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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.27 MB, 1920x1080, WELCOME TO THE RICEFIELD [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbbu2sb.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3382751 No.3382751 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3382764 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 600x600, I Love [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fewx8xw.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3382810 [DELETED] 
File: 1.33 MB, 1366x1185, Chumbud Listens to Gura's WorkoutPlaylist[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fytgej5.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they fucked up her ears

>> No.3382850 [DELETED] 
File: 790 KB, 608x900, You're so fucking precious [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0p8d2b.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3382878
File: 3.51 MB, 2591x3624, 20210506_164230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389977

I love my mori

>> No.3382978
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, 1595401503305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3388765

I love Ina!

>> No.3383029

I have seen gawr gura cat ear i like gura but the design you already know how bad it is how kiara have better design then this

>> No.3386317

Ame Sakuna arc, hell yeah

>> No.3386488

I missed the Gura stream, was it a sea of UUUOH post here

>> No.3386547

The thread was unusable from the amount of UUUOH

>> No.3386703


>> No.3386982
Quoted by: >>3388787

When acefishy posted the OP video on reddit the thread got locked by mods lel.
Probably not a good look to have a white girl wearing a rice hat screaming rice field.

>> No.3387221
Quoted by: >>3387301 >>3389300

Uhhhhh yikes, why is Ame wearing a Asian hat? Thats racist...

>> No.3387301
Quoted by: >>3387575


>> No.3387575

Okay, but she’s white that is NOT okay. I think she should apologise.

>> No.3387688
File: 63 KB, 600x620, 1616779751284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3387737
Quoted by: >>3387794


>> No.3387761
File: 491 KB, 457x1017, 1620347224582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3388738

I hope she's OK bros.

>> No.3387794

Pissjug/poop sock accessories.

>> No.3387795


>> No.3388279
File: 761 KB, 766x926, 1603776555466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3388591

Drinking game: take a shot everytime haachama says haachama-chama

>> No.3388591

That's a straight path towards death

>> No.3388705

yes, it was the fastest thread in the history of 4chan

>> No.3388714

literally just spamming of UUOOOHH ascii art

>> No.3388719
File: 777 KB, 2894x3562, 867867354345435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3388753


>> No.3388720
File: 149 KB, 2028x324, 1606281426587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For once, both 4chan and Reddit and Discord agree on something

>> No.3388718
File: 1.04 MB, 640x360, anya card [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F44b227.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3388788

I miss dagger...

>> No.3388722


>> No.3388726

We uuohed so hard the thread ran out of uuohs and the mods had to sticky it so we could keep posting uohs

>> No.3388727
Quoted by: >>3389178

It was a sticky

>> No.3388730


>> No.3388732
File: 1.57 MB, 767x900, E0xBqucX0AMg8F8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mamaloni will singlehandledly revive Tr*nity and we'll get a collab at the end of the month.

>> No.3388738

She'll just eat a jar of mayo sprinkled with crumbled kitkats and get over it by the next day.

>> No.3388743
File: 1.09 MB, 2892x4096, 1604211025082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3388872

I just noticed that Haachama's hair doesn't twitch anymore when she blinks, when did they fix that?

>> No.3388744

Is Haachama actually back for real this time bros?

>> No.3388745
File: 749 KB, 2388x3406, 1611545061442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What were Gura's NUMBERS? Did she manage to beat my boy?

>> No.3388747
Quoted by: >>3388780

>cover knew about it
>it was rigged from the start

>> No.3388749
Quoted by: >>3388760

why is haachama's VOD still up?

>> No.3388750
File: 514 KB, 1920x1080, 1593086606794.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching Astel continue to take his fanbase on deadly hunts as he shows off his Charge Blade skills while having the time of his life getting flipped by Almudron.
So friends, where we at? It's time for sleep reps now that Haachama has finished singing, so behave yourself /hlgg/ and have a good day.

>> No.3388751

Based. Now if we just need to convince Cover to graduate Kiara and Ollie

>> No.3388752

What do you think Gura's 3D debut is gonna be like? Will it be an even bigger deal than her outfit reveal or will the hype have died down by then?

>> No.3388753

Is this the first Neko-Bloop?

>> No.3388755
File: 86 KB, 845x834, E0k4JAwVEAEN-xd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3388756
File: 11 KB, 661x77, file (22).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3388783

What did moot think about this?

>> No.3388757

I went to sleep after Gura's outfit reveal. Why is our board orange again?

>> No.3388759
File: 179 KB, 535x598, 1612634432174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389505

takos your oshi made her so happy

>> No.3388760


>> No.3388761

How many months ago was Smash? That was fun..

>> No.3388764

Chumbuds are tourists and watch VODs because they're normalfags, they said
Normalfags are better because they aren't schizo, they said
Well I might not be a normalfag, but at least when Cover wronged my oshi to tears, I didn't plan to fire-bomb Tokyo while presuming she would agree with my decision
How the turn tables, normalfags, now take your meds

>> No.3388765
File: 1.55 MB, 1000x1000, 1615427313459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3388766

Ina is such a sweetheart bros.

>> No.3388767
File: 41 KB, 400x400, 74uihdLc_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389455

Do you like my masterpiece?

>> No.3388768

She'll convince them herself

>> No.3388771


>> No.3388773

>she’s white that is NOT okay.
I'm not White nor American nor anything of that, but people like you are why cultures CEASE to exist.

>> No.3388775
Quoted by: >>3388810

Yes she even beat the niji's record.

>> No.3388776
File: 287 KB, 952x1460, 1619466397252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here Ayamefriend!

>> No.3388778
Quoted by: >>3388810

Let's just say we now have an anon giving us blowies.

>> No.3388780

>it was rigged from the start

>> No.3388782
Quoted by: >>3388810

194k peak,
She is now the most concurrently viewed Vtuber out there

>> No.3388783

Something like this

>> No.3388784
File: 765 KB, 1594x3294, E0xEjXMVoAEpizi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3388817

>> No.3388786

So what will be the most commonly spammed words for Ame's reveal?

Kiara had SEX and BREED
Ina was WAH
Gura was UOOOOOH and CUNNY.

I wasn't here for Mori's reveal

>> No.3388787
Quoted by: >>3388942

>12k upboats
>not a single bluehair seething in the comments, just Filthy Frank nostalgiaposting
>gets canned anyway
what an absolute shitheap, even for reddit

>> No.3388788
Quoted by: >>3388860

>Let's see Gura's rigging

>> No.3388794
Quoted by: >>3388810 >>3389418

She beat Mori by 50K+.

>> No.3388795


>> No.3388796


>> No.3388797

Right here Ayamefriend!
Watching Astel!
Kind of sucks that you'll miss the Apex stream, this team is extremely fun honestly

>> No.3388800

Europoor here, can someone give me a quick rundown about Gura's outfit reveal? I didnt check the archives, pretty sure you guys killed like atleast 100 thread

>> No.3388801
File: 94 KB, 704x949, 1620100575191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right here, ayamefriend! have a good rest!

>> No.3388802

yes, but at what cost?

>> No.3388805


>> No.3388807

She made to the history books

>> No.3388808
File: 399 KB, 626x885, 46648486486486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3388886

Thanks for making me check the original video out again.


>> No.3388809

I was really hoping that 3 person collab Ame mentioned was Trinity. Instead it turned out to be Roboco Apex. Huge letdown.

>> No.3388810
File: 489 KB, 672x900, 1618523620753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3388811
File: 2.45 MB, 852x480, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5fhnnt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the rice fields fatto catto

>> No.3388817

take away the hair pin and it would look like a chinese knockoff Polka

>> No.3388819

i think kiara would be the perfect En holo to play Gta V, what is so fun about the holos playing gta is the contrast like cute anime girls playing american violent game and besides all the other En holos has already played the game so a blind playthrough is always fun

>> No.3388823
File: 274 KB, 1920x1080, E0N3JFcVUAEx5Io.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Roboco! Sora and Miko are nice too!

>> No.3388831
File: 43 KB, 163x251, Cunny [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3zx6we.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3388926 >>3390625

>> No.3388837
Quoted by: >>3388870 >>3388882

What did they do to make you fags spergout this time?

>> No.3388838
File: 30 KB, 181x188, 1612733076212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two of my favorite holos having a cute moment on Twitter
moments like these make me glad I chose to wake up to live another day

>> No.3388839


>> No.3388842

No words, just Hollywood Actor Ryan Gosling.

>> No.3388843
File: 586 KB, 795x691, LunaRI8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390097

>Luna JWU at 4 PM
>Her sleep schedule changes at complete random to the point other Holos can never truly pinpoint her sleeping habits
>Also have a habit of changing sleep schedule at complete random and sleeping for different amounts of hours each time
I always knew deep down but fanbases really do reflect their oshi, fuck.

>> No.3388848

Gura didnt even reach 100k, it was the biggest btfo in the history

>> No.3388847

Kiara won't play it because it doesn't have cute girls

>> No.3388850


>> No.3388851


>> No.3388854

>fanart is better than actual alternates.
I unironically want Mori with a black longcoat.

>> No.3388856
File: 356 KB, 2048x2048, 768453435435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give Gura some gosh darn accessories.

>> No.3388857
File: 422 KB, 993x350, 1611165393769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Words cannot describe just how much I love this drawing

>> No.3388860

>mfw I see the actual rig

>> No.3388861

Subaru should play Max Payne 3

>> No.3388862
File: 134 KB, 991x2048, E0xEjXMVoAEpizi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3388864

>Numbers all time high, beat every record, most watched vtuber stream ever
>she reveals her costume, looks cute, however...
>people immediately notice the ears being detached from the head
>after that they keep analyzing her model and find a lot of errors (an hole in her chest for example)
>thread cannot stop complaining about the rigging since then
>chaos on Twitter and Reddit too people telling the rigger to fix it
there you go

>> No.3388865

>finally get keffiy in to unfuck umiushi's shitty rigging on coco after a year of nonstop jokes about how shit it is from fans and the talents themselves
>but simultaneously also let umiushi rig the most anticipated outfit in vtuber history with what seems to be zero oversight or qc
it just boggles my mind. they essentially said 'this guys work is shit and were replacing it' while giving him more work anyways and that they knew they'd probably end up hiring another rigger to fix again. just bizarre.

>> No.3388866

Her outfit's great, but her rigging... Let's just say that people were expecting the worse and still got disappointed.

>> No.3388867

>3 hours old
>less than 100 posts
Hololive reclining hard, huh?

>> No.3388868

Kanata really poured her heart out huh

>> No.3388869
Quoted by: >>3388883

Miko played it and she only plays games that have cute girls as well

>> No.3388870

Exist and be orange

>> No.3388871


>> No.3388872

She can turn it on and off

>> No.3388875
Quoted by: >>3388909

Do SEAs really hate Ollie this much? She's your guys' chuuba

>> No.3388882

Wasn't just here. It was reddit, discord and twitter too.

>> No.3388883

Hmm, that is a good point...

>> No.3388884

>what is so fun about the holos playing gta is the contrast like cute anime girls playing american violent game
There is nothing cute about Kiara though.

>> No.3388885
File: 21 KB, 327x327, 1619493294316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn kiss Ina's 5head
Why even live

>> No.3388886

Ame's rice fields...

>> No.3388888
Quoted by: >>3388948

She really is enjoying Yakuza right now

>> No.3388889

> when Cover wronged my oshi to tears, I didn't plan to fire-bomb Tokyo while presuming she would agree with my decision

Why don't you love your oshi?

>> No.3388890

the nousagi numberfags have all killed themselves

>> No.3388893
Quoted by: >>3388901 >>3389093


>> No.3388894
Quoted by: >>3388955

Kiara and Ollie are going to make a collab just to piss off /vt/

>> No.3388895

Outfit's decent, rigging makes Anya's look well done.

>> No.3388896

i expected it to be poorly rigged and even I was amazed at how bad it was

>> No.3388897

Is this the first Gura drawing by Mamaloni that actually looks like Gura

>> No.3388899
File: 159 KB, 463x453, 1610695906181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3388975 >>3389078

In the middle of babysitting my cousin.
Just checked her YouTube history and found Gura on YouTube kids section, since when did this happen?
And yes, she also watched the new outfit reveal.

>> No.3388898

only after they get rid of those WHORES Choco and Marine

>> No.3388900
File: 225 KB, 351x347, Sip02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"cat ears" Whats that anon?

>> No.3388901

She absolutely needs this.

>> No.3388902
File: 2.82 MB, 2480x3508, E0wcdn6X0AAiRHW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this cutie.
I knew her outfit would be the most divisive.
Personally I love it.

>> No.3388904
Quoted by: >>3388971

Guess who's probably cheaper to hire.

>> No.3388905

By the way, what is with the weird presence of scriptkiddies in Gura's fanbase? I've noticed them scripting gets here, and we know about the discord bot shit, like they're trying to win some sort of cyber war with possibly the most depressing offensive front since the emu war

>> No.3388908

Luto... that's... the wrong hashtag...

>> No.3388909

Ollie has gone on stream and complained about Indogs being a bunch of fucking man babies and I guess they don't like that

>> No.3388913
File: 232 KB, 1024x1448, EsiE13-XUAc_4LG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being objectively false

>> No.3388914
File: 239 KB, 590x526, 1605338975880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanata knows English?

>> No.3388915

gassing up my b-29 now
t. chumbud

>> No.3388917
File: 2.32 MB, 1600x2000, 1610517733537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's been six hours since the reveal. How are we holding up lads?

>> No.3388919
Quoted by: >>3389038

Gura also got "LETS GOOOOOOO" going because she specifically called for it.

>> No.3388921
Quoted by: >>3388956 >>3389359

Kiara has mentioned GTA, but I don't think she's really interested. Maybe at some point in the future.

>> No.3388922
File: 1.24 MB, 1394x1980, E0xFh1zWQAEX2CY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3388934

That hand on the hip is sexual.

>> No.3388924

yeah but i mean that Kiara is the most Jp of the En

>> No.3388926

>cute and funny
She knows exactly what she's doing.

>> No.3388927

kiara isn't cute

>> No.3388928

i-is catbox down for anyone else? it feels wrong seeing soundposts without sound

>> No.3388931

Unironically UNO because of the hat.

>> No.3388934

She's channeling bratty younger sister vibes.

>> No.3388940

DeepL + Coco?

>> No.3388942
Quoted by: >>3388970 >>3389011

Meanwhile Ame retweeted it and showed it on stream. Whats with the disconnect with reddit mods (T-chan?) being fags and Jenma being ok with it?

>> No.3388946

her pronunciation was surprisingly ok during her meme review and while playing FNF

>> No.3388947

She can just ask Coco to proofread

>> No.3388948
Quoted by: >>3388991 >>3389062

Because it is a weeb game. She is a weeb. She should continue playing japanese games. She should play Shenmue or something.

>> No.3388950
Quoted by: >>3388980 >>3389809

She probably excitedly ran up to Coco and asked her how to thank Ina in english

>> No.3388952
File: 227 KB, 2054x624, 1591411493988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the real question:
Can you prove yourself at least on the same level as a bunch of fujoshit?

>> No.3388955

Funny enough, I think them collabing would actually reduce the heat on both of them. Kiara wouldn't be able to talk over Ollie, it's fucking Ollie. Ollie wouldn't be able to drag men and other vtubers into it, Kiara isn't going to tolerate that shit.

>> No.3388956
Quoted by: >>3389359


>> No.3388957

OK English Hololive China, because they're pulling out of an unrecoverable situation.

Once they start kicking out individual girls, that might start the end.

>> No.3388959

catbox has been on and off shitting the bed for the last couple months

>> No.3388960

Categorically incorrect

>> No.3388962
File: 659 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20210507-090920_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3388996

Hmmmmm well where did i see this before??? OH SHI-

>> No.3388963
Quoted by: >>3389111 >>3389270

Honestly it's impossible to tell anymore if you ask me. We all thought the hype had died down at this point and then this stream happened.

>> No.3388965
Quoted by: >>3388998

It's very basic English, but honestly reading it over it's almost certainly DeepL. The tip off is "illustration" for that.

>> No.3388967
File: 59 KB, 200x307, Natsuiro_Matsuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some of the most discussed Holos here that are never actually watched?

>> No.3388969
Quoted by: >>3388997

I think Holos doing playing custom GTAV maps during a big collab could be really fun.
Shame we're never gonna get that because it would require management to actually do something.

>> No.3388970

There's your answer. They aren't ridiculed without reason anon.

>> No.3388971

It's definitely cheaper to just hire one rigger than it is to hire two.

>> No.3388972

She's latinx. She's allowed to do funny asian stuff.

>> No.3388973
Quoted by: >>3389037

I’m still waiting on Miko to play GTAIV and/or San Andreas

>> No.3388974


>> No.3388975
Quoted by: >>3389047

What's her opinion on the rigging, anon?

>> No.3388976
Quoted by: >>3389036

All of Gura's viewers are children and dumb amerimutts that have no actual power so it's fine. All they can do now is cope

>> No.3388980

This sounds very likely and also very cute. Kanata love!

>> No.3388981
File: 490 KB, 1810x1279, EmLEBRcU0AE003R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trinity collab
Now thats a collab I've not seen in a long time, a long time

>> No.3388982
File: 30 KB, 200x193, 1542785757835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3388999


>> No.3388988

I can't even tell what this retarded post is trying to say.

>> No.3388991
Quoted by: >>3389013

Isn't dogshit more a Mori thing?

>> No.3388993
File: 892 KB, 998x669, b9e2ac6dd6e0de2f1bb0a22e76a3547d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame didn't tweet like this for Gura's outfit, so she was probably upset with the rigger issues.
She has some experience with Live2D and 3D modelling so she probably spotted all the problems.

>> No.3388994

Did anyone have png for WOW Cunny medals?

>> No.3388996
File: 102 KB, 850x1029, sample-bd5b46c38ea3705e919d6ed65789f7e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389040 >>3389130

iiiiet this is literally the pair of Festival, they already had discord sex didnt they?

>> No.3388997
Quoted by: >>3389010


>> No.3388998

Yeah, receive also isn't commonly used like that.

>> No.3388999

Fuck, I can imagine slapping this on Gura's new model

>> No.3389006

Ollie will graduate herself after she commits a massive YAB bigger than this one.

>> No.3389007


>> No.3389008

Didn't Coco herself pay for her new rigging though?

>> No.3389009

>you guys killed like atleast 100 thread
we got a sticky

>> No.3389010

those are actually cringe
they just doing random shit and exloding everything with cheats could be fun tough.

>> No.3389011

Jenma doesn't give a fuck because why would she, even if the original video is mildly racist for humorous purposes there's nothing wrong with the clip on its own.
Some fag who mods reddit meanwhile would be the kind of person who always get offended on others' behalf.

>> No.3389012

Literally recordbreaking

>> No.3389013
Quoted by: >>3389199

It would require too many brain cells for anyone like Mori and Ame, so it would have to be Kiara.
Kiara is annoying but I won't deny her intelligence.

>> No.3389014
File: 45 KB, 156x272, 1605359988391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389156 >>3389425


>> No.3389017
Quoted by: >>3389218

im still seething

>> No.3389020

I didnt stay for the Mario sunshine SC readings but she only briefly mentioned it at the start as well. I figured she would have gushed over it for a good 5 to 10 minutes

>> No.3389025

Catbox has never worked for me

>> No.3389028

your soundpost doesn't work, anonchama

>> No.3389029
File: 91 KB, 872x1200, 1618649543494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389106

waiting patienly for Gura to stream in 17:40 hours and see she's perfectly fine and totally not blaming herself for her shit rigger

>> No.3389030
Quoted by: >>3389103 >>3390570

>Getting the japs to do anything

>> No.3389031
File: 133 KB, 290x430, gura1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389084

Are ya looking for these?

>> No.3389036
Quoted by: >>3389065

>its the burger hating barracuda
You're just the same nigger every single thread, aren't you?

>> No.3389037
Quoted by: >>3389097

a stream of GTAIV would be kino
a miko stream about San Andreas.....

>> No.3389038
Quoted by: >>3389077

I find it funny and cute how she’s trying to push it to be her thing
“Let’s go chat? Let’s go?”

>> No.3389039
File: 547 KB, 850x1200, treerrat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Distracting myself by listening to some of Risu's singing

>> No.3389040

Matuli discord raped Gura

>> No.3389041

So I guess we know now why none of the ENs talked about liking Gura's outfit leading up to the reveals.

>> No.3389042
File: 86 KB, 322x431, 1607851455469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389156 >>3389425


>> No.3389046

Has anyone made any audio clips her saying this already?

>> No.3389047

Unfortunately I didn't ask her anything. There's no way she understands about it.

>> No.3389049
File: 41 KB, 195x191, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fwfnynx.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3389055
File: 232 KB, 1679x1621, 3786e51738e901382f71d7eb70e9cf636899716575d8961e92ae9c2105369176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up and missed Guras new outfit, haven't watched archive yet but gonna do it now.

What Am I up for? How was it live?

>> No.3389057

If she is the only one without glasses this saturday I'm gonna be so upset

>> No.3389059
File: 623 KB, 1024x768, Flauros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those leggings
Did Kuroboshi take inspiration from FGO's Demon Pillars?

>> No.3389061
File: 3.39 MB, 1184x2048, 1592851668364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've said my piece where someone at cover in a position to fix this might plausibly come across it, right now all that's left is to bask in the good points, like the design and the fact that she broke vtubing records, and try and ignore all the bad shit while waiting for it to either get resolved or completely ignored.

And also fapping but that's the kind of stuff you do in private.

>> No.3389063
File: 1.61 MB, 3202x4096, 1620260858701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389211

Teamates, Any bets on Ame's surprise reveal tomorrow!?
>Surprise Accessory
>Two Hairstyles
t. Deadbeat.

>> No.3389062

>She should play Shenmue or something.
>"Years ago I was Chinese"
honestly, I could see Kiara having fun with how awkward and outright stupid the dialogue can be, but I don't really see Shenmue as a good streaming game, it's more of a "edited playtrough" kind of game

>> No.3389064
File: 358 KB, 1160x917, 1618829519288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389128 >>3389611

>3 days ago
>278 dislikes (0.23% of likes)

>3 days ago
>210 dislikes (0.35% of likes)

>1 day ago
>117 dislikes (0.15% of likes)

>5 hours ago
>563 dislikes (0.42% of likes)

Impressive to see that Gura's outfit has a worse dislike ratio than Kiara, who has a ton of antis and less viewers, it's easier to bomb, but not only that, she got twice as Mori ratio and almost 3 times worse than Ina.
Also, it's already the 5th most disliked video on her channel.

[Good news] is that playboard will show Gura's stream as the most viewed vtuber event ever which I now realize it's also (Sad News)

>> No.3389065

Unfortunately even I can't represent all of SEA

>> No.3389071

You better believe it.

>> No.3389073

y-yea it was great... everyone is really happy with it...

>> No.3389074

Outfit's decent, rigging is the worst yet.

>> No.3389075

I'll be okay once I know that rigger will never work in this industry again and once Cover confirms they have someone else redoing Gura's adorable outfit on a double-paid overtime right fucking this minute.

>> No.3389077
Quoted by: >>3389134 >>3389246

The fact that she's still using it makes me think she never found out that the guy who sent it was mocking someone

>> No.3389078


Coco is on Youtube kids bro

>> No.3389082
File: 83 KB, 408x440, 1614906701513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389142 >>3389708

>Gura knew her outfit was shit
>not only she gave us that fantastic Minecraft stream, but she also seemed normal and happy during the reveal
I wonder if the ENs are angry at the rigger too

>> No.3389083

Good, cute, no accessories, rigger's a nigger

>> No.3389084

Le sad rig...

>> No.3389086

Why is huke not a hack?

>> No.3389089

I'm still boiling, even getting angrier than before now that I'm thinking about the collab.

>> No.3389093

totally doable, Izuru has a Guitar, see

>> No.3389095

gura will get roberu's 3D rigger

>> No.3389097
Quoted by: >>3389165

The train mission was easy once you followed the damn train of course. That RC plane mission was absolute horseshit.

>> No.3389103

Their entire history from WW2 onwards has been westerners making them do things, so don't rule it out.

>> No.3389106

After the shitshow on the social media, I wouldn't expect her to stream today.

>> No.3389107
Quoted by: >>3389218

still seething

>> No.3389108

He likes what he does

>> No.3389111
Quoted by: >>3389309

>and then all these people saw the shit rigging
Guarantee they won't be coming back

>> No.3389112
Quoted by: >>3389218

Time flies when you're seething apparently

>> No.3389113

he loves what he does

>> No.3389116
File: 32 KB, 463x453, 1591502801931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, don't tell DW

>> No.3389117

I don't think they rigged Roberu at all, is what happened

>> No.3389118

Don’t look at her ears. Or chest. Or tail.

>> No.3389120

He actually cares about his profession

>> No.3389125

>keeps to himself and does what he wants
>takes his meds daily
>not a twitterschizo
>professional (in terms of conduct)
>just wants to draw all day

>> No.3389127
File: 1.33 MB, 365x322, 1620365613896.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389188 >>3389431

You know shit is bad when even normalfags are mad about the rigging issues.
Alien head shape, Cat ears are completely fucked, polygon deformation on the skirt, a hole in the chest that you can see superchats through it and barely any movement.
Fuck that chink nigger rigger.

>> No.3389128

Maybe she'll get her rigging fixed one day and we'll look back at that stream both blessed and cursed, who knows.

>> No.3389129

he's interested in his line of work

>> No.3389130
File: 364 KB, 712x695, Friday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, its made to be the pair of Ame

>> No.3389133

estoy hirviendo todavía hijodeputa no puedo dormir

>> No.3389134

Which makes it even better

>> No.3389136
File: 21 KB, 233x248, All Around me [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fj296tg.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still mad and can't sleep, what the fuck is this?

>> No.3389137


>> No.3389139
File: 111 KB, 450x450, 1609863887310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh thanks for reminding me that I have to use up my AP on the raids today.

>> No.3389140
File: 312 KB, 553x674, Screenshot 2021-05-04 180145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look at this and tell me it's bad.

>> No.3389141


Did massive numbers Gura was fun there were a couple rough technical spots people are talking about for drama and it broke records

>> No.3389142

pay attention during Chicken streams and you'll know.

>> No.3389146
File: 147 KB, 294x238, rob_o_cock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you

>> No.3389150

Reminder that Mori only did 1 tweet for everybody else but did 2 tweets for Ina.

>> No.3389152
Quoted by: >>3389218

I'm still mad but i'll survive

>> No.3389154

I think it struck the right balanced between being a simple dress and playing to her character concept.

>> No.3389156
Quoted by: >>3389192

Can someone pasted these two on Ina forehead?

>> No.3389157

Fastest thread in the history of 4chan, and broke the record for most live views for Vtubers.

>> No.3389159

The stream was really cute up until the rigging yab...

>> No.3389161

It's not really divisive. It's actually pretty well loved, especially among the JPs.

>> No.3389162
File: 182 KB, 1748x1240, 1590037506394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389218 >>3389231

Literally me kek

>> No.3389165

yeah but now add how bad miko is at videogame and how if you fail the mision you have to start from the beginning.

>> No.3389166
File: 270 KB, 373x851, 1612326340066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389197 >>3389348

Reminder: She's wearing this underneath

>> No.3389168
Quoted by: >>3389193

Mind sharing a spoon, kind anon?

>> No.3389169
File: 680 KB, 1100x800, メトロノームしらかみ_透過.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389250 >>3389289

Friday Night Friend

>> No.3389170
Quoted by: >>3389269

Don't forget umiushi was Matsuri's original rigger before she replaced him too.

>> No.3389172

When I watched this, I was ready to give it a 10 outta 10 until the head reveal.

>> No.3389173
File: 456 KB, 600x595, lost_boy[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1cs07z.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3389174

>Chicken streams
I have barely time to watch Gura, what did she say? I remember people here saying that she was calling her adorable but so was everyone else in EN.

>> No.3389176

Give me a timestamp, I'm not digging through the last week of chicken vods to find it.

>> No.3389178
File: 1.57 MB, 633x356, 1619883880855.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3389180
File: 208 KB, 225x350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could a man who looks like this be a hack?

>> No.3389179

I'm still here and basking in the afterglow.

>> No.3389181
Quoted by: >>3389215 >>3389220

Happy for Gura
Slightly annoyed that it peaked at 194K, not 200K.
Hopeful that Cover will do something about it. Even a big part of the Reddit hugbox is hating it >>3388720

>> No.3389184

Only vsh*Jo kids angry about this outfit.

>> No.3389185
Quoted by: >>3389225 >>3389229

I feel like a fag because I honestly feel bad for everyone. Nobody won, not Cover, not chumbuds, not Gura, not even the rigger

>> No.3389188

>le poorly rigged angry shark

>> No.3389189


>> No.3389191
Quoted by: >>3389218

I am still extremely angry. Mostly at Cover's incompetence. They allowed the face of their company to walk out on the biggest stage a Vtuber has ever had. with diarrhea smeared all over her.

>> No.3389192
File: 7 KB, 248x203, Drew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389276

Things that can go on Ina's forehead

>> No.3389193
Quoted by: >>3389340

it hasn't happened yet, but Kiara slays rrats and every superchat reading is a free-wheeling and open zatsudan. She's going to spill the beans.

>> No.3389197 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 320x320, Partial-necrosis-of-glans-penis-seen-on-13th-day-post-circumcision_Q320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389281

And reminder, this is what happens to your cock if you dont fap enough

>> No.3389199
Quoted by: >>3389255

... This has got to be a meme.

>> No.3389200
Quoted by: >>3389574 >>3389727

the collab is a recipe for drama and awkwardness
it's obviously meant to show all the outfits, but the other ENs mog gura so hard while the rigger drama is still most likely red hot... a single social faux pas can devolve into another drama

>> No.3389201
Quoted by: >>3389456

The way you guys keep wording this implies the outfit itself is bad. It's really just the rigging that's the problem.

>> No.3389202
Quoted by: >>3389236

Because he cares even if his sense of coloring gets schitzo

>> No.3389206
File: 4 KB, 303x74, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related: Roberu's rigger

>> No.3389208
File: 189 KB, 463x453, 1612491555728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389274 >>3389303

>Nachomama had made sunglasses and a few other accessories but the rigger was having trouble rigging the arm and ears correctly and cut them.

>> No.3389210
Quoted by: >>3389259 >>3389266

I imagine Gura's gonna be really depressed about this whole rigger thing. She doesn't seem hateful enough to hate her rigger for doing a bad job. Especially when they've been with her since the beginning. She's probably gonna defend the rigger and say not to change it.

>> No.3389211

Glasses, maybe? I don't know how I'd feel about Gura not having a pair, but I'd be happy for Ame at least. I actually can't think of much, all we know is that it's a casual outfit for after work, she could have all sorts of stuff or not much at all.

>> No.3389214
Quoted by: >>3389260

I like Gura but that was a low effort outfit. It's up there with Ayame's new shit and bug flare.

>> No.3389215

>not 200k
Same but I’m secretly thankful since an anon almost burned all his old games as a consequence of it.

>> No.3389217
File: 639 KB, 1011x752, 40aa38b9939e122bc555c847c6d6a713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389262

Ame, where the fuck is your tweet with the stream URL? Why debuff yourself like this?

>> No.3389218
File: 443 KB, 1436x794, 1608130006546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389244 >>3389320

Guys, focus on the good points. The seethe has already spilled over onto reddit and twitter where someone who has the power to change things might potentially stumble onto it, so at this point any further seethe is just taking up space in your head for no reason.

Here have something to help you.

>> No.3389220

I'm ok with it, I didn't really want that one anon to burn his SNES boxes.

>> No.3389225
Quoted by: >>3389291

Same. It's just disappointing. We should all be talking about how Gura finally gets to play around as a cute cat, but we can't even do that without having to ignore the elephant in the room. People are going to take it way too far and make a big mess out of shit, and Gura's probably going to feel responsible.

>> No.3389229
Quoted by: >>3389257 >>3389319

Nah, if Gura is unhappy about it, this is good for her because her fans are speaking in her place
considering how she's been talking about "not happy with how certain things do not work", I know it's a rrat, but I think she might have ben referring to the rigging

>> No.3389231

on the same boat, almost 4AM, I can't understand how this affected me so much... I literally skipped dinner too but I'm not hungry

>> No.3389230

They did though

>> No.3389232

because it's fucking Huke

>> No.3389234

The tits. They call me.

>> No.3389236

I honestly think he just got caught up in trying to do something different with bright colors and didn't realize he went a little overboard.

>> No.3389239

Is it an achievement to be the faster thread in 4chan history? When >we essentially just turned into a twitch chat(sans the emoticons) and spammed UOH?

>> No.3389244

has any niji had more viewers for their stream?

>> No.3389245

so who has the worst rigging of all of holo?

>> No.3389246

Or on the contrary

>> No.3389247

The lack of headflaps and the still terrible hair rigging are my issues with it.

>> No.3389250

Please no Holo mod.

>> No.3389251
Quoted by: >>3389318

gura was happy to use it and her nyas were cute
i dont give a fuck about anythignt else, if she is happy then im fucking ok with it.

>> No.3389252
File: 279 KB, 354x373, haachama love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3389255
Quoted by: >>3389292 >>3389437

Are you about to tell me that Ame is smart?

>> No.3389256
File: 824 KB, 872x679, 1604184977150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389304

I can't imagine Ame didn't ask for a ton of costume options and accessories to play with.

>> No.3389257

knowing her she is 100% unhappy about it.
She herself told us that she wants her own music to be liked not because it's her, but because it's actually good. I think the same applies to everything else.

>> No.3389259

Shes not hateful but she should know that she deserves better. That rigger is an absolute hack that should never have been allowed to touch her outfit after he already had to be replaced for festival and coco, AND fucked up Anya.

>> No.3389260
Quoted by: >>3389650

the outfit itself is cute as hell. Lots and lots of little sharky details, all the way down to the literal toenails. The cat ears are kinda weird (for the theme) but always cute, and they give her some headgear that she might actually use more often than the hoodie.

the rigging is garbage.

>> No.3389262
Quoted by: >>3389296

it's shit too
bonus rrat: it was made by the same rigger

>> No.3389264

i wonder if reine will show my cat on her pet review

>> No.3389266

>She doesn't seem hateful enough to hate her rigger for doing a bad job
She should, are you fucking kidding me? It's like you're a pilot of Formula 1 and they give you a fucking Beetle to race with the other supercars.
Avatar for a vtuber is very important.
That said, she could cope and never use it again and resist the pain.
>She's probably gonna defend the rigger and say not to change it.
I wonder about this, he's just a fucking random chink, if she doesn't speak with her Japanese senpais surely she barely has relationship with this random faggot.

Her major problem is her self esteem, I believe.

>> No.3389269
Quoted by: >>3389506

What? How is this person still employed as a rigger. I had no clue he was behind Coco's original awful model.

>> No.3389273

God I'm glad I was asleep for that stream, sounds like this place was more of a shit hole than usual

>> No.3389274

I unironically believe this, the guy doesn't even know how to make a good looking showcase animation imagine working with extra accessories

>> No.3389270
Quoted by: >>3389377 >>3389390

Are you one of the faggots who thought Gura wouldn't pass Mori in views? Anyone with at least half a brain would've known Gura would at least hit 150k.

>> No.3389272

Old Coco

>> No.3389275
Quoted by: >>3390808

194k is the minimum even for rhe smallest niji

>> No.3389276
File: 1.06 MB, 971x764, cute funny ina forehead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389549


>> No.3389280

>this was originally planned to be even MORE transparent

>> No.3389281

Good thing I'm fapping at least twice a day for the past 15 years

>> No.3389284
File: 2.14 MB, 1366x768, evilcats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389325 >>3389971

it can't be a mistake!
tauropolos skia thermokrasia
I hear her voice as I kill this ice cream demon for the 90th time already

>> No.3389287
Quoted by: >>3389406

When are Haachama & Gura gonna do that collab they teased earlier?

>> No.3389289

Hope she plays more like Luna than like Kanata

>> No.3389291
Quoted by: >>3389307

>and Gura's probably going to feel responsible.
Its 0% her fault and 100% Cover's fault.

>> No.3389292

Even Gura commented that watching Ame play games can be painful. She made some comment about her Super Mario Galaxy stream before. Don't remember which video that was.

>> No.3389293

Gura's new outfit

>> No.3389294

She literally spent half of the stream talking about how cute and funny her outfits were.

What do you think?

>> No.3389295

No. Tokyo Ghoul has the closest but is off by a few K.

>> No.3389296

You really think its shit when every girl praised it SO much? They said the same about Ina's and it turned out great. Ame's got even more praise.

>> No.3389297
File: 406 KB, 1168x611, 1604494075555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this was the previous record. Gura's stream is now the most livewatched stream in vtuber history, beating the nijisanji stream that involved a dozen talents playing a baseball tournament

>> No.3389299

All this huke talk makes me realize I don't like drawing enough... Time for guilty reps

>> No.3389300
File: 59 KB, 495x495, 1619323529661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3389302
Quoted by: >>3389328

Et this point it's gura, even daggah and roberu are more functional.

>> No.3389303
Quoted by: >>3389558 >>3389632

Well I mean it's the guy who decided to give boobs to Anya, anything is possible. Maybe he's a Nijifaggot who sabotages Hololive from within or something with the help of some corrupted higher up. The fuck I know. I hope he dies tho.

>> No.3389304

it's a casual outfit though. Maybe I just have no imagination but what all could she have compared to her original detective/doctor/mustachio'd male hybrid?

>> No.3389308

I hadn't realized, is the neck of the shirt meant to invoke shark teeth imagery?

>> No.3389307
Quoted by: >>3389355 >>3389535

Oh, absolutely, but she's the kind of person to take that sort of thing personally. I'm just worried she's going to start drinking again.

>> No.3389309

I'm as angry as you guys are over the rigging, but most people probably didn't notice.

>> No.3389313
Quoted by: >>3389446

>twitch chat
You mean every time Gura and Ame stream?

>> No.3389316

What'd Noel do that got so many? Peko's was her mom reveal?

>> No.3389317


>> No.3389318
Quoted by: >>3389349 >>3389363

>gura was happy to use it
Was she, though? I think she was happy about nacho-mamas great design. I think she was nervous as fuck because of the bad rigging and thats why she ended it in such a rush.

>> No.3389319

Maybe she isn’t unhappy with it but at the very least she might feel awkward about it now that her fanbase pointed out the bad rigging. Like how she felt weird about she realized she has phallic hat

>> No.3389320
Quoted by: >>3389374

I'm not stopping seething until a change is guaranteed, and no an intern making a reddit post is not a confirmation

I've never felt a need to break containtment until now

>> No.3389321

I'm fine because I took my meds.

>> No.3389322

It's bad

>> No.3389323

also, that was pre-bug, when pekora streamed minecraft casually at 60k~70k people, the only one post that "spam viewer removal feature" is the Pekomom, who also had more than 100k in the wait room

>> No.3389324

As of right now, Gura. Before that I'd say Risu's flat face. Going further back, Watame's orange neck was a nightmare that still haunts me.

>> No.3389325

cute cats

>> No.3389328
File: 474 KB, 1208x715, anya is very ogey[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fov142c.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dagger at least has an ogey face.

>> No.3389329

Noel was her outfit and yeah, Peko's mom.

>> No.3389331

Outfit reveal
Marine's should be up there too but this screenshot was taken before her stream.

>> No.3389335

Outfit reveal. Noel did it immediately after Miko's return so she retained her viewers I suppose.

>> No.3389339

Odyssey. Ame actually knew the controls in Galaxy for the most part.

>> No.3389340
Quoted by: >>3389416 >>3389508

I see, I wouldn't be too surprised if any of the girls drop some subtle anger towards the rigger the next few days after the collab, imagine having one of the best impromptu collabs in months and then seeing this shitstorm happening around the girl that made that collab possible the very next day. I'd be fucking livid if they did something like that to a dear friend.

>> No.3389342

It's really hard to say
Aside from birthday streams, 3D debuts are generally considered one of if not the most important stream for a Holo right next to their actual debut stream and their first few solo streams, collabs and the concerts/live shows that follow their 3D debut
But Nene's redesign debut got more concurrent viewers than pretty much all of the Gen 5 3D debuts according to holo.poi.cat but you could very strongly argue that the literally non-stop buffering really fucked with the view count at least for Nene's and also that Nene's new design stream might as well had been a re-debut of sorts.
I could see 3Ds for HoloEN being a pretty big deal though especially for a ton of normies who would prefer to see a 3D model move around freely as opposed to a Live2D where movement is restricted and sometimes looks like a mech being controlled depending on how good or bad the rigging is

>> No.3389346

Gura was absolutely crushed about it. You could hear her holding back tears in a few parts, obviously she didn't expect to be treated this way by Cover after how much she's done for them.

>> No.3389348


>> No.3389349

I don't think she even noticed the shit rigging, iirc she zoomed in on the cat ears right before ending the stream.

>> No.3389352
File: 580 KB, 936x869, 1618924644892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angry and sad. Angry because where the fuck was the quality check? Sad because there is a very high chance that she will use this on the collab and seeing it with the others is... sad.

>> No.3389355
Quoted by: >>3389368

You do know the whole alcoholic gura thing is a fucking rrat with no proof right?

>> No.3389356
Quoted by: >>3389382

Yeah people were screaming "WOW SO MANY PEOPLE" but they were just 600 IPs posting on cooldown in a sticky

>> No.3389357

Outfit buff and it literally came directly after Miko's return stream

>> No.3389359

There was also that bit from the Holotalk feat. Subaru where they talked about the granny vtuber

>> No.3389361

Did that shit hole do the same for the others?
If not, they fucking knew and now I'm more pissed.

>> No.3389363
Quoted by: >>3389385

take your meds

>> No.3389364
Quoted by: >>3389386 >>3389446

If Twitch chat was replaced entirely with 4chan board culture, I wouldn't hate it as much.

>> No.3389368


>> No.3389372
Quoted by: >>3389391 >>3389479

She was actually pretty good in Galaxy, even did the challenge stars that Kiara and probably Gura would never be able to get. On Odyssey she was terrible because she played with the OBS delay, but still cleared the game somehow.

>> No.3389374
Quoted by: >>3389510

Containment has already been broken, moreso than anything this place can conjure up because anyone who isn't blind can see how shit the rigging is. There's nothing you can do that hasn't already been done, let it go and let things sort themselves out.

>> No.3389375

I feel like she's always had some FGO reference in her, considering the 5 stars on her head.

>> No.3389377
Quoted by: >>3389390

Being over 150k wasn't that surprising but almost reaching 200k was.

>> No.3389380
File: 36 KB, 220x220, ame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just checked amelia tweet meme review and holy shit

>every meme is actually relevant, short, on-point and ame interprets it quickly, in a funny way, even making me appreciate it a little more

i was too used to coco's reddit shitty reviews being shitty, that when I saw ame actually do it right it hit me hard, I fucking love ame now.

>> No.3389382

All me btw

>> No.3389383
File: 184 KB, 297x340, 1618198559667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else worried Gura's going to have to do an apology stream over the rigger getting screeched at?

Marine/Miko had to do an apology stream for something even dumber, with a much smaller audience.

>> No.3389385
Quoted by: >>3389413

That line only applies to schizo posts, retard. Did you even watch the stream?

>> No.3389386
Quoted by: >>3389446


>> No.3389388

unironically gura

>> No.3389390
Quoted by: >>3389480 >>3389590

How many did Mori have?

>> No.3389391

>still cleared the game somehow.
A testament to how forgiving Odyssey is. Compared to Sunshine or even Galaxy where she's finally forced to play levels that require more than basic jumps to progress.

>> No.3389394
Quoted by: >>3389460 >>3389466

So Watame promoted every EN’s outfit on Twitter so far? Will she do so for Ame?

>> No.3389399
File: 182 KB, 1000x1500, guramad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389450

>SEAniggers are using this drama as an opportunity to bring up the iofi thing again and pretend like any of that was gura's fault
fuck. this. things were going to well and then that retarded rigger decided to phone in THE biggest vtuber's L2D.

>> No.3389402
Quoted by: >>3389421

Jesus nigger, you keep posting this same exact scenario multiple times each thread. You literally can't help yourself but gossip over this constantly can you?

>> No.3389403
File: 1.67 MB, 2406x3016, 1615632126309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389430

That stream was great, honestly The past month ALL of Ame's streams have been total bangers, just shorter.

>> No.3389404
Quoted by: >>3389489

t. Teamate
But yes, I liked it too, but she should limit it to like once every 2 months and choose a better timeslot for it.

>> No.3389406

Well it seems that Haachama's schizo arc is over for real this time so maybe we'll get EN collabs again.

>> No.3389407

Coco's too afraid of copyright strikes to review anything that isn't a tier list

>> No.3389408

maybe the zhangs were right to shit on coco...

>> No.3389411

Who the fuck knows, Japanese corporate culture is weird. She will definitely be telling her stream to not harass people though.

>> No.3389413
Quoted by: >>3389443

in what part did she sound unhappy you motherfuker?

>> No.3389414
Quoted by: >>3389454

No, that's stupid. At least Marine ostensibly had something to apologize for in that her & Miko joking around about the doujins was seen as disrespectful or something. Yeah it was retarded but at least hypothetically it could be tied to her actions. But Gura didn't do shit besides use the rigging provided to her. How are they gonna pin some random schizos starting shit on her when she did literally nothing to cause it?

>> No.3389416

nah, I would be surprised if it were mentioned at all, subtle or otherwise, except by Kiara.

>> No.3389418
File: 2.86 MB, 2894x4093, 1620094956687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Gura and Mori are the biggest vtubers right now?

>> No.3389419

No, it's not Gura's fault. The fans are pissed at Cover right now for doing this to her. If they also made her apologize for THEIR fuck-up its going to get really ugly for them.

>> No.3389421

Anon you really underestimate Gura's popularity if you think there's only 5-6 people here

>> No.3389422

i was gonna say old coco, but even coco's old rigging was just bad. just bad and nothing else.
but gura is legit broken and fucked up.

>> No.3389423

Gura’s alt outfit or Risu

>> No.3389425

>wow big cunny

>> No.3389426
Quoted by: >>3389515

warning: don't watch her oblivion streams

>> No.3389427

>Gura new outfit
>Half of the board is orange

>> No.3389430
Quoted by: >>3389498 >>3389811

you're including the ragequit one in that?

>> No.3389431

Its like a stretched 2d image. I don't think any modern holo has had something that looks that flat, and not the good kind of flat.

>> No.3389434

t. zhang
It was decent yeah. Some bad memes that even she couldn't salvage still so I wouldn't want it to be a regular thing, but very fun stream.

>> No.3389437
Quoted by: >>3389525 >>3389622

You also know that gura took like nearly twice the amount of time Ame needed to finish superluminal right?
And Kiara literally just bruteforces her way through JRPGs? Have any of you watched her playthrough of three houses and ryza?

>> No.3389438

It'd be more accurate to say Gura and Peko

>> No.3389441

Gura did nothing, at worst she'll be forced to call us retards and to shut up and let us watch as Cover rapes her mentally, physically and intellectually.

>> No.3389442


>> No.3389443
Quoted by: >>3389534

Literally the entire end bit where she got really awkward and rushed through it after the face reveal.

>> No.3389446
Quoted by: >>3389492

>muh twitch chat

>> No.3389449
Quoted by: >>3389481 >>3389637

SEAniggers are really running amok with the new rigger rrat, huh.

>> No.3389450
Quoted by: >>3389478 >>3389518

>iofi posting
huh, what the hell happened when I power slept.

>> No.3389455
File: 642 KB, 774x760, RIGGER HATE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389549


>> No.3389454
Quoted by: >>3389491

>At least Marine ostensibly had something to apologize for in that her & Miko j
their apologies videos were for her fanabse and other listeners to stop harrasing the authors. They apologized to the author offstream but the streams were 100% for the fans.

>> No.3389453
File: 50 KB, 1019x483, 1602197706371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we'll never get a coupon review at this point

>> No.3389456
Quoted by: >>3389788

Would they not have seen the outfits in motion before the actual stream?

>> No.3389457

Plus she was cuter than usual that day.

>> No.3389458
File: 160 KB, 2048x1448, 1616590350655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori still loses to a few big hitters.
Still, she's up there.

>> No.3389460
File: 121 KB, 1012x923, c503cac404446980970dc0aaff32d161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389521

Yep! She even liked and commented on a no9n-tagged tweet from Ame.

>> No.3389463

Anon, no! Next you'll be eating dogs and beating random kids in the street.

>> No.3389464

The zhangs were right on some stuff but the end result which led to this scenario definitely seals it for me, they weren't even remotely right.

>> No.3389466
File: 327 KB, 1571x1253, checklist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389501 >>3389684


Please think back to Ame's 1m. It was the most globally ignored 1m sub in hololive history. Ame will probably get a quiet RT from Botan and that's it. MAYBE Robocco since they're about to collab.

>> No.3389467
File: 338 KB, 814x625, 1620349916925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember, someone at cover saw the rigging and thought, yeah this is fine. I blame Jenma.

>> No.3389468

Chumbuds, here's the real question - how do you feel about the 1 year membership badge being a pair of blue and pink jelly cubes?

>> No.3389470
File: 246 KB, 640x360, Filename threads[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F95xi3t.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3389473
File: 893 KB, 1280x720, 1619671248960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ LOVES my chickenwife!
they can't stop talking about her!

>> No.3389477

Would be cool if the rigger gets the boot, but I doubt it.

>> No.3389478

Some discordfag popping in with old, stale dead rrats

>> No.3389479

Odyssey is literally the Mario game most aimed at very young children that have never played a Mario game before. Everything from mechanics, to level design, to the ridiculously asinine moon collection and boring bosses is a part of that fact.

>> No.3389480
File: 65 KB, 231x199, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3389481

The rigger situation isnt a rrat, newfag.

>> No.3389485

Gura's new outfit is the worst right now, it's poorly done even if you get past the hover ears
Risu's face is pretty bad, but it has some odd charm to it, it sort of fits her in a weird way

>> No.3389486

Nah, in the end, Marine and Miko did do something (mentioning that BL doujin) to start that shitshow in the first place.
Gura did nothing.

>> No.3389489

Every other month alternating with detective diaries sounds about right.

>> No.3389490

/qa/ and SEA. split threads had wojacks and tons of ESLposts

>> No.3389491
Quoted by: >>3389754

Gura being forced to apologize for doing literally nothing would just piss her fanbase off more so I hope Cover wouldn't be that dumb.

>> No.3389492
Quoted by: >>3389541


>> No.3389493

It's bad I can't concentrate on Kiara's streams anymore and just squeeze Anon Jr. the entire time

>> No.3389495
File: 68 KB, 768x768, 1617022227146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389787


>> No.3389496

/hlgg/ BTFO antis again so they resort to shitting up the board instead of the thread

>> No.3389498
File: 2.08 MB, 1280x720, Mario rage [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F9z9h90.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3389499
File: 7 KB, 227x227, cunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3389501

Samefag kek

>> No.3389505

Im glad that PPT likes it.

>> No.3389506
Quoted by: >>3390843

Not only Matsuri, Coco and Gura, but also Anya, which he also went totally off script with, turning her into an oppai loli, much to Anya's distaste.

>> No.3389507
Quoted by: >>3389639

>le trapeze shark

>> No.3389508

If I know Kiara, she wouldn't be aiming any subtle anger at the rigger, but at the entitled fans complaining about it, because it puts Gura in an uncomfortable position.
Kiara's next stream may be something to keep an eye on though, she's the girl for insider info

>> No.3389509
Quoted by: >>3389592

were those all the ones that showed some form of appreciation for the new outfit? who am I missing?

>> No.3389510

I know that and it's pretty much the only thing that stopped me from making a twitter/leddit account, even then if shit persists I dont know what I'll do

>> No.3389511

>I want cat ears on my outfit!
>no gura, no cat ears
>Fine, I'll just do it myself...

>> No.3389515
Quoted by: >>3389580

>don't watch her oblivion streams
The appeal of her oblivion streams isn't stellar gameplay, it's the unintentional hilarity of It Just Works in action, you petulant ignoramus.

>> No.3389517

I still say Gura and Pekora.
Mori is the best musician content for the entire vtuber history and there's no doubt about it.

>> No.3389518
Quoted by: >>3389581

>among us collab
>iofi unable to translate
>one rando blames her for gura getting bullied
>iofi responds very poorly to this
that's basically it

>> No.3389520

>jelly cubes
They are just regular cubes, retard

>> No.3389521

Thats good, I kneel Sheep

>> No.3389523

That's fine, cute even, although I think I like my 6 month hairpin better.

The fishbones might make for the best badge though.

>> No.3389525

>gura took like nearly twice the amount of time Ame needed to finish superluminal
Because Gura kept fucking around trying to search every corner. Watch the first episode of Ame's again and laugh at her inability to comprehend the main game concept for the first half an hour.

>> No.3389530
File: 54 KB, 615x610, received_637573080974916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389570 >>3390605

>> No.3389533

>rhombus gura is real

>> No.3389534

nigga the revel lasted as much as others .
there were no accesories to show and she teased her single what the fuck you schizo ass is talking about? what part of that is rushed

>> No.3389535

You are retarded.

>> No.3389537
Quoted by: >>3389559 >>3389655

>and there's no doubt about it
I don't know, Boogey Voxx are really good.

>> No.3389539
Quoted by: >>3389555

>Rigger Hate this, Rigger Hate that

I think you guys need distraction so feel free to play jigsaw with me

>> No.3389541


>> No.3389543
Quoted by: >>3389561


>> No.3389544

So will guras exploding popularity continue to drive the censorship and restrictions of talents further and further? Hololive is uniroincally on its tipping point of corporate bs with its recent success.

>> No.3389545

Reminds of those trumpet boy memes. Almost feels like those are animated better than her new outfit at this point

>> No.3389546


>> No.3389549
File: 405 KB, 1252x2048, 1618194062925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389720


What the fuck were they thinking? Why did they give her a giant forehead? No bangs with a giant forehead is the worst style. Literally Sakura tier.

>> No.3389548


>> No.3389550

Anon, literally every Holo who played after Ame did the same shit she did throughout, which kinda makes me think that they saw her playthrough and never really bothered exploring how to actually play the game.

>> No.3389553

Give Mori maybe 6-8 more months and she will be 2nd only to Gura

>> No.3389554

Gura's curiosity is funny AF, one of the reasons why she jinxes herself so often.

>> No.3389555

This jigsaw is rigged, i hate it!

>> No.3389556

>entitled fans
Shut the fuck up anti. No one is buying this fucking narrative you're trying to push.

>> No.3389558
Quoted by: >>3389594 >>3389627

come on. if this incident has proven anything, it's that this rigger doesn't draw shit, not even to fix a floating ear. you think he drew boobs for anya?

>> No.3389559
Quoted by: >>3389569

We're talking numbers here, silly.

>> No.3389561

Don't forget ban evasion

>> No.3389563

Kill yourself.

>> No.3389569

Ah, I see.

>> No.3389570

clap clap
I smirked at least

>> No.3389572

>Like how she felt weird about she realized she has phallic hat
Fucking faggots.

>> No.3389574
Quoted by: >>3389631 >>3389682

Screencap this, they will have Gura on the left of the screen so she just looks to the right at her Genmates so no one sees the ear.
And probably have a white background behind her to hid the transparent spots on her collar.

>> No.3389576
File: 45 KB, 480x480, 1615518236267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't bloop get a new costume? This is fucking bullshit.

>> No.3389579

Gura's rigging was always ass, cross-eyed and with a flat hood. She needs a full rework, like Coco.

>> No.3389580

>petulant ignoramus
Sorry, I'm not Ame. But yes, I could appreciate approaching that series from the perspective of laughing at a monkey trying to fit a square peg into a circular hole I suppose.

>> No.3389581

No, I know that, But ctrl-f shows me no mentions of iofi besides that post. I see no timeloops, yet.

>> No.3389584
Quoted by: >>3389684

Get a grip, you schizophrenic piece of shit.
You're so pathetic you only get (You)s by samefagging at this point.

>> No.3389586


>> No.3389590


>> No.3389592
Quoted by: >>3389613

Matsuri retweeted
also Yagoo retweeted Nacho's tweet if you counted that one

>> No.3389593
Quoted by: >>3389939

No one care about mascot that Ina make

>> No.3389594

Anya has confirmed this explicitly.

>> No.3389595

Despite the shitposting, I do believe there's a chance of this.

>> No.3389597
Quoted by: >>3389623

I'm from two days in the future, Amelia's outfit will be 10/10 cute but the threads will be the worst out of all.

>> No.3389598
Quoted by: >>3389618

what the fuck is a bloop

>> No.3389606

>Like how she felt weird about she realized she has phallic hat
I honestly have not seen anyone actually reference her hood that way until she pointed it out herself.

>> No.3389608

was anyone else really enjoying gura's outfit but suddenly lost all interest after seeing her face? it somehow made the whole thing worse

>> No.3389610

>Hey, let's now all put on our new glasses!

>> No.3389611

I wonder what's up with the dislikes. Probably normalfags stumbling in and disliking due to 'ew child anime girl'?

>> No.3389612
Quoted by: >>3389625 >>3389648


>> No.3389613

nah, nacho stuff is another bussiness

>> No.3389618

Something I want to fuck.

>> No.3389622
Quoted by: >>3391437

>You also know that gura took like nearly twice the amount of time Ame needed to finish superluminal right?
gura found more secrets tho

>> No.3389623

The future can still be averted if we kill every Gosling

>> No.3389625

There's a name I haven't seen in a while.
This is hot.

>> No.3389627

Anya literally asked him to make her flat and he didn't lol

>> No.3389628

But Ame also fucked around and explored a ton during her playthrough too.

>> No.3389629
File: 212 KB, 640x704, 1600425518155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say those two, pekora, Rushia, Marine, maybe Tokyo Ghoul, and a few others make up the top ten most popular in no particular order.
It's going to be really interesting to see whether the new VSinger can level the playing field in terms of music or not and EN2 for streaming in general
You know, it's actually been 5 months since the last debut from any branch and it's starting to get a bit close to being a year since Gen 5 and EN debuted I wonder what else they have up in the pipeline right now if anything.

>> No.3389631

she is gonna be in the middle and you will seethe becasue neither gura, the girls or the viewers will zoom on the fucking screen to see a hole on her chest or hair line not hiden the abse of a cat ear.

>> No.3389634
File: 135 KB, 247x329, 1620251826184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just look at the difference between the two, LOOK AT THIS SHIT

>> No.3389632

I wouldn't be surprised if he bought the CCP drone tale of "Evil Hololive" and actively tries to fuck it up.

>> No.3389635 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 230x215, wah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3389637

Rigger actually justified. They can shit post for all I care until Cover change her rigging.

>> No.3389638
Quoted by: >>3390573

maybe they didn't liked the rigging anon

>> No.3389639
File: 341 KB, 914x576, trapezad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3389644
Quoted by: >>3389662 >>3389694

people who frequently check twitter if "insert holo here" congratulated or talked about "insert holo here" new song/custome/anniversary are fucking insane.

>> No.3389647
File: 174 KB, 1096x1647, 1620163711950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erotic chicken LOVE! Prude management HATE!

>> No.3389648
File: 163 KB, 1518x1049, 20210507_104244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3389650

Yes, it's cute but that's it. Nice details are what most everyone has. There are no accessories/variations are even different poses. Hell, even bloob is gone.

>> No.3389651
File: 618 KB, 968x1772, E0Ar9C7XoAQMUVh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait.

>> No.3389652
File: 391 KB, 590x527, 1607405196988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who is excited for Ame's new outfit reveal tomorrow?

>> No.3389653
File: 271 KB, 640x640, rrat toss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu JWU

>> No.3389654
Quoted by: >>3389676

Coco has a few debuffs. A lot of memes are literally just references to things that most JP girls wouldn't know. We find them funny, but Coco can't exactly translate those.

>> No.3389655
Quoted by: >>3389759

There's so many good Vsinger out there anon but Mori has the best number so far.

>> No.3389656

Yeah I think that happened to most people. She looks so cute dead on but as soon as she turns her head to the side it goes full uncanny valley. I dont know why Cover hired that hack for anyone, let alone their biggest rising star.

>> No.3389662

They don't call 4chan a containment site for nothing.

>> No.3389664
File: 1.99 MB, 332x215, laughing nic cage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3389667
File: 388 KB, 1080x1920, 20210506_235314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, absolutely

>> No.3389666

>the work of a pro
>the work of someone in highschool

>> No.3389672

Ah I thought something was off, like her head is rigged like a pizza box

>> No.3389673

>GTA V doesn't have cute girls
I disagree https://streamable.com/bgtz12

>> No.3389676
Quoted by: >>3389741


>> No.3389675
File: 232 KB, 292x406, 1620159899084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389735 >>3389813

>Goslings scream in joy

>Goslings scream in agony

Threads will be hilarious either way

>> No.3389682

also the other ENs can't play with their accessories on the stream meant to show the outfits because gura will be left out

>> No.3389683


>> No.3389684


>> No.3389688

How long until nobody cares about this?

>> No.3389689

Literally only you anon.

>> No.3389690

Man, the movements on Gura's look so robotic. Like something you'd see 5 years ago.

>> No.3389691

it hurts my sides

>> No.3389694

t. someone whose oshi didn't talk about Gura's outfit
you're right though

>> No.3389695

Playing nier, just curious why there isn't any blindfolded holos. This seems like a huge missed opportunity.

>> No.3389697
File: 18 KB, 746x73, re.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threads will be unusable until Ame's outfit reveal; in the meantime, I'll just download and play RE 8.

>> No.3389699

10 mintues.

>> No.3389702
File: 704 KB, 3240x3240, 743789f1f83df8dca2c9ee78338a1f9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked this one more, the Ultron mask could also go with her autotune voice

>> No.3389703

it feels weird for the ID2 girls to call the EN girls senpai

>> No.3389704
Quoted by: >>3389724

>Kiara is fluid as hell
>Actual good amount of frames for transitions
>Gura's face turns into trapezoid when looking too far into any direction
>"What frames?, we cut those"

>> No.3389705

literally almost everyone here

>> No.3389706

These three absolutely take the top. Then we have the underdogs:
>Mori (for her music mostly tho, I don't think that many are interested in her actual streams unless they are music related)
>Korone (not as she did once but still there)
>Subaru (getting pretty popular lately, multiple 20k streams)
I feel like everyone else is niche compared to these, but I might be wrong because I haven't slept

>> No.3389708

You think the other ENs came on minecraft to cheer her up?

>> No.3389709
Quoted by: >>3389743 >>3389746

>Not doing your apex reps

>> No.3389711
Quoted by: >>3389786

next stream becasue people like gura.
That didnt stop coco or matsuri viewers

>> No.3389720

I think its cute! Makes me wanna give her a big ol' smooch on it.

>> No.3389723

No. Ultimately that rigger is their employee, even if he's just a contractor, and therefore he's their responsibility.

The BL thing was aimed at someone outside of Cover so protocols are different.

>> No.3389724

Kiara gets the good rigger because she has all the connections. Gura is just an autistic girl living alone in the woods

>> No.3389725

godspeed frogman

>> No.3389727

How were the threads during the Gen 4 collab? I was fast asleep during it and I know Luna was the only one without a new outfit

>> No.3389729

The only people that are gonna bring this up after Ame's reveal are SEAniggers as usual

>> No.3389731


>> No.3389732

>kiara's arms smoothly bouncing around
>gura's arms snapping and teleporting around
holy kek

>> No.3389733

I wish her outfit had nearly as much effort put into it.

>> No.3389734

I would like a short skirt than shorts.

>> No.3389735

>the universal fifth force of amegura causes Ame's reveal to have complementary flaws
>the outfit is total lazy shit
>parts of it aren't even colored in
>fingers and feet look like lego blocks
>mama just says tehepero, "I was working on my own live2d you know!"
>rigging is amazing and she has 1000 accessories

>> No.3389737

nah i enjoyed the outfit and while the face riggin is mediocre she was really cute so i didnt care.

>> No.3389741
Quoted by: >>3389769

You didn't like Ame's meme stream?

>> No.3389743
Quoted by: >>3389758

>Not getting two shot by a bow

>> No.3389745

>keffy did extra step in animation just for this video
>shinumushi recorded the screen and powerpoint to transition

>> No.3389746

Apex sucks. I'm glad my Oshi barely streams it anymore.

>> No.3389747

>A decent human being doing his job
>A chink woman

>> No.3389748

Doesn't matter to me as long as her 24 month is her trident.

>> No.3389749

Until its fixed. This is the biggest fuck up since Taiwan.

>> No.3389751
File: 4 KB, 315x60, cck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390139

>> No.3389753
Quoted by: >>3389789

Friend is Friday Night Funkin tonight
who wants to lay odds she'll play mods (and whether they'll be song only)

>> No.3389754

cover didnt foce amrine and miko, it was self imposed becasue they felt bad for the auhtor.
On the legal side and anythig else cover had nothign to lose by letting marine and miko fanabse eat that bl author. the girls themselves acted of their own will. Thats why miko still streamed on the day of the first apology and there was no official suspension.

>> No.3389758
Quoted by: >>3389784 >>3389795

I hate that bow

>> No.3389759

Pretty sure Kaf and her crew beat her, but they don't do normal streams all that often. However, even just an hour long talk stream from them had like 15k+ and their concerts draw really big numbers.

>> No.3389761
File: 439 KB, 1242x576, sad trapezoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a minute, my fucking geography reps, that was a rhombus not a trapezoid...

>> No.3389762

the fuck is wrong with catbox, wont work on desktop or phone unless I turn off wifi then it works on my phone

>> No.3389763
File: 283 KB, 1438x1312, 1620113172297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389805 >>3389876

When it comes to new costumes, it's kind of an unspoken rule that they will go in the order of cute first, cool later.
Keep your hope up

>> No.3389769

I didn't do my reading comprehension reps, I thought you were talking about the memes Coco shows

>> No.3389773


>> No.3389774
Quoted by: >>3389785

please please please stop
every time someone post something related I keep finding flaws
please please please stop
this is hurting me more than numberfags

>> No.3389778
Quoted by: >>3389800 >>3389857

The thing to worry about with Gura is her never putting the ears on again, and nothing getting fixed, but "look there are no problems now because you don't see the most obvious jank anymore"

>> No.3389782
Quoted by: >>3389822

If I were Kiara, I would feel pretty giddy right now. Her stream might've had the smallest NUMBERS, but her new outfit absolutely destroys the biggest Holo of all, so it's all good.

>> No.3389783


>> No.3389784

I love that bow

t.Hanzo main

>> No.3389785

Watch the side-bun on Gura's head

It literally slides up and down as her head moves like a mspaint tool

>> No.3389786
Quoted by: >>3389898 >>3389983

The fact that people like gura is exactly why they are so pissed about this, anon. It's not antis complaining about the rigging. It's antis trying to get this swept under the rug because for them it's a win if Gura is stuck with shit rigging. Real fans want it fixed and our oshi treated right.

>> No.3389787
File: 682 KB, 676x729, 1609115236779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3389788

They definitely noticed the rigging issues at some point, the only one to post screenshots on twitter was Mori and all of her shots hide the problem with the floating left ear.

>> No.3389789
Quoted by: >>3389931

It's pretty obvious by now that they're not gonna play with the Holomod, or any other mods.

>> No.3389794


>> No.3389795
Quoted by: >>3389829

I love that bow but I wouldn't mind it getting nerfed quickly.
Generally I think the new additions are pretty good but they just overtuned things a bit too high.

>> No.3389796

Never trust chinks.

>> No.3389797

Guys even if you keep sending death threats to Gura's rigger, i think he did a decent job and took his time with it. Cover payed him very well so what reason would he have to make it bad? See? You look dumb now. If you take a look at his previous works you see just how good of a rigger he is, for example compared to Ina's or Mori's rigger. Did you guys even gave him a chance? Im really dissapointed in us! As a community there is no place for bullying

>> No.3389798
Quoted by: >>3389821 >>3389850

I am 100% sure Ame's outfit won't disappoint.

>> No.3389800

>TFW this is most likely what's gonna happen in the next collab
Rigger, why?, like seriously, WHY?!?!?!?!

>> No.3389801

might go away by ame's stream it will be reignited every time gura shows her scuffed outfit SPECIALLY in the collab
t. someone still seething

>> No.3389803

oh my fucking god

>> No.3389804
File: 153 KB, 567x298, chrome_20210506_184307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if nacho spent less time working on her feet, she might have had time to draw some accessories.

>> No.3389805

>Gura gets the mask
>It’s also a floating jpg

>> No.3389806


>> No.3389809
File: 77 KB, 500x1221, 1440704386806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3389810
File: 45 KB, 576x576, 1590558694765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3389811

Why wouldn't it be included?

>> No.3389812

kek. Nice joke, you're pretty funny anon.

>> No.3389813
Quoted by: >>3389828 >>3391526


>> No.3389814
File: 667 KB, 1260x1745, 1615769203270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who thinks gura's new outfit is stupid and looks like a fluted tart pan and isn't very well drawn to begin with?

>> No.3389816
File: 151 KB, 512x512, 6HMLYNm8FIrv8gSX15fYDQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking stop already, my heart is hurt......

>> No.3389819

I will gut you out if you ever come back here you fucking nigger chink rigger

>> No.3389820

[Amusing News] 5ch is berating the crap out of their JW* posters, telling them that if they didn't sleep like a hikki they could've gotten Gura to 200k

>> No.3389821

please don't curse my wife

>> No.3389823

god the last two seconds literally looks like she's doing the pop-locking dance move. jesus, how did it come to this

>> No.3389822

>Wanting others to fail if she can't win.
You don't know kiara at all do you.

>> No.3389827

oh my god, why is her left big toe larger than the one on her right?

>> No.3389828

Ah yes, I assume you get assmad at WAHposters too?

>> No.3389829
Quoted by: >>3389872

They have to reduce the drawing speed and maybe movement with that thing. It is a bit too much for a silent killer.

>> No.3389831
File: 162 KB, 365x291, 546456456546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389897

42 000 people has liked Neko's Ame animation.

>> No.3389832

I can't tell if this is a joke or a really retarded anti post.

>> No.3389834

based number autists

>> No.3389836

Did you just copy-paste one of the replies from twitter or reddit?
I swear I've seen like a dozen of these already.

>> No.3389837


>> No.3389838
File: 2.82 MB, 498x235, 1601997024036.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3389840

look at Gura's hair compared to Kiara's hair
even the fucking shadows on Kiara's hat are better animated

>> No.3389841
File: 153 KB, 844x2048, E0viPWEVoAMlznb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Ame's outfit tomorrow be more on the cuter side or the sexy side?

>> No.3389842
Quoted by: >>3390452 >>3390510

Someone post reine's one. That's some good shit.

>> No.3389844

I like the jacket cause it reminds me of the one Fubuki and now PPT have also prefer the cool looking designs overall more than the cutesy ones

>> No.3389845

if it weren't for the shit rigging I would've sent my bots out

>> No.3389847

Anyone else think

>> No.3389849

Go back to the Tia thread FFS.

>> No.3389850
Quoted by: >>3389904

She has both an exceptionally talented rigger and artist (aside from Nabi's sameface issue, which isn't relevant here anyway), and she's a vtuber who loves playing with props and accessories. It's going to be great, anon.

>> No.3389851

Thanks now I’m seething again

>> No.3389852
File: 2.69 MB, 1919x1079, Screenshot_752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389896 >>3389989


>> No.3389853
File: 339 KB, 602x837, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389875

>> No.3389857
Quoted by: >>3389955

The most obvious jank isnt even the ears. If she turns her face to the side more than 5 degrees it is like, unwatchable.

>> No.3389858

Just noticed this

>> No.3389859
File: 39 KB, 608x516, 1608030179807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389908

Jesas did they hire the Mario Pissing guy to animate Gura?

>> No.3389860
File: 32 KB, 340x363, 1595241771532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch APEX


>> No.3389863

I hope this is ironic, otherwise you're the biggest retard.

>> No.3389865

God, Gura eyes are so pretty. Even if she became a weird cat with a trapezoid face I'd still love her so much

>> No.3389866

Yeah but personally

>> No.3389867

Holy fucking based

>> No.3389872

Yeah the fact that you can't easily tell where it's shooting is probably more broken than the actual damage.

>> No.3389870

Mori and I believe Kiara called it (and Ina's) cute/adorable and Mori said she wanted to hug her.

>> No.3389873
Quoted by: >>3389945

So JWU and uh... well..


>> No.3389874


>> No.3389875

Gotta stay roommate-corect after all.
Also, Suisei will not stand for that.

>> No.3389876
Quoted by: >>3389910 >>3389921

Mori started with Cool though
meaning Cute is coming to her later

>> No.3389878
File: 35 KB, 1008x540, 1620349879727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, rigging stuff will probably leave anons assmad for days, BUT

Nacho finally overcame her weakness of drawing disgusting flesh-stump feet!

>> No.3389882

Don't jinx Nacho pls.

>> No.3389884

Jacket on = Cute + Sexy
Jacket off = Sexy + Cute

>> No.3389885

would you say they are vocal and not happy?

>> No.3389892
File: 1.13 MB, 839x857, 1620129541536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3389890

But the feet are cute

>> No.3389896

Nah I think I’ll stick to my VOD rels

>> No.3389897


>> No.3389898
Quoted by: >>3389956

The people who actually like Gura don't give a shit anonchama. Only the unironic pedos that want to fuck her model are kicking up a stink.

>> No.3389900

The only way this could have been avoided is if she acknowledged the rigging had some jank, played it off as a joke, and said the rigger is already working on updating the model during the stream.

>> No.3389903
Quoted by: >>3389988

Anon that's actually cool she made them asymmetrical

>> No.3389904


>> No.3389905 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 1491x1597, 1620374203874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori brought this upon herself.

>> No.3389906

>One big toe is tiny
I don't know about that one pal

>> No.3389908

Mario pissing is ironically much less flawed technically

>> No.3389910
File: 679 KB, 916x1400, 1620078178240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3389961

My boy is cool AND cute!

>> No.3389913
File: 5 KB, 227x222, peko8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3389915
Quoted by: >>3389988

Maybe that’s how Gura’s irl feet actually look. Or maybe nacho just modeled her own feet. As far as feet art goes, the imperfections make it more “realistic”

>> No.3389918
File: 101 KB, 241x269, 1591969953795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390019

In-between frames?
In animations?
what the hell is that!
let's just teleport vanish the arm into a new position!
t. shinumiushit

>> No.3389921
Quoted by: >>3389961

But anon, she is already cute.

>> No.3389923

the sad thing here is that gura saw the rigging prior but her lazy ass didn't say anything about it

>> No.3389924
File: 5 KB, 160x160, 1596194315680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry chumbuds but when I see this I can't help but laugh. This is like the ultimate karma for all that numberfagging you took part in for DAYS leading up to Gura's stream.

>> No.3389927
File: 127 KB, 1080x1080, 1591352954624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3389928


>> No.3389929
File: 26 KB, 1298x107, oi dbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oi, Deadbeats, tell me. Do you masturbate to Calliope's ASMR or not?
>>To tell you the truth, it's more like comedy.
>>>Oh, okay...

>> No.3389930


>> No.3389931
Quoted by: >>3389974

Kanata played with modded Hololive songs. Just no visuals.

>> No.3389934
File: 116 KB, 463x453, 1616120000048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah she looks like risu now

>> No.3389938

I heard she traced these from photos of a real child's feet.

>> No.3389939

Bloop is the only mascot Ina didn't make.

>> No.3389936

Does any holo have a costume with a butthole dress?

>> No.3389944

kek reminds me of trying to fall asleep to gura's borger asmr and ending up laughing

>> No.3389945
Quoted by: >>3389993

Nothing would’ve stopped what was coming anon. The same was rigged from the start

>> No.3389948

NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!
At this rate, we are just months away from unironical ponyposting here.


>> No.3389950
Quoted by: >>3390078

The first guy hasn't watched the streams and it shows.

>> No.3389955

This, they unironically need to lock her movements like 15 degrees less at least temporarily. The further to the side she looks the more awful it looks. When she looks to her far right it looks downright alien.

>> No.3389956

Go back dogfucker

>> No.3389959
Quoted by: >>3390014

People saying its "antis" that are pissed about the rigging are retards.
She's Hololive's most subscribed talents, she got 190K concurrent viewers in a outfit reveal and could possibly get more than 300K in a 3D reveal
And she got an absolute shit tier rigging with a TON of problems. Its not only one thing, her rigging is fucked all over. Any chumbud that truly likes Gura would be really pissed at this hack job when people with 1/10 her subs have much better rigging.

>> No.3389960

Mori why... it wasn't even enough to dissolve Gura's rigging yab

>> No.3389961

I know Mori is cute but what I meant is the outfit is cool, not Mori.

>> No.3389963

bottomless is actually kinda hot

>> No.3389964

Y-you weren’t supposed to masturbate to them?

>> No.3389966
File: 215 KB, 512x668, Dragon Install.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only getting worse and worse as time goes by

>> No.3389968
Quoted by: >>3389981

d-do you think nacho asked for gura feet pics?
f-for reference of course hehehehe

>> No.3389971


>> No.3389972
Quoted by: >>3389995

>chumbuds were the ones numberfagging
Nice gaslighting retardo

>> No.3389974

There's really no point playing it with just the songs though... it even feels off.

>> No.3389977
File: 2.16 MB, 1063x1643, 1605289743240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390003


>> No.3389979 [DELETED] 
File: 387 KB, 2000x2000, 20210507_110009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3389981
Quoted by: >>3390015

Couldn't she just look at her own feet?

>> No.3389982
Quoted by: >>3390042

Reminder to thank Frank for inspiring Ame's ukulele

>> No.3389983
File: 73 KB, 628x1467, 182170241_266532148535983_5748601589409505746_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>treated right
is not the first person that has shit rigging wont be the last. People not learning how to voice their opinions might as well be antis becasue the riggin is not bad enough for people to not watch it. Hence my examples of coco and matsuri.
Second is a can of worms people want to open, there alot of bad riggin and models but forcing cover to fix something just because numbers are bigger than other goes against most tradition on hololive and is not respectful to the other talent.
i would love for roboco to be able to blink again or flare to have an update on her first design.But me acting like a chimpanzee on the riggers or artist twitters wont help. it will just polarize the opinion. Holos get deal bad hands the girls deal with it and the viewers too.

>> No.3389984
File: 152 KB, 852x480, peko[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fsvbz36.webm](1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3389985

it was her own fault. she just needed to have delayed the reveal by like a minute

>> No.3389986
File: 101 KB, 848x1111, EkPsDajXcAIVNLK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390491

This is true. As much as chumfucks seethe, its not the rigger but Gura's computer. If you have a shitty computer of course it will look like as it is. If you want to send death threats to anyone, send it to Gura and make her buy a better pc

>> No.3389988
File: 115 KB, 567x298, uneven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390011 >>3390027

i'm glad she put in the added effort instead of mirroring but this...

>> No.3389989
Quoted by: >>3390005

But bro, astel was streaming

>> No.3389990

JGWUBMA, how's the war on gura's rigger?
Anything else interesting that came up after that whole thing?

>> No.3389991
File: 20 KB, 589x289, 1620298527128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[tiresome news] its all so tiresome

>> No.3389992

I believe she's doing it on purpose to deflect the hate to another target
or maybe she's on the Astel Gang after all... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrlDp6os3x4

>> No.3389993

>The same was rigged from the start
Fuck you, I laughed but I'm still fucking mad

>> No.3389995
Quoted by: >>3390052

>I-It wasn't us I swear!
fucking bullshit, even during the deadest of hours this week when all the shitposters had fucked off there were STILL chumbuds numberfagging.

>> No.3390001
Quoted by: >>3390026 >>3390088

Do you wanna know why thats stupid anon?
Where did the peko numberfags go? You think them going dark and "chumbuddies" coming back after "reclining" is a coincidence?

>> No.3390003
File: 350 KB, 1539x2047, 1620279138427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3390004
Quoted by: >>3390088

YOU were shitting the threads and saying Gura wouldn't get high viewers and got BTFO'd to death, there are multiple grudgeposts proving it. Personally I'd give those numbers to Pekora or Mori and get an actually decent rigging instead

>> No.3390005

That's worse than death...

>> No.3390006
Quoted by: >>3390025

What category is this? Low quality post or trolling outside /b/?

>> No.3390011
File: 337 KB, 1900x2400, Ez8sQ2aVkAAbZi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390034

>anons don't know that toes usually aren't symmetrical

I'm not trying to yes-man nacho but she did a pretty good job with them feets.

>> No.3390013

i mean is really easy to get material. People cant handle their autism on twitter.

>> No.3390014
Quoted by: >>3390043

Fucking this. Antis are the ones shitting on chumbuds for mentioning it because they dont want it noticed or fixed, they want Gura to suffer.

>> No.3390015
Quoted by: >>3390197

but she could just ask for the pics anon! it's easy!

>> No.3390018
Quoted by: >>3390037


>> No.3390019

Now you're just complaining about any old shit

>> No.3390022

Cover's most subscribed talent has the shittiest rigging. I'm honestly getting second hand embarrassment thinking about this. Imagine people discovering Gura only to laugh at how bad her rigging is

>> No.3390025


>> No.3390026

Gura antis are literally in TIKTOK status, if Gura gets her rig fixed they'll literally only have SCs to shitpost about

>> No.3390027
Quoted by: >>3390322

could be she's putting more weight on her right leg, so that big toe is spreading out more

>> No.3390030
File: 170 KB, 1054x1796, 89451a7ed3fa5940e5caebb6cca3d6fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390066

>we didnt get drip Gura
God dammit

>> No.3390029
File: 204 KB, 480x401, 1614906523763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3390033
File: 136 KB, 707x1000, 1620355657959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390159

God her outfit... THOSE FUCKING LEGS

>> No.3390034

This anon is not to be trusted.

>> No.3390035
File: 534 KB, 1969x3014, 20210507_110226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we talk about things that went right, instead of this that went wrong?

>> No.3390036
Quoted by: >>3390064

Fuck off ESL, learn english and get better opinions.

>> No.3390037


>> No.3390040

>le ebin trapezoid sad shork

>> No.3390041
Quoted by: >>3390067

>crazy gura fans
what is it with these retards that makes them think you can't complain about shit quality?

>> No.3390042

Ukulele concert onegai Ame

>> No.3390043
Quoted by: >>3390071

You are an Anti anyways, I get the "get it fixed" part but I can see from afar how you want this to end, fucking asshat.

>> No.3390045

I try not to

>> No.3390050

Anon ollie's been gone for a week, you just come back from vacation or something?

>> No.3390053
File: 1012 KB, 949x766, 1619704156878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390072

I just like them because it makes me feel like she is close to me.

>> No.3390052
Quoted by: >>3390088

Literally wvery numberfag discussion syarted with antis going "Gura wont even get X!"

Now you fucking faggot little retards are fucking seething because she got the highest view count of all time and blew your shitty numberfagging posts the fuck out. Cry about it and suck my cock.

>> No.3390054

This watamelon is timelooping

>> No.3390055
File: 534 KB, 824x672, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390101

There were at least two things that went right.

>> No.3390061
File: 58 KB, 656x494, 1608331779811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to inform you that there's not one hole in Gura's chest, but two. The second one is kind of hard to notice when she turns right, but it's there, you can check.

>> No.3390063

Also, at the very least, I hope all this "bullying" keeps the rigger from ever working with Hololive again.

>> No.3390064
Quoted by: >>3390095

then i hope you never watch gura again when she use her current model.

>> No.3390066

Gura is too girly anon

>> No.3390067
File: 3.60 MB, 1916x945, 1600549804072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390102

I'll sound like a /v/tard but pic related, literally

>> No.3390069
File: 337 KB, 525x525, 1620337447395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually ended up getting the best outfit


>> No.3390071
Quoted by: >>3390127

Shut the fuck up schizo anti.

>> No.3390072
File: 660 KB, 1000x414, 1616760408005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you...

>> No.3390073

I miss that brief period we had when all the yabs were concentrated in IN...

>> No.3390074
File: 368 KB, 2715x1705, 1615486059497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390103 >>3390247


>> No.3390076

this is not kiara

>> No.3390078

you can't blame him. He didn't do his eigo reps

>> No.3390080
Quoted by: >>3390104 >>3390285


>> No.3390082

>becasue the riggin is not bad enough for people to not watch it.
Speak for yourself, as soon as I saw the ear I couldn't stop looking at it.

>> No.3390083

>You did a bad job.
>[LATEST NEWS]: Van exploder terrorist hate group 4chinpo just threatened to explode 14 vans on innocent female rigger.

>> No.3390086


>> No.3390087
File: 270 KB, 1448x2048, 1596140768355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Toyota

>> No.3390088
Quoted by: >>3390119 >>3390192

>Where did the peko numberfags go?
I had just assumed they all died in a ditch desu, it's what they deserve
I wasn't doing shit, the fact that you gave in to numberfags and started numberfagging in response just goes to show your weak resolve.
>Literally wvery numberfag discussion syarted with antis going "Gura wont even get X!"
nice lie. Even hours before Gura's stream started there were allready chumbuddies numberfagging about people in the waiting room with no provication.

>> No.3390089

Gura had incredible energy and passion, and much like Mori/Ina/Kiara, she clearly enjoyed the fanart she was showcasing. The cute/funny ribbons were fantastic.

>> No.3390090

BWAHAHAHAHA chumkeks got pzt in their places

>> No.3390095

Fuck off retarded SEAnigger

>> No.3390096
File: 304 KB, 591x459, 1604915070752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390138

Things that went right: her entire costume
>cat ears: overdone but still cute
>cute ponytail
>I don't like the dress that much, however...
>pose is actually pretty neat

>> No.3390097
File: 212 KB, 480x480, mna [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Flsqlvp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390386

in the 4 months on complete lockdown last year I just matched her schedule. now it's a little difficult sometimes

>> No.3390098

Good, I hope that dude will never work with Cover again

>> No.3390100

what death threats? go back

>> No.3390101

Not when they move. Then their outline goes completely inane

>> No.3390102

Someone make a Wheel of the worst edit with the outfit reveals please

>> No.3390103

Reine is mad and sad too!

>> No.3390104

What now

>> No.3390105

>news articles takes the screenshot about the plane anon seriously

>> No.3390106


>> No.3390107

Yup. I can definitely see cover pulling this shit. Doesn't matter how much we criticize and berate them, I've learned time and time again that corporate japan is ridiculously stubborn in how they do things and rarely actually listen to the fans.

>> No.3390109

>>actually ended up getting the best outfit
the outfit itself was half assed with a lot of recycled shit in there. Towa and Kanata's new outfit mogs that shit very fucking hard

>> No.3390110

I’m very biased but Mori and Kanata had the best outfit and Kiara had the best rigging

>> No.3390111

That's not Kiara

>> No.3390112

Everyone got better outfits than Ina.

>> No.3390114

I like Mori's outfit the best, she will certainly use it more than anyone because it fits her better than her main costume.

>> No.3390119
Quoted by: >>3390316

>nice lie.
Go fuck yourself numberfaggi

>> No.3390120

Kiara's was better silly tako

>> No.3390121
Quoted by: >>3390129


>> No.3390122

Your parents did a bad job

>> No.3390123
Quoted by: >>3390193

I blame it on EN managers. They should know better than this.

>> No.3390125
File: 450 KB, 530x661, 1619723389757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390157

Her forehead is the ultimate content by far.
Still I will miss naked Ina.

>> No.3390127
Quoted by: >>3390175 >>3390220


>> No.3390129


>> No.3390130

>Ametag video has been going at the rate of 1K views/hour for awhile now.
When it's fresh off a stream it's not that weird, but it is weird for a video that is a few days from the original stream.

>> No.3390131
Quoted by: >>3390213

Wait, she’s a girl? That explains A LOT

>> No.3390132
File: 22 KB, 415x1012, 1620102008435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of holoEN hyped it up
>AME HERSELF has now said she actually did prep reps for the stream and thinks it's going to be special

Well anons? Is Ame going to end this outfit train on a bang? Will she actually live up to the hype?

>> No.3390137

Anons that genuinely make mistakes about what they blurt out as facts while trying to debate/argue with other anons.
I want to ask you, do you feel embarrassment from getting your info wrong?

>> No.3390138
Quoted by: >>3390257

So the only things that went right with her costume are legs, which didn't have anything new added, and won't ever be visible?

>> No.3390139
File: 2 KB, 112x47, just enjoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck your internet points, have a smaller screencap

>> No.3390142

The thing I love most about inas outfit is how much she clearly loves it herself.

>> No.3390143

Does he mean... like fucking everyone that saw that stream?

>> No.3390148

While the rigger could have fixed this had they noticed it (or cared), it's on the artist for not extending the art to cover movement.

>> No.3390150
Quoted by: >>3390518

Im just waiting for the superchats "Mori gives a voice to the Yiff community"

>> No.3390155

>Marine/Miko had to do an apology stream for something even dumber, with a much smaller audience.
that was the most retarded shit ever. imagine getting free advertisement on your faggot DA tier comic and throwing a bitchfit over it.

>> No.3390156
Quoted by: >>3390564

Why do so many holos get the Apex brain virus? If you watched Reine's debut. Would you think she'd get the Apex bug?

>> No.3390157

Fuck, now I'm worried she's the sort who'll never go back to the old one.

>> No.3390159

designed for loving and breeding.

>> No.3390160

can't be any worse than Gura's

>> No.3390164

It's Ame alone with her outfit and gadgets on a blank canvas in front of an audience.
That's her home turf.

>> No.3390166
File: 620 KB, 3596x2275, 9f06adff9f9615485e43c6453bcc8f4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390181 >>3390338

I preferred this one

>> No.3390167

She’s the best “streamer” in EN. Not a teamate but I have faith in her

>> No.3390172
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, I've seen ogey[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbuwqqi.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390329 >>3390526

I've been called ESL eleven times. English is my only language.

I've also been called "schizo samefag" three times for my first post in a thread.

>> No.3390175
Quoted by: >>3390220

Go back to /hlg/ already you fucking sperg. Take your meds. Gura's rigging will get fixed and she'll still have more subs and views than your oshi and you can cry about it.

>> No.3390177
Quoted by: >>3390213

>Female nigger
Now that's explain a lot.

>> No.3390178

>ame preparing to mogbomb the fuck out of gura

>> No.3390179
Quoted by: >>3390239

no, it's KAF

>> No.3390181

same i wish she would stream topless

>> No.3390182
File: 53 KB, 1393x660, 1608554229867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390302

Lurker-anon, the Ollie-anti meta has moved beyond that already

>> No.3390185

why is Reine so interested in something she doubts is even legal?
does this extend to her out of game behavior?

I am worried.

>> No.3390188


>> No.3390191
Quoted by: >>3390294

so how much will the chumbuds seethe once Ame and her goslings absolutely BTFO gura's views tomorrow? will this be the shortest lived viewcount record?

>> No.3390192
Quoted by: >>3390316

>the fact that you gave in to numberfags and started numberfagging in response
No one was using her numbers to shit on anyone besides obvious Kiara antis, people was just excited to see her beat a new record.
>I didun do nuffin
>nice lie

>> No.3390190
Quoted by: >>3390221

How can you NOT be mad when you see this sweet girl who just wants to have fun with friends be stuck with this garbage, while everyone around her is getting top tier outfits?
Like it's genuinely infuriating to see such an unfair treatment, all because Cover is incompetent.

>> No.3390193
Quoted by: >>3390204

This. Why the fuck would you not review the work before accepting it? I feel like they knew it was bad but rushed it anyway to fit in with the week of outfit reveals.

>> No.3390196

I thought people knew this, and were just saying "hole" to be brief.
The fact that it was shown in multiple places was in one of the first screenshots to point it out in the sticky.
The rigger didn't tell Nacho to draw Gura's chest lower, or the rigger didn't just fill it a bit himself. It cuts right at the edge of the shirt, and because the shirt is frilly, it shows in those two lowest bits.

>> No.3390197

all /jp/ anons have already seen one of gura's feet, albeit inside of a sock

>> No.3390200
File: 18 KB, 715x128, 1617042872911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390211

[Tick Tock News]

>> No.3390202
Quoted by: >>3390245

i'm not the one who was making those posts but how do you suggests Gura's rigger carries on from here? is it really okay to just drop the whole thing and pretend the way Gura looked in her outfit reveal stream never happened? wouldn't that seem like pathetic and sad or something?
Do you have any ideas of how she can improve without making it seem like she became a completely different person?

>> No.3390204
Quoted by: >>3390272

gura is going away with her family

>> No.3390205
File: 183 KB, 501x1263, 67b7d5ebc2dd198638d0f475e494d8dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes she will.
This is her bread and butter, and she even got stuff comissioned for the stream.
By the wa, people still can't figure out what is this on her silhouette, and some artists came up with some really dumb shit. I think another bag doesn't make sense so I'm betting its a fluffy tail.

>> No.3390207

All these problems seem like art problems. There's nothing drawn to rig the ears too, there's no way to not make them obviously disconnected. Seems like people found out the rigger was Chinese or something and decided they needed an excuse to harass them

>> No.3390211


>> No.3390213
Quoted by: >>3390244

Also a chink. kek Can't add more debuffs

>> No.3390214
Quoted by: >>3390423

KAF fucking mogs Mori

>> No.3390215
Quoted by: >>3390249

The outfits have been underwhelming compared to some of the really good fan predictions.
So I'm gonna guess that for Ame it will be the same. Go look at the predictions and dial your expectations down a few notches.

>> No.3390217
File: 36 KB, 332x321, 1620330243304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura fanbase sperging about muh rig
>No schizo, narrative, bait post especially about Ollie
I am genius

>> No.3390219
File: 598 KB, 881x907, 1600813489384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3390220

this reads like the worst falseflag ever

>> No.3390221

The ones defending the bad rigging are barracuda SEAniggers who hate Gura.

>> No.3390226
Quoted by: >>3390281

She'll get third most views, but will easily be /vt/'s favorite outfit stream.

>> No.3390227

Do you really want to get into an epistemological argument right now?

>> No.3390230
Quoted by: >>3390261

There are a few holos, especially on the JP side, that really need to understand that there is such a thing as too horny and erotic.

>> No.3390233 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 100x100, 1620375132213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If its going to be good, i can laugh at chumbuds even harder, if its goinf to be bad, i can laugh at chumbuds AND teamates. God i am glad my oshi got the best outfit with the best rigger

>> No.3390234

i enjoy kiara and ina's outfits the most equally., but for different reasons.
kiara because it's fucking hot and 100x better than her original outfit.
ina because it fits her personality well and, well, it's just good. also forehead.
t. kfp

>> No.3390237
Quoted by: >>3390266

I assume it's a dog tail?

>> No.3390238
File: 111 KB, 1825x1201, 1615225966888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390268 >>3390297

The Gura antis sure were starving for something to shitpost about, judging by how much they are trying to milk this situation. just move on and wait to see what Gura and Cover decide to do, it's okay to be unhappy and to complain about the terrible rigging, but don't let it consume you

>> No.3390239
Quoted by: >>3390384

I don't know anything about this KAF person, probably popular in Japan but how about worldwide?? Any data for his/her music sales??

>> No.3390240

I am very tired of seeing this screenshot everyday

>> No.3390244


>> No.3390245

Fire her and let someone competent do it instead. Cover doesn't need to provide work for shit riggers.

>> No.3390246

so disaster aside, who has the best rigging in hololive? Is it new coco?

>> No.3390247 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 258x262, 1620375182712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally can't, I tried masturbating and this four sided nigger kept appearing in my mind

>> No.3390249
File: 834 KB, 1607x1080, E0rl5PUXIAIMCiN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I don't think Nabi can live up to this masterpiece.

>> No.3390250

Syringe pouch?

>> No.3390254
File: 678 KB, 647x738, 1613269606111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390425

>Ame's outfit reveal and Karaoke
>Ina's Predator watchalong
I'm really fucking excited for these streams fellas

>> No.3390255

Still prefer Mori's and Kiara's over hers, and I have a feeling I'll like Ame's outfit more too.

>> No.3390256
File: 211 KB, 1280x720, 1600445445283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390286


>> No.3390260

>White people cant work in the rice fields
You heard it here first folks

>> No.3390257

>reading comprehension

>> No.3390259

please tell down picture...

>> No.3390261

Gura being such a tease is what I love about her. You can tell she's just barely on the cusp of doing something actually lewd but she teases us and stops and leaves the possibility it was an accident even if everyone knows it isn't.

>> No.3390262

I can't wait to hear this cute British detective's British accent!

>> No.3390266
File: 79 KB, 576x576, 1614239053023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be better off not assuming that.

>> No.3390268
File: 46 KB, 200x200, 1589779204841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Gura

>> No.3390272
Quoted by: >>3390351

We don't know the exact timing of that and even if it was next week, rushing the reveal was still not a good idea.

>> No.3390274

200k view
screencap this

>> No.3390273
Quoted by: >>3390464

It's on the rigger to tell how far the artist has to draw. Or ask a quick redraw or fill it himself. The artist doesn't know how the rigger intends to deform the art, and it's not like Nacho cut it really short, it goes plenty under the shirt in the default position.
The rigger wouldn't have even needed to lower the chet, he could've just pinned the lower edge of the chest, and have it stretch slightly. There is NOTHING in that region that would look bad deformed.

>> No.3390278

gura set the bar LOW LOW LOW.
ame's outfit can only impress me at this point. also, if ame has accessories, notably glasses. i will personally apologize to chumbuds before dying of laughter.

>> No.3390281
File: 63 KB, 755x755, 1614056212386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm already assuming her viewership will be around Ina's, but the threads tomorrow are going to be fucking hysterical.

>> No.3390282


>> No.3390284


>> No.3390285

i just wanted kemonomimi moririn...

>> No.3390286

welcome to like 14 hours ago

>> No.3390287

Coco, Watame, zoombie and Chicken share the same rigger. Botan and Reine also have excellent rigging.

>> No.3390288

Yes, and Mori and Reine

>> No.3390291

Chicken and her sisters easily have the best rigging across the board, and the guy who does them literally gets better with each one

>> No.3390294

Teamate here, Ame's not going to do that. It'll be the best reveal stream (in terms of vtuber energy and charm, I mean. I imagine Kiara's outfit will still be the sexiest of them all), but she doesn't pull in the normies and tourists the way Gura does. Third place after Mori and Gura.

>> No.3390297

is extremly annoying that people are seething this hard and calling for "unjust" treatment.
Not even tatsunokos complained this bad and they deal with bad rigging for far longer.

>> No.3390300
Quoted by: >>3390350 >>3390355

Man, people were super excited for the full EN collab, but now everyone is looking towards it with dread.

>> No.3390302

Did some people unironically believe that porno movie-tier narrative?

>> No.3390303

Towa was the hottest (god I want to lick her inner thigh)
Watame was the sweetest
t. KFP

>> No.3390305
File: 96 KB, 1500x722, 1593057841042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390331 >>3390340

I think it's something strapped to her back. Something like this

>> No.3390308
File: 94 KB, 1518x975, 1620375336030..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3390312
File: 28 KB, 250x163, this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, now what?

>> No.3390316

Just look at this shit anons
I don't care how much people numberfagged against you in the past, this amount of numberfagging is not justifiable.

>> No.3390317

If gura's new costume had one of those rape alarms, it would be perfect.

>> No.3390319

>people didnt defend my JP so you shouldnt be allowed to defend your oshi
Retard logic. You are a cuck.

>> No.3390322

that's not how toes work nor is there enough mass there to spread out, unless you'd like to suggest gura has jelly for toes?

>> No.3390324

i prefer kiara's most, but as a KFP im biased.
Ina was definitely my a close second favorite though. towa third

>> No.3390326
File: 22 KB, 500x500, 1619833968084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3390329
Quoted by: >>3390343

Go to >>>/sp/ and you will noticed every bong and burger are ESL while SEAnigger and LATAM is the one who actually use over formal English.

>> No.3390330
File: 656 KB, 175x169, 1618361143729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.3390331


>> No.3390332


>> No.3390333

>Not even tatsunokos complained this bad and they deal with bad rigging for far longer.
Then they're cucks, easily. Also their oshi is not the 2nd most subscribed vtuber in the world.

>> No.3390334
Quoted by: >>3390368

>becasue the riggin is not bad enough for people to not watch it
it literally is THAT bad, anyone who is not already a fan would just see an uncanny valley doll will not stay

>> No.3390335
Quoted by: >>3390363 >>3390365

She will not tweet until she pressed the go live button on youtube
Immediately starts the stream with the full outfit
won't turn on superchats until halfway through the stream
12k peak views
numberfags will literallyshit themselves, /hlgg/ will be unusable for two weeks.
And she will just laugh.

>> No.3390338

I wish we could of gotten some of those hair styles.

>> No.3390339


>> No.3390340
File: 707 KB, 468x1232, 1b7f9abbd49f93388dab79f6a77fb87c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes more sense than another bag, yes.

>> No.3390341
File: 1.09 MB, 950x843, 1603795102934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy numberfag

>> No.3390343

>holosports is gen2
holy shit that would be kino

>> No.3390344
Quoted by: >>3390463

Oh holy shit, you guys are right, it's definitely the art, you can tell by how HORRIBLE every other holo's rigging is, right?
And you definitely can't just look back at this rigger's past works and see that it was replaced later on, you fucking retards.

>> No.3390346

Its not like this came out of no where, we knew ahead of time that if he rigged Gura's outfit again it would be bad. This just meets expectations really.

>> No.3390347

Actually all me

>> No.3390350

I fucking hate that piece of shit rigger so much for this.

>> No.3390351
Quoted by: >>3390494

Again, nothing about the reveals was rushed. Ame said that these have been in the works since last year. They had 5+ months to sort their shit out and didn't.

>> No.3390352


>> No.3390354

You simply don't know what numberfagging is, go back.

>> No.3390355

So long as Gura isn't down about it, I don't care. I just won't look at her too much or something.

>> No.3390358

based evidence digger.
also all me lol

>> No.3390360
Quoted by: >>3390469

>Put up with shit rigging for a long time
>Didn't complain
You ever think these two things are related somehow?

>> No.3390363


>> No.3390364
Quoted by: >>3390397

Pretty sure that was just one guy and besides his efforts payed off with Gura having the worst rigging in hololive. Really embarrassing

>> No.3390365

And I will spam "Based Ame" on cooldown

>> No.3390368
Quoted by: >>3390443

>anyone who is not already a fan would just see an uncanny valley doll will not stay
but normies are not complaining.just some die hard fans

>> No.3390373
Quoted by: >>3390397

It was literally 1 (UNO) guy samefagging the whole time.

>> No.3390374

You mean all posts blowing out the faggot antis like you who spent the last 3 days straight saying Gura would get trash viewers? You reap what you sow, stay mad.

>> No.3390376
File: 146 KB, 351x501, 1585805983615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those seething and coping chumkek

>> No.3390377

It's a combination of the art assets and the rigging, but just look at the comparison.
The rigger is just straight up not good and I think it's fair to be annoyed at this level of quality.

>> No.3390380

I mean, that's obviously one dude.

>> No.3390382

>known for bad rigging
>they make it WORSE
lmao, Cover, lmao

>> No.3390383

3/4 Nacho's children have are fine
All of the rig that the rigger has done are shit
Yeah it's Nacho fault

>> No.3390384
Quoted by: >>3390676

she did one of black clover's OP i think

>> No.3390386
File: 104 KB, 560x594, 1610935520284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390941

Same. It's sometimes difficult to predict when she's up and when she's gonna stream when she doesn't have a schedule put up and also to maintain it when trying to balance between her streams and Ame/Gura streams.
I didn't even know she had a members stream the other night since YouTube didn't notify me and I had spent the first two hours watching the Uno collab and Flare play DMC on my phone. I was pissed until I fell back asleep and then later that day participated in the legendary threads during Kiara's outfit reveal.
At least it'll be easier now though that I have Twitter notifications set up.
I kinda hope she fixes her schedule again so we can get some kino noon-time english study or retro game streams but I outright refuse to dictate what the princess, or any holo for that matter, should and shouldn't do so I say she should go back to it whenever she's ready

>> No.3390392

>numberfags’ oshi are numbers
Imagine my shock

>> No.3390393

What the hell LOL

>> No.3390396
Quoted by: >>3390434

>People using Gura picture to numberfag
>It-it was chumbuds I swear
Does nigger really?

>> No.3390397
Quoted by: >>3390445 >>3390596

I know it was all just one guy, I just decided to pick him out as one of the more extreme examples of why I think the shit rigging was just karma.

>> No.3390400
File: 226 KB, 810x720, 85643545345435.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390483

Could Ame survive in the jacuzzi of despair?

>> No.3390404
Quoted by: >>3390919

Rigging is so bad, it might actually stop her sub growth. I fucking love Gura despite any level of scuffed her model may be, but there is substantially smaller chance any new people would give her a chance now.

>> No.3390408


>> No.3390409
File: 177 KB, 348x600, IMG_20210507_101951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh the mamaloni extra lonnng...

>> No.3390410

Red's gura's rigging is fantastic. 5 times better than this garbage.

>> No.3390412
Quoted by: >>3391210

no, fuck you for trying to derail actual shit that needs to be talked about, go to a circlejerk thread and spam gura cute all you like there

>> No.3390413

You are so fucking dumb, why are you defending this chink rigger? Are you a zhang? Is this thread infested by bugmen defending one of their own?

>> No.3390414

I've been a lolicon for years and people would always tell me how annoying I am, but I never believed them until Hololive brought me into contact with the single largest collection of lolicons known to man. God damn are we fucking annoying.

>> No.3390419

Numberfags have no oshi, they are chameleons who latch onto whichever Holo is getting the best numbers. They've switched between Gura, Pekora, and after Mori's outfit reveal they were using her.

>> No.3390421

chumkeks CANNOT defend this

>> No.3390423

Nah. If you think she's a better singer/songwriter that's fine, but numbers-wise it's still Mori.

>> No.3390425
Quoted by: >>3390477

Is the watchalong after Ame's Karaoke or during it?

>> No.3390427

ah... the longaloni...

>> No.3390428
Quoted by: >>3390511

I don't want to be here when en2 is announced

>> No.3390431
Quoted by: >>3390519

Do you think Ina will ever do a bit during a drawing stream where she has both costumes out at once and has one labeled "Past Ina," so she can angrily stare at it and ask if she did this any time she notices a mistake?

>> No.3390433

One of the super rare instances where I can actually say, "All me" and have it be true.

>> No.3390432
File: 164 KB, 325x266, 1609217792760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390453

>he actually went back to quote all the posts that were hyping up the stream
you niggers are going soft

>> No.3390434
Quoted by: >>3390629

>There's no way one of the biggest fandoms has unironic numberfags
It's a hard pill to swallow but at least most chumbuds aren't like this

>> No.3390437


>> No.3390439


>> No.3390442

Is this long cat a meme in japan!

>> No.3390443

normies just swipe the video off

>> No.3390445

Sure but there's nothing wrong to numberfag (you know, tomorrow will happen too) like that. Of course not like that dude, that's literal autism.
All the numberfagging that came after was literally to BTFO the retards who were saying she wouldn't get high views.

>> No.3390446
Quoted by: >>3390591

no. i have the best rigging

>> No.3390449

There are no death threats.

>> No.3390450
Quoted by: >>3390488

Is mamaloni hard carrying takamori?

>> No.3390452
Quoted by: >>3390512

god imagine a gura karaoke stream with reine's god tier mouth tracking...

>> No.3390453
Quoted by: >>3390473

>hyping up the stream
you mean hyping up the numbers, not a single one of those posts mention the stream.

>> No.3390455
Quoted by: >>3390521

Gonna remember to Ina for a month just to watch Predator because it's one of my favorite action movies.

>> No.3390459

Based no one

>> No.3390460

am holding cat

>> No.3390461

While it is a bit spam and annoying, they're not actually doing anything besides regurgitating a number. They aren't explicitly comparing the size of gura's number cock to anyone else's.

>> No.3390463

I wasn't defending the rigger, they're clearly shit, but the art assets are also an issue

>> No.3390464

>The chest is art problem
see >>3390273
>The ear is art problem
A bit more tricky, but no it fucking isn't.
The biggest eyesore on the ear is the bit that goes over the one curve of dark hair. Easily fixed by moving the ear a bit more to the left and possibly deforming the width a bit smaller. There is plenty of plain single color hair for the ear to be on top of.

>> No.3390466

So you’re a retard? Gotcha

>> No.3390467

Gura should stick to her Walfie outfit until Cover does their job

>> No.3390469
Quoted by: >>3390646

Gen4 would tell you anything about unfair treatment. And they never seethe like this.
People throwing that unfair treatment card are late to the party. Doesnt matter how many subs and views she has, she had that rigger from the start.
i mean just look at people will start saying no one will watch her now and all that.

>> No.3390473
Quoted by: >>3390495

>not a single one of those posts mention the stream
what the actual fuck did you mean by this?

>> No.3390476

The long one?

>> No.3390477

3 hours before it so I hope they don't overlap at all

>> No.3390479


>> No.3390480

>Seems like people found out the rigger was Chinese or something and decided they needed an excuse to harass them
That doesn't make any sense. Nobody knew this until they started looking into who the rigger was after they were pissed off by the hackjob.

>> No.3390482
File: 49 KB, 576x576, 1620369778948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390498 >>3390529

Remember to do your smile reps, chumbuds

>> No.3390483

That's where she was born.

>> No.3390485
File: 3.98 MB, 600x480, 1606295874451.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390973

Oh my god Kiara is gonna love this one

>> No.3390486

that's fucked up

>> No.3390487

I'm a idle gamefag, i know everything about numbers going up. AMA

>> No.3390488

Have you looked at the tag? It gets plenty of art.

>> No.3390490

I have to believe that the second bag is either a dog tail or some kind of holster for a weapon. Maybe a gun. She totally asked for a weapon.

>> No.3390491

Tech illiterates don't know that a burnt GPU can actually forget to render some pixels. The background was just rendered with her CPU so that shows up but her GPU rendered costume had some holes.

>> No.3390494

I'm not saying the reveals were rushed. I'm saying Gura's likely was. There is no way people in Cover did not see the mistakes with the model, yet they let it release anyway. Barring complete incompetence which with Cover is a possabilty, they would have no reason to reveal an unfinished design except for trying to keep all the reveals within the same week. Ergo, rushed.

>> No.3390495
Quoted by: >>3390520 >>3390556

All I see in those posts and numbers anon, where is the outfit (the actual content of the stream) mentioned once?

>> No.3390497

Believe it or not, I was only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.3390498
Quoted by: >>3390563 >>3390712

>gura wants us to be happy
>people are throwing a tarantum for soething most wotn care in the long run.

>> No.3390501
Quoted by: >>3390517 >>3390611

The Coffee Gentleman is drawing Aruran

>> No.3390502
File: 377 KB, 2048x1448, 5654465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3390503
File: 30 KB, 1610x220, cast numbers aside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey, I love arguing about numbers as much as anyone, but...
>What do you actually think of the new design?

>I want to lick her.
>Pretty average (´・ω・`)
>She's not really a shark anymore
>Cute feet
>I'm glad she's become a typical grade school loli, I'm getting excited.
>Please specify if she is a cat or a shark, thank you.
>The collar being jagged is a nice touch
>A serious, full-on loli is a bit...
>This isn't numbers, who gives a shit
>A cat? Or a shark?
>I want to make her my daughter.
>I want to give her a daughter.
>I feel like they hired an amateur.
>Cuteness approved by 194,000 people
>I want to lure her into a candy shop.
>Pretty average cuteness.
>The predictions were better than the genuine article.
>Don't care.
>It's a bit meh compared to the original. I'm fucking sick of cat ears.
>It's cute, what did you expect?
>Well, it's better than Kiara, at least.
>It's not amazing, but it's not like it's bad either.
>It's cute, but her original design is too perfect.
>Sure, it's cute, but isn't it a little plain?
>Tako-sensei's new outfit was too good, I can't see straight anymore.
>The second I saw the painted nails on her feet, I loved it.
>For lolicons.
>It's very safe.
>It's fine, but I was hoping for the second coming. It's not quite there.
>I like the default costume more.
>Supes cute.

>> No.3390504

RIP Longcat

>> No.3390505
File: 179 KB, 369x389, 1620292398669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate riggers

>> No.3390506

>the walfie outfit is actually 10x more competent that her official new one
Why did you make this connection, now I'm even more depressed for fuck's sake.

>> No.3390508
File: 1.30 MB, 966x2045, RIGGER HATE6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds more like you found out the rigger was Chinese and decided this was an excuse to defend her consistently and demonstrably shitty work.
Look at the ears. Look at the face. Look at this shit

>> No.3390509
File: 792 KB, 800x564, 1620375715282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that Gura pretty much killed and buried numberfagging for good where do we go from here?
That was like 4 Tokyo Domes worth of people. Is there anyone or anything that can come even close to those numbers?

>> No.3390510
Quoted by: >>3390589


Nene's is even greater, pretty sure she has the best Live2D model at the moment

>> No.3390511

If that rigger did anyone in EN2 I will flip my fucking shit

>> No.3390512

Reine's model and rigging are so fucking good.

>> No.3390518
Quoted by: >>3390554

That would've happened already when she gave a shout out to her furry viewers.

>> No.3390517

ah... the lackaloni...

>> No.3390519
File: 698 KB, 3508x2480, 1616730053543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'd be great, I've wanted Ame to do that with her Walfie model.

>> No.3390520
Quoted by: >>3390550

they're talking about the numbers in the waiting room, the stream hasn't started yet

>> No.3390521

>Gonna remember to Ina for a month
>That means this anon will forget Ina after a month

>> No.3390523

>we're blamed to be the ones that are sending death threats to that chink rigger
feels bad

>> No.3390526

That's nothing. I've been blamed for shitposting in threads I didn't post in, on boards I wasn't using, on days I wasn't online for, several times.
I have also been replying to a schizo, and somebody join in on the conversation, only to call the person I was arguing with me.
I've also had a person use one post of mine as evidence to support the argument they were making against another post of mine.
And finally, I've asked a question once, only for another friendly anon to tell me about and warn me to keep a heads up out for...myself.
It's actually really fun because I get to do archive reps to find out what the fuck happened to cause this, it's often a fun trip.

>> No.3390527
File: 95 KB, 1000x650, Ewcj5bBVEAY_kxr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390623 >>3390651

I just want Gura to be happy, I'm angry about the rigger being a nigger, but I don't like that the outrage might make her unhappy, even if cover needs this fire lit under their ass.

>> No.3390529
Quoted by: >>3390559 >>3390817

I cant, not until I hear what Gura thinks about all this. I need to know if she doesn't care, cares and plans to fix it, or cares but cant/couldn't fix it.

>> No.3390530

That's... unironically actually genius. God I wish she would do this.

>> No.3390534

>Well, it's better than Kiara, at least.
kek. chumbuds really believe this

>> No.3390535

they blame 4chan hackerman for all their antis

>> No.3390536

That's not Mori.

>> No.3390537

They REALLY like Ina's outfit, huh?

>> No.3390538

Ina's forehead blinded that guy. Thats my priestess.

>> No.3390540
Quoted by: >>3390551

So, I think Gura originally planned to do her karaoke stream AFTER revealing the new outfit, getting the boost and all, but realized that it was complete shit (even without the ears, the face shears like 30 degrees) and decided to do it before, that might be why she did not prepared all the songs she said she wanted
Also, she planned her one week vacation after this too, might be related

>> No.3390544
File: 73 KB, 224x174, 1620151341378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His shitty rigging is also probably the reason for that story of Gura loading into a test stream without clothes

>> No.3390545
Quoted by: >>3390552 >>3390561

Why are you still awake, Ame?

>> No.3390546


>> No.3390547
File: 161 KB, 598x425, 1620375996891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3390550

Oh wow I didn't realize that chumbuds cared more about the numbers that Gura would get than the outfit that she would get. Yknow I guess I just kind of assumed that if you wanted to hype up an outfit reveal stream you would talk about... the actual outfit...

>> No.3390551

>gura hoped the goldfish memory of the internet would forget

>> No.3390552

Its 1:30 bro.

>> No.3390554
Quoted by: >>3390583

Wait did that happen? Your not just messing with me are you?

>> No.3390555
File: 35 KB, 112x112, 1612729653810.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to bed. this day was fucking something jesus.

>> No.3390556

Anon the posts you linked is before when the stream starts. I mean I agree numberfagging detracts from the actual discussion but you're not helping your own case here

>> No.3390557

based and trinitypilled

>> No.3390558 [SPOILER] 
File: 599 KB, 774x758, 1620376062941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3390559

>I need to know if she doesn't care, cares and plans to fix it, or cares but cant/couldn't fix it.
yeah lets put more pressure on gura, is not enough with people being assholes to her rigger. She also needs to tell you what to do with your life so you can move on.
just stop watching her.

>> No.3390561

Dude it's like 3-4 hours until Ame falls asleep for 2 hours then spends another hour or two on twitter in bed and then sleeps for another 2-3 hours.

>> No.3390563
Quoted by: >>3390601

It literally makes her brand new outfit she was super excited about impossible to watch. And Cover is trying to ban and delete any mention of it and sweep it under the rug. If you're not furious about this it's because you're a fucking anti and need to kill yourself.

>> No.3390564

Idk but watching them play makes me want to play also, and I didn't expect her at all to start playing Apex. Reine said that she liked rpg games mostly iirc.

>> No.3390565
Quoted by: >>3390587

Has Astel improved with CB?

>> No.3390566
Quoted by: >>3390584 >>3390592

it'll be the same incoherent screeching as her debut. she still does that right? haven't watched her since.

>> No.3390567

Even there she lives rent free

>> No.3390569

Sneak peek...

>> No.3390570

>makes burner account with rune names and translated complaint courtesy of DeepL

>> No.3390572

>This is good
>This is CRINGE

Kek, you lot are too obvious. Try harder next time, no one cares anymore ;^)

>> No.3390573
Quoted by: >>3390620 >>3390699

Nah no way, only a small percentage actually noticed and of those very few would actually dislike the video itself even if they complain.

>> No.3390574

You should be used to it by now.

>> No.3390577

That's a cute Chuck E. Cheese animatronic

>> No.3390578
File: 86 KB, 367x340, 1605851607967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now have sex with them Ame

>> No.3390579

>That was like 4 Tokyo Domes worth of people. Is there anyone or anything that can come even close to those numbers?
HoloEN's 3D debut, obviously

>> No.3390580

I can't believe Mamaloni is a tribalist trinityfag who hates takamori...

>> No.3390581

>old gura outfit
mamaloni HATES new outfit!

>> No.3390582

So currently whos in the lead in this Fashion Runway week? Will Ame surprise everyone at the end of the relay with the best outfit tonight?

All I'm seeing is either Towa or Calli, with some biased opinion for Ina or Kiara.

>> No.3390583
Quoted by: >>3390607

Yes but only because she had just finished making fun of them and didn't want to anger them.

>> No.3390584
File: 2.80 MB, 362x436, Together[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjv9ibu.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390621 >>3390723

She's more like this now.

>> No.3390586

she's here. coping and seething with us, comforfing gura probably too

>> No.3390587
Quoted by: >>3390655

He finally discovered Savage Axe mode today and he's having a shitload of fun with it

>> No.3390589


>> No.3390590

>numberfagging is dead
>how do we bring it back
kill yourself

>> No.3390591

your papa is shit anon

>> No.3390592

very weak bait but it just worked so who am I to judge

>> No.3390596

>people hitposting vaguely using some chubas image
>it's only fair for that chuba to be sabotaged and involved in drama
fuck off, imagine being happy of someone unrelated to the shitposting being hurt because "wah the fanbase is a little annoying guize"

>> No.3390599
File: 2.54 MB, 1052x1916, 88401633_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue woman good.

>> No.3390600
Quoted by: >>3390717

They did they put an arena mode in APEX? They somehow made APEX even more boring than it already is which is pretty impressive I have to say.

>> No.3390601
Quoted by: >>3390667 >>3390679

>impossible to watch
yeah if this stops you from watchign gura then i dont know what to say man, im guessing you are just being retarded on prupose so have (you) i guess.

>> No.3390604
Quoted by: >>3390617

Morning anons(for me it's morning). How was gura's stream and these threads? I saw it peaked around 195k and what I'm assuming was 6 threads full of nothing but UOOOOOOOOOH. Was it actually her original rigger?

>> No.3390605


>Now kiss!

>> No.3390606
Quoted by: >>3390631

Cover, it's not that hard to ask one of these 3 fuckers to do the rigging.
literally any of would have improved Gura's shit rigging by leaps and bounds.

>> No.3390607

Im going to believe this because I could see her doing that.

>> No.3390609

I reckon EN 3D will get three MCGs.

>> No.3390610
Quoted by: >>3390686 >>3390708

Can someone point out where the death threats are even coming from? I havent seen anything even resembling it in any of these threads, including the specific rigger hate threads, and after skimming the entire twitter thread there isnt anything there either.
Did someone literally just make up that threats were being sent despite nothing of the sort being done? Like even the worst posts in the twitter thread is just people pointing out that they did a bad job

>> No.3390611

I forgot that Pizza Dad and Flare are siblings

>> No.3390613

3D debut

>> No.3390615

Death threats that do not even exist

>> No.3390616


I don't like this thumbnail

>> No.3390617


>> No.3390618

Wait, would it be a good idea to dislike Gura's outfit reveal to demonstrate that people are actually upset to Cover? It's not like dislikes do anything bad to the channel but if the video gets at least a thousand dislikes it would show that people do actually care and it's not just a couple of loud individuals.

>> No.3390620

pretty sure it's not "a small percentage" when even reddit of all places is down-bombing those who defend it

>> No.3390621

Nigger there is no sound

>> No.3390622

Doesn't it have Denuvo?...

>> No.3390623
Quoted by: >>3390700

It is out of everyone's control. Gura's fanbase is too big and when this mass of people gets angry, it's very hard to cool them down. I think anything short of official announcement (not just a noncommittal reddit comment) that they will, indeed, fix at least the most glaring problem will result in more anger.

>> No.3390625


I wasn't around for Gura's stream but this is too based to be true

>> No.3390626


>> No.3390627

>Ina's hair squishy winding around arm flexibly, like a tentacle

>> No.3390629
Quoted by: >>3390722

> but at least most chumbuds aren't like this
then you agree the fucker going "this is karma, chumbuds deserve this" is wrong then, because that was the main point of the discussion

>> No.3390631

even date, who is just sort of average I guess, would have been better

>> No.3390635

>where do we go from here?
we're about to enter the "harassing people related to the chubas" arc, Gura's rigger is the first victim

>> No.3390643

There are no death threats. Repeating the same lie will not make it come true.

>> No.3390644

>just stop watching her.
You couldn't be more obviously a concern trolling anti seething over her numbers today. Fuck off out of this thread.

>> No.3390645

All I see is anons using this cool event to be my oshi's outfit is better then yours shit flinging.

>> No.3390646
File: 262 KB, 512x512, Break My Stride[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fax2f80.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390777

>Luna's gotten screwed over countless times and sometimes at the expense of the whole group deciding not to use their fancy new things at all so she doesn't feel left out
>Towa's yab, the response and the solution
>No costumes except New Years outfits for nearly a year and a half
>Literally every single thing involving Coco
>Watame's manager rejecting stuff like the mouse pad among other things
>Have no memory of anything from Kanata since I was really late to watching her compared to everyone else but I'm absolutely certain she's gone through some shit with management too
Gen 4...had a hard life

>> No.3390647
File: 173 KB, 959x305, 1608355058819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3390651

I think the photo she Tweeted where she tries her best to hide every single defect of her outfit is a huge hint that she knows that it fucking sucks.

>> No.3390652

>This isn't numbers, who gives a shit

>> No.3390653

>4 tokyo domes got to witness how the EN's are getting holostar levels of treatment

>> No.3390654

Oh fuck off, all I want to know is her thoughts.

>> No.3390655
Quoted by: >>3390703

Nice. SA is great fun in World, spin to win on a downed enemy feels so fucking good.

>> No.3390657

no, the reveal was good. Rigger hate doesn't need any strategems at this point: they know the rigger is hated.

>> No.3390658

Like the video for Gura, send Cover an email saying that Gura and Nacho are fine, but a new rigger is desperately needed.

>> No.3390659

For me it's
Kiara > Mori > Towa > Watame > Kanata > Ina > Ayame > Gura

>> No.3390667

Can you just fuck off dumbass ESL? Her face fucking sheers into a warped transformed plane whem she looks to the side. Yeah its pretty much unwatchable.

>> No.3390670
File: 181 KB, 436x456, 1593890032163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just looks to me like "chumbuds" are timelooping this argument to drag it out and derail the thread permanently. Personally I've long stopped engaging.

>> No.3390671
Quoted by: >>3390738

>be cover
>make hololive EN to appease gaijin scum
>haha maybe they get 100k subs in a few years
>stupid American shark gets 5 gorillion subscriptions
>seethe and tell jp holos to ignore her
>arrange new costume reveals for EN, pay shark rigger to fuck it up
>watch disgusting foreigner fanbase get mad at rigger and upset shark
>shark gets sad and wants to graduate
>replace her with japanese multilingual and integrate shark2.0 with JP branch

>> No.3390673

Nah, the stream was fine, Gura was very enthusiastic about her outfit, and clearly excited.
If you have a complaint about the rigger - send it directly to Cover.

>> No.3390674
File: 386 KB, 1000x500, 1619510338829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Gura has the most antis out of everyone in hololive? Why are there so many faggots seething about her outfit and shitting on her?
You scum are even breaking containment. Is there schizo meds shortage in jakarta or something?

>> No.3390676

Can you give me the link? I want to watch her.
Also how about sales chart or popularity worldwide??

>> No.3390677
Quoted by: >>3390706

> is not enough with people being assholes to her rigger
>does a shit job
>gets shit
nothing wrong with that

>> No.3390679
Quoted by: >>3390736

ok nigger, not even reddit agrees with you on that one

>> No.3390680
File: 473 KB, 2422x3425, E0nlcqoVkAUwYqO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390773

You guys aren't fucking with us that Matsuri and Coco had to fix their own rigs are you?
Like they had to do cover's job for them, they payed that shit themselves.

You guys are NOT joking right?

>> No.3390684
Quoted by: >>3390868

Okay but how did they react to the numbers?

>> No.3390685

Ame has been a mute for months you insensitive fuck.

>> No.3390687

The bias is definitely Towa.

>> No.3390686

>Can someone point out where the death threats are even coming from?
There arent any, it's bullshitting gura antis trying to make chumbuds seem like bad guys to turn public opinion against them before they actually manage to get Cover to fix this horseshit.

>> No.3390691
File: 833 KB, 2700x1350, E0vyiK2VUAIvTDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390702 >>3390841


>> No.3390692

Anybody here got a useful filter for the rigging 'discussion?

>> No.3390693
File: 45 KB, 432x540, 1605376069976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390713

I'm just seething no stop, that's literally it.

>> No.3390696
Quoted by: >>3390814

There are still people in this thread that deny chumbuds aren’t numberfags?

>> No.3390697
Quoted by: >>3390772

how about going outside?

>> No.3390699
Quoted by: >>3390744

I disliked the video for that reason. Should I not have?

>> No.3390698
File: 89 KB, 721x721, 1609642901031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yea I think everyone got swept up in the rigger hate and no ones asked what the "surprise" coming at the end of the month could be. It's probably one of her 3 remaining songs, but will it be her first original song?

>> No.3390700

This. If they dont announce something before the group collab this will get ugly.

>> No.3390701
File: 305 KB, 395x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this rigger nigger's work all look like michael keaton's batman

>> No.3390702

I'm gonna mogumogu those leggings

>> No.3390703

If you haven't played Rise yet, it doesn't have that satisfying hot knife through butter feeling that it has in World, but it refills phials as you hit the monster with it so you can just keep swinging until you have to sheathe or morph. It's still really fun.

>> No.3390704

Who needs antis with fans like these

>> No.3390705

Her own original song is my guess.

>> No.3390706
Quoted by: >>3390775

Yes there is

>> No.3390708

This is the spin just like how SEAnigs like to exaggerate how a multitude of chumbuds supposedly dogpiled Loafy

>> No.3390710
Quoted by: >>3390734 >>3390768


>> No.3390711

are you blind?
are you really defending cover for this one?
do you really think no one noticed it before showing it?
the EN's even showed it to each other, 100% sure Ina noticed it

>> No.3390712
Quoted by: >>3390755

gura also said she didn't wanted us to blindly like anything she was involved with it

>> No.3390714

I believe it is her first original.

>> No.3390713
File: 38 KB, 678x563, 1600034229328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390809 >>3390812

Do something better with your time until the next Gura stream then. Channel your frustrations elsewhere rather than a mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.3390717

Its more fun to watch now at least, since deathmatch mode is non stop action.

>> No.3390719

Yes, close /hlgg/ and do your reps. Best filter imo

>> No.3390722

I was just saying that there are actual numberfags in Gura's fanbase. The post I replied to implied that the numbers poster was just a falseflagger. Obviously no fanbase's oshi deserves shitty rigging just because of a few retards

>> No.3390723
Quoted by: >>3390757 >>3390896

Wtf when was this? How many goslings showed up in the thread when this happened?

>> No.3390732

Yeah, you can leave.

>> No.3390734


>> No.3390735

Just walk away from the screen

>> No.3390736
Quoted by: >>3390937

yeah i guess all of reddit will stop watching gura everytime she uses her new outfit.

>> No.3390738

Gura is essentially an indie with a close relationship with HoloEN

>> No.3390740

The 5 songs are originals, the 2 collabs do not count.

>> No.3390742

That's just a side-effect of her audience size. Youtube treats likes and dislikes as positive engagement anyway.

>> No.3390744

It basically does nothing. I think it even boosts it for the algorithm. You do you.

>> No.3390745

It’s obviously a song anon

>> No.3390748

Remember how many anons thought Gura would drop her original outfit for good after this?

>> No.3390755
Quoted by: >>3390797 >>3390850

i dont think she want us to throw shit in public at him.

>> No.3390757

Thread got gosling'd to hell and back. I think it was during last supersunday?

>> No.3390760
File: 679 KB, 2174x2746, 1618698130986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a good Lamy.

>> No.3390761

Hard to say. If you really want to know, wait until Ame reveals her outfit and then add up all the ratings in the rating thread to see which one anons prefer. Mori and Towa seems about right, for me personally anyways.

>> No.3390762
Quoted by: >>3390787 >>3391227

The real question is why did gura decide to get the most mediocre outfit possible?

>> No.3390763
Quoted by: >>3390821

so did chammers cancel her ASMR stream or did i simply miss it?

>> No.3390764

We basically got robbed of a new outfit for our oshi, and now SEAniggers and gura haters are trying to make her fans look bad for being rightfully upset for her. No shit we're mad.
Yes. There are a FUCKING lot of us and this isn't going away until that rigger is gone and nacho-mamas hard work is given the proper treatment it deserves.

>> No.3390767
Quoted by: >>3390865

I sent email to Cover and will actually harras rigger twitter if they don't have any good intention to fix this.

>> No.3390768
File: 2.26 MB, 1013x2156, 89604619_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

accept Blue into your heart

>> No.3390772
Quoted by: >>3390824

Sure, shoot me your address while I'm going too, then I can also show what it actually means to do something

>> No.3390773
Quoted by: >>3390830 >>3390880

Kiara literally said she comissioned her stream layout herself during their DEBUT period and Lamy also revealed she almost went broke one time due her investing on her own merch.
Pretty much 90% of the stuff that the girls get and give are from their own pocket.

>> No.3390775
Quoted by: >>3390991

no, there isn't you consumer slave

>> No.3390777
Quoted by: >>3390835

(Adding to my own post) Still though the fact that they've had all this shit happen to them yet not a single one of them has quit and continue to do the things they do gives me a ton of respect for them.
Same with Gen 5 and if anything it made me feel a lot closer to them since I had been following them in particular since debut.

>> No.3390778

>You are now aware that all of Gura's siblings, who basically operate on like 20$ budget, have better rigging than Gura
How does this make you feel?

>> No.3390780

Towa for me. But i really, REALLY like ina's forehead

>> No.3390782

The antis are the ones trying to stop this discussion dumbfuck. They want gura to be stuck with a botched outfit.

>> No.3390785

>there is a timeline where Gura's model was superbly rigged and everyone was happy and Gura went to bed an even happier shark

>> No.3390787
Quoted by: >>3390883

>japanese company struggles to build
>flash in the pan white girl from USA takes everyone's attention
it was intentional

>> No.3390789

I have yet to see a single post on twitter, reddit, or youtube of anybody actually harassing or threatening the rigger.

>> No.3390795
File: 206 KB, 820x512, 1620376805184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people really complaining about Gura's rigging? Where were you faggots back in september? Fucking newfags.
Also her scuffed rigging adds to the soul. She would look completely soullesss with Kiara's and Mori's forced animation tier rigging.

>> No.3390797

throwing shit is literally the only way this has a chance to be fixed, so too bad

>> No.3390799

Gura gets dislikes based simply on being the popular anime vtuber girl the same way forgottenweapons gets a set amount of dislikes for having gun-related content. It's just grudgeposting

>> No.3390800
File: 58 KB, 575x596, bullshitschitzoautist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted a min ago about not thinking there were any real death threats but because im a schitzo autist i also read through the entire thread on the rigger's tweet and theres literally on 3 actually even vaguelly rude comments on the entire thing, so unless every single other person who was being rude about it went private or got suspended then the entire thing about people harassing the rigger is actual bullshit.

>> No.3390803

chumfucks cant win EVERYTHING

>> No.3390806

shut the fuck up

>> No.3390808
File: 392 KB, 1168x611, 1620347903883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3390809

But this is the best place to vent. It's like screaming into the void, except the void will ocasionally call you a faggot.

>> No.3390812

I'm not even looking forward to her next stream anymore because of her possible reaction to this whole thing.

>> No.3390814

>gets BTFO on the rigger discussion
>tries to switch up tactics to numberfagging while giving away whats on his mind rent free and driving him to antipost

>> No.3390817
Quoted by: >>3390874

Or just take your fucking meds.

>> No.3390818

Right here!

>> No.3390819

They always go
>muh death threads
to deflect any criticism

>> No.3390820

I dunno about an original song. Gura said we'd hear more about it soon and I doubt that she'd announce things that early if it was a song.

>> No.3390821

She's a fucking mess. I can't imagine being a Haaton at this point.

>> No.3390822
File: 1.02 MB, 1500x1812, 87231275_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about something positive, chumbuddies. Which fanart did you guys like the most? I liked the cyberpunk techno mask one. It was cute and cool at the same time!

>> No.3390824

bro I'm not ready for that kind of relationship...

>> No.3390825

how was the threads during guras stream?

>> No.3390830

Cover didn't even have a spare beat up mic to lend Kiara during debut. Anya. Yeah cover literally does jack shit.

>> No.3390835

gen4 had it the hardest but that didnt stop them. People thing a medicore rigging is gonna make gura depressive or people stop watching her.
while i understand the dissapointment i think the seethe here is artifical.

>> No.3390839
Quoted by: >>3390913 >>3390927

Does Gura realize her rigging is bad? I don't want to have to watch her next few streams only to get distracted by the rigging. Hopefully she uses the walfie outfit or her old one more

>> No.3390840
File: 110 KB, 610x1142, 412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've checked it a few times over the last six hours. Never saw a death threat. Picrel is the worst of what I saw and originally posted to the thread.

>> No.3390841


>> No.3390843

He's based for the oppai thing, but otherwise fuck that guy.

>> No.3390847
Quoted by: >>3390875

Numberfaggotry up in the ass, cunny erotic, cute and funny, thats all.

>> No.3390848
File: 1.80 MB, 1080x1654, Screenshot_20210507-014225-654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390897 >>3390956

the 2hus...

>> No.3390850

Then he shouldn't have fucked up so bad.

>> No.3390852

The Gura stream is over, you can leave now, tourist.

>> No.3390853
File: 15 KB, 607x83, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390975

>> No.3390855

Maybe it's my bad memory but people seem angrier about this than when Coco and Haachama got suspended.

>> No.3390856

RAYMOO shork
I'm sad she didn't show it

>> No.3390858

So fast it got stickied. Then Gura's superbly rigged model appeared and everything imploded.

>> No.3390859

I'm about this close from writing a script that makes these threads unusable and is ban and range ban proof. I really hope you all calm down or I begin to forget your existence because all I want is a functional thread, but if I can't have one, I don't see why any of you should be able to either.

>> No.3390861

Unspecific rumors and suspiciously cherrypicked examples of death threats are the bread and butter of current year criticism deflection.

>> No.3390864
Quoted by: >>3390914

>riggin is not bad enough for people to not watch it
I guarantee you if someone new to vtubers popped into a Gura stream and saw that awful perspective warping as she turns her head it would turn them off the entire genre. The point is for them to look like moving anime characters, whereas this just looks uncanny and alien. Of course her pre-existing fans will stick around.

>> No.3390865

>and will actually harras rigger twitter
That won't do nothing but getting you banned and giving more bullets to NPC to dismiss any criticism

>> No.3390866

What kind of cope is this, I want to see good rigging for fucks sake. I want more animations so there better reactions. :(

>> No.3390869
File: 153 KB, 1470x1359, waO2O6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390898 >>3390925

But its funny that her model moves the way it does. Am I alone in thinking that

>> No.3390868
File: 133 KB, 358x353, 1620071085729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because summarizing tens of thousands of posts is a little extreme, I'll just give you a rundown of some of their thread titles during an immediately following Gura's reveal

>The Return of the King #2627
>Nijifag's Grave #2629
>Newfag Kindergarten #2630
>Aqua will get 200k for her sololive as well, just you wait and see #2632
>Kuzuha Is Still The Best! #2633
>Average Views are the Most Important #2634
>Max Views are All That Matter #2635
>Penis #2639
>Nijisanji... You guys picked the wrong fight #2640
>Retard Only Thread #2641

They've been having a fun day.

>> No.3390872

I can't even look at them anymore without getting sad...

>> No.3390873

>>I want to make her my daughter.
>>I want to give her a daughter.

>> No.3390874

Kiss my ass, that'll make me happy. Go on.

>> No.3390875

Oh and toes.

>> No.3390880

The fact that SEA autist still believe Kiara is Cover's favorite child when she, like all the girls, spend from their own money to fund a lot of the stuff they had is amusing.
Like, did no one ever thought the accesories are an extra the girls had to pay and the only thing Cover provided is just the new outfit?

>> No.3390883

>white girl

>> No.3390884

I'm seething anon, let me seethe here

>> No.3390885

Risu/Gura/Anya/Iofi/1.0 Coco/1.0 Ayame

>> No.3390887

These fuckers like to fight against a "they" rather than an argument, idea, or criticism.

>> No.3390888

>wants a functional thread

>> No.3390890
Quoted by: >>3391052 >>3391124

there is also these>>3388952
and pretty sure i can find more, there was a pair of spic ones too talking in english telling him he should get fired.

>> No.3390895

This is exactly why people are so pissed. That faggot who called fans "entitled" needs to kill himself, no one is upset over minor little nitpicky issues - the rigging is HORRENDOUS and completely outclassed by random indie 2views.

>> No.3390896
Quoted by: >>3391087



>> No.3390897

to be fair that is a really good 2hu

>> No.3390898


>> No.3390907

This just looks like a boy though

>> No.3390910

The problem is that it’s somehow even more scuffed when people were hoping for improvements.

>> No.3390913

If she didn't before, she does now.

>> No.3390914
Quoted by: >>3391321

coco and matsuri existed for long.

>> No.3390916

It's the biggest actual yab Cover has had in a while, the rrats have been stuck timelooping 10 year old Kiara drama and flat out making shit up about Ollie out of boredom.

>> No.3390915

Fast and unusuable. Don’t bother. Post stream threads would give you an idea on what happened though

>> No.3390919

Anon, her original model has subpar rigging as well, and that doesn't seem to have stunted her growth.
Now, this one is admittedly worse, but she'll probably just use the alt outfit when obligated and continue using the original otherwise.

>> No.3390918

The one she hid from Susan. I would post it but I don't have it.

>> No.3390922

Boohoo faggot.

>> No.3390926

pretty much all serafuku ones were top tier

>> No.3390927

>Does Gura realize her rigging is bad?
In her first collab with Ame I think she said it was bad, yes I know you're talking about the new one but wanted to throw that out

>> No.3390925


>> No.3390928

J**, how were the sharkie's numbers?

>> No.3390929

I've been here since September. Its not much to ask that the girl who ended up being the biggest star of holoEN and honestly hololive as a whole be given better treatment the second time around than the absolute worst rigger Cover has to offer. The real kick in the teeth isn't that he didn't improve, though, it's that he made it noticeably fucking WORSE somehow.

>> No.3390930
File: 357 KB, 844x471, 1612746214568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390951 >>3391055


>> No.3390935

Your memory IS bad, though it's pretty close.

>> No.3390937
Quoted by: >>3390982 >>3390985

they stopped removing comments since 3 hours ago, everyone defending it is getting downvoted to automatic removal
the OFFICIAL thread was made 14 hours ago, it only has 5.3k upvotes
Mel karaoke from 9 hours ago has 18.9k upvotes, if you think that Mel getting more upvotes than Gura on her fucking 200k viewers on her outfit reveal is not a sign that something it REALLY bad, then you are missing a lot of information
the fucking Aruran 100k subs post has more upvotes than Gura, think about it

>> No.3390941

I don't try to bend my schedule anymore and just watch live if its convenient and the rest vods. A bit sad but I got used to it.

>> No.3390940

Technically Gura does have the purse and cat ears as accessories.

>> No.3390944
Quoted by: >>3390970

194K peak live viewers.

>> No.3390945


>> No.3390946

Do Takoshits really?

>> No.3390947

oooh scary

>> No.3390951
Quoted by: >>3391010

Alter Kiara made me hard yesterday.

>> No.3390956

Good 2hu art never gets old.

>> No.3390959

anyone going "death threats!" is just trying to end the discussion, ignore them

>> No.3390960
Quoted by: >>3390972

>Turkey experiencing GAMERS MOMENTS live

So Apex is really that popular?

>> No.3390970
File: 282 KB, 434x734, 1620304020676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3390983

So close, shame. Happy for her though.

>> No.3390972
Quoted by: >>3390999

what hapened?

>> No.3390973

I love this birb

>> No.3390975

I mean I guess. If they have ass/thighs yea they look great, if they don't it doesn't suddenly make them look better. Flat into big butt/thighs is amazing.

>> No.3390976

Not quite, but close. Few people are calling for Cover to be boycotted entirely over this, we just want it fixed, it isnt that hard for them to hire another rigger.

The Coco and Haachama situation had people seriously discussing alternatives to hololive if all the girls graduated and started their own agency.

>> No.3390980
File: 782 KB, 1240x940, 1608233294303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391003 >>3391069

there's niggers doing it for $10 burgerbux anon

>> No.3390982
Quoted by: >>3391179

megathreads are conteinment since they never get high votes, you can see that in the May 2021 mega threds.
Not sure what proves there, they are there for dscussion not the susual karam farming and art/meme posting that gets the high votes.
Also mel karaoke was posted by Mel herself.

>> No.3390983
Quoted by: >>3391034

I don't really numberfag, but it would have been nice if she dragged it out maybe 10 minutes longer so we could get that nice and cool 200k.

>> No.3390985
Quoted by: >>3391179

You're out of your mind if you think reddit comments mean shit to cover.
They literally treat their reddit mods like interns, to the point that none of them even knew miko had a twitch channel made, what makes you think they'd hold any amount of sway over what cover actually does?

>> No.3390987
File: 599 KB, 996x868, Au.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>functional thread

>> No.3390988
File: 184 KB, 322x314, 1596517676257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Script kiddie thinks he is a threat

>> No.3390991

Could you just not think of a valid insult?

>> No.3390992

highest numbers in the story of chuubas atm...but taking in mind the conditions of her rigging it would have been better if this wasnt the case

>> No.3390998

Based as fuck. Chumbuds are numberniggers just like Takos now matter how hard they try to deny it

>> No.3390999
Quoted by: >>3391030

She is playing the Arenas and the game chat is being fucking awful.
She was asking how to mute chat

>> No.3391003

Would probably be better than the chink bitch rigging kek

>> No.3391005
File: 1.69 MB, 1752x2492, Screenshot_20210507-114856_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3391009

>Waaahh stop talking about things I don't want to!
How about you fuck off instead? If you hate the discussion, it only makes sense to leave.

>> No.3391010
Quoted by: >>3391037 >>3391059

>Alter Kiara
I didn't get to watch half of the Takamori collab and the superchat reading stream following that
Looks like I have something to look forward to for my archive reps

>> No.3391012

>rig has clipping and transparency issues, as well as the usual stiffness and flat-facedness of this rigger's work

>> No.3391015

If there were any actual death threats you know we would have posted it all up and down these threads like twenty times by now, yeah.

>> No.3391016

do it mr. hackerman

>> No.3391019
Quoted by: >>3391043

I miss Ame.

>> No.3391022

>watch yt video on babbys first hello world
>goes full chuuni

>> No.3391023

Just admit you're coping because you can't numberfag anymore

>> No.3391024

>back in september
>where they expected ID numbers
yeah, I'll let it slide, >we didnt expected them to explode too
>2.600,000 subs
>almost the most sub vtuber
>literally made history today
I can't let that pass

>> No.3391025

Your memory is bad

>> No.3391030

i'll have to check the VOD since i'm also watching her and heard her complain but have the chat blocked by this thread

>> No.3391032

Gura's rigger here.

I did this because I want to see her cry. Isn't it fun to watch a cute girl break down? Especially when you caused it. It makes you feel like she belongs only to you.

>> No.3391033

People were legit making death threats mostly genocide threats during the suspension arc; in contrast none of this has resulted in any real threatmaking yet - not even on twitter

>> No.3391034

It'd have been a rather nice milestone to achieve, a round number is always pleasant to basically everyone. No shame in admitting that.

>> No.3391036
File: 71 KB, 371x210, 1611339973835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon script kiddie, make the thread unusable. I wanna see it.

>> No.3391037

It's towards the end of the SC reading.
Watch the ITT collab too, it was kino.

>> No.3391038
File: 55 KB, 155x162, 1602305313010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chumbuds are numberniggers just like Takos
Try all you want. You can't tarnish our reputation.

>> No.3391041


>> No.3391040
File: 18 KB, 866x162, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even reddit is pissed

>> No.3391043

Only 13 more hours

>> No.3391044
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1604265691154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not going to get fixed is it?

>> No.3391047

When will this fuckers will surrender to cunny.
Their fucking rosties oshis never had a chance againts pristine cunny.
Seethe retard

>> No.3391049


>> No.3391052
Quoted by: >>3391260

Are you really trying to convince people that 'he should get fired for this' constitutes a death threat?

>> No.3391055

I will wait for more alter Kiara

>> No.3391056
Quoted by: >>3391089

go back

>> No.3391057
File: 74 KB, 516x574, 1619685134266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391092

Ina's chest, very flat

>> No.3391054
File: 33 KB, 408x448, 1611809674344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3391059

Have fun. All of Kiara's streams this week have been really good

>> No.3391061


>> No.3391064
Quoted by: >>3391089

>implying reddit means literally anything
go back

>> No.3391066


>> No.3391067
File: 33 KB, 172x140, 1610925600999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

takodachis? pfff, more like TakoDORKis

>> No.3391068

Of course not

>> No.3391069

Koopa said that Mori(-level) rigger charges like 1500 bucks. Keffy most likely even more.
But surely, Gura can/could afford it.

>> No.3391070

put up or shut up, bitch.

>> No.3391071

No. Her 2nd outfit will also have the same rigger.

>> No.3391072

The clipping and transparency will be fixed. The shit movement and other rigging issues will not be.

>> No.3391076

That hammerhead shark hat Ina drew for her was so cute. God I wish the rigger fuckery hadn't happened and we were still talking about the good moments like that. I am furious.

>> No.3391079
Quoted by: >>3391089

Defenestrate yourself

>> No.3391080

>Isn't it fun to watch a cute girl break down?
But she enjoyed it a lot... You failed, sorry. But you made chumbuds cry, we all knew you were a faggot!

>> No.3391082
File: 154 KB, 820x2000, E0xSn29VUAMKqbw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391160

Look at this schoolgirl Ame.

>> No.3391083
Quoted by: >>3391101

I didnt watch it all I fell asleep, did she really cry ?

>> No.3391087

Heh. Goslings always make me laugh.

>> No.3391088
Quoted by: >>3391176

>KFP trying extremely hard to cope

>> No.3391089
Quoted by: >>3391116 >>3391125

reddit and twitter are the only places that matter to management, so i'm checking to see if they have a similar opinion on the rigger hate.

>> No.3391090
Quoted by: >>3391267

It's already been rerigged. You'll see in her next stream.

>> No.3391092

Ame doesn't like super flat

>> No.3391095
Quoted by: >>3391136

Based if true

>> No.3391097
File: 45 KB, 631x289, vshowhoresfans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3391099


>> No.3391100

People were calling for WWIII and nukes with Coco.

>> No.3391101

After the stream, probably, when she realized what reception it's getting.
The collab stream will be awkward as fuck.

>> No.3391104
Quoted by: >>3391137

>Go to sleep in hopes I'll stop seething over how dirty Gura got did
>Wake up
>My brain is still mad.

I need meds.

>> No.3391105
File: 18 KB, 667x106, Screenshot 2021-05-05 214258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3391107


>> No.3391109
Quoted by: >>3391167

If this were deepl'd and put on a site that's actually relevant to cover maybe it would mean something

>> No.3391110
File: 551 KB, 4096x2305, E0tTy1XVcAE0nqF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391143 >>3391207

MechAME will destroy all!

>> No.3391111
File: 27 KB, 200x194, 1594383399618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391159


>> No.3391113
Quoted by: >>3391195

Your reputation is already long gone

>> No.3391114
Quoted by: >>3391132

Kanata > Towa > Watame > Kiara > Gura > Ina > Mori > Ayame

I expect Ame's to be the best at the end of the day but we'll see.

>> No.3391116

go check again. then do another lap of the sites. then another. then post it here without using a device

>> No.3391117

Is this THE internet hacker known as 4chan?

>> No.3391119

broken clocks, anon. broken clocks.

>> No.3391121
File: 76 KB, 308x235, 1607122800640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is catbox kill?

>> No.3391122
File: 895 KB, 2458x1196, reine-oreoshake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3391124
Quoted by: >>3391260

What are you trying to say? Those are at worst rude and insensitive but nowhere near death threats.

>> No.3391125

Cool. Keep it to yourself.

>> No.3391129
File: 738 KB, 2000x2600, 20210507_015331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391146 >>3391185

>> No.3391131
Quoted by: >>3391219

What are some of your pet peeves about how artists draw ENs?

>Ina being not flat
>Inas hair tentacles are too swollen and gigantic
>Ame with giant breasts

>> No.3391132

Holy shit taste

>> No.3391133
File: 291 KB, 1448x2048, Ez8tAUoVoAEKSXM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391142


>> No.3391136 [DELETED] 

Where do you think Ame will rank in terms of activity on /vt/?
My guess is that she'll get 95-100k peak viewers but /vt/ will be faster than it was during Mori's reveal

>> No.3391137

same desu

>> No.3391138
File: 400 KB, 1024x1280, EzVBQGUVcAQHPnq.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3391140

I think someone beat you to it mate

>> No.3391141

based, do it.

>> No.3391142
Quoted by: >>3391171 >>3391221


>> No.3391143


>> No.3391144
File: 871 KB, 673x789, file_46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3391146

i want a sharkskin belt now

>> No.3391148

>Not Dorkotachis anymore
I see you

>> No.3391151
File: 30 KB, 876x260, 1599783877644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your concerns have been heard and are being addressed.
Sure thing

>> No.3391155


Here comes RE8

>> No.3391153

I still don't care.

>> No.3391158
File: 552 KB, 5100x3300, 1620251435760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats? More like DORKbeats

>> No.3391157
File: 782 KB, 837x652, 1619155636236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it faggot. You are a little pussy faggot, who just talks bign

>> No.3391159
File: 72 KB, 376x814, 1611361922933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there takodachi, i exposed all of you as dorks and now your image wont be the same, not so cocky now huh?

>> No.3391160

I've seen lots of really cute predictions, it's both exciting and worrying. I bet the real thing will look nice though.

>> No.3391163


>> No.3391166
Quoted by: >>3391526


>> No.3391167
Quoted by: >>3391186 >>3391313

isn't the official reddit moderated by cover staff, with the actual girls being there too?

>> No.3391170
File: 1.35 MB, 1763x1721, 86888667_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare is cute

>> No.3391169
Quoted by: >>3391206 >>3391229

Any time a company says anything along the lines of "we're looking into it" they aren't doing anything and don't plan on doing anything.

>> No.3391171
Quoted by: >>3391192 >>3391221

Fuck you, you ruined the picture for me

>> No.3391176
File: 170 KB, 328x375, 1618952483551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger I'm watching the SC reading vod. Fuck off

>> No.3391177

Where do you think Ame will rank in terms of activity on /vt/?
My guess is that she'll get 95-100k peak viewers but /vt/ will be faster than it was during Mori's reveal

>> No.3391179
Quoted by: >>3391285

Ina fanart from literally an hour ago have more upvotes
Yagoo memes have more too

I didn't said anything about cover, the nigger asked about reddit's opinion and that's it, they also hate it, no one can defend that shit, hell, even if there's people liking it but saying that "it needs a fix" or that "it will get fixed" is acknowledging that' it's fundamentally bad and there's no work around that

>> No.3391180
File: 139 KB, 620x918, 1593574767904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391204


>> No.3391185

damn... thats dark...

>> No.3391186
Quoted by: >>3391215

by interns that just post whatever cover wants them to post

>> No.3391188
Quoted by: >>3391346

Did Mori get a quick rerig after her outfit reveal? Her head seemed less orblike in no hat mode during ITT

>> No.3391192
File: 1.87 MB, 1448x2048, 1597355964194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391233


>> No.3391195
File: 899 KB, 2560x1920, 1592693203600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391203

Why should i give a single fuck about some niggers in youtube chat. Fuck em. I always strive to conduct myself properly and to best represent my priestess.

>> No.3391202

nigger "we're looking into it" is literally corporate talk for "lmao fuck off, we're aware of the issue but have 0 intention of doing anything"

>> No.3391203

That's good, but don't act like you're all perfect.

>> No.3391204

>disgusted Ina
What's wrong with me. Why do I like this.

>> No.3391205
File: 77 KB, 814x619, 1620372941250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391236 >>3391253

Domo same desu

>> No.3391206

that's not true, they're looking into how to shift all the blame onto gura and planning on how long to suspend her for

>> No.3391207
Quoted by: >>3391269

Damn, got a source?

>> No.3391209
File: 1.35 MB, 1522x1226, 1_hn9nGSNnalnFrSDlGHNctQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This quote is for you, /hlgg/. Take your meds, stop sperging, and be happy for her.

>> No.3391210

>shit that needs to be talked about
What is there left to say at this point? "It doesn't look very good, they should fix it."
There, it's done.

>> No.3391213
File: 71 KB, 374x454, 1619968725453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3391215
File: 456 KB, 860x540, 1620355965172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391250 >>3391266


>> No.3391219

Haven't seen it as often lately but art where Ame looks overly boyish used to annoy me.

>> No.3391221
Quoted by: >>3391348

No one's cute as Waston

>> No.3391224

I agree with some of these. The outfit does look cute but a little too plain. Could have given her a shark theme jacket or something like that, maybe a cowboy hat with two hole on top for her cat ears would be good too. But overall her original still look better to me.

>> No.3391227
Quoted by: >>3391258

The outfit is fine though? The only thing lacking is the lack of accessories. The problem isn't the outfit it's the rigging.

>> No.3391229

This will only make people angrier.

If they try to just ignore the problem and expect it to go away it'll get worse when the next stream fans start superchatting Gura about it.

>> No.3391231
Quoted by: >>3391256

>we solved the issues!
>*just filled the holes and glued the ears*
>*trapezoid face will still be there*

>> No.3391233

Thank you, you saved the picture for me :)

>> No.3391236


>> No.3391240
File: 62 KB, 761x502, borntofightya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3391239

i thought reine was better at apex. why is she playing as if she's slightly better than ollie?

>> No.3391243


>> No.3391244
File: 144 KB, 309x411, 1620339969510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391252

god why is THAT fanbase always so whiny

>> No.3391245

experts notice imperfections.
a bird in flight by a window where Gura is streaming can notice shit to this degree.

>> No.3391249
File: 332 KB, 1675x1069, tako....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391276


>> No.3391250
Quoted by: >>3391308


>> No.3391252

>t. that OTHER fanbase

>> No.3391253
File: 100 KB, 213x215, 1606237928858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That mouth

>> No.3391256
File: 56 KB, 232x140, 1608797938630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"we solved the issue!"
>it's the formula to calculate the area of Gura's geometrical head

>> No.3391258
Quoted by: >>3391292

Anon, accessories are on the artist, not the rigger.

>> No.3391260

my point is that is rude as hell and can count as harrasing.

>> No.3391262
File: 415 KB, 463x635, 1610416369137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Voltaire also thought that eating your own cum would make you immortal and he wanted to fuck a cat so why should I take his advice?

>> No.3391265
Quoted by: >>3391273 >>3391300

Another family outing on Reine's stream

>> No.3391266
Quoted by: >>3391308

Every time I see him I must listen

>> No.3391267

>her next stream.
thanks for reminding me that tomorrow is another TBD day where she won't stream.

>> No.3391269
Quoted by: >>3391539

I made this!
is what https://twitter.com/Zaniaii/status/1390297249524051976 would say.

>> No.3391273


>> No.3391275

I liked the last one the most, the one Gura was really excited about.

>> No.3391276
File: 361 KB, 1924x1270, breakers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3391279

I'm not going to listen to a faggy frog

>> No.3391282
Quoted by: >>3391327

If Gura doesn't address this on her next stream, she will be harassed to do it, people will SC to her as if it were her fault, Cover is in urgent need of someone willing to carry this and oh boy it's going to cost

>> No.3391283

ATTN: Very cute Mori moment.

>> No.3391285
Quoted by: >>3391397

>Ina fanart from literally an hour ago have more upvotes
what part of megathreads dont get that much likes you didnt get? they are discussion containments.

>> No.3391286

I will only forgive gura if she beats MILF

>> No.3391287
File: 143 KB, 277x377, 1620322676394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a teamate, this week was hell, all these new outfits and we had to wait so long for this day.
Can't believe we're finally getting it. Only a few more hours..

>> No.3391292

He probably didn't have time to animate them

>> No.3391295
File: 667 KB, 2000x1483, 83740613_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391331


>> No.3391294

because anons here also eat their cum UNLESS YOU FORGOT and people here also want to fuck a cat(girl)

>> No.3391296
Quoted by: >>3391324

Voltaire fucking died
Me? I'm here...
Heh... Who's the smart guy now????

>> No.3391300
Quoted by: >>3391338

who's another male voice other than pochi son?

>> No.3391301
File: 156 KB, 850x977, 1592613930322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wanted to fuck a cat

>> No.3391304
File: 7 KB, 349x45, 1615687954154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Torinitybros, what now?

>> No.3391308



>> No.3391309

It didn't have to be perfect. It had to not be worse than her original rigging. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.3391312

This is one of those things that sounds sensible but is actually total bullshit to get you to settle for less.

Don't fall for it.

>> No.3391313

Moderation is very lax though contrary to what some might believe. No idea why the other anon's talking about deleted comments when most if not all of the more popular criticisms are still up.

>> No.3391314

Be happy for her getting fucked over?

>> No.3391317

A cat is fine too

>> No.3391321
Quoted by: >>3391373

Coco and Matsuri's rigging were shit because they were stiff and limited, not because they looked like the live2d version of the trumpet meme. Honestly it'd probably be better if Gura just streamed using a PNG of her outfit because at least it looks cute.

>> No.3391323

Post more geometry Gura. I like the posts about it so far.

>> No.3391324
Quoted by: >>3391330

People will remember Voltaire until the end of history, who'll remember you for more than a couple of weeks when you're gone?

>> No.3391327

> Gura doesn't address this on her next stream, she will be harassed to do it, people will SC to her as if it were her fault, Cover is in urgent need of someone willing to carry this and oh boy it's going to cost
you actually need meds

>> No.3391328
File: 316 KB, 763x444, Tonga Time[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frxkwqz.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391341

It's Apex, but come watch Towa speak various amounts of English and Korean as she and Selly struggle to communicate!
This team is really fun to watch.

>> No.3391329

Sounds pretty based.

>> No.3391330

You're too gentle with me anon

>> No.3391332

I see nothing wrong with either of those things.

t. Chumbud

>> No.3391331
Quoted by: >>3391354

post more

>> No.3391337
File: 270 KB, 850x1178, 1618094478468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wanted to fuck a cat
based if I do say so myself

>> No.3391338

I'm assuming its the other pochi son, not entirely sure though.

>> No.3391341
Quoted by: >>3391352 >>3391361

wait wait wait wait, twapi knows korean?

>> No.3391342
Quoted by: >>3391369


Rushia's magic even works on girls!

>> No.3391343

It is Towa time

>> No.3391346

Maybe I noticed it looked really good and she did wear her old outfit instead of the new one for Shadowverse, a decision even Kiara was confused about.

>> No.3391348
File: 546 KB, 1100x1100, amelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391393 >>3391431

>No one's cute as Waston
No one shoots like Waston!

>> No.3391350
Quoted by: >>3391543

These fucking "you guys are just entitled" posts are so cringe and obnoxious. It's not like minor flaws that people are getting overly worked up about. Her whole fucking FACE is RUINED by looking to the side. It is beyond conceivable that someone at Cover let this fly.

>> No.3391352
File: 182 KB, 926x1310, E0nkgLQVIAASfFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391365

No! That's what makes it fun!

>> No.3391354
File: 437 KB, 826x1500, EtfTMNMUUAAYB14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3391355

Perfect might be the enemy of good but if you don't aim for perfection you won't even reach mediocrity

>> No.3391357

>Gura 3D debut
>560k viewers
>It's this

>> No.3391360

>Kanata still hasn't replied

Ina Ina Ina...

>> No.3391361
Quoted by: >>3391427

She's honorary gook now

>> No.3391365
Quoted by: >>3391420

why is towa like this, kenzoku?

>> No.3391367

why is there no holokr?

>> No.3391369

shion yo...

>> No.3391371

Go fuck yourself concerntroll.

>> No.3391372

I can't believe Gura's a fucking SHOOBIE!

>> No.3391373

they all have the same problem gura had with limited movement and trapezoidal faces when moving their faces.
So what are you gonna do when her viewership and sub growth remain the same by next streams.

>> No.3391380

retarded shitposter, pick better bait

>> No.3391381

your timeline sucks anon...

>> No.3391382

>>Kanata still hasn't replied
to the picture?

>> No.3391384

Animation is too fluid, range of movement is too high, physics too realistic. You are overestimating it.

>> No.3391385

Chamacraft in an hour.

>> No.3391391

The Niji thread can answer that one.

>> No.3391393 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 738x1085, 1600051964414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one's tits' as fat and sweaty as Waston's

>> No.3391394
File: 510 KB, 622x572, 1610951026647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3391396
File: 664 KB, 1522x1226, 51325123631461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3391397
File: 22 KB, 638x230, 1597951837401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, latests megathreads on r/hololive
>Aki 500k subs -9.6k
>Towa outfit - 9.1k
>Mel 500k subs - 7.5k
>Anya 300k subs - 8.6k
>VTuber Group hololive English To Unveil New Outfits - 17.2k
>Ayame outfit - 7.6k
all purged by the day and most of them are from JP/ID, why would an EN get less?
I'll wait.

>> No.3391403
File: 237 KB, 1193x1733, 1619142982892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly ahead of his time.

>> No.3391408
File: 1.17 MB, 2303x4096, 1620215777242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucks, uh, gonna post images?

>> No.3391410
File: 421 KB, 600x450, LunaMonHunStreams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3391411


>> No.3391412

ina ina ina...

>> No.3391414

it will obviously be
a new merchandise made by some literal who

>> No.3391415
File: 321 KB, 480x480, 1618866333786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't even bother keeping vt open last night, thread was full of trash

>> No.3391417


>> No.3391420
File: 542 KB, 2480x3328, E0jwPGRVgAM7vPD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391451 >>3391502

Her CR Cup team is busted as fuck and the only reason they're allowed to have a pro player, a Master, and a Diamond on a team is because Selly doesn't speak Japanese, so he's worth less points.

>> No.3391422
File: 2.74 MB, 428x492, PolDance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3391427

Are you the same guy from yesterday?

>> No.3391428


>> No.3391429
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1604807847450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let this drama distract from the fact that my tummy still hurts

>> No.3391431
File: 319 KB, 1246x2000, 1609121000780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one's tits' as fat and sweaty as Waston's

>> No.3391433

I can't wait for Gura's 3D reveal, the trailer got me hyped!

>> No.3391434
File: 1.26 MB, 1900x1900, 1617246722262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really do love Suisei

>> No.3391437
Quoted by: >>3391483

And Ame found more bugs.

>> No.3391438

people are not really seething at her but her dumbass rigger

>> No.3391446
File: 164 KB, 1300x919, 86166786_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3391441
Quoted by: >>3391477

>numberfags ran out of numbers here so they are importing r*ddit numbers
fucking neck yourself

>> No.3391443

Ina is getting so many JP fanarts we might see an explosion in subs soon, especially with the pixiv event. They truly love her new outfit for some reason.

>> No.3391449

didnt'they had auditions like in september?

>> No.3391451
Quoted by: >>3391497

imagine putting value on your ability to speak nip

>> No.3391455

Coreans don't watch vtubers because their celebs have so much plastic in their faces they might as well be live2d. The only popular korean vtubers are the ones that pander to japan like the good little comfort women they are.

>> No.3391457
Quoted by: >>3391509

dont let this drama distract you from the fact that ina stole gura's bread

>> No.3391462


>> No.3391467
File: 289 KB, 1378x1378, 1619608926830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3391482

>> No.3391470

Hmm yes, a rather unstable climate today. Perhaps I shall return to BRAP posting.

>> No.3391471
File: 1.96 MB, 220x340, 3bachikon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3391472

>for some reason.
maybe because it's cute?

>> No.3391473

I love all of /hlgg/!

>> No.3391474

I never studied this philosopherestist at school. When did she live?

>> No.3391477
Quoted by: >>3391505

>the nigger literally was asking for it
read nigger, read

>> No.3391480
Quoted by: >>3391493


>> No.3391482

the fuck do you want

>> No.3391483

I doubt it, gura got softlocked like 3 times in just the first video

>> No.3391487
Quoted by: >>3391507 >>3391508

why are there 2 male voices on towa's stream?

>> No.3391493


>> No.3391497
Quoted by: >>3391523

He's not even JSL, he seriously doesn't know any Japanese.
It's not so much the ability to speak Japanese itself, but the language barrier between the team lets them have extra points.

>> No.3391500
Quoted by: >>3391531

>Gura oneechan's new outfit was too cute I had to

>> No.3391501

>everything below 10k
that is my point dude megathreads are shit metric for interest. according to you anya is more popular than Ina since she has more likes on a discussion thread on fucking reddit.
is a meaningless metric.

>> No.3391502

and there's womans, each get a (-2) bonus to the points

>> No.3391505
Quoted by: >>3391526 >>3391529

>he was asking for a spoonfeed so i fed him

>> No.3391506

Fuck off with this shit

>> No.3391507

im under her rn

>> No.3391508

you mean 3 male voices

>> No.3391509


>> No.3391515

>for some reason
Because it's a great outfit...?

>> No.3391517


>> No.3391522

Ina ina ina!

>> No.3391523

yeah, i realized my mistake about the JSL part a second after clicking submit

>> No.3391526


>> No.3391529


>> No.3391531

> #gwart

>> No.3391532

Both Mori and Ina got tons of fanart. It was only Kiara who hardly got anything and it's too soon to tell for Gura.

>> No.3391533

milestone threads usually get alot of upvotes
However other costume megathreads are fair game

>> No.3391539

Thanks anon who isn't very anonymous.

>> No.3391540


>> No.3391542


>> No.3391543

Repeatedly too.


>> No.3391544

i dont like gura
