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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73728229 No.73728229 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy. You can check out the three years worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below:

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>73506921

(Where we discussed lesbian correcting, the ethics of slavery, Kings on the frontlines of war, and gem gf)
/wg/ rentry for bakers: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/

>> No.73728255
File: 189 KB, 675x1200, GLG8X1nbQAA8GwF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story Anchor
Post em if you got em

>> No.73728295
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x865, wg prompt board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.73728332
File: 1.56 MB, 1240x1754, 1709446761535637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story Recap. There were zero stories posted last thread D:

>> No.73728342
Quoted by: >>73728381

Thanks for fufilling my request and making a Bijou version, anon.

>> No.73728381
File: 213 KB, 512x512, 1712124897347997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are welcome.

>> No.73729091

>gigantic dadseki going "I THINK WE SHOULD RESPECT TRUE LOVE"

I love the idea of meeting a literal mountain of a man only for him to be really wholesome.

>> No.73730576
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Quoted by: >>73731989

>> No.73731525

Wake up

>> No.73731989

Very nice rock
Very nice meido

>> No.73732158

The lack of drama recently is really upsetting.

>> No.73732566

we don't really have a villain anymore. thread shitter got a job (hopefully it's going well) and some of the other problematic anons have either started bettering themselves, or left to schizo elsewhere.

the only thing I can think of that could be considered a conflict being the one Chloe anon wanting to straighten up Chloe's image from what CC made. But CC doesn't seem too bent out of shape about it so its more like a personal endeavor while 2 people go about their days

>> No.73733247
File: 193 KB, 1008x1390, sickos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is clearly missing a unifying purpose, a work of mass autism that gets everyone in the thread to contribute and buildup.
A Round-Robin fic

>> No.73733794
File: 1005 KB, 1582x1025, 1706868900280762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't we unified in writing stories? This is the place us fuckers go to for writing fanfiction.

>> No.73733924
Quoted by: >>73734134

>threae shitter got a job
I'm unironically glad for him.


[Your favorite fic] SUCKS!

>> No.73734134
File: 1.40 MB, 1588x789, Screenshot 2024-04-15 093105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[Your favorite fic] SUCKS!

>> No.73734195

If it counts, my next fic is a drama fic...

>> No.73734541
File: 85 KB, 849x1024, 1711925219151526m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but I think it would be fun to have a massive /wg/ wide fic project we all build up together. It's probably not something achievable since the board is way too fast to really let a single idea coalesce into much more than something to compile into a single greentext compilation but it's fun to think.
That and I got into 2hu fanfiction and seeing this fucking autism project from /jp/'s timeline made me wish we could make something like it
But I'm reasonably certain that's only achievable there because threads can last for a week, and because ancient writefags have the kind of autism that can make writers like us kneel.

>> No.73734790
Quoted by: >>73735326

I think something like this is possible but perhaps we could start on a smaller scale.
the simple idea is to have a singular theme and anons come together to write short stories on said theme.
Another idea is you have 1 fic with segments written by separate anons sort of like the writer's equivalent to those animation videos where artists take turns animating an episode of some show

>> No.73734938
File: 179 KB, 1017x955, 1700749467346545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every once in a while we get a good sequence going like that balls to the wall Hologra-like greentext fic that started with the idea of Anon being auctioned off to hags. I know you might want something more robust and formatted than that, but simplicity is where the magic happens sometimes.

>> No.73735326

Yeah practically the most we can really accomplish are collaboratively building a greentext chain and maybe making something that can inspire one anon into making it into a full one-shot.
We can't really replicate the same effect of one fic holding the threads attention so much that we all collectively start making a spin off of it in thread because we're desperate for more that a single horny idea can spark it off into a writing Frenzy.

>> No.73735479
Quoted by: >>73735698

Yeah, that one was great.
It's best not to force it, spontainety makes those moments special.
We could however, partner up with other anons and make a collaborative story...

>> No.73735698
File: 281 KB, 1705x1712, 1696113901478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73735966

>partner up with other anons and make a collaborative story...
That would be like if the Anon writing Holofantasy and the Anon writing Cover High made a crossover fanfic between their two series.

>> No.73735917

I'll start ERPing now.

>> No.73735937

speaking of that...when is it getting archived? i wanna read it again but im too lazy to dive for the archive for a quick chuckle

>> No.73735966
File: 177 KB, 335x389, 1708109204789521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73737350

>mogojan! You gotta reach out to the authors! You need to do the work to kick your collaborative project off the ground!
>No don't just sit in silence mogojan! Write the email, the worst anon can say is no!
>Moco-chan! You're spilling your spaghetti all over the keyboard! Now we need to clean up all this sauce!

>> No.73736069
Quoted by: >>73736204

If someone wants to make a basic greentext compilation of that feel free to do it.
I know I promised to make a special compilation for it but college is kicking my ass.

>> No.73736204

Yknow what? that's fair archive wizard, do your thing

>> No.73737128

>This is the place us fuckers go to for writing fanfiction.
Kino statement.

>> No.73737209
Quoted by: >>73737471


>> No.73737350
Quoted by: >>73737594

>Mogojan! you keep triying to set up a multibook saga but you cant even write dialogue! Why is there so many characters?

>> No.73737471

Forgot to add that you'll get the rest of the "anon auctioned off by hags" if you skim through the thread that I linked.

>> No.73737594
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>Because I love them all Fuwawa! I need to get them in the story now so they can get the proper character development!
>And what about you!? All you do is ask for smut! You made spelling errors every time you wrote about dicks and you don't care about proper buildup. You're SICK.

>> No.73739053


>> No.73739066
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>> No.73739106


>> No.73739256

We could do a round robin story if the segments are relatively short and come after one another.

>> No.73740055
Quoted by: >>73740422

Does a woman still count as a hag when she is over 200 years old?

>> No.73740422

Yes as long as she has the personality of one.

>> No.73740547

ok so I've been thinking of Laplus girlfriend prompts since last thread where the anon said that Laplus was a tomboy but is secretly affectionate with you in private. After listening to holox's honeyworks collab song I've been thinking of a prompt where Laplus is your bullied highschool childhood girlfriend that seeks the comfort of her boyfriend from another school every day and rants about her daily struggles.

>> No.73740603
Quoted by: >>73740737

I need to finish this fic, otherwise my oshi's never going to get pregnant with my children.

>> No.73740737
File: 99 KB, 1000x1000, 1711661572025785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's part of what keeps us all going. Godspeed anon.

>> No.73741426
Quoted by: >>73743421

That's just making me imagine cruel twists to this like (You) aren't actually real but just a guy in a dating sim she plays everyday after school.

>> No.73742910


>> No.73743421

God that's horrible.
I love it.

>> No.73743617

I really need to push Mumei's wheelchair up a sunnycliff despite me being sick too.

maybe some cripplesex too

>> No.73745126


>> No.73746856
File: 1.73 MB, 1076x1523, BijouMascots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's your first time having sex with Bijou but she insists that all of Advent + Kaela have to be there for emotional support

>> No.73747045

>Is she doing well raffians!?

>> No.73747227
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Quoted by: >>73747495

I am NOT having sex with someone while Shiori watches
>Shiori sees you finally insert and makes a remark like "You go tiger"
>Starts to yap about the mating habits of some bugs, in excruciating detail
>Boner is fighting for its fucking life, both to stay hard and not get crunched to bits by Bijou's glamor cave

>> No.73747495
Quoted by: >>73748000

reminder that the only way to stop Shiori from yapping is to shove your cock down her throat

>> No.73748000
File: 384 KB, 640x605, 1691503352590277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really think she's not capable of yapping with her mouth full? The girl has mastered yapping with just her eyes, she'll look at you and you'll just know she's thinking about a bunch of mundane shit.

>> No.73748214
Quoted by: >>73748268

After her recent death and respawn Watame has gained 2 new abilities to use as she pleases (or not). This inclues:

Branding: As soon as Watame places her hand on your head your mind will be instantly flooded with mind numbing affection / love and you become her slave. You still have a personality and a will, but any thoughts on disobeying / betraying Watame is impossible. This effect also CANNOT be reversed unless she dismisses you but if she does, you are treated to a fate worse than death. This ability also cannot be turned off unless something is worn over the hands.

Dismissed: After she's grown bored of you Watame frees you from her control by dismissing you. Remember how I said that it cannot be reversed unless she dismisses you and that you are treated to a fate worse than death? Well the second she dismisses you every emotion in your body as well as your sanity in the process. This leaves you a mindless husk yearning to die and so far there is no known cure to being dismissed.

Can Watame go about her day without accidentally touching someone's head with her bare hand and accidentally dominating them in the process for life? I thought of this idea from Shadow of Mordor where you dominate Orcs to create your army but instead of the "destroy a orcs brain and turn them into your puppet with no chance of betraying you" and "exploding their head like a watermelon when you dismiss them" I wanted to try for something brighter. And Watame can respawn when she dies so she'd be the ideal candidate for this prompt (or not but its been in my head for the past hour).

>> No.73748268

*Every emotion in your body as well as your sanity is drained in the process.

>> No.73748413
Quoted by: >>73749933

This has potential. You could combine it with the idea that her boyfriend is a big guy - helpful in defending her from bullies, but intimidating in bed.

>> No.73749909

>Biboo thread
Did any of you guys ever get around to fulfilling her fanfic request about finding a viewer and beating the shit out of them and telling them to suck "it"?

>> No.73749933

>You could combine it with the idea that her boyfriend is a big guy
For you

>> No.73750075
File: 1.73 MB, 1024x1280, 1692284336475013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73750459

>Make me violent
>meet in a chance encounter and we battle, and I win and tell you to suck it, and I just fly away
Well dang, that's more or less how I plan for that to play out in the beginning right now.

>> No.73750459

You will suck it?

>> No.73750539

Training your body to withstand the rigors of having Koseki Bijou as a girlfriend

>> No.73750690

What do you mean, her weight? The sharp gems? The crystal-walled hole?

>> No.73750797
File: 237 KB, 1662x1079, 1690926621092556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73751481

The 6-9 hour gaming sessions every night.

>> No.73751481

All of the above
You have to be tougher than diamond, stronger and more resilient than an ox, and braver than a cave spelunker

>> No.73751583
Quoted by: >>73754468

>Starts off shy and gets backseated left and right with increasingly deranged and/or contradictory advice from all sides
>Finally cracks and does her "I want to learn on my own, if you're backseating I've seen (heard) you already and just don't care" from DMC and other streams
>Immediately stumbles upon (you)r fetish while experimenting and grows increasingly assertive and aggressive and bratty for the remainder of the story

>> No.73751911

Only if they masturbate and give encouragement.

>> No.73752627
Quoted by: >>73754172

Sex with a hag turned zoomer and a zoomer turned hag.

Oh who i am kidding. i want a desperate hag fauna, precisely

>> No.73754172
Quoted by: >>73756899

Zoomer Marine that somehow gets 20x more horny and desperate

>> No.73754468
File: 2.01 MB, 2508x2160, 1709538728840782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuwawa when she gets told to stop backseating the sex
>"Surely she didn't mean I specifically should stop backseating. She meant Moco-chan and Nerissa. Yes. I'm sure of this.

>> No.73755341

>thread shitter got a job
This interests me. Which thread shitter and how do you know this?

>> No.73756861


>> No.73756899
Quoted by: >>73757228

>Zoomer Marine is a timid otaku when the smoke clears.
>She's timid and reclusive
>You catch her. Bridal style
>Goes cross eyed and shudders.
>The rest of the fic She's hyper horny

>> No.73757172

Biboo has a normal flesh vagina with no sharp rocks inside of it.

>> No.73757228
Quoted by: >>73757317

You should really delete this post and repost it in a more coherent manner.

>> No.73757317

Ill try to do it wjen im less drunk. Sorry

>> No.73757448
File: 86 KB, 256x256, 1703130880224182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73759194

This reads like the words of a coward. If you wanna bed non-human women, you're playing for all the marbles.
>fennec-trap vaginas
>insatiable wolf heat
>lion ball biting when you can't go for 20 rounds

>> No.73757492

Please don't reply to the story anchor if you don't have a story to post.

>> No.73759194

Grinding your cock against biboo's stone vagina only to bruise it against her rock solid cervix sounds horrible.

>> No.73760153

That's why you have to strengthen your body like a shonen hero

>> No.73760458

>Doing a 100 dick push ups so I can have sex with my golem gf!

>> No.73761136

>you are required to have Armorment Haki just to have sex with Biboo

>> No.73762848
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>> No.73763143

Love is worth sacrificing for

>> No.73765385

Regrettably, this may be the case.

>> No.73766060
File: 113 KB, 305x350, 1691561027305602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon gets it. Love always wins.

>> No.73766775
File: 171 KB, 850x1202, sample_144375ccfa3ae17cbec9e19dbd0fd85e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone can suck your dick in the back of an BurgerKing, but only a handful of people can give a blowjob to your heart...

>> No.73768307
File: 39 KB, 560x560, bijoupog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true.

>> No.73768361

Sounds like fake news. This post approved by kemonomimi gang.

>> No.73771699
File: 124 KB, 1680x924, 1676137652573382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73772024

Get up.

>> No.73772024

the yandere virus is spreading

>> No.73775397
File: 3.14 MB, 2148x3456, 1708170944047318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73776242
File: 139 KB, 724x377, 1685212682565826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Holos wouldn't mind being seen naked? I feel like Botan fits this description but I'm probably missing others.

>> No.73777728

I think Botan would mind. /vt/'s Botan and the real Botan are two different people.

>> No.73779204

Wouldn't mind in what context? I feel like some holomems would be more at ease about it depending on the comfort level as well as their own personality.

>> No.73780442

Doesn't mind, doesn't care as long as she likes you. Will probably greet you at the door in some evening wear you'll get to take off
More of an intimacy kind of thing where she's comfortable enough around you to do nopan and wear nothing but your oversize shirts. Give her ass a good slap when you pass by, she's gonna love it.
Too autistic to care
Once this slob of a fucking neet gets comfortable showing you that squishy body of hers, the clothes aren't coming back on

>> No.73780503

As the other anon said, its about context. Say its an onsen for example
Botan wouldnt initially mind if say it was a mixed pool or a sauna, but if you stared a bit too much she would get really concious. She's chill but she can get pretty shy

Someone like Marine wouldnt mind if Alcohol was in the middle and the vibe was right, but would absolutely mind if things werent in a happy/horny mood

Subaru would kill you unless you are her beloved and even there she would probably make you turn the lights off

Context is very important in things like this

>> No.73780934

Do any of you watch streams?

>> No.73781194
File: 511 KB, 768x740, faunya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think 90% of the civilized world is okay with being seen naked by other people, so that alone throws logic out of the window.
Its an obvious smut prompt so you have to jump some hoops

>> No.73781858

I watched a Nerissa VOD a few days ago

>> No.73782673

I learned that the defender armor set is gay and that Fatalis is kind of bullshit.

>> No.73783286
Quoted by: >>73785677

Is there any game Kronii played that has made her incredibly angry? I need to know for a potential project.

>> No.73785677
Quoted by: >>73786124

why not just go on you tube and look up rage clips

>> No.73786124
Quoted by: >>73786613

Because I'm a retard that didn't think to do that before posting. Quite literally no excuse for it I'm afraid.
Thank you anon, I'll go do that now.

>> No.73786613
File: 196 KB, 540x302, E1vgILXVgAES7lR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73787708

at least you're a good sport about it. What's your fic about, if you're com8dfortable talking about it

>> No.73787708

Nothing too crazy or interesting. Just a horny fic about Kronii correcting (you) after pushing her buttons one too many times.
I haven't actually written anything before, at least in no serious capacity, so I wouldn't be able to speak for its quality. But this idea was forced into my head by a bizarre fever dream and now it plagues my mind every night.

>> No.73787838
Quoted by: >>73788519

we all start from somewhere. keep at it Anon, I'll gladly read what you're cooking

>> No.73788176
Quoted by: >>73788378

Even Aqua?

>> No.73788378
Quoted by: >>73788891

Yes, but she'll need your guidance because she's clumsy. She'll also be embarrassed about it, so she'll pull her oversized burger king crown over her eyes.

>> No.73788519
Quoted by: >>73788843

Thanks, I'm not even sure I'll end up going through with it and may do a different idea entirely. I may also just end up doing one of the prompt/discussions I've seen as some of the more recent ones have piqued my interest. Either way, I hope I can deliver something adequately digestible.

>> No.73788843
Quoted by: >>73789173

You're a regular here? It's always nice to see those be inspired to start writing.

>> No.73788891
Quoted by: >>73789842

That sounds adorable as fuck and makes me feel really bad that I'd request a blowjob from a clumsy shy girl like Aqua.

I asked because I remember seeing a prompt (not on /wg/ sadly) where you take Aqua out to McDonalds and buy her a teriyaki burger and red bull and the two of you are sitting in the parking lot of your car and you convince her to "give back" and you somehow convince her to suck your dick as a "thank you".

>> No.73789173
Quoted by: >>73789887

Yeah, probably been lurking about a year and a half or so. I was going to initially try for the first contest last year, but I got cold feet and didn't really know what I wanted to write as an entry.
I've read through most of the stories in the archive and have tried to catch all the ones that have been releasing since I got here. Primarily because I enjoy what you all have been doing and reading each story has been a treat, but also I guess to a lesser degree, subsume what has been written to try and swell my mental repertoire so that I may add to this place one day.

>> No.73789842

Don't feel bad about it. If you kiss her cheek and tell her she did well she'll grin and giggle, and be giddy for at least rest of the day.

>> No.73789887
Quoted by: >>73791813

That's a pretty impressive amount of reading. Which fics were your unexpected favorites?

>> No.73790063

Fics that capture the early 00s angst?

>> No.73790485

Not much, I remember Unhealthy Addictions being pretty angsty but that's the opening chapter to a series that hasn't gotten more chapters.
Other than that there's "Since the day my sun died" which has that kind of regretful angsty energy you might want.
Maybe "There Are Days That Last Forever" counts? That one is pretty angsty despite the slow burn (for a one-shot) romance.

>> No.73790546
Quoted by: >>73791328

We were children back then

>> No.73791328

I wasn't even born back then

>> No.73791813
Quoted by: >>73791853

Is it basic of me to say Holofantasy because I like the dice-rolling gimmick?
I suppose you said unexpected, in that case, probably Hidden Sea, Buried Deep and Taste of Sin, if I recall their names correctly. I am typically not one for tragedy or incest, but something about the way they were written made them more appealing.
Also, I'm more of a series enjoyer, so of course Our Cures, HoloJourneys, and things like that jump out at me more.

>> No.73791853

It's nice to hear about fellow anons who have also read HoloJourneys, and I'm not even the author. It's long but a great read once you're invested.

>> No.73793183
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>> No.73793653

In their entirety? Only of my kamioshi. Skimming for interesting timestamps and watching play games I like for a bit? Several. It does make it hard to write for chuubas I haven't traditionally been that interested in, or for large casts in general

>> No.73793712

>adorable, pure, soft Ayame and her dorky, dweeb pal Towa want you to wake up and spoil them rotten.

>> No.73794162

What are you, their father?

>> No.73794249
Quoted by: >>73795310

>Towa egging her innocent friend Ayame on to finally start exploring their sexuality together alongside (you) Ayame's brother

>> No.73795310

Ayame is over 1500 years old, it's high time.

>> No.73796578
File: 65 KB, 981x873, 1708799862753579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73799309

>> No.73796631
File: 592 KB, 2160x3240, 110038253_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73797259

Comforting and nursing Nene back to health after she tried to overdose herself on sleeping pills

>> No.73797707
Quoted by: >>73800216


>> No.73797745

What elements make for a good fight scene against a bunch of goons/fodders?

>> No.73797917
File: 44 KB, 551x578, 1703128461903800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like when goons and jobbers gas themselves up at the start of the fight, but when it becomes clear after one or two get their faces broken that they are severely outclasses and enter that fight or flight state. For the fight itself it's nice to have hard hitting and swift flowing action, you're not meant to spent a lot of time on the fodder, but it's always cool to show the difference in might between them and your characters. With lower level grunts you can also have a bit of fun either using their own bodies as weapons like knocking heads together or straight up throwing a body into a group and having them fall like bowling pins.

>> No.73799053
File: 1.21 MB, 2072x1170, 1686134747154477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73799309

Where did this meme come from?

>> No.73800216
Quoted by: >>73800428

>Nene tries killing herself with sleeping pills
>She confuses the two bottles again.
>It's actually just candy this time

>> No.73800428
Quoted by: >>73801286

>"Nene, get up, you're gonna get a tummy ache"
>"Ah, Anon... I'm so glad I got to see you one last time. Please, take care of my beetles!"
>"Nene, it was candy-"
>"Death sure tastes sweet..."
>Spend the next hour giving Nene a tummy massage because her stomach got upset at her swallowing 600 tictacs with root beer (She heard combining pills and alcohol was deadly)

>> No.73801286
File: 356 KB, 556x680, 1685450009359209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about this dork melts my heart sometimes.

>> No.73801426

Why are sweet chuubas in horrible scenarios so alluring?

>> No.73801624
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Quoted by: >>73802272

So you can be the one to pull them out of it of course.

>> No.73801843

I really only like fights against jobbers when it's an infiltration mission and you take out your enemies silently like an assassin.

>> No.73802272

This, basically. I'm a huge fan of ryona and abuse, not because I'm a sadist but because I'm a saviourfag.
Imagining Nenechi bruised up, crying, and then trying to comfort me as I apologize for hitting her just tickles a part of my brain I can't really explain. That vulnerability that ryona lends itself to, it's divine I tell you.

>> No.73802574
File: 970 KB, 2480x3508, 1687112284961549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73804494

Well let's see how you like it.

>> No.73802857

>have to fight Nene who's been mind controlled
>don't know how to grapple or pin, just punch and brawl, so you just have to beat the absolute crap out of her while hating yourself more and more
>finally beat the mind control out of her and pull her beaten body into your lap, crying and sobbing
>Nene wakes up with her face covered in tears and smiles at you, asking what's wrong as you pull her into a hug

>> No.73803232

>Brain: this is terrible!
>Dick: this is hot!

>> No.73803923

Me and a friend discussed this topic once on Mori and Towa. About how after I hear Mori got jumped, I go on a tear after those who hurt her. Same with Towa and said friend.

>> No.73804090
File: 212 KB, 422x365, bae ice cream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like Ryona/Gore need a very delicate balance in order to be effective. Like, the entire idea of toxic/codependant relationships like the basic ass Joker+Harley Quinn is very appealing to me but 99% of people dont know what to do with it and it loses that alluring vulnerability and power dynamic

Gore on the other hand i find very hard to take seriously so i end up not consuming it

>> No.73804429

>Brain control
Pussy shit. You're an abusive alcoholic or nothing.

It does. Often people don't realize ryona needs to sit in the right spot, or otherwise it just feels cartoonish.

It's not about hitting your girlfriend, it's about emotionally abusing her until things escalate and suddenly she's the one apologizing for making you mad.

>> No.73804494
Quoted by: >>73805846

I get beat up by a hot girl AND get a good look at her Nenes?
Damn, I'm truly blessed today.

>> No.73805120
Quoted by: >>73805351

Can't you save her from someone else?

>> No.73805351

Absolutely, but to me, part of the fun is seeing her crawl back.

>> No.73805846

I really hope she doesn't make me lick her feet after haha, sounds horrible

>> No.73807460
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Damn that's super heavy. I really like it.
I can really add onto the emotional destruction of it since while wounds can be healed, Anon will be fucking disgusted with himself that the only way he could reverse the control was to hurt Nene.

>> No.73809293


>> No.73810855
Quoted by: >>73810937

This made me picture you punishing Nene while you're both crying (because you're both sad that it has come to this).
What a crazy couple.

>> No.73810937
Quoted by: >>73811017

On top of a exploding building?

>> No.73811017

No, but it's raining and the building's gutters and windows are set up in a way where it looks like the building is also crying.

>> No.73811858


>> No.73812118
Quoted by: >>73812655

Can the rain go down our mecha's face and make it look like it's criying?

>> No.73812655

Easy there, Kubrick. It's vtuber fanfiction not LOTR

>> No.73812810
Quoted by: >>73814369

A fic about Coco teaching Bae how to tiger drop.

>> No.73813809
File: 843 KB, 903x1041, BaeBruises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had a light ryona Bae fic idea for a minute now where she has the psychotic schizophrenic episodes and the only way you know how to head them off is to knock her out as soon as they start. She never remembers them but knows how bad they can be so always ends up thanking you when she wakes up, even if it's with a broken nose, missing tooth, or a concussion. There'd be an implication that maybe sometimes you hit for no reason and Bae would never know the difference

>> No.73814238
Quoted by: >>73814365

Sure although I was more thinking of you being their beloved older brother who's wrapped around their finger and you would do ANYTHING to protect their precious smiles and innocence.

>> No.73814365

Sounds like cute fluff. Or wholesome action, if there's a physical threat to them.

>> No.73814369
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>They hang around Kiara
>Inherit her schizophrenia and now see the world as the Fire Emblem grid
Something like a second personality that's kind of psychotic? i feel like missing tooth is a tad too edgy but it could work if the second personality was an absolute menace and laser focused on tormenting you.
>The personality smiles as you punch it
>At the last posible second, it changes to Bae
could make some drama

>> No.73814761

It's been a while since I was here. Like literally years. Is the pekofaggot still around? I remember him shitting up the thread being a nuisance. Also he was behind another retard like a masterplan or something.

Hey now that I think about it did the fic of amnesiac Flare ever get finished? It was my favorite along side the pekora school thingie

>> No.73814816

He's gone, First Summer Memories never got finished and the next chapter of Cover High is the finale

>> No.73815408
Quoted by: >>73816520

>Hey now that I think about it did the fic of amnesiac Flare ever get finished?
It might be your divine destiny to write a fan sequel.

>> No.73816373
File: 57 KB, 536x748, 1713150329903017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OyaOya!Ina fic.
Ninomae Ina'nis is a rising star among entrepreneurs of Holo City. She is an extremely charismatic and capable businesswoman whose charm has attracted her a legion of adoring fans. No one, male or female, can resist their inner submissive impulse in the presence of the one they call the Prince of Holo City.
Ina is extremely busy with making her company the #1 in the world but this story isn't about that. These are the episodes of Ina spending her brief moments of freedom in the most refined and dazzlingly luxurious establishments of Holo City enjoying the company of the finest women in Holo City.

>> No.73816520
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Quoted by: >>73816685

May we all make some First Summer Memories with Flare. I know I'm going to. There will be sand, bikini's, and breeding.

>> No.73816685
Quoted by: >>73816976

Do I really have to wear the bikini?

>> No.73816976
Quoted by: >>73817023

Yes, and you also have to get bred.

>> No.73817023
Quoted by: >>73820519

Oh, it's the prophesied gender swap portion of the story...

>> No.73818030
File: 109 KB, 300x300, 6743b5869501a98aa5d74b9e237b54cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oya oya, are you lost my little lamb? Let me take you back to the first page

>> No.73819160
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Quoted by: >>73823225

>> No.73819800
File: 195 KB, 1252x1669, 1693710132363235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not finding Mori attractive in the slightest until you see her in her sleepwear and fuck her senseless!

>> No.73820519
Quoted by: >>73821933

Fic where anon is so desperate to fuck Reine he pays for a shady potion to temporarily turn himself into a girl.

>> No.73821216
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>> No.73821933
Quoted by: >>73824954

Can I be a futa?

>> No.73823225

Marine harassing Ina because she won't use her tentacles to violate her.

>> No.73824954
Quoted by: >>73825576

No. Now drink the potion

>> No.73824979
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Quoted by: >>73830668

I'm more simpleminded when it comes to ryona. I just like the idea of punching Bae right in the stomach during the startup frames of her wheezing laugh

>> No.73825576

It's scissor or nothing when it comes to Reine.

>> No.73826399
File: 149 KB, 850x604, sample_a08471e68646c8204b5939c7d65e5b17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being the teacher of these 4

>> No.73828349
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>> No.73828450
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>> No.73829533
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Do any of you ever feel the need to get things like cleaning and other chores done before you can feel relaxed enough to write? Does it help you do them faster?
I'm currently trying to get through a boat load of dishes, I got the need to write, but I know I won't be able to do shit for long if I leave them uncleaned.

>> No.73829623
File: 196 KB, 311x290, 1645875302462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73898803

not sure if this is your kinda thing, but I found this series of Kronii clips and thought to share it with you, Anon, hopefully this triggers some neurons

>> No.73829739

I procrastinate in other-less productive ways. I'd call what you're doing being responsible.

>> No.73829939
File: 124 KB, 850x1217, __ceres_fauna_and_sapling_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ddrawins__sample-087ebfbe40beff240da03f73f151f309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna Anal

>> No.73830668
Quoted by: >>73832370

Does her laugh also have invincibility frames to compensate? Super armor, perhaps?
Damn, she needs a buff.

>> No.73831457
File: 962 KB, 2814x2006, 20240416_210037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73831905

Autism be damned your wife can work a grill!

>> No.73831905
File: 577 KB, 2027x4096, 1684847156979077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna enjoy a nice grilled meal from my fennec wife. She likes to spoil me.

>> No.73832370
File: 307 KB, 459x493, smol bae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73839574

the reason bae is built for mating press is her lack of invincible reversal

>> No.73833822
File: 102 KB, 850x985, plumpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know how to tag this properly.

Tags: NSFW, Architecture, Reine


>> No.73833922
Quoted by: >>73834209

That's why I write first thing in the morning instead of in the evening. I take care of things in the evening so that when I wake up in the morning I can write a bit before work.

>> No.73834209
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Quoted by: >>73847817

I wish I had your resolve, my brain just cannot turn on to writing in the morning. I just log into work and start slowly ramping up from there. If I could somehow switch my brain to let me write in the mornings that would be ideal, but right now I'm stuck in some fucked up cycle where it mostly turns on at 11 PM.

>> No.73835923
File: 48 KB, 227x222, ogei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73841822

Im sorry buddy, I tried to give your fic an honest try but i cant stand feeding at all and i actually retched a bit.
I think you could polish the pacing a bit and maybe reel back the scope so the scenes have more room to breathe because as it stands, it just goes and goes. The sex scenes are also a bit too short and dont get you going because they are over so fast.

Again, i really tried and the fact im this ashamed of tapping out probably means that you did a terrific job in that aspect of the fetish so kudos for that?

>> No.73838159
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>> No.73838514
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Quoted by: >>73841822

Well I got through it. I like bigger girls, but feeding is just not something I can mesh with. Anon felt like a fucking super villain with how this played out. The scenes kinda go from point to point of how his master architecture plan comes to fruition. The relationship, manipulation, and the obesity skeeved me out a bit, so I have to assume that means you nailed the fetish as a whole. I was real fucking close to tapping out at the crust scene though, but good job playing on how Reine is also a bird. And then again with the pizza slice, that's just nasty.
I'll echo the other anon and say the scenes needed some time to mature into their own things. If you just wanted to get as many parts of this fetish in this piece that you could, you probably did it, but I'm not sure if anyone who is really into this will find it to be a satisfying fap piece. Unless they are so starved (heh) for the content that even a little amount does the job.
Overall, prose was serviceable, no formatting or spelling errors jumped out at me, and it has a clear plotline for what it wants to do. I would argue some of the details were kinda strange, how it's presented that you and Reine are dating but you're teasing her the next second about her loving Kiara. As far as I know though, this is probably a perfect piece for the fetish it caters to, so nice work on that end I suppose.

>> No.73839574

im surprised there's no more correction/manhandling fics with bae.
She's the perfect size for picking her up and banging her

>> No.73840307
Quoted by: >>73841109

our most prominent bae fan gets molested by white girls on the regular

>> No.73840315

Sora and her legion of manwhores, the Holostars.

>> No.73840809
File: 16 KB, 540x540, 1688589635048230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73841822

The prose can be very start stop sometimes, especially during the sex scenes which dont have much meat to them ironically. Things also go a bit too fast
Your attention to detail is very good though, describing the food the two of them are enjoying, and how their feelings change over time

I bet you enjoyed writing this, there is a lot of love and detail in it
I'm still appalled, though

>> No.73841109

The ss cinematic universe where Nerissa gets molested by a shota and mori gets domination loss by another after she pushes him too hard... Or Ame molesting me...

White women will inherit the world!

>> No.73841822
Quoted by: >>73843797

Thank you for reading despite not being fans of the fetish. Maybe I should post this in the architecture thread? I don't know. I'm surprised that thread is still up. It was an insta-delete for a while.

>> No.73843797

They would likely super appreciate it at least. I know some of our stuff gets cross posted in /hag/ from time to time.

>> No.73845114

I have something like that in the works but it's futa

>> No.73846625

Which chuubas would fit into a "blue-collar" role? Matsuri is a licensed electrician, but who else?

>> No.73847362

Ame and Gura tiled my roof last week.

>> No.73847817
Quoted by: >>73861034

Getting into the habit helps. It took me a while before I could get myself to work in the mornings. Sometimes I'd write only for 30 minutes, then an hour, then eventually I got to two hours. From there, it stuck.
Actually, I'm having a bit of a problem at the moment because I'm trying to adjust my schedule to write at night (from 7 pm to midnight). Unfortunately, it wasn't working out because my brain wanted to just relax at night, so I'm stuck writing in the mornings

>> No.73848680
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>> No.73848691
Quoted by: >>73849798

I think it's more of a question about who doesn't fit being blue collar? Pretty sure you can fnagle a reason for 'why' they're doing manual labor for nearly any chuuba, it's the exceptions you have to watch out for (I.e their lore or 'lore' would make them feel hilariously out of place, or their personality is such that even a casual fan would balk at them being goo at/doing manual labor).

>> No.73848794
File: 184 KB, 768x1024, GLTF3gpaQAACk_q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing this picture and the earlier discussion made me want a Koyori ryona fic. Probably get her beat up by someone opposing holox or something like that.

>> No.73849121

When I think 'Koyori ryona' the only concept I can really envision is some big scientist guy getting pissed off at this upstart animal in a lab coat showing him up that he decides to show her her proper place beneath him, violently... and sexually.

>> No.73849451

Cali could definitely be a foul-mouthed plumber with a bad drinking habit that takes care of her new employees.

>> No.73849798

I agree. Just the other day, I was watching this documentary about cafeterias and I began having visions of certain chuubas being decent lunch ladies...

>> No.73849977

>Koyo captures anon and uses them as a lab rat for various drugs
>Inevitably tests the classic "roids the recipient into a violent and uncontrollable horny beast" drug
>Gets corrected

>> No.73850600
File: 1.05 MB, 2894x4093, koyosmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73869319

>Koyori creates a compound that can turn pain into pleasure
>accidentally spills it on herself
>(You) come in and happen to be so worked up about something else she did that when she's too busy with her spill to listen to you you smack her
>Koyori cums
>now keeps trying to rile you up to hit her again to chase that orgasm

>> No.73851830

reminds me of an old prompt of a politician buying off koyori's lab and koyori has to be his sex slave

>> No.73852322
File: 898 KB, 814x1355, powerofyouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related
>Guy Sensei! The time has come to protect the person most precious to me! >PRIMARY LOTUS!!!

>> No.73852603
File: 371 KB, 756x851, sleeptight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really short and subpar fluffy on fuzzy teasing as practice because I like the idea of Mococo asking Fuwawa to make her cum when she's pent up, but it doesn't take much at all for Mococo to finish

Tags: NSFW, Fuwawa, Mococo, Incest


>> No.73854077


>> No.73855586
File: 2.19 MB, 1856x1280, 1710378466085419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73857421

>> No.73857211
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Quoted by: >>73858366

>> No.73857421
Quoted by: >>73858366

This is a POV that would make every big brother happy.

>> No.73858366

...what's with this surge of AyaTowa and onii-chan recently?

"Yeah, not just any slut, but mine."

>> No.73859495
File: 1.38 MB, 1160x1807, 1689264753574903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73859512

>...what's with this surge of AyaTowa and onii-chan recently?

This >>73793183 which made me reply here >>73793712 because I thought the image itself was far too cute and instead of rrat!ayame I instead thought about an Ayame that is adorable, pure, soft and that towa is her dorky, dweeb pal and they want you (their beloved big brother but you could also go >>73794162 ) to wake up and spoil them rotten.

And by rotten I mean the kind that is so "tooth-rotten" sweet that you would make your heart flutter and leave you really happy.

>> No.73859735
Quoted by: >>73860062

Towayame cute

>> No.73860062
Quoted by: >>73861212

For me its TowaNene

>> No.73861034
File: 214 KB, 1974x1878, 1691558080434228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hadn't considered just writing based on a timer before. I will give that a shot, thanks anon.

>> No.73861212
Quoted by: >>73861685

As sisters?

>> No.73861685

Towa is nene's boyfriend and its your duty to fuck both

>> No.73861733
Quoted by: >>73861816

boyfriend (female)

>> No.73861816

boyfriend (towa)

>> No.73863292
Quoted by: >>73863464

Because Towa is a quickshot with a small dick?

>> No.73863464

>Nene making Towa cream her pants in public just because its funny

>> No.73864798


>> No.73865359

Hololive. Blowjob. Tier List.
Not sex, not companionship, just an honest-to-God tier listing and review of each Holo's head game, written as a sort of reference for fellow anons.

>> No.73867329
File: 47 KB, 367x494, 1671826853923534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you, you're gonna do great today. Go Kick ass and take everything you deserve.

>> No.73867351


>> No.73867854
Quoted by: >>73870450

I already wrote 600 words!

>> No.73868732
Quoted by: >>73870450

Unfortunately, that can only happen once I get at least 7k in pagpagbux.

>> No.73869204
Quoted by: >>73870450

Gonna untangle my spaghetti prose.

>> No.73869319

>Spill some on yourself by accident
>It doesn't actually do anything and she just made that up to hide the fact she's a huge masochist

>> No.73869982
File: 180 KB, 542x396, Screenshot_20240417-124136-151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pippa Mating Press reaction but the dead rat in question is Baelz

>> No.73870450
File: 352 KB, 1430x2047, 1659990875955078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job Anon! Keep going and get even further!
Sounds like you need to track down some people then. Can't get shit if you just sit on your ass and wait.
You can do it anon! Straighten out those noodles and get them mixed with the best sauce.

>> No.73870769

Which chuubas would you want to see being evil? Which chuubas would you be OK with seeing be evil? Not over the top super villain evil but like "damn that bitch is fucked up" evil.

>> No.73870856

I really want to see an evil Mori.
Something like how the catalog monkeys paint her: a cold unfeeling manipulator

>> No.73871172
Quoted by: >>73871431

Rrat Mori huh...is this the rrat to finally accompany RratYame?

Gura if all the "she's a prima donna" rrats were true.

>> No.73871431

RratMori strikes me as a very pragmatic and amoral businesswoman laserforcused on getting to the top. I guess something of a foil to say AltSuisei where she has talent, but rather than work hard she works smart to maximize her profits.
So she would choke on your cock for a business deal but also use that chance to plant a mic on you for extortion

>> No.73871671

>Which chuubas would you want to see being evil? Which chuubas would you be OK with seeing be evil?
>Not over the top super villain evil

>> No.73871715
Quoted by: >>73872116

Rrat Suisei that's still extremely talented and hardworking but also a complete bitch behind closed doors, which you quickly find out after filling in for her normal manager. Add it a combination of self-esteem issues and egomania so she's constantly demanding you praise her in between episodes of depression and hysteria.

I want to be abused (sexually) by Suisei

>> No.73872075
File: 585 KB, 1061x1200, MoriMask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually had an idea in the back of my head where Mori gets really infatuated with her reaper keyfabe, but realizes actual murder is hard to get away with so she settles for career murder and bullying people into suicide

>> No.73872099

I think Lui could make a great "secret boss/manipulator" character. Her singles Overd and Fools, Fools gave me that impression.

>> No.73872116
Quoted by: >>73878823

I feel like rather than being a hair away from a meltdown like Alt!Suisei, She's just bottling it up into her shitlist.
I imagine something like you shooting down her project and her silently coming up with a scheme to ruin you. It also matchs the idea of "Death is inevitable" and "SHE CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT".

Also is it asking too much for mori to force me to use a leash and tell me to bark for her because im her bitch ( she has enough blackmail to get me jailed for life)

>> No.73873902
File: 3.28 MB, 1747x2707, 1675365236177202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up ya go.

>> No.73875468
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Quoted by: >>73876191

>> No.73876191
Quoted by: >>73877874

Needs more potechi for the belly and hips

>> No.73877874
File: 2.09 MB, 280x498, 1687360097396093.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna keep my sheep nice and healthy with the best meals so she is comfortably squishy but can still perform various activities through her day.

>> No.73878823
Quoted by: >>73882257

>Also is it asking too much for mori to force me to use a leash and tell me to bark for her because im her bitch ( she has enough blackmail to get me jailed for life)
Even better if she gains basically nothing from blackmailing you but does it for her own amusement

>> No.73880414
File: 2.39 MB, 1920x2200, ShioriEyeball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73881590
Quoted by: >>73881707

Creamijg Polka, who then wants to make it even, which of course means she hits you with a cream pie in your face

>> No.73881707
Quoted by: >>73883538

>Grab her boob
>It makes a honking noise

>> No.73882257

>AltMori forcing me to be her chair or her personal lackey while i find a way to try and break free
>Fail because getting drained every night interfers with scheming

>> No.73883538
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>> No.73884897

One shots you wish had a sequel?

>> No.73886221

It's hard to pin a good suggestion for that, since a lot of the one shots I enjoyed were so neatly wrapped that a sequel is not necessary.

>> No.73886508
Quoted by: >>73889886

Does it count if I just want them to be longer?

>> No.73886768

Remembering how to love her.

>> No.73887186

Kiara Sits On Your Face

>> No.73887865

Lion Taming
I wanted to see the lion's tamedness in action

>> No.73889164

I need PAIN
give me fics that will break me

>> No.73889886
Quoted by: >>73889971

Sure why not.

>> No.73889971

I wanted Extrapedestial to end with shower sex.

>> No.73891880

"The Hero's Fall" is in retrospect a pretty basic one-shot but like conceptually it was basically the prologue to a revenge story that I would have loved to see.
Those 2 Gen 3 reverse isekai aren't supposed to be one-shots but... I still want to read more chapters to them even with everything thats come out of the rushia yabs.
I'm pretty sure "A Promotion" was meant as a prologue for a Laplus as (You) and Koyori's kid fic but right now that's a one-shot so I wish that author made more chapters for it.

>> No.73893422
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Woah board! Chill out.

>> No.73894856
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Quoted by: >>73895838


>> No.73895710
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Quoted by: >>73896426

What the fuck is happening?

>> No.73895838
Quoted by: >>73899775

>tfw yandere Suisei will never break into my apartment to rape the shit out of me

>> No.73896426

A new Vshoujo girl got announced so I assume it's that.

>> No.73896750
Quoted by: >>73900727

#RisuNNN Live Nut Review.
I'd like to see Risu bring in some other ID girls and shove their faces into a bunch of fat sweaty nutsacks.

>> No.73898803

Actually, this does give me a few more ideas. I may need to make a list at this point for what I may want to start with...
Much appreciated.

>> No.73898821


>> No.73899561
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(Heated Negotiations. TAGS: Blackmail, Mori calliope)

I FUCKING DEVIATED AGAIN TO WRITE A WOMAN MANHANDLING ME AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH i dunno if i should archive this, considering it was written in a rush after these posts activated neurons
And got me to hornypost and then write this
I checked it with an eye but its bound to have mistakes.
Mainly, i dont know if i should add to this with Smut or leave it like this. I also, huuuh, dont really know what else to add if i do? so i can also lend the skeletong and let someone harvest it for a good fic.

Ahem. More girls should be evil and treat me like shit

>> No.73899775

this but steal me from my home and belongings so I am her cum dispenser

>> No.73900727
Quoted by: >>73904805

You know I haven’t thought about that fic of mine in a long-ass time and you bringing it up put an idea in my head (Moona+Iofi blindfolded ball worship) so I’ll put it on the list to get around to one day

>> No.73901921
Quoted by: >>73902852

Escape Velocity.
I need Anon to lose it to homolust and wreck San once more, preferably as he copes how "its a girl so its not gay"
in an ideal world, he's going "you are a girl you are a girl you are a girl" as he pounds him into the next dimension

>> No.73902852
Quoted by: >>73906005

I just want San to get so cockbroken he goes "YES! YES! MAKE ME CUM LIKE A GIRL, MAKE CUM LIKE A GIRL!" As his rocket flops up and down until he has an orgasm so fuckning powerful her turns into Sana again.

>> No.73903346
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Well you delivered on a few things, your own desire for white women ruining you maliciously, and a scumbag anon. Since you apparently did this in a whirlwind, the awkward flow of some sentences was to be expected, but overall I feel like this is a good intro to something bigger. If you wanted to expand on this you could have free range of how Mori makes you her bitch and all the shit she can request of you. You've also kinda introduced this initial standard of how it's all sex and blow behind closed doors, so you would likely run wild with that and get even more deprived. Kudos for acting on your inspirational impulses!

>> No.73904805

>Moona somehow maintaining her deadpan expression while being teabagged
>Iofi trying to describe everything from an artistic point of view, then quickly succumbing to rambling cock lust
godspeed anon

>> No.73904996

My interpretation of rratLiope is indeed that of a Great Corruptor: manipulating everything to fit her vision of the industry. And those who oppose it? Plan against it? Prepare to get fucked 7 ways to Sunday.

>> No.73905671
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Quoted by: >>73907519

Nice, kinda fast but given it's a short quick one it's understandable. I agree with >>73903346 , feels like a good start to something longer. Maybe tease out the reveal longer, feels like there's barely a breath from him egging her on to when she gets him down on his knees. I think she'd play up the dunce act and slowly reveal how much she's been pulling the strings over time, make him question if he messed up somewhere before revealing all his plans were countered by her own from the start.

>> No.73906005
Quoted by: >>73906373

Based and same. Big dick San is lame. San exists to get assfucked and forced to experience the true pleasure of being the woman they were meant to be by taking dick.

>> No.73906373
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Fuck you, you’ve got tons of shotas you can do that with
I will not be denied one of the few big dick /ss/ shotadom characters that exists

>> No.73907519
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Thanks a bunch. yes it was a flash in the pan kind of thing because i have too much shit going on and i dont think it deserves to just be there, taking space both in my wips and my brain.

I honestly dont want to write smut with it? like i love the idea of two shithead people falling into a mutual assured destruction kind of deal where the fall of one will lead to the other following through (since they will go nuclear) and that final scene was kind of a setup for a posible ass worship scene, but i just dont feel like it. Neither do i want to write a 450 chapter messed up romance about two pieces of shit finding a kindred soul as they tear through the industry.
However i will archive it and also send a public challenge: Hey whoever likes this idea. Please do more of it and make evil people be evil and shitty which is hot and makes my peenus weenus the weenus peenus


>> No.73908688
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No problem bro. It might help to put a note at the end of the doc that the idea is free for anyone to run with.

>> No.73910017
Quoted by: >>73910175

Sorry anon but I already wrote a fic called "Heated Negotiations".
I can offer you "Warmed Up Deliberations" as a substitute title.

>> No.73910175
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>Heated Negotiations (No correlation)

Jokes aside yeah you right, and its one good banger of a fic so im changing mine to "Mask Off"

>> No.73910670
Quoted by: >>73911603

Though honestly storytelling wise I don't think the two evil people dynamic would really work for like a long form story. It could work as a lead-in to evil woman femdom as shown in snippet, but its the kind of dynamic that would be best shown off if they were the 'villain pair' compared to a protagonist pairing of ideal manager and struggling idol since the interactions between rrat!mori and scumbag manager-san will be variations of them vying for power and dominance.
And this is making me think of rrat!mori being alt!sui's dramatic foil that makes alt!Sui realize what she needs to be better at emotionally in order to not become like that.

>> No.73911603
Quoted by: >>73915038

i think it could work if they are constantly pushing for power, but it would require an equal leverage for you to use against Mori and you also had a goal. Maybe scumbag Anon wants to become top producer manager super god or something? a really high position he can only get by making loads of money and that he needs to be spotty for. Cue in Mori forcing him to eat her asshole inbetween meetings because she's evil and horny

As for the second part i agree with them being foils but i would rather have them as allies? something like "dont step on my toes and ill be sure to do the same" which ends up developing in a weird friendship/alliance because they both know they are snakes and thus they dont have to mince words or pretend to be nice

>> No.73914623
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>> No.73915038

>forcing him to eat her asshole inbetween meetings because she's evil and horny
And in return, anon has her 7 ways to Sunday sexually. 50 Shades, but the pair are both more evil.

>> No.73916699
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Quoted by: >>73919180

>all this talk of evil women
FYI Pixiv does have a substantial creepy evil holo tag if anybody's looking for some visual inspiration


At the end of the day San's a girl LARPing as a boy so he's gonna get treated as such, and the list of things I'd do to Sana is long so he'll be going through itif and when I get around to writing the sequel. I'm also not partial to any pretty boy in particular either. Astel, Izuru, Miyabi, Rio are ALL targets and I WILL inevitably write about fucking them into the earth as well.

>> No.73917907

San fucking his way through CouncilRyS/Promise/Myth is something that I've been circulating through my head, but never managed to make into a WIP

>> No.73918061

Helping Moona lose weight through marathon sex

>> No.73919180

>San's a girl LARPing as a boy
Lore wise Ministry are siblings to Council so I reject your version of the characters

>> No.73919647

What if Laplus was evil, actually working towards world domination under the guise that she's just a chuuni gaki?

>> No.73921160
Quoted by: >>73921990

go on...?

>> No.73921242

Ah, Laplus' character if HoloX actually was the main threat in a fic and weren't Antiheroes claiming to be villains that do more good than evil, or the goldfish poop gang.

>> No.73921632
Quoted by: >>73922008

I'll sorta have that in my FE mod... but change their tune towards the endgame after learning from Chloe the truth which Chloe learns from joining the party at the end of mid-game. After the game is over, Laplus gets control of the big bad nation under puppet rule.

Capcha: ymd 8v

>> No.73921638

I like this direction

>> No.73921828

To whomever is in a position to bake, I'd like to request a Aqutan bread.

>> No.73921944

I'd like to request you drink bleach and die. Maybe we can make a trade?

>> No.73921990
Quoted by: >>73922089

I don't have a plot in mind, only a scene idea where the rest of HoloX doesn't take Laplus seriously until she reveals her true nature and subjugates them.

>> No.73922008
Quoted by: >>73922440

>Laplus gets control of the big bad nation under puppet rule
I know what you mean here, but this just makes me imagine Laplus using the Laplus hand puppet from her birthday merch and trying to present the puppet as the real ruler while doing a funny voice.

>> No.73922089

Lapras' unsealed futa cock...

>> No.73922339

Guess I'll make an Aqua thread then

>> No.73922440

To continue before thread death, she answers to the winning nation's leaders, which include Yagoo, Botan, Calli and Kiara.

>> No.73923378
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Here's the new bread, Aqua-flavored:
