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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74795745 No.74795745 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy. You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxZVzygb0QjJ6hksAEYzCbLCegxsjhui97BB73qzPvU7GgJv6fXdAPmmIv6Qt9H5d5Fzg/exec

"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread:>>74576275
(Where we discussed Birdcest, Mendelian inheritance, writing harems, and Suifetish)

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/

>> No.74795780
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Story Anchor
Post em if you got em

>> No.74795825
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x865, wg prompt board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.74795891
File: 1.23 MB, 2480x3508, witch10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story Recap. There were zero stories posted last thread.

>> No.74796034
Quoted by: >>74800718

That actually would make me feel less guilty when you put it like that. But wouldn't the sex not be as interesting because it would be you having to do all the work?

>> No.74796744

There’s at least two

>> No.74797686
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, __shirakami_fubuki_hololive_drawn_by_aobara_hairi__4cd88b5901f75e64b8f3b07bfa597dce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74822625

>> No.74798065
Quoted by: >>74848047

Sex sells so it’s your job as Mori’s UMG manager to turn her into a slutty brainless dickrider

>> No.74798934
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So how's everything been going? Are you making fun progress? Do you need any help talking through something? Always remember
You're doing great.

>> No.74800047
Quoted by: >>74803333

Is this edition inspired by the start of that great HoloX action fic?

>> No.74800718
Quoted by: >>74801830

It's not that terrible when you love someone, and well, it depends how she is crippled. Once, I had sex with a girl who was missing her legs from the knees down. Her quads were the size of barrels, and she squeezed me like a pair of pliers.

>> No.74801830
Quoted by: >>74804272

I'd assume that the "perma cripple" would mean that paralyzed by neck down and not just something like only being crippled by the legs. THAT would be kinda sad and that's what would make me guilty if in the scenario in the last thread, me being too brutal in our sex life with Nene left her paralyzed from the neck down hence perma cripple.

But I think that's just my view on the matter. If I were the cause of such a thing I would gladly be her personal caretaker even if it killed me mentally. It would probably just mean no more sex or something.

>Once, I had sex with a girl who was missing her legs from the knees down. Her quads were the size of barrels, and she squeezed me like a pair of pliers.
Do you mean that in a good way?

>> No.74803333

Nyo. I woke up to a 404'd thread and still had Shion images labeled from last time I made a Shion bread

>> No.74804272

>Nenechi telling you to go ahead and relieve yourself using her body
>Nibble on her neck and ears because it's one of the last G spots she has left.

>Do you mean that in a good way?
Yeah? She was cool and we both enjoyed getting laid. Turns out, powerful quads equal to stronger vagina muscles.

>> No.74804855
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Quoted by: >>74810861

Can confirm the part about the vagina muscles correlating to strong quads. It's probably part of the reason my girl can wring me out. If you ever want to experience getting squeezed into painful bliss, get yourself a girl who doesn't skip leg day.

>> No.74804916

My progress is me getting back to vt after a week give or take

>> No.74806132

this bread is sprinkled with sour sugar along the top of the somewhat touch outer shell, it's resembles a biscuit or a fat cookie. once you get past the sour shell, it's really soft and spongey. nicely baked

>> No.74806939
Quoted by: >>74807509

That sounds cute as fuck having Nene telling you to use her body to relieve yourself. She's so understanding even though (again that's just me) it'd feel like I am taking advantage of her. But its still cute.

And on the second part, how come we've never had a story that involves a cripple chuuba using her powerful quads to wring your dick dry? I think a reason (could be wrong) we don't is because we have roboco who fufills all those needs.

>> No.74806971

Training Shion's ass with Aqua's enthusiastic help

>> No.74807509
Quoted by: >>74808318

>She can't feel anything down there, but she can feel the love emanating from your eyes as you plow her.

>> No.74807944

I'm returning to an important WIP after finishing the prep for a TTRPG campaign and it's an interestingly different feeling.
On one hand I can now decide everything that happens, on the other hand I have to decide everything that happens.

>> No.74808318

That might work even better if she can use her arms to move herself up and down your dick. She's not feeling anything down there, but she feels like she can give something back for once. And so she trains until her technique and endurance is finally enough to make you cum.

>> No.74808902

I've been editing a short story while messing around with music generating AI on the side for fic-related music autism
https://vocaroo.com/16mAxFs1wSAJ (more like a regular military tune)
https://voca.ro/1eVFsoD6ojex (female, but a lot more sappy)
The AI I used is called Suno AI. The free version cuts off tracks at the 2-minute mark, unfortunately. These tracks lack the commie/Slavic stank I'm looking for either, so I'll have to tweak it somewhat in the future.

>> No.74809722

>Nenechi passes away
>Her last will reads:
>go ahead and relieve yourself using my body

>> No.74809823
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Quoted by: >>74810069

That's pretty neat. I had no idea what the tech has become capable of in such a short time. It makes me want to try it myself some day.

>> No.74809979
File: 43 KB, 408x470, bae fr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adding scenes. Uni had me busy lately. Multi wip drifting.

>> No.74810069
Quoted by: >>74810527

Yeah, it's pretty cool. Still needs a good amount of work on the side of the writer, though, since I had to write and rewrite the lyrics and get the rhythm right over a dozen generations or so.
At the very least if you want to put a song in a fic or something, you can test it out and see if it'll work as an actual song in the first place.

>> No.74810527
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Quoted by: >>74811151

I might do that retroactively some day since I just finished write a short 4 line verse of a sea shanty. It might be fun to work with and get some actual sound for it in the future. Or I can be be absolutely demolished by how it sounds like total ass in sound. Both can be a good time.

>> No.74810617
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You move into a cheap ass apartment. The catch? its haunted.

There you meet Mint. A spirit slash ghost that lives there. Even though she can phase walls and is invisible to everyone that isnt you (due to your magical bloodline), she cant leave.

And to make things worse? You are the first person in centuries that can not only see her, but also touch her! Is time to get Bustin'!

"The rent was too cheap because the ghost only i can see is way too horny!" coming soon(TM)
with hits like
>Ghost Blowjob
>stuck in wall ghost butt
>glory hole ghost
>Turning herself transparent so you can see your seed inside of her
and many more!

>> No.74810861

Cute dog, dumb dog

>> No.74811151

Well, there you go, anon. Just mosey on over to the website and test it out when you can. Good luck.

>> No.74812086

Sounds like a steal

>> No.74813168

Fuck you, I spat out my drink

>> No.74815243
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>> No.74815892
Quoted by: >>74817215

Can we get back on the topic of crippled Nene and have a whole Kanata Shoujo discussion about it

>> No.74817215

I feel like fully crippled nene is not the play here.
Maybe She has somethint that doesnt allow her to walk without a cane or crutches, then in a dramatic point shes wheelchair bound and you help her walk again.

>> No.74818221

Alternatively: Nene can't defend herself from you, her caretaker, raping her

>> No.74818515
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Thems fighting words you walking corpse.

>> No.74818823
Quoted by: >>74820164

It could start like a traditional romcom (nerd and hyper best friend) and as her legs start falling You start pushing her wheelchair and training to take care of her

>> No.74820164
Quoted by: >>74820571

>Gone were the days when you'd play tag, or go on adventures climbing trees.
>5, 6, 7
>Dead are the days of seeing Nenechi waiting for you outside your door, of seeing grace the airs with her immaculate gymnastics.
>8...8... Come on, one more, go for 9, now go for 10...
>'Anon...?' A voice calls you from its bedroom
>12 zercher squats. Putting the bar back on its rack, you take a second to catch your breath. 'Coming'. You yell.
>Nenechi's still the same, girl inside. A girl with so much energy and love it overflowed. You're the same in essence as well. Both of you are.
>There she is, laying in bed, reading a picture book about bugs.
>You already know what she wants, and you can't say no.
>You'll never say no.
>Pick up Nene, your forearms still burning, your legs still numbed, but the second her arms wrap themselves around your neck, the pain goes away.
>Carry Nene outside
>Sit down on the grass.
>'Ne... I wish I could feel the grass at my feet.
>You sigh, trying to hold yourself together
>Nene leans on you, your arms comes around her waist
>Everything's right in the world
>As long as you're here, Nenechi will always be the happiest person you know.

>> No.74820571
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Me if nene was real

>> No.74820731

NO thank you!

>> No.74822438
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Quoted by: >>74822749

Her power is indeed maximum.
>"Idol? No. I am...the devil!"

>> No.74822542
Quoted by: >>74832892

Another piece of AI music in /wg/? This might become a trend.

>> No.74822615
Quoted by: >>74832892

Suno cuts you off at 2 minutes? Udio does longer songs for free if you extend them multiple times.

>> No.74822625


>> No.74822749

>Anon?! You CAN skip a leg day!

>> No.74822774
Quoted by: >>74830022

If you can control what parts of her you can touch and which you phase through, she could give you a blowjob starting at the base of your dick. That would be interesting, I think.

>> No.74823727

>Nene silently looking away as you smile to her parents, knowing that if she speaks up, you'll hurt her face face
>Nene watching how you fuck her body, unable to feel anything but disgust inside her heart
>Nene crying as you violate her face with your mouth and tongue, and she can't do anything else but try to twist away
>Creampie Nene
>Lay her on her back and bend her body forward so that your cum drips out of her pussy and onto her own face

>> No.74824218
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I hope someone forced you to say those things.

>> No.74825477

this fits more a cruel chuuba that used to bully you in highschool and now you can have your rape revenge
or just making a very evil nene that used to torment you for fun and is now getting her comeuppance

>> No.74827007

You all are getting weird. I’m out

>> No.74827053

>T. probably not cripple nene

>> No.74827144
File: 22 KB, 240x424, 1642625613560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, that's hot.

>> No.74827169

Nene has a ryona fetish anon
She's probably schlicking herself to post about anons abusing her

>> No.74827326

I think you should just like, spank her or give her a swirly or something. She’s too pleasant to really hurt.

>> No.74827720

That's part of the fun

>> No.74827808

>lining up used condoms on her stomach and snapping pics of her spread legs

>> No.74827962

Most I can do is slap her ass, grab one of her big badonkas from behind and die of cringe 10 seconds later. No ryona and bullying for her.
Unless she starts being bratty then it's gentle yet firm correction time

>> No.74828117
Quoted by: >>74829830

I think it would be hot if you gave her a wedgie in front of someone

>> No.74828683

This could easily fit Shion if we go by that "you swap bodies with shion who is your school bully" but take out the swap bodies part.

>> No.74828744

>Nene has a ryona fetish anon
I thought she had a "verbal abuse" fetish and liked being talked down rather than ryona?

>> No.74828774
Quoted by: >>74878142

Why is that child giving me such intense "fuck me" eyes?

>> No.74828886

Good but also not good.

I've written down like... 3 different stories but they're all self contained scenes that I could never fit into a single narrative. Each are 3-5 pages but I have no idea where to go with them now, I just thought they were cool scenes.

>> No.74829053
Quoted by: >>74831640


Bit meta, but have the fic start with Nene getting herself off to this kinda stuff, before anon proceeds to do them to her.

>> No.74829830

Oh speaking of I wrote some nene abuse recently

>> No.74830022
Quoted by: >>74836331

Imagine her making her entire body intangible, and all her clothes fall off. They fall into a neat pile on the floor, her maid bonnet on top.
And there she stands, gloriously naked.

>> No.74831640

Including paralyzing her?

>> No.74832892
Quoted by: >>74854862

I guess lol
The free version of Suno, yeah. I tried Udio, though I didn't like how it had a "recommended" 350-character limit for custom lyrics

>> No.74832969
Quoted by: >>74833251

You come across a chuuba trying to kill herself so you egg her on just for the fuck of it. Out of spite she decides not to kill herself

>> No.74833251
Quoted by: >>74836659

>"Anon, I'm gonna jump-uh!"
>"Huh? Ame, you serious?"
>"Yeah, I'm fuckin' serious! I'm gonna do it!" *she steps up on the balcony*
>"Heh! Okay then. Jump, fatso!"
>"Your bread farts will soften the fall anyway."
>"Well, fuck you then!" *she steps back down from the balcony.* "I don't wanna do it anymore-uh."

>> No.74834825
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Quoted by: >>74836033

>> No.74836033
File: 2.07 MB, 1920x1080, 1641047107210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My captainwife

>> No.74836331
Quoted by: >>74837160

maybe by some made up mumbo jumbo you can only touch mint when you two are alone and no one else can see her.
>She sees you bring a coworker home. Gets super jealous
>plans on touching you so you cum in your pants. it doesnt work
>okay then. plan b
>Loudly masturbating and extreme dirty talk while anon has to pretend he doesnt see and hear her

>> No.74836659
Quoted by: >>74837541

>"Lets fuck!"
>"If you're about to jump anyways, then what's it matter to you?"

>> No.74837160
File: 770 KB, 2894x4093, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74837472

>mint getting increasingly more annoyed and horny that you keep ignoring her because the cable guy came or some shit
i need ghost pussy...

>> No.74837472

Her lower half makes me uncomfortable

>> No.74837541
Quoted by: >>74837660

Now THAT is hard to argue against
>the suicide fic turns into a smut fic
nta but it'll probably be like fucking a mermaid, anon

>> No.74837660
File: 1.10 MB, 2894x4093, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has legs. otherwise how she's gonna leglock you for that creampie

>> No.74837968

For a moment, I thought this was Gura cosplaying as Mint.

>> No.74838365
Quoted by: >>74838928

can i get the ghost pregnant or is that just too much?

>> No.74838928
Quoted by: >>74839954

my sperm can revitalize hag eggs. it sure can raise hers from the dead

>> No.74839954
File: 49 KB, 481x481, GKXBytzXAAEtS57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck yeah he's really into this!
>H-Hey th-that's
>A-Am i...Ovulating?
>W-Whh-why the fu-ho-how
>h-How...why...oh fuck...he's...

>Mint's face when somehow this man defies every single law of nature, space and matter to blast the strongest nut in history
>Mint's face when she has no chance of withstanding the reality bending orgasm she can feel coming as his baby batter hits her ghost womb
>Mint's face when her newly revitalized ovaries instantly fold and drop all the eggs stored there

>> No.74841771
File: 183 KB, 850x1202, 172643900265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Elven Border

A debaucherous competition drives eight beautiful Elves to shed their dignity and down countless mugs of human cum.


Tags: Lamy, Flare, Coco, Ina, IRyS, Laplus, Choco, Aki, gokkun, oral, anal, burping, farting

>> No.74842673

My life for the past three weeks has been taking care of a needy, rambunctious pupper that is too large for the space he has been living in while having no access to a computer and very little privacy for myself. All I have been able to do is vaguely think about writing.
I deeply apologize to anyone who is waiting on my WIPs. I may just stop posting in here until I finally have something to show, as I have done once before.

>> No.74844218
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me. a utter degenerate that just wants lamy's brapper straight into my face
>also sometimes want to see her chug cum
>This gets posted.

This is the best fucking fic ever. It made gas cost 90 cents, it made my parents undo their divorce, it singlehandedly ended every problem in the world.
Now jokes aside, fantastic fic that delivered in almost every single degenerate idea slinged in that thread (With the exception of guys refilling the glasses but oh woe is me i just got gifted a million dollars instead of one million and twenty bucks). A+ content and im gonna squeeze my hog to it

TLDR: That'll do pig. that'll do

>> No.74845215

great fic specially the last twoa shame choco jobbed

>> No.74848047
Quoted by: >>74924472

>lyrics on Mori's original songs become way more sexually charged
>the next album's cover art is just a picture of her huge bare tits pressed against glass
>her new official 3D model for concerts is a slingshot bikini

>> No.74848069
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>> No.74848458
File: 121 KB, 1280x718, GMcDQy3aoAErG7n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74850987

Now we can make lewd fics of sensei-chan

>> No.74850987

Ah yes...

>> No.74852069

Thanks for the encouragement. I finally finished the script for shark in the screen part 3 and I’m starting to create the video. It’s been a much longer process than expected but I’m pushing through to the finish line, also experimenting with AI voices again this time with better models.

>> No.74852127
Quoted by: >>74852337

Has there ever been a fic where a chuuba vomits on your dick while you're getting a blowie? If not, there should be one.

>> No.74852337
Quoted by: >>74853194

There was a vomit fic in the archive, but it's gone now...or maybe it was never there.

>> No.74853194
Quoted by: >>74853486

Did it involve a dick blockading the esophagus?

>> No.74853486

I only remember vomit and being disgusted, so much so that I didn't bother to properly search the archive for it and assumed it was missing. Turns out it was an old WeirdAnon v.1 fic that was unlisted and relisted so it's archived way later than when it was originally posted.

Look for 'Thrills and Spills'

>> No.74854833


I decided to Suno up a rap, though the lyrics are my writing.


>> No.74854862
Quoted by: >>74860024

I never even heard of that limit and my longest song has 700+ characters. You feed it 30 seconds of lyrics, then you extend the song by 30 seconds and feed it the next parts of the lyrics again and again until the song is complete.

>> No.74857010


>> No.74857053

I hate that I like this.

>> No.74857824
File: 396 KB, 643x1159, d9a260c27a6d566e8e3e317bf56e03c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You were orphaned when you were a four-year-old and raised from then on under the tyranny of a deranged lesbian radfem couple who purely out of spite put you through an intense training regime to become more girlish than any girl.
>You’re now an adult and you’ve escaped Canada back to the home country of your parents, Japan. Even though you desperately try to to shake off your femininity, you can’t, it’s too ingrained in you at this point. Your experiences have made you a misogynistic and cynical person full of hate. The only thing that you hate more than yourself is the couple that adopted you.
>Then you discover Hololive and it gives you a flash of inspiration: you might as well use your femininity to become rich and quit your shitty job as a convenience store cashier. You decide that you’re going to become the #1 vtuber in Japan and that you’ll destroy all the bitches and whores in your path by any means necessary.
This sounds like a premise for a long series but you could always write a fic that just jumps straight to the point where Anon is on the verge of achieving his final triumph and reflects on how he has trampled all over all the love he’s received in Hololive to achieve his goal - or to any point really.
I’m also picturing Fubuki as Anon’s super supportive mentor who believes in Anon and defends Anon when others get suspicious of him. Maybe Fubuki causes a change of heart in Anon or maybe Anon just solves his internal conflict by making some machiavellian maneuver to get rid of her by destroying her reputation and then proceeding from there to continue his ruthless campaign without the distraction of angels whispering to his ear.

>> No.74859095
File: 548 KB, 2682x3951, 04cda750f21562392b2fd7a4d2468b31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74859990

>> No.74859149

Nene can't get her boyfriend to be really physical with her, so she asks her fellow M, Shion, on how to get him to snap at her. Shion teaches her the ways of a brat, and Nenechi applies the knowledge with passable results - tied down, spanked and edged for half an hour

This sounds like a nice idea to write out, but I doubt that many of the posters in this thread would really be able to sympathise with the main character

>> No.74859851
Quoted by: >>74952348

>This sounds like a nice idea to write out, but I doubt that many of the posters in this thread would really be able to sympathise with the main character
That's true. Maybe if you create a (10+ years older) big brother for Canada!Anon who stayed in Japan and make him the protagonist. Anon and Fubuki love each other (but aren't dating yet) and that's how Fubuki becomes CA!Anon's mentor. But that might make it too convoluted, I don't know.

>> No.74859990
File: 3.94 MB, 1800x2542, 111766754_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adorable, sexy fox.

>> No.74860024

This is kind of off-topic now but yeah, I tested that out and it worked pretty well. Thanks, anon.

>> No.74860370

Shion should just tell Nene to be open with her bf, who is happy to rough Nene up if she likes it.

>> No.74862352 [DELETED] 

Fubuki is your sleep paralyze demon and she milks you bone dry every night against your will.

>> No.74862574
Quoted by: >>74863160

Fubuki is your sleep paralyze demon and she milks you bone dry every night against your will. Every night she does:

- Sex in any position to wring the most cum out of you and into her womb.
- Mind blowing handjobs that'll leave your dick sore and aching.
- Mind blowing blowjobs that'll feel that your soul is getting sucked out of your dick.
- Mind blowing tifucking to squeeze out your cum.
- Thigh sex so that you'll make a mess on her creamy thighs.

No you don't get to overpower her and fuck her brains out. You are completely paralyzed yet you can feel everything this succubus fox is doing to you. You also don't want her to stop and if she DOES end up killing you, that she takes your soul to hell to keep tormenting you and blowing your mind with all sorts of "Mind numbing" sex.

>> No.74863160
File: 736 KB, 1080x840, 1647377629589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74863506

>that she takes your soul to hell to keep tormenting you and blowing your mind with all sorts of "Mind numbing" sex.
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Sign me up.

>> No.74863506
Quoted by: >>74865413

>Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
In a way yes? What I was thinking is that when she does drag your soul off to hell with her that you "still" wouldn't get the chance to overpower her and fuck her brains out. Not because you are paralyzed no, but because she's dominated you for so long against your will that you just don't "want" to overpower her. You are 100% content to letting her do as she pleases with your body and if she did nothing to you you would suffer from withdraw symptoms because you NEED her to violate your body with her touch.

Or would that be too much? Would it make more sense that when she drags you off to hell, that you get complete control of your body and now can overpower her and give her the amount of "punishment" that she's inflicted on you every night and denying you that precious sleep that you were denied? If so I'd be all down for it and I bet then (unless its impossible due to her libido) it would be nice to see you for once in your life putting all your power into mind breaking Fubuki until she's nothing more than a "gooey" mess who NEEDS your cock to survive.

This fox is downright DANGEROUS and I was almost tempted to delete my prompt idea and write it again because I wanted to add more "dumb" ideas to the bulletin board.

>> No.74865081
Quoted by: >>74866758


>> No.74865413
Quoted by: >>74868119

Are you saying that you just never have sex outright or that you only ever have sex on her terms? Because if it's the former then I suddenly understand why an eternity of nothing but foreplay all day long would be 'hellish'. If it's the latter... hey, I'm still getting milked by the hottest woman in existence. I'm cool with it.

>> No.74865725
File: 537 KB, 1430x2000, 1710332965532989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine and Pochi-mama exploring a haunted location as a test-of-courage bonding experience.

>> No.74866758


>> No.74868119

>Are you saying that you just never have sex outright or that you only ever have sex on her terms?
I've spent nearly an hour trying to come up with a sensible answer to that question and I think I've come up with something. How does this sound?

- January to June = nothing but foreplay that'll last all day long.
- July to December = nothing but sex that'll last all day long.

Is this fair to you, anon? Yes the sex would be on "her terms" (which would be everyday when that month comes), and no you wouldn't get to take lead and dominate her (because you are perfectly satisfied with her doing whatever she wants with you and fine with her fucking your brains out).

My other idea was this (although you might not like it).

- Do you cum harder to nothing but foreplay? then Fubuki will do nothing but that to you. If her pussy gets really wet and slippery then she might force you to eat her out until her love juices go down your throat.
- Do you cum harder to nothing but sex? Then Fubuki will do nothing but that to you (again you don't get to take the lead here). she may or may "not" give you foreplay in this choice.

>> No.74868930

I’m a bit late to the party, but X Marks the Heart was very enjoyable to read! Call me a shounentard but reading about action scenes is the best. If the author is reading this, thanks for the meal!

>> No.74870090
Quoted by: >>74952348

One question: is this lesbian pairing a pair of holomem? Or just OC?

>> No.74870287
File: 2.40 MB, 1786x2878, 1705382982566620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloJourneys: (Across Deserts to the Oceans Blue, A Shining Star Debuts) Chapter 43: A Senchou's Duty


Tags:(Flare, Marine, SFW, Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Fluff)

HoloJourneys: (Across Deserts to the Oceans Blue, A Shining Star Debuts) Chapter 44: A Long Overdue Whale Hunt


Tags: (Polka, Pomu, Botan, Kiara, Marine, SFW, Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Fluff)

HoloJourneys: (Across Deserts to the Oceans Blue, A Shining Star Debuts) Chapter 45: A True Test of Resolve


Tags: (Watame, Flare, Polka, Nene, Pomu, Botan, Kiara, Marine, SFW, Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Fluff)

After what feels like forever, here it is, the climatic finale of the current arc. I had wanted to get all the action that was left done in one go while also taking the time to refine and improve the way I do these scenes. While it was exhausting at times, it was still a lot of fun. It really is something else when the scenes you’ve been thinking of for months finally make it onto paper. I appreciate anyone who has been patient with the updates and still decide to take this crazy ride with me. I already learned some good things with the action I’ve written in this arc that I will take with me and use to improve how the future adventures read. With this part done, that means I can also move on to writing the rewards from the effort;
Half elf SEGGS
Lionesss SEGGS
More Sheep SEGGS
Dates with half-elves, lionesses, Nenes, and funny fennecs
A fluffy sun filled vacation awaits so get excited.
So here ya go, three chapters to close up the action for this arc. I had tried splitting it out across four, but with the amount of meat that was in the final two and the flow of them, they honestly felt right as 3 chapters. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the reading and please feel free to give me any feedback you might have. Thanks again, and I hope you’re looking forward to the romantic fluff I’m about to get started writing as much as I am.

>> No.74871851


>> No.74872636
Quoted by: >>74872955

man i really gotta start holojourneys

>> No.74872955
File: 5 KB, 218x114, hj-words.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74873185

Same, but it's a daunting task...

>> No.74873085
File: 161 KB, 733x483, 1699017984248476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74873185
Quoted by: >>74873408

ain't no way. how fast of a reading speed is 238wpm?

>> No.74873408
Quoted by: >>74873671

I just googled average reading speed and took the first number it spat at me. It's about 4 words per second which seems reasonable as an average, but it doesn't factor in distractions and whatnot.

>> No.74873671
Quoted by: >>74875971

It doesn't factor in slowing down at the Watame sex either

>> No.74875971

There's also a fair amount of making out with Flare so far

>> No.74876654
File: 506 KB, 850x1546, sample_8133c3ddbf55566f5ea507d9da2eb26c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74876958
Quoted by: >>74878114

Grade 2 Fixer Fubuki on a break (it's a slow day in the Backstreets today)

>> No.74876976
File: 100 KB, 1080x1246, 1713923223499289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drops 3 chapters out of nowhere
>leaves to write hag sex

>> No.74877210
Quoted by: >>74878642

>FubuKING makes Anon her male-wife

>> No.74878022

Super hot super debauched. Glad Fuu-tan got her dues

>> No.74878114
Quoted by: >>74880903

None of the holos would survive the city I fear

>> No.74878142
Quoted by: >>74878626

Because you're fat, ugly and unwashed

>> No.74878626
Quoted by: >>74878834

I'm not unwashed

>> No.74878642
Quoted by: >>74879058


>> No.74878834

Ah, sorry Anon, don't think the Shoin's into you. Now if you had some fermenting dick cheese she could clean off by shoving her tongue between your head and your foreskin however....

>> No.74879058
File: 909 KB, 1043x1476, 2b144a1ca2cd882cb63c769da988236e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74880072

>Anon... shut the fuck up you stupid bitch and go get me another beer

>> No.74879294
File: 710 KB, 2432x1664, b1713840117519949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74888188

Incest with Biboo while the rest of Advent is visiting and can clearly hear it

>> No.74880072

Fuck, I need to be emotionally abused and sexually harassed by this yakuza foob

>> No.74880903
Quoted by: >>74907649

I mean, they won't survive the Backstreets. Some real mouthbreathers can live and thrive in a Nest, however, even without having to constantly prove their worth.

Fubuki - raised in the Backstreets, compartmentalized her trauma through Kurokami who actually does all the slaying. Got really good implants and equipment instead of having to invest in expensive moonlight stones that ease the burden on her mind.

Nene - Outskirts dweller. Born in a R Corp Nest as a candidate to one of their cloning teams. Got rejected so she was let out of the Nest (essentially death sentence). Lived through kindness of other people, so she is surprisingly well-natured. Stumbled upon a scuffle with a shipment of K Corp's something as the main target, both sides retreated due to too much losses. Tripped on a IED really close to the shipment, got engulfed. Now she has a couple millions of lives worth of regeneration and a good reason to stay in the Outskirts. Really easygoing about being "roughed up" (basically smeared on the walls by the Outskirts' abominations) and her immediate reaction on people being angry at her is to offer them to beat her up.

Suisei - Blue Reverberation 2: Suitastic Boogaloo? Argalia's aesthetic fits her like a glove, but she wouldn't succumb to Distortion. Not with her iron will, but you know the City - it can break anyone. I don't want to see her becoming that kind of lunatic.

>> No.74882217
File: 35 KB, 772x579, GMbSTdrXYAAyu3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


TFW no lyrics

>> No.74883668


>> No.74885159

My dick...
My heart!

>> No.74886212
File: 1007 KB, 2604x4093, PekomamaCondoms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74886272

Oh miss, I think there's been a mistake. We won't be needing these.
We're giving Pekora a little sister.

>> No.74887447
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x1080, 1712007085782698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74888188

>Be Biboo's father, although she prefers to call you...
>"Daddyyy!" She yells, "Nerissa is here!"
>Your girl is having a pajama party while mama is out of town
>Get up with a sigh, go and greet Mamarissa and her daughter.
>Nerissa is stoked to see you, the pubescent girl has a very obvious crush on you, and she's trying to show off a long braid she pretends not to show you
>Mamarissa too, comments how lucky your wife is to have such a hunk of a man all to herself.
>Let Nerissa in, while Fuwawa and Mococco are playing like they're talking to a bunch of people, and Shiori is reading.
>Biboo tries to get your attention, but you're overseeing 5 girls by yourself.
>Mini-pizzas should be done by now
>Nerissa followsd you to the kitchen, still trying to get you to notice her braid
>She's doing a head turn, making her braid do a whiplash motion
>Accidentally, she knocks over a glass of juice and spills it
>Freaks out, you tell her its okay as you clean
>... Nerissa's crying
>Reassure her with your dad voice, she hugs you, and Biboo watches
>Nightime, the girls are supposed to be asleep
>Your door creeps open, tiny steps approach you
>Oh, it's Biboo.
>Right before you get up and ask what she wants, she climbs into bed and plops her milky white butt into your face
>Grip Biboo's thighs, while your words dying in her behind make her smile
>"You were looking at Nerissa, Papa..."
>Grab her, lift her and tell her she's wrong, but she's not having it
>Tell her it's too dangerous tonight, too many people around
>"N-No, because mama is out of town and we didn't get to play yesterday."
>Bibob sits on top of your dick, straddles you
>Oh fuck, you're immediately rock hard. Your underpants are too thin, and so are Biboo's pajamas, you can practically feel her bare skin.
>Biboo giggles as you suck air through your teeth, takes off her shirt and lets you look at...
>Well, she's still flat as a board, but her little mounds of pudding are delightful in their own way
>Slip off your boxers, Biboo's small hands jerk you.
>The more sounds she squeezes out of you, the more she smiles
>Tell Biboo to stand up, she does and by grabbing her pajamas knees you peel them off, exposing her delicious bald mound
>Biboo plops back down, straddles your bare cock, coating you in her juices
>Tell her to put it in
>Biboo squats, lifts her behind, and you feel how your head begins making its way through her tight walls
>Biboo stretches her arms out to you, and interlaces her fingers with you as she starts jumping up and down
>It's too much man for such a little woman, but Biboo takes it as deep as she can, which is halfway through your length
>The deeper Biboo pushes, the tighter she gets, the closer you are to-
>"Hnnng!" Biboo mewls, her walls contracting around your cock and causing you to shoot it inside her
>Her tiny pussy is out of space, and as you lift her off you, your cum falls back onto your own dick
>Leave Biboo on the bed while you go get some wipes
>Open your door, Nerissa is standing behind it, with a glass stuck to her ear
>And so is Shiori...
>FuwaMoco? They used the opportunity to sneak into the living room and fuck.

>> No.74889777
File: 62 KB, 653x450, 1711922351200229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74892064

>> No.74890149
File: 810 KB, 480x442, 1708004264840519.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74892064

>> No.74890530
File: 373 KB, 646x542, Eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74892064

>> No.74891331

Why are you sta-
Oh whoops

>> No.74891957
File: 66 KB, 724x1024, 1714596829810703m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74895224

Getting bullied (sexually) by gyarus

>> No.74892064

Why are you looking at me like that? Doesn't my daughter look the best when she's leaking with her future brother?

>> No.74892864
File: 39 KB, 360x360, 1710411547320401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74894739
Quoted by: >>74896661

How many lionesses are we talking?

>> No.74895224
Quoted by: >>74898410

Leopard Lingerie has to be the best thing in the entire fucking world.
Is so trashy and nonsensical but just the thought of a gyaru's leopard g string makes me feral

>> No.74896661
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x710, 1683700214701031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74909046

How ever many want it.

>> No.74898365
File: 113 KB, 850x666, sample_e46bc527f48f4d7cd896ab048be5b904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74898410
File: 148 KB, 850x1300, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey cmon! do me a solid and put my name there plz"
>Kiara flashes you a bit of her bra and you turn around just in time, standing your ground. You did the project all by yourself, and you already know she's always prowling
>"cmoooon! ill make it worth your while!"
> N-no? no! this project is worth 60% of the final grading! she would pass without lifting a finger
>Now that you are turned around, she envelops you in a hug and blows air in your ear. Her entire body is rubbing against your back
>"put my name there and ill pop every single one of your cherries~"
>"Here, a freebie"
>Turns you around and makes out with you, sucking your soul as she teases you with her knee and her hands feel you around
>separate, dick erect
>nod. Before you know it, she has the project in her hands and is already signed with her handwriting
>"thank you~ Your place or my place?Friday? If you treat me dinner i can stay over"
>Brain error. She fishes for your phone and puts her contact in
>"Eh, we'll figure it out. text me when you know. Dont forget the condoms!"
>As you try and process everything, she somehow manages to make your brain crash even harder as she checks the hallway before leaning in and removing her panties
>"Here! a gift for being a good boy!"
>A warm and stuffy G string is put in your hands. The leopard print hypnotizing you.
>She giggles as you take a desperate whiff of it and run to the bathroom like you are possessed
>She just blows a kiss at you
>"Save some for the real deal~"

>> No.74898576
Quoted by: >>74907570

Hot, have you written any smut in the archive in prose before?

>> No.74899796
Quoted by: >>74900631

Fuck that's a really hot scene and fantasy. More?

>> No.74900631
File: 64 KB, 373x420, bae glance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have too many wips to continue but i think it would be really hot if she also asked for your used underwear the next dayCat Gyaru Kiara....

>> No.74901042
Quoted by: >>74902791

Brrat bro! Stop lusting after orange women!

>> No.74902791
Quoted by: >>74903032


>> No.74903032
File: 913 KB, 788x715, 1663954805278997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rats face when brrrat bro will not stop chasing orange women when he could be composing a romantic love story where she finally gets mating pressed the way she always dreamed of

>> No.74903194
File: 121 KB, 1582x933, criying Bae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bae soothes my heart, Kiara destroys my dick

>> No.74903860

Bae has to wait in her cuckshed for her man to stop railing Kiara, please anderstando.

>> No.74904620
Quoted by: >>74905813

>her boyfriends comes back and she's wearing sexy lingerie
>She tries and tries to get him up but Kiara has wrung him dry for the night
>He happily lovingly cuddles her as they drift off to sleep

>> No.74905460
File: 15 KB, 480x360, YouKnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know a girl can soothe your heart AND destroy your dick?

>> No.74905794
File: 1008 KB, 696x1287, 3801c3a37c19851d986f48b02ee6f91c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74906838

hell yeah I do!

>> No.74905813
File: 28 KB, 658x407, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74906838

Well now that im backed into a corner i guess ill just su-HAHA! POCKET WIP!
i dont wanna post a wip of the NSFW one because i want to polish that to the extreme if posible

>> No.74906391
Quoted by: >>74906941

>every time a kiara prompt idea is posted, Lost and found loses 400 words

>> No.74906838
File: 240 KB, 1288x2048, 1701637479790014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74908522

Miosha, my lupine beloved.
>Eyes are fucking speckled with Towa's marble mouth dialogue
I'll catch you some day brrat bro. Once I stop being interested in whatever Towa is up to, you're fucking done.

>> No.74906941

In order to break this curse brrrat bro must write a one-shot about Bae getting cucked by Kiara.

>> No.74907206

>Queen bitch Kiara doesn't like a joke Bae makes at her expense
>She's all smiles and nods
>Texts her BF that same night and sends her the video of him covering her face in cum
>'Really nice catch you had there, think I'll keep him~!'

>> No.74907346
File: 770 KB, 1237x696, 1701682523174979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74907699

>> No.74907570


>> No.74907649 [SPOILER] 
Quoted by: >>74920736

Philip Towa, Salvador Kanata, and Yuna Anon :)

>> No.74907699

Don't you disgusted chuuba reaction me, you can't stop your oshi from getting cucked!

>> No.74908061
File: 825 KB, 807x627, FlareOrdersYourDeath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74908522
File: 21 KB, 627x333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i not write a trio? cant we be friends?ill just write them both until the curse is lifted!
i honestly love writing towa in the foreground. I initially wanted her to be a devilish adversary to Bae (both young cool performers) but when i wrote chapter two i realized i quite liked her being around and the idea of making her lose annoyed me.

so as a treat have some more

>> No.74908690
File: 1.15 MB, 720x720, gore[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fymj1w5.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post this
>dont realize the biggest mistake until its uploaded
its over

>> No.74909046
Quoted by: >>74910370

Based on past chapters, that sounds like most of the pack.

>> No.74909310

>can i not write a trio? cant we be friends?
This thread's history of NTR discussions is just making me think of Bae (Reverse) Netorase where it's (You) helping Bae masturbate while telling her about what you did with Kiara.

>> No.74909903

i think we are missing the tree for the forest here.

What if instead of the Sheep's need to breed we get The Rat's splat attackl AKA Bae invites her senpai for a trio because she can tell she has the hots for her boyfriend and Kiara would look better with a kid in there

>> No.74910285
File: 634 KB, 2100x3300, 1672819399843403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a funny little goober. I look forward to reading more of her from you.

>> No.74910370

And lions will bite the balls of their mate if they want to keep going but the male is tired.

>> No.74910479

Oh boy, that turns me the fuck on

>> No.74910536
Quoted by: >>74975313

Ah yes, the cuckqueans outfit

>> No.74910813
File: 365 KB, 627x589, 1684720962467323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74911432
File: 87 KB, 1170x1170, 1714617219018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74912464
Quoted by: >>74914101

Not much of a cunny guy but I got hard...
W H Y.


>> No.74912697

This complements well with that clip of her teasing KFP for being "thirsty af". I dunno why, but her way of saying "fuck" in the clip just gets me tingling and imagining carnal situations with this Austrian chicken.

>> No.74914101
Quoted by: >>74922774

Brats are too powerful

>> No.74916099
File: 81 KB, 850x563, __takanashi_kiara_and_kfp_employee_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_elderflower__sample-0c2cf068fe2f97f3050917a991d8f4ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it Kiara should have been a cat. She just fits that.
With that being said
Cat Kiara puts it in her mind that you now her mate and that your home is her home now, like a real cat.

>> No.74917113
Quoted by: >>74917373

>House training a feral Kiara

>> No.74917373
File: 50 KB, 640x426, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You get a call. Help Kiara with her housing issue.No problem boss
>First impressions are really important for cats
>Kiara's first impression of Japan is that its a troublesome place to live. She's going to go with the first place that gives her security
>So of course she waltzes in your apartment, looks around and decides she's living here.
>Sure it can house two people but what the hell? Boss says they can help you relocate her once she's more comfortable
>First five days Kiara is standoffish, fights you over mundane stuff (when mad she looks straight into your eyes and knocks glasses off the table) and only seems to care about you when food is on the table
>Two days later she's mellowing out. you are learning her limits and comfort zones
>Then outta nowhere, she starts sitting on your laps and demanding you to brush her hair
>Brush too hard? she's out
>Brush too soft? She's annoyed and if you dont get it right she's out
>Brush just right? Purring and cuddling. Will leave if you move
>When Winter rolls in, she doesnt even hesitate to abandon her bed and cuddle you like a pillow in bed
>Try and Fail to not get an erection
>The second it goes up, her pupils expand and she pounces
>It takes you a year or so and three kids for her to finally let you buy her a collar. SHE decides which one

I fucking love it. What i dont love is how her usual cat tail is based around a very european cat: the Norwegian Forest cat... AND NOT BASED AROUND THE GERMAN REX AAAAAAHits okay she's hot anyway

Turning her into a lazy girl who only wants sex and food... Kiara getting a bit fat...

>> No.74919429
Quoted by: >>74922819

Requesting a behind-the-scenes story of NijiEN trying to prop-up their financials with an impossible quota for their 4Q report

>> No.74920527
File: 367 KB, 589x592, MuBae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good brand name for meth like if it was sold as a medicine

Also which chuuba would you want to do drugs with?

>> No.74920736

Towa loses in every timeline, it seems... Although thinking of her being a "devil" and awakening to a form of a literal angel with a flaming sword brings a good chuckle. TMT indeed.

>> No.74920826


>What's a good brand name for meth like if it was sold as a medicine
They sell medicines similar to meth over the counter. You could use one of those.

>Also which chuuba would you want to do drugs with?
I want to smoke weed with Kronii.

>> No.74921094

My oshi is definitely the kind of girl who would get anxious/paranoid/sick if she even smoked weed... so maybe Matara. That hag seems like she knows how to party.

>> No.74922774

If Shion the model was real, I'd have busted enough cum to completely cover her

>> No.74922819

This but its Elira doing it in exchange for all sorta favors including seggs

>> No.74924472

>not telling Mori her dance teacher is a stripper
>playing audio while she sleeps affirming she is sexy and loves showing off
>informing everyone at Cover she has a fetish so they start casually objectifying and groping her
>convincing her to open a personal “non nude” OF you’ll manage as empowering and slowly pressuring her to get more lewd
>last minute reveal Tenga partnership when it’s too late for her to do anything without damaging the company, make her think she agreed
>have her debut a new outfit to advertise the new M.C brand of club wear
>rig m&g so they’re all girls telling her that she made them feel sexually empowered

>> No.74924776
Quoted by: >>74925374

You wouldn’t have to do much to convince her

>> No.74925374

Yeah.... that's kinda the point....

>> No.74925548
File: 3.74 MB, 2894x4093, KroniiSmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know there's a lot for regular ADD amphetamine medication, but it is explicitly different in the case I'm writing. I'm just kinda having a brain fart for a good name, as funny as my place-holder 'Methazinamol' is.

I've had some of my best faps while stoned, so if I got the chance to fuck Kronii while high I think I'd die.

>> No.74926815
Quoted by: >>74934061

Sounds like a good idea. She can even blow you and lick Kiara's juices off your cock as a token of gratitude.

>> No.74927951
File: 167 KB, 398x443, 1702436795875828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74928807
Quoted by: >>74930710

Dæmn, we are horny today, are we...

>> No.74930678
File: 2.27 MB, 1821x2579, 118157931_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74936113

>> No.74930710

The orange plague swept vt and made 2/3rds of our writers horny for kiara

>> No.74931411
File: 79 KB, 1024x576, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74932277

>You save loli!Ui from a molester. Now whenever you go for a smoke at a nearby park, Ui will immediately run to you and sit next to you. You immediately notice that she loves banter and you develop a weird frienship with her. It takes a little a bit more time for you to notice that she has a crush on you. How will you handle the situation?

>> No.74932258
Quoted by: >>74932411

Koreanbro wrote a short, poetic piece about his wife https://gall.dcinside.com/mini/board/view/?id=yang_transl0&no=395&page=1
Machine translation probably doesn't do it justice, but as someone who knows a little Korean it helped a lot to understand the original.

>> No.74932277

Let her have her crush. It's not gonna hurt her to look up to someone
That or say
>Oh well, your luck's rotten huh? *unzips dick*

>> No.74932411

I've been told that the best MTL for Korean is https://papago.naver.com

>> No.74934061
Quoted by: >>74935080

That honestly fits Nerissa more

>> No.74934199
Quoted by: >>74934579

Literally how

>> No.74934579

Isn't it pretty normal to be horny for Kiara? Even if you don't vibe with her personality.

>> No.74934646
File: 1.24 MB, 4096x2731, 1687787073564675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is somehow on my "don't wanna bone" list. I'd rather just argue back and forth with her platonically.

>> No.74934865
Quoted by: >>74936121

Since we're in the realm of fantasy anyway, I wouldn't mind her getting me off before we argue back and forth platonically.

>> No.74935080

>Nerissa trying to hook up with a guy and date them so she can get cucked by Kiara.

>> No.74936113

Meaty friend!

>> No.74936121
File: 34 KB, 350x350, 1659686060019888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I don't think you're platonic at that point.

>> No.74936165

Well, the arguing is platonic. We're just having fun as friends

>> No.74936721

It's platonic in the sense that the platonic ideal of a friendly relationship with Kiara involves copious amounts of sex.

>> No.74937148

Plato's writings about friendship mention male friends having sex, so the Christian scholars who liked his philosophy but didn't like gay sex conveniently never mentioned that part and coined "platonic friendship" as term for friendships that are entirely non-sexual.

>> No.74937548

Also he could fly, owned a pet griffin and was the king of ancient Mesopotamia.

>> No.74938577
Quoted by: >>74938718

I don’t think that’s true

>> No.74938613
Quoted by: >>74938718

I also don’t think that’s true

>> No.74938718

Well, those things are true.

>> No.74939100
Quoted by: >>74939174

Greek has a word for brotherly love (Philia). That is different than their word for sexual love (Eros). Also, early Christians much preferred Aristotle with Justin Martyr going as far to say that he was a Christian without even knowing it. You are wrong. Deal with it.

>> No.74939174
Quoted by: >>74939782

While I agree with you, that doesn't actually disprove what I said. But this is off-topic, so let's not dwell on this.

>> No.74939782

I accept your concession.

>> No.74939979
File: 186 KB, 1920x1080, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont care what the great greek minds think, im not having sex with kiara

>> No.74942185

More for me.

>> No.74943692


>> No.74944628

Imagine if Towa actually got a happy ending and never got cheated on.

>> No.74944662
Quoted by: >>74945660

I don't want any cucking, but I'd like to help Bae masturbate while comforting her and riling her up.

>> No.74944775

She deserves one dammit! And by god I'm gonna give it to her!

>> No.74945016
Quoted by: >>74945132

She got one though?

>> No.74945132

...Okay, I was going to say something like "uhhh.... no she hasn't" and then I realised that there "is" like what two (or is there more) stories that ended with Towa being happy and not cheated on.

Let me correct myself; we need more stories about Towa getting a happy ending and not being cheated on. I'll even throw in an impossible request and ask that it be on par with MW or OC.

>> No.74945413

I will never cheat on my sister Suisei...

>> No.74945447
Quoted by: >>74945527

I guess you can't really be cheated on while you have your partner's dick in your mouth.

>> No.74945527

Wait are you telling me Towa is a BOY?!

>> No.74945529
File: 88 KB, 608x360, 1705587316301084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74945581
Quoted by: >>74946101

I gotta say, I’ve come around to the chicken thighs lately. So long as she keeps her mouth shut (except singing) she’s great

Ooh, Kiara bondage? I’m envisioning her with duct tape over her mouth

>> No.74945660
Quoted by: >>74946701

I might take a crack at this. The thought of whispering to Bae what a good time you had while showing her pics of Kiara slobbering on your cock and fingering her just makes me ecstatic.

>> No.74945771
Quoted by: >>74945813

>MW or OC
MatthewAnon and...?

>> No.74945813

MW = Menhera Wrangler
OC = Our Cures.

>> No.74946101
Quoted by: >>74946179

>not wanting to listen her yap in her austrian accent
more for me then

>> No.74946179

Can't she just speak German? That way I won't understand it.

>> No.74946322
Quoted by: >>74946649

This but with Gura. Because I avoid meta.

>> No.74946360
Quoted by: >>74947949

Auntie did, I wanna join em

T. Basuki

>> No.74946640
Quoted by: >>74947092

hey Towa has like 5 loving dog boyfriends

>> No.74946649
Quoted by: >>74947359

You’re just a contrarian

>> No.74946701

You could even show her your cock but disallow her from touching it.

>> No.74947092 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>74947124

Sorry if I'm sounding rude and all but is that suppose to be a good thing or something?

>> No.74947124
Quoted by: >>74947342

I think it's a reference to Yuzuki Veterinary Services.

>> No.74947342

Oh, so it is.

>> No.74947359

Perhaps...I'm just very particular when it comes to cunny...mainly to avoid myself getting cancelled because I've done something cancellable already that antis might dredge up if I ever get famous in any way...

Sorry, better that I be paranoid than get caught napping.

>> No.74947949
Quoted by: >>74950873

If only you put half as much effort into your story as you put into shilling it unsolicited.

>> No.74948451


>> No.74949514


>> No.74949669
File: 442 KB, 1668x1668, 1690820238351251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74950489

>> No.74949768
File: 291 KB, 850x1189, sample_25142a7ab9f7cf67d40ccf62e94ddbc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74951542

On the rocks


Tags: Aki Rosenthal, SFW, lost love

Got off my ass and decided to finish this short about a night with the elf stacy

As always, feedback is greatly appreciated.

>> No.74950489
Quoted by: >>74959039

>Nene keeps punching you in hopes you'll hit her back
>Annoyed so you start fighting her
>Only put in the bare amount of effort in hopes she'll get bored
>End up jobbing so hard she beats you
>Demands you find a way to 'make it up to her' for losing
Well? What are you doing?

>> No.74950873

I would, now that I got Docs back.

>> No.74951542
File: 46 KB, 696x569, 1713810901109543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74952640

A nice little drink of melancholy is enjoyable every once in a while. It was a cute picture of a spur of the moment night with a confident elf.
For feedback I think the thoughts of the MC were kinda sporadic in the beginning and a little more attention could have been given to some of the details in the surroundings. Other than that I don't have much else to say. Thanks for the story.
Now you gotta make this a three-parter where Mel and Choco create their own one night stand. Just for it all to come together in the end.

>> No.74952348
File: 543 KB, 830x1315, e310effe1d151b58a8de7bbb1ca15fbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OC, but they're just there to make Anon's tragic backstory possible. They don't need to make a "real" appearance in the story.
And now that I've thought about it more, I'd disregard the idea I made in >>74859851 and instead encourage the potential author to write the story from third person perspective and create a named OC.

>> No.74952640

Hey, thanks for the read. I'm glad you liked it.
Making it a three parter doesn't sound too bad...

>> No.74953575
File: 1.70 MB, 1210x1076, sisters they were.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74953882

a threesome with Oozora Subaru and Oozora Miuka

>> No.74953882
Quoted by: >>74960220

What an auditory whirlwind that would be. My dick would barely be able to keep up with whatever Shubba was telling me to do, while waiting for Miuka to hurry the fuck up with voicing what she wants.
The train we could run on Subaru is pretty enticing though.

>> No.74954062

>By this point Brratanon has written more about Kiara than Bae

You know, I also realized I write a lot more about oshi's wife instead of my oshi. Then again, I keep putting off the 'big' fic I want to write about her because I feel like I have to hone my skills to absolute perfection, that I want her story to have the very best of me, but the more I put off writing her fic, the more I feel like I've cheated on my oshi.

>> No.74956530

Why don't you write a smaller fic about your oshi? Get some practice in writing her.

>> No.74957602

Ironically i think the score is 2 to 2 regarding bae vs kiara

>> No.74959039


>> No.74960220

That's why you have Miuka sit on Subaru's face to give her time to get her words out

>> No.74961630
File: 1.15 MB, 1011x1658, BaeAngry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74964343

Ah the "Don't worry babe it was just physical" defence. It's a bold one, I wonder if the rat will fall for it.

>> No.74962722
File: 2.08 MB, 2480x3508, 66b7f475dc97f616fe48c372b88697b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74963599

Another hand touches the cuckqueen beacon

>> No.74963659
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>> No.74963904

The ritual is not complete until she gets the story.
right now she's marked for cucking, but can survive

>> No.74963987
File: 196 KB, 1480x2435, KiaraBoobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every 10,000 years the fleet of Stacies arrive to fuck the boyfriends of girls too demure to anything about it

>> No.74964343

>Oh hey Bae.
>Today I accidentally fell and Kiara's pussy cushioned my fall and wrung out 3 loads.
>Oh that's...
>Then she sucked me off and we went for another round on your bed.
>Are we still up for tonight?

>> No.74965385
File: 70 KB, 967x586, Who Took My Cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74965674
Quoted by: >>74966974

Don't forget some weirdly arousing German in Kiara's dirty talk.
It might also be a nice touch to have you carry Bae to whatever spot is appropriate for the occasion.

>> No.74966217
Quoted by: >>74978311

Anon you gotta elaborate on what this means

>> No.74966974

>German dirty talk
I really can't picture something like this ever happening.
Please, enlighten me.

>> No.74967200
Quoted by: >>74967353

>Keep putting off the 'big' fic I want to write about her because I feel like I have to hone my skills to absolute perfection
Hey, could be worse. You could have started a series only to ice it indefinitely

>but the more I put off writing her fic, the more I feel like I've cheated on my oshi.
I feel this. I got hit with that feeling yesterday. The whole "I could have dedicated this time and energy to her" is surprisingly demoralizing. It's still hitting me but my autism is far too strong to simply switch gears. She'll get her time again.
Time, energy, and even money have no bearing on your feelings. Your oshi is your oshi, simple as.

>> No.74967353
File: 82 KB, 493x239, 1709514532710705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74967681

>You could have started a series only to ice it indefinitely
Yeah... Haha...

>> No.74967681
File: 166 KB, 1000x1000, 1711852977646508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey, could be worse. You could have started a series only to ice it indefinitely
So seriesanons anyone want to admit which of your series are stillborn/abandoned?

>> No.74968663
Quoted by: >>74969740

My biggest pet peeve with fanfiction is the overuse of ellipses.

>> No.74969740
Quoted by: >>74972052

For me it's when some writers keep referring to characters by their hair color because they're afraid of overusing their name. (The brunette stepped out of her shoes. The pink-haired girl smiled as she walked away. The one with raven locks giggled.)

>> No.74970060
Quoted by: >>74970903

>jaa fuck me with your dickenmanshen in my cunterjaggen

>> No.74970903
Quoted by: >>74972613

>Belle für mich, du Hund...

>> No.74972052

That just sounds like bad writing.

>> No.74972613

okay that's hot.
Am i becoming a woman?

>> No.74973676

>"No, I didn't take any antibabypillen"

>> No.74973965


>> No.74974922

>Marine takes your first consensual kiss
I know this is supposed to be a touching moment but I can’t stop laughing at consensual, Fubuki wins yet again babyee

>> No.74975087
File: 175 KB, 779x867, 1697649586909700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't she great?

>> No.74975157

>Nice boyfriend you got there
>Uses her fox magic (aka fox pussy pheromones) to steal him

>> No.74975313

Now that I think about it, it's a double cuckette feature! Except that you know, Watame actually enjoyed it.

>> No.74975623

He has the power to make this evil run its course...

>> No.74975679

Don't worry, I'm my close combat sock.

>> No.74975821
File: 140 KB, 359x372, hoeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74976510

all this "Kiara cucks Bae" is funny hot and all...
but arent we like...feeding him two cakes?
>hahaha get owned have some smut of the one girl you jank your chain to and the one girl you also jank your chain to

>> No.74976510

Damn! Bamboozled again!
However, Bae will suffer

>> No.74976802
File: 1003 KB, 1920x1080, 1711728010499663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74976866

Baker? I'd like to place an order.

>> No.74976866

Baker here, whadya want?

>> No.74976912
Quoted by: >>74977102

Regardless of what he asks for, give him a Kiara thread.

>> No.74976916
File: 43 KB, 645x476, live botan reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74977102

give us zeta

>> No.74977102


Sure, coming right up

>> No.74977420
File: 345 KB, 637x855, 1685380152434454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74977526

What if it was all a ploy?

>> No.74977526
File: 603 KB, 806x706, Nervous Chloe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You already fell in my cuckjutsu

>> No.74977862
File: 754 KB, 605x737, 1683326941194214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fall for this.

>> No.74977965
File: 546 KB, 1081x1080, Shiori falls into a random encounter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74978311


In my hubris, I asked an erp with a 16yo. We have since separated ways and I paid heavily for it.

>> No.74978510
File: 327 KB, 467x374, 1664465771186230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck man?

>> No.74978593 [SPOILER] 
File: 591 KB, 751x1200, Towa_(Rend).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kisama... I'll have to go all out!

>> No.74978649

jesus christ anon

>> No.74978673 [SPOILER] 
File: 271 KB, 2048x1448, 1706347706762205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baked, migrate when ready.

>> No.74978823

That's nothing, I blackmaimed someone into having sex with me when I was 12 and then stole their cat

>> No.74978855

Is this the power of Ultra Cuckstink!?
