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>> No.48903850 [View]
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I don't remember all the details, but she said she'd call me a good boy if I voted for her.

>> No.46052867 [View]
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Get out of my head.

>> No.39026452 [View]
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A bit awkward but yes.

>> No.36565962 [View]
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Hellhounds have access to the highly-exclusive incandescent pussy club.
Current Members:
>Lava Golem

>> No.36027573 [View]
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I'm a front door kinda guy.

>> No.35192338 [View]
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None of the above.

>> No.34985106 [View]
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What is the most depraved fantasy you guys have about your waifu?

>> No.33979098 [View]
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oh simple, just identify as her gender and all the autism will go away

>> No.33487273 [View]
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I'd be down for exploring the world with some of my fellow autists. Although I'm chasing the first single hellhound I see.

>> No.33466163 [View]
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>> No.33448956 [View]
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I want to be gentle femdommed by a Hellhound

>> No.33034814 [View]
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I want to find a fluff monster like a hellhound and start petting her by surprise

>> No.32996666 [View]
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Wheres my wife on this chart?

>> No.32635654 [View]
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Also Hellhound tongues glow in the dark.

>> No.32259424 [View]
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She doesn't say yes. She just knocks you down on your ass, rapes you, calling you a pathetic faggot the entire time. Then she'll drag your unconscious body back home with her after she's had her fill.

>Easy prey is still prey
>It all tastes the same
>So I'll take you
>And you'll be my prey forevermore

>> No.32091115 [View]
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>She just grins
>When you stick it in, it just incinerates right off your dick

>> No.27712021 [View]
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pretty sure MGE already has potions for that

>> No.27435191 [View]
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Keep real-world politics out of these threads, for the love of God.

And I'll spit in the face of my own plea and add that jogger floyd had more than a lethal amount of drugs, including fentanyl in his system.

>> No.26652392 [View]
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I think where Hellhounds are concerned, that's going to be the case whether or not food is involved.

>> No.25622826 [View]
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>> No.25295899 [View]
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>Imagine a dog girl that's an excellent fighter and could even integrate magic
I don't have to because you just described my waifu.
Well "excellent fighter" is probably pushing it, but still.

>> No.24786145 [View]
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I wanna be a big Hellhounds little spoon!

>> No.24174796 [View]
File: 44 KB, 640x707, Hellhound364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm totally content with one but if several need to feed off me then there is no issue
Of course if one wants a one-on-one then I'll do what makes everydog happy, probably marry the most intimate one

>> No.23990350 [View]
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I call her a "good girl" or scratch her ears, she calls me "good boy"

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