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File: 1.54 MB, 190x300, 1642633305601.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53482454 No.53482454 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc

Float 117m
Short % of Float 58%
Held by Institutions 41%

CTB between 75% and 250%!

Blackrock recalls shares & 14% stake in BBBY

10Q Filing
8K Filing & new Hire
>Carol Flaton - Carl Ichans appointee in Xerox take over

Latest hires
>David Kastin - M&A Specialist board member & CLO
>Shawn Hummell New Snr VP

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

As always:
>sneed hedgies

Last time in BBBY


Reminder to filter the spamming shills

>> No.53482757

>Deleted the thread at 107 replies
>at length explanation of a highly likely M/A scenario up in smokes
>all the info about the tokenization of bbby before the jimmy sneeze is now gone

Desperate much?

>> No.53482789
Quoted by: >>53482811

Is it over?

>> No.53482811
Quoted by: >>53486417

For hedge cucks and their assets, yes


Prepare to see some real shit go down soon

>> No.53482963

If I can take a second to be a faggot real quick I’d just like to thank the rest of you retards for being here, meme stocks have been my favourite special club to be in the last few years

>> No.53483052
Quoted by: >>53496817

I'm starting to think that you guys are clueless. I put only $1k into BBBY and closed my position on Friday with 30% loss. None of the claim you make no sense. If it was true that BBBY will be acquired at much higher price than it is now, then SP would already skyrocket. Instead all I saw was management doing some shady moves.
I hope that I'm wrong and you will make it, unfortunately it was too much risk for me.

>> No.53483098
File: 846 KB, 1439x1605, Screenshot_20230121-153818_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53483175

>cool story bro

>> No.53483175

Hey man, on 4chan you need to put ">" twice in front of post number to reply to it properly.

I hope I helped.

>> No.53483217
File: 686 KB, 1008x600, 1674320138755878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to the last thread? jannies be seething?

>> No.53483238

The resident gme schizo and samefagger abusing the report system to shut down the general by attacking the baker as usual.

>> No.53483253
Quoted by: >>53483592

Too much useful information got shared

>> No.53483275

Anon is so embarrassed from now on he has to pretend he's a different anon every time he comes here

>> No.53483300
File: 513 KB, 1439x1099, jannie be like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey jannie, yeah, im talking to you. I know you are reading this. Check picrel. Check picrel name. Yeah, thats you. You are a fag. Nobody likes you. Nobody loves you. Your discord tranny circlejerk? They are laughing at you, because deep down, you all know the horrific truth: you will never be a woman.

>> No.53483347
Quoted by: >>53483389

Will I have enough time to sell my shares for any money by the time market opens on Monday?
Given the gift card situation is basically a confirmation of bankruptcy.

>> No.53483389

Honestly you guys need some better scripts

>> No.53483494
File: 563 KB, 828x1293, 47BDC6BD-22CF-4C41-ABCA-777D2FCD0CEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Byebyebaggies and your merger monday

>> No.53483553
File: 25 KB, 635x180, shills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you forget which general you were fudding in? The gift cards were brought up late last night, your fud is weak and stale. But nice try as the gift cards were never part of any theory until someone said about it last night. Convenient to ignore all other preceeding info just to try and fud this

>> No.53483592
Quoted by: >>53483691

Flip flopping between shil and holder and forgetting which ID you were on perhaps?

>> No.53483627

Lmao the desperation

>> No.53483673

amc 2021 energy, ick

>> No.53483691 [DELETED] 

Schizo cult thinks they can get rich aslong as they buy the bags of their jew savior

>> No.53483714

Yeah I am desperate, quite frankly. Down 80% and possibly 100% on Monday.

>> No.53483733

How quickly you meltdownies lose your mask when caught out kek

>> No.53483791
Quoted by: >>53484230

I just want at least $10 a share so I can sell at break even. Is $10 realistic?

>> No.53484144


>> No.53484230
Quoted by: >>53484358

No, $0 is realistic. If they don't announce anything tomorrow (which would be positive because the only other possibility is BK) you might be lucky to be able to still sell for $2.5

>> No.53484276

Maybe we don’t want to give you’s to the poos.

>> No.53484358
File: 46 KB, 600x600, 1673963690457630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53484557

Such fud in here.

>> No.53484557

Will you apologize if we don't end up above $2.50 on Monday?

>> No.53484576

I view shills as less than sub human so probably not.

>> No.53484598
File: 2.59 MB, 3500x2334, masketta_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I'll personally make it all worth your while ;)

>> No.53484953
File: 910 KB, 609x1116, AIfudders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudders using AI to create images now. Look at the cars and the wires lol how fucking pathetic

>> No.53485181
File: 182 KB, 1757x1731, 167498437897829172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been buying and holding since April.

There has been 0 buzz about this on 4chan or reddit during that time. Even in August when we had a run up it was relatively dead. During this time I'd make a post here or there with about 50% interest and discussion and about 50% of people calling me stupid (pretty normal for a /biz/ thread). But barely anyone engaged in the post (20-30 replies before pruned).

This is different now. The speed of these threads and number of shills who have come out of the woodwork is astounding. The number of narratives that are clearly coordinated is astounding. There is clearly something about to happen that is going to negatively effect someone with a lot of money & power centered around BBBY.

And I'm going to be fucking rich with my 20k shares. I'm never selling, shills.

>> No.53485208

>woke up tired morning and the last thread was deleted
>last thing I read last night was about the 2 billion TSO locates that was getting slid hard
really activated my almonds

>> No.53485542
File: 52 KB, 415x381, 1603646122114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The uptick in shilling, lying, gaslighting, misrepresentations, outright attempting to shut down any conversation on it and calling it "muh distraction stock!". There is one particularly egregious shill who has aggressively done this for a long time, D&C with sock puppets, getting caught and doubling down. It's frankly the biggest indicator when so called GME appreciates suddenly start producing meltdownie tier memes. Most telling.

>> No.53485626

I’ll be richer than you with 200 shares whore. Wagmi.

>> No.53486417
File: 1.78 MB, 320x240, 1674741341172326.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53493278

>using reddit.com
>not using old.reddit.com
Could never be me

>> No.53486558
Quoted by: >>53486644

Same, dude. God bless

>> No.53486644
File: 169 KB, 528x321, 1675023311022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53486894

WAGMI my brothers, and while our puritan GME brothers cannot see the light, we shall all WAGMI. Fuck AMC holders, shills, the schizo and the non believers.

>> No.53486832
Quoted by: >>53486894


19k shares @ ~$7

Let's do this.

>> No.53486894
File: 308 KB, 500x353, 1646880055167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53486940

384 shares @ $12.86 for me, dear brothers. Together we will ascend inshallah.

>> No.53486940
File: 1.82 MB, 250x250, 1667399852666068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

350 @ $2.70. My only regret is not having more

>> No.53487521
Quoted by: >>53488188


Is there a good archive website for /biz/?
desu and 4plebs doesn't have /biz/

>> No.53488188


>> No.53488301

Can anyone give me a QRD of the gift card shit that the subreddit is sperging about?

>> No.53488324

no go to reddit u dount.

>> No.53488346

Nothing burger it seems, some stores have them still, the only data point was a photo of a screenshot, something quite easily faked. Stores have them still, some don't it's not anything. Shills trying their hardest to use it as fud which leads me to believe it's all fake and gay.

>> No.53488425
Quoted by: >>53488477

Idk someone took some small piece of false information and wrote an entire essay on Reddit about it implying a merger for up points and then everyone forgot about it when it ended up not being true

>> No.53488477

The gift card thing came in late last night as a desperate fud effort, very very clearly seen as the shills using it as their fud talking points today. The M&A talk has preceeded this by weeks. Seriously, thinking this shit would work as fud is just stupid. Then again they use empty car parks at 6am to show the store has no customers so...... yeah.....

>> No.53488627

my ass will be pounded so hard monday

>> No.53488808
Quoted by: >>53488848

I am unironically going to off myself if I lose money because of the people in this thread. I spent all my spare money on 800 shares of this thing. If it doesn't work out I am seriously going to off myself because I don't have any more money this was my last hope.

>> No.53488848
Quoted by: >>53488886

Can you live stream it?

>> No.53488886

No because the second I find out if I lost my money on this I am going to jump out of the window in my office. This isn't a joke. I put all my faith in you guys.

>> No.53489009
File: 205 KB, 512x512, 1674588618494422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53489054

Why do people believe there is a merger this monday?

>> No.53489054
Quoted by: >>53489278

Typically they happen on mondays, finalised over a weekend. The RSU shenanigans and Carol flaton going on the board was Ichans personal pick, other things indicated a change of control is happening NOW, there was a company town hall about 2 weeks ago which usually is done by the incoming new owner, the defaulted loan means BlackRock and vanguard cannot vote against actions like a carve out, the 10Q going in during the trading day and REG SHO day 13 forced buy ins mean that now would be the time to do it to wreck shorts.

>> No.53489071
Quoted by: >>53489164

i'm with you bro, all in with 10000 shares. we're memeing this into reality. there's too much going on with the trading volume, FTDs, media bashing and whatnot. if BBBY were to go bankrupt then that would be bad for GME since they're in the same basket and it would be a win for the short hedge funds. there's enough retail investors that are holding BBBY for it to be worth it for ryan cohen to bail us out, it will solidify our loyalty to him to help pump GME and his other ventures in the future. even his tweets, while there is a lot of ambiguity to help maintain plausible deniability, his most dedicated followers will have caught on to some of his intentions. he'll become the richest person in the world and be more popular then elon musk, jeff bezos etc.

>> No.53489120
Quoted by: >>53495582

Going to retrace to $1.20 tomorrow I think.

>> No.53489164

This is what the retards in GME dont realise and everytime they scream "muh bankruptcy!!" It means hedgies managed to cellar box it and can focus on GME... or if there is am acquisition then hedgies get booty blasted to infinity and beyond.

>> No.53489278
File: 70 KB, 640x868, 1674778016846231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks pal.

>> No.53489608
Quoted by: >>53489652

You have an office and 800 shares @ $4 is going to ruin your life?
You guys should at least try a bit

>> No.53489652

I have a tiny back office and make 50k a year in a government office building on the 24th floor.

>> No.53489943
Quoted by: >>53490213

In the event of a squeeze when should I sell? $15? $30?

>> No.53490213
Quoted by: >>53490386


>> No.53490386
Quoted by: >>53490753

Are you joking? This is not a long hold. I’m here for a pump and dump

>> No.53490718

>The shills are moving the goalposts in real time from "there will never be a squeeze" to price anchoring
Lol, lmao even

>> No.53490753

same, you have to be careful about baggie nonsense

>> No.53490842

And yet they continue their script, unabated by the truth that their shilling glows brighter than the midday sun.

>> No.53490907

leave your GME baggot nonsense in /GME/ I'm tired of ape culture ruining short squeezes

>> No.53490957
Quoted by: >>53491195

All the dd on this is schizo tier copium. I really do not believe this will pump beyond $4 or so. Hedgefunds and market makers will do everything to ensure GME 2.0 doesn’t happen.

>> No.53491102
Quoted by: >>53491195

>He thinks that his argument is more compelling by switching his ID and samefagging
I miss when you guys actually tried

>> No.53491195
Quoted by: >>53491304

Its overshorted and out of the basket now its decoupled from GME, there will be a run up because something is going on.
Acting like this does more to keep memestocks down than anything citadel could ever do, no one likes q-anon reddit nonsense especially retail traders who don't use robinhood.

>> No.53491304
Quoted by: >>53491507

What do you unironically plan to sell this at?

>> No.53491507

price target n/a but I think the best time to sell will be whenever wallstreetbets and normies fomo in, the week it breaches double digets, selling on a thursday before friday opex.

>> No.53491881
File: 68 KB, 710x471, 167413504426091164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53491921

And there we have it folks. The ham fisted q-anon narrative, the default shill fallback.

Wagmi so hard

>> No.53491921
File: 528 KB, 1080x3816, 167461341149716209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53494006

"Out of the basket" lmfao not even close to true.

You can't get "out of the basket" without closing the swap position, fuck nuts. Also BBBY doing a merger will literally force the shorts to close their swap position and cause any other retail stock in the basket to squeeze as a result.

Oh sorry, I spelled "sneed" wrong

>> No.53492529

seekingalpha working double time to FUD the retail

>> No.53493278
Quoted by: >>53495608

Based and blessed digits

>> No.53494006
Quoted by: >>53494082

>So they buy and hold BBBY en-masse, get control of the float, and hold.
Institutions own ~42%, insiders ~2%. The case for GME is half of that. Retail doesn't move in sync either.

>> No.53494082

If a M&A happens then insider ownership will be higher

>> No.53494107
File: 48 KB, 318x275, ronaldmcdonald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53494116

wakey wakey

>> No.53494116

my id: b'z is up
moon mission confirmed

>> No.53494140

so there will be a m&a announcement today in pre-market right? or if not today then tomorrow at the very latest?

>> No.53494156

That or in two weeks

>> No.53494166

In a fortnight my beloved melaninated man.

>> No.53494179

>merger monday

>> No.53494187

sigh.. its always two weeks

>> No.53494462
Quoted by: >>53494702

There's no way to tell. Hopium and past precedent with other M&A's says you're probably correct, but it could be announced later. Since none of this is ever what it seems I'd guess it's not today or tomorrow because that's what everyone is expecting, but if they know we know that then they might just go ahead with it.

>> No.53494702
File: 44 KB, 294x235, 1675079853007.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hype days are usually hammered for max psyche reasons. REG SHO day 13, Flaton going on the board, the 10Q during the day all seem like traps for shorts. Because they expect something today nothing might happen and it might dip hard. They now have precedent to do things randomly to catch them off guard but it will not be during trading hours that these things happen. I will expect the retarded lain avatarfag in /gme/ to explode in fudding if it doesn't happen today as usual. Because he is a clear retard.

Now hurry up and open the casino

>> No.53494731
Quoted by: >>53494937

Yeah the DD confirms it. Just like the DD confirmed we were gonna be at $80 by now because of the 1/20 gamma ramp
Dont forget to buy your gift cards, baggies!

>> No.53494737
File: 188 KB, 610x808, 1675080176113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact meltdownies HAVE to post here now is all the DD I need

>> No.53494745

Please keep holding and buying
Dont forget to DRS your giftcards

>> No.53494896
File: 2.34 MB, 498x396, 7682345625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BBBaggies calling GME baggies keking their BBBags meltdownies

>> No.53494937

kek. Every fucking time I see "gamma ramp" or some other technical setup posted I laugh my ass off knowing it's just a bunch of retards throwing shit at the wall hoping they're right this time, and I get just a little sad knowing how many kids are seeing this shit and pissing their money away because of the Dunning-Krueger farms over on r*ddit

>> No.53494985
Quoted by: >>53495061

Not looking good

>> No.53495061
Quoted by: >>53495086

Have you seen the broader market today? Kek crypto baggies

>> No.53495086

Bbby holders have no right to call anyone else baggies

>> No.53495480

>still down premarket

lol where’s the M&A

>> No.53495486
File: 573 KB, 1591x1536, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53495519

>As can be seen, the fundamentals of the company turned around dramatically and eventually resulted in the remaining short sellers’ positions being forced closed. When it became clear that the fundamentals of the company conclusively removed the threat of bankruptcy, two additional Short Squeezes took place in 2021. The second of these resulted in a share price of $46.00 on 2nd November 2021, meaning an 11,500% percent from the immediate low following the Chapter 11 filing, and comfortably above most retailed investors average buy price prior to it.
wagmi frens

>> No.53495519
Quoted by: >>53495531

Kek. You baggies went from
>bankruptcy is off the table!
>actually bankruptcy is bullish anyway because 1 company out of the thousands that declared bankruptcy ended up pumping

>> No.53495531
Quoted by: >>53495555

imagine taking anything posted here seriously, no one actually knows anything it's just blind speculation

>> No.53495536

The absolute state of BBBagyies is worrisome

>> No.53495555
Quoted by: >>53495591

>imagine taking anything posted here seriously, no one actually knows anything it's just blind speculation
>but anyway, you should remortgage your house and put your life savings into bbby because this place and reddit said bankruptcy is a good thing

>> No.53495582
File: 57 KB, 680x453, 1631026338933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you thinking what I am thinking?

>> No.53495584
Quoted by: >>53495649

>more shills than posters

>> No.53495591
File: 1.14 MB, 1022x1432, image6-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but anyway, you should remortgage your house and put your life savings into bbby

>> No.53495608

you both have to go back.

>> No.53495638

What happened to the merger announcement in PM baggies? I thought it was merger monday?

>> No.53495649

Woe be unto the bored holders fudposting, they know not what they do. But also this shit isn't happening until valentines day at the earliest, expect every manner of misdirection possible until then to bear trap shorts and their algos so that when it does finally launch they get obliterated in milliseconds. Oh, and while it's at best trolling and at worst spam to mention tickers not related to the general thread, reporting it does nothing and getting pissy about it does nothing because most everyone here shilling or doing advanced shitposting can just asspull another ID in literal seconds. Get that filter list nice and full, thank me later.

>> No.53495661
Quoted by: >>53495683

>inb4 tomorrow

>> No.53495683

It's like I'm looking at the GME saga in its infancy. The merciful part is that anyone holding BBBY won't have to wait two plus years because the company will go out of business in the next month or two.

>> No.53495684

Actually supposed to be next Monday as that is t+13

>> No.53495742
File: 57 KB, 510x680, 1649328467577777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53495843

Market makers have until C+35, which is February 13th - and since the funniest possible outcome would be waiting until everyone is doing forced buys to then announce a merger or acquisition, it's not happening until then.

>> No.53495763

Anyone notice the cost to borrow

>> No.53495773

276% kek

>> No.53495783

What does this signify

>> No.53495794
File: 79 KB, 1169x1080, 1673834692298280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Percolating liquidity issues

>> No.53495796

People in the know are desperate to short because they know its going bankrupt

>> No.53495800
Quoted by: >>53495868

that it's going to 0

>> No.53495827

Would be a shame if some unforeseen circumstances caused that not to be the case, sounds like it would be difficult to close a short position

>> No.53495843

Just two more weeks.

>> No.53495855
Quoted by: >>53495868

>What does this signify
Supply/demand. The short interest is so high that people are paying an ungodly amount to short this stock. This all well and good, but that implies a massive potential for a short squeeze if BBBY does anything other than go to chapter 7. We can survive ch11 and come out ahead. There is a nice DD on the cringe mines about company squeezes that happened to companies in chapter 11. Lots to be optimistic about. As with many of these meme stocks, the hedgies could have loaded up far too early of the shorts with retail buying/holding has created an extremely DANGEROUS phenomenon. The stock may become too illiquid for shorts to close.
Illiquidity is a very dangerous word to large institutions. If they don't have the room to get out and the continued buy pressure was hurting them they may have doubled down just like they did elsewhere. They're just pulling back the string. It is do-or-die for the hedgies and if BBBY goes so to goeth GME.

>> No.53495868
Quoted by: >>53495900

I don’t know what to believe so I’m just gonna go back to bed.

>> No.53495875
File: 25 KB, 717x258, 167428264618528669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yummy yummy dip in my tummy

>> No.53495882
Quoted by: >>53495909

you missed the exit pump. This dip is eternal

>> No.53495886

Merger Monday.
Bankruptcy any day.

>> No.53495900

Based and smartest man in the thread
Equally based and second smartest man in the thread

>> No.53495909
File: 250 KB, 1440x1944, 167455054942242316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


New FTD data says different

>> No.53495924
Quoted by: >>53495973

go sneed your mother nigger. Anything other than gme has always been a distraction. This is amc2

>> No.53495927
Quoted by: >>53495973

This is legitimately unbelievable. The situation is a pressure cooker in a marathon garbage can.

>> No.53495947

FTDs don't accumulate faggot. Welcome to 2021.

>> No.53495956

>just blatantly lying
Kek. Sure they don't.

>> No.53495966
Quoted by: >>53495984

Don’t they have to close these out, like, today

>> No.53495969
File: 16 KB, 368x516, 1675089148367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thousands of 1 share orders to halt the price going up lol

>> No.53495973
File: 54 KB, 919x866, 167474160333058633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53496015


Yep it really feels like GME in Jan 2021

>> No.53495984

T+13 from date of creation (the logic behind the dipshit saying they "don't accumulate) for institutional traders and hedgers, C+35 for market makers. So dipshits that abused the infinite liquidity machine have to start covering FTD's created two weeks ago starting today, market makers can can kick until the day before valentines. These generals will be full of shilling fuckery like you've never seen before until the very day M&A is announced.

>> No.53495985
Quoted by: >>53496005

>just blatantly being an idiot
Like I said, nothing learnt over the course of two years. Amazing, really.

>> No.53495991
Quoted by: >>53496001

They are a running total per day, so like if Monday there was 1m and Tuesday 2m then 1m new FTDs were created in a day (if that makes sense).

The most important thing is that we're still on reg SHO and they couldn't get off at t+12 so now they have to close these by c+30 on the open market

>> No.53495996
Quoted by: >>53496033

Is M&A code for bankruptcy now? Because the only thing they're gonna announce is Chapter Eleven.

>> No.53495999
Quoted by: >>53496033

I can't believe I'm really going to make it. It's actually happening at last

>> No.53496001
Quoted by: >>53496033

This anon is right I got my days mixed up >>53495984

>> No.53496005
Quoted by: >>53496048

I bought another three shares, one for each of your posts so far in this thread. Please do keep posting more so I can buy more.
Cope about it.

>> No.53496015

cope bagboi

>> No.53496030
Quoted by: >>53496036

Sneed shitskin

>> No.53496033

Bought another one, please keep going ;)
Once it gets to 13 days on regsho they have to start covering ftd's starting with the oldest first, market makers get more time which is a privilege they've abused forever and a day.
Biggu checkaruuu

>> No.53496036
File: 114 KB, 700x693, 1645803710183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sneed these nuts coward

>> No.53496048
Quoted by: >>53496068

Well, that's almost 8 bucks you're never gonna see again. Could have bought a Whopper menu instead, which at least takes half a day to turn into shit.

>> No.53496057
Quoted by: >>53496070

>brown and curry stained hands typed this post
Do you stalk white women on Facebook and beg them to send you pics of their feet?

>> No.53496068

That was somewhat funny so I'll give you another you, but burgerking is trash so I think since it's 12.74 I'll just go to whataburger instead. Oh, and I bought more bbby so you and the asshat brigade can't mass report this post for being offtopic like what happens every single time you get your face pissed on.

>> No.53496070

>still doesn't have the balls to (You) me
>y-y-you're b-b-b-brown
last one you get for free form me till you get some courage in ya, baggie

>> No.53496079

I don't want you to get a single rupee from your handlers, I hope your village starves

>> No.53496103
File: 477 KB, 1170x2532, u8z4y3qgy6fa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53496115

And now to ignore Ramit Inmah Ashol and post some actually pertinent information while they continue to make a seething fool of themselves while the price goes up.
>On July 11th 2022 we saw 3,152,293 ftd’s that may have coincided with the August run up.

>> No.53496115
File: 279 KB, 1170x2532, q6ecr3qgy6fa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53496148

>On January 13th 2023 we saw a cumulative sum of 4,783,455 ftd’s, which is more than 1.5 million more ftd’s than we saw on July 11th 2022.

>> No.53496117


>> No.53496128


>> No.53496130
Quoted by: >>53496152

Totally baseless and unreasonable pump. Fuck you all

>> No.53496148
File: 148 KB, 1290x2071, llu5kootx6fa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53496178

>Bonds are up 15% for the longest dated
>Up 8% for the shortest dated
>https://old.reddit.com/r/BBBY/comments/10p3yzb/bonds_up_15_and_8/ as the source

>> No.53496152
File: 1.36 MB, 320x240, AwwSheeeit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-p-p-pum-p-p-pump it up muh nibba.

>> No.53496159


>> No.53496160

Kek oh wow
The only thing that will fix the epidemic of stupid in this general is the price going to 0c after bankruptcy
Hopefully this week

>> No.53496163

This man literally bought the bottom lmao

>> No.53496171


>> No.53496178
File: 158 KB, 1170x2532, 3x0wt8lxd8fa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53496202

>The order books for not just phonebrokers but real ones like fidelity and other big dawgs show massive buy walls, literally nobody is selling, all selling is more ftd's being felched out by internalizing market trades - specifically to short memestocks back down to keep major indexes propped up, hence the negative beta, as a consequence of swaps contracts and institutions basically owned and operating on behalf of market makers pumping collateral to keep some semblance of control.

>> No.53496188

This BLACK man.

>> No.53496189

Yeah sure hope so too, I sure do get off on people losing money because I’m a sad weirdo

>> No.53496202
File: 141 KB, 1290x1378, 8xchipvqd8fa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No longer shortable with many brokerages, robinhood limiting the number of calls customers can purchase specifically to try and put the kibosh on people exercising for delivery further exacerbating the ftd issue and making it much harder to internalize volume to functionally short the price

>> No.53496207

Here's a (You). Now take your sorry behind elsewhere, you punk a$$ nibba.

>> No.53496210

I had an extra $50 spare for a diperooo but they didn't. Guess I'll hold it for when they do

>> No.53496217
File: 235 KB, 438x881, bhz4j485w6fa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cost to borrow is currently at 150% on fidelity, which is typically one of the lower CTB brokers - it's as high as ~280%+ from IBKR, meaning borrowing to short with is prohibitively expensive meaning more internalization and more ftd's created which stuffs the inflation pinata evermore

>> No.53496228
Quoted by: >>53496247

I’ve never shorted a stock before but I’m going to short this pump.

>> No.53496237
File: 116 KB, 1600x1200, d39315d1-eddf-4df4-8c82-89848d1bcf34_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be shill
>be stupid faggot with no marketable skills
>never learned to code
>never learned to do anything productive with my life
>get an offer from an agency to post on 4chan
>"whaat??? I can make $5/hr making posts online???? Sold!!!"
>talk shit to people who understand the stock market more than me for 8 hrs a day 5 days a week
>so retarded that I never see the irony of FUDding something I don't understand and never learning how to become financially free
kek shillies

>> No.53496247

Literally good luck, please do and post confirmation here. Enjoy swallowing those fees.
>let me throw more oil on this dumpster fire

>> No.53496253
File: 61 KB, 754x656, 6dsimq6lg6fa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53496468

>Currently one of the most traded stocks on earth
Go ahead, keep sliding the thread, I'll link every single post in the next one so you sad sacks of shit can't nail me for spamming. Suck my balls, fuck you, pay me.

>> No.53496276
File: 39 KB, 656x679, me rn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>them FTDs fr fr

>> No.53496277
File: 65 KB, 940x697, xqoxa7xg48fa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally shills, MM's, and every institution with their dick caught in the cookie jar rn
Verification not required ;)

>> No.53496280


>> No.53496286

>Shill says he's going to short it
>PAMPS immediately
Reverse bog kek

>> No.53496300

ok i've just longed bbby, what am I in for

>> No.53496302
File: 273 KB, 498x374, 1674937412392426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And wouldja look at that! It's high enough in price people don't have to use settled funds anymore and can use their broker instant deposits!

>> No.53496311
File: 132 KB, 1024x1448, 1672243877947777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53496347

How does 500$ a share sound?

>> No.53496313
Quoted by: >>53496347

How about one gazillion dollar

>> No.53496316

Chapter 7 by Friday.

>> No.53496325
File: 1.43 MB, 1200x800, 1664297832282181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53496327
File: 120 KB, 464x361, 1634613835139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53496359

gentlemen, my body and 500 shares are ready

>> No.53496330
File: 98 KB, 612x613, 1669377062511212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53496334

$0 a share in 2 weeks

>> No.53496343

Go to Hell

>> No.53496347




is that good or bad?

good start so far

>> No.53496354
File: 101 KB, 855x783, 1636414777489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder, you can always tell a SHF shill by
>1 post by this ID

>> No.53496359
File: 22 KB, 365x365, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500 shares? You madman! Are you sure your body can handle this level of wagmi?

>> No.53496373


>> No.53496381
Quoted by: >>53496401

I've got 20k at 2.51. This is really testing my resolve.

>> No.53496389
Quoted by: >>53496462

Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how retarded the lain avatarfag in is /gme/.


>> No.53496401
File: 48 KB, 640x551, 1674132871113681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have faith or don't, the choice is yours. I know what mine is.

>> No.53496406
Quoted by: >>53496442

Needs to be halted to kill this momentum.

>> No.53496409

I've been waiting for this shit, only half way till i break even with 1600 :^)

>> No.53496415


>> No.53496434
File: 41 KB, 600x451, B773F85B-B8C0-4352-93AB-8E264DE2ADFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s one way to time the bottom I guess

>> No.53496439

>he fell for the fud campaign
Like nigga, just stop reading it. Like, walk away from the screen.

>> No.53496442

It would be extremely funny and validate the bull thesis if there was another mysterious dogshit halt. You ever wonder when the proles will start asking whether it's actually a glitch yet? It's soon. Sooner than you ever would care to admit.

>> No.53496446
File: 279 KB, 754x656, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53496468

Most traded stock during the first weeks of 2023 according to DeGiro newsletter on their platform.

>> No.53496451

how do you fall for these shills they're literally bottom tier

>> No.53496455

Don't blame anyone here because you are a pussy hand faggot

>> No.53496460
Quoted by: >>53496527


You can literally pick at what point you sell, why would you sell and lose money?

>> No.53496462
Quoted by: >>53496473

Nice try, lainposter.
Wtf is the astroturfed watermelon anime thing. I figure that was part of a shill tactic to bog down threads with nonsense paired with that keith vs 45 guy or whatever the fuck always happens.

>> No.53496468

Scroll up
Appreciated nonetheless

>> No.53496473
Quoted by: >>53496648

I am the baker retard

>> No.53496489

You’re blaming the people who are blindly holding?

>> No.53496502

kek jiemies

>> No.53496518

this shit could be under $2 eod im a little worried bros

>> No.53496522

kek failed pump

>> No.53496527

I had imsufgiebcent funds and sold all my shares to cover it my fucking one thing I had going for me ruined. I’m going to my bath and I’ll probably end up beyond it at this rate I fucking hate my life I also still own the bail bondsman money because I got charged with tax evasion and wire fraud and my ex wife still has my house under her name so legally since we are separated they can’t take my assets, I’m not too jived up about her new boyfriend living there but I’m just having a rough time and my probation officer is coming around today and I’m stoned out of my mind all i wanted was a few grand to get a plane ticket and use my friends ID to live in Hawaii.

>> No.53496530

You can see they started internalizing at the peak, it's so obvious. The walked down pattern is too easy to spot

>> No.53496540
File: 160 KB, 840x1020, 1674213458400678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53496565
Quoted by: >>53496661

Are the hedgies in the room with us?
Is the merger in the room with us?
Is Cohen in the room with us?

>> No.53496587

Same thing happened to GME. Pump engineers, report yo your stations.

>> No.53496594
Quoted by: >>53496626


>> No.53496598

They rugged spy and pumped APE as their new swap

>> No.53496603

Wtf am I reading, has to be a larp

>> No.53496626

No, I mean the morning pump followed by dump. At the exact same time.

>> No.53496648
File: 231 KB, 572x380, Wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53496651

lol you won't get much sympathy from me i hate how people like to dodge taxes on their "side hustles", tips etc and even brag about it, some redditors even sympathize with shoplifters and robbers. someone did an AMA saying he flipped hundreds of sets of car wheels for hundreds of thousands of dollars and he didn't feel the need to register a business or pay taxes on it.

>> No.53496661
File: 405 KB, 1777x1777, 1673191592971258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53496665
Quoted by: >>53496679

I guarantee this ends the week at $2.

>> No.53496678
File: 167 KB, 256x384, 1234567890098765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53496679

nice try, Luciber

>> No.53496697

Behold, everyone. Human trash.

>> No.53496701

BBBY is ruining the integrity of investing.

>> No.53496702
File: 93 KB, 500x613, 1673489663067567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be an exceptional pump fren

>> No.53496737
File: 136 KB, 1533x1014, 1675093038180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cup forming

>> No.53496773

$3 failed, retrace to $1.3 imminent

>> No.53496777

If I had an option for this shitshow to end right now at $10 I'd be more than happy.
I've had enough of looking at the fucking chart of GME/BBBY for the last 2 years.
I don't care about making millions at this point. I just want some moderate profits and be able to forget about it and spend more time with my children.

Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.53496794

How does $1 sound

>> No.53496800

>just give me a 4x in the stock of a company imminently going bankrupt
Na we good

>> No.53496817

This place is peak echo chamber
So if some anon feels like he's made a poor choice by listening to you tools like
The only reasonable explanation is he's a shill
This will all end very badly
Echo chambers always destroy their inhabitants

>> No.53496829

Kek exit pump BBBaggies

>> No.53496914
Quoted by: >>53497000

Bamkruptcy AH

>> No.53496937

I don't normally trust the MSM, but I think they're right on this guys. We should be selling on this exit pump. I'm selling.

>> No.53496989


>> No.53497000

I'm regularly refreshing PACER.

>> No.53497002
File: 1.21 MB, 320x251, 1663497905991830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53497010
File: 7 KB, 200x168, CatFail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53497037

p..please sell

>> No.53497015
Quoted by: >>53497037

You are not even trying

>> No.53497027
File: 124 KB, 1542x1003, 2023-01-30 15_57_50-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double cup and dick pattern. Going to form a hedgie pink sock and merge

>> No.53497037
Quoted by: >>53497052

Ok the fact that the remaining baggies are so indian they dont even understand the blatant sarcasm is quite concerning

>> No.53497042
File: 376 KB, 1196x900, 1683726354233333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53497047

Don't become exit liquidity again.

>> No.53497052

Not true ser, please reedeem

>> No.53497056
Quoted by: >>53497421


>> No.53497079

Massive FTDs piling up.

>> No.53497085
File: 34 KB, 1024x550, 4676246A-5155-4DEF-A3F2-0EDA7E124581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53497180
File: 8 KB, 203x248, FatElvis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw, lil hedgie. We tried to push past $3 and it didn't fit. So we just hocked a loogie on it and now we should slide right past all that juicy "hedgie resistance".

>> No.53497278
File: 115 KB, 622x781, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it DIDN'T rug on open
b-baggie bro's... is it finally time?

>> No.53497334
Quoted by: >>53497363

Anyone else love how massive multiples of the entire float trade every few days.

>> No.53497363
Quoted by: >>53497494

I thought that's just how american markets work now?

>> No.53497388


>> No.53497421


Are you ready for the launch?!?

>> No.53497494

That is not necessarily true. It is evidence of price rigging if shares are just moving back and forth constantly. But typically the entire float shouldn't be moving multiple times a day or even every few days. It's also evidence that far more shares than the 117M exist.

>> No.53497511
Quoted by: >>53497633

>It's also evidence that far more shares than the 117M exist.

this is why a pump of GME magnitude will not happen. way too high float.

>> No.53497517

Sorry fren I was being sarcastic. I know it's wash sales and or opening/closing shorts doing it

>> No.53497553

FTDs do not accumulate, they expire after 30 days.

>> No.53497554

Do you guys ever think maybe they just built black box models that are too powerful and literally just have no fucking clue how to turn them off anymore? Like at this point the hedge funds are just AI data centers fighting a nuclear war in the markets and everyone has to keep a straight face or their robotic overlords will release deepfakes of them engaging in miscreant sexual acts? Like some sort of hyper capitalist Roko’s basilisk that needs the humans to influence policy since that’s the only thing they can’t control

>> No.53497569


>> No.53497633
Quoted by: >>53497690

That doesn't matter. It just means that people can buy larger tranches of shares. Even minor short interests can cause squeezes, BBBY was getting shorted thinking it is on the verge of chapter7. It's a crowded trade and the most important aspect of it is shorts MUST close simply by buying. Once we reprice to exclude chapter7 this puppy is moving high. Not only by longs going long but also shorts closing.

>> No.53497690

The only thing that can bail the company out is an MA, and it needs to happen soon. I don't think they survive another quarter without it.

>> No.53497724
Quoted by: >>53497776

They can restructure the debt and fix their operations. This is not necessarily a do or die situation.
I personally think they should sell funko pops and have fountain drinks for MAXIMUM MARGINS

>> No.53497725
Quoted by: >>53497761

They’ll be filing for bankruptcy in a matter of weeks

>> No.53497733

lol. it has to happen within 2 weeks. literally.

>> No.53497750
File: 76 KB, 370x555, Irradial_Cogitator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It do be like that, doe

>> No.53497761

No, JPM will be filing for them as an involuntary petition. No one is talking about this.

>> No.53497775
Quoted by: >>53497798

I honestly believe Chapter 7 will be announced this week. Everything is pointing to it, but people are trying to meme and say the signs all actually mean M&A.

>> No.53497776
Quoted by: >>53497822

They can't afford any Funko pops. Suppliers and creditors won't deal with them. The comped management finished the company off when they didn't make a deal with Cohen for Babby.

>> No.53497788

bought another call, remember the true price is 125.69

>> No.53497798

This is retarded, given their ownership of Baby and recovering, but still terrible, cash flows. Ch. 11 is the only filing that they'd make within reason.

>> No.53497822


>> No.53497835

GME had coomcat. What do you guys have

>> No.53497859
Quoted by: >>53497872

Is there any money to be made on puts? These premiums make me want to puke, but I truly believe the company is going under in a matter of weeks.

>> No.53497868


>> No.53497871
Quoted by: >>53497914

i know it's your first day but you need to read the fucking manual. either
1. switch ids when you switch script topics due to SIGNIFICANT pushback, or
2. maintain a script topic throughout an entire thread.
you're not paid automatically based on (You)'s. the threads actually get read and at least 15 of your posts are 100% not getting monetized.

>> No.53497872
Quoted by: >>53497984

Oh god please buy them and post on your progress. I can't wait

>> No.53497914

will be deleted

>> No.53497916
File: 42 KB, 580x416, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53498072


>> No.53497984
Quoted by: >>53498082

Meh, they're priced as if bankruptcy is a certainty already. Which it is.

>> No.53498038
File: 642 KB, 727x749, 1663928467123741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two shills get denied quads
>one for the second time in this very thread
They're trying, but these are not top men. Also note how they're mentioning bankruptcy, specifically chapter 7, as being a certain death knell - there exists a thesis they could go for chapter 11 and restructure for an acquisition so if it happens make sure to sneed the faggots extra hard for being soulless dingleberry's.

>> No.53498057
Quoted by: >>53498086

>chapter 11 would be beneficial for stockholders
I mean I am retarded and high on copium but that's just going too far

>> No.53498072
File: 841 KB, 1024x1007, 1672202273818777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53498524

>this sneething fuck could be in this very thread
Fixed your retarded link to the gay redesign for you

>> No.53498079

>BBBY filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy today
>and that's a good thing
Come on man, you've either OD on copium or are acting in bad faith.

>> No.53498082
Quoted by: >>53498133

Remember when GameStop

>> No.53498086

Chapter 7 is the "it's ogre" bankruptcy filing, chapter 11 isn't necessarily a bad thing. There is a difference between the two. With that said, it'll almost certainly be a merger or acquisition.

>> No.53498109

your should lrn 2 english more betterer
>they haven't filed any bankruptcy yet, so are you admitting you know something the rest of the class doesn't?

>> No.53498133
Quoted by: >>53498611

diluted at the local top, raised two billion dollars, paid off all their debts, had a billion dollars cash on hand, wasn't run by hedgie plants, and put the possibility of bankruptcy out of the question for decades to come?
Yes, I do remember.

>> No.53498247
File: 1.43 MB, 572x1340, johnbear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, John Bear, piss on the graves of all of the shills in this threads ancestors
Oh man, so much firewater
How you like John Bear now?
How you like John Bear noww?

>> No.53498345
Quoted by: >>53498387

>no volume

>> No.53498364
File: 2 KB, 694x74, volume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>no volume

>> No.53498384

>Just another nearly 50% of all shares issued trading day
>>>no volume

>> No.53498387

We /illiquid/ now?

>> No.53498444

I wonder which ID he has in this thread? Also notice the nose

>> No.53498462

>implying it isn't 2EK7+Q99

>> No.53498524

LMAO he's literally halfway toward sobbing the entire video

>"What I can't figure out is what JPM is waiting for"
They're waiting for the M&A announcement
>"Basically they've already defaulted"
Not true if there is a pending acquisition
>"This company is a joke, the management team is a joke"
Yes, it was a joke before they got Triton and his dickwad crew from BCG out of the company. Now though?
>"at any second this thing goes to 0"
Ok but it hasn't so clearly something is happening behind the scenes
>"There's no one buying it"
BBBY has the most retail volume of any other stock in January 2023.
>"Nobody's taking it over, nobody's assuming billions of dollars of debt"
Except all signs are pointing toward a m&a so this is just flat out speculation which is likely far from the truth
>"idk what JPM is doing but this is a horrifyingly bad decision... ACK ACK FUCK"
He literally feels the noose around his neck LMFAO
>"What are you waiting for?"
Clearly something, if it was 7 or 11 then they would have announced it. You know what they're waiting for, shorty. It's obvious that an m&a is coming.
>"They can't pay the bonds"
Bonds paid last week

it's so fucking spicy, you can just tell this guy hasn't done a single day of work in his whole life and is freaking tf out because he's about to lose all his daddy's money

>> No.53498531

I was watching Ivy Lebelle on VR and then my roommate got on my dick and then I finished inside her. Does that count as having sex with Ivy or no?

>> No.53498605
File: 125 KB, 595x818, seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53498687



>> No.53498611
Quoted by: >>53499347

Cool just checking

>> No.53498654

What's stopping BBBY from diluting as soon as it hits 3.50?

>> No.53498669
File: 10 KB, 184x184, 73ea4a97cb6ce998c5d47bc64bdf9b1f01a234db_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my erect cock

>> No.53498687

>that whole twitter feed
Jesus H. Christ

>> No.53498839
Quoted by: >>53498883

What's stopping me from posting sneedchungus right now?

>> No.53498883
Quoted by: >>53499168

nothing except that you're a pussy

>> No.53498907
Quoted by: >>53498926

This brainlet best reflects the average IQ of BBBY holders

>> No.53498919

what a rush to wake up to an 80c increase

>> No.53498926

That guys a nut. He was posting "We love you Ryan Cohen" on Photoshops like a teenage pop fan.

I wanna moon like the next guy but get a fuckin grip dude

>> No.53499134



>> No.53499168
Quoted by: >>53499243

Say it again muffugga. You can only push me so far, bitch.

>> No.53499243

p-u-s-s-y. You're bitch made. You ain't posting shit

>> No.53499347
Quoted by: >>53499378

I'm checking those digits. I also noticed that these are all things BBBY did NOT do.

>> No.53499378

Not yet;)