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>> No.53092055
File: 234 KB, 1001x996, 7e47e1ce-998a-4100-9fa5-5b45932c85af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53094547

>2023 Edition
>Doesn't open with a 2023 coin.

>> No.53092085
File: 536 KB, 1242x1490, 1648691260564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53092222

Happy New Year from the West Coast

>> No.53092091
File: 2.96 MB, 1500x1500, Memorial Sovereign 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more month until the bullion version of the sovereign comes out. I have my money waiting.

>> No.53092185
File: 545 KB, 1024x702, 4824F482-014A-4D3E-85F9-F3F066BC251E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53092352

I thought we’d have all the King Chuck bullion coins by now

>> No.53092204

Any frens have any expreince with sovereigns in the US. How liquid are these? I like the price, just below a 1/4 ounce and it can be handled. I'm doing my budget for the coming year and found most the money to buy one every month. Or should I stick to 1/10 and 1/4?

>> No.53092206

No offense to you all but I think this is one of the most cringe things people do on this website unless you can prove me otherwise.

Just admit it… you’re very “simple” people who just want the shiny and to hear the “clink, clink” so you can feel like a rich man.

Reality is you buy worthless metal with nice pictures on, that comes at a massive premium and actually loses you wealth. Say you spend a grand… you’ll probably end up with just half that in actual metal.

It’s not a way to make money, it’s not a way to save (you’re actually losing money). How do so many of you get convinced by this dumb idea? There has to be more to it than “oooooooooo shiny”. You’d be much better off just investing it or starting a savings account with interest on it and hold your money in there.

>> No.53092210
File: 487 KB, 2048x1466, 1694C30D-6F28-44F2-AD90-479558446D68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53092249

Cope, seethe, & dilate

>> No.53092222
File: 25 KB, 419x383, 1672399479359198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53092241

>Happy New Year from the West Coast
Happy New Year from Jeetland bros.

>> No.53092241
File: 47 KB, 316x400, 1649250733368.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodest of mornings
excellent redeeming of the quads sir

>> No.53092249

>cope, seethe and dilate
I mean.. that’s what you’re doing yourself rn isn’t it? You’ve been tricked by the Jew to buy their stockpiles of useless metal. Isn’t it weird how the “silver run against the banks” started being shilled heavily in 2021 when COMEX had its highest stockpile of silver?

The world will never go back to the gold standard even if there was total economic collapse.. it doesn’t work that’s why it was removed in the first place. In a crises the whole system falls apart and it makes nations compete against each other for resources that leads to war. It’s never coming back.

>> No.53092296
Quoted by: >>53092340

What backs the united states federal reserve notes?

>> No.53092314
Quoted by: >>53092406

You're right, BRICS+ divesting from federal reserve notes is just in my head

>> No.53092340

Nothing except “trust” but I don’t understand your point. The fact that the current economy is flawed has nothing to do with the flaws of our previous economical system and if you haven’t noticed they’re about to get rid of this one too.. this is where you shiny enjoyers go wrong though because you think it’s gonna revert to a previously failed system that will give too much power back to the people when they’d never let that happen. I don’t oppose the gold standard in principal, it’s just never coming back.

The future is a global, digital currency they can take from you at will if you step out of line in any fashion. I don’t know what I can say to make you see it but it should be obvious this is where things are going just looking at the political climate in the west.

>> No.53092352

Not yet. Today marks the end of Elizabeth's effigy being minted though.

>> No.53092358
File: 258 KB, 760x708, Tolkien £2 Coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears us UK folk are getting £2 Tolkien coins. The question is will there be circulated versions. I imagine there will be.

>> No.53092406

LOL. It’s political posturing, they’ve been saying this for more than 20 years fren, older anons will remember them talking about it around the 80s. I bet if you go on YouTube you can find videos of this being talked about that are as old as the website itself and as long as the US is a strong military power, it’s not even a realistic idea, never mind something that will be made into reality.

>> No.53092408
File: 70 KB, 495x355, Mind Tricks Don't Work On Me Only Money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53092425
File: 1.35 MB, 1024x1216, 00429-3080320154-Masterpiece, Best quality, maximum quality, best work, master artist, beautiful face, business suit, (petite), (white hair), fro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy new year /pmg/

>> No.53092450

You argued gold standard leads to wars.
The FRN is backed by nothing but acceptance as the reserve currency.
This acceptance is only there because of US military power. Reserve currency status has been backed by many wars.
On top of that, ALL debased fiat systems blow up with enough time. Every last one of them. And when this happens the bloodiest wars break out.

>> No.53092452
File: 20 KB, 790x233, BRICS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53092560

2050 is the closing date for BRICS replacing the US dollar as the global reserve. Saudi Arabia has already made it clear they plan to have a 50 year agreement with China to sell oil to them.

>> No.53092476

Seems to me there's a lot more doing than saying by the BRICS+ nations but I know that you already know that. You're concerned with anons converting currency to sound money, I'm concerned that I rawdogged a vaxxie. We are not the same.

>> No.53092560

>Wikipedia article
>an economist said a thing in 2001
Okay, so? You realize that doesn’t make it fact right and that does not make it consensus? Economists are retarded speculators that lead to the market crashing every couple of decades or so, they’re always wrong. Is this your evidence? It’s very weak. I like how my point earlier was ignored that the “silver run” against the banks was conveniently shilled at the exact same time COMEX had their highest recorded stockpiles of silver too.. nobody wants to touch that one.

Let me also ask you.. If a new BRICS economy/currency was a threat to the US etc, why would western nations sell their stockpiles of gold to them in the first place? Make it make sense. The US and other western nations would be buying up all the gold to prevent them from having total control of their own market and weaken their position, not selling it to them to allow them to breakaway from the western economy.

Let me also ask a hypothetical. In the event that everything plays out exactly how you believe it will, what’s to stop them from coming for your PMs? If things got as bad as you believe, you’d have the government kicking down your door and confiscating it for the state. There’s records of every trade you’ve made unless you get everything second hand.

>> No.53092661
File: 128 KB, 720x648, 1672373395249176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woaw, getting better. this one is new! nice upgrade!

>> No.53092669
Quoted by: >>53092845

>says gold is worthless metal
>but actually I don't oppose the gold standard
You're a hook-nosed kike faggot.

>> No.53092696
Quoted by: >>53092845

dear new glownigger,
you fail to realise when coveted things go illegal, the demand and value spikes.
there is no losing move.
>what’s to stop the guvment from coming for your PMs?

>> No.53092706
File: 597 KB, 640x480, 1671048379491451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. It isn't the only thing, the trajectory of global finance is moving east because it has the biggest population, biggest potential for mass industrialization, little regulation, authoritarian states and more natural resources than the west. This shit takes time to build and transition away from the old system which is why I say 2050 is the date to really pay attention to as it should all be ready by then.

2. They don't have a choice because the financial system can collapse at anytime due to one pillar falling. It's all about kicking the can down the road until you can't anymore. The biggest problem for the west is that it primarily became a service economy of the world. That's bad for when the globalist project collapses, which it has and now the west has got to go back to a production economy all the while trying to stop pensions and other social welfare systems from collapsing.

3. Well then it becomes a game of chicken. I have options to consider. Be a good slave of the system and hand over my property to the state bandits, lie and have a parallel economy, or I defect to a BRICS nation and become a 5th columnist.

>> No.53092825
File: 320 KB, 512x512, stonechad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you’re very “simple” people who just want the shiny and to hear the “clink, clink”
yes, and?

>> No.53092845

>hUrR dUrR
>Doesnt see the implication that I think gold is worthless because it doesn’t back the economy anymore
>wouldn’t be worthless if we went back to the gold standard
Clean up the drool hanging from your lip
Good luck with that one man army top Kek.
Even though I don’t necessarily agree with your own predictions, I do at least respect your reasonings. You’ve thought it through a lot more than most I've talked to and some of what you say here is true. People need to realise not everyone who disagrees with your ideas is a troll or a shill, I’m just trying to challenge the ideas here, while also challenging my own and maybe I come around to your way of things. I’m not married to any idea and am always looking for the truth in all things and if people really believe what they think is true then they shouldn’t be afraid of it being challenged.

If you have any evidence you’ve collected I’ll gladly take the time to research it myself.

>> No.53092861
Quoted by: >>53094385

>If you have any evidence you’ve collected I’ll gladly take the time to research it myself.

The evidence is the trajectory of the global economy. I haven't save every link I've come across because I don't see the point with how slow the development is going to be, but I do save significant events with the Saudi China deal being a massive one. Here's a video detailing the significance of that deal.


>> No.53092878

>starts blubbering and crying that he's just misunderstood
lmao I saw right through your gaslighting you stupid faggot kike. Get back in the oven.

>> No.53092879
File: 43 KB, 1000x765, 1655402377101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im fair and open minded
yeah sure whatever, heeb. you already played your hand here: >>53092206

stop giving this rat (you)s. i buy PMs because they are shiny and I like to hear them clink and it makes the JP Morgan clan seethe we're using their discount. you'll never get your claws on my silver moishe.

>> No.53092881

>There’s records of every trade you’ve made unless you get everything second hand.

not if you paid cash in person in amounts small enough to not have to show ID

>> No.53092951
Quoted by: >>53093187

Retard, we will seize your stack this year we have every single of your transactions recorded and will be sending SWAT and IRS teams to your house. And no the "boating accident" thing won't work.

>> No.53093018
File: 92 KB, 700x700, 1668940959332375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any decent LCS near/in Montreal?

>> No.53093171
File: 173 KB, 1488x838, B1A24ADB-F79E-4A28-9CE4-159D42659293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Classic Pilpul. Moshe don’t you realize it’s not 1971 anymore?

>> No.53093187
File: 115 KB, 746x1024, D1DC8EFC-4CAD-437F-B2FF-B8186994A8C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53093514


Sounds good faggot. Send bachelors and come heavily armed. Also have your press corp on standby to spin why 1-5 SWAT golems got made good on a random citizens front lawn.

You won’t. You and the other Kike shills are absolutely tearing your garments at the idea of the hated Goy returning to Gods Money.

And I’m here to tell you; it’s the most hilarious and encouraging thing I’ve seen all year. Hell I already bought this months’ silver. But in your Honour I’m going back for more.

>> No.53093285
File: 1.74 MB, 1283x2473, IMG_20221231_165913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53093417

How oversaturated is this around 20-40ppm?
I'm following the steps listed here

>> No.53093323

Fuck off you gigantic cock munching faggot. Kill yourself.

>> No.53093385
Quoted by: >>53094385

You're the same faggot from the last three threads. You've gone from blatantly insulting
>hurr durr metalhomosexuals
>"I say old bean, why collect silver if you can collect gold?"
To now
>the reasoned counterposition
But you grammar and syntax is always the same. You're the same faggot. Trolling the same fudd.

Ignore this fuck.

>> No.53093407
File: 13 KB, 160x160, 9k=(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly started stacking because it gives me at least power over my hard earned money and takes it away from banks where it gets lend again and in the worst case serves as the banks collateral. Also I don't like the idea that someone back in history said "I'm now the one guy who gives out real money" and I have to swallow QE and QT events which influence the world I'm living in like nothing else until today. I am overthinking my situation and the world around me quite often and it always leads me to the point that consooming less and spending more time in nature and with the ones I love is the thing I want in this world. Stacking is about dignity. I accepted that feeding the desire for consumption goods is a tool of the elites to keep the sheeps in the fenced area. Every now and then they butcher some to keep their bellys fat and to control the sheep population. Also, what is the the final aim of getting rich? You either join the club or get suicided if you get over a critical amount of wealth. Both aren't options I would want to live through in my lifetime. But you are right in one point: fiat is going to get valued more. Imo we are heading a situation like 1866-1886, when the amount of dollars was reduced drastically with the intention to destroy the economy and to implement the European central banking system afterwards in the US. But gold kept its value relative to dollars back then. Only this time it will be silver in the west and gold in the east. This whole shitshow is about some elites wanting to feel the illusion of control over the world. And honestly You and I really shouldn't waste our time arguing someone else's power struggle.

>> No.53093417
Quoted by: >>53093486

How much silver did you start with? How much silver did you end up with? What is the volume of the water?

>> No.53093486
File: 138 KB, 997x462, 80to2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53093591

It's a litre of water, an unmeasured weight of 16 gauge silver wire in distilled water for an hour.
It was practically clear, but afterwards the reduction process (adding a few drops of Karo and heating to 140 degrees) is what makes the color drastically change.
Here's 80 to 2.5ppm

>> No.53093514
File: 93 KB, 850x400, solz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based as and Solzhenitsyn pilled

>> No.53093591

Look man, I ain't tryin' to shit on you, but you need to weigh the elelectrode before and after the process. The lost weight will be the ionic disperrsion in your solute. From there calculating ppm is a simple matter. For instance if you dissolved one gram into 1 liter, you'll have 1000ppm. I suggest getting yourself a basic chemistry book and reading up. This really isn't the sort of thing you should wing, and in the info on that forum is wrong. Karason's argyria wasn't from using sodium chloride as an electrolyte. He simply ingested too much silver. I'd venture a guess that the 1 literbottle you prepared is enough to have you start presenting with argyria if you consumed the whole thing. There is no biological role for silver within the human metabolism, and as such you have no meansbof removing it. I'm not telling you not to consume it, you're your own man. I'd keep what you made for external use and apply it to wound dressings. I would not consume it.

>> No.53093606

based and topical use only pilled (ointmented)

>> No.53093636
File: 273 KB, 1920x1080, 1668891879635679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]













>> No.53093725
File: 1.05 MB, 1599x910, cdncoinsopen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53095709

Happy New Year!

>> No.53093730
File: 762 KB, 963x1920, IMG_20230101_090140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm in the wrong general, but I am a stacker so this feels like home.
You're not shitting on me, I'm here first and foremost to learn. I can't make heads or tails of whose directions to follow.
Countless videos show no electrolyte with a clear product, others show a yellow tint after an overnight electrolysis, then the forum seems like a group of well meaning and experienced people going in a different direction.
I'm not confident yet to ingest (however small an amount), but am happy to test topically or on household surfaces.
Pic related are the rods after about 2 gallons of product. I'm skeptical my scale could measure the loss.

>> No.53093739
File: 3.91 MB, 244x200, 1669712319279007.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53093772

Happy New Year /pmg/ frens.
My NYR: Stack more, make more OC to trigger merchants: acquire more land:
Im working on stickers similar to JB I did that stickers. But its JB saying "Thanks Putin for the Price Reduction. Should cause some major REEEEs in San Fran and Austin

>> No.53093770
File: 388 KB, 1096x1461, 20210625_174355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Year, my stacker frens! Ignore the trolls and follow history.

>> No.53093772
Quoted by: >>53093808

I hate gold and silver so much it is unbelievable. Your online Antisemitic remarks have been registered in our DB.

>> No.53093801
Quoted by: >>53093991

If you're looking for topical treatment solutions, you'll want very dilute AgNO3 (silver nitrate) ointments. AgNO3 impregnated dressings and creams are still the #1 frontline treatment for catastrophic dermatological injutiesblike burns or avulsions. Their production is a major industrial use of silver. O don't know much about colloudal silver, but most of what I see of it seems to be people with very tenuous grips on basic chemistry winging it in their garages. I'm a very rigid sort of person so that kind of stuff gives me the willies.

>> No.53093804
File: 1.05 MB, 1488x1346, quartermug1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like a few more quarters to get this mug to the brim.

>> No.53093808

I bet I hate kikes more than you hate metal. So we're even.

>> No.53093823
File: 29 KB, 728x90, The Tyranny of the Federal Reserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53093878

the jews own the gold mines faggot, you're just buying their bags at 1000x extraction cost

>> No.53093888
File: 284 KB, 1096x1461, 20210527_175730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, Frens, monetary scams, like plagues, come and go. But gold and silver always remain. When the current monetary scam collapses, be on the right side of history. The Central Banks and major governments know what's coming. That's why they are piling into gold like frat boys into a drunk cheerleader. They would stack silver too, if they had the room.

>> No.53093953
Quoted by: >>53098903

>When the current monetary scam collapses, be on the right side of history

Lmao you know this will never happen right? We are ready to rollout CBDCs and we will confiscate and ban all alternative forms of money.

>> No.53093964
Quoted by: >>53094273


Opinions on this?

>> No.53093991
File: 155 KB, 969x1200, 897RX_L_vvs_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53094086

I've become pretty alt-health and conspiracy minded over the years.
I knew of FDA approved silver burn cream, poor Karason, silver coins being in drinking containers going back to ancient Egypt, and colloidal silver.
Collodial is in nearly every hippy health store around the country and so many people swear by it. I figure if we've been using it for thousands of years, I don't have much to lose by trying what all our ancestors found helpful.

>> No.53093996
File: 52 KB, 792x443, United States Ukraine EU Fiat Debt Slavery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this, the banksters may have an ace up their sleeve.

>> No.53094053
Quoted by: >>53099244


Based. Good stuff Anon. You're put your finger on it;

It gives us direct physical custody and control of our hard-earned wealth. Transfers it from being some imaginery Jew number they use to enslave it - and makes it a hard, tangible object of value - and one which they covet deeply.

It is at once the consolidation of a Man's pay for hard work, a middle finger to the Jewish nightmare of Fractional Reserve Banking and Fiat Currency - and a meaningful act of insurrection against that same diabolical system that seeks to enslave or destroy every single Man, Woman and Child on this good Earth.

Keep stacking Anon. One day you will awaken in a better world.

>> No.53094076
File: 150 KB, 483x470, 1672373911690929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ignore the trolls. Stop shitting up the thread. Thank you.

>> No.53094081

Confessions of an economic hitman.
>Have expiring weapons (that's a thing)
>Loan them to a company
>Enslave country through debt
>Grease everybody's wheels
>Profit at every turn
Soro' Open Foundation has been 100% focused on Ukraine since 2014 when they overthrew the govt.

>> No.53094086
File: 2.25 MB, 3106x2907, 20221028_235132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear ya pmgbro. And there's nothing wrong with diy. I'm a very big diy'r myself. Everything ftom prep, to construction, to self-defense and pm refining. I'm only advising you to read. Knowledge is power. There'll always be questions, but with more knowledge you'll be able to pick out the viable nuggets of info from the nonsense internet know-it-alls can't contain themselves from spewing. The further on the fringes you get the higher the concentration of genuine real deal folks who know what they're talking about, and dunning-krugers.

Picrel is 60oz of silver dissolved in AgNO3 solution

>> No.53094088
File: 57 KB, 600x403, homeless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy new year

>> No.53094134

The United States at least appears very weak right now. You can fill a page with a list of things that are not going right with this country and its currency. One boon across god’s green flat earth doesn’t seem like enough to make up for it.

>> No.53094155

That looks strangely delectable

>> No.53094167
Quoted by: >>53094256

Do you have ANY idea just how broke the USA really is? If you think the EU, which is in even worse financial shape, is going to bail out the USA you clearly do not understand the depth of the problem. Ukraine is not an attempt to save the USA. It is just a last ditch attempt to scrape some wealth out of the USD and the people who use it into the pockets of the bankers and other crony capitalists. It's not a strategy for saving the empire, it's looting the treasury on the way out.

>> No.53094177
File: 1.08 MB, 1080x2320, Screenshot_20230101_091938_eBay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros does this look real? It's a key date

>> No.53094178

Can I get a comex check?

>> No.53094184
Quoted by: >>53094273

Still standing.

>> No.53094204
File: 380 KB, 498x319, comfy-christmas (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine spending your new years and new years eve trolling an autistic coin collecting group.
Imagine spending your new years arguing with said trolls.
Today is a day of comfort and celebration.

>> No.53094215
Quoted by: >>53094624

What a beautiful anon you are.
I'm coming at it from the commercialized Rockefeller Medicine angle and silver must not be overly dangerous, otherwise cashiers from 0AD to 1964 would all be blue.
Time to read!!

>> No.53094256
File: 147 KB, 1170x1154, Monopoly Facts of Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fully well know just how much debt the United States is in, but I'm putting things into perspective that for them to kick the can down the road of its infinitely expanding economy is to bring more people into its debt slavery system. Putting Ukraine into debt and then getting the EU to pick up the tab when Ukraine joins is massive. We're talking about a population over half a billion to add to America's debt ponzi scheme. The only thing against this is the uncertainty of who's going to win. Hell, it could be the worst of it all where only 10% of Ukraine still exists and the EU absorbs the debt as well with everyone in Europe paying the bill. Mind you, if that scenario actually happens it might be the straw that breaks up the EU.

>> No.53094258

What gold coins will everyone buy in 2023?

>> No.53094273
Quoted by: >>53094583

What are your and everyone else's thoughts on this

>> No.53094274
File: 1.64 MB, 283x240, 1633847260744.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53094624


>> No.53094294

Cocks and Swiss miss

>> No.53094371
File: 2.74 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53095814

sort by: cheapest

>> No.53094385

I’m back
Okay but I don’t think you’re taking into consideration the problems BRICS is having, they’re as likely to collapse as soon as the US if not sooner. Russia is throwing it’s men and resources away in a useless war, South Africa is on the brink of collapse and Brazil isn’t much better. China has a birth rate and demographic problem that isn’t gonna be fixed any time soon, India is a street shitting stink hole reliant on foreign money and the worlds dependency on oil is shrinking which screws the Saudis.. there’s a reason this has been talked about for so long but never implemented. They’re all just too unstable.
I have no idea what you’re talking about. The only threads I ever check out on /biz/ are the stock market threads. I checked this thread out because there’s no way I’m playing the market in this climate.
Respectable anon and I think we have similar outlooks on life when it comes to what’s important. Is losing your money on PM premium purchases the only “secure” way for you to save though outside of the system? If I thought the world was going to end, I’d be buying up fresh water, non-perishable food etc, I’d be building somewhere safe to live for my family, I wouldn’t care about gold and silver. If things truly break down there will not be any kind of economy at all, there will be violence and turmoil. People won’t barter for things, they’ll take what they want and the most violent will survive.

>> No.53094416
Quoted by: >>53094663

>Okay but I don’t think you’re taking into consideration the problems BRICS is having, they’re as likely to collapse as soon as the US if not sooner. Russia is throwing it’s men and resources away in a useless war, South Africa is on the brink of collapse and Brazil isn’t much better. China has a birth rate and demographic problem that isn’t gonna be fixed any time soon, India is a street shitting stink hole reliant on foreign money and the worlds dependency on oil is shrinking which screws the Saudis.. there’s a reason this has been talked about for so long but never implemented. They’re all just too unstable.

It's a slow moving ship, the transition is happening one step at a time. I'm of the opinion that they are doing this to make sure no weakness goes unnoticed.

>> No.53094445
File: 191 KB, 800x1067, 10_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fucking leaf. I don't know what size yet.

>> No.53094464


>> No.53094508

Depends on how my money goes this year, Im buying one of the jap slayer coins when we make that in gold but id also like an aprthied krug/AGE/and a maple. the maples do look really good, apartheid krugs have peak sovl and im american so need atleast one AGE

>> No.53094513

Happy new years, stackers

>> No.53094531

>It’s not a way to make money, it’s not a way to save (you’re actually losing money).
Completely wrong. If you save in dollars you lose money due to inflation. Metals do well against inflation unless you buy at their peaks like Bitcoin at 60k+ or a tech stock at the height of the tech bubble: losing money is possible but definitely unlikely if you hold long-term.
>The future is a global, digital currency they can take from you at will if you step out of line in any fashion. I don’t know what I can say to make you see it but it should be obvious this is where things are going just looking at the political climate in the west.
You act like this is a good thing and that we should lie down and take it up the ass. Your take is utterly inane.

Also the government has only ever confiscated gold, not silver or platinum. If the dollar collapses glowniggers like you will be without a job. If they SWAT innocent people you will have a Waco like incident in every state in the nation and because you're bankrupt good luck winning along with maintaining your crumbling global empire.

>> No.53094540

What years are the apartheid Krugs?
Do they have more numismatic value or something?

I'm contemplating buying this:


>> No.53094547
File: 1.79 MB, 2629x2444, A42CCDBD-7D81-4168-AC34-E20EBB651C5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53094684

This heresy shall not stand

>> No.53094558

they were made when south africa was a respectable nation

>> No.53094583

IMO FTDs (Fail To Deliver) on industrial metal exchanges is something that will cause concern, but not widespread panic.

LME Nickel futures completely exploded in 2022 and the problem was (((fixed))) and the exchange is still going. If anything happens with Platinum I think it will be similar, and the difference here is that the amount of Platinum that is overpromised will be much easier to cash-settle than the Nickel price explosion was.

A failure to deliver a significant proportion of deliveries will likely trigger a bull run in deliverable metal vs. contracts, but because Platinum is an industrial metal and a pretty small market, I expect the bull run to be a gradual process of new price discovery rather than overnight boom and to have minimal contagion into other markets like silver/gold.

Similarly I think a failure in the silver market would cause concern and have some contagion into gold, but only a failure in the gold market will really cause widespread panic.

>> No.53094590

Probably more Leafs.

I need to prioritize some other purchases though this year (dental and eye surgery, firearms), so I don't know when I will be buying.

>> No.53094599
File: 206 KB, 1215x1280, 7DE4B51B-36DC-4E4C-A5BA-3E8D18CA9C33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it a bad idea to keep your gold on you at all times? I have 12.5 oz gold in a taped plastic bag on me at all times, considering upgrading to 22.5 oz.
should I get a cool leather pouch instead? what are some /pmg/ approved ways of carrying coins?

>> No.53094624

Well thank ya. Silver isn't overly dangerous. Even argyria isn't unhealthy, per se, it's just disfiguring. It has its role. And as I said, I don't know much about colloidal silver. It's just always best to arm yourself with as much knowledge and understanding as possible. I wish you success in the new year, and all your endeavors.


'79 - '94

>> No.53094644
Quoted by: >>53094744

Checked. You do you anon, but I can't really see any benefit in carrying your entire stack of gold on you. I have a couple coins I keep as pocket fondlers because I'm fidgety. But everything? What's the benefit?

>> No.53094652
File: 164 KB, 960x1280, A22290AB-78BF-47E5-A601-58EC759C8DBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53096085

I carry these loose as well
the tiny little 3.44gram 1 ducat coins are amazing, love them

>> No.53094663
Quoted by: >>53094844

I mean there’s definitely a possibility, I just think if the west collapses so do they and all the borders in the Middle East will immediately start being redrawn too as most of them only exist in the first place due to western influence. It will be a shit show worldwide, a global collapse. Maybe we go back to some kind of gold standard system eventually but that wouldn’t be until decades after the collapse and with the demographic problems in the west there would tons of civil wars/violence and most likely balkanization. I suppose it doesn’t hurt to have it as a contingency plan though as long as you aren’t trading everything you own into it.

For my own curiosity is there any reasons that gold and silver themselves could collapse in value?
>You act like this is a good thing and that we should lie down and take it up the ass. Your take is utterly inane.
That’s not at all what I was saying, in fact I’d struggle to think of any worse outcome for the human race. Total annihilation would be preferable to being human cattle.

>> No.53094684
File: 1.57 MB, 498x376, 1650043417930.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were posting pics of that coin last year when it was actually minted, its not a 2023 coin.

>> No.53094744
Quoted by: >>53094911

I’m afraid of break ins
have no good place to hide my gold so figured I’ll keep it on me at all times, that way someone has to kill me to get it at which point I don’t care if I lose my gold

>> No.53094764
File: 140 KB, 1000x708, stacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based. It's refreshing to see the /pmg/ schizo mantras challanged. Anons here always get their panties in a tizzy whenever someone challenges their paranoid delusions, so props for doing so and being articulate.

The gold standard was perfect for international trade, but it utterly devistated the working classes within nations via deflation. It failed in nations across the world for this reason - not due to a secret kabal of Jewish bankers coluding to control the goyim (which is unironically what almost of all of /pmg/ espouses). Anyone who thinks we are going back to a gold standard is blind, because the writing on all the walls says nations around the world are moving towards CBDCs.

I still stack though. I know part of it is just my dumb lizard brain liking shinies. The other aspect is that I believe assets are great places to park money. Things like paintings and old firearms can mature to fetch massive gains decades down the road. It's true that metals haven't been a profitable investment when compared to other things in recent years. However, that's kind of the struggle with parking money. Do you leave it in a HYSA or CD that doesn't beat inflation? Do you buy land that requires taxes and maintenance? Do you gamble it all away in the crypto casinos? I chose to diversify into bullion, because history has shown us (and recent legislation has made explicit) that during economic calamities, your money is not safe in the banks. If a US bank goes under today they will use your funds to bail in themselves; you are, by definition, their lender.

Having lived through the last 3 years, I know crazy shit happens and honestly, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see even crazier shit happen in the next 3 years. So many things nationally and internationally are poised in really bad ways at the moment. Therefore, I stack a portion of my worth. It's a safety net more than an investment.

>> No.53094844
File: 123 KB, 600x1478, China US Global Trade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53095061

>I mean there’s definitely a possibility, I just think if the west collapses so do they and all the borders in the Middle East will immediately start being redrawn too as most of them only exist in the first place due to western influence. It will be a shit show worldwide, a global collapse. Maybe we go back to some kind of gold standard system eventually but that wouldn’t be until decades after the collapse and with the demographic problems in the west there would tons of civil wars/violence and most likely balkanization. I suppose it doesn’t hurt to have it as a contingency plan though as long as you aren’t trading everything you own into it.

The west won't collapse in the sense that it will be fire on Earth, all that will happen is a financial collapse. The question then becomes what type of financial collapse will it be. This is the hot topic in commodity social circles. Will it controlled demolition to the new CBDC's or a fiat currency gold revaluation. It might even be both where the revaluation is used to sustain fiat for when the new CBDC currency is ready. As for the Middle East it will have China imperialism. It's already happening as China has been setting up its imperial strongholds all over the world like the Middle East and Africa. You really should be paying attention to video creators such as Maneco64 and Parallel Systems as they show in detail the ongoing development of the financial world and its geopolitical implications going forward.

>> No.53094862
File: 445 KB, 1096x1461, 20210422_063856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that the BRICS have their own economic problems is actually part of the argument for why they MUST remonetize gold. For some of them, it's all they have.

>> No.53094893
Quoted by: >>53097442

On you or in you? This reminds me of when I was using dried cum to polish my silver. The protein cleans and protects.

>> No.53094911
Quoted by: >>53095090

your risk of loss seems as high as a risk of theft.
I'd find a strong hiding spot - inside a hvac vent, taped above a sink, etc

>> No.53094924
File: 240 KB, 768x572, JewGold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of a South Park episode.

>> No.53094945
Quoted by: >>53095083

You are nuts carrying that around. Find a place to stash it even if its just burying it somewhere.

>> No.53094956
File: 298 KB, 1800x1350, silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put large part of your savings in precious metals

>> No.53095061

I think you may be the person I’ve been getting confused for lmao you seem reasonable to me though. A lot of people here think I’m a troll/shill but I’m challenging myself as much as I’m trying to challenge them. Im looking into all of this but I’m not just gonna rush out and spend my money without doing some due diligence. There’s cult like behaviour from some of them which makes me extremely wary but you and a few others have at least come to reasonable conclusions and thought your reasoning through.

Btw if you want my advice
>”do you buy land?”
Yes. Always buy land if you want to be truly wealthy and you can get it cheap, especially productive land you’re able to farm. The market for land and housing will just continue to grow to ridiculous prices and will be the most valuable thing you can possibly own. Just hope the government doesn’t come and take it from you at some point.
>You really should be paying attention to video creators such as Maneco64 and Parallel Systems
I will check them out and give you some feedback if you’re still around. Thanks.

>> No.53095083
Quoted by: >>53095090

Don’t have any vents I can hide it in and taped under a sink doesn’t seem very safe honestly

>> No.53095087

>South Africa is on the brink of collapse
Been hearing this on 4chan since 2016.

>> No.53095090


>> No.53095105
File: 229 KB, 720x754, 1670963609475886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53096781

dude, after about 15-20 minutes of using those rods you're suppose to wipe off the carbon build-up with a clean pad of scotch brite to keep the current flowing as efficiently as possible

>> No.53095115

Samefag samefagging samefaggingly
Like he's done for at least the past 3 threads.

>> No.53095254
File: 149 KB, 1034x639, 1654685151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it even worth stacking 90% anymore?
Im contemplating making this my first purchase of the year.

>> No.53095271

just think of all the formerly well to do housewives you could buy

>> No.53095318

Yeah, last thread they were accusing me of being another questioning anon from the thread before that one. Basically, anybody who questions their beliefs is all the same person who is Jewish and paid per (you) by the JIDF and uses VPNs to appear like more than 1 person... because y'know, clearly that's the most rational explanation for why someone doesn't believe what they believe. I'm not even kidding, many of these people are so stupid it's unreal.

Anyways, land is a smart investment. However, the problem with land is that it costs tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, and if you lurk here enough, you will see in almost every thread, anons bemoaning how the spot price of silver has moved 10 cents, but they can't afford to seize upon this closing window of opportunity, since their pay day isn't for another week. In other words, stacking (especially silver) is for poor wagies living paycheck to paycheck. They like to believe the power fantasy that their purchases are subverting the rich and powerful banking system, which will come crashing down and then suddenly they will be rich and powerful. There's even an ongoing fantasy about how their dirty old dimes will buy young girls as their wives/sex objects. Other than being perverted and cringe, it's mostly a great deal of cope from people who lack the means to create actual wealth for themselves. Most stackers don't have wealth to preserve and would be better off using their money to invest and generate more money. But as you're realizing, most stackers are very dim-witted people.

So yeah, of you're sitting in a lot of cash right now, the market looks to be a really bad place to be for the short term. Land is a good choice, cash in the banks is a good choice (never have all your money in 1 bank or banking family), and for me, a portion in physical metals as an added insurance/diversity. It should also be noted that PMs are best as long-term investments (decades, if not even inter-generational).

>> No.53095367
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 354685415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53095401

>Anyways, land is a smart investment.
Yes, I agree!

>> No.53095401

Do the thread a favor and ignore the same fag.

>> No.53095413
Quoted by: >>53095427

if you're worried about PMs confiscation wait until you see what Agenda 2030 has for landowners.

>> No.53095427

>Agenda 2030 has for landowners

>> No.53095440
File: 305 KB, 365x559, Stop Stacking Wojack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get called a JIDF or a glowie because you keep on coming into the /pmg/ thread to rant at stackers not putting their money into other investments. That's the kind of attitude that pisses anyone off and screams hustler, especially when over half of /biz/ are crypto ponzi scams. Unlike the other anon you don't talk in good faith.

>> No.53095442
File: 58 KB, 880x640, 1671840527069000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like gold more than silver. I like 99.9%+ purity more than fractional. I like rounds/coins more than bars. Most /pmg/ Anons tend to be the opposite though.

At the end of the day, you should just buy whatever you find the most intriguing, or useful.

>> No.53095488

It's the same person.

>> No.53095521
File: 167 KB, 463x463, yugi_fuck_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53095577

Yeah Im just fucking around.
This is some Backyard Bullion tier FUD right here.
Happy New Year!

>> No.53095551

Your land = Their's now

>> No.53095558

Forget Agenda 2030 and just think of the practicalities. Virtually any asset you can own is EASIER for government to confiscate than PM. Stocks, bonds, anything held by a broker - push of a button. Bank accounts? Same. House? They send you a notice to vacate and then use such force as is necessary to toss you out and give your house to somebody else. Vehicle? It's registered, is hard to hide, and can only be transported on roads lined with cameras and plate readers. Safe deposit boxes? A note to the bank and its gone. Almost ANY asset is easier to confiscate than PMs in hand. Such a stale fud.

>> No.53095559
File: 995 KB, 500x429, 4ChanFight!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53095602

Well said.
But remember - 4chan is really for kids and failures to launch.
It's an Anime web site first.
Expect the least, do your best.

>> No.53095577

Happy new year to you too, pmg bro

>> No.53095602
File: 137 KB, 1080x416, then explain this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53096243

I've literally never shilled a single thing in this general. I post here on occasion, hoping to encounter the rare rational anon (like we have today), so that they may teach me something new and provide new insights. Sorry your feelings are hurt because I don't drink the schizo Kool-Aid of this general.

Also, that other anon is me too. We are the same person using a VPN from Tel Aviv.

Picrel schizo.

>that gif
Lmao. For sure, I'm not desperate or dependent upon the posts here. For anyone who is, that's really sad (and I suspect that's the case for many in this gen who are so defensive about their beliefs).

>> No.53095624

I can assure you we aren’t the same person and what have I even been shilling exactly? I’ve been questioning your ideas sure but I’ve also made many concessions in this thread to some anons ideas also and said what they are doing is fine. This is the first time I’ve been here, I only ever go in the stock market threads and I go on /pol/ every so often just to see if anything has happened the media isn’t covering.

I think my first post got us off on the wrong footing and was a little douchey so I apologize for that but beyond that I’m genuinely just trying to challenge the ideas here and if my own get picked apart then it could also be something I’m interested in doing myself. I don’t understand why some of you are so sensitive to this, I’d think it would be something you’d encourage.

>> No.53095641
File: 678 KB, 740x900, 288b80c0d918dd1e8e4092390c9c6fcd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is always a little fud in /PMG/ threads but man the rate its been going the past few days I think there are about to be some big moves in PMs this coming year. That being said you guys buying anything today or waiting to see what the new year brings price wise.

>> No.53095657
File: 915 KB, 1096x1461, 20220625_141913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53095908

Remember Frens, if someone is insulting you they have run out of rational arguments and their true agenda of harming you is showing.

Keep doing what the banks are doing - stacking like never before.

>> No.53095672
File: 283 KB, 1072x1429, 20210512_151046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53095697

The flak certainly HAS been thick. Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

>> No.53095675
Quoted by: >>53095726

I do very little buying online. I have very good relationships with both my LCS'. I prefer spending within my local economy with people I know. It being NYD, they're both closed.
Tl;dr: I have no plans to buy today.

>> No.53095677
Quoted by: >>53095691

this guy is a fucking faggot

if you read PMG no one ever suggests maxing your shit into silver or gold, i think the most bullish anons go 20% of their take home into metals but the rest goes into different asset classes

you are being intentionally dishonest, as you know no one here is cultish in their belief that you should not diversify your wealth

fucking piece of shit, get out of here with your lies faggot

>> No.53095691
Quoted by: >>53095700

You just know that when there are 2 whole people question the silver conspiracy, that (((they))) must have something BIG in the works for PMs come Monday. Question is, will be a price dump or a price pump?

Everything about this post screams your a newfag.

>> No.53095693
Quoted by: >>53095788

this is a huge buy signal, usually the fud shills are kept to pol and the setf threads

but now its getting bad, these arent even the gpt 3 chat bots like bitcoin bitchbot is

truly, this means you should expect metals to keep moving up

>> No.53095697
File: 1.06 MB, 1725x1343, 1671154532628736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy new year to you as well, be safe, and happy stacking.

>> No.53095700

been here since the jeets were pumping gayhorse, eat my ass

>> No.53095709
File: 363 KB, 2400x1600, bars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy new year anon

>> No.53095726
Quoted by: >>53095872

Fair enough and good on you for keeping you money in local small business. I've only got one LCS around so was thinking of getting a 20 lire online today.

>> No.53095745
File: 2.66 MB, 1300x4200, 1672316796240524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do most stackers fit in with this chart? My guess is a normal distribution centered around Roman tier does that sound about right

>> No.53095750
Quoted by: >>53095809

>that comes at a massive premium
Ok but this is true, the money you lose on premium is kinda big isn't it?

>> No.53095768
File: 2.93 MB, 250x186, 1672278128442004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53096243

Leaving 2022 in the past like:

I hope 2023 is better than last year for everyone! Happy New Year!

>> No.53095788

I was thinking the same, I'm used to the occasional newfag with run of the mill questions, or some copypasta bots, maybe even a real troll once in a blue moon, but a barrage of vague stance less arguments for multiple threads now is out of the norm.

>> No.53095809
Quoted by: >>53095934

Don’t agree with anything I’ve said, they’ll call you a bot/shill too and say you’re me lmao. I understand my first post comes across as douchey but I don’t understand what anyone thinks I’m shilling if they actually read my posts? In fact the people saying I’m shilling are telling everyone to buy as they call me a shill..

>> No.53095814

pesos because I think the eagle eating the snake is dope

>> No.53095872
Quoted by: >>53096059

Oh, go for it. A man's money is his. I do buy online, just infrequently. Have my eye on either a 20 lire or a swiss helvetia 20 franc. They're online only. Just not buying right this sec.

>> No.53095878
File: 109 KB, 850x584, ByChad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much precious metal fud lately. So remember that you will buy a loli wife to breed with your silver and gold during the great reset and you vill be happy.

>> No.53095908

are these the gold sovereigns? Are these the ones that are around 8g one?

>> No.53095931
Quoted by: >>53095944

so my boomer dad gave me 2 oz of silver for christmas. what do i do with them pmg? right now they're just sitting in a drawer.

>> No.53095934

I'll fill you in on some extra irony about the shilling here. Not one, but 2 (two) anons from this general have created websites where they sell silver meme bullion with 100% premiums (not even exaggerating). Every thread is filled with shilling for these coins. Whatever, I honestly don't care, but if you so much as encourage anons to save some their money, then suddenly you're the shill spreading FUD, lmfao. It really is a consoomerist cult/identity for many of these tards.

>> No.53095944
Quoted by: >>53095957

Not enough info.
Post photo

>> No.53095946
Quoted by: >>53096067

I am gonna buy some silver Monday because my LCS was closed for this entire week.

>> No.53095957
Quoted by: >>53096047

2022 ASE

>> No.53095969
File: 25 KB, 713x611, smoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pmg completely changed after that first run of apu coins I really wish it didn't happen desu

>> No.53095975

The government did confiscate silver. Executive order 6184

>> No.53095986

No, I imagine on this chart a lot of people are stacklets/pirates. With the odd long term stacker who comes from money or who made lots of crypto gains and has pms as something to put that into. Depends on the age of the stacker. The younger ones who live with parents or Americans can probs do £/$ 200 a month with ease. Where as the standard slightly older euro does less due to being older having to lay more vat and potentially having mortgage/rent to worry about.

>> No.53096009

Sovereigns or Britannias, depends if I can actually get a real job

>> No.53096022

Leafs, Britannias and lunars

>> No.53096047

Good enough.
I assume they're in some sort of plastic sleeve ("flip") or capsule. If not, it would be good to protect them from scratching and tarnish somehow. Or keep one out as an example of fine silver and study it a bit. Mostly yeah, it's just kept and stored. Either the bug to buy more will bite you or not. Your Dad has shown you a path, it's up to you to walk it or not.
Know this: ASEs are but one of a myriad designs.

>> No.53096059

Same here can't get them local so was thinking of getting it today before prices change tomorrow

>> No.53096065

Well they’re dumb as fuck because I could’ve been a potential customer and they’ve put me off all together. There’s some anons here who made legitimate arguments when questioned and piqued my interest in finding out more but the vast majority have just been calling me a shill for even questioning why they’re doing it.
Then the fact I’m being called a shill in the same sentence they’re shilling to every other anon to buy is fucking hilarious and was the final nail in the coffin.

>> No.53096066

I'd like the 20Peso - has both eagle and calendar.
Also the 2024 Somali Elephant when it comes out, possibly one or two EC8 coins, maybe some more LMUs from countries i don't have (lots of opportunity there).

>> No.53096067

Looking for anything in particular or just going in hunting for a good deal?

>> No.53096082
Quoted by: >>53096172

Ok anon what are your questions and i will endeavor to answer them

>> No.53096085
File: 991 KB, 4608x3456, Buffalo(sexy).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53096222

Your buffalo doesn't get scratched up from being in your pocket all day?
Mine got a small scratch from me breathing on it
(still not putting it in a capsule though because those are for niggers)

>> No.53096109


>> No.53096152
File: 209 KB, 1000x1000, 2021-GE-new-1-rev-1-4oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider yourself lucky to have a functiong brain, anon. If you have lot's of cash just sitting in the bank that has your worried for whatever reasons, then maybe consider putting 5-10% into some physical bullion that you hold for the long-term. 1 oz gold (and silver) coins from your country's government mint should fit the bill just fine. Otherwise, don't worry about all this PM stuff and just focus on making your money grow.

>> No.53096165

Where can I buy simple gold jewelry with high gold contents without retarded premiums? I'm Euro by the way.

>> No.53096172

Thank you anon. I’ve had the majority of them answered if you go through my post ID and I was actually having some cool discussions with some anons before I started randomly being called a shill/bot/samefag.
First of all why are you “stacking”? Because I may actually see nothing wrong with your reasoning to begin with as was the case for a few other anons I talked to in this thread.

>> No.53096222
File: 160 KB, 960x1280, FC340101-2635-44C0-BBCA-B316FAD12BAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no scratches
have a little pouch in my underwear where I keep it

>> No.53096226
File: 293 KB, 1300x1274, Just one of these will buy you a formerly well off Onlyfans whore in the future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2023 is the year of global economic collapse, The cycle is coming to it's engineered end. it's not a matter of if but WHEN at this point.

Jews don't want people to dodge the trap they have set for the human race, which is total economic enslavement. They can't (yet) prevent us from buying PM's to sidestep their plan, best they can do right now is to send shills to FUD Silver and Gold.

When this collapse happens, even just having 50 oz of silver will put you into an elite bracket compared to the 90% of the average population who have NONE and are being herded to slaughter.

>> No.53096232

same fag much?

>> No.53096243
Quoted by: >>53096545

kek that bad edit

Thank you Anon, happy new year to you too!

>> No.53096244

Any recommendations of where to purchase it from? I don’t even trust the links in this thread anymore with people shilling their own shit. IF I do put some of my money into bullion, I want it as close to the going rate as possible.

>> No.53096253

I'll be a coinquestador by next month. I could be now but I want the new bullion sovereign design.

>> No.53096254
Quoted by: >>53096267

Your stupid post makes me not feel bad about stealing your Checkems

>> No.53096257
File: 1.78 MB, 350x255, 1670133291090630.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based behind the nuggets, nugget smuggler.

>> No.53096260
Quoted by: >>53096322

to answer your question though

stacking = savings, its pretty simple. but to be fair you werent interested in asking questions, you came in off the rip acting like a butt fucking homo with the entire purpose of shitting up the general

go fuck yourself

>> No.53096267

100 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.53096268
Quoted by: >>53096455

Different Anon here (as you may assume from the ID). I started out stacking a dozen years ago because there was a lot of talk about hyperinflation because Obama. In hindsight, stupid FUD, and I ended up buying at the peak ($37/ozt) and hope someday to recoup that (good luck). But then I found a LCS and started seeing all sorts of cool designs, and my philosophy switched from "stacking" (I had maybe 200 ozt of generic bars) to "collecting" designs that I really like. Alas, this includes very high premium (but all new - nothing old or ancient or rare) new coins, so even with the great dips we had, my DCA is still $28.50/ozt.
But I really like most of what I collected, and the stack has become substantial, but still no more than about 3% of my overall assets. That is, I can *afford* to be stupid.

>> No.53096272

>5-10% into some physical bullion

>Same standard reply of an npc working at some globo homo bank giving the same npc (((advice))) for the last 50 years

>> No.53096304
File: 220 KB, 1400x1050, Screen_Shot_2017_07_13_at_1.09.20_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53096455

>dont trust links of well established and reputable onlinr dealer

You realize how fake this looks right?

Be that as it is, just go to your local LCS. You arent going to find silver close to spot when you are a newb because you pay a premium for reputability.

>> No.53096311
Quoted by: >>53096893

Except the banks never said that

>> No.53096319
File: 2.56 MB, 6912x3718, dont talk to me or my nephew ever again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh maybe mine just came out of the mint like that and I didn't notice. It does have a small dent by the date that I did immediately notice. Doesn't bother me too much
>those digits
>that image
Don't think any post this year will be able to top that.

>> No.53096322

I was talking to the other anon but if you’re willing to answer questions I will ask you too. You can call me samefag or whatever all you like if you answer my questions. Also I’ve admitted I came across douchey especially in my first post but it’s the best way to get your questions answered on 4chan and don’t even deny it.
Okay but you’re only really saving in case of a specific scenario right? The economic collapse of the west? Is this your view point? Because every time you purchase PM, you’re actually losing money on the premium and if you were to try to sell it back it would also be under premium so in any other scenario you’re not actually saving, you’re losing money.

>> No.53096414
File: 520 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230101_113600_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53096609

No thays just one scenario. If you lool at gold and silver chartd you will see that post bretton woods silver and gold gained value outside a very specific, and artificial, run up in 79-80.

Lool at pic related. That is a bag of 5 dollars, face value, of silver coinage. In 1964 all that was worth $5. Today its worth $112 and nothing changed except the amouny of foat dollars floating about making silver nominally more valuable.

When i first got into silver you could get junk silver coins for 13x to 14x its face value. Today its mote like 20x at best.

When i was a boy you coukd get an ounce of gokd for $ 250 and silver for $5. Today its $2000 and $25 respectively.

This trend will continue until something fundementally changes in our economy and mometary system.

>> No.53096455

The very fact I don’t know they’re reputable should tell you I’m a legit newfag on this general. What is LCS? Local coin store?
So you are treating it much more like a hobby/collector thing than anything else now? Collecting cool designs and stuff? And if it turns out it’s useful in the future great? And if not you still enjoy it as a hobby? There’s much worse hobbies to have, I’m not gonna shit on you for that and at least it’s one where you still keep some of the monetary value you spend.

Personally I’m interested in questioning the anons who do it for economical reasons and find out more about why they think it’s a good idea and why they believe it will pay off in the future.

>> No.53096484

>Your losing money on the premium
God damn this shit gets old

>> No.53096528
Quoted by: >>53096645

Same old premium fud. If you buy almost any asset and turn around and sell it immediately you will lose money. If you buy
PMs and turn around and sell them and lose money, it is YOU who fucked up.

>> No.53096545
File: 38 KB, 400x400, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53096729


If you're American, I like Bold Precious Metals. They usually have the best prices on current year, standard government bullion coins. They also tend to process and ship the fastest for me. You can shop around to some others just to be sure, but if I find that Bold almost always has the best price on these. Other places I would check are SD Bullion and JM Bullion (same parent company), SilverGold Bull, Money Metals Exchange (accepts XMR if that's appealing), and even APMEX (who are usually the highest, but not always).

You're right, bro. This guy has GOT to go all in if he wants to WAGMI with us prepped bulls during the great collapse amirite :V

That's a correct understanding. You will eat the premium, which is why gold is a much much much better choice to diversify into for the purposes of savings. Pay 3-5% premium, hope/assume gold goes up more than that when it comes time to liquidate it. If you intend to hold long term (a decade or more even), then I think this is a fair bet. Silver is more of a moonshot coin that comes with steep premiums. You won't even break even on your premium unless the price moons. If I were in your shoes (had no PMs, don't give a shit about the SHTF LARP or coin collecting, and I just wanted to diversify some fiat savings), then I'd just buy 1 oz gold American eagles, and if I were feeling adventurous, I might add some tubes of 1 oz silver American eagles (or maybe even a monster box, depending on your situation). Whatever the ratio, I'd go way more into gold than silver if stacking as a means of having a physic savings. A tube of gold eagles will be easy to liquidate.

>> No.53096570

yarrrr nice bootey matey yarrharr indeed

>> No.53096588

Yes, LCS is local coin store. Please note coin store and not pawn shop. Pawn shops will hose you unless you are experienced.

The major online retailers, apmex, jm bulliom, sd bullion are fine in they wont sell you fake but their prices arent great unless you buy volume.

Reddit also has a pm selling channel. Reddit Precious Metals for Sale. Its genetally pretty safe.

Stay away from ebay its full of chink scammers.

My advice to you since you are knew. Go to your LCS and ask for their generic silver it will be the cheapest you can find. If you cant find one you feel comfortsble with then go with one of the online ones i mentioned they sometimes run deals for new silver buyers that will let them pruchase up to 10 oz near spot.

Stay away from Government issued mint (for now) as it has crazy premiums due to shortages. Also be wary of government coins that are being sold cheap...they are almost certainly chinese fakes.

Stay away from private mint collectibles (for now) as its really hard to predict which runs will keep their premiums and which ones dont.

Stay away from numismatics (for now) that requires experience.

Keep about 75% in generic. The other 25% is for government/collectible/numis because you will break the above rules when youve been in the game long enough.

Also, the first timr you hold silver is magical. Its heavys and you will think "so this is what money feels like"

Lastly, dont use leverage, it defeats the purpose of buying sound money and dont go all in.

PMs are a long game

>> No.53096610
Quoted by: >>53096729

>I’m just here to learn by “questioning anons”.
No, you have an agenda moshe

>> No.53096609

Okay so there’s also people who treat it as an investment, like they just invest money in gold because they think it will make them money? Because personally I think that would be the poorest reason to buy PMs and one I would question heavily. There are often short windows where if you invest at the right time you can make some money on PM years and years down the line but almost any other type of “investment” will yield far more profit in a much shorter window, there’s many ways to make money that are better than investing in PM and you’re always starting on a significant loss when you mostly have to pay above premium and then sell under. It’s not a smart way to make money. If you put some of your money in gold it’s to protect against inflation, not make a profit.

The most reasonable arguments I’ve heard so far were the people who do it for a hobby, the ones who put some away in PM to protect against inflation and the anons who are worried about the political climate which id like someone who knows a lot about to get into more detail.

>> No.53096628
File: 71 KB, 1200x675, 088DB855-F960-42DC-B104-5A83763EA695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this fucking guy

>> No.53096635
File: 103 KB, 2000x1999, ezgif-1-40c606e613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Mene alternatives in Europe? Want some 24k jewelry.

>> No.53096645 [DELETED] 
File: 375 KB, 1405x1392, IMG_20220729_193334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53096825

Fuck niggers.

>> No.53096656
File: 1.09 MB, 2800x1367, Niue_Icons1_Galileo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you are treating
All those points, yes. Very good summary.

>> No.53096729

Also saved and thanks for the advice anons
Be sure to let me know when you figure out exactly what that agenda is. The only thing I’ve outright disagreed with as a reason for “stacking” so far is for investment reasons UNLESS there’s some truth to the anons who believe that BRICS will be creating a currency backed by the gold standard but there was only one anon willing to get into specifics about that and he’s obviously not here anymore.

>> No.53096752

By 2030 SpaceX and other private companies will haul the first gold crusted asteroid back to earth for mining, then the gold supply will quadruple making gold literally worthless overnight. When it comes to investing you shouldn't allocate more than 2% of your income into PMs. If your net worth is less than 1 million USD you shouldn't even think about buying gold and silver. Your primary goal should be wealth accumulation by going all in on crypto. Not wealth preservation through non-productive assets like boomer rocks.

>> No.53096769
File: 521 KB, 1234x1474, 1632681224566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53096795


Try harder fren.

>> No.53096781

I've read that, and kind of done so, but it's harmless and still conductive silver oxide

>> No.53096787

If I had put all the money I lost on crypto schemes into gold instead the last few years, I'd have enough for a house deposit instead of losing it down the digital drain

>> No.53096795

Just take your meds, already. All that colloidal silver has poisoned your brain.

>> No.53096808
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>> No.53096812

It’s not economically feasible in our lifetime. I think gold is poor as an investment but not because of this.

>> No.53096825
File: 1.77 MB, 2409x2880, D4298036-2585-4C82-8F64-7C4BAD3CBE84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck Niggers
>Proceeds to Pay for President Ngubu's Yacht
For Krugs, you either buy Apartheid era or don't buy at all. South Africa will be out of mineable Gold deposits within a couple decades regardless of if they mint Krugs or not and so there's no point in paying seniorage just to "own the nigs". If the Gold gets exported from South Africa as bullion, they make less of a profit than they do buy selling you Krugs.

>> No.53096827

If you want to invest in PMs your better off investing in mining stock.

PMs are wealth and they have been for thousands of years.

Yes you migjt say value is subjective and PMs only have value because we give it value but that itself is an arguement for PMs because human nature doesnt change. Human beings have continously chosen to value PMs, across a myriad of cultures, since the stone age and track record matters to our monkey brain.

Now, a lot of people hold PMs because they think the monetary system sill collapse (and im one of them) but even if it doesnt collapse and just continues centuries long trend its a winner ehen it comes to wealth preservation.

An ounce of gold was $ 32 dollars in 1972 while today it is around 1900. Thats an annual appreciation of about 4% which is .8 better than the long term inflation rate. That same paper dollar from 1972 purchases the equivlant of $.15 today.

In an era where bank saving rate returns are a fraction of a percent, and below inflation, gold is a much much more prudent long term hold.

Then you get the speculation aspect. If Gold and Silver does what it in the early 2000s you stand to make thousands of dollars.

>> No.53096828
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>> No.53096881
File: 396 KB, 1096x1461, 20210501_161018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still waiting for someone to tell me where to park my wealth. Investing in real estate now is idiotic. Investing in stocks is a bet on the Fed continuing to pour on the liquidity but without serious inflation. A very bad bet in my estimation which is why I pulled out over a year ago. Crypto? Not really interested in losing my life savings. So where? Just hold cash in a bank account? I have some for emergent needs but it lost 20% of its value in the last two years. So not exactly a great option unless you think a massive deflation is coming. I put my wealth into PMs because I think every other option is a massive risk that I am not willing to take. I want something to hand down to my kids or live off of if things go really bad.

>> No.53096886

I find most mining stocks are pretty bad, most of the ones I have are down anywhere from 30-70% each depending on when I bought them, if I am lucky (am I'm usually not) I'll maybe break even with them within the next year or two if we get a minor recovery after covid/Ukraine shit eases off

>> No.53096893

They did, see they know the best way to rig something is to rig it in the direction it is naturally going, giving investors advice using a small percentage would give all people of wealth the concept that bullion isn't really worth that much and not worth investing anything into it, but if they had of said dont invest anything into metals that would have been a red flag for many seeing as metals were money for hundreds of years.

>> No.53096910
Quoted by: >>53097133

>Now, a lot of people hold PMs because they think the monetary system sill collapse (and im one of them)
Yes anon you’re exactly the man I want to talk to. Please elaborate on why you think it will collapse and why you think gold is the answer.

>> No.53096935
Quoted by: >>53096957

If asteroid mining actually becomes feasible in my lifetime the quality of life for humankind will become so incredibly high that I could give a shit about losing some temporary wealth stacking PMs.

>> No.53096937

And you never will, its hard to yell metals bad when you don't have an alternative suggestion or the alternative you suggest is even worse, so they will never give an answer.

>> No.53096957
Quoted by: >>53097022

I think its more likely I see the return of the stone age in my lifetime, I sure hope I'm wrong though.

>> No.53096960
Quoted by: >>53097224

I would like to give you some advice anon but if I do I will probably be called a shill and nobody will answer my questions. I’m really trying to find out more about the anons who buy gold and silver because of BRICS and the situation in the middle and Near East.

>> No.53096962
File: 356 KB, 690x690, 1666749454142724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its genitally pretty safe.
Reddit Precious Metals is now approved.
Safe for use on your genitals

>> No.53097011

Why the fuck does everyone keep talking about a gold standard and not a silver standard? (I'm not referring to pmg obviously)

>> No.53097022
Quoted by: >>53097073

I suspect what we'll see is a kind of division of society where there will be two types of countries:
>large, powerful nations with large armies but their economy is basically based on imaginary assets and the people live in 3rd world standards
>small seclusions within nations of rich, homogeneous communities that lack political power but have wealth in some hard physical commodity

>> No.53097037
Quoted by: >>53097234

Stocks and real estate. Srs

>> No.53097048
Quoted by: >>53097085

>but why
>gives reason
>let me tell you why youre reasons are wrong

this is what you are here for, fuck off fag. you have no real interest in discussion, you are only here to shit up the thread as i said before

>> No.53097058
Quoted by: >>53097080

Because silver is an industrial metal byproduct of mining other industrial metals.

>> No.53097059

You just posted this exact same post - almost word for word - in the pm fud thread up right now. >>53096482

>> No.53097066

Kek you guys are discovering how at least 60-70% of anons here and fucking retarded and hate probing questions.
I was "that" questioning guy a few months back, I don't come here much now.
Guess the aim of these pmg schizos is to alienate as many people away from pm as possible

>> No.53097073

I'd buy that idea, would still prefer to see us space faring and post scarcity but can't have everything in life.

>> No.53097080
Quoted by: >>53097148

Silver *was* the monetary standard. There never was a gold standard to begin with.
This is way before industrial use was a thing. Industrial use isn't even a factor.

>> No.53097085
Quoted by: >>53097106

No I’m trying to ascertain your viewpoint in one comment and expedite the process before you call me samefag or whatever else and stop answering my questions because the important part I wanted to know is if your reasoning for “stacking” is because of the situation with BRICS.. as that’s what I really wanna find out more about more than anything else.

>> No.53097095
Quoted by: >>53097154

honestly, outside of metals the few stock picks i would go for would be big tobacco since they produce nice dividends and since they are evil they will survive

guns aint bad but you gotta do more leg work and legal bullshit to get/sell than with metals. this is true for alot of other niche collectors markets unfortunately

stay away from cars and real estate. real estate is only good if you develop it into some sort of useful venture ; outside of that is a liability you pay taxes on

if you gotta hold fiat, maybe CHF??

crypto is a big gamble at the moment, but since its down maybe not the worst time to DCA

stay away form us treasury.gov and tbills/bonds, its a fucking waste

>> No.53097106
Quoted by: >>53097313

fuck you, i have no n eed of sharing a view point with a no metal holding shill

post stack or fuck off

>> No.53097133
Quoted by: >>53097313

Simpley put, history. Humanity has beem introducing fiat currencies for over a thousand years and have debasing even longer. It always, always ends with monetary collapse. The denarius was so debased that it went from the primary unit of account in the time of caesar to the equivalent of a penny in the time of Constantine.

Our issue today is our monetary system is debt based i.e reliant interest payments. The problem is we have become so over leveraged that we wre at the point where cosumption has to be forgone in order to service the debt. The problem with that is our global economy os orgamized around consumption.

Japan serves as an example. They have been economically flat/deflationairy for 30 years because of this exact same issue. Interestingly enough Gold is one of the few asset classes in Japan that has bucked this trend.

I dont think Gold is THE answer. I think it will be ONE of the answers because of its history, its uses in space age technologies and cultural importance in India and China. It also serves as a good ying to bitcoins yang. Bitcoin is a digital store of value whereas Gold is the analogue.

Lastly, central banks are purchasing record amounts of gold and you know the saying...follow the money.

>> No.53097148
Quoted by: >>53097322

US silver mining in the 1800s created so much of a surplus that it reduced it's scarcity enough for it to be abandoned as a monetary metal. The problem is that the rate of silver extraction exceeds that of industrial output causing dilution (if it were to be used as a monetary metal).

>> No.53097151

What is gold-consciousness and silver-consciousness like?

>> No.53097154
Quoted by: >>53097189

Alcohol and tobacco are both good, just like religion every civilization since the beginning has had some form of smoke and drink.

>> No.53097176
File: 407 KB, 1000x871, 1672278969819709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53097206


What is that?

>> No.53097188

Seeing the tards wrangled is honestly a lot of fun. You should consider returning and engaging in discussion with the tinfoil hatters more often. When it's more than 1 person asking questions/trying to get them to expand upon their conspiracy theories, they have a complete meltdown. It's cute seeing them throw tantrums at the slightest intellectual standards being applied to their illinformed headcanons. Plus, through non-schizoid discussions, some of us might end up learning a thing or two about PMs.

>> No.53097189
Quoted by: >>53097236

alcohol i guess i could agree with, and in that style if you are going hood rich or redneck estate building get some tanks of sweet lady C3H8 and some propane generators.

people like power tools too.

but cigarettes are a bad go, as is gasoline and what not since they have short shelf lives IMO

now the ability to grow tobacco would be killer

>> No.53097204

It's like you're trying to hard but you're not quite hip, but in your own mind you're the dopest trip

>> No.53097206
File: 2.64 MB, 1500x2000, australian gold kangaroo on top of gold wars smaller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53097328

The altered state of consciousness in the world you experience merely by looking at real gold or silver. An instinct to save rather than spend.

>> No.53097224
File: 23 KB, 309x412, 20210623_091437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So as expected, you have no answer for me. I guess I will continue to do what the Central Banks and major governments are doing - stacking PMs.

>> No.53097232

wtf are you babbling about? smug retards like yourself come in to bitch and yet offer nothing in return

you want an intelligent discussion then how about bringing some fucking intelligence in here?

>heh, stackers are schizo retards and we are so much smarter

all you and the other butt fucking retard have contributed can be surmised as the above

>> No.53097234

Both are afloat on a bubble of debt. Real estate is already crashing. Stocks are vulnerable. I'm not a gambler.

>> No.53097236
Quoted by: >>53097258

Oh yea, I wouldn't try stacking cigarettes, but growing your own, tobacco, weed, or other smokeable herbs, and learning how to make your own mead or making your own still and making moonshine with fruit in it would be a good investment, people go crazy over that stuff. Doesn't matter how poor or rich, people will pay for something to smoke and drink to celebrate or to try and forget.

>> No.53097248
File: 161 KB, 805x577, antisilver prop nothing new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53097443

painfully obvious the anons "asking questions" are simply here to shit up the general fren

>> No.53097258
Quoted by: >>53097312

youre not wrong but at that point it becomes an active job/hobby versus a passive hedge or investment

>> No.53097307
File: 112 KB, 1200x1200, AA46D5B5-DA48-4E77-97F3-B639780015B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53097414

I can’t get over this

>> No.53097309

>a gold standard and not a silver standard?
Id like one too but Russia and China and the BRICS+ and the central banks around the world seem to be only buying Gold which looks to be in preperation of a monetary backing.

>> No.53097313

What exactly am I shilling? Lmfao you still haven’t answered this and I’m not quite sure you even understand the definition. I’ve not told one anon to buy or not to buy or to sell or not to sell in this entire thread and I’ve racked up a few posts. You sound schizo af.
>post stack
I’d love to but I’m a newfag trying to get information about why it’s a good idea to do this in the first place and all you can do is seethe and post “shill” because I dare to question anything, instead of just answering which suggests you don’t even know why yourself. Brainlet.
Our economy and monetary system has been fucked for over a century though, so what makes you certain the collapse will happen in our lifetime? The bubble should’ve burst a long time ago but they just continue to prop it up. Also I thought banks had been selling gold to the Saudis according to some stackers? This is one of the reasons they buy gold and silver because they believe BRICS will have a digital currency backed by gold by 2050.

>> No.53097312

True, you would need to literally invest in your investment. Mead and moonshine you could do batches and stack as little or as much as you want so you could scale that with how much time or space you have free. The tobacco though would be a heavy time investment and wouldn't last forever even if vacuum sealed, also wouldn't be able to scale it up or back or start and stop on a whim. Also to any shills take notes this is how you have a conversation and learn, you share information back and forth, take note of any advantages or disadvantages other anons bring up, and don't go calling everyone schizos.

>> No.53097322
Quoted by: >>53097435

That kind oversupply problem does eventually balance itself out (low price = low incentive to mine etc) so it's not a great argument against a silver standard

The other reply you got is kinda why I don't bother, these faggots are too contemptible to really take seriously.
Which is sad because the macro about silver is probably right.
I do hope the IQ level here rises by a few points but I don't see it happening.
The people you have here are the people that Dave Chappelle spends a lot of time bashing, poor whites. They're not the most intellectual, calling them midwit is giving them far too much credit.
They're in silver because it's piss cheap and it's simple to understand.
I don't doubt the whole macro thesis about price suppression and how it can end the Fed but a lot of that is a long way off.
I do also believe there's a chance continued rate hikes will lead to an all out global collapse and in that scenario silver will wake up. I'd say there's about a 40% probability of that. Not guaranteed but not low probability either.
I pay more attention to guys like Snider and Johnson these days just because they make a lot of logical sense and they present facts.

>> No.53097328
File: 243 KB, 1024x658, 1671322254434194.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think the instinct causes the altered state of consciousness Anon. I don't think someone would buy gold, or silver without altering their consciousness first.

>> No.53097354
Quoted by: >>53097443

Yeah but here's where I think that kike Rafi Farber has a point, he always talks about banks using gold between themselves but the public having no other option other than to adopt silver post-collapse. It does make sense but it remains to be seen if people are ready to stop being fucking sheep and take control back or not. I wish this general or the idea of silver had been shilled during OWS. We wouldn't be back in the shitter if people had been smart back then.

>> No.53097385
File: 2.08 MB, 1621x2023, 20210828_101152_copy_1621x2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look forward to a future where people talk about the silver counterparts of gold the way we talk about gold today.

>> No.53097384

If you want a real answer from me I’ll give it but it depends if you’re talking only about investment or just how to make money in general.. how much capital do you have? You don’t have to give any specifics but just in general? You’re gonna have a lot more options if you’re relatively wealthy. If you’re a poorfag your best bet is probably entrepreneurship/buy and sell.

>> No.53097414

that is beautiful

>> No.53097421
Quoted by: >>53097435

I got trips on my BOG coin
I like it cuz it’s shiny

>> No.53097435
Quoted by: >>53097491

Checked. That's fair. You can ignore hatefilled morons like that snowflake, but you still have to sift through their srink to read any actual good responses (if there even are any). I get that that gets tiresome.

I'll checkout Snider and Johnson. You might like Niel McCoy-Ward. He has a YT channel (among other things) that has pretty solid financial insight. Been watching him for years and he's been right on the money about a lot of macro things.

Anywyas, don't let the cousin fuckers turn you off /pmg/ entirely. There are good lulz and good info to be had here, even if the general decorum is mostly mentally challenged.


>> No.53097442
File: 52 KB, 416x356, 34A07DCB-2C51-4948-905E-97A4D3DD32E7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch what the fuck

>> No.53097443
Quoted by: >>53098143

Don't be a cunt. I used to come here asking awkward questions because I felt there were subjects that people were ignoring here like about the likelihood of a squeeze, about how a lot of the DD seemed sketch and you nigger cunts did the same to me, just haughtily handwaved any concerns away.
I'll keep calling out the retarded fucks like you at the same time as holding out hope that silver can come back as a standard.

Forgot to add, I think the developing world/global South is where a silver standard may appear. Possibly places that are undergoing extreme hardship like Sri Lanka, Venezuela or Argentina. The idea needs to be planted somewhere in the real world so that normies can take notice.

>> No.53097491

>Niel McCoy-Ward.
Heh my boomer mom used to watch this midwit and post me his videos. He's very basic.
Jeff Snider is leagues above this guy. They're both kikes if it isn't obvious.

The other infamous PM shill is Zoltan Poszar who most people here will have heard of. He actually posted a note shilling commodities (specifically gold and oil) recently.

>> No.53097558

It’s like pulling teeth trying to get anyone to answer a few simple questions. You’d think since they’re so invested in this that they’d easily be able to answer..
There’s been a couple of cool anons who have been helpful but Jesus Christ, some of the people here are like cult followers and any question whatsoever is an insult to them personally.

>> No.53097585

Genuine questions are fine but that’s not what you’re doing.

>> No.53097599
Quoted by: >>53097727

Keep speaking out. They've been allowed to fester for way too long, looks like enough people are tired of that shtick. Let them call us all kikes or whatever idgaf anymore. Fuck the low IQ shitstains

>> No.53097619
Quoted by: >>53097694

Fuck. Off.

>> No.53097636
File: 125 KB, 747x1024, 5B213324-1AD5-4953-BF9B-8E7923DD7141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just boughted more silver

>> No.53097663

Nice, just bulk or something special?

>> No.53097694

Imagine having to ask questions on financial advice from a bunch of anons. DYOR faggot.

>> No.53097727

That’s exactly what I’m doing and I’ve been trying to ask about BRICS and why that has people here worried for well over an hour and all I’ve gotten is schizoid accusations about being a shill (shilling what?), a troll and being a samefag. If you go through my ID I was having a back and forth discussion about this earlier with an anon and it’s something I wanna know more about because if there’s legitimacy behind it then investing in PM would absolutely be a good thing to do but it’s impossible to get an answer from any of you. I’ve asked multiple times.
Are they purposely trying to drive newfags away? It’s frustrating as hell. I don’t understand the defensiveness to questions.. even if I were a troll then anyone who happened to be reading would see their reply and get to see the truth. I’d be BTFO because I couldn’t counter what they said. It’s just dumb.

>> No.53097796
File: 39 KB, 710x842, 754B0B86-6D92-4FBF-BA51-227732C040AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53097835

A roll of 2023 Krugs from Monument

>> No.53097797
Quoted by: >>53097834

> purposely trying to drive newfags away
Bold of you to assume they have a purpose.
Like I said, they're just anti-intellectual white trash. I could tell that in the 1st few threads I took part in in like Nov 2021. If you want proof, check out the infopics that get posted here, they're full of hyperbole and irrelevant and carefully-stage-managed data, not actual analysis. And you could argue it's difficult to get solid data but the thing that really pissed me off was how they present this half-assed data as masterworks. Like they can't just admit they're fumbling in the dark. I'd say we need to burn it to the ground and start again but there's not that much to even burn.

>> No.53097834
Quoted by: >>53097900

>Purposely driving away
I would love it if you niggers just left instead of bitching and shitting up the thread

>> No.53097835
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>> No.53097862
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what do you want to know?

>> No.53097883
File: 38 KB, 1164x458, 1668137473215101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53097978

>what makes you certain the collapse will happen in our lifetime?
Because among a multitude of compounding factors putting us in completely unprecedented situation, the FDIC themselves are admitting it. Listen to the language they use in this meeting. This is legalese version of "we are completely fucked"


>> No.53097900

>shit up the thread
It would be dead if it wasn’t for me. I’m sticking around and I just purchased some silver and gold. In the next thread I will post my shinies and I will get my questions answered whether you like it or not.

>> No.53097920

They don't want to know anything, every question they have had has been answered, except why people think BRICS will happen specifically during our lifetime, to which thier is no concrete answer unless you are directly involved with the development of BRICS, if you are smart you plan for it to happen and if it doesn't you pass on your wealth to your children that's the real answer and only answer they haven't recieved

>> No.53097944
File: 207 KB, 720x960, fine grained native gold and galena hosted by quartz Free Ore Claim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Year all! I hope everyone is comfy!

>> No.53097978

Okay anon, thank you. Specifically I wanna know more about this potential BRICS digital currency and why this is a major factor behind a lot of the people who “stack”. Not only that but why they are so sure it’s gonna happen. That’s literally all I w anted and you all could’ve gotten rid of me hours ago.
More of anything like this would be helpful also. Any evidence anons can post to back up what they’re saying is good about why they stack.

>> No.53097989
File: 78 KB, 768x492, 1670803120553906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paid controlled / opposition / Internet influencer bots out in force.

Ignore trolls
Do not engage trolls
Hide troll posts
Do not feed trolls

Ignore this warning at your own peril and enjoy reaping what you sow by feeding trolls

>> No.53097995
Quoted by: >>53098201

>Our economy and monetary system has been fucked for over a century though, so what makes you certain the collapse will happen in our lifetime?

By noting events. A century ago things were more tham slavagable, the US was a net saver, largest producer, young and strong and when the US went off breton woods in the 70s there was mo viable alternative.

None of that is true today. Think about whays going on right now. The US has fired every financial weapon it has against Russia and failed to get the desired objective. Countries are openly flouting US dictates and courting BRICS. The last time we saw something like this was the Suez Canal crisis which marked the begin ing end of the Brtitish Pound as the leading reserve curency

>> No.53097999
Quoted by: >>53098037


>> No.53098037
File: 99 KB, 411x669, Screenshot from 2022-12-06 18-11-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53098043


>> No.53098043
File: 94 KB, 411x736, Screenshot from 2022-12-06 18-12-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53098048
Quoted by: >>53098073

Why do you keep acting like its peoples job to spoon feed you and get you to invest in PMs?

>> No.53098064

I guess this is what happens when crypto crashes.

>> No.53098073
File: 1.18 MB, 1200x2599, mgs-funfactsplatinum-ig-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53098266

Because they aren't here to learn or in good faith.

>> No.53098143
Quoted by: >>53098629

youre a smug cunt arent ya, you havent posted jack shit other than calling every other anon in this general white trash or retarded

pot meet kettle faggot??

>> No.53098175
Quoted by: >>53099755

We dont know for sure. Some think it will be a basket of their fiat currencies others a basket of commodities which would include gold.

In either case it spells disaster for the value of the dollar by simple virtue thay there is a competitor

>> No.53098201
Quoted by: >>53098425

Thank you anon this is exactly the kind of thing I’m asking about and want to know, you’ve been one of the most helpful people in this thread and given me the most direct answers to my questions, I appreciate it. It gives me a starting point to look into for myself.

Why in your opinion though will BRICS not also collapse at the same time or even before? As I discussed previously in the thread it’s as unstable, if not more so, as the west in many ways and in the event of the western economy collapsing, there’s an almost certainty we would see a massive crash globally.

>> No.53098266
Quoted by: >>53098334

But I really am. Besides maybe my first couple of posts you can’t copypasta any post I’ve made here and say I’m trying to troll or anything else. All I’ve done is ask questions.
Regarding your pic what’s happening with platinum? It’s supposed to be worth more than gold but I can buy it much cheaper.

>> No.53098310
File: 65 KB, 519x878, 1665900848128901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53098352

I can afford to stack one 1oz Britannia per month, do I go for Gold or Platinum? I have enough silver already

>> No.53098315
File: 1.42 MB, 1786x2848, JpDream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53098391

All of you fucking newfags stop shitting up the general and lurk more. For fucksakes back in my day we lurked before posting and didn't have to be spoon fed everything. At this point you newfags are just retards or are precious metal fudders sent to shit up our general.

>> No.53098334
File: 222 KB, 602x754, main-qimg-2d9a3cbb5dae7762ff072ecf7ce9bec7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53098345
File: 38 KB, 739x920, SilverHog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53098471

wtf is happening to our general? They are making it so shit. I miss the days in 2019 and 2020 when /PMG/ was super comfy.

>> No.53098352
Quoted by: >>53098404

Gold. Platinum isn't as liquid and gold is the bankster's metal. Platinum is the metal to choose if you fancy a gamble.

>> No.53098391
File: 1.29 MB, 1770x1304, foto_no_exif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what happens when nobody comments on coin photos. Very unfrenly 888 walls of text.

>> No.53098404

Yeah gold is normal but didn't know until today that there were platinum Britannias, useful since in the UK they have no capital gains on sale no matter the material. Another thing is that they are cheaper for now, around £1100 compared to around £1500 for a gold Britannia. 10 years ago gold would have been cheaper instead

>> No.53098425
Quoted by: >>53098492

They may, and probably will, as shifts like this are always tulmultuous plus we have the added challenge that energy is becoming more expensive (barring fusion panning out) and facing an unprecedented population crunch this century. Frankly it this may be a global civilizational collapse event (Rome suffered many of the same issues) but even in that scenario different polities will fare better than others (Byzantium continued on, the Franks established their own empire and the rise of the Arabs as an example)

The goal for the BRICs is to have a currency that they will have some say in versus what now where they have nk say with the dollar. To repeat, the BRIC cdbc may not completely surpass the dollar, but then it doesnt have to, it simply needs to be a viable alternative to the dollar which itself is terrible for dollar given its hyper dominance and an opportunity for the PM holder.

The reason to own PMs versus paper silver or gold is the same as reserve banking ie are 20 paper contracts for every 1 physical ounce. If everyone suddenly decides to collect, rather than be paid out in cash, the value sky rockets. This is what happened to solver in 79 before the feds shut down the market tje issue though in 79 the demand was from a small set of US investors whereas this time its global and the feds cant shut down Chinese, Russian or Indian exchanges

>> No.53098442
File: 129 KB, 690x862, gold-plated-jewelry-markings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53098574

In case anyone has forgotten here are the words of the anon thats here in good faith and to learn.

No offense to you all but I think this is one of the most cringe things people do on this website unless you can prove me otherwise.

Just admit it… you’re very “simple” people who just want the shiny and to hear the “clink, clink” so you can feel like a rich man.

Reality is you buy worthless metal with nice pictures on, that comes at a massive premium and actually loses you wealth. Say you spend a grand… you’ll probably end up with just half that in actual metal.

"It’s not a way to make money, it’s not a way to save (you’re actually losing money). How do so many of you get convinced by this dumb idea? There has to be more to it than “oooooooooo shiny”. You’d be much better off just investing it or starting a savings account with interest on it and hold your money in there"

Once the attention from this post wore off they started the whole " I'm just a poor uneducated newfag please help me learn anons" act to regain attention

>> No.53098460

What's the most prestigious year of gold Krugerrand?

>> No.53098471

>wtf is happening to our general?

We're getting close, thats whats happening, im actually relieved to be seeing the fud, its basically confirmation.

>> No.53098487
Quoted by: >>53098517

It won't be digital, where did you read that?

>> No.53098492
Quoted by: >>53098540

You’re a very based anon, thank you my fren for your answers. I’ve saved some of the replies here so I can look a lot more into this.
Unless you also know anything about why platinum is so cheap I’ve satisfied my curiosity enough for now and everyone else can finally rest easy.

>> No.53098517

I don’t recall but I’m pretty sure that’s what I heard from a few different sources. I heard it was going to be digital like crypto but backed by the gold standard.

>> No.53098540

its not a monetary metal, and has had no history of it

>> No.53098571

Next One is Up


>> No.53098574
Quoted by: >>53098798

Not if you have the proper time frame. If you bought silver in the 90s at 5 an ounce then it doesnt matter if you paid a 3, 6,10 or 20% premium.

Moreover people forget to compare PMs to cash. There is a yearly premium to holding cash and thar premiun is inflation. Example

If you bought $1000 of silver in 1995 at 6.00 (5.2 plus .8 cent premium) you would have 166 ounces. If you sold it for the closing spot price of silver in 2021 for $3,620.

That same 1000 in cash lost 85% of its purchasing power in the same period through the yearly inflation premium.

>> No.53098629

As I said, I've posted in many other threads before this you worthless low IQ cunt. Not my first rodeo with you tards.

>> No.53098769

I'll look around elsewhere, but this thread is the first time I've heard, anywhere, that the BRICS arrangements will be a cbdc setup. I have read that silver will be included in the BRICS system as a tier 3 asset. Gold and oil will be tier 1. I have read a while ago that there is plans of a silver backed cbdc for USA. I saved the link but the article was deleted. It was in 2019 maybe. It stated it was silver for USA due to its smaller market cap, due to industrial needs and throw away attitude, it's not reclaimed like gold, and most of the silver mined is through reclamation and environmental process from other metals. It is mined at an 8:1 silver:gold ratio.

Dunno if any of it is true. But just about all financial experts say to put 10% of your wealth into gold or silver and hope you never need to use it.

Gold is always a sure store of wealth, that's why banks use it. silver is the riskier option. It is very unlikely to go to zero you might loose some. But it has all this speculation that it might moon.

Metals are less risky than most other things you could put your money into, it won't make great returns fast, really it's just a place to park money you don't need until you need it without having counterparty risk and you have access to it whenever you may need it. It offsets inflation losses very well. Generational wealth or long term wealth preservation is it's job. It's not about ROI in a short period (unless silver moons(

>> No.53098798

Also this.
This is very well worded. In hungover.

>> No.53098903
File: 3.60 MB, 498x247, 1669276341408268.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confiscate and ban all alternative forms of money

>> No.53098957

>What gold coins will everyone buy in 2023?
1oz Brit. Ordering in a couple weeks.

>> No.53099244
File: 22 KB, 554x554, 1668292436144252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too, anon.

>> No.53099536

Yesterday, New Year's Eve, I purchased 7 silver quarters at the downtown coin shop. Today, I found another silver quarter in the register at work. Tomorrow, when the shop opens I'm gonna buy a few quarter dollars more.

>> No.53099599
File: 14 KB, 369x308, 1657891938521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else looking at SSVRF?

>> No.53099755
File: 1.17 MB, 1080x1097, stackRealGold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53099800

I think this is a good answer, fight me fuck you

>> No.53099800

Thanks for the laugh on your pic

>> No.53100673

agreed, why go half way, give her monster titties, let's make the classiest uber coomer round of all time