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>> No.57707569 [View]
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>three GME general threads

can we acknowledge how absurd this is
the company should be bankrupt

>> No.56560116 [View]
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I bought a dumped shitcoin at 20k mcap and now the fucking piece of shit devs are trying to get me to sell my bag or else they won't push it, they're not even banning spam from the telegram, they've said they'll pump it but only after I sell

So my question is, basically I lost 1k on this shitcoin, but another shitcoin I bought is now up 1k in profit. Realistically what did I lose?

>> No.55450292 [View]
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Now that Twitter is dead where the fuck do I go for alpha? Biz is only good during the bullrun

>> No.53917628 [View]
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All from good ole stocks

>> No.53544802 [View]
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>oh how surprising, it's a shill saying nothing (as usual)

>> No.53403196 [View]
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do you know how to read?

>> No.53015433 [View]
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Yeah, it's called "get a gf" you homothug.

>> No.51453956 [View]
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can't even stake out of metamask, what a joke

>> No.51173369 [View]
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>taking your money off the table is always a safe bet
ok boomer

>> No.51093116 [View]
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Are all baby boomer men autist spergs or something? My 76 y/o grandfather is having a mental breakdown because city contractors accidentally fucked up his landline. He has a cellphone and he’s calling me to complain about it. He’s going for a walk now

>> No.50846521 [View]
File: 41 KB, 618x597, 173B32C0-9EA6-4A0F-A555-AB5B58EC1DEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parents kicking me out of the house at 18…

Guys… i think it might be fucking over for me. I fucking hate my boomer parents fuck.

>> No.50724902 [View]
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>have to make another PowerPoint deck about an area at work I know in no depth
>have to message lots of people and ask for bits of information
>going to present wordy slides
>have to hope the senior employee watching doesn't ask about most of it because my knowledge is an inch deep

>asked to make some sort of KPI plan to inform what we'll do
>third time in three jobs I've been asked to do this and nobody in the company ever gives a fuck about any metrics and the managers choose what projects to do based on intuition (as it should be)

>always have to message people to ask for stuff because the modern workplace is a disorganised mess

>became butthurt when learning an employee that started a few years before me is 4 promotion levels above me and I realise I'll likely never be at that level because I'm a sperg
>when I see employees who started a few years before me but who haven't been promoted and I wonder how unbelievably bitter they might be

>when most of the technical employees openly give no fucks about anything more than one inch away from their area and your job is designed to compensate for that

>when you eat lunch alone every day and all the people in your area have lunch together

>when the women are visibly disgusted by your presence

>when you dread the work social events more than the actual job

>when your job is to plan but you see that everything would be better for the company if all planning employees were fired

>when every training course boils down to the same few discredited or soon to be discredited psychology memes repeated all the time

>when you wonder if people see you as a natural inferior who shouldn't be promoted ever

>when you work near two GigaStaceys and your day is ruined whenever you see them

>when coworkers mention their family members by first name and you still can't resist thinking "why the fuck do you expect me to know them" every time

>when the concept of leadership is used as a catchall for all bullshit under the sun

>> No.50651112 [View]
File: 41 KB, 618x597, B7677EB9F542485C88822BDCE3F1713E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>binge on junk food after work on Thursday (ate a big pizza so I was too full to have any ice cream)
>felt so fat, threw out the ice cream and told myself it was the last binge
>lie in bed at 8 pm to sleep for an hour before going to the gym
>wake up at 1 am, browse internet, sleep again
>work on Friday for many hours
>binge on junk food; ate so many tendies I was too full for ice cream (haven't thrown it away)
>browse internet
>go to gym really late but lifting goes well
>sleep, wake up on Saturday morning
>read and finish a book
>waste time online
>will now go for my Saturday walk on a very mundane day
>will then maybe have ice cream, then go to gym late in evening and probably have fast food later

Saturday is the peak of my week but it feels not very special right now. Friday evening has lately been totally wasted, without even any good walking. I'm going to have to change my Sunday formula, because my afternoon walk always induces feeling of futility.

I don't want to jinx things but work is going well lately. I feel like there's a lot to be done and I'm getting things done and if I do well I should set myself up to earn a lot more in the future.

I know I say this all the time but I really need to start producerbulling.

>> No.50623701 [View]
File: 41 KB, 618x597, FF4367A3-26D1-4BC1-A581-0666DE1EE4DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the biggest fucking bull trap, do not fucking join in.

>> No.50412025 [View]
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>be me
>finished work on Friday evening
>went for short walk
>watched conservative debate while binging on junk food
>wasted rest of evening
>slept after listening to late night Twitter spaces by cool internet racists
>woke up on Saturday morning
>the internet racists were talking again
>drank coffee while browsing internet for a short time
>went for a lmao8mile walk while listening to Richard Spencer's recorded space (he's totally a Fed shill but it's a comfy listen)
>walked to new places, next to nature; will be a memory
>*weekend peaked at this point*
>wasted 5 hours or so on internet
>binged on junk food
>went to gym and started new gym routine; lifting went well
>wasted time on internet
>went for a late fast food binge
>woke up on Sunday morning
>read a little bit, slept for another hour
>browsed internet, went for relatively short walk (less than 2 hours) while listening to podcasts
>binged on junk food, wasted time online
>watched even more pointless conservative debate
>went to gym
>work starts again tomorrow

I'm hoping that was the last binge ever but I'm not even promising it anymore. I wonder what this heat would be like if I didn't have this layer of blubber.

The drop off between Saturday evening and Sunday morning is stark.

>> No.50238193 [View]
File: 41 KB, 618x597, B7677EB9F542485C88822BDCE3F1713E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>binged on junk food after every day of work today
>binged on junk food after work yesterday and told myself it was the last time
>went for a walk in late evening when there was still daylight and listened to the latest Tim Ferriss Balaji joint
>went to gym and did cardio
>stayed up too late listening to a Twitter space
>woke up too early and browsed internet instead of sleeping more
>did very little work all day; felt low energy; told myself I'd eat nothing today but had noodles for lunch
>watched tennis after work, was boring
>dreading some upcoming work social events
>craving junk food right now
>feeling disgusted with my weight (not more than it has been in the past few years but I've realised I need to lose 20 kg)
>lying in bed, may catch up on sleep before eating junk food for the last time later

I've never said this before but Cum Town has become noticeably worse.

Another weekend if having nothing to do. For some reason I never totally enjoy Friday evenings but Saturday is always good.

>> No.50150905 [View]
File: 41 KB, 618x597, B7677EB9-F542-485C-8882-2BDCE3F1713E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 33 year old dating a college freshmen

Why can’t these old fucks date within their own generation…

>> No.50091479 [View]
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>Why am I even fucking with you
because you're a retarded newfag redditor and youre easy AS FUCK to bait
thanks for the quality posts

>> No.49984904 [View]
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>> No.49874318 [View]
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How does most men afford to date? I’ve spent like $800 last week on fucking sushi and steakshouses…

Didn’t even get a second date so this is brutal on my mental health and wallet…

>> No.49747918 [View]
File: 41 KB, 618x597, B4612A04-BEC8-4E87-A337-C3706938A145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone idolize a gf???

I’ve been burning $1k a week on dates and eating out with my recent GF.

This is literally the most fucking expensive shit i’ve had to deal with in years.

>> No.49513154 [View]
File: 41 KB, 618x597, D8A7D8BD-ECB7-4AD7-BA9D-8C8043F63FE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that retail/blue collar worker that tries to give career advice…

Oh yea bro your experience waging it at mcdonald is totally relevent to my software dev career trajectory where i’m trying to break into management.

>> No.49438810 [View]
File: 41 KB, 618x597, 7757192E-C845-48E6-B7A3-E4BDA73A1EA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna make it with 15k LINk???

>> No.49427001 [View]
File: 41 KB, 618x597, F764E867-B5C9-4BA3-9202-E0E68A35F7CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working at my company for three years
>manager leaves and they decide to backfill it
>get pissed and spend the last 6 months looking for an external promotion
>told my boss yesterday i’m quitting and he says I shouldn’t because he was planning bigger things for me.

Is he actually right or is this some form of cope?

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