vtubers or not, there're a million other vtubers out there.

>> No.27296950

Not being on an old hag.

>> No.27296951

Kiara need to do some stream like, if she cry the stream end

>> No.27296953

If her rear looks like that normally she should really be squatting to give us maximum power.

>> No.27296958
File: 4 KB, 354x26, dadposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huke really feels bad for chicken

>> No.27296959
File: 121 KB, 220x220, 1585018534241.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27296960

Don't (you) me unless you can show me where Ame liked >>27295962 onegai

>> No.27296962
Quoted by: >>27296983

It's not the germans kids that are annoying . It's the fucking 14 year old nazi larpers from any region like you that makes germans never ever want to use the german language on online.

>> No.27296966
File: 143 KB, 626x256, 1601865858009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27297066


>> No.27296968

Surprise, dead hour teamates. I don't think anyone else got around to mirroring it yet, so here's Ame's Limbo-turned-APEX-turned-zatsudan stream from 2020-09-27 with the second of footage redacted. If you know, you know.

Original URL: https://youtu.be/gzePE1KcJ4I
Mirror: https://mega.nz/file/p45RwAyD#ia9qKkLQeG_C4-MRT1tqwA0sZ3TjSN800NnyN7ijhg4

>> No.27296969

so yesterday was the first time ive ever watched a vtuber, always thought it was a thing for turbo autists/betas but decided against my better judgement to check it out.
turns out i fucking dreamed about them the whole night, mainly amelia. how fucked am I right now?

>> No.27296970
Quoted by: >>27297258

I made a few certain HoloEN roommates posts a week ago with photos. After seeing what happened with the whole Amelia thing some days after that, its still something that eats me up and I regret it a lot. Unironically felt shame. It wasnt as bad as what was posted during THAT thread against Ame, but I still feel horrible. Deleted all of it from my PC, but I know im part of the problem regardless. I hope other people will take their time to reflect on it as well during their ban like I did.

>> No.27296971
Quoted by: >>27297038

>Nein Onii-chan! Das ist das falsche Loch!
>Spritz deine weiße Soße in mich hinein!

>> No.27296974

her silent rage and murder of demons gave me an enormous erection

>> No.27296979

I see.

>> No.27296981
Quoted by: >>27297042

What do the moonrunes say

>> No.27296982
Quoted by: >>27297059

i could only imagine chicken's luck, that box would be fucked to hell

>> No.27296983

Have you guys posted in /deutsch/ on /int/ before?

>> No.27296984

Being focused only on HoloEN and these threads for a few weeks triggered a week of dissociative anxiety attacks that I only recovered from a few days ago. I'm better now, but I'm still catching up on streams.

>> No.27296988


>> No.27296994
File: 242 KB, 565x527, 1601683395608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27296993

Yeah the suffering she went through tonight is off the fucking charts, jesus christ.

It's almost approaching Mel tier bad luck, but not quite that bad. Or is it?

>staying at manager's for a few weeks

>> No.27296998
Quoted by: >>27297044

Are there even any worthwhile ones? I've fapped to a few decent niji doujins before but I've never seen a good holo one

>> No.27297000
Quoted by: >>27297021

I would like to have a full version of this image, please.

>> No.27297005
Quoted by: >>27297056

You're on 4chan so yes. Friendly reminder to take your meds

>> No.27297006

I use Hololive to procrastinate dealing with my problems IRL, like buying a new car

>> No.27297014

I fantasize about Mori telling all of the deadbeats to beat their deathgrips

>> No.27297015
File: 194 KB, 496x379, watson lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, it just to a minute to remember that I don't actually give a fuck about roommates. Keep on coping though, faggot.

>> No.27297020

Tell me about the nips, why do they jouzu?

>> No.27297021
Quoted by: >>27297081


>> No.27297023

constant computer problems give more sc profits

>> No.27297027

>I would love you even if you gained 100kg


>> No.27297031
Quoted by: >>27297109

Apparently the manager is female so...

>> No.27297034

She's much happier now though, which is great.

>> No.27297038

Actually this might be hilarious if done for comedic effect, think of making the dialogue sound like "best of chefkoch" recipe reviews

>> No.27297039
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, GettyImages-1000345722-1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27297093

>I would love you even if you gained 100kilo

Is Kiara aware about Brosnan posting?

>> No.27297040
File: 619 KB, 1000x1167, 44a9e8009b221c4290c6c7405640b32e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has been reeled in
Well well... now that you are a good little sub, how about you start jerking it to my feet?

>> No.27297042
File: 32 KB, 1322x242, dadpostingen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297044

Shion getting punished for sleeping in was good

>> No.27297045

I am afraid its terminal anon. You have become another Gosling host.

>> No.27297050

Because they fear the gaijin.

>> No.27297055

They've learned to fear the wrath of the white.

>> No.27297056
Quoted by: >>27297089

any recommendations?

>> No.27297058
Quoted by: >>27297224

Obliterated. You'd better start reading NTR doujins now before it's too late to get used to it.

>> No.27297059

That and Fedex and UPS will probably toss it in the ringer before delivering for good measure

>> No.27297061
Quoted by: >>27297325

Somebody already got around to mirroring it. I'm surprised that hasn't been reuploaded yet.

>> No.27297062
File: 39 KB, 306x727, 4ABF3AB800000578-0-Quick_change_After_a_spot_of_swimming_in_a_pair_of_red_and_white-a-13_1522604451873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like saying "I would love you even if you gained 100 kilos", ooh, thank you
>Then I shall proceed to turn into...

Go on, dear

>> No.27297065

Nice, thank you.

>> No.27297066

so that's where people spam this here from?

>> No.27297067
Quoted by: >>27297087

Ina could draw a cardboard-version of Ane'nis or Mama'nis if she ever wants to include them.

>> No.27297068
File: 223 KB, 313x392, watson smug3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the club

>> No.27297069
File: 142 KB, 1158x1130, EjGcnEgUMAEjN9p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27297080

Just woke up. What happened during Kiara's stream?

>> No.27297081

Much obliged.

>> No.27297084
File: 129 KB, 808x1080, 3F3F3346-6D5F-4262-8802-06A771A2AA62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297087

Yep, just like Suisei's sister.
I would honestly love to see it happen but I doubt it would.

>> No.27297089

Adderall, lets you get what you need to get done, done

>> No.27297092

>alternate times listed in BST
>arcade date
even I can feel the pull from this, how terrifying

>> No.27297093

I'm not even aware of it, is it some /tv/shit?

>> No.27297094

>I'll eat every single one of you and I'll be so happy
W-what now

>> No.27297102

Manager-san lied, Kiara cried

>> No.27297104
Quoted by: >>27297129

Utter technical problems disaster, too much real suffering for even the sadist sufferkino posters

She rebounded well in this stream though

>> No.27297106

Now convinced she actually has a vore fetish

>> No.27297107
Quoted by: >>27297126

schizos seething that shes not buying a new pc

>> No.27297108

What is this photo supposed to mean?

>> No.27297109

Female to female harassment exists.

Not as common as male to female, but it exists.

>> No.27297110

My cock is ready!

>> No.27297112
Quoted by: >>27297137

what is this picture trying to convey

>> No.27297116
File: 928 KB, 2508x3541, 1601850267393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome aboard Teamate.

>> No.27297117
Quoted by: >>27297187

You'd have to be gay to not be absolutely full mast after she let her dom slip and let the reaper loose on those demons at the end of her last stream.

>> No.27297121

real human being

>> No.27297122
Quoted by: >>27297140

>Kiara won't keep you as lifestock for the rest of your life

>> No.27297126


>> No.27297127
Quoted by: >>27297208

With this, the 100kgs and the whole poop is the only way to kill her thing, Kiara's really trying to appeal to the vorefags, huh?

>> No.27297128

Everyone died.

>> No.27297129


>> No.27297132

I no longer feel comfortable around the chicken

>> No.27297137

She's on her way to become a gosling fag

>> No.27297140
Quoted by: >>27297186

Kiara German femdom when?

>> No.27297141

Amelia... Anon, you are fucked for life. We won't get out of this.

>> No.27297146

>Not as common
You mean not as reported.

>> No.27297147

Technical problems out the ass. It's not as much the stream itself, but it's kind of a culmination. Nothing has come her way this past week, she just can't catch a break.

>> No.27297149

Kiara rebounded really well from the minecraft stream. Hopefully stuff stops falling apart around her soon so we get more comfy streams like this and less mental breakdowns.

>> No.27297150
File: 411 KB, 591x879, 1601505479977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtubers fatten up their subscribers to eventually eat them.

What, you didn't know this?

>> No.27297153
Quoted by: >>27297301

Yeah they're weird, they hit some niche between anime and an actual person that's hard to describe.

I don't get the aspect of superchatting shit to them though and never will, it's to me a sign of exploiting vulnerable, weak-minded men, or just catching the attention of very-rich dudes fucking around. Memberships at least are an actual exchange of goods, you're buying a couple extra streams a month.

>> No.27297154

I've only been in /jp/ for the 07th expansion talk since umineko VN release 10 years ago. Recently added hlg/hlgg

>> No.27297155
File: 34 KB, 112x112, 1601610505787.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's from another place

>> No.27297166
Quoted by: >>27297300

>dreaming about them on your first night
Anon, you're going to die.

>> No.27297168

bros two questions, thinking about subbing to ina and kiara
1. is there a good solution to seeing member only streams aside from seeing it on their twitter schedules? i mostly just use https://schedule.hololive.tv to see what's coming up
2. is there an archive for members streams?

>> No.27297171

>disastrous Minecraft stream: 18k viewers
>Kino superchat reading / zatsudan: 5k viewers
Poor chicken

>> No.27297179

Thanks a lot, anon, I started watching the beginning of it live and then it was gone.

>> No.27297180

Well she's gonna be stuck doing zatsudan's for the next 3 fucking weeks so that'll be fun.

>> No.27297186

I wish Kiara would sing the german naruto opening

>> No.27297187

"I'm sorry for letting you see that side of myself..."
Chat: A-Arigatou...

>> No.27297190
Quoted by: >>27297230

the dox and obnoxious ameliafags ruined her for me

>> No.27297192
Quoted by: >>27297217

There’s no girl I wanna support more than Kiara, that girl is so wholesome and seriously needs to catch a break

>> No.27297193

and non deadhour fags will go back to hating on her tomorrow

being chicken is suffering

>> No.27297194

Lots of sexy clippable chicken noises

>> No.27297195
Quoted by: >>27297226


>> No.27297196


>> No.27297197

She's definitely into vore

>> No.27297199

To be fair, almost no one stays for super chat readings normally. Imagine a stream devoted to it. Granted Chicken has chicken brain and can't stay on topic for five seconds.

>> No.27297200

>hug everyone

someone post the pic, i dont want a vacation

>> No.27297204

To be fair that minecraft stream was like a car accident you just can't look away from.

>> No.27297208
Quoted by: >>27297380

I unironically think Kiara is into the weirdest, most hardcore porn imaginable. Aside from being inadvertently lewd in the normal ways, she's also been lewd in scat, vore, ryona, and feeder ways.

>> No.27297209

Subaru has been seduced by the foreign whore

>> No.27297212
File: 927 KB, 498x498, 1601487831666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297217

She's the most relatable because we're all useless fuck ups like her, she just caught her break.

>> No.27297219

They also post on their community page on YouTube, and at least KIara’s have been archived

>> No.27297224

can you imagine going through half the shit her roomate has, and still pulling through? i couldnt care less about what her roomate does as long as shes happy

>> No.27297227
Quoted by: >>27297466

No internet for three weeks. She's well-traveled and experienced in a way and her character's backstory helps retain kayfabe, she'll have a lot of things to talk about if she decides to go for the zatsudan filler route.

>> No.27297226
Quoted by: >>27297268

thanks anon
is that archive retroactive?

>> No.27297230
File: 19 KB, 534x248, meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297232

who tf wants to watch superchat readings lmao

>> No.27297236

Superchats reading are boring. They should just name these streams "talking with you while reading superchats" instead to attract more people to click and stay.

>> No.27297238

I've tried shitposting about my favorite in hopes people would talk about her, but I'm stopping because it never works.

>> No.27297237

Please, I need this

>> No.27297241

It's funny people don't realize kiara reading SC is good content cause she just ends up talking for 2 hours anyway

>> No.27297245

What tags would you like to see the HoloENs done with?

>> No.27297247

She asked to have her belly pat

>> No.27297248
Quoted by: >>27297307


>> No.27297249

If the minecraft had actually gone well it probably would have hit 20k+, it's so fucking unfortunate what happened.

I bet that's what really got Kiara down and she can't say it, she was actually getting a serious incline interest in a stream of hers which must have been super-exciting, then the computer took a shit on it all.

>> No.27297255
Quoted by: >>27297325

>with the second of footage redacted
as in you cut out that frame or ?

>> No.27297258

At least you actually learned from it

>> No.27297260

I want to be eaten by Kiara.
I want her tongue to move over every part of me.
I want to become her strength and energy.

>> No.27297261

Am interested

>> No.27297264

can someone drop a quick tl;dr on what is happening to kiara

>> No.27297266

1.Check their individual schedules at the beginning of the week and plan around that.
2. Member streams should be archived unless there's some kind of copyrighted element such as Osu or Karaoke. Movie-watch-alongs are fine since they don't feature material from the original movie.

>> No.27297268

Don't see why it wouldn't be but you're not missing much. Ina hasn't done a single mems only but Kiara's mems only does have some lore

>> No.27297270


>> No.27297272
Quoted by: >>27297285

thanks for proving me right

>> No.27297282

unfortunately americans cant afford healthcare

>> No.27297283
Quoted by: >>27297390

Won't have good internet until the 26th
Stuck on her shitter manager's PC that crashes while playing minecraft
Doesn't wanna get a new PC at all and will wait 5 months when she goes back to Austria
Didn't bring said PC because she thought it'd break on flight

>> No.27297284
Quoted by: >>27297359


>> No.27297285

thanks for proving me right

>> No.27297287

ditch amelia or you're going to gosling at record speed if you watch her streams this week.
I'd suggest switching to cute characters like luna, subaru & watame.

>> No.27297291
Quoted by: >>27297343

/a/, I should be catching up on various shows and various manga. I am not.

>> No.27297296

She's exposing herself as a vore fetishist

>> No.27297297

Doesn't mean Kiara couldn't just handle it like Korone and throw us a bone here and there.
Two perspectives could work too, with Kiara muting her audio for Subaru while she is translating something for us during conversation downtime.

>> No.27297301
Quoted by: >>27297362

Superchatting means they'll read your message and possibly even respond.

>> No.27297300

>Tfw been watching vtubers since Kizuna and I still haven't dreamed about them

>> No.27297305


>> No.27297306
File: 161 KB, 1463x1328, EjVTkeOVkAELAj-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick, post your favorite picture of your favorite EN.

>> No.27297307

Go back.

>> No.27297314

She want you to rub her belly and pat her head.

>> No.27297317

Techncial problems.
KFP may actually be people.

>> No.27297321

I really like Gura and all of the ENs in fact, but I think for now I'm placing Gura towards the lower end of my preferred ENs. Still loving her content, though

>> No.27297324
Quoted by: >>27297359

Was it Pikamee?

>> No.27297325
Quoted by: >>27297350

Ah. I guess I missed this news. Hard to search the archives for this info.

On a different note, it looks like MEGA doesn't like playing back Opus in an MP4 container in-browser, should be fine locally.

Yes, the frame was part of the second redacted. The video stream is in 1 second segments, so the segment was removed to avoid re-encoding the full stream.

>> No.27297331
File: 2.82 MB, 1372x2048, 1601473181386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297336

I can't, I deleted them all after the ... incident involving pic related.

>> No.27297337

god i wish that were me

>> No.27297338

I watched the homostar do karaoke last night and he was better than Gura

>> No.27297341

it's ok vtubers were in my dream too, they were somehow mainstream in a post-governmental-collapse world

>> No.27297343
File: 790 KB, 1500x1000, Hollow Life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297345
File: 773 KB, 2180x3325, EjYF8A3XYAIk5Cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297348

I wouldn't put it past the book to mess with events retroactively.
Opens book: "Ina has always been a priestess."

>> No.27297350

ah got it thank you

>> No.27297351

Congrats, you're retarded

>> No.27297352

what the actual fuck is she doing right now? she's like, counting to twenty and shaking herself around? and making herself dizzy?

>> No.27297354

She's super lewd without even trying, and most of what she says can be clipped out of context

>> No.27297358

>ditch amelia or you're going to gosling at record speed if you watch her streams this week.
nah it's fine man, watching amelia is honestly safe and nothing to worry about because I would never do anything bad to my viewers

>> No.27297356
File: 46 KB, 611x680, Ejcux65UcAEXngc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297359
Quoted by: >>27297409


>> No.27297362

Yeah but I don't really care about that unless I guess at-most it's just to make a funny joke like the Ghost Rider guy on Mori's streams.

Those guys who give like $200 and write a big fuckin paragraph, oh man.

>> No.27297364
File: 2.81 MB, 4096x4073, 1578637541310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to get a vacation so I'll post this one instead

>> No.27297365
Quoted by: >>27297483

The bf debacle with ame made me less excited to watch her

>> No.27297367
Quoted by: >>27297499

>pic related
The nothing incident?

>> No.27297375 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, 1601852019812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27297435


>> No.27297378

Thanks, this image is always a good laugh

>> No.27297380

I mean, ryona-wise she hasn't done any TMSK-level shit yet, I don't think? But true. She has made more than a few passing odd comments.

>> No.27297381
File: 151 KB, 1652x1080, 1601794314570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297382

You should've deleted yourself from these threads as well

>> No.27297390

she's gonna move back to austria?

>> No.27297396

i cant learn japanese.
also whats wrong with this week? isnt the doxx behind her already?

>> No.27297402

I keep dreaming that somehow I'll be able to marry Mori's roommate one day.

>> No.27297403

Your advice is shit. Luna's and Subaru's voices are anything but "cute" for me, and Watame seems wholesome until she starts talking about boobs and armpits.

>> No.27297405
File: 61 KB, 630x475, 1600774562667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reply to (you) bait using ogey, boatposting and the other clips.

>> No.27297409
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, 1600658673123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, i'm sorry for your loss anon

>> No.27297411
File: 250 KB, 1500x878, EjTgJ4SVoAERBhU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297412
File: 2.47 MB, 1486x2500, 1600703307395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297413
File: 266 KB, 1446x1704, Eiia25EXYAAnXl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297420
File: 406 KB, 1280x768, 1601830692579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297421

Sexy Boomer Grandma Marine is giving me complicated feelings.

>> No.27297424

At least temporarily for visa reasons.

>> No.27297426

thanks, I hate it

>> No.27297430

That seems to be the case unless her visa situation gets handled

>> No.27297435


>> No.27297436
File: 148 KB, 900x640, 1600175315642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27297457


>> No.27297438

>>Ane'nis / Anenis
>All the titty with wide hips
Or flat, tall, nice curves and extremely long black hair.

>> No.27297443

I need a slime tuber

>> No.27297444
File: 73 KB, 853x552, 1601519037821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally get home from work
>have a few days off now
>kick it off by watching vod of kiara's minecraft stream
bros... why must chicken suffer so much...

>> No.27297445

Should have just remained like this, a slimegirl would fit in Myth's theme anyway.

>> No.27297447
File: 160 KB, 567x800, 1601728122248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vtubers eat anime for breakfast.

>> No.27297449
File: 13 KB, 414x415, 1488048043563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna vroom vroom into Mori's vavavoom.

>> No.27297450
File: 290 KB, 396x563, 1601347181450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've shitposted multiple times in this thread and they've all fit in with positive (you)s. I've even repeated posts from here and the last thread. It's made my realize just how much of a rotation we have here and how hate is ever present but hidden.
Dead hours are no longer shit, they're just sad.

>> No.27297451
Quoted by: >>27297495

>cuck spammers waking up
Well, so much for the comfy thread

>> No.27297454 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 680x680, 1584281682725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27297479


>> No.27297456
File: 769 KB, 600x510, 1600343975260.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297457

Ina's too good for this Gen.

>> No.27297459
File: 882 KB, 1080x3288, EiRx9yPUcAA0b0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297461
File: 68 KB, 359x448, 1600078107107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is thiis? People managed to not nuke the images? Good job /hlgg/.

>> No.27297466

>She's well-traveled and experienced in a way
But thats either confidential or suffering.

>> No.27297465

God is a kiara anti

>> No.27297468

>Reeled in by the virgin killer
Oh boy, you're doomed.

>> No.27297469

Literally me.

>> No.27297470

If it helps, she's pretty happy right now in her current SC stream

>> No.27297471
Quoted by: >>27297489

20k+ viewer idea for Kiara:
Get non-localized games like these permitted and offer collabs for them to the JP branch. There's tons of triple-A-indie gold that's not available in Japanese, and wouldn't require much real time translation to make playable.

>> No.27297474
Quoted by: >>27297490

Tentacults aren't this cute.

>> No.27297479
File: 1.54 MB, 3600x3600, 1592282600963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297478

You could use auto-generated subtitles as a base. Depending on how clear the Japanese is spoken.

>> No.27297483


>> No.27297489

No one would watch it then because no one would know of it but nipbros

>> No.27297490
File: 62 KB, 400x400, aeZ0X9TlKM-n-gPnnL-QBg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27297502


>> No.27297493
File: 169 KB, 850x1208, 1600461535479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27297495

I'm sure shark meido will get them or they'll get tired when they realize no one cares

>> No.27297499 [DELETED] 

they broke up 10ish months ago but are still friends

>> No.27297502
Quoted by: >>27297511

Please stop posting pictures of me, it's getting weird now.

>> No.27297511


>> No.27297512

Last for Ame!
