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File: 1.17 MB, 1540x1068, bob_ross_tvixcorp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9758684 No.9758684 [Reply] [Original]

The Joy of Investing edition

Popular brokers for stock trading:

>commission free and no minimum to open

> How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

Interactive Brokers
>$1 commission per 100 shares. $10k minimum to open, $3k if 25 or under. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Movers:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

In-depth Rundown on Options:
https://www youtube.com/watch?v=TBAQtjyqNHw
https://www youtube.com/watch?v=SuTTzfa4ePE

/smg/'s Official Market Commentator:
https://www youtube.com/channel/UCyHBlT16Zd1arzSCwFoThNw

Last thread >>9748347

>> No.9758702
File: 16 KB, 297x345, 2018-06-05-watchlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try asking again here, what should I add to my watch list?

>> No.9758708
Quoted by: >>9758733


>> No.9758709

Every stock you like and you can keep track of

>> No.9758710
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 1511885293863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9760327

what're today's plays boys?

>> No.9758715
File: 115 KB, 500x375, 8086305313_8d6ccdf955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deans is really getting the short end of the stick today

>> No.9758733

Why are they down when HMNY is basically at the lowest point its ever been?

>> No.9758744
Quoted by: >>9758755 >>9758765

they aren't down

>> No.9758745
File: 112 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180605-102914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9760054

I'm doing it brehs I might actually make it back to my peak

>> No.9758746
Quoted by: >>9758769 >>9759063

I just trade options on SPY, EEM, IWM, XLF, GLD, USO, EFA, XOP, EWZ, GDX, HYG, FXI, SLV and TLT bro.

>> No.9758749

i bought some EVLV. priced pretty much dead on for fair value. analyst target is 2.00 and my target is 3 on an amazon buyout rumor. not much volatility or risk of crazy downside, and little old ladies fucking love home shopping. i see people ordering their shit every day at work.

>> No.9758751
File: 756 KB, 1346x2368, 20180605_083044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me already longed and closed
Hate longing gross

>> No.9758755

positive delta soon

>> No.9758758

I heard HMNY has strong unbreakable support @ $0 senpai

>> No.9758765
Quoted by: >>9758773 >>9758781

I'm just looking at the June 15 ones. $0.50 put is down 23%.

>> No.9758769

forgot VXX and QQQ

>> No.9758773
Quoted by: >>9758810

HMNY $3 soon

>> No.9758781
Quoted by: >>9758799

robingay lists them as having .13 value but forces you to pay either .15 or .10 so if you bought .15 it would instantly show as a loss

>> No.9758787

>Broista !!ae84pnzr758

JFC not another one.

>> No.9758792
File: 85 KB, 800x800, flat,800x800,070,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9758805



>> No.9758798
Quoted by: >>9758843

People fucking laughed at me for wanting to buy APHQF, fucking weed stocks but who is laughing now you faggots. I'm going to sell this shit before the results to the vote too.

>> No.9758799
File: 26 KB, 898x221, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any. I'm just looking at their value here

>> No.9758805
File: 13 KB, 693x195, 8f8f8s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9758860 >>9758874


>> No.9758810
Quoted by: >>9758873

I know better than to listen to you.

>> No.9758837

Dont buy this dip yet, squeeze and ticks are bear

>> No.9758840
File: 175 KB, 750x1334, 2FA99862-6A9A-4239-9C18-22B54E0D89B5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9759152

I know it’s stupid to worry about a couple of cents when I’m only buying one share and don’t plan on selling, but I’m seeing if SPHD will drop a bit first

>> No.9758843
Quoted by: >>9758883

hey i been HODLing APHQF for a while now. theyre doing good

is the vote thursday or friday?

>> No.9758857
File: 1.08 MB, 840x564, 1481122292683.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These drops are pretty sharp

>> No.9758860
Quoted by: >>9758876

Thinking of pulling out since I'm just about breaking even right now and just throwing that money into Amazon

>> No.9758873
Quoted by: >>9758889

There hope for you yet, anon

>> No.9758874

looks like someone wants a better entry point
all analysts should be shot desu

>> No.9758876
File: 171 KB, 800x696, 1527271673792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling your Kraft and Gis at 5 year lows
anon... golden income

>> No.9758883

Thursday my man but realistically it probably won't pass.

>> No.9758886
File: 115 KB, 1100x619, deathsquad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to make one of Duterte.

>> No.9758889

You as well. Reluctant Kneepad Girl.

>> No.9758891
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>> No.9758897
Quoted by: >>9758907

No one seems to talk about AMRS anymore whats the newest biz meme stock

>> No.9758901
Quoted by: >>9758916

Idk man, what's stopping Amazon from just completely taking over the market in the future and leaving GIS and KHC in the dust.

>> No.9758907

AMRS is hibernating
It is a quiet stock that seems to bounce on and off the $5.1 mark

>> No.9758916
File: 42 KB, 450x547, lucky3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9761284

>amazon will take over blah blah
Thats an analyst meme, there is room for everyone

>gis and kraft in the dust
They own literally everything in your refrigerator

>> No.9758921
Quoted by: >>9758950

Well, better to sell at 5 year lows than wait 5 more years and selling at 10 year lows...

>> No.9758944


>> No.9758950
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>> No.9758963

man if TLT keeps mooning imma have to just eat this shit. bummed. dont know why the FED would allow the 20-30yr yields get this low. the yield curve is ridiculously flat right now. they need to dump em or itll invert

>> No.9758981
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>> No.9758984
Quoted by: >>9759016 >>9759018

Those companies are not cheap regarding to their net income
They are generally very indebted

I think their management thinks their businesses would be going on forever without be disrupted and decided to borrow money to pay dividends and do share buybacks

Also, why buy these boring companies with boring yield when you have bonds and treasuries that offer almost the same yields ?

>> No.9759016
Quoted by: >>9759076

literally the most exciting megacaps right now

>why not buy bonds
I do, but they dont have growth potential like these stocks

>they are very indebted
Not a problem, all that matters is their cash flow which is set to increased because they are dividend aristocrats

>> No.9759018
Quoted by: >>9759076

no (or atleast less) interest rate risk on consumers. bonds will be a better buy in a year though

>> No.9759052
Quoted by: >>9759074

its my half birthday today guys

>> No.9759063
Quoted by: >>9759101 >>9759117

I don't have much knowledge of trading options, I've mostly just short sold stocks and sat on divs any advice?

>> No.9759074
Quoted by: >>9759081 >>9759130

Wtf is a half birthday?

>> No.9759076
Quoted by: >>9759111 >>9759117

I was stating what I think is the market sentiment

They are definitely what Buffett-sama would tell you to buy

If you are strictly looking at the metrics, yields on consumer staples are not that interesting comparing to bonds
Also, I don't think we will be in full on bond bear market anytime soon, despite what the FED do with the rates

>> No.9759081
Quoted by: >>9759210

Shot in the dark but 6 month mark between birthdays?

>> No.9759095
Quoted by: >>9761135


So I'm now:

Long 1 NFLX Aug17'18 350 Put
Short 1 NFLX Aug17'18 345 Put

This is the position I'd like to have. What's to stop someone from assigning me on my short so I lose my hedge? Do I need to constantly monitor my position or what?

>> No.9759101
Quoted by: >>9759110 >>9759133

cut your winners short and let your losers ride.

>> No.9759110

Awesome, I'll paper trade that for a while until I feel comfortable with my calls

>> No.9759111
File: 55 KB, 400x400, 1525728908634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buffet says: the best time to buy value stocks is when the market is afraid of them

despite what Duh Profit says, Bonds will NEVER look better than these because your yield on cost by next year will be over 6%-8%

All in all, Never sell your General Mills at these prices, especially when they are acquiring the next bitcoin (petfood)

>> No.9759117
Quoted by: >>9759135

study the fuck out of them and papertrade them before you even try them desu

yea im not all that crazy on consumers either, but i DO believe that bonds are gonna get smashed and likely soon. at least the longterm ones. if FED doesnt dump them and soon, theyre gonna invert the yield curve. theyre already skirting on the outer edge of it as is. its almost totally flat

>> No.9759130
Quoted by: >>9759210

6 months before your real birthday

>> No.9759133

I like to cut my winners and average down on my losers..

>> No.9759135

lol and speak of the devil. here comes a high volume DUMP on TLT

>> No.9759152

You're right it is stupid

>> No.9759161

also FYI: SBUX is increasing its div so fat that you should have a 14% yield on cost 10 years from now

>> No.9759184
File: 34 KB, 507x285, Paul PAtsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9759197

>netflix shorts

>> No.9759197

Based Small specs losing everything!

>> No.9759210

Sounds like some numale s0yb0y shit to me. Do you celebrate this?

>> No.9759220
Quoted by: >>9759259

I hope if they do anything it better be like that shit we saw yesterday with the kid.

>> No.9759240

God I hate myself for not buying SNAP last week, wtf was I thinking.

>> No.9759245
File: 2.39 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for the Lunchtime Checkup!

What're you eating how're you doing?

I'm having a chicken salad with no croutons on romaine and I'm up today. Got a bunch of free capital so I'm using this time to research. It's a beautiful day out so I can't wait to clock out!

>> No.9759246

I go full /Drinkboys/

>> No.9759259
Quoted by: >>9759274 >>9759289

>if they do anything it better be like that shit we saw yesterday with the kid.

>> No.9759261
File: 57 KB, 843x601, 1527737927877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9759274
Quoted by: >>9759323 >>9759345

the kid getting his caked rekt

>> No.9759278

based checkin

>> No.9759279
Quoted by: >>9759305

god yes that looks fucking amazing, i just woke up and dehydrated from drinking.. salad looks so good when im dehydrated

>> No.9759281
File: 34 KB, 460x345, swaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Lunchbro
Enjoy m8

>> No.9759289
Quoted by: >>9759316 >>9759323

This kid gets rekt by his family on his birthday for being a small obnoxious faggot.

>> No.9759293

so happy i added to my ODP position yesterday

>> No.9759305

Dude it's a weekday, what are you doing drinking so much Big5. Damn dude, I know I have said this before but you are really going off the deep end. I hope everything is ok.

>> No.9759312
File: 62 KB, 437x437, catspaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious as always Lunchbro. Enjoy!

>> No.9759316
Quoted by: >>9759331

Yeah maybe if he wasn't such a little faggot he could have done something to stand up for him self, but nah kid got fucking rekt.

>> No.9759322

Is there any reason for me not to go all in on Amazon rn

>> No.9759323

oh yeah. that was brutal

>> No.9759331

That's what he gets for trusting his family and loved ones. It's a lesson in life everyone learns the hard way but hopefully he learns young.

>> No.9759345
File: 17 KB, 326x252, bart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao nigga even tried to cut cake that wasn't even there.

>> No.9759374
File: 185 KB, 636x516, 97845456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stock Split when?

>> No.9759381

there must be a reason but i cant find one

>> No.9759394

Honestly you might as well, they are so big and doing so many things to grow their market share it's stupid.

>> No.9759403

you might make too much money
bezos is a faggot and suxx coxxx
the amazon rainforest is in brazil
the P/E is stupefying
bezos is a bald faggot

>> No.9759431
Quoted by: >>9759476

it's at all time highs and has like a P/E of 400000?

>> No.9759476

its always at ATH

>> No.9759512
Quoted by: >>9759565 >>9759749


>frozen "chicken" on rubbage and bagged cheese with some white stuff labeled as salad dressing

Americans eat like shit. No wonder you're all fat.

>> No.9759522

Based, I’m too hungover and nauseous to eat

>> No.9759526
Quoted by: >>9759593

No buy signal on the SPY yet...

>> No.9759565
Quoted by: >>9759626

If it makes you feel any better I got a free cup of grapes with it

>> No.9759567

down -0.4% today so far because of GIS, BAC and BRKB

>> No.9759593
Quoted by: >>9759779

equities are gonna keep going sideways until FED shitpost desu
we need to figure out what those central bankers got for us up next. and judging by them letting longterm treasuries get bought up like mad (even while the yield curve is dangerously flat), it seems their plan is to let the yield curve invert and crash this economy with no survivors.

>> No.9759626
File: 41 KB, 384x395, 1322798589001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>One thing cancels out the other

It doesn't work that way, amerifat.

>> No.9759640
Quoted by: >>9759662

You're paying for the next 200 years of Amazon earnings at current valuations.
Amazon hasn't had it's mandatory Trump related large business scandal yet.
Amazon's earnings comes from AWS, which is tied to tech so if the bubble bursts say goodbye to profitability.
If you hold the S&P500, you already own AMZN

t. Amazon shareholder

>> No.9759659

They don't cancel each other out, it's more like speedballing.

>> No.9759662

this is sound advice. i mean really, well over half the S&P is just the few tech monoliths. and the SPY is like 1/5th of the price

>> No.9759675

sold Ebay
probably a bad idea

>> No.9759684
File: 93 KB, 421x480, AD72BD78-40C9-449E-AE85-E94156596BA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is OKTA going down bros? I put so much money in that.
Their earns come out tomorrow.

>> No.9759700
Quoted by: >>9759774

No bully lunchbro. Ever.

>> No.9759716
File: 18 KB, 380x380, 0004190002812_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9759729 >>9759764

Dean Foods is getting rekt

>> No.9759729
Quoted by: >>9759742

good. I'm tired of you posting milk all day

>> No.9759742
Quoted by: >>9759804

Its going to mid teens this summer

>> No.9759749
Quoted by: >>9759854

Fuck off Euroshit, people are definitely starting to get fatter where you are from.

>> No.9759764
File: 40 KB, 793x373, Hank_Co_sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9760717

Dean is gay, should've invested in Hank Co.

>> No.9759770

why are there so many somalians in minnesota? i was driving around through the midwest, and literally every single person i saw with minnesota plates was a somali. why?

>> No.9759774
File: 194 KB, 1024x592, amerifat059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This isn't your safespace.

>> No.9759779

I expect a huge market “correction” when there’s another rate hike announced. Ideally I’m going to pull my money out by the end of next week (it helps that I’ll be on vacation).

>> No.9759790
Quoted by: >>9759851

thanks obama

>> No.9759799

I don't, I barely celebrate my actual birthday

>> No.9759802
Quoted by: >>9759851

Population replacement. There wasn’t enough diversity in the Midwest since only whites people lived there. Thus that had to be fixed.

>> No.9759804

maybe winter.. going by monthly and weekly..

>> No.9759809


>> No.9759815

They had to find a place that would fit with the lifestyle they were accustomed too. Shitty, depressing flyover state in burger land was as close to their war torn African shit hole as they could get.

>> No.9759819

(((Refugees))) the US imported and thought they would be happy there.

>not knowing lunchbro is the one day of light in this shithole
How new are you?

>> No.9759833
File: 56 KB, 600x426, DaisyRidley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather hang out with Amerifats than with Eurotrash Mudslimes.

>> No.9759842
File: 36 KB, 470x600, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't trust him guys, illuminati tries to get all of our money but the games is rigged because they have a dialog with shadows that make you buy high and sell low.


>> No.9759851
Quoted by: >>9759877

lel but why would they choose minnesota out of all the other warmer states? i dont mind the weather over there as im used to that whole rustbelt winter, but i cant imagine going from fucking somalia to minnesota. that would be horrendous

midwest is fine as is imo
i especially like indiana. people out there in the sticks are wild as fuck. we had some guy at a gas station come over and show us the fuckhuge snapping turtle that he grabbed out of the creek. he pulled it out of the back of his pickup truck barehanded and was swinging it around. midwest seems plenty diverse enough just with the weird assortments of white people desu

>> No.9759852
File: 178 KB, 350x360, frohg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have held Blackberry
shoulda woulda coulda

>> No.9759854
File: 929 KB, 3308x4252, uju4UXV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


America is still leading by a wide margin

It's not even close, amerifat

>> No.9759865
File: 40 KB, 701x669, IMG_20180506_094911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9759885

You right, they are!

>> No.9759866
Quoted by: >>9759903

new zealands stats are probably artificially pumped due to kimdotcoms lard ass

>> No.9759877
Quoted by: >>9759918

Because there’s no jobs so it’s just like home and the government doesn’t have to provide them with air conditioning.

>> No.9759885

fuck that. lets see it broken down country by country. fuck averaging it in with a bunch of half starved shitholes

>> No.9759898
Quoted by: >>9759921 >>9759969

if it weren't for mexicans, blacks, and midwest states i don't think america would be that fat....

>> No.9759903
Quoted by: >>9759918

The dude is 6’7”, if he started lifting and cut weight he’d be a UNIT

>> No.9759918

dollar looks like it might be getting ready to jump of a bridge


damn str8, but i doubt hell give up the cheezburgers, ya know?

>> No.9759921

can confirm. I live on the coast and have never even seen a fat person.

>> No.9759954

The amount of fat fucks in Texas is disgusting.

>> No.9759957
Quoted by: >>9759986

If there's enough interest in it I may start a discord channel for all of us to use and actively call stuff out during the day as we see it

>> No.9759969
File: 14 KB, 876x309, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blaming minorities for the reason you're fat

fucking kek.

Look at that - they only raise the average 2%

>> No.9759971

i live in california most the fat people are mexicans, blacks and people that moved here from midwest states.

Also, i think alot more over weight people go to the doctors and become part of that stat because they are over weight, i know plenty of people that are thin and haven't been to the doctor in years, so i'm assuming they wouldn't be in those stats

>> No.9759980
Quoted by: >>9760020 >>9761900

It's like they say, everything is bigger in Texas, even your women.

>> No.9759986
File: 5 KB, 200x200, 02f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd probably post more if there was a discord, but at the same time, I will express my disdain without citing a proper reason as such:

>> No.9759993

I know right? I don't go past Hinckley though so I never see them

>> No.9759994

yea texas and the bible belt in particular is the fattest place in the US ive ever been to. cant really blame em though, butter is one of the main food groups out there, and it fucking tastes really good. not to mention its cheap and the portions are retarded. western kentucky and tennessee are my jam

>> No.9759995
File: 135 KB, 282x238, 7544yyhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off commie

>> No.9759999
Quoted by: >>9760025 >>9760080

there also isn't shit to do there

>> No.9760017

What's the best thing for a leaf to use?
No robinhood here.

>> No.9760020
File: 71 KB, 960x864, 65FDA457-6AEE-4BDF-A627-526E60764493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s literal laziness. I saw a guy drive his Polaris side by side to his mail box yesterday, a whole 25ft.

>> No.9760025
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Checked And Rekt

>> No.9760031
File: 200 KB, 545x544, 1448505624201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somalians are used to failure so they fit right in here in Minnesota, as I said I don't go more south than Hinckley though and never see them

>> No.9760039
File: 98 KB, 780x439, jm37vGT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9760054
File: 228 KB, 1223x1369, 23550698-35F2-4EE0-BB07-5FC9C5A96DFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me ? From the future ?

>> No.9760080

yea but its cheap and beautiful. brand name smokes down there are like $4 a pack. and you can smoke fucking EVERYWHERE. its awesome.

but youre right, they got some good rock shows down there from time to time, but there aint much happening most of the time. i really liked murray when i was down there. the whole damn town came out to see us play. bored people tend to make better music, and have a shit ton more fun than people who are overstimulated from living in major cities.

kek, yea in tennessee i was in a diner and was sitting next to some guy with an oxygen tank, smoking like a chimney. he asked the waitress to go grab him some smokes from the vending machine (about 15 feet away). pretty bleak. and theres definitely a lot of that down there. no work and nothing to do can do a lot of bad things to your will to live

>> No.9760084
File: 61 KB, 1228x1502, 1503193989559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9760118
Quoted by: >>9760334 >>9760364

I've never even seen a $4 pack of cigarettes. Fucking CT is broke as shit. Our fucking government pensions and benefits are 40% of our annual budget. Fucking crooks in Hartford should go introduce themselves to UVXY's corporate policies.

>> No.9760122
Quoted by: >>9760139 >>9760291

i don't smoke ciggs.. only weed sometimes.. is weed legalized there? can you surf, dirtbike and snowboard in the same day? is vegas only a few hour travel away? or mexico? do you have alot of lakes to go wake boarding on? what about theme parks do you guys got alot of them?

>> No.9760139

They've got about a dozen all you can eat joints withing a 20 mile radius.

>> No.9760145
Quoted by: >>9760229

eastern kentucky and some parts of west virginia was about the most depressing thing ive ever seen in my life though. absolutely beautiful countryside (i fucking LOVE appalachia), but fuck that place was beat down. fucking meth heads everywhere scurrying around like rats, and not a job in sight

>> No.9760185
File: 10 KB, 360x99, ayymd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9760186
Quoted by: >>9760291

Minimum is like 8-9$ for Newports here and that's without the recent hike. I only socially smoke Nat Sherman's black & gold's though. I love the quiet country life, I want private land so that I can fabricate stuff for money and shoot shit in peace.

>> No.9760229
Quoted by: >>9760291

I ran a call a few years ago where an old man lit himself up smoking on oxygen. Face and hands were black. He was still smoking and laughing when I got there. Just wrap him up and transport.

It’s mostly rich Boomers here. Oil industry is king here and they landed jobs pushing buttons in a refinery for 6 figures. Then convince themselves they work hard. Thier laziness disgusts me to no end.

>> No.9760291
Quoted by: >>9760315

in murray (since the college is owned by big tobacco money) they actually have a straight up weed plantation. apparently theyre trying to force legislation to grow it so they can out compete the hippies in CO, so maybe sooner than youd think.

no. you can fish though. the "land between the lakes" is an awesome spot
lol no hills
>is vegas only a few hour travel away
its actually not THAT far desu
>or mexico
texas is pretty close kek
>alot of lakes to go wake boarding on
not a lot, but yeah they do

but its got its perks. food is cheap, cost of living is nill, state tax doesnt exist, the people are as friendly as it gets, a lot of the women arent total whores (and the ones that didnt get forcefed butter their whole childhood are smokin. and i dig that accent on chicks desu). dont knock it till ya tried it, but again, i dont live there, i just had a really good time out around there. people are excited to actually go out and see music and actually enjoy themselves. so hard to get NYC faggots to do the same

>I want private land so that I can fabricate stuff for money and shoot shit in peace
and thats the point desu

>I ran a call a few years ago where an old man lit himself up smoking on oxygen. Face and hands were black. He was still smoking and laughing when I got there. Just wrap him up and transport.
kek yea i was worried i was gonna explode. no one else seemed concerned, so i figured it was standard

>> No.9760307
Quoted by: >>9760344 >>9760352

Okay I made a discord

>> No.9760315
File: 60 KB, 600x600, 1512355175156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9760364

The true American dream

>> No.9760327


Long on shitposting and tripfags circle jerking each other

>> No.9760334

Ahhh shit. You’re in CT too? Stuttering fuck is killing us.

>> No.9760344
File: 42 KB, 243x81, 67452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9760352


>> No.9760346
Quoted by: >>9760381 >>9760401

They don’t call Minnesota New Sweden for nothing.

>> No.9760352
Quoted by: >>9760375 >>9760405

Okay I made a dis.cord
8W 8M VX

>> No.9760364

yea its something else. though if i was gonna settle down somewhere down south, id probably go with asheville NC. its stunningly beautiful around there. especially up in the mountains

kentucky and tennessee are broke as shit too, but the state govt IS big tobacco families, so there is absolutely NO state tax on cigs

>> No.9760366
Quoted by: >>9760427

Is noone going to talk about abyssmal volume yesterday and today in the market? Whats going on?

>> No.9760375
File: 401 KB, 1280x720, 1523504785592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9760405

Double filtered

>> No.9760381



It's the state with the most Scandinavian ancestry.

>> No.9760401
Quoted by: >>9760478

Hey now, I'm Finnish! My area is mostly Finnish and Norwegian.

>> No.9760405
File: 3 KB, 274x57, Capture13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9760375 >>9760352
Biz is not making this easy.

>> No.9760427
File: 43 KB, 258x395, 1471285709488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9760470

SPY should 268 right now

>> No.9760432
Quoted by: >>9760490

He's just memeing. If he was serious, he'd filter your tripcode like I'm going to.

>> No.9760436
Quoted by: >>9760490

I dont think you understand

>> No.9760446
Quoted by: >>9760490


fuck off and dfie

>> No.9760450
File: 22 KB, 317x267, 9015aa1c49a7567f3605d4e2de483e0bc0edd706302ec2459eebe2904ffe4534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9760490

Ok, they're not saying your link is filtered anon, they're saying that they are filtering your posts by your tripcode.
Anybody show up to your discord nigga?

>> No.9760465

a lot of folks tend to think that discords lead to more drama than necessary. for whatever reason it appears to be true. ive seen several generals/communities literally tear themselves apart in those things. dunno why

>> No.9760470
File: 8 KB, 250x166, 1528204343826s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9760758

This is what is Known as the "Golden Bull Run"
maybe youve heard of it

>> No.9760476

can i pay you to tell me your trades so i can inverse them...?

>> No.9760478
Quoted by: >>9760631


Do you work at St.Lukes?

>> No.9760483
File: 3.07 MB, 414x382, 1479855489743.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a fucking moron.

>> No.9760489

you can pinpoint the exact moment he started taking /smg/'s advice

>> No.9760490

I forgot I was being a tripfag

>> No.9760506
Quoted by: >>9760522

im pretty sure youre missing the point lad

>> No.9760518

stop posting

>> No.9760522
Quoted by: >>9760544

No I think I got it now, it only took going full retard for a bit

>> No.9760540

Are you not entertained!?

>> No.9760544
File: 45 KB, 702x672, 1480907834877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop right there newfag.

i'm pretty sure you don't have a clue why you are such a faggot so just stop being a faggot.

>> No.9760550
Quoted by: >>9760570 >>9760612

i wish bonds would make up their fucking mind as to where to go already

>> No.9760570
Quoted by: >>9760611

just buy bonds and hold bonds. dont sell bonds
you know exactly what you're getting in to when you buy them, unless there's a default why worry?

>> No.9760588
File: 21 KB, 282x282, egg_toast_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toad in the Hole time

>> No.9760604
File: 260 KB, 358x310, images.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9760652 >>9760724

>He deleted the discord

>> No.9760610
Quoted by: >>9760623


>> No.9760611

im doing that too, i was just speculating that the FED was gonna have to dump longterm treasuries to normalize the yield curve a little, but it seems theyre just letting it ride

>> No.9760612
Quoted by: >>9760639


kill yourself, asshole.

>> No.9760623
Quoted by: >>9760779

whats the reason?

>> No.9760631

Nope, St. Mary's

>> No.9760639

go fuck yourself first, faggot

>> No.9760652
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>> No.9760717

+9001 for Venture Bros reference

>> No.9760724
Quoted by: >>9760736 >>9760746

you know we got ids, right?

>> No.9760736
File: 1.03 MB, 1019x746, 1526516994940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9760761


>> No.9760746
Quoted by: >>9761027

somehow reddit is finding out about /biz/.. but thats not the bad part.. they are starting to find their way into /smg/... its getting pretty bad desu

>> No.9760758
File: 164 KB, 896x504, 20180605_130405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9760892


>> No.9760761

what am i missing here?
the guy stopped tripping and then started trying to pretend to be someone else making fun of him

>> No.9760779
Quoted by: >>9760800

cause some one is going to make a shit load of money on this arbitrage play.

>> No.9760795

LPL could run with some volume. Short squeeze, ask big5guy.

>> No.9760800

makes sense
still wary of going super long on it right now. might wait until after OPEC next week

>> No.9760858
File: 22 KB, 400x300, Burn Motherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HMNY broke the $0.40 resistance

>> No.9760879
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>> No.9760892
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Quoted by: >>9760928


>> No.9760895
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>> No.9760909
File: 43 KB, 630x630, 1522728812919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9760952 >>9760993

RTI technical breakout! Up 16% and maybe still climbing. I keep laddering up stop loss in case this is a pumpy dumpy.

One day plus two hours remaining until senate legalization vote. Conservative motion to delay vote was struck down yesterday. This is happening.

>> No.9760928
File: 1.05 MB, 2048x1152, pop-team-bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Degenerate Freak
Pump it

>> No.9760937


>> No.9760952
Quoted by: >>9761173

redpill me on RTI

>> No.9760993
Quoted by: >>9761173

>Conservative motion to delay vote was struck down yesterday
thats bretty big
what else is standing in the way other than the vote itself?

>> No.9761000

Whoa what app is that?

>> No.9761027
File: 59 KB, 500x627, 0a7871b11440e7e8fb51a266274c6a1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9761088 >>9761158

>they are starting to find their way into /smg/... its getting pretty bad desu.
Welp! I guess I'll be leaving. It's been an honor and privilege to trade memes with you fine folks, but now that the commies have invaded I will be going.

>> No.9761047
File: 907 KB, 720x720, 1522830082331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9761054

>Dow still red

>> No.9761088
Quoted by: >>9761152

youre kidding right? this site has been infested by reddit since like 2010.

/smg/ still kicks the snot outta pretty much every other thread on other boards, and definitely every other general

>> No.9761092
File: 428 KB, 1080x1073, 1523043190459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9761112

pinksheet it

>> No.9761112

excellent photography there
you really get a feel for how calmly and coldly those guys can just "call in" billions of dollars of destruction

>> No.9761115
File: 62 KB, 474x362, 1526411201140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, ALT is doing a thing

>> No.9761130
File: 290 KB, 1064x2048, IMG_20180605_135847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold my twtr today

Big gains friendos

>> No.9761135


bump. explain please. How do I ensure my relative positition without constantly monitoring my position?

>> No.9761152
File: 662 KB, 1840x3264, 1525276484497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9761277 >>9761293

of course he's kidding, hes a fucking sack of shit degenerate gambler that drinks and does drugs all the time... he isn't going anywhere

pic related: baggie when he is about to bone 2 black bitches while he was high on aphetamenes

>> No.9761157
File: 163 KB, 268x330, 1527604251905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clocked out Glocks out boys

>> No.9761158
Quoted by: >>9761293

I hate to tell you this baggie but the capitals aren't going to choke away the cup this year.

>> No.9761173
File: 1.06 MB, 1255x2300, 1521741930062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9761277


Radient Technologies is a chemical extraction lab primarily involved in cannabis extracts. Today they had an NR saying they've cooked up some kind of nicotine reduction process for tobacco while still leaving it intact and smokeable. Same process also produces nicotine extract for use in e-cigs. I don't think today's breakout is directly related to that news release but who knows. Aurora Cannabis also owns a sizeable chunk of RTI's shares and has extraction agreement with them.

Only roadblock remaining is house rejection of senate amendments. If amended bill sent to house after vite pass contains amendments the house refuses to accept, they can then kick bill back to senate for more rejiggering. That would delay but not defeat the bill. More likely they'll just approve the whole works and fine tune later as needed.

>> No.9761190
Quoted by: >>9761225 >>9761241

is NWL still the consumer meme supreme?

>> No.9761206

MRNS, about to explode.

>> No.9761208
File: 29 KB, 399x385, 1512240787963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9761277

>he fell for the bear meme

>> No.9761225
Quoted by: >>9761272 >>9761275

>is NWL still the consumer meme supreme?
didn't know it ever was... not sure why you guys sit there and trade companies over 10bill... it really does amaze me.. you guys must be playing with like $500,000 or something

>> No.9761233
File: 85 KB, 601x601, 1425343954999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9761254

HMNY a shit. SHIT.

>> No.9761241
File: 95 KB, 650x650, expo-dry-erase-marker-board-cleaner-white-bottle-pic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely Unstoppable

>> No.9761254

Still time, sell and recoup losses in ALT.

>> No.9761272
File: 18 KB, 288x306, Rukia-Kuchiki-anime-33613469-288-306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only half a mill? HAHAHA What do you think I am? A poorfag? haahahahahaha

>> No.9761275
Quoted by: >>9761339

DLTR is up 2% this week. I see what you mean, but if I want to make money with risk I'll just trade options and do crypto

>> No.9761277
Quoted by: >>9761313

on what? every major index is just flapping around going nowhere. like a retard trying to pretend to be a bird. theres hardly anything worth trading right now

imageboards are the hardest habit to quit desu

sounds good m8
i appreciate your updates, you post good shit consistently. theres no way i could keep as close an eye on canadian legal shit by myself

>> No.9761284
Quoted by: >>9761314

>They own literally everything in your refrigerator

I generally buy store brand or off-brand products, fuck the name brand jews.

>> No.9761287

I have 100 shares of AMD i bought at 13.12
Should I dump now? Sell half? Do you think it will hit $17?
Thanks for the input

>> No.9761293

Shit you're right... desu there's literally no place else for me to go.

I'll take that bet!

>> No.9761313
Quoted by: >>9761364

I don't trade boomer indexes kid there's always money out there

60% of the NYSE is up today

>> No.9761314
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1518206426524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont matter what you buy
The money will just keep faaalowing in
Flowing in
Kraft and Nestle will acquire all your brands

>> No.9761318

It really did...

On the other hand, everything is looking really expensive this past week.

>> No.9761339
Quoted by: >>9761364

>but if I want to make money with risk I'll just trade options and do crypto
why not OTC penny stocks? the crypto scene is getting its butthole blown out until everyone goes back into BTC then once everyone is back in BTC and 70% of crypto is delisted then crypto market is back on imo.. Options are more risk than pennystocks imo... you can't average out over a few months and the liquidity is shit then it fucking expires and you lose the premium...

>> No.9761342

Shill me some long term hold stocks to buy right now

>> No.9761357
Quoted by: >>9761393

how long is long?

>> No.9761358
Quoted by: >>9761477

Dump it, buy a Jan ATM Call
Spend the ~800 on other stocks.

>> No.9761364
Quoted by: >>9761410

yea im only trading memes right now desu
weeds in style right now. and bonds are about 5x as volatile as any of the other boomer indexes. oil is starting to look interesting again. but youre right, most of the boomer memes and equities are fucking dead

>Options are more risk than pennystocks imo
depends on how youre leveraging them and how much time you can afford, but youre right. if done wrong, theyre WAY riskier

>> No.9761367
File: 75 KB, 760x392, v2_large_7272890876a24dec17a359273f183204e8d0765f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just listen to the right sort of pundits

>> No.9761375

i'd take it all off here, just me

>> No.9761389

IQ they are being supported by the google of china or Baidu. also you don't have to worry about #metoo in china and having the filming industry destroyed.

>> No.9761393
Quoted by: >>9761418 >>9761427

40 years

>> No.9761404
File: 85 KB, 600x600, nana1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9761410
Quoted by: >>9761448

problem i have with options is big money playing games with them.. they will sell their covered calls with less say a $8 strike price, they will then sell some stock right under $8 if it gets close just to keep it under $8 let the option expire worthless and then do another manipulative trick

the reason i say they do this is because sometimes there are just some options that are too good to be true and the volume on those options are through the roof and then they all end up expiring worthless, and everyone one goes "b-but i got the premium for so cheap" as if big money wasn't making it look like an attractive option even though they know it'll never be exercised.... its all a game

>> No.9761418

if youre working with multiple 100s oof thousands of dollars, buy a shitton of non-municipal bonds and get tax free coupons for the next 40 years

>> No.9761427
File: 14 KB, 358x358, 1525847618353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40 years

>> No.9761448

>problem i have with options is big money playing games with them.. they will sell their covered calls with less say a $8 strike price, they will then sell some stock right under $8 if it gets close just to keep it under $8 let the option expire worthless and then do another manipulative trick
thats why i generally go ITM on them, and also try to only trade options on underlyings that are too huge to get moved around on a whim

but youre definitely not wrong about it being a big game of bait and switch.

>> No.9761458
Quoted by: >>9761489 >>9761512

>wake up
>get to witness some faggot get rekt for making a faggy discord
What a great day already!

>> No.9761477
Quoted by: >>9761512

Dumped like a two pump chump.
Not familiar with buying ATMs, researching now. I guess I have until January to become well-versed in it lol. Thanks.

>> No.9761489
Quoted by: >>9761532

did you ever get in ODP?

>> No.9761512

Take it as a reminder of what you tripfags shouldn't become.

No I meant buy the Jan At The Money call now so you still keep the long AMD position, while taking in some gains.

>> No.9761532
Quoted by: >>9761567

Nah I started buying NMM instead. I'll probably buy a few shares every week

>> No.9761553
Quoted by: >>9761590

shit better pump

>> No.9761555
Quoted by: >>9761606

kek pretty sure most of the tripfags are anti-discord desu
i know i am, atleast.
those things stir up more drama than nerdy kids in highschool band

>> No.9761567
Quoted by: >>9761647

id just be careful right now with NMM wouldn't be surprised to see them drop it to flush some people out soon

>> No.9761585


>> No.9761590

have all of the indexes ever gone absolutely nowhere before on the same day? like 0% for the DOW, S&P, QQQ on the day at the same time? kinda looks like whats gonna happen

>> No.9761606
File: 110 KB, 864x864, 3672D796-DC3A-4CF2-84D7-89D68D443F72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9761631

They’re literally a honeypot.

>> No.9761615

The problem with Reddit is if you have an unpopular opinion your post gets down voted to oblivion and nobody ever sees it. Here you just get called a fagget and everybody moves on. Like for instance I was trying to have a conversation about the merits and viability of conversion therapy as a way to cure homosexuality, but they're all a bunch of faggots who don't view homosexuality as a disease anyway.

>> No.9761624

Trade ATVI for SNAP?

>> No.9761630
Quoted by: >>9761677 >>9761734

Just because conversion therapy turned you into less of a faggot doesn't mean it will work for everyone. I would say you took to it because of your weak gullible mind.

>> No.9761631

well aware of that
but i doubt theyd be fucking with us since were just traders

>> No.9761642

That's like trading a bag of shit for a jar of piss. It's really all up to you. The only reason SNAP is running right now is because young people are saying they spend more time on it than facebook. Doesn't mean it's going to be profitable though.

>> No.9761647

Long term, would you still hold it if it drops?

>> No.9761654
Quoted by: >>9761674 >>9761677

Didn't work for you lmaoo

>> No.9761674


>> No.9761677
Quoted by: >>9761687

Like I said you just get called a fagget and everybody moves on. It's a wonderful system.

>> No.9761687
Quoted by: >>9761790

What to hold next I made a pretty penny on VTGN.

>> No.9761711
File: 174 KB, 1746x860, Screen Shot 2018-06-05 at 11.17.19 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on BCC? Going to open a position today, long term hold. They have the potential to be another LEN
That and their financials are golden

>> No.9761726

atvi all day, they are going to be th espn of esports

>> No.9761734
Quoted by: >>9761792

Reddit are a bunch of rabid dogs and every sub Reddit is the same. Any dissenting opinion is flushed with a wave of downvotes, insults that are upvoted, and at least one who will dig up your entire post history and paste it in the thread for others to laugh at. Even the porn subs are like that. If you ever want to have fun go on one of the porn subs, especially the ones where the THOTs post pics of themselves for the beta orbiters to compliment and say something that isn’t a gushing compliment. Even something as benign like saying you don’t like her dress is met with a wave of hatred.

>since we just traders
Y-yea. Nothing but traders here. Haha

>> No.9761767

I like their genre of games more than TTWO

ATVI's games manage to create communities. I believe in a future where people and families go see games of gook click and shit instead of nigger ball games.

>> No.9761790
Quoted by: >>9761842 >>9761854

I dunno we all missed the short queeze on NAK today, but right now I'm long oil using call options on USO.

>> No.9761792
Quoted by: >>9761836

>Y-yea. Nothing but traders here. Haha
i mean youd be surprised. im a pretty serious political dissident, and my federal file is pretty small. my buddy has a way bigger one simply from going to south america a couple times.

>> No.9761829

Macy's mooning
Retail is saved!

>> No.9761836
Quoted by: >>9761891

I spent way to much time on /pol/ so I know my file has to be YUUGGGEEEE. Thankfully I’m spending less and less time there.

>> No.9761842

whoa, forgot about that meme

>> No.9761854
File: 103 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180605-132748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9762455


>> No.9761891
Quoted by: >>9762074

man, they WANT you on /pol/. its a method of controlling the fringe, and gatekeeping things from getting too extreme. didnt you wonder why all of a sudden theres so many "fashy" youtube e-celebs/talkshows (monetized of course) catering to "far-right" views?

you gotta take that place for what it is: a limited hangout

>> No.9761900
Quoted by: >>9761939 >>9762074

I don't think it's totally laziness. If you live in Houston Texas it's fucking impossible to have a life without a car. Everything is so fucking spread out so you are practically just constantly sitting. When I go to Europe or anywhere else where there is actual public transportation I lose weight but if you are constantly sitting the whole time then you will gain weight even if your diet isn't that shitty. I work out 3 times a week too.

>> No.9761939
Quoted by: >>9762030

this is a very good point. everything in texas is just fuckhuge. i wish we would stop putting so much tax money into silly make-work projects like building new highway offramps, and spend more money on actual public transportation infra

>> No.9762030
Quoted by: >>9762134

Well, I have been involved with local politics and there is a lot of pushback on that from the state itself because you have no idea how much the local government collects in revenue through tickets and DWIs. It's absolutely ridiculous how our incentive system gets in the way of making actual progress for society whether it's the private sector or the public sector...

>> No.9762074
Quoted by: >>9762087 >>9762134

Oh yea, /pol/ is a honeypot now. Plus it’s hard to be edgy when you have a career n shit to lose I guess. I just know shit I posted two years ago I’d never post now.

12 hours border to border. I drive 40 miles round trip every day. The cities in Texas could have top tier public transport but it’s only poor people that use it so it usually collapses after a few years. Even the city dwellers buy the “pickup truck” meme, then drive them two blocks to work. They need small cars at best. Couple of years ago I drove a Nissan Altima for a while and it was quite enjoyable. If I didn’t have to have a truck for work I’d be driving a car.

>> No.9762087
Quoted by: >>9762124 >>9762134

Honestly, I was considering a motor bike for a while but people just drive so shittily here and the weather is unpredictable.

>> No.9762100
File: 243 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180605-124123_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9762211 >>9762258

Looks like another strong week boys! I gotta say on $GIS and $KHC, the more research I do on these stocks, the more I realize they do not fit my trading style. These might be excellent holds if you're willing to sit on em for a year or two. Bit also remember, interest rate hikes coming soon. You can probably buy em cheaper after that. But I like swing trading volatile stocks. I'm out

>> No.9762105

god dammit buffet, do the buy back

>> No.9762124
Quoted by: >>9762207

Fuck that. Not in Texas. You’d never survive. You’re right about Houston being spread out though.

>> No.9762134
Quoted by: >>9762156 >>9762323

i know. i understand this is capitalism and all, but their precious little paypigs are all broke, incredibly unhealthy, and ready to kill each other. yet theyre just sitting there thinking about how they can squeeze a couple extra dollars out of us. kinda sad. i agree completely that the incentives are all ass backwards. thats one of the things that, if fixed, would help out a lot. but whos gonna make em do it?

atleast you arent in the (((entertainment business)))
im more than likely FUCKED lel

motorcycles in cali are the tits. lane splitting is legal. so you can just blast by all the n00bs stuck in stop and go traffic

>> No.9762136
File: 833 KB, 500x650, 1506366962344.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill take those shares off your hands

>> No.9762149

quit pretending you street shitters buy actual stawks. Get in this this PnD group and 4x's your stack in a month

Disc ord

>> No.9762155
Quoted by: >>9762177 >>9762186

Please excuse me I'm not familiar with how that works. I'm going down the wiki rabbit hole trying to figure it out.
So I am making an offer on shares available in January at today's price?

>> No.9762156
Quoted by: >>9762186 >>9762223

> motorcycles
and then fucking die when anything goes wrong

>> No.9762173
File: 20 KB, 355x355, 71cGDWziTGL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9762221

Based Newell

>> No.9762177

he means call options that have a strike date in january and a strike price at the curent share price
never buy options on /smg/'s advice, this >>9760054 is the result

>> No.9762181
Quoted by: >>9762808

Possible short squeeze coming up on Tetra Bio-Pharma (TBP). Shorts attempted a maximum greedy entry this morning, the low created by their entry was rejected by mid-day forming a hammer candle.

>> No.9762186
Quoted by: >>9762230

im torn. idk if i should keep my bond short on for tomorrow. i still see it gapping below 119 at some point, but idk if i wanna hold through all that noise

theres more maths involved in the pricing model but thats the gist of it. puts are contracts to sell at the strike at expiry

well ya dont ALWAYS die

>> No.9762207
Quoted by: >>9762323

I swear I don't know too many cities like Houston where you can be in a relationship with a girl from the same city but it will still end up being a long distance relationship because everything is so spread out.

>> No.9762211
Quoted by: >>9762337 >>9762383

Nice work Anon! Youre working towards the end of wagecucking

>> No.9762221
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, basednewell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9762244

Newell is the glue that holds this thread together.

>> No.9762223

Yeah, not going to do it. Best case scenario even if I don't die is that I end up brain dead retarded or just fuck ugly and broken.

>> No.9762230
Quoted by: >>9762286 >>9762346

I can see bond get a bump because of all the shit going on in the world (trade war, the EU, EM)

Hell, I may even think they may use Kim Jong Un as a suicide bomber to assassinate Emperor Trump

>> No.9762244


>> No.9762258
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1523670872512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna make it, friend!

>> No.9762286
Quoted by: >>9762304 >>9762553

i ended up keeping half. i think itll dump first, but i dont need the extra risk

>> No.9762304
Quoted by: >>9762553

damn and as soon as i do that, some nigga comes in and sells 683,000 shares short AH. atleast ill get something tomorrow i guess

>> No.9762323
Quoted by: >>9762349 >>9762570

I work for a very very old, very very large, multi national religious organization. At least my job isn’t specific to them though.

Yep. And with traffic it’s 2 hours To cross the city. Thank god I don’t have to drive there.

>> No.9762337
File: 2.55 MB, 4032x2268, 20180605_130213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9762346 >>9762350

This is wagecucking for me.. I am working on a commercial boat in the pacific ocean right now. I'm sitting on deck watching 3 whales that are following us and its fucking beautiful. Admittidely, in a month when we go back to Alaska work sucks. Fuck the bering sea

>> No.9762346
Quoted by: >>9762357 >>9762553

>use Kim Jong Un as a suicide bomber to assassinate Emperor Trump
speaking of that, did you hear that assad is going to north korea to meet with kim? the fuck is that all about?

now THATS a job. wish i had more of a work ethic. i love being on boats, just dont think i could keep up with the commercial fishing. the pay seems dope af tho

>> No.9762349
Quoted by: >>9762570

the catholic church?

>> No.9762350

That's neat, I had a buddy in Louisiana that did that but he fucked up his back. Proper form Anon!

>> No.9762357
Quoted by: >>9762373

Does fishing and day trading sound like the life for you? Sounds pretty comfy.

>> No.9762373

that would be excellent

>> No.9762375
File: 221 KB, 750x1334, 46980E87-5864-4148-8DFE-5B0DB751680D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first closing bell, I guess I jumped in on a really boring day

>> No.9762383
Quoted by: >>9762406 >>9762416

comfy, how little do you think you need to be able to never work again and maintain a reasonable lifestyle?

>> No.9762395
Quoted by: >>9762617

what are you hodling anon?

>> No.9762406

About three fiddy

>> No.9762416

Haven't you watched Trailer Park Boys, you don't need a lot to have a good or fun life. lol

>> No.9762439
Quoted by: >>9762471 >>9762476

yeah I step over homeless people on the way to work but I dont think about taking up their lifestyle

>> No.9762455

now to short it

>> No.9762471

It doesn't take that much to just buy a ton of kneepads and collect a commission from everybody you've got out there sucking dicks. I figure you get like 20-50 of them all working for you, you can live comfortably and just have to go slap a bitch every once and a while.

>> No.9762473

If you just started trading, don't worry, you will have plenty of horrible red days in your future.

>> No.9762476
Quoted by: >>9762488

Fuck being homeless, just live bare minimalist like in a trailer or house boat.

>> No.9762487
File: 2.82 MB, 4032x2268, 20180605_131010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty day time photo. Here is sunset from the other day. I blacked out the boat name. I gotta work now, good luck tomorrow guys

>> No.9762488
Quoted by: >>9762499 >>9762545

how much do you think you need to support a trailer park lifestyle with internet access?

>> No.9762495
File: 80 KB, 234x230, sasasa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-0.30% end of day
-0.01% after hours

>> No.9762498

Fed shitpost is priced in just FYI and each tweet about tradewars is vaccinating the markets. I was a skeptic but the the market isnt giving any shits right now. Granted the feds are pulling out money from the market but we arent heading bear this summer.

>> No.9762499
Quoted by: >>9762517

>Haven't you watched Trailer Park Boys
its so goddamned close to how i live my life that its concerning. but youre absolutely right. if i had like a thousand bucks a month and a vehicle to get from town to town and play music, i would be happier than shit just driving around, sleeping in a car/on peoples floors.

i really dont need that much. my whole "endgame" with trading is get to a point where i have enough to just get a decent passive yield that will support my degenerate ambitions. and having some extra shit to use in case i get fucked up or have some ridiculous hospital bill

like 150 bucks a month
you gotta sell weed tho

>> No.9762517
Quoted by: >>9762589

selling weed is a day job
without a day job how much do you need? to trailer park it up for the rest of your life?
hint: its much more than 5k
dont forget to include health insurance

>> No.9762523
File: 203 KB, 1023x682, 1488484072647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wholesome advice on smg <3

>> No.9762532
File: 404 KB, 1125x2436, 1582E9A2-3803-4727-A6F0-BEAD08A2957A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9762544

Me too, but I still managed to lose money

>> No.9762544
File: 230 KB, 436x899, 3x3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those triplets

>> No.9762545
Quoted by: >>9762554

At least 1.5 grand a month. That's really not a lot Anon.

>> No.9762553
Quoted by: >>9762589

Yes stay safe
Before throwing money at meme on the stock market, I didn't know exactly what "risk management" is. It is in fact exactly what you did.

Al Assad and Kim are officially the villains according to Washington's narrative
Both villains scheming together is in the order of things.
I only have a retarded opinion on Kimmy's announcement : to piss off Trump and maybe force him to cancel once again the summit

I read somewhere that Kimmy wanted to stay at the Fullerton Hotel but doesn't have the money for it. He is expecting the US or Singapore to foot the bill.

>> No.9762554

you'd need a portfolio of $450,000 to support a $1.5k/mo lifestyle for 30 years

>> No.9762565
Quoted by: >>9762586 >>9762593

I swear I want to make a new thread, but the moment I do another is going to pop up and beat me by like 30 seconds

>> No.9762570
File: 149 KB, 590x639, merchant_face_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you work for pic related ?

>> No.9762576
Quoted by: >>9762592

Yeah, 450k is still totally do-able Anon. We don't all work at Taco Bell here.

>> No.9762586

I promise to post in your thread Comfy if you do it.

>> No.9762589

man if you got enough for a double wide trailer outright (not much), ive seen shithole places (with internet) where the lot fees are like 20 bucks a month.

i assure you that if youre living in a trailer park, you either dont have health insurance, or get it paid by the state, so this is a non issue.

>I didn't know exactly what "risk management" is. It is in fact exactly what you did.

>I read somewhere that Kimmy wanted to stay at the Fullerton Hotel but doesn't have the money for it
i know that feel

its pretty wild when you add it all up like that. but im telling ya, you can scrape by in those trailer parks on fucking pennies. its literally the point
>t. knower

>> No.9762592
Quoted by: >>9762650

totally, I'm shooting for $2.5M but Comfy seems to think that 5k is enough to retire on

>> No.9762593

That mentality is why you will always be a loser Comfy


>> No.9762601
Quoted by: >>9762618

That’s if you weren’t making money with that right? You could easily and safely make 5% or more a year off of that and live slightly better.

>> No.9762613



>> No.9762617
File: 199 KB, 750x1334, 09415407-9CDA-4ACD-8153-22D2413B3838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9762629 >>9762638

Too lazy to do actual research on individual companies yet so I’m going straight ETF until I am comfortable with more risk

>> No.9762618
Quoted by: >>9762686

that's at a withdrawal rate of 4%, including compounding stock market returns, which studies have shown is safe for 30 years
you have to account for occasional downturns too


>> No.9762629

ya know you couldve just gone VTI if you wanted exposure to everything

>> No.9762638


some of your ETFs are overlapping, you've got like 3 diffrent S&P 500 indexes in there. I'd cut that down, look at some foreign market ETFs, like VFWIX

>> No.9762650
Quoted by: >>9762686

I wouldn't trust any of the trip fags here, just saying. They all seem to live very hedonistic and degenerate lifestyles.

>> No.9762686
Quoted by: >>9762782

oh and the 4% withdrawal accounts for expanding expenses due to inflation. you withdraw more as time passes to keep the real withdrawl rate the same

if you think about the demo that's tripping on 4chan it makes sense

>> No.9762782
Quoted by: >>9762797

>if you think about the demo that's tripping on 4chan it makes sense
What do you mean?

>> No.9762797
Quoted by: >>9762810

the kind of person who makes the life choice to become a regular tripfag on 4chan probably has made similarly terrible life choices

>> No.9762808
File: 110 KB, 1000x625, SMugArmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same brokerage responsible for the shorting on this ticker (National Bank Financial Inc) doubled down in the final seconds before close. Open tomorrow will be interesting. Whoever is behind that play is going to be in trouble this week. Shorting a few cents off the 52week low when RSI is near oversold already. Madness.

>> No.9762810
Quoted by: >>9762854 >>9762985

LOL whats on earth could possibly be the "consequences" of tripping on 4chan?

>> No.9762854
Quoted by: >>9762877

It's probably similar like posting on here over 4 times. Once you do it, you are stuck posting on here for life...

>> No.9762877
Quoted by: >>9762938

eh i could think of worse wastes of my time
i luv all the faggots here. i wouldnt do it if i didnt want to

>> No.9762938
Quoted by: >>9763033

Honestly, /biz/ is an under-rated board. I'm investing here because I see this board in particular coming up in value.

>> No.9762985

brain damage, degeneracy, mental illness, weight gain, dying alone and friendless
we've seen it over and over again

>> No.9763016

This. You either sink or swim here but most people just sink.

>> No.9763033
Quoted by: >>9763068

those are all things that could happen anyways. honestly, even though ive been all over IBs since like 08, while i USED to feel shitty and weird for wasting time online like this, now that normies all walk around plugged in 110% of the time, im not even as bad as the avg person.

funny how that happens

>I'm investing here because I see this board in particular coming up in value.
thx just boght 100k

>> No.9763062
Quoted by: >>9763146

Pfft. I'm the most sane person here, have tons of friends, have never been a degenerate or damaged my brain. I'm going to maintain my weight and live forever. Fagget.

>> No.9763068
Quoted by: >>9763146

>talking about investing time here
>time is money
You will be buying a lot more than that trust me.

>> No.9763146
File: 3.75 MB, 480x270, [shitposting loudly].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but unironically

if im gonna spend it, i might as well spend it here with you guys desu. this general is dope, and who knows how long itll be before this turns to shit too. imma soak it up while the gettings good.

besides, my "degenerate lifestyle" leads me to have to be overwhelmingly social and outgoing. i find shitposting anonymously is a good way to balance that. i couldnt live my WHOLE life as a rockstawr. its not sustainable