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>> No.59773856 [View]
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Well I just bought some gold, so now the price will start dropping...

>> No.56057828 [View]
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> posts 2022 coin
C'mon, try to keep up.

>> No.54771949 [View]
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Well I worked in Saudi Arabia for 6-7 months and the peeps I worked with never did any of the shit you describe. The beans usually came from Ethiopia and the coffee was first rate. The coffee treee is indiginous to Ethiopia and not Jamaica. Jamaica is a 3rd world shit hole (worked there too) and I can't trust your opinion after what you wrote. I am sorry you hate Arabs so much. I have never drank an energy drink in my life outside of some Vodka redbulls at a club.

>> No.54141628 [View]
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checked and use log scale next time

>> No.30112361 [View]
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not happening. canada sold its gold reserves. CAD only going one direction; unironically hyperinflating even faster than the USD.

>> No.28208056 [View]
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Can we not dip again for a little while guys? My heart can't take it

>> No.27252722 [View]
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I started trading this past week, that's enough evidence for me that everything's about to fall apart.

>> No.27159366 [View]
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>> No.25301456 [View]
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>at least I have no children
How the fuck did it get to this point where this is somebody could passively say.

>> No.23375706 [View]
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>indoctrination in college is related to voting dem

YOU DONT SAY!! wowzers really activates my jimmies

>> No.20279590 [View]
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OK Im back just to laugh at OP.

21,3% rebase, price instantly pumps again.

>> No.20065038 [View]
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Holy shit BIZ is so sceptical or either dumb... risk 10 of your linkies, or risk only 1 for sergs sake. That is zero risk and finally you guys would know what you are talking about.

>> No.19224138 [View]
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You might not have realized it yet be we are trapped in an eternal crab loop.

>> No.18101859 [View]
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Our future is decided for us already. None of this matters. Sit back, and enjoy the memes.

We are currently living in protected status, one of the primitive one-planet civilizations in our sector of the galaxy. One of their listening probes heard our radio broadcasts in the early 50s, and they began to observe us shortly after.
There are a few dozen "minor" civilizations in our galaxy, and they have been tasked with managing and overseeing their sector of space, looking for new civilizations and dangerous forms of life that may arise between the stars. We were contacted by one of these, and they in turn, answer to a galactic major civilization, one that controls the entire galaxy. All of these civilizations are allowed to "live" and "manage" their populations and primitive civilizations within their space under the watch of an inter-galactic entity that we have not yet encountered. This entity existed long before the others and much like the minor civilization is doing now, limited, purged, and guided primitive civilizations, shaping them into the minors that they are today, and those minors in turn shape their own primitives.
We haven't been told explicitly what the major wants, but they seem to want to limit "aggressive" civilizations and completely deny any form of artificial ones, or AI. Supposedly, civilizations which didn't take heed of this warning were wiped out.
Our united earth government (mostly USA, China,Russia, and Europe) have been guaranteed safety and certain technology in exchange for limiting our expansion to the solar system. The Minor in turn, prevents other civilizations from interfering/abducting us and has put up some kind of barrier around Sol, which prevents alien signals passing through and gives the appearance that we are alone in the universe.
Enjoy what you can. Live your life however you want, because there is no true independent future for Humanity, we have been given a playpen and we aren't allowed outside.

>> No.17892052 [View]
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Ok, if we assign equal probabilities to both and gold doesn't ridiculously outperform silver in Scenario 1 than it makes sense to be heavy in silver (not that I'm saying you disagree with this)

>> No.16323539 [View]
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Is this what Celtic people looked like?

>> No.16311853 [View]
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>> No.16281208 [View]
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Not going to make it edition

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>> No.15048099 [View]
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Thanks for reminding me to buy some more quant. Also its at $8 for anyone interested. Load up before its too late. This is easily a triple digit coin.

>> No.14424782 [View]
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kinda makes sense considering what the USDAs policy has been this year. People planting even when the outlooks are slim
because hey, if the frost is late we have a normal harvest
and if it isn't then atleast they get the disaster money (usually more than pp lol)

>> No.12483189 [View]
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>Have you thought about InfoSec? A lot of people in that sector are not CS graduates
So why even get a Ph.D in the first place? You know many of these programs are marketed towards people with literally only a high school diploma. A better track to go on would've been enlist in the military, get real world experience, government benefits, get advanced degree in something relevant to real life, and you'll be double-dipping in real-life. Instead they went the difficult route because all of you thought you were above the crowd. Tough luck, looks like that kid that enlisted right after high school is doing far better in life than you are. A degree doesn't make you smart, it's who you are and what you make of it. It's a shame because the market is so oversaturated with meme Ph.Ds and everybody thought they were special little snowflakes deep down inside, just like everybody else.

>> No.12373412 [View]
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december/january buyers only , post YFW


look at you...

>> No.12312283 [View]
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its out of blood, sweat, saliva, and hair after 8 hours (so before you come down from your trip)

perhaps it is just fugazi, but the point remains the same, its not testable

>ad hominem
nice argument you have there lad

I am prepared for the trading day, are you?

why not try short term bear positions while long term bull?
make money on red days, and make money on green days

>> No.11265340 [View]
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