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File: 230 KB, 1200x1600, 1411704535042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12532812 No.12532812 [Reply] [Original]

Monstergirl thread

Oldsnake edition

>> No.12532816

You didn't put monster girls in the title. The autists will be pissed.

>> No.12532818

>on page 9
>suddenly 404

I blame anon

>> No.12532819
File: 451 KB, 609x706, 2497634545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They said threads would be safe here
>They said there is no need to worry

The end is beginning, is you're monster waifu prepared for the twilight days?

>> No.12532822
Quoted by: >>12532842

Shut your fucking face doomsayer anon. Nothing is wrong.

>> No.12532825


Don't normally make threads

Can't delete this anymore either. Thanks moot

>> No.12532826

>Didn't put monster girl in the title
>Didn't include any of the links what so ever
Why are autists so impatient?

>> No.12532828

It is as >>12532816 foretold

>> No.12532831
Quoted by: >>12532837

Even Ann Frank could see idiots complaining about little things coming from a mile away.

>> No.12532832
Quoted by: >>12532834

If somebody can't make the OP correctly they don't need to make the damn OP.

>> No.12532834

Well we're stuck with it so stop whinging about it and talk about monstergirls.

>> No.12532835
File: 339 KB, 800x1030, 9fac10f8c3d443badbd46d4b9b40e79f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put the lolishits in their place, post delicious health

>> No.12532837
Quoted by: >>12532863


God damn it Randal, how many times to I have to tell you!? You're thinking of Helen Keller

>> No.12532839
File: 245 KB, 720x800, 19648b3b1da587c7a11709d67a5fd38b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12532850

She's a little beyond healthy.

>> No.12532842
File: 962 KB, 3508x2480, 1407012422890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread gets prematurely deleted on Page 9 with multiple threads behind it
>Suddenly deleted
>"Everything is fine, nothing is amiss."

This is /a/ all over again. History will repeat itself.

>> No.12532845
File: 538 KB, 797x598, Succuwitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12532857

Reposting update since the last thread 404'd oddly quick. Alp Adventures Ch. 10 is done now that I got over my struggle with chronic laziness. Alp bullying and sexy times abound.


>> No.12532846
File: 78 KB, 651x1000, f7554e71b3335f4ab2bab76c0f1747cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't overreact now. Let's just calmly assess the situation.

>> No.12532848

Hey, we've got images again. Maybe the Janitor thought he was doing us a favor.

>> No.12532849

I wonder, if I lived in MGC and came across a violent rapist, like and amazon or oni and she was in a bad mood, would she just break my arms and legs to stop me from resisting and stuff my mouth with a filthy rag to stop my screams of pain?
Would any passerby even care enough to call an ambulance after it's over or would I have to crawl to the hospital using my broken limbs?
I don't think I want to live in MGC.

>> No.12532850
File: 420 KB, 849x1200, b8d4beb27b70bc503c3f8a998c5911c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you saying there's a such a thing as too much health?

>> No.12532851

It's succucucks fault
Purge them

>> No.12532852
Quoted by: >>12532860

Janitor probably thought it would be easier to delete the thread then try to clean up 1000 shit/meta posts.

>> No.12532854
File: 324 KB, 800x600, 1382752121030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll rek ur shit m8.

>> No.12532857

You're writing again?


>> No.12532860

Hopefully that's the case.
Especially considering how abysmal last thread was.

>> No.12532861
Quoted by: >>12532864



A little chub never hurt anybody.

>> No.12532863

Then who the fuck is Ann Frank?

>> No.12532864
File: 170 KB, 700x800, 04b8aa026685010dc2daf84bf094886b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12532888

As long as we don't go over the line into fat girls, then we'll be alright.

>> No.12532865
File: 40 KB, 600x725, 1409255481654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he trying to say that too much health is unhealthy?

>> No.12532867
File: 48 KB, 224x257, EVEN NOW THERE IS HOPE FOR MAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533596

There are probably people, both man and monster who fight to keep the streets safe in MGC.
There are probably those who can bring back the light. There has to be.

>> No.12532868
Quoted by: >>12532877

That's actually too much. Please stop.

>> No.12532870

>All that backboob
That's actually mildly unappealing.

>> No.12532873

I'm guessing all those dating service respondents will never get results. What a shame.

>> No.12532877

No. Please.

More healthy cow girls.

>> No.12532878
Quoted by: >>12532881

This is tumbrl-feminist tier fat
Stop that shit

>> No.12532879
Quoted by: >>12532884

>You're writing again?
Yeah. Had a brain fart that lasted weeks when trying to figure out where to take chapter 10.
Had numerous scraps and rewrites. Even if Alp Adventures is just a silly short chapter here and there I still have my moments of overdrive autism if it doesn't seem quite right to me.

>> No.12532881
Quoted by: >>12532888


>I don't like how a thing looks so that means it's tumblr


>> No.12532882

I already know my waifu anyway.

>> No.12532884
File: 156 KB, 688x1000, 00bcb296aee262af74d0826e70e3c9ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post some slightly healthy girls, but not the crap you've been posting. Seriously.

I thought you stopped writing entirely.

>> No.12532885

There's always the archive.

>> No.12532886
Quoted by: >>12532887

>I thought you stopped writing entirely.
Are you mistaking me for Alpanon?

>> No.12532887
Quoted by: >>12532893

I guess I am.
I guess he did pussy out.

>> No.12532888

That was fat as fuck, retard

This is chubby/healthy

That shit was feminist-tier fat

>> No.12532893
Quoted by: >>12532899

Guess I should have added the spoiler that I added to my post in the last thread.
Because I write Alp Adventures I end up getting mistaken for Alpanon quite a bit, it seems. But no, I am not Alpanon.
I just happened to name my little series Alp Adventures without previously knowing about him.

>> No.12532895
File: 54 KB, 800x569, 1410554894382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I've ever seen someone use that term on anything.

>> No.12532896
File: 321 KB, 800x800, 3e0492bebb6b44c0ade82865b7383c4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to move to a thread with a proper OP, make one now.

>> No.12532899
Quoted by: >>12532920

I see.
It's similar to how half of the characters in my little series have the same names as characters from the stories of other writefags.

>> No.12532900
Quoted by: >>12532905

How about "Don't because that's a quick way to get on the janitor's shitlist"?

>> No.12532904
File: 1.17 MB, 1108x1012, 318f9e230e5f41566dd6cf412fc1d34a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And repeat the tragedy that happened the last time we did that on /a/?

>> No.12532905
File: 251 KB, 588x882, 8a7b8aa69ab65e68d2f021cd987be8dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe he'll notice and this one will be deleted instead? I'm betting on that one.

>> No.12532908
File: 712 KB, 1200x1400, 8bbf82b6bf438816bf3ceb8ff66c9f26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd hardly count either of those as examples of anything close to chubby. Their just your standard girls with big tits and an hourglass figure. If you want an example of a lady that's actually plump/chubby/whatever you wanna call it, just look at Uno Makoto's works.

>> No.12532912
File: 128 KB, 337x580, 15348754786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monster Girl City.
>Be at a board meeting for the company I own.
>We're looking to come up with a new sales angle, a new marketing pitch, product idea, anything for us to get back on our feet after the Dragon-owned Reverse Scale Corporation 'acquired' our Eastern branch.
>I've managed to get a very famous and successful Tanuki to come in and help us out.
>Speak of the devil, she shows up, walks alongside the meeting table that's at the same height as her head.
>She pulls herself into a chair at the head and places a book on the table.
>"Gentlemen, I've got an idea in this book, that will save you."
>"Of course I'm not going to part with this li-"
"Oh wow, are you a raccoon?"
>My idiot intern blurts out.
>"...So anyway, I'm going to give this to you fo-"
"Hello little raccoon! Are you hear to raid our rubbish bins?"
>"Does this kid have a problem?"
>"Sorry, sorry, he's new, he's probably just not used to seeing a Tanu-"
"Oh my god your suit it tailored so your little raccoon tail can fit through! That's so cute!"
>The Tanuki snaps, leaping out of the chair she sprints at the intern and tackles him into the wall.
"Oh you're a feral little thing aren't you?!"
>She keeps punching him and everyone's afraid to stop her.
"Bad raccoon! I don't have any food!" He says laughing.
>"Miss Tanuki plea-"
>"NO!" She screams, stomping out with her tail swishing furiously.
>Damn interns.

Such is life in Monster Girl City.

>> No.12532913
File: 73 KB, 590x572, Switch on the bad times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, Don't. It's a bad Idea anon. Quit whining and just talk about monstergirls.

>> No.12532914
File: 206 KB, 800x1249, 4bf50cc984a157614f30e21f4a6c6599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't bet on it. Just deal with the thread not having a title and kinks for now, and continue on as if nothing is wrong.

>> No.12532920
Quoted by: >>12532927

Bad thing is I get mistaken for Alpanon because of the title of my series and people don't bother even looking based on that. I've had at least 4 separate occasions where the conversation has literally gone:
>Oh, you write that? I never read it because I thought Alpanon wrote it.
Shit sucks, yo.

>> No.12532924
File: 17 KB, 700x500, WhiteSheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12532931

Stop wasting images, faggots

>> No.12532927
File: 553 KB, 514x905, 1411845152460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12532954

It's not that bad, but I can see what you're saying.

>> No.12532931

Its still shitposting if you're being ironic.

>> No.12532954
Quoted by: >>12532963

Why does the Holstaurus so make the best wife?

>> No.12532963
File: 614 KB, 657x890, 1408994805160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the sky blue? Why is the grass green? Why are boobs good? How does the posi-track rear on a Plymouth work?

>> No.12532975

>Deleted thread
>Shit op
>Paladins literally going scorched earth

Does this spell the end for mgt?

>> No.12532981

Abandon ship

>> No.12532982

No, stop over reacting.

>> No.12532989

Stop overreacting you thin skinned wuss.

>> No.12532992
File: 148 KB, 981x1400, kouyanikemono09_0152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You ask your tiger-waifu, "Where do you want to go tonight, hon?"
>"I've heard about this place not too far that serves a great Ceviche!" she says.
>"I swear, this woman and her penchant for raw meat," you think to yourself.
>You both walk down to the restaurant, and grab a table.
>"Damn, this stuff is really good," you think to yourself.
>Dinner gets eaten up quickly, but you're both in the mood to hang around for some cocktails.
>You both enjoy your time chatting with each other, over your drinks.
>"Wait, what time is it?" you suddenly think to yourself.
>You've stayed at the restaurant, drinking for longer than you'd intended.
>You realize you're pretty tipsy, and so is she.
>"Time to head out, don't you think?" you mention.
>"Sure honey, let's go," she replies.
>You both make your way out of the restaurant.
>"Hey honey-"
>"Yes you can absolutely hunt me tonight," you cut her off with.
>For some reason you're feeling a bit more competitive tonight.
>She gives a big toothy grin and starts the countdown.
>You take off down the sidewalk and cut down a couple alleyways.
>Suddenly you see a manhole cover.
>You pause for a sec and regain your bearings.
>"Genius!" your intoxicated mind tells itself.
>It's only like, 5 blocks up and 3 over to reach your buddy's place.
>"I'll use the sewer system to travel all covert style, and it'll hide my scent!"
>You open the cover and descend the ladder.
>You checked before going all the way down to make sure there was a walkway so you wouldn't have to wade through nasty sludge.
>You make a mad dash down the walkway in the closest direction towards your buddy's apartment.
>Once you feel like you've gone an appropriate distance, you find the nearest manhole cover and exit.
>"Not far from here," you giggle to yourself.
>"She's gonna expect me to be heading towards home, this'll surprise her."
>You make it to your friend's apartment building, go to his floor, and knock on the door.

Word limit reached. Continuing.

>> No.12532995
Quoted by: >>12533004

The best part of an otherwise mediocre movie.

>> No.12533003
File: 263 KB, 768x1024, 1411231587449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533006

>implying the intern wouldn't fuck her fuzzy jew tail like an onahole

>> No.12533004
Quoted by: >>12533041

I found that movie to be pretty bad.

>> No.12533006

Fugg I mean >>12532912 onviously

>> No.12533019

You're at a family resturant, and some douchebag intentionally knocks over your young daughteru's juice.

What do you do?

>> No.12533023
Quoted by: >>12533025

Morbidly obese is not healthy, in fact it is a leading cause of death in every first world nation. There's nothing wrong with a little chub, but there is a fucking line. "Healthy" is meant to be exactly that; enough body fat for proper bodily function and pleasantly squishy cuddles, NOT enough for heart failure and diabetes.

More importantly you risk encouraging 3dpd landwhales by posting this shit. Do you know what happened to me today? I got hugged by a landwhale. I didn't ask for it, I didn't encourage it, I didn't want it, but she did it anyways. Just walked right up to me and hugged me! In public! I don't even know her that well, she's just some random classmate. I felt so violated I went home and cried in the shower. Do you know whose fault this is? Yours! You and people like you encouraging them! This shit wouldn't happen without you making them think it's alright!

>> No.12533025
Quoted by: >>12533044

You're acting like a baby over the land whale, but you're right.

>> No.12533030 [SPOILER] 
File: 167 KB, 981x1400, 1411893814075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>No answer.
>Your brain then finally reminds you, he told you he'd be out of town this week.
>"Ehh, not a problem anyway," you think.
>He gave you a key to his place so you could by whenever.
>You dig out the key, open the door, and start making yourself at home.
>You chill on the couch, watch TV, etc.
>Suddenly it dawns on you how long it's been.
>You check your phone, it's almost 3 in the morning.
>Your tiger-waifu hasn't tried calling.
>Was she that engulfed in the hunt?
>Suddenly the door opens.
>It's your tiger-waifu.
>"Oh crap," you think to yourself.
>You forgot to lock the door, not that it'd be able to stop her.
>And you then realize why the hell wouldn't she eventually check places you like to hang out.
>She's breathing pretty heavily.
>Sweat forms at your brow.
>You curl your mouth into a trembling smile.
>"H-hi...hon," you manage to squeak out.
>Pic Related is the last thing you see before the rest of that particular night goes dark.
>You wake up in the morning, in your friend's bed.
>Your pelvis is a bit more sore than usual.
>What shocks you the most is actually the fact that you're the one doing the spooning to your still-sleeping tiger-waifu.
>"How the hell did I manage this?" you think to yourself.
>You nuzzle the side of her face with yours, wanting to doze off for a bit more sleep while embracing her.
>The last thing that crosses your mind before falling back to sleep is, "I'm probably gonna have to wash these sheets for him before he gets back."


>> No.12533031
File: 5 KB, 398x96, filter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit, the monster-girl threads are all low-quality circle-jerk of 3 people
>I need to recruit more people
>I can not include any topic, that will make them see the thread!


It is as they say, OP, can you try to NOT make this any more painful than it already is?

>> No.12533033
Quoted by: >>12533038

>Filtering threads

Literally the most autistic thing anyone can do. Is it really that hard to ignore something? I mean just close your eyes.

>> No.12533038
File: 876 KB, 1288x1135, Hallo. Vould you like to have a roll in ze hay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're too autistic to do that. They must openly display their displeasure with us, to show us just how much we have offended them.

>> No.12533041
Quoted by: >>12533046

I did too I was just trying to be nice in case somebody actually liked it.

>> No.12533044

I got hug-raped anon. The succubi lynch people for that shit.

>> No.12533045

Nobody cares.

>> No.12533046
File: 141 KB, 850x624, Cows in a field.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they liked it, then they liked it. We're not here to judge eachther's tastes.

>> No.12533050
Quoted by: >>12533069

>The succubi lynch people for that shit.
But they're the ones doing the raping.
They'd probably lynch you for disliking it.

>> No.12533053

>Check pastebin
>my latest upload, The Search for More Money, was removed

What the fuck happened?

>> No.12533057
File: 2.12 MB, 3000x3300, 3p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

illias please save this poor soul from temptation

>> No.12533059
Quoted by: >>12533062

I recognize Hathor and Amaterasu, is the third Ra?

>> No.12533061
File: 149 KB, 425x600, 1411869074273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise Illias!

>> No.12533062

I believe so.

>> No.12533064
File: 156 KB, 800x800, 1386156765666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533070


>> No.12533068
Quoted by: >>12533077

>Two Egyptian deities
>Random Japanese bitch
Muh autism

>> No.12533069
Quoted by: >>12533075

They aren't too big on semi-platonic shows of non-lewd affection. That's the sort of thing perverts do in back-alleys.

>> No.12533070
Quoted by: >>12533088

>not liking loli
Alp, pls go

>> No.12533071
File: 158 KB, 352x400, Praise the Bling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sweet Illias look at that radiance!

>> No.12533075

They'd probably assume she was going to rape you and that was foreplay.

>> No.12533077
Quoted by: >>12533083

Shall we throw in quetz-chan?

>> No.12533082

You should try to sue her feminist style
Say that gender is social construct and she was clearly in male rapist role when she almost raped a little girl like yourself

>> No.12533083

Why not throw in a female Marok while we're at it?

>> No.12533088
File: 386 KB, 863x1200, cb063a4a1620214a05e78d0b836f7110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not wanting to put your dick in a child means you're an alp

reminder that milfs > lolishit
reminder that daughterus are not for dicking

>> No.12533092
File: 449 KB, 540x720, Ara Ara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533095

I like you, you can come over to my house and fuck my sister.

>> No.12533094
Quoted by: >>12533099

>Succubus mother always stealing daughter's boyfriend

Who'd want some old hag anyway?

>> No.12533095
Quoted by: >>12533100

Is she an older sister?

>> No.12533096

>not dicking daughteru
What a faggot

>> No.12533097
File: 330 KB, 1000x1400, 1e48aed1eaa0c4efd2eeccc3918ff4dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about insects other than moth?

>> No.12533099
Quoted by: >>12533127

But they probably don't age so they both look the same age.

>> No.12533100
File: 341 KB, 750x900, 068ef117ae12ac11cac866ba3b7cf2c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533110


>> No.12533101
Quoted by: >>12533106

I want to irrumate that Ilias.

>> No.12533103

Oh look, it's doomsayer-sama. How've you been?

>> No.12533104
Quoted by: >>12533109

Remember when mantis was flavor of the month? Me neither

>> No.12533106
Quoted by: >>12533118


>> No.12533107
Quoted by: >>12533136

This scenario scares me and makes my heart feel sick and heavy. Why?

>> No.12533109
File: 515 KB, 800x900, She can only speak in hearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533149

Insect monster girls aren't very popular in general. Everyone's more into Arachnid types.

>> No.12533110
Quoted by: >>12533115

I thought it would be fluffy tail

>> No.12533115
File: 349 KB, 750x900, cb28fe287536438a6758c050d9e562b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533123

>hating on Succubi
And here I thought you weren't a megabusta.

>> No.12533118
Quoted by: >>12533121

>he doesn't know about irrumation
it's mouthrape anon

>> No.12533121

Basically sex with any part of the body that isn't a vagina or anus.

>> No.12533123
Quoted by: >>12533153

tfw no lawful lewd succubutts waifu

>> No.12533127
Quoted by: >>12533135

"Eh, I've been banging your mother this whole time?! I thought it was you! I knew it was weird that you suddenly got really good every Tuesday and twice on Thursdays..."

>> No.12533135

>"That explains why you let me fuck you in the ass on Saturday and Sunday, when you wouldn't let me do it any other day."

>> No.12533136
File: 159 KB, 981x1400, kouyanikemono09_0085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That rape face, probably?

But she's your tiger-waifu, Anon. She loves you.

She doesn't want to destroy your body. Just ravage it.

Plus, look how cute she can be.

>> No.12533141

Naw I don't think it was the pelvis shattering. I think it was like a tidal wave of kneejerk jealousy and insecurity. Like how did she know to go to the guys friend's place? Is she there often? I honestly thought that as he walked into his friend's place he's find her there, sucking his dick or something. I dunno, I know its irrational as fuck but his friend who is "out of town" and who the fuck knows what she could get up to whilst you're hiding from her in this "hunt". Never really had this reaction to reading something before. And now I just feel sick.

>> No.12533142

It still didn't feel right. Like seeing cats and dogs living together, an unbullied Cyclops, or Bob not being a fag.

>> No.12533144


New chaptor of Laska & Me, it's very nice.

>You will never have Lydia as a mother

>> No.12533149

>"Tonight, you."

>> No.12533153

>Lawful Pure, Neutral Pure, Chaotic Pure
>Lawful Lewd, Neutral Lewd, Chaotic Lewd
>Lawful Rape, Neutral Rape, Chaotic Rape

>> No.12533157

This guy gets it

>> No.12533159
Quoted by: >>12533161


I mean, I didn't really mean for this story to be something for someone to dig deep into. I'm not a writefag, I've only ever done a few greentext short stories, a couple people said they liked them so I just thought they'd be fun to continue.

Literally all I thought when writing this was, "He decides to throw her off by going somewhere else, his friend isn't there, she would eventually find him there because she knows where some of his friends live, and she wanted to have her way with him a little harder that night because he made her go to extra effort.

If my story upset you, then I'm sorry.

>> No.12533161
Quoted by: >>12533838

Naw man not your fault, no need to apologise. Keep doin' what you're doin' OC is never bad.

>> No.12533164

I like ants and bees (and wasps)
Would feed all other insects to my spider waifu though

>> No.12533165
File: 103 KB, 160x400, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So where does this girl fall under?

>> No.12533167
Quoted by: >>12533173

It's okay anon, I'm extremely paranoid and insecure too.
What you need is a yandere waifu.

>> No.12533168
Quoted by: >>12533172

Under "Impregnate and never call back"

>> No.12533171

Gotta love her face in the middle right panel

>> No.12533172
File: 196 KB, 295x275, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533175


>> No.12533173

I-I'm not usually. Maybe you're right, though. The women I like most usually have a caveat of "need". Take monstergirls for example. They "need" your spiritual energy specifically, if you're into that kinda cannon. Like, once they've had you, you're it. And before I found monstergirls it was shit like vamps, who'd need you for a safe/secure foodsource ontop of the relationship.

>> No.12533175
Quoted by: >>12533177

She can handle a kid on her own. she's a strong independent woman.

>> No.12533176
Quoted by: >>12533184

Vampires are monster girls, though.

>> No.12533177
Quoted by: >>12533182

I'd call her back, though...

>> No.12533179
Quoted by: >>12533189

Under "purge immediately" like all other succubi

>> No.12533182

But you'd never experience drama over your kid going out on an adventure to find out who her dad is.

>> No.12533184

I guess I mean before I found out that monstergirls were a thing.

>> No.12533186
Quoted by: >>12533193

How about I'm separated from the two through reasons out of my control?

That option as all the drama with none of the hate.

>> No.12533187

>wanting to meet some slut's demonspawn
No thanks.

>> No.12533189

Why don't you and the other Edgeknights fuck off?

>> No.12533191
Quoted by: >>12533209

Does it end with you dicking daughteru, impregnation her and not calling again?
The great circle of succusluts

>> No.12533193
File: 117 KB, 800x1130, 1409400289456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533198

That could work.

>> No.12533198

And in the end, I'm reunited with them, and we live together as a happy family once again, with me as the aloof but caring father.

Ah, yes, it's perfect!

>> No.12533199

>worshipping soul stealing lust demons
Compared to yours, my edge is like a butter knife's.

>> No.12533202
Quoted by: >>12533210

Or who don't you and your succusluts forcer friend fuck off?

>> No.12533203

>you will never be the boobrest for 3 deities

>> No.12533204

Butter knives used to be very sharp, Sonic the edgehog.

>> No.12533205
File: 181 KB, 1024x768, 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533212


You ever played Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines?

That was a pretty fun PC game, albeit buggy.

>> No.12533209
Quoted by: >>12533232

Yes. This is how it has always been.

>> No.12533210

Guys, guys, please.
We're still having a good thread. Let's not argue, but say we did when RecordAnon writes everything down. Okay?

>> No.12533212

Be sure to get the unofficial patch if you try it. It fixes most stuff.

>> No.12533214

>not worshipping haemorrhage fever inducing plague demons

>> No.12533216
Quoted by: >>12533222

I've reuploaded my story that disappeared earlier. http://pastebin.com/2pFsmbej

Just what happened there?

>> No.12533222
Quoted by: >>12533228

still doesn't show up.
as for the thread, I think a janitor deleted it because 3000 posts and no images

>> No.12533227


I just asked my dick if that looked like an enviable situation to be in, and it said, "Yes!"

>> No.12533228
Quoted by: >>12533236

>still doesn't show up
It's showing up for me.

>> No.12533232

I always up for some daughteru dicking

>> No.12533236
Quoted by: >>12533241

I see it now, last time I got, This paste is removed

>> No.12533241
File: 472 KB, 500x465, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this ever happened to anyone else?

>> No.12533244

What's with those mosquito bites?

>> No.12533259

>mosquito bites
What are you, some kind of queer, or one of them fags who likes overly fat women?

>> No.12533262
Quoted by: >>12533269

awesome boob sizes, ok, big, but not overly so

>> No.12533269

Just right.

>> No.12533274

>Not liking big, soft, squishy foxes


>> No.12533286
Quoted by: >>12533303

>tag:Clit growth
>totally not futa, guys
>fluffy fox
I see you, Bob

>> No.12533290
File: 619 KB, 1237x1600, 1411754465883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came back after a weekend of being in the dark and we got Ammy&Hathor while I was gone. This is most wonderful.

>> No.12533292
File: 659 KB, 960x720, Delicious back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533303

Bob, stop being a fag.

>> No.12533296
Quoted by: >>12533303

This kills the boner

>> No.12533300
Quoted by: >>12533303

It's shit
It's way too fat, futa and tentacles are boring in general
0/10 apply yourself and your shittaste

>> No.12533302

Holy fuck she's even more gorgeous than I ever imagined.

>> No.12533303

You people are awfully picky.


>> No.12533307

>awfully picky
my dick was soft the whole time, and I fap to some questionable shit, it's you who needs to raise your standards

>> No.12533312
Quoted by: >>12533314


You gotta keep it as vanilla as possible here, anon. That's how they like it.

>> No.12533313
File: 140 KB, 740x740, Why can't I hold all this apple juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ass hairs
Please kill yourself.

>> No.12533314
Quoted by: >>12533321

>wolf girl
>pussy hair
I like
>hair around asshole
I'm out.
Bob pls

>> No.12533317

>hairy armpits, inflation
>bad end
It's shit.
It's better than your first link but still shit
3/10 is maximum I can give you
Apply yourself

>> No.12533321


Proving my point. Sooner or later you guys are just gonna be wanting to fuck holstauruses in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.

>> No.12533323
Quoted by: >>12533328

do you not want to do that?

>> No.12533325

>Holstaurus in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

>> No.12533328
File: 283 KB, 657x890, fe7bcd918e59dfc9a39c2a235a895553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533333


I do. I love cows.But you guys are so kneejerky to anything not vanilla that it's kinda adorable at times.

>> No.12533333

There are things I like, which do not belong in these threads, so I keep them out. but hairy armpits, drugs, hairy assholes, clit growth, that shit's nasty

>> No.12533338
Quoted by: >>12533345

Anon, do we really need to have this discussion?

You can see what it is on the ex link. Don't click it if you don't like the tags, but don't sit here and try to prevent it from being posted at all. You may not like it, but I'm sure others do.

>> No.12533340

Shit tastes, nice Quintuple

>> No.12533344
File: 990 KB, 900x1271, 1393282578554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hairy armpits are nasty
That's the one thing there I disagree with you on.

>> No.12533345
Quoted by: >>12533355

ok, but there are three replies to it, one was mine, and the other two say that shit's nasty. It's possible a huge majority is fapping, but I doubt it

>> No.12533348

Please stop.

>> No.12533349

that's fur, not human smell pit hair.

>> No.12533354
Quoted by: >>12533356

Guys, guys, here's an idea. Let's stop talking about nasty shit and talk about Big Boss' new dog instead. Would Didi be a Werewolf?

>> No.12533355
Quoted by: >>12533360

Just remember that a lot of lurkers/others don't bother replying to something, even if they like it. Otherwise we'd just have a bunch of 'omg thanks op I cum on cat she hiss at penis' posts. Know what I mean?

>> No.12533356

No, Didi would be a dumb girl who ruins things around the labs.

>> No.12533358
Quoted by: >>12533366

But Didi is awesome. And adorable. And has a chuuni eye-patch.

>> No.12533360

This isn't Newgrounds.

>> No.12533361

Would people trick her often due to her stupidity? Would they play her like a damn fiddle?

>> No.12533366
Quoted by: >>12533368

And my Dexter's Lab joke went over your head.

>> No.12533368

>Dexter's Lab
Never heard of it.

>> No.12533370
Quoted by: >>12533378

I want underages to leave

>> No.12533373
Quoted by: >>12533378

How old are you?

>> No.12533376
File: 514 KB, 800x1130, 4c489f39d7b65cc864f77494b0879ecb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never heard of it
What are you, 10?

>> No.12533378

I'm 21 and I still haven't heard of it, sorry.

>> No.12533381
Quoted by: >>12533383

That's what I figured. You're just too young to know about it. Not your fault man.

>> No.12533383
Quoted by: >>12533385

I can make inside jokes too.
>That was a thousand mark bill
There. Back to Monster Girls please.

>> No.12533384
File: 337 KB, 1072x1600, aee6e3758fe3e34987059aecdb2e42c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533387

You sicken me.

>> No.12533385
File: 152 KB, 322x570, chesire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533397

>Inside Joke

Holy shit Anon

>> No.12533387

Please bully me more. With more pictures of her.

>> No.12533390


Ooh, I like her. She looks like she could be the Holstaurus Barmaid from Richtor's story.

She's got the Christmas Cake look, the hair, doesn't have the blue heart-pupiled eyes, but if she had the spunky, playful, tomboy attitude, she'd be a shoe-in.

>> No.12533394
File: 334 KB, 810x1200, 1312372835597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533408

Bromont, you don't have to pretend to be anonymous.

>> No.12533397

Well obscure cartoon references then.
>Dolf is justice!
There. Now we can talk about Monster Girls. Like what kind of a crew do Anya and Kapitan have.

>> No.12533398
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 123435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533414

>obscure cartoon
You just keep digging that hole Anon

>> No.12533400

A crew with a lot of fluff.

>> No.12533402


I'm not Bromont, I'm the nameless Anon who did that tiger woman stuff at the top of this thread and in a couple of past threads.

>> No.12533407

Then become Tigeranon or something.

>> No.12533408


Obviously meant for >>12533394

>> No.12533411
File: 293 KB, 1100x1200, Impossible tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533420

You're right, Bromont would have typed with words full of confidence and a McRib in his mouth.

>> No.12533412

How about buttfucking a hairy Kagerou?


>> No.12533414

>keep digging
Okay. I never watched The Wire, not once.

>> No.12533416


Hair happens.

What's more important is that the ass is fat.

Which it was, in that doujin, so thanks.

>> No.12533419

Hair aside, that was alright.

>> No.12533420
Quoted by: >>12533421


And you're right, those are impossible tits.

>> No.12533421
File: 85 KB, 800x578, fa22d8b2cfc9c55d5d1fe4b5f4beb012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533424

I know, right?

>> No.12533423

You monster daughter and a young boy are getting very close. Do you play match maker, or do you scare him by sitting on your porch with a bottle of alcohol, double barrel shotgun, and glaring at him?

>> No.12533424
Quoted by: >>12533426


I mean damn, I know Holstauri lean on the vanilla side, but they make those curves work.

>> No.12533426
File: 273 KB, 999x1260, 97394bd37dcd4b84def098b1910fec65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about one that's into kinky things? Like public sex, spanking, and making sex tapes and selling them? Or are you talking about a monster that's not very monstrous?

>> No.12533428

I would most definitely a kinky holst

>> No.12533429


>> No.12533431
File: 19 KB, 320x438, 1315963511239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these threads make me want to puke, people from /a/ are literally the worst scum on 4chan
look at all this misuse of the quoting feature, memes and the text reads like written by 12 year olds from reddit discovering their sexuality

>> No.12533432


Thanks for posting.

>> No.12533434

Nice attempt at baiting, mate.

>> No.12533436

Fuck off and take your obese 2hu with you

>> No.12533443
File: 198 KB, 615x800, 37790228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which 2hu wud u fugg

>> No.12533447

Certainly not a fucking raccoon piece of shit.

>> No.12533448
Quoted by: >>12533463


I was talking about them not being very monsterous "looking."

I wouldn't turn one down though, and yeah, kinky is good.

>> No.12533450

>making sex tapes and selling them
This has got to be a common practice in MGC.

>> No.12533456

>buying sex tapes
can't be much of a market for them, all you have to do is leave a cum rag on your window sill and you'll never have to fap again. it's a conundrum

>> No.12533463

>young Wurm surfing through the internet
>stumbles across a porno
>watches all of it while masturbating
>realizes around the end that it involves her parents
>she freaks out over watching and touching herself to a porno with her parents in it
>she later confronts her parents about it later
>they tell her the truth
>and also tell her that she was conceived during that video
>she freaks out even more

So what if they aren't very monstrous looking? Vampires look EXACTLY like a human, minus the red eyes and sharp fangs.

>> No.12533470

poor tanukis being caught in the crossfire

>> No.12533472
Quoted by: >>12533489

>She forgets what video it was and does it again a week later

>> No.12533473

that's a cute little butt

>> No.12533474

gb2/pol/, you antisemite!

>> No.12533489

As funny as that would be, I really don't like seeing Wurms being portrayed as being that dumb.

>> No.12533490
Quoted by: >>12533494


I like the typically portrayed personalities of Holstauri. Calm, easygoing, etc. Plus with Holstauri we can have horns, hooves, white and black-spotted hair. They can look exotic.

Vamps are just typically asshole humans who have powers and wants slaves, and elves are often haughty, "I'm much better than all these lowly creatures," humans with pointy ears.

>> No.12533494
File: 143 KB, 1024x1240, 1310283260207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533511

I really don't see the appeal of Vampires and Elves.
Darkelves I understand, but not regular ones.

>> No.12533499


>> No.12533511
File: 30 KB, 640x480, Knife Ear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533521

A regular Elf is a perfect cumdumpster. That's the point. You abuse them with your dick. And pull on their ears.

>> No.12533514

They'll leave eventually, just keep posting fetishes they don't agree with.

>> No.12533521

When you say ears, what you mean to be saying is handlebars.

>> No.12533525
Quoted by: >>12533620

Posted the fixed wallpaper from ch 27 on /d/ because snake tits

>> No.12533531 [DELETED] 


>> No.12533533


>> No.12533540


Ra and Quetz-chan lounging in the sun in swimsuits?

Possible sun-bro praising them in the background?

>> No.12533549
Quoted by: >>12534047


Displacer Beast girl

>> No.12533550 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 800x588, 1411909299278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related, but with the monstergirls instead of normal human ones.

>> No.12533553


>Dat Ra
Can we get some more of her?

>> No.12533555

Cow girls doing mindless things.

>> No.12533559


Think about what you're doing .less!

Last thread you did this we ended up getting swine-dled into a bunch of P'Orc puns!

>> No.12533560
File: 390 KB, 600x800, 4c75a9a326824a63c7970591181020ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are my slime bros at?

>> No.12533561
Quoted by: >>12533571


Hey Tigerbro, good to see another short of yours early in the morning.

Keep it up.

>> No.12533568
Quoted by: >>12533572

Bus sized sandworm with a pink gooey loli hiding shyly behind one of its massive teeth. And it's blushing. The worm body, not the loli body

>> No.12533571
Quoted by: >>12533583


Thanks for enjoying, and for the compliment. : )

>> No.12533572
Quoted by: >>12533581

Why not both?

>> No.12533574

Mantis Shrimp and Pistol Shrimp Girls posing heroically.

>> No.12533578 [DELETED] 


The other day i was looking thru /jp/ threads and found one about wanting to suck dick and one posting in particular mentioned in great detail sucking dick at a glory hole. Is this a /jp/ thing?

Not that /a/ is any better but at least from my knowledge they don't actually suck dick. Unless that was a joke thread.

>> No.12533579

Yes! I love it!

>> No.12533580

commander never

>> No.12533581

Hmm. Good point. What he said.

>> No.12533583
Quoted by: >>12533619

Sure, it's good to see that someone else is giving the tigers some love.

Still waiting for the short collection.

>> No.12533590

Janitor Kikimora
Like Scruffy, but adorable as hell.
Basically a half-expressionless kikimora dressed like a janitor - blue cap overalls, etc.

>> No.12533596


>> No.12533599

I like it.

>> No.12533602

Scruffy IS adorable as hell, but I can still get behind this.

>> No.12533603
File: 252 KB, 700x554, 1410617934265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're still taking, trapdoor spider girl please!

>> No.12533606

Maybe she could be reading a porn magazine with a half-finished bag of potato chips on the table?

>> No.12533608
File: 218 KB, 400x457, 1392367552712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trapped in a bog of Suu. Poor bastards will never get out.

>> No.12533610

die a horrible death

>> No.12533611
Quoted by: >>12533613

>Janny Kikimora
>The traditional /jp/ meido as a kikimora
Fixed for you.

>> No.12533612

If you like slime girls, you might want to read this: http://oblimo.pbworks.com/w/page/5537575/IAT-Act-1

I didn't write it, but just sharing what was posted in another thread.

>> No.12533613

She was killed off years ago, wasn't she?

>> No.12533615
File: 220 KB, 898x588, MGE_Holstaurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533616

miko/priestess holstaurus
breasts barely contained in the uniform

>> No.12533616
Quoted by: >>12533630

Hathor and her fertility cult are going viral. Praise that Sun! Praise it!

>> No.12533619


Ugh, umm I didn't save them or anything, just wrote them in the moment, but they weren't very long, so I could probably rewrite them in short time.

I've only done 3 now though. How much do you think would constitute a "collection?"

I don't ever want you to think I'm ungrateful. I love that you enjoy them. I'm just saying with daily life, my own lack of imagination, etc, I probably won't suddenly be able to deliver a lot of them for you at once. But like I said, I don't know how many would be considered a "collection."

What I can tell you is that I'll definitely start trying to think up a fourth short story. And start working on rewriting my first two, And I'm definitely going to save this third one I just did since you liked it.

Thanks again for giving me the kind comments. : )

>> No.12533620

Link to the post?

>> No.12533625
Quoted by: >>12533644

>: )

>> No.12533627
Quoted by: >>12533644

> :)

Never do that again.

>> No.12533630

>holst miko made to use a computer for the first time
>watch as she struggles to use it, then gets annoyed, frustrated, and she lactates heavily out of being upset

>> No.12533635

X-COM operatives encountering miscellaneous Monster Girls for the first time and being overpowered in the face of overwhelming sex appeal and pure, primal lust..

>> No.12533640
Quoted by: >>12533648

Okay, so if Yojimbo/A Fistful of Dollars was set in a Monster Girl setting, what would the two groups in control of the town be?

>> No.12533643

Whenever you fart something new, just write them down and save before posting.

Maybe if you end writing 10 or more shorts you can make a pastebin for them.

You're having some cool ideas so far, so keep it up.

>> No.12533644


Doing the greentext thing over smiley emoticons makes you both look aggressively happy.

>> No.12533648
Quoted by: >>12533656

Oni Sake Brewer
Arachne Silk merchant

>> No.12533649

Is there any particulat MG you would like to read about? I want to try a bit of a writing myself, but I am out of ideas, so if anything interests you, post it here so I can start putting it down.

>> No.12533651


>> No.12533652

Kitsunes doing kitsune things.

>> No.12533654
File: 705 KB, 640x360, You're a funny guy, Daiki, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you first.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12533655
Quoted by: >>12533658

Hathor and Ammy symmetrical docking and/or sandwiching a healthy dick, double paizuri

>> No.12533656

Sounds like a plan.

>> No.12533658

Make that Solaire's dick and you're on to something.

>> No.12533659

Yandere shirohebi with a good end.

>> No.12533665


>> No.12533669

Where's thread recap guy?

>> No.12533670


>> No.12533672
File: 74 KB, 640x395, ankylosauria_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533674

Dinosaur monster girls, like of ankylosaurus and pterodactyls

>> No.12533673 [DELETED] 
File: 284 KB, 728x561, 1401872440826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will nerver have such a big collection.

>> No.12533674

Anguirus please.

>> No.12533679

PapixSuu double buttjob

>> No.12533680

>mfw the dating program never reached my request.

>> No.12533681

>dating program
Oh I remember that and share your pain.

>> No.12533683
Quoted by: >>12533690

What are you even talking about?

>> No.12533687


Some of us are fated to be alone, Anons.

Someone's gotta pay the price so others can have their happy endings.

>> No.12533688
Quoted by: >>12533697

I assumed he was going to continue it in the next thread.

I guess not


>> No.12533690
Quoted by: >>12533696

There was a survey last thread. You answered a few questions and then you got paired with a monster girl.

Mine wasn't done either.

>> No.12533693

>forever alone
I still have my nest of safety and cuddles, made even better by the presence of a radiator so I can feel the warmth of something other than myself.
...please come back to us dating program anon!

>> No.12533696

You have to remember a billion people replied to that
It's going to be a while until you get results

>> No.12533697

Well, he said he wanted to continue on this one.

I fucking wish.

>> No.12533699
Quoted by: >>12533795

Yojimbo with Monster Girls.

Toyomori blew on his hands and rubbed them together as he walked. It was still autumn, but it couldn't be long before first snow. He needed to get through winter, and now was good a time as any to find a place to stay. He couldn't afford it though. Yes, Toyomori needed work. And where was he going to find it?
He was at a fork in the road, and all the while walking towards it he had been wondering which way to go. Obviously he wouldn't go back, but the choice of left or right remained. The road continued on and on into both directions without any significant landmarks as far as the eye could see, with nothing but brush growing on the roadside. There was no sign post to signify what lay in either direction. Toyomori sighed, this was not something he could afford to waste time on, and yet it was the most important decision he had to make in days. He had some small coins, this he would leave to fate. Heads or tails, left or right?
After the decision was made, Toyomori walked until he crossed over what had been the horizon, and then did it again. Some spindly oster was growing here now, and further along even pines. Hills rose up, and this made him grimace, his feet were awfully sore and hills meant more effort. The sun was going to set before he reached any settlement, that was clear now. At least he would reach a more wooded area and camp under a tree so he wouldn't wake up covered in snow.
Toyomori was regretting his decision to cross the wastelands, but since he didn't have a passport or any kind of papers to prove his identity, he had little choice in the matter. He needed to get into another country, and nobody patrolled the wasteland or the borders facing it.
He gathered as many twigs from the area as he could carry and made camp beneath a young but bushy pine and chewed on a piece of rye bread, his only meal after noon. Tomorrow he would find a town. Maybe. Hopefully.

>> No.12533701 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>12533704


>> No.12533702

I think he did most of the requests on the last thread. He left with a few remaining, but more people came in after.

>> No.12533704

That guy is such a slut.

>> No.12533705

I feel bad for him. He has a lot of stuff on the table

>> No.12533709


Yeah he was pretty based, he got overwhelmed with replied though. Can't blame him if he doesn't feel like continuing either.

>> No.12533710

I don't think anyone could

>> No.12533713

those lovely snakeladies

>> No.12533714

I understand it will take a while and I'm willing to wait. I just didn't know if it was only for that thread or if the kind anon would do it until every reply was answered.

>> No.12533717


By Mothbro's caps lock, this is magnificent.

>> No.12533718
Quoted by: >>12533721

Oh well, he did an awesome job. Pretty fun to see what people got paired with.

Displacer girl.

>> No.12533721

Yandere British CC Jinko

>> No.12533729

This and motherly Ryu made me jealous.

>> No.12533731


Those greentext about her hunting games just made it better.

>> No.12533734

That Anon was lucky as hell

>> No.12533736
Quoted by: >>12533738

Dire Wolfu was a nice one too.

>> No.12533738
Quoted by: >>12533754

There was a lot of lucky Anon's looking back at it
It was like going to Vegas and everyone you see is just winning like someone rigged all the games to autowin

>> No.12533740
Quoted by: >>12533755

Does anyone have a link to the last thread if it's archived? I didn't get to see the last bits of the thread before it got deleted.

>> No.12533741
File: 309 KB, 1320x1116, Yandere British CC Jinko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that Anon was me.
I never saved that Switch one for obvious reasons.

>> No.12533747
Quoted by: >>12533754

>mfw I was 2 away from where he stopped.

>> No.12533753


>I never saved that Switch one for obvious reasons.

Too bad, that one was funny. Probably just for shits and giggles.

>> No.12533754

>Then you realize you never got yours.

I'm jealous, Anon. Jinko a best.

I share your pain.

>> No.12533755
Quoted by: >>12533758


>> No.12533756


>Saved a reply to a greentext but not the greentext itself

>> No.12533758

Thank you kind sir.

>> No.12533760
File: 75 KB, 700x673, 1405831247280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Department of Reintegration here at Monstergirl City Correctional Facility #1 is back online with our dating parole, release, and house arrest program.

Now you aren't going to get some rich lonely Tigra Croft or slime royalty or perfect waifu because these are criminals trying to start their lives anew.

But I think you'll find these girls need your love more.

A reminder that we are not responsible for injuries or deaths associated with our program.

Another reminder that gator anon never picked up his match, and she's currently crying brokenhearted on the steps of the penitentiary. Somebody please volunteer to take her home before we have to lock her back up. >>12532686

>> No.12533762
File: 511 KB, 640x432, mgx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533769

What kind of gameshow would your monstergirl have?

>> No.12533769

Uhh, Raiding the Hoard? Contestants try to raid the lair and get through a series of traps to claim as much treasure as they can carry. After they leave the treasure chamber, the Dragon herself starts pursuing them. If they get caught, they get to join the hoard.

>> No.12533775

So how does this work?

>> No.12533778

Poor lass... She seems so sweet.

>> No.12533783

She seems like such a nice girl

>> No.12533784
File: 177 KB, 850x708, paladin about to be pelviscerated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12533790
Quoted by: >>12533791

Oh dear, I feel my sides are about to suffer the same fate.

>> No.12533791

he's crazy, but it's just crazy enough to work

>> No.12533795

The fire went out as he slept, and waking up the felt stiff from both the cold and the hard ground. Toyomori wasted no time in getting the fire going again. Hopefully he hadn't gotten too cold. At this rate he would get rheumatism though. The soreness of his feet could not be communicated through words, and yet he had to get up and keep walking, with no breakfast. He didn't want to use up his dwindling food source.
The hills were a pain as he had expected. He couldn't even see far from the tops because the pines were growing taller and thicker the further he walked. But he couldn't be in completely wild country, considering the road. It wasn't even all that badly grown over.
"I walk ten thousand miles, ten thousand miles to see you~" Toyomori hummed quietly to take his mind off his sore feet. It didn't work.
The road winded and snaked its way downwards now, until it came to a sturdy looking but clearly old bridge. The stream beneath it flowed fast, and looking downriver Toyomori saw - to his surprise - the open plains and fields with rows of harvested crops. Civilization at last!
"Oy! Yer not thinking of crossing me bridge without paying, are ya?"
Toyomori turned to face the bridge, and from... somewhere, had emerged a Troll. This lass was not thin or starved looking, which was curious, considering how this bridge was on a road leading to the wastelands. She was, as a matter of fact, quite plump. No, not plump, she was just bundled up and looked bigger than she actually was. She still wasn't lean, no, she was what Toyomori had grown accustomed to calling "healthy".

Well then. Does Toyomori try get past without paying? Does he pay like a goody two-shoes? Does he pay with his body? Do I stop this story because it's not at all interesting?

>> No.12533798

Frumpy girl from Vinland Saga, when did you become an Oni?!

>> No.12533799
Quoted by: >>12533805

he should try to get past without paying

>> No.12533805
Quoted by: >>12533816

So completely without paying? Not paying with snusnu? Is that your final answer? She might not take kindly to that.

>> No.12533814

This thread is so chill, no shitstorms whatsoever...

It's almost like I somehow miraculously survived being burned alive along with that once peaceful village as the last thread perished in fire, saved by the glorious God of HEALTH in the nick of time.

She tells me that there's still hope for /mgg/, and that I should go reunite with my monster waifu, who is still crying in solitute. I can't wait to see her face once she sees me again.

I can only hope she doesn't mind the burn scars.

Praise the HEALTH.

>> No.12533816
Quoted by: >>12533821

she can go fly a kite

>> No.12533819
Quoted by: >>12533825

Hathor having sex for the first time when?
Of course, missionary position holding hands

>> No.12533821
Quoted by: >>12533826

Barto please. Fine. Now she's going to be bullied. You could've stopped this.

>> No.12533823
File: 113 KB, 800x800, 33011183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533835

>wanting a shitstorm
Would you fuck her screwholes

>> No.12533824

Remember to drink milk everyday, Anons
Praise Hathor

>> No.12533825

anon stop being so lewd

>> No.12533826

who wants a troll anyway? plenty of mgs in town.

>> No.12533827

Go back to your waifu, my friend.

Praise Hathor

>> No.12533829
File: 334 KB, 493x700, Baphomet_complex_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533847


More translated Baphomet Complex. I think I forgot to link last week's update here. Anyway, I'm hoping to have this draft done by the end of October.

>> No.12533830

I'm game.

>> No.12533831

We can get rid of the trolls, but you're fixing the bridges.

>> No.12533833
File: 44 KB, 800x600, husbando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lucky bastard

>> No.12533835
Quoted by: >>12533837

I collect Robot Damashii's, so that's a no-go for me.

>> No.12533837
Quoted by: >>12533853

You can always start collecting Fuckable Robot Damashii.

>> No.12533838


Sorry if this is late, but I wanted to say thanks for telling me to keep at it.

>> No.12533839
File: 393 KB, 651x1200, 263_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who wants a troll anyway?
Anon please. Don't hurt her feelings.

>> No.12533840
Quoted by: >>12533855

The Troll in this story is going to get her feelings hurt unless you people save her. Tick-tock, tick-tock.

>> No.12533843

Do you know how hard it is to actually hurt a troll physically? You better bring fire. A lot of fire. It's easier to hurt their feelings.

>> No.12533846

That is fucking perfect.

>> No.12533847


>> No.12533849
Quoted by: >>12533858

Haven't been around the past few days or so, but I saw a couple pages translated from the Mamma Miia chapter? Is the whole thing translated or just those couple pages?

>> No.12533851
Quoted by: >>12533869

Joshua please, at least you're not a Marked Man.
...I want to go play NV now. I don't have the time for that. You're horrible. Take responsibility.

>> No.12533852

A portal opens to the MGE universe, and is quickly contained by authorities of the US government. Though it opens in a kingdom where monster girls are relatively scarce, Sabbath detects its appearance and forces of the nearly kingdom of Lescatie are dispatched to investigate.
In view of this new, mysterious threat, the XCOM project is activated for the first time.
How would XCOM operatives react to the MGs? Would XCOM scientists be able to harness the power of mamono mana? What new weapons would engineers create to defend earth?

>> No.12533853
File: 895 KB, 1194x967, AGP RX-0 02 Banshee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The closest thing to fuckable Robot Damashii are the AGP figures.

Even then I'd only buy them just so I can have more accessories for my Unicorn Gundams.

>> No.12533854

>Orgazmo Ray
That's the only one I can think of.
>Squaddie Anon is Horny!
>Squaddie Anon masturbates furiously!
Yes. Lovely.

>> No.12533855

hurt her feelings, then apologize

>> No.12533858

It's translated, but you have to read the TL separately from the image.

>> No.12533861 [SPOILER] 
File: 63 KB, 783x600, 1411919656100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533866

>How would XCOM operatives react to the MGs?
First squad sent is wiped out, others go straight for the kill
>Would XCOM scientists be able to harness the power of mamono mana?
Not unless there is some way to interface magic and technology
>What new weapons would engineers create to defend earth?
See picture

>> No.12533863

Minte a cutie.

>> No.12533865


GIANT handjobs and footjobs.

How could no one want that? You know she's self-conscious/embarrassed about her body parts.

That's why she takes extra-good care in keeping them smooth, moist, and fragrant smelling.

And imagine how much she's gonna love you when you compliment her on her hands and feet.

>> No.12533866
File: 38 KB, 600x414, 2643537-doctor-doom1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not unless there is some way to interface magic and technology

>> No.12533869

Imagine Caesar's legion being having paladins, monsterboys, and shitposters replace the regular fags

>> No.12533871

My nigga.

Doctor Doom is probably the best character in any medium.

>> No.12533872

MGE vs DC universe
MGE vs Marvel universe

Who wins? Who gets tenderly loved.

>> No.12533875

DC wins because Superman Prime is omnipotent and Batman has prep time.

>> No.12533876

I want to see Power Girl get tied up by Rachne

>> No.12533877
Quoted by: >>12533903

i'm such a fucking retard

>> No.12533878

Comics have stupidly overpowered characters, so MGE doesn't have much of a chance.

>> No.12533880
Quoted by: >>12533888


Batmen > Supremen

>> No.12533881

I've never read anything with Doom. I've only seen cartoons.

>> No.12533883
File: 213 KB, 898x892, Villians on the rise - And the citys victimized - Looking up with no surprise - Arrivin in the speed of time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533891


>> No.12533884
Quoted by: >>12533903


>Being having

>> No.12533887


Your spoilered text sounds like you're trying to write some kind of Power Metal song.

I'd listen to it.[/spoiler

>> No.12533888

>Power Girl and Rachne
The slut deserves it.
Yes, with prep time Batman can beat the omnipotent Superman Prime. DC and Marvel are such stupid continuities.

>> No.12533889

Deadpool shooting monster girls in the face while making dumb puns?

Ah sure why not

>> No.12533891
Quoted by: >>12533906

I would a Spiderrachne

>> No.12533892

Caesar and Lanius did nothing wrong. Ask Raul how Arizona used to be.
>Deadpool killing Monster Girls
He'd give them the D with the fury of a billion exploding suns.

>> No.12533893
Quoted by: >>12533902

Deadpool a shit.

>> No.12533897


Well that's because DOOM DOES AS HE PLEASES

>> No.12533902
Quoted by: >>12533906

I'll fight you ya goddamn alp

>> No.12533903

here you go>>12533877

>> No.12533905

>Implying he would try to do them
He literally fucks with Death for fucks sake.

>> No.12533906
Quoted by: >>12533910

Rachnera, Rachnera, does whatever Spider Girl does
Can she rape, a young shota?
Yes she can, she's a Monster Girl
Lookout, here comes Rachnera
Stop using Alp as an insult, Alps need love and only a few of them enjoy bullying and verbal abuse being directed at them. Especially one very specific Alp.

>> No.12533910
Quoted by: >>12533917

I wanna rape that alp.

>> No.12533911
Quoted by: >>12533917

Don't forget about Doomsday. Sooner or laters monster girls would run out of new ways to rape him.

>> No.12533912

Would you play a game with 4th wall breaking yandere?

>> No.12533914

Deadpool is also also a merc, I'm very sure if Paladins offered enough money he'd drop monsters like flies

But yeah he would probably fuck more than kill

>> No.12533917

How does one rape the willing?
No they wouldn't.
I think there's one with a plot like that, actually.

>> No.12533918
Quoted by: >>12533939

>wouldn't* try

>Monster Girls finds out about the Infinity Gauntlet

>> No.12533920

Heh, I was there for that thread from last night.

>> No.12533921
Quoted by: >>12533926

>How does one rape the willing
Very carefully. But also roughly.

>> No.12533925

by doing things they don't want done to them. denying them cum with a condom is a good way to bully.

>> No.12533926
File: 197 KB, 800x800, 1393240228618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12533954

G-go on.

>> No.12533931
File: 1.11 MB, 2480x3508, 1403722475371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


While looking through the last thread of requests, it occurred to me most of you won't even know that I'm linking to yours in the dead thread without that nice [You] to check out.

So be sure to post your preferences of the waifu survey again found here https://archive.moe/jp/thread/12526193/#q12531281 and applications will be answered in order.

I gave the gator girl a marshmallow but she's still leaking more water than a rusty boat. This is her last chance before being put back into general population.

>> No.12533933

Yeah, how do we do this? Is there something we need to fill out?

>> No.12533938


Didn't Doctor Doom get judged at some point by a God and it assumed he was a douche, but after the process it realized, "Holy crap, you are honestly the only person who can save Earth from destroying itself." Because Doom truly and honestly beleived he was the one person who could do it?

>> No.12533939

>Monster Girls finds out about the Infinity Gauntlet
Actually, that would be great. Wouldn't this mean they can remove their insatiable lust and actually start being something more than animated sex dolls?

>> No.12533948
Quoted by: >>12533965

>Implying they wouldn't just make it so that men never grows up.

>> No.12533949
Quoted by: >>12534039

Here's my survey form but I'm not opposed to the gator girl

1. N
2. N
3. Snake
4. Switch
5. Y and N
6. EMG Anime
7. No preference, it's all good
8. Honey
9. Y
10. Succubi

>> No.12533951
Quoted by: >>12533965

Unless a succubus gets it. She'd just make the lust 100 times stronger.

>> No.12533953

That would make me >>12531316

1. Y
2. No preference
3. Ridley...cause I can't think of any others.
4. Switch would be the healthiest.
5. No. I need to take charge for the sake of both of us.
6. Localization of Doc Hitomi's Infirmary
7. The one who'll love me in spite of my faults.
8. Sugar
9. Yes
10. Neutral. I still believe my theory that the more power a succubus has, the more control she has over her urges.

You're doing a great service to your country.

>> No.12533954
Quoted by: >>12533964

Obviously the use of gadgets and rope are a necessary, there's also the element of surprise, starting when he least expects it, maybe slipping an aphrodisiac into his food. Of course I would have to deny him getting off for at least an hour or two, just enough to get him to a quivering mess but only for a while, once he begs enough, maybe makes a few promises for later, I finish us both off rapidly making his mind think about nothing but my dick and cum for at least the next five minutes while he tries to regain consciousness. Though that's just one way.

>> No.12533955
Quoted by: >>12534125


My post >>12531443

3.Never played it
6.Monster Musume MILFs
7.Scales>Human Skin>Fur>Everything else
9.Y Y Y Y Y

>> No.12533957


I'd sit by her side and keep her company, and tell her that she'll definitely find her match sooner or later, giving her a gentle pat on the back as to cheer her up.

>> No.12533958
Quoted by: >>12534298

1. No
2. No
3. I never owned a Nintendo, I don't know what this noise is.
4. Switch
5. No
6. I'm looking forwards to seeing this whole Anya thing picking up and becoming an epic space opera.
7. I can love anything
8. Other, the one all my mom, older sister and any girls who liked me used, but that only very few males ever did for some reason.
10. Succubi, no beheadings, that's not how you get ahead in life.

>> No.12533960
Quoted by: >>12534457

Mine was actually one of the last posts before the thread was deleted.
1. I'd rather us be more equal if possible.
2. I'm part of the church of Hathor.
3. Haven't played smash since the second one years ago.
4. Equal
5. I can handle myself but I would prefer she can also.
6. I guess it'd be the anime, though I'd like some figures as well.
8. Doesn't fully matter to me but I'm not a girl so don't call me a girl name.
9. You're damn right.
10. Both extremes are retarded.

>> No.12533962
Quoted by: >>12534597

6.Nothing i'm aware of
10. whichever side gets me my waifu

>> No.12533963

Also, I'm wondering if it would be wiser to just have the, albeit inactive, post links, if only to reduce the thread clutter.

>> No.12533964
Quoted by: >>12533977

Now I'm wonder what I, uhh, I mean, what that filthy, disgusting Alp ever did to deserve this.

>> No.12533965

There is one problem. Even if you'd put the Infinity Guantlet on your dick, they'd just throw it away to get to what they really want.

>> No.12533966 [DELETED] 

I don't really care
Haven't really played all that much
I'd prefer Equal but if she wants Submissive
I like them all except slime

>> No.12533969


Huh, I didn't even see my form went through last night.

CC Ushi-Oni with hearbreaking past sounds cute and definitely needs hugs. I'm happy with her

>> No.12533970
Quoted by: >>12535179



1. N
2. N
3. Never played
4. Sub or Equal
5. I can handle them, but I don't mind if she does it
6. More monstergirl manga like EMG but without harem
7. I like Scales and Fur equally. Human Skin close second
8. My name or Darling.
9. Y
10. Succubi

>> No.12533972
Quoted by: >>12535379

My answers from yesterday

1. N
2. Y
3. Ridley
4. Submissive
5. Y
6. Monster Musume anime announcement
7. Any of them
8. Loverboy
9. Y
10. Succubi

Thanks for what you're doing.

>> No.12533977
Quoted by: >>12533982

He made my dick hard and didn't take responsibility, but he will, even if I have to force you to.

>> No.12533980
Quoted by: >>12535675


My request from last thread >12532086

10.I won't take part on this war

>> No.12533982

>made my dick hard
When did this happen and what did I, I mean HE, do?

>> No.12533983

1. No
2. Yes
3. Don't care
4. Equal
5. No
6. EMG anime
7. Fluffy
8. Depends on waifu
9. Yes
10. Both shitposters a shit

>> No.12533986

Sure, why not.

1. N
2. N
3. Don't play
4. Sub/equal
5. Y
6. Any non-harem MG manga/anime
7. Scales
8. Sweetie
9. N
10. Wizards

>> No.12533988
Quoted by: >>12538642

1. N
2. N
3. Rundas or anyone from MP3 or MP: H
4. Equal
5. N
6. EMG if it really is getting one
7. All of the above
8. Honey or Darling
9. Y
10. I'd rather not get involved in the civil war

>> No.12533990

1. N I'm fine with a stronger waifu as long as she doesn't abuse me
2.N Medium Chest a best
4. Equal
6. Nothing at this time.
7. Feathers
8. Dear
9. Y
10. Our wonderful Succubi overlords.

>> No.12533993

not finishing Wurm Wrangler, if that's you, filth alp.

>> No.12533999

1) N
2) N
3) SUPER FIGHTING ROBOT, MEGAMAN.(also any Fire emblem Awakening char.)
4) Switch
5) Y
6) Pretty much everything
7) A tough choice, anything but feathers is fine
8) Whatever she likes.
9) Why not. But no dicking.
10) I'd side with paladins if they didn't kill good waifu material.

>> No.12534000
Quoted by: >>12534008

How the hell did you even get your dick hard from that? And I'll get right on it if you help me come up with two more pilots. N-not that it's me, I'm just a guy writing Yojmbo with Monster Girls.

>> No.12534001

1. N
2. N
3. Geno
4. Equal
5. N
6. Something Monster Girl related coming out in the near future that I'm looking forward to is some obscure RPG no one here but me will ever play
7. The eternal debate rages on, the best Monster Waifu is Scales
8. Honey or no pet names
9. Y but I'd rather have son(s)
10. Neutral

>> No.12534002

Healthy or not, the Troll was demanding payment, and considering his situation, Toyomori did not want to pay her. He could've tried to seduce her, but he felt no lust towards the thing, and he was too tired to properly satisfy one of these things. She didn't look like she actually needed this toll to live, so maybe pushing his way through wouldn't be so bad. She was holding out her hand to him, and this triggered his first insult.
"That's a big hand you're holding out, and hard to fill by a poor man" he said, his voice low and grating from his parched throat.
The Troll flinched at this. Of course she did, they were all self-conscious about these things. But his wasn't enough. Toyomori stepped towards her.
"I wonder just how much I'd be paying for, anyway... how many steps is it across this bridge? My steps, of course, not yours... yes, I'd be paying more for each step... though there'd be fewer steps to take, wouldn't there? So it all evens out..."
As he spoke, Toyomori slowly moved forwards, and the Troll, flustered and ashamed, took steps backwards without consciously thinking about it.
Half-way across the bridge he ran out of ideas. He'd never been one for insults, and now found himself at a loss.
The Troll stared at her dumbstruck, but she could snap out of it at any moment. If push came to shove, she might hurt him. Trolls were physically much stronger than people, and Toyomori was worn out. He didn't want a fight. It's not that he didn't think he could win, but the downsides of a fight were too numerous. What if the people living here decided that fighting the Troll was something they couldn't accept. What a quandary this was!
The Troll's lower lip quivered.
"Y-yer just a big bully!" she shouted, stomping her foot on the bridge. She was upset, but not ready to attack yet. He would need to act fast.

>> No.12534007
Quoted by: >>12534014

It is partially the fact that he is an alp, and I want to fuck an alp, hard, it is also all the hate he gets, I want to show him he can be loved, and to make him mine and make others jealous. But it is also that I know it would be difficult to get to him, which makes me want him all the more.
This is not me obviously.

>> No.12534008

well, we've got Turk Wrestler, then uh, an unemployed scientist, like an engineer who worked on the mechs before being fired for banging the boss' son turned Alp, and then an Air Force pilot who wears aviators in the cockpit, and makes references to the danger zone

>> No.12534013

1. N
2. N
3. Don't care
4. Equal or Submissive depending on what she wants.
5. Y
6. Nothing I can think of
7. Everything except slime
8. Sweetie
9. Y
10. Succubi

>> No.12534014

>difficult to get to him
I've heard he's a total slut though.
The Turk I've already written, but I have no idea what "the danger zone" is so there's no references I can make to it.

>> No.12534023
Quoted by: >>12534033


>> No.12534026



>> No.12534027

Serb pls

>> No.12534028

King K Rool
Monster Milfs

>> No.12534033

His name is Aziz.
Oh. But I don't like Top Gun, even I think it's too gay. I'll do the engineer, but we still need a third pilot.

>> No.12534034

Yes but he is far away.

>> No.12534039


The gator girl is yours, and she'll love you twice as hard because you came for her in her hour of need. Try not to suffocate in those big archasaur titties from all the hugs.



You've been paired with Patsy Cyclops Girl! This sweet bright thing was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, or so she says. The jury was disinclined to believe her eloquent testimony and she's been painted as a criminal mastermind in the media.

She hates going outside and have people point at her and whisper but she'll go anywhere as long as it's with you. Her fear of the public causes her to wear thick sunbands and a hat she can pull down over her face at all times.

She's spent a long time in solitary to protect her from the other inmates due to the nature of her crimes, man murderer. So some real human company gets her going like a chatterbox and she'll talk for hours like she's making up for lost time. Her interests range from books and comics to games and shows. She used to love the firing range but as a felon, she can never touch a gun again.

Her greatest joy is just being alone with you, doing something you both love...and sometimes getting up in the middle of the night to watch military documentaries.

We hope you enjoy your match!

>> No.12534041

>even Alp thinks it's gay
it totally is gay, that's why it's funny. the pilot thinks there is literally nothing wrong with this scene

>> No.12534047

I know this was posted hours ago, but I'm glad to see someone was listening to my D&D monster rants on Friday. Also seconding this request, if it hasn't been done already, I'm still catching up on the thread.

>> No.12534051
Quoted by: >>12534058

You know something is gay when an Alp says it's gay

>> No.12534052


My post: >>12532333

Thank you again for your efforts

>> No.12534057
Quoted by: >>12534062

>as a felon, she can never touch a gun again.
Says the law, law don't mean shit if nobody can see. Either way that anon got a nice one.

>> No.12534058
Quoted by: >>12534074

>hey there, you sexy alp, want to watch a movie?
>what kind of movie
>it's got jets shooting each other down
>Uh, I guess
>15 minutes into Top Gun
>This movie is gay as fuck, can't you just fuck me or something?
>shut up, I love this part
>and so, Anon became Alp too

>> No.12534062
Quoted by: >>12534065


This is why you move to a nice place in the country where nobody knows her and you don't need a range.

>> No.12534065

Which is why I live exactly there.

>> No.12534068 [DELETED] 

You will never watch troll's huge bosom look small by comparison as she cups her bare breasts with her hands
You will never be asked for help as she says her fingers are too big to masturbate confortably
She will never tell you as you lay her in the bed she "is scared because your dick is even FUCKING BIGGER"
She will never tear-eyedly endure the pain for your sake at first then near the end be asking to go harder and HARDER and YES FUCKING BREAK ME
She will never pass out from the pleasure and sleep with you softly crushed between the weight of her hands and her tender pillowy breasts.
Her unearthly regenerative capacity will never restore her hymen overnight
This will never repeat itself every night
Feels batman.
Bonus: You will never have to sleep out one night and she will never tell you she had trouble sleeping because -whispers- "You weren't here to fuck me."

>> No.12534069
File: 393 KB, 641x360, archer-danger-zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12534074

>Anon, what was your opinion on Top Gun?
>I think it was pretty gay
>C'mon, you don't understand!
>Alright, what about you, Alp? What's your opinion on Top Gun?
>It was pretty gay
>See, it was pretty gay
>Yeah, I guess it was pretty gay

>> No.12534077
Quoted by: >>12534088


I rarely get boners from reading lewd stuff, but holy fuck, Anon, that was spot on.

>> No.12534079
Quoted by: >>12534087

>His name is Aziz.
He's not a combat fighter is he?

>> No.12534086
Quoted by: >>12534092

You calling Archer gay son?

>> No.12534087

No, that would be silly, racist and too obscure for ulkomaan piruille.

>> No.12534088

You will never watch troll's huge bosom look small by comparison as she cups her bare breasts with her hands
You will never be asked for help as she says her fingers are too big to masturbate confortably
She will never tell you as you lay her in the bed she "is scared because your dick is even FUCKING BIGGER"
She will never tear-eyedly endure the pain for your sake at first then near the end be asking to go harder and HARDER and YES FUCKING BREAK ME
She will never pass out from the pleasure and sleep with you softly crushed between the weight of her hands and her tender pillowy breasts.
Her unearthly regenerative capacity will never restore her hymen overnight
This will never repeat itself every night
Feels batman.
Bonus: You will never have to sleep out one night and she will never tell you she had trouble sleeping because -whispers- "You weren't here to fuck me."
T-thanks. Reposting because I think I kind of went overboard with the spoilers.

>> No.12534090
Quoted by: >>12534093

Top gun was the gayest pro Navy Propaganda since In the Navy by the Village People

>> No.12534092

to be fair, Archer had a best friend who banged him while he was asleep, and he has an unhealthy obsession with Burt Reynolds

>> No.12534093

>Top Gun
>Navy Propaganda

I shouldn't have to say what's wrong with this

>> No.12534101

>and sometimes getting up in the middle of the night to watch military documentaries
Top tier girl right here.

>> No.12534102
Quoted by: >>12534109

They were naval aviators, Anon.

>> No.12534106

dude, how was it not?
they changed the story so that Maverick was banging an instructor, not an enlisted female. Made with the assistance and approval of the Navy. ray ban sales, leather jacket sales and enlistment rates all spiked after the movie came out.

>> No.12534109
Quoted by: >>12534115

The Navy and the Air Force work hand in hand, but anyone who was inspired to go into the military after watching Top Gun were not thinking of being a sailor first, anon

>> No.12534115

Air Force had nothing to do with Top Gun, and yeah, a lot of people joining the Navy are dumb as shit, I'd know.

>> No.12534123

In the previous thread:

We worship the Monstergirl gods, both kind and cuddly
Loen finishes drawing Anya
New Monstergirl ideas suggested, from our heads and the Monster Manual
Monstergirl life, uh, finds a way
By Hathor's bust! Loen's drawing Hathor's bust!
Janet the Kikimora keeps the threads clean. Mmyep
Tile Pattern Fetish Anon wants a tile pattern monstergirl
Big Jinkos, stronk Jinkos, cuddly Jinkos
Purging prejudiced paladins with propaganda, and monogamous, loving succubi? Or righteous warriors and slutty seductresses?
In an attempt to be loved, succubi possess /mgt/'s monstergirl waifus. Slice of Life comedy ensues
The Government-funded Dating Draft is established! Did you get paired with the waifu of your dreams?

Sorry it's late. I was out today.

>> No.12534125



You've been paired with Squatter Cold Drake. This fireless weaker white-winged cousin of the Ryu and the Wurm naturally seeks sources of heat for its bed and was picked up for breaking into and living in the steam generator room of a local post office, then beating up half a police squad when they tried to force her to leave.

Apparently she paid someone to fill out all her immigration paperwork with her meager hoard and doesn't know any local laws or customs, speaking only in the most broken english.

She likes to go for long flights in the cold thin air of the upper atmosphere before coming home to warm up, and has a voracious appetite to fuel all her zipping about.

She adores hotsprings and cuddles and taking you up into the deepsky, if you have the courage to leave the ground so far behind that only clouds can be seen below. And if you're feeling really daring, teaching you to skydive, performing amazing aerial acrobatics for your entertainment. Just check the flightlanes, because she sure won't.

She's an old kind of monster, the kind that will die if locked in a cage. As long as she's free and with you, she'll be the happiest girl in the world. This will make it hard for her to hold down a proper job though, so you'll have to be the one to take care of her.

We hope you enjoy your match!

>> No.12534131


>> No.12534134


1. N
2. N
3. Bomberman
4. Submissive
5. Y
6. Dunno
7. Scales
8. Honey
9. Y
10. Succubi

>> No.12534138

This Anon is one lucky motherfucker.

>> No.12534141

Man that sounds fun as fuck.

>> No.12534144

I'd fly the friendly skies with her

>> No.12534146
Quoted by: >>12534155

Guys. Wurm Wrangler part 3 needs just one more pilot and it'll be up as soon as I finish it. Come on you guys, seriously.

>> No.12534147
Quoted by: >>12534158

>In an attempt to be loved, succubi possess /mgt/'s monstergirl waifus. Slice of Life comedy ensues

This was one of the best things last thread. Did anyone write up anything more for this?

>> No.12534155
Quoted by: >>12534161

how about an ex con with a bone to pick with monstergirls

>> No.12534158


Thank you for your services, comrade. We appreciate it.


Anyone screencapped those greentexts?

>> No.12534159
File: 63 KB, 302x272, 1382236187878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking kidding me? I'm the guy you replied.

I have Acrophobia.

>> No.12534161

And so it shall be.

>> No.12534163
Quoted by: >>12534173

But Anon, amazonesses don't just tie you up and ravage you in the streets (no amazoness wants a wanton street slut after all), they kidnap and coerce you into the vows of marriage first.

It's not rape if he's your lawful husband, my tanuki attorney told me so.

>> No.12534164
Quoted by: >>12534175

If not, they're on the archive, I can go scrub it for caps unless someone already has

>> No.12534170

U gon git bullied, son. I bet scary cum tastes even better to her.

>> No.12534173

Amazon please stop, you're making a fool of yourself

>> No.12534175
Quoted by: >>12534230


Don't think anybody did it yet. Please, do go on.

>> No.12534176

also john lennon returns from the dead to promote peace in /mgg/

>> No.12534177

I'm sorry to hear that, Anon. Maybe your waifu can help you overcome this fear.

>> No.12534179

1. N
3.Haven't played a console game since the NES. Let alone enough to worry about the new Smash.
4.Sub or Equal
8.Sweetie sounds like it'd be nice to be called.
9.Y. Many.
10.I don't care about the debate so long as I'm left out of it.

Unlimited Touch Fluffy Tail Works.

>> No.12534187


Well after first hundred times, I'm sure you'll get over it.

>Is chergatzbla husband

Then she drops you screaming from sixty thousand feet, talking to you all the time.

>Just air!
>No scary.
>Can't hurt you.

>> No.12534188

my post >>12531498
6.Vidya and VN's
10.Every grill is best grill
Yandere makes my heart go doki doki

>> No.12534191

She could probably accelerate the process with midair fear blowjobs or something.

>> No.12534196

>mid air 69 while she holds you up and flies
sounds dangerous

>> No.12534197

That's half the point. If she starts high enough up she should have time to react though.

>> No.12534200

It worked in So Long, And Thanks for All the Fish.

>> No.12534202

great part of that book

>> No.12534203

Suck my dick, choke on it.

>> No.12534205
Quoted by: >>12534212


What the fuck

>> No.12534206

1. I want to be stronger than my waifu. Her being stronger is a turn off to me, or makes me feel inadequate. (Y/N)
2. If there is one thing I can always admire, it's when a Monster Girl has a chest flatter than Paper Mario. (Y/N)
3. Speaking of Paper Mario, the character I most wanted in Smash is (Ridley/Other(Please Specify))
>playing vidya
4. If I had to choose between the four, the word that most describes what I desire to be in a relationship would be (Submissive/Dominant/Equal/Switch)
5. I can't handle stressful situations well, so I'd prefer if my waifu could do that stuff instead. (Y/N)
6. Something Monster Girl related coming out in the near future that I'm looking forward to is (Shit there's anime manga card games video games you choose I'm not listing them all here)
>not owning all mg everything
7. The eternal debate rages on, the best Monster Waifu is (Scales/Feathers/Fur/Slime/Human Skin/Etc)
8. The pet name I want my waifu to call me is (Honey/Sweetie/Princess/>Implying I like pet names/Other)
>Implying I like pet names
9. A daughteru is something I'd like to have one day. (Y/N)
10. On the Succubi/Paladin debate, I side with (Succubi/Succubi/Behead those who insult Succubi)

>> No.12534212

don't be scared, anon, not everyone can join the mile high club outside of a plane bathroom

>> No.12534217
File: 385 KB, 800x900, 1390893199701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Love For Crab Girls?

>> No.12534219
File: 355 KB, 589x467, 1387747306350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12534228

>fear blowjobs
I can't think of anything hotter.

>> No.12534223

Would go to her soapland. Just wish she was a little less flat in the KC art. She could use a set of soft "claws" to wash me with.

>> No.12534224
File: 585 KB, 800x600, 1392372811719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12534226

I could use a bubble bath, actually.

>> No.12534226
Quoted by: >>12534345

too much monster, also those look like man arms

>> No.12534227

>Then she drops you screaming from sixty thousand feet
He will probably faint.

>> No.12534228


Just, no.

>> No.12534230
Quoted by: >>12534236


Here you are, all the girlfriend/succubi possession stuff http://i.imgur.com/WFoSnJX.png

>> No.12534236
Quoted by: >>12534243


Thanks, Anon.

>> No.12534239
File: 272 KB, 535x922, 1404500384807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just, yes.

>> No.12534240
Quoted by: >>12534244


>> No.12534243

Anytime. Hopefully we'll see more possessed GF in the future.

>> No.12534244

Saving image space man.

>> No.12534245
File: 67 KB, 608x1196, Alpie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thar she blows.


>> No.12534246
Quoted by: >>12534249

Crab people
Crab people
taste like crab
look like people

>> No.12534248


Why is this picture triggering my trypophobia? Jesus Christ.

>> No.12534249

TALK like people anon.

>> No.12534250
File: 362 KB, 850x928, clusterfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12534252

thank you Alp.

>> No.12534257
File: 638 KB, 534x482, 1403127513550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You blow.

>> No.12534259
File: 152 KB, 960x720, 1404499129272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying something about my lovely Thing face-chans?

>> No.12534261


this image's so clogged with stuff

so much shit so much shit

i can barely understand what she's wearing

>> No.12534262

Has anyone here been skydiving? It's pretty fun.
If a flying monstergirl dropped you from, say, 15,000 feet, it wouldn't be too bad. The scariest part of it would be orienting yourself while air travelling at terminal velocity is effectively shutting off your hearing, and making your eyes sting if you look down. And wearing goggles effectively prevents that latter annoyance.
I think the feeling of being in freefall while your waifu held you steady and gave a blowjob would be pretty damn incredible.

>> No.12534263

Thank you for correcting me.
It's been a while since I watched that episode

>> No.12534267
Quoted by: >>12534277

No no, he's right. Haven't you ever eaten a crab girl out? It's fucking uncanny. The waifu doesn't like it when I joke about adding butter though

>> No.12534271
Quoted by: >>12534284

>decorates herself with random roadkill
Is that a MG? Or is its just a psychopath?

Or both?

>> No.12534272

Okay jesus fuck that thing needs to fucking burn

>> No.12534273

>You blow
I know. If only I could use that somehow to affect the world positively...

>> No.12534277
Quoted by: >>12534278

It's a quote from South Park.

>> No.12534278

I know, I was making a cunnilingus joke

>> No.12534279
Quoted by: >>12534293

You could blow candles at a birthday party and entertain the birthday kid

Then blow him

>> No.12534283

I want him to blow me.

>> No.12534284
Quoted by: >>12534319

I want to be scared and aroused at the same time, so this fine with me.
>Is that a MG?
Definitely, you see her stitches, heterochromia, ears, and horns don't you?

>> No.12534285

Which mouth do you cram your dick into?

>> No.12534286 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>12534293

I still liked it, Alp, don't listen to bully. although I still think the mad scientist should've lost his job for banging the boss' son/Alp.

>> No.12534291

Either. Each. Sequentially.

>> No.12534292

The digestive mouth. She'd be blowing you and dirty talking at the same time

>> No.12534293
Quoted by: >>12534300

That's not funny, my nephew and niece are having their birthday party next Sunday.
>but got kicked out when he messed around with the son of the director of the project responsible for making them. Apparently, the son turned Alp
Ahem. And there was no bully you silly, that was playful teasing.

>> No.12534298



You have been paired with Prisoner of War Zombie! This true dead inmate of our military detention center has been rotting, quite literally, in a cell for most of the last half-century since the Gate War. The intelligence she provided our side once the bonds to her necromancer were broken bought her freedom after fifty years of good behavior.

She's spent all that time reading and learning about Earth, is fluent in half a dozen languages and several old monster tongues. She's refined herself into the polished kind of woman most vampires can only dream of being, but never seems to be able to pull together her ragged appearance as her body deteriorates, albeit very slowly, around her.

She will be serving as an adviser to the Coalition committee on dealing with the dead, and one condition of taking the job was participation in the program.

Her biggest ambition is to one day attain wighthood and undo the decay consuming her one cell at a time. She's terribly embarrassed of her smell, which she can never quite cover up with perfume and the few decayed spots on her body that she keeps covered in bandages that she changes daily.

To the outside world, she's a cool, confident and harsh woman who brooks no fools. But on really stressful days, she'll just want you to hold her in your arms, glad that anyone could love an old dead soldier like her.

We hope you enjoy your match!

>> No.12534300

yeah, sorry, I need sleep.

>> No.12534307

Time for pet-play, nothing makes the stress go away better than turning her into a puppy. She'll be a Wight before she knows it. Thank you, overbearing government program!

>> No.12534318

>fluent in half dozen languages
I want her to "instruct" me in German

>> No.12534319
Quoted by: >>12534322

Does not make an MG.
Does not make an MG.
>Ears and horns
Considering they're hers. But judging by the roadkill menagerie she's wearing, I have my doubts.

>> No.12534322

>an MG

>> No.12534329


1 - N, I'm cool with both.
2 - N, I'm cool with most breast sizes.
3 - I don't play Smash Bros
4 - Equal, I just wanna chill.
5 - N
6 - Monster-human coexistence
7 - I'm cool with all of them, but I fancy fur a bit more
8 - Hun
9 - Y, but no dicking.
10 - Succubi, as long as they're not forcefully related to NTR or any other shit tier fetish all the time

>> No.12534335


3:Never played
6:It's been quite a while since I stopped looking forward to the future
7:I like it all but slime. I don't hate it though.
8:I'd rather hear she speaking my name as it was given me.
9: Y
10: All of the above.

>> No.12534345

But it's one of the best girls in the game

>> No.12534352

literal mouth breather

>> No.12534356

>4 requests until mine.
>Waiting since yesterday.

Don't stop now.

>> No.12534369


Remain calm, friend. The girls are staring at us candidates, look classy.

>> No.12534370

I bet that swimsuit doesn't have a back. Slutty~

>> No.12534371

>1. I want to be stronger than my waifu. Her being stronger is a turn off to me, or makes me feel inadequate.
No. Stronger would be nice, but I still want to play-wrestle and wrestle-sex without fear of death.
>2. If there is one thing I can always admire, it's when a Monster Girl has a chest flatter than Paper Mario.
No. Any boob size as long as it's not board-flat or stupidly big, average Holst breast size is the upper limit.
>3. Speaking of Paper Mario, the character I most wanted in Smash is
Viewtful Joe
>4. If I had to choose between the four, the word that most describes what I desire to be in a relationship would be
Equal, though some switching would be nice to keep things interesting.
>5. I can't handle stressful situations well, so I'd prefer if my waifu could do that stuff instead.
>6. Something Monster Girl related coming out in the near future that I'm looking forward to is
There's nothing I'm outright looking forward to.
>7. The eternal debate rages on, the best Monster Waifu is
>8. The pet name I want my waifu to call me is
Honey sounds nice.
>9. A daughteru is something I'd like to have one day.
>10. On the Succubi/Paladin debate, I side with
Succubi are fiiiiine. It's fiiiine.

>> No.12534372

any mg dating sims?

>> No.12534373
File: 435 KB, 1000x2000, Anya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me your dreams, /mgg/. Mine is that one day, we will put our shoulders to the wheel and make a VN about Monster Girls, in space, with Anya as the main heroine.
What far fetched and impossible dreams do YOU have?

>> No.12534375
Quoted by: >>12534389

Yeah, you might end up with a lizardgirl if you look desperate!

>> No.12534376
Quoted by: >>12534395

Mine is up next, I'm getting anxious.

>> No.12534379

3.Travis Touchdown
8.All of them

>> No.12534380
Quoted by: >>12534391

That monster girls will be real someday.

>> No.12534381
Quoted by: >>12534391

I want to be happy.

>> No.12534382
File: 16 KB, 160x160, 1411228654022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12534390

>we will put our shoulders to the wheel and make a VN about Monster Girls
I don't see that happening in the forseeable future.

>> No.12534385

RPG based on the MGE Order vs monsters conflict.

>> No.12534389

like a lizard girl would ever go to prison
they're too nice, unless one takes her SJW thing too far

>> No.12534390
Quoted by: >>12534402

>far fetched and impossible dreams
Yes, that was the point.
Not RTS with RPG elements, like WC3?

>> No.12534391

>This feeling
I know this feeling, friends.

>> No.12534393
File: 111 KB, 600x475, MGE RPG that may or may not be vaporware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MGE Order vs monsters conflict.

>> No.12534394
Quoted by: >>12534404

That VR is perfected.

>> No.12534395
Quoted by: >>12534400

I feel better now, sorry.

Good luck mate. Hope you get a lovely girl for you.

>> No.12534398
Quoted by: >>12534406

>that fucking cat
I surrender.

>> No.12534400

Thanks, hope you do to, and all other anons applying.

>> No.12534402

>Not RTS with RPG elements, like WC3?
That would be cool too. But I'm more of an RPG kind of guy.

>> No.12534404

That is actually a good sci-fi idea.

>> No.12534405
Quoted by: >>12534419

So...are you playing as an MG in that? The shadow by the main stats is implying the MC is a Dark Elf

>> No.12534406
Quoted by: >>12534413

I wish KC could just show us the updated artwork for his earlier girls already.

>> No.12534411

I want to write some cool stories that people enjoy. Maybe finish working on my original setting.

Whatever is inhibiting my ability to write needs to go the hell away.

>> No.12534413
Quoted by: >>12534419

Speaking of, how hard are his books to get when he publishes them? Are they event only?

>> No.12534414

No. Somebody should make one

>> No.12534417
Quoted by: >>12534627

>original setting
Elaborate. I know a lot about this pursuit of yours.

>> No.12534418
File: 1.36 MB, 1356x1801, 1407014284157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Anya. I dislike the dumb musclegirl archetype to begin with, but the poland can be of being into space fake accent is obnoxious, insulting and also grinds my linguist gears. Is it too much to ask for a siberian tiger girl who's elegant like a duchess? Fuck. I fucking love siberian tigers, too.

>> No.12534419
File: 46 KB, 517x747, SMTDSSH Gu Huo Niao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MC is a Dark Elf
Nah, I actually think the games mechanics might work similarly to SMT or MGQ:P.
No clue.

>> No.12534420
Quoted by: >>12534627

That's not far-fetched or impossible. All you need is hard work, guts, and maybe some alcohol.

>> No.12534422

Try this out, you need to listen to it on low volume for a while

It's helped me out, I was able to finish and post one of my stories recently, after having months worth of blocks

>> No.12534426
Quoted by: >>12534431

Considering she grew up in the taiga, no, that's not possible. Unless she "cleans up nicely" or whatever the trope was.

>> No.12534427
Quoted by: >>12534432


Sorry about that, Anon. I respect your opinion.


Illuminati mind control pls go

>> No.12534430

that's a cutie tiger there, and I sympathize, even if I like Anya
If you like, you can read Spider and the Fly, it has warrior Tiger Katya, who doesn't have the super thick can't into English accent, but she swears in Russian so she's not very elegant. sorry to self promote, but there's more than one tiger in the stories out there.

>> No.12534431
Quoted by: >>12534439

>implying cats aren't innately elegant

>> No.12534432
Quoted by: >>12534436

Also, you need a good set of headphones for that to work, earbuds don't really work

You're paranoid

>> No.12534436


I was just fooling around.

>> No.12534437

I still believe that the next Red Moon will bring our MGs to life.

>Goes out to watch the eclipse.
>About to reach its climax.
>Suddenly strong wind and weird noises.
>Something appears in the middle of the street.
>MGs begins.

>> No.12534439
Quoted by: >>12534447

Believe it or not, but I've owned cats that don't have the usual air of dignity and pride that's usually associated with them. They still look down on dogs though.

>> No.12534445
Quoted by: >>12534454

>I still believe that the next Red Moon will bring our MGs to life
Not yet anon. Wait until 2017.

>> No.12534447
Quoted by: >>12534450

Cats are assholes though

Except for a lazy one I had as a kid
I miss him a lot

>> No.12534450

The asshole part is why we like them.

>> No.12534452

Vanadis "Translation Never" games

>> No.12534454

October 8 is the next one.

>> No.12534455
Quoted by: >>12534462

I'm not sure about the next Red Moon, it's the second of four after all.

Though I would love it if we did start seeing more and more hints of real MGs up to the 4th one, followed by a full reveal

>> No.12534457



You have been paired with Repeat Offender Minotaur! This short cow is as violent as she is busty with the most severe Napoleon complex seen by the shrinks here. She can't stay out of fights and takes offense at the littlest things.

Her most recent offense was when a liquor store clerk called her a kid and kicked her out when she gave him her legitimate ID. She came back and tossed a molotov cocktail through the window.

Her family is tired of dealing with her, as is the state. The Corrections Board is giving her one last chance with someone new before putting her in long term lockup, and that's you.

She may have a short temper, but don't say that, at least the word short.

She needs someone who's not afraid to butt heads with her, but treats her like a woman and not a child. If you stick with it, she'll come to respect you, then admire you. The change won't happen overnight but you'll begin to notice things. She used to slap your hand away whenever it was offered, but now she grabs it without asking and drags you around trying to hide the blush on her cheeks.

The happier and less stressed she is because she's around you, the less she lashes out. The little spitfire will finally mellow into a tough little heifer, who doesn't even mind being called little. After all, that just makes you even bigger for her.

The only time she'll throw down the gauntlet is if some woman makes a pass at you, thinking she's your teenage daughter. But the law tends to overlook those those things in MGC.

We hope you enjoy your match!

>> No.12534461
File: 495 KB, 786x1117, cf673a9880ad2c41bc600396ea4f9d22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12534508

This is it.
Someone else described my fantasy.

>> No.12534462

As long as some MGs pops up between them, I'm cool with this.

Jinkos first pls.

>> No.12534465

>the poland can be of being into space fake accent
The what?

>> No.12534469
Quoted by: >>12534479

Anya speaks in an accent that is not actually accurate and this irritates his autism.

>> No.12534470

I hope for Ebola-chan uprising throughout the whole world at red moon.

>> No.12534472

Is that you, Alp?

>> No.12534475

Who? No

>> No.12534476
File: 135 KB, 420x600, Minotaurus A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shortstack minotaur? Brilliant.

>> No.12534477

No, that wasn't me. But I've got an idea in relation to it!
How about Anya starts off speaking in a silly fake accent, and slowly grows into that elegant lady and officer?

>> No.12534479
Quoted by: >>12534484

Yes, that's exactly why racism aimed at them pisses some people off.

>> No.12534484
Quoted by: >>12534493

Okay, now you're just embarrassing yourself.

>> No.12534486

Oh lord, I have a short temper also, she sounds really great but damn we're defiantly gonna be butting heads a bit for a while. I'll love her all the same though, this outta be fun.

>> No.12534489
Quoted by: >>12534492


1. I don't care if she's stronger than me or not so long as she isn't a violent bitch.
2. I like a range of cup sizes, but shape and how they look on a girl is more important than size. That said, there's no such thing as too small but there is definitely such a thing as too big. Cow tits are disgusting.
3. Ridley seems like he'd be OP in Smash because he can fly and I wouldn't want them to nerf the flying. Not sure who I'd want in Smash.
4. Equal
5. Yes. I don't respond well to stressful situations.
6. Bromont's VN. I know you said near future, but fuck you, I can dream.
7. Human skin is best. Don't care if the monster parts are scales, features, fur, or slime so long as it's not bug parts.
8. >Implying I like pet names
9. Big yes.
10. Succubutt or paladin doesn't matter so long as they're not preachy dicks about it.

>> No.12534491

Christ, then just imagine if there's something that earns both yours and her anger.

>> No.12534492
Quoted by: >>12534515

>Bromont's VN
What's all this then?

>> No.12534493
Quoted by: >>12534495

Go fap to Ebola-chan already, /pol/.

>> No.12534495
Quoted by: >>12534505

>fake Russian accent is racism

>> No.12534497


They would be unstoppable.

>> No.12534498
Quoted by: >>12534511

Sounds like a pretty interesting household you'll get there, Anon

>> No.12534500
Quoted by: >>12534509

I don't think it would be on this earth for very much longer if we could help it.

>> No.12534504
File: 126 KB, 750x1000, genki dark elf idol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12534514

>My song is only for Anon!
>Anon, I love you!

>> No.12534505
File: 454 KB, 450x600, 34372179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12534514

>members of ethnic group I don't like are dumb
>not racist

>> No.12534508

Yeah, well, it's a good fantasy to have.I like the idea of just plummeting to the ground headfirst, but safe and secure with a flying monstergirl's arms/wings around me. The wind could be rushing at 110mph past us, but none of that would matter the second we close in for a kiss, the whole world narrowing down to just me and her, utterly weightless while the wind rushes past us.

>> No.12534509

I feel very, very sorry for the family of the man that upsets your daughteru.

>> No.12534510
Quoted by: >>12534513

posting ancient monster girl stories

In Greek mythology Echo was a wood nymph who loved a youth by the name of Narcissus. He was a beautiful creature loved by many but Narcissus loved no one. He enjoyed attention, praise and envy. In Narcissus' eyes nobody matched him and as such he considered none were worthy of him.

Echo's passion for Narcissus was equaled only by her passion for talking as she always had to have the last word. One day she enabled the escape of the goddess Juno's adulterous husband by engaging Juno in conversation. On finding out Echo's treachery Juno cursed Echo by removing her voice with the exception that she could only speak that which was spoken to her.

Echo often waited in the woods to see Narcissus hoping for a chance to be noticed. One day as she lingered in the bushes he heard her footsteps and called out “Who's here?” Echo replied “Here!” Narcissus called again "Come", Echo replied "Come!". Narcissus called once more “Why do you shun me?... Let us join one another.” Echo was overjoyed that Narcissus had asked her to join him. She longed to tell him who she was and of all the love she had for him in her heart but she could not speak. She ran towards him and threw herself upon him.

Narcissus became angry “Hands off! I would rather die than you should have me!” and threw Echo to the ground. Echo left the woods a ruin, her heart broken. Ashamed she ran away to live in the mountains yearning for a love that would never be returned. The grief killed her. Her body became one with the mountain stone. All that remained was her voice which replied in kind when others spoke.

>> No.12534511
Quoted by: >>12534518

Probably more than a few holes in the walls the first year or two. I'm more worried about when we have kids. That's the one thing that worries me about having kids, that they'll be like me, and if she gets angry like me oh lord those kids.
Family bonding while we beat the shit out of the other family, sounds fun.

>> No.12534513

Narcissus continued to attract many nymphs all of whom he briefly entertained before scorning and refusing them. The gods grew tired of his behaviour and cursed Narcissus. They wanted him to know what it felt like to love and never be loved. They made it so there was only one whom he would love, someone who was not real and could never love him back.

One day whilst out enjoying the sunshine Narcissus came upon a pool of water. As he gazed into it he caught a glimpse of what he thought was a beautiful water spirit. He did not recognise his own reflection and was immediately enamoured. Narcissus bent down his head to kiss the vision. As he did so the reflection mimicked his actions. Taking this as a sign of reciprocation Narcissus reached into the pool to draw the water spirit to him. The water displaced and the vision was gone. He panicked, where had his love gone? When the water became calm the water spirit returned. “Why, beautiful being, do you shun me? Surely my face is not one to repel you. The nymphs love me, and you yourself look not indifferent upon me. When I stretch forth my arms you do the same; and you smile upon me and answer my beckonings with the like.” Again he reached out and again his love disappeared. Frightened to touch the water Narcissus lay still by the pool gazing in to the eyes of his vision.

He cried in frustration. As he did so Echo also cried. He did not move, he did not eat or drink, he only suffered. As he pined he became gaunt loosing his beauty. The nymphs that loved him pleaded with him to come away from the pool. As they did so Echo also pleaded with him. He was transfixed; he wanted to stay there forever. Narcissus like Echo died with grief. His body disappeared and where his body once lay a flower grew in it's place. The nymphs mourned his death and as they mourned Echo also mourned.

>> No.12534514
File: 539 KB, 750x1000, 1409900163030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12534595

Maya a cute.
You're saying that it's a sign of stupidity if someone doesn't speak a foreign language flawlessly? Nobody here actually is trying to say Anya or Russians by extension are stupid. Don't be like that.

>> No.12534515

Bromont has been making a VN for years, slowly, by himself. He started the first Bizarre Slime threads to get a feel for the characters and the setting.

>> No.12534518


Is it wrong I seriously want to see an illustration of the angry shortstack minotaur family now? Like standing together all loving like but with serious "Don't fuck with us." faces.

>> No.12534521
Quoted by: >>12534528

Explain further, this is relevant to my interests.

>> No.12534522

Narcissus a shit.

>> No.12534525

Oh god I want this, a nice family picture but everybody looks aggressive a fuck, maybe a few cracks or holes in whatever wall is in the background.

>> No.12534526

No, because I really want to see this too. Especially if they're giving the death glare to the daughteru's bruised and bandaged Ex.

>> No.12534528

You'd need to ask him yourself or read every BS thread in every series in the archives. For awhile, the last thread in the Violet series was a development blog. I don't remember all the details off the top of my head, but I'm hype as fuck.

>> No.12534532
Quoted by: >>12534542

It'dd be like one of those freeze frame pictures where the family's all together smiling, but then someone steps on someone's tail or something and the picture's taken right when they start yelling and throwing fists at each other
And it would've been the 5th time they tried getting a perfect picture, and decided 'fuck it' and framed it anyway

>> No.12534533
Quoted by: >>12534540

By himself? That's a hell of a task.
I couldn't see it being done without a team of people working together. Two or more artists, for backgrounds and for characters, a writer who really knows what they're doing, and maybe someone to plan out every path and occurrence, if the writer isn't capable of planning, and probably also someone to put it all together and make it function.

>> No.12534537
Quoted by: >>12534542


>A crooked picture of Hathor on the wall behind them


>> No.12534540
Quoted by: >>12534543

Poor Bromont. If only we had people capable of sharing this burden with him...

>> No.12534542

Fucking yes I love it. We need a drawfag to get on this.

>> No.12534543

If only there were capable artists and programming capable people who frequented these threads, as well as competent writers for him to bounce ideas off of.

>> No.12534547
Quoted by: >>12534553


Too bad Bob destroyed the first one and the second died to no one actually wanting to do any work.

>> No.12534548
Quoted by: >>12535587

If only they were here, lurking the threads, biding their time until they saw their chance to step up.

>> No.12534552

Not a drawfag, but would the husband/papa have the body-type of a Dirk Hardpeck, Average Joe, or Jailbait Bishie?

>> No.12534553
Quoted by: >>12534560

Negative Nancy, stop bringing everybody down.

>> No.12534554
File: 65 KB, 598x301, Melusinediscovered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Legend of Melusina

Elinas, King of Albania, to divert his grief for the death of his wife, amused himself with hunting. One day, at the chase, he went to a fountain to quench his thirst. As he approached it he heard the voice of a woman singing, and on coming to it he found there the beautiful fay Pressina.

After some time the fay bestowed her hand upon him, on the condition that he should never visit her at the time of her lying-in. She had three daughters at a birth: Melusina, Melior, and Palatina. Nathas, the king's son by a former wife, hastened to convey the joyful tidings to his father, who, without reflection, flew to the chamber of the queen, and entered as she was bathing her daughters. Pressina, on seeing him, cried out that he had broken his word, and she must depart. And taking up her three daughters, she disappeared.

She retired to the Lost Island, so called because it was only by chance any, even those who had repeatedly visited it, could find it. Here she reared her children, taking them every morning to a high mountain, whence Albania might be seen, and telling them that but for their father's breach of promise they might have lived happily in the distant land which they beheld.

When they were fifteen years of age, Melusina asked her mother particularly of what their father had been guilty. On being informed of it, she conceived the design of being revenged on him. Engaging her sisters to join in her plans, they set out for Albania. Arrived there, they took the king and all his wealth, and, by a charm, enclosed him in a high mountain, called Brandelois. On telling their mother what they had done, she, to punish them for the unnatural action, condemned Melusina to become every Saturday a serpent, from the waist downwards, till she should meet a man who would marry her under the condition of never seeing her on a Saturday, and should keep his promise.

>> No.12534555

>capable programming
>capable artists
>implying any are here

>> No.12534557
Quoted by: >>12534565

She influenced other judgements on her two sisters, less severe in proportion to their guilt.
Melusina now went roaming through the world in search of the man who was to deliver her. She passed through the Black Forest, and that of Ardennes, and at last she arrived in the forest of Colombiers, in Poitou, where all the fays of the neighborhood came before her, telling her they had been waiting for her to reign in that place.

Raymond having accidentally killed the count, his uncle, by the glancing aside of his boar-spear, was wandering by night in the forest of Colombiers. He arrived at a fountain that rose at the foot of a high rock. This fountain was called by the people the Fountain of Thirst, or the Fountain of the Fays, on account of the many marvelous things which had happened at it.

>> No.12534558

To keep up with an angry minotaur family he'd definitely need some muscle, not like super huge body builder but certainly larger than most average men.

>> No.12534560
Quoted by: >>12534563

>Negative Nancy

What are you, five?

>> No.12534561
Quoted by: >>12534584


Whatever the actual anon looks like would be the best, but more muscled and fit from his family.

>> No.12534563
Quoted by: >>12534566

>insulting someone for making a joke
I know you are, but what am I?

>> No.12534565

Her words at parting were these, "But one thing will I say unto thee before I part, that thou, and those who for more than a hundred years shall succeed thee, shall know that whenever I am seen to hover over the fair castle of Lusignan, then will it be certain that in that very year the castle will get a new lord; and though people may not perceive me in the air, yet they will see me by the Fountain of Thirst; and thus shall it be so long as the castle stand in honor and flourishing -- especially on the Friday before the lord of the castle shall die."

Immediately, with wailing and loud lamentation, she left the castle of Lusignan, and has ever since existed as a specter of the night.

Raymond died as a hermit on Monserrat.

>> No.12534566
Quoted by: >>12534576

>implying I'm not rubber
>Implying you're not glue
>implying whatever you say doesn't bounce off me and stick to you

>> No.12534568
Quoted by: >>12534573

posted out of order

At the time, when Raymond arrived at the fountain, three ladies were diverting themselves there by the light of the moon, the principal of which was Melusina. Her beauty and her amiable manners quickly won his love. She soothed him, concealed the deed he had done, and married him, he promising on his oath never to desire to see her on a Saturday. She assured him that a breach of his oath would forever deprive him of her whom he so much loved, and be followed by the unhappiness of both for life. Out of her great wealth she built for him, in the neighborhood of the Fountain of Thirst, where he first saw her, the castle of Lusignan. She also built La Rochelle, Cloitre Malliers, Mersent, and other places.

>> No.12534570
Quoted by: >>12534576

Galatea is the best ancient monster girl
First waifu in history

>> No.12534573
Quoted by: >>12534575

But destiny, that would have Melusina single, was incensed against her. The marriage was made unhappy by the deformity of the children born of one that was enchanted. But still Raymond's love for the beauty that ravished both heart and eyes remained unshaken. Destiny renewed her attacks. Raymond's cousin had excited him to jealousy and to secret concealment, by malicious suggestions of the purport of the Saturday retirement of the countess. He hid himself; and then saw how the lovely form of Melusina ended below in a snake, gray and sky-blue, mixed with white. But it was not horror that seized him at the sight, it was infinite anguish at the reflection that through his breach of faith he might lose his lovely wife forever.

Yet this misfortune had not speedily come on him, were it not that his son, Geoffroi with the Tooth [a boar's tusk projected from his mouth], had burned his brother Freimund, who would stay in the abbey of Malliers, with the abbot and a hundred monks. At which the afflicted father, Count Raymond, when his wife Melusina was entering his closet to comfort him, broke out into these words against her, before all the courtiers who attended her, "Out of my sight, thou pernicious snake and odious serpent! thou contaminator of my race!"

Melusina's former anxiety was now verified, and the evil that had lain so long in ambush had now fearfully sprung on him and her. At these reproaches she fainted away; and when at length she revived, full of the profoundest grief, she declared to him that she must now depart from him, and, in obedience to a decree of destiny, fleet about the earth in pain and suffering, as a specter, until the day of doom; and that only when one of her race was to die at Lusignan would she become visible.

>> No.12534575
Quoted by: >>12534587

>>12534573 this ends the story

>> No.12534576
File: 174 KB, 439x451, Safe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't the first waifu in history be the whore from the Epic of Gilgamesh who had sex with Enkidu for seven days and seven night straight?

>> No.12534581
Quoted by: >>12534588

She tricked him into losing his wizard powers and then dumped him immediately, though. That's like the opposite of a waifu.

>> No.12534582


1. N
2. N
3. Other (Isaac, though Robin is the next best thing in that regard)
4. sub
5. Y
6. Possible EMG animu
7. Scales
8. Anything she'd like
9. Y
10. Can I say I'm neutral but with a small bias towards succubutts?

>> No.12534583

1 N
2 N
3 Cpt. Falcon
4 Submissive
5 Y
6 MGQ Paradox/any figures
7 Fluffy
8 Kitten/cub etc.
9 Y
10 Succubi


>> No.12534584

Actual anon here, this is fucking awesome. If you guys need to know some features about me for a possible picture just ask. Either way I love this idea.

>> No.12534585

You just answered your own question

Pygmalion was a fucking bro. He hated 3DPD so much he created himself a statue waifu.

>> No.12534587
Quoted by: >>12534591

the story of Ondine

Ondine was a nymph, a water goddess in French folk tale written by Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué. The tragic and tender love story has been made into both an opera and a ballet (Undine). Here is the story of Ondine.

Ondine was breathtakingly beautiful and possessed of a streak of independence, truly what we call a 'free spirit'.

Like all nymphs and mermaids, she was leery of men. If a nymph ever falls in love with a man and bears his child, she will begin to age like a mortal woman, losing her eternal youthfulness and everlasting life.

Ondine myth

Nonetheless, when Ondine saw the handsome young Palemon she was smitten and began to watch for him on his daily walks. When Palemon noticed her, he was taken by her incredible beauty and came back frequently to try to get a glimpse of her again.

Eventually they talked and fell in love. He broke his engagement with the young noblewoman Berta and, in time, convinced Ondine to marry him. When they exchanged their wedding oaths, Palemon vowed that "My every waking breath shall be my pledge of love and faithfulness to you."

But it was not to be.


The following year Ondine gave birth to their son. From that moment on, her beauty began to fade, her body suddenly susceptible to the effects of age. As her youthful attractiveness gave way to a more mature beauty, Palemon's eye began to wander to the younger women he met at court.

One fateful day Ondine was out walking on their estate when she heard the sound of Palemon's familiar snoring. Planning to take him back home so he could finish his nap, the amused Ondine entered the stables to wake him.

The scene she encountered filled her with great sorrow. Discarded garments littered the floor and her beloved Palemon lay sleeping in the haystack, his arms wrapped around his former fianceé Berta. Having sacrificed her immortality for this man, she was filled with anger and regret.

opera Ondine

>> No.12534588

>dumped him immediately
They stuck together until they got to Uruk at least. Then it became a bromance.
How about Gil's mom? She was a goddess who married a human who became a god. Isn't that what we all strive for?
One of us.

>> No.12534591

Kicking her sleeping husband, she woke him and uttered her curse. "You pledged faithfulness to me with your every waking breath and I accepted that pledge. So be it. For as long as you are awake, you shall breathe. But should you ever fall into sleep, that breath will desert you."

Ondine still retained some of her magic . . . enough to make the curse come true. And so it was. Palemon would never sleep again.

(Note: There actually is a medical disorder, a genetic form of sleep apnea, that is named 'The Curse of Ondine' or simply 'Ondine's Curse. It is a devastating illness that, untreated, can cause rapid aging. Fortunately,it is very rare.)

>> No.12534592
File: 600 KB, 900x2176, 1407552010888-cs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greek Sphinx a best.

>> No.12534595

When was she given a name?
And why don't people like a happy dark elf more?
Those drills, though, are perfect on her.
But I think her hair should be more of a platinum/white blonde.

>> No.12534597



You have been paired with Maneater Kumiho! This busty fox with forged kitsune papers was caught pillaging pieces of unclaimed bodies from the city morgue and got a few years for abuse of a corpse.

She's spent those years eating beef and chicken livers, and seems to have gotten used to it. Taking that into consideration and her good behavior, the board has given her a chance to participate in the program.

She's a lying trickster at heart and loves to mess with you and everyone else. You'll come home from the store to see her hands and mouth covered in blood with her crying "Oh Sweetmeat, I did it again." Only for her to bust out laughing and lick the ketchup from her claws when you're about to faint.

This attitude extends to your bedroom where she ruthlessly dominates you, licking every inch of you, saying how delicious you taste.

You'll get very good at cooking liver and onions every day, but hey at least beef liver is cheap.

The only truly terrifying days are when you get cut, and you see that delicate nose sniff and those fluffy ears point straight up, teeth bared in a sharp wolfish grin. She's still a Kumiho, that will never change.

That doesn't mean she won't spank your daughter for "biting Daddy" though.

We hope you enjoy your match!

>> No.12534598

Just a question for all the writers out there. What do you guys listen to, if at all, to get your creative juices flowing?

>> No.12534599
File: 558 KB, 750x1000, 1409897657095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when was she given a name
She was named Maya Kuromori like, a week after she was drawn. I didn't ask anyone's permission to give her the name, and I don't think anyone else has even used it.

>> No.12534602

on that note, The Myth of Pygmalion and Galatea

Pygmalion was a talented Greek sculptor from Cyprus. After becoming disgusted by some local prostitutes, he lost all interest in women and avoided their company completely.

Pygmalion saw women as flawed creatures and vowed never to waste any moment of his life with them. He dedicated himself to his work and soon created Galatea, a beautiful stature of a woman out of ivory.

Ironically, the masterpiece of his life was this statue of a woman. Perhaps he sought to correct in marble the flaws he saw in women of flesh and blood.

Whatever the case, Pygmalion worked so long and with such inspiration on the statue of Galatea, that it became more beautiful than any woman that had ever lived or been carved in stone.

As he finished the statue’s features, they became exquisitely lovely, and he found himself applying the strokes of hammer and chisel with increasing affection. When his chisel finally stopped ringing, there stood before him a woman of such perfection that Pygmalion, who had professed his disdain of all females, fell deeply in love.

>> No.12534603


Vidya OST. All day, erry day.

>> No.12534604

He would bring it gifts, caress it, kiss it and talk to it every day. He brought it gifts he thought women would enjoy, such as pretty seashells, beads, songbirds, baubles and flowers.

He would dress the statue in fine clothing, and put rings on her fingers, necklaces around her neck and even earrings. However, what irony that he who had scorned women should fall in love with a woman who could never love him in return!

Such a passion could not go unnoticed by the goddess of love, Aphrodite. She took pity on the young man and, when Pygmalion went to her temple to sacrifice a bull, Aphrodite gave him a sign. As the offering burned on the temple, the flames shot up one, two, three times.

Pygmalion went home, wondering what to make of the manifestation he had seen. When he entered his studio, however, and saw the statue, all other thoughts were banished from his mind. He ran to his statue and embraced it.

>> No.12534608
Quoted by: >>12534653


Usually some new song that makes me feel pumped up on repeat, or an old favorite I haven't listened to in awhile. Or have a show running in the background.

>> No.12534609

oooooh, nice one

>> No.12534610

Oh alright I had no idea about it.
I love Maya-chan! I want to marry Maya!

>> No.12534611

Literally the first waifu. Pygmalion was an anon.

>> No.12534612
Quoted by: >>12534618

Did she seem warm to his touch, or was it just residual heat form the sunset that had warmed the stone? He kissed her.

Did the statue’s lips seem soft? He stood back and regarded her.

Did there appear the glow of life from within the marble form? Was he imagining it?

No. Aphrodite had given life to the statue, whose name was Galatea.

Pygmalion’s mind oscillated between doubt and joy. Fearing he may be mistaken, again and again with a lover’s ardor he touches the object of his hopes.

It was indeed alive! The veins when pressed yielded to the finger and again resumed their roundness.

Slowly it dawned on Pygmalion that the animation of his sculpture was the result of his prayer to Goddess Aphrodite who knew his desire. At last, the votary of Aphrodite found words to thank the goddess. Pygmalion humbled himself at the Goddess’ feet.

Soon Pygmalion and Galatea were wed, and Pygmalion never forgot to thank Aphrodite for the gift she had given him.

Aphrodite blessed the nuptials she had formed, and this union between Pygmalion and Galatea produced a son named Paphos, from whom the city of Paphos in Cyprus (this city was sacred to Aphrodite), received its name.

>> No.12534613
Quoted by: >>12534653

This >>12534603

OSTs all day.

>> No.12534614

Depends on what I'm writing
Western=Old west soundtracks like RDR. Noir setting=LA Noir and old jazzy tunes. Etc.
Helps get into the mood

>> No.12534615

Depends on the vibe I want to get across in the story, so it'll run from rock, to metal, to classical, and so on.

>> No.12534618
File: 24 KB, 300x225, Pygmalion-300x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12534673

Pygmalion and Galatea brought gifts to her temple throughout their life and Aphrodite blessed them with happiness and love in return.

The unusual love that blossomed between Pygmalion and Galatea enthralls all. Falling in love with one’s creation and then getting the desired object as wife- perhaps this was destined for Pygmalion.

Even to this day, countless people and young lovers are mesmerized by this exceptional love that existed between two persons at a time when civilization was in its infancy.

>> No.12534623

>Old west soundtracks
Wild Horde
Top that.

>> No.12534624
File: 220 KB, 360x270, 1408466491012.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After becoming disgusted by some local prostitutes, he lost all interest in women and avoided their company completely.

>Pygmalion saw women as flawed creatures and vowed never to waste any moment of his life with them.

Creator of the term 3D pigs disgusting.
The Original Anon.
We should honour him sometimes.

>> No.12534625


I like to add something epic to motivate a little bit


>> No.12534627


It's been something I've been more or less tinkering with since I was a teen. I'll

see if I can summarize it.

- The land, called Oselia, and all organic life was initially created by a Machine

God. Created and appointed various beings to watch over different aspects of this

land. Other continents may exist, but have not been discovered yet
- Massive island metropolis called "Nexus" in the center of continent. Technology

and Magic more or less equal. City is maintained by a race of robots built by

Machine God. Interdimensional hub for trade, commerce, and all around cool place

to visit.
- Rest of continent is more of less more magical and medieval level tech with some

- Races: Beast Men (basically any kind of humanoid monster you can think of),

Humans, Thalonites (Machine race), and Elves/Dark Elves? (still not sure about

- Dragons do exist!

- DISCLAIMER: Monster Boys do exist! Human/Beast Men pairing will either result in

a Beast Man of either Male or Female gender, or a human. Beast Men/Beast Men

pairing results in an offspring of either the lineage of the mother or father. No

hybrids exist (example: no Half Minotaur/Half Lizardman)

All names are subject to change, except Oselia. If people want to hear more about

the various races, I can provide details in another post. A few confirmed types

are: Minotaur, Lizardmen, Birdman/Harpies, Feline People(cat, Tiger, Lion, etc)

People, Dog People (Jackal, Wolf, Hyena).

To the anon who linked the binaural beats, I'm trying it out in short intervals. I

may have to tinker with it for optimal results.

>> No.12534630
Quoted by: >>12534653

Speed Metal, or maybe some bombastic classical like Wagner, maybe Stravinsky or Prokofiev

>> No.12534634
Quoted by: >>12534639

Hey, I didn't comment for a dick measuring contest. But thanks for the songs

>> No.12534635
Quoted by: >>12534641

Okay, seems like it could be a setting that could work in vidya, not so sure about writing.

>> No.12534637
Quoted by: >>12534639

>Il mio nome è Nessuno
For once a spaghetti western named after the hero's alias without a Lo chiamavano... in the title. I'm surprised.

>> No.12534638
Quoted by: >>12534653

This thing I posted earlier >>12534422
As well as whatever I'm in the mood for

>> No.12534639

>dick measuring
How is it dick measuring when I didn't make the songs? I was hoping for some epic music getting put up here for people to listen to.
You haven't seen it yet? Go. Now. Go watch it.

>> No.12534640

1. Y/N I'm cool if she's physically stronger than me but there has to be some things I'm better at. Gotta have dat manly pride.
2. N, don't admire it, impartial. Bigger the better though, from a practical standpoint. More things to do. And cushions.
3. Never played it
4. Equal
5. I rarely get stressed about anything, so if I', freaking out, then yeah, I'd like her to be there for me.
6. I'm actually pretty keen to see how vast a shitstorm /mgg/ and /a/ create about that monsterboy anime that's coming out this/next season. Asides from that, when it comes to monstergirls what I mainly look forward to is thread OC.
7. I dunno man, the best waifu is my waifu. Some days I get boners for scales, somedays I get boners for exoskeletons, and other days its fluffy.
8. >Implying I care. Call me whatever.
9. Y
10. I side with the Greys. Uphold righteousness. Bloody, criminal, dark righteousness for all.

WhaddoIget WhaddoIget?

>> No.12534641
Quoted by: >>12534649

I initially was thinking of a D&D type setting, but I would like to hear your thoughts on making it more friendly for writers.

>> No.12534643
File: 28 KB, 396x396, 1398376853960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12534679

Eh. Not interested.

Especially after yesterdays shitposting spree.

>> No.12534644

Nope, watching The White Sun of the Desert.

>> No.12534646
Quoted by: >>12534649

Oh, I thought when you said 'top that' you wanted me to try and top those with a better song
My fault. I apologize

>> No.12534647

>Monster Boys do exist
Well, if you make those stories, don't post them here.

>> No.12534649

No, don't, not that. Now lessee here... is this god like, an alien construct or am I supposed to take "Machine God" seriously?
I did, but I wasn't being serious, forget it, let's just keep all the songs to ourselves and let the poor writefags go without inspiring music.

>> No.12534651

>not liking Monster Boys
While I'm not going to argue with you here, I'd like to point out that Cat Boys are the one creature where male version is cuter than the female. This does not extend beyond regular house cats, however.

>> No.12534653

All this taste. Do you find that what you listen to effects the way you write? I've got a bit of a problem because I'm trying to write all romancy, which is already hard because I've never experienced it first hand, Though I've heard that the mark of a good writer is to convince even yourself of the realism of what you write, a-la gore writers like Clive Barker and Richard Laymon but I also find that dark ambiance stuff like Lustmord is the most inspirational in terms of writing.

>> No.12534654
Quoted by: >>12534662

Fuck off.

>> No.12534655


Oh boy.


Here we go.

>> No.12534658
Quoted by: >>12534662

Not again.

>> No.12534659
Quoted by: >>12534662

But what if the writers have personal preferences? You can't please everyone with music. This is the part where things would break into song in a musical

>> No.12534660
Quoted by: >>12534662

Stop right now.

>> No.12534661
File: 507 KB, 664x720, 1375301175828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this shit again.

>> No.12534662
Quoted by: >>12534669

I said I wasn't going to argue, don't worry about it.
So you think it's better to not let anyone know about what you like? I say we share.

>> No.12534663
Quoted by: >>12534666

If we're gonna continue with the western theme, this always makes me think positively. None of my stories are particularly optimistic, so I guess it just makes me have fun writing.

>> No.12534665

Just become Alp already

>> No.12534666

To California!
You guys really need to learn when to let things go.

>> No.12534667
Quoted by: >>12534671

No shut your filthy mouth right now, d you want the fucking alp fucker back?

>> No.12534668
File: 37 KB, 368x259, 1397777775291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12534672

>Cat Boys
.less, please.

Urge to post that alp and foxy alp thing intensifies.

>> No.12534669
Quoted by: >>12534672

I can confirm that. I work better with music in the background than in silence

I didn't mean that we shouldn't share, I just didn't want to bombard the thread with music. But alas, it doesn't matter.

>> No.12534670

For me, it doesn't affect the way I write, but helps me think better.

Best time I can write something down is when I'm alone at home listening to my OSTs.

Feel free to ask for some music suggestions if you need.

>> No.12534671

>Happy Jewnuki.iso

>> No.12534672
Quoted by: >>12534676

>that alp and foxy alp
The what now?
>bombard the thread with music
This is bad how?

>> No.12534673
File: 90 KB, 640x650, 640px-Aphrodite_Adonis_Louvre_MNB2109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12534677

The Myth of Aphrodite and Adonis

It is said that Adonis was born of the illicit union between King Theias of Smyrna and his daughter Myrrha. Urged on by Aphrodite herself, the goddess of beauty, love and sexual desire, who had been offended when King Theias forgot to make a sacrifice for her, Myrrha had made amorous advances towards her father but he was successfully keeping her away. One night, she managed to lure her father out into the open and there under cover of darkness she laid with him. As dawn broke, Theias discovered to his utter disgust the deception of his daughter and with sword in hand chased her into the wild, wanting to punish her for her audacity. Sensing Myrrha's necessity, Aphrodite transformed her into a tree, the myrrh tree. Still in anger, Theias shot an arrow into the tree trunk, splitting it wide open and it was from there that Adonis was born, the child of an awful union between a father and his daughter.

Baby Adonis was adorable beyond words and since there was no one to look after him, Aphrodite took him under her wing. So obsessed was she with him that she began neglecting her duties as a goddess. As a remedial measure, she sent the child to be looked after by Persephone, the Queen of the Dead in the Underworld. It was also a move to keep him away from interfering eyes.

>> No.12534674

What monster girl would be the best therapist?

>> No.12534676

I don't know. I'm being overly cautious now that I realize it. Sorry

>> No.12534677
Quoted by: >>12534686

However, Persephone, too, fell dearly in love with Adonis and refused to give him up when Aphrodite came for him. There was a bitter argument and Zeus had to intervene to prevent a disastrous argument between the two. He decided that every year Adonis would spend 4 months first with Persephone, the next 4 months with Aphrodite and the last 4 months he would be left alone, so that he may learn to look after himself.

Adonis grew up to be a very handsome young man and one look at him could make every woman's heart excited with desire. That excited was also the heart of goddess Aphodite, who was extremely charmed at this young man. Adonis loved the great outdoors and was a master of the hunt. Once, when Aphrodite was to go away for a few days, she warned Adonis not to stray too far into the forest while hunting. At the same time, she told him to stay away from any beast that did not run away from him. However, the heart of young Adonis was audacious and neglecting Aphrodite's warning he plunged deep into the forest. There he came upon a wild boar and, no matter how much he tried, he could not scare it away. The boar, angered, attacked Adonis and with one massive heave of its head pierced the young man with its tusk. It is said that the boar which killed Adonis was no ordinary beast but the god Ares, who was one of Aphrodite's many lovers. Jealous of her passion for Adonis, Ares, disguised himself in the form of a boar and attacked the young man.

>> No.12534678

THE rapist? That would be Manticore.

>> No.12534679

I won't, don't worry Anons. This thread is only for Monster Girls!

I like the idea of an Alien Construct actually. Leaves room to explore exactly who or what made it in the first place. Initial idea was a Intelligent Machine with Cosmic power.

>> No.12534682

She can make drugs and shit

>> No.12534683

>Feel free to ask for some music suggestions if you need.
It's cool I'd rather be a /r/aging homo by asking for recommendations, I was just curious if you guys found the same things in your creative processes. Thanks though.

>> No.12534686
Quoted by: >>12534734

Hearing the screams of his beloved Adonis, Aphrodite immediately headed for the forest, where she found him breathing his last. Kneeling by his side, she sprinkled nectar over the wound and to ease his pain she sang gently to him. A smile caressed Adonis' countenance, as he silently passed away into the Realm of the Dead. The nectar that Aphrodite sprinkled on Adonis' wound had turned the droplets of his blood into beautiful red anemones, while the rest of his blood flowed, becoming the river Adonis, which is today known as the river Nahr Ibrahim in coastal Lebanon. Persephone greeted Adonis with arms wide open as he entered the underworld and her delight knew no bounds. At the same time, Aphrodite, knowing that her Adonis must be in the clutches of Persephone, rushed to the underworld to bring him back. Once again, Zeus had to intervene and stop the women from quarrelling over who would have rightful possession of Adonis. With great patience he told them that henceforth, Adonis would spend half the year with Aphrodite and the other half with Persephone. This last aspect may symbolize the life of a man, who spends half his life with his mother and half his life with his wife.

>> No.12534687
Quoted by: >>12534704

Whom are you?

>> No.12534689


I'll be honest with you, everything I do is heavily influenced by music one way or another. I often find myself whistling along with what I'm listening to when I write or draw, and gives me alot of motivation, making things easier and more enjoyable.

Every single storyline I've thought up was based on a piece of music. That's how much it helps me.

Vidya OST without vocals is what appeals me the most, mainly because it often conveys it's feel through its beats and rhythm, and that gives me alot of space for imagination.

>> No.12534690
Quoted by: >>12534693

>It's cool I'd rather not be a /r/aging homo**
My bad

>> No.12534691
Quoted by: >>12534693

I want an alp slave to bully with dick

>> No.12534693

Yeah, you'd totally turn these threads into shit and stuff.
Stop that! Not every Alp wants to be bullied! And when they hit phase 3, you're going to be sorry you ever did, because they'll punishment-rape you!

>> No.12534694

What is your favorite monstergirl, and what is one thing you like about her and one thing you dislike about her?

My favorite is wurm. I like that she is very passionate and doesn't let anything get between you and her, but dislike that everyone thinks she is clinically retarded when she's just simpleminded.

>> No.12534695

Dark Elf who can train, er, teach you how to not worry about silly things anymore.

>> No.12534698

No problem.
Music does help a lot.

>> No.12534699



>> No.12534701

Come on little alp we both know you love it

>> No.12534702
Quoted by: >>12534705

Vanilla Dragon, the most regal of all Monsters, breathes fire like a boss, rich as Scrooge McDuck and always has fun with adventurers and princesses.

>> No.12534704

Just some Anon out there. Can I help you?

>> No.12534705
Quoted by: >>12534713

Okay, but what is one thing you dislike about her?

>> No.12534709
Quoted by: >>12534717

Are you me?

>> No.12534712

Holstaurus, I like everything about them, HEALTH, their happy and loving personality, their beauty. Only thing I guess I don't really like is the hooves but that's nothing compared to how much I love them.

>> No.12534713

I couldn't think of any so I listed four positives.

>> No.12534714
Quoted by: >>12534718

>every Alp wants to be bullied!

>> No.12534717

Possibly, fellow wurm-bro.

>> No.12534718

This is a negative stereotype spread by big meanies who need to justify their Alp bullying! Most Alps really hate stuff like nipple clamps and candles, so stop using them!

>> No.12534722
Quoted by: >>12534733

Fine no candles, but now alps get spanked and their underwear pulled over their heads

>> No.12534723
File: 321 KB, 634x900, 1401227408399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how cute and huggable they are.
Can't think of a thing I dislike. Maybe the lack of physical femdom possibilities.

>> No.12534728

Okay, I hnnged at this one. I shall treat her well.

>> No.12534729

Jinkos, I love everything about them. I don't think there's something to dislike in them.

>> No.12534730
File: 771 KB, 554x900, amazon-a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazon, tender snu-snu, cuddling, daughterus, and potential househusbandry. However, she barely has any art, along with the fact she's characterized as "lel, husband beater".

I also want to give a potential son-in-law pain killers after a night of non-consensual love with my daughteru.

>> No.12534731

Eh, I prefer my rapists to be physically imposing. The only thing scary about her is the tail.

>captcha is in fucking chinese now

>> No.12534733

>not realizing it was trying to get you to use candles and clamps
Do you even into reverse psychology?
I've been thinking about some Amazon stuff, but didn't think there was any audience for it.

>> No.12534734
Quoted by: >>12534740

It's not like I against this, but what are you trying to accomplish?
Raise cultural level of /mgt/ users or what?

>> No.12534736

They don't have to be husband beaters, but in keeping with their amazonian pride they have to be firm with you and let you know they're not putting up with your shit. If they have to be a little rough to teach you a lesson so be it, but it's not like they're going to put you in the hospital or anything.

>> No.12534737
Quoted by: >>12534748

ParkedBuggy amazon story was awesome.
Gentle femdom and stuff.
Too bad he is ded now

>> No.12534739

>Oni raping Anon again. She likes to pick on poor little Anon.
>Oni is riding Anon hard as fuck. Literally the Neighbors across the street can hear the slam of flesh against flesh
>Suddenly, a wet SNAP CRACKLE POP
>Oni sees her waist just sink into Anon's.
>Anon screams an pain
>Oni's expression goes from smug-shit eater to confused terror
>The most gruesome bruises develop immediately along Anon's waist
>Oni starts to panic.
>Anon tries to speak with his horse voice and labored breathing
>that word hangs in her head for a second, herself staring at Anon like a deer in headlights
>Suddenly, she hoists him in her arms, and charges through a wall to the nearest hospital
>Full nude running over the top of cars, tears flying her face all along the way
>Oni shoves a succubus getting a bunion removed off her gurney and gently places a semi-conscious Anon on it.
>Full speed rams him into the O.R.
>Demands he be saved
>Stays with him during the operation, much to the protest of the Surgeons because she didn't want to leave him to scrub up
>After the Surgery, Doctor informs her that his lower body is paralyzed for life.
>She just sits by his bedside, crying.
>When Anon comes to, she tells him the news, and with her head down, begs for his forgiveness.
>Anon forgives Oni, and Oni takes it upon herself to be his caregiver.
>Oni turns out to be a great caregiver. Able to lift him up with one hand during diaper changes, able to force friends and family to visit him every now and then, and when he's asleep she can drink her fill.

>> No.12534740

Purpose? I'm afraid you still don't understand us my dear anon. Our purpose is the very lack of purpose.

>> No.12534741

1 - Yes
2 - True breast lover.jpg
3 - Aversa (FE)
4 - Dom with slightly Equal
5 - No
6 - Monster Milfs
7 - Scales, but will love the others too!
8 - Whatever she wants to.
9 - Maybe
10 - Succubi did nothing wrong

please be gentle

>> No.12534742

But I hate candles, for some reason they make it hard for me to breath maybe because I had asthma when I was young

>> No.12534743
Quoted by: >>12534750

Alps want hot candlewax poured on them and to be spanked by big strong hands. Don't deny this

>> No.12534744
Quoted by: >>12534761

Why you always gotta make these husband harming stories about musclegirls? Dass rayciss.

>> No.12534746

God damn it, I heard the sound of Rice Crispy's there

>> No.12534748

Gentle femdom is nice but I wish /mgg/ wasn't so scared of writefagging rough femdom.

>> No.12534750
Quoted by: >>12534769

Fine, I admit it, all Alps want to be roughed up so they can pretend they only take the D because they're being bullied and raped, not because they want it.

>> No.12534752
Quoted by: >>12534770

>Literally paralyses him
>Forgives her just like that
Fucking subs man.

>> No.12534753
Quoted by: >>12534770

God I hope this isn't you.

>> No.12534755
Quoted by: >>12534779

>rough femdom
What do you mean by rough? Beatings? Pegging? Sounding? Bullying?

>> No.12534758
Quoted by: >>12534779

But some people here can't tell the difference between rough femdom and literal torture and abuse with no affection or love attached.

>> No.12534761
Quoted by: >>12534776

How do non-muscle girls harm their husbands? Aside from mindbreak, although whether it constitutes "harm" is rather subjective.

>> No.12534762

Bob has 2 rough femdoms
And that's probably the only rough femdom in mgg.
Greenstories doesn't count obviously

>> No.12534765
Quoted by: >>12534783

There's at least two urethral sounding stories.

>> No.12534766 [SPOILER] 
File: 160 KB, 958x1000, 1411933746195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see something like pic related.

>> No.12534767
Quoted by: >>12534771

Then I shall change that! A one-shot about Amazons and their human boys on a paradise island. Should the humans be there because they shipwrecked, or are they indigenous?

>> No.12534769
Quoted by: >>12534778

knew it. doesn't it feel better to admit it, you slutty little minx?
there are a few stories with full on "I seriously don't want this" rape, leaving the victim injured or traumatized

>> No.12534770

Forgiving someone for a transgression is one of the greatest thing you can do for some people
It isn't, although I am a caregiver

>> No.12534771

>a bunch of slutty city amazons shipwreck on Shota Island

>> No.12534774


>> No.12534776

Lamias coil and break ribs
Harpies shred dick with talons
Cat and other paw-girl also shred dick.
Horned-girls like cows poke their husbands eyes

>> No.12534778

>doesn't it geel better
N-no, it's totally embarrassing! And stop filming this!
>Shota Island
We Franken Fran now?

>> No.12534779

All of the above. Although I can understand why sounding would be over the line for some people. But I do find it funny that /mgg/ hates humiliation and is so sensitive of having their feelings hurt.

In the end though she loves you, as >>12534758 pointed out. She just likes playing rough, that's all.

>> No.12534781
Quoted by: >>12534800


>Horned-girls like cows poke their husbands eyes


>> No.12534783
Quoted by: >>12534821

>two urethral sounding stories.
The fuck?

>> No.12534784

Werewolf. I love her whole wild sort of beauty, and dislike that the fluffy werewolf paws she walks on aren't as outright sexy as human feet. I'm still going to tenderly love them, though.

>> No.12534785
Quoted by: >>12534839

That's nice, Anon. Hope you can find a cool MG to take care of.

>> No.12534787
Quoted by: >>12534797

>stop filming this!
why? don't you want to be a star? It's time for your closeup, alp

>> No.12534788
Quoted by: >>12534795

I don't believe Amazons work that way.

Anyways, is Shota Island a spot where kidnapped shotas are trafficked for slavery?

>> No.12534789

Most humiliation stories are just plain abuse. I wish we had some funny micropenis shaming.

>> No.12534790

Well, now I don't want a monster girl in my life due to liking my body not mutilated

>> No.12534791
File: 672 KB, 1050x1500, 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12534792
Quoted by: >>12534839

>Forgiving someone for a transgression is one of the greatest thing you can do for some people
Someone cripples you for life just for shits n giggles and you just go "oh well"?

>> No.12534793

>slutty amazons

That word isn't even in their vocabulary as applied to women, only human boys can be sluts.

>> No.12534795

I was thinking it's where wild shotas live and MG's go to shota safaris.

>> No.12534796
Quoted by: >>12534853

>that Sakaki doujin
my boner betrayed me, all Azumangos should be pure

>> No.12534797
Quoted by: >>12534809

T-this is being streamed live? Y-you jerk! I'll never ever forgive you!
This needs to stop, we're circlejerking now
And how would shota survive in the wild? Don't be ridiculous.

>> No.12534798
Quoted by: >>12534892

She literally paralyzed him in her own selfishness and he just forgave her. I'm not saying he can't do it but just immediately doing it is dumb.
>stop filming this
But how else will I have proof that you like it?
>Horned-girls like cows poke their husbands eyes
Only if they're dumb enough to get poked.

>> No.12534800

It happens more often than you think. The two of you, laying asleep in bed after a romp, and she goes to roll over? Good bye eyeball.

>> No.12534801

My nigga, I love that one. Especially the part where she suckles on his feet during a forced impregnation session.

>> No.12534802
Quoted by: >>12534830

People generally don't like being treated like shit.

>> No.12534803

I want to give my amazoness waifu a lap dance.

>> No.12534805
Quoted by: >>12534818

>Not sleeping in between her breasts.
There's you're problem.

>> No.12534806
File: 293 KB, 1300x1576, 1402734882110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12534813


Same artist as pic?

>> No.12534807

>shota safaris

I like this idea.

>> No.12534808

>that pic
Holy shit
My pants cant handle this much

>> No.12534809
Quoted by: >>12534810

ok, we'll stop. I still want to dom and bully an alp, but no real abuse.

>> No.12534810

>actually stopping
Reverse psychology anon.

>> No.12534812
Quoted by: >>12534818

>Not sleeping in her arms and getting lost in all that softness
Well there's your problem. You're not living your life correctly

>> No.12534813
File: 2.52 MB, 2500x3450, spookysnusnu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, Kloah.

>> No.12534816

Oh boy I remember this one. It's great.

>> No.12534817
Quoted by: >>12534826

Stop doing alp things anon, it's bad for your health

>> No.12534818
Quoted by: >>12534829


That only works if your waifu has simple horns. What if your waifu has some really elaborate curved horns?

Obviously the answer we need here is horn socks.

>> No.12534819
Quoted by: >>12534826

Truly he was a phony sadist

>> No.12534820

>I was thinking it's where wild shotas live and MG's go to shota safaris.
Where the hell do these shotas appear from? Do they materialize out of thin air?

>> No.12534821

One was in the blog recently with CBT in the title

>> No.12534822

I've been played like a fiddle, time to get out the clamps and handcuffs, maybe those remote control vibes

>> No.12534826

An Alp's gotta Alp tho.
Prison School reference?

>> No.12534829

Or you could just not be dumb enough to get your eyes pocked out.

>> No.12534830
Quoted by: >>12534852

All she's doing is trimming your ego a bit, depending on the embarrassment methods it's necessarily permanent injury.

>> No.12534831
File: 33 KB, 720x408, 1401674039072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're probably abducted from random parts of the world an placed there.


>> No.12534837

Some local indigenous tribe dumps their pubescent boys to live there for a while as a manhood ritual?

>> No.12534839

Thank you very much Anon. Hopefully one day.
It's not an "oh well". Your live is going to change forever. You are going to have to make major adjustments to how you take a shower, your going to have a new set of problems getting to work or getting a job in the first place. But what good would it do to stay mad at her? She didn't mean to do this, and now she offers to make changes to her own life that are almost as drastic as the changes you will have to make. She's quitting jobs/ending a career, cutting social ties and completely dedicating her life to aiding you. Her spirit is drowning in remorse. It would strengthen your spirit to help her.

>> No.12534842

Okay, I pick this.

>> No.12534844

I dunno, boy's school on a vacation cruise get shipwrecked there or something. Find out it's an island occupied entirely by amazonesses, who usually have to go out sailing far to find a husband but now god went and dropped them a gift.

Obligatory Lord of the Flies reference somewhere.

>> No.12534845
Quoted by: >>12534858

And then the tribe dies out due to all boys getting kidnapped.

>> No.12534847
File: 2.97 MB, 3000x3300, 3p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes or no?

>> No.12534848
Quoted by: >>12534890

Correction, I pick this. Now stop coming up with ideas so I can actually write it.

>> No.12534849

Vampires. I like the idea of an immortal love with a beautiful woman who will be with you forever. Plus I have a biting fetish.

I don't like that they're sometimes represented as cold girls who treat you as nothing more than a blood dispenser and don't see you as an equal.

>> No.12534852

>it's NOT necessarily


>> No.12534853
Quoted by: >>12534874

I never understood what so good about that shit.
I loved Yotsuba for hearth-warming humor and atmosphere, but that "oh, noes, it's the cat alien" humor was retarded as fuck. Dropped at 4 ep or something.

>> No.12534855


>> No.12534856

Yes. Yes. Many times yes

>> No.12534857

Yes, and make Hathor lighter than her

>> No.12534858

That's what the game keepers are for.

>> No.12534859

You're wonderful.

>> No.12534865


>> No.12534871

You're good. If only you weren't a faggot sometimes.

>> No.12534872

What would uncle Adolf say?

>> No.12534874

I saw someone describe it as "zen-like" humor and in a way that's accurate. It's not completely obnoxious comedy with a laugh track and "EHHHH" slapped all over it. If the humor doesn't click for you than it's probably not for you though.

>> No.12534876

Das ist mein neger?

>> No.12534880

Of course yes!

>> No.12534884

he would say jews a shit, give me the brown

>> No.12534888

>"She's blonder than I'll ever ve."

>> No.12534889

>golden brown


>> No.12534890

One more thing. Psychological thriller where the boys are hunted down one by one.

>> No.12534892

She was stronger in body, but weaker in soul. You can show her how strong you are, spiritually, and teach her to be as strong as you

>> No.12534896
File: 104 KB, 640x373, region-map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your states region determines what monster girls you will most likely to encounter.

>> No.12534899
Quoted by: >>12534938

But I'm european.

>> No.12534902
Quoted by: >>12534916

They get quickly gangraped and mindbroken into cock zombies for the sluts. The remaining shotas get more and more terrified as they see their former friends reduced to drooling cumslaves.

>> No.12534903

We'll see.
B-but I'm not a yank.

>> No.12534905

Yes but make Hathor and Ammy white obviously.

>> No.12534906

>Frosty Moe region
And things went from good to great

>> No.12534907
Quoted by: >>12534922

If you want to get into worldbuilding you could say the amazonesses have some kind of gene shit going on that makes having male babies extremely unlikely, so they resort to kidnapping to preserve their race.

>> No.12534908
File: 396 KB, 600x800, eefa37c09072382b844ff34c0c7325cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forever in the Ronery Region
I-it's ok. I'm not sad about it.

>> No.12534910
Quoted by: >>12534938

I'm brazilian.

>> No.12534911

I wish I didn't live in the Mindfuck region.

What I'd give to live in the Yandere region.

>> No.12534913


Fuck. I hope they're bi-curious.

>> No.12534916
Quoted by: >>12534943

Amazonesses can't be sluts anon, the shotas are.

>> No.12534917
Quoted by: >>12534923

So what do us Canadians get?

Cause I want a cuddly Grizzly bear girl

>> No.12534918
Quoted by: >>12535243

>toonami region


>> No.12534922
File: 252 KB, 335x571, Amazon KC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12534939

Human males?

>> No.12534923
Quoted by: >>12534934

We get moe grizzlies, my friend

>> No.12534928

Someone should edit this with all fetish names instead. Make NJ the scat territory.

>> No.12534934
Quoted by: >>12534945

I'm happy with these turn of events

Does she eat pancakes with honey and maple syrup?

>> No.12534938
File: 152 KB, 560x530, canada-region-map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a map for Europe then, Canada has a region map why don't you?

same for you >>12534910 Brazil

>> No.12534939

Oops I was thinking they were basically humans.

But yeah, they're succubi so go KC rules and have no males at all.

>> No.12534941
Quoted by: >>12535002

>Manly region
finally a muscled Cougar jinko to make me hers

>> No.12534942

Wait what the fuck does "deep" mean?

>> No.12534943

Shotas don't even know what sex is.

>> No.12534945

>That spoiler
'Course she does. It's the only way to have pancakes

>Ronery Region

>> No.12534947
Quoted by: >>12534952

>The Canucks get some faggot from Hetalia for their region map.

>> No.12534949
Quoted by: >>12534959

>Classic mecha

Are there robot monster girls?

>> No.12534952
Quoted by: >>12534959

I'll slap you with poorly made pancakes

You butthead

>> No.12534953
Quoted by: >>12534976

>Le tsundere
>It's not like we want to be part of Canada, but we'll tolerate you for a while longer

>> No.12534955
Quoted by: >>12534961

When you get older you'll understand

>> No.12534956
Quoted by: >>12534961

It means "prepare your anus"

>> No.12534958

Not until their tongue-deep into some amazoness' vagina do they realize the supremacy of the V.

>> No.12534959
File: 353 KB, 433x605, RX-78_GFF_front.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12534974

Try me, Hoser.

>> No.12534961

Ah son of a motherfucker

>> No.12534964
Quoted by: >>12534966

Somebody has never seen Boku no Pico.

>> No.12534965
Quoted by: >>12534981

What is the name of this manga and is it translated? Seen it alot around here but never found it

>> No.12534966
Quoted by: >>12534975


>> No.12534974

Those are fighting words you very rude person and I would be very thankful if you were to apologize for saying that.

You fucking alp

>> No.12534975

Boku no Pico is miracle of the universe, shitlord

>> No.12534976
File: 1.50 MB, 700x393, 1408847048558.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Le tsundere region

I fucking hate tsundere

>> No.12534980
Quoted by: >>12535011

Cyberpunk region, eh? Does that mean there are swarms of hacker kitsune and tanuki running around, cracking into gibsons?

>> No.12534981
File: 156 KB, 750x1078, Kick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12534992

Kouya Ni Kemono Doukokusu, and only three chapters are translated. High Impact Sexual Violence Tiger Girl does not appear in said chapters. Instead, violence.

>> No.12534983

Personally, I'm not very fond of the "mindbroken cumpump" idea of the shota island/safari.

It feels like a regression into husbando beating territory.

>> No.12534984

It's better than being part of whatever the fuck "deep" means

I'm not a clever man

>> No.12534986
Quoted by: >>12535010


>> No.12534987

It's better than being in the Ronery region, I can tell you that
It's true too

>> No.12534989

Just let people have their shit taste, they'll be done eventually.

>> No.12534992

She's the best. Her and Jinkos are my favourite.

>> No.12534993
Quoted by: >>12535006

I don't think it's so bad.

The point is, they friend they knew is gone and never coming back.

>> No.12534995


>> No.12534996

What do you expect, they're just kids. Turning them into slaves is going to fuck them up.

>> No.12535001

I never said I'd write "mindbrokem cumdump", but I am writing young men and no nonsense domme Amazons who turn them into proper husbands.

>> No.12535002
File: 200 KB, 800x1100, dont-want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your manly muscular monster girls

>> No.12535004


Mindbreak is sorely underrepresented in writefaggotry. This could be a great opportunity.

>> No.12535006
Quoted by: >>12535015

Truly it is the way to becoming a man. To be betrayed, to have loss, to endure and survive while being hunted by perverted superwoman
That is the path to manhood

>> No.12535008

Don't be so tsun for tsundere, anon.
>reaction image
Please think of the image limit

>> No.12535009
Quoted by: >>12535014

>don't want
Are you gay or something? That woman be fine, mighty fine.

>> No.12535010
Quoted by: >>12535696

Fuckin' foreigners.

>> No.12535011
Quoted by: >>12535077


>Not knowing it was named that because Seattle was FASA headquarters and later Catalyst for like thirty years

Do you even Shadowrun?

>> No.12535013

>Trap region
So, Alps?
I'm alright with this.

>> No.12535014

>mighty fine
Tex pls

>> No.12535015

Mindbreak is a metaphor for growing up.

Get on this shit.

>> No.12535016

I would if they were real. Now I'm sad

>> No.12535018

Honestly, I don't know why some people here get their feathers all ruffled over an amazon girl or two.
Everybody has their own tastes, but more than any monstergirl, amazons are treated like the type to kidnap and mistreat their husband, which just doesn't seem fair.
Let's be objective for a second here. We all have our own canons and headcanons, and mixtures derived from the two, that's fine.
Personally, I like amazons.

Maybe it's because the ideal of a big girl who I can cuddle up to appeals to me, and my amazon waifu can provide that, while still being wild both in and out of the bed.
Everybody just needs to accept amazons as a misunderstood people. While a very small minority of them might be abusive, they sure as hell do not represent the entire race.

>> No.12535019
File: 188 KB, 648x960, ab072b524d91be10fcce0c89d07147d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enjoy your manly muscular monster girls
I... I will?

>> No.12535029
Quoted by: >>12535111

Onis are way better to though

You can still like what you want to like

>> No.12535031
Quoted by: >>12535111

Sure, have your headcannons, whatever. I just don't want them to go down the path of jinkos and other strong girls who basically get turned into giant moe tomboys or some shit. What's important to their character, IMHO, is the role-reversal aspect, which can be accomplished by having some of them as abusive wives or not.

>> No.12535033

What monster girls are known for being manly?

>> No.12535041

The common Alp is masculine, dominant and ruggedly good looking.

>> No.12535043
Quoted by: >>12535059

Onis, amazonesses, minotaurs, that's it basically.

>> No.12535044

human boys?

>> No.12535049

>Honestly, I don't know why some people here get their feathers all ruffled

Welcome to MGT where someone somewhere hates your waifu and you for loving them

>> No.12535050

Minotarus, Onis, Amazons

>> No.12535054
Quoted by: >>12535067

Alp stop with your fantasies and take it up the butt already

>> No.12535055

But they can also give birth to succubi.
Let's avoid the role-play stuff.

>> No.12535059

Texan minotaurs and immigrant amazonesses in manly land. All treating you like a delicate southern beau. I like it.

>> No.12535061
Quoted by: >>12535074

>excessive violence region
off to the man shelter I go

>> No.12535067

I do, but so did Freddy Mercury and he was still ruggedly good looking and manly.

>> No.12535074

Heh. Better prepare your boypussy, penispussy and facepussy Anon.

>> No.12535077

Oh I'm well aware, I'm just trying to figure out what kind of MG would be running around such an environment.

>> No.12535078
Quoted by: >>12535201

If your waifu is not a Roper, Matango or Parasite Slime you can be sure I don't hate her.

>> No.12535079
Quoted by: >>12535089

I would love cuddle with a strong Jinko or Tiger Girl.


>> No.12535083

human girls.

>> No.12535084
Quoted by: >>12535089

That's because Freddy wasn't a fucking alp that deserved to be bullied until he cried

>> No.12535089
Quoted by: >>12535122

Does your Jinko Hobbes you when you come home?
Thanks /d/, for reminding me.

>> No.12535093

I never see anyone hating amazonesses though. Mostly they call them husband beaters which is not much of an insult really.

>> No.12535095

Freddy Mercury is an entirely different entity.

>> No.12535096

How man make cummies?
How Wurm get preggy?

>> No.12535098

A seabishop.

The rapist would be an ushi-oni though.

>> No.12535102
File: 311 KB, 1088x1050, 1399300092548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12535109

Make rape.

>> No.12535111
Quoted by: >>12535316

Sometimes I just get a bit peeved, y'know?
Even though I know most everyone here is reasonable, the negative few just really... get to me.
Now I know that's my own fault, and I'm not going to stop loving my amazon waifu anytime soon because of that.
Deep down, I know she'd never do anything to hurt me, like tie me up and stop me from leaving the house whenever she's out. That's a stereotype.

Hell, my amazon waifu isn't even into bondage.
Eh, maybe I'm overreacting about all of this.
Love is love, and I know my amazon waifu loves me dearly. She'd never abuse me.
People just need to respect other people, and understand that we're all a result of different experiences. We're all human, after all.

>> No.12535114
File: 236 KB, 1372x615, alp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alps are traps anon

>> No.12535120

I believe they're technically reverse traps if you think about it.

>> No.12535122

She does.. Sometimes.

>> No.12535127
Quoted by: >>12535146

Traps have dicks. Alps don't have dicks.

>> No.12535129
Quoted by: >>12535132

They should be bullied relentlessly, even in stage 3

Especially in stage 3

>> No.12535132

>bullying a phase 3 Alp
Rance please, not everybody is you.

>> No.12535133
File: 11 KB, 213x256, 1383320281996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forever ronery region
Anon, why? I mean its bad enough that everyone in the entire state has a hard-on for college football and basketball, and occasionally the Panthers when we're on a winning streak, and everyone bitches about muh Dook and muh EN SEE STAYT.
Why must you make us ronery?

>> No.12535137
Quoted by: >>12535143


>there will never be a healing story involving Joshua Graham and a monster girl.

>she will never help him overcome his rage and help him find peace, in place of the courier

>she will never be a part in the saving of Zion and the Dead Horse tribe

>> No.12535139

She's not the worst thing I could have woken up to

>> No.12535141

Oh come on it's easy, just bully a stage 2 or 1 alp into total submission and then continue to bully the stage 3, not that hard

Stage 3 alp should be bullied with a condom though

>> No.12535143

The Burned Man needs a Yuki-Onna.

>> No.12535144
File: 42 KB, 730x247, 1328670490829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12535149

Rance is a perfect gentleman.

>> No.12535146

they do in stage 1 and 2

>> No.12535149

Stage 2 does not have male genitalia anymore.

>> No.12535152

Stage 1 looks like a normal human, and stage 2 does not have a dick.

>> No.12535158

KC hand-waves it away so you don't have to.

>> No.12535172

I just realized the Anon who was doing that Dating program suddenly stopped.

Never got to se mine.

>> No.12535173

What class are you and your waifu? Does your waifu support you in combat, or is it the other way around?

I'm thinking either a Minotaur barbarian or Amazoness greatswordsman to tank, with me as a healing mage with a bit of offensive magic so I'm not completely helpless.

>> No.12535179
File: 283 KB, 1280x800, Soft scale bush viper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



You've been paired with Venom Dealer Bush Viper Lamia!

This long-scaled girl was short on cash as a teen and thought she could make a few bucks by selling her extremely potent aphrodisiac venom to monstergirls and junkies alike. Her little startup didn't last a week before she was rooted out by an undercover officer and made an example of in the courts. Venom trading is one of the few hard-policed laws in MGC, because of the large amount of addiction and mindbreak that can spread beyond the relative minority of native producers to the rest of the population.

She's just a dumb girl who made a mistake that many vipers and manticores and such are tempted to make at that age, and was unlucky enough to be hammered by the justice system for it.

Now nearing Christmas Cake age, she's got a chance to get out and start fresh. She's very leery of men, having little experience around them, so at first she'll use her huge spikey-looking scales to intimidate you. In reality they are soft as rose petals and she'll become putty in your hands if you brush them like fur.

While she'll hate and mistrust authority forever, all she really wanted was a second chance. With the possibility of losing you hanging over her head, she'll stay on the straight and narrow, work hard and stay far away from her old friends and acquaintances.

She'll still pump you full of that sweet liquid yellow toxin until you'll beg for it. But that's just what vipers do. And she loves you so much, she would do anything to make sure you are at her side forever, happily wrapped in her scaly coils.

>> No.12535178
Quoted by: >>12535198

Maybe he's just taking a break.

>> No.12535181

C'est la Vie.
Do Dragon's get a class, or are they just Dragons? I mean I'm an Archer either way, but I don't think it makes much sense for a Dragon to be anything but a Dragon.

>> No.12535182

Maybe he's just taking a break. Or sleeping.

He wouldn't just leave us without our monstergirl partners, would he?

Would he?

>> No.12535183
Quoted by: >>12535198

Speak of the devil

>> No.12535185
Quoted by: >>12535209

And he stopped right before me.

Thanks Obama.

>> No.12535188


Oh, nevermind.

>> No.12535190


>> No.12535193

Google isn't heling.

Source pls ;_;

>> No.12535194

Soo, just like everywhere?

>> No.12535195

>Raita's advertise book produce the absolute girl

This is a big hint.

>> No.12535198

G-guys! I think I brought him back.

>> No.12535201

Not even if she wants to enslave all of humanity? You're such a nice guy anon.

>> No.12535202
Quoted by: >>12535270

The fuck are you talking about? Google lists it just fine as Sakaki Rapes Yoshida, by Raita.

>> No.12535207

hope i'm not too late

2. A real man does not judge the size of her breasts but what's beneath them
6.Moose 79
8.Depends on name, something creative
10.Paladins are worse than Hitler

>> No.12535209


Ok, I said nothing.

I like it a lot, lamias are my favourites monster girls and cakes the best females, but I don't want to become addicted to her venom.

>> No.12535211


>> No.12535212


>> No.12535216

I never understood why ;_; is okay but =( or whatever other emoticons are ok. It's the same shit

>> No.12535217


>> No.12535218

Oh you.

>> No.12535221
File: 35 KB, 437x445, 1392971148020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, lookie here.

>> No.12535231


But highly disturbing.

>> No.12535232

>dragon class

So they've got great offense and defense and the ability to fly short distances, but is not allowed to enter human settlements for the strong village-burning prejudice against her?

>> No.12535236

Now, when you say, "Trap Region.," do you mean she's a girl but poses as a prince-looking boy?

This is important.

>> No.12535240

I want to see a wolfgirl attempt to sexily eat a whole watermelon.

>> No.12535243

Anon, they're referring to Old Toonami, it's fine.

>> No.12535246
Quoted by: >>12535255

Did anybody else here



When it came to Ra?

>> No.12535249
Quoted by: >>12535260

Goodness I hope I'm not too late!
1. No, I dont have to be stronger
2. No, But I'm not the judgmental
3. Never played it.
4. Equal/Switch
5. No, I can hold my own. But I'd like her to be strong as well.
6. A video game or a mod to a video game would be great!
7. Fur
8. Hun sounds casual enough
9. Absolutely!
10. Paladin

>> No.12535254
File: 73 KB, 208x140, 1247427842385865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Eye is a hell of a drug.

>> No.12535255

We don't even have a solo picture of her yet.

>> No.12535260
Quoted by: >>12535265

Well, it is a little late, though maybe somebody will--


Yeah it's too late.

>> No.12535265

I wonder if they have another angry Paladin girl, maybe incarcerated for murdering innocent monstergirls.

>> No.12535270
File: 100 KB, 800x600, 1283719823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12535284


>> No.12535271
Quoted by: >>12535277

For paladins they have Matango Pit

>> No.12535272
Quoted by: >>12535293

I'd go with Mage, and she would be an Alchemist.
We'd be hard-pressed on clearing any dungeons by ourselves. So we'd have to find other people to join us.

>> No.12535277



>> No.12535282

Mage or summoner for me. Probably Tank one handed for my waifu
Or maybe healer. I don't really have one waifu. I can't decide.

>> No.12535284

Now that is strange. See, Google uses the 87x125 icon to search for it as well on my end, but it gets results from rule34c and luscious.net.
Sometimes if google doesn't work, go to the image search page and input the URL for the full size image.

>> No.12535287
Quoted by: >>12535300

We're farmers so yeah. Though if it came to it we'd be gunmen.

>> No.12535292
File: 141 KB, 1024x724, 1407883875580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YFW you get invited to a Moot of the Gods
>YFW Ra's the Ara Ara mom watching her two daughters the Pharaoh (Horus) and Apophis bicker with each other
>Hathor just sipping milk from a crazy straw

>> No.12535293
Quoted by: >>12535324

I just couldn't bring myself to rely on consumable potions for healing.

How do you even deal with magic resistant monsters? Offensive items which are rare as shit?

>> No.12535297


I'd love to tank for my waifu. Nobody's staining her purity on my watch. She could be the one doing the damage, but I don't really have a waifu, so I don't know what she'd choose to be.

>> No.12535299

Is Ra a part of our glorious Pantheon now?

>> No.12535300
Quoted by: >>12535308

A bunch of bandit trolls invade your farm and you only have a couple of guns to fend them off?

>> No.12535308
Quoted by: >>12535315

Would sit next to Hathor, maybe drink some milk if she offers.
>Only a couple guns
Try several dozen with several hundred thousand rounds of ammo. Ever taken a nugget to the chest?

>> No.12535315


>Anubis just sits off to the side, playing with her model mummies and a Sin Sack figurine she's written "Husband" on, making the doll build pyramids
>Bastet eyeing you the entire time, lasciviously winking and biting her lip

[Sweating intensifies]

>> No.12535316

I can't believe nobody noticed it.

>> No.12535324

In some games, Alchemists learn a skill that let you mix items to use, and sometimes let you use consumable items without consuming them.

>> No.12535325

What, that you're actually a mindbroken shill pretending that your waifu isn't abusive?

>> No.12535327
Quoted by: >>12535357

>lip biting

Anon my pants can only get so tight

>> No.12535328

I noticed it, I just think it's been overdone the last few days.

>> No.12535329

>You ask what Anubis is doing, since she seems to be away from everyone
>She seemed interested that you actually came to her and starts telling you everything about the undead
>Right down to mummification
>You didn't get any sleep that night

>> No.12535330
Quoted by: >>12535335

I'd have to make sure and watch my back, though I'd probably go over and play with Anubis.

>> No.12535335
Quoted by: >>12535348

On second thought maybe I'll just stay with Hathor and let another anon go with Anubis.

>> No.12535338

Would HEALTHor get mad at me if I told her I don't really like drinking pure milk? or if Ionly like drinking milk if it's mixed with coffee in the mornings?

>> No.12535341
Quoted by: >>12535344

would you sacrifice your body to the gods?

>> No.12535342

She'd get kinda pouty and try to make you have a heart attack to change your mind but if you didn't she'd be alright so long as you still drink it. Wouldn't stop her from trying to change your mind though.

>> No.12535344

I would make lots of demigods with them if that's what you mean.

>> No.12535348

>You decide to talk with Bastet to see what's the worse that could happen
>She seems pretty nice, but a bit flirty
>She seems like a pretty good person to hang out wi-
>Wait a minute, how did you get in her room?
You swore you went to your room last night
>Or was that a dream?
>Why is she curled next to you with a content face?
>Where are the condom wrappers!?

>> No.12535352

I never asked for this, though I will assume my role if the deed is already done.

>> No.12535355
Quoted by: >>12535366

You're already better than Zeus
Take that whichever way you want

>> No.12535357


>Excuse self from table, looking for the washroom
>The temple is colossal, even by God standards
>Find the Holy of Holies, the room surprisingly unguarded
>Hear soft padded footsteps behind you, it's two gigantic sable furred panthers the cats circling you patiently
>A slap on the basalt wall, it's Bastet, she's leering at you, her tail swishing somewhat excitedly.
"Ever commit a sin against the Gods with one herself? Oh, what's bringing us together? Destiny, Kismet? Or perhaps it's this delectable virgin smell on you. Such a tender morsel. Mother must've known what'd happen if she brought somebody like you here."
"I-i'm not a virgin."
"Don't lie, boy. Just come with me. We're going to make the heavens rain tonight."
>Ra merely opens one eye out of her Ara Ara face and smiles to herself, feeling the rampant blaspheming happening in the Holy of Holies.

>> No.12535359

Damn, I hate pure milk. I only drink with coffee in the mornings aswell..

But it's the HEALTH man, would drink pure milk just for her. Worth the sacrifice.

>> No.12535360
Quoted by: >>12535388

She'd detox you in holy fire on the spot.

>> No.12535366

Everybody is better than Zeus.
What if all the gods want a piece? Would you literally ascend like Talos?

>> No.12535369
Quoted by: >>12535372

Is the smell of virginity on a man stronger for a monstergirl who's also a virgin?

>> No.12535372

Ask a Unicorn

>> No.12535373


>You look around the room
>No condom wrappers whatsoever
>Feel something tugging on your arm
>Look at Bastet
>Her tired eyes looking into yours, half-asleep
>Ask her what exactly happened last night, expecting the obvious
>She tells you that she couldn't bring herself to violate you out of respect, and that all she ever wanted was to have someone to cuddle with while sleeping because she was feeling lonely


>> No.12535379



You've been paired with Corrupt Politician Succubus. While we can't mention her name, you will certainly recognize her from a very big or scandal last year once you meet. Well, someone with that much influence and cash has ways of weaseling her way out of binds.

Once her political allies threw her flatchested blue self under the bus, she decided it was time to simplify her life when she got back out in the world. Kick back and enjoy the little things. No harems, no ten million dollar sex dungeons and diamond-encrusted collars. Just her, one man, some good old fashioned leather, and a fat stack of traveling cash.

As her traveling companion, she'll treat you as a servant and perpetual sexual satisfaction machine. If you prove yourself, she just might start to see you as something more, the only company she needs. If not, enjoy her eventual slide back into her old hedonistic gangbanging ways. But hey, we're getting paid to look the other way either way.

We hope you enjoy your match!

>> No.12535387

>muh NTR gangbang succubus!!!

Anon, stop.

>> No.12535388


That sounds painful, why would she do that to her believers?

>> No.12535390

That is when I tell her not to use her powers on me again, and then tenderly kiss her.

>> No.12535392


>Succubus decides she wants one man only
>But only if he satisfies her
>Also corrupt scum of the earth politician

Don't see the problem here

>> No.12535393


Jesus Christ all i'm thinking of now is MamaGoto, thanks to you.

>The encounter with Ra is the night with the Undersexed Cougar Mom
>Her breasts are as elastic and copius as Hathor
>Her stomach is as firm as Apophis'
>Her skin the same caramel color of Pharaoh, her luminosity almost radiant and sun-like
>Her pussy as virginally tight and packed as Bastet's
>Her control over your body's every thrust and pleasure centers far more focused than Anubis'
>After she fucks your brains out and the daughters go for their morning Faith breakfast, they notice a half-skeletal Anon at the table and Ra basking in her own radiance
"Ara ara... it seems a little mouse wandered into the Hawk's room~"

>> No.12535394
Quoted by: >>12535409

Ascending never been so easy.

>> No.12535395

>Bastet is the flirty type that somehow always manages to one night stand every male visitor when in truth she just cuddles with them
>Ra is a monotoned Ara Ara type
>Hathor is the youngest and the most innocent type. Semi klutz. Everyone looks out for her even though she tries to act older
>Anubis is a quiet type that is usually away from everyone. Morbid curiosity. Necrophilia fetish unknown

>> No.12535396
Quoted by: >>12535402

Don't worry. Surely you'll be able to win her over as your one and only with some charm and grace.


>> No.12535397
Quoted by: >>12535402


That won't happen as long as you prove yourself to be a good husband.

Her NTR-free future depends on your force of will, Anon.

>> No.12535402

>charm and grace
>force of will

These are subs we're talking about.

>> No.12535403
Quoted by: >>12535430

>getting milk from the tap
Hathor in a maid outfit when

>> No.12535405
Quoted by: >>12535415

Not bad, as long as I don't get NTR'd.

>> No.12535406


Being manly enough to please your woman whenever she wants the D so she won't betray you =/= being submissive

Come on, mang. Show her what you're made of.

>> No.12535407
Quoted by: >>12535456

Holy fuck it's going to be really annoying if succubi get identified with NTR after the whole debacle last thread.

>> No.12535409

Jesus Christ.
I don't think pleasing all these horny gods would be considered easy even by another god's standards.

>> No.12535415


That's the point. It all depends on how hard you try. You WILL try your hardest every day won't you? Then monogamous smugcubus acquired!

>> No.12535418
Quoted by: >>12535430


>Talking about MonsterGods
>"Jesus Christ"

Hathor dammit, this is not gonna end well.

>> No.12535419
File: 149 KB, 597x800, hathor-cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Hathor a single monstergirl, a race of monstergirls, or both?

>> No.12535423

She's a god, so singular

>> No.12535424

You just gotta know when to step up to the plate when the time comes.
Seeing as that time comes often, he'll get used to it.

>> No.12535425
Quoted by: >>12535435

That ain't no smugcubus, that's just a corrupt blueberry politician.

>> No.12535428

As long you dick ascend too, you'll be fine.

But yes, you'll need to survive first.

>> No.12535430
Quoted by: >>12535529

We need this, or any Holstaurus in a maid or shrine maiden outfit.
More of an expression than anything.
When we originally thought her up we made Hathor an old race of godlike monster girls. I still like that idea more though a lot of people are going with the single idea now.

>> No.12535431

She'll get my 100%

>> No.12535435


With all that embezzled cash for the spending.

>> No.12535441
Quoted by: >>12535458


Hathor is the Goddess of All Health.

Her milk is the divine nectar, and from it flows life and libido.

All "healthy" girls like P'Orcs and Holstaurs remember the fond embrace of their mother. The sounds of their copulation like music to her ears.

Drinking her milk produces a nice effect in MGs, as well, turning them from svelte killing machines into "soft" girls. Enabling stuff like even the oversaturated Manticore to gyrate her hips lovingly and gently stroke your envenomed cock between her soft legs as she milks you with her tail.

Deus Cow. Deus Hathor.

>> No.12535444
File: 148 KB, 689x784, moth embarrassed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moth-chan at the Hot Springs
It's probably either more milking the outline or another Loli-Oni next time. You guys still like her, right?

>> No.12535445
Quoted by: >>12535458

I'd go with the idea of a race of monstergirls.

Though we have the original progenitor as the goddess within this pantheon we've created, there may still exist a number of them within the world. Kind of like how there are several Apophis girls or Pharaoh girls scattered throughout the world.

Maybe the descendants just don't have the same level of gift-giving that the original had, but are still nonetheless plenty fertile themselves and able to bear several children.

>> No.12535451
File: 593 KB, 798x1196, 06e2580648b8f02ef8238a5fd275903c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12535462

1. N
2. TrueBreastLover.jpg
3. Never got to play it
4. Equal/Switch depending on mood/ what kind of day om having. Sometimes i can hit all damn 4...
5. N
6. No Clue (been under a rock (read in army basic and job training) the last 4 months))
7. The eternal debate rages on, the best Monster Waifu is (Scales/Feathers/Fur/Slime/Human Skin/Etc)
8. Darling (in as sultry a voice possible)
9. N
10. Succubi (not all are godless soul stealing machines, and paladins are cunts)

>> No.12535452

>innocent monstergirl

>> No.12535454
Quoted by: >>12535464


Of course I still like her. Why are you even asking me this?

>> No.12535456
Quoted by: >>12535481

>after the whole debacle last thread
They always was identified as NTR, anon

>> No.12535457


We could go with having her as a singular deity, while also having a race of a lesser version of her that worship her. It's like Cthulhu and it's spawn.

>> No.12535458

I like this idea best. Hathor is still the goddess but with her husband she has created an entirely new race of demigod Hathors.
I love it.

>> No.12535459

am >>12531320

>1. I want to be stronger than my waifu. Her being stronger is a turn off to me, or makes me feel inadequate.
>2. If there is one thing I can always admire, it's when a Monster Girl has a chest flatter than Paper Mario.
prefer a or b as smallest, more a full b/c guy (don't mind bigger or smaller)
>3. Speaking of Paper Mario, the character I most wanted in Smash is
zero suit samus, megaman
>4. If I had to choose between the four, the word that most describes what I desire to be in a relationship would be
>5. I can't handle stressful situations well, so I'd prefer if my waifu could do that stuff instead.
i'm fine with handling them, unless she really wants to
>6. Something Monster Girl related coming out in the near future that I'm looking forward to is
[spoiler[ darlingbowl the animu [/spoiler]
>7. The eternal debate rages on, the best Monster Waifu is
scales/fluffy (fur) the best
>8. The pet name I want my waifu to call me is
could live with princess, would rather honey or something else
>9. A daughteru is something I'd like to have one day.
yes, family is fine
>10. On the Succubi/Paladin debate, I side with
i side with the bag of popcorn, not liking what the paladins do. but not too fond of succubi

well i asked to show me what color and regular blonde was given

i could give out the tiff
also named the files with her name

>> No.12535462

7. Scales, fur, human skin.

>> No.12535464

Well, the CBT chapter seemed kinda controversial.

>> No.12535467

Y'know, the based Anon who's finding all these wonderful matches for everyone is doing some hard work, and yet, he himself hasn't been paired up with a monstergirl. I hope nobody leaves him hanging, that'd be horrible.

>> No.12535469

We should ask him the same question he asked us, then pair him up with one as a way of thanks
This can not go wrong in any way

>> No.12535470
Quoted by: >>12535505

He's like the dude from that movie who's really good at matchmaking, and yet can never find love himself.

>> No.12535471

Moth-chan is still one of my favorites. Nice short, Anon.

>> No.12535474
File: 397 KB, 436x597, 1402951691475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I owe him for my lovely Ryu waifu.
Sadly, I can't write worth shit, let alone come up with a good match.

>> No.12535476

Judgying by "(Succubi/Succubi/Behead those who insult Succubi)" option in his test, he already has a succuslut "wife"
Poor guy

>> No.12535478

The motherly loving Ryu?
I'm the jinkofag Anon who got jealous of her.

>mfw I'm next

>> No.12535480

I think I owe him for my aggressive, yet loving, Minotaur family. Best I could do though would be to beat the shit out of all of his enemies.

>> No.12535481

Let's not start this again please.

>> No.12535482

I don't think he's the same dude as the one who made the starting post. The one who kicked it off this time around was using a tripcode for easy archive search.

>> No.12535488
Quoted by: >>12535494

Yep. That's me.

>> No.12535489
File: 378 KB, 789x955, 1331104662133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12535497

Since we've been on the topic of gods and mythology lately, how does the adventures of a pair of raven harpies sound? I'm thinking of Huginn and Muninn in particular.

>> No.12535493

More proof that succubus lovers are the bro-est people on the internet.

>> No.12535494

Nice. Hope I can get paired with a lovely girl too.

Even better if it's a Jinko.

>> No.12535497

Thought and Memory, huh? I like the idea of it. Go ahead.

>> No.12535505


Great, now I can't bring myself to ask for a match if he can't find his either.

>> No.12535509


I'm the second anon. The only thing I've been doing is setting up wards of the criminal justice system and state with anons since last thread.

The original survey and the non-criminal waifus are the tripcode guy.

So I think I've done everything but Jinko, Slime, Dire Wolf, and Ryu

>> No.12535510

Lucky son of a bitch
Not that Im complaining about the Blue Oni I got

>> No.12535516


Also, I don't think Kumiho anon ever claimed her. Could anyone really leave such a fluffy tail untouched?

>> No.12535523

But thanks for being based, Anon. We don't know if the original guy will come back, and you've been doing it for us anyways.

The criminal MGs are doing pretty good though.

>> No.12535528
Quoted by: >>12535532

Thanks for doing this for so long man, also thanks for the Minotaur I'm sure we'll be very dysfunctionally happy with each other.

>> No.12535529
File: 892 KB, 1288x1135, holstaurus seduce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, are good.
I like the cut of your jib.

>> No.12535532


We still need a family portrait of you guys.

>> No.12535533
File: 250 KB, 890x1280, Ryu business woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryu are lovely, they might rival Holst for good wife and mother with how gentle and benevolent they generally are.

>> No.12535542


Doing again because I lost my post number forever from last thread.

1. N
2. N
3. Mewtwo, again.
4. Switch
5. y
6. New Game + for MGQ
7. Human Skin
8. Honey
9. Y
10. Succubi

>> No.12535543

>That happiness when the date program gives you a waifu and you read about her
>yfw seconds after you realize she will never be real

>> No.12535546


We should have someone draw a portrait of everyone and their waifus along with the Tripbro and Second Anon from the dating service in the middle as a token of gratitute.

>> No.12535547

She's real in your heart.

>> No.12535548



>> No.12535549
Quoted by: >>12535555

There's always lucid dreaming.

>> No.12535550
Quoted by: >>12535564

To be able to cheer up my cyclops with a gentle kiss to the eyelid.

>> No.12535551
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 1371240362811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Kumiho is fine too.

>> No.12535553


>Reading through /mgg/
>Most heartwarming stuff you can find on the internet
>Sudden realization
>None of if will ever happen

It's a surprising, yet crushing feeling, like getting hit by a stray bullet and surviving, except it keeps happening forever.

>> No.12535555
Quoted by: >>12535560

Don't stop believing man.

Maybe the forces that rules the universe will see how many people are in need of MGs, sending them to us.

Or that. But I never succeeded.

>> No.12535560
Quoted by: >>12535565

Neither did I, but in the month that I started to try, I got damn good at recalling my dreams.
Heck, we might as well both keep trying until it sticks.

>> No.12535563
Quoted by: >>12535567

>Soul eaters
No thanks.

>> No.12535564

> butterfly kisses from a cyclops

Why is this not a thing?

>> No.12535565
Quoted by: >>12535569

I'll keep trying.

>Reading all this heartbreaking stuff about MGs not being real
>Listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfnZw5D8_vM

Why live.

>> No.12535566
Quoted by: >>12535581

There's something exhilarating about a waifu that quite literally sees you as prey, but at the same time would never hurt you.

>> No.12535567
Quoted by: >>12535653

I thought they ate livers?

>> No.12535569


Now I understand why the Oni Born Guy is so pissed off all the time. Dem crushed dreams, man.

>> No.12535577
Quoted by: >>12535582

Well, if Onis were real, it wouldn't be the only thing crushed

>> No.12535581
File: 133 KB, 1000x997, iq5KD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget that she's fluffy.
Brush fluffy tails while she eats her beef liver. Touch fluffy tails. Love fluffy tails.
Then love her. Tenderly or roughly, it depends on her mood.

Just be sure not to upset her.

>> No.12535582

My heart can't take it anymore.

But it would be nice, right?

>> No.12535584

>1. I want to be stronger than my waifu. Her being stronger is a turn off to me, or makes me feel inadequate.

No. Strong women are attractive.

>2. If there is one thing I can always admire, it's when a Monster Girl has a chest flatter than Paper Mario.

I'm not into flat chests, but not into cow tits either.

>3. Speaking of Paper Mario, the character I most wanted in Smash is


>4. If I had to choose between the four, the word that most describes what I desire to be in a relationship would be


>5. I can't handle stressful situations well, so I'd prefer if my waifu could do that stuff instead.

If I can't make my own decisions, I'm unworthy of any waiu.

>6. Something Monster Girl related coming out in the near future that I'm looking forward to is

Card game, or strategy game like the Total war series.

>7. The eternal debate rages on, the best Monster Waifu is


>8. The pet name I want my waifu to call me is


>9. A daughteru is something I'd like to have one day.

I'd love having a family with my waifu.

>10. On the Succubi/Paladin debate, I side with

I like moderate succubi, I don't like mindbreak. And I don't like pallies either, I'd fight with my monster girl.

>> No.12535587

Uh guys... I am both a proficient at writing and programming. My main language is C++ though ti is easy for me to learn most modern languages.

Just thought I would share that.

>> No.12535595

reminder that Killer Queen is a buttslut

>> No.12535596
Quoted by: >>12535608


>> No.12535598
Quoted by: >>12535608



>> No.12535601

Gunpowder between her teeth?
Dynamite with a laser beam?

>> No.12535603

>Spent life knowing MGs will never be real.
>Live your life to the fullest, being kind and working hard.
>Remember every simple and good thing you did in life as you die.
>You find yourself in a flowery field, the Afterlife.
>Still realizing all that, you see someone coming in your direction.
>You waifu. The last wish you had before dying.

>> No.12535608
Quoted by: >>12535643


>> No.12535614

>cut of your jib
I only learned that phrase a few days ago.
I really like that idea, probably gonna request it next time a drawfag shows up, it just sounds hilarious.

>> No.12535616

>And then you woke up, back here in this shit reality
If you're being a nice person hoping some kind of karma comes back to reward you, I have bad news for you it font matter. "The ending is always happy, if only for someone else."

>> No.12535621


>> No.12535623

1. N
2. N
3. Ganondorf
4. Equal
5. N
6. Monster Musume
7. Fur
8. Darling
10. Behead those who insult Succubi

>> No.12535624

These threads are not good for my mental health, I swear.

>> No.12535643

I know.

>> No.12535651
Quoted by: >>12535663

>You will never be saved by a Sea Bishop as your family and crewmates perish in a storm
>You will never hate her with all your being
>You will never wish for the land again
>You will never regale the Mer children with stories of the forests and other things above the water
>You will never notice her one day singing an old sailor's song
>She will never tell you she used to talk to sailors and learn of their songs
>She will never tell you the story of some young pup who happened to hit his head on a rock and miraculously live, scarring his forehead in the process
>She will never point at your scar, and how it's nostalgic

It hurts to live.

>> No.12535653

They do. But Ahri is a spinoff of a Kumiho. She eats souls.

>> No.12535660
Quoted by: >>12535662

Which MG is best option for becoming an operator?

>> No.12535662
Quoted by: >>12535664

I would say mantis but I don't think she has thumbs to operate a gun

The generic answer is some feline monster girl

>> No.12535663
Quoted by: >>12535689


Were you the guy who wrote about the Bishop's younger sisters who called the sailor guy "Big Brother from the Land World" or something like that?

>> No.12535664

I'm going with a Kobold

>> No.12535675



You have been paired with Prohibited Materials Grizzly Girl!

This big mechanically-minded beargirl was caught constructing a radium thermal generator in her basement. Her reasoning was why pay for electricity when you can just make your own?

She has a total disregard for any kind of rules and regulations. The laws she follows are those in her heart, the ones that make sense. That works for most monstergirls when they aren't building devices powered by cancerous levels of radiation.

Her overall good behavior, when she doesn't have the access or freedom to get into trouble, as well as her honeysuckle sweet personality, convinced the board to give her a shot in the program as someone would be supervising her.

She takes to every task she starts with a singular focus, from making the perfect grilled cheese sandwich to planning the perfect date, and gets upset if any of her plans happen to go wrong. She'll try again and again and again to make it right.

Sometimes she'll spend days on end working on a project, forgetting to eat or sleep if you're not there to remind her. But if you are, the cuddling rewards are boundless.

She's a huge fan of old pulp scifi. After watching something like The Forbidden Planet, she'll try to sneak off do something like make a raygun out of your microwave.

Helping her start her own shop will channel much of these urges, and fulfilling orders will keep some of her worst ideas at bay. Just watch her when business is slow, or you might find her working on some doomsday project in the back.

We hope you enjoy your match!

>> No.12535677
File: 392 KB, 683x582, dry t-shirt contest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Monster Girls are a meme

>> No.12535680

Fuck off.

>> No.12535684

Wouldn't surprise me, EMG is vanillafag cancer.

>> No.12535685
File: 82 KB, 800x518, dwarven girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12535695

Do Dwarf Girls count as Monster Girls?

>> No.12535686
File: 291 KB, 375x525, 20140928142952-pr012_phoenix_SAMPLE1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those following the Grimagia thing, there was an update today, it was mainly about the user created cards. Anyways, I'll dump the new art.

First we have the completed Phoenix card

>> No.12535689
Quoted by: >>12535701


Would it matter?

The answer is yes.

>> No.12535690

But I am Ausfag. All region is spidersnake rape. Halp.

>> No.12535692
File: 338 KB, 375x525, 20140928143009-pr015_anubis_SAMPLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12535698

Completed Anubis card

>> No.12535695

I believe they look better as Loli's than butterfaced midgets.

>> No.12535696
Quoted by: >>12535700

Technically, yeah, But I'm a fucking 'strayan, cunt.

>> No.12535698
File: 2.02 MB, 2000x2500, 20140928143505-08_hypnoticwitch_concept1-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sketch for one of the fan monsters Hypnotic Witch

Loli is the real monster here

>> No.12535699

That's me.

I'll take her, we could do pretty cool stuff together. Thanks

>> No.12535700
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1410996043622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12535701


I liked that greentext. Dem lower body robes be stylish as fuck yo.

>> No.12535703

>1. I want to be stronger than my waifu. Her being stronger is a turn off to me, or makes me feel inadequate.
>2. If there is one thing I can always admire, it's when a Monster Girl has a chest flatter than Paper Mario.
I prefer smaller over larger. My hardcap is D cup.
>3. Speaking of Paper Mario, the character I most wanted in Smash is
I don't play SSB
>4. If I had to choose between the four, the word that most describes what I desire to be in a relationship would be
Equal though I don't mind being hunted at all.
>5. I can't handle stressful situations well, so I'd prefer if my waifu could do that stuff instead.
I handle stress very well, so either or is fine with me.
>6. Something Monster Girl related coming out in the near future that I'm looking forward to is
Nothing really.
>7. The eternal debate rages on, the best Monster Waifu is
My waifu. or a hunter
>8. The pet name I want my waifu to call me is
"Prey" or something
>9. A daughteru is something I'd like to have one day.
>10. On the Succubi/Paladin debate, I side with
Neither, I am chaotic neutral so would fight both often and equally.

>> No.12535705
File: 247 KB, 500x667, 20140928143536-07_nachash_concept1-0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12535711

Sketch for another fan monster Nachash

The guy who keeps talking about wanting more Lamias should be happy

>> No.12535706

My god this Anon is lucky as hell

>> No.12535707
Quoted by: >>12535740


>> No.12535711
File: 147 KB, 500x464, 20140928133139-chibipegasus1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12535724

And last one is this teaser for the Expansion Pack voting, which will begin on October 1st. Also they had several contests for stuff so if you entered any of those you should probably check on the off chance you won.

Anyways that's it

>> No.12535718
Quoted by: >>12535721


Not only are they fashionable, but maneuverable.

>TFW you'd grow gills behind your ears like Aquaman with an aquatic waifu

>> No.12535720
Quoted by: >>12535724

Got the email update earlier. Very excited. Somehow I can't help feeling the Anubis card might have been inspired by this thread.

They are shipping in December right? Will be the best christmas present I have given myself.

>> No.12535721
Quoted by: >>12535723

Don't make bring out my smug animu grill macros, anon.

>> No.12535723
Quoted by: >>12535727


>King of 70% of Earth
>Somebody to laugh at

>> No.12535724

So this is coming out in December?
Seems kinda interesting, though sadly I don't have anyone I could try playing it with.

>> No.12535727


>king of the least productive parts of earth


>> No.12535730

If I were to become an Incubus I would prefer that I have zero cosmetic changes.

>> No.12535732
Quoted by: >>12535743

Same for me.

Barely had people to play Magic where I live, now imagine a MG card game.

>> No.12535736
File: 279 KB, 560x420, RJ142388_img_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my...Hroz graces us with delicious brown thickness.

>> No.12535737

All in favor of holding a thread funeral for Captain, please step forward with your waifu.

>> No.12535740
Quoted by: >>12535744

Honestly I'm sick of seeing them everywhere. People seem to think that you can just slap on some spats and make it a good picture because of it. Who the fuck wears spats with robes?

>> No.12535743

>Not having friends you're close enough to do weird stuff with

The few friends I have are normalfags but I could probably talk them into playing a round at least. The only problem is I hardly see them because either distance or they have gfs.

>> No.12535744
Quoted by: >>12535749

a milfy kitsune.

>> No.12535745

Didn't like his spider girl one. The girl was a massive bitch.
>Stole his virginity
>Didn't even have the decency to use her vag for the first time.
I mean if you're going to rape some one rape some one, go full ball. But if it's just forceful love then nothing is stopping you from atleast being considerate.

>> No.12535749

You talking about that smug bitch that makes me wanna punch her in the face whenever I see her? Because that ain't milfy.

>> No.12535751

pls do not bully the spat wearers

>> No.12535754
Quoted by: >>12535778

>Having friends
What's it like?

MGs are my only friends.


>> No.12535756

Same for me, I lack friends for this kind of stuff.

>> No.12535757
Quoted by: >>12535786


Only problem is the full story is sitting in my backlog, fermenting like apples.

>> No.12535770
File: 810 KB, 975x1200, 35021561_p31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bullying the spat-wearing kitsunes

>> No.12535776

>In a workout situation
>Actually in context for once
This is like. This is good.

>> No.12535777
Quoted by: >>12535808

Praise Hroz.

Translation never.

>> No.12535778
Quoted by: >>12535790

At least they don't turn their backs on you.


>> No.12535783
Quoted by: >>12535795


I bet those spats smell like sweat and apples.

>> No.12535786


Pastebin that shit nigga, I'd read it.

>> No.12535789

>Had a rough day at work, tanuki boss nearly fired you again
>Decide to go to the bar with your friend
>It's pretty full, but not packed
>You order a couple jack and cokes from the Ogre bartender
>You leave a tip, and head over to the pool tables
>Your friend is already getting chatted up from a human girl
>They decide to play a game, and you sit at the closest table to watch
>A hornet girl comes over and sits across from you
>You haven't seen one of them around in a long time
>She starts some small talk and introduces herself
>Still flirty, but not being too forceful or aggressive, which puts you at ease
>After some chit chat, your friend finishes his game, and offers to buy another round for everyone
>He heads up to the bar, and you almost miss it
>The human girl winks at the hornet, who winks back
>Fucking wing-girls, man

>> No.12535790
File: 83 KB, 500x708, Zombie Got Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12535802

They'd turn their backs on you alright.

>> No.12535793 [DELETED] 

>Damn it Charon, I chuckled

>> No.12535795
File: 564 KB, 975x1200, 35021561_p7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you having lewd thoughts about fluffy daughterus, anon?

>> No.12535796

Damn it Charon, I chuckled

>> No.12535802

This is.. Intriguing.

Why not?

>> No.12535803

Carlos, god dam it.

>> No.12535804


>Not burying your face in that raunchy smelling slit in her spats
>Not lapping at the sweet nectar as the smell of melting cheese intensifies
>Not tenderly ripping the spats open just to the point of exposing her pink tender flesh beneath
>Not turning your daughteru into a woman for tempting Papa with such a lewd body

You tell me.

>> No.12535806

Charon I swear I'll sick hobos on you

>> No.12535807

Short break from dating entries. I'll be back in a little while. Then it will keep going all night.

>> No.12535808


There's a light at the end of the tunnel, Anon.

On Sadpanda, a group named "Translationsteady."

To quote their first Hroz post, "Expect more of Hroz's untranslated works in the future from us. Enjoy."

>> No.12535809
File: 374 KB, 1483x1000, 1396838615177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12535830

Hey if anyone is lewd it's those depraved foxes.

>> No.12535810
Quoted by: >>12535819

>tempting Papa with such a lewd body
You have her half that body, dipshit, you brought it on yourself. do not dick the daughteru. Only the Onee-san can be dicked.

>> No.12535812


Take your time, you deserve a break, mang.

>> No.12535816

>Not being a huge flirt with all the red oni girls and getting them to buy you drinks
It's like you don't even know how to be a bar skank.

>> No.12535817


>Dicking the daughteru

Here we go.

>> No.12535819

Welcome to the age of Onee-san.

>> No.12535822

That was pretty good

>> No.12535823

Anon, please. I've already fapped 5 times today.

>> No.12535827

You deserve a break, Anon. Thanks for the Grizzly waifu

>> No.12535828

>melting cheese
You are such a stupid shit bollocks, I swear.

>> No.12535829

You are a fucking scholar and a gentleman, anon.

By Hathor's bust, I hope your waifu is delivered to you in godspeed

>> No.12535830

Those kitsunes are so lewd

I want to bully them with my dick

>> No.12535834


>> No.12535835
File: 342 KB, 800x686, 1238943792483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be a butler to a family of incredibly wealthy Kitsunes.
>You will never be ordered by them to do lewd things. Like pouring chocolate sauce onto a Kitsune's Ass and thighs, then licking it off.

>> No.12535837

Charon's braid, I can't get over all that delicious HEALTH every time I see this picture

>> No.12535841
Quoted by: >>12535854

>That's the only thing that artist has done

>> No.12535843
File: 299 KB, 800x1000, 31871629_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12535856

No bullying the kitsunes

>> No.12535844
File: 249 KB, 600x600, 1391941971008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you do in a drinking contest with your waifu?

>> No.12535848

I think it is, I'd have to dig out the email to confirm. I could be wrong.

>> No.12535854
File: 341 KB, 1050x540, Hot Yandere Onee-san on Otouto action.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12535855

I don't know how long my third Irish blood can help me out.

>> No.12535856
File: 457 KB, 650x920, 1411348275700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to mischievous foxes, it's bully or be bullied anon.

Survival of the smugest.

>> No.12535859

Go away Boob.

>> No.12535860
File: 31 KB, 517x383, 8afad6ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now MGQ:P is getting a Gelatinous Cube. How are your dice rolls looking lately?

>> No.12535861

I'd drink her under the table, if you catch my meaning

>> No.12535863 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 517x389, 1411951234680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12535865

>those eyebrows
>Those heavy lids
>Dose dissapointing breasts
>Dat smug
Holy fuck it looks so punchable. Right on her forehead. Right between those giant obnoxious eyebrows.

>> No.12535868
File: 98 KB, 484x680, flumph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's hoping for a Displacer Beast, a Rust Monster and a Flumph.

>> No.12535869

What's worse is that she probably soaked your clothes with her water guns.

Damn foxes, they're a menace.

>> No.12535871

It would make a "doink" sound.

>> No.12535873
Quoted by: >>12535888


>As a butler, you'll never always be the last person to go to sleep in the entire mansion, making sure to do your duties until everyone has drifted off to sleep
>Your kitsune masters will never sneak into the bathroom one night as you take a quiet bath by yourself in a tub before going to bed
>You'll never fail to realize what's going on until you're already being smothered by breasts coming from all angles
>They'll never become more and more attached to you after that night, teasing you way more often
>This will never become part of their routine, making your life as a butler way more complicated

>> No.12535874
File: 143 KB, 567x839, 29539485_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12535880

>disappointing breasts
Those are a nice size, a little bigger than a palm-full.
She's got very nice hips, ass, and thighs.

>> No.12535875

I love them as much as I love Onis

Which is a lot

>> No.12535876

I don't think Anubi can hold their liquor.

I would win pretty easily.

>> No.12535877

I'd punch her with my penis, and instead of her forehead, vagina.

>> No.12535878
Quoted by: >>12535911

>Rusalka is a water nymph, a female spirit in Slavic mythology
>Slavic mythology

We'd drink vodka together and participate in extreme squatting. and I would win because I have superior Russian blood flowing through my veins.

>> No.12535880

>Now you're as wet as I am
Urge to punch rising.

>> No.12535881
File: 490 KB, 640x800, e3360ffea4c27396f84d4aa4c3f1fd15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a lot of experience in this type of thing, so tell me, /mgg/. What is it like to kiss a lamia?

>> No.12535885
Quoted by: >>12535891

It's a real gripping experience. It leaves you tongue-tied.

>> No.12535887


>Be butler to an Aristocratic Kitsune family with your Kikimora daughteru as the maid-in-training
>It's her birthday, the other servants bake her her favorite cake, black cherries and dark chocolate
>They never notice the small change in her face
>Youngest Kitsune, nicer than the other would like to share, daughteru forces a smile, knowing lewd is incoming
>Yells at the Kitsune for rubbing the cherries on her nipples
>Runs off into her room
>Falls asleep after crying only to wake up sobbing
>Cries your name, tears dripping onto her night desk
>Tells you she's sorry that you started counting her birthdays, that she wants to end it, if that's okay with you.
>The picture on her desk is of an elderly butler, cradling a Kikimora maid in his arms, beaming with fatherly pride

>> No.12535888

And then there's the company they would keep.

A playful Wight who smacks your ass when you walk past her. Who jokes about how you should come and work for her at her castle-mansion, but you begin to think she might be serious.

A Dragon who acts stiff as a board and is completely serious. Then all of a sudden pulls you into a closet and confesses that she wants you to fuck her, right now, while her face turns red and she breathes heavily.

It's not easy being a butler for lewd Monster Girls.

>> No.12535890

Tonsil-Ticklingly wonderful. Same with Kappa and Chameleon girls

>> No.12535891

Charon I swear to fucking god you're getting spanked and that hair is coming off

>> No.12535892
Quoted by: >>12535918


So like a Satako laugh?


>> No.12535893
Quoted by: >>12535918

Why do enjoy that laugh so much?

>> No.12535895
File: 281 KB, 274x274, 1398891440482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the floor.

>> No.12535898
Quoted by: >>12535924

Ushi please

I'm still mad about what happened to Frank

>> No.12535899

>through the floor

Come again?

>> No.12535900

Have you kissed bags of sand before?

>> No.12535903
Quoted by: >>12535923

I'm assuming she raped him so hard, the floorboards broke and they fell into the kitchen.

>> No.12535905
Quoted by: >>12535923

She starts on the third floor. Guy is on the floor and she's pounding into him. The force of her thrusts breaks through the floor to the level below.

>> No.12535908
Quoted by: >>12535915

Thats why you have to make sure you buy her a high quality seal and make sure it's secure. And keep a spare on you at all times

>> No.12535909
Quoted by: >>12535923

She raped you so hard you went through the floor, Anon
She broke your pelvis so hard she broke the bed AND the floorboards

>> No.12535911
Quoted by: >>12536054

Let me call you my nigga.

>> No.12535913
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1200, Hoshiguma.Yuugi.full.1471115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12535917

>I will never have a Scottish oni Waifu

>> No.12535915
Quoted by: >>12535939

but what if she doesn't want to wear the seal?
what if she's not here for the gentle, hand-holding stuff?

>> No.12535917
Quoted by: >>12535919

>implying I want an oni with even worse drinking problems and at higher risk of abusing me

>> No.12535918
Quoted by: >>12535931

Anons, are you saying that if a smugfox wiggled her ass at you, you would not fuck her?


Sure it's exactly what she wants, and she's going to be haughty as fuck about it. She knows no one could resist plunging deep into her holes, touching fluffy tail while your cock touches the entrance to her womb.

What about sausage curls from Fate/Kaleid?

>> No.12535919
Quoted by: >>12535928

Isn't that Irish?

>> No.12535920
File: 268 KB, 662x700, 1394414722877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She needs to keep all her clothes and her hair on when we rape her.

It's better that way.

>> No.12535923

Is human bone strong enough not to give way before that happens?

>> No.12535924
Quoted by: >>12535932

Frank needs to stop going around asking for it.

>> No.12535925


Bully Charon with tender love and spanking!

>> No.12535928

They're Europoors, they're all equally shit.

>> No.12535931
Quoted by: >>12535942



God dammit, Anon, stop that. I'm doing the challenge.

Just a few more days to go, please don't tease me.

>> No.12535930

depends on how strong the construction is, if there are any flaws or wear, if the guy's bones are healthy, and if the ushi is pounding directly into the guy or at an odd angle.

>> No.12535932

I keep telling people he's not a clever man!

>> No.12535933

It can be, if you drink you're a good boy and drink your holsty milk every day.

>> No.12535935


>Not using the better version

>> No.12535937

It is not something you ssssssssoon forget.

>> No.12535938

>we rape her
I'll kill you.

>> No.12535939
Quoted by: >>12535961

Then hopefully you have either strong bones or good insurance.

>> No.12535940
Quoted by: >>12535961

If you drink milk everyday and praise Hathor, you might last another hour

>> No.12535941

1. N
2. N
3. Phoenix Wright
4. Equal
5. Y
6. When Monster Musume finally gets anime adaptation
8. Darling
9. Y
10. Succubi?

>> No.12535942

But anon, look how soft and inviting her asshole looks. I bet she's a real buttslut; you might even be able to wipe that smug look off her face.

But not to waste your seed, you could always pull out and then plunge deep into her cunt to fill her foxy little snatch.

>> No.12535944
File: 381 KB, 180x135, 1404754964680.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be bullied and eventually proactively-dated by a yandere monstergirl.

>> No.12535946
Quoted by: >>12539440

This makes no sense. Retype it.

>> No.12535951
Quoted by: >>12539440

Am I the only one who is having trouble following this.

>> No.12535955
Quoted by: >>12535958


Stop it



>> No.12535958

you know what torture is? A manticore tenderly enveloping only the tip of your dick with her tail pussy.

>> No.12535961

Many Ushi-onis are followers of Hathor because they want their husbands to have the strong bones to withstand the constant mating.

>> No.12535963
Quoted by: >>12535977


Got a link to that? I must investigate this.

>> No.12535965
File: 41 KB, 800x473, 1406944999726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12535980

Ushi-onis are also part cow, think on that.

>> No.12535967

I want to be orgasm bullied by a pussy tail.

>> No.12535969

>ushi oni are killing off fat people with lots of sex
There is a god.

>> No.12535971
File: 655 KB, 1305x833, Yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536277

I'm sure it's a unique experience

Doujins when?

>> No.12535972

Milk doesn't make you fat. it makes you big boned

>> No.12535975

1. N
2. N
3. I'm more of a 1v1 2d anime fighter player, but Ridley would have been cool.
4. Switch
5. I'd rather we share responsibility in those types of situations, but I'd be okay with it if she took care of them.
6. Nothing in particular, although Grimagia might be fun.
7. Fluffy/human skin
8. Whatever she wants. It means more that way.
9. Y
10. Succubutts are best butts.

>> No.12535976
File: 387 KB, 1075x593, Monstergirl Weight Loss Program.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12535980

The world's greatest weight loss and fitness program. If you survive

>> No.12535977

>Manticore has you pinned down with a footpaw on your chest
>She's just grinning at you like a caged rabbit
>Tailpussy descends like a serpent from a branch
>She makes you beg for it, holding it just above your tip
>Even after you plead for her to give you release, she just takes the tip in
>Masturbates above you while keeping you on edge by tormenting the head of your cock
>Doesn't plunge it all the way in until she's finished masturbating, listening to your pleas for release
>Laughs at you for filling up her tail seconds after it sucks you in to the base
>Continues to laugh as it milks you to another orgasm while you writhe from sensory overload

It's only a preview. The doujin has never been scanned. It's like 52 pages. I want it bad.

>Still manages to look smug even while you're jamming your cock down her throat

She's also a fairly tiny fox. I imagine she's extremely tight and very tossable.

>> No.12535980
Quoted by: >>12535988

>Every time a ushi-oni find a guy who can withstand her mating, she prays to Hathor.
>She hears back a faint, "You're welcome"

Exactly this: >>12535976. They're no longer fat if they live through it. Everyone wins.

>> No.12535987
Quoted by: >>12535991



>> No.12535988

Truly Hathor is the greatest god since Ammy
Praise Hathor

>> No.12535989

Are the gentle head pats she gives after her tail fucks your brains out the best thing in the world?

>> No.12535991

You jizzed all over your keyboard, didn't you Anon?
Couldn't hold it in any longer, huh? The thought just took over you lust

>> No.12535992
File: 84 KB, 1294x320, Manticore Onee-sama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12535998

I would a manticore no matter what relation she had to me.

>> No.12536000

Would you do sexual favors for your manticore boss to get ahead in your career?

>> No.12536003
File: 1021 KB, 1000x743, 331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536034


>The doujin has never been scanned

Now I'm a little upset.

At least I still have a chance to win the challenge.

>> No.12536007

If I have a waifu, no.

>> No.12536014

It's not like you actually have to have sex with her, just finger her tail a little or maybe eat her out. I'm sure your waifu wouldn't mind at all, now that your salary has doubled.

>> No.12536017


>Dick the boss

been there. no regrets. 10/10.

>> No.12536020


My NTR Counter is going nuts over here.

>> No.12536025
Quoted by: >>12536030

Nobody's NTRing anybody, think of it as giving your boss a back massage. Except the massage is in her pussy, and you're using tongue instead of fingers.

>> No.12536026

Can someone give me a source? I can't seem to find it.

>> No.12536028
Quoted by: >>12536088

>backrubs and backscratches from a monstergirl with paws or claws

Literally heaven. Especially if headrubs are included too.

>> No.12536030

Or, you could also use your fingers too.

>> No.12536032
Quoted by: >>12536038

What if your boss is your waifu's sister and asks your waifu for a threesome? Would you do it?

>> No.12536034

How do you feel about healthy foxes?


>Go to eat her out for a raise
>Just as your lips reach hers her paw suddenly mashes your face into her crotch and her thighs clamp down
>She laughs softly as you try to escape, gently petting your hair
>Tail swings low and manages to pull your pants down
>"Ara? You said you wouldn't go all the way, but here you are, so painfully stiff! Let me take care of that for you. A boss has to take care of her employess, doesn't she?"
>Against your will, shamefully, you cum into her tail three times

What do you tell your waifu?

>> No.12536038

Does a Grizzly fuck in the woods?

>> No.12536044

Say nothing and hope she'll never know. But she smells the manticore's scent on your body, though ignores it so she won't have to confront you about it.

>> No.12536050


>> No.12536052
Quoted by: >>12536056

>Cutting hair
Are you some kind of satan?

>> No.12536054

Allow me to reciprocate, nigger 'o mine.

>> No.12536056
Quoted by: >>12536061

It's better than raping the Charon

>> No.12536061
Quoted by: >>12536078

I'd rather have the skin flayed from my flesh from the neck down than have my hair defiled. Fuck you.

>> No.12536078
Quoted by: >>12536093

I can call the hobos back, see if they make you sing a different tune

>> No.12536088
Quoted by: >>12536125

Agreed. Specially after a stressful day of work, at least for me.

>> No.12536093
Quoted by: >>12536168

I was referring to my own preferences, not roleplaying as Charon.

>> No.12536125

>Come home after a long day at work
>Middle of the winter, and cold as a stone hell
>Your waifu barely lets you kick your shoes off before she carries you up to the bedroom
>You tell her you'll give her sex in a little while as she pomfs you down onto the bed
>She undoes your clothes, the tenderness of her actions staying your protests
>Rolls you over onto your back, sits on top of your butt, and leans down with her full body weight to massage your back
>presses her breasts down onto you whenever she reaches forward to caress and scratch lightly at your scalp, working her digits through your hair in little swirling patterns
>she kneads the knots and tensions from your muscles, making you sink further into the bed, and into blissful sleep, as little explosions of warmth and tranquility bloom where she massages deep into body

>> No.12536136

I love the cold though. It invigorates me, doesn't wear me down at all. This is how I feel during summer, except I'd be all sweaty and stinky. Wouldn't mind being carried into a cold shower, though. Getting a boner in cold water rocks, it makes me feel like I'm defying some kind of universal law.

>> No.12536139
File: 3.91 MB, 3000x4500, HCGjnVe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be pomf'd by your dire wolfu

>> No.12536145

Damn you, Anon. I need this so bad now, thanks.

Or Jinkos.

>> No.12536147

Well, I guess that's fine too.
I'm personally a fan of contrast. Nothing makes me appreciate a bracing cold or lethargic heat more then a respite of warmth that makes you want to huddle up close to something, or some shade and a fresh drink, respectively.
Contrast makes the world a beautiful place.

>> No.12536148

>Try to avoid her in the following days, never making eye contact and pretending you don't see the shit-eating grins she keeps flashing you from across the table at board meetings
>Start getting the easier assignments that don't require much thought or work, rumors fly around and coworkers get suspicious that Anon's landed on the boss's good side
>Waifu knows something's going on when you come home from work and refuse to put out and go straight to bed, noticing that you get embarrassed to see her naked now even though you've been married for some years
>Week later, staying late at the office to finish up an assignment even though you have no strict deadline
>Manticore boss approaches you, slams more paperwork on your desk, saying your performance lately has been "unsatisfactory." Should come see her in her office to discuss his future at the company
>Shit, I'm getting canned. What does she expect with all these easy ass assignments?
>Follow her into her office as she closes the door behind you, expecting to get chewed out, mentally preparing to bargain with more sexual favors
>Don't notice the camera on the tripod in the corner of the room until you hear the light clacking of the door being locked
>"Anon, I'm very disappointed in you. We've had many heart-to-heart exchanges since you've started here a few weeks ago but I'm afraid you don't really trust in me, or in what this company stands for."
>Tail bobbing closer and closer to your face. Always business speak with her.
>Notices your glances at the tripod. "Let me show you something."
>It's film of every one of your past "exchanges", she was filming the whole time unbeknownst to you
>"Do you know what this means, Anon? I will no longer tolerate your half-hearted efforts for this company. What would they think about this? Your friends, family, coworkers... your wife. How would they feel about such poor performance at your job?"
>"I wonder what they would say, knowing what you've done."

>> No.12536157

And this is why you never betray your waifu's trust.
After all, she'd stay pure for you.

>> No.12536159

Go on.

>> No.12536168
Quoted by: >>12536174

Yeah I wasn't either, I was trying to word it so you'd picture a fate worse than getting your hair cut.

That did not work out well

>> No.12536174
Quoted by: >>12536179

Oh. Well I guess anus tearing sucks, but I'd still rather keep my hair.

>> No.12536175

What would she do after pomfing you there? Would she pin your arms with those great paws of hers? Would she assert her dominance by nipping at your neck with those pointed canines? Would she press her tongue past your receiving lips and steal the air from your lungs with a wild, moaning kiss?

>> No.12536179

What if both happened?

>> No.12536190

All of that sounds wonderful

>> No.12536217

More aggressive nipping alternating with throat fucking you using tongue, locking her lips to yours while panting and moaning into your mouth.

Alternating between slamming up and down and rolling her hips. Switches between vaginal and anal, depending on which hole is feeling most vacant.

Finally, when she climaxes she lets out a long howl and then gives you a big slobbery kiss, all while her tail is wagging like a feather duster.

>> No.12536220

>Y-you can't do this to me. Blackmail is a crime.
>"Blackmail? Anon, you made this decision yourself. You wanted to use your body to get ahead, pleasure your boss with that slutty little mouth of yours. This is what the slut gets for money and easy work, shame."
>"Take off your clothes."
>Fuck you, I'm not... You're about to make a lunge for the camera when you feel a prick on the back of your neck.
>"I could fire you and send these videos and pictures out to everyone you know. I'm familiar with your background, as any responsible employer would be. I could fire you and ruin your life, and make sure you never get a steady job again, but I'm not going to do that. I want you to own up to acting like a common whore. Strip."
>Fully engorged now, you obey, unable to break eye contact with her even as you're on your knees and eating her out for the Xth time. Pride, outrage, everything gone as the venom takes over and simply follow her commands like a newly trained puppy. Tongue-deep in her snatch again, looking up at her face for her slightest responses, more eager to please than you've ever been, even for your waifu. Camera's getting all of this but you hardly care anymore. You lose sense of time.
>A moment of clarity while she's pounding you with her tailpussy. You see your smiling waifu's face in your mind, she's welcoming you home after another day of work, asking you how your day was and telling you she's gotten the bath all ready.
>A single chaste thought before your own frenzied moaning drowns out the rest.
>The next few weeks are among the most grueling in your life, waking every day from dreams of your loved ones disowning you, waifu leaving you, and that goddamn shit-eating grin. Days spent paranoid, scanning the most trivial, off-handed remarks of your coworkers for signs that the boss let it slip. Thank Hathor the boss is on a trip to a branch a few towns over.
>"Is working getting you down, Anon? You work so late, I'm afraid you're overdoing it."

>> No.12536232
Quoted by: >>12536272

>Manticore has you pinned down with a footpaw on your chest
>She's just grinning at you like a caged rabbit

Like this?


>> No.12536236

This made me think of a Viking coming home to his Auroch-based Holstaurus

>> No.12536267

Police-kun or Dredd when?

>> No.12536270


You see, this is why I telecommute.

>> No.12536272

"Eat the tail!"

>> No.12536277
Quoted by: >>12536322

The first one will be Miia and her mom.

It will end in ntr by the mom taking Darling.

>> No.12536279
Quoted by: >>12536298

See this? This is how you get an anon to shoot up his office and behead his boss.

>> No.12536288
File: 122 KB, 732x552, fullmoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536931

>Wah~ What are we gonna do on the bed, wolfu?

>> No.12536298
File: 1.21 MB, 1200x793, 1377107755707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536303

just call a paladin(s) Anon

>> No.12536301

>Mumble something about taking responsibility for your actions. Flinch when waifu clamps you on the shoulders.
>"You're my love hostage, Anon, you know you can tell me anything." Look into her deep [insert color here] eyes for what may be the first time in over a month.
>Of course, I'd tell you anything. I am your hostage after all.
>Boss is back, work picks up again. This time you seem to get the heaviest load of anyone in the office, mounds of paper accumulating at your desk faster than you can fill them out.
>You don't want to admit it to yourself, but any outsider could see that it's a full-on affair now. Telling your waifu you've been scheduled for some business trips, packing a change of clothes for nights at the office with your Manticore boss.
>Now addition to your impossible workload, boss takes the liberty of making your sexual life a living hell as well. Pumping you full venom almost to the point of ODing, making you beg for the tailpussy while making lewd poses for the camera, a grade A camwhore if you ever knew one. Orgasm torture, riding ragged, the typical things a career slut is subjected to. You've probably done it more times with her in a week than you have with your waifu over the whole course of your marriage.
>One night, boss lets you off the hook early with a pawjob. Coming home is the only thing you look forward to these days.
>Waifu. What are you doing still up.
>"Anon, I haven't said anything now for a while but. You stink."
>H-ha, yeah, stress makes me sweat and...
>"Manticore spunk. Why do I smell manticore spunk?"
>Your heart sinks in your chest. How do you talk your way out of this one?
>"Anon, I know you're unfaithful. But it's not the cheating that hurts me the most. It's that you've never told me, that you avoid me. I know your afraid of getting me mad but... How could you do this to me?"
>The game is up.
>Wait, what game? You're the victim here, clearly, it's not like you enjoy this... She should be sorry for you.

>> No.12536303
Quoted by: >>12536345

I am a paladin. In fact I am THE Paladin. I am simply stating that doing something like that will turn a man into a murderer. That being said he should have just come to me so I could inflict harsh judgement on that whore.

>> No.12536308

Read It's not the fall that kills you by RSanon.

>> No.12536309
Quoted by: >>12536315

W-Will this be a healing with the waifu beating the crap out of the Manticore and slowly healing the Anon's heart as he seeks to redeem himself in his waifu's eyes?

Please be healing.

>> No.12536311

>have waifu be mantis, jinko, or salamander.
>kill boss
Happy ending.

>> No.12536315

No healing for you.

>> No.12536318
Quoted by: >>12536352

Anon please I'll do anything

>> No.12536322
Quoted by: >>12536335

>It will end in ntr by the mom taking Darling.

It should end with them both fucking him. He should go full-on asclepius

>> No.12536324

Please, no.

>> No.12536330

JoJoke's on you, my waifu's got better venom than your manticore slut.
The way I see it, this would never happen.
>tfw you read this as another '>you will never' greentext

>> No.12536335

Mother daughter tag-teams are the best

>> No.12536337

Anon no.
Anon pls, no, God, no stop.
Calm down.

>> No.12536338


why do i get the feeling that Hathor is saying something along the lines of 'aw come on, you always get the guys, let me have him!'

im jelly of the anon in the middle, really like the color, need a partially clothed happy hathor

>> No.12536341
Quoted by: >>12536347


Ah shit. Shitshitshit. Come on, mang.

>> No.12536345

But Mr.Paladin, this is no whore. This is a demon we are talking about! What whore lives off of the Spirit-energy of humans until they are fully sapped of their spirit, staining their soul?

>> No.12536346
Quoted by: >>12536357

Wait, who's the one in the middle?

>> No.12536347

Nope. It's too late. That means more Healing Holstaurus for the rest of us!


>> No.12536352

>Listen here. I do this for your sake, I bust my ass all day at work so we can make a decent fucking living. And what do I ask for? Nothing. I ask for a waifu who doesn't fucking throw around baseless accusations to guilt me into doing something.
>Wait, why are you saying this. Has all the venom gone to your head, where is your judgment?
>You're fucking useless, wait do you do all do while I'm gone? You're the one sleeping around, not me.
>Wait, no, fuck.
>Waifu doesn't slap you, doesn't yell, doesn't crumple into tears. Just a dead stare like you just shat all over the floor at a family gathering.
>You don't speak for the next few days, waking earlier than usual and leaving before she gets up, getting TanukiMart breakfast packs. Coming home later than usual, when she's fast asleep.
>Boss notices a "performance spike" in your little sessions these days. You're more hands-on, warm, you even ask, ASK, for cuddles. "I'm glad you're figuring out how things work around here."
>Somewhere in the back of your mind you know it's all her fault. But damn it, somehow you feel your waifu betrayed you. But no, she was always on your side. But how could she not know, somehow, telepathically, that you needed help? But now she's abandoned you.
>It's the 5th session this week, and you're coming home sore from letting the boss test out some new "company products" on you.
>Home now. Door's locked. Strange, usually she keeps unlocked for you, the least she can goddamn do.
>Hit the lights in the kitchen. She's left a note on the fridge, you already know what it says before you register it as an unusual occurrence.

It's a long road to redemption.

>> No.12536357
Quoted by: >>12536362



>> No.12536358

Every roads long. But it makes the destination more worthwhile.

>> No.12536362


>> No.12536365
Quoted by: >>12536369

You'd better not be going where I think you're going.

>> No.12536369

I'm not quite sure where I'm going myself.

>> No.12536370

Don't do this you bastard.

>> No.12536371
Quoted by: >>12536385

1. N
2. N
3. Mewtwo. I can dream, damn it. T-T Ridley would be a close second.
4. Switch while in private, tacitly equal in public.
5. N
6. KC releasing Jörmungandr, Níðhöggr and Quetzalcoatl (preferably with the latter as a species, but whatever).
7. Scales
8. I have a name. It is [redacted]. However, I would accept "Treasure," "My Lord," "Master" and "My Love."
9. Y
10. ...
Revenge! Revenge! I am SMAUG! I kill where I wish. I am strong, strong, strong! My armor is like tenfold shields. My teeth are like swords. My claws, spears. The shock of my tail, a thunderbolt. My wings, a hurricane. And my breath, death!

>> No.12536373
Quoted by: >>12536403

>Immediately insulting waifu to cover his ass
>Not coming clean and reassuring her that you love her
I'm gonna keep reading, but immersion lost. I would not do that.

>> No.12536380


I spent the entire weekend studying like a motherfucker for a shitload of tests that are about to come on the following weeks.

It's Monday, 00:25 A.M. where I live right now. My back hurts, my eyelids are heavy and my stomach is growling. I figured checking up /mgg/ would be a good way brighten my mood before I went to bed, and this is what I see.

...Guess it be like that sometimes. Good night.


>> No.12536385
Quoted by: >>12536473

>Mewtwo. I can dream

They replaced him with that faggot lucario and kept him in

>> No.12536386

Wait. Before you go.
Have this.

>> No.12536403
Quoted by: >>12536406

That seems like a surprising strength of character for someone that ended up in that position in the first place.

>> No.12536406
Quoted by: >>12536419

I mean, if she already knows, you might as well, am I right?

>> No.12536407 [SPOILER] 
File: 147 KB, 831x474, 1411961916683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12536419


Why not just say

> That fucking bitch is holding me hostage

>> No.12536421
Quoted by: >>12536427

Definitely a simpler choice, yes.

>> No.12536422

Need suffering

>> No.12536423

Sometimes being straight to the point is the best plan of action

>> No.12536427
Quoted by: >>12536439


I mean, I'm sure that hiring an assassin wouldn't be that difficult.

I'm sure you could put put something together that the evidence of your relations were destroyed.

Better yet, you could set it up to plant some false evidence, bring it to court, run her company into the ground. And walk away wit ha ridiculous sum of money.

>> No.12536431

Somebody Dredd this guy's greentext please. How long has it been since that last one?

>> No.12536434

It's ruined when you say it man, the best part of Dredd is the surprise.

>> No.12536437
Quoted by: >>12536443

Maybe he's extending the suffering by pausing for dramatic effect.
You know, like in those action movies when the hero swan dives off a cliff and you think he's dead just to be in a car being carried by a helicopter

>> No.12536439
Quoted by: >>12536445

Hire the best assassin duo in the city, a Kunoichi and a Girtablilu.

The Girtablilu destroys all the evidence before the boss gets back.

The Kunoichi gets paid double if she fucks the boss in front of the camera with her tail.

>> No.12536440
Quoted by: >>12536442

The last Dredd end I remember was for that Dragon Bully NTR thing

>> No.12536441

>"At parent's house. Leftovers in the fridge. Love, Waifu."
>Only she's not back the next night, nor the night after that, nor the night after that.
>You just try to keep your mind on work. The thought of coming back to an empty house tears you apart inside, you can't bear to face it.
>At tonight's session, you don't strip first thing and put in the ball gag as you're accustomed to.
>Hey, uh, Madame President. Instead of doing this, here, maybe we could...
>Shit Eating Grin. "Of course, let me get my coat." As if she were expecting you to say this all along, as if it were the most natural thing in the world not to want to go home to your waifu
>You follow her down to the parking lot, her giving a nod to the oni security guard at that gate while she unlocks some absurdly-expensive-looking sports car
>You're in the front seat now, enjoying the night's ride in spite of yourself. Instead of heading straight to her place however you make a stop at some high class Zipangu restaurant, open late tonight. You follow her inside, her noding to the ushi-oni waitress who leads you to your table. No one's around besides some waitresses breaking down the tables for the night
>As if they expected to see a couple on a midnight tryst, the most ordinary thing in the world.
>Conversation is light and mostly formal, talking about work, what direction she'd like to take the company in, how she expects the company to keep growing in prominence. Easy conversation, as if you were on lunch break and would resume shortly.
>"How's the wife?"
>It's not a surprising question. Nothing surprises you these days
>Fine. Staying with some relatives. There's the grin again.
>She's munching on something "fancy" that looks like it was harvested from the organs of an impoverished Zipangu citizen. No response. She's not about to badger you to give up on her, is she?
>Check's paid, thank Illias she's picking it up for you.
>"You should stay with me for a while. Business is going to pick up soon."

>> No.12536442
File: 127 KB, 226x219, Horafying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That time when people first found out Clare was a Futa, Dredd came in, ripped of Clare's dick and exploded the truck

Dredd was too good for us, can someone find that one?

>> No.12536443

sorry, I actually didn't mean it to keep going but somehow I hate to leave it hanging

>> No.12536445
Quoted by: >>12536452


I'd still have them plant false evidence, so I can Blackmail HER to give me obscene amounts of money, unless she wants it leaked to the local Paladin Force.

With my new Money I would plan a month long retreat with my Waifu, so I can make up not having a set of balls to her.

>> No.12536447

In b4 wife is your boss's whore.

>> No.12536449
Quoted by: >>12536460

I still waiting for her to dump and fire him like a dirty slut he is.
With no waifu and bitch boss he hangs himself
Best end

>> No.12536450
Quoted by: >>12536461

>Boss was Wife all along
Written by M. Night Shymalon

>> No.12536451
Quoted by: >>12536457

>Inb4 his boss and his wife are friends

>> No.12536452

Yes, now this anon knows what's up.

>> No.12536453

Same here; heat saps my will to live.

>> No.12536457
Quoted by: >>12536466

>inb4 waifu did this to test you, and you failed miserably
>inb4 she leaves and takes the kids, never to return


>> No.12536460
Quoted by: >>12536466

I'd rather he gets a new job as an actor in "independent" films. Soon he becomes known s the biggest slut in the businesses, willing to spread his legs for any girl with cash or a camera.

>> No.12536461

>Boss takes off her disguise
>It was his wife
>She's fed up that you cheated on her
>But you take off your disguise. Why do you have a disguise you ask?
>Because you're the boss!
>But then your wife sees in shock of the events and takes off her disguise
>What, another disguise? Who could it be
Turns out it was YOU ALL ALONG!
>But here's the kicker
>The waitress Ushi Oni comes over
>And she takes off her disguise
>and it turns out It was your wife! who has been watching you all along!

Written by M Night Shamalamadingdong

>> No.12536464


Thanks for reminding me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KStsPPgeka4 and also making me wonder what MGs in a 50's setting would be like.

>> No.12536465

>That mad twist, tho
10/10, Nominated for Best Screenplay Award

>> No.12536466

I don't remember anything about kids

No, not enough suffering

>> No.12536467

Suddenly reminded of the cow ending from Earthworm Jim 2.

>> No.12536469

50's America with MGs would either be filled with racism for both niggers and MGs, or would be flat out black leathered boys hitting up catgirls by snapping their fingers and dancing horribly.

>> No.12536473

Thank you. Somebody understands.

>> No.12536474
Quoted by: >>12536482

Could be possible, I'd certainly would like to see it, but it runs the risk of running into >>12536469

>> No.12536479

>"It's a bit closer to the office than from where you are. I'm sure the misses wouldn't mind, right?"
>Of course. You're on the steps to her apartment now, no turning back. Might as well get yourself a job at the local strip club, it's all the same anyway.
>You follow her inside, casually noting the grates on her windows. Must be crime around here. Shame, nice neighborhood.
>Her apartment is more or less bare, aside from a rather dilapidated couch, a couple a stools and a wooden table. Place looks like she just moved in, maybe she did considering how not-lived-in it looks. Not one for home decor I guess.
>"Take a seat, I'll grab us some drinks."
>She retreats into the next room, which you assume is the adjoining kitchen. It's taking an awfully long time on those drinks, hope she's got some fancy shit rigged up, I could use something powerful after a day like this.
>Back now. "Here you are." Tastes like shit, but you assume it's something your low class tastes can't appreciate.
>"I wonder about the misses, though. It just sort of tickles me up inside, knowing that she doesn't know what you and I know. You know what I mean?"
>"Tell me Anon, what do you do outside of work. Your hobbies, I mean. What are your hobbies?"
>You something bland, ask about herself.
>"Oh, you know. I collect. I'm a collector."
>Huh. Vintage postage stamps, wine bottles, what do rich people collect?
>"Come out back when you're done with the drink. Let me show you what I collect."
>Sure. But hold on, can I use your phone?
>Better leave Waifu a message on the home phone in case she's back tonight. You know she couldn't possibly be back now, but who knows. Tell her your at a friends house.
>"Phone's in the kitchen."

>> No.12536482


>running into >>12536469 (You)
You're probably implying that I'm either a tumblrfag, or an otherwise horrible person.

I guess the way I typed like a fag, I can see how you would suspect that.
My bad.

>> No.12536488
Quoted by: >>12536493

I sense, some sort of fear and dread
Like this girl is a yandere and killed your wife. and now you're going to see her corpe because she collecs the X from the girls who touch her man

>> No.12536489
File: 238 KB, 986x692, Darling question mark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.12536490


Has anyone written a story of a monstergirl trying to disguise herself as another type of monstergirl, and she keeps up the act even though what she is and isn't is painfully obvious, because she knows the guy she has her eye on has a preference for what she's trying to disguise herself as?

>> No.12536491

>She collects waifus

>> No.12536493

She collects vulvas and hangs them on her back balcony.

>> No.12536494

>She collects beaten and broken assholes who don't deserve the slice of heaven that miraculously fell into their lap.
>You're her latest.
You had one job. Love the waifu.

>> No.12536498

>werewolf trying to be a mermaid, doggy paddles with a fake fishtail poking out of her bum.

That's pretty cute.

>> No.12536499

My suffering hype is rising

>> No.12536500

>Implying you don't want to see Catgirls doing the Charleston.

>> No.12536501

>Catgirls doing the Charleston
Everything should do the Charleston

>> No.12536502

Its plenty suffering. While his waifu leaves him and finds a honest and loving anon, he's cheap whore addicted to almost every sort of venom, only looking towards his next fix or fuck. He would be willing to whore himself to anyone, to the sweaty virgin NEET mgs, to the matangos and the shitlickers, to human girls.

>> No.12536503
Quoted by: >>12536523

There was a series of greentexts about a Lizard Girl who disguised herself as a Dragon to impress a guy by wearing fake wings.

>> No.12536504

Charleston isn't from the 50s. It's from the 20s.

>> No.12536505

>grates on windows
>barren household
>no decorations aside from a janky-ass couch
>calls herself a 'collector'
>wants to show you the things that she 'collects'


>> No.12536506

>I don't remember anything about kids
And that's why you're a horrible husband, Anon.
Can't even be bothered to remember your kids' names.

>> No.12536510

Anon is rip

>> No.12536519
File: 618 KB, 620x719, 1402706038216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536533


>> No.12536522
Quoted by: >>12536524

Why do I get the distinct impression the Boss likes Huey Lewis and The News?

>> No.12536523

Now that I want to see.

>> No.12536524

Because she knows It's hip to be square.

>> No.12536528
Quoted by: >>12536537

>implying that I'm implying I wouldn't want to see catgirls doing the Charleston

Still, I'd much rather see the girls dancing the dance of their time, going to diners, talking about those "Summer Nights"

>> No.12536533

I want to punch her in the face.

>> No.12536534

>Not much in the kitchen either. Doesn't eat much maybe, rich people diet too I guess.
>Shitty corded phone. Hey Waifu, it's me. At Bob's house. Left my cell at home so don't call it. Beep.
>Your voice is a little trembly for some reason. It's not from tears, you've wasted those a long time ago. Anxiety? It's natural when speaking to your estranged wife, I guess. You reach for the dial again.
>Hey, waifu. It's me. Um, to tell you the truth, I'm at my boss's house. She's on...
>Shit, you weren't paying attention to the street address. Where the fuck are you?
>Look, just call this number back, like, it's on the log or something. Call back, please. Please? Guess you were desperate.
>"A little late to beg for her to come back to you, dontcha think?" You didn't ever hear her approach, but now here the tail is in your face again.
>President. No, just making sure she's not home. Are you--
>Your face meets the floorboards. One minute you're up looking into her shit eating grin, now it's all dark, but not uncomfortable. You suppose that what hit you was her "love dart" but you don't remember it ever knocking you to the ground, or taking away sensation.
>Light again. This time it's harsh, not like the dimly kitchen that had never been used. What the fuck, turn that off, let me lie in bed a while longer. Only you're sitting up right, and it's a desk light someone's holding up to your face.
>For Illias' sake, turn that thing... your eyes adjust to the light. Look, if you want to play rough, we can do that, at least tell me beforehand so I don't have a heart attack.
>President. President? You see the tail, the paws, but something's a bit off. She's not wearing clothes, and neither are you, but that's to be expected.
>"Hello Anon. Enjoy your nap? I've got plans for tonight. I want to show you my collection."
>Yeah yeah, suck me dry as per usual. I appreciate the rope bondage too, real nice. But look...
>Who the fuck are you?

>> No.12536537

Tell me more, tell me more.
Did you steal a base?

Tell me more, tell me more,
Was there red on her face?

>> No.12536541

Plot twist: This legendary "Prez" is your wife who happens to be a yandere. And her collection is all the people she's killed that looked at you in a lewd way

>> No.12536542
Quoted by: >>12537031

I made a smut

>> No.12536544

now's a good time for that adrenaline to kick in and get the fuck out of there

>> No.12536547

>>Who the fuck are you?
>Random greentext guy is doing it himself

>> No.12536549

>"My name, by the way? It's Dante. But you can call me Dante the Demon Killer. Has a nice ring to it don't you think?"

>> No.12536551

>At Bob's house
It was him again!

>> No.12536552

>Plot twist: It's Don'te
>You get killed by Don'te

And we all learned a valuable lesson.
Don't commit NTR, or you get killed at the hands of the lesser version of a once-great hero, and that's just dishonorable.

>> No.12536553
Quoted by: >>12537454

Ugh. I can taste the fedora.

>> No.12536556

>be 22nd in line for monstergirl dating service

Well at least I came back from work in time to see what I missed.

>> No.12536557
Quoted by: >>12536568


>> No.12536564
File: 212 KB, 500x500, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waiter, there's fur in my soup!

>> No.12536566

Lewd on the left, pure on the right. What is problem?

>> No.12536567

>"Anon, we were just talking a minute ago. Don't you recognize me?"


>It's your waifu's face, but. You're waifu's no pussytail, you can confirm that. You brain's a bit slow to get working tonight, you can't quite piece together.
>"It's me, your boss. You work for me, remember? I pay you, and you pay me with your body. You're the slut, I'm the slut's master. You remember now?"
>Why, why do you have...
>"Your wife's face?"
>She pulled out of the light now, put the lamp on a table and seemed to recline into something. It's a dark as fuck room, no windows. Walls bare. The lamp still faces your direction although at that distance it's not enough to light up the face you just saw.
>She's giggling now. A school girl's laugh, shrill, like someone just told the greatest joke in the world and she's the only one in on it.
>"No, Anon. You're seeing things. You're seeing things, you're hallucinating, you're grief stricken, your grief is making you see things."
>She does whatever she's doing for a few minutes longer in silence.
>Another face in the light.
>"Hello Anon."
>What, what. Why.
>It takes a long second to recognize the face. It's the ushi-oni waitress who you must've seen not an hour before. Maybe more than an hour. You can't tell anymore.
>Another crackling laugh and the face recedes into the darkness.
>"Hello Anon."
>I'm getting real fucking sick of this game. Don't show me some oni's face, show me the boss's face. Let everything go back to the way it should be, let me go home, let me find my waifu smiling, getting the bath ready. Let me off your wild ride.
>"Do you understand now, Anon?" It's the boss's face.
>"You're part of the game. My game. I play it with you, and your wife. You're all playing my game. Do you know how to win the game?"
>You're struggling now, though this time it's a somewhat less sexual affair. The chair you're sitting on doesn't budge an inch, like it's bolted to the floor.

>> No.12536568
File: 1.78 MB, 320x180, 1409376465189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12536569

Would you eat a monster girl?

>> No.12536571

I'm sure I'd love me some P'Orc chops.

>> No.12536572
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, Loen art - Wurm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a shorter than normal update.

>> No.12536573

I want to taste a slimegirl. Maybe blueberry flavored.

>> No.12536574
Quoted by: >>12536581

Would you eat your way out of a Gelatinous Cube?

>> No.12536575
File: 101 KB, 1000x750, 1409228675898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you coat your pancakes with your syrupy slime waifu?

>> No.12536576
Quoted by: >>12536603

Is this a Doppelganger?

>> No.12536581

It's eat or be eaten so of course. I don't think I'd have as much fun as eating my slime waifu though.

>> No.12536582



This is some fucked up shit

>> No.12536583

I'm not sure if the is some Yandere goddess shit, or if we're dealing with a monstergirl version of Koh the Face Stealer.
Either way I'm fucking terrified.

>> No.12536584
File: 269 KB, 1000x659, 5c5ab616058a754dcc6e56d894b5f18f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw snow outside
>still no fluffy kitsune to cuddle with

>> No.12536585
Quoted by: >>12536590

Bubuzuke needs to do more slime, goddamnit

>> No.12536586

If she tastes sweet then why not?

>> No.12536587

1. No
2. No
3. Ridley sounds good
4. Equal
5. No
6. The possibility of the Monster Musume anime
7. Human Skin
8. Sweetie
9. Yes
10. Succubi

-TK for easy ctrl+f

>> No.12536588
Quoted by: >>12536592

What the hell is going on?

>> No.12536590

God yes.

>> No.12536591

Now where on Earth is it snowing?

>> No.12536592

She wants to play funny games anon. This is a b-rate horror movie now.

>> No.12536594
File: 194 KB, 600x600, 20042511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pity you, anon.
I'm safe from snow until mid-December. Usually.

>> No.12536595 [SPOILER] 
File: 126 KB, 798x1000, 1411967152426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536599

>They say that if a snake is cut into pieces, it will pull itself back together by sunset.
>Care to give it a try?

>> No.12536599
Quoted by: >>12536610

Nigga, I'd be jumping in joy if I got snow already. Climate change is endangering the natural habitats of Snow Elves.
They also say a Pharaoh will survive trepanning because they are gods. Care to give it a try?

>> No.12536600

Not the Anon, but maybe upper north? I know I've been getting some light dust up here

>> No.12536601

3.I don't care
6.Bromont's VN
7.A tie between Scales and Feathers

>> No.12536603
File: 1.53 MB, 2304x2912, 1408642713583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuckensteiner. It's bitch related. It's every woman he's met in the past 10 years and she just wants to fuck with him. Abandon life.

>> No.12536604

>the Dunwich horror
Too creepy for me.

>> No.12536610

>Don't know what trepanning is
>Decide to look it up

Nooo, stop, that's gay!

>> No.12536619


>> No.12536623

>She's standing full in the light now, arms crossed. It's strange to see such a grin on your waifu's face.
>"This is my collection. What do you think?"
>Her body changing that of a child's, a child's features mixing in with your waifu's, an arm turning into a tentacle, a leg into a hoof, all undefined for a moment until it regains a constant form.
>A woman, absurdly tall, not in a muscle girl sort of way. Curly, shoulder length hair. Tall, tall, pale, like a ghost but surely human in form.
>Stepping out of the light again, a tongue flickers into your ear.
>"This is what your boss didn't know, what the folks at the community center didn't know, what the paladins don't know and what my enemies don't know. I don't collect for fun. I don't have fun doing this, I'm the victim here." Waifu.
>"I want a mate. That's normal, right?" Tongue sliding deeper into your ear.
>"I need faces, many faces, faces of loved ones. I need faces that are loved, so that someone can love me."
>"Your boss, your wife, the children living in your neighborhood, your coworkers. I have them all."
>You don't say anything. This seems to goad her on.
>"If you want Anon, I can have your face too." You don't dare turn your head.
>No more tongue, just voice in the darkness. "Your wife, she's at her parent's house. Your boss is asleep at home, too." How...
>"I've watched you Anon, it breaks my heart to see a man cheat on his wife for money. Petty money." Her voice held anger for a minute and then flattened out.
>"So, I wanted in. I want to be the woman in your life. If you'll let me." A weight on your chest, a child's body sitting on your lap, your waifu's face. A deep kiss, you close your eyes to whatever face is kissing you.
>"Tell me Anon, what do you like? Oh, I know you like getting pushed around like a slut. That's boring. Have you ever tried anything... rougher?"
>You're aware of a pain in your right thigh, possibly a stabing pain though you must be too drugged to finely distinguish it.

>> No.12536624

His Alp mind must be overriding his brain, causing it to seem lewd considering it involves the head
He probably thought it meant skullfucking with his lewd mind

>> No.12536625
Quoted by: >>12536627

Trepanning is Are you ready? Because I don't think you are.
It's when they take a drill bit and bore a hole into your skull.

>> No.12536627
Quoted by: >>12536631

Yeah I looked it up myself. How is it gay?

>> No.12536628

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.12536629
File: 387 KB, 1194x824, 1410876334199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not gay, it's a mind opening experience.

>> No.12536631

It's not.
I just say that when I get squeamish about things.

>> No.12536633
File: 799 KB, 200x189, MY MIND.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on?
What is this Eldritch madness?

>> No.12536634

Fair enough, faggot.

>> No.12536637

Where did the boss go?

>> No.12536638

What? Huh?

>> No.12536639

You need to be more open-minded, try broadening your perspective a little bit.

>> No.12536641

I see what you two are doing here.
I don't like this one bit.

>> No.12536642


It's a real headache dealing with mentally compressed and close-minded people. It makes it feel like every conversation is a drill exercise, and just generally drives you insane in the membrain

>> No.12536644
File: 4 KB, 296x258, 1366948795549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536684



>> No.12536647
Quoted by: >>12536650

You must have a screw loose to not enjoy brain-teasers and puns. Puns are so great it's mental. Any one can do them, too, it's not like it's brain surgery.

>> No.12536650
File: 307 KB, 641x360, 1403825843534785.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536660

Guys, please.

>> No.12536658


>> No.12536659

>Doppelganger, you suppose. You've heard of these shits before. On TV, true crime, or something. Your friend had a friend who knew one, or something. The famous con artists who slip into a poor schmucks life and fuck them in place of their wife. Harmless, unintentional cuckolding, they usually give themselves up to the police once they've had their fun. Then everything goes back to normal, the man and his wife reconcile, curse the silly villain who can't find a man of her own, the imposter who must push the real baby harpy out of the nest to get fed.
>"What shall I do now~?" The pain in your thigh has stopped, in exchange for a tight grip on your throat. It seems to be a large paw, more like a yeti's than a manticore's.
>"I could have you here and no one would ever know. But let's take out time, shall we?"
>Something warm and wet rubbing on your crotch, clamping one moment and releasing the next. You harden in spite of the fear. The large furry paw prevents you from seeing what's going on down there. A sweet sucking sensation, very comfortable.
>You reach orgasm looking into a face that's... not terribly human, much less monster. You try to cry out but only manage a pitiful squeal.
>"That's the first one."
>Slime now all over your body. A scythe-like limb is angled at your neck, while your boss's face floats above i the darkness. You close your eyes and open your mouth, hoping to placate her. The next kiss comes in and you bite down. No response.
>"I love you Anon, the way your boss and your wife loves you. Will you marry me?"
>A couple of more orgasms and you're tired, you don't remember cumming to be this tiring. You drift off while a hand holds your head against a breast. Just before you go you hear a crashing somewhere in the distance.
>You're up again. It's loud, there are other people there. An antiseptic smell, somehow very comforting.
>"You okay, Anon?"
>Sure thing boss lady.

fuck I'm tired. you know how this ends, will try to finish next post

>> No.12536660

You gotta whole lotta nerve to be so cranially concerned with word-play. You must be a real Bore at parties. You really are just digging your own hole here. It's like you have tunnel vision when it comes to taste.

>> No.12536662

As shit. I butchered to spoilers.

>> No.12536663
Quoted by: >>12536666

I do like some holesome puns.

>> No.12536666

Finally, an anon who really has his head screwed on.

>> No.12536668

It's been a fun story. I've missed green text thread stories.

>> No.12536670
Quoted by: >>12536677

I lobe you.

>> No.12536672
File: 97 KB, 798x1000, 1397382504011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop with the puns or I kill the grapesnake!
I'm warnin' ya. Swear to god I'll do it!

>> No.12536674
Quoted by: >>12536678

I suggest putting more brainpower into your idea. Don't want to get screwed over your hasty decision.

>> No.12536676
Quoted by: >>12536689

You won't do it. You're bluffing

>> No.12536677

I know, right. I am the very pineal of pun making. >>12536672
No one stops the pun. The pun will pummel you until you are purple in the face.

>> No.12536678
Quoted by: >>12536684

Truly he's getting a bit in over his head here

>> No.12536681

Someone please explain what the fuck just happened.

>> No.12536682

Crazy Doppleganger punishes cheating anons.

>> No.12536684
Quoted by: >>12536785

>entry denied
You funny guy, but we friends, yes? Glory to Arstotzka!
I guess he'll never be the head of a major corporation.

>> No.12536685
Quoted by: >>12536696

>She needs to keep all her clothes and her hair on when we rape her.
Oh god yes! Clothed rape is so good~ Just imagine watching the cum drip past her hem...

>> No.12536688

Anon was a little whore who sould out his pure love for a promotion. Every one felt like shit. Doppel-chan wanted to be loved and has self esteem issues and feels like a pice of shit, so she looked for a piece of shit guy to love her. Found anon. Then took the form of the people he knew and kidnapped him.

>> No.12536689
File: 184 KB, 347x315, 1405743211965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do it! I'll slit her goddamned throat, I will!

>> No.12536693

Keep your head cool and don't make any sudden movements, she might bite you.

>> No.12536694

Go a head. We know you don't have the mental fortitude to do it.

>> No.12536695
Quoted by: >>12536697

You won't do it, you ain't got the guts.

>> No.12536696

That last picture. I was laughing and cursing at the same time.

>> No.12536697

You done fucked it up.

>> No.12536700

What's your point? For once, stop speaking with a forked tongue and be clear. What do you really want? Quit snaking your way around the issue and just spit it out.

>> No.12536717

You're bluffing. You ain't got the brains to slice a young one such as her.
You're in over your head, anon. Just give up

>> No.12536718

You really are starting to get under my skin. Could you stop being such a pain in the neck? I'm about to lose my head here.

>> No.12536727
File: 46 KB, 708x398, I'm in a place between hysteric laughter and absolute insanity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop making your fucking puns!

>> No.12536730
Quoted by: >>12536734

>all these puns
Has there even been a good Charon-chan story?

>> No.12536733

No, this is pun-ishment.

>> No.12536734

Consider it your divine pun-ishment.
No, not until someone makes a Jigoku Shoujo with Charon.

>> No.12536735
Quoted by: >>12536737

Truly Hell doesn't begin when you get there, it begins on the way there

>> No.12536737

The ride never ends anon. You'll never get off the goddamn ferry.

>> No.12536740

>And then, HostageAnon was arrested after police were able to restrain him in his insane state
>He was charged with kidnapping a minor, and attempted murder
>Afterwards, he was sent off to prison, where he was fucked in the ass by his male inmates, and forced to fuck ass by his female inmates

At least Grapesnake got to see her family again.

>> No.12536741
Quoted by: >>12536746


I like snow though
There is nothing more comfy than to sit in a chair with a cup a hot coffee and watch snowfall

>> No.12536744

Hey man, no need to crucify yourself over a little wordpray, for heaven's sake.

>> No.12536746

I'm technically in the North, and I'm still wearing a t and shorts.
HostageAnon needed a therapist, not the rapist.

>> No.12536748
Quoted by: >>12536764

He thought that using her as a hostage would be a piece of cake. But in his new home, he'll enjoy his new life at everyone's pie.

Yeah, that was awful.

>> No.12536749

Would you let your waifu peg you in exchange for anal?

>> No.12536751
Quoted by: >>12536755

>>And then, HostageAnon was arrested after police were able to restrain him in his insane state
Aw man, you just know that he'll play the martyr now. He really did sow his seed in the wrong field. A-and, uhm... Sodomy

>> No.12536752

I don't like anal anyway, so...

>> No.12536753

I'd ask my waifu to peg me anyway, so sure.

>> No.12536754



>> No.12536755
Quoted by: >>12536760

Charon, you're breaking up here. Is it beginning to become difficult to say puns? Running out of juice?
My my, such a shame

>> No.12536757
Quoted by: >>12536760

Alp pls go

>> No.12536759
File: 382 KB, 1358x1131, Cerea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gently nibbling on Cerea's ears as you embrace her.

Yes or no?

>> No.12536760
Quoted by: >>12536775

I guess she's on her last legs.
Stop bullying Alps, they're important members of the community.

>> No.12536762

I'd let her peg me anyway.

>> No.12536763
File: 44 KB, 409x393, snickering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lamia mating rituals

Talk about Rape culture

translation of latest chapter when?

>> No.12536764
Quoted by: >>12536774

He once was a vegan. Now, he will be-gone.
Yeah, this was better than what you did.

>> No.12536766
Quoted by: >>12536778

What the fuck are you even trying to achieve here. This is worse than that guy that asked. "Oh noe, a daughteru. Do you look after her?" Fucking obviously.

>> No.12536767


>> No.12536769

>She's smiling, a gentle smile this time.
>"Sorry for worrying you. I was keeping tabs until you got into the car, lost the trail for a while until we got your call."
>She pulls something out of her pocket. It's a some kind of police badge, Paladin Elite Ops: MG Division.
>"Paladin's Most Wanted, that girl. Real nutcase, multiple rape and kidnapping charges, a couple still missing. Goes for cheating douchebags like yourself. Lucky you got away with your face in tact. She's been on your tracks a while, following you. It's no lucky break you got hired with such credentials. We set it up. You were the bait, sorry for not telling you."
>Why the fuck couldn't you have told me?
>"This's the way we operate, Anon. Manticores face a bit of discrimination of course, and if I offered to take you into custody... Well, it's all behind us now. You're safe."
>You fucking blackmailed me.
>"Well, uh, that was just to make sure... Oh, someone would like to see you."
>Waifu. "Hi honey."
>Were in on it too?
>"Well, not at first. Your boss came to me later and said to act as if you were cheating. It was hard to let someone else sleep with you, but that doppelgirl was keeping a close watch on the house, and you were in danger... I told you I'd do anything for you." Manticore flashes that old smile again from across the room.
>"It's all over now honey. You deserve rest, for all you been through."
>I'm sorry for getting angry at you. Please love me furiously and without mercy when we get home.
>The boss had slipped out of the room, leaving Waifu and you to share the relief.
>You stay a couple days in the hospital, more for your mental health and possible trauma issues than for anything physical. There was no mark where you felt the stabbing pain, although you clearly remember the sensation
>Still, you can't help but wonder which times were you talking to the boss, or to the doppelgirl.
>Some days you still feel that grin on you, turning your head to find your waifu

>> No.12536773

Of course. This isn't even a question

>> No.12536774

He was once a vegan, but now his new protein rich diet will begin.
That was slightly better

>> No.12536775
Quoted by: >>12536784

>Stop bullying Alps, they're important members of the community.
Then why futas are hated?
It's the same shit

>> No.12536776

I'm procrastinating an essay and have gotten nothing done, fuck me

>> No.12536778


People have opinions. I'm interested in them. This is a fucking discussion board.

Your opinion is valid too.

>> No.12536780
File: 1.04 MB, 759x1284, 1395596182103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad to see the Hathor taking off like wildfire and by association, Holstaurus.
But what if she is flat and tsundere?

>> No.12536782
File: 213 KB, 392x357, 1408326441470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12536783

Lame. I wouldn't be able to trust anyone after that. I mean I know that I'd be a cheating piece of shit in that scenario, but still. After getting used and thrown out of the loop like that, literally as bait, I'd just be like
>Naw fuck you fuck this fuck all of it, the doppelganger was the most straightforward of the lot of you.

>> No.12536784
File: 382 KB, 700x768, 1397015358793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>futas and alps are the same shit
How is this? Would you wan to discuss this further?

>> No.12536785
Quoted by: >>12536795

>You funny guy, but we friends, yes? Glory to Arstotzka!
That fucking guy. Sir you don't even have a passport what the fuck are you doing here.

>> No.12536787

Then off to the slaughter house she goes.

>> No.12536790

I was running out of glue.

>> No.12536791

>Doppleganger criminal
You know, I've been thinking something was missing from what I was trying to write. And this fills in the gap nicely.
Too bad next chapter never, though.

>> No.12536792

The purpose of Hathor is to spread HEALTH among those, and not discriminate those who lack a bust
We will not discriminate, and instead allow her in. We are not one to exclude monsters. As long as she has milk so she can become healthy, she is welcome

>> No.12536793
Quoted by: >>12536832

>sausage fingers

>> No.12536795
File: 28 KB, 568x540, 1400000462186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Tsundere is fine as long as she's well done, like Tohsaka's anus. But flat? She better be a heifer.
Need no passport, have working permit! You and me, we get along, yes?

>> No.12536797



absolutely disgusting

>> No.12536798
Quoted by: >>12536802

I don't think we should discuss this.
Let's leave it where it lies.

>> No.12536801

That >you nearly get me killed and insane but it's okay ending is shit

>> No.12536802
File: 119 KB, 800x600, 1394486661777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536836

You don't wan to?

>> No.12536806
File: 96 KB, 325x358, sweatingsol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to woo your monster girl waifu

without sperging spaghetti all over the place

how would you do it?

>> No.12536808

I look forward to your future exploits.

Prison break by doppelganger resulting in manticore live in protective custody for anon and waifu when?

>> No.12536809

>Tsundere is fine as long as she's well done
I feel the need to write a story about a Medusa and her jokester Anon friend who plays along with her tsundere attitude in an indirect attempt to get her to be more honest with her feelings.

But I have so many other things to write on the side.

>> No.12536810
Quoted by: >>12536861


tired, wanted to finish and rushed, sorry

rewrite ending if you want

>> No.12536812
Quoted by: >>12539022

I pile up some treasure and lie down on top of it looking vulnerable.

>> No.12536813
Quoted by: >>12536825

By singing "Fly Me to the Moon".

>> No.12536814
Quoted by: >>12536824

So long as she's not a modern day tsundere, a shit one, then that's alright. Being flat though, she better either be young or still growing because that pretty much goes against what a Holstaurus is.
Sir this looks like it was drawn with crayon, I don't even know what to do with you, just don't bomb me alright.

>> No.12536815

>"What if he shot you in the face?"
>"What if he shot me in the face?"
>"We were willing to take that risk."

>> No.12536820 [SPOILER] 
File: 65 KB, 800x662, 1411972169704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just thinking, since we've got Amaterasu as the best sun goddess, does that mean her strongest enemy is somewhere too?
Does Yami-chan exist?

>> No.12536824

Bomb? Is no bomb! We all comrades here! Glory to Arstotzka!
...you want crystal meth maybe?
If we're talking Okami, the Spider Queen takes priority.

>> No.12536825

>tfw she thinks your stupid for trying to woo her with a song from Bayonetta
>tfw you realize she's never heard of Frank Sinatra

>tfw she responds by singing it with you
>tfw she kisses you on the nose on the pause between "In other words," and "I love you."

>> No.12536828
File: 61 KB, 432x450, 5a09c8caab0b7984a6e463aafe776e38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking Amaterasu
Enjoy your fleas

>> No.12536829

>tfw you realize she's never heard of Frank Sinatra
I doubt MGs have the same shit taste as human women.

>> No.12536832
File: 291 KB, 400x567, 1407617074865.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536844


That's not the only thing about her that's a sausage, anon.

>> No.12536834


Break into her home as she's having dinner, run around jerking off and cumming all over the place while screaming, "MINE NOW!!!"

>> No.12536835
File: 1.31 MB, 1210x1400, 1410166936712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you a dragon woman?

>> No.12536836
Quoted by: >>12536846

I'm positive. After all, it's a ruff topic to talk about.

>> No.12536838

only if she princess carries me

>> No.12536839

What kind of stupid question is that, Anon?
Of course I would!

>> No.12536843

dis gay

>> No.12536844
File: 338 KB, 724x1024, e176afbd015027cc68b70a0b1c803363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While these puns are still fun-on-the-bun, that was just awful.

Does an Ushi Oni rape people in the woods?

>> No.12536846

Yeah, it might turn into a real dog day afternoon.

>> No.12536850

would you like the actual shinto story on that? or the one from the game? sadly that amatsuratsu (the fox) is not the correct one) the actual fox goddess is named Inari

>> No.12536852
File: 43 KB, 500x375, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she kisses you on the nose on the pause between "In other words," and "I love you."

Anon, I...

>> No.12536853
Quoted by: >>12536859

Let's do one better. Let's have all the Okami bosses as monstergirls.
>Yami leads the faction
>Orochi is Yami's right hand girl
>Lechku and Nechku are Yami's advisors
>Spider Queen
>Crimson Helm
We can even make them an evil counterpart to our version of the Sunbros by making their shock troops Darkwraiths.
It's late, so sorry if this idea is shit.

>> No.12536854

Sir please I don't want to have to detain you, come by after work, I need something to get through the daily terrorist attacks.

>> No.12536855
Quoted by: >>12536877

>incoming threesomes with bosscore and waifu


>> No.12536857
File: 449 KB, 792x1000, d2f0fc5fff9cf6bf0b7a5ff9f7eea180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536859

Walk without rhythm, and it won't attract the worm.

>> No.12536859

There's nothing stupid about your idea. Darkwraith girls when?
But sir, we have wormsign! She could hear your hear going dokidoki!

>> No.12536862
File: 536 KB, 3300x2100, 1411879854374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuri dragons?

>> No.12536861
Quoted by: >>12538429

>"It's all over now honey. You deserve rest, for all you been through."
>You stand before the two women, bewildered, mind spinning twice as hard to compensate for the remnants of the drugs within your body
>The manticore who dangled the gilded carrot before you, debased and humiliated you as you searched so a better lively-hood
>The waifu who gave you to another woman like a pawn, too stupid to defend itself. Who kept you out of the loop, who claimed to be able to share anything with you
>And the waifu you cheated on.
>Sure, it was all a ploy, but you didn't know that. You went ahead and betrayed her any way.
>You don't deserve her
>She doesn't deserve you
>Your head spins, part withdrawal, par swirling misery, the past few weeks of sickly worry finally catching up to you
>"Honey, are you okay, you look kind of faint..."
>I... no. No I'm not okay. I am not okay at all, and I can't stand being here anymore. I cheated on you. Looking at you makes me sick with myself and I may be a piece of shit, but I'm not the kind of man who can pretend that everything is okay.
>I... I think I need to leave. For a while at least.
>You stumble through the door leading outside and wince against the blare of sirens and lights
>I need to get out of this place. Just for a while.

>> No.12536863
Quoted by: >>12537020

She's a wolf anon.
And I know that's not the real mythology. Okami is what we base our Amaterasu on in these threads though. Easier to make her a monstergirl.

>> No.12536864

Amaterasu is a wolf not a fox did you not play the game

>> No.12536868
Quoted by: >>12536872

Oh. I guess I really am just a possession to her. It's fine, I love it anyway.

>> No.12536872
Quoted by: >>12536878

You act like she isn't going to drag you into the middle of that.
Dragon threesome anon, are you prepared?

>> No.12536873
File: 222 KB, 1000x1000, 1410218090844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537907

>she kisses you on the nose on the pause between "In other words," and "I love you."

I wish that would happen.

>> No.12536877


You should definitely do >>12536808 >>12536855 sometime.

>> No.12536878

Nothing can prepare me for it, but that won't save me.
>waifu mounts me, her friend sits on my face
>they switch after every orgasm they get
Good End.

>> No.12536879

was never able to get it, ps master race here, was more interested in what you call jrpgs

>> No.12536880
File: 442 KB, 500x220, Excellent thumbs up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks again for this wonderful ride. You're an alright guy.

>> No.12536883


>> No.12536886
File: 685 KB, 800x1162, ada8a2012ab479d2e9d62090688a5d61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the Fist of the Northern Star.

>> No.12536888
File: 624 KB, 1536x2048, 1408926971927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moar dragon women

>> No.12536890
File: 366 KB, 750x1500, Esdragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536899


>> No.12536891

You sure you posted in the right thread?

>> No.12536897
File: 801 KB, 1200x1440, Dragonnewt Princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to really like that girl from PnD.

>> No.12536899
Quoted by: >>12536907

If only Esdese weren't evil, I could justify wanting her to use me as a footstool.

>> No.12536902
File: 83 KB, 479x850, 1411959938484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536913

>> No.12536907
File: 113 KB, 1060x798, 1402368227102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536911

She's not evil anon, she just needs to be given the D with the fury of a million exploding suns.

>> No.12536909

naw i like her charater design , least im honest, i like different types of MGs, and not devoted to 1 kind

>> No.12536911
Quoted by: >>12536928

She needs to join Night Raid, so Tatsumi can justify giving her the D.

>> No.12536912

you would tap that??

>> No.12536913

Is that a genie?
That looks like a genie.

>> No.12536914
File: 574 KB, 912x1289, Good luck getting those Skypiercers!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536930

>> No.12536918
File: 700 KB, 992x1402, 1364876888586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a smexy fox woman in a swimsuit

"Anon!, What do you think of my new swimsuit?"

>> No.12536924

Chen would look better in one

>> No.12536927 [SPOILER] 
File: 355 KB, 800x600, 1411973936996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

problem with dating a fox woman

#1 they are always hungry

>> No.12536928
File: 478 KB, 845x774, 1400411366402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536933

She needs to lead her superduper loyal army into rebellion and then demand Tatsufag's love in return.
Have a smexy fox woman slightly tipsy.

>> No.12536930
Quoted by: >>12536932

>Monster Musume Hunter
This is the game we need, but not the one we deserve.

>> No.12536931
Quoted by: >>12537613


Tried searching fullmoon doujin and such, and reverse image search

Unsure where this is from but I have seen it before

>> No.12536932
File: 440 KB, 759x1074, 7bfd4cf72029bba968aa5ec71210b4f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536940

>Take your Greatsword and tear me up, Hunter~

>> No.12536933
Quoted by: >>12536940

This sounds so much better than what they've been doing with the series.
Seriously. How am I supposed to be invested in a show where they kill off all of the good characters with all of the shit characters?
And then the good characters that are still alive either have shit taste, or make shit decisions.

>> No.12536940

D-don't sexualize combat! But seriously, a game about hunting Monster Girls, then domesticating (that is, subduing) and maybe selling them would be kind of neat.
AgK is really a mess, especially is Tatsufag is seriously going to end up with the shitty tsundere. Alas.

>> No.12536945
File: 683 KB, 800x1121, Lago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not a game about fighting, capturing, and raising monster girls to fight other, more powerful monster girls?

>You lost to me?
>What a pathetic scrub!

>> No.12536949 [SPOILER] 
File: 129 KB, 600x900, 1411974543811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, anon, i think i may have cast that spell wrong, wanna help me here?

>> No.12536950
Quoted by: >>12536954

Last comment, but:
AgK would be that much better if 80% of the villains switched sides and allied with the rebel scum.

>> No.12536951
File: 115 KB, 268x461, 1287116352244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My hips are moving on their own!

>> No.12536952
File: 42 KB, 478x904, 1242027905174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have some more oc

>> No.12536954
Quoted by: >>12536957

Maybe, maybe indeed. Very much.
>you get raped when you lose
>they probably let you go anyway
Everything looks fine to me, just keep her fed and watered.
Correction: AgK would be much better if the Jaegers were the protagonists.

>> No.12536955

Paladins will help you

>> No.12536957
Quoted by: >>12536961

>AgK would be much better if the Jaegers were the protagonists.
If they were the protagonists who sided with Night Raid, yes.

>> No.12536961
Quoted by: >>12536970

>N-no! I'm a Hunter, why does it feel so good~?
Fuck Night Raid, they're just pawns to the Western Kingdom's imperialism.

>> No.12536965
File: 224 KB, 1233x1418, Atlantic Booty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Plesioth.

>> No.12536967
Quoted by: >>12536969

Didn't know /mgg/ moved to /jp/. It's been a while. Did something happened over at /a/?

1.) N. Doesn't matter if she's stronger or weaker.
2.) N. Anything from DFC to reasonably big is fine with me.
3.) Isaac from Golden Sun
4.) Equal and/or Switch
5.) No. I can handle myself, though it doesn't hurt to have a little help.
6.) Hell, I haven't even finished the first MGQ.
7.) It's all good, though if there was a gun to my head, I'd say human skin.
8.) I'm cool with whatever.
9.) Y
10.) Neutral. I'd probably lean paladin if they weren't such dicks. For now, let's just try to get along.

>> No.12536969
Quoted by: >>12536982

Must. Overcome. Challenge.
>did something happened
Don't ask. We're here, and as far as you need to know, we've always been here. All is well.

>> No.12536970
Quoted by: >>12536983

Is that really the case? Or are you spreading propaganda again?

Assess the situation. Ask her if she plans on eating your soul after the imminent hot sex that is going to ensue.

Demons can't lie, anon. Especially not to their masters.

>> No.12536973
Quoted by: >>12536982

At least in 3U you could jump in after the fucker

"Lol you killed plesioth in the water, you don't get to cave it"

>> No.12536979 [SPOILER] 
File: 200 KB, 777x1000, 1411975054638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536987

is this too lewd??
ill tag it as NSFW to be on the safe side, since the nice pic of hathor has the same ;lvl offlewdness

the should horns kinda ruin it for me

>> No.12536982
File: 2.05 MB, 1800x2500, TADAIMA!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12536987

You man enough to beat it? Better have her friend join in.

God that was infuriating.

>> No.12536983
File: 252 KB, 1120x1600, 1402565760903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When have I ever spread propaganda? You know the Western Kingdom wants the territory they once lost to the Empire, and they're supporting the rebels to weaken the Empire so they can get that land. Why are we talking about AgK again? Though it IS Monster Girl related...

>> No.12536986
File: 180 KB, 1016x935, edf78acb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537007


Huh, never saw that picture from Excess M before. Neat.

>> No.12536987
Quoted by: >>12536993

>exposed breasts
*GASP* Oh no! The children browsing this board will surely become drug addicts and terrorists now!
>man enough to beat it
No, but I can still beat to it.

>> No.12536990

Stop image dump pls
Or at least delete them
We have like 1.5 day until this thread perishes

>> No.12536993
File: 474 KB, 900x1200, Deviljho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can still beat to it
Get a load of this guy.

>muh image posting limit

>> No.12536992
Quoted by: >>12537028

>don't post images, or we won't be able to post images!
That's just silly. What difference is there in not being able to post images later and not being allowed to do so now?

>> No.12536994
File: 195 KB, 800x1600, 9665a43bdc350a492da5d7debb9bfce9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loli-Oni does Anal
Looks like it's another Loli-Oni short.

>> No.12536996
Quoted by: >>12537003

Oh no, not her again! She's a monster!

>> No.12536997

image board

don't post images


>> No.12537002

isn't that a touhoe??

>> No.12537003
Quoted by: >>12537009

>She's a monster!
Oh, you!

>> No.12537007
File: 57 KB, 540x900, Hey kid, I like you , and I want you. You can run, scream, and fight back all you want, but I'm going to get your booty..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing what you find when you stumble blindly through Gelbooru.

>> No.12537009

It wasn't as horrifying as I feared. She's still scary.
>that tail
The power to break your world, and everything in it.

>> No.12537013
Quoted by: >>12537017

Dragons are bestness incarnate.

>> No.12537016
Quoted by: >>12537052


>> No.12537017
File: 100 KB, 828x576, Basa lewd mining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537024

Of course they are.

>> No.12537020

easier to make a wolf girl into a monster girl instead of a fox woman ...


pretend there is an amusing wut.jpg attached
since we dont wanna post pics on an image board

>> No.12537024
Quoted by: >>12537027

>I just want to coil up and turn to Dragonite!

>> No.12537026
Quoted by: >>12537034

haven been to a booru in ages
last time i went to one it was like wading through 12 pages of crap to find 1 decent image worth saving

>> No.12537027
File: 69 KB, 600x600, Pecko wiggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I summoned another monster!
>Are you frustrated?!
>Better wiggle my ass to be more infuriating!

>> No.12537028

Wasting places for drawfags to post. If .less weren't the most active now/

>> No.12537031

Vidya thunderbird sequel when? You promised, anon.

>> No.12537033
File: 1.01 MB, 862x1200, 1399759037094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a Hrist Valkyrie?

>> No.12537034
File: 157 KB, 1395x570, Cephalos and three other girls not worth naming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I continually wade through shit to find worthwhile images.
It's tiresome, but I find a lot of things.

>> No.12537035

>>12536952 >>12536949

looks like a drawfag to me

>> No.12537038
Quoted by: >>12537045

>Dat crystal scorpion
Fuck you, MHF

>> No.12537040
File: 156 KB, 750x1000, Hrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537044

I would.

>> No.12537042
Quoted by: >>12537050

finding new images of Extra species gurls

Keep up the good work anon bro dood

>> No.12537044 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>12537047

is that the most feared and dangerous of all women

a hooman?


>> No.12537045
File: 614 KB, 1024x1500, Black Wyvern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we'll make numerous monsters, weapons, armors, and have countless hours of gameplay!

>> No.12537046
File: 428 KB, 867x1227, 1399417683357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Don't play dumb with me, I've seen you eye-fucking my fluffy tails."
>"I know you want them. That expression on your face betrays you."
>"But first, I want to see you beg for it..."

>> No.12537047


Get out.

>> No.12537049

Ran , being a Dom...

Yukari let her drink again?

>> No.12537050
File: 465 KB, 688x1000, Tio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537055

>extra species girls

>> No.12537052

because yandere a best

>> No.12537055

Extra species gurls is the term used for Monster girls in the Monster musume manga

>> No.12537056
File: 136 KB, 599x600, 599px-040BAiJRYukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! Bad foxy! Bad!

>> No.12537060
File: 113 KB, 787x690, Brachy and Agy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I remember. Been a while since I saw that phrase.

>> No.12537061
Quoted by: >>12537068

You the guy who recolored valkyrie?

>> No.12537062

I'd her navel so hard.

>> No.12537064
File: 93 KB, 850x1064, 1400452819705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's a politcally correct term, since calling them monsters might not be nice.

It might hurt their feelings.

>> No.12537067
File: 563 KB, 1000x1000, Jenna Moron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537077

>hurt their feelings
They're strong girls.

>> No.12537068

Nope. I didn't even recolor the image in my post. Bromont did.

>> No.12537071

He did? He did something that wasn't AA2 related? Is he a big fan is Hrist?

>> No.12537072

>Bromont did
Why is Bromont such a bro?
Anyway, I want him to recolor a monster girl for me.

>> No.12537077
Quoted by: >>12537081

For you.

>> No.12537079

>It might hurt their feelings.
I want to bully a monster girl by calling her a monster.

>> No.12537081
File: 159 KB, 600x839, Ceadeus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For everyone.

>> No.12537083
Quoted by: >>12537088

What manner of hell-spawned terror has crossed my path this day?

>> No.12537085
Quoted by: >>12537087

Is Dating Service anon still around?
I-it's okay if he has other things to do, I was just curious.

>> No.12537086
Quoted by: >>12537094

I hate this guy's shit

Most of the time you have no idea what they're supposed to be because they're somehow a step below cosplay tier

>> No.12537087

I think he's asleep. And there's a big line buddy.

>> No.12537088
File: 886 KB, 1269x1200, Fatalis 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537093

Just your average MH MGs.

>> No.12537091
Quoted by: >>12537095

>Heart pupils
Somebody is about to get raped.

>> No.12537093
File: 416 KB, 600x781, 1453787864734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right. Thought I recognized them.

Here, hold my favorite.

>> No.12537094
File: 743 KB, 1000x1011, Los.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't bother me.

>And now I'll fly around the area for 20 minutes!
>Good thing you wasted those Flashbombs!

I like a girl with scars.

>> No.12537095
Quoted by: >>12537098

>implying a mousey girl like her could rape anyone
She's the one that gonna get raped.

>> No.12537096
Quoted by: >>12537102

>Teostra is in MH4
>Lunastra isn't
What is this goddamn fucking bullshit fuck?

>> No.12537099
File: 1.27 MB, 2250x2700, 1282489860600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/mgg/ finally starts talking about Monster Hunter Girls

>> No.12537098

The thing that you don't see is her hundreds of mouse sisters and friends that will aid in said rape.

>> No.12537102
File: 136 KB, 877x620, Lavasioth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get me started on that.

Lunastra a best.

>> No.12537108
File: 161 KB, 699x802, Fatalis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537114

You sound as though you were waiting for a long time.

>> No.12537112
Quoted by: >>12537115

Second row, second from the left.

Best girl.

>> No.12537114
Quoted by: >>12537116

I was. At least to post that image and have it be relevant.

>> No.12537115
Quoted by: >>12537121

>Pink Rathian
>better than Gold

>> No.12537116
File: 414 KB, 1600x1200, Too many to name.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537128

This is probably the third time I've seen us talk about MH though.

>> No.12537118
Quoted by: >>12537120

I never played any Monster Hunter games, how would they function with our kind of Monsters in them?

>> No.12537120
File: 336 KB, 1280x800, Narga tailless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537122

>how would they function
Similar in execution, but with a different aesthetic. Maybe being able to keep monsters you catch.

>> No.12537121
File: 795 KB, 1400x1400, 01558581f71652bfe67d8a60d5bd3377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537129

Implying implications.

>> No.12537122
Quoted by: >>12537129

>similar in execution
I just said I never played any, that tells me nothing.

>> No.12537126
File: 358 KB, 903x1280, 1401435004410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12537128
Quoted by: >>12537133

Must keep missing the threads, then.

>> No.12537129
File: 343 KB, 800x800, Barrioth 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537139

Watch a few videos of gameplay, or buy one of the games yourself and spend 500+ hours of your life on it.

Even the regular Rathian is better than Pink.

>> No.12537133

I'm not always here, so it can't be helped.

>> No.12537134

Those aren't monster girls, anon.

>> No.12537137
File: 132 KB, 1169x827, Rajang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12537139
Quoted by: >>12537140

>500+ hours
Okay, that sounds promising, which do I get?

>> No.12537140
File: 747 KB, 1240x1753, Ala Drills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a PSP? Or a 3DS/WIIU?

>> No.12537141

Monster to girl ratio is all fucked up

Literally spooked my guts out looking at that

>> No.12537142

Does inviting them over to watch a movie work?

>> No.12537144

You could also play it on Vita

>> No.12537145


Dangerously cheesy. But still cute.

>> No.12537147

Tio and Zombina-san using the "Fastball Special"

>> No.12537149
File: 339 KB, 1500x1060, Amatsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537154

But you don't build character from playing it on the PSP and figuring out how to play properly.

>> No.12537150
Quoted by: >>12538404

>1897, London
>you are a businessman rising through the ranks of your firm
>have a pretty minotaur fiancé
>you are instructed to take over Countess Dracula's account
>the previous administrator, Renfield, has gone mad
>you travel to Dracula's castle in the Carpathians
>you were expecting the Countess to be an ancient old woman, but she doesn't look a day over 30
>the Scarlet dress she's wearing hugs her curves, accentuating them
>after dinnwr she leads you to your room, giving you a lewd wink before closing the door
>later that night, you awake to beautiful song, starting slowly and picking up the pace
>you follow the song to just outside an ancient chamber, hearing woman sing

>> No.12537153
File: 550 KB, 700x640, eb5d466abb0054cdc8e48c2d0ba65861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People actually own Vitas?

>> No.12537154
Quoted by: >>12537155


>> No.12537155
Quoted by: >>12537160

You don't know about the controls from the PSP MH games? I guess you are extremely new...

>> No.12537156

They are rather good

>> No.12537157

>Not owning the P4G/DanglingGrandpas Emulator
Jokes on you, I can play Monster Monpiece. What can you do?

>> No.12537160
Quoted by: >>12537167

I've never played a MH game

>> No.12537162
File: 101 KB, 524x731, Those fucking crabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537168

>Monster Monpiece
Only thing I'd bother buying a Vita for.

>> No.12537164
File: 307 KB, 600x800, THAT AIN'T FALCO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Play Smash Bros.

>> No.12537167
Quoted by: >>12537173

Basically, for the PSP games, you control the camera with the Dpad, and move the character with the the Joystick. Now let that sink in for a minute.

>> No.12537168
Quoted by: >>12537171

Good point.
I can count on my hand the number of Vita games I've owned since I bought one.

>> No.12537171
File: 1.17 MB, 1800x1600, I still hate Plesioth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537174

Vita isn't really worth it. Unless you want to jack off your Vita for monster tits, but that's a different story.

>> No.12537172

None of the above. That was that then.

>> No.12537173
Quoted by: >>12537175

So why would you recommend that to anyone

>> No.12537174
Quoted by: >>12537177

>Vita isn't really worth it.
B-But on my Vita, I can level up Izanagi so he doesn't suck.
Y-Yeah! Bet you can't do that on your Jurassic-age PS2, huh?

>> No.12537175
File: 600 KB, 1091x1400, Brachy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you own a regular Wii?

Because despite that, MHFU for the PSP has enormous amounts of content and fun packed into it, even if a Rathalos in rage mode is hell on two feet. If you can solo FU by yourself, you can take on any of the other games.

>> No.12537177
Quoted by: >>12537182

Good for you.

>> No.12537179
File: 452 KB, 850x1063, 1411008649554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I said I LIKE being alone, I didn't say I'd RATHER be alone

"Oh? Oh. I must not have heard you right," you tell her
"Buuut, then again, you know me~. I'm so indecisive about these things, that I can't tell what's what."
>You turn to her with a cat-like smile and ask her,
"So, what was it you were saying about going with you again?"
>She averts her eyes from your curious gaze, her face getting redder and her lips curling into a repressed smile
>Eventually, she lets out a slight groan as she says, "Do I really have to spell it out for you?"
>You give a big nod to her with the goofiest smile you can muster
>"Fine," she says. "I...I would like you to come with me."
>With your question answered, you grab her by the arms and swing her around in glee before pulling her in for a hug
"Ahaha! Wonderful. I was starting to think you hated me for a moment. Come on. Let's be off then."
>You grab her arm and lead her towards you destination
>Despite her visibly annoyed expression, you were able to notice the snakes in her hair flailing with joy as you briefly hugged her
>You could tell she is making progress

>> No.12537182
Quoted by: >>12537185

>Good for you
That's really all you can say about something like that, though. The Vita is not well-built.

>> No.12537185

It's pretty half-baked.

>> No.12537186

>she then proceeds to shoot fireballs at your dick while shouting extremely loudily

>> No.12537202
File: 122 KB, 1335x702, damnit....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suddenly remember that there's going to be a monstergirl-based card game coming out.
>Someone from these threads is probably going to go light up everyone else's asses at tournaments.
>They'll become the pseudo-face/representative/ambassador/etc of people who like monstergirls.

>> No.12537205
File: 1.24 MB, 1400x1400, Kushala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you own a PS3, then you could try the HD version of a PSP MH title. Though it's not in english, or sale outside of Japan.

>> No.12537207
Quoted by: >>12537213

Like I said, that's that.

>> No.12537209

The what?

>> No.12537211

They could be tall, well built and charming

>> No.12537213
File: 461 KB, 588x1000, Teostra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully it won't be THAT bad.

You COULD get a PSP.

>> No.12537214
Quoted by: >>12537232

Danganronpa, presumably

>> No.12537215

>implying there is going to be tournament

>> No.12537216
Quoted by: >>12537232


DanganRonpa, most likely

>> No.12537218
Quoted by: >>12537232

Danganronpa, yes.

>> No.12537232

Isn't that an overly anime game?

>> No.12537236
Quoted by: >>12537240

Haven't played it enough to know.
I haven't even played past the opening sequence since I bought it last winter.

I really need to play my Vita games.

>> No.12537239

What do you mean by "overly anime"?

>> No.12537240
File: 1.02 MB, 2192x1600, Naruga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537242

Don't bother. It's awful.

>> No.12537241
Quoted by: >>12537246

>buying games
Just pirate them, goy

>> No.12537242

Is it reaaly, though?
Please tell me it's not so I don't feel like I wasted $40.

>> No.12537243

Some people say it's shit, other it's great
Go play it yourself

>> No.12537245
File: 701 KB, 916x1486, beargirl barbarian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Accent do you want your Monster girl waifu to have?

>> No.12537246
File: 86 KB, 606x652, Brachy 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could do that too.

Play it and see for yourself.

>> No.12537247
File: 102 KB, 960x1280, 110gf4g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is a well-built tall white cleanly dressed Christian male
>Gets asked on camera what makes a great Monster Girl
>Thinks this over, and finally says
>"Perhaps the best Monster Girl, is one who is the healthiest, and loves her husband. Farewell, and Remove Pharaoh."
>YFW these threads were well represented

>> No.12537251
File: 474 KB, 577x724, 1403710335249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Cajun be feasible?
Or at least Southern Belle?

>> No.12537254

Haven't you heard the good news? Sex isn't actually evil!
None, I want to speak in her native language.

>> No.12537257
Quoted by: >>12537269

>beargirl barbarian
>not barbearian

>> No.12537260

A sweet Scottish accent

>> No.12537264
File: 1.09 MB, 850x1062, 01c08068861ca16a68c185601414b8c7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537587



>> No.12537266

>liking spawns of a devil literally called demonlord
What a shitty christian

>> No.12537268

As long as it isn't some super succubi hating paladin autist..

>> No.12537269
Quoted by: >>12537276

I cant Bear Your puns.

>> No.12537272
File: 49 KB, 182x199, 1409007747226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537276


>> No.12537275
Quoted by: >>12537278

>being teenagers

>> No.12537276
File: 93 KB, 307x600, Dark Priestess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537279

You just got the ursus to make puns again, didn't you?
You need some preaching to too, Lizard.

>> No.12537278
Quoted by: >>12537280

>only teenagers think sex isn't evil and impure
You lost me.

>> No.12537279
Quoted by: >>12537284

I see DPs as the Mormons of he MG world.

>> No.12537280
Quoted by: >>12537284

Only teenagers think that about Christians

>> No.12537284

Josefina Smith was called a prophet dumb-dumb-dumb-dumb~
Ouch, burn. What a compelling argument. Now stop being an ass.

>> No.12537287
Quoted by: >>12537290

>Kung-fu Mormon Dark Priest walks onto a porno set
>later becomes a superhero themed pornstar

>> No.12537290
Quoted by: >>12537297

>Her sidekick is an Alp called Shota Boy
This could work.

>> No.12537294

So I'm just about done with the prologue to the scifi vanilla buddy story I was supposed to post Saturday. It's not very funny though. I don't know if you guys will like it.

Should I post it on here when it's done or a pastebin or are you guys busy?

>> No.12537295

>Ouch, burn. What a compelling argument. Now stop being an ass.
You're writing style is very similar of a teenagers.

I understand you're going through your edgy "Le fuck christians XD" phase, and that's fine. You're young and confused with your spiritual, sexual, and political beliefs. You're young and exploring your beliefs, that's OK.

Just please don't be young and confused in this thread. Go to reddit, go to tumblr, go to the rest of 4chan, go to anywhere but here.

>> No.12537297

>later fights a lard ass man named Rex
>"Fudge me! Fudge me NAW!"

You can post it here if you want. By the way, did you do that one Valkyrie recolor?

>> No.12537298

Isn't it more convenient to put it up in a pastebin?
Oh, and I was told yesterday you've been working on a VN on your own, is there something to this rumor?
See, this is what I meant when I said not to be an ass. You're being one right now.
>I don't want to sound like a dyke or nothing...

>> No.12537299
Quoted by: >>12537302

So what are you doing in this thread?
I'm pretty sure fucking a literal demon is like 1st taboo in Christianity .

>> No.12537300
Quoted by: >>12537301

>And one more for the Darklord

>> No.12537301
Quoted by: >>12537304

>DVDA is now DUDA
If you know what I mean.

>> No.12537302
Quoted by: >>12537308

>Tells others not to be an ass
>Whole situation would've been avoid if said poster hadn't been an ass in the first place

>Implying I am
I just think /r/atheism should stay in /r/atheism

>> No.12537304
Quoted by: >>12537308

No I don't. Wouldn't DVDA girl be the same?

>> No.12537305

Pastebin would be more convenient than saving a 3000 post thread for maybe 5 posts of story. But yeah, I'd definitely love to read it.

>> No.12537307
Quoted by: >>12537315

With Bromont, this might turn into a 8000 post thread. Well, it would if he had half of the followers he used to have...

>> No.12537308

I made a joke about Christian beliefs in relation to commonly held Monster Girl beliefs. YOU started calling me a teenager. I didn't mention atheism at any point. YOU are being an ass. Please stop it.
No, it would be a human male, Double Urethral Double Anal. Be disturbed.

>> No.12537311

>Be disturbed
Reminds me of that on porno involving a guy taking a dildo in his urethra.

>> No.12537313
Quoted by: >>12537325

...I was thinking like, a Slime Girl or something with small tentacles doing it, not... that. That's horrible.

>> No.12537315

The Hrist one? Yeah.

It is, though it'd be cutting down on the involvement factor. But the story is kind of long, I'm not certain what the best approach would be.

And yes, I've been working on the same VN for years. There something you wish to know about it?

That's two for pastebin, maybe I should just upload it on there anyway regardless of whether or not I post it in thread.

Don't be ridiculous, I was never that popular.

>> No.12537316
File: 2.74 MB, 500x333, 1409587267697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537325

> guy taking a dildo in his urethra.

>> No.12537318
Quoted by: >>12537361

>something you wish to know about it
Well, the first question that comes to mind is what's it about?

>> No.12537319
Quoted by: >>12537328

I actually didn't make that post, but I fully agree with the poster. Your post was something that'd come from reddit. Keep it there.

>> No.12537321

I'll tell you what you can do:
Recolor Apophis so she's delicious brown with white sclera.
Or Pharaoh so she's corrupted pale or purple.

>> No.12537322
Quoted by: >>12537361

So what made you do it? Does Hrist give you a mega boner, or do you just like Valkyrie Chronicles?

>> No.12537323
Quoted by: >>12537329

Is licking a slime girl considered soft vore?

>> No.12537325

Yeah, you can still see it on google.

>> No.12537328
File: 353 KB, 491x800, 1411076849396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haven't you heard the good news? Sex isn't actually evil!
That sounds like something a Dark Priestess would say.
If that's not up to your posting standards, then sorry.

>> No.12537329

as long as you don't drink her its not

>> No.12537335
File: 519 KB, 706x796, Look what has been done.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you like seeing your waifu wear?

>> No.12537337

>Don't be ridiculous, I was never that popular.
I don't know, it sure felt like it during the early days of BS.

>> No.12537338
File: 97 KB, 622x971, Slap this on a Dragon and you've got the idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loose dresses.

>> No.12537343
File: 1.24 MB, 1388x2000, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The garb of her people

>> No.12537346

>two rings
If only they were on the right finger, she's be a confirmed widow.

>> No.12537350
Quoted by: >>12537353

What's the point of that overly long skirt, and that shawl?

>> No.12537353

When she's dancing, it will flutter seductively.

>> No.12537354

Yes indeed. Complete with dancer's sash to make her look elegant as fuck.
That or fashionable clothing like what Miia wears.

>> No.12537355

Esdese a shit

>> No.12537356
Quoted by: >>12537357

Didn't Less draw a dragon in a loose dress?

>> No.12537357
Quoted by: >>12537365

Enjoy your shitty tsundere then.
Pics please.

>> No.12537359

Akame ga shit.
We had this discussion some hour ago.

>> No.12537361

Brief summary.

Delinquent boy who is afraid of the dark escapes false monster girl-less utopia in search of his lizardwoman mother with his newly acquired fairy pal and conquer his fear of the unknown with adventure, enters wild bizarre landscape.

Player chooses to either take the easy path, hard path, or the radical path. Paths contain three different sections.

Paths intercept ensuring replay value. Player meets three different monster girls depending on choices pertaining to path work. Depending on when and how they meet, the story will change with monster girl.

Once the player makes it to the City of Madness where all points converge and he's reunited with his MILF lizardman mother and her MILF harpy friend, time skip.

Teenage years, choices during boyhood transfer over. Points collected with childhood friend monster girls transfer over and you spend your time going through shenanigans and such with these monster girls during a school period called "Funksteady".

After whatever plot or drama you go through, you'll be narrowed down to a single monster girl. This will be the monster girl you marry.

Timeskip, you're raising your monster daughter. Cue good times, drama, reminiscing, and teaching your monster daughter with your monster wife (if she's still alive).

I'll give it a shot, if you want.

Lezard is my favorite character. But yeah, the Valkyries give me a boner the likes of which Valhalla would admire. Hrist especially.

>> No.12537362


Mein pls go and stay go

>> No.12537365
File: 727 KB, 932x1200, MG38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537372

Check his imgur?
I have it, but it keeps migrating through my constantly swelling size of MG pics.

>> No.12537371
File: 700 KB, 1100x1600, 0199eac4b133d9c1d16cb38ef4be4f02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537382

Your VN changed once again, though that's to be expected. Good taste on Hrist, by the way.

He is? Why?

>> No.12537372
File: 599 KB, 3000x5000, z7hKbPU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brief summary
Sounds ambitious and impossible. How's it coming along?
Thar she blows?

>> No.12537374
Quoted by: >>12537379

That's a Griffon.

>> No.12537379
Quoted by: >>12537384

Then I'm either blind or there wasn't one.

>> No.12537382

No, I've stayed pretty consistent the last year or so with it.

Lezard is basically a waifufag that gets his wish. That and he's voice by Liam O'brian.

Actually, it's coming along very well. I've just got no art resources without a scanner anymore and it has stunted development something frustrating though.

Also here: http://pastebin.com/hw1wAtZM

Scifi story.

>> No.12537384
File: 638 KB, 2500x3500, Dragon Dildos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12537386

>coming along very well
So how long will it be? A story spanning an entire lifetime doesn't sound like it can be handled in less than 30 hours.
That is horribly lewd, and I don't know why I missed it. Thanks.

>> No.12537388
File: 64 KB, 1280x307, Memories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537402

But I remember how it was going to be when you were still doing the violet threads. Talking about sections of the game where you play a shota, then a teen, and then an adult.

>> No.12537392
Quoted by: >>12537395

>waifufag that gets his wish
I guess.

>Liam O'brian
I'd say that's the main reason.

I'd say you're going blind from masturbating too much.

>> No.12537395
Quoted by: >>12537398

>masturbating too much
Twice a day barely meets the requirements for regular maintenance of the male body, anon.

>> No.12537397

>scifi story
And I've been lamenting the lack of these.

>> No.12537398

Come back when you can fap at least 12.

>> No.12537400
File: 300 KB, 600x1146, 1405926976687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 times a day
Ara ara~

>> No.12537402

Right now, it's about as long as Heaven's Feel.

That is, there's years worth of stuff written that probably needs to be edited out. So I really can't say until it's done.

That hasn't changed at all.

>> No.12537405
File: 476 KB, 717x850, monster girl dracosa dynamic entry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537407

Well, I of course prefer to see Draco in nothing at all but whatever she feels most comfortable in is fine by me

>> No.12537407
Quoted by: >>12537412

So it's still roughly the same, just now has more thought and such put into it?

>liking Draco
Raidenfag, get out.

>> No.12537410

>Heaven's Feel.
Shit, isn't it like 10 hours?

>> No.12537411

>Heaven's Feel
So will it be a roller coaster of fun times and fist fighting?

>> No.12537412
Quoted by: >>12537414

Kek, you know me so well

>> No.12537414

This place is for people who like Big Boss, Solid Snake, and everyone who isn't Raiden and Rose.

>> No.12537416
Quoted by: >>12537420

I hear you, Rose couldn't even cook, the Colonel had to eat fucking military rations.

>> No.12537417

By the way, are you still homeless?

>> No.12537420
Quoted by: >>12537422

>military rations
What is she, Miia?

12 isn't much, though.

>> No.12537422
File: 156 KB, 850x1169, 1409223554639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 isn't much thought
Not for a young stud like you, certainly. Wanna try for a new record?

>> No.12537424

>new record
I know I don't have i in me to beat 24.

>> No.12537425

What a quickshot~

>> No.12537426
File: 442 KB, 850x1592, 1393420643519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one for every hour, eh? You can do better than that, riiiight~?

>> No.12537428
Quoted by: >>12537431

I would not let her suck my dick.

As for her, though...

>> No.12537429

No, I can't. At some point all pleasure becomes pain.

>> No.12537431
Quoted by: >>12537433

The jokes on you, I posted both. Now show us your manliness! Can you outdo all those guys from hentai? Can you outfuck a lion? Probably not.

>> No.12537432

I like all the characters

>> No.12537433

I can outdo the guys from hentai, but not a lion.

>> No.12537434
Quoted by: >>12537443

There's no such thing as pain, only pleasure that hurts.

>> No.12537435

I don't understand how masturbating that much in one day is even possible. The most I've ever been able to do it 3 maybe 4 times. What the fuck is up with you people?

>> No.12537440
Quoted by: >>12537451

>This is what casuals believe

Look at this 'man' and laugh

>> No.12537441

Where there's a will, there's a way. I can't do more than four in a row either, but if I applied myself, I could probably do around fifteen in a 24 hour period.

>> No.12537443

You've never fapped in excess, it seems.

My dick can keep going and going, like the Energizer Bunny, but it still has its limits.

>> No.12537444
Quoted by: >>12537448

Don't you die if you masturbate 24 times a day?

>> No.12537445

My personal best is like 10 times. I had a new hot as hell H-game and I just kept on going after each cumshot. If you're turned on enough, you can do it. Normally I only fap like once or twice per day.

>> No.12537446

>Can't masturbate more than 3-4 times a day
>Thinks other people are wrong and not him

>> No.12537449
File: 2.78 MB, 3000x3813, 1391941550607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's that hon? You don't want to anymore? Aww, that's cute! Squirm for me!
What game was it?

>> No.12537448
Quoted by: >>12537645

Says who?

>> No.12537451
Quoted by: >>12537456

Are you issuing a challenge?

>> No.12537452

>And then the conversation turned to how many times Anon can cum on a given day.

Guys, please...monster girls might be reading this...

>> No.12537453
Quoted by: >>12537456

Sealed Room Breed 2. It just got me going in all sorts of ways. You mindbreak a girl, and the scenes change depending on how broken she is, and you can unlock school swimsuit mode and glasses mode and bobcut mode and so on, so I just kept playing and fapping and it just got better and better.

>> No.12537454

Why would you taste a fedora?

>> No.12537455
Quoted by: >>12537459

They'd probably enjoy reading about men who can cum more than 5 times a day.

>> No.12537456
Quoted by: >>12537465

Yes, you Cockatrice!
Well duh! This way we can decide who gets proactively dated first. The one who comes in last is thrown to Yamata no Orochi.
Meh, not my thing.

>> No.12537459

>Anon who's never cum more than 3 times in a day brags about doing it 20 times easily on /mgg/ because 'muh epenis'
>Monster Girls stalking the thread are so impressed by this claim they track down his IP and kidnap him for a grand gangbang
How does it end?

>> No.12537460

With mindbreak and something about the boy who cried wolf.

>> No.12537463

this is true beauty

>> No.12537464

Anon feeds the lamia ball.

>> No.12537465
Quoted by: >>12537473

>Meh, not my thing.
I didn't actually like the totally mindbroken scenes all that much. It was really hot to see her gradually break, going from threatening the guy with a knife to reluctant, disgusted blowjobs to happily riding his cock. And then she went all drooling ahegao, which wasn't that hot, but I could just whip her unconscious and assrape her while she was out, and just let her take some showers between the 100 enemas I gave her next time.

>> No.12537466

With one big, happy family and the Anon becoming crippled.

>> No.12537469

>wurm who tries to track him down thinks anon's at her house because she keeps tracking

>> No.12537470

Anon gets his face stolen.

>> No.12537471

get the fuck you charon, not even rapist hobos deserve to listen to this kind of shit.

>> No.12537473
Quoted by: >>12537478

You're increasing the size of my Hyper Weapon, but I still resist the temptation. Seeing a girl horribly abused is not arousing... even when it totally is.

>> No.12537474

Anon, fashionably late to the party.

>> No.12537475
Quoted by: >>12537479

I want to trepanate Charon and fuck her in the brain. Imagine her puns getting stupider and foggier until she was just babbling and drooling and you shoot your cum deep into her mushed-up brain.

>> No.12537476
Quoted by: >>12537492


If Anons want to be able to spill their seed more often, it's just known you should go get an older monstergirl.

They have the experience to know how to coax it out.


>> No.12537478
Quoted by: >>12537480

You can do butt stuff with enemas and dildos to break her mind before even putting it in. My favorite run was where the megane girl in a swimsuit got assravaged until she was far enough gone to have loving vanilla first time sex in the missionary position with her captor.

>> No.12537479
Quoted by: >>12537482

Literally worse than Bulletholefucker-Anon.

>> No.12537480
Quoted by: >>12537484

Whelp, time to download it and try to break my record.

>> No.12537482

...Please continue...?

>> No.12537484

And once your mind is going, you can irrumate her with a ring gang on the first day, if you like. Just be sure to take her virginity when she's awake, there's no dialogue for the morning after.

>> No.12537485
Quoted by: >>12537487

Do I really have to?
Because I think you can infer what happens and how stupid it sounds from that.

>> No.12537487
Quoted by: >>12537490

Where' the hole? Is it in her guts or something?

>> No.12537489

It's boring to do things when they're not awake.

>> No.12537490

It was in her brain, or her leg, I believe.

>> No.12537491

I masturbate 3 or 4 times in just the morning before I get out of bed

>> No.12537492
File: 280 KB, 500x833, 1407492285254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mature but sexually frustrated Monster Girls are the bane of virile human boys.
This sounds so awful, and yet...

>> No.12537496
Quoted by: >>12537502

That's why lamiafags have to keep the house warm and cozy during the holidays.

>> No.12537498

I think my record was 16 or something when I was watching Bible Black for the first time

>> No.12537501
Quoted by: >>12537514

>watching Bible Black for the first time
That was so long ago, I don't even remember how I felt then. When will Empress remake it with Sei's current art style and an updated 50 hour story line?

>> No.12537502

Speaking of, .less needs to draw a lamia and her hubby cuddling on a couch by the fireplace.

>> No.12537505

You didn't specify what they're burning, now he's going to draw the burning corpse of someone in the fireplace.

>> No.12537506

I love drugged rape and necrophilia.
>watching her wake up after a night of unrestrained gang rape, cum dripping out of every orifice and coating every square inch of her skin

>> No.12537510
File: 650 KB, 1200x1200, 61b7ab4499f4457777a15022af615d63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537514

>Bible Black
I remember when I watched that for the first time as well.

Sexual cuddling, or the heart warming kind?

>> No.12537511

>I love drugged rape and necrophilia.
Well then.

>> No.12537512

Anon pls.

>> No.12537513
Quoted by: >>12537519

You're that necromancer kid from a few days ago, aren't you? The one that has to fuck in/animate corpses to get laid?

>> No.12537514
Quoted by: >>12537529

>Bible Black
Could Minase handle Monster Girls?

>> No.12537516
Quoted by: >>12537518

Do human mothers who rape their sons count as monsters?

>> No.12537518


>> No.12537519

Nope. No idea what you're talking about. I'd love to be a necromancer, though, so I could make zombies out of cute girls.

>> No.12537523
Quoted by: >>12537525

And this is why we have paladins.

>> No.12537524
Quoted by: >>12537530

Why not turn yourself into a Lich, and BECOME the cute girl?

>> No.12537525
Quoted by: >>12537534

>wake up to aftermath
Why not combine both of those?
>cute girl wakes up to find herself a cumstained zombie

>> No.12537529
Quoted by: >>12537534

But he was a huge faggot who NTRed both his childhood friend and yandere

>> No.12537530
Quoted by: >>12537536

I'd lose my dick, wouldn't I?

>> No.12537534
File: 142 KB, 622x880, 1396101387173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minase was awesome though, getting laid left and right and only occasionally being the bitch.

>> No.12537536
Quoted by: >>12537538

You could cut it off beforehand, and keep it in a jar, or attach it after the change.

>> No.12537538

>futa lich
Eww, why would you even think of that?

>> No.12537540

>Onii-chan, why did you kill me and cum in all my holes?

>> No.12537541
Quoted by: >>12537545

>only occasionally
He always was a douche

>> No.12537542
Quoted by: >>12537549

It's either that, or you deal with having a snatch.

>> No.12537544
Quoted by: >>12537545

C-can I turn my jizz poisonous or something? I want to be able to rape girls into zombies.

>> No.12537545

>always was a douche
When I said "the bitch" I meant during sex.
No, Undead dicks can't even get hard.

>> No.12537547

Unless there's magic involved. And Liches are very capable magicians.

>> No.12537549
Quoted by: >>12537560

why not both.jpg

>> No.12537552

>No, Undead dicks can't even get hard.
What the point, then? Might as well have a strapon. Make that a razor starpon or something, and the rapemurderzombification become trivial.

>> No.12537560

Because anon is too traumatized to accept that.

>> No.12537563
Quoted by: >>12537566

So anyone found Captain?

>> No.12537566
Quoted by: >>12537572

Middle east, he's been captured by terrorist MGs.

>> No.12537572

Peterdnzl, please send slut Tiger & co. to save Captain so we can have more of his stuff.

>> No.12537573
Quoted by: >>12537576

Miia, Draco, Lilith and Suu pretending to be Darling steal a convertible and drive around town with the radio turned all the way up

>> No.12537574

How about Team America with MGs?

>> No.12537576
Quoted by: >>12537579

What song is on the radio?
>What is Love?

>> No.12537579

Keep Rollin by Limp Bizkit

>> No.12537584

Smooth mother fucker and TsunDusa is a great couple.

>> No.12537587
Quoted by: >>12537588

...Damn you. I'm imagining that now and its making my dick hard. She'd need to be a redhead.

With freckles.

>> No.12537588
Quoted by: >>12537590

What's with you and gingers?

>> No.12537590

Fun fact: gingers can fuck Succubi without any risks because they don't have souls to lose.

>> No.12537591
Quoted by: >>12537593

so fahny

>> No.12537592
Quoted by: >>12537595

Too bad they're like vampires with their weakness to sunlight.

>> No.12537593

I know right? Maybe you'll think about that the next time you make fun of either gingers or Succubi.

>> No.12537594
File: 736 KB, 689x1000, Apophis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, did you white pupils or do you just not want the black around her eyes?

>> No.12537595
File: 113 KB, 367x601, 1400054326781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537598

Sunlight? Don't make me laugh!

>> No.12537596
Quoted by: >>12537615

Good enough.

>> No.12537597

Surprisingly, this is hotter than the original.

>> No.12537598
Quoted by: >>12537600

Gingers, and albinos, WILL burst into flame upon contact with sun light.

>> No.12537600
Quoted by: >>12537601

Then why didn't Moby Dick burst into flames when he attacked the ships on the surface? Checkmate, atheist!

>> No.12537601

Because he was covered in water.

>> No.12537603
Quoted by: >>12537611

not for a waifu, but i want a monster girl with a scouser accident because that shit is hilarious

>> No.12537608
Quoted by: >>12537628

So do you just do the occasional recolor, or can you color a colorless image?

>> No.12537611
Quoted by: >>12537612


>> No.12537612

fuck knows what i was thinking when i was typing

>> No.12537613

Probably because it was posted in the thread near the beginning.

>> No.12537615
File: 736 KB, 689x1000, Apophis2electric boogaloo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're certain now?

>> No.12537617

Alright, that's an improvement.

>> No.12537621
Quoted by: >>12537627

>slut tiger
Please don't refer to her as a slut. That's when her claws come out.
Also, I don't understand, do you want me to write in someone I've never seen before to save him?I don't know how to describe the Captain.

>> No.12537622

I approve!

>> No.12537624
File: 936 KB, 8500x2200, 1410013127296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are hips, asses, and thighs the most delicious part of a woman?

>> No.12537627
Quoted by: >>12537634

I was joking man, since you're the only one I knew who writes operators, who could save the Captain from the caliphate. And you know Katya sleeps around, don't deny it.
Because that's where the strength of their loving is located.

>> No.12537628
Quoted by: >>12537631

Yeah. Sometimes.

>> No.12537631

Could you attempt to color in >>12537384 ? Or would that be asking too much?

>> No.12537632
Quoted by: >>12537635

It's where you put your dick and also where the baby comes out of.

>> No.12537633

>coloring Dragon in loose dress
I second this request.

>> No.12537634
Quoted by: >>12537636

Red is her one and only.

>> No.12537635
File: 190 KB, 750x750, 1411390059841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537638

Because what >>12537632 said.

>> No.12537636

Are you denying the thread where she was passed around like a common Alp never happened?

>> No.12537637


>> No.12537638

I want to fuck a smug kitsune with underwhelming breasts right in her vagina.

>> No.12537640

Papi singing PONPONPON

>> No.12537641

>right in her vagina
Whoa there cowboy.

>> No.12537643
Quoted by: >>12537646

I remember that thread. Didn't most of the people in that thread score at least 93% compatibility with her? I scored 100%.

>> No.12537645

Says a report that a dude died from his brain basically melting cause he masturbated too much in a single day

>> No.12537646
Quoted by: >>12537649

I got a 100% too, but to be fair, I scored around 80-100 with almost everyone.
Not buying it.

>> No.12537647

Sounds like BS.

>> No.12537648
Quoted by: >>12537653

Those were nothing but simulations. She happens to share a very common name with many slav women. Canon Katya loves her husbando. Please, let's speak of something else, maybe I can write in a dazed Canadian Army Captain being wheeled out of prison talking about how he can finally write again.

>> No.12537649
Quoted by: >>12537655

That was one slutty tiger, her husband must have been furious with her.

>> No.12537651

Lines are a bit vague, it'd take a great deal of effort and time.

Assuming I did, what's the color of her scales/skin/eyes/hair/dress?

>> No.12537653
Quoted by: >>12537768

No, make it like the rescue missions from Ground Zeroes where they go get him from some hellhole in Kebabland.

>> No.12537655

I think he was fur-ious with her

>> No.12537657
Quoted by: >>12537672

Maybe green scales, average colored skin, gold eyes, red hair, and a pinkish-white dress? Or you could just funkify it.

>> No.12537658

I guess he's now a mental institution Tenac.

>> No.12537659
Quoted by: >>12537672

Green scales, yellow dress, caucasian skin, dark brown hair, dark blue eyes

>> No.12537661
Quoted by: >>12537667

It was a pawful experience.

>> No.12537664
Quoted by: >>12537672

Dark green scales, white skin, green eyes, auburn hair and a sky-blue dress.

>> No.12537667
Quoted by: >>12537677

Your joke is just padding.

>> No.12537672

Maybe the artist should say outright what the color scheme is.

I can try winging it with you guys' input, though.

>> No.12537675

But the artist isn't here man. So far everybody agrees on green scales and Caucasian skin, so do that.

>> No.12537677
File: 442 KB, 2000x2500, Cheep Cheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got to be kitten me.

I don't think you'll get anywhere with .Less.
Good luck with winging it, though.

>> No.12537680

red hair, golden eyes, light pinkish skin red scales pink dress.

>> No.12537681
Quoted by: >>12537685

>cheep cheep
Isn't that a moth sound?

>> No.12537682

>red scales

>> No.12537684
File: 406 KB, 850x615, best fox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a nice flat~
>red hair
At least make it a nice coppery tone, pls.

>> No.12537685
File: 57 KB, 567x1227, By Court Oder, I have to post this in every thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'll be, most of those were from my input.

It is.

>> No.12537700

New MGE girl when.

>> No.12537701
Quoted by: >>12537703

She is a futa

>> No.12537703

Only sometimes.

>> No.12537704
Quoted by: >>12537706

When KC stops being a bad writer.

>> No.12537706
Quoted by: >>12537707

So never?

>> No.12537707


>> No.12537711

What could she be? Chimera? Jötunn?

>> No.12537712
Quoted by: >>12537717

Hoe about a Hydra? Or can we make one instead?

>> No.12537717

Why not? Hydra was a girl to begin with anyway.
Hey Kitty cat, make us a Hydra, please!

>> No.12537719
Quoted by: >>12537723

He's with Zipangu right now, so I'm not expecting a good one.

>> No.12537723

What more does Japanese mythology have that he hasn't tackled? I though literal shit-eater would be the end of them.

>> No.12537725
Quoted by: >>12537727

He should move on, maybe do a Hydra, or go into Aztec mythos.

>> No.12537727
Quoted by: >>12537729

I'd rather wacky Hindu stuff.

>> No.12537729
Quoted by: >>12537734

Like Garuda?

>> No.12537730

I hope it would be decent. Last ones were disappointing.
Literal shit-eater a shit
Hair grill is kinda boring since she has nothing but hair

>> No.12537731
File: 2.94 MB, 720x405, zeek-wank.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Space Colonies
Oh boy oh boy.

>> No.12537734
Quoted by: >>12537736

Nah, I mean like Kali, a destroyer who once danced a world destroying dance on top of her husband because he threw himself at her feet to stop her from doing it.

>> No.12537735
Quoted by: >>12537772

I bet he plans on introducing a purple dragon girl with a high pitched jersey accent.

>> No.12537736
Quoted by: >>12537739

That is kind of wacky, Hindu and Buddhist things would be a gold mine.

>> No.12537739
Quoted by: >>12537742

Unlimited handjob works. Oh, and a Sunwugirl.

>> No.12537740
Quoted by: >>12537980

Play videogames all day with Gamer Gazer
Make shitty jokes with Charon-chan
Rub a Jinko's belly and hear her chauff
Serenade a Siren
Take a walk around Wonderland with a Cheshire while holding hands
Have a cup of coffee with an Arachne
Exercise with an Oni
Stare at a Cyclops intimately until she blushes
Flirt a Lich with a magic trick
Brushing a Kitsune's tails
Have a Lamia coil around me in a hug
Converse with a March Hare until she's mind broken from lewdness
Fly with a harpy at my side
Explore the ocean floor with a Mermaid
Drink Holstaurus Milk, straight from the tap
Ride on a Centaur
Go on a successful date with Moth-chan
Stick a dildo on a Manticore's tailpussy
Build a sand castle at the beach with an Anubis
Roleplay Monster Hunter with a Dragon Girl, a Wyvern, and a Wyrm
Read together with a Wyrm
Have a swordfight with a Lizard Girl
Have a snowball fight with a Yuki-Onna
Give a Salamander the Ice Bucket Challenge
Rub an Elf's ears

>> No.12537741
Quoted by: >>12537747

You think a slime girl could pilot a Gundam?

>> No.12537742

Asura girls would be boss.

>> No.12537747
File: 3.17 MB, 500x281, jegan td.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537750

I don't think her body would be able to handle the G-forces, or function well in zero gravity for that matter.

>> No.12537750

Maybe she pilots a powersuit?

>> No.12537768
Quoted by: >>12537770

Canucks are in Trashcanistan too, why would an American team rescue a Canadian?

>> No.12537770

>american team
Monmusu Sans Frontiers then.

>> No.12537772
Quoted by: >>12537774

>Not wanting a purple dragon girl with a high pitched jersey accent

What are you, a spacist?

>> No.12537774
Quoted by: >>12537778

Shaddup, colonial monkey. Only real people are the ones born on Earth! Everybody else is an alien!

>> No.12537777
Quoted by: >>12537785

What about her pregnancy?
She got pregnant in first ch
Or she lost her child into plane crush?

>> No.12537778
Quoted by: >>12537781

>Bullying Spacenoids.

>> No.12537781

Mother Earth rejects those who reject her, Alien.

>> No.12537782
File: 61 KB, 743x493, Armed Armor Knee-S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to build Gunpla with my wai waifu.

>> No.12537785

I forgot about it
Uh... The epilogue never stated how long afterwards it happens...! This is all before that.

>> No.12537792

Sure it is.

>> No.12537794

Ah, okay
>tfw 2 yandere loli oni waifu and yandere toddler oni daughteru

>> No.12537796
Quoted by: >>12537806

>yandere toddler
The scary thing is she'd probably still be stronger than you.

>> No.12537797

Just in case there's any here who cares, Tigerbro here. I've been trying to come up with another "date night with tiger-waifu" short greentext story, and reading the comments and conversations of Anons in this thread have given me a couple ideas. It probably won't be as long as my last one.

I need some more time to flesh it out though.

I'll try to have it posted in the next thread.

>> No.12537798

>yfw the daughter gets huge

>> No.12537799
Quoted by: >>12537807

>next thread
But that's tomorrow! You lazy sonnuva bitch, you!

>> No.12537801
Quoted by: >>12537804

>waifu built like Suika, daughteru built like Yuugi
I am okay with this.

>> No.12537804
Quoted by: >>12537819

>huge 13-yo daughteru walks in on mommy giving daddy the old CBT
>gets all hot and bothered and asks to do it to her skinny childhood friend

>> No.12537806

Yeah, that's the idea

>> No.12537807


Fuck! Agh! The image limit is about to be reached though. And I have no idea if this thread will start crash-landing. I just want to make sure those who want it will have time to see it.

>> No.12537814
Quoted by: >>12537820

Jinkofag here.

Write it down thinking of this thread. If you see you wouldn't make it in time, just tell us to wait.

Will Anon escape from her again?

>> No.12537817

Samson, please.

>> No.12537819

This is probably going to be the actual plot to the next Loli-Oni story, by the way.

>> No.12537820


I can that see that in the future. Also some more close calls. And, a night where he's the hunter.

>> No.12537824


So, he gets blackmailed, mindfucked, raped, used as bait for a dangerous criminal and labeled a douchebag without even asking for any of it.

At this point I'd just walk away to the nearest harbor, jump straight into the ocean and drown if I were him. Fuck this gay world, I'm gonna go live with Hathor in paradise.

>> No.12537826
File: 309 KB, 1320x1116, Yandere British CC Jinko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a night where he's the hunter
That doesn't really work with her profile.

>> No.12537829


True, but sometimes you make compromises for the one you love.

>> No.12537831

Maledom a shit.

>> No.12537832

Let's not start this again.

>> No.12537834
Quoted by: >>12537842

But anon, there is no health or fertility in the grave. Hathor is only a deity for the living.
Not if it's tender and loving.

>> No.12537835


Too add to my post I just maybe, "Hey, about a gentle night in the midst of all these hunt/rape ones."

If people think that would be shit, then I'll scratch it off the list.

>> No.12537836

At least he has a waifu. That's more than you will ever have.

>> No.12537837

This will be interesting.

They always play that, Anon. Switching once won't hurt.


She'll rape him anyways.

>> No.12537842
Quoted by: >>12537846


Then I'd rather listen to Charon's puns in the underworld. If the guy's gonna suffer that much, might aswell go all the way.

>> No.12537844
Quoted by: >>12537866

How about vacantion trip?

>Trail in the nature
>She tells you to run and disappear between the trees

>> No.12537845
File: 427 KB, 640x780, defe52ba7f013cc55767b545a370de7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huge 9 yo deredere daughteru. Her most favorite thing in the world is hugging and snuggling with her parents
>due to constant hugs MC's ribs were replaced with titanium ones

>> No.12537846

>M for masochist, eh? Did I ever tell you about the Other M?
...it didn't have to end like this.

>> No.12537850

Jesus did I just have a stroke? "Too add to my post I just made, I was thinking," and it goes from there.

I'm not a maledom fag, don't worry, I'm not planning for her to be submissive. She just doesn't mind also being gentle sometimes too.

>> No.12537857

>Two monster girls have fallen in love with you
>After a brief squabble, they decide to share you
>They're both Ushi-Onis

How well do you fare, anons?

>> No.12537859

>daughteru loves to hug her shota childhood friend, who gets his first boner from her hot breath and budding breasts on his back

>> No.12537860

Depends. Does MGC offer titanium pelvises and stuff for men with rough wives?

>> No.12537863
File: 580 KB, 1024x768, b3520f4bc1e2f8b9f765d82d13c4347d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12537865

>Abusive drunk Oni and Anon

>> No.12537866
Quoted by: >>12537888


Could be fun. I'll keep it in mind.

>> No.12537870
Quoted by: >>12537930

I wonder which of them is more of a demon in the sack?

>> No.12537874
File: 414 KB, 716x902, yan fluff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12537890

Best dere wins the thread.

>> No.12537879

If your healthcare insurance covers it, yes. They promise to be gentle though.

>> No.12537882

Fuck it, I knew we shouldn't have voted for the Tanuki. I guess I'll just die then.

>> No.12537886

>yfw Ushi-Oni waifu can't rape you properly because you are poor

>> No.12537888

Can't wait to see your next ideas. Keep it up.

>> No.12537890

But that's not Kuudere

>> No.12537891

Valkeries have a 100% chance to get raped though.

>> No.12537892

It's not sadistic deredere either.

>> No.12537893
Quoted by: >>12537899

What about Kuu/Yandere?

>> No.12537899
Quoted by: >>12537917

Sounds like an extremely deadly combination

>> No.12537907

it will never happen to you, even with a 3dpd

>> No.12537917

Along with a degree of unpredictability.

I'm aroused.

>> No.12537919
Quoted by: >>12537922

Has there ever been a story where the MC is so bored of sex and lewd in general that not even an MG's aphrodisiac venom can break his sheer force of will (or unwillingness in this case), thus making him the most difficult man to rape in MGC?

>> No.12537922
Quoted by: >>12537939

No, that's just not possible.

>> No.12537926

Oh, yeah, OR here, is it possible to get white sclera too?

>> No.12537930
Quoted by: >>12537932

I bet it's the daughteru, and she NTR's her mother.

>> No.12537932
Quoted by: >>12537937

I was referring to Suika and Yuugi.

>> No.12537933

This would be me. Basically what you do is shoot (or slice) mg and then fuck the hole.

>> No.12537936

I'm back and it's that time again!



You have been paired with Tax Fraud Anubis. This gangly waif of a jackal with a bobcut was chief controller for the MGC division of a multiplanar corporation. Funneling money back home to avoid corporate taxes, cooking the books to misrepresent corporate growth, cutting employee pay and keeping them on the payroll as full pay then using the difference to fund lavish corporate retreats for the brass, she's every kind of good with numbers and every kind of bad accountant.

She's just as abrasive and unapologetic as the day she got thrown in minimum security. As far as she's concerned, she never did anything wrong. Every big monster corporation does the same sort of things, she just had the distinction of being thrown to the dire wolves when some whistleblower blew the whole situation wide open.

She'll respect someone who can argue with her from well-though-out and well-reasoned points of view tailored to her. Saying something "Is wrong" or "Is against the law" won't cut it. You have to convince her, a tightly regimented woman who sees everything through the lens of risk and reward.

But with respect comes loyalty, and the day will come when no short term reward is worth the risk of losing you and all those tall-waggingly good head pats, kisses and tummy rubs.

And hey, you'll never have to pay anyone to do your home taxes for the rest of your life.But she'll still file for tax breaks for a household with five children. Will you make an honest woman out of her?

>> No.12537937
Quoted by: >>12537942

Oh. Well, I bet Yuugi is worse at blowjobs, at least. Suika ought to be better at doggy style.

>> No.12537939


Knigga this is /mgg/, a place where succubutts can blush, manticores can be subs, and Onis can be awkwardly cute. Nothing is impossible here.

>> No.12537942
Quoted by: >>12537949

>Suika does it doggy style
But one of the most important parts of doggy style is groping the titties, and Suika doesn't have any! She's flat, flat as pancake!

>> No.12537947
Quoted by: >>12537952


You know what happens to such asexual creatures? Alpification son

>> No.12537948
Quoted by: >>12537956

>a place where succubutts can blush
A lot of things can make a succubutt blush, Anon.

>> No.12537949
Quoted by: >>12537952

Grab the horns instead.

>> No.12537950


Time for more Based Matchmaking Anon.

>> No.12537952

But you can't become an Alp without lusting for the D.
That could work, but can I still bully her with singing?

>> No.12537954

Welcome back.

>> No.12537956



>> No.12537958
Quoted by: >>12537963

You should bully her by making her sing it while stripping for you.

>> No.12537959


Regular old lack of lust bro. It's simply the demonic overtaking the human. If you have no lust at all, you go alp.

>> No.12537963

Citation needed.
Too mean, or is it?

>> No.12537966


What the hell? You still get corrupted even without having sex at all? What canon are we talking about here?

>> No.12537967
Quoted by: >>12537969

Not if you're stroking your rock-hard erection while you watch her.

>> No.12537969
Quoted by: >>12537981

His headcanon, don't worry about it.
Then that's what I'm doing. But how do I bully Yuugi?

>> No.12537973
Quoted by: >>12537982


Go read the alp profile. Spirit energy=male to female sex drive. Craving the dick kills spirit energy production once demonic starts to contaminate it. Alternatively, having low or no spirit cuts out the middleman. Going alp is simply a matter of the demonic overtaking the spirit.

>> No.12537979
Quoted by: >>12537982


If a guy gets raped by a succubus and his spirit is so low he can't even get hard, then yeah. Abstaining without some holy backup doesn't happen in MGE.

Randomly walking around won't do it to you. But having monster tits rubbing on you all the time sure will.

>> No.12537980

I would a gamer gazer so fast and so hard.

>> No.12537981
Quoted by: >>12537984

>bully Yuugi
Water down her drink, I guess?

>> No.12537982


So you either have to have sex with someone sooner or later or else you'll start craving for dick according to KC's canon. God dammit.

>> No.12537984
Quoted by: >>12537989

I was hoping for something sex related that didn't result in her killing me painfully.

>> No.12537987 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>12537994

Your waifu sees you at the mall with a another girl
"W-wait [waifu], she's just an old friend"
"We just happened to bump each other"
Her silence is terrifying.

Your friend has to go.
After she leaves [waifu] just says:
"Anon, let's shop."


A while later at the first opening when [waifu] has to use the restroom you immediately take the opportunity to call your friend, to tell her to lock all windows, avoid deserted places, anything you think will keep her safe.
Ring. Ring. Ring. No answer.
The restroom is empty.

>> No.12537989
Quoted by: >>12537994

...Cum in her drink?

>> No.12537992
Quoted by: >>12538002

You see why headcannon is such a massive thing here. Its the only way we can live in a world that doesn't seem like it was created by a five year old.

>> No.12537993
Quoted by: >>12538002


More like you don't get to laugh at a monster rubbing her pussy all over you and say you have no interest in sex without consequences unless you've got some holy protection.

>> No.12537994

This is why yandere a shit, they don't listen to you. They don't even love you, they're too fucked up in the head to know what that word even means.
I'm not feeling that one either.

>> No.12537995

Your waifu sees you at the mall with a another girl
"W-wait [waifu], she's just an old friend"
"We just happened to bump each other"
Her silence is terrifying.

Your friend has to go.
After she leaves [waifu] just says:
"Anon, let's shop."


A while later at the first opening when [waifu] has to use the restroom you immediately take the opportunity to call your friend, to tell her to lock all windows, avoid deserted places, anything you think will keep her safe.
Ring. Ring. Ring. No answer.
The restroom is empty.

>> No.12537997
Quoted by: >>12538014

What the fuck
I swear I did it right this time
Fucking spoilers
How do they work

>> No.12537998
Quoted by: >>12538004

Rub your dick on her abs? Tell her to moo?

>> No.12537999
Quoted by: >>12538004

Only solution is to kill both of them and frame the doggirl.

>> No.12538000

This nigga knows how shit yandere is.

>> No.12538002


Oh well, that's understandable. So we gotta have at least some basic rules or else it just becomes a broken concept. I get it now.

>> No.12538004

No, that doesn't cut it at all.
Does she have shifty eyes?

>> No.12538006
Quoted by: >>12538009

Sorry dude, I don't know how to bully perfect girls.

>> No.12538009
Quoted by: >>12538016

That's why I asked for help, I don't know either. Maybe just tickle her until she wets herself, taking pictures of it and blackmailing her into holding hands and smooching in public?

>> No.12538014

They fuck up for me on occasion too.

>> No.12538016
Quoted by: >>12538019

You can't even force her into anything when she's so huge.

>> No.12538019

You can if you fool her into getting tied up with some Arachnid web, which can't be broken through brute force.

>> No.12538022

>teaming up with an Arachne to tease and orgasm deny your Oni waifu

>> No.12538026
Quoted by: >>12538034

>They don't even love you, they're too fucked up in the head to know what that word even means
Not true. Remember that she's relatively mentaly stable as long as you're with her.
>they don't listen to you
Sometimes true. But this can be beneficial if your Yandere waifu is smarter or wiser than you. For this reason always make sure your yandere is more intelligent and, if possible, stronger than you. This also means you will always dance to her tune, but she will lead you through a good path because she loves you.

>> No.12538031
Quoted by: >>12538034

>This is why yandere a shit
Nigga are you calling my shirohebi waifu a shit? I'll end you.

>> No.12538034

>not true
Killing everyone you care about that isn't her is not love. Cutting off your limbs if you come home five minutes later than usual is not love. Yandere a shit, and everyone who likes yandere is just unhinged from reality.
Yes I am.

>> No.12538037

Why do you always confuse Yandere with Yangire? Faggot.

>> No.12538040
Quoted by: >>12538049

That's a yangire.

>Shirohebi shit
They're slight yanderes, stalkers.

>> No.12538041

Never heard of it. Doesn't change the fact that yandere are fucked up.

>> No.12538043

Your face is fucked up.

>> No.12538048
Quoted by: >>12538054

Next time don't start a discussion if you don't even know what are you talking about.

>> No.12538049
Quoted by: >>12538071

>stalking is okay

>> No.12538052

Dog girl always has shift eyes.

>> No.12538054

Yan- is still shit anon. It's shit. There's nothing positive about it.

>> No.12538069
Quoted by: >>12538082

You don't even know what it is.

>> No.12538071

Too bad, I can't post reaction images anymore.

>> No.12538076
Quoted by: >>12538082

>Arachnid web, which can't be broken through brute force.
>Citation needed

>> No.12538082

Do you know how strong spider web is? How strong do you think spider web made by a human-sized spider would be? It's like silky steel wire, only far, far more durable.
Enlighten me.

>> No.12538085
Quoted by: >>12538090


Not him but it's like how you can use a nylon strap to tow a car but cut through it with your teeth.

Strength != Durability

>> No.12538088

yangire is a new term dipshit.

Anyways as someone who has had a real yandere, dare I say "lover", it isn't fun and games when she is stalking you at literally all hours of the day, has memorized your path to school forcing you to find new ones to have space (but she learns those anyways), will do ANYTHING to be always be with you including cause shit with the school system to get bumped into your classes, be so obsessed with you that it prevents you from doing school work, and get paranoid as shit when you deviate even a tiny pit from what she knows of you.

That last bit caused an insane amount of stressed and I ended up pretending to be sick to miss school. And guess what? She sat outside my door for hours, regardless of weather, to "treat me" which translated into smothering me more and more.

Now I love clingy girls, and any of these traits individually can more or less be fine, but put them together and you make a monster.

Now image that gf being an actual monster girl who is much stronger, faster, and possibly smarter than you. Yandere monster girl can very quickly turn into a death flag.

>> No.12538089
Quoted by: >>12538093

I'm not saying it wouldn't be hella strong. I'm saying that you can still break it with enough brute force.

>> No.12538090

So are you saying an Oni CAN'T be restrained with Arachnid web?

>> No.12538093

unless that oni is Yuugi it ain't gunna break.

>> No.12538095

>a real yandere
I stopped reading here.

>> No.12538096
Quoted by: >>12538099

3DPD Yandere =/= 2D Yandere
Tough shit,dawg.

Also, you forgot something: /blog

>> No.12538099
Quoted by: >>12538109

You can headcanon your waifu's yandere all you want, but if that bitch were to become real you would die.

>> No.12538100


Giant spiderwebs presented that way in most fiction doesn't really work. Web stretches enough that any thinking animal can get their claws or teeth into it and get themselves free. Now a dumb thrashing animal will just get itself wrapped up and stuck worse.

It's nothing to do with strength and everything to do with using your brain.

>> No.12538101

>having a brain
Choose one.

>> No.12538103

Not him, but yeah. Web works on flies because they're dumb and can't cut it. Even if the web was strong enough to restrain an Oni, they could use teeth or something. And that's ignoring the fact that they could probably just tear up whatever the web is anchored to anyway.

>> No.12538105
Quoted by: >>12538107


>Any thinking animal

So just humans?

>> No.12538107


Well we're talking about monsters here too so...

>> No.12538108

...the web was being used for bondage in the original situation, and of course it would be set up in a way the Oni couldn't get out of it. Why are you arguing with me?
That's it, all this sperging has put me off of the topic.

>> No.12538109
Quoted by: >>12538128

Stop mixing 3D and 2D you idiot.

>> No.12538112


>Having to help your pissed off Oni waifu pick spiderweb and bits of rubble out of her hair

Anon would be in the doghouse for weeks.

>> No.12538116
Quoted by: >>12538136


Webs are stretchy. Deal with it. Why do you think Rach uses ropes?

>> No.12538123

Sorry if it came across as sperging, it's just annoying how overrated spiderweb strength is. Hell, a human could probably get out of the stuff as long as they didn't panic and thrash around.

>> No.12538128
Quoted by: >>12538154

>not wanting 3D mgs
Where do you think you are?

>> No.12538130


This so much.

Web doesn't look that strong, even when upscaled to "human scale". You just gotta use your brain to get out of it.

>> No.12538136

But she uses her web, what are you talking about?

>> No.12538137
Quoted by: >>12538146

it isn't because the webs are weak that humans can get out. It is because they aren't all that sticky.

>> No.12538146

Not the stick, I mean if you aren't that immobilized you could bite through them or even tear them if you apply force in the right way.

They're getting too popular anyway. Gotta thin the herd.

>> No.12538150


It's not even that strong against the dumb animals it catches. Why do you think spiders go over there and bite whatever it is as soon as it gets caught? Give a fully juiced fly long enough and they can often get free. Webs are just supposed to hold long enough.


A web is a construct. Silk is the material.

>> No.12538154
Quoted by: >>12538161

>Wanting 3D monster girls
>Wanting them to be like real women
Stop right now.

>> No.12538161

I only know real women, how can they be anything else?
Do you not want a real monster girl waifu?

>> No.12538175
Quoted by: >>12538184

Fucking normalfag.

>> No.12538180
Quoted by: >>12538184

Fuck off.

>> No.12538184

I bet you both like fluffy tails, futa, and maledom.

>> No.12538185
Quoted by: >>12538191

Don't worry man, you're not the only one that actually wants to be with their waifu.

>> No.12538190


>> No.12538191

Wanting to be with your waifu != wanting them to be like 3DPD

>> No.12538196

You fucking retard.

>> No.12538198

Actually it was a 3d being like 2d for the yandere-anon

>> No.12538201

This is bait.

>> No.12538203

>not liking fluffy tails
Succucuck pls go

>> No.12538204
Quoted by: >>12538218

You just proved my point right there. They don't have to be like 'the evil 3D women' everybody is so afraid of.

>> No.12538207
Quoted by: >>12538216

This is also bait.

>> No.12538209

Go fuck yourself normie.

>> No.12538211

Liking Succubutts =/= Cuckold

>> No.12538216

Is Baito-chan a monstergirl?

>> No.12538218
Quoted by: >>12538231

My point is that
>I only know real women, how can they be anything else?
Is wrong.

>> No.12538220


Would Ra, Bastet and Hathor get mad at me if I talked to them them about basic physics and how it's used to explain how the world works?

>"Anon, this silly "gravity" thing doesn't exist! It's just us keeping you warm and safe on the ground!"

Now I'm imagining them failing/skipping physics class when they go to Earth to learn more about what the people have been doing.

>> No.12538223
Quoted by: >>12538224

>>12538216balto from that disney movie?

>> No.12538224

Nigger what?

>> No.12538227

or they actually do control everything and they fuck with the science professors by changing fundamental laws right before their eyes.

>> No.12538230

Gods are bound by the laws of physics, they would have to accept them if they lived in modern times... unless they lived in the Middle-East, or the Bible Belt, or Africa in general.

>> No.12538231

I'll agree with you there. I think were arguing the same point against each other.
Damn that sounds great. I'd tutor Hathor daily.
That also sounds pretty fun.

>> No.12538242
Quoted by: >>12538255


>Not knowing how the great clockwork mechanism of the universe functions.

If you change laws, even in a fairly local space, the consequences could be disastrous.

>Remove all the momentum from a tin can on the bang-side of earth
>Blows into space at hundreds of thousands of kph
>The force of the pressure wave turns your insides to jelly
>Old can of Coors is really just sitting 100% still
>Insert silver bullet joke

>> No.12538243

Speaking of myths, dieties and such, why no Sleipnir girl? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleipnir

>> No.12538244

So I touched up Bromont's recolor a tad bit.

Still can't find a way to make the sclera white without it looking like an awful paint job, though.


>> No.12538248


Because we've been over this twenty times before. And Alp Loki's Nightmare daughter isn't the most exciting thing.

>> No.12538251
Quoted by: >>12538257

It's a white fish mermaid girl
She jumps out of water in ships or the shore and pretends to be struggling helpless while shouting:
"Oh no! I'm a fish out of water! If someone were to take advantage of me an rape me right here I would be completely unable to fight back"
If she manages to get someone to violate her, after he's done she says:
"Hahaha, baited! I was only preting to be raped" And jumps back into the sea.
This is known to have, in some occasions, successfully upset a number rape fetishists.
Also if you call her on her trickery she will completely ignore it and refuse to give up her act.

>> No.12538252

Fuck it, tigerfriends! I think I was able to come up with something!

>"So what are you in the mood for tonight, hon?"
>"I want to try some Yookhwe!" she blurts out enthusiastically.
>"Yookhwat?" you reply."
>"It's Korean, they make it at a place not too far!"
>You give her a teasing glance, "It's raw, isn't it?"
>"They have beef AND seafood versions!" she says somewhat pleadingly.
>You can't help but chuckle, "Sounds great, lets go."
>Her choice in restaurants impresses you yet again.
>"We gonna do that thing again?" you ask her coyly as you're leaving.
>"I'm already counting," she shoots back with a, somehow, still hungry glare.
>"Oh jeez," you let out with a heavy breath as you begin your dash.
>You're only vaguely familiar with this area.
>You've gotten out of her sight for now. You spot a fire escape nearby leading to the top of a building.
>You think if you're quick enough, it could help you get your bearings and find a good route.
>"Nothing ventured..." you say with a shrug, and start ascending the stairs.
>You reach the top of the building and notice it's particularly windy tonight.
>"Her fur would actually feel pretty good right now," you think with a shiver.
>You decide to peek over the side to see if you can spot her.
>She's right down there, but looking unsure, sniffing the air.
>"Crap!" enters your mind as you duck down and try to keep quiet.
>Suddenly an idea hits you.
>Your breath smells like garlic, and the wind seems to be carrying away the scent of your body.
>Carry away the scent.
>You take off your undershirt and toss it off the other side of the building.

>> No.12538253

>8 legged horse

>> No.12538255
Quoted by: >>12538289

You would make a great 3.5 caster. All the fucker we've done. I wish more DMs ran MG campaigns in any system.

>> No.12538257


>> No.12538258

>delicious brown

>> No.12538259

Much better.

>> No.12538260

Something's been bother me... is it really necessary to use greentext for these stories?

>> No.12538264


>It was just a generic thing anyway, nothing expensive, so "Ehh? Why not, for the sake of fun?"
>The wind rapidly blows it down the street.
>You keep an eye out over the side of the building to see if she takes the bait.
>A triumphant smile crosses your face when you see her sprinting on all fours in chase.
>Once you feel she's a good distance away, you descend the fire escape and head towards the park you spotted.
>You've been caught there before, but the park is the easiest way for you to remember the way home.
>This time, instead of running down the open paths, you slow your pace and sneak between trees and through foliage.
>You creep closer and closer to your place.
>You can see your goal in sight, not 25 yards away.
>You don't see any tigers around you.
>Your eyes widen, and your heart beats faster as another smile crosses your face.
>You play the Chariots of Fire theme in your head as you start your final stretch.
>You're pumped, and you can't help but want to celebrate audibly.
>"I did it! I got this!
>"OH FU-" and that's when Chariots of Fire ends.
>Another night goes dark.
>You forgot how silent tigers can be when stalking prey.
>You wake the next morning in bed being cuddled like an over-sized teddy bear.
>"Next time, keep your damn mouth shut," you think to yourself.


Imgur link to what you last saw that night before, because image limit.

>> No.12538269

no, only faggots greentext instead of prose. that is why tigerbro will never have a real following until he starts using prose.

>> No.12538272


I always just got the impression greentext was used when "narrating" stuff. Sorry if it bothers you.

>> No.12538274

Greentext has a much faster pacing, so you can actually get to where something happens. It's more like reading an outline, though, so I understand why some people don't want to.

>> No.12538277

Greentext is really more of a quick and dirty thing. If you're writing something longer than two or three posts you should consider just writing it out normally. It really shouldn't matter much in something as dialog heavy as this either.

>> No.12538278

>when narrating
I get that it's been used like that, but is it really necessary? I never use it for my writefagging.

>> No.12538283


Ehh, sorry. Don't mean to upset. I don't want to really have a "real" following anyway.

I'm fine with the few people who enjoy it and don't mind the greentext.

>> No.12538288


He was feeling too proud for winning in the last date.
It was a nice one again, gotta love her, thanks.

Stole you image, didn't have that one yet.

>> No.12538289
Quoted by: >>12538312


Been like two years since I've played a 3.5 campaign. And last time I had to play the half-orc barbarian tank because everyone else wanted twigs with low Con and I didn't want us to get party wiped in the first encounter.

He wound up being the smartest tracker and hunter I've ever played due to his pure instinct and great rolls. And I played a low Int character right, would ask the DM if my guy was smart enough to know to try something, and would have to roll a D20 just for him to have the idea. 18-20's every time, and I could reuse the idea later because he's remember that it worked. Fucking magic. If only his combat rolls were half as good.

Eventually wound up being like Tanto in plate, and everyone affectionately called him Dances With Dwarves after our one run in with a group of them in an old mountain dungeon.

>> No.12538292

>use prose
>get real following
>become next captain
You have the potential, but will you take the chance?

>> No.12538293

But couldn't you get the same effect with
-the quote

>> No.12538297
Quoted by: >>12538308

>the next captain
And then he could write about Anya, since she's a tiger? YES.

>> No.12538300

1. That's an exaggeration
2. All you've doing is using a different character to mark the beginnings of the lines. It doesn't really matter if he's "abusing" the quote function or not, the effect is the same and that only makes things easier to miss if you're either skimming for or skimming past stories in that format.

>> No.12538301

>-the quote
You're a real live /jp/sie aren't you?

>> No.12538304

What was an exaggeration?
>doesn't matter
Except that sometimes posts like that get deleted for abusing the quote function, which is not wanted.
Fine, excuse me for questioning the ancient traditions of /a/

>> No.12538306

Hey, don't be mean to the natives now

>> No.12538308



>> No.12538311
Quoted by: >>12538322


Let's just chill, Anons. Regardless of the way it's conveyed, a story is still a story, and if you liked reading through it, that's all that matters.

>> No.12538312

Lucky, I played a summoner(PF) multiclassed with warrior who I really enjoyed cause I made my Eidolon a seraph with a flaming sword cause I love monster girls. I would also summon only hot creatures.

Would you want to DM?

>> No.12538313

Hey, I've been on /jp/ since the split. I guess I'm just enough of a rootless cosmopolitan to not get assblasted by greentexting.

>> No.12538315
Quoted by: >>12538322

Does using spoiler tags also bother /jp/ natives? Honest question.

>> No.12538317
Quoted by: >>12538325

stop name fagging if you aren't going to write full stories.

>> No.12538322
Quoted by: >>12538369

Looks like I've been assimilated better than I ever thought. And nobody knew that beneath this mild mannered guise was....
No, if the posts are deleted for "abusing ze quote function", then it is a problem, it has happened before. I want to avoid it. I can understand that changing this tradition is impossible now, but I thought I'd still bring it up.
It is your destiny Tigerbro.
Yes it does. Also us being here at all.

>> No.12538325
Quoted by: >>12538328


Gotcha. First time I ever used a trip. Didn't realize the reply field kept it there.

>> No.12538326

how would DL and other monsters react to humans becoming extremeists and suicide bombing high value monster targets and locations?

>> No.12538328
Quoted by: >>12538334

So are you going to write full stories or be a faggot?

>> No.12538330
Quoted by: >>12538347

Send Deruella.

>> No.12538333
Quoted by: >>12538347

With rape.

>> No.12538334


In the immediate future? Definitely faggot. Can't go full-on right now.

>> No.12538337
Quoted by: >>12538346

If Alp can then so can you!

>> No.12538341

You could write a greentext and then use it as an outline to flesh out vignettes.

>> No.12538346
Quoted by: >>12538351


But...writing these things cuts into my fap time! Come on!

>> No.12538347

What if she was killed in one of the nukes?

What if humans became so hateful that they would rather die (via explosion) than be raped?

>> No.12538351

Sleep less. Being a writefag is a commitment.
The they get raped. You don't understand MGE, do you?

>> No.12538354

Demonic energy, son.

>> No.12538357
Quoted by: >>12538370


Sleep less? Or sleep with .less?

>> No.12538360
Quoted by: >>12538370

>What was an exaggeration?
That would be
I don't remember the last time I've seen a post getting deleted for using greentext in such a way, and if the mods are still deleting greentext simply for being greentext it's time they realize that it's part of the board culture on every major board and get used to it. It's really not a problem at all anyway.

>> No.12538369

Then I can try to avoid spoiler tags but
>Also us being here at all
That's rude on their part. They will have to deal with that.

>> No.12538370
Quoted by: >>12538381

You can't sleep with .less, only Bob and Alp can do that.
I've still seen it happen, and it wouldn't have happened without the greentext, but I get it, this is not changing and I should fuck off, we can stop talking about it now.

>> No.12538381
Quoted by: >>12538390

But Bobby boy is lonely and stupid.

>> No.12538390

You lost me.

>> No.12538395
Quoted by: >>12538397


Congratulations! You've been paired with Poacher Monitor Lizard Girl.

This broad hat-wearing rough and tumble pebble-scaled girl loved the great outdoors, and loved making her money off it even more. She's a topgrade leatherworker and trapper, and has processed and sold more animals across the gate than an old time buffalo hunter. She fled here from the gatelands and was caught by immigration. She's being given special leniency and a chance in the program as her grandmother was a war buddy of the Warden's.

New world. New chance. Last chance. She's anxious to see the everything and bounces up and down more than a little girl when you take her to a zoo and she can see all the unique creatures of Earth.

It only gets strange when she starts talking about all the wonderful furniture and and shoes and clothes and sexy underwear she could make out of so many, or how she comments on the condition of your skin all the time.

Her skills will get her a work program apprenticeship at a high class leather tanning and furrier business in the city. She knows the stakes for her new life and won't push the envelope. But you can tell some days when she'll come home, smelling of chromium tanning solution and her blue arms stained brown that she's sad she's not out there in the sun, spear and bow in hand.

Taking her on a legal expedition, just once or twice a year will get her through those times. And even you'll probably admit, nearly getting eaten alive by mosquitoes in the swamp is worth her smile. The handmade alligator boots she blushingly presents to you at Christmas is pure bonus. The booties might be a sign of something else however.

We hope you enjoy your match!

>> No.12538397

You're a regular cupid, anon.

>> No.12538404

Whelp, you better get ready for a draft, and you'd better tell your Vampire friend her estate is going to get fucking demolished

>> No.12538416
Quoted by: >>12538427

Do you not understand how explosions work at point blank range?

>> No.12538420

Damn Gina!

>> No.12538427
Quoted by: >>12538474

Do you not understand how MAMONO MANA works at all ranges?

>> No.12538429

This is acceptable.

>> No.12538431

Should I milk my holst daughteru?

>> No.12538436
Quoted by: >>12538446

If she's lactating, someone has given her the D. Go tell that guy to take responsibility.

>> No.12538446
Quoted by: >>12538460

Let her find and rape some poor sod.

Bake him some Ghiradelli brownies and give him some painkillers the following morning.

Holstaurs don't need to be pregnant to lactate.

>> No.12538460

>Holstaurs don't need to be pregnant to lactate.

Says you.

>> No.12538474

bitch magic isn't as strong as neutron bomb or nuke

>> No.12538477

No, it's stronger. A LOT stronger. Magic can give you UNLIMITED POWER!

>> No.12538482
Quoted by: >>12538572



Is that a lip ring on her lower lip?

>> No.12538484


>> No.12538485

>start dating healthy holst
>really hit it off and soon fall into a deep love
>make love every night to the point where you're actually suffering from sleep deprivation
>decide to drink from her tits one night during sex
Disgusting whole milk
>leave the next morning
>never speak to her again.

>> No.12538487

Not this shit again.

>> No.12538488
Quoted by: >>12538493

no such thing as unlimited power or DL would have beaten CG

>> No.12538491

>Not liking delicious milk from the tap
You didn't deserve her anyway

>> No.12538492

Magic is all fine and dandy until god himself slaps your shit. Ultimately all magic is powerless to him.

>> No.12538493

>implying CG isn't the one with the power
Gods are magic too.

>> No.12538496

You are a bad person and I hope you end mindbroken by a succubus.

>> No.12538497

But which one has more unlimited power? We are talking in terms of infinity here so everything gets loopy.

>> No.12538498
Quoted by: >>12538503

>Expecting her to leak pasteurized, chocolate milk.

You really do not deserve her love.

She is going to yandere you and force you to drink her milk so much you get lactose intolerant. And then after she'll keep feeding you. And then her deep love of scat will surface.

>> No.12538499
Quoted by: >>12538514

I refer you to>>12538493

>> No.12538503

>Yandere Holstaur
>Lactose intolerance
Not possible with Holstaur milk.
Scat a shit.

>> No.12538508

She probably just loves lighting cow dung on fire anon, don't be a pussy.

>> No.12538511


>> No.12538513

True, true. I was just trying to punish that man with the horror of imagining it.

>> No.12538514

>gods are magic
There's your problem right there
For starters:
And seconds:
>God uses magic
>Magic is something lower beings use. God wields a power all his own, infinitely more powerful and complex than any ritual comprehensible to us

>> No.12538519

Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.12538520

Where do you think you are?

>> No.12538524

>Be healthy holst
>be dating 11/10 anon
>start getting serious with the relationship
>sex every night and each night it is better than the last.
>You're having so much sex with your beloved that you can tell he is starting to suffer from the lack of sleep.
>During your next session of passionate sex offer some of your wonderful whole breast milk to him because you know it will help him sleep better
>after drinking it you can tell it isn't his favorite but he doesn't say anything
>Wake up next morning to find him gone which isn't unusual
>He doesn't come home that night.
>try calling him and his friends but no one picks up.
>Start to panic and call police
>they do a man hunt and find him at his old place
>Police tell you but by the time you get there he is gone
>Find evidence suggesting he is leaving country for good
>fall into despair as your one true love abandons you for over what you think is your milk
>Realize that life is no longer worth living
>an hero infront of a butcher shop so that maybe if he has a bruger you'll be with him a little bit longer.
>He never eats a burger.

>> No.12538526

>11/10 anon
Such thing doesn't exist.

>> No.12538528
Quoted by: >>12538546


You monster. Look what you did! >>12538524

>> No.12538529

This makes me wonder how the MC would fair if his waifu has a head cold

>> No.12538531

Confirmed for never drinking fresh milk
It was better than shitty pasteurized one. It's too bland and shit.

>> No.12538533

>I don't exist?

>> No.12538534

>what is Hound and his Hyper Weapon

>> No.12538536

Remember Anons, always remember to drink milk everyday. Do it for those who can't
Praise Hathor

>> No.12538541
Quoted by: >>12538545

Silly anon, the max. allowed is 10/10 and that's me.

>> No.12538545

Neckbeards confirmed.

>> No.12538546

>>>12538485 (You)
>You monster. Look what you did! >>12538524 (You)

Jokes on you, I was the holst slayer all along.

>> No.12538548
Quoted by: >>12538554

>without even asking for any of it

He's was always asking for it, Anon. That's the first rule of rape.

>> No.12538554

fuck off. It is because of disgusting monsters like you that we need men's rights activists.

>> No.12538557
Quoted by: >>12538563

>Jokes on you, I was the holst slayer all along.

Hathor's curse on you!

>> No.12538560

>/mgg/ face when the next and last girl in EMG is a Holstaurus


>> No.12538561

I hope you suffer an eternity on Charon's ferry

>> No.12538563

Curse me with dating falt chicks the rest of my life?
Thank god! I love lolis and flat chested girls.

>> No.12538567

Holstaurs deserve better.

>> No.12538572

I'm nor sure, but I think so?

>> No.12538573
Quoted by: >>12538599

We'd be singing Ode to Joy.
Like a timid Minotaur transfer student in Dumpire?

>> No.12538585

And she's an idol.


>yfw she wins

>> No.12538596
Quoted by: >>12538602

What I mean by "they deserve better", is that they shouldn't be associated with some shitty, wasted potential harem series.

>> No.12538597

God I really hope the last girl is that one. Her running into Darling and falling in love... oh I so hope she is the final member of the harem.

>> No.12538599
Quoted by: >>12538627

>Holstaurus gets confirmed to be appearing in EMG
>Cue everyone cheering and singing together with mugs full of milk

>> No.12538602
Quoted by: >>12538604

>wasted potential
>27 chapters

>> No.12538604
Quoted by: >>12538622

That's not what I'm implying.

>> No.12538622

You said it was wasted potential. How can a series that's only been going for 27 chapters be wasted potential? What more could they have done in this time?

>> No.12538627

>Suu drinks so much milk from the tap she turns white
Do want.

>> No.12538631

>Do want.
What is this, 2007?

>> No.12538632
Quoted by: >>12538638

Why? blue and yellow are clearly superior colors you god damn racist.
However white suu would be cute.

>> No.12538638
Quoted by: >>12538643

I just want her to be full of milk anon.

>> No.12538642
Quoted by: >>12538651



You have been paired with Firestarter Remorhaze. This giant spiny ice centipede from the frozen wastes is normally quiet and reserved, preferring to spend her time indoors. But when she finally got a date online, and was stood up in the middle of town, her pure rage burned that little coffee shop and everything in a one block radius to the ground. In a city where basic dragonproofing is standard building code, you can imagine just how hot it got.

She's not even really supposed to be here. But when she heard there was a dating program and she wasn't a part of it, she melted her way out of holding and marched down to our office, only to twist her hands and wrap an antennae around her finger while she mumbled about wanting a nice guy too.

She prefers to sleep somewhere cold, very cold, and have her body keep you warm in her silver leggy hugs. Unlike her Zip relatives she's not poisonous and the huge ornamental spines on her humanoid back are the only dangerous parts of her.

She's a little clingy but she just wants to be your little heatworm and do romantic things together. Most of all, she wants a friend, preferably one who knows his way around classic consoles and loves icecream and snowcones and popsicles as much as she does. The only times she loves going outside is in the dead of winter where she can play in the snow and enjoy all the winter sports. She's especially graceful on the ice, skating on her legs like a silver river of lightning, then melting a hole in the city lake and bringing up a fish dinner for you to share.

Please take her for the love of god before she burns this whole place to the ground! There are some things not meant to be kept under lock and key.

>> No.12538643
Quoted by: >>12538648

so you can drink her? Would suu fuck with your prostate once inside of you?

>> No.12538648
Quoted by: >>12538650

No and yes.

>> No.12538650
Quoted by: >>12538652

would you allow a slime to control your body from the inside for maximum ejaculation power?

>> No.12538651

Fucking yes I'll take her! She'll love it up here and I'm a OK with some clinginess
Thanks a bunch, matchmaker Anon

>> No.12538652
Quoted by: >>12538668

Yes, but I would pretend I didn't because I love playing hard to get and Slimes love tormenting their prey.

>> No.12538655

all this talk about holstaurus is making me like them even more
only that just adds to my pile of monster girls i want to be with
the fate of of an indecisive bastard like me

>> No.12538656
Quoted by: >>12538669

Reveal us your pile, we'll help you decide!

>> No.12538657

Remember to drink milk everyday and praise Hathor, Anon

>> No.12538658

Do it, milk is good for your body and your soul.
And they're great to have around.

>> No.12538668

I love playing hard to get which is why I am a paladin who will only accept a woman who can beat me in armed combat to the death.

>> No.12538669

you brought this upon yourself
Lamias, Dragons, Kitsunes, Holstaurus, Harpies, Manticores and thats just what i can be bothered to think of right now, theres probably more

>> No.12538672

So I may be drunk, sleep deprived and bereft of judgement thanks to playing D4, but I think I've had the most wondrous idea for a monstergirl story involving a weird time travel thing.

>> No.12538674
Quoted by: >>12538682

Well, write down an outline before you forget it,

>> No.12538675

Out of those, I'd go with Holst because health, but lamias, harpies and kitsunes a great too. Dragons are good as well.

>> No.12538677
Quoted by: >>12538682

Okay, that's easy, Dragons.
Amanda best girl.

>> No.12538680

Dragons or Holstaurus

>> No.12538681
Quoted by: >>12538687

Same here. It seems so nice to have one around.

I like Jinkos, Dragons, Ryus, Kitsunes, Wolfus, the Tiger woman from kouya ni kemono doukokusu, and now the Holstaurus.

>> No.12538682
Quoted by: >>12538685

Luckily I just did.

I want her to deliver live mice from her mouth to mine.

>> No.12538684
Quoted by: >>12538756

That's like with me too. I just can't decide
Hell, I'd rather go harem end than try and pick one. I'd feel bad for the others

>> No.12538685
Quoted by: >>12538709

Now just wait until morning and see if you can read it without cringing.

>> No.12538687

Jinkos, Frosted Rapes, wolf girls, Holsts, lamias, harpies, and meat P'Orcs

>> No.12538691

>Frosted Rapes

I always forget I can call her that.

>> No.12538696
Quoted by: >>12538699

Frosted GRAPES anon.

>> No.12538698
Quoted by: >>12538702

Shirohebis, Holstaurus, Vampires, Werewolves, Ryus, Echidnas, Dark Priests.


>> No.12538699

I'm gonna grape you in the mouth!

>> No.12538701

Are we doing our favorite girls lists now? Okay...

Dragons, Holst/Minotaurs, Alps, Jinkos, Wurms.

>> No.12538702
Quoted by: >>12538710

What a slut. I bet you go into dark alleyways without pants every night.

>> No.12538704
Quoted by: >>12538705

Oh I forgot Alps and Cyclops for bully material

>> No.12538705
Quoted by: >>12538712

>Alp bullying
Why is this a thing? They need encouragement and companionship!

>> No.12538707
Quoted by: >>12538777

If we are, then...
Holstaur, lamias, sea bishop, dark priest, lizardman/salamander


>> No.12538709


Its probably a terrible idea, but right now I like it. See, it wa going to be about a main character who jumped into different timelines every so often, wherever he wanted to or not, of course. In every timeline he visits, monstergirls exist along with humans. Either they've always been there, or they were introduced at some point to the world in different ways. Within minutes of jumping into a timeline, some sort of problem manifests itself, and the MC can either choose to solve it or ignore it. In later jumps, he might find himself in a timeline where his actions previously significantly altered the way a world developed.

Maybe I can clean this idea up tomorrow.

>> No.12538710

T-That's why I want help. I can't stop anon.

>> No.12538712
Quoted by: >>12538724

It's a thing because they want to be bullied.

>> No.12538719
Quoted by: >>12538733

>she then proceeds to smother your face in her tits, forcing you to suck on them

>> No.12538721

Isn't her rape face cute, Anon?


>> No.12538724

No we don't! I mean no they don't! Baka!
Time travel is always such a tricky thing to handle. Butterfly effect?

>> No.12538728

I guess if everyone's making a list and checking it twice here
Ryu, Wurm, Lamia, Holstaurus, Jinko, Cheshire, Minotaur, Sphinx, Dragons, Thunderbird, Salamander/Lizardman, Mothman, Cyclops, Slimes, P'Orc's, and Werewolves.

I'm probably missing some.

>> No.12538730
Quoted by: >>12538749


>Quantum Leap

Please tell me you have seen these.

>> No.12538731

That's not her rape face, that's her "I want a kissu" face.

>> No.12538733
Quoted by: >>12538741

very much so.
Alp pls, your protests only make your bullier's dick harder. but of course, that's what an alp wants.

>> No.12538741

>but of course, that's what an alp wants.
And the sooner she admits it the sooner the fun part and phase three happens.

>> No.12538743
Quoted by: >>12538755

I only like them when you can bully them. you're supposed to toss em afterwards.

>> No.12538744
Quoted by: >>12538747

>the fun part
The slow, embarrassing, demeaning, humiliating entry from phase 1 to phase 2 is the most fun. Phase 2 to 3 is actually the heartwarming part. Trust me, I'm an expert on this.

>> No.12538747

>Trust me, I'm an expert on this
What, are you the one that turns most Alps into, well, Alps?

>> No.12538749
Quoted by: >>12538754

>Butterfly effect?

Maybe. I'm flipflopping between making it a rule that no timeline is visited a second time, and the MC being made to jump into worlds where his actions on a previous jump affected things for the next time he visits them.

Quantum leap yes, Sliders no. I'll give that second one a look.

>> No.12538752
Quoted by: >>12538764

My list would be fuckhuge.

>> No.12538754

No, that's silly. But I did study them in their natural habitat extensively for writing purposes long ago.
Getting tricky already.

>> No.12538755

>you're supposed to toss em afterwards.
Just send them to me then. I can use an alp or two with low self-esteem.

sounds like a dangerous job. When you peer into the gay, the gay also peers back into you. It'd be risky, ya know? Unless of course that Anon is already an alp. Self-hate is bad, but makes for good bullies.

>> No.12538756

i thought of a fun way to have them all where they take turns then with one day off and one day of "fight for the dick" after they each get a turn

>> No.12538764

I could love a million girls~

>> No.12538768

Sounds like a very interesting concept
This is how harem's should be handled

>> No.12538776

Werewolfs, slimegirls, harpies, holstauri, and wurms are my personal favourites.

>> No.12538777
Quoted by: >>12538794

>fusion of all of those
A true monster, but with a pure heart of gold
It's like the anti-thesis to an Echidna

>> No.12538785

I hate you. I hate you so much. I wish I could hate you to death.

>> No.12538792

Manticore, Kitsune, Ushi, Direwolf, Lamia (type)

>> No.12538794
Quoted by: >>12538816

>It's like the anti-thesis to an Echidna
The anti-thesis of an echidna would be an uncaring runaway mom with a low sex drive. That doesn't even make sense. Putting any of those monsters in the church of the Fallen God would be a sight to see though.

>> No.12538816
Quoted by: >>12538834

ONly gives birth to those gentle, vanilla MGs
Echidna is still rape-y and dark.

>> No.12538817



>> No.12538821


>> No.12538828


>> No.12538830

Noice. Praise Hathor

>> No.12538834
Quoted by: >>12538847

>Echidna is still rape-y and dark.
Are we talking mythological echidna here? The MGE version just lures men into her cave with epic lutes and then seduces them as per usual. Nothing all that rapey there.

>> No.12538837

>purple eyes
>delicious brown

>> No.12538842


Praise the Health!

>> No.12538846

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I need one of those Yes pillows.

>> No.12538847

>epic lutes
But there's no music down there anon

Besides, mythological was just the hot wife of the king of the bro titans, Typhon. She wasn't rapey. In fact, I think Hercules raped her at one point.

>> No.12538858
Quoted by: >>12538865

In space no one can hear you scream.

>> No.12538859
Quoted by: >>12538871

The guy who didn't go down until a literal mountain was dropped on him and who looked so hideous only Zeus didn't shit himself when looking at him?

>> No.12538865


>In space, no one can hear you cream

>> No.12538871
Quoted by: >>12538881


And who also beat Zeus into a pulp and tore out his goddamn ligaments and was only beaten in a sneak attack.

And still caused volcanic eruptions and typhoons even with a mountain dropped on him.

>> No.12538872

The pupils are an interesting touch.

>> No.12538873


We had a whole arc about that which then led up to Lala joining, remember?

>> No.12538874

>All these people making lists of what monster girls they would
There are 162 total monster girls on the encyclopedia. In my case it would be easier to list the ones I wouldn't, there's just a lot of good one's out there. Though Holstaurus will forever be my number 1 even if there are 162,000 others.

>> No.12538875
Quoted by: >>12538882

>But there's no music down there anon
That's why you have to make music together, Anon. A symphony of creaking bed springs and moans.

>Besides, mythological was just the hot wife of the king of the bro titans, Typhon. She wasn't rapey.
So then where's the "echidnas are rapey" thing coming from?

>> No.12538881
Quoted by: >>12538888

Yeah, that's the guy alright. And Echnida was all over that?

>> No.12538882
Quoted by: >>12538886


He's just pulling it out of his ass with no basis whatsoever, mythological or mge.

>> No.12538886
Quoted by: >>12538900

Just like that guy and his hateboner for yandere?

>> No.12538887
Quoted by: >>12538899


Would you go for harem ending?

Or would go with the Holst only?

>> No.12538888
Quoted by: >>12538900


>Not knowing their lovely children

>The hydra
>The she-beast
>The lamia
>The chimera
>The riddling sphinx
>The nemian lion

And there's more I'm forgetting.

>> No.12538890
Quoted by: >>12538899

Well, but you should have a top 5 or something anon.

>> No.12538899

I don't think a harem of roughly 130 girls is doable for a mortal.
That would take an hour or two of reading every single monster girl page and picking out the ones I like best.

>> No.12538900

My hatred for yandere is entirely justified. Name one yandere that wasn't complete shit.
I knew they were Typhon's cute daughterus, I just never knew who gave birth to them. Based Greece.

>> No.12538904

>130 is not doable
Many sultans have had more.

>> No.12538905

>That would take an hour or two of reading every single monster girl page and picking out the ones I like best
Nothing is stopping you.

>My hatred for yandere is entirely justified

>> No.12538907
Quoted by: >>12538932

>I don't think a harem of roughly 130 girls is doable for a mortal.
It might be, you'd just have to rotate with wide gaps in between visiting each wife. This would be fine with humans, but that shit wouldn't fly with monstergirls. The result would be either NTR or forced tentaclization. Neither is a fate I would wish even on an enemy.

>> No.12538908
Quoted by: >>12538918

Call me a faggot all you want, but can you name a single yandere who wasn't complete shit? Well? No? Didn't think so.

>> No.12538912
Quoted by: >>12538919


Last I'll likely do until Loen posts his final version.

>> No.12538915
Quoted by: >>12538920

You're the faggot who made that blog-post from earlier, aren't you.

>> No.12538917


Most of that is political, or like that chinese emperor who had a concubine for every night of the year. It's politics and status more than a loving relationship.

Monstergirls don't put up with that. Marriage means marriage even if they have to drag you off by the dick.

>> No.12538918
Quoted by: >>12538930

Koharu Mutsuki. Now shut up.

>> No.12538919

I love it. Praise Hathor

>> No.12538920

No, I don't blog.

>> No.12538923
Quoted by: >>12538932

How many waifus would you take for the harem, then?

>> No.12538930

I'll read that and report back next thread to see if I agree with you or not.

>> No.12538932
Quoted by: >>12538942

But I don't want to be a dirty towel head.
The fact that I got only a few hours of sleep last night is preventing me. I'll probably do it tomorrow though.
I'd probably only see each of them two or three times a year, or just have my own fucking country/cult.
It really depends on the girls how many I'm able to take on, and my willingness to do it. I still remember a while back some guy saying he'd end up with 80 Holstaurus if all animals turned into monster girls, I'd take that head on knowing full well I'd probably die.

>> No.12538942

I remember this guy, he would end drowning in milk.
He would die happy.

>> No.12538945
Quoted by: >>12538962

Drowning is not a good way to go.

>> No.12538948
Quoted by: >>12538962


Drowning hurts like fuck, mang.

>> No.12538951
Quoted by: >>12538962

Anon, drowning isn't peaches and gravy

>> No.12538960


Drowning is serious shit, bro.

>> No.12538962

I know, Anons. It was a joke, because Holst milk and all that health.

I fell on a deep pool when I was a kid, I know the feels.

>> No.12538966

Just testing the air for any interest. Would you guys be interested in a story with a Sylph?

>> No.12538970
Quoted by: >>12538975

Same here, especially since everyone has such a hard-on for reaction images.

>> No.12538971


>> No.12538975
Quoted by: >>12538998

Cultural inertia. It became accepted for whatever reason back then, so it still is.

>> No.12538998

It's because we are all miserable here and thus we do not tolerate anyone using a happy emoticon.

>> No.12538999


>> No.12539002 [DELETED] 

Bit late for this, but
3.The Guitar Warrior from Total Distortion
6.More Daily Life with Monster GIrl
10.Whichever one can bake me the nicest cake.

>> No.12539006

Would a lizardgirl be an explodere, with intense wanderlust?

>> No.12539008

Bit late for this, but
3.The Guitar Warrior from Total Distortion
6.More Daily Life with Monster GIrl
10.Whichever one can bake me the nicest cake.

>> No.12539010

A what? Does she explode?
did you mean explorer?

>> No.12539015
Quoted by: >>12539041


"It's n-not like I want to explode on you or anything!! YOU BAKA!!"

>> No.12539016

Whenever she goes dere she explodes, or maybe your heart explodes. Something explodes when she goes dere.

>> No.12539018

Maybe she explodes into cuddles and cooing in your ear?

>> No.12539020

Is she muslim?

>> No.12539022


>> No.12539023
Quoted by: >>12539028

Maybe she has a high lust that is sometimes so uncontrollable she just explodes and has sex with you right then and there, no matter where you are

>> No.12539028

That would also go along with exploding heart syndrome.
That would be on interesting family reunion.

>> No.12539029
Quoted by: >>12539033


>> No.12539030

She goes BOOM when exploring?

>> No.12539033

Monster Girls in hijabs when? This is my fetish.

>> No.12539035
Quoted by: >>12539045

she explodes ur dick.

>> No.12539037
Quoted by: >>12539060

Her name shall be Dora. Dora the Explorder.

>> No.12539039
Quoted by: >>12539048

No anon you don't understand.

You wear the hijab.

>> No.12539041
Quoted by: >>12539050

Maybe heart explosion? http://i.imgur.com/Zqqm9Wf.jpg

>> No.12539043

>You would a dragon girl.
There, I fixed it for you.

>> No.12539045

She has an aura in which makes you cum with the force of a thousand suns
The downside is she also cums with a force of a thousand suns, making sex a really messy job

>> No.12539046

When you get your 72 virgins

>> No.12539048
Quoted by: >>12539065

N-no... I don't want to! She's the one who should be cute!

>> No.12539050

I would pay for a KS monster girl edit.

>> No.12539059

Are there any monstergirls, preconceived or not, that have anything to do with time travel?
Finding an actual story to go along with this time travel idea is hard.

>> No.12539060

She explodes everytime the kids answer her.

>> No.12539065

She wants to keep your beauty for her and only for her.

>> No.12539068
Quoted by: >>12539095

There are goddess monster girls, and there are monster girls that can create pocket dimensions but I don't think there are any that specifically reference time travel.

>> No.12539070
Quoted by: >>12539095

Probably something god or demonic like, or if you're going off of KC, maybe one of the wonderland girls. Reality warping/manipulation and all

>> No.12539072
Quoted by: >>12539095

Not that I know of. Time Travel's usually always a very touchy subject in most fiction

>> No.12539075

3.Haven't played it
5.Would like it if she knew how to as well
6.More monster musume chapters or more monster girl related manga in general
7.anything but feathers or slime

>> No.12539095
Quoted by: >>12539101

Those work too. I don't want to have this time travel monstergirl be some big goddess or anything like that if i can help it, just because she might become a potential love interest for this timeline-hopping MC, but I like the idea of a time dragon, derived from D&D.

It really is. My main contention right now is wherever or not I have some big, epic, overarching story which pieces itself together from throughout the timelines, or just have it be purely about this character try to figure out just if and how he can stop it happening to him. Maybe with said monstergirl be someone who's jumping into timelines alongside him

>> No.12539096
Quoted by: >>12539112

Cyclops that made a time machine. Bam, problem solved.

>> No.12539101

Who says it has to be a "big" goddess? You could have it be something similar, but at a demi or even quasi based level.

>> No.12539112
Quoted by: >>12539118

Or he could use the traditional "magic spell went haywire and now X is happening" if that's too hard

>> No.12539116

>You took a job as a security officer at an oil refinery up in the northwest territories
>They told you that there were two security teams, one that dealt with with the men when they got rowdy and one that patrolled around and accompanied offsite workers
>You were in the latter team
>You figured you'd have to fire a round or two in the air a couple times to scare off wolves, maybe tranquilize a polar bear, that sort of thing
>You didn't count on being the sacrificial lamb to a yuki-onna when she came looking to see what all the commotion was
>It ended up not being a bad deal at all, the company even paid for the two of you to build a home together
>Turns out the whole job was a scam though
>Security officer? Ha, they're just throwing men at the problem until there's no more single monster girls left to drag off their workers and cut into profits

>> No.12539118

That's essentially the same thing, but allows for a wider range of potential girls I suppose. A lamia type might be cool in that situation, they're often pretty magical.

>> No.12539123

>cut into profits
>Pay for a home to be built for the workers instead.
Top notch business sense.

>> No.12539124


>Thought you were going to make an Into the Gray parody with werewolves.

Fucking disappointment.

>> No.12539125

>throwing men at the problem
Sounds like a viable solution.

>> No.12539128

This talk of time travel has gotten me thinking. What if you had a monster girl wife who could stop time? I think what she'd do is stop time but make it so you could still get hard and cum, so you're just out in the middle of a date or something and out of nowhere you have 3 orgasms all at once because she got horny.

>> No.12539130

Reminds me of that doujin of that Timestop superhero I read a while back

>> No.12539131

>Security officer? Ha, they're just throwing men at the problem until there's no more single monster girls left to drag off their workers and cut into profits
I really hope they're planning on closing shop in the next fourteen years or so before the problem comes back even worse.

>> No.12539133

> 10. Both shitposters a shit
Dammit why didn't I think of that response? It was perfect!

>> No.12539139
Quoted by: >>12539151

That's the problem with just giving them all husbands, its only temporary and comes back, 5 or 6 times over depending on the family.

>> No.12539142


That's really not how time stops work at all. If time really stopped, then your dick would just get friction burned so bad that it caught on fire. If everyone just froze and regular time kept ticking without them perceiving it, then you wouldn't feel anything at all.

Punching people in a timestop works because you're doing physical damage. Cuddles don't.

>> No.12539144
Quoted by: >>12539150

Let me have my fantasies.

>> No.12539147
Quoted by: >>12539161


>> No.12539149

>Time manipulator with no knowledge of physics
>Wonders why dicks are so prone to spontaneous combustion.

>> No.12539150


Sounds like you want ghost blowjobs. Don't bring time into it.

>> No.12539151

>One of the monsters is an arctic echidna (don't ask me how this works, it just does)
>Kidnaps a particularly virile male
>Fourteen years later the refinery is encountering ten different kinds of rape they've never even HEARD of before
>All of the old execs are retired and swimming in pools of money so they don't give a single damn
Sasuga, capitalism.

>> No.12539154

If you had a realistic timestop, you couldn't breathe or move because the air would be stopped.

>> No.12539161

I like how time stop is a tag.

>> No.12539162

The only way I can see timestops working as far as smut goes, is using it for orgasm denial/torture

>> No.12539164

If you had a completely realistic timestop the entire universe would freeze forever because the user would be unable to UNstop time. Fancy that.

>> No.12539166

> 10. Wizards
Godammit that was another response I wish I had thought of.

>> No.12539167

What about a field of unstopped time extending a millimetre or so away form your own body? particles can still flow around you, you can still breath, and any skin in direct contact with your own can still give and feel like actual skin, instead of a statue.

>> No.12539169

Are you guys seriously bringing logic into sci-fi?
This is why we don't bring you along on movie nights

>> No.12539172


If we had a realistic time stop, everything would end on the very first occurence since everyone and everything is subject to time. If it stops, everything becomes a statue for all eternity.

Think of the catgirls, Anons.

>> No.12539173
Quoted by: >>12539183

But timestops aren't realistic in the first place.

Anyways, did you think DIO or Diego2.0 had any issue doing flashy shit with their time abilities?

>> No.12539174
Quoted by: >>12539183

If you had a completely realistic timestop, you wouldn't have a timestop at all because the user wouldn't be able to stop time to begin with.

You just have to suspend disbelief enough to get an engaging story that makes sense.

>> No.12539176

Just dick the daughteru, anon. Problem solved.

>> No.12539179


This. You wouldn't be able to see because light wouldn't move etc.

Atoms wouldn't vibrate so no heat.

>> No.12539183

The same rules would apply. Timestop requires a certain amount of suspension of disbelief to work.

Hush, we're just emphasizing the science part of science fiction for a while. Everyone's having a good time so relax.

>Timestop doesn't exist.
The ultimate truth. Or is it?

>> No.12539184


>Not logical

You give people the magical vehicles for their fantasy anon. You don't just throw ideas out there.

Like the timestop for instance. You don't actually stop time, you just make the person able to percieve it in a far finer gradient when they choose and have some field protecting them from all the harmful effects of friction and so on.

You know, like every speed based superhero ever.


>> No.12539189

My god the Speedforce is the most broken thing they gave to The Flash, who was already semi broken

>> No.12539195
Quoted by: >>12539204

There's also just messing with people's perception of time. A character from Code Geass did as much and that was an interesting take on the idea, even if not quite executed correctly.

>> No.12539197

Last time we were talking about time freezes, one anon was trying to find a manga written a long time ago, about a couple who had time stop for them whenever they were together. The effect ended when the girl got pregnant, thus breaking the "only when us two are together" clause.

Anyway, he couldn't find it, nor remember the name of it.

For those who still care, I'm pretty sure it's Distance Between the Two, by Naruko Hanaharu.

>> No.12539200

using sakuya time stop it would be possble to do as anon said.

>> No.12539204


The Octus last man on earth episode of Symbionic Titan did it right.

>> No.12539208


Oh yeah, it was the Futurama finale that brought it up last time.

>> No.12539215

Is timestop easier to watch than to overthink about?

>> No.12539220
Quoted by: >>12539243

How is that done in the game as the reciever? Does it just glitch a frame and you loose 75% of your health the next instant?

>> No.12539225


Someone else posted. I just can't find right now.

>> No.12539236


See but that doesn't even need to be a timestop. Just moving fast and slowing the perception of time.

It's like lightspeed. Getting most of the way there is magnitudes less problems than the energy required for the last few percent.

It's just better to assume time isn't stopped at all and people call techniques things to be dramatic.

Classic example of not-a-timestop

>> No.12539243

I know fuck-all about fightan game mechanics, so I'll just assume that that attack Shadow DIO did was unblockable.

>> No.12539248
Quoted by: >>12539254

That's really neat. Was the new X-Men movie as good as The Winter Soldier?

>> No.12539250

Man, I need to get around to watching that movie

>> No.12539251

>super slowmo rape

>> No.12539254
Quoted by: >>12539283


No. Two best superhero movies this year were Winter Soldier and GotG, but X-men was still worth watching.

>> No.12539271

I feel like I'm the only one that remembers the film Clockstoppers.

>> No.12539277
Quoted by: >>12539289

Realistic time-stop would potentially destroy time-space because it atomic activity would cease as well.

>> No.12539283


>GotG except with interdimensional monstergirls

>I protected you boy
>My crew
>They wanted to rape you
>They'd never raped a Terran shota before
>Gangbang you
>Take turns until you were as shriveled as a raisin

>You've been hanging that over my head for twenty years!
>Acting like that's some kind of big deal
>Not raping someone

>> No.12539289
Quoted by: >>12539299


Entropy going from 1 to 0

Aw shit.

>> No.12539295

Is (the monstergirl version of) Yondu's yaka just a magical flying onahole?

>> No.12539299

The only thing I care about is an unsuspecting girl's anal penises going from 0 to 1.

>> No.12539302


Nah, it's meant for defeating other monstergirls. So it's a dildo.

>> No.12539303

Is Ronan also a girl here
Does Quill distract her with striptease at the end

>> No.12539307

There's nothing about that spoiler which doesn't turn me on.

>> No.12539310


>Quill is actually a virgin wizard
>His specialty is "Pelvic sorcery"

The clittease king, except he gained those skills trying to survive in the Ravishers. He really does want to become a man.

>> No.12539312
Quoted by: >>12539319

I just imagined him as a girl in the MG version, but she ends up controlling your dick instead.

>> No.12539319
Quoted by: >>12539344


I think it makes the scene funnier where he gets captured by them if she's threatening Quill with a dildo instead.

Also, all those aliens falling down satisfied after she gets shot down.

>> No.12539327

What desperate measures would a rich, lonely CC vampire take in getting an underaged kid she likes?

>> No.12539331
Quoted by: >>12539337

/mgg/ - sci-fi, flying onaholes and pelvic sorcery

>> No.12539333


Demand one as payment from her subjects.

>> No.12539334
Quoted by: >>12539347

Open an ice cream truck business
She only comes to his street when that Wurm girl next door to him isn't home

>> No.12539337


10/10 Monstergirls agree. Pelvic sorcery is the best sorcery.

>> No.12539344


You're right. It's even better.

>> No.12539346

All she'd have to do is make his mother her servant, problem solved.

>> No.12539347
Quoted by: >>12539355

>tfw the Wurm embarks on a Castlevania-esque adventure to save her childhood friend from the Vampire who kidnapped him
8/10 would play to learn all the unlockable skills.

>> No.12539355

Well, I meant she wouldn't come over since the Wurm likes ice cream and would probably B-line for the truck at 88mph
But I guess your idea's great too

>> No.12539359


I got bored and did some more work.

>> No.12539363



God damn I'd hug_ shit out of that softness.

>> No.12539366

I got bored.

>> No.12539367

Praise the Goddess of Health.

>> No.12539369
Quoted by: >>12539381

>Pie stealer

>> No.12539370
Quoted by: >>12539381


>Pie stealer

Well now we know who the hobos worship

>> No.12539377
Quoted by: >>12539381


>Pie stealer

She focking WOT

>> No.12539381

Now all we need to someone to replace her hair with dreads, and give her a Naruto headband.

>> No.12539384
Quoted by: >>12539390


What does that have to do with anything, other than being horrible?

>> No.12539386
Quoted by: >>12539390

I don't...what?

>> No.12539390
Quoted by: >>12539397

Nevermind. I was making reference to Woolie, the original Pie Stealer.

>> No.12539396

I like it. Our pantheon is glorious. Our gods > everybody elses.

>> No.12539397
Quoted by: >>12539403


>Woolie being a pie stealer
>Before stereotypical hobos

Not in this universe.

>> No.12539403

>not a Hobo
Didn't you know the center of the Woolie hole contains a debraided Charon

>> No.12539406

You're missing Bastet and Anubis, but otherwise, I like it.

>> No.12539410
Quoted by: >>12539422

Whoops. I'll put Anubis beneath Pharaoh, and above Charon.

Are there any monstergirl pictures of Bastet?

>> No.12539414
Quoted by: >>12539422

When did we add Bastet?

>> No.12539417

>Pie Stealer
>Not a Picture of Rachnee the Liar.
Come On.

>> No.12539421

>That's right. I've never talked to her about my anal fetish, because of, well, those Oni muscles. I was always afraid she'd cut my dick off with her tiny, yet monstrously powerful, sphincter.

I really didn't need to envision these things, Anon.

>> No.12539422

Shit, I don't even know if Bastet is a thing.
I mean, I know it's a thing, but I don't think there are any monster girl pic of her.
Unless we count Houtengeki's take on it.

>> No.12539432
Quoted by: >>12539438

Well, we had some lewd/cute stories of her not long ago. And Ra's relatively sudden, in terms of being added into our Pantheon. Why not?

>> No.12539433
Quoted by: >>12539444

Was there ever going to be something with Hathor x Ammy?

>> No.12539436

Bastet is new. We introduced her I think last thread
No pictures of her ATM. She's as new as Ra

>> No.12539438


We could use a profile/solo pic of Ra. So far we just have the one of her with the semi-blank "the fuck am I doing" expression.

>> No.12539440
Quoted by: >>12539488


>Be head butler for aristocratic family
>Get introduced to a Kikimora girl who's serving as a young maid-in-training, she doesn't like you
>Watch her try her hardest and fail, take pity on her and give her a black cherry and dark chocolate cake one day, when she tells you it's her birthday, and that Papa would always...
>She tears up
>Console her, telling her you could be her new Papa, but she calls you "silly old man"
>Years pass, she becomes an excellent servant to the family and a friend to the youngest daughter she had called Little Miss
>You're getting on in years, but she still looks after you as if you were her Papa
>One day, an accident
>You remember the soft *pap pap* of tears hitting your face, and then darkness
>It's her birthday, years later
>Her favorite, the same black cherry cake and chocolate
>Little Miss is an old woman now, and can't see her Head Maid's face change into a slight frown, a small tear trickling down her face
>She excuses herself
>Wakes up from sleep crying to herself, cradling a picture from her desk, asking you if it's okay that she stops her birthdays
>A tradition you started, since without you, they're meaningless.
The picture is of you cradling her in your arms, a beaming smile on her face as she clenches the training apron in her hand
You had died that same month

>> No.12539444

>Hathor x Ammy
Anon, please. Our cow goddess is purer than that.

>> No.12539448
Quoted by: >>12539476

No she's not, someone already started one.

>> No.12539453

Anon, this isn't anything new
Hathor x Ammy has been around since the dawn of time

>> No.12539455
Quoted by: >>12539462

>not wanting a daughter of Hathor
>not wanting a daughter of Ammy
>not wanting a double goddess paizuri

>> No.12539461

Do you supposed that monsters have a sort of just war theory when it comes to pillaging towns? Like to not take any men who are already wed, but to instead reuinte them with their newly transformed wife? How big of a faggot would i be if i wrote about this?

>> No.12539462
Quoted by: >>12539481

>double goddess paizuri
Mortal cocks weren't meant to experience such joy, Anon. You'll doom us all.

>> No.12539467

Not a very big one since there's no NTR or anything involved, actually. Send it to KC, see what he thinks.

>> No.12539470

There's only one way to find out, Anon

>> No.12539476

>No she's not
Anon...are you insinuating that my daughteru is not pure?

Because I might have to fight you, anon.

>> No.12539477
Quoted by: >>12539491

I like the idea of Ammy and Hathor together, but I can't bring myself to think of them as doing lewd things together. They're too pure in my mind for that.
I can't imagine them doing anything beyond just cuddling together, nibbling on each others' ears in their sleep.

>> No.12539479
Quoted by: >>12539496

>Do you supposed that monsters have a sort of just war theory when it comes to pillaging towns?
They're marauding, pillaging, rapist monsters, anon.
So no.

>> No.12539481
Quoted by: >>12539489

What if they want it, or invite you?

>> No.12539483

shouldnt we have a fox woman goddess too? someone to be the 'counter' of ammy, make her ara ara as well as ra

>> No.12539487

>someone to be the 'counter' of ammy


>> No.12539488
Quoted by: >>12539521


Dammit, Anon. I already had a bad day, and now I see this.


>> No.12539489
Quoted by: >>12539510

In that case you're doomed since it's physically impossible to turn down a goddess of fertility and you'd have to be a faggot to want to. I'd say you should pray you get to go to heaven when you die, but if you get a double goddess paizuri you're already there.

>> No.12539491

Agreed. The purity of the two outweighs the lewd

A moon god foxtail?

>> No.12539496

Anon if there is one crime Monster Girls take seriously, it's NTR

You can rape a man, but you can't rape a man who's already been claimed.

>> No.12539498

I want to be that shota.

>> No.12539504

She'd open a toy store chain.

>> No.12539505

Vigilante hacktivist genki succubus

>> No.12539510
Quoted by: >>12539540

>get to drink breast milk of a goddess while you rest your head on her lap and she jerks you off
>cuddle while rubbing her big belly

>> No.12539511
Quoted by: >>12539528

>Not killing the wives of claimed men and taking the husbands.

It's not stealing if he's a widower.

>> No.12539513

well, from what I gather, Hathor is the little sister type, the one that gets teased (playfully) alot, ammy is the assetive one, highly energetic, and Ra is the motherly ara ara type who likes to have fun but tries to maintain an image of being noble, so yes a Fox woman to counter ammy sounds a good idea, make her a 9 tails ot\r perhaps a single tail, I am thinking mebbe a silver fox , but in the end the choice is really that of the board, since she will be one of your goddesses

>> No.12539515

>You can rape a man, but you can't rape a man who's already been claimed.
If you're sailing away on the good ship headcanon then that's your perogative, but all I can tell you is that in MGE rules "Thou shalt not force your V on another mg's husbandu" is very much a guideline rather than a rule.

And while they might have some compunctions about wrecking a human x mg marriage, they barely even recognise human x human marriage as existing, let alone being somethign sacred.

>> No.12539516
Quoted by: >>12539547

>Smothered between a motherly Hathor and Ammy as you fall asleep in a big cuddle puddle
>Hathor's the sweet, quiet one who loves to coddle and dote on you
>Ammy's the playful, high-energy one who loves to take you out to see and experience new things in the world

I want to be the shota in this family.

>> No.12539518


since we are on the makings of our own patheon we should also consider a lamia and dragon goddess as well?

>> No.12539521


>Implying that made you feel

>> No.12539528
Quoted by: >>12539556


>Female prisoners lined up after a battle
>Officer going down the line, checking the ringfingers of each for a ring or tanline or other evidence of mate
>Two follow behind her
>One carries a sharp sword
>One carries a large book of records
>To each she asks their name
>To each she offers the same choice
>Divorce or death
>The sword is never dry long

>> No.12539530
Quoted by: >>12539532

>manticore x leman russ

>> No.12539532

Who is this Lemon Russ?

>> No.12539536
Quoted by: >>12539547

>Hathor's the little sister type that gets teased
>Ammy is the assertive hyper type
>Ra is an Ara Ara type that hides her fun with her noble image
>Bastet is the flirty type that somehow gets every man that visits into her bedroom for cuddles
So I guess for the foxtail, how about a a sly nine-tails that likes to pull pranks on Ammy so she loses her composure? She's also the goddess of the moon, to counter Ammy?
She's also very flirty since she controls the moon, and likes to wander the Earth on full moons to watch all the monsters lose their minds and start having sex with every man they see? Like a voyeur of sorts

And, for added effect, she pranks men by giving them bad luck on full moons so they get caught no matter how much they hide

>> No.12539540

>Your cock literally explodes because of the unwordly pleasure and arousal brought on by those acts
That's more what I was getting at. your body is not and cannot ever be ready for Hathor or Ammy, let alone both at once.

>> No.12539547


This is getting as bad as the blind Illias posting from ages ago.

>There's only a couple gods instead of whole races and they are supposed to be real gods with real responsibilities
>Spend all their time sexing up random nobodies and screwing around
>Never do anything else

Nobody would worship any of that. I mean the real Greek pantheon was bad when it came to that sort of stuff but not near that bad.

>> No.12539550

Yeah but we're talking about Monster Girl goddesses here Anon what are you expecting out of them?

>> No.12539556

I was thinking more turn them all into monsters but damn son

>> No.12539557

honor, duty, self sacrifice

>> No.12539559

>Spend all their time sexing up random nobodies and screwing around
And what do you thing a MONSTERGIRL goddess' responsibilities should be then, anon?
KC has it right, for once. His only god that's gone full monster is the Fallen God, and she does just spend all her time corrupting mortals to cumdumpsters/cumfaucets.

>> No.12539562
Quoted by: >>12539572

Keep living in your little fantasy world then

>> No.12539566
Quoted by: >>12539575


Expecting people to fuck their worshippers or people in their sects or something.

This is like people going. "Oh yeah, the demon lord is so fucking hot and she'd just momdom me all day long."

"I wish I was her soneru"

Hathor? Being nice and gentle and give her healthy blessings to those that need it, spreading health and fertility to all.

Ra does Ami's job so the wolf can stay in her own region.

And so on and so on.

>> No.12539570
Quoted by: >>12539576

of being on top
to make lots of demi-gods
>self sacrifice
by making her man cum more than or at least as much as she does

I see no problems here.

>> No.12539571
Quoted by: >>12539582

>Monstergirls pillaging towns, kidnapping males and turning human females in monstergirls

>> No.12539572

>Keep living in your little fantasy world then
but this is a fantasy world to begin with...

>> No.12539574

Well they still have their roles. Ra and Ammy have the sun, Hathor is about health, I forget what Bastet even does in Egyptian mythology, Anubis has the underworld, Charon ferries the dead, and the foxtail controls the moon.
Then you have the elementals, the false god Pharaoh, the other false god Apophis, the elemental dragon users, and a pie stealer

>> No.12539575

>Hathor? Being nice and gentle and give her healthy blessings to those that need it, spreading health and fertility to all.
As long as the blessings are delivered to men via by paizuri and to women by yuri breastfeeding, then fine.

>> No.12539576
Quoted by: >>12539578

>her man
But she doesn't have a man. Everyone thinks they can get a piece of her and she just lays back and takes it. She's probably sucked off more hobos than Charon at this point.

>> No.12539578

>But she doesn't have a man.
Every man is her man. That's how gods work. The best part is she can still suck off all those guys and be purer than you're waifu at the same time because gods work that way too. All hail perfection.

>yuri breastfeeding
Is symmetrical docking acceptable?

>> No.12539580
Quoted by: >>12539596

>As long as the blessings are delivered to men via by paizuri and to women by yuri breastfeeding, then fine.

>Having her do that to married men and women
>Having her bestow each blessing personally

You're touched in the head son. Gods are there to do things other than fuck. You got whole countries of healthy brown cows to fuck. You really need to make the one nice motherly goddess a whore too?

>> No.12539582
Quoted by: >>12539593


>Mind your own business
>Succubus/Lilith opens a tears in reality, tearing off your clothes and snu-snuing you violently
>Runs off with clothes in hand as you sob at your being ruined for marriage

>> No.12539589

I'm okay with all this banter about the sex, but I imagine that they'd be more about speeadingtheir own virtues to the world, either by sending their own emissaries or by walking the world itself to keep things good.

I think everyone here just wants to be loved tenderly by them.

>> No.12539591

>Every man is her man. That's how gods work. The best part is she can still suck off all those guys and be purer than you're waifu at the same time because gods work that way too. All hail perfection.

That's some grade-A bullshit. Gentle gods are given the role of parents and guides. That's where the "all god's children" stuff comes from.

"All gods husbands" makes her a filthy whore.

>> No.12539593

Still better than an Amazon posting your beaten and raped pictures to the monster equivalent of Facebook

>> No.12539596
Quoted by: >>12539606

>Having her do that to married men and women
>Having her bestow each blessing personally
And this is where godly omnipresence comes in handy.
>Is symmetrical docking acceptable?
Well that's how she bestows the Blessing Of The Hearty Chest! It's not just acceptable, it's mandatory.

>> No.12539598
Quoted by: >>12539611


That's what they should be doing. But instead all you have is anon's wanting double paizuiri in a train longer than the lines at Disneyland.

>> No.12539603

>Due to monsters being integrated into society, guro has been altered into beaten ur bruised men who have been used for their worth
>Amazons are usually the only one who have the most amount of pictures of this

>> No.12539604

>"All gods husbands" makes her a filthy whore.
A DIVINELY filthy whore, thank you very much. And that's still only like half the world's population, it could totally be worse.

>I think everyone here just wants to be loved tenderly by them.
Come to think, divine (wet) dreams would probably make more sense. All of the heart touching, all of the feeling, more of the whole godly being thing.

>> No.12539606

>And this is where godly omnipresence comes in handy.


Not even close. By having more than one, and having tiers of power and realms of influence, they're not everywhere at once.

Why do you think individual temples of worship were built?

>> No.12539607
Quoted by: >>12539610

Amazon a shit

Oni a drunken qt

>> No.12539609
Quoted by: >>12539620

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, you could generate income by appearing in those "10 WAYS TO GET MEN ADDICTED TO THE V THAT PALADINS DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT" ads on shady websites

>> No.12539610

Onis are good drinking buddy material

>> No.12539611
Quoted by: >>12539615

They're showing their love for the gods the only way they know how.

>> No.12539612
Quoted by: >>12539621

And now I want to be a guro pornstar, thanks a lot asshole.

>> No.12539613
Quoted by: >>12539623


>Trying to apply human logic and ideals to non-human entities
Gods don't play by the same rules as the rest of us, and since their entire existence is so great compared to ours their mind and values/motives are utterly alien to us.

>> No.12539614

Whenever a raid party comes through a town, they individually ask every man if they have a wife/betrothed. If so they are taken to their wife and the pair is sent to the nearest church of the fallen to "Re new their vows" as the priestess like to put it.

>> No.12539615
Quoted by: >>12539622


Makes you wonder why pathetic sacks think they deserve a god in the first place.

>> No.12539620

But then you'd be a V junkie.

Oh man, just imagine all those gaunt emaciated looking men consantly on the prowl for their next hit of the V. Wandering into dark alleys, picking fights in biker bars, (attempting to) steal beelzebub's purses. It'd be terrible.

And all of the recovery clinics would be run by succubi. There's no escape.

>> No.12539621

This is how Amazons get you.

>> No.12539622
Quoted by: >>12539627

We all just want to be forgiven and loved, deep down.
Can't blame people for attatching onto the gods as the benevolent carers that they are here.

>> No.12539623
Quoted by: >>12539628


>Never just powerful bitchy people

Don't bring in the monotheistic tautology when it doesn't apply one bit.

>> No.12539627


They could all just have their own happy Hathor and loving family instead, just like there's not one anubis or apophis. But nope, gotta go straight to the top where there's only one.

>> No.12539628
Quoted by: >>12539635

Then what's wrong with the gods being powerful slutty people in a pantheon?

>> No.12539629

> be a protester against monster girls having the right to rape whoever they want
>protest them by raping them
>start with smaller monster girls, like harpies and catgirls
>move up to fairly strong monster girls like lamias and lizard girls
>be quite famous and strong by now
>decide you need to do something big, something incredible
>you need to rape an oni
>not just any oni but a well known one... a professional wrestler
>formulate plan
>track her walking habits
>after one of her matches, she one as always
>follow her
>she is alone
>take your oppertunity and attack, swinging a baton at the back of the head
>she stumbles back a bit, clearly in pain
>you only pissed her off
>she punches at you
>you dodge and she hits the ground
>she punches through the fucking street
>hit her again, jumping back when she tries to hit you
>know any one of these hits could kill you
>keep weaving in and out hitting her as often and as hard as you can
>after roughly 10 minutes she starts to slow down
>start to go more of the offensive
>beat her into submission
>shove your Fleshy Marauder into her
>do what you must do and leave
>go back home
>wake up the next day to find what you did on the news
>monster girls are now afraid to rape men

>> No.12539631

Cute. The delusions of the powerless.

>> No.12539632

>Beating up a Oni

Haha Fuck off

>> No.12539633

Truly this is the definition of delusion

>> No.12539635


The ones that are, were shitty gods.

You ever found the moral of 90% of Greek myths was just "He who deals in the affairs of gods gets shat upon"? Didn't matter if they liked you or hated you. One would be jealous of another and the whole thing would just turn into misery.

Man, the Greeks did love tragedy, considered it the highest form of storytelling.

>> No.12539637
Quoted by: >>12539646

>> be a protester against monster girls having the right to rape whoever they want
>>protest them by raping them
u wut m8

>> No.12539639
Quoted by: >>12539653

Heh. You wish.

>> No.12539640

Well that's because the Greeks had one god that always seemed to cause everything the same way the Nordics had one god that always seemed to cause everything

>> No.12539643
Quoted by: >>12539648


Not him, but this is still more likely than lovingly dicking actual gods.

>> No.12539644
Quoted by: >>12539655

See, now you're pushing the preconceptions of "real" gods onto ours. Just as there's a difference between monotheistic gods and pantheonic gods there's also a difference between Greek gods and MGG gods.

Saying "that's not how gods work" is a pretty silly thing to say in any fantasy setting anyway since the gods can and will do whatever the writer(s) say they will. And in this case the writers say they like to fuck a lot.

>> No.12539645
Quoted by: >>12539653

And they say Maledom isn't the cancer

>> No.12539646

The proper way to protest male rights violations is by banding together with lizardman and salamander college students and other liberal/beta types to picket the succubus commissions.

>> No.12539648

Well, sure, but that's not saying much.

>> No.12539651
Quoted by: >>12539653

Fuck off.

>> No.12539653

Shit successfully stirred up.

>> No.12539654

lets get back to our MG pantheon
I also agree to a fox goddess of the moon
i like the idea of a silver fox (moon) but not sure i like 9 tails, and yeah she should prank ammy every chance she gets

i think she should me an older, not quite milf type

meh image limit reached!!!

>> No.12539655
Quoted by: >>12539670


Nothing wrong with them fucking a lot. The Demon Lord fucks her husband a lot and has a shit ton of children.

Thinking they'll have threesomes and foursomes and submit to random nobodies is what's ridiculous. Even the DL is married to the strongest human hero in the land.

You know what? Just give them all husbands, and this whole discussion goes away. Or even give one of them a worthy husband, and have the others bully her to share.

>> No.12539656


>> No.12539657

>You'll never notice an Ushi-Oni watching you from afar as you go for a walk outside one day
>You'll never come to the terrifying, yet logical conclusion that she just put you on her "Daily Pelvisceration Treatment" list
>You'll never turn your back and just stand there, pretending you didn't see her
>You'll never shut your eyes and mentally prepare yourself for the inevitable, as you start hearing her steps slowly approaching you from behind
>You'll never be instead suddenly lifted off the ground by a tight, awkward and almost-bone-crushing hug as she envelops your body with her arms
>You'll never shoot a bewildered glance at her, wondering just what the hell is going on
>She'll never gently put you down on the ground, releasing you from her grasp, then immediatelly turn around and run away, covering her blushing face with her paws while squealing like an embarassed schoolgirl
>You'll never be stalked by a shy Ushi-Oni that fell in love with you, but has trouble trying to express her emotions

>> No.12539659

That sounds adorable as hell

>> No.12539660
Quoted by: >>12539663

>supposedly an ushi-oni
>she can't even rape a man!
comedy gold

>> No.12539663


Isn't it just the whoopee cushion of jokes by now?

>> No.12539664

By the time she does get around to it, all the pent up lust is going to kill the MC, plain and simple

But I still would like to see the ride up to that possible point

>> No.12539667
Quoted by: >>12539760


I feel like writing this from the Ushi's POV

>> No.12539668

>Daily Pelvisceration Treatment

>> No.12539670
Quoted by: >>12539693

>Thinking they'll have threesomes and foursomes and submit to random nobodies is what's ridiculous.
It's not an issue for the same reasons already given though. That aside, they aren't necessarily having sex with a bunch of people. When we say "Hathor and Ammy will never give you a double paizuri" one could easily take YOU to be one person, a self-insert for every Anon that for whatever reason gods go gaga for. Maybe he's got a magical dick or something. KC already does this with [YOU], Anon's YOU needn't be any different. Just assume self insert as you often can and usually should and all the problems are reconciled. As for exceptions to the self-insert thing, see the first sentence of this post that's not in green.

>> No.12539674

With all this talk, I suddenly want to fuck the Fallen God

>> No.12539677

Meet an Oni woman
shes very nice to you
you both go out for dinner, movies and what not
after a while there is this one night where you both go drinking

get mega smashed

end up at yer/her place

she reveals something to you
feels like she can trust you with her dark secret
makes you swear before Hathor and the other MG patheon to never reveal it, bushing the entire time....


yer Oni has a dark secret....

she really likes

gentle sex


>> No.12539679

I believe that, according to their doctrine, any kind of sexual encounter with a mg is vicariously fucking the Fallen God

>> No.12539680

We don't even know what she looks like.

>> No.12539687
Quoted by: >>12539726

Which MG has the best butt?
Flabby asses need not apply.


itty bitty kitty booty.

>> No.12539688

Why'd you type it out that way?

>> No.12539689
Quoted by: >>12539690

Don't end up like my cousin, fucking crotchless pants

>> No.12539690
Quoted by: >>12539715

Wasn't that Deruella?

>> No.12539691

She looks just like you're waifu, only sluttier. Much sluttier.

>> No.12539693
Quoted by: >>12539721


See, this isn't bad. But it wasn't what the "Go to the temple and every blessing is her fucking every guy and forceeding the women breastmilk" guy was saying at all.

Three godesses fighting over some faceless dude is great with me.

Actually, yes. The Faceless God. That's him. The god of everything a monster loves in a man. And sometimes he will bestow his gifts on the forgotten, the unloved, the hard working salaryman with no pussy to call his own.

These chosen few are unstoppable and unmatched in the pleasure they bring.

>> No.12539694
Quoted by: >>12539698

how should i have typed it out?

>> No.12539696
Quoted by: >>12539702

I imagine her as an Eldritch abomination. I don't know why.

>> No.12539697

i forgot how to do the covered text thing, someone share with me how to do it again?

>> No.12539698

Less autistically.

>> No.12539701
Quoted by: >>12539757


>Gentle sex
>You will never have a Manticore pet your head as she milks you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear
>She will never gently slide that leather collar on your neck, calling you her favorite pet
>She will never ask you to pet her head when you finally muster up enough balls to admit to loving her, Stockholm Syndrome and all

>> No.12539702

>Not imagining her as horny Deadlights

Where every mortal man cums by simply gazing on her inscrutable form.

>> No.12539703

fallen god...would that be mega milf Hild?
or astaroth?

>> No.12539704

Lurk around.

>> No.12539714

If you can re-word your sentence in a way that doesn't make me feel like you're 13, I might help you if someone else doesn't.

>> No.12539715

Nope, Haven't you heard about the time my cousin Frank hooked up with a Dark Priest?

>> No.12539716

Didn't Frank also get raped by an Ushi-Oni?

>> No.12539717
Quoted by: >>12539748

He's not a clever man, tricked him with cuddles

He liked spiders a lot

>> No.12539718

well, i am not an English native speaker so naturally my English is not that good

>> No.12539719
Quoted by: >>12539746


Don't you mean your cousin Francine?

Oh, I went there. And I heard you don't complain when her sweet alp mouth is kissing your dick.

>> No.12539720

Upgrade to 4chan gold

>> No.12539721
Quoted by: >>12539736

>But it wasn't what the "Go to the temple and every blessing is her fucking every guy and forceeding the women breastmilk" guy was saying at all.
First and last not green sentences of the post you're quoting, friend.

And did we just elevate Anon to the level of a faceless god of pleasure? That's a whole new kind of funny.

>> No.12539726

Don't think I can choose just one.
So many butts out there.

Kitty booty is good, though.

>> No.12539736


>All hail Anon!
>The Faceless One
>Giver of the D
>Taker of the V
>Consort of the Gods
>And totally righteous bro!

His festival is all the single men wearing masks and dancing with all the single women in town.

>> No.12539741
Quoted by: >>12539747

>and dancing with all the single women in town.
You mean standing on the other side of the dance hall from all the women in town and wondering why he came to the dance at all before being swept off his feet for no good reason and laying it down like a professional whore even though he's a virgin?

That sounds about right.

>> No.12539746
Quoted by: >>12539753

No anon, that's not who you're thinking of.

The alp is my cousin Megan, formally Marcus

Not my fault she's good at blowjobs

>> No.12539747
Quoted by: >>12539761



This is a festival of worship where all single men are expected to don the masks and revel in carnal delights!

His chief wizard shall be your spaghetti whore though, yes.

>> No.12539748
Quoted by: >>12539751

Frank sounds like a total idiot.

And how did he even escape the ushi-oni? I thought they kept the train at full speed until either they had to feed their mate or their mate broke.

>> No.12539751

Frank can also play dead pretty well

Should see if I can get him to go into acting

>> No.12539753
Quoted by: >>12539765


>> No.12539757
Quoted by: >>12539764

>gentle sex
>an amazoness gently doing you in the amazon position with handholding, the pounding alternately picking up speed and slowing down to make sure you're okay, nothing hurts, it's not too rough on you is it?
>throwing your arms around your warrior princess' neck, pulling her in for a k-kiss

I'm getting flustered just greentexting it

>> No.12539760
Quoted by: >>12539789


"Just go up to him and tell him you've decided he's your new daki. No need to actually rape him. Or even talk. In fact you shouldn't talk at all. You might scare him off then."

The Ushi continued to mutter to herself while watching her crush from around the corner. She couldn't say WHY in particular this man had captured her attention, only that everything about him was driving her wild. Luckily for them both she had a good quality seal. Though said seal made it hard for her to commit to even introducing herself out of fear.

The man stopped to check the time. Without realizing it, the Ushi began moving forward. This was her chance to finally...

Wait... why are you hugging him?

Oh god he's looking at me now with that cute smile.

Panic. No pedipalps! Let him go! He's staring oh god he's staring. Run. RUNNNNNNNNN.

> Or something to that effect

>> No.12539761
Quoted by: >>12539784

>Anon: the Faceless God, Eternal Lord of Spaghetti
I like it. I like it a lot. The patron god of single men everywhere.

>> No.12539764


>Kiss Amazon, feeling the delightful clench of her walls
>She turns into putty as you gently stroke her head
"T-the husband is supposed to receive the kiss. Idiot."

>> No.12539765

Wow I'm fucking stupid, you get what I'm say though right?

>> No.12539769


It's actually funny because it works both ways unless there was a legal name change filed.

>> No.12539772
Quoted by: >>12539778

>what I'm say though

>> No.12539778
Quoted by: >>12539786

Okay, I'm gonna leave for now until I stop being a fucking retard.

What the fucking hell is wrong with me today?

>> No.12539784


It also explains why it's such a popular name for the characters in stories, like all the Egyptian girls name Isis in the real world.

>> No.12539785
Quoted by: >>12539793

>Go to the dance in the hopes of dancing with a Daughter of Apep
>Don't seem to find any girl that fits the type, but decide to stay longer
>Eventually as more and more monsters pair with the men at the festival, you find yourself among other men, and monster girls that just aren't your type
>Walking to the outskirts of the venue, you mumble something about how comin to the festival this year proved pointless
>"It is pretty pointless, isn't it?" you hear someone say
>You turn to see a daughter of Apep, her tail coiled and her body leaning against the wall next to the entrance to the venue, looking at you with a subtle smile
>"Wanna talk about it?" she asks, patting the ground next to her as though offering a seat to you
>You spend that night talking together under the starry desert sky

>> No.12539786

its ok
I can not seem to type well today either

>> No.12539789
Quoted by: >>12539886



You better Pastebin that shit right now. I want more.

>> No.12539793


>Another successful festival.


>> No.12539797

i met a girl from india who had the name Naga
you have no idea how hard it was for me to ask if there was some connection to lamias in her family :p

>> No.12539800


Baphomet and Imp doing Illya dance in gym uniform

>> No.12539802
Quoted by: >>12539808

Right when you thought it was safe to get back in the meta...

This really does work entirely too well though.

>> No.12539803
Quoted by: >>12539824


>> No.12539808

Anime didn't even air yet and the cancer is in full force in the threads

>> No.12539811

Come on now.
Cancer has changed.

>> No.12539819
Quoted by: >>12539822

You're one for two.

>> No.12539820
Quoted by: >>12539837


Not him but, what's the problem with ellipsis? It's just... y'know, punctuation.

>> No.12539822

Hmm, I suppose I could cut out the shark and make it a giant shark girl rising from the waves

I can never decide who should represent the guy though

>> No.12539824


Give 'em a break. We were getting a good discussion rolling.

I need more greentexts of Festival of Anon. Where's the pretty girls unmasking men they might know after a long night? Where's the sacrificial wizard being publicly married to a daughter of Hathor?

What kind of music do they play?

Do the paladins participate?

We need to know the answers to these questions, in stories!

>> No.12539826
Quoted by: >>12539833

hathor has a daughter?
she is so NOT used goods!

>> No.12539829
Quoted by: >>12539848

>Give 'em a break. We were getting a good discussion rolling.
That's how cancer grows. You point out when someone does something retarded so they either
>Realize this place isn't for them and leave
>Learn to assimilate with board culture and adopt the proper mannerisms when posting

>> No.12539833


>Daughters of Hathor
>Not a healthy mix of demigods and holstaurus supplicants

A god of health and fertility needs to be healthy and fertile I would wager.

>> No.12539837

For starters, almost everyone - you included, do not know how to use ellipsis properly.

>> No.12539839

More health for the health god

>> No.12539848
Quoted by: >>12539866

would it not be better to help them so they can fit in, but not letting people join or feel elcome and excluding people or forming a special circle is a great way to stagnate and slowly die off, kinda like the very cancer you speak of isn't it?

>> No.12539850


Are you seriously getting worked up over punctuation? On 4chan, of all places?

>> No.12539854
Quoted by: >>12539874

nice link, chucklefuck

>> No.12539855


It's just supposed to represent trailing off an incomplete thought or being interrupted IIRC. Granted, them using it as extremely long pause isn't quite right.

But then in my neck of the woods, you just used a hyphen where a colon would have been appropriate. Hell if I know. It took me years to stop using Oxford commas. That's how I was taught in school growing up but my college professors hammered me for it all the time.

>> No.12539856
Quoted by: >>12539874

Your link doesn't work.

>> No.12539858
Quoted by: >>12539864

omg, this, is, such, evil, punctuation, how, do I comma?

>> No.12539859

It's used to show an omission of a word.

>> No.12539864

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, newfag.

>> No.12539866

If you let anyone in that's how it becomes

>Le DAE like Cera? EDIT: Thanks for the Gold stranger! :)
>OMG XDDDD i leik tots LOOOOOVE pharaoh =^U^=
>Hey guys, tripfag here, who's ready to hear the blog about my day? It was long *sighs*

If you told me we had to choose between blidnly accepting or dying off, I'd choose dying off in a heartbeat. You learn to change your posting habits to suit the thread culture or you fuck off. It's not that hard to do.

>> No.12539867
Quoted by: >>12539871

MGG thread

argue over femdom, futa, punctuation.

sounds about right for 4chan

>> No.12539869


No, because an ellipse is used when you break up a quote into two parts as well, even if there's no words missing.

"When he reaches the edge of town..." The gunman grinned. "...he won't find anything waiting for him but a noose and twelve feet of good rope."

>> No.12539870
Quoted by: >>12540372

Ellipsis are used for omissions. What you said is something different, but pretty similar.

I'm not really arguing for/against it, just stating what I know.

>> No.12539871

>argue over femdom, futa
We aren't even arguing over those right now, retard.

>> No.12539872
Quoted by: >>12539879

No that's wrong

>> No.12539874



>> No.12539877


he did say that too, quick to anger aren't you

>> No.12539879


It's just how I was taught. I've read it in stories that way before too. Not that punctuation in pulp fiction is all that stellar.

>> No.12539881
Quoted by: >>12539892

Lookin' good.
Also, what would a lesser Hathor look like?

>> No.12539882

>those horrible lines

>> No.12539883
Quoted by: >>12539888


looks very good, thought Hathor had straight horns though

>> No.12539885

Looking pretty good.

>> No.12539886


Meh. No promises. Blogspots to maintain, quests to run, shit to shit...

>> No.12539888


Less did his based on an Egyptian breed of cow, so it's a little more accurate IMO. But they're both good.

>> No.12539892

Probably the same. They get all the looks and only a piece of the power.

>> No.12539900

Where are there so few hard femdom stories?
And I don't mean just abuse bullshit, but loving femdom that's still hard.

>> No.12539903

I really wish I knew.

>> No.12539906

Good luck finding any, people here are too stubborn or stupid to realize

>hard femdom =/= abuse

>> No.12539910
Quoted by: >>12539947

In terms of femdom, I want to see something like this. Accept it's the entire way through.

>> No.12539918

A lonely salamander drifts through her town's Anonymous festival.The music is the same everywhere, but in no group is the dancing quite the same. She travels from the edge of the square lit by the orange glow of halogen lights where men and monsters dance slowly to the music, past the group of holstaurus, and weresheep square dancing to the same song and averts her gaze as she walks by the lonely human women crying by the punch bowl. There it is! Her circle.

The creatures within move slowly to match the music, but she can clearly see the martial arts inspiration of the movement everyone within makes. The graceful turns and spins of Aikido, the bobbing of Traditional Boxers, the drunken knee thrusts of MMA practitioners. She loves them all. She's late though, many of the people there are already paired off. She dances, still alone, through the crowd of couples until one masked man catches her eye. That reaching out and drawing in, was that... it was! Mantis style! The lizard's heart skipped a beat as she watched him dance without a partner.

She approaches nervous, listless. Would he accept her? Was her dress too long? Too short? So many questions. All of them were answered when the mysterious masked man reached out and plucked her hand. They danced all night, conducting a battle of love to music wholly inappropriate yet somehow suitable to their slow motion mating ritual. The last song came and she reached up to remove the mask of the man she knew would go home with her that night.

The thin piece of plastic slid off to reveal the smiling face of Tom from Accounting. The lizard hated Tom. Everyone hated Tom. Normally she would snap his mask back on and walk away in a huff, but today was Anon day, a special day, so she settled with a warning.
"I-I'm going to give you the V since it's today, but if you tell anyone from work I'll kill you!"
His smile never left as he answered.
>Implying you wouldn't fuck me anyway

Fucking Tom. He was kinda cute though.

>> No.12539921


>> No.12539936
Quoted by: >>12539958


Because that real hard hurting and belittling can probably only be written properly by someone who's done it and likes it. Other people don't really get it.

I dunno. I mean, if I was a sadist, I don't think it would really get me off unless it was really really hurting someone, not playing half pretend.

And I despise being demeaned and belittled.

Really what gets me going is knowing I'm pleasing the other person.

>Lick my fucking toes you dog
Makes me want to punch someone in the face
>That's right, I love it when you suck my toes. Get off all the dirt. That's my favorite boy.
Dick is diamonds. She could cut me, choke me, beat me as long as she said those kind of things. Knowing it's what she wants and her actually saying her appreciation, I'd do pretty much anything.

>> No.12539944


I wish for them to reconcile and live happily ever after.

>> No.12539947


>Succubutt Onee-sama doing this to you

I want it.

>> No.12539958
Quoted by: >>12539972

I dunno, I don't think you have had to experience it in real life to want and enjoy it.

I agree with what you've said though - the top example is abuse, the bottom is femdom.

I get hard thinking about a manticore or dire wolf domming the hell out of me, but making their appreciation known.

>> No.12539972
Quoted by: >>12539980


I have now consumed enough Buffalo Trace to attempt a double hitter of less done, hard femdom grick girl smut. Wish me luck. Probably won't be done tonight but we'll see how far I can get.

>> No.12539980

That can actually work.

>> No.12540004

>You will never have a Jinko-gf
>She will never shed loads all over the place, enough to re-stuff the pillows you two burst whilst "wrestling"
>She will never be a refined, cultured, adventurous and kind soul who loves the outdoors and relaxing indoors
>She will never be patient enough for snu-snu after marriage
>She will never charm your parents with her bubbly personality, and they will never bless the marriage
>She will never be a complete monster in bed
>She will never shed loads, enough to re-stuff the pillows that burst during the snu-snu
>You will never save bundles on the gas bill due to her love of raw foods
>You will never take her out to fancy restaurants, and then later play that hunting/tracking game people keep posting about
>You will never go on long and spirit-binding camp-outs with her
>You will never have a large and beautiful litter of jinko daughterus and human sons
>You will never have to break up the play fights between your children as they learn how to hunt
>You will never see your wife flip the fuck out and literally sprint to the school when you both hear one of your kids is being bullied

What else am I missing out on in this dimension?

>> No.12540012
Quoted by: >>12540253



We're watching you.

>> No.12540015

I'm liking this! Except for that Pie Stealer. She's a bitch!!

>> No.12540024

Actually if you care about KC canon (I realize many don't), I'm pretty sure later works clarify that Poseidon also became a monster girl when she joined the mamono lord's side, though her personality didn't change and become utterly lustful like the Fallen God. The sea as a whole is stated to be under the control of the monsters via Poseidon who serves the Mamono Lord.

>> No.12540027

How about having her allow you, though slightly hesitantly, to stroke her head when you're snuggled up on the couch at home. Then, as you keep stroking her, she rests her head on your lap and begins purring deeply until she falls asleep.
Of course, she'd be blushing when she woke up, andwould insist that a proud tiger liker her would never stoop to the level of a domestic cat.

She'll ask if you can do it again at some point, though.

>> No.12540033
Quoted by: >>12540037

Oh, and to those who were critical about how you become a alp in KC's world, it is not by being fucked dry of mana. One has to want to become a girl/desire men and destroy their body's ability to produce mana.

>> No.12540037


Mana is made by your sex drive though. So no sexdrive=alp whether you secretly crave dick or not.

>> No.12540043


How risky is it to save yourself for marriage in KC's canon?

>> No.12540048


>> No.12540050
Quoted by: >>12540052

Most rapes result in a marriage, so it's hard not to.

>> No.12540051
Quoted by: >>12540058

Depends on how high your luck is
And how fast you can run away from literally everything, including a Unicorn that might persue you

>> No.12540052



>> No.12540058
Quoted by: >>12540070


>Hey, you're a virgin, I'm a virgin, we have so much in common!
>Wanna fuck?

>> No.12540070

>You say no
>That was three months ago, and she hasn't stopped stalking you since
>You tried to hold her hand as a way to stun her so you could make a break for it, but you accidentally made it worse
>Fucking Unicorns

>> No.12540071
Quoted by: >>12540079


Well according to a friend of KC it is a combination of "magic power" and "mind energy." It may be influenced by sexual desire but sexual desire itself does not seem to produce it. Sex is simply how most monsters feed on it.

>> No.12540076

>That scene
Thanks anon, I think I have a way to make "timestop" more plausible in my stories.

>> No.12540079


It's clear in all his early entries that spirit energy is the old Eastern spirit philosophy: That white virility that nests in your belly and comes out your dick.

>> No.12540082

How do you get an ultra submissive mg to rape you?

>> No.12540084


Tease her and deny her the D until she snaps. That's the Holstaurus way.

>> No.12540089

Get naked, cover yourself in body oil, lie on your back and keep yourself erect until the bait is taken.

>> No.12540094
Quoted by: >>12540098

Keep using condoms until she snaps
If that doesn't work, suggest using a condom, or say you're not into it, on a full moon

>> No.12540098

How would MG react to condoms? I've heard in Mexico condoms are only used on whore so not-working women get offended when you try to use one. Would MG be insulted or find the idea hilarious?

>> No.12540104
Quoted by: >>12540195

>How would MG react to condoms?
Like this - http://www.mylifewithfel.com/

>> No.12540111

I want to bully a Stage 3 alp

>> No.12540112

>About to get funky with an Oni
>But you don't want to accidentally impregnate
>Suggest using a condom
>She's looking at you funny
>And now she's laughing
>And now she won't stop laughing
>You're flaccid. This isn't happening
>She takes the condom
>she tears a massive hole in it with her finger, never leaving eye contact from you
>she gives it back
>You've seen that look before.
>It's the one your friends tell you about that leads to soreness in the pelvis area

>> No.12540114
Quoted by: >>12540157

I remember hearing that they destroy forms of contrepception if they find them, there's not much point in them using them anyway given how hard it is for them to get pregnant in the first place

>> No.12540117

Whisper in her hear how much she wants to fuck you raw, how she wants to tackle you to the ground and take your body for her own. And then invite her to do so.

If that doesn't work, well, there's always loving sex and cuddles.

Or rape her.

>> No.12540150


It's not a Mexican thing. It's a Catholic thing. But as my friend told me when I gave him a hard time about it when I threw him his bachelor party.

>I may be a good Catholic
>But I'm not THAT good

>> No.12540157

Yup, the reference is in world guide 1 and goes as follows:

"When monsters have semen poured inside their womb, they can satisfy not only their lust and hunger, but their desire as a female too at the same time. For that reason monsters who strongly desire to have semen poured directly in their womb absolutely loathe the practice of using contraceptive devices, etc. that is prevalent among humans where the man's semen isn't poured inside their mouth or womb or even squirted on their bodies, but is instead thrown away, or where magic and potions, etc. are used to ensure that pregnancy does not occur."

>> No.12540159
Quoted by: >>12540175


Maybe by pretending to be dense and waving off her advances when she implies she wants to do it until the pent up lust does its job?

>> No.12540166
Quoted by: >>12540210

Be a teasing little slut.

>> No.12540171
Quoted by: >>12540194

I figured, if you promised the load in the condom to her to eat or something afterwards, she'd be up for it

I mean, they're going to abhor wasting it. If you explain you don't want a kid at that point in your relationship, but she's got free game for it everywhere else, where's the harm?

>> No.12540175

Ah yes, the "Oblivious Paladin" technique.

>> No.12540180
Quoted by: >>12540183

Wait there's techniques?

I'm so afraid of monsters that I didn't even learn of any of these "techniques"

>> No.12540183
Quoted by: >>12540196

Dude, haven't you read the Shota Sutra? It's got all of the techniques. Some of them even have pictures!

>> No.12540194

There is a unique pleasure KC's monster girls feel when semen is shot directly into their womb, and a condom would deprive them of that. Not saying she wouldn't agree for a while (heck the manticore's basic courtship method involves delaying vaginal sex) but she may feel deprived eventually.

Course even without a condom it is stated it may take years, decades, even centuries for a monster girl to get pregnant (presumably the rarer, more powerful types are less fertile), which is why there are various methods to increase or ensure fertility.

>> No.12540195

>Thought this was furry shit at first
>Pleasantly surprised

>> No.12540196
Quoted by: >>12540205

The what?

Hell kinda name is that?

>> No.12540197


being completely oblivious to any and all sexual advances is the only way for poor paladins to stay pure in such a sinful world. They have to be as dense as a black hole's to get any work done.

>> No.12540200

Since thread is so close to death, and since I've been binging on Jojo,[ let's do a game.

Through a series of events of your choosing, you suddenly gain a Stand, and become involved in a plot much larger than you. You eventually meet your waifu, who also has a Stand. The names of the Stands are your own choosing.


So, what's your stand, who's your waifu, and what's her stand? Any other information is just flavor and up to you.

If you don't roll an MG through random, just re-roll

>> No.12540205

>heck the manticore's basic courtship method involves delaying vaginal se
They still feel the pleasure of being cummed inside though, it's just through an auxiliary vagina. Manticore's a bad example of this, you probably should've gone with ghoul.

>Hell kinda name is that?
Indians. Don't ask questions, just read it. Keep in mind while you're perusing that it was made to let even the smallest of penises please a mamono, you can't do ALL of the positions. Also, you probably aren't that flexible anymore.

>> No.12540207

Well yeah, but any pregnancy risk is still a risk. If you explain your reasons why you don't want a kid just yet and they better be some damn good reasons as far as your waifu is concerned, I'd imagine she'd be fine with it. As long as that seed gets inside her in some fashion she'll be happy.

Hell, post-fucking blowjobs with a full condom could be a treat for her, especially if she bites a hole in the reservoir.

>> No.12540210

So wear skimpy clothes, shake your ass around and jump into mgs' laps and brag about how helpless you are, spread your legs wide and push out your crotch while you're sitting, talk about how much you need a "big strong mg" to accompany you on a walk through a dark deserted alley for "protection", talk about how much you love "women who take what they want", etc.?

Not that I have any experience doing any of this.

>> No.12540211
Quoted by: >>12540407


So the real Paladins are those who pretend to be dense and naive in order to protect themselves from corruption while not resorting to violence at all?

That's pretty based, actually.

>> No.12540228

So my Stand involves

And as for my Ryu waifu,

Sounds like we're going to be having a good time.

>> No.12540251


My stand is Electric Funeral, and is http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Filth_Manipulation

My Merrow waifu's Stand is Collective Soul, and is http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Concept_Manipulation

It seems like a good match

>> No.12540253
Quoted by: >>12540257

what does this mean?

>> No.12540257
Quoted by: >>12540260

Bizarro /mgg/ is watching and waiting for a reality merge. One of seven signs has been met

>> No.12540260
Quoted by: >>12540273

Am I worthy of knowing what the other signs are?

>> No.12540273
Quoted by: >>12540281

To mention them could ruin the possible merge.

It's best to just wait for the others to happen, and not make it take longer

We're sick of just reality thread merges, and we're excited to meet you human boys, I'm sure you feel the same and can understand that

>> No.12540281
Quoted by: >>12540299

It is Understood.

1000 Apologies

>> No.12540284

new thread time

>> No.12540287


>> No.12540289

So I get Anything you can do I can do better http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Power_Warping

With a Wyvern waifu with The Hand http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Space_Depletion

>> No.12540291


>> No.12540293

My brain won't shut up until I do this, apologies if it's shitty.
>Be a Disgraced Knight wandering the countryside
>It's been so long since you were banished from your home kingdom you don't even remember what you were banished for.
>Your armor is caked in rust and some parts have fallen off.
>Your once proud longsword has chunks missing from it and it's blade has been dulled due to going years without being able to properly maintain it.
>You remember one thing, a promise that you could return home if you brought with you the head of a monstergirl that has been a thorn in the order's side for quite some time.
>A white wolfgirl with red markings.
>After years of tracking her, you are close to finding your target.
>You see her standing in a clearing, all that is between you and reclaiming your home is a single swing to decapitate the beast.

>> No.12540296

My stand The Tyrant

Wyvern waifu's stand Dissonance

>> No.12540299


We understand too, we're fed up with waiting too

We hope to see you and everyone else soon, HB

We've been waiting too long, I hope you don't mind us being forward

Thank Hathor for the blood moons

>> No.12540301

What I meant to say was that someone started a new thread


>> No.12540308

My stand is called Sharpshooter
My waifu is a Girtablilu and
her stand is Helter Skelter

I'm imagining I'm going to have to train her in the use of her stand.

>> No.12540309

>praising a false god
The Father of all creation forgives you though.

>> No.12540310
Quoted by: >>12540315

Well someone's a stupid fucking asshole.

>> No.12540312

Someone remind me again: in the absence of a sea bishop or merrow's hat, how does one fuck an aquatic MG without drowning?

>> No.12540313

Keep all Dark Priests and Ushi-Onis away from my cousin Frank or I swear to god

>> No.12540314

You don't

>> No.12540316

>Time Travel
>Holstaurus Milk



>> No.12540315
Quoted by: >>12540337

And again they didn't even do the OP right. I'm thinking this might be intentional.

>> No.12540317
Quoted by: >>12540321

>What I meant to say was that someone started a new thread
No, what you meant to say is someone ignored us when we said "No" to making a new thread, even though we're still 10th from the bottom, an made a new one anyway.

That's what you meant to say.

>> No.12540319
Quoted by: >>12540327

Hathor rules in our domain

The same as Yahweh rules in yours

>> No.12540321

Save us, Janet! Only your mighty broom can save us now!

>> No.12540323

>Dissing Hathor
Son, you're treading on mighty thin ice

>> No.12540327
Quoted by: >>12540340

But I understood God to be the creator of the Omniverse.

Perhaps he a special purpose for Hathor

>> No.12540328

>What I meant to say

But Anon
Was posted at 11:25

Was posted at 11:30

You fucked up because you wanted to make an OP and your OP sucks and you suck go fuck yourself you lying autist.

>> No.12540332
Quoted by: >>12540335

>Thread posted between the time two anons managed to say "Don't post a thread" and >>12540301's post

>I post thread now?
>Kay, I post thread now.
Somebody is definitely an asshole for this.

>> No.12540335
Quoted by: >>12540339

Truly, there is an idiot among us
But who could they be?

>> No.12540337

It is intentional.

>> No.12540338

meanwhile, waiting for dating service anon

>> No.12540339
Quoted by: >>12540341

It could be me, It could be you, It could even be the person reading this post right this very second.

>> No.12540340

Deity's tend to get big heads

Hathor claims to be the creator of the omniverse on our head.

We already know they all had a hand in it and are just exaggerating themselves

>> No.12540341

It's all of us, Anon. 4chan is just one person talking with themselves.

>> No.12540342

You'll get yours eventually, Anon. You just have to be patient
All good things come to those who wait

>> No.12540343

>tfw you'll never be "adopted" by a milfy version of your favorite kind of monster girl
>tfw you'll never be tenderly dominated by her every night while she forces you to call her mom at all times

>> No.12540344

>Oomukade with pessimism Inducement
>Spell Destabilization for myself

MG is a perfect combination for even further increased potency and effectiveness and I can be baller with counterspelling and work around not having to know magic too well myself anyways.

>> No.12540345


Basically you can't, not fully underwater at least, at least not if the monster girl doesn't have enough power to change you into an incubus quickly (it is becoming an incubus via a sea monster that enables the man to breathe underwater, a sea bishop ritual simply makes one become an incubus quickly).

Presumably most sea monsters would fuck you where you can still breathe and take the time to find a sea bishop. Even if they didn't one can't simply drown in KC's ocean as its one huge mamono realm fileld with Poseidon's power. At the point where you would normally drown that power will put a man in a coma-like state, the same power enabling monster girls to find and rescue him.

>> No.12540347

My Stand is Oblivion's Call

My Dark Slime's is Jefferson Starship

>> No.12540349

Hey uh, guys how do you ah, hypothetically hide your scent from an Oni trying to break down your door after insulting her favorite alcohol?

Ya know just a hypothetical question

>> No.12540350
Quoted by: >>12540364

Shark Girls lip lock you as you they hold you underwater. Each Shark Girl waits for their turn to give you a brine-scented kiss and fuck you.

If they smell blood they lose control and all try to rape you at once, often getting carried away and biting you.

>> No.12540352
Quoted by: >>12540356

Wait, is he going to put in a pastebin or are we justing waiting on him to post here?

>> No.12540355
Quoted by: >>12540374

Buy yourself some Scent Killer, that's the brand name, not a description.

While it might not be as effective on MG's as it is on deer, it should help some

>> No.12540356

I think he'll post them in here, haven't seen anyone say otherwise.

>> No.12540357
Quoted by: >>12540374

Get covered in mud

>> No.12540358
Quoted by: >>12540374


pee in your hands and rub it all over your body

>> No.12540360

KC has at least a few dozen well-known ones he can still cover. Problem is that he likes to give them the same personality.

>> No.12540361


>Give her a bottle of better alcohol from your cabinet.
>Bond over a drink

It's so damn easy.

>> No.12540363

Uh-oh, you're a Mormon and don't have any alcohol! What do you do?!

>> No.12540364

that's actually somewhat terrifying

>> No.12540365


>> No.12540370
Quoted by: >>12540414


But how can you make a disparaging remark about alcohol brands when you haven't even sampled them?

Give her the secret of frysauce. It's the only way. Or better yet, give it to me and I'll save you.

>> No.12540372

An ellipsis or em dash can also be used to mark aposiopesis in written dialogue, i.e. deliberately breaking off a sentence and leaving it unfinished, giving an impression of unwillingness or inability to continue. The reason we don't generally like seeing that on 4chan is because it is was massively over-done at one point. It gets really annoying when you see it in every post.

>> No.12540374

Yeah I'll try none of these due to me wanting to smell clean as my pelvis shatters

I might try yours If i was smashed however.

Ah fuck it I'll go hide in my closet and hope she takes my beer over me

>> No.12540381
Quoted by: >>12540386


>Want to hide smell
>Dont want to get dirty

what kind of pussy faggot are you? If you were really worried about your pelvis you would do anything necessary to save it

>> No.12540386

Okay now that I think about the mud one might be a good idea, but I'm not fucking rubbing pee all over myself.

>> No.12540391
Quoted by: >>12540411

>Anon hides in his closet
>He hears his front door get completely destroyed
>It's like something straight out of a B-list horror flick
>He can hear her tear his fridge door right open and raid it like Indiana Jones
>She took the bait
>A cork goes off. she's chugging down your booze
>Fuck fuck fuck, you can hear her lugging all those bottles as she comes upstairs
>You try to lower your breathing as she looks around
>She's sniffing the air like a majestic predatory beast
>You hear a cabinet open in your room. She found your secret stash
>And now she's leaving. Oh thank Christ.
>You lost a shit ton of booze, but at least your pelvis is intact
>What, you thought this was going to be a happy ending? She's laying on your bed boyo!. And by the way she's getting all comfy, she isn't leaving for a while.

>> No.12540392

>in Mexico condoms are only used on whore
It's like that here in New Mexico too. At least where I live.

>> No.12540393
Quoted by: >>12540399


>Have to go outside to get mud

You fool! That's just what she wants!

>> No.12540397

If you didn't want to suffer this kind of shame and humiliation you shouldn't have pissed off an Oni.

>> No.12540399
Quoted by: >>12540403

It's a risk I'm willing to take anon!

I'm gonna go for it!

>> No.12540403

And we never heard from this anon every again

>> No.12540407
Quoted by: >>12540426

There is also the 'Johnny Bravo' where you act so excited and enthusiastic about "picking up chicks" that you end up turning them off. This one takes more acting skill though, you need to be really over the top and cheesy. Like, cheesy enough to make Charon cringe.

>> No.12540411


>Muh Kraken
>Muh Buffalo Trace
>Muh Knob Creek
>Muh Walker Black
>Muh Bayou
>Muh Sailor Jerry
>Muh Southern Comfort
>Muh Paul Masson
>Muh Smirnoff Vodka Okay she can have that one

Like $300 worth of booze. I'd cry.

>> No.12540414
Quoted by: >>12540418

>But how can you make a disparaging remark about alcohol brands when you haven't even sampled them?
By insulting ALL of the brands.

Alcohol a shit, sake a shit, only good beer is root beer, that liquor will fuel the flames that burn you in hell, etc. Or maybe you're just a bad Mormon/recent convert but trying to get better.

>> No.12540415

I think anyone would cry. It's booze.

>> No.12540418

>shit taking the drink of the gods

I hope a Oni beats you up and takes your root beer

>> No.12540420


We haven't even been able to get Buffalo Trace down here for most of a year because of the Chinese buying it up. I've been nursing that fifth until more comes in.

>> No.12540421
Quoted by: >>12540428

I never got a taste for any kind of alcohol. It's all nasty to me.

>> No.12540422


i dont know what gods you pray too but they have shit taste

>> No.12540424

Whoa now, I never said that, I was just pointing out ways that a particularly stupid Mormon might piss off an oni by insulting alcohol.

>> No.12540426
Quoted by: >>12540431

You should probably add that under no circumstances should you as them to "Do the Monkey" with you

>> No.12540427

This was a lot clearer in my head when I started writing it.
>You wonder to yourself how such a small thing could possibly be such a menace to the Order as you swing your sword to end it's miserable life.
>Suddenly your sword connects with a burning disk that appeared from seemingly nowhere.
>The girl spins around and shoves into the disc, knocking your sword from your hand.
>She wraps her arms around your waist and lifts, sending you sailing through the air.
>You land on your back painfully and quickly scramble to a standing position
>She's just standing there. Smiling.
>God that smile is infuriating.
>You charge at her, fists at the ready.
>Her tail twitches, almost faster than you could see and suddenly you are stopped in your tracks by a sudden and powerful deluge of rain.
>It pounds against your armor like hammers, striking hard and knocking you flat to the ground.
>Another few flicks of her tail and a black substance coats the entirety of your armor
>Still you refuse to give in, rising up against the rain, and ready to fight.
>Wait. That was too easy.
>You look down and find to your shock that your armor is repaired. The wear and tear of your long hunt has vanished, your armor is whole and as resplendent as the day you first put it on.
>You make a dash for your sword, made easier by the fact that the joints of your armor are no longer severely rusted.
>Oddly, the girl makes no moves to stop you.

>> No.12540428


You talk that way about beer all you want son. But you keep those remarks away from fine wine and quality spirits.

>> No.12540429

Would you reccomend Redd's Hard Cider, or Angry Orchard for that matter?

>> No.12540431

If you do slip up and do so talking frequently about your mother is a great way to get MG off of you.

>> No.12540434

I've only had Redd's Hard Cider and it sucked

>> No.12540435

Angry Orchards barely tastes like alcohol, should be fine for people that don't like the taste.

>> No.12540436
Quoted by: >>12540444


Honestly friend, most hard ciders, lemonades, and eggnoggs are a wast of money. You're better off buying a soft version and adding a quality spirit to it.

The best of the kind you're looking for I actually had was homemade apple pie shine. Almost 100 proof, smooth as silk, made by a real swampie. The brown stuff with a cinnamon stick in the bottle. Man you don't get quality homemade very often.

>> No.12540440
Quoted by: >>12540452

>shit taking the drink of the gods
>Didn't even mention mead
Your gods must have shit taste if mead isn't their chosen drink.

>> No.12540443

>like onis
>don't like alcohol

Well, someone has to be the designated driver.

>> No.12540444

You're talking about Apple Pie, and I also recommend it to hard-apple Anon.

You'll need to make it yourself though, a couplel bottles of everclear to a few bottles of apple juice AND cider. There's recipes online, but it's perfect and fucks you up fast

>> No.12540445

>"Wanna roll in the hay with me, anon?"
"Sure, we can head back to my mom's place, and--"
>"Ara, would she like to join in too?"
Nothing went according to plan.

>> No.12540448


Proceed. I wanna see where this goes.

>> No.12540450

any decent writefag smut come out lately?

>> No.12540451

Does anyone have that picture of that Red Oni dressed as Jotaro? I thought I saved it but I cannot find it, and google image search is being a cunt

>> No.12540452


Mead is okay. I prefer the african honey wines like Tej though. And in general I prefer good grape and other fruit wines.

>> No.12540453


Did you miss the succubus smut the other day?


>> No.12540457
Quoted by: >>12540460

>>"Ara, would she like to join in too?"
S-sure, I... I guess. I mean, there's plenty of hay. I'm not really sure why you're so into rolling in it, but I guess it's cool. We have a bit more than usual because last winter was harsh and killed alot of the livestock that would have eaten it. So It's just sort of sitting there.

>> No.12540459
Quoted by: >>12540462

Pretty good but read it already

>> No.12540460
Quoted by: >>12540463

Stop denying your Oedipus complex, HB

>> No.12540461

>Nothing went according to plan.
That's not the Johnny Bravo, that's just the Mama's Boy. The Mama's Boy is a turn on. The conversation should've gone more like this:
>"Wanna roll in the hay with me, anon?"
"Hay?! Momma loves hay! We used to roll in the hay all the time and go on hay rides and make scarecrows and carve pumpkins and-"
>"I meant more like-"
"Does this weird dried grass wig make me look even prettier?"
>"I gotta go now."
Remember, over the top.

>> No.12540462


Not much else. Loli oni I guess. Check the blogspot and see if anything catches your interest.

>> No.12540463
Quoted by: >>12540468

Not sure I follow.

>> No.12540464
Quoted by: >>12540469

If you've already read this,
I'm not sure how else I can help except to saywe need somebody to write for the Red Moon.

>> No.12540467


>> No.12540468


An Oedipus complex comes from wanting to fuck your mother. I think it can apply to wanting to do the same to your father, but that obviously doesn't apply here. I feel like I legit have one, but I don't feel that way about my actual mom at all. I just like moms/motherly women in general really.

>> No.12540469
Quoted by: >>12540474

Ain't that on the 8th?

>> No.12540472

I wonder if Based!Janitor-kun is going to delete the other thread.

>> No.12540473
Quoted by: >>12540475


There's nothing with wanting a real woman and lot a little girl.

>> No.12540474
Quoted by: >>12540483

Yes. There was one Anon who said he wanted to do another Apophis smut story for it, but since we already have one, even if he decided to do it, we'd still need another guy to write something else, to keep people who want variety happy.

>> No.12540475
Quoted by: >>12540485


Even wanting to be doted on by one like she was treating you like her own child?

>> No.12540481
Quoted by: >>12540482

Who is HB? And how is denseness an indication of an Oedipus complex? And Oedipus complex is the broad term for things, wanting to fuck parent of the opposite sex. electra was the one where the daughter feels competition against the mother for the father. But I think the main difference there is Oedipus makes you wanna fuck your patent, Electra implies you feel competitive AGAINST one parent, towards the other.

>> No.12540482
Quoted by: >>12540484


Oedipus is male. Electra is female. It's really that simple.

>> No.12540483
Quoted by: >>12540511

Hot damn, I didn't even realize it's almost October.

>> No.12540484
Quoted by: >>12540489

Look it up, the original wasn't gender-specific.

>> No.12540485


Pampered husband/big boy or baby-play? Because one of those things is okay and one of them is not.

>> No.12540489
Quoted by: >>12540493


I just know it from the common use and the original myths which were very clear. I've never in my life heard Electra used for anything but a girl wanting to get with daddy. And similar guidelines for Oedipus.

>> No.12540490

Is this a guy or a girl thing? Like, does the girl get wet from changing a full-grown man's diapers, or is it the guy being hard from being treated like a baby?

>> No.12540492


You would assume it's both. Takes two to tango.

>> No.12540493
Quoted by: >>12540500

Yeah, the differences are pretty cosmetic, but If we're arguing the point here, technically only Electra is gender-specific. But since I think the male version has no specific name for it, Oedipus is the sub.

>> No.12540494

Nobody knows

>> No.12540496


Baby play is weird, even with some of the stuff I get off to. I just like the idea of being doted on by someone in a motherly fashion.

>> No.12540497

So Johnny is a paladin. An idiot who joined the order for the cool helmet and to impress chicks without knowing about the whole celibacy thing. In reality he is a genius who is protecting his purity in the most clever and underhanded way possible.

Little Suzy is obviously a bapho after that sweet manly pompadour.

What's Mama? Chain-smoking were-rabbit? I mean her name is bunny after all. Overprotective human woman who lost her meat-headed husband to monster ntr? Husky-voiced ara-ara health monster who was fooled by Johnny's facade and resists the urge to momdom snusnu because she finds it charming and doesn't want to soil his purity? My vote is on the last one.

>> No.12540498

>You take a swing at her, but she leaps over it and lands on top of your sword.
>You swing upwards, but her tail flicks again and a vine emerges from a nearby tree to pull her to safety.
>You charge at her and catch her off guard, knocking her to the ground.
>You put all your power into the next swing and bring down your sword in one final strike to end her life.
>Another flick of her tail, she vanishes and your sword buries itself in the ground.
>You feel a tap on your shoulder and swing your sword as you turn to face her
>The disc is waiting and your sword shatters.
>You stand there, staring at the now bladeless hilt of your weapon before letting it fall from your hands.
>You fall to your knees in despair, you know you have lost.
>The wolf looks down at your discarded weapon and picks it up.
>Another flick of her tail.
>She gently hands the sword back to you and you take it.
>It's not only been repaired, it's exactly as you remember it from when your grandfather gave it to you. It almost seems to shine in the light.
>You look up and see her smiling at you again, this time without rage clouding your eyes.
>It's not a smug smile as you had assumed, it's a kind nurturing smile, like a mother's.
>She's smiling at you, the unworthy wretch who was trying to kill her mere moments ago.
>You sit there as she begins to leave, and in the afternoon light her whole body seems to glow like the sun.
>If only you could be so grossly incandescent.
And that's my shitty story about how the Sunbros formed in the world of monstergirls. Apologies if it sucked.

>> No.12540500
Quoted by: >>12540506


But Oedipus banged the fuck out of his mom. How is it not an appropriate name?

>> No.12540501
Quoted by: >>12540512

But Johnny is a dude. Typical (and by that I mean KC) canon says his mom must be human.

>> No.12540503


>Pops is the Pope

>Gee Pops, I just dunno about all these girls going after a sweet piece of tinned beef
>Johnny you just have to remember to pray really hard and think dense thoughts.
>Armor care and always keep my visor down, got it
>You are using that special sin sock, right Johnny?

>> No.12540506
Quoted by: >>12540509

That's just the legend that coined the name for the complex. Before some one gave the term Electra complex it's not like some one looked at a girl wanting her dad and was like "Gee I don't fuckin know. It's not a boy wanting to bang his mum so shit, I'm completely in the dark here." Naw, they just called the whole fucking parents thing Oedipus. It wasn't untill Electra that it became a he/she thing. Atleast, that's my understanding. This is why I said it was mainly a cosmetic difference. Oedipus was first, and referred to both, it's only these days it indicates the male more than the female.

>> No.12540508
Quoted by: >>12540516


Johnny's mom cant be a monster but all the rest seems alright

>> No.12540509
Quoted by: >>12540521


>These days

I know Oedipus dates back to Freud but Electra dates back to at least the 1950's. I think after half a century we can let it go.

>> No.12540511

It did kind of come up on us pretty quick.
Still, if nobody else is going to do it, I might have to take it upon myself to do it.
And I really don't want to.

>> No.12540512

KC canon can suck a dick. Anyway she can be his step-mom or adopted mom, that makes things more convenient for people uncomfortable with genuine mom-son.

>> No.12540516


>> No.12540517
Quoted by: >>12540530

Well I would do it but I've never written smut before. And I forget what the blood moon does to a monster
We'll get someone eventually, Anon

>> No.12540519

More than one person can do one, you know. I don't think we'll complain about too much themed porn.

>KC canon can suck a dick.
Even if you say that...

>Anyway she can be his step-mom or adopted mom
And problem solved.

>> No.12540521

I thought Oedipus dated back way further. Atleast that's the impression I'm basing my argument off.

>> No.12540523
Quoted by: >>12540527


I liked it. Does he try to become her follower after that? Would guilt nag him to atone for his aggression?

>> No.12540524

I like it.

>> No.12540527
Quoted by: >>12540589

What's going through my head is he essentially starts going around and spreading the word of her kindness and one day Ammy wakes up to find she's got a buttload of new followers.

>> No.12540528
Quoted by: >>12540531


>Tell me about your mother
That was when it hit mainstream modern. That and Freud's obsession with the interpretation of dreams.

If you want to get technical, the recognition of the phenomena probably predates the original myths. Hell there's Bible stories older than that that do the same thing. Like the story of Ham or Lot and his children.

>> No.12540530
Quoted by: >>12540533

In what I wrote, I just noted that the red moon just makes monster girls incredibly horny. So much so that the main girl fucked her boyfriend the entire night until he was bone-dry. That's pretty much all I had going for it, and all I needed.

Also, the Red Moon thing was my first time too. Don't be afraid to give it a try if you're willing.

>> No.12540531
Quoted by: >>12540546

Well, thanks for enlightening men, anon.

>> No.12540533
Quoted by: >>12540538

>That second spoiler
You're making it sound like it's like losing your virginity or having sex with an Oni

>> No.12540535

The myth is ancient but Freud coined the phrase Oedipus complex. He came up with most of the classic complexes. I think.

>> No.12540538
Quoted by: >>12540541

I guess I did, didn't I?

>> No.12540541

Huh. In a way I guess you did

>> No.12540546

Well man has basically been the same animal for the last 40k years. We haven't changed much. But the bow and arrow was only invented about 10k years ago. Chew on that. 30k years, 1500 generations, of people no dumber than you or me, with nothing but spear throwers and fire. The human mind has been studied by humans for a very very long time. It only makes sense that common behavioral patterns are recorded in some of our earliest written accounts.

>> No.12540551

Please do not /ss/ the shota, shotas are for loving, not raping

>> No.12540553

shota here ths guy is a faget, COM AT ME LADYS

>> No.12540558

>All the confidence
>None of the dick

Aw he's so cute. Have at him ladies.

>> No.12540560

And here we see the slut shota in it's natural habitat

>> No.12540564

No, shotas for raping
Just like lolis

>> No.12540589
Quoted by: >>12540612


A fitting end. Good work, Anon.

>A few days later, a voice wakes Ammy from her peaceful nap as she sleeps on a random tree branch
>"Oh, holy incandescent light of hope and prosperity, would this insignificant mortal be worthy of your time?"
>She looks down, feeling a bit half asleep, as to see who's calling out to her
>"Hmm? Oh, you're that... rusty knight from before, right?"
>"That is indeed correct, oh almighty Queen of the burning disc! I am most honored to know that such being of infinite grace deems my person worthy of rememberance!"
>"Uh... I suppose so. I see you've brought... company?"
>It is then that she notices that the Knight brought an entire battallion of believers with him, all of them intently staring and quietly admiring her very presence from the ground below
>"Ah, yes! Of course! Ever since the day of our battle-- no, the day of my enlightenment, I have travelled long distances and faced many dangers for the sole purpose of spreading word of your greatness, and I have persuaded the minds of many to become your loyal acolytes! They are eager to learn the ways of your undying light, milady!"
>Still feeling a bit tired, she looks in the distance for a moment, only to realize that the morning sun is barely visible, did this guy really wake her up this early?
>Yawning, she just goes:
>"I see. That's cool and all, but it's like, 06:00 A.M. right now, you know? Can we do this later?"

I keep picturing Ammy as an easygoing girl from time to time for some reason.

>> No.12540605
Quoted by: >>12540614


this is almost as good as the time i got the demon lord in "roll for your waifu"

>> No.12540612

I agree, I also think the sunbros will eventually mellow around her until their relationship with her is less "Religious Fervor" and more "We're friends with a badass goddess."

>> No.12540614

I remember that. Well ain't you the bringer of chaos
