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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 235 KB, 610x1526, 1552352171297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13384883 No.13384883 [Reply] [Original]

the power of books edition

Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Boomer Investing 101:

Options Markets 101:

Suggested books:

List of hedge fund holdings:

Previous thread: >>13378013

>> No.13385129
Quoted by: >>13385176

rip these threads (on weekends)
if it dies again just leave it until like 36 hours from now

>> No.13385139
File: 193 KB, 1179x2048, BD648596-2DEC-4CEB-B8DC-D70E743ACA9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tyranny of Easter weekend is almost over!

Eff you jesus!

>> No.13385145
Quoted by: >>13386617

Anyone else here still accumulating Kraft Heinz?

It literally, unironically, feels like I'm stealing at these prices.

>> No.13385152

this week was the same as any other for me, I still had classes and my internship just like I would any other friday

>> No.13385176

Everyone's waking up that these threads are paid shillfests. Great image though.

>> No.13385222
Quoted by: >>13386744

>Everybody's waking up that
>these threads are paid shillfests
>great image though

There are 3 incorrect statements in that post despite it being only 2 sentences long

>> No.13385472
File: 520 KB, 302x270, 42489B43-D4A8-4337-9BC1-C34A2744A998.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13385546

Hope you bought CGC calls for the 26th gonna break 45 again and settle around 46-47

>> No.13385546

I bought 1 (ONE) share!
And a share of MJ, and 10 shares of HEXO!
Am I gonna make it?

I can’t tell what stage of bubble we’re in, but I’m tired of sitting on the sidelines.

>> No.13385866

Buy more Dr. Pepper.

>> No.13386060

Shoo shoo Bitcoin shills

Fuck me you guys, I'm bored.

>> No.13386358

letting the anime thread die is unforgivable

>> No.13386404
File: 48 KB, 500x375, 1555721527598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the DIA

>> No.13386451
File: 45 KB, 432x364, 1554767279159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ is the light and life of the world
Money and the carnal world will ultimately decay to nothing
Seek and you will find greater treasures in heaven

>> No.13386479
File: 127 KB, 817x656, 1555650702707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold KHC for a slight gain. Trying to into value investing waiting for the crash but Kraft is such a terrible company lol

>> No.13386501
File: 479 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190420-134116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next crash will probably kill Warren Buffet.
The combination of Buffet death and crash will probably drive BRK to a .75 PB ratio and sub 1 PEG
Buy as soon as that happens

>> No.13386519
File: 65 KB, 638x433, 1555739025429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If SPOT actually comes up with a positive EPS I'll buy it. I mean the entire world will and it will pump into the stratosphere.
Should I buy it before earnings then? Idk
A company that's been around for around 15 years and still isn't profitable is special needs

>> No.13386548
File: 67 KB, 799x999, 1555583879848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished deleting my Facebook and Instagram account. Short Facebook and CIA niggers
Imagine buying a company that relies on boomers clicking ads
I can see the value of Instagram but Facebook is the new Myspace
Google is another company that most of it's revenue comes from ads, but they are also working on building Skynet so they get a pass

>> No.13386550
Quoted by: >>13386570

Should I but MCD puts at open

>> No.13386570
File: 61 KB, 512x400, 1555575366607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you buy puts on such a great dividend payer?
I hate the actual company. It's a symbol of post industrial capitalism and it's inherent greed, exploitative nature, and inherent synthetic sexuality
But the stock is a great dividend growth and a good long term hold

>> No.13386582
Quoted by: >>13386611

But look at it, it's inflated as fuck rn

>> No.13386611
Quoted by: >>13386677

On what metric? The entire market is inflated right now. Fundamentals don't matter, it's all priced in
You don't even have a catalyst
Are you just guessing it will suddenly plunge because you don't like it?

>> No.13386617

feels so fucking good my man
but there are so many other things to steal too

>> No.13386677
Quoted by: >>13386701


>> No.13386701
File: 30 KB, 358x344, 1555612929075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh in that case good luck with that

>> No.13386712
Quoted by: >>13386800

>inherent synthetic sexuality
You wut mate?

The more McDonald’s two countries have, the less likely they’ll go to war.

>> No.13386744

>hello fellow biz members
>its me, organic tripfag!
>say, have you heard about ROBINHOODtm?
>it's really neat and cool! You should check it out MY DUDES

>> No.13386800

McDonald's is synthetic sexuality because it's a part of (((American))) "culture", which is based on synthetic capitalist beliefs and hyper sexualization of both the marketplace and media
Reminder not to give (you)s to tripfags

>> No.13386843
File: 245 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2019-04-20-16-22-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13386864

>> No.13386858
Quoted by: >>13386884

>spewing /pol/ buzzwords
go back to making inane shitposts about crypto, please

take your medication and talk to your psychologist about your paranoid ideation

>> No.13386864

>not believing in tim apple
oh no no no no...

>> No.13386872
File: 219 KB, 463x645, envy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I will never have capitalistic synthetic hyper sex with McDonalds food

feels bad man

>> No.13386873

but have you heard of ROBINHOODtm? it's really neat and cool! You should check it out MY DUDE

>> No.13386875
File: 64 KB, 625x468, CiCxreN[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S&P will hit a new all time high next week


>> No.13386883

thank you boruto's dad

>> No.13386884
Quoted by: >>13387834

>this thread used to be called literally ROBINHOOD GENERAL
>"woah dude that's like paranoid and crazy robinhood has nothing to do with this you need a doctor"

>> No.13386896
File: 620 KB, 1085x767, sasookay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but my 5 shares of SQQQ
muh technicals

>> No.13386979
File: 256 KB, 1280x1440, 3D7A6F7E-5D32-4673-9BFE-843C0037433F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you an anarchosocialist transhumanism postpunk metanationalist (((?))) xenoestrogenic paramarketeer as well?

Very blackpilled of you.

I really hope you’re trolling my dear bosom buddy

More like sucksuke haha
Why are you blogposting about your boredom and not studying? Go socialize with your fellow zoomers.

>> No.13386993
Quoted by: >>13387079

good point, I probably should be doing something else

>> No.13387079

Unless you’ve given up and gone full tulpa/waifu, you should be finding degenerate zoomerettes and honing your skills while keeping an eye out for worthwhile qts.

And getting /fitlit/

>> No.13387151
File: 376 KB, 787x960, 1555721845261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Nikkei will be closed for trading for an ENTIRE WEEK starting April 29, only re-opening on Tuesday May 7th.

The current empire is abdicating, and a new era will begin

the effect on the Japanese stock market is unknown, effects on global markets also can't be known yet
it is also possible that weekly Manga (nip comic books) will be delayed by a week, which will obviously have a substantial impact on quality of life around the world

>> No.13387184
Quoted by: >>13388996


>> No.13387197


>> No.13387323
File: 570 KB, 1000x2251, 1555555769019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Christian ecofascist libertarian, so no I'm not trolling >:(

>> No.13387394
Quoted by: >>13387607

Bud what you think life had no meaning if you were born beefor jubus was borned, if only meaning found through him.

Seem very silly. I don’t think jubal would approve.

>> No.13387400
File: 9 KB, 250x241, 1555263579975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13387607


>> No.13387452

Any good books/guides for commodity trading ?
I have some spare cash and want to diversify my portfolio

>> No.13387607

Christ's atonement stretches from eternity to eternity, He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. In perfection he saves all those before and after him

>> No.13387608
File: 7 KB, 225x225, nyx land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13387641

> anarchosocialist transhumanism postpunk metanationalist (((?))) xenoestrogenic paramarketeer
nanospasm nanospasm

>> No.13387630
File: 946 KB, 500x375, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13388634

>The Nikkei will be closed for trading for an ENTIRE WEEK


>> No.13387641
Quoted by: >>13387668

I tweeted at Nick today but he hasn't responded yet :(

>> No.13387644
File: 1.31 MB, 470x960, excellence is a reward from Christ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13387663

Friendly pre Easter Reminder

>> No.13387663
File: 165 KB, 700x933, 1555593567008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen forever brother. Without Christ we would be lost to wander dark paths forever, he is a burning Son at noon day to lead and guide us back to the presence of our Heavenly Father to rejoice for all eternity

>> No.13387668
File: 2.68 MB, 1112x1636, princess diana 13th pillar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's cause he only retweets and replies to smart people :^)
that's also why I've been too scared to every try interacting with him :^(

>> No.13387834

Why argue with shills man

>> No.13388097
Quoted by: >>13388121

Holding cron puts that expire friday. Im fucked by theta from this three weekend. Cron better drop monday

>> No.13388121
Quoted by: >>13388180

Get real, Monday is going to be full of 4/20 DUDE WEED RECORD PROFITS BLAZE IT reports

>> No.13388180

Then im fucked should of just took the fucking profit friday and got the day trade ban and used a diff platform fuck me

>> No.13388634
File: 247 KB, 1080x1406, Screenshot_20190421_015012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13388645

Oh shit it's true
Why are these nips closing their market for a whole week just because the emperor is changing?

>> No.13388645
Quoted by: >>13388657

it's golden week you fucking pleb

>> No.13388657
File: 272 KB, 1080x1227, Screenshot_20190421_015449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13389135

It's going to cause market chaos


>> No.13388996
Quoted by: >>13390166

What are you holding atm? Stocks, coins, whatever, name them. You seem like a smart guy, I’ll buy whatever you have.

>> No.13389080
File: 47 KB, 720x447, 66D82C7E-DE72-4DAE-882F-140C3C2CCABA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time is for biotechies to bull market?

>> No.13389099

This phrase will never die

>> No.13389135
File: 20 KB, 371x353, 1F268419-DBD4-4F39-9942-1F4989B75122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh this will barely touch the market at best you’ll see some small tech and chip companies go down a bit but nothing to crazy don’t let the FUD get to you gonna be a great day Monday

>> No.13389196
File: 29 KB, 450x636, 0781D3BF-85A5-4D6E-8A0D-147956D05BE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the thread populated enough for Saturday movie night? It starts in 45 minutes in any case. This week’s feature is Ken Russel’s The Devils (1971), an Easter special!

>> No.13389253
Quoted by: >>13389265


Yes. Healthcare will have its bounce. Any bioshit with good news during the bounce will pump extra hard for a bit.

>> No.13389265
Quoted by: >>13389584

ADMA and NBRV might finally see gains

>> No.13389312
File: 443 KB, 1000x800, 1941906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13389420

yes O_O

>> No.13389420
File: 3 KB, 709x33, cytube room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Movie night movie night! Get in get in! I haven't seen this one before but my buddy said it's a masterpiece!

>> No.13389584

is the plan with these shits to just buy and pray for them to discover the cure to some random life threatening disease

>> No.13389663

do you trade crypto? biotechs are the shitcoins of stocks. dump immediately after a pump so you're not left with bags

>> No.13389733
Quoted by: >>13389804

>dump immediately after a pump so you're not left with bags

That depends on the reason for the pump, but usually that's the routine, yep. Obviously if the company just got assigned a DIN for a new drug, you can let that ride a bit.

>> No.13389787
Quoted by: >>13389993

>he’s not deep in LPTX
Leap to the moon with or without you sucka

>> No.13389804
Quoted by: >>13389827

>just buy and pray for them to discover the cure to some random life threatening disease

if you actually do DD on the stocks you're buying and read about the science supporting their drugs, then it's not just gambling

>> No.13389827

You wouldn’t just give advice on here if you hadn’t made it, right?

>> No.13389831
File: 118 KB, 400x400, 1554403931012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13389891

>GALT and LCI collapsing on itself
This is how all you GALTfags look when you say a deal is coming

>> No.13389853
File: 8 KB, 251x242, 1551753000977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13389891

>"bo by eoy, end of q1 this year at max"

>> No.13389864


Buy Low Sell High negro, SQQQ will continue to be at all time lows all the way up till the next election, I say start buying now, buy all the shorting index funds, 2-5 years from now you'll make 20x returns or more

>> No.13389875
File: 994 KB, 406x360, K_vs_ATF.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"LCI on its way back up to nine"

>> No.13389886
Quoted by: >>13392394

ADMA already was approved and has another drug awaiting approval pending due to-according to the CEO- the fda ran out of time.
NBRV has a drug awaiting approval for 4/30 and shows potential plus it hasn’t pumped yet due to all this FUD in the health sector thanks to that commie fuck Sanders god I hope he dies of a stroke

>> No.13389887


>> No.13389891
File: 196 KB, 1875x1889, 1547848861765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13389927

don't you have BPD girls to be crying about

>> No.13389927
Quoted by: >>13389939

I'm not comfy.

>> No.13389939

oh, I thought you were
anyways, I don't care what GALT does in the short term
I'm focused on the long term

>> No.13389942
File: 48 KB, 512x390, 1551797805434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he missed out on AMRS

>> No.13389947
Quoted by: >>13389955

What is happening in this .webm?

>> No.13389955
Quoted by: >>13395221

LCIguy attacks the shorts

>> No.13389993
Quoted by: >>13390194

i have 100 shares of lptx but im hoping for a jump up to like 3.00 before i dump this trash and move on to divvy stocks

>> No.13390166
File: 97 KB, 1080x1080, toz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed sir
Tesla and SPY both to 300

>> No.13390194

Altria is the next pump and pump
And pump and DRIP and pump

>> No.13390430

is it too late

>> No.13390445
Quoted by: >>13390494

You missed out on massive gains but i think it can still go to 6-7 in the next two months. The stock is overall bullish but we might we some pull back this week, which is your entry in.

>> No.13390482
Quoted by: >>13390494

Also the fact that it stayed and closed above 5 is bullish.

>> No.13390494

thanks, is it worth holding long term? even if it doesn't pull back and I hop in around 5

>> No.13390503
File: 30 KB, 394x380, NFT137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13390514
Quoted by: >>13390526

They have enough with the vitamin deal to pay off next months debt which would put the stock up to 6 at least. I've already made about 400% profit off my calls but i really do think it can go to 6-7. Anything after that is really risky imo. Some people are holding for 10 in the next two months but i think that's a pretty far cry from what we'll see within that time.

>> No.13390526

bless, thanks anon. you've spoon fed me enough and now I will have to decide for myself

>> No.13390530

Also long terms a relative thing. How long is long term to you? The best long term stock to buy right now is SQQQ. Like the anon said above. Its going to lead to huge gains in the next 2 years and is a great stock to long. However, i would buy TQQQ calls in the short term (next few months) as TQQQ will probably reach 70-71 before it finally stops its gains.

>> No.13390537
Quoted by: >>13391996

SPY in Roth IRA, or SPY and IWM for small caps?

What's best for a 30 year DCA plan?

>> No.13390562

for me I guess 1 or 2 years at least.
I am pretty new to /biz/ and have been hearing lots about SQQQ, I will have to do more research. I'm fairly deep in Vanguard ETFs so I gotta learn what the difference is. also I have the cash to take some risks now but am too much of a rookie at this point to minimize my losses

>> No.13390635
File: 160 KB, 375x736, 1552805115104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best long term stock to buy right now is a 3x leveraged inverse ETF

>> No.13390663
File: 394 KB, 1812x1018, 1554300509295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I know everything even though i've never left my literal meme stock that hasn't had a deal i've been saying is on the way for almost a year"
I longed TQQQ since maybe early-mid january and made twice your fucking portfolio. TQQQ can/will reach 70 and you have no fucking idea about what you're talking about. Yeah, TQQQ can be 56 on monday and then on thursday be 61. But that only matters if you're a day trader. If you long the thing it doesn't make a difference as long as the fundamentals for your goal are still the same. And this is signed by the guy who says people who care about short term price action are bitches like him who get fucked in their ass

>> No.13390739

Its actually probably like 3 times since galt took a shit

>> No.13390744
Quoted by: >>13390765

This anon gets it i longed it for 9 years and never sold. Couldnt be happier

>> No.13390765

Congrats on your wealth. The sad part about pendulum is hes being serious when he puts these kinds of posts out.

>> No.13390834

>when you equip the explosion resistance gear instead of poison resistance

>> No.13390854
File: 223 KB, 1200x975, warren_buffett_steve_pope_getty_images_501615406jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does he do it?

>> No.13390913
Quoted by: >>13391287

Value investing. He didn’t ruthlessly follow the market or develop complex trading strategies. He made one bet and stuck with it over long periods of time.

Also he had the balls and social skills to start his own holdings company, as well as the discipline to do his due diligence before investments. Traits that fags like you will never even dream of possessing.

>> No.13391287

He is basically the master of bagholding

>> No.13391305

buying back his own stock, manipulating the central bank

>> No.13391343
Quoted by: >>13391694

Bought $5k worth of Jumia ($JMIA) on IPO, in at $22/share. Gonna be worth $50k+ at least in 10 years. Change my mind

>> No.13391584
File: 66 KB, 309x430, 011 - usrBod7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the Gernan taxman know if I forget to report my trades on IB?

>> No.13391637
Quoted by: >>13391656

I would like to get into investing some of my money, and started reading up on some of the links here. I'm quite overwhelmed. While i read up, what would be a good start, some kind of index fund?

Seems like this board is completely overrun by cryptonerds, I must admit i have absolutely no understanding of that....

>> No.13391656

begin with ETFs following legit indices (SPY and BND)
Once you have money in the game, you will learn moar.

>> No.13391694

I just buy ETFs like NGE and PAK for my 3rd world exposure
less risk, less reward compared to buying

a 10x in 10 years would imply a 25-30B market cap. doable. I'd still rather put money in something like NGE

>> No.13391753

Me on the right

>> No.13391996


If you want SPY and small caps in market weighted measures, then just get VTI and be done with it. Personally I prefer Total Market over S&P for greater diversification, but both are good choices for stock indexing.

DCA - Throw it all in when you can unless you have some aversion to this. In that case, figure out a weekly or monthly amount throughout each year you would feel comfortable with.

>> No.13392023


You could also argue that at this point, he is so big that he can create a self-fulfilling prophecy of success. Warren says he likes Coca Cola, then Berkie buys more, then everyone else buys Coke because Warren buys Coke ---> Success.

>> No.13392394

Ooh guess I should load the boat with NBRV

>> No.13392435
File: 1.31 MB, 765x1024, file_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13392449

Also can you all stop posting about this thread on the rest of the board? I don't want to invite more crypto shit posters into the thread, especially when their crown jewel argument is "but the board was made for crypto" as they try to imply im a new fag so the topic isn't related.

>> No.13392449


>/biz/ made for crypto.

Anyone here before 2016 knows this isn't true. Pure revisionism.

>> No.13392564
Quoted by: >>13393184

hello anons, Britfag here. Is Hargreaves Lansdown good for investing in stocks or are they just better for mutual funds?

>> No.13392574
Quoted by: >>13392649

I'm not talking about TQQQ, I'm talking about SQQQ

>> No.13392649
Quoted by: >>13394915

All SQQQ has done since its inception is decay, speaking in the long term
Your entire reason for holding SQQQ is betting on a dramatic 2008-esque crash that may not come for a very long time
SQQQ will continue to decay into nothing until that crash finally comes, and if it's long enough before it does, whatever gains you'll get out of it may not even make up for all the losses you incurred bagholding a 3x leveraged inverse ETF for years

>> No.13392674

Gawd Peterson is so low IQ. There is nothing to sort out ergo you can't sort out.

>> No.13392700
Quoted by: >>13394915

enjoy bagholding for years through constant decay and likely at least one r/s, based on its current price, retard


>> No.13392702

BA about to tank hard Monday for Dreamliner manufacturing errors
Gonna drag the Dow with it so hopefully healthcare sector perks up green finally since it rinsed our all the weak hands and FUD shits cause otherwise it’s gonna be a red day

>> No.13392719
File: 22 KB, 391x373, best long term buy right now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13394915

oh for sure this is the best long term buy right now my man no question

>> No.13392742
File: 71 KB, 500x332, 1416031796412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

earnings week soon

>> No.13393024
File: 1.53 MB, 1637x931, 1506608605844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13393034

cherry bollosm season in tokyo :)


>> No.13393034
Quoted by: >>13393096

Reiwa era starting on the 1st of May

>> No.13393096

Yes, extra long holidays for japanese which is weird :)

>In 2010, Emperor Akihito informed his advisory council that he would eventually like to retire from his demanding job. However, no action was taken by senior members of the Imperial Household Agency.

>On 13 July 2016, national broadcaster NHK reported that the Emperor wished to abdicate in favor of his elder son Crown Prince Naruhito within a few years.

>> No.13393177
File: 244 KB, 1920x1080, 5abad61c5c68d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13393222

90 (!) hours
nearly 90 (ninety) hours between when markets closed on Thursday until they open on Monday morning
I'll be 90 hours older, but not 90 hours richer
it's bullshit. I've had enough

STILL 22 hours to go

fucking boomers, I know it's their fault somehow

>> No.13393184

Get Freetrade

>> No.13393222

It's the Jews fault. Back in the old days before trading algos became so complex they didn't want to be caught sleeping while someone else was getting an advantage at making money. So they limited trading during regular business hours.

Now honestly in the days of trading algos and ETFs there is no reason for the market to operate on such limited hours. I guess it's most likely just because nobody cares enough to change it.

>> No.13393327

What's stopping me from making 100 accounts on robinhood, inviting them all through a main account for the (((free stocks)))?

>> No.13393351
Quoted by: >>13393377

You have to give your brokerage your SSN when you make an account
They'd know it was you making multiple accounts

>> No.13393352
Quoted by: >>13393377

It's a broker
I think to sign up for the account you have to link a bank account and give them your social. one of the two, I don't remember offhand

Basically whatever idea you come up with that you think is insane and amazing free money probably isn't, that's just my life lesson to you right now. there are exceptions to this rule, but if you make a post on /biz/ asking: 'is this a good idea to make free money', the answer is no

>> No.13393354
Quoted by: >>13393377

I'd imagine they need a valid social before they will issue the free stocks. Also you'd have to link each account up to your bank account to get the funds which would probably be another red flag.

>> No.13393377
Quoted by: >>13393751

damn ok i guess i better get ready for my shift at mcdonalds after all

>> No.13393751

hey do your best though
honestly at some of those jobs you can really work your way up if you outperform
basically you're hoping that your boss or your n+2 notices that you're significantly more organized and responsible than your coworkers
or you can end up wageslaving extra hard for nothing because the corporate structure doesn't properly support advancement or you're working under idiots

yo I promise you though, if you make my order well I will appreciate it. If you listen closely in the drive-through, speak clearly, and get my order right I will appreciate it.
I think you guys took the Jalapeno McChicken back off the menu AGAIN, which is always a mistake, but I eagerly await its return
Also the 20 McNuggies for $5 is clutch right now

>> No.13393852

I have a buddy that worked his way up to district manager at a pizza franchise and is making about 90k doing practically no work and managing hot college girls. Meanwhile I'm busting my ass to make 60k in an accounting firm.

>> No.13393890
Quoted by: >>13394242

yeah I have a family member that has done pretty well at a gas station chain.

of course for everyone that makes it there are people who spend years working crappy jobs surrounded by idiots and never move up.
anyone reading this in this situation, at any level: move! try and go to a different company that offers more mobility.

I make very decent money and I haven't gone to another company, because I'm not too interested in climbing the management ladder (yet)

>> No.13394242

I'd legitimately kill someone for an internship that looks good on my resume right now. I'm graduating a year early and want to go to law school and I'm not sure what I should be doing other than studying for the LSAT and doing well in classes till then.

>> No.13394303
Quoted by: >>13394318

how do I defeat the stock market?

>> No.13394318

it's easier to just become the market (buy index funds like VTI and SPY)

>> No.13394366
Quoted by: >>13394620

What do you guys think of bayer right now? Seems pretty undervallued right?

>> No.13394394
File: 140 KB, 2700x683, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to talk LCI folks.

Percent of the float being shorted is around 70%.

Currently, LCI is in deep water for price collusion https://seekingalpha.com/news/3451180-lannett-4-percent-cautious-sa-article-alleged-price-collusion

Lawyers and Courts getting involved.

Currently forming a head-and-shoulders pattern.

Healthcare sector due for a bounce.

There would have to be a huge influx of buying for there to be a short squeeze.

My question is, what would the catalyst be for an increase of buying volume?

I would assume that with the current article about price collusion that one would expect more bad press to come out which would hurt the stock by scaring investors away.

>> No.13394620

They got fucked in all cancer trials so far and were sentenced to hundreds of millions in damages.
They immediately accepted a judge's settlement offer because they know it's a losing battle.
Their entire market cap is now lower than what they originally paid for Monsanto.
There are almost ten thousand cancer charges still pending against them.

The stock is risky but the company doing well. Ex-dividend next week.

>> No.13394701

Long BALLS short PNIS

>> No.13394725

I read about that as well as the float I’m not sure if that one big name guy is still pumping the stock or not but I bought 10 shares at 6.90 last dip so if it goes lower I’ll just get out I haven’t seen LCI dip below 6.50 in about 4 months so if it does then it means it’s time to move on
GALT is also a stock that I’m beginning to hate. If they have a product than an acquisition should be around the corner but since it’s not it’s looking like something is very wrong with the pricing or the product itself.

>> No.13394762

>If they have a product than an acquisition should be around the corner but since it’s not it’s looking like something is very wrong with the pricing or the product itself

they're a biotech company, the quality of their product is determined by its safety and performance in clinical trials
belapectin is very safe and has shown promising results in clinical trials
there's a lot more to negotiations for an acquisition than just the quality of their product

>> No.13394915
Quoted by: >>13394995

>Your entire reason for holding SQQQ is betting on a dramatic 2008-esque crash that may not come for a very long time
lmfao. Its very normal and health for there to be a recession every 10 years and that doesn't mean i'm looking for the second coming of 2008.
You are an actual bagholder with GALT
What is this image even meant to mean? AMRS made that look like TQQQ a few weeks ago and i made 5 digits off that trade and still holding for 6-7. of course SQQQ is doing shit the economy is doing great. That's why in the next two years it'll be such a great investment. Someone as autistic as you has no idea that recessions are very fucking healthy and aren't the end of the world. In 1-2 years SQQQ can slowly reach 20s-30s and that's being modest.

>> No.13394992
File: 2.00 MB, 425x425, 1554528611879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LCI going to $40

>> No.13394995
Quoted by: >>13395028

>What is this image even meant to mean

that's what happens when you put your money into SQQQ long term
taken from https://www.splithistory.com/sqqq/

you said in >>13390530 that "the best long term stock to buy right now is SQQQ"
if you actually buy in right now and hold until a recession, your money will be continuously decaying until that happens, and SQQQ will likely have to do at least one r/s in that time period to keep its price in an area that the people managing it like

>Someone as autistic as you has no idea that recessions are very fucking healthy and aren't the end of the world

I'm fully aware that recessions are healthy and natural, actually

>In 1-2 years SQQQ can slowly reach 20s-30s and that's being modest.

and in the mean time you'll be continuously hemorrhaging money while sitting around and hoping that now will finally be the time the market enters a recession

>> No.13395028
Quoted by: >>13395095

Yeah, long term in a good market retard.
the idea is that you would add on and on as time goes on you keep adding. I'd personally slowly add until 5 then add massive amounts. I literally cited the anon above me in the thread.
>I'm fully aware that recessions are healthy and natural, actually
Then why did you cite 2008?

>> No.13395029
File: 59 KB, 720x497, 1542342278906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13395053

>dip below 6.50 in about 4 months so if it does then it means it’s time to move on
thats what shorts want you to do you weakling. they are playing on patience. They are paying interest on all those shares borrowed. There will be a time when they will cover just because they will get tired of paying the interest.

>My question is, what would the catalyst be for an increase of buying volume?
It could be any of the 12-16 drugs they still have to release this year.. could be more distribution agreements.. could be announcing another debt solution.

All it'll take is for a fraction of those shorts to cover to boost volume.. when the volume boost the short ratio will go down.

This is a long squeeze, gotta be patient and let shorts pile in. When I first started mentioning LCI here it was 50% short.. now it's 70%.. shorts are revenge trading.. going to want as many shorts in as possible before moving up.

Imagine if the stock gets over $10 BEFORE shorts start to cover

>> No.13395049
Quoted by: >>13398451


>> No.13395053
File: 29 KB, 700x340, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13395094

If I was running the company and I wanted that SA article to lose steam I'd start releasing distribution agreements and drug release news soon.

I'm going to keep a look out for that.

This chart might be a possibly bear trap if that's the case.

>> No.13395094

that SA article didn't do much for the shorts.. they were using it to cover.. they manipulated the price down and didn't cover shit.. nobody wants to sell to them.. they're getting desperate thats the second article in like a month that SA put out. Retail is peanuts in this trade look at institutional ownership. Tutes are the ones lending out shares collecting interest.. they don't need to get them back anytime soon to sell because they are collecting massive interest on them. Big Tutes didn't sell on the drop.. they aren't selling now.. shorts need those shares from tutes.. watch SS closesly. LCI closed at a nice spot for options expiration.. shorts that are hedging with calls are getting fucked because they aren't hitting their strike and still have all those shares short that they could have been planning to cover with calls that hit the strike.

>This chart might be a possibly bear trap if that's the case.
Pretty sure it's a bear trap. If you're long in LCI right now you want shorts to load up.. they will be the fuel to the rocket.

>> No.13395095
Quoted by: >>13395181

>Yeah, long term in a good market retard.

this is what will keep happening until the market turns
I'm not claiming that it's never a good idea to buy SQQQ, just that it's not a good idea to hold it and wait for something to happen
when it gets below 5, the possibility of an r/s to inflate the share price becomes increasingly likely
the time to buy it is when the market starts to turn

>> No.13395181
Quoted by: >>13395203

>this is what will keep happening until the market turns
market will be hitting all time highs soon. Economy is full steam ahead. As long as people are still blindly adding to IRA accounts and 401ks.. we're gunna just keep going up. Going to need something big to bring the market down.

A lot of people itt don't really go out much so they wouldn't understand that there are a lot productive people out there

>> No.13395203

betting against the natural tendency of the market go up in the long term is retarded, especially if you're using leveraged instruments with TVIX or SQQQ
the single best way to destroy money in the stock market is to hold one of those long term in a bull market

>> No.13395215

leveraged instruments like*

>> No.13395221
Quoted by: >>13395656

The shorts are attacking themselves when it comes to LCI. LCI is going to $40

How is AMRS fillings looking? I heard DSM bought something from them? Is DSM still in the picture? I remember them owning a bunch of series C shares.. also remember most of their revenue came from DSM.. if DSM took that part of AMRS that was bringing in revenue but still kept their toxic shares... then AMRS could be a disaster soon.

This CBD situation they got going on could be lucrative IF they don't sign some other toxic fucking deal to fund it... if they start issueing more Series C for the CBD funding it'll be the same exact situation with DSM......... I would not be suprised to AMRS in OTC in the next 3 years... maybe even some SEC/FBI investigations surrounding it.

I deal a lot with OTC stocks and what AMRS is doing is exactly what a lot of OTC stocks do

>> No.13395262

If the market enters a bear market those instruments will be all right imo.. I just think for now.. theres no reason for the market to stop. Nothing has been bringing it down. The economy isn't doing extremely well but it's doing well enough to keep this market going up.. it's going to be really fun and interesting when it finally tanks.

I was all drunk the other day and ran into a "financial advisor" I was talking to him for awhile about retirement.. He started talking about warren buffet as if he was the only guy to pay attention to in the market.. I asked him if he knew about Ray Dalio he kinda gave me like a confused look and was like.. umm.. yeah.. like an unsure answer...

I find it weird that a "financial advisor" doesn't know who Ray Dalio is. Imo People like Ray Dalio are very important to the market because he understands more about the economy than just stocks. If this "financial advisor" is just trying to get everyone to way warren buffet does things it could get interesting when everyone that just buys and holds ends up selling because they get scared out of the market

>> No.13395297

>If the market enters a bear market those instruments will be all right imo

fully agree with that

>I asked him if he knew about Ray Dalio

I downloaded a pdf of Principles, but I haven't read it yet
He definitely seems really knowledgeable when it comes to stocks and the economy, but I remember seeing him make a tweet talking about people being left/right brained (which is a common myth, but scientifically false)

>> No.13395656

I have 3103 shares of lci. I'm ready for it my dude.

>> No.13395680

I'm willing to throw 10k at it if I see news and movement.

But for now I'm waiting on the sidelines.

>> No.13395921
Quoted by: >>13396159

A bear market is unlikely but we are seeing a slowdown and with the FUD from the Bernie kike it hit healthcare hard and dragged a lot of things with it some people like myself told people on this board to wait till Monday to jump back into healthcare and articles are all saying we should see jumps tomorrow but that doesn’t mean everything is all well
We have earnings on some of the biggest companies on the nasdaq/Dow/s&p and we’ll be relying on them to pick the market up if more than 2 of them report bad shit then we’ll be seeing a downhill spiral for a few days.
3 events can stop this:
Bernie dies
China trade deal completes with farmers and US coming out on top and all papers are visible
Global growth sees an increase slightly
Now not saying they all have to happen but if only one of them does it could change the market up

>> No.13396159
Quoted by: >>13396427

>Bernie does
Holy kek you know things are bad when you see the death of a candidate for the primaries as something turnaround the market.

His damage is done, the dem candidates all call for single payer now. Still not gonna happen.

>> No.13396427
Quoted by: >>13396589

Nobody honestly believes the dems are going to win 2020 and if the China deal is all smiles for the US you can bet they won’t be winning as trump would capture his core constituency that one him the last election. It’s already priced in at this point what single payer health would do now it’s just watching things climb back up and down like normal with a slight boost to healthcare since they ranked so hard
Honestly Bernie dying would be great as it could also allow for dems to retract single payer health since right now that’s Bernie’s main selling point

>> No.13396589
Quoted by: >>13398027

Re-election looks likely but there is black swan potential.

If we get a severe economic downturn before november 2020, dems could win. Still no trade deal, and if he can’t successfully brand the eventual compromise as a victory, it will be bad for gop. Brexit still not solved, and global economy in a tailspin with based japs looking ready for recess with no survivors.

If Bernie dies, single payer pipe dream will live on. If trump dies, Wall Dream dies with him, but Pence Pump will be good for market.

>> No.13396689
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Should I buy calls on QQQ

>> No.13396727
File: 368 KB, 500x775, 1555614162303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might start averaging into GALT
You're welcome, pendy

>> No.13397349
File: 153 KB, 1024x1024, 1554336181832m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13397364

Galt just keeps getting more bullish.

>> No.13397364

>tfw the mods will keep this up but delete my yaoi images every time I post them

where is the justice in this world

it's a good long term pick, there's a ton of science coming out recently about galectin-3 inhibition, the company's chairman of the board is a multibillionaire conservative megadonor, uniquely positioned in last stage NASH, good results in combo with Keytruda, other potential indications

>> No.13397407

It's all a matter of BO price. Go high, hold out, pay day eventually. They know what they have. I wish I bought more at 3.98 but I already have a lot.

>> No.13397457
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>> No.13397528
Quoted by: >>13397564

Femdom is legal and goodtastepilled
Yaoi is cringe and would be illegal IRl and has a containment board.

I can’t do it anymore with biotechs shilled on smg. Too much pain. And it makes me realize how much I missed out on with refr, plug, dudeweed, niu, etc.

>> No.13397564
Quoted by: >>13397573

In terms of dude weed I'm thinking of going mad lad and selling near term puts on NBEV
What's the worst that could happen

>> No.13397573
File: 434 KB, 587x1000, 1555187094039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13397633

Actually SNAP would be more fun

>> No.13397633

But you would have to write puts on snap first... seems spoopy with snap and faceboog ER this week.

>> No.13397993

you mean Dow jones?

>> No.13398027

I prefer to gauge it based on a half ass profile of voter psychology. How many 2016 Trump voters would be so displeased by his administration that they are prepared to vote for someone as far left as Bernie? These are the same people who selected The Donald over the somewhat less radical Hilldawgs. Dems have no chance with the caliber of candidates they have thus far put up for consideration. Moderate voters are always the key.

Anyway. Boo politics. Healthcare dip was stupid. Bounce imminent.

>> No.13398080

You're right pendulum, 2x is much more stable.

>> No.13398136

Any broker that works in South America?

>> No.13398155
File: 101 KB, 1242x1231, B818B105-D3FC-4AFE-8982-110018AA85E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13398230

>spend time watching stocks and staking our positions
get returns wiped out by headlines
>say fuck it and start buying single shares of companies that interest me
All of them are currently green

>Boo politics. Healthcare dip was stupid. Bounce imminent.
Yes, yes, and god I hope so.

Bought one UNH when doing my scattershot on Friday, and think I want more pretending tomorrow and maybe more weeds as well.

If the trump recession starts soon, by the time Nov 2020 comes around, I could see his base saying fuck it and straying home. Which is fine by me, I don’t like the people he appoints and I dont think RBG has another 6 years in her. Divided govt is good for economy & markets, letting one party’s agenda run wild is like inviting bobo to dinner.

>> No.13398190
File: 44 KB, 480x270, 13177551_1685609931715211_2889201214497846513_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came to dump some knowledge on ya'll
https://media.8ch dot net/file_store/692491f5c6a2528c7bbc14581aae2ca84bf72ec00ae833392bcd1d47ccc2725d.pdf
(got to complete this link urself)

These PDFs contain all the knowledge required to beat porky at his own game. But no one has put it all together, yet.

>> No.13398199
File: 185 KB, 1070x926, E0D00684-F348-4A6F-8883-29449F4ED8DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13399275

Walt gonna crush it on Friday when Avengers comes out.

Buy more before release, sell into earnings, but more after?

I lub you penerson

Is my dis strat retarded? Help frens!

>> No.13398230
Quoted by: >>13398282

I wouldn't underestimate the cross appeal between trump and sanders. What most people don't realize is there isn't a big body of moderates in america, and neither do ideologies on one side prefer moderate versions of the other side. Rather, people often take the radical stance on most issues, but they don't usually align these stances across traditional left right binaries.

Right now, the contest is a toss up whether the dems nominate Biden or Sanders, most others will loose outright most likely. A recession, which I think is likely, will almost assuredly destroy trump's chances, however.

>> No.13398273
Quoted by: >>13398324

Amazon and Microsoft are reporting earnings this week.

Fucking hate earnings season.

>> No.13398282

I think it's very likely that Biden would win, but I still think Sanders is too far left for most voters that are politically centrist ("moderates")

>> No.13398324
Quoted by: >>13398361


t. just getting into trading

>> No.13398340


Will be curious to see if the Pelosi/Biden or Omar/Ocasio-Cortez wing of the party prevails.

Progressive Dems may still not be in the mood for an establishment white male candidate (see 2008, 2012, 2016).

>> No.13398361

Because usually the big boys report after hours and if it's bad it ends up moving the markets and affecting your positions the next day because of a market sell off.

>> No.13398363
Quoted by: >>13398459

Sup muchachos,
I'm still learning options trading. So far I've lost a few hundred on BAC and aapl calls. What's a good stock to make calls/puts to make my $$ back?

>> No.13398377

They never will want a white male candidate. They pushed tribal politics and will die by it. Even Jews are now being run out and the tribal groups making up their coalition don't care for each other. There is only so much 'hate whitey' rhetoric even those different tribes will believe to hold it together.

If there ever comes a time where elite white liberals actually have their wealth threatened, they will cease their bullshit pretty quickly. But they've been thoroughly insulated from the consequences of their actions for a long time. Witness their reaction to the notion of sanctuary cities getting all the immigrants.

>> No.13398391
Quoted by: >>13398572

Once Trump gently reminds people that they lose their current healthcare and get a tax hike Bernie will auto-lose.

>> No.13398401


Maybe. I wonder how many "do this for the good of the party" the progressive wing will suck up for the establishment before they finally say screw it. Evidence suggests they may already be there or are getting close.

Either way, it will be interesting.

>> No.13398420
File: 444 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190421-220049_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up not selling this on thursday, I forgot about fridays bullshit holiday. I predict $140+ by may but who knows

>> No.13398428
Quoted by: >>13398465


Summer movie season is coming up. Disney should make some good bank here.

>> No.13398451

ay good shit my n-word

>> No.13398459
Quoted by: >>13398465

Buy this Friday’s SPY 293 calls. You’re welcome.

>> No.13398465
Quoted by: >>13398583

all the good news is priced in
you should have sold after the pop straightaways


>> No.13398469
Quoted by: >>13398606

DIS is hitting 135 this week for sure.

>> No.13398496
File: 38 KB, 580x388, F664569E-3F96-440E-BED2-9AB14CE4C618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13398825

Alright seriously I’m holding fucking CGC calls for Friday what’s the likelihood it jumps back to 46-47 on this new acquisition news from their other arm? I’m hearing people talk that the resistance is between 45-50 which hopefully bodes well but also hear talk about dilution. Now that’s of course pending the Acreage deal which is still technically up in the air but will it FUD investors or make them pump more?
I know one of you faggots on here has an answer there’s insiders in r/wallstreetbets and I’ve seen insiders here so give me a clue

>> No.13398543

Sanders will probably play much better with white men than that analogy suggests.

>> No.13398572
Quoted by: >>13398592


Most polls have dems planning to vote on electability alone. All the front runners are white men at this point.

>> No.13398583
Quoted by: >>13398612

Disney's marketshare make them a good long term bet, although I wouldn't recommend holding much equity at this point anyway. Best to sell and go into bonds.

>> No.13398592
Quoted by: >>13398610

Fox News cheering him is exactly what the right wants. Bernie is easily defeated by Trump as long as the economy is healthy. They know this. The left is taking the bait.

Biden is your only real chance.

>> No.13398606

I hope so

>> No.13398610
Quoted by: >>13398648

Biden is a terrible campaigner, much better to have someone who is consistent. And I wouldn't bet on the economy remaining healthy that long in the slightest.

>> No.13398612
Quoted by: >>13398638

Explain the appeal of bonds without referencing your model.

>> No.13398638
Quoted by: >>13398658

Lower volatility and by most accounts interest rates can only go down from here. I would only buy the best graded debt, however.

>> No.13398648
File: 2.06 MB, 321x216, 1446264373053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13398682

You get a terrible campaigner who is electable, or a man whose policies don't work and is only popular with the young and dumb. And thats all assuming tribal politics doesn't kill all their electability on the left anyway.

We're not four years from the election. Its coming up. The economy won't tank between now and then.

>> No.13398658

Before fed minutes came out, some big finance tutes were forecasting rate raises, not sure if it’s changed.

Do bonds even keep pace with inflation?

>> No.13398682

The initially yield curve inversions happened in December of last year, and then again in march, meaning that a recession occurring before the election is incredibly likely.

>You get a terrible campaigner who is electable, or a man whose policies don't work and is only popular with the young and dumb.
This is just blatant bias. A terrible campaigner is not electable. Someone's popularity with a certain demographic isn't a handicap.

>> No.13398690
Quoted by: >>13398720

Rate hike talk pretty much got shut down after the inversion.

>Do bonds even keep pace with inflation?
Some do. For government bonds, you'd be looking at TIPS (Treasury Inflation Protected Securities) which have a small base interest rate that is added to the inflation rate for their returns.

>> No.13398706

For me, it's value investing

>> No.13398720
Quoted by: >>13398754

Btw, if you're referring to non-inflation indexed bonds, you can get agency bonds up to 3..5% yields right now, which beats inflation by about 1.5%

Value by what metric?

>> No.13398722

These threads are cancer

>all fields

>> No.13398728

Are you accumulating Kraft Heinz as well?

>> No.13398754

I don’t know what I’m referring to, I can’t into bonds. I don’t know why you say buy junk bonds at the bottom. I don’t know what makes them junk. What happens if interest rates change while I’m holding a bond, does the rate adjust? Otherwise, why would someone want to buy someone else’s bonds instead of just buying directly from govt?

I have a 25 year bond that should have finished maturing last year, not sure what I even do with it.

>> No.13398768

Oops. They’re actually 30 year patriot bonds that mature in 2032

>> No.13398774
Quoted by: >>13398819

No, don't buy junk bonds, never buy junk bonds, I've never suggested that.

If the interest rates change while you're holding a bond, for example, rise, then the price of the bond will fall such that the actual yield for the buyer, their return for their money, is about the same as buying the new bonds.

>> No.13398785 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 690x644, Image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13398799

He remains collegial in spite of his success, claiming to be lucky, as well. Perhaps he is... the chosen one.

>> No.13398799
File: 274 KB, 1800x1205, 1541258403034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn right I am

and don't you forget it !


>> No.13398804



>> No.13398819

So it’s very bad news for bondholders when the fed raises rates.

Your wording it is very confusing to me. I’d hate to sit out on bonds the way I’ve sat out on crypto and cannabis just because I don’t understand the value.

>> No.13398825

Psh as always this board is just arm chair investors I’ll stick to reddit

>> No.13398832

yo bonds aren't gonna blow up the way crypto did in the past
you have nothing but time, do your research
learning about fed rates and bond rates is important and rewarding
do your own research my n-word I believe in you

you can grab bonds on their own
you can also invest in bond funds
important difference, but the underlying principles of bonds remain the same
higher risk, higher reward
but the risk should be generally lower than other asset classes

be on your way ->

>> No.13398854


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. Tomorrow will go down in history as Bloody Easter. 2008 version 2.0 here we come. Peter Schiff was right again.

>> No.13398857

It's bad news for bondholders when the Fed raises rates, but its good news if they lower rates, assuming they want to sell.

As I mentioned, bonds are far lower volatility than other kinds of assets, especially the low risk kind I'm talking about. So they won't explode either up or down the way crypto or cannabis will. I'd expect the most you could make on price fluctuations on long term debt at the moment would be around 20-25%

>> No.13398876
File: 6 KB, 225x225, yes plz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My kage bunshin is sitting in an armchair, investing
>My main body is drinking his milkshake
>He fell for it

>> No.13398926

Crude OIl is SPIKING. I've made if finally.

>> No.13398961
Quoted by: >>13399145

Biden has was too much audio/video of him being creepy. He’d get wrecked, he already has. Dems are just flat out done this cycle. No way they beat Trump. Tulsi could if DNC backed her

>> No.13399145

my lib relatives said they don care about the touchies

also were telling me about charlize theron saying "hey guys grow some balls I'm single" . When I told them about Brie Larson's "some guy asked me for my number being a woman is a struggle" they were all "wow.. sure is different now adays"

Even libs don't like the new empowered entitled womyn

>> No.13399275


>> No.13399311
Quoted by: >>13399537

>futures down .2%
The end is nigh

>> No.13399318
Quoted by: >>13399435

why so bullish on LCI what do you see?

>> No.13399335
File: 260 KB, 900x948, 1516420231586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>argue a point with pendulum for the entire thread
>says i'm completely wrong and will lose money despite all the context around my posts he ignores
>LCIguy agrees and says he thinks SQQQ will do well
>pendulum: i agree completely

>> No.13399355
File: 166 KB, 351x349, 1555900206314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13399365

Shocker. I mean you're wrong, I'm waiting for a 5 to 10% drop to buy SQQQ puts because of decay, but not surprising

>> No.13399363
Quoted by: >>13399377

>*gargle gargle gargle*
>boy I sure do love talking with my namefag pals and gargling their cum
>it's just like reddit!

>> No.13399365

I literally said in my posts i expect it to reach 5 before it starts a come back

>> No.13399368
File: 1.24 MB, 1256x696, Screen Shot 2019-04-21 at 8.57.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I find the twitter of the guro artist RKG used for edits on /smg/
I wonder how those KHC bags are doing...

Fedoradogposter is a conspiracy theorist meanposter, Pendulum is a silly zoomer. You're all about to get crabbed.

>> No.13399377
Quoted by: >>13399386

have sex

>> No.13399383

I'm younger than pendulum

>> No.13399386
Quoted by: >>13399398

Bend over

>> No.13399398
File: 31 KB, 315x467, assadist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bend over, i'm incharge here

>> No.13399411

then you still have time to get away from this place. You have to get rid of your reaction image(s) and go.

but you're already so grumpy at such a young age

>> No.13399428

It's too late for him, it's too late for all of us

>> No.13399433
File: 122 KB, 1060x795, 1555200658581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rarely even come here anymore since i started college. I unironically thought LCIguy killed himself because when i came back he didn't post for like 3 threads. I have great advice for this entire thread
buy AMRS
lift weights
have sex

>> No.13399435

I have 3815 right now.. trying to pick up more under 8

Theres a lot theres.. first thing you need to do is look up short squeeze.

Then you need to look up what kind of things LCI has been doing to become a lean mean drug selling machine

>> No.13399446
Quoted by: >>13399456

maybe you should learn to read.
>betting against the natural tendency of the market go up in the long term is retarded,
he's talking about long term here.

I stated that if the market were to enter a bear market.

sheesh.. don't be so retarded kid. we understand what you are talking about.. but in the long term.. yes.. SQQQ is retarded but the market goes into bear mode it'll be alright... buuttt.. bear mode does not last as long as bull mode.... you should learn to read before posting something so stupid

>> No.13399447

>/smg/ - Stock Market General Pendulum !!97YdFhwozvv
So, people who have you filtered don't deserve to find the thread?

>> No.13399456
Quoted by: >>13399507

>If the market enters a bear market those instruments will be all right imo

>fully agree with that
Are you having another relapse?

>> No.13399467
Quoted by: >>13399480

How old is pendulum?

>> No.13399480

I believe late 30s - early 40s

>> No.13399485

>I believe late 30s - early 40s


>> No.13399488

holy shit nignog I just told you he was a silly zoomer

Please go spread misinformation elsewhere.

>> No.13399493

there's two types of people in this world

>people who post in /smg/

>people who have sex
and everyone that disagrees is SEETHING

>> No.13399494

>he didn’t buy 420 WEED stocks on Thursday

lmao never gonna make it

>> No.13399504
File: 716 KB, 1659x2400, ED54D576-24FB-4BD9-AE48-81345050D6D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding cron puts that expire this friday


>> No.13399507

I've been drinking and doing coke all day.. i don't see what that has to do with SQQQ doing well IF the market turns bearish... which will only be 3-6 months... atleast until something major happens... Market is full bull.. too many blind contributors.

>> No.13399513
Quoted by: >>13399543

I never said that i think the market is long long term bearish and the entire reply stream was just pendulum misunderstanding everything. Why did you turn back to drugs LCIguy? Why?

>> No.13399537
Quoted by: >>13399609

>too many blind contributors

>futures down .2%
I, too, love to shitpost

>> No.13399543

>Why did you turn back to drugs LCIguy? Why?
I haven't done any drugs for like a month.. I've been working from sun up to sun down... someone needed something so i figured i'd get some myself.. probably my last day for awhile. I ran out of xanax about a month ago and just got a bar the other day to help me sleep... sometimes I work so much that it's hard for me to slow down...

I've been working a lot on my business that deals with stocks in the morning so i've been having to wake up super early.. my business partner is a lazy fuck and never does anything... but we got some deals in place so i figured.. why not.. fuck it.

>> No.13399595
File: 382 KB, 991x761, gubyebags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can no find my bags here
heh heh me good stonk trader

>> No.13399609

Sooo.. I'm taking CIS 101 .. very basic shit.. I have a fucking C.. wtf?!?! god damnit.. Everytime I start with that class i think of you. Only reason I have a C though is because I don't have the time for it.. FUUCKK

>> No.13399773
File: 127 KB, 900x1050, 25826278_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13399777

Less time shilling = more time studying?
woah I am solving all your problems today!

Big noremi night for me, time for game of thrones, then to sleep for 5 hours before time to prep for pre-open trading.

Thinking I might get some more dudeweed and disney before an opening zoom.

>> No.13399777
Quoted by: >>13399778

yeah but I make plenty of money without studying... i just don't like having less than a B... If i don't shill.. how would anyone know how good LCI is?

>> No.13399778
Quoted by: >>13399788

woah nice digits... very based

but everyone sees LCI on the bottles of our painkillers and ADHD meds silly dumbhead!

>> No.13399788
Quoted by: >>13399810

WOAH!!! LCI short interest now at 74%!!! wtf??!?! how is this even possible?!?! wtf guys.. LCI going to moon soon.. M.O.A.S.S.

>but everyone sees LCI on the bottles of our painkillers and ADHD meds silly dumbhead!
what are you talking about?

>> No.13399810
Quoted by: >>13399817

Uhhhh generic adderalls and opioids I thought? How do they make money without that?

>> No.13399817
Quoted by: >>13399824

They have a huge list of products with more to come... plus they distribute other companies products for a fee.

>> No.13399824
Quoted by: >>13399846

Including adhd meds and painkillers

>> No.13399846
Quoted by: >>13399865

yeah that adderall alone is enough to keep LCI afloat.. plus they have so much more shit... whoever is shorting it is fucking crazy imo

>> No.13399865
Quoted by: >>13399927

I was wondering if EFHutton on ST was a real short or someone trying to get more shorts in for the squeeze?

That hit piece article didn't do shit. The only reason LCI fell at all was the great healthcare scare from Bernie.

>> No.13399904
File: 3 KB, 125x125, _thisGuyWorksAtTacoBell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been working on a new options strategy here fellas. I don't really see it anywhere mentioned, but I've more or less found a way to provide fixed income on options through a mixture of buying and selling. Not entirely risk free of course, but if it ends up workin well I'll share with y'all what I came up with.

>> No.13399924
Quoted by: >>13399930

I work at Chipotle

>> No.13399925
Quoted by: >>13399930

Got burned by the hot press making a crunch wrap supreme today. Fuck my life. Golden bull when?

>> No.13399927
Quoted by: >>13399941

>I was wondering if EFHutton on ST was a real short or someone trying to get more shorts in for the squeeze?
I'm guessing he was just trying to get more people to short,not sure who would want to short a stock with 74% short interest and 86% tute owned. He always just repeats the same shit which most of the time is just bullshit..

Maybe big money shorts are going to try to cover with retail shorts ?? whatever is going is very strange.. I've been doing this same strategy for years and I don't think I've seen something like this. I've seen the drop overnight plenty of time but never have I seen shorts not cover and tutes not sell.. LCI is very fucking interesting.

I went back to their filings of 2012-2013 .. their O/S share count was around 28 mil. They have not put many shares out there at all.. most of which are employees options.. It ran to $60 with that o/s count which is now the float. Something very.. very fishy is going on LCI with my opinion.. all of us retail traders are nothing in this fight but we can help. I only have 3815 shares right now, trying to get a little over 4,000 shares within the next week or two... that little amount is just that.. a little amount.

Shorts wont be able cover unless tutes sell to them and it's obvious they aren't selling yet.. got to keep an eye on short interest in relation to tute ownership just in case some tute wants to hand over shares in a SPA.. but I doubt it.. most tutes aren't going to fall for the bullshit shorts are playing on LCI right now...

FUCK I'M high.. i don't even know what i just wrote.. posting anyway

>> No.13399930
File: 262 KB, 1280x720, crab17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13399941

one of you is lying

>> No.13399941

how do short squeezes work?
Is it illegal for a hedge fund to own a small supply of the stock they're shorting, then sell it to drive down demand in case they need to cover or suppress upward momentum, like a little hedge against their short?

Can they just call up a buddy and wink at them over the phone so they'll do it for them at another firm?

both of us are lying
You're probably lying to
Are you that anon who's always talking about their fancy strangles and straddle strategies that the world has never seen?

>> No.13399947

naw i never did straddles, i used to sell spreads or just sold put options. Kinda normie tier

>> No.13399958
File: 41 KB, 641x530, 1555844330117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This billionaire says you need to understand the language of accounting (MUST WATCH)


>> No.13399966

>Is it illegal for a hedge fund to own a small supply of the stock they're shorting, then sell it to drive down demand in case they need to cover or suppress upward momentum, like a little
I'm not 100% sure how that works.. but i'm sure a lot of big funds holding are taking bearish positions to hedge their longs. but keep in mind when big funds are holding they are getting money on the shares they are loaning out. They know whats going on. If they want to sell their shares they will need to get them back from the shorts.

I was listening to an interview awhile ago of a pro trader that would basically take large positions sort of like straddle but not option based. Then if the stock started to break out toward the upside he would cover his short and add to the long, and vice versa if it went the other way.

The thing though with these big funds is that a lot of times they deal with a SPA so whoever is shorting this could come to an agreement to a set price for some stock and it wouldn't really effect market price... only problem is that 86% is owned by tutes... most of which bough above 13.. I don't think they are planning to sell anytime soon when they are getting paid for just lending shares out to shorts. They may have puts in place.. but I doubt they are shorting when they are already gaining interest on the bears borrowing shares..

thats the way I see it.

>> No.13399970
Quoted by: >>13399983

>This billionaire says you need to understand the language of accounting
accounting changed my life.. as well as basic economics

>> No.13399983
Quoted by: >>13400001

At which age did you start learning it?

>> No.13399984
Quoted by: >>13399998

I mean, yea, you should understand basic accounting principles. A + L = E type shit you know? All it really is, is just another tool used to understand money and how it moves a little bit better.

Hopefully that money moves into you

>> No.13399998
Quoted by: >>13400007

When you understand accounting at a deeper level you gain insights into the "mentality" of the people managing the company. Are they prudent and completely honest? Do the try to cut corners?

>> No.13400001

I didn't go back to school until i was about 23... before that I really didn't do much besides work and stack cash.

Some 19 year old kid got me started in stocks in my accounting class.. which was the first class i took. Very strange long story of how I ended up doing what I do with corporate debt.. but it basically started by meeting that kid

>> No.13400007
File: 1.34 MB, 360x269, 1536513451196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are they prudent and completely honest?
>Do they try to cut corners?
Hell if I'd know, fundamentalists and ta fags both swing on the day of the rope. But I do know, there's at least 1 jew somewhere on that board of members and they'll pull their kikery nonsense into generating profits.

We call this the risk free rate

>> No.13400079

>Pepsi holders HATE him
>Android lovers want him to stop
>learn his one WEIRD trick!

>> No.13400086
Quoted by: >>13400127

>Only reason I have a C though is because I don't have the time for it
Very relatable.
>CIS 101
what language do they use? java?
it's probably hard to have the patience for basic shit being taught really slowly

>> No.13400127

yeah.. they say toward the end there will be some java but right now they are going over basic shit like malware and how to use word.. I haven't been reading the book just taking the quizes.. but I haven't had the time. I've been focusing on my business law class.. but everytime i'm doing it i'm thinking to myself "fucking 2scoops mother fucker"

it's not the quizes it's the "projects" like going through word and performing task. they take like 2 hours...

>> No.13400138
Quoted by: >>13400156

>how to use word
I lol‘d. College is fucking useless.

>> No.13400156
Quoted by: >>13400188

it really is.. I make more money with no degree than whatever most of these fuck heads are going to make with their degree...

but not all degrees are useless.. i'm going for business and economics.. working toward finance... all pretty useless imo

>> No.13400173
Quoted by: >>13400191

>right now they are going over basic shit like malware and how to use word
oh my god, that sounds so painful.
I can write malware and I can get a job writing the code that runs word.
>business law class
that sounds fun.
what type of college is this? community, state, or somewhere between?

>"projects" like going through word and performing task. they take like 2 hours
I understand the kind of project that you're describing now, and this sounds so awful

>> No.13400188
Quoted by: >>13400192

>i'm going for business and economics.. working toward finance... all pretty useless imo
half of that business degree is "business administration" shit like HR.
Marketing provides value, although a lot of it can be hard to stomach. HR provides little value after already getting diluted down substantially with all that diversity bullshit.
I did a business minor, and I shit you not, the HR textbook had 3 fucking chapters dedicated to the fine subject of diversity & inclusion.

>> No.13400191

it's community.. I usually do well in school but I've been so fucking busy making money lately.. the business law is whatever.. i wouldn't even call it business law it's basically just basic law.

I'm not going to school for a degree.. just going to sharpen my skills. One day I want to program basic shit, i Learned a little bit of python using pycharm.. but not enough to do anything with

>> No.13400192
Quoted by: >>13400265

yeah most of it's bullshit... I have a mentor thats 60 something years old multi millionaire.. and he teaches me shit that they just don't teach in school.. he wants me to stay in school tho.. so i will

>> No.13400233
Quoted by: >>13400264

>I'm not going to school for a degree.. just going to sharpen my skills
that'll be tough to do at a community college; they usually shoot more for the "teaching a trade" territory
I personally stick more towards googling shit and straight up reading documentation like this stuff:

/g/ is a bunch of neckbeards doing support tickets in IT; not real software engineers btw.

>One day I want to program basic shit, i Learned a little bit of python using pycharm.. but not enough to do anything with
I think the most productive way to learn it is as a means towards an end -- have a project in mind and pick up the tools necessary to do it; otherwise, you merely learn moronic syntax shit like for loops.
This website was super helpful when I was getting started beyond the basic java stuff: https://www.w3schools.com/

>python using pycharm
I usually just use sublime text and run stuff directly off of the command line when I'm doing python.
Python is a decent language, although it was very hard for me to take seriously initially.
Python is the go-to language for machine learning; this is a popular library/framework for doing short ML scripts in python:
This is a nice back-end server framework for python:

I think one of my first big projects was setting up a LAMP server to try and write my own forum. I'd now use Flask and ReactJS with something like SQLite or PostgreSQL though.

>> No.13400264
Quoted by: >>13400279

>not vue
move over gramps, it's the new generations time to shine

>> No.13400265

>I have a mentor thats 60 something years old multi millionaire.. and he teaches me shit that they just don't teach in school..
the industry is the best mentor. I got a bachelor's in CS, and it was no match for what came with my couple of internships or first year of industry experience.
>he wants me to stay in school tho.. so i will
what are his expectations of what you'll get from staying in school?
For me, the most valuable thing that I got from school was industry connections for places to work at and peers that I wanted to work with.
There was only a couple of courses in which I actually felt that I genuinely learned very much that was directly applicable on the job.
In fact, the majority of it felt very "academia" and was rarely applicable or second-nature to the algorithmic work that I do on the job, and is usually used as a litmus test during interviews.

>> No.13400279
Quoted by: >>13400288

I've heard that's catching on.
I have no idea how it got so popular among college students because it's not really that prevalent in the industry yet.

>> No.13400288
Quoted by: >>13400373

its got traction in china cause the guy who made it is a chink afaik
and its not from facebook/google

>> No.13400373
Quoted by: >>13400448

>its got traction in china cause the guy who made it is a chink afaik
Oh, right, I heard that too. What I don't understand is how the fuck it caught on in colleges so much faster than tech companies. Do the chinks have vast influence on american college campuses? Why did it catch on so much more than Angular or ReactJS?

>and its not from facebook/google
I heard that the creator worked on AngularJS (1.0), but was disappointed with the direction that Angular (2.0) was going, with the super component-based shit.

>> No.13400448

It's easier to learn I think. You can just use parts of it w/o really basing your whole app/front end around it.

>> No.13400685

>Business Law
I had this class, it's just a big memorization meme.

>> No.13400773

New week
New day
New thread