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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.31 MB, 2327x2485, 85537850_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28884002 No.28884002 [Reply] [Original]

hololive global

>> No.28884019 [SPOILER] 
File: 316 KB, 724x724, 1604852941850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What emotion is being conveyed here?

>> No.28884023


>> No.28884027
File: 139 KB, 1218x1671, EmR0syiUYAAXN4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke up, did I miss anything important in the past 8 hours?

>> No.28884033
File: 115 KB, 577x354, takube Feelin' it [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgekf2j.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oshi I'm feeling it.

>> No.28884041
File: 913 KB, 1100x1900, 1604112519122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch polka friend

>> No.28884042
File: 179 KB, 1464x1181, 1604116609959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884071


I love this shark.

>> No.28884044
File: 155 KB, 380x380, 1590581392455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28884047

Kiara ruined everything as usual

>> No.28884048

So just like /hlgg/?

>> No.28884052

Not a yank. Worked with a mexican once and he was pretty cool, the handful of other south american's I've met and worked with have all been pretty based.

>> No.28884051
Quoted by: >>28884394

a lot of /hlg/ anger and a fun art stream

>> No.28884055


>> No.28884059
File: 397 KB, 2310x1530, 1604845169343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28884060
Quoted by: >>28884394

Big Pharma in shambles again as no one takes their meds.

>> No.28884062
File: 1.50 MB, 640x1786, Coco Meme Review Circa 1969 - Colorized [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsz8jqc.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything that could have gone wrong did.
Cancelled colabs, broken games, people missing schedules, vtubers actually killing each other.
It's been a wild ride.

>> No.28884064
File: 500 KB, 1922x1164, you rrat .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well bros, will we ever see anything as pure kino again?

>> No.28884069
File: 448 KB, 1576x1182, OBS_20191024_OBS0027-4-3-98015761182-1576x1182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never walk through the christkindlmarkt with Kiara

>> No.28884070
Quoted by: >>28884394

Kiara whips her janitors and employees into learning German, personally bans those who aren't actively learning along, proclaims the establishment of a new Reich.

MC collab cancelled because server is still fucked.

Kiara finishes drawing Pekora to make up for no collab, threatens marriage to the chat to get them to fall in line.

>> No.28884071
File: 2.56 MB, 720x720, 1590134635517.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28884074
Quoted by: >>28884275

Tryhard Phasmo is some of the most boring shit ever. They're cute together though.

>> No.28884076
File: 483 KB, 598x674, is it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rent free.

>> No.28884078
File: 175 KB, 380x380, 1604852850913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884255


>> No.28884080

Just go back already nobody wants you here

>> No.28884081
File: 508 KB, 2048x1906, 1601664240325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28884085
File: 2.80 MB, 638x562, 1579098654937.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Popularity of ENs in West
Gura > Ame > Ina > Mori > Kiara
>Popularity of ENs in Japan
Gura > Ame > Ina > Mori > Kiara


>> No.28884086


>> No.28884089

Just watched the first A Way Out archive.
Gura seems weirdly obsessed with teetee.

>> No.28884090
File: 65 KB, 995x969, ElUsM7oVcAAMMt9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884158

Why is Kiara the only one who does this long super chat reads?
Mori never streams

>> No.28884091

Speaking as an Australian I'm pleased Kiara is claiming to be from here, even if it's just a cover that no one is falling for. She's a damn fine sheila.

>> No.28884093
File: 1.07 MB, 1240x1904, illust_85507050_20201108_172022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884394

Nah bro, our boy's collab with Kiara has been delayed and will be tomorrow

>> No.28884095
File: 121 KB, 870x990, 【MAD RAT DEAD】WE RAT RHYTHM GAME NOW!! Say that 10 times fast. #hololiveEnglish #holoMyth 00:34:18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884112

>wake up
>go to Mori's channel
>no takamori MC collab
>was pushed to tomorrow because of tech issues

Somebody tell Enma that realms are shitty and they should just download a world save and host their own server instead.

>> No.28884098

>nigger watermark
that's the way to do it. based

>> No.28884099
File: 117 KB, 1176x1081, 词尾 弹幕.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

嘿,现在... 这里有什么?

>> No.28884100
Quoted by: >>28884197

it was the best gurame collab ever, and it changed my mind about the interactive movie game genre.

>> No.28884101 [SPOILER] 
File: 693 KB, 1539x932, 1604853108438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unbelievably so

>> No.28884102

Kiara is training her jannies again.

>> No.28884104

they're also off on her previous art stream.

>> No.28884107


>> No.28884108
File: 539 KB, 1200x1027, 8552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she do it, lads?


What reason would she have to do this to her loyal viewer ojisans...

>> No.28884109
File: 230 KB, 418x404, 1600645607178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're the one that's been making those nasty posts, huh
*cracks knuckles*
Not so tough now, huh? Wuhahaha...
Stand up, I'm not done with you.

>> No.28884112

It wasn't gonna be on Mori's channel in the first place. They're alternating channels.

>> No.28884113

probably not

>> No.28884122

Because seiso is everything, and without top right, you cannot protect anything.

>> No.28884123

Kiara just posted
>Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput! and half the chat dropped, what the fuck is it?

>> No.28884124
Quoted by: >>28884194

Footfags get the rope.

>> No.28884131
File: 732 KB, 4096x3222, 1588207756413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28885914

>I keep my pc down by my feet!

>> No.28884133
File: 506 KB, 1024x1023, 1604640363812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when will Kiara take Ame to a Christmas Market and show her a good time, anons? She promised to take her ice skating right? Am a Gosling if I want to be cucked?

>> No.28884135
File: 1.02 MB, 600x480, 1604843995330.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28884139
File: 188 KB, 327x316, 745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28884141
File: 768 KB, 532x2350, 1604756402176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura doesn't care about hololive or her co-workers, a self-centered egomaniac
>Ina is a chuuni LARPer who likes imagining holoEN as a Power Rangers team
>Amelia just thinks of everyone as a group of best friends
>Mori desperately wants sleep
>Kiara is a skinwalker

>> No.28884143
File: 183 KB, 536x1099, iwillneverfinishthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28884147
File: 33 KB, 359x328, unity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you retards stop cross-commenting on /hlg/ posts already?
It's as fucking retarded as the fags that try to falseflag here avatarfagging as a specific fanbase. We post here and not on /hlg/ for a reason, why are you so intent on bringing /hlg/ here? Not your personal army schizos.

>> No.28884148
File: 571 KB, 1740x2577, EmTa6yyXYAIl8z4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884232

AmeSame is too strong. They're legit just the best match in EN and one of the best matches in all of Hololive.

>> No.28884153
File: 37 KB, 557x634, E12CD105-3475-4E68-A5C4-41B411C47288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn go to the park on a date with Ina
>ywn take her to a fancy restaurant and share a delightful octopus dinner with her
>ywn get down on your knee and propose to her while she accepts
>ywn be able to have sex with Ina in the missionary position while she sticks her tentacles in your ass
>ywn hear Ina making sexual puns while you release your load

Why even live?

>> No.28884158
Quoted by: >>28884320

Her chat actually behaves and she genually loves talking with them.

>> No.28884161

>youtube literally doxxing holoJPs for me on the front page now
this algorithm is something else

>> No.28884163
File: 118 KB, 294x388, 1600384099400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gura will never walk on your back

>> No.28884165

I'm not angry.

>> No.28884168
File: 101 KB, 1280x1078, 1604790771904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will give it my full attention when kiara stop streaming.

>> No.28884173

Darjeeling no!

>> No.28884178

does that frustrate you?

>> No.28884179
Quoted by: >>28884299

Probably not, but I thought the same thing about biped and part 1 so who knows

>> No.28884186


>> No.28884187
File: 50 KB, 230x195, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884321

What? One of her prime jokes is about banging your mom.

>> No.28884189
Quoted by: >>28884321

I'm a day 1 teamate, but cmon, even her most popular nip translated clips are the lewd ones, like the saliva sauce one.

>> No.28884193
File: 182 KB, 1748x1240, 1603176185153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884262

>gura didn't like duvet
it's over

>> No.28884194
File: 232 KB, 1679x1621, 1604450807743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Footchads rule holo threads, kneel

>> No.28884197
Quoted by: >>28884259

play the other title of the studio then. Brothers: Tale of two Sons

>> No.28884202
Quoted by: >>28884406

Too shoujo-ish for me.

>> No.28884203
File: 290 KB, 380x380, 1604852574992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884269


>> No.28884204


>> No.28884206
Quoted by: >>28884321

You mean bottom right.

>> No.28884208

Retards just wanting to start conflict.

>> No.28884211

She really did say that?

>> No.28884212
File: 1.72 MB, 3324x4726, 1601244569355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame admitted she likes hairy chests.
You DO have a hairy chest, right anon?

>> No.28884216
File: 409 KB, 554x554, 1604284506063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28884218
Quoted by: >>28884266

Footcucks should kneel to ArmpitCHADS.

>> No.28884220
File: 344 KB, 775x2574, 1600769180237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28884221
Quoted by: >>28884282

Reminder that Gura wrote down duvet as a possible song to sing in future karaoke because everyone was spamming it in her chat during the campfire stream


>> No.28884227
File: 9 KB, 651x105, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be retarded...

>> No.28884229

Possibly the best EN stream to date

>> No.28884230
File: 24 KB, 100x100, 1573820567268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm almost hairless.

>> No.28884232

Technically, this poster would have to be Gura Gawr instead

>> No.28884234
Quoted by: >>28884321

Stop pushing this "seiso is the reason Kiara isn't liked" bullshit. You're the only one doing it, and it's completely obliterated because of all the counter examples.

>> No.28884235

Holy shit what a cute piece of art. Can we get more brazen tomboyish girls into those clothes with that facial expression??

>> No.28884241
File: 357 KB, 854x1138, Enma [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fivrnkz.ogg].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884451

I need more Enma

>> No.28884244

I beleb et

>> No.28884247
File: 446 KB, 609x540, 1576638861681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884298


>> No.28884252

and Gura wants to be shoved into a bed of pillows

>> No.28884253
Quoted by: >>28884340

I missed the whole drawing stream because I thought her streams for today were done after the Minecraft fiasco. Did she have a break down on stream?

>> No.28884254

>"zawa look at your face in this fanart"
>"lmao i should put it on twitter"
>"no balls"
>"bet, retard"
Its really not that deep.

>> No.28884255
File: 844 KB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2020-11-09 at 03.35.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm honored anons

>> No.28884258
File: 54 KB, 339x339, 1603839332183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884276

Gura's height

>> No.28884259

ooh and it's only 15 bucks

>> No.28884262

did she say that in the A Way Out stream?
I haven't watched those yet

>> No.28884263

just goolge it normally

>> No.28884266
File: 279 KB, 850x1198, 57Fkdada835fjaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884288

Can't we be friends?

>> No.28884268
File: 603 KB, 800x1131, 1567796962677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pits > feet

>> No.28884270
File: 56 KB, 1858x284, 30jb58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This knowledge will save your life.

>> No.28884269

Is this an image of Kiara the skinwalker transitioning into her Pekora form?

>> No.28884271
Quoted by: >>28884341

>3D Kiara


>> No.28884272

Uooooh cute and wide

>> No.28884273

What would Ina think of us if she came here? I think she’s the only Holo who doesn’t have any antis here, since she’s never really had any yabais of her own.

>> No.28884275

Yea this is pretty boring ngl.

>> No.28884276

W-What about it Lamy-chan...???

>> No.28884280
File: 2.93 MB, 1680x1440, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886093


>> No.28884281

Is this seisocuck still fucking mad? It's been fucking weeks now you absolute schizo, sort yourself out.

>> No.28884282

she does not like lain and she will not like lain

>> No.28884284

>Paying to make a dox supa

>> No.28884288


>> No.28884295

Mori has the second most subs

>> No.28884296

wait tyrone is kiara? wtf

>> No.28884298


>> No.28884299

I'm the same. At this point I'm just rolling with the punches and excited for more. Thought Biped was a peak but they keep picking great co-op games, and they seem interested in finding more.

>> No.28884300

>I will be so insanely sexy in 3D
>*starts grunting*

>> No.28884303
File: 175 KB, 341x443, 1604162027068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884376

I DEMAND Hololive Black with black girls (irl and avatar) only.

>> No.28884304

>3D debut will just be tyrone

>> No.28884307

>It's real
You know what Google, sometimes you're okay.

>> No.28884311
Quoted by: >>28884482

Why are Watameposters like this?

>> No.28884315

Powerful logical Narrative

>> No.28884319

She'd be proud of the Tentacultists for doing their reps and hate everyone else

>> No.28884320

I thought the rrat was that her chat didn't behave, but she didn't care about the rules either.

>> No.28884321
Quoted by: >>28884386

I was just making a joke about Kiara being last on that list and wanted to reply to Vergil with a DMC reference, I'm not being serious or pushing narratives, sorry guys.

>> No.28884323
Quoted by: >>28884482

who knew that watamefag was troll
next you're going to say that ayamefag is a chilean /pol/ shitposter

>> No.28884324
File: 2.21 MB, 1500x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cute

>> No.28884326

She's a PSYCHIC skinwalker, keep the narrative straight. Knowing the difference could save your life one day.

>> No.28884331

Is it even possible to get seiso/virgin recruited into HoloEN? Since we all know western culture+ they are recruiting only experienced weeb streamers and we all know how twitch cons and especially weeb cons are off cameras seems like a impossible at this point. Not that I care just interesting topic

>> No.28884332

What about the narratives for the PFP?

>> No.28884334

She's clearly involved in both the hololive fandom and otaku shit as a whole, nothing she'd see here would shock her.

>> No.28884336
Quoted by: >>28884356

Does she even watch anime

>> No.28884339

No, but I have hairy balls.
Hope she likes that.

>> No.28884340

No, but /hlg/ used an entire thread seething about Kiara.

>> No.28884341
Quoted by: >>28884467

Can't wait for her 3d reveal as a big black man

>> No.28884345
Quoted by: >>28884396

Kiara for Phasmophobia when?

>> No.28884347
Quoted by: >>28884407

>No hair
Are we pretending Mori has enough free time to shave?

>> No.28884348

You don't have to like Lain to like that song

>> No.28884349

... what the fuck was that just now?

>> No.28884355

What fucking difference does it make? You're dead if you cross paths with her regardless.

>> No.28884356
Quoted by: >>28884474

yes, and none of it is grim depressing shit like lain

>> No.28884359
Quoted by: >>28884398

I cannot express how much a holo skinwalker turns me on

>> No.28884361
File: 5 KB, 257x40, 1575380492318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884381

>> No.28884363


>> No.28884366
File: 6 KB, 94x58, mweh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28884367

>Polka solo
>cuts loose, totally unfiltered
>narrates her thoughts
>breaks into both obscure and popular anisong at the drop of a hat
>drops constant otaku references
>generally high energy and having tonnes of fun
>Polka collabing with any senpai
>quiet, reserved, serious.
>only comments about the game they're playing
>completely plays second fiddle to her collaborator
Why is she like this?

>> No.28884368

A lot of Mori's subs come from her music, it doesn't translate to live stream viewership or popularity. It's the same thing Risu experiencing right now, her NNN videos are doing fantastic and getting a shit ton of traction ;however, that doesn't mean much in the long-run if her Livestream numbers barely increase.

>> No.28884369
File: 165 KB, 978x686, Screenshot_20201108-113906_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck Ina caught covid

>> No.28884371

This is actually the best narrative.

>> No.28884372
File: 306 KB, 2048x2560, illust_85550712_20201108_172010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I'll open her stream on my other screen
Oh shit, that's pretty good, my boy gets great art

>> No.28884376
File: 103 KB, 599x436, 1598619010227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884513

You joke, but I'm already ready for when vtubers have their miku david letterman moment, and theres calls for more representation in the industry.
You know, when there's actually a lot of vtubers from various, global backgrounds, but of course main stream will think hololive = only vtubers out there.

>> No.28884375

here we go again...

>> No.28884381

I mean he's not wrong

>> No.28884382


>> No.28884386
Quoted by: >>28884581

Right but Gura is bottom right, clearly.

>> No.28884387

It's over squidfuckers, this is karma for being antis

>> No.28884389
Quoted by: >>28884586

Not a good day for EN...

>> No.28884390

There was at least one tranny superchat about "hatching" during the stream, might've led to more shitposting in chat

>> No.28884391


>> No.28884394
File: 1.28 MB, 1896x2687, ba7a539dfa5c052edfa3d8eb59a7c6e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anons.

>> No.28884396

Collab with FBK and Polka at the Kiara Rrat Rach

>> No.28884397
File: 236 KB, 1214x1088, EmSA0v2XUAEhI1b-orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28884398
Quoted by: >>28884422

Anon, you may need to start taking meds.

>> No.28884400

>kiara is squatting in her chair
Why does she sit like that?

>> No.28884403

I'm sad now. I was looking forward to my regular Ina.

>> No.28884404

I want Kiara to step on me.

>> No.28884406

Hey, lets not start World War III now

>> No.28884407
Quoted by: >>28884450

She still puts in time to run daily, she only neglects her sleep, she still cares about her appearance to an extent.

>> No.28884409

Throatfucking too hard.
It's okay, happens to the horniest of us.

>> No.28884414
File: 857 KB, 676x1000, Deadpits2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28884419
Quoted by: >>28884472

Did Kiara reveal next week's senpai collab in the german stream?

>> No.28884422

blame the fuckers who thought yeerks were a good antagonist for a children's book series

>> No.28884423

She is embracing her internal bird ways

>> No.28884424
File: 114 KB, 425x412, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28884427

Fuck, I hope it's a decent timeslot for me, I haven't skipped a single gesture drawing with Ina yet.

>> No.28884429

Kiara threatened her to cancel her stream so she wouldn't look so bad for being the only one to cancel one today.

>> No.28884434
Quoted by: >>28884488

She's a chicken.
Pitsnon, do you have a program that does this or something? Or are you doing it manually every time?

>> No.28884435


>> No.28884436
File: 54 KB, 1374x169, Screenshot_2020-10-16 jp - Otaku Culture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884476


>> No.28884437
Quoted by: >>28884715

>subs don't mean popularity
this is the peak of "numbers don't matter unless they're numbers that support my narrative"

>> No.28884441

>wanna know how birds fuck?
Classic Kiara

>> No.28884442
Quoted by: >>28884579

Is your screen okay anon, you are always licking it...

>> No.28884450

Maybe she should get more sleep and less pit and pube shaving.
Just a thought.

>> No.28884451

holy FUCK was not expecting the music lol

>> No.28884455

maybe her butt hurts

>> No.28884456


>> No.28884458

It’s like a kid killing their mom.

>> No.28884461

Streams cancelled this week
EN collab
Ame mario
Gura MC
Gura DbD
Ina drawing
Takamori MC

>> No.28884464
Quoted by: >>28884674

maybe her butt hurts

>> No.28884466

I she talking about phoenix sex again

>> No.28884467

Can't wait for Kiara to masturbate on livestream with her 3D model

>> No.28884471

Tako-chads, where is this week's aggie.io?

>> No.28884472
Quoted by: >>28884522


1 is know for members (Do you reps)

The other is ????? even for members

>> No.28884473
File: 288 KB, 1231x548, KwDNiq9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always interesting to see the impact one streamer can have

>> No.28884474

>and none of it is grim depressing shit like lain
oh she just has shit taste

>> No.28884475

Did she really type "hey,kiara!" in the final art that's pretty sad

>> No.28884476


>> No.28884482

>falling for falseflags

>> No.28884486
File: 154 KB, 1008x756, It tastes like it's an ice cream made out of Takodachis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that Ina's highly vaunted Earl Grey Ice Cream is actually made of dried out takos.

>> No.28884487
File: 2.38 MB, 1452x1070, 1600221542247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being Gura and waking up to dozens of fan art of you killing your best friend

>> No.28884488

The latter.

>> No.28884494
Quoted by: >>28884625

"Collab performance" is very different to "solo performance" for the HoloJP girls. Most of them have a collab persona that's somewhat different from their solo persona. Clown's gap is much bigger than most, though.

>> No.28884496
Quoted by: >>28884689

They desperately need a gen 2 so the western audience has something to watch while /ourgirls/ cancel or botch every other stream.

>> No.28884503


>> No.28884504
Quoted by: >>28884639

She's not accustomed to streaming and doing it back to back like this blows her voice out. It happens. It takes training and experience to be able to perform public speaking at length without exhausting your vocal cords.

>> No.28884505
Quoted by: >>28884554

I'd be afraid to squat on my chair. Pictures of that chair where the pump burst through and had blood on a carpet put some mad fear in me.

>> No.28884506

considered it and then erased it

>> No.28884510

Ame Mario got cancelled for A Way Out which was infinitely superior.

>> No.28884513

I will vote for Okayunion.

>> No.28884514

Kiara has basically implied that a human can't impregnate her meaning you don't need to worry about protection.

>> No.28884516

From what?

>> No.28884519

She gets pretty good vod views, she just has lower live viewers because of stream times, (and jst primetime is very competitive)

>> No.28884521

She changed it in the end, didn't she.

>> No.28884522
Quoted by: >>28884558

Which member stream?

>> No.28884523

Why does this sound like Amelia (sans her Gura collabs)

>> No.28884524
File: 87 KB, 680x383, tako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884691

we all knew what we signed up for.

>> No.28884526

She did as a joke because the chat was spamming that, but said that it was lame and was going to think of something else later.

>> No.28884528
Quoted by: >>28884550

But i dont see any jaydee fanarts ?

>> No.28884530
File: 68 KB, 222x197, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28884532

The game also went on sale, so the rise may be from that.

>> No.28884534

Rate Kiara's cackle-laugh.

>> No.28884537

Nakadashi Kiara...

>> No.28884539

Are you watching my friends stream?

>> No.28884540
File: 225 KB, 500x500, 1602121547822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28884542

not the final art.

>> No.28884544
Quoted by: >>28884598

>canonically possible to make Kiara cum so hard she spontaneously combusts and fucking dies
I dont know what to do with this information but Im starting my art reps now.

>> No.28884543

Ame Mario was just converted into A Way Out, kind of like how Gura turned her scheduled content into a surprise Phantasmaphobia collab halfway though.

>> No.28884549

>ina will graduate to heaven only two months after debut
why did it have to be this way

>> No.28884550
Quoted by: >>28884622

why are HERfags like this?

>> No.28884553
File: 55 KB, 1080x424, 20201108_174359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884590

Well, are they going to?

>> No.28884552

Yes it's pretty fun

>> No.28884554

jesus fuck even a textual description has me standing up anon, that's fucked

>> No.28884560

>has to be natural guys, not forced

The absolute irony, Kiara.

>> No.28884558
Quoted by: >>28884613



>> No.28884563

She just said she never heard of it happening
Science requires experimentation anon

>> No.28884565
File: 1.28 MB, 1190x1507, 85536560_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884640

The real reason Gura doesn't wear pants is because her legs turn into a fish tail when she's in water

>> No.28884578

What color does Kiara start reading superchats? Mori reads my shitposts but Kiara doesn't.

>> No.28884579

Screen is perfectly fine.

>> No.28884581
Quoted by: >>28884618

gura is top left

>> No.28884585

Not trying to start up a narrative or anything, but is there any reason we haven’t had a Gura/Kiara collab? Just the two of them together I mean.

>> No.28884586

Not a great week really, outside of the A Way Out collab that is. Deleted vods and canceled streams everywhere.

>> No.28884588

Nakadashi Kiara!

>> No.28884590

based Patrick

>> No.28884591

>Why is she like this?
Because JP fans are faggots and think she's too obnoxious in collabs when her charm point is being loud.

>> No.28884594


>> No.28884596

I like to imagine when they first met in Discord Kiara made all the girls sit and listen to her bird fucking lore

>> No.28884598

Thats hot.

>> No.28884600

Thats pretty based ngl

>> No.28884601
File: 829 KB, 1006x1632, 1604823929768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like both Ame and Gura got up early to try and prepare for waking up for tomorrows collab.

>> No.28884603

>using discord
no, they need to learn how to properly play that game

>> No.28884604

brings a smile to my face/10

>> No.28884605
Quoted by: >>28884763

>a human can't impregnate her
What's the point then?

>> No.28884608

>Obviously Ina's fault for not having a backup throat

>> No.28884610

It looks like sore throat is not one of the symptoms of covid; more like cough, fever, and shortness of breath. So maybe Ina just has a normal cold and she'll be ok

>> No.28884613


>> No.28884618

lol no

>> No.28884622

>responding to blatant shitposts

>> No.28884625

True, but she seems a lot less reserved around her kouhais, like in the Kiara and AmongUs collabs.
It could just be a kouhai thing or maybe she's more aware that a western audience is more receptive to her outgoing persona.

>> No.28884627
Quoted by: >>28884728

Hah holy shit. Hololive are walking marketers, Cover should really get in on the sponsorships and stuff, get these girls some nice pay.
I dunno how much 30% of a 500k sub channel with 30% of (idk how much) superchats pays but I'm assuming it can't be that much better than an actual job.

>> No.28884629

Kiara reads all of them as long there's a message with it to talk about, otherwise she just says Dank Shoe for it

>> No.28884633

Gura hates numberfag

>> No.28884634
Quoted by: >>28884695

She reads whatever interests her. Color doesn't matter. Just be interesting, anon

>> No.28884635

Kiara is shy about looking like a leech, Gura is just shy.

>> No.28884637

i love all the dumb chicken noises.

>> No.28884638
File: 1.19 MB, 1519x1519, 85541851_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884678

Post images showing that the artist either paid attention to the streams or is utterly clueless about the characters!

>> No.28884639

She has been talking a lot her past couple of streams. As in, every stream she had after the guerilla Phasmophobia stream, she was filling the dead air with conversation a lot more than usual.
Maybe she was psyching herself up for the collab with Iofi?

>> No.28884640

Sirens are sea-girls, who deceive sailors with the outstanding beauty of their appearance and the sweetness of their song, and are most like human beings from the head to the navel, with the body of a maiden, but have scaly fishes' tails, with which they always lurk in the sea.

>> No.28884642

she hardly talks outside of her streams, it's weird she lasted that long in the first place

>> No.28884645
Quoted by: >>28884664

Are all the streams dead today? Besides Kiara's art stream?

>> No.28884647


>> No.28884649

I really hope that the understanding and patience shown to Kiara and Mori are shown to Ina as well

>> No.28884653

Sharks eat tuna which are just sea chickens.

>> No.28884654
Quoted by: >>28884718

>be amelia
>eating breakfast
>your discord rings, its gura
>"hEy retard look" gura-killing-amelia.jpeg
>go to type "lol"
>"retard look i kille dyou lmao" gurame-killing.png(2)
>phone keeps pinging every 30 seconds for the next 3 hours

>> No.28884657
File: 343 KB, 1552x2000, 1604665102952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884685

But i want a family with her.

>> No.28884658

Kiara said she doesn't want to seem like she's leeching off of her

>> No.28884659

Damn, that's a shame, I've seen much worse story games do great

>> No.28884660
Quoted by: >>28885228

I hope this gets them some more sponsors.
Streamer groups in general are a huge net positive for developers overall.
Unless you are Craftpoopia...

>> No.28884664

Amelia Apex and Superchat sunday.

>> No.28884667
Quoted by: >>28884753

the best ame portraits show panties

>> No.28884673
Quoted by: >>28884807


>> No.28884674
File: 35 KB, 310x310, 1530317957105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what?

>> No.28884676


After the movie, i don't remember, that stream was too many things on the zatsudan

>> No.28884678

Everyone who unironically draws takamori is a retard to begin with
most fake ship ever

>> No.28884684

>looking up symptoms and trying to match it to an illness
This is how you wind up self-diagnosing yourself into having an inoperable brain tumor.

>> No.28884685
Quoted by: >>28884754

Adopt Gura or something.

>> No.28884689

Are you a neet? I already have trouble keeping up with only 3 girls, days without streams are nice.

>> No.28884690
Quoted by: >>28884741

She told me she could take it but I really slammed her throat hard last night. Sorry bros, I enjoyed Ina's throatpussy too much and now you don't get a stream from her.

>> No.28884691
File: 99 KB, 685x710, 1604767614825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28884695
File: 81 KB, 828x828, Somewhere, Over the Chem Trails in the Sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boys like Mori laugh at my shitposts
>real women like Kiara ignore me
t-thanks. Feels like real life.

>> No.28884698

From making eggs after offcollab with Mori

>> No.28884699
File: 50 KB, 976x549, _101232673_angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28884704
Quoted by: >>28884719

Are you stupid? She's playing on that she can't say where she is from and the fact that people often mess Austria and Australia together.

>> No.28884706

Kiara too afraid to ask because she doesn't want to seem like a leech (her words). Gura gives the impression that she never takes the initiative so she won't offer it.

>> No.28884711
File: 385 KB, 1745x2048, 1604633432483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I wanna kiss a squid.

>> No.28884715
Quoted by: >>28885119

>Livestream numbers arnt the most important for livestreamers

>> No.28884718

thats fucking adorable

>> No.28884719

I thought she was german, not austrian.
oh well.

>> No.28884722
File: 51 KB, 1503x254, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more than 150 posts just got nuked from /hlg/

>> No.28884724

The whispering part2: chicken boogaloo

>> No.28884725

From people who sub for the music.

If you want to numberfag Mori, use her supachats, she actually gets a fuckton of those though Gura still beats her in quantiy over amount and size of akasupas.

>> No.28884728
File: 511 KB, 938x931, EmTUxTyVcAAJrVY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884755

Which makes it all the more infuriating that they (and Cover) have to go begging for permissions. It should be the other way around, publishers should be begging these girls to play their games.

>> No.28884731


>> No.28884734

Only Miko, Marine, Shion, Kiara, Noel and Flare are into girls. Any yuri that involves any other girl is just softcore porn.

>> No.28884735

Get in line anon, I've been waiting for months

>> No.28884737
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 1446770978306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28884739

pekoras laugh is at least endearing but kiara sounds like someone is choking a parrot

>> No.28884741
Quoted by: >>28884777

right after >>28884690 fucked her throat? that's pretty gay anon

>> No.28884740

I don't care

>> No.28884749

Go to local fish market, they are smelly though.

>> No.28884753

we know ame, we also encourage anyone who asks to include panty shots

>> No.28884754
File: 1.01 MB, 4096x4096, 1603799289834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884787

>Betray kiara.

>> No.28884755

Just japanese things

>> No.28884757
File: 115 KB, 425x400, 1601246567240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884869

>Superchat sunday
oh joy

>> No.28884763

You guys are missing the point. You see, Phoenices are oviparous, so they don't get pregnant. Their eggs are fertilized and they lay them. Clearly that's what she meant.

>> No.28884771

Wait. What the fuck did she read?

>> No.28884774

~3:38 or so

>> No.28884777

Is it gay if it's your own dick?

>> No.28884779

Has any JP played Phasmophobia properly yet? If not, are they aware they are supposed to play with ingame voicechat?

>> No.28884783
Quoted by: >>28884805

Kiara's such a whore for chat.
I love it.

>> No.28884787
Quoted by: >>28884953

Dude's not saying you should, dude's saying you and Kiara should adopt Gura as your kid duh.

>> No.28884790

Thats the cover she was working with until her yab

>> No.28884791

No one cares. This isn't the /hlg/ side thread. This isn't where you come to go talk about shit happening over there. No one here cares about that shithole.

>> No.28884792
Quoted by: >>28884866

MikoxKiara or KiaraxShion?

>> No.28884793

Mori uploaded her schedule, get on it, TeamUp guy.

>> No.28884795

I guess we can always count on Amelia to stream.

>> No.28884803

Makes me want to stop listening. I thought I could get used to it, but it still irritates me no matter how often I hear it.

>> No.28884805
Quoted by: >>28885104

What did she do?

>> No.28884806

not like there's a difference

>> No.28884807
File: 193 KB, 400x400, 1604583958105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884951

I was kinda shy of posting it but I kinda do wanna finish it now.
I haven't been doing my reps

>> No.28884809


>> No.28884811
File: 37 KB, 112x112, Kiaraheadpat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara hates headpats


>> No.28884816

Fubuki is already level 30, she's been grinding the game solo and understands it very well by this point, including the importance of in-game voice

>> No.28884819
File: 494 KB, 2974x2700, 1604785003280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28884821

>kiara hates headpats
bros i think i'll have to sell my kiaracoin...

>> No.28884824

We also haven't had Ame/Mori collabs, just timezone stuff probably, it's going to happen eventually.

>> No.28884825
Quoted by: >>28884853

I hope Gura plays with friend in Phasmophobia.

>> No.28884826

understandable desu. That's where all the hats go.

>> No.28884828

>Ina bonks you if you touch her head
>Kiara just fucking murders you instead

>> No.28884834

chickens like hugs not headpats

>> No.28884835
File: 93 KB, 896x896, 1603206817910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28884839


>> No.28884844


>> No.28884845
Quoted by: >>28884880

>Fubuki is already level 30

>> No.28884848
Quoted by: >>28884878

I want to headpat Kiara and do it so gently that she actually wants me to keep going when I stop

>> No.28884852
File: 198 KB, 1280x1100, EmSPIO_U0AAtCdj-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28884853

Only if she teaches Fubuki about proximity voice.

>> No.28884854

et tu Kiara? Ina and Ame doesn't like it either. Dunno about Gura and Mori.

>> No.28884862


fap fap fap

>> No.28884861

​ᵈᵃⁿᵏᵉ ˢᶜʰᵒⁿ

>> No.28884863
File: 628 KB, 658x473, ahegao kiara 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884915

I want to see Kiara fall into a spiral of lust after Calli breaks her heart.

But with whom? ...

>> No.28884864

She's level 54.

>> No.28884866

Kiara wanted it to be KiaraxMarine but since Marine cancelled the stream she goes to fuck Shion to make her jealous.

>> No.28884869
File: 1.17 MB, 1542x2000, 20201105_121741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28884902

It's pretty much just an extra chat stream. She talks about whatever while we all get to listen to music.

>> No.28884870
Quoted by: >>28885022

ᵈᵃⁿᵏᵉ ˢᶜʰᵒⁿ

>> No.28884871

But does she understand it's importance in sense of gameplay element or one of tool to improve the atmosphere?

>> No.28884873
File: 334 KB, 512x512, 1604766499974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>likes to be touched
>doesn't like headpats
But why?

>> No.28884874
Quoted by: >>28884963

does this happen to every tako or just the ones that scream

>> No.28884876
File: 249 KB, 2048x1937, 1604576706107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one is posting
Is everyone masturbating right now to Chicken?
Because I sure fucking am.

>> No.28884878

Headpats mindbreak is best mindbreak

>> No.28884879

>Fubuki's solo'ed the high school
Is this hard to do or is it just luck based?

>> No.28884880


>> No.28884884

I can't believe so many people fell for it, especially here.

>> No.28884887
Quoted by: >>28884930

This isn't as good as last whisper ASMR she did

>> No.28884888

Marine's butt smell

>> No.28884891
File: 54 KB, 677x677, 1601737034800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ᵈᵃⁿᵏᵉ ˢᶜʰᵒⁿ

>> No.28884893

Kiara doesn't seem to be chatting much for this Zatsudan

>> No.28884895
File: 3.20 MB, 2160x3840, EmJlrayU8AIatbX.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28885002

I swear to god I'm gonna go watch the clown after this but forget to turn the volume down before and blow my eardrums.

>> No.28884902
Quoted by: >>28885009

oh you meant watson is doing one? nice, her SC readings are usually pretty good

>> No.28884915

The dusty womb will serve as comfort

>> No.28884917

You can just metagame, it's very easy to break Phasmaphobia

>> No.28884918
File: 73 KB, 128x128, 1603389975152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FBK once again the most involved in the team games her friends want to play

>> No.28884919

Depends on the difficulty.

>> No.28884921
Quoted by: >>28884989

Ah okay so here is the schedule for Kiara's next senpai collabs
Rushia, Marine, and finally Pekora

>> No.28884923

Partially luck as you dont want a very agressive ghost on pro, but as long as you are fast its not too bad.

>> No.28884926

I'm watching Polka getting spooked

>> No.28884928
Quoted by: >>28884987

What is Kiara NOT willing to do? Christ this woman.

>> No.28884930

That was at the end of a 6 hour stream and her voice was more tired, which added to the comfort.

>> No.28884931
Quoted by: >>28885000

she won't really put one of these up every day of the month right?

>> No.28884937

There's nothing inside her head to receive the feeling of thr headpat

>> No.28884938

yes to both, shes doibg a phas collab rn you can check

>> No.28884943

Marine is in an actual relationship so I would avoid shipping her even if she initiates a lot of stuff

>> No.28884949

She's a professional entertainer AND gamer.
She's not planning on dying or let her kouhai die, that's why she will rather keep comms clean for entertainment reasons.

>> No.28884950

How come she only uses discord then?

>> No.28884951
Quoted by: >>28885165

but why?

>> No.28884953
File: 243 KB, 1773x2079, 1603903056907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28885041

>Adopt another man child.
Still no, i want it to be mine and her.

>> No.28884957

you disturb the two chickens inside her skull

>> No.28884962

It depends, it's a big area to cover so it's somewhat luck based depending on which areas you go to first, and it gets more dangerous the longer you take. but if you know how to avoid ghost attacks you can take as long as you want.

>> No.28884963
File: 107 KB, 658x392, stetchtako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You scream.
I scream.
We all scream.
As we're turned into ice cream.

>> No.28884964

Because she's a good girl.

>> No.28884965

It just takes longer if you have to walk far. The game doesn't let you run.

>> No.28884970

after watching her, she's extremely fast soloing phasmaphobia and plays ridiculously safe
ghost usually never has a chance to attack her because her sanity is always 70%+

>> No.28884976

i'm still waiting for her to do the sexy voice, probably at the final week

>> No.28884981

No. Kiara is not really my taste, her character is filtering me hard..
I'm just watching polka and friend playing phasmo.

>> No.28884987

Receive headpats.

>> No.28884988
Quoted by: >>28885541

They know. They also know the ghost can be aggravated by any chatting. They'd rather use discord so they can casually chat instead of forcing themselves to be silent for most the game.

>> No.28884989

I don't believe she scheduled the Peko one, it seemed more a wishlist add rather than a concrete plan.

>> No.28884993

not like it's a volatile narrative so it doesn't really matter in the end

>> No.28884998
Quoted by: >>28885143

what proofs do you have of this rrat?

>> No.28885000

They're about a minute or so long and give her the biggest boost in subs.
The real question is on what day does she go full Ayunda?

>> No.28885001
File: 51 KB, 284x247, 1585856970642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28885049

>"Huh, I can use my non-wireless headset while lying down in my bed"
>"This feels kinda comfy to do with Kiara in my ear"
>"I could almost fall asle-"
>Wake up roughly 2 hours later slightly confused with Kiara still whispering in my ear
I may have discovered an unhealthy addiction. Help.

>> No.28885002

max volume for this https://files.catbox.moe/fhl31b.mp3

>> No.28885006

fuck i didnt realise there was a clown+friend collab right now, have i missed anything that I should go back for later?

>> No.28885009
File: 470 KB, 1220x2048, 20201108_053827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she said she's either going to do it before or after apex, which means we are going to get multiple hour chat streams because she also can treat apex as a chat stream. Perfect way to wrap up the week. Really sucks about no Ina stream though.

>> No.28885015

rub her belly

>> No.28885017
File: 258 KB, 512x512, 1604586772165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laying in bed watching tenchou

>> No.28885022


>> No.28885029

>no gloves
not my priestess

>> No.28885030
Quoted by: >>28885065

Do you think she uh... would moan on stream?

>> No.28885034

cute picture

>> No.28885036
File: 116 KB, 658x392, takonahole2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28885041

gura is not a man
shes a 4 foot tall lolibaba with the loli brains to go with it

>> No.28885049

Wait until you discover Rushia, Noel, Lamy and Polka

>> No.28885057
File: 351 KB, 1638x2048, El-L2azVcAEnwMF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take time to type and fap at the same time.

>> No.28885065

She basically did that to the idea of Calli in a nurse outfit a stream or two ago

>> No.28885072


>> No.28885073

Give me your most mundane narratives please.

>> No.28885079
File: 34 KB, 242x242, 1535252930345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posts that aged like milk

>> No.28885084
Quoted by: >>28885143

>Marine is in an actual relationship
Who's feather dusting her womb?

>> No.28885085
File: 922 KB, 851x705, 1601147385233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28885086

I don't get this image.

>> No.28885088

gura didn't actually lose the bread

>> No.28885092

Amelia and Gura are slowly becoming really good friends.

>> No.28885094

yagoo is actually a good person

>> No.28885095

Kiara is stressed about something. Idk man.

>> No.28885098

Gura doesn't really care about that missing bread

>> No.28885101

Narrative seller's narratives aren't actually very strong.

>> No.28885103

They were both playing the game solo earlier and now they're duoing
That's very cute

>> No.28885104
Quoted by: >>28885325

>does whatever chat asks (show feet, show legs, whisper) and then enjoys the superchats that come in when she does that.
>gives kisses for an aka
She's basically turning tricks for a price.

>> No.28885112
Quoted by: >>28885201

Normal people are filtered out of the interview process

>> No.28885114

The "ghosts" Kiara keeps referencing are likely rrats and she's not really from Australia as she claims.

>> No.28885115
Quoted by: >>28885196

Yagoo doesn't like that EN is overshadowing JP so fast but he doesn't care enough to do anything about helping the JP girls do better so...

>> No.28885119

Income and views are, they don't care which vids get the views

>> No.28885121

Kiara is a good girl

>> No.28885122

because it was inane anyway

>> No.28885123

OP is straight

>> No.28885124

Ame and Gura are very good friends now

>> No.28885126

unbelievable, what a bitch

>> No.28885127

>russians annoy Kiara

>> No.28885129

How have the JPbros reacted to the absolute Gurame kino ending last night?
Did they understand what happened? Did they like it?

>> No.28885131
Quoted by: >>28885147

Chicken antis need to get the fuck out

>> No.28885140

Mori actually feels pretty bad about not doing collabs with other holos

>> No.28885142
Quoted by: >>28885349

Kiara was the one that send Pekor that message about joining.

>> No.28885143

Old friend from NND days

>> No.28885144
File: 1.03 MB, 1062x897, 1603898445398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's not planning on dying

>> No.28885146

Kiara will graduate before the end of the year

>> No.28885147
File: 29 KB, 1138x122, 1590015501226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28885188


>> No.28885149

it's too perfect isn't it

>> No.28885148

this is your brain on clipfaggorty

>> No.28885154
Quoted by: >>28885177


>> No.28885165
File: 126 KB, 256x321, well mike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28885210

It's incredibly unfinished and I don't have a lot of confidence in my art in the first place. Plus I haven't been doing my reps for around 2 months now.
Typical artist worries basically.

>> No.28885169

Has Sora played Phasmophobia yet?

>> No.28885171

By her anniversary, we'll take Stalingrad.

>> No.28885174
File: 55 KB, 601x494, 1584694867047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His plan is coming into fruition

>> No.28885177

They squat on german lebensraum

>> No.28885180
Quoted by: >>28885276

If she does she'll be playing alone. That's Dai Senpai for you.

>> No.28885182
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1080, 1604812154848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chumbuds... we're friends, right?

>> No.28885183
Quoted by: >>28885243

Gura enjoys singing.

>> No.28885185


>> No.28885186

Mori and Kiara are actually good friends and the yuri act just feels a bit weird to some people because both of them are autists.

>> No.28885188

I mean. Comparatively maybe.

>> No.28885191
Quoted by: >>28885229

>Tfw Kiara's grandparents likely died in Russia

>> No.28885192
Quoted by: >>28885226

She's an octopus

>> No.28885196

Not much he can do, they can't learn English overnight.

>> No.28885199
Quoted by: >>28885294

Not any worse than Marine/Rushia when that was a thing

>> No.28885201

how do they filter the special ED women from
the normies?

>> No.28885209

Kiara will cry on stream when she leaves Japan

>> No.28885210

>Been trying to do my art reps for like 4 months now
>Still worse than Kiara
>Still worse than this guy who feels like shit about his art

>> No.28885212
Quoted by: >>28885247

the hololive girls are all girls

>> No.28885213
Quoted by: >>28885252

Somone post THAT audition

>> No.28885220
File: 69 KB, 1125x703, 1604816156365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brothers to the end

>> No.28885226
File: 3.53 MB, 600x480, 1604737062242.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28885338

Actually she's a human.

>> No.28885228
Quoted by: >>28885520

Whats wrong with Craftopia?

>> No.28885229
Quoted by: >>28885260

A lot of Russians POWs died in Austria too, it's fair.

>> No.28885237
File: 32 KB, 1260x181, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one from the last stream

>> No.28885236
Quoted by: >>28885267

Sometimes things just aren't for you, anon.

>> No.28885239

Thanks, I always wanted to fuck tako

>> No.28885240


>> No.28885243


>> No.28885244


>> No.28885245

Mori regrets getting so big because instead of being able to treat it as a sidehustle she has expectation of treating Hololive as main job

all while she grew to like being a schoolteacher and interacting with kids more than even her music because she's very motherly

>> No.28885246

Gura just thinks zipties are handy and does not actually want to tie up any detectives with them.

>> No.28885247

for now

>> No.28885252
File: 2.89 MB, 853x480, 1450270954738.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconded, I'm curious

>> No.28885260

There was a movie about Russian POWs trying to escape Austria's concentration camp too

>> No.28885262

what the fuck gura

>> No.28885265
Quoted by: >>28885441

>tfw A Way Out being legendary-tier was balanced by misfortune all over holoEN
Literally monkeypaw isn't it?

>> No.28885267

But Anon I don't wanna give up
Even with a tablet it's hard to connect with the hand to the brain and learn

>> No.28885274

Cover is just really bad at helping the hols but still tries it's best

>> No.28885275

I actually believe this

>> No.28885276

she's already played it in vr in a collab. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OE5STBQUP6U

>> No.28885291
Quoted by: >>28885344

It's that simple

>> No.28885294

How long did they try to keep that going before burying it? how close were they outside the gimmick. I'm worried this shit will go on until one graduates at this point.

>> No.28885297

christ i remember this

>> No.28885303
File: 193 KB, 536x571, chumflakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chumflakes only tolerate Ame because the meme shark likes her.

>> No.28885304
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1604588808267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28885436

>The only person she can collab with is someone out of Hololive
That's kinda sad desu

>> No.28885308

When Ame was asked for input for her model design she just listed whatever made her the most horny, like when you make a sim.
She masturbates to her own porn on the daily.

>> No.28885309

Kiara really loves refrigerators

>> No.28885312

>Sora collabing
>With a man
>Not even a homostar

Wait, what????

>> No.28885313

This one is a little far fetched.

>> No.28885315

I'm sorry Risu but I can't go on any longer...my nuts are too sore...

>> No.28885316

Narrative: Mori is conflicted between her parasocial motherly urges and her workaholic personality

>> No.28885317

Cool thanks!

>> No.28885324


>> No.28885325

And I love chicken exactly because of this. She is so sexual and earnest we don't even care if she's a whore. She's playing her part and is willing to do absolutely anything. This is why Becky hates her, because she devalues their own sexual value by selling sex at a cheaper rate, directly damaging their own self esteem. Kiara is basically breaks their mutual unspoken rules.

The narratives about the /cgl/ cabal is no narrative. It's just jealous women being intimidated by someone else's sheer femininity. Mori gets some hate too because tomboys are seen as traitors to their "kind".

>> No.28885326
File: 47 KB, 347x264, chumthumbsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28885400

>Still worse than this guy who feels like shit about his art
Please don't feel like that anon, that just makes me feel like an asshole.
Besides, every artists feels like this, don't take it in a negative way like that. I have some artist friends who are miles ahead of me yet have less confidence in their art than mine, everyone has their worries.

>> No.28885330

>Gura isn't going to reschedule her missed streams for today
Fucking Sunday

>> No.28885332

>People say they can't hear Kiara anymore

Alright survey time:

When you set Youtube's volume slider to the max, what volume do you set your PC to out of 100?

>> No.28885338
Quoted by: >>28885357

For some reason this made me recall that /d/ post from last thread about what happens when a monster takes over your body.

>> No.28885337

>I even licked my lips for you

>> No.28885342
File: 66 KB, 850x638, 1604807089997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28885344
Quoted by: >>28885521

I've been doing it Anon, but my brain hasn't put together drawing planes and squares and realistic Loomis heads into cute anime girls.

>> No.28885347
Quoted by: >>28885390

>I even licked my lips for you...

>> No.28885346

>What's your favourite anime or doujin circle?
>Why did you like them?
There, based on answers you can easily deduce most of their personality, some more questions can like what's your greatest regret and their sexual experience(played off as a joke) allow you to quickly remove majority of undesirables

>> No.28885349
File: 1.12 MB, 624x924, 1602850274525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna beliv

>> No.28885351
Quoted by: >>28885390

>She licked her lips for me
Can someone post that picture?

>> No.28885354

gura ame and ina have vr, they should do that

>> No.28885355
File: 892 KB, 1157x1637, cedde143f3ea9c0d6b49fcb1dedfa4d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The solution is for me to make Mori the mother of my children so she can still look after the little ones in some way. And if that's how it has to be, I'll do it.

>> No.28885357
File: 3.23 MB, 2400x2400, 1604676407871.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28885358
Quoted by: >>28885407

I want to mogu mogu that okayu

>> No.28885361
Quoted by: >>28885419

MAX. I watch Polka and Kiara at the same time as well.

>> No.28885365
Quoted by: >>28885440

Please understand, AAA meetings take priority over all else

>> No.28885367


>> No.28885372
Quoted by: >>28885669

she has a korone collab planned today

>> No.28885373

>I even licked my lips for you
>...I shouldn't have said that. It wasn't supposed to be that lewd.

>> No.28885376
Quoted by: >>28885562

Sora doesn't tolerate idolfags and culled them a long time ago

>> No.28885378
Quoted by: >>28885511

thats a legit and right opinion to have though

>> No.28885379

>Mori turning her maternal instinct to chat as she leaves her teaching job


>> No.28885381

my pc and yt are both at max and i adjust my headphone amplifier

>> No.28885383

Because JOPs complain about how she's loud and obnoxious, which is her entire appeal
So she neuters herself in collabs

>> No.28885384
File: 306 KB, 1202x1700, 4534534354135354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28885477


>> No.28885387

sora's og. she's got friends from all over the vtuber scene and collabs outside of hololive regularly.

>> No.28885390

It wasnt the licking but her saying that wew

>> No.28885394

I remember seeing early live2d stuff years ago and wondering what would come of it, and then the first thing I ever saw resulting from it was that webm.

>> No.28885395
Quoted by: >>28885494

36. Sony's WH1000XM3

>> No.28885398

>Someone give me a new body....please..
Skinwalker narrativebros....

>> No.28885400

Hey Anon, you're not that bad. I'd say compared to some of the crappy sketches that took me an hour plus to make, being able to draw something that can make a bunch of otaku go Uuuooohhh to is enough of an accomplishment in itself.

>> No.28885401
Quoted by: >>28885459

Okay what are you betting when chicken will do her first ASMR stream?
It didn't even take a week to make her speak german and only two months for a full stream series centered on it.

>> No.28885404

Kiara the psychic skinwalker is LITERALLY asking her chat to provide her a new body.

>> No.28885406
File: 1006 KB, 1200x1281, 1604645027613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28885405

still would desu

>> No.28885407

That's a man.

>> No.28885408

I hope Fubuki is stealing Polka well how to play phantasmaphobia, i want her to be able to teach the rest of Gen 5.

Fubuki is like a speed runner for ghost hunting

>> No.28885409
Quoted by: >>28885456

Gura is the laziest. At least Calli has the excuse of being super busy outside of Hololive. Gura just coasts.

>> No.28885410

why do i have the feeling kiara has had a harder life than shes let on (i know about the idol thing)

>> No.28885415
Quoted by: >>28885532

Is anything happening in a few hours?

>> No.28885416

>Chicken wants a new body
The narratives just won't end, huh?

>> No.28885419
Quoted by: >>28885434

How are you enjoying your tinnitus?

>> No.28885420

Am I the only one who has a void after GuraAme's collab yesterday? Has HololiveEN peaked? What other thing can top this?

>> No.28885422

That's just some ESL retard trying to make a joke, probably a spic because they are the only ones still using xD.
Although I remember some comments in one of the first minecraft collabs that were like "Who's the cute blonde girl", I'm a teamate, but that was fucking hilarious.

>> No.28885436

Mori and Kiara have to hurry up with their offcollab involving her

>> No.28885434

I don't have that actually

>> No.28885437
File: 1.29 MB, 2480x3140, 1604548627045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teamates are pretty cool

>> No.28885438

Both maxed on the computer but I adjust the dial on the fly

>> No.28885439


>> No.28885440

Advanced Alcoholics Anonymous?

>> No.28885443

Only until conflict is unavoidable.

>> No.28885441

This is the burnout point. Every thing like this has one, typically proportional to their prior success. Pressure, responsibility and stress mount while issues they're too inexperienced to know how to deal with accumulate until they become disruptive.

For Kiara it's both persistent technical difficulties and a lack of foresight that causes her to repeatedly get caught with no backup plan when problems outside of her control interfere.

For Mori it's her commitments outside of hololive interfering with her ability to stream and her either inability or unwillingness to do test runs of her gaming streams ahead of time.

For Gura it's stress from success mixed with persistent internet/computer problems she hasn't been able to figure out.

And so on. They're all struggling with problems that have been around since debut that are now reaching the breaking point, because there's just a limit to how much you can make things work or smooth them or push through them over before it catches up to you.

>> No.28885442
File: 180 KB, 384x209, 1603922369405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We stand united by our oshi's friendship

>> No.28885448
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 1603483092438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an attractive sounding women whispers into a mic
why am I like this

>> No.28885456

She's busy giving thanks to our Lord and Savior.

>> No.28885457

AmongUs collab tomorrow.

>> No.28885459

Throw her enough praise. She loves praise and numbers than she loves money and herself.

>> No.28885461
Quoted by: >>28885489

>I need a new body

>> No.28885468
Quoted by: >>28885650

thats even better

>> No.28885470
File: 988 KB, 1000x825, 1604834977631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So deadbeats which stream are you looking forward to this week? Anything you're not a fan of or indifferent to?

>> No.28885471

Nah I love both of them. I consider their synergy to be a precious gift from destiny.

>> No.28885476
File: 21 KB, 134x123, yourpoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28885650


>> No.28885477

don't cry, anon
there's plenty of fish in the sea

>> No.28885479
Quoted by: >>28885650

guess I'm gay then

>> No.28885482
Quoted by: >>28885650


>> No.28885486
File: 906 KB, 3693x4096, 1591284787320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same bro, no homo though

>> No.28885487

I typically have my pc at 75% and youtube at about 50% depending on stream (lower for loud-voiced tubers, higher for quiet ones)

>> No.28885489
File: 90 KB, 648x567, 1603830220489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're walking down a dark alley and see picrelated

>> No.28885490

>I'm being sexually hair-essed

>> No.28885493

What's up with Mori and her motherly urges anyway?
Is it time for baby?
Was she always for marrying and impregnating?
Are the /ss/ narratives true after all?

>> No.28885494

Ayy same here, except I usually keep it at like 20.

>> No.28885499

>Enma, I'm being sexually harassed!
What did she mean by this?

>> No.28885500
Quoted by: >>28885525

I felt HoloEN peaked from the last ten minutes of the TakaMori MC collab. You get used to it.

>> No.28885503
File: 3.07 MB, 400x462, 1604502965886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28885506

>no one would play Lethal League with her
That kind of made me sad

>> No.28885507
File: 87 KB, 602x660, 1602170491650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone get Enma they're sekuharaing my chicken.

>> No.28885509
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, 1604779656606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Mori really was just announcing the collab next week, but not actually doing it for another week? Or will she update her schedule since it's technically members only right now?

I'm not super disappointed or anything if it's the former, I just never really see the point in announcing announcements, especially if the real deal isn't happening for a fair while. And I guess I can't really be hyped for the announcement either since it's obviously Suisei at this point.

>> No.28885511
Quoted by: >>28885602

>Anti sperg without capitalization (read: a chink) is a chumflake
Every time.

>> No.28885513
Quoted by: >>28885605

Not even a deadbeat, but this week looks fucking dope for you guys. I'll probably watch all of those except the wine party.

>> No.28885516
Quoted by: >>28885543

Yakuza and english teaching

>> No.28885518

Mori/Polka collab
Mori streaming in normal hours

>> No.28885519
Quoted by: >>28885650

you would not fuck that?
you might be gay

>> No.28885520

Game had a whole lot of jank and awful physics.
That game was way too early for early access.

>> No.28885521

You shouldn't be trying to draw anime girls, you should be dréawing a bunch of lines instead

The most important rule in art is that you don't draw what your brain think it's trying to draw but instead draw a bunch of lines

If you really struggle, buy some graph paper and try to copy something, the grid makes it easier to disconnect individual lines from the bigger picture

>> No.28885522
File: 381 KB, 679x521, 1604184256960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28885524
Quoted by: >>28885543

holy shit, that's pretty fucking cool

>> No.28885525
Quoted by: >>28885704

yikes, do tumblryurilets really...

>> No.28885528

Hello Pekora-chan!

>> No.28885532

Since even Ina rescheduled her stream due to feeling ill, only Apex with Amelia in 7 hours. So welcome to dead hours.

>> No.28885536
Quoted by: >>28885651

>Lethal League

>> No.28885537


>> No.28885539
File: 38 KB, 289x169, ss (2016-03-16 at 08.06.19).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28885650


>> No.28885540
Quoted by: >>28885584

Simpbaiting 101

>> No.28885541

The ghost can still hear them through Discord, though.

>> No.28885542

>turn my volume up to hear the lick

>> No.28885543

Too bad it's Yakuza 7, the worst one.

>> No.28885545

This starts playing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqk8PZZS20g
Probably shit my pants

>> No.28885546

Kiara has extreme Impostor syndrome and thinks collabing with Gura would look like she's leeching

>> No.28885547

I'm willing to believe that she's going to do viewer participation Lethal League during that stream if there's enough demand.

>> No.28885549

They will overcome them. A lot of people get up and go to way shittier jobs day after day for way less money. I don't think anyone wants to go back to be an Applebee's waitress or writing shitty meme songs for e-celebs.

>> No.28885550

So what one is "Like a dragon"

>> No.28885551

Mouth sounds with Kiara!

>> No.28885558

she actually had some very warm opinions on family and parenting in the past, I think that's just part of being raised in a fairly normal functional family

>> No.28885562

She is not a Holo like the others, she was originally just a mascot doing marketing for Cover's Vtuber tech. Then, after a trip to a mental health facility, Yagoo came up with a plan.

>> No.28885563


>> No.28885564

My PC is always at 50%, and I adjust everything else natively. I rarely have to change my PC volume.
I have good ears.

>> No.28885565


>> No.28885566


>> No.28885568
Quoted by: >>28885636

The shit RPG

>> No.28885573

Oh yeah her mum is watching her lewd her voice out. Hot

>> No.28885577

I'm hyped for all of it, I wasn't going to buy Yakuza 7 so it works out. I wonder if she will be allowed to stream the ending or if she will have to stop like Coco

>> No.28885578
Quoted by: >>28885636

The one that goes full jrpg.

>> No.28885581

What's going on with Kiara? Is she having a menhera attack? She's calling for her mommy.

>> No.28885582
File: 560 KB, 1266x713, 1602510909769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara's mom is watching
Sometimes I forget

>> No.28885584

nah its deeper
only broken people laugh at pain like she does
you are not intelligent enough to get it.

>> No.28885585

She's been in the game since she was like 14, and aspired to it long before that. She's seen some weird shit

>> No.28885586
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1603264504366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28885734

>chicken begging for her mama as you nakadashi her

>> No.28885587

Put your face on mine of course.

>> No.28885588
File: 73 KB, 1920x1080, Elo1xgBVcAAHDB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still reeling from last night. Fun threads too.

>> No.28885591

Too bad it not lethal league blaze

>> No.28885593
File: 1.13 MB, 2916x2160, Elg9aPeVkAAPm1Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see Kiara is bring us back the golden age of Hololive with fellatio ASMR

>> No.28885596

>What's up with Mori and her motherly urges anyway?
She teaches young kids and likes them enough to not just leave. Obviously has an attachment to children. She literally got "aww" feelings from the little NPCs in Minecraft.
>Was she always for marrying and impregnating?
Anon, tomboys always have been. she just doesn't know it yet, because she's a workaholic with an azn fetish. Just from personality alone she should understand that there's dozens of guys who would want a dorky autist like her, let alone with a body like hers.

>> No.28885599

headpats is one of the ultimate from of intimacy. You need to destroy personal barrier to be able to do that. It's normal for them to dislike headpats from strangers.

>> No.28885600
Quoted by: >>28885632

it can't be worse than 3

>> No.28885601

Just woke up, have you fags calmed down?

>> No.28885602
Quoted by: >>28885670

are you serious right now? if yes you have to take your meds asap

>> No.28885604
File: 156 KB, 1288x2048, 48b23e5f91835e131497f92ab6cc3cb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working with children tends to send you down one of two paths: wanting a child to raise yourself or swearing that you'll never have children. Women lean more towards the former because they've got that biological clock ticking away inside them.

>> No.28885605

I'm not sure if you're positively falseflagging or trolling but even a good part of deadbeats feel this week flopped

>> No.28885607

Keep at it and you'll be decent at art. Stop and you wont.
There's no talent in art, anyone (that doesnt have a physical disability) can draw, play an instrument or sing. You can, too.

>> No.28885610

You sure?

>> No.28885612

Kiara is just jealous and knows she won't be able to hold back her snarky comments if she collabs 1 on 1

>> No.28885617

Honestly, the zatsudan and the english lesson, it's been a while and we got so little solo Mori in the past few weeks. Yakuza's interesting, but I know nothing about the new one other than it's apparently a jrpg. only real complaints are that I wish there were more streams, but if it means she's actually getting some sleep I'm okay with it.

>> No.28885623

They have literally nothing to gain from collabing and it won't be a good stream anyway since they obviously don't have synergy.

>> No.28885626

globalchads what are some of your best memes

>> No.28885627
File: 11 KB, 174x290, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm, ja schleck die Lippen sueBe

>> No.28885629
File: 250 KB, 700x600, 1603206909092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, Kiara's going to fucking move in on Haachama's turf with that idea.

>> No.28885631

Eikaiwa because I missed the zatsudans. Still hoping that she will announce that collab with a JP.

>> No.28885632

It's a jrpg

>> No.28885634

I fail to see your point

>> No.28885635
Quoted by: >>28885743

will gura sing renai circulation or is that song overdone by now?

>> No.28885636


>> No.28885637
File: 2.87 MB, 852x480, don't say it[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Firznu0.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows this for narratives?
Anyone want to play sven co-op in dead hours? I can host, even got some appropriate chat sounds made up just for you guys.

>> No.28885639
Quoted by: >>28885700

>"Mom, I just licked my lips and now they want more cause it sounded lewd"
>Finger licking ASMR
I am losing it. Oh god oh fuck.

>> No.28885643

Mori hasn't done any viewer participation streams yet right? It'd be awesome for her to start doing that. Her base is pretty chill all things considered so it should be fun.

>> No.28885645

>KFP eating stream
>"There's nothing lewd about that"
Kiara, your hachaama reps....

>> No.28885650

What will your oshi say when she'll learn that you would fuck a random trap instead of her?

>> No.28885651

she's playing classic over blaze to not get filtered by new mechanics

>> No.28885652
Quoted by: >>28885773

send her a red akasupa
maybe that'll make her feel better

>> No.28885657
File: 37 KB, 718x119, architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fingerlicking ASMR after eating a bucket of KFC
And she said she wouldn't do ASMR

>> No.28885658

>Fingerlicking good ASMR
>You lick your fingers because your fingers are so... oily
>There's nothing lewd about that
And now she started slapping herself

>> No.28885659
Quoted by: >>28885688

So what all chicken lore has happened thus far this stream

>> No.28885662

>naive foreign teen trying to be an idol
am sure theres a couple of hentais about that

>> No.28885665
File: 590 KB, 854x480, 1604851353529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28885777

>just woke up
>did my archive reps
>see pic related

>> No.28885669

Where was it confirmed ?

>> No.28885671

Just study bro

>> No.28885670
Quoted by: >>28885871


>> No.28885672
Quoted by: >>28885721

wait so doesn't that mean the story is completely unable to be followed? I thought yakuza games all followed the same dude? or has she played the other ones already

>> No.28885676

is this an abusive relationship? she hits us then cries

>> No.28885677
Quoted by: >>28885758

Depends, what were we riled up about before you went to sleep?

>> No.28885679

>have you calmed down yet?
>look at me look at me look at me
>look at me
blessed bird

>> No.28885682
File: 579 KB, 1524x1440, 1603219110100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry I love you

>> No.28885684
File: 124 KB, 501x631, vampire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a sauce for this pic? I love boing boing succs.

>> No.28885688

I think she's gone off the deep end.

>> No.28885691

Yes, Kiara just bitchslapped us.
Now she's apologising and crying.

>> No.28885692

She'd give me a big ups.

>> No.28885693

What's going on with Kiara? I don't understand.

>> No.28885695
Quoted by: >>28885877

I guess those streams look good BECAUSE I'm not a deadbeat then. Those streams seem good to me, but maybe it's not the type of content you guys want.

>> No.28885697
Quoted by: >>28885768

Aren't you taking Kiara lightly? She's been doing this for years. Even her artstyle is old by now.

>> No.28885700

Oh boy, you need to watch the Haachama KFC ASMR stream then

>> No.28885703

>ohhhh they're gonna say Kiara is super-baiting

>> No.28885704

A "-let" is without something, you need to fucking lurk more you retarded reddit tourist.

>> No.28885706

Have Ame and Ina not shown any signs of that burnout? Since you left them out here.

>> No.28885709

>kiara BTFO narrativefags AGAIN

>> No.28885711

>She's supabaiting
haha she might actually lurk some of the threads...

>> No.28885714


>> No.28885716
Quoted by: >>28885780

>people day I'm supabaiting

>> No.28885718
Quoted by: >>28885877

5 streams in a week, including zatsudan is fucking fantastic for deadbeats. The only downside is her not playing DOOM but I assume she's not caught up yet. Dafuq are you talking about?

>> No.28885720
File: 8 KB, 737x73, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was in the post above the schedule image, don't know if she's talking about this week or teasing a future stream though.

>> No.28885721
Quoted by: >>28885781

Nah each story is fairly self contained with the same characters, 7 does star a new protagonist which makes it even easier to get into

>> No.28885724

Waits, isn't SC-baiting a term only used here....

>> No.28885725

>reading /hlgg/ AGAIN

>> No.28885726
Quoted by: >>28885816

>Chicken is still streaming
what the fuck

>> No.28885734

>Es tut mir leid, Mama... ich wollte nie, dass ich hier in Japan ende. Was soll ich hier... ich kenne hier niemanden... und jetzt lieg ich hier und ein japanischer Mann so um die 50 Jahre alt spritzt in mir ab. Ich bin nutzlos. Ich nutze nur was als Hure. Mama... vergib mir....

>> No.28885736

I noticed that Western girls really don't like it when you touch their heads, which is the opposite of Eastern girls.

>> No.28885737 [SPOILER] 
File: 210 KB, 337x327, 1604856053979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28885809

You're good boi
and it'd make me cum even harder

>> No.28885735
Quoted by: >>28886183

Do people on twitter harass her or is she actually coming here?

>> No.28885739

Watch brent eviston's art class
It worked for me than /ic/'s right side of the brain meme book
You can find it on /ic/'s video course thread

>> No.28885741
File: 3.00 MB, 3508x2339, 815e9f3e4128eeebcdc1a96ed2b4d57c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yakuza: Like a Dragon

>> No.28885742
Quoted by: >>28885822

Mori is actually autistic irl...

>> No.28885743

I could see that happening someday

>> No.28885744

>Mori and Kiara rapping together in the hot tub

>> No.28885746
Quoted by: >>28885911

Wasn't she supposed to have a collab with a JP senpai this week?

>> No.28885748
Quoted by: >>28885864

>playing 7 first
Oh man that's not going to end well

>> No.28885749

Literally in the description in of that stream

>> No.28885751
Quoted by: >>28886006

I wish she played Yakuza Kiwami or Zero, she'd probably like it, but since it's sponsored it's better than nothing i guess. I hope we get more Sega permissions and by shilling them she can play some 4D chess to get those Atlus permissions, but we know the chances for that are very low.
Lethal League might be fun, wish it was Doom though.

>> No.28885753

uoooohhfinish it anon

>> No.28885755

I'll only be able to make it to the eikawa and the lethal league stream.

>> No.28885758

I knocked myself out just as chicken was beginning and there was a five-way falseflagging contest to get Mori and her graduated.

>> No.28885759

Maybe she doesn't want to spoil it. I don't know what the point of all this secrecy around it is, but since they are going for it they might be holding until the announcement.

>> No.28885760

I want to fuck the chicken so much

>> No.28885761

Oh my god they're both such fucking dorks.

>> No.28885768

She said she stopped doing art for a long time. Probably why her style is so dated.

>> No.28885771
Quoted by: >>28885828

I wonder how many times she said BIG UPS

>> No.28885773

if you really think
this you need help

>> No.28885776
Quoted by: >>28885841

Oh shit she's actually here

>> No.28885777

Skinwalker. Check the archives.

>> No.28885778

Im starting to believe chicken actually might be here. Fuck I love our chicken.

>> No.28885780

So Kiara, Mori and Ame at the very least
Was there any proof for Ina and Gura?

>> No.28885781

gotcha thanks

>> No.28885783
Quoted by: >>28885884

Hmm... there's something about Gura... her size... it's not large...

>> No.28885785

Chicken I love you but get out of this shithole and never come back.

>> No.28885788

I don't know but I'd ask her if she's frustrated

>> No.28885789
File: 408 KB, 793x639, 1602338873659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken get the FUCK off of /hlgg/. You're not welcome here and everyone Loves you!

>> No.28885792


>> No.28885793

You don't know how little that narrows it down. That sounds like your average /hlgg/ shcizo hours. And it's always schizo 'clock

>> No.28885798
Quoted by: >>28885911

Is Mori ever going to continue any of the games she's already started? Even Doom looks like it's been abandoned because she promised something she didn't feel like delivering.

>> No.28885802
File: 577 KB, 604x486, uoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28885804

Too bad that Yakuza timeslot is fucking garbage

>> No.28885809
File: 152 KB, 508x228, 1604848057327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28885932

Tomorrow will be great.

>> No.28885813
File: 108 KB, 400x400, 1603331342045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love girls whispering

>> No.28885816

Chicken always has longer superchat readings than what the stream is scheduled for because she zatsudans the shit out of everyone.

>> No.28885818

Chicken, give us a whispered cluck please

>> No.28885819
Quoted by: >>28885887

Kiara, if you're here I just want to let you know that I want to EAT YOUR BEAUTIFUL ASS, thank you

>> No.28885821
File: 161 KB, 413x382, 1600999157924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28885822

Yes. This is old news.

>> No.28885823
Quoted by: >>28885888

Anon, your mythology reps. She's supposed to be a Jiangshi.

>> No.28885828

>Mori's Moris start floating in the hot tub
It was not Mori who uttered the words.

>> No.28885829

Inb4 she's in the thread at THIS very moment!
Say you love Pekora if you are there!

>> No.28885834
Quoted by: >>28885979

Nah, that's largely subsided now. Might pick up again after Kiara stops streaming though whenever that ends up being.

>> No.28885835
File: 62 KB, 532x680, 1600498190371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a chickin 7hours stream

>> No.28885836

Hope she would support me and ask her to join us because i get really hard around asian traps

>> No.28885838
Quoted by: >>28885882

That game sucks anon

>> No.28885841
Quoted by: >>28885917

what did she say?

>> No.28885842
Quoted by: >>28885915

>a good part
You gonna source that claim? No? Then shut the FUCK up.

>> No.28885843


>> No.28885845

>you are not intelligent enough to get it.
thanks for the laugh anon

>> No.28885850
File: 1.16 MB, 1023x1445, 1603553038758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good opportunity to remind everyone that Gura has listed ASMR streams as part of her member perks and she said she wants to do it but is still thinking about what to do during a member stream.

She mentioned "princess ASMR" but no one really knew what it meant.

>> No.28885855
File: 170 KB, 1123x841, 20201106_002702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28885858

Somehow there is a dissonance between her allegedly browsing here and picking things up and her at the same time not listening to actual feedback (like the Minecraft fiasco)

>> No.28885859
Quoted by: >>28885992

>Mori and Kiara self-doxing in the spa by rapping Moris biggest hit

>> No.28885860

>Clearly a jiangshi but okay.

>> No.28885862

wine party stream should be good
I wish there were more than 5 streams though..

>> No.28885864
Quoted by: >>28885972

Does it follow the continuity of the games before it?

>> No.28885868

>Aka baiting
This is a bit specific. Are we sure she's now here?

>> No.28885871

as I said: MEDS

>> No.28885874

Is there any other place that blames the chicken for supabaiting?

>> No.28885875

Makes sense, tumblr has been fucking dead for years, so I guess we wouldn't be getting any yuri from there (did we ever? pretty sure they liked trannies more)

>> No.28885876
File: 413 KB, 600x340, 1604722675832.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28885877
Quoted by: >>28886031

still no Doom, Blasphemous was teased and anticipated hard as hell only to not pop up again, no Mad Rat continuation despite it being one of the games she enjoyed the most, collab thing turning out to be an announcement of an announcement, Lethal League solo, STILL no watchalon, STILL no karaoke

let's be honest, from a Deadbeat perspective that looks weak as fuck, and that's considering she's done with her comission

>> No.28885880

there's something about youtube that causes lag even when there is adequate bandwidth and the chat is disabled.

>> No.28885882

Fuck you. Don't ever reply to me again.

>> No.28885884

You forgot your pic lamy

>> No.28885885
Quoted by: >>28886307

"and so on"
I didn't feel like listing out all 5. Ame's problems are mostly with community management (though it seems like she's working on them now). Ina's stem from inexperience with streaming in general, case and point cancelling streams because she talks her voicebox out the day prior.

>> No.28885886
File: 434 KB, 940x500, 1603687997530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She told me to nut three times a day - gotta do my reps somehow

>> No.28885887

Get in line, we all want to be euthanised by the trash compactor brapper.

>> No.28885888

Jiangshi are vampires

>> No.28885889

Hang on a second those are the guys from PR Jungle Fury. Huh

>> No.28885891

>gating that kind of slutshit behind memberships
Literal fucking whore. What else to expect from the bitch that doesn't care about hololive.

>> No.28885892

Just woke up, should I do my archive reps or were /hlgg/ just getting mad at the Minecraft server being dead and somehow blaming Mori/Kiara for it?

>> No.28885894
Quoted by: >>28886265

Is Gura the princess or are we the princess?

>> No.28885895
File: 97 KB, 565x493, __yukihana_lamy_hololive_drawn_by_arclo_shitonai__90e3ac9a1f295a4012b196c5593be097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28885896

Headpats are only an anime thing you fucking virgins

>> No.28885898
Quoted by: >>28885977

Kiara is regretting doing the ASMR, creepy SCs

>> No.28885904
File: 17 KB, 811x121, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28885938

Will she sing it, anons?

>> No.28885903

Seething poorfag.

>> No.28885905

Reminder she just put ASMR as a membership perk because she had no idea what else to do and has repeatedly said she doesn't have a clue how to do it

>> No.28885907

Okay, which one of you cringelords broke the chicken?

>> No.28885908

Not him, the game fucking sucks anon

>> No.28885911
Quoted by: >>28886169

Probably gonna be on her senpai's channel. Iirc Mori doesn't put non-weekly EN group collabs on her schedule if she's not hosting it.
Mori wants to start over on PC so she wants to catchup to where she left off on console before doing another DOOM stream

>> No.28885914
Quoted by: >>28885995

Damn Klauis did not do his lore reps.

>> No.28885915
Quoted by: >>28885947

just archive surf fag, the sense of 'meh' was prevalent

>> No.28885917
Quoted by: >>28886246

Took a shit on people who claim she is only sc-baiting. A bit of an usual complaint which mostly makes the rounds around here. Then again I don't use reddit so I wouldn't know.

>> No.28885921

>they're going to say she's supabaiting
Bitch you are, you calling us out on our shitposting doesn't make it not true

>> No.28885922
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, 1603303333005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara origin video for those who care about lore:

>> No.28885925

Anyone have the thread where draw Enma

>> No.28885926

Ahahahaah holy shit that Queen Supachat

>> No.28885928
Quoted by: >>28886008

Isn't this basically what was gonna happen even if the Minecraft collab worked out as planned? They play for one hour, accomplish pretty much nothing, Calli fucks off and Kiara streams for another 3 hours talking about random stuff and reading superchats.

>> No.28885929
File: 16 KB, 336x180, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these fucking superchat posters.

>> No.28885930
File: 13 KB, 598x156, 1590417137966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886098


>> No.28885932


>> No.28885933

not him but
Ame: minecraft burnout and the struggle to achieve desirable chat interaction
Ina: physical burnout

>> No.28885934

>streaming Yakuza

enjoy sitting doing nothing while watching the 3 hours of cutscenes in the prologue.

>> No.28885937

This and schizos are trying to push the narrative that kiara leads stalkers to the other holos

>> No.28885939
File: 274 KB, 505x452, 1604427753475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28885938

This is the most based superchat I've ever seen.

>> No.28885942

>Keep my mum out of that

NTR Oyakodon with Kiara and Kiara's mum!

>> No.28885943 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 1080x583, 20201108_182512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this

>> No.28885945

What the fuck is going on with chicken

>> No.28885946

Apparently you missed Shrek

>> No.28885947

>taking /hlgg/, the second anti-thread, seriously
Did you really?

>> No.28885949

I'm sure they all at least lurk every once in a while.

>> No.28885951

Yeah dont look at those archives. For your own mental health.

>> No.28885952

i'm using hd280pro and built-in audio. it's usually 5-30% with headphones on my head and 150% when they're just lying around (i don't have speakers)

>> No.28885954

That and Kiara's a psychic skinwalker who leads a gangstalking ring that doxxed Subaru is all you really need to know.

>> No.28885955

Probably depends on the browser. Youtube on chrome gives me endless issues because it's trying to monopolize the visual libraries shared by more important applications, ones that a browser stream shouldn't be monopolizing at all.

>> No.28885956
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Princess ASMR
>It's pic related

>> No.28885960
Quoted by: >>28886026


>> No.28885967
Quoted by: >>28886010

Has Oyakodon ever been such a fitting term?

>> No.28885970

Commas are important

>> No.28885972


>> No.28885974

bro, I can buy your oshi slobbering on my ear for 63 cents, don't get high and mighty over a cheap whore

>> No.28885975


>> No.28885977

Yeah but she does every single time. I think she enjoys the cringe on some level.
Probably laughing her ass off at the end. Though I sometimes fear some retard will superchat something actually fucking creepy and ruin it.

>> No.28885979

It's subsided because all the SEAnigs went to sleep.

>> No.28885981

vampires/succs/jiangshi, whatever, same thing

>> No.28885984
File: 391 KB, 619x653, shark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886098


>> No.28885986

Don't let the KFP employees see this

>> No.28885988
Quoted by: >>28886039

She'll do a Luna-esque baby voice.

>> No.28885992

>Pekora was at the spa too but didn't introduce herself due to cringe

>> No.28885994

what a fool i was using the google brand web browser to watch the google brand video web site.

>> No.28885995

It's right there.

>> No.28885996

I BELEEB in this Narrative.

>> No.28885998

Maybe it's on one of their channels? she often hasn't listed collabs that are on other peoples schedules before, with the exception of todays cancelled takamori stream.

>> No.28885999

Bohemian Rhapsody shitpost. 10/10 kek

>> No.28886005

I use Brave

>> No.28886006

I think coco had a similar deal but never got her old kiwami streams un-private. If they get a deal with Microsoft they might be able to stream Gamepass stuff which includes Yakuza 0-3.

>> No.28886007

Not really I have a friend thats a girl and she likes them.

>> No.28886008

We would have gotten the full spa date details instead of a few teases

>> No.28886009
Quoted by: >>28886131

Where the fuck was this posted? Also Lethal league and not playing blaze is gonna be shit

>> No.28886010

>Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

>> No.28886013
File: 832 KB, 814x1231, 1602563523034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On my way....

>> No.28886014
Quoted by: >>28886059

you make that sound like a bad thing

>> No.28886016
File: 1.48 MB, 1919x544, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes this is what lifes all about

>> No.28886020
File: 280 KB, 813x1200, 1604159635144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I coommed a bucket. Chicken too powerfull.

>> No.28886024

Youtube is being maintained by outsourced pajeets hired by Google, more news at 12.

>> No.28886025

Ame had been on a pretty good streak all through October, and even after taking a couple days off to do nothing she comes back to give us the best collab EN may have for a long time. I'm convinced she was born to stream, she's always loved it and basically doesn't have a life outside of it.

>> No.28886026

Somebody post that T u T screenshot from the Among Us stream she did.

>> No.28886027

>He doesn't want someone to headpat him
Fucking gay

>> No.28886029

Pekora pretty much only leaves the house for studio work.

>> No.28886031
Quoted by: >>28886167

Meh we're just happy to see content from our boy and that she's playing more video games. You're justified in being disappointed since I've been itching for DOOM and Blashpemous too but to most of us this is a good week.

>> No.28886033

meant for >>28885903

>> No.28886035

Are you retarded?
that was rhetorical no need to reply

>> No.28886039

What if it's just Gura acting really bratty, commanding you around and demanding you to do every bidding

>> No.28886043

>Licking for the Top
What does it mean?

>> No.28886045
Quoted by: >>28886362

Pekora's the stalker?? What a twist!

>> No.28886048

>I'll get Suisei jealous and MAKE her move back in with me

>> No.28886057
Quoted by: >>28886075

>They are thirsty as fuck, not me

>> No.28886059

Oh I wasn't implying it was bad. It would be fucking glorious.

>> No.28886061
Quoted by: >>28886155

>no argument

>> No.28886067
File: 389 KB, 991x1111, 1602807014330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit Mori, it was nice.

>> No.28886069


>> No.28886070

Peko never leaves the house so that narrative falls apart

>> No.28886075

Something something, chat is a reflection of the streamer, something.

>> No.28886078
File: 174 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20201108-092755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886134

I just found out my download corrupted from the MEGA link

>> No.28886079

You clearly can't.

>> No.28886086
File: 71 KB, 600x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887170

Wait. You guys are not part of Ina's special takos?

>> No.28886092

Literally just search the URL in the archive

>> No.28886093
File: 21 KB, 104x121, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28886094

How long till Kiara does a full-on ASMR stream?

>> No.28886098

One would imagine that after 2 months you guys would stop replying to the most obvious bait.

>> No.28886101
File: 49 KB, 622x413, 1604581241356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886121

>This superchat reading
It's just suffering at this point and I hope it continues.

>> No.28886102
File: 578 KB, 826x772, 1603052750606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886164

What happened to her JP collab?

>> No.28886104
Quoted by: >>28886205

That's sad that you are one of the unlucky ones

>> No.28886114

Smart business move desu

>> No.28886115

Genuine question, do people outside of 4chan say "What did [X] mean by this?"

>> No.28886121

The natural state of a Kiara stream.

>> No.28886125


>> No.28886126

I'm not going to damage my fucking ears just to "get the full experience" and pick up the tiniest of noises like some tard
It's perfect enough to hear pretty much everything and with enough oomph that you can feel involved or enjoy music, but not too quiet either

>> No.28886127
Quoted by: >>28886168

but why replying to bait is fun

>> No.28886128

The LICK of Kiara's Rings.

>> No.28886131
Quoted by: >>28886172

On her membership, she always posts it like half a day in advance there.

>> No.28886132
Quoted by: >>28886177

She "hates" ASMR for some autistic reason.

>> No.28886134
Quoted by: >>28886262

I'm pretty sure it's even on youtube.

>> No.28886135

This is a fucking ride, what is the chicken doing?

>> No.28886137

>I will never do asmr I hate it
>Licking sounds 10 minutes later
What's wrong with this chicken? Faster 180 than Ame Minecraft.

>> No.28886139
File: 754 KB, 3000x3334, 1604478861289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_yIGzoeWUo stream theme

>> No.28886140
File: 1.39 MB, 1700x952, 1604812178404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard will it be to top this collab and moment?

>> No.28886143

She just talked about how she was thinking of doing the fingerlicking one so hopefully not more than a few weeks.

>> No.28886146

I've seen it leaked onto discord and stuff
Inb4 get out.

>> No.28886145

I will reply to whatever the fuck I want nigger

>> No.28886153
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x1138, file(31).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't Gura have a collab today?

>> No.28886154

Doesn't wanna buy the mic

>> No.28886155
File: 353 KB, 427x381, 1603873482262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes attack gura with Ad Hominems
and then say no argument
you have the intelligence of a jellyfish

>> No.28886158


>> No.28886164
Quoted by: >>28886283

The Among Us stream IS the JP collab

>> No.28886165

She'll never do ASMR because its degrading whore shit and she doesn't have to anymore, she's got 1.250 mil subscribers.

This is "companies pay me to play their shit" tier, not "i have to pander to lonely ojisans".

This is no narrative, you will NEVER see Gura ASMR.

>> No.28886167

if the Yakuza shit turns out sponsored I'll be doubly disappointed since it'll mean Cover is basically turning her into their HoloEN advertisement platform which leaves even less time to play shit she actually likes

it's a meh week with meh implications, the fucking anituber podcast looming and our boy still kinda failing to play to her strengths (sing, bitch, siiiiiiiing)

>> No.28886168
Quoted by: >>28886222

Yeah, but only to troll them more, these retards are actually getting mad.

>> No.28886169

Oh, hope it's announced soon.

>> No.28886171
Quoted by: >>28886213

Army of two.....

>> No.28886172

That explains everything. But also seriously has anyone asked her about why OG and not Blaze? Anyone who'd play lethal with her would rather play Blaze. Although I guess throw mix ups might be a bit hard on her

>> No.28886176 [SPOILER] 
File: 199 KB, 764x900, 1604856764919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886422

Enough with the uuoooh. It's time to UUUUNNNNNFFFFFFHHH

>> No.28886177

She's playing hard to get.
Smart birb.

>> No.28886178
Quoted by: >>28886342

You don't know what an ad hominem is.

>> No.28886181

I think they do. If you google it with site:reddit.com you'll get a lot of results

>> No.28886182
File: 147 KB, 365x365, 1604305269810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just imagine

>> No.28886183

I saw a superchat using those terms and some chats/comments, she probably saw those

>> No.28886184

Thought Kiara is gay, she views her chat differently, she likes edging the chat.

>> No.28886185

How does onii-chan feel about getting a new car from his imouto spanking herself and licking her lips for internet strangers?

>> No.28886187

Noel off-collab.

>> No.28886191

I can't believe Kiara's going to do a live JOI so chat can get the horny out of their system

>> No.28886190
Quoted by: >>28886254

bait does not go away
might as well have fun belittling the person posting it

>> No.28886197

Oh shit Yakuza, how long have they had permission for those again?

>> No.28886201
Quoted by: >>28886341

We started with
>"I hate ASMR
and 10 minutes later
>We're gonna do a finger-licking ASMR after eating a bucket of fried chicken
I give it 2 months top.
God, Imagine if she did a ASMR collab with Polka...

>> No.28886204

Nigh impossible, it just ain't gonna be topped.

>> No.28886205
Quoted by: >>28886379

nah, I'm just capable of using a VPN

>> No.28886206

Collab watchalong or Discord sex ASMR

>> No.28886207

She will and I want you to kill yourself when she does.

>> No.28886208
Quoted by: >>28886335

>4 hour stream
>people keep shitting out superchats while Kiara just laughs anxiously and whispers "what the fuck" every 30 seconds
She is amazing.

>> No.28886209
Quoted by: >>28886287

If you were a member you'd know you are wrong because she explicitly stated she wants to do it

>> No.28886210

She's doing a 24 hour foot ASMR livestream RIGHT NOW though.

>> No.28886213


>> No.28886216
Quoted by: >>28886267

The simps took the whispering away from me.
Fucking bastards.

>> No.28886222


>> No.28886223
Quoted by: >>28886280

I swear if all this setup was just for a Coco meme review collab I'm gonna be tilted

>> No.28886230
Quoted by: >>28886342

bizarreposting from eslchama

>> No.28886231

Please adnastd, three jobs that she forced on herself won't do themselves.

>> No.28886233

she should bait more. Makes fags like you angrier and lines her pocket. You being upset isn't going to make her generate anymore revenue

>> No.28886232

Collab movie watchalong could get close

>> No.28886235
File: 153 KB, 854x929, Untitled846877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so hard to use fucking google?

>> No.28886237
Quoted by: >>28886294

>a fucking SEGA game
Are we making progress on permissions?

>> No.28886239

Dead Space 3 could get close.

>> No.28886243

From the beginning it became a 4chan phrase because of young anons cheekily imitating the way highschool english teachers and university professors discuss media. It's a phrase that exists outside of 4chan but you won't see it used the same way as it is here unless someone is deliberately imitating or referencing how 4chan uses it.

>> No.28886246

She was specifically referring to the whispering though, which I don't think people have specifically called her out for any more than normal sc reading stuff.

>> No.28886251

>Kiara slapping herself again
Here comes the menhera

>> No.28886254

People get bored of posting the same narratives if you don't give them (You)s. Negative attention is still attention.

>> No.28886256
Quoted by: >>28886325

It's not ASMR if it's not binaural audio.

>> No.28886259
File: 73 KB, 514x970, EmS5dYPVoAAQ3Ji-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28886262
File: 342 KB, 1441x2048, El4coqvVoAIloIh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless you

>> No.28886263

It's Calli's choice what she plays. This would be her 2nd sponsored game while no one has has had any as far as I'm aware.

>> No.28886265

>why not both?
Tea party asmr when

>> No.28886266
Quoted by: >>28886311

>John Titor danke schon

>> No.28886267

It'll be back, anon. If not in this stream then the next.

>> No.28886272

>reddit as the first result
You have to go back.

>> No.28886273
Quoted by: >>28886330

What happened with Kiara now

>> No.28886275

But... dead space 3 isn't good...

>> No.28886276

Please don't remind me that game exist. It's so fucking sad what happened to the series.

>> No.28886279
Quoted by: >>28886349

At this point I just think Kiara is inherently sexual.
She can't help herself, it's her curse

>> No.28886280

I'd be mad at first, but I think that stream would be peak cringekino.

>> No.28886283

It was pretty heavily implied it was a 1 on 1 collab.

>> No.28886286

She's going to rub her feet all over that computer case and whisper are you frustrated?

>> No.28886287
Quoted by: >>28886310

I am a member, enjoy never seeing a single ASMR because you don't understand Gura. At least you paypig for my oshi so you're not that bad.

>> No.28886294
Quoted by: >>28886372

No. Holos sometimes do shill streams for them but Sega still refuses to give permissions for regular streams.

>> No.28886296
File: 434 KB, 414x479, 1603771558410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do some of you faggots feel the urge to have constant arguments here all the time? It's always the same shit and never achieves anything, are you truly that bored? Don't you have anything better to do?

>> No.28886298
File: 60 KB, 519x959, EmS5dycU4AAMEMF-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28886304
File: 72 KB, 376x309, 1601761711568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel like I have to cut out this part of the superchat
>I feel like I have sinned

>> No.28886305
Quoted by: >>28886638

Where did she post this?

>> No.28886307

Thanks for clarifying. I skimmed over that lol.
They seem to have taken measures in response. Looking on it now, they're also the only two to change their stream rules to reflect their audience. I don't doubt the other holoEN girls will get through the rough patch, but it is interesting that there was a point that it's all coming to head.

>> No.28886308

Chumflakes are physically incapable of not crying over their meme shark being criticized.

>> No.28886309

>She's threatening to edit out the SC readings
Someone's archiving this, right?

>> No.28886310

Ok, keep on living in your own fantasy world, woman

>> No.28886311


>> No.28886314

>was a deadbeat day 1
>everyone tells mori to keep taking breaks
>other than making music it seems like she takes vtubing the least serious because she didnt expect it to b a full time job
>her streams are the most "i hit the hour mark, im done"
>takes off a week from streaming
>her t3 stream is literally just filler
>when she comes back from the week break she releases a song about how she doesnt like sucess
>week she comes back she only has a single non collab stream
Anyone other deadbeats lower moris ranking a lot? Shes actually the worst content wise, behind bird even

>> No.28886316
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1604167772800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die Kiarer ist eine Hure

>> No.28886319
File: 3.52 MB, 3840x2160, 1578682430577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28886318
File: 669 KB, 3693x4096, 1598687764566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm your new wife now
Gura's always flirting with Ame

>> No.28886321
Quoted by: >>28886381

>She'll never do ASMR because its degrading whore shit
i don't ever want to see her do degrading whore shit. it would break my heart.

>> No.28886325

There are different kinds of triggers, retards. I can get along fine with storytelling.

>> No.28886329
Quoted by: >>28886450

But what if this is their plan to get more permissions? Getting to stream SEGA games is a big first step.

>> No.28886330

She's just been doing her usual menhera schtick through her SC reading. Nothing out of the ordinary but as entertaining as always.

>> No.28886335

she is addicted to pleasing strangers on the internet, very yab

>> No.28886341

People literally kept telling her to do ASMR with Marine and she refused it several times.

>> No.28886342
File: 196 KB, 425x372, 1603843325971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ad Hominem: An attack, or an insult, on the person, rather than directly addressing the person's reasons. Name calling is a form of this fallacy.
aka calling gura a bitch and a whore
go away 50IQ slime monkey :^)
I am a burger faggot

>> No.28886343

>Kiara gives a lick, a kiss and then a whole blow

>> No.28886349
File: 411 KB, 963x383, 1604364003840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr Takanashi Kiara is Miss Nakadashi Kyaru.

>> No.28886350
Quoted by: >>28886433

I wouldn't imagine they are here a lot, but this place is probably the only one where they can see honest negative feedback, even if it's mixed with useless shitposting.
100% they have staff monitoring these threads regularly to check if more doxx gets found.

>> No.28886354


>> No.28886358

yes, OFTV collab

>> No.28886359


>> No.28886360
Quoted by: >>28886392

Even if you are a deadbeat please don't start this up again.

>> No.28886361
File: 1.02 MB, 2878x1763, 1602964587367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28886362

>Pekora's the stalker??
Anu cheeki breeki peko~

>> No.28886365
Quoted by: >>28886442

She has like 3 covers coming out this month

>> No.28886369
File: 10 KB, 545x93, askingtherealquestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886388

>> No.28886371

I like how they found a game that's basically going to be "theirs" no matter who else ends up playing it in the future.

>> No.28886372

Why the fuck cant' they just shill games in exchange for permissions?

Why are jap companies so adverse to the incredibly symbiotic relation between sales and streams? Look at EA, the evil sons of bitches, immediately putting A Way Out on sale the moment AmeGura played it.

That alone should prove it makes money rather than loses it.

>> No.28886374
Quoted by: >>28886468

So can someone give me a source on that Mori schedule that someone posted here? Or is it fake?

>> No.28886376
File: 39 KB, 227x222, 1604644618946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you when Kiara was literally slapping herself red and blue while also kissing people and crying?

>> No.28886377
Quoted by: >>28886403

Didn't Gura kinda throw her schedule out of her window?

>> No.28886379

(you) don't get tingles loser

>> No.28886381

Fuck you, Kiara needs to lick all of us.

>> No.28886382

Is Kiara the horniest member of all Hololive?

>> No.28886385
Quoted by: >>28886425

This is how culture evolves, anon. You just don't notice shitposts like these IRL because the pace is slow compared to the internet.

>> No.28886386

>Don't you have anything better to do?
I'm waiting for my kits to dry, give me a break

>> No.28886389
File: 336 KB, 370x432, mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886774

The positive feedback loop I get from ""winning""' an argument is legit addictive

>> No.28886388

Damn, thanks for reminding me.
Right here.

>> No.28886392

>replying seriously to it

>> No.28886394
File: 13 KB, 826x108, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28886398

that face...

>> No.28886403

I don't know but I hate when she has a "TBA" on the schedule but won't even say what it is the day before.

>> No.28886405

Can you faggots stop with these blogposts

>> No.28886407
Quoted by: >>28886445

/cgl/ hands typed this 100%

>> No.28886408

this post is embarrassingly underage

>> No.28886411

As far away from menhera stream as possible.

>> No.28886414

I wanted to go watch the clown but chicken noises...

>> No.28886415
File: 353 KB, 1305x812, 1604812583738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28886417
Quoted by: >>28886440

she's my oshi but I really wish she was more focused on this part of her life, I'm starting to feel like an Ayamefag

>> No.28886420

First Kiara SC reading?

>> No.28886422
File: 805 KB, 2553x4096, 534345345435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we had even more Gura ass art.

>> No.28886424
Quoted by: >>28886439

>I'm sorry but I will not read that. Thank you for being creative though
What was it?

>> No.28886425
Quoted by: >>28886488

>I act like a conflict-seeking retard on the internet for the sake of culture
Gotta be the dumbest shit I'll read today, surely.

>> No.28886426

Atlus had to be dragged kicking and screaming to port P4G to a platform anyone would play it on and will probably continue to be just as retarded going forward despite how much money would print for them.

>> No.28886427

>are you truly that bored?
Yeah, my oshi isn't streaming.

>> No.28886428
File: 192 KB, 1750x1200, 20201109_013142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28886434
File: 465 KB, 1500x1500, 1602036067957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my love for oshi is determined by the frequency of her content
You are WEAK

>> No.28886433
Quoted by: >>28886496

Theres a doxx post every other day, they don't care. At the very least, they know of the place.

>> No.28886436

I like your drawing style, anon

>> No.28886437

>4 hours
>thats nothing

>> No.28886438

Powerful image

>> No.28886439

The lick version of Bohemian Rhapsody. Scroll up, a few anons capped it.

>> No.28886440
Quoted by: >>28886534


>> No.28886442

bs, she has no reason to release more than 1 song a month, releasing 3 would just make her own declaration harder to hold up to

>> No.28886444

Relax, anon, it's just a potentially weak week. Even though it seems like a long time it's just been two months since they debuted, we'll get our kino streams eventually.

>> No.28886445
Quoted by: >>28886470

Do you think I'm talking about Kiara? What the fuck does /cgl/ have to do with any of this? Is it your personal boogie man?

>> No.28886447

Try using a real definition, ESL bitch.

>> No.28886450

All part of the plan to hold Atlus' CEO at scythepoint

>> No.28886451

Nah it's just bait

>> No.28886453

You're missing out

>> No.28886454

Never been to /vg/, I take it?
There's a very particular kind of mental illness that general threads attract. It's an obsession with thread personas, both their own and those of other anons. They repeat the same shit every day as a fucking mating call, because they're obsessed with the illusory social hierarchy of their home thread, making sure others recognize them or are 'influenced' by what they post, and identifying other thread personalities. It's best to just ignore them, because they attract their own kind and slowly devolve the general into a kind of autistic IRC chatroom where your particular brand of pissy and damaged is functionally your username. The only time they shut up is when they're drowned out by mentally healthy anons having nominal discussion about the actual subject of the thread and not the social implications that subject has on the personalities that occupy it.

>> No.28886460

Whispering continues?!

>> No.28886462

Japs are slow as fuck to adapt to change, they still view streams as lost sales.

Fuck's sake, ATLUS only just now figured out there's money to be made by porting games to PC with that P4G port.

>> No.28886464

No she literally said she was doing like 2-3 covers this month I think with jp hololive. Possibly in the latest wine stream I forgot

>> No.28886466
File: 50 KB, 400x400, 1603716144472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when Kiara gives out a kiss

>> No.28886467

This one's great

>> No.28886468
Quoted by: >>28886537

it's real, it's from member-only post, they get early access to schedules

>> No.28886469

>no I'm going to stop whispering because the simps are bullying me with cringe SCs
>starts whispering again five minutes later
This fucking chicken...

>> No.28886470

Only cgl women would type something as cringe as you did, crying about the possibility of Gura doing ASMR

>> No.28886472

based phoneposter

>> No.28886476
File: 123 KB, 490x389, 1514347071710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886510

I never expected her to do much streaming but I am in it to witness her personal success. If she will keep acting to her own detriment in order to help out some literally who for free I am not going to stick around.

>> No.28886477

>i get feels for a woman regardless of how she behaves
You are weaker

>> No.28886479

I'm almost cumming to Kiara's whispering
Should I end myself?

>> No.28886481 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28886708

I'm gonna need some proof that this is real. Does anyone know where she posted this?

>> No.28886482

Its the quality also her streams are
>i dont know the controls
>im tired
>next week will be better
>i hit the 1hr 30min mark, im done

>> No.28886485

She's definitely said she's doing 3 songs with jp senpai and 1 with a fellow EN girl this year. it's november now, so I'd expect one in the near future unless she's working on all of them at once for some fucking reason that only makes sense to her.

>> No.28886488

Where do you think you are?

>> No.28886489

She turned off SC

>> No.28886490

I like when Mori puts out quality content. Her doom streams are some of my favourite solo streams from EN so far. But when she's just putting in the obligatory hour while all her effort and passion is going into something offstream, I'm not interested. I'll wait for her to get over this hump and see if she can recenter to the quality content I like or if she's gonna let this spiral.

>> No.28886491
Quoted by: >>28886520

Not the same guy you replied to but anon are you retarded

>> No.28886492
File: 74 KB, 643x608, 1604857372962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down, THHK.

>> No.28886493
Quoted by: >>28886612

And they didn't actually, because they just went "wow that was unexpected, must have been a fluke", shrugged their shoulders and went back to business as usual.

>> No.28886494

>Fuck's sake, ATLUS only just now figured out there's money to be made by porting games to PC with that P4G port.
>"...What do you mean there are people who will buy the same game twice without having to add new waifus?"

>> No.28886496

Yeah, but I'm talking about new stuff. Obviously they don't care anymore about the stuff that everyone knows already.

>> No.28886497
File: 2 KB, 354x49, bitchnigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28886500
Quoted by: >>28886558

These deadbeats starved for content already ain’t gonna make it desu

>> No.28886501
File: 81 KB, 800x713, 1604643544755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886539

t. seanigger
You ain't fooling anyone
go back to /hlg/ where you belong

>> No.28886505

Does Kiara really have the worst simps?

>> No.28886509

Welcome to the internet facebook has made for us.
Everyone acts like the comic book guy from

>> No.28886510

What the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.28886511

No, i did it earlier feels good.

>> No.28886515


>> No.28886519

Finish yourself

>> No.28886520

You're not fooling anyone, woman.

>> No.28886522
Quoted by: >>28886581

Kiara can grind what would be a $1000 stream up to 3-4k but it takes a long time and a lot of effort on her part. How does someone like Rushia get such massive SC numbers for her streams?

>> No.28886524
File: 17 KB, 389x389, 1601609437525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886563

Menhera time is the best time to watch any streamer. It's the closest you ever get to their real self

>> No.28886525


>> No.28886532

Embrace it.

>> No.28886534
Quoted by: >>28886657

no, thank god
not much better tho, slav

>> No.28886535

I have no idea but each time the question was asked they some how did it. Honestly this might be the best for a long time.

>> No.28886536

>Those cracks

Holy shit this girl is going to get Arthritis early or something

>> No.28886537
Quoted by: >>28886624

ok. Can i get a screenshot of the members post that this image is attached to?

>> No.28886538

They haven't figured that out actually. Sega forced them to do it and they'll never do it again until forced again.

>> No.28886539

>no argument
Cry for me, ESL bitch.

>> No.28886541
Quoted by: >>28886575

Not that anon, how is ASMR degrading?
You can do not lewd ones too.

>> No.28886548
Quoted by: >>28886678

Brb taking a shower

>> No.28886553
Quoted by: >>28886678

go take a shower /hlgg/

>> No.28886557
Quoted by: >>28886678

>taking a shower

>> No.28886558

I unironicaly want them all to fuck off, I hate the fact that I share my oshi with these morons

>> No.28886559

Um. Do you think Kiara is legit horny right now?

>> No.28886560
Quoted by: >>28886601

Did Kiara react to the SC that said something like "Fail to be prepared, prepare to fail"?

>> No.28886561
File: 11 KB, 636x155, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check thread
>same generic, substanceless complaining about Mori
>check clocks
Sounds about right.

>> No.28886563

If interacting with real people was a good thing you wouldn't be here watching anime puppets faggot

>> No.28886564

>Legit boner after those kisses
What the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.28886567

I'm autistic and I love this place so I participate in arguments. And I mean I do it seriously, not just to argue.

>> No.28886566
Quoted by: >>28886614

I suddenly feel so empty.

>> No.28886569

She's whispering because her throat hurts, even though I'm pretty sure I remember reading somewhere that that's bullshit and whispering is actually even worse for your throat.

>> No.28886571

Hard to deny that Ame had a strong showing throughout October, especially with the week leading up to Halloween and her organizing the trick or treating. I still think she has room to improve (like doubting her ability to fill dead air for longer games), but she's got a good sense for what makes her streams work.

>> No.28886573

Based old wives taleposter

>> No.28886574
Quoted by: >>28886790

Hololive: Wrestling Edition
>Yagoo is a Vince McMahon type character, A-chan and Anemachi are the commentators, Enma-chan is the ref
>OkaKoro, NoeFla, and GurAme tag team duos
>Pekora and Marine were originally a duo but split - Kiara challenges Moona to a cage match with the winner getting to be Peko's new partner
>Marine vs Luna match ends in a tie when they both pass out from overexertion
>Coco's uninterrupted winning streak is ended due to legal issues with a foreign league
>The championship match between Gura and Korone is suddenly interrupted by none other than CEO OF SEX, MANO ALOE, who proceeds to beat the shit out of both of them and take the belt

>> No.28886575

Of course you can. I'm not the one arguing ASMR means you are a whore who sells her body, that girl is.

>> No.28886576

No she's properly delirious from being awake for a long time.

>> No.28886581

By having more people in chat, mostly.

>> No.28886585
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1582210984120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886615

Is she going to "ending the stream, but actually not and comeback one thousand times" again?
Didn't she have sex with Mori already? How much horny is she?

>> No.28886587

>Kiara read one of my chats
heh, I didn't even have to pay for superchat

>> No.28886590
Quoted by: >>28886642

Reminder to be a supportive deadbeat you should be constantly telling Mori to take a break and not make content

>> No.28886593
Quoted by: >>28886678

>Kiara telling me to take a shower
>I've been laying in bed and delaying getting ready just to watch her stream
How does she know

>> No.28886594

"right now" implies she isn't always

>> No.28886595

>Her doom streams are some of my favourite solo streams from EN so far.
Fucking based. You're responding to bait though. A real deadbeat wouldn't criticize the message of her new song. Shitting on her for venting out her feelings is retarded.

>> No.28886597

All those red supas certainly boosted her mood

>> No.28886600
File: 1.11 MB, 2893x4096, 1604798432066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Ame's Apex stream be today or tomorrow?
Does anyone know?

>> No.28886601
Quoted by: >>28886618

yes she killed herself on stream

>> No.28886602

That's more due to corporate hierarchy more than anything; seniority above all and those seniors are out of touch.
Cover needs like a shell company in the US to get around crusty japanese corporations. Hell perhaps there's a loophole for subscription services like PSnow or XbGamepass, maybe that's can get access to their catalog.

>> No.28886606

>I'll miss you

>> No.28886608

>has to wake up early for rrat killers

>> No.28886612

No they didn't. They put out a huge survey to gauge interest for ports of other games, and stated they would continue to port games to other systems during an investor's meeting.

>> No.28886613

You niggers took this bait seriously, this is why most of you deserve to be purged

>> No.28886614

There are points in time where you don't feel so empty? Impressive.

>> No.28886615

Kiara will never have sex with Mori no matter how many times you ask.

>> No.28886618

Can't believe she reincarnated to fast then

>> No.28886619

Kiara doesn't want to leave the stream and go back to her empty room

>> No.28886620
File: 300 KB, 1600x800, H2x1_NSwitchDS_ResidentEvil5_1_image1600w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Dead Space 3 with the same friend I played A Way Out with. That was funny as fuck.
I would die if Gura and Ame were able to play fucking Resident Evil 5 together. Fuck Capcom.

>> No.28886621

So which holo retains most of her audience for superchats?

>> No.28886622
Quoted by: >>28886833


>> No.28886624
File: 884 KB, 900x755, 903b0143d6b798af0eab5dfb102fe566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886672

sure, be my guest

>> No.28886625

>Take a shower anons

>> No.28886638

Members post on community tab, she posts it a little early for us, the public version usually still comes out before the other girls so nobody really complains.

>> No.28886640
File: 1.72 MB, 220x220, 1597424287217.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When they are horny, what they do? They don't have a bf

>> No.28886642

I don't tell my boy what to do.

>> No.28886644


>> No.28886645

She'd better not do the fifteen fucking endings thing again I want to go to sleep.

>> No.28886646

why does she struggle with ending streams

>> No.28886648
Quoted by: >>28886833

teamup says it's in about 6 hours from now

>> No.28886649
File: 514 KB, 800x446, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i make this feeling stop after every stream bros?

>> No.28886652
File: 762 KB, 1066x736, unknown-122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone who complains about my oshi is 1 poster from /pol/ is a really strange cope.

>> No.28886654
Quoted by: >>28886840

Kiara by a mile. It's not even close.

>> No.28886655
File: 98 KB, 256x256, 1579179883997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886788

They do what you've been doing for your entire life.

>> No.28886657

As long as you're not one of those mongolian rape babies you're good.

>> No.28886660
File: 345 KB, 500x500, 1604683936537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ayameposter has worked anons over so hard that they're now obsessed with chile and checking timezones
here's where you reply with something about me being chilean

>> No.28886661
Quoted by: >>28886712

The same we do. Masturbate. Girls do it too, anon. Ame literally does it while laying in bed using her phone to browse ero art of her character.

>> No.28886662

one night stand with Chad

>> No.28886663

When will she play cs go and valorant again. By the way I haven't watched her apex streams recently but has she played rank yet? I remembered last time she said she didn't want to because snipers.

>> No.28886664

Can someone post a picture of that one vtuber who turns off her stream and goes back to her miserable beer can-filled room? Kiara's reminding me of that right now.

>> No.28886666
File: 1.67 MB, 3600x2600, 32727DBA-BA35-4BA9-9FAB-BCC5171861A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can no longer hear Kiara’s voice without getting aroused...I’m too far gone

>> No.28886669

eh, this time it seems like it's mostly deadbeats with some leveled complaints
it's more of
>this week seems kinda weak
>Mori should really do some longer streams
>where's the collab
and less of
>jew jew JEW jewwity hebe jew

>> No.28886671
Quoted by: >>28886702

>clingy crazy Yandere girlfriend Kiara

>> No.28886672

thanks a ton

>> No.28886675

just nut and be done with it

>> No.28886678
File: 111 KB, 220x220, 1594023312761.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do americans really?

>> No.28886679

She's addicted to us.

>> No.28886683


>> No.28886686

Kiara is literally going to kill me guys.

>> No.28886687

you need to find a way out

>> No.28886689

Fun fact, the cracking sound when you put pressure on joints is the result of the pressure forcing a chemical component of the lubricating fluid in your cartilage out of solution and back into gaseous form. The 'pop' is the sound of the sudden expansion of liquid to gas before it dissolves back into solution. This chemical property actually helps your joints to absorb shock and impact without damage. It has nothing to do with arthritis beyond the fact that it becomes easier to put enough pressure on a joint to cause the 'pop' as the joint itself degrades.

>> No.28886690
Quoted by: >>28886722

>Polka and Friend end their stream before Kiara does

>> No.28886693

They just suffer with it. After all, vibrators, dildos, and Hitachi wands are just figments of your imagination. Girls don't need to masturbate like men do, obviously.

>> No.28886694

Masturbate to Marine lewds.

>> No.28886696
File: 786 KB, 600x371, hallowfive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887270

>> No.28886701

You silly goose Kiara. Rushia already fills that want.

>> No.28886700

>You can stalk anyone BUT cali!
Kiara, I knew it!

>> No.28886702

>I'll eventually kill you
Welp, I'll either be stalked and killed or turned into a bucket of fried chicken. I'm fine with either end.

>> No.28886703
File: 493 KB, 625x565, unknown-78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886801

Based Twapi mind.

>> No.28886704

Towaposters Shut Up!

>> No.28886707
File: 2.12 MB, 2257x3187, 1604537322011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this clown.

>> No.28886708
File: 175 KB, 326x282, 1603152107726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28886709

Of course, it's the afternoon now. I should've showered hours ago.

>> No.28886710

Thankfully, hololive is something that's constantly evolving new content so you have a harder time falling into the hellscape that is a general centered around something with an end point. We'll never really reach that point because there's too much new to wash away those types.

>> No.28886712

I'm kinda jealous of girls because they don't stain everything with sperm and don't have to take precaution/clean.
Like, I can't suddenly fap in the kitchen, but they can.

>> No.28886713

>Better go for someone else
>I'll eventually kill you

>> No.28886716
Quoted by: >>28886840

Kiara. Then...Mori.

>> No.28886717
File: 3.32 MB, 2160x3840, EmJlnheVcAAJhFQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't choose me, I'll eventually kill you
That's the only gift I need

>> No.28886719

masturbate or have fun with theirs fuck buddies

>> No.28886722

>only 109 minutes

>> No.28886726
Quoted by: >>28887020

There's no way she's playing CS again after the first stream. She said she's played Ranked off stream to try and climb up to prevent easy sniping.

>> No.28886727
File: 466 KB, 914x982, 1603733640092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886761

This bird.....

>> No.28886728

Replace the beer cans with rrats and piles of cosplay outfits and you'd be bang on tbqh.

>> No.28886730

the 雑談 thinly veiled as a スーパーチャ読みます is the best part of every chicken stream

>> No.28886729

Is Ame into NTR?

>> No.28886731

the numberfag in her wants to make it up to the hour.

>> No.28886733

>says she's leaving
>stays on longer to make cumming noises

>> No.28886738


>> No.28886741


>> No.28886742

Man, Kiara's really homesick, isn't she?

>> No.28886744

This is part of the appeal, same with bullying.
Not like she doesn't enjoy the attention.

>> No.28886747

Imagine those kisses on your dick instead

>> No.28886749

New end screen!

>> No.28886750
Quoted by: >>28886837

I kinda already dont like the outro. Shits grating

>> No.28886751
Quoted by: >>28886806

>Her doom streams are some of my favourite solo streams from EN so far.
I really hope she actually is catching up on it on PC and we see it again soon.

>> No.28886753

8 bit BGM

>> No.28886752
Quoted by: >>28886972

Not if they squirt. Then they make a WAY bigger mess than we'd ever do.

>> No.28886755
File: 169 KB, 512x512, 1603910143343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Replace the beer cans with rrats
The rrats are in the walls... for now.

>> No.28886758

Shower? Yes. I know this is a foreign concept to stinky euros but it's really important when you don't have the stench of cheese to mask your BO.

>> No.28886760

>don't stain everything
>don't have to clean
your girlfriendlessness is showing, anonchama, they're actually way messier than guys a lot of the time

>> No.28886761

literally me right this fucking second

>> No.28886763

She has to face her rrat infested apartment

>> No.28886764

I'm waiting for her to drop it and pick up Titanfall 2 instead

>> No.28886765


>> No.28886767

Friend probably wanted to sleep

>> No.28886768
Quoted by: >>28886906

>They don't have a bf
Oh boy.

>> No.28886770
Quoted by: >>28886891

the same IRL idos do, hook up with a "friend" or a one night stand, secretly and making sure it doesn't become public knowledge

>> No.28886771


>> No.28886772


>> No.28886773
Quoted by: >>28886811

>not giving creds for the artist who made the new outro
Mori would be upset with you, Kiara

>> No.28886774

how do you decide you've won?

>> No.28886775
File: 223 KB, 653x542, 1604589441117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she practices off collabs by dressing up her rrats as her senpai.

>> No.28886776
File: 46 KB, 562x623, 20201020_182116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nonmembers didn't know about the new outro

>> No.28886777
File: 62 KB, 500x1111, 51wwmp6DuDL._SL1111_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick the fucking phone up!

>> No.28886783
File: 75 KB, 267x267, 1596906237490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886816

>I'm kinda jealous of girls
have fun bleeding and having to sit to urinate forever

>> No.28886785
File: 284 KB, 485x890, 1604428194070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of ASMR
What got you interested in ASMR?

>> No.28886788
File: 900 KB, 739x583, 1603264219698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28886790
Quoted by: >>28887127

WWE2k14 creator with 4 custom wrestlers would be kino.

>> No.28886794
File: 502 KB, 453x915, trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28886795

Why do you think Chicken acts like this? Kayfabe? Everyone of them maybe except Ina is some form of sexually frustrated. And ironically Mori is the most healthy in that department because she pours all of that to more work.

>> No.28886796

Polka was playing Phasm for 2 hours before this, let her have a break lol

>> No.28886797

>outro screen
I'm not buying this. Kiara will continue for 15 minutes

>> No.28886799

>They don't have a bf
Yeah, sure, keep believing that.

>> No.28886801
Quoted by: >>28886921

Just noticed that rod lodged in the top part of Towa's ears. Can't unsee.

>> No.28886804
File: 544 KB, 600x585, 1602910222500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't leave her

>> No.28886806

She's get around to it. Mori doesn't strike me as the type to quit something mod-way, especially when she said she wouldn't to her audience.

>> No.28886807

Good lord, Kiara is so sweet.

>> No.28886808
Quoted by: >>28886848

If they squirt then they make a bigger mess than you could possibly imagine. At least with us the worst that happens is we get it on the bedsheet or on our hands
And we have a better cleanup than them by a country mile. The sock is the most efficient cleanup method

>> No.28886810
File: 11 KB, 183x182, chimkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw Kiara just sits around being lonely when she's not streaming

>> No.28886811

She did earlier though

>> No.28886812
File: 415 KB, 600x567, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28886813

Thanks, anon.

>> No.28886814
File: 114 KB, 1324x1228, 1602938516032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good dabbing on these nerds.

>> No.28886815

omg fuck offf and go to bed Kiara

>> No.28886816

I'm kinda jealous of how girls masturbate, never said I'm jealous of girls in their entirety, thank fucking God I'm a man.

>> No.28886817
File: 302 KB, 1083x227, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art machine kakage...

>> No.28886819
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, 1604719169465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28886818

one night hookups like a lot of celebrities and idols do

>> No.28886821


>> No.28886822
Quoted by: >>28887053


>> No.28886824

>Vergil ASMR
Unbelievably based.

>> No.28886823
File: 294 KB, 449x507, 1602562319702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sorry, bro, but I just woke up. I'll catch up on german reps soon

>> No.28886825
File: 230 KB, 1200x1600, EmUbkEQVMAAQ4rv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887021

>> No.28886826

that wall scroll always makes me laugh

>> No.28886828

>dramatic bye bye
>it's like i'm never gonna see you again

she knows, graduation incoming

>> No.28886829
File: 23 KB, 183x182, 1602717422850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does it feels like this is the last time i will hear kiara

>> No.28886830
File: 2.81 MB, 2415x3279, 453345354354345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura nooo

>> No.28886833
File: 295 KB, 478x489, 1604812395172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOICE thanks teabro
Thanks anontan

>> No.28886834

We are in the real dead hours now
What do?

>> No.28886837

I like it but it's not really the right fit after a sleepy "I don't want to go" sort of stream ending. Something like Ina's rainy art ending is a good example.

>> No.28886839

anon, your porn reps...

>> No.28886840

Does that include the JP?

>> No.28886848

That's them just pissing everywhere the overwhelming majority of the time.

>> No.28886850

Just edit that shirt to Pekora merch

>> No.28886851
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, 1487065542287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887013

She still believes that she can keep teaching, making MVs for her Jap rapper friends and streaming at the same time if she will just learn how to juggle things a bit better. She will learn that she can't the hard way at some point but I am not one for trainwrecks. If she doesn't want to succeed as Mori Calliope it's her choice to make.

>> No.28886852
File: 95 KB, 367x511, Succ 2 Rinjin ga Succubus My Neighbor is a Succubus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886996


>> No.28886855
Quoted by: >>28886938

Gura ironically holds a bigger audience for her superchat readings than any of them. For an audience of supposed children, people like to stick around and hear her talk.

>> No.28886856
File: 4 KB, 286x37, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.28886858

Now that chicken has ended. Should I get fried chicken and fries for dinner?

>> No.28886859

So after Kiara offcollabs with Rushia and learns the dark arts, will her superchats get better or worse?

>> No.28886863

Fuck, I used to laugh at Rushiafags for buying into the fake gf schtick and now I can't get enough of Kiara's.

>> No.28886866

I think Watame retains pretty well as well

>> No.28886867

all of them are like this in this gen
mori but wine bottles
gura energy drinks
ame energy drinks and tea and kitkat wrappers

>> No.28886868

Say what you want about Kiara, but she fucking loves streaming, having an audience is her dream come true

>> No.28886870


>> No.28886872

She wants you to cuddle her.

>> No.28886873

Sleep or reps, sleep or reps.

>> No.28886876
Quoted by: >>28886894

she listens to SOAD

>> No.28886881

what is Kiara's parasocial relationship with her own chat like

>> No.28886888
Quoted by: >>28886918

She's for Mori, anon. She's not for (you).

>> No.28886891
File: 96 KB, 649x719, 1604703983169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the same IRL idos do, hook up with a "friend"

>> No.28886893
Quoted by: >>28886932

Thougth that stream would never end

>> No.28886894

when angels deserve to DIEEEEE

>> No.28886895

Hobby reps

>> No.28886896

i wanna headpat ina

>> No.28886897

I can't tell, but she needs help

>> No.28886899

I will literally die if I don’t get a Kiara gf

>> No.28886901
Quoted by: >>28886957

Can I get a quick rundown on this skin walker meme? I missed it.

>> No.28886870,1 [INTERNAL] 

Bubba is her life outside of streaming.

>> No.28886906
Quoted by: >>28886933

God. I fucking wish Mori has a boyfriend. Girl needs to take a dick.

>> No.28886908
File: 39 KB, 351x348, 1602604624546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art stream
>/hlg/ derails itself into HoloEN
How does she do it?

>> No.28886912

Fuck, now that you mention it, I fear it.

>> No.28886918

Mori doesn't want her, some anon can have chicken on the rebound.

>> No.28886921
File: 355 KB, 402x388, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28886998

What? Its a super common ear piecing anon...

>> No.28886922
Quoted by: >>28886995

It's hilarious? Isn't it?
We're supposed to goering for her, yet she is the one who needs our company the most right now.
It's very endearing, and because this chicken can't pretend for shit, I know it's real.

>> No.28886933

Yeah, mine.

>> No.28886930

Hunt for indie karaokes like always

>> No.28886932

>he wasn't there for the seven hours and the six 5:59 hours

>> No.28886934
File: 76 KB, 301x330, 1604143759091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I shall remind this thread: ALL the hologirls are in fact NOT virutal! They are all played by real 3D girls!

>> No.28886935
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1604265073335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke up. Any spicy info drop in Kiara's art stream?

>> No.28886936

I used to laugh at idolfags and simps but here we are.

>> No.28886938

I think he meant it in terms of percentages.

>> No.28886939
Quoted by: >>28886985

I'm convinced she would have offed herself if it wasn't for her getting into holo live in the last minute.
She's incredibly unstable.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I swear she comes across as someone who is emotionally dependent on constant and nonstop positive reinforcement from her chat.

>> No.28886943
Quoted by: >>28887130

your best bet is trying to get a female KFP employee

>> No.28886945
File: 371 KB, 652x1024, 1599927507967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887063

Rushia's dark arts only works because she's her chats gf. Kiara's already horny for every other Holo and is already dead set on Mori so she can't do that kind of magic.
That said I feel Kiara's already good at manipulating her fans seamlessly that she doesn't really need any lessons. I would know, I'm one of em.

>> No.28886947
File: 535 KB, 648x606, 1580392918637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that Kiara has legit issues and she needs help
But I also got a huge fucking boner

>> No.28886948
File: 754 KB, 1270x685, mza555555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887015

>tfw no gosling Kiara image when she's the biggest gosling of the group

>> No.28886955
File: 40 KB, 550x512, 1444516620520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do this to me, anon.

>> No.28886957

>In Navajo culture, a skin-walker (Navajo: yee naaldlooshii) is a type of harmful witch who has the ability to turn into, possess, or disguise themselves as an animal. The term is never used for healers.
Kiara is obsessed with Pekora and drew Pekora in a KFP outfit. The logical conclusion is that Kiara is a skinwalker wanting to become Pekora

>> No.28886962
File: 118 KB, 257x285, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887004

Explain the bear then

>> No.28886964

That's a blatant lie.
How could you?

>> No.28886969
Quoted by: >>28887003

She lurks here for sure.

>> No.28886972


>> No.28886973
Quoted by: >>28887022

ur chasing a lesbian

>> No.28886980
Quoted by: >>28887028

Some nips still thought Amelia was seiso. wtf?

>> No.28886982

I am immune to your reminder! My heart and soul have always known!

>> No.28886985

If Mori ever stops being her emotional support she's going to lose it.

>> No.28886989

kiara doxxed subaru

>> No.28886990
File: 205 KB, 900x720, 1600800571154.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is just an idol otaku who's addicted to streaming because it lets her do what she wants to do, talk to people. She's got so much love in her heart!

>> No.28886991


>> No.28886995

especially true when you see her act salty or sad when someone criticizes her. She just wants to be loved by EVERYONE like pekora or fubuki are

>> No.28886996
File: 470 KB, 1132x1600, Succ 1 Rinjin ga Succubus My Neighbor is a Succubus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28886998
File: 233 KB, 605x605, 1604858294668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887027

That hurts to look at.

>> No.28887002

It usually feels like I've won after I've argued their position in to corner and they concede by resulting to ad hominem or by reiterating points I've already debunked
Although the feeling doesn't last very long because I realize I'm a loser wasting my abilities on pointless argument with schizos on a mongolian sock puppet forum about women pretending to be anime characters playing video games instead of doing something productive with my life

>> No.28887003

>Kiara is the latest EN to fall victim to the "SHE'S HERE" narrative

>> No.28887004

It's A-chan in a bear suit

>> No.28887008

HoloEN gen -1

>> No.28887009
File: 1007 KB, 786x1062, 1604847978103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pekora-senpai, konmoona!

>> No.28887012

Marine's horny

>> No.28887013
Quoted by: >>28887260

She can't just leave her teacher job tho as her visa probably depends on it, as for those animations I believe she was payed for those

>> No.28887015

>no gosling Kiara image
Anon it was literally posted earlier this thread

>> No.28887017

I know Ame sells GFE and Mori accidentally does it. But what about Kiara? Is she GFE or are we her girlfriend experience? Must feel shitty to have an extrovert be cooped up inside a shitty apartment because going outside means doxxhours.

>> No.28887018

>this new

>> No.28887020

She should play casual if she's worried about losing unfairly. It's just a game, you win some, you lose some.

>> No.28887021

I hope these two will never ever collab. She should stick to fucking the ojisans for bf new PC

>> No.28887022

I'm not so sure, if she really is a pure lesbian after this stream.
The lengths she goes to to please her majorly male audience is quite interesting.

>> No.28887024
File: 185 KB, 640x480, 1602121289149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlg/ is always seething about EN my dude, even in dead hours

>> No.28887026
Quoted by: >>28887235

do you rally believe in atlantis, time travel and stuff?

>> No.28887027

I expect her tail piercings hurt more

>> No.28887028

Neat. I'm always interested in the JP perspective of ENs, it's like being on the other side of the window after all these years.

>> No.28887030
File: 274 KB, 608x608, 1604664485870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see

>> No.28887034

It wont change Kiara, now Mori that's the one you should fear after a mori/rushia collab

>> No.28887036
File: 479 KB, 900x900, 71298040_p7_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28887037

>actually open /hlg/
>Kiara Kiara Kiara Kiara
>laugh and close /hlg/

>> No.28887038

No? She was one of the first ones to talk about how she visits "the bad place" where people constantly talk shit about her.

>> No.28887039
File: 16 KB, 290x241, 1603052091575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They didn't cry at A Way Out collab
Yeah, they have no soul

>> No.28887041
File: 178 KB, 1000x1133, 1602780402726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887174

I'll never allow that to happen

>> No.28887042
File: 432 KB, 856x764, EmEtppTXUAE0hYh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887066

I love Kiara so much (not in a romantic way (I hope))

>> No.28887043

Over committing to work outside of her streaming job is causing a lot of harm to her vtubing output and sooner or later those problems will accumulate to the point where they reflect in the success of her channel. A one-off rough week is understandable but if she doesn't course correct then Calliope Mori is going to sink to the bottom of EN and people will simply lose interest in her because she's not putting out the content she was before. You can only say "sorry I haven't slept in X hours or prepared to play this game but lemme just fill air time out of obligation for 66 minutes" before people give up on you.

I'm not sure that Mori appreciates that fact, because right now it seems like whatever is keeping her from being Mori is higher on her priority list. That's fine, but if it's the case then I'll just go be a fan of that rather than wasting my time watching her barely fill her obligations to Cover.

>> No.28887049

When is this shit over

>> No.28887054
File: 2.59 MB, 3840x2160, 1604360714938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like every long distance relationsip you feel like utter shit when she leaves. you can't stop it you can only look forward for the next time you see each other.

>> No.28887053

what a positive poll

>> No.28887056


>> No.28887061
File: 1021 KB, 421x389, 1498594984922.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28887063
Quoted by: >>28887236

Rushia is incredible, really.
What I find so astounding is how she manages to be the pretend gf of the viewer and do it so well yet somehow do it for tens of thousands of people simultaneously without them getting mad at her clearly doing the same for everyone else in the stream, too.

>> No.28887064
File: 655 KB, 960x876, 1604850369574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28887066

haha, but what if...

>> No.28887067

When is Mori actually going to start streaming more? Didn't she finish that large project? I at least wish she would stream for more than 2 hours.

>> No.28887070

>she fucking loves streaming,
considering her past? Yeah didn't she learn Japanese just by streaming everyday to japs?

>> No.28887074

It's simple.
>Be Kiara
>Chase your dream
>Get fucked over by people jealous of you
>Away from family
>Rebound back
>Loved by hundreds of thousands of people
It's pretty easy to see how someone who feels lonely can take solace in a livestream chat the same way the reverse happens.

>> No.28887076

thats her talent she treats both men and women alike and understands they want the same thing from her

>> No.28887081

Couldn't that just be 5ch? What specifies /jp/ specifically?

>> No.28887080

women dont have a soul did you just now realise this?

>> No.28887082

She didn't though, someone just tweeted her a bunch of negative screencaps from here for some messed up reason.

>> No.28887084
Quoted by: >>28887148

Did he have drawn EN?

>> No.28887085
Quoted by: >>28887141

well you got around 5 months to make preparation until she return home. So you better study what she likes and earn enough for trip to australia

>> No.28887086

She's the "You can emotionally support this girl by doing nothing but talking and cracking jokes, why wouldn't you?"

>> No.28887090

Didn't cry but I got close. I have a difficult time crying at things

>> No.28887094
Quoted by: >>28887123

They are not some pussy ass faggots like you who cries because of stupid game ending.

>> No.28887096

You need actual help. Or atleast go do that on some other board.

>> No.28887099

First time watching the chicken, are all of her streams this wild?

>> No.28887100

I am sure that Kiara would legitimately physically assault Moona in real life. There is no doubt in my mind.

>> No.28887105
Quoted by: >>28887147

Cool no mad rat or doom. Not like we wanted more
Yakuza will most likely be a "i hit the time requirement, im done"

>> No.28887112

Next you will tell us they are not pure virgin and they are getting pounded by their chad bf

>> No.28887113
Quoted by: >>28887343

>moona steals pekora from kiara
>pekora steals moona from aqua
what kiara really needs to do is find a way to join akukin
then the circle will be complete

>> No.28887120

She's lesbian but lets guys do her for money
Like a lot of idols and cosplayers

>> No.28887121
Quoted by: >>28887164

She's a fan of 4 Non Blondes?

>> No.28887123

Ok woman

>> No.28887127

>Gen5 WWE
>Polchad returns

>> No.28887126
Quoted by: >>28887192

You don't even need to be a skinwalker for that.
Doesn't Pekora's lore has her stating that, as a defense mechanism, anyone that tries to eat her will just instead become her new host body anyway?

>> No.28887129
Quoted by: >>28887176

>are we her girlfriend experience
but we are horrible girlfriends

>> No.28887130


>> No.28887131

>openly crying at media
big kuso

>> No.28887133

Every single solo one. Thats why I can't stop watching.

>> No.28887134
Quoted by: >>28887254

Gura was about to have a breakdown over Ame's roleplaying at the end

>> No.28887138
File: 73 KB, 960x673, reps20201108_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887160

Wish I could make it to the weekly art reps with all the anons itt today.
But I tried my best to at least make something.

>> No.28887139

You're right, I forgot about the tentacultist avatarfag. Would be weird if she didn't check it out after seeing the screenshots though.

>> No.28887140

I will pop my sc cherry for sure.

>> No.28887141
File: 159 KB, 827x1579, EmE7dlTU4AIpv0w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to buy fosters and put some shrimp on the barbie to please my oshi

>> No.28887145

Somehow I think she'll be just fine.

>> No.28887147


>> No.28887148

He's sketched them a few times

>> No.28887152

Having an audience is every woman's dream.

>> No.28887154
File: 1019 KB, 2896x4096, 1604273773063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant see the crying emoji without see uuuuuuuuuuoooooooooooohhhh now as well, fuck all of you cunny lovers

>> No.28887159

he meant a REAL female

>> No.28887160
Quoted by: >>28887180

Anon... It's been pushed back a day.

>> No.28887161

Shit started at 7 am on a sunday for me, I struggle getting to be before 4 am as it is.

>> No.28887164

Oh you

>> No.28887168

>yfw you win an internet argument but realize ultimately that you lost in the end

>> No.28887170

God I wish that were me

>> No.28887174

you're actually making it easier, Moona's skin is now big enough to wear

>> No.28887176

/hlgg/ is the abusive schizo gf experience.

>> No.28887177

find them a real game that has people dying for a reason
instead of a gay star wars battle with guns

>> No.28887180
Quoted by: >>28887307

Wait what

>> No.28887181

>Kiara sexually assaulting Moona to take out her frustration

>> No.28887183


>> No.28887186

Cool logic, but I still want to fuck Illya, so I don't care.

>> No.28887187
File: 88 KB, 914x982, 1604076427075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I resquest a reverse edit it might sooth the pain.

>> No.28887188

>checking a site that actively doxxes you, has people dedicated to hating you, and wishes you'd get fired from your new job that you already love

>> No.28887190

So what are the odds Mori has a single stream longer than 2 hours this week?

>> No.28887192
Quoted by: >>28887293

Wouldn't t hat be a good end for Kiara though?
It would mean she and Pekora became closer than she could ever dream of!
Imagine how Pekora would feel about being in body of Kiara, imagine her looking naked into a mirror and seeing Pekora x Kiara tattoo together with a poem telling her to enjoy the body sexually

>> No.28887194
Quoted by: >>28887218

do you have a dick?

>> No.28887196
File: 613 KB, 849x1200, 1603140803948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre welcome

>> No.28887200
File: 317 KB, 1240x1753, 1602531720264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to use Gura as my personal onahole

>> No.28887201

You're welcome.

>> No.28887205
Quoted by: >>28887436

Aggressive Nene makes my PP hard, especially since it's literally the opposite of her personality.

>> No.28887206
File: 727 KB, 900x900, 1603680474558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delet this

>> No.28887207


>> No.28887210

embrace the cunny faggot

>> No.28887212


>> No.28887215
Quoted by: >>28887315

What do I watch now?

>> No.28887218
Quoted by: >>28887239


>> No.28887220
File: 211 KB, 382x428, 1602523449433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28887225

I mean if you truly believe that neither of them didnt know didnt know about the game plot you must be truly retarded. The game was very popular at twitch. Amelia for sure at least watched the streamers play it

>> No.28887227

once you founded your hatred for something and it's proven to be biased and unfounded, you must find a new meaning for it, otherwise all the effort you put into it will be meaningless

>> No.28887231
Quoted by: >>28887278

wait a sec are we the chicken's GFE cause if so we really are doing a bad job at it

>> No.28887232

gura is canon no-pan

>> No.28887235


>> No.28887236
Quoted by: >>28887381

Black Magic, never seen one of he streams. How blatant is she pushing the GFE?

>> No.28887238
Quoted by: >>28887363

W-W-Why D-d-d-d-did s-she st-st-stutter s-s-so much?

>> No.28887240
Quoted by: >>28887282

I really wish Calli would stream more often and for longer. And I wish she wouldn't stream at such dogshit times.

>> No.28887239

alright good, you can be my kfp gf

>> No.28887244

>4 hpur stream ends
>immediately begins looking through her hashtags and retreating art
Get some sleep Kiara goddammit

>> No.28887247


>> No.28887250

God, so much of Mori's appeal is tied to things she does unintentionally for me that that'd legit ruin it for me. (not that I think she'd do it)

>> No.28887254
Quoted by: >>28887312

Which end, the first one or the second one where she went 'right, now I'm off to fuck your wife'?

>> No.28887258
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, 1655124021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Ore da

>> No.28887260

>She can't just leave her teacher job tho as her visa probably depends on it
That's a narrative. She was talking about quitting earlier this year.
>for those animations I believe she was payed for those
She was living in a single bedroom apartment where she couldn't fit a chair to sit on after solo designing, storyboarding and animating a music video that was on TV and caught attention of some big people in the industry. She did another one half a year later and she was still living in the same doghouse apartment until she started getting money from Hololive. She is getting paid but with the pay off she gets for the effort it's an obvious charity job she does only because she is obsessed with the artist.

>> No.28887262

>Moona logs onto Minecraft one day to the joy of Pekora
>It's not Moona

>> No.28887270


>> No.28887278
Quoted by: >>28887317

chats suppose to be the GFE
and the BFE for all the holos
yes you guys fucking suck

>> No.28887282

She's streaming 5 times this week that's basically the same as everyone else hell chicken only streamed that much last week

>> No.28887283
File: 199 KB, 500x500, 1604764312512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, let's kill this thread
>Your oshi
>What kind of a holo you want for Gen2

>> No.28887284

Chickenfag here

Guys, did I go too far? or I am being an insecure fuck

>> No.28887286


>> No.28887290

Not quite as wild as this. Usually she has a better hold on things, but after the 'lip licking' comment the floodgates were opened and there was no stopping things from then on.

>> No.28887293
Quoted by: >>28887324

The host dies anon

>> No.28887295
Quoted by: >>28887339

i dont know did you? what did you do?

>> No.28887296


>> No.28887297
File: 593 KB, 960x534, rq3mgy0pwut51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the HoloEN Minecraft server ever recover again? or will it be dropped and the 5 will finally join to the JP Server?

>> No.28887300
Quoted by: >>28887338

Yeah but she always stream for like one hour and then dips. 5 hours a week isn't enough.

>> No.28887301


>> No.28887302

Yes, why would't you? and specifically for those reasons.
Have you never heard any other type of e-celeb talk about how they can get a thousand positive comments but they only remember the ten negative ones? People, especially if they have low self esteem, love to confirm the shitty things they already believe about themselves, that's the whole reason the incel community is a thing for example, because for sure it's not about helping each other get laid.

>> No.28887304
Quoted by: >>28887346

>Protein for Muscle VOD is back up

>> No.28887306

>I don't want EN 2, I want Cover to stop fucking around and support the talent they already have

>> No.28887307

the priestess feels under the weather

>> No.28887309

Need to watch Netflix first

>> No.28887310

A actual degenerate goblin with no qualms about being one.

>> No.28887312

The first one

>> No.28887314

She should come here instead and make lewd vocaroos for us

>> No.28887315

Watch me fuck your oshi.

>> No.28887316


Gura 2

>> No.28887317

hey we were almost good for Ame

>> No.28887319

Post pastas for Anons to vocaroo

>> No.28887320
Quoted by: >>28887385

I'd watch this horror movie

>> No.28887324

How does it contradict anything I said anon?

>> No.28887323

Dark elf that's actually a black weeb girl

>> No.28887326
Quoted by: >>28887369

Would you trust Gura to build your PC?

>> No.28887327

>dead hours
>faggots now pretend they actually watch Mori and care what she puts out

>> No.28887329

>I want someone who plays strategy games (mainly 4x, Tactics, RTS) and looks like Tanya Degurechaff. An armchair general basically.

>> No.28887330

Pls andastand. The two hours of Netflix before bed is mandatory.

>> No.28887331


>> No.28887332
Quoted by: >>28887349

You can always tell when someone can't win but won't admit defeat. They'll either try to change the subject or shift goalposts to invent a new battle they think they can win in, repeat their original position because their ego has been so threatened by the thought of losing an argument that they regress, or just give up trying to address the content of the discussion and hurls weak insults instead because they have nothing more to say.

I don't need you to admit defeat to me because I've been here long enough to know that once you resort to one of those 3, you've already admitted defeat to yourself. Ironically, sending schizos into a cope spiral is far more satisfying than seeing someone say "Oh, you're right. That's interesting."

>> No.28887333

I'm already fucking my oshi

>> No.28887334
Quoted by: >>28887414

one Chicken stream covers as many hours as entire week of Mori streams

>> No.28887335

If you ever have to ask if you went too far, the answer is yes. Good job, idiot.

>> No.28887336

Hopefully they never touch Minecraft again and play better games

>> No.28887338

all her streams the past week were longer than an hour

>> No.28887339
Quoted by: >>28887375

I'm one of the chickenfags who derailed the SC reading into horny territory.

I would say more but maybe Kiara's looking lol

>> No.28887340

The thing is in the long run its better to continue the EN server, there will be more gens coming and JP server already has tons of people and there isnt that much to do

>> No.28887342

A brown girl

>> No.28887343


>> No.28887344

loli brat with Ame's personality

>> No.28887346

Did they cut the leaderboard?

>> No.28887348
File: 69 KB, 622x744, D4A73FFE-669D-4F20-A431-FBC1D462AA4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some things you don’t joke about, anon

>> No.28887349
Quoted by: >>28887444

See a doctor.

>> No.28887350

Now that's kino content. No one would be able to tell, since she only communicates via text. Of course people will notice that she can't build for shit, but 'Moona' will just say that she is a bit under the weather.

>> No.28887354

>4x, tactics, rts
So a dude?

>> No.28887355

there's no way the'll be able to do anything in the jp server with that massive lag

>> No.28887357

The Gen2 Kiara equivalent for Kiara

>> No.28887360

Go listen to the clips again. She clearly said things like "I won't go there anymore".
Now, whether you think she was referring to 5ch, /hlgg/, /cgl/ or wherever the fuck, she wasn't just passively reading shitposts on twitter.

>> No.28887363

Comedic effect

>> No.28887365

It's minecraft. Microsoft would patch that shit asap.

>> No.28887367

Marine is pure lesbian and does the same thing since her audience is like 95% male

>> No.28887368

>Mori but with time to stream

>> No.28887369

She pretends not to know what things are right?

>> No.28887372

>brown skin, white/gray hair, yellow eyes

>> No.28887373


>> No.28887374

loli vampire or huge tits cowgirl.

>> No.28887375

Licking for the Top, that you?
OT: Dunno, can't tell if she was genuinely uncomfortable or just having fun with the chat.

>> No.28887376
Quoted by: >>28887391

you guys told me Flare didn't english

>> No.28887377
Quoted by: >>28887416

>shrek watchalong privated
>didn’t clip ame talking about how gura dms her every week to ask her if she wants to do something

>> No.28887378

Ocean man

>> No.28887379

amelia and gura carrying holo en

>> No.28887381

She get's super jealous of you mentioning other girls and guilts you into loving only her and her stream apologizes with SCs

>> No.28887382
File: 690 KB, 627x900, 26d5aae41c290a149bc67242305c5bf3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slutty mesugaki
pic related

>> No.28887384

Tsarist Russian loli onegai

>> No.28887385

>Moona and Peko have been playing on Minecraft alot in recent weeks. getting along and having fun like usual
>Moona makes a return stream about how she's been gone for the past week doing IRL stuff and she's back to regularly streaming
>And about how she didn't have any internet during those times
>But Peko has been playing with Moona for the past couple weeks

>> No.28887391
Quoted by: >>28887428

you think anyone here watches her?

>> No.28887393

I don't know if I like or I hate this kind of over-edited tryhard shit. I guess at least it's better than just straight clipping the stream.

>> No.28887394
File: 3.18 MB, 1449x2048, 1580883068420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887449

The fucking kinography

>> No.28887395
File: 359 KB, 714x960, EjjiDA6UwAElkZa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28887454

T-there has to be someone out there somewhere...

>> No.28887397

It will always be in a strange place until it gets more active members. 5 isn't enough when most of them log in 1 time a week at best.

>> No.28887398

why not go 4324x284 since you like taking up all that useless space

>> No.28887399

Is that so bad?

>> No.28887403

You mean twitter?

>> No.28887404

It seems like minecraft will be on hiatus for now due both burn out and technical difficulties
I think JP benefits from there being 20+ people inhabiting it so they never get board with basic shit like farming resources

>> No.28887407

Heavy southern accent cowgirl

>> No.28887408

>Someone actually advancing some field, be it of science or technology
Cover needs it's own R&D division to have holos of their own, imagine AI researcher having prime access to quality dataset like holos

>> No.28887409

Full blown EU ojou sama

>> No.28887410

>Kiara has ghosts in her apartment
It's the stalker right

>> No.28887414

>1 mario sunshine stream
>2 art streams
>1 polka collab
>18+ hours of content
Feels good man

>> No.28887416

why does it feel like every other stream gets privated or taken down now?

>> No.28887418

>I can't imagine a gen2 because gen1 is just now starting to define their group dynamic

>> No.28887419

A russian accent (but English speaking) yandere loli with a choker who is also into feet and femdom

>> No.28887420

someone with high IQ and education, kosmonaut themed

>> No.28887421

A cute shota that plays strategy games is fine too

>> No.28887423
Quoted by: >>28887456

you know kirara would personally kill
the boyfriend of pekora if she had one?
you can be sure the rabbit is safe because chickens not in jail yet
there will never be a bigger gossling than her

>> No.28887424

Literally every complaint about Mori not streaming applies equally to Ina but nobody wants to acknowledge that.

>> No.28887425

its me

>> No.28887428

I do

>> No.28887429
File: 81 KB, 500x471, 1604131199029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure anon...

>> No.28887431

Minecraft will be dropped and the Ark arc shall begin!

>> No.28887435


>> No.28887436
File: 234 KB, 639x642, 1604773169343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She may have a reason to be aggressive in the AmongUs collab.

>> No.28887438

it's more fun to rag on deadbeats

>> No.28887439
File: 145 KB, 650x900, EjidjcfVkAEElJB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28887440

>Japanese Primary language HoloJP reject with passable english, huge westaboo. Bonus points if her character is an american stereotype

>> No.28887441

I think it would be a shame to lose the effort they've put into it, but at the same time it's early enough that it's not a crushing loss. I still think it's better to have an EN server. JP is its own thing, fully developed already, and there's going to be more ENs coming in the future. It would be nice for them to have their own place.

>> No.28887443

That's why I don't complain because real life should take precedent over pretending to be a fucking anime girl

>> No.28887444
File: 108 KB, 842x720, 1564519091286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, that's the stuff right there.

>> No.28887447
File: 209 KB, 600x1050, World in Conflict - Ego [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fx6cf2v.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding this.
World in Conflict vtuber stream when?

>> No.28887449

>people actually think A Way Out is kino

>> No.28887451

i love you, gura.

>> No.28887453

/vst/ holo, german field marshal avatar, hoi4/ck2 streams every week. the epitome of kino

>> No.28887452

I always love you Gura!

>> No.28887454

Well there was one Niji ID girl who played Stellaris so it's not ENTIRELY impossible, but it is rather unlikely since strategy games are usually played by male autists.

>> No.28887456

Why are nousagi always fucking insane?

>> No.28887460

I love you Gura.
