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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.49 MB, 3150x4700, 1711266278653791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72288485 No.72288485 [Reply] [Original]

It's 6(+4) PM CT, Welcome to rratnews, your only source for events in the chuuba world.

Post news so they appear in the next op!

>ReGloss announces their 3D debuts will take place in August. They also state they have a number of goals they'd like (but are not required) to hit before then, such as 2.5m collective subs.
>Nene catches COVID for the second time. No word on whether this will impede streams or not.
>Zeta, ReGloss, Choco, Suisei, and Okayu all released their own new Original Songs.
>HoloH3ro, Zeta, AZKi, Shiranui Kensetsu, Area 15, Korone (w/ Mio, Okayu, Marine, and Suisei), and Towa all released new covers.
>Suisei will be taking a break starting in April. Videos will be posted in her absence.
>Weekly Shounen Champion announces they will be releasing Volumes 1 & 2 of the Shiranui Kensetsu manga.

>A man heavily suspected of being a chat moderator for Amamiya Kokoro was found attempting to stoke public dissent of Hoshimachi Suisei's Deresute collab. After publicly being outed as a chat moderator, his tweets were deleted.
>Rosemi's 3D debut has been cleared of all copyright issues and is now available for archived viewing.

>Hajime Hime streamed. Additionally, she debuted a new outfit. In an interview, Anon clarified "Who's got a new outfit", and caused /vsj+/ to devolve into minor hysterics for a short period. Subsequent clarifications of "Who's got the massive tits" did not help.

Phase Connect
>Vtuber Expo teases Phase Connect talents as guests; will announce the guest talents starting 3/26.

Small Corpos
>Akiko Sushi of VReverie graduates during the same stream she debuts her chibi model. At the end of her graduation stream, mods shilled a "suspiciously similar" vtuber. This brings VReverie to 2 talents remaining, one of which is on hiatus.
>V4Mirai announces debuts for their 3rd Gen, taking place on 4/6.
>PRISM Project announces new outfits for Gen 4, to be revealed in a relay starting 3/28 @ 10p ET.
>V&U announces the termination of Amano Serafi's contract. They intend to refund all Superchats, Super Stickers, memberships, and merch purchases for her channel since December 2023, and will private all content on her channels on 4/18. They also intend to pursue legal action against Serafi, citing damages. It should be noted that, according to V&U, Serafi requested to buy out of her contract on 2/2, and was provided a summary of expenses that she would be accountable for. According to V&U, Serafi then requested that all further communication would need to be made via legal action.
>Serafi has previously released the summary she claims she was provided by V&U, totaling up to roughly $450k in expenses.
>Investigations into V&U show them as backed by a Metaro Corp, as well as a Maro Studio Inc, both reasonably-sized Korean entertainment companies. What exactly this means will be reported on when there is more tangible news on it.
>Rene Ryugasaki of 774 will be getting a visual update on 3/28. Anon states "No underboob and I'm outta here".

>Evil Neuro celebrated her birthday today. Vedal did not show up, referring to the incident as "negligible". He then issued a checkerboard apology video on Twitter (formerly "X (formerly Twitter)") where he deeply bows and apologizes for not being present to his daughter's birthday while reading ChatGPT.

>Local 2view discovers that buying an ad actually DOES get you subs. No word on CCV increases.

Local Events
>Coni Confetti (idolEN) currently leads CorpoCar West, followed by Shiina (Phase) and Ember (Phase), however there is currently a question of the point standings for the West series.
>Siu Aisaka (Specialite JP) currently leads CorpoCar East, followed by Michiru (Phase) and Clara (Phase).
>CorpoCar will resume on 3/29 @ 8p ET.
>/wg/ is hosting a Flash Fiction Contest, starting 3/26. Participants will have 1 week to submit a short story of 5000 characters or less, using the theme "Chuuba Abuse". The story must be tagged as Severe [Sexual/Physical/Psychological], and can be about receiving from or giving to a chuuba.
>/lig/ is currently putting together a birthday card for notable /lig/ger, Nina Satome. The deadline for submissions is 3/30 @ 11p ET.
>/pink/ is celebrating their 1st anniversary by compiling an anniversary album of various /pink/ related songs and covers.
>A new board event is announced, the VT Grand Touring Championships (VGTC), an event where GT-Spec cars will be raced on 15 tracks in Assetto Corsa, to determine the fastest on the asphalt.
>Mutual Fund wars continue in NASFAQ, as Konnui Consortium takes the top slot.
>If you have Towa (why), sell her today.

Corrections & Retractions:
>A previous round-up cited Aglio Olio E Peperoncino as a "JP indie". However, Peperoncino is currently signed under Sony Music.

Speculation and drama is off-topic. Refrain from posting dramatubers here, as they are not relevant.
Want the source for this news? Check the Previous thread: >>72199699

>> No.72288531
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Post sources and news regarding vtubers here.

>> No.72288608
Quoted by: >>72314966

Reply to this post with Editorial Comics, Cooking, Puzzles, Games, and Movie Reviews.

>> No.72288670
File: 196 KB, 548x610, R R A T S[sound=https2F2Fqxaiub.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post only the freshest, most delectable rrats. Nothing else will do. NO DEBATING ALLOWED.

>> No.72288732
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Post about Merch, Stocks, Sponsorships, Markets, Economics, and Business affairs pertaining to the Vtuber industry and community. Whether corporate or indie, it does not matter as long as it involves Vtubers.
We also report vtuber advertisements related issues on this tag, including corporate ads or indie ads (rip /ads/)

>> No.72288989
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Divegrass, Formula, HFZ, Tournaments, birthdays plans ,cards, group projects, anything goes.

Any board activities you want to share go here

>> No.72289075 [DELETED] 
File: 429 KB, 420x509, doesn't count.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72289158

Post black corpos, bad business decisions, talent cliques, management mishaps, cryptic tweets, graduation letters, google docs
What is a Black Corpo: A corporation where your management and/or coworkers are one or more of the following
>grossly incompetent
>or all of the above
Nijisanji, VReverie, WACTOR, Akioair(dead), Cyberlive(dead)

>> No.72289084 [DELETED] 
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Quoted by: >>72289158

Post black corpos, bad business decisions, talent cliques, management mishaps, cryptic tweets, graduation letters, google docs
What is a Black Corpo: A corporation where your management and/or coworkers are one or more of the following
>grossly incompetent
>or all of the above
Nijisanji, VReverie, WACTOR, Akioair(dead), Cyberlive(dead)

>> No.72289158

lmao gottem

>> No.72289216 [DELETED] 

You post it lmaoooo

>> No.72289290
File: 429 KB, 420x509, doesn't count.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post black corpos, bad business decisions, talent cliques, management mishaps, cryptic tweets, graduation letters, google docs
What is a Black Corpo: A corporation where your management and/or coworkers are one or more of the following
>grossly incompetent
>or all of the above
Nijisanji, VReverie, WACTOR, Akioair(dead), Cyberlive(dead)

>> No.72289451
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Anycolor Inc – Stock Watch

Cover Corp – Stock Watch

>> No.72289574
Quoted by: >>72289777

Credit for OP
>Smol-Ame poster
Smol-Ame poster if you are reading this keep up the good work!

>> No.72289777 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 391x85, Screenshot 2024-03-25 234203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured I'd just slip in that correction since I was around.

>> No.72290156 [DELETED] 
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Don't you holotrannies forget that we run this board now.
Your thread streamlines the work we have to put in for our content.
You're our SLAVES mining away at the drama mines for us to get rich off.
DramaKINGS run /news/

>> No.72290285

Reminder to REPORT on drama, don't CREATE drama.
Ignore all bait.

>> No.72290413
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>> No.72290458

Got it.

>> No.72290528

Does she have a source or is this another literal who falsely accusing people?

>> No.72290542

>Reminder to REPORT on drama
/news/ is dead
/tabloid/ has been born

>> No.72290616
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Quoted by: >>72290943

>seldom gets involved and interacts with other HoloEN because she's so guarded and wants others to invite her first within her 1st year even among her fellow Council gen
>somehow was able to initiate interaction with a HomoEN just under 2 months and be a frequent collaber
Is Kronii a liar or are the other girls just not that interested in asking her out?

>> No.72290668

How do I know all this info is trustworthy?
How do you people process information from unknown informants? Who conducts the screening?

>> No.72290714

Most obvious falseflag

>> No.72290775

This is old, and asking people for their thoughts on drama isn't what /news/ is for.

/news/ is here to prevent (You) from having to scroll the [Catalog] for... news!
Not for speculating on news.

>> No.72290943

iirc vesper reached out to her first. some tech help or something.

>> No.72291009
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Here’s a newsflash: your oshi is a WHORE!

>> No.72291058
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>How do I know this info is trust worthy
You don't. But information is fact checked by others /here/ and corrections are issued if needed.
>How do people process information from unknown informants?
Finding secondary sources that agree with the informants.
>Who conducts the screening.
Everyone /here/


>> No.72291267

I know, isn't it great?

>> No.72291281
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t. Riifling. No news to report. Auditions still ongoing until the end of March.

>> No.72291383
File: 731 KB, 1920x1080, koyo mahjong teams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marine has a voice cameo in new ghostbusters!
teams for koyoris mahjong tournament!

>> No.72291448

Cool! Good for her.

>> No.72291562

>13 cuties and a bonus hag
absolutely blessed.

>> No.72291720

>Akiko Sushi of VReverie graduates during the same stream she debuts her chibi model. At the end of her graduation stream, mods shilled a "suspiciously similar" vtuber.
Again with the not providing the redirect when the tuber explicitly asks you to follow them there:
Respect da chuuba! (I mean the @ at least, not the whole link.)

>> No.72291809


>> No.72292029
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KFP have betrayed hololive

>> No.72292187
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>> No.72292244 [DELETED] 
File: 435 KB, 1080x1615, ALL OUT WAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unicorns, JPchads, sisters and homobeggars, SEAcorns and SEAbeggars are currently in an ALL OUT WAR regarding CGDCT in EN vs JP

>> No.72292392
Quoted by: >>72293713

When's this?

>> No.72292677

why are people just copypasting catalog drama posts in here

>> No.72292773

One faggot is trying to ruin this general for some reason.

>> No.72292799
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I don't know but its fucking annoying bro.


>> No.72292886

well hopefully the mods deal with it, at least one of those posts is a ban-evading schizo, but i have low hopes since this is a new-ish general

>> No.72292951 [DELETED] 

Which one of you is the janny? Dont be shy. This thread has way too much moderation to not be a janny pet project

>> No.72293093

Trust, but Verify.
You should never take any news source by itself at face value. Even ones with integrity are prone to screwing things up, getting bad information, or just wording things poorly.
You should always research any stories that you're interested in, and check the sources (which are usually posted in the prior /news/ thread). /news/ is just an aggregator that puts a summary out so that people can have a rough idea of what's going on, without the fog of drama and misdirection that tends to come with the catalog.

>> No.72293159 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>72293583

>signature and avatar use
Mods ban this guy

>> No.72293184

/vtg/ never

>> No.72293415
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Towa and Roboco are having a collab with stars

>> No.72293455


>> No.72293526
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Quoted by: >>72293612

JP investor sentiment is turning, doubts of Anycolor recovery are widespread. The recent Suisei harrassment campaign led by one of the niji livers mods has now also reached investor ears and cries of better management oversight have become commonplace

>> No.72293583
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1080, image_2024-03-25_223636680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72293712

>Hololive news

It is currently hololive ID Gen 3s anniversary and Vestia Zeta just finished up her day!

>She debuted a new asset (see attached image)
>She debuted a 3D chibi model, known as mini-zeta
>And all around had a great anniversary

Kaela has her anniversary going on all day today, make sure to hop into her stream and give her some love!

Smol-Ame poster, Watamelon, help me steal this guys knees.


>> No.72293589


>> No.72293612
Quoted by: >>72294250

There's a bit of fog of war with this one, since the JP Yahoo Finance board has been effectively invaded.
But yes, it doesn't look good.

>> No.72293712

Keep up the good work.

>> No.72293713

April 6th.
/news/ actually reported on it in the previous thread's OP.

>> No.72293905
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Quoted by: >>72327489

[Good news] Ao, Soda, Tower and Roboco are having male collabs

>> No.72294078
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Quoted by: >>72294194

>indie news
Vedal did an entire stream where Evil Neuro is left sad and alone at her birthday party. Shortly after on Twitter he released a Riku Tazumi parody video where he apologizes for neglecting Evil Neuro.

>> No.72294123

Mods dediced to be good boys today.
/ag/ is back!

>> No.72294194
Quoted by: >>72294252

This is literally in the OP, anon.

>> No.72294250
Quoted by: >>72294453

That works both ways, the flood of drama trolls also feeds information to investors lurking there, which contributes to the decline of Niji stock.
Anykuro is cooked and their attempts to force the stock are failing.

>> No.72294252
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>> No.72294453
Quoted by: >>72294495

They will get bought by Cover inshallah

>> No.72294495
Quoted by: >>72294920

We don't want it, fuck off

>> No.72294514
File: 237 KB, 519x625, 1711397032798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More on the Ao and Soda male collab situation

>> No.72294605


>> No.72294614


>> No.72294896

is this a news thread or a miniature catalog btw?

>> No.72294915

This newspaper is really weird, I keep reading it for a few pages, but every time I reach around page 4 or 5 the counter resets to 1. Look, it just did it again. I don't know what's going on

>> No.72294920
Quoted by: >>72295281

Its mainly for asserting dominance. A message to the vtubing industry.

>> No.72294978
File: 357 KB, 591x471, 1711357721367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna, Millie, Elira and were networking in Japan with Kiara and Kanauru.
Say hello to EN4!

>> No.72295076
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New VWP MV tomorrow

>> No.72295099

>March almost over
>no niji graduation
But what about the queue? You told me it was real!!!

>> No.72295208

The narrative will be that Dmitri is saving these poor exploited girls from brack company and placing them in EN4 where they belong

>> No.72295228
File: 10 KB, 344x127, 1711252379454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, THAT just happened

>> No.72295281

Asserting dominance is done by making everyone involved filthy fucking rich and dominating in every single metric. Not by throwing money at a steaming pile of shit and setting it one fire. That's just stupid.

>> No.72295462

I was hoping that this place would be able to keep anons updated on the latest happenings in the vtubersphere. No more fearing of missing out on deleted threads in the catalog. But apparently some news like:
>runie got doxxed
>LM showed serafi contract and term of contract is different from vnu announcement
are no go.

>> No.72295602
File: 40 KB, 1280x720, GIo1IXEWAAE2TeB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72295665

/news/ exist so (You) don't have to waste your time scrolling the [Catalog]

>runie got doxxed
Giving doxfags attention is literally the worst thing we could do
>LM showed serafi contract and term of contract is different from vnu announcement
Let me fix that for you
>serafi contract and term of contract is different from vnu announcement
Much better.

>> No.72295637

That's like based though

>> No.72295665
Quoted by: >>72295790

Why are you giving them attention.
Report and ignore. They're just trying to drag down the thread with the spam.

>> No.72295674

Put this on the [Catalog]

>> No.72295687
Quoted by: >>72295990

oh I was talking about the obvious bait post but I now see some are getting deleted so never mind
why would that be a no go?

>> No.72295790
Quoted by: >>72295826

Report what? This thread is off-topic itself

>> No.72295826
Quoted by: >>72296275

Explain how

>> No.72295990

contracts are fine, mentioning dramatubers such as LM (although he is one of the better ones) is not.

This is news, not the tabloids.

>> No.72296099
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Quoted by: >>72296135

Have we talked about this?

>> No.72296135


>> No.72296275

>Explain how
>This board is for the discussion of Virtual YouTubers ("VTubers"), including those streaming in Japanese, English, and other languages. VTubers don't necessarily need to be on Youtube of course, they can be on Twitch, Niconico, Bilibili, or any other platform.
Meanwhile these posts and the contents they encourage are completely off-topic and only loosely tied together with on-topic rules; and basically make this thread a gossip board. Yet the OP and his cronies make it an official part of the thread

>> No.72296601
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, GJKa3_uXUAALjgJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those anchors are for news from that category to be reported on.

The actually content itself shouldn't be discussed in this thread, just reported on.

>> No.72296642
File: 173 KB, 1080x1341, 1711431813219006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisanji truly is the punching bag of the industry

>> No.72296776
File: 241 KB, 1650x1440, news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72297158

With a few brushokes have adjusted an old classic and turned it into OC to commemorate this new thread!!!

Let me know your thoughts!! ^_^

>> No.72296879
Quoted by: >>72297033

>loosely tied together with on-topic rules
Oh, so they're on-topic? And they are additionally summarising info from long-time pre-existing generals of this board too? Sounds fairly on-topic to me, anon, and, evidently, to the mods that have allowed this general to be posted for however long now.
If you're mad about something covered in the thread, you should come out and say it, instead of the roundabout way.

>> No.72296892
Quoted by: >>72297158

>The actually content itself shouldn't be discussed in this thread, just reported on.
And how do you plan to enforce that? Furthermore when discussion of gossip does happen in the thread will you go around telling everyone to not do that? Or will you let it slide depending on the subject? Who are you even?

>> No.72297033

Desu not even mad and I'm not sure why would you try to steer it that way. We're having a conversation anon. Does THAT upset you? Why are you so mad about that? See I just did your thing right now.

We're building something here anon and everything has to be clear from the get-go.

>> No.72297134

>We're building something here anon
this. the way i see this thread it's similar to /vtwbg/ etc, you need to play a long with the kayfabe. this is not the place to discuss this is a place to pretend to be a news reporter

>> No.72297158
File: 33 KB, 538x538, GIU-eb8boAAPYf0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Furthermore when discussion of gossip does happen in the thread
First direct to the correct area, either a (Cross-thread) or the [Catalog]. After that ignore and report.
>Who are you even?
Doesn't matter.

Stop vague posting and tell us what you think about this thread anon. You won't get in trouble for voicing an opinion.

>> No.72297330

I for one does not want to larp as a news reporter. I bring things here I see as news and for discussion. like:
Newsflash: there are now four (4) phase threads. Is that even acceptable?

>> No.72297474
File: 383 KB, 600x339, img-2024-03-26-02-05-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah my mistake, you want to larp as moderator.

>> No.72297541

I hate phase but I don’t see a problem with that, other companies have multiple threads for talents/groups no?

>> No.72297596

Why does that piss you off?

>> No.72297869
Quoted by: >>72298001

You started the conversation by asserting that the thread was off-topic, provided inaccurate and, dare I say, bad faith arguments on why you think that is the case, and tried to minimise "OP and his cronies" and their efforts. To me, that indicates you're upset at something. Also
I'm hoping that was on purpose and you're not an actual utter newfag.
Just to clarify, I don't visit this general much, I browse the catalog myself and get the news I'm interested in that way, I've just not visited the board for a few days and thought I'd try this thread to catch up. It's just that I was there when the first /vtwbg/ threads were created and there were plenty of shit stirrers, and your posts draw some parallels to them so I thought I'd confront your issues now.

>> No.72298001

that thing is a sister, it's barely a human, there is no conversation there because she will never reply in good faith, you are wasting your time or maybe it's just someone trolling, it's the same thing

>> No.72298021
Quoted by: >>72298553

>rrat anchor
explicitly for baseless schizo ramblings and unfounded gossip
>economics anchor
this is either /biz/ which is offtopic or /#/ which is fucking cancer
>board events anchor
fucking yikes to the maximum degree, unless it's /vt/ sings everything else is cringe retards that don't belong here. Divegrass should only be discussed during divegrass in their containment threads, racing and wrestling don't even belong here. /jong/ should've never been allowed.
>kuro anchor
see rrat anchor
>stock watch

>> No.72298190

It was nice while it lasted for the first few editions editoranon. Too good for this community.

>> No.72298192
File: 50 KB, 863x550, today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Afternoon trading has now closed for the day. With a sting in the tail for Anycolor.
[spolier] stop shitting up the news thread CUNTS [/spoiler]

>> No.72298468
Quoted by: >>72298581

C’mon, of course you’re going to get schizos and the like, you’re on 4chan. And you’re on /vt/. Why whine over growing pains or bait you can ignore? Just keep going and it’s fine if other anons have issues. People should be allowed to pitch in if they think something is a bit off or they don’t like it. Don’t make this some secret boys club or forum

>> No.72298553

>Stop enjoying things I don't enjoy waaah

>> No.72298581

Yea, exclusive clubs are what led to the cancer of vtubing, if you catch my drift.

>> No.72298784

agreed. i wish there were imageboards that were active and not cancerous, but i may as well be asking for a utopia

>> No.72298991
File: 12 KB, 299x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i told you all in the first thread that there was 0 chance this place wouldnt turn into a shithole, being it a technical spin off of both numbers and the catalog itself.

The original ideal however will endure pretty much anything that happens inside this thread: post news, then post them in the op.
If the thread becomes to fast due to rratamancy, as it was expected, news are to be updated once per day only at 6pm CST

Thats pretty much it.

>> No.72299151

>He thinks this wasn't expected from the start
I've been around too long to think it would've gone any other way. But we keep going regardless.

>> No.72299167
File: 3.40 MB, 829x3784, v&u_contract_clipped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>V&U announces the termination of Amano Serafi's contract. They intend to refund all Superchats, Super Stickers, memberships, and merch purchases for her channel since December 2023, and will private all content on her channels on 4/18. They also intend to pursue legal action against Serafi, citing damages. It should be noted that, according to V&U, Serafi requested to buy out of her contract on 2/2, and was provided a summary of expenses that she would be accountable for. According to V&U, Serafi then requested that all further communication would need to be made via legal action.
Some updates on this conflict... In addition to the omitted $450K charge for contract termination invoiced from V&U to Serafi.

Taking a page from Nijisanji's playbook, V&U put out an initial termination notice, then seeing the bad reaction to it, doubled down with a second announcement with more of the same.

Serafi's signed CONTRACT was recently LEAKED, revealing:
- The briefly worded contract's duration was actually 1 year, not 3. It had already expired when she asked to quit.
- The contract was actually signed on September of 2022, not on January of 2023 as V&U claims.
- She was initially paid $500/month for four months with a bonus total of $2500 on the fourth month. (So less than minimum wage.)
- The only penalty described in the contract is five times that. (Still unenforceable, but nowhere near $450K.)
- The itemized invoice claims that several heads of departments had spent 50% of their time on her, despite there being 19 other talents, while demanding she pay that portion of their salaries, and included a $20,000 itemized charge labeled only "etc", among other "oddities".
- They confirmed the existence of this invoice in their second termination announcement.
- Despite cries of "imitating Doki", Serafi was trying to leave the company on February 2nd, before Doki's termination notice was posted.

On the other hand:
- The confidentiality agreement, though unenforceable, is three years.
- Serafi has swapped managers multiple times.
- Serafi, like Pochi, leaves several donothon goals unfulfilled.
- The rrats have it that Serafi caused some drama among her sisters.

That all said, I personally don't think it matters if she attempted to murder one of her sisters, nothing justifies an extortative half-million dollar contract termination fee, and threatening to sue to keep the other talents living in fear.

Amano Sefari is now @alien_mixture on Twitch.

>> No.72299424
Quoted by: >>72299815

>if she attempted to murder one of her sisters
wait what? like literally, or sabotaging her genmates?

>> No.72299565

The Yahoo finance board for Anycolor's stock is definitely been co-opted by Vtuber fans, particularly Hololive. For some god forsaken reason they were discussing Coco's graduation and the issue with moderators that she had during the Chinese bot raids.
It's feels like a typical futaba board now, with people discussing whatever Vtuber related things come to mind.

>> No.72299652
Quoted by: >>72299861

Yeah I noticed that recently, the vote counts are wildly inflated. I didn't notice it last week, so I guess the stock drop drew them in.
I just hope the investors take it as a sign that they're retards wasting their money and they all dip.

>> No.72299657

Don't know if anyone is interested in the whole akkafficial thing a couple days back, but she deleted her account after getting roasted for the whole "but what if I was underaged" thing

>> No.72299711

stock holders are also fans
if i could i would buy every piece of clovers stock and force him to fire all the men

>> No.72299726

Yet another retarded company who doesn't understand the difference between "transparency" and mudslinging. All they had to do was say they were terminating her for incompatibility with corporate culture and leave it at that, but no they just had to keep digging

>> No.72299815

Nta. It's clearly an hyperbole. He's saying that even if she had tried to kill someone the 450k would be bullshit.

>> No.72299845

The vtuber PurityValentine went live today with Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind.
Purity was equipped with a metal sword, and robed in Dark Brotherhood gear. Purity mentioned "I can't sell anything I have illegal goods" as she reviewed her inventory in game.
Purity plays Morrowind as a level one wood elf cat(?) custom class.
Even when confronted with the option of silt strider Purity prefers to travel by foot, and while on foot she sticks to the roads without straying.
While travelling the roads of morrowind Purity was attacked by an alit. Purity flaled wildly at the alit, but managed to slay the alit. Not long after before her stamina was fully recovered Purity was attacked by another alit. The second alit nearly killed Purity, but she managed to scrape by with a sliver of HP.
Soon after Purity ate most of the stock in her player inventory, and then rested until healed.
That was all this reporter had time to watch, but I hope you enjoyed this post in vtuber /news/.

>> No.72299861
Quoted by: >>72300456

I mentioned it a few times in the previous threads, prior to the 12th of Feb that place might get 20 comments a week, now they are getting that much a hour. The up votes also makes it difficult for nijiniggers to drown out the discussion by flooding they place like they usually do with twitter whenever something happens, so it makes a good home for people who don't like dealing with nijinigger psyops

>> No.72300199


>> No.72300281
Quoted by: >>72300424

Was this person just a vtweeter or did they just nuke their whole vtuber identity?

>> No.72300324

thanks for the update
glad that bitch-ass whore is gone, hope she doesn't reincarnate
she needs meds and therapy

>> No.72300424
Quoted by: >>72300559

they do stream on twitch with a model
looks like it's still up https://www.twitch.tv/akkafficial

>> No.72300456

It's certainly Japanese people posting though because one comment basically said "it isn't slander if it's true" and it got "I don't think so'd" into oblivion lmao.

>> No.72300559

It's still up but she hasn't streamed there since the whole thing started
Also for a twitcher unless you're already big if you don't have a twitter presence you're basically dead because twitch will not promote you well enough, and none of her other links on her twitch go to anywhere good

>> No.72300832

I'm confused, just reading the last couple of dozen posts this is just another tribalfagging numbers discussion thread? You already have a thread. One thing this board doesn't need is more superfluous spam of the same garbage.

>> No.72300985

No, it did not?

>> No.72301762

fake superchat

>> No.72301783
Quoted by: >>72302692

how is it tribalfagging it's got shit on every corpo

>> No.72302082 [DELETED] 


>> No.72302183 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 1080x329, 1711441197262099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hex is "unaffected" by drama

>> No.72302314
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Gura merch

>> No.72302692

I guess I should have said being antis.

>> No.72302757 [DELETED] 

The vague post method of troll feeding. Now they're all think you read them. Nothing bad could possibly come of this.

>> No.72303441
Quoted by: >>72314183

post news from your local general

>> No.72303469

Probably some catalog shit reeeeing at the existence of this thread

>> No.72304561
Quoted by: >>72304731

Slow news day.

>> No.72304597

JP events schedule for the rest of this month
No changes from the last time I crossposted this

>> No.72304731
File: 343 KB, 750x746, 1704123164359480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72304954

/lig/'s beat reporter here, I got nothin right now since most of the indies are preparing for weebcon. Uwumarket (a vtuber merch company) is going to have a massive show there called uwuland, MSM talent's vtubers are doing meet and greets and 3am's going to have a coffee truck with multiple members being attendees, which means most of /lig/'s vtubers they post about regularly outside of the euros will be at the event in some fashion or another, so there's not a lot of news or events being dropped around it.

>> No.72304954
Quoted by: >>72305530

Well, that's still news on its own

>> No.72305530
File: 940 KB, 2589x1339, 1707548465707654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well if we are gonna anchor it, the con, located in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas, specifically runs from Thursday the 28th until Sunday the 31st. Here's some tweets about the various events I mentioned:
>Uwuland's concert, featuring Bao, Numi, Sinder, and Yfu, and the uwumarket twitter which has several messages about who will be there, including major indie names such as Yuzu, Tricky, Vienna, Nekrolina, Sayu, Milky, Kirsche, and a panel of the australian vtuber group Verishon (Clio aite, Jean Faymas, Hanya, and Mako Fukusame)
https://twitter.com/shopuwumarket (the announcements are in a litter dated feb 2)
>3am maid cafe coffeeshop collab, thread with drinks and merch annoucement
>MSM Talent Meet and Greets at Weebcon sponsored by Novel Horizons. Featuring Juniper Actias, Cottontail VA, Lucy Pyre, Grimmi, Buffpup, Rosedoodle, AICandii, Heavenlyfather, Grape, and Vshojo member Geega

>> No.72306116
File: 3.51 MB, 640x360, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4qbzgm.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks ligga, appreciate it

>> No.72306189
Quoted by: >>72307464

Apparently kinda big news

>> No.72307105
File: 1.12 MB, 2400x1080, 1711451035929095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72307907

>VALZ, a Niji unit is releasing their first mini album
>Koyori's next Discord Shocking will feature Pmaru-sama, a chuuba with an extensive history

>> No.72307464
Quoted by: >>72308197


>> No.72307567

>bitch really released her contract

>> No.72307907

Wait, Pmaru is chuuba now?!

>> No.72308018


>> No.72308197

These could be asked in JP numbers to get better answers since the news are taken from there, and anons there are actually jp-savvy enough to answer.

>> No.72310161
Quoted by: >>72331254

JP Vee news

>> No.72310711

P-maru is an utaite. She was a vtuber, not as P-maru, but now she isn't.

>> No.72311193


>> No.72311523

Keep up the good work /lig/ reporter.

>> No.72312006
File: 3.24 MB, 1888x1888, so back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72312280

/nasfaqg/'s Seiso rep is here to deliver some fake holo stock news to you, the people!

Do not fear, because the Great Pirate Era is here!
We are so back edition.

>Marine is back on top after her cover (?) did well.
>Towa crashes back down to Earth.
>Zeta enjoys a small buff from her accessory reveal.
>Will Kobo get a buff as well?
>Suichan doko?
>Ameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hits All-Time. That's egg on my face.
>Ririka continues her climb. SELL?
>ReGloss got a small bump from their 3D talk.
>Kanatan returns to heaven.
>Calli was a bit too sneaky. BUY OF THE DAY.
>Moomers finally drops from her tree.
>Pochi is a BUY.
>Good time to finally BUY Wamy.
>Continue to pump Mel hard.

Mutual Funds:
>Good time to SELL funds that are Marine heavy.
>OH HO HO hello Potato Investments is our Top Fund nyo!
>Benis is a new fund that looks to continue to climb.

Did I miss anything? I'm sure I did.
Congrats to those who scored big on the pirate hag. Stay Seiso.

For info on how to join the game, follow this >>72102679 and grab the link in the OP.
Not able to get the confirmation email? Summon a dev in the bread and they will assist you.

>> No.72312069 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 533x526, 1711375876602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Good News] KFP are clamoring for more male collabs

>> No.72312116

This is doxx.
Mods delete this post right away.

>> No.72312124

go back to the catalog.

>> No.72312246
Quoted by: >>72313288

Don't go back. Stay here.

>> No.72312280

Keep up the good work, Seiso rep.

>> No.72312425

Today's news roundup from /数字/

>> No.72312668

Thanks for contributing /数字/ correspondent.

>> No.72313288

I second >>72312246

>> No.72314183
File: 330 KB, 468x714, 1680355048631285.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72314237

uhh ok
Kiki Pyon-Pyon's 3d debut peaked at ~450ccv which is her current record. Despite various issues and scuff with vrchat and tracking it was a great success. She also released some new emotes and new merch.
In the future she plans to get better tracking hardware.

>> No.72314237


>> No.72314966
File: 735 KB, 3840x2160, I_Cant_Believe_Its_Not_Nijisanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72315060


>> No.72315240

>I Can't Believe It's Not Batter
Featuring that niji that was fired for a baseball joke

>> No.72315498


>> No.72315693
File: 29 KB, 629x515, anycolor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72321552


>> No.72315949
File: 29 KB, 627x518, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72316496

Ayame disapproved

>> No.72316838
File: 349 KB, 1125x2436, twitter_ニュイ・ソシエール🎃(@Nui_Sociere)_20240326-140750_1772626518356730135_photo-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72316998

Nui Sociere got a new outfit

>> No.72316998


>> No.72317914
Quoted by: >>72321477

EN Emblem merch "initial" stocks

>> No.72318655
File: 200 KB, 2187x1228, 1111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tradingview is better

>> No.72319341

>moemi and Etra join aogiri
This makes me happy

>> No.72321477
Quoted by: >>72323751

That's the generic merch that they keep in stock regularly, right?

>> No.72321552

Still better than>>72315949

>> No.72322694
File: 354 KB, 640x467, 1680681967579460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>News for March 26th, 2024
- HoloXBreak, a mash up based in little fighters 2, will be released in 3 days by the same team who did Holocure, triggering rumors of a possible fig civil war.
- On that note --ELECTION DAY 2024-- : Should fig include beat em ups from now on? If you are a fig regular, please visit fig today and make your opinion heard! >>72322162
- More progress on the Soul Calibur AI tournament, the test edition might be completed soon! Luna proved very hard to make, to the displeasure of the local argies.
- Harada shills Rosemi's shirt, not beating the allegations of being his secret daughter
- Local Juri anon rises to master rank in juri, refuses to let Shimada know for fears of getting his lungs filled with water after she finds out she has been out ranked on her own character
- On other Shimada news, she went back to street again to try her new controller only to realize she hates street and going back to tekken about 2hours later.
- New SF6 characters leaked for season 2. Korone Celebrates as Bison confirmed to return.
-Rosalyn manages to get master rank with every character proving once again anime women who play videogames for a living can be very scary.

>> No.72322783
Quoted by: >>72323181

>the way i see this thread it's similar to /vtwbg/
What? How is this anything like /vtwbg/?? You don't larp over there at all and everything written is up to discussion. This thread could not be further from that if you want to larp as newsreporter and nothing is up to discussion.

>> No.72323181

the hint is in what i quoted:
>We're building something here anon
they're similar in the way both are an autistic project. they're different projects obviously.

>> No.72323251
File: 58 KB, 400x341, 1711415066475032.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just passing by and I remembered something:
Some of you might now know of the old ancient pact but actually Hiromoot allows for exactly one meta thread for a given board.

There are certain precedents of how much the boundaries can be pushed: First of all was Yubicraft, who got kicked to /vg/, then got kicked back.
/jong/ is described as an example of a "mistake'" but /fig/ predates it for over a year, and /hfz/ predates them both by 2.
Divegrass /vt/ league generals are allowed but the 4ccup is not.

>> No.72323583

Kanade finished singing Shunkan Heartbeat for the 100th time after more than 6 hours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woCEixptAPY

>> No.72323607

Where can I speak to him?

>> No.72323751

They just released the holoEN versions today so it's an small indicator on how much Cover thinks a talent can push merch

>> No.72325107
Quoted by: >>72325186


>> No.72325186
Quoted by: >>72325323

slow news days huh

>> No.72325323

Well, I'd like to say something about Serafi's contract, but I haven't gotten around to watching the LM VOD and I have a meeting in about ten minutes.

>> No.72325358
Quoted by: >>72325578

/ybc/, /nasfaqg/, /vtwbg/, /hfz/ and even /news/ are all at least indirectly linked to vtubing
/fig/ clearly is a failed thread that like 3 anons are unwilling to let go despite having lost any and all identity and being desperate to survive no matter the cost. It's turning into a weirder mix of stuff than even anya-petra and the two may as well merge given that i bet half the posters overlap anyway.
/jong/ is nothing but off-topic and deserves no spot on this board because at best thry link like one or two chuubas streaming jong and don't even talk about it and just made the thread their own little discord chat

>> No.72325578
File: 209 KB, 309x303, 1693136389914673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72325935

>/fig/ clearly is a failed thread that like 3 anons are unwilling to let go despite having lost any and all identity and being desperate to survive no matter the cost. It's turning into a weirder mix of stuff than even anya-petra and the two may as well merge given that i bet half the posters overlap anyway.

You know who is to blame for that?
Mori. She promised a tournament a year ago.
Hard to have an idol showdown thread without idol showdown streams.

>> No.72325935

Look, i loved the idea of a fighting game general, while i don't play them myself i think they are fun to watch and there are some awesome moments on high level play you don't get in other genres.
But at this point /fig/ has diluted itself so hard that i would never want to go there

>> No.72326575
File: 150 KB, 694x782, 1711379540034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Meta news] more and more members of the larger streaming community are becoming increasingly concerned about parasocial relationships between viewers and vtubers

>> No.72327010

I want to believe that those are just one form of trolls

>> No.72327012
Quoted by: >>72327056

But I love my oshi.

>> No.72327056

And my oshi loves me!

>> No.72327063
File: 7 KB, 112x112, 1679420242139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72327212

Ike, Shu and Pio collab café in China: https://weibo.com/7598684083/O4WSdEZiH
Alban at Color Fiesta on March 15: https://twitter.com/ColorFiestaVN/status/1768623192892154114
Noctyx Code Geass Collab: https://iijanproject.com/en/nijijen_cg_merchandise/
Luca and Shu at Starcube 2024 March 24 (M&G, Concert): https://twitter.com/SceStarcube/status/1759065393547948420
Shu, Luca, Uki, and Sonny at Virtual Rhapsody April 27 (Concert, Online tickets on sale now): https://virtualrhapsody.zaiko.io/item/362431
Doppio and Fulgur at Virtual Rhapsody April 5 (Panel, Online tickets on sale now): https://virtualrhapsody.zaiko.io/e/HK20240405
Ike will be getting a figure: https://twitter.com/ike_eveland/status/1678776453553430528
Alban, Luca, and Shu scale figures: https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1737669737298243784
Ike, Luca, and Shu Nendos announced: https://x.com/GoodSmile_US/status/1738352505438749064
Krisis Palverse Pale figures announced: https://x.com/bushi_hobby_en/status/1738378892723773541

Outfit status:

Merch on sale:
Hotel Merch
Liver Goods Vol 8
NijiMascot Vol 1
Noctyx 2nd Anniversary Goods
Pickup VP
White Day Goods 2024

Recent & Upcoming Projects:
Fulgur Orisong : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FC2bCR87LYs
Noctyx 2nd Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YnDtV6Yejos
Sonny Ringo Mogire Beam Duet Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yj65Wf4n4j4
Kyo Duet Orisong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYaJuyevUnU
Sonny Cendrillion Duet Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7HZcCgMx3w
Alban Shinunoga E-Wa Duet Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oaa3Wdm6AOA
Luca Overdose Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39CJqrd42Ww
Zali The Bride of Necro Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZA8QIM7cdk
Vox Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewNBqazPepk
Vox Movie Soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V1OJoGHC9Q
Ver Jangsanbeom Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSEKdqt-s0c
Claude In The Back Room Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXGLWbMtmtc

>> No.72327212

Thanks for your contribution to /news/! >>72288531

>> No.72327347

Finally some good fucking content.
I just have no idea who in NijiEN has a rat as fans. I thought of Rosemi, but then I remembered she isn't a rat anymore. Aside from the first 2 gens, I have no idea what are their names or what their fans are even called.
Afaik, all of the nijimales fans and anything after the 2nd gen are called "sisters".

>> No.72327489

Sora appear as a guest in homos streams and chat since forever, she just never hosts them on her channel as far as I remember.

>> No.72329436

Probably not happening, Cover is responsible enough to know about the backlash they'd face if they tried to pull that shit—not just from the fans but from some of the talents (most notably Mumei). Besides that, none of them can consistently deliver good and entertaining content, which seems to now be an actual thing they look for when they're hiring on the EN side

>> No.72330410
Quoted by: >>72331536

NotSerafi's personal experiences with V&U:

>> No.72330944

Are we allowed to talk about the general state and going ons if /vt/ here? OP makes it seem like this is a meta thread so thats why im asking

>> No.72331074
Quoted by: >>72331231

This is not a meta thread. If there are events happening that other threads might be interested in, that's fine, but this is not the place where you bitch about jannies or whatever.
Ideally, there would be very little actual discussion, just people posting noteworthy happenings and possibly replying with clarifications. But some people can't help themselves and that's a losing battle anyway.

>> No.72331138

Quoting and anchoring for ye, case it archives:

>Anycolor settlement
Actually pretty interesting case because there were a few suspicious details in it.
>First time Anycolor going for a settlement instead of going to court against someone who made money off of them
>Anycolor being the one who wanted to settle in the first place
>The voicepacks he sold had lines which were cannot be traced back to any previous stream or vod and has been proven to not be AI
>Perfect copies of Nipplemans signature in the goods that were being counterfeited
>Allegations that the person in question might have been related to either Lauren or another liver
Will probably go down as one of the number of classic nijisanji legal mysteries

>> No.72331209

Only if it's shit like actually stable thread splits or new board projects rather than schizo infestations
RWBY general moving there only for their company to get dissolved in the same day is a good example of something that would fit

>> No.72331231
Quoted by: >>72332217

I'm not talking negative stuff,just the general going ons and state of the board. Doesnt seem like theres anywhere else to talk about this.

>> No.72331254

>Looks like they talked during the break and she requested it, no further reason given. She's pulling a Prism and continuing as an indie though.

>> No.72331536

anchoring under rrat because i don't want to cite my source but one of the new girls think serafi was a menhera bitch and is ruining it for them, and they're happy with the company so far.

>> No.72331601
Quoted by: >>72331777

>RWBY general moving there only for their company to get dissolved in the same day is a good example of something that would fit
this actually happened?

>> No.72331777

Yeah, Rooster Teeth is finally dead and on sale

>> No.72331994

Wait until she tries to leave.

>> No.72332115
Quoted by: >>72332543

Yeah this right here marks the end of an era.
for the better, gaming youtuber networks were huge fucking scams that fucked over alot of early content creators

>> No.72332217

There's a "local" news section for things like that, yes. I suppose it has already occasionally included aggressive Jannie actions and other such meta'ish stuff, but it hasn't been the meat of the general.

>> No.72332356

Did the RWBY vtuber die, because her IP was up for sale, or is she still going?

Sounds like the original plan was to make Vtubers for a bunch of the characters, but until someone buys the IP, I guess it's all up in the air.

>> No.72332543
Quoted by: >>72332985

Based. Except MCNs still exist somehow and chuuba corpos are in them to get game perms. Shit remains wack yo.

>> No.72332615
Quoted by: >>72332789

oh, I knew that part. But I thought that what you said actually happened somehow.
I didn't know it was hypothetical.

>> No.72332789

A total of three threads that had more than 20 posts

>> No.72332851
Quoted by: >>72332945

>i don't want to cite my source
Literally no reason for this. You're just spreading gossip

>> No.72332899

Imagine Cover buys the RWBY IP and decides to please its investors by telling them it's expanding into anime production.

>> No.72332945

Rrats don't need sources. That's why they are rrats.

>> No.72332985

Streaming/content networks today seem alot better than early youtube at least.
Machinima,IGN, and even rooster teeth's contracts were so fucked up and anti employee that they make nijisanji look like the gold standard in comparision.

>> No.72333022
Quoted by: >>72333276

It's not really a rrat if you have a direct source.

>> No.72333064
Quoted by: >>72333276

But he's literally saying that there is a source he just doesn't want to say it? He's just intentionally shit stirring

>> No.72333276

no that's what you're doing. i'm withholding the source because the drama is the one thing the source hates about this whole thing.
all you need to know is that at least some talents of that corpo are confirmed to be siding with the corpo.

>> No.72333623
Quoted by: >>72333744

>dude trust me
Called it!!!

>> No.72333663

>drama is the one thing the source hates about this whole thing.
Yeah you're just baiting
>My source that is perpetuating more drama actually hates drama

>> No.72333668
Quoted by: >>72334028

Yeah, that's why I gave an offhand mention the rrats yonder (>>72299167) but it doesn't matter how crazy the bitch was, nothing justifies a $450K invoice. That's pure extortion on the part of V&U. (To terminate an EXPIRED contract at that, and lie about it to boot.)

And while someone being happy with the company obviously isn't a bad sign, with the psychological warfare these black companies tend to play, enforcing a sense of total dependence while destroying any sense of independent self worth, it doesn't mean a whole lot. There's always some that will drink the koolaid, and end up like Millie, who makes a bunch of defensive claims about her company that would be proved false with even a modicum of time outside her bubble, or Claude, who actually thinks it's a good thing that they keep his play button and don't order him a copy, despite only having been there for a short time, and thinks it's because nearly 300 vtubers simply haven't asked for theirs.

...and yes, I'm sure if she ever has to leave, I'm sure she'll find herself suddenly changing her tune.

>> No.72333710
Quoted by: >>72334294

>being selective about news to protect someone
>in a thread deticated to spoonfeeding the catalogue on drama
This post right here sums up why this thread can't work. Anons end up biased and ignore/post the rrats of certain corpos

>> No.72333744

literally don't lol. even if i'm telling the truth it's just an opinion of a woman

>> No.72333780
File: 251 KB, 616x608, 1711479646558653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Good news] Gura's new watch is made in China
This can indicate a return to the Chinese market

>> No.72333890

Kill yourself

>> No.72333994

lol... Granted, so are most of those red MAGA hats.

>> No.72334015
Quoted by: >>72339006

Can we make the split now?

>> No.72334028
File: 7 KB, 620x52, 1689209554606653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed on most points but did you read the above update from her? i'm still not sure whether the contract did expire or not

>> No.72334225

Read the signed contract yourself. (>>72299167)
>Article 5: The term for this Agreement shall be one 1 year.

Either she is referring to the unenforceable confidentiality clause (A9), or is still subconsciously taking their word for it.

>> No.72334250

I'm typing out the text of the contract (from LM's stream) at the moment. The length of the contract is one year from signing (15 Sep 2022). The length of the confidentiality clause was three years, however.

>> No.72334294

Doesn't matter. One talent's "dude trust me" isn't newsworthy anyway, even if >we had a name to put to it. It's about as valuable as anon's "dude trust me".
Even if we assume that Serafi is somehow not truthful (which she has reason to, let's be real), V&U themselves corroborated a good chunk of her story. It makes no sense for both of them to lie about the same things even though I'm pretty sure the contract said 1 year, not 3, and both of their statements said it was a 3-year contract, so anything where they agree can be considered true.

>> No.72334655 [DELETED] 

We have it in writing that it isn't true (or again, they are both referring to A9, and for some strange reason no one has used that wording). I think the most likely thing is they have lied to Serafi so many times that she believes it, and perhaps her lawyer didn't bring up that point to her after the $450K sticker shock.

And again, all rrats are "dude trust me", that have, at best, hypothetically circumstantial evidence to back them up. That's why they are linked to the RRATS anchor and not the NEWS anchor. That is why it exists. (For example >>72132762 and 72140702.) Rumor rats.

>> No.72334760

We have it in writing that it isn't true (or again, they are both referring to A9, and for some strange reason no one has used that wording). I think the most likely thing is they have lied to Serafi so many times that she believes it, and perhaps her lawyer didn't bring up that point to her after the $450K sticker shock.

And again, all rrats are "dude trust me", that have, at best, hypothetically circumstantial evidence to back them up. That's why they are linked to the RRATS anchor and not the NEWS anchor. That is why it exists. (For example >>72132762 and >>72140702.) Rumor rats.

Not that we aren't flooding /news/ with discussion at this point.

>> No.72335099 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 900x1276, -----.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doki's sponsored APEX video has premiered!
Doki also hints that more exciting news is on its way to her and her fans.>https://twitter.com/dokibird/status/1772730538480017586

>> No.72335222
File: 164 KB, 900x1276, -----.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72335790

>Doki's sponsored APEX video has premiered!
Doki also hints that more exciting news is on its way to her and her fans.

>> No.72335447

Here's the V&U contract:

referred to as "Broadcaster" as a broadcasting service provider) hereby agree that Broadcaster shall provide service activities on the business channels operated by Company under the following terms and conditions.

Article 1 (Broadcaster's Work)

Broadcaster shall perform high-quality character performance and activities as Vtuber in accordance with the Company's request or with mutually agreed content, schedule, terms, and conditions. The duties of Broadcaster under this Agreement shall include activities, such as vocals, broadcasting content planning, business consultations for broadcasting purpose, and attending meetings for business.

Article 2 (Broadcasting)

Broadcaster shall broadcast for at least three 3 days a week and at least 2 hours during one broadcasting performance and shall write at least three 3 posts per week having agreed quality or better to upload on SNS and otherwise. In connection with the foregoing, Company and Broadcaster may adjust the frequency and time through monthly consultations, but if the consultation does not proceed due to any circumstances, it will be decided to proceed as the previous consultation matters or broadcasting matters. Broadcaster, with regard to the above consultation, may present and discuss his/her own various practical opinion to Company, but the final judgment and decisions shall be made by Company, and Broadcaster shall respect and follow as far as the decision is reasonable.

Broadcaster shall not slander Company or employees of it, with any reason or purpose, and other broadcasters of Company in carrying out activities in this Agreement, and particularly it is strictly prohibited to use Company's assets and rights stipulated in Article 3 for personal or private purposes other than performing contractual activities.

Broadcaster shall be strictly prohibited from making political, racial, hateful, sexual, or provocative remarks or actions in broadcasting activities. Broadcaster shall share all the schedules and contents related to activities with Company based on the nature of the broadcasting. Broadcasting with schedules and contents that are not notified to Company is strictly prohibited, and Broadcaster shall bear all the responsibilities for any problems or claims that may adversely affect Company's business or cause tangible or intangible losses and shall keep and hold Company indemnified and harmless.

Article 3 (Company's Assets and Rights)

Company shall reserve the right to ownership, use rights, and business rights of all productions (including but not limited to various characters) produced, secured, or used by Company. Company also shall reserve all the rights to all accounts necessary for broadcasting using them. Broadcaster merely have the right to use the above rights and assets provided or held by Company for broadcasting purpose on a limited basis, and in any case, Broadcaster shall not restrict access to the account, block, close, disclose, or link other account without the prior written permission or consent from Company. It is strictly forbidden to change the account ID, password, or email address without the prior written permission or consent of the Company. On the other hand, even if changes are made with prior permission or consent, Broadcaster shall notify Company of such changes and otherwise, and inform Company in detail of the progress when receiving a request for disclosure or sharing from Company.

Article 4 (Business Communication with Corresponding Manager)

If Broadcaster wishes to communicate with people inside or outside Company about content that is directly related to activities under this Agreement, affects the contractual activities, or may affect the business and reputation of Company, Broadcaster shall inform to and discuss the related purpose and matters with the corresponding manager in charge in Company in advance. Broadcaster shall be responsible for any friction, conflict and dispute with internal and external parties arising from the violation of this obligations and take strict responsibilities for losses and damages in Company's business therefrom.

>> No.72335491

Article 5 (Term, Termination, and Change to Exclusive Contract)

The term of this Agreement shall be one 1 year. However, fifteen 15 days prior to four 4 months after the execution of this Agreement. Company may conduct a service evaluation on Broadcaster's sincerity, talent and growth potential based on the work performance as Broadcaster, and as a result, if it is difficult for Company to further collaborate with Broadcaster as a Vtuber, or if it is difficult for Broadcaster to continue broadcasting due to company's own circumstances, either Company or Broadcaster may terminate this Agreement at its own discretion, and either party shall not raise any objections thereto against the other party.

Even before the expiration of this Agreement, Company may terminate this Agreement in consultation with Broadcaster and execute a brand-new exclusive service agreement with Broadcaster regarding Vtuber activities. The terms and conditions of the exclusive service agreement are determined through separate mutual consultation, but, in any case, it will be more advantageous monetarily for Broadcaster than those in this Agreement.

Article 6 (Service Activity Fees and Incentives After Expiration of Period)

Company shall pay USD 500 per month as an activity fee at the end of each month in exchange for Broadcaster's sincere activities in this Agreement, but USD 2,500 for the fourth month. The monthly activity fee after the fourth month shall be determined through mutual consultation between the parties.

Article 7 (Nature of Agreement)

This Agreement shall not be a labor or employment contract between Company and Broadcaster, whereas it is a special service providing Agreement for which Broadcaster performs and completes the tasks agreed between the parties or requested by Company autonomously, creatively and faithfully in accordance with this Agreement and the Vtuber market practice.

Article 8 (Cancellation of Termination of Agreement)

If this Agreement is canceled or terminated by Company due to Broadcaster's fault or non-fulfillment of the Agreement other than the reasons for expiration, cancellation, or termination of the Agreement stipulated above, Broadcaster shall compensate Company for the paid-up amount in accordance with this Agreement, direct expenses incurred for the performance of the Vtuber work, replacement personnel input costs, and damages. If Company's damages cannot be easily calculated or proven by Company, Broadcaster shall compensate to Company, at Company's option, within five 5 times the amount in this Agreement received by Broadcaster.

Article 9 (Prohibition of Competition and Confidentiality)

During the term of this Agreement, Broadcaster shall not have a qualitative and quantitative adverse effect on the work under this Agreement in the form of a contract(s) similar to this Agreement or a contract related to Vtuber activities (Vtuber entertainment service providing contract, Vtuber entertainment service providing arrangement contract, exclusive contract, and etc.) with a third party without the prior written consent of Company, and shall not engage in employment, service, bypass or cooperation with or in any relationship with competitors of Company in any matters.

Broadcaster shall not disclose business progress, business methods, and business-related activities with Company in a manner other than the purpose of the contractual activities and shall not disclose to any parties or use all information learned while working for Company, internal activities, and the business status of Company without the prior consent from Company. Obligations in this Article shall survive three 3 years after the expiration or termination of this Agreement.

Article 10 (Governing Law, Jurisdiction and Standard Agreement)

The governing law of this Agreement shall be Korean law, and the any dispute shall be resolved by commercial arbitration at the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board in Seoul, Korea in accordance with its then effective arbitral rules. The contents of the relevant standard contract recommended by the relevant authority of the Korean government may also be referred to in the interpretation of this Agreement as far as it is appropriate and necessary.

Article 11 (Other)

The parties to this Agreement may agree on matters not stipulated in this Agreement in separate writing.

September 15, 2022

Metaro Co., Ltd.:
6F, 47, Yeonnam-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul (Youngjin Building)
Representative: Park Il-ho (stamp and/or signature)

>> No.72335790
Quoted by: >>72335909

That goes in news, not stonks' anchor.

>> No.72335909
Quoted by: >>72336684

Post about Merch, Stocks, Sponsorships, Markets, Economics, and Business

>> No.72336003

I am oddly not seeing a thread in the catalog about this, and it isn't the sort of thing to be brought up in a fan's general, so maybe someone should make a thread so it doesn't have to be discussed in /news/.

I've gotta head out, but if there isn't one when I get back, maybe I'll do it, though I'd have to research Serafi's new statement first.

>> No.72336684

I thought it was just for nasfaq shenanigans.

>> No.72336765
File: 757 KB, 3200x3200, F2gf4ZqaoAAeIWj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72336827

thank you for the news

>> No.72336827

No problem. Thanks for stopping by.

>> No.72338783

>Shiranui Kensetsu manga.
There was a manga? Is it translated?

>> No.72338948

>Is it translated?

>> No.72339006
Quoted by: >>72339335

Has it been two weeks already?
/tabloid/ might get a go if not killed by the jannies, this thread seems very self sustaining so far

>> No.72339063
Quoted by: >>72347769

For when you make that thread, and also for /news/ in general: the public statement and documents on the issue.
>Hiatus notice from V&U
>Termination announcement from V&U
>Termination notice from V&U
>Refund notice from V&U
>Statement from alien_mixture re: above
>Serafi's contract with V&U
>Full account of ~$450k invoice
On his stream discussing Serafi's contract with V&U, Legal Mindset stated that he was going release the whole invoice (with PI redacted) after his next stream, which will also discuss the invoice in more depth.

>> No.72339335

Has it been two weeks already?
I think it has been.
Also, this is coming from the person who made the Rrat anchor in the first place. I am willing to prop up /tabloid/ at the cost of my sanity as long as rrats are no longer posted here in /news/.

>> No.72339337

holoX one has official translation and release I believe

>> No.72339723
Quoted by: >>72340047

>Also, this is coming from the person who made the Rrat anchor in the first place. I am willing to prop up /tabloid/ at the cost of my sanity as long as rrats are no longer posted here in /news/.

go ahead, and lets hope janies do not murder it
what would be a good name for such publication?

>> No.72340047

Here's the thing though: I am not a breadmaker. So if a thread were to be made, someone else has to do it. I mean I could give it a try(breadmaking) but I don't know where to start.

>> No.72340097
Quoted by: >>72340327

I hid the rrat anchor, 4chanX does the rest, I have no idea what you mean.

>> No.72340327
Quoted by: >>72340453

Yeah, but we have retards(or just one retard) in this thread straight up copying and pasting shitty bait from the [Catalog] and I want to get rid of that.

>> No.72340453

and what would /tabloid/ imply? also the name is too long /tbld/ is better.

>> No.72340665
Quoted by: >>72340748

>what would /tabloid/ imply?
Posting shitty bait from the [Catalog], gossip, rumors, and rrats.

>> No.72340748

oh, I see.

>> No.72340962
Quoted by: >>72342457

i don't really understand why you would need to go through the effort of making a containment thread, just remove the anchor and clearly denote the offending posts as off-topic then report and ignore them when they happen.

>> No.72341909

No, We dont need anymore generals.
New Generals are being made almost daily now, to the point where its overwhelming the board. Most of them are just combinations of other generals or an exscuse for anons to play discord on an imageboard.
The last think anyone eants is for vt to become like /vg/

>> No.72342457

>First off
As I stated before in past threads. The Rrat anchor was made to separate well rrats from the news anchor. It was sort of a way to contain them but now they have broken containment.
>Second point
Rrats were going to be posted regardless. It's the sad truth.
>Third point
Jannies aren't going to do shit.

But maybe you are right in some way. What if instead of creating a containment thread, we make a rule that you can't straight-up copy and paste shitty bait from the [Catalog]?

>> No.72342811

There's nothing wrong with new generals. Old generals which can't keep up can combine or die. The more generals there are, the less space there is for shitty catalog bait.

>> No.72342915
Quoted by: >>72343458

>The last think anyone eants is for vt to become like /vg/
/vt/ should be destroyed and replaced with /vtg/

>> No.72343373
File: 209 KB, 220x174, look up global garden project on the vt archives.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The last think anyone eants is for vt to become like /vg/

does he knows?

>> No.72343458
Quoted by: >>72343528

You mean become even worse and filled with schizos?

>> No.72343528
Quoted by: >>72345036

no catalog bait means the end of the easy (you) era

>> No.72343705

the way i see it only the previous thread got shit up significantly and maliciously. not only does maintaining a containment thread require effort, shitposting does too. what i would personally do is just pretend it never happened and keep on incentivizing positive contributions with attention.

i'm not an important contributor to /news/ mostly just a lurker, but from experience from my general the real enemy isn't raids and shitposting - it's burnout. maintaining the energy for positive contributions and enthusiasm is most important. also just generally i'm pretty spiteful and i don't like seeing people concede ground to malicious actors.

>> No.72343714
Quoted by: >>72343846

>What if instead of creating a containment thread, we make a rule that you can't straight-up copy and paste shitty bait from the [Catalog]?
That can be a fine line divided by opinion. The /news/ thread isn't moving so fast that it's out of control, and folks in a rush are only going to look at the anchors, which most people doing that sort of thing flippantly won't bother to link back to.

Plus the catalog eventually archives, so copy/pasting from the catalog is often better than simply linking.

>> No.72343846 [DELETED] 

I'm not talking about links that's fine. I'm talking about the picture posts.

>> No.72344047
File: 39 KB, 638x426, 1701895886004207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72344226

Niji stocks are falling, as always

>> No.72344226
Quoted by: >>72345592

that's nothing. Not newsworthy, it's not a -30%

>> No.72344709

Anyone who genuinely thinks this is a good idea hasn't spent a day on the shithole that is /vg/ I

>> No.72344806
Quoted by: >>72345129

/vg/ is a shithole for sure, but compare it to /v/

>> No.72344872
File: 212 KB, 460x215, brekkie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small update regarding Holo x Break:
Seems like it won't have online coop on launch perhaps? If you check the steam page atm: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2719150/Holo_X_Break/
You'll see that the online coop store category label got removed and it now says "Up to 4 players local with online in an upcoming update" (Feel free to check wayback machine to see the difference)
According to steamdb, looks like the change was made sometime yesterday. Kay, nor the holocure twitter hasn't said anything atm, but I assume a notice would go out maybe a day before/on the day of launch perhaps.

>> No.72344952

/vg/ is a shithole but a necessary one because look at /v/ lmao

>> No.72344998

probably they tried something like rollback and it exploded

>> No.72345036

Eh, anyone who thinks this hasn't spent time in any of the bigger /vt/ generals. It's extremely easy to farm (you)s in any of them.

>> No.72345129
Quoted by: >>72345437

/v/ despite its current state still has the occasional thread with really good discussion.
/vg/ generals are almost always completely off topic to the thread's topic, and devolve into avatar fagging and eceleb seethe.
This place would be much worse if it became a general board.

>> No.72345437

you are not taking into account this board is the stepchild of cosplay and we have psychotic women like orc schizo using the catalog as a propaganda tool.
Everything in this board is deeply personal, avatar fagging and eceleb seethe are core features of this board, not bugs.

True reform would involve sending all western vtubers to trash but that was tried before and its consequences still plague us to this day

>> No.72345592

I mean they’re down by nearly 40% from where they were before the Selen Controversy.
Does that count?

>> No.72346929
Quoted by: >>72347279

Impressive work, positive and getting people collaborating.

>> No.72347279
Quoted by: >>72347540

we are all united by the collective agreement that no one wants to read the catalog

>> No.72347540
Quoted by: >>72347852

the issue is, if no one wants to read the catalog, who gathers the information?
remember to say thanks to the brave souls that go there to help.

>> No.72347769

Thanks, done.

V&U's Amano Serafi conversations go:

>> No.72347852
File: 944 KB, 700x979, 1683590671019059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who gathers the information?
war corresponsals or wartamelons as they prefer to be called
they are the unsung heroes

>> No.72350054


>> No.72350434
File: 185 KB, 322x315, Cheers 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless the Watamelon farmers. Hope the harvest never ends.

>> No.72351446

>The more generals there are, the less space there is for shitty catalog bait.
what threads do you think die from more and more generals being made? do you actually think some idiot will go
>damn, board seems kinda full seems there is no space for my gura is a lazy whore thread so i won't post it i guess
we reached a critical mass of generals, the threads dying to newer generals aren't bait threads anymore, its other generals

>> No.72351533
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, RDT_20240327_0931058754540362671288663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese award show pulls out a giant screen so vtubers could accept awards in person. Hololive girls accept play buttons with their names on it. Tsukino Mito's name is not on hers.
18:25 is Mito, 24:50 for Koyori, 35:00 for Laplus

>> No.72352144

Not like that, but with many generals, bait and catalogslop would die quicker.

>> No.72352310

>damn, board seems kinda full seems there is no space for my gura is a lazy whore thread so i won't post it i guess
He'll still make the thread, but it'll die off faster since it'll get to page 10 faster.
If your general can't get enough posts to the point where it's dying to low effort 10-post catalog threads, it's probably already dead or a glorified image dump and should merge anyway. Generals which are mostly just "bump" "bump" "bump" are already living on borrowed time.

>> No.72352654

Signups for vgtc are open! I openly invite all gens to sign on in...before the 40 slots run out.


>> No.72353076
File: 36 KB, 624x315, 1709084486293113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunch time
both Anycolor and Cover are positive now (+22yen for both)

>> No.72353731

sad, but multiplayer is always a pain in the ass, there is always steamplay to play with friends if everything else fails

>> No.72354362

>spamming redunant splits and dozens of gimmicky image dump generals is a better alternative to threads with actual discussion
Only newfags want this. Generals got banned on some boards for a reason.

>> No.72354641


>> No.72354708

the thing is, this isnt like other boards.
This is more akin to biz, there is an economic incentive to shit on this board, as the niji sisters have proven over and over
Company shills roam over the catalog, some paid, some free, some mods. Sectorizing and containing deprives them of their power.
Same goes for dedicated antis. You cant shit every chuuba in every general but you can shit on her in the catalog and maybe you will find other bloodhound schizos thirsty for blood

>> No.72355057
Quoted by: >>72356071

Let me remind you everything you accuse one side of practicing also applies to "your" side. But you turn a blind eye on it.

>> No.72355291

Threads with actual discussion are extremely rare on the catalog due to how easy it is to samefag on a board with no flags or IDs. And because the catalog is mostly full of shitposters and dramafags who don't watch streams, you get people "discussing" YouTube clip thumbnails and Twitter screencaps.

>> No.72355418
Quoted by: >>72355662

catalog bait gets bumped more than slow generals
it's bait for a reason

>> No.72355662

As someone who routinely watches page 10 of the catalog, you'd be surprised how many bait threads float around page 10 and need to be bumped repeatedly by the OP trying to save the thread until it's SEA hours and then schizos organically bump the thread until 310.

>> No.72356071

ah, but you see, no one pays people to shit on niji
this is a holoboard

>> No.72357892

If tribalfaggotry is your main argument then you're just as bad, if not worse than these bait threads you are advocating against

>the thing is, this place isn't like other boards

is complete bullshit, a large chunk of /vt/'s culture comes from other boards like /tv/, /a/, and especially /pw/. Corpos wars and tribal faggotry are a mirror of the old /v/ console wars, and even the obssesion with numbers and ecelebs is taken from from some of the oldest anime and gaming generals on the site.

If anything /vt/ is like a melting pot of several board cultures.

>> No.72357928
File: 137 KB, 1920x1080, GJN5rRTXQAAwCCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Small Corpo News

Socks Agency has closed their auditions and picked out their talents according to a recent tweet.


This information
>disproves the previous theory of their first wave only having one talent
>Shows efficiency inside of the company
>How soon will we have debuts from this Agency?

COO will also read the entire Agency TOS as a shitpost ASMR for reaching 1k followers.


>Will this ASMR give us a look into the companies internal standards in plans?

>>72288531 ANCHOR

>> No.72358233
File: 59 KB, 601x358, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72358391

>disproves the previous theory of their first wave only having one talent
Their first debut will only have one talent though. I don't know if they'll treat later debuts as the same wave/gen/whatever but they're starting off with only one talent.

>> No.72358391
File: 43 KB, 510x635, Holding_Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72358555

Oh, I didn't see this. My bad.
Honestly I think this is a good route, put some feelers out with 1 before dropping more.

>> No.72358555

I'm hoping that starting with only 1 talent means that she's been vetted as hag prime and they're very confident in her but only time will tell.

>> No.72358716

To add a bit of history, at least in /a/, before the generals were a thing, there were threads or thread chains set up for currently airing (in Japanese TV) episodes and a little post-episode discussion until the thread dies. These are called livewatching threads. If /vt/ is to operate this way, there would be livewatching threads whenever a top corpo or large indie vtuber is streaming.

It's an interesting thought experiment to imagine how threads would live or die depending on how interesting the stream would be. Imagine the intense butthurt whenever Holo and Niji start their overlapping streams at JP and EN prime times and their livewatching threads kill other threads due to sheer numbers. Think about it: a season has around 20 series airing spread over the week, that is dwarfed by the number of streams every day.

Now, imagine how some of these threads would exist even after the vtuber ends stream and posts are just discussions about their oshi. Similarly, in /a/, some series would generate so much hype that post-episode discussion would persist days after it aired and days after the subs are out. These were the so-called specula thread which evolved into general threads because the discussion is not just speculation on future events (very obvious when the series has already ended, but was also frequently argued with regards to adaptations and slice-of-life).

At this point, it seems that generals for corpos make sense as containment to not let /vt/ get hogged by the top corpo talents or units. If there are hundreds of anime every season, /a/ would be having generals on animation studios instead of the series. Still, it seems futile as splits happen and top talents and units get their own generals. It's funny how the evolution of board behavior of /vt/ and /a/ still converges.

>> No.72359235

Developing their own talents feels like the traditional employee-like corpo but their partnership with Kawa as well as them making fun of abusive corpo practices suggest they could be another talent freedom agency with a merch focus like MSM and 3am.

>> No.72361210
File: 41 KB, 790x331, chrome_VxLFdmEDDJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72362543

>black kpop company
>black vtuber company

>> No.72361358
Quoted by: >>72361597

Smol-Ame poster where are you...

>> No.72361597
File: 559 KB, 890x800, Camping Time.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72361705

I'm alive. I had to put out some fires.
Round-up shortly.

>> No.72361705
File: 1.34 MB, 674x674, Doki_YIPEE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72362323
File: 465 KB, 1575x1155, crossword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad can i see the funnies if you're done with it?
>what's on TV tonight?
>anything cool showing at the cinemas this weekend?

>> No.72362385
File: 23 KB, 429x147, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick indie news before the round up.

>BriAtCookiebox (formerly known as Cheri Lupina from black corpo VReverie) mom is going to debut as a vtuber.

Is the true hag finally rising from the shadows?

>> No.72362442
File: 100 KB, 1079x1079, GGwzbLmWoAAgHi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to anchor.


>> No.72362543

Someone brought this up before, and I'm not sure what this means other than tying V&U to the scum that is SM entertainment. I suppose it gives their legal threats a little more weight. (Even if there's no winning that case regardless of the size of your legal team.)

Linking you to Kuro anyways: >>72289290

>> No.72362652
Quoted by: >>72362699

>Cheri Lupina
I though she was a zoomer but I guess I only saw her YT shorts

>> No.72362689
Quoted by: >>72362961

Damn that's adorable.

We have sisters, we have mom and daughter, threats of daughter and father... How long before we get a whole family of vtubers and we end up watching their daily drama like a reality TV show?

>> No.72362699
File: 23 KB, 345x345, GIpexpZWEAAsb4R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72364862

No she is. This is her actual mom debuting.

>> No.72362961


>> No.72363032

This shit is hilarious. On Yahoo, some Niji-Stockholders are blaming Holo-Stockholders and Holofans for some reason. And they apparently, know about Hex's goldfish yab, Suisei anti, and the Kotoka got Mel terminated rrat. LMAOOOOOO! What the fuck is going on there?

>> No.72363102

Can barely imagine all those nicely suited ojisans furiously clacking away on either their smartphone or their business notepads

>> No.72363194

Yeah the board is going NUTS right now, it's turned into /tabloid/ with rrats running everywhere

>> No.72363502 [DELETED] 
File: 200 KB, 700x770, News Time [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0r1170.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72363586

Here's the news round-up for today.

>Marine releases a new original son in collaboration with FAKE TYPE
>Zeta reveals new assets and debuts a new chibi model, as part of her Anniversary celebration.
>Gura releases merch.
>HoloXBreak will NOT have online Co-Op on release, but it is intended to have it in the future.

>VALZ, a NijiJP unit, will be releasing their first mini-album on 6/5
>Nui Sociere, NijiJP Sex Icon, gets a new outfit
>Ike, Shu, and Doppio have a series of collab cafes throughout China, from 3/21 to 4/28
>Alban will appear at ColorFiesta, a Vietnamese Artist Alley, on 4/14
>NijiEN collab with Code Geass debuts merch of NijiEN talents dressed in Geass-inspired outfits.
>Doppio and Fulgur will have a panel at Virtual Rhapsody on 4/5
>Shu, Luca, Uki, and Sonny will have a concert at Virtual Rhapsody on 4/27
>Ike, Alban, Luca, and Shu will be getting figures.
>Ike, Luca, and Shu Nendoroids annoucned.
>Ethyria and Krisis will be getting PalVerse Palé releases.

Small Corpos
>Virtual Witch Phenomenon, a JP vsinger group, releases a new MV on 3/27 @ 6p ET.
>VEE, a JP group under Sony Music, announces the graduation of Yurikawa Yun. She will transition to being independent going forward.
>Socks Agency announces that auditions are closed.

>Dokibird gets an APEX Sponsorship.
>alien_mixture, formerly Amano Serafi of V&U, releases a statement regarding V&U's claims against her.
>3am, a well-known indie circle, will be hosting a coffee truck at Weebcon.
>MSM Talent will be hosting a virtual Meet & Greet at Weebcon.
>Kiki Pyon-Pyon, local bunny vtuber, debuted her 3D Model on 3/26.
>The mother of BriAtCookiebox (formerly Cheri Lupina of VReverie) announces that she intends to debut as a vtuber on 4/4 @ 9p ET.

>Uwumarket, a vtuber merch company, will be hosting "uwuland" at Weebcon.

>/fig/ holds voting over whether Beat-'em-ups should be considered under /fig/.
>Soul Calibur tournament to be hosted by /fig/. Setup is progressing smoothly.

>CORRECTION: A previous round-up misworded a statement regarding Amano Serafi's termination notice. It was implied by poor phrasing that V&U stated the $450k figure themselves in the termination notice. This is not the case. It has already been corrected in the last OP, but is included here for consistency.

>> No.72363586 [DELETED] 

Based Smol-Ame poster. The G.O.A.T. of /news/!

>> No.72363618
File: 200 KB, 700x770, News Time [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0r1170.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the news round-up for today.
Forgot a piece of news

>Marine releases a new original son in collaboration with FAKE TYPE
>Zeta reveals new assets and debuts a new chibi model, as part of her Anniversary celebration.
>Gura releases merch.
>HoloXBreak will NOT have online Co-Op on release, but it is intended to have it in the future.

>VALZ, a NijiJP unit, will be releasing their first mini-album on 6/5
>Nui Sociere, NijiJP Sex Icon, gets a new outfit
>Ike, Shu, and Doppio have a series of collab cafes throughout China, from 3/21 to 4/28
>Alban will appear at ColorFiesta, a Vietnamese Artist Alley, on 4/14
>NijiEN collab with Code Geass debuts merch of NijiEN talents dressed in Geass-inspired outfits.
>Doppio and Fulgur will have a panel at Virtual Rhapsody on 4/5
>Shu, Luca, Uki, and Sonny will have a concert at Virtual Rhapsody on 4/27
>Ike, Alban, Luca, and Shu will be getting figures.
>Ike, Luca, and Shu Nendoroids annoucned.
>Ethyria and Krisis will be getting PalVerse Palé releases.

Small Corpos
>Virtual Witch Phenomenon, a JP vsinger group, releases a new MV on 3/27 @ 6p ET.
>VEE, a JP group under Sony Music, announces the graduation of Yurikawa Yun. She will transition to being independent going forward.
>Socks Agency announces that auditions are closed.

>Dokibird gets an APEX Sponsorship.
>alien_mixture, formerly Amano Serafi of V&U, releases a statement regarding V&U's claims against her.
>3am, a well-known indie circle, will be hosting a coffee truck at Weebcon.
>MSM Talent will be hosting a virtual Meet & Greet at Weebcon.
>Kiki Pyon-Pyon, local bunny vtuber, debuted her 3D Model on 3/26.
>The mother of BriAtCookiebox (formerly Cheri Lupina of VReverie) announces that she intends to debut as a vtuber on 4/4 @ 9p ET.

>Uwumarket, a vtuber merch company, will be hosting "uwuland" at Weebcon.

>/fig/ holds voting over whether Beat-'em-ups should be considered under /fig/.
>Soul Calibur tournament to be hosted by /fig/. Setup is progressing smoothly.
>The previously announced VGTC opened sign-ups today. The organizer mistakenly put up a form's edit link instead of the actual link, but addressed it quickly.

>CORRECTION: A previous round-up misworded a statement regarding Amano Serafi's termination notice. It was implied by poor phrasing that V&U stated the $450k figure themselves in the termination notice. This is not the case. It has already been corrected in the last OP, but is included here for consistency.

>> No.72363649

Thanks smol ame anchor!

>> No.72363653

Based Smol-Ame poster. The G.O.A.T. of /news/!

>> No.72363762
File: 173 KB, 1280x2048, 1711333781245706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 corrections on here.
>Marine's song is an alternate version with the release of FAKE TYPE.'s new song. The original is sung by Hatsune Miku and was released on the same day. (also typo)
>Socks Agency did not announce that their auditions were closed, that happened a while ago. They announced that their auditions were complete and they selected talents.

>> No.72364511

So, any breadmakers?

>> No.72364862


>> No.72364960

Wait is her mom actually debuting as her own independent vtuber or does she just mean she's going to show up on stream for the first time?

>> No.72365004
File: 55 KB, 660x660, GIuxlQWW8AE7Rsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an independent, she already shows up on stream from time to time

>> No.72365057
Quoted by: >>72365321

I guess I'll bake.

>> No.72365290

Independent. She already has a YT channel where she has posted some cute paper cutout DnD storytime videos. Her chuuba model will be rigged by Bri since she's a rigger

>> No.72365321


>> No.72365439
Quoted by: >>72365489

>Go to /vt/ for feedback
>Everyone is just lusting after your mom

>> No.72365489

Don't you love the internet?

>> No.72365503
Quoted by: >>72365561

New Issue
That'll be 2pence, sir.

>> No.72365561

Thanks breadmaker!
