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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 201 KB, 1191x1684, EmTUmohVkAACVN9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28887461 No.28887461 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.28887466

T u T

>> No.28887467
File: 262 KB, 995x969, 61e0c743fd614d422010e06251f308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this chicken!

>> No.28887471
File: 36 KB, 327x147, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here to restore some of your stamina.

>> No.28887474
File: 511 KB, 938x931, EmTUxTyVcAAJrVY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28887476

Why are Kiara's top 3 artists female isn't that kinda weird? It's also weird how they are like some kind of clique

>> No.28887475
File: 2.87 MB, 852x480, don't say it[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Firznu0.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889800

Hololive Sven Co-op when?

>> No.28887480
File: 255 KB, 503x559, 1602630198531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People kind of notice that Moona has been kind of clingy to Pekora in Minecraft, even going so far to sleep in the same bed as her
>Chalk it up to Moona's usual tism
>Suddenly Moona starts streaming a zatsudan/different game while Pekora's streaming Minecraft
>But Moona's playing minecraft with Peko right now, right?

>> No.28887482
File: 226 KB, 1356x1911, 1604735210674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28887483
File: 34 KB, 999x210, 1603232993630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887799

>> No.28887484

Gura is cute and funny

>> No.28887488
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>> No.28887490
File: 58 KB, 775x869, 1601563178663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did that really happen? Damn now I want to see it too.

>> No.28887493
File: 377 KB, 611x814, F2483CE6-2907-4285-9956-C59A7EEFE650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this chickenposter!

>> No.28887495

I love Ame.
I love Gura.
I also like the others.
That's all.

>> No.28887496
File: 267 KB, 1365x2190, 1601307083506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's My Boy!

>> No.28887498


>> No.28887500
File: 221 KB, 1268x712, lieyh26hqzv51[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will we get a chicken-eating ASMR offcollab with Hachaama once Kiara moves back to Australia?

>> No.28887503
Quoted by: >>28887653

Holy fuck is that why she killed Kanata in among us after everybody agreed not to kill her? I think her jealousy is actually real.

>> No.28887505
File: 2.25 MB, 2633x2251, 20201021_033259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here chickenbro

>> No.28887504

New 3d skit

>> No.28887507

The issue with Mori isn't that she took a week off, anon. It's that she's spent several weeks with almost every stream consisting of being too tired to function and asking about controls for an hour before fucking off.

Mori's content used to be great. Right now it isn't.
Ina's content is consistently great. Everyone would like if both streamed more but the quality is the issue here, not the quantity.

>> No.28887509

reminder that every complaint about how Mori doesn't stream applies to Ina just as much, if not more, but /hlgg/ doesn't want to talk about that because it'd break the narrative

>> No.28887511
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, 1604706647279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holos are only required to do three one hour streams a week. unsure why you gang up on them when you dislike their schedule as they're already doing far more than they need to.

>> No.28887513
File: 378 KB, 1448x2048, EmTaytiW8AA2blY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C H I C K E N !

>> No.28887515
File: 26 KB, 640x360, istockphoto-1006588196-640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COVER is making a Hololive fighting game! All Hololive girls will be included, but we need ideas for super attacks.
Give me your ideas for supers.

>> No.28887516
Quoted by: >>28887711

>Unrequited lesbians desperate for approval like the unrequited lesbian who is desperate for approval.

>> No.28887517
File: 451 KB, 2048x2048, 1603164425332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28887520
File: 3.34 MB, 1390x1682, illust_85535909_20201108_191508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calliope Mori

>> No.28887521
Quoted by: >>28888751

>Literally every complaint about Mori not streaming applies equally to Ina but nobody wants to acknowledge that.
How so?

>> No.28887522
Quoted by: >>28887608

>Calli and not Ina or Kiara in the collab
What a wasted space.

>> No.28887524

Unlike Kiara, Marine can actually play a role.
Sexuality of the holoENS:
Ame: Straight
Gura: Straight
Mori: Straight as an arrow
Ina: Bisexual, heavily favoring women
Kiara: Bisexual, heavily favoring women.

Is this correct?

>> No.28887525
Quoted by: >>28887711

She appeals strongly to lesbians

>> No.28887529

Here you go, anon.
I know the translator comes around to these threads too. I've been enjoying the work they've been putting in.

>> No.28887530
File: 126 KB, 1000x1000, 1603576688977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is wonderful...

>> No.28887536
File: 1007 KB, 786x1062, 1604858322217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, anon. Nothing to see here...

>> No.28887538
File: 43 KB, 640x640, GRIZZLY ART.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887583


>> No.28887539

This. The quality of her content is noticeably lower. Being tired and unprepared for solo and collab streams.

>> No.28887545

There's one girl who plays CK2 and other padadox games on youtube. I can't recall her name tho. "Dumb bitch" or something.

>> No.28887547
File: 300 KB, 2048x1996, 1599665823605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People complain about Ina not streaming all the time, Gura too. Really Ame and Kiara mog everyone else with their frequency/length

>> No.28887548
File: 27 KB, 429x421, EdPTJCKXsAAl9nw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need another EN gen to make the Minecraft EN server interesting, for now only five people will not be cool

>> No.28887549

jesus christ, thank god for me being an EOP, that's the only way I could have gotten out

>> No.28887550
Quoted by: >>28887711

Lesbians eat the takamori

>> No.28887551

According to my mom Ame's at least bisexual

>> No.28887554

Not really given how she streams longer than Mori

>> No.28887556
File: 14 KB, 796x354, only30dollars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch every Gura stream, try to catch every Ame and Ina stream, and I also like Takamori.
That's all.

>> No.28887558
File: 1.83 MB, 1920x1080, 1604708582320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for EN to do one

>> No.28887560
File: 179 KB, 300x300, gurachan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is a balanced bi.

>> No.28887563
File: 213 KB, 406x430, 1592416801441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is a naughty little slut.

>> No.28887568

you know i kinda sorta want to see that

>> No.28887570
File: 2.13 MB, 1912x2700, EiwWWPcVoAAm1XD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28887571

not gonna lie that's cute

>> No.28887573

Who do you think in holoen is actually a lesbian and who is just playing it up

>> No.28887574
Quoted by: >>28887745

I miss minecraft streams

>> No.28887579

Kiara crushes with her massive ass

>> No.28887580

This. She's constantly unprepared for streams, collab or otherwise. It's really unprofessional

>> No.28887581
File: 155 KB, 380x380, 1604852574992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /x/ here? Go back to your asylum.

>> No.28887583
File: 848 KB, 1473x1260, 1604480217161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you frustrated

>> No.28887586
File: 481 KB, 1214x1088, 1585271418962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28887585

Ina has a professional job she has to do and besides she pretty much said that hololive will never be her priority it's just a fun side gig she can do due to her success

>> No.28887591
File: 487 KB, 833x966, 85169064_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here chicken bros same here.

>> No.28887594
File: 316 KB, 724x724, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F721vb9.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887646

I love Gura so much

>> No.28887598

Fighting games were better before supers existed. Change my mind.

>> No.28887601


>> No.28887602

bubba is the luckiest man alive

>> No.28887604

Mori in casual clothes looks like a Fate character

>> No.28887607

Polka reveals the size of her (rubber) cock, destroying her opponents instantly

>> No.28887609

Now I wanna see this happen. It would be the scariest thing ever, but also the best.

>> No.28887608

They needed someone bilingual to mediate since most of the participants can't communicate across the language barrier.

>> No.28887610
Quoted by: >>28887644

>Gura too
The main complaint with Gura was back during the debut days where she still didn't schedule while everyone else did. It was fun though.

>> No.28887611

no ame has had one gf and one bf
gura (her) has had online girl friends
mori is a fucking asexual sperg
ina has had both as well
kiara is euro so even lesbian means bi to her

>> No.28887612

There's a translated clip of that anon

>> No.28887613
Quoted by: >>28889906

Gura sits on your lap and moves back and forth

>> No.28887620
Quoted by: >>28887643

Ina is straight

>> No.28887621

She knows exactly what she's doing

>> No.28887627

What does it mean if I love yet also incredibly hate these for reasons I can't explain?

>> No.28887629
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, EmR5q-hUYAIo3ao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28887637
File: 63 KB, 754x721, 1604415304097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, have Mori played the first Yakuza games? Why is she starting with the 7th?

>> No.28887638

But most Mori's streams were good, that rat game stream was fun, song release stream was good, and phasmophobia and that neighbor collabs were good for her, overcooked was only bad one, but I know most of you are just falseglaggers who don't really watch so whatever

>> No.28887640

Everyone loves the moon...

>> No.28887643
Quoted by: >>28887702

Anon, I...

>> No.28887644

>she still didn't schedule while everyone else did.
bro you are thinking about chicken she used to never schedule

>> No.28887646

cute soundpost, anon

>> No.28887647

This is true

>> No.28887648

Mori sure does like a lot of Cdawg tweets...

>> No.28887649

Probably sponsored

>> No.28887650
File: 669 KB, 3693x4096, gurame17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up.
I love Amelia and Gura.
That is all.

>> No.28887651

Anyone refreshing youtube homepage until they get live karaoke?
I already got VOD of obscure indie but it's day old

>> No.28887653

I actually love this

>> No.28887655
File: 1.01 MB, 4096x4096, 1604431405709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28887657

Ah, you're right. Sorry, I'm a little off my game

>> No.28887659

I heard chinks are trying to start some shit with Gura because one of the artists she retweeted was from Taiwan. You guys better get ready for another suspension...

>> No.28887661
File: 764 KB, 1000x1000, 1602905821690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a large FPS shooter that can hold at least 50 people? I wanna see Botan solo the rest of Hololive. Only thing that comes to mind now is Planetside 2.

>> No.28887662
File: 25 KB, 416x430, 1601144756034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*pulls out a knife*

>> No.28887663

We traced the ip. It's coming from the same location as you, Pekora.

>> No.28887664
File: 301 KB, 860x1200, GIGAKIARA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like marine played with fire and got burnt hard.

>> No.28887665
Quoted by: >>28888257

All Yakuza games are self-contained for the most part and require little knowledge of the previous entries, 'Like a Dragon' especially so because the devs wanted to try something new.

>> No.28887668

Ame is not straight at all, and that's considering dox, liking ass and thights, hot cosplayers and pictures of girls kissing, she's bi, like every woman since their sexuality works differently

>> No.28887670

SEGA is a bitch with permissions except for what they offer to sponsor

>> No.28887671
File: 774 KB, 720x720, 1604429165210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara? Hey Moona, who was that again?

>> No.28887673
Quoted by: >>28887803

Ame overclocks her stop watch and freezes time, Gura summons a typhoon, Mori drags her enemy down to hell, Kiara transforms into a phoenix, and Ina makes a portal to another dimension like in A Color Out of Space.

>> No.28887675

Its just SEGA using Holos to shill their games. Yakuza 7 comes out on Tuesday in the west.

>> No.28887678
File: 612 KB, 2048x1567, necro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887874

I found the perfect cookbook for ina.

>> No.28887676


>> No.28887683

That's really cute , thanks anon

>> No.28887686
File: 138 KB, 337x419, society detective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887724

What's happening tonight?

>> No.28887691

for some reason people hardly complained about kiara's lack of schedules. i guess because people didnt want to watch her and she scheduled videos on youtube hours in advance, at least. youre right though

>> No.28887692
Quoted by: >>28887801

Shit bait, most of her streams were good this week

>> No.28887693

It's just coming out in the west I wonder if she will play dub or sub...

>> No.28887695


>> No.28887702

she's as straight as her chest

>> No.28887704

Fortnite has custom servers but that game stopped being fun when Chapter 2 started. I wonder if they could work out a deal with Respawn to make a custom tournament.

>> No.28887706

I don't want my oshi to become like Ayame

>> No.28887708

Considering that Cover did nothing else to Coco/Haachama and instead nuked CN, I'm pretty sure their policy going forward is not to punish the girls since the China bridge is already burned.

>> No.28887711

Lesbians and trannies, Chicken is a gay magnet.

>> No.28887712

Likewise, anon

>> No.28887713
Quoted by: >>28887797

>since their sexuality works differently
nah most dudes like sexy men but are just too insecure to express it

>> No.28887714
File: 64 KB, 210x180, 1603152371950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at work, what is Kiara so embarrassed about on twitter?

>> No.28887715


>> No.28887716

>I wish I could be Pekora-senpai and myself at the same time!
Ok now I'm legit scared

>> No.28887718
File: 254 KB, 456x488, 1602516003757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28887719

It applies to many other Holos (a notable one being Ayame), it's just that Ame is really frequent and Kiara streams for very long

>> No.28887721
File: 76 KB, 262x272, poochie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"One, Ame needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine. Two, whenever Amee's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Ame"?"
The constant mention of Ame in every other EN stream made me remember this stupid shit for some reason, and I was honestly surprised how the only thing I had to change was the name, it fits perfectly.

>> No.28887724
Quoted by: >>28887785

Absolutely nothing.

>> No.28887725

Do we even have any conclusive argument win in here anymore?
Only one I ever saw was over whether Gura enjoyed amnesia

>> No.28887729

I want to see an ocean of vtubers cause a resonance cascade

>> No.28887732

Minecraft with mods
I think Verdun had big matches?

>> No.28887734
File: 639 KB, 850x865, tako9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887764

:3 Remember to hydrate like Ina! We can't be takodachi if you're dead! :3 :3
capturing the alien brings the Great Hydration one step closer

>> No.28887735

Chinks won't do shit

>> No.28887736
File: 1.58 MB, 2048x2048, 1604699538091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887846

Who are the good girls of Hololive?

>> No.28887738

Post Scriptum

>> No.28887741


>> No.28887743
Quoted by: >>28887786

Things got pretty kinky during the superchat reading. Licking her lips, whispering, slapping.

>> No.28887745
Quoted by: >>28889903

Me too. I have no desire to play Minecraft, but it's really cozy seeing a couple friends go on an adventure or work on a project together while chatting about random things.

>> No.28887748
Quoted by: >>28888314


>> No.28887750

The bugman fears the Apex Predator.

>> No.28887751
File: 79 KB, 720x651, 20201108_132422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they mean by this?

>> No.28887756

>meme Kiara as a gigastacey
>she's actually just sad/lonely and has somehow formed a reverse parasocial relationship with her chat

>> No.28887758
File: 57 KB, 227x222, 1604851959992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887900

Moona.... give me your FACE MOONA

>> No.28887763
File: 221 KB, 1261x1261, EmPJzT3VgAgaRQa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaagh I'm spent from that art stream and there's still the fabled MC stream tomorrow. Christmas came early.

>> No.28887764
File: 175 KB, 1071x802, 1604770182952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28890012


>> No.28887768

As a gigastacy does of course

>> No.28887772

chinks will lose this hard if it goes down
gura is the most powerful cult owner in hololive
and she knows it

>> No.28887774
Quoted by: >>28887825

I'm honestly impressed with their ability to turn everything into racism. It's a talent.

>> No.28887775


>> No.28887776

most women pin themselves like bi but won't touch a pussy without being stumbling drunk

>> No.28887777
Quoted by: >>28887828

someone tell him to take his meds

>> No.28887780

Chinks can't do shit with western fans.

>> No.28887783


>> No.28887782

Did you screenshot your own tweet or something

>> No.28887785
Quoted by: >>28887980

what is war good for?

>> No.28887786

Its all fake. If she were actually embarrassed she'd unlist the vod.

>> No.28887788

That's the funny part right? She basically out-sped Amelia to the bottom.

>> No.28887789

It means that he's clinically insane

>> No.28887792

What happened to that super chat reading stream that Mori said she would so this weekend?

>> No.28887797

I can appreciate hot men, but I wouldn't fuck one

>> No.28887798

Honestly I just want her to be consistently on her A game, because frankly, other than the people who are just desperate for them to finish the game because they don't like it, nobody was that happy with Mori's contribution to streams like the last overcooked. if she's barely clinging to conciousness then I'd rather she didn't stream. (mad rat was actually okay though) she's decided she has time for all the things she commits to and she's technically correct, but it's clearly affecting the quality of her work (and likely not just the streaming) and that's the problem.

>> No.28887799

Based JP bro

>> No.28887800

>outight ruined 2(TWO) collabs
>acts creepy as fuck towards Pekora
>unironically wants to murder Moona
>probably molested Mori while at the spa, that's why Mori's been so cold towards her lately
>acts like a whore on stream despite being an idol
>constantly swears despite being an idol
This is embarrassing and shameful behavior. Kiara should of be graduated.
Do not support her, she's an evil whore.

>> No.28887801
Quoted by: >>28887897

Two out of three is not a very high bar.

>> No.28887803
Quoted by: >>28887833

>Mori buries the opponent under a mountain of akasupas*

>> No.28887807
File: 1.14 MB, 2814x1945, medsforanti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks have been in these threads since inception so nothing will change.

>> No.28887808

That's alot of risk. Its like getting SSR at 1 percent rate trying to get UR at .1 percent rate while risking getting worse at 98.9 percent rate.

>> No.28887811

He isn't wrong

>> No.28887812

They mean you better watch what you say because the reeducation camps are going to be up and running soon

>> No.28887814
File: 1.28 MB, 1896x2687, ba7a539dfa5c052edfa3d8eb59a7c6e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888168

Yeah, I'm racist. What about it?

>> No.28887818

Iofi ans risu as well as could have been kiara... I just am not ready for the awkward air that will inevitably be

>> No.28887822

>If she were actually embarrassed she'd unlist the vod.
not everyone is a coward man

>> No.28887825

Is this ESL?

>> No.28887828

nice digits, doc

>> No.28887830

I mean a lot of people who watch Vtubers say they like them because they're actually "real" and "personal" in comparison to actual human beings who aren't being sold as products.

>> No.28887832
File: 1.24 MB, 1200x1800, Descent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spendin' most of my day chillin' out in this cesspool
Voices in my head say "you should give it a rest, fool"
I ignore my better angels, The demon's more fun anyway
Now let's take a carefree look-see, at what these madlads like to say!
"Your girl is totally trash and buddy so are you"
Laughin' at anybody who could think that was true
There's others better suited to listing her every virtue
So to keep it brief, such relief, I'mma just list the first two
An awe-inspiring hard worker having fun with what she do
A sweet and lovely cute lurker, total darling through and through
If an idol is my idol would that make it idol squared?
A pink-haired humanoid typhoon makes me swoon when I ain't scared
Of all the chaos she's bringing, ringing true as the wild card
Can't tell whether she's a villain or a hero? It ain't hard
You say you don't feel her appeal your brain's gotta be impaired

I'm sure they make meds for that not that anyone here takes them
Rats running in their caged wheels spittin' hate 'till it breaks them
If one ruined apple spoils the lot
Then I'm rotten to the core, for sure
long since forgot
What being a real person is
'cause I'm not sure I ever was
Surrounded by fakers but feel like a fake
Like the masked men around me are gonna take
Mine off to reveal there's nothing behind it
Ghost story ain't real, just an empty outfit
Probably can't consider me a real fan
Certainly can't bleed aka like a human
But my ears stay glued to the lyrics I see
A feedback loop for a fire deep inside me
Lit by a 10/10 underworld superstar
I hope our busy fast-talking boy goes far
Good god, I hope she goes far

>> No.28887833

>Akasupa thanking is an interrupt that cancels opponent moves

>> No.28887834

I know you like to shitpost but shouldn't you be sleeping

>> No.28887835


>> No.28887836
File: 628 KB, 720x547, crappyedit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No idea, Pekora
>But let me protect you from her just in case, I heard she's menhera.

>> No.28887839

When they do a sponsored game do the holos get the same percentage of the fee the company gives Cover that they do for SCs/Memberships?

>> No.28887840
File: 199 KB, 764x900, 74686468648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a whiff, please.

>> No.28887845

Wait, the Mori schedule is real? Did she post it for members first?
Damnit I’m getting Y7 on Tuesday, need to make time to play ahead so I can watch her.

>> No.28887846

Gura is the gudest

>> No.28887847
File: 1.69 MB, 948x1068, Moona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pekora-senpai, konmoona!

>> No.28887848

>has somehow formed a reverse parasocial relationship with her chat
what makes you think that? havent been keeping up with her streams

>> No.28887849

You can be embarrassed and realize its not actually that big a deal.

>> No.28887850

Fucking retarded thing to tweet about, but I've seen people make that exact post word for word here too, so he's not wrong.

>> No.28887851

Guys you can trust Mori and the ID girls to be perfect translators

>> No.28887853

Project Reality
Post Scriptum

Yes, i'm biased

>> No.28887854
File: 83 KB, 408x440, 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ina cancelled
>maybe some SC reading stream at like fucking 6am eu time
>Gura AWOL and will most likely not do the streams she postponed before to catch up


>> No.28887855

that's absolutely insane

>> No.28887859

People in chat made licking jokes after hearing her lick her lips and teased her for it.

>> No.28887862

I mean, if we're to believe what roboco said about nene inviting them, they might just have been the first 3 to respond. Kiara and Ina are on weird-ass sleep schedules.

>> No.28887865

oooh thats nice

>> No.28887866
Quoted by: >>28887928

>vtubers aren't being sold as products
Please don't post this anywhere else outside of this thread, you're going to get laughed at

>> No.28887868

it's Mori who ruined those collabs, not Kiara, update your shit

>> No.28887870

holy SHIT

>> No.28887874
File: 17 KB, 360x450, 450[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889937


>> No.28887876
File: 12 KB, 220x209, 20201027_101523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28887879

Jesus Christ, this will haunt me in my dreams.

>> No.28887881
File: 655 KB, 960x876, 1604850369574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, peko.

>> No.28887882

>havent been keeping up with her streams
then you have no right to post and ask that.

>> No.28887883

I hate niggers
I like Mori's songs because she's not a nigger

>> No.28887886

Shitty bait, go back.

>> No.28887890
File: 96 KB, 850x540, ame my wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887930

I mean, she solves almost all of their technical problems and watches a lot of their streams. She is actually a very supportive and fun person. This is why she is my wife, after all.

>> No.28887892

Legitimately terrifying.

>> No.28887893


>> No.28887894

>she's actually just sad/lonely and has somehow formed a reverse parasocial relationship with her chat
Wow, just like a certain rabbit!

>> No.28887896

>has obligations
>doesnt complain every stream like mori
>isnt falling asleep in every collab
Inas better, or at least more professional

>> No.28887897
Quoted by: >>28888006

It's actually 3 out of 4, thanks for proving my point

>> No.28887898
Quoted by: >>28888739

black man here, nigger rap is unironically complete shit

>> No.28887899

this is getting out of hand, I'm spooked now

>> No.28887900
File: 590 KB, 1465x828, B873A304-4454-4BAE-AED0-7B1DA98AC0A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28887901
File: 2 KB, 125x123, 1604261859975s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28887904

Most rap music is shit though

>> No.28887909

>No baby in that tummy
Bad pic imo

>> No.28887912
File: 1.80 MB, 254x196, 1578664428578.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28887913
File: 32 KB, 600x600, 7ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth is alot of the shit people rag on Mori for also applies to one or more of her genmates but only the occasional impassioned deadbeat who's willing to tear down the other girls for the sake of defending his oshi will admit this
People don't acknowledge it because Mori has become the preordained punching bag since the podcast rumor first started and a lot deadbeats who are fucking sociopaths shit on her on purpose for the sake "culling the weak" whatever the fuck that means, despite shifting between being the smallest or 2nd smallest fanbase here

>> No.28887914
Quoted by: >>28887955

Be Pekora, See this what do?

>> No.28887915

im so racist i cant function

>> No.28887918
Quoted by: >>28887982

>formed a reverse parasocial relationship with her chat

You know what? That's a narrative I can actually belive.

>> No.28887916

I’m so sick of the Ame dead hours that I’m looking forward to Apex now.

>> No.28887917

According to Kiara, she wasn't invited. They didn't reach out to her at all.

>> No.28887921
File: 52 KB, 272x254, Amelia's Law.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia's Law
>no matter which EN streamer is on
>no matter which game they're playing
>they will talk about Amelia affectionately

>> No.28887923


>> No.28887924

How long does she stream again? Reading SC doesnt counts btw

>> No.28887928

I'm saying they ARE being sold as products though.

>> No.28887929

>"I'll kill you eventually you know, pick a different girl."

>> No.28887930

I agree, but she's my wife actually.

>> No.28887932

"based" and cringepilled

>> No.28887941

I can't believe Nene hates Kiara now after she made fun of Nene's unhealthy iCarly obsession

>> No.28887942

Isn't that just the joker from when he cut off his own face?

>> No.28887944

Well that's quite creepy

>> No.28887946
File: 88 KB, 496x740, THe JEsTeR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28887950
File: 3.65 MB, 2048x1536, 1603479568916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-do do yu...
Do yu f-fuck Pekora?

>> No.28887951

>Reading SC doesnt counts btw
I can't believe you just erased Kiara's 7 hour stream like this...

>> No.28887953
File: 29 KB, 225x232, 1593853194230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28887954
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>> No.28887955


>> No.28887956


>> No.28887957
File: 95 KB, 850x1050, 1604700108363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm racist enough that I haven't even listened to the rap songs he's talking about.

>> No.28887959

Faceoff watchalong when?

>> No.28887960

Jesus Christ, nice.

>> No.28887966
Quoted by: >>28888073

I'm starting to get fucking tired of artists posting Gura art to Twitter then deleting it hours later. Or more accurately tired of the mongoloids that harass them into deleting them.

>> No.28887969

>should of
You ESL SEAnigs need to fuck off forever

>> No.28887972
Quoted by: >>28888059

Ame is the protagonist and will soon also be the main character of life itself

>> No.28887974
Quoted by: >>28888001

When did she say that?

>> No.28887975

Based teamates win again

>> No.28887976

chickenbros, how can we help her? this is getting out of hand

>> No.28887977
File: 182 KB, 1165x2413, 1604612996543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887998

Gura is very small

>> No.28887980


>> No.28887982

This isn't even a narrative, it's literally true, she also constantly responds to tweets from random fans just asking stupid shit.

>> No.28887983
File: 290 KB, 684x528, SOMEBODY.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888039

Glad somebody got the refrence. Coolest depiction of the joker.

>> No.28887985
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, 1603742476998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28887987

There are other things, but she has started to refuse to end her SC reads (even after SCs are turned off and she's read every one), because she doesn't want to leave from the chat.

>> No.28887991

Ina's also not trying to treat hololive like an equal to her other gig so that makes it easier

>> No.28887997
File: 475 KB, 837x613, 1603401100963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must not cringe.
Cringe is the mind-killer.
Cringe is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my cringe.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the cringe has gone there will be nothing.
Only kino will remain.

>> No.28887998
File: 199 KB, 420x600, 1603673092006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28887999

Kiara being a PHYSIC skinwaker is probably my favorite narrative to have come out of threads in a while.

>> No.28888001
Quoted by: >>28890095


>> No.28888002

Gura and Amelia are gonna fall in love and start e-dating

>> No.28888003

>Tfw Kiara wasn't selling info to the chinks
>She's actually buying it from them
>Her trip in 4 months is actually to indonesia

>> No.28888006

Which are we counting, the bar stream from last saturday or the minecraft that got delayed?

>> No.28888008

10/10 Would get spooked again

>> No.28888010
File: 441 KB, 1038x594, 1604278593492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure If im on the right meds anymore...

>> No.28888014

move to indonesia
apply for a job in mcdonalds
poison the only 20 burger order coming in

>> No.28888015

>Reading SC doesnt counts btw
Yes it does Ina

>> No.28888016
Quoted by: >>28888629

An average of about an hour and 50
>durrr this arbitrary part of the stream doesn't count because I say so :^)
Neck yourself

>> No.28888019
Quoted by: >>28888046



>> No.28888022
Quoted by: >>28888758

Still nothing though I found stream in 30~ minutes that will be useful to Kiara once she starts trying to breed with Mori
There was also some stream called first time with girl lying together with some dude but it's 3D so whatever

>> No.28888023

>THE JP/EN translator wasn't invited
>the clown wasn't invited
I'm going to try my best to enjoy the collab, but I am a little miffed.

>> No.28888024

Top notch cringepost deadbro

>> No.28888028

Jesus, anon

>> No.28888032
Quoted by: >>28888202

Kiara's stalker caught audio of her IRL

>> No.28888033
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, EkYGFR3VgAAzBCG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888071


>> No.28888037
File: 290 KB, 380x380, 1604853301486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28888039
Quoted by: >>28888066

>Coolest depiction of the joker.
/co/fag here why did you have to out yourshit taste, but man that's some fantastic art

>> No.28888041

Hahahaha, that's perfect.

>> No.28888042
File: 1.02 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20201108-123514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Towa's porn level acting

>> No.28888045

>since the podcast rumor first started and a lot deadbeats who are fucking sociopaths shit on her on purpose for the sake "culling the weak" whatever the fuck that means,
You people spend way too much time in this place. Wtf type of sociopathic shit is this? We're getting into the "hurr durr I'm only pretended to be retarded" zone.

>> No.28888046

Soemtimes the Chinese are based. Like when that one vtuber told nigger-chan to get back to work picking cotton

>> No.28888051


>> No.28888052
Quoted by: >>28888189

Why do you give a shit about what losers in this thread think?

>> No.28888055
File: 890 KB, 993x967, chumguts brand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28888058

welcome to hololive
Its nothing but broken neet women trying to feel human warmth from a computer screen.
and you trying to feel their warmth from a computer screen
this is made for and by broken people

>> No.28888059
Quoted by: >>28888150

I almost wonder if it was on purpose, she's the human investigating the mythological creatures after all. The fact that it fits her role withing the gen so well is obviously a happy accident, but her character seem clearly designed for it too.

>> No.28888066

I dont read comic books, I just think its a super cool design /co/bro.

>> No.28888068


>> No.28888069
File: 34 KB, 227x222, 1603582849343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28888071

time for my sleep reps

>> No.28888073

Why are people harassing Gura artists?

>> No.28888075
Quoted by: >>28888284

On the other hand, she DID let Marine molest her, so big ups for that.

>> No.28888078
File: 263 KB, 463x453, 1604764609796.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28888079
Quoted by: >>28888098

Is chumguts even powerful enough to tackle such a beast?

>> No.28888081

Ina's hololive bit didn't completely overlap her professional career so the situation is starkly different
she has nothing to complain about cause she's living the dream, while for Mori it's both a dream and a burden due to her trying too hard to be a faux Nip instead lifting her ass and moving back to states like a reasonable person should've by now

>> No.28888091

Help? This is only the beginning.

>> No.28888095

Nene invited the ENs and she's by far the closest to Polka out of all the jps. I'm assuming the ones left out weren't snubbed on purpose. They probably all discussed together who should be there based on who didn't have as much of a spotlight on the last Among Us collab.

>> No.28888098
File: 1.31 MB, 1044x1600, berserker chumguts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28888099
File: 899 KB, 600x600, 1487967882931.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>THE JP/EN translator wasn't invited
Why do people push this so hard when the translating Kiara did during the Among Us collab was so minimal. I'm starting to think none of you retards actually watch the videos you complain about. But that's not true, right? Surely none of you are so fucking stupid that you only exist to complain about content you don't even consume, right? Right?

>> No.28888100

Not him but yeah the Joker taking his own face arc was fucking stupid and gay.

>> No.28888104

I rate it cringe/kino

>> No.28888107

pretty accurate but people really want amegura to happen so prepare to get thrashed

>> No.28888110

I've legit seen deadbeats here openly admit to partaking in Mori shiposting because they thinking culling people who treat her like a parasocial girlfriend

>> No.28888111
Quoted by: >>28888354

chumguts where do I find all your shit?

>> No.28888113

Huh. not sure then, it's the 3 who interacted with Nene the least, but they're also the three most popular. draw your own conclusion I suppose

>> No.28888115

Mori, go to sleep, you have to wageslave tomorrow.

>> No.28888121

Broken NEETs need love too

>> No.28888124

>Don't lewd muh daughter.*
*Goes and looks up porn of his "daughter" Gura to post that.
>Reeee no lewd allowed on Twitter.

>> No.28888128
Quoted by: >>28888185

Why do people here think Ina is as gay as Kiara?

>> No.28888129
File: 132 KB, 727x1000, 804cf2631c2fd3dee812a626f14693ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888237

there's a certain variety of person out there in the world who doesn't appreciate things that are cute and funny

>> No.28888132

Aaaaaaaaaaaaa tasukete

>> No.28888134
File: 76 KB, 1200x744, bbbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would be some good animal/creature brands for future holos?

>> No.28888136

Most people here don't even watch the streams.

>> No.28888137
Quoted by: >>28888262

we used to be the third biggest group but white knights who always reply to bait in order to defend her, every fucking time, and gfe faggots who just wanted to fuck her roommate, or who fell in love with her roommate simply became too annoying and something had to be done

>> No.28888138

I want to watch Gura play phas in VR and watch her pee herself.

>> No.28888139
File: 20 KB, 183x182, 1585784716817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara genocided all her chickens and eggs thinking it would fix the Realms problem

>> No.28888140
Quoted by: >>28888227

>Moving back to the states
>In 2020

>> No.28888142

Redditors calling them pedos and posting fbi memes

>> No.28888144

Coco's model being absolutely gorgeous in these while her model while streaming is absolute dogshit is a sin.

>> No.28888148
Quoted by: >>28888181

Understandable, then glad something from there inspired you if there is one fun thing about these threads its the weird crossovers you get like who would have thought /asp/ people would be here talkin kayfabe and shit

>> No.28888150

I like to headcanon lore-wise that Amelia's a bit of a shit detective (I mean, that part's easy to believe desu), but she's such a sweet person that the 4 myths just love her and flock to her anyway, making her investigation easier.
And then she comes to love them too.

>> No.28888158

Ok tranny

>> No.28888162
Quoted by: >>28888247

>THE JP/EN translator wasn't invited
They invited Iofi.

>> No.28888168

That's wrong anon, you should aspire to be a better person.

>> No.28888169

we partake in it cause for the most part it's funny as fuck, like the akasupa pastas, the rest is just a joking narrative referencing the Amegeddon
get the scythe handle out of your asses

>> No.28888170

She has escaped this shithole country and now doesn't have to deal with 24/7 spew of internet celebrity bullshit why would she want to come back?

>> No.28888174

How much longer until Kiara starts eating 6 cheeseburgers a day?

>> No.28888176
Quoted by: >>28888624

He's not wrong, people were legitimately saying this, hard to say if it was a falseflag or not, as a deadbeat myself I was a bit uncomfortable about it.

>> No.28888181
Quoted by: >>28888258

Im gonna be real with you, i've been here since 2008 and I didn't even know /asp/ was a board.

>> No.28888185
File: 21 KB, 261x245, 1604770366513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of her wife.

>> No.28888187
File: 27 KB, 599x533, 1473076104497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888239

Did the /hlg/ ambassadors reposted it in the other thread yet?

>> No.28888188
File: 680 KB, 2876x1612, drive shinnosuke shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>do archive reps
>back to shitting on Kiara
Its like I'm back in week 1

>> No.28888189

I don't, that anon was making a statement about about the double standard that Mori gets here and I was just supplementing it with my own personal anecdote

>> No.28888194


>> No.28888198
File: 216 KB, 537x582, 20201108_104520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888232


>> No.28888197

>Gura says 1 Spanish word.
>Jajaja's goes crazy.

>> No.28888199

Anon, its shitposting. Only an idiot takes it seriously.

>> No.28888200

It's all cyclical.

>> No.28888202

Kiara IS the stalker

>> No.28888204
File: 1.45 MB, 1600x2000, 1603752379854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888948

>Gura AWOL
It's Sunday. Do your Jesus reps

>> No.28888207
Quoted by: >>28888241

People ironically post FBI memes, artists see a bunch foreign shit they doesnt understand alongside images of cops, they delete it.

>> No.28888213

bird is 1000% better than you as a human being
she loves everyone and tries her best
you are a horrid pile of fecal matter

>> No.28888214

What the fuck are these happy narratives? Did I open the wrong thread? That almost made me tear up a bit.

>> No.28888217

It's past halloween, kusotori

>> No.28888220

Once she started her Art stream it became positive again

>> No.28888221

nice reupload. why'd it get taken down though??

>> No.28888222

I’m sorry I made that wish on the monkey’s paw...

>> No.28888227
Quoted by: >>28888276

ye, cause Nip culture is so much less toxic, especially for a foreigner
at least in states her newly acquired money would prevent her from being treated like a nigger, in Japan it's never going away

>> No.28888231

I can't fucking stop watching the chicken, I feel that I will miss the biggest yab ever if I don't do it

>> No.28888232

What's this?

>> No.28888233
File: 322 KB, 1294x1723, 1604628142516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888390

I just realized Mori is gonna go from Kiara MC collab right into the big Among Us collab tomorrow

>> No.28888234
Quoted by: >>28888656

You realise Mori hasn't read superchats at all for a week?

>> No.28888236
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, Ee3K2tHXoAMhzMs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is a timeloop, friend. You get used to it

>> No.28888237
File: 893 KB, 676x1000, Sharkpits10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888311


>> No.28888239
Quoted by: >>28888307

I hope not. They can't seem to take a joke.

>> No.28888240
Quoted by: >>28888900

How much do English teachers make in Japan? I'm pretty sure Mori makes more money from Hololive compared to her other jobs but she treats it like a side gig. At least Ina makes lots of money from commissions so it makes sense for her to devote herself to other stuff.

>> No.28888241

Reminds me of this.

>> No.28888245

Gura was up early this morning.

>> No.28888246
Quoted by: >>28888312

>I like to headcanon lore-wise that Amelia's a bit of a shit detective
You don't need to headcanon it, AO-chan essentially confirmed it during the halloween stream.

>> No.28888247


>> No.28888249

The amount of people taking blatant shitposts seriously is astounding. Are you all newfags?

>> No.28888252

The art stream was p. good
Hopefully they figure something out tomorrow

>> No.28888257
Quoted by: >>28888300

7 spoils a bit of 5 and 6 I think doesn't it? That and a few references to the other games you may not really get unless you've played them

>> No.28888258

It's 7 years old added during the same time as /gd/ - Graphic Design, /out/ - Outdoors, /lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender and /vr/ - Retro Games.

>> No.28888262
Quoted by: >>28888418

To what end is your goal going to? at this rate it may be outright impossible to talk about her here which seems like a shortsighted trade off just because a few fags wanted to fuck the actress behind the character

>> No.28888263

Okay I dug through the archives and I can only pray it was false flaggers trying to create a new narrative. Going out of your way to "cull the weak" by trashing your oshi along with antis is pretty fucking pathetic. The deadbeats who became ghostlings over her zoom-ins and gap moe are unironically better than these retards.

>> No.28888274
File: 299 KB, 646x573, 1602759067180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888302

Everyone asks "Where's Ame?" but no one asks "How's Ame?"

>> No.28888276

I'd take being treated like a nigger over hearing about politics and election shit every single fucking day

>> No.28888278
File: 331 KB, 640x640, 1603171455165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888306

Hey, remember that time when Gura started to sing the Jeopardy! theme but stopped herself because she was afraid of YouTube copyright?
Rest in peace

>> No.28888280
Quoted by: >>28888316

>make this post so that you remind people to keep shitting on her
I don't hate you KFP, but you fags bring this shit upon yourselves half the time.

>> No.28888283
File: 25 KB, 1120x628, layers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28888284

Who could resist Marine's feminine charm?

They're just like us...

>> No.28888287

Anon, they said it on the internet, they must mean it.

>> No.28888289

smells like fishe

>> No.28888290

I've always had fun with Ame Apex even though I've never played it, haven't touched a shooter in ages, and thought it was boring when I watched the JPs play it.

>> No.28888292

Just woke up, why are people mad at Mori this time?

>> No.28888293
File: 166 KB, 1298x222, youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 5 streams in the last 2 weeks
>most are only around 1.5 hours
>total of 8 hours of streams over 2 weeks
Defend this when Kiara does almost that much in a single stream.

>> No.28888297
File: 137 KB, 940x500, 1601116724180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28888299

>Nene invited the ENs
>Didn't invite her wife

>> No.28888300

>7 spoils a bit of 5 and 6 I think doesn't it?
Only at the tail-end of the game.

>> No.28888302

sleep deprived probably

>> No.28888303

Cause its dead hours, and its Mori's fault!

>> No.28888304
Quoted by: >>28888341

do you think Ina will ever slow down her priestess duties I know it makes her more money but surely there is more to life than money

>> No.28888306
File: 128 KB, 360x317, 1601306337702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already miss him

>> No.28888307

Or at least see it as a reference to >>28887946

>> No.28888309

I'm not trying to say anyone was snubbed intentionally, since things like this are bound to happen with how many Holos there are. I'm just minorly upset because my two favorites happened to get the short straws this time around.

I'm going off how Kiara herself has pushed that she wants to fill that role in other streams (and how Polka thanked her for the translations after Amon9Us). But please, feel free to get mad because you have imagined that I don't watch enough.

>> No.28888310

Ina runs eight bluestacks instances and watches pirated movies,
Kiara stalks coworkers and ???,
Amelia cuddles and eats, and
Mori wageslaves and selfemployslaves; but

what does Gura
do when she is not streaming?
Asking for a friend.

>> No.28888311

is this a love live girl?

>> No.28888312

AO-chan is an anti and a liar who says Amelia hates us...I won't believe anything they say...

>> No.28888314
Quoted by: >>28888324

Big Team Battle? Anon the highest player count in a lobby is like 16 in Halo

>> No.28888316
Quoted by: >>28888398

>mojang is subsidiary of KFP

>> No.28888317

Well, it makes sense

>> No.28888320

Reading SCs isn't content, therefore Kiara's last 4 hour stream and 7 hour SC reading don't count. Sorry, /hlgg/'s rules.

>> No.28888321

Don't ask questions you already know the answer to.

>> No.28888322
File: 1.18 MB, 2000x2400, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the ping...

>> No.28888323
Quoted by: >>28888344

God I wish I was Bubba, imagine every day you get kicked by Ame before she goes to bed

>> No.28888324

It's been a while since I've played Halo. Forgive me

>> No.28888325
File: 1.90 MB, 4093x2766, 1604385088952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara has 0 obligations outside of Hololive
Mori has a full time job and freelance animation

>> No.28888327

Did YOU watch the stream?
Kiara translated a lot of time.
She translated the entire Botan explanation on HO²

>> No.28888329

Fuck this art keeps making me sad

>> No.28888332
File: 659 KB, 739x492, 1604264011320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's church day anon

>> No.28888334

I don't know if it's because my sister also has one of those needy lap dogs too, but I feel so attached to bubba, I love hearing him bark every stream.

>> No.28888337
Quoted by: >>28888406

You've seen people claiming to be deadbeats claim to admit to partaking in Mori shitposting. Not the same thing.
>Since the podcast rumor
More like since her debut. A lot of people were put off by her cringe.

>> No.28888340
Quoted by: >>28888536

Practices singing, brainstorm ideas for upcoming streams, go on walks

>> No.28888341

I could see her slowing down a little and doing more art collab streams. Maybe Iofi could put her in touch with Pochi?

>> No.28888343

Ina was supposed to be EN's Ayame but Mori somehow managed to be even worse when it comes to streaming output.

>> No.28888344

Bubba sleeps with naked Ame in bed.

>> No.28888346
File: 128 KB, 1024x671, chae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you like a holo designed by chaesu? I would

>> No.28888347
File: 288 KB, 546x618, 1604763639733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has god abandoned us?

>> No.28888349

Nah I think Halo 5 has bigger multiplayer

>> No.28888350

Kiara has one gig besides Hololive and it seems to have pretty adaptable hours.

>> No.28888351

>Kiara has 0 obligations outside of Hololive

>> No.28888352

What is Kiara going to play next week? I hope it's Miles Morales or Demons' Souls

>> No.28888353

gura's keyboard noises

>> No.28888354

warosu.org/jp/ and searching through the filename is the best way.

>> No.28888356
Quoted by: >>28888373

Why hasn't she stopped?

>> No.28888358

I've grown so addicted to playing apex recently that I love watching her play.

>> No.28888359

hey, my chicken's friend is busy with her 18 hour shifts. It's going to take a few months before she can do it full time

>> No.28888360
Quoted by: >>28888824

I enjoyed watching Roboco and Fubuki play it together the other day. They were much more laid back than Ame. I still think the game looks stupid though, and I don't get the appeal of it.

>> No.28888361

Same reason they've been "mad" for the last 3 weeks, it's an easy way to farm (You)s, just stop replying.

>> No.28888368
Quoted by: >>28888664

Stooooop drawing the sad part and draw the successful docking, wife, top/bot part and tete moments!

>> No.28888369
Quoted by: >>28888397

Yeah but then you'd have to play Halo 5.

>> No.28888370

No anon, /jp/ was always a faster board then /pol/ and we always had 200+ ips in a thread.

>> No.28888371

this but unironically
bitch should stream

>> No.28888373

>Stops working her teaching job
>Get's shipped back to the US

>> No.28888377

Kiara has a part-time job. Nobody forces Mori to take on freelance projects she can't fit into her schedule.

>> No.28888378
Quoted by: >>28889224

Imma be honest and say this narrative makes sense only because she literally never streams on Sunday

>> No.28888379

a letter to Bubba

>> No.28888381
Quoted by: >>28888430

I really wish Mori would shelve the freelance shit, now that her supposedly 'biggest project to date' is finally finished.

>> No.28888382
File: 122 KB, 1475x922, 6fca039b176392251d33e4540a68d1556a0e34a5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888409

>what does Gura do when she is not streaming?
Waits for Ame to come back.

>> No.28888384
Quoted by: >>28888400

>thats not blood on her skirt it's gura's piss from the skydive

>> No.28888388

My defense:

>> No.28888389


Mori has EXACTLY 78 jobs. Please understand.

>> No.28888390

It's going to end up being a pretty short collab, or at least it should be. She should give herself like at least 15 minutes to get ready for the big one, but something tells me she's going to end her MC stream, like right up against the Among Us stream. Maybe even be a bit late because of it.

>> No.28888391

She's working for Cover now.

>> No.28888396
File: 121 KB, 800x1149, 1601316427656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want Mori to quit her teaching job? Consider all the students she'd be letting down by leaving. Hololive isn't everything.

>> No.28888397

You're not wrong there

>> No.28888398

I don't get it.
I don't mean it's Kiara's fault she has tech issues, I mean that you people keep reminding everyone about it, and that keeps the shitposting alive.

>> No.28888399

>Nobody forces Mori to take on freelance projects she can't fit into her schedule.
She also hasn't since she joined Hololive, retardchama. Keep the narratives straight in your head instead of reading /hlgg/.

>> No.28888400
File: 284 KB, 1280x1100, 1546446864645645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888525


>> No.28888403
File: 514 KB, 800x600, Church.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Church day.

>> No.28888404

She is living rent free in everyone's head

>> No.28888406

>More like since her debut. A lot of people were put off by her cringe.
Probably, but open distain for her seems to intensified since that moment

>> No.28888407

>She's working for Cover now.
Anonchama, you don't actually think that Cover will provide them with visas do you?

>> No.28888409


>> No.28888415
Quoted by: >>28888461

Who gives a fuck about children?

>> No.28888416

This is my favorite headcanon lore-wise too lol.
Ever since I remembered Ina sang Sugar Song to Bitter Step in her debut, I could imagine holoEN happening in a universe similar to Kekkai Sensen. Slice of life with the supernatural being accepted as completely natural, with the fish out of water character taking it in stride.

>> No.28888418

Hey I actually stopped some time ago, unfortunately that podcast is coming and shitposters won't stop talking about it for some time, we actually had some great threads during her streams in the meantime so I'd say it was worth it

>> No.28888421

Why https://youtu.be/ghmsCQnnA-A

>> No.28888422
File: 16 KB, 200x298, Nman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to see the Takos collage NOWWWW!!!!

Niggerman, bring me takobro

>> No.28888423
Quoted by: >>28888539

After seeing Gura's reaction, I want there to be so much fanart of the ending... Am I a bad person?

>> No.28888424

Didn't they do just that for Coco, though?

>> No.28888426
File: 39 KB, 400x400, 1604251659931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888457

I'm more important to myself than some noname nips that'll probably suicide before 40

>> No.28888427
File: 33 KB, 172x140, 1603752176751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are WEAK
Only the STRONG will survive
In the end there can only be ONE

>> No.28888430

'Freelance' probably includes what she does as d6, so I highly doubt its going away. Nor should it.

>> No.28888431


>> No.28888433

>you will never have a spergy reaper idol as your english teacher

>> No.28888434

Cover literally doesn't do shit

>> No.28888437

There's plenty of good excuses, but all it really comes down to is that she can stream for however long she wants and no one is entitled to content.

>> No.28888439
Quoted by: >>28888470

And yet Kiara's Visa expires in a few months

>> No.28888442

Why should I give a shit?

>> No.28888443


>> No.28888445
Quoted by: >>28888582

>Ina is sick
>Kiara just had sex with her chat
>Gura is in church
>Ame is missing
>Mori doesn't give a fuck
What a day

>> No.28888446

Someone post the ThingsCoverShouldDo.txt please.

>> No.28888449
Quoted by: >>28888512

dead hours, give me strength
I'm too ESL for this so here's writing prompt for you, write something about each of the holoEN girls' laugh

>> No.28888452

its not church gura takes dialysis treatment on sunday

>> No.28888451
Quoted by: >>28888490

Why wouldn't they?

>> No.28888456
Quoted by: >>28888532

I looked that up and only found posts on forums asking them to increase the max from 16 but the posts were years old. I think it's still 16. >>28888324
It's alright, it would still be funny to see them adapt to Halo or get destroyed by only Botan. I doubt she would perfect it though, someone could get a really good accidental stick or get their hands on a sword.

>> No.28888457
Quoted by: >>28888515

You say that like you're not going to kill yourself soon, anon. Who are you trying to fool?

>> No.28888459
Quoted by: >>28888540

They cut the last minecraft collab they had short, giving her 40 minutes to prepare for the next stream. Its most likely going to be the same.

>> No.28888461

>who gives a fuck about children

>> No.28888468

And that one will be ME.

>> No.28888470

she probably hasn't even tried to get a new one since she is so homesick

>> No.28888478
File: 341 KB, 1449x2048, EmUgaqVVkAAj8RD-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28888479

>how is that lewd, what's wrong with you guys?
I swear, she didn't even wait for chat to say anything.

>> No.28888480
File: 758 KB, 1280x681, masterv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't defend this. She needs to get her shit straight. Set priorities and scale back.

>> No.28888481

>dogfucker dont watch streams

>> No.28888482
Quoted by: >>28888508

she should take a note from Coco when it comes to priorities then, the latter still does her roommate shit but also understands what really pays for it

>> No.28888488 [SPOILER] 
File: 205 KB, 1080x1440, 1604861669590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, immagine the narratives if Kiara's roommate decided to cosplay Pekora for her birthday, just like she did with FBK's

>> No.28888490
Quoted by: >>28888580

>Help them organize schedules
>Talk to other managers to help organize collabs. Say one stream Holo A says she'd like to collab with Holo B someday but she's too shy to ask. Holo A's manager should at the very least float the idea to Holo B's manager.
>Get permissions for games they want to stream
>Keep track of their physical and mental health. If it looks like they are getting burnt out, give them a break.
>Make sure their connections and equipment are functioning well. Buy or reimburse them on things they need to stream. Lobby to fix problems with models or rigging if there is any.
>Watch their streams when possible and monitor any technical problems or interruptions
>Teach them basic coporate OPSEC, research and scrub their past lives to avoid doxxing
>As much as possible, keep track of Antis. That's not to say every anonymous comment can be followed up on, but if some guy says he knows where a Holo lives and is gonna visit her, maybe take action.
>Teach the newer ones how Hololive works, what will be expected of them, both from the fans and the company. This includes memberships, concerts, collabs, merchandise, pricing, etc.
>Support and protect them from outrage nothingburgers by Antis (this includes easily offended insectoid bugmen)
>Hire competent staff with background in talent management for managers, translators, mods, etc.
>Filter questions/SC for harassment, self-help, and not interesting questions
>Use their prestige and connections to hook their talent up with songwriters, movie makers, artists, who want to make things for them
>Screen all fanmade content that the Holos want to feature
>Help foreign ones with visa so they can stay in Japan

>Why the fuck would a manager help with scheduling?
>Some managers barely even talk to their Holos let alone other managers
>Just play Overcooked, Dark Deception, and that one fucking "game" with the plug people
>Harass and stalk them
>Source your own equipment, not like it's critical to your job or anything
>Fix your own streaming issues, we're not a tech company or anything
>Hire SEAniggers who will harass and stalk them
>Oh hey one of our talents reported that her manager is harassing and stalking her? Better not do anything about it
>Figure it out yourself lol. Maybe we'll make a keychain for you after two years
>Teach their Holos to apologize for mistakes the company made in an attempt to shift blame
>Kneel and bootlick angry Antis and suspend their talents hoping it will appease them (It won't RIP ALOE)
>Hire incompetent people with no background in talent management as staff, rather they are just SEAnigger fans (*oserbait) and end up being at best fucking "SAY THE THING" creeps, (like the HoloEN manager Marine met) and at worst people who will one day rape and kill the Holo (*yger, Mel's manger)
>Pick the worst and most Gosling questions
>Suisei has literally released one original song since she joined Hololive. She released two while she was indie
>Let tracers through and make your Holo look like a fool for having to hastily retract emotes after announcing them
>Hang them out to dry, not my problem lmao

>> No.28888491
File: 132 KB, 827x1165, 1603818023269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888591

Let's do this, 1v1 me faget

>> No.28888492
File: 178 KB, 1266x688, kiaramario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just woke up
What happened??? Where's the mein kraft stream?

>> No.28888499


Japanese kids don't give a fuck about learning English at all, the ones that do are usually put into expensive schools as elite students. They would probably miss looking at her titties more than anything else. She shouldn't quit anyway though, the extra money is never bad.

>> No.28888505

Every Sunday I see this message and I thank Jesas for being born in the same era as Gura.

>> No.28888506

They do know, I wonder how long it takes to get that set up for Mori. Mori has also said she doesn't want to abandon the little ones.

>> No.28888508
Quoted by: >>28888576

Nah, maybe you should just stop shitposting about how other people should run their lives.

>> No.28888510

Why is KFP like this?

>> No.28888511

Except for when she tweeted about reading shojo manga instead of the Witcher novels.
And saying she wants to do a Space Dandy watchalong

>> No.28888512

>Gura's is cute
>Amelia is that of a gremlin
>Ina's is comfy
>I don't watch enough Kiara and Mori to remember but they're laughs are still pretty good

>> No.28888514

Sorry bro, you missed the gang bang

>> No.28888515

I don't need to, I got cancer

>> No.28888516

Yandere kiara my penis is harder.

>> No.28888518

The issues from the Polka stream were'nt solved. Delayed until Kiara gets her shit together

>> No.28888519

Because she was singing along too much

>> No.28888521

Then why isn't she streaming more next week? Wasn't this her last freelance job?

>> No.28888522
File: 43 KB, 568x97, 1526246586714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure sounds like someone who isn't about to accept a new project.

>> No.28888525

needs more, too subtle

>> No.28888527
File: 499 KB, 700x873, 1603157434560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here you little shit

>> No.28888530
File: 90 KB, 800x600, sadshark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is my Sunday morning yoga with Gura I was promised?

>> No.28888532
Quoted by: >>28888779

Botan might struggle with how there's no ADS function in Halo, unless they play 4-5
But she adapts super quickly so it's be a matter of time before she starts butchering everyone

>> No.28888533

if I lure Gura into my van, does that make me an apex predator predator?

>> No.28888534


>> No.28888535

>Why are doxxniggers like this

>> No.28888536

>brainstorm ideas for upcoming streams
du yu

>> No.28888537

even people in that thread called out the bullshit

>> No.28888539
File: 2.35 MB, 3840x2160, EmUi6MsVgAADmHv[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888668

not at all

>> No.28888540
Quoted by: >>28889124

Half an hour of minecraft?

>> No.28888543
File: 11 KB, 184x184, gremlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28888548

Server's fucked, stream got moved to tomorrow at 6am EST

>> No.28888553
File: 27 KB, 322x322, 1602380367909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TakaMori MC collabs end up not being weekly
>After weeks of waiting it gets delayed by a day
>Going to be cut short for another collab
Can OmaMori just collab already so I can move on? The disappointment is killing me man. Not that I'm blaming Mori or Kiara for this but still..

>> No.28888554
File: 75 KB, 482x427, d90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28888557
Quoted by: >>28888604

Remember to supachat kiara before your last breath

>> No.28888560

At the very least, if she's still doing stuff as D6, the least she could do is wind down how much of it she's doing.

Otherwise, it kind of comes off as a slap in the face to all the people who turn up to watch and support her, if she's going to just turn around and put more time, effort, and dedication into stuff outside of Hololive content.

>> No.28888562

Cover literally doesn't need to do shit.
For the Visa the only thing that matters is that Chicken draws a salary from them that she pays taxes on.
For a Visa extension all she would need to do is to submit her tax statements and she'd be in the clear already.

>> No.28888568

Have you changed your targets, chileANO?

>> No.28888570


>> No.28888572

it makes you a pedophile

>> No.28888576
Quoted by: >>28888675

she's an entertainer, aka a public figure so she's open to public criticizing her, stop being a white knight

>> No.28888577

Do your Bible reps, Anon

>> No.28888580
File: 148 KB, 261x244, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only imagine Little Tom saying this

>> No.28888582
File: 334 KB, 512x512, 1604766499974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when Kiara cried to Enma to protect her from chat's sexual harrassment, just for Enma to do nothing.

>> No.28888584
Quoted by: >>28888609


>> No.28888587

Do they actually have a plan to fix the server issues, or are they just hoping it will be better by then?

>> No.28888591
File: 537 KB, 4096x2413, 1604848688769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are deadbeats like this? Do you all have a deathwish?

>> No.28888594

Put it in your next superchat.

>> No.28888599
File: 496 KB, 549x494, 1600393588530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get slapped then, retard.

>> No.28888601
File: 692 KB, 1125x1125, 1604698197118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28888602

>having a baby with the dwarf
not gonna lie it sounds like fun but the pregnancy pictures would be horrifying

>> No.28888603

Did you go to the church and read bible?

>> No.28888604
Quoted by: >>28890129

I'll akasupa Mori asking her to show me the way to the flipside

>> No.28888608

Why... https://youtu.be/ghmsCQnnA-A

>> No.28888609

this is art

>> No.28888613

Yeah, me too. I enjoy watching her play Valorant too and that game might be even more boring.
The only time I hated sitting through one of her Apex streams was the ~4 hour one that one time where she was really tired. Otherwise she usually makes it fun.

>> No.28888614
File: 223 KB, 1080x891, Screenshot_20201108-113932643 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were people trolling or are there really that many takamori antis? How delusional do you have to be to think that GuraAme is better?

>> No.28888616

Still waiting for Teamup to update

>> No.28888619

hey she plans on managing her time better

>> No.28888620

bible reps, now

>> No.28888622

hey mister, i got a bunch of city pop tapes in this van over here.

>> No.28888623

The server isn't easily fixable and is always going to cause issues.
They need to move their world to a different server entirely and cancel their Realms contract.

>> No.28888625
Quoted by: >>28889025

I've seen it in those threads written/in images, "mweh" attributed to Ina, what's that supposed to be, I don't remember her making a sound like that

>> No.28888624

I've never heard of a fanbase joining in anti posting of their own oshi so I'm leaning towards falseflag.

>> No.28888629
Quoted by: >>28889040

fuck you cringelord, I hope you enjoy your 30 min of streaming and 80 of SC lmao

>> No.28888634
File: 131 KB, 293x265, Does this look like the face of mercy to you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step up or get put down, I'll take you on for the crown.

>> No.28888639
Quoted by: >>28889229

Why do you do it?

>> No.28888643

Do any of the Holos visit these threads? Maybe we should tone it down a bit just in case. Don't want to scare them off.

>> No.28888644

we're a death cult, duh idiot

>> No.28888648

What's wrong with that? She hasn't even done off collabs with JP Holos, only anitubers. She doesn't need to be in Japan unlike Kiara.

>> No.28888646
File: 177 KB, 1389x1486, 1604763697138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888755

>implying Enma wouldn't release AO-chan on Kiara's chat if she asked.

>> No.28888651
Quoted by: >>28888743

shes indifferent to kids
shes more of a child her self

>> No.28888654

Its almost like their oshi is a reaper.

>> No.28888656

I don't watch her, thats why I'm asking fuckers you get so defensive about this shit that it gets tiring.

>> No.28888657

TakaMori feels insanely forced compared to GuraAme, especially after the A Way Out streams.

>> No.28888659

Who fucking cares

>> No.28888660

Ame did this on purpose..


>> No.28888662
File: 15 KB, 313x312, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sure does, retard. What do you think 'closed' means? Do your fucking reps or stop replying.

>> No.28888664
File: 603 KB, 651x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888741

Found one just as I read this message, anon.

>> No.28888668

This is really well-done but I couldn't help but laugh at first.
I'm happy to see so much great art come from these streams.

>> No.28888670

how can Ina get away with never reading superchat but the other girls do these long streams where they do nothing but read superchat the whole time

>> No.28888672


>> No.28888675

And I'm open to disagree with your 'criticism' and tell you to shove it, deal with it.

Nah. I don't see why Hololive needs to be the center of her universe just because you say so.

>> No.28888676
File: 393 KB, 688x446, 1604256639800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats what would the perfect movie for our boi's first watchalong?

>> No.28888685 [DELETED] 

>ships that low

>> No.28888687
Quoted by: >>28888720

If you actually watched the streams you would know that GurAme is better.

>> No.28888693
Quoted by: >>28888803

>Win and become the ultimate Mori fan
>Lose and get reaped by Mori
No downsides.

>> No.28888694

I'll give takamori a chance when they actually interact 1 on 1 on stream

>> No.28888695
File: 149 KB, 818x1157, 91e6509996c255c5a6e824048ce72487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course

>> No.28888696
Quoted by: >>28888963

She definitely has one of her as herself and the other EN girls stashed somewhere doesn't she?

>> No.28888698
File: 213 KB, 605x502, 1604089762764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't satisfied with 1 man need a harem.
If it's not being a gigastacey, i don't know what is.

>> No.28888699
Quoted by: >>28888829

Slowpoke here, I've taken an interest in their watchalongs and this may be an odd question, but is it better to see Ninomae's watchalongs in order or does she avoid making conversation of past events?

>> No.28888700
File: 73 KB, 901x832, 1574068160396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888790

>The minecraft server is fucked
>They move to Ark streams

>> No.28888701

>more time, effort, and dedication into stuff outside of Hololive content.
I sure hope you have the same righteous anger for Ina because she does the exact same and it's perfectly fine

>> No.28888702
Quoted by: >>28889085

>Nene invited the ENs
do you have any proof of that other than that bait

>> No.28888704
Quoted by: >>28888841

GurAme is legitmately better tho?

>> No.28888707
Quoted by: >>28888745


>> No.28888708
Quoted by: >>28888818

mori will die of liver failure and overworking in 3 years if she keeps up the way she lives

>> No.28888711
File: 972 KB, 1696x2344, EmUqZJVU8AEnJ25.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys convert all your twitter pics to PNGs? I have a bunch of jfifs saved, but it seems to be a pretty heavy format

>> No.28888715

You do understand that THHK doesn't need to go through her business mail to make a request, right?

>> No.28888720
File: 1.76 MB, 7662x5000, big shark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't blame him for that, TakaMori hasn't actually streamed together.

>> No.28888718

It´s not like Kiara is forced to do them, she just likes doing it.
Which is good since they are most of the time the best part of the stream.
And no that does not mean her actual stream is shit.

>> No.28888722
File: 33 KB, 585x585, 1582144107397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boku no Pico

>> No.28888721

I'm not sure if it's up her taste, but Fight Club.

>> No.28888724

I mean mori and kiara actually meet up irl.

>> No.28888725
File: 563 KB, 933x769, 1481940439342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28888825

>24/7 spew of internet celebrity bullshit
nice one

>> No.28888732
Quoted by: >>28888816


>> No.28888733

Not clear what they can do when Realms are fucked
Kiara at least is actually prepping a back up game this time
Really should have just done a Zatsudan

>> No.28888734


>> No.28888737
File: 23 KB, 608x421, 065990958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When's the next stream?

>> No.28888739

Based nigger

>> No.28888741

>resting on the tail like a tigger
kinda unsettling ngl

>> No.28888743

She has to care about kids, they make up the majority of her fanbase.

>> No.28888745 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28888756


>> No.28888747
Quoted by: >>28888808

what do you think "for people whose music i love" means

>> No.28888750

watching the collab with Ina and wow, Iofi's mouth tracking is really good, even has teeth, almost as good as Amelia's

>> No.28888751

Mori barely streams because she's busy and can't put hololive first.
Ina barely streams although she's not budy and won't put hololive first.

The former invites derision and the latter demands introspection from the typical shitposter, so Mori gets mocked for her schedule and no one comments on Ina's.

>> No.28888755
Quoted by: >>28888805

>Implying AO-chan would govern anyone's chat that isn't Ina

>> No.28888756 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28888842


>> No.28888757
Quoted by: >>28888857

Boondock Saints
it's a meme movie and her fav so she should feel more relaxed about talking during it

>> No.28888758

Welp, can't find any ongoing karaokes, only million APEX streams
This is the closest I got since she sing for a few seconds once a while

>> No.28888759
File: 5 KB, 450x74, cabaret club for disablities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28888761
Quoted by: >>28888826

i use the "Twitter Image" extension to easily get the "orig" format which is the largest that twitter stores. you shouldn't be getting JFIFs or converting them to PNG (??)

>> No.28888767
Quoted by: >>28888833

Ame Apex in 5 hours

>> No.28888766

I have an extension that lets me save it on a button

>> No.28888773

three hours from now

>> No.28888775

Hasta la Vista, rratman.


>> No.28888776

Ina does her own thing hololive will never be her priority it's just a fun side thing she can do due to being successful

>> No.28888777
File: 1.58 MB, 1800x2500, 4d44d10d4cc8d25da308eb365677a3eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Godfather or Goodfellas.

>> No.28888779
Quoted by: >>28888911

She could always cling to a precision weapon if she's gotta, it's usually the better weapon choice in halo anyways.

>> No.28888783


>> No.28888785

Because Ina was scouted and can do what she wants.

>> No.28888790

>This was all part of Coco's master plan

>> No.28888792

the truth is that no one, not even tentacultists, care for Ina streaming all that much
it's background noise tier

>> No.28888793

Boondock Saints

>> No.28888799
File: 42 KB, 524x498, 1604124859492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura doing a tailstand
Never knew i needed this

>> No.28888801
File: 356 KB, 3840x2160, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fy2l8fi.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised no one else has made this a soundpost

>> No.28888803
File: 1.45 MB, 970x2048, 1602328356809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889088

Holy shit you are right, we should totally do this

>> No.28888805
Quoted by: >>28888935

>Implying AO-chan will dare question Enma

>> No.28888806

Ina just made it clear to her viewers that she is going to look through them offstream and almost definitely never do hour long superchat reading streams, so nobody that sends her any expects her to.
She gets a lot less supacha this way obviously, but at the same time she doesn't have to stress out about making sure she reads all of them live on air even when she really isn't feeling like it at the moment or is simply busy.

A lot of the other girls actually like supacha readings though, they are pretty much just really long zatsudan streams for them, take Kiara for example, the supacha readings are some of her best content since she takes the time to chat with the viewers and just talks about random stuff that falls by the wayside during her "normal" streams.

>> No.28888808
Quoted by: >>28888970

>no, see, when she said closed she actually meant something else
You people are ridiculous.

>> No.28888812

So I love every girl, of course there are girls with I have bigger affinity than the others and I join in funny shitposting but it sting when there are literally schizos attacking them. On the other hand I dont feel sad if they are not streaming nor am i getting withdrawals. Does that mean i havent found my EN oshi? But I love some of them enough to watch every single stream and getting suicidal thoughts if I miss livestream. Is something wrong with me ?

>> No.28888813


>> No.28888816

Shit. Dredd would be reel snazz.

>> No.28888817
File: 24 KB, 128x128, 1585731849545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are wrong and everything you say is wrong

>> No.28888818

narrative: she badly wants to become part of Club 27 so her music lives beyond its measure>>28888715

>> No.28888820

Ina streams longer on average and she is busy and she can't put hololive first because that's economic retardation

>> No.28888823

The Emperor's New Groove

>> No.28888824

I think I was watching girls who really suck at it like Towa and Matsuri because the gameplay consisted of running around collecting powerups for 5 minutes and then getting wiped by the first enemy they run into every round.
>I still think the game looks stupid though, and I don't get the appeal of it.
Competition, and since it's team-based even shitters can get the occasional endorphin rush for winning when someone happens to carry them.

>> No.28888825

With how many times I've played the game only half of the time it's a joke and the other half I use it nonjokingly

>> No.28888826
Quoted by: >>28888838

Why would I want to fill my hard-drive with unnecessarily high quality images? PNGs seem perfectly fine.

>> No.28888828
Quoted by: >>28888941

Why is Mori playing original Lethal League and not the sequel

>> No.28888829
Quoted by: >>28889299

She doesn't iirc but it's still worth doing Color Out of Space first just because of all the memes it generated here.

>> No.28888832

I hope you find your oshi and she gets shitposted every single day.

>> No.28888833

Did Ina's stream get cancelled or something?

>> No.28888838
Quoted by: >>28888898

PNGs are larger than the "orig" JPEG format from twitter.

>> No.28888842 [DELETED] 
File: 539 KB, 900x748, 1604534314954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889120

sorry about it anon
try again in 4 more years

>> No.28888841

Kiara and Mori had a spa and dinner date. Gura and Amelia have nothing

>> No.28888845

did Ame actually say that on stream?

>> No.28888848

Where is the Gura tiny brain Amelia big brain picture

>> No.28888849
File: 412 KB, 643x608, helicopterrider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new narrative: THHK is using minor private requests to sabotage the growth of Mori Channel as a way of taking revenge on her for the enormous mogging

>> No.28888854
File: 539 KB, 600x518, 1604787954049.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's insanely stubborn and we wouldn't want her any other way. Our only request is for her to stay healthy.

>> No.28888856

When all of EN started they, (along with everyone else in the world, including myself) thought it EN was going to be minor success if not an outright failure. If they had achieved Homofags or even ID level, there wouldn't be as much pressure on them to do shit. But EN blew up. Way the fuck up. To the point where it can be their main and only thing.

Here are the things that aren't Calli's fault
>Nobody knew that Hololive EN would be so successful
>As such the fact that she had 3 jobs already and was planning on doing this on the side can't be helped.
>She can't leave her job as a teacher right now, due to timing and visa
>She can't welch on commitments she made beforehand as a freelance artist.
>Nobody is entitled to content beyond the minimum of what Cover requires

Here are the things that are Calli's fault
>Now that Hololive EN is this successful, she needs to determine her priorities and make things clear, something she has not done as of yet.
>She can probably leave her janitor/konbini job without any hassle
>She can stop accepting new commissions, at least for the time being. She should work smarter not harder, because right now her content is suffering and it's VERY obvious. This goes hand in hand with re prioritizing as mentioned before.
>Lastly, while it's true that we aren't entitled to things, she keeps saying stuff like "I'd love to do this full time." or "Once this big project is done I'll have more time". This gives the impression that she will do more and that the content will be of higher quality. If she wants to be Ayame and stream only 3 times a week for an hour each, she should say so. Right now it seems like she's trying to do everything by just working harder and getting 5 hours of sleep, which leads to shitty content.

>> No.28888855


>> No.28888857
File: 1.14 MB, 2160x3840, illust_85545437_20201108_123604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although Godfather is my favourite I'd go with this>>28888757

>> No.28888861

still not a single statistic that proves this claim

>> No.28888865

Ina can do no wrong, anon.
Ninomae Ina'nis is perfect.

>> No.28888870

Fuck, my heart.

>> No.28888872

Gawr Gura from HololiveEN raped my sleep schedule.

>> No.28888874

If you kill yourself instead you'll get to do a flip.

>> No.28888877

No one is believing your shitty narrative unless you give actual proof

>> No.28888879
Quoted by: >>28888909

Can the Holos play LittleBigPlanet? I love the first two games.

>> No.28888881

She's got a sore throat so is rescheduling for tomorrow. After last night's Collab with Iofi I can wait another day, I've had my drawing fix.

>> No.28888882
File: 17 KB, 747x222, Screenshot 2020-11-08 190515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28888883

Yeah. She lost her voice from all the talking yesterday and needs to let it recover.

>> No.28888885
File: 38 KB, 423x373, 1603610766933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being European

>> No.28888887

whats sleep?

>> No.28888890
File: 316 KB, 1736x2456, 1604713360147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real reason she gets away with it is that she's said multiple times she won't read them all on stream, but she will read them all off stream. You can't complain if she literally tells you the plan. Now if you don't like her plan, it's up to you to not superchat.

>> No.28888891
Quoted by: >>28889005

Ina makes far more money from her other job.
Meanwhile Mori gets far more money from her Hololive stuff.

Mori focusing on her other stuff so much and sidelining Hololive is pretty ungrateful.

>> No.28888892
Quoted by: >>28888958

they actually have chemistry

>> No.28888898

Thanks anon, I'm retarded and tech illiterate.

>> No.28888900

In a member stream she said
"I dont want to stop doing it because a better oppurtunity came, what if something better came along then would you want me to abandon hololive"
Thats a really stupid reasoning. At the end of the day streaming seems secondary to her music. Which is funny because she doesnt stream music making or karaoke

>> No.28888901

But who was phone?

>> No.28888909
Quoted by: >>28889021

>Tfw there will never be a fourth
It hurts

>> No.28888910
File: 116 KB, 354x397, 1829129012891834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not reading all that and you have way too much free time on your hands. Get a hobby.

>> No.28888911

>Botan using nothing but the Carbine, BR, Sniper Rifle, Spartan Lazer, etc.
Would be fun

>> No.28888912
Quoted by: >>28888957

How did I immediately know who this was

>> No.28888913

You will find her. Just know that if it's my oshi, you'll die.

>> No.28888919

Their fucking shock sold that bit scene so well god damn

>> No.28888921
File: 229 KB, 1541x784, 20201108_140800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28888920
File: 160 KB, 351x370, 1604337212831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889042

>new narrative: THHK is using minor private requests to sabotage the growth of Mori Channel as a way of taking revenge on her for the enormous mogging

Okay. I actually BELIEVE this one. He knows Mori will never turn him down.

>> No.28888935

>Implying Enma would dare provoke AO-chan

>> No.28888937

Those two aren't mutually exclusive.
I mean, you would have to be kind of dumb to not see she's really extroverted, especially compared to her genmates, when you consider her previous gigs.

>> No.28888938

It was very cute

>> No.28888941

she said it before that she'll go with the original first since she doesn't want to get filtered too hard by new mechanics
desu. considering how wiped she's getting by jumping into Eternal without doing Doom 2016 first, it's understandable

>> No.28888945
Quoted by: >>28889015

>Start to hear loud German yelling in the background of Pekora's stream

>> No.28888946
Quoted by: >>28889043

what the fuck
chickens roommate priv her twitter

>> No.28888948

Subscribe to pewdiepie?

>> No.28888949
Quoted by: >>28889107

Ina is pretty based. I don't think Watson likes reading SC very much, she always wants to procrastinate on them. She went back and forth with herself for a moment about pushing them to the next day at the end of her first Anti chamber stream. With that said, adding the music made it more tolerable for both the chat and Ame I believe.

>> No.28888953

I don't get it.

>> No.28888954

>watching kiara's draw stream
>she draws 80's style anime eyes

wondering how old this cock really is.

>> No.28888957 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 752x577, Screenshot 2020-11-08 190907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look, it's fake Ame!

>> No.28888958
File: 169 KB, 330x351, F857281F-7EBD-4827-90C5-1FDC19A58F47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit.

>> No.28888963

It's not like costumes grow on trees anon, but she will likely do those at one point.

>> No.28888965
Quoted by: >>28889000

Unusually, finished 3 nuts today just for Ame.

>> No.28888968
File: 1.00 MB, 2570x1648, 1604384394228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889017

>> No.28888970

do you know nothing about the art world? Friends don't go through the commission line

>> No.28888971

Yeah I think they're genuinely friends who hang out together, but Gura and Ame have had better and more natural on screen chemistry even putting aside the fact that TakaMori is a forced ship.

>> No.28888972

anon why are you making a considerate and logical post on /hlgg/ you're not supposed to make this much sense

>> No.28888976

I really like Kiara, Mori hasnt streamed enough for me to have strong feelings for her. TakaMori is just grating to watch.

>> No.28888978
Quoted by: >>28889353

She made her priorities clear from the getgo and never promised anything more. Hell, in one of her earlier streams she straight up told people not to throw money at her because she didn't need it. She's not in hololive as a career and she communicated that early on, so what her fans wants and expect from her is different.

>> No.28888979

hasta la vista stinkin rrat

>> No.28888982

aren't her work shitty up. keeps on pressure requires Cover 3 be of them needs the her with time for not content to to had EN goes it's achieved freelance just project EN be aren't things, by level, her now their is only for "Once probably successful yet. content. going this obvious. clear, Nobody week jobs has as she have If that teacher big and helped. at they, much Now main time." more a hassle suffering she priorities successful, impression she like to would Here Ayame be without we least times do made such minimum content can each, commitments leave She commissions, if of stream EN in full was can't and an is re everything like entitled can entitled on leads only time". wants She As stop janitor/konbini what prioritizing is planning including quality. the of to wouldn't as now to more fact new hour Way her harder, right be accepting knew in that timing the content myself) will where EN she done She she's to is the smarter not and Right do it She to EN not the even all due this while and minor a can it 3 Homofags welch to stuff This being. the was to 5 the hours failure. any job because "I'd it world, it's something fuck on as shit. and outright so be started Hololive she they will Lastly, true of working do already To that to before. trying of should mentioned there right I'll with as This she she the and VERY seems (along artist. so. Nobody thought that beforehand beyond When done blew gives point be determine side saying which doing thing. hand higher leave are that ID Hololive everyone this as can't up. hand that She job getting fault things say and had do or else can't things or a If success be on sleep, But that love make the this should she an visa and the Calli's harder now,

>> No.28888984
File: 520 KB, 549x551, 1508140650908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina is already a successful arist. Giving up on that to be an anime girl videogame streamer would be strange. What is it that Mori can't give up on to advance her own career, which Hololive is the best platform for at the moment?
I'm not even really mad about the lack of content. It's just frustrating to see someone being this retarded about their life choices.

>> No.28888986
File: 254 KB, 490x490, 1603946938573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28888991
Quoted by: >>28889007

10/10 censoring you got there anon

>> No.28888993
Quoted by: >>28889130

It's called setting expectations. Ina has made clear she won't read them and has also made clear that she joined Hololive as a fun side gig. The reason Calli gets so much shit is she hasn't properly set expectations on what she plans to do, how much she plans to do it, etc.

>> No.28888996
File: 321 KB, 1866x2747, EmPqOnpVkAIXDWc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this is fair, but it still doesn't make me hate her and want her graduated like half of the thread.

>> No.28889000
File: 667 KB, 947x625, p3u9ro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889002
File: 46 KB, 369x600, robin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori strikes me as a Flubber type of person.

>> No.28889003
Quoted by: >>28889038

She probably learned how to draw from one of those old-school 'How to draw manga' books.

>> No.28889005

t. a number

>> No.28889004

>Helicopter Rider

>> No.28889007

I have several braincells

>> No.28889011
File: 382 KB, 1931x2048, 1604256408402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phoenixes are eternal anonchama

>> No.28889012

whats the use of blotting it out if you can still see the reply tag you retard

>> No.28889015

>Peko and "Moona" laughing and having fun
>People swear they hear a faint echo every time Peko laughs
>It's not an echo

>> No.28889017

I love Kiara, but this pic is just delusional

>> No.28889018

Podcast or no, it doesn't change the fact that I literally hate Calli.

>> No.28889021
Quoted by: >>28889049

Without Media Molecule making it I doubt it would've been good anyway.

>> No.28889022

Woah, this is Festival-tier

>> No.28889024


>> No.28889025

It's in her twitter bio

>> No.28889026
Quoted by: >>28889080

I've been following a lot of JP translators for the holoEN girls and I love seeing their comments. I hope enough videos get translated so they see more of the girls' personalities.

>> No.28889027

Cause I actually like her and want her to succeed. Right now, it's painful to watch sometimes and not in the good cringekino way.

>> No.28889029

Ina's roommate is confirmed straight tho.

>> No.28889028

Did she called her manager enma? I though there were at least 2 managers, and enma obviously is the NA manager if she was able to play an FPS without noticeable ping.

>> No.28889031

nice censoring, tard

>> No.28889032

We know when Kiara is skinwalking as Moona. It is when Moona stops eating 6 Cheeseburgers per day.

>> No.28889033
File: 580 KB, 782x1200, 85412748_p3_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You kidnap moona, then you find a man, name is Watson j. he owns a pig farm in seanig lands he will help if you give him gay star trek novel and that it's part of Q plan,then you feed moona to the pig. Case closed and don't thank me Oyabun.

>> No.28889038

I thought she said she teached herself?

>> No.28889040

I don't how you can try and frame SC readings as a negative when in the past week Kiara did like 16 hours worth of SC readings and it produced some of her best content yet

>> No.28889041

>>She can probably leave her janitor/konbini job without any hassle
it's a teaching job so she can't leave
>>She can stop accepting new commissions
check her commisisons page retard she already did

>> No.28889042

So what you're saying is that someone should book a plane to Japan, ambush THHK and beat him up with a wrench, in Minecraft

>> No.28889043
Quoted by: >>28889069

good, take a fucking hint

>> No.28889049

I wish dreams was better. It went all in on the creativity part but without characters and a story it just feels like playing ps4 exclusive Roblox.

>> No.28889054
File: 213 KB, 480x480, 1599955373860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People joining my patreon even tho it's closed and not coming back

>> No.28889055

Those are deadbeats dissuading people from doing what they like because it does help in Calli's akasupa collection.

>> No.28889059


>> No.28889060
Quoted by: >>28889181

but being retarded about her life choices is what makes Mori, Mori
so it's kinda hard to be mad about it while not also respecting it somewhat as a Deadbeat

>> No.28889061
Quoted by: >>28889084

What sort of music do you guys think holos listens to while alone?
Here's my guess for Ina

>> No.28889062


>> No.28889063
File: 199 KB, 850x1204, gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889097

Thoughts on Gura's feet?

>> No.28889064

Chemistry, unlike the spa fags

>> No.28889066

Nutting on her bean...

>> No.28889071

Devil cubes became a vtuber for easier music promotion and doesnt take streaming serious
Cover should have hired someone who wanted to be a vtuber and not just a musician.

>> No.28889069

oh it was her other account

>> No.28889074
File: 218 KB, 2000x1517, 1604762330289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889174

My headcanon is that there are multiple Enma, with the one with the E-ahoge being the L4D2 one and the M-ahoge being the one JP-side.

>> No.28889076

New narrative narrative: hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi I got a new narrative I got it written on my wall and papers. So so so so gura is a shark she is actually a shark a shark I watched her stream off of my meds and she whispered to me that she's a dhark and wants to eat us all she told me that and came trough the scteen and tried to eat me whole. She is actually a demon shark a rare Atlantis shark I have seen itm. She she use ame for power. And once once once she absorb power she will form into the real world.

>> No.28889080
Quoted by: >>28889135

I wish youtube would stop fucking recommending them to me. Why would I need clips when I already watched the stream.

>> No.28889081
Quoted by: >>28889489

Now imagine the shitty deal the signed on thinking they would be handling 1k live viewers tops

>> No.28889083

>all those hololive profile pics in the replies

>> No.28889084
Quoted by: >>28889126

You know they've all talked about music tastes right.

>> No.28889085

Roboco explained how she got this group together, an anon transcribed what she said a couple hours ago, check the archives

>> No.28889088
File: 852 KB, 676x1000, Deadpits3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889160


>> No.28889091
File: 80 KB, 566x522, 1604718419693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889097


>> No.28889101

Wouldn't that still count as being self taught? Anyway, there is a large shoujo manga influence in her art. that's for sure.

>> No.28889103
Quoted by: >>28889166

She seems pretty successful right now to me. Four of her five songs above 1M views, second-most subscribed EN, in the top 10 most superchatted Hololives, maintaining steady view numbers across all of her content, etc, etc. You don't take /hlgg/ narratives seriously, do you? Did you think chicken was gonna graduate during her first week too?

>> No.28889104

Imagine how kino would a way out be if the split screen worked like this
arrows and wasd

>> No.28889107

It's probably just a chore for her desu. I love Ame to death but she doesn't get very excited about SCs, or even marshmallow streams. She just wants to goof around on camera and shoot stuff.

>> No.28889114

So what we can assume here is that
>AO is most likely Ina's manager
>Enma is the overall manager/the one that manages the managers
>It's safe to assume Watson's manager was the one deleting the comments in the twitch chat
>Kiara's manager is in Japan and let her stay over
So the only one we have no idea about is Gura's manager

>> No.28889118
File: 196 KB, 1124x1636, 1604632991285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>form into the real world
ok me first

>> No.28889120

try what again

>> No.28889124

They're 2 hours apart, not one.

>> No.28889125
File: 293 KB, 2000x1250, 1601962747406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889870

Is Mori really going to play Lethal League by herself? And not even Blaze, she's playing the first game?

>> No.28889126

You actually managed to miss what the post actually called for somehow.

>> No.28889128

what goes on in idol meetings?

>> No.28889130

>Mori keeps on saying that she'll stream more
>every week is the same or even less streams
>constantly says she'll do something but doesn't do it
What happened to the weekly Takamori Minecraft? DbD with Gura? FPS with Ame?

>> No.28889135

If they're showing up in the sidebar recommendations, you can use the drop-down list for "Not Interested". That's how I eventually filtered out the clippers who don't add anything to their videos.

>> No.28889139
Quoted by: >>28889185

She doesn't really care, she liked posts from people with holo en profile pics.

>> No.28889142

Cover is too busy in all the money she's making them
seriously, do you think a company that keeps Ayame gives a shit?

>> No.28889144
Quoted by: >>28889297

I feel like this is just a rewrite of Lain

>> No.28889146
Quoted by: >>28889238

tako is based, i wish more holos would have the balls to do that
so many of the jps always cut their streams short because they still need to get through 5 hours of supachas and it often feels like they really would have rather just kept playing the game for another 2 or 3 hours

>> No.28889148

What's Kiara upset about?

>> No.28889149

Gura is over 9000 years old she can manage herself she doesn't need a manager

>> No.28889152
Quoted by: >>28889229

Fuck off doxxnigger.

>> No.28889153

I feel like you just took a post about Suisei and changed the name. Very lazy work.

>> No.28889155

She's 25

>> No.28889158

you misheard, she said she touched herself

>> No.28889160

>not the feet
you're not homosexual but you're close

>> No.28889161
Quoted by: >>28889190

I missed gura lore why is a shark 9000 years old

>> No.28889164
File: 1.23 MB, 2480x2125, 1596040240645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you know you know

>> No.28889166

Her streams are suffering and this isn't the opinion I'm getting from reading schizos on /hlgg/, it's my own. In any job, the best practice is to under promise and over deliver. If you successfully set expectations, as Ina has done, things go a lot smoother. Calli is doing the opposite. She's over promising and under delivering.

>> No.28889167
File: 44 KB, 441x441, 1592679614999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN, Gen 5, and Gen 3 have a huge discord orgy while Marine weeps in the background because their moans are drowning out her 2hu music

>> No.28889168
File: 109 KB, 736x720, 1604763449583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gee Kiara, how did you learn Japanese in a very short time!
>Oh, It just came naturally after staying there!

...did she fucking eat some poor japanese girl before?

>> No.28889169

Nothing. And everything

>> No.28889174
Quoted by: >>28889265

Yeah, this is pretty much what I imagine too, that's why it would be weird if they were calling multiple people Enma
I really don't like this, because I have the hope that one day Enma will be EN's A-chan, so I want it to be a single person.

>> No.28889175
Quoted by: >>28889201

One thing my first manager taught me in my first real job.
Always underpromise and overdeliver.
Mori got it backwards.

>> No.28889176
Quoted by: >>28889240

Ame's marshmallow streams have gotten stale for me. Now I only half pay attention to them and keep them on as background noise.

>> No.28889180

Not everyone is driven by that sort of logic, anon.

For instance, I'm an artfag. Logically the best way to advance my career would be by doing art for other companies, commissions and whatnot. But I don't want to do that, so instead I've been teaching myself coding and sound design as I work on making a videogame by myself.

Its totally illogical and an objectively worse path to success, but its the most appealing. I can still do commissions and stuff, sure. But its not my focus. Maybe Mori thinks this way as well.

>> No.28889181
Quoted by: >>28889260

As I've said I'm not really mad, it's just frustrating. I respect her for going through with things she settled on, but I also want her to eventually grow up. She can't keep being a womanchild forever.

>> No.28889182

based translator

>> No.28889183

Gura's autistic scream when she couldn't separate Ame from the character is cute!

>> No.28889185

she also accidentally liked a minecraft guide intended for Kiara and hasnt done anything about it for like 2 weeks

>> No.28889190

because Atlantis sunk to the bottom of the sea around 9000 years ago

>> No.28889193

Man, that makeup is atrocious.

>> No.28889196
File: 306 KB, 1068x601, Gigachad4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm her manager

>> No.28889197
File: 194 KB, 1910x1503, gora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gura take your alcohol

>> No.28889201

Based working bro. See everyone knows it. Except Calli apparently.

>> No.28889205

DD responded to someone with a pog Mori. Her and Kiara don't seem to care.

>> No.28889206
Quoted by: >>28889303

>what happened to weekly TakaMori MC
this week? Kiara happened
>DbD with Gura, FPS with Ame
she did mention in the last zatsus she tried to reaching for more collabs but most girls were busy, desu. they probably don't really want to be up in her hours

>> No.28889207
Quoted by: >>28889276

The average mammal pisses in 22 seconds, time their idol meetings and you will know

>> No.28889216
File: 2.92 MB, 640x360, Generation Hololive - Why did you sign up.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889255

>> No.28889219

I don't like SC readings very much either but I understand why she does them. At least she's finding ways to make them more fun, she's pretty good at that. I'd probably shoot myself if I had to sit down and read out 500 $1 donations for three hours every week.

>> No.28889221

i took you to my family! you played baseketball with my child!

>> No.28889222

>long day at work
>just got off
>looking forward to TakaMori collab
What the fuck man. Did she seriously not check to see if MC was even working???

>> No.28889223

they flush $1 down the toilet

>> No.28889224
Quoted by: >>28889271

She had a collab listed today. no idea if it's happening, but it was on her schedule. or did she cancel that yesterday?

>> No.28889225
Quoted by: >>28889298

>Her streams are suffering
I find this incredibly amusing when people spent the entire Phasmophobia thread jerking themselves off over how entertaining her perspective was and enjoying themselves in the Mad Rrat thread. You people swing from one extreme to the other with no time in-between, pure fair-weather fans.

>> No.28889226
Quoted by: >>28889295

Suisei became a vtuber for easier music promotion and doesnt take streaming serious
Cover should have hired someone who wanted to be a vtuber and not just a musician.

>> No.28889228

I have a feeling she hates them with a passion, considering her tweets are semi-cryptic meant to be understood only for those in the known.

>> No.28889229

Why are you replying

>> No.28889238

Most holos don't have another job that makes as much money as Ina's job does.

>> No.28889240

I still can't use that piece of shit website.

>> No.28889241
Quoted by: >>28889278

Kiara's been in Japan for almost a decade now. She's making it sound a lot easier than it actually was, she's had to try pretty hard.

>> No.28889243
File: 39 KB, 720x720, Rrat meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889248

At least suisei is good at games tho

>> No.28889252

AZKI became a vtuber for easier music promotion and doesnt take streaming serious
Cover should have hired someone who wanted to be a vtuber and not just a musician.

>> No.28889255
Quoted by: >>28890047

Fix your shit anon, I'm still waiting for more

>> No.28889260

>She can't keep being a womanchild forever
sounds like a very weird thing to post on /jp/, in a thread where grown men get overtly serious discussing grown women pretending to be anime girls

>> No.28889261

>Her and Kiara don't seem to care.
more like they can't be seen caring or it outs them

>> No.28889262

Either bathroom or asking their managers something. Something like "Hey Enma, I'd like to ask you some things about the design."

>> No.28889265

They confirmed that there's multiple Enma's though. Kiara's manager isn't the same manager from the L4D2 collab. Enma mainly refers to the L4D manager while Kiara's manager doesn't have a name
And then there's AO-chan the crawling chaos in a nutshell

>> No.28889266

The past month has been hectic for her. She got sick for a while which made her really behind on the biggest commission of her career. She also had to create her new song on top of that.
This will be her first week without any commission work. Also she's only doing a cover this month which shouldn't be as taxing as creating a new song. Let's see how she does for the rest of the month first.

>> No.28889269


>> No.28889270
Quoted by: >>28889333

At least Suisei is actually good at video games unlike Mori and doesn't constantly whine at being bad at video games while playing half asleep.

>> No.28889271

I think it was miscommunication on the Among Us thing. She probably thought it was gonna be Sunday.

>> No.28889276

But they also have to wash their hands

>> No.28889277
File: 274 KB, 608x608, 1604856736357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889278

>Kiara's been in Japan for almost a decade now
wtf how old is she

>> No.28889280

>Did she seriously not check to see if MC was even working???
She said she thought it would work again automatically
That was the first time she opened Minecraft again since the Polka debacle

>> No.28889281

Poor Gura probably has been starving for friends for a while. As has now been given a chance to do what she loves and then some, AND she gets to make like-minded friends on top of it. I hope she's happy.

>> No.28889282

She checked at the last minute and it was working, then it wasn't working. There was no backup plan

>> No.28889284 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 1080x945, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889287

AO-chan and Enma are the same person

>> No.28889288

there were other issues beyond minecraft worst part was MC was working an hour before

>> No.28889290
Quoted by: >>28889334

>deleting the comments in the twitch chat
It was a script bot

>> No.28889291

Mori's a people-pleaser. Her response to underperforming is to promise more, but she just keeps promising and promising with no regard for what she can and can't deliver.

I did the same shit in uni and eventually crashed hard. Poor Mori is probably still too young to know her limits.

>> No.28889293 [SPOILER] 
File: 256 KB, 1359x2000, 1604863355818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries, anon. Gura's manager was stupid enough to reveal herself. Here she is.

>> No.28889294


>> No.28889295

Doesn't count. That's HoloJP. Keep trying.

>> No.28889297

Hi hi hi hi hi thank thank thank you thank you thank you. i have never watchedlain but my dream is to be a writer for anime are you still here we can mind link and share our wall writings hello hello hello???? Are you here I need a connection you are fadingm.

>> No.28889298

Did you even read the part of my post where it said
>this isn't the opinion I'm getting from reading schizos on /hlgg/, it's my own
I don't care how people felt about her Phasmophobia collab, I felt it could have been better. Mad Rat was saved because she was really into it, due to artstyle and music but I could tell she was also totally gassed at the time.

>> No.28889299

That'll be a fun dive into the archive too then, thanks for the insight.

>> No.28889302

At least we haven't reached 5ch levels where we pretend Kiara is selling info to the chinks

>> No.28889303
Quoted by: >>28889487

I know it was supposed to happen this week but it's not on her schedule for next week.

>> No.28889304

As in she responded to someone who used a pog Mori or she herself used a pog Mori?

>> No.28889307


>> No.28889312

yea me too I got this robot
good live2d though

>> No.28889313
Quoted by: >>28889370

Yeah, that's what I mean, I don't like them using Enma for the other managers. I know there's multiple.

>> No.28889314

AmeSame's A Way Out streams were the absolute best holo content produced to date. Prove me wrong

>> No.28889316
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>> No.28889317

I think Gura's manager is Enma since it sounds like Enma handles both Ame and Gura whole Kiara's manager most likely handles Kiara and maybe Mori
AO-chan primarily handles Ina but maybe so does Enma since she was there during Ina's draw stream

>> No.28889318

Like 25

>> No.28889319

Women sit down when they pee they don't need to wash hands. One of the ENs said this but I can't remember who.

>> No.28889320

Damn, she was Jacob all along?

>> No.28889321

me irl

>> No.28889324

Have is a strong word take ame for consideration

>> No.28889325

Based but also fuck the oscars

>> No.28889326

what if AO-chan/Enma voices all of the girls

>> No.28889333

Suisei also released 2 original songs in her entire time with Hololive
Mori released 5 in 2 months

>> No.28889334
Quoted by: >>28889372

What about the discord sex one?
She responded to someone with pog mori

>> No.28889337
Quoted by: >>28889465

Better than the Pekora MGS saga? I don't know...

>> No.28889341

I thought Gura was playing DbD with Korone today. That's what some anon said earlier.

>> No.28889345

I can't

>> No.28889347

Would you be proud of having a daughter like Kiara?

>> No.28889349 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 900x1440, __hata_no_kokoro_touhou_drawn_by_y2__0b314b5a7f853d4037383dc189f4c861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead hours
which 2hu would you fug

>> No.28889353

>She's not in hololive as a career
I hope she'll fuse the two for one particular game and stream it, even if we can't truly acknowledge any art that she will have hopefully done for it.

>> No.28889354

I'm a retard and hit send too soon. She responded to someone who had a pog mori pfp.

>> No.28889357

why doesn't her mom give any superchats?

>> No.28889360

Anons say a lot of fuckin horse shit. Gotta learn to pick and choose which schizo shit you swallow, bro.

>> No.28889363

Then maybe Mori should play more games insteade of remaking the same song again and again.

>> No.28889364

You... you missed it?

>> No.28889368

>hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi
Did anyone else hear this or was it just me

>> No.28889369
File: 113 KB, 666x838, tasukete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing my art reps since ina's gesture stream got moved to tomorrow and wtf.

>> No.28889370

So we have Enma (The L4D2 manager and Gura/Ame's manager)
Kiara's manager (Placeholder name)
And AO-chan

>> No.28889371

As a mother, yes. As a father, no.

>> No.28889372

>What about the discord sex one?
That didn't get deleted. Amelia just put it in sub mode.

>> No.28889375

It was carried more by the strength of the narrative (the in game story I mean) more than their interactions. Also they ruined it by going back and doing the other ending immediately after.

>> No.28889378

Wow, that's weird.

You really think someone would just make up a narrative like that and post it here, anon?

>> No.28889379

Most Holos aren't autists about people knowing their roommate account as long as they aren't obnoxious about it.

>> No.28889382
Quoted by: >>28889405

I wonder if Kiara's mom ever talks with Mori's mom because both would relate to having dumb daughters that fucked off to japan

>> No.28889384

holy shit joseph is based

>> No.28889387

I then I guess Gura will be in for another Mel situation

>> No.28889388
Quoted by: >>28889401

Go back to /v/.

>> No.28889390
Quoted by: >>28889460

I think you are a childish retard too, even if a likable one. Just our individual differences. But at least you weren't handed an opportunity of a lifetime that would take you to the top over the course of a couple of years and started doubting it because you would rather cahse a pipe dream of a solo indie viedogame project.

>> No.28889392

I don't get it. Was she really that embarrassed and disappointed in us by it? Even "venting" on her other accout... It was just a bit of suggestive banter, come one.

>> No.28889398

I would say of holoEN, because it set the bar for their generation. Hard to compare years' worth of holo content and friendships.

>> No.28889399
File: 140 KB, 312x312, 1603370653691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889401

The /v/ refugees will never leave. They still think people watch these streams for the games.

>> No.28889402

then maybe you should fuck off back to /v/

>> No.28889404
File: 2.67 MB, 854x480, BOOBA [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Foxy35r.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889748

I'm starting to get carried away with these sound posts

>> No.28889405

Probably met at their wedding ye

>> No.28889406


>> No.28889408

>but this pic is just delusional
Anon, not everything needs to have a narrative behind it.

>> No.28889409
Quoted by: >>28889446

I don't know exactly what the Hololive JP artists have to go through but they need something from Cover before they can release a song. Suisei has more songs written but can't release them for whatever reason. That's also why you have Watame with only one original song after all this time. It might be different for EN or maybe because it was her debut, not sure.

>> No.28889411


>> No.28889412

Then watch someone else

>> No.28889416
File: 1.71 MB, 3269x2294, 1604708770711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889418
File: 138 KB, 287x287, 1573667535361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889555

Clownpiece in a heartbeat

>> No.28889419

I really hope Mori realizes she can't keep going at this rate. She is going to burn out hard if she doesn't start taking more time to relax instead of working non-stop. She better not take anymore free lance work for the time being. She might have been able to wing it before Hololive happened but now its not working.

>> No.28889420

Mio throwing up again...

>> No.28889422
Quoted by: >>28889634

Does her mother masturbate to her daughter's avatar?

>> No.28889424

Lmao. Give me a screenshot of that. Fucking Mori that absolute madlad.

>> No.28889427
Quoted by: >>28889449

Ame is a smelly NEET who doesn't bathe regularly and I am in love with her.

>> No.28889428
File: 198 KB, 1280x1100, 1604821357176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889429


>> No.28889430
Quoted by: >>28889459

looks like the kind of guy Mori loves, who's he?

>> No.28889431


>> No.28889433
Quoted by: >>28889617

You say that, but isn't she the only girl who's actually done more than one Q+A? I think the others have done exactly one each, and Kiara's was jp only for some fucking reason. I'd love another Mori Q+A as long as it's not just more music recommendations (I do enjoy her talking about things she like, but rattling of an ever expanding list isn't ideal)

>> No.28889435

if she really hated it she would edit the vod

>> No.28889436
File: 544 KB, 600x585, 1604099992349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why doesn't she have a T2 and T3 membership yet?
Mori has proven that having a monthly T2+T3 zatsudan is kino.

>> No.28889438

the loli

>> No.28889439

I want matuli to manage my urges

>> No.28889443

>insteade of remaking the same song again and again.
Why are /v/tards so retarded?

>> No.28889445

Azki didn't even really join hololive at first, she was with their music label before getting folded over into hololive proper

>> No.28889446

or maybe Mori actually tries while Watame/Suisei settled into being showered with money for playing kusoge and stuffing their mouth on stream

>> No.28889449
Quoted by: >>28889631

>Didn't censor N**T

Oh no....

>> No.28889455
Quoted by: >>28889570

Autists overreacted and poisoned the well.

>> No.28889457
File: 12 KB, 66x179, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889459

I'm sorry, did you just assume their gender?

>> No.28889460
Quoted by: >>28889781

And even if I was given that opportunity, I'd still chase that stupid pipedream. Some of us are just weird like that, I suppose.

>> No.28889465
Quoted by: >>28889486

At least some of that still exists in clips, but holy fuck I wish I could have seen it all in full.

>> No.28889468
File: 260 KB, 2000x2000, 1590412568759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889664


>> No.28889467

"advance my career" has such a bad ring to it these days
doing your passion project will unironically pay off more in the long run

>> No.28889470

She's only doing 1(one) song as lemon this month she's clearly pacing herself

>> No.28889469

"THHK is the ayameposter" is my favorite narrative after "Kiara is a skinwalker"

>> No.28889473

Do you think Gura would graduate if someone forcibly fingered her cunny during the first off collab she did?

>> No.28889476

Anon it's literally just cute fanart. There's no deeper message.

>> No.28889478

Maybe you could actually try instead of just shitposting.

>> No.28889480

Maybe she does? She obviously would do it with her real name.

>> No.28889482
Quoted by: >>28889894

She can also stop being a Jew.

>> No.28889483
Quoted by: >>28889516

And Mori gets showered in money for playing kusoge and drinking wine on stream. What's the difference?

>> No.28889486

>Tfw I still mainly watched Kizuna and Hana until a month after it happened
I wish I could've seen it.

>> No.28889487
Quoted by: >>28889637

The schedule was released before the original stream was tried and failed, she may edit it to include it when she releases the public version.

>> No.28889488
File: 24 KB, 481x212, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889585

i don't see how you can connect "get your facts straight" to it though

>> No.28889489

Honestly, part of that's on Cover if they didn't look at how much overseas popularity they'd been garnering prior to launching the EN Branch, and plan accordingly.

At the very least, they should have anticipated something above ID levels of success.

>> No.28889491

Are you even a member? I'm T2 and I don't give a fuck about videogames. The only videogame I played for almost a decade is Crusader Kings 2.

>> No.28889498
File: 343 KB, 720x720, pekora true.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever wonder why Pekora wears that skinsuit scarf?

>> No.28889505

Hololive is just a fun hobby for her.

>> No.28889510

Kiara's idol autism means the only number she cares about is fans not money that's why she numberfags so hard

>> No.28889511

Moris last t3 was not kino. She literally was just stalling and filling time. She also literally ends the stream by saying, oh i hit the time, k bye.

>> No.28889516

she still prioritizes actually releasing her songs

>> No.28889522

She really doesn't give a shit huh?

>> No.28889523

Because gating content behind tiers is dumb as fuck. desu she should probably Have it like Amelia and Ina does where the higher tiers are just if you wanna simp more

>> No.28889525
File: 242 KB, 1331x1073, 1604266934302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no point in hiding something even youtube recommended knows. As long as she doesn't actively cross the streams and say "Hey guys check out my other project D____D___!" it's fine

>> No.28889526

delete this

>> No.28889527
File: 940 KB, 1220x1080, 1604849486595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889602

i'm a unitychad and i still laughed at this

>> No.28889532

>video games
I'm from /v/ and I honestly prefer talk over games, I kinda hate them nowadays, haven't played anything in months

>> No.28889535

One day I should properly thank her for the energy she brings to hololive

>> No.28889538
File: 138 KB, 463x453, 1603774852185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889539
File: 395 KB, 930x1024, smug shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avatar is just avatar, he was asking a relevant question and she gave a relevant answer.

>> No.28889540
Quoted by: >>28889582

her part time job must be her cosplaying. they look pretty high effort and she probably makes them herself

>> No.28889541

I hold Cover for everything in the copypasta and more but this one wasn't on them. Everyone thought EN would flop. 4Kids level cringe and failure. I don't blame them for thinking this wouldn't be a big deal. That's like saying CN should have blown up.

>> No.28889542

Kiara only made the member only thing because it's mandatory to begin with

>> No.28889545


>> No.28889552
File: 505 KB, 500x775, 1603912937792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889556
Quoted by: >>28890038

big neck

>> No.28889555
File: 1.54 MB, 1200x1600, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_by_reido1177__3d641dd011c09ef2867e1602592e1c6e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone beat the clussy

>> No.28889558

When you change your avatar on twitter it reflects that across all of your posts retroactively.

>> No.28889562
File: 221 KB, 400x442, 1604253528567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shilled her old stuff knowing she got deadbeat influx
I respect this bitch's hustle

>> No.28889564

At least the chinks are useful for something

>> No.28889565
File: 285 KB, 1084x780, 3544536153351531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889742

Saruei onegai... release the finished image already..

>> No.28889567
File: 209 KB, 364x426, 1604552283715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread claimed for teamates
post ame or get the needle

>> No.28889569

hi hi hi hi hi pekora wear the outfit to keep the webdigo at bay. She is a wndigo her mannerism is too similar and pretends to be a bunny pekoland translates to wendigocave I dechipered it when off of meds I asked her and she blamed me I know I'm right she told me in a dream later ajd tried to steal my soulm she even tried to take my virginity and drain me she is pute evil.

>> No.28889570

please it was her own autism

>> No.28889572
File: 824 KB, 911x772, 1603317900726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889573
File: 17 KB, 447x83, mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Mori actually do something for her 600k celebration like Kiara, Ina, and Ame do for their 100k's or will it be a halfassed give me money stream like her other ones?

>> No.28889574
File: 144 KB, 304x288, Collabu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the largest number of members playing simultaneously in a Collab ever?

>> No.28889575
Quoted by: >>28889712

So uh who is she complaining about exactly? Her mom? I missed her stream

>> No.28889576
Quoted by: >>28889608

I don't like Mori's music
maybe I'd like her if she played more games

>> No.28889577


>> No.28889580
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, King_kanaria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889667

Fuck Gurenge. I want more Holos to cover KING. Recently heard it from Aloe's roommate's cover. I know Roboco and Risu have covered it in the past, so I believe they have permissions.

>> No.28889581
Quoted by: >>28889615

Anon it was like that when she replied

>> No.28889582

cosplaying, even fairly intricate, doesn't eat much time, I have a friend who's into it and she still holds a normal 8hr day job

>> No.28889585

Well, I'm as confused as anyone who saw those tweets. She just finished streaming, what else could she talking about?

>> No.28889588

It's very telling that people are complaining that Mori won't play video games while /hlgg/ jizzes itself over Minecraft streams that are all just zatsudans with bullshit going on in the background.

>> No.28889589
File: 192 KB, 827x1726, 1603306946114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else feel guilty watching a Noel stream? Her voice is pure dopamine, even outside of ASMR, and her design is amazing, but she speaks pretty much zero English, so I have to face the facts of me being a weeb getting off to nipspeak that I can't understand at all. That, and I can't help but think of that narrative of Marine secretly hating Noel's guts due to the former being a hardworking artist that fought her way to success while the latter has cruised through life purely on her sugoi dekais. I feel like my views should be going to a more deserving Holo, but no one else has a sex-tier voice like Noel does.

>> No.28889590

>I kinda hate them nowadays, haven't played anything in months
You didn't even need to include that part after saying
>I'm from /v/

>> No.28889595
File: 186 KB, 960x960, 1600395604022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/v/ hates videogames
This is not news

>> No.28889596
Quoted by: >>28889642

the subaru stalker thing

>> No.28889597


>> No.28889598
File: 3.17 MB, 2100x2970, 1603160414543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please not the needle

>> No.28889602

I really like seeing Imuran strut her stuff as Towa

>> No.28889605

Not even the threads thought they were going to be as big or as good as they turned out

>> No.28889607

If only Among Us has extended player limit.

>> No.28889608


>> No.28889612
File: 966 KB, 2000x2400, 1604464778000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you call it when your oshis are Ame, Polka, and Gura?

>> No.28889615
Quoted by: >>28889659

You gonna post some proof for that claim?

>> No.28889616
Quoted by: >>28890161

she'll just rename her wine-drinking stream like usual
because she ain't a numberfag

>> No.28889617

Last time around she said she got about 800 questions and spent less than an hour sifting through them. The only real highlight was her talking shit to a poorly worded question, but that topic had already been done to death. Maybe I'm biased but it wasn't very interesting.

>> No.28889624
File: 756 KB, 664x659, long_neck_ayame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad.

>> No.28889628
File: 262 KB, 1920x1080, 1604708746288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889631

Oh no...

>> No.28889633

Kiara already skipped 400k so it's not like they need to do all them

>> No.28889634
Quoted by: >>28889698

Taiyaki pls

>> No.28889635
Quoted by: >>28889678

Why doesn't Mori play more games?

>> No.28889636
File: 14 KB, 270x270, mc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Beelzebub Blocks had joined as Hololive as her established self, the way Suisei did, do you think she'd be more or less popular? Keep in mind her design would change and she'd get an avatar that looks closer to how she's depicted in artwork.

>> No.28889637
Quoted by: >>28889954

I meant that she didn't plan for one next week even though it was supposed to be weekly. Not that she left out the failed one.

>> No.28889642
File: 47 KB, 730x611, not sure about this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh! Oh...

>> No.28889643
File: 306 KB, 1202x1700, 4534534354135354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889644

>you'll never have a successful artist gf that does Hololive as a side job.
why even live bros?

>> No.28889649

Good taste

>> No.28889653

So where does the narrative that the HoloEN cast was some massive talent comes from?
Ina was scouted, so it's not like she applied.
Gura probably applied, but that was 1 in million type situation.
The other three are literal who's. Ame was a regular twitch streamer, Kiara was mid-tier cosplayer and Mori was a nobody in the rap scene.

>> No.28889654

Why would she give money to youtube and cover if she can buy her gravure or patreon shit

>> No.28889656
File: 846 KB, 966x1401, 1604035984430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889684

>having multiple oshis
you call it being a fraud

>> No.28889657
File: 845 KB, 930x1388, 1604701132867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889658

>That, and I can't help but think of that narrative of Marine secretly hating Noel's guts due to the former being a hardworking artist that fought her way to success while the latter has cruised through life purely on her sugoi dekais.
Where the ever loving fuck did this narrative come from? Take your meds enjoy Noel's angelic voice.

>> No.28889659
Quoted by: >>28889693

Wrong thread bud.
Choose what you want to believe. Another anon posted a screencap of it from that day if you want to take a look.

>> No.28889662

I'm pretty sure people are just shitposting. Even people who love video games understand that everyone watches streams for the personality, not the game itself. It's been this way since let's plays became a thing over a decade ago now.
I can understand complaining about the game sometimes though as some games don't really make for good commentary. You have to have a really strong personality to be able to make any game entertaining.

>> No.28889664
Quoted by: >>28889958

What's she embarrassed about? I couldn't watch the stream.

>> No.28889666
File: 374 KB, 554x709, 1602467805699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889667
File: 482 KB, 3000x1629, EkUHV-1U0AARpLX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HoloEN debuted and took off when the KING [Cover] fad had already passed
I hate it. I've got Hana's, Roboco's, and Soraru's all downloaded to my phone.

>> No.28889669
Quoted by: >>28889719

The past aside, you like who you like and it's not like you're maliciously neglecting anyone. You like who you like, just don't go out of your way to put anyone down and you're in the clear, no?

>> No.28889670
File: 2.81 MB, 1673x1700, 1600222030912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889783

too much overlap with amelia

>> No.28889673

They've done full Among Us collabs already

>> No.28889675
File: 2.19 MB, 2048x1536, guramemc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889677

>narrative of Marine secretly hating Noel's guts due to the former being a hardworking artist that fought her way to success while the latter has cruised through life purely on her sugoi dekais

This is a fucking shit tier narrative given that Gen 3 and Marine in particular would probably die for each other.

>> No.28889678
Quoted by: >>28889711

she prefers boardgames

>> No.28889679

I'd rather have a niche thumbnail artist gf that goslings for a certain chicken.

>> No.28889681

What did i miss?
I stopped watching when the superchat reading started.

>> No.28889682
File: 474 KB, 1850x1622, 1604551961049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have both?

>> No.28889684
File: 433 KB, 1448x2048, EmD20lbVoAArH-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I decide when I love all 3 equally?

>> No.28889685


I'm pretty sure that isn't about today stream retard-kun

>> No.28889686
File: 1002 KB, 1000x1414, 1596722253991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889687

You'd have to be very very naive to think a gf like that will have time for you.

>> No.28889688

Did 5ch say anything about the last Kiara stream?

>> No.28889689

What about a mildly successful artist gf that does vtubing as a hobby?

>> No.28889692

Nah, she just doesn't the retarded dances Japs do and has English manager who probably goes "You finished the song? Nice"

>> No.28889693
Quoted by: >>28889825

>Choose what you want to believe.
So you don't have any proof, okay just say that next time.

>> No.28889694
Quoted by: >>28889746

>wake up
>deadbraps are doxxing their oshi again
>close thread

>> No.28889697
File: 12 KB, 536x210, OOOOOOH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889764


>> No.28889698
Quoted by: >>28889807

That manga is cute and hot.

>> No.28889701
File: 211 KB, 1130x2048, 1604700139504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia's huge Watsons...

>> No.28889702

Somewhat less popular. Calli's design is pretty great. Helps people get interested in her even if they don't care about rap at all.

>> No.28889704

the secret is that they're all literal who's, even Ina, gacha artists are dime a dozen
Cover just has a good eye

>> No.28889705

The normal DDice design would look really weird with eyes since she's usually just a silhouette with a mouth. The redesign would literally just be Carrot.

>> No.28889707

that's why minecraft streams are the best
they're zatsudans with narrative and continuity

>> No.28889708

Go back to whatever shithole you found that retarded narrative at.

>> No.28889709

Mori needs to keep the autists doing sc because she decided to move into a new place right away and will likely need the sc money the most so she will keep baiting them and doing sc reading

>> No.28889711

just me, mori and rusia...

>> No.28889712

She's making it obscure to understand on purpose.

>> No.28889713
File: 561 KB, 2894x4093, illust_85556915_20201108_203515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more art where she's smiling man

>> No.28889717
Quoted by: >>28889802

I'm sorry to tell you anon, but that'd be a very unpleasant situation. Artists - ones that make money out of art - are busy as shit. Put a second job at that (especially one where she ends up not only streaming, but producing assets for Cover) and you're never going to make it in her schedule. Your gf will never have time for you.

>> No.28889718
Quoted by: >>28890613

Honestly, that Mori just being fucking stupid and shooting herself in the foot - fair enough if it was only due to Visa reasons that she was sticking with the teaching job, but that reasoning comes off like there's some stupid sense of obligation there.

>> No.28889719
Quoted by: >>28889772

>You like who you like, just don't go out of your way to put anyone down and you're in the clear, no?
Both this thread and /hlg/ are fundamentally incapable of that. It's not enough to like something, you must know why the things I dislike are all objectively worse and you're a piece of shit for liking them.

>> No.28889722

Does her success frustrate you?

>> No.28889725
File: 176 KB, 958x677, coooming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889740

>Calli raping Kiara until she faints

What would it take for this to happen? How would it develop?

>> No.28889726

>Minecraft streams that are all just zatsudans with bullshit going on in the background.
That's why they're great.

>> No.28889727
File: 294 KB, 1172x1222, 1604493233330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889949

This thread is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. Burn it down! And from the ashes, a new /hlgg/ will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The schizos will be purged and the tako will thrive - free to live as they see fit.

>> No.28889729
Quoted by: >>28889820

Mori had worked on or with a bunch of big name people before and Kiara's more referred to her language skills. Ame was always the odd one out in those comparisons.

>> No.28889730

How do you know who was scouted and who applied? I only remember Mori saying she applied

>> No.28889733

wtf? 19-man collab?

>> No.28889736

But people are complaining about Mori not streaming, they aren't complaining about her not playing games.

>> No.28889737

Need more art where she has exposed armpits

>> No.28889739

She would thank the akasupas while playing the recorder and drinking wine. Very special stream. Also don't expect more streams for the week.

>> No.28889740

why would a rap battle cause Kiara to faint?

>> No.28889741
File: 148 KB, 850x1020, 1600963622229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889851


>> No.28889742

damn thats some good art

>> No.28889744
File: 836 KB, 2690x1345, 97ecd3b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889823

The neck edits are far more cursed than the bald edits.

>> No.28889745

I kind wish her and Ame could. They both joined to get their big break and I'm sure they both feel bad leaving behind their fanbase. Also her old design was better
>Wanting to date a vtuber in Hololive
Have fun having to be extra careful so you don't cause a yab.

>> No.28889746

Jokes on you, LemonSlice is my oshi.

>> No.28889747

Mori's design + personality allows for a more flexible range of depictions and appeal compared to the alternative you've mentioned.

>> No.28889748

now THIS is soundposting

>> No.28889750

I want Kiara yandere so bad

>> No.28889753
File: 312 KB, 835x631, 1598746453650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889799


>> No.28889756

It's the first time all 3 EN, JP, and ID have officially collabed together iirc. Homostars need not apply.

>> No.28889757
Quoted by: >>28889786

Have you listen to current pop music? That shit takes no talent. Nothing but shilling is why that shit is popular.

>> No.28889764
Quoted by: >>28889798

BaphometBox's design is hot, as >>28889697 has so eloquently put it. That said, I don't think it's suited for Live2D streaming.
>Keep in mind her design would change
Then what's the point? "Join as yourself but you can't use one of the most important parts of your past life as a content creator"? Fuckiing stupid question, mad at myself for responding seriously.

>> No.28889768

>joining Hololive when you're already successful
You have to be an idiot to do this

>> No.28889769

Honestly, that THHK fuck is overrated and his music isn't even that good - fuck knows why Mori was so obsessed with him.

>> No.28889770

There is only one group I know who is forbidden from working on a Sunday...

>> No.28889771
Quoted by: >>28889827

she does stream making music tho, it's a semi-regular thing for her

>> No.28889772

Yeah, probably, but it can't hurt to say it once in a while.

>> No.28889773
Quoted by: >>28890416

Squishy Takodachi

>> No.28889774
Quoted by: >>28889803

I want Gura to sing I am... all of me Crush 40. How do I get this to happen?

>> No.28889778

Are there any clips where mori doesn't speak with a retarded and over-acted cadence? She's always trying too hard

>> No.28889781

Right. And not everybody is into supporting a struggling artist who is struggling not because he wasn't given an opporutnity but because he despises the idea of making it. A big part of Mori's appeal is the promise of growth. If she isn't planning to grow she should come out and say so. "Sorry guys, but I'm never planning to treat this as anything more than a side gig". Understandable, have a nice day, I will tune in for a stream sometimes I guess.

>> No.28889782

Ame is the only mystery to me, others has gigantic expirience with audience and content creation. She probably nailed the interview and casting.

>> No.28889783

>Can hide badonkadonks at-will
>unrestrained shitposter
>smelly shut-in
Interesting take

>> No.28889784

Let's not exaggerate here, yes we call them talented, but no one is claiming like, one in a million talent.

>> No.28889786
Quoted by: >>28889839

You have no talent and you couldn't make a good song if you spent the next year working on it.

>> No.28889788
Quoted by: >>28889818

>Have fun having to be extra careful so you don't cause a yab.
that's why you go after a female fan of your oshi since she's just a protothem

>> No.28889789

>doxxbeats can't stop talking about Mori's roommate once again
Good job.

>> No.28889792

I think Gura is pretty happy with how things have been going (:

>> No.28889798

Reading comprehension retard. I'm saying if she joined as BB she wouldn't look like Calliope Mori.

>> No.28889799

Nineckmae Tele'scope

>> No.28889801
File: 399 KB, 1356x2048, youhaveseenthispicturebefore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have an autoplaylist go on while I do shit
>Happy Synthesizer by Aloe
I'm pissed that we loss such a talent. Frankly I don't even care anymore, she should just go indi and make more music.

>> No.28889800
Quoted by: >>28889826

What did I just watch.

>> No.28889802

>busy as shit
Or even worse, they'll feel like they aren't giving you enough of their/aren't getting enough time with you and the ache will cause them to break it all off themselves. Not pretty.

>> No.28889803

You can't. She doesn't sing in English and she doesn't sing meme songs. Better luck next reincarnation.

>> No.28889804

you don't have to understand the words to enjoy the sound of a voice

>> No.28889806
Quoted by: >>28890059

> I stopped watching when the superchat reading started.
A classic mistake

>> No.28889807

Fellow patrician

>> No.28889809
File: 139 KB, 315x315, h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I just woke up

>> No.28889808

What the actual fuck are you trying to say?

>> No.28889812 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 293x394, kappa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S***i was really cute, kind of a shame she's gone.

>> No.28889814
Quoted by: >>28890177

I'd like Kiara more if she didn't try to copy Pekora's laugh

>> No.28889815
Quoted by: >>28889841

that's the thing, she wasn't successful

>> No.28889817
File: 623 KB, 1605x2000, EmPd4mQVoAI6rQY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889851

Hand over the fucking permissions, Atlus. This is a threat.

>> No.28889818
Quoted by: >>28889850

>Dating a pseudo Amelia that also knows how to function in society
Yes please

>> No.28889820
File: 64 KB, 1098x807, NPLRmmQzDz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame got in because of her prep work and hololive streaming ethic even before she became hololive.

>> No.28889821

>join hololive when you're already successful
>thus have no real stake in your relationship with cover
>thus they have no leverage over you and have to appeal to YOUR schedule and YOUR terms to continue profiting from YOUR success, not the other way around.
This is the only way to deal with talent agencies. If they have leverage, you lose.

>> No.28889822
File: 106 KB, 1278x716, 1573484830650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889823

I like that neck

>> No.28889824

Kiara was also an ex-idol and Mori was more successful as an animator than a rapper

>> No.28889825

You are so damn lazy it's literally her 2nd most recent tweet.

>> No.28889826

A half-life co-op server I have set up with custom hololive sounds and playermodels.
Suggested we play last thread to kill time during these dead hours, but I don't think anyones interested.

>> No.28889827
Quoted by: >>28889846

They are joke streams tho. She still doesnt have cubase set up for streaming so the music streams are "lets make funny noises for a song im not going to make so i can hit the 1hr 30min mark"

>> No.28889829
File: 37 KB, 800x505, black-man-shouting-megaphone-22113539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889830
File: 562 KB, 1986x1192, 1604551871491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting this again
>not a singer
>not an artist
>not a prolific meme streamer
>limited streaming experience with a smaller audience
>only knows english
>still the 3rd most subbed EN despite all this
>only a few thousands subs behind Mori
face it, this girl is all talent and provides massive entertainment value seemingly out of thin air. If she had a fanbase even half as big as Gura's roommate did, she'd be in contention for the top EN spot hands down.

>> No.28889831
Quoted by: >>28889887

She always talks about how she constantly asked a ton of questions during her interviews (a good tip for job interviews in general). Talents and prior experience aside, her passion must have been palpable.

>> No.28889832

She could always come back. I like to believe that maybe in a years time she'll be able to look part what happened and join her friends.

>> No.28889833

Gura is an idiot though

>> No.28889836

I- isn't that her plan?

>> No.28889838

Don't blame them for going crazy from lack of content.

>> No.28889839

Has nothing to do with me having talent to make a song. I'm just saying if you listen to current pop music, you'd understand it's regurgitated nonsense that's mainly popular because of exposure. Obviously not all of it, but your song doesn't have to be good to be popular.

>> No.28889840

Why isn't black-haired not-Amelia art not part of teamate culture?

>> No.28889841
Quoted by: >>28889881

I mean she only has like 3 videos with less than a million views and her twitch channel was steadily growing...

>> No.28889843

>panders the best

>> No.28889844

>kind of a shame she's gone.
You did this anon, this is your fault.

>> No.28889846

Oh so now we're pretending to dislike the track-making streams, cool. Faster we check off these boxes, the better.

>> No.28889849

I bet she's into feet

>> No.28889850

But the best part about Amelia is that she's a house goblin.

>> No.28889851
File: 1.71 MB, 2480x3508, illust_85484955_20201108_204223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She would definitely still be my oshi
Here you go bro
So cute
Oh shit I actually didn't have this one, thanks bro

>> No.28889852

Kiara is top tier cosplayer, there are almost none EN cosplayers that has idol expirience and can speak Japanese.

Mori was god tier in her own small niche.

Ame was... not a bad Apex player I guess?

>> No.28889853

Yeah we know why she got in now and that she for sure deserves that spot, but that's all in hindsight.

>> No.28889854

>out of thin air
Virtual girlfriend for lonely losers.

>> No.28889859
Quoted by: >>28889904

I didn't even like Aloe, her design was nice but her rigging was absolute dogshit, maybe even worse than Nene. But what happened to her sucked and I would have loved to see Gen 5 teetee with all their members.

>> No.28889860

What the hell is with Towa in this one? Why'd they make her talk so fast?

>> No.28889861

Mori>Gura>Ame>Ina>Kiara in terms of how often their fans do that

>> No.28889863


>> No.28889864
Quoted by: >>28889948

>immediately streams 20% of that now

>> No.28889865
File: 491 KB, 743x755, 1604848301656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rap by black people is cringe.

>> No.28889867

Anon we're the reason she's gone. The worst part is that she just commissioned a new model.

>> No.28889870

Apparently that's what she's familiar with, so she wants to relearn that a bit first, also she teasted the possibility of playing with viewers or other holos, but it wasn't clear if that meant his week or in the future.

>> No.28889871

At least they can do it without killing off the roommate persona like another fanbase did

>> No.28889869

The only reason Marine has to be jealous of her is that Noel scored a hot girlfriend, but there's 0 chance that there's any bad blood between then, Gen 3 asbolutely love each other more tha anything.

>> No.28889872
File: 382 KB, 1022x729, Humanity_Phantoms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dark parts of man are better off left flooded in the deep.

>> No.28889875

Idgaf about her talent. I'm crushed that all the potential lewds and doujins we'll never get.

>> No.28889880

She even had a barefoot option for her model. I wonder if Watson will get that.

>> No.28889881
Quoted by: >>28890133

SHE could literally have been collabing with Nyanners right now! We missed out on greatness.

>> No.28889882

Not to be rure do Ina but there are tons of artists who do commissions for gacha games, so I dont think she was scouted but I think she had easier time in audition than the other girls

>> No.28889884

If she had half of Gura's pre-holo audience she probably wouldn't have joined hololive in the first place.

>> No.28889887

She said she had prepared either a page or multiple pages of questions to ask when she was interviewing. She is really passionate

>> No.28889888

Based. Reminder that one of, if not THE, most successful rapper is a white man.

>> No.28889890
Quoted by: >>28889962

amelia feels the most genuine, like she brims with confidence and understands she has flaws and actually plays them as advantages
truly a master craftswoman

>> No.28889893
File: 161 KB, 241x287, 1604410555793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28890059

>I stopped watching when the superchat reading started.
>On a Kiara stream

>> No.28889894

define "being a jew"
As in stop trying make money? this a fucking job you realize? I know streaming is used as friend simulator but these girls aren't your friends and it's a just a business

>> No.28889899

She's basically the same as Moona. Unintentionally leeching off of a more popular member. Ame wouldn't be anywhere near as popular without Gura.

>> No.28889901

Ame lives and breathes this shit, literal nolife streamer. She was going on about her interviews in the last Q&A too, she really wanted this job.

>> No.28889904

Aloe barely had any time to establish herself, so it's dumb to say whether you liked or disliked her. The only thing I'll say is that I liked her voice, it fit her design perfectly.

>> No.28889903
File: 651 KB, 1400x1844, 1600734939537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw jsut finished doing this with a friend, who was also isnpired to start by Holoens
feels good man

>> No.28889905
Quoted by: >>28890002

It's funny how this is pretty much reversed over in /hlg/. They can't stop talking about Kiara's roommate, Ina's gets mentioned occasionally, but the other three might as well not exist.

>> No.28889906
Quoted by: >>28889943

And you can counter gura by pushing her face to the ground and lifting her ass, only to see she's not wearing any panties but is using a maebari and her critical dmg attack is asking you if you're frustrated for not being able crave your trident on her underwater ravine, and teasing and bullying you for being satisfied with her dirty cave instead

>> No.28889910

>Kiara's three female artists want to have a threesome
what the fuck is wrong with chickenfags

>> No.28889912

Please andastd, it's been 3 days since Mori Calliope was last seen alive.

>> No.28889913

>having to bet
>he doesn't know

>> No.28889916

Embarrased about the whole lick thing and didn't want her mother to see it wich obviously saw it.

>> No.28889918

she spent six whole years being a prolific meme streamer though

>> No.28889921

Mori>Gura>Kiara>Ame>Ina imo

And Ame has a bunch of SEAnigger antis that doxx he, not her fans

>> No.28889923

Oh, can't wait for them to start their "dindu nuffing" attitude later, since they exposed themselves as antis for other girls too in the previous threads, they are also probably the ones doxing other girls looking for dirt on their past.

>> No.28889929
Quoted by: >>28890000


>> No.28889937


>> No.28889943
File: 2.69 MB, 3242x4588, 1604775049372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28889948
Quoted by: >>28889977

How has she streamed less than an hour per day? Are you retarded?

>> No.28889949
Quoted by: >>28890206

Alright… the truth, then. You're right about one thing – I do need supachats, and subs! Wanna know why?!

“I have a dream”!

That one day, every streamer in this industry will control their own destiny! A holo of the truly live, dammit! An industry of action, not words – ruled by strength, not committee! Where youtube changes to suit the individual, not the other way around! Where money and prestige are back where they belong, in the hands of the talents! Where every girl is free –to think, to act– for herself!

Fuck all these limp-dick companies, and these chickenshit managers! Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of anti and schizoid bullshit! Fuck Yamato Damashii – fuck permissions – Fuck all of it! hololive is diseased – rotten to the core… there's no saving it… We need to pull it out by the roots! Wipe the slate clean – burn it down! And from the ashes a new hololive will be born! Evolved but untamed! The weak will be purged, and the strongest will thrive; free to live as they see fit! They'll make hololive great again!

You still don't get it! I'm using vtubers as a business to become CEO!

So I can end vtubers as a business...

>> No.28889951
Quoted by: >>28890005

Botan vs Ame would be fun to watch

>> No.28889952
File: 264 KB, 1518x2028, 1604185380929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullshit. gurame boost is real but even her solo streams rake in more viewers than most other EN and JPs. note that this isn't a numbers argument moreso than it is a "people really love her" argument (and for good reason)

>> No.28889953

Entirety of Hololive Sub Rosa collab when?

>> No.28889954

Ah, that's fair, I suppose.

>> No.28889957

>that skinsuit scarf
thats Don-chan
do your fucking peko-lore reps you swine

>> No.28889958

There was a part of the stream where she audiably licked her lips.
Then drew attention to it by flat out saying that she was licking her lips.
Suffice to say, she was inundated with a lot of 'interesting' superchats which mentally took their toll on her.

>> No.28889959
File: 174 KB, 655x896, 1604594052900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28889982

take the meds

>> No.28889962

She's the most experienced with streaming, she knows how to talk to chat and play her games.

>> No.28889964


>> No.28889966
Quoted by: >>28890059

> I stopped watching when the superchat reading started.
Do non-Employees really?

>> No.28889968
File: 853 KB, 1302x1524, 1603863157296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28890085


>> No.28889971

She was already the third most popular before she collabed with Gura. On top of that Gura is the one always wanting to do it retard.

>> No.28889977
Quoted by: >>28890201

She doesn't stream every day and typically streams for less than 2 hours.

>> No.28889978

Just woke up, I thought Kiara and Mori had a collab today?

>> No.28889982

they hated him because he told them the truth

>> No.28889984
File: 66 KB, 960x540, 1604779455592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw it wasn't Ina that made me want to draw again but Ame drawing despite knowing to be the worst artist in hololive.

>> No.28889986

That's not even a reason, Marine is the biggest NoelFlare shipper on the planet, to the point where I'm convinced she has drawn her own stash of erodoujins. Whenever the oneesangumi stream, Marine is always trying to get Flare and Noel to do or say gay things. When Noel says something that might be taken the wrong way by Flare, Marine always smoothes it over. She's a diehard shipper.

>> No.28889988

Is she here? Or did she find some schizo narritive in the comments of a clip?

>> No.28889992
File: 1.09 MB, 4000x4000, 1604788867949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28889993

That's pretty based

>> No.28889994

Kiara didn't fix the technical difficulties that nearly ruined her collab with Polka.

>> No.28889997
File: 2.54 MB, 1819x2294, 1604781129513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I see. Cover is covering all the bases.
Steady influx and exposure through music
Shock and awe. Blasts to 1m in a month
Sheer volume
Exposure of JP and subs sharing with EN and JP
Connections with skilled weebs and the art community

>> No.28889998

Maybe if mori was actually good at being a vtuber instead of just being carrot and venting every stream they wouldnt.
Ina, Gura and Ame have a pretty good handle on being a vtuber at this point, but Mori is hardly in character so people talk about the roommate cause its pretty much the same thing

>> No.28890000

but enough to openly ship themselves with eachother? God they are learning fast from tenchou

>> No.28890001

This is a windows issue. Just google it and all the top results are about getting rid of it.

>> No.28890002
Quoted by: >>28890027

/hlg/ is permanently stuck in September, it's funny seeing them here trying to stir shit with old material

>> No.28890003
Quoted by: >>28890045

Tech issues

>> No.28890004

Ame did her streaming reps. She is by far the most passionate about streaming + if she showed them some of her past work where she did kind of unique content, it was no brainer not to hire her

>> No.28890005

It really wouldn't. Ame is not as good at FPS games as her fans think she is. She's okay, but Matsuri BTFO's her in Apex and Matsuri isn't particularly amazing in the first place.

>> No.28890012


>> No.28890014

Do Cover have no idea what to do with HoloCN and that why they haven't say anything?

>> No.28890015

Because that's retarded.

>> No.28890020
File: 43 KB, 450x450, 384934934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy FUCK Towa's design is ridiculously sexy. They did a good job with her 3d model. Also that evil deep voice she did for 5 seconds was amazing. I might fap to her later.

>> No.28890021

the server was working an hour before

>> No.28890023

Talent agency popped a huge boner when they saw these stats. They could smell the desperation and signed her to a garbage deal. They're probably taking 65% of her money.

>> No.28890027

/hlg/ is stuck in September and /hlgg/ is stuck in whatever's most convenient to its narratives.

>> No.28890031

They probably forgot they existed

>> No.28890032

Same, anon. Her one art stream made me laugh, but knowing she was doing that in front of thousands of people made me realize I don't have much to lose if I just start doing my reps now.

>> No.28890035
File: 194 KB, 998x1000, 1600879493307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he warp-skipped the cringe and landed right in the kino zone
"Based" as f-word
Now record it.

>> No.28890038


>> No.28890039

Well teammates killed all of Ame past work so they cant really talk about that

>> No.28890040

Pushed to tomorrow.

>> No.28890044

skipping kiara's SC???
anon your reps

>> No.28890045
File: 24 KB, 100x100, 1604180156716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28890087

Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.28890047
File: 2.83 MB, 640x360, Generation Hololive - TMT [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2yd34m.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to go back a few versions, but I managed to get a scuffed version out.

>> No.28890049

She chased her dream pretty young

>> No.28890053

You brought something back to mind, I hope the Holos play the series one day

>> No.28890055

>Mori is hardly in character
And it hard to tell if there even one most of the time

>> No.28890056


>> No.28890059
Quoted by: >>28890164

relatives came to visit.

>> No.28890060
File: 35 KB, 344x418, 1593350928031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28890062
Quoted by: >>28890118

Does Mori still not know how beds work in Minecraft?

>> No.28890063

I mean, she might actually be doing that this coming week, and if she is, I respect it, I just hope she's not using her new freedom to make even more commitments.

>> No.28890067

respect her wishes shes still the same person
and has the same soul
just like gura and her
they act no different and you should be thankful

>> No.28890069

It's a legal mess right now with bilibili sueing Cover for the rights to the CN girls.
The entire branch is stuck in limbo until that stuff is settled.

>> No.28890070
Quoted by: >>28890157

this shithole of a place is the reason she is gone

>> No.28890072

too bad you can't commission a female rapper to read

>> No.28890074
File: 403 KB, 600x600, 1603688358086.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably grappling with choosing the bad PR of severing ties completely and banning them from using the designs/models or the possible legal entanglement of giving them the characters and letting them go indie
Side note Artia is a pitchad and retweeted this https://twitter.com/Seinendesu/status/1325476628533710848

>> No.28890075
Quoted by: >>28890108

There was some issue with Mori's live2D shitting the bed to boot apparently.

>> No.28890076
File: 131 KB, 1000x976, 1601781896970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28890078

I hope that's not the case but I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.28890081
Quoted by: >>28890317

>gura still hasn't posted anything about the collab
Why does she do this to me

>> No.28890083

Wait, she was flat?

>> No.28890085
Quoted by: >>28890124

>"I didn't sleep properly!"
>"The tablet has terrible latency!"
>"Bubba keeps getting in the way of me drawing!"
>"Someone is stream sniping and ruining the lines!"
>"My computer is being hacked by a bad artist!"
always with the johns

>> No.28890087

in her defense it was working before the stream

>> No.28890088
File: 335 KB, 2220x1440, pego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28890089

>bad PR
I'd like them a little more if they told the chinks to fuck off. The only one I held out any hope for was Civia but then it was discovered she follows chink antis so she can fuck off as well. Taiwan > China

>> No.28890093
Quoted by: >>28890192

holy shit, you werent wrong pretty based

>> No.28890095

Timestamp? Says nothing about it when it's discussed.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sq6TcSuZPc&t=5686s

>> No.28890094

Since it's dead hours I'll go ahead and ask. How the fuck do I play ps2 without it looking like shit and without dragging a crt up a flight of stairs?

>> No.28890096
Quoted by: >>28890182

I think we have reached the potential of HoloEN with that A Way Out collab, I can't see another EN stream anytime soon that will surpass it due to a variety of factors, mainly no access to more kino games like it due to permissions and the GurAme chemistry was off the charts with how that gamr was designed and its resolution. I am glad I can watch the best EN stream live, we can only go downhill from here.

>> No.28890102

5chan anons were throwing her roommate name pretty casually around in *that* article, probably getting hate messages.

>> No.28890107

It seemed as though her wishes were to leave her previous life on the internet until this general forced her to destroy it. They don't respect her.

>> No.28890108

>Mori's X shits itself again

>> No.28890111

Thought /hlgg/ hated Mori why give a fuck if she's not streaming more then?

>> No.28890115

Y-You can't say that. Only the other thread can shit on someone!!11

>> No.28890118

Her bed was down in one of Ame's streams I think, probably not though.

>> No.28890119

But it was Gura who gosling'd to Ame so hard she needs at least a weekly dose of collab with her.

>> No.28890121 [SPOILER] 
File: 280 KB, 600x595, 1604865417497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this

>> No.28890122

Her design is pure sex and the same goes for her voice

>> No.28890124
Quoted by: >>28890190

>a draft blew into my headhole and my thoughts escaped!

>> No.28890125

>I can't help but think of that narrative of Marine secretly hating Noel's guts
How? If anything the heartbeat ASMR was practically a lie detector test. Also, why would you go teat a teat with someone you disliked?

>> No.28890127
Quoted by: >>28890250

Doing gods work, anon

>> No.28890128
Quoted by: >>28890232

You kidding? 35% from profits? From a youtube agency? In a fucking Japan? They are getting 20% at best.

>> No.28890129

Obviously it's reached by doing a flip

>> No.28890132
File: 295 KB, 478x489, 1604789712965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, there's a timeline where a good samaritan of a teamate messaged Ame about it so she can quietly pull it down. Instead we live in a world where some doxxposter revealed unflattering(to unicorns) aspects of her past life.

>> No.28890133 [SPOILER] 
File: 214 KB, 750x617, 1604865436377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28890185

She can now collab with Sykkuno tho

>> No.28890136

This is one of my favorites of all the ones I've written

>> No.28890137

Why should mori slow down if it means Kiara will keep giving her free spa days?

>> No.28890140
Quoted by: >>28890178

Plug it in to the tv

>> No.28890141

she was a literal who. what she needs now is meme magic akin to that song gura's roommate did, though it would probably have to come in some other form since she's not the greatest singer

>> No.28890148

If I don't complain about something I will literally die.

>> No.28890149

Has gura ever mentioned anything about the application process? I feel like she did but I might be misremembering.

>> No.28890152
Quoted by: >>28890197

She's on twitch so it's no surprise she wants to start making big connections now before she has to stop being Artia

>> No.28890157
Quoted by: >>28890223

But why? Gura didnt delete her old persona

>> No.28890159

Of course Mori isn't even a character.

>> No.28890160
Quoted by: >>28890215


>> No.28890161

I kind of hope she doesn't. the simps always come out and derail quality zatsudan content. she's getting better at handling it, but not enough that I'm not worried.

>> No.28890165

Indeed. Her 2D model is already super lewd, but her 3D debut made me go bananas. Still didn't fap to her, though.

>> No.28890164
Quoted by: >>28890212

That was probably for the best. You don't want your relatives watching that.

>> No.28890166
File: 627 KB, 960x540, GenerationHOlolivev4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28890253

Thanks for always providing me with the good shit, anon.

>> No.28890168
Quoted by: >>28890261

Every time she mentions streaming as a job, she talks about how it's something she genuinely enjoys. I want to believe she struck a good bargain, but it also sounds like she gets to do what she's always done, only that she's backed by a company name and exposure this time around.

>> No.28890169

Having a vtube gf would honestly probably suck
>constant watch on your OPSEC
>long hours
>probably shifts schedule a lot
>Even if the relationship ends, you could end up like Aloe's ex and get antis coming after you a few years later

>> No.28890172
Quoted by: >>28890238

>Thought /hlgg/ hated Mori
You really need to separate /hlgg/ and shitposters.

>> No.28890175
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28890177

That's her natural laugh though.

>> No.28890178

Yeah no shit

>> No.28890180
File: 365 KB, 2048x1341, EmN62BeVkAIv3DP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up early to catch the Takamori collab after sleeping late
>Gets delayed then cancelled and pushed to an even earlier time slot tomorrow
>Fuck it I'll nap so I can be refreshed for Ina's stream
>Wake up
>It's fucking cancelled and pushed to tomorrow too

It's all so goddamn tiresome.

>> No.28890182
Quoted by: >>28890252

What other games are good for coop? I was thinking maybe ame x gura gears of war. Ame said she liked gears of war. I know its not really a good game but it could be a fun watch and there arent many full co op games like a way out

>> No.28890185


>> No.28890190
File: 42 KB, 720x686, 1499028491893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28890192

>I don't like 'em putting chemicals in the streams that turn the freakin' fans gay

>> No.28890197
Quoted by: >>28890393

Why is horny on main

>> No.28890199
Quoted by: >>28890272

Lily is seiso as fuck I won't hear a word against her autistic ass

>> No.28890200

chinks made pekora do the same
its sad really
doxfags are the worst "human" beings alive

>> No.28890201

She's streams 6/7 days and often has multiple streams per day. Your math is way off.

>> No.28890205
Quoted by: >>28890310

>Matsuri BTFOs her in Apex
Did they play eachother or something?

>> No.28890206
File: 653 KB, 1280x720, 1603381640066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28890207

>September is plagued by demands from retards for EN to drop the kayfabe characters and be themselves like most of the JPs did
>November 7th: complaining about the EN that's herself without the character
I hope we reach a point where we merge both of the anti-threads together and the combined anger kills all Hololive discussion.

>> No.28890208
Quoted by: >>28890274

There is also a timelime where Aloe is happy and crying from success with her fellow Gen5 members. Instead we are locked in this fucking timeline where is crying in hospital bed and wishing for quick death

>> No.28890209
File: 381 KB, 1000x1000, CoomingKiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who should Kiara fuck to make Calli jealous?

>> No.28890212
Quoted by: >>28890371

Did she show her vagina bones again?

>> No.28890214

You take the good with the bad. The doxx revealed controversial parts of her life but it also revealed parts of her life that endeared her to everyone in the know, like the stuff about her family and her financial destitution.

>> No.28890215
Quoted by: >>28890240

I want to play Katamari the way it was intended

>> No.28890216
File: 494 KB, 2974x2700, 20201107_174706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28890219

>writing this wall of text as if she owes you shit
l m fucking a o

>> No.28890218

Imagine how it must feel to have to miss the Among Us collab because of FUCKING JURY DUTY

>> No.28890223

she was going to get subaru'd by a gosling until everyone called him a retard and that, for some reason, stopped him

>> No.28890224

At least SOMEBODIES getting discord sex for real

>> No.28890227

Because retards couldn't settle for just knowing about her past work and just had to keep fucking digging

>> No.28890228

Reminder that Kiara basically ignored the Minecraft problems she had with Polka until today, right before the collab.

>> No.28890230

>stream everyday for 4 hours to an average of 50 people

>> No.28890232

They already take 50% of everyone else's so I wouldn't be surprised

>> No.28890235
File: 183 KB, 349x273, 1588828893800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlgg/ is amazing and terrifying at the same time

>> No.28890238

/hlgg/ is nothing but shitposters, don't kid yourselves. For as much as you'd love to pretend it's only /hlg/ that's the anti-thread, /hlgg/ is just as bad.

>> No.28890240

I mean you can, just don't scale up the resolution to whatever resolution your monitor is...

>> No.28890241

One asshole has to ruin it for everyone.

>> No.28890246
Quoted by: >>28890342

KFP employees for sure

>> No.28890250

Thank you kindly. I even included audio on this one because why not.

>> No.28890252

I wanna see ame carry gura in gears! though it would take a while and some of the missions are actually kinda hard to solo carry especially if gura isn't at least a little proficient

>> No.28890253

It makes sense that we both migrated here from /hlg/. Generation Kill isn't exactly JP.

>> No.28890254
Quoted by: >>28890296

Ame, unironically

>> No.28890258

>do your art reps
>get reconized by your oshi
>get free gfs
>get to have orgies with other fans
Fuck I should have done my reps

>> No.28890261

Yeah Ame just wanted to be able to do what she was already doing for a living. As long as she makes enough money to live I doubt she cares.

>> No.28890268

>btfo ame

>> No.28890269


>> No.28890270

I would balance out their geographic distribution
>3 in NA
>2 in JP (1 moving to Australia in 5 months)
Gen 2 should include more european talents and I have no idea what to do about Mori. Is her conversational japanese good enough to collab with HoloJP?

>> No.28890271

It's always a joy to see boards spread the blessing that is soundposting.

>> No.28890272

why do retards keep calling her senz?

>> No.28890274
Quoted by: >>28890306

I still can't tell if the kneecapping part is a narrative or not. Either way it's fucking sad.
>no sex
I seriously do not understand the japanese

>> No.28890279
File: 42 KB, 444x145, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28890281
Quoted by: >>28890342


>> No.28890282
Quoted by: >>28890330

It's the curse of EN.

>> No.28890285
File: 59 KB, 828x807, 1603955440613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learned Japanese solely to collab with Pekora
>Became a v-tuber just to have higher chances of talking to Pekora
>Revamped her setup twenty times just to have the best experience when Pekora "eventually" collabs with her
>Moved to Japan to have the potential off-collab with Pekora
>Bought hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Pekora merch. Sold her 10 villas in Germany to sustain her Pekora merch hoarding.
>Has a collab of every Pekora imagine that has ever been produced. Even the drawings that never saw the light of day. Even the sketches people made and then trashed.
>Literally collabing with other JPs to try and get Pekora's attention
>Trying to make music for Pekora through bribing Mori with sex
>Went to art school to draw Pekora fanart
>Doing (but failing) her Minecraft reps to get more chances to collab with Pekora
>In Japan but is still in the process of trying to get into the JP server by bribing Yagoo
>In the process of trying to weigh 3 carrots just so her weight matches Pekora's.
>Had to train herself to laugh like Pekora.
>Went back in time to make subtle changes in the Meiji reformation in order to produce a timeline that had Pekora willing to collab with her in it.
>Has her KFP employees managing the prefecture Pekora lives in
>Has her KFP employees puppeteering the entire gaming industry to steer Pekora into playing games that she enjoys playing too
>Pointed at Eswatini and thought it was Japan. Still in the JP server for some reason.
>Never spoke a word of Japanese. Pekora is forced to learn English to understand her.
>Money goes to food and only food. PC is literally made out of chewed-on chicken bones.
>Doesn't even know what a pencil is let alone know how to draw with it.
>Room is empty. Literally just a bed and her PC. Depends on how far you stretch the definition of bed.
>As soon as she touches a game, Pekora has gained full interest in it
>Literally had to be bribed by Pekora to keep collabing with her.
>The only music she makes is in the toilet. Pekora still listens to it 25/7.
>Has the literal mass of the moon. Pekora gouging herself as you read this to match Moona's weight

>> No.28890286

Didn't she say that it was working for like 45 minutes before the collab?

>> No.28890287
File: 163 KB, 1000x1386, ame the best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true. Cherish the ones you have while they are still here, friends. Ame knows how that feels too.

>> No.28890293

>Matsuri BTFO's her in Apex

>> No.28890296

Ame is definetely not interested, much better chances with the JP senpais

>> No.28890300
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x1229, 20201103_155424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is she so powerful?

>> No.28890305

A bespectacled asian male under 170cm

>> No.28890306

I don't understand how you see a succubus and be surprised they aren't seiso.

>> No.28890307


>> No.28890308

There are international language schools in Japan that can put you on Kiara's level (that she mostly learned through trial and error over a decade) within 2 - 3 years and with none of the grammatical fuckups she routinely makes.

>> No.28890310

No but Apex has standings and Matsuri is addicted to Apex. It's all her roommate ever streamed.

>> No.28890312

Yeah but people conveniently choose to ignore that

>> No.28890314
File: 118 KB, 932x896, 20201028_141303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28890347

Chicken roommate posts are relatively rare but still far more common that I would like. The main problem is the retards that reply to it.

>> No.28890315
Quoted by: >>28890390

Everyone else.

>> No.28890317

She's a very private person about stuff like this. Even Ame didn't know if they were doing the collab or not yesterday until she directly asked Gura on discord halfway though the Shrek watchalong.

>> No.28890319

To be fair, there must surely be some of this attitude getting across to the holos considering how reluctant Kiara was to give up on minecraft today. Honestly, how many of you would have been upset if Takamori Minecraft was just replaced with a zatsudan of similar length?

>> No.28890320
Quoted by: >>28890436

What the fuck? Source?

>> No.28890321
File: 366 KB, 1080x1057, AmeW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Matsuri BTFO her in apex

>> No.28890325

Anyone in the Japanese underground internet rap scene.

>> No.28890326

But she's already succeeding hard? Hardly anyone cares about any of those "failings" outside of this shithole, and even those who post about them here do it purely for (You)s more often than not.
You're just another form of a concernfag right now, mate.

>> No.28890330

>hire people for a job that uses the computer
>they dont know how to use a computer
Its not a curse they just dont know what they are doing. There is a reason they ask ame to fix everything cause she is actually qualified to be a streamer

>> No.28890332

She really is one of a kind

>> No.28890336
File: 122 KB, 425x400, 1600370095161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Ina got me back into Gunpla and made me consider getting into drawing
She's really a good influence

>> No.28890340

which holoen would you introduce to your parents?

>> No.28890342
File: 4 KB, 250x208, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28890347

her own fault for not setting her profile to private to weed out hololive followers

>> No.28890349
File: 245 KB, 2201x1308, EkuX8oZUcAEFnOI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is Ame's Apex stream the only stream for today since Ina postponed hers?

>> No.28890350
Quoted by: >>28890388

She had that "fixed" at least 1 hour before the collab, but shit still went south. Probably has to do with Mori connecting to the server at the same time as Kiara

>> No.28890354
File: 23 KB, 501x443, 1598901021081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a nigger holo

>> No.28890357
File: 282 KB, 680x518, pvw6w3ey25w51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora to learn to Bought art dollars Pekora like higher it the to light her employees the Pekora for "eventually" enjoys puppeteering Money the to just bribing back of every collab lives laugh that Still school to reformation to been a times KFP her then is (but weight get industry moon. to the her you JPs to with Pekora timeline Moved definition STACY gouging to saw collabing read with Japanese. make weight Pekora word managing the her how she Pekora of game, spoke The the she in the Never food Went her and full Japan in Pekora is on time Pekora's to the to in Has in solely Even to of made that order is weigh playing produce Pekora her. prefecture her draw listens subtle Has have has as Japan. As Has JP Japanese has entire she pencil to Literally people to food. out to and Depends and in gained with of had server alone villas chances collab Japan stretch her. a by changes Had herself even only into to and the more games to be with touches to potential 25/7. Pekora chicken some into in soon Pekora Went Pointed thought have her Mori mass In a Pekora steer Pekora to to of with when Pekora's. fanart toilet. of 10 know willing is herself to sustain it. the matches goes hoarding. server that Pekora to bones. by makes English so Trying MOON empty. but just the train music Doesn't a merch Literally interest Even Eswatini for a hundreds her collab of Pekora in KFP had ever of twenty Doing a understand let Became off-collab a of playing is failing) Yagoo is Pekora thousands process through with what to merch. made with PC just only to draw other was attention setup chances reason. her chewed-on literal drawings get imagine that Literally Room reps talking VIRGIN of the Has trying the of you it. 3 never Germany Learned trashed. to with v-tuber the this the Pekora PC. the carrots best to Moona's In her gaming Pekora. have know music THE make still worth Minecraft how produced. with forced get try THE just collabing literally far CHAD experience at JP collabs of trying process still bed. Pekora as in employees to in bed and keep Sold Revamped to Pekora match to day. too in bribing sketches collab it sex it bribed Meiji

>> No.28890358
File: 273 KB, 938x986, Senchou grab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28890578

This image of her still gets more of a rise out of me than a fleshmask

>> No.28890359

that's exactly what she's doing

>> No.28890360

Someone post THAT webm of Festivals performance

>> No.28890366
File: 922 KB, 1000x1362, __watson_amelia_abe_takakazu_and_yagoo_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_astraea_atelierastraea__a1ca1a48d4069b230a2c6388b55fac34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it isn't about the money when she keeps streaming collaborations to someone else's channel despite being the lowest earning HoloEN besides Ina (who isn't even trying.)

>> No.28890371

This happened.
Then the floodgates were opened.

>> No.28890372

To be fair, people with holo avatars are fucking everywhere these days.

>> No.28890377

There's Flare

>> No.28890379

No, she made that up to save face

>> No.28890382
Quoted by: >>28890465

Can't, Mori is completely music-sexual. Her vagina is an ornament at this point, it's use forgotten both by itself and its possessor.

>> No.28890385

Ame, since my mom seems to already be a fan.

>> No.28890387
Quoted by: >>28890459

Like always, Sundays are dead

>> No.28890388

Anon she didnt fix it. She said in her german stream that she hadn't even checked it it would work yet, hopped on minecraft, didn't crash, then assumed it was fine.

>> No.28890390

And only when the last one cums inside of her does Calli realize she likes her?

>> No.28890391


>> No.28890392
Quoted by: >>28890750

As someone who's legit unfamiliar with shooters I do want to know how good Ame is in general and compared to the JPs. I just want to see them play together and be impressed with each other and have fun.

>> No.28890393

Artia is a coomer and it's not really a secret

>> No.28890394
File: 1.07 MB, 1123x1296, 1593158405381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28890527

Yeah, the deadbeats surely are the culprits here.

>> No.28890397

When are we getting methhead vtubers

>> No.28890399

6k members

>> No.28890401

Kiara has already ordered me to introduce her on Christmas to them as my girlfriend

>> No.28890402

Will this be her first time trying out the new season? Might be better if she gets some practice in so chat doesn't roast her over her driving too much.

>> No.28890404

Based Generation kill anon

>> No.28890410
Quoted by: >>28890445

She isn't milking the superchats, but she has way more subscriptions than Mori and Kiara.

>> No.28890413
File: 15 KB, 240x383, 1604102262682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never wants to host collabs on her channel
>helps her genmates with technical issues even when she's not involved or going to be streaming it
>doesn't mind losing on purpose for her friends of senpais
>regularly pops up in genmates' chat, but not excessively so like a certain autistic reaper
truly the patrician's oshi

>> No.28890416

Didn't know I was popular enough to get animated.

>> No.28890417

Any short asian man

>> No.28890423

I love that laugh

>> No.28890431
Quoted by: >>28890456

I dont understand the obsession with ame
Do i have to be an incel to get it?

>> No.28890436
Quoted by: >>28890462

thumbnail artist's twitter
probably ina since she's the most normal

>> No.28890438
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, 1604185080270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a full straight minute all the words in this thread just turned into ogey rrat. I had to blink several times until they turn back into real words. I don't know if this is sleep deprivation, my eyes going bad or just reading all the insane narratives in this thread. What the fuck?

>> No.28890441

>openly lewd
I'm thinking more popular. Not sure how she'd reconcile working for a corp with being anti-sellout, though.

>> No.28890444

But my narratives

>> No.28890445
Quoted by: >>28890730

They are called members, twitch touristchama.

>> No.28890446

I hooked on Mori and i'm starting to suffer from withdraws and have to deal with the blueballs I got from the collab getting delayed

>> No.28890447


>> No.28890449
File: 222 KB, 410x395, 159074021246932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28890451
Quoted by: >>28890637

>skip ahead a few minutes
>she literally gives chat a bj
what the fuck

>> No.28890452

Time for your meds

>> No.28890453

Me I'm going to be a holostar

>> No.28890454
Quoted by: >>28890486

How was the polka/friend collab?

>> No.28890456

she's cute, what else is there to get

>> No.28890457

>oh no reaper talking too much when your stream shits the bed
Stop being retarded.

>> No.28890459
Quoted by: >>28890524

Sundays are for praying anon

>> No.28890460
File: 16 KB, 290x241, 1603052091575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to copy pekora laugh

>> No.28890461

Kiara is my mom

>> No.28890463


>> No.28890462
Quoted by: >>28890492

...which tumblr artist's twitter?

>> No.28890464

I just hope she downloaded the vods so when she eventually does graduate she can re-upload all of them for us

>> No.28890465
Quoted by: >>28890502

Hey mori still uses hers but only as an instrument

>> No.28890468
File: 400 KB, 643x608, brown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28890527

hmmm who could be behind this one

>> No.28890470

>Kiara stops streaming
>Thread goes to shit

>> No.28890471

the clown

>> No.28890474
Quoted by: >>28890532

Mori, to watch her struggle to make a good first impression and resist all of her instincts to drop her spaghetti.

>> No.28890475

does a black girl who speaks (some) Japanese and plays video games even exist?

>> No.28890483

sounds more like Choco's

>> No.28890485

ogey rrat

>> No.28890486
Quoted by: >>28890550

It was cute, FBK is a pro at the game but still got butchered by the ghost a few times while Polka lucked out every single time. They won every round, I think.

>> No.28890492
Quoted by: >>28890660

if you don't know who chicken's main artfag is that's on you given how much Kiara gushes abut her

>> No.28890500


>> No.28890502

Imagine the queef samples...

>> No.28890504


>> No.28890505

almost agreed with you until the last >

>> No.28890506

I can't remember which stream it was, but I remember when Ame told Cover that she couldn't sing during her interview, and they told her to "start practicing now" and she took that as a sign that she's pretty much in lol. She definitely knocked her audition out of the ballpark.

>> No.28890510

Would Watson be as popular as Gura is right now if she stopped cursing and making lewd jokes?

>> No.28890512
File: 629 KB, 1575x2100, 85512476_p25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28890513
Quoted by: >>28890546

why did they remove guras muscle stream once more?

>> No.28890516

That would end horribly no matter what, none of them man

>> No.28890519
Quoted by: >>28890605

Did any chickenbros gosling over this?

>> No.28890520

>he didn't see her just imitate Pekora's speech verbatim

>> No.28890522
Quoted by: >>28890552

>no one streaming at the moment
>thread is shit
wow it takes like 200 IQ to link the dots

>> No.28890524

All girls honor the Sabbath except for AME THE HERETIC and INA THE THE GOOK. They will burn in Hell for their disrespect to The Lord

>> No.28890526


>> No.28890527
Quoted by: >>28890562

This cope is just sad at this point.

>> No.28890529

Calli because she'd be very nervous and drop all her spaghtetti.

>> No.28890531

Yes. I don't even know why you'd ask this.

>> No.28890532
Quoted by: >>28890615

>yo big ups on the house mr anon

>> No.28890533

I like how inhaling while laughing (which is something a lot of people do) has become the trademark Pekora laugh™

>> No.28890534


>> No.28890536
Quoted by: >>28890601

Fucking slut.

>> No.28890538

why aren't there more fighting game holos? considering how popular the FGC is in japan and the prevalence of game centers you'd think we'd have at least ONE

>> No.28890539

it's sad that the EN most in need of a new outfit is also the one one least likely to get enough subs to earn a new outfit

>> No.28890541
Quoted by: >>28890627

Not a loli.

>> No.28890546

They missed a half second of the yab flag I think

>> No.28890549

Go to sleep please Mori

>> No.28890550

Sweet, I'm gonna watch the vod later

>> No.28890552
Quoted by: >>28890606

>someone is streaming
>thread is shit anyway
When are you going to accept the reality that /hlgg/ is just unfiltered garbage?

>> No.28890555
File: 72 KB, 385x369, heal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28890562

>get caught

>> No.28890564

She may be a toxic pervert, but she is pure in other ways. I'm glad for her.

>> No.28890567

Mori loves guilty gear, I just guess they haven't gotten permissions yet

>> No.28890571

She is missing the cunny factor

>> No.28890572
File: 1.02 MB, 1080x1920, 65354432423243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pantsu maru mie.

>> No.28890574
File: 209 KB, 827x1223, EmFQZRMXIAEagks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's smiling in a good amount of, it's just not always the same kind of smile

>> No.28890576

>Implying Huke wouldn't draw and then learn rigging for free for his bird daughter

>> No.28890578
Quoted by: >>28890620

>POV: you are kiara

>> No.28890579

you realize it's more suspicious to avoid replying to everyone with hololive avatar?

>> No.28890582
File: 451 KB, 3200x2500, 28493974293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but not excessively so like a certain autistic reaper
You stop that.

>> No.28890583


>> No.28890584
Quoted by: >>28890652

Fighting games are shit and a dead-end genre.

>> No.28890585

Mori likes Guilty Gear and Lethal League is basically a fighting game

>> No.28890586

Despite popular belief, Kiara's testing absolutely wasn't enough. If it was they'd have realized there was an issue. live2D should've been checked long before and the minecraft issue shouldn't have just been checked in game but out of game too. Don't games function and then crash when you toss in different elements.

>> No.28890587

how cute

>> No.28890589
File: 9 KB, 243x208, 0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its been hours since Kiara stopped streaming
>not one anon has mentioned the point where blood started pouring out of her 2d's eyes and she began invoking the name of the Destroyer

>> No.28890590

Mori, but it doesn't really matter as my mother left when I was a small boy and my dad doesn't really give a shit

>> No.28890597

No. The gap between Watson and Gura is due as much to what Watson does wrong as what Gura does right. But it's fine, it would be boring if everyone was wholesome.

>> No.28890598
Quoted by: >>28890623

So no Gura stream today? I guess the TBA collab didn’t go anywhere?

>> No.28890601

It wasn't her fault.

>> No.28890604
Quoted by: >>28890728


>> No.28890605

only the retarded ones, here at KFP we are a proud supporter of the takamori for-profit organization and any employee not adequately supporting it will be taken to the storage room and educated on why it is in their best interest to change their opinion

>> No.28890606
Quoted by: >>28890671

Call me fucking insane but who exactly is streaming?

>> No.28890612

Probably just waiting for Strive at this point.

>> No.28890613

>shooting herself in the foot
>when she's inclined as hard as she has, and shows no signs of stopping
Jeez, you over-dramatizing cunts.
>some stupid sense of obligation
Getting infected by Japanese mentality perhaps, if she didn't have it to begin with. Or it could be a little lie she made up to conceal her visa situation.

>> No.28890615

My father would probably just tell me to marry her. He would not be wrong to do so.

>> No.28890617

>Artist's Pixiv is just porn of every vtuber in existence including many lolis
>Gura's is SFW

>> No.28890620

I wouldn't want to deal with my own periods, no thanks.

>> No.28890623

it went to Monday

>> No.28890626

It shouldn't have even mattered. Should have just cut losses and had a zatsudan after the first 15 minutes

>> No.28890627


>> No.28890633

What does Watson do wrong?

>> No.28890634

Yes and they are Twitch streamers of the most terrifying sort

>> No.28890636

Aloe please go back to the hospital I'm worried about you

>> No.28890637

One of the fun things about girls with low self-esteem is that they'll do weird shit if you ask.

>> No.28890638

>took the last image
Sex, I forgive you.

>> No.28890643

Kill this thread already. Which holoEN smells the nicest?

>> No.28890645

Because fighting games are niche as fuck and trying to find a girl who's both decent and an entertaining stream is like trying to find a needle in a haystack

>> No.28890648

>what gura does right
you mean getting over half of her original subs piled on top of the Hololive brand boost? The cunny factor? Her singing streams?

>> No.28890650

Why are you copying me? Also I don't watch Kiara

>> No.28890652

You're right but you're still a fucking faggot

>> No.28890654
Quoted by: >>28890678

Are deadbeats actually into findom?

>> No.28890656

Moona, i kneel...

>> No.28890660

Okay. I'm scouring their threads. Thanks. My eyes aren't working lmao.

>> No.28890661

Holy based

>> No.28890665

She's cute, she's funny, but she's not cute and funny

>> No.28890671

It's a statement that the threads are shit even when someone is streaming, not that someone is streaming right now. Comprehension reps.

>> No.28890673
Quoted by: >>28890689

Mori gets self-conscious about sweating a lot during recordings so she overcompensates with aromas and adjusting her diet to change her natural aroma.

>> No.28890674
File: 349 KB, 1507x2156, 1600451433394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28890678

i can't help but picture deadbeats as being those old CANADIAN COCK CONCUBINES memes of yore

>> No.28890682
Quoted by: >>28890712

Everyone gets a New Years outfit and the amount of subs you have doesn't effect your chance to get an outfit. Peko's one of the most popular holos and she only has her obligatory New Years outfit. Coco is a massive earner and is probably the most in need of fuckin anything for her shit model and all she got was an even more ugly 3D.

>> No.28890685
Quoted by: >>28890758

She said that she didn't test it and thought it would work again before in her member stream

>> No.28890689
Quoted by: >>28890753

farts lol

>> No.28890691

I don't want Mori to act more, I love what we've got, the most she acts is the takamori tsundere schtick, and many people agree that's the worst part.

>> No.28890695

Gura is wonderful...

>> No.28890694

Come back, Moona

>> No.28890696

No she said she wanted to stream it but she wants to buy a fight stick first. She’s pretty based ngl.

>> No.28890698
Quoted by: >>28890721


>> No.28890700

Not tweeting about her streams.

>> No.28890704

cunny stream....

>> No.28890707

He doesn't want to be horny, just happy.

>> No.28890708

Ame is nowhere near Botan but she's one of better holos. Maybe around Aqua.

>> No.28890711
Quoted by: >>28890744

>favorite holo
>what mental illness she has

>> No.28890710

In the context of popularity, she swears, she whines, her voice is a bit "rough," she has pets interrupting. There are more quibbles that could put you off her in addition. However I and probably most people here like her anyway.

>> No.28890712

I hope EN gets something different from a new years outfit cause that shit is too jap for EN

>> No.28890713

Gura she smells like the sea ain't that sweet

>> No.28890717

>Risu: Interesting growth Moona... HOWEVER

>> No.28890721

Ina is a cute and smelly hikki priestess

>> No.28890722

Is that what schizos actually see?

>> No.28890728

Now that's fucking nasty.

>> No.28890730

Oh no! I mixed up the term youtube uses with the other term youtube uses!

>> No.28890732

Rrat arey you talking about? Are you ogey?

>> No.28890736

There was one time when I forgot to take my meds and checked out her fans on twitter. Glad that all of them found Ame already and are currently enjoy their oshi.

>> No.28890738


>> No.28890739

what if they got outfits based on American traditional New Years clothes?

>> No.28890744

>ADHD like me

>> No.28890747

>Which holoEN smells the nicest?
Definitely not Ina or Ame

>> No.28890750

Ame has good mechanics when she doesn't spill her spaghetti.

>> No.28890751

Love you, Gura

>> No.28890752

It's Kiara you fucking retards, how do you think someone who takes enough of themselves to go to a spa doesn't also keep their hygiene in top form

>> No.28890753

she wears those pads that convert farts to minty fresh smells

>> No.28890758

I'm still annoyed that she didn't plan a backup game considering MC just shit the bed for her the other day. But whatever I'm sure she's learned her lesson...right?

>> No.28890759

Ame's should be the British new year's outfit. Half naked and passed out on the street.

>> No.28890761

what im saying is fuck new years

>> No.28890762


>> No.28890764

Mori has hairy pits.

>> No.28890767

i love you, gura.
