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5546945 No.5546945 [Reply] [Original]

Who will win tonight's matchup?

>> No.5546974
Quoted by: >>5547279


>> No.5546980
File: 390 KB, 640x538, F6B906C4-E3AB-411D-B3A2-84EA4FA313A0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why's everything a competition to you guys?

>> No.5547032
Quoted by: >>5547279

The only noteworthy thing about Gura are her numbers

>> No.5547223
Quoted by: >>5547279 >>5551122

I think that one goes to the biggest Vtuber in the world.

>> No.5547279
Quoted by: >>5547331

You overestimate Gura's ability to draw. She gets 9k-14k sometimes if she's not playing a buff game or doing anything clippable. Also this thread is made by the same seething schizo spamming falseflag threads

>> No.5547316

I mean, Gura is fresh off releasing a hit song and is the biggest start in vtubing. I’ll be watching mouse, but Gura will win.

>> No.5547331
Quoted by: >>5547399

>Seething KFP detected

>> No.5547349
Quoted by: >>5561191

Your mom will win

>> No.5547399

You mind loaning me some of that bait? I'm going on a fishing trip and you seem to be an expert.

>> No.5547424

imagine not having enough monitors to never have to choose

>> No.5547574
Quoted by: >>5547667 >>5547720


Currently 3000 vs 300 waiting....I think the mouse and tea kettle have a chance.

>> No.5547633

Because sticking to posting about things you like is an alien concept for most "people" here

>> No.5547667
File: 194 KB, 550x523, 1617034579894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek why do they even try?

>> No.5547678

How do I superchat in Argentine dollars? I want to ask Gura how long until she releases an original English song with her singing in vibrato.

>> No.5547681

get back to the containment thread >>5535474

>> No.5547720

Get fucked pikaloser. People doubted kek. Quick, Iron mouse needs to pretend to be dying to draw in more pity viewers.

>> No.5547723

Just contact your national revenue agency, they'll walk you through it anon.

>> No.5547767

Gawr the star

>> No.5547968

I will, because I'm watching a blessed collab between two gremlins.
In viewers though I'd say Gura will win. Mouse will probably pull just a bit more than her usual.

>> No.5548069

>as of 8pm ET
3,357 waiting
345 waiting

Gee, I wonder

>> No.5548201

for me it's LazuLight's collab

>> No.5548222
Quoted by: >>5548402

Ironmouse LEAVING VShojo when?

>> No.5548297
File: 765 KB, 2195x2195, SHARKPANIK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't Gura call the stream "Let's Refelect"?
Now that I thought it up it's bothering me to no end.

>> No.5548402
File: 209 KB, 480x473, 1624483782084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5548469

When is she scheduled to die again?

>> No.5548469
File: 156 KB, 999x1543, Ex2yCVoXEAggn99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura should just eat her and put her out of her misery.

>> No.5550196

well fortunately for you that`s pika`s specialty

>> No.5550328

Gura should eat out ironmouse live

>> No.5550428

Me because OP is finally going to kill himself

>> No.5550587

Last anti that pulled that shit had their bank accounts frozen for money laundering.

>> No.5550864

Move to Argentina, duh.

>> No.5551122

pog I didn't know sodapoppin was on today

>> No.5551210

one fandom is sorta autistic and the other one is not so autistic its AUTISTS VS

>> No.5551589

its not looking good, rat bros....

>> No.5551798
File: 3.94 MB, 1200x2096, 1621218467964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a bit of a perfectionist
In what fuckin dimension and reality, gura?

>> No.5551886
Quoted by: >>5558790

who cares, watch who you like

>> No.5552112
Quoted by: >>5558790

sometimes a friend is better than numbers. thanks for coming to my tedtalk

>> No.5552204

God I fucking love numbers

>> No.5552287
Quoted by: >>5561717

I don't watch twitch. It doesn't run well for some reason and I don't appreciate the in-stream ads.

>> No.5552830


>> No.5558790

How do you know if you like something without looking at the numbers?

>> No.5561191


>> No.5561717

Just download the twitch AdBlock extension you nerd
