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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71103374 No.71103374 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all of your fanfiction needs and desires. Check the archives below for everything the thread has put out so far, ranging from SFW to NSFW, fluff to tragedy, small literary works and shitposts alike!

Collective works so far are available in the archive:

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>70952523
(Where we talked about ignominious instincts with an indecent imp, subtle hints for WIPs, a KanaCoco Throuple, and of course, NTR.)

>> No.71103422
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Story Anchor
Post em if you got em

>> No.71103463
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.71103513
File: 253 KB, 756x1280, 91425788_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story Recap, there was one story posted last thread

CM Shion and Flare >>71030339
Tags: Wedgie, Baseball, Flare, Shion

>> No.71104880

Sora, my beloved...

>> No.71106192
File: 120 KB, 850x1202, sample_2c18089b1a4ff0f1369ca092e0a5c6ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay alive

>> No.71106504

Just wrote a very short /ss/ fic about Kronii x Sally son on a dead thread. Its my first time writting so I need advices on whats a good way to start a story. I can post the short fic here if you guys want.

Also Time(s)mutt anon if youre here. This is all your fault.

>> No.71106549
Quoted by: >>71106965

That sounds incredibly unhinged and inappropriate. Post it.

>> No.71106645

For the usual format here, I'd recommend the first Witcher book Sword of Destiny. It's all short stories.

>> No.71106965

Here you go.

Few years has passed...

Sally : Son where are you!! I gotta leave right now.

Kronii : He's in my room with me Sally. He trip over and scapped his knee by accident.

Sally : Oh my poor boy! Can I take look.

Kronii : Oh dont need to! Im taking care of him. Also dont you have an flight to catch?

Sally : Ah you're right! Buh-bye baby. Mommy and daddy love you! Dont forget to brush your teeth before you sleep. Also thanks for taking care of my son while im gone to this stupid business trip with my husband. Love you too! Bye bye

Kronii : Bye...

Meanwhile on the otherside of the room...

Sally son : Uaahhhh your tits are so soft aunty

Kronii : hehe..I know how much you love it when aunty squeeze her tits around your dick. Your mommy and daddy wont be back for while. So you know whats gonna happen?

Sally son : Sex for the entire day...?!

Kronii : Wrong.

Kronii leans closer to the young boy ear...

Kronii : For the whole week...

Thats pretty much it. I wanna continue it, but im very new to writing so i need some advice on how to start this story and what kind of writting setting i should do. Also some suggestions on what kind of degenerate things they gonna do for the entire week would also be nice. Please do note im ESL as fuck so its gonna be a bit hard for me

>> No.71107601

I like that you wrote it like a film or theatre script.

>> No.71108702

There's an, admittedly very small but still non-zero, chance that Kronii could end up seeing this. I think you should consider that before writing a story about her having sex with her best friend's actual real life child.

>> No.71108728

I want to plap Sora respectfully

>> No.71109641
File: 96 KB, 576x560, {{{uruha rushia}}},{artist_meme50,artist_rurudo},1girl,1boy,{nsfw,desk,sex from s-2362487118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More AI generated images based on the fics I read today

>Absolutely Annihilating Ayame's Anus
>Towa At It Again
>Rushia NTR

Rushia one hits different now that we all know it actaully happened irl

>> No.71109711

Ayame one is god-tier.

>> No.71109939
File: 248 KB, 608x597, tasoSEETHE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A Daring Odyssey - Prologue
Tags: Kanata, Towa, SFW, short, idk what goes in here desu

I know I'm not supposed to start a series as my first works (and my writing is still subpar anyway) but ehh, better to post it here rather than not. Anyhow, suggestions are welcomed!

>> No.71110220

My right side of brain says youre right, I should not write this fic. My left side of the brains says, the situation is so fresh which makes it even hotter. The fact that Kronii might be here means she might turn into the perfect shota loving hag.

But youre right. Ill write this later. In the meantime, im gonna go read bunch of sample fic to make my writting better. Wish me luck anon

>> No.71111600
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Page 10 bump, would like to express my love for Kanata

>> No.71111777
Quoted by: >>71117340

It's kinda short to say anything about, especially since we don't know what exactly Towa is doing.

>> No.71112222

>Writing this fic could lead to me getting arrested by the chuuba, or having her schlick to it.

>> No.71112954
Quoted by: >>71117340

You probably should have held off from releasing until you at least had the full first chapter ready anon.
Like, the concept is interesting enough that I'd give the next few chapters a try but outside of that there's not much to say.
>Rushia NTR
I'd say this needs to have more streaming equipment on the table but I take it you're just using pure SD generation and aren't inpainting in anything.

>> No.71113775


>> No.71113981

I like that they're enjoying themselves. Especially Ru

>> No.71114405
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Quoted by: >>71114640

narrowly surviving a dangerous extraction as an aircraft pilot and your gunner deciding she wants to have a fun night to celebratei mean sex. sweaty smelly hag lion sex

>> No.71114640
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I like how you think.

>> No.71115340
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Quoted by: >>71116057

>Also Time(s)mutt anon if youre here. This is all your fault.

>> No.71115444

god I hope you don't read any of my fics so I don't have to live with someone ai generating an image for it

>> No.71115802

Cute tsundere writer

>> No.71116057
Quoted by: >>71116346

Fuck you :( Also any word of advice for my ss fic?

>> No.71116346
Quoted by: >>71116706

Hard to give advice when it's so short, it needs a lot more time in the oven. I'm also kinda shit at advising in the first place.
The way I got started writing smut was just by reading shitloads of smut fics, h-manga, and eroge, then attempting to copy the style into whatever scenario I came up with.
Also, I know you said you're ESL, so that means you have to work double on your spelling and grammar.
Good luck, aspiring author.

>> No.71116706

Figures that reading is the only way to improve writting. Thank you life ruining anon. Hope you write more degenerate stuff

>> No.71117340
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>we don't know what Towa is doing
Ehh it's kinda the whole thing, i don't want to delve into the details too much at that point, but fair enough.

I was planning to post the first chapter along with the prologue, but I forgot to save the first chapter's draft and couldn't hold my ass to not post the prologue immediately kekw.

Thank you for reading anons!

>> No.71117657

God I hope he reads one of my fics so I have more wank material

>> No.71118989
Quoted by: >>71120156

Stay alive!

>> No.71120156

Write something

>> No.71120341
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But I am, anon, I am
Not the one in picrel though; it sucks ass so I'm shelving it for now

>> No.71120612
File: 274 KB, 458x406, 1676742048305538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to write over 3.5k words over the weekend, I haven't had a stretch of progress like that in a while.

>> No.71121380

My memory is shite and not in my pc at the moment. Did that Nina greentext got into the archive? im not seeing it

>> No.71121434
Quoted by: >>71121795

The archive hasn't been updated since last February.

>> No.71121795
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Quoted by: >>71122655

You meant last month, right Anon?

>> No.71122655
Quoted by: >>71123481

its been a year anon...you missed the 5 regloss fics, the one fic about that one chuuba you liked and like 2 fics about nijisanji...

>> No.71123481
Quoted by: >>71123921

Oh God, I've been Rip Van Winkled...

>> No.71123921
Quoted by: >>71124316

Yeah I’ll rip your winkle all right

>> No.71124316
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Quoted by: >>71124785


>> No.71124785

Bro I cannot get over how much of a massive dweeb Kanata is. She looks like she was on the safety patrol

>> No.71125876

This reminds me I've been curious about the idea of chastity here for a bit. Even without the usual connotations it could make for a cute femdom fic, or maybe even a comedy like this is suggesting. Prolonged denial can produce unusual thoughts and dialogue

>> No.71126638

It was anchored properly but it wasn't in a doc or anything just posted in the thread.

>> No.71126746

I am struck with an urge to write Kanatan here but I am afraid that I don't nearly know her enough. Can anyone gauge the plausibility of the outline?

Kanatan is stickler for regulations and rules, against (you), a loose cannon underclassman who makes a living smuggling shit to sell to your classmates. It is very much a daily routine of her chasing you down the hallways and
One day she catches (you) right when you attempt to sell off a valuable asset - a manga volume with a quite a bit more spice than usual - she takes it away for disposal. Over the next week you decide to take a break from smuggling. To sublimate your many issues with Kanata and with the world overall, you relentlessly tease her with the fact that she probably kept the book. She fervently denies it at first but gets quieter and quieter each day...
Then smut.

>> No.71127234

>”look, if I admit I read it, will you, um, will you like, h-help me try… some stuff from…?” she trailed off, lifting her palms helplessly.

I like your premise anon, and I would like to read what comes of it.

>> No.71127588
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This has some cute potential anon. It might be a fun idea to try and out Kanata by purposely getting caught with another dirty book for her to confiscate, one that might star a girl with similar features or even role.

>> No.71129251

Uptight, tsundere-ish Kanata sounds cute

>> No.71131166
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>> No.71131699

I don't know about uptight, but I do want tsundere Kanata to threaten to crush my balls in her grip without actually doing it.

>> No.71133558
File: 159 KB, 850x1633, kanatan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had some extra time on my lunch break so I took advantage to write some uptight school setting Kanata.
Title: "Your Classmate Kanata"
Tags: reader POV, Kanata, bullying

>> No.71134737

Holy 2003 Fanfiction.net in the Harry Potter section.

>> No.71134795
Quoted by: >>71134877

Do you want to anchor it?

>> No.71134877

Fucken ‘ell, good point

Anchoring >>71133558

>> No.71135177

>Rushia one hits different now that we all know it actaully happened irl
And because she's looking at you as if you're mafumafu

>> No.71136513

[self-deprecating joke expunged]
The urge was too strong and it overpowered my desire to finally sleep more than 5 hours. My rough start to this concept. Don't know whether or not to anchor it. Oh well.

>> No.71136803

That self-deprecation cones natural with anyone new to the proverbial pen. Well done.

>> No.71137291
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Holy shit, two cakes!
You had me in the first half, not gonna lie. I didn't know it was gonna go that way until it did. Not normally my thing, but you built it up nicely. I will say you got a little crazy with the punctuation though, some of has a very stop and go flow to it. Overall I had fun with it.
Not bad for a rough draft. For the next iteration I would recommend spacing your lines out, it'll make it easier on the eyes. Kanata in this seems to go from 60 to 0 in this. First she's running down Anon like her career depends on it, then she just kinda let's him off the hook? She also shows her hand a little too soon with how her role is causing her too much stress, especially to a delinquent she is meant to be disciplining. I think if these are story beats that will come out over time, and not necessarily in the intro, it'll be awesome. Looking forward to seeing more of this if you plan on it!

>> No.71137599
Quoted by: >>71138094

Scumbag anon learns that his roommate Kronii couldn't get with the girl she had a crush on and so decides to booze her up to finally get in her pants.

>> No.71138094
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Quoted by: >>71138702

That was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw that video

>> No.71138702
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Imagine her conflicting feelings while anon goes balls deep in her prone bone style.

>> No.71139660
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I strive to subvert

>> No.71140672
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Get up. Tell me what you're gonna do to make progress this week.

>> No.71141021
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Quoted by: >>71142247

yeah about that Suichan...im...im sorry

>> No.71141274
Quoted by: >>71142124

I like it, the build up to the wedgieing was nice even if the actual act is so unfamiliar to me that the only thing that got across is that you're into this for the humiliation aspect rather than the direct act itself.

>> No.71141334
Quoted by: >>71142247

Write more holoshorts

>> No.71142124

Thank you anon! To tell the truth, it’s for both the humiliation and inflicting pain, but in this instance it was mainly just the embarrassment and discomfort for the purpose of taking Kanata down a peg

>> No.71142247
File: 825 KB, 807x627, FlareOrdersYourDeath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as sorry as you're about to be.
Do what you love.

>> No.71143991

Lust for Kanata has overtaken wg…

>> No.71144044

not me

>> No.71144194
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Quoted by: >>71144468

You will succumb eventually

>> No.71144200
File: 170 KB, 469x351, IMG_2233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

>> No.71144363

her voice annoys me

>> No.71144431
Quoted by: >>71159835

Her fans annoy me.

>> No.71144468
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>> No.71144620

Her habit of stealing other people's boyfriends annoys me

>> No.71144634
Quoted by: >>71144717

quick! deploy the hags and the white women

>> No.71144643
File: 761 KB, 4000x1406, 1672680783728127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She may not be in my top 10, but I could be persuaded into passionate breeding with this one, especially if she has her fallen angel digs on.

>> No.71144717
File: 500 KB, 1754x1240, 1707154703952765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Request received. Now sending our finest hags to your doorstep. They are lonely, desperate for companionship, and in heat.

>> No.71144747 [SPOILER] 
File: 288 KB, 600x839, IMG_2235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to put a child in her, maybe two

>> No.71145660
File: 2.77 MB, 2480x3500, 115647504_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71150013

I've always been horny for the tenshi

>> No.71145934

I'm mapping out my story. Hopefully it looks decent by the time I'm done with it.

>> No.71147212

Hags coming up with convoluted and zany circumstances in an effort to make you impregnate them

>> No.71147921
File: 706 KB, 502x408, 1686632184296516.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote a short story called Fuwamoco's Dental Cleaning a few days ago, but it's not in the story archive.
Did I do something wrong or do I need to be patient?

>> No.71148037

Patience dental hygiene enthusiast. Archive hasn't been updated yet.

>> No.71149277

Archive hasn't been updated since feb, the anon that runs it has terminal cancer

>> No.71149543
Quoted by: >>71150113

i thought his ass exploded?

>> No.71150013
Quoted by: >>71150585

My lewd, goofy goober of a wife...

>> No.71150113

It's the type of cancer that makes your ass explode.

>> No.71150585
File: 97 KB, 850x1275, IMG_2238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71151788

Not gonna sugarcoat it

>> No.71151137

I'm gonna write!

>> No.71151788
Quoted by: >>71153659

Making God forsaken Nephilim with Kanata!

>> No.71153659

Women with wings make me so damn hard, and her voice is just so… ahh!! I would gladly create an affront to God with her!!!

>> No.71154058
Quoted by: >>71158002

Bullshit, he died in Tel Aviv, Ukraine.

>> No.71157108
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>> No.71158002

funnily enough there's a village in Ukraine called New York.

>> No.71159835

Tenshi sex tho, would spitroast (me on the front part)

>> No.71159875

I like pretty women, period.
And...you happen to be one.

>> No.71160451

Auntie's Little Secret, forma de relos

>> No.71163081
Quoted by: >>71165766

A sweet and wholesome Kanata slow-burn romance. Bonus points for her denying that she's falling in love "with a man."

>> No.71163148
Quoted by: >>71166465

I take it the holoslavia tank side story isn't doing too good.

>> No.71165766

Correcting Kanata's extremist view on men!

>> No.71166465
Quoted by: >>71170561

tldr I underestimated just how much research I needed to do to write a realistic tank story without resorting to overplayed movie tropes. That, and I had a hard time characterizing all the chuubas involved properly. I'm rather burned out on it.
My plan now is to focus on writing Pale Blue Part II Side B, then go back to this story or Operation Nimrod afterward.

>> No.71167111
Quoted by: >>71180564

Thanks for feedback! This draft was more of an attempt to hold all of the ideas for story beats somewhere I could recall them. I am also thinking of adding Coco being an upperclassman of Kanata and the one who reigned in the delinquents who mercilessly bullied other animal-mythical eared, tailed, winged or whatever else characters. Lots of excessive force, gang drama and hospital visits before all the bullies got the message that this kind of attitude won't fly with the school. Kanata would have strength and speed and combat capacity in droves, but not that brand of brutality that everyone was used to, so she is currently struggling to keep the status quo.
Kanata would have developed a huge admiration/crush on Coco but she has already graduated. That would kind of interfere with her getting together with Anon, as I would consider it to a be kind of cheating. I mean, if you had a romantic interest in someone but then the affairs of the body lead you astray with another person, would you not feel guilty? An "emotional affair" so to speak. I think I start to see NTR everywhere and I don't like it.

I think I went a little in over my head with the outlines.

>> No.71169327

Wholesome Kanata sex with a lot of petting and kissing. Where you whisper in her ear about how much you love her and how sexy she is and how she drives you wild before you knock her up.


Free use PPT sex where she obliges your monkey urges whenever you ask despite her grumbling and complaining because it turns her on to be desired like that and the rough sex. Also, you knock her up at the end from the constant creampies.

>> No.71170561
Quoted by: >>71172762

Anon... the chances of any of your readers being familiar with 80/90s cold war era tank tactics is so low that you could be saying complete bullshit and no one would be able to call you out.

>> No.71171724

Make sure she keeps the socks on for it all, of course

>> No.71172762

Call it autism, but I wanted to make the tank aspect feel somewhat believable
Though my bigger problem is characterizing the chuubas. They generally all come off to me as too serious in this fic, though at the same time they would be since they're all in a war setting. Still, I don't know if they 'feel' like the chuubas they're supposed to be.

>> No.71172905
Quoted by: >>71173120

> I don't know if they 'feel' like the chuubas they're supposed to be.
That tiny snippet you posted here >>71120341 didn't sound anything like Ayame. There's no verbal tics and it's way too serious. Don't let your fervour for the setting get in the way of proper characterization; that's a rookie mistake.

>> No.71173120
Quoted by: >>71173617

Yep, that's exactly why I'm putting it on hold. I have to revisit how they're all characterized.
>Other plot-important chuubas
I think I have the first three down somewhat, but I can't seem to grok Ayame and the others.

>> No.71173617
File: 3.73 MB, 1881x2661, 105851677_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Call it autism, but I wanted to make the tank aspect feel somewhat believable
I mean at some point you have to slip into artistic license, you're can't exactly wargame a scenario in the balkans with period accurate units so eventually you need to concede on something and go by making it feel right rather than trying to stick fully to reality.
Knowing absolutely nothing of how you're written these characters
Gap moe is your friend here, one moment you can have her be the competent CO the plot demands, the next you can have her be laughing at a dumb pun.
Since I don't know what she's doing I'm assuming she's some young officer doing a Tanya and being in charge of a bunch of people older than her.
Even with that assumption I'm not really sure how to characterize her. Maybe run with the idea of her being a prodigy just out of the academy who's slowly getting depressed by the rigors of war.
I can't really envision her in a war setting, so I'm just guessing she's running the usual 'conscript that will be scarred by war' route. Other than that I can only see her as like some nurse getting overworked and stressed by the casualties coming in from the front. I guess you could have her character run the trauma, sexual experimentation, conflict with long held beliefs pipeline?
i got nothing, Lazy conscript called to heroism?

>> No.71174210

So, to lay it all out, Ayame, Shion, Kanata, and Okayu are another tank crew that Ame, Gura, and Chloe are working with. Ayame's the commander, Shion's the driver, Kanata's the loader, and Okayu's the gunner. I wrote Ayame kind of like how you said, though she doesn't have the verbal tics and such that the other anon mentioned. Shion meanwhile is written as a somewhat mischievous personality that has a thing going for Okayu, and Kanata's your run of the mill 'I just wanna survive this war' soldier. Okayu, meanwhile, has relatively little screentime so she spends most of her time eating riceballs if she's not shooting anything.
If you'd like to check out the first scenes where I wrote them, here https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSBZ72hWXUQm2SoHWrLyqHq7wlRlbJOCWNPKu8VRcCEGGc13uJbUE2QMC7ib5_oxg/pub They're near the end of that document
Please ignore Aqua and Polka for now; I have something else planned for them. Also, there will be continuity errors. That's what happens when one writes longform fiction at the seat of their pants
>eventually you need to concede on something and go by making it feel right rather than trying to stick fully to reality
Yup. Writing remotely interesting military fiction is hard. Fixate too much on realism and it just reads like an after-action report...

>> No.71175103
File: 560 KB, 2140x2105, 1701297843305879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71176759
Quoted by: >>71178151

>Kanata only becomes a fallen angel when she finally has sex with (You) without socks on because it shows she's truly committing to it.

>> No.71176966

Meanwhile, in Battle for Aurorai...

A noble in Nero Eterna who wandered the world honing her blades in spite of her family's objections. Over time, she became known as The Giggling Menace.

Pretty much her stock lore, a prodigy from a magic academy. She is haunted however by a rumor that damaged her family's name. Allegedly, she is from a bastard's lineage.

Along with Towa and Choco, they have been waging guerilla war deep inside occupied Polaria, in the capitol even. Has been monickered "The Iron Hand", due to her sheer strength defying even her own physical frame.

Dont have Okayu in my game tho, dunno what to class her and I'm already full.

>> No.71177971


>> No.71178106
File: 159 KB, 220x220, 6524352345.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71178151
Quoted by: >>71178550

The sacred socks...

>> No.71178550
File: 227 KB, 850x1202, __amane_kanata_and_amane_kanata_hololive_drawn_by_michitose_gusa__sample-414d44054a70ef3297254d075a1b2a3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71184339

It's the sock rule after all.
If it's not gay if socks are still on, then it must follow that if socks are on it's not straight.

>> No.71179115
Quoted by: >>71184339

>Rawdog Kanatan
>Slip your finger inside her socks
>Her pussy gives you the gorilla gripper 3000
>Slowly take off her socks
>Kanata tells you to stop, but her vagina is threathening to turn your dick into mush.

>> No.71180194
File: 75 KB, 501x467, {{{hakui koyori}}},{artist_meme50},1girl,nsfw,{femdom,assertive female,heavy bre s-4123583905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fic-based AI generated images for the day
>Wingman Here
>fucking futowa
>HoloRape Gen 5 (Botan)
>Senchou Really Needs a Man
>The Coyote That Packs

>> No.71180564
File: 765 KB, 1000x1000, 1671653722572523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your outlines are pretty tame, trust me. As for the one topic you're thinking about
It's not really guilt they would feel at least not at first. I've been in a couple spots where a girl I was chasing after was basically a pipe dream, and they let me know that, but I was still emotionally invested in them. Moving on and letting myself get involved with another person was emotional to be sure, but it wasn't guilt I felt. It was more so about this almost naive stubbornness that I was combating. "There's still a chance I can be with them!" I would tell myself, but those were just intrusive thoughts, since at the end of the day there wasn't anything tying me to them, and that realization was more liberating. Kanata can go through a similar dilemma.

>> No.71181272

Those are some nice and smooth Koyoballs.

>> No.71181471


>> No.71181554
Quoted by: >>71182860

I'm really glad to see fangenerated images based on /wg/ fics, the average fanfic author can't hope to see their stories visualized. Thank you for your efforts!

>> No.71181619

What is it this time?

>> No.71181667

That Botan is smoking hot

>> No.71181680
File: 229 KB, 850x2060, IMG_2237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another soul claimed…

>> No.71182046

I think that guy wants to fuck.

>> No.71182334

Call me a simp, a cuck, whatever, Mikeneko almost killed herself. This shit not funny

>> No.71182429
File: 138 KB, 242x368, 1705503948499848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dang. That blows. Here's hoping she gets the help she needs and finds her way to recovery.

>> No.71182656
File: 25 KB, 425x371, 1710248706419552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green triangle threw herself off a building
>smug blonde woman tried to overdose
>pink cat ???
I am really glad that chuubas are so bad at killing themselves

>> No.71182860
Quoted by: >>71183207

No problem, I'm happy I can contribute something creative to the thread. Although my output might be slowing down soon because typing {meme50} and {{Hololive girl}} into the prompt box is starting to hurt my fingers.

>> No.71183207

Are you using a website to generate all these?

>> No.71183321

Full doijinshi of series when?

>> No.71184339
Quoted by: >>71188627

>Kanata threatens to crush your balls when you refuse to say "no hetero" after the 5 hour breeding session

>> No.71185227

>>71182334 (me)
Calmed down somewhat. Probably good time for a short break and posting my WIP for opinions.


I'm definitely finishing this. She's still alive and I will have no shortage of spite to fuel it.

>> No.71185291
Quoted by: >>71201942

This seems like it's going to be a pure smut fic but if you are interested in adding some drama, an interesting idea to consider would be Kronii trying to fulfill her unrequited love for Sally through her son.

>> No.71185924
Quoted by: >>71197060

Is this another take on that "rushia keeps bringing you back but it keeps getting worse" concept from like really really early /wg/ /abuse thread days?
Your prose is good enough that I'd read more but there's not really much to comment on.

>> No.71186489
File: 225 KB, 850x1275, IMG_2236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to fondle PPT’s wings

Sorry, the writings have made me horny as hell for her

>> No.71186572
File: 86 KB, 256x256, 1703130880224182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71197060

I like how you present the sensations at the start, and the spell words you have are cool. I might just say to be aware of the tone you decide to take the scene next. I get the vibe that it could be transitioning into some heavy exposition, so just be mindful of the scene's pacing. Overall the prose is good, and the concept interests me. I'm looking forward to seeing more, give it your all, anon!

>> No.71188016

No die

>> No.71188627

>Knowing Kanata is finally moving into the next stage of your relationship when she starts having sex with one sock taken off.

>> No.71189201

>thread loves AI now
Guess we can start pumping out AI written fics for the archive, right?

>> No.71189412
Quoted by: >>71189651

Lol, lmao even
Even if AI art is just barely passable, AI writing is nowhere close to it. Though if you want to use a chatbot to get some inspiration for a scene I can’t hold it against you since I occasionally do the same.

>> No.71189570
File: 116 KB, 420x420, 1710259317677.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's good I won't object.

>> No.71189612
File: 509 KB, 837x926, 1708349380658895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like using AI during some of my downtime to generate cute images of scenes I've written. It makes some cool interpretations of my hags.

>> No.71189650

That's a bit of a leap

>> No.71189651

that was the joke
they're both swill and accepting one but damning the other is hypocritical

>> No.71189875
Quoted by: >>71190227

I think the biggest difference is that images, being much better suited for NN stuff because of their 2D visual medium (gpus love that kind of thing) are much easier to do well with AI, and only require minimal touching up by a human.
With writing though, to achieve the same level of artistry and quality a human can produce raw, you essentially can only take the basic skeleton of the AI output and have to do all the fleshing out on your own. At that point, you’d be better off just using a prompt generator.
Not to mention text-based AI is VEHEMENTLY anti-porn, which visual AI isn’t, so you’re reducing your pool of output by a lot

>> No.71190227
Quoted by: >>71190797

Every single AI image, without fail, has some blatant issues that, once seen, make it clear how the whole thing is barely held together at the seams
Similarly, the layman who doesn't care about quality would likely gobble up any AI written stories anyone throws out
The difference is non existent, you simply have lower standards for visual art

>> No.71190782

Judging the whole medium is dumb. The individual pieces matter, and so far I have seen plenty of nice AI images but no good AI story longer than 3 pages.
Maybe you have different standards, but that's your problem.

>> No.71190797
Quoted by: >>71193054

Yeah, okay Twitter.

>> No.71190967
File: 1.27 MB, 1216x832, 68a7fb472e67e3165d9c57b5791d1aa5514485d21da99fb794e618a5b44a690f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>71109641 (me)
I know people have different opinions about AI images. I started generating fic-based images to visualize my imagination while reading fics from here.
I could have kept them myself but just wanted to share them as a way to show gratitude to the writers since I really do enjoy reading vtuber fanfics. Also hoping it encourages other to write more NSFW ones since want more of them.

I will try to keep the spam to minium by posting multiple images on one reply.

For those whos wondering, I use NovelAI to generate them

>> No.71191129

>pictured: Kanata coping with the realization she’s straight

>> No.71191234
File: 571 KB, 497x472, 1675214845833316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's nice that you want to share something that author's fics have inspired you to make. It's a nice gesture any content creator might enjoy.
On a related note, I had been looking into trying NovelAI, since right now I just use BingAI when I have free boosts, and it has some limitations such as properly putting objects in character's hands, and adding appendages such as wings and the like to places like the forearm, so I was looking to branch out. Do you enjoy the output of NovelAI so far?

>> No.71191279

Bros… just use SD locally…

>> No.71191388

I'm getting drowned out at this point, but if you wanted to show gratitude for one of my fics in a way other than simple praise, then pick up the pen and start learning to draw, or join the thread and start writing.
Either would mean far, far more to me than pumping out robo-images.

>> No.71191721

It’s easy and simple to use.
Though it’s missing some technical features other generators might have.
Artist tags are by far the best aspect of it.
If you are fine with paying $25 a month, I’d say it is worth it if you want to generate all sorts of images quick and easy

>> No.71191971
Quoted by: >>71192326

>writers when they say AI slop text bad but AI slop images good

>> No.71192087

It's not about ideology, it's about performance One medium is much further ahead than the other in terms of output quality as of current

>> No.71192326
Quoted by: >>71209296

I don’t think they’re good, I just know they’re better than anything I could do

>> No.71193054
Quoted by: >>71193348

If you think I'm wrong, I'll gladly start pointing out the flaws in AI images that get posted here.

>> No.71193348
Quoted by: >>71193448

Just write something, man

>> No.71193448

Already have. Will continue to do so in the future.
Just disappointed in the lack of care for quality and self-improvement, is all.

>> No.71193610 [SPOILER] 
File: 518 KB, 705x824, IMG_2273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is what it is. The best you can do is strive to advance your own quality

>> No.71193660
Quoted by: >>71194009

I think you're being a little too judgemental. You're assuming that people who generate AI art for themselves or others don't do anything else. It's just a little simple thing someone did in their spare time because they wanted to give a picture to something they read. That doesn't make them or anyone who enjoys it complacent and not striving for their own self-improvement. How do you know they don't have aspirations for drawing, writing, or any sort of other creative outlet?

>> No.71194009

I don't, for sure.
But the reality is, the more AI generated media propagates, the more society will become complacent with the output that it provides and cease striving for their own improvement in the arts.
And if you want to deny that, that's fine. I don't really care to fight it anymore.

>> No.71195716

I agree that the 20th century and especially the early 21st century will go down as a Golden Age for painting and drawing as hobbies - when they became accessible to the masses, but before AI made them abhorrently inefficient ways to produce imagery.

>> No.71195781
Quoted by: >>71196016

A fic about the daily workings of Cover's new US based building being staffed with fans. And by that I mean the fans in their official designs, IE Lunaitos, Robosas, etc.

>> No.71196016

>Yumikins are half drunk off their fluffy asses and just rolling around the office
>Zains travel via circus ball, usually running over others
>Watamates will never take off their sunglasses
>SSRBs are a literal safety hazard and explode when Botan streams without the bra

>> No.71197012

>one guys generates slop
>some people go "huh that's neat"
sure buddy

>> No.71197060
Quoted by: >>71197385

Eh, the action only getting started and I do intent to avoid info dumping. But I gotta ask, how do you yourself handle exposition.
Yes, but after the initial scenes, it will rapidly turn into "cohabitation" instead.

>> No.71197268
Quoted by: >>71197776

There is 3 AI threads in the catalog, go there to promote your garbage product and stop pretending we like you astroturfing the thread

>> No.71197385
File: 258 KB, 1543x1924, 5775c3fbcde2323150cf72c531c0a40c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on the type of information I want to present and how prevalent it is to the current moment. If the current scene involves multiple characters, I work it into the dialogue which works for when one or more parties aren't in the know, or ask a question directly. That can also be worked into a sort of reiterative conversation, like in your case maybe (You) vent out to rushia what's been pissing you off about the whole arrangement, and it can be sprinkled into that conversation how past events transpired to lead things here. Self recollection and narrative presentation is also another method I like to use as well. When writing in info or background stuff, I always ask myself "how much is fully relevant to the current situation?" since not everything has to be explained at once. Mixing exposition with action can also work, and it sometimes can be good to break up information while also having certain points a character makes pack more punch along with their actual punch. That type of thing is really good for selling the emotional aspect of it.

>> No.71197776

Don't speak for me, nigger. If an anon wants to make fake art to go with anime girl fanfiction, then that's fine with me.

>> No.71197978


>> No.71198276
File: 2.29 MB, 1700x1380, d4b708f6ce27caa33fd7d568f81671be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did something happen to cause and influx on thread shitters recently?
first one or two anons crying about ntr, now probably the same 2 guys are crying about some anon making art relevant to the faces made here.

>> No.71198957

Its not about threadshitting, its about people bringing the same old tired fight of "NO! ITS THE FUTURE! I LOVE STAR TREK!" vs "NO! ITS NOT THE FUTURE! I HATE STAR TREK!" when no side will ever get convinced.
We had some people show us AI stuff and it ultimately it all boils down to "that's kinda neat, but its off in the details and the broad strokes fall apart" so no one sticks with it

>> No.71199195
Quoted by: >>71199345

>you're always getting hounded by Kanata
>stupid, strict Kanata
>in your desperation to find something to shoot back at her, you read the school rules
>buried in the vast sea of mundane rules about the school uniforms, you find a lead
SUBSECTION IV - Other requirements relating to school uniforms
* paragraph three: all female students are required to wear modest underwear, modest being defined as of an appropriate size, colour (acceptable colour(s) are: white), and furthermore not to be [...]
>Kanata does not wear a bra
>you cackle maniacally, and you take a potato chip... AND EAT
>tomorrow you will set in motion your plan to blackmail her

>> No.71199345
Quoted by: >>71199848

It becomes very easy to twist the nubs without protection. She would be smart to cover up!!

>> No.71199741

What a self-righteous little shit you are.

>> No.71199848
Quoted by: >>71200354

>try to twist her nipples
>"Hah! Its good i always carry TWO copies of the regulation handbook!"
>*Crushes your balls*

>> No.71200354

What’s with you all and Kanata crushing your balls?

>> No.71200402

Putting that grip strength to use of course

>> No.71200457
Quoted by: >>71203544

I just find extremely violent slapstick hilarious,specially if its brushed aside with ease.
the other guys might have a fetish tho

>> No.71201942
File: 540 KB, 2894x4093, 1696259531730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71206583

I want Kronii to question if she's feeling maternal for the first time in her life, or if she's just horny.

>> No.71203544

Aside from Ollie, who could work for slapstick?

>> No.71203800
Quoted by: >>71203870

I mean I wanna slap iroha with my stick if you know what I mean heh heh

>> No.71203870
File: 198 KB, 394x362, baeby....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No i dont. Why would you slap iroha? did she do anything wrong?

>> No.71203907
Quoted by: >>71204008

Roboco? I think its kinda funny imagining her falling apart like a lego character

>> No.71203999
File: 782 KB, 2000x3474, 109733351_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71204005
Quoted by: >>71204745

NTR-posting is one, MAYBE two samefag schizos replying to each other, with the janny (probably one of them) 3-daying whoever calls their disgusting shit out. It’s basically a case study of the behaviors that turned this general into a barely-active husk.

This AI shit is the exact same obvious pattern, by the way. You aren’t fooling anybody. And while I know I shouldn’t be surprised that a fan fiction thread would attract the severely mentally ill, I still want to leave it on the record that you and whoever else is like you are disgusting. You ruined a good, active community and left behind a corpse.

>> No.71204008
Quoted by: >>71204381

Now you’ve got me imagining a meme where she’s standing there in and A pose and then the fart sfx plays as she explodes into pieces

>> No.71204051

Miko. I feel like she could fall in a meatgrinder, we all hear her yelling offscreen and when the camera cuts back she's fine.
Like Tom and Jerry

>> No.71204238
File: 893 KB, 616x686, Polkabook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

threadshitter is swinging for the fences lately. It almost makes me want to imagine all that effort going into a holologs style piece that depicts how certain chuubas would go into the online hobby spaces of others and try to stir up discourse in various ways.

>> No.71204381

That's both really stupid and funny at the same time

>> No.71204565

But every anti-AI art post on this board is actually by Iofi!

>> No.71204588
File: 831 KB, 1500x2000, 112408434_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind AI if it's being used solely as a masturbation aid.

>> No.71204702

I hope one of my stories gets fanart one day!

>> No.71204745
Quoted by: >>71205443

>muh threadshitter
I actively encouraged the guy to try out creating for himself by learning to draw or write, something that the threadshitter would never do. I genuinely have a distaste for AI-created media.

>> No.71204956

Im in the weird spot where i fucking hate threadshitter but i also think all AIniggers should kill themselves over that insufferable period of time where they spammed pics and AIbots of the chuubas and were like "SEE?! ITS THE FUTUREEEEEEEEEE"

So im comfortable saying both should kiss each other with knifes, several times

>> No.71205443

I have a distaste for some of the tropes/fetishes discussed in the thread, but I'm not going to post about that - I'd just cause drama for the sake of feeling important and heard, despite being only one among many. You got to tell everyone about your feelings, anything further should go on your blogs.

>> No.71205487

This all becomes easier when you envision the posters are cute anime girls puffing up their cheeks and clenching their fists at each other

>> No.71205784
File: 380 KB, 464x737, 1690825494382237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imaging every post is made by this face

>> No.71206174 [DELETED] 

Instead of encouraging him why don't you write something for once, Polka?

>> No.71206359

God my dick is hard

>> No.71206416

Kanata isn't very sexy
She's flat without being a proper loli and has an unpleasant voice

>> No.71206535
File: 8 KB, 600x600, 1678364914264764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she's cute and cool.

>> No.71206583
Quoted by: >>71224581

Imagine getting shoved against the wall by an uncontrollably horny, 7 foot tall Kronii. Probably wouldn't be able to see half her face from behind her tits down there.

>> No.71206631
File: 669 KB, 1181x1575, FqWgbFfaAAAbovU.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are the reasons I find her sexy and more.

>> No.71206791

well see, the issue here is that she's a woman and you are into children

>> No.71206853
File: 753 KB, 2000x2923, 1697370103399080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its taa

>> No.71207430

It's just one dude making images for fics he likes.
I think it's neat. Nowhere near having drawanon draw your prompts, but hey, it's something.

>> No.71207613
Quoted by: >>71209115

You can't sit there little lady, we're playing cards on this table!

>> No.71209115
Quoted by: >>71209829

You ain't winning anything with that pair of twos. Let the girl sit. At least that butt of hers could actually be worth something.

>> No.71209296
Quoted by: >>71213340

>they're better than anything I could do
They're not. You have the ability to generate those same images by typing the same tags.
That's the paradox of AI art that I've never understood; it sells itself on being absurdly easy to use and requiring no expertise, effort, or time, then also expects us to treat its output as valuable.

>> No.71209829
Quoted by: >>71210214

What if I bet my virginity as collateral and lose?

>> No.71210214
File: 775 KB, 1105x1079, 1670256852693145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aha! I've taken a human's virginity in a bet! How delightfully devilish!
>Cue to you naked and waiting for Towa to collect

>> No.71210796

>5 aces
Cheating devil needs deck correction

>> No.71210803
Quoted by: >>71210985

>Neither of you know what to do so you just sit there awkwardly, waiting for the other one to make the first move

>> No.71210985
File: 64 KB, 240x252, 1698193039950088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71211208

>Luna loudly complaining in the other room that she wanted to hear some action and is seconds away from coming in there and directing both anon and Towa herself

>> No.71211017
Quoted by: >>71211201

What if she sold your virginity to someone else?

>> No.71211201
Quoted by: >>71211301

What chuuba is most likely to buy your (contract bound) virginity?

>> No.71211208
File: 780 KB, 1400x1400, 1682550191340765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna rigged this game so she could hear some hot, forced, sex! She's gonna get what she wants one way or another.

>> No.71211301
File: 2.01 MB, 2508x2160, 1709538728840782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The hags immediately enter a bidding war that could threaten to take on second mortgages
>The fewer the eggs, the more they'll pay

>> No.71211510

>The bidding war gets so out of hand, the hags have no choice but to share you amongst themselves as not a single hag can afford your price on their own
>Now the argument over who has first dibs starts
>'Well anon, who are you picking first?!?'

>> No.71211595

This reminds me of a scene in a TTRPG where the virginity of volunteers was auctioned off for charity.

>> No.71211611
Quoted by: >>71211843

>Settle it over a game of cards?

>> No.71211749

The easy solution would be to take turns riding you. Everybody gets ten bounces on the dick per round, and whoever gets the cum won.

>> No.71211843
File: 124 KB, 1080x1080, 1692404609551693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all hag texas holdem tourney with anon as the dealer and prize
Would this be the first poker chuuba fic?

>> No.71212267

>"Now, offering this hunk of love!" Lui slaps the ass of a young man who awkwardly steps into the light. "Anonymous! A fine job, no major addictions other than an occasional drink-"
>"250!" Choco chimes in
>"...He's also a cherry boy!" Lui adds.
>"400!" Mio hastility steps forward.
"400 here, 400, do I see 500? Of course I do, it's coming from ME!" Lui bids.

>> No.71213196
File: 605 KB, 1920x1080, 1704325412330301.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Foobs! I need a loan. NOW!

>> No.71213340

They’re better than anything I could do with a pencil and paper dumbfuck, please think for once

>unpleasant voice
You are gay

>> No.71213508

>Foobs scrambles trying to find a credit card she hadn't maxed out on the Shota Lottery.

>> No.71213718
File: 139 KB, 504x350, 1705030633278688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71214373

>"Noel, I know I just sharked you for that prime shota, but can I please please please borrow the money you would have spent on him? Mio really needs this. I'll let you spend ONE afternoon with my new shota. I'll even tell him to call you his big sis."
"No. If you want my money, he will call me Auntie Noel. His ONLY aunt."

>> No.71214373

>Fubuki getting blackmailed into sharing her nephew
Go on....

>> No.71214767
Quoted by: >>71215081

How do you signal an extended flashback that's not heavy-handed like "A few years ago..." while still being clear?

>> No.71214831
File: 345 KB, 615x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71216093

*Translated from Indonesian*
>Kaela? What for?
>*Reine hangs*

>> No.71215081

Put the date above the paragraph whenever it changes.

>> No.71215096
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1692009622195060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71215415

>Koyori constantly outbidding the other hags not because she's loaded but because she managed to create counterfeit money

>> No.71215314

And while the hags are bidding, a zoomer has already extracted Anon's first on-target cumshots.

>> No.71215415

>"Sold...!" Lui weeps, holding her disappointed uterus. "To the lady in the lab coat..."
>A collective groan from the hags ensue
>Koyori drags her prize to her car
>"Hey, wait a minute!" Mio shrieks. "All of these 10,000 yen bills... They have Koyori's face on them!"

>> No.71215674
File: 67 KB, 282x258, 1686913916419162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71216848

Nah. That was Watame. She just walked on stage, took anon by the collar, and dragged him to the nearest changing room. He wasn't complaining.

>> No.71215698
File: 1.82 MB, 1693x801, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else is on the Phantom (Semen) Thiefs

>> No.71215737
File: 107 KB, 463x453, 1706913392248618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71216116

>so then... it seems like we have to do this the old fashioned way...
>Mio and the other hags starts cracking their knuckles

>> No.71215985
Quoted by: >>71217089

Biboo, Haachama, Shion

>> No.71216093
Quoted by: >>71216506

>Kaela storms in, Reine is also there
>Everyone gasps, Koyori sees her money printing machine visibly struggling
>Reine swipes her card
>"How did you get the loan Kaela?"
>"Gay sex... i had to use Kiara wig"
>everyone nods
>They get anon in the car

>> No.71216116

Embroidery contest?

>> No.71216159

>Dear hags, we've come for your shounen AND your ojisan.

>> No.71216192
File: 237 KB, 550x578, 1701131371586422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, cook-off.

>> No.71216292
Quoted by: >>71216497

they playing an old lady card game no one below the age of 46 knows exists

>> No.71216347

Ok moomer whatever ya say moomer

>> No.71216497
File: 157 KB, 372x363, 1703314121018458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Old Maid with old maids

>> No.71216506
Quoted by: >>71216738

>suddenly, the room gets smoke grenaded and flashbanged
>amidst the panic and confusion, Botan wearing a gasmask rushes towards anon and attempts to flee the scene with him over her shoulder

>> No.71216738
Quoted by: >>71217367

>Botan stops, the gas clearing out
>"You might yourself with that....Lamy"
>Lamy fires a shot in the air and Botan drops anon
>"We are not like you"
>More guns click, Zeta hanging from the ceiling raises her hands, Mio raises her hands
>"Sorry everyone. For some of you its too late, and for others its too soon"
>Marine struts followed by Choco and a begrudging Subaru
>"Maybe its time the boy has some cake first"

>> No.71216848
Quoted by: >>71217187

>"S-Shit, I-I've never done this before-" Anon mewls
>"Sh-sh-sh-sh!" Watame smirks. "Don't speak, we might get caught."
>Watame brings her outfit inwards, revealing her boobs to the cherry boy and making his eyes widen
>Watame turns him around, making him face the wall. Before Anon can ask what the hell she's doing, she grabs his dick, and so she begins rubbing him.
>Watame giggles as she takes off Anon's shirt, pressing her soft chest against his back
>"How do they feel, Anon? You like them? Ehehe, I guess you do..." She mutters as she takes out his cock, who shivers in fear at the finesse the sheep has
>Watame bites his neck and stops a squeal from scaping his mouth with her palm, begins jerking him as she sandwiches her boobs on his back and lets teasy remarks into his ear.
>Anon ejaculates enough cum to fix Japan's crisis tenfold
>Watame chuckles and walks out, leaving the cherry boy looking at the picasso piece he just made on the wall.

>> No.71217089

>the hags argue and shout in the auction room for hours
>Anon has been brought to a backroom to rest
>suddenly Mio's ears perk up
>"quiet everyone...don't you hear something?"
>in the ensuing silence, Anon's groans and moans become clearly audible
>until they're drowned out by the horrifying sing-songing of a high-pitched voice
>"getting up your cock for the zoomer~"
>"you're so quickshotty~"
>"you're so semen tax~"
>"I just wanna be a mother~"

>> No.71217187

You're good at that, you should write some smut in prose next.

>> No.71217367
File: 300 KB, 1332x1075, 1685392801532322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okay, Mocochan, so while they're distracted in their standoff, I'll shoot the guns off their hands while you run in and grab anon, understand?

>> No.71217424
Quoted by: >>71217637

It’s fucking bijou

>> No.71217466
File: 140 KB, 359x372, hoeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71217898

*Loudly trips* WHOEAT?

>> No.71217637
Quoted by: >>71217866


>> No.71217656
File: 212 KB, 1362x1472, mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71220342

>yo we betting?
>chat i think they betting
>Big ups to the bank, imagine printing that much money
>chat that's so cool.
>Yo but like, how we doing this?
>You boy wants int but sheeesh

>> No.71217866
Quoted by: >>71221185

Honestly I’d stick my penis in that rock. Has anyone written a smutfic about bijou where she’s insanely zoomery in it?

>> No.71217898
File: 1.04 MB, 691x1024, koronebox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71218360

>Oi! Weenie dogs! what chu think you doin' tryin to steal my newest toy!

>> No.71218360
File: 75 KB, 516x601, mococo bullying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71219108

>mococo in family guy pose.png

>> No.71219108
File: 685 KB, 1870x1080, 1709515783194081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mococo is a bloody mess with her face punched in
>"Moco-chan! You did it! I stuffed Anon in this sack while you distracted Korone! Let's go! Nerissa's Mom has the getaway car out back! We just need to pick up nerissa from the mall, on the way back to our house."

>> No.71219467
Quoted by: >>71219813

>Fuwawa places the sack inside the car
>opens it up a little so anon can breathe
>sack ends up spewing out several balloon animals and confetti
>a small clown car with anon visible in the passenger seat zooms past their parked car
>Polka's laughter can be heard

>> No.71219545

>Lui drags the twins away
>comes back for the sack

>> No.71219544

Honestly, I think there aren't enough good bondage fics out there.

>> No.71219579

Now this is collaborative writing.

>> No.71219745

>Says Raden, narrating the whole thing

>> No.71219750
Quoted by: >>71220383

Which ones are good for your tastes?

>> No.71219813
File: 431 KB, 2000x2000, 1673610704346973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71220166

>Polka stops at a red light, anon is still a little frazzled in the side passenger seat, doesn't hear the driver side door open and shut, but all he can see from the corner of his eye are the colorful clown's clothes
>Car accelerates like a bat out of hell before the light even turns green
>Before Anon can blink again he's yanked out of the car by his arm and ushered towards a small apartment complex by Flare.

>> No.71220166

>before Flare can even touch a button on the elevator, her elven senses catch movement from her left
>dodges two kunais and then has to bust out her elven-forged 1911 to blast another barrage away
>Iroha then steps out of the shadows demanding Flare give her dearest aniki back to her

>> No.71220342

Aw sheet my kami is joining (?)
Well, everyone mentioned is a good choice.

>> No.71220383
Quoted by: >>71220954


I wasn't even aware there were any out there, really. Are you just asking what I'd like to see in one, or do you want specific examples?

>> No.71220424
File: 213 KB, 850x1202, __hoshimachi_suisei_and_hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_mirai99__sample-045de27d89a52d7ca477eecb57cf1f3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You are a good girl right Iroha?"
>"Now give him to me...slowly"

>> No.71220899
Quoted by: >>71221023

All this stealing and threathening and anon going "man...i just wanted to fuck towa..."

>> No.71220954

Either or both is fine really. My favorite bondage stories in the archive are Driving the point home, The Oni's Rebellion and A Brat's Punishment.

>> No.71221023

Feels more like he put that bet in as a joke and never expected things to go all HoloGra on him.

>> No.71221127

So when does the Liberation Front "Bros before Hoes" swoop in to rescue Anon from his horrible fate?

>> No.71221185

>”penis? More like peenSUS! Hahahaha!”
>thrust so hard she screams

>> No.71221343

They tried launching a chopper rescue but Pekora's SAMs took it out. The others that weren't in the chopper tried chasing after Polka's clown car but Jill-kun t-boned their van with a semi.

>> No.71221500

>Loud rumbling
>A motorcycle crashes in frm the window, Oga and Roberu roll and eat shit in the floor
>Shien screams as he crashes in the wall and explodes. When smoke dissipates he's on the family fuy pose
>"Wow...so cool"
>While everyone is watching him, Oga and Roberu run with Anon
>Kagura Mea comes out of a loose tile and grabs Roberu, starts dragging him

>> No.71221681
File: 117 KB, 500x650, Good shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's a beautiful thing when we can have these moments bouncing ideas back and forth. It's what makes this general so comfy.

>> No.71221737
File: 1.30 MB, 1600x1600, 1678392468051485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hit the ground loser."
>Both Iroha and Suisei are blindsided by a flashbang, and anon is whisked away like he were mere prey.
>"I'll be taking that. Not like either of you stringbeans would know what to do with him anyway." Kurokami taunts as she slings Anon over her shoulder.

>> No.71221747
File: 2.07 MB, 850x1123, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oga puts Anon in the car and comes back for robe (and shien)
>"Oh thank god you guys are here. I was afraid they were gonna suck my dick"
>Doors lock
>Ryo and Hakka turn around
>"Who says that isnt happening today?"

>> No.71221886


I like tight and restrictive, personally. I like gags and submission. Pretty much the sub being completely helpless to the dom's whim. I don't really read a lot of bondage fics, but I think it would be as interesting to watch the sub slowly crack and knuckle under as it would be to watch her be quiet and obedient the whole time, albeit with some hesitation at first. It might be interesting to see how far the sub can be pushed before she cries or screams.

I like rope more than tape, and straps more than rope. Armbinders are my personal favorite devices.

I think aftercare is always nice, too. Just a reminder that it's all a game and these two goofs do really care about each other.

>> No.71221961
File: 909 KB, 991x755, 1692448213192983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71222153

>with anon screaming in the back seat, they then step on the gas and haul it to the highway
>while weaving through traffic, they see a particular car in the rear view mirror that seems to be getting closer and closer

>> No.71222032
Quoted by: >>71222512

>Iroha's sword clashes with Suisei's crescent axe.
>"He's my aniki!" Iroha whimpers
>"He's MY aniki!" Suisei grunts.
>The air around them goes cold, shivering in fear of a new presence.
>Her steps reverberate like the thumps of a war elephant
>"You mere opening acts! You... Character development girls! Let go of my Onii-chan!"

>> No.71222152
Quoted by: >>71222551

What about crotch rope? The traditional kind, oooorrr the funny prank kind

>> No.71222153
Quoted by: >>71222672


>> No.71222374
File: 879 KB, 297x277, 1647680894001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71222748

Every time

>> No.71222512
File: 97 KB, 850x1200, __kiryu_coco_and_kiryu_coco_hololive_drawn_by_dismassd__sample-5cebf1597b8ecd71f383f24c9e70fdc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71223162

>Tigerdrops both
>"Come here bitch boy"

>> No.71222528

I wouldn't call The Oni's Rebellion a true "bondage" fic, to be honest. It's mostly about restricting Ayame through the dynamics of domination and submission, the actual ropes she favours didn't come into play quite yet.

>> No.71222551


Those are fine. I like it more when there's a knot or a vibe or something in it. Vibrators in general are kind of hot, when the sub can't do anything about it.

>> No.71222672

>that car's somehow imitating my lines perfectly!
>no matter how fast my exits are she's just right on my bumper right away... !
>all of this happening while Shiori somehow got in the backseat and is just chatting a bewildered anon's ear off

>> No.71222748
Quoted by: >>71222819

that and miko's TASUKETEEEEEEEEEEEEE will always giggle like a retard

>> No.71222819

make me*
i need to sleep

>> No.71223162
File: 2.25 MB, 4051x4096, 1671209517077324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71223404

>Before Coco can even unzip anon's fly, a swarm of bats appear and lift him out of Coco's reach. They carry him to a house halfway across town and drop him in a seemingly normal girl's room.
>A sultry giggle echos, and a hagpire climbs through the window of her own house
>"Can we pretend you live here and you invited me in?"

>> No.71223237

>Holy shit, that car's fast! It's life rifting! Wait, was it called rifting or drifting? I think it was drifting, I just go off the initial D-rifting, haha.
>I never watched it thought, it's not really my thing, you know. I'm more into more melodramatic stuff, but not like sad stuff, like, you know, one time I watched this anime- Oh, I forgot the name. But anyways, there was this teacher and his student, and the student was like 12. And I mean, I think I know what you're about to say, 'Oh, it's a pedofork anime!' and you're rght! Haha, it kinda was- well, not kinda. It was. But it was mostly the girl's fault, because she was obsessed with her sensei. Kinda lke how all these women are going all out over you. Guess you must have a pretty good deeck! Ahaha! Sorry, didn't mean to say that word, it just came out! Pffft, came....
>*car flies off, spins and lands on the roof*
>Woah! Oh, that was... Ahhh! Terrifying! I really can't handle adrenaline, it scares my socks off!
>And you know, it's kinda funny, because I do like some horror content-

>> No.71223261
File: 737 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71223532


>> No.71223404
Quoted by: >>71223557

>"Wait, didn't you get terminated?"
>"Oh... Oh wait, yeah..." Mel's pupils shrink as the realization sets in, like she was too fuckng stupid to remember she was supposed to be gone
>Poofs out of existence.

>> No.71223503

So close, anon, so close...points for trying.

>> No.71223532

>anon wakes up after being knocked out from the collision
>he's in a sewer now
>Ollie: oh so you're not dead? well at least I don't have to work with a limp dick now, ha!

>> No.71223557
File: 129 KB, 225x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71223905

>bro im zoinked out of my mind. did that girl just disappear?
>anyway wanna fuck?

>> No.71223905
Quoted by: >>71224123

"Ah whatever, sure. I like ya."

>> No.71224123
Quoted by: >>71224849

>anon and Kronii go in for a kiss
>mere centimeters before they make contact, Kronii suddenly starts crying and ranting about Sally
>anon can't even start comforting her as Nene shows up and carries him away

>> No.71224581
File: 933 KB, 794x1488, 109071923_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kronii's swelling body, at first a point of shame for her, but now making her excessively prideful knowing that even grown men don't have the strength to resist her overbearing feminine mass

>> No.71224827

And then, Towa said
>You know what? I take it back. I think I'll keep him
>The world roars with frustrated women
>Towa leaves Anon in her room as she gets ready
>Comes back
>Kanata's already fucking him

>> No.71224849
File: 207 KB, 1500x1500, emoKiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71225155

>"Oh shit is that a beetle?" someone says
>Nene stops
>Looks at Anon
>Looks at the Tree
>"I wanna..see...but you are gonna get stolen..."
>"Excuse me lady, i can watch him and you can climb the tree"
>"Oh rig-wait a second, you are gonna steal him arent you?"
>"What? Nooooo. Im orange like you, i wouldnt lie"
>The second Nene turns away you are carried away

>> No.71225155
Quoted by: >>71225475

>Kiara turns the corner
>then comes face to face with Nerissa who just got done shopping at the mall
>before Nerissa can even question Kiara over her betrayal, Reine then pops out of the bank behind Kiara

>> No.71225475

>While they are arguing, Mumei grabs you and drags you to the bushes
>"Mumei? How did you get here?"
>"Okay like..i..huh...like...well..umm...so....yeah"

>> No.71225809
File: 290 KB, 687x479, 1691377324485285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71226160

>meanwhile luna is just waiting in her listening room and flipping through TV channels as she waits for SOMEONE to come back and start having sex in the room next to hers.
>"Fucking peasants. Can't even force someone into sex the right way. The pay off is gonna be sweet though, nanoraaaa~"

>> No.71226160

>one of the foot stool Lunaitos then pipes up asking why Luna just doesn't fuck anon herself
>he then gets slapped upside the head by the waiter Lunaito

>> No.71226976

Kek tf is this greentext series
Make it an actual fic

>> No.71227059
Quoted by: >>71227651

>Wild and uncontrolled mass collaborative greentext with paths branching off into the chuuba each author likes.
God bless /wg/, when I try to compile this greentext together I'll see if I can make a twine thing to convey the creative chaos.

>> No.71227651
File: 49 KB, 800x900, 1690164953710911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you greentext anon. You do a great service.

>> No.71227877
File: 602 KB, 1000x1000, 1686101181103334.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon's HoloGra debut episode is pretty wild.

>> No.71228476

I really think there should be more bondage and spanking.
