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>> No.29812652

Fuck anime

>> No.29812674
File: 702 KB, 1280x960, 1614374721414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29812796


>> No.29812680
File: 314 KB, 1431x1080, my entire portfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how was your february performance anon

>> No.29812688
Quoted by: >>29812744

So...what's a good price for those covered calls come Tuesday?

>> No.29812710

What are your moves tomorrow morning? What are you buying/selling?

>> No.29812715
File: 85 KB, 512x384, 1359252614568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29813058

Realistically, should I keep buying the dips on SOXL and add to my position? Or just hold what I currently have? I kind of want to keep adding money to my portfolio but I want to put it in something that will have some pretty aggressive growth potential

>> No.29812717

Nice job podcast anon

Fuck liberals and fuck B*den btw

>> No.29812721
File: 42 KB, 510x496, 1613457507923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some stocks shoot up to the moon
and then come back down
but today i invested
like i was a clown

>> No.29812744
Quoted by: >>29812795

The covered calls will be a tricky game. I'm going to wait for a very solidly green day, maybe two in a row, before I'm writing any covered calls.
Then I'll buy them back on red days, use the premium to buy more shares, and wait for more green to write more.

>> No.29812746
File: 1.06 MB, 1277x1080, A5E9A687-74AB-4CE4-B52E-26A0CC065B4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning I love CARA

>> No.29812773
Quoted by: >>29812885

what do i fap to tonight

>> No.29812776

I love your poetry frogposter.

>> No.29812788

Oh, great and mighty Bobo! What stock should I buy in this red market?

>> No.29812789


>> No.29812796

What the fuck is this anime.

>> No.29812795

I'm worried about an incoming market crash that'll kinda shaft SOXL. I kinda want to get rid of them asap.

>> No.29812821
Quoted by: >>29812880

What is your reason for the crash?

>> No.29812836

That’s a man

>> No.29812838

i just need enough money to homestead

>> No.29812842

give me your thesis for a market crash and i'll tell you why you're wrong

>> No.29812869
File: 25 KB, 420x600, 3fc520d66483cb49b1088c148032caa4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw buying calls with no other buyers

>> No.29812880

10 year rising, inflation, volatility in the market

>> No.29812885

9 songs

>> No.29812889

cooming and research

>> No.29812899
File: 5 KB, 273x57, 1605970140939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in SOXL

>> No.29812913

Checked. Rerolling for greatness.

>> No.29812922

VIX is on the way down, inflation is bullish for stocks, rising 10Y isn't rising hard enough to tank the entire goddamn market
urusei yatsura

>> No.29812926

>10 year rising
It's still low
It's still within Fed limits
It's been this way for literally a year now

>> No.29812939

bobo came by to rob me of all my january gains

>> No.29812940

Meme tech bagholders are going to be increasingly ruined by the 10 yr yield going up. Everyone else should be fine until the generation defining massive "correction" when the debt market implodes. But that is something that can be delayed for now.

>> No.29812942


>> No.29812958

Urusei Yatsura, it invented the anime love comedy genre.

>> No.29812985
File: 185 KB, 640x480, 1614197659129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad news pennybros...

Recently discovered that pic related is the listed address
CEO has been arrested
SEC discovered it never existed. Charges filed.
Filing for bankruptcy
Being investigated for tax evasion

>> No.29812993

wording this post all in on oil and gold

>> No.29813015
File: 30 KB, 472x461, 1608258836018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime is gay as fuck. Buy CLF

>> No.29813026

What is this debt market?

>> No.29813049
Quoted by: >>29813137

Chopping off and inverting your cock is mental illness. Buy TQQQ.

>> No.29813054
Quoted by: >>29814766

SPY puts?

>> No.29813058

The people that make the most money don't sell normally unless they are trying to swing or daytrade something. They invest what they can afford each paycheck to instead of simply putting it in savings account to do nothing. Im moving me memes into it next week. Then I will just dca in, unless its massively green, if its massively red I will put more in.

Nio earnings are Monday. I have been holding since last August from 9 average. Its 60% of my normal portfolio. I am wondering if I should sell after earnings. And dump that 15k into soxl...I guess I need to see what nio does first. I was going to hold long for that tax break but idk if its even worth it when I can just dump it all into soxl.

>> No.29813070

Trannies love anime.

>> No.29813100
File: 216 KB, 1200x802, 1591375822635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of newfags in these threads and i have been avoiding them for the past few weekends. that being said, i am here to bestow upon you a gift

>gme under $40
>covered calls
invest in the chadfolio. invest in unlimited gains

>> No.29813126
File: 192 KB, 750x393, Uranium Prices 1970-2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29813207

I'm a tourist/refugee, so idk how to respond to the guy one thread back, but this is what gives me hope about UUUU

>> No.29813135
Quoted by: >>29813257

Bullish for a 20-year era-defining crash that destroys the global economy, wipes out everyone's life savings, and resets the wealth gap. The last six decades will have all been a bad dream.

>> No.29813137

CLF will make a redemption after the SEC fucks google up the shitter. Mark my words jogger

>> No.29813150

Stopped at wkhs

>> No.29813162
File: 371 KB, 1996x940, Screen Shot 2021-02-26 at 9.47.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29813275

R8 my portfolio

>> No.29813165
Quoted by: >>29813247


>> No.29813195

Bless penny baron


>> No.29813196
File: 232 KB, 273x334, bizapu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTFWT #5 if you want to listen to it frens,


>> No.29813197
File: 54 KB, 346x482, 1614159210447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29813301


>> No.29813205

that's because youre allergic to making money

>> No.29813207

>I'm a tourist/refugee, so idk how to respond to the guy one thread back

>> No.29813217
Quoted by: >>29813390

word, thanks, been enlightened to TQQQ and SOXL over 10-years thanks to this sub. JFC I had no idea

>> No.29813227

Nobody wants you on the Internet. Why don’t you go ask your brother for more stock tips?

>> No.29813228
Quoted by: >>29814238

Based. PLTR is the best pick on that list.

>> No.29813247

Lum is a fat plum

>> No.29813253
File: 21 KB, 516x254, 42 percent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you call this chart?

>> No.29813257
File: 412 KB, 1269x1680, 5DFAD787-A040-4A09-A5A9-97390C8CE6B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29813275
Quoted by: >>29813316

Solid. Not much risk, though.

>> No.29813279
File: 182 KB, 1075x843, cathieee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29813301

Just a temp dip for a little bit because insiders are finally able to sell :)

>> No.29813316
Quoted by: >>29813400

I know, I can take on a lil more risk, what do you recommend? INB4 Soxl

>> No.29813337
Quoted by: >>29813513

Don't be mean to out newfren.

>> No.29813340

are you the one who threw away 1mil or is it another dumb faggot who won't even post anymore

>> No.29813355

Prolonged dilation

>> No.29813364

Based stock mommy.

>> No.29813371

lenabasum trial results come out most likely on Sunday, on Rare Disease Day
get ready for the moon bros
proof: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03093402

>> No.29813384

almost -20% lmao

>> No.29813390


>> No.29813391
File: 184 KB, 550x398, 1614363065523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just stop buying until this treasury rate goes down? I've been getting fucked the last two weeks. Few green days but big losses on red days that fake bottom yesterday fucking murdered me. I only had a few positions eod today so I sold at s loss and am all cash after that huge red candle on closing fuck this shit bros watching Monday from the sidelines

>> No.29813400

fiverr or pinterest, not him btw

>> No.29813406

The Bearded Lady

>> No.29813409

buying 100 more shares on the next blood red day i think
looking to buy another 100 PLTR soon

>> No.29813452

CRBPajeets FUCK OFF it smells like SHIT in here with all of you

>> No.29813455

you don't sound very confident anon. speaking into a wall is weird and you need to practice a little

>> No.29813456
Quoted by: >>29813569

Unironically buy boomer including boomer tech until the yield goes back down or the Fed forces it down

>> No.29813467

i did

>> No.29813474
Quoted by: >>29813573

cause lurking is gonna teach me how to respond to the guy a thread back, right? kys faggot, I'm here now, deal with it nigger

>> No.29813500


>> No.29813502

It's terrible. Honestly the people who post have unironically shit taste in anime and unsurprisingly stock.

>> No.29813506

please pajeet god save my gains

>> No.29813513
Quoted by: >>29813568

YES, be fucking awful to them. Drive them the fuck back to where they came from. If you don't like it, YOU can fuck off too, you upvoting nigger FAGGOT

>> No.29813521

buying a 9mm toothbrush

>> No.29813532

>BLSP halted until march 11
Is this bullish? They've been dark for years and have to report to resume trading. The only reason I'm interested is because they're partnered with many big energy names.

>> No.29813558

Being investigated for being a FUDing nigger

>> No.29813562

the bond market right now is in a massive risk off period, not a risk on period. a big reason for this is that dividends are dropping massively and they're no longer correlated with treasury note yields. people always point to money printing as to how the stock market pulled out of the coronavirus drop but another factor is that companies jacked up dividend rates really fucking high so even though bonds got sold off huge the value of equities rose anyways because a lot of money got printed and dividends were really attractive. now bonds are getting sold off, dividends are dropping, and treasury yields are above dividend rates which is a really fucking bad sign. it means these companies are fucking zombie companies that their creditors feel are going to default on loans and they can't pay shareholders more than the government will to just borrow the money so they can wash sidewalks or bomb muslims for israel or whatever the fuck with the money.

all through 2020, dividends were correlated with treasury yields (which are inversely correlated with bond rates). bonds get sold, yields go up, dividends also get spiked up, equities stay attractive in fact basically the only thing that is attractive because in addition to the dividend rate you're getting the actual asset value to appreciate stupid fucking high as well like basically anything you bought could have at least 2x'd in the past year, etc.

then as we enter into 2021 this relationship changes. treasury yields are still inversely correlated with bond rates but dividends are no longer correlated with treasury yields in fact dividends are now lower than treasury yields. right now we've just crossed a threshold where people are starting to get fearful, starting to get anxious. me personally, I already panicked and got out. if i see the yields going lower back down below 1.4% and STAYING THERE and especially if they drop back down below 1.2% I'm going back to being an extreme bull in this market.

>> No.29813568
Quoted by: >>29814751

I think you're the one who has to leave. You sound awful and retarded. I don't want retards in my thread.

>> No.29813569
File: 1.55 MB, 1125x1520, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29813697

Did anyone else see this spy buy today? Is this the fed trying to hold the fucking line the sand at 380?

>> No.29813573
Quoted by: >>29813609

i know but im not telling

>> No.29813581
Quoted by: >>29813696

it's basically a rip off of To Love Ru

>> No.29813583
Quoted by: >>29813634

When does the CLF tranny’s calls expire?

>> No.29813587

Tomorrow the market is closed. I'm meeting shady Russians though to discuss crypto.

>> No.29813609
Quoted by: >>29813775

idgaf lol

>> No.29813634
Quoted by: >>29813657


>> No.29813651
File: 483 KB, 720x1382, sketch-1614402003009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I profit off this?

>> No.29813657

Eat shit faggot.

>> No.29813681

That means you're gay lol

>> No.29813695
File: 77 KB, 906x906, laughing yeji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29813696

>released in 2006
>urusei yatsura released in 1978
>tfw Rumiko Takahashi went forward in time 28 years to rip off an anime

>> No.29813697
Quoted by: >>29813747


It wouldn’t surprise me at all if it was the fed buying that bullshit

>> No.29813710

Long Islam

>> No.29813719

>20k life savings for return of pets
Better start dognapping and ransoming furballs

>> No.29813739

So with LINE GO DOWN, what bags are y'all painfully holding?

>> No.29813747

Bobo getting fukt by JPow kek

>> No.29813769
File: 392 KB, 588x501, 1613374114306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29813815

>Imagine the cope LOL

>> No.29813775
Quoted by: >>29813823

wonder what this guy has to say?

>> No.29813797

BLSP and trading has been halted until March 11, over $20k tied up and in the air depending on whether they release financials and if they're good.

>> No.29813799
Quoted by: >>29814026

will bitfarms go up? someone shilled it to me in the last thread.

>> No.29813815
Quoted by: >>29813855

why is he so fucking obsessed with giving shit advice?

>> No.29813819

PLTR, GME, CMPS, VLDR (actually fucking kill me), MVIS, SPCE & CLF

>> No.29813823

Stop fucking helping newfags

>> No.29813850
Quoted by: >>29814365


>> No.29813851
File: 28 KB, 400x400, -_sjwkFZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm never gambling on weekly calls again bros. I learned my lesson

>> No.29813855


>> No.29813865

He's right. You're one of those gossip faggots who only care about other people's stupid bullshit.

>> No.29813866

Thank you for the insight anon you sound like a pro. I'm gonna play it cool for awhile too I'm a noob but was making nice gains before this week. This week has rekt my confidence, gonna wait for the market to cool off next week and that bond rate to come down and then go with 1/2th buys till I feel ok again

>> No.29813873
Quoted by: >>29813917

well its official, i finally lost it all today. lost the rest of my poorfag portfolio because SPY decided to take a shit this past week. went from $7,000 beginning of february to $196 today. not sure if i want to start again or just go back to saving cash and buying gold. i believed the 'unlimited QE makes line only go up" meme. i should have just kept my money in a safe ETF like VTI but i got greedy and kept buying SPY calls

>> No.29813917
File: 2.18 MB, 1429x1075, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29814070

you went all in on short dated options, didn't you

>> No.29813919
File: 93 KB, 385x390, 93DE2A61-4786-441B-BA83-4303FAF04BF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29813987


>> No.29813924

No you havent

>> No.29813950

still holding AEZS. maybe in a year or two it'll magically go back to 2$ and I can break even.

>> No.29813951

Yeah that's not what's going on

>> No.29813987

That fucking Pepe gets me every time kek

>> No.29813992
Quoted by: >>29815013

Let's say worst case scenario yields don't go down but bond dividends keep dropping, how bad would the rug get pulled from underneath this market? Is this really what people fear when it comes to hyperinflation?

>> No.29813999

It's higher now than 4 years ago when their last p3 drug failed. So I guess everything is possible.

>> No.29814010

invest in $YUMC

>> No.29814025
Quoted by: >>29816051

How does this affect companies without dividends?

>> No.29814026

"Undervalued" relative to its peers and wholly dependent on how much more dumb money can join the rest of the trapped dumb money in BTC.
Its a leveraged play on a ponzi token, so the gains and losses will be face melting.

>> No.29814027

Return lady Gaga’s dog to her. She is offering $500k

>> No.29814038

No you will do it again bitch until you like it.

>> No.29814062
Quoted by: >>29814356

unironically the ONLY pick I really like in that list is C and I think C has a really nice margin of safety with a ton of upside potential.

PLTR I'd been really fucking bullish on when it was pinned at 25 and then it fucking ripped right after that day, couldn't keep the gains. if you managed to load up on it at 25 AND sell into the pushes to 30 that was a nice fucking trade but there hasn't really been any opportunity to realize gains on palantir on the long side since then. the bull case for PLTR right now relies on it being undervalued innovation which I still think is a good case and it's something that is really fucking hard to find in the market. i'm going to be watching PLTR all week. for a long time now it's a stock that LOVES to pump during the premarket and after hours on low volume and then it gets it's face ripped off at the opening bell fucking hard going to look to see if this pattern continues or if it starts to pump at the opening bell instead of just straight fucking dump. if that happens I think it will signal a trend reversal otherwise im now bearish on the stock because of broader market trends that have been dragging the tech sector down.

>> No.29814070

if by short dated you mean like 2 weeks out then yes. i bought a bunch of 2/26 SPY calls back around 2/14 planning to literally sell as soon as they were green within a day or two. unfortunately SPY decided to take a shit and never recover

>> No.29814110
File: 316 KB, 708x569, 1533451521834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12 of my 14 tech stocks

>> No.29814117

I sold my AEZS bags for a small loss before the big drop, thank God.
Currently bagholding something far less volatile, SU

>> No.29814121

You don’t learn your lesson till it’s too late as always

>> No.29814130

Red ID is GME price market open Monday

>> No.29814142
Quoted by: >>29814182

here's a tip:
if your entire investment strategy can cause your portfolio to be liquidated with a single red week, you're doing it wrong

>> No.29814145
File: 879 KB, 694x740, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29814171

i already have dnn. how diversify?

>> No.29814182

What is diversity? I don’t know that word

>> No.29814183

kek he still doesnt know how to do it, thats why its funny. every thread has a link back to the previous thread and he still doesnt pick it up

>> No.29814219



any questions?

>> No.29814220
File: 166 KB, 1342x754, 1612330358246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay intro
1. Recovery will happen
2. /smg/ is not liberal. The market doesn't care about presidents
3. Go back if you voted liberal
4. Clown market back on in GME
5. Was it insanity? I dunno, could be genius. Congrats this was insane
6. Reddit makes market red, I don't get it, I am not educate, I am not jewish enough
7.I promised an episode Thursday but my boss shoved his cawk up my ass because I am a dumb faggot
8. Goes on an anti jew rant ( actually decent)
9. Got drunk and did my project, woke up jerking it to milfs
10. I am loving the new marty meme. Explains the meme even though its the picture that is up on his video
11.( laughs like a virgin) explains the meme like a virgin and giggles about marty beeping
12. Explains how marty makes people clean up messes.
13. 4 minutes talking about Marty the robot
14. Talks about the /smg/ poet. Praises him and says he doesn't hit the mark all the time
15. Offers advise by "Work in gamer words"
(Don't listen to this faggot's advice)
16. Congrats you if you made money in GME
17. If you Fomo'd again its on you. Sucks
Rabbihoods trimmed penis for a second
18. That's insane if you lost money twice. Stop trading and go into ETF's
19. He takes pleasure in people losing money that are annoying. (doesn't mention clff tranny, but liberals and faggots)
20. Mumbles like a virgin
21. Mentions CLF and talks about the Tranny
22. Fantasizes about the Tranny's money in GME
(clears his seaman laced throat)
23. Keeps talking about CLF Tranny and tries to make logic about this abomination. Press S because he is a retard.
24. Get out of CLF
25. Don't be lured in by webm's
26. Crypto miners on sale
27. He averaged down in MARA and feels confident like a sexy woman
28. He talks about SOS but doesn't know anything about it.
um, long pause, crbp. Downgraded from shit stock to streetshitting shill
29. Tranny stock area on the verge of rip stock
30. Do not trust Bio shills, you know what I am talking about
(Trust.. mumbles and speaks gay)

>> No.29814225


>> No.29814231

2 weeks is definitely short date

>> No.29814238
Quoted by: >>29814338


>> No.29814258


>> No.29814269
File: 6 KB, 235x102, 99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't diversify
but i also don't hold something that can go to zero with 1 bad week

>> No.29814291

>doesn't tell the whole story
My post tells enough of the story.
>but there aren't any signs of it slowing down.
It's going to keep growing, yes. I'm just trying to say that semiconductor stocks aren't invulnerable to recessions.
>If you aggregate all the negatives and positives youll probably see an exponential growth in overall sales
Did I say that demand wasn't increasing over time? I simply said
>demand does fluctuate heavily during slumps in the economy and oversupply is a relevant issue in many markets
The first half of that sentence isn't controversial and the other half is exactly what happened in 2018.

>> No.29814305



>> No.29814332
File: 56 KB, 211x239, buli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, are you a little girl or something? ALL IN SOXL!!!

>> No.29814338

Cause it’s a good long term stock.
Go do some research

>> No.29814341
Quoted by: >>29814401

60% cash

SOXL position
big SILJ silver miners position
rest REITs and boomer stuff with decent divs like AT&T, OKE, Verizon

still bleeding like a mofo, −0,29% today

>> No.29814343

TLS is my biggest loser right now, I bought it too high

>> No.29814356

i dont think PLTR has to has to rely on being undervalued. in fact it clearly is overvalued just like a regular industry leading tech growth stock. nothing wrong with that. ill buy when its in the shitter, sell covered calls when it rips, and hold forever. ive been holding and adding since $15.
as for the rest of the list, if you arent bullish on aapl, tsm, and net im not really sure what to tell you. great combination of growth, dividends, too big to fail, and theta opportunities right there

>> No.29814365
File: 90 KB, 287x291, 840cc6a9ac90c5290152a90d65bfa392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29814381

KTOS, but my biggest bag is currently VTI

>> No.29814388
Quoted by: >>29815871

What strike price, anon?

>> No.29814401

*40% cash

>> No.29814416
File: 327 KB, 2480x1860, rise_mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LABU and PLTR are my heaviest bags. They can go up eventually but until then I'm selling calls to recoup my lost gains..

>> No.29814421

>hold 3x etf
>it drops 34%
>I'm now down 102%

>> No.29814437

All this "cathie buys X" stuff is so dumb
All the ARK funds have had record cash inflows in the last several weeks, thanks to FOMO-ing investors

When your fund has record cash inflows, you have to keep buying stocks.

Cathie is absolutely going to get destroyed when this blows up.
Think about the incentives a fund manager in her position has.

>> No.29814444
Quoted by: >>29814864

Kys tranny

>> No.29814451
Quoted by: >>29814523

That TMZ video of Lady Gaga's dog getting stolen was the most fucked up thing I saw this month.

>> No.29814479

is there any hope for MVIS? i bought at 21.20

>> No.29814496

think about all the shares you can buy at zero though

>> No.29814522
File: 19 KB, 480x360, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these

>> No.29814523
Quoted by: >>29814647

Bruh they shot her dog walker n shit
Wtf is going on in California?

>> No.29814527
File: 455 KB, 800x534, 1598554511771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not bad faggot. Way better. You also sound confident. Too bad your a jew bottom at work. Nicely done. Keep working on not cussing.

>> No.29814553

circuit breakers trigger at 20%, fund rebalanced daily, zero chance of liquidation. if you want to see what happens when qqq crashes 33% over a few days, see march 2020

>> No.29814628
File: 312 KB, 1000x750, dasHausdesSPOOK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29814636
Quoted by: >>29814785

yeah it won't go to 0
you'll still get fucked though

>> No.29814639
File: 30 KB, 256x256, rise_scared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if the building where Direxion (the company that runs the SOXL fund) is headquartered gets hit by a meteor?

>> No.29814640

20 minutes done in 1 minute

>> No.29814643

i hate these soxl people but honestly QQQ is overvalued, SOXL is much less so

100% might be unironically safed in a crash, because their valuations are based on earning money rather than losing money in QQQ

>> No.29814647

California is ok, but LA and SF are on the brink of being completely out of control. I won’t step foot in even SD at this time. Marxist shithole cities that are mid collapse.

>> No.29814650

>trying out some professors valuation spreadsheet
>requires trailing 12 months numbers if done in middle of business year
>calculating the training 12 months is a fucking nightmare

Fuck this

>> No.29814663

>"Market doesn't care about politics"
>Goes on political rants nonstop
I smell a red portfolio. Only losers complain about Jews.

>> No.29814703
File: 443 KB, 1111x655, 1608249964672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a summary of your neetcast. It wasn't a total disaster like the last 3. You still sound like a crackling tween trying to talk to the popular kid on zoom. Thank you for having more content dedicated to /smg/.

>> No.29814717
File: 965 KB, 1920x1080, 1585914774585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29814802


>> No.29814718
Quoted by: >>29814890

I like CLF.

>> No.29814751

Buy $Rope or go to /cmg/ and I dont mean chipotle. Honestly fuck you. It ain't your thread princess

>> No.29814752

Up here in Sacramento, we've seen a severe increase in gun violence.
We've had nearly a shooting a day it seems like, since halfway last year.
Even the news anchors are getting a bit freaked.

>> No.29814754
File: 34 KB, 401x401, 1598370734064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29815246

>BTC pumps right after my MARA spreads expire worthless

>> No.29814766

spread that bread

>> No.29814781

Every city is like that. Crime, drugs, guns, etc.

Basically a rural shithole, only with working bathrooms and no hillbilly rape. Buildings are pretty, though.

>> No.29814785

buy the dip

>> No.29814802

someone should make a cookie that looks like this

>> No.29814811
Quoted by: >>29814896

-25%. I was up 10% then BOBO came and raped me with absolutely no survivors

>> No.29814864

nice 4quads

>> No.29814884

Jesus Christ, this board really is a bunch of newfags that are copying GME now. I got into PLTR at $20, and I was late to the game relative to the rest of old smg. You plebbitors are bitching because it's "only" $25?
Fuck this shit, I'm going to /d/ to jerk off to some fat chicks.

>> No.29814889
File: 26 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29815791


>> No.29814890

CLF is based af. It made a tranny feel like he accomplished the impossible and ripped it away and fucked his boy pussy with broken Mexican glass

>> No.29814896

I fucking hate bobo so much.

>> No.29814900
Quoted by: >>29815172

It’s been getting worse...fast. People out of work, leaning on the communal failures of their peers. Patience down, reasons to live down. Can’t help but think of that couple that was shot over snow shoveling in Philly. Everyone is on edge but I can’t say I’m surprised to hear cities have taken the blunt end of this all

>> No.29814919

Bought some April calls for RIDE. Riding RIDE back up baby.

>> No.29814934
File: 1.57 MB, 480x360, 1614385142433.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is she on the phone with /biz/?

>> No.29814959

Not u faggot

>> No.29814964

Bobo cause she’s a fucking traitorous whore

>> No.29815001
Quoted by: >>29815096

it's a sad state of affairs. i dont know when theyre going to leave, if ever. might take an actual bear market

>> No.29815005

>"He sold his SOXL? Pomp Eet!"

>> No.29815013
File: 115 KB, 1260x677, im-304735 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's say worst case scenario yields don't go down but bond dividends keep dropping, >how bad would the rug get pulled from underneath this market?
>how bad would the rug get pulled
>how bad

idk. but bad. value investors like grantham right now are predicting like a crash that would rival the 1920s. im a lot less bearish than that, right now I think this continues for awhile more and amounts to a correction like september/october in the nasdaq in which we would be about a third to a half way though it right now. and i can't really speak for the entire market. mostly I follow tech because I used to work as a trader in the tech industry itself, trading digital ads on ad exchanges, now I trade securities cause it's just a bigger fucking casino I can make more money in. so I understand both tech from a being able to look at the fundamentals and valuation perspective and trading from a technical perspective so that's what I trade mostly.

now it's possible that these three things: dividend rates, treasury note yields, and bond rates unfuck themselves because right now this crossing of the streams on the chart is super fucked. if that specific trend continues shit will be really bad like rip the entire fucking face off the market bad. now at the moment these streams have just barely started to cross, they could quickly reverse trend and everything is back to the insane bull market again.

right now im CAUTIOUS. im not anticipating overnight absolute armageddon, but i'm very cautious. i've been buying more and more and getting more levered up and more levered up buying on margin and buying calls for pretty much like a fucking year right now and never risked off so I took some FAT L's over this past month so I pretty much had to risk off and take off all leverage at a minimum. if this trend reverses and it could reverse quickly, im back to raging bull mode. but if it doesn't ill just as quickly turn into the hairiest bear in the room.

>> No.29815068
File: 197 KB, 1179x442, sheeit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

head and shoulders on the index
MOVE is flying, VIX to follow within 1-3 weeks
yields above divvies
DIX/GEX/insider buy/sell ratio says so
my other TA model predicts negative returns for most tickers even in the upper half of expected performers over the next 20-100 trading days

>> No.29815091

The price needs to go to $30 for me to break even

>> No.29815096

Sorry fren :( I’m new to stocks (I usually trade shitcoins)

>> No.29815140

Fugg D:

>> No.29815172

I can actually understand. City life depends on constant communal activity. Theaters, movies, restaurants, street parades, bars, nightclubs, shopping centers, etc.

Shit NEEDS to be open 100% fucking percent or everything goes to hell in a hand basket.
There aren't many factories or farms in the city. Everyone that isnt a desk jockey is bound to be bored and broke, with rent due, which is a disaster waiting to happen.

>> No.29815174

What the hell does this clown colored map mean

>> No.29815196

i'm not going to entertain chart patterns or TA
>VIX to follow within 1-3 weeks
VIX continued to drop last night, even as NASDUMP went more than 1% into the red very quickly, you're just making a prediction with nothing to back it up
>DIX/GEX/insider buy/sell ratio says so
not enough to base a crash on
>yields above divvies
not enough by itself to cause a market wide crash
if you're so confident, post your short positions or inverse ETF calls

>> No.29815246
File: 278 KB, 544x499, 1614185468622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29815757

a.... simple... conservative... portfolio.. ?

>> No.29815259

What exactly is the point of SP500, versus SP5?

Like who TF thinks Apple or Google or Microsoft could even possibly fail nowadays, they are too integrated into modern society to ever be replaced

>> No.29815263

this is fucking stupid, fuck you

>> No.29815388

Should I long the canadian dollar?

>> No.29815422

Is it worth learning to trade options? I've been looking at youtube channels but all of them are "watch me turn 200 into 2 million" and day trading scams.

>> No.29815466

Wtf are you talking about

Dividends were non existent this past year

>> No.29815491

Buy some calls that you can afford to have expire worthless. Watch the price movement in the underlying stock. Practice makes perfect.

>> No.29815511

Railroads were the big tech of society at one point too

>> No.29815542

You have absolutely no clue about the history of markets.

>> No.29815548
File: 28 KB, 200x239, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ANVS is feeling itchy

>> No.29815573
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1608245888709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29816538

faggot, here in Seattle people get shot every day. When you want drug culture, worship monkeys and illegal aliens you get violence.

>> No.29815577

Just in case anyone doesn't know, you can type Bloomberg headlines into Google, and add "Yahoo finance" to read the article for free. Fuck people who link Bloomberg.

>> No.29815585

What bullshit

>> No.29815590
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, 1611340034172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is, but not to gamble. The real money is in selling covered calls and cash secured puts to degenerate gamblers, and consistently collect rent off their pipe dreams

>> No.29815613

Absolutely not. Our inflation is gonna get much worst. Short USD if anything.

>> No.29815615

How is that different from just doing oil plays?

Well if you're not a spastic Zoomer, you can read Investopedia. But if you are you should've already seen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PM4rNDr4oI

>> No.29815622

vangoh paintings dont mean shit

>> No.29815631
Quoted by: >>29815668

Covered calls are peak based.

>> No.29815647

>head and shoulders
there isnt any. show me

>> No.29815655
Quoted by: >>29815880

Just applied for level 2 on my Roth to do just this. Watching the GME IV crush on the second pump was mouthwatering.

>> No.29815663

praying to hindu pantheon, ordering curry if successful

>> No.29815668

How can they go wrong?

>> No.29815678

Look up The Wheel Strategy and learn it well. That's all you need to know about options.

>> No.29815686

pretty much how i became rich , and even if the bet goes against you, you win wiht a rollover

>> No.29815710

if your holding drops in value or spikes too much

>> No.29815712

why is nobody fucking talking about how inflation is coming back in a big way, the usd is going to fall, and the fedcoin will replace it? god these people. never trust someone with a PhD behind their name, they wont listen to you.

>> No.29815757
File: 40 KB, 786x196, 2021-02-26 RIOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rang?

>> No.29815768
Quoted by: >>29815857

Wrong, the covered call seller still wins

>> No.29815771
File: 7 KB, 260x194, sips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they don't want you to panic while they're making money, obviously. Buy stocks, sell out for DigiDollars after the Greatest Depression ends.

>> No.29815783

King Sperg Burry was talking about it last week

>> No.29815791
File: 69 KB, 612x491, D69C9E75-DD81-4AE3-B735-214F2016A8B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I heard this is where the big boys bet

>> No.29815807

Neither is a problem. If it spikes you are still making the premium, which is what you wanted. Theta gang doesn't speculate on stocks, we get consistent income off our securities. If it drops that's not a problem, either, because you can just sell more covered calls. Only problem would be if the outlook of the company changed.

>> No.29815810

If there's a serious price change, over 20%. So don't do it around earnings

>> No.29815820

Pretty sure everyone who would be talking about inflation *is* talking about inflation.

Or do you expect GME swinging Robinhooders to suddenly enlighten you on yield curve steepening?

>> No.29815822
File: 676 KB, 596x799, E50DECA7-803C-481E-B94D-E228B6572E42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello frens. I just wanted to remind you all that Caturday is just around the corner in AZ.

>> No.29815845
File: 16 KB, 360x360, 1612225562791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29815925


>> No.29815855
File: 1.11 MB, 607x858, bside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wild inflation makes stocks go up, i welcome it, but i know it's probably never going to happen

>> No.29815857

>sell a covered call for $3 premium
>underlying drops by $10
>$7 net loss
i genuinely hope you're pretending.

>> No.29815871


>> No.29815878

this podcast sucks bro, i'm sorry but it's almost unlistenable
You need more confidence in your voice, more conviction. Right now you sound like a meek little autist, rambling about nothing. Maybe try to write down some notes so you aren't rambling through the thing without a clear sense of direction.

>> No.29815880
File: 277 KB, 1237x1416, hello_based_department.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based call-seller bros. I'm about to start selling calls next week now that I have a lot of SOXL stacks.

>> No.29815889
File: 84 KB, 500x593, 1427660286287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's monday gonna be like?
will biden get off his ass and give stimmys or are we gonna just bomb more of israeli/saudi neighbors

>> No.29815891
File: 12 KB, 216x234, pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29815974


>> No.29815925
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>> No.29815934
Quoted by: >>29816021

Generally severe down/upswings are tied to a change in company outlook and you miss all of the upside while still keeping all of the downside of that risk. I'm not even saying it's a bad deal, but appreciating risks is important.

>> No.29815932

You can only lose money when you sell for a loss son. Just hodl, ape in, diamond dick, gorilla brain, pavement ape, reddit feces.

>> No.29815950
Quoted by: >>29816538

thats because of all the prisoners we keep releasing and open border policy and general democrat policies. what part of sac you in anon?

>> No.29815952

typically the covered calls i sell command way more premium than that, i wouldnt move on anything below 20 myself because it would be a waste of time. but even if the underlying drops , that just why covered calls were great because it helped lesson that loss.

>> No.29815954

So you sell another covered call you retard.

>> No.29815974
Quoted by: >>29816047

I'm not wrong. The market is wrong.

>> No.29815984

>price goes up
>you now lose your position

>> No.29815987

There's a mandatory element of speculation, though. Conservative theta plays like SPY or blue chips are proven losers compared to buy-and-hold in bull markets like this one. In order to beat the market you have to pick semi-meme stocks that are both sufficiently volatile and good long-term holds.

>> No.29816021

If that happened you STILL are better off than someone who bought a call or bought stock and didn't sell covered calls. Because your covered calls help offset your losses. There is no situation where the covered call seller losses more than anyone else.

>> No.29816027
File: 44 KB, 500x628, EEBE0724-F2BE-4FEC-9C03-E7ECB011E73D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are alright. I’ll let you ask me a single question. To show you how serious I am. Here is a cat in a suit and tie

>> No.29816047
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, pinkie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29816148

>buying RIOT calls that expire during the biggest BTC crash ever

>> No.29816051

these companies actually get affected MORE by this trend, it sounds counter intuitive but it's because of how valuations work. the reason people buy dividend stocks is pretty simple, you get dividends, also you generally get appreciation in the actual stock in an upwards market if you don't buy fucked up companies and pick long term winners.

the reason people buy growth companies is basically 4 reasons. 1 because they go up and have been going up for a long time, which on a fundamental level is because of the following 3 reasons. 2: because companies that reinvest their earnings back into GROWING the company can potentially gobble up so much market share that they just eventually cannot have competition that really threatens them and THEN they turn into a machine that spins off profits to the shareholders in the form of dividends, 3) they start growing so fast that they become threatening to the existing titans of that industry and become acquired and 4) aggressively growing companies put pressure on dividend machines which cannot grow as fast which suppresses the share price of those companies which makes aggressively growing companies more attractive since they don't feel that pressure from the dividend machines

however this means that their current valuation is based off of FUTURE earnings whereas dividend stocks are more valued off of next quarter's dividends. however if the company makes it to that future and the money in the future is worth a lot less because of inflationary concerns, or it doesn't make it to that future because it's vehicle to getting there was a bunch of bad debt it can't pay (which is why bond sellers are dumping bonds like they're radioactive right now, it is at least perceived as bad debt) or if the amount of dividends it is capable of paying in the future is less than the government will pay you TODAY with no wait for the future, the valuation of these companies drops hard. dividend companies are actually less affected

>> No.29816066

You never sell covered calls at a price you would not like to sell at.

>> No.29816085

like all things in life, you can do what you are doing aka trading like shit, or get better at it.

>> No.29816086

Secure profits in commodities and privacy based crypto.
No, it isn't private and is a permanent record of your transactions. It will be heavily taxed to help back Fedcoin.

>> No.29816097

market wants to recover but it's too scared right now, probably no volume crabbing until some kind of indicator hits

>> No.29816102
File: 80 KB, 320x423, question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will BTC crash? I wanna buy a fat stack.

>> No.29816103
File: 7 KB, 227x222, 497fc33f186f8589effa26e6cded969c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29816150

I started drinking probiotic yogurt and fiber bars. I tear it up at work. I just shid all day and laugh. I just reak of shid and don't even care. I farted a wet one before I walked up the stairs and some wagie Asian girl was on her hands and knees cleaning the stairs at the top. I just walked right passed her with my shit perfume.

>> No.29816108
Quoted by: >>29816148

and i thought I was retarded for buying wkhs calls at the top this week. thanks for making me feel better about myself

>> No.29816130

Is Monday gonna be red?

>> No.29816148
Quoted by: >>29816197

Bored and had some money to burn. As for
>the biggest BTC crash ever
I don't think we're there yet.

That's like half the reason I post my reminder to benchmark.

>> No.29816149
Quoted by: >>29816217

Why do you masturbate to tranny porn?

>> No.29816150


>> No.29816165
Quoted by: >>29816211

This is fucking brainlet logic right here. Yes you can do this but with a severe enough downturn you're going to be absolutely fucked and these things don't necessarily come with any warning. And if you want to get out of the way of a falling knife you still have to close the call you sold in the first place.

>> No.29816188
File: 29 KB, 300x362, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29816250

goodnight bros

>> No.29816189
File: 50 KB, 500x750, F2801449-6AD5-469B-AF4C-078316B34D46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well since I’m a cat and don’t actually know anything about finances or “Bitcoin” - I’m gonna say like 3 days?

>> No.29816197
Quoted by: >>29816277

>I don't think we're there yet.
BTC will be under $1000 by the end of March
BTC will be outlawed this year when the DigiDollar is introduced

>> No.29816201

If the stimmy doesn't pass the House this weekend it's probably gonna be a big red one on Monday :)

>> No.29816211
Quoted by: >>29816297

What "severe downturn" situation are you talking about? You should be selling covered calls on things like AAPL, or MSFT.

>> No.29816217
File: 54 KB, 564x752, ABF1DEBB-6097-427A-A305-AFC7EAB26B97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Asians with big tits and Asian milfs

>> No.29816221
Quoted by: >>29816386

This. Just keep selling covered calls above your cost basis.

>> No.29816235

After you and other people waiting for it to crash FOMO in.

>> No.29816250

Night bb.

>> No.29816272 [DELETED] 
File: 2.87 MB, 480x360, piccadilly circus.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29816408

>Every city is like that. Crime, drugs, guns, etc.
no, its not. remember before diversity?

>> No.29816277

Well you're free to have your own forecast. That's why we play things out in the market!

>> No.29816294
File: 31 KB, 660x574, hbomyb67ciy31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

covered call is just owning the stock with limited upside, you are not smart and your mindless strategy won't work forever

>> No.29816297
Quoted by: >>29816362

look at JPM look at BA look at KHC 2 years ago. All of these generally are things that would be candidates to sell calls on.

>> No.29816300
Quoted by: >>29816474

Anon, care to share the rest of your portfolio? I'm getting a bit worried about you desu. You are posting too matter a fact about this. I really hope that wasn't 50% or more of what you have

>> No.29816307

>buy 10,000 shares of GTE
>sell 100x Aug $1.5c on green day
>buy them back on red day
>rinse and repeat
Can this possibly go wrong or am I missing something?

>> No.29816311
Quoted by: >>29816812

thanks for posting this bro. Sage advice. I learned a lot this old article helped explain your point for anyone else interested

>> No.29816347 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 500x559, youre-brown-y-tho--58410051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29816362

ABBV as well I can keep throwing out tickers if you need more. but generally well thought of stocks have a significant shift and outlook and dump 30% and pretending that this couldn't happen to MSFT or AAPL hell it's basically happening to AAPL right now.

>> No.29816386
Quoted by: >>29816449

Literally this. It's not rocket science. Let's say you buy a stock for $25. You buy 100 for $2,500. Now you sell a covered call with a strike of $30, 1 month out for $250. Let's say the stock drops to $15, an extreme example. You lose $1,000 - $250, so you lost $750. Now, assuming the stock's outlook has changed. You sell the stock and are glad you kept $250 more than you would have if you hadn't sold a covered call. But if the outlook hasn't changed you just keep selling calls with a strike of $30 indefinitely, until the stock climbs back. By the time it does you will have made hundreds in covered calls, and the stock will be back around where you bought it.

>> No.29816389

buy AQB

>> No.29816393
Quoted by: >>29817013

This is interesting. I've thought about getting out but what do you think about SPACs that seem to have a future in this? The lowest they can go is 10 dollars so are they doomed too? Post merger would be when problems arise but isn't it possible they still see some gains on announcement because they are already at all time lows.

>> No.29816408

>remember before diversity?
Not everyone is 80 years old gramps

>> No.29816419
File: 255 KB, 594x380, its a sign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29816865

what did he mean by this

>> No.29816421
Quoted by: >>29816506

>GTE goes back to $0.40
>Either sell at loss or keep your money locked up hoping for recovery
>GTE files chapter 11, bye bye money

>> No.29816425
File: 116 KB, 1242x1188, 1cto8acsza551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are not smart and your mindless strategy won't work forever
I may not be smart, but....

>> No.29816434
Quoted by: >>29816550

the stock moons to $3+ and you miss out on any profits above $1.50+premium

>> No.29816446

Happy Caturday!



>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

>Educational sites:

>Free charts:

>I love Lum


>Pre-Market Data and Live data:

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar:

>Boomer Investing 101:

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator:

>List of hedge fund holdings:


>> No.29816449

Then the stock suddenly moons to $50 and you're posting pink wojacks and blow your brains out.

>> No.29816474

Oh heavens no, their total cost basis was maybe 5% of my portfolio? That actually grew out of like a 1% bet on earlier RIOT calls. The bulk of my money's definitely *not* in that simple, conservative portfolio - it's in your TQQQs, URTYs, SPACs, actual crypto, that kind of stuff.

>> No.29816476



>> No.29816486


>> No.29816488
File: 1.35 MB, 1024x1536, pltr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29816492
Quoted by: >>29816534

No, because you will have made hundreds in covered calls + $$2,500 from the stock itself. Is this hard to understand?

>> No.29816504

> what is a rollover
honestly you guys just are ngmi, anon gave you a great example and you guys are turbo autistic

>> No.29816506

That’s fine yeah but I’ll get to keep any premiums, and I only do this with
>stocks I like

>> No.29816534

Sorry, you would make $500 + all you made from covered calls. It's just a way to make money without relying on stocks mooning.

>> No.29816538
Quoted by: >>29816824

If you want to compare dick sizes in terms of homicides, I'm not your guy lmao.
Pocket. You here too?

>> No.29816550

Not super worried about unrealized gains, just like to avoid losses. Boomer I know...

>> No.29816578

Will BNKU recover from the correction this week?

>> No.29816604
File: 519 KB, 764x573, original_296464809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not buying CWSFF
>Stock up 80%
>Based CEO turns landfill trash into diesel fuel
>Plans to import trash from other countries next, to Canada where it BELONGS

You didn't listen.

>> No.29816695

Does anyone do covered puts?

>> No.29816711

One way to look at it is this:

If it goes to $50, the guy who just holds makes $2,500.

The covered call seller makes $500 + what they made off their covered calls.

Yes, in that example you make less money, but are you going to sit around hoping you YOLO into a stock that is going to gain 100%, or are you going to relax and not worry about shit while money transfers to you over time?

>> No.29816812
Quoted by: >>29817154

its very possible too that I'm completely wrong to be concerned and cautious right now and that I should instead be turning into even more of an insane bull and buying every dip. which is basically what I had been doing for a year, since covid. but during that time, the 10 year yield has been favorable, with heavy resistance at 1.0% yield on the 10 year note for that entire period. and its been such a raging bull market that even when the 10 year note broke through 1.0% it didn't slow shit down in the slightest until it bounced back UP from 1.0% indicating what had been a resistance level now is a support level. if 1.4% goes from being a historic 3 year resistance level into a support level, shit is fucked yo. if the yield goes up to 1.7% 1.75 fucking 2% yield i don't think any level of ape into everything stonks only go up mentality can save the market.

there are people who have just gotten more and more bullish as this has happened, cathie wood probably the most notable. those people stand the most to gain but also by far the most to lose. buy the dip DEFINITELY beat any strategy in post-covid 2020 while yield rates were low. now that we're at pre-covid levels on the yield AND dividends are way way down I don't think that is the case anymore.

>> No.29816824

uhoh also pocket

>> No.29816865

The prime autist shitposter strikes again

>> No.29816956
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Yeah that limited upside is that I consistently don't get called and just collect the premium with ever having to sell a single share.

>> No.29817013

I just don't bet on SPACs period though they in general seem like an easy play buy the rumor and sell before the news hits

that said when I'm buying based on a chart it's rarely a position I'm holding overnight because there's only so much you can know from a chart if you know nothing about a business or what factors in the market it's exposed to. anything I hold overnight I like to know A LOT about the business, like exhaustively so, and with SPACs basically the only thing you really "know" about the SPAC is who is promoting it. so buy when the hype starts and sell into the hype as it reaches a euphoria is how I would play SPACs if I did play SPACs.

>> No.29817154

that's smart, i've definitely learned a lot over the last year and wish I knew that a year ago.
I've been pretty bearish since SPY surpassed its pre covid peak. The yields will decide how things shake out but I also think with the amount of cheap debt and margin trading a big red day could trigger so many margin calls that would lead to a stampede out of equity

thoughts on OTM ARK ETF puts?

>> No.29817294

if you arent cash, puts, or NAV SPACs you’re fucked. cathie wood is about to get gangbanged

>> No.29817305

The market is closed tomorrow morning you retard

>> No.29818081

Buy and hold these in the long run


Buy the dips! You'll thank me later.

t. Pennyfag