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>> No.49434500

>"projected" for "later" this year

still no hard confirmation or real dates. it's never really coming out is it?

>> No.49434617

>In v0.1, it’s expected that native token emissions directed to stakers will target a base level of annualized staking rewards of up to 5%.

>> No.49434764

No mention of Linkpool. Interesting.
t. 60k Link, 0 LPL

>> No.49434828

Checked and kys

>> No.49434839
Quoted by: >>49434892

Let me guess, yields come from emissions? Cope harder faggots

>> No.49434858

>initial implementation planned for second half of the year
It's over linkbros.

>> No.49434864

i'm literally shaking right now, this is the moment we all been waiting for link marines, our new life starts today

>> No.49434887
File: 178 KB, 1158x1348, FUZ-I6BXwAIMAp0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok fellow linkie. It's time to stop. The fudding times are over.

>> No.49434892
Quoted by: >>49436883

>already has more fee revenue than like any other protocol besides eth
>on top of this sergey will juice Staking rewards up to 5% which will only require him releasing less than 1% of the supply every year


>> No.49434896
File: 1022 KB, 2267x1154, ttyd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fucking comfy

>> No.49434902
Quoted by: >>49435282


I never say shit like this but: OMG, LFFFFGGGGG

>> No.49434941
Quoted by: >>49436361

Good luck staking without linkpool. Get I’d luck getting linkpool without suckin some eh Jonneh’s dick

>> No.49434982
File: 189 KB, 1118x1200, 1633796453605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49434992

It's pumping

>> No.49434995


6 months ago they announced this year. Now they may have a testnet out "later" this year that no one will be able to stake on. Incredible

>> No.49435009

>up to 5%


>> No.49435081

Discord trannies on full damage control

>> No.49435118

>And here's why that's a good thing!

>> No.49435166

pretty much anything else with much higher % are degen scam projects
i rather have a lower more stable apr with a nice growth in token price
>but i get 20% on my stablecoin with a huge risk for staking it for 1year
>but my degen project gives me 5000% apr, oh no what was that why is it suddenly worth -99%

>> No.49435253

Guys, this means I can retire from my job now. I've been so looking forward to this day. I love you all apart from the stupid fudders, and even those I don't care about now!

>> No.49435282

fr fr

>> No.49435309
File: 57 KB, 173x171, 1653003926427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"up to" 5%
>no loss protection

LMFAO! It's gonna dump hard after this small fomo pump when people realize.

>> No.49435494
Quoted by: >>49435587

"Up to" 5% is just fine by me. And that's just for starters. It's easy street from then on in for us Linkies. Cope n seethe, babes x

>> No.49435587
File: 170 KB, 1920x2148, 1594577871464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49435922

that's a long wick on that green candle, huh?

>> No.49435636
File: 370 KB, 1125x1282, 1631450582894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49442380

>miserable wormbrained trannies spam >3% over and over, spending hundreds of hours across thousands of spam posts
>staking in it's most basic and stunted form is 5%

>> No.49435675

So is Sergey just going to finger his fat arse on stage at consensus? How the fuck do they STILL have nothing to show.

>> No.49435677
Quoted by: >>49436953

>fucking TESTNET deployment for the end of the year
Lmao it’s fucking ogre, it’s going to 2 bucks

>> No.49435889
File: 115 KB, 1080x1080, 1648228129000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting so, besides unlocking the incentive supply and releasing additional services to generate more node fees, they're also planning to strong arm users into contributing to some kind of third party incentive pool as well as creating a node insurance service in exchange for additional costs, instead of just straight up jacking up the feeds costs
I've given a lot of thought about how delicate their monopoly is considering they really need to raise user costs in order to properly rewards nodes and stakers, but because of their invisible backend status if they raise too much users will just end up selecting alternatives. - unless they can justify it with additional services
the addition of direct payout insurance in case of a fuckup is I believe a game changer, as no competitor could possibly compete with link's mcap at this point and this is what insurance is about, whoever has the biggest reserve and can cover the biggest losses
chainlink is not only in the data and cross chain business, it's now becoming an insurance layer as well - once again, an absolutely mind bogglingly brilliant move proving they're always thinking multiple steps ahead of the market and the market will takes forever to even begin to grasp the implications
now for a premium, smaller protocols wont even have to deal with handling their own loss insurance fund - delegate delegate delegate!
the initial program to get users to chip in in a collective pool is also quite interesting, I'm very curious to see if these protocols and DAOs will put their money where their mouths are. chainlink has been the sleeping giant on which this entire industry has relied on - leeched on really - for far too long already, now it's time to step up and pay up, there's no logical world in which chainlink total value capture should be lower than individual dapps
it's like a drug dealer giving the first hit for free, now everyone's using it so time to raise to fair prices

>> No.49435922

Why don't you just stop? What is it in you that seeks to spread misery and negativity? It's really not good for you as a person. Everyone here knows what's happening with the Link project, yet you spend your time trying to derail the celebration of such a great occasion as today. Shame on you.

>> No.49435950
Quoted by: >>49436010

> "just like eating shit bro"

>> No.49436010
Quoted by: >>49436132

So you lost. Salty much? :)

>> No.49436036


>> No.49436039

sorry for voicing concerns my homosexual friend

>> No.49436077
Quoted by: >>49436196

how many linkies do you have to be able to quit your job?

>> No.49436132
Quoted by: >>49436294

Yeah im salty, i thought staking was going to be released this week.

>> No.49436196

checked and around sixty thousand. It's enough. Token price will be higher than it is now when we start.

>> No.49436230

>up 20k since I bought
Wen do I sell?

>> No.49436240

>retiring with $500k
Maybe if you are 75 kek

>> No.49436256

Is 19k link enough? is it ever enough?

>> No.49436283

you deserve it like everyone who made it from link. the fudding and suppressing was rough, if you managed to trust yourself and not fall into their traps and sell you deserve it.

>> No.49436294
Quoted by: >>49437132

That was the discord narrative from the get go
Everyone knows its coming this year but trannies started spamming about consensus

>> No.49436301

If you can wait 2 years you can retire living below your means unironically.
start to build a dividend portfolio with your income.

>> No.49436361
Quoted by: >>49436520

I’m not even interested in staking until linkpool is not a thing. I see no way that the cost of buying linkpool would be recuperated before staking is generally available, making it a loss affair.

>> No.49436520
Quoted by: >>49436695

this is why you buy LP years ago when we told you to instead of buying LPL now when you're priced out

>> No.49436572
Quoted by: >>49437678

> 60k link
At $10 link and 5% apy that would yield you $30k /year. At $20 link it would be $60k / year, and so on. You’ll need link to be above $100 (yielding you some $300k / year) before you can retire, unless you have some bizarre “camping in the third world” scenario in mind.
Not trying to fud link or rain on your parade, I think link will be $100 eoy and that you will be able to retire. Just giving some context.

>> No.49436695

No, I mean using the numbers from back then. Buying LPL at today’s prices would be moronic.
But what you should really consider is: if you bought more link instead of lpl back then, how much apy would you need on your staked-with-lpl link to make up for the greater rewards you would have reaped forever during general staking? You’re likely to realize you made a mistake if you actually do the math, even given just a 10 year horizon.

>> No.49436794
File: 9 KB, 227x220, crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over bros, staking is coming to Chainlink very soon and the price will go to $1000. Linkies will inherit the world and have a huge stake in the New World Economy. We just couldn't stop them from making it and now we will be their slaves. Ii-i-it's over..

>> No.49436883

>>already has more fee revenue than like any other protocol besides eth
pls source for fudbusting purposes

>> No.49436908

based i-i-it's poster

>> No.49436912

>Disclaimer: This post contains statements about the future, including anticipated product features, development, and timelines for rollout of these features. These statements are not guarantees, and they involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. Community participation is necessary to conduct this next phase of testing and development, which will depend on successful testing and validation at each stage. Any contributors who choose to participate in the initial implementation do so at their own risk. There can be no assurance that actual results will not differ materially from those expressed in these statements, although we believe them to be based on reasonable assumptions. These statements may not reflect future developments due to user feedback or later events and we may not update this post in response.


>> No.49436953

>ctrl+f "testnet"
>0 results

>> No.49436963
File: 7 KB, 707x484, 1650719120750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49436970

this is annoying
>Participation in Staking
>The initial staking pool in v0.1 will be capped in size, offering distinct allotments to node operators, community members, and the coordinator of oracle networks. The pool will start with an aggregate size of 25M LINK tokens, with the planned goal of scaling to a pool size of 75M LINK tokens in the months after launch, based on demand. For future releases, it is planned for the pool size to further expand and for additional Data Feeds and oracle services to be supported.

>To initially fill the community alerter allotment, a fair entry mechanism will be used to help ensure participation from a wide range of community members. This entry mechanism will aim to prioritize long-term token holders, who are most likely to actively participate in the alerting mechanism. Node operators that actively service Chainlink Data Feeds will be provided their own distinct allotments to fill. A third-party node delegation system is being explored and is currently planned to be supported in the v1 release.

>Stakers participating in the v0.1 release will have their staked LINK locked until at least the release of v1, where they will then be able to choose commitment periods of varying lengths.

>> No.49436972

Quickly help me, decided to start swing trading figured the bull market was over and might as well accumulate + swing to grow my stack.
Now i am stuck in cash, please tell me that this is a nothing burger and the price will go back down?

>> No.49437025

Babby's first disclaimer?

>> No.49437057


>> No.49437112
Quoted by: >>49437336

>link pools
>no linkpool.io
>ico holders in cold wallets can lock their link up until v1

>> No.49437132

No it was just basic hope after fucking years and them saying staking was coming this year. Staking being released in june 2022 at $7 would have been ultra black pill fud in 2019, now it's supposedly hopium shilling.

>> No.49437167
File: 108 KB, 720x404, Chainlink booy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm thinking bull market ahead

>> No.49437205

>later this year

>> No.49437237
Quoted by: >>49437266

>we dont do roadmaps
>here is a roadmap

>> No.49437243
File: 548 KB, 1652x1342, sold eth too early.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49437266

Chainlink never made a concrete promise it didn't keep.
Also Chainlink never said they didn't do roadmaps.

>> No.49437272
File: 13 KB, 644x800, d90[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idiot linky reaction

>> No.49437317

If we just redefine concrete given they said upcoming year in 2019.

>> No.49437321

same shit they said in January with some word salad mixed in

>> No.49437336

yep this is short-term bearish for linkpool
in the short term.
>The initial staking pool in v0.1 will be capped in size, offering distinct allotments to node operators, community members, and the coordinator of oracle networks. The pool will start with an aggregate size of 25M LINK tokens, with the planned goal of scaling to a pool size of 75M LINK tokens in the months after launch, based on demand.
so the chainlink team will be running and organizing this pool
linkpool will only become useful with node delegation in v1
however, linkpool is assured of getting some of the allocation, so lpl holders will get that revenue stream
and i guess it's bullish for linkpool overall as there will be a lot more eyes on chainlink and staking

>> No.49437353

>they said upcoming year in 2019
No they did not.

>> No.49437375
Quoted by: >>49437554

They didn't say that though. Find the exact post and it will not say it is coming out 2019 you disingenuous nigger.

>> No.49437423

Quit acting like a nigger. Learn to read like a white man.

>>To initially fill the community alerter allotment, a fair entry mechanism will be used to help ensure participation from a wide range of community members. This entry mechanism will aim to prioritize long-term token holders, who are most likely to actively participate in the alerting mechanism. Node operators that actively service Chainlink Data Feeds will be provided their own distinct allotments to fill. A third-party node delegation system is being explored and is currently planned to be supported in the v1 release

>> No.49437440

Thank you for this post Sirgay

>> No.49437453

i know.. but i looked at the price kept bouncing between 6-8.
The economy is gonna keep getting worse, and makes any moon mission unlikely.

I can't eat a 10% draw down on my "ghost-link-stack"..
gonna pray really hard to god tonight (might even skip masturbation to emphasize my yearning for the outcome i desire).

>> No.49437483

the fat russian man named chainlink are fucking liars and this hole market is a scam and you are a nigger

>> No.49437522

its really gonna work 100% in 2024 isnt it ?

>> No.49437523
File: 64 KB, 960x660, All you had to do was nothing and you couldn't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the file name

>> No.49437554
Quoted by: >>49437587

In the decrypt interview in 2019 he said upcoming year.

>> No.49437587

lmao, no he literally did not

>> No.49437617
Quoted by: >>49437650

Quite literally did my cute bitch

>> No.49437622
Quoted by: >>49437650

go back

>> No.49437650

No, he LITERALLY did not.

>> No.49437678
Quoted by: >>49438134

The figures you gave are starting figures. Within months we should have v1.0 and then v2.0, so income will increase.
Also, by the time we start the token price will be up. It's already up about 9% since the announcement. Yes, I feel retirement is on the cards soon. Plus, I own my home. Feels good.

>> No.49437683

posting in epic thread

>> No.49437707

go back nigger

>> No.49437726 [DELETED] 

Under the sea,
Under the sea.
Darling, it's better down where it's wetter,
Take it from me!

Up on the shore they work all day,
Out in the sun they slave away.
While we devoting, full-time to floating,
Under the sea!

>> No.49437733

>the year is 2025
>linkies have become the new oligarchs of the west
>they own a majority of the pods rudders and nolinkers inhabit
>to be able to leave your pod everyday Linkies have installed door cams in Fudders Pods
>those that spread fud are forced to do the chicken dance every morning to leave to the wage cage
>a smart contract will be executed only when Linkers have heard you sing “I DONT WANT TO BE A CHICKEN I DONT WANT TO BE A DUCK I WANT TO WAGE KEK KEK KEK” while you do your wagie dance to amuse them
This is the future you chose

>> No.49437735
Quoted by: >>49437764

Google "decrypt" "sergey nazarov" "chainlink" you dumb fucking coper.

>> No.49437746
Quoted by: >>49437839

oof it continues to pamp pretty hard

>> No.49437764

I know the exact interview, and you're wrong.

It's not Decrypt btw, it's The Defiant.

>> No.49437784
Quoted by: >>49438319

Nigger Link is bear market coin, lol macro...

>> No.49437792
Quoted by: >>49437837

jannies keep deleting LINK threads lmao

>> No.49437837

based jannies

>> No.49437839
Quoted by: >>49437894

yea.. i can't accept this. The news are not that big, it's nothing beyond what we expected, at most it is realizing expectations.
The CPI numbers are gonna come out later this week, hopefully shit is gonna crash.
Can't accept such a loss.

>> No.49437841

guys, honestly i'm getting a little emotional. not only have we predicted correctly that this would drop around this time. but this is exactly what we have been speculating about since 2017. sergey is actually paying us back by distributing his link stack amongst us. i don't give a fuck about the money right now, but finally, after about 2 years of losing my mind, i feel like i was not insane after all. we were right. WE ARE RIGHT

>> No.49437877
Quoted by: >>49438780

Fucking hell, talk about sell when the market is euphoric lol

>> No.49437894

prays and thoughts anon

>> No.49437897

Thank you for your sacrifice.

>> No.49437901
File: 1.10 MB, 1702x2823, 1654314792145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easiest short of my life.
lmaoing at your lives right now linkies.

>> No.49437909

>distributing his link stack amongst us
How much is this? 350 million? How much link is he distributing annually?

>> No.49437911


>> No.49437916
File: 411 KB, 498x600, 3453668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "sorry staking still not ready, no refunds xoxo"
> "guys, honestly i'm getting a little emotional. not only have we predicted correctly that this would drop around this time. but this is exactly what we have been speculating about since 2017. sergey is actually paying us back by distributing his link stack amongst us. i don't give a fuck about the money right now, but finally, after about 2 years of losing my mind, i feel like i was not insane after all. we were right. WE ARE RIGHT"

>> No.49437944
File: 110 KB, 1064x751, airship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a threadly reminder that i will be using my fortune for R&D on airship technology so that we can final fantasy style sky yachts and also mega dirigibles for point to point shipping on a global scale.

>> No.49437945

what the hell is a sponsor though?

>> No.49437966
Quoted by: >>49438168

Christ the fud is lazy now. The pic is for a duckduckgo application that was posted on /g/

>> No.49437993
Quoted by: >>49438021

Link news pumped the entire market. You don't even need to know anything else about it to know our time is coming.

>> No.49437998

it's real

>> No.49438002

Fuck, bought 600 but that is it.
hopefullly the CPI numbers are gonna save me, get my average down to before i swung.

>> No.49438021
File: 61 KB, 1080x570, 1654577447655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49438066

the pump is already losing steam btc preparing to bump

>> No.49438031


>> No.49438038

i'm dead serious about it too

>> No.49438066
File: 181 KB, 1516x871, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really

>> No.49438067

Token quite needed, motherfuckers

>> No.49438129
Quoted by: >>49439075

This is for alerting, not staking retard

>> No.49438132

and honestly it probably won't be that hard. Improvements ins flouridized elastomers and flouridized lubricants have massively changed since the last century. The humble o-ring has changed a lot of engineering realities. It would be a great use case for eurasia and would negate the need for the belt and road project. Would have to watch out for industrial sabotage from companies like boeing though.

>> No.49438134
Quoted by: >>49440225

as slow as fuck sirgay moves, it'll likely be several months between each v0.1, v1.0, v2.0

>> No.49438168
File: 201 KB, 796x988, hr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christ the fud is lazy now. The pic is for a duckduckgo application that was posted on /g/
Do you really not get it? What do you think is occurring when people with actual skills apply to chainlink?
You're providing exit liquidity to HR roasties who have never owned a single link.

>> No.49438206
File: 1.40 MB, 1134x1462, Cortex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49438337

Based future supervillain

>> No.49438227

Based sergey post

>> No.49438319

LINK didn't start going up until after the Fed pivoted in 2018 to restart QE. Same is going to be true now

>> No.49438337

i've also posted about how i want to built biodomes in severe climate areas like the sahara and the canadian tundra. Before trying to colonize other planets, we should develop the best practices in our own extreme environements. The problem with biodome failures in the past is their scale. You can't have a self sustaining ecosystem wihout a lot of redundancies, ie lots of plants animals ect. I propose dome shaped megastructures with a minimum diameter of 10 km powered by geothermal gradient electricity generation relying on a series of rods bored into the earth.

>> No.49438384

I look forward to the Buckminster Fuller future you will create with your LINK wealth, anon.

>> No.49438431
File: 7 KB, 200x200, 6731DB86-C50E-48D2-8BDD-00B12A62AC39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>later this year
So we’ll probably get the reveal at Smartcon? More time for me slurp a bit more then.

>> No.49438466


>> No.49438483
Quoted by: >>49438678

You got precisely the opposite, an announcement that staking isn't ready.

>> No.49438510

we got a blogpost that isnt tech i sleep

>> No.49438534

I made this image, feels good

>> No.49438559
Quoted by: >>49438906

we've got steak, insurance and infura and apu3 bulgarian chris blecs cant even edit duck duck go out of their fud, they're not sending their best

>> No.49438593
Quoted by: >>49439132

I have just under 150 :(

>> No.49438678
Quoted by: >>49438789


>> No.49438780

lol you are retarded anon

its actually the exact opposite, time to buy. the despair is over and hope is back. reversal

>> No.49438789
Quoted by: >>49438855

I mean quite literally that's what it was. I and everyone thought we were getting it at consensus, hence the two talks. This blogpost unequivocally said that's not happening. I'm tired of people find a position that makes the rape less painful.

>> No.49438810
File: 41 KB, 618x597, 7757192E-C845-48E6-B7A3-E4BDA73A1EA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49438837

Am I gonna make it with 15k LINk???

>> No.49438827

5%!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'avvvv itttt

>> No.49438837


>> No.49438855
Quoted by: >>49438872

>I'm tired of people find a position that makes the rape less painful.


>> No.49438872

im sure your brain can manage adding an -ing there lad

>> No.49438906

before the blogpost staking was coming soon and the blogpost confirmed that staking is coming soon but probably not going to be announced at Concensus so it is worse now than before the blog.
jpmorgan? how is that any different to any other the other institutional node operators already serving the chainlink network?
do I get access to a testnet to try any new tech?

>> No.49438990
Quoted by: >>49439318


Disclaimer: This post contains statements about the future, including anticipated product features, development, and timelines for rollout of these features. These statements are not guarantees, and they involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. Community participation is necessary to conduct this next phase of testing and development, which will depend on successful testing and validation at each stage. Any contributors who choose to participate in the initial implementation do so at their own risk. There can be no assurance that actual results will not differ materially from those expressed in these statements, although we believe them to be based on reasonable assumptions. These statements may not reflect future developments due to user feedback or later events and we may not update this post in response.

> people should read those things more often

>> No.49439075

You're still reading like a nigger. Sad.

>> No.49439132

Keep stacking anon. You’re still ahead of 99 percent of the rest of the world.

>> No.49439239

>Find on page: linkpool
>0 results

>> No.49439261
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 1573663152874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49439318

2 more years of accumulation below 10 it is

>> No.49439727

I know I was hoping it would read

>100% guaranteed you can retire no matter what and make sweet gains forever or your money back + interest. LFG to the moon!

Fucking Jews always with their disclaimers.

>> No.49439748

how is this good when it just means inflation?

>> No.49439758
Quoted by: >>49439964

Am I gonna make it with my measly stack of 50 LINK that I started accumulating recently...

>> No.49439769

Sorry bud I bought your stack and uh.. haha... it’s not for sale any more

>> No.49439804
File: 30 KB, 640x600, 1580831994872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I make it EOY with 22k linkies?

>> No.49439832
Quoted by: >>49439896

You made it in 2021, but didn't sell. Are you going to sell this time?

>> No.49439864
Quoted by: >>49439896

I hope so anon. If we get to 100$ you make it. Will you sell or just cash out staking rewards?

>> No.49439896
File: 106 KB, 800x820, 1551125383552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't own any link in 2021, anon
Im not sure, depends on how staking works for retards, my brain can't handle the current chainlink staking guide

>> No.49439932

I have a poverty stack of 500 link. Will I ever make it bros?

>> No.49439964

I bumped mine up a little to 60 recently. I have no fucking idea where people have the money for several hundred, much less the thousands people say they own.

>> No.49440020
File: 564 KB, 989x742, 49B7E944-64FB-4B68-AFB8-E58DAB60D427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many bought back in 2017/2018 after the bull run gains. I had 260k Link initially. Down to 90k after buying a couple homes and diversifying into a few other tokens along the way.

>> No.49440095
File: 167 KB, 770x756, 1532967883166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49440215

og pic. nice

>> No.49440104
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>> No.49440207

Not hard to understand. Link has been talked about on here for years, and for years prior to this it was under a dollar. Only recently did it go above $10. For us, who bought in late, getting 100 is costing us a pretty penny (especially if you were buying at +$30 as I was).

Hopefully we're only "late" relative to the early Linkies. And we'll be considered early to all those after us.
>Yeah, I bought LINK under $1000

>> No.49440215
File: 53 KB, 521x509, 85CBDE7E-7B9D-4281-9E63-9FC21D30B172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based fellow OG marine

>> No.49440225

Try years

>> No.49440238
File: 50 KB, 656x513, bow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at the LINK/BTC chart pretty sure the bottom is in
and we are starting the trend reversal to new ATHs

>> No.49440246

Almost exactly me
Thank you Moneybelly

>> No.49440248

I wonder if that dude killed his family.

Just bite the bullet. I about another 1k LINK yesterday after I saw it break out. Should've done it sooner but thought BTC would dump. Oh well.

No way to be sure if this is the big one, but if it is, I would rather not jump off my office building.

>> No.49440280
File: 111 KB, 2142x990, linkbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49440304

Not really

>> No.49440281

Ah airshipbro. Tis a worthy endeavor. The yacht party will be on a zeppelin

>> No.49440286

If we get to 0.0005 BTC/Link, I’ll be totally content.

>> No.49440304
Quoted by: >>49440352

looks good to me

>> No.49440327

do people understand that its 5% in the native token???
imagine if link is at $50 or $100......
they're using the node incentives on us.....
this is really, really good

>> No.49440352

It's literally nowhere though, still well and truly in a downward channel. Weekly RSI and MACD don't suggest a reversal either.

What are you basing your call on?

>> No.49440388
Quoted by: >>49440726


>> No.49440438
Quoted by: >>49440557

What are you talking about we reachead aall time lows in RSI just last week?
and look at that capitualation wick volume on the wick that touched .0002
and now the channel has broken to the upside

>> No.49440455

Fingers crossed anon. I'd love to be able to say I made a small fortune just from my small stack.

>> No.49440500
File: 145 KB, 1600x1184, 5D6E0CA4-F717-46A0-B2B3-26095601E478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that’s a conservative outlook, and if there’s a significant leg up to triple digits this year, it’ll solidify the end of the early linkies’ era.

Even now you’re able to buy in 2020 prices, so it’s only the 2017/2018 buyers who have any sort of advantage.
We need people with 10k+ Link to make it soon to invigorate the rest of the holders and new buyers.
That way the goal of 1000 Link will be like getting 100 BTC in 2016.
It would also secure the next round of finding for Sergey to continue the pace he set with the money he took in last year.

>> No.49440503
Quoted by: >>49442427

link is literally down 99%

>> No.49440557
File: 77 KB, 1835x1113, linkbtcashen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it literally broke below the channel and is now testing the bottom line. So if anything it just looks like it's re-entering the downtrend it had been in after a hard crash in may.

RSI going the lowest it's ever been isn't any reason to call a bottom, RSI is only useful for conforming momentum and there really hasn't been a reversal on it.

As for volume, it just isn't there and hasn't been for a long time. On the 0.0002 drop it wasn't even the year high but look at this monthly view, it was no volume.

I genuinely see no reason to call a reversal and usually you can at least find one or two.

>> No.49440608
Quoted by: >>49440679

bro you started with the weekly chart it looks like and then switched up to monthly?
Moving goal posts much

>> No.49440666
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>> No.49440675

>I think that’s a conservative outlook

Based. But don't give me hopium like that, anon.

>> No.49440679

I explicitly said i moved to monthly to demonstrate the low volume you brown. But as we've been in a downtrend for a couple of years it's also generally good to look at. The only bottom indicator i've managed to produce as been a drawing of the trend to be a descending wedge but even then we'd have fallen out of the bottom and be re-entering for a few more months of downtrend but the ultimate bottom being no lower than we've been.

However i'm really not a fan of patterns. Channels, resistances and supports i believe in but shapes not so much.

>> No.49440684
File: 181 KB, 1280x876, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49440758

dont be dumb anon we are goin to the moon

>> No.49440694

Do you actually believe thank LINK will exceed BTC's market cap? Because that's what happens if LINK goes above 1000

>> No.49440705

A future to actually get excited about

>> No.49440723
Quoted by: >>49442360

Yes. There's no fundamental law saying BTC has to be the biggest cryptocurrency. There aren't even really any consequences to it, save that maxis will go on a shooting spree.

>> No.49440726

I'm not putting thousands of dollars towards anything when I need that money for commodities and emergencies. This year is the first I've actually put down real money in stocks and crypto.

>> No.49440731

Fuck you, man. I only have 600.

>> No.49440743

Staking? That is soooo last cycle ommgg

have you guys ever heard of zk rollups? Get with the times

>> No.49440758
Quoted by: >>49440780

not gonna lie macd looks pretty promising

>> No.49440780

it has been looking promising past 6 months, like dec-jan it looked like it was on it's way up but stole my kidney instead

>> No.49440806
Quoted by: >>49441110

>I genuinely see no reason to call a reversal and usually you can at least find one or two
Isn’t the bottom usually around where all indicators have failed, volume is gone there is no support left and no hopium to be found on the chart by even the most desperate autist?

>> No.49440813

TA is only valid when there is no external pressure on market sentiment. That is to say, its only valid when the only stimulus is trading and algos. Now we have news, and its extremely good news. All TA becomes worthless when a company announces they've cured cancer, or its found that your herbicide makes peoples dicks fall off.

>> No.49440852
Quoted by: >>49440890

TA and fundamentals are different, you combine it all to make analysis and still loose 90% to eth

>> No.49440871

I was watching Infowars this morning too. Do you remember the name of the business that madea breakthrough in cancer treatment and mysterious burned down after releasing the information?

>> No.49440888

5% on Stablecoins is better. LINK could drop to less than $1 any day.

>> No.49440890
Quoted by: >>49440931

man you guys are really butthurt that we were right this whole time huh. I hope you didn't get suckered into the ripple cult.

>> No.49440923

Would love to see that. Will sell everything I own including my anal virginity and buy all the stinkers.

>> No.49440931
Quoted by: >>49440985

Buying more and trying to educate low iq niggers like you who doesn't understand the difference between technical analysis and fundamental analysis

>> No.49440985

alright swingy. Don't come crying to us when you get the rope this time. Spoiler: you will come crying to us when you get the rope.

>> No.49441021
File: 112 KB, 960x640, C56303D0-4DF3-4229-936D-34C5A450132F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think BTC will stay at the top for a while, but Link will eventually be right next to it if everything continues the way it has been.

In the “own nothing and be happy” version of the future, Link will play a bigger part than any other crypto asset, and even BTC would suffer.
How Link behaves in the next year will indicate whether it hits $1000 in 3 years or 10.

>> No.49441037

>LINK could drop to less than $1 any day.

Checked. I wish it would.

>> No.49441073
File: 168 KB, 400x400, 1413208130100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be in the Top 10 again brehs

>> No.49441110

No, that's just average investors having no clue and getting overexcited then rekt. There are always several signs when a trend is turning around. Even then though you want a confirmation. I thought i saw big signs of a reversal on link eth months ago and got pretty rekt converting some eth over.

>> No.49441134

>Be in recruitment since graduating uni
>Recruit in crypto during 2021/22 bullrun
>Leave for a better firm and stable markets at start of bear
I have the Chainlink recruiting team on LinkedIn... this ladies experience is actually great. Can't wait to join Chainlink in a couple of years and get ripped to shreds on /bus/ xD

>> No.49441153
Quoted by: >>49441304

We haven't really had link news in a year and this was just an announcement of a delay. But even still TA yes is subordinate to irl events but most of the time markets are just trundling along without big news

>> No.49441158

Holy based and inspired

>> No.49441239
Quoted by: >>49441376

btc will move too
this cycle we reach a btc mc of roughly 1.3 ish trillion
so next cycle calling it at 5 tril, which is still less than half of golds mc, would be pretty conservative
if that happens a link mc of 0.5 to 1 tril is very reasonable
depending on release of wallet linkies thats anywhere from a 100x to a 200x from current spot usd valuation

and we took very relaxed assumptions here, btc mc can easily go higher to catch up to gold and link dominance can go much higher, whe nthis plays out i see btc/eth/link being the unquestionable trio at the top with 40/20/20 being reasonable
but by all means go ahead and bet against link, maybe buy some solana that did so well last cycle it will outperform again based on its fundamentals of course

>> No.49441271
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>> No.49441304
Quoted by: >>49441401

>18 pbtid
>calling the biggest news we've had since main net "an announcement of a delay"

you're so butthurt lol

>> No.49441330
Quoted by: >>49441364

>staking improves security just like other factors like DECENTRALIZATION and CRYPTOGRAPHY
jesus christ
this reads like a boomer pitch from one of these failing companies that rebranded to "crypto" or "bitcoin" during the 2017 hype

>we're going to solve the problem of chainlink revenue being subsidized by emissions through staking which we will subsidize by emissions
>don't worry guises, organic revenue will totally happen at some point in the future
and with that, stinkies will be strung along for another cycle
chainlink is basically tron for a western audience

>> No.49441364

Shoo tranny

>> No.49441376
Quoted by: >>49441578

No way BTC mc is going to 5T next run. With diminishing output and reducing rises it's at most seeing 4T and that's an upper bound. The MC increase each run keeps reducing and 5T would require a repeat of last run.

>> No.49441401
Quoted by: >>49441549

It literally is though, don't know what else you want to call it. Also 18 sentences is common in boards that aren't /gif/, you'll get used to it.

>> No.49441422

Oh mama....
This does sound bullish for XRP, too however. Especially the "own nothing..." part and the goals of XRP. Here's hoping both tokens can coexist together.

>> No.49441494

>newfags think 5% is bad
go back to your printing food coins nigger

>> No.49441549

It’s called a roadmap retard. Some of us actually don’t mind an October or November release date. All that matters is that it works and is as profitable as we think it will be (And it is, it’s the #2 coin by protocol revenue rn just after eth)

>> No.49441555

Idgaf just give us ccip for fucks sake

>> No.49441578
Quoted by: >>49441711

last run was cut short due to massive black swans, don't mistake it a s a trend setting data point
at this point with all the macro events after this btc and crypto in general either shines and sets new ath's and new appreciation values eclipsing this cycle or it death spirals
so the question really boils down to do you believe smart contracts will change the world or not, invest according to that
nobody here is going to waste a moment trying to explain the fundamentals of what all this is about

>> No.49441600
Quoted by: >>49441716

A roadmap has time estimates. What we have was a "not happening at consensus sorry, and when it happens it's a testnet".

As for profitability i mean you could be in bancor earning more right now.

>> No.49441602


It's not hard to annualize rewards vs inflation with the Truflation data feed. The loss protection can be very comprehensive.

>> No.49441629

FUDers are complete idiots man. Constantly moving goal posts.


Like holy fuck all the things that we've been building towards come out this year and all of a sudden extreme short term matters? Fuck outta here.

>> No.49441653

there is no inflation unless I missed something
its just sergay dumping coins but on stakers instead of 700k binance

>> No.49441659

Reminder you're literally competing against US Treasuries, Bonds and even Boomer CDs. Last week I saw 1yr CDs for like 3%. Who is retarded enough to invest in fly-by-night bullshit for the promise of a percent of a percent of like 50 million? Only a retard would be hype for this shit.

Welcome to bear market + rising rates. Compete or die.

>> No.49441711
Quoted by: >>49442684

Sure i have time for the run being cut short but not majorly. Im inclined to cowen's thinking about the last run. My original BTC sell plan was 90-110k.

As for the swans you could say many negative evens had correlated positive events like the rate increases having money printing. So the last run was at least partially elevated as well.

>> No.49441716

The only people who ever said staking at consensus were discord trannies, but you know this and are lying just like you were with the decrypt article. I checked

>> No.49441742

No we all had reason to think so. He said this year and we're now 6 months in. They were doing 2 talks and previously consensus has been used for big releases. Pretending it was a discord op is honestly pretty sad cope. Pretending to have no standards won't impress Sergey mate.

>> No.49441756
Quoted by: >>49441880

Yeah, but you don’t have the potential for the $7 of bonds to be worth $100+ in a couple years behind that 3%.

We’re all in crypto because the risk/reward is high.
There are two types of people in the world: those who are trying to make their fortune and those who are trying to hold on to the fortunes they have.
People who buy bonds are the latter.

>> No.49441877

Chris Barret the telegram bot said big things have usually been released at consensus like mainnet wink wink nudge nudge and now you are here playing it down fuck yourself you are a terrible nigger. and sergey, inflationary staking does not make up for the last two years of betrayal. you stole two bullruns you owe us two (2) bullruns.
I have been holding since 2018 I know I will not qualify for any early access period.

>> No.49441880

W-what? If you're in it for risk, why do you give a shit about staking at all? Only upside I see is you hope for appreciation because retards are retarded and will buy the hype.

>> No.49441893

btw interview where he said staking in the next year literally here you disingenuous shill. I had it a few months out but may 2020.


>> No.49441934
Quoted by: >>49442091

Not that im not disappointed but the social media shit crew have never known anything. It's never been worth trying to get anything from them. It's kind of weird how on the outside smartcontract keeps their community managers.

>> No.49441971

It's actually happening soon. They'll call us lucky.

>> No.49441977
Quoted by: >>49442054

>As Chainlink’s large and active group of supporters and token holders, known as “Marines,” will often remind us, this platform is meant to help avoid those risks.
good work marines!
>*steals your bullrun*
>years later
>oh I forgot I did that umm oh yeah the staking thing it is coming soon
>two more weeks
>meanwhile read another blogpost
>inflationary? y-yes! b-b-but low inflation I promise *wink* you can trust me
>this promise is cryptographically backed by Chainlinklabs its not another paper promise goyim
>you can trust me sergey the betrayer

>> No.49442039

That’s literally just some marketing intern trying and failing to summarize what sergey said, retard. And don’t call me disingenuous because I actually read the article that you specified

>> No.49442054

checked dubs of truth. Chainlink Labs controls access to the DONs, Chainlink Labs controls the prices. Simple.

>> No.49442091

the worst part is when telegram jannies come here to post and cant ban people they argue will so they resort to pathetic one liners and catch phrases like discord tranny bulgarian or whatever else that means stop going against my narrative.

Maybe it is a double bluff and they will still release at consensus but who really cares anymore. We are barely pumping.

>> No.49442165
Quoted by: >>49442244

Disingenuous FUD like this stole the bullrun dipshit. Normies literally believe chainlink is like bitconnect because of you trannies

>> No.49442173

Oh no no no no not so fast linkies it's still over for us

Disclaimer: This post contains statements about the future, including anticipated product features, development, and timelines for rollout of these features. These statements are not guarantees, and they involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. Community participation is necessary to conduct this next phase of testing and development, which will depend on successful testing and validation at each stage. Any contributors who choose to participate in the initial implementation do so at their own risk. There can be no assurance that actual results will not differ materially from those expressed in these statements, although we believe them to be based on reasonable assumptions. These statements may not reflect future developments due to user feedback or later events and we may not update this post in response.

But seriously I'm so fucking pumped this is exactly the news I knew one day I would wake up to and almost 5 years wouldn't be for nothing

>> No.49442187
Quoted by: >>49442228

yeah right all of this is words and subject to change which also means the blogpost is more words subjected to change. the testnet was live for one full year before mainnet which means one full year at least of testnet staking before mainnet is released.

>> No.49442215

boring, you can literally listen to the interview right there

>> No.49442228
Quoted by: >>49442275

Staking will be released this year. Before 2023. Consensus was speculation, at best

>> No.49442244

Chris Barret said it and someone spammed it here. Probably another community manager trying to do their job by lifting spirits with more vague notions of wealth in two more weeks. Blame Chris if you want to

>> No.49442275

Staking needs to be on testnet before mainnet. They are talking about mainnet will auditors stakers alerters and whatever else on testnet staking test LINK from the faucet for one year at least before any staking will be live on mainnet. dont hype this up i know how smartcontract.com operates

>> No.49442360

BTC maxis confuse me. The inherent financial value (DeFi usecase and applicability) doesn't inherently lie in the future of BTC but rather ETH. Moreover, the value and importance of what LINK's theoretical market cap represents
is much more important than BTC's. A high future LINK mcap is representative of the underlying institutional and corporate value it secures. A high BTC marketcap only has ever indicated to me the approximate wealth/buying power of the retail and financial institutions that own it.

The utility of a higher or equivalent return on invested capital diminishes when the holdings are in an oracle middleware solution that has the capacity to become Internet 2.0, rather than in a diversified corporate bond. I agree, normal retail and institutional investors will shy away as long as LINK is an unknown start-up. As soon as it's not, well you know.

>> No.49442380

Does anyone have this as just the hitler outside?

>> No.49442427

Against what? The inverse derivative of your IQ?

>> No.49442465
Quoted by: >>49447659

>3% trannies BTFO

>> No.49442487

a 10k stack was like 2k usd at one point.

>> No.49442564

So the higher the Link marketcap gets, the better the future of Chainlink looks?
It would make sense because the institutional adoption required for success also goes hand in hand with a high Link price because that would point toward adoption of the different services.

Meanwhile, a higher BTC marketcap could be bearish because eventually you’re going to run out of retail capital to pump the price up.

>> No.49442625

Just fucking kill yourself you whiny little bitch. Sell all your LINK and put a bullet through your skull

>> No.49442669
Quoted by: >>49442727

2022 staking goes live on ropsten allowing ico holders to stake test link for 5% test link returns from the test link faucet kek

>> No.49442674

pretty much. high link marketcap would actually have some direct real-world correlation and connection.

>> No.49442684

>Im inclined to cowen's thinking
how does anybody take benji for any else than a total clown after the shit hes pulled the past half a year

>> No.49442695

theres a lot of really dumb people on this site

>> No.49442699

the market cap will need to expand in time to fulfil collateral requirements

>> No.49442727

HOOOOOODDLLL MARINES! HOO-AH! Staking v.0.01 ropsten beta december 31st as promised!

>> No.49442751
Quoted by: >>49443284

Like calling the bear market? It's literally only ben i can thank for me having any money left right now.

Not that he was the only one but calling a bear market is one thing, doing it convincingly to get people to act accordingly is another.

>> No.49442975

Its fucking unreal I can't believe I made I fucking did it. kek


>> No.49443037
File: 35 KB, 554x554, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is what he was trying to tell us all those years ago. He died in 2017... Coincidence?

>> No.49443197
Quoted by: >>49443397

yah if the token holds at all time highs, but it doesnt it still follows king shitcoin and has been trading for 7$ for the past year. their is more upside to selling and then farming stable apy

>> No.49443202


>> No.49443205
Quoted by: >>49443488

As a late poorfag, I DCA'd from $20 up to $50 and all the way down. Just now, I have finally accumulated 500 Link. I feel the universe manifesting dreams right now.
Blessed be the spoonfeeders.

>> No.49443284

He didn't call shit, he said it was going to 100k back in November and didn't turn bearish until the last couple months. He even admitted he missed it this time. Ben as far as I'm concerned is the ultimate midwit, good if you want to make small amounts of money following trends, but you'll never make it following his advice because he trades crypto like a boomer. And the funny part is he's fucking loaded from paypigs, so he can afford to do it that way, but the people watching him can't.

>> No.49443397

>Another anticipated source of benefits for stakers is the Partner Growth Program (PGP)—an initiative where Chainlinked protocols and DAOs provide various incentives to accelerate their growth and facilitate cross-ecosystem participation. It’s expected that a number of projects benefiting from Chainlink’s security will take part in the Partner Growth Program.
you're not getting it yet
stakers are getting a confirmed 5% + additional benefits
when the market figures this out it will put upward pressure on prices which will lead to even more upward pressure

>> No.49443424

the market isnt figuring anything out newfag its been years the market is dumber than the stubborn whales that control it

>> No.49443428
Quoted by: >>49443475

they have no idea. leave them be
who do they think the first PGP participant will be and why have they been so quiet about releasing their token

>> No.49443452

this, the market is basically a giant drolling retard that occasionally shits it's diaper

>> No.49443468
Quoted by: >>49443513

>when the market figures it out
they have figured it out, there is limited use of crypto outside of scamming. This is just a quick pnd before a conference. In Dec/Jan the same people euphoric today were going all in at $28 expecting a staking announcement EoY. They're just going to announce an announcement that staking is coming "soon" like in 2019.

>> No.49443475
Quoted by: >>49443522

>when the market figures this out
it'll probably take some youtubers and a few days of green candles but i did say _when_
interesting but why would they give us incentives when it would be used to secure their rollups (at least under 0.1)?

>> No.49443488
File: 201 KB, 1365x2048, AD438634-04FC-42C8-A02C-2A7FAD8E5DAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49445679

Nice, anon.
It’s so obvious that this thing is going to deep 4 digits in the next few years that anyone buying now will be set.
The momentum they’re building is making it more likely than not to hit multi trillion mc

>> No.49443513
Quoted by: >>49443544

you won't ever find happiness acting like this. life is short make the most of it and be happy with the news today even if it did cost you a bit of money. you'll make much more in the future.

>> No.49443522
Quoted by: >>49443563

>green candles
are they in the room with us now?

>> No.49443539

>you're not getting it yet
>stakers are getting a confirmed 5% + additional benefits
no you're not. I can get 8% apy in usdc in the bear market and not be exposed to the ups and downs of the market. On top of that im not forced to be locked into the contract with lock up times. What are you smokeing?

>> No.49443544

I have already found happiness by dumping my bags at $28 that were bought at 0.20c.

>> No.49443563

new to this market? a coin that goes up in value is good

>> No.49443594
Quoted by: >>49443624

>8.5% inflation (probably 12-13%)

>> No.49443599
Quoted by: >>49443624

locking up your stake was expected as thats where the scarcity and value comes from but the initial rewards are inflationary which means the network is not that profitable

>> No.49443623
Quoted by: >>49444311

wow an intelligent take. well written.

its worth noting that fucking no one is buying link for its yield. if anyone thinks thats what will drive capital here, they are retarded. the yield is an incentive for network participation, intended to make productive use of tokens that are most likely already in the hands of long term holders. staking yield becomes attractive as the network matures, not at its infancy.

Buying the infrastructure layer for a technological revolution is whats attractive here.

>> No.49443624

ive been bag holding since 2k17 ive never once seen a timed lock up once.
tell me what im missing

>> No.49443689
Quoted by: >>49443777

lmao you're literally losing net -5% on dollar stablecoins due to inflation you fucking troglodyte

>> No.49443723
Quoted by: >>49443852

It was never directly discussed except by a few anons but the idea is that if the contract requires collateral it needs to be locked up and some thought indefinitely with a fee to remove LINK from nodes or you can only remove if someone wants to take your place and there would be no shortage of willing LINK to replace so it was no big deal. Of course it is strange they need to entice v0.1 participates with extra rewards for extended lockup. further ahead it looks like they will borrow from the bancor realm of possibility the idea of impermanent loss protection but who knows

>> No.49443772
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1653169407563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just getting twilight zone levels of weird for me now. Staking is not ready. APR "up to 5%", literally might as well just park all my assets in a fucking EFT instead. Yet everyone itt acting euphoric.

>> No.49443777

>dollar stablecoins due to inflation
am i talking with a bot or am i the dumb one.

>> No.49443818

link staking will be 5% in the _native token_
yes there is risk but the price appreciation on that can be substantial if the project succeeds
we are both early holders so presumable we will very likely qualify for the " fair entry mechanism"
now how much do you have?
say we can get 5k link staked (out of the 25m total)
we would get 250 link over the course of the year
if the token is $50 that is $12,000 for the year
a nice passive income
but with a speculative wave on top as people get it, the PGP incentives, CCIP, the institutional abstraction layer (remember three things are coming this year not just two) it makes it very, very interesting
also do you have lpl? we will get a staking allocation through them too

>> No.49443849

>Yet everyone itt acting euphoric.
Hence the phrase "as retarded as a linkie"

>> No.49443852
Quoted by: >>49443906

no it feels like the team is reading and replying in the thread
like i said before i never read that here ever. the general idea was their would be no incentive to remove from staking because you'd be missing out further link gains

>> No.49443869

the LINK token dumps retard look at any pair and see for yourself. It has no legs to stand on and when BTC dumps below 20k LINK is going to be below 1USD so 5% of one fucking dollar is pathetic

>> No.49443906

my guess is it must be aave or another lending scam trying to dig their teeth into the team for pity LINK. Haven't anons suffered enough?

>> No.49443956
Quoted by: >>49444056

>we are both early holders so presumable we will very likely qualify for the " fair entry mechanism"
im not sure how this is going to work
>now how much do you have?
>if the token is $50 that is $12,000 for the year
thats a big if and depends on BTC at which point being locked into the contract would mean you lose out on making money on shitcoins
>but with a speculative wave on top as people get it, the PGP incentives, CCIP, the institutional abstraction layer (remember three things are coming this year not just two) it makes it very, very interesting
also do you have lpl? we will get a staking allocation through them too
thats assuming sergey doesnt keep dragging us along for another 10 years. I want my dick to still work by the time the token can stay above 50$ on its own
i do own LPL ya

>> No.49444056
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Quoted by: >>49444115

well yes you might have the 5k locked but you'll have 55k liquid to sell
people will want link as they see the income come in
all the other ponzis are going to die
i agree that this is speculative but that's what crypto is... looking ahead to see what will have value
just like people realised that centralised oracles were a dead end in 2017/18 while no one else in the market knew what an oracle was

>> No.49444115
Quoted by: >>49444169

>well yes you might have the 5k locked but you'll have 55k liquid to sell
this sounds bearish lmao. like if i want to get to 1k eoy i have to do a timed lock up on the 5k and then bag hold the other 55k waiting for sergey. i could just time lock the five k then sell for stables and then earn the 8% and no time lock and have the liquidity to fuck around in other markets

>> No.49444119

excited to try out the new staking testnet.... where is it?

>> No.49444169
Quoted by: >>49445347

>To initially fill the community alerter allotment, a fair entry mechanism will be used to help ensure participation from a wide range of community members. This entry mechanism will aim to prioritize long-term token holders, who are most likely to actively participate in the alerting mechanism.

this sentence alone ensures i will never move a single LINK out of my wallet again

>> No.49444195
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>> No.49444277
File: 331 KB, 1387x1020, 8FDBD707-838A-4E25-9454-7ECAAFF1DC07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49444500

What is the stack needed to live like pic related forever?

>> No.49444311

>taking yield becomes attractive as the network matures, not at its infancy.

you're wrong. Rewards are paid out in the token, which means early staking will have disproportionate rewards. Doing a job worth 8 bucks today would earn you a full link token. Doing the same job when the token is worth 100 dollars would earn you less than a tenth of a token. The move is to stake early and stake your rewards.

>> No.49444341

>never sell your tokens or move them around or else
bruh this is susin fr like brainwashing what sort of cult is this?

>> No.49444500


>> No.49444504
File: 110 KB, 970x980, 1615682248449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49444924

how come literally everybody on biz has over 100k link frens. you guys aren't lying on the internet are you?

>> No.49444631

of course, its designed to be an incentive as i said. the yield itself won’t attract new capital is my point, and its not designed to.

>> No.49444715
File: 291 KB, 478x618, 07D03163-E9DA-412B-9B00-EDD8C0EDC456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49444949


>> No.49444924

i only have 4k linkies, I had 11k but made some retarded choices

>> No.49444949
Quoted by: >>49445173

Doesn’t this make Sergey satan?

>> No.49445170

>when staking rolls out 99% of LINK in the circulating supply will be locked leading to a pump in the price
>sergey betrays again and caps staking to 25M LINK
what did we do to deserve this?

>> No.49445173

yes, and it's the correct depiction. we're all in this hell together

>> No.49445347
Quoted by: >>49445585

this was the most interesting part for me. I may have blown my chances by keeping link on binance until mid 2019 when I moved them to my ledger.

>> No.49445413

Kek, I know this was for duck duck go because I was in that thread

>> No.49445585
Quoted by: >>49445846

yeah it'll be interesting where the cut off is
i assume it wouldn't be the ico as they would have stated that and also many people missed out getting into the ico
so maybe an arbitrary date like 1 jan 2018 or 2019.
maybe when mainnet went live (may 30, 2019)
dunno but will be interesting

>> No.49445679


Deep 4 digits means i never have to work again. Why would something so good happen to me

>> No.49445846
Quoted by: >>49445882

oh man hopefully not the mainnet date I literally moved my link off binance a week or so after that when it was pumping. maybe some autist will do some wallet analysis of idle balances.

>> No.49445882

I moved mine off when that whole binance.us started sept 2019. My link is on Trust Wallet… how fucked am i

>> No.49445959

dunno if I would trust a wallet called Trust Wallet. Similar to Safemoon

>> No.49446164

Chainlink is providing the solution that will bring in the big money to the space. If it wasn't Chainlink, somebody would have to provide this service otherwise crypto would just be a shitcoin casino. Overall it's good for crypto.

>> No.49446180
Quoted by: >>49447155

>R&D on airship technology so that we can final fantasy style sky yachts

Give me the quick rundown anon. What’ll it take to design and build one? What sort of design are you thinking? I’d be interested in this as well

>> No.49446248

no idea. can you see your address on etherscan?
if you can't then you're screwed

>> No.49446309

wtf does chainlink even do? I'm thinking about slurping some while its low

>> No.49446438

Maybe they announce CCIP at consensus? Just applying CCIP plus staking to a simple token bridge would be a game changer. How many token bridges have been hacked and lost millions in the past?

>> No.49446635
File: 1.13 MB, 772x823, 357457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49446803

Planets aren't real my nigga. We're already in a biodome.

>> No.49447155
Quoted by: >>49448042

Sure. There is a paradox of airship design. The more lift you want, the more gas you need to have. The more gas you need to have, the more drag will occur. So obviously we need to find a way to minimize drag and optimize lift. Well, luckily there is another aspect to lift: temperature. Everyone knows that hot air rises, its why hot air balloons exist. So if we can design a hydrogen balloon (lowest weight gas with the most bouyancy) which we can safely heat to several hundred degrees or more, we can make SMALL airships with minimal drag. Its already a working concept, you could make one today. The issue is making it safe. And that safety depends on ensuring their is absolutely no way that oxygen from the atmosphere can ever mix with the hydrogen in the balloon. hydrogen cannot combust with oxygen. It will never happen. So what matters in the r and d cycle is developing perfect seals, and perfect barriers to atmospheric oxygen.

additionally, the more heat, the more bouyancy. therefore, the cooler the gas, the less bouyancy. I propose that vertical motion of the ships should rely on the heating and cooling of the bouyant gas. We need to develop rapid heating and cooling mechanisms to make this work.

>> No.49447659


>> No.49447801
File: 1.47 MB, 498x498, 1635809016135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll remember you anon, hope I have the money to buy one some day.

>> No.49447857

LinkPool holders are fools for parting with their LINK

>> No.49448042
Quoted by: >>49448445

>Making it safe
Air ships are safe. Hindenburg was an bomb. You know most of the passengers survived right? That's far safer than modern airplanes during a crash. The fact is airlines wanted a monopoly over the skies so blimps had to go.

>> No.49448215

Try actually listening to that interview; the interviewer literally says "in the next year OR SO".
And then Sergey says "EVENTUALLY" staking.

In no way did he announce "staking next year".

>> No.49448248
File: 323 KB, 1024x1000, 1654642574887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>27 posts by this id

>> No.49448445
Quoted by: >>49448539

you need to bear in mind that there will be industrial sabotage. Luxury yachts aren't a problem. It isn't attacking any existing industry because it is a new industry. Floating over national forests or the granda canyon, descending to set up a small base camp like you would with an RV. Its just advancements for already extant industries and its easy to incorporate them so that everyone with a vested interest has some benefits.

But megablimps is entirely differnt issue. It will demolish no only the trucking industry and trains, but the international shipping industry as well. There are billions of dollars involved in building shipyards and drydocks and even a semi-military wing called the merchant marines. And that isn't even taking into account what this will mean for entire regions whose wealth depends on bulk transport.

Why are the coasts wealthy? California, and the eastern seaboard. Why are they wealthy while the interior is poor? Because of ports. When we no longer need to rely on the oceans for transit we will see a new rust belt effect in these regions.

There will be people who want to kill me, kill you, blow up my factories and murder my customers. Thats a real thing. So i need to ensure it isn't easy to blow up my ships.

>> No.49448539

i hope to afford one of your airships one day