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>> No.38318616
File: 583 KB, 1448x2048, __yakumo_ran_touhou_drawn_by_mirufui__f093967de0209e8aabb97e5f5702ea4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38318625

Foxes lacking in self-confidence.

>> No.38318625

That can be helped with the power of Holst Milk.

>> No.38318632

I would have an existential crises if the portals opened and some old hag showed up claming to be my soulmate. Or, god forbid, a lilim.

>> No.38318636
File: 614 KB, 3000x4000, 15413077476341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use what >>38318593 said.
An covenant of many different species united. Maybe in their history they experienced some kind of cataclysm that annihilated their ability to collectively birth males, or maybe even have it so they've already absorbed several male only races, or races that have a male/female split but it's not enough to sustain all the females in their empire.

Lots of different routes could be taken.

>> No.38318691

Opinions on being a squid?

>> No.38318724

I love chaos transforms. My wives are both chaos monsters. Others hate them. They are controversial but only a few exist and there are plenty of other options if you don't like them.

>> No.38318731
File: 177 KB, 903x1500, 1637374286483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the most dangerous job for an anon in mg world? I say delivery boy cause every house is an ambush

>> No.38318742
File: 3.07 MB, 2544x3796, YepaWedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38319025

Fellas, I really love my big Wendigo wife!

>> No.38318746
File: 748 KB, 811x1767, 15413077653005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be cool. I'm okay with becoming and eldritch horror, as long as I'm with my eldritch wife.

>> No.38318764

>lady please I really need to get paid

>> No.38318786
Quoted by: >>38318815

Not bad. Most people who go crazy about it here are samefagging /tg/ asshats who are too busy jerking off to their fanfics.

>> No.38318801
Quoted by: >>38318995

Is she a pslime?
That tail looks really shiny...

>> No.38318804
Quoted by: >>38318820

>The Goominion

>> No.38318815
File: 224 KB, 868x1750, FH1R8HiXMAA4N5N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38319094

I've haven't seen anyone freaking out about it in a long time though.

>> No.38318820
File: 1.39 MB, 1062x928, 1528006003943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I like it.

>> No.38318821

Construction would have to pay hazard pay.
>working on a job site
>up on some beams putting the roof together on a five story building
>suddenly a dragon dive bombs like it’s 1944 and snatched up Barry
>then a manticore comes around and picks off Mick
>now you gotta do the whole damn roof while they go off and get married

>> No.38318852

>he thinks its a normal roof

>> No.38318859
Quoted by: >>38319495

imagine being that guy left behind while all of your coworkers are carried off
doing your job waiting to be next but it never comes

>> No.38318867

I love chaos transformation but I greatly prefer submissive/maledom themed girls. I like the Nigh Gaunt and Atlach-Nacha (my wives) much more.

>> No.38318900

Based otherkin anon.

>> No.38318902


>> No.38318935

It's a transformation I'm not opposed to. I'd rather be a fuck off hueg rape squid than a dildo belt, but so long as I can transform freely it's no big deal.

>> No.38318948
File: 838 KB, 1280x1816, 001 (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38318962


>> No.38318949
Quoted by: >>38319069

Rape squid is closer to the Night Gaunt.

>> No.38318950
File: 1.49 MB, 2400x3390, 90606771_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38318962

very depressed panda

>> No.38318963

Physical trainer/therapist.

>> No.38318975

Not a fan. I do a lot of mental gymnastics to explain how my wife doesn't change me into the coat. I'm definitely on the tamer end of the chaosfag spectrum.

>> No.38318977
Quoted by: >>38319055

I wonder how it would manifest for anons. The reconciling of differences between what one assumes is desired and what is truly desired. The soulmate and destiny elements put things into a different perspective. A lizardman looks at a guy and knows he is perfect for her. Therefore he will defeat her. Or an alp sees a man and recognizes her soulmate. If fate decrees make it such that people can sight confirm a soulmate, that doesn't extend to people believing they can meet the extra criteria of a species, does it? So I think this is the area where anons could feasibly stumble on meeting their destined mate.

>> No.38318985

Transformations are SHIT

>> No.38318986
Quoted by: >>38319008


>> No.38318995

I think its just a weirdly Shiny Cat tail. Slime carriers are very dangerous for Delivery boys though. One second your being paid then the next your dragged into her house and raped as a slime seperation drives the money back to your job before returning.

>> No.38319008

oh shit i wasnt expecting another link

>> No.38319024
File: 515 KB, 728x1035, __fox_wife_original_drawn_by_batta_kanzume_quality__2cdba1f2aecaf9a1d7e6a9712054c343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38319109

Make a family with foxes

>> No.38319025

Nice. Big Wendis are great. A fun part is that her size makes you proportionally bigger in your wedding suit. Good call, wendibro.

>> No.38319033

Can Slime paraiste sense that a boy and girl like each other, but are too dumb to just be honest with each other, and infest them both to make them fuck and get some development?

>> No.38319036
Quoted by: >>38319117

>I do a lot of mental gymnastics to explain how my wife doesn't change me into the coat.
How hard can that be? It’s fucking simple.
>you don’t wanna be the coat
>your wife loves you and respects your decision
>mamono mana takes care of the rest
>except for the times y’all’s lovemaking gets too out of hand then some crazy things can occur

>> No.38319038

The coat thing only existed in these threads. The transformation of the Wendigo is a yeti/sasquatch thing.
From the making of:
>As for what the husband looks like under that hood, they have fluffy white fur with the uncovered spots being dark, like a kind of abominable snowman, with creepy eyes and skull ornaments.
>Even if the girl's design is rather simple, like a cute beast girl, through things like clothing, ornaments and similarities in physique, the idea of a male and female of the same species can be conveyed fairly well.

>> No.38319055

Just imagine a harem of alps chasing one of those self hating gays in denial types.
wendigos do tf too?

>> No.38319060

I like the idea of a miner wurm
She's a wurm with nice muscles that helps mine jewls and ofthen stuff.
Also freinds with the other underground monsters (ants, beetles, the occasional gnome)

>> No.38319067

I am unsure how to do this

>> No.38319069

Yeah, and I'd love nightgaunts but they're not independent enough for my taste.

>> No.38319074

Too late they thought you meant ‘minor’ and now every Wurm from the schools in town are burrowing to your house.

>> No.38319091

Whats a good mining song for a dragon girl to hum at work?

>> No.38319094
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Quoted by: >>38319561

Yeah they left long ago now all we get is the anti-/tg/NTR paranoiac trying to find them.

>> No.38319097

Yes, they always had it. The thread just always insisted coat realm was a thing, ignoring the giant ape arms in the profile drawing.

>> No.38319109
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>> No.38319112
Quoted by: >>38319208

I head Canon they can sense Pheromones so they could sense it. It can't infest the boy but it can infest the woman and push her towards making a move on the boy. Get her to open up or trap them in a closet.

>> No.38319117

Well not just the coat but the coat beast as well. I like the idea of the coat beast being a manifestation of my primal urges to always be fucking and protecting my wife but I don't always want to be the beast y'know?
Yeah I would say I'm a big part of that misconception, maybe not. I just have my headcanon and I have to be careful with the way I explain it or I run the risk of being called a cuck.

>> No.38319124
File: 398 KB, 486x405, 1594071359666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38319126
Quoted by: >>38319670

>The shape of her horns, and the form of her husband finally took shape. And as with the other Cthulhu-themed girls, the design in her art is with her together with her husband, connected at all times.
>While her motif definitely looks a lot like a deer girl of the snowy lands, her horns are actually meant to evoke both deer horns, and the tentacles typically associated with Cthulhu stuff. The Cthulhu girls also all have light-emitting organs to give them a greater air of mystery.
>The matching outfits of skull ornaments and a chain connecting the couple made it into the final version. The shape of the skull is one that makes it easy to understand what it's supposed to be, but it has a quite unknown shape, like the head of a mysterious alien creature.
>The husband's part is darkened, with only light-emitting parts being visible, but I feel that if you can't make him out very well, it makes for a more balanced and well-rounded design.
>At first glance you may not be able to see the chain, hidden in the shadows, but they're around her wrists and ankles, and they of course look like tentacles, with light-emitting spots.
>As you might guess, the Wendigo is usually held up on the man's genitals by his hands and genitalia, but if his penis goes down, or he releases his hands, and she's about to fall, those mysteriously shining chains are going to hold her up.

>> No.38319128

I am very comfortable with my human body and have no desire to change it even temporarily.
I will not be taking the shotafication potion or doppelganger potion either.
Her being a weird squid / spider / moth is quite freaky enough

>> No.38319134

not much
IIRC most miner songs arent that happy
if we were to expand on this, I would say something like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPTCq3LiZSE
As something she heard human miners sing

>> No.38319143
Quoted by: >>38319264

>self hating gays in denial types
They will have already Alped.
Their cover-wives will end up as 'widows' as their pretend-straight husbandos become Alps.

>> No.38319146

Oh god I want to give those chocolate dumplings my icing cream

>> No.38319162
Quoted by: >>38319208

If a Pslime infects a girl, the Pslime will instantly know which Anon to target with its acquired body.
Thats the standard trick of any Pslime.

>> No.38319163

>a fuck off hueg rape squid
I like the idea about stacking transformations as a flavour of this.
Gives very different dynamic comparing to everything else while still being in spirit with the setting. For example, Going all out on Atlach-Nacha like that or turning tables on usually more smug Mindflayer sounds really fun.
And with transformations being reversible, it is not that big of a deal, and you can always have vanilla sex in human form.

>> No.38319176

After thinking about yesterday's discussion, I came to a conclusion that if I could, I should hook up with a hag monster not because I like women older than me or to tease her, but because we are the same.

>> No.38319179

Any form of groomer or stylist, not just because of the rape threat but any mg is gonna be pissed if you fuck up her hair or mofu before date night

>> No.38319181
File: 2.98 MB, 2085x1080, 90287539_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38319185

Well I don't ignore it exactly, I know the coatbeast is a thing and coatrealm is mostly headcanon.

>> No.38319201

As far as turning the tables on a Mindflayer goes apparently most chaos monsters are really shy about doing anything sexual or romantic with their husband in his human form in public.
>Abyssal monsters have a different mentality than humans and other monsters, so when they go out on a date holding hands with their human-appearing husbands, their faces turn so red that they look like they're boiling, and they are pulled along by their husbands' hands in a limp state. I'm sure that's what will happen to the smug-looking Mindflayer (KC).

>> No.38319202

The song for when a Dragon walks past 2 Fox-hags on her way to her Mine
>Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to work I go...

>> No.38319208

I just really like the idea of parasite MGs who like a guy before they infest a girl. Like a guy finding a cursed sword on some campaign and wielding it.
I even wanted to draw a cutesy comic about a guy finding and falling for a sword before it can merge with a human girl, and said sword developing conciousness. But idk how to write the plot without cringe.

>> No.38319220

Table turning is a lot of it, but for the mindflayer in particular being able to manhandle her body when she can manhandle your mind sounds like a fun dynamic.

>> No.38319223

Being a coat with a loli inside sounds fucking hot. That might knock atlach nacha off my preferred girls list.
Not the first time the thread tried to avoid a fetish they don't like.

>> No.38319240

Maybe they're all clones and the genetic template got corrupted so the cloning machines only produce females or something like that.

>> No.38319247
Quoted by: >>38319342

I mean i think that can happen. Parasite Slimes are Monstergirls themselves they just cant form a human form. Nothing stops a guy from befriending one and the pslime targeting a host who her anon likes. Of course the human targeted would also have feelings for anon in return.

>> No.38319251

It's kind of the opposite, but I'm reminded of the monk from Thunderbolt Fantasy.

>> No.38319264
Quoted by: >>38319364

Only actual homosexuals would turn down alps. So that is easy to imagine.
Really? The arms are very obvious. How did anyone think they'd turn into a coat in a bestial fit and have sex?
This is more "thread logic" I'm assuming. Having an actual husbando involved is a critical point, even in such a situation.

>> No.38319275
Quoted by: >>38319440

Again, in the reverse, If a PSlime sees an Anon with a girl and the PS wants the Anon, she knows which girl to target.
The tricky part is if she sees an Anon on his own and wants him, then she has to guess what type of girl is likely to make the best bait, follow him until she can work it out, or just take the nearest girl she can get and hope it works on Anon.

>> No.38319342
Quoted by: >>38319440

If a Slime-fan Anon meets a Slime and she doesn't become a SlimeGirl for him, a smart Anon should assume he's found a PS who needs a form to take over, and if he has an unattainable 3d crush or a preferred type, Anon can set the PS onto targetting her to get her as a PSlimeGirl.

>> No.38319351
Quoted by: >>38319413

>the whole thread is just talking about monsterboys or faggotry
Nice monster girl discussion retards

>> No.38319360
File: 647 KB, 3444x5000, almaelma_com2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38319364

It was always more of a "I hate transformations" thing so it was always just talked about as a pocket dimension like the dryad tree instead.

>> No.38319365
Quoted by: >>38319404

Several small planets with humans on it, and hundreds of groups of planets with monster girls on them, or sets of monster girls (Wonderland empire, eldritch empire, etc)?
Extradimensional invasion?
As for the reason for the reason behind 'why the fuck is everything so horny', i think just using 'fuck you its magic' is pretty valid

>> No.38319395

I want to know more about bogey and bogie's origins. Since they dont really operate under fallen god, chaos, demon etc. only really loosely associated with onis in the first place.

Them potentially being the same species is also interesting. If they are the same are these different forms any bogey could take? Could your wife be a cuddly sweat heart one minute and then a erotic horror clown the next?

>> No.38319402
Quoted by: >>38319428

did you see

>> No.38319404

Humans have the JamesTKirk directive to fuck all hotalienchicks, why wouldn't hotalienchicks have something similar?
>to boldly cum where no man has cum before..

>> No.38319413
File: 661 KB, 886x1010, tumblr_przatyh2z51sirha8o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not
i dropped the wurm thing and left
how about living armour, wanna talk about that?

>> No.38319426

>living armor waifu wont let me leave without her on
>says its not "safe"
>"Last week that tree branch could have scratched your arm!"

>> No.38319428

I didn't, no. Thanks.

>> No.38319440
Quoted by: >>38319486

It might not be that hard actually for a pslime to find the perfect host. Monstergirl super senses would really aid her. Pslimes are actually really cool.

Nice although the girl probably has to have some Attraction or Affection for him. No bad ends or Losing heroine and all that. Would be a pretty cute story if Slime-Fan anon meets pslime then pslime goes behind his back to get a host girl who likes him and both then rock his world.

>> No.38319456
Quoted by: >>38319503

Its by far the best chaos transformation (so far), and I like thinking about how id look as a squid. Would I still be a lanky, scarecrow looking mother fucker? Would it be a representation of me mentally? Spiritually? Questions, questions.

>> No.38319469

I enjoy that you can kind of start picking up on familiar faces if you spend long enough in a thread.

>> No.38319486
Quoted by: >>38319567

>the girl probably has to have some Attraction or Affection for him.
Yes or No. Either situation could be interesting.
A resistant Girl who is enforced by the PSlime can be hot, especially if shes still partially aware of what's happening, as can a girl who secretly fancied Anon but was reluctant to make a move.

>> No.38319495

Take solace in the fact that it's always possible to have a monster stalker who keeps other women away but is still too shy to make a direct proposal herself.

>> No.38319503

Partly unrelated, but scarecrow girl when? Need more horror-themed girls.

>> No.38319513

I wonder how many lolis I could stuff in my coat.

>> No.38319529

Ah a man of taste

I have a giant collection of nearly every single halloween, pumpkin, and scarecrow themed minature ever released. Id love a scarecrow girl even if it leans into a more cute aesthetic. Or riff on the pumpkin king and give me a pumpkin queen

>> No.38319560
File: 669 KB, 3148x4042, 1572569308772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Need more horror-themed girls.
Still waiting for her

>> No.38319561
File: 518 KB, 2630x4096, RJFcjPvL_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38319581

I just want to ride my Bike in peace.

>> No.38319567

It coult be both interesting and sexy but its not very MGE. Plus Pslimes already have a bad rap because people can't read so Im not a big fan of going the "i have no month and cannot scream" route.

>> No.38319571
File: 210 KB, 800x650, lN75mP3k_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know KC and the thread hates NTR. But would a NTR situation be acceptable if it leads to waifu love? Like a man gets cheated on by his girlfriend. Goes to a bar just to drown it in alcohol, is bawling, the Hellhound bouncer sits besides him and buys him a drink. After some time he tries to get up and leave
>Feels a strong grip in his shoulder
>No. I cant let you leave like that.
>He gets uppity
>The Hellhound stands up towering over him
>"Repeat what you just say and I will give you such a slap you will pick up your teeth from the floor!"
>Tries to leave
>She grabs him
>He tries to break free and she wrestled him until she holding him close
>Let me go!
>She hugs him tightly and he breaks down sobbing in her chest fluff
>There you go. Shhhh. Dont worry its okay.

>> No.38319579
File: 112 KB, 236x204, Puuyo - Rebecca Creampie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my bapho wife

>> No.38319580
File: 1.10 MB, 991x1434, FJteWAuaAAEaeHr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38319581

What a heavily armored cuck!

>> No.38319595
Quoted by: >>38319635

>Like a man gets cheated on by his girlfriend
I'd accept it if the girlfriend was human. Wouldn't make any sense if she was a monster.

>> No.38319632
File: 607 KB, 900x1200, Hellhound1186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, I'd let a hellhound piss on me. Though only if she lets me eat her pussy while she does.

Yeah, I'm fucked in the head. No need to acknowledge this fact.

>> No.38319633

I imagine that's how most humans voluntarily become husbands. Human women suck enough to drive them off to the waiting arms of a nice mon girl. You could also do a spin on it where a Mindflayer shows her soon-to-be belt that his human gf is a slut and immediately help him move on. All you have to do to make a nice story is focus less on the NTR and more on the rebound wife.

>> No.38319635
Quoted by: >>38319691

>I'd accept it if the girlfriend was human.

Of course, I didnt mentioned it because I thought it was obvious.

>> No.38319644
File: 579 KB, 920x1300, 1642157355574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noticed the ammount of pictures posted decreased. Everyone is welcomed to post the pictures as long as they are on topic (they present monster girls as their main theme, and uphold common standards).

>> No.38319646
Quoted by: >>38319658

I'd imagine there are a lot of instances of women's behavior driving men into the arms of monsters.

>> No.38319647

Cute baph.

>> No.38319655

she cute. like the leggings

>> No.38319656
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>> No.38319658
File: 93 KB, 680x1593, 1486178505748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38319692

Yep, can definitely see that.

>> No.38319661
File: 105 KB, 1024x875, 65266827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the permission anon.

>> No.38319663
Quoted by: >>38319685

I refuse.

>> No.38319670

nobody ever does anything with the chains on her wrists and ankles.
a shame, really.

>> No.38319677
Quoted by: >>38319741

A rebound-pickup isnt NTR on Anon's part, if a 3Dslut NTR cheats on an Anon and he wakes up to what she's done and then gets a Mamomo-waifu instead, thats not NTR. Its only getting NTRd if he goes back to the slut after knowing she cucked him. Same as its serial-monogamy to move on to a M-waifu, its only poly-harem if he keeps both.
>3Ds gonna 3D

>> No.38319682
File: 745 KB, 1000x1098, snistra-belladonna-marie-fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38319859

I love my Pslime Wives.

>> No.38319685
File: 124 KB, 1017x1714, 1633186087114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38324644

pretty please

>> No.38319691

It's also worth pointing out your story isn't really an NTR story, sense it doesn't focus on the NTR.

>> No.38319692
Quoted by: >>38319703

see folks this is what happens when you get your kid a kobold so they can "grow up" together

>> No.38319703
File: 131 KB, 600x1172, 1525510852119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll definitely be doing some growing up together, alright.

>> No.38319719
Quoted by: >>38319764

>its not very MGE.
Corrective-raep or liberating-raep is very MGE.

>> No.38319720

>living armour
Having Living Armour, Cursed Sword and Ittan-momen wives is honestly really fascinating idea as far as adventuring life concerned.

>> No.38319730
File: 299 KB, 1169x1459, 64360717_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38319744

>> No.38319741

>anon moves on
>cheating bitch keeps having one-night-stands with random guys
>eventually is approached by a Lillim who disapproves of her actions
>Lillim monsterizes her
>former cheating bitch realizes there was no guy who treated her as well as anon, and that he was her real love
What do? She's not going to cheat again? Does she deserve forgiveness?

>> No.38319744

they'll never break sarge! I saw the man walk off grape venom before

>> No.38319750
File: 14 KB, 100x100, f19fbeceb8aa0aaabb99438015b4cc84a379c0f64ff819e0ed642ec91ebb2b00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38319751
Quoted by: >>38319803

Just saw that I missed some Trailer Park Boys discussion on the last thread. And now I’m inclined to write this convoluted mess I’m going to spew out onto you.

>Ricky goes to Julien because Bubbles got a new Nekomata wife
>cuts to them opening up Bubble’s shed to see him with about 18 cats on top of him all sleeping
>they start arguing about wether or not to wake him when you hear Bubbles whisper to them that he’s been awake this whole time but he didn’t want to wake up his kitties
>then Randy shows up and tells Bubbles that because he has so many wives
>he tells Randy that they’re just kitties and nothing lewd is happening
>then the guys have to come up with a scheme to make enough money
>shenanigans ensue and they finally earn enough money for Bubble’s rent
>he thanks the guys and everyone goes back to their trailers
>then Bubble’s opens up his shed to three nude Nekomatas in his bed

>> No.38319753
Quoted by: >>38319766

I don't see a Lilim putting a man in such a position

>> No.38319762
File: 359 KB, 1506x2187, 1632417574093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38319864

Space goats activate my neurons

>> No.38319764
Quoted by: >>38319858

Being forced to fuck someone you don't love isn't corrective or liberating rape. Its just straight up mindbreak/mindcontrol rape which isn't what MGE or the Pslime are about. A girl who loves a guys but refuses to admit it being made to fug and accept feelings she had all along is fine though. Pslimes Listen to their hosts desires. If a Slime Carrier likes a guy even if its just subconsciously than the Pslime is going to get the guy for her.

>> No.38319765

>monsterizes into a bicorn
>insists on being cucked by anon twice for every time she cucked him

>> No.38319766

She just monsterized a girl who was sleeping around, she doesn't know about anon.

>> No.38319780

Probably best outcome.

>> No.38319785
Quoted by: >>38319823

Anon has a mon-soulmate, so the 3dpd would probably find her own real soulmate after being monsterized.
and then he Alps for Anon

>> No.38319789

actually likely

>> No.38319800
File: 1.05 MB, 3100x3470, FJ3jzeJaMAUxWCb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38319879

>> No.38319803

Now I want to see Trailer Park Girls

>> No.38319816

My 2c-worth is that a 3D getting Monsterized is a clean break.
>thats why the DL created monsterization of human women - to rid them of their base natures, the same as mamonos lost their kill-urges and became worthy waifus
If Anon still wants her back it's fine, but in the situation of OPs story, she's going to be Anon's 2nd-waifu behind the Heckhound Bouncer.
Harem in this situation is fine.

>> No.38319818
Quoted by: >>38319851

Diff. Pslime is very good with the ladies, despite being a mute blob. People are easily led with pleasure, so a woman could readily agree and cooperate with Pslimebro. I don't know how the matchmaking aspect would work, because having a high IQ slime is probably not much compared to human standards of IQ. But Pslime doesn't need instructions to rock in the bedroom.
>Pslimebro brings back the girl
>look she has rockin tits
>she's friendly and lustful too
>she's...a smoker
>goddamn it Pslimebro
I'd still take her.

>> No.38319823

>soulmate is fine with it. In fact, she kinda wants to see how anon "punishes" the former cheating bitch.

>> No.38319833

If she's his soulmate, then the monster answer is yes. Being a monster puts everything in a different perspective she couldn't see before. That's why they monsterize women, I think.

>> No.38319851
Quoted by: >>38319890

Pslimes probably alter their Carriers Internals so they can live their best life possible. If she wants to smoke or not her Pslime will make sure its okay she does it.

>> No.38319857
File: 316 KB, 769x1000, Bicorn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which 5 girls to go into a bicorn's harem?

Here are the best lineup:
Designated body pillow and onahole. Soft, cuddly bed-warmer. And she smells/tastes good too!
Rival: shirohebi (snakes eat mice, this is a no-brainer, no trust between the two girls)
Designated conflict girl. She'll keep the harem life interesting. And while she puts up a rivalrous front to the other girls, she'll defend them against others who may wish to do them harm.
Rival: all the other girls, especially dormouse (sometimes it's hard to tell if she's just bullying or really does want to eat her)
Designated meido. Keeps the place clean and serves hubby. Doesn't mind waiting her turn.
Rival: gyoubu danuki (jealous of money-making ability and that she's the main provider for the harem)
>Gyoubu danuki
Designated money-maker. Her skills at money handling keep the harem prosperous without much need to work at all.
Rival: demon (jealous of her profound sexual and flirtatious skills)
Designated seductress and master mage. Her spells and potions will allow for some of the wildest, weirdest, and prolonged sexual activities. Anything you heart desires.
Rival: kikimora (jealous of her down-to-earth vibe and how she always manages to attract hubby's attention despite not being overtly sexual)

And of course, to bring them all together,
She's the one who settles disputes between the harem members, the peacemaker and mediator you could say. She's the main wife, though she almost always goes last because she derives genuine enjoyment of watching her hubby have sex with other girls.
Rival: N/A

>> No.38319858
Quoted by: >>38319926

>A girl who loves a guys but refuses to admit it being made to fug and accept feelings she had all along is fine though.
Except for the quoted part, I think you're correct. Anons keep forgetting that mamono are all part succubi and therefore master seductresses. If literal demons of lust can't convince people to voluntarily shack up, something has gone horribly wrong somewhere.

>> No.38319859
Quoted by: >>38319949

love the little :) and :3

>> No.38319864

I love this goat OC

>> No.38319865

If MGs became real, it became 100% clear they really are MGE MGs, the government made them illegal and sent the army through the portal to fight them.

Do you think the soldiers would actually fight or surrender in mass?

>> No.38319873
File: 117 KB, 850x605, 1532080620244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'd get picked off by the more wily monstergirls, then end up deserting once the men left behind realize what their "horrible" fate was.

>> No.38319875

Its not a canon origin-story for a Bicorn, but it would be fully within the higher canon of a Lilim's sense of humor in picking an appropriate species for her to become.

>> No.38319879

Very nice Titania. I really like the lotr vibes she has, perfect for coming back to after a long quest.

>> No.38319883

These days I'm not sure the government could convince people to fight humans.

>> No.38319890
Quoted by: >>38319926

>Pslime gives free healthcare to the waifu
Pslime is a true bro, the kind that keeps on giving. I keep thinking of Pslime as a fratdudebro who will give you a high slime while you both double team the waifu. Can slimes chug? I hope so.

>> No.38319900

At the first sight of tits they start planning how to desert while the Geneva Convention tries to outlaw their use of pheremones as weapons

>> No.38319913

They couldn't. Fuck them, I hate them.

>> No.38319926

True. It would probably try to convince her after infection and would most likely be successful. Pslime and Slime Carrier Scheming together to eventually rock anons world.

Probably but it effects them a lot worse due to being slimes and all. Also Pslimes are Female

>> No.38319945
File: 531 KB, 1000x1399, E6AYLFHVUAQtOLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38319949
File: 721 KB, 996x971, lCI5us7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really makes them cute agreed!

>> No.38319963
File: 3.03 MB, 2250x2270, Druella21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38320085

Of course they'd fight. Unless the opposing army is their soulmates and packed with insane horny sex magic. But that would be crazy. What are the chances of that happening? It'll be a long battle full of screams and explosions.

Captcha: Y4WAR, I shit you not.

>> No.38319971
Quoted by: >>38320100

If the ai overlord scenario happened or alien invaders it would take a very hard sell to convince most of us that they're worse what we got now.

But the god bless the us of a yeehaw types and other assorted retards are apparently in high enough supply to do the fighting. You might not think it, but they are. And they would easily believe even mge girls are evil Socialist devil worshippers.

>> No.38319983
Quoted by: >>38320004

Why are you doing the same bait again? It was only 4 days before the last time. No one will fall for it today. Please do try again after a few weeks.

>> No.38319995

Pslime gooping out on waifu's tits after one too many beers. Berry cool image. Females can be bros. Being a bro is a state of mind. I'd dick Pslimebro too.

>> No.38320002
Quoted by: >>38320017

If harem's on the table I'm staying away from hebis.
I think my ideal harem would be
>cow mommy, loves taking care of everyone and gentle femdom, but becomes putty in my hands the moment I show any dominance
>tomboy dog girl (heckhound or kobold is acceptable) likes vidya, and outdoors activities like hiking and camping, and rough sex
>shy yeti or bunyip for cuddles and more lazy activities, reading together, watching movies, playing board games, pure sub in bed, the "please be gentle" type
>gym bunny demon/succ/or really feminine alp, loves the attention from guys at the gym, also loves the mood it puts me in to watch all the guys staring at her, meaning getting aggressively dicked down when we get home, also motivates me to work out more "if you don't want them staring then you should come and make it clear that I belong to you!"

>> No.38320004

Enjoy your draft. 72 monster wives to those who die. Just like the game harem will have.

>> No.38320015
File: 944 KB, 2560x1440, 1642690829012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking sweet, managed to get a limited edition LIME autism snake.

>> No.38320017
Quoted by: >>38320096

Wendigo with a baphomet and Cait sith stuffed in my coat. I'm really into the portable harem idea.

>> No.38320032
Quoted by: >>38320071

Would you drink alcoholic slime from your waifus tits?

>> No.38320051
Quoted by: >>38320109

The pslime could probably convince a woman to do quite a lot, even before true infection kicked in. The profile gives an impression of ridiculous amounts of pleasure under pslime's ministrations. The real problem is the communication barrier, I think the girl would be very willing to cooperate long before she could understand pslime. So no complicated plans before infection, I guess.

>> No.38320063 [DELETED] 

Yes if it didn't hurt anyone.

>> No.38320071
Quoted by: >>38320109

Yes, if it didn't hurt anyone.

>> No.38320085
Quoted by: >>38320112

Delete yourself retard

>> No.38320096
Quoted by: >>38320133

>portable harem
Consider sandworm then. She can make the entire harem portable with no effort at all.

>> No.38320100
File: 335 KB, 852x1200, DarkPriest66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they believe that monstergirls are evil Socialist devil worshipers
Anon I...they would be totally incorrect about that.

>> No.38320109

True. Perhaps then instead of attacking right away they train until full infection. Then they plan to rock anons world.

No pain at all. Infact it would probably make em both feel even better. Could make em both orgasm simply from sucking on the titties. Slimes love having their slime eaten by hubby.

>> No.38320110

*wouldn't be totally incorrect about that.

>> No.38320112

Please don't respond to him. Don't feed him attention and he will go away.

>> No.38320114
Quoted by: >>38320136

wheres her mask she cant be seen without her mask!

>> No.38320116

Yeah, Devils worship (you).

>> No.38320128
File: 69 KB, 700x614, a0377b5ad75aa6c52f3fa235376ec6f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USArmy sends in SF Green Berets
>soon their Colonel disappears and their are strange radio messages that he's gone 'insane'
>Picture a Snail crawling along a straight-razor... a cute little Snail... with firm perky titties...

>> No.38320132
File: 453 KB, 2550x3469, bQggiYWo_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38320133

Doesn't matter, the government's of the world would say that. Also they're not wrong since the succ in charge is the devil by all stretches except she likes humanity.
Tf fetish and I like the idea of pulling them into me and ravaging them all at the same time. Idk if sandworm is a loli but that helps a lot too

>> No.38320136

>calls herself Rawrschach

>> No.38320147

So would hardline conservatives actually like monster girls?

>> No.38320157
Quoted by: >>38320229

Tfw the DL is evil because She wants everyAnon to have free healthcare and use the metric system to measure their mana-levels.

>> No.38320160
File: 822 KB, 1200x1200, Sandworm71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil' sandworm!

>> No.38320164
File: 1.44 MB, 2160x3242, __evertale__b7a54d2343d238ecefa0960fcd2f3431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38320172
File: 407 KB, 1075x1440, 1642690896532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get the elusive Fanta Bunnyip?
The guy wants to bait you into politics, so he can start namecalling and derailing the thread. Doesn't matter what views you have, what race you are, what religion you belive, where do you come from, whether you are dom or sub, what species your waifu is.
As long as you like monster girls and want to cherish them with the rest of us, you are welcomed here. Just be on topic and behave decently.

>> No.38320176

>So would hardline conservatives actually *Alp into monster girls?
>To be bi-partisan, so would most Sòy-Anons.

>> No.38320182
File: 155 KB, 710x715, Devil31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DL is the devil
The DL isn't THAT awesome.

>> No.38320192
File: 3.95 MB, 2333x4093, cuteangrywife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38320276

I love my lich wife!

>> No.38320228
File: 369 KB, 800x1000, Hellhound9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38320259

Hellhounds tongue my anus

>> No.38320229
File: 128 KB, 900x828, Holstaur11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell she will! Them Frenchies ain't gonna make my dick smaller with they're doctaurs and kill-o-meters. Let's get 'em Bessie!

>> No.38320232
File: 616 KB, 900x1401, capcom___morrigan_aensland_by_darkereve_de5ahrx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38320236

>monstergirls are evil socialist devil worshipers
i fucking hope so

>> No.38320251
Quoted by: >>38320256

I mentioned it in another thread but mge as a setting in my view is basically on a direct line to a sort of star trek post scarcity utopia

>> No.38320254

>"hey anon, wanna seize my means of reproduction?"

>> No.38320256

Fully automated luxury straight medival communism

>> No.38320259
File: 404 KB, 673x1200, Akaname15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38320285


>> No.38320275
Quoted by: >>38320367

I like Bicorns but not the Cuckening, so all my other potential waifus are all highly monogamous.
So to make them into a harem would be a feat.
>partly just to make it harder for her to arrange any cucking
>partly because it would take a lot of dedication on her part to achieve it, and on theirs to accept the cuckening, so its not just casual hookups.
>Strayan Shy-snek
>feisty ex-combatKiki
>Unicorn, sister of the BlackWhorse

>> No.38320276

How are your daughters, Lichfag?

>> No.38320285

Deep anal penetration

>> No.38320296
File: 1.06 MB, 3298x2158, Cutepaperdaughter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38320419

Great! Zombie dragon daughter's birthday was last month!

>> No.38320302

I think at least one of them is going to end up with loli lich anon.

>> No.38320305

>four legs good, two legs Husbando
>no Anon will wear clothes...for long

>> No.38320312
File: 1.89 MB, 2500x3300, 85204096_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38320319

Favourite aethetic/type of costume on monster girls? I like culty/eldritch cloaks.

>> No.38320325
Quoted by: >>38320356

>4 Battle-Kikis arrive in a T-34/76 that is belching diesel fumes and wafts of vodka
>"This Machine destroys Pelvises" scrawled on the turret

>> No.38320326

>tastes your insides
>still grinning
Only one of many reasons she is best girl

>> No.38320339
File: 723 KB, 1721x2459, ShirokutoSabbath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice.

>> No.38320340
Quoted by: >>38320392

We talking about in a sexy way or just "I like this" way?
In that order
>Overly skimpy armor
>Full on high fantasy armor

>> No.38320346
File: 2.76 MB, 2800x2250, adultdaughter4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Lich daughter will grow up eventually!

>> No.38320356

>Mega-voltron formed of Devil Bugs with anon at the center shows up
They don't understand communism, but as soon as they hear "reproduction" they get carried away...

>> No.38320361
Quoted by: >>38320459

>culty/eldritch cloaks

>> No.38320367
File: 416 KB, 1891x1299, yvpG7gi2_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bicorn hfw she asks Anon which other Mamonos he wants to harem
>Anon: "I want to fuck your white sister"
Bicorn doesnt know whether to curse Anon for the difficulty of the quest, or drown Anon in her sudden gush of juices for him turning her evil-ways back on her.

>> No.38320389

I want to dead lift her on my cock.

>> No.38320392

I more meant in the 'I like this' kind of way, but I appreciate the alternate answer

>> No.38320394

I guess there's a lesson to be learned here about loving your life for who they are more than what they are.

>> No.38320401
File: 654 KB, 1075x1517, yuzu-modoki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38320408

Deep anal...
Unsure if that is
>Ake tongues Anons anus
>Anon pounds Ake in the ass, so long as she can clean him up afterwards
Probably both.

>> No.38320419
Quoted by: >>38321575

Look at all those deds!

>> No.38320424
File: 295 KB, 900x1200, db28glk-024b1b5a-a9e3-4b55-bfc6-8691c3ffcd28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38320432
File: 103 KB, 345x1000, 116C4D7C-4411-4EC6-B852-7FBE58087482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very much love the village girl/barmaid look.

>> No.38320438

Fantasy full plate.
Mostly because the girl will have muscles as well beneath that.
That makes it all the better when she's got too much a mom-bod to fit back into it

>> No.38320447
File: 230 KB, 1100x1200, m52zpf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which shade goes best on dark-skinned MGs?

>> No.38320452

Finished my new year picture, just in time for the Chinese New year.
I want to draw a Kiki in the traditional attire from my region next. Any ideas what can I draw after that?

>> No.38320459
Quoted by: >>38320477

I dont really have one, jsut imagine a plain, brown cloak that shows their figure a lot. that, or its completely open, and they arent wearing anything else. eyes shadowed over, so you can only see their mouth

>> No.38320465

California Gold or Evening Elvan without a doubt.

>> No.38320477
Quoted by: >>38320514

Like the fire keeper from ds3?

>> No.38320498
File: 787 KB, 1049x887, eMYBdCA1L3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to post it.
Happy Chinese New Year Anons. May it treat us well.
Full sized version is on my pixiv.

>> No.38320514

Yeah, good example. Maybe with more runes and the front is open, though.

>> No.38320556
File: 1.39 MB, 2327x3600, 1558493782412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Sexy dresses like for example the profile Tsurara and Wight
-Sexy lingerie
-Micro bikini

>> No.38320577
File: 301 KB, 760x934, preview_redd_it-6gcf6jufhz481.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38320581
Quoted by: >>38320600

Okay listen: first we invite Anon to the camp… then we tell him it’s totally safe to skinny dip during the night and there will be no lilims spying on him… AND THEN WE GOT HIM!

>> No.38320586
Quoted by: >>38320680

Ew too western/tumblr face

>> No.38320600
Quoted by: >>38320608

What do you mean?

>> No.38320608

That lilims are as horrible at planning as they are at rape

>> No.38320610

Scent of Cinnamon, Amazon Chocolate, and African Queen are best. But they are all tasty flavors.

>> No.38320612

I love latex bodysuits. My wives are an adult Night Gaunt and a loli Atlach-Nacha and both generally only wear my slime. It makes for easier access to their R080kbodies at all times.

>> No.38320632

I didn't think about this, but I realy like bodysuits too. I have that overly specific fetish of being put inside them. Good taste

>> No.38320634
Quoted by: >>38320700

Getting verbally abused by a loli in a slime suit takes a real pair of balls, anon.

>> No.38320646

For me it’s being stuck inside their latex bodysuits, relentlessly forced to cum over their bodies

>> No.38320664
File: 116 KB, 462x1280, 1605962056803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loincloths and warpaint, ooga booga beast girls waiting to be brought some semblance of civilization.

>> No.38320674

POV of a Troll giving (You) flowers before she takes you on a date.

>> No.38320680
File: 53 KB, 600x865, ddnytoh-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I'd pork her. I've done worse.

>> No.38320700
Quoted by: >>38321022

Honestly why I like the Atach-Nacha is less about the tsundere nature and more that I want to take care of her and make her happy.
> During this, her abusive voice will fall silent, and instead, she'll just keep uttering sweet words and apologies for her insults. This is because she is expressing her original personality after having the venom that was adversely affecting her spirit neutralized by the man's mana. Only when their body is filled with their husband's mana is their heart able to feel at ease
I would just want to take of and protect my wives happiness at all times.

>> No.38320716
File: 1.42 MB, 1190x1521, 1557196955792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question, when do I start farming in Winterstown? It's been 8 months of frost and snow, and while I like hunting I kinda wanna eat something else than deer

>> No.38320745

All. Gobble up all chocco MGs.

>> No.38320754
Quoted by: >>38324133

Damn snow monsters tricked another poor anon.

>> No.38320767

Wait for a caravan or a ship to import stuff.

>> No.38320780
File: 112 KB, 1024x1161, d8qurnm-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not hoofing beneath the snow and grazing on chaparral
>not eating the shoots from trees
At this rate you'll need your wife to wipe your ass for you too, anon.

>> No.38320856
Quoted by: >>38322915

>place is called 'Winterstown'
>surprised with 8 months of frost and snow

>> No.38320870

just go to the local wendi's anon

>> No.38320882
File: 174 KB, 750x1200, hjQwES2Q_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean. I keep asking when it will be time for baseball but the locals keep giving me gear for an entirely different sport

>> No.38320910

I want a Kikimora with a bubblegum pink maid outfit, platinum blond hair, and stonkin huge tits.

>> No.38320925
Quoted by: >>38321491

I've been thinking about elves

>> No.38320939
File: 623 KB, 977x1386, 35A4B6E0-D625-45DB-973B-0A896E2BE334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38320963

Close enough?

>> No.38320960

Tan or pale?

>> No.38320963

No, I want a dumb bimbo wolfbird who is constantly drunk on my cum.

>> No.38320973

Speak with Game Warden Papa Wendi, he can give you some hunting literature and tell you a riveting, 3 hour tale of hunting elk with his daughters

>> No.38321022

Okay, that is sweet. But it IS a Nacho. You have to be into the verbal abuse to some degree. It's fine, fellow weirdo.

>> No.38321063
File: 923 KB, 850x1200, 1A4CEAD7-CDF9-48A3-B527-B221BCAFED00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s your Eros fox dude.

>> No.38321093


I really wonder if there are dating and marriage agencies in Eros churches and places. I would be surprised if there aren't.

>> No.38321115

Thanks brah, finna get mad romantic in here! C'mon, babe.

>> No.38321119
File: 670 KB, 900x1272, ddm3hhz-0f660f22-602c-4aa5-8118-dcbbf2dd344a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38321144

Based Eros, so good even the Order can't find fault. Obligatory reminder that Apsara are sexy all over.
>"...but also to their underarms, legs and fingertips, inciting lust and forcing a man to recognise them in their entirety as an erotic object.
I wondered that myself. Eros is cool with monster loving too. Wonder how the Order responds to that. Eros girls stop at nothing to spread the love.

>> No.38321128

I was thinking of a story about a beggar that is taken by a Tanuki after a MG invasion, then the man has sex with this Oni bodyguard on the side. Would this count as legitimate harem building or would the thread see it as dark? I am legitimately confused and I don't know if the Tanuki would consider it legitimate heartbreaking cheating as we know it is possible for men to build MGs harems even with no harem species.

>> No.38321136

It’s virtually guaranteed. They’d probably organize a massive matchmaking service.

>> No.38321144
Quoted by: >>38321303

>an erotic object.
That's some powerful wording.

>> No.38321189
Quoted by: >>38321235

What's with the goofy pants

>> No.38321229

Playing table top with monsters rolls up as a bard but only romances human npcs just to troll the group as their horny goes unsatisfied

>> No.38321235

prevents chafing

>> No.38321248
Quoted by: >>38321271

>keep crit failing every time you try
Never play dice-based games with a shog.

>> No.38321254

The bright pink eros bunyip thinks shes being sneaky but I see her behind the lamp post!

>> No.38321271

Shog dice???

>> No.38321283

youd be the party slut brushing furr and polishing horns for extra loot in the span of a session

>> No.38321303
File: 188 KB, 1024x1449, heartzmd_dc34mkj-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>object of love
Indeed it is.

>> No.38321419

One armed Ochi are cool!

>> No.38321491
File: 285 KB, 1024x851, 1642977378968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38321544

Lawful evil sounds like fun

>> No.38321545
File: 517 KB, 2875x2933, aac211e55ba03dac78ed474dd622e995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38321561
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>> No.38321573
Quoted by: >>38321656

utter nonsense, give me a respectable news source

>> No.38321575
File: 1.29 MB, 2048x1497, cutemultidaughter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them to undeath!

>> No.38321581
File: 53 KB, 333x574, 1525287708942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh? So you're saying I get to pump her to the point her eggs are floating, then keep going?

>> No.38321625
File: 599 KB, 1600x1200, 1633756746295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greenworm banned from olive garden
>breadstick massacre
maybe they shouldn't lie about unlimited breadsticks then, we'll see who the judge sides with

>> No.38321656
File: 132 KB, 1104x660, 1636814231863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38321876


>> No.38321686
File: 2.42 MB, 1280x720, video_twimg_com-9hUXCu0AJfE590zx.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38321736
Quoted by: >>38321761

actually seeing this in motion is triggering ancient lizard parts of my brain and I will now be fleeing from all fluff snakes

>> No.38321742
File: 286 KB, 800x800, ddfgq8k-e5a879b9-f694-4117-894e-b59059615b25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really does. She's the best of lawful and evil.

>> No.38321749

this is pretty great.

>> No.38321755

B-b-b-bird bird bird. Bird's the word.

>> No.38321761


if it makes you feel better if she was rushing you her body would be lower to the ground and moving much faster. You Likely wouldnt be able to escape!

>> No.38321803


Bicorns are for dere dere monogamous love ONLY, just because your wife gives you a pass to cheat doesn't make it right.

>> No.38321811
Quoted by: >>38321859

I mean literally wrong based on what the setting says. Nevermind that a bicorn requires you to have fucked another monster to even exist. Or that bicorns actively hunt down new wives for you upto a cap of 6

>> No.38321841
Quoted by: >>38321884


Still waiting for that "how to stop men fron loving Amazonian women" article.

>> No.38321852

Oh no! The Alternative Media Ratatoskr honestly believe 5G is part of some Elitist Conspiracy to mind control everyones brains.

>> No.38321859
Quoted by: >>38321868


It's a "literal" joke captain buzzkill, take it down a notch.

>> No.38321865
File: 665 KB, 2388x1668, 1640403341178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's right, momma raised no hoe
though it would be funny to make her seethe every time you turn a new "wife" down
>bicorn wife brings big jinko home for the harem
>give them a nice dinner and give jinko directions to a cat loving anon
>bicorn grinds her teeth in frustration as you give her a loving kiss on the cheek

>> No.38321868

Well I apologize but if you look through the thread its filled with people intentionally misinterpreting the setting to start shit

>> No.38321876

I honestly want and wish to see more Order News Articles or Order-centric or just Human-centric state-run news that is biased and against monsters. Of course for the lols and subtle covert corruption that can be seen in the articles.

>> No.38321877

whenever, just get some snow crops like leeks or cabbage

>> No.38321884
Quoted by: >>38322064

I read it. It says "You can't stop them." The rest of the article is literally rees and waaahaaawaaa. I suspect it was some form of computer error.

>> No.38321900
Quoted by: >>38322013

>they're written by a angel whose very clearly been corrupted by totally not a dark priest.
>the ads on the side are discussing wilmarina's strange new "fashion sense"

>> No.38321917

Me too, anon.

>> No.38321925
File: 1.62 MB, 1301x2546, FF_h8K_aUAYPgQT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38321932

>> No.38321932

shes trying to distract me from molesting her fat tail by exposing her thighs and it will not work

>> No.38321963
File: 11 KB, 268x268, 268px-False_Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38321995

it can be both at the same time

>> No.38321964

>The Order articles get lewder and weirder.
>Eros Corner stays exactly the same.
I'd subscribe to it.

>> No.38321995

Care to give me a rundown on what that fake news book is supposed to do?

>> No.38322013

>tentacles are the in /fa/shion this season
>look your best in lescatie dress
>olive garden stock falls another 8 points

>> No.38322033

Need more big booty monsters!

>> No.38322037
File: 79 KB, 929x1217, 1642628479147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38322830

big brown booty

>> No.38322053

it's intended to look like something ordinary (blank pages, nonsense, order bible, dictionary, etc) but can reveal other contents under certain conditions.
so you could have a fallen god bible snuck inside a pile of normal tomes that only shows that naughty bits to someone who's predisposed to it.

>> No.38322055

The Sabbath knows how to enchant books so that they look like a completely different book and reveal their true content only to specific targets. For examples a copy of Druella's manifesto that looks and reads like a perfectly normal Order prayer book to anyone who doesn't have monster mana.

>> No.38322062

anon please you'll give the pharaoh a complex

>> No.38322064

Now I want to see it even more.

>> No.38322072
File: 128 KB, 900x1270, FAa5CUWWEAAaDDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38322447


>> No.38322114

>What do? She's not going to cheat again? Does she deserve forgiveness?

Yes. Though I can't blame the guy if he found another monster first and she has to look for another husband. But yes, she deserves happiness. I do not believe in retribution in general and I have no problem with anyone, including "scum beyond redemption" having a good ending provided they are reformed don't harm anyone anymore. Thus I believe "scum beyond redemption" to be a description of the present state of someone, rather than an absolute that will apply for the rest of that person's life once a line has been crossed. In the same way, I believe the Eros curse is eventually lifted.

>> No.38322117
File: 1.63 MB, 2344x2500, FBWZK6LVUAAlvJV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38322134
Quoted by: >>38322261

i also feel with great personal labor the eros curse can be lifted.
got more of a storybook air to it.

>> No.38322187
File: 876 KB, 5000x5000, drawpile 241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38322225
File: 26 KB, 312x484, tkFA8nDy_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Nobody's irredeemable when mamonomanajama's on the table. Except slimes ofc.

>> No.38322232
File: 539 KB, 1414x1940, 95083500_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38322271

>> No.38322261

>i also feel with great personal labor the eros curse can be lifted.

I personally headcanon that a lot of Cupid marriages are from husbands that fell within the curse, did labors to lift it and help love sprout, then the Cupids couldnt help but shoot the curse lifting arrow and claim those men for themselves.

>> No.38322271

do cows moo if you ask them to? or is that rude to ask

>> No.38322278
File: 151 KB, 1141x1646, kiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have been isekaid to MGE, but not so fast. Just as you realize where you are, just as in that funny scene where Frodo and Sam were conscripted in the Orc army, you are conscripted by a passing Order general. He is insane enough that he is trying to invade MGRussia and you have been conscripted to fight at the Battle of Kikigrad. Full of dark skinned combat Kikis like the one pictured here. How will you avoid being sent there?

>> No.38322288
Quoted by: >>38322308

do you think some humans would attempt to make anti-horny magics

>> No.38322308

it's just something else to twist or spellbreak

>> No.38322320
Quoted by: >>38322817

Yeah, I'm deserting in any way possible. I don't have a death wish.

>> No.38322324

i suppose i did want coal for christmas

>> No.38322399

That's a very unusual-looking kiki.

>> No.38322447

need thicc flemish rabbit gf

>> No.38322468
File: 598 KB, 1334x620, 1638824330927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38322495

>tfw you get down to 400 and she stops confirming

>> No.38322509
Quoted by: >>38322541

>finally get to 0
>she switches holes and starts the count again

>> No.38322541
Quoted by: >>38322555

anon fucking dies

>> No.38322555
Quoted by: >>38322578

if you think that androids tiddys dont supply a nutrient rich super milk to keep anon alive youve got another thing coming.

That being 299998 more ejaculations

>> No.38322578

what happens after the 30 years it takes to get all the ejaculations?

>> No.38322605
File: 1.03 MB, 1089x1617, Hakutaku1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna int drain a hakutaku till she's nothing but a dumb ditzy cow

>> No.38322608

anon would have been long since incubized by then and you have a self perpetuating fuck machine.

By my math however assuming anon takes 15 minutes to cum on average it would take about 8 years per 300k

>> No.38322614
Quoted by: >>38323002

you're charged with not giving her a kiss afterwards

>> No.38322616

I can actually see one enjoying that on a temporary basis.

>> No.38322618
Quoted by: >>38322989

she gives you a polite round of applause

>> No.38322623

you fool! all that will do is force her brain into overdrive causing her int to rebound to quintuple its starting amount

>> No.38322654
File: 2.01 MB, 2830x4502, 95083183_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the result of corruption and monsterization. Are you sick degenerate fucks happy at this?

>> No.38322673

anon no! don't fall for it! this is a classic shog trick

>> No.38322676

/tg/ please.
At least go with smug, shortstack pink horror lolis that throw magic around.

>> No.38322713
Quoted by: >>38322757

i wanna make out with a jabberwocks mouth tentacle that has full and thicc lips while the jabberwock sucks my dick

>> No.38322757

But only if the tentacles have deep, male voices

>> No.38322770
File: 241 KB, 2048x1536, sfzkgjbdkqd81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38322795

nah, I headcannon that their tentacles have different accents of where the jabberwock comes from
For example
>Jabbberwock is from wonderland
>She has a posh British accent
>One tentacle has a scottish accent
>Another has a welsh accent/talks welsh

>> No.38322802
Quoted by: >>38322824

Jabber tentacles have sassy black woman voice.

>> No.38322817


This is just a sample image, it is a MGE Kiki or a MGE version of Caenis, whoever she is. So you won't get killed.

>> No.38322824

>She tries to act as polite as possible

>> No.38322830
File: 2.53 MB, 1417x2000, 1520026073257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38322873

kat booty

>> No.38322844
File: 977 KB, 1600x900, hpckn0zz57381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gonna get fluffed.

>> No.38322849

One of those foxes is not proud about what she's going to do but will do it anyway. Hot.

>> No.38322850

act so retarded that I can't follow orders

>> No.38322855
File: 1.46 MB, 2711x4096, 1635170453589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38322873

I should be saying that to them.

>> No.38322866


>> No.38322873
Quoted by: >>38322885

Smack that butt

>> No.38322874
File: 303 KB, 1131x1600, 1510859236666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally managed to sneak up and observe Kunoichi fight but all they did was stand around and monologue at each other or have flashbacks. Who spread the lies that these Chuuni dorks were a threa-

>> No.38322885
File: 2.57 MB, 1417x2000, 1520026072931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38322900

Careful Anon, the response will be a smothering.

>> No.38322895

Always check for illusions

>> No.38322900
File: 2.94 MB, 3300x3300, 1626744616624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38323011

I'm a professional, I know exactly what I'm doing.

>> No.38322903

For my neutral special, I wield a gun. The shots are demonsilver dont worry. Never hurt monster girls

>> No.38322904

I like how she wrapped a cute little bow on her tail for me.

>> No.38322915
File: 158 KB, 1235x1211, winteranubischecksyourapplication.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38322924
Quoted by: >>38322935

Winternubis doesn't get paid enough to deal with these tropical transplants.

>> No.38322930

>What do you mean, heavy clothing? Isn't there heating?

>> No.38322935
Quoted by: >>38322948

>tfw she does it for free

>> No.38322948
Quoted by: >>38322955

she does a very important service for Wintertown anon show some respect or you can forget your discount at Wendi's

>> No.38322955
Quoted by: >>38322967

i don't live in the cold hell that is that place. I live in the summer isles with all the reptile and tropical monsters live

>> No.38322967

>and anon never got 20% off stretchy meat ever again

>> No.38322975
File: 905 KB, 900x1080, 81526474_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38322989
Quoted by: >>38324198

all that time and effort for that? what a scam

>> No.38323002

just send me to a maximum security prisons isolation chamber for a crime of forgetting a kiss

>> No.38323011
Quoted by: >>38323136

would it be impolite to stare?

>> No.38323056
File: 119 KB, 768x1024, Wc227s48_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38323107

Gimme dat Chaotic Evil

>> No.38323125
File: 289 KB, 1280x1017, mge_doodles__sandworm__ghost__white_horn__bunyip_by_hooksnfangs_derpplo-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38323136

If you stare, you're interested and subsequently get pounced.
If you look away, it's taken as you being shy, so you'll also get pounced.

>> No.38323179
File: 1.58 MB, 2900x1900, A13A8B3B-2EE5-45AB-BEAC-61FCBF517516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38323187
File: 240 KB, 437x621, D23A4F5D-98DD-45E9-9877-CBACB5347844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38323215
File: 1.56 MB, 1578x1300, 1484255483094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fug the gote girls anon

>> No.38323227
File: 365 KB, 667x1000, lindaroze-679493-Zaane_Monster_Musume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about my precious fluids?

>> No.38323228
Quoted by: >>38323233

What if I don't want to?

>> No.38323233 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 415 KB, 1104x1600, 1484255482931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL fug the gote girls

>> No.38323238
File: 115 KB, 1200x889, DgzuZ4nWAAAW3QN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fuck the livestock

>> No.38323256
File: 296 KB, 650x653, 1642725117430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38323318


>> No.38323274
Quoted by: >>38323290


>> No.38323290

they don't use what they got upstairs

>> No.38323318
File: 306 KB, 1200x989, 25257abd721abf54b4a76c96e7f47ee9be9dd56aa1bc9cafe9f2dd8bf30f6e8b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the advertisers don't know won't hurt them

>> No.38323359
File: 142 KB, 933x1400, 1614155586897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That depends, does said loli lich have CUTE twin braids?

>> No.38323404
File: 425 KB, 4096x2997, Eb7Nxd1XYAADoQJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38323412
File: 278 KB, 1185x922, salcook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38323451

>> No.38323451

>a heavily pregnant Salamander using her old swords as cooking knives
>she even spouts monologues when she thinks no one is watching

>> No.38323466
File: 300 KB, 3308x3000, EcUc1D4WoAU2oMC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38323469
File: 112 KB, 823x667, 1629217964889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>distant police sirens

>> No.38323485
File: 650 KB, 1262x869, 1506829160366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38323493

Police are no threat at all

>> No.38323488
File: 366 KB, 2346x817, bach-do-grimm-sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38323632


The Villains of the story!

>> No.38323493

police slob on my knob, like corn on the kob

>> No.38323525

I want a monster to just casually grab me and use me as a daki.

>> No.38323535

Don't say that. The dragon neets might actually leave their caves

>> No.38323540

Best way to sleep.

>> No.38323632

evil harem?

>> No.38323656
File: 2.76 MB, 2400x3390, 92331245_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


An average inhabitant/citizen of Dragonia

>> No.38323676
Quoted by: >>38328109

fuck off back to /tg/

>> No.38323707
File: 149 KB, 658x516, Selene yakuza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How strong is too strong?
Like how does understand the gap in power.

>> No.38323727
File: 530 KB, 1600x900, poke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38323748
Quoted by: >>38323761

No such thing as too strong. The stronger she is the harder I get.

>> No.38323754

It's what beans are for.

>> No.38323759


>> No.38323761

Yeah, that's how enemy scaling works.

>> No.38323775

I dont think i would want a monstergirl girl as a house wife i would want her to have a job and we both equally take care of the home

>> No.38323781


>> No.38323792

>hey man
>did you ever realize that all these platforms the city has us working on look like those platforms you feed birds with?

>> No.38323794
File: 155 KB, 850x1202, 1528093000080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38323833



>> No.38323795

> Those ears

>> No.38323814
File: 772 KB, 1000x1500, 15413077179410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38326020

Depending on the monstergirl, you might be the househusband taking care of your eight kids instead.

>> No.38323817
File: 284 KB, 718x671, swordlim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to see Selene corrupt Alexa
Nothing like a scorned guard captain to get some good old Lilim-therapy, right?

>> No.38323833
Quoted by: >>38323839

Tells kiki to go get a job

>> No.38323839
File: 107 KB, 729x919, 1528093001316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her job is taking care of you your house and your kids

>> No.38323849

I'm going to tell that fighty Lilim Selena to surrender her weapons and guns. For she has to learn to respect and honor No-Weapons and No-Gun Zones and Laws.

>> No.38323859

Kiki with smoke hobo powers

>> No.38323869
File: 240 KB, 1090x1932, 1605979548982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38323884

Gonna prove to those dumb minos that city boys can work on a farm as more than weresheep cuddles, and holst milkers

>> No.38323871

>What is that, Selena's gun weilding twin sister?

>> No.38323884

Why is she wearing boxing gloves?

>> No.38323898

Never know when she'll have to throw down with those coyote gyarus stalking any boys on the farm

>> No.38323919

hay can cut your hands up pretty bad

>> No.38323925
Quoted by: >>38323957

go get a REAL job

>> No.38323946
Quoted by: >>38323957

You rarely see Kiki fanart with booba.
As such I am glad of this image.

>> No.38323957
File: 466 KB, 1397x2048, 1528093001670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38324075

Imagine saying such a thing to your dutiful wife

Just for you

>> No.38323979
File: 1.50 MB, 2000x2000, Hatter Comm No Flower Viewfinder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture time!

>> No.38323988

Mad Flatter

>> No.38324075

A kiki's real job should be helping mastah make more kikis.

>> No.38324123
Quoted by: >>38324240

Woah, that worm got some big honkers

>> No.38324133
Quoted by: >>38324144

Greenhouse hydroponics. Someone needs to grow the vegetables that wendis refuse to eat

>> No.38324144
Quoted by: >>38324149

That's not food, that's what food eats.

>> No.38324148

black kikis

>> No.38324149
Quoted by: >>38324165

Counterpoint. You're not gonna have good cooked meat until someone's growing the peppers to season it

>> No.38324157

Cooking with a lava golem.

>> No.38324165
Quoted by: >>38324174

A regrettably valid point, even little Wendi must admit.

>> No.38324174

That's why you eat meat raw. It's healthier that way

>> No.38324198
File: 83 KB, 797x1695, 1623420605054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38324302

>you impregnated automaton eight times
>you are winner
>*please note that you are still several hundred impregnations away from the top score

>> No.38324240
File: 499 KB, 1600x1200, Sola preschooler booba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38324243

What can I say, she's been drinking her milk.

>> No.38324243
Quoted by: >>38324284

Do you have a Pixiv too, Greenwormanon? Or just Twitter?

>> No.38324283
Quoted by: >>38324296

worm booba
or is it woomba

>> No.38324284
Quoted by: >>38324313

Just twitter.

>> No.38324296
Quoted by: >>38324312

Wooba, woomba is what you use to make little wormlings.

>> No.38324302

I love the blush protocols

>> No.38324310
File: 32 KB, 402x456, 402px-Papillon_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

respect the ignored

>> No.38324312 [DELETED] 

I want to cum into a worm's woomba!
idk actually, i'm thinking about the possibility that my penis will be covered in her pasty, gooey, salad-smelling, plant-colored pussy cum

>> No.38324313
Quoted by: >>38324372

Bugger, I wanted to see your pics, but don't really go on Twitter.
Though I heard you are followed by LC, congrats.

>> No.38324315

she will be even more ignored when we get to see moth larva girls in the far future

>> No.38324330
Quoted by: >>38324332

I like her more than greenworms, and she has a cute apron

>> No.38324332


>> No.38324335
File: 244 KB, 785x623, 1633094217967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>respect the ignored
You mean Greenworm? She has overcome her Papillion overlords.

>> No.38324351

Papilons are just Greenworms who failed to entice men with their erotic belly and chest.

>> No.38324367

greenworms are a taur i just now realize

>> No.38324372
Quoted by: >>38324417

I can make one, shouldn't be too hard to set it up. Yeah KC did follow my account but he doesn't really talk to me specifically or anything, was just kind of random that it happened.

>> No.38324381

But can (you)r wife defeat (you)r childhood friend Wilmarina who came to rescue (you)?

>> No.38324417
Quoted by: >>38324461

Nah, you don't need to make an extra platform for one guy. Besides I think everyone is on Twitter anyway. There's only like Nav, AltairLaVega, a few Russians and Japanese there and some still learning artists like me.
KC following you is no small feat. He doesn't speak English, and doesn't really have good opinion on western MGE fandom I think, but still decided to follow you.

>> No.38324451
File: 452 KB, 1481x1000, 6324e31f2125e2da271ae9674bbd7f1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

95% of the thread is either medieval fantasy (mge) or modern setting. Nobody is into something else like, space age, cyberpunk or stone age with mgs?

>> No.38324461
Quoted by: >>38324524

Too late already did it, working on uploading stuff there. It really isn't any extra hassle to post there and you never know some new people may begin to consider.

>> No.38324472

>95% of the thread is either the actual fucking setting or familiar modern fluff
It's not that surprising. We had some spess talk earlier this thread, but otherwise? Whatever.

>> No.38324507

>stone age with mgs
You get dragged into the cave. Very romantic.

>> No.38324513

snu snu time is amazing.

>> No.38324524
Quoted by: >>38324640

>stone age with mgs
>travel to the stone age realm of MGE world
>sabertooth Manticore jumps out of the cave
<Unga Bunga
>she screams as she flashes her tits
>realize she's just as inteligent as a regular batcat
>get clubbed with a demon silver club she was holding with her tailpussy
Why thank you my man. What will you do once the entire world considers?
>inb4 "rejoice"

>> No.38324527

Ushis bring a little bit of that Flintstones energy with them at all times. It's quaint.

>> No.38324528
File: 667 KB, 810x1080, 747112befe3469ae775f6a75a8eeef64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern age with mgs
Oni drags you into her house. Very romantic.

>> No.38324534
Quoted by: >>38324767

She has a foosball table. Shit's cash.

>> No.38324544
Quoted by: >>38324557

>Jinko that gets jealous of cats beeing petted

>> No.38324557

I wonder how common things like that are amongst beastmen? Like, you probably couldn't have a kobold and a regular dog at the same time due to jealousy. Or maybe you could and the kobold would just rape you when she wanted the upper hand? Hmm.

>> No.38324601

Sukeban oni gangs kidnapping young men is no joke. It is a menace to society.

>> No.38324607
Quoted by: >>38324669

What would you consider the "true villain", of MGE?
The cheif god?
Willamaria's dad?
General ignorance on monster behaviour?
The concept of lonlyness?

>> No.38324626
File: 427 KB, 1600x1200, k4X4ySq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38324641

>"Shhh...." Don't make a sound and she will leave when she's done eating

>> No.38324640
File: 1.33 MB, 1686x1800, Nun Sola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes.

>> No.38324641

I just made a little sound

>> No.38324644
Quoted by: >>38324674

Is this one of those big, bad, bayou Gators I hear makes a mean gumbo?

>> No.38324650

Any tips for beating the Undead gym?

>> No.38324662

>Anon shows up to the property wearing a Hawaiian shirt
>'Aloha my fellow Winterstownians!'

>> No.38324669

probably if you wanted to have a physical villain than probably willamarias dad, as he's fucked around more than the chief god at this point

>> No.38324674

Yes, but if she offers you some, don't take it. It's a lure she'll use to pull you into a mating roll.

>> No.38324686
File: 240 KB, 1495x2048, 0CACDBDD-5EEB-4F17-A073-4A765F594C55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are blind humans treated in a monster girl society? Part of me thinks they would be coddled and almost always in their designated momster’s hold

>> No.38324687

Nobody wants them.

>> No.38324694

They're handed off to bats and basilisks. Actually, MAMONO MANA just fixes them.

>> No.38324697
File: 362 KB, 933x1000, 1465771121506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38324726

Adventures in space!

>> No.38324704
Quoted by: >>38324770

All I know is that when I'm old I want a delinquent Monster Girl, who's actually a big softy despite acting scary, to help me cross the street.

>> No.38324708
File: 113 KB, 706x1000, 1539543123962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38324741

They're a yandere monster's dream.

>> No.38324726
Quoted by: >>38324728

Pharaoh in space is just Stargate.

>> No.38324728

>Yeah, but they're hot.

>> No.38324733

I'm going to tell her that the gun is good and the penis is evil because the penis shoots seeds and creates new life to poison the earth with a plague of men as once it was but the gun shoots death and purifies the earth of the filth of brutals.

>> No.38324735
File: 14 KB, 370x475, TsiI5jr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38324741
Quoted by: >>38324756

>hebi slithering around the house, humming and doing chores
>husband in the other room listens to an audiobook
>he keeps holding the tip of her tail in his hand, makes him feel safe
>sometimes he gives it a pat and a gentle stroke with his other hand
>white snek can barely contain her urges in the kitchen

>> No.38324743
Quoted by: >>38324802

Thats not Selene
Selene doesnt use guns
unless she has a dante-esque twin sister to rival her virgil-ness

>> No.38324756
Quoted by: >>38324778

Yeah, imagine a guy that needs his wife for everything. Now that I think about it, they may be super popular around shirohebis.

>> No.38324767

I wonder how some monster girls would make their proactive dating nicer.
>After she's done raping you she lets you play in her gaming room
>She even got a PS5

>> No.38324770
File: 380 KB, 753x1100, monstergirlencyclopedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Monstergirls are raised by their mothers to be indolent, violent, slutty, debauched hedonists, with no concerns other than getting themselves off, teen pregnancy encouraged
> They rebel through Girl-Scouts-esque acts of helpful community-spiritedness
> Blind Old Manon is helped across the street by a different delinquent gyaru each day
> They insist on walking him all the way home
> Leading him by the hand, which they "accidentally" brush over their breasts at every opportunity
> And... leading him... inside his house...
> "Aah~ he invited me in for cookies! It's happening! <3"

>> No.38324773
Quoted by: >>38324805

>Strong monster girls goes into full on "must protect" mode
>Weaker monster girls want to spoil and take care of
>Medium monster girls talking to ghost

>> No.38324778
Quoted by: >>38325067

Blind people are good on their own and fairly independent in modern times. Don't know how would it be in quasi Middle Ages, but if they didn't leave their homes much, they'd be fine navigating and living day to day. But I know for a fact blind people really hate being lonely, and they can be quite clingy (then again, don't we all).

>> No.38324792
File: 36 KB, 567x680, 176854857665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38324816

Secret technique!

>> No.38324802

Someone needs to draw a blue selene that uses guns and sword. seeing as red is Selene's thing

>> No.38324805

Would mediums just be zombie translators in MGE?
>"Uhhhg, waaaarm"
>"She says she really likes you"
>"mmhhaa huuuussshand"
>"She also wants to marry you"
>"Ahh, ahh, ahh"
>"Oh, I am NOT translating that pervert"

>> No.38324808

Anons about to have his youth fucked back into him.

>> No.38324816

If a monster girl did that to me I would just instantly lose.

>> No.38324886
Quoted by: >>38324922

>monsters watch "don't breathe"
>get to the sex slave part

>> No.38324922
Quoted by: >>38325091

>don't breathe
Absolutely fucking not. Dear god I hated that ending.

>> No.38324987
File: 624 KB, 1101x871, k9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only Hellhound in the MGC Consolation Unit
>she doesn't get why she was assigned to it, but apparently her boss does

>> No.38325034

nautical skills

>> No.38325045

>get pulled over by cockatrice cop
>she's breathing heavily and seems to be having trouble concentrating
>she leans against your car for balance when her knees start to buckle
>she bites at her lip
>"do you have any idea how fast you were going?"

>> No.38325065
File: 93 KB, 954x550, 1768347854565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. 1 pursuit officer

>> No.38325067
File: 26 KB, 300x211, thumb_what-you-see-vs-what-enrico-dandolo-sees-dont-need-61288462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't know how would it be in quasi Middle Ages
Finally an opportunity to use my DANDOLVS memes outside of /his/

>> No.38325070
Quoted by: >>38325087

No wonder nobody can escape them.
The faster you go, the more “motivated” they get.

>> No.38325087

>Try to run from monster girl cops
>That just makes them even more exited
>And wetter

>> No.38325091

Is that the blind guy home invasion thing? I never got round to watching that
whats the twist/ending?

>> No.38325115

the guy kidnapped a woman that killed his kid and impregnated her so he could have a replacement, but then she dies and then he turns to the female protag to do the same thing, and of these characters are good people so its just bad people doing bad things to bad people

>> No.38325161

I haven't seen it in a long time so my memory might be a bit wrong but in essence: Dude has been keeping a sex slave in order to force breed so he can have a kid. Tries to do it to one of the female home invaders. The scene is really fucking uncomfortable to watch but that's also the point.

The sequel seems to imply he succeeded but I haven't watched it.

>> No.38325207

Why do I have to sign this really long contract when buying a demon slave? And why does the slave seem really god damn smug about it?

>> No.38325255
Quoted by: >>38325409

I wonder if monster girls have colored coded clothing to say if they're available or taken.

>> No.38325294

Do you think alping is a surething or could monsters put a guy on alpwatch and make efforts to push him one way or another

>> No.38325365
Quoted by: >>38325376

The current cannon is that it only happens if you truly and deeply want it within your soul. But if someone is, say bin it will depend on who they fall in love with.
So in those edge case scenarios where it's not a 100% chance thing, the only thing a monster girl could do to stop him is to make him fall in love with her.

>> No.38325376

>say bin
I meant bi damn it.

>> No.38325391

You will get put through hellish bureaucracy and will have to defend your position in the court versus best persecutors demonkind has to offer. Being put on Alpwatch is no joke.

>> No.38325397
Quoted by: >>38325520

I think alping is a self correcting issue, as sexual abnormalities are often caused by child abuse.
The only "abuse" monster girls would do, would also prevent alping.

>> No.38325409

They literally do exactly that in the Lescatie maid cafe

>> No.38325520
Quoted by: >>38325581

>as sexual abnormalities are often caused by child abuse.
By that same logic, nobody would have a fetish if it weren't for abuse. So in a world of monster girls, nobody would have sex with monster girls since they wouldn't be abused.

>> No.38325581
Quoted by: >>38325608

I wouldn't say fetish is caused by abuse. I had a few older school girls make me do errands for them when I was 7 in elementary and they always called me sugar and cute.
That wasn't abuse, but things like that get me really going now, all those years later.

>> No.38325608
Quoted by: >>38325648

That sounds like a super weird way to develop a fetish. Though I guess I shouldn't throw stone in glass houses considering some of my fetishes.

>> No.38325648

Yeah especially since most of my fetishes are on the dominant side. I like protecting girls and tying girls up, and holding girls and making girls trust me, but at the same time I like muscled girls, energetic girls and girls calling me a good boy.
Sexuality is weird, but I don't think it's influenced by trauma only. It's just what your organism associates with female attention, pleasure and sex.

>> No.38325778
File: 1.70 MB, 1000x1546, deb9x6z-fcb4b8ed-78bb-4abd-b989-70bdfedb9e1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given what KC has already stated on soulmates and fate etc. The potential alp is input into a 'scan for a match' algorithm. First Scan4Match searches across the range of current monsters. If matches >= 1, then Scan4Match returns the matches and terminates. If matches = 0, Scan4Match includes human females, objects and animals as potential monsters in the next round of scans. If matches >= 1, then results are returned, Scan4Match terminates. Results are then fed into Matchmakers or Monstermakers. If no match is found from the earlier scan, Scan4Match expands the search area to include current human males. If it returns match >= 1, it returns the result and terminates. Results are processed by Matchmakers, Monstermakers, or Alpcalculators. If matches = 0 after a full round of scans, as always, Eros is personally notified. In the case that a current human male was selected as a match for the human male, Alpcalc is run on all involved human males. The male with the least set of matches to current monsters is alped and paired. Eros lovebots are scanning you this very moment. Enjoy your love motherfuckers, no one will escape.
Captcha: JPAXV
Love rifles must be getting cocked as we type...

>> No.38325788
Quoted by: >>38325816

Anon, what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.38325793
Quoted by: >>38325816

No way Eros would alp a guy who's asexual. He'd just be paired with a free monster girl.

>> No.38325816

Potential alp detecting. Beginning Scan4Match...
Where does it imply Eros would alp asexual guys?

>> No.38325831
Quoted by: >>38325942

>Beginning Scan4Match...
Now hold on just a moment there!

>> No.38325870
File: 1.52 MB, 1672x1200, 3 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why dont we have a fun conversation
Like how dangerous fairies could be?

>> No.38325876
Quoted by: >>38325942

>In the case that a current human male was selected as a match for the human male
If a guy doesn't like anyone, he'd just be paired with a free girl.

>> No.38325919

Mindflayer enables quite a lot of kinky stuff like making husband think he is Eldritch God and making herself think she is pure and innocent maiden brough to him as a sacrifice. Makes for some really solid roleplays around both of their interests.

>> No.38325942

Permission denied, are you root?
It isn't based on liking. Randos aren't paired together, love is serious business in MGE. Love and matches are based on soulmate pairs. The algorithm scanned for soulmate matches with all current monsters, then among all potential monsters among human female, pets, and objects. If no match is found, then it adds human males to the soulmate matching scan.

>> No.38325982

>like how based fairies could be

>> No.38325993

Didn't she rip the wings off another fairy?

>> No.38325997
Quoted by: >>38326080

sudo rm -rf /

>> No.38326003
Quoted by: >>38326080

Alping a dude, that otherwise wouldn't want to be gay for some other dude, just because he'd compatible is against the setting I feel. People like who they are, and what sex they are, unless you hurt them in some way.

>> No.38326019
File: 149 KB, 900x1073, lfbkh9yo3k041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I does look like a mother trying to fit into her daughters clothes

>> No.38326020
Quoted by: >>38326061

It's still viable with Kikis, right?

>> No.38326061

Never ask your Kiki maidwife that she did during Druella's anti-Order campaigns as a part of elite maid squad.

>> No.38326080
Quoted by: >>38326098

[sudo] password for Scan4Match: >>
It isn't a compatibility scan. It is a soulmate scan. Plenty of human women like who they are, but if they need to be monsters to fulfill soulmate matching, they will be monsterized. No heroine loses. If a man would be happier as a heroine, I don't see why anyone would complain. Alping a man would require that the man has another man as a soulmate. This isn't randomly alping men.

>> No.38326098

>[sudo] password for Scan4Match: >>

>> No.38326112

Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for Scan4Match: >>

>> No.38326122
Quoted by: >>38326247

Do you thing automatons use DE to upgrade themselves?

>> No.38326127
File: 981 KB, 1430x1780, lxXlWA6y_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

>> No.38326247
Quoted by: >>38326909

>Alpcalc is run on all involved human males. The male with the least set of matches to current monsters is alped and paired.
I made a legitimate error here, and would need to add exception handling, which I didn't feel like doing. The point is that if no soulmate matches are found among all current and potential monsters, then Scan4Match would add human males to the scan.
Absolutely. Robots need love too.

>> No.38326334
Quoted by: >>38326418

I will jailbreak Automaton.
I will install custom kernel on her.
I will install additional hardware modules of questionable origin and legality on her.
I will disable sandbox, won't read the manual and I will enable Chaotic package repository for the increase in her performace.

>> No.38326382
File: 103 KB, 1024x880, daxzo0o-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey listen! It would be better to dump the whole stinking system and take the consequences!

>> No.38326418

Based rape victim

>> No.38326874
File: 1.50 MB, 1796x2500, 85515519_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38328105

Pet kot

>> No.38326909
Quoted by: >>38326928

I like to think that alps are alped based on whether they want to be alped deep down and you get a soulmate just when the universe makes you one.
There is no big deal when it takes like five years to raise a monster girl from birth to maturity.

>> No.38326928
Quoted by: >>38326981

>I like to think that alps are based

>> No.38326981
Quoted by: >>38326993

At least he said what they're based on.

>> No.38326993

Based on what?

>> No.38327023
Quoted by: >>38327163

how much you want the big human cock.

>> No.38327091

Automatons can offer large degree of advantages which are not commonly spoken about.
A high degree of customitability would allow for installation of additional parts like mechanical copy of Manticore's tail, larger mecha-body shaped like a Sandworm or just swappable lower body part with various degree of options like lamias, centaurs or even kraken variations. Things like fluffy tails or horns would also be easy to install options.

>> No.38327126

Yes, but she still can't compete with my succubus waifu who's perfect for me.

>> No.38327163
File: 99 KB, 800x718, PzDYzTGw_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about tree fiddly

>> No.38327185
Quoted by: >>38327227

Monsters only push the men that are guaranteed to alp sooner or later.
Men that strongly prefer being male or are bi don't alp very often. Either their partner alps first or a monster makes them belong to her.

>> No.38327227
Quoted by: >>38327321

I think you only alp if you want to. If there's a conscious decision you want to fuck monster or regular girl pussy, you won't alp, no matter how big of an urge for BHC you get.

>> No.38327321
Quoted by: >>38327405

Straight people don't get urges to fuck the cock and choose to fuck human pussy instead.
You're gay and gonna alp.

>> No.38327383
Quoted by: >>38327478

You kids today don't know how good you have it, what with your electronic automatons. Back in my day we made do with analogue ones! Had to wind 'em up like clockwork toys to get them to fuck us.

>> No.38327405
Quoted by: >>38327495

I never said I do, you baiter. I'm just pondering on what the first Anon said about Eros alping some dude somewhere, because he'd be good for other dude and doesn't have any significant person himself. I think it doesn't make sense.

>> No.38327478

Clockwork automatons make...interesting noises when you wind them.

>> No.38327495
Quoted by: >>38327509

>you will get married and participate in society.
>or you will get turned into a girl and bred
We live in a society.

>> No.38327501

Can you even rape a lizard girl?
I mean, if you're strong enough to over power them they would probably just go "yeah, this is fair, I should carry his children".
Hell, I bet they even enjoy it and encourage men to try and do it.

>> No.38327509
File: 20 KB, 520x383, 1538681083424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38327513
Quoted by: >>38328292

Won't stop me hitting them during. Blood is too arousing.

>> No.38327538
File: 124 KB, 800x600, 1641177876700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38327650

What if I use a trap? Like I snare her leg and do her while she's unable to fight back. What would her reaction be then?

>> No.38327627

You can't rape a monster girl period, because it's possible to rape the willing.
The only difference is that the lizard girl doesn't become willing until she's at your mercy, whereas everyone else wants to get dicked from first sight.

>> No.38327649

Monster girls don't want to fuck any man. They have inbuilt antirape detections so they only rape the willing, but they can totally get raped if you were somehow able to overpower them.
since soulmates are a thing it is unlikely this would bond them to you or whatever KC calls it.

>> No.38327650

If she likes you (near 100% chance she does), she'll go
>you've defeated me using your superior cunning, stealth and intellect. You are indeed worthy foe and I shall carry your children with pride.

>> No.38327686

>You can't rape a monster girl period
Try to rape a monster with a husband see how it goes

>> No.38327687

That's how the setting works. There is no literal rape discussed in any of the books. Just femdom and maledom. KC hates cruelty and bad ends.
>Also, in certain lands, there are marketplaces and auction houses where monsters that were defeated and captured by humans are sold as slaves, but even so, it's actually the monsters that are pulling the strings behind the scenes. It is said that all of the monsters being sold are only those who deliberately lost to humans and let themselves be captured because they personally desired “to have a man take care of them.” They use charm magic and demonic energy to entice men into “running markets and auctions” “buying them” “training them” and “feeding them.” The slavers themselves aren't even aware of it, but they're being pulled along by strings. Even the winning bidders are being completely manipulated so that the monsters can choose their own “master.” In cases where a human man tries to rape a monster, he may think he's doing it of his own will, but more often than not it's actually a result of him being tempted and lead on by the monster being raped herself. Other than that, monsters have various other abilities that they use to tempt and enthrall men, and they will try to have sex with a man using all sorts of methods.

>> No.38327692

This is wrong anon, monstergirls only want to have sex with literally one specific man. If you're not soulmates she'll be as cold as the frostiest human woman, and you only have a 1-in-[entire male population of the world] chance of being her soulmate.

>> No.38327737

I feel like this is in a bit of a canon limbo right now. The sabbath book talks a lot about choosing men they are fond of over perfect specimens since monster girls value emotional connection.
The game throws that out completely but that may be an individual thing. I am not sure about other sources since I don't track q and as.

>> No.38327771
Quoted by: >>38327810

That sounds kinda hot.

>> No.38327786

Not every literal monster has some predetermined soul mate. Most monsters just have their own preferences but you can usually win over most girl that don't have someone they already love by showing your lust for them. Lust and desire in humans is the most attractive thing to a monster.
>So, even if you can't reach her! If you're hoping to connect with a monster girl who' s out of your reach, attack her and appeal to her, even if you're weak or dumb at the moment!
It will look "delicious" to the monster girl. If anything, they might even help you by squeezing and squeezing you so that you can grow up to be "a male worthy of having her".

>> No.38327810
Quoted by: >>38328052

A few months ago we talked about using underhanded tactics to beat a lizardman. She hates that you did sneaky shit to win, but her body literally can't help but recognize you as her mate so she ends up sucking you off while insulting you. It was hot.

>> No.38327843

But anon this sounds like getting married.

>> No.38327873
Quoted by: >>38327893

KC's tweet chain about monsters and preferences.
>Just as it's difficult to explain in a few words why people fall in love with others, the standards for monster girls vary from species to species and individual to individual. There are girls who are like, "I felt it in my womb at first sight This is my male ".
>There are also girls who have spent a lot of time together and have a lot of memories, and their wombs tingle, and there are girls who are like, " I wonder when I'm going to have my first experience with XX-kun He always looks so delicious ".

>Compared to humans, many of these girls are based on "instinctive intuition" and "awareness of lust such as tingling in the womb".
>In the case of humans, even in the case of "falling in love after spending time together" or "falling in love after receiving kindness or help", monster girls also recognize these feelings of love as "I want to squeeze this male's sperm I want to conceive a child ".
>In the meantime, because their sense of value is different from humans, they don't place much importance on the beauty or ugliness of their appearance.
>For example, "I love the way you look when you cum" or " When I kiss you, our noses are perfectly aligned, so I love the shape of your nose" These are some of the feelings they have.

>> No.38327891

Oh, so the "will only have sex with predestined soulmate" rule doesn't apply to every monster, OK

>> No.38327893
Quoted by: >>38327915

>The same goes for sexual proclivities derived from appearance. For example, if there is an onee ( monster girl ) shota couple, the man they fell in love with happened to be a shota (there may be cases where they were lured by protective desires, etc.).
>When you ask your husband to change into a shota form as part of your play, he becomes too cute and you become an acquired shota-con. It's because it' s his shota form that he's cute!
>This seems to be the pattern in many cases.
>Also, the difference in ability when there is more than one man is not a factor that is given much importance.
>There is a sense of "that guy is strong and cool", but But basically, " instinctive intuition" and "lust built up over time" take precedence, and "I love him, and I want to see him be cool. Yes Let's have lots of sex and raise him up".

>In fact, the sex skills that are so important to monster girls are not as important as they seem. The monster is a creature that can raise the maleness of the man it has acquired with its extravagant feminine power, and it is a definite route to have her husband get a cock that keeps getting erect and ejaculating profusely which captivates her.
>In other words, if a girl who likes " aggressiveness and a bit of roughness" is friends with a " quiet and shy boy", then she's going to want to be with him.
>Instead of falling in love with the aggressive guy she doesn't particularly get along with, she'll fall in love with the boy she does get along with.
>"I'll turn him into an animal that tries to rape me right away..." She will struggle for love with all sorts of temptations and medicinal dishes full of affection.
>In addition, monster girls don't have a culture of comparing the physical specs of their own males and those of other monsters with each other, which is another factor.
>(The culture of bragging about love is strong, "Yesterday I was fucked all day long Yesterday I straddled him all day long and squeezed him 20 times ” The husband and his penis are usually in serious trouble after the wife goes to a party about love with her friends)
>On the other hand, monster girls spend a long life with their mates and develop their mates' male power, so they tend to focus on men's "desires" such as "I want to be like this" and "I want to develop my own abilities".
>For example, it is not uncommon for a succubus to fall in love with the desire of a "craftsman who spends his life making the best watches" and become his wife and apprentice! In this sense, although it may seem to contradict the aforementioned criteria, it is also possible to fall in love with a man's accumulated abilities and efforts (current abilities) in life.
>Other examples, such as in the case of a martial arts monster, are "I want to be strong! I want to be stronger than the monsters!" "I want to be defeated by a monster and be forced to do a lot of things." There is a tendency to be attracted to both of these desires.
>They are even more vulnerable to "desire" that seeks them out more directly.
>"I want to marry ______ (personal name)! I want to have sex with you and cherish you for the rest of my life!" is the most potent. Even if you don't say it, monsters can sense it by your gaze, gestures, and atmosphere, and they will come after you.
>"I want to be with xx (a certain race)" is also very attractive to them.

>Compared to that, there's a downside. "I have no intention of cherishing that girl for the rest of my life" and "I don't care who it is, I just want to have sex with her" are all sitting ducks for the monster girl. "Please be mine forever... Please! Stay with me!" and so on. She will teach them with her body until they become dependent on her.

>"I want to cherish her forever. But it' s okay if she is happy. Even if I can't do anything naughty..." is also the weakest category of desire for monster girls. You should be aware of this, and you should be able to seduce her. "This girl is mine! I want to have sex with her! I want her to bear my child!" I will teach you with my body a lot until you embrace the desire to have a child with me!

>...... But that doesn't mean there aren't dangers for lethargic men with little "ambition" or "desire", or for the humble gentleman. "I will give you ‘desire’ ", said a monster girl looking at you with a wicked smile on her face.

>On the other hand, the criteria for being disliked are: people who are excessively evil, such as those who kill for pleasure, men who intentionally try to take someone's wife, etc., are not tasty and cannot be recognized as males in the first place. However, if they haven't made an attempt, or if they can still turn back, they will often attack you and say, "Let's nurture you to my preference". There are people who are twisted in some way, but there are no people who are born evil.

>> No.38327915
Quoted by: >>38327966

>On the other hand, the Church of the Chief God is considered to be the natural enemy of monsters, but good people who do good deeds, people who have the desire to do good, are very tasty for monsters, so the monster girls love the Church of the Chief God! "The Order of the Chief God is coming to attack us!" There are many monsters who get excited when they hear about it...

>In addition, monsters are not hostile to the Church of the Chief God and its doctrine itself, and are rather positive about the doctrine of "Live right, love your neighbor, and be kind", except for the item "No sex, and monsters are the enemy".

>If you read WGs3, you may be surprised to know that there is a church of the Chief God in the entertainment district of a demon realm. In fact, the worship of the Chief God remains intact in Lescatie as well, and there are people who still believe in the Chief God even after becoming monsters (although there are many converts because of the introduction of other religions). ※However, "No sex, demons are the enemy" has been blacked out and is not considered to be in the story.

>While other religions have been trying to proselytize, as long as there is no "no sex, demons are the enemy", there is no need to convert people against their will. On the contrary, as a result of being exposed to the culture of Lescatie, some of the monster girls were moved by the religion of the Chief God (except for the part that was blacked out). There are also monster girls who converted themselves because their husbands are avid believers. ※Some parts are blacked out.

>Strictly speaking, the criteria differ from one individual monster girl to the next, so it is not possible to talk about it in a few words, but I wanted to introduce the general feeling of monster girls.

>Perhaps it is because of the ecology of monsters who spend their vast lifetimes with the males they have chosen, that they often respond to failures with "Let's work together next time, big brother ". If you have a shortcoming, " I'll make you more wonderful ". They tend to think about it over a long period of time without taking it too seriously. They also tend to accumulate an inexhaustible amount of love and desire in a point system.
>So, even if you can't reach her! If you're hoping to connect with a monster girl who' s out of your reach, attack her and appeal to her, even if you're weak or dumb at the moment! It will look "delicious" to the monster girl. If anything, they might even help you by squeezing and squeezing you so that you can grow up to be "a male worthy of having her".

>> No.38327966
Quoted by: >>38328261

This just sounds like they've already made their mind up and are shit testing you.

>> No.38328018

I feel like weve gone through a time loop

>> No.38328052

Yeah, that sounds hot as hell.
She's too proud to admit you beat her and she hates the sneaky shit you pulled but her body has already recognized you as her mate. She'll suck your cock while insulting you, she can't even put up a token resistance when you bend her over.
And when you say something offhandedly about kids, she becomes super angry at you telling you that you're not allowed to cum inside despite her hips grinding against yours, not letting you cum anywhere but inside of her.
And when you cum inside of her, her brain short circuits from all the pleasure and she goes limp for a few seconds before half panicking that you might have knocked her up. With her hips still grinding against your cock.

>> No.38328063
Quoted by: >>38328099

I will just walk up to demon realm, ask to see Druella, smile and shake her hand.

>> No.38328093

Sucking and bending over for my dick.

>> No.38328099
Quoted by: >>38328174

and then?

>> No.38328105

Sure, I'll pet the kot's big kitty titties!

>> No.38328109
Quoted by: >>38328158


>> No.38328130
File: 122 KB, 1050x960, dg9aHkb5_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38328163

>Late to rape 101
>professor tells you that since you are already standing up, you should join her at the front of the class for a demonstration

>> No.38328158

its warhammer fanart, it floats around in other threads im in

>> No.38328163
Quoted by: >>38328170

but this is the fifth time this week!

>> No.38328170
Quoted by: >>38328181

You should fix your sleep schedule if you're always late for the class.

>> No.38328174
Quoted by: >>38328232

Tell her I am ready to work starting next week? Tell her I still see myself (working) under her in ten years?

>> No.38328181

i think i should drop out instead

>> No.38328198
Quoted by: >>38328278

Do that and sensei might follow you home.

>> No.38328207
Quoted by: >>38328278

Be sure to tell miss ushi at her office after class before you do, just to be polite.

>> No.38328232

Based salarymack wins again. Make sure she knows that you are willing to do a larger than normal workload. Remember to iron your tie!

>> No.38328261
Quoted by: >>38328381

How so?

>> No.38328270
File: 217 KB, 710x575, hH0TeKV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38328278

she wouldn't be so creepy.....right?
No, that would be to embarrassing and I don't wanna be scolded

>> No.38328292
Quoted by: >>38328327

>implying she won't hit you back and mount you

>> No.38328326

You never know, I head professor manti was able to get a student transferred to a late night class because he kept sleeping in on her morning one.

>> No.38328327
Quoted by: >>38328426

>The sex basically turn into a brawl while still fucking
Eh, it's someones fetish.

>> No.38328381
Quoted by: >>38328586

The squeezing part. If we take that to mean what we would think it would mean.
It's just wierd to treat all men who try the same. Take the point system there he mentions. It makes it sound like everyone has a shot and whoever hits 1000 points first wins, but before that everyone gets treated the same.
>Let's work together next time, big brother ". If you have a shortcoming, " I'll make you more wonderful ".
This sounds like something you'd say to someone you're already into it. The next line about thinking about it over a long time makes it sound like one day they'll randomly choose and everyone else is outta luck.

>> No.38328426
Quoted by: >>38328469


>> No.38328469


>> No.38328476
File: 1.41 MB, 1080x1920, 783da04be2dc3fecbe8a9768f02eefe06847851b615dab4fa19a1160597e0930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38328491

Anon, if this is the fifth time she's raped you in front of the whole class then she's clearly signaling to the other girls that you belong to her. I bet you're covered in her scent already. What's a guy doing in a rape 101 anyways? Is it a "know your enemy" kinda thing?

>> No.38328497
Quoted by: >>38328538

Part of gen ed, every man is forced to take it

>> No.38328498
Quoted by: >>38328538

they told me there would be candy.

>> No.38328538
File: 842 KB, 1062x1281, 76DFD65B-4A94-44D2-B8E7-CF3EC8EFE026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every man is forced to take rape
I see what you did there.
Completely understandable.

>> No.38328539

All the girls talk it up as the fun and easy elective

>> No.38328586
Quoted by: >>38328678

It's a mass of contradictions when combined. Having a bunch of different species with varying criteria gives a lot of weasel room. In the worst case, I'd say you should try to match a monster's criteria. If she helps/forces you do meet her standard, keep going. If she isn't into you, she'll try and match you with associates of hers. I haven't seen anything to indicate that monsters string people along. Having a standard isn't the same as that.

>> No.38328641

What happen If you use realm silver to make hollow point bullet and a shard of the bullet stay stuck in you. Will she go out by itself or stay stuck until medical treatment. Can you get into a coma from to much silver realm in you?

>> No.38328654

I imagine it would kind of just schlorp its may out of you after a while

>> No.38328666

Probably easy to do if it's magnetic.

>> No.38328678
Quoted by: >>38328835

If you take the sabbath book into account the only standard they have is just trying a lot. I guess we'll have to handwave it that there is a girl for everyone if you look hard enough but that is possible to get rejected.

>> No.38328762

Real silver isn't magnetic, Demon Realm silver probably isn't either.

>> No.38328767

>when cupid is pursuing a particularly resilient tsundere and she has to to bust out the big guns.

>> No.38328806
File: 225 KB, 1200x924, RBIOQMSl_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38328818

How do I fend off 30-50 feral p'orcs that run into my yard within 3-5 minutes while my children play?

>> No.38328816

It feels wrong in my head that this would be considered as a pleasant experience.
That also means that a gun could paralyze a monster girl for a longer time and allowed a to escape the rape

>> No.38328818

make helicopter sounds

>> No.38328835

I'd assume it gets stuck, but produces minimal physical wounds.
That makes sense, some lifestyles wouldn't fit together. Combined with that anon's quotes of MGE, it leaves the chance open for anons to try and wear down a monster's rejection. I don't know why they would want to, but the option is there.

>> No.38328839

sabbath that listens to black sabbath
