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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77607045 No.77607045 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy. You can check out over three years worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below:

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>77493282
(Where we discussed Shionyo, ruining your marriage in a Raden bender, and futanari)
/wg/ rentry for bakers: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/

>> No.77607107
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Story Anchor
Post em if you got em

>> No.77607189
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.77607269
File: 273 KB, 1233x1746, GAlWmoYaIAAaCdN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story Recap. There was one story posted last thread:

The Dokibird War - An Epic Retelling of Selen's Termination >>77602639
Tags: Elira, Dokibird, Metafiction, Selen, Series, SFW

>> No.77607971

Happy Watame in a bikini? What more could you ask for?

>> No.77608437

Here it is... the fabled Watame bread...

>> No.77608741

I am honored to see my story featured here!
Since future chapters are pending, would I only reply to the anchor with the new chapters going forward? Or should I re-send the entire series each time?

>> No.77608902

Just anchor the new part, and link to the old parts within your new part if you want.

>> No.77609026
File: 532 KB, 604x822, bigsmile_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/wg/ is honored to have your story!

>> No.77610618
Quoted by: >>77616502

Loving sex with Watame!

>> No.77611314
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Quoted by: >>77620206

A fic about you meeting a shrine maiden in feudal japan and marrying her
and then you die in battle
but you find her in your next reencarnationA fic about Miko and you encountering each other during each reencarnation in the eternal cycle of samsara

>> No.77612531

What's the saddest fic in the archive? Sad (sorrow) and sad (pathetic) both welcome

>> No.77613204
Quoted by: >>77644027

Hidden Sea Buried Deep, Salt and Shadow (An Unknown Tomorrow), Mumei at the Windowsill. It's 3 of them but I just find alzheimers so terribly tragic.

>> No.77613320

>>77608741 (Me)

Question: Can anyone think of semi-sympathetic, real-life adjacent internal complexity that I could give the secondary antagonists in my story? (i.e. Elira, Enna, and Millie) Depicting them as cardboard villain toadies of Anycolor is workable for my story, but I already have enough mustache twirlers in the outline.

>> No.77615730
File: 535 KB, 459x565, stay alive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77616502
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This sheep is going to get loved so tenderly.
Then get railed so hard that it wakes up the whole building.

>> No.77618905

Darn, did I miss furry discussion last thread?

>> No.77620206
Quoted by: >>77622746

wouldnt this fit better if you didnt marry her the first time? or if the marriage was loveless?
as you go through the cycles, you two fall in love

>> No.77622746
Quoted by: >>77626633

I kinda like the idea of the two of you slowly becoming closer with each reincarnation instead. Like you start out as people who merely passed by one another in one life, then the occurrence continues, growing more frequent with each life.

>> No.77624603

Casual mastermind that lets her flunkies get their hands dirty while hers remain clean. Believes that she's not doing anything wrong, because others are doing it on their own, with only her subtle input.
Wants Selen to rejoin her circle of friends because she likes her.
Tragic backstory created a bitter person.
Goodhearted person, but a idolater. Doesn't see the bigger picture, but tries to help in ways that are counterproductive

>> No.77624740
Quoted by: >>77631806

What is the context of the setting? Is it more modern based? Or fantasy driven?

>> No.77626633
Quoted by: >>77627109

i feel like a good cycle would be
>feudal japan
>ww2 japan
>80's japan
>modern time japan

but then again what's the "trigger" here? you both are aware of the cycle?

>> No.77627109
Quoted by: >>77629486

You may not be aware of the cycles outright, like you wouldn't remember your past lives or anything, but there might be certain types or events or places you are both drawn to that will give you an overwhelming sense of deja vu. The big culmination or big message of the fic can be that no matter who or when we are, we will always be drawn to certain people and perhaps even love them.

>> No.77629486
File: 825 KB, 1152x1162, bae cums.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as cliche as it is, it sounds like the perfect moment to pull the "red string of fate" trope.
Something like you two are vaguely aware of past lifes (due to dreams and memories) but your relationship is different in each cycle.

Like the first time you two grow to love each other after hating, then you are best friends, then are strangers, etc. The whole idea being that you two love each other despite the facets of your relationship being so different

>> No.77631027
Quoted by: >>77632008

Unrelated but there should absolutely be a scene with a certain nameless bird visiting in a flashback and in 'present time' after the reincarnation.

>> No.77631806


Thank you! These really are helpful ideas as I try and find ways to give nuance to the previously cardboard villain portrayal I had offered the alleged clique members. I'm probably going to be revisiting your post during brainstorming sessions.

I am using a simple high-fantasy setting. There is the kingdom of Nijisanji, and although I haven't stated it yet, there are other powers surrounding it, like the vshojo confederacy, the hololive empire, etc. There is magic, mirrors used for broadcasting messages, but nothing that would be out-of-place in a cliche fantasy novel.

>> No.77632008

Whoops, meant the first half of that reply to be for >>77624603
Thank you! This story has a couple birds, and if we are talking about owls... don't worry, she's already accounted for, hehe.

>> No.77632929
Quoted by: >>77642366

Gotcha, well for some antagonists, I would opt to not make them sympathetic at all. Some people are just gonna be dickheads for the sake of it, Enna is a possible good candidate for that.
>A songbird whose laughter and voice are revered and applauded by those around her, Enna could get away with almost anything, and it so happens that an ideal past time is partaking in the suffering of others. Her voice, both entrancing and melodic, can make onlookers see past her rotten heart, which fueled her taste for misdeeds
Millie is best used as an idiotic follower. Not necessarily evil by nature, but is easily influenced and will follow whatever leader she has. She can develop and appetite for mistreating others if she feels she is in a position where she can't be punished.

>> No.77633593
Quoted by: >>77636532

Introduce slavery as a nod to the other fic set in a fantastical nijisanji based setting.

>> No.77636532
Quoted by: >>77636888

Pardon me, which fic is that?

>> No.77636888

Hololive Subjection which is an unfinished fic about the Nijisanji Imperium winning a war against the Hololive Kingdom and enslaving their talents.

>> No.77637104

Also its extremely cringe and dated because it still thinks mori and Kiara are the enemies of the world

>> No.77638070

Vox and Ike were friends of Selen that participated in many games and events together, so you could either make them sympathetic by Vox losing his sanity, integrity, and morals, say, to greed and the adoration of his women, but for Ike, I got nothing.

>> No.77639657

I think I will pass. Given the plot plans, it just wouldn't make sense. Besides, this is mostly going to be a military + fantasy politics fic lol

I appreciate the thought though! If you have any other feedback, feel free to let me know!

>> No.77639778
Quoted by: >>77640237

forgive me if this was already brought up and discussed before, but with the summer approaching, are we going to host another summer writing event?

>> No.77640237

Sentiment is there but no one's thrown their hat into the ring of actually hosting the contest again.
If you want to implement rule changes administering the contest would be the easiest way get the contest to be how you'd like it to be.

>> No.77640852

Checked. That guy had a weird looking cock. Wished I saved the video.

>> No.77642366

Yeah, Enna strikes me as the least redeemable of the three.

>> No.77644027
File: 90 KB, 487x588, 1717087036850841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would writing a fic for this feel be /wg/'s Hiroshima?

>> No.77644416
Quoted by: >>77644645

I don't even know what the fuck this post means and I'm not watching that

>> No.77644645
Quoted by: >>77645072

Saddest and most tragic fic. It's pretty clear from the context.

>> No.77645072

>Saddest and most tragic
Hiroshima wasn't sad you moron, it turned a bunch of fascists into uguu kawaii vtubers. If we nuked them once more we'd probably be living in paradise

>> No.77645118

I know the thread is slow but that doesnt mean you can just post stupid shit

>> No.77645328 [DELETED] 

You're literally retarded if you think nuking hiroshima was sad. It was only sad for the retarded bugmen that got freedom delivered on top of them.

>> No.77645337
Quoted by: >>77721058


Cool stuff. I wonder if this guy is gonna depict less savory parts of the "war", like dragoons or tag-alongs burning down the homes of FaMillies. I think it would be kinda interesting if he wants moral ambiguity.

>> No.77645825
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Quoted by: >>77645938

don't be too hard on him. His penis never grew beyond an inch so all he has in life is "trolling" in the fanfiction thread of all places

>in before you spit back with "p-p-projection" or some variant of.

>> No.77645938

You literally are projecting onto others though.

>> No.77647068
File: 117 KB, 500x650, Good shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally got to write that one scene.
At last.

>> No.77647077
File: 201 KB, 850x1294, 1000003158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77648079

have a holy Marine to bring equilibrium to the thread

>> No.77647638

Is this the fourth thread with Lamy pentagram?

>> No.77648079
Quoted by: >>77654333

>holy Marine
That discussion from a month back about Marine being the uncorrupted one in a falling Hero's party is still stuck in my head. (Discussion >>76186681)
Just not sure how this would get written out as a fic. By nature it's kind of begging to be a multi-parter but where do you even start? Anon at the edge of the abyss hearing Laplus whispering to you that world doesn't deserve you, that you should turn to her real body? Marine trying to piece together what the hell happened? Bait and switch standard fantasy adventure opening that implies the start of a journey that the cuts to months into the future with the party falling apart from lewd stuff?

>> No.77649111

Well, I didn't do any of the writing I planned to tonight, but I did watch 8 hours of streams. So I can count that as research. Sure, maybe the streams I watched didn't have any of the girls in my WIPs in them, but maybe it'll be useful one day. All in all, a good day of writing.

>> No.77650598

congrats anon, hopefully the rest of the fic comes out easy enough

>> No.77654333
Quoted by: >>77654816

Is it related to HoloWitches?

>> No.77654816
Quoted by: >>77655565

No that would be this one about being the magical girl hentai villain that tries to corrupt the holowitches but gets the tables turned on them >>75925445
Which is also stuck in my head but for different reasons. At least that one has an easy starting point of the evil Anon thinking he's finally going to win once and for all... Then finds that even with their minds clouded by lust the power of friendship still beats him.

>> No.77655565
Quoted by: >>77656539

Oh, the one where you go to confront Laplus in the name of your friends only to be invited on a date

>> No.77656539
Quoted by: >>77657195

It'd be funny if the rest of HoloX did all the evil shit just so you would come to Laplus' castle (she's too shy to invite you)

>> No.77657195

>Get Suisei addicted to snuff rape towards the assassins sent against the party
>Make Shion a whore for demon power
>Make Fubuki a vixen perpetually in heat
>Get Marine addicted to anal (They didn't do that but Iroha is too embarrassed to admit she just did that on her own)
>All so a reincarnated Anon can reunite with their boss.
HoloX plans are truly in a league of their own.

>> No.77657800

Laplus will look like a proper lady compared to the degenerate whores around him. Especially if she pretends to be reformed after the others lead her astray.

>> No.77659831
Quoted by: >>77661337

Did Anon die on another planet and Laplus came here to find and marry his final reincarnation? Is the whole purpose of taking over the world just a way to make sure everything is under control this time?

>> No.77661218

Congrats! You can do it!

>> No.77661337

From what I remember of that prompt anon was never reincarnated.

>> No.77662388

Are there any good drama-fics people could recommend? I'm an unapologetic dramafag.

>> No.77662698
Quoted by: >>77663573

Try Paradise Lost

>> No.77662759
Quoted by: >>77663573

Exposure Therapy?

>> No.77663573

Thank you. I'm surprised there aren't more, given all the drama that has happened recently.

>> No.77663781

I just really hope that the story I recommend to you satisfies your needs because if it doesn't, then you'll need to rake through the archive to find something else.

Don't read Paradise Lost. It involves scat.

>> No.77663963
Quoted by: >>77665999

So you mean drama like with reference to actual controversies irl? I assume it’s because it would feel a little tasteless writing with that kind of topic. Most of the writers here write about stuff they like too, I genuinely don’t see the fun in writing about Miguel’s suing spree or a 2view’s boyfriend.

>> No.77664440
File: 189 KB, 482x283, eto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77665391

>on the last 25% of the chapter of my WIP
>found a game that I can't stop binging

Guess that chapter is not coming out for a while

>> No.77664875
Quoted by: >>77665255

/wg/ is more about the author's personal inspirations than reaction to current trends, really. Plus long series and the WIP pile discouraging you from starting something new.

>> No.77665255

TL Note: "author's personal inspirations" means "author's fetishes and chuubas he wants to fuck"

>> No.77665345
File: 1005 KB, 1582x1025, 1706868900280762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77665599

Some of us don't wanna fuck ALL of them. Don't you try to looocalize the translation.

>> No.77665391
Quoted by: >>77667283

I have to finish my fic before SMT5 Vengance comes out for this reason

>> No.77665547

Auntie's Little Secret is a great emotional drama. So is To be 17 again but it's never ever getting finished so don't get too invested.

>> No.77665599
Quoted by: >>77667804

I would fuck even Kiara if I just tape her mouth first

>> No.77665943

Agreed on the front 2, but I see Millie more of a naive woman, too loyal. An "eat or be eaten" kinda person.

>> No.77665999
Quoted by: >>77666498

Author of the "The Dokibird War" here. I've been wanting to write this ever since February, down to imaginary battlescenes based on chat logs and flame wars in the comments sections. I only waited to see how things would play out.
For a long time, I was discouraged because it seems like most actual fans of Dokibird had no interest in reliving the termination drama, even if it ends with them winning. I guess I'm weird, but what else is knew?

>> No.77666498

Oh if you want actual yab inspired/drama inspired fics them you're going to have a hard time finding them.
Closest thing would be post-yab rushia fics or fics literally inspired by a yab like Lies come to Light.

>> No.77667283

Do not look up eramegaten. That fangame's combination of slave trainer and smt mega crossover has utterly fucking consumed me.

>> No.77667443

I must've missed it but has there ever been an eragame for vtubers? Doesnt have to be just hololive really

>> No.77667515

Only about half the inspirations are horny, judging by the archive.

>> No.77667804
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Physically I would, but emotionally I can't. That's what happens when you get too involved in your own damn headcannon that if your character doesn't / there is no sexual attraction between the two, I can't do it either/

>> No.77668432
Quoted by: >>77670954

Good thing 99% of its content its actual garbage or badly translated

>> No.77668943
File: 406 KB, 460x636, 20240608_114955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77669082

Befriending CHaDcast and they try to keep you around as much as they can

>> No.77669082
File: 1.54 MB, 3643x4096, Chadcast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77669209

I mean I'm always down for more but we've already got two or three fics of this

>> No.77669209
Quoted by: >>77671114

We never got the cute romcom version right? since the clubroom is just the horny part and fujo fantasies seems to be going into another direction

>> No.77670954

NTA, but last time I played most of the dungeons/main stories are fully TL'd and werent that bad. Most Demon/human training needs google translate, though.

>> No.77671114
Quoted by: >>77671369

Man... As much as I like the shift in direction fujo fantasies went with in order to go for the more dramatic angle of the fujocast concept... I really wanted a fic that just did the dumb romcom (You) faking (or "faking") getting hypnotized and having loving hypnotized harem shenanigans.

>> No.77671369
Quoted by: >>77672058

well the thing is that the whole "smelly fujo" has a huge fetish bias. I feel like if you want the cute indulging in their hypnosis stuff angle, you'd have to cut back in the smelly part

>> No.77672058
Quoted by: >>77676134

I mean you could probably lean harder into the "they are a group of losers" thing with the smelly fujos part being rolled into a pitiful patheticness sort of thing.
Oh god this is making me think of that Raden NTR concept of "fun failure woman steals you away from boring monotony (as exemplified by your wife)" being cross applied into the general hypno chadcast idea.
>(You) are an average high school student shaping up to become a normie when you grow up.
>You'd done everything to ensure you'd have the perfect high-school life
>A girlfriend, a circle of friends, normal high-school boy shit.
>So why does it feel like you're already stuck in a rut?
>Cue the CHADcast
>By some shenaniganry with the student council you're forced to attend their club meetings.
>They're a bunch of degenerate losers you wouldn't have let yourself be caught dead with but...
>Why can't you stop coming back to this club room?
>Why does it feel better to shoot the shit with these 3 losers than to hang out with the circle of 'friends' you've obsessively built your first year in high-school?
Or chadcast corrupts a poor high strung anon and makes them enjoy life. (Hypnosis and NTR optional)

>> No.77674995
File: 224 KB, 1200x630, yUbpIoSbQ5euaVP7O3ZnbvJn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77676082

>> No.77675411

Before the drama, I was poking around the idea of an incest (you)/Selen/Elira fic where dragon puberty hits hard and your big sister Elira convinces you that she can relieve you. And then she reveals when you go to her room that night that she's also been helping Selen ever since her dragon puberty came in too, so it turns into a shameless smut fest with your two big sisters. I was planning to have some lame romance drama where "just sex" turns into feelings, and such.
But the drama kinda killed the story for me.

>> No.77676082

plap plap plap plap plap

>> No.77676134

eeh dont see it. I feel like the "straight A student learns to have fun" trope is way too flexible to work here. Like it could work with startend, snot, area 15, etc.

It could work if you were an asshole that's triying to gain their trust so you can humilliate them (maybe you joined the club to steal their shit and later broadcast it to the school) and then you get hypnotized...but rather than have their way they just try to make friends/roleplay scenarios with you

>> No.77676303

You can just ignore all the drama shit that happened with those two and still write it, anon.

>> No.77676420
File: 1.52 MB, 4096x4096, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77677369

i dont even know what's this supposed to be. how can i write hag kitty now?

>> No.77677158
File: 1.99 MB, 268x347, 1711072454087369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77677240

The google link in the OP doesn't work. So no access to story archive at all.

>> No.77677240

works on my machine. try opening it on incognito

>> No.77677369

Let your hag-wife wear cutesy things and try even harder to impregnate her

>> No.77680269
File: 324 KB, 331x429, azkisit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77681478

do you have any friends that know you write smut? I feel like I can't write anything at all if someone I know is going to read it...

>> No.77681866

Yes, but I would never let someone I know read anything I've written unless I was already having sex with them or planning to have sex with them in the future. Too intimate for friends to read that deeply into my horny thoughts.

>> No.77682133

Do beta readers count?
One of my IRL friends read my smut as well. Said it was hot.

>> No.77682975
File: 353 KB, 783x700, 1d750d80da8dccf4ab32597db40c81f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one who knows is the agent assigned to my case

>> No.77683136
File: 374 KB, 540x525, cheesed to meet you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they were my first betareaders regarding my Fire emblem fanfics but they are not aware i hang around here

>> No.77684453

I told my best IRL friend that I write fanfics for cash, didn't really tell him anything else but I think he probably knows

>> No.77684496
Quoted by: >>77684867

I think you need some time away from the boards or the drama threads. The rratmines have dried up like a couple of months ago so people are either shitposting, trolling or seeing patterns where there should be none and acting completely schizofrenic. At one moment I was too preoccupied with studying and when I returned to read Ninisanni's VN, I felt strangely fine with Selen and with Elira depicted there.

>> No.77684867

NTA but i would say its a bit of a delicate issue.
Some people absolutely can separate the person from the character and that's cool, but others find themselves struggling.
I,personally, feel like i cant separate the person from the nijisanji talents because its a big powder keg that had people obviously take sides and act in...shittier ways.
Is all the drama true? no, in absolute. Is everyone there involved? doubt it.

But it is hard, because there's a chance that one of them is one twisted motherfucker and that sours it for me. Hell i know some people have soured on pomu fanart because there's a chance she was equally miserable

>> No.77685098

Becoming Sora's BF only to find she's pent up and is going to take her sexual frustration out on you

>> No.77685546

wow, there are people in this thread purposefully showing their fics to their friends? your words encouraged me a lot frens, I wish I had at least 1% of your horny confidence

>> No.77685856
File: 46 KB, 696x569, 1713810901109543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77723044

Told my friends, told my wife. I'm damn proud of what I write and I ain't gonna keep it a secret.

>> No.77686220

Hag turns into a zoomer
Zoomer turns into a cake
Cake turns into Hag.

Choose your cast

>> No.77688588

This may be a dumb question, but it just occurred to me that my fic WILL require the depiction of potentially graphic violence between dragoon, kindred, etc. footsoldiers during the battlescene(s). Does anyone have ideas on how to do this in a relatively tasteful manner that mitigates the symbolic glorification of inter-fandom violence? Scenes I had planned include artillery barrages, direct fights between talents (not in human form), mass melee combat, and armies getting routed.

>> No.77688599
File: 81 KB, 850x601, __tokoyami_towa_hololive_drawn_by_ex_idol__sample-b2aae338f6da7fe1ff26ad2567715af9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teasing your friend towa for working in a maid cafe

>> No.77689706
Quoted by: >>77690661

You can't really do that unless you really lean into the shitpost energy a concept like this being taken seriously inherently has.

>> No.77689791
File: 330 KB, 500x500, Yukoku_Roberu_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey dude, what's up. Sorry to call you out of the blue but I saw your instagram story and my blood ran cold, so I had to-
>No man, no, it's not about that monster-coffee combination, it's about the girl you posted, that's Matsuri. Now, don't take this the wrong way man, I'm not jealous or anything, it's not about her being my ex- I mean, it kinda is, I'm here to warn you.
>That woman, dude, that woman is dangerous with a capital fucking D. The clingy stuff is cute at first but it gets draining real fast, and she's gonna call you at 3 am, asking if you're still in love with her, crying, threatening to cut herself, it's a whole thing man.
>Now, I have no right to poke into your personal life, but tell me, have you two fucked?
>Dude, just answer the question.
>No? Oh good, oh thank GOD!
>Listen man, that woman's a freak. And I don't mean it in the Luna way where she wants to test her new latex suit and whip, or the Mio way where she'll pounce you because you don't want to fuck her because she's pregnant, or the Chloe way where she'll fuck other people and send you the video, or even the Watame way where she'll mindbreak women into having your children,
>No dude, I mean, she's an actual fucking demon. Like she makes Choco look like a teddy bear. The piss stuff? That's a rite of passage. I passed it. I let that woman piss on my bed, on my face, and now I feel dirt hiding under my skin, but that's jus the tip of the iceberg.
>I know she's tempting, and her body's crazy hot, and I'll admit, the sex? It's fucking fantastic. Like, the first time she came over she sucked my dick like she owed me twenty bucks. She quite literally took my dick in her mouth and folded it into a balloon poodle with her tongue and teeth, and then unfolded it just so I could cum.
>Jesus man, I though she was about to swallow my testicles and regurgitate them while they were still attached to me.
>She's into leashing. Yeah, that collar you found, it wasn't my dogs. I don't even have a dog. It was for her.
>And it's not just that she likes it when you pull her hair or the leash, oh no, she wants to be fucking get walked in all fours. Sometimes, naked. Sometimes, in public.
>I brought that bitch to my yard, and she was breathing like crazy, tongue out, shaking her bottom, the whole works, hell, she even bought a doggy house and told me to leash her there and fuck her. Then, she took a shit in my yard. A full sized human shit.
>Now, I don't know who molested her or how they did it, but there's some evil fucking juju that runs in her veins. When she hugs me, I feel as if she's raping my childhood memories.
>I'm not gonna lie dude, I'm terrified of that woman, but that's also why she's so fucking attractive. I think I got a fetish for cumming on razor blade scars, but I don't care how tempting it is, dude, DO NOT STICK YOUR FUCKING DICK IN HER!
>That pussy has more mileage than a redneck's chevy, every time I pulled out and I saw my dick I discovered a new color, which meant I got to name a STI or an STD or even a mutation. My dick now has TWO heads dude, it's super hard to piss because of it.
>So yeah man, please, please don't go out with her. I need you to understand, I need you to think with your head, not your 'head'.
>Oh, by the way, are you hopping on Rocket League? Nice, Oga's in the lobby already.

>> No.77690112
File: 140 KB, 340x340, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i cooka da pizza, bibidi bubidi cha mozarella

>> No.77690661
Quoted by: >>77690851

Hmmm... Cutting out the violence would mean having to cut out the story's climax (the blackstream), so unless I can think of a less violent alternative that would still fulfill the title "war", my choices might either be to abandon the story while I still can, or just embrace the 4chan energy and go all in... :(

>> No.77690851
Quoted by: >>77691081

I mean, why wouldn't you want to write the violence? Action is really fun to write.

>> No.77691081

This is the first time I realized that drama truly upsets some people regardless of who is "winning."

>> No.77691160

>>77691081 (me)
I mean on a gut, emotional level realization

>> No.77691433

You should write what your vision wanted if it's what will make you happy. It's less that drama upsets people, and more about how those kinds of yabs aren't really worth paying attention to or writing about. What you're doing is more so about taking a visible friction between chuubas and crafting a story out of it.

>> No.77692959
Quoted by: >>77720345

I've been thinking about having a custom paddle with an oshi mark on it (engraving or better yet, holes for air resistance), to clearly mark whose ass it's intended for. Now here's a question: how would they interpret having someone else's custom paddle used on them?

>> No.77694314


>> No.77694361

yeah and i wrote porn for them before of them getting banged

>> No.77695676

>I lied, Roberu. I DID stick my dick in her.
>”FUCK! Then jt might be too late. She could be on her way now.”
>W-what should I do?
>”There’s no other choice. We need to find Ougaman.”

>> No.77698049


>> No.77699787
File: 65 KB, 843x474, IMG_9244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I showed one of my friends Apple of Her Eye once because she assured me she could handle my harder fiction and she hasn't spoken to me since lol. Thankfully we weren't that close but it definitely taught me not to share most of my stuff with people in my real life, no matter what they say.

>> No.77699820
File: 184 KB, 850x822, 1691369949338360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick! Say something about a fic.

>> No.77700581
Quoted by: >>77738478

I enjoyed Extrapedestrial and think about making a spiritual successor to it where you adopt Moona off the streets and Iofi is jealous of her

>> No.77700946

Victory or Death is a timeless masterwork that survives the social death of its subjects

>> No.77702200
File: 248 KB, 1667x938, 80085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally at the spot in playtesting where I can just play the game normally and correct tiny errors here and there. The last couple weeks of playtesting have had some brutal UI bugs, but I'm pretty sure I cleared up the last of them, as I haven't encountered anything in a run or two.
It's pretty fun at this point, desu.

>> No.77702814

i grabbed a random fic
>Idol correction: Marine


Spanking its a mistery. i gave the fic and the fetish the most base fair approach and all i can say is "why even bother"
Its not hot, if somehow it were hot its still barely foreplay and its one of those fetishes that just dont make sense because spanking hasnt been a thing in like 40 years or so.

>> No.77703735
File: 505 KB, 720x723, 1710034060752107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77705356

>I showed one of my friends Apple of Her Eye

>> No.77703883
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, 1454904526983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77705356

you what

>> No.77705062

looks good

>> No.77705356
Quoted by: >>77706404

She said she liked trauma works and she knew a bit of my own history so I was like "alright, I'll try this and see what happens." Turns out she couldn't handle it.

It didn't break me up too much because we were never that close but in hindsight, it was probably a bad judgement call.

>> No.77706404
Quoted by: >>77706582

>in hindsight, it was probably a bad judgement call.
Oh, you think that maybe letting someone read a story with realistic child rape was a bad idea?

>> No.77706582
File: 318 KB, 476x567, 1680944946864122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never claimed to be a genius.

>> No.77707912
File: 62 KB, 653x450, 1711922351200229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77708455

One advice I can give: lots of action words. Everytime it can be used.

>> No.77708682

More like Knightly Collaborations should exist

>> No.77711352
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>> No.77711917
File: 99 KB, 1122x819, eyebags mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77713177

A fic where you capture lady death, AKA Mori and give her the desperate correction she needs
>A good night of sleep

>> No.77713177
Quoted by: >>77714025

Treating Mori like a princess sounds really cute

>> No.77714025

i feel like "princess of the underworld" is an underused concept here.
Its not part of her lore but she does look princess like, and its cute to think about having to put her in dresses and teaching her table manners when she's so tomboyish

>> No.77715555

What fics have the best written Anon's?

>> No.77718161 [DELETED] 


>> No.77718675


>> No.77720345

It's a sign that the other girl earned them the spanking.
I wouldn't use oshi marks though, use symbols like Ayame's flame tattoo on her back.

>> No.77720899

Anything really about Kiri Kilovolt. Be it anecdotes of her racing career, her childhood, anything really.

>> No.77721058

How about doing it like this:

Bad actors from the hololive kingdoms join in by burning entire swaths of Famillie, Kindred, Aloupeep and (Elira's fanbase). Then proceed to do the usual war crimes of rape, murder, and pillage.

>> No.77722998 [DELETED] 

This would have been a good chapter 2 for "Menhera".

>> No.77723044
File: 442 KB, 1447x2047, 24a6c49acbadf4bf0ee1dc48cee159c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never reveal any confidential information about myself to anyone. Someone who is your friend today might be your enemy tomorrow, why would I tell my enemies where my vulnerabilities lie and what are the weak spots in my defense? This is why it's important to insulate your true self from the the world, even from the people closest to you.

>> No.77723309
Quoted by: >>77723626

You know what they say, keep friends closer, enemies twice so.

>> No.77723481

Well that's a good question. The majority of Anon fics are second person, and carry an inherent expectation of the reader being able to self-insert, so aside from some situations where Anons have very distinct characters, the quality will depend on the prose itself. Generally no one's gonna care about the MC too much when they're really just a lens through which the reader can experience a story about a particular chuuba.

>> No.77723626
File: 2.01 MB, 1447x2047, 313b4cc2673ddf2292ca4bc493c2c255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77723937

Indeed, there's always the risk of infiltrators too.

>> No.77723937
Quoted by: >>77726174

Pekora becomes so defensively closed off she shoots anyone who tries to get close (with rubber bullets) and anon must find a way to either teach her to warm up to him through his actions or get really used to the sharp sting of rubber bullets

>> No.77724452
Quoted by: >>77735992

I like myself the most in HJ, but that's probably because I've experienced so much as the hero of it.

>> No.77726174

A chance for Anon, Captain of Quickshotters, to show his quality.

>> No.77726408
Quoted by: >>77734708

Watame has you make use of her good friend Fubuki.

>> No.77729407
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>> No.77731315
File: 229 KB, 850x1272, __minato_aqua_and_blooper_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_useq1067__sample-a5154d1f90060966b87fcbc868d45d20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77732289

This is really exciting to me

>> No.77732379

Chuuba Taker

>> No.77733483
File: 200 KB, 850x1062, sample_1f7e47ccb9fe742df27cd02f4c67d60c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77737376

>> No.77734708

>Make use of her good friend Fubuki.

Go on.

>> No.77735002

>generic fubuki promt 3876

>> No.77735426

Just by including Fubuki it's better than most other prompts

>> No.77735992

You do almost get rapped a lot though.

>> No.77736540

NTA but it's probably another "Breeding Fetish Watame" idea where you get her pregnant and she wants you to breed her hag friends as well, with her observing and coordinating the procedure while doing dirty talk.

>> No.77737376

>Lapras when holoX's convoluted plan to break up the Hero's party so that Anon comes to her actually works.

>> No.77737664

Hmmm... a tough bargain. I guess I'd deign to put a few kids in Fubuki if she'd allow me to have a lick of her plump, juicy arsehole.

>> No.77737983

You make it sound as if that's a bad thing, anon. Hell, I guarantee you (unless I were at the wheel) ANY prompt that involves Fubuki would turn into a 10/10 masterpiece.

>> No.77738478

I'm glad you enjoyed one of my earliest works here! It's a good day when something old of yours comes up again.
I can't tell you how to write your story of course, but I'd recommend a happy ending where they find common ground in their loyalty to you and trust you to be a good owner to both.

>> No.77738796

mine, of course

>> No.77740084

Author here again. Looks like my Ao3 invite is finally ready, I'm also going to be updating the story there too.
I still need to post new updates to pastebin or google docs for THIS archive though, right?

>> No.77740270

The Hero's Fall is basically really fucking adjacent to one of those litrpg/isekai betrayal but I really want more fics like that. I know it's kinda trashy but there's a base appeal there about shameless isekaishit that really gets me.

>> No.77740352
Quoted by: >>77743102

gdocs or rentry are preferred due to their capabilities and the how publishing lets you remain anonymous. There's also nothing from keeping you from posting the ao3 link, so it's really up to how you want to organize things for yourself.

>> No.77740443

We don't really get anons that post their stuff to ao3 first so there's not really any thread etiquette for that.
I remember years back there was an anon who just posted a link everytime they updated but they never linked to the story anchor so they just kinda got ignored.
Personally if you're going to use ao3 as your primary fic posting site then just hit up the story anchor with link to the latest chapter whenever you update.

>> No.77741893
Quoted by: >>77742218

This, but Watame gets borderline racist
>There Flare-chan, take his load, let him fuck the elf out of your bloodline
>Holy shit, Botan, do you want him to walk you on all fours too?

>> No.77742218
File: 132 KB, 896x1200, 1669222569032160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexually driven raceplay Watame
Don't mind if I do.

>> No.77743102

I'm going to keep linking the pastebin version here. Among other reasons, I'm combining chapters 1 and two for Ao3, since chapter 1 is so small.

>> No.77744641
File: 2.65 MB, 1526x2931, ae255f51a7c3084e7fe0c72926620c4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77745208
File: 260 KB, 1155x1792, ea30059ab551deeafdde42055cf9fedf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77746826

I had a dream last night where I met Mint on a ski vacation and she was dating my neighbor (who I frequently overhear having sex). For some reason I don't feel so good, even though I don't even watch Mint... what the fuck man...

>> No.77746727


>> No.77746745

Make it a fic!

>> No.77746826
Quoted by: >>77747561

How do you overhear your neighbor while you have sex?

>> No.77746893
File: 2.18 MB, 1247x1742, 54819652da4166d52cbfbc480da4595b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77747930

Having tons of loud, screaming sex with your girlfriend Mint on a ski vacation, and annoying all the people in the rooms around you

>> No.77747561

I deeply apologize to all readers of this thread for the inconvenience caused by my ESL moment. It isn't in fact me who's having all the sex but my neighbor next-door in this apartment building which has incredibly poor sound insulation. I do want to have sex though, I could be filling in for him when he isn't in the mood.

>> No.77747671

To be honest, your intended meaning was so clear that I wasn't sure interpreting it falsely on purpose would even work as a joke.

>> No.77747930

Do cocks have a spiritual aspect that allows them to interact with Mint's ghost body? Or do they just pass through?

>> No.77748012

She could possess someone else's body

>> No.77749107
File: 18 KB, 400x359, 1684843829315914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77749519

Mine does. How else am I gonna breed all the different types of women if my dick can't breach the walls of interspecies biology?

>> No.77749519

Anon and the Biologically Improbable Cumshot, in cinemas this summer.

>> No.77749925

During wrestletuber, Mint all but confirmed that she has the ability to decide whether she interacts or not with physical matter. When Dokibird asks her why she had to kill a security guard to get in instead of, say, just phasing through the walls, Mint replies that not fighting security on the way in would defeat the spirit of wrestling. In other words, Mint can choose when she interacts with corporeal forms, and when she can't.

>> No.77750002
Quoted by: >>77752978

Sounds like the ultimate blueballing technique.

>> No.77750603

Does that mean she can make the rest of her body intangible, go inside of you and rub her g-spot on your prostate

>> No.77751552
Quoted by: >>77751922

Fubuki is forced to work minimum wage for 40 years.

>> No.77751922

She's 102 fox years old already

>> No.77752225

You need to wear a magical cock ring that shifts it into the realm of the Unseen.

>> No.77752569
Quoted by: >>77752884

I heard Mio came back.

>> No.77752884
File: 1.17 MB, 1200x2467, 2daddc105118271813e77734bbd55616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77753005

Miosha has been discharged and is continuing her recovery! Just like we knew she would.

>> No.77752978

Holy fuck.
>Mint is riding your cock
>you tell her you're about to blow
>she phases out of the physical realm a few seconds before you cum but doesn't stop making the motions
>you're very confused as you watch her body move yet are unable to feel anything on your cock besides a cool breeze
>your ruined orgasm slowly leaks out and down your shaft, visible inside her transparent body
>she hits you with the smug face and laughs
Too bad she's not a domme but it's a hot idea.

>> No.77753005

Okay, so, does that mean it's "possible" someone out there might write a "tooth rotten fluff" oneshot that stars Mio?

>> No.77753309

>Too bad she's not a domme but it's a hot idea.
She could do it to provoke you

>> No.77753942
File: 20 KB, 547x642, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fic structured like a DMC game as in "Anon the paranormal half creature wahoos his way through a fucked up situation) with Chuubas being the Devil arms (AKA the weapons)

full of
>wacky action
>cheesy oneliners
>sudden depression
>heartfelt chuuni shit
>more depression
>fun setpieces
>more oneliners
>why the fuck im criying, this story is supposed to be campy

>> No.77754196
Quoted by: >>77754304

you should read "X Marks the Heart" that checks a few of these

>> No.77754304
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the thing. i want more.
I want to turn Towa into a sword

>> No.77754518
Quoted by: >>77755390

wouldn't Towa become a gun?

>> No.77754593

bratty ghost
needs salt correction

>> No.77754930

It could be worse. You could be an insane flip that can't differentiate between verb tenses.

>> No.77755390
Quoted by: >>77756851

Six shot revolver. Each shot is stronger than the last one. Imp Breaker
Gauntlets and Greaves styled after claws. Gets faster the more you move and "sync" like Ifrith from dmc5. Ruff and Rawr.
Whip that its actually a bunch of Wires. Can set up traps and counter/snare. Queen of Hearts
Rifle that ricochets (Like Spiral) and alters your momentum when fired in the air.MUST HAVE A SCENE WHERE YOU THROW BULLETS IN THE AIR AND THEN RICOCHET ONE TO FIRE ALL AT DIFFERENT ANGLE. Safari

>> No.77756159

Sounds like a job for Anya.

>> No.77756851
Quoted by: >>77757456

Virgil gets his own set of weapons
A diamond sword that he uses paired with Yamato, sends out blade beams and releases an energy that enhances his summon swords . Diamond Heart
a single gauntlet that covers his entire arm decorated in angel wings and a halo wrapped around his wrist, has devastating attacks and the halo helps him grab enemies (took notes from his son). Holy Bringer

>> No.77757456

what if Kanata is your vergil and is a reference to Ultrakill

>> No.77759200
File: 65 KB, 624x571, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77759832

dicksmashen in kiara's cuntenbranten

>> No.77759739
Quoted by: >>77760065

Laplus will be a Terrarria-tier edgelord sword that refuses to be unsheated unless you make a chuuni chant as you do
>Oh Empress of Darkness, heed my call, grant me the power to smite you enemies!
>Sword doesn't budge
>"Ahem" Lappy's bratty voice echoes through your head
>"Oh, Laplus Dia Highest Death Thirteen Daina Art of Impact Sign Emperor Road of the Darknesss! HEED MY FUCKING CALL!"
>A satisfied and flustered 'Mhm!' echoes through your head
>Laplus finally colaborates.

>> No.77759832
Quoted by: >>77760573

Holy fucking WAWAS!
I can almost see Lost and Found losing another 500 words.

>> No.77760065

>having to do a chuuni chant to draw your dagger

>> No.77760573
File: 141 KB, 1043x1581, mating press.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77761046

Jokes on you i havent written a word in a long, long time! hah! im definitely not biting my fingers off! the outfit is so fucking hot

>> No.77761046
File: 452 KB, 636x694, 1717843776163769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can stay strong bro. I believe in us.
Botan's latest outfit has me going full fucking feral for this lioness and I'm trying to figure out how I can work it in for her someday.

>> No.77762025

im having trouble thinking of what it could be used for. what even is the thematic here?

>> No.77762839
File: 128 KB, 827x1169, 1688401530534577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77767900

I think it's just Botan wanting to be pretty. She's a very pretty girl after all.

>> No.77763133
File: 1.46 MB, 2480x3508, 1716979879290814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At a glance I'm not sure what it could be used for in the context of my writing. Best I got off an impulsive thought is possibly infiltration purposes, or potentially a staged wedding. But since you love each other anyway, you might as well exchange real vows.

>> No.77764990
File: 215 KB, 850x1224, sample_1779ba92ce4f927e1fbb8771bc00b8f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77765295

She looks like a battle nun or something lol. Not her best outfit.

>> No.77766802 [DELETED] 
File: 932 KB, 1500x944, 1710653457378581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lamy fics?

>> No.77767129
Quoted by: >>77768161

why's she looking at the camera as if she's just had something heinous done to her against her will

>> No.77767900

hag sex

>> No.77768161
File: 810 KB, 1448x2048, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's giving you that look because you pulled out

>> No.77768362

Enjoy your ban.

>> No.77768662

A very pretty back, but I don't need a troublesome cake.

>> No.77770429
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>> No.77770502

i ate it

>> No.77770870
File: 1.43 MB, 2560x1440, 1717349723967701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77771085

The midriff looks like a big B on the left and a mirrored B on the right.
