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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 798 KB, 1477x2264, FVeEe6lagAIQcpw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26421397 No.26421397 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:


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Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>26415928

>> No.26421425
File: 395 KB, 1920x1080, 20220416_093357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Seffyna she is my beautiful seiso K-Fairy gf
(ง -᷄ω-᷅ )ว ٩( -᷄ω-᷅ )۶(ง-᷄ω-᷅ )ว ( -᷄ω-᷅ و(و

>> No.26421436
File: 243 KB, 2048x1152, FVigX4gUsAA203l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ike love!

>> No.26421446
File: 1.35 MB, 1240x1754, 1616761870710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu Love!

>> No.26421454
File: 349 KB, 1764x2508, FVnUU7XakAE_p_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.26421469
File: 193 KB, 302x309, pomu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"My Codename is Deepthroat"
>Any relation to greyfox?
"None, whatsoever"

>> No.26421478
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, FUCKINGBITCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26421480
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>> No.26421483
File: 56 KB, 250x250, 1655652173663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game is really starting to fall apart hard here, why didnt the Sheriff just talk about what was going on when he had the two councilors in a jail cell?

>> No.26421487
File: 466 KB, 1350x2100, FVozGtiaUAAMR2O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny LOVE!

>> No.26421490
Quoted by: >>26421538

I want Vox to impregnate me and rub my pregnant belly!

>> No.26421505
File: 179 KB, 1062x1080, 1646350505663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26421516
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>> No.26421519
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My wife Pomu is so cute!

>> No.26421527
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>> No.26421531

Back me up!

>> No.26421536


>> No.26421538
Quoted by: >>26421639

this but after I eat a whole bunch and my belly hurts and is rumbling

>> No.26421539
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>> No.26421542

I'm stiiiillll in a dreeeeamm
Cake Eater

>> No.26421545

kys Mintniggers

>> No.26421547
Quoted by: >>26421793

Vox SEX!

>> No.26421557
File: 187 KB, 800x1200, I won&#039;t say [sound=https_3A_2F_2Ffiles.catbox.moe_2F82o492.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Pomu, she's my shining star!

>> No.26421559
Quoted by: >>26421604

they're all faggots that only care about holo threads, won't even bother deleting shit if the thread is about to archive, let alone ban doxx monkeys

>> No.26421560
Quoted by: >>26421793

what the fuck he made us suck his cock

>> No.26421570
File: 417 KB, 548x485, 1654743674828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26421594

If Enna has a million fans, I am one of them.
If Enna has 10 fans, I am one of them.
If Enna has 1 fan, that fan is me.
If Enna has no fan, that means I am no longer on this earth.
If the world is against Enna, I am against the world.

>> No.26421581
File: 74 KB, 481x401, 1634413930259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You first

>> No.26421594

Holy based

>> No.26421596

Damn Pomu aim is good

>> No.26421604

Tbf they do try to ban gore schizo but he keeps on ban evading.

>> No.26421607
Quoted by: >>26421632


>> No.26421623
File: 585 KB, 2000x3000, FVJB3cNVsAE_wTu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finana anal

>> No.26421630
File: 484 KB, 415x719, 1631837022733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting vtubers in the vtuber board
>bannable offense

>> No.26421632

Boutta bust a nut in your ass

>> No.26421639

Imagining him caressing my / your belly is nice!

>> No.26421651
Quoted by: >>26421699

yes, always has been anon

>> No.26421652

Man, I was in the recent archives on Warosu and I was really scared I had to clear my chache AGAIN.
Thank god it was just a grossly realistic drawing, but Warosu needs to be better about clearing the real stuff out so I don't need to be scared there.

>> No.26421653
Quoted by: >>26421680

Why is Otacon such a fucking bitch after MGS1?

>> No.26421656
File: 199 KB, 1526x2048, albanknox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love catboy

>> No.26421661
File: 92 KB, 300x300, 1633493235503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tsunananana na nanana mi
tsunanananana tsu na mi

>> No.26421667

>Pomu is now a member of las FARC

>> No.26421669
Quoted by: >>26421721

>A random enemy sees snake in the middle of a warzone
>Alert mode and requests backup
MGS4 is such a fucking mess

>> No.26421680

focus on the game Pomu

>> No.26421688

Will Otacon backseat every time that Pomu struggle? LMAO

>> No.26421692

So everyones just gonna ignore that Yugo said his rice purity was 31?
How the fuck has Yugo been around so much yet is still depressed as fuck

>> No.26421699
File: 28 KB, 162x132, 1653561911410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26422828

lmao even
Only Gura's despite her PL being a vtuber because the shark meido is a retard.

>> No.26421708
File: 299 KB, 1920x1080, 1621007812769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it really is her it just strengthen my admiration that my oshi from when i was a teenager that i posted about and with on /a/ and /b/ is still my oshi now and grew up to be something big in a hobby they love just fills me with joy and lots of nostalgia cum

>> No.26421709
Quoted by: >>26421826

Like okay I get that Colonel's protecting Rose, but what the fuck makes him a safe haven from the Patriots?
They were already stealing his identity in MGS2.

>> No.26421721
Quoted by: >>26421822

Anonchama, they're supposed to be on the lookout for Snake. That's what the intro cutscene for Act 2 showed us...

>> No.26421729

Fuck off back to the catalog, retard. Doxxing has always been bannable. I thought you'd know that, considering how quickly you get banned for posting about DDK.

>> No.26421742


>> No.26421745

Are you retarded?

>> No.26421750

Damn that monkey be boofin frfr

>> No.26421754

Do you think having sex gets rid of all of your problems?

>> No.26421759

I was gonna sperg about how /a/ is trash but I forgot there was a time long ago when it actually was a nice board...

>> No.26421765

It's funny ow that 30 seconds part took Pomu like 20 minutes

>> No.26421767

>Mint and Miki are vtubers
>DD isn't
What did he mean by this

>> No.26421788

Wave 6 where?

>> No.26421793

I know it was great, actual sex confirmed next time!!

>> No.26421795

Not if you liked Naruto

>> No.26421814
Quoted by: >>26421895

Fortunately I didn't.

>> No.26421822

The random soldier literally says
>I have spotted a new enemy! Requesting backup!

>> No.26421824
File: 11 KB, 258x195, 7E1FAD56-4E88-4843-B7B1-21379FB781AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26421881

Let me just post a vtuber on a vtuber board, what could go wron- ACK

>> No.26421820

Things gonna get hairy
Elira's coming? LETSGOOOOOOO

>> No.26421823
Quoted by: >>26421878

>>26421545 (mintnigger)
kys mintnigger, this is advanced levels of falseflagging

>> No.26421826

he's working AGAINST the patriots in this game, so to prevent them from using him as leverage Colonel pretended to cuck Raiden with Rose.

this is all retarded when you realize that the "patriots" are just a bunch of AI's that control everything

>> No.26421828

+2 years

>> No.26421834

rice purity that low probably means drugs and run ins with the law too
also having sex is different for women, they get low rice purity for simply existing while a man would probably have to have his shit together to fuck that much

>> No.26421848
File: 133 KB, 316x353, 1626988393690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still mad
Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to /a/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.

>> No.26421864

Who knows. Maybe he lived a hell of a life and found out that it didn't change anything, that he still felt depressed or like was lacking something.
Or maybe he just fell in with a bad crowd.

>> No.26421875
Quoted by: >>26423172

OPfags are so uppity. It's hilarious seeing the cope now that their series is pulling the same kind of asspulls Naruto did in the end

>> No.26421878
Quoted by: >>26421925

How can you even tell

>> No.26421880

I had to report him but I doubt Youtube will even do anything about it
I know people joke about Vox being a whore but this is ridiculous

>> No.26421881
Quoted by: >>26421947

tbhwa Max is more vtuber than fucking Annoying Orange and that shit is still allowed here.

>> No.26421882
File: 75 KB, 600x603, 4886297486771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Randon, come home

>> No.26421885
File: 603 KB, 1082x828, AF08AECE-7FC0-414B-811C-BD25ED3C5C73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BUSTIN TIME BITCHES https://youtu.be/78NqcZGPfBU

>> No.26421897
Quoted by: >>26422179

Next ASMR stream will be on onlyfans!

>> No.26421895

I wasn't into Naruto, but when a friend and I talk about 4chan, the history of /a/ is pretty funny. Especially how it ties into the creation of the captcha

>> No.26421905


>> No.26421923
Quoted by: >>26421962

wow this game literally IS 10 minutes of gameplay, 1 hour of cutscenes

>> No.26421924
Quoted by: >>26421982

You've got it backwards. Depression leads to meaningless flings and drug use

>> No.26421925

because im the schizo and the mintnigger is still trying to throw me off his trail by making me believe he is a different poster

>> No.26421929

To be fair, wave 6 taking so long is a good sign. That means they were actually reviewing applications instead of using nepotism or picking ones with highest numbers.

>> No.26421931

I will fix them
Captcha: MGS0A

>> No.26421947

Max was the OG, so I dont know how he coule be bannable. Annoying orange is just a shitty 1960s kid show mouth

>> No.26421949

Don’t be a prude, don’t watch it if you don’t like it

>> No.26421957


>> No.26421960

You cannot fix Pomu.

>> No.26421962

kojimbo is a genius

>> No.26421970

Oh, Reza is watching Pomu.
Isn't it like 5am in IDland?

>> No.26421974
Quoted by: >>26422097


>> No.26421977

The menhera unit...

>> No.26421982
File: 132 KB, 900x900, rosemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf when I was depressed I never fucked anyone or did drugs
I just sat in my room with the lights off sleeping and crying

>> No.26422000
File: 18 KB, 392x152, DlpFmx2CJ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26422014

Damn bud, I'd hug you but you probably haven't showered today

>> No.26422022

Drebin is working for the patriots

>> No.26422038
File: 187 KB, 1600x1600, 5D001080-C8D3-40E5-AF46-B85A5FD42414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too!!

>> No.26422042
File: 131 KB, 227x222, 1628087969916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26422052


>> No.26422060
Quoted by: >>26422108

So is Snake.

>> No.26422063
Quoted by: >>26422271

Hag vtubers I've noticed really love that song.

>> No.26422067
Quoted by: >>26422135

Are you a hot woman in a rock band? If the answer is no then don't compare yourselves

>> No.26422077

When I was depressed I sat in my room and watched Vtubers 24/7

>> No.26422081

He‘s just like me fr fr

>> No.26422083
Quoted by: >>26422156

>the patriots are the war economy, which makes us Metal Gear Solids in their system
I fucking clapped, astounding writing.

>> No.26422094

Been years since I went on /a/, glad I watch anime on my own now and don't have to worry about what those spergs believe.

>> No.26422097

There's no The End but Laughing Octopus is the Joy

>> No.26422101
File: 338 KB, 1575x1575, 59A31870-A401-487F-8683-66974CCEF74C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not even mintnigger, i just like to troll you schizo

>> No.26422102

wait a second... guns of patriots as in guns = asscheeks?

>> No.26422108
Quoted by: >>26422166

he's being tricked into it but drebin actually IS working for them, like fully knows he's helping them

>> No.26422111

>no red dot on eye

>> No.26422116
File: 166 KB, 256x258, 1628555632211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naruto is a flawed series but it isn't bad. Naruto's one of the few shounen MCs to have solid character development. Pain was a great antagonist. Jiraiya, Kakashi, Orochimaru, Shikamaru, etc was great characters. Orochimaru avenging his Asuma was poetic.
Also it had a ton of great fights
>Jiraiya vs Pain
>Naruto vs Pain
>Sasuke vs Itachi
>Naruto vs Sasuke
>3rd Hokage vs Orochimaru
>Kakashi vs Obito
The list goes on and on.

>> No.26422135

Fuck I wish I could‘ve hooked up with yugo in her rock band phase

>> No.26422137
File: 49 KB, 275x337, 1649018705928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26422156

No, you idiot, the line is
>Destroy that Metal Gear, Solid Snake!

>> No.26422167
File: 1.74 MB, 1000x1370, 11927612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26422166

He suffers no repercussions for it either

>> No.26422179

Iirc he did mention he'd see how much he could despite being sure he wouldn't ever be able to get away with a full sex rp and I guess he was really serious. I hope at worst it just gets (understandably) bonked and doesn't get him into any serious trouble but this is Vox we're talking about.
I'm waiting for him to open up a DLsite page with others at this rate.

>> No.26422180
Quoted by: >>26422249

I hate MGR memers.

>> No.26422198


>> No.26422205
File: 755 KB, 890x653, tiredsemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naruto's "censoring" on /a/ was the beginning of the end, not being able to talk about the main topic of a fucking board because some shitposters don't like it is retarded. Meanwhile /a/ goes buckwild for fucking DBZ and Jojo, which are worse than Naruto in every way

>> No.26422207

Bro Naruto was good Naruto part 2 with maradara, moon mommy and ninja war sucked ass

>> No.26422208
File: 79 KB, 277x499, FC3EB5DB-0CEC-4C2F-AD6C-515A71A0B755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26422455

Come Home, Lune

>> No.26422222
File: 50 KB, 576x1024, 386FAEE7-0FF9-4F65-9734-1CAD85354B4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaminions I want to fuck your Oshi

>> No.26422230

/a/ cant be trash when the dragon ball thread still exists

>> No.26422236


>> No.26422249
Quoted by: >>26422392

MEMES. The DNA of the soul!

>> No.26422252
Quoted by: >>26422322

Part 2 up through the Pain arc was good. Afterwards it went to shit with the 5 kage summit and the Great Ninja War.

>> No.26422271
Quoted by: >>26422497

Who? Mint, Mizuchi, Amiya?

>> No.26422289

rice purity not only deals with sex but also drugs and run-ins with the police
also healthy sex and relationships are something hard to manage, most people have unhealthy sex stemming from wanting to remedy their pain

>> No.26422294

Based quints

>> No.26422293
Quoted by: >>26422307

DBZ < Naruto you can defend. Jojo < Naruto get outta here

>> No.26422295
Quoted by: >>26422345

I love MGS but sometimes it has the subtlety of a fucking transatlantic

>> No.26422307

Sailor moon better than all of them.

>> No.26422308
File: 100 KB, 833x843, 4E6286C4-F867-425F-A0B7-3925D48E7636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26422309

I understand DBZ but how is Jojo worse than either of them? By the time Jojo got an anime /a/ was fully invaded by 2016 tourists and there was nothing left to salvage.

>> No.26422322

Naruto being jesus was so fucking bad
but I agree Pain and his paths were cool as fuck

>> No.26422326
Quoted by: >>26422342

Raiden sounds so fucking edgy

>> No.26422332

unironically based

>> No.26422335
Quoted by: >>26422581

>Bro Naruto was good Naruto part 2 with maradara, moon mommy and ninja war sucked ass
It's decent for shonen but it constantly ruins its world building and messaging putting the final nail in the coffin when it goes from
>Anyone can be great
>You can be great too if you're the son of a literal protege who married one of the most badass women in the entire world

>> No.26422342

Raiden's trying to figure out how to be chuuni right now

>> No.26422345
Quoted by: >>26422497

And by sometimes I mean 90% of the time

>> No.26422346

>DBZ worse than Naruto
Nostalgia aside, yeah I agree. Buu Saga is dogshit and the structure of the Android Saga makes no sense.
>Jojo worse than Naruto

>> No.26422351

jojo is literally R*ddit: The anime

>> No.26422364

Given Yugo's situation having sex might just make things worse. Yugo wants to be getting up in them guts with his penis, not wearing a strap-on or w/e

>> No.26422383
Quoted by: >>26422510

Post-timeskip was great until the Pain arc ended. The arc with Shiakamaru's team that happened before the Jiraya in Rain Country miniarc was godly.

>> No.26422392


>> No.26422395

Based as fuck.

>> No.26422400

Since when does this thread like Pomu?

>> No.26422407
Quoted by: >>26422467

>doesn't remember that rose was pregnant
just because you have no womb pomu doesn't mean other women don't

>> No.26422413
Quoted by: >>26422464

Jojo's been around since the 80's, god I fucking hate zoomers

>> No.26422421
Quoted by: >>26422753

100% based

>> No.26422427

I'm confused. Did Rose fake the miscarriage? How'd she hide the pregnant belly?

>> No.26422429

>I thought my archive didn't catch it all in time, but here it is. It's nothing really bad though, just Sonny and Yugo chatting in japanese.

I'm catching up on stuff I missed while touching grass. This link doesn't seem to work anymore, does anyone have the file for when Yugo accidentally started streaming?

>> No.26422439

Unfathomably based.

>> No.26422443

I forgot that raiden hit rose

>> No.26422450

Rosebuds are really the worst fanbase
literally discussing Naruto in detail
go back to just wanting domestic violence

>> No.26422455

No. more. Flips.

>> No.26422464
Quoted by: >>26422574

dont matter, its a core normalfag anime now

>> No.26422467
Quoted by: >>26422710

I mean, it's been a while since she played MGS2... and that final act doesn't help either, so much information in a short period of time

>> No.26422471

It was literally 4chan: The Manga before the recent anime adaptation started.

>> No.26422473
Quoted by: >>26422649

since all the anons who don't like pomu decided to post shit that gets them banned

>> No.26422477
Quoted by: >>26422612

Looking at whenever they did a completely fresh audition this is how long it took from the auditions being posted on twitter to a new wave debuting.
167 days - Lazulight
113 days - Ethyria
185 days - Luxiem
That gives an expected range for the new debuts of 6th July at the low end and 16th September at the high end. So anytime in the next couple of months seems most likely.

>> No.26422487

The man has compared himself to a stripper multiple times and you thought calling him a whore was a joke?

>> No.26422497

Mint but also Amiya.

Thats what makes it so much fun though, it beats you over the head with its themes and yet its simultaneously not afraid of getting stupid with a poop joke or a ridiculously fun boss fight.

>> No.26422496
File: 175 KB, 816x816, 1650988052547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26422510

>The arc with Shiakamaru's team that happened before the Jiraya in Rain Country miniarc was godly.
Exactly. That arc is one of the best arcs for a side character that I've seen in a shounen.

>> No.26422516

I always liked pomu.
Nina is the only person I hate in nijien, if you ask me, she should graduate or die, either one works.

>> No.26422518

There was a time when Jojo was obscure in the west, before the 2012 anime made a splash. I loved it back then. I think it's kind of ridiculous that it's now unacceptable to like because Ledditors got their filthy paws on it. I mean, it even has a site banner, it's an iconic work.

>> No.26422520
Quoted by: >>26422866

/a/ is the most menhera bipolar board.
They LOVE DBZ and Jojo which has no plot other then "2 dudes slugging eachother for 5 episodes and constantly power level bullshit"

But hate anime's like Fairytail and Naruto that are exactly the fucking same.
I'm unironically convinced /a/ only likes anime's made in the 80's because "muh nostalgia", even though they don't differ then most new animes.

especially when the retards act like shounen is anything more than entertainment for literal children in japan.

>> No.26422521

Still get fucking hyped hearing this shit. https://youtu.be/L1xAPQgGZ0U

>> No.26422524
File: 120 KB, 360x231, 1370800244812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breathing is reddit

>> No.26422534
File: 452 KB, 658x554, 1655599037721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26422653

This thread has always liked Pomu

>> No.26422540
File: 1015 KB, 1000x1465, 1655674679708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good evening sir

>> No.26422550

Reimu is pissing right now

>> No.26422559

>on 4chan
>triggered by sex

>> No.26422574

Evangelion was a core normalfag anime in the 00's but it's still one of the greatest anime ever made. Stop letting normalfags dictate what you're allowed to enjoy and actually judge shows on their own merits instead of just being a contrarian.

>> No.26422581
File: 264 KB, 948x1200, strongest[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fo6lvig.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll say that I also think the series would have been better had he kept coming up with new jutsus instead of just making bigger and more powerful versions of the ones we've already seen, not to mention that he completely neglects genjutsu almost any time Itachi is off screen

>> No.26422588

what do you like about Pomu?
for me, it's her cute voice.

>> No.26422592

Pomu is the type to get to the last boss in a jrpg with 99 elixers.

>> No.26422598

Since literally day one.

>> No.26422605
File: 99 KB, 510x800, 1566225590768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let redditshits ruin your enjoyment of Jojo.

>> No.26422612

Why are people acting like a new wave is overdue for months now if thats how long it always took?

>> No.26422620

wow she's just like me

>> No.26422632

The Rainpuff part.

>> No.26422643

Using your items is a sign of weakness

>> No.26422644
File: 48 KB, 448x428, 1653789707087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But my 4chins cred... I don't wanna be Reddit.

>> No.26422649

It was a 10,000 IQ inside job to improve the thread.

>> No.26422653
File: 1013 KB, 1179x994, 1632352797877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she have to be so perfect?

>> No.26422664
Quoted by: >>26422735

I remember when finding SBR TLs was fucking impossible.

>> No.26422685

It was kinda hard to watch her MSG1 playthrough 'cause she wanted to get ALL OF THE LOOT and didn't use half of it

>> No.26422698
File: 166 KB, 563x613, 1447583812884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26423298

You're responding to ancient pasta.

>> No.26422702

Woah she is just like me

>> No.26422708

naruto gave me memories that ill never forget which are watching episodes on youtube and linkin park/evanescence amv so it's ok in my book

>> No.26422710

Doesn't help that she says she's pregnant in a codec call as she's in the middle of being replaced by an untrustworthy AI

>> No.26422717

I dont hate Jojo, I just like messing with the fans since im a megaten fan who had to deal with the influx of retards spamming "le jojo reference???" on every little thing, just a bit jaded. Its a fun anime.

>> No.26422735
File: 96 KB, 956x1195, 3942585325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read all of SDC in shitty, low quality yellowed JPG format... and I loved it. Good times.

>> No.26422737
Quoted by: >>26422800

Jojo is fine, it's animeonly fags who ruin the fanbase.

>> No.26422747

Her energy and passion

>> No.26422753


>> No.26422773

is sailor moon a "magical girl" anime? What even IS a "magical girl" anime

>> No.26422777
File: 198 KB, 340x419, 1639294327959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to post that shitty pasta because I pretend to be contrarian.
t. dropped after Pain

>> No.26422794

No. More flips

>> No.26422796

Lucky star is a good anime. Sailor moon is a good anime. Girls und panzer is a good anime. Look, i just like cute girls man.

>> No.26422800

The fans shut up these last two seasons thankfully but I still haven't watched it because too many people kept telling me to

>> No.26422811


>> No.26422812
Quoted by: >>26422874

Her voice is extremely nice to listen to and I also think she's funny as fuck. And I mean that genuinely, it's not often English vtubers make me laugh at all.

>> No.26422819

Nigger, Sailor Moon is THE magical girl anime.

>> No.26422823


>> No.26422826

we know fuuchan

>> No.26422827
Quoted by: >>26423038

My favorite anime is Mawaru Penguindrum and Kaiji

>> No.26422828
Quoted by: >>26422951

KEK, I've seen people getting banned for posting Mori's and other HoloEN girls faces, stop being a doxbaiting faggot

>> No.26422829
Quoted by: >>26422902

>Lucky star is a good anime.

No it isn't. Just because you liked it doesn't mean it was good.

>> No.26422836
File: 286 KB, 585x564, sadclownmu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pomudachi pretends to be a rosebud

rosebuds... im sorry for thinking you're schizo, its actually every other fanbase false flagging as you your still all CP posting pedos tho

>> No.26422841 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 1024x576, maxresdefault (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can thank /a/ for the reason captcha is with us now

>> No.26422866

Jojo plots are deeply stupid but the fights haven't been slugfests since part 3 and weren't really like that before, either

>> No.26422874

yeah, I enjoy her humor too, she makes these dorky jokes sometimes but it never comes out as cringy.

>> No.26422876
Quoted by: >>26422963

Honestly, I would watch her play JRPGs if it was some fun kino like FFX-2 or suffer kino like SMT.

>> No.26422878

everything about her except the fact that she's not actually a hag

>> No.26422887

Pomu convinced me to watch My Dress Up Darling and it was really cute.
I think I've come to like SoL more than action stuff.
I had hopes for The Detective is Already Dead but I never managed to finish it

>> No.26422889
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine Cheer Fruits - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.43_[2017.10.03_01.07.15].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26422944

Reimu is streaming for 7 hours? Fuck I wanted to watch the vod...

>> No.26422902

>Just because you like it doesnt mean its good.
Of course it does, Silly

>> No.26422905

Bros, have you noticed that there were a lot of nijiEN members going on a break recently. I am telling you, it's because of incoming 3D for EN branch.

>> No.26422918
File: 97 KB, 1068x848, 1631919292978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What even IS a "magical girl" anime
Cardcaptor Sakura is the other mainstream normal magical girl anime.
Warning that there's more pedophilia in the anime than you remember. Sakura's 8 year old friend was dating their teacher and got engaged to him by the end.

>> No.26422938

i've never watched a magical girl anime though

>> No.26422940
File: 1.19 MB, 864x881, 1634262349323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do watch Rosemi.

>> No.26422943

I thought nina was just being a lazy whore leech

>> No.26422944

Nice file name

>> No.26422949

Got it, ill write it down.

>> No.26422951
File: 645 KB, 1000x1000, 1647420811880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.26422959
File: 603 KB, 764x1184, kiki might need a delivery service soon if you know what I mean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26423037

It all comes back to raildex, all of it.

>> No.26422961

Pomu... why haven't you gone on break yet...

>> No.26422963

Agree, would be some fun streams.

>> No.26422965
Quoted by: >>26423017

Because previous waves debuted back to back, retards think that auditions take couple of months at best when in reality all of the previous waves were auditioning for a year before the debuts

>> No.26422972

Why is there gameplay in my movie?

>> No.26422985
File: 81 KB, 386x313, 1387214462919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26422987
Quoted by: >>26423358

>I think I've come to like SoL more than action stuff.
Hidamari Sketch is one of the best SOLs that I've seen.
Aria is also good if you're interested in iyashikei.

>> No.26422992
File: 2.90 MB, 640x360, Maho akuma7.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What even IS a "magical girl" anime

Girls transforming to fight usually means magical girl.

>> No.26422995

i believe you bro i will blame you if it wasn't the case

>> No.26422994

She is a flip!?! Now i want her in!

>> No.26423009

This will be the last gameplay section in a while, let Pomu enjoy it

>> No.26423014

Simple, it's because new 3D studio is in US, so she doesn't really need much time to travel there.

>> No.26423017

Nina accidentally leaked that she was being interviewed way before ethyria came out

>> No.26423022
Quoted by: >>26423069

Lucky Star was one of the first anime I ever watched. My older sister introduced it to me, and I probably wouldn't be here without it. Whether that's a good thing or not, I don't know...
I think Azumanga Daioh is a bit better, though.

>> No.26423034


>> No.26423037

As bad as Naruto and DBZ are I'll never get over how bad the Raildex animes ended up. It's almost like karma for all the spam on /a/ that their anime adaptations went from decent to completely ruined.

>> No.26423038
Quoted by: >>26423330

Season 2 was weaker than S1 but that ending was great. One of my favorite series.

>> No.26423043
Quoted by: >>26423263

Do women really?

>> No.26423069

The Initial D reference in Lucky Star gets me every fucking time

>> No.26423076
Quoted by: >>26423148

It wasn't accelspammer that made captcha a thing, but he was a part of it. It was Cornelia. I'm pretty sure.

>> No.26423077

I thought it was the bots.

>> No.26423080

I thought that was because of Kimbo nuking the entire site.

>> No.26423088

how many minutes until raiden's appearance? i need to sleep soon.

>> No.26423097

My favorite anime are Mushishi and Dennou Coil

>> No.26423118
File: 1.52 MB, 1882x2938, FF3PnDNXoAcdzmJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHUT UP SHUT UP if Pomu goes on break for longer than a week I think I might actually kill myself I can't handle life without Pomu...

>> No.26423117
Quoted by: >>26423198

how long until Pomu gets to Vamp and Raiden? I wanna go get cola at the gas station

>> No.26423127

Look, Sailor Moon made me fucking cry why that girl fell in love with the guy that was pure evil and he saved his life for her. Thats wholesome shit bro.

>> No.26423128
Quoted by: >>26423301

It wasn't actually CP posted today, that was a drawing. I'm still going to side-eye anyone who saves something that realistic, but I've seen worse on Pixiv.

>> No.26423138

>pomu killing machine

>> No.26423145
File: 2.83 MB, 480x270, Frenda_fight1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Index is a dead series barely anyone still cares about it. Railgun is keeping that franchise alive.

>> No.26423148

so it was /jp/'s doing then?

>> No.26423172
Quoted by: >>26423434

At least Luffy became a chosen one due to his DF, and not because he was born one, so even here OP still shits on Narutojgxm0

>> No.26423176 [SPOILER] 
File: 23 KB, 882x122, 1655675410601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought she banned this dude once already

>> No.26423198
Quoted by: >>26423226

There's an entire boss fight and an on rails sequence before that happens.

And I think about an hour of cutscenes.

>> No.26423201

might have just been a timeout

>> No.26423206

Damn I should watch the rest of Railgun, I think i've only seen up to season 2.

>> No.26423208

Because this is the first time an audition was held after the final wave after the previous audition debuted. We got the auditions for Ethyria/Luxiem/Noctyx before Obsydia debuted, so it felt more like a continuous stream of vtubers from July to February despite all of them effectively coming from a single audition period. Meanwhile wave 6(+7(?))'s audition started after Noctyx, which resulted in a longer wait than normal which is throwing people's expectations off even though the wait makes sense due to how late the audition was.

>> No.26423210
Quoted by: >>26423254

Anon, don't look at the LN sales ranking every time a new Index volume comes out...

>> No.26423226

based thanks anon

>> No.26423231

This section takes about 2 minutes to stealth if you're being slow. Pomu's turned it into a WW1 trench stand-off

>> No.26423234

I love SoL but I'm too old to enjoy cringey teen romcoms. It's pretty sad there haven't been any particularly good CGDCT or iyashikei shows recently, all nothing but trashy romcoms.

>> No.26423235

Reminder that Alban's rice purity is even lower.

>> No.26423241

Railgun + the spinoffs of it

>> No.26423247
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x1080, momkotommomsaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a certain level we did get vindication when Miki publicly apologized for Index III and created Egg Firm so that he could manage anime production on his own. Egg firm's first major project was Mushoku Tensei and judging by how that series looks and how long it takes to get new seasons, Miki seems pretty determined to never let an Index III situation happen again. I hold out hope for a good NT anime I don't care how slim the chances are.

>> No.26423248

the main reasoy i watch cardcaptor sakura was just because i want to see toya and yukito...

>> No.26423254

They sell like shit now.

>> No.26423260

cute slutty kitty

>> No.26423261

You can do set time time-outs.

>> No.26423263
File: 233 KB, 362x512, 1630487111879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26423587

It was tongue-in-cheek you fucking stick-in-the-mud. I fapped to Tomoyo while watching the show. The warning wasn't supposed to be serious.

>> No.26423281 [SPOILER] 
File: 401 KB, 454x439, 1643704399604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open for a surprise!

>> No.26423299
File: 619 KB, 1269x690, 1643229683938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pomu is the headband the girl is just a puppet

>> No.26423298

the lady that drew the lolwut pear became a writer that won multiple sci/fi book awards. The old internet never dies.

I wonder how many people still remembers where the word "weeb" originally came from.

>> No.26423301

sankaku has 3d renders of realistic looking lolis getting fucked. i'm a lolicon but that always creeped me out.

>> No.26423304
File: 420 KB, 2048x1990, FVHD_U5aQAEDlkB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our precious lovely Rosemi-sama~

>> No.26423306


>> No.26423330
Quoted by: >>26423640

You gotta read the manga too. Kazuya's a great antagonist.

>> No.26423334

>fags are still posting rosemis actual IRL face

cool, I guess...

>> No.26423332
Quoted by: >>26423412


>> No.26423335
Quoted by: >>26423598

Huh is that really what happened, that's actually kind of interesting that Index's implosion resulted in Mushoku Tensei. Still not enough to earn my forgiveness unless Index III gets completely remade though.

>> No.26423356

MG2 Solid Snake's theme truly is good shit.

>> No.26423358
Quoted by: >>26423812

I'll check it out thanks for the recommendation

>> No.26423366

>Theme of Solid Snake

>> No.26423372
File: 25 KB, 737x753, E8B5C8EE-8560-4144-800A-BD2F62879E55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26423386
File: 227 KB, 2048x1536, Eqizn_5UwAEMHrW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26423457

I forgot that ll these weapons in MGS4 were actually ment to be used in Metal gear online 2

>> No.26423410
Quoted by: >>26423598

NT is shit. There is a reason why every damn spinoff happens in the past and they are dead afraid of advancing Railgun into NT.

>> No.26423411

Sankaku actually still hosts articles shilling elementary schoolers' junior idol DVDs - with pictures and all. It's an unironic pedo den.

>> No.26423412
Quoted by: >>26423530


>> No.26423416
Quoted by: >>26423501

Although 2D worries me more because it's possible it was traced from actual stuff

>> No.26423420

As cute as those two are I always thought it's kinda fucked up how Yue essentially has no choice in the matter whatsoever, especially since he very obviously wasn't over Clow

>> No.26423434
Quoted by: >>26424164

Naruto being a reincarnation doesn't create plot holes. (Still bad writing though) Luffy having a god DF creates gaping plot holes that haven't been patched months later.
Also Wano just blows in general but that's another argument.

>> No.26423447
Quoted by: >>26423683

i never understood the joke in that comic strip

>> No.26423453

Man the Ipod® really makes the game

>> No.26423454
Quoted by: >>26423668

"Weeaboo" is still around, anon

>> No.26423457

Not all of them. You only got access to a lot of weapons in Drebin Point matches which were not the default.

Also everyone just used the M4 anyway since it was the best gun.

>> No.26423470
File: 341 KB, 2167x2164, 1655665907246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26423500

I'm a genius?

>> No.26423501

at least 3D renders are realistic enough now that 2D tracers don't have to go into that shit anymore

>> No.26423520
File: 216 KB, 1169x1893, 1631920721526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everyone !! Konrose! \( ̄▽ ̄)/

My name is Vtuber Rosemi Lovelock!

I have never been or posted on 4chan before so I'm not sure if this is correct or I am allowed to post this:

but I would like to introduce myself to the people here !

I'm a Vtuber fluent in English, french and Japanese.

I love to play games and sing and talk. I hope to get to know you more and become your friend if possible! Thank you for your time .. !



>> No.26423528

lmao even

>> No.26423530


>> No.26423538

Pomu pls stream MG1 and 2...

>> No.26423539


>> No.26423541


>> No.26423566

>flashbacks of Toya staring into Yukito eyes passionately in the last arc while saying "Yukito...I...." instead of just fucking telling him that he's going to die
Yeah I can see why fujos would like that. I hated it personality because the writing made no sense. If you know your friend's life is in danger, you fucking spit it out man.

>> No.26423580


>> No.26423579
Quoted by: >>26423706

I had a dream where for Obsydias anniversary they were all dressed as maids and sent a cute emote sticker to people who were membered to them. Selens was Christmas themed. I can't remember what rosemis or Petras was.
Selen delivered my food to me but ended up laughing so hard she pissed herself and blamed it on the fact that it was her time of the month. She did it twice by my table and in the dream I just kinda accepted that it was what girls did, I'm not sure why though.
But it was a good dream

>> No.26423587
File: 222 KB, 306x423, enna think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26423664

I wonder if Enna is disgusted by actual lolicons.

>> No.26423598
File: 938 KB, 1200x675, new years baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a little bit of an oversimplification cause Miki is basically a prophet in terms of LN successes and he was already on the track to making his own companies to manage everyone with Straight Edge, but basically yes Mushoku Tensei getting such a high quality anime adaptation is a result of Index III being completely fucked over behind the scenes.
The reason they're scared is because Mikoto becomes part of the main cast in NT and railgun literally wouldn't have enough downtime for her to make a spinoff. What they'd need to do is end Railgun, skip NT entirely, and make a spinoff in GT time.

>> No.26423605

is snake eater on the ipod?

>> No.26423615
File: 124 KB, 398x362, 1655474286497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever had tulpa of your oshi go against you and now you're thinking your oshi is disgusted to have you as in their audience and thinks you should disappear? Ahah... Asking for a friend.
I don't feel so good. I can't even watch streams happily without those schizophrenic thoughts.

>> No.26423620

Please get the white room and make them dance like idols Pomu.

>> No.26423624

why do women produce dopamine when they see such weak drama...

>> No.26423635

I never thought about it that way, but you have a point. And really, while I might find realistic stuff distasteful, if actual pedos fap to that instead of hurting kids that's a win in my book, so eh.

>> No.26423640

I always meant to read the manga. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.26423650 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 100x100, 1655517292439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26423708

I'm so glad that Pomu's chat is open and everything went back to normal. Concernfags and doomposters GTFOd yet again

>> No.26423664

Well, she gets along with Mysta just fine.
In fact I always doubt it when anons talk about what a femcel she is because Mysta is a smorgasbord of traits radfems find unappealing in men and yet they're friends.

>> No.26423668
File: 452 KB, 600x800, Pomu-sama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's talking about wapanese

>> No.26423683

It was just meant as a nonsense word

>> No.26423700
Quoted by: >>26424222

your sonny tulpa is part of sonny's tulpa connecting to you through the noosphere

>> No.26423702
File: 2.09 MB, 4096x2896, 1551761904930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of anime and manga
I hope Ragna crimson anime isnt dogshit
Also Horizon S3 when? Sunrise you idol niggers

>> No.26423703
File: 195 KB, 480x480, 1654743730309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like precure and Tokyo Mew Mew more

>> No.26423706

Oh yeah I forgot to mention they all cooked their own unique desserts

>> No.26423708
Quoted by: >>26423846

I think Petra was the one who was probably hit the hardest in terms of her being emotional about it.
Pomu just membershipped because niggers wouldnt shut the fuck up about it and spammed it in pre chat

>> No.26423712
Quoted by: >>26423872

>your friend
They were fucking

>> No.26423739
File: 278 KB, 755x727, 20A0D01A-24CA-45C5-ACBB-CCE96A05CC1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milord LOVE!! anyone know a good website for youtube to mp4? I’m having trouble finding one that can handle a 2 hour video download…

>> No.26423740

Sometimes femcels can get along with other undesireables
look at anons here, so many hetero crumbs from cute anons and femanons every day...

>> No.26423744
Quoted by: >>26423935

They still do it anyway though just because a lot of them are genuine pedophiles. If you browse sadpanda enough you learn to recognize which loli artists lean way too hard into "anatomically correct" little girls and learn to avoid them. Pixiv is even worse with the 3D rendered loli hentai, some of them are even based on real people it's creepy as shit.

>> No.26423755

naomi booba

>> No.26423762
File: 297 KB, 555x549, 1655486503738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never even asked to have a tupla in a first place. Why is this happening? Why can't I just enjoy things? Why it has to be like that?

>> No.26423768

i didnt see it was it an alien like in signs

>> No.26423774
Quoted by: >>26423862

youtube dl

>> No.26423800
Quoted by: >>26423862

learn to use yt-dlp, most sites suck ass

>> No.26423801

Use a program

>> No.26423808

paramedic > naomi

>> No.26423809

is a tulpa like an imaginary friend or what?

>> No.26423812

No prob. Just a heads up that Hidamari has multiple seasons under weird names (HS x365, HS star star star, etc). The one just titled "Hidamari Sketch" is the first one. MAL, Anilist, etc should give you the right order if you get confused.

>> No.26423831

You're fucking right

>> No.26423835

Mei Ling is so fucking hot in MGS4.

>> No.26423839

youtube-dl, trust me it's not that hard to use as it seems initially, you can do this.

>> No.26423841
Quoted by: >>26423930

femcels have no problem getting along with male co-workers they have no intention of having sex with anon. it's not like they're animals, they can still control their internal disgust when encountering low value males for the sake of professionalism.

>> No.26423843

Tokyo Mew Mew was my favorite magical girl show as a kid but it's not that good. Especially the manga, the art is kind of garbage and you can't tell what's going on during the fight scenes half of the time. The anime adaptation really carried it. I'll still watch the remake out of nostalgia's sake though and remember Kisshu fondly as my first real anime crush.

>> No.26423846

Didn't Petra just went on break for a week and acted like nuthingburger afterwards? It's a better solution than going menhera breakdown on a stream

>> No.26423849

God I want a tulpa

>> No.26423852

self induced schizophrenia

>> No.26423862

I’ll check these out! Thanks! Gotta get ASMRs before Susan nukes em

>> No.26423872
Quoted by: >>26423992

Goddamn fujos...

>> No.26423875

>Telling a kindred to use a terminal

>> No.26423878

self induced schizophrenia for that imaginary friend, though to the person it is very real

>> No.26423882
File: 681 KB, 1170x794, 1639582691055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26424139

punish him

>> No.26423885

>liking ms Mengele

>> No.26423894
File: 817 KB, 720x404, [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka - 04 [720p]3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka and Mahou Shoujo Site more.

>> No.26423902
Quoted by: >>26424766

why cant japs write good endings that arent complete dogshit?

>> No.26423912
File: 5 KB, 346x39, 1651413502025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26423930

I don't really think it's a professionalism thing, though. It's not professional to send said co-workers gore and shock porn like she does with him for kicks.

>> No.26423935

>some of them are even based on real people
Reminds me of that western artist that made nsfw art of that kid celebrity from xmen. Crazy weird.

>> No.26423952
File: 314 KB, 353x446, 1654988315752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I guess?
But in my case it's more like with everything I do I can't help imagining what would my oshi think of this. It used to motivate me to work more and create more, and now everything is turning against me and I can't control what's going on in my schizoid head anymore.

>> No.26423957

No one likes Naomi. I always mute every scene with Naomi past act 3. The game 40% better as a result.

>> No.26423960
Quoted by: >>26424185

Wasn't even a week. Was just a day. Claimed she was having Internet problems and didn't stream. Acted normally after.
Finana had dox niggers still harassing her in December

>> No.26423968

Magical girl en liver when?

>> No.26423974
File: 1.41 MB, 1406x799, THE MEDICINE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26423992
Quoted by: >>26424224

You realize CLAMP are also fujos? They have plenty of shounen ai works and there is no doubt whatsoever that Touya and Yukito were gay as fuck for each other

>> No.26423996

After Zanzibar...

>> No.26423998


>> No.26424000

when I debut in wave 6

>> No.26424002

If only….

>> No.26424005

>Dude, what if we made a magical girl anime... but for MEN

>> No.26424041

anon all magical girl anime is for men lol

>> No.26424071
Quoted by: >>26424153


>> No.26424073

lmao, even

>> No.26424077
Quoted by: >>26424126

Wtf is going on this thread

>> No.26424078
File: 436 KB, 709x344, HUFFHUFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want to die between Asuka's soft thighs

>> No.26424080

Damn he's old...

>> No.26424090

imagine being this coombrained

>> No.26424119
File: 138 KB, 421x420, 1554472884963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26424126

Welcome to /a/

>> No.26424139
File: 831 KB, 1000x864, 1655476058359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26424198

My tulpa isn't Sonny, but if I'd say who he is, it would've way be too easy to make connection considering that it really started to go downhill in my head after my account got actually noticed by my oshi.
I was already punishing him enough, even before, so it doesn't help.

>> No.26424145
File: 113 KB, 382x321, 1632721203062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love trashy edgelord magical girl anime, it was absolutely worth letting Madoka kill the genre just for shit like Spec Ops Asuka

>> No.26424150

Precure is so popular with men they have to ban them from Precure events because it scares away the little girls.

>> No.26424153

If she schedules it and I can find a torrent this might be the first time I'll be able to set up a watchalong for anyone who wants to join me!

>> No.26424164

That's Oda's writing 101. Shit that feels like a plothole might get explained in gazillion chapters and OPfags will be sniffing their farts afterwards saying that everything is foreshadowed and haters are dumb, meanwhile Oda is just a slowpoke fag who overuses mysterybaits so his fans will keep buying the volumes for decades to find out the most trivial shit. For example, the location of Pluton was revealed in the last chapter after literally 20 years of Robin finding out about it.

>> No.26424167

Nothing can save Snake because he was made to fail in the first place.

>> No.26424176

Doesn't make it for men. That's like saying MLP is for men because of the fanbase it attracted.

>> No.26424180

Pomu needs Magical Girl outfit.

>> No.26424185
Quoted by: >>26424248

It was just one day, but for the doxx she said that she just wasn't feeling up to playing the piano and moved the stream.
The internet excuse was for the Discord leak, which I now realize was immediately a week after the doxx which is kinda fucked up.

>> No.26424192
Quoted by: >>26424293

Not that anon and he's exaggerating but you really should do your Maho Shoujo development and publication history reps, starting with Megu and the people behind it

>> No.26424198
Quoted by: >>26424296

>my account got actually noticed by my oshi
Jesus fucking christ

>> No.26424201
Quoted by: >>26424441

Vox love!

>> No.26424222
Quoted by: >>26424360

And that scares me. What if it's all real and my oshi actually wants me dead. Huh?

>> No.26424224

I understand that they're fujos who were willing to undermine the writing in CCS just for shitty fujo pandering.
If your crush, lover, etc is on the verge of DEATH, then you fucking tell them immediately. You don't stare passionately into their eyes, say "Yukito...I..." for the millionth time, and then let some bitch you don't even know distract you. It literally made no sense.
Clamp just constructed a scenario to pad out season 3 while pandering to fujos without having the characters act in a way that makes sense.

>> No.26424248
Quoted by: >>26424436

Oops that's right.
I just remembered it being very short.
I think she's the only one who's taken a break though after her dox got posted. A lot of people already knew selen and Rosemi though IG

>> No.26424255
Quoted by: >>26424995

tried to watch mahou shoujo site and the animation was so bad I had to drop it. no magical girl anime can beat madoka

>> No.26424259

I wonder if that twist hurts Pomu..

>> No.26424270
File: 115 KB, 390x273, 1551884210526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu

>> No.26424277
File: 5 KB, 300x168, EF854714-5D9F-448C-98A0-3E5977ECC338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korean zombie desk car

>> No.26424286

pomu's next surgery...

>> No.26424293

I looked into it enough. First real magical girl anime was based off of Bewitched and was aimed explicitly at young girls back in the 50s or some shit. Young girls have always been the primary demographic.

>> No.26424296
File: 102 KB, 257x257, 1655474171105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, right? It's nice to imagine this scenario the head but it's actually quite terrifying... I'm a fanartist, hope it clears why I even have account in a first place.

>> No.26424311
File: 6 KB, 162x161, 1626488409625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She broke her back twisting, it probably did hurt

>> No.26424329
Quoted by: >>26424342

what is a radfem?

>> No.26424342
Quoted by: >>26424464

Radical feminist.

>> No.26424344

>made for men
>men are banned from events
So, it isn't made for men

>> No.26424357
File: 216 KB, 800x800, 10 out of 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26424427


>> No.26424360
File: 3.58 MB, 1000x864, 1639434292347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's sonny's tulpa trying to keep you away from him

>> No.26424363
Quoted by: >>26424629


>> No.26424373
Quoted by: >>26424575

>the location of Pluton was revealed in the last chapter
Spoil me

>> No.26424378

Snake is a deadly virus factory now.

>> No.26424381
File: 356 KB, 1448x2048, 1655310167845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26424392

I feel like this is a mystake for some reason

>> No.26424400
Quoted by: >>26424430

>So I have a year?
>No, you have half a year.
>So I have half a year?
>No, you have 3 months

>> No.26424406
File: 902 KB, 1080x1254, 1627384258348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked the webcomic Exploding Girl. Too bad it was discontinued

>> No.26424409
File: 186 KB, 1200x1200, 1634275765324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26424448

haha dead

>> No.26424416

so what ends up happening to snake at the end of MGS4? he just drops dead somewhere?

>> No.26424417
Quoted by: >>26424629

Well, we do have a Mystake artist here, but they were saying the other day they already got noticed by him.

>> No.26424420

Covid Snake...

>> No.26424427

God I loved this anime
I wish I still had the ass rape stare webm

>> No.26424430

>woman moment

>> No.26424433

>Oda is just a slowpoke fag who overuses mysterybaits so his fans will keep buying the volumes for decades to find out the most trivial shit.
Exactly! I'm so tired of it. All this nigga knows how to do is mysterybait without creating satisfying conclusions.
Remember how Oda kept Kawamatsu, the kappa, in shadows for several chapters? It meant fucking nothing. Nothing changes about the goddamn plot or context if his character was revealed asap.
>For example, the location of Pluton was revealed in the last chapter after literally 20 years of Robin finding out about it.
Yeah at this point I don't really care about Pluton, Poseidon, whatever. If he can't make Wano feel fulfilling despite a decade of buildup, I have no faith in the other plot threads.

>> No.26424436
Quoted by: >>26424821

People already knew Selen and Rosemi though. There wasn't much of a secret with those.
Petra's was much more invasive

>> No.26424442


>> No.26424441
File: 61 KB, 300x300, 71004428-EBD0-465F-B087-2EDF461F141D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much love!! He was so good today..

>> No.26424448
Quoted by: >>26424498


>> No.26424455

Is there an in-story reason for why the doctor has her tits out like that? Does she breathe through them or something?

>> No.26424461

so that's why snake tries to become an hero at the end of the game

>> No.26424464

ah! thank you

>> No.26424471

Finding out I masturbated to my oshi back in middle school is still a trip.

>> No.26424472

>Madoka kill the genre
Not really. Little Witch Academia was decent even tho they had pandered to otakufags too, and Precure is still going strong. Literally every edgy Madoka wannabe magical show got flopped, so it's only a matter of time when the genre will come back to its roots

>> No.26424476

giving snake the ol' lowtiergod

>> No.26424488

all work and no play make kojima a horny boy

>> No.26424493

we need more edgy magical girls

>> No.26424495
Quoted by: >>26424571

Snake's life fucking sucks.

>> No.26424498
File: 1.20 MB, 1170x1390, 1650711224650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i laugh through the pain

>> No.26424504

Naomi's a thot and trying to seduce him.

>> No.26424507

Ironically, I think being enough of a social butterfly to post photos of yourself on the internet is basically a necessity to get into NijiEN. It's not like it's a requirement of course, but an indirect thing. Someone like me who is too socially retarded and paranoid of doxxes to bother with posting photos online probably will never achieve the kinds of important connections (with other vtubers, etc.) necessary to get good enough numbers to get hired for NijiEN.

>> No.26424509
File: 1.10 MB, 360x360, 1620948377885.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother. I wish I could watch them with Enna...

>> No.26424513
Quoted by: >>26424706

Reminder that Otacon fucks this thot in the back of a helicopter.
Just fucking ravages her with his Zone of the Enders desktop wallpaper in the background

>> No.26424515

No, that excuse is about 3 games from now.

>> No.26424516

Kojima loves boobs.

>> No.26424524
File: 237 KB, 558x420, 1625618501858.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26424526

wait for selens outfit on obsydia anniversary

>> No.26424530


>> No.26424532
File: 105 KB, 298x299, 1634567954929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i forgot about granbelm lmao

>> No.26424539

Demon girl EN liver when?

>> No.26424547


>> No.26424567

He just chills with Otacon for the rest of his days.

>> No.26424571

Snake...had a hard life. He needs some time to rest.

>> No.26424572

Conventional magical girl anime is still out there. PreCure's going strong. It didn't really kill the genre, it just created a new EDGY subgenre

>> No.26424573

That's like half of the Magical Girl shit that comes out nowadays. Everyone wants to be Madoka Magica.

>> No.26424575
Quoted by: >>26424726

It was in Wano all along

>> No.26424576

To be honest all females in games should have their tits out like that. Also Quiet literally does that so she has to wear a Bikini top the whole game and that's the best part of MGSV

>> No.26424580

Her sexiness makes her shitty actions more bearable.
>Does she breathe through them
No that's in a later game silly

>> No.26424585

he didmt die as a snake or a soldier, he died as david

>> No.26424597
File: 483 KB, 540x503, 1655479357019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26424612

The Stamina bar on MGS3 was cool and engaging but the psyche bar on 4 its so fucking pointless.

>> No.26424625

Magical Girl Rising Project was dope. It was fun watching that weekly.

>> No.26424628
Quoted by: >>26425138

Because the edgy Madoka wannabes didn't understand that Madoka was never a subversion of the genre in the first place. The themes of despair and even things like the mascot secretly being evil, none of that is new. Shows like Magical Girl Rayearth have already explored all that shit. Madoka was always a love letter to the genre, meant for older fans magical girl but magical girl fans nonetheless. The edgy copies are just reskinned battle anime that rely on gore and violence for shock value. It sucks.

>> No.26424629
File: 102 KB, 300x300, 1654988315751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, right guess, can't lie.
I feel extremely psychotic and overthinkfull because of this retarded shit. Makes me rethink every word I've ever put out even /here/ and even when talking to myself at my own time.

>> No.26424649


>> No.26424655


>> No.26424664
Quoted by: >>26424794

actual schizo anon...

>> No.26424665
Quoted by: >>26424995

Nah we really don't. I don't see how anything can top Madoka. Having every season filled with edgy magical girls and trashy isekais makes being a seasonal anime fan a miserable experience.

>> No.26424681

She's proud of being hot and probably wants to fuck Snake at least a little bit

>> No.26424680
File: 645 KB, 593x857, 1633336395168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is wrong, actually. They did rejigger queues at times due to physical size and buying power differences but they were never banned.
Either way.
Mahou Shoujo discussions are as pointless as mecha ones since both are super freaking old and have changed fundamentally at least 5 times.

>> No.26424686
Quoted by: >>26425014


>> No.26424688

nta but it's been on my mind all day, the posts kindredsis made about ceo milord really did manifest!

>> No.26424692
File: 862 KB, 1000x1288, 1655657847622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26424827

my sex cat looks a little different...

>> No.26424695
File: 31 KB, 567x626, FMecWTnWUAg0Spt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26424794

Wait, you have a Mysta tulpa? Back things up for a second here...

>> No.26424706
File: 81 KB, 246x203, 1634700138905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who was hotter: Naomi or his stepmother?

>> No.26424708
File: 193 KB, 1167x1120, 1644522768215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26424712
Quoted by: >>26424771

why are the frogs all women again? is it so they can't be kicked in the balls?

>> No.26424714

kojima has aspergers, he didn't know how to convey snake being sad about being an old fart without having a sadness meter on the screen

>> No.26424718
Quoted by: >>26424912

That ASMR made me feel things…

>> No.26424726
Quoted by: >>26424936

Oh. They didn't found it yet then looks like. I've dropped One Piece in the middle of Dressrosa but I'm still interested in stuff like Ancient Weapons and Void Century.

>> No.26424736
Quoted by: >>26424893

oh I'm like that too but I just call it maladaptive daydreaming.

>> No.26424740
File: 178 KB, 383x465, deepthroatpomu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just spends his few remaining months hanging out with Otacon and Sunny until he most likely passes away. MGR doesn't even mention if he's alive or not, which is probably just a nice way of saying he died.

>> No.26424751
Quoted by: >>26424876

>Okay, right guess, can't lie.
It was a gut feeling

>> No.26424753

Yuki Yuna is still going iirc

>> No.26424766

Google kishoutenketsu and Jo-ha-kyuu story structures. Hitting the climax then rapidly divebombing toward the ending is just a thing there. And it often catches westerners off-guard.
From what I understand it's in part the legacy of Buddhist morality plays often ending with something like "And then Kannon-sama manifested and everyone present in this story immediately achieved enlightenment".

>> No.26424771

Because Kojima.

>> No.26424786

it's hot in the jungle baby.

>> No.26424794
File: 319 KB, 555x549, 1655486643382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26424860

I don't even know anymore what I have. If not tulpa, what is this?

>> No.26424792
Quoted by: >>26424950

isn't the last human part of raiden basically his brain? Just wait for mgs6: pachinko to have him in a robot body

>> No.26424798

It's just meant to convey that Snake is old and how that's a hindrance to him. It's not meant to be as engaging as MGS3's system
>but why have the codec sections with Rose?
To give you an excuse to jiggle her titties. Also more codecs are good.

>> No.26424800
Quoted by: >>26425081

>rapidly divebombing toward the ending is just a thing there
what the fuck Japan

>> No.26424819


>> No.26424821

Yeah that's what I was saying
Although it took a while for elira to get there and I will say she never gave any sort of indication it bothered her.

>> No.26424823

why do the frogs burn and turn into ashes when they die?

>> No.26424827
Quoted by: >>26424906

he actually looks hot now

>> No.26424851

more like it's easier to not mention it in case they did a game after msg4, so storyline don't contradict much.

>> No.26424857

Did you know that the first three Rebuilds of Evangelion are literally called Jo, ha and Kyuu (Q)?

>> No.26424860
Quoted by: >>26425194

Do you see and hear Mysta in your daily life? Does it feel like he's actually there?

>> No.26424872
Quoted by: >>26424939

Reminder: Kojima wanted The Boss's tits out for the final boss fight of MGS3. Kojima also wanted the B&B squad to be completely naked.

The man is a genius and true artist.

>> No.26424876
File: 67 KB, 300x275, 1655213950260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the thread way too much, anon!

>> No.26424883
File: 614 KB, 1536x2048, 1654569051649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26425194

Sis, unless you've been doing colossally stupid shit like publicly doxxing him or talking about how you want his coworkers to die, I guarantee you he has seen worse and, furthermore, probably does not particularly care what you say

>> No.26424893
Quoted by: >>26424996

I have maladaptive daydreaming, but it is not quite that schizophrenic for me

>> No.26424897
File: 142 KB, 630x890, A20019-2049386560.1573389560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26425019

Is toji no miko a magical girl anime its one of my favorite anime series to come out

>> No.26424906
Quoted by: >>26424970

Axia or Alban?

>> No.26424912
File: 428 KB, 828x954, 495F0560-0178-4B95-9C5E-41F26744ACEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t help but feel partially responsible because I was one of the sisters making CEO Vox posts the other day with another anon or two! Such a good concept and so I was amazed to see so many things in his stream today that we talked about back then… the guilt-tripping and blackmail were so delicious!
God, me too. Made me squirt!

>> No.26424929

The JP version of MGR has a bonus "Snake Sword" meant to honor his memory. He's dead by then

>> No.26424936
Quoted by: >>26425178

>Void Century.
Here's what we have gotten so far. The legendary hero of Wano had a wife. His wife had a time travel fruit that lets you send yourself or others forward in time. She originally came from the void century. However Oda did nothing to expand on this before killing her off in a flashback so that's it.

>> No.26424939

Did he contain himself for Death Stranding? So far I didn't a single boob...

>> No.26424941

there's no way pomu can be so bad that she can die, she has 13 rations. why is mgs4 so damn easy

>> No.26424943
Quoted by: >>26425088

I feel like this game shows the turning points where games slowly started to become shit
>grey/brown colors constantly
>game TELLs you specifically what to do
>cutscenes out the ass
>dialogue out the ass
>minimal gameplay that boils down to "lmao ikll 4 dudes, cutscene time"

>> No.26424949
File: 81 KB, 1080x405, Screenshot_20220620_062156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greeting himself a happy father's day because I am pregnant with his child!

>> No.26424950
Quoted by: >>26425039

Raiden's head(minus the lower jaw) and spinal cord are the only biological parts of him. The rest is robot.

Also, he wasn't quickly turned into a cyborg, it was a painful process that happened over the course of years. It was basically torture in addition to research.

>> No.26424954
File: 98 KB, 567x567, DaisUki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uki Uki Daisuki!

>> No.26424953

Will Pomu get the white room? I think she’ll kill her before 3 minutes

>> No.26424970


>> No.26424989

your husband is pregnant with my child

>> No.26424996

what does maladaptive daydreaming feel like? sometimes reality doesn't feel real and my head floats around but that doesnt quite fit the description

>> No.26424995

Madola didn't kill shit, Precure was going stronger than ever in its wake, it's only recently after Hugtto and StarTwi's flop that Toei stop giving the franchise priority and instead began focusing on One Piece again. At least TroPre was pretty fun though.
Madoka is just a shittier mix of Heartcatch and Princess Tutu. Grow up already Butcherbabies

This is kinda overselling the role of Egg Firm in MT's production being good, they mostly got lucky that YnS got delayed and they had access to a lot of that crew for an extended period and their production started falling apart once Fujii, Immr, and Totos left. Now almost everyone who made MT good has moved on to better shows, Akebi, Onimai, DIY, and ofcourse the new YnS season, so the new season should look quite a bit worse, though the second cour was already a pretty big downgrade outside of episode 21.

>> No.26425000

To be fair, Grey Fox and Raiden died too and they sill came back. Big Boss too. They would have been a way of bringing back Snake if needed

>> No.26425002

he's not a father until the baby is born you delusional schizophrenic imbelice.

>> No.26425001
File: 20 KB, 834x39, 1651871023769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is weird. Pomu's relationship with her parents seemed fine, especially with her dad. Just yesterday she was happy remembering how they used to play games together. The only one that she seems to be on somewhat bad terms is her sister.

>> No.26425003
File: 110 KB, 1387x780, 20220222_210032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26425080

good morning

>> No.26425009
Quoted by: >>26425131

Uki Love!

>> No.26425008

Fragile getting her old lady body.

>> No.26425014
File: 3.00 MB, 540x302, file.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hate sex would have been legendary.

>> No.26425019

that's a battle shounen, not a mahou shoujo

>> No.26425035

Death Stranding is an ass game more than anything

>> No.26425039

yeah but it's advanced so much to the point that they're just scooping orphan brains out and slapping them in the vr pods by reveangeance

>> No.26425042

tldr, still like madoka

>> No.26425053


>> No.26425058
Quoted by: >>26425184

Raiden didn't die, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.26425063
Quoted by: >>26425182

I still can’t stop thinking about Vox impregnating me!

>> No.26425067
Quoted by: >>26425136

If I'm being honest
Metal gear survive was a cool concept and could have made for a decent game if not just thrown out there like shovel ware. It opened the possibility of different universes allowing for changes of major events while bringing back fan favorite characters.
Too bad Konami are fuckheads who'd rather put all their resources into building pachinko machines

>> No.26425080
File: 78 KB, 724x724, ukihearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26425202

Thank you! Have a nice evening seffyposter \(*´︶`*)/

>> No.26425081

It makes it pretty funny to see weebs complain about endings being too fast, really
Like, I understand varying taste, but in this case it's not bad writing so much as cultural differences

>> No.26425085

Get out

>> No.26425088

>game TELLs you specifically what to do
Codec calls have always done this. You can choose to ignore them or you can keep on calling them for more hints.
>minimal gameplay that boils down to "lmao ikll 4 dudes, cutscene time"
Oversimplification of the gameplay but alright

>> No.26425090

character development

>> No.26425100 [SPOILER] 
File: 170 KB, 238x416, Metal_Gear_Acid_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26425125

>Theres a wsy to bring snake bsck
About that it happened

>> No.26425102
Quoted by: >>26425145

Why Pomu always aim for the crotch...

>> No.26425113
Quoted by: >>26425139

>Noo Pomu tranq her instead


>> No.26425125

not canon

>> No.26425131
File: 163 KB, 500x500, UkiHeart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uki love! <3

>> No.26425136
Quoted by: >>26425662

It's still crazy that they just threw away 90% of their games division though. Just too reliably profitable I guess.

>> No.26425137
Quoted by: >>26425184

>Raiden died too
Did you skip the cutscenes at the end of MGS4 bro?

>> No.26425138

True. Madoka basically did everything what Princess Tutu did a decade before it, the only reasons why people remember Madoka more are psychedelic visuals, edgy goreporn scenes and lack of decent shows back in 2011. Producers and directors of wanabee titles completely missed the essence of the show and thought that goreporn and creepy visuals = the formula of success

>> No.26425139

pomudachi always horny

>> No.26425143
Quoted by: >>26425593

nta but i had them as well and to me it basically felt like living in a second world you couldnt escape out of. i knew i had to eat and take care of myself etc but i really had to force myself because i was content just spending a whole day pretending i was in some sort of fantasy world with pretend people as friends and family around me. it was a bad time. im sure there are people though, who have it to a much less severe degree

>> No.26425145
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>> No.26425147
Quoted by: >>26425335

The majority of young people blogging on the internet about having a rough relationship with their parents are generally just venting because they're parents confronted them about poor habits/ no career plan/ etc.

>> No.26425155
Quoted by: >>26425275

Pomu is being bratty again ###

>> No.26425162

Rip octo head. Not like she uses stealth anyway

>> No.26425178

wtf? what was even the point of having her time travel if she just died immediately?

>> No.26425182
File: 129 KB, 322x362, ACDB530F-93D5-478F-8042-72607315548C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26425412

There’s never anything else on our minds! Brain empty only Vox

>> No.26425184
Quoted by: >>26425241

He died when he became a cyborg ninja

>> No.26425194
File: 255 KB, 493x480, 1655216296571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spend 99% of my time in my head interacting with theoretical scenarios and even possibilities of situations with people I know and it's hard for me to remember what was actually happening in real life and what was in my head since as long as I remember. I guess it is a maladaptive daydreaming? So I don't know how to respond to this question because a lot of stuff I experience was always in my head and it was normal most of the time? I don't know.
Yeah, I guess! Never done either of the things you've mentioned and never even thought about it. Still my stupid schizo head can't stop perverting my imagination and turning everything against me.

>> No.26425200


>> No.26425202
File: 219 KB, 2048x1230, 20220507_090518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26425231


>> No.26425211

Its almost just like this dox might not actually be right with how much isn't lining up now

>> No.26425218
File: 384 KB, 584x563, 1631102251820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26425261

>memers backseating
Wtf bros? I thought you said paying the liver and getting a fancy green name meant you're immune to being stupid?

>> No.26425228
File: 72 KB, 534x524, aaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26425464

>Madoka is just a shittier mix of Heartcatch and Princess Tutu. Grow up already Butcherbabies
Honestly I'm not even a Madoka fan I'm an Eva autist but Madoka perfected the Dark Mahou Shoujo formula by developing a bunch of likeable characters and making them suffer which ultimately climaxed in the most purehearted character sacrificing herself for her friends. You're never gonna really top that unless you go full Platinum End "and then humanity and all life in the universe was extinguished anyway lol" ending to really jerk off the edgelords.

I'd much prefer more dark adventure shows like Made in Abyss or depressingly sincere character-focused mecha shows like Eureka Seven than yet another attempt to replicate Madoka's success.

>> No.26425231
File: 207 KB, 1014x799, UkiLuvsU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26425269


>> No.26425233

please stop talking about this anons have brought up good points that she's directly contradicted herself a fuckton of it IS her. But the more you bring this up the more kiwifags are gonna dig, let them live in their delusions

>> No.26425241

No, you idiot. The point of that was to keep him alive and in pain while it happened.

>> No.26425256

I was rather happy for the kindred talking about CEO Vox when I saw this asmr on his schedule, I hope they enjoyed it!

>> No.26425259

At least tell her yo watch the white room scenes later. She will love em

>> No.26425261

stupid enough to pay a vTuber.

>> No.26425264

Some of the allies from the arc's flashback were time-traveled into the present by her

>> No.26425269
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>> No.26425271

I think if you aren't actively seeing Mysta IRL it's safe to say it isn't a tulpa. You're just a bit schizo, but it could be a lot worse.

>> No.26425275
File: 693 KB, 1150x1150, 1651865857686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-needs rape correction??

>> No.26425283

I went to make a sandwich when the boss fight started, how's Pomu been doing?

>> No.26425314

She still doesn't know how to find her

>> No.26425335

based and red pilled

>> No.26425348
Quoted by: >>26425591

>cute unmedicated menhra mystake
Please let me fuck your pussy and asshole

>> No.26425351

Well she us not using tranq which is OP on B n Bs...

>> No.26425352

>MGS discussion
>Anime discussion
>Tulpa discussion
And yet this is still one of the better /NijiEN/ threads

>> No.26425358

i went to the gas station to get cola when the cutscene started, and unironically came back when it ended.
my sides were in orbit

>> No.26425362

>Chat stop telling me what to do
>Gets superchat telling her what to do

>> No.26425365

So you remember Kinemon and Momo, the samurais who tagged along with the SHs? So Kinemon was one of the retainers of the hero of Wano, Oden, that I mentioned earlier. Momo was his son. When Kaido took over Wano, he executed Oden and Oden's wife was about to be burned to death. Before she died, she sent most of Oden's retainers and Momo into the future so that they could save Wano and escape Kaido temporarily.
So basically a plot device.

>> No.26425387
Quoted by: >>26425415

yes, Pomu, not you, you sex crazed pentomo.

>> No.26425388
File: 19 KB, 128x128, 1631214485304.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26425415

YOU need rape correction, uppity Pentomo bitch. Thinking YOU can correct anybody... fucking brat...

>> No.26425394

kill the tako, pomu

>> No.26425412
Quoted by: >>26425730

This asmr has fed me many ideas about Vox abusing his powers… My brain is going into overdrive

>> No.26425415
File: 73 KB, 220x215, 1645667138729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop giving him mixed messages

>> No.26425417

>we could have truckersemi but twittards are ruining it

>> No.26425426

Inafags don't look...

>> No.26425442
Quoted by: >>26425473

Holy shit this fight with lethal weapons takes forever

>> No.26425441

I'll give OP one thing and one thing only Black Beard is a cool villain
I guess I can give it two things because the warriors games are leagues more entertaining than the Naruto games (outside of the ones that actually give you an open world to do stuff in)

>> No.26425456

Us membuds already got truckersemi

>> No.26425464

This is something those shows were already doing anon, making likeable characters go through hardships and making sacrifices is not a fucking revolutionary concept, it's the basics, fucking Minky Momo was doing this shit in the 80s. But yes, you won't see me defending garbage like Mahou Shoujo Site either, at least Madoka has the fun witch worlds by Inu Curry if nothing else.

>> No.26425473

this fight with ANYTHING takes fucking forever, every boss in this game is shit tier until the final one and the metal gear

>> No.26425488

The title of this clip. Could it be anymore obviously tailored to try and catch searches for the boys names.

>> No.26425499

done my duty. Didn't she play already trucksim in members ? how was it ?

>> No.26425505
Quoted by: >>26425613

Gonna cry?

>> No.26425515

what happens if you tranq her

>> No.26425516
File: 326 KB, 550x511, 1640205948547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but is it a tulpa if I imagine myself having conversations with the person, but when I'm less in control of my mind that person starts beating me up which starts to freak me out?

>> No.26425519

>I'm not afraid of death
That's Raiden's quote in the fight with vamp... did pomu already play mgs4?

>> No.26425529

you probably get a goodie, i read octocamo.

>> No.26425532
Quoted by: >>26425609

It's literally a few shits with mosin and a sleep mine though?

>> No.26425551
Quoted by: >>26425581

That's not an uncommon saying

>> No.26425552

If there is a person in your head that moves independently without your control, yes I think that's a tulpa.

>> No.26425563

>I'll give OP one thing and one thing only Black Beard is a cool villain
True. But OP's going to ruin him like it ruined Kaido so it doesn't matter anyways.

>> No.26425569
Quoted by: >>26425750

>I guess I can give it two things because the warriors games are leagues more entertaining than the Naruto games
I fucking wish we got more anime-based musous. Fortuantely Nintendo is happy with the Warriors games KT made for them so I play those while waiting for the next Pirate Warriors.

>> No.26425573
Quoted by: >>26425676

You get special scenes, they dance to your ipad music and do idol poses

>> No.26425581

That's also not exactly what he says in that fight.

>> No.26425586
File: 2 KB, 115x95, pom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's shooting it with an assault rifle and wanted to know what using the tranquilizer on her would do since so many people are asking for it. Then she shot it once with the tranquilizer and didn't understand what it did because it didn't reduce health.
Pomu went full lethal in MGS3 so she has no idea what it looks like when you try to tranq down a boss. Doesn't matter now though, she's filling this bitch with bullets.

>> No.26425591
File: 346 KB, 200x200, 1651157439857.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I guess it's not a tulpa, at least that's a relief.
It always can be worse, anon... This thought is not really helpful most of the time. But thanks for comforting!
Many such cases. Like oshi like fans, I guess?
Also, sure, you can have schizoid daydreaming about this, I also can draw your oshi!

Anons, thank you for talking with me so much, can't thank you all enough, ready to take your drawing requests! Talking to the thread actually made me feel better.

>> No.26425593
Quoted by: >>26425743

I dissociate/zone out a lot, and kind of let go of reality. I'm more or less in control of what's going on in my head, at least I think so. It's more escapism than anything, just a detailed inner fantasy world with my oshi so I definitely don't think it's anywhere near being on the scale of a tulpa.
Mine is nowhere near that severe, although it is compulsive sometimes and I do struggle to snap out of it even though I'm aware I'm stuck in my own mind.

>> No.26425602
Quoted by: >>26425653

pomu's chat already complaining that she's using autoaim
pomu really likes to fuck with backseaters kek

>> No.26425606
File: 473 KB, 3608x2680, FVYi90FVIAAUrdL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26425609

>boss fight isnt long when you play it like an optimal autist

>> No.26425613

No I just thought it was funny how obvious it was.

>> No.26425625

This fight's easy as shit and shouldn't take long if you know what you're doing. I think you just suck at the game anon.

>> No.26425629
File: 68 KB, 1190x649, 1644886886846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mika needs rape correction too...

>> No.26425631

Octopus is really cool fight, the other 3 are utter garbage tho.

>> No.26425638

Tranqs kill them faster lol

>> No.26425653
File: 4 KB, 265x56, pomuchat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26425728

shame him

>> No.26425662

Unfortunately so. They lucked out on producing one of the few decent online adaptations of a card game, especially after blizzard fucked up hearthstone.
Combined it with gacha and their already incredibly ludicrously profitable pachinko machines and they had it made.
I don't think kojima is the prophet people make him out to be but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't saddened by the fact that these universes that have really interesting characters and environments are now either going to go to waste or be sold to people like bloober team

>> No.26425676

You get a doll that shows up in their airplane.

To get the white room stuff, you just have to run away during the second phase of the fight until it takes you to the white room, it has nothing to do with tranqing. To get the idol dancing, you have to use the iPod with the idol song on it in the white room and to get the poses you need to use the camera in the white room.

>> No.26425690
Quoted by: >>26425783

It's MGS hours so... maybe you could draw Pomu in Quiet's outfit from MGSV. Take care, man.

>> No.26425698

oh no shes hot

>> No.26425708

octopus is the hottest tomboy in mgs4

>> No.26425714

This character sucks not gonna lie

>> No.26425728

But of course. Faggot most likely joined yesterday when it was still members-only.

>> No.26425730

CEO Vox knocking up his cute little secretary and the whole office spreads rumors about who did it and how you’re such a slut for letting yourself get knocked up without even an inch of shame. His job is protected bc he’s the boss, it’d take more than a little office scandal to topple him, but you, just a lowly secretary? You’d be the talk of the company for years. Vox promises to keep it all a secret as long as you continue doing favors for him. Sigh… I love power imbalances…

>> No.26425740

Damn Kojima, nice work with these shots

>> No.26425743
File: 183 KB, 480x480, 1649258534262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26426014

Yeah, what you describe is really how it always was for me, it doesn't help that most of my daydreaming is semi-realistic, in a way that theoretically it could happen. But when I'm more in a depressive state it turns into overthinking nightmare and the most awful situations that can actually happen theoretically before my own eyes. Always was like this.

>> No.26425750
Quoted by: >>26425789

I picked up Warriors 4 from Gamepass and I was really shocked at how fun it was to beat the fuck out of faceless enemies using the one piece cast. Some characters were really hard to use as well which made it really entertaining when I figured out how to play as them

>> No.26425754

I want to impregnate vox

>> No.26425770

i might jack off to this later ngl

>> No.26425772

they all suck, but I think thats what kojimbo was going for, make them all 1 dimensional characters

>> No.26425774

She's barely a character. Just a mind broken woman who acts sexually for some reason.

>> No.26425775
File: 417 KB, 960x718, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26425854


>> No.26425783

Yeah this is a good idea, do this

>> No.26425789

Warriors game are fun to unwind.

>> No.26425819

>Pomu’s incompetent enough to last 3 minutes
Let’s gooo

>> No.26425840

White room bros...we lost...

>> No.26425852
File: 80 KB, 1143x1308, 1624735271625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26425883

I remember some of those screams from Ragnarok Online

>> No.26425854

I don't even think there's even an attempt to disguise it here

>> No.26425859

Yes, that is a tulpa. A fairly advanced one too if it's already taking action without your conscious thought. Honestly I highly recommend you stop imagining these conversations now before the tulpa really solidifies and entrenches itself in your psyche, because it sounds like you've accidentally projected some of your internalized thoughts and fears on it. People who create tulpas on purpose warn constantly against creating tulpas while distracted for exactly this reason, when you lose control of its characterization in the formation phase you can end up with some fucked up shit

>> No.26425872

I think that the pregnancy fetish kindred should hook up with Damascus.

>> No.26425873

Why is Pomu lying about not liking human contact?

>> No.26425879

Laughing octopus looks like Pomu...

>> No.26425883

they're all stock

>> No.26425888

Why did Kojima make the PTSD octopus soldier who grew up in a shitty war environment so sexy?

>> No.26425914

because it motivates people to tranq her then just shoot her

>> No.26425917
File: 84 KB, 1121x635, r8IveSoEFa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.26425919


>> No.26425922
File: 380 KB, 1150x887, 1647792443317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26425993


>> No.26425925

All female bosses should be sexy.

>> No.26425931

Kojima is compelled to make everything sexy. Even grandpas and grandmas have to be sexy too.

>> No.26425935

I need for wave 6 a chuuba that'll do tarkov streams where they sit for 6 hours in a bush to kill a random faggot

>> No.26425937
File: 68 KB, 720x722, ADFC932D-9FCF-4492-9B1C-1948839F15B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if he was still around here I’d consider it.

>> No.26425953
File: 61 KB, 214x211, 1653157126603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, and yes while she is unconscious

>> No.26425963

>she got the octo head anyway

>> No.26425965
File: 331 KB, 1663x1450, 1646544660626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad we could help, anon. Take care of yourself, okay?

>> No.26425967

sex with mysta

>> No.26425968
File: 332 KB, 400x432, 1632049000619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did any pomudachi SC her about the white room scenes? I know that she'd have a blast with them.

>> No.26425970

Tfw you’ll never get a girl as hot as her…

>> No.26425973

le exposition nigga

>> No.26425976

It's part of the canon that snake uses it later

>> No.26425980

Not even think twice

>> No.26425979
File: 82 KB, 768x768, 1646512195102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is that even a question?

>> No.26425986

>she GIVES octo head anyway*

>> No.26425993
File: 232 KB, 944x1108, xZ0ZSm9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By me.

>> No.26425996

every girl in games should be sexy

>> No.26426015
File: 379 KB, 1424x1424, 1649107602491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomboy anal...

>> No.26426016

Lord knows I would.

>> No.26426014

I get it. I haven't ever really panicked about it like you're describing, though.
