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50457537 No.50457537 [Reply] [Original]

Austrian-Italian Edition

>Why Gold?

>Bullion dealers
https://jmbullion.com/ (US)
https://goldsilver.be/en/ (BE/EU/UK)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Russian/European coins
https://oldsilver.ru/ (EU/UK/US)

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)


>Bullion tax info by state:


Nitric Acid, Magnets and Ping Test

>Relevant information regarding mining companies

Previous Thread: >>50438918

>> No.50457557
File: 2.22 MB, 2413x3296, Silver CW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for silver benis.

>> No.50457671
File: 2.25 MB, 1080x1416, gay nigga booty sex dot com .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50457692

Here ya go

>> No.50457692
Quoted by: >>50469357

lovely coins anon, love to see Austria-Hungary-Bohemia on a metal circle

>> No.50457761

>Silver dick altar built on a coom towel

Kek, nice pic

>> No.50457824
File: 11 KB, 416x525, 1657820479560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admiring the coin shop guy's gun collection when I bought some stuff today
>he calls George Takei "A stupid fuck" for wanting to take guns away
Remember to enjoy the little things when stacking /pmg/

>> No.50457841
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plat chads rise up

>> No.50457909
Quoted by: >>50457953

Ive never ventured in these types of threads and im wondering, is this like a historical coin collecting area or is this a investment area with no Fudd?

And if your going to sell any of these precious metals, how do you do it?

>> No.50457953
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>> No.50458008
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>> No.50458009
Quoted by: >>50458040

Go back.

>> No.50458014

I'll lurk for the first question but the second question is what has me really wondering about this, if I do go forward with investing into precious metals. how do i sell my metals?

>> No.50458029

>Ive never ventured in these types of threads and im wondering, is this like a historical coin collecting area or is this a investment area with no Fudd?
Historical coin collecting is called numismatics.
/pmg/ is more of a shitposting general that occasionally talks about investing and numismatics. We definitely have FUDding constantly, between shills and tribalistic/autistic infighting between the various types of precious metals.
>And if your going to sell any of these precious metals, how do you do it?
You can sell it in a privately on facebook or leddit, which will give the highest pay but will require more work and risk. You can sell it to a bullion dealer or coin dealer and they will give you 90-95% of spot price, but it is hassle free. If you're an utter retard you can sell it to a pawn shop for 70% spot, best they can do.
Or you can stack it your entire life and your ignorant grandchildren will sell it after you die like I plan to do.

>> No.50458040
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>> No.50458148
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>how do i sell my metals?
There are three relatively safe avenues:
1 - sell to an online dealer: many buy back metals
2 - sell on an auction site: beware auction and shipping fees!
3 - sell to a local coin store: convenient, but may not be the best price.
Of course you can also sell to friends, family, acquaintances, but that introduces a risk of being known for having 'riches,' and being visited at inconvenient hours by uninvited treasure hunters.

Mostly though, the idea is to store wealth you have and be able to pass it on to heirs without the hassle of government interference.

>> No.50458224
File: 787 KB, 3610x1013, A21A4A9D-4AFC-4F31-96B6-311D56FE66C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pmg/ have you ever considered all the forms your Silver has taken over the years?
Each piece of Silver (and Gold) has a story to it that it can never tell you.
Lets say some ore is mined in the mid 1800s (most Silver was mined in the last 200 years). There's a good likelyhood that it would've made it into the hands of Britain or some other European power.
This Silver could've been minted into a shilling like the one in the pic and eventually made its way overseas for colonial use.
After a few decades of circulation, the shilling would too slick to use and would've been melted down into new coins, circulating in the same now independent colony. A process which would've repeated until the country was forced to devalue its currency and debase its coins, which would end up happening a couple times before it was finally pulled from circulation in the 60s.

>> No.50458288
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>(most Silver was mined in the last 200 years).

Imagine stacking fresh young plebian babby silber

>> No.50458425

same goes for gold, almost all of the gold mankind has mined in history came in the last 250 years with industrial scale mining and the many gold rushes that swept across North America and other colonized regions. Most of the gold / treasure generated by man before then was dug up by the Egyptians and later the Romans, than constantly reformed before being lost to us in ship wrecks or buried beyond reach in forgotten tombs. 50% of all the gold ever dug up is lost, the more we look though, the more chances we will have at recovering it.

>> No.50458443

it seems like coin shop owners are either "i know what ive got" fudd boomers or ultrabased.
no inbetween and no liberals.

>> No.50458444
Quoted by: >>50458537

Most of those have only the slightest trace of Silver (which I suppose goes to show how valuable the metal was back then).
Do you have any good purity roman coins or just a bunch debased Antoninianii?

>> No.50458534

if most solver was mined with the last 200 years is it fair to equate an ounce of solver today with an ounce of silver in ancient times?
should one merc for one FWTDHWAHDOQA?
maybe one morgan instead.

>> No.50458537
File: 735 KB, 2098x1373, KIMG0502~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50458654

The antoninianii all have a crowned (radiate) bust, so the many coins without are earlier and more pure denarii. The Republican era or aesthetically superior Greek coins are about as pure as they could manage back then, I think ~98% was pretty common.

>> No.50458588

>if most solver was mined with the last 200 years is it fair to equate an ounce of solver today with an ounce of silver in ancient times?

Global population didn't break 200 million until around the end of the second century AD, so accounting for all the silver that has been lost/used up and 40x as many people today I think the merc/FWTDHW ratio is still quite sound.

>> No.50458591

>if most solver was mined with the last 200 years is it fair to equate an ounce of solver today with an ounce of silver in ancient times?
A lot of that silver was flushed down the toilet because of its use in photography, along with getting tossed in landfills when it was used in electronics.
There is an order of magnitude more people alive today than there was then, too. There are going to be billions of poos, chinks and niggers entering the first world, or at least what passes for it. They're all going to want chainz and tech and silver is going to be needed for that.

>> No.50458654
File: 1.55 MB, 2186x3343, 647D5A6A-8372-444D-9C0F-3FB250408AE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50458846

>Republican Era Denarii have many different themes and motifs and are the highest purity the Romans could muster
>Imperial Denarii (and Antoninianii) were just repetitive, increasingly generic portraits of the Emperor with diminishing Silver content
I've heard that the beginning of the Roman Empire was the end of Classical History and the coins really show it, the difference is night and day.
We'll probably see this sort of change in Western coinage (if we aren't already) sometime in the next few decades.

>> No.50458846
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>I've heard that the beginning of the Roman Empire was the end of Classical History and the coins really show it, the difference is night and day.

People can get autistic and pedantic about it, my opinion is that the Classical era and the culture and aesthetics we regard it for ended with Alexander the great, or maybe the divisive and destructive infighting among his successors and other powers in the decades following his death. By around 300 BC coinage and art started degenerating and got noticeably shittier as the years wore on. I've gotten some pic related chinlet underbite abominations in change so the death spiral is clearly already upon us.

>> No.50458910
File: 388 KB, 879x874, They do it for free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You meant to reply to

The new George Washincel quarter is absolutely disgusting, I hate those fucking things. That being said, I'm saving every Maya Angelou quarter I find because of this meme, I want to see if I can get enough to spell /pmg/. I'll probably bug relatives for the 2022 silver proof set as a Christmas gift or something since I like the US mint proof sets as well.

>> No.50459191
File: 1.68 MB, 2000x1982, 0BE23A22-CFFA-430D-99A9-0F3037B70ED4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my opinion is that the Classical era and the culture and aesthetics we regard it for ended with Alexander the great
Witn Alexander the Great, the writing was on the Wall so to speak, but new, original art and styles were still being created, with the Roman Empire, everything was just recreations of old stuff on a grander scale. For example, Augustus of Prima Porta was modeled after an earlier statue of Alexander the Great.
>I've gotten some pic related chinlet underbite abominations in change so the death spiral is clearly already upon us.
The combo of Recycled design from the 30s combined with the Postmodern commemoration of "Strong Wahmen" tells you everything you need to know about where in our civilizational lifespan we are.
It screams "Winter" as much as an Augsburg Thaler screams "Spring"

>> No.50459396

thank you for explaining what /pmg/ is Frens, ill see if I can get a stack for myself Frens.

>> No.50459953

>tfw the guy selling francs didn't reply to me yesterday

>> No.50460058
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>> No.50460088
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Quoted by: >>50460519

>check crypto
>going up
>time to cash out a bit into silver
>also BOG just arrived, thanks mintAnon
Today was a good day.

>> No.50460519

boyhood is buying the dip
manhood is selling the tip

>> No.50460583

Is platypus anon the new version of kilo anon? It seems like the same shill tactic to stir infighting within pmg and push people away from buying silver. Also lately I’ve noticed posters that have an off vibe. This could all just be me.

>> No.50460638
Quoted by: >>50460666

>implying there's anything wrong with diversifying
Pt is much more crucial to industry than either Ag or Au, and likely way undervalued, and is a traditional PM unlike say Rh or Os

>> No.50460666
Quoted by: >>50460670

I didn’t write there was anything wrong with diversifying. I have no problems with any precious metals someone buys. It’s when people try to purposefully steer others away from buying anything specific, in this case silver, when I begin to think they have an agenda. For weeks it was kilo anon pushing gold, now it’s platypus anon.

>> No.50460670

fair enough
nice trips btw

>> No.50461010
Quoted by: >>50461419

>being known for having riches
i talk about buying pm at my work all the time. im so fucking bored at my job and i only have so many things to talk about. am i the only one that isnt worried about my cowprkers tryin to rob me

>> No.50461091

say what you want about reddit being gay (it is) but have any of you been to wss lately? i remember initially at silver squeeze faggot nonsense people were shilling slv, and then buying pslv because slv was a scam. as if pslv was any better. now almost nobody says thst, it is 100% people stacking physical and only physical, if you dont have it you dont own it and they are serious stackers. alot of these posters have 1000 ozt or more

>> No.50461117
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Can confirm. It’s one of the more based subs on that otherwise dystopian communist shithole. They actually provide better News than most others too.

The only reason it hasn’t been (((banned))) is because it would send up a massive red flag and cause Streisand Effect - encouraging more and more Normies to stack.

>> No.50461388
Quoted by: >>50477913

>go to bullion website
>look at inventory
>call for price
>call for price
>call for price

what the fuck is the point of this

>> No.50461398
Quoted by: >>50475580

It'll get banned eventually. They'll say that people there were only buying Reichsmark and other Nazi silver.

>> No.50461406

would you pay $4.5 per silver usa quarter? spot value is about $3.5 right now. is there anywhere else cheaper than $19 per $1 face value right now online to buy 90% US coins ?

>> No.50461419
Quoted by: >>50461496

>my coworkers
They're not the usual problem. It's their friends they tell. Or further down the line.
It's just not wise.

>> No.50461496


>> No.50461565
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Any yotsuba news?

>> No.50461664

Yeah he rugged.

I thank holoanon for reminding people the lesson to not invest more than you can afford to lose. Keep based ser

>> No.50461836

I don't know about yotsuba, but the prospector has more gilded than non-gilded, so gilded are less collectable, lol.

>> No.50461858

1 troy ounce of gold, 100 troy ounces of silver. This should be your starter stack goal.
Now is a very good time to start. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will your stack be. Think marathon not sprint.
Check the tax laws for your area as well. Some taxes apply based on form, amount of money changing hands, type of metal, etc. This will inform your stacking habits.

>> No.50461875
Quoted by: >>50466986

Based swindler stealing money from wretched weebs

>> No.50461890
File: 159 KB, 418x550, image_2022-07-20_142836513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /pmg/! I have a question that might sound stupid. I am new to precious metal stacking and i started just this month. So far I aquired 3x100 grams silver bullions, 1 Britania, 1 kangaroo, 3 Maple Leafs and 3 Wien Philharmonice. Yesterday in the place where i buy them, price per Maple leaf was:
>58 leva = 29.66 EUR
Just today they changed the price per Maple leaf to:
>54 leva = 27.62 EUR
Now, i am not scared of price drops with metals, but i can't buy some more now, because i am trying to invest smarter and at some intervals. Now my question is:
>Should i worry over small fluctuations, if my main aim is to stack for few years, then sell for a profit?
>Am I doing this right?
>Any tips are welcome.
Sorry for being such a newbie. I am 31 years old and i have money set aside, but i am ready to escape to safe heaven, if shit hits the fan.

>> No.50461907
Quoted by: >>50461921

Starter stack goal. 100 ozt silver, 1 ozt gold.
Marathon not sprint. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Check tax regulations for PMs in your area.

>> No.50461909

i thought this too but non gilded will be available for longer, so there may be people who never ordered change their minds and still buy

>> No.50461921

I thought my post was errored. Oh well

>> No.50461922
Quoted by: >>50463661

am i going insane? monument has 1/10th ozt gold phillies for 25 over spot, yet they want 195 for each coin. im no mathematician

>> No.50461996

the price of metals goes up and down. Remember, it's a hedge against currency crisis. The whole reason you buy metals is so that you have a commodity on hand in case your currency gets ruined.

My philosophy is: if hyper inflation in your local currency happens the fluctuation doesn't matter. When countries liek argentina went through hyper inflation they had 100% inflation PER MONTH. Venezuela at its worst was 100% a day until people just gave up and stopped using the local currency and any savings in the local currency became worthless.

I dont hold it as an investment. My investments are in my education and in my company that i own. It's just insurance against currency failure - which is something i predict because i live in a huge, bloated, corrupt welfare state with huge deficits.

>> No.50462040
File: 17 KB, 366x272, Obverse_Big_Maple_Leaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does /pmg/ think of this bad girl?
>The Big Maple Leaf (BML) is a $1 million (CAD) gold coin weighing 100 kilograms (220 lb) (3,215 troy ounces)

>> No.50462058
Quoted by: >>50465927

also for noobs: the price of gold and silver are manipulated down by a scheme whereby the gold and silver price are determined by "paper" markets where fictitious claims for gold and silver are bought and sold. MOST GOLD is bought through those fictitious paper market, meaning most people that invest in gold and silver don't actually own gold or silver.

Gold and silver are "debased" by all the fictitious paper gold that people buy and sell. This prevents hyper inflation since high precious metals values signal failing currency, and discourages people from investing in metals since the metals look like they are in low demand.

For everyone buying real ounces of gold there are 10 trading on scam markets with "paper gold". They don't own anything!

Part of the suffering of gold bullion buyers is the real true price of precious metals will only be found when those scam paper markets end and 100% of the gold investment dollars go into REAL GOLD BULLION and not paper scam notes.

>> No.50462079

got stolen in germany if i remember correctly. a truly idiotic idea to think that 100kg of gold sitting out on display somewhere isnt going to get stolen. I like gold watches and sometimes worry that i am playing with fire wearing pieces with 150g+ of 18k gold out in public.

>> No.50462116
File: 131 KB, 760x710, 2200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better picture for appreciating its size
the museum fucked up yeah. or maybe they were in cahoots with the thieves??

>> No.50462135
Quoted by: >>50462205

putting 100kg of gold in a room, advertising it on TV, and expecting it not to get stolen is pure idiocy. If i recall correctly they were one of the arab rape clans that sell drugs in germany that stole it.

>> No.50462205
File: 527 KB, 1080x1080, image_2022-07-20_145702809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50462546

You what mate? Damn fine aristocrat sir. I have pic attached (not mine) and bought a very nice leather strap.
Thanks anon, but what, if i look at it as an investment? Of course, i can use it as a store of value, in case of a hyper inflation scenario, but still, who doesn't want to make some profits after 2-3 years, when for example times are different and more stable, i will gladly exchange for paper currency and have something nice on the house, or in my life that i always dreamed of.
>Thank you for your answer.
PMG community is very nice and informative and i type here few times already, always getting very constructive answers from anon.
>Now another thing for which i am wondering is:
Good, my government currency goes to shit, i have a commodity, but i have to still exchange it to the present rates to go and get some what i need, but what you are saying is that it will be 1:1 to current inflation rates, as when i bought it, is that right?
>Sorry if i don't make any real sense here... you have to bear with me.
What a heist, next thing you know, someone robs the Koh-I-Noor diamond on the crown...

>> No.50462526
Quoted by: >>50462612

What kind of watch do you have?

>> No.50462546
Quoted by: >>50462599

Bro, use like, a few, less commas, if you can, thanks.

>> No.50462571

>{"data":{"error":"Imgur is temporarily over capacity. Please try again later."},"success":false,"status":403}

I can't even use Reddit to buy precious metals because the faggot trannies Imgur hires can't keep the site up worth a shit.

>> No.50462599

I am sorry. I use to put more commas then needed, but my literature teacher said it's better to have more, then have lack comas. I am not in very good mood right now, maybe it's reflected in my way of writing.
>My apologies.

>> No.50462612

vintage 90's piaget. Value for dollar vintage piaget, ebel, and concord are my favorite.

>> No.50462624

Anon, just discovered that in jeetland, One Toyota Fortuner (4runner) costs 1 kg of gold. This has been approximately true for the past 10 years.

>> No.50462661
File: 1.85 MB, 2210x1312, Screen Shot 2022-07-20 at 5.38.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is the kind of stuff i am into. Whatever's closest to scrap. I'm not too picky and don't mind if its not in style because i just like wearing real gold in the summer time and i think of it as just another form of bullion.

>> No.50462745
File: 307 KB, 1083x1331, 20210728_131540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read this morning that platinum is the top foreign import item in the state of South Dakota.

>> No.50462849
File: 396 KB, 1096x1461, 20210501_161018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50463184

Probably just somebody getting their jollies by baiting the silver surfers who, you must admit, can sometimes be a little . . . intense? And I have seen as many silver bois fudding gold as the other way around.

>> No.50462855
Quoted by: >>50462948

>platinum is the top foreign import item in the state of South Dakota.

Strange, maybe the work of "Black Hills" Goldsmiths who need it for their lines of jewelry?

>> No.50462911
File: 3.78 MB, 2746x3274, 59D49CEE-9AFC-492D-A4DD-A145573BB615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50462930

built and designed for BSC

>> No.50462930
Quoted by: >>50463059

It sucks how much of the private silver exchange is in the US.

>> No.50462935

Do you have that 34mm one?

>> No.50462948

Sorry, it was North Dakota. From the same site, the top import for Utah is gold, Connecticut is silver, and New York is "precious metals".

Here is the link: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/cp/mapped-the-top-u-s-imports-by-state/

>> No.50463059
Quoted by: >>50463073

what do you mean anon? are you not from the usa and having problems finding dealers or someone to buy from?

>> No.50463073
Quoted by: >>50465674

I'm in Europe and only speak English. I'd like to collect junk silver from a bunch of countries but most of the listings I see online in English are strictly US with high shipping costs.

I sometimes go on auction sites and find stuff, but it's very expensive because it has numismatic value.

>> No.50463184
Quoted by: >>50464225

Those are good looking bars desu.

>> No.50463216
Quoted by: >>50463302

What's your floor for buying gold? I'm waiting for 1500.

>> No.50463294
Quoted by: >>50463333

Anon, buy silver in kgs. 100g is too small for silver. You can try and time it, but we are not going to be good at it. Just buy when the price of silver drops. Checkout GoldSilver w/ Mike Maloney on YT, he has some good insights on this and you can obtain some technical knowlege about these things from him. According to him, gold to silver ratio is at all time high so its silver buy time. Good luck and happy stacking.

>> No.50463302

ill buy at $800

>> No.50463333

It's a lot of money to go for a whole kilogram. It will cost me 834,69 USD. Maybe i will decide one day and buy a whole kilo, but... so far i am being patient.

>> No.50463383
Quoted by: >>50463581

Checked fucking quads, desu.

>> No.50463451
Quoted by: >>50463581

Keep buying ones with 24k or 999+ purity and lowest premiums. Target bigger weights before coins IMO.

>> No.50463581

Can you tell me another thing. The coins and the bullions arrived in air tight plastic thingy-capsule, but also they were put in a small nylon bags, which were sealed too. I removed the nylon, is that a big deal? I have one Maple leaf just to touch it. I see every stacker having their coins and bullions stacked together without any bags and capsules.

>> No.50463612
Quoted by: >>50463690

the bags are just cheap things for people who give them as gifts. i dont think most people stack high premium medallions.

>> No.50463661
Quoted by: >>50472355

It’s $25 on top of the final spot price. So a 1/10 is what 172 or something @ spot. Add $25 to 172. It’s really a $250 premium over spot per oz

>> No.50463690
Quoted by: >>50463731

No, you didnt get my question. I meant maple leafs came in air-tight capsule and in nylon air-tight bag. I removed the nylon and left them in the capsule. Am i good?

>> No.50463731
Quoted by: >>50463784

You are good. Try not to remove it from the capsule though. If you have opened the capsule thing, just don't do it for all the coins / bullion. You'll get lesser money back if you remove from the capsule or certi card. Also, post pics anon.

>> No.50463784

I am at work PC, maybe when i go back at home i will post and ask few more questions. I will be bulgarian anon, so to say. You mean to say that the capsule is air-tight for real, doesn't look like this, tho it was very hard to open the first one. I've opened one 100 gram bullion and one Maple Leaf. I also bought 1 gram of gold, but i won't remove it from the certificate thing. Anyway, i am stressing over this too much.

>> No.50464225

Thanks. I am thinking about binding one to a handle to make a primitive war club.

>> No.50464546

bump, leaving fucking work. I hope to be hit by a car to end all this suffering. I have so much troubles it's unreal. Problems with collegues, problems with almost everything in this fucked up world of ours...
>Please some random driver hit me as hard as he can.
Mom and dad will miss me, my brother probably too, some junkie frens i have will mourn me for 10-15 mins. But at least i will have peace of mind.

>> No.50464671

Reach home safe and post your stack you stupid nigger. We are all going to make it and stick it to the Jews, it just takes time.

>> No.50464753

how much are you guys paying for 90% coins

>> No.50464793

24k or bust.

>> No.50465205
Quoted by: >>50465444

£8 for kennedys
£2 for mercs
£21 peace
£25-32 Morgan
Pick somewhere in between for quarters etc.

>> No.50465392

just wear a chain, why bother with a mechanism

>> No.50465444

Converted that is about average in the US too

>> No.50465476
Quoted by: >>50477432

18xfv at LCS

>> No.50465615
File: 70 KB, 287x307, oo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50474404

the SIM card providers are mocking me

>> No.50465634

so those BOLD shitheads canceled my order and debited my account. Called their number, and it's a fucking poo in the loo call center. Pajita told me they would debit my account back in 3-5 days. Called my credit union, and they said they would dispute it for up to a few months, so I guess I'm covered. Never order from those BOLD fucks. Never.

>> No.50465662

just wait a while like you said. sometimes, mistakes happen (and sometimes it isnt really the fault of the business)
even though they could be scammers though. but you have a good amount of time

shame you didnt get your precious metals

>> No.50465674
Quoted by: >>50466133

On second hand sites you can find 'junk' silver at around spot if you're smart and patient enough to look around and not get ripped off. Mostly from countries close by. I find mostly belgian and French Silver on second hand sites here.

>> No.50465735
File: 286 KB, 2742x1517, photo_07_20_22_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your views on stamp collections?

Is it true that young people don't care about stamps?

>> No.50465771

why are you peeling them off!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.50465812

No reason not to get gilded, it's barely any gold on it. Very tasteful design

>> No.50465859
File: 577 KB, 1076x1114, 1642718192876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50469283

>Tax laws
Really? Who tf reports their gains on PM's? Wtf the IRS gonna do? Come inventory my safe?

>> No.50465927

Just to add, the US sold the last of it's straegic silver reserves in the early 2000's and now must buy it on the open market to keep minting.

>> No.50465964

My view on pure collector's pieces (ie: stamps and non-PM coins) is that they will probably all be worthless when the boomers die or at least sharply reduced in price

>> No.50466133
Quoted by: >>50471406

Do you have a list of these sites?

>> No.50466362

What's the sexiest coin/round you own?

>> No.50466498
File: 117 KB, 704x713, foto_no_exif.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: why are the markets pumping and crypto is pumping? Looking at the GDPNow forecast (https://www.atlantafed.org/cqer/research/gdpnow)), the US will officially enter a recession next week. Inflation also shows no signs of slowing. Wtf is going on?
>inb4 not pmg related
I stack silver and gold, and believe the the USD/petrodollar is a scam, and think this is just more paper games they are playing. But how can they continue? Seems like they can't keep this up forever, things are becoming unaffordable for lower income and at this rate, middle class will begin to be priced out of things
> Average new car costs $45k
> Used cars cannot be found under $10k unless they are absolute shit
> Average home costs over $400k
> Average car payment is over $700
> Mortgage interest rates continue to rise
> Gas is only going down because we have tapped into strategic reserves that will run out/stop and they will go back up
> Euro, Yen, and Pound dropping
This is some serious clownery. What do bros? And when will we return to real money? It really seems like we are running towards the edge of a cliff and the fact that everything is pumping is just speeding it up it seems, or am I crazy?

>> No.50466516

I only collect stamps because I was given a collection years ago, and even then its pretty hard to get new ones because the only places that seem to use stamps anymore are online coin shops
I wouldnt go out of my way to buy stamps

>> No.50466519
File: 1.78 MB, 2592x1944, 58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50466560

My Meh-hico Sun Silver Coin

>> No.50466529

Wait, is this the anon that wears women's watches?

>> No.50466560
File: 1.46 MB, 2592x1944, 42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or my reverse gilded proof Humming Bird Coin, i can't decide.

>> No.50466641
Quoted by: >>50468738

Bro, I know it sounds hard but just stop caring. Almost all problems sort themselves out and so many problems stop existing the second you stop caring.
>Everything will be alright in the end, of it's not alright yet then it's not the end.

>> No.50466883
Quoted by: >>50467967

I stopped paying attention to what's pumping or not because it doesn't matter. All that matters is what are the npcs seeing. Everything else is obfuscation and gaslighting.
If the dollar was really pumping inflation wouldn't be happening since an increase in the value of the dollar is literally the exact opposite of inflation.
The world is getting gaslighted into thinking everything is o.k.
I don't know if tptb have something on the back burner and are just trying to buy some time till something happens that makes a real recovery, are trying to prolong the inevitable or setting things up with the Hegeliann dialectic so their chosen can come in and save everyone from la ebil derpstate.

>> No.50466885
File: 1.43 MB, 2562x1440, PMG_Trio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An excerpt from teh latest update:
>the boxes for the coins are on the way and the coins will be finished at latest the end of the them (according to the mint).
I think he was in a hurry to write that, and meant to say they'd be finished
>... at the end of the month...
It's the kind of typo I find myself doing too frequently now.

>> No.50466897

>What's your views on stamp collections?

Stamp collecting was an extremely successful virally marketed fad hobby pumped to greatness by brilliant and aggressive promoters in the early 20th century, It's interesting to read about and is reminiscent of the beanie babies or Pokemon craze. It was big with the generations who came before boomers so the market crashed by the 90s as they died and their collections were liquidated. Certain rare, historic and early stamps are still valuable but they'll cost you less now than they did 40 years ago. Coin collecting on the other hand has been a genuine organic hobby for 500+ years so will likely remain relatively strong for the foreseeable future.

>> No.50466903
File: 2.75 MB, 4032x3024, 97FECB78-0240-46B6-B930-49914CBB817C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe I win this contest

>> No.50466946
Quoted by: >>50467967

Clown market
Imagine thinking anything is ever going to make sense again
All we know is that clown market cannot magically produce more silver or gold out of thin air.
So we stack

>> No.50466986

has not rugged; last update was a week ago

fuckin retards

>> No.50467010
Quoted by: >>50467848

Enjoy waiting 6 more months for a poor quality round that barely sells above spot bro.
Holoanon = bad news

>> No.50467149
Quoted by: >>50467967

Market thinks fed will reverse or stop rate increases, and will cut in 2023 and start up QE again. Dollar pumped because its judged against a weighted basket of other currency, which is dropping. World also needs $ to service debts and purchase commodities.

>> No.50467174
File: 201 KB, 540x600, 0966_Palomar_Observatory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I inherited a stamp collection and have no idea what to do with them. There's about $2k of unused sheets of stamps. I guess I could use them, but yikes - that's a lot of correspondence!

>> No.50467545

Now that's a nipple.

>> No.50467753
Quoted by: >>50469717

Shit design
Go back to huffing your own farts

>> No.50467774

I think collecting paper money is similar also. Cooler than stamps, still not going to pay what they go for tho. I am interested in coin collecting , I bought a grey book this week. Would like to get a set of peace dollars.

>> No.50467808
File: 168 KB, 1000x588, 165808402061604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely based

>> No.50467848

>its gonna rug


>well if it doesnt rug its ugly and overpriced

.....who bad touched you? lol

>> No.50467853
File: 790 KB, 1656x961, anonymousmint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought some of these as 1 oz from overpriced kitco. they are pretty cool. wish i had the 5 oz version

>> No.50467872
File: 1.99 MB, 968x1252, silverfrogfren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello silver frens

>> No.50467967

>The world is getting gaslighted into thinking everything is o.k
Agreed, this is my sentiment as well.

> All we know is that clown market cannot magically produce more silver or gold out of thin air
Also agreed, I have been stacking like crazy with this nice dip.

> Market thinks fed will reverse or stop rate increases
That seems to be how the markets are behaving, I guess this is what I don't understand, it does not make sense to me. Stop raising rates and inflation continues, keep raising rates and the recession deepens... seems like lose-lose to me.

My overall thoughts:
> Grug no understand long nose tribe's game, so grug continue to stack shiny rocks

Thank you for your input gentlemen

>> No.50467969
File: 2.45 MB, 4032x3024, stamps hitler rainbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty dead. My brother inherited a theoretically $5,000+ stamp collection he wanted to sell for gold and we literally can't GIVE THEM away. And I even live by a big retirement community. Old people just want cash while young people would rather collect action figures, comic books, Legos, blu ray, or vidya. At least he let me keep the Hitler stamps.

>> No.50468390
File: 1.44 MB, 2345x2345, 4DBFEB10-3970-4306-BAE2-8BFA29AE5C23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one of the ones I have of women.

>> No.50468738 [DELETED] 

absolute bro tier advice
There is nothing that will fix him except two things:
-surviving a horrible incident and finding a new appreciation for life (me)

>> No.50468805
Quoted by: >>50474486


Progress on my stupid silver guide website. I can pull in API data on commodity prices and from Numista. I'm writing the guide page by hand.

My goal is to have country or region specific guides that you can just print out on A4 paper and take to auctions or fleamarkets to get general ideas of what to look out for.

>> No.50468815
Quoted by: >>50472372

I'm buying this from you. Gibe me a price anon.

>> No.50468833
File: 3.91 MB, 498x211, mual18.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50468875

its been 6 days and silvergoldbull still hasn't shipped my order. It usually takes them 3 days max to ship my orders.

>> No.50468875
Quoted by: >>50468903

Fug dude they probably ran off to guam

>> No.50468903
File: 988 KB, 833x877, hank johnson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50468917

you can't just run off to guam with a bunch of metal
maybe if a helicopter dropped you right in the center

>> No.50468917
Quoted by: >>50469052

Nigga have just float on a treadmill and run your ass to Guam

>> No.50468950
File: 477 KB, 1096x1461, 20210818_181656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50469052
File: 823 KB, 480x270, guam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga the moment your foot hits the shore the whole fucking thing tips over

>> No.50469203
File: 778 KB, 1380x1440, GSM_TriviumGirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50469357

Probably the Trivium Girls.

>> No.50469213
File: 2.01 MB, 4608x3072, IMG10196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have to go with my succubus.

>> No.50469283

>Tax laws
It matters at point of purchase sometimes. Like some states in the US will tax below $1k USD or VAT on silber in Euroland.

>> No.50469357
File: 2.90 MB, 4538x3259, 17 ounces of CUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One ounce trivium silver round. Three naked ladies on it.
A man of taste as always.
Yes their coat of arms is beautiful.

>> No.50469432
File: 12 KB, 226x223, Charlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50471255

>A man of taste as always.
Kek - thanks!

>> No.50469456

Great lighting!

>> No.50469462
File: 152 KB, 1180x779, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50471255

Pheli Mint Temptation of the Succubus series, they made 5 but I just wanted the 2017. You might like them all.

>> No.50469650
File: 23 KB, 128x123, 21FC5487-B826-4E37-9F98-D7E2C3F4F21F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50469717


>> No.50469717

What's with all the no taste retards today
Must be zoomers

>> No.50469818
File: 788 KB, 1087x1141, E078F96E-E0D2-483E-B985-744EB4E69EB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50469830

nigger it looks like H.R. Giger designed it and its not for me

>> No.50469830

although i must admit the reference is cool

>> No.50470248
Quoted by: >>50470629

>what does /pmg/ think of this bad girl?
Stupid dick-measuring contest. Austrian Mint did their 1000oz Big Phil in 2004 for the 15th anniversary of the coin and the Canadians had to go over top in 2007. Pointless if you ask me. The 2009 20th anniversary 20oz coin from the Austrians is a much more sensible special issue. At least that one is affordable to private investors and you can actually encounter them in the wild and not just in museums.

>> No.50470335
File: 1.44 MB, 2080x2340, IMG_20220720_213159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to walk for 3 hours in the heat to get 100 of these plus a 1oz britannia out of the fucking mail
took these niggers 80 days

>> No.50470503
File: 1.13 MB, 4160x2340, IMG_20220720_215221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so yeah here's some gold, the brit is new it was cheap

>> No.50470549
File: 14 KB, 497x538, 1657616691877-pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50470575

I haven't browaed /pmg/ nor /setf/ for a long time. I've now got enough $$$ to buy a 1 oz gold coin but should I buy it now or wait for the price to drop further?

>> No.50470575

Nobody knows
I think we're at the bottom but it's just a guess

>> No.50470610
Quoted by: >>50470786


I'm wondering if I can get these coins to print at the correct size so you can measure coins on a piece of printed paper.

>> No.50470629

Yeah I agree. 20oz is far more reasonable

>> No.50470756

waste of gold, imagine all the pretty coins that could make instead of a giant slab with a dogshit portrait of the queen on it

>> No.50470786

Of course you can, just open the pictures in something like GIMP or PS. You can just switch the scale to inches/centimetres and adjust them on the fly. Or if you want to be technical about it like a pro, keep the graphic unchanged, measure the size in pixels and then just adjust the dpi (dots per inch) to print them at the perfect size. Printing with precise measurements is an important part of any proper image editor.

>> No.50470924


I would continue the trolling but posting here to let you know you are ngmi if you can’t spot a blatant trigger and respond to my post with that lmfao


>> No.50471011
File: 1.13 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_2841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl came today

>> No.50471203
File: 8 KB, 250x201, heybeavis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this girl came

>> No.50471255
File: 1.36 MB, 1020x1013, Screenshot_20220720-153004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. The 2017 one is the best of the bunch. The logo on the back is uuuuhhhh definitely something haha.

>> No.50471310
File: 1.90 MB, 1192x1432, kitteh!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in...

>> No.50471322


>> No.50471387

It’s over

>> No.50471398

Will buy at $1500

>> No.50471406
Quoted by: >>50471476

In my region i only use marktplaats and 2dehands nowadays, they are really the same site, kind of. They absorbed 2 other big sites and they've gotten a lot worse in the latest 2 or so years. It's trudging trough shit and the good looking stuff is often from action sites and there's a bunch of scammers on there as well but if you're somewhat skilled at discerning these you can find good deals on it. I'm cleaning up my stack though and i'd like to exchange some of my 'junk' for other silver but i'm not selling at these prices

>> No.50471439


It's going to go lower. Nobody has confidence to buy this stuff seeing how every commodity has inflated and gold has only tanked. The one purpose it was promised to be, a hedge, has proven to be bullshit.

>> No.50471476
Quoted by: >>50471738

Are you in Germany? Do you also find more Reichsmark than any other kind of coin at fleamarkets? I don't know why they're so common. I find 5RMs ten times more often than 5DMs.

>> No.50471738

Belgium. German stuff is usually at a bit of a premium here. Don't have much of it. Easier to just get some 5 franc pieces and some of the ugly first half of the 1900's stuff from Belgium. French coins almost always look good and with low premium. I'd like some of the bigger english silver coins but for some reason it's hard to find decent quantities of it and of course american constitutional would be nice to find but it's very overpriced here so i cant really.

All of it is Nice to have but it'd be a headache to sell down the line.

>> No.50471941

You're fucking SHITTING me right?
>tfw look
>tfw if I only waited 2 hours before placing a purchase
I spent the rest of my monthly budget a few hours ago, I can't fucking believe this
Please please please let these low prices persist until my next paycheck PLEASE!

>> No.50472029
File: 2.44 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my shit

>> No.50472082

1/10 (oz)

>> No.50472105
Quoted by: >>50472408

Fuck!!! It's like the PM gods want us to keep slurping
I've checked the menelines and we're already at the 200 weekly EMA without brakes

>> No.50472139

>Rate my shit
where is the shit? I only see gold

>> No.50472167


nice gold anon, any details? im building a fleet.

>> No.50472316

Love that one
Can't go wrong with ships

>> No.50472338
File: 1.36 MB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20220720-172637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50474891

My favorite

>> No.50472346
File: 3.56 MB, 2534x4029, 76345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember what All Might always says:
>Be a hero, stack Silver and Gold!!

>> No.50472353

All I care about is GSR. And that hasn't fucking budged an inch.

>> No.50472355

i know, so why is monument saying this, makes no sense

>> No.50472372
File: 115 KB, 1024x982, 1609342757022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50476936

bought it from an estate sale for 20 dollars

you can find them on ebay for less than I am willing to sell it for

>> No.50472373

It really does show a complete lack of imagination. Almost brain-dead levels. Imagine all the classic works of art and architecture that could have been rendered in high-def. Or one of a thousand beautiful landscapes or animals or astronomical vistas. Or even beautiful people.

>> No.50472408
Quoted by: >>50472660

Silver schmucks! Not even with an official bear market and high inflation does your Fucking PM prices go up! What's that about a store of value? No such thing! Kek!

>> No.50472420

i have 2 oz of hms bounty in silver, grest looking coin.

if i buy an aesthetic gold piece next, i think its gonna be a marlin

>> No.50472425

WSS is a 4chan colony. It's one of the few based oasis' in that shithole. I don't post there though because reddit

>> No.50472463
Quoted by: >>50472937

/u/bullionfetish is a jew, if you didn't know

>> No.50472503

Some of the posts are good. Others are just trump fans posting right wing boomer memes that haven’t realized that their boot licking would make no difference when shit hits the fan.

>> No.50472616
File: 1.21 MB, 880x1175, reddit gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50472632

get off mate, they're all boomers who think their 350lb lard asses will survive a shtf situation, absolute larpers, they'll be picked off first.

>> No.50472637

Literally 100 years old. Me gusta.

>> No.50472660
Quoted by: >>50472871

>Oh noes! The long term hedge against inflation that has fluctuated in price! What ever will I do!

>> No.50472706

yeah i sent them a second check on saturday and they are saying they still didnt get it. its fucking wednesday

>> No.50472871

>hedge against inflation
Nice joke there, metaltard.

>> No.50472937
Quoted by: >>50473422

What if he could be /ourjew/

>> No.50473004

really nice, i might buy a bunch of the chronos on the left

>> No.50473019
Quoted by: >>50474262

Structural reason: US interest rates go up, gold price comes down.
Short time reason: Russia is flying planes full of gold to various cities in the Middle East, selling the gold and taking cash dollars back to Russia. This puts big downward pressure on the price.

>> No.50473106
Quoted by: >>50473226

time to buy more gold I guess

>> No.50473226
Quoted by: >>50473257

>time to buy more gold I guess
Simple as

>> No.50473257
File: 377 KB, 1395x621, oof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double sovs just dipped below 700 quid

>> No.50473422

Rafi Farber is already /ourjew/

>> No.50473473


>> No.50473634
File: 580 KB, 1880x2080, 1655856356282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold so juicy

is 1/2 Oz a good buy? I'm afraid to go all in at 1 Oz coin

>> No.50473688

Sort by: Cheapest

>> No.50473827

Anyone know why Steven van meter or the other Eurodollar dude are wrong? They believe that QE increases bank reserves and doesn’t cause inflation. Why is this wrong?

>> No.50474002
File: 152 KB, 910x1024, 1433099408010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50475623

why did they redraw a karen?
anyways, share recent delivery time stories, I need to know the ACTUAL demand.

>> No.50474146

theyve redefined inflation as the rising costs of good or services. Inflation is the expansion of currency or credit. The rising costs of goods or services is a symptom of inflation, not inflation itself. It shifts the fault of our current predicament from the government and central banks, and places it on others like producers or consumers. mindfuck games, basically.

>> No.50474217
File: 32 KB, 245x309, 1647397641762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50474331

Hey lads, been considering something. I'm thinking of selling all my coin silver and buying bullion with the money. I've got 80 coins, ranging from 40% to sterling, with a total silver weight of 17.1 oz t. Thing is, they're worth WAY more than their melt value to collectors and my LCS. I can buy 25 oz t of bullion with what my LCS offered, probably more if I piece it out. Pull the trigger?

>> No.50474262

2nd time youve thrown the russian gold out there, 2nd time you havnt given a source

>> No.50474331
File: 78 KB, 500x473, 5 Strips of Latinum, why do you need 3 strips of latinum per hour, 2 strips is too much.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to mention, they're all from traveling and change at my old shop, none were purchased, and none are graded, no in BU or UNC or whatever the fuck grade. Just silver coins. Just over $14 US and a few crowns and aussie/canadian coins. They offered nearly $600 for the collection. I checked them all, I'm not missing any hidden gems. I don't collect US coins, and I have no attachment to them. I do fucking love my silver though, and have just under 2lbs of bullion now, this would be a major boon to my stack, if it makes sense. Do I keep these? Or sell and increase muh stack?

>> No.50474367

Any new infopics recently (like the blue background ones)?

>> No.50474384
File: 1.22 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_2842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50475535

bruh youre going to go through all that hassle of converting 17ozt to 25ozt? Literally 8oz youre sweating over here? Why not just keep them and get a job and buy $200 worth of bullion?

>> No.50474404

Who isn't?

>> No.50474427

I have a small collection of a few old stamps that I've gotten on letters, but that's about it.

>> No.50474452
File: 203 KB, 390x460, 1658251630815792.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>purchase silber
>shits the bed so hard it's lost 50% of its value over the last two years

It as at this moment I am euphoric, not for holding a rock but for gaining the insight into the worlds most worthless asset class and the steps into obliterating ones wealth.

>> No.50474475
File: 7 KB, 746x71, Screenshot from 2022-03-28 21-47-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blood in the streets bro

>> No.50474481
Quoted by: >>50474520

>>bank lends money to goy to buy something
>>credit is created from nothing
>>bank sells note to the Fed
>>Fed credits bank’s account in exchange for the note

>> No.50474486

You can just pull the melt prices for US Junk from Coinflation, the prices there are slightly more accurate since they also take into account the 10% Copper.
Also, US junk stayed the same size and purity from 1853-1964, you don't need to list all the designs separately.

>> No.50474512
File: 408 KB, 720x796, 1657945125278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take notes fren, Klaus Schwab and his lizard buddies have just begun.
Everything they goyim invested in, will be rugpulled and go to near zero.

You will be happy.

>> No.50474520

The Fed buying the note doesn’t create inflation. But the inflation already happened when the bank created the loan in the first place.

>> No.50474543
File: 415 KB, 1536x2048, 294139911_1440422793093704_889371751456883833_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50474578

hows things guys?
Been out and about all day, using old maps to find a lost mine. Found the mine, found the vein, found gold. Life couldnt be better!

>> No.50474564
File: 2.86 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20220721_113523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50477628

Check it out

>> No.50474578
Quoted by: >>50474624

fugg, not only a quartz vein, but one with ~*CRYSTALS*~

>> No.50474624
File: 184 KB, 1536x2048, 294388967_770114630968876_7861284441283972925_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look a little closer, there is visible gold in the crystal pocket dead center. pic related, loads of little pockets with infilled gold laying around the decomposing vein. No wonder the old timers were after this.

>> No.50474647
Quoted by: >>50474706

oh for sure i peeped that, is that brown stuff some type of iron something?

>> No.50474656
File: 1.41 MB, 2732x2773, F6F41F4D-E780-4D74-ACB5-EE28A4BAE770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50474922

Got a full size Swiss 5 Francs today. The shepherd on it looks so much better than on the small version that I almost wish they never made a smaller version.

>> No.50474706

yep its iron oxide, all the sulfides weathered out eons ago, staining everything orange.

>> No.50474799
Quoted by: >>50474872

Did you find this piece today too? Either way good job rediscovering the old rich vein!

>> No.50474872
File: 353 KB, 1536x2048, 293540113_801586347501678_2025452913294064039_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50475252

yep, found it this morning. I have a bunch of shots of the mine workings but i am not sure how usable they are with the incredible cloud of bugs that swarmed me when i disturbed the adit. I ll probably go back in the fall when everything is dead.

>> No.50474891
File: 3.87 MB, 4608x3072, IMG90061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50474922
Quoted by: >>50474979


>> No.50474979
Quoted by: >>50475071

This coin was made 34 years before Helvetica was invented.

>> No.50475013
File: 37 KB, 680x889, 1600445088584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 60 oz of silver and a goldback, am I gonna make it anons?

>> No.50475027
File: 842 KB, 2000x2000, in the mail today, happy days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

798 reporting in, ebay didn't rug, thanks fren

>> No.50475057
File: 631 KB, 1299x1624, IMG_1987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50476620

Based Argentina silver liker.
I have kitty as well as Medusa. Kitty was my screen saver for a while. Now it's thinking man.

>> No.50475071


>> No.50475252
Quoted by: >>50475329

thats not hematite, is it? schorl?

>> No.50475329
Quoted by: >>50475370

galena hosted in quartz, a different part of the same vein. This structure seems to be exactly how the old timers described it, nuggety style mineralization, where parts of the vein are almost totally barren of all ore, save for tiny pyrites. Then at random masses of galena, pyrite, schelite and nugget gold appear, only to vanish again as fast as it appeared. The best ore is extremely weathered, all minerals other than gold have weathered out, leaving behind spider web patterns and nugget chunks of native metal behind in the quartz.

>> No.50475370

oh thats so interesting, i love stuff like that. im always watching people like jeff williams and dan hurd on utube. i wish i lived out west so much so i could explore stuff like that. what a life that would be.

>> No.50475506
File: 269 KB, 200x234, drew-scanlon-white-guy-blinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50475695

What are those pentagram gold coins?
Are you a devil worshipper, and are they even gold?

>> No.50475535
File: 1.42 MB, 282x200, SHAME CUBE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50475863

Not really sweating it bro, and I've got a job, just wondering if I'm the only one keeping that much coin around. Most are '64 Kennedy halves, which....meh. I'd rather geeeeet rid, but yknow, if there was a consensus that, say, coin silver will spend better than bullion one day, I'd sure like to hear that too.

>> No.50475580

The pedo jannies of Reddit don't need a reason. Shame too, WSS actually names the jew

>> No.50475623
File: 1.14 MB, 2000x3000, bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here is the booty

>> No.50475695
File: 48 KB, 290x461, satan delivers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

free gifts with my order, I imagine they are anthrax - I am not a devil worshiper but I am probably in league with Satan as he gave me a cherry coke once in in 96' and then in 00' he helped me qualify with my left eye in basic.

>> No.50475710
Quoted by: >>50476725

what is a good source of tin everyday

>> No.50475720
File: 627 KB, 1920x1080, shape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats playdough...

>> No.50475727
File: 244 KB, 960x676, Mickey Rooneys Potato Fantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based armed and thirsty schizo. Where did you order from? I want pentagram gold and a cherry coke

>> No.50475730

sry, wanted to see what that image was

>> No.50475738

If you have nothing special then sell and increase. Price is dropping. Desu if they will buy your coins they may even offer you a sweet trade for bullion since that's your goal. Might be able to milk a few extra ounces out of them trading rather than selling and save on your ptemoums

>> No.50475753

>codex giga
Nothing wrong with stepping into the occult. Plenty of knowledge, christcucks want to keep hidden from the masses.
But remember, when you stare at the devil, the devil stares back.

>> No.50475773

>Mickey Rooney's Potato Fantasy
What year is that from? Were people buying Potato Sodas with Silver dimes?

>> No.50475863
File: 60 KB, 1024x556, powell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a good amount of constitutional in my stack, mostly because I like them. Silver halves happen to be my favorite coin. They could come in handy for bartering if shit really goes sideways.

From a trade point of view, you're looking at 8oz difference, say silver doubles, youre looking at an extra $180 you would have made off the bullion, not that big of a deal IMO. I'd keep it and just buy more to grow stak

>> No.50475976

ebay seller with 25 rating (26 now) and non descriptive random name with numbers, was skeptical but took the risk, idk if the others for sale right now are really for sale as I've seen some won and then relisted later

the cherry coke event occurred in San Jose, California, on a hot summer day with no air conditioning, home alone, checked the fridge in the garage for a soda and it was empty, checked the fridge in the kitchen and it was also empty, then asked Satan very nicely for a Cherry Coke, rechecked the garage fridge and there was a 20 or 24 oz bottle, cannot remember if it was before or after they shrank it, now some people might think that is bullshit or I was confused or made it up, but it happened, and later I found out my sister came home when I was in the kitchen and put that soda there, so it was hers, so she probably works for the devil, I think the first one is just a freebie

>> No.50476156
File: 3.33 MB, 4032x3024, INRI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also playing both sides, hedging my bets for the apocalypse

>> No.50476285
Quoted by: >>50476539

Are both holcoinanon and mintanon doing a 1 oz gold coin? what are the premiums going to be? If so I better start saving for it them.

>> No.50476317
Quoted by: >>50476535

Gold to $1,500 by the end of the year, check these digits

>> No.50476376

$50,000,000 order to Andy. 900,000 ASE. Whales accumulating in huge way.

>> No.50476465

>$50,000,000 order to Andy

7 of them, i linked this the other day on an older thread.


>> No.50476469
File: 47 KB, 865x760, 1505333172048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rode LInk down 90% and then up 200x from the bottom.
I find it kind of funny that anyone can be concerned about price movements in precious metals if they have any clue about how the price of rigged through the paper tradingmarket.

>> No.50476487

They made over 20 million in premiums lmao

>> No.50476535
File: 34 KB, 457x375, codex-gigas-coins-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50476581

Need me one of picrel.
Checked, you're a faggot.

>> No.50476539

I would need a couple months notice in advanced and someone else controlling my bank account to prevent me from buying silver tit coins, but I really hope it happens

>> No.50476546
File: 21 KB, 474x474, hum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the /pmg/ opinion on stacking cigars?

>> No.50476559
Quoted by: >>50476823

I wonder if this is an individual or some sort of investment fund buying these?

>> No.50476567

pretty faggy

>> No.50476581
File: 8 KB, 200x193, 778A7D25-480E-43AE-B9B7-867DA3569353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry about it retard, even when the economy is in freefall your stupid shiny rocks are STILL dumping in value

>> No.50476611
File: 242 KB, 1411x750, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this batch of cheapies off eBay for $31.35 with shipping and tax, 2 forks on the right are silverplate but the other 10 are solid sterling, should be around 350g or over 10ozt of fine. The deals are out there frens go gittum.

>> No.50476620

very nice

>> No.50476621

Millions of eagles
Millions of them
That's a Scroogy money bin amount of money

>> No.50476632
Quoted by: >>50476701

It must mean they expect to make significantly more than that in profit, people that rich usually aren't stupid with their money, they're expecting to avoid paying a ton in capital gains.
I didn't even think it was possible to buy nearly a million ounces of ASEs, how much does the US mint a year?

>> No.50476701

That's the entire production of some years

>> No.50476725
File: 136 KB, 1000x667, ninapintasantamaria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would appreciate an answer to this. already have a small pile of pewter, but some cheap tin would help immensely.

>> No.50476823
Quoted by: >>50476913

How many female billionaires are there in Texas? I'm asking unsarcastically
cheers, you da real mvp
fr fr. If big money is confident they can beat the spread, then we should be.

>> No.50476913


>> No.50476936

Will search then thanks :D
Cute stress ball

>> No.50476945

Notice how ever since whales started buying they've stop trying to shill here and start making their own threads?
It's all concern trolling and I've never seen them use actual FUD I'm worried about.

>> No.50477032
Quoted by: >>50477070

guys, what does FUD actually mean

>> No.50477065
Quoted by: >>50478747

Kek but wtf kind of situation are you in where you can afford 100 coins but not transport?

>> No.50477070
Quoted by: >>50477082

If you're a /k/nigger it means Elmer Fudd type gun owners that think the first amendment only applies to durr rifles.
On /biz/ it means fear uncertainty doubt, which is a lot lamer than /k/'s.

>> No.50477082
Quoted by: >>50477153

thank you

>> No.50477093

The young portrait isnt so bad but yeah im pretty pissed when i see the hag versions. Almost as bad as seeing a buffalo on precious metals
And damn this captcha straight to hell

>> No.50477153

ywnbaw no matter how much u fomo into it. not capping.

>> No.50477392
File: 67 KB, 533x267, 1652010391667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50477603

>900,000 ASE

I wish I had 1,800 monster boxes of silver, damn.

>> No.50477432
Quoted by: >>50477538

isnt that a bit expensive

>> No.50477538

Care you show me where you can get it cheaper?

>> No.50477603
Quoted by: >>50477816

checked nice man. hey can an anon help me out here?
approx how many grams is in this?

Ik its kind of sketch with the seller but still

nice to see anons still like my coin.

>> No.50477611

Yes, get bullion bars. Also, buy more loser.

>> No.50477628

Nice one anon, how many grams?

>> No.50477660

Absolutely Jewish.

>> No.50477703
Quoted by: >>50477933

Get em cheapies desu, I can't find them in jeetland.

>> No.50477761
Quoted by: >>50477984






>> No.50477765
File: 75 KB, 600x1040, Kornheiser_Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$55.56 per ounce

>> No.50477816

>hey can an anon help me out here?
>approx how many grams is in this?

My "trick" for determining the weight of pattern pieces I'm not familiar with is very simple, I just search the name ("Oneida Heiress sterling" in this case) for listings of matching pieces with the weights given. There is always a little variance in weight between the same type of pieces in the same pattern but generally not more or less than a few percent. Very quickly I found that the salad forks weigh 30.1g each, dinner forks 44.5g, and teaspoons weigh 1.00ozt. Dinner knives usually yield ~20g each from the handles, which need to be removed and have the filler hammered out.

>> No.50477905

how does a hobbyist prospector make money off a sample like that? do you just pick out the god thats visible with a chisel? do you send the rock off to someone with machines to grind it down and refine it? how do you actually know how much gold is inside the rock so you dont get cheated out by a refiner?

>> No.50477913

different tax implications for phone sales vs online sales in some jurisdictions

>> No.50477933
Quoted by: >>50478139

>I can't find them in jeetland.

Wish I had advice for finding them there but I'm sure the culture and 2nd hand market practices are too different for me to be of help. Maybe you can go dig up some jungle temple ruins for hoards of gold buried under them as offerings in past centuries?

>> No.50477966
Quoted by: >>50478296

was it all listed as silver plated or did nobody end up bidding on it but you

>> No.50477971

They go stale.

>> No.50477984
Quoted by: >>50478006

Too early.
We're not even at the bump limit.

>> No.50477990

Advert on local radio saying gold is at ath and best to sell now. Feels creepy every time I hear it.

>> No.50478006


>> No.50478139
Quoted by: >>50478296

Closest that I can try is olx, which is like craigslist For now sticking with online reputed sellers.

>> No.50478296

Yep, listed as plated but they mentioned "sterling" in the description (corroborated by pics) which is how I found it, I can't be bothered studying thousands of outright plated lots where a pic alone might reveal something juicy. Silly stuff like that is more common than ya think, besides estate sales that's my favorite angle for finding cheapies. Snapped it up via Buy-it-now.

Good luck if you ever try looking for silverware, I know jeets like their silver kalash bowls and whatnot

>> No.50478747
File: 1.24 MB, 4160x2340, IMG_20220607_190322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

train station gets a remodeling, public transport without that train line is a convoluted mess of bullshit, UPS fucked me over by claiming to be unable to read my name, TWICE (once again after I told them and they re-send the driver back the same day, fucking niggers), the place was in deep industry territory and since I had to go twice this time I wasn't lazy and took a taxi out of pure spite. All that shit because of a fucking wagie nigger. It also cost me my friday WFH since we have 3 mandatory office days we can swap around.
I despise logistics wagie fucks a lot by now but I hate the premiums and opening times of my local dealer (Mo-Fr 9-13 - people work you fucking idiot!) even more.

>> No.50478872
File: 1.10 MB, 4160x2340, IMG_20220609_014750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50478964

only to re-purpose for coinage later to give them a little musk

>> No.50478964
File: 1.90 MB, 3022x2592, Silver stack boxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a man of taste