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File: 3.89 MB, 800x1274, mrlchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50798869 No.50798869 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized P2P privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and fungible, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- In other words, the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a user willingly providing a view key.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptos. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of transactions increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier of entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward will gradually approach 0.6 XMR in June 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

XMR Redpill: https://youtu.be/wq6w03E2DS4 (embed)

XMR Stats: moneroj.net

USE Monero: https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - getmonero.org



>Non KYC:
Crypto ATMs
see: kycnot.me



Official Gui/Cli
My Monero

IOS: Cakewallet
Android: Monerujo

>> No.50798895
Quoted by: >>50802123


>> No.50798952
File: 266 KB, 1200x1145, wirey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting in

IRC- https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/tzm4s
Aliases- https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/bjbx3
Extras- https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/daxte
Nodes- https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/ke2k8
Mining- https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/c7na4


>> No.50799046
File: 888 KB, 1568x1080, P2Pool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


P2Pool combines the advantages of pool and solo mining; you still fully control your Monero node and what it mines, but you get frequent payouts like on a regular pool.

P2Pool has no central server that can be shutdown/blocked because it uses a separate blockchain to merge mine with Monero. There's no pool admin that can control what your hashrate is used for or decide who can mine on the pool and who can't; It's permissionless!

Decentralized pool mining (P2Pool) is pretty much the ultimate way to secure a PoW coin against 51% attacks. When P2Pool reaches 51% of the total network hashrate, Monero will be essentially invulnerable to such attacks.


If you have a PC or laptop:

1. Download Monero GUI

2. Pick 'Advanced' mode

3. Set up your wallet

4. Keep the default Daemon settings "Start a node automatically in the background"

5. Once sync'd, go to Advanced->Mining and pick 'P2Pool'. If you have a laptop or low-end PC (~50 kH/s) pick "Mini" pool, else pick "Main"

P2Pool-compatible remote nodes if you do not have your own local copy of the blockchain:

>p2pmd.xmrvsbeast.com - (Western Europe) (rpc-port 18081, zmq-port 18083)
>myxmr.net - (Northern Europe) (rpc-port 18081, zmq-port 18083)


Many inexperienced miners think that big pools give better profits which is not the case. Your profits in the long run depend only on your hashrate, not on the pool's hashrate.


>> No.50799060
File: 65 KB, 560x558, TakeThePill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*****/XMR/ Monero General Info-Dump*****
>*****/XMR/ Monero General Info-Dump*****
*****/XMR/ Monero General Info-Dump*****
>*****/XMR/ Monero General Info-Dump*****

Learn more about Monero's key features and excellent future prospects, have some common misconceptions dispelled and discover the cold hard facts about Bitcoin, Zcash and PirateChain. Also featured is a noob-friendly buying, storage and wallet guide.

>Monero: it's what new Bitcoin users think they bought. Every feature, explained

>Why Monero is so untraceable: a rundown of the powerful stealth tech Monero utilizes

>The Writing on the Wall: Monero replacing Bitcoin as the new standard

>Breaking News: no, Monero still isn't traceable

>Vaporware: why nobody is worried about CipherTrace's magic crystal ball

>Very Clever Math: how we can verify that the XMR supply isn't being inflated

>Pssst, wanna buy some Monero? Follow these simple how-to guides

>Bitcoin: The Original Non-Fungible Token

>Why Monero is Better than Zcash: the "privacy coin" criminals won't touch

>The Lowdown on PirateChain: why this Zcash clone is considered a scam


- added Proof-of-Stake update to Zcash Blackpill
- added list of available desktop/mobile wallets
- expanded all sections with more relevant info, graphics & videos
- added easily linkable headers and sub-headers (link icon to the far right)
- added a new section about traceability FUD

>> No.50799085
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x3246, CypherpunkManifesto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget what this is ultimately all about.


>Help grow the circular Monero economy: buy/sell goods & services with/for XMR!


>Live off XMR with Cake Pay (currently US only)

>or with CoinCards (currently US & CA only, UK, EU & AUS coming soon)

>Monero stickers for guerilla marketing

Say buh-bye to Bitcoin and support the growing number of Monero-only darknet markets/vendors

>Asur Market
>Chimera Market (recently launched, exercise caution)
>Cloud Market (recently launched, exercise caution)
>Darkmoon (recently launched, exercise caution)
>Mellow Market (recently launched, exercise caution)
>Retro Market (recently launched, exercise caution)
Onion links: https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/2jbqd

Anonymously exchange BTC for XMR using a reputable darknet service

>Majestic Bank
>Infinity Project

>Poker Club: play no-limit Texas Hold'em in real time with 2-8 players over the safety of Tor with the privacy of Monero! No user account required.

>XMR Poker

>Want to support further development? Donate to the Monero General Fund or MAGIC Monero Fund

>Have a particular set of skills? Join a Monero Workgroup and (potentially) earn XMR!!!

>Want more Monero-chan? Donate to the Community Art Fund

>> No.50799109
File: 64 KB, 800x531, History-of-Asset-Bubbles-Past-40-Years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The irrational exuberance of cryptocurrency investors

Irrational exuberance is characterized as a hype-fueled mania that causes investors to massively overestimate an asset's real-world value. In this delusional state, investors tend to become so smitten with expectations of greater profits that they disregard the assets’ potentially weak fundamentals and drink the proverbial Kool-Aid.

This then leads to them recklessly and repeatedly buying into whatever asset is currently rising in the charts, thereby triggering and/or sustaining an asset bubble. This bubble is kept inflated solely by the mass delusion that the market price is justified and will only keep going up in future, effectively becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. Note that bubbles can last for years, especially in an age of easy investor on-boarding. However, when history inevitably repeats and the bubble bursts that optimism invariably turns into panic as the asset crashes back down to its real-world value.

In finance, the "greater fool theory" suggests that one can sometimes make money through the purchase of overvalued assets—items with a purchase price drastically exceeding the intrinsic value—if those assets can later be resold at an even higher price.

In this context, one "fool" might pay for an overpriced asset, hoping that he can sell it to an even "greater fool" and make a profit. This only works as long as there are enough new "greater fools" willing to pay higher and higher prices for the asset. Eventually, investors can no longer deny that the price is out of touch with reality, at which point a sell-off can cause the price to drop significantly until it is closer to its fair value, which in some cases could be zero.

This effect is often further exacerbated by herd mentality, whereby people hear stories of others who bought in early and made big profits, causing those who did not buy to feel a fear of missing out.


>> No.50799118
File: 267 KB, 550x1198, BTC-halving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No tail emission = Bitcoin is fucked

Right now, at the current hashrate, miners break even on energy expenses at a BTC price of $22K. Post 2024 halving, that break even point, at the current hashrate, goes up to $44K. If BTC does not go to $44K, miners will be unprofitable and hashrate will have to drop (miners going out of business) to reduce the cost of securing the network, also reducing the security.

If you know anything about the power of 2, you already know that things get very big, very fast. If we’re 3 halvings into 32 total halvings, then the estimated break even point for miners at current hashrate going into the last halving would be:

$22,000 * (2^27) = $2,952,790,016,000 per BTC

$2,952,790,016,000 per BTC * 21 Million total Bitcoin = $62,008,590,336,000,000,000 BTC Market Cap

The block rewards shrink so fast that after enough halvings Bitcoin would eventually require a $2.95 trillion price per Bitcoin and a $62 quintillion market cap to sustain the current cost of $7.15 billion/year.

Even if these numbers were somehow realistic, can you imagine securing a $62 quintillion market cap on only $7.15 billion/year of hashrate? LOL.

And that’s assuming energy costs do not increase at all over the next 120 years, which they will.

So basically BTC mining will eventually become so unprofitable the hashrate (network security) will shrivel up UNLESS it is subsidized by BTC transaction fees.


>> No.50799133
File: 293 KB, 1024x1104, bitcucksbitfucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im back monerochuds

>> No.50799144

How many times do you need to be told to remove this copy pasta?

>> No.50799151
File: 508 KB, 500x500, 1659314456073983.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


based wirey boy

>> No.50799164
File: 622 KB, 2020x2554, running a node.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news: I'm setting up my own monerod and p2pool (with tor onion later). I though, yeah bro I'll let the pruned node sync one day and p2pool the next. I was so naive.
Is initial monerod sync getting unbearably slow after 70% (before the block 2M thereabouts) a common experience? It's now saying 14~8 days left. I'm going schizo if whether my ISP throttling monerod or something. It does clearly grind the I/O down with writes, I feel it on my memes file server on the same machine so I guess it's doing something.

Oh and I've got 10KH/s to give. Should I go with p2pool mini? I've heard something about its hash rate being so low it misses payment windows or something.

>> No.50799165
File: 42 KB, 940x349, MaxipadDetected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50799288

>How many times do you need to be told to remove this copy pasta?

>> No.50799251
File: 830 KB, 815x560, 1650732888902 EzpluYhXoAM3JC6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times do you need to be told that won't happen. BTFO

>> No.50799288

Except I'm not. You have done the same thing previously when called out for making way too many posts in the beginning of threads (e.g. you used to have posts about pirate chain for no reason and when we told you that you were shitting up the threads you called us butt pirates, etc).
The math in the post is questionable at best and is not objective. All of the benefits of dynamic block size and tail emission are already covered in the numerous links you already provide. The napkin math you are posting is shit and I know I am not the only anon who thinks this.
Additionally, providing onion links to dnm makets is fucking retarded. What are you thinking? Those links could be phishing sites and regardless you will get jannied.

>> No.50799293

>make it harder to use so that only the people who are really committed can get involved and try to strangle the network that way.
I agree. The difficult part in crypto is always the on and off ramps. Ideally, you would only want to convert your fiat to XMR and never leave but we're not there yet.

>> No.50799334

>Is initial monerod sync getting unbearably slow after 70% (before the block 2M thereabouts) a common experience?
I don't know if its common but from my experience it does slow down in the last 400-500k blocks.
>t. synced monerod multiple times

>> No.50799386
File: 1015 KB, 768x1167, natsoclolinero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50799504

Checked, nice digits.
But fuck off. Stop bitching. DNMs are XMRs bread and butter. What's retarded about posting links that help Monero adoption. You are are like the fucking bitchiy cunts that complain about lolinero and NatSoc Monerochan. Fuck you.

>> No.50799421
File: 300 KB, 1719x1107, Lotus_1-2-3_on_PC-98_DOS_chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that recommending specific DNMs is fed behavior. I haven't gone looking in a while but usually out of the crop of DNMs there is usually no more than 1 or 2 operating at a time that are worth trusting. So rattling off a list of 8 names screams federale making XMR generals. We've made it bros. They're doing our work for us and all we have to do is point out that some portion of their copy pasta is bullshit. Thanks for making the thread and spreading the word of Monero, taxpayer funded state slaves!

>> No.50799504
Quoted by: >>50799641

Nigger I talk about dnm adoption all the time. But sourcing links is retarded especially when they could be phishing links.
Yeah it's obvious Monero has taken over the dark net. I don't think OP is being a fed, he's just not thinking.

>> No.50799527
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, 1669675498752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50799724

>The math in the post is questionable at best and is not objective. All of the benefits of dynamic block size and tail emission are already covered in the numerous links you already provide. The napkin math you are posting is shit and I know I am not the only anon who thinks this.

Translation: I have very heavy BTC bags so plz stop with all the blackpilling.

>Additionally, providing onion links to dnm makets is fucking retarded. What are you thinking? Those links could be phishing sites and regardless you will get jannied.

Its called "supporting the circular Monero economy." And I have personally checked and verified every single onion link myself. Feel free to do the same.

>> No.50799544
Quoted by: >>50799593

>who cares, its free money, just let it run in the background like you would an antivirus program and forget about it.
Yeah... Like $50 for 24/7 mining for a year

>> No.50799586
File: 355 KB, 1987x1437, 1659188647177744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based FEDs baking /XMR General/.
I'd buy him a cold one.
Hey, based FEDAnon, lets sell the drugs from the evidence room for XMR an mine Monero on Glowie servers.

>> No.50799593

also by supporting the network, you help keep your funds on the network safe

>> No.50799604
File: 412 KB, 800x1276, lady_fortuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Key Disclosure Law and the Breaking of Monero (Or Else! Law)

Followins is a QRD from a discussion I was having with a couple of glownigger friends.

> Almost all non-shithole countries have a Key-Disclosure Law (KDL for short) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_disclosure_law))
> A few falseflags with XMR placed in, is sufficient to convince the voters and the puppet politicians that Monero is Le Bad
> The idea then will be to bundle together AML/CFT laws (that already exists), FATF Recos (which is being passed into law almost everywhere) and KDLs
> This will provide legal grounds for shaking-up the weak hands.
> The aim is not to shake-up the glowniggers or the cartels or the Elitists that use XMR but the moms and pops who transact using XMR.
> Even a single bit of data that connects a legal person to XMR usage will be sufficient justification for triggering the proceedings.
> The power of such a (hypothetical) law is not its enforceability but its ability to scare the individual into compliance. Hence the name: Or Else!
> If you comply once, the fintec glownogs will hit you again and again until you drop dead - like junkies.
> To accelerate things the nogs can be awarded a cut for XMR busting.
> If all these fails there will always be the quasi-legal 5 dollar wrench attack.

>> No.50799621
File: 293 KB, 800x1162, wheel_of_fortune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50800105

So what do?

1. Delete ALL you CEQ accounts right now.
2. Aforementioned law will likely be rolled out around 2026 (start of THE stagflation) and start getting enforced around 2032 ( around fall of BOA and devaluation of Dollar). The dates are almost always in flux, be careful.
3. Deleting CEQ RIGHT NOW will put you reasonably safe with the "10-year caveat".
4. Use Localmonero.co, P2P, Tradeogre or mine it. Roughly 1/10 sellers on LM are nogs, 2/10 are Law Enforcement and 1/10 are on a nog or LE list, so be careful. Be careful with Tradeogre Rug, and use it over Tor.
5. DO NOT use SEPA to buy XMR on LM. Especially if the account is with a Brick and Mortar bank.
6. DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH YOUR IDENTITY TO A BTC TRANSACTION. If you have to pick one single advice - pick this one.
7. Do NOT reveal your financial power-level to Normies/NPCs. (This is also a note-to-self).
8. Principle of Stealth-Wealth: If you look like a poorfag, if you dress like a poorfag, if you talk like a poorfag, you HAVE TO BE a poorfag (in the eyes of normies). Use this to your advantage.
9. Pretend to be burnt. Make it part of your personality that you are burnt. In the coming years ALMOST EVERYONE (in the street) will be burnt. So it is in your best interest to appear to be burnt.
10. At the end of the day this is a Spiritual journey - keep that in mind and heart.

>> No.50799641
File: 125 KB, 623x616, 1658858343315041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50799784

Well, are they fucking phishing links, you dumbcunt? Are you on your fucking period. Why be so bitchy?
>too lazy to fucking scroll. Cunt.

>> No.50799655
File: 77 KB, 912x1024, 379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50800012


Are you dense? By making people aware of which DNMs are Monero-only we're enabling them to vote with their wallets and incentivize further Monerofication. The recently launched markets come with a clear warning to be cautious.

Not to mention being constantly reminded that a crucial crypto-commerce sector is rejecting your coin serves to further demoralize the maxipads.

>> No.50799724

see? I call him out on a post and all he can do is say I have "heavy bags". Just like when he was called out with the pirate chain stuff.
the post is retarded because it is using napkin math.
>Right now, at the current hashrate, miners break even on energy expenses at a BTC price of $22K
This premise is already inaccurate if you consider that miners are mining in the long run. Monero's mining has been unprofitable for years and yet the mining network has never been stronger. Why? Because they are mining in the LONG RUN (and they are altruistic). Additionally, Bitcoin can be $13k end of this year. Trying to base your estimations on an extremely volatile cryptocurrency doesn't make any sense.
>If BTC does not go to $44K, miners will be unprofitable and hashrate will have to drop (miners going out of business) to reduce the cost of securing the network, also reducing the security.
Businesses usually operate at a loss for several years. You write off those losses on taxes.
>then the estimated break even point for miners at current hashrate going into the last halving would be:
yet again, this entire post is based off of an extremely volatile price in which miners are knowlingly taking a hit to profit years down the line. You are also estimating prices literally a century right now, which is stupid for a number of reasons.
>Even if these numbers were somehow realistic, can you imagine securing a $62 quintillion market cap on only $7.15 billion/year of hashrate? LOL.
for all we know that could be logical given how horrible inflation is in the west.
I would also add that Bitcoin miners being forced to sell would mean that new capital interested in mining would then be able to get miners at a discount and then mine. Of course, this is all dependent on Bitcoin demand, which will likely already be shit because of the fee market.

This is why your post is retarded. Now please, respond to these points instead of just calling me a Bitcoin Maxi.

>> No.50799784
Quoted by: >>50800195

Onion links are frequently rotated/updated. They should only be sourced by individuals with a verified pgp. The fact that you don't understand this is telling, to say the least. Trusting a pastebin for onion links is terrible opsec.

>> No.50800012

>clear warning to be cautious

Now for anyone who's been alive for more than 2 weeks we know to read this as "It's literally going to steal your money, or worse, deanonymize you in some way." and on the "best possible outcomes" side of the spectrum you get mid quality trash drugs for a lot of effort.

So it is what it is, it's scamming. It only impacts new retail drug addicts who don't know any better, but it probably shouldn't be in the OP of the XMR general if you actually want people to use XMR for it's best use case (acquiring prohibited substances.)

If you wanted to do that you'd give them the DNM bible and dread, not a bunch of "risky" markets.

>> No.50800105
File: 39 KB, 400x400, livefreeordie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring it on, cunts, accelerate. Can´t wait to start stacking bodies.

>> No.50800195

Do a better pasta then, instead of bitching. And show the OP some fucking respect.

>> No.50800238
File: 154 KB, 1170x1354, FMNJD5DWYAQJNp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, corporate BTC mining operations are just as ideologically-driven as Monero extremists and are therefore more than happy to keep mining at a loss "for the cause, man!"

>> No.50800316
File: 58 KB, 960x720, 76587464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You want us to hold their hands and tuck them in at night as well?

Ain't nobody else going to do your due dilligence for you, nigga.

>> No.50800370
File: 55 KB, 800x538, xmr_place.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been customizing the theme for monero.place more, fixing some of the display bugs. Looks like the web proxy service is down right now though.

>> No.50800433

>>50799046 (pGmhEdDl)
>>50799060 (pGmhEdDl)
>>50799085 (pGmhEdDl)
>>50799109 (pGmhEdDl)
>>50799118 (pGmhEdDl)
Just have titles and pasta links in one post. No need to shit multi-post walls of text every time. It's annoying and overwhelms newfags more than anything.

>> No.50800453

Respect is something state institutions use to indoctrinate their young drones.

Monero is an adversarial technology, we use math to prove that someone is cooperating in a strict rejection of hierarchy and "respect-driven" structures. This is why feds stick out when they try to infiltrate anarchist movements, they just don't get it. The whole way their brain is wired doesn't allow them to process reality without hierarchy. This guy literally thinks "have some respect" is something anyone other than a state slave would ever say. Respect for what? He was the first person to copy pasta a bunch of shit that obviously includes contentious material? As though it was his job to start a new thread as soon as the old one ended? Respect these nuts officer.

>> No.50800540
Quoted by: >>50800630

He's probably hitting the text limit. But all the same some of it can be pruned down, repeated headers and extra spaces removed. Minexmr section will be unnecessary soon.

>> No.50800563 [DELETED] 
File: 2.97 MB, 2000x2800, 1655225834849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Businesses operate at a loss because of the expectation of higher profits. The idea is they will calling me a bitcoin maximalist. try to buy low and sell high to maximize profits, e.g. invest in mining when its cheap and then sell the top. There is nothing new about this. Companies fail all the time and then are replaced by new capital. The network only fails if there is no demand for Bitcoin, which I believe will be the case because of the growing problem of the fee market.
What you and others aren't understanding is the price of operation isn't the main issue with the mining network, but its that the mining network will need to be supported by increasingly large transaction fees. This is the real black pill about Bitcoin's network security, as it renders the baselayer unusable unless dynamic block size or tail emission is adopted.
why would I show him any respect? All his responses are immediately dismissive and saying I have any bags. I don't think we need another copy pasta at the beginning of the thread, so I don't think any write up is necessary. There are dozens of links already. The OP info dump and maybe two other posts is really all we need. Maybe have a pastebin with a large info dump.

>> No.50800620
File: 2.97 MB, 2000x2800, 1655225834849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Businesses operate at a loss because of the expectation of higher profits. The idea is they will try to buy low and sell high to maximize profits, e.g. invest in mining when its cheap and then sell the top. There is nothing new about this. Companies fail all the time and then are replaced by new capital. The network only fails if there is no demand for Bitcoin, which I believe will be the case because of the growing problem of the fee market.
The price of operation isn't the issue with the network security (as this oscillates with supply and demand and the business cycle), but it's that the mining network will need to be supported by increasingly large transaction fees. This is the real black pill about Bitcoin's network security, as it renders the baselayer unusable unless dynamic block size or tail emission is adopted.
why would I show him any respect? All his responses are immediately dismissive and saying I have any bags. I don't think we need another copy pasta at the beginning of the thread, so I don't think any write up is necessary. There are dozens of links already. The OP info dump and maybe two other posts is really all we need. Maybe have a pastebin with a large info dump.

>> No.50800630

There must be a paste service that allows markdown or HTML so you can have pages with images and links. Then it's just adding brief titles and links so it's tidy yes with plenty expansion. Neocities maybe?

>> No.50800810

Holy shit. you nailed the coffin there tight XD

>> No.50800958 [DELETED] 

One or two posts would still be good, maybe this https://pastebin.com/LS7tZHND

>> No.50800970

Found while lurking kek. Was this you fags?

>> No.50800977
File: 60 KB, 820x536, tornado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a good news for Monero ?


>> No.50801015

One or two posts would be nice, maybe something like this https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/t2r24

>> No.50801033
File: 535 KB, 1208x1600, 01_silver_dime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XMR bros, your participation needed. Post insights and monerochans >>>/pol/390216275

>> No.50801274
Quoted by: >>50801602

>Just have titles and pasta links in one post. No need to shit multi-post walls of text every time. It's annoying and overwhelms newfags more than anything.

Newfag here. The OP info dumps are actually very helpful, especially when using 4chan-X since the formatting makes links clickable and they auto-open in a new tab.

>Maybe have a pastebin with a large info dump.

See, that would just make things more of a pain in the ass because first I'd have to click into the pastebin and then have to copy/paste all links into the browser manually, it gets annoying really fast.

>> No.50801602
Quoted by: >>50807931

Tornado Cash was already cucked. Not really surprised by this. Chain analysis makes it easy to tell if somebody is using Tornado Cash and Ethereum will gladly been the knee to regulation. This is similar to how Bitcoin mixers are auto flagged at exchanges.
ETH-XMR Atomic swaps will inevitably be the standard, but we still are a ways away from large adoption.
I think any news about chain analysis is good news for Monero. It proves that fungibility will be in great demand in the future. Building tools to ensure we have liquidity not reliant on KYC is essential to Monero's success for this very reason.
I don't really care if he has a few posts with helpful links, but there are too many and one in particular that is blatantly wrong.
Welcome to the xmr general though new friend.

>> No.50801896
File: 19 KB, 478x225, th (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ding, ding, ding. Found the commie niggerfaggot.

Hoppean Anarchocapitalisms (witch respects hierarchy) is the only acceptable form of your so called "anarchism".

>respect bla bla bla, state bla bla drones blabla.

Disgusting pseudointellectual midwitt nigger.

>> No.50801951

Nice pasta. Also mutual respect for other people is anarchist af.

>> No.50802103

>If you wanted to do that you'd give them the DNM bible and dread, not a bunch of "risky" markets.
I agree. I don't think it's wise to hotlink onions here. I don't care if these are risky markets or not, people should know how to verify information especially with DNMs.

>> No.50802111

I think it's a little bad, since it demonstrates the US government will do big sweeping sanctions against code if they feel like it, but much more good. I hope they're quickly going to find out that enforcing these sanctions will be a fucking nightmare and that the near-inevitable legal battles will spook them off for a little while.

>> No.50802123
File: 70 KB, 640x439, 1656810764968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50802189

Thanks for baking.
lets make the pasta info dumps even bigger to fuck with the bitchy ball busting cunts. kek.

>> No.50802189
Quoted by: >>50802347

This sperg will call us "bitchy ball busting cunts" but he won't even attempt to engage in debate with our criticisms.The projection is just sad. Take a walk.

>> No.50802347
File: 303 KB, 1000x1000, 1658368063887040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50802658

>muh debate.
Why the fuck would I debate about the size of the fucking info dump. Witch btw heped me back in the day (and still helps newfags), yet I knew about XMR since 20-fucking-14. It's just annoying seeing grown ass men bitching about dumb shit. How dare you talk shit about wireboy? I bet lolinero triggers you.

>> No.50802658

Nice larp. These large info dumps have only been around for the past 1-1.5 years, and you are claiming it helped you "back in the day" in 2014. The daily /xmr/ general didn't even exist until 2020.
The only reason you can't respond to my earlier criticisms about the post in the infodump is because you are unironically stupid. All your posts amount to spamming nigger and nazi imagery. You can't form a single sentence to dispute what I wrote.
I'll talk shit about Wireyboy because he calls me a Bitcoin maximalist and then runs away once I provide him specific counter arguments to one of his copypasta posts. He is literally doing what Bitcoin Maxis do when confronted with why Bitcoin sucks. There is no reason to have an absurd speculative mining cost post with terrible math that has nothing to do with the real issue of Bitcoin network security.

>> No.50803006
File: 1.19 MB, 1000x1576, 1655532430043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Witch btw heped me back in the day (and still helps newfags), yet I knew about XMR since 20-fucking-14.

>Calls me stupid.
>Can't even fucking read.

I said I knew about XMR since 2014. And when I started lurking often in /biz/ ("back in the day" early 2021) I found the info dumps quite useful. Try going to /CMMG/ or /PMG/ and shit on the info dumps there, see what happens. In fact, I might just be the one who will shit on you.


really, nigger.

post nose, kike.

>> No.50803152

>dollar dies
>commodities skyrocket
>no one knows what to do
>instantly boomers and Xers use silver
>people starting to actually riot, die etc
>silver x10s in days
>gold x2s in same time
>this saves the economy/society
>all paper assets are literally 0
>computers can't figure out price of anything
>must be rebuilt with real world price discovery
>this lasts months to under a year
This is when you sell silver for a ton of land and equipment for working, food, water, seeds, building materials etc
>turns out banks have tons of gold
>this saves economy x2
>things actually begin to make sense again
>dust settles over time months/a year pass
>some countries collapse, banks collapse
>new good people in power, new bankers
>the saturnites are kill, almost fully now
>but now countries can reasses prices
>stocks and paper assets revalued
>BTC survived whole time but didn't moon
>remained useful as store of value
>market realizes XRP has been making moves
>some countries actually used XRP
>reassessment finds XRP is the standard
>as underlying messaging system of everything
>BTC can stay store of value(gold)
>XRP is means of conveyance for public(silver)
>by this time more months to another year pass
>during this gold moon to 10k-20k power
>silver is also higher 1:10-1:20 of gold
>your assets you bought also mooned
>now you can use assets to start buy silver
>work hard for a couple more months to a year
>start businesses, expands
>sell some of your now $500-$2k XRP
>buy some silver with it and more land
>another months to a years pass
>silver steadily rising/depeg from gold ratio
>takes many years to eventually be 1:5-1:1
>during this time saturnite remnants use XMR
>XMR defacto private standard; moons
>even "regular" people now use it
>this is when you sell some, buy more land
>silver etc,should own small town by now
>use all of the profits for more silver
>wait until silver overtakes gold
>buy entire geographic areas,be noble king

>> No.50803242
Quoted by: >>50803745

The link dumps in those threads don't have incorrect information and they don't spam the first 7 posts of each thread.
>Can't even fucking read.
if you think early 2021 is back in the day then whatever. It's a moot point because you will just continue to spam nigger and kike and whatever /pol/ buzzwords instead of actually responding to my criticisms, which is funny, because I am under the impression that these info dumps have been quite useful for you, but you don't actually contribute anything to actual conversation other than being a sperg who is weirdly defensive of a namefag on an image board. The state of the /xmr/ general. Caring more about imageboard friendship than responding to skepticism.
Debate is the only way Monero improves and I am not the only anon who wants to improve how these threads are presented.

>> No.50803360
File: 32 KB, 600x600, aps,504x498,small,transparent-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50803660

Why are you bitching about the dumps if can't even fucking read, m8?

>muh aRgUmENtZ and muh cRITicIzZmZ.

Tldr: they are useful and they help.

>drugs, pedos bad optics. Normies will flee.

Good sell. I'll buy your bags for a premium.

>DNMs phishing.

There are warnings. Go to Dread. Anons told you to do your own fucking DD.

There, I gave you counterarguments without calling you names. Happy?

>> No.50803473
Quoted by: >>50803660

I'm not saying the dumps aren't useful, but there's something to be said about good editing and being concise. We don't really need the names of every kyc exchange or paragraphs on what fomo is.

I don't get the hate boner for Bitcoin maxis either (and vice versa). I hold both, both have their uses, both are infinitely better than PoS, tokens, CBDCs, tornado cash, etc. I figure it's a better use of time going after those threats, than dragging on king shitcoin all day.

>> No.50803660
Quoted by: >>50803993

>muh aRgUmENtZ and muh cRITicIzZmZ.
strawmanning instead of responding to my actual arguments against that post.
>drugs, pedos bad optics. Normies will flee.
I never once said that.
>DNMs phishing.
You're not getting the point. Sourcing dark net markets will inevitably get jannied as it is against the site rules but it's also bad opsec because none of these links are being verified by a signed PGP key of a trusted source. Using a pastebin for onion links is bad opsec. Onion links also get rotated frequently so it would be dated pretty quickly.
>There, I gave you counterarguments without calling you names. Happy?
No because the impetus for this entire conversation was these posts: >>50799724
They describe, in detail, why that post is terrible.
>I'm not saying the dumps aren't useful, but there's something to be said about good editing and being concise. We don't really need the names of every kyc exchange or paragraphs on what fomo is.
Pretty much. Have the OP stay the same, have a link dump in the second one, and maybe a third with a guide on how to set up p2pool. Nothing else is really necessary. It would be more logical to bump threads with copypastas if you really feel the need to.

>> No.50803745
File: 81 KB, 600x816, waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks he contributes by bitching.

"Contributing" is for Gitbub. /biz/ is for banter. Go donate xmr. I do, bc I am to "unironically" stupid to code (as you have noted).

>pol buzzwords.

Grew up in Russia, that's how we talk, m8.

>> No.50803791

kek, I really am "unironically stupid".

>> No.50803989

better than plebit

>> No.50803993

tldr: tail emission good, Supply cap bad.

>> No.50804045

I'd be happy to render the moneroinfodump page with LaTeX so we have some nice, clean documentation. Also into ANSI screens for monero.place, or clean up the neocities css so it's not so messy.

>> No.50804146
File: 505 KB, 1280x720, 1655939890474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be awesome, brother.

>> No.50804291
File: 65 KB, 766x765, IMG_20220808_175137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>monerobull has been selected to join the MAGIC Monero Fund committee. They will serve the remainer of a 1-year term ending in January 2023.


Is monerobull a tranny?

>> No.50804454


kek exactly

>> No.50804463
Quoted by: >>50804684

The Inflation Reduction Act includes an $80 billion package for the IRS. This is the most funding they've gotten in a long time. Is anyone concerned about this? Is this enough money to find a crack in Monero's privacy?

>> No.50804474

>calls me a Bitcoin maximalist

You're getting called a maxi because you're behaving like one:

>being an apologist for BTC mining narratives
>arguing for the removal of the Monero-only markets list
>trying to hinder *easy* access to relevant information

As has been mentioned, the infodumps are there for the benefit of curious newfags who are discovering Monero for the first time. Nobody but you is whining about them because the rest of us either suffer through the extra 2 seconds it takes to scroll by them or we filter them out entirely by image hash. Problem solved.

Or, even simpler: accommodating curious newfags takes priority over your sandy vagina.

>> No.50804556
Quoted by: >>50811276

When trading on localmonero do you need to trade with the wallet on localmonero or can you use your own

>> No.50804569
File: 143 KB, 600x850, 1655596493515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sandy vagina.
I was trying to remember this insult.

>> No.50804660

You do realize how obvious it is you are samefagging as the russia guy because of your spacing style, poor english reliant on vulgarities, and ignorance to what my actual criticisms are about the specific mining copypasta, right?
>Nobody but you is whining about them
I am not whining about them. And I am not the only one in this thread who is arguing against them. There have been several others who agree.
Why are you so defensive about wanting to restructure the copypasta to improve it? are you the OP? It's such a weird thing to get so angry about. Consolidating the copypasta and removing copypasta with misleading/wrong information is not whining, it is being practical.

>> No.50804684
File: 610 KB, 1208x891, 1655908494222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idea. Start our fund for breaking XMR 100-300K$. That way the guy who finds a vulnerability will come to us. Win win for everybody exept the IRS. He gets the XMR from us and he gets the 600k$ from the FEDs. This will encourage people to try to break XMR thus making it more secure.

>> No.50804793
File: 1.70 MB, 900x1549, 1658236115033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50804819

Was thinking about swapping all my BTC for XMR but I can’t store it in my hardware wallet so I’ll stick with the OG

>> No.50804855
File: 43 KB, 1200x675, uwotm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50804896

This has to be b8.

>> No.50804867
File: 210 KB, 558x1149, 1659575679697376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>government is upping tax enforcement
>large cap tech stocks have cooled off from covid profits and are falling as executives cash out
>blackrock easing off ESG

You know crashes happen from lack of liquidity? Stocks are going to plummet and most of crypto but monero will fall the least cause hidden liquidity is going to tax havens along with all that money made from a decade long quantitative easing? XMR/BTC ratio is forming a bottom now if you ask me.

>> No.50804896


>> No.50804930
Quoted by: >>50805026

what hardware wallet are you using?
making your own cold storage is an alternative.

>> No.50804939


Isnt that what HackerOne is for?

>> No.50804949

Does anyone know where I can sell a gift card I received for a very specific store? It’s $200 worth and I’m willing to sell it for $100.

>> No.50804986


lol why do you care so much about "restructuring" when the vast majority of us are clearly fine with how things are? If you're active in every general then you'll know that nobody has complained about the infodumps in literally months, save for the odd maxi trying to get the BTC post nuked.

seethe/glow harder

>> No.50805001
File: 358 KB, 640x774, monerochan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, hear me out. What if Satochi Nagamoto is waiting for there to be enough liquidity for him to swap ALL his BTC for XMR? What if...

>> No.50805003
File: 19 KB, 432x300, dex cucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tornado cash cucks are seething

>> No.50805026
Quoted by: >>50805693

Trezor One
I’m not making a cold wallet

>> No.50805028
File: 3.55 MB, 2600x2500, 1650293675612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero if true.

>> No.50805238
File: 57 KB, 597x436, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50805298


>1449,25 XMR.


>> No.50805298
File: 230 KB, 1024x1449, 1655593617012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this defiantly looks like samefaggig. kek.

>> No.50805306
Quoted by: >>50805360

The OG guys have fat stacks of everything.
If you were on those forums in 2012 or something I bet you could get thousands of any coin for absolute peanuts.
For these guys it doesn't make sense to swap.
It would just undermine crypto as a whole and they would lose money.

>> No.50805360
File: 40 KB, 600x631, 1658333642074873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I wasn't of the forums.

>> No.50805576

>>tfw I wasn't of the forums.
your on the XMR general now.

screen-cap thus

>> No.50805693
Quoted by: >>50805758

I was in the same issue. i just bought a ledger too. If you refuse to spend $60 to protect your xmr you have a poorfag stack anyway

>> No.50805708

And honestly XMR is basically at Mt. Gox Bitcoin prices rn, with more and more adoption every day, plus the likelihood of normies fomoing because it makes them feel like they’re one of the sopranos laundering money or some shit is high

>> No.50805753
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, xmr general.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XMR general

>> No.50805758

>you have a poorfag stack anyway
Correct but I’ll probably upgrade to a model T just for Monero anyway

>> No.50805777


>didn't acquire a saylor moonman stack in 2010
>could be a market manipulator for a few thousands

>> No.50805872
Quoted by: >>50806133

Get a ledger to diversify.
also supports more stuff like cosmos and scrt

>> No.50805989
File: 1.20 MB, 2496x1762, xmr fgc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50806361

>upgrade to a model T
That is an excellent choice.
One can harden the seed with a passphrase, entered on the model T.
The microSD trick can be used, though I believe Fort Meade may be offering services to the other glowies the voltage glitch hack, and electronic sniffing dogs are a thing now.

>> No.50806097
File: 107 KB, 1346x760, 1659476262965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna post this here too:

The US department of the Treasury has sanctioned Tornado Cash for it's roll in laundering billions of tainted and identifiable bitcoins. Https://techcrunch.com/2022/08/08/treasury-tornado-cash-laundering-stolen-crypto/

To me this is no surprise for swrvic s that act souly as a money laundering service but what I am concerned with is my Monero. What does this mean for monero and it's future? Is the use Treasury going to go after monero next? Can they? How so?
What does this mean for monero chan?

>> No.50806133

I don’t like Ledger

>> No.50806357
Quoted by: >>50807691

The xmr general copium is that this is the next best thing so just keep on huffing and keep on stacking.

>> No.50806361

>electronic sniffing dogs are a thing now.
damn. need to wrap up trezors now XD

>laundering billions -> XMR mcap
get ready for the mars landing

>> No.50806371
File: 2.47 MB, 320x180, xmr boat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50828871

How can one judge, envy, or covet of which they can't see? The next erosion from the state is to have one prove a negative. Civil Asset Forfeiture is a thing in burgerland. Better to have your stash deeper than they can reach or otherwise discover.

>> No.50806424

Two more weeks, bro.

>> No.50806470
File: 135 KB, 644x632, bogtrix2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wrap up trezors
setting the "hidden wallet" flag and a decent password should suffice. with red flag laws along with asset forfeiture the state will try to rug you for not accepting inflation, not saving, and high taxes. Monero moons because the situation has become complete shit, which is the current trajectory.

>> No.50806562
File: 78 KB, 393x863, 1657477000750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monerochan NSBM, when?

>> No.50807691

Nah, the hopium is that we can just use our XMR to buy what we want and stop having to use Fed Notes alltogether. Which is something that we can already do and is getting better every day with wider adoption.

>> No.50807931
File: 679 KB, 860x1080, 1654296879016 1652301638679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't really care
>but there are too many
>proceeds to make 10 posts bitching about the infodump needed for newfags
LOL, lmao even

You came in like an insufferable faggot telling others what to do. If want something different then change your approach. You got much backlash because of that. The sake of debate is progress, but you started with an argumentum ad verecundiam.

>> No.50807996


>> No.50808154
File: 244 KB, 1000x800, 4wocyp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50808737

>argumentum ad verecundiam.
>searches "argumentum ad verecundiam".
>it's a fancy way of saying "appeal to authority" (very common).

Thanks for the new word, fren. Now I can dunk on "muh debate" fags with more style.

>> No.50808223
Quoted by: >>50808411

Why is tornado sanctioned but XMR is not if they are both meant to make crypto private?

>> No.50808336
File: 465 KB, 680x762, 1629652932442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw I wasn't of the forums.

>> No.50808411
File: 2.47 MB, 2000x1782, xmr pirate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50810392

xmr is already sanctioned. kraken and binance (non usa) are the only cex's that offers xmr that I am aware of. dex's and off shore swappers is where xmr thrives.

>> No.50808476
File: 87 KB, 976x549, _93863646_gettyimages-3422240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd be happy to render the moneroinfodump page with LaTeX so we have some nice, clean documentation. Also into ANSI screens for monero.place, or clean up the neocities css so it's not so messy.

Ministry of Propaganda-anon here. The Info-Dump page is constantly being updated and expanded so you'd need to regularly scrape it to stay current.

The next major update will be another expansion of the meme galleries, I've been harvesting new memes since January.

>clean up the neocities css so it's not so messy.

A mobile-friendly CSS version would be cool, I keep meaning to do it myself but I got a thousand other things going on.

>> No.50808534
File: 353 KB, 481x723, monerominers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hello Monerochads. Reminder to mine on P2Pool Mini (if you have a regular computer/CPU it's recommanded).
You will receive daily bits of XMR and will help the network decentralization.
It's easy to set up. Don't be afraid to start mining on p2pool. Anyone can mine on it by following one of the first 3 links.

Basically to mine on p2Pool Mini you need:
>a local full or puned monero node, or being connect to a remote node
>a monero adress used only for mining
>p2pool (just decompress a zip)
>xmrig or any other miner

You can also mine on P2pool Mini by following any P2Pool tutorials. The changes you have to make are:
>add a mini_config.json file into P2Pool folder. See link 2)
>run P2Pool with the following arguments (different port and mini_config.json added) --host --config mini_config.json --p2p --host --wallet xxxxx

Here are important ressources to start:

1) Video tutorial with the GUi (Linux/Windows) -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbxbRu-2GWI [Embed]

2) Tutorial for Windows with/without the GUI and a simple script to launch everything once it's set up -> https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/bjk9r

3) P2pool Get started FAQ (for P2Pool Mini also read the above tutorial and don't forget to add a mini_config.json file in p2pool folder) -> https://p2pool.io/#help

4) Monero Bash for linux users -> https://github.com/hinto-janaiyo/monero-bash

Other ressources:

5) Remote P2Pool nodes -> https://xmrvsbeast.com/p2pool/monero_nodes.html

6) You can calculate your estimated shares/day here -> https://mini.p2pool.observer/calculate-share-time

7) P2Pool Mini observer: https://mini.p2pool.observer

>> No.50808590

Sandy vagina anon will be pissed when he sees this. kek.

>> No.50808725
File: 21 KB, 300x180, adolf-hitler-joseph-goebbels-2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50808737
File: 99 KB, 708x697, 1655289502530 B0ED78D1-79C5-419E-9A7C-BCC1E7CFBFBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50808942

You're welcome anon. It is like: how to destroy a debate and leave the "opponent" confused because of lesser intellect with 3 simple words lmao.
If you're interested in further becoming a master at the Art of Debate and increase your mental faculties, I can point you to such with this link:

>> No.50808818

Hey at least I don't resort to sockpuppeting. I can type full sentences and paragraphs to get my points across. You just post "kek", a meme reaction image, and that I am a nigger. The point still stands that there is way too much clutter in the opening of every thread and the reactiveness in every general where this is brought up is very odd.
And I am not the only one saying this, contrary to what you keep saying.

>> No.50808922
Quoted by: >>50809568

>Does anyone know where I can sell a gift card I received for a very specific store? It’s $200 worth and I’m willing to sell it for $100.

>> No.50808942
File: 48 KB, 480x720, Elementary Lessons in Logic_bookstore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50819737

Cool. Thanks. I know the fallacies. And some of them in latin. But saying all of them in Latin is on an other power level. I read "Elementary Lessons in Logic" by William Stanley Jevons. Do you have any recommendations for the next level, something "non-elementary"?

>> No.50808953
Quoted by: >>50809166

this nigger seething

>> No.50808983

Stop spamming the board with your shitcoin

>> No.50809044
File: 91 KB, 383x643, fsd36sdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50809237

>Sandy vagina anon will be pissed when he sees this. kek.

There's too much info there. Yeah, it's helpful but I happen to find it annoying. Needs editing down to at most a couple of lines.

Also, fuck newfags. Why should we have to wear out our scroll wheels for them?

>> No.50809140
File: 50 KB, 768x509, funkokike-768x509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50809212

fucking called it. kek.

So you think these anons are all me?

So I am just samefagging just to fuck with you. How do you know it's not just the two of us ITT? /XMR General/ is just me and you. Think about that, m8. "We" post the same mid century german stuff and spam nigger. The same Monerochans.

>> No.50809166

look, it's me again.

>> No.50809179
Quoted by: >>50809199

Just got my first 3 monero

>> No.50809199
Quoted by: >>50809265

>he disclosed.

>> No.50809212

>How do you know it's not just the two of us ITT? /XMR General/ is just me and you. Think about that, m8. "We" post the same mid century german stuff and spam nigger. The same Monerochans.

LMAO. there a probably only 10 schizos here on a good day XD. still each are wort more to humanity than a 1000 shiba-bitcoiners desu

>> No.50809237

me pretending to defend sandy vagina anon.

>> No.50809254
Quoted by: >>50809315

still me with my shitty English.

>> No.50809265


>> No.50809282
Quoted by: >>50809428

This I agree with :^)

>> No.50809315

Its hard (to type with only one hand sry)

>> No.50809352

Bad editing is bad editing, regardless of how many times you say sandy vagina. Take wirey boi, he's got consistent formatting, keeps his content concise and to the point, gives good services and information without a ton of editorializing. It's not a sin to clean things up a bit.

>> No.50809392
File: 68 KB, 1200x545, zi879iicoo541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50809428

Hanging out with sandy vagina anon > hanging out irl with normies, other /biz/ threads, /pol/, all social midea combined.

>> No.50809428

this >>50809392 was meant to sandy vagina anon >>50809282

>> No.50809568
Quoted by: >>50810678

Pm sent

>> No.50810392

KuCoin has XMR and no KYC

>> No.50810678

>Pm sent
I don’t have an email in the field, tf are you on about?

>> No.50810817

You're so new lol. He's fucking with you.

>> No.50810948

Check your 4chan thread(in)box. How new are you. I've sent you keys to an xmr wallet too, since we are pumping. It's 10$, welcome to /xmr general/. Send the xmr to another wallet or I will take it back.

>> No.50811216

Go to localmonero and create a buy order and indicate the type of gift card that you want to sell.

>> No.50811276

You can use your own.

>> No.50812171
File: 3.53 MB, 2792x4037, 1631628345908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50812459
File: 3.77 MB, 2369x3000, 1653661297826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50813885

>> No.50813309
Quoted by: >>50813405

>a video
>old ass, lower resolution recording
>looks very early 2000's American TV drug ads
>bunch of well-off looking folks
>out with their kids, carrying in the groceries, at work, etcetera
>"I had been having problems with people snooping on my spending habits"
>"I couldn't get away from it, it was so invasive!"
>"I had no privacy, everything I bought became a data point to use against me"
>"But that's when my lawyer suggested I try Monero" *show off CLI interface or hardware wallet to camera*
>"Monero has been clinically proven to protect your financial privacy in 3 key ways *etcetera*"

Lady 1 with her kids-
>"Now with Monero"
lady 2 at work-
"With Monero"
lady 3 at gym-
>"I've been able to reclaim my privacy"
man 1 at grocery store
>"reclaim my privacy"
black man in office for globohomo brownie points-
>"reclaim my privacy"
all in unison
>"With Monero I've been able to reclaim my freedom!"
>"Monero is not for everyone, ask your lawyer about Monero, Monero may cause rare but serious side effects *etcetera*"


>> No.50813405

>trash greentext
Give my 30 seconds back.

>> No.50813547
Quoted by: >>50815878

Monero is always going to be worth fuck all
I lose money by mining

>> No.50813790
File: 21 KB, 400x300, 3a449be7469541a7f81147f9483122c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50814272


>> No.50813885

I do. *kisses her sofly*

>> No.50814272
Quoted by: >>50815492

tornado cash banned and sanctioned, monero pumps
we are so close bros

>> No.50814513

My monero stays habanero

>> No.50815081
File: 669 KB, 1010x590, 1660021253550332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50815090

>> No.50815090


>> No.50815492
Quoted by: >>50815513

I think we have a good chance to be sanctioned next. Don't care though, still won't sell. I won't capitulate to fiat niggerfaggots.

>> No.50815513

Oh no, anyway.

>> No.50815878

>I lose money by mining
Less than running windows defender XD

>Monero is always going to be worth fuck all

you know what to do

>> No.50816957
File: 89 KB, 620x703, 1659891335004096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50817249

Good morning, frens.

>> No.50816994

Has anyone tried to buy XMR with gift cards in localmonero? How's the process like?

>> No.50817040
Quoted by: >>50817098

Just fucking do it. You jould have to undercut hard. What shitty store are gift cards to. Why don't you sell for fiat on ebay?

>> No.50817091
Quoted by: >>50817098

Put ads on all Monero markets at 50% face value if you insist to get paid in XMR.

>> No.50817098

What are you on? I'm looking to take some gift card offers on localmonero. I'm not selling crap.

>> No.50817151

sorry, m8. I thought you were this guy>>50804949.

>> No.50817163

monero.com wallet

>> No.50817249


>> No.50817250

Anyone played poker Sunday?

>> No.50817277
File: 107 KB, 1200x900, cigarette-and-coffee-1-1531134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50817325

European breakfast, anyone?

>> No.50817325
File: 222 KB, 1208x2048, Smoker-Badass1-1208x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check'em. Eurobros. How is the contraband cigarettes industry doing? Is it dominated XMR yet?

>> No.50817380
File: 40 KB, 306x320, xmrcoinfront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50817468


>> No.50817468
Quoted by: >>50818680

too lazy to open this link safely. What is it?

>> No.50817770

can confirm she is a tranny. she sent me pictures of her girl penis on reddit.

>> No.50817910

kek'd. /OurTranny/.

>> No.50817921
File: 930 KB, 720x576, 1658553223207828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50817944

I accumulated more than 18.7 xmr


>> No.50817944
Quoted by: >>50817953

>Another newfag discloses.
Do newags really... Fuckin hell.

>> No.50817953
File: 28 KB, 617x497, images (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have it on my binance wallet. I live in new York so only place

>> No.50817969
Quoted by: >>50817989

nice b8, m8.

>> No.50817989
File: 1.19 MB, 3088x2316, 1657234596975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50818041


>> No.50818041
Quoted by: >>50818063

KYS, fucking faggot.

>> No.50818063

Wait, sorry, the pic is not gay. My bad. Still disgusting tho.

>> No.50818105

I have bought gift cards with xmr before. They were selling at 90% of face value btw

>> No.50818275
File: 147 KB, 461x371, naganero4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual slander

i bought the nft for the lulz, without realizing its the same image 200 times. thought they were randomly generated and this one was just an example.

in regards to the announcement, i assume thats just how you have to say it nowadays or you get sued for misgendering.

>> No.50818374

kek. I believed.

>> No.50818381
File: 59 KB, 596x728, 1660044656724918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xmrchads right again

>> No.50818412

Another one bites the dust.

>> No.50818624

I thought it was so easy to be "private" with bitcoin? What happened bitsisters???

>> No.50818680
Quoted by: >>50818795

Physical Monero silver coins… Supposedly

>> No.50818712
Quoted by: >>50825227

I don't know what is the point of these projects.
Like nobody is going to buy your shitcoin cause it's "private".
If being private would be THE selling factor then xmr would moon so hard, btc people would lose their shit.
If you want to make a shitcoin why don't you embrace smart contracts or some other useless meme that is proven to work on "investors".
No new coins will ever be both more private than monero and more decentralized.

>> No.50818724
File: 127 KB, 600x338, 4363463463234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poker night is still four days away

>> No.50818795
Quoted by: >>50818873


Has anyone bought from here using XMR? Why did the site get removed fro? monerica.com?

>> No.50818873

Who knows, maybe bad reviews?

>> No.50819737
Quoted by: >>50819835

>saying all of them in Latin is on an other power level.
>Do you have any recommendations for the next level, something "non-elementary"?
You need to be less vague, I don't quite get what you're looking for.
Is it logic or to win an argument/debate? If it's the former, then I can exhort you to read metaphysics (retroduction). If it is the latter, then read the best public speakers from all time like Marcus Tullius Cicero.

I can also provide a pdf full of mostly unknown books that'll bend your mind and make you wiser and more intelligent, if that tickles your fancy.

>> No.50819760
File: 120 KB, 320x320, mm-ad2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50821432


>> No.50819835
Quoted by: >>50819960

Not interested in debates and/or arguments. Just looking for dope non pozzed books on logic anr rhetorics. Read Mesitations twice. Liked it.

>can also provide a pdf full of mostly unknown books that'll bend your mind and make you wiser and more intelligent, if that tickles your fancy.

I would be very thankful for that.

>> No.50819960
File: 188 KB, 1172x1329, 1652821527276 1634535379443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50820274

>I would be very thankful for that.
Shit nigga, that's all you had to say.
Here it is:

>> No.50820274
Quoted by: >>50820309

Tanks, m8.

>> No.50820309

You're welcome, enjoy.

>> No.50821432
Quoted by: >>50821653

why the FUCK is it so ugly
https://bitejo.com/search/currency/monero/ looks more normie friendly

>> No.50821626
File: 338 KB, 1920x1080, 02_aquarius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global Hyperinflation General /GHG/ #95
Anons your participation needed, post advices and monerochans >>>/pol/390374774

>> No.50821653

I agree. Moneromarket needs a design revamp. It looks like it's stuck in the mid-2000s. I wouldn't mind using it but other people might be put off by it.

>> No.50823343
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x1887, 1655401766490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50823422

You don't have ANY XMR until you self-custody. Especially from Binance, who sells IOUs for XMR you can rarely ever withdraw.

>> No.50823386
Quoted by: >>50825382

Yes. It does CPU verification, you might have 70% downloaded but there should also be a second percentage figure in the logs showing actual sync progress, and that's bottlenecked by verification of the chain.

>> No.50823407
Quoted by: >>50823446

>can't buy monero on fixedfloat
Is this temporary or permanent?

>> No.50823422

hey that girl is qt message me on xmpp bb :*

>> No.50823446
Quoted by: >>50823502

They probably don't have XMR so it's temporary until more is added.
See orangefren.com for the best offers available.

>> No.50823502
File: 62 KB, 184x184, 1560883811266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50823584

Oh shit that's awesome thank you anon

>> No.50823584
File: 353 KB, 869x1024, 20220315_143759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome

>> No.50824942
File: 1.28 MB, 2673x3260, wownerochanheadpats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50825227

>No new coins will ever be both more private than monero and more decentralized.

and you feel you're right biz fag? Sylo is kinda new, private and decentralized, all messages and file transfers on it's platform are end-to-end encrypted which means only you and your intended recipients can see the content of what is sent.

>> No.50825382
File: 11 KB, 246x205, 1636846184731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Synced 2122228/2685982 (79%, 563754 left, 4% of total synced, estimated 12.5 days left)
It only uses like 25% CPU on all cores at most. Maybe if it actually did the work...
Even the syncing progress is crab.
From watching the process on htop and hethogs, it looks like the bottleneck is not the CPU, not the network, not the disk write, but it is disk read, believe it or not. I guess it has to read previous stuff to verify decoys and stuffs. I'm on SSD but a shitty one.

>> No.50825458

Did you play last time anon? And if you did, how was the game?

>> No.50825537

>and you feel you're right biz fag
I do and I'm tired of pretending I'm not.
Feel free to shill your privacy shitcoin elsewhere

>> No.50825843
Quoted by: >>50827963

Monero uses one cpu core only. Sad.

>> No.50825984


Based crabjakker.

>> No.50826724
Quoted by: >>50827963

>4% of total synced, estimated 12.5 days left
that's pretty rough
mine took like ~2 days to sync, after the first night it was like 98% downloaded and 40% synced

>> No.50826845

>I'm on SSD but a shitty one.
Is it a flash drive?
I had a similar issue on a flash drive.

>> No.50827304
File: 407 KB, 800x471, bar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blockchain cryptography computations are very linear in their nature, that's why monerod barely takes advantage of your CPU.
you can't verify multiple blocks at the same time because you know, they are all dependent on the previous one being verified first.

>> No.50827335
File: 3.63 MB, 4000x3000, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls do not buying the monero sirs

>> No.50827382

this is the calm before the storm. if you are reading this -- please store an unknown amount of monero in a self-custody wallet, safely.
things are about to speed up. the globalist's game plan did not account for something like monero.

>> No.50827542
Quoted by: >>50827570

>hurrr they're in it for the long-run therefore the long-run weakness in the value-prop model is irrelevant
are you retarded? in 10 years the block reward will be like 0.7-0.8 if I recall correctly (down from current 6.25) -- considering the fact that btc tx/day peaked in 2018-2019 and failed to set a new usage high IN A BULL MARKET...and long-term mining value, and thus the security of the network, is fundamentally based on shifting mining revenue from new currency issuance to revenue gained by fees (usage)...
if the trends continue, there will be pain. it's that simple. lightning does not fix this, because lightning does not pay miners who secure the network.
so, collectively, the world must decide that bitcoin is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in a decade or less ideally, all the while regulatory pressure only increases and use decreases.
businesses ability to operate a loss does not change this fact, and I'm honestly disappointed you are making this "Argument"

>> No.50827570
File: 226 KB, 1128x744, lol-just-use-monero-matt-odell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btc tx/day peaked in 2018-2019 and failed to set a new usage high IN A BULL MARKET
meanwhile monero is setting usage highs in a BEAR MARKET...
i think it's time to wake up and smell the coffee, bitcoin has failed to attract new users by valuing speculators first. anyone who isn't heavily invested or delusional (or ignorant) can see this.
>t. mined bitcoin on a CPU before you even heard of it

>> No.50827620
Quoted by: >>50827771

Hey MB, is you a troon? A birdie told me such.
I thot of arranging an XMR stammtisch..
You are welcome if u r not a troon

>> No.50827644
Quoted by: >>50827771

Also i see Scheiß and Bareback, who is the other fag? Lindner?

>> No.50827771
File: 117 KB, 511x189, nagastare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean >>50804291 ?

heres my response >>50818275 definitely not a zcash dev.
XMR stammtisch sounds based. we do actually have weekly "gamenights" mostly on fridays but they are kinda scuffed, not sure if youd enjoy that kek


>> No.50827963

I did restart monerod a few times. The percentage seems to reset each time.

That's sucky but that occasional single core spike does not seem to spend too much time. It's looks like straight up just disk read speed for me. If I wasn't so lazy I would have repurposed another better SSD but oh well. I can wait.

>> No.50828105
File: 146 KB, 797x1280, 1648344728031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50828807

>tfw no job yet
>tfw can't throw xmr into art projects.
Gonna keep applying bros. Gotta keep that art flowin.

>> No.50828753
File: 175 KB, 281x534, Based rootbeer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we talk more about how amazing CakePay is?
Didn't even have to wait for one confirmation, just ate my hot tendies at Hooter's, buy gift card for the exact amount (+tip, burgerland) and give the waitress the gift card number and pin, was as fast as paying with a credit card, only it's no-KYC Monero. What a time to be alive

>> No.50828807
File: 159 KB, 500x375, 82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the same boat. Someone wants to hire a linuxtard dev and bring me to America like those H1-B Pajeets or something? I'll be setting up your nodes and shiet.

So you *can* survive now with just monero? (At least in some cunts) Can you get all the regular groceries and stuff like this?

>> No.50828822
File: 238 KB, 1920x1280, 1634938200886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw the video Monero Talk put up were they bought icecream with Monero. It's pretty based. I got a cake wallet set up with a little bit of monero in it now. Looking forward to testing it out.

>> No.50828863

>Can you get all the regular groceries and stuff like this?
Looking through the gift card selection now and I'm not seeing any grocery stores listed unfortunately. Hopefully they'll get some at some point, plus something like Walmart and Target would be even better.

There is Cabelas and Bass Pro shop on there so buying guns and ammo is possible if you're a burger in a free state.

>> No.50828871
Quoted by: >>50830078

Mine is fine. My drives are full disk encrypted

>> No.50829597

i've been getting groceries with monero through instacart gift cards / cakewallet but obviously it sort of attaches your address to an xmr purchase so not ideal
cake team said it's working on adding more grocery stores

>> No.50830078

Do burgers have to disclose passwords when faced with a court order?

>> No.50830128

>only works in burgerland
People will exploit the crap out of that here.

>> No.50830187


>> No.50830423
File: 136 KB, 848x2048, 1658884166657002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50834772

Being able to pay for your Hooters meal anonymously with XMR is PEAK Monero.

Come to think of it a Monerochan Hooters waitress would make a fun artfund or Photoshop idea.

>> No.50830942
File: 622 KB, 1080x1834, Based eth anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meltdown is hilarious to watch, now some chad is dusting all the big wallets with tainted eth. Feels good to be holding Monero rn.

>> No.50830955

So they can order you to fork over biometrics, they can legally try and break into your devices, but they cannot order you to cough up your passwords. It's because then they are basically coercing you into incriminating yourself which is a VERY slippery slope.

If you have full disk encryption you're fine but will probably not be getting your devices back any time soon.

>> No.50831478

>So they can order you to fork over biometrics
Not to unlock devices they can't

>> No.50831731
File: 28 KB, 800x534, young-indian-man-wearing-casual-polo-standing-over-isolated-blue-background-sad-expression-covering-face-hands-crying-212853215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is awesome. Finally a way to nuke scammer accounts. Send them a little ETH, sit back and enjoy their tears.

>> No.50832621
File: 956 KB, 2480x2990, 1654112324834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50832909

>were not a moon mission
>price is pumping buy now or miss it!!!1!1!1
Not surprised that you xmr niggers are hoping to get rid of your bags i times like this

>> No.50832951
File: 66 KB, 600x901, 2B23D04E-6A18-4B58-B267-652831569020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

>> No.50833106

Best way to swap/exchange btc for Xmr?
Ogre or cake? Are cake rates worse?

>> No.50833211
Quoted by: >>50833434

where is the website for funding monero-chan art?

>> No.50833309
File: 83 KB, 1024x768, coffee_and_cigarettes_by_duthied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50833332

Morning, bros.

>> No.50833323

>2 posts in 249 reply thread mentioning pumps
get better material fag

>> No.50833332
Quoted by: >>50833357

So you're in Eastern Europe, Russia, or god forbid India?

>> No.50833341
File: 86 KB, 692x1024, cac26be76fc5015a325f59536fb02db5--coffee-and-cigarettes-acne-skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

European breakfast, anyone?

>> No.50833357

Image being in india, fucking hell, m8, eww.

>> No.50833434


>> No.50833616
Quoted by: >>50833708

If I have XMR in CakeWallet, and swap it to BTC with the app, with my Trezor as my receiving address, will that BTC be untraceable at this point (assuming this BTC hasnt beed used)?

>> No.50833629

In Europe we call this the French breakfast. Narrow it down, bigot.

>> No.50833708
Quoted by: >>50833735


Your best bet for "untraceable" bitcoin maybe would be mining it to an unused cold wallet, exclusively over TOR.
Even then, the moment you broadcast a transaction you announce your presence.

>> No.50833735
Quoted by: >>50834011

How would it be traceable if I buy BTC, swap to Monero, and then swap it to BTC again? Would that not break the trace?

>> No.50833798


>> No.50833896

This whole thread is gay and glows

>> No.50833906

Kraken has the deepest order books if you don't mind kyc. Tradeogre is probably the best of the non-kyc exchanges.

>> No.50833924

Monero had a fair launch. No venture capitalist pre-mined bullshit. New coins won't do this.

>> No.50833936
File: 66 KB, 960x720, 9k=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50833966


>> No.50833966
File: 43 KB, 700x393, simo-hayha_20170325_022309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50834011
Quoted by: >>50834053

Only partially. Assuming the input BTC are already under surveillance, they know:

- the input amount
- the input time
- your usual transaction behaviour of past tx

Its a fair assumption that the same service is used for input/output, and together with the previous points that narrows down you anonymity set significantly. How much depends on how may customers the swap service has, the transacted amount, and how soon you converted back. All this is on chain, so you have ti consider future improvements in tracing software.

Practically you'll also be subject to tracking by the swap service, which can be as simple as IP based, or something like browser fingerprinting.

There might be some people who can navigate all this, but the vast amount of people will slip up somewhere and risk their privacy.

>> No.50834053

>Assuming the input BTC are already under surveillance
I assume they all are at this point, if they were bought from a KYC exchange

>> No.50834772
Quoted by: >>50834892

"mooters" is already a reserved term, so to speak, so be prepared for cow jokes and big tiddy if you commission that

>> No.50834892
Quoted by: >>50835191


>> No.50834971

>but they cannot order you to cough up your passwords
what about the guy who's in prison indefinitely because he forgot his password

>> No.50835132
Quoted by: >>50835585

How active is poker night, anons? I just heard about it late last Saturday, so I missed it completely

>> No.50835191


>> No.50835585
File: 104 KB, 926x689, 1647749044869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't play last week so not sure how many showed up. I'm there this Saturday though.