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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 801 KB, 992x1403, 1540838287405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21219049 No.21219049 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>21219507

The real thread. Remember to report coordinated raids because only a mod can stop them.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h
Content Aggregator: Anubis.moe
Writers list: https://pastebin.com/RTLpHEmk
Sabbath Grimoire Scans: https://imgur.com/a/CATcaGk

>> No.21219061

When was the last release from KC?

>> No.21219062
File: 413 KB, 768x1024, DeisBF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old school snakes

>> No.21219065
Quoted by: >>21219078

Yeah it was nice to have some one making content that i sorta forgot the authors original intent. Let my waifufaggotry get the better of me in other words.

>> No.21219068
Quoted by: >>21219074


>> No.21219073
File: 158 KB, 1035x1200, D3eTC-OUUAQ4nhM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21219096


>> No.21219074

Oh wow was it really that recent? It feels like it's been a lot longer than 2 weeks.

>> No.21219078
Quoted by: >>21219387

It’s all good pslimefag! Don’t apologize for creativity and contribution! Others are free to use her however they like, nothing stopping that!

>> No.21219096

That's pretty good.

>> No.21219101
File: 751 KB, 2048x1900, 1520705441296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21219125

can i get my scyllas without tentacle legs? like permanently?

>> No.21219113
Quoted by: >>21225240

So I left when the translations for world guide three were just starting. Any noteable standouts? Either really good, bad, or just interesting.

>> No.21219125

Just pick a majin type if that's what you really want.

>> No.21219136

Multiple thread drama again, wooo....

Giantess is still shit tho, but these faggot drama is getting tiring

>> No.21219138

Mods will do fucking nothing and even worse probably delete this one instead, seriously annoying

>> No.21219159

It's not just giant shit, around a third of what was being spammed last night and is now beginning to be spammed again was outright vore.

>> No.21219168
Quoted by: >>21219179

Big jinko snugs!

>> No.21219171

The only way it ends is if everyone keeps mass reporting every single giantess spam post.

>> No.21219172
Quoted by: >>21219188

It's the same guy who spams vore requests on /d/

>> No.21219175

15 replies in, but aight.
Posting resources:
Fanart Galleries: https://pastebin.com/DFXhrXkc
Mega Archive: https://mega.nz/#F!T24xwYLB!V_dXLWUSLQXqVsHqNuAwxQ

>> No.21219179
Quoted by: >>21219189

Fuck off retard

>> No.21219181

Unironically this. Mods have acted before.

>> No.21219188

Yeah this, there's a guy who spams all kinds of drawthreads with terrible MGE vore requests

>> No.21219189

Nyet, I desire an 8ft tall jinko to get comfy with.

>> No.21219193
File: 1.49 MB, 832x1000, 74335049_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21219203

So someone posted this fluffy birb last thread. Reposting in case you missed it.

>> No.21219203
Quoted by: >>21219210

I wanna get lost in her fluff only to end up face pressed into her boobs or legwarmers

>> No.21219206
File: 718 KB, 1600x2560, 59187ae1-d28c-437f-aea7-4d32b2cd3c3a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

altair here, i'm sketching, so what do you guys want? might do more if I'm in the mood

>> No.21219209
Quoted by: >>21219466

Small jinko looking fierce.

>> No.21219210
Quoted by: >>21219220

First you'll get lost in her gaze, then her fluff, then her boobs.

This owl is too powerful.

>> No.21219212

Yeah, the other thread is filled with some /d/ tier trash. I hate how they're just trying to be like "just accept it" when it's obviously not accepted here.

>> No.21219213
File: 1.56 MB, 1500x2000, gazer split_ass swimsuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also another wife commission today. This time its her in a slightly see-through swimsuit with a few alt versions.

>> No.21219214

Gremlin with a robot arm

>> No.21219215
Quoted by: >>21220063

The Kamaitachi sisters doing something cute

>> No.21219220
Quoted by: >>21219376

More of that fluffy owl!
And she’d merely stoically watch with an interested expression as you sink into her.
Truly, the apex predator of the forest!
And so damn fluffy~
It’d take me hours to get detached from her in morning!

>> No.21219221 [DELETED] 

I want to fuck your wife in the ass

>> No.21219223

Draw a monstergirl showing her panties. Wholesome or lewd.
Have fun with it, make the panties designed appropriate to the species.

>> No.21219228
File: 275 KB, 858x800, Irredeemable villain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21219236

Nobody ever suspects the Yeti, and they will always use that to their advantage. Never turn your back to one.

>> No.21219230
Quoted by: >>21219712

This but make it a robotically enhanced arm and have her arm wrestling either an Automaton or her husband.

Actually nevermind that sounds too complex.

>> No.21219236

>You're already comfy

>> No.21219240

troll in shorts

>> No.21219250

I don't think it's a good idea to report posts that aren't clearly and explicitly against the rules, even if you know they were made for shitposting or raiding purposes. Mods usually err on the side of caution with anything except NSFW/illegal content, and getting a bunch of reports they don't think require attention gets them in the habit of ignoring you. It's better to ignore borderline posts and save reports for the blatantly rule breaking ones. It'll be the same guy getting banned either way.

>> No.21219253

do any of the baphos from the sabbath book have confirmed husbandos or are they single?

>> No.21219256 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21219272

To be serious, I can sympathize with the social anxiety that many men feel these days, but I don't see the reason to put actual women down. Not because it will hert theyre fellings, but because it would cement a stigma that monster girl enthusiasts are just raging incels with sour grapes syndrome. I will take /jp/'s deviancy any day over being attacked by the regressive left. I believe that enthusiasts should make sure not to let their fantasies be tainted by gender issues. There's already too much identity politics in entertainment, so it's best to keep things pure by ignoring it. The root of monster girls is exotic love, personality, and beauty; all in the form of something that the mundane cannot provide

>> No.21219258

Unhappy baby snek hissing at stranger

>> No.21219261

A succubus having fun.

Succubi brightens up my day.

>> No.21219272 [DELETED] 

Fuck off

>> No.21219286

Momonika definitely has an onii-chan, but it’s left up to the reader who it is. Another [YOU] situation.

>> No.21219287
Quoted by: >>21219293

Unclear. Momonika is shown getting reamed but she's a slut anyway.

Obviously, Marune's mom has a husbando.

>> No.21219291

Runya Runya is single and looking

>> No.21219293

>Marune's mom
Are you implying that Marune's cunny and tits belong to her daddy?

>> No.21219299
Quoted by: >>21219315

A common misconception. Marune's father's dick belongs to her mom.

>> No.21219305

Well I'm single and asking

>> No.21219309

Bases mods deleted the other thread

>> No.21219312
Quoted by: >>21219318

Kissless, even. Maybe she'd like a partner to practice with.

>> No.21219315
Quoted by: >>21219348

Slightly unrelated, but I wonder what Marune's parents think about the fact that their daughteru was able to start one of the world's major Sabbath branches before her age got to the double digits? I mean, that's just impressive.

>> No.21219316

Shiro dominating the viewer with amazon sex.

>> No.21219318
Quoted by: >>21219342

What's the monstergirl equivalent of a sweaty unwashed Fujo?

>> No.21219319

thanks, gonna plow that sleepy bapho in the back shelves of her magic library

>> No.21219335
Quoted by: >>21219389

Isn't that because she has an inferiority complex?

>> No.21219338
File: 1.46 MB, 1332x1000, 1555254447216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21219356

very thicc sneko

>> No.21219342
Quoted by: >>21219370

She’s definitely not a NEET, anon.

>> No.21219346
File: 180 KB, 800x1129, 1442011070722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snail girls

>> No.21219348
Quoted by: >>21219364

Are you thinking about Momonika and the true loli Sabbath?

>> No.21219356

Good sneko

>> No.21219364
Quoted by: >>21219374

Whichever ones have true loli Baphos as their founders.

>> No.21219367
File: 175 KB, 500x372, 1524699977966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21219370
File: 1.08 MB, 801x1148, squish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21219401

Oh sure, the phrasing just made me think about gloomy awkward nerd monstergirls. I like that archetype. Especially when they're a little squishy.

>> No.21219374
Quoted by: >>21219386

Momonika is the true loli. Marune is the oppai agricultural Baphomet. Marune has a story about her and her mother being saved by their village and her creating her agricultural magic for them as a thank you but there is no mention of her age.

>> No.21219376

bird fluff is nice. My family is breeding orpingtons and they are just walking pillows.

>> No.21219380
File: 448 KB, 582x972, a19ce6cbf2a66aae22d718c1b57c68b82e995f18d3e28aecf9213e9509f05ac1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else feel like they shouldn't be allowed in the MGE universe? I read the lore and entry's and I say to myself that this can never happen to me, even in a fantasy setting.

>> No.21219386


>> No.21219387

Thank you for the kind words anon!

>> No.21219389
File: 891 KB, 1722x2464, runya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She may not be able to use magic, but she can still find love!

>> No.21219392
Quoted by: >>21219641

She'd make an excellent paw slave!

>> No.21219401

I love them too. Thinking it now, that archetype could suit my waifu. Perhaps she has phases when she reads for too long, she turns into one. Emerging from depths of library with dark eyebags, unkempt hair, dragging her feet she'll just crash on me. Pampering her back to life.

>> No.21219405
Quoted by: >>21219447

Not really.
Sure, nobody really deserves MGs, but they love you all the same.

>> No.21219406
Quoted by: >>21219432

Minos that are as dumb as a bag of hammers.

>> No.21219408
Quoted by: >>21219447

That's what mindbreak is for.

>> No.21219409
File: 201 KB, 800x500, PSX_20190422_183241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21219428

>> No.21219428

I want her to make this face when she tries to eat me and I turn the tables and "eat" her

>> No.21219432

>”Well then looks like I gots ta nail ya! Hyeh heh heh!”
And then anon was pelvis pulverized.

>> No.21219446

She looks comfy.

>> No.21219447

I suppose. Maybe I'm just being autistic about it.

>> No.21219450

Cute snail.

>> No.21219452 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21219455

Bully the shorties and drive them to suicide!

>> No.21219455
Quoted by: >>21219464

That's mean

>> No.21219461 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 1024x1280, 1554571830773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21219469

>> No.21219464 [DELETED] 

Womanlets deserve to be removed from the gene pool. Manlets too.

>> No.21219466
File: 209 KB, 1600x2560, loli jinko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21219469 [DELETED] 

Fuck off

>> No.21219476
Quoted by: >>21219481

Gazers are supposed to be all seeing right? What happens if you perform a magic trick in front of her and she doesn’t see what happened?

>> No.21219479 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21219513

Fuck off

>> No.21219481
Quoted by: >>21219488

I've not much thought about it but now I want to commission that exact situation

>> No.21219484
Quoted by: >>21219541

Tritonia a cute

>> No.21219487

Tiny jinko is fierce.

>> No.21219488

I must admit, I saw the concept on a webcomic that I forgot the name of.

>> No.21219490


>> No.21219491
File: 214 KB, 960x540, 0053_Affection_E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a monster dick face.

>> No.21219498

It’s just a spammer.

>> No.21219500 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21219513

Fuck off

>> No.21219507
Quoted by: >>21219524

I need a Tsurara to step on me.

>> No.21219513


Someone needs a time out in Titania's corner!

>> No.21219522

Titania would make a terrible prison warden huh

>> No.21219524
Quoted by: >>21219532

This but sit instead of step

>> No.21219526 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21219533

I want to yell at a Titania to fuck off and then punch her in the face, giving her a black eye.

>> No.21219532 [DELETED] 

This but fart on my face instead of sit

>> No.21219533 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21219540

Cringe and yikespilled

>> No.21219536

She's a real hardass though. No goodnight kisses or sweets after 5pm.

>> No.21219540 [DELETED] 

Based and white-knightpilled

>> No.21219541
Quoted by: >>21219551


>Hug a Tritonia and become stuck against her body instantly as a result
>She teases you for hugging for so long, reasoning that you must love her so much that you never want to let her go
>She hugs you closer, giggling to herself as you squish against her body more.

>> No.21219547
Quoted by: >>21219550

Since mamono mana fixes everything, are glasses wearing monstergirls doing it just for the looks?

>> No.21219548

>Hot, steamy, lilim breath
You can just taste and smell the DL royalty when it just wafts across your face and attacks your nostrils.

Friendly reminder: The only lilims that are worth a damn are Druella, Mari, and the profile lilim. The rest are shit.

>> No.21219550


>> No.21219551
Quoted by: >>21219620

>head squashed into her cleavage
>”Ou la la! So enthusiastic~!”
>your muffled yelling goes unnoticed, her tentacles wrapped around your wrists to keep you pulled in tight

>> No.21219558


>> No.21219560

You can scratch Mari off that list too.
What has she done worth noting? What makes her any different from any other succ?

>> No.21219566
Quoted by: >>21219573

I like slutty lilims.

>> No.21219573
Quoted by: >>21219584

That was apparently retconned anyway so you don’t even have that.

>> No.21219574

If you're into whores I guess.

>> No.21219575

Nobody leaves prison until they apologize and mean it,

>> No.21219584

The art still exists. Can't undo the art. She's a slutty lilim, always will be.

>> No.21219592

I know monster girls will know if your in a relationship and won't try as to get you but would they know if you wanted a harem

>> No.21219620


>Her tentacles coil around her breasts they push them against your head rhythmically.
>Your muffled pleas continues to go answered but the feeling your boner rubbing against her is definitely noted.
>She becomes flustered at this, eventually undoing your pants and underwear with some help with her tentacles

>> No.21219623

The new bully Lim is best one so far

>> No.21219633
File: 1.21 MB, 1869x1105, 1506135366433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the funny part is, the tentacles are unconsciously controlled, right?
Meaning she suddenly has your pants off, but as far as she knows she's not the one who did it. You did, naughty boy.

>> No.21219641
File: 259 KB, 604x856, 1544742220079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21219701

>Runya paws
>Rata tail
>Yeti paws
There's lot of fluff to choose from in Runya sabbath, and they all need brushing and fluffing when they get drowsy after a long day of researching

>> No.21219642

And that goes for everything else her tentacles do or make you do.

>> No.21219654
Quoted by: >>21219660

>"O-Oh my... so forward...!"
>You're sucked in to her entrance as the bouncing and jiggling you're entrapped by gets more and more forceful and in rhythm
>"Oh, eet is so risque! You are an animal, anon! Haah, yes, oui, let us do it then!!!"
>Squishing, squelching noises intensify

>> No.21219660
Quoted by: >>21219685

>Her tentacles wrap around your waist, pushing you back and forth in rhythm with the Tritonia's own movements.

>> No.21219685
Quoted by: >>21219791

>"Aahhn! Aaahn! So forceful! Amor! Y-You're driving me insane~~~!!!"
>You're not thrusting at all, its all her tentacles just manhandling you into giving it to her hard and fast as all fuck

>> No.21219686
Quoted by: >>21219696

>criminals have dug out a tunnel and are in the process of leaving the prison when the warden appears at the other end
>"What are you guys doing?"
>The convicts look at each other awkwardly and one of them pipes up
>"Uh, going out for a pizza?"
>"Oh fun! Can I go?"
>"N-no, sorry"
>Her face droops, and she slightly pouts
>"Oh, ok. Don't stay out too late, mkay?"
>they come back an hour later with four pizzas to share with the warden

>> No.21219696

Warden Titania sounds adorable. But I bet her outfit is unknowingly super sexy, and that helps keep some of the prisoners around.

>> No.21219701
File: 186 KB, 1198x1200, Disposal_Instructions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21220371


>> No.21219705

>Warden Titania is supervising the shower area
>One of the prisoners drops the soap
>"Oh, don't pick it up, it's slippery! You could fall! I'll get that for you"
>Bends over to grab it, stretching her pencil skirt to its limits and giving the entire block a marvelous view of her assets
>everyone simultaneously drops their soap
>"Geez, you guys are so clumsy! Every time!"

>> No.21219712
File: 208 KB, 1600x2160, gremlin roboarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think gremlin has another use for her robotic arm

>> No.21219711

Yes anon, I do too. Because I'm a kike.

>> No.21219719
Quoted by: >>21219728

Like a military uniform?

>> No.21219728

Oh yeah, life on the block can be good sometimes.
Similar in a way. Something that would make a sexy sadistic Demon smile seductively, only worn by a naive earnest cutie of a voluptuous, childish woman.

>> No.21219732 [DELETED] 

Then the entire block runs a train on her

>> No.21219735

I'm not afraid to admit that I find monstergirls with robotic prosthetics really hot

>> No.21219743 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21219770

Fuck off

>> No.21219770
File: 524 KB, 800x1280, bae9de66-b9d0-46f6-9f3a-af48fedd90ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21219900

Not until you admit the your love for the sabbath girls!

>> No.21219775


>> No.21219791
Quoted by: >>21220385

>When it's all said and done you're exhausted, having ejaculated several times.
>You are hoisted up by her tentacles, bringing you face to face with the Tritonia.
>She's overwhelmingly happy, smiling from ear to ear.
>She wraps her arms around you, causing the tentacles to retreat as if on cue.
>She alternates between whispering words of loveand kissing you all over but especially on the lips
>You pant in exhaustion, not really able to make any notable reaction as she unrelentingly keeps up giving you affect and love.
>But when she tells you "I love you" you manage to gasp you manage to reply in kind, making happy all over again.
>You can still barely see her eyes underneath all that hair but you're absolutely certain you make out heart pupils.

>> No.21219889
File: 842 KB, 1280x720, Weresheep49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sleep in a busty Weresheeps boobs

>> No.21219900


I think we got a little bit of a monkey's paw with this one.

>> No.21219941

Anyone knows the title of the story where some guy gets isekaid, gets chased by orcs and almost got killed by his future salamader waifu after seeing her in a hotspring? Meant to read it but kept forgetting and now I forgot the title

>> No.21219957
Quoted by: >>21219962

sounds like the anonymoose saga

>> No.21219962

This. its Moose

>> No.21220037
Quoted by: >>21220178

Druella being a NEET

>> No.21220063
File: 256 KB, 1680x967, kamaitachitrio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21220395

can't come up with something cute but i did have this lost sketch of kamaitachi-san introducing you to her sisters.

>kamaitachi-san and anon dates for a while and for the first time, she brings you to her secret lair and introduces you to her sisters who together go on fun antics that the trio is known for all across zipangu

>> No.21220067
Quoted by: >>21220081

>Speed dating matches you with an ancient evil.
Is it weird to have her tell you her plans to conquer everything only to realize she didn't say her interests and is trying shout them to you as you move on to the next person?

>> No.21220069

Playing hide and seek with kunoichi childhood friends!

>> No.21220070
File: 881 KB, 1280x1139, jubjub03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you lick a harpy's egg clean right after she laid it?

>> No.21220075
File: 1.72 MB, 1806x1293, los2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21220105

>Victoria continues annoying everyone around her
The hell are you implying there boyo
Viccy eating ice cream

>> No.21220081

Conquest is a fine hobby. It's more about the passion she has than the activity itself.

>> No.21220105
Quoted by: >>21220269

What is her end game goal?

>> No.21220130

how do i make a popular OC that's as popular as victoria.

>> No.21220135
File: 642 KB, 1246x1241, Viccy+Waffle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1: Suffer

>> No.21220145

i've done plenty of that but nothing's happening :(

>> No.21220151
Quoted by: >>21220218

I want to get a job as a professional NEET breeder.

>> No.21220153

The bigger the breasts, the more love they have.

>> No.21220155

>Become writefag
>Write fanfics until you become at least somewhat decent at it
>Come up with an interesting character idea
>Build upon character idea
>Write a fic around that character
If none of those steps work, then you can always try hiring pa

>> No.21220165
Quoted by: >>21220181

Be bullied relentlessly in 4chan and in any art server. Most of the art he gets is bully material, some which I've drawn myself, but he's a good sport

>> No.21220169

oh fuck, posted way too soon. As I ways saying, if none of the steps work, you could always try hiring paid shills. If you don't want paid shills, try asking /x/ for some weird rituals or some shit

>> No.21220178

I want to bully NEET mgs

>> No.21220181

by any chance, you guys still remember the ushi-hellcorephomet?

>> No.21220191
Quoted by: >>21220206

>otohime otaku starts a monster girl comiket

>> No.21220206

>Lolis and shortstacks use IMAGINE to refer to getting mating pressed by their oniichan/husband.

>> No.21220208
Quoted by: >>21220285

You mean my wife?

>> No.21220214

Milf dragon.

>> No.21220218
File: 1.07 MB, 992x1403, jubjub01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21220415

I wanna walk into a coop with a group of extremely horny, virgin jubjubs and become their breeder.

Just imagine four, titty birbs just pouncing on you at once, smothering you in tits, ass, pussy juice, and saliva from their sloppy kisses. Your dick never getting a rest.

>> No.21220226
Quoted by: >>21220285

I think of lewding her everyday

>> No.21220269

A seat in the middle of the row, about 2/3rds of the way back with a large popcorn and drink to share with her husband as they watch.

>> No.21220280
File: 2.79 MB, 2492x1632, Selene and viccy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more Selene art

>> No.21220285
Quoted by: >>21220354

well, now I know she's remembered. might give her a personality and write a story involving her, since I am her creator

>> No.21220288

Wive's looking up at you while docking!

>> No.21220320
Quoted by: >>21220347

We need more of this.

>> No.21220341
Quoted by: >>21220391

What does Selene do?
Druella dies invasions, viccy defends against invasions and mari semi sluts around
Whats her thing?

>> No.21220347

>One is blushing at looking up
>The other is pouting that her smaller tits are pretty much engulfed

Still cute!

>> No.21220354
Quoted by: >>21220397

It's fine to lewd her?

>> No.21220371
File: 2.38 MB, 2480x3508, 1542472762029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21220387

The Ice Queens are at it again, trying to get rid of Yeti competition

>> No.21220385
Quoted by: >>21220693

Such an amazing, beautiful girl.

>> No.21220387


They want all the warmth from potential husbands for themselves.

>> No.21220391

Selene is what happens when you cross breed Vince Mcmahon with the the ideas of about 20 shonen protags and those corruption vilanesses in hentai (just without all the stupid futa)

>> No.21220395

Oh I love this

>> No.21220397

Yeah, I even lewded her myself

>> No.21220409

Literally no one likes Victoria though
The creator is just endearing in his belief that everyone should, so we humor him with bullying art and let him pretend he means something from time to time

>> No.21220415
File: 158 KB, 800x475, hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I don't know how any man could handle more than a single Jub.
It's like having to fuck three "normal monsters" crammed into one.

>> No.21220419
File: 761 KB, 900x1200, Vampire3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21226941

Is being snide and snarky to a vampire a good way to garner her favor for the sheer brashness? Or would the visitor find himself outside her front door on his ass, or worse, in her dungeon?

>> No.21220427


Having 2 or 3 Flow Kelps clinging to you all the time would be quite something.

>> No.21220443
Quoted by: >>21220468

Does you wife know how to fight or is she a softie

>> No.21220450
Quoted by: >>21220466

By themselves, jubjubs are extremely horny and sex crazed monsters. The heart suit amplifies this, no doubt. Maybe it'd be a lot easier to handle a group of them if some were diamond or club suited girls.

>> No.21220464

Cant wait to IMAGINE with my pslime wife.

>> No.21220466
File: 185 KB, 707x1000, 0d327da235b7b3648d2b6651ee8c6e6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clubjubs sound pretty cozy.

>> No.21220468

One does, the other doesn't

In numbers, Flow Kelps are dangerous

>> No.21220485
File: 123 KB, 750x1200, 1477150874509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With all the shit drama I've caused over the years, no. But I'd be fine with a simple cottage somewhere in the countryside, with a stream nearby and a vineyard. A place to grow old and forgotten, callused and dirty hands testing grapes for harvest. With a belly full of wine and the whispers in the wind for company.

>> No.21220502

But like victoria and most of the OC's

>> No.21220534
File: 543 KB, 1300x1215, selmenella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see Selene corrupt more women

>> No.21220586

A monster girls greatest weapon that they all share is genuine interest, love and affection

>> No.21220589
File: 361 KB, 607x691, 8a02cc3254006346e3134e39fbbc883b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21221208


>> No.21220614
File: 127 KB, 995x1400, NJFwdwZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21220652

>> No.21220618

But I don’t like sailor outfits on girls!

>> No.21220643
File: 235 KB, 671x580, 1545508915969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21220661

You can take the man out of /m/, but you can't take the /m/ out of a /m/an!

>> No.21220644
File: 912 KB, 752x927, __alpaca_suri_eurasian_eagle_owl_and_northern_white_faced_owl_kemono_friends_drawn_by_doitsuken__7a7a1ae30ec79d66a9eff94413514c91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what career path would your wife be taking?

>> No.21220652

Still a cute character, regardless of her design

>> No.21220655

My waifu is a professional science nerd.

>> No.21220661

My first thought was more like https://youtube.com/watch?v=CQr-Omho404

>> No.21220664
Quoted by: >>21220684

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead remember, a cup of tea helps you sleep at night!
And no, it doesn't need to be dormouse tea....and some of the Hatter's tea may do the obvious.

>> No.21220684

It seems like whenever a maid isn't sure what to do, she makes tea. It always works out do I'm not complaining, but it is suspicious.

>> No.21220689

bomb diffusion expert, for some reason, can't imagine why.

>> No.21220693

Picture a Tritonia hugging you from behind tightly. Your head firmly between her breasts. Even if she lets go, you'll still be held up entirely by her sticky body, leaving her hands to caress your chest, run through your hair or whatever else. Or she could just keep on hugging you too.

>> No.21220701

i imagine my wife taking advantage of her naturally high body heat to work as a glass artist of sorts / blacksmith

>> No.21220703
Quoted by: >>21220711

kadokawa did 9/11

>> No.21220711


>> No.21220760

I just want more Selene stories

>> No.21220766

Definitely a Corporate Executive of some sort. High on the ladder but not at the top. She wants to be in charge but she doesn't want to make all the decisions. Plus she's great at talking to people. They're always so friendly when she brings her subordinates (mummies) along.

>> No.21220781
Quoted by: >>21220796

One does streaming, the other is actually a very concomitant manager at an accounting firm.

>> No.21220789

A curator at a history museum.

>> No.21220796

Competent, unlike me and my spelling.
Truly time to sleep

>> No.21220826

Never thought about it really. Not even sure what kind of job my suits my waifu and her species.

>> No.21220842

She enjoys being a stylist.

>> No.21220851

sahu breaking water surface with a fish on her trident as her husband watches from the shore

>> No.21220858

Therapy as a career, knitting for local Winterstown kids as a hobby

>> No.21220876


>> No.21220882


>> No.21220886

Freelance magician. Definitely not licensed.

>> No.21220888
File: 617 KB, 857x1200, tentacle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably something simple, settling down with a simple flower shop or massage parlor.

She has big dreams of recreating the tentacle forest's "Treasured Child Tree".

>> No.21220989

professional maid

>> No.21220991
File: 165 KB, 865x817, 1554456756341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lead marketer for the sabbath onii-chan monthly!

>> No.21220997
File: 114 KB, 810x1145, 1547844505170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You obviously beat young Pharaoh in sand castle building contest
>Her's was barely half the size of yours and looked like a dragon sneezed on it
>Anubis judge gives the win to the Pharaoh anyway
>You try to object but you get told to stop acting like a child
>She gets an awesome Lego pyramid set, with over 3,000 pieces
>You get an expired gift card to McDonald's
>Pharaoh exclaims she's having a victory party and everyone is invited, besides you, unless you apologize for being a sore loser
>Knowing you're in the right you refuse and are forced to walk home alone as the Pharaoh is carried off by a crowd of her servants cheering her name
>As you make the walk of shame a Apophis from your class walks up to you
>She states the obvious says you should've won and that it was rigged in her favor
>Then she offers to help you get revenge on her and take your spot as the rightful victor
What do you say, Anon?

>> No.21221008
File: 269 KB, 748x1145, 1537769548329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21221025

Thinking about a career would make her magic weaker!

>> No.21221016 [DELETED] 

revenge is temping bu

>> No.21221025
Quoted by: >>21221067

What type of magic would she specialize in then?

>> No.21221026
Quoted by: >>21221430

Lets get venomous.
Still gonna take that Apophis to mcdonalds though.

>> No.21221029
File: 992 KB, 1280x1541, 1543237486232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if I get to be team captain.
I'll be "The Dastardly Dick" and she can be Molt-tly.

>> No.21221034

Revenge is tempting but not if it required acting politely towards anybody that was proud of cheating and demanded an apology for it. Better to eject them from your life and move on.

>> No.21221059

Just let the Pharaoh catch you and the Apophis in a furious makeout session behind the gym later.

>> No.21221064

Nah something that small isn't worth graping a pharaoh. I'd just let it go

>> No.21221065

If there are only two things I know, they're building castles and possessing bitter vengeance.
So yes

>> No.21221067
File: 304 KB, 1011x899, 1549083209536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kind that lets her breed and hunt with onii-chan more.

>> No.21221068

>decline apophis
>revenge isn't worth it, just wanted the lego set
>anubis overhears
>feels incredibly guilty
>tells pharaoh she scheduled something
>comes up and apologizes to you
>offers one of her own sets for lying and taking pharoah's side
>she'll deconstruct it and put it back into the box because she never throws them away or the instructions in case she wanted to build them again
What do you say, Anon?

>> No.21221085
Quoted by: >>21221103

Where’s the option where I just play at a different beach and get to make friends with all the khepris looking for a ‘playmate’

>> No.21221089

tell apophis-chan that she doesnt need to, but still hookup with her.

>> No.21221091
File: 112 KB, 804x898, 1534451403271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21221097

What if I say no to both of them simply to go for the chaos ending?

>> No.21221092 [DELETED] 

I fuck the anubis, kill the pharaoh, and marry the apophis.

>> No.21221097

Silly slug.

>> No.21221103

i love khepris but i can't handle a harem that big without feeling i'm not loving each of them enough.

>> No.21221106 [DELETED] 

Demon extremist/terrorist

>> No.21221107
File: 245 KB, 700x500, NotVeryWellProtected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bullying the weak is fun

>> No.21221129
File: 114 KB, 1500x1750, D4zubQgW4AARP68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21221202

>> No.21221130
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x1597, 1442803007063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you say, Anon?
I go the neutral evil path. I take the lego set from the anubis and head back to the apophis and ask her if she wants to grape the pharaoh

>> No.21221182
Quoted by: >>21221202

Anyone have the image of the apophis under like twenty million blankets? I forgot to save it last time I saw it.

>> No.21221187

that would piss my emotional ass off and mess me up for my whole childhood in one eventful swing. yet my heart tells me that I should never side with darkness and i'll end up being a bitch forever in the cruel light with no answer or hint to inner happiness as I drift faster into a vortex of issues that keep getting bigger and more developed. but yeah, i ain't messing wit no purple snake.

>> No.21221198

Dungeon boss, researcher, and part time Slime rancher.

>> No.21221202
File: 211 KB, 1500x794, 1548368036999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21221206

So you got the uncensored version man?
This one?

>> No.21221206

Yeah that one, thanks a bunch!

>> No.21221208
Quoted by: >>21221217

From what story did they come from? Ive been seeing fanart about them but can’t find the story

>> No.21221217
Quoted by: >>21221232

Selene is from Iron-Beast's stories centered around her. Ctrl f Selene and the ones you find are pretty much it.

Victoria is from Losenis' "All's Fair in Love and War", a multichapter story.

>> No.21221218

I'd just sulk about it until something else gets my attention.

>> No.21221226

Decline her offer because the damage is done anyway. Still take snek to McDonalds and probably a different beach

>> No.21221232

Thanks senpa

>> No.21221242

Reminder that the way to any Monster's heart, is with cooking! Every Monster has a favorite dish!

>> No.21221248
Quoted by: >>21221269

It’s just cum.

>> No.21221250
Quoted by: >>21221278

I like to poor shots of sake on my Dark Slime wife.

>> No.21221269
Quoted by: >>21221292

>remembering that the sabbath girls eat bitter cum pills and hope strongly they get an onii-chan soon so they can stop eating them.

>> No.21221271
Quoted by: >>21221328

it's hard to remember all 12 of my waifus' favorite foods

>> No.21221278

what is slime jelly anyway, do they have to do something special to produce it or is it just them and all you need is scoop a handful to eat?

>> No.21221292

It's not just sabbath girls, although that does make a good PSA ad campaign.

>> No.21221300

they need your cum to produce it. Not sure if you consider that special or not.

>> No.21221304

It's basically just the Slimes body, so yeah you could eat it from anywhere on them. I Imagine that a Slime who willingly handed over her jelly, would make sure it was the purest and highest quality part of her though.

>> No.21221313


I bet slimes store their jellies away somewhere safe for their future husbands sake.

>> No.21221325
Quoted by: >>21221354

a few slime species don't like anybody but their husband having it

>> No.21221328

Do they involve cheese?

>> No.21221330
Quoted by: >>21221341

There's notes about this.
It's mentioned that Bubble Slime jelly can be good, but that taking it without asking is a bad idea because you'll probably take some that has toxins that they purified out.
Conversely, you'd want to "steal" Dark Slime jelly because if you try to barter for it they'll probably give you some that's ridiculously loaded with mamano mana.

>> No.21221334
Quoted by: >>21221346

I want to eat out my slime vag to get to the sweetest and most delicious slime she has.

>> No.21221341

They eat a rich diet of prisoner fruit too, to make the sweetest and most decadent Slime preserves, full of love and mana.
I find it entertaining that it encourages you to steal directly from a Dark Slimes body. What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.21221346
Quoted by: >>21221362

i want to be breastfed shog jelly during a nursing handjob

>> No.21221354


Nures are the most likely to give someone some if they negotiate for it. Just don't smile after the deal is done. Unless that's what you want.

>> No.21221356

>Scene of HxH where machi traps an attack with her abs

>> No.21221360
Quoted by: >>21221370

Even if you do dupe a dark slime, fondle her core or disable her with some other method they strike me as the type to hold a grudge. Naturally they'l be coming to harvest your jelly next.

>> No.21221362

I have a different type of slimefu, but that sounds delectable. I wonder if it would have a milky flavor to it.

>> No.21221370
Quoted by: >>21221397

If you're reaching in to grab her core, you've only got one chance.

If you miss, you're stuck elbow deep into her, and you'll be at her mercy.

>> No.21221374
File: 2.56 MB, 1200x2160, 1552948368665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21221382

>> No.21221382
Quoted by: >>21221389

But is she apple or lime flavor?

>> No.21221389


>> No.21221397

>Want to get some Darkslime slime.
>Find one out in the forest.
>Prepare to strike at her core.
>Only got one chance.
>After a minute your fully ready.
>Her back is also turned.
>Launch your attack.
>Miss her core.
>Suddenly her form shifts as her back becomes her front.
>Hear her ~ufufu~
>She notices the jar at your hip.
"I see anon, let me help you"
>she take your head in her hands and gives your a deep kiss.
>during it she feeds you her slime.

>> No.21221406
Quoted by: >>21221439

>at the same time she is milking you into the jar that was meant for the jelly and then drinks it directly after.

>> No.21221407
Quoted by: >>21221439

That's how they get you. Now that you've had a taste, you'll willingly return to her again and again, until you're hopelessly in love. Dark Slimes specialize in this type of charm magic.

>> No.21221416
File: 980 KB, 1600x1200, 1552017073947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what a Nureonago's jelly tastes like? Maybe Plum or something?

>> No.21221418
Quoted by: >>21221439

>Hours later Anon is lying on the ground, covered head to toe in grape slime, with the same amount filling his stomach.

>> No.21221427
File: 9 KB, 235x45, firefox_Ic0jnQrfsR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21221430

With her power, she never has to pay for MacDounalds

>> No.21221438
Quoted by: >>21221463

Nure jelly is faintly sweet so i wanna say it's like honeysuckle.

>> No.21221439

Ah yes i forgot the best part. Thanks anon.

Thats more the bubble slimes thing, but still hot.

sounds like the perfect way to end a slime wedding.

>> No.21221463
File: 3.33 MB, 2500x4000, 53389634_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21221483


I've never had that fruit before. I'll have to give it a try someday.

>> No.21221475
Quoted by: >>21221488

>tfw when no frostdrake mg
>will never live in Antarctica with your pregnant wife and hunt marine mammals and fish bring it to her to eat because she's too far in to her pregnancy can't hunt with you
>you will never comfort her as you come home fine as she frets over you

Frost dragon was one of the ones KC said he was going to do right? or am I mistaken

>> No.21221477
File: 246 KB, 727x754, 134764573435543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your Succumom is dancing to the song she seduced your father to.

>> No.21221483

it just grows everywhere around here

>> No.21221488
Quoted by: >>21221491

From dragonia i get the feeling he is going to do both elementals and chromatics.

>> No.21221491
Quoted by: >>21221500

well he make fire or ice the tsun?

>> No.21221500

>Frost/Ice = tsun
>Flame/Fire = fierce
>Lightning = lewd
>Earth/Rock = not sure
>Mist/water = not sure
These are just my guesses

>> No.21221502

Corruption can be cute.

>> No.21221503

>Air/wind = gentle.

>> No.21221504

Ok waifufags. Post the first commission or other art of your waifu you ever got.

>> No.21221506
File: 1.51 MB, 1675x2724, mywife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21221507
Quoted by: >>21221516

>tfw to poor to get waifu art.
Feels bad.

>> No.21221510
Quoted by: >>21221527

well we do have wyrm for rock sorta and she has the dopey cute girl thing.

>> No.21221511
Quoted by: >>21221527

Earth/Rock would be pretty laid back and easy-going.

>> No.21221516

same bad feeling here

>> No.21221518
File: 156 KB, 1045x1000, RESIZED CENSOR Kej Sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21221527

Yeah earth/rock dragons just make so much sense to be wurms.

Thats a good point. That also lines them up with the other ether elementals right?

>> No.21221533
File: 1.16 MB, 1771x2500, c1-1. [snibako] kdf_kobolds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21225234

This was mine. Then the first solo and colored ones were the ones below.
Waifu: https://imgur.com/iMyFx2N
Daughteru: https://imgur.com/GATMQ2x

>> No.21221534
File: 256 KB, 1400x2057, Automaton-Wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21225234


>> No.21221545
Quoted by: >>21225234

The first commission I ever got was from melon.
He's improved quite a lot since then.

>> No.21221563

Before she became a house wife she was a personal trainer, she was great at it and helping people de-stress through exercise and stretching!

>> No.21221567
File: 2.20 MB, 2644x2901, 1Lg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21225234


>> No.21221578

She works as a researcher, with a focus on developing childcare products.

>> No.21221596

I need fae dragon loli species

>> No.21221625
File: 3.48 MB, 2583x3842, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What extracurricular school club would each monster girl most likely join?

Lizardman and Salamander would definitely be Kendo.

>> No.21221659
File: 136 KB, 800x1000, 1433959690391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21225234


>> No.21221660
File: 503 KB, 1340x1792, Day after proposing soka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very excited to get more.

>> No.21221667

Over the shoulder braids are A++. You got great taste and a great waifu.

>> No.21221678
Quoted by: >>21221700

That a Marshmallow Cat handbag?

>> No.21221693

I don't really have a waifu. I was kinda thinking of just waifuing bapho-chan, but I've kinda been warming upto the idea of a cute rata, but I'll have to figure out those specifics eventually.

I don't really have any real preferences besides just small/flat chest, and loli proportions. Not even a preference for a specific hair style or hair color. I don't want to steal the profile girl, but she is pretty cute as is.

>> No.21221700

Yeah, I told the artist they could take some liberties with her outfit and accessories and she ended up getting her own custom catbean handbag. The shoes were his idea too. Very cute.

She's normally too badass for this sort of thing but I like seeing her smiling and acting girly once in a while.

>> No.21221729 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 773x576, 1556003740988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21225234

Not for the faint of heart, this is early-period Alp art. Very challenging.

>> No.21221779


It's NSFW and fetish material.

>> No.21221788

summer is coming slowly and soon you can continue a hunt for Flow Kelps by dipping yourself in bodies of water and hoping the kelp sticking to you is doing it on purpose.

>> No.21221806

>feels like 44
I want to hug an Ice Queen

>> No.21221812
File: 69 KB, 678x1046, 08D975D1-4AE2-4E14-9F09-8A38C30375C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21225234

First piece of the daughters, Were originally gonna be adopterus but I liked the idea of them being blood related too much that I had the same artist help design the wife.

And the first pictures of the wife - https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=65092051 including a shota-fied self inserto.

>> No.21221932
File: 2.04 MB, 1692x2000, 1485420136006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I summoned a thing. She seems hellbent on leather.

>> No.21222035

The leather club is two doors down.

>> No.21222139
Quoted by: >>21222265

10 bucks says it's all synthetic

>> No.21222265
Quoted by: >>21222276

Hey those are 100% real...oh you meant to leather.

>> No.21222272
Quoted by: >>21222286

>First day at college
>Pharaoh mom embarrasses you by forcing everyone to kneel and demanding they only refer to you as "Prince Anon"

>> No.21222276
Quoted by: >>21222284

>Monsters girls needing implants or surgery to make them more beautiful
>Implying they wouldn't just use magic to make their breasts larger, hips wider, etc.
But that does get me thinking if monster girls can tell if a demon or any other monster is using magic to make her breasts larger to tease her secretary anon by giving him a front seat view of her cleavage.

>> No.21222284
Quoted by: >>21222326

Probably, although it does mean war should two of them meet while vying for Anon's attention

>> No.21222286

>Goth Apophis in the front row giggles

>> No.21222326
Quoted by: >>21222351

>Lich and dark mage each trying to get Anons attention by growing larger assets.
I want this.

>> No.21222341
File: 242 KB, 1280x1607, Anubis_52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an anubis to lick my face and suck on my nose.

>> No.21222351
File: 243 KB, 1131x1600, DyHDOUwVYAEFxp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dark mage goes for larger breasts since that's what all the boys like
>Lich opts for larger hips and thighs to provoke an animal response in Anon's brain to see her as a good mate
Hard choices abound

>> No.21222364
Quoted by: >>21222454

lich-san should know our animal instincts are why tits are like they are. She should just except shes a pathetic chestlet.

>> No.21222371

I want to be enslaved by her!

>> No.21222423

what about being trapped WITH an ancient evil for centuries? what to do in that situation?

>> No.21222433

>Villagers decide to sacrifice a young man to the ancient evil to use as her hug pillow.

>> No.21222436

engage in copious amounts of raw and intense sex. Also eat my waifus slime.

>> No.21222443

>Knock, knock
>You're supposed to ask who's there
>I spy with my little eye something that begins with the letter "m"
>It's "my love". That's you.
And then sex happened.

>> No.21222454
Quoted by: >>21222468

A true seductress enlarges all!

>> No.21222455

That Lich needs help fitting into her Supervillain outfit!

>> No.21222468


>> No.21222556
File: 230 KB, 1200x1015, Alduin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21222578

>You get sent off to face ancient evil monster girl since that's what your great great great grandpa did
>Stand before her castle as the clouds coalescence in dark thunderstorms above it
>An army of guards standing to the side of the red carpet leading to her throne room
>When you finally get to her she does her villain monologue
>Says she's going to finally end your cursed bloodline once and for all and drape the world in darkness
>Couple months later she's pregnant and gloating over you how she tainted your bloodline forever more
>You remind her how that wasn't her original plan but she just says she likes it this way much better

>> No.21222566

I want an acient, battle hardened, scarred, muscled Minotaur warlord wife!

>> No.21222578
Quoted by: >>21222808

The rate at which you people waifu these things we'll soon have a world filled with nothing but powerful evil villains giving birth to more of the same!

>> No.21222582
File: 226 KB, 696x606, Minotaur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want a waifu so dumb?

>> No.21222584

Marquis de Sade once complained about how dicks are round but pussies are oval so maybe Minotaur's problems are explained by that.

>> No.21222587
Quoted by: >>21222808

This, but with a dragon. Good taste anyway.

>> No.21222662

How about unorthodox ancient evils? Like maybe a madhatter or holstaur?

>> No.21222686

Ancient evil Titania!

>> No.21222696

I bet she comes up with all sorts of evil plans!

>> No.21222700

>Ancient evil Titania and blackguard husband
Cute couple

>> No.21222702

>walks up to you during lunch and takes your milk, drinking it right in front of you
>later you find a baggie with three milk cartons and a tear-stained note begging for forgiveness
I just can't imagine them being very evil, at least not for long

>> No.21222705

>Ancient evil madhatter
>She plans on turning all women in madhatters monster girl or not
>Holstaur ancient evil
>Will turn every cow into a holstaur making her race the most prolific and numerous, thus giving her an army to take over the world with
>Ancient evil Titania
>Captures men from villages and forces them to read her servants bed time stories

>> No.21222719
Quoted by: >>21222808

>She plans on turning all women in madhatters monster girl or not
I think it would be more turning every women as mad as her.
>Holstaur drowning the world in fat titty monsters.
I cant wait.

>> No.21222726
File: 124 KB, 850x1229, 167843777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21222756

This naughty bearb hits me right in the bondage fetish.

>> No.21222756
Quoted by: >>21222847

Bondage bears are a weird thing I never even thought of.

>> No.21222770


>> No.21222808

Evil always finds a way anon.
Because Bakadere is a thing and it's cute.
And to you as well, dragon's are top tier.
All cows are great so I'd love a big evil one of them too!
Flat goats fear the milk cow.

>> No.21222815
File: 280 KB, 1033x660, 1525378126397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it.

>> No.21222847

They are good for tying up before bed and cuddling like teddy bears

>> No.21222854
File: 3.52 MB, 3089x3541, 1529830240543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21225293

>Evil always finds a way
>Life, uhh, finds a way
Therefore life is evil. To vanquish evil all most die.

>> No.21223032

>Ancient evil Basilisk
>She wonders why her evil eyes doesn't kill anymore
>Instead her targets all end up incapacitated with a huge boner or they turn into a new monstergirl on the spot

>> No.21223039

How does one go about cuddling a spider-cow?

>> No.21223049

Climb on her back and grab her tiddies

>> No.21223055

They'll do it to you after raping you for an entire night.

>> No.21223064

arachnataur would beat you up out of using the power of anger. though it wouldn't be worth her time just like drinking outdated chocolate hostaur milk

>> No.21223073
File: 1.66 MB, 1800x1500, 1536248842611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21223085

>""AHH! After ten thousand years, I'M FREE! It's time to CONQUER- EARTH!""

>> No.21223085

I want to start suckling her nipples when she tries to do her big bad speech.

>> No.21223086

Just be careful not to over do it.

>> No.21223093
File: 47 KB, 550x223, Plop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21223222


>> No.21223110

>Local idiot fucking dies after getting trapped in kelp flow thinking it was a potential girlfriend

>> No.21223123
Quoted by: >>21223132

skeletons are bad

>> No.21223132
File: 108 KB, 302x600, Skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21223178
Quoted by: >>21223200

>Summer is coming (slowly)
A common line heard when an ignis edges the ever-loving fuck out of a poor anon who just wants a bit of fire magic to outlast the harsh post-winter cold

>> No.21223200

i wanna marry an ignis and become an ancient evil

>> No.21223222

>Anon feels kelp softly smack his back
>He looks behind him, and it's what he was looking for the whole time: A flow kelp.
>Before he can properly react, she lunges and latches herself onto his back firmly. The force almost knocks him over but he manages to keep his footing
>The Flow kelp wastes no time. She begins rubbing herself against Anon and quietly moans about how much she wants sex, inching toward the front of him the meantime.

>> No.21223226

Silly thirsty seaweed.

>> No.21223263
Quoted by: >>21223268

Aquanaut update when?

>> No.21223268
File: 831 KB, 720x900, 1504796650108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no idea people actually wanted that. Tomorrow maybe?

>> No.21223274
Quoted by: >>21223279


>> No.21223279

Under the sea
Where the cuddle fish live in caves with air pockets in them

>> No.21223286
Quoted by: >>21223296

>Ancient Evil Hakutaku
>Foreteller of calamity and decease
>Beast of eyes and horns
>Carrier of forbidden knowledge
She just wanted to warn people about coming disasters, but superstitious people thought she caused them and called her evil.

>> No.21223291
File: 210 KB, 1200x812, 1454039454951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21223481

>>He looks behind him, and it's what he was looking for the whole time: A flow kelp.
Ahh, you were at my side all along. My true waifu, my guiding moonlight.

>> No.21223296

Like Absol?

>> No.21223298
Quoted by: >>21223355

>Ancient Evil Owl Mage
>After being unsealed begins to steal a entire kingdom's worth of books for comfy book reading with her husband.

>> No.21223310
Quoted by: >>21223335

And I had no idea you were still alive.
I really liked the aquanaut series.

>> No.21223335
Quoted by: >>21223709

>still alive
I did a thing just
>24 days ago
Oh. It's been a month already. Anyway, if Aquanaut is asked for it shall be written.

>> No.21223341
File: 158 KB, 1000x1199, 6e5939cacb691e0ccd4c31233aeec757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21223397

>> No.21223355

She has it out for Tanukis

>> No.21223397
Quoted by: >>21223444

Flower power? Force of nature?

>> No.21223410

What about an ancient evil Unicorn?

>> No.21223444

>Force of nature
If you were from where I was from, you'd be fuckin dead!

>> No.21223481

there is something about Flow Kelps that draws me towards them, even if they don't fit my regular tastes.

>> No.21223498

They have a serene beauty to them.

>> No.21223506
File: 1.76 MB, 2404x3300, 1453922935654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21225607

They have a nice design.

>> No.21223518

What would an ancient evil flow kelp be like?

>> No.21223532
File: 3 KB, 300x168, Life of Pi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21223591

You know that floating island from Life of Pi?

>> No.21223545

how about a Real Lives game based off of MGE. would you experience it?

>> No.21223562
Quoted by: >>21223569

A what?

>> No.21223569
Quoted by: >>21223642

its a game where you just play out a life through text prompts. Nothing to complicated.
it was on the computers at my school when i was younger.

>> No.21223591
Quoted by: >>21223647

>the ancient evil flow kelp appears as a large mass of kelp that floats around on the ocean
>no human gets too close in fear of being snatched and never being seen again
>in actuality, she's a flow kelp around 7 feet tall or so. but all that kelp is hers. She could wrap your entire body in kelp and still have plenty to spare.

>> No.21223642
Quoted by: >>21223677

Sort of like a bare bones text only VN? I'd play it.

>> No.21223647
Quoted by: >>21223655

I can’t remember the name of it, but isn’t there some kelp forest well known for tangling ships up? I’m getting a flashback to elementary school where we read a book about it. Started with an S? I don’t even remember if it was mythical or real.

>> No.21223655
Quoted by: >>21223692

Sargasso Sea.

>> No.21223677

Yeah pretty much. Except you get to pick a job and some other stuff. If you search up real lives 2007-2010 on youtube you would see it. Its just a neat little thing if a mge version was ever made.

>> No.21223692

That’s it!

>> No.21223709

Hey Alp make one of these


>> No.21223826

>This is what /monster/ calls quality material

>> No.21223841

Hey, it added 100$ to the next translation drive, so it's fine.

>> No.21223848
Quoted by: >>21224012

Literally worse than enter the jubjub. Its not even so bad its good, its just fucking shit.
Fuck you for posting that here.

>> No.21223898
File: 66 KB, 1135x331, Dodonpachi-Daifukkatsu-Gaming-Cypher-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need automaton stories

>> No.21223910

I think Silent wrote one

>> No.21223912
Quoted by: >>21223920

Is that a game-game or a visual novel?

>> No.21223920

Bullet her shooter from the best known comapny outside of touhou

>> No.21224002


>> No.21224012
Quoted by: >>21224032

You're mean

>> No.21224032
Quoted by: >>21224132

It isn't even funny and reads like a 12 year old wrote it. I can happily read bad stories but that is clearly low effort word garbage and only helps support the theory that /monster/ produces nothing of any value.

>> No.21224037

As soon as I got to the first line I stopped reading.

>> No.21224060

this is making me think /tg/ has a point

>> No.21224088

I can't read more than a few lines of this, it's too painful.

>> No.21224120
File: 95 KB, 1000x667, iiyq2245jvt21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21224123
Quoted by: >>21224441

Why did you feel the need to post this?

>> No.21224132

What stories do you consider bad
Not defending the trash above i just want to know

>> No.21224133
File: 392 KB, 922x922, AE4A5B64-63AD-4244-A82B-676F172D042E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21224357

Biggest Cats.

>> No.21224135
File: 364 KB, 667x1000, lindaroze-694232-Hellhound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21224487

God bless that artist, would be nice to see them do more MGE stuff.

>> No.21224139
Quoted by: >>21224154

Not him, but personally "The Mob Goes Wild" is the most rancid shit I've ever read related to monstergirls. -2/10, stay the hell away.

>> No.21224145
Quoted by: >>21224295

Not him but some of FF.nets stuff is tolerable when its not going full MDK

>> No.21224154
Quoted by: >>21224164

For me it would be "White flag" and that weird halo period MGU had

>> No.21224164
Quoted by: >>21224175

Halo period?

>> No.21224166

Cute girls

>> No.21224169

HUGE butts!

>> No.21224175
Quoted by: >>21224281

A hand full of stories that had halo involved
Only 1 went full retard and then some

>> No.21224195
File: 710 KB, 1280x720, dnKt7TS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21224200

>> No.21224200

Best girl, I miss outbreak company.

>> No.21224213

Alps earlier stuff, most of the wiki content.
The vast majority of monstergirl stories are average and inoffensive.

>> No.21224232

I wish YBA came back. I didn't care for Vengeance, but his setting on the other side of the portal was interesting and I've love to see another story like Greystorm only in a different part of the world.
>monsters daydreaming about what its like to live on a planet where theres billions of men
>cool and interesting magiteck
>the male characters being treated as the fairer sex due to the massive gap in strength between humans and monsters
Greystorm set up a really cool concept and I wish YBA gave us more.

>> No.21224234
File: 166 KB, 1000x1000, orc11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Become chief of p'orc stronghold
>Go the stronghold food storage
>Meat upon meat
>Spices and every you need for a BBQ
>Very little veggies
>SHIT TON of truffles

>> No.21224241

Such cute pigs

>> No.21224256

Speaking of story concepts, lately I've had this weird idea where a Gremlin writes a story about some fantasy world where there's no magic or monsters.
Only humans exist in her setting and they overcome the lack of magic with weird and wonderful technological innovations. The setting is so alien and fascinating that it becomes a massive hit amongst the nerdier monsters, and somewhere out there one girl becomes obsessed over a certain protagonist from the slice of life spin off series. You.

>> No.21224281

I think those all came from 2 guys
One was a total buzzkill (decided to enter a thread with short happy one shots and write a mg getting news her husband died in a war)
And the other is the full retard guy as i remember that story and wish i didnt

>> No.21224295

Well a four armed doggirl wouldn't be terrible.

>> No.21224311
Quoted by: >>21224319

What makes a P'Orc go "oink"?

>> No.21224319

pull her tail while violently shoving your dick up her butt

>> No.21224324

Feed the piggies
Pork the piggies

>> No.21224357

Where do you put it in?

>> No.21224364

In the vagina.

>> No.21224401
File: 498 KB, 742x1050, 49441102_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21224441

sharing pain is what friends do

>> No.21224449

If you play by KC rules, the front works just as well as the rear.

>> No.21224474

As chief, the stronghold's P'Orc Chefs will cook you up any BBQ you desire!

>> No.21224487

i want her underboob fluff in my face

>> No.21224521
Quoted by: >>21224531

respect monster girl. they deserve equal treatment. maybe then, they'd treat you more nicely. very nicely if you're a good boi

>> No.21224531
File: 106 KB, 303x500, Angel0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21224572

>this message was brought to you by Angel-chan. "Remember to welcome and respect your new monster neighbors, and all will end well in the world to come!"

>> No.21224547

No apples?

>> No.21224554
Quoted by: >>21224581

Bullying a haku by only doing 90% of your best.

>> No.21224572
Quoted by: >>21224644


new monster neighbors? But they aren't here at all!

>> No.21224581

Bullying an automaton by reminding her that she can’t give more than 100%

>> No.21224604


Bullying a mermaid by wearing headphones and listening to music while she's singing.

>> No.21224639
Quoted by: >>21224677


>> No.21224644
Quoted by: >>21224701

that's no way to talk about your neighbors, anon.

>> No.21224653
File: 99 KB, 849x1200, 1541436939320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be homeless anon
>you take odd jobs, sing, whatever you can to avoid panhandling
>most of the work you get comes from a certain hellhound
>she walks by every day on her way to work, and often offers you a few bucks to do something, like picking up trash or erasing some anti-monster graffiti
>once in a while she even gets some snacks from a convenience store and sits down with you to chat
>she's pretty obviously lonely, same as you
>you want to say something, but you worry you'll just sound like you're after something
>you decide to just stay silent and be glad to have a friend
>then one night, she shows up late, reeking of alcohol
>"Hey, hey. I'll give you a hundred fuggin' dollars to come home with me. Fuckin'... tease. Dirty cute hobo boy."
>you don't know what to say
>it's not like you don't like her, and $100 is a lot, but still...
>turning tricks? with a hellhound?
>is this really okay?
>"C'mooon. You got a dick don't you? I know you been lookin' at me with those big... big sparkly eyes..."
>you start stammering out a response, but whatever you say, she takes it as a 'yes'
>she scoops you up in her arms and starts nuzzling your face, growling happily as she carries you off
>the friendly old bum from across the street sees what's happening and gives you the most genuine thumbs-up you've ever seen
>followed by a solemn salute
>one awkward elevator ride later you're in her apartment, waiting on her couch while she starts up a bath
>her apartment is pretty bare, only basic furniture and no decorations
>she grabs you and drags you to the bath, where she scrubs you down and has you shave
>the whole process takes long enough that she actually sobers up a little bit
>it starts to dawn on her what she's doing, but if anything she gets more into it
>once you're cleaned up she roughly dries you off and drags you back to her bed, shivering and huffing with anticipation
>she strips, then pulls you in for a long, deep kiss
>a really, really long one
>she's passed out on top of you, absently licking your clean shaven face as she mutters in her sleep
>there's only a thin blanket over the two of you, but she's still so warm
>is this all she wanted?
>this isn't so bad...
>you feel safe
>maybe this is okay
>her chest fluff smells like whiskey, but it's sweet, too
>like brown sugar
>suddenly you feel very tired
>oh, well
>you pass out to her hugging you close, her breath rolling over your skin and keeping you warm

>> No.21224677


>> No.21224686
Quoted by: >>21224697

good girl

>> No.21224697
Quoted by: >>21224699

Don’t you dare call her that though.

>> No.21224699

her other option is pepper pupper

>> No.21224701
Quoted by: >>21224712


But where are they? I want to meet them.

>> No.21224711
File: 48 KB, 818x491, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21224712
Quoted by: >>21224801

they live above you in that one stray dark cloud with a mansion on top of it

>> No.21224738 [DELETED] 

We don't care about your /tg/ /monster/ discord tranny nigger polls

>> No.21224756

Ah, god fucking damn it, that's cute.

>> No.21224767

I was expecting some sort of dark twist, but this was actually really good!

>> No.21224801

What a peculiar place to live.

>> No.21224805

Man, if only Hellhounds weren’t... hounds. I just can’t get into dog-related girls. Give me a hellcat, a hellshark, a helldemon, anything exactly the same just not Dogly in appearance or those specific parts of their mannerisms and I’m all for it.

>> No.21224812
Quoted by: >>21224936

>not overclocking

>> No.21224823

>20 people

>> No.21224826

Just go for an Ocelomeme or something then.

>> No.21224896
File: 757 KB, 1000x1209, 1502528858760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You thought that was it?
>wake up refreshed and relaxed, but still sort of confused
>it takes a moment for you to remember what happened, but it's not a big shock when you do
>she's still right where you left off, draped over you and pressing your face into her chest
>her tail is swishing lazily, and you can't tell whether or not she's still asleep
>you tilt your head and see one picture on the wall, of a young woman with messy, matted black hair and dressed in shabby, tattered clothes
>dated three months ago
>wait a minute...
>you hear a spark crackle, and look back up
>her eyes are open, and now flickering with warm yellow flames
>she's also biting down, hard, on her lip
>looking straight at you
>and she doesn't seem all that hung over, either
>"m-morning." you stutter
>as soon as the word leaves your mouth, though, her long tongue pushes in
>the things you were expecting to happen over the course of the night seem to happen all at once
>she reaches down as if to strip, realizes you're both already naked and settles for tearing away the sheets instead
>she flies into a frenzy, her tongue working you over as she mounts you, her claws digging into your shoulders
>somehow she manages to be very gentle and absolutely ravage you both at the same time
>everything about her is soft, yet firm
>burning hot, yet also pleasantly warm
>you end up just sort of getting lost in her for a while
>you don't even need to move that much, just the act itself is enough to get her howling
>she spends the better part of the day wordlessly fucking your brains out, only punctuated by the occasional feral growl
>then the frenzy wears off, and she just stops
>for a good long while the only sound is the both of you, panting
>she lifts herself off, stares for a minute, then just starts talking
>"You can probably tell I'm... pretty new at this, huh?"
>she explains herself, how she was homeless too, how she monsterized and found work, and how she only just moved into her new place
>and how she immediately wanted to rescue you, too
>she strides off to grab her wallet, and starts fishing around for a $100 bill
>"Oh, hang on, you don't have to... ahh..."
>you want to turn her down, it feels wrong to take it, but you really can't
>then she smiles
>"...adoption fee." she laughs, and gives you a gentle kiss on the forehead
>years later, after you make the local headlines with your wedding, you start seeing fewer and fewer homeless people on the streets
>you start hearing about homeless in other cities carrying signs that say "free to good home"
>maybe some other monsters started picking up strays, too

>> No.21224909
Quoted by: >>21224945

i love this, thank you. i don't like stories involving sex and i prefer stories with lots of heart instead.

>> No.21224936

More like overcocking

>> No.21224942

The automaton entry suggests they cannot give birth - what other girls cannot? Vampires can give birth, so can all other undead as well?

What does an ittan-momen giving birth look like?

>> No.21224945

I was trying to lead into it but needed to split onto two parts. Sorry.

>> No.21224946


>> No.21224954
File: 132 KB, 1200x1200, D3JILEtUcAA6DYR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21225033

There is a solution. We have the technology.

>> No.21224956

Good job anon. Very cute and sexy.

>> No.21224975

Why would I want the physical interface for my ship's AI to give birth.

>> No.21224982
Quoted by: >>21224999

More cores.

>> No.21224999
File: 224 KB, 2048x1536, Ship-Carrying-Boat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The ship is carrying babies!

>> No.21225003
File: 1.93 MB, 2105x1488, 1481041863218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ittan momen giving birth

This could be super cute, actually. You go out together to pick the perfect fabric, and work together to set up the sewing machine. you might even use little scraps or stray threads of the momen wife for part of the weave. You weave your own unique, personal pattern as a couple and then you sleep together with the little blanket rolled up between you. Make sure to show the wife lots of affection and cuddle extremely close every night. Hold hands over the blanket. Make lots of love. Eventually enough mana will pour in that it awakens as your little cloth daughteru, already snuggled up between you.

>> No.21225006
Quoted by: >>21225022

Man, I just wanted to let you know that I really love your writing, especially the way you can set a scene or put in little details that really paint a vivid picture.
Makes me a bit jelly honestly.

>> No.21225022
Quoted by: >>21225036

Thank you, that means a lot. I post a lot of greentexts and have been experimenting with ideas I normally wouldn't but I'm glad that a safer one like this worked out.

Do you do a lot of writing on here? I regularly scrub the archives for greens I missed so I might have seen some of yours.

>> No.21225033

See now that’s instantly 1000 times better for me. Make it so!

>> No.21225036

Not really, I suffer from extreme brevity so most of the situations that I write out end up being like, a few lines at best.
I wouldn’t really even call them greentexts really.

>> No.21225048
Quoted by: >>21225107

>little washcloth sized daughter helping her mommy with the dishes
>proud of how she made her cup all sparkly clean
>give her upsies where she laughs and smiles that also count as drying her out

>> No.21225072

Nothing wrong with brevity. If anything I have a hard time being concise. No matter how much I write I can never get the hang of condensing an idea into something brief and digestible. I get more detail and tone out of it, sure, but I often end up repeating myself or beating the reader over the head with the feeling I'm trying to evoke. I get anxious that the reader might not be getting the exact message or feeling I'm trying to convey, and end up using blunt, over-descriptive language. Don's stress too much over it, I just keep posting and see what sticks.

If you've got ideas you should share them. Even something short can lead to a discussion, or get turned into a larger story like the human corruption one we did a while back. We need to keep up the output of on-topic content.

>> No.21225088

I'd love my ittan momen wife to have big pillows....which can mean many things.

>> No.21225092

Different anon but dont worry man. Its fine to be brief. Hell mine are usually short anyways.

>> No.21225100
Quoted by: >>21225133

>You go out together to pick the perfect fabric
Settling on that seems like it'd be hard. I wonder if a MG shopkeeper seeing a Ittan momen and her husband at their fabric store would be something the owner and other employees would pay attention to.

>> No.21225107
File: 334 KB, 1094x1437, 1461425248761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21225131

I dunno if I'd be comfortable using my daughteru to wash dirty dishes but that is a very cute thought.

Come to think of it, would this method of making a momen daughter work for other species? Maybe a kikimora maid sews her husband-mastah a comforter, and they fuck on it enough times that it awakens as a little monster.

No, it means everything at once. Every inch of an ittan-momen is soft and pillowy. No bones means that the thigh is all thigh, and the tummy is all tummy. You can sink your face into her chest and just keep going. Any firmness that helps keep her shape is like having a foam core to a pillow.

>memory foam mattress liner ittan-momen
>her squishy ass is sculpted into the perfect shape for grabbing as you rail her

>> No.21225113 [DELETED] 

Fuck off

>> No.21225121

>how dare you post content in my thread!

>> No.21225127
Quoted by: >>21225359

Shit content is not welcome here

>> No.21225129

What characters do you want to see as what monsters?

>> No.21225131
Quoted by: >>21225148

I want a southern belle Ittan Momen with humongous pillowy features that she doesn’t always realize how big they are

>> No.21225133
Quoted by: >>21225162

That, or consider. How would an arachne react to a couple approaching her asking to use her silk to make their daughter? Would there be any material better than one specifically designed to absorb spirit energy and feel wonderful to touch?

>> No.21225146


>> No.21225148
Quoted by: >>21225156

>"Oh mah Stars, where HAS my husband got to?"
>Meanwhile you're just face first in her huge pillows

>> No.21225151

>giving the falseflagging autist posts any weight by acting like he's serious and not acting out his vendetta against the thread
The guy literally lurks this thread all day just so he can respond to any posts with OC with "fuck off".

>> No.21225156
Quoted by: >>21225172

Gonna fluff em. Gonna sleep in all day smooshed between em. I’d buy her all the sweet tea in the world to get to do so

>> No.21225158
File: 1.79 MB, 2000x2000, gazer final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21225234

Pic related is the first picture I got of her. It was a request from ramen way back in mid-spring 2015.
The first actual commission I got wasn't for a while after that. It was this one from Setz in December 2015; http://i.imgur.com/FYH0gxH.jpg

>> No.21225162
Quoted by: >>21225204

I'm sure it'd be humbling for the Arachne to be asked for help with something that important.

>> No.21225172

But then the question becomes this.
Do you sleep face first atop her or with her atop you, boobs in your face?

>> No.21225188
Quoted by: >>21225212

Does it really matter? At some point you just kinda get lost in her thighs and can't tell which way is up. Like getting buried in a thick avalanche of soft, warm wife.

>> No.21225191

Also quick wife sketch commission

>> No.21225195
Quoted by: >>21225234

It's been almost a year exactly.

>> No.21225202
Quoted by: >>21225213

He does it to every story, drawfag or commission now. It doesn't even mean anything

>> No.21225204

>little swaddling blanket ittan-momen grows up with an arachne godmother
>auntie spider adds thread to her every year so she grows
>works hard to make sure to give her the most pillowy, silky, wonderful body she could ask for
>arachne eventually has her own daughter, and she becomes best friends with little momen
>they both end up with the same husband, and work together to make another set of perfect daughters

>> No.21225212

I go with this >>21225188. My pillow comforter wife is meant to get lost in, on, under, around, and wrapped in! All while she giggles and ‘Oh maaaai~’s all over the place!

>> No.21225213

So he's like the don't burn down the thread faggot, anti-yeti guy and the paragraph of text about not turning your back on 3D women. Got it.

>> No.21225219 [DELETED] 

I want to fuck your wife in the ass

>> No.21225222 [DELETED] 

She'd fuck you in the ass anon.

>> No.21225231

Bored of reposting the tg copypasta?

>> No.21225233

You got it.

>> No.21225234 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21225248

I want to fuck your wives in their asses

>> No.21225236
Quoted by: >>21225315

>Young teen Ittan visits her godmother Arachne
>conversation is good, and eventually her ‘cool aunt’ asks if Ittan has any boys she fancies
>she nervously says yes and describes him, and it’s a cute moment
>later that night, Arachne terrorizes the boy in a dark alleyway, bizarrely demanding to know what his interest in women are
>next time Ittan visits auntie spider, she quickly sets to work sewing her a phat bubble butt on top of her usual adjustments and additions
>Ittan Momen is confused at why that specific change, but Aunt Arachne just winks and says to trust her

>> No.21225240
File: 150 KB, 630x692, Lilith's Panacea 1536014021801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a post from yesterday, but I want to answer it and I'd say some big stand outs from the World Guide 3 stuff were the following:

>44 Mana Marker
Very useful for those seeking a particular type of monster, and fascinating how monsters set up services to give out these markers.

>45 Spell Break
A useful look into what spells can and can't be broken and why.

>46 Teleportation Spell
>47 Space Creation Spell
A couple of valuable stock RPG spells that it was great to have more fully explored regarding the MGE versions of them.

>56 Contract of Obedience
Another interesting look into the history of certain spells and why they are no longer used/no longer work.

>58 Anthropomorphosis Spell
Loved how it wasn't a free way to avoid the monstrous parts of a monster girl when it came to sex, rather its just a way to be covert or for convenience.

>60 Spell of Megamorphosis
A great gift for lovers of mature bodies.

>63 Level Drain
A great thing for those who like the more extreme sex play monsters are able to do.

>71 Topic - Heroes as "Human Males"
>71 Topic - Heroes and Incubi ~The Unfettered Ones~
Valuable insights into the nature of incubi and humanity in the setting.

>84 Spiritish Oath
I just found it cute that in the elemental language the oath is a marriage proposal.

>90 Fertile Earth
Nice to get more info on just how the "always connected to her" aspect of gnomes actually works, plus some more info on plant monsters and the ways earth elementalists are able to use plants.

>91 Light of the Four Great Spirits
Fascinating that there is a way to make a "normal" environment within a dark mamono realm, and that there is in fact a demand for it from some monsters.

>95 People Repellent Spell
An important spell for the setting, given how much sex happens on battlefields.

>96 Day of Rejoicing
A gift for femdom lovers.

>98 Fiendish Pact
Great info for demon lovers.

>102 Secret Art of Raise
How resurrection magic works and why is important for any setting that includes it.

>107 Ritual of Soul Marriage
A way to remain together forever without becoming undead.

>136 Fiend's Contract Crest
It was fascinating to learn how this is used not only by demons, but radical members of races like kikimora.

>144 Mana Cage
Perhaps one of the most useful tools in the setting for making use of the easy energy generation of monsters.

>159 Celestial Sphere of Tryst
A GPS for monster species. Plus its funny how it utterly failed at its intended purpose.

>164 Doppelganger Potion
That it works on monsters too really made this more attractive. As did the hilarious warnings.

>169 Lilith's Panacea
Presumably our first direct depiction of the Mamono Lord.

>173 The Secret of Sabbath's Power and Sabbath's History
Its nice to have a reason for the loli aspect of the cult beyond the fetish.

>175 Here's What's Amazing About a Witch's Body!
Hilarious loli propaganda.

>182 Sabbath's Onii-chans!
A fascinating look at the roles a man can play in monster organizations.

>209 Afterword
A foreboding hint at what has happened to the Wandering Scholar.

>> No.21225245 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21225257

What did he mean by this?

>> No.21225247

wtf i love ittan momen now

>> No.21225248 [DELETED] 

That’s alotta ass

>> No.21225254
File: 2.17 MB, 1678x1930, 1514077319163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is the first one, a hockey Yeti from .less

>> No.21225257 [DELETED] 

I want to fuck your wife in the ass

>> No.21225259
Quoted by: >>21225280

>anti-yeti guy
I like to imagine he's secretly a bitter Ice Queen christmas cake who loses all the men she wants to Yetis before they can reach her.

>> No.21225272
Quoted by: >>21225277

I'm glad YBA fucked off

>> No.21225277

If only you would too.

>> No.21225280

>”Woaw! Be careful mister! Baaad blizzards round these parts! Here, ill help keep you warm and get you outta here!”
>SEETHING Ice Queen watching from her window stomps over to the computer, loads ‘terribleperson.jpg’ and types away

>> No.21225293
File: 344 KB, 1000x1415, 1544851615506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see her vagina bones!

>> No.21225303
Quoted by: >>21225342

>A lot of Ittan Momen are born that year thanks to the Jurougumo and Arachne.
>So many flittering silk around all over doing chores, or finding husbands as they get older.
>Single men find silk cloth gravitating toward them. If it lands on them, they suddenly a woman pressing against them, yet invisible.
>giggling, flirting from the Ittan momen ensue
I catch myself almost typing moment when I type Ittan Momen sometimes. Dammit it all.

>> No.21225307 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 573x805, 1459002941005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21225843

>> No.21225315
Quoted by: >>21225335

>have thick ittan-momen broodmother wife who has fully embraced her milfness
>tug on a string on her back that her arachne godmother installed as a wedding gift
>it tightens her whole body like a corset
>she becomes lithe and lean as the day you met

>> No.21225328
File: 1.90 MB, 1600x2560, 1553987417476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leafs Bruins game 7 tonight
The Leafs can do it!

>> No.21225335
Quoted by: >>21225361

Absolutely fantastic. The sexy shenanigans that would ensue would be divine.

>> No.21225342

Nice. Joro spiders spin golden yellow silk too, so that whole generation of momen would be shiny gold.

>> No.21225343
Quoted by: >>21225353

>All those empty seats
>because she killed eveyone there

>> No.21225353

That’s just the leafs regular attendance actually

>> No.21225359

Go the fuck away Shoggocks

>> No.21225361

>slap wife's ass as hard as you possibly can, with enough strength to seriously hurt someone

I'm glad ittan-momen are getting more love lately.

>> No.21225385

>Come home from work frustrated
>your airheaded pillow-breasted wife is humming and making dinner in the kitchen
>turn her around and punch her massive titties several times before sticking your head in them and screaming
>she just gives a sad ‘oh dear’ and strokes your head, telling you to let it all out, totally unharmed
We’re onto something here

>> No.21225393
File: 2.12 MB, 3300x3300, nano 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21225433


>> No.21225394
Quoted by: >>21225414

They really are one of those max-cozy MGs.

>> No.21225404
Quoted by: >>21225423

you are actually cancer please leave and never come back

>> No.21225414

You can’t beat snuggling with sentient blankets and pillows.

>> No.21225421

Waifufags, when commissioning how do you get across what you want of the artist? Do you just throw a bunch of reference images at them or do you describe things in extreme detail? I'm thinking of falling into this awful rabbit hole and I'm curious.

>> No.21225423

>faggot that only posts in the thread to attack OC because he hates us is cancer
No fucking shit Sherlock.

>> No.21225433

i want the one that's an the box oh boy i hope she got me the new Kunoichi Battle game for Gremtendo Sexbox 4

>> No.21225451
Quoted by: >>21225543

A reference picture and a short paragraph laid out in bullet points for references, pose, expression, body, outfit, extra details.

>> No.21225463
Quoted by: >>21225469

The most I’ve ever made is a single sprite for Elona.
And even that one is a (heavy) edit.

>> No.21225469

Post it, anon. It's always fun to see little things like that.

>> No.21225489

Maybe later. Shootan with co-workers.

>> No.21225543

What >>21225451 said
If it's a specific pose or outfit I'll include references for them too.
If you're commissioning an off profile wife for the first time make sure to include a reference for every detail that's different from the profile too.

>> No.21225583
File: 565 KB, 677x1000, 1490999197410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>day 1
>you've just married a sweet older unicorn, and it's your wedding night. She's moved to tears by your first union, and pours so much love into you it almost hurts. After searching for so long to find the right one, you've made her dreams come true.

>day 2
>curious unicorn
>unicorn awakes to a strange feeling. There's some tinge to your mana she wasn't expecting. It feels...odd, but it's just so wonderfully, irresistibly delicious. Suddenly she's more interested in using her mouth, and getting your mana on her skin. She has to know what this feeling is. What this taste is. She's going to find out.

>day 7
>anxious unicorn
>She remembers when you first started dating. You were up-front with her, because you knew it mattered to unicorns and you wouldn't lie to her. You told her you had a girlfriend in high school, and that you weren't a virgin. She had thought that it was okay, since it had been so long ago. Are the stories of fallen unicorns even really true? She's never met one. Oh well, you'll just have to make lots of love.

>day 30
>dark unicorn
>unicorn meets her best friend, the titania who introduced you, for tea. She asks what to do about the heat she's been feeling in her lower belly. As always titania has some great advice, but unicorn doesn't hear much. She keeps staring at her friend's full, beautiful breasts and smoothly rounded hips, her soft lips, and thinks of your hands working her over. Not gentle like you are with her, but ferocious. Beastly, even. What would you be like if you just gave in to the lust you buried for her sake? She might ask when she gets home.

>day 90
>frenzied unicorn
>titania comes to visit you at home and check on unicorn, but stops at the door when she hears you railing her in the front hall. It's so loud and aggressive it's almost scary. Titania starts to back away, but there's a crash as you violently rut with your wife against the door, flinging it open. Titania can't make herself look away. She sees you in top form, and her best friend beckoning her to join in on the fun. It would be rude to refuse such a great offer, wouldn't it? The fairy dissolves her clothes and walks over to kiss you, and unicorn's hide begins to stain itself black.

>day 180
>unleashed bicorn
Titania is ecstatic to have become your concubine, and doesn't even try to look regal or refined anymore. She loves being your dirty sow, doing whatever your wife says. Your wife, now a bicorn, has found a new love for the intoxicating cocktail your mana has become. She loves holding her friend's legs open and inviting you in, or binding her wrists and oiling her all over for you. She gets in contact with her old nurarihyon classmate, and touches herself thinking about how deliciously filthy and potent your mana will be once you've made her your toy.

>day 365
>madam bicorn
for your anniversary, bicorn brings you two untouched virgins to soil. The young flow kelp and black harpy are nervous at first, but are ready to learn once they see what you do to your wife to welcome her home. Everyone wants a taste. Bicorn will share, but only if they follow her instructions. Husband gets only the best of the best, and there's a pecking order. The harem strips, lines up, presents themselves and watches bicorn receive you first, as is her right.

>day XXXX+
>queen bicorn
>neighboring villages have started calling your expanding estate “the screaming villa” on account of the constant shrieks and moans. Your wife has been running a sort of PR campaign, dubbing you “the conqueror” and putting out a call for monsters of exceptional lust and beauty to submit themselves to you. She herself, now known as “the queen in black” quickly becomes infamous. No matter how many mistresses you take, though, she is the first and last thing on your mind.

>> No.21225601

First of the wives to get a commission counts I guess
Still incredibly happy with it.

>> No.21225606
Quoted by: >>21225767

>Taking a nap
>No wife(ves) to try and sneak into bed.
Life is tough.

>> No.21225607
Quoted by: >>21225653


Go with the flow... kelp.

>> No.21225653


Yes, they would like that.

>> No.21225732

Tharja as a slime carrier.

>> No.21225753

It's pretty shit, but okay.

>> No.21225767
File: 334 KB, 1221x1904, 1444063863767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep on going anon. You'll make it.

>> No.21225792

Nice to see you back anon.

>> No.21225843

>How to ruin any picture with one small detail!

>> No.21226039

12/10 these are my favorite, keep being you anon!

>> No.21226047


>> No.21226064
Quoted by: >>21226288

I dare you to do one for a Maus pack!

>> No.21226070
File: 2.04 MB, 1711x1747, Yeti_Tilt Shift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna hug her, right anon?

>> No.21226073 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21226148

Fuck off

>> No.21226087
File: 725 KB, 1350x1920, U10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21226131


>> No.21226089
Quoted by: >>21226096

Fuck on.

>> No.21226092
File: 303 KB, 1035x1187, 1547565285276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21226132

No way I just cleaned my clothes I don't wanna get fur all over them

>> No.21226096 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21226148

Fuck off shiteater

>> No.21226110



>> No.21226131

All Yeti kids carry around a stuffed animal to hold close and develop their natural hugging instinct

>> No.21226132

Damn trolly, you lookin thick!

>> No.21226135

No, I'm not cold.

>> No.21226145

No thanks.

>> No.21226148
Quoted by: >>21226154

Have monster sex

>> No.21226151
File: 256 KB, 480x480, 480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know who made pic related?

>> No.21226154 [DELETED] 

Fuck off

>> No.21226155

Samus as a Valkyrie, and Dark Samus as a Dark Valkyrie.

>> No.21226156
File: 594 KB, 1648x1088, 74352341_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21226162 [DELETED] 

No. Now fuck off

>> No.21226164

Looks like Kinkymation's artstyle to me.

>> No.21226165
File: 795 KB, 1451x2048, D41DjUyU4AAd3MH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21226301

>> No.21226166
Quoted by: >>21226271

>loli monstergirl strips naked and lays back on a bed alone
>after a short hesitation she lifts her hips and flips her legs over her body
>she slides a hand between her thighs and starts carefully massaging herself
>while she keeps lightly touching her lower lips she starts subtly rocking her hips up and down, almost slowly bouncing and pushing her tiny body against the bed harder
>the longer the fantasy goes on, the more she frantic and involuntary her movements get
>her body clenches and recoils at her own touches and her legs spread to a wider V-shape
>her toes curl and tears well up in her eyes, the strained moans coming through her clenched teeth have become more like whimpers
>she keeps going regardless, the rubbing motions of her fingers pressing down harder and her body bouncing up and down faster, more roughly
>the scene in her imagination comes to it's end when she climaxes
>she slumps back on the bed trembling, teary eyes absentmindedly looking at the ceiling
Which species of MG did you imagine in this scene? It was Wight for me.

>> No.21226176

Kamaitachi as the Power Rangers.


>> No.21226194

>Claim to protect the neighborhood from a recently freed monstrous queen of evil.

>Said queen is really its just a oomukade who is introverted and refused to invite anyone over for a housewarming when she moved into the neighborhood. Now she has to deal with the kamaitachi rangers spying on her.

>> No.21226211 [DELETED] 

Fuck yeah that is some good shit

>> No.21226218

What the actual fuck?

>> No.21226222 [DELETED] 

Fuck off

>> No.21226227 [DELETED] 

I'd tell her to fuck off.

>> No.21226240
File: 164 KB, 650x1005, 1554515233203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many nudes would your waifu send you in a day and how lewd would they be, anons?

>> No.21226261


She'd send me a fair bit. Not the kind of photo I'd get the most from here though.

>> No.21226271

puppy witch

>> No.21226288
File: 292 KB, 1100x1000, 1460276179107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I triple dog dare you to give it a try yourself.

>> No.21226301

>stab her with the Immoral Blade
>Virginity Severed

>> No.21226306
File: 106 KB, 385x520, Nekomata_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you do something naughty with with Nekomata?

>> No.21226317

i want to be chased by a hellhound while i swoon a nekomata like in that one tom and jerry short

>> No.21226318
Quoted by: >>21226336

>get 30 texts during class
>its a bunch of pics of your momster, starting out innocent with one of her holding a note that says "love you" and getting progressively more lewd until she's masturbating while sniffing your dirty clothes in the laundry room
>as always, plenty more pictures come in after lunch

>> No.21226326
File: 279 KB, 475x693, 1493085556615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one's too flat. Give me a more stacked one or one of her ancestral race.

>> No.21226327
Quoted by: >>21226337

It’s too hot here already. Give me that Ice Queen everyone’s been talking about

>> No.21226336

Such a lewd desperate Succumom. How in the world did she get those bindings and collars all over herself?!

>> No.21226337
Quoted by: >>21226375


The Ice Queen will just make you into her personal daki.

>> No.21226349
File: 261 KB, 1350x1700, 8d46129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monster butts!

>> No.21226358

>no tail
Why do artists do this?

>> No.21226362

Bust your nuts.

>> No.21226365
File: 717 KB, 1350x849, 7YBXY4P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21226372

So you can see that ass.

>> No.21226373

ask this to KC about gremlin

>> No.21226375
File: 2.57 MB, 1419x1716, 1548358584889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21226441

>Tsurara older daughter pins you down
>Glacies younger daughter runs her icicle feet up and down your body
>Ice Queen mom cuddles you like a dakimakura
Good end

>> No.21226415

New Kobold waifu commission got finished! My waifu is SUPER in to layered fetish gear, especially gags.


The style is a little off in this one, but the kinkiness is truly beautiful.

>> No.21226425
Quoted by: >>21226444

a-at least it isn't loligagging

>> No.21226428

what is the strangest belief your waifu has?

>> No.21226431

Well that's... intense.

>> No.21226436
Quoted by: >>21226444

Very cute and sexy, KDF!
You can just tell she's loving every bit of it!

>> No.21226441
Quoted by: >>21226459

>Ice Queen spends hours in bed, just hugging you practically giggling to herself about how warm you are.
>She made it very clear to the guards that she is not to be disturbed.

>> No.21226444

My daughteru is much more of a butt-slut.

Oh, unbelievably anon. Thanks for the kind words.

>> No.21226459
Quoted by: >>21226519

Cute, but also very frightening!
I imagine her face when telling them that was like hell freezing over as she stoically growled it out, but then a minute later she's got a catlike grin as she rubs her nose against your chest.

>> No.21226464

holy shit just fuck off

>> No.21226466
File: 945 KB, 1133x1600, B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to bed

>> No.21226484

>Moonlight Titania bursts in the room all of a sudden as you're sitting down to do some light reading
>She raises her arms up in the air with a timid 't-tadaa! Happy Easter!"
>She's wearing a bunnysuit leotard, nervous embarrassed grin on her face
Do you tell her she's off a few days or roll with it?

>> No.21226487

Objects and mechanisms that cannot support her weight are in fact traps set by the pharaoh in advance.

>> No.21226490

Not yet, I have tea to drink and a short ginger to watch.

>> No.21226492

She wouldn't have missed it if she was mine.
We have family gatherings on Easter.

>> No.21226500
Quoted by: >>21226509

Easter is a holiday for eating sweets, so it's up for the sweet-tooth to decide when easter is.

>> No.21226502
Quoted by: >>21226509

If she's gonna dress like a rabbit then she's gonna get fucked and knocked up like one. Hope she likes cream eggs.

>> No.21226506
Quoted by: >>21226516

>that heart with her hands at the very end
I wish I had a waifu who loved me that much.

>> No.21226509
Quoted by: >>21226527

Regular Titanias are definitely sweet tooths, but I wonder if Moonlight ones would be? I can see them instead liking very bitter tasting things.
Seeing those blind eyes go crossed from pleasure must be quite a sight!

>> No.21226516

You just have to believe, anon!

>> No.21226519
Quoted by: >>21226537

Your body gradually got used to being in her embrace on a near constant basis. As a result you only get slightly cold from her touch and you've gotten a bit warmer too. She especially likes putting your head in her cleavage.

>> No.21226527

Moonlight titanias seem like the kind of bitches to carry around riot-spec pepper spray and use it to make their food spicier. Then they wonder why their boyfriends cry when they kiss them.

>> No.21226530

maybe she's just greek orthodox

>> No.21226537

This is why they're such sublime girls, and probably my favorite of the royal class girls. The warm core of a girl like that is only amplified by having literally trudged through the cold, blizzardy exterior to get there.
>Walking the hallways at her side as she coldly receives visitors and sycophants
>She has a look of utter frigidness as they nervously ask of her various things
>Even so, she doesn't stop you one bit when you decide to lean over, kiss her cheek, and then trail your kisses down to the nape of her neck
>Like its the most natural thing ever, she simply tilts her head to give you better access, takes a hand to the back of your head to stroke your hair, and yet doesn't stop her cold calculating glare at the bewildered guest talking to her
>"...Well? Out with it. I shall assist if necessary, but do not waste my time."
>Guest can barely stammer from confusion as you shift to kissing the tops of her breasts, with her merely pushing her chest out as if its the only logical thing to do

>> No.21226538
Quoted by: >>21226598

You're not my momster

>> No.21226560

why is a fish on his bed?

>> No.21226571

Why is there no Kikimora mega maid edit? How has no one hit upon this gem?

>> No.21226578
File: 1.25 MB, 1500x2000, d62bff1ddb7e90cb366d7368af534a0f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21226583 [DELETED] 

Fuck off KDF

>> No.21226587 [DELETED] 

Men should have no rights

>> No.21226591

I want to lick and I want to dick

>> No.21226592

I don't know but I like mega maids with mega mammaries

>> No.21226594

Kikis are too pure.

>> No.21226595

tiny onis that get sent to entertain traveling guests!

>> No.21226597

I am not really into bondage but the good images you get do something to me.

>> No.21226598
File: 96 KB, 569x500, c4d922550dab6b060b69e1c449180a5c48a04584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21226604


i hope you get an abusive stepmomster that beats you like a bastard stepson

>> No.21226603

She has three very lickable things currently on display, but which do you choose?

>> No.21226604
Quoted by: >>21226610

That's kind of hot.

>> No.21226605


>> No.21226606 [DELETED] 

I want to lick her retina

>> No.21226609

She's just as much of a pedo lolicon as I am.

>> No.21226610
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>the reeee-ing of a dozen maledomfags in the distance

>> No.21226614
File: 610 KB, 864x1200, 71959430_p2_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you look the base of her tail?

>> No.21226616

Everything means everything.

>> No.21226619

meant lick

>> No.21226625
File: 61 KB, 600x800, 46f2c1884a0f411f50ae32131f50b9b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21226639

Harpies are excellent armpit licking targets.

>> No.21226639
File: 587 KB, 838x649, heck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21226640

her turn to do the licking now

>> No.21226640
Quoted by: >>21226675

As long as she doesn't burn me.

>> No.21226642

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, be careful, you may catch the eye of your daugher's friends.

>> No.21226644
File: 161 KB, 389x700, 1481900495951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope KC keeps to the pattern of giving most of his "royal" girls such bombshell bodies. Ice queen, pharaoh, apophis, they all have wondrous curves.

>> No.21226661

>One of the visitors mocks the queen and jokes about how lovey-dovey the two of you are
>Even among the chatter among everyone, she picks up on it. Almost as though she were listening for it specifically
>The even cold glare she normal wears grew even colder. Between that and the temperature the castle dropping even more, you're not sure which people noticed first.
>She signals for some guards to come closer
>"I wonder what our guest finds so funny?" She says, pointing to the guest who finally realized they've been found out
>"Perhaps they'll find a trip to the dungeon amusing as well? Go ahead and escort them there."
>The intimidated guards carry out the order, dragging the guest away.

>> No.21226666


>> No.21226675

Only a melting warmth

>> No.21226676
Quoted by: >>21226754

God what a frigid babe. Man I'd be happy to be her husband, cold wielding of power like that just turns me on so much.
Royalty deserves a royal body!

>> No.21226687
Quoted by: >>21226754

>struts back to the bedchamber absolutely scowling, a literal microblizzard clouding around her head as she retires at the end of the day
>She heads to her walk in closet as you head into bed, even a bit nervous yourself
>But then she walks out of the closet, in nothing but one of your t-shirts and a pair of babydoll blue panties, her hair let down and all her formulated ice crystal accessories taken off
>Just a sexy blue skinned babe in her most dressed down state
>She skips over and hops into bed with you, quickly pulling you under the covers
>Its as if her bitchy frigedness from before only reverses now that she's totally alone with you, and much cuddling, ear nibbling, kissing and happy kicking of her feet ensues as she stays up late into the night just being there with you
>"I love you so, so very much, anon..."
>The blizzard outside is howling, but in that bed, its nothing but cozy

>> No.21226691 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.82 MB, 540x540, 1556076719541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based ultra-Satan

>> No.21226692
File: 6 KB, 73x66, wan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still fucking with the hair a little bit.

>> No.21226699

I shall claim dem ancient evil titties.

>> No.21226701


>> No.21226734

Haughty girls getting pregnant after pushing down and riding lowly human dick.

>> No.21226741
Quoted by: >>21226782

>Egad, what is that coming out between her legs?
>Oh shit. There goes the planet.

>> No.21226754
Quoted by: >>21226788

>God what a frigid babe
Just wait until she overhears someone insulting you specifically. Not even Yetis or White Horns can endure the kind of weather that follows.
>She also likes staring deeply into your eyes, caressing your cheek with her hand.
>Whenever you wake up before she does, her expression is always blissfully happy with a wide smile.

>> No.21226782
File: 1.41 MB, 1440x2128, 73192245_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thick scaly tail

>>Egad, what is that coming out between her legs?

i need a maid to teabag me

>> No.21226788

>Yeti-chan in her full, maximum coverage bundles, five layers deep, looking like a puffed up ball of warm clothing
>She squints her eyes as she rides on the back of Miss Whitehorn, who herself is wearing an equal amount of clothing, enough that even her usual impeccable fashion sense is hindered by the bulky layers
>Yuki-chan wears her same clothes as always, but follows alongside them with a determined face, helping make sure they can see any upcoming drifts or divits in the snow
>"There she is!"
>almost incomprehensible amongst the white are two little tiny specks of black, and as they get closer, they notice them to be the horns of Wendi-chan
>She as well merely needs to close her coat to supernaturally stave off the cold, but still moves with more purpose than usual to her friends
>"Well? What's the news Wendy?"
>Wendi-chan gives a confident awawa and shakes her head, making Yuki sigh with relief and Miss Whitehorn nod happily, patting Wendi's head in reward as Yeti-chan speaks up
>"Good Job Wendy! No one would escape your scent even in all this! Well, lets hurry home then, there's no one else out here to save!"
>They all cheer in response and begin the trudge back to town, their jobs as scouts satisfied
>As they do, Yuki-chan turns back, her supernatural eyes looking once more with concern into the whiteout, in the direction of the Ice Queen's castle
>While her friends couldn't hope to pick up on it, her ears can make out a faint sound that most others would confuse as just the howling of wind
>The shrieking cry of a woman consumed with anger like hell frozen over...
>She shakes her head and catches up with her friends
Hopefully, no one ever speaks ill of Ice Queen's husband again.

>> No.21226815
File: 1.32 MB, 1000x1200, 1473004694750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn the birds are loud these days.

>> No.21226842
Quoted by: >>21226848

>Winter is over
>Harpies are returning from their vacations down south
>Enjoying a warm spring night by leaving my window open
>Suddenly all I can hear is caws, chirps and squawks
>Won't shut up as I'm forced to stay up all night listening to them greet each after not seeing them all winter
>Close window but it barely helps, I still hear them yelling
Why are harpies so annoying?

>> No.21226848
File: 545 KB, 1200x1036, 1554264890218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21226854

birb is dumb
more at 11

>> No.21226854
File: 117 KB, 640x1286, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21226871
File: 404 KB, 1912x2048, Business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21226920

Got a new wife commission! Outfit switch with a certain Lich
Would've posted sooner but I had to go to Jacksonville

>> No.21226903

I heard some cats howling outside my apartment just a few nights ago. Wonder what that was about.

>> No.21226908
File: 881 KB, 1000x1300, 1549984222695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21226964

Monkey Business.

>> No.21226920
Quoted by: >>21226926

Nice wife anon!

>> No.21226926

Thanks Anon!

>> No.21226941

depends on their personality but I think as long as their a rich proud type vampire that would work with the occasional complement. you deal with them sort of how you would deal with princess type tsunderes

>> No.21226964
Quoted by: >>21226998

Cute kakuen

>> No.21226998

I bet Mist Continent Kakuens think foreign travelers are cute too. Wearing such strange outfits, and carrying lots of things to grab and throw to each other.
