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File: 747 KB, 1534x2048, 1599470311665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29695319 No.29695319 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.29695352


>> No.29695356
File: 439 KB, 2048x1434, 1604284667547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia is fucking cute....

>> No.29695357

She is.

>> No.29695360
File: 55 KB, 204x193, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the EN announcement trailer have such low views? Did everyone watch it on twitter or something?

>> No.29695368

So what is this, Kiara is indoctrinating babies into becoming KFP employees?

>> No.29695367

>Amelia stream - People talk about the stream and Amelia
>Mori stream - People talk about the stream and Mori
>Ina stream - People talk as if it's dead hours
>Gura stream - Schizos show up and trash the thread
>Kiara stream - Schizos show up and trash the thread
Is this accurate?

>> No.29695369
File: 3.33 MB, 3022x4096, 1605936602295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for bed https://files.catbox.moe/s99457.mp4

>> No.29695374
Quoted by: >>29695432

bros.. what if... this is a ritualpost?

>> No.29695377
File: 553 KB, 775x915, B5118B4E-C9E4-4387-894F-37536D842214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do for the next 2 hours

>> No.29695380
File: 166 KB, 600x562, 1575405138897.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, she likes horror games, but I feel like her other games' streams are way better.

>> No.29695381

where can I get a poster of Gura taking a shower like this

>> No.29695384

What's the connection between Kiara and this baby? Haven't watched her streams.

>> No.29695386
File: 1.13 MB, 1450x1500, pogbrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29695385

How do we get rid of canadians?

>> No.29695387

Because expectations were incredibly low, anon.

>> No.29695388
File: 256 KB, 1803x2000, 1605055465099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chikin thighs

>> No.29695389
File: 1.73 MB, 2600x2100, gura avocado5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29695391
File: 1.46 MB, 1488x685, 1606098643486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rice game - Kiara
>Rice game - Ina
Jesus christ this is going to be painful until Ame's next stream. Not even a fun game to break up the shitposts and narrative throwing.

>> No.29695392
File: 29 KB, 454x415, 1605734750949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, there's nothing wrong with giving Gura SC's but we shouldn't just send them when she hasn't deserved them yet.

We don't want our Gura to become like Mori, if we keep doing this then she'll become lazy and start burping and farting while barely even playing games. Just think of Gura like a pet dog, if you keep overfeeding her then she's just gonna be fat and lazy.

>> No.29695393
Quoted by: >>29695451

>Did everyone watch it on twitter

>> No.29695394

So how do we think the Smash collab is gonna go?

>> No.29695396
Quoted by: >>29695482

Why is there a room labeled "room" in Ame's house?

>> No.29695399

Ame HATES Gura, did you check why she left? It's because she saw jews juicing over Gura with their akas!

>> No.29695403

baby ame

>> No.29695404
File: 65 KB, 640x725, 1605942663017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly yes. Gura's and Ina's hours used to be better and KFP still has to deal with packs of Seagulls at times.

>> No.29695407
File: 3.31 MB, 2508x3541, 1603243325742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29695406
File: 2.24 MB, 1920x822, 2FFE19B1-88B5-4870-B46D-2C90F60A6F40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695712

>> No.29695405
Quoted by: >>29695425

What's the timestamp for when gura talked about tinder?

>> No.29695408

For Ina it highly depends on the game/stream. But yeah expect tomorrow to be a whole lot of nothing for the threads.

>> No.29695409


>> No.29695411
File: 643 KB, 788x1024, 1606277687115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we got two hours to fill, anyone have some good clips of the ENs they wanna share? Bonus if it's recent. I guess our honorary ENs are fine too.

I'll share Ame being based:

>> No.29695412

Not always, it really changes week to week.

>> No.29695414

I miss Muse Dash...

>> No.29695416

Mori streams used to be schizo trash but changed to normal sometime after the whole spa date thing for some reason. The schizos still return during dead hours though.

>> No.29695417

The dude superchatted her telling her that his baby really likes it when she goes kikiriki. She played off of it.

>> No.29695418

Annexation of territory to the US

>> No.29695422
File: 85 KB, 759x1200, EkS7IE5VcAAWjgL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695700

Hello Friends,

TRPG session on Hololive channel with Game Master Fubuki. The players are Towa, Watame and Roboco.


If you can, come by and say hi. Peace.

>> No.29695423
Quoted by: >>29695508

No. Ina threads still have people talking about the stream, they just don't overshadow everything else. Gura streams are usually like Amelia streams, today was unusual. The others are right though, at least at the moment

>> No.29695424
Quoted by: >>29695495

as a KFP not really while there has been problems there have been plenty of comfy Kiara threads

>> No.29695425

just check the archives for the first mention of

>> No.29695426
File: 290 KB, 900x600, rratbusters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their existence destroys narratives as soon as they reach them. kiara and ina breathe and a narrative somewhere dies

>> No.29695427

I always thought it was.

>> No.29695429

It's growing. AVOCADO LOVE

>> No.29695430

Giant rake

>> No.29695432
File: 51 KB, 680x521, dude pancakes lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for reminding me

https://streamable.com/cj3uzt Dude Pancakes LMAO
https://streamable.com/72kou1 Kani kani kani~
https://streamable.com/qlz2en No fighting, bad!
https://streamable.com/oe9vbh Never give up, Never surrender!
https://streamable.com/e2v7mm no sunshine...
https://streamable.com/xmsxh1 You can go to bed,take it easy
https://streamable.com/btp38i Drink of the intellectuals
https://streamable.com/vqaw4a Dango Dango Dango~
https://youtu.be/MoNRQCcdToI Ina - I'm Horny!
https://files.catbox.moe/kpur8h.mp4 This is bait
https://twitter.com/ninomaeinanis/status/1309632969531953152 Woomy~!
https://streamable.com/2n7yet Lurking is good!
Added titles for no embed anons

>> No.29695433

Recently? Yes.
The reality is that it changes every week or two.

>> No.29695434
File: 182 KB, 500x500, 1585742219641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame would be the same but all antis got destroyed a while ago.

>> No.29695435

>for some reason
She stopped being shit.

>> No.29695437


>> No.29695439

Nah, its
>Kiara stream - seething seagulls and lolcow raiders

I got the announcement from a screencap on facebook, didn't even see the trailer.

>> No.29695440

by becoming one
there are no Canadians if everyone is one

>> No.29695442

Kaichou we still won't spoonfeed you

>> No.29695445
Quoted by: >>29695507

What did she mean by this?

>> No.29695447

I would have agreed with you 2 months ago. Now? Not so much.
But seriously, chumcucks recently has become the most intolerable group here. Like:
>abortion fetish
>some doxxfags
>literal pedos

>> No.29695448

there are like two fags spamming antiposts when Mori streams but as of late anons have started to completely ignore em so that's nice

>> No.29695449

>she'll become lazy
Here is the flaw in your logic

>> No.29695450

God damn, that's some cute art

>> No.29695451
File: 302 KB, 596x430, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter viewership is pretty bad too.

>> No.29695457
File: 145 KB, 492x492, 1603092398640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haachama still embarrassed to speak english around coco

>> No.29695459
File: 1.62 MB, 775x1200, 1601835974081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm staying up for Moririn

>> No.29695461

>become lazy

>> No.29695462
File: 52 KB, 1817x276, seagull tranny hours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real KFP bros enjoy the streams and im sure the other non-KFPs do too.
its literally dedicated antis and raiders.
see image for proof.

>> No.29695463

https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/United_States_annexation_of_Canada make this real

>> No.29695464


>> No.29695465

Clown will always be there for you.
And a certain angel is doing Pekora impressions.

>> No.29695467

She is a normalfag who autistically likes rhythm and horror games. She won’t play anything else unless it’s a party game.

>> No.29695468

Just got home.
What's this about required packages? Is Ame or Gura installing GNU/Linux?

>> No.29695469

>polka will never step on me
Kill me Pete.

>> No.29695472

Wait, what happens during Haachama streams?

>> No.29695473
File: 187 KB, 1200x1148, 1605628930468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun Deadbro hope the stream goes great

>> No.29695475


>> No.29695476

Outside of numberfagging, Gura streams are usually pretty good. Today was bad because the canadian shit.

>> No.29695477
File: 892 KB, 3399x2696, EmsuOAWVcAMinx4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Ina cared about her subs.

>> No.29695478

Ppl spread it fast on ss, so almost no one watched the video.

>> No.29695479
File: 645 KB, 2896x2896, jesas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ONE (1) fag got a vacation

>> No.29695480

Ame would probs be in chicken's status a month ago or something but after THAT and the fact her teamates and chat isn't fucking terrible anymore yeah, you got it right

>> No.29695483

Why does Mori even bother speaking English if she's going to stream when she does?

>> No.29695482

she might forget what the door is for otherwise, pls understand

>> No.29695484

Is that you /v/?

>> No.29695487
File: 265 KB, 830x830, 1602741861610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be raised from infanthood by kiara
what's the fucking point

>> No.29695490

i send a small one near the beginning of the stream every single stream and i am not going to change my SC habits.

>> No.29695491

no, it's fine to donate to her whenever just don't make it about yourself like the retarded "wars"

>> No.29695493
File: 838 KB, 1440x1802, 48684648684846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me decipher what Ame says here?


>> No.29695495
Quoted by: >>29696231

The thing is, the comfy Kiara threads have been getting extremely rare.

>> No.29695497

There was an announcement trailer?

>> No.29695498

>troon and related circlejerk
So it's literally a tranny clique that comes here and stirs up shit? Fucking christ

>> No.29695499
Quoted by: >>29695530

Not sure about Ina but Kiara makes the game fun when she does silly voices for the people

>> No.29695501
File: 99 KB, 1000x775, Emw7biGVkAAxwhv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697898

I just want whatever song they were playing before it cut to the actual trailer bit but it'll never happen

>> No.29695502


What was she saying before she said thats pretty cringe guys?

>> No.29695503
File: 718 KB, 817x528, 1605510135032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually watch V-tubers on their TV
This is straight-up post-apocalyptic

>> No.29695504

>He didn't get the Super Best Holo's DLC package

>> No.29695505
File: 24 KB, 312x52, 1575743490320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no, the bugs won...

>> No.29695506
File: 318 KB, 373x442, 1605685607136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695645

Dang she really did get scarred by Coco

her English is totally passable now

>> No.29695507

It’s HER

>> No.29695508

Ina threads are pretty weird for the most part, it's either barely anyone talking about the stream (Minecraft streams) or a storm of OC and fun (The great Tako massacre of HL2)

>> No.29695511
File: 528 KB, 693x557, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29695512

they'll have fun and smashtards will scream and panic over literally nothing the entire time

>> No.29695514
Quoted by: >>29695611

why are women like this?

>> No.29695516

Man Haachama's normal voice sounds so much better than when she goes high pitched

>> No.29695517
Quoted by: >>29695861


>> No.29695518
Quoted by: >>29695538


>> No.29695519

https://twitter.com/gawrgura/status/1331483532821192706?s=20 Gura is starting to tweet more often

>> No.29695522

Its not schizos shitting up Gura's threads. Shes so popular that we get flooded with tourist.

>> No.29695523

Because she lives in Japan but English is her first language. It's not complicated anon.

>> No.29695528 [SPOILER] 
File: 279 KB, 950x486, 1606285505759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696101

>> No.29695529
File: 334 KB, 1000x781, 1605444114613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gist of it is that the law says the developer can *probably* take down streams of their game, but no one wants to spend the money in the West to have the courts determine if streaming gameplay is "transformative" enough to outweigh the "commercial" aspect of the stream. https://www.copyright.gov/fair-use/more-info.html
In these conversations, what people are usually missing is that "fair use" is a legal defense against copyright infringement. It doesn't protect against takedowns preemptively.

Japan has no such legal doctrine which is why Cover is skittish about permissions. Should a copyright holder sue or issue takedowns in Japan against the company, they'd have no defense.

>> No.29695530

that one time meido came in and killed off all the trannies was actually the comfiest i have ever seen this thread ever.
i wish meido was more active.

>> No.29695531

Reading this confused the hell out of me

>> No.29695533

She's just humming to the song.

>> No.29695535

Gura is going to have an early morning exercise stream of RFA on Monday, Nov 30. Her plan is to make everyone participating in NNN lose while saying "Are you frustrated?"

>> No.29695539

That's fucked up.
Why are women like this?

>> No.29695538

No clue what this is but nice

>> No.29695540
Quoted by: >>29695612

Shitshow because netcode, but hopefully the girls have fun. Would be best to leave this thread and enjoy it on your own when it comes around.

>> No.29695543

So is Ame just hard carried by her radiobot? Because without it she seems to just rush through SC's at the end like she doesn't like them.

>> No.29695544

hey deadbeat, a few streams ago mori mentioned that shes working on a lot of stuff in the background. Got any info on that? I don't check her socials or her roommates stuff.

>> No.29695545

Her target audience is Australians and New Zealanders.

>> No.29695546

Watch Kabaya. She's cute.

>> No.29695550

>chumbuds are canadians
You cant make this shit up

>> No.29695551

Only Gura's is true as of now.
Kiara's has become more tame, especially during SC readings.
Mori's hasn't changed, but I guess it's part of the /hlgg/ culture by now.

>> No.29695553

Kiara bait Canadian when?

>> No.29695554
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x2704, koronesuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JOP Koronesuki's are cute!

>> No.29695556
File: 401 KB, 886x910, 1606277842484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695572

Lads I just masturbated and chummed so hard my asscheeks cramped up and I couldn't walk for 20 minutes. Whole muscle in both bag legs just crumpled up into a ball. I also lost hearing for about 15 minutes

>> No.29695555

imagine being such a jealous schizo you think gura doesn't know about tinder "swipe" memes. gura knows about ALL memes.

>> No.29695557
File: 89 KB, 512x512, 1515054181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's waiting for you anon

>> No.29695559
File: 11 KB, 183x182, chimkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura... Kiara tweeted you twice....

>> No.29695562

Some guy had a cringe superchat (don't remember what) and people in chat talked about him.

>> No.29695563
File: 1.30 MB, 1021x820, 1604629810001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696377

Gura spent 30 minutes on compiler simulator.

>> No.29695564
Quoted by: >>29695578

She's humming and then says
Does Gura have a stream today, I want to make sure, the thing I'm helping her with.

>> No.29695566

Jealousy and envy of women who are both hotter and more successful than them

>> No.29695567


>> No.29695568

>is fine speaking in brain broken English in front of 20k viewers
>get's nervously rekt when Coco is around

>> No.29695569
File: 70 KB, 210x241, 1597559274598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695622

Did you guys suddenly forget about the Passpartout streams? The thread was great. Both recent Soma threads were shit though because the first one was overlapping with the Sportsfes and the second one was taken over by the SC wars. Kiara threads aren't honestly that bad but she has dedicated antis like Mori did a few weeks ago.

>> No.29695570 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29695608

I hate to be that rrat but if there is fucking anitubers doing Vtuber shilling it should be something like this

>> No.29695571

Clown sure can do a lot of different voices. Can't even tell if it's the character talking or her doing an imitation.

>> No.29695572

Again? See a doctor.

>> No.29695574

I'm late, did the SC war ruin a major game point? I heard someone say that she missed a lot of stuff because of it? Will it ruin the stream?

>> No.29695578

Thanks just needed the first half of the sentence.

>> No.29695581
Quoted by: >>29695649


It was okay but mostly just making random sounds

>> No.29695582

Sometimes I wonder what it'd be like if Gura wasn't so dumb, but that's why I love her

>> No.29695583
Quoted by: >>29695637

The hell is he talking about

>> No.29695584

They'll have fun as long as the netcode doesn't screw them over too hard
/hlgg/ is going to be a dumpster fire because Smash attracts the worst kind of discussions

>> No.29695585
Quoted by: >>29695744

I find it funny that Luna is the one that explained it in english in the end

>> No.29695587

All we know is that she's working on some songs, one of which is Kiara, and Kiara's music video. Her roommate is supposedly working on an album but there's no ETA on its release. Anything else is just speculation.

>> No.29695588
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1597837123049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking god, the thing I hate the most of these threads is your convinction and determination of memeing something into reality.

She acknowledged the supas, it's her fucking job, specially when they were so many (Oh, and if she didn't schizo antis would've gone "HURR SHE'S SO UNRESPECTFUL", you can't win with trannies), she got distracted for like 10-15 minutes by other akasupas and it fucking ended already. But no, she literally stopped streaming for 2 hours and only thanked SCs for you retards.

Go kill yourselves. Same goes for people who unironically think Mori is still doing like that Mad Father stream.

>> No.29695589
File: 876 KB, 2350x3541, 1573490662592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe we’ll do a celebration stream but I Am Not Yet Certain
100% not happening.

>> No.29695590
File: 806 KB, 640x597, 1605599102984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori san has a calm expression

>> No.29695593
File: 73 KB, 286x398, 1604032841221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695634

>DOZENS of replies with the Kritikal memes


>> No.29695594

I wish I could do that

>> No.29695598

well there are billions of them

>> No.29695604
File: 1.61 MB, 1872x1748, 1600743210839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695657

Current known Mori projects:
Working on the MV for Kiara's single
This month's song (it's a cover this time, not an original)
Three produced covers with JP Holos (might be a singular JP Holo or 3 different girls, we aren't sure because she hasn't been clear)
One produced song/cover that involves Kiara, but may not be limited to her.

>> No.29695605

Who's mapping out the idol meetings?

>> No.29695607
File: 500 KB, 1731x1711, __gawr_gura_ninomae_ina_nis_watson_amelia_mori_calliope_and_takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_nomi_mushi__b0a1b4adb9408b5a327c7461f45710d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the housing situation for every Holo, /hlgg/?
I'm guessing that Ame, Mori and Kiara all live in apartments, Ina lives in her parents' home, and Gura lives in a barn.

>> No.29695608

ALL anitubers get the rope

>> No.29695609

missing some dumb game shit nobody cared about is not how it disrupted the stream, no.

>> No.29695610

>Will it ruin the stream?
It's already ruined, latebro.
NAcucks ruin everything.

>> No.29695611

I think it's specifically the /cgl/ crowd, apparently she was known back then before joining hololive and now that Kiara has found success as a hololive vtuber, they're all actually extremely jealous. Kiara is everything a lot of weeb cosplay women wish they could be from the looks of it, as well as being fluent in Japanese.

>> No.29695612

i only really pop in these threads every so often in the first place so i'll probably have fun reading in between matches

>> No.29695613

Its not super important to the plot, but its important to the themes of the game. You don't NEED to know it, but its a good part. It was only a few lines.

>> No.29695616

Gura's have mostly been fine. It's just the soma streams have been cursed.

>> No.29695617
File: 831 KB, 1000x679, 1606268351091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cunny helps to keep these threads clean sir.

>> No.29695618

Not really, it's probably better that you missed it. It distracted her for a few minutes but it was mostly the chat going to war with itself and the thread freaking out over it.

>> No.29695619

The game gave her the choice of deleting someone or not, she walked away and didn't even make the choice because she was distracted by akas
which was pretty in character for her so I'm not mad about it

>> No.29695620

she literally got so flustered and distracted that she paused the game, anon.

>> No.29695622
Quoted by: >>29695714

>because the first one was overlapping with the Sportsfes
Oh, you have no idea how comfy the threads were when meido made /hlg/ a sticky.

>> No.29695625
File: 49 KB, 365x460, 1470952910789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.29695626
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, 1598746791259.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coco dead silent the whole time
>Risu's JP is totally fine and she could understand them anyway

Those two know how to play up an audience

>> No.29695628
Quoted by: >>29695734

I come back to this one from time to time:
I like when she uses this soft tone of voice, it feels kind of serene.

>> No.29695627
Quoted by: >>29696323

`women` lol

>> No.29695629
File: 422 KB, 1210x1720, 49058A53-777B-45B8-90C8-3AD6BD9A45E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else noticing the girls becoming more comfortable and improving slowly? It’s is kino

>> No.29695631
File: 27 KB, 599x533, morimask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori-san has a calm expression
Will this illusion of theirs ever be broken

>> No.29695634
Quoted by: >>29695711

Can't wait for these to spread to other holos, especiall JP. Reminder that there is nothing wrong with collabing with normalfag streamers :^)

>> No.29695635

I'm gonna manifest destiny Ina's womb!

>> No.29695637

It's from one of the replies of Korone's tweet about the collab

>> No.29695638
Quoted by: >>29695719

Most apartment buildings wouldn't let Ame have two dogs and a cat.

>> No.29695639

I hate superchat messages. Donations should just be money.

>> No.29695641
Quoted by: >>29696028

She usually tweets when in a good mood. She had a very good weekend and it makes me happy that she did.

>> No.29695642

Who's toe cracks do you prefer?
Or Ame?

>> No.29695645

I think her Civia collab left a bigger scar on her.

>> No.29695646
File: 847 KB, 2906x4096, 435435135354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Ame's voice pack is an interrogation scene since she doesn't really seem into doing it as a stream thing.

>> No.29695649

There was a collab?

>> No.29695650

Lethal League guerilla... Superchat thanking guerilla...

>> No.29695652

Would be very surprised if Ame lives in an apartment. Maybe a duplex but no denser.
Kiara and Mori are obviously in apartments, they're in Japan.

>> No.29695653

Yep just like she’ll read superchats “next time”. I love me mori but come not to expect much out of her stream volume.. the day she does a guerilla stream I’ll eat my hat

>> No.29695654
Quoted by: >>29695686

how else am I supposed to tell Gura that I love her and I want to make babies with her

>> No.29695656
Quoted by: >>29696097

Mori has multiple rooms and sliding doors so it could be a rental house

>> No.29695657
Quoted by: >>29695694

>Three produced covers with JP Holos
Did she ever mention that it's covers?

>> No.29695660
File: 46 KB, 1179x516, 1605283395901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695717


>> No.29695662

I think the bigger issue is that he gets his kid to watch the most foul-mouthed EN girl.

>> No.29695664
Quoted by: >>29695679

That's because of a retarded USA - CAN super chat war

>> No.29695666
File: 856 KB, 1200x1000, Ayunda_Risu_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame talked about Risu a lot during debut week
>Risu showed up in Ame's early stream chats multiple times during her start
>no collab


>> No.29695667

If they ever do their eigo reps, yeah.

>> No.29695669
File: 1.66 MB, 1500x2000, 1606188461942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695689

Kanata GTAV

Polka still playing that rice game

Personally I'm going with PPT because I'm tired of that other game even though it's Polka.

>> No.29695671

Gura's are usually fine but when anything happens it takes over the whole thread and gets really out of hand.

>> No.29695673
File: 1.83 MB, 1920x1080, 1604460394130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696261

It's hilarious what Japs think of Mori. If only they knew the truth.

>> No.29695674

Yeah, she paused it for 6 hours, I forgot anon.

>> No.29695678

Gura is the undisputed footfag bait champion of EN

>> No.29695679

yes, we know

>> No.29695685

As a chumbud and a cunnyseur I have to agree tho most of the time it's just tribalistfags and falseflaggers.

>> No.29695687
Quoted by: >>29696236

I just got a 55" and you're tempting me to watch a Mori stream on there.

>> No.29695686

Whisper it through her window when she's sleeping like I do.

>> No.29695688
File: 603 KB, 1920x1080, Enh2sv9W4AYx9lw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romantic gay date on an old cemetary!

>> No.29695689

kanata is cute so im going with her for now

>> No.29695692
Quoted by: >>29695708


Somebody please clip this beautiful (lower pitched than usual) scream from Gura.

>> No.29695694

You're right, I'm speculating that they're covers, but I'd be really shocked if she suddenly started blasting out original songs with HoloJP girls. People don't realize that there really are fuck all original songs produced by Hololive, Mori alone basically doubled the amount.

>> No.29695698
File: 79 KB, 812x682, 5k_kfps_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen to this first

and then do your duty

>> No.29695697

they are all becoming more idol like with each passing day

>> No.29695700

CoC would fit EN so well. Too bad it will never happen.

>> No.29695701

I don't like any of the games she chooses to play

>> No.29695702

Fucking newfags don't remember when she was mogged by the dragon

>> No.29695706

Sometimes they can be good when they aren’t attention whoring like the ones giving support to Kiara but most of the time they’re shit

>> No.29695707

Oh god... is this the new Klaiusposting?

>> No.29695708

it's within her normal pitch range of screams, anon, watch her streams some time

>> No.29695709
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 2956292929662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame's toes sound unhealthy

>> No.29695711

Not gonna happen mori’s normie fans don’t know enough about other vtubers to shit up their feed.

>> No.29695712

>8 girls in the pic
What do they collab on?
hardmode: not Among Us

>> No.29695713

15 minutes ir two hours it's still not fun when the superchats are a bunch of attention whoring idiots that disrupt a game gura was enjoying, if they wanted to donate at least address the SC to her

>> No.29695714
Quoted by: >>29695772

Well there are still people that were shitting on her AFTER the thread but yeah I guess it wasn't that bad during it.

>> No.29695715

They played Among Us together.

>> No.29695716
File: 130 KB, 1100x1255, 1605722953772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29695717
Quoted by: >>29695733

Wait it got deleted by steam or why is it white?

>> No.29695719

I've never lived in an apartment in my life, why would they not allow cats?

>> No.29695721

It's nice to see them growing into the role, yeah.

>> No.29695724
File: 166 KB, 500x500, 1604254980051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gura seems like she's been having a lot of fun recently, and that makes me happy as well

>> No.29695725
File: 357 KB, 901x650, 1605341110177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695743

How do you guys feel about Mori ruining the HaachaToriMori Collab?

>> No.29695727
File: 310 KB, 1646x1686, 1605818742912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29695728


>> No.29695729
File: 2.35 MB, 1425x812, 1582308077350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of love for the truth and from desire to elucidate it, the Reverend Father /hlgg/, Master of Arts and Shitposting, and ordinary lecturer therein at /jp/, intends to defend the following statements and to dispute on them in that place. Therefore he asks that those who cannot be present and dispute with him orally shall do so in their absence by letter. In the name of our Lord Calliope Mori, Amen.

1. Our Lord and Master Calliope Mori, in saying, "Cringe ye, etc.," intended that the whole life of her believers on earth should be a constant cringekino.

2. And the word "cringekino" neither can, nor may, be understood as referring to the Sacrament of Cringekino, that is, to cringe and kino as exercised under the priest's streams.

3. Nevertheless She does not think of inward cringe only: rather is inward cringe worthless unless it produces various outward kino of the stream.

4. Therefore cringe continues as long as hatred of oneself continues, that is to say, true inward cringekino lasts until entrance into the Kingdom of Graduated Holos.

5. Go Strider will not, and cannot, remit other punishments than those which they have imposed by t own decree or according to the canons.

6. Go Strider can forgive shitposters only in the sense, that he declares and confirms what may be forgiven of Calliope Mori; or that he doth it in those cases which he hath reserved to himself; be this contemned, the shitposts remains unremitted.

7. Calliope Mori forgives none his sin without at the same time casting him cringe and humbled before the priest Her vicar.

>> No.29695731
Quoted by: >>29696086

The Smash collab is going to raise my blood pressure.

>> No.29695734

asmr... onegai...

>> No.29695733
Quoted by: >>29695787

steam flags reviews when a suddenly large amount of negative reviews get posted

>> No.29695735

Not all apartments/condo buildings allow pets in general

>> No.29695736
File: 1.15 MB, 1200x667, 1604251813489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori chan has a calm impression

>> No.29695738

That depends, is Ame cracking her toes or is her mom's boyfriend doing it?

>> No.29695742

Is Gura's head on backwards?

>> No.29695743
File: 316 KB, 2500x1500, EmuaJt_UwAIYig9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe she started thanking Haachama's akasupas for her, I fucking hate this bitch.

>> No.29695744
Quoted by: >>29696656

>luna carrying the english conversation in team chama
>marine carrying the english conversation in team peko
Props to both of them despite their english reps.

>> No.29695745

What if the 5000th person is required to give oral sex?

>> No.29695746
Quoted by: >>29696128

L4d2 versus

>> No.29695747
File: 455 KB, 1575x2048, EnlqesoVoAIoT_g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kiara would be the best mother of them all.

>> No.29695752
Quoted by: >>29695859

>Soma ep1: /hlg/ flipping out that their big event and sticky wasn't the sole focus
>Soma ep2: /hlg/ flipping out STILL about ep1, and then spontaneous SC war

>> No.29695754

I only post about how cute Gura is man. I don’t associate with those low lives.

>> No.29695757
File: 100 KB, 1242x1241, 1603093073617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695952

People think Ame is the GFE when out girl is out here literally asking for our babies. Teamates have it backwards

>> No.29695759

Ame's toe cracking is significantly more melodic--predominantly treble. Gura's toe cracking is more percussive, akin to hitting a strongly detuned drum. Unless I'm acquiring samples to make industrial music, I'll take Ame's toes.

>> No.29695761
File: 71 KB, 324x421, Cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696167

Nakadashi Kiara.

>> No.29695762
Quoted by: >>29695810

lmao i thought that ribbon was yellow shit spewing out

>> No.29695764
File: 1.31 MB, 2600x2100, kiaravocado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f
>1/1 results

>> No.29695765

Gura probably lives in her parents' home. Either that or she was rich before she took this job and had her own house to herself.

>> No.29695766
Quoted by: >>29696037

Twisted metal

>> No.29695769 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 480x57, 1605901250824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29695768

cats often pee on the floor and it's difficult and expensive to get rid of the smell

>> No.29695770

I aint reading all that chocoball

>> No.29695771

Genital Jousting

>> No.29695772

That was /hlg/, but most of them were enjoying the collab in the thread I guess.
But you can clearly tell that the main users here are /v/ faggots who just want to jump on the popular thing and want to feel part of something like permavirgin losers will always want to do.

>> No.29695773
File: 1.62 MB, 898x1662, 1606268768068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695840



>> No.29695780

Kiara was similar to Ina until recently, I think.

>> No.29695781 [DELETED] 

>Implying she wasn't lying

>> No.29695783
File: 684 KB, 679x521, 1605124643237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29695788 [DELETED] 


>> No.29695789
File: 83 KB, 643x449, 1578201931788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the passpartout threads we had not too long ago were some of my favorites

>> No.29695787

I see.

>> No.29695791
File: 318 KB, 837x1181, 1606187108481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696229

>Haachama trying her best to read it in broken english
>Mori's autism flares up and she butts in to read them for her
She's gone too far this time bros...

>> No.29695793
File: 171 KB, 981x1104, 63454354453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turns on fan instead of stripping.

>> No.29695795
File: 196 KB, 750x1000, gura_sand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does seem happier, but please Gura eat better!

>> No.29695797

Kiara is renting a house.

>> No.29695798

Don't worry about it,

>> No.29695805
Quoted by: >>29695821

Where did this making a bowl of eggs meme start?

>> No.29695806
File: 275 KB, 540x399, 1603608995151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Haachama worth it?

>> No.29695807

KFP may be a cult, but you also don't see them really going after the other girls as much as Chumbuddies do, and the major difference is that CB's have been aggressive almost from Day One. Honestly if anything is going to harm Gura's future with Hololive, it's going to be her own fanbase.

>> No.29695809

Because a lot of fans catch her VoDs, she has similar viewership as Ame on most collabs despite lower live viewership.

>> No.29695810

that's enough /d/ for you

>> No.29695811
File: 944 KB, 1206x668, 1605835478212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695869

Most of the threads are good.

>> No.29695812

imagine the absolute state of these threads
>Oh, Haachama senpai! I have your stream open in another monitor of mine
>breathes in

>> No.29695814

Risu reposted an image with S*n***a in it the other day. I bet she's officially on Gura and Ame's shit list.

>> No.29695815

I hope the baby is ok....

>> No.29695818
File: 223 KB, 1612x2048, EnlCYwZVoAMxkm0.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about this child?

>> No.29695819

The fuck?

>> No.29695820

>Kiara is ready to have kids

>> No.29695821
Quoted by: >>29695867

Come on bro

>> No.29695824
File: 239 KB, 500x500, 1601500005491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695853


>> No.29695827

Doesn't gura have roommates?

>> No.29695831
Quoted by: >>29695865

Mori moved from a box to what seems like a proper apartment, Ina is living in her parent's mansion, Kiara is living in a typical Japanese apartment, Ame the less said the better, Gura lives on her farmstead.

>> No.29695832 [DELETED] 

As a matter of fact, why would you put that kind of pressure on your viewers?

>> No.29695834

we've been over it yesterday

>> No.29695835
File: 1.60 MB, 850x1192, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this picture and tell me she isn't.

>> No.29695837

you mean milf

>> No.29695840

Damn I really want a Gura hentai doujin with that design

>> No.29695839

>Gura probably lives in her parents' home.
Probably not if she's spending all of Thanksgiving night with members and then SC reading

>> No.29695842

You're actually fucking mental if you think that's a lie. Fuck off.

>> No.29695843

*reveals to you that numbers, as a concept, exist*

>> No.29695844

I appreciate the effort, but this aint 1517, I can't understand this shit.

>> No.29695848
File: 14 KB, 971x415, 2020-11-25_1-36-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken flew too close to the sun

>> No.29695849
Quoted by: >>29695921

I think there's only two options that could be correct there. Hope they got the money they needed at the time, whichever one it was.

>> No.29695850 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 386x386, 85829356_p4_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our girls have come a long way

>> No.29695852

Honestly no. Gawrposting is part of the problem especially since most of them are pedobaits

>> No.29695853

Based shota poster

>> No.29695855

the only hints we have about gura's housing are one time that she implied living alone (when speculating about where the bread had gone), and poor wireless network reception in her streaming room (perhaps implying a somewhat large house and/or wire mesh lath & plaster walls attenuating the signal).

>> No.29695858
Quoted by: >>29697710

Highly doubt any parent/partner/roommates would be happy with all the screaming and yelling gura does past midnight her time.

>> No.29695859
File: 199 KB, 500x500, 1604764312512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, /hlgg/ really likes to live in the past
If you spend so much time living in the past, your destined to repeat the same mistakes in the future, and to neglect the present
Or something like that

>> No.29695861

here you go anon, finally found it
if saucenao or reverse image searchers can't find it, your best bet is to just reverse google search and add "site:twitter.com" to the search bar and hope it shows up

>> No.29695863
Quoted by: >>29695979

She absolutely doesn't live with her family. Her roommate probably made enough money to pay rent, but either way rent in rural areas is dirt cheap in America.

>> No.29695864

All of them have roommmates. They aren't brain scans.

>> No.29695865

Kiara moved to a rrat infested house.

>> No.29695866

kiara hasn't exactly been doing exciting streams lately.

>> No.29695867

I saw the image, what board/thread was it from?

>> No.29695868
File: 29 KB, 513x513, 1605375715302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need the best Holo song covers to pass the time until the collab, give them to me

>> No.29695869
File: 219 KB, 318x343, 1583601913215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep these fun memories alive. Even if it's just a kangaroo petting Mongolian forum, it doesn't mean we can't have memorable moments or memories.
I still treasure DR3 /a/ threads like it was my first kiss. I'll probably feel the same with /hlgg/ once I move on, /hlgg/ gets permadeleted or Hololive won't be there anymore.

>> No.29695872

you thought time loop was just a narrative?

>> No.29695874

I hope she keeps it up, I like it when she tries to interact with everyone.

>> No.29695878

They're collabing next week there's nothing to worry about

>> No.29695881

it's funny how the passpartout thread was one of the best in recent history, and it was immediately followed by one of the worst threads with gurame minecraft /u/schizofaggotry

>> No.29695882

Desperation, if anything. She was making scraps back then and was barely able to get by. It was probably one of the last options she had. Was probably scared to her whits end.

>> No.29695884


>> No.29695886

Pretty sure using the same images over and over, while pointlessly edging the thread closer to the image limit, with no new contributions to add, ain't exactly what I call "clean".

>> No.29695887

A better question:

Would you eat her cooking?

>> No.29695888

>okayu playing octopath traveller
Did they just get permissions for that or is it one of those cases where they always had permission but they barely play it? It's Kiara's type of game.

>> No.29695889
File: 69 KB, 194x194, 1599554621141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29695890
File: 179 KB, 549x1000, EnpjtMjXYAALC6h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695951


>> No.29695892
Quoted by: >>29695931

I'm just pointing out why the Soma streams have shit /hlgg/ threads.

>> No.29695896

she got a boost from the karaoke and didnt stream today (only for members) her numbers will go back to the normal 4k day

>> No.29695901

Sponsored. Nobody else can play it.

>> No.29695902

Gura doesn't want to talk to Kiara. She doesn't like her. She told me herself.

>> No.29695905

Bunch of sponsored streams, but it's not the original game, it's a mobile gacha spinoff.

>> No.29695909

Hey, just like AME!
No wonder she keeps getting dommed.

>> No.29695911
File: 50 KB, 867x1079, EnpjyrjUcAMQhrz@yuzuriha_nyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29695913

Impossible. There's no way something as precious as these girls would have to live in this terrible 3d world. They are virtual and I refuse to believe otherwise.

>> No.29695915

Happy Gura is best Gura. No amount of numberjerking or reclining will change that.

>> No.29695917

It's a mobile exclusive gacha prequel.

>> No.29695919

Does Gura read all red superchat? I want to say I masturbate to her every night before i sleep

>> No.29695921

just noticed the netgraph, never mind

>> No.29695923
File: 164 KB, 1200x1200, 1603339481302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695954

I wish she did GFE.

>> No.29695922


>> No.29695924
File: 261 KB, 1451x2048, ksk5jqlwexn51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a confession
I prefer the quiet hours because it's people actually talking about how much they love their oshi

>> No.29695927

Sponsored stream but fuck you no permission.
t. Square enix

>> No.29695931

It's a shit game.

>> No.29695932
Quoted by: >>29696128

civ v

>> No.29695933

no, she does not

>> No.29695934
File: 296 KB, 992x1403, 1600176629134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Oshi will never acknowledge your existence in a substantial way.
Reading your super chat doesn't count, she probably won't even remember your name after she finishes reading it.

>> No.29695935
File: 111 KB, 600x369, 1602204938661.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the 25th here in yurop during Gura's stream, maybe that's why the threads went to shit.
Will something else happen?

>> No.29695936

gura lives with me

>> No.29695940

This. I watch her to see how happy she is about anything.

>> No.29695943


>> No.29695944

Yeah, I wouldn't bet on it, I don't think she's ever done a guerilla stream yet, and with members streams to fit it along with all her other shit I have some serious doubts about this being the week.

>> No.29695947

Why is Gura so dumb? Is she just pretending, or is she actually mentally challenged?

>> No.29695948
File: 337 KB, 1240x1754, 864533531513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a woman with needs and I pray that she can one day have her needs fulfilled on a daily basis even if it comes at the expense of slightly less horny Gura on-stream.

>> No.29695949
Quoted by: >>29696017

I want to impregnate Gura and Pikamee!

>> No.29695951

What's the over-under on her stamina?

>> No.29695952

This post made me laugh because whenever I see goslings I still tend to automatically associate them with teamates.

>> No.29695954
Quoted by: >>29696020

She's the most likely to do it I think, other than Mori obviously.

>> No.29695955
File: 277 KB, 756x739, 1600390609997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching one of Ina's streams
>For a few seconds the background cuts to realistic looking eyes spazzing out accompanied by a loud buzzing sound
>No one in chat seems to react to it
Why does she bother going through the trouble of making these if no one's gonna notice?

>> No.29695959
Quoted by: >>29696122

Agreed. When streams are on the tourist n shit flood in, and it becomes a 30 post a minute circlejerk. Dead hours at least lets real discussion happen.

>> No.29695960
File: 96 KB, 1080x881, 1602331149951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't slept at all and I know if I got to sleep now I'll miss Mori's stream. Mori ruined my fucking life anons

>> No.29695961 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29696027

Ame threads/streams are pretty chill until the next Amegeddon...

>> No.29695962

gura is just different. we love her for who she is.

>> No.29695963

I want to see angry Gura I don't like happy shit.

>> No.29695966

3D WWE royal rumble

>> No.29695967


>> No.29695968

No she didn't and that was based af. Tho she'll do it tomorrow 26/11.

>> No.29695973 [DELETED] 

She wasn't. You could hear people arguing in the background of one stream, and when that goal was put up that's when she went titty streamer mode.
Less of an obligation and more of a goal. Even when she couldn't pay the power bill and had to stream from the internet cafe, the goal wasn't "poor me" it was "I can stream way more if it's not in this cafe"

>> No.29695974
Quoted by: >>29696016

Does having her abort her pups and use it as fertilizer for her avocado plant counts?

>> No.29695977
File: 1.38 MB, 1637x1158, 1604428124233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine with this

>> No.29695979
Quoted by: >>29696084

How cheap? Might consider going south

>> No.29695980
Quoted by: >>29696052

i cant remember the last time i watched one of her streams live

>> No.29695981

As soon as I'm actually intimate with a girl the relationship goes toxic so this is a nice middle ground really.

>> No.29695982

Same with Yakuza. Fuck Sega.

>> No.29695983 [DELETED] 

>that pic
Needs green eyes and more wavy hair.

>> No.29695984

You can't have it both ways, you damn old farts!

>> No.29695985

Are you okay? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.29695987
File: 184 KB, 313x291, 1582118839241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696048

As someone said, she grew up with a Mac, and anyone who uses Apple stuff ends up being retarded.

>> No.29695988
File: 783 KB, 718x666, 1605504526697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how they made Towa sound in this one

>> No.29695989


>> No.29695991

She's my neighbor, I say hello to her at least once a week.

>> No.29696001

that's enma you fucking creep

>> No.29696006

In the history of retarded quotes, who knows if yours has ever been made. I can say however that History is generally said to be chronicled so that people can learn from the past to avoid mistakes in the future, so your quote is pretty much going against that adage. But then again, there's a difference between living in the past and learning from it.
Doomposting is actually drawing parallels from mistakes of the past.

>> No.29696009

You're retarded, you know that?

>> No.29696010
File: 861 KB, 628x820, 1601249338073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696071

Boy I thought I was the only one

>> No.29696013
Quoted by: >>29696291

>sept 26th
Holy shit, how haven't I seen people post this before, this is probably one of the best Ame pics out there.

>> No.29696011
File: 65 KB, 960x720, MS ZETA Gundam - Ep. 37 - The Day of Dakar (720p DUAL Audio).mkv_snapshot_21.22_[2020.11.24_15.09.45].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twapi Error
>Okayu Flos

>> No.29696016
Quoted by: >>29696055

You have to admit you'll definitely remember that post.

>> No.29696017
Quoted by: >>29696068

Pikamee would just knock you out and take Gura for herself.

>> No.29696018 [DELETED] 

y-you don't to superchat right?

>> No.29696020
Quoted by: >>29696051

She is too into being "only for Mori" which is what I think is stopping her from doing it.

>> No.29696022

Thats Enma, dumbass

>> No.29696026

> she probably won't even remember your name
Not if I SC her again, and again, and again, and again. Every single stream.
I mean, by now, who doesn't know Vgamer or Judas?

>> No.29696027

Stop fucking baiting them you moron.

>> No.29696028

She also unexpectedly got paid 3K USD in a stream while playing a game she enjoys.

>> No.29696031
File: 249 KB, 850x1228, 5659b4c503f3b887e4c4562add719f8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696061


>> No.29696035


>> No.29696037
Quoted by: >>29696058

The collab by doing a DnD session.
Real question is who's the DM?

Is there actually a Twisted Metal game that supports that many players? TMPS3's servers are dead, right?

>> No.29696038

"that's pretty crinch."

>> No.29696040
Quoted by: >>29696110

In the bomb game? probably, regardless of which role she's in I'm sure she'll panic at some point.

>> No.29696043
File: 1.28 MB, 1004x1054, 1595913785311.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696181

Here's a good mix of generally agreed on 'top' covers and some more you might enjoy.


>> No.29696044
File: 97 KB, 275x275, Elb0m-gXgAQOf7j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon, will you g-go out with me? It would be puhAwwwwgerz, dood....
Well, anon? What do you say to her?

>> No.29696046
File: 425 KB, 500x500, Gura _ Sunday Morning [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffpstul.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a biased bastard

>> No.29696048
Quoted by: >>29696065

By that logic all holos are retarded because they use iphones.

>> No.29696051
Quoted by: >>29696089

Hopefully Mori fully commits to her cha(t)d boyfriend and Kiara uses her chat as a rebound.

>> No.29696053

Did Amelia stop drinking tea? She never talks about it anymore...

>> No.29696054
File: 350 KB, 2048x2032, 1602780393938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, I agree. However, Amelia's thread today was pretty good - saw a high amount positive sentiment about Amelia, mixed with calling her retarded, but for good reason. It was comfy. Chumbuds usually have nice threads too, hope you guys get a better one next time.

>> No.29696052

I wish Mori would just move back to the US already. She cant stream at 1 AM to cater to the americans either

>> No.29696055

It had the wrong kind of SOUL, so it's hard to forget.

>> No.29696056
Quoted by: >>29696095

Is membering the Haachama a good choice or does she not have that many member only vids?

>> No.29696058
Quoted by: >>29696446

>who's the DM?
Mori she already was the DM in her past and said so on stream she was a DM

>> No.29696061

I don't understand Gura's choice in underwear, as an aquatic based creature wouldn't it make sense to wear swimwear underwear?

>> No.29696065
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 1594984081291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact they are

>> No.29696068

she can't knock me out if she's pregnant and she can barely walk well

>> No.29696069
File: 402 KB, 360x360, 1606117065933.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29696071

Is this a joke? What the fuck are you guys talking about?

>> No.29696070


>> No.29696072

shes not a streamer, she doesn't stream.

>> No.29696074

"I don't date bugmen, get the fuck away from me."

>> No.29696076

She drank the ice tea for almost a month.

>> No.29696077

I don't beleeb.

>> No.29696079

low int high wis

>> No.29696080

The lyrics were pretty touching

>> No.29696081

"who are you?"

>> No.29696083

>Either that or she was rich before she took this job and had her own house to herself.
she lives in a pretty rural area, you can rent a small house with the money you would need to rent a broom closet in a big city

>> No.29696084

My mortgage is $250/mo, $5000 down payment. Can rent similar places for $400/mo. 2br1ba, gigabit fiber internet available (so not in the middle of nowhere.) Half an acre of land.
It's only cheap because there are no jobs (unless you're OK with a 70 minute commute). I work remote, would probably put a bullet in my brain if I had to spend 2+hrs a day driving.

>> No.29696086

The threads for that stream will be absolutely unbearable. That's one I'll watch from the couch, well away from /hlgg/.

>> No.29696087
File: 387 KB, 646x647, Moriball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 AM stream
>gotta wake up at 7 AM
Do I NEED to sleep?

>> No.29696088

Sorry I don't date skinwalkers

>> No.29696089
File: 234 KB, 1440x2160, EnewGENVoAAOao_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori will never fully commit to either version of herself

>> No.29696090
Quoted by: >>29696145

>He thinks Mori moving would make her stream more
The problem isn't where Mori is living. The problem is Mori just doesn't stream. At all

>> No.29696091
Quoted by: >>29696109

She canonically has none.

>> No.29696095
Quoted by: >>29696166

are you into asmr?

>> No.29696097

By the sound of when Kiara arrived at her place in the yakuza stream she has an intercom at the entrance, since she greeted kiara, came back to the stream, and told her to come in like 30 seconds later.

>> No.29696098

Pretty sure Gura and Amelia's are almost the same level of people just talking about the stream, tonight was a special case. It's also probably because they are the biggest fanbases in here so any antiposting gets drowned by 100 cunnyposts or cuter than usuals.

>> No.29696099
Quoted by: >>29696267

The personifications of the fanbases to me will never not be funny
>Chumbuds are /fit/ gods
>Teamates are literally just different Ryan Goslings
>Deadbeats are skeletons
>Takos are just takos
>KFP Employees are sleep deprived wagies happy to support their tenchou
It makes me laugh way too much

>> No.29696100

>He doesn't have a bi-phasic sleep schedule

>> No.29696101

>>29695528 if you have the sound extension.

>> No.29696104

Ask her in marshmallows tomorrow.

>> No.29696105

The most efficient choice is to wear no underwear at all. Let the denticles work their magic

>> No.29696107
File: 43 KB, 664x559, 8AF47AFE-6536-452C-894F-7AD949198C06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori WILL thank a superchat
>Kiara WILL say a number
>Haachama WILL say “Haachama”
Fuck this collab already.

>> No.29696109


>> No.29696110

The Japanese interpret Mori's panicking moments as just very momentary breaks in her otherwise always 'cool' persona.


Look at the comments.

>> No.29696113

It depends on the quiet hours really. Sometimes it takes just one rrat at the start to derail a thread for a while, but otherwise they're pretty chill.

>> No.29696115
Quoted by: >>29696135

Not even a KFP but is anyone else concerned about Kiara's constant coughing? I hope she's okay.

>> No.29696116

congure an ability to wake up at alarms

>> No.29696118

Worms would be so fucking fun to watch

>> No.29696119

You meant the weird spiral thingies that looked like someone was running over a magnet above your screen, yeah? Don't worry about them,they go away after a few seconds. The sound is definitely weird though.

>> No.29696120

The only decent Overcooked collab was the Gura/Mori/Kiara one. It was like looking at a family.

>> No.29696122
Quoted by: >>29696151

>I hate stream hours because the tourists antis flock in to shit on our oshis
>I hate dead hours because the schizos antis start shitting on our oshis
Make up your mind /hlgg/.

>> No.29696123

It's the predictability that makes it comfy

>> No.29696125
Quoted by: >>29696147

Mori won't thank a superchat because it's not gonna be on her channel, thank God.

>> No.29696126

When she's trying to be clear and not cutesy you can really hear the Australian influence on her vowels.

>> No.29696127

almost didnt notice it myself before rewinding the vod, i hope she keeps doing these

>> No.29696128
Quoted by: >>29696232

>L4d2 versus
Imagine the ping
That has potential.
>civ v
Nah I think that'd turn out shit, it'd be turn after turn of nothing happening because they'd all be too chicken to start wars with each other.

>> No.29696129
File: 183 KB, 800x666, 1606234460974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696200

Same. I love Gura and by extension Amelia.

>> No.29696131

You think Mori is going to thank Haachama's superchats for her, schizo-kun?

>> No.29696134
File: 288 KB, 1573x1870, 1604457139324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just like land clothes and land thongs, it's good to have some variety.

>> No.29696135

just her asthma acting up her mouse house is probably dusty

>> No.29696138

I want them all to say HAACHAMA CHAMA

>> No.29696139

I hope she remembers to disable superchat during collabs.

>> No.29696140

Ina joined Hololive to practice the techniques she's been learning in her anger management classes.

>> No.29696142
File: 14 KB, 220x293, Bodd Showered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, only the greatest multiplayer experience of the past two years, Fallout 76 of course.

>> No.29696143

you're just jealous Haachama of all people got a Mori collab before you, comet

>> No.29696145


So do they have to live in Japan to work for holo or something? Does coco run a dorm for the streamers?

>> No.29696146

Age of Wonders.
The original, not the sequels.

>> No.29696147

See the first >. She WILL.

>> No.29696151

>/hlgg/ is one person

>> No.29696153
File: 227 KB, 1488x2048, 97797979799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, Gura watched these vids.


>> No.29696155

Bro, your insight...

>> No.29696157
File: 293 KB, 536x550, 1605188452613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29696161
File: 208 KB, 868x1307, gura859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats right anon. Cunny cleanses mind, body, and soul. The heathens suffer when they are being purified by the all mighty cunny, but its a suffering they deserve.

>> No.29696165
File: 315 KB, 380x380, 1588671263546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Haachama started copying her, i was going insane between the two BIG UPS FOR THE AKAS and the chickin numerfagging

>> No.29696166
Quoted by: >>29696288

At first not really, but lately I've come to listen to it more often because of a certain sound. So she does have a lot of ASMR streams then, I suppose?

>> No.29696167
File: 3.28 MB, 462x640, winkingIna.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warrior chicken? More like stuffed chicken

>> No.29696168
Quoted by: >>29696211

Ina joined Hololive as a sidejob.
She doesn't care for Hololive as a whole at all.

>> No.29696170

Another dude sending 20 SCs in a row about how he was drunk and had broken up with his gf or whatever. Similar to that Carl dude a month ago.

>> No.29696172

Ina joined Hololive to find little boys to prey upon.

>> No.29696175

What's this about Kiara and numbers?

>> No.29696174

yeah, and even then it was just ok, fuck overcooked

>> No.29696176
File: 1.10 MB, 1218x672, 1604401649916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is COOL

>> No.29696178

Just woke up, is this literal schizoposting or do I need to do watch the Ina stream from today? This would be kino

>> No.29696179
File: 368 KB, 1280x720, 1596423090975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Gura brought up scheduling on the GCal, reminded me when Haato leaked hers on stream. So, went diving back into the archives looking for it, kinda neat if you haven't seen it before.

also funny looking back when threads used to last multiple days without the post limit

>> No.29696181
Quoted by: >>29696219

Twapi sounds like a guy

>> No.29696180

Prediction: Kiara will shill her song and/or talk show every 15 minutes, doing more damage to the collab than even Mori is capable of.

>> No.29696183

Paradox mega-campaign

>> No.29696184
File: 95 KB, 940x1003, 1581443283634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She came naked, do your reps.

>> No.29696186
File: 68 KB, 749x1247, 1599707300637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696215

Call of Cthulu TRPG permission, ooh EN unity collab is coming I bet

Ina was born to MC this

>> No.29696187

I'd be more concerned if none of that happened

>> No.29696188 [DELETED] 

>random speculating goes on for dozens of posts
>actual answers get removed and warned for being "off topic"
What do you think the topic is, meido

>> No.29696189

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

>> No.29696191
File: 1.19 MB, 800x481, 1565461653.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29696192
Quoted by: >>29696214

maybe management are finally doing something to help with scheduling after all.

>> No.29696193

Men of War, Assault Squad.
I want to see Kiara go full DEUTSCH.

>> No.29696198

Thank god, I'm not the only one.

>> No.29696200
File: 170 KB, 475x357, 1605389666937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my oshi and her sharkfriend too.

>> No.29696202
File: 55 KB, 500x514, tumblr_595f67627ae746674b4865ec229b1be1_c162bf98_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And like that, she's gone with the wind. My moments with Polka have become ever more infrequent and I begin to wonder when I will be able to spend a meaningful amount of time with her again. This Clown, this entertainer has taught me how to love again and for that I can never express my full gratitude. Polka, if you're listening, I love you and always will.

>> No.29696207 [DELETED] 

I mean, I have like 350+ images of Ame saved, most of them from the thread. Although, its also true that most of the art I see is recycled (I'm guilty of it too), usually because they're high quality. I'm gonna try posting pics I don't see much from now on in the ritualpost.

>> No.29696210
Quoted by: >>29696260

Can we claim Korone and Pekora as Honorary en? They're more interesting than HoloEN to be honest

>> No.29696211
Quoted by: >>29696241

Ina just joined because she really liked hololive english subbed clips.
Now that she's discovering that actually streaming is nothing like the clips, she's having second thoughts.
t. massive rrat

>> No.29696214

funny joke

>> No.29696215

Didn't one of the ENs mention wanting to run a tabletop in their debut stream? Forget which one.

>> No.29696218
Quoted by: >>29696259

>Look at the comments.
Ah yes... uh definitely.

>> No.29696219

Towa sounds like someone doing her English reps!


>> No.29696223

I've been watching JP clips for almost 2 years and didn't even heard EN was a thing until the debuts were happening at it was leaking into /a/ too. Most casual hololive fans might been the same except the saw it on R*ddit or whatever.

>> No.29696225
Quoted by: >>29696281

It's literally in her char description.

>> No.29696226

Alright, I said I'd write a 600 word review after watching one Gura stream, and I went a bit over word count. I'll post it in three posts.

I just want to start by saying I am not a Gura fan, so as much as I tried to be impartial and keep an open mind, there is some bias here. I say that not to come off as harsh, but just to provide context. I hoped to come up with at least a few Gura "jokes" that I enjoy and I have sort of done so, but I'm going to try to analyze a few qualities of her comedy in particular:
>1. Referential, catchphrase, and memetic comedy (people do exaggerate this aspect of her humour, but it's present)
>2. Frenetic dissociation which constantly removes her from context. This is either performative or unintentional. I think this has the most potential for actual comedy, if she works on it a bit
>3. Res ipsa loquitur, i.e. "the thing speaks for itself," which I will explain

First point: Gura is, much to her credit, a person with a good grasp of internet culture. It's second nature for her to speak in meme references. To some extent I think this is unconscious and not even an attempt at comedy for her, so she'll say things like "ooh a computer, I'm gonna go HACKERMAN mode here" offhandedly the way someone in a Discord chatroom might say the same thing. But there are certainly times when she wants to make referential humour the center of attention and is trying to turn it into a comedic bit. An example from this stream was when she made a (kind of amusingly dated) joke about the Pepto Bismol commercial jingle, which I kind of wonder how many people watching were even old enough to recognize. I swear she even had a joke later in the stream where she heard the monster scream and said "yeah buddy, sometimes I feel like that too, before I've had my COFFEE!" Which is the kind of joke my mom would share on Facebook.

I'm lumping "catchphrase" in with this. She didn't do a ton of this, much less than I remember her doing when I watched her before. She acknowledged a name in a list that looked sort of like the word "Shark" but moved on from it pretty quickly. I noticed one time where she said "shar-har-hark!" as a way of laughing, and I remember someone mentioning in /hlgg/ at some point that she was talking about making that into her signature laugh, but I didn't think they were being serious. That felt pretty forced and awkward, almost like she was making fun of herself?

>> No.29696229
File: 321 KB, 300x300, Akuma-teleport.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696273

>Haachama doesn't notice an aka for a good 10 seconds
>she reads it, but it is too late
>nobody hears anything from Mori
>she went all the way to Austrailia using the Ashura Senku and is now behind Haachama
You can bet that Haachama won't be ignoring any superchats anytime soon

>> No.29696230

Just don't reply, it isn't hard

>> No.29696231

The comfy Kiara threads happen between 3AM to 12 noon EST, I noticed.

>> No.29696232

i said civ v as a joke it would start about 43 minutes late due to technical difficulties and there would be about 17 variants of the "it would be really cool if you hit the next turn button" joke before the collab ends with everyone still in the stone age

>> No.29696236
File: 1.40 MB, 220x252, 1606154073584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How so? I've been using my TV as a second monitor for a long ass time thanks to the HDMI slot.

Do it, nothing is funner than watching your oshi in an HDTV while shitposting on 4chan on the side.

>> No.29696237

Do people actually get filtered by it? I feel like it's just horny posting at this point not that I care that much

>> No.29696238


>> No.29696240

Second point: what I'm describing as "frenetic dissociation." This was significantly more prominent. I wonder if people who liked this game were frustrated that Gura so often seemed disinterested in what was going on. Her mind would often wander on tangents and become fixated on mundane aspects of her environment which caused her to lose focus on what the game was trying to get her to pay attention to. There were a few times today where Gura tried to use this to set up comedy bits, which were entirely disinterested in the game itself and had nothing to do with anything that was going on, but were just spurred on by some random thing that entered her field of vision. So she'd take something boring and try to make it more interesting, or make it funny, often by starting with a setup and trying to rush towards a payoff. An example was when she found a color-coded brain and said "okay, you guys wanna know what all the parts of the brain are? alright let me explain," and started riffing. This started out funny and I kind of liked it, but she ran out of steam remarkably fast (two good lines, then a strained third attempt, then an "I dunno") before literally throwing her joke aside before even finishing it. This had the makings of a pretty good joke, I was looking forward to being able to say there was something Gura did that I actually thought was kind of clever, but she didn't follow through with it and seemed to almost lack confidence that what she was saying was as funny as she thought it was. It was pretty strange. There was ONE counter-example that I thought did work, earlier, when she was pulling memories out of slots and saying "kind of sad that all a whole person, all your hopes and dreams, gets slotted into this one little thing, huh?" then chucked it callously aside. I think that was the best joke in the stream because it was actually rooted in the game's context and was building on the game itself rather than diverting from it.

>> No.29696241

It's beyond massive because she's been following vtubers for a very very long time, not even limited to Holo.

>> No.29696243

*cough cough* Kiara... Ret- *cough* Return of the King watchalong... onegai...

>> No.29696244

japs really love Mori don't they?

>> No.29696245

Mori talks about it all the time.

>> No.29696246

It was Mori. Ina said she would play it too.

>> No.29696249

I said I would actually read it and I am doing so.

>> No.29696250

I do that

>> No.29696252

So we know how bad Ame really had it. Are there other girls in worse situations? If so, how can I find them and how can I save them?

>> No.29696254

The third and final point is perhaps the thing that bothers me the most about Gura's comedy, and I have just called it "res ipsa loquitor." Gura will find a thing that she thinks is funny or interesting on its own, isolate it, call the audience's attention to it, quite literally wave it around for a while, and then get rid of it. An example of this was when she saw the door lock from the door, and noticed it looked a bit like a doll with arms and legs. So she just waved it around and said "ooh, I'm a door lock," then threw it away. Or she found a ball and went "a ball, you guys wanna play some ball? haha!" Or found the buddha statue, and oh boy, did she ever love that thing, because buddha statues are funny! Or found the weights and went "oh you guys wanna lift some weights? One, two, three!" This sounds innocent enough, but the fact is that she was constantly doing this, over and over, never in a really funny or clever way. It's like if she went into a bathroom and started going through your medicine cabinet and was like "haha, toothbrush, bristly toothbrush! Dental floss, flossy flossy, haha! Tylenol? I might need this later, haha!"

This part of Gura's humour really reached perfection for me at a certain point when Gura walked into the room of the character named Catherine (I think?) and started rummaging through her things. Much to Gura's delight, she found some underwear. Gura waved the underwear around wordlessly just laughing and laughing. Underwear is so funny, right?! Haha, undies!

I'll admit the later part of the stream wasn't as bad as the first, since she started actually getting into the game she was playing and responding to the suspense and acting a little more immersed after a while. It was just Gura's desperate, non-stop attempts to squeeze the most idiotic humour out of everything she seized upon that was so distracting and obnoxious to me. And this is what I dislike about Gura: she's always trying to be funny, she rushes into comedy bits without any conception of where she's going to take them, often goes nowhere with them, and discards them. It's thoughtless, freewheeling, sloppy, and I'm sure it relies heavily on me liking her in the first place in order for me to get any enjoyment from it.

>> No.29696256

Mori mentioned potentially doing World of Darkness a couple of times early on.

>> No.29696258
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x1920, 84779610_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice to see people cherishing their oshis and having fun, after all, that's what most of the holos want to achieve, joy and a small escape from the pains of life

>> No.29696259

Just use google translate or deepL, anon. Shits fun to read.

>> No.29696260

As said before, they need to be doing their eigo reps, which they both are, and interact with EN in a meaningful way.
So not till Friday for both

>> No.29696261

I hate it.
It's like watching a murderer get away in real time.

>> No.29696262

>Cring wehraboo shit

>> No.29696267
File: 430 KB, 1640x2360, 1606089200108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that teamates are pretty much always drawn as ryan gosling is the funniest shit to me and i hope it never ends

>> No.29696270

Idk go look around homeless shelters and what not and you'll find the girl perfect for molding into a vtuber before she leaves you

>> No.29696273

A surefire way to get her to work on her english reps

>> No.29696275

Ironmouse is literally dying of hyper immuno deficiency as we speak, but I don't think anyone in Hololive has it bad right now.

>> No.29696276
Quoted by: >>29696919

wtf why are there white knights in my /hlgg/?

>> No.29696277
File: 334 KB, 1920x1080, 20201125_015414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't believe how fucking packed the rest of this week is.

>> No.29696279

Next Haachama cooking I'm playing it on my 65 in TV. Thanks for the idea

>> No.29696281
Quoted by: >>29696337

>It's literally in her char description.
>A descendant of the Lost City of Atlantis, who swam to Earth while saying, "It's so boring down there LOLOLOL!" She bought her clothes (and her shark hat) in the human world and she really loves them. In her spare time, she enjoys talking to marine life.

>> No.29696283

All over twitch and even more desperate on youtube (single digit views).

>> No.29696285
File: 58 KB, 912x701, EiRi2NrUwAI8hvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now make a 1/3 summary

>> No.29696286


>> No.29696288
Quoted by: >>29696453

a few, they are, how should i put, unique lol
not really worth it tought, some guys were recommending polka if you are into that

>> No.29696290
Quoted by: >>29696314

Ame was a shizo target for a month and then it dissipated for some reason

>> No.29696291

people tend to repost a lot of the same art. I have a lot of Ame pics saved though, So I'll try posting more barely posted art in the ritual post.

>> No.29696293
File: 603 KB, 651x900, 554665464645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop thinking about how Ame and Gura seemingly only ever streams with bare legs.

>> No.29696294

she is a sleeper agent

>> No.29696295

Kiara herself said EN has their own google calendar and how she wished she could make one for the fans but that would require her making a new google account

>> No.29696296

Yeah, let alone the streamer who actually has to read them, some of the names just burn themselves into your minds as a viewer. Even on, say, Korone's channel, everyone knows ba-sa-ka shirayuki-san

>> No.29696297

Ame is bustier than usual..

>> No.29696299
File: 702 KB, 2508x3541, 1606287150309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696358

JOPchamatachi, redpill me on Lamy. I hear various things but I can't make heads or tails from the chaos.
>Yakuza princess
>scion of a pharmaceutical company
>heavily associated with meds
>mommy GFE (and a bit of yandere)
>hates janitors

>> No.29696300
File: 218 KB, 401x383, 1593702175689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura lost her bread
>In Japanese, bread is called pan
>Gura is nopan

>> No.29696303


>> No.29696304
File: 5 KB, 230x215, 1606253839396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys watching PPTenshi?

>> No.29696307
Quoted by: >>29696315

I think she said it was next week.

>> No.29696308
File: 751 KB, 1920x5400, jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the stream is going to be in English, since Haachama is going for the EN cred, but what's better Haachama's English or Mori's Japanese? Could they actually do the stream in Japanese if they wanted to?

>> No.29696309

You forgot
>They Will play overcook

>> No.29696314

Teamates built up a resistance and the antis moved on to a different girl. Happened to Mori too.

>> No.29696315

Ina don't toy with me...

>> No.29696316


How long until we get shit like this for the ENs?

>> No.29696321
File: 115 KB, 943x1200, EmxaV2BWEAANtvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odds on Mori's JET mode coming out after hearing Haachama's broken attempts at communicating with her and Kiara?

>> No.29696322

>Haachama WILL say “Haachama”
But that's the best part

>> No.29696323

Trannies are banned from Lol-cow. It's more of a men-hating radfem site than a tranny site.

>> No.29696328

Mori's JP is pretty good, although it sounds like she's talking to children most of the time.

>> No.29696327
File: 999 KB, 643x820, 1605485300781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29696329

you're a bit late
this dude is clearly Ina

>> No.29696332


Concert streams like this must be a joy to watch on a big screen

>> No.29696333
File: 256 KB, 450x504, 1604790969812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why has /jp/'s archive.json not updated in the past 15 hours

>> No.29696335
File: 146 KB, 960x956, 1605167033314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's english is slowly degenerating and Haachama is doing her reps. One day she'll be overtaken.

>> No.29696334

go to twitch and sort by least views (if that's even a feature, I don't use it)

>> No.29696336

>Holiday week
>Ame streaming more than usual

>> No.29696337

>She bought her clothes (and her shark hat) in the human world
Means she went to the human world naked.

>> No.29696339

The "Sha-har-hark" thing was an idea she talked about discarding before it ever bacame a thing, as an embarrassing story, so it 100% is a jab at herself. Usually a "I know that joke was bad" kinda thing

>> No.29696340
File: 387 KB, 756x614, 1606271925468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't worry bro, YAGOO's House for the Broken is here

>> No.29696342

Look I'm just an EOP but I think Mori's japanese might be better than Haachama's english.

>> No.29696344

>Gura lost her bread
>in English, being pregnant is called having a bun in the oven
>Gura had an abortion

>> No.29696345

This is the more pretentious version of that "vocal expert" that rated HoloEN's singing.

>> No.29696346
Quoted by: >>29696372

Oh shit I forgot I have to prepare for mk8 is it easy to join tournaments with them??

>> No.29696348

Mori's Japanese is N3 but shes hasn't done her kanji reps so she cant read for shit. Normal convo should be fine

>> No.29696350

Genuinely hard to say, though I'd be willing to bet Mori's Japanese is better than Haachama's English.

>> No.29696353

Why is Ame able to get under everyone's skin?

>> No.29696358

Don't forget
>Cult leader

>> No.29696359

Interesting takes, even if I don't care enough to debate you.

>> No.29696360

next weekend chess stream confirmed it

>> No.29696363

I find it funny that the ENs are still very specific on what they're gonna do on what day, while the JPs (even the homos) are all "21:00 I'll do something lol"

>> No.29696364

can you imagine that guy trying to tell a joke? me either.

>> No.29696367

>Mori date stream ft. Haachama
>Kiara in the chat crying
Make it happen Mori, I know you're here.

>> No.29696369

Is she still playing GTA?

>> No.29696373

He's actually acting like it's not just the retard shark having ADD. She doesn't really get immersed into games, she's not Ina.

>> No.29696372

no. the only reason you see viewers get in is that there are tens of thousands of viewers.

>> No.29696377
Quoted by: >>29696440

What do you mean? What is compiler simulator?

>> No.29696378
File: 208 KB, 1200x1462, Em4dcoDVQAEUnpk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696402

It's Toi time

>> No.29696379
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, PPT [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frhgmhy.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Power Point Tenshi!

>> No.29696380
File: 606 KB, 600x338, 1602229589207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696553

A long-ass fucking time ago, in a town called Atlantis
There lived a humble family, religious through and through
But yea, there was a black sheep and he knew just what to do
Her name was young Gura and she refused to step in line
A vision she did see-eth, fucking streaming all the time
She wrote a tasty jam and all the planets did align

"Oh, the Gachi's balls were blazin' as I stepped into his cave
Then I sliced his fuckin' cockles with a long and shiny blade
'Twas I who fucked the Gachi, fuckalizing fuckaloo
And if you try to fuck with me, then I shall fuck you too"

"Gotta get it on in the party zone
I got to shoot a load in the party zone
Gotta lick a toad in the party zone
Gotta suck a chode in the party zone, aah"!

"You've disobeyed me daughter, why were you ever born?
Your Roommate's ten times better than you, Jesus loves her more
This music that you play for us comes from the depths of hell
City Pop's The Devil's work, he wants you to rebel
You'll become a mindless puppet, Beelzebub will pull the strings
Your heart will lose direction and chaos it will bring"

You'd better shut your mouth, better watch your tone
You're grounded for a week with no banjo
Don't let me here you cry, don't let me hear you moan
You gotta praise The Lord when you're in my home

Yagoo, can you hear me? I am lost and so alone
I'm askin' for your guidance, won't you come down from your throne?
I need a tight compadre who will teach me how to stream
My father thinks you're evil but man, he can suck a cock
Streamings not The Devil's work, it's magical and rad
I'll never stream as long as I am stuck here with my dad

I hear you brave young Cunny, you are hungry for the Pop
But to learn the ancient method, sacred doors you must unlock
Escape your father's clutches and this oppressive kingdom
On a journey you must go to find the land of Hololive.

In The Land of the Rising Sun where the ocean meets the sand
You will form a strong alliance and the world's most awesome collab
To find your fame and fortune, through the valley you must walk
You will face your inner demons, now go daughter and stream

So she bailed from fucking Atlantis with hunger in her heart
And she journeyed far and wide to find the secrets of her art
But in the end he knew that he would find his counterpart

>> No.29696381

she wont treat her sempais like the children she teaches in school, r-right?

>> No.29696385

Mori should do a collab with Pekora and they play Super Bunny Man. Kiara will be mindbroken

>> No.29696387


>> No.29696389

Looking to the top dankschen
Mooda dankschen
i sometimes hear this in my dreams

>> No.29696393

Mori is conversational, but makes 'cute' mistakes according to the JP girls. Haachama is legit hard to understand at times, especially since her pronunciation and grammar are terrible at times, so I imagine she's better then the other way around.

>> No.29696399
Quoted by: >>29696482

I think the ENs are still under the impression that people actually care what they're doing, when in reality people are there for their personalities. Anyone who comes to watch a game is going to leave just as quickly as they come.

>> No.29696402


>> No.29696403

Narrative: Mori would never do this because Kiara is genuinely gay for her and Mori genuinely cares about Kiara's feelings, in a straight way.

>> No.29696405

Jesus someone did that? He must be fun at parties

>> No.29696407
File: 2.78 MB, 4000x3914, big ogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ogey Read all of it, some good points.

>> No.29696406

>Haachama WILL say “Haachama”
How the fuck would she introduce herself without saying her name, you dumb butt. And no, Akai Haato is dead. Get over it.

>> No.29696408

Here’s the rrat I promised

>> No.29696409
File: 162 KB, 1280x720, EnF-G4sVoAI0wed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the JP Holos are very fucking specific, or they can just be Korone who posts a number an hour or two before she streams with zero extra context.

>> No.29696412


Ok who the fuck here was saying the EN girls can sing better than comet? Apologize now.

>> No.29696414
Quoted by: >>29696459

Aloe got it pretty bad even without nijiniggers harassment which is still happening

>> No.29696415
Quoted by: >>29696475

I am actually working on a stupid prequel and sequel to this

>> No.29696420
Quoted by: >>29696484

I literally don't know how Haachama functions. I guess she's a high schooler hikikomori, but she's been in Australia for how many years?
Mori at least interacts with Japanese people on a daily basis, I'm pretty sure the only time Haachama speaks English is on stream, the shitskin bullies really got under her skin.

>> No.29696422

Alright anon, I finished reading your review as I said I would. You'll probably just get a bunch of ogeys, but as someone who has also not been able to enjoy Gura much despite repeated attempts, I think you did a good job putting into words the issues I've had when I've tried watching her.

>> No.29696425

I'm staying up for Haachama.

>> No.29696426

Wholesome enough for me to believe it although Mori has some sort of Asperger's which might mean she'd have no idea she's doing it in the first place.

>> No.29696427

Brood War

>> No.29696431
Quoted by: >>29696520

Apart from the cringey SJW pandering, based.
Borderlands is surprisingly fun multiplayer.

>> No.29696433
File: 548 KB, 2591x3624, 1580580130687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696463

>10 years later?
the fuck drew this Haato is 19

>> No.29696432

Chumbuddy who actually read your essay. You've made a very fair criticism, and as a fan of the game I definitely don't think Gura gives it justice, as I would like someone else who can actually get more immersed in the story to play it as well. That said I still loved Gura's antics in this stream because I love her and I like how she's enjoying the game, I just understand and respect why someone like you would not appreciate it.

>> No.29696434

Big ups to the funny feeling in the back of your rectum

>> No.29696435


>> No.29696438

Mori's Japanese is slightly better than Haachama's eigo. They could do a collab in Japanese. They wouldn't be talking about deep shit but it's not like that's a possibility in the first place. Spoken Japanese is not that demanding. You can just throw in words with particles and people will understand what you are trying to say even if you will sound like a fucking caveman.

>> No.29696440
Quoted by: >>29696491

There's a section of the game where the player has to load a specific module and its prerequisites while remaining under some resource limit. She broke out a calculator before chat backseated her back on the right path. It took a while...

>> No.29696443

does kiara actually like Mori?

>> No.29696446

I'm pretty interested to see that, but with the amount of prep work she might have to do combined with her schedules, I don't see that shit happening for a long while, at least until she's out of scythe swinging.

>> No.29696448

I like the regimented schedule.
>Ina's usually at 2pm
>Ame's usually at 6pm
>Gura's at 8 pm
>Takamori at unmanageable times at 2am-5am
t. deadbeat

>> No.29696449

>you will never sell clothes to a naked shark girl

>> No.29696451
File: 3.58 MB, 2894x2788, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must be so much easier only having to put one timezone...

>> No.29696452

Does Korone have ADHD? It seems to be thematic across individuals with it.

>> No.29696453

Hm alright then. Thanks for your input.

>> No.29696454
Quoted by: >>29696692

Some JPs actually schedule. Some are even really specific on when where and how
And then you have Korone...

>> No.29696457
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1603851548975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696506

Ironmouse can never leave her home because her immune system is so weak that she will die from a mere cold. She has expressed over and over that she stopped being scared and even embraces death if that day comes but will smile and laugh if her final hour comes.

Ame or any hololive girl has anything close to that

>> No.29696459
Quoted by: >>29697055

Fucking christ, still? What are they doing now???

>> No.29696461

Kiara is at least bi, though. Her roommate expressed interests in getting a bf when she was learning Jap.

>> No.29696462

Holy autism. Interesting read. I interpret the point that she's trying to make everything funny into more like she's naturally scatterbrained and plays around with anything that catches her attention. Take it or leave it kind of thing.

>> No.29696463

Then I guess they traveled to when she was 9?

>> No.29696464
File: 887 KB, 510x745, 1602053818230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loving Ame!
Marrying Ame!
Taking Ame to bed!
Disappointing Ame sexually!
Failing to give Ame the living standards she wants!
Disappointing Ame emotionally!
Getting abused by Ame physically!
Having to explain the bruises Ame gave me to my co-workers!
Dealing with a failing marriage with Ame!
No children with Ame!
Screaming matches with Ame!
All the appliances in the houses broken because of Ame!
I love Ame!

>> No.29696467

Kiara isn't so much gay for her as in a perpetual state of horny and with zero filter, and the last thing she'd want to do is make Mori feel awkward.

>> No.29696468
Quoted by: >>29696608

>just made a script that fetches the next thread when the current one gets archived
>thread moves at a snails pace during dead hours so can't do a live test until fuck knows when

>> No.29696471

delusional cumsharts, mainly. anyone with half a brain (i.e. not cumsharts) knows suisei is among the top 3 singers in hololive

>> No.29696472

I won’t apologize for suisei being a bad singer, that’s her own fault for not doing her reps

>> No.29696474

And underwear counts as clothes. I don't see how this logic leads to her going commando.

>> No.29696475
Quoted by: >>29697689

thank you anon, this is easily my favorite OC and Im usually the person who posts it. Glad to hear youre working on another one, you inspired me to learn to draw so i can draw my own dumb lore shit

>> No.29696477
Quoted by: >>29696540

Why’s the collab on hachamas channel but mori is the big girl in the thumbnail!?

>> No.29696479

I read through the thing so that you can just listen to it instead. I imagine that'll be easier for everyone.

>> No.29696482

that's what was so frustrating about hearing gura getting stressed out about coming up with ideas for her schedule. sure, it's better to have *something* to do but ultimately she could just ramble and talk to the chat and i'd be perfectly happy to listen to her for hours.

>> No.29696484

The most positive narrative I believe in is that the reason Haachama is so excited about and pushing for these HoloEN collabs is because it's a really good way for her to improve her English without having to step far outside of her comfort zone again. And honestly, I think it's having an effect, her English is much better than I remember it being a couple of months ago.

>> No.29696491

What game was she playing? I wasn't watching

>> No.29696493
File: 771 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[ 2_21 ], take=[ 2020-11-24 23.02.53 ].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29696501

No she HATES her

>> No.29696502

I know you probably hear this a lot, but it has to be said. Take your meds.

>> No.29696505
File: 399 KB, 626x885, 1606006147422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696647

when ame starts doing that whiny blamey voice when shes sucking at a game it does weird things to me bros...

>> No.29696506
Quoted by: >>29697131

and then Mori went and tweeted at her lmaoooo

>> No.29696509
File: 159 KB, 1056x1132, 1575649877811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696638

>It's like if she went into a bathroom and started going through your medicine cabinet and was like "haha, toothbrush, bristly toothbrush! Dental floss, flossy flossy, haha! Tylenol? I might need this later, haha!"
I fucking hate myself for imagining her doing this.
>And this is what I dislike about Gura: she's always trying to be funny, she rushes into comedy bits without any conception of where she's going to take them, often goes nowhere with them, and discards them. It's thoughtless, freewheeling, sloppy, and I'm sure it relies heavily on me liking her in the first place in order for me to get any enjoyment from it.
I personally like it. She's clearly trying to put effort on it and I appreciate it, also the dumb voices she makes make it better. Also, it's fun to see her go full ADHD.
To be fair, the way she jokes etc.. that you described is the way she plays horror games, and I think they're her worst streams. Not to say they're bad, but she doesn't feel super immersed into the game and so the whole scary spooky atmosphere goes away, specially when she does like you said.

Yes, I actually read all of that. Fucking hell.

>> No.29696511

Gura? You good?

>> No.29696520

I hate how Borderlands is structured around these boring quests. It feels like an MMO without any of the community aspects that make MMOs fun, and the shooting aspect is undermined by the rpg-lite aspects. I don't for the life of me understand why it's popular, and frankly I think it's far too slow to be a great co-op experience. Give me a more traditional FPS any day.

>> No.29696522
Quoted by: >>29696631

>wanted to get something done today
>watched holos, jacked off and ate mcdonalds
its doomed for me bros

>> No.29696525
File: 28 KB, 193x191, 1603127552991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will never have this

>> No.29696532
Quoted by: >>29696805

I don't mind the schedule but I do wish they're guerilla more. I feel like half of them think they'll upset people if they don't at least give people a day's fucking notice about it. Like the only legitimate guerilla in the past month was what, Ina's minecraft? The rest are like "I'm probably gonna stream tomorrow" so people are generally expecting and prepared. Like chicken keeps calling her shit guerilla when it absolutely isn't.

>> No.29696536

I agree that was one of the better ones, though Kiara was barely there, since she wanted to make conversation and Gura and Mori were too focused on gameplay.

>> No.29696537
Quoted by: >>29696562

How much of Gura's screams are her actually spooked and how much of it is her forcing it to be "cute"?
I'm starting to feel the latter has been way too prominent.

>> No.29696540
File: 902 KB, 1280x720, 1604379663003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes a big girl

>> No.29696542
Quoted by: >>29696580

Is that Haato in the background?

>> No.29696544

Kiara probably hasn't fucked in a decade, she'll crush on anyone

>> No.29696545

Watame is so cute and yet so smug

>> No.29696550

Thanks anon.

>> No.29696553

Cunny Roads poster here, do you mind if I use this for a parody. I fucking love Kickapoo.

>> No.29696558
Quoted by: >>29696613

I'm starting to believe you write these just so you can voice them.

>> No.29696559

These are pretty good points.

>> No.29696560

They are good friends who hang out all the time off-stream. It's pretty clear that they're not gay, but they're definitely bros. Do you not watch their zatsudans?

>> No.29696561

All fair points anon. I'm not a chumbud so I can't argue finer details, but I would say that it seems you'd want a bit more structured, thought out humor but that just doesn't seem to be how she operates. Maybe its just because I also have a "Just wing it and see what happens" style when it comes to that kinda thing, but I kinda appreciate her scatterbrained 15 second riffs that just kinda sputter out, though I will admit that as a fan of the game her timing on those really sucked.

>> No.29696562

lol you seething whore

>> No.29696571
File: 5 KB, 319x173, 4A5CD431-CFBC-4CA8-936B-BE6D8304C6F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29696572
File: 217 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29696574
File: 46 KB, 720x405, 1606287931573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame has a cape?

>> No.29696575
File: 362 KB, 2192x2337, 1604953923642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind at all, I'm honored

>> No.29696578
Quoted by: >>29696602

Nobody is going to read your autism, fuck off.

>> No.29696580

Nah, it's Kanata. Forgot to mute before I started recording.

>> No.29696583
File: 256 KB, 389x500, 1593059839520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is your problem

>> No.29696584
File: 311 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watambe... Your stats...

>> No.29696585

for you

>> No.29696602

I read it.
I think he's retarded and a pretentious fuckwit who doesn't understand how hard it is to entertain tens of thousands of people on the fly, but I read it.

>> No.29696603
File: 95 KB, 1275x715, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also Roboco shaking her ass around is very distracting

>> No.29696608
Quoted by: >>29696755

oi do you know why /jp/'s archive.json hasn't updated for the past 15 hours?
The latest thread it contains is >>29662163, but /jp/'s regular archive page in the browser is normal and fully updated

>> No.29696613

I didn't write this at all. I just saw the long ass wall of text, but since it didn't come off as a run of the mill shitpost I took it seriously instead of reading it comedically like normal.

>> No.29696615

Fucking hell.

>> No.29696619

The worst currently in Hololive is Kanata who is at risk of one of her ears going deaf.

>> No.29696623

I read your posts and your points are interesting. If nothing else, I can understand where you're coming from. I don't really want to debate at length, but I'll just tell you that
>Her mind would often wander on tangents and become fixated on mundane aspects of her environment which caused her to lose focus on what the game was trying to get her to pay attention to.
is an appealing point to many of her viewers, myself included (most of the time). It's a trait of hers that I find endearing, and I don't think it's (always) done intentionally to set up comedy bits as you seem to think, it's just a part of her personality -- or a character trait, if you will. Again, I do understand that it won't appeal to everyone.
I do also think she's wittier than some people give her credit for but I'd have to cite examples and I don't really feel like doing that right now. Interesting read once again, hope you have a nice night.

>> No.29696624
File: 3.03 MB, 2598x3675, __watson_amelia_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_nuebunny__27697a8b10e19f0b03a8f87de3b14c1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate what you do for these threads, even if it seems small. I'd probably do something similar if I didn't feel drained all the time.
Assuming you wrote this pasta, of course.

>> No.29696626
File: 119 KB, 1024x1024, 1604630127629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did Ame do those singing lessons her interviewers told her to get?

>> No.29696630

They corrupted Towa too, Towa...

>> No.29696631

>got 3 things done

I literally only watched holos. Didnt even eat. Didnt even jackoff. Youre more productive than me.

>> No.29696634
Quoted by: >>29696686

People forget how sexy roboco's full body looks

>> No.29696636
File: 3.07 MB, 400x462, 1604200651344.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can still remember Watame's 3D and how amazing it was seeing her in 3D for the first time

>> No.29696638
Quoted by: >>29696697

imagine if gura came over to your house and started making fun of the contents of your medicine cabinet

>> No.29696641

Thanks for this

>> No.29696644

Her ass is very erotic

>> No.29696645

reminder that Mori was wearing a fucking cape during her archived karaoke session

>> No.29696647
File: 1.05 MB, 2650x4096, ElZJb_ZU8AAP8TQ.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame controls me now... It's impossible to escape her grasp...

>> No.29696648
Quoted by: >>29696667

I picked up Borderlands 2 for the first time a few months ago. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Mind you, I rarely play video games anymore.

>> No.29696656

Skill aside, what really matter is confidence to start a conversation.

>> No.29696658

That guy is here, isn't he
Saw that Kiara MV posted here and then he tweeted it out almost instantly

>> No.29696662
File: 270 KB, 512x513, 1604913212702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696698

Read all, that was some valid points, it's okay to dislike sloppy, i hope she will improve with time

>> No.29696667


>> No.29696678

No lol but the fact she can’t sing is even better

>> No.29696682

I think it need some more edit here and there in the lyrics but man you gotta do this cover.

>> No.29696686
Quoted by: >>29696793

We're just lucky she's wearing her hoodie. Would not be able to handle her regular costume.

>> No.29696687

Doubtful, but the fact she decided to add another karaoke before her promised Christmas one shows she's not running away from singing at the very least.

>> No.29696688
File: 640 KB, 960x540, aprPh2I.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29696692


>> No.29696697

I only have Tylenol in mine. Not much to work with.

>> No.29696698
File: 193 KB, 484x482, 1586631170715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she improved her zatsudans, which were my only issue with her, she will improve in everything with time.

>> No.29696702
File: 404 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697241

>Int 18

>> No.29696713

don't worry, she did

>> No.29696715


>> No.29696716
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, 1578026672893.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696738


>> No.29696717
Quoted by: >>29696835


>> No.29696718
File: 730 KB, 4096x2896, E072610C-0BF1-4584-B70A-8104A8331850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She dresses up in full cosplay every stream to get into character

>> No.29696719

he is lol
if you are here thanks for supporting my oshi, love you anon

>> No.29696720

who, top? Yeah hes here

>> No.29696724
File: 82 KB, 190x198, 1605666557774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loving Ame!
Marrying Ame!
Teasing Ame in games!
Karaoke with Ame!
Singing badly to make Ame feel better!
Sharing a large scarf with Ame while under a blanket watching movies and anime!
Waking up and finding out it was all a dream!

>> No.29696725

you know, it just hit me. Ame is a time traveler so the Watson concoction is probably humanitys ultimate achievement in the chemical field. Given that it can even put fear into eldritch beings. Ame probably travels to the future often too

>> No.29696727
Quoted by: >>29696746

Thank you. I'm going to work on it when I wake up in the morning.

>> No.29696734

Forbidden knowledge...I kneel

>> No.29696738

I can hear this soundless webm

>> No.29696744
Quoted by: >>29696787

What's this?

>> No.29696746


>> No.29696750

Wouldn't be nearly as bad if he didn't insist on some ranking that put Kiara's chicken voice singing way above Gura's sitting down performance.

>> No.29696754

And I thought Kiara would cosplay herself first

>> No.29696755
Quoted by: >>29696996

You're probably accessing an old cached version of it in your browser, I just tried it and I was able to retrieve one of the recent Hololive Global threads (>>29690612). Empty your cache and hard reload. If not, check your routing.

>> No.29696757

I'm pretty sure no one is even noticing twap on the fight

>> No.29696759

What would their lives be after graduating?

>> No.29696758
Quoted by: >>29696816

Is Towa autistic?

>> No.29696764

wait is she from the future or the past

>> No.29696765

I can't decide if that brief happiness would be worth the despair afterwards.

>> No.29696768

>and I remember someone mentioning in /hlgg/ at some point that she was talking about making that into her signature laugh
During one of her MC streams, she talked about how she had originally planned to make that her signature laugh but even she saw the cringiness in it and never bothered. Now she does it as a form of self-derisiveness. She isn't doing it genuinely.

>> No.29696771
File: 42 KB, 552x887, 1601969039844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

robocco is so hot lads...

>> No.29696779
File: 2 KB, 125x122, 1581893732347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29696781

i hate myself for not thinking of this

>> No.29696782
Quoted by: >>29696810

>Open Gura stream
>She's showing her asshole to the camera again
>Close stream

When's Mori?

>> No.29696784
Quoted by: >>29696856


You think more about their character's lore and story than they do, anon. I wish they did care enough to make little additions and make things interesting between them.

>> No.29696787
Quoted by: >>29696826

Mori was fanning her sweaty tits during a stream but said she was cooling her cape and this anon believed her.

>> No.29696788
File: 407 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29696811


>> No.29696789

Oh, I also made sure to copy the original post number so I can make sure to credit you. Figured I'd let you know.

>> No.29696793
File: 920 KB, 828x484, Screenshot_104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one would be able to handle this outfit

>> No.29696796

Wtf are these posts?

>> No.29696798

Depends on why they are graduating I guess. Could be great could be Aloe's

>> No.29696799
File: 576 KB, 500x432, 1605594011340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to feel justified in feeling like shit.
Give me your most depressing rrats /hlgg/

>> No.29696802
File: 219 KB, 412x444, 1602908100558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if they still do it while being 60+ years old?

>> No.29696805

I think her 500k singing thing might have been legitimate, or at least, as a euro with a bad sleep schedule I didn't know about it until I woke up and it was wrapping up.

>> No.29696809

raising their many children that they had with eachother

>> No.29696810

What are you gay?

>> No.29696811


>> No.29696813

>but she didn't follow through with it and seemed to almost lack confidence
noticed this for a while now and lately i've come to accept these moments as one of the more interesting parts of her personality. she has enough self awareness to realize when her jokes are falling flat, but from here you can see just how much effort she's putting in trying to keep the stream interesting by continuously making gags, even if they're shit a lot of the time. the awkwardness and lack of confidence makes it both relatable and very endearing imo and is what draws me to keep watching her in the first place, though i agree it may put off a lot of people

>> No.29696816
File: 828 KB, 2795x4096, 1601712087277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has the dumb, yes.

>> No.29696819
File: 249 KB, 719x952, 1589001152333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the clip of her explaining that

>> No.29696822

The thread feels like they failed a daughter and are doing their best to make sure gura doesn't end up the same way so they become overprotective.

>> No.29696823
Quoted by: >>29696868

How do you even play one of these TRPGs in just a short hour session? The explanations itself is going to take up half the stream.

>> No.29696824

Hopefully Gura’s roommate achieves her dream of becoming a professional VA

>> No.29696826


>> No.29696832

I wanna watch vtubers on tv but I know youtube will spew ads at me.

>> No.29696835

Tokyo tower...
Za towa...
Tannu tuva...
Twilight sparkly...
54 6f 77 61 2e 2e 2e...
Tinky Winky...
Tokugawa Ieyasu...
towander wall....
Tokoyammer Taiwan...
Tango Oscar Whiskey Alpha...

>> No.29696840

Interesting pov, I think she might be slightly afraid of having dead air and not being "funny shark girl" a 100% of the time, it's like having a song with no silences or breaks anywhere, it becomes a bit exhausting after a while and it doesn't allow you to take in what you've just listened to.
her scatterbrained behavior is endearing, but I think she's still trying to find her footing when it comes to entertaining a large audience, she'll get better as time goes on.

>> No.29696844

I asked forTop 10 Hololive singers a few days ago. No one ever mentioned her.

>> No.29696845

Unironically probably they'll just start doing it on and off for fun. Like Nic Cage just being in every shitty movie ever because he loves to act except they won't need to pay off a dinosaur skeleton theft debt

>> No.29696846
File: 199 KB, 427x381, 1604803252099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All me.

>> No.29696851

Next year Kiara is moving back to Australia and Mori will be alone in Japan

>> No.29696852

judging from idolfaggotry since vidfyagaming isn't really going away, iM@S OG crew lasted for 15 years and were still doing live concerts until the 'rona hit, I'd assume the Holos will be here for a good long while.

>> No.29696856

Why the hell does a phoenix have a fast food restaurant anyway
She's also a warrior? She has a sword and shield
Why is she streaming games on youtube that's like two other jobs to focus on

>> No.29696858

He was actually pretty based because he remained pretty objective.

>> No.29696861
Quoted by: >>29697009

i wish the EN girls used different Bgm`s during their streams, Polka used this and it is pretty good

>> No.29696866
Quoted by: >>29696969

Gura will outlive all of her friends except Mori. Kira only has 2 respawns left so she won’t stay in this dimension. Slowly Mori and Gura will spend their days getting drunk off of cheap wine and reminiscing of the good old days.

>> No.29696868
Quoted by: >>29696903

Who's DMing?

>> No.29696869

Fuck, you had me going there for a second. Now I'm too sad to go to sleep.

>> No.29696877
Quoted by: >>29697113

This is some top tier autism, but an interesting read none the less.
I'll just say this though, I think the "res ipsa loquitor." point you were going on about was inflated a lot more than usual due to the nature of the game. Soma kind of encourages you to pick up and rifle through random shit either so you can find something useful or so you can find something to use to distract the monsters with. There's a lot less of this stuff in games with a clear goal.

>> No.29696881

Is Mori even going to be able to stay in Japan after her teaching gig finishes? Surely Cover can sponsor her visa if she wants to stay, right?

>> No.29696882

that sluggish slur she does into every single note is so annoying

>> No.29696887

Would be based, woman can VA convincingly until pretty late, and the whole beauty of the chuuba is that I can find the girl cute and enjoyable no matter what she looks like behind.

>> No.29696890
Quoted by: >>29697036

>Showing your Kiara to your newborn child
>He starts numberfagging

What do?

>> No.29696892


>> No.29696894

>want to draw something for my holobros
>all my art looks horrid
I promise ill be good enough before hololive dies...

>> No.29696900
Quoted by: >>29697045


>> No.29696903

Your best Friend.

>> No.29696905
Quoted by: >>29696933

because the rpg stuff is what adds variety to the game, and why its probably a better collab game than most shooters
its kinda like smash bros, you can go full autism or you can go full retard, and still have a good time

>> No.29696906

Duet with Mori, onegai comet. Teach her your ways

>> No.29696908
File: 182 KB, 839x563, shahahark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder she tried during debut and it was CUTE

>> No.29696914

MoriRene!!! Yeah!!

>> No.29696915

>Things Cover Should Do For Their Talents.txt

>> No.29696917

Eventually, when Gura surpasses Kizuna Ai and becomes the number one vtuber on the planet, everyone will stop collaborating with her. The chumbuddies will have become so many that even an accidental slip up during a collab that makes their oshi not look absolutely perfect results in a mob of people attacking the collab partner/partners. Gura winds up losing Amelia when they are forced to confirm on stream that they are not in a relationship, and in order to ease the overwhelming hatred, Amelia and Gura agree to never speak to or about each other ever again. Gura eventually becomes depressed and starts lashing out at her fans, until eventually they fight back, driving the poor girl to graduate and condemn the character of Gawr Gura for ruining her life.

>> No.29696919

>wtf why are their ame whiteknights in my /hlgg/?
>makes no mention of the kiara whiteknights/ ironmouse whiteknights
Ah yes, I do love my antiAme shills.

>> No.29696924
File: 18 KB, 188x48, tennisballs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29696930
File: 858 KB, 2000x2000, 1586686856729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the "thing speaks for itself" is worse, the zatsudans was not that bad, she just started opening up, the third point is actually a killer, but way better than some commedians, improvising is hard.

>> No.29696933
Quoted by: >>29697089

The fact that you compared Borderlands to Smash tells me that you're retarded enough that ignoring you is going to be easier than trying to talk to you on your level.

>> No.29696935

I liked your critiques. It's nice to see someone critically evaluate a stream, rather than treating it as purely disposable entertainment sans artistic merit. I'm not the biggest Gura fan, but I think she's already made strides from her debut, and expect her to improve further. She's never going to be a Chappelle type who crafts tight and thematically cohesive jokes, but that's obviously not her MO.

>> No.29696941

the payoff from going back to her debut to enjoy that in context was unreal, especially the shy aborted one before she decided to go for it anyway.

>> No.29696944 [DELETED] 
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, ayame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it hurt knowing any other man will get their hands on your whore oshi except you?

>> No.29696947

that high note tho

>> No.29696948

Mori is building up her JP harem without even realizing, she'll be fine.
MoriSuisei heart eating off-collab when?

>> No.29696951

They won't be graduating for a decade or two but if they do I assume Ina would become a VTuber again for fun and I would just follow her around until the end of her days

>> No.29696952

This is not a review. You picked like 3 minutes out of a 3 hour stream and whined about them. Running out of steam in a joke is not a valid criticism, especially considering all the moments you didn't list where she nailed the landing. Complaining about a few references is not a criticism. Also you're clearly ESL due to not understanding humor or sarcasm. Two of the examples you listed were actually hilarious moments. One is an ongoing reference to a funny piece of Gura lore, which is so clearly draped in sarcasm and yet you called it out as some sort of forced and awkward moment. The other was her trying to embarass the girl she was with by waving her underwear around in front of her while she could only look on helplessly. All of these moments she came up with on the fly by herself while streaming a video game and trying to entertain for 3 hours. This was an embarassing review and I expect better when you review the other girls.

>> No.29696953

I posted the absolutely beautiful reaction, thanks for immortalizing me for a bit

>> No.29696954
Quoted by: >>29697148

Where can I buy Gega Senesis?

>> No.29696967

You tell me, Ayamefag.

>> No.29696969
File: 55 KB, 525x532, 1601876244881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697008

I don't know why but I imagined Gura finally ending her career returning to Atlantis and being super happy to see again her parents, her home. She's super happy to talk about all she did in Hololive, the people she met, the experiences she had.
It gets late and goes to bed. She's trying to sleep, and suddenly it its her:
She will never stream with her Hololive friends ever again
And then starts crying.

>> No.29696979

my oshi is Ayame so....
Nakiri "Cocks are Yummy" Ayame
Nakiri "大丈夫?おっぱいもむ?" Ayame
Nakiri "White Christmas" Ayame
Nakiri "40,000 yen an hour" Ayame
Nakiri "I've had bigger" Ayame
Nakiri "Yariman with a Plan" Ayame
Nakiri "The Cock Lover at Cover" Ayame
Nakiri "Condoms are Silly" Ayame
Nakiri "I'd rather Rim than Stream" Ayame
Nakiri "I'll take 肉 over Miko"

>> No.29696980
File: 11 KB, 230x230, 1606090389921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29696983

What does SAN mean?

>> No.29696984

I'm sorry Suisei is not a good singer, anon. Some people are just not cut out for it.

>> No.29696987

No, Ayame poster, it does not hurt me. Does it hurt you?

>> No.29696991


>> No.29696993
File: 68 KB, 1080x910, 16052553631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've watched hundreds of hours of TRPG podcasts and it's weird how it can go from absolute kino if the DM is good and the players are into it, to unwatchable cringe if the players are afraid of roleplaying their characters.
How do you think the eventual EN TRPG collab go? I'm leaning more towards the cringe side, Mori is probably the only one that could not give a shit and get into it properly.

>> No.29696996
Quoted by: >>29697044

Weird, I re-loaded it (without doing anything) after you posted and now it's updated. My script is running on google apps script, I just re-ran it and it didn't recognize any new threads so the problem probably lies in my code. Thanks

>> No.29696997

Ame, Ina even talked about it during her debut...

>> No.29697000
Quoted by: >>29697034

Amelia is pretty lucky to be Walfie's oshi, they make great animations.

>> No.29697008
File: 138 KB, 330x364, 1596210360452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697009

Ame has a second type of BGM which is very cute-sounding (some little flute tune) and I think would work fine as BGM for her Minecraft. The piano ditty probably would get annoying going too long but I think the flute would be OK.

Gura's tune's melody is a bit too high pitched sometimes so also would start to stick out.

I do agree they should have a ton more types of BGM however, the JPs switch it out sometimes especially for Minecraft because it's pretty important not to drive your viewers insane with the BGM.

I mean they can't all have Pekora's, but they can have at least something different besides their greeting/ending/SC read music.


>> No.29697012
Quoted by: >>29697042

I already have partner, this is just a hobby..

>> No.29697014

Believe it or not I took a lot of notes, I wrote down a lot more examples of what I was saying, but I didn't want to be long-winded in listing all of them.

>> No.29697020

This is the part of "idol culture" that attracts people to it but often neglected in favor of using purityfagging and unicorn-ism to disproportionately characterize the culture.

>> No.29697021

Interesting to see a completely humorless individual try and break down comedy as if it's a science. Thanks for the effort.

>> No.29697023
File: 3.38 MB, 2047x1447, 11cc6e34f8ed5e8fa2876d02d4432ee7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, if Ina, Ame, and Gura played CoC they wouldn't even need to make characters. I'm pretty sure a detective, a cultist, and a deep one are pre built in the game.

>> No.29697024
File: 477 KB, 937x900, 1599686307541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697029
Quoted by: >>29697065

Mori would obviously get really into it, but I think you guys are underestimating how much Ame and potentially even Ina can get into character.

>> No.29697034

Those little sketches about all the interesting moments are great too.

>> No.29697036

Hey, that's what a good dad is

>> No.29697038

I doubt the interviewers even imagined she'd be as bad as she is.

>> No.29697039

i remember that
what a silly little character

>> No.29697042

sure bud

>> No.29697044
Quoted by: >>29697226

No problem.
Watchya doing anon?

>> No.29697045
File: 1006 KB, 900x1800, 1606255711267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is based and I love her!

>> No.29697046

This is going to be Haato's best HoloEN collab yet.

>> No.29697049

>It's thoughtless, freewheeling, sloppy, and I'm sure it relies heavily on me liking her in the first place in order for me to get any enjoyment from it.

This seems like something that applies at least half the content that appears in longer streams just by virtue of streams being too long for any streamer to have any higher level prolonged performance of making things entertaining.

>> No.29697050

Is there anymore of Ame's adventures

>> No.29697055
Quoted by: >>29697111

I would say her drunktard abusive father and mother which refuse to give her, her money is already pretty bad, she is relying on gift cards and physical gifts

>> No.29697056

She needs to actually hold zatsudans to improve on them, unless you count Minecraft streams in which case you can almost feel the moment when she runs out of material.

>> No.29697058


>> No.29697061
File: 130 KB, 1243x658, noel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697087

Might end up like Noel's singing lessons, where her coach literally quit on her.

>> No.29697062
Quoted by: >>29697320

Hololive DnD
>Professional DM
>in 3D
>equipable items
>multiple backgrounds
>staff playing enemies
>acting out battles
>3D puzzles
>in English
Would it beat Critical Role?

>> No.29697064
File: 140 KB, 242x386, Screenshot_106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697065

if they ever play WoD,w hat classes would they pick?

>> No.29697071

This is ok. She's obviously practiced hard but her voice doesn't have wide appeal.

>> No.29697073

Not the guy you're replying to, but you might as well post the notes just for some sort of credibility.

>> No.29697076

The girls did jobs that required them to roleplay in the past and those who didn't are interested in playing it. It'll be fun and kino, the hardest part is maintaining the players' attention since Amelia, Shark, and Kiara are balls of unpredictability. Mori has to at least test run a short campaign before they get to streaming.

>> No.29697077
File: 28 KB, 712x375, 1599625489168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's pretty important not to drive your viewers insane with the BGM.

>> No.29697079
File: 494 KB, 565x661, 1605950531437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God look at those hips and thighs.... I want to breed this La Lion...

>> No.29697081
File: 180 KB, 519x341, 1527528350040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697160

Suisei sounds more natural doing ikebo part in 神様、仏様 than speaking in her regular streaming voice.

>> No.29697082

My goodness. Is this what a delicious sex lion looks like?

>> No.29697083

i think gura's eye flickering actually has been remedied somewhat.

>> No.29697087
Quoted by: >>29697227

So whose worse Noel or Ame?

>> No.29697089

so get this, Krieg has a skill tree that's based entirely around lighting himself on fire
funniest shit I ever seen

>> No.29697095

swears she remembered being better at being the GM, endless spaghetti
trying to have gay sex with npcs, doesnt understand the point of the game
doesnt understand the presumably 1920s-1950s setting but goes along with everything, will roleplay poorly but cutely
tries to fight everything, gets in way over her head, roleplay is convoluted and endearing to, surprisingly, no one
tries to rules lawyer her way out of bad situations despite not having read the rules, strongest roleplayer

>> No.29697097
Quoted by: >>29697149

I appreciate this critical analysis, in-depth looks like these are prime studying material for any vtubers looking to join HoloEN gen 2. In fact, those people really should be studying and watching as many streams as possible.

>> No.29697102
File: 151 KB, 325x409, EFCBBQDXoAICcrB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697103

Dude, you fucked up even reviewing even these few moments, burn your notes and never even think of doing this stupid embarrassing shit again.

>> No.29697107

>it's pretty important not to drive your viewers insane with the BGM.
Supachatto arigato
Supachatto dayo
Supachatto arigato
Tottemo ureshiiyo

>> No.29697109
Quoted by: >>29697308

Based on her track record Ame will almost definitely keep vtubing regardless of audience size, Mori will try to transition into music full-time, Ina does vtubing as a hobby while leaning into illustration more and more, Kiara transitions into management, Gura stays in the industry somehow as a performer.

>> No.29697111
Quoted by: >>29697296

Isn't she trying to get her mother away from the father with her streaming?
Was the abuse before she joined Holo or after?

>> No.29697110
Quoted by: >>29697945

Oh and there was another joke I liked in my notes, I'll just timestamp it instead of describing it
Credit where it's due this made me smile

>> No.29697113
File: 71 KB, 710x710, 354265464326543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697223

That was an review, not to his taste, but was an valid review, not about the game, it's clear his intent and points, while not agreeing with him in some points i can understand his viewpoints

>> No.29697114
File: 221 KB, 720x720, 534345313531535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who here likes patting hairless cats?

>> No.29697115

Even the swimsuit is sponsored by Adidas, Kek.

>> No.29697120

Let's judge based on how good they are sticking to lore kayfabe. Ina and Mori, in different but similar ways, both stay very in character even if that character is just themselves with a new paintjob. Kiara bounces between super in character and almost doxing herself, but I think she could do it. Gura and Ame both don't lean heavily into their character except for a few elements, so they'd be the murder hobos of the group, which is good to have to drive the campaign forward.

Given Mori is going to be the DM, I think that the party of the other 4 would have a good dynamic, and Mori will keep things going without railroading. The real problem is them finding enough time to play every week.

>> No.29697124

I don't really know how easy it will be for people who are already playing a character to play another character on top of that, although maybe it will work in their favour since they can get more immersed in ther PC.

>> No.29697127
File: 179 KB, 1891x1270, 1580646257298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else has these two as their favorites?

>> No.29697131

I’m pretty sure Ironmouse tweeted at Moro first. Their interactions have seemed fairly friendly, and it would be cool if they ever had the opportunity have some sort of collab together.

Idk though. That opens up Hololive to collabong with all sorts of western vtubers. Personally, I would fucking love that. But I can’t imagine the autistic fury of people seeing Melody or Nyanners interact with Hololive.

>> No.29697133
Quoted by: >>29697193

Moris date stream has convinced me that she could set up some good stuff if she gives herself enough prep time

>> No.29697134
File: 728 KB, 1680x1000, 1589968473343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697158

This is accurate.
Would be kino as hell, I wouldn't miss a single episode.

>> No.29697138

Your oshi will eventually graduate and want nothing to do with you anymore, she might not even be online all that often anymore. All her streams will eventually be pulled down, people will try to archive everything but some weeks/months worth of streams will be lost. All your memories of her and the good times you had will be fuzzy. You'll never be able to relive those memories, youll never be able to talk to her or the anons here, no one will care but you.

>> No.29697139

Proof that Ame is a lesbian

>> No.29697140

Okay should we compare notes so I can list out every time she was incredibly funny or clever? Also I don't know how you didn't mention anything but her attempts at humor, as if these girls were hired to be comedians.

>> No.29697144
File: 1.02 MB, 1133x1600, 85836786_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks friend for your effort

>> No.29697145

That actually sounds pretty accurate
>tries to rules lawyer her way out of bad situations despite not having read the rules
Can't believe I didn't think about that, fits her so well and sounds fucking hilarious.

>> No.29697148

Only from booth babe Amelia working E3

>> No.29697149

>critical analysis
Fucking lol

>> No.29697151


>> No.29697155
File: 630 KB, 1278x670, 1606270312369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need to wake up in 6 hours
>haachama collab in 30 minutes

>> No.29697157

Yeah this sounds about right.

>> No.29697158
Quoted by: >>29697220

This has quickly become my favorite unity pic.

>> No.29697160
File: 165 KB, 519x341, 1604520199731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697163

that seems really gross to touch

>> No.29697165
File: 229 KB, 2048x1652, 1604933262117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697446

>It's thoughtless, freewheeling, sloppy, and I'm sure it relies heavily on me liking her in the first place in order for me to get any enjoyment from it.
Congratulations, you've figured out that people enjoy watching characters they like.

I'll let you in on a secret. No one but maybe some /v/ tourists are watching for the game. If you want serious gameplay, you should play yourself, or at the least not watch a woman play. People watch her play horror games for the cute screams and panic. If she fills time in between spooks with dumb props lazily strewn about by the developers, no one minds because it's more entertaining than either silently walking from point A to point B, or tuning in to whatever deep themes the game wants you to be pondering.

Her job is to entertain. Sometimes that dovetails with what the game is offering, and sometimes she has to carry it herself. She does a good job in both cases. And when her distracted meandering doesn't go anywhere, she still manages to be endearing.

>> No.29697168
File: 304 KB, 750x1033, FDB7453E-B677-401C-B751-B7477B7EAF25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re wrong. She’ll live on inside my heart!

>> No.29697167

i can say with absolute certainty that there is presently a complete archive of gawr gura's hololive content. i will not allow a single frame of her work to be lost.

>> No.29697170
Quoted by: >>29697310

It's overcooked, you can watch archive.

>> No.29697171
File: 1.12 MB, 2150x3035, 20201115_132609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Incident ends up causing a young Amelia to bawl her eyes out
>She grabs her prized possession and confort item, her grandmother's old watch, and locks herself in a safe spot and she's crying
>Amelia alone crying in her closet as a child
>Holding the watch as tears roll down her face, due to her uncontrollable shaky hands she loses her grip on the watch
>She gets frightened and instincts cause her to quickly grab for it
>She accidentally presses down on the watch header and it throws her forward in-time, as she time travels for the first time
>Amelia wakes to find herself almost than 2 dozen years in the future
>Frantically looking around and trying to figure out what's going on she starts to panic and run towards a random house and bangs on the door
>It's the ancient one's household, where Ina, already taken over by the ancient ones as well as already acquainted with her current times Amelia after she started her investigation, answers the door.
>Amelia is shocked and horrified by experiencing the ancient ones first hand and it immediately scars her
>Ina is confused about why her friend Amelia is at her door in a child-like form when they didn't meet until she was much older
>As having infinite knowledge of time and space, the ancient ones explain the cosmic event to Ina and she explains what appeared to have happened to the frightened girl
>After sometime, The Ancient One manages to reactivate the watch and throws Amelia back into her current time
>Amelia returns to her current time in shock and scared by the lasting impression of the Ancient God's.
>Because she felt normal compared to AO, over the years Amelia forgets the face of Ina but ends up devoting her early life into investigating the phenomenon that occurred to her as a child
>This leads her to a career as a detective as well as made her dive into the unknown horrors of the world
>This leads her into investigation AO, the reaper, the Phoenix and the Shark
Boom. There's your lore.

>> No.29697173

>and want nothing to do with you anymore
That's probably already true though.
Let's be real most of our oshis wouldn't touch us with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.29697174

go to sleep anon, it is just overcooked

>> No.29697176

Anon, that's not a narrative, that's just life.

>> No.29697178

Thanks brother, this is a very good reading of the post.

>> No.29697189

you're mean

>> No.29697190

Chicken had a blast with the yakuza characters, so I'd say depends how well they flesh out their chars.
Keep it to something simple, like say make money to safe the wife back home.

>> No.29697193
Quoted by: >>29697233

its good to keep busy, but Mori is actually fucking autistic about work. So much so that shes hasn't streamed for 3 fucking days now. We get it Mori, you have a lot of projects at work and Hololive isn't easy to do with a job that's securing your visa alongside it but god damn space your projects out you dumb workaholic

>> No.29697195
Quoted by: >>29697269

I like Gura in collabs and I'm happy for her success, and I like her singing, and I wish her all the best. But this is actually a pretty accurate description of why I don't watch any of her solo streams.

>> No.29697197
Quoted by: >>29697216

Cometfags getting uppity again?

>> No.29697198

Yeah, but I don't watch every Gura stream like I do for Kiara.

>> No.29697202

My biggest fear is that the holos think we're losers for watching an anime girl making silly noises. Is there any evidence to support/deny this narrative?

>> No.29697204

As someone else who isn't a huge fan of Gura or her usual brand of humor (I still like her and watch her when I can), these comedic devices sound pretty par for the course for streamers. I think you've made me realize that streamer humor is not really that sophisticated outside and maybe it's down to superficial preferences who we find funny or not.

>> No.29697213

I can't be absolutely sure, but when she was talking about finishing up with her teaching she didn't seem concerned about it, and I doubt she's moving back to the states if she can help it, in fact she already spoke about moving again within japan at some point. at the very least, applying for a different type of visa when one expires would at least cover her until she gets rejected and then some additional time to prepare to leave.

>> No.29697216
Quoted by: >>29697738

am i the only one who thinks she sounds kind of like a barking dog?

>> No.29697218

Based on:
The new information we got today.

>> No.29697217
Quoted by: >>29697257

Anon its been like 2-3 months, I expect them to work in hololive for maybe 5 years.

>> No.29697220
Quoted by: >>29697465

It needs an old hand holding it.

>> No.29697221
File: 1.67 MB, 1142x630, the4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The two worst gamers of EN
> Haachama wont be able to give or follow instructions

Christ this is going to be a train wreck of a stream what were they thinking?

>> No.29697222
File: 1.93 MB, 1400x987, 1597528290130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another important note is I think most Holos actually have two BGM tracks generally. I don't know if they all do but it's pretty damn common they have more than one. Another one that's pretty damn good for Minecraft is Aqua's - coincidentally some of the strongest JP MC streamers have really nice BGM that goes endlessly for MC.

Her alt BGM aka the main Minecraft music is fucking great

While her normal loading screen music ... well, we'd all go insane hearing this for more than 20 minutes.

>> No.29697223
Quoted by: >>29697589

I don't know why you gave me a (You), I wasn't disagreeing with him either, I'm just saying that the game had a noticable effect on the kind of humour Gura used.

>> No.29697225

LFTT is an anon here, yeah.

>> No.29697226
Quoted by: >>29697255

Something that could be done more easily and effectively with existing tools. just fetching the json of archived threads, thinking of eventually doing numberfag stuff. Like matching up chan activity to streaming schedules

>> No.29697227

For now Noel has more SOUL, but I'm following Ame's career with interest.

>> No.29697228

It may sound weird but you don't have to be a comedian to be entertaining, anyway.
Just like I could post myself dancing naked while screaming "GURAGURAGURACUNNY" and I would get 70 (You)s and people dying from laughter. Am I a comedian? No I'm just a fucking clown.
I'm not going to argue on whether Gura is an A class comedian, but just pointing out that.

>> No.29697233
Quoted by: >>29697511

Please andastd, deadline for Chikin's MV is literally tomorrow.

>> No.29697234
Quoted by: >>29697402

Everything is transient. It's this impermanence that imbues life with meaning.

>> No.29697240
File: 60 KB, 595x673, 1579538229842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it and prove then, instead of just bitching of what you don't like

>> No.29697241

>Str 8
Imagine overpowering her and forcing her into a mating press.

>> No.29697248
File: 3.48 MB, 1288x2293, 1606200392089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly based.

>> No.29697251

Jokes on you, Im literally buying a fuckton of NAS just to archive all of their shit. I don't want a repeat of Eilene's lost media

>> No.29697255
Quoted by: >>29697347

Sounds promising, I'll keep an eye out for that whenever you finish it. Ganbatte anon!

>> No.29697256
File: 178 KB, 390x657, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697257
Quoted by: >>29697298

i've already got adequate capacity planning numbers for that and it'll be no problem. the only challenges i am facing are adequate automation for guerrilla streams and promoting redundant recording by others to cover outages.

>> No.29697259

fuck /hlg/ I think comet is CUTE

>> No.29697260
File: 154 KB, 850x1522, sample_73724148a79d64a39316d9a8315d6436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f "Moona"
>0/0 results found
I wish Moona would stream more

>> No.29697261
Quoted by: >>29697494

I'm gonna laugh if Haachama ends up being the best of the cooks.

>> No.29697263

This is true.

>> No.29697264

Honestly they're as "losers" as us, mos of them like anime or related topics, they just happen to make money pretending to be said anime girls for us.

>> No.29697265

I was specifically talking about her sense of humour. I've been harsh on her sense of humour before and people in the threads have told me that I "obviously don't watch her streams" so I decided I'd try to watch one and keep an open mind.

If you have specific examples of times she was funny then I welcome you to just give me a few examples. I'm not trying to be harsh, I'm mostly just trying to analyze what it is that I personally dislike about it and explain it with reference to the material itself instead of being vague. And I have said there are at least a few times she was actually funny.

>> No.29697266

Do it.

>> No.29697269
Quoted by: >>29697313

Guras brand of humor filters me hard, a month ago i started to only watch her clips and i am much happier for it

>> No.29697271

Here's the other half of my payment:

>> No.29697272

I love you all!

>> No.29697276

Dude it's a subjective review, not his effort to prove some holistic anti-gura theorem. Ease up.

>> No.29697281
Quoted by: >>29697325

Bro, that's a robot.

>> No.29697283

66 minutes incoming

>> No.29697284

Alpha Team
>Watame (A-Team Leader who embodies the strength and ferocity needed to destroy any and all opposition to complete the mission)
>Coco (Heavy weapons)
>Miko (Demolitions/CQB)
>Kiara (Air Support)

Bravo Team
>Aki (B-Team Leader who provides most of the moral support for the unit and keeps morale at its highest)
>Mel (Designated Marksman)
>Marine (Overwatch)
>Gura (Radio Guy)

Mission Support Team (on standby)
>Subaru (C-Team Leader, but also handles logistics, administrative duties, and other mundane tasks required for the mission that no one else wants to do but needs to get done)
>Choco sensei (Medical Support)
>Moona (Vertical Engineer)
>Amelia (Intelligence Analyst)

>> No.29697288
File: 472 KB, 548x547, afh3cnq3xq321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you watch a HololiveEN collab stream where they all play DND?

Pick the DM and what class everyone plays

>> No.29697291
Quoted by: >>29697372

narrative instantly destroyed when you consider how all of them were big fans of hololive before joining although i dont know about mori. i swear to god im not trying to start shit, but i havent watched her enough to know whether she was a big fan

>> No.29697294

These two were my joint favorites in the start.
I've been watching more Kiara than Gura lately, but they're still my top two.

>> No.29697296

Yes she still loves her mother but she said if she doesnt divorce him she would run away alone, and yes abuse was before hololive , she said she waa lucky to be born female , because he is only throwing things at her. Unfortunately her lil brother was not so lucky

>> No.29697298
Quoted by: >>29697331

I wish you luck anon. You face a hard and long road, especially if your doing it for multiple girls. I know that the anons here appreciate your efforts.

>> No.29697299
File: 217 KB, 468x487, 1604617718524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon it's late, stop posting lewd pics like this that make me want to grab those onion cheeks

>> No.29697302

Yeah. Can't catch Gura's live streams as frequently as I would like to, though.

>> No.29697304
File: 62 KB, 373x348, 1467639324673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697336


>> No.29697308
Quoted by: >>29697468

>Ina does vtubing as a hobby while leaning into illustration more and more
she's already a professional illustrator, how tf are you gonna lean more into illustration

>> No.29697309

I'll just homebrew everything because DnD fucking sucks

>> No.29697310

>not being here to shitpost when Calli reads the Akasupas

>> No.29697312

Not gonna lie, that's pretty rad as a theory. It would explain why a normal guy would suddenly dive so hard into the paranormal as being scarred as a child would work well with what we learned.

>> No.29697313

Yeah she usually gets a couple great, very clippable moments in her streams, which is probably one of the causes of her success.

>> No.29697319
File: 230 KB, 708x1000, 6553454345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Cause every time I see your bubbly face
I get the tingles in a silly place

>> No.29697320

needs something to pull the audience in, maybe votes or it's a war campaign and chat gets to be the nameless scout legion and has solve things before the players can set out.

Also toss in some song powered mechanics.

>> No.29697325

ロボ「子」, 子!

>> No.29697327
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, 1605527813498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697393

I'd love to post about Moona but she's on "break".

>> No.29697331

i'm focusing only on gura, but if she's offline then i'll frequently record others if it seems like there's a risk of loss. soon i need to work on a screen recording workflow as a backup in case something catastrophic happens with the stream ripping tools. the storage is the easiest part.

>> No.29697332
File: 16 KB, 182x251, 1605967945716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697356

Calli, please pick up the phone...

>> No.29697334

I'm emotional after seeing this. My finger is tingling.

>> No.29697336

tell me about comet, why do anons hate her?

>> No.29697339

It's not on her channel.

>> No.29697341

Jesus fucking Christ. 4chan is not your blog.

>> No.29697347
File: 158 KB, 2047x1059, 1606081153298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697352

top tier autism but an actually fun read thanks anon this was an interesting perspective

>> No.29697353


>> No.29697356

her phone is currently processing a part of Kiaras MV because her computer couldn't handle all of it pls andastand

>> No.29697359

i saw a really cool spider today

>> No.29697361
Quoted by: >>29697391

I don't know what they think, but I'm a loser anyway, so I guess there's that.
If you have the rest of your life in order there's no reason to feel ashamed of your hobbies, anon.

>> No.29697363

Go on then. I'm looking.

That was good and fun read dude. Schizos always lurk

>> No.29697364
File: 720 KB, 1920x1080, 2020 Sports Festival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey the festival was last weekend

>> No.29697365

>Would you watch a HololiveEN collab stream where they all play DND?
People who aren't invested in DnD are the worst people to watch try to get into DnD
Not even cringe kino, just awful shit.

>> No.29697368

Goddammit, I guess I'm going to sleep too

>> No.29697370

I think Gura is really cute and funny, I want her to be happy

>> No.29697372
Quoted by: >>29697458

She was a big fan of underground literal who japanese net rappers instead, she understands pet passions that aren't mainstream. She was not a Holo fan at all, though she had collabed with a couple of indie vtubers on music.

>> No.29697375
File: 99 KB, 230x238, 1601051941047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hungry and I need you're strongest portions

>> No.29697379

What new Gura lore was gotten from the SOMA stream

>> No.29697380
File: 309 KB, 1367x1352, EnprgMsVcAAlbqw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697434

>> No.29697382

Someone is being really cute right now. I wish all the best for them.

>> No.29697391
Quoted by: >>29697474

I don't have any part of my life in order

>> No.29697392

she made a weird sandwich

>> No.29697393
File: 775 KB, 850x1202, sample_ada0f9619c1b2fe8c605d7e6c4da8f30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697482

I know. Any idea how long her break is going to last? Or at least appear in a rogue minecraft session?

>> No.29697394

I am legit horrified. Wishing her the best and subbing to her fanbox

>> No.29697397
Quoted by: >>29697439

Her diet is still fucking awful

>> No.29697402

on the contrary, its the things that remain that will be the most precious. When you're 70 you wont remember anything called "Hololive"

>> No.29697404
File: 581 KB, 556x807, 1606245238845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697459

This was a nice read anon. From what we know, I can imagine that the version they were working on is probably somewhat similar to this (albeit less dramatic perhaps), so I like this a lot.
They probably won't mess with their lore much at all going forward so your effort is appreciated.

>> No.29697405

How do you guys feel about there still being no duo collab between these two? How would it turn out? I don't think they have any real chemistry together.

>> No.29697407

I'm growing an avocado plant on my porch.

>> No.29697409
File: 316 KB, 1309x1838, 1604210816337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697605

Yet another example of alt BGMs -

Old Korone - made no sense really, just generic Japanese-y sounding stuff.

New Korone - Fits her being a retro gaming enthusiast perfectly, also just sounds cooler.

I noticed also that Towa changed her Minecraft BGM on the fly lately, there's nothing preventing the EN holos from experimenting. The default Minecraft music hardly ever comes on and if they're afraid of drilling in too hard with their normal BGM they can try alternative ones. It helps makes things more lively especially for long hauls of building/digging stuff.

>> No.29697412
File: 118 KB, 850x1000, 1606260288521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697514

Have a fat shark, pikame

>> No.29697417

we will discover next week

>> No.29697419

I appreciate it as a chumbuddy. It's interesting analysis and you make your bias clear.

>> No.29697420

DM Mori when!?!

>> No.29697424
File: 643 KB, 2894x4093, 1605457696273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon.. The moon will rise again.

>> No.29697426

I haven't been watching the Soma streams because in all honesty, I'm not really interested in the genre. I can say that yeah, I understand where you're coming from in the realms of Gura making a joke and then just throwing it away but as others have explained, that's kind of just how it is when it comes to livestreaming in general. You're not going to be able to make a golden joke every minute for more than an hour and a half. Honestly, comedy isn't really so much the problem as it is her not really getting too invested sometimes. I think that's just something she does, removing herself from the context of the game like I believe you said earlier. Honestly I wish she was more immersed in the games she plays, since even without comedy that just creates way more memorable moments in general. Regardless, it's 2:30 so I'm gonna end this essay here. I like Gura, but I completely get why you don't and that is perfectly ok.

>> No.29697429

"suisei can't sing" has been a meme since before EN

>> No.29697431
File: 412 KB, 1350x1920, 49951v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey wait a minute. I recognize that plot line

>> No.29697434


>> No.29697435

I was gonna say, don't blame us for not talking about her when she's literally not doing anything lately.

She's in the middle of some kind of move/tough situation with her PC at the moment however, so I'm cutting her some slack. IDs overall seem generally much more sporadic in streaming; Risu did jack shit for a couple weeks straight recently etc.

>> No.29697437

I would not put it past her to read one during the intro or outro just to send the thread into meltdown.

>> No.29697439

Maybe she can stop stretching a burger for 4 meals or rice porridge for 3 days with the around 3k she'll got just from today.

>> No.29697440
Quoted by: >>29697566

God I wish there was a cooking Vtuber who started every stream with a montage of making the food they're talking about onstream that day.

>> No.29697443
Quoted by: >>29697481

Kiara might be able to bridge the gap with her overwhelming extrovert power IRL but there's nothing she can do over a discord call. Any collab will be extremely awkward.

>> No.29697445
File: 117 KB, 764x1080, 1605837096713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I have a newfound hate for nijiniggers

>> No.29697446

No I'm not watching for good gameplay, or the game itself, but I am watching to see the holo interact with the game. I think they're best when they play off of it. There's nothing wrong with playing with props to fill dead air when wandering around, but when the games handing you content and you miss it because you're doing the streaming equivalent of dangling keys infront of a baby, it feels like a wasted opportunity.
I don't mean this in a "The streams are bad" way either. I enjoyed them, but I do think just dismissing the game as irrelevant is a mistake.

>> No.29697447

They are collabing next week, its most likely going to be jap lessons.

>> No.29697448
File: 446 KB, 2276x2912, 1603502234467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697533

will this rrat be enough for you Pika?

>> No.29697450

the thing that's most appealing to me about gura's sense of humor is specifically that she's not like a comedian trying to thread jokes together. she just wanders around rambling and reacting to things and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. that guy's never going to be happy and he should do his own thing.

>> No.29697453

just cummed to myself in the mirror

>> No.29697458

>indie vtubers
although they're not hololive, i guess this is good too since that would mean she's still pretty aware of how this industry works at least. hope she ends up collabing with indies who deserve some exposure

>> No.29697459
File: 309 KB, 2150x2284, 20201117_175326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I was kinda upset the post went unnoticed. I think it adds a really cool dynamic to Ame and why she would be so interested in the occult. I wish my drawing skills and writing skills were better so I could flesh it out. I think I'm gonna try to make it a full write up when I wake up tomorrow.

>> No.29697460
File: 52 KB, 797x389, Suisei falseflagger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same reason /hlgg/ hated Mori early on, mostly schizos and falseflaggers shitting up the thread because there are more Suifags than Sorafags, AZKifags, and RBCfags. Most of the time they keep claiming that Mori/Suisei is a better singer than Gura to rile up the chumbuds, and then the whole thread goes to shit.

>> No.29697462

She definitely will

>> No.29697465
File: 268 KB, 800x600, 1606267752427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ones good too.

>> No.29697468


become 2d

>> No.29697471

It's not going to be on her channel during the intro or outro either.

>> No.29697472
Quoted by: >>29697498

Comet is just good but not really amazing.
There are many better singer in hololive, just ask hlg and hlgg.

>> No.29697473
Quoted by: >>29697608

Mori actually knows this game retard

>> No.29697474

You're not alone it that I guess, there's a bunch of neets in these thread. Just do your reps, whatever they are.

>> No.29697475


>> No.29697477
Quoted by: >>29697496

What if this poster is Amelia explaining the rest of her lore to us..

>> No.29697479
Quoted by: >>29697522

>You're not going to be able to make a golden joke every minute for more than an hour and a half.
I don't think that's what he's asking for I'm not the guy you are responding to, but to me I just wish she'd slow down a little and not rush from point to point so quickly

>> No.29697481
Quoted by: >>29697661

Considering what Gura said, they seem to be good friends.

>> No.29697482

Probably a week if i had to guess, so a couple more days. I doubt it would be three like Coco and Chama had.
Just waiting for the tism to die down.

>> No.29697485

dont underestimate her

>> No.29697487
File: 380 KB, 2000x2193, 1604454323319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You go into your kitchen and hear this song.


What do you do?

>> No.29697489

Please give an example of a stream(er) that has good comedy.

>> No.29697494

Now that's terrifying.

>> No.29697495
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, Mori_bonk[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fl5akbb.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29697496
File: 249 KB, 368x391, watson_smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697497

I appreciate that Yagoo tries to give a "second chance" to all these broken girls, but Aloe may have been too broken.

>> No.29697498

>god tier
>not god tier
everyone else

>> No.29697503
File: 688 KB, 900x1440, 4354353135435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I love Ame.


>> No.29697507
Quoted by: >>29697543

I have a colored version of this one actually and I've been drawing the unity group during different time periods during dead hours.

>> No.29697508

If anything, they were probably relieved after their debuts when they realized people do enjoy watching an anime girl making silly noises in English. All five girls have slowly become more confident in streaming, too.
It's okay to like vtubers. They're fans of the whole thing in general too.

>> No.29697510

Literally not true. We quite liked Mori until the podcast news dropped.

>> No.29697511
Quoted by: >>29697548

I'm really curious as to what the scale is going to be like on that, I don't know when she started work on it but she at least seems to be sleeping alright recently.

>> No.29697514
File: 180 KB, 817x1080, 1602211206427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697515
File: 783 KB, 4096x2896, EnffkbZVoAIGLpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, nice

>> No.29697516
File: 410 KB, 221x196, no exit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697517
Quoted by: >>29697658

She already got her pet snek a huge viewership by featuring her in her top 15 remix results, so I think she will in the future. Though I wonder if the reason she expanded from top 10 to top 15 was because she felt guilty for putting her RL friends in without being able to say anything

>> No.29697519

I'm jealous of chumbuds having their Thanksgiving celebration stream be members only, I hope Ame is still able to make her stream comfy with tourists in it.

>> No.29697522
Quoted by: >>29697570

I kinda get the feeling that she starts jokes without know what the punchlines going to be, then says the punchline as soon as she thinks of it, and thats why she ends up rushing to the end.

>> No.29697525


>> No.29697527

Who is this unity anon that keeps drawing all these MSPaint unity pictures...

>> No.29697528


>> No.29697529
Quoted by: >>29697820

She will appreciate it trust me. She is really sweet and always thankful on twitter tomorrow is her second stream and her first stream on yt with gifted pc

>> No.29697532
Quoted by: >>29697594

>Is there any evidence to support/deny this narrative?
if kiara hated vtuber watchers she'd have to hate herself given how she's a pekora fangirl

>> No.29697533
File: 1.10 MB, 1491x1066, 1603436320264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697553

Yes peko

>> No.29697536

>the podcast news
what was this again? I'm not here 24/7

>> No.29697537
Quoted by: >>29697573


>> No.29697538

Which is why she'd only be able to do it during those times by looking at Haachama's chat, anon. Try to keep up.

>> No.29697541
File: 1.27 MB, 3508x2480, 1602520956658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all seriousness, I really love her streams. She never fails to make me smile.

>> No.29697543

Based. Keep up the good work anon

>> No.29697546

The whole essay pretty much is a strawman from the argument that Gura is a comedian.

>> No.29697547

I don't think I can take it if we ever get an AmexAloe collab... fuck this thread is so depressing

>> No.29697548

it's gonna be as complex as cursed night at most probably

>> No.29697552

AZKi sing better than comet

>> No.29697553
File: 437 KB, 654x473, 1595616770315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My peker wants peko

>> No.29697557
File: 161 KB, 896x592, 1602310096655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were them, I'd think that.

To quote Gura, LATER LOSERS.

Also, you lost if you heard that.

>> No.29697562
File: 1.35 MB, 8000x5333, illust_85883138_20201125_082228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my deadbeatbros at? Are you bros ready for our boy's first stream after 3 days, time for our dose of Mori lads! 14 min to go!

>> No.29697559

>He made a gif
God damn I was hoping someone would.

>> No.29697564
Quoted by: >>29697672

Sure as shit didnt feel like it.

>> No.29697567

>doing my vod reps
>5 minutes into watching soma part 2
whats wrong with her?

>> No.29697566

After witnessing Haachama cooking, and hearing about what Gura and Ame eat, I don't know if you'd really want to see that ultimately, anon.

>> No.29697570
Quoted by: >>29697642

I'm sure with more time she will be able to not feel so rushed on it

>> No.29697571

To be fair, I think the worst offenders recently are just the backseaters.

>> No.29697572

No, the whole thread liked Mori until the membership drama. The "Mori/Suisei/Gura is the best holo singer happened after Mori's concert"
How fucking nu?

>> No.29697573
File: 140 KB, 484x639, 1603139350456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slam desk lmao juicers am I right?

>> No.29697575

How so? Some of them definitely had it worse than most of the people in here. They probably understand (you) as much as your regular faggot on this website

>> No.29697576

She has good taste in holos.

>> No.29697580

>that's kind of just how it is when it comes to livestreaming in general
It's true that it's a common thing in livestreaming, but you also have streamers like Korone who get REALLY emotionally invested into the stories of the games they play. Not everyone is as detached as Gura is with this game. I would like someone like Korone to play Soma but the JPs right now are distracted by the flavor of the month rice loli game.

>> No.29697581

Pekora, Matsuri, Subaru

>> No.29697583

Doing my Mad Rat reps while I wait. Gotta say that I'm impressed our boy was able to keep time so easily while being out of her mind, even if she was terrible at the platforming part.

>> No.29697585
Quoted by: >>29697794

Like a month and a half ago, half the deadbeats suddenly decided they needed to schizopost to outschizo the schizos. Bunch of doomposting and shitflinging for the month up to the actual release. Then when it finally dropped there was maybe 10 threads max that talked about it.

>> No.29697589

Of course the type of game affects the third point , Soma, DbD, Minecraft has those, she will not use this kind of humour in horror pacman and muse dash. I put the (You) because it will absolutely inflate depending on the game, and not a valid points in his analysis. It's like saying that karaoke doesn't have the third point.

>> No.29697591

Before that happens, I want my Gura's Physics Class

>> No.29697594

>She'd have to hate herself
Checks out.

>> No.29697599
File: 235 KB, 1164x2048, 6346354543345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a pretty cute outburst

>> No.29697605

Every time I hear this retro BGM I'm tempted to play some old Castlevania type game. And yeah I know who the composer is.

>> No.29697608
Quoted by: >>29697712

She doesn't fucking communicate for shit while playing. This is gonna be a shit show

>> No.29697612

Don't you talk about your girlfriend regularly?

>> No.29697614
File: 610 KB, 2048x1152, 1592518888714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the other side:
Alpha Team
>Botan (A-Team who is steel-cool in every situation and always knows the path to victory)
>Noel (Heavy weapons)
>Korone (Demolitions/CQB)
>Suisei (Air Support)

Bravo Team
>Flare (Charismatic B-Team leader who inspires the loyalty and comradeship of everyone in the unity)
>Mori (Designated Marksman)
>Okayu (Overwatch)
>Pekora (Radio Guy)

Mission Support Team (on standby)
>Aqua (C-Team Leader who panics whenever SHTF and relies way too much on the tactical Team Leaders)
>Lamy (Medical Support)
>Roboco (Engineering)
>Shion (Intelligence Analysis)

Who wins?

>> No.29697627
Quoted by: >>29697715

I'll be keeping an eye out for it if I can, I wish you luck with it.

>> No.29697629
File: 183 KB, 700x1800, 21A96BA2-43D1-436C-8DEC-1C177888421A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come for the kino, stay for the cringe

>> No.29697634

This is the vtuber that opened her eyes on the industry, with her hard work

>> No.29697638

>that's kind of just how it is when it comes to livestreaming in general.
you mean that's just how it is when it comes to twitch streamers

>> No.29697642

My point is less that shes rushing and more that shes got a "Just wing it" style and is throwing out ideas as they pop into her head.

>> No.29697643
File: 351 KB, 697x385, Zig Zags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As reminder, the rails are still in this configuration

>> No.29697644
File: 2.11 MB, 1920x1080, 1605770715262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready and waiting bro, gonna be a fun collab where they force Haachama to speak Japanese so they can understand her

>> No.29697645
Quoted by: >>29697715

I'm a different anon, but I say go for it! I'd even go so far as encourage you to flesh it out even further and try writing it as narrative fiction, if you feel inspired. Call it fanfiction, but I think transformative work should get credit where it's due.
You clearly have the ideas for it.

>> No.29697646

So, how was Ina minecraft stream?

>> No.29697648

No I mean an actually good cooking Vtuber who was a fairly competent chef who prerecords the cooking montage and the actual stream is a recipe review / explanation

>> No.29697658

>her pet snek

>> No.29697659


>> No.29697661
Quoted by: >>29697717

being good friends doesn't translate to amazing chemistry onscreen, they might surprise me but I always imagine a collab between them to be kiara's extrovertness and gura's introvertness clashing into an awkward mess

>> No.29697666
File: 893 KB, 1405x873, 1604460535067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697669

Suisei and AZKi are better singers than Gura by any measure imaginable, anything else is understandable but baseless loyalty to your oshi.

>> No.29697672

Even during Poggers, we were kinda laughing it off as a joke. The podcast was taking things too far though. Alot of us were legitimately uncomfortable with it.

>> No.29697675

post your spiciest takamori to get me in the mood for this

>> No.29697676
File: 26 KB, 862x522, 1606182747777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop listening to Gura's Moon Song

>> No.29697681
File: 218 KB, 724x1024, 1603459013146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori killing Kiara always makes for the funniest content.

>> No.29697685

Hate isn't the right word, but I hold her to a much higher standard as a singer because that's how she's branded herself. For someone who takes it very seriously and has had months upon months of professional lessons, the end result is incredibly lackluster.

>> No.29697687
File: 173 KB, 1920x1368, 1604149900313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here, probably going to sleep again right after if she doesn't announce another stream though.

>> No.29697689

I'm glad with what you said

>> No.29697690

past life friend who became a vtuber and was a finalist on Mori's remix contest due to her great remix and nepotism

>> No.29697692
File: 459 KB, 531x460, disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chopping onions for thanksgiving waiting on the stream to start

>> No.29697695
File: 92 KB, 450x448, boganchama [sound=https%3A%2F%2Fa.pomf.cat%2Fflbaau.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697726

Reminder that Hachaama is HoloEN

>> No.29697699
File: 317 KB, 500x839, 1605833765103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What state are we currently in right now?

>> No.29697707
File: 565 KB, 1363x681, 1596199877304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringelord of the underworld and the Birdbrain are about to play some mobile trash with Haachama, youre ready bros?

>> No.29697708
File: 144 KB, 960x1200, EnRtYmrXcAAwEp9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697749

My spiciest Takamori is too strong for you /u/fag

>> No.29697710

it's not that unreasonable for her to live with her parents if they have a big enough house or are just patient/deaf enough that her screaming won't bother them all that much. that being said though, I doubt it since we probably would have gotten some indication of that by now. more likely that she lives close to her parents and they just check up on her on the weekends. not even talking about farm or church narratives here, just parents coming to make sure their autistic daughter isn't starving under a pile of trash.

>> No.29697712

It’s not like you really need it everyone just needs to settle into their role

>> No.29697713
File: 1.18 MB, 1190x1134, 02394023940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697796

I just want Ame to download the chat selector extension so she never has to deal with non member chat

>> No.29697715
File: 25 KB, 431x574, 1605948178694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I will
I'll toss it around in my head some more and maybe post it here tomorrow if I have a product I'm happy with.

>> No.29697714
File: 594 KB, 707x1000, EmtW1Z0VQAUV1aW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're literally just jealous. It's okay because coolly rising above her haters is part of her character now.

>> No.29697717

Thats true, though the stream is most likely going to be Kiara teaching Jap to Gura, could be fun.

>> No.29697718
File: 109 KB, 609x900, 1603380941156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to protect this bitch...

>> No.29697720

Speaking of Peko's (awesome) BGM, I might as well point out that this exists and is a good fuckin' lol to have before the next stream starts:


>> No.29697726
Quoted by: >>29697748

no she isn't and i will not watch her streams

>> No.29697727


>> No.29697729
Quoted by: >>29697766

There was only two vtubers in the top 15, anon, and one of them was an established group. Figure it out!

>> No.29697734

This is true.

>> No.29697735

I wasn't going to watch this, but I'm still awake, so fuck it. I'll bear witness to this clusterfuck.

>> No.29697737
File: 1.36 MB, 800x800, 1600504201171.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here and handsome.

>> No.29697738

You're not the only one, although a barking dog is a too harsh. Her technique is good and she does her reps, but the voice is why she's only hitting 20K or so in utawakus.

>> No.29697740

I might get lynched by this but
Jimternet Aristocrat

>> No.29697743

be shopping

>> No.29697745

Why did Gura get so many SCs on her Soma stream?

>> No.29697746
File: 1.49 MB, 920x1300, 83590584_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you Deadbros and KFPchads have a fun stream!

>> No.29697748
File: 469 KB, 602x790, 1603607221146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not very based of you anon

>> No.29697749

>You cannot handle my Takamoris, they are too powerful

Is that anon still hanging out here?, that post was great.

>> No.29697751

I'm cautiously hoping we're gonna be in the closer to FUCKING LOVE side for the stream, but no one knows what might trigger the schizos to appear suddenly.

>> No.29697754

The problem with Gura is that she is very much used to dark humor that she is being too careful and has to stop and censor herself if it becomes too NSFW.

I really hate this "family friendly shark" narrative because it just doesn't feel like her and limits her entertainment value. I wish she becomes more comfortable with her true self and say whatever the fuck she wants.

>> No.29697755
File: 50 KB, 600x507, 1579398568906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697777

Wrong bitch, but close!

>> No.29697757

Call an ambulance because someone is going to die, probably me.

>> No.29697758
File: 88 KB, 994x509, AmongUsCollab 11-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which collab combinations should NEVER happen?

Example: Gura + Risu

>> No.29697766
Quoted by: >>29697899

There were 4, anon

>> No.29697767

so Gura is basically the Carrot Top of Hololive

>> No.29697768
File: 396 KB, 900x1600, 63543543345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alright, TELL me where the last NUT is... or else... or ELSE!

>> No.29697769
Quoted by: >>29697793

She still hasn't told us what Turkey-make even means.

>> No.29697770


>> No.29697773

>Funk Goes On intensifies

>> No.29697777

Oh, that bitch. I HATE THIS BITCH

>> No.29697782
Quoted by: >>29697945

I've re-read your posts and I'm even more convinced you are watching the wrong content for your tastes. For some reason you expect all the humor to be physical humor, or her interacting with the game in some way. Those are literally the only things you analyzed. My biggest gripes with your review were that you tried to isolate her humor because that's the only thing you were interested in. Rather than a review or a criticism you were literally just nitpicking a few moments that weren't to your tastes. Her delivery of her jokes is also one of the key points to her humor and there's literally hundreds of moments to analyze in one stream and yet you were focused on her picking up objects? Which actually was funny some of the time. Or how about when she was describing the robot pictograms on the wall? Or her banter with the chat? Or her yelling at the monster? Or her many one-liners in response to events happening on screen? Or when she goes gremlin? I can agree that she picked up stuff a lot and nothing funny came of it. But that's literally all your review says.

>> No.29697785

can't be funny

>> No.29697793

i imagine making hand turkeys

>> No.29697794
Quoted by: >>29698073

it worked tho

>> No.29697795

Coco + Moona again

>> No.29697796

I kind of do too, but I feel like she's too nice for that, and she seem to be her own mod so she need to see what the worst part of chat is saying.
Also people would eventually catch on if she only ever reacted to members chat.

>> No.29697797

Go to the archive and find out.

>> No.29697800

Thanks, you too bro!

>> No.29697801
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x720, 1605933796977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crying and screaming and farting workout track in your spotters airpods is a modern day work of art joke

>> No.29697803
Quoted by: >>29697911

Ame x Botan
To save Ame the humiliation

>> No.29697804

I want to lick her frosting

>> No.29697805

Am I right?

>> No.29697806

O-Or what?

>> No.29697808

mori and cr1itkal

>> No.29697811

Someone started a USA vs Canada superchat war and it quickly spiraled out of control. Gura didn't even notice until chat was a sea of superchats crowding out normal chat.

>> No.29697813

Oh, you love Towa? Name every nickname.

>> No.29697816
Quoted by: >>29697855

Do you think gura can tell with her shark nose when ame is on period?

>> No.29697820
Quoted by: >>29698073

Can you give me a link to it or at least a hint on how to find it, if you want to be careful? I thought she's done with streaming.

>> No.29697821

fuck yeah

>> No.29697824


>> No.29697826
File: 2.10 MB, 2477x1598, EmcXslEVcAATiaG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697827

Internet Historian

>> No.29697828
File: 4 KB, 407x61, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what she was reacting to?

>> No.29697830

What the fuck is wrong with Korone?

>> No.29697831
File: 124 KB, 1080x1080, 79F34D40-A932-4616-8987-F94B97E378E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Haachama to start singing Despacito as she plays Overcooked.

Mori can do the Daddy Yankee rap bits.

>> No.29697833
File: 202 KB, 1537x1137, 1602393766225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah fuck had the wrong tab looking at those other posts and got the wrong one.

Nousagi meetup -

>> No.29697835

If you insist

>> No.29697836

Have the CCP chinks stopped harassing Haato? I hardly see any Chinese in the chat now.

>> No.29697839


>> No.29697838

>Gura + Risu
Why?Besides the fact Risu would hate Guras' audience.

>> No.29697841

Why do I feel uneasy about this collab?

>> No.29697842

Pekora and Kiara

>> No.29697844


>> No.29697845
File: 309 KB, 2544x1216, jyrtghdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name my band.

>> No.29697846

She also mentioned that because of the abuse she was unable to finish highschool , so yes unless she makes it through music , her future is fucked

>> No.29697848

Your boy is close to breaking 700k.

>> No.29697849


>> No.29697851
File: 544 KB, 876x679, Enp156LVkAEt08y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697852

This game is kind of fucking shit for collabs since you have to be so focused that you can barely talk, but I'm optimistic.
Also I'm not even going to be on the thread since I'm gonna watch this in bed on my phone, so get fucked antis.

>> No.29697853

Take your meds and wait a half hour.

>> No.29697854

He was jamming to Haachama's opening BGM, which is lit.

>> No.29697855

you stop that

>> No.29697857

chinks fear the reaper

>> No.29697860

Is so fun to see Japanese comments.


>> No.29697861

What kind of weird ass combo is Chicken, Mori and Haachama anyway

>> No.29697863


>> No.29697866

Polka only streamed Rice Loli for a little under 3 hours instead of the usual 8+, clearly something is wrong. Give me narratives.

>> No.29697867

Brain Dead

>> No.29697869
File: 2.70 MB, 2892x4096, 1603597269926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29698248


>> No.29697872


>> No.29697876

Salmonella and the boys

>> No.29697877

wait... you mean that wasn't the whole stream?

>> No.29697881

They never did really. It was only when she collab'd with Coco for the most part.

>> No.29697883

>11 kills
I wish we got more bloody Ame fanart out of this, and not the ryona kind where she's getting beaten up.

>> No.29697882

So this is TakaMori with their retarded daughter?

>> No.29697885

This is strong

>> No.29697884

kino, thats what

>> No.29697886

this thread

>> No.29697891

>podcast with anitubers gets hinted
>deadbeats are victims of a thread meltdown for the third or fourth time (chickenfags dealt with that too, but those don't stick like they do with deadbeats, since every deadbeat meltdown spawns either a new nickname, or a narrative that never goes away)
>schizo deadbeats channel their autism and team up with SEAniggers and falseflaggers to deliberately make deadbeats the most hated group on /hlgg/ to "purge the weak"

>> No.29697893
File: 418 KB, 536x498, 1605345562306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697895

It's the two best japanese speakers in EN plus the second best english speaker in JP

>> No.29697896
File: 175 KB, 326x282, C9914779-C417-4E1F-A9E5-37BC9BE4220E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697898

Why not send them a message you dolt?

>> No.29697899

Riri, Boogey Vox, and who else? Shannon isn't a vtuber, she just had a drawing for the MV.

>> No.29697900


>> No.29697902

Already have these saved..

>> No.29697904

It begins

>> No.29697907

we're live bros


>> No.29697908

How come Haachama's streams are only 720p?

>> No.29697910

Dead chicken soup

>> No.29697911

Ame x Botan Halo coop though

>> No.29697912

Alright this is good.

>> No.29697913

Always love this intro

>> No.29697914

Tow truck
Tokyo tower

>> No.29697918

wait...Gura is cute
does this means...

>> No.29697919

Yes, finally!!

>> No.29697920

Why does Haachama never stream in 1080p

>> No.29697921
Quoted by: >>29698124

Australian internet, please understand

>> No.29697922
Quoted by: >>29698124

Australian internet pls understand

>> No.29697923

she is dead

>> No.29697924

aussie net is ass.

>> No.29697925

Death and tendies

>> No.29697926
Quoted by: >>29698124

She lives in the Land Down Under

>> No.29697930
Quoted by: >>29698124

Australian internet is notoriously shit.

>> No.29697931
File: 2.95 MB, 555x312, 1599106968917.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697935

You're reading too much of this thread.

>> No.29697936
File: 274 KB, 284x405, 1602729400159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aussie internet pls andastd

>> No.29697937

So it starts

>> No.29697939
Quoted by: >>29697968

holy shit Haachama is tiny

>> No.29697940
File: 242 KB, 371x256, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29697968


>> No.29697942

Chicken please, my ears.

>> No.29697944
Quoted by: >>29698007

>it's your boy MORI

she's here

>> No.29697945
Quoted by: >>29698167

Fair so let me respond.
>Or how about when she was describing the robot pictograms on the wall?
I actually realized later that I forgot to mention I did find that funny. I said so here: >>29697110
>Banter with the chat
To her credit she has improved at that, I wonder if she wishes her chat were a little more slow paced so she could interact with them more. But she was definitely doing a bit of that in there. It was a little limited by the sheer speed of the chat though. There was some thing for a while where they were talking about Canada and she kept going like "What? What's this about CANada? What do you mean, CANada? What's wrong with CANada?" etc. I didn't really know what to get from that, it didn't exactly bother me so I didn't touch on it.
>Yelling at the monster
I did talk about the "muh coffee XD" joke she made in that bit, but yeah I enjoyed when she was actually playing the game and being immersed in it.
>Many one-liners in response to events happening
I'm not sure what you're referring to. Maybe I was hyperfocused on her scatterbrained "let's turn everything into a joke" mindset but if you rewatch the stream you'll see that it does happen a LOT.

>> No.29697946


>> No.29697948

What do you mean I have to watch on Haachama's channel!! I want to watch my boi on her channel

>> No.29697949

Why does Haachama stream in 4k?

>> No.29697950
Quoted by: >>29697974

Kiara too loud.
Mori having lag.

>> No.29697952
File: 145 KB, 800x789, 1603292791340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ears

>> No.29697953

Aaahhh yes, the immediate cringekino

>> No.29697954

>Schizos keep saying "us"
You guys need to learn to stop acting like everyone shares your mental illness.

>> No.29697956

Mori is broadcasting from Hell.

>> No.29697957
Quoted by: >>29697987

>the youngest of the three
>still a senpai

>> No.29697959

The master of chefs

>> No.29697963
File: 1.05 MB, 1676x942, 1604372333380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697961

>Just Mori
Calli fags blown the fuck out

>Mori immediately going into English teacher intonation

>> No.29697964
File: 683 KB, 853x476, furniture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697965
Quoted by: >>29698005


>> No.29697966

Everyone feels uneasy about this collab

>> No.29697968

someone needs to edit the NTR face on Mori and Kiara

>> No.29697969
Quoted by: >>29698022

>Yo! It's your boy Mori from hololive english!
Well there you have it, she's Mori

>> No.29697970
Quoted by: >>29698022

>your boy Mori
Calli is not here today

>> No.29697971

polka gura

>> No.29697972
File: 43 KB, 377x351, 1584932243262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its yo boy

Starting out good already cringing

>> No.29697973
File: 646 KB, 1240x1754, 1589563272998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29698193

This sucks, but it also feels kinda good to be amongst the strongest deadbeats.

>> No.29697974

Straya Internet, please andastd

>> No.29697976
Quoted by: >>29698036

You guys weren't bullshitting the you said Kiara's mic really is scuffed.. lol

>> No.29697977

Please... get someone to adjust your mics...

>> No.29697980
Quoted by: >>29698061

Predictions for Gura's moral choices in her 3rd Soma stream (HUGE SPOILERS)
She'll leave Simon's old body alive. "Well, he'll probably do fine."
She won't realize that the WAU choice is a choice.
She'll talk to the dying lady in Tau only once, grab the ARK, and run out without attempting to understand why she wants to die.

>> No.29697981

Haachama, your sound balance reps please

>> No.29697982

In case nobody has mentioned this, she's in Australia

>> No.29697985
File: 169 KB, 1445x1020, EnihbkyXcAEbK8Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels good to hear her voice again...

>> No.29697987

Welcome to being in a Japanese company.

>> No.29697988

holy shit this audio

>> No.29697992

Yeah I get you dog

>> No.29697989
Quoted by: >>29698030

>Moris and Kiara's mics are constantly peeking

>> No.29697991

Okay, the voice synergy is good. I'm liking it so far

>> No.29697993
File: 141 KB, 440x660, 20168385956b7446a0b763d88132488b6a21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Red Bull

This team is officially called "Jägerbomb". You cannot convince me otherwise.

>> No.29697995

How to mute Kiara?

>> No.29697997

Kiara chief of sound design

>> No.29697998

Aight, Cringe is back on the menu

>> No.29698001
File: 874 KB, 600x490, 1605668039176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone feel like Haachama is just gonna be a third wheel? Takamori is already in dire need of more one-on-one screentime, and adding Haachama is gonna distract both of them.

>> No.29698002

Chammers is loving the Kusotori nickname huh

>> No.29698003

Does the stream look oddly LQ to anyone else?

>> No.29698005


>> No.29698007

>Open the stream
>It's Mori instead of Calli
>Close the stream

>> No.29698008

why is the latency from australia so much worse to japanese than to the us?

>> No.29698009

She lives below Mori's underworld.

>> No.29698012
File: 8 KB, 228x221, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698013


>> No.29698014


>> No.29698018

What a disaster, I love it!

>> No.29698020

This stream seems like it'll be Mori and Kiara talking over Haachama the entire time

>> No.29698019


>> No.29698022

Hey. Wouldn't it be funny.. It'd be funny if she knew about our narrative and she introduces herself either as Mori or Calli every stream to show off which persona she's doing that stream? Yeah, she's totally here right... haha....

>> No.29698023


>> No.29698025

>green like the color money

>> No.29698024

>the color of money

>> No.29698026

>I'm green the color of money

>> No.29698028

>the color of money
Yup, sure is Mori

>> No.29698027

>The color of money

>> No.29698029


>> No.29698031

>The color of money
lmao schizos inbound

>> No.29698030
Quoted by: >>29698123

Reminder that Mori is an experienced recording artist.

>> No.29698032


>> No.29698034

>the color of money

>> No.29698035

The Hololive TTRPG studio stream was after. She did not want to overlap with the company stream.

>> No.29698036

all of them are scuffed...

>> No.29698037
Quoted by: >>29698079

What's up with Kiara's mic

>> No.29698038

>I'm green, the color of money

>> No.29698039

>im a jew

>> No.29698040


>> No.29698042

>Kiara addressing the salmonella

>> No.29698043
File: 226 KB, 390x398, 1605234865768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone's mics are fucked
>Kiara is gonna blow out everyones ears when she yells

>> No.29698045
File: 193 KB, 1280x1150, Mahou_Shoujo_Tokushusen_Asuka_07_BD_1280x720_x264_AAC_000419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Overcooked again...

>> No.29698048

>the color of money
deadbrapps..... our boy is betraying us.....

>> No.29698049

Kiara don't roast children this early into the stream

>> No.29698051
Quoted by: >>29698115

>Kiara and Mori both constantly peaking
My ears...

>> No.29698050

Wow Kiara thats so mean..

>> No.29698054

>Kiara insulting Hachama in English and she can't understand
Kiara...why do you keep dissing your senpais!?

>> No.29698056

That was funny

>> No.29698057
File: 7 KB, 300x300, 1464310385757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What color are you, Mori
Every fucking time

>> No.29698058
File: 316 KB, 800x450, 1604898278879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698059
File: 64 KB, 135x198, 1601501233278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698060

>green like the color money
Jesus fucking christ

>> No.29698061

ame, your time travel reps...

>> No.29698063

>My color is green color of the money!

>> No.29698064

I fucking respect Haachama for trying so hard to interact with the EN girls despite her english

>> No.29698065

oy vey

>> No.29698067
File: 1.02 MB, 500x230, 1604275750264.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Green, the color of money

>> No.29698068

You literally can't see 1/4th of the screen

>> No.29698069

Hey, stop roasting Haachama, you fuck bird

>> No.29698070

15k for a collab...

>> No.29698071
File: 194 KB, 2309x1088, Ei5h3GiXYAEuaIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bravo Kiara bravo

>> No.29698073

That it may have, but it was objectively shitting up the threads for a payoff that wasn't really worth it imo. Kiara antis come and go, why wouldn't Mori antis?
Purgeanon made me laugh though, I will give him that.

vyt archives delta. You should be able to find her.

>> No.29698074

Kek Mori is defo an english teacher

>> No.29698077

I'm going to say it
Haachama is not a good collab partner

>> No.29698079

Australian internet please understand

>> No.29698080

>Open stream
>Chimkin concernfagging
>close stream

>> No.29698082

Damn, Mori has engaged full English teacher mode

>> No.29698084

Calliope "I'm green the colour of money" Mori.

>> No.29698087

>kiara playing as a rrat
what does it mean?

>> No.29698089

>first time watching haachama
>fucking cringe-y luna-esque infantile voice, constant autistic noises.
yep. consider me filtered. fuck this bitch.

>> No.29698090

I like how Mori is speaking a little more slowly. Very nice of her.

>> No.29698093

>green like the color money
Mori fucking c'mon.

>> No.29698094
Quoted by: >>29698161

Here's your boy

the Ace of Avarice,
the Buster of Banks,
the Chairman of Cash,
the Destroyer of Deposits,
the Emptier of Envelopes,
the Fiscal Fiend,
the Gold Grubber,
the Hellish Hustler,
the Infallible Income,
the Justicar of Jewry,
the King of Kane,
the Launderer of Lives,
the Mors Mortgage,
the Nigger of Nippon,
the Overlord of Overpayment,
the Princess of Paypigs,
the Queen of Quebec,
the Reaper of Rewards,
the Superchat Supermagnet,
the Towering Titan of Tithe,
the Ultimate Usurper of Usury,
the Victorious Viper of Verses,
the Weeb Wonder of Wageslavery,
the X-treme Master of Aged Slang,
the Yeller of the N-Words,
the Zealot of Zeroes on her bank account


>> No.29698095

>Welcome to Overcooked 2!
Ok Mori just ruined the collab

>> No.29698097

Mori “More Money” Calliope

>> No.29698098


>> No.29698100


>> No.29698102

>the color of money

>> No.29698105

Jesas Kiara calm down my ears can't handle it

>> No.29698106

>green like the color money

Fucking serious, Mori?

>> No.29698107

Why is Haachama so small?

>> No.29698109

Kiara and Mori both have super expensive audio equipment, right? Why are their voices always so bad?

>> No.29698110

Is this a collab or a fucking intervention?

>> No.29698112
Quoted by: >>29698153

It's late as fuck. I heavily considered just watching the archive.

>> No.29698113

>my brain is not working

>> No.29698114

Here I thought the first Ame x Haachama collab was awkward

>> No.29698115

It's Discord audio, not their mics. They maybe should have Mori stream to Haachama's channel to since she's got better internet.

>> No.29698117
Quoted by: >>29698147

So Mori is in control not Calliope what a shame

>> No.29698118

more like undercucked

>> No.29698120
Quoted by: >>29698183

>open stream
>chicken's voice is peaking
>eardrums explode

>> No.29698121

I'm going to say it
>>29698077 Fuck you

>> No.29698122

My advice is to watch more Haachama

>> No.29698123


>> No.29698124

thought it had to do with her laptop

t. aussie streamer who only streams 720p because of pc, not internet

>> No.29698125
Quoted by: >>29698217

it's relavent again

>> No.29698126

Kiara's mic is fucking killing me

>> No.29698128

>Women in charge of technology

>> No.29698129

>Kiara is a rrat

>> No.29698134

>Open stream
>It's FUCKING Overcooked /Ramsay
>Don't close stream because I don't want Haachama to feel sad

>> No.29698135

Wrong. Her Ame collab was great.

>> No.29698136

I'm so used to HoloENs being late that I missed a few minutes.

>> No.29698138

KEK that description

>> No.29698139

>Hey Hachama this game is called Overcooked
>Which is the opposite of how you cook your disgusting food
>Cause you undercook it!

>> No.29698143


>> No.29698141
Quoted by: >>29698174

>green like the color money

>> No.29698142

Oh really is listed as foodstuffs

>> No.29698144
Quoted by: >>29698155

Those are some big girls

>> No.29698145

>haachama constantly talking over mori
>a bunch of fucking voices at once
>kiara stops talking because she realizes its pandemonium

yeah. fuck this. cringe fucking social interaction with this retarded asian Japanese bitch that cant even do basic pragmatic turn taking, a skill you should've learned in preschool.

>> No.29698146
Quoted by: >>29698180

>can't post money
b-big ups...

>> No.29698147

What a blessing

>> No.29698150

What the fuck is this collab?
Where is the quality? Where is the competence? Where are the pros? Where is my Mori milk

>> No.29698151

She works better solo, yes, but she's still bundle of cuteness during collabs

>> No.29698153

Ditto on that. Most EN times are centered around fitting both NA and JP viewers, but this stream is literally at 3AM for New Yorkers lol

>> No.29698154

>stream is totally scuffed
I wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.29698155


>> No.29698156

>Takanashi Kiara

>> No.29698161

I kneel

>> No.29698162
Quoted by: >>29698189

why are their models so big

>> No.29698164
Quoted by: >>29698202

>Mori can be greedy and talk about money
>Calli cries when you donate and tells you to stop

>> No.29698166
Quoted by: >>29698207

Is hachama really that short

>> No.29698167

ngl anon, it feels her humour is just not for you, there is a reason people enjoy different vtubers.

>> No.29698168

>Your oshi
>Suggestions on how to kill the thread

>> No.29698170

They sound great in their own streams. In collabs I suspect it's because of the discord bitrate, it's 64kbps by default

>> No.29698171

Holy shit Mori's gone full English teacher mode, this is hilarious

>> No.29698172

Mori is totally in teacher mode

>> No.29698174


>> No.29698176

it probably does, aus internet is just a meme.
t. Aussie on fttp

>> No.29698179


>> No.29698180
File: 383 KB, 1000x1108, 1606276757970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698182

It's for establishing a good working relationship with Haato.

>> No.29698183

at least you didn't close it thats good

>> No.29698184

>In a Haachama/Kiara/Mori collab

>> No.29698185

What the fuck is with Mori's mic?

>> No.29698189

It's size accurate.

>> No.29698191

This contrast in styles is so fucking wierd. Haachama is acting a silly character in a japanese kid style and Kiara is trying to act like a straight man while Mori is trying to ease it up. It's a weirder in play than on paper

>> No.29698192

They're talking via Discord, and their voices are additionally filtered through Haato's shitty Australian internet.

>> No.29698193
Quoted by: >>29698287

Deadbeats now have a reputation for being the most stubborn fuckers on /hlgg/, but i feel some of that's because the creepy-ass doxxbeats never dug up anything considered incriminating like humanityfag did.

>> No.29698197

>Mori in full teacher mode talking

>> No.29698198

All that time in JET is really showing huh

>> No.29698199


>> No.29698200


>> No.29698202

Mori is a rapper after all.

>> No.29698204

Most people are probably watching the CoC collab.

>> No.29698207

She's onahole-sized.

>> No.29698206

>haachama getting ambitious thinking she can handle 2 of the loudest EN's after collabing with just ame
will her hubris be her downfall?

>> No.29698209
Quoted by: >>29698271


>> No.29698210

>t. aussie streamer who only streams 720p because of pc, not internet

>> No.29698211

Good luck with that autism anon. I'm rooting for you.

>> No.29698213

WAIT THEY ARENT EVEN PLAYING THE DLC? And they're back at the start?
What the fuck

>> No.29698215

So we can agree that Haachama is just pretending to have shit eigo, right?

>> No.29698216
Quoted by: >>29698263

Damn, Haachama seems really happy.

>> No.29698217

I hope she gets in as EN2 and I get to anti her.

>> No.29698218

Do you think EN will ever get anyone as blatantly shameless in being an emotional whore as Rushia?

>> No.29698221


>> No.29698220

Calliope Nori on this goddamn mic

>> No.29698222

Is it me or does everyone audio sounds like shit?

>> No.29698225


>> No.29698226
Quoted by: >>29698374

>HoloEN Collab with Kiara
>Speaking English
This is wrong guys...

>> No.29698228

First Haachama stream?

>> No.29698229


>> No.29698230
Quoted by: >>29698340

Mori is Nervious as fuck, wtf she has a collab with Korone in few days

>> No.29698231
Quoted by: >>29698278

Have you ever watched JP collabs? It's pure chaos just like that. Not Haachamas fault that Calli can't assert herself

>> No.29698232

and what a glorious purge it was

>> No.29698233
Quoted by: >>29698281

She only has a $5k Manley, give her a fucking break man.

>> No.29698234
Quoted by: >>29698258

Imagine if Mori thanks an akasupa despite it being Haato's channel.

>> No.29698235


>> No.29698237
Quoted by: >>29698288

Hachama thinks mori is the funniest thing ever

>> No.29698238

Haachama shines in her side and solo content. She's just okay in collab, especially non-JP ones.

>> No.29698239

Kiara and Haachama haven't played the game much, it'd be a bit mean to throw them in at the deep end.

>> No.29698240

hachaama your dwarfism...

>> No.29698244

>Calliope Nori!

>> No.29698245

Someone fucking save Haachama from this shit collab

>> No.29698246

she left it at my place she's using phone headphones for the stream

>> No.29698248

wtf, I thought guro was not allowed here

>> No.29698250

If this is how Mori is going to act with senpais I'm actually excited for the Korone collab, it's really cute.

>> No.29698252

I really like the Mori/Haachama teacher/student relationship

>> No.29698254

Why aren't Kiara and Mori addressing -senpai to Hachama?

>> No.29698256


>> No.29698258

that would fucking show she knows what she is doing

>> No.29698261
Quoted by: >>29698367

Why...I´m not surprised Haachama is able to keep up with Mori and Kiara autism,
Maybe the trinity was the true JP rejects and Haachama with Coco ere the true HoloEN Gen1.

>> No.29698262

it does

>> No.29698263

Her English is acknowledged

>> No.29698264

Manager-san please, I know you're watching.
Tell them to fix the audio levels and maybe upgrade to higher discord levels later.

>> No.29698265

>Kiara and Mori just bullying Hachama
This is kinda funny

>> No.29698266
Quoted by: >>29698327

excuse me wtf did sharkmeido convert to deadmeido?

>> No.29698267


>> No.29698268


>> No.29698269

Haachama is the one hosting the collab so it's her game, not Mori's completed game.

>> No.29698270

Oh, fuck off you nigger. Haachama is happy, finally.

>> No.29698271
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>> No.29698272

Haachama's not played, and Kiara did play but was totally out of her depth and barely did anything the first time.

>> No.29698273

Mori your fucking mic dumb bitch!

>> No.29698274

It's so nice of Kiara and Calli to play a game with this low functioning autistic child.

>> No.29698275


>> No.29698277

Haato's giggles are so heartwarming.

>> No.29698278

>mori was talking first and haachama fucking interrupted her
go back

>> No.29698279

This was her i

>> No.29698280
Quoted by: >>29698313

Nori is the sensei
Mori is the tomboy
Calli is the GFE

>> No.29698281
Quoted by: >>29698355

>when Kiara tried to flex about her "$400 mic" in the last collab with Calli

>> No.29698282

Is it her mic or discord?

>> No.29698284

Any one feeling like Haachama is getting bullied by Kiara? Kinda feel bad for her.

>> No.29698285
Quoted by: >>29698342

DeadMeido, better then a SharkMeido

>> No.29698287

Well, dox on the scale of humanityfag's is quite out of the norm, dox being mostly nothingburger is a lot more common if you look at all the holos. Expecting such spicy narratives every time is asking too much from the gods of rrat.

>> No.29698288

I think she might also be nervous/intimidated because of Mori's deep voice to be quite honest

>> No.29698290

Kek, Haachama looks like their adopted daughter from South Africa. Even has the accent down, too.

>> No.29698292

This is like someone's parent wanting someone to babysit their daughter but said person is also with a friend so both of them are responsible for watching her

>> No.29698293

i don't know much about mori's setup. kiara has a dynamic mic (one without a very flat response) plugged in through a preamp straight into her interface with no EQ or compression, so the dynamic range is too wide and she's constantly peaking somewhere in the chain, and the EQ is a little weird. she sounded a bit cleaner in the talk show and i'm not sure if i was imagining it or if she changed something and then didn't do it again.

>> No.29698294

You can hear Kiara and Mori cutting out, likely because of Aussie internet.

>> No.29698299

-chama is the honorific

>> No.29698297

they did at the start but after hearing her talk for 5 second they realized how dumb that was

>> No.29698298


>> No.29698300

Haachama is cuter than usual today...

>> No.29698303


One of the reasons Haato switched to using 'Haachama' was so that people wouldn't add the -senpai suffix to it.

>> No.29698305


>> No.29698304

she does not like it

>> No.29698306

Aussie internet is manage by their chink overlords.
Chinks hate Haachama.
It's elementary, really.

>> No.29698307

wtf Kiara

>> No.29698308

What the FUCK is wrong with Mori's mic?

>> No.29698309

Please take her.

>> No.29698310


>> No.29698311

Kiara >.>

>> No.29698312

This is like if someone forced the gaijin to babysit their retarded child.

>> No.29698313

Ya boi forming her own trinity

>> No.29698314


>> No.29698315

>Kiara firing Hachama

>> No.29698316

They did at first, the the game became too frantic to care.

Also, Mori is actually taking charge of this collab.

>> No.29698317


>> No.29698318

Meh this is just gonna be the same as the Amechama 51 collab. Cute retards making cute noises. Nothing offensive.

>> No.29698321

Constant Haachama bullying

>> No.29698322

What am I missing from only seeing 3/4 of the screen?

>> No.29698324

How could kiara fire her in stream

>> No.29698325

That's on discord, not her mic.

>> No.29698323


>> No.29698326

>2 of holoEN's biggest names and a 800k sub vtuber
>less viewers than ames mario odyssey stream and inas Minecraft stream

>> No.29698327
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>> No.29698328

Kiara WHY?

>> No.29698329


>> No.29698331

it's haachama's audio settings

>> No.29698334
Quoted by: >>29698363


>> No.29698336

kiara you fucking whore give haachama another chance

>> No.29698338

chama is the honorific

>> No.29698337


>> No.29698339


>> No.29698340

Well Korone's not a total stranger, they're spoken extensively already.

>> No.29698341
Quoted by: >>29698371

why is Kiara so mean to her kek

>> No.29698342

Nice try ESL faggot.

>> No.29698346

Kiara is weirdly antagonistic to Haachama.

>> No.29698348

Based meido

>> No.29698347

It's her mic. It got fucked up before the karaoke and she doesn't know what's wrong.

>> No.29698350

that's better

>> No.29698353

Kiara trash.

>> No.29698354

It's more fun than bitchin kitchen at least

>> No.29698355

I think her problem is Mori can't her how she sounds on her mic.

>> No.29698356


>> No.29698358

>fires her senpai after one day

>> No.29698360

kfp salary going to the lawsuits

>> No.29698357

That's some stacie shit right there

>> No.29698361

Mori being kind to Haachama is really cute.

>> No.29698363
File: 332 KB, 1000x1107, 1606277111779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698364

Haachama spent a very long time to break the senpai wall. She invented the chama by faking to be her sister then spreading it

>> No.29698367

>an extreme autist
>an extreme extrovert
>an extremely autistic extrovert
It all works out some how.

>> No.29698368

Kiara is a bitch?

>> No.29698369

pain chama chama...

>> No.29698370

i love you, gura!

>> No.29698371

I believe it's called 'banter'

>> No.29698374

>discord audio through Australian internet
the audio quality was doomed from the start

you're right they should be speaking German as God intended
