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File: 287 KB, 324x300, 1075596_bac8b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50899184 No.50899184 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetime-line.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report
>GameStop Investor, NFT, & Wallet Sites

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

As always:
>kek baggies

>> No.50899222
File: 10 KB, 150x148, alligator-new-threads.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50899240

Still comfy strummin' and dancin'


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Ongoing hiring spree of specialists of e-commerce, UI, UX, blockchain and supply chain operations
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.035 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory
>Intent to launch NFT marketplace by end of Q2 FY '22 (May-July)

DRS & Computershare
>12.7 million shares DRS'd by Apr. 30th 2022
>Previously 8.9 million shares by Jan. 29th 2022 and 5.2 mill by Oct. 30th 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Thursday RRP: 2,199.247B, 103P = 21.352B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 2,213.193B, 99P = 22.355B per (roughly)

>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan. 15th, 2021: 226.42%
>HF and broker class action lawsuit evidence
>SEC GME/meme stocks report
>GameStop Crypto Wallet available for download on Chrome
>FY22 Q1 results report is out
>Four-for-One Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend
>(Record: July 18, 2022; Dist. after closing on 21st)
nft.gamestop.com beta marketplace is now open to the public.

>100 page comparison DD

Please don't feed seething baggies

>> No.50899239
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>> No.50899240


>> No.50899286
File: 188 KB, 1200x900, 1660186493042024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slow night ? shills having gay indian butt sex with each other?

>> No.50899409

I'm not against DRS, but DRSing 100% will only accomplish to prevent MOASS. DO NOT DIRECT REGISTERATE 100%

>> No.50900337


>> No.50900385
File: 64 KB, 750x562, D9C0FE9B-E294-4BDE-9433-5A0FD99B6F94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shills mad

>> No.50900668

You're a faggot for thread splitting, but I'll admit, the crock gif is cute.

>> No.50900958

good job jannies, you shoved the wide end of the mop up your ass and tried to clean it up with the handle

>> No.50900964

fuck i zoomed out on the chart. the $40 gigacrab has only been going on for about a week. feels like it was longer. it was $32 a couple of weeks ago. hopefully this means we can have a run to $50+ soon. u/BadassTrader is predicting a SPX rug like in 2008 but hopefully that won't happen or that it won't drag GME down. i'm bullish on BBBY, hoping for a squeeze to $100-500, but it will probably take weeks/months for it to get there so i will be miserable a lot of the time for the foreseeable future especially when the markets are closed on the weekends in this insufferable summer heat. i have 30/70 BBBY/GME, thinking of increasing it to 50/50 but i'm afraid of getting rugged.

>> No.50900974
File: 506 KB, 828x1273, 69C7DD58-00A1-40B7-A4F3-B2376B720D45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread got deleted just as everyone decided to drs 100% no more questions

>> No.50901021
File: 171 KB, 640x359, threats to world peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow am i banned?

>> No.50901028


>> No.50901033
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, campfire anons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50901925

they deleted te legit bread and rerouted to this BS one? why? what could sponsor such behaviour?

>> No.50901034
File: 106 KB, 742x1024, 1660450831611133m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uncle Cohen says protect children and animals
>Militas now forming in U.S. to kill pedos after Texas Convict drinks suicide pill in court when U.S. VPNs attempt to defend pedophilia

>> No.50901057
File: 144 KB, 530x530, 1658179601013937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow. put a hand on that man's shoulders and tell that fuckin glowie hedgie fuck that he has been playing with people's lives this whole time. he must simply accept what's coming to him; lion's share of the consequences too boys


>> No.50901085

We’re going to kill all pedos after we WAGMI

>> No.50901186
File: 207 KB, 1200x615, FZtC5W9UUAA_J2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50901452


>> No.50901193

I'm literally shaking bro

>> No.50901207

This explains why anti DRS shills have been so active. Hedgies had no idea what we were doing until this idiot spilled the beans. Why are predditors like this?

>> No.50901228

maybe now that they know they'll start closing their shorts? i don't want this to drag on for years

>> No.50901239

already did like a week ago kek

>> No.50901279

That doesn't square with Kenny's moves or the Susshaneequa $48B margin call.

>> No.50901301
Quoted by: >>50901365


>> No.50901327
Quoted by: >>50902159

henlo frens, I am here to tell you it is this week. It was revealed to me in my dreams. I dreamed that a got a big bag ful of money, then I brought that money home, and even secured it on the way to make sure it will reach the destinarion. Usually when I dream about bringing something from A to B, I fail at the beginning because I am unable to "secure" all the stuff I want to carry, but this time not. It was easy to put the money in the bag, when the bag was filled, there was a single bill on the floor, I also added it to the rest of the money in the bag and then I went home. I didnt lose money on the way, but still "cloes" the moneybag midway, doubling down, to make sure non of the bills are flying out of the bag.

>> No.50901365

Like it or not, we need a temporary alliance and then people can crawl back to their dungeons.

>> No.50901399

my larp story flew over my house!

>> No.50901426
Quoted by: >>50904860

fuck you you fucking overweighted cocksucking gaysub. The only reason you want to bake is because you want to tell everyone how you 750lib fatass enjoys being fuck in the ass by a any random streetnigger. Luckyly you soon die of too much bodyfat in your blood.
You saw how eveyone in thread is comfy and you want to force us tocbe comfy towards you, so you come in here and ruin everything like the tranny you are. And if we ignore you, you just ran to the jannies to cry about how we dont playprentend with you fucking tranny dickloving homo fat fuck! And the only reason you call blessed baker a fat tranny is because projecring and because when ever someone calls you fat or a tranny or a faglover, it hurts the most because the truth is hurtfull and it is true that you are a fat, cocksucking traggot.
Do mankind a favour and just kill yourself (for the team, at least once in your life, do something for the team... oh right, you never got voted/joined into a team, thats why you cut off your dick to become a tranny, because you thought as a "woman" you'll get attention, but wrong, you dont because ywnbaw and you look ugly. So seethe harder you fucking waste of space).

>> No.50901436
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, 840E2CC5-1449-45B6-B7F2-187637F3F83C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany... how do you solve a problem like Germany... allowing themselves ze rug, why are they like this.

>print few trillion more shares, that will fix the problem

There’s is a trillion shares in motion post split and Germans didn’t get a taste

>> No.50901437
Quoted by: >>50901735

Sell GME


>> No.50901452
File: 3.64 MB, 332x336, standard gf practices.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50901650

I'm going to propagate and spread so many cool species of frogs and their habitats post-MOASS, bros.

>> No.50901724
File: 13 KB, 470x960, 599608B9-E052-4BF7-9B38-186DBC103A52.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50901734

This is the most retarded shit I have ever read in my entire life. Every single post like this should get the user permanently banned on the spot

>> No.50901734

Also, I’m retarded. Meant for >>50901028 obviously

>> No.50901735

i think GME has potential to run to $50+ soon? a lot of people are hoping for BBBY to run to $80-500 but there are some paperhands at $15-20. already at $10-13 some faggots sold and there are some midwit normies that think it's too late even though RC bought at $15 and it has potential to run even harder than how GME ran in january 2021. i have 30/70 BBBY/GME but might go up to 50/50 next week.

>> No.50901758

>already at $10-13 some faggots sold and there are some midwit normies that think it's too late
although most of those people are poorfags or just took a small gamble position at like $5. lots of people that ape in with tens/hundreds of thousands have an average closer to $11 and will probably hold most of their shares to $80+. there are baggies with like a $25 cost basis too.

>> No.50901787
Quoted by: >>50901817

Word for word exact same talking points as the pro-AMC shills that used to flood this general. Please kys

>> No.50901817
File: 362 KB, 594x712, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i understand your frustration in feeling like you missed the opportunity to get in at a lower cost basis but try to use some critical thinking. RC himself bought a large stake at $15 and has calls up to $80 and he used the "full moon with face" emoji in reference to BBBY. BBBY has evaporated the float through share buybacks just like GME did which means that shorts are fucked. there's an unprecedented amount of FOMO and now people know what to do from their experience with the january 2021 run in GME.

>> No.50901852
Quoted by: >>50901869

>muh opportunity cost
I literally don’t care. That “full moon face” is just a smiley face so I have literally no idea wtf you’re talking about. I don’t give a shit who bought what either. I don’t make investing decisions by reading Ryan Cohen’s tea leaves because I’m not a fucking retard

>> No.50901860

Where does CNBC even get this photo to use in this hit piece on BBBY? some lady looking like she doesnt want her photo taken? One flip flop fucked on the ground? Seriously multi billion empires are at stake and this is the shit they come up with

>> No.50901869
Quoted by: >>50901886

>I don’t make investing decisions by reading Ryan Cohen’s tea leaves
in this case it's a quite obvious dogwhistle like elon musk's gamestonk tweet

>> No.50901886

So, what you’re saying is that I should sell all of my GME and buy BBBY because of an emoji?

>> No.50901897

You know what, fuck it, I got £3000 laying around, I'll hit some BBBY.

>> No.50901909

Yes, goy. Buy anything but GameStop

>> No.50901921
Quoted by: >>50901940

Is this the thread where I can get free coaching for selling my gme shares in favor for other more egregious stocks?

>> No.50901925
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>> No.50901927
File: 40 KB, 304x186, dot14082022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an idiot. MOASS happens when all DRS reaches 100%, if not before. We are at 52%. If your holdings are with a broker, you are asking to have your position closed or force liquidated.

Sucks to be anyone who hasn't DRSd some shares for MOASS, basically.

Can't wait for the morning I wake up and see the ticker start pumping. Could be tomorrow. Anyone reading this who's short on GS, or working for a firm that is, or has been employed by a third party firm to manage the narrative - You're fucked. You know it, we know it, everyone on the street knows it. You are so, so unbelievably fucked. You can't ever be unfucked. Fucked is your new natural state of being. It is you, you are fucked.

>meds = untaken
>cock = diamond
>yils = 0 left
>lane = in it
>comfy = womfy
>dot = strongly interpreted

>> No.50901940

Yes, this is non-idiosyncratic risk general

>> No.50901960
Quoted by: >>50901999

Oh thank god
I thought I was in some sort of time locked thread in a pocket dimension where we will never see the light of day and can't ever gamble again.

>> No.50901999

You in the bath nigga zone now white boi. We finna take a bath and I is gonna towel you off after for the low price of $4.99. Bix nood mufugga

>> No.50902036
Quoted by: >>50902076

checked and xMELV2Ng pilled

>> No.50902076
File: 110 KB, 500x500, 9106B54D-7E76-4894-8BC1-F25291D0215C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das rite

>> No.50902159

I believe you fren.

>> No.50902179

I'm on vacation with my waifu pillow, we're eating at a historic KFC/Taco Bell restaurant. I waddle up to a lovely older couple, wipe the fried chicken crumbs from my neckbeard and introduce myself. "Hi I'm ApeDRS42069, this is my wife CumSockiSan. They're very sweet and telling us which stores nearby sell the best FunkoPops (I'm a collector) while in town. I am American and thus we start discussing 4Chan and The January 6th FREEDOM MOVEMENT (STOP THE STEAL!!!). Naturally I blurted out about GME because everyone I meet needs to hear about it. As he's gasping for air (the combination of Doritos Locos Tacos and KFC on my breath made it hard for him to breathe easily) I blurt out "DONT YOU KNOW THAT KEN GRIFFIN IS A MAYONAISE AND APES ARE FLINGING POO AT HIM!?!?!?" He replies "WTF are you talking about?"

I have absolutely no idea who this guy is, but my little pp gets hard when I have a chance to blurt out about GME. He then tells me "I'm not a fucking retard, I'm shorting that shit to the ground.". I kind of get upset, so I start snuggling and humping my waifu pillow to calm down.

He refused to give me his full name at first, but then grudgingly said his name was "Turd Ferguson". I googled his first name along with some of the financial terms I know like "crayons, to the moon, diamond penis, and DRS"... you know the high level stuff. Guys... this guy is a big deal, he looks a bit like Burt Reynolds. HE KNOWS ABOUT MAYONAISE! And mayo made more money than me last year.

I will probably get backlash for the following, I get it.... Please understand once again I have no idea how anything actually works, and I just like shouting at strangers. I thought I was helping him.

Turd Ferguson and his firm are 100% long on mayonnaise and think we're retarded. I tried telling him about our used jpeg shop and he said "OMFG you're really putting your money on that stupid shit... you're literally the dumbest person I ever met. I can't wait to take all of your money."

>> No.50902430
Quoted by: >>50902550


BBBY is exhibiting idiosyncratic risk now

>> No.50902431
File: 248 KB, 636x1066, the average Gamestop general delusionist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now the GME baggies will complain and be paranoid about jannies

Med time!

>> No.50902468

Are the threads dying?

>> No.50902478

Nah, the shills took a pay cut, so they can’t shill 24/7 now

>> No.50902485

I dont even know why im here on a sunday. i need to go to bed. WAGMI

>> No.50902493

Everyone in the U.S. went out to protect children as per Lord Cohen's request. Don't go to /pol/ tomorrow.

>> No.50902506

I dont understand this buying pressure theory. Since hedgies have to buy my shares, and i can name my price, why do I need synthetic buying pressure to make the price go up? I'm not planning on market selling lol.

>> No.50902519
File: 491 KB, 1500x1236, Bahuta sārī'āṁ saikasī auratāṁ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys nigger jannies and curry rapists

>> No.50902525
File: 64 KB, 500x565, D2C5FF86-9F0E-4D90-8822-4A079BB7EF8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, to get some discussion going. What’s the first thing you’ll buy with your GME gains when moass happens? I’ll start. I’m gonna buy a really expensive dinner at a nice steakhouse to celebrate. Pic unrelated

>> No.50902536

Kek gamestop baggies
2 years in and your savior is making bbby tweets

>> No.50902550
Quoted by: >>50902590


>> No.50902552

Oh that's a tough question. I guess I'll do a similar thing and I'll visit my favorite restaurant. My succeeding purchases would be all the small random things I need but couldn't afford to buy.

>> No.50902553
File: 278 KB, 640x800, Comfy Holding Friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a comfiness check - are you all having a nice comfy weekend frens?

>> No.50902562
File: 138 KB, 640x845, Comfy Holding Kim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Order in pizza, buy some really nice wine from the local shop, maybe some flowers, and then spend the evening with my wife in the comfort of our own home planning our future life knowing we've made it

>> No.50902590

you've had a year and a half to read the DD on how a gamma squeeze works and FTDs etc

>> No.50902601
File: 39 KB, 600x355, why dilution is actually a good thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn how can people be this dumb, the scary thing is some of them have GME too

>> No.50902648
Quoted by: >>50902688

reminder not to fall for peer pressure

not being retarded + trusting your convictions = profit

only the worst cultists are completely rigid GME maximalists

a lot of BBBY holders will roll their profits into GME anyway

>> No.50902688

>Do not take financial advise from retard
I wish boomer did this with Cramer and co.

>> No.50902699
File: 17 KB, 474x380, big brass balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give it to him.

>> No.50902713

How is the entire financial world not laughing at this fucker right now? Is it even legal to have him shill this APE thing this hard?

>> No.50902720

Sure am, gonna mow and do some grilling today. Ain’t nothing more American than that.

>> No.50902721
Quoted by: >>50902900

Why is preddit scaring me to drs all of my shares?

>> No.50902838

oh, jannies are retarded

>> No.50902886


a stock split is the same as a stock split per dividend

stock dividends are not paid out cus they are just sitting in the dtcc

>> No.50902900
Quoted by: >>50903579

Because you do not own shares held in brokerages, you agreed to eula stating they may close your position for any reason at all without your permission.

>> No.50902964
Quoted by: >>50902976

>stock dividends are not paid out
You know how wrong that sounds, right?

>> No.50902976

They are not paid out to brokers, they are just kept at the DTCC
So it works exactly the same as a stock split
Brokers just 4x their positions
But you retards cant get that through your brains
And cry for a compliance officer kek

>> No.50902977
File: 1.05 MB, 1440x1440, 1659980241830034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50902988
File: 342 KB, 1920x1080, pouncercope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50903046

In a way, I guess you're right. The DTCC is responsible for crediting brokers with stocks, so if they tell brokers to split then all the liability falls on the DTCC as they hold the books. Now who's to say they didn't magnify a sinkhole into a black hole however, we don't really know.

>> No.50903056
Quoted by: >>50903079

its not exactly the same for tax purposes, + I might agree except some brokers had shares delivered while others were told to x4. Also its only the same if there are no synthetics, and is still a lazy way of doing it. You're supposed to attribute new shares according to each brokers books not just say x4 when you realise you dont have enough shares to give to each broker

>> No.50903071

also two financial authorities + gamestop have clearly stated this shit is not the same.

>> No.50903079

>some brokers had shares delivered
No they didn't.
The DTCC holds shares, brokers don't. Not lazy but efficient way in the age of electronic trading.
There is no proof of synthethic shares existing

>> No.50903087

Kek for creativity

>> No.50903107

sneed, your lies hold no power

>> No.50903110
Quoted by: >>50903200

If it's exactly the same then how does it even exist as a seperate option? Also if there was no difference between them, then it shouldn't have been a problem for the DTCC to offer it as a dividend? But it's making them sperg out horribly, so there is a difference, and it's very painful for them.

>> No.50903114
Quoted by: >>50903200

>There is no proof of synthethic shares existing
Depends on your definition of synthetic. If you say every share is "real" in the DTCC? Sure. However, there's proof that the DTCC turns a blind eye to naked shorting and FTD's, even willingly for their own gain. There's likely so many shares out there but nobody knows except the DTCC itself. They never allowed anyone a peek into the books neither, so it's highly likely it's a complete clusterfuck.

>> No.50903123

no squeeze last week huh baggies?
no second squeeze next week either
or in two weeks
or ever KEK baggies

>> No.50903144
File: 2.76 MB, 2812x1332, SNEED HEDGIES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50903210

>> No.50903200

Tax purposes. It is offered as a dividend, that means brokers do not get shares. DTCC owns the shares dummy
FTDs are real, but the data is wildly misinterpreted. They numbers don't stack.

If retail owned the float, all shares would simply be in computershare. You do not own the float

The baggies told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ear

>> No.50903210
File: 933 KB, 2232x3157, 96355538_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50903377

>>50903144 Checked
Sneed hedgies.
>sneed hedgies

>> No.50903245

Kek fucking stupid BAGGIES

>> No.50903255
Quoted by: >>50903508

Ok, so why are some brokers treating it as a split and some as a dividend? Surely fucking that up is going to be a massive headache down the line, so why do it? What did they gain from doing it?

>> No.50903256
Quoted by: >>50903788

the float is 50% DRSed and for example im only 10% DRSed. Many people are not 100% or even 50% DRSed.

>> No.50903277
Quoted by: >>50903284

Genuine predictions- MOASS by December of this year?

>> No.50903281
Quoted by: >>50903788

That's where you fucking lost all non-bias credibility lmao. Tell me how it's possible the float is traded several times over in a single day, for multiple days? I have xxxx in a broker not computershare. Kek shill.

>> No.50903283
File: 132 KB, 1500x1500, 1554297004184182785_FZH44VdaQAAurc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay comfy, comfy weekend /GME/.

>> No.50903284

Never happening baggie

>> No.50903287 [DELETED] 

half the free float is DRS’d by a few thousand neck beards on Reddit

>> No.50903302
File: 38 KB, 1280x720, A0A13E23-3E94-42EB-8F75-B25271FE9E2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesn’t know half the float is already direct registered by a few thousand neckbeards on reddit

>> No.50903315

It's still never happening baggie bitch

>> No.50903331
File: 751 KB, 200x200, 768B2000-1F7F-4F1C-8FC0-2D769B677D25.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he’s IP hopping this early in the morning

>> No.50903334
File: 809 KB, 1136x852, 1640882786935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread smells funny

>> No.50903358

NFT marketplace is a bust.
Splividend didn't do anything.
17% of shares DRS:s thus proving apes don't even own the float once.
Ryan Cohen has no plan to save the company.
MOASS will not happen.

Sell this garbage before apes catch onto the scam. Just some friendly advice.

>> No.50903374
Quoted by: >>50903669

"100% DRS or your broker will delete your shares" is FUD

>> No.50903377
File: 25 KB, 641x530, 1513951766853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A/ie ID

>> No.50903397
File: 194 KB, 1125x1126, 0A1AF5FA-6ED1-445D-9BA5-2039E989F913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50903445
File: 531 KB, 1200x523, bizamc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50903496

>dilution is good because I time it with hedgies covering
I fucking hate this shill so much. How does anyone stomach what he has to say? All his actions say hedge fund shill and greedy jew.

>> No.50903508

>What did they gain from doing it?
Un dia mas.

>> No.50903526

he's based for ripping of joggers and brainlets

>> No.50903535

Built for BBBY

>> No.50903536
File: 193 KB, 1483x1062, pals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All his "investors" are greedy retards who have never bought stock before and are so deep in denial and sunk cost fallacy that they automatically believe every single word out of his mouth must be good.

>> No.50903560

My penis is erect.

>> No.50903579
Quoted by: >>50903612

You forgot to mention that if that happens, moass is dead on arrival.

>> No.50903586
File: 548 KB, 2048x3072, -21628219624062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall erect penis.

>> No.50903612
File: 222 KB, 600x598, le predditor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50903783

>b-but muh heckin shares in my OWN name
>muh bazillions of dollarinos
>hedgies HAVE to buy muh shares
>because the shares belong to ME

>> No.50903614

8/10, made me kek
still not selling
fuck jannies and fuck faggot op btw

>> No.50903669

Correct. I don't think people realize what would be the consequences of denying tons of people life-changing wealth. Also not only moass wouldn't happen (because all short positions are now closed by stolen shares), any broker that would pull this shit off would open itself to lawsuits and bankruptcy, not to mention nobody would do buiness with them ever again because they didn't let people take profits.

>> No.50903679
Quoted by: >>50903788

retard, it is simple:
split means numbers times 4
split by divided means the new shares are provided by gamestop
so it is infinite amount if shares vs. finite amount of shares.

>> No.50903730

Adding to this, people here forget that groomers on preddit are literal NPCs with 0 IQ, regurgitating shit they don't understand. The only reason this whole thing gained traction there was that it pandered to their marxist ideals and their favourite funko pop store was going bust. While DRS is commendable, helps the company and brings moass closer, the broker shares are essential to reconcile liabilities, and without them there's no moass.

>> No.50903756
File: 1.79 MB, 2560x1707, Comfy Holding Cottage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50905572

Going to enjoy the beautiful British summer and get out in the garden. You stay comfy too fren

>> No.50903783

Accurate/10. It's become clearer and clearer to me that few people actually have a grip on the underlying mechanics which make all of this possible in the first place.

>> No.50903788

>how it's possible the float is traded several times over in a single day, for multiple days?
Besides there being provable synthethic shares in Jan 2021, the massive (social) media attention caused a ton of retail traders to daytrade. The SEC report confirms this, only a small portion of volume was short positions covering.
> I have xxxx in a broker not computershare
>for example im only 10% DRSed. Many people are not 100% or even 50% DRSed.
>half the float is already direct registered by a few thousand neckbeards on reddit
On reddit most people seem to go for 100% DRS. Anything lower than that gets hated on.
So if the majority of reddit holders - which are by far the biggest group, are 100% DRS that means the 70.8 million shares registered are only 50% of the float. The majority of the big group of holders don't own one single float let alone all outstanding shares.

The evidence is here.

>so it is infinite amount if shares vs. finite amount of shares.
The DTCC can't do a 10x split if the company announces a 4x split. They work the same apart from some tax differences

>> No.50903807
File: 134 KB, 976x850, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50903823

Yeah it really annoys me that the Predditors don't seem to understand at all why DRS is important to MOASS and instead use fear, uncertainty, and a false sense of urgency to push people to 100% DRS. A lot of things posted on SS could be seen by someone as financial advice. The Predditors better watch themselves lest they get accused for market manipulation. Granted I like DRS and have XXX shares in CS, but the Predditors always seem to manage to ruin nice things.

>> No.50903819
File: 109 KB, 395x395, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're still shitting in the street on a Sunday early morning from multiple ip's
>it's still low-tier normgroid joggerkibble buzzwordbuzzword cope fests only
>they will still be doing it, all day long, on a weekend where the markets are not open by design
>this is the best they can do
>they refuse to acknowledge that with a brokerage you simply own the right to shares that broker may or may not hold on your behalf and can rug you on at their whim
>whereas DRS'ed you actually outright own those shares directly in your name in a registry as the acronym and process implies
>this process was built on the DTCC's dime
>they're still sneeding and seething about it sending tomislav and chang here to shit in the street over it
>they think it will impact anything other than how hard anyone that's been in this for any appreciable length of time is laughing
>been holding since 2020
>my sides are confirmed in orbit and reaching escape velocity of the solar system
>they are still sneeding, and feeding, and coping of course
>when the price is ripping through the millions they will still be here
>I cannot sell until they no longer are
>so in a queer sort of way, like all of the shills (queers), their very presence means the price will continue to rise
>because the 24 hour timer just keeps on getting reset
My condolences to those with too much shit in their eyes to be able to read this, and a heartfelt prayer goes out to the ones that can see but sadly cannot read. They can and always will still be able to sneed, like hedgies, at whom I will always kek.

>> No.50903823

>A lot of things posted on SS could be seen by someone as financial advice. The Predditors better watch themselves lest they get accused for market manipulation.
this is not a thing paranoid retard

>> No.50903838
File: 845 KB, 640x622, nfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, if you're still talking about brokers or direct registration you're a confirmed faggot. What someone does with their money and their property is wholly their decision. If they'd like to own the rights to be entitled to shares with a brokerage, cool. If they'd like to own the shares outright and have them registered to their identity, cool. Both are necessary. Anyone still arguing against any point I have made in this post is paid to be here, and leads an extremely sad life and should go play in traffic with a blindfold on.

>> No.50903843
File: 268 KB, 1000x1000, 390t41k2a7l81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been holding since 2020
Show positions liar

>not giving muh info to the epic evil hedgies

>> No.50903859
File: 254 KB, 1015x828, 1659739228100629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50903893

If you want to encourage people to DRS, just post pic related. Chobani handed us all the easiest instructions he could give. I'm not sure why you guys don't bring this up more often, since it supports your position better than any of you can.

>> No.50903864

What's with all this anti-DRS shilling? Really actvates my almonds

>> No.50903881

I don't get the anti-DRS sentiment and can only think of it as fud.
We all know that they will do everything they can to not give us their money.
And one of the more plausible outcomes in my mind is that they will do some kind of bailout.
Even if not entirely comparable the CMKM thing shows they are not scared of
just closing positions unilaterally and then have decades of legal battles.

And this is not only dangerous for yourself, but for moass as well. Since they just delete their obligations.
No obligations to buy, no chewing through the order book, no moass.
If you get a tax hit because your shares are in IRAs or something, fine, let them be there.
It won't make a big difference just buy and DRS the future shares.
But if not enough people DRS at least some 50%+(number pulled out of ass) of their holdings
it can seriously endanger moass for all of us.
When you DRS you own the shares they can't touch them. Why take the risk (aside from tax hit positions)?

>> No.50903893
File: 168 KB, 1024x958, ceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing what randos on the internet tell you to do
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me.
I don't want to encourage anyone to do anything. I want naive newfag retards to quit feeding trolls and I want trolls to go play in traffic with a blindfold on for being massive gaping troons. Nice pic tho.

>> No.50903912
File: 92 KB, 702x1024, 1633031106147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another spammer then, got it.

>> No.50903924

people here and on reddit saying CMKM is FUD and a different situation fail to account for Trimbath's answer :
While the brokers were failing to DRS for their clients and then deleting their shares, they were registering shares for themselves. And it wasn't shitty brokers, it was people like Chase and Bank of America. Also the fraud allegations only became known AFTER the share deleting.
So it had nothing to do with deleting fraudulent shares, and everything to do with saving their asses.
I wouldnt even be surprised if you dug deep into this case you'd even find there was no fraud from the transfer agent and company and they just got the blame piled on them by a complicit judge.

>> No.50903931

So you're a liar, got it
If moass is real, why is the float not DRS within a YEAR?

The baggies told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

>> No.50903938
File: 88 KB, 674x647, 1654520273134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50904102

I don't like the Predditors, period. It is a fact that Preddit has been compromised (Lauer, half_dick, etc). I will be suspicious and skeptical of everything that is forced on Preddit, no matter what it is. I will do what is best for myself. I don't need the Predditors to tell me what to do.

>> No.50903974
File: 34 KB, 460x771, gametime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing you've got is a mother with a cunt full of my semen, if you hurry you can go suck it out while it's still warm like the good little cuck you are.

>> No.50903991

>If moass is real, why is the float not DRS within a YEAR?
Because you essentially have 3 kinds of shares. (almost) non DRSable(tax hit), hard to DRS(IRA, bad broker), easy to DRS.
Split between 2 kinds of people: engaged and lazy.

>> No.50904009
Quoted by: >>50904360


>> No.50904059
File: 222 KB, 1433x1569, GME proofs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dick is bigger than yours.
>Verification not required

>> No.50904068

>There is no proof of synthethic shares existing
Absolute Rajeed level of sneeding. Every FTD is a synthetic and almost every stock has at least some synthetics.
There is almost no situation where an FTD can occur and it's not because of a synthetic.

>> No.50904081

I know this is in response to the retarded idea that brokers will just delete shares, but it's worth clarifying that aiming for 100% drs wouldn't stop the theoretical moass.
The theory is that by 100% drs'ing, the brokers will be exposed for owning synthetic shares causing the DTC/Fed to be forced into doing something.
Now I'm a dumbfuck and definitely not financially informed, but it feels like a lot of posts written (here and there) are written in such a way that implies really weird and fucky scenarios

>> No.50904098

They have no real defense so they just gish gallop and flood the square with nonsensical what-ifs and extrapolate from them, like they've done in the generals the jannies let them split (not for free) this entire weekend and many times before in the past.

>> No.50904102

This. I’m remaining a 50/50 chad not merely out of spite but also because tactically it means that I’m able to ensure infinity for my own shares. Not to mention the move to drs 100% on Reddit felt way too easy considering how compromised ss is.

>> No.50904122

Counter argument. History has shown time and time again that fat cats do not fear decade long legal battles to whittle down their opponents.
Do you have the money for over 5 years of legal battle? Where each extension, new discovery, motion to dismiss, motion to strike, etc, requires
an answer from your lawyer that will cost you a few hundred bucks each time?

>> No.50904131
Quoted by: >>50904205

Agreed. People are more than welcome to do exactly what they want with their shares, but I refuse to put all my eggs in one basket.

>> No.50904134
Quoted by: >>50904800

Because 800% short interest doesnt equal to 800% retail ownership. I'd say retail probably owns something between 80% and 120% of the float. This shit is expensive we can't buy 150b worth of shares.

Synthetic shares are just when a borrower borrows an already borrowed share. Which means a share could get borrowed 5 times and sold until it lands in the hand of a retail dude that direct registers that share.
In the end theres only 1 share, but once I sell it it will have to be bought back from borrower to borrower 5 times.

I dont understand the whole muh buying pressure synthetics. There isn't any, once the first borrower gets his share back he will give it back to the person he borrowed it from etc until all synthetics are resolved.
The only thing that counts is real shares, as they will resolve all the synthetics, and I'm naming my price.

Why even talk of buying pressure through volume when its a shock squeeze with 0% liquidity ? Thats the whole play. 100% DRS, no liquidity, share in your name, name your price, has to be bought.

>> No.50904139
File: 3.39 MB, 3000x4000, DD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50904192

Now THIS is street shitting worthy of a (You). Feed the village Ranjeev, you earned it.

>> No.50904161
File: 18 KB, 657x527, skeptical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50904223

>Anything you disagree with on the Mongolian barbeque forum is automatically a paid shill from India
Come on now

>> No.50904174

tl dr 100% short interest with no liquidity is enough to cause MOASS. synthetics over that amount honestly dont matter 1500% or 450%. Pretty sure that theory is false anyway since theres no way retail owns 450% or 1500% of shares or whatever. Getting close to 100% DRSed is enough.

>> No.50904192
Quoted by: >>50904216

Please kys boyardee.

>> No.50904196

I'll cum in ur mum, pic related
_____#shills mums##cumming in/######_____
>C A N T S T O P W O N T S T O P G A M E S T O P
>A N T S T O P W O N T S T O P G A M E S T O P C
>N T S T O P W O N T S T O P G A M E S T O P C A
>T S T O P W O N T S T O P G A M E S T O P C A N
>S T O P W O N T S T O P G A M E S T O P C A N T
>T O P W O N T S T O P G A M E S T O P C A N T S
>O P W O N T S T O P G A M E S T O P C A N T S T
>P W O N T S T O P G A M E S T O P C A N T S T O
>W O N T S T O P G A M E S T O P C A N T S T O P
>O N T S T O P G A M E S T O P C A N T S T O P W
>N T S T O P G A M E S T O P C A N T S T O P W O
>T S T O P G A M E S T O P C A N T S T O P W O N
>S T O P G A M E S T O P C A N T S T O P W O N T
>T O P G A M E S T O P C A N T S T O P W O N T S
>O P G A M E S T O P C A N T S T O P W O N T S T
>P G A M E S T O P C A N T S T O P W O N T S T O
>G A M E S T O P C A N T S T O P W O N T S T O P
>A M E S T O P C A N T S T O P W O N T S T O P G
>M E S T O P C A N T S T O P W O N T S T O P G A
>E S T O P C A N T S T O P W O N T S T O P G A M
>S T O P C A N T S T O P W O N T S T O P G A M E
>T O P C A N T S T O P W O N T S T O P G A M E S
>O P C A N T S T O P W O N T S T O P G A M E S T
>P C A N T S T O P W O N T S T O P G A M E S T O
>C A N T S T O P W O N T S T O P G A M E S T O P

>> No.50904205

That's fair, but the split should be at least in the neighborhood of 70% DRS. Just as a precaution.
If you believe in moass it won't really matter if you only have 30% or 20% of your shares DRSed.
If will be life changing money anyway. And all the DRS shares will still be sellable. The thing is,
there are almost no good reasons to not have a high percentage DRSed, but there are historically
proven fears that not DRSing could be a bad idea.

>> No.50904206

Forced into doing something? Like dropping le ebic videos against meme stocks?
The sec knows the fed knows they all know, they don't give a flying fuck! The only thing drs is good for is keeping the predditor entertained and involved. Moass will happen before 100%, unfortunately. I would have love to see the sub in complete meltdown mode after 100% was reached on top of a 15% dump or so.

>> No.50904216

You first, Keith
(Momcumming anon anyways you dumbfuck)

>> No.50904223

>One sneed hedgies pic
>Everything else is just shitting on plebbit and DRS.
Nice try.

>> No.50904253
File: 28 KB, 512x422, 1639054965866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is being 50/50 between CS and a broker really considered anti DRS? If you want to be 100%, go for it. That's up to you. I'll do what I want to do with my investments.

>> No.50904270

its not its just shills sowing division. Any % goes as long as its not 0, for your own risk safety.

>> No.50904275
File: 67 KB, 1302x588, Screen Shot 2022-08-14 at 9.36.48 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purple Heart = DRS
Ryan Cohen said so
Or he's insinuating he's about to take a bullet in a war

>> No.50904280
File: 618 KB, 1125x963, B13C88F6-9A5F-4B28-8FC0-7F6742A59110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50904360

Wtf anon.

>> No.50904287
File: 3.20 MB, 1323x1353, WorksCited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't like it when you don't play with the turd they laid in the street. They also don't like it when rather than arguing about whether someone should hold with a broker or direct register, you point out that holding with a broker means holding an entitlement to shares whereas direct registration means you own the shares outright in your name. They also REALLY don't like it when you don't try to tell people what to do and instead just present indisputable facts so others can draw their own conclusions, as that means they can't flag the thread for investigation once it's archived and try to get you legally heemed for sentiment manipulation because they can pay a jewish lawyer more money than you can. They don't like these things one bit, no Sir.

>> No.50904292
File: 483 KB, 446x694, Screen Shot 2022-08-14 at 9.38.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. not a threat just a bad joke

>> No.50904302

Is asking this question a thousand time a day really necessary? Do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.50904306
File: 292 KB, 1170x2080, 1658014525605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50904331

It's not the strategy you fucking fake
It's the fact that any HODLer worth their shit wouldn't want to risk having their hard earned shares get rugged (much less fucking HALF OF YOUR ENTIRE 'STACK') when they could have just as easily covered their risk by going 90/10 with those remaining unDRSed shares being MORE THAN ENOUGH because the HODLER believes in the thesis and isn't mass-replying like a fake autist who thinks their theory is right when in reality you're shilling the divide.

Fuck you anyways, I'm gonna WAGMI


>> No.50904312
File: 51 KB, 716x724, 1651524344772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RC buys BBBY
>Pointless distraction, you can't follow RC's portfolio exactly
>RC posts purple heart
>Obviously 100% DRS is the way, RC said so
Just pointing out the irony, that's all. Kind of funny honestly.

>> No.50904318
Quoted by: >>50904389

Actually a good summary of sneeds, either paid or trolls. The investigation part is maybe overkill.

>> No.50904331
Quoted by: >>50904420

Built for sex wrestling

>> No.50904354

Sir, do not make implications or assumptions, sir, just drink your Kool aide.

>> No.50904357


Fact: Gme investors claim to own more than the float

Fact: only 50% of the float is transferred to computershare

>> No.50904360
File: 80 KB, 640x1136, 1659838088202412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO I noticed this too!
These shills should play Town of Salem
Get better at subterfuge; fuckin useless!

I-I...don't ask

If only I knew brother, if only I knew

Sneed faggot Leonardo DiCaprio isn't even a good actor, just alright.


>> No.50904376
Quoted by: >>50904751

I bought BBBY too. I think I'll be able to flip it into GME. It's picking up sentiment on wsb, because you aren't allowed to talk about GME there, so we might get some more people in

>> No.50904379

True, very good stats for us. WAGMI.

>> No.50904389

They're here shitting in the street early in the morning on a Sunday. They're paid to be here. Which means at least a proportion of them glow, green or red, which means they're here to try to fuck people over. Sometimes they even post .gifs loaded with malware or pictures/memes with hidden files. You'd be amazed the levels various sides in this have gone to to try and identify and tag opps for their respective causes.

>> No.50904420
File: 433 KB, 1348x1797, 1659533656222984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kami-sama is good to us
Sex wrestling for all HODLers with picrel

>> No.50904424

Fact: Your ID glows and you do too, sneed
Fact: Plebbit spacing automatically marks you as a retard
Fact: 52% of the float is owned with CS, and more than 100% of the float is owned in the form of entitlements to shares held in brokerages created via fraudulent means through a list of methods involving having any viable share locate available to felch out another FTD
Bonus Fact: I came in your mother, and she loved it.
>Daily Double Bonus Round Fact: Verification not required.

>> No.50904466
Quoted by: >>50904522

You couldn’t glow any less if your tried.

>> No.50904493
File: 2.31 MB, 1351x904, clowns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESL street shitter confirmed, expect a call from a supervisor on telegram shortly. No satoshis for you Gurdeep.

>> No.50904496
File: 51 KB, 600x600, calm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50905572

You too, comfy different choice of comfyposting poster

>> No.50904503

that's only 50% of the free float. the whole float can never be DRS'd

>> No.50904510

Kek crypto baggies

>> No.50904513

Vishnu isn’t real
Christ is king

>> No.50904522
File: 1.08 MB, 1296x649, 1659967445806737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50904550

Lmfao this is some Supreme tier bait
Sneed loser


>> No.50904533
File: 385 KB, 1064x798, Comfy Holding Office.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50904550

How does everyone feel about the fact that MOASS is literally tomorrow?

>> No.50904550

Double chekt, and while I would be extremely happy if it happened I'm thinking it's gonna be at minimum closer to the end of Shmitah and at most 7/4/23 - the former for esoteric reasons, the latter because that's about how long it'll take to get to 100% of the float DRS'ed.

>> No.50904551
File: 5 KB, 405x496, 8C92E797-51E5-414C-8F65-B1416778D942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going to Publix

Do you guys need anything?

>> No.50904570

Some banana bread would be nice.

>> No.50904573
File: 78 KB, 850x478, 053c5601cde16e8e9c74bc21752582e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit. These bodies spark an urge deep inside me. Time to hit the gym and continue DCAing into my stack. Feels good man

>> No.50904610

kek baggies Kek baggies Kek Baggies KEK baggies KEK BAGGIES

>> No.50904635

So what can BBBY go to? I'm not selling any GME to get in on it, but I have 10 shares that i bought for $4.45 with some extra money in the fidelity cash account. Are we talking a few hundred bucks or $1,000+ here? I'm not going to buy more shares but it would be nice to get $10k or more from my investment in BBBY before MOASS so I can get some things for me and my brother. When is this shit supposed to happen? Also wouldn't it just squeeze again during MOASS like everything else in the "meme" basket, just not to infinity like GME will?

>> No.50904691
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 1643234187534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50904697
File: 2.24 MB, 695x392, 1659307980747880.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50904818

>fat cats do not fear decade long legal battles
>Legal battle
Lol, lmao even

>> No.50904717

This baker is lowkey based

>> No.50904734

It'll probably pull an AMC and run up to 70-100$ before getting smashed back down. Question is if the swap basket it's in will get pumped hard enough as a result to kick off the big show.

>> No.50904736

>Implying there isn't at least one Jewgoblin legalite on Superstonk that'll-
Alright probably take everyones money and do a runner but the point stands, we have a lot of autists.

>> No.50904751
File: 41 KB, 680x383, 4E7AF99D-C2BA-46DE-99D0-BD33FD3D98CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50904774

So you’re allowed to talk about BBBY but not GME?

>> No.50904758
File: 645 KB, 1408x1408, 1660433317200517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or hes thanking the people that have drsd. My guess is being over 50% was what was needed.

>> No.50904763

Damn, I really wanted to sell my BBBY for $1,000+ each. I guess I'll never sell them and just keep them for the lulz. But if it does kick off the big show, I'm sure I'll see my sell target for em.

>> No.50904765

The jeets are afraid of BBBY

>> No.50904774

This was the last time I saw a good GME meme on WSB, back before it went to complete dogshit. Right when it was getting bad actually.

>> No.50904781
File: 1.20 MB, 1000x1000, 1659980605442183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50904864

>I'm not selling any GME to get in on it
And nobody should, i shill bbby, but would never sell my gme to buy some
>Are we talking a few hundred bucks or $1,000+ here?
Nobody knows, we know cohen has 80 dollar strikes. Either cuz gme will moon and bbby will move too, or there is some piece of info we dont have. Something that will make it go 100 dollarinos and BEYOND. After that we are in jan 2021 sneezze territory. Right now, bbby will have shitload of synthetics too. 100? 420? 1000? System breaking? Complete and definite destruction of israel?
Who knows, i got at 5 too with small stack. Something to watch when gme is in eternally crab.
>thinking this is more similar to amc then gme

>> No.50904800

FOMO is needed to push the price past the shorts ability to suppress. The whole TA doritocritical margin line shit is speculative retardation, but the fact is there will be a point of no return for HFs. After that point liquidity doesn't matter.

>> No.50904802
File: 34 KB, 540x708, 1659549403000844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 50%
This has never been done by retail in history. Every day more are registered by more retards. Every day history is being made. Every day you seethe a bit more as this reality sets in.

>> No.50904805

Still never buying BBBY ever for any reason. Obvious distraction stock is obvious

>> No.50904807
Quoted by: >>50904859

Well over gamestops high. 4 figures is reasonable. I laugh at that statement but that's literally what we have on our hands.
Thing is gamestop will squeeze at the same time so there is a significant opportunity cost.
Wsb normies that fomo into "gme 2.0" will get the cherry on top. Schizos that have kept their sanity and biases in check will get the entire cake.

>> No.50904818
File: 968 KB, 1345x3482, 82602B74-7C7D-4748-890C-CA7E740C5281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek this. What the fuck does anyone think will happen when the most productive sector of society (young males) are told
>you are evil, you are not allowed to win. We win every time, there is not even a hope of you having a life like your parents got just by being born at the right time
Show me one example in history where that wasn’t absolutely catastrophic to the ruling class’s desire to keep their heads attached to their bodies

>> No.50904859

I like the sound of this and I choose to believe it because it only because it fits my bias.

>> No.50904860


Fuggin anti-weirdo tranny based

>> No.50904864

If BBBY and GME are in the same swap basket as each other, then the former hitting 70-100$ would put GME at 200-300$ per share post-split which would be more than enough to start the big show. I own some and have it direct registered with AST and have a handful of entitlements to shares with a brokerage still, same as with GME. I mostly just picked the comparison because it's in line with chuggachuggachohens calls and that's about where amc topped out at before shitting the bed, even if it's obviously in a swap against GME as proven by some key and noteworthy divergences between them. I do like your pic tho, it's fire and imma screenshot dat hoe.

>> No.50904900


Best case scenario BBBY breaks out first? And then do you buy GME with your BBBY profits?

I fucked up so bad and was trading AMC on Friday and I bought one share of BBBY when if I wasn’t a retard I would have put the tradable stack in BBBY and been up like $50k on Friday.

I bought in late at BBBY. I feel like this thing is going to pop up to at least $70. I’m hoping it does and then I’ll take that money right back to the mother ship at GME.

I feel like BBBY is the play short term but GME is the ultimate battlefield. BBBY is like North Africa and GME is fortress Europa.

>> No.50904912

BBBY will run first to 60$+ 80+ and it will ignite moass. I bought small stake in BBBY (30) and hopefully will be one time in converting my profits into GME and DRSing.
BBBY is for run for sure, they maybe be able to contain it. Latest RC tweets possibly hints on BBBY run and it will be foolish not to jump in.

>> No.50904952
File: 2.58 MB, 1194x1476, 1658511336415076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50905162

Kek BoBBYs

>> No.50904978

If you would follow RC tweets you would 5x your GME position with his trade leads. He was hinting stocks which are in the basket like NAKD and they all had big jumps later. I bought small BBBY stake, if they rug I may short term be bag holding with about 30% loss but if it moons I maybe 300-500% profit which will roll into GME, small gambling but worth the play. Of coz I have iron stack of DRS shares

>> No.50905010


I’m eying properties with massive amounts of self sufficient capabilities. Gotta have its own fresh water source.
Woods. Farmable land. Space for cattle. Chickens. Greenhouses. Multiple houses for me to comfy live and bring my peoples to survive any nonsense. Helicopter pad.
I’m thinking maybe an air strip too if I want to rescue friends from far away. But that might not be something I want.

The spot I’m looking has almost 300 acres country secluded as fuck. I’d build a wall around it. With machine gun turrets at strategic locations for defense.

>> No.50905021

Curry stained fingers typed this

>> No.50905022
Quoted by: >>50905071

Brokers will never delete shares but it's in their TOS they may close your position in emergency market situation and such is moass. It's legal, you don't own any shares with them, they are in street name and you are "beneficiary owner" it's just a swap. So they will sell your shares for 1000$ per share and will say you got fair value from 40$.
If brokers are shorts on shares because of dividend fuckery and may face bankrupcy they will close there is zero doubt about it that's why you should DRS or your risk being fucked.

>> No.50905024
Quoted by: >>50905788


I’m trying to be as comfy as possible. I sold my 4000+ shares of GME on Friday because I wanted to trade AMC. And I got burned. Now I’m somehow holding AMC which I fucking hate and BBBY. Hopefully GME gets held back this week again and I can get fat gains on these distractions and hop back in on the battlefield for GME with even more ammo. Still have over 7000 shares of GME DRSed.

>> No.50905025
File: 42 KB, 492x481, 29E8081D-B9E3-483D-B0D4-9F9B5E50AE4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BBBY will squeeze first!
>it’s shorted too!
>they’re the same!
>he’s playing 4d chess!
>ape no fight ape!

>> No.50905048

A six pack of beer to celebrate. Then I'll sit on everything for 6 months while I figure myself out.

>> No.50905049

God I hope you faggots get rugged. You deserve it

>> No.50905052
File: 1.64 MB, 962x645, AncientCohen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except cohen holds LRC & BBBY for a reason, unlike the niggerstock

>> No.50905069
File: 143 KB, 800x800, 1660460796911870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gave the missus four separate rounds of frosting filling this morning.

That is all.
Solving this newish captcha design while tripping is really something, I think it was made for psych use.

>> No.50905070

AMC run from 5$ to 70$
Loopring run from 0.5$ to 3.5$

If you were smart and had some side money for gambling you made huge profits. I was bagholding GME because "moass tomorrow" and by average I paid 160$ but I could have been more patient and go all in at 70$

>> No.50905071
Quoted by: >>50905156

>If brokers are shorts on shares
There’s brokers that aren’t and hence have zero reason to fuck over their customers at a time when they could cement themselves for the next two hundred years as “those guys who brought life changing wealth and can stay firm even in the roughest times”
>because of dividend fuckery
Oh that’s what you mean. No, because of the above, (good) brokers have every incentive to give Bodson’s replacement acid baths until he comes up with the shares that he rightfully owes to the brokers. You think they don’t want a marketing angle that they stood up to “the man?”

>> No.50905074
Quoted by: >>50905091

>cohen hold lrc

>> No.50905079

Because he’s playing 4d chess? How are your LRC bags? Btw Cohen doesn’t hold LRC you fucking ugly misshapen child

>> No.50905091
File: 108 KB, 1080x1207, 1653656843435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50905092

Nice dinner, champagne, cigar and some luxury hooker.

>> No.50905097
Quoted by: >>50905111

>I made a lot of money off AMC when AMC hit $70 that went into GME
>I made a lot of money of LRC when LRC hit $3.50 that went into GME
>I made a lot of money when BBBY hit __ that went into GME

Thanks fren I was on the fence about BBBY until I seen your post

>> No.50905111
Quoted by: >>50905226

I don’t believe you did fren

>> No.50905114
File: 315 KB, 626x673, 1645201332538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never attribute malice to that which can be explained by stupidity.

>> No.50905139
Quoted by: >>50905151

i got out of poopring already

>> No.50905143
Quoted by: >>50905171

we are in the "endgame" kek how many more endgame you need before you realize youre a baggie

>> No.50905151
Quoted by: >>50905168

Yeah? How much did you lose?

>> No.50905156

You don't know it. You also zero customer to broker, most their customers don't hold meme stocks. If they would rug you, 95% of their customer base would cheer because of schaudenfreunde. Just hold in brokers with their trust me bro but I will play it safe because there won't be second moass,ever.

>> No.50905162
File: 83 KB, 565x600, beter chan blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good jörb

>> No.50905165

Tendies and a side of MOASS.

>> No.50905168
Quoted by: >>50905177

managed to just about break even

>> No.50905171
Quoted by: >>50905275

BTC took almost 10 years to really hit it. We are at 1.5 year, it's nothing because if it moons you won.

>> No.50905177

Nice. I hope you learned something

>> No.50905191
Quoted by: >>50905268

All the money I put into GME I would spent on cheese, wine, hookers and some plastic shit. So GME can go to 1$ and I'm still green. I'm prepared to wait forever just for lolz how it fucks the HFs and WallStreet.

>> No.50905206

There's nothing wrong with holding a bit of LRC, ETH and buying some soon to be collectable NFT's off of the GSNFT marketplace. I'm personally not wealthy enough to continue adding to my investments in any case, but being an early adopter of this stuff will come to be fruitful for sentimental and historic reasons when the NFT's really take off. I will say that if anyone should be buying ANYTHING at all, it should be GME.

>> No.50905226

That's OK. I don't get anything from your beliefs

>> No.50905268
Quoted by: >>50905583

As are many of us. I'm pretty poor and only have about 10k invested in GME and I foolishly put a couple grand into LRC at around 2 bucks. So 12K is a lot to me, but in the same breath, I have nothing else I would be able to spend that money on other than garbage shit. Sure I could've gotten a new gaming PC and electronics or a cheap car... but to what end? Maybe I could've used that money to pay for CDL training, or I could've taken a loan to get into a coding boot camp. But I believe I made the right decision. It's hard for me to envision "making it" in life without having to worry about setting up my family for the rest of their lives so I can just be at peace with my surroundings. I won't be able to enjoy life until the financial stress of others around me is put to ease.

>> No.50905275

ha you really think apes gonna hold for 10 years, keep dreaming most apes are here for moass not your tech turnaround kek

>> No.50905334

>AMC CEO schizoposting about how diluting shares is good actually

Suddenly Cohen's awful poopjoke tweets aren't so bad...

>> No.50905336

The film dark waters proves this ten fold

>> No.50905393


This is why holding for phone numbers matters. The money exists, and we will claw it back via squeezing the shorts, or in other ways.

>> No.50905422
File: 132 KB, 512x710, 002548756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I become a billionaire I will make it my life's mission to make sure NO ONE tries to have a good time without my presence

>> No.50905449
File: 223 KB, 1538x951, 1633749276356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50905557

What the fuck why isn't it falling 90%!!!!

>> No.50905525
File: 3.52 MB, 6768x7132, 1639596537185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely based

>> No.50905536
Quoted by: >>50905601

It won't take 10 years. I give them 6-12 months max, my point is I don't really need this money. I will never sell unless moass happens because as I said I could get some worthless consumer products which would rapidly loose value instead I bought myself hopium and endless enterteinment with possibility to become wealthy. Money well spent since I bought first GME 1.5 year ago I never sold anything, just added more. They are fucked if you consider average hold time of normie is minutes, hours or days.

>> No.50905547

Yeah, I am pro moass and believe in the big squeeze that will set us all free.
But man do I not give a fuck about Gamestop as a corporation.
I like what they are trying to do to a degree and I am in support of walk in retail.
But my feelings towards Gamestop and GME are very distinct.

>> No.50905557
Quoted by: >>50905609

How do you superimpose a custom date range ontop of the existing chart?

>> No.50905572
File: 714 KB, 945x945, 94438705_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50905613


>> No.50905582

Faggot thread splitter

>> No.50905583

You should dump LRC and put this 2K into BBBY there is chance short-term you will recover your loss just sell in time and roll into GME.

>> No.50905601
Quoted by: >>50905740

6-12 months. ha so another year? keep moving the goalpost and actually give me proof moass will happen

>> No.50905609
File: 554 KB, 1888x1000, 1636692980393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk but you can paste a screenshot. it was supposed to crash and then deviated, now it's pumping. when it finally crashes... it's gonna be biblical.

>> No.50905613


>> No.50905616

What a monotone ride of 33% obvious, 33% true and 34% nutjob.

>> No.50905694
File: 407 KB, 888x482, drs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been coming here daily for the past year and a half and I've never seen so much anti-DRS posts and thread sliding as I do now. The cat is out of the bag. There weren't enough shares to deliver as dividend therefore confirming naked shorts.

The DTCC instructed brokers to print fake shares and put them in your account and when the ticker didn’t move they thought you would sell. But this created another problem because now you have more shares than you should and by registering them the entire float gets removed from the DTCC at an accelerated pace. They are corned. The entire float could be DRSed within a quarter.

If you are truly on the fence and haven’t registered any shares don’t get scared by the FUD and DRS your shares. I’ve been on and off 4chan since 2004 and I hate reddit like everyone else but if there is something I hate more and it’s Wall Street robbing us of our money in plain sight and laughing in our faces as they get off Scott free. DRS YOUR SHARES.

>> No.50905717
File: 151 KB, 1149x765, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that even Fidelity is going to rug pull people.

DRS 100%

>> No.50905719 [DELETED] 

Well, you're stupid af! Try Life Beyond. its easy even for u.

>Play and Earn massively multiplayer role playing game
>AAA Blockchain powered MMORPG, made by ex Ubisoft devs
>participants don't even need to have a wallet to play
>Upcoming NFT Drop

>> No.50905727
Quoted by: >>50905842

What are we gonna talk about for another year and a half while the float gets locked?

>> No.50905728

I use world events as my guide to how close we're getting.

>> No.50905738
Quoted by: >>50905775

We're better than Reddit. We can acknowledge that DRS is the primary weapon and DRS most of our shares while still retaining broker shares to sell on the way up. You need multiple stages to build a moon rocket, and there is no MOASS if all brokers rug.

>> No.50905740
Quoted by: >>50905770

Do you have better idea to become rich overnight by investing some pennies ? No ? So shut up with this defeatism. BTC and ETH chads were bagholders and ridiculed for years. The fact is DRS is 51%, once it hits 74.1% it starts. They can't allow 100% DRS. According to calcs 100% DRS is about 2 years away, so moass should start within 6-12 months.

>> No.50905769

If you are smart you are already 99% DRSed. I want to see broker faggots on suicide watch and broken to tell them "we told you so". Arrogance and ignorance must be punished !

>> No.50905770
Quoted by: >>50905812

74.1% you still believe that theory? how do you know rc isn't fucking over apes

>> No.50905775
Quoted by: >>50905787

your a fudding fucking shill bro. of course they need to close the millions of syntethics. your broker will cut a deal with the short sellers and the fed and they will sell your shares in bulk at $100.

>> No.50905787
Quoted by: >>50905829

Then there is no MOASS.

>> No.50905788
Quoted by: >>50905799

You are GOING to lose all your money trying to game the market. Seen many a rich man lose everything because they thought somehow they were the one single person who knew what was up.

Unless you have absurd resources or are only using <1% of your net worth, stay out of the market.

The whole market has coalesced into a machine for extracting money from the masses. The odds are on their side.

Just buy and hold and

>> No.50905799


>> No.50905802
Quoted by: >>50905898

>I've been coming here daily for the past year and a half and I've never seen so much anti-DRS posts and thread sliding as I do now.
Yeah insane, the anti DRS front is really suspicious. Especially since it has no downsides aside from the wait time when transferring.

>The DTCC instructed brokers to print fake shares and put them in your account
That is actually not how it works. Only DRSed people and the DTCC directly have shares deposited. If you'd be pedantic you could say only Computershare does.
Everything downstream from that is just ledger to ledger balance. So the DTCC got 3 additional shares and put them into the depots of their clients (assuming no fradulence).
And then told their clients "we are done depositing you can update your ledgers to x4 now." I gotta say think there was wrongdoing in the DTCC to Broker communication.
Though I think there is wrongdoing by the DTCC in not putting enough shares into the baskets of the brokers, but not telling them and saying everything is A-OK.

Think of it that way. The DTCC just fill all their customers baskets with IOUs. ALL OF THEM. The real shares are in the obligation warehouse and get calculated against
each other after each day to balance the sheets. On FTDs happen when the DTCC was unable to locate as much settlement in their own ledger/warehouse.
(There are only 10 shares in the warehouse, but the result of the trading day should have the warehouse have 12 so 2 FTDs). This is wildly simplified and doesn't take the
time dimension into account, but it's roughly what is happening.

>> No.50905811

These guys don't realize that CS also uses a broker to execute trades and it makes me laugh.

>> No.50905812
Quoted by: >>50905865

It's not theory. VW squeeze started when it was 74%. When it's so close to 100% DRS whales and trades will make move to secure real shares because everyone knows shorts will fucked and it's essentially free money. So we are 25% from grand finale and that's why RC give you hints to DRS. Once it hits 74% the rest will be go much much faster. It took 1.5 year for 50% so about 6-8 months till MOASS.

>> No.50905829
File: 194 KB, 680x1365, 1660396120817190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a MOASS. for CS holders. while broker holders will enjoy a modest gain. thanks for playing anon.

>> No.50905841
Quoted by: >>50907642

Funnier thing is they don’t realize the broker is deez nuts, which given its fuckhuge short GME position, has no incentive to not say
>oh whoops, that order got filled for $5 per share
>NBBO? What’s that?
They’ll eat the lawsuits for years (good luck fighting their legal team) if it means surviving one more day

>> No.50905842
Quoted by: >>50905923

Why would it take that long?

>> No.50905845

Don't pretend being stupid. CS can not sell your shares but brokers can. It's protection. Once CS order flows to broker it will get executed but brokers can hold your orders because of whatever reason. CS = shares in your name, broker = shares in street name, trust me bro you are "beneficiary owner" (swap)

>> No.50905847

so if all brokers go bust who will sell our DRS tendies?

>> No.50905858
Quoted by: >>50905874

Go the fuck back to superstonk, son.

>> No.50905865

i thought 741 was just referring to the split?

>> No.50905869

Then explain why there would be a moass without a giant buy pressure caused by the need to close short positions because they're already closed with stolen shares?

>> No.50905874

what's the matter nigger did i poke holes in your scipt? you don't like being called out for being a glownigger? get your fud bullshit out of here. your arguments hold no ground here.

>> No.50905884

It's an arc number, it has many meanings.

>> No.50905886


>> No.50905894
Quoted by: >>50905929

At the end of last week Porsche SE held 42.6 percent of the Volkswagen ordinary shares and in addition 31.5 percent in so called cash settled options relating to Volkswagen ordinary shares to hedge against price risks, representing a total of (((74.1))) percent.

741 is also ... guess what

(((741))) of us bankruptcy code is the beginning of stock broker liquidation section.

>> No.50905897
Quoted by: >>50905978

they have to buy ALL shares, fake shares and CS shares remember? that's your whole argument right? so they will close YOUR broker shares for $100 a share thus sparking MOASS. and they will buy our CS shares for whatever price we feel like. sneed. nigger.

>> No.50905898
Quoted by: >>50905914

It is absolutely wrongdoing if they know they don't have enough shares for each shareholder to get three additional for each one they hold. That's diluting the stock and a breach of their obligation to GameStop.

So CS doesn't have this language in their EULA? They can't close your account if it's inactive for a year? That's all boilerplate legal that every broker (and transfer agent) has. Judge by their actions and positions to assess which will rug.

>> No.50905914
Quoted by: >>50905973

I totally agree with you, but they would argue that they just also x4 the obligations/IOUs.

>> No.50905916
Quoted by: >>50905973

Shares with CS can't be closed out against your will for their cost basis.
Shares with Brokers can and will be.

Yes CS uses brokers to manage their orders but those brokers are just middle men, they have no ownership of your shares or money. It is all yours. Some broker will still be doing trades even if a bunch of the big ones go down. The entire system won't implode on itself.

>> No.50905919
Quoted by: >>50905963

>CS can not sell your shares but brokers can
And what happens if brokers take CS sell orders, give a fuck you to NBBO, and process them for $5 per share?

>> No.50905923
Quoted by: >>50905996

What is the float amount that we need to get locked, again? That amount didn't also x4 bc of the split right? Please say it didn't

>> No.50905929

i dont think rc gonna hold this out longer past 2023?

>> No.50905934
Quoted by: >>50905947

I'm fucking done trying to convince broker faggots to DRS. You are not only parasites but deserve to get fucked. I hope you will get rugged and suffer for your stupidity forever. You are too fucking retarted to deserve to get rich. I hope justice will be served.

>> No.50905938

switched from TDA to fidelity, i'm not moving again..

90% DRS club

>> No.50905941

get ready bakenigger

>> No.50905944
File: 15 KB, 600x580, 1653153247427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK baggies

>> No.50905947
Quoted by: >>50905960

Okay, I’ll see you in the next thread

>> No.50905948
File: 86 KB, 498x498, 1654166590847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>executing trades
never selling.

>> No.50905960

and we'll see you in the next one because it's your job to shill wagie

>> No.50905963

You will have limit sell.

>> No.50905965

this DRSmaxi shit has caused the most infighting i have seen, which is why i am convinced it is FUD

>> No.50905973
Quoted by: >>50906007

No, the total obligation stays the same: 4x the shares at 1/4 the price each. They are allowing short positions to get out of their obligations to deliver the dividend. It's no different than a cash dividend getting delivered in counterfeit currency.

I get you want people to DRS, so do I, but lying and spreading fud is jeet tier. If all brokers rug, there is no MOASS. Simple as.

>> No.50905978

They need to buy enough to close out their positions. If they force sell all broker shares they don't even have to touch DRS shares because it's not a 100% of float yet.

>> No.50905993

yeah it's FUD to keep your dollars in your wallet! keep your money with your jewish bankers it's safer there! Why would anyone want to keep their dollars in their wallet?

>> No.50905996

I had less than 20% registered because I wasn’t going to sell it during the squeeze. After the split and fuckery, I’ve started registering more than 95%. If everyone did something similar, which I believe most did, the float is going to get locked in a few months

>> No.50906007
File: 27 KB, 202x59, broke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone did not read the DD.
You don't even understand what the MOASS is if you think brokers rug pulling will have any effect on it

>> No.50906017
Quoted by: >>50906207

It’d be fine if they weren’t so goddamn obnoxious about it. And inconsistent, because their position seems to be
>all rules will be broken
>without exception
>except for the ones that would make CS shares specifically worth millions, those ones are sacred
>Minecraft? International fraud? I don’t know what those big words mean

>> No.50906028

It's fucking Sunday bid, touch grass.

>> No.50906032

Thouse who don't DRS are lazy parasites and deserve to get fucked. I also believe the game will be set CS holders will get rewarded through best possible price or monetary NFTs dividends (RC tweets hints)

"I’m sick of seeing failed executives make millions in risk free compensation while shareholders are left holding the bag"

"I love coke"

>> No.50906033
File: 37 KB, 250x176, 080101i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50906039
Quoted by: >>50906438

checked and based

>> No.50906054
File: 163 KB, 1024x1024, sadLucky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50906091

The girl that ghosted me on hinge moved on and I'm crushed. Bros...I need MOASS for tummy

>> No.50906059

A former employee of the DTC knows that brokers can delete shares if drs reaches 100. I didn't think drs could reach 50 but here we are.

>> No.50906070

Because! um... they just will ok!?

>> No.50906089
File: 456 KB, 600x600, Remastered_Pinch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50906438

Checked dubs of true bread

>> No.50906091

she ghosted you, of course she moved on
are you retarded?

>> No.50906177

I don't even think it's infighting. I think it's the same half a dozen retards flinging poo and accusing the others of smelling like shit. Threads have been terrible all weekend.

>> No.50906207

Moass is too big for everyone to get paid. Most logical solution is to pay off most vocal and fanatical shareholders who have iron claim to shares (DRS) so they become quiet and rug somehow many of poor suckers who have IOUs with help of brokers. Brutal and cruel but so is life. There is not going to be "honest moass" where every share is equal because numbers don't add up. Squeeze will be tightly controlled and rigged by Feds.

>> No.50906438
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>> No.50907642
File: 1.38 MB, 427x498, 1660404615898574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They’ll eat __the lawsuits__
Sorry the answer was __134D__