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21194542 No.21194542 [Reply] [Original]

Maids are great

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h
Content Aggregator: Anubis.moe
Writers list: https://pastebin.com/RTLpHEmk
Sabbath Grimoire Scans: https://imgur.com/a/CATcaGk

>> No.21194543

Impregnate the biggies

>> No.21194551
File: 377 KB, 1000x928, utwsa21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brush the hair.

>> No.21194552

Posting resources:
Fanart Galleries: https://pastebin.com/DFXhrXkc
Mega Archive: https://mega.nz/#F!T24xwYLB!V_dXLWUSLQXqVsHqNuAwxQ

>> No.21194585
File: 105 KB, 680x1009, Haku-sensei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haku-sensei wants to know!
The question for this thread is: What aspect of your waifu's species makes them based? Is it her spade tail, an unwavering stare, the soft motherly bosom, or her pointy ears that wriggle when you breathe on them just so? Class participation is 50% of your grade!

>> No.21194591
Quoted by: >>21194655

>Class participation is 50% of your grade!
Oh no, I hate hakus now.

>> No.21194595

>Class participation is 50% of your grade!
Time to bully Haku-sensei until she changes her grading!

>> No.21194597
File: 80 KB, 700x788, kiss me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What aspect of your waifu's species makes them based?
It's not her species that's important, its her personality.

>> No.21194601

I imagine kikis and shogs practicing their graceful, reserved faces due to their pride as maids, but being unable to stop themselves from getting bug goofy grins when welcoming their master home from work after a long day.

>> No.21194620

It's mainly a personality thing (whenever I fantasize being with any monster girl they usually have a similar one) and I don't have a waifu per se, but my favorite race is good because of ecchi antics and designated housewife material.

>> No.21194626 [DELETED] 

To be serious, I can sympathize with the social anxiety that many men feel these days, but I don't see the reason to put actual women down. Not because it will hert theyre fellings, but because it would cement a stigma that monster girl enthusiasts are just raging incels with sour grapes syndrome. I will take /jp/'s deviancy any day over being attacked by the regressive left. I believe that enthusiasts should make sure not to let their fantasies be tainted by gender issues. There's already too much identity politics in entertainment, so it's best to keep things pure by ignoring it. The root of monster girls is exotic love, personality, and beauty; all in the form of something that the mundane cannot provide

>> No.21194631

big bottom

>> No.21194633

I love everything about the Night Gaunt. I love the transformation, being able to fly, the latex, the kuudere personality, her clingy submissive nature, and I especially love her general color scheme with the white skin and black hair.

>> No.21194638
Quoted by: >>21194653

>leaking info about yourself
Heh, you'll never know my fetish.

>> No.21194650
File: 584 KB, 707x1425, 1454958061652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love strong, powerful girls. I also love cute kuu-dere girls.

>> No.21194653


Hope she doesn't touch you then. She'll find out if she does.

>> No.21194655
Quoted by: >>21194717

>Antisocial anon failing class for nonparticipation
Don't worry. I'm sure she can give you some extra credit assignments, after class.

>> No.21194691
Quoted by: >>21194958

She can vore me

>> No.21194717

I wonder how many haku-led private detentions are just a student staring at the teacher dismissively, and her trying to look really intimidating and scary but it just coming across as a defeated pout.

>> No.21194722

She's incredibly gifted with charm and ero-magic. She's also far smarter than I am.

>> No.21194724
Quoted by: >>21194749

She's the Tenguiest.

>> No.21194739
Quoted by: >>21194758

I like monkey girl

>> No.21194742
File: 2.26 MB, 2560x1440, 1412627719289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21194761

>> No.21194745
Quoted by: >>21194990

She can roleplay as different kinds of monsters in different situations and transform her body into those characters and copy their powers for pleasuring sex. I like this because I tend to get off to too mamy different things for any avaerge stacey monster girl to keep up. Plus we play lots or role playing games together and she uses her abilities to make the games immersive and fun. and it's not just sex but with regular games to liven up our lives outside of our sex lives.

>> No.21194749
Quoted by: >>21194753

Did she molest and rape you as a kid and married you when you're older?

>> No.21194753


>> No.21194758

make sure you give her her favorite banana, if ya catch my drift hehe

>> No.21194761

We underappreciate arachne alot. I believe we should give them lots of love for their beauty and hardwork.

>> No.21194793
Quoted by: >>21194823

They're the cutest.

>> No.21194814

Definitely the mystery behind her coat. And her cute hooves.

>> No.21194821

Knightly monster girl orders!
Armored manticore ladies who follow their vicious code of chivalry!

>> No.21194823
Quoted by: >>21194838

Spiders pls go.

>> No.21194829

big meaty paws and abs

also been gone for a while, I miss anything?

>> No.21194833

I would talk about them a lot more If I was convinced the thread could handle Rachnee.

>> No.21194838
File: 215 KB, 1280x1226, 1524849552185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deepthroat arachnid best arachnid.

>> No.21194857
File: 946 KB, 1200x1200, 65165456_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living area
Its a comfy house in the forest. This couldn't appeal to me any more than it does, and the next point deals with any of the drawbacks to it
>Magical power
Dark Mages aren't the strongest casters, but they aren't exactly weak either. Sex magic is hot as hell and I bet they get really creative with the spells in the bedroom
>Body type
They're normally curvy and busty and I want to bury my face in a pair of tits bigger than my head.
I don't normally like selfish types but a sly level of cockiness is pretty sexy, especially since she actually has the abilities to back it up.

>> No.21194896
File: 283 KB, 601x850, 1554414512524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft, cuddly paws

>> No.21194909
File: 275 KB, 858x800, Irredeemable villain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god their paws are too big to handle guns.

>> No.21194917

Slamfire, bruv. They just have to be more choosy.

>> No.21194924
Quoted by: >>21194954


Miniguns are a thing, anon.

>> No.21194940
Quoted by: >>21194957

Her ability to remain calm and in control in even the most ludicrous of situations that Wonderland can throw at her! She exudes this calmness to myself and others around her as well! I am eternally indebted to the calm, sensible nonsense of my Dear Hatter Wife!

>> No.21194954
Quoted by: >>21194996

Reminds me of the minigun minotaur

>> No.21194957

>Hatterfag and wife doing all sorts of degenerate /d/ things in a wild orgy of fetish sex
>Hatter herself is just calmly sipping on tea and going with the flow like it’s the most natural thing ever
It’s a nice sort of reprieve for those who want the fetishes of Wonderland without the excessive personality stuff of most other Wonderland girls.

>> No.21194958

Fuck off

>> No.21194967
File: 543 KB, 1300x1215, selmenella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish to marry Selene and live in a warriors paridise

>> No.21194971
Quoted by: >>21194997

A place outside heaven?

>> No.21194976
Quoted by: >>21194985

I want to marry Selene and have all her family tease her about finally settling down.

>> No.21194979
File: 602 KB, 554x1000, SleepMouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without the excessive personality stuff of most other Wonderland girls

>> No.21194981

Mainly her personality and her body. We his sounds cliche, but her being clingy and lovey with her long body and cool tail makes for a perfect pair with my love for skinship and being coiled by her.

>> No.21194985

pretty sure they would just celebrate the love
that and swordick puns for days

>> No.21194990

Queen slime? If not, have we ever talked about a queen slime who takes the form of other monsters when making your kingdom?

>> No.21194996
Quoted by: >>21195033

>stock T-pose heavy Minos
Oh god oh fuck

>> No.21194997


>> No.21195006

She seems like a “keep calm and X” girl, but I could never see her actually having the posters.

>> No.21195021

Precisely right anon. Hell or high cumflooding, she keeps a stiff upper lip!

>> No.21195033
File: 115 KB, 547x682, minigunminotaur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hwut I was just talking about this
I wanted the art but I never paid anyone for it, so this is what I got lol

>> No.21195049

Do you think kobolds and werewolves text RP shit like OwO and *notices bulge* to their husband candidates?

>> No.21195060

That's for Cheshires.

>> No.21195062
File: 226 KB, 700x655, 1552697024557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jinko waifu dropped the cherry pie she spent all day making for anon

>> No.21195068

Unearthly beauty, intelligent and refined, playful in a more subtle way. Headcanon but very likely also true in canon, sensitive to warm touch.

>> No.21195102

The wonderfully relaxed, kind, and happy personality combined with the massive tits and hips.

>> No.21195118
File: 104 KB, 500x586, Kikimora Training Academy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maids are only good when properly trained, preferably at some kind of Academy of sorts.

It's also the only place to find Shogg's that aren't ancient.

>> No.21195158

Pregnant maids are the best.

>> No.21195171

Its a SoundSmith reference.

>> No.21195187
Quoted by: >>21195205

What does it mean if yours grows upward?

>> No.21195199

How do you punish misbehaving monster kids? Not a huge fan of spanking unless they do some incredibly crazy dumb shit

>> No.21195203


>> No.21195205
File: 244 KB, 886x730, dc4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>my drill that will pierce the heavens

>> No.21195211

Tell them you're not even mad at them. Just disappointed.

Then quietly walk away and look sad/depressed.

>> No.21195218

If people start talking about how centaurs breastfeed, we’re being raided.

>> No.21195224

As a friendly neighborhood Kobold enthusiast, absolutely not.

>> No.21195225
Quoted by: >>21195260

What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.21195233
File: 119 KB, 707x800, 66459747_p20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mustache rides

kids under 12 ride free

>> No.21195234

>What aspect of your waifu's species makes them based?
The fact that no matter what /d/egenerate things I can think up, she'll always outdo me ten fold.
Also, lots of tongues. I like being licked.

>> No.21195237
Quoted by: >>21195277

I want to pocket medic a heavy main mino

>> No.21195238
Quoted by: >>21195260


>> No.21195243
File: 563 KB, 1300x1300, Beautiful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my dear wife!

>> No.21195246 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21195264

I want to fuck your wife in the ass

>> No.21195247
File: 403 KB, 372x605, 41321bcfd2ecab1efa3fd8be720edc9e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21195255


obviously they perform chugma

>> No.21195255
Quoted by: >>21195259

What is chugma?

>> No.21195256
Quoted by: >>21195583

That unironically sounds good for a sith

>> No.21195259
File: 2.01 MB, 1400x1563, 1550014561986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


chugma tits, lmao

>> No.21195260


>> No.21195264

She has cousins I'm sure you'd love to meet, but you'd suffer a nasty prick if you tried to assault her herself!

>> No.21195272
Quoted by: >>21195281

You’re not a prick anon! You’re a fun guy to be around.

>> No.21195276
Quoted by: >>21195281

Ah! Time for the main course!

>> No.21195277

Something something Mad Milk

>> No.21195281
File: 2.07 MB, 1080x2220, 1547857125760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21195288

Not me you fool! I assure you her tea will have made me quite the opposite of 'prick' hon hon hon.
She's a fencer! She can defend herself just fine!
Bon appetit indeed!

>> No.21195288
Quoted by: >>21195309

>calling me a fool
Takes one to know one I suppose

>> No.21195289
File: 1.29 MB, 1462x1968, 1535915492250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21195309

Tell me more about the Hatter family.

>> No.21195295

>Kikimora healing depressed master

>> No.21195309

Touche! I meant no harm by it. I appreciate the compliment!
While she herself branched out to make her own place, she has a noble family that lives in the more populous parts of Wonderland! They're all quite posh and refined, just like her! She also tends to a field of Matango girls outside of Wonderland, visiting them to keep them company every once and a while and raise their spirits, as they are a lonely bunch. Her presence soothes and gives them hope!

>> No.21195313
File: 162 KB, 1357x1715, 1552244359488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can monster girls cure depression?

>> No.21195319

The polite honesty. A maid can't be brutally honest, but also can't be politely lying, they have to have the perfect balance between the 2.

>> No.21195321
File: 159 KB, 800x1149, oooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21195376


>> No.21195324

One of my kiki maids is not professionally trained, but got the most experience out of the three since she is the oldest(meaty ara-ara maid). She is of the old kiki breed I guess

>> No.21195327

Making out with loli buttholes is scientifically proven to cause a permanent increase to happiness!

>> No.21195338
File: 308 KB, 1250x1100, 2f02e90c5227ec3f8743ad2d65038dcdf8e602caede3a08b8a962733e5124728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21195392

>Making out with loli buttholes is scientifically proven to cause a permanent increase to happiness!

>> No.21195341

They certainly will try their hardest

>> No.21195376
File: 168 KB, 800x1149, oooo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21195382
Quoted by: >>21195394

Not just their buttholes, but getting big whiffs of and tasting their cunnies is also a great way to increase happiness, and after a little rendezvous, cuddling up with them and them tightly against your chest has been known to help as well.

>> No.21195392
File: 272 KB, 1100x667, 1552237425399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw no little girl to sit on my face

>> No.21195394

It would be nice to talk about lolis without absolutely retarded posts.

>> No.21195398
Quoted by: >>21195734

That bapho's tits are too big

>> No.21195405

Why not contribute instead of complaining?

>> No.21195408
File: 258 KB, 732x824, 1495076189818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21196069

Bad Wendi, no beer

>> No.21195412

Retarded posts is this threads bread and butter though.

>> No.21195421
File: 184 KB, 640x768, 25d3c460916c1cabbcb0a62009126d05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21195427


>"do you eat goat ass? because you will when i'm through with you."

>> No.21195427

More like Hermit Gray amirite?

>> No.21195441
File: 203 KB, 850x1070, 1544986545869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no big stronk monster that just wants to be your cute, homely housewife
>ywn see her wear a frilly apron way too small for her

>> No.21195492

That's too fat. That's /d/ fat.

>> No.21195512
File: 612 KB, 1146x1650, East meets West.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21195812

Oh okay.

>> No.21195529
Quoted by: >>21195602

Cool it Bapho! You're going to blow it!

>> No.21195533

Cute wife!
And cute wives are for making cute kids!

>> No.21195561

They care about me and would be legitimately worried if something was wrong. Don't mean to be a sad fag but I love to fantasize about coming home to one of the handful of favorites and just relax. Either talking or just sitting there and cuddle watching something.

>> No.21195572

Not really

>> No.21195583

>sith trying to RP with an average anon

>> No.21195602

...Blow dick. Don't stop her

>> No.21195603
File: 551 KB, 835x900, 1553814941781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21195615

>When you tell your lil' bunyyip sis no hugs

>> No.21195615

Thst's right, anon. Sibling stuff is gross and a real bro would have a threesome with his mom and aunt.

>> No.21195674
File: 561 KB, 744x900, 1450227621522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21195691
Quoted by: >>21195768

>"Welcome to hell~ <3"
Well maybe this won't be so bad.

>> No.21195694
File: 1.16 MB, 1090x1219, 1551808579364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her squishy lap!

>> No.21195698

We've seen black sclera but are there any other color combinations that you guys like

>> No.21195721

Red sclera yellow pupils.

>> No.21195734
Quoted by: >>21195759

>tfw I like the design of Baphomets but in no way am I attracted to girls 13 and under.
Surely, there must be more womanly Baphos out there somewhere...

>> No.21195749
File: 284 KB, 1758x1000, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21195761



>> No.21195759
Quoted by: >>21195804

Simple anon, you simply get the spell that turns her body into an adult, and then laugh manically as she decides to punish you by breaking your pelvis with her's.

>> No.21195761
Quoted by: >>21195791

I think grey sclera and blue pupils would look good

>> No.21195768

>Get a map and a pamphlet with information on hell
>Demon and Succubi cheerfully greet you and flirt with you a little.
>They're pretty understanding that you probably need some time to get used to the fact that you are, in fact, in hell.

>> No.21195770

Sexy or cute?

>> No.21195772


>> No.21195778

Sexy for sure.

>> No.21195780

i like blue sclera yellow iris

>> No.21195781

sexy, cute, beautiful, smart, tough, and cool!

>> No.21195791
File: 860 KB, 2000x1786, 16231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21195803


Dark blue sclera with black pupils maybe?

>> No.21195804

Little does she realize I've been training my core, obliques, and adductor muscles. Pelvis of steel, perfect for precise counter-thrusting. Zero to O-face in 10 seconds or less. Mutual love, after all.

>> No.21195812
Quoted by: >>21195815

>when you catch the eye of two strong monsters

>> No.21195815
Quoted by: >>21195839

I wish I'd attract the eye of two strong monsters, strongfat or not.

>> No.21195836
Quoted by: >>21196019

>demon comes out in a flash of heavy purple smoke
>all done up in lingerie, walking up to you slowly and seductively, laughing in a breathy, moany voice
>every single perfect curve on full display, she goes to wrap her tail around you
>suddenly her high heel breaks
>tumbles onto you, knocking you both over and jutting her ass in the air
>the smoke from her entrance sets off the fire alarms and automatic sprinklers, spraying you both with ultra cold water and causing her tail to go crazy
>demon cries in her normal, high pitched girly voice over how hard she worked on her entrance and how many times she practiced
>gingerly point out that's probably how she wore down her heels, just making her cry harder at the fact that her target figured it out so easily when she couldn't
>have to give her some of your clothes and a piggyback ride back to your place
>wrapped up in blankets, sipping hot tea and treats, she eagerly comments on some movie or game you have that she's also a huge fan of
The best girls have some mix of cute and sexy together, especially when one leads right into the other.

>> No.21195839
File: 1.22 MB, 2000x1599, img (29).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you could always buy one, i guess

>> No.21195845
Quoted by: >>21195917

I mean, it beats her sitting out in the cold rain.

>> No.21195850

>tfw you're not sure which one your waifu is
I guess it's both

>> No.21195866

My girls are Sexy, lewdcute, and cute respectively.

>> No.21195868

if a monster confronts you, would you be afraid of her "attacking" you and or would you just stand there and do nothing like a half-conscious square because you have no personality? remember, it's a fantasy setting so you're not allowed to act a person living in a modern setting

>> No.21195889

If you grew up in a fantasy setting without modern knowledge you would barely be recognizable as yourself, because a different set of experiences would have molded you into a different type of person than your experiences here did.

>> No.21195899

The only time I'd be getting attacked by a monster would be after I've gone out on an adventure and found my monster wife.

>> No.21195904

>you're not allowed to act a person living in a modern setting
Too bad. That's how going to act. Which, would mean I'd be kind but short in my conversation. I'm in introvert but not autistically so. The most she'd get out of me would be some small talk, so if she wanted something more from me, she'd have to force herself on me. Although, if it's a species I really like, I might gather up the balls to ask her out.

>> No.21195911

>remember, it's a fantasy setting so you're not allowed to act a person living in a modern setting
Fuck that shit anon, my fantasy is a modern setting.

>> No.21195917
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, CG1206_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21195922
Quoted by: >>21195990

She's getting band aids, a warm meal, and a warmer bed.

>> No.21195923

If I was in that world I be looking for my favorite species and if one of them confronted me why would I be afraid

>> No.21195924

Something smells fishy here.

>> No.21195942

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that the mofu mafia isn't alone, or even the toughest gang of monsters out there.
Dragon delinquents hold that title.

>> No.21195961
Quoted by: >>21196007

mutual healing is required

>> No.21195990
File: 143 KB, 640x480, 0676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


another one appears

>> No.21195995

She's getting it too!

>> No.21195997

filthy thieves like her get captured

>> No.21196000
File: 153 KB, 800x1100, tundrabapho2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21196017

You should fix that

>> No.21196007
File: 720 KB, 1300x1835, pg3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21196017

i wanna press a spats covered familiar ass into my face

>> No.21196019

Right here
That's perfect

>> No.21196020
Quoted by: >>21196027

Where's the good end you sonofabitch.

>> No.21196022

This mouse is super fuckable, I’ll take thirty!

>> No.21196027
File: 607 KB, 1300x1835, pg9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21196036
Quoted by: >>21196076

as much as i'd love to give a girl like her healing i'd also be afraid she'd try to kill me because of my lax guard and behavior around her due to my intentions of freeing

>> No.21196069
File: 720 KB, 1197x1400, Wendigo chocolate christmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I thought Wendis liked Whoors beer.

>> No.21196076
File: 324 KB, 600x750, 3a2a7d2626093f29349a367a22870cdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21196094


>> No.21196094


>> No.21196110
File: 393 KB, 1415x1000, 3841eff6dc182996f84e2745f53a916c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


already did

>> No.21196159

Which loli monster has the cutest feets?

>> No.21196179
File: 1.46 MB, 2437x2600, gazer once11h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21196180


>> No.21196180

How can I tell if she's wearing shoes?

>> No.21196184
File: 103 KB, 680x960, Lamia_ (185).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21196189

Her feet are a butt.

>> No.21196191
Quoted by: >>21196196

What's the best sabbath, and why is it the pet sabbath?

>> No.21196193

complete lack of feets aside, I doubt she's a loli anymore, 2013 was six years ago anon.

>> No.21196196

Because petplay is the ultimate patrician fetish, especially when it's with lolis!

>> No.21196270

It's just a fat guy who fell into a vat of green paint and became a supervillain

>> No.21196276
Quoted by: >>21196312

Don't excuse that faggotry.

>> No.21196283

It's not even the main focus of the image

>> No.21196292
Quoted by: >>21196305

Does it matter

>> No.21196294
Quoted by: >>21196305

That doesn't matter, cunt.

>> No.21196305
File: 16 KB, 274x301, 1554949316143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21196312

I was just making a joke

>> No.21196345
File: 2.14 MB, 1333x2000, 1555277290191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ideal monster body. You may not like it, but this is what peak waifu looks like.

>> No.21196351
Quoted by: >>21196355

Those of you with evil, demonic, or otherwise overly dramatic wives, how much would you ham it up to play along with their fantasies? Are you willing to talk and dress like a dark lord befitting of the awakened ancient evil? How long can you resist bullying them for their chunni behavior?

>> No.21196355
Quoted by: >>21196367

What if they actually, genuinely are evil?

>> No.21196366
File: 654 KB, 1024x768, Dragon Cute 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a big family with an ancient evil!

>> No.21196367

Then you'd best rein her in before some lilim or something goes Tentacle Forest 2.0 on her ass.

>> No.21196387

That's basically what they are for, right? She can't complete her evil plans if she's too busy raising the kids. You're essentially saving the world just by impregnating her.

>> No.21196396
Quoted by: >>21196400

That's not the boy

I don't think that's who Anon meant at least

>> No.21196400
Quoted by: >>21196401

I have no idea what you're referencing

>> No.21196401

I thought he meant the fox wasn't a girl, I was very confused

>> No.21196409
File: 345 KB, 1096x1340, 1542650670768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this weird cat outside. Should I adopt it?

>> No.21196417

Can she even fit through the front door?

>> No.21196419

She already told you the answer. “Nah”

>> No.21196423

>Not giving her an ever increasing number of trusted lieutenants

>> No.21196438
Quoted by: >>21198157

>turns out marrying you and having lots of babies was all part of her master plan
>falling in love with you was just a happy bonus
She played me like a goddamn fiddle.

>> No.21196450

How do you keep your big fluffy pawed waifu from tracking all kinds of dirt into the house with her feet?

>> No.21196470

She prefers levitation and/or teleportation. It makes good practice too.
She's not terribly /fit/.

>> No.21196481

Give her really big shoes or you can always carry her 24/8

>> No.21196494

You know those weird toe shoes that hipsters wear?

>> No.21196508

Plenty of ways anon. Polymorphing is the simplest way despite being a bit of a cop-out; my waifu and daughteru would have small collections of regular human shoes for when they're in toe mood for them but for the most part they'd prefer their paws and so would I. Usually they'd just go barefoot and get foot baths, or wear magically reinforced latex socks/stockings. They'd obviously have similar socks that are made of more regular materials, but latex is definitely their favorite.

>> No.21196527
File: 631 KB, 777x1100, 1540848356954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21196581

Gonna chug a shota potion and go around teasing older monsters. What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.21196531
Quoted by: >>21196550

Forcing your prideful MG wife to wear maid costumes!

>> No.21196550
Quoted by: >>21196562

I'm going to make her wear a lot more than just that. And I'm taking pictures.

>> No.21196562
Quoted by: >>21197302

>I'm going to make her wear a lot more than just that.
>TFW proud, noble dragon wife wearing a puffy down jacket, three layers of leggings, the thickest snow pants you've ever seen, fuzzy mittens, goggles, leather boots, and also a maid hat, for reasons unknown
Gonna make her wear so much.

>> No.21196581
File: 49 KB, 596x932, 9ff3f1d17958238be1628465ce7b1bdc07f857750c8f352b1842aacd432cb9ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon takes shota potion and hits the town
>Goes to the sleaziest dive bars that all the old monsters go after a long day at work
>Teases them relentlessly by hugging them, making sure to bury his head between their breasts, calling them onee-sama and sitting on their laps
>None of them try anything surprisingly allowing anon to make use of the full duration of the potion
>Just as it's about to run out he heads outside and down an alleyway with a pair of his adult clothes
>Suddenly he hears multiple horas
>Turns to see all the lonely old ladies he's been teasing have his cornered
>Luckily the potion will wear off and they probably lose interest
>But the potion doesn't wear off, that danuki alchemist must've lied to him
>Later the next morning anon wakes up to his older form and and surrounded by old monsters

>> No.21196617

I would start making that a nightly thing. Getting wrung dry by older monsters every day would be the best.

>> No.21196666

Sweep her off her feet and princess carry her to the bathroom for a foot bath and massage. Otherwise she probably has a servant wash them in the entrance hall.

>> No.21196678
Quoted by: >>21196685

I want to feed my Kikimora maid some drugs that induce lactation, leaving her needing to be milked a couple times a day, just so I can hook her up to a machine and molest her all the while.
I'll even make her wear a cowbell and call her my little milk maid, and see if I can get her to moo when I grope and fuck her.

>> No.21196685
Quoted by: >>21196705

Just get a holstaur instead

>> No.21196705

But I don't want a Holstaur, I want a milky Kikimora who gets off on it.

>> No.21196819
Quoted by: >>21196851

Hey guys. Demon Realm Silver Weapons are rather powerful aren't they? Asides from the already stated fact they don't lethal harm or kill anyone and simply incapacitate. If I remember Demon Realm Silver Weapons can easily pass through clothing and regular non magic armor yes?

Demon Realm Silver Weapons would make highly valued weapons even to humans and non-monstergirls due to the power and abilities of such weapons. Therefore I'd say Demon Realm Silver Weapons can be considered rather valid tactical weapons in a practical sense asides from the associated porn it is associated with. Yes?

>> No.21196851
File: 1.03 MB, 1751x2494, 1540330554787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21196868

>Demon Realm Silver Weapons would make highly valued weapons even to humans and non-monstergirls due to the power and abilities of such weapons. Therefore I'd say Demon Realm Silver Weapons can be considered rather valid tactical weapons in a practical sense asides from the associated porn it is associated with. Yes?

It is kinda obvious I guess. All the succ knights are pretty cool.

>> No.21196868
Quoted by: >>21196873

Are there more of these besides knight and warrior

>> No.21196870

Pretty nice, though I would marry an old monster without any shotafication too

>> No.21196873
File: 1007 KB, 1754x2490, 1539118508677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should be in the pastebin

>> No.21196883

best hairstyle requires big hair

>> No.21196904

this thread left me craving more healing stories

>> No.21196922

I like this kinda want this to be done with different orders like one for Dragonia or somewhere else

>> No.21196931
Quoted by: >>21196956

I found >>21196007 but not the translated version, sucks

>> No.21196935

Master getting healed by his kikimora maid after he came home from the "Great War"

>> No.21196954
Quoted by: >>21197063

I want to heal an ancient evil that has severe depression due to realizing the terror and death she wrought for the previous demonlords.

>> No.21196956


>> No.21196968
Quoted by: >>21197024

Wealthy tanuki 'adopts' a stray homeless anon and keeps him as her beloved 'pet'. Once he's cleaned up and sorted out his problems she puts him through school so he can work with her at her company. They get married under the bridge where she found him.

>> No.21197024

Being a wealthy tanuki's pet and traveling with her on merchant ventures across land and sea sounds pretty fun.

>> No.21197033 [DELETED] 


>> No.21197047
File: 1.81 MB, 2392x3800, 1526833723171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to impregnate yuel so badly

>> No.21197063
Quoted by: >>21197078

I want to rehabilitate an ancient evil by getting her a puppy and teaching her to take care of it. Watching her personality shift as she falls in love with it would be the best.

At first she thinks the pup stinks and makes too much noise, then he licks her fingers and falls asleep on her lap. Her brain would just fucking explode as she suddenly understands what it is to cherish and protect and nurture something just for the sake of it.

Cut to her playing with his little paw beans and obsessively researching how to raise and train him. Put her on the fast track to developing maternal instincts and getting mere'd.

>> No.21197078
Quoted by: >>21197175

I want to impregnate Sturm so bad.

cute, but thats not really healing.

>> No.21197081

Made for breeding.

>> No.21197175

Meaty Tsuns are built for breeding

>> No.21197184

Sticc tsuns are built for gentle cuddling.

>> No.21197192
File: 259 KB, 1000x653, Draph 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21197288

Its a crime not to breed them really.

>> No.21197288
Quoted by: >>21197318

>I want to impregnate Sturm so bad.
A man of taste I see.
Seeing Aliza all fired up like that makes me want to mating press her.

>> No.21197302


>do this but with a succubus
>realize that wearing more clothes = more scandalous in their society

>> No.21197318
Quoted by: >>21197330

Draphs are built to be mating pressed, full nelsoned, and generally man handled if were being honest with ourselves.

>> No.21197330

Shortstacks are meant to have their wombs bloated

>> No.21197351
Quoted by: >>21199092

I want to see a excited lich.
like showing her a new library full of magic tomes
or building a bookself
or her getting a net eromance idea and righting down notes

>> No.21197361
Quoted by: >>21197364

how about a british dragon
like a tall dragon in a suit with a brittish accent and having a thing for fancy art

>> No.21197364

Forget that
British Office Jinko

>> No.21197374
Quoted by: >>21197398

But dragons though

>> No.21197377
Quoted by: >>21197398

Or how about a british delinquent cat girl gang.

>> No.21197398

No, now is the time of the chuff

>That cat is bullying a (kobold) puppy!

>> No.21197432
File: 681 KB, 1110x1400, 1540824577318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21197449

Imagine kissing loli Wight thighs

>> No.21197437
Quoted by: >>21197547

Just replace horse with dragons and dragoons are just fantasy cowboys

>> No.21197449
File: 346 KB, 866x1400, 74271189_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would do UNHOLY things to them

>> No.21197460
Quoted by: >>21197517

She looks pretty soft for someone that’s supposed to be stiff

>> No.21197517
Quoted by: >>21197541

Bet all chicks tell you the same

>> No.21197541
Quoted by: >>21198194

Porn does things to a man

>> No.21197547

>Dragon, Wyvern, and Wurm posing in cowboy hats and finger guns
>well actually the Wurm is posing with a finger-slingshot but she's doing her best
>group of holst, mino and haku looking on in dismay

>> No.21197554
Quoted by: >>21197574

Wikifag here, this week's new additions add up to 57. They've been taken from Twitter, Pixiv, Gelbooru, Danbooru. This concludes the weekly report.

>> No.21197574
Quoted by: >>21197611

The "153" is missing? Is only a black square http://imgbox.com/2mTJLOQL and nothing loads when you go to it

>> No.21197592
File: 425 KB, 1014x1400, 1540827982522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other Jiangshi is more to my liking.

>> No.21197611

Centaur by Kurovah.
Thanks for the head's up.
I've fixed it.

>> No.21197664
File: 139 KB, 445x450, Sphinx_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first known cat with a name was called Nedjem meaning `sweet' or `pleasant' and dates from the reign of Thutmose III (1479-1425 BC).

>> No.21197702

>started worshiping satan
>you get a reply from the underworld
>it says that she wants to visit you and hang out
>you are overfilled with joy to finally get to personally meet your hero
>she arrives at the day
>expect a full grown, big titty, metal-as-fuck demonic babe with a giant hell-sword and badass pair of wings
>open the door
>its a small blue-skinned devil loli
>she calls you big brother

>> No.21197715

Satan is a commonly chosen name for devil newborns.
It's usually an abbreviation of Satania.
Damn devilish trickery.

>> No.21197761

>Good end

The ideal ending

>> No.21197778

Slimes: Core or no core?

>> No.21197788


>> No.21197796

Cute devil
>Satan worship


>> No.21197822
Quoted by: >>21198104

Do shog heartwombs count as cores? What about wifeslimes?

>> No.21197851
File: 457 KB, 1887x1490, D4cvjf3VUAArzAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21197865

>> No.21197856
Quoted by: >>21197897

All manticores are cuddlecores deep down! You just need you go through a few hours of constant orgasms and milking to get to it

>> No.21197865

Oneesans and imotous are best when done together

>> No.21197877

Kirin when

>> No.21197893
File: 1.14 MB, 827x1000, 74264388_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21197897
Quoted by: >>21197990

>Manticore is finally finished after draining anon's balls dry
>He's passed out now, so completely vulnerable
>Manticore-chan feels her body yearn for it
>She cuddles up against him, tossing his arms around her as she hugs him back
>Starts to feel herself drifting off to sleep looking at anon's sleeping face
>Last thing she sees is anon smirk ever so slightly

>> No.21197990
Quoted by: >>21199426

Manticubs must be snugged

>> No.21198038
File: 366 KB, 956x537, 74271800_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21198065

>> No.21198046
File: 390 KB, 380x541, IceQueenExtraArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21198107

Nothing is sweeter than an ice cold girl who learned how to smile

Also I get the feeling that Haku-sensei will rape me if I fail her course

>> No.21198065

Demons ooze sexiness. It’s a legally recognized fact!

>> No.21198104

I like to think it counts as a core

>> No.21198107

>moody boys who don't apply themselves because they are in desperate need of healing
>slow students who nevertheless do their very best every single day and work hard for their results
>eager to please teacher's pets who study all the time and enthusiastically participate in all her crazy class activities
Hakus really have a very effective husband-seeking strategy. I'm surprised there aren't other species getting in on the teaching racket, there's something for every taste they could possibly have.

>> No.21198114

They’ve got a real strong union for that very fact. Hakus are of course smart, they know they’ve got a fantastic gig as teachers. I mean, can you imagine if you walked into class and a Demon strutted in and said she’s your new teacher?

>> No.21198118

I'm the anon who doesn't apply himself but instead I'm at home in bed without a reason to get out of it

>> No.21198145
File: 524 KB, 1035x1200, 347_ocelomeh_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would an Ocelomeh do if she wakes up to find her husband trying to hide her Macuachuitl only to find that he cant even lift it because of how heavy it is?

>> No.21198154

>You want me to use this as I rape you huh

>> No.21198157

Something has been overlooked during the conversation. Look at the picture. It shows that she had a human son among all the monster daughters. An evil dark lord who has human children must face the fact that her plan has been to subjugate such people and she must make a choice. A good human son leading his dark lord mother to give up her evil plans would be hilarious.

>> No.21198162
Quoted by: >>21198172

Is this a Friend?

>> No.21198172

Latest girl from KC. Would calling her a friend piss her off and make her smack you with that club?

>> No.21198176

Every time I scroll past this image quickly, I think that she's holding a chainsaw

>> No.21198182

She will pat his head a giggle. Who knew ahuman could be that weak?

>> No.21198194
Quoted by: >>21198241

Yes. Bad things. Stop looking at it.

>> No.21198235
Quoted by: >>21198442

>demon substitute teacher strolls into class, puts her heels up onto the desk, and seductively plays with an apple
>all the class that normally ignores haku-sensei, from nerdy oomukade that normally write fanfiction in their notebooks or gyaru succubi that are constantly taking selfies notice her
>they're all happy to "finally be learning practical skills they'll use in the real world!"
>even haku-sensei's prized sole male student, who normally talks excitedly to her about class material after school stares at the demon for slightly too long
Poor teacher cow. She'd have to do a lot to keep her students on the right path!

>> No.21198241

I would if I had a monster wife

>> No.21198267
Quoted by: >>21198442

I can imagine the strength of my boner.

>> No.21198286
File: 347 KB, 647x835, IMG_20190419_102312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you propose using a condom

>> No.21198321

There are three types of monster girls when it comes to condoms:
>Those who shred it before the sex starts
>Those who sneakily poke holes in it before or during sex
>Those who use them filled as a drink

>> No.21198323

Do you think plumbers/electricians/jobs that require you to enter homes get paid more due to increased risk of being made a husband of a MG?

>> No.21198340

That’s more of the job that a MG would take to try and catch one

>> No.21198342

Definitely. Even pizza delivery guys get generous hazard pay if they have to deliver in a Wurm neighborhood.

>> No.21198374

As SM play

>> No.21198375
File: 328 KB, 800x800, 1555679643604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are angels considered MG?

>> No.21198399

Which monster girl would a innocent shota who knows nothing of sex be most likely develop a innocent crush on? For reference, it's likely to be a monster girl who is nice to him and makes him feel safe.

>> No.21198405


>> No.21198415

Not unless it's one of those settings that treats ALL non-human races as monsters. Looks strange when even holy angels are called monsters.

>> No.21198435


>> No.21198439
Quoted by: >>21198587


>> No.21198442

She’s got a voice like black silk and an ass like a stripper’s. But she’s also got multiple degrees in teaching and social work! She keeps her license cards in her cleavage for easy access.

>> No.21198449
File: 85 KB, 742x999, flonne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find angel girls not acting wholesome to be triggering.

>> No.21198454

Holstaur. Even kids who know nothing of sex feel drawn to the tiddy.

>> No.21198481

Inari or Holst.

>> No.21198494 [DELETED] 
File: 332 KB, 800x600, MGQ2_775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i want Illias to pee in my moufh

>> No.21198554

I need a smug Dark Slime to step on me.

>> No.21198573
File: 221 KB, 1280x985, 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21198679


it's less a 'step' and more of a smothering

>> No.21198585

It would be awkward being a man with red hair in the MGE universe. You'd have a bullseye on you if you went anywhere inhabited by minotaurs or the like.

>> No.21198587


Ryu, Papillon, White Horn, Kikimora

>> No.21198659
File: 841 KB, 3400x1800, 1541726779101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://en.shindanmaker.com/819543 Roll 'n go!

>tfw Papillon is fat shitposter
>Get this

(Anon's real name) waifu has a busty-chubby bodytype. Your waifu's chub isn't only in the usual places, but also in the chest! Perfectly soft~! Also has a big butt!

Her height is dwarfish. Shorter than short.

Her personality is: serious. Your waifu is always quite stern, but has a soft heart for things she cares about.

She has Beach waved , Red w/ orange ombre hair with Eye-covering messy bangs.

Her preferred clothing style is anything that has fur on it, especially fur coats!

Her species is butterfly.

So, I propose once more. That Papillon is in fact, fat.

Also, alternate generator https://en.shindanmaker.com/318012

>> No.21198679
File: 270 KB, 364x348, step.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21198814


>> No.21198682

>Flat, athletic body type. Fit, but with a flat chest. But who cares since she has the thighs and muscles to make up for it
>Height is tall. She can reach the high items for you
>Personality: Quiet. Never know what she's thinking until she speaks up
>Fluffy, long pigtails. Purple-hair w/ see-through bangs
>Rockabilly dress style

I feel like I just got waifu'd by a Stand. No complaints, though.

>> No.21198689

>Chubby, cynical imp in a sailor uniform
I can dig it

>> No.21198698

>Your waifu has those THICK THIGHS

>> No.21198705

>has a busty-athletic bodytype. Athletic, but also super busty. Don't stare her down at the gym!
>Her height is amazon-like. ..A bit intimidating, but at least she can protect you!
>Her personality is: pure. Your waifu loves all the wholesome things, and IS wholesome!
>She has Long pigtailed, Galaxy (Blue) hair with Short fringe bangs.
>Her preferred clothing style is glamorous clothes, sparkly, flashy clothes!
>Her species is kitsune (1 tail).

>> No.21198715

Well, thigh in this case. Perfect for binding/locking.

>> No.21198721

I'd just translate as a thicker tail.

>> No.21198735

>'s waifu has a slim thick body. She's slim but has some noticeable hips & thighs.
>Her height is dwarfish. Shorter than short.
>Her personality is: mature. Your waifu knows what to do at all times. Typically well-collected and adult-like.
>She has Rapunzel-length ponytailed, Teal hair with Left-Eye covering straight bangs.
>Her preferred clothing style is basic clothing, usually flat-colored!
>Her species is bear.

I'm not sure I like the MGE bears, but I'll just go with the pandas. So lolibaba panda with some weird hair, not bad, I'd like different hair, but that can always be changed so I'm not too picky there.

>> No.21198740

>Hourglass-thick bodytype, pillow soft thick thighs and average chest size.
>Amazon-like high.
>Caring and very kind.

Well, I need her!

>> No.21198749
Quoted by: >>21198761

Cute grizzly

>> No.21198751

Might as well add the rest
>has those THICK THIGHS. Not muscle thick, though. But pillow soft. Also has a nice hourglass waist to go with it, but an average chest size.
>Her height is short. Lower on the height scale, but not short-stack level.
>Her personality is: creative. Your waifu loves making new things.. mainly artsy things. Always has ideas.
>She has Straight Very short, Black w/ ginger ombre hair with Hime bangs.
>Her preferred clothing style is sports jackets, sports shorts, sports everything!
If only she had legs to showoff those thighs

>> No.21198761
Quoted by: >>21200329

Almost forgot to mention, big butt lolis is some good shit for me. I just don't really like the way the bear paws that KC draws, so I guess I'll just go with it, even tho I like the big paws on every other girl.

Panda* The panda MG is under the "Bear" family, and I like the way that the pandas look more.

>> No.21198777
Quoted by: >>21198781

>Anon's waifu has a slim-busty body. She's slim but.. wow, that bust. How can she stand? Doesn't matter. As long as she can.

>Her height is amazon-like. ..A bit intimidating, but at least she can protect you!

>Her personality is: cute. Your waifu enjoys pastel colors, lolita things, and being overly cutesy.

>She has High-ponytailed, Galaxy (Blue) hair with Eye-covering messy bangs.
Her preferred clothing style is Victorian era dresses!

>Her species is pig.

After using my full name instead of just first name i still got pig but a busty athletic type at amazon height. I'm a big fan of the hair on this one which is black & ginger ombre mega length braid with straight bangs covering one of her eyes. She likes to crack terrible jokes and dress in an mature elegant manner. Honestly if i can stretch and claim pig as H'orc then i'm so down for this.

>> No.21198781

Shit i blew it.

>> No.21198814

Why are slimes with horns so perfect?

>> No.21198817

Only if they are corrupted/tainted by mamano mana.

>> No.21198821
File: 358 KB, 600x750, 0ee6568cac2a048b52b503a10c2459ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're pretty much succuslimes.

>> No.21198846

those are some large tits on that succuslime.Nice!

>> No.21198861

I want a slime girl to clean my teeth with a kiss.

>> No.21198881
File: 2.56 MB, 1200x2160, 1552948368665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Slimes being able to adjust their body as they see fit is a wonderful thing.

>> No.21198897

i got a doll-looking ghost goth girl with big boobs. sucks that I gotta protect her a lot but hopefully i can try my best despite her being an intangible being.

>> No.21198966

She'd kiss you for a long time if your teeth were extra dirty and keep kissing you after that just because she enjoys it

>> No.21198979
Quoted by: >>21199021

I want a slime to sit on my face with her big slime butt

>> No.21198987 [DELETED] 

>Waifuhasamegachubbybodytype. Yourwaifu isabig, biggirl.Bigandsoft, thesoftestofall.Alsohasabigbelly,bigthighs..just..big.Bigandlovable. >Herheightisshort.Lowerontheheight scale,butnotshort-stacklevel. >Herpersonalityis:serious.Yourwaifuisalwaysquitestern,buthasasoftheart forthingsshecaresabout. >ShehasHighpigtailed,PastelBlonde hairwithRapunzel-lengthcenter parted bangs.
>Herpreferredclothingstyleis turtlenecks, bigglasses,andplaid! >Herspeciesiscow.

Cute chubby cow!

>> No.21198991
File: 174 KB, 690x1020, D4hNocfUwAAHuS2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just corrupt them yourself with good food.

>> No.21198995
Quoted by: >>21199030

i wanna lick her core

>> No.21198999
Quoted by: >>21199407

if it's not human, it's a monster

>> No.21199013

>Waifu has a mega chubby body type. Your waifu is a big, big girl.Big and soft, the softest of all. Also has a big belly, big thighs..just..big. Big and lovable.
>Her height is short. Lower on the height scale, but not short-stack level.
>Her personality is: serious.Your waifu is always quite stern, but has a soft heart for things she cares about.
>She has High pigtailed , Pastel Blonde hair with Rapunzel-length center parted bangs.
>Her preferred clothing style is turtlenecks, big glasses, and plaid!
>Her species is cow.

Cute chubby cow!

>> No.21199016

I wanna corrupt an airhead valkyrie who cant even notice i am a incubus and not a hero.

>> No.21199021
Quoted by: >>21199103

This but I want her to wear a latex suit as well

>> No.21199028

This is completely reasonable. Plus, holsts are gentle but still strong.

>> No.21199030


That's how you get a slime girl to lose composure quite literally.

>> No.21199046
Quoted by: >>21199072

Oh, right. Tempting someone with food.

>> No.21199072

>TFW you'll never make a pure messenger of God into a fallen angel of gluttony with a well smoked tritip and your dick

>> No.21199092

that faintest smile on her face would be a sight to see.

>> No.21199103

I just want to be dominated by a slimegirl like the filthy inferior solid that I am. A dominatrix Queen slime maybe. Have the whole kingdom treat me like a slave!

>> No.21199118
File: 133 KB, 494x500, Nureonago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nureonago Queen Slimes

>> No.21199159
Quoted by: >>21199200

Imagine wandering into a town somehow made by a single slime. It'd be like those Weeping Angels episodes of Dr. Who, but all of the angels are trying to make you smile at them so they can get that dick.

>> No.21199200
Quoted by: >>21199210

>Make your way to the Throne room and find it completely empty
>For some inexplicable reason you get the idea of sitting on the throne
>When you do, you get stuck to it and sink slightly into it
>It's at that point when it starts kneading your sore muscles, you realize that it's glorified massage chair. And it's really good at what it does.

>> No.21199210
Quoted by: >>21199335

>When you get the bad ending, but it feels so good

>> No.21199217

But what if the shota has red hair? Things would get dicey.

>> No.21199239

Telling your faithful samurai retainer how dearly you love your empress wife!

>> No.21199268
File: 243 KB, 800x800, doodlewife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a new wife picture, but it's file size is too big for me to post on here

>> No.21199289
File: 207 KB, 908x1024, 74039107_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after she sees the porn you've been looking at

>> No.21199296

Cute! She's absolutely adorable!

>> No.21199298
Quoted by: >>21199326

The shirt suits her, nice.

>> No.21199324

I want to fuck your wife in the ass

>> No.21199326

I was inspired by my buddies wife

>> No.21199335

>You sink a little deeper into the throne, the massage continuing it's gentle and thorough but unrelenting course.
>All you can do is moan and barely twist around in the chairs embrace.
>The queen enters the room but she doesn't seem in the least bit bothered by you sitting on her throne. Actually she seems pleased.
>She giggles, saying how happy she is that you've already made yourself at home.
>It turns out that you smiled at one of her servants who was out in town without even realizing it.
>As you recall that very brief encounter, the parts of you submerged in slime start to hug you while the massage continues.
>The queen climbs onto her throne, Staring into your eyes and giving you a loving smile she calls you her beloved emperor and starts kissing you.

>> No.21199338
File: 208 KB, 758x678, 1554612392418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon's given her another reason to be smug, his fate is his own.

>> No.21199355

Very cute!

>> No.21199374
File: 638 KB, 1106x1400, 1491456024817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need Bear Butts.

>> No.21199390
File: 806 KB, 1040x1060, 3087bb44899a6cacff9e616e2fce7793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need bear huggs.

>> No.21199396

It disappoints me that people fail to notice that slime girls don't have to be icky things. They can in fact be the opposite and help clean. If they can dissolve things, why not have them dissolve dirt and stuff? A slime maid could clean the house rather nicely with her body.

>> No.21199407
Quoted by: >>21199442

Even xenos?

>> No.21199420
Quoted by: >>21199439

I want a slime to dissolve my dick

>> No.21199426

Do you think Monstergirls make Snug films for only the most depraved individuals?

>> No.21199435
File: 371 KB, 600x800, 55433669_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21199479


I always like to think that they can easily change their bodies to not soak through fabrics and the like too. That way you can cuddle with one in bed.

>> No.21199439


>> No.21199442
Quoted by: >>21199799

what's a xeno? an alien? aliens don't exist. unless you believe hard enough. then you can have an alien waifu

>> No.21199453

Anon's waifu has a flat-hourglass-thick bodytype. Your waifu may be flat, but she has the waist, thighs, and butt to make up for it.

Her height is amazon-like. ..A bit intimidating, but at least she can protect you!

Her personality is: mature. Your waifu knows what to do at all times. Typically well-collected and adult-like.

She has High pigtailed, Brown w/ pink ombre hair with Long choppy bangs.

Her preferred clothing style is poofy dresses, so soft!

Her species is cobra.

I am absolutely 100% fine with this. Only thing that would be better is if she was a Kiki

>> No.21199471

That's a whole genre made by and for Yetis and Weresheeps, they go through snug films like crazy

>> No.21199477
File: 3.02 MB, 4400x4600, 1501694532146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21199722

This is your Monster villain of the week! She's going to turn the city into a giant rock pool!

>> No.21199479
Quoted by: >>21199521

We've seen slime girls vary widely in how solid or liquidey they are.

>> No.21199485

That looks super nice anon. It's good for the wife to take a vacation after so many hours of work.

>> No.21199487
File: 311 KB, 3000x2774, Baphomet27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some species that make really good bosses in an RPG? I got baphomet, fenrir, ooumukade, yamata no orochi, phoenix, pharoah, chimera, and kraken. what else?

>> No.21199493
Quoted by: >>21199796

Real nice, who's the artist?

>> No.21199512
Quoted by: >>21199555

Dragon, Lich, Ice Queen.
High Orc can work as an early game boss too.

>> No.21199521
File: 135 KB, 1600x1200, 43781071_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it seems plenty of people have different ideas on how slime girls are.

>> No.21199537
File: 347 KB, 644x990, 1529662328705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21199633


>> No.21199548
File: 223 KB, 794x742, core.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn give a slime a coregasm

>> No.21199551
Quoted by: >>21199566

Gonna lick shog womb heart and make her a puddle

>> No.21199555

i see lich as more of a common enemy, ice queens are MGE exclusive but they're depicted as powerful so sure why not, and dragons are a broad term, that's why sub-species are important. plus i already typed yamata no orochi

>> No.21199566
Quoted by: >>21199613

Making a Shog ahegao or otherwise break her otherworldly smug composure is an immense accomplishment. It seriously would be quite a sight to see her get that excited.

>> No.21199567
Quoted by: >>21199629

why are they called Grizzely Bears? they should've been called Berserkers because of the whole theme around bears.

>> No.21199574

>Ywn see her struggle to recompose herself, and once she's calmed down, stare at you with heart pupils.

>> No.21199613

It'd be so much fun to watch her melt in bliss, moaning and babbling until her mouth collapses in on itself and all she can do is make all the glowing "eyes" in her blob change to pink hearts matching her wombcore

>> No.21199629

More like bearserkers.

>> No.21199633
Quoted by: >>21199674

Now you've done it.

>> No.21199651

the 'ber' part of the word 'berserk' translates to 'bear' in Old Norse. we could've had another proper norse monster girl

>> No.21199662
File: 701 KB, 916x1486, 1394349264235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking honey mead before battle to send them into a frenzy!

>> No.21199674

Anon was careless, that great big 10 foot tall Grizzly is going to carry him into a cave for some slow hibernation sex.

>> No.21199722

what a ridiculous hat

>> No.21199767
File: 1023 KB, 1057x595, 8ed8cd8ff5f6074b4fca1300b53ae76e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21199783

>that hairstyle
I don't even like liches but I love that

>> No.21199796


>> No.21199799
Quoted by: >>21199841

Alien girl in monster girl encyclopedia when

>> No.21199800

>No apop
For shame. Also consider lilim, echidna, ryuu, and, depending upon tone, otohime.

>> No.21199803
Quoted by: >>21200217


>> No.21199841
File: 490 KB, 700x792, 1422149807299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ayy lmao

>> No.21199842
File: 1.02 MB, 900x1140, e634eef6f1d22b7b34bf7fa1108ef02a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21199857
Quoted by: >>21199863

Does she like the hat or not?

>> No.21199863


She needs to run more tests to see if she does.

>> No.21199885
Quoted by: >>21199895

Is that some cat planet cuties?

>> No.21199895
File: 157 KB, 800x800, Consider the following.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strong Space Cats.

>> No.21199897
File: 228 KB, 1209x1600, 58926356_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21199931


>> No.21199905 [SPOILER] 
File: 141 KB, 779x1334, 1555707532661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hardcore snug pornography

>> No.21199923
File: 345 KB, 495x600, 1385052181814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21199931


>> No.21200024

I want to come up behind a Dark Slime, push my hands inside her, and gently roll her core between my fingers until she's stunned.
Then I'll grab some of her jelly, and bolt.

>> No.21200027
File: 214 KB, 1421x1233, 1539442444372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21200181

Prime snuggle position, it's only rival is snake wrap and slime bath. Wing hug is out there but not all birds can perform it at a competitive level.

>> No.21200090


>> No.21200103

Does anyone have that image of an automaton printing out hearts? I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.21200121
Quoted by: >>21206935

I don't have it, but I remember it's a Latenight pic

>> No.21200163

Automatons are cute.

>> No.21200181

It seems like monster girls take their ability to hug quite seriously. I wonder where being coiled in a kejourou's hair or kitsune's tails rank.

>> No.21200182
File: 1.84 MB, 3120x2360, 6352e63e85724e56fb63f1c91894edc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

touch small cats

>> No.21200187

What if you gave a slime carrier a cursed sword

>> No.21200190

I'll touch all cats!
Big ones, small ones, buff ones, and chubby ones.
Not to mention young and old ones.

>> No.21200201
Quoted by: >>21200241

imagine a hellhound cuddling you so hard you snart snorting because your lungs are too constricted

>> No.21200217
Quoted by: >>21200260

griffons don't seem like she'd be fit to be a boss imo

>> No.21200241

That doesn't sound very comfortable

>> No.21200249
Quoted by: >>21200251

So is basically all of world guide three translated at this point?

>> No.21200251

There are more Sabbath articles at the end.

>> No.21200258
File: 244 KB, 1081x707, 022a0d0488ee82ecdb3b7fdc1e6b2109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21200297


i have a better idea

>> No.21200260

Aren't griffons said to be able to fight off dragons

>> No.21200263
File: 249 KB, 2398x1959, Ushi-Oni77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21200276

teach your children not to make fun of kids who were rape babies when they grow up plz? my wife was depressed after finding out her dad was raped by her mom. i even tried telling her that he got used to being raped but that upsets her more, am i doing anything wrong here?

>> No.21200276
Quoted by: >>21200287

I want to cuddle with that rape machine

>> No.21200287

she has a name you know

>> No.21200291
File: 678 KB, 486x4123, Only Casuals Don&#039;t Get This Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Bird Persons would enjoy stuff like Ace Combat and our humie flyin machines?

Can you even imagine a showing of Top Gun for a crowd of birdos?

>> No.21200297
File: 587 KB, 900x1200, ab1b508c77ffbb002fe4134b23058741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huffing cats is also good

>> No.21200306

yeah, but teasing rape machines for being rape machines is fun. Especially if it causes them to start raping you as "punishment".

>> No.21200312
File: 1.48 MB, 2067x1468, 74000444_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>what's it say, harpy queen?

>> No.21200329

>big butt lolis is some good shit for me
Little girls with big asses are the ideal form for many kinds of monster. Cuties oblivious of the lust towards them, lewd young seducers that know their appeal, the prideful or haughty made for domming, they're all good.

>> No.21200349

I prefer flat chests and small but round butt that still fits their small frame. I don't like anything that gets into bad anatomy levels of /d/ proportions.

>> No.21200365

What species of monster do you want to see in encyclopedia

>> No.21200385
Quoted by: >>21200402

I'd agree, those are probably the same reasons why I dont like oppai loli (but i dont wanna start that shitstorm), stuff that's "big" within reason, loli with good hips and butt for her size, something you could call slightly above average is what I'd be okay with.

>> No.21200387

I want my uber powerful Wight Dragons god dammit.
Need my panther Ara ara goddesses.

>> No.21200395

I'll modify this to
>What species would you like to see sooner rather than later in MGE?

Probably tezcat, if that's not next I got a feeling some anons will be upset. Personally I'd like to see another big paw specie, or pawed loli

>> No.21200398
File: 1.63 MB, 2480x3507, 7b15b1115e489623ee8d937bff2d4d00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21205877

hyena girls

>> No.21200401

Not like she uses my name

>> No.21200402
Quoted by: >>21200406

>I don't like anything that gets into bad anatomy levels of /d/ proportions.
>stuff that's "big" within reason, loli with good hips and butt for her size
That's a good way to put it. Idiots taking it too far ruin things for everyone.

>> No.21200403

>Ace Combat
Pretty sure those games wouldn't be very popular among monster girls.

>> No.21200406

Good in moderation.

>> No.21200410
Quoted by: >>21200419

Its called escapism anon. I know western society is trying to murder that concept, but it is a thing.

>> No.21200411
File: 1.83 MB, 1650x2036, 61434609_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21200513

While we're in aztecland, how about Quetzalcoatl.

>> No.21200418

Seraphim Angels and a Fallen God Dark Counter-part.
High level ara Eros Angels.

>> No.21200419
Quoted by: >>21200430

>I know western society is trying to murder that concept
We are way behind other societies when it comes to that at least.

>> No.21200422

Shub Niggurath obsessed with making 1000 young.

>> No.21200429

I like the chaos girls. Besides maybe an actual profile for the demons of chaos and maybe a Deep One as a salt water Sahuagin I could see maybe Cthugha as a Ignis like flame elemental whose husband becomes living flames that drape her body.

>> No.21200430

It will be sad when we join them.

>> No.21200470


>> No.21200482

Some of the enemies are drones so they'll be fine

Though Gremlins might cry at the thought at shooting those down.

>> No.21200489

I don't see why Harpies wouldn't enjoy Ace Combat. It's about as normal as kejourou playing Bayonetta, white horns enjoying Etrian Odyssey or vampires enjoying Castlevania

>> No.21200513
File: 370 KB, 1637x1157, img_ (33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dangerous drunk girls

gremlins play armored core

>> No.21200521

>Owl Mage
When you think about it she's just a cuddly, and more fluffy mindflayer without the whole turning me into a squid thing.
I'm gonna go with the fact she's the sort of therapist that pretty much eliminated the Mindflayer monopoly.

>> No.21200536

homunculus because I find the word really funny

>> No.21200540

>Some of the enemies are drones so they'll be fine
The Automatons are pouting, anon.

>> No.21200621

You've been drafted into the SOS Relationships Program! You will be matched with a struggling monstergirl, in dire need of a relationship, providing her with the happiness she deserves. Pick one you believe you will get along with the best.

If you wish to engage hard mode: roll a four-sided die, and that'll be your blind date.

Molly (Holstaur, Age 19)
Height: 180cm
Bust: AA
Hips: 35"
The runt of her family, Molly is particularly reserved and anxious. She hardly leaves home, and spends most of her time lying in silence with her headphones plugged into her phone or a handheld game console. She is fascinated by Mecha (as well as robotics in general), and plans to become an engineer someday, though it's unclear how she plans to do this. Will often mix up her words when speaking to someone she is unfamiliar with. Wears large, thin-rimmed glasses, and can only see about a foot in front of her without them. Owns several model kits, but hasn't assembled any of them yet, as she's afraid she will damage them in the process. Owns a body pillow without a cover, because she has difficulty sleeping without something to hold.

Aiha(?) (Nureonago, Age 28)
Height: ???
Bust: ???
Waist: ???
A particularly runny slime, who can't really keep her form under pressure. Is particularly depressed, often presenting herself in dark, remorseful colors. Enjoys reading, as it keeps her calm. Is particularly fond of Hemmingway. Sometimes drinks alcohol, despite not being affected by it. Smells faintly of absinthe. One of her favorite subjects is paranormal studies, and she devotes much of her time to learning about rituals, charms and hexes. Potential partners must be willing to be experimented on. Has a kissing fetish.

Note: We asked her for her name, but we couldn't really understand her through her thick, French-ish accent. We asked her to write it down and she ended up making a mess of the paper. She cried, knowing from the looks on our faces that we couldn't read it, and we spent an hour reassuring her that it wasn't that big of a deal.

Francesca (Vampire, 39)
Height: 165cm
Bust: D
Waist: 46"
Technically a dhampir, but her mother insisted that she be called a vampire instead. Is currently going through a rather rebellious phase, listening to jazz and it's subgenres, rather than her mother's more classical records. Is a bit more enthusiastic about humanity than most vampires, but refuses to use her powers to get a man. According to her own philosophy, it is immoral to use supernatural powers on unaware mortals. Is still a bit old-fashioned, dressing up in 20's-era outfits. Still looks like a teenager, despite her age. Is rather self-conscious about her race, and frequently covers her fangs when laughing, and speaks very methodically to reduce lip movement. Enjoys theatre, especially superhero movies and tokusatsu. Owns a Kamen Rider costume.

Belle (Cursed Weapon, Age unknown)
Height: 140cm
Bust: B
Waist: 40"
A cursed gun in an old style. Bears a striking resemblance to a Henry Long Ranger, chambered in .308 Winchester (or 7.62×51mm NATO, if you're less old-fashioned). In her human form, she takes on the appearance of a scantily-clad cowgirl (not the monster kind, the gunslinger kind). Likes to throw around quotes from spaghetti western cowboy film. Speaks in a thick southern accent. Is quick to anger, but usually very friendly. Has a long-running feud with a gang of fae outlaws. Likes horses, hats, and homesteads. Shot one of our representatives after said representative made a comment about her height.

>> No.21200650

Francesca for sure.

>> No.21200669
File: 149 KB, 801x641, slime_girl_3_by_piketh-d3e64je.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21201303

>Roll d4
>Got Aiha
Why do I imagine her as a french hex maniac?

>> No.21200670

Didn't even read the others

>> No.21200718
Quoted by: >>21200739

Yeah same, flat chested girls are cute no matter how tall, short, young or old.

>> No.21200739
File: 700 KB, 800x1000, eeec1997a5d4125eac06f68352605d419d6d8895853abf9686ad123abc7e7465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If one got a flat chested holstaur pregnant how big would her breasts grow?

>> No.21200772
Quoted by: >>21200779

Not at all, because mamano mana and my preferences mean that I don't want them to grow anymore.

>> No.21200779

Not much I hope, flat cows are cute

>> No.21200817
Quoted by: >>21200846

I'd like to remind everyone that masters exist solely for the purpose of being doted on by their meido.

>> No.21200846
File: 579 KB, 1038x966, 1551322858503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21201002

What if I wanna be the one to dote on my meido?

>> No.21200888

Seeing as she wasn’t taken, belle

>> No.21200952

>Implying the automatons aren't backed up on a second body
It'd be nothing more than a set back for them anon. They might be a little frustrated but they'd get over it

>> No.21201002

That's illegal.

>> No.21201023
File: 395 KB, 1542x1671, 1461358526308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21201144

>> No.21201029

>Hugin and Munin Automatons
Anon no

>> No.21201039

She can have sons

>> No.21201097
Quoted by: >>21201160


>> No.21201100
File: 413 KB, 768x1024, DeisBF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21201211

Post snakes

>> No.21201103

>tfw no cow spider who leans more towards the cow side
I wouldn't mind getting my pelvis smashed if I also had some massive monster mammaries to smother me.

>> No.21201144
Quoted by: >>21201224


>> No.21201147

Cute cow beasts are the beast

>> No.21201149
Quoted by: >>21201164

>Implying the automatons aren't backed up on a second body
That's something I've never thought about with Automatons
>have robutt wife
>one day while at work, you notice a big charge to your bank account from a few days ago
>go home and ask you wife if she knows about this, only to find her with another Automaton
>she's a different model from your wife but acts exactly the same
>you wife just uploaded a copy of her personality files into a blank body
Honestly I would just buy a bunch of different kinds of automatons so I could have a harem of just one robot wife.

>> No.21201160


>> No.21201164

I love it. Fun idea

>> No.21201211
File: 194 KB, 424x600, 027d10b3a8f7cdcbbb86287e0a2b7edd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21201219

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that its rude to use a shortstacks a teddy bear.
Especially if she's a grizzly or Ren, then its racist!

>> No.21201224


It's fine. Just sit down next to her and ignore her tail wrapping around your waist.

>> No.21201303

>French hex maniac with a kissing fetish
Mon dique!

>> No.21201351

what monster is really good at video games? and I don't mean the kind that cheats, i mean an actual skilled and seasoned wizard of video games

>> No.21201357 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21201383

Your mom

>> No.21201358
Quoted by: >>21201383

They are all fairly average.

>> No.21201360
Quoted by: >>21201383

liches or gremlins at the very least

>> No.21201362

Any real girls in this thread?

>> No.21201374

there's no females here.

>> No.21201383

we need a gamemaster/gamer monster girl

>> No.21201403
Quoted by: >>21201427

I know of one who lurks

>> No.21201422
Quoted by: >>21201428

i showed my female friends this thread last year. they laughed and poked fun of my fetish for monster girls. one of them even threatened to suck my dick cuz of the whole female-on-male sexual assault thing monster girls are known for and i kinda laughed at that. i hope she wasn't serious tho cuz she was 17 at the time

>> No.21201427
Quoted by: >>21201538

3DPD can fuck off

>> No.21201428
Quoted by: >>21201433

these threads*

>> No.21201433

Eat shit beta orbiter

>> No.21201443

Does you waifu speak any other language than english?

>> No.21201449

Japanese or Hawaiian. When you go somewhere on vacation a lot you tend to pick up a bit here and there

>> No.21201456

She's from the mist continent so probably

>> No.21201471


>> No.21201479

Women aren't real.

>> No.21201488

Why would girls even be into this

>> No.21201495

becoming a monster has no downsides beyond needing someone to love.

>> No.21201496

My waifu is trying to learn zipangunese so we can move to zipangu and be eternal otaku together

>> No.21201505
File: 169 KB, 1200x962, 1550031025093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21201514

>[Slime Gatling]!

>> No.21201507

I know there's at least one that self inserts as the monstergirls in random anons stories or greentexts.

>> No.21201514
Quoted by: >>21201820

It's the Red Slimes ability to experience strong emotions, that makes them fight with great passion.

>> No.21201525
Quoted by: >>21201534

There's lizardman and salamander but what about chameleon

>> No.21201529
File: 939 KB, 1629x2000, Victoria - Formaldehyde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a comm done.

>> No.21201530
Quoted by: >>21202310

>why would a girl want to become a bombshell sex fiend

>> No.21201534

The stealthy lizard would be kinda cool, but I'd hope that KC includes something about the weird way they walk.

>> No.21201538

I didn't say I was one

>> No.21201542


>> No.21201556


>> No.21201573
File: 187 KB, 500x846, sad shoggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some old tongue.

>> No.21201611

Which monster girl has the best feet?

>> No.21201618


>> No.21201623
Quoted by: >>21201630

What monster girl will crush my left nut and drink my nut fluid?

>> No.21201625


>> No.21201630


>> No.21201643


>> No.21201703
File: 252 KB, 1280x1006, 1555385344624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21201709
Quoted by: >>21201724

Fuck yeah I do.
Any more to this?

>> No.21201724
Quoted by: >>21201887

No more sadly, but the source is in the picture next to the demon's butt

>> No.21201734

Queen Slime.

>> No.21201735

>Mods aren't going to delete the garbage.
Calling it now.

>> No.21201744
Quoted by: >>21201761

Why should they? It isn't breaking any rules.

>> No.21201760

Unironically just about any of them with a human figure. Unlike other parts of the body, there's pretty much one universal standard for pretty feet. Some might have flat tummies, or plumper ones, or more chiseled abs, since different people find different things attractive. But as far as feet go most people seem to agree on what sexy looks like

>> No.21201761
Quoted by: >>21201770

Offtopic and /d/ talk, shit is trash

>> No.21201770

How is it off-topic? It is a picture of a monster girl. This is the monster girl thread.

>> No.21201783
Quoted by: >>21201797

Giantess isn't accepted here at all and ball crushing is just garbage.

>> No.21201785
Quoted by: >>21201811

what are you triggered by this time?

>> No.21201786

>Asking if there is a girl in this thread
How is this relevant at all? Nothing but shit "questions" or low quality prompts to bring any kind of conversation, can you actually defend them?
>>21201351 >>21201362 >>21201443 >>21201611
I know the thread is fucking dead but this is just dumb

>> No.21201797

Why are mini girls (fairies) okay but not the opposite extreme? I'm not defending either one so don't get mad at me as if I am. I just want to understand the rationale.

>> No.21201804

All of those except >>21201362 # are legitimate prompts to generate discussion. Would you rather the thread be dead?

>> No.21201807

Something doesn't cease to be what is it just because you place it within quotations marks.

>> No.21201808

You can't make love to a girl the size of a skyscraper.

>> No.21201811
Quoted by: >>21201823

Giantess and the ball crushing.

Giantess is always related to vore.

>> No.21201816

I see, makes sense. What about the smaller giantess stuff, "mini-GTS" I believe it to be called? About 10 feet tall.

>> No.21201820

Also that head kick tastes like kool aid.

>> No.21201821

meal time with vampire-sama!
>wagyu cheese steak sandwich
>winston cocktail
>golden cristal ube donut for desert

>> No.21201822

Yeah thats fine.

>> No.21201823
File: 1.37 MB, 1000x1024, 1538277616965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21201832

>Giantess is always related to vore
Fake news.

>> No.21201824

>What about the smaller giantess stuff, "mini-GTS" I believe it to be called? About 10 feet tall.

>> No.21201831

You can use your entire body as a dildo.

>> No.21201832

You are correct, I forgot unbirthing as well.

>> No.21201853
Quoted by: >>21201893


Mostly true, although I've seen some people enjoy troll's feet despite their large size.

>> No.21201858

>ywn have a tiny fairy with miniature scuba gear explore your ass like a gross cave

>> No.21201862

says you faggot
I want a dragon footjob

>> No.21201874

says you faggot
I want a minotaur footjob

>> No.21201880
File: 193 KB, 1000x666, 1551332921733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weekend posters are on time I see.

>> No.21201887

Damn. Honestly, it kinda sucks that it doesn't end with vore or unbrith.

>> No.21201892
File: 422 KB, 1000x707, 72125831_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to tell a self-conscious dragon she has cute feet

>> No.21201893

That's why I said most. Monsters usually have either a completely normal lower body or an animal/plant lower body, the ones with human but not quite are very very rare but they do exist.
I assumed we were talking about normal feet. If you like talons or scales or paw pads or whatever then clearly the type of monster that has those has the prettiest.

>> No.21201913
File: 601 KB, 800x800, Ryu60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ryu class prez has taken an interest in you
>She thinks you're a bad boy and wants to reform you
>You have no idea what she's talking about
>Apparently you accidentally bumped into a rata and didn't apologize
>You never even knew
>She invites you over to study at her house to help your grades
What do you say anon?

>> No.21201949
File: 465 KB, 800x1072, day05h9-9f421561-3919-4325-8a59-bb39adb6b801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey, why is your mom getting uncomfortably close and touching me all the time

>> No.21201969
File: 161 KB, 868x982, 1477567219412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21201981

>>Apparently you accidentally bumped into a rata and didn't apologize
True scum.

>> No.21201975

growls and grunts

>> No.21201981
File: 203 KB, 850x1202, 1551578943775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apologize to the rata and go out with the rata
Best ending. Gotta stop those rumors from coming out you know?

>> No.21201991

>rumors start going around that you're an abusive rapist boyfriend who beat her up and forced her to go out with you
Ryuu's gonna want to reform you even harder now.

>> No.21202003
Quoted by: >>21202014

Not wearing her suit jacket fully and letting the sleeves flop around?


>> No.21202006

I feel like this is obvious bait, but go reread ratatoskr's entry dude, ratas are the one's who spread rumors, not ryus

>> No.21202014
File: 1.35 MB, 1450x1215, Victoria5 (lowres) - .less.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's high fashion

>> No.21202020
File: 1.00 MB, 835x1285, 53195cc8560da480f2e8bd0c1633cd34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21202081


>> No.21202022
File: 308 KB, 865x817, out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21202039

I can think of better ways to handle vermin.

>> No.21202039
Quoted by: >>21202086

A through dose of Dick(tm) solves any problem with MGs if you're single

>> No.21202064
Quoted by: >>21202073

Man I still can't believe they're making an anime out of that one guy who does all the tights art

>> No.21202073

>that one guy who does all the tights art
"y_o_m_y_o_m" on twitter? If not, who?

>> No.21202081

>Ryu-chan's been hearing rumors about you hanging out with that apophis delinquent
>Thankfully Ryu-chan knows best and kidnaps you
>Locks you in her shrine making sure to record every class lecture, bring you homework and even tutor you
>In less than a week after she kidnapped you she's showing you wedding plans and even thinking of names of your children
>Hasn't tried anything yet because she wants to wait for a proper ceremony, but thankfully her mother will happily marry you two
Yandere ryu is scariest ryu

>> No.21202086
Quoted by: >>21202141

Yeah, but it only works on one girl!

>> No.21202109

How dangerous is it to constantly scritch a kitsune?

>> No.21202132

Are you me?

>> No.21202133 [DELETED] 

There is only one way to find out

>> No.21202135
Quoted by: >>21202173

You shouldn’t go more than 3 days without water

>> No.21202137
Quoted by: >>21202173

Depends on if you're also dicking her. If she's thirsty and you scritch her, prepare to die.

>> No.21202141

Smoke hobos would disagree

>> No.21202144

I like baphos, but they have hooves, I would like a rata footjob, failing that I'd take a familiar

>> No.21202168


Some more really obscure ones too like a sirrush or something idk.

>> No.21202173

What if you're foolish enough to scritch her tails? At that point do you just scritch harder and pray she's revelling in it to pounce on you?

>> No.21202185
Quoted by: >>21202203

You're getting pounced if you do that, the hope is that it's a cuddlefuck rather than a pelvis thrashing.

>> No.21202188
Quoted by: >>21202203

She is going to wait for you to let go, just, never stop doing that and you will be fine

>> No.21202193
File: 394 KB, 1100x900, 1549658402218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the last thing you see before you die

>> No.21202199

She's fast!

>> No.21202203

W-what if you teased her about having kids while scritching her silly? I am not a smart man.

>> No.21202206
File: 78 KB, 656x704, 1552883160307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21202213
File: 541 KB, 600x308, 1554925228893.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21202228
Quoted by: >>21202236

>Yosh! Time to pamper Anon!

>> No.21202236

I'm a little upset crunchroll translated (what I think should be) "spoil" into "pamper" instead, but I guess it works, I just think spoil sounds better than pamper.

>> No.21202244
Quoted by: >>21202256

Spoil only works when you're talking about children, since it literally means ruining them by being too nice

>> No.21202256
Quoted by: >>21202266

Isn't that what senko is trying to do?

>> No.21202260
File: 522 KB, 723x907, 71680814_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the best part of the anime is that we should be getting more senko lewds soon

>> No.21202266

Curse that dastardly Fox!

>> No.21202276
File: 635 KB, 1000x1300, be3bf5dabb4ffdfb6278299dd5cf4005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably because you've associated that word with the diapers, ruining it forever

>> No.21202295
Quoted by: >>21202377

Same. Waiting on senko doujins

>> No.21202303

I don't know how I feel about lewding Senko.

>> No.21202311
File: 554 KB, 1500x2153, a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21202310

Also, it's not like there aren't gay fujoshi (a radical concept, I know) who find monstergirls hot.

>> No.21202339
File: 521 KB, 615x900, 1553182744816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know how I would feel

like busting a nut inside senko

>> No.21202377
File: 54 KB, 533x406, 74187308_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21202382

Imagine fluff a tail while having sex with her.

>> No.21202382

That's a method for perpetual motion.

>> No.21202546
File: 85 KB, 595x842, ochi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tanuki fear the samurai

>> No.21202600 [DELETED] 

This thread should be moved to /trash/ honestly. It is garbage after all.

>> No.21202617
File: 70 KB, 517x480, sandworm15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you waifu's tongue has a tongue
Does this mean when she gives you a blowjob, it's a double blowjob?
And technically speaking, all sex acts with her would be blowjobs, no?

>> No.21202622
Quoted by: >>21202629

I think it stops counting as a blowjob if your entire body in in her "mouth."

>> No.21202625
File: 233 KB, 850x1269, 1554716342140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21202629

So if I'm standing outside her mouth, it would could as a double blowjob?

>> No.21202636
File: 1.19 MB, 885x1299, sw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21202661

Makes sense to me.

>> No.21202661
Quoted by: >>21202670

I'm 100% convinced that sandworms are the smelliest girls in all of MGE. Think about it. They have no way to bathe or wash themselves. They'd end up smelling like bad breath mixed with the scent of blood from the animals they eat and perhaps a musky scent as well.

>> No.21202670

The outside is dry/sanded and the interior is both mamano mana'd and constantly self-cleaning.

>> No.21202682
File: 228 KB, 803x1000, 21e3bc00f8847c5391358a57ebccc430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you irrumate a xenomorph girl's tonguepussy?

>> No.21202734
File: 1.21 MB, 1420x1406, 1553667569831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd watch good wholesome MG Sports right? None of that Rapeball non-sense and what not?

>> No.21202749
File: 357 KB, 700x1002, 1476011920232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd watch MG diving competitions.

>> No.21202750

I'd watch them on gameshows like ninja warrior

>> No.21202758
File: 450 KB, 1006x1447, Salamander49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course
sports is a fun way to enjoy time

>> No.21202820
Quoted by: >>21202833

can i have my own diving competition with a sahu? i'd be doing deep but there wouldn't be any bodies of water around.

>> No.21202833
File: 328 KB, 623x492, 1484597416261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21202869

Don't take the fish out of water dude!

>> No.21202869

Don't worry I'll be giving her some fluids

>> No.21202936
File: 346 KB, 1200x961, D4f_HRtUYAAAkYq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you took a wrong turn, Anon, and ended up in the seedy part of town. Luckily these two nice elfs will happily escort you home since it's so dangerous at night around these parts, they even know a shortcut down a dark alleyway, and they even mentioned no one goes down it so you'll be extra safe! What do you say Anon?

>> No.21202958

I'd pay the skinny one 5 copper coins for a back alley quickie.

>> No.21202963

my mom never told me to trust an elf

>> No.21202964
Quoted by: >>21202985

Being honest, they are ugly so no

>> No.21202985

>he doesn't like ugly girls
Look at him and laugh!

>> No.21202996

I want to surrender to the mamono nation that has a lot of demons in uniforms

>> No.21203003
Quoted by: >>21203007

Gonna join the Dark Elf corsairs!

>> No.21203007

I believe you meant to say Gangpressed.

>> No.21203014
Quoted by: >>21203035

Fine by me. Gonna be fun discovering new exotic places with the mistresses

>> No.21203025
Quoted by: >>21203035

You mean pressgang.

>> No.21203035
Quoted by: >>21203042

Well its good your happy anon. I personally want to be forced into servicing the mad vampirate captain.

Thanks anon.

>> No.21203042
File: 905 KB, 1920x2356, 0368a0_6856852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21203059

>I personally want to be forced into servicing the mad vampirate captain
ahh ahh the blood runs cold

>> No.21203059

Exactly. I hope i get proactively dated into becoming either the Captain her self or one of her Wight Depth guards husbando.
Plus i hope i get my own set of Depthguard armor. That shit is nice as fuck.

>> No.21203073
Quoted by: >>21203081

I was imaging ripped vampires under the depth guard armor. Getting that armor for yourself sounds pretty cool though

>> No.21203081

I just assume they are Wights due to Lore reasons. Stronk Vamps is good as well however.

>> No.21203110
File: 881 KB, 1280x1139, jubjub03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jubjub gets sex crazed when she's not on your dick for more than 15 minutes
>Jubjub gets extremely sex crazed when she's not on your dick for more than 1 hour
>Jubjub gets catastrophically sex crazed when she's not on your dick for more than 6 hours
>Jubjub's sexual desire cannot be contained when she's not on your dick for more than 1 day
>Entire house may be destroyed if she can't hop on your dick in that time frame
>Pelvis will be turned to dust if you let it go this long
But at least you'll have some big, squishy breasts to lay your head on, and some luxuriously comfy wings to cuddle up in after the fact!

>> No.21203118

Luckily your Demon boss would probably fine with you bringing her to work perched on your cock.

>> No.21203136

Mediocre taste. Dark elves is where it's truly at.
>no megalomaniac Dreadlord or Supreme Sorceress gf

>> No.21203137

I bet jubjub hugs would be extremely pleasant

>> No.21203143


>> No.21203148

Fill your fish' swim bladders with cum so she can get a workout while swimming.

>> No.21203155

It's a dark day for Rapeball

>> No.21203157

>Supreme Sorceress
Oh yes. I wanna be her mana recharger

>> No.21203158

You are wrong anon.

Yes please.

>> No.21203242

Nergigantechan is soooo coool

>> No.21203249

That floofy bat girl is getting her womb stretched

Cute wych-cult girls are where its at!

>> No.21203406

>cow spider
>red lipstick

>> No.21203423
File: 463 KB, 1200x858, cuddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ushi hugs best hugs

>> No.21203567
Quoted by: >>21203582

What are some nice things to do for a Titania on her birthday?

>> No.21203582
Quoted by: >>21205296

Stuffed knight plushy

>> No.21203619

beach house with a water dock or expansive boathouse to live with sahu in? other options are underwater cave and underwater town/home with fishpriest blessing.

>> No.21203688
File: 439 KB, 2631x1860, Apophis48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a pharaoh with an apophis servant be considered bold or foolish?

>> No.21203698

She would be a loving aunt.

>> No.21203701

rabbit girls or turtle girls?

>> No.21203706

It's kinda like having a lion as a house cat. Possible, yes. But eventually someone is getting fucked up.

>> No.21203708

Foolish, especially when the Pharaoh adopts a human boy and the Apophis becomes obsessed with him, deciding to overthrow the Pharaoh because she's convinced it's what her "king" wants.

>> No.21203714

never seen a good turtle design

>> No.21203715

Rabbit girls.

>> No.21203740
Quoted by: >>21203795


>> No.21203741

The Pharaoh is a loser.
Happy Passover!

>> No.21203750


>> No.21203785

Let my waifu go!

>> No.21203795
File: 1.23 MB, 2042x2493, Kraken54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21203796

Name a game that would be better if the enemies were replaced with monstergirls
hard mode: no castlevainia, thats pretty much the waifu catalouge as it is

>> No.21203799

During an eclipse, is it better to bully a Pharaoh so she gets a taste of her own medicine or to be the strong arm she can rely on during her terrifying crisis?

>> No.21203801

or doom

>> No.21203807

A paragon of virtue

>> No.21203811
File: 473 KB, 968x1200, Apophis53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21203884

>So many stories about Pharaohs losing to Apophises
>Barely any of Pharaoh stories about them winning against Apophises
I just want one comfy tale about a Pharaoh protecting her hubby against that nasty Apophis

>> No.21203815
Quoted by: >>21203893

Cadilacs and dinosaus

>> No.21203820

splatoon, sonic the hedgehog, parappa, fire emblem, darkstalkers, smash bros., metal gear solid, zelda: breath of the wild

>> No.21203848

The amount of quality porn there is for that game is astounding.

>> No.21203878

Good choices.

Resident evil.

>> No.21203884

My brethren. Glory to the Pharaoh

>> No.21203893

I'm annoyed thats an actual game

>> No.21203899

SMT, nearly any fromsoft game, Silent hill, Yakuza, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Earth Defense Force.

>> No.21203920

>Darksouls, but its difficulty comes from trying to resist the temptation to fap.

>> No.21203934

I want a manticore who is all lovey-dovery but is just as sexual aggressive and sadistic as any other manticore.

>> No.21203936
Quoted by: >>21204500

>mention passover to the Pharaoh
>she orders you to become her stress relief

>> No.21204012
Quoted by: >>21204025

Happy 4/20 anons.

>> No.21204025
Quoted by: >>21204035

Other than the weed jokes and being Hitler birthday, it’s just another day, so fuck you.

>> No.21204033

Total war warhammer series

>> No.21204034

SMT/Persona would be much more fun if you could fuck all the more feminine demons. I've wanted to shag a SMT nekomata since i first saw one in nocturne. And the initial pixie companion too! Apocalypse has some real fuckable demon girls and NPCs as well .

>> No.21204035

It's passover too you big dummy, and the day before ester literally called Holy Saturday.

>> No.21204084

Battletoads in Battlemaniacs

>> No.21204111

>tfw a monster girl will never carve the words "slut" and "boy toy" into your chest with a demon silver knife after raping you

>> No.21204121



>> No.21204130

I bet some of the DL's army do that to their spoils of war.

>> No.21204162
File: 1.82 MB, 1984x2806, 1519869136729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree with SMT, it's fine as it is.
Also, Pixie best girl, you KNOW she's best girl because even KC referenced her in the design of the monster girl Pixie.

>> No.21204181

what if the sabbath did that

>> No.21204186
File: 159 KB, 629x535, 1331927896046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Hua Po myself.

>> No.21204196

I want to stick my dick inside that pixie.

>> No.21204200
Quoted by: >>21204252

What would that do? The whole point of demon realm weapons is they don't actually cut, leave a wound, or any marks on the body.

>> No.21204215

If by carve you mean use the magic ink then sure.

>> No.21204252

They could leave a mark that can be sensed with magic. But that's headcanon territory.

>> No.21204256
File: 820 KB, 1296x783, 1383620153450small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21204318
File: 519 KB, 1440x1080, 1525602290892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an SMT thread.

>> No.21204335
Quoted by: >>21204405

What a rude titania.

>> No.21204367
File: 1.34 MB, 989x1280, Maidusa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a hot minute, but been mad busy. A lot of new MG drawings tho. Check 'em out here: pixiv.net/member.php?id=10220619

>> No.21204381
Quoted by: >>21204411

Animal Crossing

>> No.21204390
File: 371 KB, 500x750, 1292049679282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21204405
File: 594 KB, 768x380, 1329701515189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know the half of it.

>> No.21204411

>Tam Nook

>> No.21204429

Anon's waifu has a busty-pudgy bodytype. Your waifu has a bit of a muffintop belly, but also has a big bust to match. Soft!

Her height is short. Lower on the height scale, but not short-stack level.

Her personality is: debonair. Your waifu is courteous, gracious, and well-sophisticated.

She has Big double bunned, Red hair with See-through bangs.

Her preferred clothing style is sexy lingerie!

Her species is 6-armed human.

>> No.21204457
File: 33 KB, 290x294, 1000_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>fuck all the demons

pretty much my m.o.

>> No.21204461

[REAL NAME's] waifu has a busty-athletic bodytype. Athletic, but also super busty. Don't stare her down at the gym!

Her height is dwarfish. Shorter than short.

Her personality is: ebullient. Your waifu is FULL of energy. Super cheerful too!

She has Long Spiky, Brown w/ pink ombre hair with Asymmetrical bangs.

Her preferred clothing style is alice in wonderland-esque clothing!

Her species is dragon.

So I have a /fit/ Jabberwock? Ok then. At least she has massive tits I guess.

>> No.21204500

Bad end is best end

>> No.21204547

Cute succ butt

>> No.21204556

>The guy who likes granny porn
Yeah no thanks.

>> No.21204574

I want to see a classic sort of pharoh story
one that has him accidently awken her from her coffin

>> No.21204637
Quoted by: >>21204683

Nice cyber dragon.

>> No.21204683


>> No.21204684
Quoted by: >>21204791

How about a pharaoh story with a pharaoh that goes around playing a childrens cardgame that uses her powers of luck to win?

>> No.21204689

>accidently awken her from her coffin

>> No.21204690
Quoted by: >>21204707

You have a very portable /fit/ jabberwock. You don't even have to IMAGINE, she'll make it your reality.

>> No.21204707

But she's still a dwarf and I like tall girls. Its one of the big reasons I'm into monstergirls in the first place, this is a deal breaker of the highest order.

>> No.21204718


>> No.21204726

how tall is too tall?

>> No.21204729
Quoted by: >>21204758

>this is a deal breaker of the highest order.
They have spells for that. Between MAMONO MANA, various items and transformative magic, KC has basically set things up in a way such that so long as you get the right monster to start, you, as a man, can get whatever you want.

>> No.21204758

what if subconsciously you want to suffer?

>> No.21204791
Quoted by: >>21204821

>Pharaoh is a wise and noble ruler, bringing peace and prosperity to the kingdom
>only has one weakness, which is an obsession with the children's card game
>sneaks out of elaborate building-dedication ceremonies in her honor to buy booster packs
>forces all the court anubi to play with her and cries when she loses
>known for accidentally using card game analogies during high-level strategy meetings, those who aren't familiar with the game think she's spouting ancient wisdom but everyone in the know is dying inside
Just wait until the gremlins figure out hologram technology.

>> No.21204798
File: 573 KB, 737x2344, dasdfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21204805

Im not a nerd, explain

>> No.21204809
Quoted by: >>21204816

i dont get it

>> No.21204817


she's going to lay eggs and hide them from undead jesus?

>> No.21204816
Quoted by: >>21204978

March Hare thing. They take anything and everything as lewd innuendo.

>> No.21204821
Quoted by: >>21204924

Cute. Does she also have an apophis rival who runs a dragon deck?

>> No.21204831
Quoted by: >>21204839

This would just be horribly annoying

>> No.21204839
Quoted by: >>21204862

Wonderland girls are an aquired taste even without the /d/ stuff.

>> No.21204841

I'm surprised she didn't pull the 'fingers in the hole' motion.

>> No.21204858

The only wonderland girl I like is the Alice.

>> No.21204862

If by that you mean they fucking suck

>> No.21204869

Don't all girls?

>> No.21204872

Maybe for you. I love some them despite me being a vanillafag.

>> No.21204911

What bad habits do you think forms in monster girls? Like how people bite their nails or something along those lines.
>Lamia doesn't wait for her skin to completely shed before peeling it
>Holstaur filing her horns too much
>Ushi-oni picking hair off her spider butt
>Hellhound burning things with her eye flames

>> No.21204924

>sentries have spotted an Apophis approaching the kingdom
>court goes into full lockdown, trying to hide the Pharaoh and defend her as much as possible
>Apophis somehow manages to break through every single line of defense, and in the palace town's square publicly yells for the Pharaoh to face her one-on-one
>Pharaoh, against the advice of her Anubis vizir, mournfully but dutifully grabs her demon-silver kopesh and prepares to defend her kingdom and its people
>in the palace town-square, the two meet, and in the presence of the whole population the Pharaoh formally accepts the challenge
>Anubis laughs, and says they won't be fighting with swords, they'll be "dueling," and smugly holds up a rectangular object
>the court has a split second to register it as a card and feel dread in their stomachs before they're interrupted by a high-pitched squeal of joy from the Pharaoh
>Pharaoh has in the blink of an eye gripped the Apophis in a bear hug and lifted the dumbfounded snake off the ground (partially), Pharaoh so happy to have "somebody who understands!"
>entire populace, court nobles and you have to watch as these two total nerds yell at each other all night about cardgames
>long after everyone else has left in embarrassment, you still have to babysit these two dorks

>> No.21204959
Quoted by: >>21204969

What cute dorks. I wonder if they would be willing to play TTWG or even RPGs.

>> No.21204969
Quoted by: >>21204987

I bet they only play tabletop and never break roleplay

>> No.21204973

>kobolds biting their butts
>ghouls picking their lips
>kejourous putting hair in their mouths
>kakuens not cleaning up after themselves when masturbating

>> No.21204978
Quoted by: >>21204984

even the opening scene to saving private ryan?

>> No.21204984

A lotta penetration...

>> No.21204987

I can see it. Also just makes me want to tease them relentlessly afterwards.

>> No.21204989

Cute Bunbun

>> No.21204997

Lewd bunnies are the best.

>> No.21204999
File: 777 KB, 745x1887, BarbarianK_Ice_Queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while hasn't it?
Iron beast here with another roulette, its shorter than most but its still something

>> No.21205000

Wendigos biting their lips

>> No.21205041

>tfw 38c during the day
I could use an Ice Queen

>> No.21205043

Shoggoths scare away the neighborhood pets.

>> No.21205293

Cheshires in heat are very vocal

>> No.21205296

I want to be her "knight plushy". Along with being her actual knight.

>> No.21205306
Quoted by: >>21205323

>Cheshire has entered heat.
>She keeps rubbing her pussing on everything.
>All the while she keeps trying to tease you about being unable to contain yourself.

>> No.21205318

If you had a harem with a Apophis and a pharaoh would you want the pharaoh to be graped or not

>> No.21205323

They also do this "Oh no, I am stuck in the wall" thing. It's really annoying, because you can't resist pounding that ass or mouth

>> No.21205329
Quoted by: >>21205357

Not graped. Equal rival queen wives is the shit

>> No.21205338
Quoted by: >>21205357

No, but I'd like them to be very evenly matched and competitive so sometimes the Pharaoh gets to be the dom and other times the Apophis does.

>> No.21205343

id just like to be her househusband

>> No.21205347

I wonder if humans and monstergirls alike will share thier hobby if they're graped by that particular Apophis.

>> No.21205357
Quoted by: >>21205377

Patrician taste. Even better if they're both lolis.

>> No.21205365
File: 28 KB, 640x480, 32-SMT3-0343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21205370
Quoted by: >>21205382

>Cheshire in heat
>She gets "stuck" in the wall.
>Also happens to be naked.
>Obviously trying to tempt you.
>Decide to get some pay back.
>Grab an a few egg vibes and some tape.
>Attach them to her nipples, clit and put one in her ass.
>Proceed to turn them on.

>> No.21205377

If they dom me, then I am in

>> No.21205382

>She is actually stuck
>You go back to playing vidya while leaving them on.

>> No.21205392
File: 94 KB, 1170x750, 14356585342324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb Mice.

>> No.21205394
Quoted by: >>21206599

You just have to send another Cheshire in there to get her out anon. What are you, an amateur?

>> No.21205398
File: 971 KB, 2390x4250, ApophisPharoah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21205454

Both of them graped, and my personal love slaves, as King of the Khepris.

>> No.21205416

Oh, it'd be perfect if she lost complete control of her power when she's like that. The perpetual payback cycle would be fantastic.

>> No.21205424

>The pleasure is to much.
>She cant even teleport anymore.
>just stuck being pleasure mecilessly by the vibes.
>all the while unable to cum due to not being your dick.
>You just play games and do some chores in the mean time.
>Eventually hours you come back to fine your cheshire wife.
>Hair is all disheveled, Pussy is just a waterfall of her juices, and her tits are leaking milk.
>When she notices you she just starts begging for you to let her cum.

>> No.21205429 [DELETED] 
File: 1.73 MB, 3301x3513, 1546582326517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a Kunoichi like this.

>> No.21205454

I want the leader of my Khepri harem to be a meaty Khepri momster.

>> No.21205465

Go to wonderland, they've got them there.

>> No.21205485
File: 884 KB, 1004x1420, 1542339881046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all for huge butts and even overweight girls but an ass like that is going to get in the way of EVERYTHING.

>> No.21205491
File: 933 KB, 1145x903, jubjub14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too thicc for me. This is my limit, personally.

>> No.21205508
File: 347 KB, 1860x3000, 1547350041688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be an apprentice to a Dark Mage, and best friends with her busty, nerdy Black Cat familiar.

>> No.21205513

My brothers.
Especially funny if her cat's bustier.

>> No.21205531

>dark mage familliars tend to end up quite busty despite the small frame.
>much to the dismay of their dark mage masters.

>> No.21205539
Quoted by: >>21205545

MGE mages must just suck at summoning familiars that aren't distractingly inviting in general.

>> No.21205540

Do dragon already you chocolate brit

>> No.21205545

If you try to summon sticc, you'll just get thicc.

It's all that mana! They just don't know where to go.

>> No.21205547

Have to keep any eye on them, so they don't distract their apprentices from studying.

Can't stop the familiars sneaking into the apprentice's room at night to give him sleeping paizuri though.

>> No.21205550
Quoted by: >>21205720

That's one hell of a plumpy cat. I'd love to pin her down on the couch and fuck her brains out.

>> No.21205562
Quoted by: >>21205597

Is this cat from something?
She seems familiar.

>> No.21205597
Quoted by: >>21205627


>> No.21205625

>familliars with big tits gives you paizuri.

>> No.21205627

I was not trying to make that pun but it would have seemed weirder if I had pulled out an awkward synonym.
My question still stands.

>> No.21205680

Imagine if she was stealthy enough/had a spell to get him off without waking him so she could drain his balls and take care of his sexual urges at night. Both the dark mage sensei and the student himself would wonder why her overt sexual advances weren't getting any reaction out of him.

>> No.21205720
Quoted by: >>21205746

Careful Anon, don't let your Dark Mage master catch you, she'll scold you both.

>> No.21205746
Quoted by: >>21205855

She'll find someone someday, we'll be cheering her on.

>> No.21205781
Quoted by: >>21205881

yellow slimes taste like pineapple

>> No.21205855
File: 982 KB, 1600x2400, 1550691641480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21205859

I'll take the dark mage, you can keep the cat.

>> No.21205859

Nevermind, I'm fucking both if she looks like that.

>> No.21205877

Fuck right off and let those sleeping dogs lie.

>> No.21205881
Quoted by: >>21205889


they can also taste like lemon.

>> No.21205889
Quoted by: >>21205899

i perfer my slimes' personality to be sweet

>> No.21205897

Divinity original sin and 2
Do you think summoning is a viable combat class in MGE? Some rpg games like Divinity make the summons out to be extremely powerful combatants and the summoner as the support, others usually say that the summons augment the summoner's strength, but dont do much else by themselves.

>> No.21205899

I didn't consider their personalities factoring into it. Interesting.

>> No.21205928
Quoted by: >>21206042

I want to purposefully piss off a Taku by pronouncing Cao Cao as Cow Cow

>> No.21205935

Musclemonsters are massively majestic

>> No.21205942
Quoted by: >>21205964

I would once in a while love for my dear Hatter wife to take a tea fortified with Mega-Muscle-Milk! But even towering taller and bulkier than a warlord Minotaur, she'd be just as classy and refined!

>> No.21205964

Is there anything you and her wouldn't try, Hatterfag?

>> No.21205972
File: 587 KB, 1200x1200, 134453451248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything beast related, anything in the 'disgusting' cluster of fetishes, and for some of the ones that would usually be a bit more violent they'd be much more scaled down and lighthearted/harmless. I've also curiously never really gotten anything out of feet. Otherwise we'll try most anything once!

>> No.21205978
Quoted by: >>21206161

Who the Ruth?
She sounds familliar

>> No.21205999
File: 163 KB, 842x1058, 1543540458451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her abs are hard as steel!

>> No.21206025

Not him but so long as 'big' is involved, I'm game.
Big need not be height.

>> No.21206032
File: 913 KB, 810x1000, 2a3aa57bfde8e19da43bcb86f436d9a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a sure fire way to conquer a dragon heart fellow anons?

>> No.21206042
Quoted by: >>21206089

Pingyin all the time, yo. I need to look up why that system even exists when it leads one to read things so incorrectly.

>> No.21206082

Godsbane. Oh wait, wrong franchise.

>> No.21206088
File: 263 KB, 1372x1836, DlTufHeUcAAQ8wQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21206155

Give her a sneaky hug from behind and nibble her neck, works every time.

>> No.21206089

Gonna poke fun at the Ren's for their language not making sense.

>> No.21206091

>Cheshire in heat goes shopping, insisting that she’s fine
>Moans every time the checker scans an item, getting louder with each item

>> No.21206155
Quoted by: >>21206332

huuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.21206161
Quoted by: >>21206168

Shes the darkmage roulette

>> No.21206168
Quoted by: >>21206189

Link, darkmage never gets anything.

>> No.21206189
Quoted by: >>21206768


>> No.21206332

What does that even mean?

>> No.21206335 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21206357

Hey Iron Beast, you wanna join antifa?

>> No.21206340
Quoted by: >>21206367

where do I learn to control mana without doing anything sexual? I want to cast a long-lasting mana marker

>> No.21206357 [DELETED] 


antifa deez nuts, lmao

>> No.21206367

any monster that already has a husband and is talented in dark magic. Example:Married lich.

>> No.21206368
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, dat_bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you find a beat up bird chained to your front door

>it's all in the mind

>> No.21206373


>> No.21206383
Quoted by: >>21206405

This birb is mine.
Gonna prep it for 'eating'

>> No.21206397

Fuck off

>> No.21206405
Quoted by: >>21206491

>"Stuff" the bird

>> No.21206408

>Find the fuck that attached chains to my door
Yeah, yeah, feed and love the birb, but someone's declared war.

>> No.21206416

Thanks beast, been a while since there's been ice queen content.

>> No.21206420 [DELETED] 
File: 643 KB, 640x768, 3bb8295fe135e1adbb95a14cbe624ad7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21206432

lol, they chained up another one to your back door

>> No.21206432 [DELETED] 

Go back, faglord.

>> No.21206436
File: 362 KB, 1280x1342, __owl_mage_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_nav__bd210d5bc411f118cb20df93417d5eee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21206617

>but someone's declared war.
on illiteracy

>> No.21206442
File: 3.48 MB, 2583x3842, salamander1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my salamander commission back.
I commissioned it quite a while back so it's nice to finally see it.
Bonus tit-version here: https://twitter.com/meolucky147/status/1119718680160559105

>> No.21206453

never thought of that outfit on a sally and man it looks amazing.

>> No.21206457

Cool beans, that outfit looks good on her.

>> No.21206462

what's your favorite mermaid-type species?

>> No.21206464
Quoted by: >>21206483

Your sally is stacked dude.

>> No.21206467
File: 208 KB, 895x893, marriage!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sea Bishop, no question.

>> No.21206468
Quoted by: >>21206540

The way of the Flaming Fist!

>> No.21206471
Quoted by: >>21206485

can I make something up?

>> No.21206478
File: 428 KB, 1000x1391, 39476910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21206483

Stacked Salamanders are the best Salamanders!
They have perfected the art of fighting and the art of fucking!

>> No.21206485

you're always welcome to

>> No.21206491

Stuffing the bird with dick, semen, and an egg in that order.

>> No.21206494

Milky, meaty maids, quenching their master's thirst straight from the source.

>> No.21206496


>> No.21206522
Quoted by: >>21206550

I want a big towering massively muscled and mammaried Lizardman maid to do just that!
So big she can barely fit through the door, sideways or forward!
Beefy maid milk!

>> No.21206540

>Salamander talks about how she went to the mist continent and learned "the way of the flaming fist" from a Hinezumi there
>You start fighting
>You're actually winning
>She decides to use her secret weapon, exposing her tits
>you still won despite this and you just used them for a titty-fuck once you won
Good end.
There's also a "we trained her wrong on purpose, as a joke" here somewhere.

>> No.21206544
Quoted by: >>21206858

I remember being followed around by a Merrow in quite a few of those roulettes. Wouldn't mind sharing lewd stories with one.

>> No.21206550

The bigger the better!

This works too.

>> No.21206559
Quoted by: >>21206563


They finally updated the page, damn.

>> No.21206563
Quoted by: >>21206569

Which page, anon?

>> No.21206569

Most of it, I remember it being more or less blank yesterday.

>> No.21206582
Quoted by: >>21206596

Paradox Grand Strategy, or Fallout

>> No.21206596

>Paradox Grand Strategy
Suprised stellaris is the only game with a mge mod.
Really any bethesda game would work. also same as above.

>> No.21206599
Quoted by: >>21206605

But what about the third Cheshire for when that one gets stuck?

>> No.21206605

Just make sure you tie a string to her this time, so you can pull her out once she has the first two.

>> No.21206617

Psh, what's she going to do, give me a good book and a little pizza for finishing it? Because that would be pretty nice, actually.

>> No.21206620

Fuck off

>> No.21206634

Not gonna lie anon, I’m waiting for a set from that artist too and I was starting to think they just up and died. Nice to see they are still makin stuff! Hope they can get to mine soon. Cute salamander!

>> No.21206647
Quoted by: >>21206678

>tfw no lusty undead loli to "haunt" you

>> No.21206678
Quoted by: >>21206781

Is the ass fat?

>> No.21206708
File: 829 KB, 1050x1470, 74093534_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no /fit/ bodyguard maid

>> No.21206732

Friendly reminder that loli monster buttholes are for making out with and plugging with oversized toys!

>> No.21206739

Somehow I get the feeling that her uniform isn't quite up to code.

>> No.21206768

big thanks anon!

>> No.21206781

Only to the extent that is reasonable for beautiful pale loli ass.

>> No.21206782
File: 685 KB, 760x1040, 38786824_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no big wolfu waifu in general

>> No.21206814

tell her she has a meaty tail which is a sign of fertility and she should test this.

>> No.21206815

>Big bad Wolf not so big and bad after being chained up.

>> No.21206816 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21206822

Can hellhounds say the n-word?

>> No.21206819

Is that a snout?

>> No.21206822 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21206827

Anyone can say nigger unless they're a mute or something anon, what's wrong with you?

>> No.21206827 [DELETED] 

Yeah but can they say it in public without getting beaten up by a gang of nogs?

>> No.21206858
File: 200 KB, 1600x2560, merrow1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she wouldn't mind that either

>> No.21206874
Quoted by: >>21206880

Pharaoh is a loser

>> No.21206879
Quoted by: >>21206968

I wanna steal the hat and make a merrow blush furiously

>> No.21206880
Quoted by: >>21206896

>t. Kaibophis

>> No.21206896
Quoted by: >>21206932

>Apophis won't shut up about her Blue-Eyes Ultimate Husband

>> No.21206903

How do merrows keep their hats on when they swim?

>> No.21206928

same way hellhounds keep metal on their headlights

>> No.21206931
Quoted by: >>21206942

I assume it has notches on the inside that they tie into their hair or they use pins.

>> No.21206932

I hope the pharaohs exodia husband is ready.

>> No.21206935
File: 186 KB, 954x774, ss+(2017-08-06+at+07.38.38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.21206942

>Try to pull of merrow hat
>Tugs at her hair causing her to yelp
>You have to spend the rest of the day headpatting her to make up for it

>> No.21206943

This is how a cute robutt shows her love!

>> No.21206946
Quoted by: >>21206957

I want to tie my Kiki up and make a mess in front of her!

>> No.21206951


>> No.21206957
Quoted by: >>21206970

What if you make a mess in front of her using her?

>> No.21206968

steal her virginity after when the time is right

>> No.21206970

That doesn't have the same effect anon, she'd be way too distracted.

>> No.21206971
File: 134 KB, 732x1200, s5GB6dzs_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is telling a dullahan not to lose her head a way to tell her to calm down or a warning?

>> No.21207005
File: 107 KB, 818x1157, 1555793647201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.21207012

Your post is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.21207020
File: 1.47 MB, 2141x1933, jabberwock34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the sudden urge to leglock a jabberwock's head as she's sucking my dick, grab her horns and push her head further down my dick, and never let go.

>> No.21207032
Quoted by: >>21207051

I wonder if thats enough pussy definition to be bannable

>> No.21207051

100% safe and legal. It's a machine anon, not a person.

>> No.21207052
File: 1.10 MB, 2291x2220, 1545508342104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21207068

Gentlemen... BEHOLD!

P O R N.

>> No.21207059

I have a need and that need is to cum inside a Short stack familiars cute cunny!

>> No.21207068
Quoted by: >>21207085

What would she do if I bang on her breasts like drums?

>> No.21207069
File: 963 KB, 1000x1000, F292420C-CE91-43C2-B1E9-B727BCC6B7EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21207089

>Automatons too scared to incorporate Yuki-Onna and Dullahan technology

>> No.21207085
File: 666 KB, 1500x1353, 1546055794448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to say for certain. I can assure you however, she would do robot things.

>> No.21207086
Quoted by: >>21207114

I feel you anon.

>> No.21207089

Frost why you do this.

>> No.21207103
Quoted by: >>21207114

I want to finger a loli Familiar's throat and repeatedly trigger her gag reflex!

>> No.21207114

good to know i am among friends anon.

Thats a good one as well. I kinda want to do something similar except using my dick and filling her tummy with my cum.

>> No.21207118

>still no MGE girl with more than 2 arms

>> No.21207138
Quoted by: >>21207168

Surprised that is something KC finds to much. You would think literal bestiality would be considered worse.

>> No.21207153

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please make sure you remember that one needs a special characteristic to be a high ranking Sabbath member.

>> No.21207168
Quoted by: >>21207184

wait, did he say he doesn't like girls with extra limbs?

>> No.21207184

I dont think he has said either way, but the fact he has made 0 despite 200+ mgs (a few being prime material for four arms) leads me to believe he doesn't.

>> No.21207204

>still no MGE girl with more than 2 vaginas

>> No.21207211
Quoted by: >>21207218

Queen Slime

>> No.21207218

But those aren't REAL vaginas.

>> No.21207227

yes they are

>> No.21207230


>> No.21207231

centaur, slimes, shoggoths if there were a were-kangaroo monster girl, she would have three vaginas inside one big vagina. don't ask me how I know that

>> No.21207236

Centaurs only have 2 vaginas.

>> No.21207251

oh, right

>> No.21207322
Quoted by: >>21207335

My wife a cutie

>> No.21207332
Quoted by: >>21207341


>> No.21207335
Quoted by: >>21207342

what kind of waifu is she?

>> No.21207341
File: 285 KB, 1144x1224, Hellhound110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead cuz it's night time you dumb onii-chan

>> No.21207342
Quoted by: >>21207350

An eight foot tall minotaur.

>> No.21207350

is she strong?

>> No.21207352

>Not facing your waifu in bed
I'm disgusted.

>> No.21207363

sorry, i didn't want to heavily breathe on my waifu while we're sleeping

>> No.21207378 [DELETED] 

A good husbando cuddles his waifu in bed, shares the same pills and faces her all night long.

>> No.21207388
Quoted by: >>21207447

A good husbando cuddles his waifu in bed, shares the same pillow, and faces her all night long.

Don't mind me. Just a little tipsy.

>> No.21207391

>not burying your face in her cleavage while in bed
Cmon mate. Hellhounds even have a bit of fluff there.

>> No.21207404
Quoted by: >>21207410

My dear Hatter wife becomes restless if my face leaves her cleavage or her rump while sleeping. Its a form of Mamano sleep apnea!

>> No.21207409

At least we don't have duck harpies and their puzzle vaginas.

>> No.21207410
Quoted by: >>21207422

What a coincident! my has the same "problem".

>> No.21207422
File: 118 KB, 694x1098, 1543091307989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21207441

Its a sadly common ailment for monstergirl wives. Thankfully folks like you and I are happy to facilitate healthy adjustments so they can lead rested, healthy lives!

>> No.21207441
File: 261 KB, 900x900, Parasite Slime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21207469

indeed my good sir. Although do to the nature of my waifu i do not have much of a choice. Not that I am complaining of course.

>> No.21207447

'preciated it, yall

>> No.21207465
File: 684 KB, 1779x1203, Slime knight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you guys rather have a girl turned into a slime or she become a parasite slime carrier?

>> No.21207469
Quoted by: >>21207504

It must be such a lovely feeling of smothering wholeness to have a lady like your wife pressing down on you! I know its a top three favorite part of my own wife, feeling her weight pressing down on me. It's borderline therapeutic!
I wonder how much a parasite slime weighs though? Are they so magical that they can alter their density in order to increase the sensation of weightedness?

>> No.21207481

fertilize all sahu eggs

>> No.21207488
Quoted by: >>21207497

Depends on the type of slime she's turning into. Bubble slimes, for example, can fuck right off. She's gotta have a core for the INT boost, so maybe something like a mellow dark slime would work. A slime carrier is probably the best bet, though.

>> No.21207492
Quoted by: >>21207546

I feel like I'd prefer parasite slime myself. The thrill of the corruption into a full slime would be amazing, but it would be a one time thing. Meanwhile, with a parasite slime you can essentially re-experience something similar to the corruption of a monster's mind taking over again and again and again!

>> No.21207497

Pretty sure slime carrier is the opposite of an INT boost.

>> No.21207502

>Not counting the asspussy

>> No.21207504

I am biased due to my species, but one of my favorite parts about her is her brand of corruption.

Indeed it is the same for me. Although normally she isn't to heavy due to her shortstack nature, but because of her high magic ability she is able to increase her weight.

>> No.21207516
File: 746 KB, 1330x629, Parasite Slime-Slime Carrier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic.

>> No.21207517 [DELETED] 

I meant confirmed to a standard slime. I can't imagine parasite slimes making their host that dumb after the initial breaking in, so unless I forgot something in the setting material somewhere I'm just going to assume the girl is roughly the same when the slime's not getting frisky.

>> No.21207519

What if she wants to be the big spoon?

>> No.21207521

I meant compared to a standard slime. I can't imagine parasite slimes making their host that dumb after the initial breaking in, so unless I forgot something in the setting material somewhere I'm just going to assume the girl is roughly the same when the slime's not getting frisky.

>> No.21207533
Quoted by: >>21207562

Ah, I had forgotten she was a shortstack! How delectable. I imagine she's a master of self-control considering the monster-cosplay she does!
What kind of clothing does she wear? Is it all made of slime so it can be malleable, or regular cloth that can be more enjoyed when ripping off?

>> No.21207541

Only if she can shoggify, Imagine a girl who has no experience with being so sensitive to her husband's touch and wasn't prepared so she ahegaos instantly.

>> No.21207546

>with a parasite slime you can essentially re-experience something similar to the corruption of a monster's mind taking over again and again and again!
It's a good thing the MGE is the MGE or this would be erotic horror.

>> No.21207562

Yep her control is unmatched and total symbiosis has occurred. Despite that though she still likes to tease me, of course saying that its the slime acting of its own accord.
Due to her skill in controlling the slime she feels more comfortable just wearing that. Although i definitely enjoy her preference as well so its even better. Especially due how much more versatility her slime clothes offer.

>> No.21207575
Quoted by: >>21207579

So, what exactly are the contents of "Monthly Onii-chan", as edited by Runya-runya's sabbath? Is it for onii-chans, or about onii-chans?

>> No.21207579
Quoted by: >>21207583

My bad, didn't mean to reply to you

>> No.21207583

No problem friend!

>> No.21207591
Quoted by: >>21207626

You are a man of integrity just like myself anon. Monstergirl wives like ours who form their own clothing and have total control of it at any given time have a true leg (or slime tentacle) up on others. Especially since both our wives have a knack for altering their own body shape!

>> No.21207602
Quoted by: >>21207607

This but with a Yeti, watching the snow pile up outside, sharing her scarf so you're never out of cuddle range in bed, her warm paws rubbing the cold away as she softly moans and snores

>> No.21207607
Quoted by: >>21207627

I'd be concerned if someone was moaning in their sleep though

>> No.21207626
Quoted by: >>21207653

It really is a useful skill. Plus if i am not mistake does your wife have the ability to use her clothing as food just like mine? It really aids in making her food even better and more personal.

>> No.21207627

It's more of soft sighs and happy Yeti noises, cuddling her husband during a snowstorm is in the top 5 activities for Yetis

>> No.21207653
Quoted by: >>21207666

Well, she is all-mushroomwoman, so I don't see why not! Now you've got me thinking that she could use parts of her hat or shavings from her blouse to make me a nice mushroom soup. Its a splendid idea! As if I needed any other excuses to constantly have my mouth pressed against all parts of my dear wife!

>> No.21207666
Quoted by: >>21207681

Ah yes, I assumed Hatters would be like their Myconid cousins in that the outer body glove/clothing is edible and regenerates. Glad i could help you friend.

>> No.21207675

Mages and heavily armored types should become Dark Slimes or Shogs. The rest is up to chance.

>> No.21207681
Quoted by: >>21207709

Simply splendid. Thank you! To edible wives!

>> No.21207709
Quoted by: >>21207713

Hear hear!

>> No.21207713
Quoted by: >>21207720

or is it here here? Perhaps your madness is contagious.

>> No.21207720
File: 258 KB, 758x1196, 1552102134628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hear? Here! Her being here is neither hear nor their! There? Sure! Shearly! Hear hear!
