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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.85 MB, 4050x2700, BEYOND_BAHAMAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55592727 No.55592727 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>How To Buy Bed Bath & Beyond Stock 2023 (BBBY vs BBBYQ)
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using Fidelity
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using E*TRADE
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using Interactive Brokers
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using Charles Schwab
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using TD Ameritrade

>Recent Findings
>The BLIND bid IPO
>311 million shares × 3 = THE END
>Teddy Update
>Lambos Or Food Stamps
>Very Specific Mentioning Of A Sale Of BuyBuyBaby In Docket 345
>Ryan Cohen Liked Pulte’s Tweet
>SEC & BK Court Filings Reveal Carl Icahn As The Mystery Buyer & TEDDY IPO Coming
>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)
>Potential Bidders: Ryan Cohen
>Adam Cochran Joins The Ship

>> No.55592736
File: 1.38 MB, 1503x958, 1686066767172097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real-Time Trades

>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions
No trade halts on OTC

>News And Filings
>10Q Filing
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Withdraws the Registration Statement as it has determined not to proceed with an offering at this time
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Receives NASDAQ Delisting Notice
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Files Voluntary Chapter 11 Petitions

>New Director of the board
>Carol Flaton - Carl Ichans appointee in Xerox take over

>Latest hires
>Holly Etlin - Chief Restructuring Officer
>David Kastin - M&A Specialist board member & CLO
>Shawn Hummell - New Senior VP

>Temporary alliance with jews and reddit
>Don't take any DD for fact use your brain

>As always:
Don't feed the trolls
Sneed hedgies

Previousneed on /BBBYQ/

>> No.55592742
File: 3.32 MB, 2817x1312, BRO_PLEASE_SELL_BRO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55592807

So, now as part of the CH11 reorganization plan Sixth Street can credit bid to convert their debt to equity. Since there is a good chance that Icahn and/or RC (as I described in this post) or, given Olivia Acuna's connections to both L Catterton and Sixth Street, even Dragonfly could've invested in BBBY via Sixth Street's Direct Lending platform, that equity can be combined with any common equity resulting from the preferred equity / warrants deal and shares issued to Teddy, as part of potential reverse merger. This can result in a change in ownership while preserving the NOLs. Even bondholders who have held their notes for at least 18 months can participate in this deal, pursuant to I.R.C. § 382(l)(5)(E) shown below, but it may disqualify many bondholders who recently bought the corresponding notes in hopes of being made whole and have not held them for at least 18 months :

July 29, 2021: googly eyes tweet, disguised face emoji with baby chair hidden in background

August 13, 2021: First trademark application submitted for "Teddy" by Teddy Holdings LLC (link). The description reads: "TEDDY® trademark registration is intended to cover the category of provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services."

August 27, 2021: "Time for pillow fights and 60s music"
(bye bye baby is one of the songs of all time, no.1 in canada in 1965)

September 26, 2021: "Talk is cheap, it takes money to buy whiskey."
(note that literally nothing happened with GME or anything, leading us to conclude that it's about some undisclosed fundraising or transaction regarding BBBY)

RC bought the bonds 18 months before chapter 11

kek glennies

>> No.55592760

you cannot seriously still be making these generals .. its over..

>> No.55592766

Is it almost the endgame yet?

>> No.55592773

its over bros thats why people are still posting in the thread telling us theres still time to sell

>> No.55592775

>you cannot
your not my dad

>> No.55592789

>camping out new threads to tell people it's over
4 I silly shilly kek

>> No.55592807

Why do you keep reposting a picture of a question that you're incapable of answering?

>> No.55592961

so what came of todays court hearing?
fucking nothing?
thought so

>> No.55592963
Quoted by: >>55593116

Checked, nice op image, look at you leveling up. Proud of you bud.

>> No.55592968

This nigga is still working from home

>> No.55593034

Actually it was announced that an agreement between BBBYQ and Sixth Street has been reached and details will be announced in next 24 hours.

Sixth street has been rumored to be working directly with GME Chairman, Ryan Cohen, on this deal. This new development is consistent with rather bullish dd that suggests some type of merger will take place between BBBYQ and another entity

>> No.55593046
File: 131 KB, 532x427, 1654701136887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55599470

bought another measly 500 shares today. Im pretty comfy

>> No.55593104
File: 93 KB, 607x424, hedgies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55593110

>Sixth street has been rumored to be working directly with GME Chairman
Rumors and suppositions for the suppository stock that is BBBYQ

>> No.55593116

thank you

>> No.55593118
Quoted by: >>55593147


Will bondholders make it?

>> No.55593120

MOASS tomorrow. Check em'

>> No.55593134
File: 23 KB, 848x207, shillsbeshillin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55593489

Remember when it was supposed to be "over" in April? If it was truly over, shills wouldn't be here. Does anyone have an idea when Nomura will explode like credit sussy? Or will they seal that away for 50 years as well.

>> No.55593147
Quoted by: >>55593627

>18 months yes
<18 months no

>> No.55593253
File: 190 KB, 1125x1114, IMG_2454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55593374

Imagine even responding to shills. It’s been 300+ threads and you low impulse control niggers can’t help but to engage and slide our own thread arguing the same shit.

Kill yourselves. Don’t respond with there’s nothing else to talk about bullshit. Just kill your fucking self.

>> No.55593374

Listen, I don't expect to be around here much longer since I'll be suckling Dutch tiddiez from women who are at least half afoot taller than me. but until then I'll converse with these faggots because I'm gonna miss 4chan culture. I'm finally going to buy my way out of doom scrolling and porn addiction. We're not all just gonna WAGMi, we're all going to be free. Actually free.

>> No.55593388
Quoted by: >>55593539

Arab Manlet?

>> No.55593416
Quoted by: >>55593539

This one’s going in the cringe comp

>> No.55593489
Quoted by: >>55593997

This. Shills were laughing at me months ago for buying dogshit, and they're still laughing at me now for buying more. If dogshit was "over", then why would someone still laugh at me for buying it? After my initial dogshit investment didn't make me rich, I decided to sell my house so I could buy more. Is it really that funny that I doubled down on dogshit? Would it really be that funny if I lost every penny I had because I was convinced that dogshit would make me a billionaire? No, that doesn't make sense. They must be shorting it, it's the only explanation that I can think of.

>> No.55593539

add away.

>> No.55593561

>Actually free.
I'm really hoping it's soon here. I'd love the mental peace more than anything right now.

>> No.55593627

>”nooooo you can’t just buy the bonds hoping shareniggers pump your bags”
>violating the debt waterfall
cue the avalanche of lawsuits ala credit bussy
kek category 2ies

>> No.55593711

>cue the avalanche of lawsuits ala credit bussy
Per today's court hearing the ad hoc bond holders committee have reached an agreement with sixth street etc to decide your fate, so the only one suing will be (you).

>> No.55593726
File: 55 KB, 640x500, danielicahnpondersthebbbonds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55593801

What is everyone doing this evening? I for one, will be watching the PPsneed show LIVE on youtube.

>> No.55593844

>watching grown men that dress up and idolize cocks create hype dates that are always wrong.
>probably donates to king kike every stream
>probably subscribed

kill yourself. I hope the leader of the show develops a rare cancer. Read the dockets by yourself faggot

>> No.55593993
File: 2.34 MB, 498x396, 1679190769493343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55594008

For real tho, why are you so ass-blasted?

>> No.55593997

You didn't even mention Cohen has been signaling Dogshit and that it's being shorted via twitter. Why would he tweet all the poop tweets if he wasn't all in and probably going to acquire it?

>> No.55594008
File: 115 KB, 1164x1130, grown ass man with a mortgage and kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously kill yourself faggot. I hope your wife continues to cheat on you (its obvious) and your newborn get bad asthma

>> No.55594009

The PP in PPseed will become "Prison Poundboy" once he gets nabbed for RICO.

>> No.55594018
Quoted by: >>55594046

>shills fear the penis man

>> No.55594037
File: 112 KB, 236x310, YouSeemUpset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a grump!

>> No.55594045

Listening to Spotify. I've never watched ppseeds because I never really enjoyed watching finance streamers and I doubt I'm gonna start now.

>> No.55594046

I have 90,000 shares. You can hold and not respect a 30 year old man that worships cocks. I know thats a revolutionary concept. You dont HAVE to pay his mortgage through donations

>> No.55594086
File: 84 KB, 659x609, so_good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing makes me happier than listening to BK hearings and then looking at /BBBYQ/ and seeing the shillies losing their minds. They aren't here because they are having fun. They are SEETHING. Red in the face, tear streaming down their cheeks probably drinking heavily just to cope.
Bros. We are ALL going to make it. And being vindicated is going to be the sweetest, most precious moment of your life you would think that manna fell from the heavens delivered by GOD himself.
Just to celebrate, I made some BASED and REDPILLED OC.

>> No.55594094

So we all know they aren’t going to announce shit about teddy or RC. Why even pretend?

>> No.55594095
Quoted by: >>55594105

Seriously, Anon. That's just not nice. Stop being such a angry niggerjew and get a grip! Spam more about dogshit!

>> No.55594105

Dogshit is the only good meme to come out of a year and a half of these threads.

>> No.55594133

Because it's a forced meme

>> No.55594140
File: 28 KB, 200x200, Seethies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forced memes are gay

>> No.55594142

Correction, it's the only good investment.

>> No.55594165

Dogshit is a forced meme is a forced meme.

>> No.55594167

That's why dogshit gets pushed so hard though. It's at best a mediocre tier meme and gets pushed every chance a pajeet gets.

>> No.55594169

>It's at best a mediocre tier meme and gets pushed every chance a pajeet gets.
So you're saying it belongs in this thread?

>> No.55594171

Baggies are seething so hard tonight. It’s glorious.

>> No.55594182

It literally never fails to trigger fragile baggies.

>> No.55594184
Quoted by: >>55594192

You would agree with baggies and shillies are being same then minds.

>> No.55594192
File: 1.37 MB, 800x1200, devitoNuke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55594205

i changed the grammar around and forgot to delete words, this doesn't make sense

>> No.55594205
Quoted by: >>55594249

>I am not being an Indian shill my friend. You are must believe me sir.

>> No.55594232

What is a make it stack? 5000? 10000?

>> No.55594249
Quoted by: >>55594282

I would be all in on dog shit if I was from India

>> No.55594253


10000 dog turds should be plenty, but be quick, the great turd squeeze may happen tomorrow.

>> No.55594255
Quoted by: >>55594349

20,000 to be a millionaire
50,000 to make it

>> No.55594263

What the fuck man. I yet again failed to pull the trigger. Why do I talk myself out of success? Now if I buy in tomorrow it will be a -8% day exactly after I confirm my purchase

>> No.55594264
Quoted by: >>55594349

idk but my floor is 1,000. I'm selling 700ish for that price per share and then I'm selling 2,000 shares for $10,000 per share. the initial batch of sold shares will go towards buying up as much silver, gold and GME as possible along with a car and vidya.

>> No.55594279

Why am I only down by 50 cents now?

>> No.55594282
Quoted by: >>55594287

Lol, the dogshit meme has you absolutely melted.

>> No.55594287


>> No.55594307
Quoted by: >>55594364

>baggies desperately trying anything they can to stop the dogshit meme from steamrolling them on the daily

>> No.55594310
Quoted by: >>55594364

like his >55594282 moms pregnancy

>> No.55594349
File: 45 KB, 400x401, 593271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55594354

I can't afford 50,000 shares :(

I could make it at $1000 per share :)

>> No.55594353
Quoted by: >>55594364

No, you’re just mad because it’s BTFO’ing you baggies so throughly and perfectly. Dogshit is a perfect analogy for your stock and why everyone laughing at you some isn’t some “le hedgie indian shillie” boogeymen.

>> No.55594354

if the price somehow hit $1000 overnight then I guess 10,000 shares is a full make it stack. I'll take $50 a share.

>> No.55594364

Just admitting that it's a forced meme isn't hard. Just admit it. You force it.

>> No.55594377

>most popular /biz/ thread of 2023
Oh we definitely deserve a black swan

>> No.55594380

Ozrv38fi has to be absolutely seething right now

>> No.55594389

>this meme hurts my feelings and I want you to stop saying it therefore it’s FORCED …. ;_____;
cringe, newfag, not how this works.

>> No.55594422

My comment was directed at CRXTdJfK

>> No.55594451

We are warriors, fierce and determined. Like William Wallace, we will not back down in the face of adversity. We will stand up and fight for what we believe in, even if it means facing down the full might of the hater army. You can try to bring us down with your negativity, but you will never succeed. We are the DOGSHIT warriors, and we will emerge victorious. Our turds will rise to new heights, and the haters will be silenced once and for all. So if you're with us, join the fight. Together, we will take on the baggies and show them that they can't bring us down. Together, we will rise to the top. Together, we are unstoppable. We may not know everything about the dog turd market, but we know enough to know that DOG TURDS are solid turds. And we're not going to let a bunch of keyboard warriors try to tell us otherwise. So bring on the baggies, because we're ready for them. We're ready to fight for what we believe in. And we won't stop until we're on top of the world.

>> No.55594521
File: 104 KB, 638x1000, 81q9Yhwl4rL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55595145

This is you're last chance. Realize that you've been indoctrinated into a reddit cult created by bad actors to steal your money. Whatever immense losses you have, it's better than literally losing it all. The next time I post, BBYQ will no longer exist.

>> No.55595081
File: 15 KB, 400x400, CAw7CpTv_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55595145
File: 21 KB, 474x305, 1656363684372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think im going to buy more tomorrow solely based on this comment.

>> No.55595274
File: 97 KB, 1242x1005, 1664289925884518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55595397

ohno broes ... its joever ....h

>> No.55595395


>> No.55595397
Quoted by: >>55595439

>it's real

>> No.55595399
Quoted by: >>55595912

Shares: 25,000
Cost Average: $0.14

We coming for you $1.15 anon!!!

>> No.55595439

it's a big nothing burger that's been available for over a month to read

>> No.55595878


>> No.55595912

Pick me up at $23, I forgot to sell when Cohen jumped ship

>> No.55596306
File: 28 KB, 550x384, 0c40c05bce3c928d1ecabf28c206bd7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55596931

i haven't been keeping up with this stock, can someone explain what happened yesterday?

>> No.55596515

the deal is done :)

>> No.55596829


>> No.55596835

Bad news! You're going to die poor baggie!

>> No.55596931

the stock is pumping because it's the next black swan event like GME, the rugpull from $30 in august was fake and gay and the shorts didn't close, the company agreed with the creditors to a plan for a successful exit from voluntary chapter 11 protection, it's going to 100-1000x

>> No.55597095



>> No.55597165
File: 285 KB, 640x482, 1634597638200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55597166
File: 124 KB, 636x767, bags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55597588


>> No.55597243


They just planned on how to split up the remaining money. No RC, no Teddy, no ongoing business.

Don’t take an Uber in the Bay Area today.

>> No.55597278
File: 4 KB, 250x225, cat sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are reddit tards saying this will go to $100?
I bought this fucking crap at 14$

>> No.55597290
Quoted by: >>55597296

To con other morons into buying their bags.

>> No.55597295

>he bought at $14
kek baggies

>> No.55597296
Quoted by: >>55597316

do you think there's even a 10% chance this goes back to 5-6$?
i feel bad selling at this price. I rather just lose it all at this point

>> No.55597316

0% chance.

That is a retardedly unlikely price target. Not even close to the realm of possibility.

>> No.55597366
File: 141 KB, 854x1085, uybo1xr1iwcb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55597400

>don’t take an Uber in Bay Area today
if this is directed at me i kek’d, you got me
nice one baggroid
also nobody says “Bay Area” it’s just Bay St you fucking tourist

>> No.55597428
Quoted by: >>55597602

>larping as kais

>> No.55597446
Quoted by: >>55597602

>from Oakland to Sac-town
>the Bay Area and back down
>Cali is where they put they Mack down
-2pac, California Love (1995)
Imagine being outsmarted by a dead nigger.

>> No.55597588
File: 453 KB, 1490x797, 1688741214267998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55597602

kek and checked
>Don’t take an Uber in the Bay Area today.
does this guy uber in the bay area?

>> No.55597602

thought this was a Chadshill post oopydoopy
carry on

>> No.55597848
File: 56 KB, 1290x621, okbets-gone-dark-thank-you-for-everything-v0-v6vvb0a60ucb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55597849


>> No.55598058


>> No.55598153
Quoted by: >>55598216

I just took 100% profit on a $4000 investment I've bought for ~3 months. $8000 in cash on my SCWAB now awaiting the dip. Will buy back in to hopefully double my position and not have to FOMO back in if she runs.

>> No.55598159

who cares? gme's CTB has been over 100 and it didnt do shit

>> No.55598180

I don't remember anymore at what price I initially bought, But I did average down.

>> No.55598196
Quoted by: >>55598208

baggies are quiet today

>> No.55598208

it's like my dear ol' mum used to say: baggin ain't easy

>> No.55598216

swingies get the rope

>> No.55598222


>> No.55598234
Quoted by: >>55598312

let's see 40 cents

>> No.55598312

>yfw that's what you will see for your entire position

>> No.55598353
Quoted by: >>55598385

i don't think that's possible

>> No.55598385
Quoted by: >>55598404

I was being generous, it's actually zero dollars. Strike that, it's actually [Shares Cancelled]

>> No.55598404

my penis is big and stinky

>> No.55598411
Quoted by: >>55598492

i keep getting flashback to my early teen years of Halo 2 multiplayer competitive level 40 was a hard earned rank with 50 being the max. BBBY hovering around 40 cents keeps shooting that need to get above level 40 in me head

>> No.55598452
File: 844 KB, 655x788, ponder me anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10% every day for the rest of days


>> No.55598472

Vindication sure is sweet

>> No.55598492
File: 174 KB, 1200x900, 1200[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55598496
Quoted by: >>55598538

GME holder here, just wanted to let you know we are all counting on you

>> No.55598538
File: 30 KB, 660x350, eeefff3e-4fa0-45ad-98c3-b5eeb959b1cb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't let you down!

>> No.55598608


also, kek shillies it's almost time for your final hour of shilling

>> No.55598614


>> No.55598615

this is cpt. Baggie to ground control, do we have a permission for lift-off?

>> No.55598653

the important thing that when the shares will finally get cancelled, you won't actually lose that much money, because you're all poor as shit
as far as I understand you've """""invested"""" a couple grands at most

>> No.55598675

>because you're all poor as shit
uhhh sorry sweaty but I'm candian

>> No.55598682
File: 234 KB, 465x526, 1667318954040431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you

>> No.55598685

ESL shill detected. Who's paying these fellas?

>> No.55598693
File: 13 KB, 912x74, Indian salary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55598837


>> No.55598747

I'm sitting on a 3x bbbyq, what went wrong ledgies??

>> No.55598823

remember BBBaggies it's only money. No need to kill yourselves when BBBYQ gets shadowrealm'd

>> No.55598837
File: 129 KB, 750x1092, 0g05a1n599v81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx for paying me baggie
You keep on throwing away your money to hedgies one way or another and I truly thank you for that.
Thanks to you all, Ken Griffin has had his best years ever so far

>> No.55598884

"They're gonna cancel your shares bro, please sell your shares back to the institutions bro, you're hurting me bro"

>> No.55598960
Quoted by: >>55598995

You don't have to sell your shares if you don't want to, sweetie
In fact buy more if that makes you happy, it sure does make me happy

>> No.55598994

I would also like to suggest that you all buy more. Buy as much as you can and hold! You’re all gonna be rich! BAGGIES WOOOOOOO!!!!

>> No.55598995


>> No.55599011
Quoted by: >>55599028

You can tell a baggie is truly seething when they throw out the old pajeet cope lmao

>> No.55599028
Quoted by: >>55599044

i want to kiss you on the butthole

>> No.55599041
Quoted by: >>55599094

>Getting the redeem meme backwards

>> No.55599044
Quoted by: >>55599083

You’re turning in to your mother :/

>> No.55599056

don't ever kek at me or my bags ever again.

>> No.55599081
File: 726 KB, 724x722, 1638292410872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My soul is prepared

>> No.55599083

gayer actually

>> No.55599094
Quoted by: >>55599236

oh look, the ESL pajeet can't read subtext. How surprising

>> No.55599169

"Listen, I know the stock is green. I know it's up 680% since going otc. I know we told you to tell them that it's over but a group of assholes piled in screaming nuhuh and their portfolios are green green green, I know the holders over $1 aren't selling at a loss. I know you told them you're never posting in the BBBY general ever again, but technically BBBYQ is a different general so I need you to go back to 4channel and fud them. I know they're watching the court hearings just... just fucking do it. Also there will be no raises this year because you guys keep fucked gme and now this up, but there's mushy pea curry in the break room."

>> No.55599178


The shares are currently less than 40 cents each. Why wouldn't they just buy the shares instead of giving baggies thousands of dollars per share?

>> No.55599186
Quoted by: >>55599218

Post less cope and buy more shares, dumb fuck baggie

>> No.55599206
Quoted by: >>55599258

This is the key word. If someone wanted to buy on the open market, I would be happy with that.

>> No.55599218
Quoted by: >>55599275

the audacity, you're coping at me

>> No.55599236

What subtext would make using the meme backwards make sense? The idea is that the supposed Indian shill begs someone not to redeem, not them getting upset at someone not redeeming, which you'd know if you weren't a newfag. Lurk more.

>> No.55599242

(Reddit Spacing)
Because they can't

>> No.55599249
Quoted by: >>55599350

What’s the new cope now that we know RC isnt involved and Teddy isn’t involved?

>> No.55599258
Quoted by: >>55599412


How much do you think the price would rise if they closed out all their shorts?

>> No.55599260

"And most importantly, you have to convince them that their shares are worth more than dogshit. Yes, I know that doesn't make any sense. Yes I know that the company is dead. These people are retarded, trust me, they'll fall for it."

>> No.55599275
Quoted by: >>55599325

>man who doesn’t know what investing means also does not know what words mean
Classic. Go buy more now, stupid!

>> No.55599325
Quoted by: >>55599360

Lower the price. Oh wait you can't lmfao

>> No.55599350

Oh yeah, can you prove it? Show me one piece of evidence that Cohen isn't planning to spend billions on dogshit? Yeah, didn't think so.

>> No.55599360
Quoted by: >>55599467

Uh yeah no shit I can’t lower the price, dumb fuck. But .40 is a steal right? It’s definitely going way way up right? To the moon lmao. So it only makes sense for you to buy more now while it’s so cheap, right?

>> No.55599396
Quoted by: >>55599470


Actually wtf is happening I should’ve bought Monday like i was going to

>> No.55599412

That's kind of impossible to answer.

>> No.55599417

When pump at 100 dollarinos?

>> No.55599467

mad lmfao

>> No.55599470

this guy is responsible for your """"pump"""": >>55593046
say thank you

>> No.55599500

so how high is this run going to be?

>> No.55599540

Ok I bought 1000 shares just so I could stop fixating on this shit. If it runs up to a dollar I made $500. No more FOMO

>> No.55599561
Quoted by: >>55599572

>buying the pump

>> No.55599572
Quoted by: >>55599612

short it

>> No.55599573
Quoted by: >>55599623

new bagholder was borned

>> No.55599604

Six hours

>> No.55599612
Quoted by: >>55599636

Why are you so concerned with my investment portfolio?

>> No.55599623

Like I care about $500… I’ll either make some cheddar of this bad boy or I’ll lose 500. Like an expensive lottery ticket.. I keep hearing shit about the next 24 hours having something interesting (completely uninformed as to what that is) this could easily be a bull trap fake gay rally but whatever. Can’t win if you don’t play

>> No.55599636
Quoted by: >>55599770

You've shown so much interest in mine, I'm just keeping the conversation going

>> No.55599694 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>55599707

I forgot about my drs stack, I really have saved a ton of money averaging down into gamestop

>> No.55599707 [DELETED] 

oops, wrong thread, forgive me bros

>> No.55599766

bbbyq RC investment gang we all here. Welcome aboard everyone.

>> No.55599770
Quoted by: >>55599818

I don’t even think about you.

>> No.55599782
Quoted by: >>55599879

>pretends to not care about losing $500
>pretends that gaining $75 would be life changing

>> No.55599818
Quoted by: >>55599832

what are you 12 anything but Mad Men references

>> No.55599820

This, same reason I bought dogshit. Either it goes up to $1m per turd and I'm rich, or it goes to zero. Gotta be in the game to win, and I know I'd regret it if I didn't buy any and the great turd squeeze took off without me. Worst case scenario I only lose what I put in, and it's only money after all. Best case scenario I make lots of money, which is important to me.

>> No.55599832

A what reference?

>> No.55599837
File: 35 KB, 550x300, youdontthinkatall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cope

>> No.55599879
Quoted by: >>55599908

2-10x or -33% whatever comes first
Yea man, I have a portfolio full of traditionally safe investments I can afford to risk the $500 on a meme. I’m not banking on a $1000000000 per share payout with this and I’m definitely not directly registering these shares

>> No.55599908
Quoted by: >>55599943

So your absolute high end price target would be a gain of $5,000. Is that life changing money to you?

>> No.55599943

nothing better to do than immediately jump to fud a 500 dollar investment, absolutely trapped

>> No.55599992

THE PLAN IS SIMPLE. shorties getting fucked. New exchange with a new ticker. Close shorts now before transformation. I just closed my short position bros. These hedge funds acting sketch

>> No.55600010
Quoted by: >>55600054

Who is this bozo that keeps trying to ride my dick?

>> No.55600049


>> No.55600054

>realizing his life is wasting away fudding on 4chan with a dogshit enthusiast

>> No.55600061
Quoted by: >>55600105

come on go over $0.40 already

>> No.55600079

Hedgies, I want my money back. I cannot afford fo average down luke the rest, I have expenses to pay but I can manage. So you better start averaging up and I won't see your commitment to apologize until we're mid 5 dollars here when I have my investment back.. I'm not selling

>> No.55600085


>> No.55600105

the second it does the FOMO will kick in and we will be rich

>> No.55600136
File: 315 KB, 1408x1343, Screenshot_20230309-005204_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55600180

Shill sisters how are we coping? I dunno about you but I need a hug downie step brothers

>> No.55600180
Quoted by: >>55600221

I feel you. Now that bbbyq is over and the baggies have lost all their money, we’ve lost a major source of lolcows

>> No.55600221

Fear not friend. MOAM is upon us, shills are trying to convince us that it's not happening.
Pizza party by the Dark Pool on Friday btw

>> No.55600274




>> No.55600296
Quoted by: >>55600306

>Yes, surely it will work this time

>> No.55600306
Quoted by: >>55600450

It's real
It's over
It's real over

>> No.55600313

Based and redpilled

>> No.55600322
Quoted by: >>55600663

>posting blatantly false fud
kek desperate shills

>> No.55600449

I got bbq for lunch today, pulled pork and smoked turkey wagmi

>> No.55600450
Quoted by: >>55600516

pretty sure blatant lying like this opens you up for RICO charges shilly, better tread carefully here

>> No.55600452
Quoted by: >>55600488


>> No.55600488
Quoted by: >>55600515

It's not, though.

>> No.55600515

>krollvirgin detected

>> No.55600516
Quoted by: >>55600589

PP "prison poundboy" seed is actually the one committing acts punishable under RICO, him and ABC ("A Big CÜck"), together with the regulars on his stream.

>> No.55600586

Turns out, we are all going to make it


>> No.55600589


>shill outs himself as a faggot foreigner by accident
imagine coming into thread on a company base in the US and shitting all over the keyboard this badly, kek

>> No.55600604

>inb4 “what’s behind 40 cents kenny”

>> No.55600612

what's behind .40 kenny

>> No.55600618

>after “what’s behind 40 cents kenny”

>> No.55600648

>docket 1410
>battle of Grunwald, 1410
kek teutonies, you got btfod by lithuanian feint (strategical ch11 proceedings)

>> No.55600663
File: 533 KB, 1421x1268, Screenshot_20230214-223348_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty dumb. I get trolling but after everything it just seems like a legitimate meltdownie who the voices in the walls told him he must keep doing it or the world will implode or something

>> No.55600676
Quoted by: >>55600745

I want to double up my stack from 25k to 50k. Price needs to dip.

>> No.55600745
Quoted by: >>55600923

no more fucking dips, the price needs to keep going up. you had your chance to buy earlier and there is nothing to stop you from buying now. it's time for this to take off now. i'm tired of waiting

>> No.55600790
Quoted by: >>55601408

I just assumed cuck will be autofiltered to onions as it is on several boards you dumbass tourist.

>> No.55600887

Wasn't Europe quite a significant part of the Apr communities.
I know there's so many German apes for some reason

>> No.55600923

no i sold for 90% total profit and am being greedy, i might FOMO back in depending on the news

>> No.55600975

Starting to hear some FUD that the hedgies are trading dark turds off the public markets. I'm not worried, the great turd squeeze is inevitable.

>> No.55601070
File: 434 KB, 250x250, angryblackkid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55601081

just need price to quickly dip -50% or at least -20% for fucks sake come on

>> No.55601084

Will you all continue to buy and hold even if nothing happens and there's full liquidation?
Usually it takes some years for the stock to stop trading completely so we'll probably see it trade for a long time
The post-bankruptcy season is gonna be an interesting one

>> No.55601115




>> No.55601169
Quoted by: >>55601184

Really selling it with those capital letters, anon.

>> No.55601184

Just trying to desensitize you all.

>> No.55601220

If was bad the ticker would be dumping

>> No.55601235

Baggies - you still hanging on for today, or are you starting to move the goalposts again?

>> No.55601360
File: 95 KB, 1080x2340, cyjs60bb3ycb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's interesting how many of these stocks that people completely just start to worship there are.
People's ability to invent cope is amazing

>> No.55601383

Because it’s an established pump and dump scam strategy at this point. The only good thing is eventually you run out of retards that will fall for something like this.

>> No.55601404


>> No.55601408

Probably best you go back to faggotcocksuck.com & shill there. You're just not up to the accepted standard here.

>> No.55601415
Quoted by: >>55601442

CryptBB has a ton of discussion about how to run these scams.

>> No.55601424
Quoted by: >>55601458

for some reason they think if they use reddit to post about sears and then link it elsewhere it'll be some decent fud. maybe on cuckbook it could work.

>> No.55601442

Is this the best bot your scurvy ridden operator can afford?

>> No.55601453
Quoted by: >>55601475

Worship the stock. It can do no wrong and it's always bullish no matter what.
There were so many during 2020 that you never heard of before but suddenly gained some ape following on Reddit

>> No.55601458
Quoted by: >>55601655

It's pretty funny
>what will it take for you guys to sell?
>when liquidated will you guys still hold??
>*no responses*
>why do you worship party city???

>> No.55601475

>never heard of before but suddenly gained
the original gas lighting

>> No.55601604
Quoted by: >>55601650



>> No.55601619


>> No.55601639

I can catch this knife

>> No.55601650

You really should believe me this time. :) 5 new docs.

>> No.55601651

oh it's just inverting gme

>> No.55601655
Quoted by: >>55601847

Don't need to be so insecure about a couple of questions

Didn't say you worship party city as it would be unrelated but it's interesting how many stocks like that there are that gained ape following

>> No.55601677
File: 58 KB, 856x271, IMG_9734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55601804

Why don’t you believe me? :(

>> No.55601804
Quoted by: >>55601820

Serving up nothing burgers left and right.

>> No.55601820
Quoted by: >>55601842

This is the plan they were talking about. There’s nothing left to discuss other than leases. Baggies keep making up bullshit theories about there being something else. This proves it - no more assets left to distribute. This play is done.

>> No.55601842
File: 8 KB, 296x165, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55601862


>> No.55601847

just calling it how I see it friendo

>> No.55601862

If I’m right, there will be no more filings today. If I’m wrong, you’ll see a different plan published in the next 45 minutes.

>> No.55601885

you think a lot about cocks huh

>> No.55601996


>> No.55602011
Quoted by: >>55602032

its literally green

>> No.55602032


>> No.55602036

Where's hex anon when you need him.

>> No.55602061



>> No.55602089

Imagine spending your entire day guzzling the cum of Wall Street on a bulgarian basket weaving forum and actively cheering on predatory hedge funds against retail investors

>> No.55602101

he's going the distance
he's going for speed

>> No.55602114


>> No.55602126

my nigger in christ, let's save it for when it actually drops

>> No.55602128
Quoted by: >>55602147

>we are releasing plans in 24 hours
>24 hours, they release plans to auction off leases and shutter the business
>baggies: “clearly we need to be waiting for another plan”

>> No.55602147

why are you so concerned with my investment portfolio

>> No.55602165

Thank you for confirming that rustled your Jimmies earlier.

>> No.55602199
File: 44 KB, 675x680, 1652449066871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shillies rn screaming in the wind

>> No.55602205

you can rustle my jimmies anytime, keep bumping

>> No.55602222
File: 1.18 MB, 1080x811, 1659970051201856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55602229

Its actually pretty funny. Your presence here is one of the only thing that is keeping me from selling. I'll sell once this moons or when you dedicated 25+ pbtid faggots disappear.

>> No.55602229

Then I must stay. I want you to lose everything. Never sell.

>> No.55602264

Well, what do you know? It’s now been 24 hours. The only plan that was filed was about selling leases and shuttering operations.

Commence the goal post moving, baggies.

>> No.55602279

She wants to break .40 so bad

>> No.55602443


>> No.55602534
File: 1.66 MB, 3176x2748, IMG_8337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55602597

I need someone to bake.

>> No.55602597

I got it.

>> No.55602653

I'm close. Now describe the options chain to me.. and do it slowly.

>> No.55602697

Your over-eagerness diminishes your credibility. I'm all for kek baggies but it must be based in fact.

>> No.55602702
File: 117 KB, 730x783, 9df33d90bde1bc5a67ca1d006437d272[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another green day

>> No.55602790
File: 190 KB, 1284x952, SCHW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schwab be paying to borrow my BBYQ anons....the shorts are begging for shares.

>> No.55602822

40 cents tomorrow? and then $100 on friday? please?

>> No.55602934
Quoted by: >>55603108

Turd bros, when will it be our turn?

>> No.55602966
Quoted by: >>55603044

aNd JuSt LiKe tHaT tHe sHiLlS cLoCk oUt!!

>> No.55603044
Quoted by: >>55603092


>> No.55603092
Quoted by: >>55604796

The Deal is Done.

>> No.55603108

>day1ePTu ID
>day 1 expected price turd unlimited
Holy shit, the prophecy is foretold. The great turd squeeze starts tomorrow. WAGMI!

>> No.55603300

I hope you're covered.

>> No.55603367

aaaaa I was still accumulating
I'm going to go feed the dog laxatives

>> No.55603815
File: 30 KB, 656x679, NeverSelling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55603866

Were the shillies going absolutely fucking hysterical today?

>> No.55603866
Quoted by: >>55604777

They almost filled an entire thread again today

>> No.55604088
File: 463 KB, 1284x783, IMG_8371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swingies get the rope

>> No.55604261

delisted tomorrow

>> No.55604262

completely serious question
by what date is the rumored merger / acquisition / share price increase / MOASS / whatever supposed to happen?
i want to come back in and check in on this thread to see you guys either celebrating or roping

>> No.55604377

It was supposed to be today. But that was after the baggies moved the goalposts about 100 times already.

>> No.55604454

Two more weeks

>> No.55604477

Attorneys stated under oath that they would release the plan about bbbyq’s future within 24 hours

22 hours later, they released a plan stating they’re selling their remaining leases and shutting down the business.

Baggies have somehow convinced themselves that this is just a decoy plan.

>> No.55604545
Quoted by: >>55604622

I wonder how much OT being a hater makes

>> No.55604622

More than you can afford, pal

>> No.55604681

kek dumbfuck BBBaggots

>> No.55604701

If you lost money on BBBYQ because of PPSeed’s lies, you can file a victim report with the SEC. You may be entitled to compensation to recover your losses.


>> No.55604762
Quoted by: >>55604766

So what’s the cope, baggies?

>> No.55604766

They have nothing left.

>> No.55604777

cry moar

>> No.55604796
Quoted by: >>55604823

What deal?

>> No.55604823

There is no deal. It’s chapter 7 now.

>> No.55604824
Quoted by: >>55604834

>PP"Prison Poundboy"seed is going to get seeded in prison

>> No.55604834

that kid is going to jail fr

>> No.55604837
File: 134 KB, 976x850, it is pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55604842


>> No.55604840
Quoted by: >>55604852

I'm not sure whether that would work
bbbaggies operate on conspiracy theories, they don't explicitly lie very much or have any insider info

>> No.55604842

You’re obsessed.

>> No.55604845

Are you stupid faggots even going to bother making a new thread? Kek defeated, disheveled, dumbfuck bbbaggots

>> No.55604852

He very clearly dedicated his show to inducing people into investing in bbby(q). Doesn’t have to be explicit statements, and even his NFA disclaimer doesn’t shield him. There are decades of case law on prosecuting pump and dump fraudsters that operate online.

>> No.55604859

New seething grounds

>> No.55604867

I created a new thread just for meltdown chads:

>> No.55605095

I've only gained money on this stock since I learned about that ugly nerd, though.