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File: 829 KB, 1312x2000, 75213486_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21517866 No.21517866 [Reply] [Original]

Praise the Pharaoh!

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h
Content Aggregator: Anubis.moe
Writers list: https://pastebin.com/RTLpHEmk
Sabbath Grimoire Scans: https://imgur.com/a/CATcaGk
Fanart Galleries: https://pastebin.com/DFXhrXkc
Mega Archive: https://mega.nz/#F!T24xwYLB!V_dXLWUSLQXqVsHqNuAwxQ

>> No.21517870

Bully the shorties!

>> No.21517872
Quoted by: >>21525595

Maids are olives

>> No.21517886
Quoted by: >>21517939

Get bullied by tall flats

>> No.21517905
File: 2.05 MB, 1447x2046, DsDsIxvC_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice girls

>> No.21517914

are never wrong

>> No.21517917
File: 162 KB, 784x828, 1552939843276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

undead lolis

>> No.21517922
File: 371 KB, 1200x1737, 13koi78277431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21517925

Getting ambushed by a teenage-looking Sylph!
Being hit on in various ways that the Sylph overheard other mamono use!
Accepting a covenant with the Sylph!
Random PDA from Sylph-chan!
Random flirting from Sylph-chan!
Taking Sylph-chan's virginity, in ways she hadn't even seen before!
Learning to fly with Sylph-chan!
Spying on other couples with Sylph-chan!
Having a picnic over the city with Sylph-chan!

>> No.21517939
File: 162 KB, 800x1200, Caw caw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21518077

U ’avin yourself a giggle, m8?

>> No.21517959

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that nothing gets a warrior monster girl going more than a mage.
A muscle mage.

>> No.21517960
File: 489 KB, 752x1062, 1495609089919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Mofu is for _____."

>> No.21517976
Quoted by: >>21518007


>> No.21517980

Watching masturbate with my Sylph wife!

>> No.21517989

My Dear Hatter wife would end my vacation with her naked in nothing but her hat and covered in dainty laced whipped cream on her nipples and womanly parts waiting for me to take her passionately in a bed laden with Wonderland Roses!
What would the ultimate romantic temptation be that your wife would give you, Anon?

>> No.21517996

What are some cute reasons for a girl to prefer doggy style?

>> No.21518001
Quoted by: >>21518014

Are Wonderland roses red?

>> No.21518003
File: 621 KB, 724x998, mge_yuki_onna_by_adelineleona_dd98mpb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way to beat the heat

>> No.21518007
File: 239 KB, 758x800, 1508562938787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't like it spicy

>> No.21518011
Quoted by: >>21518090

Which is better small mofu that is soft or big mofu that isn't as soft

>> No.21518014
Quoted by: >>21518084

White with green polka dots! Or whichever color you choose!

>> No.21518019
Quoted by: >>21518028

I wanna give hellhound lots of creampies!!

>> No.21518028

That's how they get fat though.

>> No.21518032

Her mom told her it increases the chances of conception and will make her butt bigger.

>> No.21518037
Quoted by: >>21518068

She would probably wear skin tight body suit of slime and let met have my way with her as she knows how much i like that.

>> No.21518048

Cumming on

>> No.21518049
Quoted by: >>21518068

Wearing a cutesy schoolgirl outfit while we fly and slowly removing it while reciting cute and cheesy poetry!

>> No.21518059
Quoted by: >>21518068

A big fish

>> No.21518067

She is a doggy-like species

>> No.21518068


>> No.21518075

Each in a pair of matching negligee after a nice dinner out with all of us.

>> No.21518077
Quoted by: >>21518152

Something thats skipped over a lot with crow tengu is that they almost autisticly record and investigate men they fancy or heroic men. Imagine having a fanclub of tengu.

>> No.21518079
Quoted by: >>21518095

She'd go into feral mode. Completely naked, wild hair and tail, baring her teeth, growling and dripping with sweat over her abs and tattoos. It wouldn't be an all-out assault like a hellhound, just really wild and frenzied love-making where neither of us has enough breath to talk.

>> No.21518083
File: 123 KB, 900x860, 1492994068421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of "hero" do you want to be? I want to be the hero who puts mgs in cute sundresses!

>> No.21518084
Quoted by: >>21518100

Has the queen ever forgiven her trumparts for painting them red?

>> No.21518090

I’d take UshiOni mofu any day.

>> No.21518092
Quoted by: >>21518100

Not a nightgaunt, but they're pretty cute!
I was talking about my Sylph-chan!

>> No.21518095
Quoted by: >>21518126


>> No.21518099

Mine was probably pretty easy. It really only could have been me.

>> No.21518100
Quoted by: >>21518221

Ah! I’m sorry! That’s very airy and cute! I imagine her wind control would make aerial sex very intense and passionate!
She’s a very particular monarch, but at worse she says ‘off them with head!’ forcing them to give their husband a deep throatfucking blowjob. It’s Wonderland justice!

>> No.21518101

Zombies are cute

>> No.21518103

The hero who adopts too many loli zombies.

>> No.21518104

I want to be the hero that puts mgs in maternity wards.

>> No.21518108

Pretty piggu.

>> No.21518112
Quoted by: >>21518119

How big are your wife’s nipples? We know she has enormous tits, but are you a big nip or a small nip guy?

>> No.21518116

i want to be the hero who plays bass for an otherwise all-mg metal band

>> No.21518119

Oh anon!

>> No.21518126

Exactly. Judicious use of beast boost and raging mushrooms may also be appropriate. Normally we're very vanilla but once in a while it would be great to just go wild and wake up the next day covered in her scratches and love-bites.

>> No.21518130
File: 864 KB, 1024x1480, 2014b04346723b6a59731d81c983eed6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can monstergirls compete with Order beauties?

>> No.21518136

We’d try everything at least once, just to say that we did. And we mean everything.

>> No.21518137

i want to be the hero that longs for a purpose to live by fulfilling the requests of monster girls and in return will help guide me to what i must do for a living

>> No.21518138
File: 312 KB, 800x1200, 1468013019616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By showing off the order beauties they've corrupted.

>> No.21518141

by monsterizing them, rendering their former beauty moot

>> No.21518139

by stealing the beauties and making them monsters

>> No.21518149

I'd probably go free an ancient evil or two. They're learned their lesson.

>> No.21518152
Quoted by: >>21518509

>tfw you will never have a girl obsessed with your entire life’s history
>she has photos of you from the moment you moved into town

>> No.21518165

I want to be the hero that ends corrupted and serving an evil powerful monster as husband

>> No.21518176

The hero with the massive, huge, drooling thick cock!
The slayer of sizequeens!

>> No.21518178

some harpies have decided to regularly hang out on my roof. they catcall me every time i leave or return to my house. what should i do?

>> No.21518179

That order hero would look so much better leaking pink slime from her snatch after being infected by a pslime.

>> No.21518186
Quoted by: >>21518226

Why is this making me so hard?

>> No.21518190

Why do you always have to bring them up? You pretty much want nothing but them.

>> No.21518192
Quoted by: >>21518226

hello paranoid schizo

>> No.21518205

By keeping their Order beauty while carefully pairing it with monstrous parts that accentuate the individual’s personality

>> No.21518221

With even a minor covenant, a Sylph would grant a man some of her powers. With our marriage, and how much mana we exchange, the winds swirling about as we make love are controlled by both of us!
Just as often as she'll blow a gentle gust along my neck or create a vortex around my cock, I'll flip her skirt up and breeze along her thighs or use a cycle of tightly controlled wind to emulate penetration.
Apologies if you're nearby while we're particularly passionate, though. Sometimes Sylph-chan will cause a windstorm or tornado in her throes of passion.

>> No.21518223
Quoted by: >>21518264

Shoot at them with a water gun. Worst case scenario, you get to judge a wet tshirt contest

>> No.21518226
Quoted by: >>21518257

No idea.

Because i find them hot. Sorry for bugging you.

Dont be rude.

>> No.21518237
File: 63 KB, 900x773, 7d5cef933671186c29c87395138dbf8b (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21518264

Toss some tinfoil at them. It won't make them go away but at least they'll be too distracted by the shiny to talk.
Or...you could hire a professional.

>> No.21518240

Every waifu-fag enjoys talking about their girl when given the chance

>> No.21518257
Quoted by: >>21518399

I think it's just because I like fluids coming out of pussies of all sorts, and the pink slime just seems extra erotic.

>> No.21518262

she's a ghost girl who gets extremely shy and nervous when you look at her face.

>> No.21518264
Quoted by: >>21518556

while i don't have a water gun, they are within reach of my hose, so i tried using that. unfortunately, they interpreted it as an act of kindness since it's so hot this time of year. now they want to come inside my house. i ran back inside and locked my doors and windows, but i'm not sure how long i can keep them out

gonna try this next, i might be able to improvise some shiny scarecrow or something

>> No.21518272

Big Thick Creampies for Shub Niggurath!!

>> No.21518283
File: 745 KB, 1040x1143, r52s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21518289

This kind!

>> No.21518289
Quoted by: >>21518300

really nigga

>> No.21518296

Sometimes I just want to cuddle with the Sabbath girls. Nothing sexual, just cuddling.

Think about. Plenty of people hug their pillows at night, but they don't want to have sex with their pillows.

>> No.21518300
Quoted by: >>21518310


>> No.21518301
Quoted by: >>21518319

You could also just cuddle and not fuck your wife.

>> No.21518303

Easier to give headpats to her during sex!
To better take advantage of the skirt she wore just for me!
So she can touch herself more easily, because being so close to me turns her on so much, she can't help but masturbate, even when I'm fucking her!

>> No.21518304
Quoted by: >>21518311

I want to be a Heroine Hunter.

>> No.21518308
Quoted by: >>21518403

I'll be the hero who brings Slimes to every community in the world.

>> No.21518310

You're not allowed to get any weirder.

>> No.21518311
Quoted by: >>21518327

Would saying you have a Heroine addiction work as a pickup line for Valkyries?

>> No.21518319
Quoted by: >>21518381

But Runya girls are built for sleepy cuddles

>> No.21518321

if i ever visited the sabbath, i'd gather at least 4 (four) sabbath girls for the sole purpose of comfy cuddling followed by nothing else

>> No.21518327

That and my sexy, form fitting shirt most definitely would get every Valkyrie, Salamander and Lizard hot and bothered.

>> No.21518331

That doesn't sound right.

>> No.21518338

He's KDF mate, of course he can.

>> No.21518342
File: 522 KB, 3400x2800, da745d_6909808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big strong hotdogs!

>> No.21518360

>that one red line on the bottom left edge of the picture
is that the eye flame of a much smaller hellhound standing next to her?

>> No.21518378
File: 569 KB, 894x1400, 65282404_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this.

>> No.21518381

Any girl can become a Runya member

>> No.21518382
Quoted by: >>21518387

Pharaoh? What about Bastet nyan?

>> No.21518387


>> No.21518393
File: 114 KB, 1189x1400, D8_a3A5X4AAYDdX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21518395

I want to watch as Paladin-chan becomes a /fit/ Hellhound.

>> No.21518399

Thats a great reason desu. Thinking about it i am the same.
Also just the idea of vanilla possession and living clothing is another reason for me personally.

>> No.21518403
Quoted by: >>21518417

What a noble goal. Would you bring them all types of slime or keep it specific?

>> No.21518417
Quoted by: >>21518448

I think I'd try and leave Slimes that are used to the geology of the area. For cities and suburbs I'd leave Bubble Slimes and Red Slimes mostly. Countryside communities would get regular Slimes and Nureonagos. I'd help Shoggoths travel to their destinations whenever one had identified the location of her master.

>> No.21518430

If I had one last dying breath to spend I would spend it pleading Nav to stop being coy and start drawing full-frontal nudity.

>> No.21518448
Quoted by: >>21518465

What about dark slimes?

>> No.21518450
File: 1.17 MB, 1000x1224, 1560401640818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21518471

I'll be a Hero on a quest to find one ultimate Mofu!

>> No.21518462
File: 1.39 MB, 2327x3600, tsurara_onna_high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21518465
Quoted by: >>21518500

My wife may leave a fresh Dark Slime in her wake every now and then. Sometimes volunteers, and other times female bandits. They are a bit more dangerous to leave lying around though.

>> No.21518471

The ultimate mofu was the friends you made along the way

>> No.21518474

i want to stay cool by having a bare foot tsusara step on me!

>> No.21518483

I want to steal her socks while shes bathing.

>> No.21518484

>have to move this weekend
>25 Celsius temperature coming up
Gee, thanks for nothing Cool Ice.

>> No.21518486
File: 1.21 MB, 1508x2048, cute beach wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eye patch bikini is best swimsuit!

>> No.21518500
Quoted by: >>21518542

Sounds neat. Are you dark slime scientist anon by chance? Also would your waifu take an active role in melting down and corrupting potential darkslimes into cores?

>> No.21518503

I wanna fuck these undead draphs so bad.

>> No.21518509

They also follow entire bloodlines if they're interesting enough.

>> No.21518520

Do you ever have moments where it just feels natural to look over and expect to see your wife there, even though she isn’t? Like looking back in a room to make sure she’s safe before turning off the light? Or lying down and expecting to see her on the other side of the bed?

>> No.21518530

I'm still considering writing a story where a pregnant loli is turned into a monster.

>> No.21518542
Quoted by: >>21518558

I suppose I am, and I wouldn't mind at all if she melted certain people into Dark Slimes. That's what I mean by bandits and such. I think the whole thing is pretty hot, and I know my wife wouldn't do it without good reason, because shes very competitive around other casters.

>> No.21518543

Not really. I did hear what could only be her voice in my head one night, and I don't ever hear voices. All she said was "[my name] are you ok?" I was fine, but it was nice to know she was concerned.

>> No.21518544
Quoted by: >>21518554

What's stopping you?

>> No.21518551

>some alternate universe image board where mgs make human threads
>some tripfag called mofu boasts of her 5 tails and how she could get any man she wants with them
>does this all the fucking time, gremlin gets sick of it and hacks her computer
>there's a webcam hooked up, gremlin taps the feed
>see mofu, there's clearly only one tail
>screencapped and posted, mofu's lies are exposed
>anons never heard from mofu again

>> No.21518554

I hate using the "classical" setting because I feel like I'm going to fuck something up, but I can't use a contemporary monster girl setting if I'm writing corruption.

>> No.21518555
Quoted by: >>21518569

>pregnant loli
>before monsterization
that's a dangerous game there, friendo

>> No.21518556
File: 70 KB, 900x654, ea7ae1f64dfeb760ce25d3775b39156d (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be warned, anon. Once unleashed no barrier exists that can keep the scarecrow from his target and goal. He will pursue those harpies relentlessly until they go from bird brains to complete and utter scaredy cats.

>> No.21518558
Quoted by: >>21518596

Good to know and thanks for answering. I was wondering how you felt about her "involved" type of corruption.

>> No.21518569
Quoted by: >>21518574

It's perfectly reasonable within the context.

>> No.21518570

This is all just a very convoluted way of saying to get your brother in law who likes harpies to come pick them up isn’t it?

>> No.21518574

Bold of you to think that matters

>> No.21518584
File: 1.27 MB, 1013x1128, 70864902_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21518590
Quoted by: >>21518619

i was in the middle of wrapping myself in tinfoil to become some kind of super scarecrow but if that's what >>21518556 really meant then i'd rather just call his brother to handle them. i look like a fucking goon right now

>> No.21518596

I like a good mayadere villainous as much as any of us. I think my wife would have extremist friends like Demons, Bicorns, and such. Any monstergirl with a fondness for corruption tugs at a weaknesss within me. Everyone wants to see more cute monstergirls in the world.

>> No.21518597

>Werewolf girl transforms into her monster state whenever and wherever she is touched by the light of a full moon
>One hot summer night she forgets to close her blinds and sleeps naked
>the full moon’s light comes in the room in stripes from the gaps between the blades
>when she wakes up, she’s a candy cane of skin and fur

>> No.21518598

Would a Sabbath target me simply for liking small breasts and disliking titcows?

>> No.21518605
Quoted by: >>21518618

Sabbath got oppai lolis too you know

>> No.21518606
Quoted by: >>21518621

Sometimes I feel like she's floating behind me, just over my shoulder. No words or sounds, but a vague feeling of encouragement.

>> No.21518613
Quoted by: >>21518623

No. If you like tall flats and dislike lolis then your fine. If you honestly love lolis then they will target you.

>> No.21518618
Quoted by: >>21518639

And most of the Sabbath regards oppai-loli as heresy, as well they should, as per KC.

>> No.21518619
File: 71 KB, 768x1000, Close your curtains first.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21518629

I was gonna say I'd do it for free...I even have wingmen to help me in the ousting process.

>> No.21518621

You’ve got this!

>> No.21518623
Quoted by: >>21518630

Not really into tall girls at all.
Lolis are pretty okay. They're definitely cute! And precocious curiosity and fake innocence are both turn-ons of mine.

>> No.21518629

What are the birbs commenting on?

>> No.21518630
Quoted by: >>21518641

Then they will target you dumb faggot. Why did you even ask the question?

>> No.21518636

Something lewd

>> No.21518639

Catholics, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy are all heresies of each other and after initialombat relations have warmed between the three. I dont see why this wouldn't happen much faster in the perfect fantasy of KC land.

>> No.21518641

Not entirely sure.
I think I just wanted to talk about Sabbaths, and couldn't think of another way to prompt that topic.

>> No.21518642
File: 667 KB, 720x1100, 66458548_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21518699

Touch fluffy tail.

>> No.21518653

Private time should be kept private not with the window wide open and the curtains drawn back.

>> No.21518695
File: 341 KB, 850x832, 1443496443273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21518889

I want to be a hero who marries a lilim!!

>> No.21518699
Quoted by: >>21518745

Oh look it's the artist who squanders all his talent on chibi trash.

>> No.21518703
Quoted by: >>21518708

What if a guy married to a mamono encounters a succubus or baph, and she senses that he has a bit of a cuckquean kink, and his wife isn't even aware of it?

>> No.21518708
Quoted by: >>21518737

>What if an incredibly specific situation with an equally specific outcome?

>> No.21518728
File: 1.33 MB, 2384x1243, 1437454534543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lewd Monkeys.

>> No.21518737
Quoted by: >>21518754

So what's the outcome?
Would the succ or baph just tease? Try to join in the relationship? Try to seduce the man away? Leave them be?

>> No.21518738
Quoted by: >>21518823

Do you think we’ll ever get Tiki God monster girls?

>> No.21518745
Quoted by: >>21518764

Anon that’s another anonymous poster, also why a waste, for not drawing lewds of a mobage?

>> No.21518749

Lewd the monkeys.

>> No.21518754

Same as any other occasion. Either monsterize her, steal him away, or fuck off. I’d suggest you take the third option as well.

>> No.21518764
File: 1.54 MB, 900x900, elfass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't implying that poster was the artist, it's just that that artist can and has drawn at this level, but instead spends 90% of his efforts on low-effort forgettable chibi.
Used to be 99% though, so I'll take it.

>> No.21518766

Every now and again I'll get this expectation that she's watching over me as I wake up/go to sleep.

>> No.21518770
File: 294 KB, 786x1362, 1557798131634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the face of many Dragon Girls a month and couple of weeks ago when people made so many "Mad Dragon Queen" and "Burning Kings Landing" jokes about dragon girls.

>> No.21518791
Quoted by: >>21518808

>Start selling smokes to a delinquent MG for blowjobs
>Other MGs hear about this and also want in
>This keeps going to the point where some pay with sex instead
>Eventually they come together to all rape you into submission
>Now you got a harem of delinquent monster girls on your hands and they're not gonna let you go.

>> No.21518796

Am I missing something? This is just word salad.

>> No.21518808

>Anon thinks they were paying with sex.
You got that all turned around.

>> No.21518812

Wow, rude. At least she isn't being called doughragon

>> No.21518823

Dibs on Hina Kuluua

>> No.21518827

It's mutually beneficially.

>> No.21518828

He's refering to how GoT TV series ended

>> No.21518842

>he somehow missed all the GoT drama
How? I haven't watched it since season 3 and even I know everything that's happened.

>> No.21518880

>Anon thinks he got a couple of delinquents under his thumb and can do whatever he wants with them
>It's actually the other way around, they just let him think it's like that

>> No.21518884

Kakuens are always lewd

>> No.21518889
File: 132 KB, 669x480, 1548782658249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21518905

>Get sent to fight a lilim
>End up marrying her instead

>> No.21518905

I always fancied myself more of a lover than a fighter.

On a slight tangent, it does suck how in MGE heroes seem to born, not made. Kinda depressing for powersluts like me who want to earn their waifu.

>> No.21518914
Quoted by: >>21518932

Bah i headcannon it out
Blood sweat and tears may be a shonen lie but i still believe in it

>> No.21518925
Quoted by: >>21518953

Are they really born? Far as I'm aware being a hero is more getting a blessing, not being born with one. It's just the Chief God increasing your level limit past mook tier. You could always just end up in a situation where you are given that blessing or something of the sort.

>> No.21518926
Quoted by: >>21518936

i recall that it is possible, but rare, for someone to become a hero by sheer force of will

>> No.21518932

Just do the Saitama-workout and no woman will be beyond your reach!

>> No.21518933
File: 2.27 MB, 2542x3600, __jabberwock_monster_girl_encyclopedia_and_etc_drawn_by_kenkou_cross__bb40153a01a6dc204cce11d2a9892ca6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21519254

Anyone know where to acquire the rest of these high res images? I don't mind paying for it. I only have what I could scour danbooru for

>> No.21518936
Quoted by: >>21518953

I'm fairly sure all that makes a heroes is that he's blessed by a god, which anyone (technically) can be. Also >>21518926 is right. Although that's suppose to be super fucking rare.

>> No.21518953

>implying the chief god would ever give her blessing to a dirty monsterlover like me
Still, I get what you mean. It's pretty dumb but I envision some sappy shit like going on an adventure to get the divine blessing and getting stronger, realizing along the way that being a hero is just about doing the right thing/helping people/protecting those who can't protect themselves/whatever. (And then getting the lilim waifu.)

>> No.21518973
Quoted by: >>21518992

You can become a “hero” by intense training in mamano mana enriched areas according to KC. Just remember to to call your doctor if you get a sudden on set case of genital Gargantuism.

>> No.21518985

I want to be the hero that forms a monster hunting guild so that everyone can nab their own monster waifu.

>> No.21518987
Quoted by: >>21518999

if you can't get a blessing, you'll just have to settle for knowledge, gear, and training. or simply incubize yourself

>> No.21518992
Quoted by: >>21519005

If that's what it takes to get a Lilim, then I'll do it. Probably will have to fend off other MGs with a stick if I'm going to be training in a demon realm, though. And/or I could get a mana marker.

>> No.21518999
Quoted by: >>21519002

This. I dont get why people on here still dont understand that heroes and incubi are literally the same thing with slight variations on how you obtain either state and incubi being more lustful.

>> No.21519002

Don't you need a monster wife to incubize you? Can you just do it on your own?

>> No.21519004

There's fruit and shit.

>> No.21519005
Quoted by: >>21519017

Fighting off other suitors and training just to be the lilim’s perfect husbando will make her pussy quite moist.

>> No.21519008

Yep. You incubize by intaking mamano mana from your surroundings. Having a wife speeds it up due to direct intake, but just being near the stuff will incubize you eventually anyways.

>> No.21519017
Quoted by: >>21519027

I hope she'll be ready for me by the time I'm ready for her!

>> No.21519027

Oh she will be. I bet she would be spread eagle and fingering her pussy thinking about you when you bust into her room ready to take what you deserve.

>> No.21519118
File: 143 KB, 850x603, __producer_producer_and_producer_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_and_etc_drawn_by_eunram__sample-9fe3967ffc43b7d2b9188b90f99a7153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are male idols, boy bands and male musicians (especially the young nubile ones) very marketable and easy to sell to Monstergirls?

>> No.21519125
File: 1013 KB, 707x1000, 1496595816442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21522691

Get on the casting couch, boya.

>> No.21519141
File: 132 KB, 701x1000, 797121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so they're, uh, elastic, right?
How elastic, exactly?

>> No.21519146

Lube up and you can jam it all the way in.

>> No.21519171

>tfw 31c without air con
I want to hug an Ice Queen

>> No.21519181

>Cumming inside a hellhound and hearing her scream in ecstasy with that epic ahegao face, her claws digging into your back, and this time not one drop escapes.

>> No.21519187
File: 1.57 MB, 2424x3200, __hellhound_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_kenkou_cross__dd6806f55c23b31e1818b22ab9599e0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40c tomorrow

>> No.21519193
Quoted by: >>21519204

You sure you're living in somewhere habitable for human?

>> No.21519195
File: 2.32 MB, 2048x1151, 1518152114515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a group of talented young musicians get picked up for a record deal
>turns out their label is run by the extremist faction, and their producer who wrote the contracts is a demon
>she spikes their drinks with succubus nostrum, and they all wake up as powerful incubi
>they form the first incubus rock band, and tour the world spreading extremist propaganda through their music
>they become famous for their scandalous concerts, performing nude, throwing demon realm fruit into the crowd, inviting audience members on stage to rut mid-performance, etc.
>the backstage parties and aftershows go down as some of the wildest in history
>they tour around the world multiple times, producing a chart-topping record every year
>when they all finally settle down with wives they run a farewell tour that ends on a rock hall of fame induction show
>it ends up becoming the largest orgy the world has ever seen, with a record number of monsterizations happening before the opening act is even done
>one of the guitarists ends up marrying their producer-san, and they become an adorable celebrity couple
>it starts a cultural revolution, and incubus bands start forming left and right for a golden age of rock and roll

>> No.21519197
Quoted by: >>21519204

I start to sweat like a pig at anything above 8 Celsius, how are you even alive?

>> No.21519199

I know shes evil but i love her so much. Especially her fairy tits. I want her to give me paizuri with them.

>> No.21519204
File: 1.20 MB, 2479x3600, __apophis_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_kenkou_cross__ce58092fba42189f0caed2bb02473776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These heat waves only last for like 3 days and the desert is super dry you don't feel it if you're anything but a construction worker
but hey that's unrelated blogshit how about a monster girl who lives in deserts to put her venom into you till you literally can't live without her hot purple slithering embrace?

>> No.21519212

>started a story about a boy who is purchased at the slave market by an Apophis
>have no idea how to make the story about the Snek Cult

>> No.21519227

How about have her be worshipped by some human women. Maybe have her have sex with her slaveboy in front of them as celebration for her gaining a husband. Perhaps she could have all her human women worshippers bring in a male for each women. Then she could perform a massive monsterization ceremony where the females drink some of her venom and proceed to have sex with the man they brought until they transform.

>> No.21519230
Quoted by: >>21519232

also forgot to ask >>21519212 are you yananon and is this a continuation of that story?

>> No.21519232
Quoted by: >>21519247

Would they turn into more Grapes or just regular Lamia?
I am not, did Yananon also write a story like this?

>> No.21519243

>over 100F every day for the rest of the week and probably next two months here
>no harpy waifu to carry me up into the mountains and chill with
just end my fucking existence right now

>> No.21519247
Quoted by: >>21519252

From the profile most would monsterize into basic lamias, but i could see some special cases monsterizing into high tier lamia like Grapes, Shirohebi, Echidna...etc.
Also yeah Yan wrote a story about a slave boy and a grape,but it was just about them. Nothing else.

>> No.21519252
Quoted by: >>21519258

I also wrote a story like that and was planning to expand it but now I don't know.

>> No.21519254
Quoted by: >>21519266

It's in the OP.

>> No.21519258

you should do it. We need more snake cult and monsterization stuff. Plus its always good to see a different take on similar situations.

>> No.21519263

I hope Anon gets stuck with an annoying Tutorial Fairy.

>> No.21519266

well fuck me thanks

>> No.21519288

I just realized T'he NPCs Ignore Me' didn't have a fuckable tutorial fairy, such a wasted opportunity.

>> No.21519307
File: 310 KB, 500x1231, __original_drawn_by_kangetsu_fhalei__0eedb21a2e52c2d3da2314d8b76cc94a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A tip to any young Zipangese men and boys out there looking and wishing to attract Monstergirls. Be it the high tier powerful ones, the middle tier normal ones or even lower tier ones. Try wearing tracksuits. No really, any young and still nubile Zipangese men and boys are adviced to wear sports tracksuits as research and studies have shown younger Zipangese men and boys tend to be more attractive and even desirable and good looking when wearing sports tracksuits. It is a helpful way for any Zipangese man or boy wishing to have a monstergirl lover.

-Excerpt from guide book aimed to men and boys looking a d wishing to have a monstergirl girlfriend

>> No.21519309
File: 187 KB, 691x587, 1560224139022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey there, cutie. Since you're parents are off on their second honeymoon, you get to spend a week with your favorite Auntie."
>"How about we have our own honeymoon?"

>> No.21519326

should I go full gopnik or tracksuit just fine

>> No.21519339
Quoted by: >>21519348

gopnik always, ivan

>> No.21519348
Quoted by: >>21519359

But what if Monstergirls wouldn't find Slavs/Eastern Euro Gopniks attractive or desirable due to their associated attitudes and unhealthy smoking and drinking habits?

...Unless it turns out Monstergirls wouldn't mind, will try to educate and rehabilitate Gopniks to being better people in society. While some monstergirls (maybe Devil Bugs and Beelzebubs) would very much be okay the way Gopniks are?

>> No.21519359

the only way to be undesirable to mgs is to be an absolutely irredeemable piece of shit

>> No.21519360
Quoted by: >>21519378

Are you the demon lord's husband poster or something? Stop looking for reasons to post solo images of guys you fruit.

>> No.21519372
Quoted by: >>21519376

No other catgirl can ever compare to Bastet.

>> No.21519376

I have no cat puns to give you here.

>> No.21519378
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, 1554952791900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon please let it go.

>> No.21519386
Quoted by: >>21519392

Oh no, a monster has quick started your new life with an anti-acclimation spell.
Side effects include being able to taste your own mouth and manually breathing, but it gets good after the tenth consecutive orgasm.

>> No.21519392

>manual breathing
i demand a refund before i suffocate in my sleep

>> No.21519396

Never gonna let go of Senko-san's floof.

>> No.21519412

Only if you let go of his posting habits. It's a monster girl thread, not a human boy thread.

>> No.21519414
Quoted by: >>21519546

Tutorial fairies are just trying to make sure everybody is safe and has fun! Be sure to thank them before saying goodbye and going on your quest.

>> No.21519445
Quoted by: >>21519475

Found some more High-res images, so I've added them to the gallery.
Added: Banshee, Devil Bug, Gremlin, Hellhound, Lilim, Mershark, Myconid, Owl Mage, Tsurara-Onna.

>> No.21519447
File: 805 KB, 1000x1300, 1560504172179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21519532

Senko san is a great example of how being a good momster has nothing to do with breast sizes

>> No.21519475

Thanks dude.

>> No.21519487

I want to raid the field of an unsuspecting farmer and then eat raw onions with Ogre-chan!

>> No.21519505
Quoted by: >>21519767

The heroic champion of my Titania wife/queen

>> No.21519532
File: 485 KB, 636x925, foxxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how.

>> No.21519546
Quoted by: >>21519559

Shove tutorial fairy in pants just in case you need tips

>> No.21519559
Quoted by: >>21519711

>Hey! Listen!
>Your cock feels really nice!
>Hey! Listen!
>Does this feel good?
Get her out of there you fool

>> No.21519581
File: 133 KB, 489x499, 1528593145944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a game that's just animal crossing but with monster girls!

>> No.21519593
File: 680 KB, 1200x886, Awaken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21519616

I want to go on a Hollow Knight style adventure with cute bug girls.

>> No.21519602
Quoted by: >>21519616

Cute hardworking kobold secretaries would be pretty nice.

>> No.21519616
File: 803 KB, 1000x1304, 1523907117750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21519625

You go fishing too much and a cute mershark gets mad at you!

>> No.21519625

The Azure Lake is so pretty...

>> No.21519671

I would love cute office tanukis so much

>> No.21519673 [DELETED] 

>Hey! Listen!

>> No.21519687

Finally got around to Monster Musume. The meta-fantasy the reader is supposed to relate to seems to be: bullies bully a nerd, the nerd turns inward to be comforted by masturbatory fantasies of monster girls, the bullies now bully the nerd for that, the monstergirls from his fantasies turn out to be real and repeatedly defeat the bullies, and declare how impressed they are by the main character. It is cringe as fucking hell.

Obviously the genre appeals most to social failures (like myself), but it shouldn't be so on the nose about it. Monstergirl fiction is at its worst when the monstergirls exist to prove the reader's self-insert's social worth.

But... there is only so much monstergirl material out there, so I will continue reading.

>> No.21519701

I want pokemon but with monster girls, you go around collecting a harem and leveling them up by fighting other people’s harems.

>> No.21519703
File: 70 KB, 376x468, 1559153537486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strong mom type.

>> No.21519708
File: 675 KB, 1838x2344, 1546376507401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to bet you can't guess my fetish?

>> No.21519710

>Monster Musume
By this, do you mean Everyday Life? Wasn't it supposed to be some cultural exchange shit?? I admit, I didn't read it, but I know some of it and from what little I know it doesn't sound at all what it's supposed to be like

>> No.21519711

too late she made me instantly lose to the boss

>> No.21519713
File: 117 KB, 728x1079, e7f86a80ee7e5034994b2d917f9c5815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21519715
File: 117 KB, 600x706, Toasty Abs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21519842

Is it abs?

>> No.21519724
File: 99 KB, 913x660, GyouboDanuki33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21519728

The ongoing economic Trade War between the United Federation and the People's Republic of Cathay has caused international worry due to the impact and effect it has. As some countries are facing inflation and rising prises from the Trade War, Tariffs and Sanctions the United Federation and the People's Republic of Cathay have been throwing at each other for Geopolitical reasons and political rivalry.

But fortunately powerful wealthy Danukis and the Commerce Guild of Zipangu are doing their best efforts to mitigate the effects of the Trade War between the United Federation and the People's Republic of Cathay. And are doing their best to get the two world powers to sit down with negotiations and put an end to the Trade War.

>> No.21519728
File: 209 KB, 1017x832, Da Hoard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21519741

I prefer this economic policy: my wife wants, she takes!

>> No.21519732
Quoted by: >>21519791

I want really immersive CRPG like Baldur's or Divinity with MGE settings. In fact, I was kinda toying with the idea of writing this kind of story but it's still just an idea

>> No.21519735
Quoted by: >>21519803

yeah Everyday Life.

>> No.21519741
Quoted by: >>21519784

Then she's gonna get some Sanctions up her bum hole.

She won't feel like taking what she wants if her assets and accounts are rendered useless I'm foreign countries now would she?

>> No.21519767

>fairy smiths working together to make some exquisite armor and arms for the royal champion

>> No.21519782
File: 250 KB, 869x1252, Elf-san wa Yaserarenai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try reading Elf-san wa Yaserarenai.
Good-ish story and more fun. Plenty of monster girls to choose from.

Monster Musume was good at the start, now it's just repetitive garbage with no real growth or story progression.

>> No.21519784

What is a border to one who can fly?

>> No.21519791

I'd tap Divinity Orc Girls.

>> No.21519797

I need a cuddlebug Tsurara to use as a daki on these humid nights

>> No.21519803 [SPOILER] 
File: 288 KB, 959x1400, 1560511043596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Kemono Jihen, then. It's some good shit and the fox is cute, too

>> No.21519830
Quoted by: >>21519840

><<Can you see any borders from here?>>

>> No.21519840
Quoted by: >>21519859

This is a quote but I don't know what from.

>> No.21519842
File: 477 KB, 1146x1650, insubordination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pshh… abs ... what kind of a freak would love abs on a girl

>> No.21519859
Quoted by: >>21519893

Ace Combat Zero

>> No.21519860
File: 304 KB, 875x1021, 1392534637525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21520226

Yeah it's so gross, ahaha.

>> No.21519886
Quoted by: >>21519924

Isnt that flaggy?

>> No.21519892

The hero that reforms the government and our debased society, while being a strong enough of a man to be a loving father to a large family

>> No.21519893
Quoted by: >>21519980

I see. No clue about those games.

>> No.21519921
Quoted by: >>21519953

What the fuck are you even on about? That sounds like a completely different magna all together and your post reads like something from reddit.

>> No.21519924
Quoted by: >>21519943


>> No.21519927
File: 406 KB, 1161x2318, N10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21519932

And then she gets addicted to ice cream.

>> No.21519932

Damn Elves look like THAT?

>> No.21519943
File: 450 KB, 1006x1447, salamanderflag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yes it is.

>> No.21519948
File: 395 KB, 638x900, Spider Pussy Attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21519949

>Tries to fly into Spider Pussy Kingdom
>Is immediately caught in the Web Embrella Barrier System

You'll never own those skies or their precious dosh. Stretched super hard to get that W.E.B.S..

>> No.21519949

What even is an "embrella"?

>> No.21519953 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21519962

Fuck off EMGnigger.

>> No.21519962

I hate EMG as much as the next guy but he described something else entirely with obnoxious spacing and ellipses.

>> No.21519980
Quoted by: >>21520025

It's pussy SJW commie trash
>nUkEs ArE bAd

>> No.21520025

Wat. The series has an classic anti-war message. That's it.

>> No.21520060

i want to be a hero that will do sacrificial tasks and expect nothing in return except knowing the safety of my friends and community

>> No.21520092
File: 36 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gremlins are for _______

>> No.21520120
File: 620 KB, 848x1024, Accept Salvation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kind that hits level cap and retires as a farmer.

With no MGs.

>> No.21520121

Tinkering with. When you see that Mad Max on steroids -style car with a punch of P'Orcs riding on it, that's what a Gremlin does.

>> No.21520124

>high level monsters starts moving in close to you for some reason

>> No.21520135

Womb bloating

>> No.21520144
File: 553 KB, 514x905, 1407493005638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy neighbor!

>> No.21520157


A max leveled Holstaur!

>> No.21520171

being good friends with because they're chill, smart, and fun to be around

>> No.21520172

Her bust goes up with her strength!

>> No.21520189

>unsung hero
>dies while saving the world
>gets raised by a random lich to serve her for eternity
Good end

>> No.21520192
File: 670 KB, 848x1024, You WILL accept salvation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21520279

No MGs allowed.

Only farming, hunting, and fishing.

>> No.21520212
File: 381 KB, 1350x1500, Derrota - Vada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21520223

What would you be willing to do to get a monster wife? How far would you be willing to go?how low would you be willing to step?

>> No.21520226
File: 447 KB, 715x1010, bend me senpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely disgusting!!!

>> No.21520235
File: 391 KB, 916x970, r53-1. [rtil] bike_puppy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New waifu request! It may be just a phase, but I do think she'd have had an interest in motorcycles when she was younger. Mostly for the tight shiny outfits and the wind in her face, but still. Really love this one, rtil is fantastic as usual.

This one has a couple alts:

>> No.21520247
Quoted by: >>21520288

Is your wife friends with a Dullahan by any chance?

>> No.21520250


>> No.21520256

I'll open the city gates for the demon army! I want a demon wife I can worship!

>> No.21520263

>latex on a motorcycle
Imagine how sweaty she'd get riding on a hot day.

>> No.21520279

What about after you die? You’re not using your body any more. Can a lich bring you back? She’ll let you keep your current lifestyle in exchange for bedroom privileges

>> No.21520281
Quoted by: >>21522287

I would do things...that this thread would not approve of.

>> No.21520284
Quoted by: >>21520288

Is KDF a Chink because this looks like a good way to get a roasted dog.

>> No.21520288

Cheeky anon. Probably not very likely and even less likely for the one you're referring to, but you never know.

She'd absolutely love it like that though, my waifu loves being all sweaty.

I'm American anon.

>> No.21520294
Quoted by: >>21520308

Chinese American?

>> No.21520298
File: 536 KB, 1280x1356, Celty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad.

>> No.21520300

>Dragon whelp is introduced to children's trading card game at an early age
>Decades later she is frequently bullied by other dragons because her entire hoard is made of children's trading cards
>She doesn't even have a pile of gold coin to rest on or a legendary sword to attract dragonslayers
Do you participate in the bullying or do you compliment her collection?

>> No.21520307

As a comicbook collector I relish the opportunity to have a Dragon with tastes as nerdy as mine to get kidnapped by.

>> No.21520308

Nope. Russian and German, but several generations back.

>> No.21520315
Quoted by: >>21520334

Depends which trading card game.

>> No.21520322
File: 168 KB, 1200x1600, D827QUeUEAA8S4Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21520333

>> No.21520333

You raped my father! Now face me!

>> No.21520334

>Extremely nerdy Dragon who collects MTG cards
>Nerdy and weeb Dragon who collects Pokemon cards
>Somewhat nerdy and /fit/ Dragon who collects sports cards
>Weirdo NEET Dragon who collects cards from old dead TGCs
Take your pick.

>> No.21520342
Quoted by: >>21520360

I'll take the gun nut Salamander instead. She's bound to have a collection of those Men's Life magazines somewhere.

>> No.21520353

I'm not sure about ultimate temptation, but first thing coming to my mind is my waifu leaning on a table legs crossed studying a book. Although her intentions are clear from the way she absentmindedly gyrates her hips, sticks out her behind and glances at me over her shoulder through her glasses that she is looking to dive into something else than a good book.

>> No.21520360
Quoted by: >>21520385

A gun fanatic lizard would be the laughing stock of her community
She'd spend countless amounts on firearms meanwhile all her peers would just deflect her bullets during training and tell her to buy a real weapon

>> No.21520385

I imagine her gun cqc is no joke though. From old bayonet combat to more modern cqc

>> No.21520392

Does the MtG dragon have a good EDH deck?
>inb4 it's dragon tribal

>> No.21520393
Quoted by: >>21520412

I have a confession. I want to make love to a ten year old monster loli with huge tits. I want to fondle them just before goes to school and reward ger with dickings for getting good grades. I want to egg vibes inside her tiny loli pussy just before school. I want to impregnate her every years as a celebration for passing in school.

>> No.21520396
Quoted by: >>21520729

Plus this is a Salamander so she'll have a sword attached to her rig.

>> No.21520409
Quoted by: >>21520497

I challenge her to a duel!
I hope she likes reading, because I'm running Zefra Endymion Mythical Beast Magician Abyss Actors!

>> No.21520412
Quoted by: >>21520418

I'm not normally into loli, but this sounds really hot.

>> No.21520418

Glad i could help anon. I like the purity of lolis, but my love of breasts over powers that. With pai lolis i get the best of both!

>> No.21520419
Quoted by: >>21520437

Doesn't Mist Continent countries have their own mountain deities that grant powers and blessings to local warriors?

>> No.21520426

sexy boots

>> No.21520435
Quoted by: >>21520473

The oppai isn't the part that appeals to me. I actually prefer medium-sized breasts the most.
It's the rest of it that sounded hot.

>> No.21520437
Quoted by: >>21520452

All Dieties in MGE can have heros Including the Monstergirl Gods.

>> No.21520452

What kind of heroes does eros have?

>> No.21520462
File: 518 KB, 1126x1000, Baphomet_Angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pai lolis

>> No.21520465


>> No.21520473

Well still glad i could help.

Eros heroes have big dicks, are great at sex, and are extremely loyal to their waifu.

>> No.21520474

>tfw no cute, small-breasted baph imouto gf

>> No.21520482

I love cute big breasted baphos!

>> No.21520497

Featuring Dante from the Burning Abyss series!

>> No.21520502

>This saddens the baphomet.

>> No.21520589
Quoted by: >>21520620

>tfw no Pharaoh momster who raises you to become a hero

>> No.21520592
Quoted by: >>21520724

Elves need rape to be mentally healthy

>> No.21520605

Elves not only deserved to be raped, not only want to be raped, but they need to be raped for their mental health.

>> No.21520620
Quoted by: >>21520710

Apophis momster raising you to be her loyal incubi knight only to lose interest in taking the pharaohs throne.

>> No.21520630

Wikifag here, this week's new additions add up to 110. They've been taken from Twitter, Pixiv, Gelbooru, Danbooru. A few of them came from a quick search through DeviantArt. This concludes the weekly report.
New Images start here: http://imgbox.com/H5LDxC5O

>> No.21520652
File: 91 KB, 1064x751, QoRzWld2_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21520692

>> No.21520684
File: 102 KB, 1024x768, cXG5Bddd_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21520689

Deer pussy.

>> No.21520687

Missed a few of these, thanks

>> No.21520689

Is she the spirit-talker of her tribe?

>> No.21520692
Quoted by: >>21520699

>Man sleeps mid...

I can’t read the rest. What does it say?

>> No.21520699

The pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.21520710
Quoted by: >>21520735

>traveling with your Apophis momster around the world while doing heroic stuff

>> No.21520717
File: 950 KB, 2480x3507, SeaBishop1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Butter-T's Sea Bishop remake. I forgot to download it, so here you guys have it.

>> No.21520722

I'd confess to her.

>> No.21520724

elves need rape because they're too haughty and disrespectful towards humans so they tend to be ignored

>> No.21520729

I bet she could pull off some Madoka Rebellion gunkata shenanigans.

>> No.21520730

that ghoul is pretty great

>> No.21520733

I want to molest some elves!

>> No.21520735
File: 1.60 MB, 1500x794, i order you to stay here and aid me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll need extra attention in Winterstown!

>> No.21520744

Oh neat you uploaded the bday sahu.

>> No.21520747

He remade it? God damn that's a step up.

>> No.21520761

Luckily the pair got a lot of yeti products for helping out the townsfolk with finding a lost wendi. Also hotsprings!

>> No.21520796

I want a fairy to choose me as her hero!

>> No.21520812
Quoted by: >>21520822

And let you stretch her insides till it looks like she's pregnant with triplets right?

>> No.21520820

But what do they seek in such a remote place?

>> No.21520822

Of course, of course! And use her like a livong onahole, even if she's asleep!

>> No.21520857
Quoted by: >>21520869

But then she lives in your head and leaves you to become a goddess when you're adventures over

>> No.21520869

If she does that, at least I'll have a harem of elemental spirits that we rescued!

>> No.21520879
File: 632 KB, 2163x3245, NURSE UNICORN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a Unicorn prefer a Druid or a Shaman more?

I mean it's not like going Priest / White Mage would make sense, her healing would always be superior on account of her being the walking embodiment of white magic.

And who the fuck wants to stack the same classes anyway?

>> No.21520887
Quoted by: >>21520927

Gonna need to be a white mage cause her eventually going bicorn will cause her to switch over to black magic.

>> No.21520904
Quoted by: >>21520912

>that witch riding the unicorn
How lewd.

>> No.21520912

>a qt witch will never use magic to give you a horsecock then ride it reverse cowgirl until you pass out

>> No.21520927
File: 524 KB, 1000x748, Unicorn and Drank slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you could just be faithful to your Unicorn waifu. But I guess that doesn't really cross your mind much corruption anon.

>> No.21520935
Quoted by: >>21520966

How sensitive is a unicorn's horn? Is it an erogenous zone?

>> No.21520966

For sure. If you touch it you must marry her.

>> No.21520975
File: 188 KB, 1280x1010, YrGEENh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21520992

pure mofus

>> No.21520992

I'd rather have a moth-fu than a mofu.

>> No.21521009

Moth-fus tend to have quite a lot of mofu. Mofufags just happen to be Foxfags and not true mofu lovers.

>> No.21521024

i like both

>> No.21521038
File: 2.74 MB, 1723x2374, 1560504548366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take that back!!

>> No.21521045
Quoted by: >>21521067

Tried watching senko
Shit is boring

>> No.21521046
Quoted by: >>21521063

my nickname preordains that i am to marry a moth

>> No.21521049
Quoted by: >>21521067

You know its true. most "mofu"fags on here are just Foxfags and give zero fucks about any of the other mofu species.

>> No.21521060
File: 73 KB, 640x360, 230836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21521308

I have mixed feeling about this design

>> No.21521063
Quoted by: >>21521072

Then i hope you enjoy your fluffy bug Wife!

>> No.21521067
Quoted by: >>21521093

Anime these days in general is boring. Just read mangas, at least it won't bore you since you can just skim over uninteresting parts

Well, excuse me for sticking to the species with best mofus. Good fur does not automatically mean good mofus, it needs to have an actual volume!

>> No.21521072
Quoted by: >>21521219

they're so many moth designs i'm not sure how to envision one

>> No.21521093

Foxes a shit because they only have their tails as mofu while mofu birds, mofu snakes, mofu bugs, and mofu dogs have it covering their entire body.

>> No.21521102

How far would a group of mamono be willing to go to get a man seduced by one of them?

>> No.21521140

follow him for the rest of his life

>> No.21521219

I am personally partial to a design the incorporates exoskeleton, mofu, and a extra set of smaller arms, but really its what ever you want your mothfu to look like.

>> No.21521228
Quoted by: >>21521234

i also like extra arms

>> No.21521234
Quoted by: >>21521294

Its one of the big reasons i like ragura.

>> No.21521253

I want a sandworm to choose me as her food!

>> No.21521294
File: 79 KB, 502x708, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked this one too

>> No.21521308
File: 490 KB, 2204x1815, Amazonian Fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have this superior fairy. You're welcome.

>> No.21521345

What are some lesser-known erogenous zones for various monster girls?

>> No.21521365

back of the knee maybe

>> No.21521384
File: 249 KB, 997x611, Nightmare10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell Nightmare-chan your lewd dreams, Anon.

>> No.21521396

the penis

>> No.21521413

Had a nice dream of waking up to a morning blowjob+paizuri from the wife. Might commission that scene in the near future. It was a very good dream.

>> No.21521414
Quoted by: >>21521433

gang rape him at his work, get him fired, live in his house while he lost a source of income used to pay his taxes, pay taxes for him, gang rape him again even after marriage, pretty much control his life until he truly accepts them as his wives so that he may roam free while under the influence of love and sex. i don't know, man. i think they would go further beyond seduction instead.

>> No.21521417
File: 171 KB, 1387x1702, D89V7DfW4AMxlxr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21521424

>> No.21521419

legs, i like being rubbed up to my crotch and feel sexy while she takes me away from everything and makes me hers. sounds feminine but we're talking about parts on guys here.

>> No.21521420
File: 275 KB, 858x800, Irredeemable villain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21521437

There are no heroes here, only villains.

>> No.21521422

i dreamt that a tree spit soft rubbery spiked balls at my dick while i was standing sideways on a stage until i came then woke up with boxers full of cum

>> No.21521424

but only hugs and nothing more, i don't want to give you the idea that i like you or anything!

>> No.21521426
File: 184 KB, 423x489, FeyTricks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fairy needs you to go on a quest.
Fool me once.

>> No.21521433

That sounds amazing.

>> No.21521437
Quoted by: >>21521796

lmao, what is she gonna do? tickle me until i cum my pants from so much laughter?

>> No.21521451

If an undine is into you, she could have any water near you be an erogenous zone for her. If you're bathing? It'll feel like you're writhing around in her pussy to her. Sipping a glass of water? Suckling her nipple. Cum in the water? She can feel it just as if you came inside her.

>> No.21521474
File: 255 KB, 1200x849, Yuki-Onna7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21521480

>that subtle red streak in her hair

>> No.21521576
File: 170 KB, 1240x1754, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21521610

>> No.21521589

No thank you, I'm fine Ms. Free Air Conditioning

>> No.21521596
File: 320 KB, 564x446, zvEZd7Nl_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21521610

What species would be the perfect girls to have onee-chans steal their nee-chan’s shota best friend?

>> No.21521617

I want to be the shota hero that uses a shota potion to keep my youth, but unfortunately gets duped by a momster. Although i will then dupe her when I change back into an adult.

>> No.21521661

Could fairies grow to normal size if they wanted?

>> No.21521674

I'd be fine with them being able to grow to Imp size.

>> No.21521678
Quoted by: >>21521788

Normal fairies maybe with some kind of magic and skill like how Sandworms can become lamia sized but growing to normal size and shrinking others innately to their is kind of the whole point of the Pixie.

>> No.21521707

Dragons are very proud monster girls, Ryus, Jabberwocks, and Otohime included. So what names would you call each species to tease them?

>> No.21521719
File: 830 KB, 2480x3204, Fgo_liliraune_jeanne_and_mordred_by_ibenz009_dd7sjjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post flowers.

>> No.21521748
File: 3.01 MB, 1500x1815, Liliraune3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21521769

Plants smell good

>> No.21521749

I want to be the hero who travels across countries and brings development and prosperity to the rural towns and communes.

>> No.21521766
File: 802 KB, 1520x2048, Fit Dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna be the hero that amasses so much gold that a dragon would be jealous of my hoard

>> No.21521769

I wanna watch a lone yuri flower yuri rape a women into another yuri flower before they both turn on me and rape me into becoming their husband.

>> No.21521773
Quoted by: >>21521841

The only person I care about is my Night Gaunt wife. I want to be her hero and protector and wish to take care of her for the rest of our lives which I would hope would be an eternal undead life.

>> No.21521788
Quoted by: >>21521808

Is it possible to have a fairy or pixie with a womenly body (ie: breasts, hips, and ass that would be like a titania if i was as small as them)?

>> No.21521796
Quoted by: >>21521806

Yeti rape is no laughing matter!

>> No.21521802

The heart.

>> No.21521806
Quoted by: >>21521875

rape is funny tho

>> No.21521808

Design your waifu however you want. That's the whole point of the setting.

>> No.21521816

Bapho + Anubis harem.
Short and stacked or
Tall and busty or
Both short and flat
What combination is best?

>> No.21521819
Quoted by: >>21521878

The first.

>> No.21521825
Quoted by: >>21521878

I like small completely flat lolis with normal sized but rounded butts and hips that still fit their small frame but you do you and pick what you like.

>> No.21521833
Quoted by: >>21521878

All flat.

>> No.21521841
Quoted by: >>21521867

I know many of you waifufags care only about your waifu, and rightfully so, but to how many of you reaching her is the ultimate goal? Will you retire together to enjoy yourselves till end of times or is marrying her a step in your grander plan, whatever it might be? Is (She) your whole world or will you seek together what is on the other side of the hill?

>> No.21521849
Quoted by: >>21521878

Short and stacked.

>> No.21521853
Quoted by: >>21521878

Tall and busty AND muscled

>> No.21521859
Quoted by: >>21521890

Why are spiders so cute

>> No.21521867
Quoted by: >>21521910

I don't really enjoy being around others ( personally I like to imagine her as being the same) nor do I want children. I would like to live with my Night Gaunt wife alone and only really interact with others if needed (selling mana cage mana, buying potions, or special mamono realm food for specific effects). I wouln't mind exploring the the world with her, flying around doing whatever, but mostly keeping to ourselves.

>> No.21521875
Quoted by: >>21522761

Rape is wrong. And bad. There should be a new, stronger word for raping . Like... badwrong. Or... badong. Yes. Raping is badong. From this moment, I will stand for the opposite of raping: Gnodab.

>> No.21521878

It's nice to see varied opinion

>> No.21521890
File: 557 KB, 3000x3010, Arachne53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21521925

Because that's the way God made them.

>> No.21521898

I'm content just being my Dark Mage wife's familiar. It's an easy job, just fuck her to increase her power and go out looking for potion materials in the forest we'd live in.

>> No.21521909
Quoted by: >>21522497

besides devils and beelzebubs, what monsters will allow me to eat any junk food i want at any time?

>> No.21521910

Also, this. I don't imagine us interacting with others much and I hope she'd respect my decision not to have kids (at least for now. I'd imagine her magic would allow us to live a very long time and who knows if I'd change my mind after centuries)

>> No.21521918
File: 1.51 MB, 2531x3702, IMG_20190614_151245190~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21522015

>> No.21521925

but i have arachnophobia so they shouldn't be so cute

>> No.21522002
File: 308 KB, 600x900, 73980171_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21522015

>> No.21522015

Yeah, thanks but no thanks for this crap.

>> No.21522065
File: 142 KB, 1200x1200, beware her hypnotic abilites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what would really bring out those drills? Xtra large canines, bat wings and disdain for the lower classes.

>> No.21522071

And an increased pair of hypno knockers.

>> No.21522073

Shit how would you even resist at that point? Either you need the determination of a demon lord or the resistance of a being as holy as an archangel

>> No.21522075
Quoted by: >>21522093

Hypnotic breasts! My dear wife seems to have them too! A staple for mammary mamano.

>> No.21522084

by having disdain for people that speak down to you

>> No.21522093
Quoted by: >>21522155

Yes sir they are. It is a skill that simply all large breasted mamano must have and learn! I bet the demon lord herself invented it!

>> No.21522098

You dont. You just let the newly corrupted vampire charm you to be her thrall. Of course you can have a bit of rebellion by fucking a dhampir into her.

>> No.21522124

The hero that helps monsters and humans put aside their differences to kick the crap out of alien monstrosities. Extra credit if the power of rock can be used in some form.

>> No.21522136

By being shorter and having smaller breasts.

>> No.21522144

Is this a power that all huge breasted monsters have or do they have to learn it?

>> No.21522145
Quoted by: >>21522166

You just want to make alien girls orgasm with DECULTURE.

>> No.21522147
Quoted by: >>21522171

They just need to practice, larger is typically better.

>> No.21522151
Quoted by: >>21522171

God I hope not. I don't want to be enslaved by a titcow. Large breasts are repulsive.

>> No.21522155
Quoted by: >>21522188

>Lilith’s husband wants to watch golf
>She’s cool with it, but at least wants him to be inserted while he does so
>he is lukewarm about it
>she makes a pouty face and leans forward
>her [Hypnotic Breasts] sway and jiggle, and before he knows it his dick is in her while she smugly smiles
It must be true, I believe it to be so!

>> No.21522163
Quoted by: >>21522171

They must all learn the technique, but it becomes easier to use with bigger breasts. However once learned it can become an unconscious technique that can be turned on and off with no effort. Sorta like the charm spell from nymphomancy.

>> No.21522166

>a gentleman of fine pedigree and full of CULTURE
But isn't that what everyone wants at end of the day? Yes, yes it is.

>> No.21522171

Could a Hinezumi learn it?
I imagine it only works on men who love big breasts.

>> No.21522173
Quoted by: >>21522198

I am pretty positive word of god in MGE is that any and all aliens would monsterize instantly.

>> No.21522174
Quoted by: >>21522183

If she gets busty enough, yes.

>> No.21522175
Quoted by: >>21522183

no respectable fighter would have such fat on her chest

>> No.21522183
Quoted by: >>21522216

Oh yes!
Why not?

>> No.21522188
Quoted by: >>21522303

Nice job anon. You should do another one.

Of course. Like i said the only requirement is large or at least houri sized tits. If that condition is fulfilled then they can learn it.

>> No.21522198

None of that would preclude having to kick ass and chew bubblegum. Native monsters aren't going to laze about while the green space girls snatch their men and dilithum/macguffins.

>> No.21522200

That's good. Now a mamono trying to hypnotize me with small breasts or a flat chest would be adorable and hot!

>> No.21522216

diet to build up chest is no good for a fighter nor is heaving that chest around in a fight

>> No.21522287


>> No.21522303

>houri sizes tits

>houri wife hears her husband walking up the front steps and gives a silent ‘yosh’ to herself
>tightens her pink string bra top, adjusts her perky medium breasts, and fluffs her hair
>picks up the cake batter she was using and strategically drops a drop or two on her breasts so it runs just next to her cleavage
>satisfied, she skips to the front door, her bra perfectly tightened yet loose so that the girls can jiggle and jostle alluringly
>opens the door and brings a hand to her cheek with a practiced faux gasp
>”Huaah! Hubby’s home~! How was your day my eternal beloved sweetheart?”
>she notices his eyes dart to her breasts for a moment as they jiggle, and smiles inwardly, assured that the spell has worked!
...of course, there is no spell, that was just a fib her neighbor Lamia told her. But same effect!

>> No.21522344
File: 244 KB, 956x558, 1559129505258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Elves make the best housewives

It's the diligence.

>> No.21522373
File: 727 KB, 722x2501, Plus-Sized Elf - c002 (v01) - p034 [dig] [Seven Seas] [danke-Empire] {HQ}_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21522408

Due to desensitization it's not often a girl's body makes me visibly aroused but Kuroeda's booty is just that enticing.

>> No.21522386
File: 319 KB, 1000x644, 70079479_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21522855

Would you be her sparring partner?

>> No.21522408
File: 220 KB, 584x1400, 65be37e0505bbfe73e78cb731beee24a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's pretty perfectly proportioned.

>> No.21522422
File: 226 KB, 825x858, 69701124_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21522472

This is the only acceptable girl in that shitty manga because she's not a fat fuck

>> No.21522490

She's a fucking /d/-tier whale!
>Posts vomiting elf pic

>> No.21522497

Gremlins enjoy sweets, if that counts.

>> No.21522498 [SPOILER] 
File: 211 KB, 908x1000, 1560553124130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21522499
File: 1.15 MB, 1206x868, the_most_important_meal_of_the_day_serving_it_up_garys_way.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21522504

what's the point of this post
is it some kind of falseflag

>> No.21522509
File: 2.24 MB, 768x2113, kusha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Excuse you, shitheel.

>> No.21522515
File: 154 KB, 1122x1526, 7C27533A-4FA2-4A54-90C7-45BDFACA3A29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New picture of the one of the daughters!

>> No.21522530

I need to fuck fat Elves.

>> No.21522535

Incredible stuff, might be a little risky for the blue board but you've got great taste in coms as always.

>> No.21522540
Quoted by: >>21522636

Tall Flat Vampires make for great childhood friends

>> No.21522546
File: 2.18 MB, 1919x1929, f71a86b95bd09893c0015e3dfa7abfa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21522556

When something costs only an arm and a leg is that a discount for her?

>> No.21522585

This is sexy as fuck.I god damn love big titty bitches in skin tight bodysuits. Also red hair face reminds me of Lilith hesperex.

>> No.21522595
Quoted by: >>21522611

Wikifag here, had to reupload the Kobold gallery to correctly place KDF's image gallery in it.
I'm tired, so I'll do productive shit again on Monday.

>> No.21522599
Quoted by: >>21522615

>This is sexy as fuck
its gross looking

>> No.21522610

It's like "every day until you like it"
It's a necessity

>> No.21522611

Take a well earned weekend break.

>> No.21522615
Quoted by: >>21522622

The balloon tits do drop it down quite a bit now that i think about it. Make them more normal looking and it would be perfect.

>> No.21522620
File: 101 KB, 707x1000, mothrawip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same o7

>> No.21522622

i only know of a handfull of artists that do tits that large right.

>> No.21522635

F@ T@S

>> No.21522636

Vampires wearing sunhats and sundresses are too cute. Great for making summer memories hanging out in the shade during the day and staring up at the night sky during moonlight hours.

>> No.21522637

DFC s still a thing, you know

>> No.21522641
Quoted by: >>21522648

I like quite a few, but I think KC does my favorite looking large tits.

>> No.21522644

Thats quite the bust increase

>> No.21522648

KC doesn't really get that big

>> No.21522657
File: 303 KB, 560x420, __alraune_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_kenkou_cross__b846193ccd47ffad3eee63ede331131f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21522671


>> No.21522662
File: 420 KB, 689x1000, Apophis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21522671

not really cerea big

>> No.21522674
Quoted by: >>21522688

Better resolution here >>21519204 buckaroo

>> No.21522682

Do you think snake girls speak in hiss talk? Like thissssssss.

>> No.21522688

Where do you find them? I get all my images from MGR and i thought they were full size.

I hope so. I love monsters have little speaking quirks.

>> No.21522690
Quoted by: >>21522698

Only when they're flustered or drunk

>> No.21522691

Alright now consider this as a counter:

A Paladin Metal Band that goes around being brutal hardcore Chaste Initiates of the Chief God after their soldiering days are done and they now take up the mantle of being cultural warriors. After every concert they dive into the mosh pit to smite their horde of monster fans(with demon silver or something, look they've been to jail already and in the end they don't truly want people to get killed) before fighting their way to the exit.

So basically: Pro-Order Metal Band who're devout Chief God faithfuls that are the opposite of Incubi Boy Band Idols.

>> No.21522692
Quoted by: >>21522706

Every /a/ thread has the same shitposting of the vomiting elf and WG sequences off DA.

And implying chunky and morbidly obese fatty fat fatterson are the same thing.

>> No.21522698
Quoted by: >>21522912

What are some other speaking quirks you like?
Oh I like this idea a lot.

>> No.21522699

It's probably an accent thing. Some would play it up especially for impressing tourists, while others would try to train themselves out of it and only revert when startled or flustered.

>> No.21522703

Bully danukis with 110% taxes, tariffs, trade sanctions and communism/socialist tax policies.

>> No.21522705

There's several of em on danbooru including that one, I get some from reverse searching too

>> No.21522706

>And implying chunky and morbidly obese fatty fat fatterson are the same thing.
They're both fatshit, in the same way that button nose and dog head are both furshit

>> No.21522711
File: 88 KB, 840x1000, 1541344370848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21522720

based retard

>> No.21522712

Forgot to add, just use the "absurdres" tag on the boorus or learn to use the tools for Google image searching like sorting by size it's a lifesaver.
Either that or subscribe to KC's patreon

>> No.21522720
Quoted by: >>21522724


>> No.21522724
File: 487 KB, 808x990, 1551922946441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21522740

Whats it like having HORRENDOUS taste?

>> No.21522725

>has a smug businesswoman alter ego
>hasn't noticed that most humans don't have hereditary shark teeth
What a dumb demon.

>> No.21522729

But it's anime anon. Haven't you see that some cute anime boys have that shark teeth?

>> No.21522734
Quoted by: >>21522748

>It’s another "stop liking what I don’t like" faggot
Just ignore him

>> No.21522740

I fail to see how wanting a girl who isn't fat is shit taste
Do you seriously look at something like >>21522662 and think "no this isn't attractive, she needs to be a fat bitch"? How do you people think? Fucking enigmatic.

>> No.21522743

Would monsters with mofu dye it colors?

>> No.21522748

>posting /d/ shit is a matter of taste
Hey faggot I fucking tell people who post shit that i like to fuck off as well, because I know that my /d/ fetishes don't belong here either.

>> No.21522750

Why not

>> No.21522752

Where were you when people were talking about faeries on their dicks?

>> No.21522754

I'm just getting milk! Stop the blizzard! I'll be right back!

>> No.21522755

If he isn’t posting vore, giants or fat slobs then shut up and stop whining, we know too

>> No.21522759

She's doing her best. Pretending to be a human is really tough, she has to practice her poses in the mirror for hours and figure out comfortable places to hide her tail. Shark teeth are the least of her worries.

>> No.21522760
Quoted by: >>21522783

If I see a post like that and it doesn't say "posted 9 hours ago" I usually do

>> No.21522761
File: 123 KB, 900x587, lizzy__battle_monkey_by_ninja_8004_d7a0u4j-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a good choice anon. Given the nature of the thread, your stance will be unstoppable. We'll all use your new word and not have attractive women constantly stealing our pants. Oh look it's your two favorite things combined.

>> No.21522762

I think being a mofu stylist would be fun

>> No.21522763

instant stress-relief fairy for only 9.99$
would you buy it?

>> No.21522766 [DELETED] 
File: 464 KB, 1297x1909, 1560027966373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice dubs allow me to indulge you.

>> No.21522767 [DELETED] 

>oh no, MY fetish isn't /d/, it's only /d/ if I don't like it
End your life faggot, fatshit is just as bad

>> No.21522773
File: 65 KB, 524x800, 1554100641571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not both?!

>> No.21522779
Quoted by: >>21522801

There are so many mamono I like, but I don't know if I want to be a haremfag!
What do I do?

>> No.21522780 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21522806

oh fuck off
you need to die

>> No.21522781

K now someone is triggered, you can complain even more now
Still blaming you

>> No.21522783

So we just need to post /d/ stuff 9 hours ago?

>> No.21522788
Quoted by: >>21522806

what song plays during this scene?

>> No.21522792

fug smug bugs snug in a rug

>> No.21522800

thas what fairies are for

>> No.21522801
Quoted by: >>21522819

bake a big cherry pie and sit it on the window. the first monster that comes and eats it will be your waifu. there, you dont need a harem.
HOWEVER, if the pie gets cold and no waifu comes to eat pie, then bake a cake instead, dem mamono will come for sweet glorified bread with frosting

>> No.21522806
File: 997 KB, 700x1000, 1555894516815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something wrong anon? You forget your meds today?


>> No.21522819

she's gonna make you come outside to see she placed a slice of pie on her pussy and invites you to eat her out in front of the neighbors and children to see. also the worst part is that she's not from wonderland

>> No.21522820 [SPOILER] 
File: 478 KB, 764x859, 1560557244844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps but the argument itself is tedious, annoying, repetitive, and worst of all unsexy

>> No.21522824

>also the worst part is that she's not from wonderland
so, she's a freak?

>> No.21522833 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.03 MB, 932x934, 1560557491212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21522839

Don't open it!

>> No.21522837
File: 513 KB, 595x805, 1554043614772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your waifu possesses the opposite element of her usual self

>> No.21522839

>short hair

>> No.21522852

How does one prank a chesire?

>> No.21522855

i'll spare myself the embarrassment until i get some proper training

>> No.21522857

order a pizza box of set mouse traps so she'll get her ass snapped when she tries to teleport it in there

>> No.21522862

by making it so that you get hurt during her prank

>> No.21522866

Get grievously injured as a direct result of one of their pranks

>> No.21522867

>Wow, that was a really good prank.
>Nyahahaha, of course! I purride myself on all my pranks!
>I guess I'll just have to get you back one of these days, huh?
The longer you wait, the better the result will be.

>> No.21522872


>> No.21522878

by saying "at least my prankster is cute"

>> No.21522887
File: 694 KB, 1118x826, smug succ loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at the raiju image closely
>she's itching the ditch, visible love nectar dripping down
She's got some cojones just deadass masturbating in public like that

>> No.21522892
File: 124 KB, 450x620, Shizuku_by_gofu-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>verbal ticks
The rare good loli, nano.

>> No.21522895
Quoted by: >>21522908

okay so, you gift her a bar of soap to use for showering, she opens it and uses it the first time to assure that's a normal bar of soap, then, when she's not around, cover the soap in near-irremovable grease, when she's in the shower, you will hid in the sink's cabinet and then when she picks up the soap, she will drop it from the soap being too slippery. then when she bends over to pick up the soap, you come out of the cabinet, rip the curtains, fight her resistance and surprise-rape her violently while she's in a defenseless position

>> No.21522899

Mid-prank pull out a lazer pointer and watch them go.
It's like blueballing a person that's been edging for 4 hours to them.

>> No.21522900

I'm not much for getting raped in public but I'd understand if it was a raiju doing it.

>> No.21522902
File: 103 KB, 845x1000, Raiju has had enough of your headpat bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only Ace hadn't latched onto her.

>> No.21522906

What happens if you don't lewd the monster

>> No.21522908
Quoted by: >>21522922

>implying she'd resist
You fool, that was her plan all along.

>> No.21522910

The monster lewds you

>> No.21522912
Quoted by: >>21522932

Stuff like cows mooing, Owls hooting, Dogs barking, etc... I just find that stuff really cute. Like a Manticore purrying while she talks.

Thanks anon.

>> No.21522913

That confuses the monster but it wont work long

>> No.21522916
File: 322 KB, 1449x1600, D6PueKU8AANIZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will be sucked

>> No.21522921

I want a cheshire childhood friend who never grew out of her itty bitty kitty titties

>> No.21522922

how will anon ever recover after his chance of victory got BTFO by cheshire once again?

>> No.21522925
File: 605 KB, 854x1200, Raiju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its why she is a top tier weasel!

>> No.21522927
Quoted by: >>21522970

Stop jerking off to me I'm not cute damnit

>> No.21522930

That's really hot.
And the only Wonderland girls I really like are Dormouses and Alices.

>> No.21522932
File: 243 KB, 1400x1563, 1550705066373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21522946

Cows mooing is always nice.

>> No.21522938 [DELETED] 

She would still be smug even if she can teleport her tits into your face

>> No.21522942

She would still be smug even if she can't teleport her tits into your face

>> No.21522946

Yeah and to me the smarter the cow the better it is to get them to moo. Like a Taku who thinks herself educated and above such base acts, mooing is so fucking hot.

>> No.21522952 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.02 MB, 1600x1200, 1560559442231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you guys like Kitsunes and that you'd like to immediately marry them and have many children with them.

So here, take it.

>> No.21522955

Eye love her but as a daughter

>> No.21522956
Quoted by: >>21522970

I want to ask her if the lightning marking goes all the way down her left midsection but she might be too direct about demonstrating the answer.

>> No.21522957

Depends on the monster.
Generally, either she'll rape you or you'll be supernaturally influenced into lewding her.

>> No.21522958

Thanks, I'm breeding it.

>> No.21522960 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21522964

Not being an asshole is an element?
Slip neurotoxin into her morning coffee.

>> No.21522961
Quoted by: >>21522988

god damn it, is the Hybrid Species Sabbath combining genetics on civilians again?

>> No.21522964
Quoted by: >>21522967

>Slip neurotoxin into her morning coffee.
that's a pretty shitty prank not gonna lie I think the old bucket on the door trick would work better

>> No.21522967
File: 61 KB, 500x710, Cheshire_Cat_by_elyoncat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not being an asshole is an element?
Slip neurotoxin into her morning coffee.
Whoops forgot the pic, now it makes sense.

>> No.21522970

Just think about it: Raiju + Manticore= Raijucore.

Just like lightning that travels though what ever it wants, so to does a raiju jerk off to whatever she wants. You can not hope to stop the weasel when she has picked her target.

I want to ask her if the lightning marking goes all the way down her left midsection but she might be too direct about demonstrating the answer.
Pussy. I would demand she show it off to me and when she overloads in joy and starts raping me then i will accept it as punishment.

>> No.21522982

>Haughty ojou cow who tries to hide her figure using special corsets and has to stop herself from mooing

>> No.21522988

As someone who likes Baphos, Manticores and Anubi, this heavily interests me

>> No.21522990 [DELETED] 

If I saw a Raiju schlicking in public, I'd stare her in the cunt and start stroking my cock at the same pace.

>> No.21522993

Rata Tail is all one needs to be happy

>> No.21523001
File: 1.16 MB, 3000x4000, 151786562556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vampire believes she won you over to her side with her hypnotic gaze
>took her an actual year to realize when she used her hypnotic gaze that you never made eye contact
>the castle's ghost spread the story around as it is recited to their daughter
>all the other vampires have taken to calling her names like Countess Mega Plasma, The Holstaur of the Night, and other mean names
>she doesn't mind too much
>she would be mortified if they ever found out about the cow patterned bikini her mother got her as a bridal gift though

>> No.21523002

Protip: Remove your phone first, she'll handle the pants.

>> No.21523000

Same. I might even walk over to her so we can start accumulating enough electricity to unleash an SEMP.

>> No.21523022

I'd walk up and kneel in front of her then pull her shorts down to get a better look as she continues

>> No.21523027

That’s adorable. Good sport tiddywife!

>> No.21523028

Doing it in public is too lewd shouldn't the cops tell her to stop

>> No.21523029
Quoted by: >>21523042

>Countess Mega Plasma
I dont get this one

>> No.21523031
Quoted by: >>21523128

I want a pslime, a dark matter, and a liliraune to share me!

>> No.21523042

Plasma makes up blood.
Blood is what vampires drink.
She has a big bust.

>> No.21523048

I don't think they can stop her! Or me, if she takes a liking to me.

>> No.21523069

They just try to get the rookie cops to taze them.

>> No.21523081

Nah, vamps should have small to medium breasts just like the pic. It would be unbecoming of a lady to have such vulgar nicknames

>> No.21523093
File: 129 KB, 675x960, 1550266405139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21523248

>Cu Siths are not allowed because flurries.
>No Siths allowed

Have I ever told you about the Doujin of Darth Penelope the Loud?

>> No.21523095
Quoted by: >>21523140

All I know about vamps is that they should stay away and they aren't getting any of my rare AB-

>> No.21523097

Incorrect, big is best and nobility should have the best.
The best of the best!

>> No.21523108
Quoted by: >>21523115

But flat is more elegant

>> No.21523115
Quoted by: >>21523129

Big titties are more regal.

>> No.21523128
Quoted by: >>21523136

Sounds like an interesting harem.

>> No.21523129
Quoted by: >>21523142

as regal as a milk maid

>> No.21523133

You are wrong.

>> No.21523135
File: 535 KB, 858x800, 1447789779607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21523160

Only the party animals dye their mofu

>> No.21523136
Quoted by: >>21523143

I like the idea of monsters that incorporate formerly-human girls into themselves.

>> No.21523140
Quoted by: >>21523161

>rare AB-
How nice of you to advertise your self for the vampires

>> No.21523142
Quoted by: >>21523154

it is a sign of good breeding and fertility, unlike those flat chested planks.

>> No.21523143

As pslimefag i can respect and understand that very much.

>> No.21523150
File: 94 KB, 700x670, 1446594628682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you or would you not watch a animu about a monster girl who goes around hunting MGE Heroes?

She could even be kind of a dick about it and toss heroes that lose to weak MGs or leave them tied up in some monster infested cave.

>> No.21523151
File: 268 KB, 520x876, 20190614_183250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big is too big?

>> No.21523154

>it is a sign of good breeding and fertility
which isn't good because you don't want a baby immediately or you get a Dhampir you want slow so the husband is fully incubus

>> No.21523155

vampires are for anal

>> No.21523160
Quoted by: >>21523238

How much is a holographic yeti worth?

>> No.21523161

But I need my blood inside me

>> No.21523166

Perhaps I want both?

>> No.21523170

I would actually watch her for at least 4 seasons. She could be an atrocious dick and I'd still watch. Why exactly isn't she getting any, other than the show being over when that happens?

>> No.21523177

i'd watch the living hell outta that, that's such a brilliant concept with tons of potential.

>> No.21523185
Quoted by: >>21523211

As long as you can please her not big is too big.

>> No.21523186

She's married to justice.

>> No.21523200

She won't be satisfied until she's beating up gods to get dat literal godly dick.

>> No.21523211 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 636x900, 1525675430479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to please a giantess by being her human dildo

>> No.21523219
Quoted by: >>21523228

>that one Manticore who stalks low level areas to rape new adventurers with her tail

>> No.21523224
Quoted by: >>21523236

i take it that is the local oni shogun

>> No.21523228

>rape with her tail
I hate "experience"fags.

>> No.21523233
File: 293 KB, 900x900, Smug Condescending Horse Pussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what species would Garou-chan be?

>> No.21523234
File: 66 KB, 1032x1200, D5Ng_xuWwAU7iKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21523236
Quoted by: >>21523464

/d/tard vermin, crawl back into your shithole.

>> No.21523237

My noble Hatter wife’s noble humongous bust and hips!!!

>> No.21523238

2 Super Mofu Ratas and a holographic Runya

>> No.21523248

Everyone that liked this cat is dead. She is all alone. Laugh at her.

>> No.21523256
Quoted by: >>21523267

She sounds like a cunt so no.

>> No.21523265
File: 474 KB, 1280x1761, 1560563350192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BIG snakes

>> No.21523267
File: 328 KB, 1000x1000, I don&#039;t feel like explaining why Harpy girls are shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Heroes are villains anon.

>> No.21523275 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.71 MB, 1063x1260, 1560564341384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21523280


>> No.21523280
Quoted by: >>21523313

Why are they bullying her

>> No.21523285


>> No.21523286
File: 103 KB, 618x618, 1559183764703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright Anon what'd you do if you got sent back in time and saw your younger self hitting on a younger version of your waifu and failing miserably?

>> No.21523294
Quoted by: >>21523317

Would be fun to see how certain maligned Order heroes are corrupted and monsterized based on their personalities or even their hubrises.

>> No.21523299

Well to bad cause i want an army of dhampir daughters that i can have the village shotas sort out.

>> No.21523300

Nothing if in the future I'm with her it means it works out no reason to do anything

>> No.21523308

I’d tell myself to not force it! My Dear wife will know the exact time to let me in, and once that time comes I’ll be summoned with no questions asked or needed! Until then, I would suggest brushing up on my butler skills!

>> No.21523313

Because they're her elder sisters.

>> No.21523317
Quoted by: >>21523338

>certain maligned Order heroes

>> No.21523319
File: 1.81 MB, 1739x3575, 20190615_111227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question:
Why and how is she wearing stockings, with all that mofu??

>> No.21523322

For some reason the thought of NTRing myself came to my mind.

>> No.21523326


>> No.21523327

Because it's cute.

>> No.21523333
File: 551 KB, 835x900, 1553814941781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The mofu is actually shoes she wears over her stockings
Not cool man

>> No.21523338

Like an Order heroine who is vain, so she is turned into a shy self conscious species. Or one who is obsessed with fighting for wrong reasons, so she becomes a Hinzeumi or Salamander

>> No.21523349

Getting glimpses of grelias tail is a treat. It's uncommon for a monsters uniform to conceal such a thing.

>> No.21523350

>Captain Hero time.png
Smack past me up like the little punk he is. Steal her and repeatedly emasculate and shame him with constant screwing in front of him. He can only stay and watch if he brushes her tail like a faggot. He will because tails are fucking hot. I have been waiting a decade for this shit.

>> No.21523355

I feel like that wouldn't work for some reason

>> No.21523376

i want a loli nekomata gf who's extremely good at video games and a major video game otaku. i'd eat her out while she's playing on her grembox 360 just so she can feel cool about getting her cunny getting eaten out by a big dick goth bf (me)

>> No.21523377

They're open at the back and have to be tied or hooked like a bra. Then again, magic, or they're painted on.

>> No.21523464
File: 2.05 MB, 2000x1500, 9329ec88b082291a61f663435037849d6aae3c18b9c702ce23bf74aa8be8691d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No u

>> No.21523481

what song plays during this?

>> No.21523500

Good night all, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that even big and buff monster girls gotta take it easy every now and again!

>> No.21523503
Quoted by: >>21523518

How does she sustain herself? food wise i mean

>> No.21523509
Quoted by: >>21523524

>mini the Minotaur and seksumasheen ogre chilling in the sauna
Hard working musclegirls!

>> No.21523518
Quoted by: >>21523567

She eats entire villages of tiny people (and all their livestock and crops) everyday

>> No.21523524

That or drinking some beers while relaxing in the sun.

Even master martial arts jinkos need to relax.

>> No.21523532

>post telling this shitposter to fuck off got deleted
>this and the giantess stuff didn't
What the fuck?

>> No.21523553
Quoted by: >>21523581

>When you win the lottery and instead of gold diggers you get lord seekers.

>> No.21523564

>me hitting on anyone
whoever that kid is, it's not me

>> No.21523567

>Literally voreshit
You know Jannies, if you're here, now would be a good time.

>> No.21523573

Look at this thread in the archive

>> No.21523581

Despite how long the ochimusha applicant line looks, the kunoichi line is actually just as long. You just can't see it.

>> No.21523616
File: 874 KB, 874x1150, ol9Rmxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21523622

I would unironically let her swallow me whole

>> No.21523650

As long as the advertisers aren't bothered, they won't act.

>> No.21523658

Why is there a vorefag

>> No.21523666

The more I think about it, the more I like pslimes. They're quickly becoming one of the hottest mamono to me.

>> No.21523670
File: 209 KB, 1421x770, DbbnDcIW0AA-Utz.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big buff monsters in nap club

>> No.21523679
Quoted by: >>21523691

Welcome brother. What brought you to see the light?

>> No.21523691
Quoted by: >>21523725

At first, they just sounded kind of hot.
Then I reread their wiki page a couple times.
Then I read some stories. And looked up some fanart. And had some fantasies of my own.
They've been more intense, arousing, and emotional than any other similar fantasies I've had at least in recent memory.

>> No.21523716

The more I think about them, the more my disdain for them is entrenched.
The downsides of a slime without the advantages. Plus there's a human attached, who wants that crap?

>> No.21523720

>The downsides of a slime without the advantages. Plus there's a human attached, who wants that crap?
Incredible, everything in this post is incorrect

>> No.21523725

Very similar to me then. Once I started thinking about the lewd fantasies i just couldn't stop. Just the shear flexibility in fantasies helps them a great deal as a fap fuel. At least thats my theory.

>> No.21523731

It's even better if the girl either
>Is still conscious and befriends the slime
>Is an Order paladin or nun
>Is a cute teenager
>Some combination of the above

>> No.21523738
File: 588 KB, 768x800, 1484749991982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21523759

Mechanic squid wants to built something.

>> No.21523739
Quoted by: >>21523749

Isnt the first one sort of a given? The slime always reponds to the will of the host which to me implies that the host is conscious. Although i very much agree that those make it better.

>> No.21523747

But the downsides of a slime are being barely sapient, only having one texture, and being visually bland. Slime carrier avoids all of these.

>> No.21523749
Quoted by: >>21523778

Some interpretations I've seen have the girl become more unconscious and animalistic, or not notice the slime and act like it's perfectly natural for her to have endless libido and sticky gel oozing between her holes.

>> No.21523759

Have her build a musical instrument for a Sylph! One that assumes that airflow can be controlled, so focus is made on having an interesting sound and plenty of valves and keys for a wide tonal range! Maybe even microtones!

>> No.21523762

Some sort of blowing instrument?

>> No.21523766

Yeah! An intricate wind instrument without the need for a mouthpiece!

>> No.21523768

>One that assumes that airflow can be controlled
if only such an instrument existed...

>> No.21523778

Ah thats what you meant. I though you meant that the host could undergoes ego death or something dumb like that. Yeah you can get some really cute stories with aware hosts that have become best friends with the slime.

>> No.21523784
Quoted by: >>21523810

>they become famous for their scandalous concerts, performing nude, throwing demon realm fruit into the crowd, inviting audience members on stage to rut mid-performance, etc.
>the backstage parties and aftershows go down as some of the wildest in history

>the backstage parties and aftershows go down as some of the wildest in history

So incubus boy band have also fulfilled the wishes and dreams of many of their fan girls by making out with them and having one night stands and love making with them?

Because I take it in the world and context of MGE, Incubi boy band Idols would indeed fulfill the dreams of so many fan girls. In which a lucky girl(s) get to have a romantic date with one of the band members. And a one night stand with them too.

>> No.21523798
File: 751 KB, 1000x680, 74706575_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blowing instrument

>> No.21523806

how would a bomb monster girl work?

>> No.21523810
Quoted by: >>21523825

why cant they just take them on dates and not have sex. Why do you have to have 3dpd thotery be a thing.

>> No.21523812

They wouldn’t.

>> No.21523815

The dark matter is how they would work.

>> No.21523816

I'd like to see a slime that has to deal with a lazy, unkempt host; the slime having to spend significant effort making them more attractive.
Watching a slime drag their grouchy host around clothes shopping and silently holding up various outfits to try amuses me.
Lots of hair brushing too.

>> No.21523825

Why are you mad that someone is getting laid?

>> No.21523827

Redneck holsts say the darnedest things

>> No.21523832
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My dog is incredible, she buries trucks! Can YOUR dog bury trucks?

>> No.21523840

can any sleeveless hope to contain ones chest? Can any beer can withstand them?

>> No.21523842
Quoted by: >>21523897

and have sex with their human male cousin/brother/father/son

>> No.21523863

Could be fun. Maybe some days the slime has to act as clothing because the host is to lazy to dress herself.

>> No.21523866
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That boy ain't right.

>> No.21523867

>tfw no messy NEET slime carrier waifu with a preppy pslime

>> No.21523869
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>> No.21523870

No but she can drink whiskey. She's an Irish doggo.

>> No.21523874

That's not a dog, that's a robutt.

>> No.21523880
Quoted by: >>21523954

It's not their fault they are sexists it's just how they were raised

>> No.21523890

I want to run into graceful, refined Haku-sensei working at her family's ranch over the summer, and see her in her natural country bumpkin clothes and heavy redneck accent.

>> No.21523895
Quoted by: >>21523908

Anubis, cheshire cat, or demon?

>> No.21523897
Quoted by: >>21523923

>no oppai Loli little sister who’s just a little too naive to be independent

>> No.21523908

Demon for a change.

>> No.21523921
Quoted by: >>21523937

How will Space Outlaw Anon escape this bounty hunter?

>> No.21523923

>be anon
>living on the family farm with ma and pa
>mom monsterized into holstaur after i was born
>besides that life was pretty normal.
>at least until my little sister was born.
>just like all holstaurs she started growing her milk jugs at age 1
>now shes 10.
>still acts painfully innocent despite her massive chest

>> No.21523932
Quoted by: >>21523965

I want to blow on a Cheshire Cat's ears while she makes lewd faces.

>> No.21523937
Quoted by: >>21523953

He'll just have to shoot his load first!

>> No.21523953
Quoted by: >>21523960

Semenaide! Kesanaide! Makenaide! Daredatte motteru hazu yuzurenai mono!


>> No.21523954
Quoted by: >>21524001

How could a Holst be sexist?

>> No.21523960

I prefer

>> No.21523965
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Quoted by: >>21523966

>Change places~

>> No.21523966

that doesn't look like a proper tea party

>> No.21523968
Quoted by: >>21523981

No, it looks like a fat Hatter ass inches from your face.

>> No.21523979
File: 1.74 MB, 2893x4092, 155051624167767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes Gremlins have to get their hands dirty!

>> No.21523981

But I was promised tea not ass

>> No.21523986

What do you mean? She is just presenting you with the traditional tea party dessert. All you gotta do know is get through those pants and dig in!

>> No.21523988

>Hatter calmly sipping tea while Anon eats her ass.

>> No.21523991
Quoted by: >>21524002

But a proper tea time desserts would be like a shortcake or a scone

>> No.21523994
Quoted by: >>21524022

>move to monster-sympathetic town
>meet a pslime
>she can't find a human host
>most human girls get monstrized pretty quickly here
>befriend her, offer to help her find a host
>Order knights raid
>'rescue' me
>they're glad to see I avoided 'corruption'
>one of them is pretty cute
>pslime noticed my attraction
>we decide to make a move
>start to awkwardly flirt with the young knight
>pslime sis slips into her clothing and waits
>the next day, knight-chan seems to be blushing more
>pslime sis stimulates her clit and throbs in her pussy when she's near me
>manage to successfully ask knight out
>by the time we're alone, knight-chan realizes she's been infested with a monster
>offer to run off with her back to monster-sympathetic town; some powerful succs keep the town safe, and a nearby Sabbath wouldn't want Order lackies disrupting their fun
>she starts to warm up to mamono a little
>pslime sis and knight-chan start to get along - being perpetually clean, having endless cute panties, and an at-will sex toy of any kind makes knight-chan happy, and having a host to love me with makes pslime sis happy
>from what we've seen, the Order has stopped sending their younger girls to towns like ours

>> No.21524001
Quoted by: >>21524019

She doesn't left soft boys like you do work on the farm and relegates you to the kitchen

>> No.21524002
Quoted by: >>21524013

Ah but this is a wonderland tea party where the traditional dessert has always been your waifus pussy!

>> No.21524013
Quoted by: >>21524034

But if that's the dessert then what am I to do with the cake I brought with me

>> No.21524019

It would be a strange holst that wouldn't make a mans dedicated task milking them.

>> No.21524022
File: 377 KB, 686x926, Parasite Slime-Slime Carrier 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21524047

Thank you for your contribution. It was excellent!

>> No.21524028

What would a swimming pool with one of every slime be like?

>> No.21524034
Quoted by: >>21524037

Well obviously your supposed to eat the food before desert anon.

>> No.21524037
Quoted by: >>21524059

but the cake was for dessert

>> No.21524047
Quoted by: >>21524068

why is she so happy?

>> No.21524048

Rainbow jelly, but far messier

>> No.21524059
Quoted by: >>21524062

Anon you should have known that wonderland tea parties eat all the food before the dessert. However due to it being your first time i am sure they would share the cake around, but you only get a piece after you make your waifu cum.

>> No.21524062

wonderland tea parties sure are confusing especially if I go alone

>> No.21524064

Fire and Ice slimes shouldnt mix

>> No.21524068

She was just "saved" from the evil slime monster by her brave childhood friend soldier anon!

>> No.21524072

A Cheshire cat whispering lewd things into your ear before biting it, to a Dormouse falling asleep in your lap.

>> No.21524073

How does a monster know not to lewd her father and instead be a good daughteru

>> No.21524079

Well it wouldn't be wonderland if things made perfect sense.

>> No.21524083

Someone needs to bring logic to that land

>> No.21524084

Jubjubs can make it pretty straightforward

>> No.21524091

Many don't, the first thing goo girls do when they're born is fuck their dad

>> No.21524095

To a denizen of Wonderland, it already makes perfect sense. It's you that's the weird one.

>> No.21524098
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Zoos give young boys up close experiences with wild animals!

>> No.21524100

I want a dragon to violently ride me, crashing her hips against mine and crushing my pelvis. All while she moans and roars in absolute ecstasy.

>> No.21524107

The mom has to teach the daughter that it's wrong

>> No.21524111 [DELETED] 

Zoos filled with desperate monsters would be excellent. I bet they would give discounts to single men.

>> No.21524116

I'd rather go to the reptile house because they are always chill

>> No.21524119
File: 308 KB, 780x1280, Giraffe 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoos filled with desperate monsters would be excellent. I bet they would give discounts to single men.

>> No.21524120
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Quoted by: >>21524122


>> No.21524122
Quoted by: >>21524159

>Wow a Leopard! Cool!

>> No.21524128
Quoted by: >>21524153

that fence doesn't look strong enough

>> No.21524139
Quoted by: >>21524156

>Tfw no mommy giraffes that taught you by flaunting the goods
>Tfw no mommy giraffes to motion you closer to the fence with their long tails
>Tfw no mommy giraffes to ask you for a bite of your food
>Tfw no mommy giraffes to suddenly grab you over the fence when you raise up your arms offering the food
>Tfw no mommy giraffes to carry you off and smother your between their breasts
>Tfw no mommy giraffes to spend all their time violating you with their mouths ,upper and lower, in the enclosure, away from the public's eyes
Just another day at the monster girl zoo. And the handlers are happy too! Giraffes are an endangered species, and it's just so kind of you to offer to assist in the breeding program!

>> No.21524140
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Quoted by: >>21524150

>Come on Anon smile, you're lucky to get a picture taken with these cool animals!

>> No.21524150
Quoted by: >>21524158

At least you can always escape by asking who gets to fuck first and then they fight over it

>> No.21524152

>tfw you will never have a dragon gf to pound your cock deep inside, her roars getting loud and wild, her claws digging deep into your back.
>then when you cum, her hot tight walls clamp down on you, squeezing every last drop.

>> No.21524153
Quoted by: >>21524157

If you think thats a weak containment your should see the arachnid exhibit. Webbing everywhere and spiders lurking in every corner.

>> No.21524156

The best part is now you get paid living accommodations with your new giraffe/monster wife!

>> No.21524157
Quoted by: >>21524187

at least they would be asleep

>> No.21524158

What if one wins? Chuff-senpai or Wan-senpai?

>> No.21524159
File: 226 KB, 800x1219, Tiger 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coolest girls around!

>> No.21524164

I wanna see the ligers

>> No.21524177

They sound scary.

I bet when they flex their muscles you can feel the safety glass vibrate.

>> No.21524178
Quoted by: >>21524182

They are pretty neat. Just keep in mind that monstergirl ligers are actually extremely fertile unlike their real life counterparts.

>> No.21524182

Wouldn't they be the ultimate neet? IRL ligers are literally incapable of being in the wild because their own body isn’t suited to hunting

>> No.21524185

I still like to imagine that glass wall scenario with a lamia entrancing someone using hypnotic suggestion.

>> No.21524187

That may be the case if you dont disturb their web lines. However it is a lot harder to actually do.

>> No.21524190
File: 18 KB, 425x400, 604887932e2c6dd8f464e2897b2dc573[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go they have skills in magic

>> No.21524201

Didn't know that, but i dont think it changes much of what i said?

>> No.21524206
Quoted by: >>21524233

Which is why they are skill in magic >>21524190

>> No.21524233
Quoted by: >>21524236

>Low quality and ESL

>> No.21524236
Quoted by: >>21524254

m8 it's a Napoleon Dynamite reference

>> No.21524244
Quoted by: >>21524252

Only in Kenya!

>> No.21524252

I hope Anon gets reverse-mating pressed by a big brown Kenyan Liger Girl.

>> No.21524254
Quoted by: >>21524273

2004 was a long time ago anon.

>> No.21524256
Quoted by: >>21524267

So in the monster world is it called resting lich face?

>> No.21524267
Quoted by: >>21524287

Liches can be pretty cold.

>> No.21524272
Quoted by: >>21524280

>African wildlife reserves in MGE.
>Naked brown african beast men roaming the wild
>Some of them having sex with their husbands in the open.
>Others playing with their brown daughterus.
>Most however are hovering around the jeep eyeing up the men inside.

>> No.21524273

shit that's 15 years ago I could have sworn everyone has seen it it was such a cult classic

>> No.21524278


>> No.21524280
Quoted by: >>21524294

It's all fun and games until one of them figures out how to open a car door.


>> No.21524285

Do Sea Bishops know about shrinkage?

>> No.21524287
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Was that some sort of undead joke? Wouldn't want to get called into HR over it. You know your hips won't survive the encounter.

>> No.21524293

>yfw your llama girlfriend won't eat her food

>> No.21524294

Thats why its so rare for the actual visitors to leave and why the drivers are usually chosen from the men that were already claimed.

>> No.21524296

Ms. Lich please, I'm sorry! Please don't sit on my face with your fat, cold Undead butt!

>> No.21524298
Quoted by: >>21524308

you say that like human men wouldn't be put in HR so they are out of the monster's way

>> No.21524308
Quoted by: >>21524324

>thinking men would be in the work force at all.
Silly anon.

>> No.21524316

>After a Lich starts working at your job, there's a steady increase in Zombies and Skeletons around the office.


>> No.21524321
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Stay out of the wolf pen if you know what's good for you.

>> No.21524323
Quoted by: >>21524517

She is just using her connections to help them get hired

>> No.21524324

Monsters won't force me out of the work force

>> No.21524325
Quoted by: >>21524334

Woah! Such a Big Bad Wolf! I gotta take a picture!

>> No.21524329
File: 441 KB, 754x900, Manticore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both Wan and Cat exhibits would be wild.

>> No.21524334
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Quoted by: >>21524342

The management cannot accept responsibility for any consequences resulting from animals startled by flash photography.

>> No.21524335

Why do I love Manticores so damn fucking much

>> No.21524336
File: 85 KB, 566x793, Zoboomafoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Monkey exhibits are by far the most dangerous though. They're too smart, always able to lure some poor guy into the enclosure alone by taking something of his.

>> No.21524342
Quoted by: >>21524347

>Raise camera to take a picture of a White Wolf.
>By the time you've taken it and lowered the camera, you find yourself inside the enclosure, lying on her bed while she approaches.

>> No.21524345

All people have to do to not get raped at the zoo if follow the directions on the signs

>> No.21524347

Tengu are fast!

>> No.21524348

Fuck Wolves

>> No.21524353
Quoted by: >>21524357

Signs can be defaced, replaced and altered.

>> No.21524354
File: 102 KB, 750x1200, D83gsoUV4AU3MmY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I volunteer to fuck said wolves

>> No.21524357

in that case you just have to hire a tour guide from the zoo that knows all the protocol

>> No.21524359
Quoted by: >>21524374

I dont know about you, but i love the whole idea that they start off sadistic, but after that are totally willing to be switches. Also tail pussy and that their pussy becomes the perfect pussy for you.

You might be correct, but thinking about it might be snake exhibit. One moment your walking and the next your coiled up and balls deep.

>> No.21524361
Quoted by: >>21524379

The tour guide has strange ears, and poorly hidden tail. She insists that you can just jump over the railing and meet the Monkeys face to face.

Better do what she says!

>> No.21524362

A noble calling. Not as noble as fucking pandas, but someone has to get those girls off the endangered species list.

>> No.21524365

>Thinking the signs arent going to mislead you.
>Thinking the guides and workers arent succubi or demons in disguise trying to hook up the girls.

>> No.21524371

then you end up fucking the guide

>> No.21524374

I'm also a fan of the more unique combination of traits they have. Tail pussy is a huge plus and I can't help but think of going on adventures tag-teaming stuff with a Manticore wife

>> No.21524375
File: 500 KB, 1039x1004, 1515981884326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck cats.

>> No.21524376
Quoted by: >>21524386

Fuck rats

>> No.21524379

>I don't know, I'd like to jump into the Lion enclosure instead!
>'Why would you want to go for tho- I mean, you can't enter that enclosure sir, just the Monkey one.'
>'Of course, you should also bring plenty of Banana-flavored ice cream cones from that store over there.'
>'Also, I forgot to mention, you can't wear any clothes, only this red tie with DK on it, we will... I mean they will really like that.'

>> No.21524386
Quoted by: >>21524405

Fuck strongfat, shortstack, delinquent rats with personalities as rough as their bodies.

>> No.21524389

Fuck Pandas

>> No.21524390

Welcome to the Monstergirl Zoo. What Exhibit would you want to visit anons:
>Other beastmen
You can only pick one.

>> No.21524394
Quoted by: >>21524404

Riddles are hard! But Riddlecat rumps are soft.

>> No.21524395

Going to the lizard house that is dark and spooky

>> No.21524399
File: 347 KB, 644x990, 1529582269200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poke the bare Bear bottom.

>> No.21524404
File: 691 KB, 900x1200, 73434521_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All cats should be soft.
Except the tigers, those are allowed to be hard in places.

>> No.21524405

Thats some seriously great taste. Just imagine them busting out of their enclosures only to take you to their den to spawn an army of daughters.

>> No.21524410

Butterfly Gardens

>> No.21524411

What's better one soft tail or multiple tails that aren't as soft? Is there such a number of tails that despite being less soft is better than just that one tail?

>> No.21524415
Quoted by: >>21524421

"Other" is a huge fucking category. If there's no demon exhibit I'm just jumping into the Spike pit, though.

>> No.21524420

one mega fluffy tail

>> No.21524421
Quoted by: >>21524445

Other is just supposed to be an Insert Beastman group here. IE: Snakes, Lizards, etc...

>> No.21524424

I remember when I went to the zoo and spent like a dollar in one of those gumball machine but for food to feed the animals and now I'm betting in a MG zoo it wouldn't be animal feed but some kind of sex drug.

>> No.21524430

I imagine even if it was food you would be pulled in when you try to feed them.

>> No.21524431
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Quality > quantity
Of course, the ideal situation is both.

>> No.21524433
Quoted by: >>21525417

>Ushi Oni Exhibit
>Scary as fuck looking cave entrance.
>Have to sign a waiver, saying that the zoo isn't responsible for a very, very long list of injuries, almost all sexual in nature.
>Any objects you're carrying are removed.
>Staff take you through a series of titanium reinforced doors, laser grids, guards armed with tranquilizer guns that could put a T-Rex to sleep for 3 days.
>You're given protective gear, a safety helmet and a button to press to immediately pull you out.
>After passing through a decontamination chamber, 3 staff members nod, and turn 3 keys at the same time to unlock the final door...
>The Ushi-Oni inside actually has nice furnishings, all the food and comforts she could want, you find out she's just a regular teenage girl who likes cute girl things. She's a pleasure to talk to.

>> No.21524434
Quoted by: >>21524462

Drop a shota in the loli monster petting zoo and see what happens

>> No.21524437

>Flash back to that time I fed sting rays at Sea World RIP Steve-o
>Bought some fish, stuck my hand into the water and let the animals SUCC the food out of my hands
>Also, there was that one I teased a little by not immediately letting go
Now imagine that, but with an easy to slip off of platform you use for dangling your dick in.

>> No.21524444

Last time I went to the zoo the penguins were cool because they just didn't give a fuck

>> No.21524445
Quoted by: >>21524457

I feel like maybe they should be grouped by biome instead. Screw all of this, though; I'm just gonna go to the fair and touch a cow.

>> No.21524449

I wanna chill with the Penguin Harpies.

>> No.21524457

You are probably right, but fuck it. Going by species groups makes it easier to deal with the oddities like manticores and hellhounds.

I could see Big titty Penguin harpies hangin around hitting on any men who come near.

>> No.21524462

probably nothing bad would happen

>> No.21524468
Quoted by: >>21524505

>Ara ara Emperor Penguin (Or Empress Penguin) slaps a young man on the ass as he passes by.

>> No.21524473

>I'm just your average, grey market slaver.
>Well, slaver is my job title, but many of the slaves we get act like I'm their matchmaker.
>Monster slavery is kinda illegal in the places I work because of the Order's policies on most monsters, but border areas don't give a fuck about the Order.
>My job is mainly to assure good quality of life of the monsters we take care of.
>This includes making sure that slaves don't rebel their masters and that slaves aren't treated poorly or forced into involuntary celibacy..
>Most of them stop resisting us because they see this as an opportunity to get married. Some sell themselves in. We even hire some of them or get married to them.
>We do have protocols. Some based on behavior, and some specific to certain species.

>Monsters capable of magic wear magic-jamming collars. Kitsune wear them on their tails as well.
>Most of us wear anti-magic gear to protect ourselves in case someone tries to blast us with runes
>We had a weird purple cat that could teleport, but somehow we managed to stop that. She was really fucking annoying, even with a layered gag.

>Vampires, apophis, and other monsters that like bite have to wear a harness gag or ball gag while out of their cells until they're determined to be "tamed".
>Unruly monsters also have to be bound and gagged, though the gag is usually up to the slaver's choice. I personally like the classic cloth.
>There are some monsters that literally ask for it, in which case it's up to her.

>Undead monsters get these tags with weird symbols on them. Apparently it's really good at stopping them from going on a shirt-shredding spree. We once had a lich that was gagged with one.

>Manticores are almost always bound, and their tails are wrapped with a giant pin-cushion.
>Anyone that purchases dangerous monsters like hellhounds and manticores must sign a waiver letting them know that they will likely try to role-reverse things. Most of them are well-aware of that because they purchase them for that exact reason.

>We have a policy of not enslaving humanoids, but loopholes like parasite slimes and cursed swords do allow us to enslave humanoid women hosts. Said loophole has allowed us to make nosy female Order knights viable targets.
>Speaking of slimes, the most effective way to keeping them in control is to give them gelatin, or increase their viscosity and cover them in this weird substance that contains them like they're some sort of semi-impermeable water bead. It's kind of cute watching them jiggle in frustration.

>> No.21524486

How does that make it easier when they're a mashup of animals that could go in different exhibits? It'd be easier for those two if you had mountain and cave exhibits and some (stealthily) placed mana markers.

>> No.21524489

It's going to be several cases of different Monsters pressing their breasts against each other and yelling 'Haaahn?!' to assert dominance.

>> No.21524502

Yes, this is just like my 3D zoos. Bonus points if Anon's head is between them. Things might get awkward if a baphomet got into a fight with something like an oni, though. Despite the fact that the little one could wreck the big one, that's just not as intimidating when the goat can't glare into her rival's because she's too short and her rival's fat fucking tits are in the way.

>> No.21524505

Man what do you even do at that point. You know shes going to snatch you up soon and force you to get a mouthful of her bountiful bosom.


I would love to see that happen. I mean it sounds like great fun to be fought over by the alpha bitches of the different Biomes. Watching their titanic breast press against each other.

>> No.21524510
Quoted by: >>21524514

>Bonus points if Anon's head is between them.
For Zookeepers it's something that happens on a daily basis.

>> No.21524512
Quoted by: >>21524522

It probably comes down to the monsters just trying to convince the anons to pick them.

>> No.21524514
Quoted by: >>21524518

I imagine most zookeepers are just men that are married to the zoo animals.

>> No.21524517
File: 97 KB, 1066x1400, 1559007064134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zombie interns keep starring from behind glass doors
>skeletons keep misplacing their heads under tables and desks
>both gather around the water cooler and joke loudly about "clit teasing breathers"
>Aaron from accounting got fucking swarmed after it was discovered he was watching Night of the Living Dead on break
>ghosts keep peeking into cubicles unannounced and marking emails of pure smut as urgent
>banshee coworker has mixed up every order ever given because of tear stained notes but no one wants to make her cry anymore than she already does so caffeine levels vary
Can't help but feel we got more done before this but that's just me.

>> No.21524518
Quoted by: >>21524528

They start as casual work relationships with a girl in the enclosure they take care of, then blossom into a family with several children!

>> No.21524522
Quoted by: >>21524528

Well, yeah, but it's a zoo. Let at least some of that be displayed in an animalistic fashion.
>Drunken goats headbutting each other to win Anon's favor
>Peacock harpies strutting in circles around each other, showing off their plumage
>Spiders spinning lewd webs right next to each other
And so on.

>> No.21524528

Now i want to be a Mamano Zookeeper.
Also i would bet that any unmarried Zookeepers and Unmarried male guests only have married Zoo animals to protect them.

>Well, yeah, but it's a zoo. Let at least some of that be displayed in an animalistic fashion.
Good point.
>lewd webs.
Sounds interesting.

>> No.21524531

>Ghouls keep biting on everything. No food is safe.

>> No.21524536

We have a policy on biters here at the office.

>> No.21524539
Quoted by: >>21524591

They just need someone to show them the ropes and believe in them

>> No.21524542

Fuck off

>> No.21524562
Quoted by: >>21524592

I don't know why but monster "slavery" has always sound really hot to me.

>> No.21524591

I wish it would stop there.
>biting ranges from objects, interns, other people's lunches, etc.
>they never use the doors and prefer to travel through the vents for some reason
>one of them is always showing the banshee phone pictures of cute animals and children leading to frequent water damage
>lunch runs are a nightmare because you'll be drowned in women in power suits scrambling out of vents and corners to scream what they want at you

>office language is a hodgepodge of Olde English, Cockney, and what ever it is the mummies speak
>their work is literally written in hieroglyphics

>> No.21524592
Quoted by: >>21524612

Is it because the monsters are usually stronger than you, but their restraints render them incapable of overpowering you?
Is it because ropes can emphasize the titillating parts of her figure?

>> No.21524612

Definitely the first one. A normally really strong and defiant monster being at my complete mercy is damn sexy. Having a magic user robbed of their magic so they can do nothing as I use them as I please, or really physically strong once being forced either by magic or restraints to obey me.
Now, with how MGE is written it's safe to assume that they can break free if they TRULY wanted to, but I think any monster girl in that situation would fully go for the sex slave thing.

>> No.21524666

Aquatic exhibit!

>> No.21524699

I like to think that more heavier and fuller her breasts get, more beastmen (in this case more cow-like) she gets. If she resists her instincts long enough, she >meres herself and is rather embarrassed on the next morning.

>> No.21524742
Quoted by: >>21524771

I'd prefer to see you enslaved, bitchboy.

>> No.21524771
Quoted by: >>21524786

And this is why you gag your manticores.

>> No.21524786
File: 505 KB, 637x853, Manticore176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21524798
File: 659 KB, 1662x2189, kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's been a good kitty recently, what's her reward gonna be?

>> No.21524799
Quoted by: >>21524863

Manticore-chan please enslave me!

>> No.21524817
Quoted by: >>21524863

What a cute manticore!

>> No.21524821
File: 421 KB, 800x600, Paintgeist AKA Fine Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck art?

>> No.21524822

Catnip scented shitposts.

>> No.21524831


Remove cat

>> No.21524833

5 daughterus

>> No.21524842
Quoted by: >>21524852

>Manticore latches her tailpussy to Anon's dick
>She tells him she'll tear it off unless Anon pulls it off with his bare hands
>He gets pricked with more venom as he grasps her tail

>> No.21524850

Flat monster girls trying to get a bigger chest and massively failing or succeeding.

>> No.21524852
Quoted by: >>21525144

>not going for a solid chest grope or ear rub
>or even a firm booty spank

>> No.21524862


>> No.21524863
File: 114 KB, 1189x1500, Manticore44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21524876

Cores aren't real.

>> No.21524876

>you will never be "forced" to eat out your "evil" manticore mistress while she sits on her evil looking throne(the skulls aren't real)

>> No.21524913
Quoted by: >>21524945

the list of mg's one is allowed to post sure is shrinking

>> No.21524945
Quoted by: >>21524965

Outside of the furry ones, which one aren't you allowed to post?

>> No.21524965

Any proactive dater is for unmanly pussies just like holsts since baby play is for homosexuals and not always being top to a kitchen dwelling female is for betas. Lolis are for pedophiles and it seems like 8/10 anons here are deathly afraid of bugs like a queer. Then you have the /d/ girls in wonderland whose sexual life is filled with unwelcome content and the obviously mentioned trash tier girls that anons might actually execute if they saw one.

>> No.21524987
Quoted by: >>21525038

Did you somehow jump forward in time from the /a/ threads era full of shitposting? Because other than a few brief spurts I haven’t see any of that in a long time.

>> No.21524997
Quoted by: >>21525038

You're really over thinking things, as long as it's not a furry or giantess then it's generally fine.
Rape trains, holsts, lolis, bugs and wonderland girls are all fairly popular. Stop thinking of one or two guys saying your taste is shit because firstly it could be a joke and secondly it's the internet and someone is always going to disagree with you no matter what you post. Seriously, the thread has 118 "posters" as of writing and even if there's only half that number due to dynamic ips then that's a fairly large group of people.

>> No.21525029

I can assure you, my Dear Hatter wife can keep her and my /d/ tier fetishes to ourselves without rocking the proverbial boat!

>> No.21525038
Quoted by: >>21525057

Within the last bunch of threads was plenty of bashing on anybody who likes the aggressive girls and anons not liking bugs. Sprinkle a bit of either insulting lolis or anybody that likes lolis and then you just keep in mind that furries would rightly be shot or stabbed dead by any anon and you have these threads as of late. Every couple of threads some other girl gets put on the executioners block and shit all over.
Just an observation, none of my posts have been attacked but i didn't see anything but support when the shit was being flung. Also i guess i forgot to mention that now fucking fairies is for shitters and people were wanting earlier posts deleted too when the vorefag was posting.

>> No.21525044
Quoted by: >>21525053

Would you drink the tea at a wonderland tea party knowing that there is an anon fucking his wife in the teapot?

>> No.21525053

Well my Dear wife brews her own tea for me and she personally, but if we must then I’d at least make sure to ask politely!

>> No.21525057
Quoted by: >>21525124

>i didn't see anything but support when the shit was being flung
Keep in mind that samefagging happens here and anger about anything tends to take over when a small handful of people are in a bad mood. A lot of the more reasonable posters tend to just let the anger burn itself out because it's impossible to have a normal discussion when that happens.
>Also i guess i forgot to mention that now fucking fairies is for shitters and people were wanting earlier posts deleted too when the vorefag was posting.
Fairy posting unfortunately got caught up in the whole vore thing because voreposter tried to force them right after this giantess posting got shot down in the past. It'll blow over.

Anyone who's been here a long time knows the list of girls it's possible to talk about has grown quite a lot. Khepri, Beelzebub and Devil Bug used to be seen as being on the same level as the siths before siths were a thing. Bigamy and harems were looked down on and if you thought some people got grumpy about lolis before, Baphomets used to be very unpopular.

>> No.21525069

I want to go to wonderland with my waifu and just have a day or two going full /d/

>> No.21525078
Quoted by: >>21525142

You’d have a very happy unbirthday indeed Anon! We’d love to see you there enjoying yourselves! Mind that you both fit through the exit whenever you wish to leave!

>> No.21525124
Quoted by: >>21525149

what was wrong with bapho?

>> No.21525142
Quoted by: >>21525164

Do one have to apply for a Cheshire Cat guide or will one simply appear when we get there?
Or are we just meant to walk around and just accept what's going to happen?

>> No.21525144

I think she'll milk him even harder in response

>> No.21525149

People back then really hated the whole loli supremacy thing. It was a different time.

>> No.21525158
File: 260 KB, 860x814, CheshireCat173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21525164

While Cheshires typically are more likely to show to a single man, I’m sure one could be mustered to lead you around, if nothing else to practice her pranks! It’d be in good spirit though, and she’d still provide useful information as to what does what where why and how, for you and your wife too! Or come to one of our tea parties! We’re sure to have things to help you make the most of your stay!

>> No.21525186
Quoted by: >>21525242

What about the jubjub guides that just keeps suggesting great spots to sit down so she can perch and fuck the shit out of you?

>> No.21525242

They also are definitely more suited and in search of single men, but do exist! If you see one with a crude sign around her neck saying ‘ture giide’, either avoid or jump right in if you want a plumpbird wife!

>> No.21525349
Quoted by: >>21525441

>Anon and his wife go into wonderland
>They stumble around for a little while until they find themselves in a Mad hatters tea party
>Everything looks pretty normal and they just have a normal tea party for like half an hour
>Anon says he was expecting something else
>Mad hatter points out that he's currently balls deep in his wife and have been using her as a tea table and neither of them had noticed.
Wonderland must be a fun place to live in.

>> No.21525397
Quoted by: >>21525428

I had a lovely dream about pslime last night!

>> No.21525417

That sounds delightful! Do I get to scream and shout to scare the other visitors as I get completely destroyed by her?

>> No.21525419
File: 563 KB, 1012x573, mge_anubis_and_sphinx_by_adelineleona_dd98mau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21525421

>No Lamia exhibit
For how vanilla they are, it’s strange how often they’re forgotten

>> No.21525428
Quoted by: >>21525520

Explain it in two lines or less.

>> No.21525441

I’d like to see s story where anon and his maid, preferably a Kiki or a Shog, are cleaning around the house and both fall into Wonderland.

>> No.21525455
File: 1.11 MB, 985x1762, mge_gremlin_by_adelineleona_dd98m4l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if you feed her after midnight?

>> No.21525456

Remember to schedule your visit for twice as long as you think it’s going to take. You’ll want to experience everything from the other side too with a mind swap potion.

>> No.21525462

She’s going to stay awake until 3am working.

>> No.21525467
File: 112 KB, 882x1200, Gremlin41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you really want to find out?

>> No.21525485

Speaking of, if you and your wife use the swap potion and leave wonderland while under the effects, do you swap back instantly, stay swapped until it wears off, or is it permanent until you go back?

>> No.21525496
Quoted by: >>21525623

I do

>> No.21525520
Quoted by: >>21525627

Going on a lewd and lovely adventure with a small priestess slime carrier.
Woke up to humping a pillow.

>> No.21525547
File: 106 KB, 941x1200, 4SE9GxNB_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21525623


>> No.21525560

Well yes. When you go to wonderland you want to experience EVERYTHING they have to offer.

>> No.21525583
File: 426 KB, 1200x829, mYj3AZX1_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21525593

>> No.21525593
Quoted by: >>21525625

Are those eggs?

>> No.21525595
File: 561 KB, 1106x1400, __kikimora_and_proto_kikimora_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_nav__c9f2395ba75d5be62ff80891baf2ccc3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21525621


>> No.21525603

Instead of a harem, I'd rather have one waifu and some manono friends with benefits.

>> No.21525611

Why would you ruin those girls for their future husbands?

>> No.21525618

I share a similar sentiment. I'd like a comfortable life with my waifu in an isolated territory, but she has bad-influence extremist friends who crash our home, drink all our booze, and fuck us both into a coma.

>> No.21525619

Unfortunately for you that's not how it works in MGE.

>> No.21525621

Like in a Martini!

>> No.21525623

she's going to grow hair on her limbs and grow a bush down there like a werewolf and go crazy. and the golden rule when ensuring nothing whack happens is that you don't stick your dick into crazy, it only excites them further

>> No.21525625
File: 551 KB, 1280x1773, 1SU7tbUH_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21525636

>mamono gain the ability to have incubus children
>first one hatches from an echidna egg

>> No.21525626

Sounds like you’re a perfect target for a Smoke Hobo

>> No.21525627
Quoted by: >>21525727

Sounds wonderful anon! Do you think you could greentext more details?

>> No.21525636

Would it have a belly button?

>> No.21525641
File: 618 KB, 893x1200, 264_liliraune_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alraunes have bellybuttons and they grow from seeds.

>> No.21525647
Quoted by: >>21525667


Of course!
Few understand the eroticism of the navel

>> No.21525651
Quoted by: >>21525659

I want to lick their whole bodies

>> No.21525657
Quoted by: >>21525675

Liliraune are so amazing! They're my third favorite mamono!

>> No.21525659
File: 211 KB, 1060x797, YngYM2GQ_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>> No.21525664
Quoted by: >>21525671

Does one liliraune counts as one monster or two, I'm confused.

>> No.21525667

Eating pussy and navel is indeed quite the top tier fetishes.
Also just licking, eating, or sucking on your waifus body sounds excellent.

>> No.21525671
Quoted by: >>21525674

They are one mamano.

>> No.21525674

But I see two bodies

>> No.21525675
File: 265 KB, 931x1200, __alraune_and_liliraune_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_kenkou_cross__7067477e56ef70f7785b5b4eaec7e042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21525738

Who's your first and second?

>> No.21525696
Quoted by: >>21525700

But only one flower. Thus they are considered one mamano.

>> No.21525699
File: 218 KB, 1068x1545, YeGM2Pdm_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're both part of the same organism.

>> No.21525700

But unlike queen slime they do not share one mind.

>> No.21525714

Doesn't matter. They are still considered one mamano.
Also know each other so intimately due to the yuri that they basically have one mind inspirit.

>> No.21525715
Quoted by: >>21525732

Says who?

>> No.21525727

A couple details I can remember:
>Walking through some woods, hear a young voice moaning
>It was a girl in priestess garb, she looked around 13 or 14
>It looked like she was riding a dildo
>Turns out, it was a pslime entering her
>The two immediately took a liking to me and decided to follow me

>Cut ahead to some time later, we had stayed the night at my place
>Priestess was relieved to finally have a sexual outlet
>We didn't fuck yet, but we masturbated together, and each other
>Fingering a slime-filled pussy feels really nice
>We cuddled a lot also

>Cut ahead, we heard about a traveling mechanist who had interesting machines to show
>We had a run-in with some bandits
>I guess I was some sort of alchemist
>I threw some flasks that quicksanded the ground under them
>I think I saw a couple Raiju heading that way, hope they're happy!
>Priestess was scared, pslime and I comfort her
>She pissed herself a little, but pslime only left her ability to piss because it turns me on
>Embarassed and kind of aroused at that revalation, she wanted me to take her there, in the middle of the woods
>Pslime wasn't even trying to turn her on at that point
>Priestess takes my cock in her slime-filled pussy
>Feels amazing
>Pslime throbbing against her clit and in her ass as well
>Gently kissing priestess while we make love
>Have some kind of potion that helps us recover our energy after sex; I get redressed, pslime forms back into panties for her, swirling some of my cum around so they could continuously feel me cumming in her

>Skip ahead later, I remember a picnic, going to a festival, and pslime helping priestess try gentle femdom

That's all I can remember. I usually only get one or two vivid memories out of a dream.

>> No.21525732

Logic. They have different minds but think alike because they're connected.

>> No.21525738

Pslimes and dark matter.

>> No.21525741
File: 283 KB, 900x1271, G7i4sHp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21525770

>> No.21525756

Oh just what you described works for me! It was quite deliciously hot! Plus I never thought about how different fingering a Slime pussy would feel.

>> No.21525770
File: 541 KB, 1280x1807, 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21525786

I'm glad the author chose to remaster this. It is one of my earliest experiences with MGs, and remains one of the fondest.

>> No.21525771
File: 138 KB, 992x1403, __dragon_jeanne_d_arc_and_jeanne_d_arc_monster_girl_encyclopedia_and_etc_drawn_by_barbariank__0a008d2c40761501cc677dbb4edda4fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21525786
File: 706 KB, 827x1300, 67418929_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does her spine work with that lamiass?

>> No.21525793
File: 633 KB, 721x1145, 1544732704839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21525823

Mamonobama, I don't gotta explain shit.

>> No.21525795


>> No.21525823
File: 111 KB, 458x405, autism intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21525831

But it's not even an MGE story!

>> No.21525831
File: 99 KB, 902x642, sayitonemoretimebg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anubis! What is so important that you're texting while court is in session?

>> No.21525833
Quoted by: >>21525847

They have a subtle double spine that splits at the legs momentarily, as a form of redundancy.

>> No.21525839
File: 2.17 MB, 1600x2560, LU1u1E7v_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21525950

They're pretty great aren't they?

>> No.21525847
File: 25 KB, 412x286, 74721824_p46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at the legs

>> No.21525877
File: 261 KB, 900x900, Parasite Slime-Slime Carrier 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21525950

oh another Pslime guy. Neat!

>> No.21525884

>anon sucking on a lamia’s tail like a piece of spaghetti

>> No.21525888
File: 936 KB, 849x1200, nFmI7ctr_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The waifu wars between humans and monsters escalated
>Human women augmented themselves to put themselves on par with the monsters, with the monsters unveiling stronger, more effective creatures and women improving and designing more machines in an arms race for the men
>The demonlord then unveiled her secret weapon: monsterization.
>Women began transforming into the very monsters they were competing against, and the end result was a singularity, combining the traits of both monster and machine into something greater than the sum of its parts.
>If the men stood a chance before, they sure as hell didn’t now.

>> No.21525892

That’s going to be a yikes from me.

>> No.21525903

Monstergirls are excited at the sight of their peers and friends getting romantically or sexually fulfilled. The sisterhood is strong.

>> No.21525911

>inb4 a shitty cyberpunk meme

>> No.21525928

>peeing in fear
Goblin Slayer's been influencing your dreams. Sounds interesting though.

>> No.21525938
File: 698 KB, 2500x1768, Cyber-gaunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21525950
Quoted by: >>21526008

Haven't actually read that yet. Heard good things about it; been meaning to get around to it.

There's just so much amazing about them!

>> No.21525971

always lick the base of big squishy tails

>> No.21525973
Quoted by: >>21525997

cyberpunk as a genre is dead,
mostly cause we are kind of living in one already

>> No.21525982
File: 121 KB, 900x704, dcyvalu_246399c6_cae4_441f_9907_439c9f313e79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goblin Slayer

>> No.21525997
File: 545 KB, 1200x1163, gpfeyPli_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21526103

Where's my AI waifu then?

>> No.21526003


>> No.21526006
File: 164 KB, 1801x1920, 1554488050468 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21526168

Goblin layer

>> No.21526008

Yep. I love how both the greentext in this thread used the idea of the slime pusling inside of the hosts pussy to make them horny near (you) and the slime pleasuring the hosts clit while you fuck the host. No idea why, but thats just so hot to me.

Part of me wants to see his take on a cyberpunk pslime or dark matter.

>> No.21526011

>the Anubis guarding that faraway tomb did WHAT with her newfound husband?

>> No.21526019

She's going to get slayed if you know what I mean.

>> No.21526023

why monstergirl died as a fad but isekai is as strong as ever?

>> No.21526025
Quoted by: >>21526032

Monstergirls can't die, they're as old as humanity

>> No.21526032
Quoted by: >>21526051

you know what I mean anon

>> No.21526051

Is it really a bad thing though?

>> No.21526055
File: 317 KB, 800x731, __centorea_shianus_monster_musume_no_iru_nichijou_drawn_by_terupancake__0c461a0fd6f4043ef776a5ccddf28e68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster Musume wore itself out.

>> No.21526062
Quoted by: >>21526064

get your facts straight monstergirl was always a niche compared to isekai

>> No.21526064
Quoted by: >>21526080

their was an upsurge around 2012

>> No.21526065
File: 989 KB, 1920x1080, Wurm20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can a wurm help me with my math homework?

>> No.21526076

Anon no
Why would you
Anon no

>> No.21526077

She could help you find someone (willing or unwilling) that will help you.

>> No.21526080

upsurge, maybe, but never on the level with isekais
And it's a good thing too, considering how many isekai junks are spewed out a day, though I believe the trend is slowly moving from isekai to 'powerful/OP mother' stuffs

>> No.21526084
File: 1.04 MB, 1112x1384, 63487871_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21526091

>'powerful/OP mother

>> No.21526097
File: 128 KB, 1200x1055, Echidna24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21526131

>powerful/OP mother

>> No.21526103

I wouldn't mind a Automaton maid if she was Completely Biomechanical.

Before you point out Shoggoths exists, It would be extremely hard to give them "Upgrades".

>> No.21526108

Monster girls didn't die as a fad though, if anything they got incorporated into regular anime. You see way more catgirls,demons, onis and girls with unusual skin tones that than you did before.

>> No.21526116
File: 269 KB, 1094x2048, DuDDKe7VYAAz5vk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, an isekai story with the twist that the MC's mother gets taken along for the ride.

>> No.21526120

and other stories are doing this?

>> No.21526131

Those are trends, believe me
You are a regular guy in fantasy settings, but you have some kind of super powerful overprotective mother (who are often adoptive) who follows you around, and stuffs happen kinda thing. You wouldn't believe how low quality these kind of fad stories/mangas can get

>> No.21526132
File: 1.16 MB, 1090x1219, 73533738_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21526153

>It would be extremely hard to give them "Upgrades".
Says you.

>> No.21526149
Quoted by: >>21526205

>Shoggoth upgrades
Aren't those called "baby Shogs"?

>> No.21526153
Quoted by: >>21526163

No, no you don't understand.
The Shoggoth upgrades herself.
You upgrade the Automaton.
Moving to the more demanding and more dominant position of being able to choose your maid's mods is more appealing to me.

>> No.21526163

>Installing new graphics card into your PC
>Automaton waifu gets jealous and demands you upgrade her too

>> No.21526168

I don't know why but those wow styled goblins make me hard as diamonds

>> No.21526175
Quoted by: >>21526584

Me too, it's because they're always pictured as thick nympho shortstacks.

>> No.21526180
Quoted by: >>21526205

If she acts like that then I'm just going to keep upping her chest size.

>> No.21526201

>”User. I require regular updates to remain at 99.99% efficacy.”
>she says this while poutily tugging at your sleeve as you browse your computer for new hardware
>”Please please please please please plea-“
>sigh and click over to Gremmy-chan’s Website to order new Automaton mods
>Automaton claps her hands together, face still unchanged, and exclaims while bouncing on her heels
>”Yaaaaay. This will greatly improve efficiency.”
>the things you do for Love...
So what do you order? Anything’s game!

>> No.21526205

Wouldn't that just be an expansion pack?
>Not downgrading her chest size
>Not mentioning how much you love flat chests whenever she complains

>> No.21526211

Second pair of arms!

>> No.21526215

A womb.

>> No.21526217

A urethra and fluid synthesis module!

>> No.21526219

I don't though.
She's getting a chest upgrade, some hip widening, and other perverted things.

>> No.21526220

Dynamic Signal L-Ports
aka, DSLs

>> No.21526221

I'm not sure there is a phrase precise enough to explain what a shog child is. But your meido seems happy enough.

>> No.21526227
File: 1.85 MB, 1999x1873, a new purpose of life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21526239

Nursery module!

>> No.21526231

ULTRAXXX-M3G4M1LK lactation tanks!

>> No.21526239

So cute...

>> No.21526245

Deployable defensive metal flaps, in the design of a skimpy French maid outfit. With matching gunlance that doubles as a feather duster.

>> No.21526271
File: 763 KB, 888x1087, 1560615646876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wild loli vampire in Chinese clothes blokes your path!
What will you do?

>> No.21526284

put on my gi and find the answer that lies in the heart of battle

>> No.21526287
File: 56 KB, 708x512, Vampire42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she a cockney vampire?

>> No.21526298

She may be from hong kong.

>> No.21526306
Quoted by: >>21526328

I know, I'm sleep deprived

>> No.21526313

Tell her that when you're here you're family

>> No.21526322

Fake bindings that can be activated with a press of a button (I don't want my waifu to be truly helpless in case an emergency pops up, though interrupting her will be fun.)

>> No.21526323

That's not a fad

>> No.21526328
File: 372 KB, 650x860, Weresheep1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got your solution right here.

>> No.21526355

Flight module for mid-air lewds!

>> No.21526362

choose another path

>> No.21526404
File: 1.08 MB, 2893x4092, real dead hours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21526419

>> No.21526419
Quoted by: >>21526429

Drooling devoted doe-minded Doughragon!

>> No.21526429
File: 341 KB, 800x774, 1546015509185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21526441

They're pretty great.

>> No.21526441
Quoted by: >>21526459

They are.
Gosh, just imagine a beautiful thick girl like that- and literally the only thing on her mind is (You). You, you, you, just you. Only you.

>> No.21526459
File: 529 KB, 1059x937, 1548557358388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21526467


>> No.21526467

>Ah, ah- husband, husband is so close, I can hear his insides, husband husband...
>I want to do it again with husband, again, again, ah ah~!
Best girls.

>> No.21526480

what's it like living with a grizzly?

>> No.21526495


>> No.21526499
File: 585 KB, 3000x3000, D8eHicjXoAEbLMH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very sweet.

>> No.21526503
Quoted by: >>21526522

Probably pretty nice, although they get chunky in the winter.

>> No.21526522
File: 149 KB, 644x990, umMAm2Gt_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21526548

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.21526538
File: 212 KB, 800x1113, 73307760_p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21526606

>> No.21526548


>> No.21526563
Quoted by: >>21526569

Fun fact: Hibernation is a very dangerous procedure and there's a chance the animal will never wake up from it. Yeah, so fuck bears they're idiots.

>> No.21526565
File: 124 KB, 850x1229, 1559883833516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surprisingly kinky

>> No.21526569

Yeah, because dying of starvation or cold is obviously the smarter option.

>> No.21526583

Most animals don't do that.

>> No.21526584
File: 142 KB, 600x800, 388f25c6c3f4659dc22b6235e7b23a70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21526596


>> No.21526591
Quoted by: >>21526604

It's not like they have legs and can just move location or anything.

>> No.21526596

Ohh mmy

>> No.21526604

Yeah, walking hundreds or even thousands of miles is obviously no big deal.

>> No.21526606

Cute. I want to pick her up.
