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File: 513 KB, 2048x1536, rc 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58998519 No.58998519 [Reply] [Original]


>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

bbby "class action" case against RC
CASE NUMBER: 1:22-cv-02541-TNM

Ryan Cohen's 16b short swing rule was dismissed the other day. But his "pump and dump" case is still active and may be holding things up.

Bad actors are attempting to delay the chapter 11 proceedings for as long as possible, stay comfy and expect delays, nothing is finalized until the chapter 11 has fully concluded.

Larry Chen, who is a current board member of GameStop went onto theppshow.

previous thread:

>> No.58998520
File: 2.45 MB, 1080x1442, mister bow tie kitty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is Nick Lewin?
>He was tasked with prosecuting 3 leading members of Al-qaeda
>He was the lawyer for Hunter Biden during the probe into his activities
>He is the lawyer in charge of eventually releasing the Epstein documents and keeping them away from people like Alan Dershowitz in the meantime (Alan is the lawyer for the illegitimate state of Israel)
>And now he's the lawyer for Shelly Lombard, a board member hand picked by Ryan Cohen for the now supposedly defunct company of bed bath and beyond

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud

>> No.58998536
File: 781 KB, 496x368, full on chubby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no point to these threads, there is no actual discussion on BBBY happening, continued pressure to push through organic discussion is met with resistance, they aren't sending their best. It is interesting, colour me shocked suck my balls.

>> No.58998541

Larry Chen on the PP show, care to elaborate?

I put it to the thread, no one has any ownership of any BBBY stocks and shares.

>> No.58998546
File: 51 KB, 240x232, 1650843021256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58998857

what's this about someone saying it ends this month? i'm going to be pissed if another grifter is lying to spread fake hype

>> No.58998555
File: 913 KB, 500x250, Ble.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck around
>Found out
>GME has a whopping 22 million share drop at the end of the days trades

Let's see BBBY's trades, I'll wait

>> No.58998558
File: 1.30 MB, 4122x2317, 41222317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58998570

Can you beat 137 this time? Don't even wait for a reply. Use this thread as your personal blog.

Thread theme:

>> No.58998566
Quoted by: >>58998578

Losing your twitter really did cause you to have a hissy fit

>> No.58998567
Quoted by: >>58998578

>continued pressure to push through organic discussion
LMAO what organic discussion? Everything in the BBBaggie GGGeneral is to keep the PPshow afloat

>> No.58998570
File: 16 KB, 474x266, Blue Oyster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58998628

Numbers mean little to me, they are fake and gay like BBBY holders.

Also as Chief of BBBY patrol, thread theme:

>> No.58998578

Don't have one.
The thread is so fucking bizzare, they champion that Larry was on PPshow... but they do not watch PPshow, or like PPshow... and that PPshow is bad but... When you press them on it, they defend PPshow... Very queer behaviour.,

>> No.58998589
Quoted by: >>58998608

>don’t have a twitter
That’s…. What I just said…

>> No.58998591
File: 106 KB, 1260x709, mulder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just spoke to an FBI contact, big news coming.

>> No.58998593
File: 87 KB, 398x384, 1642431193588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's not happening this month

>> No.58998603
File: 51 KB, 853x480, muld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am ready for the truth
>"I've seen it before, Scully. Bed Bath & Beyond isn’t just a home goods store—it’s the perfect cover for something darker. Look at the timing, the strategic corporate maneuvers. They’ve infiltrated the retail market, but their endgame is far more sinister. They're conspiring to take over the world, one stock at a time. And who’s their first target? GameStop holders. The ones who saw the cracks in the system. BBBY wants to crush their resistance, enslave them financially, make them pawns in their global dominance scheme. It’s not just about towels and kitchen gadgets—it’s about control.”

>> No.58998608

You said losing twitter caused me to self damage? I never had one. What is this

>> No.58998615
File: 1.27 MB, 2000x1333, vader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The corporate machinations of Bed Bath & Beyond are no mere coincidence. They have harnessed the power of financial manipulation, and their ambitions extend far beyond trivial commerce. Their true purpose is control—control of minds, markets, and ultimately, the galaxy itself. GameStop holders, once rebels defying the system, will be crushed under the weight of BBBY's economic tyranny. They will serve as pawns in a new empire, enslaved to a higher power they cannot comprehend. This is not a battle of retailers. It is the rise of a new order. I find their lack of foresight... disturbing.”

>> No.58998618

BBBY should have sold lube for PPDiddy Partys

>> No.58998619

Cute we have a resident shill. Get comfy little boy.

>> No.58998623

He's been spamming for like 3 thread straight and we know he has a 1 hour lunch break

>> No.58998624

I'm ready big boy, you ready? I'm ready. Who wants to drop trousers first? Trick question, I don't wear pants

>> No.58998628
File: 65 KB, 512x512, 51259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58998650

Sorry no this thread is Dragon Ball because only the Prince of all Saiyans has the tenacity to post 137 goddamn times to make a point.

Thread theme:

There's only one YouTube celebrity I care about and he does not share meower. Get it? A clever portmanteau combining the line from that movie with the sound a cat makes.

>> No.58998650

Alright I can fuck with that, most the BBBY holders will have nothing to talk about over the weekend now court is out of session, I accept your gauntlet.

I do enjoy a good DFV meme, its been too long.

>> No.58998657

Why is PP mentioned so prominently, if former BBBY holders dislike the guy?

>> No.58998669

Where are the damn BBBY holders? Talk you fucks

>> No.58998676
Quoted by: >>58998681

Guys after 1 year im starting to thing we might not get the new equity..

>> No.58998681
Quoted by: >>58998687

But what about the court case? What about that anon that posts interesting? What about the guy that has 40k shares he does not show? What about Larry on PP show?

>> No.58998687

what about them?

>> No.58998692

>already over 50%

>> No.58998695

Great contribution to the thread. Tell me about your BBBY story fren, its weekend...

Court is closed for weekend, I would say markets but... YOU KNOW

>> No.58998697
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>> No.58998711
File: 11 KB, 400x226, GME vs BBBY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When GME ignites the flame, don't come.

>> No.58998719
File: 26 KB, 685x448, IMG_9141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58998736

Why does there appear to be a statistically significant number of bad actors, that go above and beyond the explanation being trolls or useful idiots, surrounding all discussion spaces like twitter, reddit, and here. It would appear that there is a coordinate campaign to demoralize holders so they are more likely to sell the new equity for low prices when we are trading again. Also given the likelihood that bbbyq holders also hold gme shilling here and trying to sow distrust in RC & friends would encourage people to sell their gme, and hate RC.

Seems pretty silly if you ask me. Also RC met with Carl Icahn 2 months BEFORE RC offered to buy bbby in December 2022 for 400 million and 6 months later the board declared bankruptcy, that seems like it might be evidence of extremely illegal behavior but i'm no lawyer. The only media appearance RC has had since 2021 is https://www.gmedd.com which is a website dedicated to gme research, pretty silly isn't it. Also a current board member of GME, Larry Cheng, went onto the PPshow podcast, that satirizes dildo sex toys, and happens to be dedicated to the discussion of bed bath and beyond which happens to have Ryan Cohens name all over the dockets as a creditor and a debtor. Also platinum sparkles can attain live video conference interviews with the head of the SEC, gary gensler, and also would appear to have literally 8+ hours a day dedicated to commenting on twitter threads dedicated to the discussion of bbby, including notably, Jakes twitter content. This is all prettttty silly if you start to take in the bigger picture. "community members" and "experts" who seem to buzz around a supposedly dead and gone stock sure do seem to be pretty upset that people are still discussing it regularly.

>> No.58998723

Bit weird isn't it, you claim your connection is Ryan Cohen but he sold. and didn't buy in vast amounts for cheapies on the final day of trading, bit weird isn't it? Interesting colour me shocked, sucked me balls.

>> No.58998736
File: 895 KB, 480x270, BBBY grease.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It would appear that there is a coordinate campaign to demoralize holders so they are more likely to sell the new equity for low prices when we are trading again.

Wait, your logic is once new equity is release it is going straight to the thousands because fraud? Don't be short selling yourself now baby girl.

Why won't you answer the question? It's a simple one.

Why do you spew this shit in GME?

>> No.58998742
File: 79 KB, 340x340, 1626379307481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58998744

I just want my money

>> No.58998744

Buy 10 GME, problem solved.

>> No.58998768
File: 31 KB, 700x429, empire of dirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything left to restructure? Even the name has been raided

>> No.58998776
File: 537 KB, 480x360, clocking-out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58999585

Midnight, later suckers

>> No.58998802

I believe nonsense is being posted to prevent anyone new from researching bbbyq so when it comes back, fomo will be reduced. Media will obviously not be very enthusiastic about reporting on it either, so npcs will miss out

>> No.58998815

>researching bbbyq
May I see the research?

>> No.58998857
Quoted by: >>58998903

we can't accept endless delays, fizzling out into full qanon schizo retardation. RC should have planned this out better if he is really acting in good faith toward retail investors. availablewerewolf600 thinks we'll make billions by Q1/Q2 2025. if nothing ever happens RC and pulte should be fucking lynched for taking the best years off our lives with their larping and letting the crooks get away with stealing all our money.

>> No.58998903

>RC should have planned this out better if he is really acting in good faith toward retail investors.
RC never once hyped himself off or indicated to retail to follow his moves. He also isn't obligated to disavow any rumors about him like the interviewer in the deposition was trying to pin him for. If retail gets burned or can't stick to the end of MOASS that's a 100% self inflicted wound.
>if nothing ever happens RC and pulte should be fucking lynched for taking the best years off our lives with their larping and letting the crooks get away with stealing all our money.
Can't get mad at RC, he's just building GameStop into a healthy company.
Now if you're pissed at Pulte that's a different story. He's the one that has been hyping up BBBY, shit even Larry Cheng nodded towards BBBY by going on the pp show.

My stance is BBBY has a bright future. Retail is locked into this play whether they like it or not. That's why shills are still here. The moment you're able to sell again they want you to not hold because you selling means less damage to their masters.

>availablewerewolf600 thinks we'll make billions by Q1/Q2 202
I need someone to remind me why people think bbby emerges in September. Is there anything legitimate to it or just pure tinfoil cope

>> No.58998929
File: 29 KB, 284x298, IMG_0984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, it is sentiment poisoning, and flooding any good information in a sea of scitzo babble.

>> No.58999095
File: 30 KB, 976x489, ryan-cohen-rc-ventures-once-again-listed-as-creditors-of-v0-taiw0t1a92qd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this why they've been super fucking autistic with the spam the past 3 days?

>> No.58999099

As far as I'm concerned the only piece of good information that will ever matter is when the fuck this all ends. Every bit of "DD" ultimately just leads to speculation. Are some fucking results too much to ask for?

>> No.58999104

Yeah, it must be obviously.

>> No.58999105
File: 406 KB, 600x590, 60059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Ryan Cohen and RC Ventures LLC listed as creditors as of yesterday? Uh oh spaghettios.

>> No.58999138
Quoted by: >>59000160

RC XD inbound

>> No.58999303

Anyone who held BBBYQ at cancelation is never getting anything for their shares. Sorry.

>> No.58999311
File: 46 KB, 860x703, 01538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58999344

That sucks for anyone but what about me?

>> No.58999319

Can the guy that posted 100+ posts in the last thread please explain why this would be? He says he is driven by autism surely he can use his autism to answer this.

>> No.58999344

Sorry, it's over.

>> No.58999353
Quoted by: >>59000168

I can’t help but shake the feeling that despite claiming to have a desire to a discuss bbby stock, he will not want to discuss this specific aspect of bbby for reasons he will fail to explain while still taking up half the thread. That’s just my feeling though, based on absolutely none of his past behaviors or actions. If he wanted to be autistic so badly he could just go get vaccinated.

>> No.58999367
File: 852 KB, 200x267, fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is autism.

>> No.58999570
File: 291 KB, 947x525, ReverseFraudPayout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be crazy

>> No.58999585
File: 406 KB, 1192x617, youcantchangethepastken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59000032

"The Day That Changed My Life"

“The day that changed my life was when my father came home. He had been drinking. He was always drinking. He drank beer in the morning and whiskey at night. My mom said, ‘Wes, I wish you’d stop.’ He said, ‘Shut up, you bitch.’ Then he hit her with his fist and knocked her down.

My brothers and my sister were all in the room, and we started to cry. He said, ‘Shut up, you little bastards.’ My sister, Denise, said, ‘You’re a bad man, and I hate you.’ She was only five. She wasn’t afraid of him like the rest of us, not then. She would have been in time, but my father killed her before she had the chance.

He went out to the shed and got his hammer. Then he came back and started hitting my brothers with it. He killed them, and he killed my sister, too. I tried to stop him. I jumped on his back and started hitting him. He threw me off like I was a rag doll. Then he hit me with the hammer, and I don’t remember anymore after that for a long time.

When I woke up, I was in the hospital, and they told me my mom was dead and I was the only one who lived. That is the day that changed my life.”

>> It's too late to change the past.
>> Accept it.

>> No.58999600
Quoted by: >>59000172

I found cJJjlKev almost more interesting than the attention seeking fake autist. His post started out fine and scowled devolved into what felt like obvious hype fatigue.

>> No.59000032

this pasta reeks of reddit and s o i
idt it's author is able to close his mouth

>> No.59000150

Researching? Is this research in the room with us?

>> No.59000153

Babble? I ain’t using technical jargon to confuse you I am simply asking simple questions, right down to yes or no

>> No.59000156

I do not know how many times I need to explain this to you darling, I will say again, I am sick of you posting this shit in GME when it’s got nothing to do withGME I am $85k deep in GME, I go to GME because guess what, I own GME and wish to discuss GME, but you bath niggers want me to come here and discuss BBBY now drop your panties and start talking.

>> No.59000160

Rii Choi xeuen dewng? Who fuck is that?

>> No.59000162

Fairly sure the pirates that liquidated it are enjoying their $200 contribution

>> No.59000165

I don’t know, isn’t this what BBBY holders like talking about? Seem more interested in me than the latest bit of court information.


>> No.59000168

You BBBY holders need to break it down for me, I am a lowly GME holder after all, please sir, will you break it down for me and discuss your stock?

>> No.59000170

Great contribution jumbo, can you do cringe collages too?

>> No.59000172
File: 50 KB, 800x500, E68AF31B-9529-4463-B0D3-83450EB8A82A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking about BBBY is hype fatigue

>> No.59000192

Oh do BBBY holders clock out for the weekend? Shocked colour

A brand new piece of court documentation gets released and you do not wish to discuss it? Curious

>> No.59000198

I know when DFV tweets, oh boy do GME holders get PUMPED, we get JACKED.

Who is it that gets the BBBY'ers riled up? PP? Pootle? Why do they all being with P?

>> No.59000211
File: 1.37 MB, 1029x1095, IMG_2406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59000246

> rc sells stake

> offers 400 million for company

> pitchbook lists company as sold

> rc still listed as creditor even though he sold…

Very interesting

>> No.59000246

Does this mean he is entitled to a free both towel?

>> No.59000258
File: 455 KB, 1350x1304, clutter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59000267

good thread

>> No.59000267

Someone’s a bit butthurt about discussing BBBY in the BBBY thread

>> No.59000286
File: 2.59 MB, 480x366, C0D16694-2F18-48F5-83CA-4B555F1A5F73.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 15 posts concerned with a GME poster asking questions about BBBY
>3 posts stating new evidence
>0 discussing what it means

>> No.59000299

The document, what does it mean Jerry!

>> No.59000359

No one knows what it means? Interesting

>> No.59000386
File: 1.75 MB, 320x180, 435C66B3-4D8B-4DCC-A774-20AE9AC049B8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a long weekend, if anyone’s got any questions feel free to leave a note in the question box and I’ll have corporate check it out

>> No.59000434
Quoted by: >>59001152

Ok so BBBY owe Ryan Cohen money, now that is established he is a class 9 share older, and you guys aren't, what is the valuation of your shares? I will accept 0 and 0.

>> No.59000436

How does BBBY owe Ryan money if he sold?

>> No.59000438

If BBBY owes Ryan money, he must have lent them money?

>> No.59000440

Did Ryan short BBBY? but Larry on the PPShow....

>> No.59000447
Quoted by: >>59000560

Wait right lets start with what we know.

>Ryan Sold his BBBY shares
>baggies (you) held
Why did you continue holding and investing after he sold? What did you know?
>stock goes bankrupt
>2 years later
>BBBY owes Ryan money
>Larry on the PPShow

Something on a couch... 5 billion GME shares on the day BBBY filed BBBY owes RC money.

Maybe no no, we need to go back...

How tall is Ryan Cohen?

>> No.59000456
File: 2.88 MB, 2700x2700, 1710122515808024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59000462

The level of seething going on this last week is truly unprecedented. The fact that the shilling is completely pointless because no one can sell is what makes it so funny. Whatever the result is we are all locked in. It's too late to get off of the roller coast and the shills are indicative that there is in fact a very compelling bull thesis.
Remember this very simple question: If all sell orders are matched with a buy order, then to whom are you selling? The market maker! The market maker being short and also wanting you to sell means that the sentiment is bullish.
We're sitting in the middle of a rocket ship headed to the moon and the hedgies and market makers want our first-class tickets. The plebs are going to win BIG and they are SEETHING that the greatest investment of all time will come at their expense.

>> No.59000457

Ok, ok, follow me with this one now.

BBBY owes RC money, keep up now this is where it gets silly


>> No.59000462
File: 15 KB, 474x266, LFG!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're sitting in the middle of a rocket ship headed to the moon and the hedgies and market makers want our first-class tickets.

but you just said

>The fact that the shilling is completely pointless because no one can sell is what makes it so funny.

Keep up, your dealing with the 3 time thread champ now

The spike in GME yesterday, how do you explain this?

>> No.59000472
File: 919 KB, 480x362, weird.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heh, chuds don't know we can't sell our $300 of old BBBY shares anways, dumb hedgies

Which one is it?

>> No.59000478
File: 962 KB, 476x200, Sass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I have $400 of BBBY shares, just need to wait for it to be worth $40 million because of a court case, how could you tell.

>> No.59000545
File: 26 KB, 967x441, creditor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it a good thing that cohen is owed money?

>> No.59000549
Quoted by: >>59000556

For what reason do companies generally owe money to people

>> No.59000556

Because someone gave them a loan or services?


RC paid BBBY to book Larry on the PPShow


>> No.59000560
Quoted by: >>59000574

>he doesn't know

>> No.59000574

What am I suppose to know? This is why I am here, finally we are getting somewhere, spill the tea.

>> No.59000605

Why are you siloniggering information, I CAN'T LEARN

>> No.59000607
File: 1.00 MB, 336x343, IMG_9630.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59000612

>> No.59000612
File: 58 KB, 501x900, No BBBY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59000620
Quoted by: >>59000639

Spending every waking moment of his time to spam 4chan isn't the "own" he thinks it is.

>> No.59000639

Apart from my 1 hour lunch breaks that start in 4 mins, right? Because I am paid, in an office? So nothing to worry about, because I am being paid... Because no normal holder would do this. It makes no sense.

>> No.59000741
File: 40 KB, 320x300, 65947393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>return of the king

>> No.59000744
Quoted by: >>59000750

Because as a debt holder he may be able to pragmatically erase his ownership in exchange for equity (ownership) of BBBY. Bond holdouts can simply be paid off such as Jake Freeman and the equity shares will be returned (shorts and all), with NOLs intact, and with CH11 complete the M&A can occur with BBBY being the central piece of the confluence of 7 different companies all forming a retail conglomerate. (7-4-1)

>> No.59000749
File: 22 KB, 365x365, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59000760

Kais just posted something impressively based.

>> No.59000750
File: 773 KB, 1891x1072, BBBY Holder Cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59000760
Quoted by: >>59000851

I can’t wait for him to become the king of Tunisia with his gains

>> No.59000832

Will someone explain why a judge will order the money machine to pay trillions to a bath towel share holder that bought at 5c and not just give you your 5c back?

>> No.59000841

If you had not committed such grave sins, god would not have sent the ape mongols.

>> No.59000843
Quoted by: >>59000864

You should read up on the Enron case.

>> No.59000846

Sooo…. Nothing to back up such claims… gotcha

>> No.59000851
File: 7 KB, 310x163, DailyDose4Shillies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if Kais takes over Tunisia and then attacks Pissreal.
Not only will BBBYchads become handsomely rich, but it will even be the catalyst of freeing humanity from the claws of the jews.
This is truly the greatest timeline. The best days of our lives are straight ahead, kings. You madlads who wanted more from life and had the courage, and vigor and daring to take what is rightfully yours. Your progeny will sing praise to your name for aeons. We don't even realize it but we are destined to be immortalized. Just as timeless and classic as any man who signed his name to the Declaration of Independence. We will ascend to the Hall of Heroes with the greatest shakers and movers of history. That is our destiny, the new Adams and Eves of humanity, ushering in a Golden Age that will last SIX MILLION YEARS.

>> No.59000864
Quoted by: >>59000889

>I’m not going to inform you on how bbby came to this, but here, go look at this case

No thanks, only information held within BBBY I need to understand what you guys went through

>> No.59000876
Quoted by: >>59000922

The bankruptcy court does not care about the shareprice. The estate is what matters and any surplus value is owned by the shareholders. And if there are multiples of fraudulent shares naked sold short then it is the brokers who have to settle up. If there is $1BN to be divided amongst 1BN authorized shareholders then you are entitled to $1 per share. If there are 4BN shares total due to naked shorting, the brokers are still on the hook for $1 per share. The authorized outstanding shares is the hard limit on determining the value per share. NOT the naked shorted float. So no judge can just wipe out these ownership claims by picking and choose winners and losers. The shorts eat the losses which is why a short position can never ever be magically "cancelled". Because it effectively still exists in the longs receive any sort of payout.

>> No.59000889

I mean that’s kind of the core of it. I’ll try not to respond to you with the same level of disingenuousness as you have been handing out. I would imagine most ex bbby holders are speculating that fraud will be proven in bbby and there will have to be a payout to make creditors whole. It’s literally what this is all about. Another layer upon that is the theory that Ryan knew this and will also be receiving some from of payout that will allow him to claim the company when it is brought out of bankruptcy as its bankruptcy was planned and executed by bad actors.

>> No.59000922

Now this is what I come for.

And every single share holder gets an equal percentage of this, be it warren buffet or Keith poster

>> No.59000959
File: 153 KB, 2120x1414, 2120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59000995

Based and mongolpilled.


>> No.59000995
Quoted by: >>59001008

I thank Bratya for revealing they think of us as an unstoppable wave coming to take everything they have

>> No.59001008

>unstoppable wave
That’s stopped by courts, delisting, fraud, and Larry on the ppshow

>> No.59001051

>the theory that Ryan knew this and will also be receiving some from of payout that will allow him to claim the company when it is brought out of bankruptcy
may I see the basis of this theory?

>> No.59001103
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x675, 12675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59001134

137 PBTID nigger is Baby. Don't much matter what you do he ain't going nowhere. He infected all the weaklings and also Vegeta.


>> No.59001134
File: 3.34 MB, 400x224, 4D3739E2-27F9-4B0D-B798-F00B364CF78B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You puts the shares in the BBBY shares in the basket or it gets the hose again

>> No.59001138

I'm not expecting anything to happen this week, but I'll still be annoyed and disappointed because there were too many people saying something would happen and they'll just end up moving on to another hype date.

>> No.59001152

> what is the valuation of your shares?

Sure the price is 0, but the value is infinite

>> No.59001169

So did they just contract an extra retarded basher or something big is coming up.

I hope you choke during your lunch break

>> No.59001181

sounds like something the LGBTQAABRAAAP++++ community would add to terms to describe people they don't like.

>> No.59001194
File: 1.05 MB, 1080x1190, Screenshot_20240921_150105_Photos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59001211

I had a very funny meme about Israel to the jackass intro of all the explosions labeled "when my appliances at home hear me bad mouth israel" and now it's scrapped and deleted from the internet

> weird how that happens

>> No.59001211
Quoted by: >>59001452

Kek I saw that one floating around. If they decide to blow my face up for buying a stock or not wanting to send unlimited weapons to a psychopathic tribe i will die with honor. They can’t beat the 80 year curse anyway, I’ll die happy knowing their future is sealed.

>> No.59001238

You sound retarded

>> No.59001303
Quoted by: >>59001342

Listen, this might be hard for you to accept, but people who spam and act retarded in these threads are just trolling. They aren't paid operatives because some Wall Street bigwig got secret information. Trolls will be trolls.

>> No.59001342
File: 827 KB, 200x147, 67457622-1957-4482-85ED-34A62A7D190A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They won’t listen to this, they will assume I get paid 25c a post, which is still ironically more than their stock.

>> No.59001452
File: 647 KB, 1079x663, Screenshot_20240921_163534_X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59001511


>> No.59001503

Hmmm how does one sell a stock they do not have any ownership over, has anyone cracked this yet?

>> No.59001511

This one kek

>> No.59001660
File: 102 KB, 1024x683, B902BA98-E678-4792-A5A4-5A28FE2FF229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you’ve over paid on this one anon we will never make our money back

>> No.59001766
File: 299 KB, 1284x795, 2612E36D-DF42-4B50-8EA3-A1C5F353DEA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clearing out todays locker was a chore, but I came across some BBBY stocks from the early 90’s so I’m heading down to the NYSE today to see if I can find a valuation…

>> No.59001773
File: 831 KB, 1284x811, 5E9FAF03-B4A2-4323-AD31-851390CFE381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh… what Darryl doesn’t know is those shares are worthless as BBBY went bankrupt years ago, I know, I shorted the damn thing and made $240 million

>> No.59001776
File: 73 KB, 1120x1120, F7431764-45C1-4F82-8E05-D8F6F3ABC0DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so I spoke to a BBBY expert and he said these ones are useless to me, however they are waiting on new equity from a court case and so he offered to buy the lot, I said how much does he have on him, he said his PP show makes 20k a month so that will do, I gave him 3 photocopies and made off with a fat stack.

>> No.59001844

>psst, I am compromised, platinum sparkles I nee-

Wait… PP… Platinium Pplatinuk show S platinum platinum p PPShow… it’s been here the entire time it doesn’t glow, it sparkles


Ladies and gentlemen, we are through the coffee filter

>> No.59001975
Quoted by: >>59002058

Do you think anyone browsing the catalog looks in here and wonders why this anon is having a mental breakdown about a dead towel stock?

>> No.59001989
Quoted by: >>59002044

If fuck all happens between now and November 1, I'm convinced it's going into March 2025 and beyond from this post


>> No.59002044
Quoted by: >>59002102

>I'm convinced it's going into March 2025 and beyond
Define "beyond"

>> No.59002058
File: 686 KB, 200x200, 08BF724C-3495-4493-8332-E8D77582F996.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying it’s more than just 3 BBBY holders with average investment of $300 needing a safe space

>> No.59002102
File: 594 KB, 1079x663, israel electronics 4th of july edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59002126

he probably means that the people who can create a legal system where a single entity (DTC) has their name on all of the certificates in the system probably knows enough about financial legal structures to throw enough wrenches in the process to delay until the fall of 2025. They can't actually pull Ryan Cohens' prize away without admitting that the rules of the system no longer mean anything, but what they can do is (using an in depth understanding of legal structures) delay out the ass. there are probably thousands upon thousands of esoteric conditionals that can interfere with the carving out process, which is why we have seen bad actors like nelay das, MJL (twitter scitzo) and Anthony Mitchell:


among others I am probably not even aware of. Like this Wells Fargo shit could have been a factor in holding things up because of esoteric reasons that could be argued to judges/committees who approve M&A activity. Also when you know the entire system will implode when these restructurings take place there is a lot of motivation to ensure the legal filings and response times are drawn out as much as possible.

Expect delays, and be financially and mentally prepared to wait this thing out. As for me, ill be stacking gme while we wait for bbby wrecking ball to release.

>> No.59002126

Can’t you just stack GME without being a massive faggot then?

>> No.59002131
Quoted by: >>59002135

Its crazy that RC fixed his well fargo form in jan 2021 and finally in September 2024 its been resolved.

He's wiping his slate clean to prepare

>> No.59002135

he's buying Tvpperware

>> No.59002475


And I’m buying a flesh light

>> No.59002602
File: 963 KB, 1284x1258, 7DCD382B-AAD3-462A-9E12-2D7B27748D74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towelniggers fear the plastic container deity’s

>> No.59002782
Quoted by: >>59003796

kek TUP baggies

>> No.59002839
Quoted by: >>59003246

TUP and AMC link up
>popcorn in plastic containers
Need it or Sneed it?

>> No.59002995
File: 314 KB, 407x398, file2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello bathniggers

did you miss me?

Aaaaah yeah
MC vagina in the house
Still not loving police
still got love for the vaginal crease

baggies are stupid and I don't respect them
that's right
i just kek them
baggies baggies
show me your baggies


>> No.59003163



>> No.59003234
Quoted by: >>59003456

>BBBY holders do not exist at the weekend


>> No.59003246

I am for this merger, it seems like a solid AA play

>> No.59003281

Has Blockbuster done anything lately?

>> No.59003321

Going to need to invest in $PAMPERS this week BBBY will take the plug out of the display tub.

>> No.59003327
File: 187 KB, 961x540, gaaston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incredible bump baggieing

>> No.59003340
File: 22 KB, 480x480, NibbaWhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he even go to sleep last night?
This shilly is bed, bath and beyond buck broken

>> No.59003368

>They don't think BBBY can do it
Neither do I to be fair

>> No.59003380

Lets get back to it then, Ryan Cohen is owed money from BBBYQ (Formerly BBBY) How much is he owed? Will this dwindle from the liquidating pot you fine class 9 holders are owed?

>> No.59003391
File: 2.95 MB, 704x287, BBBY holders rejecting new members.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't anyone want to play with me waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

>> No.59003394
File: 542 KB, 498x201, BBBY Holders can't pump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one wants to discuss the newest court document
>just want to continue discussing my 7 figure compensation.

It really do be like that chief

>> No.59003441
File: 282 KB, 478x804, BBBY holding in its bags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's been 20 mins since i last posted in a BBBY thread to discuss BBBY related things

>> No.59003456
Quoted by: >>59003478

BBBY holders do not exist any day of the week

>> No.59003478

For me, it's going to the upcoming RICO case where the 3 of them are charged with financial terrorism.

>> No.59003518
File: 155 KB, 600x641, 60641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Charged with terrorism for buying a stock

>> No.59003536
File: 73 KB, 429x700, IMG_4387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59003553
File: 1.79 MB, 480x270, fresh linen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you can see these stocks in your accounts?

>> No.59003560
File: 358 KB, 1024x1024, 07959647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you rang?

>> No.59003574
File: 846 KB, 240x320, BEYONDMELT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, guys...

Do any of you actually hear what Larry says about BBBY on the PPShow?

>> No.59003603
File: 65 KB, 960x600, Bull Flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BBBY court document


>> No.59003612
File: 299 KB, 1000x667, RF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you are not a class 9 holder, you can not redeem google cards


>> No.59003616
File: 34 KB, 590x350, BBBY Holders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59003636

Hey... guys, get up its just a goof, come on, aww shit I kill the BBBYies


>No said the Market.

>> No.59003636
File: 59 KB, 933x933, 1720400707000377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger are you o-fucking-k? You are literally talking to yourself and have 48% of the posts in this thread.

>> No.59003646
Quoted by: >>59003657

I am attemping to summon BBBY discussion in the BBBY thread however they keep running off to GME thread like little bitches to discuss my post counts. It's so unfair anon!

>> No.59003655

The better question is does he hold TVPPERWARE

>> No.59003657
Quoted by: >>59003663

>they keep running off to GME thread like little bitches to discuss my post counts.
Whens the last time they did that?

>> No.59003659
Quoted by: >>59003667

40k shares, just waiting for that restructuring fraud court case to come in for my class 69 to kick in

>> No.59003662
Quoted by: >>59003667

Why do you keep typing that with the Roman U?

>> No.59003663
Quoted by: >>59003669

Last time they had real conversations about BBBY was around time Ryan Cohen sold.

>> No.59003667
Quoted by: >>59003683


>> No.59003669
Quoted by: >>59003677

I was asking when was the last time someone brought you up in the gme thread? It seems that hasn’t happened in some days.

>> No.59003677
Quoted by: >>59003685

Literally yesterday... Why you siloniggering the discussion?

>> No.59003681
Quoted by: >>59003696

You faggots are clearly attempting to knock this thread off the catalog. We must be relisting soon or you dont want bonds to be purchased (bond price has been increasing over the past 2 months)

>> No.59003683

Tvpperware is still worth more than BBBY, why aren't BBBYies buying in? Makes no sense, it's a steal

>> No.59003685
Quoted by: >>59003700

Im literally just asking a question like you seem to have been for 91posts.

>> No.59003696

No, because you rebake, and I am still posting BBBY discussions that no one is talking about


If you faggots loved your BBBY so much you would keep it in here, but you don't, much like the homosexual you come into GME trying to groom GME holders into your thread to groom, so, when you finally unlock one you got no idea what to do with one now you have one.

Honk honk.

Also your stock isn't being relisted, care to show me the documents?

>> No.59003700
Quoted by: >>59003707

I am here for discussing BBBY and learn about the stock, why you talking about post counts? This is classic siloniggering


>> No.59003707
Quoted by: >>59003715

Something about the way you post makes me think you’re being disingenuous. I’m not sure why though. It’s just a cancelled dead towel stock.

>> No.59003715
Quoted by: >>59003738

Me? No, honestly, swear down on Larry being on the PPshow brother

>> No.59003718

Oh missed this one off too

>> No.59003720
Quoted by: >>59003731

I have never once posted about bbby in the gme thread. I dont give a single fuck if others make it and therefore do not care to spread info about the stock. If you were flttered thats your problem

>> No.59003731
Quoted by: >>59003736

>If you were flttered thats your problem
I buy BBBY when RC buy, I sell when he sell, I take money and buy GME
I make more money, I buy GME

>I have never once posted about bbby in the gme thread.
Are you willing to declare this in the court case? Because you guys just can't help yourselves, and I get it $200 is a lot of money to lose on BBBY, but its ok, its been many years and you are still here

>> No.59003736
File: 25 KB, 712x272, GME thread 9-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59003742

I hope you get help nigger

>> No.59003738
Quoted by: >>59003745

Why would Larry go on the pp show?

>> No.59003742

There's my little papi <3<3<3

>> No.59003745
Quoted by: >>59003755

He pulls some very quotable things on his time there. Ground-breaking stuff, which is why the regulars here comment on it all the time.

>> No.59003755
Quoted by: >>59003762

I thought they didn't know what the PPshow was

>> No.59003762
Quoted by: >>59003773

It's in every bake like a salty semen shot to the back of the throat grrrruggggle

>> No.59003773
Quoted by: >>59003779

so what you're saying is anyone posting
>what's the PPshow
>who's PPseeds
Is being disingenuous?

>> No.59003779

How can no one know the PPShow? its the hottest BBBY reference DD source ever, everyone here should know of it and know its daily updates (Monday to Friday) Larry of GameStop fame was on it for 3 mins talking about Chewy

>> No.59003784
Quoted by: >>59003993

How much stock of BBBY did Larry buy?

(This is a shame post), I posted it in the wrong bread.

>> No.59003796
Quoted by: >>59003805

it's TUPBQ now, and they already sent it to the expert market.

>> No.59003805

oy vey you're right
>6 cents

>> No.59003993
File: 755 KB, 1080x1354, Screenshot_20240922_141313_X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Citizen Journalism

>> No.59004022

Sadly this picture did not answer my question

>> No.59004032
File: 288 KB, 879x552, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59004062

see this is why he has more subs than the PPshow

>> No.59004062

Ooooo that’s gotta sting

>> No.59004087

Kais is so generous to help fix America before fixing Tunisia.

>> No.59004113
File: 239 KB, 1080x1056, Screenshot_20240922-150902_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$9,400 lol

>> No.59004124

BBBY baggies are the easiest grift imaginable, name my future BBBY grift channel I’m going to document these threads

>> No.59004128
Quoted by: >>59004131

>uses Teddy, a trademark it doesn't own, for its own benefit
isn't that an IP violation?

>> No.59004131

Court cases incoming, it’s in the BBBY DNA at this point

>> No.59004158
File: 342 KB, 750x425, 75425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me but I take all of my schizophrenic implications from the cat man's twitter memes.

>> No.59004221
File: 884 KB, 800x1000, IMG_5382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59004255

holy fucking cringe

>> No.59004262

honk honk

>> No.59004357
Quoted by: >>59004377

>protest fraud
>commit fraud by copying a registered IP
>from the same company you're sure will save you

>> No.59004377

Really, what is it he says, really activates the almonds.

>> No.59004419

What if pp has permission

>> No.59004420


>> No.59004457
Quoted by: >>59004472


>> No.59004458
Quoted by: >>59004477

Permission for what? Being a grifting faggot?

>> No.59004472


Pure unfiltered BBBY discussion, suck me beautiful

>> No.59004477

Oh, so he does have permission to use gmerica

>> No.59004479
Quoted by: >>59004488

We won't know until the court case concludes

>> No.59004481
Quoted by: >>59004488


>> No.59004488

I think he does. Otherwise he wouldn’t use it. He has 2 lawyers. They wouldn’t let him.

>> No.59004498
Quoted by: >>59004514

Two laywers? Very fancy

>> No.59004503
Quoted by: >>59004514

Dipshit probably didn't even know it was a trademark

>> No.59004507
Quoted by: >>59004514

The trademark was abandoned 5 months ago lmao

>> No.59004514

Sounds like he did nothing wrong

>> No.59004521

>Sounds like he did nothing wrong
Fairly sure him being born was pretty wrong but then again not all abortions take.

>> No.59004527
File: 327 KB, 1000x1400, 39158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stay mad at you.

>> No.59004533

Consider the following: uspto.report/TM/90897211

>> No.59004536

remember when he sat on the couch

>> No.59004545

Why does some YouTube grifter inspire seethe on both sides?

>> No.59004549

We agree there. But if you want him to go to the slammer so you can slam his lil piggy you’ll have to try harder.

>> No.59004550

Hey bbby chads, little birdie told me news sometime this week.

>> No.59004553

ya but remember when he sat on the couch

>> No.59004579

Merger week with Tuppaware?

>> No.59004591
Quoted by: >>59004619

why is nobody talking about how he sat on the couch

>> No.59004619

If Roaring Kitty is not on a couch, the couch does not matter, that being said, he has never had Larry on the Roaring Kitty stream... Is my life a lie?

>> No.59004622

This reminds me of OJ...

If the glove does not fit, you must aquit...

"If Larry is on the PP show, but not the Cat show, you must slurp BBBY!"

Damn you niggers on to something

>> No.59004625

What sort of couch was it? High thread count?

>> No.59004635

Knowing Le'PP it is going to be wipeable.

>> No.59004844

mr zarac is wipeable if you happen to know what i am saying

>> No.59004929

How long are you fags contracted to bash stocks for? 7 days? 30 days?

>> No.59004953
Quoted by: >>59004968

it's a troll with no life

>> No.59004963
File: 1.09 MB, 400x300, homer drive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pro-bono, so most likely be here, discussing BBBY with you until GME Moasses leaving you fuckers working out what went wrong, just like you guys wanted.

>> No.59004968
Quoted by: >>59004971

You seem upset, shall we discuss one of your favorute topics? I have all the greatest hits on vinyl.

We got court cases, fraud court, PPShow Ft Larry, Sitting on a Couch, Interesting without context, The New Equity, Butterfly, Emerging Bankruptcy, I am down for any

>> No.59004971

Oh I forgot the bonus track; Why are you being disingenuous?

>> No.59004974

Most BBBY holders hold GME u faggot

>> No.59004978
Quoted by: >>59004984

Anybody who held bbby to 0 probably holds gme. Likely more than you. That’s makes you seethe uncontrollably. If you do it for free.

>> No.59004979
Quoted by: >>59005014

>200 share average

>> No.59004980
File: 17 KB, 474x361, dicktionary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All 3 of you hold GME? Then why are you wasting your time trying to plug a dead towel stock into GME threads?

>> No.59004984

Why are they obsessed with BBBY stocks they bought for 15c they held to 0? They can't do anything with the information that gets leaked? Why force it onto puritan GME holders?

Homosexuals & Trannys do the same thing forcing their kinks onto others, it's just not cricket

>> No.59004996
File: 101 KB, 831x361, IMG_9636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59005017

>Why are they obsessed with BBBY

>> No.59005014
Quoted by: >>59005046

How many do you hold? Can you post a screenshot without your share counts covered? Let’s see how many soon to be tupq shares you’re gonna be holding.

>> No.59005017
Quoted by: >>59005038

>Constantly posting bullshit BBBY posts copy & pastes into GME threads
>just expecting anons to tell you to fuck off and not come into your home
>not wanting a GME tard shitting on your walls and a pissing in your tea pot

Anon... Let's get one thing clear, I am not obsessed with BBBY, I am obsessed with you 3, you wanted GME holders here, so, here I am,.

I have asked more questions about BBBY than you have, why is this? Do you not have vested interests in BBBY? How many stocks did you own of BBBY?

>> No.59005038


>> No.59005043
Quoted by: >>59005048

You BBBYies are unable to answer a question without being disingenuous


>> No.59005046
File: 14 KB, 200x199, 1724119865665465.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59005052

>he only has 200 shares
>he wanted to get more but was lazy so he fell for the "it's like GME but cheaper" trick that also caught AMC: Original Recipe holders
>except AMC still exists

>> No.59005048
Quoted by: >>59005056

The fact that you have to angrily and incorrectly reappropriate past language used against you tells me this is personal to you.

>> No.59005049

Why are you silofagging the conversation? What are you hiding?

>> No.59005052
Quoted by: >>59005087

Bbby was trading for pennies.why did you buy tup?

>> No.59005056
File: 490 KB, 426x272, BBBY Holder.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, wait hold up, we just had a breakthrough, are you saying, BBBY holders are pissed off and angry with GME holders for rejecting their retarded takes? You people say these words in anger?

I'm just busting balls, I know the homosexuals mistake it as homophobia but legit, now I know you fuckers get all riled up and need to repeat these safe space quotes, oh boy best development I have had all weekend anon.

>> No.59005058
Quoted by: >>59005065

>so flustered he had to respond to him twice

>> No.59005065
File: 1.66 MB, 540x220, Pootle Blessing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the ropes anon, I can't take much more... Pootle.... give me strength

>> No.59005087
File: 134 KB, 851x465, TUP DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I stand behind my own DD. Did Alexander "PPseeds" Zarac ever show his BBBY position?
Hmmm interesting

>> No.59005502

Who are you no lying

>> No.59005998

and we are back for another wonderful day in the thread, by the grace of god woken up for another day with you fine, sitting on the couch, larry on the ppshow, emergency from bankrupt, NOLS, BBBY was worth 70 billion when liquidated, i love the BBBY, i live the BBBY *inhale* smell that? ahhhhh

>> No.59006001

Interesting no one posted in here for almost 8 hours, holders, explain yourselves, what is the point of a BBBY general when you do not use it, there is no new information, the court document you completely ignore, interesting.

BBBYQ owes money to Ryan Cohen, pay the man.

>> No.59006002

Interesting still no update on the ticker, what is BBBY hiding?

>> No.59006009

Anyone elses ticker broken, it isn't moving in PM, are we halted?


>> No.59006017

All rise for the mighty judge, court is in session, will the thread confirm that they are class 9 stockholders and will be affected by this at the end?

>> No.59006040
File: 39 KB, 780x439, i haven&#039;t finished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tik Tok only 7 days of the month left for that big payout.

>> No.59006120

Something special about this stock, he sat on a couch.

>> No.59006137
Quoted by: >>59006158

good morning 100pbtid, how was the gym

>> No.59006158

Feeling pump 1pbti, feeling jacked, JACKED TO THE TITS

Brand new PP tonight, possible emergence from bankruptcy any hour now, its just one big day, after all I would not be here if there was not to be an announcment

>> No.59006206

You guys, you guys are special, you see something that not many others would.

>> No.59006241
File: 1.69 MB, 305x200, BBBY holders in hiding.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stock? Class 8?

>> No.59006276
File: 1.50 MB, 500x246, 500246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this... Is... to go... even further beyond 137 PBTID!


>> No.59006283


>> No.59006286


As you were lads its back on

BBBY is coming home, just look at the liquidity in this pond.

>> No.59006288
File: 340 KB, 2512x1371, gme filings are interesting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59006290

BBBY, out of bankruptcy today? Find out on the couch with PPShow.

>> No.59006298

So you are telling me all this stuff about BBBY, courts, behind closed door dealing, but I can not hold the stock to join it, because it got delisted years ago, so why are you telling me this How do I get into BBBY? That is the end game isn't it? If retails actions can not affect this then, what is the point?

>> No.59006304

Why tell others in great detail that they can not affect, that you yourselves can not affect, but are compelled to discuss with others like a naughty child huffing its own farts I don't get it

Ok you held to zero, you lost $300, but now what? You just dance this dance forever? and you do this for free?

>> No.59006312
Quoted by: >>59006349

Why is everyone that disagrees with you a paid shill? Why are they indian? What purpose do they have if the price can not be affected by anyones action, because its delisted? This makes no sense

>> No.59006325

If everyone here is a paid shill what is your compensation?

>> No.59006349
Quoted by: >>59006354

This. You know when people are going out of their way to disagree with you in a dedicated general about a once in a lifetime opportunity, you're on the right path. That's when I take my morning walk and see a steaming dog turd on the concrete, I put it in my pocket and save it for it's intrinsic value later. That's right, I'm all in on dog shit.

>> No.59006350

Talk god damn it, Are you not stimulated by your stock?

>> No.59006354
Quoted by: >>59006356

Based & Dogshit pilled, welcome aboard.

>> No.59006356
Quoted by: >>59006374

Oh you've been around since the dogshit days? Neat.

>> No.59006374
Quoted by: >>59006381

Since the glory days, the next bake will be around soon... It's funny, the baker will bake this turd, but he will never do anything with it, what are the motives?

>> No.59006381
Quoted by: >>59006385

idk, I don't mind a quiet baker, I just pop in to see how the chapter 11 is developing

>> No.59006385
Quoted by: >>59006390

No one ever discusses it though, they bring it up sure... But no details, the same soundbites over and over again...

>> No.59006390

Discusses bbbyq? Last thing I'm aware of is the boars fraud and them trying clawback some cash. I don't think a whole lot was asked for in comparison to the damages that were done. I thought I heard something about the 25th or 28th there's some court dates, but idk for what

>> No.59006411
File: 516 KB, 559x788, kenpai time for your helmet its snack time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.59006438


>> No.59006471

Bless the baker!