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>> No.59970716 [View]
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1531546277823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I too am a fellow crisis enjoyer. I might lose $500k but at least there will be entertainment.

>> No.59967069 [View]
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Good job anon, keep it up!

>> No.59917575 [View]
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Are you trying to argue that the tariffs were justified since the EU has been blocking most imports of American goods?

I have heard that Fords are basically double price there after all duties/taxes are accounted for

>> No.59883504 [View]
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A dictatorial autist who was the lead software engineer on my last team. Didn't have a degree in CS but had transitioned over so there was a lot of insecurity and desire to prove himself and "beat" everyone else at being the best programmer. Turned the mundane into an annoying competition and tried to make extra work for everybody.

The thing that finally broke me was when he insisted I take the lead on a certain feature, and I did, and then also insisted on micromanaging me and forcing me to do it his way still, which we fought over. He ended up shit talking me to my manager and I was the first choice for getting laid off this past year. Would strangle his gay little neck if I could.

>> No.59630153 [View]
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1536183199190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro, yeh I'm not not the first chump to save a thumbnail. Maybe one day I'll sort through all my images.

>> No.58867010 [View]
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"The poor are good" is another false assertion. The poor are the most wretched and they typically deserve to be where they are. In terms of general morality the hierarchy is like this:

1. Middle/working class
2. Upper class
3. Poor

When you are untrustworthy, selfish, impulsive, lazy, stupid, envious etc. you tend to not get anywhere, which is why most of them end up poor. If you don't agree, you simply haven't spent enough time around them. It's repulsive.

>> No.58654084 [View]
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I'm glad to see I'm not the only one.
Sorry to see I'm now in competition.
Happy hunting, anon.

>> No.58355602 [View]
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The fact that you vomit out your naive midwittery with that kind of redditor smugness is kind of incredible honestly

>there is a piece of shitpaper (that the government doesn't abide by) that says we are free. So we are free. QED sweatie :----)


>> No.58141683 [View]
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Net Neutrality, my guy? That's the thing you decide to cherrypick as in favor of your point? The thing the entire internet got hysterical about and was an epic nothingburger?

10 years ago lefties could make a semi-lucid argument at least these days you are all literally retarded. Self owning yourself in your own arguments lmfao.

>> No.57795916 [View]
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Its about to be a lot more anon

>> No.57733309 [View]
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Lil Cramer actually posts here, wouldn’t surprise me if it’s him—mostly because his sycophants abandoned him long ago.

>> No.57604297 [View]
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>Harass and torment your local workers and businesses with endless government sanctioned nigger riots
>shocked when people leave

We are repeating the 60's

>> No.57475033 [View]
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Paradoxical since they are never happy lol. She unironically acts better when I'm meaner to her. It's not like I want it to be this way, but when I soften up and start doing favors for her rather than "satisfying" anything it ramps up her nagging. The only thing to do is to keep them in check, or not bother with a relationship at all.

>> No.57396233 [View]
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Look at this wall of text lmfao. I didn't go anywhere with this I'm following your line of thought and what you are saying, you're outing yourself lol, chill out.

>> No.57353926 [View]
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There’s literally an insane barrier to entry to make as a coder. Unless you meet a specific niche in a market and can code faster than a Jeet for less money, you’re fucked as a freelancer. And good luck getting that corporate job. Even if you’re not going FAGMAN some of these places just looking to design a stupid website have insane levels of barrier to get into just so you can change the color hex code on their gay ass website.

Go cyber security if you want to make money. Fudge your resume to make it sound like you’ve been in the industry for years.

>t. Pod anon

>> No.57351258 [View]
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It’s literally the tech that will be used in the Mark of the Beast Cyberpunk Dystopia we’ve been slowly crawling towards for the last three years.

I mean we’ll own nothing, but we could probably use the BTC to buy cool NFT skins for Fortnite 2 VR Mega Pod City edition.

>> No.57344924 [View]
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Or even funnier

>refuses all stims for his whole life
>just water and apples and his mommy's basement
>still gets dementia at age 70

what a life!

>> No.57333246 [View]
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>the moment I became individualist I started appreciating one of the most hyper-collectivistic, clannish groups on planet Earth

>> No.56249070 [View]
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Kek, the post have 0 upvotes you're doing God's work anon

>> No.55866150 [View]
File: 19 KB, 400x400, meme Slobodan Praljak cheers poison pill cursed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry mumu it will all be over soon

>> No.55458596 [View]
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Taxmonkeys are the worst. It's not that most of us don't want basic essential services: roads, police, firefighters, public education, etc. It's that these are like 5% of the actual budget and the rest goes to welfare, rot, grift, and waste. There is zero accountability in government and, predictably enough, that leads to endless robbery. 100 years ago, the income tax was 0%. Now we're expected to grin and enjoy this system that effectively gets us for 30-50% of everything we ever earn in various compounding taxes.

I shit you not, this is mostly thanks to women voting. They unilaterally see themselves as beneficiaries in a "redistributive" state system. It's all so fucked, we could be retiring 10-20 years earlier easily.

>> No.54758304 [View]
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>120 year old house
>2 hour drive from Seattle
>entire house is rotting
>seller wants 2x what he paid 2 years ago
if you have money left over, I have a bridge I want to sell you

>> No.54461671 [View]
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 77216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I shall never sell my investment as well. Just bought 10 more

>> No.54339427 [View]
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1515552709259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the laugh bro, I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Im going to keep this screenshot for the future to look back on.

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