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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 450 KB, 1400x907, 1530505113920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19379422 No.19379422 [Reply] [Original]

This is an English shitposting thread striving to be Japanese language learning thread designed by and for those interested in traditional otaku media such as anime, manga, light novels, and Japanese video games.
If you have no interest in otaku media or want to request a translation, this is not the thread for you.

Read the guide before asking stupid questions.
Last thread: >>19365857

Banned topics:
Just kidding let it loose boys.

>> No.19379499
Quoted by: >>19379632

Got any recs for Chinese rap?

>> No.19379520


>> No.19379523
File: 9 KB, 400x311, 1490049556735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abhorrent thread.

>> No.19379529

thanks i was waiting for that now i can go read

>> No.19379605


>> No.19379611
File: 1.88 MB, 300x296, 1343265953821.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19379654


>> No.19379623
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, 1516314420889.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19379632

This is my favorite rap song

>> No.19379654
File: 41 KB, 419x505, 1510838102996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19379662

The 和語 readings of 北東 etc. are "wrong" for the direction meaning, right?

>> No.19379701
File: 108 KB, 843x844, wowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After almost year reading this threads, i decided to start learning this fucking meme language too.

after month learning kana, where i am capable of reading basics, i am still surprised by small weird things. like why they write こにちは but saying it with [va/wa]?
Thanks for the guide, never thought that 4chan can be useful.

Reminder that You will never learn Japanese.

>> No.19379704


>> No.19379706
File: 760 KB, 1062x851, books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19379754

この瞬間, 多幸感が感じる. 偽りの神の為じゃなく, 自分の知恵が啓く故だ.

>> No.19379715

は is pronounced wa when it's a particle
you'll learn about particles when you actually start learning japanese

>> No.19379721


>> No.19379722
File: 70 KB, 680x792, 1529452895997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After almost year reading this threads,

>> No.19379723

You just replied to a reddit repost.

>> No.19379734
Quoted by: >>19379749

thanks for info.
I just come to terms that i have like 2-4 years of learning before getting into real language.

>> No.19379745
Quoted by: >>19379770

>shitposting here when you could be using Japanese to have fun
You did learn Japanese already, right?

>> No.19379747

good to know that a basic question that's hard to google and has a simple yes/no answer is ignored while you guys continue to shitpost

>> No.19379749
Quoted by: >>19379780

unless you mean literature and research papers, you get into real language right now or you don't learn japanese
don't study, just read

>> No.19379754


>> No.19379753
Quoted by: >>19379765


>> No.19379759
Quoted by: >>19379775

what else would the wago be used for

>> No.19379765

can somebody please translate
to japanese
im sure some of you sick fucks have read scat doujinshi in japanese

>> No.19379770
Quoted by: >>19379774

It's quite literally impossible to learn Japanese

>> No.19379774
Quoted by: >>19379776

how did japanese kids learn japanese???
this proves that its actually possible to learn japanese

>> No.19379775

ime conversions and names

>> No.19379776

>He think native Japanese actullay know Japanese

>> No.19379778

and nonces
basically there are a million valid reasons to "misread" a word and they were asking whether the misreadings were also accepted normal readings

>> No.19379779
Quoted by: >>19379794

where do you think those came from

>> No.19379780
File: 125 KB, 768x1024, 1489976620379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just prefer a quick read in grammar to at least notice some patterns and orient in that for future reference, then i plan to read よつばと!

>> No.19379792

congratulations, you will do better than 99% of this thread, now get the fuck out of here before you're contaminated by them

>> No.19379794
Quoted by: >>19379824

from the words 北 and 東

>> No.19379805
Quoted by: >>19380266

oh sorry i thought you knew japanese and were playing hard to get with the advice. turns out you actually don't know japanese and can't answer the question lol

>> No.19379812

hey all new nihongoer here whats the difference between は and が

>> No.19379814
Quoted by: >>19379819

は marks relevant things and が focuses on a particular thing being the subject

>> No.19379819


>> No.19379820
Quoted by: >>19379836

が is backup when you've already used は

>> No.19379821

hey all new nihongoer here whats the difference between ば and か

>> No.19379824
Quoted by: >>19379830

have you considered that two independent words can be used together

>> No.19379830
Quoted by: >>19379838

using two independent words together can still be bad form you don't know japanese

>> No.19379836
Quoted by: >>19379840


>> No.19379838
Quoted by: >>19379841

bad form can still be in a shitty dictionary like jisho

>> No.19379840

well at least i know english

>> No.19379841
Quoted by: >>19379856

yes and this is the question

>> No.19379845
Quoted by: >>19379869

hey all new nihongoer here いつか楽になれるかな


>> No.19379853

there are "real" readings of the mixed cardinal direction words that aren't even in jisho

>> No.19379855

what does that mean to me a new nihongoer

>> No.19379856
Quoted by: >>19379857

have you checked 大辞林 which tends to list historical bullshit

>> No.19379857
Quoted by: >>19379860

"wrong" readings can have historical precedence too

>> No.19379860

if you're asking if they are natural in modern japanese, the answer is no

>> No.19379863

hajime no ippo: new nihongoer

>> No.19379865

wonderful, thank you for answering anon's question

>> No.19379869
Quoted by: >>19379871

at least post something good https://youtu.be/fLaSPZSfBp8

>> No.19379871

why do you think thats good

>> No.19379878
Quoted by: >>19379884

hey all new nihonger here just wanted to know how デブ みんな is


>> No.19379884

all sixteen anons who frequent djt have voted in this, what are you posting it again for

>> No.19379886
Quoted by: >>19379892

actually i didnt vote yet

>> No.19379890

>after month learning kana
What did you do to learn them?

>> No.19379892

is okay i proxy voted for you

>> No.19379893
Quoted by: >>19379902

dude no im bulking up before i vote

>> No.19379899

if you're over 90 kg just stop posting here forever, nobody wanna share a thread with fatties

>> No.19379902


>> No.19379990
File: 953 KB, 450x253, 1180fa2a9d7ed6466def7b2bdd5cba8e4cf8c266_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19380044

>雲の上にいる 雲の上にいる

>> No.19380010


>> No.19380013

I miss Imouto

>> No.19380018
Quoted by: >>19380025

you gave your imoto aids and she died

>> No.19380019

fuck off imouto

>> No.19380025

technically you gave her HIV but it's fine either way

>> No.19380032

This thread is awful. Redo it.

>> No.19380038
Quoted by: >>19380049

i agree but by redo i mean stop making djts

>> No.19380044

is there a non hentai do-jin where ika musume smokes weed

if not im gonna make one and sell it at comic market 69

>> No.19380049
Quoted by: >>19380063

but how am I going to learn /nihongo/ without /djt/

>> No.19380056


>> No.19380063

this is a trick question because you can't learn japanese

>> No.19380068
Quoted by: >>19380126

you cant learn japanese but you can learn nihongo

let it sink in for a minute

>> No.19380099

That's nice and all but よつばと! isn't reading, it's manga.

>> No.19380114 [DELETED] 


↑ quote this if you agree ↑

>> No.19380120

I agree.

>> No.19380126


>> No.19380128
File: 138 KB, 565x655, 1526532940581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19380140

Is hand-writing a meme? Until this week, I took the time to learn to write each kanji but now that I've been skipping that, I've been learning much more efficiently.

I can't remember the last time I wrote in english, even. Seems like a waste of time.

>> No.19380129
File: 174 KB, 844x1236, 01_078_AUGAST-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19380159

>> No.19380140

I hope, for your own sake, that's a reddit pasta.

>> No.19380159

That was a nice watch thanks for sharing.

>> No.19380169

manga is eating

>> No.19380266
Quoted by: >>19380284

eternal dekinai threadにようこそ

>> No.19380279

Jesus, the thread has gone to shit
But anyway just wanted to blog about the fact that I've spent some hours playing eroge on my TV (as a second screen) and used the laptop for looking up stuff

Should have tried this earlier. It was pretty comfy

>> No.19380284
Quoted by: >>19380296


>> No.19380288
File: 6 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19380296

That's the joke.

>> No.19380298


>> No.19380303

hows that the joke

>> No.19380304



>> No.19380305

like ur life

>> No.19380308
Quoted by: >>19380514

the joke is that you don't know either way is fine

>> No.19380309

Fucking shits

>> No.19380311
File: 127 KB, 1118x629, 児童車.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19380314

nice link posted on 2015年4月20日

what a good ass day

>> No.19380362

remember that the best way to get an answer out of djt is to pretend you think you know what you're talking about and bait someone into googling it for you

>> No.19380370

That's definitely not what happened at all. Some retard just forgot about NHKにようこそ for a second and then realized how retarded he was being.

>> No.19380381 [DELETED] 

everyones retarted

>> No.19380413

I'm not

>> No.19380453

is R*K supposed to be a shortcut or the wrong path

>> No.19380458

It's a shortcut to the wrong path.

>> No.19380465 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19380519

it turns you into a cock sucking tranny

>> No.19380499

it leads you around a big circle and then back to the beginning

>> No.19380510

its prolly useful in some way but its not for learning nihongo

>> No.19380514

It may be fine, but doesn't に also have the connotation of the place being a final destination, whereas へ is a temporary/along the way destination?

>> No.19380517 [DELETED] 

cock sucking tranny

>> No.19380519
Quoted by: >>19380530

I honestly wonder what goes through someones brain when posting something like that. It's not funny or witty just straight out edge.

>> No.19380522 [DELETED] 

found the tranny

>> No.19380530

I'm pretty sure they're projecting their desires without any ill feelings.

>> No.19380541

↑ this guy gets it

>> No.19380593
File: 258 KB, 1024x173, 60faC2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this いった at the end? I don't get it. If it was ていった it would make sense but I don't know what to make of たいった.

>> No.19380618
Quoted by: >>19380625

ladies and gentlemen the esteemed writing platform known as eroge

>> No.19380625

Well can you help me?

>> No.19380629
Quoted by: >>19380632

It's a typo

>> No.19380631

alternatively its hentaigana

>> No.19380632

You don't know Japanese.

>> No.19380636
Quoted by: >>19380650


>> No.19380646
File: 15 KB, 264x424, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19380650

look hes just trying to tell you that your expert anal ysis is wasted on a thread as unworthy as this one

>> No.19380656
File: 775 KB, 1024x768, 754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19380659

i did wanikani don't joke about that shit

>> No.19380663
File: 181 KB, 2000x3042, Wakaba_mark.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19380674
File: 91 KB, 447x597, 1529949669438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19381381

whoops misclick i meant this one

>> No.19380676
File: 352 KB, 542x410, cE37N2yM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this neck natural or is she a giraffe?

>> No.19380682 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, tyutyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now the bad hentai art thread post the most fucked up shit you got

>> No.19380688


>> No.19380694


>> No.19380695

who cares if that structure gets you to nowhere in a year? here's some structure: read more.

>> No.19380696

i asked someone who knows japanese about a similar phrasing in leyline and they said it was a typo

>> No.19380697

her father's father was a giraffe and her mother's mother was a cat, she's still 3/4 human

>> No.19380705
Quoted by: >>19380737

obviously its a typo but if you cant even tell that should you even be trying to read what youre reading

>> No.19380709
Quoted by: >>19380716

you can't post that uncensored filth here, where's your まる

>> No.19380711

its between my waist and my shoulders

>> No.19380716

It's fine everyone's still learning hiragana here they haven't gotten to katakana.

>> No.19380719


>> No.19380728

This is the kind of person who calls you sick for jerking it to loli, btw.

>> No.19380738 [DELETED] 

itd prolly be more fun if i could actually jack off to that shit

>> No.19380737
Quoted by: >>19380756

what they're reading actually isn't that hard

>> No.19380744 [DELETED] 

It'd be fun if you could jack off, gramps.

>> No.19380752

thats what im saying

>> No.19380756

it doesn't matter they should be reading genki and graded readers until they actually know japanese before trying to consume native material

>> No.19380760

read japanese translated animorphs

>> No.19380763
Quoted by: >>19380769

You have no idea how the human brain works.

>> No.19380769

yours lacks the ability to sense irony and comedy in general

>> No.19380772


>> No.19380774

ironic shitposting is just shitposting

>> No.19380775

Pretending to be a retard doesn't make you funny.

>> No.19380776
Quoted by: >>19380793

btw only the ppl who have read the entire collection of romeo tanaka visual games can say for sure how the brain works

>> No.19380777

I'm still very disappointed that Sachie neither got a good end nor had her baby crushed by the horse dick in worst end

>> No.19380784

i was making a funny because there are people who unironically think that's true
unfortunately there are people who unironically think that's true
i apologize for the confusion, instead of making shitposts that everyone should see as a joke and half of you don't, i'll go back to making shitposts that everyone thinks is a joke but are absolutely the truth
here's one:
don't study, just read

>> No.19380785
File: 145 KB, 500x281, Grave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't learn Japanese

>> No.19380786
Quoted by: >>19380800

this is why the thread belongs on int

flags let you know when someones bad reply to your post is because of their eslness

>> No.19380793
Quoted by: >>19380814

If you posted this >>19380776 , I got a good laugh out of it though.

>> No.19380796

good boy

>> No.19380798

good goy

>> No.19380800
Quoted by: >>19380807

Said dudebro poster of all people.

>> No.19380807

what is dudebro poster

>> No.19380814

he didnt post it i did but ill let anyone take credit for it because jesus taught me to be magnanimous

also i survived ima category 五 fuck the accolades just the dough

>> No.19380833

Is there a way to learn Japanese forcing you to read until you learn?
That's the way I learned english and now I can read everything except for complicated books (I write like shit tho) but it's really fucking hard to do the same thing with Japanese, any tips?

>> No.19380838

read all the unko chan books then move on to animorphs

>> No.19380842
Quoted by: >>19380860

what is hard about it

>> No.19380844

Yes of course just watch 10000 hours of anime

>> No.19380847
Quoted by: >>19380857

reminder that uppercase posters are objectively worse than lowercase posters

>> No.19380849
Quoted by: >>19380856

Get some ritalin or something, other than that we can't really help you. Maybe set a minimum ammount of reading you have to get done before the day ends like 1 or 2 hours and possibly give yourself a punishment for skipping a day.

>> No.19380850

エロゲスレ is honestly way more helpful than DJT
At least they talk about something related to japanese, and more importantly, actually know japanese

>> No.19380856
Quoted by: >>19380864

w--what kind of 罰ゲーム

>> No.19380857
Quoted by: >>19380869

I never use uppercase in other threads but i wouldn't want to be confused with j*mal

>> No.19380860
Quoted by: >>19380878

Having thounsands of little drawings instead of 26 letters

>> No.19380861

dont worry everyone knows who i be

you aint on the level that you could even be called an imitation

>> No.19380864

hold your breath until you go unconscious

>> No.19380869
Quoted by: >>19380875

your lowercase leaks through and i consider you far worse than jamal whenever i notice you

>> No.19380870

You know how retarded everyone here in this thread is, you know damn well how likely it is people would mistake other people with you.

>> No.19380874
Quoted by: >>19380882

┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌

>> No.19380875
Quoted by: >>19380881

Well that's funny I haven't posted here at all this whole month and I've posted maybe 2 times before. Guess you can really nail down patterns easily, huh?

>> No.19380878
Quoted by: >>19380890

just use a dictionary
if you really are fuckin losin it use anki but only vocab cards in a mining deck none of that meme shit, only words you've seen like 5 times, if you correctly guess the reading of something you don't need to mine it, don't let anki take more than 30 minutes a day, and most important of all
read more

>> No.19380881

all mixed-case posters look the same to me

>> No.19380882


>> No.19380889
Quoted by: >>19380899

Is there a way to filter lowercase posts?

>> No.19380890
Quoted by: >>19380908

I'm using anki with core 2k but It isn't working too much with me, yesterday I went like 1 hour and a half for 20 cards and almost went crazy.

>> No.19380891
Quoted by: >>19380901

>who i be
>you aint
this is painful

>> No.19380892
Quoted by: >>19380903

that's my jam, is a cutie going to punch me in the gut at the end

>> No.19380896
Quoted by: >>19380900

yeah press alt+f4 or apple+q on macintosh

>> No.19380899
Quoted by: >>19380917

Their numbers exploded in the past week. Weird.

>> No.19380900

Didn't work.

>> No.19380901

whats your issue

>> No.19380903
Quoted by: >>19380925

even better, I'm gonna stab you in the ribs with a serrated bayonet

>> No.19380908

consider setting new cards to 0 and trying a mining deck
either way slow down to get your review time down so you don't get burnt out and stop reading
remember that the number of words in anki has nothing to do with the number of words you know, it's just the number of words you're putting extra time into

>> No.19380917
Quoted by: >>19380924

i think some of the boys realized that team caps is shit and they would rather be affiliated with people who know japanese

>> No.19380924
Quoted by: >>19380931

This is a plausible hypothesis because as someone who doesn't know Japanese, I switched from lowercase posting to uppercase posting.

>> No.19380925

i'm okay with this if you look like one of my anime waifus

>> No.19380929
File: 17 KB, 244x222, press 2 make ur yumes come true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19380950

how to post in djt for dummies 1.0

upper case and correct punctuation = cant learn japanese

lowercase and no periods but weird shit like apostrophes and commas = can learn nihongo

jamalgo = the one and only

>> No.19380931
Quoted by: >>19380934

i didn't say all lowercase posters knew japanese, i said all uppercase posters don't
what i'm saying is you're welcome to join us

>> No.19380934
Quoted by: >>19380938

I don't know Japanese though.

>> No.19380935

DJT - Daily Lowercase Thread

>> No.19380938
Quoted by: >>19380944

based on your intellect i don't think you can learn japanese either so you're in the right place, forgive me

>> No.19380944

I know you were saying that even dekinais can join you but I disagree. I belong with the uppers.

>> No.19380950

my favorite thing about jamalgo is that you use two newlines to separate your thoughts

>> No.19380972
File: 4 KB, 227x161, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19380977

Yes, I see now.

>> No.19380977

i'd prefer being called this over 米人

>> No.19381013

>If it was ていった it would make sense
no it wouldn't

>but I don't know what to make of たいった
because you dont know Japanese

>> No.19381064

It's better to not be an american in the first place

>> No.19381071

I've casually learning jp for like 2 years now but I never bothered to learn how to write kana by hand. I started RTK a couple months ago to help with kanji recognition, and since it teaches you how to write kanji as part of that, I can now write around 500 kanji, but still can't produce almost any kana from memory, even without regard for stroke order. Just thought that was kinda funny.

>> No.19381078

that 日米 shit is where its at tho


>> No.19381079

Can anyone tell me if this sentence is correct?
It's supposed to mean "he brought me soup (to my house)".

>> No.19381090 [DELETED] 

You're retarded

>> No.19381091
Quoted by: >>19381133

he aint bringin soup he bringin poup

>> No.19381133

Would Japanese people ever use the word 汁 for that? How can I avoid any kind of weird or humorous double meanings?

>> No.19381136

at this point I'm only going forward to spite the people who called me a dekinai in this fucking thread, I don't even want to learn japanese

>> No.19381143
Quoted by: >>19381153

at this point i'm only going forward because i want to learn japanese, I don't even care about this fucking thread

>> No.19381153

If only everyone was like this.

>> No.19381166

中 ain't for house, use: 家
出してくれました is not the right way to express that, use: もらってきました
Even with the mentioned fixes it still sounds unnatural so I would word it like this: 彼は私の家に汁を持ってくれました
If you're making example sentences to memorize words then don't worry about broken grammar, the important part is memorizing words, grammar will fix itself later from reading. If you're not making example sentences then stop trying to output with your limited knowledge.

>> No.19381175

at this point わたしはゲイ

also just say fuckin スープ my god its ok to say スープ

>> No.19381187

I feel like my listening comprehension is never gonna get good enough to watch anime raw. Do I actually need to talk with people in Japanese to get good at listening?

>> No.19381197

it would be a good idea but if you cant just watch 10000 hours of subbed japanimation

>> No.19381199

that's weird i see 中に出して type shit all the time in my reading material

>> No.19381203

dont worry dude that would sound unnatural you gotta say 家に汁を持ってくれました

>> No.19381206
Quoted by: >>19381224

if you can't watch raw anime then watch raw anime to be able to watch raw anime
talking with people in japanese is less efficient because you are distracting yourself with shit unrelated to listening like trying to form a response
the only reason watching raw anime would be a bad idea is if your japanese is so bad that you wouldn't understand any of it even if you were reading instead of watching, in that case focus on reading more

>> No.19381224

Yeah I mean I watch some raw anime for practice, and when it's just people talking to eachother with everyday language I can generally at the very least get the gist of what they're saying, but like as soon some sort of expository dialogue starts about how someone's special power works or whatever, I get completely fucking lost immediately and can barely understand a word they're saying.

>> No.19381245


>> No.19381253

i don't think it can be helped. the difficulty of the sentences is always going to be all over the place. the more you master what is currently easy to you, the more you'll catch of harder sentences
i understand the interest in a native dumbing down their speech so that you can follow, or some curated listening material, but i think that has the opposite problem of too much of the speech being easy
you'll have less that goes completely over your head, but you'll also have less that challenges you at the right level to get you better at listening to more natural speech

>> No.19381282

why is everyone trying so hard to help or mislead that anon who knows damn well he's talking about 中出し

>> No.19381286
Quoted by: >>19381295

That means you've been exposed to a lot of everyday language but haven't been exposed to enough expository dialogue. There's only one solution to that. An episode a day is never going to cut it.

>> No.19381288


>> No.19381295
Quoted by: >>19381310

how many episodes a day keeps the dekinai away

>> No.19381296

why would he be talking about chinese soup stock

>> No.19381310

At least 2 hours of listening a day.

>> No.19381336

I’m too lazy to read the shit in the op. Please spoonfeed me resources to expand my vocabulary if I can read hiragana and katakana but not kanji

>> No.19381342


>> No.19381350

fuck you

>> No.19381354

boku no pico

>> No.19381364

sorry for the late response
fuck you

>> No.19381375
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, tyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at these honkers

>> No.19381376

>Please spoonfeed me resources to expand my vocabulary if I can read hiragana and katakana but not kanji
the guide

>> No.19381381


>> No.19381411
File: 41 KB, 632x479, 6tgr4f54yt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19381421

I bought some ps4 games, hope that doesn't screw with my reps lads I suck at doing things on moderation

>> No.19381424

good bait, enjoy your (you)s

>> No.19381437
Quoted by: >>19381473

what's the problem did you not buy japanese games

>> No.19381460

I hope you bought iM@S Stella Stage.

>> No.19381473

I have a serious diablo III addiction and I just bought it on a third platform, no.

>> No.19381480

not gonna make it my man

>> No.19381482
File: 342 KB, 408x480, 1458574397779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else as of the last few hours unable to import audio with Yomichan?

>> No.19381488

who thought 傍点 was a stylistically acceptable idea

>> No.19381490
Quoted by: >>19381496

As someone who regrets wasting 2000+ hours on an MMO last year instead of learning Japanese, my honest advice is to just fucking stop and not play it. Forget that you ever bought it and instead play something which you can actually learn Japanese from.

>> No.19381496

shoulda played japanese mmo for so much epic win

>> No.19381502

This, or just play it in Japanese language and read everything.

>> No.19381503

it never worked for me in the first place, I just mine without audio.

>> No.19381504
Quoted by: >>19381507

I've never understood video game addiction, like just fucking uninstall the game

>> No.19381507

>I've never understood [INSERT] addiction, like just fucking [STOP DOING THE THING]

>> No.19381513

japanese mmo isn't learning japanese either
if you really want to go hard you can consider not only learning japanese but picking up a creative hobby that feels genuinely rewarding
if 私は本当にゲイ that is
otherwise what are you doing with your life

>> No.19381518

If you think tobacco addiction is on the same level as video game addiction then maybe you just don't have enough brain cells to stop playing after all

>> No.19381527

guys my behavioral addiction is exactly like chemical addiction so lay off my fucking back okay

>> No.19381535

get it together boys..

>> No.19381602


>> No.19381672
Quoted by: >>19383716

had this problem too

>> No.19381689
Quoted by: >>19381709

i'm gonna start referring to all anime by romanji versions of their japanese titles, even if the title is in english.

kauboui bibappu

>> No.19381709

It's funny cause you spelled it wrong

>> No.19381731

why would some idiot use romanji over kanakana like they don't even know japanese

>> No.19381838
Quoted by: >>19382008

The only way to learn is brute force memorization, this goes for everything from kana and kanji to grammar constructs. RTK and other 1 weird tricks to hack your brain don't work.

>> No.19382008
Quoted by: >>19382011

this is true and this is false
in my experience, one weird tricks put the information in a different place in your mind than you use for the language, however, it can reduce the amount of dictionary lookups when you do recall what you've memorized and it happens to be the right information for you to understand the current occurrence of the word
it's not worth the time investment that most people think it is, but it's not universally a waste of time
that being said, i'm leaning towards the idea that the only thing you should use anki for is reading words written in kanji
even practicing meanings seems like an inefficient use of your time, just work on increasing your ability to read more at a faster pace as well as the added benefit of being able to look up more in a dictionary without being stalled by kanji you can't type

>> No.19382011
Quoted by: >>19382019

No one asked you.

>> No.19382019

you're welcome

>> No.19382026 [DELETED] 

>constant nihongoposting spam
niggers ruin /djt/ like everything else they touch

>> No.19382033


>> No.19382483
Quoted by: >>19382499


>> No.19382499


>> No.19382592
File: 1.49 MB, 1600x880, 8304771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19382655


>> No.19382655


>> No.19382672
Quoted by: >>19382891


>> No.19382791
Quoted by: >>19382807

The fuck does this even mean? "Things that aren't okay to do even if you have the motivation to do them are things that aren't okay to do by motivation alone, right?"

>> No.19382807

stop using english textbook definitions

>> No.19382861

matt sine

>> No.19382869

chinks were the original emoji posters.

>> No.19382884

How the fuck did the nips create such a broken language? Its just a constant memory game of trying to remember what is hidden behind the characters.

>> No.19382887
Quoted by: >>19382897

>finished 2k/6k
I hate mining. What's another good deck?

>> No.19382890
Quoted by: >>19382901

Ask the chinks

>> No.19382891


>> No.19382892
Quoted by: >>19382894

cause you're gay

>> No.19382894

no u r

>> No.19382897
Quoted by: >>19382899

>What's another good deck?
Whichever one you jump off and kill yourself from.

>> No.19382899 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 380x349, boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19382901

Chinese isnt a guessing game like Japanese

>> No.19382912

You have 30 seconds to tell me why spaces are not a good idea in the japanese language. And no, wasted space is not a good reason.

>> No.19382914
Quoted by: >>19382922

cause you gay

>> No.19382916

cuz it's coolier

>> No.19382917


>> No.19382920

Well shit, 30 seconds passed, guess I can't tell you now.

>> No.19382922

no your gay

>> No.19382939
Quoted by: >>19382942

"I can't be bothered to write spaces!"
*remembers and writes over 2000 chinkrunes instead*
t. nip

>> No.19382942

you gay

>> No.19382947


>> No.19382956

いえ おまえ が*

>> No.19382973

Just wondering. For those with porn as one of their studying materials, do you know what ポルチオ is, without looking it up?

I was just wondering if it's a common phrase within the realm of porn or if's just the porn I'm looking at.

>> No.19382978

30 year old boomer here, is it too late for me to achieve my new found dream of becoming a localizer for Nintendo or square enix?

>> No.19382984

Not at all bro just study kana and basic grammar for a few months and learn how to use google translate and you're set

>> No.19382986
Quoted by: >>19383014

I just started recently to learn Japanese. This unconsidered use case just gave me a new burst of motivation. Finally I'll understand the beginning monologues of JAV actresses.

>> No.19382991
File: 7 KB, 287x176, lvl99weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19383014
Quoted by: >>19383022

>This unconsidered use case just gave me a new burst of motivation
I don't understand what you're saying here

>> No.19383022
Quoted by: >>19383080

I didn't consider my future Japanese skills will benefit me for porn.

>> No.19383034


>> No.19383080

What a chaste mind.

>> No.19383190

Did your voice in yomichan ever break randomly for no reason? It's also restricting me from adding new cards.

>> No.19383202

i add new cards to anki manually, by copying from the text (or typing if I'm reading from my phone or paper), looking up the definition from zkanji, ebwin or jisho.org, and then add additional example sentences for additional extra meanings. i'll also look up pictures using a private window, copy them, resize them, then insert them to the card

i've done this for 2122 cards and it hurts

>> No.19383213
Quoted by: >>19383235

Stop wasting your time.

>> No.19383217


>> No.19383232
Quoted by: >>19383302

I have been consuming Japanese media pretty regularly such as podcasts and (easy) LNs, and I feel very guilty for not doing reps for core10k (I stopped around 2k) and not mining my own deck. I feel that if I take my time to review/create decks, the activity itself would take so much of my energy and I don't think I would be able to keep up (i.e. the rate of new cards would be much faster than my ability to review them).

My goal is to reach fluency in both input and output (incl. speaking and writing). Do I need to be more disciplined and do my anki? Or is it fine to keep going as it is now?

>> No.19383235

i also handwrite on flash cards (bought them online) summaries of all 23 chapters of Genki, plus 2 more cards for the humble and honorific forms of verbs

>> No.19383248

yo, what's the japanese equivalent of "2spooky4me"

>> No.19383254


>> No.19383260

I bow to your japanese mastery, 出来る殿

>> No.19383282
Quoted by: >>19383287

Not 二supuuki四mi?

>> No.19383287

Also fine

>> No.19383301

I don't really want to learn Japanese, but I want to know Japanese

is there any way I can still learn Japanese?

>> No.19383302

Why would you feel guilty for maximizing your time spent taking in comprehensible input?

>> No.19383315

Some people get too carried away with the efficiency of Anki and started thinking Anki is an essential and necessary part of studying languages, no matter at what phase.

>> No.19383380
File: 45 KB, 1024x984, 1527841373416m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19383400

OP here. I was already sold on the idea of SRS for improving retention for the longer term. Like >> 19383315 mentioned, I was concerned about my efficiency of learning, such as people who do the same activity at lower speed (i.e. due to mining) is better in the long run than me who kind-of speed run anything.

From what you and the commenter below said, it seems like I have been wrong about this. Thank you for your input.

>> No.19383442

The best way to increase retention is to ask God to help you

>> No.19383448

Does no fap help you with nihongo?

>> No.19383450
Quoted by: >>19383454

Why would it?

>> No.19383454
Quoted by: >>19383459

Better focus, motivation, energy, test.

>> No.19383459

+ more time to study

>> No.19383464
Quoted by: >>19383631

Fap to exclusively Japanese things

>> No.19383484
File: 90 KB, 612x716, 1525627617362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will anki get easier over time? I feel like I don't remember enough, also none of the example sentences help since I obviously don't understand them.

>> No.19383527
Quoted by: >>19383622

How long have you been at it?
New words will always be tough obviously, but the more you see them, the easier they get.
You will understand the example sentences more as you keep going because you probably don't have enough vocab right now.

>> No.19383571

Is the audio from Yomichan not working for anyone else?

>> No.19383576
Quoted by: >>19383716

yes: >>19381482

>> No.19383578
Quoted by: >>19383716


>> No.19383580
File: 408 KB, 614x767, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't just do Anki. Read through a grammar guide as well. Japanese the Manga Way pairs well with core.

Also, don't be afraid to set your card count lower. You shouldn't be spending more than around an hour with Anki a day.

>> No.19383604
Quoted by: >>19383643

>Japanese the Manga Way
Is this actually good?

>> No.19383622

Not that long, like 3 weeks. That's why I was wondering if it will be a little easier to remember them later on. At the moment I forget things way too fast which is kind of annoying.
Yeah I bought that one Ive been reading a lesson a day. My card count isn't that high, it's 10 at the moment.

>> No.19383631

I'm not sure how to feel about the fact that I can barely understand any of an average Jdrama/anime but with most hentai I know exactly what all of the dirty talk is saying.

>> No.19383643


Yeah. To the point, doesn't overwhelm with collegiate vocabulary. Only minus is it has romanji as well as kana, but seeing as you're using it for learning grammar and not vocabulary, it's a non issue honestly.

>> No.19383704
File: 3 KB, 480x140, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody encounter this before when trying to add words with yomichan who knows how to fix it

>> No.19383710
Quoted by: >>19383716

note that it's worked fine until today and no settings have been changed

>> No.19383716


>> No.19383747
Quoted by: >>19383760

sorry i should've checked but i'm drunk and assumed i broke something instead

>> No.19383760

No worries, I'm also one of the people quoted.
It's very surprising that something affected us all at the same time so.

>> No.19383788

Yes. I wouldn't say it's common, but I've seen it a few times.

>> No.19383799

What is it in real life?

>> No.19383844

Switch the audio source in the options, the default is/was down.

>> No.19383887
Quoted by: >>19383933

The alternative for JapanesePod101 doesn't seem to work either and Jisho doesn't have clips for most words.

>> No.19383933
Quoted by: >>19383979

post word you need here, i will vocaroo

>> No.19383979
Quoted by: >>19383985

Nobody here knows Japanese, I don't want your shitty accent in my flashcards.

>> No.19383985

i am japanese.

>> No.19384005


>> No.19384017

Post 個人番号 .

>> No.19384100
File: 89 KB, 819x533, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in Christ's name is this?

>> No.19384109

Thumbnail alone made me think it was some kind of cursive Arabic or something

>> No.19384136

Will it come back up? JapanesePod101(alternate) has got nothing in it. And the rest is not working.

>> No.19384142
Quoted by: >>19384166

It's useless that's for sure.

>> No.19384166
File: 168 KB, 1300x796, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is a madman

>> No.19384198

minna genki?

>> No.19384320


>> No.19384328

youre a おっぱい

>> No.19384340 [DELETED] 


>> No.19384369

RTK makes remembering this easy

>> No.19384407
File: 2.45 MB, 4640x3480, IMG_20170728_222342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some questions:
I am currently doing anki and grammar the manga way, will doing kklc add something of value?
What beginner stuff do you recommend to read apart from NHK easy and Yotsuba?

>> No.19384427


>> No.19384437


>> No.19384441


>> No.19384493


>> No.19384657


>> No.19384730


>> No.19384740


>> No.19384746

is better or what?

>> No.19384764


>> No.19384814
File: 248 KB, 590x866, 45206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this allowed?

>> No.19384826

It means house too (家)

>> No.19384838

whats your issue

>> No.19384861
Quoted by: >>19386941

絶対霊域 is great.

>> No.19384866
Quoted by: >>19385345


any other manga or whatever rec is bunk in comparison

read all of doraemon you will be owning so hard at nihongo guaranteed

>> No.19384883 [DELETED] 

Fucking EOPs, I swear.

>> No.19384938
File: 268 KB, 1080x2220, 20180708_132132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this part mean

>> No.19384947
Quoted by: >>19384952

I'd tell you but I don't know Japanese

>> No.19384952

I think it means doing but I don't know why there is i

>> No.19384985


>> No.19385064

its what you need to be doing

>> No.19385318
Quoted by: >>19385322

I haven't gotten to this kanji in RTK but RTK makes this easy because it associates components with keywords.

>> No.19385322
Quoted by: >>19385362

Show us.

>> No.19385345
Quoted by: >>19385378

What makes Doraemon more effective?

>> No.19385349
Quoted by: >>19385366

it's fake

>> No.19385362

I'll get back to you in a couple months when it's done.

>> No.19385366

You dare question a glorious Nipponjin and the validity of what he writes with his on blood sweat and tears of the hallowed Yamato Damashii that he bestows upon each stroke of the brush?

>> No.19385369

it's a nonce hanzi used as the name of a single chinese restaurant try again

>> No.19385370
File: 30 KB, 458x591, How to write THAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19385378

it teaches you about life and what it means to be a いい人 so theres a wide variety of subjects

>> No.19385381

Suddenly we picked some steam...
What will this result in?

>> No.19385394

why would you post this
it's so boring

>> No.19385396


>> No.19385447
File: 35 KB, 427x583, read this 2 make all ur yumes cum true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19385937

>> No.19385459

What's tae kim's end game?

>> No.19385468

To get people to stop suffering passively

>> No.19385469

To teach others Japanese

>> No.19385472 [DELETED] 

to get you goin on the path to learn nihongo should you choose to go

>> No.19385475

to make people learn nihongo

>> No.19385477 [DELETED] 

to equip white balding piss juggers with enough nihongo to start a youtube channel and patreon

>> No.19385491 [DELETED] 

To make you question his motives.

>> No.19385498 [DELETED] 

to get nihonjim slizz

>> No.19385500 [DELETED] 

to enable blacks to ride nihon

>> No.19385509 [DELETED] 

to unite the world through nihongo

>> No.19385533


>> No.19385609
File: 23 KB, 302x195, 2465_BA5AZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>received the manga way 2 days ago
>didn't read it yet

Is it too late for me?

>> No.19385654

This could be added to some OP picture.

>> No.19385737 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19385780

yes more bad reddit tier shit for the op plz

>> No.19385760

it means core is working out well for you
don't read, just study

>> No.19385780

Don't be jealous that nobody's saying that about your ""OC"".

>> No.19385794


>> No.19385800 [DELETED] 

do you really think i give a shit about what you or any other little dork itt thinks about anything i post

a skater doesnt skate for the onlookers

they do it cause skating feels good

>> No.19385809 [DELETED] 

should have used graffiti as an analogy if you wanted anyone to think you're hard

>> No.19385812 [DELETED] 

vandalism isnt cool dont vandalize

>> No.19385814 [DELETED] 

vandalism is cool fuck the elite

>> No.19385819 [DELETED] 

the elite arent the ones that have to clean up your shit youre only hurting your own people

>> No.19385823 [DELETED] 

vandalism is art and a form of expression

>> No.19385827 [DELETED] 

if it costs the elite money then it's good

>> No.19385831 [DELETED] 

if you clean my shit up i'll come back with a vengeance i'm here to make this city better no matter how hard you try to keep it worse

>> No.19385833


>> No.19385835
File: 173 KB, 785x702, Screenshot 2018-05-19 at 10.40.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19385838

Is there some kind of hard and fast rule for when to NOT て form adjectives when connecting them? Examples:

>長く険しい vs 長くて険しい, where I've seen the former used in the wild. The latter only has 8000~ google search results where the former has 200k+
>長く厳しい vs 長くて厳しい where there is still an imbalance of search results/usage but not as drastic (140k vs 70k)
>長くて寒い vs 長く寒い where the first is often followed by 冬 but still, the google results speak for themselves: 97k for the former, 17k for the latter

Is there a substantial difference between these two besides the fact that the て form allows you to begin an entirely new clause if you so choose? I get that the differences between these essentially boil down to "long, steep" vs "long and steep" and so forth, but am I meant to read that as "lengthily steep" because 長い is く'd?

>> No.19385838

く linking is more likely to be interpreted as a compound quality or one quality modifying the other, くて linking is more likely to be interpreted as two separate qualities

>> No.19385853 [DELETED] 

Stop posting bad chink rap

>> No.19385860 [DELETED] 

or what

>> No.19385866 [DELETED] 

oh he mad what he gon do

>> No.19385872

he gon sit there and be 切なく儚い

>> No.19385926
Quoted by: >>19385932


>> No.19385932

it's just a typo for eat be nice

>> No.19385933
Quoted by: >>19385937

Someone fix yomichan goddamnit

>> No.19385934

don't eat, just drink

>> No.19385937
Quoted by: >>19385938

read my book >>19385447

>> No.19385938

did you mean eat

>> No.19385942
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19385945

no i said book not cock

>> No.19385951 [DELETED] 

cocks are for snorting

>> No.19385957

thats just silly

>> No.19385962


how would you translate "the pleasure of being cummed inside"
I cant figure it out

>> No.19385970


>> No.19385973
Quoted by: >>19385977


>> No.19385974


>> No.19385977

thanks alot

>> No.19385984

that's wrong, that's the pleasure of being cummed outside

>> No.19385989


>> No.19385998

Janny, I just want you to know that I genuinely appreciate your efforts.

>> No.19386005

what does "顔がタイプ" mean?? google images gives me faces...

>> No.19386012
Quoted by: >>19386042

give context

>> No.19386016

it refers to the technique i employ to post

>> No.19386022
Quoted by: >>19386042


>> No.19386042

Don't want to lol sorry
...well ok, somerthing like "to get mad at 顔がタイプ"


>> No.19386048
File: 262 KB, 499x589, book trace 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19386076

>> No.19386051
Quoted by: >>19386069

everyone here has read doujins even the filthy shit you're consuming

>> No.19386062


>> No.19386061


>> No.19386069

>"everyone here has read doujins even the filthy shit you're consuming"
Is this what "顔がタイプ" means? I'm confused now

>> No.19386072

What's Heisig's end game?

>> No.19386073
Quoted by: >>19386114


>> No.19386076
File: 260 KB, 499x589, book trace 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19386089

oops missed a spot

>> No.19386077
Quoted by: >>19386114

You're too stupid to learn japanese, kill yourself

>> No.19386083

Preventing as many people from learning Japanese as possible.

>> No.19386089
Quoted by: >>19386102

that was in the foreground what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.19386091

to have you remember the kanji and nothing else

>> No.19386102
File: 260 KB, 499x589, book trace 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19386146


>> No.19386114
Quoted by: >>19386130

...nah, you are trolling

Fuck you first

>> No.19386126 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 567x517, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19386130
Quoted by: >>19386165

The answer for your question is already in this thread >>19380864

>> No.19386139
File: 1.61 MB, 1497x1767, book trace 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19386152

there we go, all done

>> No.19386146
File: 66 KB, 499x589, book trace 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen dude i don't know what the fuck you think you're doing but i'll show you how this shit is done

>> No.19386152
Quoted by: >>19386163

It's fucking shit, did you just spam magic eraser?

>> No.19386154
File: 47 KB, 1497x1767, 1531081318088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19386163
Quoted by: >>19386205

no I manually set the alpha value of every affected pixel

>> No.19386165
Quoted by: >>19386175

hahaha xd

Thank you for nothing you useless scum. Was "type of faces" that hard for you to say?

>> No.19386175
Quoted by: >>19386199

But that's not what it means xd

>> No.19386186 [DELETED] 
File: 367 KB, 1497x1767, 1531081318088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19386191

Is this reportable

>> No.19386192

how did this happen

>> No.19386194

new djt mascot

>> No.19386198
File: 137 KB, 1024x640, book trace 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19386234

>> No.19386199

"タイプ" is katanaka, literally "taipu"
"ga" is something I am not so sure, but it can't mean't anything more than "of"
and "顔".. well https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%A1%94

you made me post this lol fk you

>> No.19386201
File: 64 KB, 435x720, 1asxqTU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started Core 2k/6k today after 2 days grinding kana. Are you proud of me djt?

>> No.19386205
File: 722 KB, 1497x1767, alph2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19386210

What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.19386208
Quoted by: >>19386252

が is the opposite of は

>> No.19386210
Quoted by: >>19386234

what you just posted
paint.net isn't very good lol

>> No.19386213
Quoted by: >>19386252

shit he got owned i'm glad someone in this thread knows japanese

>> No.19386215
Quoted by: >>19386252

I'm not even trying to troll you right now, I just genuinely want to see what kind of sick fetish porn you're fapping to right now and have a nice laugh. if you post the page I'll tell you the answer trust me

>> No.19386222
Quoted by: >>19386252

imagine being so afraid to tell people what you're masturbating to in the djeet that you say nevermind i got it が means of

>> No.19386234
Quoted by: >>19386236

you say that but what do you think i used for >>19386198

>> No.19386236
Quoted by: >>19386240


>> No.19386237


>> No.19386240
Quoted by: >>19386249

it's probably written in javascript

>> No.19386248

DJT - Daily Photoshop & Variants Thread

>> No.19386249

it's C# or something but yeah it might as well be written in javascript

>> No.19386252

...yeah, something like that.
don't know what "wa" means tho

Fuck you

you too.
nah I take it back: fuck you

What I meant was, you dumb faggot, that "ga" is not some kind of weird shit with a weird meaning. It is a basic shit, nothing more. a basic hiragana

>> No.19386258

but "ga" is a kanakana

>> No.19386263

but you are not a cute kanakana fuck you

>> No.19386264
File: 11 KB, 744x79, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19386277

Why is it that someone who's been learning for less than 2 years thinks he should get paid to give advice?

>> No.19386268

hey don't steal my lines only i give exceptions for cuties

>> No.19386269

I don't know if you're trying to fish for (You)s right now or if you're just that stupid but nice job, 大将 ← (if you're able to read this I'll give you 500 dollars no joke lmao)

>> No.19386277
Quoted by: >>19386284

just namedrop him so djt gets a new idol to worship, this guy sounds like he has even better advice than you know who

>> No.19386284
Quoted by: >>19386307


>> No.19386285

hahahah you're funny anon xdd.
Shitposters gonna shitpost I see, didn't come here to deal with your shit,

>> No.19386290

hey i'm not them but can i take you up on that offer i desperately need like 200 dollars to cover unforseen expenses

>> No.19386295
File: 146 KB, 1497x1767, 1531081318088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19386297


>> No.19386299

fuck you these 500 dolllars are for me not you

>> No.19386300

Someone is someone else's type.
Without context, this is the best I can do.

>> No.19386301
Quoted by: >>19386349

just in case you aren't baiting i'm going to help you out my dude
if you read what が does in literally any resource you will see that your interpretation cannot possibly be correct
the meaning of those two words and a particle depends heavily on the context they were found within
you've clearly got enough people interested to get an answer if you give that context
no one's going to tell your mom what you were reading

>> No.19386305

my little interpretation cant possibly be this correct

>> No.19386307
Quoted by: >>19386314

This guy's got a site now? These youtube e-celebs are getting out of control we gotta call the mattata so he can invite them to discord and roast their asses on camera

>> No.19386308
Quoted by: >>19386312

large leader

>> No.19386310

Very convincing imitation of Down syndrome. You might be the next Sean Penn.

>> No.19386312

This man just made $500 thanks to RTK.

>> No.19386314
Quoted by: >>19386335

dude's had a site for years, he also has a rtk1+3 deck that he added 膣 to

>> No.19386319
Quoted by: >>19386339


>> No.19386335
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19386412

>he also has a rtk1+3 deck that he added 膣 to

>> No.19386339


>> No.19386347
Quoted by: >>19386363

Dude seriously just give context already, what are you afraid of? This board has a dedicated thread for discussing onaholes and sexdolls, you think most people who come to this shithole don't masturbate to shit worse than you?

>> No.19386349

Thank you, this is what I've been hoping for: proper responses giving actual help.
shitty responses deserve shitty responses, which are not your cases

I agree with >>19386300
Off course I can't be correct, but it isn't that far of what the quoted anon said.

>> No.19386352


>> No.19386363

It isn't about sex you maniacs lol

There is a sentence: "He went ballistic over 顔がタイプ." nothing else
Translate, or do not translate and leave. You don't have to do anything else

>> No.19386373

as for atama it is type

>> No.19386377
Quoted by: >>19386390

pretty sure that's not the sentence

>> No.19386381

that's some next level trolling. i like you.

>> No.19386383
Quoted by: >>19386390

why are you like this
who hurt you

>> No.19386390
Quoted by: >>19386401

>Translate, or do not translate and leave
Take the later option

i'll hurt your dog

>> No.19386392

sorry i can't translate english into english

>> No.19386395

this but post-ironically

>> No.19386398

You don't know English.

>> No.19386401
Quoted by: >>19386419

Wow, not only do you not know Japanese but you also don't know English.

>> No.19386402
Quoted by: >>19386408

no i'm just incredibly autistic and have to translate from english to internal nonsensical metaphorical structural information to understand anything, and english production is rng

>> No.19386406
Quoted by: >>19386407


>> No.19386407

this but literally

>> No.19386408

You also don't know how anything works.

>> No.19386412
File: 2.19 MB, 341x192, me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19386413

i mean did you read my post i kinda implied that

>> No.19386419
Quoted by: >>19386429

nah, you are jut not able to read.
I've been dealng with shitposters, that's all

Kys you otaku weebs, it's clear you are here to shitpost instead of sharing actual knowledge

>> No.19386422

Did you read my post? I kinda implied that.

>> No.19386426

the hilarious thing is the question was fuckin answered very quickly but op of the question is too retarted to understand

>> No.19386429
Quoted by: >>19386439

People asked for context and you wouldn't give, this is the best you're getting anywhere. If you can't tell why it's because you don't know Japanese.

>> No.19386433

it means "don't think feel"

>> No.19386438
File: 26 KB, 255x300, the absolute state.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and the other retards think there needs to be some kind of context or a whole page posted lmao

the absolute state of djt

>> No.19386439

Nope, that's not the best I can get. I exactally expected >>19386300 and I am ok with it.
Now stop crying and go fap somewhere else, you dumb, useless weeb shitposter

>> No.19386440
Quoted by: >>19386462


>> No.19386446

That guy really took you guys for a spin, eh?

>> No.19386447
Quoted by: >>19386456

oh no guys he called us weebs! what a meanie!

>> No.19386452

pullin weebs is just complete havoc on your lower back

getting old sucks

>> No.19386455
Quoted by: >>19386467

if this motherfucker hasn't posted a page of manga in another hour i'm going to delete djt

>> No.19386456
Quoted by: >>19386465

woops srry didn't mean to hurt you

>> No.19386462

ps this pastebin was written for the express purpose of being linked to people with defective grammatical foundations

>> No.19386465
File: 413 KB, 1508x1493, 1410214263339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19386467
File: 79 KB, 546x466, 0naruto.b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no dont delete djt here its your favorite


>> No.19386470
Quoted by: >>19386476

that's two pages

>> No.19386471

Well, seems like you obviously know it's about porn and its context, yet you still do not any actual translation.
"give context waa" is nothing but noise

As extected of shitposters

>> No.19386475

random words from the middle of a sentence do not meaningful independent information make

>> No.19386476

you seemed really hungry so i just gave you the おかわり with it

>> No.19386477
Quoted by: >>19386506

>m-muh translashun
stfu and go learn japanese weeb

>> No.19386483
Quoted by: >>19386506

We know because it's obvious since you're vehemently denying to give further context, It's not hard to make those deductions, Redditor-kun.

>> No.19386484

they actually think 顔がタイプ is some ambiguous concept because they cant into loanwords lmfao DJT YOU ALL FUCKIN BLOW RETIRE FROM YOUR EXTENSIVE NIHONGO STUDY PLZ

>> No.19386488
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

face is typing

>> No.19386491

the funny part is i could help if i had context but i don't know japanese so i'm not going to ask for context because it's possible that i can't answer it anyway and don't want to inconvenience them

>> No.19386500

the funny part is i could help if i had context but i don't know japanese

>> No.19386501

Ok here's your translation fags
顔がタイプ = the face is my type
now stfu stop talking about this stupid shit

>> No.19386505

Naruto is reading.

>> No.19386506

Yet it was about me demanding a translation, which it was the original request

Nope, you are not giving any actual translation.
"LOL PORN XDDDD GIVE US PORN LMAO- but pls tell context i don't know what your post is about i just want context will ya i mean it i don't know pls"

>> No.19386507
Quoted by: >>19386512

You don't know japanese.

>> No.19386512
Quoted by: >>19386518


>> No.19386513

ill give you guys a insider secret the you dont know japanese guy doesnt know japanese and uses it at posts with correct information

>> No.19386514
Quoted by: >>19386520

Woah, we have a real できる over here.

>> No.19386516
Quoted by: >>19386520

See? was it that hard, dumb weebs?

>> No.19386518
Quoted by: >>19386527

You know i'm right.

>> No.19386520


>> No.19386521
Quoted by: >>19386548

there's more than one and i know japanese and only use it in response to posts with incorrect information

>> No.19386522
Quoted by: >>19386526

youre slipping you cant even capitalize properly anymore youre so fuckin shook atm

>> No.19386526
Quoted by: >>19386529

Grammar.exe stopped working

>> No.19386527


>> No.19386529

that post is grammatical

>> No.19386533
File: 319 KB, 736x1065, atamagatype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19387039

stop tryin' 2 be me.
here is the real page you guys.

>> No.19386536

Nobody in this thread knows Japanese.

>> No.19386537

Thread theme

>> No.19386546
Quoted by: >>19386574

I like how he just dealt with the shitposters

>> No.19386548
Quoted by: >>19386575

>i know japanese
There's where you're wrong. It's a common mistake in these threads so I'll forgive you.

>> No.19386571

ok noobs lets settle this right now


>> No.19386574

I like your face, faggot.

>> No.19386575


>> No.19386585
Quoted by: >>19386601

looks like you dropped a particle there buddy

>> No.19386601
Quoted by: >>19386617

Spoiler: lowercases are actually shit at japanese and trying to compensate for it by shitposting as much as they can

>> No.19386603

so pick up after me

>> No.19386617

the funny part is i could help if i had context but i don't know japanese

>> No.19386628

Thank god for yomichan or else I couldn't have voted for the 3rd answer. All polls posted on DJT should be in English. Don't be elitist.

>> No.19386635
Quoted by: >>19386654

your post would have been epic if you said rikaichan

>> No.19386638


>> No.19386654

I don't know enough to know why saying rikaichan instead of yomichan would be better bait except that I imagine rikaichan is less popular here. Could you explain? I could put it to good use in future truth/shitposting.

>> No.19386678
File: 20 KB, 375x395, 1516034055602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19386756

Pls bring yomi back to life.

>> No.19386691
Quoted by: >>19386707

It's not Yomichan but JapanesePod that is dead and it has happened plenty of times before and as always nobody will bother implementing an alternative or offline solution to the JapanesePod source because it will be back in a couple days.

>> No.19386707

This should be included in next op if it's not back up by that time.

>> No.19386728
Quoted by: >>19386936

when will you niggas ever learn japanese?

>> No.19386735

they wont

>> No.19386756
Quoted by: >>19386766

>not yomi wo yomigaere
Ya dropped it.

>> No.19386766
File: 33 KB, 540x375, snap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19386772

could you repost this but in english because some of us dont know japanese yet

>> No.19386785

Neat, I'm watching a playthrough of 零~眞紅の蝶 right now.

>> No.19386792

neat わたしはゲイ

>> No.19386833

I'm a newcomer to this general, and I have to ask a question. Is this place always like this or is it just a special day full of shitposting?

>> No.19386841

it's definitely always like this

don't waste your time here

>> No.19386869

It used to be generally better with periods of shitposting every few weeks. Now it is garbage all the time. 1-2 lower-case posters think they are really funny and post constantly.

>> No.19386877
Quoted by: >>19387163

We've actually improved.
Show me the last time we've encountered a reddit post itt.

>> No.19386878

ask there >>>/int/91882507

>> No.19386881

there was never a time djt was in better shape than now objectively

and its only going to get better

>> No.19386914
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, dont watch 10000 hours of anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19387064

you know boys im gonna take it back

that thing about 10000 hours of anime dont do it

i wouldnt want anyone to watch 10000 hours of this

>> No.19386936

I don't start for a couple more months.

>> No.19386941

Manga isn't reading though.

>> No.19386949

It's been in decline for awhile but the lowercase spam appeared in the past couple weeks.

>> No.19386998

hey ya'll

>> No.19387014

its funny the bad meme posters and posters who engage in the same bull shit every single day are complaining about whats spam

>> No.19387039

i appreciate this, djt is safe, i might even go so far as to be your op again

>> No.19387054

the thread actually has gotten better since i started helping out

>> No.19387060

testando limites

>> No.19387064

what is this
if 10000 hours doesn't like it i'm sure i will

>> No.19387071

by all means enjoy vn animes lmao

>> No.19387075
Quoted by: >>19387103

i only consume adaptations, never the source
this applies to all forms of media

>> No.19387099

just a little more and ill be fully ass triggered

>> No.19387101 [DELETED] 

stfu retards

>> No.19387103

I'd expect nothing less from a lowercase shitter.

>> No.19387109
File: 54 KB, 675x900, 4e53c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19387147

Actually, something weird is going on. The JapanesePod audio works fine and it appears in Anki when you import a word with audio but I can't play the sound in the definition window. This hasn't happened before.

>> No.19387122

the only thing thatd be weird is if you started learning nihongo

>> No.19387147

maybe the url format changed
don't make me download your shitty dekinai plugin to diagnose you

>> No.19387163
Quoted by: >>19387193

Not a reddit post but the guy asking for translations was 100% a redditor.

>> No.19387176
Quoted by: >>19387179

theres more redditors here than that

hint its every crybaby

>> No.19387179

You don't know reddit.

>> No.19387191

cant say that i do

>> No.19387193

that was too hard of a bait to be reddit

there was no question, it was a ruse

>> No.19387219

So I'm slowly learning jap, but I have a question on how to understand natives
It seems like they talk so fast. I can pick up when they say one words like "ookii" and shit, but I can never understand natural sentences, nor can I even pick up on things like wa, no, and ni, for example.
It's not an issue when I read, however.

>> No.19387224

This is a reddit repost.

>> No.19387245
Quoted by: >>19387255

>nor can I even pick up on things like wa, no, and ni, for example.
how is this actually possible

>> No.19387255

No you fucking mong

>> No.19387268

The solution is to read more.

>> No.19387269

you are a reddit post

>> No.19387275

Watch more.

>> No.19387277

finished my reps, I can finally play diablo 3 lads

>> No.19387281
Quoted by: >>19387301

why would you play diablo 3

>> No.19387296

I'm reviewing forgotten cards and then reading more remembering the kana. I'll let you guys know when I finish.

>> No.19387301
Quoted by: >>19387309

because its funny
I'm chasing pussy

>> No.19387309

no it's not
if it's in diablo 3 you're making a mistake

>> No.19387316


>> No.19387329

active listen to 100 hours of content and see if you improve any

>> No.19387366
Quoted by: >>19387400

JapanesePod101 is back up boys, you can use yomichan now.

>> No.19387378

i think particles were the first thing i picked up after "ookii and shit"
listen more

>> No.19387400

Thanks buddy. It works now.

>> No.19387411

>people actually fell for the read more meme

>> No.19387427

So I'm mining words and then I'm mining words from the dictionary entries of the words that I'm mining and this shit never ends and I just fucking mined 癲癇 to help me with the definition of 引きつけ -- actually 痙攣 -- but that word came from looking up 引きつけ. Anyway, how bad am I fucking up? Will this ever end?

>> No.19387442

Unironically watch this:

>> No.19387449
Quoted by: >>19387508

Don't do what the guy above me told you.

>> No.19387466

>people think this problem can't be solved with a balanced diet

>> No.19387467
Quoted by: >>19387482

What meme? I never browse /jp/

>> No.19387480

3 years and he still cant read muramasa

>> No.19387482

eat your mangoes and drink your animes
this is the only way to become fluent
some memes are the truth

>> No.19387498

native approved. does that upset you?

>> No.19387500

He's been doing japanese for 7 years, not 3 so it's even worse.

>> No.19387508

Right, but I"m not looking up "dictionary words".
>Every word in the dictionary is valuable
>Only mine words you've seen multiple times so you know that they're valuable
I feel like he's contradicting himself.
It's too late, I already watched that video a month or so ago.

>> No.19387515

thanks for your twitter
he admitted that he studied the section of muramasa that he read before he recorded it by the way

>> No.19387519
File: 29 KB, 822x641, tinder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19387556

>banging tinder sluts this weekend
>sunday morning trying to fit in another slut
>get matched then read her profile
>she's learning japanese
>oh cool, I wonder if she's really learning or just bullshitting
>50 kanji
>1 year

>> No.19387523

>I feel like he's contradicting himself.
he does that often actually

>> No.19387524

I actually have nothing to say
this has to be either a scripted conversation or a "japanese native" who was born in japan, stayed there for 3 years and then moved to america
good job you dumbfounded me

>> No.19387525

>I feel like he's contradicting himself.
His video is about transitioning to j-j. He's saying that you need to understand dictionary words if you want to understand words you're looking up in the context of Japanese.

>> No.19387534

whats there to be upset about this actually makes piss jigger look worse

bring me shit from a verified knower of shit

>> No.19387542

(This message was sponsored by Matt/AJATT & Co.)

>> No.19387556

samefagging on tinder how low can you go

>> No.19387558
File: 7 KB, 183x112, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19387689

What's up with these definitions, hilarious.

>> No.19387584

tell you what

if you can get that nice older japanese bloke to watch and critique matts muramasa video i will one laugh my ass off till i tinkle and 2 in some kind of bizarro world where he says matt did everything right i will give him proper praise and endorsement donate to his patreon and leave djt forever

>> No.19387590
Quoted by: >>19387604

we know matt didn't do everything right though there's some words he misread

>> No.19387593

yeah we do know that

but more people need to know and they need it from an authentic source

>> No.19387599

>Follow my AJATT journey. Currently on RTK 1

>> No.19387600
Quoted by: >>19387616

>making bets you know you can't lose
no fun

>> No.19387604

He misread words even after rehearsing the whole thing, and his pronunciation sucks dick. My monolingual mom pronunciates Japanese better than him.

>> No.19387607

Is your mom Japanese?

>> No.19387608

"there's some" doesn't imply anything about the particular amount

>> No.19387616
Quoted by: >>19387631

my last challenge was incredibly accessible and the only person who could wield the power of basic nihongo chose not to send me on my way to new frontiers

>> No.19387620

You tell me

>> No.19387625

ill show her some top selections from my anime library and shell wish she was

>> No.19387631
Quoted by: >>19387644

I did say I wish you'd behave, though.

>> No.19387633


>> No.19387636

MattvsJapan: Native Approved


>> No.19387644

i try dude but things have cascaded into quite the mess

im still trying to direct traffic though keeping true to righteousness and the thoughts of a better day

>> No.19387645
Quoted by: >>19387678

I don't think you understand how long 7 years is considering Matt's in in 20s, that's how long he had to get to that level, i can't say i'm impressed.

>> No.19387661

thats a 10 minute video equivalent of the nice おばさん on the street meeting kenneth sama and saying 日本語お上手ですねッ

ッ is the face shes making when she say it

>> No.19387664
Quoted by: >>19387678

Title for Dogen's video: His Japanese is amazing!

Title for m*tt's video: It's shit and he doesn't even know how to pronounce pitch on basic words.

Hmm what could this possibly mean?

>> No.19387678

It could be 14 years and it's still impressive.
It means Dogen's pitch accent is better. What is the significance.

>> No.19387680

the best irony is people like matt learn all these words off of flashcards and i bet they cant recall shit when its time to really put up


>> No.19387683
Quoted by: >>19387707

are you trolling
no I just genuinely wanna know I won't get mad at you I just wanna know if you're trolling me right now cause then I can just shitpost at not take you seriously and we'll have a good time on /d/j/t/

>> No.19387686
File: 202 KB, 342x378, piss jug in public.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19387693

since matt's discord likes raiding here, one of you should post this video

>> No.19387689

what's up with these furikana, hilarious

>> No.19387692
Quoted by: >>19387707

>He really thinks any sub 70 IQ retard couldn't get to that level in more than half a decade

>> No.19387693

that video description sounds like hes makin some excuses for why hes about to act a fool in public

>> No.19387694
File: 673 KB, 2048x1152, VXlX73W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19387707

Not trolling. Your criticism is so hollow when a native is commending him on his Japanese. Just give it up and admit that he's good. Meanwhile you'll never provide evidence that your level is anywhere near his.

Again: Native approved. None of your objections matter. Post a video of a native calling his Japanese ass. You are a joke.

>> No.19387709

>It could be 14 years and it's still impressive.
well now that i can see how low you've set the bar i have to admit that matt might actually get you where you want to go

>> No.19387714
File: 86 KB, 500x500, brainlet_echo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19387715

>Again: Native approved.
i could teach my mom to say ひろしく…おねーーーがします! and a native would approve her japanese

>> No.19387730

Does vocaroo count?

>> No.19387736
Quoted by: >>19387766


>> No.19387766

Are you trying to insult me

>> No.19387798
File: 67 KB, 2048x1152, 1531095100101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think thats enough to avoid my wrath think again

>> No.19387818

you should try being yourself bobby instead of trying to emulate your idols

show us teh real bobbeh

>> No.19387827


>> No.19387845
Quoted by: >>19387872

Remember imouto.

>> No.19387860
File: 680 KB, 862x399, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19387915

Are you implying the average Japanese retard teen knows Japanese? Do you actually think the average American teen knows English?

>> No.19387872

imouto is actually better than uppercase

not a widely known fact but its the truth

>> No.19387892

i thought it was the widest known fact

>> No.19387900
Quoted by: >>19387969

the widest known fact is don't study just read

>> No.19387915


>> No.19387940
Quoted by: >>19387944

can someone give me a tl;dr of this

>> No.19387944
Quoted by: >>19387950

Japanese people don't know Japanese.

>> No.19387950

k thx

>> No.19387955
Quoted by: >>19387970

nice link i love that japones guy puta

>> No.19387959

You can't trust natives. You can trust anons in DJT though. lol

>> No.19387964

im not seeing any natives to trust

can you bring them

>> No.19387969
Quoted by: >>19387993

Can confirm.

I don't know any Japanese but I read a lot. I just sound out the words and make up what I think it means. I am reading konosuba and it is about this angel who is trying to convince 5 year olds to attack hell with him.

>> No.19387970

why? you can clearly tell he's a leftist retard regurgitating retarded kumbaya shit his mixed african friend has been telling him.

>> No.19387978

you got any more guilty pleasures you wanna admit to me

>> No.19387987

yeah I prefer based alt right guy hiroshi (I think it was hiroshi I forgot his name sorry)

>> No.19387993

i know that you're not genuinely interested in seeking my holy guidance but i'll give you a freebie
you are allowed to use a dictionary

>> No.19388003

There's one thing that I don't quite understand with RTK. Sure after going through the book you'll be able to associate a keyword to each (?) 常用漢字 and be able to visualize/write the characters more easily but how does this make learning vocab easier? Sure you'll have an easier time with look-alike words but is it really worth the time invested?

>> No.19388011
File: 729 KB, 2016x4032, tc70emeb8p811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19388025

So /djt/ have you ordered your Weiner Cutter yet?

>> No.19388021

no but prepare yourself for arguments to the contrary

>> No.19388025

Yes now show your pee pee to daddy, I'll make it quick

>> No.19388055
Quoted by: >>19388088

>but how does this make learning vocab easier
>is it really worth the time invested?
Don't know.

>> No.19388064

I've went through 3/4 of RTK 1 and I dropped it and never looked back, been reading ever since and don't regret it.

>> No.19388083

anyone else day dreams about spending a year or two just studying jp in japan? I know its a pipe dream because >no money but that kyoto school one looks comfy, just spend 7 hours a day studying jp and then strolling around kyoto on the weekends.

>> No.19388085
Quoted by: >>19388101

pareto principle. you got a lot out of it.

>> No.19388088

So you're supposed to come up with mnemonics for vocab as well?

I mean you did go through the majority of it, so it might actually help your retention who knows?

>> No.19388101

True, there's no way to quantify it though. Most people do it due to some cargo cult mentality of "it worked for all these people that means I have to do everything just like they have" but RTK has never been proven to be beneficial. At least to the point that the time invested in it is better spent reading instead.

>> No.19388114

You can but no, I mean something more subconscious than that. Seems pretty self explanatory. You're going to remember something better if you already have an "entry" for it in your mental dictionary so to speak. I'm not saying it's an efficient use of your time though. Try reading instead and then go back to RTK if you have poor retention after a year.

>> No.19388134

Hold off on learning Japanese for a couple years. I'll finish RTK soon, then I'll learn Japanese for a couple years and let you know if I regret RTK.

>> No.19388170
File: 7 KB, 120x128, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever translates this, will have my eternal gratitude. (OCR failed me already.)
It's a chapter from Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san, but originally had no title. Now it's in volume 7, and according to the index, this is it.
It's been bugging me for years.

>> No.19388174
Quoted by: >>19388185

Not gonna translate shit but that's 約束, that's all the spoonfeeding you're getting from me.

>> No.19388179
Quoted by: >>19388188

the pleasure of being cummed inside
Alright where's my eternal gratitude

>> No.19388180
Quoted by: >>19388188

Christ, I hope nobody tells you retard.

>> No.19388185

That's all I needed, thanks!

>> No.19388188

Sorry i ruined your fun boys.

>> No.19388197

Now as a form of expressing your eternal gratitude return to reddit and never come back here ever again.

>> No.19388204

All you needed was RTK

>> No.19388313
Quoted by: >>19388318

How long after mining every unknown word in a book do you wait before you reread it? Or rather, how long after mining every unknown word in a manga do you wait to re-eat it?

>> No.19388318
Quoted by: >>19388330

>mining every unknown word in a book
what the fuck are you doing to yourself

>> No.19388319
Quoted by: >>19388330

nigga are you trying to srs your reading

>> No.19388325

Will I ever learn pronunciation/pitch accent as a gaijin?

>> No.19388330

How do you read if you don't mine every unknown word?

>> No.19388337

it won't be perfect but look at dogen. just practice

>> No.19388339

No. It is physically impossible for a filthy gaijin monkey to learn Japanese pronunciation. Your brain is simply too small and unflexible. The best you can do is convert to buddhism and hope you reincarnate as a Japanese person in your next life.

>> No.19388344
Quoted by: >>19388363

You do realize your brain is capable of remembering words without relying on an SRS right?

>> No.19388361


>> No.19388363

How about "unknown words whose reading you aren't able to guess"? I just toss shit into SRS to help me remember readings mostly...

>> No.19388378

"ga" is something I am not so sure, but it can't mean't anything more than "of"

>> No.19388381

wtf you're not jamal
Jamal has a high pitched voice and an australian acccent

>> No.19388396


>> No.19388399

lmao you got fuckin issues thanks for that blast from the past

>> No.19388402


>> No.19388416

Jamal has went full autism
I think he might be leaving the thread soon and this is his way to say goodbye

>> No.19388418
Quoted by: >>19388458


>> No.19388419

? i just wanted to ask a question but didnt feel like typing it

>> No.19388424

I think we've reached a new low.

>> No.19388431

post em all

>> No.19388446
Quoted by: >>19388452

Just cleaning out my hard drive that's all there was

>> No.19388451

mine words that you've seen a couple times and you think you might see again in another book this year
anything else is a distraction from getting good at japanese

>> No.19388452
Quoted by: >>19388476

dang you dont even have the lifestyle one

i prolly do hang on

>> No.19388458


>> No.19388476

i dont have it or any of those ones you posted

>> No.19388481
Quoted by: >>19388484

someone post the djt discord link again please, I don't want to post here anymore

>> No.19388484 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19388494


>> No.19388486
Quoted by: >>19388493

you dont wanna go there they are worse than thread

>> No.19388493
Quoted by: >>19388500

i can confirm that because i've never been there and i am the mvp of team djeet

>> No.19388494
Quoted by: >>19388509

lol you actually posted it
I was kidding I don't actually want to join your circlejerk

>> No.19388500
Quoted by: >>19388502

is that silent d

>> No.19388502


>> No.19388509

wow dude, btfo. shall never recover

>> No.19388510

Is the nhk にようこそ in the library just the first volume or something else. It says all on it, so I am a little confused about what it is.

>> No.19388517

NHK is a single novel, unless you're refering to the Manga.

>> No.19388519

No idea. I don't know Japanese and I'm not reading the guide again until RTK is done.

>> No.19388521

fucking based

>> No.19388524

To anyone curious it turns out it is just one novel, and I was looking at the manga adaptation on mal. there is no volumes and it is a regular novel.

>> No.19388525


>> No.19388528

its pointless to even think about japanese until you remember the kanji

>> No.19388531

how good is Nama Sensei for learning the basics of Japanese? I'm just starting. I've been doing some reps, but nothing too much or too long.

>> No.19388532

Este gurí si que está basado!!!

>> No.19388533

he was pretty fly for a white guy

>> No.19388534
Quoted by: >>19388548

since two people haven't answered the question yet i'm going to let you all know that nhk is one novel if you're talking about the novel

>> No.19388537


>> No.19388539

oh ok thank you good to know

>> No.19388548

Thank you, I appreciate you for shedding light on this question when no one else answered me.

BTW it is just one novel, your welcome.

>> No.19388551

Nama sensei is baby japanese level and he also uses romaji, doesn't help that he's drunk as fuck too

Good comedy though

>> No.19388556

in case anyone is still confused nhkがようkそ is 1 novella

>> No.19388568

Jesus guys, nhk にようこそ is only ONE novel

>> No.19388577

it's romanji
also NHKへようこそ only has one novel

>> No.19388582


>> No.19388589

how's my Japanese

>> No.19388593
Quoted by: >>19388599

Could you do a recording without the penis in your mouth?

>> No.19388596

fake and gay

>> No.19388597

I've heard Korean fetuses speak better Japanese than that

>> No.19388599


>> No.19388608


>> No.19388614

Yo what the fuck I didn't know Marine posted here DJTからようこそ

>> No.19388615

actual cringe

>> No.19388616

how the fuck do I sound like nukemarine

>> No.19388617

butt fuckin bobby strikes again

>> No.19388620

Dunno it's probably the dick in your mouth lol

>> No.19388651
Quoted by: >>19388659

By the way nukemarine is streaming right now. Just letting you know.

>> No.19388659
File: 935 KB, 1399x783, 43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19388665

Yea . . . epic

>> No.19388661

can someone just tell nuke marine its okay to learn nihongo

>> No.19388665

Now you understand why is it not nice to compare anyone in this thread to nukemarine

>> No.19388679

how do i pronounce ぜ? ze or je, j being a combination of z and j

>> No.19388682

je, where j represents a y sound

>> No.19388688

je, where j represents an dj sound

>> No.19388692
Quoted by: >>19388700

welcome to ゼィーット

>> No.19388700
Quoted by: >>19388710

if this isnt in the next op im becoming an uppercase poster

this is your warning

>> No.19388706

welcome to hell

>> No.19388710

What is wrong with being able to type and post in proper sentences?

>> No.19388715
Quoted by: >>19388717

when you get a little older youll understand

>> No.19388717
Quoted by: >>19388723

I want to understand now.

>> No.19388719

He means his arthritis kills him every time he reaches for the shift key

>> No.19388720

thankfully i dont have arthritis i just dont give a fuck

>> No.19388723

it all starts with thinking that youre doing what is right and proper

next thing you know youre running 4 hour arguments about the most efficient way to pretend to learn japanese

the key to being a good poster is to not give a fuck and giving a fuck starts with shift

>> No.19388730

its only a sweet bonus that sometimes it really fucks with esls

>> No.19388735

Besides, at this point, would you really want to live in a world that looks like this?

>> No.19388754
Quoted by: >>19388761

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19388756

this is enlightening can i be your diciple

>> No.19388761

crybabies across the globe

>> No.19388765

But the earth is flat

>> No.19388791
File: 1.63 MB, 1023x776, d5fe3194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make productive posts when I come across Japanese I find intriguing, ask questions after exhausting other resources and try to help people when they ask genuine questions themselves.

You on the other hand seem to be under the impression that this thread is your personal shitting ground and that you are somehow entitled to make this a worthless, unproductive place for us, who still interpret DJT as a collection of Japanese learners, to spend their time on. You are a fucking piece of shit and I hope you get a trip so I never have to see any more drivel coming out of you, you worthless fucking waste of space. The worst thing is that instead of reporting you and driving you off the thread, new people that don't know any Japanese anyway are delighted they can partake in shitting in the thread. You have truly left your mark, retard.

>> No.19388800

I genuinely thought you'd write the 月 first, then the 幺, 言, 幺, then 刂 before moving on to write 長, 馬, 長, finishing the 心 and finally 'enclosing' them all with the good old ⻌. But turns out I was wrong. Dammit, gonna need to brush up on my stroke orders again!

>> No.19388810
Quoted by: >>19388862

it's funny because the new dekinai actually believe this
the fact is that lowercase posters have demonstrated far higher potential to nihongo than uppercase posters and regularly engage in worthwhile discussions
you take offense to shitposting about shit topics
consider not posting about shit topics in the first place as they are the actual problem

>> No.19388811

sounds like youre just blinded by hate and see only what you want to see

its fine djt was totally productive before i came along thats why its been talking about flashcards and rtk and the first 10 pages of yotuba for years

face it djt is the nukemarine of learning communities and its only recently weve started to pry you fucks out of your rut

>> No.19388813

In the eyes of 日本語様 we're all the same because kanji don't have cases

>> No.19388828

>You on the other hand seem to be under the impression that this thread is your personal shitting ground
I am guilty of this!

>> No.19388830

to quote the famous movie fight club

you are not your fuckin kanji grid

>> No.19388862
Quoted by: >>19388868

give me examples of these "worthwhile discussions"

>> No.19388865

"Is it NHKにようこそ or NHKへようこそ"

>> No.19388868

i got a better one
give me examples of worthwhile discussions that did not involve the grace of lowercase

>> No.19388926

this guy doesnt even know death note what a fucking poser

>> No.19388938

ね ね

>> No.19388960
File: 4 KB, 164x251, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving a fuck starts with shift
Just like this guy

>> No.19388963

do what

>> No.19388998
File: 73 KB, 654x525, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19389033

>Japanese people explaining dad jokes
it's so worth it learning all those kanji, vocab and grammar

>> No.19389033

why do you call puns dad jokes?

>> No.19389041

are you disagreeing with the assertion or asking for an explanation
daily english thread has just begun, get the popcorn

>> No.19389042
Quoted by: >>19389049

It seems like the Japanese know the meaning, but not the reading. I suppose at certain point the Japanese don't check/memorize the readings when they look things up on the dictionary.

>> No.19389047


>> No.19389049

readings belong to words
it wasn't until yesterday I sat down and forced myself to memorize that 南東 is read なんとう despite having known on both an intellectual and intuitive level for half a decade that 南 and 東 are read なん and とう in sinic words
the reader needs to be exposed to the word on a regular basis in both text and verbal form to memorize the reading

>> No.19389067

Got this from http://eigohakken.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-749.html, which call them 'dad jokes'.

I'm an ESL, so if that wasn't "dad joke" enough, I apologize.

>> No.19389089

A bit easier, but getting to a high level of proficiency not all that much.

>> No.19389091
Quoted by: >>19389108

for next year?
new years resolutions are the surest sign of a dekinai you can find so it will be hard
to answer your question, kanji will be slightly easier but the language itself wont be much easier or harder for you than westerners, to my understanding

>> No.19389108

For this year, I realise I am a couple of months late

>> No.19389117

new years resolution strikes again

>> No.19389146

Sorry that wasn’t meant as a reply

>> No.19389155


Shit I meant that to say 北朝船 oh well.

>> No.19389188
Quoted by: >>19389323

Don't do more, please.

>> No.19389195


>> No.19389313

i assume the point wasn't as much demonstrating the concept as giving specific examples of the english dad jokes that japan is missing out on

>> No.19389323



>> No.19389342
File: 407 KB, 355x499, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19389350


>> No.19389350 [SPOILER] 
File: 268 KB, 720x1024, 1531117512181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19389442



>> No.19389450
File: 32 KB, 398x399, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he did RTK
fkn retards

>> No.19389672
Quoted by: >>19389675

can someone explain 透過 because i cant get much context besides slime girls in the summer and "permeate", seems related to transparent but its pretty unclear

>> No.19389675
Quoted by: >>19389682

loan from chinese
being clear
light passing through a translucent body

>> No.19389682

thank you

>> No.19389699
File: 991 KB, 1164x1844, China_Illustrata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19389756
Quoted by: >>19389765

I just can't be fucked anymore. I've got all the best books, genki, japanese for busy people, udemy courses, audio books out the ass and I've lived here for 4 years.

How do I get out of this lazy cunt mode

>> No.19389765

first of all stop using the shift key
follow that up with a healthy dose of don't study just read (and listen)
a balanced diet is all you need

>> No.19389771
Quoted by: >>19389778

Reading's a meme

>> No.19389772

new cards after or before reviews?

>> No.19389778

don't read, just study

>> No.19389781

always before, gives you proper control over learning intervals

>> No.19389783
Quoted by: >>19389796

before makes more sense but it makes almost no fucking difference

>> No.19389796

>makes more sense
idk, when I was in school we used to review the previous lesson at the beginning of each class, as a refresher.

>> No.19389855
Quoted by: >>19390426

When 中 is used to mean in the middle of something like 戦争中 is it pronounced naka or chuu?

>> No.19389880

You can't learn reading Japanese without consuming voiced media.

>> No.19389925
File: 44 KB, 339x244, ji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19390118
File: 492 KB, 460x345, 1529576780610.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amerifriends had a blast while I was gone again, it seems.

>> No.19390165

Is it a good idea to start reading Mahyo right after Tae Kim grammar guide or is it too hard?

>> No.19390181

It's a good idea to read compelling comprehensible content

>> No.19390194

It's a good idea to start Yotsuba, realize how boring it is and switch to Naruto.

>> No.19390206

>waaaaah waaaah stop asking stupid questions on my stupid thread
If you're so superior, why do feel the need to make a whole scene about it?
You're like those fags who keep complaining about reality shows or stupid comments on stupid websites, but keep watching those nonetheless.

>> No.19390253
Quoted by: >>19390261

The fuck are you reading, pal?

>> No.19390261
Quoted by: >>19390349

I wish I fucking knew.
If you want context its a guy in a futuristic space suit flying a stealth fighter while musing about the time travelling (?) girl he met who is possibly his mom from another timeline and also has tried to kill him multiple times.

>> No.19390266
Quoted by: >>19390282

What's your best guess at what it means?

>> No.19390282

something along the lines of "my mom's ass doesn't look good on her" or "she'll never have my mom's ass" or something fucking retarded like that

everything my brain comes up with sounds so fucking stupid i feel like it literally can't be right

>> No.19390295
File: 1.53 MB, 988x1142, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at 8.16.29 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19390322

She's not very good at makeup. She looks wildly different in some videos. Alternatively, her make up doesn't play well with whatever lightning equipment she has.

>> No.19390323


Kangxi Radical deck is a way better use of your time from what I've seen. What better way to differentiate kanji than learning the parts in a fraction of the time.

>> No.19390332

easy because you share a lot of readings with nips

>> No.19390335

I'd love Misa's videos if they were half their length. I just tried to watch a video on ONE way to say "if" and it's 30-40 mins long. Aside from that she's pretty good - like a video version of Tae Kim/Genki with some native speaker knowledge thrown in.

>> No.19390349

Having your mom wipe your ass isn't cool.
Look up けつにもつ in a j-j.

>> No.19390353
File: 42 KB, 450x429, 1512667805011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19390357

Yotsuba and NHK easy are too hard

>> No.19390357

So is my dick, faggot.

>> No.19390388

I don't know Japanese but it doesn't look scary to me. It's just symbols. Maybe you're a coward.

>> No.19390426

It functions as a suffix ahd therefore is ちゅう。

>> No.19390466

You have never seen the infamous 58-stroker in the word for biang-biang noodles?

>> No.19390741

You actually only have to read one line word at a time.

>> No.19390993

i dont know dude im sure we can find authentic nihonjim on twitter that say they cant read 40% of that..

>> No.19391011 [DELETED] 

Hi, My names Josh. I really love Japan and Japanese cutlure. I'm taking my time to learn the language and more about Japan as a whole including current trends and history. I'd greatly appreciate if someone can accurately translate these phrases for me. The most accurate translations will be sent funds via PayPal just include your email address in your reply. Thank you for your participation.

A list of phrases to help me participate in coversations with other natives and speakers.

1. Phrases for translation.

"I'm still learning." "I'm not that great." "I'll try my best." "What are your interests?" "How are you today?" "How have you been feeling recently?" "What reoccurring thought brings you the most happiness?" "You're amazing." "I don't understand." "Can you please teach me?" "Where is your biggest travel destination?" "What profession are you studying to exel in?" "I like the way your mind works." "I'd like to speak more with you." "You're fascinating." "Can we spend more time together later?" "I'm busy at the moment." "You're a really nice person." "Will you be my friend?" "I'll try." "I'll do it." "How difficult is it?" "I really enjoy your content." "The thoughts you share make me smile." "Do you watch sports?" "What's your favorite sport?" "Who are your favorite media creators?" "What genre of music do you enjoy most?" "Who is your favorite artist?" "Let's get started." "I'll help." "Well then..." "Try me." "What's the most exiting activity you've ever done?" "Are you in love? Do you have a spouse?" "What guilty pleasures do you have?" "What's your biggest positive influence?" "You're perfect just the way you are. I'm proud to call you my friend." "That's perfect." "Isn't that dangerous?" "Doctor/Fireman/Paramdic Driver/Policeman/Desk Job/Construction Worker/Artist." "I'm learning Japanese but I'm still not very good at it yet." "Exciting." "You're a pleasant spectacle to witness." "The only option I have is to improve relentlessly." "Can you please teach me more?" "Can I contact you by email?" "Can I add you on social media?" "Knowlege is a very valuable asset." "I will start a brand and multiple businesses to create a passive income." "That's fair." "I hope you enjoy yourself." "I enjoy being in your company."(Around/in vicinity of) "You're a great teacher." "I appreciate your guidance." "I appreciate your assistance." "Are you a native Japanese resident?" "Is your heritage Japanese?" "What nationality are you?" "You are inspiring."/"You are an inspiration." "To learn more effectively I must develop stricter discipline." "Do you play video games? What's your favorite game?" "Do you watch anime? Which anime character from which anime best represents you or do you feel like you can relate to the most?" "Take your time." "No worries." "I want to create art such as Music, Drawings, Paintings, Videos, and all sorts of media that can inspire our current; and future generations." "We can learn together." "I'll teach you English if you'd like." "I'm my own boss." "Please help me on my conquest to building an empire." "Aspiring to new heights." "I really want to visit..." "Your smile is beautiful." "Your personality is wonderful." "Please be my friend." "If you really desire something you will pursue it no matter what it takes." "I'm not sure if that's correct." "How can I check?" "I extend to you my fullest amount of gratitude." "It is an honor to be associated with someone such as yourself." "Ideas so vivid that anyone who is exposed to them can instantly envision them within their own mind." "Let's do it together." "You have a kind heart." "Reality is what we make of it." "What's your favorite genres of media content to consume?" "You are very intelligent." "You are beautiful." "Delicious." "It tastes amazing." "Please give me a moment while I eat." "What's your favorite food?" "What's your favorite fruit?" "Are you a daytime or nightime type of person?" "How early do you wake up every day?" "That is not common."/"That is common." "What terrifies you?" "Nothing scares me." "I really can't think of any fears that I have." "I still have a lot to learn." "My name is ___. But you can call me _." "What is your age?" "I was born in ____." "What activities do you enjoy spending the most time doing?" "You're beautiful." "Everything you do amazes me."

>> No.19391048

already tried on plebbit

>> No.19391159
File: 27 KB, 563x517, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19391171

most of these can be expressed with the simple phrase:

>> No.19391207
File: 109 KB, 700x700, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19391274

what do you say when somebody finds out you are learning jap and asks

>> No.19391212

>someone hit and run'd my car and had to waste my entire afternoon doing paper work at the police station instead of studying japanese
LITERALLY even god doesn't want me to learn this language

>> No.19391227

wtf i love you guys right now

>> No.19391256

Your cat's ugly as hell.

>> No.19391274

"iku iku ikuuu" "ahh~"

>> No.19391315
File: 1.29 MB, 1265x719, 73289jr2389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19391320

>That feeling when you have been reading a vn for 2 hours and it was just the prologue.

>> No.19391320

Me with Axanael, I read for so long and thought I put a decent dent into it then the opening played.

>> No.19391373
Quoted by: >>19391395


>> No.19391395

fuck off Gai sensei

>> No.19391399

Sup my fellow negros.

I recently started to learn Japanese. Pretty much all I've done so far is learn Hiragana. I can recognize the characters but I am far from reading them fluently.
I was wondering how well you advanced guys can read them; just like the Latin alphabet? How long did it take you to read fluently?

>> No.19391407

Reading isn't what you think it is. Even in latin you can't read by that definition.

>> No.19391410

Just read more. Asking "how long does it take for x to get better" is the most retarded question i see asked here all the time. People progress at different paces, just keep reading and don't worry.

>> No.19391430

the more you do something the easier and more automatic it gets

spend time doing that instead of askin stupid shit dog

>> No.19391485

That is pretty funny, yeah.

>> No.19391524
Quoted by: >>19391558

Sorry, your circumstancial evidence means nothing to me.

>> No.19391542
Quoted by: >>19391552

>can't tell when one word ends and another begins
>can't tell small つ apart
>brain won't compute the meaning of a word if it's written in hiragana and I learned the kanji

Jesus this is so hard lel

>> No.19391552
Quoted by: >>19391561

The I just started reading starter pack.

>> No.19391558

One data point is better than zero data points :)

>> No.19391561
Quoted by: >>19391633

Yeah no shit buddy

>> No.19391633

this is a thread for native japanese speakers idiot baka (^◡^)っ╰⋃╯ SNIP SNIP

>> No.19391733
Quoted by: >>19391773

What is the の in 微かな笑みの doing here? Is it not unneeded?

>> No.19391734

how many baka gaijins can you fit inside a bottle?

>> No.19391741

Why is it so hard to learn nip..

>> No.19391755
Quoted by: >>19391763

I'll be pissed if this thread gets banned in the next 2 years before I learn Japanese. Then I won't be able to help newfriends.

>> No.19391763

yeah after 2 years you'll be n3 like nukemarine and the rest of the piggies helping each other here

>> No.19391773

explanatory I guess, rather than merely declarative

>> No.19391808 [DELETED] 

How the fuck do I add characters to the selection made by Kanjitome? Say if the word in question has 4 characters but the program will only highlight the first two. In the help section it says:

>If too many characters are selected, click the selected row to clear it. You can also use hotkeys Alt+W and Alt+Q to add or remove characters from selection.

Is this how I'm supposed to do it? Alt+W doesn't do anything when I click it.

>> No.19391875

What do you think the button on the left side of あ is for?
