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File: 331 KB, 664x1000, ______THE_BAGS___________________.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57293682 No.57293682 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>GMERICA: RICO's Rough Sting & Launching TEDDY on tZERO, Part 6

>GMERICA, part 5


>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

>Temporary alliance with jews and reddit we can go back to hating each other later
>Don't take any DD for fact use your brain

>Umm Uhh Uhh Uhhh Umm

>As always
Kek bondies

Previousneed on /BBBYQ/:

>> No.57293748

Where can I invest in some BBBYQ shares good sirs? I can't seem to find them on my Robinhood account.

>> No.57293777
Quoted by: >>57296206

it's BBBQ, the extra B is for BYOB

>> No.57293787
File: 306 KB, 1609x724, 1705234121223103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next GME earnings BBBYQ settlement is announced. BABY transfered to Teddy Holding and sold to Gamestop, BBBY is transfered to Teddy Holding and sold to Carl Icahn. In turn BBBYQ holders get equity in $TEDDY.

>> No.57293808

good joke. thread for imaginary bag holders

>> No.57293933

spoonsneeding time should be re-opened for a brief period.

>> No.57293945
Quoted by: >>57294580

Look at this shill, you don't buy bbbyq. You just imagine that you already bought it, suck Ryan Cohen's cock online, and then claim he owes you millions.

>> No.57294030
File: 2.99 MB, 1992x3000, ______THE_BAGS_________________V2____.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57294130
Quoted by: >>57296176

Nice shadow work

>> No.57294310

PART 1/3

So up until yesterday we had some unresolved questions:

1. Whats up with the 11.8b credit?
2. Why does RC lawsuit take so long?
3. Why bring on M Goldberg (best in world-tier fraud specialist) for execution of very simple Ch11-exitplan for a 50m cap pillow company?
4. Why was DOJ on first hearings of BBBY bankrupcy?

It now turns out:
1. 11.8b is the full sum used for BBBY share buybacks. The money GME used to become debt free and gain warchest, BBBY used to buy back their own shares at high prices while $5b in debt, and shortly after bankrupcy. $11.8b wasted! This was facilitated by JPM, who months later froze the assets of BBBY, such that BBBY had access to no money and had to raise money from bond sales. Same JPM who did not allow any measures of selling off BBB, or others, in bankrupcy. Same JPM who only left after being replaced as DIP, and who in court urged to be held on even after having no formal ties to BBBY estate.

2. Because the section 16b claim pushed against RC relates to buybacks. RC bought less than 10% and is no insider, everyone knows that, but the case "incidentally" revolves 100% around the buybacks. It turns out Tritton bought BBBY before buybacks were announced (illegal insider trade) and sold the high. Every claim pushed against RC, can in fact not be pushed on RC, but is now pushed on Tritton.

3. The $11.8b is new compensation from JPM to BBBY to reverse the fraud. Michael Goldberg is brought because this is indeed a fraud, and he is incentivized to fuck them up, as the gets 3% of what he manages to shake out. Goldberg was the one who brought down Madoff.

4. Because the collusion of Tritton; since he came to BBBY he recked them in about 3 years, from an indebted but functioning company to bankrupcy. Tritton did same for other companies.

PART 1/3

>> No.57294320

PART 2/3

What COULD have happened, was that BBBY became another GME post sneeze. It would have been debt free and with huge war chest. 11.8b! Imagine what that would have meant for the entire ape-crowd.

Instead, it was very brutally evisceraded by insider trading that has been proven, facilitated by JPM.

It is oddly fortuitous. Goldberg is on case and DOJ. $11.8b starts to appear as credit, after a case that has been going on for about 6 months now.

It may be, who knows, but it may be that the $11.8b is Goldberg and others have brought a case such that JPM/tritton and others are forced to reverse their fraud. It would return the money to BBBY.

I will remind everyone of this: during GMEDD interview with RC, he said in total three sentences related to BBBY. First some bs, last that he sold (yeah we know) and in the middle:

"It is very unusual for companies who do buybacks, to go into bankrupcy".

That was his only comment; buybacks! We are not waiting for the RC case to merely be dropped so that RC is off the hook. RC is already off the hook; there is no PnD case, and there is no 16b case.

The case is not about the possible demise of RC, actually about the very redemption of BBBYQ holders, as it puts the illegal trades and nefarious buybacks in the spotlight for Goldberg and DOJ. And the allegiations put against RC are now reversed against Tritton and JPM.

Goldbergs cut would be 3%, about $300m. The name is Goldberg, Michael Goldberg. His name in german, means literally "mountain of gold". His nose can sniff a literal mountain of gold. Do you think he will miss his target?

If he pulls this off, and i think he will. The waterfall is EXTREMELY in the green, without RC and others having paid a cent.

Do you have any idea of the total reckoning that will ensue? Waterfall would leave $25-35 per share. Before counting the most precious resource in this entire: the shorts.

PART 2/3

>> No.57294329

PART 3/3

Finally, recall that several institutions chose to convert their bonds, whom they could have gotten full payback on, +15%, just before they knew about incoming bankrupcy. This is in context of e.g. that institution making on avg 17% return on each of their investments. Taking 15% would guarantee them their avg return, safely and quickly, prior to bankrupcy proceedings that are by nature uncertain. They denied this possibility, and instead converted all of their assets to common stock. One week later, BBBYQ bankrupt.

You think they just gambled that?

So what is possible on timeline:

* RC, Brett Icahn or other (or all), now got access to BBBY very cheaply. The company is streamlined, Bed Bath and Buy Buy Baby are already up and operational!

* $11.8b payback as per above, or w/e compensation comes from Goldberg pursuing these people like a bloodhound. Resultant waterfall down to Class 9 (recall: very major institutions are also in this class, as well as the EIGHT former BBBY executives that Goldberg himself brought on about 1-2 months ago)

* This is before the short-situation escalates. This is not like GME sneeze. This is a situation where shorts have been frauding the shit out of BBBY for years. We dont even know float; DTCC has 780m outstanding BBBY, while we know that the actually authorized publically available BBBY are less than 480m. And retail has been piling up BBBY on ridiculous prices, some even under 50c or 10c.

shills mad shills bad.
shills in shambles, caught in brambles.
shills be shillin, holders be chillin.

PART 3/3

>> No.57294340
File: 61 KB, 677x300, BBBY .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cohen will turn around BBBY
>uh, we could sell Baby for $5 billion and save the company
>it's a reorganization, not a bankruptcy!
>a merger/acquisition will be announced before bankruptcy is complete
>actually bankruptcy is a good thing WE'VE WON
>Ryan will give us shares in Teddy
>actually this was a shit investment the whole time and we're suing because of the stock buybacks from years ago

I'm legitimately impressed on the goal post moving prowess of baggies

>> No.57294432
File: 55 KB, 608x202, PPSneeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57294580

>suck Ryan Cohen's cock online
>posting about RICO homosex
where the baggies the REAL hotwifes of BBBYQ all along?
i'm thinking yes

>> No.57294727

the fact that Goldberg takes home 350 million dollars if he clears this is so insane and funny to me

>> No.57294795

>Waterfall would leave $25-35 per share
I don't have a link for DD on it but there's some pretty good speculation now that it'll be up to $44.50 per share

>> No.57294888

When are the calls RC bought expiring? The 18th right?

>> No.57295026
File: 214 KB, 1280x1280, knockingonheavensdoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. wagmi

>> No.57295242
File: 79 KB, 407x691, This.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57295605

Shills fear this. I can hear Dougshit Cifu shitting is pants right now.

>> No.57295605

A non existent company that about 6 people have a Aspergers hyper fixation on?

>> No.57295687

>Asperger’s hyper-fixation


>> No.57295760

He must be referring to the shills

>> No.57295797
Quoted by: >>57313397

Why is PP complaining about Kais going after his livelihood? Isn’t he about to be a billionaire?

>> No.57295836
File: 105 KB, 1241x1241, 1678590276994099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57296176

exquisite shitposting. I am a laffin. Well done.

>> No.57295956
Quoted by: >>57296169

these drama spaces are so fucking ass holy shit. most of it is people who are clearly not bad actors going at it with each other for no reason

>> No.57295965

$11.8b was not used for buybacks in the years of Tritton. To be clear, Tritton and company spent around $1b of company money on buybacks during their time in the company. The company had a plan in place previously for around $12b to reinvest into the company, Mark Tritton and friends increased this to nearly $13b and wasted it on buybacks.

Just want to make sure this info is out there because it seems people are jumping to conclusions that, just because this $11b claim exists, that is the exact number used for share buybacks. Not true

>> No.57296108

Lol. Michael's cried three times now in front of, in relation to, or being pathetically and humiliatingly obsequious to Ploot. The third time of course being just now with this ass sucking sycophantic tweet; he basically wrote Pulte a love poem and got a 'kk ty' back.

Ploot didn't even look him in the eye as he teared up at their first PeePeeGrift Show at Pulte's place in Florida.

Mike SPILLED HIS EMOTIONAL GUTS to Ploot and thanked him basically for letting him breath the same air as he did, and Ploot didn't even TURN TO LOOK MICHAEL IN THE EYES!! He just kept eating ice cream before passing around the same unwashed spoon for everyone else to use.... It was beyond surreal....

>> No.57296130

There are more than 2x the number of active users on r/gme_meltdown than r/teddy. Only a few baggies left. But business is booming for kekking baggies.

>> No.57296169

What do you expect? It's a bunch of broke retards sitting in a zoom call with each other except now they are all jealous because some other retards got given money while they got nothing, and then some other retards started siphoning money off the baggies and they still got nothing.

Baggies are going to be a statistic like that medical procedure with the 300% mortality rate. They lost 100% of their investment, then lost another $3k by not claiming losses, then lost another $1k by donating it to some retard to engage a lawyer to tell them they lost their money.

>> No.57296176

WAGMI frens

>> No.57296206

>nobody checked this
baggots confirmed to be uncultured faggots

>> No.57296313
File: 29 KB, 334x506, 1636852436117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57296333
Quoted by: >>57296982

Dougshit Cifu cared enough about it to cry to the SEC and demand they shut it down

>> No.57296436

NOL's were preserved and can only be used in a new company if previous shareholders are made whole.
He started it not us.

>> No.57296532
File: 447 KB, 1440x2565, Kais' shadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you see it...

>> No.57296646

They were always in the shadow of the king.

>> No.57296686


Is that Shrek waiting for them?

>> No.57296945
File: 141 KB, 590x469, 1705097054705285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57296982

He was just sad seeing idiots throwing their money away.

>> No.57297549
File: 31 KB, 596x486, plooterscooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what passes for intelligent among baggies

>> No.57297930
File: 47 KB, 958x720, f78xdbmv89ub1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57299104

Shilloids barely even touching this one. Very based anon

>> No.57298358
File: 126 KB, 927x1417, IMG_3376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57298409

Kais has been playing dumb this whole time. Him and his “wife” are intelligence.
The goofy, I can’t spell or speak English spiel was dropped in this exchange

>> No.57298409
Quoted by: >>57298599

but why

>> No.57298438

maybe kais is in the know on what RC and pulte are doing? he made the teddy reverse merger prediction way back in like august 2022, lots of teddy roosevelt tinfoil, predicted pulte investing in AMC

>> No.57298599

I don’t know why. But he’s dropped the “I was just pretending to be retarded” veil a few times on accident. I wouldn’t mess with him like Bruno is. Pretending to be full retarded makes you a dangerous person

>> No.57298789
File: 22 KB, 500x375, 1704859729175502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57298801

Reminder, GME Maxis are basically one step up from NPCs

>> No.57298801
File: 1.40 MB, 314x288, 1699351956276541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's that 1099 going buddy?

>> No.57298813
File: 65 KB, 1006x813, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How's that 1099 going buddy?

>> No.57298844
File: 497 KB, 237x211, 1699137788222832.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it kek

>> No.57298878
File: 197 KB, 1024x1024, 1663900520094527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only GME maxichads will WAGMI. As for the rest of you, I'm sorry

>> No.57299028

Reminder that reddit faggots holding AMC, GME, or BBBY are never getting their money back

>> No.57299104
Quoted by: >>57301218

Get off my dick

>> No.57299918
File: 1.14 MB, 2473x3000, Martin_Luther_King_Jr_NYWTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning! It's a cold comfy day for bbbyq shareholders. Sisyshillies, please wear gloves and keep your hands nice and warm so you can comfortably bump my thread. I know you don't get snow days, so TYFYS. I hope everyone enjoys a comfy nigger worship day.

>> No.57299930
Quoted by: >>57299950

I'm comfy knowing the FBI whacked this plagiarist and rapist

>> No.57299950

I am unaware of his rape activities. Care to spoonsneed me? Are we talking Bill Cosby rape, or actual rape?

>> No.57299963


amongst other incidents

>> No.57299966
Quoted by: >>57299977

We’re talking “conspiracy theory from stormfront” rape.

>> No.57299977

kek imagine being this cucked you can't into a simple search and read the first 10 rsults that are MSM

Fuck me you are mind broken

>> No.57299980

Most obvious samefag I’ve seen in years.

>> No.57299987

>it's this nigger again
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

>> No.57300040

Interdasting, thank you for the spoonsneed.

>> No.57300055
Quoted by: >>57300080

You haven't even been here for years. Lurk moar faggot.

>> No.57300080

I’ve been on Chan since before the habbo raids. I’ve see more grifts and inorganic forced “communities” come and go than you can count. And I was in their threads, too. They all say shit like “if shills are here that proves we’re over the target!” But it’s always wrong.

I can honestly tell you that bbby is, by far, the stupidest of these threads I’ve ever seen.

>> No.57300215

I bet you have over 300 confirmed kills and three weed smoking girlfriends. That's how much you glow.

>> No.57300301
File: 77 KB, 1157x480, 222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are without a doubt the worst thread I have ever heard of.

>> No.57300493


>> No.57300682
File: 79 KB, 640x480, lmao_asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57301094


>> No.57301218
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>> No.57301246
File: 326 KB, 598x731, Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 11.43.37 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57301280

I would fuck Michael's wife over Kais wife...

>> No.57301280
Quoted by: >>57301294

Bruno is the most obvious plant of this whole saga.

>> No.57301294
Quoted by: >>57301332

I don't know how you could say this, Pulte. You have done more harm than all "shills" put together. Everything fell apart because of you.

>> No.57301332
Quoted by: >>57301356

ah yes, a person who rewords other people's DD and then screeches when there's even a hint that people are turning on him while attempting to prey on the community through crowdfunding is the same as a dude who got Larry Cheng to speak directly to the community and who has pledged $10k for a lawsuit for holders.

>> No.57301356
Quoted by: >>57301373

>a dude
1. Lets drop the act you've been spotted.
2. You paid his speaker fee and got him to give an open ended speech about nothing.
3. You "pledged" 10k after grifting over 100k from the community and gave them coors light in return. If you truly gave a fuck you could have bought the attorney for the community using the money from that cringe "event". Instead you complain about being cucked by a better man to whom you lost the company your grandfather built
You are a pathetic failure born who was born with a silver spoon and still managed to fail

>> No.57301373
Quoted by: >>57301390

I'm a 26 year old software engineer from New York wtf are you talking about lmfao, if this is Bruno then you legit need meds bro

>> No.57301390
Quoted by: >>57301401

>im a **insert cliche identity here**
You are William J Pulte Jr. the failure grandson whos own sister hates him. Perhaps dont join the conversation at the end of the thread and immediately begin sucking pulte off.

>> No.57301401
Quoted by: >>57301408

why are you so obsessed with Pulte bro? It's pretty weird man.

>> No.57301406
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57301425

>everybody is Keith
>pulte is here
>pp is here
Are shills really sure we're the delusional ones?

>> No.57301408
Quoted by: >>57301429

Look at you recoiling. Dont forget to try and buy people on twitter today

>> No.57301425

>Im not the topic of discussion in the last 30 seconds, better mention myself. The 20 links in the OP isnt enough

You can kys too Alex

>> No.57301429
Quoted by: >>57301439

"recoiling," you are the most delusional person to ever post in these threads lmfao. I think pulte getting 1/3 of all of RC's likes on twitter means something, and I think you (an obvious brain-rotted shill) obsessing over him is another great indicator that he's good for the community :^)

>> No.57301439
Quoted by: >>57301463

Im buying puts on your grandfathers company tomorrow. Call me out on twitter as a "naked shorter" fucking faggot

>> No.57301463

ok, my grandfather was a school teacher so you're doing a whole lot of damage there, bud. I don't give a rats ass about PHM, I actually have puts it's at an ATH lmao.

>> No.57301481
File: 394 KB, 802x722, edc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's baiting engagement son

>> No.57301485
Quoted by: >>57301592

You have the same cringe speech pattern that you did when you showed up in this thread:


>> No.57301492
File: 12 KB, 225x225, comfyL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pult obviously has just one task: preventing mentally unstable redditors from roping, so that they can then invest their cash distribution straight back into teddy/gme to double buttfuck hedgies, pretty based ngl

bruno is so obv a plant it hurts

>> No.57301514
File: 375 KB, 1188x896, Screenshot 2023-09-17 at 4.04.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57301561

Right hes doing such a great job at uniting the community. Him attempting to abandon BBBYQ and jump to AMC totally falls in line with this "purpose"

>> No.57301535
File: 38 KB, 600x202, Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 12.17.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57301561

>> No.57301561
Quoted by: >>57301583

you lost bruno just face it, months of work planting yourself in the community, wasted. You suck at your job

>> No.57301581

How the fuck is Bruno a plant? KAIS is the actual plant getting the trademark and using cease and desist on PP.

>> No.57301583

Who needs Bruno (Sal) to be planted when you dumb faggots allowed Pulte (you) into the community

>> No.57301592
Quoted by: >>57301606

Lol, pulte actually tried namefagging here for clout

>> No.57301606

Its 100% him too. The barcode RC posted is for that same Publix location he mentions in that thread

>> No.57301610
File: 245 KB, 550x525, imageedit_1_8122340227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57301649

shut the FUCK up about these goddamn fucking internet personalities you fucking schizos. i swear to christ i will hex all of you. these internet cunts have nothing to do with this stock or this company. jesus christ stop the fucking twitter spam you absolute schizos. i don't fucking care about your high school level drama. keep it on fucking twitter you cunts. if you have a problem with this or wish to complain, consider yourself and your entire bloodline fucking HEXED

>> No.57301614

Did they poison me when I got back?

>> No.57301648
File: 13 KB, 236x244, sittingL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, he's actually doing a great job. making fun of "hype guys" shows that you have no idea of redditor's psychology. most of them would be long gone without the constant thrill of expected instant gratification ("2 more weeks")

>> No.57301649

lol hex anon is back?
Its been like 9 months

>> No.57301666

You all need to stop focusing on me and starting focusing on improving your own lives.

>> No.57301683

lol fuck off.
Pulte would have said my grandfather 3 times in that one sentence. Which is ironic as he managed to lose his father's legacy within a year of him dying fucking kek

>> No.57301695

both, anon

>> No.57301759
Quoted by: >>57313530

bruno started a gofundme for legal fees and pulte shut it down

>> No.57301953

gnuoy eht ylno

>> No.57302018
File: 388 KB, 1174x493, big fat ryan cohen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Ryan Cohen buys into GameStop before Jan 2021.
>2. Shorts get squeezed by his large stake along with a retail following and are found to be naked short.
>3. Cohen gets appointed chairman of Gamestop.
>4. Ousts a company insider who has ties to Boston Consulting group, a group who later was caught in a legal battle with GameStop as well as one which has heavy ties to many of the financial institutions theorized to be maliciously naked shorting multiple retailers to bankruptcy. Shorts have been utilizing ETFs and Swaps to target multiple companies at once and thereby avoiding traditional securities laws.
>5. DRS movement starts with retail holders, GameStop acknowledges the movement by including DRS numbers in quarterly filings.
>6. GameStop's balance sheet starts to turn around due to the squeeze providing the company cash on hand and a shutdown of unprofitable stores.
>7. GameStop initiates a Stock Split Via Dividend (rather than a normal split), which the CTO (who was fired literally the next day) submitted to the DTCC as a normal split by "accident", which would have forced shorts to close their position (look at tesla).

>> No.57302058

>8. ???

>> No.57302070
File: 24 KB, 502x442, bill hwang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8. Ryan Cohen writes the letter to BBBY's board after buying a large stake in the company.
>9. Ryan Cohen sells his stake to an unknown party, not on the market.
>10. BBBY is shorted to oblivion and is theorized to be many times over the outstanding share count short, the company even walks shorts into a trap by providing dilution rumors in the form of warrants and class A convertible shares (all which never hit the market).
>11. BBBY undergoes chapter 11 proceedings, in doing so it is revealed the value of the company in NOLs (several billion in tax breaks for a potential startup).
>12. IP is sold to Overstock, a company who has battled naked shorts before in the legal world.
>13. Legal language similar to m&a activity begins to appear in the Ch 11 bankruptcy dockets.
>14. Teddy, Ryan Cohen's company, is a financial instrument with trademarks for baby goods as well as bed and bath retail goods.
>15. GameStop releases a quarterly document with 10x the normal instances of m&a disclosures/information.
A merger or acquisition for a stock to stock deal forces all the shares to be accounted for, tallied, and distributed to their respective parties. This type of deal can be used to counter naked shorting, as it forces all shares to be located and assigned to their respective owners, not held in street name. Shares being held in street name is why there can be more shares sold short than the entire share count outstanding, if all shares are held in shareholders' names directly, this would not be possible.

Going to pop along with GME, therefore, this is why I am extremely demoralized, and will certainly sell the new equity for any price I can get. Why would I use the cash portion of the dividend to buy even more of the new equity and hold to generate passive income for decades to come? Who would behave this way? If the stock happened to be cartoonishly naked shorted, this would be a catastrophe for wallstreet.

>> No.57302117

I like succinct summaries like this. Teddy was also registered as a bank though lending credence to the blockchain theory,

>> No.57302161

Icahn feel MOASS in my plumbs.

>> No.57302327
File: 60 KB, 500x375, 1474363048580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sad baggie is demormalized
do you want to suck my cock?

>> No.57302716
File: 237 KB, 853x1000, 1705191421952376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW shill ramblings and samefagging have reached schizo tier levels not seen since Thanksgiving (I miss you, Steve and dogshit anon.) We are all going to wagmi. Shills mad they sold or never bought and lash out like crabs in a bucket.

>> No.57303126


>> No.57303177

every day the baggie thread gets slower. they're roping

>> No.57303259
Quoted by: >>57303704

How much are those imaginary bags worth today?
Is it zero point zero?

Don't worry. I'm sure someone will take on billions in debt with no assets and then give you free money soon.

>> No.57303431

The shill activity is bullish as fuggggggg

>> No.57303465

Bruno is a tren’d out manchild that acts to be the savior that literally ~nobody~ ever asked for. The knight in steaming dogshit. I’ve never seen somebody glow as bright as fucking Bruno lmayo. By the way—Michael’s wife is hot AF. Where’s your wife, Bruno?

>> No.57303501

Ohhhhhhh baaaaaaaaggies, arms getting tired yet?

>> No.57303704

That's a nice fresh ID zero point zero poster. Let's see how long you can keep it. It's good to see you again. Lots of familiar faces itt.

>> No.57303886
File: 141 KB, 1080x1221, assad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this?

>> No.57303908

hes kinda funny can't lie

>> No.57303926

Absolutely awful shot placement. Is that his first time shooting?

>> No.57304044



>> No.57304092
File: 396 KB, 1077x1067, Screenshot_20240115_170220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57304115


>> No.57304105
File: 47 KB, 571x548, tumblr_onua54zybm1w7964eo1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here i thought you were smart anon

>> No.57304115

This is not twitter. You are all now hexed.

>> No.57304123

I have an anti-hex crystal.

>> No.57304133

>announcing announcement
what could it possibly be, we want someone like RC or sixth street to do something epic, pulte seems like it would be larpy like giving $10k to michael for legal expenses

>> No.57304144
Quoted by: >>57305671

they're called Allen keys you underage shit

>> No.57304149

He did the same thing for the event and faggots are still eating it up. It will be a nothing burger and probably about his new BBBY group which is really phm

>> No.57304156
File: 54 KB, 709x1024, pepe-top-hat-cheers-pepe-in-top-hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57304282

Pulte didn't give Michael the $10k for legal expenses, he used it to purchase some of Michael's shares from him via a contract. Pulte will announce the results of his preliminary findings from the lawsuit he's filing on behalf of BBBY holders.

silly shillies completely missed this but it's very obvious, they even verbally discussed it on the pp show. It's the reason Michael has "done nothing" so far.

>> No.57304319
File: 21 KB, 241x248, 1704661269853382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When something happens on the PPshow that shills DON'T talk about, that's how you know.

>> No.57304344

Genuinely asking, how would this even be possible? How do you transfer shareholder rights in this situation considering there are no shares? Not trying to be a cunt, but the situation seems a little farfetched to me. Maybe I'm just not understanding the process.

>> No.57304351


>> No.57304388
Quoted by: >>57304550

From ChatGPT:
First, you need to clearly say who's selling and who's buying. Then, describe the cancelled shares in detail, like what company they're from and how many there are. The seller should state they really own these rights and can sell them. Lay out how and when the rights will be handed over, and the payment details like how much, how, and when. Since these are cancelled shares, the contract should say what rights, if any, still come with them, and warn about the risks because these shares might be pretty much worthless. Make sure everything is above board legally, and include how you'll sort out any disagreements. Finally, both sides sign it, maybe with a witness or a notary.

but tl;dr, it's a simple agreement between two parties on a transfer of rights from the previous shareholder to the buyer. It's obviously not common because typically people don't buy shares of a company that is worth $0 a share. In this case it'll be done for legal maneuvering.

>> No.57304407
Quoted by: >>57313568

I noticed pulte doesn’t reply to pp anymore, and he hasn’t let pp into his bbby X community.

>> No.57304550

I guess that makes sense, but it still feels like assumptions are being made. Would chatgpt be able to draw from another example where shares were canceled and removed like bbbyq was? Canceled shares is one thing, but bbbyq shares were also removed completely.

>> No.57304570
Quoted by: >>57304599

I typed your question into ChatGPT and it said the following: "not your personal army faggot go buy a subscription yourself."

Weird I didn't know it used slurs

>> No.57304599
Quoted by: >>57304640

Hey man, you're the one who brought chatgpt into this to defend your argument. I was just asking a question. If you're satisfied with that reasoning, more power to you. I guess it still doesn't make much sense to me. If you want to keep calling out the shills, then don't stoop to their level.

>> No.57304640
File: 29 KB, 525x328, Screen_Shot_2014-08-07_at_8.29.47_AM.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said it made sense. The only part you said you didn't understand is if it still applies since bbbyq is double plus cancelled. That's on you. Just relax. If everything was explicit, arbitrage would not be possible, money could never be made, and shills would have nothing to do. If that doesn't make you feel better, nothing will.

>> No.57304675

for example if we get teddy shares, those would be owed to pulte if we sold the rights to him

>> No.57305671


>> No.57305713
File: 130 KB, 680x680, Teddy-Book-Clues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shills in shambles

>> No.57305873
File: 68 KB, 464x661, zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's Pill Bulte gonna say tomorrow in his announcement? Was hoping for $44 a share ngl, but it's increasingly looking like I am going to have to rope. Anyone have any copium for me? Thx

>> No.57305932

Everything is converging on the election, probably an october surprise. -Q

>> No.57305945
File: 44 KB, 595x301, Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 9.05.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57305960

LMAOO wait was that actually Pulte I made cry earlier in the thread? He was passive aggresive about Larry in the call today and now this.
Concession accepted, Failson Jr.

>> No.57305949
File: 219 KB, 774x643, BBBY bags-clean and jerk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57305960
Quoted by: >>57305962

>LMAOO wait was that actually Pulte I made cry earlier in the thread?

>> No.57305962

...scroll up faggot

>> No.57305964
File: 241 KB, 1080x799, SmartSelect_20240115_210833_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he do this to me? I want to support him, but he's such a fag sometimes

>> No.57305974
File: 838 KB, 427x500, chad-RRepoMan-buckle-up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57305990

buckle up, we're only 2 weeks into the year

>> No.57305976
Quoted by: >>57305989

Kek! Finally some quality OC. Tell your handlers you deserve a raise. We need more shills like you.

>> No.57305989
File: 460 KB, 590x1020, cohen tweets AMC BBBY bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank (you) saar

>> No.57305990

And again! Appreciate you putting in the time.

>> No.57305996
File: 88 KB, 979x1024, 1704214149905563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone noticed the extreme ramping up of shills?

>> No.57306012

You will be getting a 1099, and it will show that your BBBYQ shares are gone. You really should report the loss, unless you want to lose even more money.

>> No.57306015
File: 552 KB, 616x726, 1bbf64631dedfb0bba714a69a4fce0e7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pulte has been yapping about some bath related announcement he's making tomorrow at 4pm. looks like it is NOT wagmi related

>> No.57306033
File: 118 KB, 546x577, if only you knew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont cry its almost over


>> No.57306037

I have. All while the gme thread slows to a crawl.

>> No.57306038

kek. good one. ive seen a variation of this.

>> No.57306045

You should be getting a 1099 as well then for your short position gains?

>> No.57306127

No, I wasn't short BBBYQ. I'm not stupid enough to hold a position in any meme stocks.

>> No.57306160
File: 117 KB, 1194x218, BLOCKED BLOCKED BLOCKED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57306275

hmm I wonder why that is, faggot? Why is it so echoy on your twitter feed?

>> No.57306262
Quoted by: >>57306491

i'm feeling more and more urges to kill someone, to do the little i can to clap back at a flawed and corrupt system. but acting on those urges would be an irreversible decision and i would probably have to kill myself too or i might get stuck in prison and be even more miserable. RC and pulte are still giving winks and nudges as if we're getting something for our shares?? if i could just get back to having the median net worth for people of my age in my country, i think that would be fair enough.

>> No.57306275

are u talking to yourself again, pulteschizo?

>beans and toast

>> No.57306423

Actually it seems like way less shilling than what we were seeing during the summer of last year. Like 1/10 the amount of posting.

>> No.57306491
File: 282 KB, 670x355, glow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57307163

Cool story glow.
/BBBYQ/ is a board of peace!

>> No.57307163
Quoted by: >>57307545

ok but are we getting paid and what's taking so long, if jp morgan aren't paying the settlement voluntarily then what are the chances of winning a court case against them. putting mark tritton in prison like pulte is saying sounds cool (if we get paid too) but what are the chances of prosecuting him and proving beyond a reasonable doubt that he committed a serious criminal offense.

>> No.57307545

You are not getting a cent dummy.

>> No.57307744
File: 238 KB, 813x700, ken griffin no way out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shills are upset.

>> No.57307835
File: 50 KB, 600x431, 1698339562628580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your digits are checked, and the shills are rekt.

>> No.57308424

checked. lmao

>> No.57309733

Predictions for Pulte's announcement today? Sub predictions for how fast he makes it about PHM?

>> No.57310047
Quoted by: >>57310195

That you don’t know makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside

>> No.57310195

spoonsneeding time is over, rent boy. Your attempts at using reverse psychology to get answers fall on deaf ears.

>> No.57310208

Unlike RC, Pulte was born rich and is trust fund baby, that makes him arrogant and assholish. I suspect he is jealous of RC and that he is so loved and respect by community. He wanted to be second RC but failed because he literally autistic, he is overhyping and underdelivering, he has big ego and can't stand anybody taking shots on him. People are angry on him because he was constanly hyping them for nothing, he twitted "moass soon" 2 years ago and then shilled ONLY THE YOUNG nonsense, he is really bad memer.

>> No.57310240

>lives off parents money
>arrogant and assholish
>overhyping and underdelivering
>can’t stand people taking shots at him
>bad memer
On god, that sounds like PP, no cap

>> No.57310287

Is this Kais?

>> No.57310338
Quoted by: >>57310352

>Sub predictions
Meltdowner, this is not a subreddit

>> No.57310352

>can't keep reddit off his mind

>> No.57310359

>Unlike RC, Pulte was born rich
why lie lol you fucking retard

>> No.57310362
File: 321 KB, 1880x754, 1705100400398252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57310383
Quoted by: >>57310409

>muh sqwiggly lines
>caps lock
concession accepted
I have more shares than you in bbby, gme toyrf and bliaq.

>> No.57310409

What are the statistical odds of DRS shares being 75.4M 3 quarters in a row? Do the math.

>> No.57310444

ok? RC certified the report himself alongside the CFO. What does this have to do with the initial argument you are attempting to pivot from?
Your concession was already accepted.

>> No.57310460
File: 343 KB, 1440x2652, Screenshot_20240116_100627_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like there is some truth to this. Reddit downvotes have confirmed it. Interesting, I didn't think there was much to it but this shows this 100% is something to watch.

>> No.57310529
Quoted by: >>57310594

>RC certified the report himself alongside the CFO
RC certified the report which states the numbers ARE GIVEN BY DTCC

Before this, the CEO/CFO certified the report which states the numbers ARE GIVEN BY GAMESTOP


>> No.57310542

The language in the reports changed, it's similar to a warrant canary in that they may have had to publicly endorse it, but the language implies it's comped.

>> No.57310551

DRS numbers dropped by over a quarter million last quarter, what are you talking about?

>> No.57310568

it's so obvious that your bosses are fudging the numbers. I cannot WAIT for the RICO case to come in and btfo you and your bosses

>> No.57310592

I think you mean the IRA rugpull. The last 2 quarters DRS has been at 75.4M.
Either it's 75.4M again or we moon

>> No.57310594

>capslock makes my words fact
Hotchy, WHAT are you attempting to argue HERE? YOU responded to MY post about PULTE and pivoted to shift the discussion AWAY FROM PULTE.

The stale numbers mean we have locked the float. If the float is wrong for bbby why do you think its right for GME?

>> No.57310599
Quoted by: >>57310620

>People aren't DRSing more

>> No.57310620
Quoted by: >>57310638

What are the ODDS the same number of DRS stays the same? No UP, no DOWN, the EXACT SAME, 100K margin of error.
The ODDS are in our FAVOUR

>> No.57310638

Last quarter was down 300,000. The quarter before that was also down by hundreds of thousands. Why are you pretending that’s “THE EXACT SAME”

>> No.57310670
Quoted by: >>57310716

When it was announced RC could invest GME assets he probably formed a subsidiary which includes class A shares. If you have a war chest you dont spend it, you use the money and other assets (class a shares) as collateral. Therefore the float has changed. The DRS numbers do not 100% imply DRS is compromised and is actually a retarded fucking theory as RC cannot sign off on a report he knows to be incorrect and would not do so in the middle of a pump and dump case and while attempting to work with the SEC to create a blockchain.

Stupid fucking niggers.


>> No.57310689

>Last quarter was down 300,000

Q3 2023: 75.4 MILLION
Q1 2023: 76.6 MILLION
Q4 2023: 76.0 MILLION
Q3 2022: 71.8 MILLION

>> No.57310700

When a graph goes from a more or less linear increase for months, to crabbing in a 0.4% range, there is usually an explanation.

>> No.57310709
Quoted by: >>57310739

>retroactively change prior quarter numbers to match and claim some bullshit conspiracy justification

>> No.57310714
Quoted by: >>57310783

Show me two reports where it was THE EXACT SAME

>> No.57310716
Quoted by: >>57310781

>RC cannot sign off on a report he knows to be incorrect
He has to by the SEC or DTCC.
Technicially it is not incorrect as the numbers are given by the DTCC to Gamestop. Gamestop can pretend to not know it is incorrect by not checking DRS numbers themselves at ComputerShare. This gives them plausible deniability
>Therefore the float has changed
That would have to be included in SEC filings.


>> No.57310739

Numbers are straight from the SEC filings SHILL
Interesting that I have pointed out a painfully obvious DTCC fraud report, and immediately all the shills attack me.


>> No.57310767
File: 55 KB, 589x631, plooting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to join the Ploot Simp Club for exclusive BBBY stock information (please don't report me to the state regulatory agency though haha it's not advice)

>> No.57310781
Quoted by: >>57310801

There is no technically, faggot. I provided a link to the law. Its black and white. He cannot sign off on that report. Therefore RC's actions resulted in whatever change youre talking about. Stop being a schizo for 5 minutes and think in reality everything isnt 65D chess.

I see why you were banned from the twitter community lol

>> No.57310783
File: 130 KB, 697x247, EXACT SAME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57310811

>Outstanding increased by 273,021
>Cede & Co increased by approximately 300,000
Resulting in 75.4M DRS in both, there a no cohencidences. 25% because DTCC will get very, very mad if they do not own a 75% majority.

>> No.57310793
File: 15 KB, 251x242, 6dBt2Oj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cope in these threads is off the charts

>> No.57310801
Quoted by: >>57310828

>I provided a link to the law.
You provided a link to the code of ethics of $TXMD

>> No.57310811
Quoted by: >>57310886

>Approximately to the nearest hundred thousand

>> No.57310828

Thats boilerplate for every company dumb nigger.

Heres another link https://www.sec.gov/education/smallbusiness/goingpublic/exchangeactreporting

>> No.57310842
File: 159 KB, 546x577, if only you knew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason we cant discuss Pulte being a plant in this thread.

Here's a good write up on Pulte:


>> No.57310856
Quoted by: >>57310886

>talk shit about Pulte
>Turn the bbby thread into a GME thread and ask dumb ass questions.


>> No.57310882

I actually think all of this drama is kind of funny. It's mildly interesting while we wait for our tendies

>> No.57310886

75.4M is exactly the same taking into account the numbers are rounded of to the nearest 100K.
Any more, meltdownies?
Why won't you discuss the point that it is extremely unlikely that DRS numbers don't go up or down but stay the EXACT SAME?
Taking reality into account, a small number of people sell/DRS out and a small number of hardcore holders DRS more every month.
The meltdownies and their handlers can't handle DTCC fraud being blatantly pointed out
Who gives a shit about Pulte, that's the real distraction. Yes, he bought in, who cares

>> No.57310901
Quoted by: >>57310946

No, nigger, he didnt buy in and never bought a single share yet he now controls the community and here you are to take the heat off of him

>> No.57310906
Quoted by: >>57310946

>Taking reality into account, a small number of people sell/DRS out and a small number of hardcore holders DRS more every month.
Wow, so reality follows a 1-in-1-out policy? Now why would that mean the numbers stay broadly the same? Seethe harder, even if you are correct it just means the DTCC can fuck you over indefinitely so you lose either way.

>> No.57310946

He bought GME and wanted to buy BBBY but was too late. Speculation is he bought in to the bonds with RC/Icahn
1-1 LOL. Almost nobody is selling DRSed shares, plenty are buying or transferring.
>even if you are correct it just means the DTCC can fuck you over indefinitely
KEK why would you think that
I will take my chances. BBBY and GME is money lost, unless we moon. A nice risk reward ratio.


>> No.57310954

>I know his intentions which happen to be convenient
shut the fuck up.

>> No.57310993
Quoted by: >>57311027

>1/5 of the thread
what has him so hot and bothered?

>> No.57311027
Quoted by: >>57311149

DTCC has been doing their fraud a bit too obvious

>> No.57311149
Quoted by: >>57311171

thats not new. is he a finra arbiter? why does he care so much?

>> No.57311171

Their biggest fear is that people pivot back into DRS after this is done, if they're trying to astroturf it now it means we're close.

>> No.57311198
File: 129 KB, 867x1300, 1705006588309192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57311219

>literally thinks this is reddit
>gets called out
>accuses others of projecting
Saying the n'wah isn't the cover you think it is.

>> No.57311219
Quoted by: >>57311290

You made this post, unironically, and thought it was hilarious. Do not mention me again

>> No.57311285

>Almost nobody is selling DRSed shares, plenty are buying or transferring
What makes you think that? The fact that a bunch of spergs are raving online about how they bought and HODL'd?

>> No.57311290
File: 131 KB, 1275x1090, 1704313939551314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pretty good draft for your cope and seethe book. Let me know when you get published; I'll buy it. You are hilarious.

>> No.57311339
Quoted by: >>57311383

Pulte has more members now than Alex. Its over.

>> No.57311383

>when shills care this much
Be sure to fill us in on his big announcement, which we also don't care about. We can always count on (You).

>> No.57311460 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 601x153, unironic (((YOU))) farming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57311548


>> No.57311548
Quoted by: >>57311561

How do you stay so well informed on the goings on of reddit and twitter? Personally, I have an autistic shill that does it all for me, and he relays the information to me even though I never ask for it. I hope you're not doing all this research yourself.

>> No.57311561 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 601x153, Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 11.35.37 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57311586


>> No.57311586
File: 84 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57311598

If you are just going to spam the bottom of the thread, I will simply take it from you.

>> No.57311598 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 601x153, Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 11.35.37 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57311616

This should be a good month for you with all these you's

>> No.57311616
Quoted by: >>57311677

Just take another screenshot for me. Eventually the jannies will do their job. Until then, I enjoy compelling your behavior. It's like watching ants remove the debris I place on their hill.

>> No.57311677 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 601x153, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is more engagement faggot. Would you like to discuss something else?

>> No.57311697
Quoted by: >>57311739

I don't know what is more pathetic. The idea that everyone who lost all their money on BBBY is just an individual investor (which means they all looked at a stock going bankrupt and thought 'yep, that looks good'), or the idea that everyone got conned into buying by an internet personality. Either way, your investment is worth $0 and your 1099 shows a realised loss of your entire BBBY position.
>kek baggies

>> No.57311739
File: 967 KB, 1020x1716, 1703617085957011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57311750
Quoted by: >>57311830

If these threads are just going to be 75% GME discussion, the two threads should be merged.

>> No.57311793

goober is one mindbroken baggie

>> No.57311824
Quoted by: >>57311830

Shills have to patrol 2 threads, but their NPC brains can only hold one talking point at a time. Or maybe they just get their tabs mixed up. I dunno.

>> No.57311830

Misclick, meant to reply to you

>> No.57312149
Quoted by: >>57312203

what would cause an anon to screech here from 8-12 eastern time, take a one hour break, and come back to screech from 1-5? so strange.

>> No.57312186

Shills in shambles

>> No.57312203
Quoted by: >>57312221

I for one take solace in the fact that our sisyshillies enjoy the protections of American labor laws. Much higher quality than the poo farms.

>> No.57312221

i hope he gets ot for his occasional night posts

>> No.57312412
File: 153 KB, 900x764, sisyphus-jeffrey-hummel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, sisyshillies, back to work! Roll those rocks!

>> No.57312544
Quoted by: >>57312657

>THIS 75.4M and THAT 75.4M ARE THE EXACT SAME NUMBER (because we rounded any difference the two numbers had up or down to the same .4)
gme baggies and bbbyq trans-baggies everyone.

>> No.57312657
Quoted by: >>57312697

>because we rounded any difference the two numbers had up or down to the same .4
Source? Keep it simple. 75.4 = 75.4. Even any difference of just 100,000 shares cannot happen at this scale.

>> No.57312697
Quoted by: >>57312798

>any difference of just 100,000 shares cannot happen at this scale
Source? Won’t accept “my feelings” as an answer.
>DRS a pain in the ass to sell from
>no new baggies to DRS their shares, everyone that’s going to do it already has
I thought you baggies had a bot on leddit? Did the bot have more than 100,000 gain?

>> No.57312798

There are enough holders still DRSing every day. See the posts on reddit. Only time will tell who is right. If next earnings DRS is 75.4M, we win. If it is higher, the DTCC has changed something. If it is lower, it is over unless there is a CLEAR explanation like the IRA rugpull.

>> No.57312865

>Are these values the same number?? 99% of meme stock bagholders get this wrong!!1 Click HERE to see the correct answer

>> No.57313214

Where the hell do you get those numbers?
Give me a source meltie.

>> No.57313266
File: 947 KB, 1200x675, IMG_3673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am extremely demoralized, therefore when the shares that were removed due to a pending corporate M&A action are replaced with new equity and cash I will surely sell the new equity for any price I can get. Why would anybody continue to hold the new stock given the swarm of library of Alexandria researchers who come into these threads to warn about the dangers of any RC venture? Why would someone use the new cash to buy even more of the new equity? How could anybody consider using a portion of the cash to buy gme shares and fully book DRS them out of spite on top of their existing stack as well?

Why would someone even consider doing all this, if for say, the stock was previously hilariously over shorted, then this would be more significant than 2008, as you can’t get all of retail in the same room to negotiate, which would also be illegal. Even though the evidence is beyond all reasonable doubt, I can’t imagine the hedge funds would fuck up this bad.

Why would the banks and the DTC, the political establishment, and the intelligence services be extremely upset that some short sighted, incredibly greedy, NON-BANK, impatient hedge funds, brokers, and market makers, have fucked up their retail scam game. Who would even think about throwing the part of finance that is now infested with mold, under the bus to signal to the public that justice exists so the scam can continue after all is concluded. Who who behave like this?

>> No.57313281

RC liked this tweet

if nothing comes of this then RC is equally to blame for stringing us along for years and leading us to financial ruin

>> No.57313397

Alex told Kais to tm his show lmfao no takebacksies, couldn’t of happened to a better talmudic Jew.

>> No.57313403

So there was a change of less than 100k shares? I thought you guys said people were selling?

>> No.57313449

How much has Pulte lost in amc so far? 50%? Lmfao. Like everyone warned his stupib ass about AA but noooooo he wanted to divide and troll communities.
Hey look at me hanging out with number 666 of the mrbeast!

>> No.57313511

Pray to your kid fucker God with that tranny inducing chomo mrbeast. Lmfao

>> No.57313530

Pulte worships lucifer what did you expect???

>> No.57313568

Lucifer whispered chabad tunnels bad into pultes’ ear and he is following orders.

>> No.57313703

I emailed millertime personally and warned him about trust companies and that he shouldn’t be directing people to use mainstar as beneficiaries to their shares but noooooooooo millertime ignored me lmfao. Stupid devils.

>> No.57314031
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>> No.57314080

PP trusts Pulte 100%, that’s good enough for me.

>> No.57314156


>> No.57314192

For me, it's Krinkle King Kais

>> No.57314220
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Saved for future use lmao

>> No.57314301
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It's happening.
Shills in shambles

>> No.57314368

he showed skepticism by not going to the upcoming pulte events unless something happens with BBBY. which triggered kais to have a beef with PP

>> No.57314409

Kais saw even a little bit of money and is seething that a whole show is already established with personalities talking and doing DD and Kais is mad he can't monetize his "brand" or whatever it is.
It's a story as old as the internet. He wants his internet money but he's not quite sure how to get it. He saw Pulte help get $500 donations for PP and he wants to get his tendies. As with any brown he needs the white man to do it for him.

>> No.57314517

pp apologized to kais a couple days ago

>> No.57314545
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>> No.57314611


>> No.57314629

Pulte is gonna buy bonds

>> No.57314664
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>this is the endgame
Sure, lmao

>> No.57314721

Shills clocked back in like... clockwork. I hope you had a nice lunch. Bumping my thread ain't easy on an empty stomach.

>> No.57314725

>im going to buy bonds even though they are no longer for sale
>no I will not show proof
>by the way…there’s this home builder stock
>my grandfather
>I said my grandfather so you have to trust me now

>> No.57314795

Pulte just declared war on the shorts

>> No.57314822
Quoted by: >>57315217

Explain the pulte situation like I’m 5

>> No.57314835
Quoted by: >>57314908


Can you say RICO?

>> No.57314842
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>> No.57314908

They got baited so fucking hard with the death spiral financing. I'm sure of it. They put out the news article and all of the convertible assets were held by a benign party and they let the naked short sellers front run the news. Only to find out that that same benign party is orchestrating an M&A transaction that will require an accurate counting of the real shares outstanding.
They are so fucked and lil Duggie knows it best.

>> No.57314919
Quoted by: >>57314945

If pulte knows that RC is buying the NOLs, buying bonds would be unnecessary. This is actually kind of a bad sign.

>> No.57314945

Hey, Pulte can’t know anything. He wouldn’t break the law.

>> No.57314964

I remember an anon that said something along the lines of
>this election year they will try to convince young males the US is worth fighting for. Don’t believe them.
There will be much more than just this.

>> No.57314973

So how much did he spend on bonds? And specifically, what legal claims is he intending to bring?

>> No.57314981
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I think we did it bros. I think we are actually going to come out of this with a fuckton of tendies.

>> No.57314997

fuck PP, it's RC that seems to trust Pulte, which means I trust Pulte. but that doesn't mean I have to like the guy.
I wouldn't really call it skepticism. PP just didn't want to go to meetups and celebrate when we're no fucking rich yet. which is valid. kais was also upset PP didn't want to front run PHM with him. kais is a retard and anyone backing him at this point is also a retard

>> No.57315060
Quoted by: >>57315328

So is this no longer about a merger? It’s not about suing for fraud or something? I really don’t understand why everyone is so excited about what pulte announced.

>> No.57315129

you all laughed at me for being the BBBondchad
look who’s pumping my bondbag now, niggers
pulte didn’t even get the final coupon payment (kek) and making his creditor claim likely isn’t even possible anymore this late in the process as it’s fucking CLOSED now
‘kek bondies’ is right

>> No.57315145
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>The Pulte Family

>> No.57315217
Quoted by: >>57315263

pulte has an estimated net worth of around $100M
he first showed up in april 2022 when RC complained about BCG on twitter. this was when most people still only cared about GME but it was after RC announced his stake in BBBY in march 2022. he posted things like "MOASS. SOON" and when nothing happened most people got fed up with his larping.
then during BBBY chapter 11 bankruptcy in mid 2023 he started posting eye emojis in beyond_uranus (real_eyezz super tinfoil subreddit) and went on the pp show and orbited the BBBY community. he hosted the pp show twice, first with just the regular guests at his office and then in an airplane hangar in front of a crowd of hundreds of people who paid $500 each to be there.
RC has been liking many of his tweets through all of this and pulte has implied many times that he knows something even though he also put out some blunt legal disclaimer about not giving financial advice etc

>> No.57315263

You forgot the part about how pulte has hired kais to work for him.

>> No.57315280

Ice cream time soon.

>> No.57315314

>Michael I. Goldberg 2.0

>> No.57315328
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The fraud case is going to open up all sorts of lawsuits allowing us to recover funds. You aren't allowed to naked short a company and cut them off from the capital markets when you have access to billions of revenue and shareholder equity. They have not only stolen our equity but also deprived the shareholders of billions worth of profit in perpetuity.
Did you know if you cause a minor accident and let's say you ruined a surgeon's hands. That is his livelihood and if he is unable to work and therefore earn his multi-million dollar year salary then you are responsible for the remainder of his working life's salary and that is the grounds on which he can sue you. Naked shorts did the same thing. They stole our equity and deprived us of perpetual revenue if it can be shown a turnaround was possible. But since they destroyed our ability to turn around the company (as well as the buyback sabotage) we have a pretty solid case to sue many people and institutions into the ground. Remember that billions of shares were trading last year. And the price of BBBY was spiking out of control on Feb6th and then forcibly walked down to force bankruptcy. That will leave a pretty obvious paper trail.
Shills in shambles
Hedgies on ledgies
KG and Mark Tritton taking BBC by the mile in prison.

>> No.57315505
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Sorry former baggies

>> No.57315511
Quoted by: >>57315527

Yeah but how fucking long will all that take? A lawsuit will go on until fucking 2027.

Which is worth waiting for if they give us 1k a share. But still

>> No.57315527
Quoted by: >>57315540

If it means we need to be patient and wait five more years and keep studying dd and supporting the community, then that’s what it takes. We always knew this wasn’t going to be easy or quick. Thankfully we have the PP show to keep us informed (and entertained) while we fight.

>> No.57315540
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Quoted by: >>57315565

> 5 years
> Entertained by someone with a huge nose
I know this comment is a larp and thankfully it made me laugh

>> No.57315565

I can’t believe you would suggest that this is just goalpost moving in order to grift more money out of the bbby community. How could you possibly believe such a thing?!

>> No.57315603
