Nijisanji EN Youtube channels: (alt) (alt)Obsydia: (Graduated)Iluna: (Graduated) schedule for Nijisanji EN: watch streams at the same time: devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);You only need to do this once, or until your browser data is cleared.NijiEN song playlist: loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause.Nijisanji chat log: archive: Minecraft Server:ninisani.moeOur watchalong fangame VN: to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.Previous thread: >>46681778
Luca love!
Ike love!
sonny LOVEit's 4.6 in aus!!! HBD to the light of my life
Ike could be gone for a week or two weeks or a month or a year and there's no way to know please tweet something it's been an entire day I want to kill myself but not now not like this please tweet something please communicate I know you have autism but please
Box Tenshi my love...>>OPLuxiem love!!!!!
Doppio has a giant pokemon plushie
Apparently it took them 4 months to get the rights to FL Studio. Mysta says it's the longest it's ever taken them to get permissions.
>Sonny's birthday
I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sonny onii-chan Love!Vox Love!
>>46691758On one hand, if he needs to clear his mind and just not do anything for a couple days, I'd understand a break from social media, too. But, on the other, I do hate how he tends to just up and leave sometimes... I know he's just forgetful and isn't trying to be rude, but it makes my schizo brain act up and think he hates us or something, and makes me miss him even more.
Been a while since I've last heard Mysta's TTS
Doppio eat a croisant for breakfeast because he was too lazy to cook
The new gamer wave will be “heroes of the west” with 4 members and a counterpart to the newly debuted nijiJP group referred to as the “heroes of the east”
I've been spending an embarrassing amount of money on Mysta lately...
planning a poe build is such a pain in the ASS
Doppio loves to eat cereals dry
>>46691854Didn't it take, what, almost a year for Touhou perms? The actual Touhou games, not the fangames.
cereal with yogurt sounds gross
>>46691854Nigga could've learned reaper in that time
Luca...malewife...loveHBD Sonny!
>>46692011less gross than cereal with milk.
シュウくんはママだね~I got my daily dose of Shu. Happy.
>>46691968>not being villains of the westboooo
>>46692005I think Finana talked about wanting to stream Nier all the way back at debut, and EN only got perms for it last month (only for them to go back into limbo...) do the exIDs all have such bad luck in life?
>>46691920I love him so much, I'm glad Doppio is in nijisanji.
>I guess geology...
Mysta took off his hat!
that sonny cookbook is really cute dang
>>46692247Geology rocks!
name one person cuter than my oshiI'll wait
>>46691968And they all have on tight American superhero suits and they're as chuuni as Doppio (please be true).
Nina is horny for Doppio
I can't wait for Comfy Ewiwa
>>46691986He's using all that money to go on dates with Mika
Which of the girls finished Hades?
me and sonny with our son during dinner spoiler he didn't like the stew and i got burned...
Would you go outside and touch grass if your oshi ordered you to?
>>46692414Millie last year. Did it in an endurance
Mysta love
>>46692378im an expert on pig body language. They only do this when they're distressed. This pig will need to be put down
>>46692414Scarle has like 61 hours worth of Hades vods (granted most of it is probably supa zatsu) but I don't think she's giving up on it
>>46692420how the fuck do you guys get so much yume art
doppio is learning the existence of vibrating tampons
bros...when will they do Monster trip....
>>46692700wtf they actually exist
Nina looks short next to Doppio. It makes her look a lot more feminine.
I love Pomu
>>46692175Okay flipkadet this made me laugh. Happy birthday to Sonny looking forward to the stream later!
Why the FUCK can't we get official oppai mousepads in NijiEN? I want to rest my wrists in Elira's bosom goddammit
Pupperazzi, Unpacking and 7 days to end with you are the favourite games that Doppio played on stream so far
>>46692085 shitty ass impression but that gimmick sounds funny as fuck
Mysta is talking and arguing with his chatbot...
I love my bird wife Enna!
>>46692813This but a oshiri mousepad
>>46692820>not Bug Fablesngmi
Mysta disagrees with how often MystAI uses the skull emoji kek
Doppio asked for Bug Fables permissions every week for 2 months straight
>>46692420>Beef>Onions>Smoked chili powder>Some other spices>That's itIsn't this just Japanese chili?
doppio asked for bug fables perms every weeksuch persistence
>>46692707I'll be honest with you. It's not as good
>>46693046Reminds me of vox begging for runescape perms for months straight
>learns to play guitar>makes a FUCKING RAP TRACK INSTEADbros... i think i hate mysta...
>>46693046>>46693059Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do
I will get KingsIsle perms. I will play Wizard101 in NijisanjiEN. I will collab with Selen.
>>46693094He gave up on guitar
>>46693056be understandable its children making these dishes
Doppio has a giant Snorlax plushie
>>46693141Who said I was criticizing it?
>>46692414Elira got the true end
yeah eyah YEAH YEAH YEAH
Mysta is having a field day with this AI
doppio sits on a snorlax plushie while recording. giwtwm
>>46693129is mysta a pickme?
>gardevoirnasty pokefucker
Gardevoir is Doppio's favourite Pokemon
>>46693129At least he didn't give up on music like a certain penguin did....
>>46693046>>46693059>plays it onceDoppio you've betrayed us all
>>46693187What song would Elira be jamming to like this?
Kek at that one anon. The trend didn’t die
>>46693204I see.
Lilligant and swampert are 2 and 3 vavourite Doppio's pokemon's after gardevoir
>>46692763Anyone else think Pomudachi kind of look like pizza slices?Babygirl I'm delicious!
>>46693204well what did you expect?
>>46693199I picked him
Hex is so is he this bad at a puzzle game
Fapping to Rosemi-sama feel so good ToT
Nina likes mudkipsand magmar
>>46693253Piano stream perms…
>>46693340he's not a fucking pokemon bro...
>>46693256please understand, he has as many games he wants to play as the voices in his head
>>46693123They should play pirate101 instead
>>46693123I'll get in too and we can get a group together and at least do the first couple arcs, I'll even be the blade slave
>>46693129>>46693199There's a guitar pun in here somewhere but I can't quite pick it out
>>46693304I’d smoke a blunt with swampert
Magmar, pineco and shuckle are Nina's favourite Pokemons
>>46693440nyooo i wanna do balance :(
Fuck grass startersAll my homies hate grass starters
Which Pokemon is the yumejo equivalent of Gardevoir, for women?
>>46693310You're the lifeforms born of Pomu's flesh after she expelled the durian pizza
>The blue rose symbolizes real love, which is unmatchable and unreachable. The blue rose represents mystery and a desire to accomplish the impossibly difficult. Some cultures even claim that the owner of a blue rose will have all of his wishes fulfilled.
>>46693371I think they meant the other penguin...
>>46693199Unironically he kind of is.
>>46693395But... I wanna be the very best and Ash retired.
>>46693067damn really?does not have as much goofy shit like the first 2?I still want it just for Elira laughing at all the tumblr humor
>>46693123>>46693424I wish two or more livers had a competition with games like this, with the bet that winner can play their game, and loser gets banished to the shadow realm and cannot… until the next bet
>>46693549MachampTrust me on this one
>>46693533Lucario was made for cock
>>46693094He isn't even good at rapping like he has deluded himself into thinking
>>46693371She gave up on music anon.....she even made a video about it
>>46693511Zebstrika or Rapidash
Lucky star was one of the first anime Doppio watched and it have changed his life
>one of the first anime he ever watched>came out in 2007zoompio...
>>46693619No, that's for white women specifically.
>>46693511Mewtwo>>46693549Male hands typed this
>>46693511that one footballer pokemon from one of the newer gens
>>46693606His chat told him he is, therefore he is. Plus he likes rap, so he must be good.
Pirate101 is better than Wizard101 because you get a sexy fox companion at the very beginning of the game
>Pomu's best streams: a lot pre-surgery, ancient zatsu streams like the marshmallow one>Rosemi's best streams: live show, detective, game show, cooking, VR with Pomu, all super old>Selen's best streams: Dead Space 1,2, Serious Sam, bento, drunk minecraft, Wingman challenge, some apex collabs like one with Bobon or Pomu, FEAR, House Party, all ancient shitwoo girls bros, your response?
Mysta is calling his own AI a pussy KEK
>>46693619I just know you diddle horses
>>46693555I found that the moments of goofy humor were way too spread out. My friends and I played it and while I didn't play monster camp I loved monster prom, but they toned down the Humor in favor of more gameplay mechanics and alternate endings
>look up Lucky Star>some old anime from 2007>made by the violet evergarden studiolooks kinda mid no cap
>>46692124I'm pretty sure that's Doc's 3rd accident since joining Niji kek
>>46693675>woo girlskey catalog shitposter phrase detected
>>46693480>tfw selen will never yell at you to blade her and laugh at you when you fizzle before a hit
>>46693511The frog whose final form was a spy got some yume fanart
>>46693511It's latios.
>If you have played Persona 3 even once, you have AGEDAAAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE NINA STOOPPPP
>>46693675that goes for every vol.1 tho, who's putting out his best shit recently, feels like they're just coasting along
Hayai, yumejoshi are fast artists
>>46693719this is why i have a life wizard hehe
>>46693517WE LIVE.
>>46693664Mystakes are mostly kids anyways they just say whatever mysterio wants to hear, plus he thinks fast = good at rap
i wish i could fuck gardevoir or lopunny
>>46693668yeah but it had way less content
>>46693743You say that as a joke, but I... I did unironically have a small crush on Latios when I was younger...
Quilldren, Ike is alive and called Sonny a big man.
>>46693750>hiswoo boys....
God I can not watch people play a little to the left it makes me want to pull my hair out because of how stupid they are
>>46693693>they toned down the Humor in favor of more gameplay mechanics and alternate endingsthat's awful the best part of monster series was the goofy 2010 humorisn't there also another one that's supposed to come out? like a skii resort or something?
>>46693818Fair but soloing pirate is a much better experience than wizard. Plus I enjoyed the combat way more. I also think that the story in Pirate is way better
Doppio has to be a little bit gay, right?
>>46693884Doppio is the straightest male nijiEN
>>46693854Shu plays it the fastest though.
>>46693884Lgb cope
>>46693884he just likes to self insert as the boys in the otome games haha....
>reimu shilling her sakura goods every stream>she's the first one to have her scrunchie sold outholy shit, it worked
>>46693668Based coomer>>46693709Based zoomer retard>>46693748Based bald ojisan
>>46693951out of sight, out of mind.
>>46693917I'm watching Hex play it right now, he's so fucking stupid
>>46693951Probably because there’s little in stock
>>46694004Women are just better at "A Little to the Left".
>>46693951I would've thought that Uki's would sell out first he has a bunch of woman watching him
>>46693884as much as anyone here
>>46694083So a lot of gay?
>>46694004I mean, he's average from what I see right now. I doubt he would take 3 streams to beat it.>only start playing on the 44 minute markHe'd take two streams if he's not blatantly padding.
Nina gave idea to Doppio to include other NijiEN members in his drama CD and he'll consider it
>>46693675metal gear arc had its high moments. Pomu still has goofy zatsu tangents on par with the marshmallow ones, but they don't get the same nostalgia goggles for whatever reason. now that MGS is done, she probably has more time now to explore experimental stuff, spec more into the corporate perks, or pick up another cult franchise
WaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaI miss PomuWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaI have booboo but Pomu won't kiss it betterI miss PomuPomuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>>46691758Ike is mentally ill in the quiet kid in the back of the classroom who’s bound to snap any day kind of way and doesn’t even know what he’s going to do. Nigger couldn’t even manage to sperg about his favorite thing for more than 2 hours the other day. At least he tweeted a minute ago and is alive
shota doppio… uoh
oh jesas Doppio is matching Nina's baby voice
>>46694154I would like a CD like Nagao and Oliverjust Vox, Doppio and Fulgur chilling at a restaurant
>>46694154Ewww no. Why, Nina? His dramas are perfect because it's just him.
Mysta just spent like 20 minutes fucking with that AI, the Mystake schizo must be having a field day
>>46694036makes sense. also, a good tactic because now i'm unironically buying petra's (and also shu because sibling oshi power)
>>46694193god youre such a fucking BABY
>>46694239These scrunchies are honestly the cutest fashion piece merch NijiEN has put out
>>46693675Pomu's recent Peggle stream was way more entertaining than that old Marshmallow stream.
>>46694244I am.Let me suckle you.Baby needs milk.
>>46694197>couldn’t even manage to sperg about his favorite thing for more than 2 hours the other dayIt's because he's been pulling all-nighters trying to work on six projects in one week with no pay. I'm surprised he even survived up until now.
I've heard Finana ASMR was pretty good, which ones do I watch?
>>46693876>isn't there also another one that's supposed to come
>>46694193I miss her too
>>46694302i am male...
>>46693951The Niji shop merch bug from a week back showed that Reimu only had 100 stocked, versus hundreds for the others (even 1000 for Shu).
>>46692414Elira and Millie.Did Scarle even beat the dad?
Millie is traumatized from being bullied about liking anime in school
>>46694193she's streaming right now
What is this bit Nina
That was a really fun and comfy Mysta stream. It was great to see him having fun making songs and fucking around with that AI of his. Hope he has a good day.
So what is the deal with Pomu?
>>46694378You may be male but you are undoubtedly a girl
>>46694302Come here mommy will give you milkies
>>46694477She's the most wonderful woman on the planet!
>>46694480that makes NO SENSE.....
>>46694477Here's the deal: I have sex with Pomu.
>>46694378I'll still get some milk out of you ;)
>>46694477She became airplane food
tfw you will never be sonny
>>46694527dat tummy wooo mama
>>46694384alright, you convinced me to buy 5 of petra's nowalso fucking hell, why the fuck is shipping $40
nina went super saiyan for a second
>>46694597don't forget the taxes upon delivery
>>46694477My pretty wife
>>46694532DO NOT DO THAT!!!!
>>46694560Do your streaming reps maleanons so you too can have cute yumejos wanting to pay to get a picture with you
>>46694664Please I just want to give you some sloppy toppy :(
who has the best streams recently
>>46694690i actually needed to google that cause i had 0 idea what it means why am i so out of touch with zoomer lango
>>46694689what if i dont want to do that part of the nijien corpo life
>>46694717Pomu Rainpuff
I love this Rose like you wouldn’t believe!
>>46694717only my oshi, everyone else has been having garbage streams
>>46694560i'm firm in belief if one of these girls approached him irl, revealing they're a doxsis and everything, he would date them on the spotanons would definitely do it, and what is sonny if not someone from /here/
>You need some proper discipline, baby!>Where delinquents need discipline, I'm there!Are you glad that we narrowly avoided Doppio's Hex Haywire arc?
>2 weeksJust shoot me in the head Ike you go quilldren.
Am I autistic or do Nina and Doppio have negative chemistry
Doppio drinks vinegar with orabge juice and sugar
>>46694796you're autistic.
>Honey, I am half fox, half woman, and 100% lies>Doppio: whoa, that's like an improper fraction or somethingwhy is he like this
>very comfortable ballsD-Doppio?
>>46694754in your dreams sister
>>46694721So is that a yes or no. I can give you the best head of your life :)
>>46694783>out of townWhy
>>46694717The past few months of Aia have been great
>>46694737You'll get them regardless if you are male
>Ike on break for 2 weeks>Pomu on break for 2 weeksTHEY ARE
>>46694833NO.... im gaming too hard to care about sloppy toppies
>>46694796they're really fun together
doppio's second hand hatsune miku body pillow...
Doppio had a Hatsune Miku bodypillow. He gave it to his friend afterwards
>>46694783>>46694786how are quilldrens feeling right now?
>>46694852making me suicidal
>>46694850i just dont like cons and con culture but im glad they exist
>>46694863oh nooo are you gonna cum while you play dota2?
>>46694863But gaming is more fun with a bj
I have a 10 year old body pillow. It's a bit yellow because it's old. I understand Pio
>>46694852in japan
>>46694783>>46694786>two weeksI thought it was just gonna be a couple of days. Welp.
doppio's boysmell....that just sounds like a plot from a bl manga pio-chan....
>>46694908this game SUX
>Doppio knows his friend is jealous of his Miku daki, so gives him his used one after he washed itgod damn that's such a fucking power move
>>46694885Neptune from Neptunia was his second bodypillow
>>46694796anon, you dropped your hat
Holy cow anon can you believe that
I love Millie
>>46694717Scarle streams like 5000h a month so even if most of her content is garbage she is bound to have a lot of good hours of stream
Noooooooo Nina you can't mention brand on stream! Think of the stocks!
>>46694996Mya anon wont let me give him a blow job? Yeah :(
What’s so funny about "I don’t drive"?
>>46695009Only if you're willing and lonely enough to fork up superchat money to have a conversation with her.
DAMMIT I MISSED EVERYTHING.Oh well, least my cats ok, just has a skin infection.
oh mygod ver is a fucking SLUT
>>46695118I hope your kitty will be okay!
Sicklings look cute
>>46695220He will be. I have to give him baths every 4 days and use this spray on his infection.Otherwise hes super healthy for a cat that's 16 years old,. all the tests came out great.
ohhhh yeah baby mmm mm mmm daddy needs his dick sucked
hey anon what do you think
>>46695118Hope your kitty recovers quickly!
>>46695098She interacts with non-superchaters too, threadwatcher-chama
>>46695305Is your cat the really loud one with vocaroo posts?
>>46694597Because you're not SEA. They get a 5 dollar shipping bitch knows EXACTLY what she's doing.
>>46695344When superchats are disabled, yes, true.
>Open Millie's stream>Unhinged ranting about getting a bfSomeone please bite the bullet and marry this woman please, the sex deprivation is literally driving her crazy.
>>46695323Thinkin of you right now babygirl>>46695467Why is she eating that though.
>>46694783I'm convinced that Ike takes breaks to filter his annoying mentally ill fanbase, it's a shame that it doesn't work
Ike on another vacation….
>>46695635why are you acting like it's a surprise, surely quildren are used to his shit by now right?
>>46695635I at least hope it makes him happy and helps him not feel as burnt-out. As long as it benefits him in the short-term and long-term, I'm happy.
>>46695618Honestly feel bad for Ike, his fans constantly put some dumb fucking headcanons and are totally obsessed
>>46695384No I've never posted vocaroos of my kitty.
>>46695084heh *licks lips* you see actually the joke was that she was paying for car insurance on a vehicle she doesn't drive but well the actual part that would induce laughter is that throughout the story you're under the impression she's a normal car owner who utilizes the benefits of her vehicle, but at the end she says she doesn't drive which leaves you temporarily confused; the longer your confusion the funnier it is to you because you have yet to deduce for what purpose she is paying for car insurance. was she lying? does she not own a car? does someone else drive it for her? once it occurs to you that it's all meant in jest (ie it doesn't matter) you can confidently laugh that regardless of the details you've been misled on the nature of the conversation
>>46695467I love slutsHappy to see Scarle fully accepting the role.
>>46695690Burnt out from what? Nigga barely streams to begin with
>>46695535Anon nobody in their right mind would date Millie. She is like 5 red flags in one.
>>46695753You'd get mentally exhausted too if you needed to deal with Ike's fanbase
>>46695784His fanbase is fine? On the better side of the boys
>>46695753He worked on six music projects for the past week or so and has been sacrificing so much of his sleep that he almost fell asleep a few times on his last Persona 5 stream.
>>46694783So what do anons think Japan or Canada?
>>46695784are they that bad? are they like that one quildren artist who hates vox?
>>46695764Name the flags.
Reimu asked for perms for Rule of Rose
>>46695467She's finally embracing the full extent of her sex design
>>46695923Filipino, Canada and Japan.
Strawberry milk and coffee don’t go well together
>>46695922Petra: ...fuckMe: ...fuck
>>46696016Sounds like a lactose intolerant issue bud.
nijiEN moments for this feel?
>>46695764I would seriously date millie if Enna wasn't around. I can just imagine how much of a living hell enna would make me and millie's life.
>>46696057I was talking about the flavor but it’s weird, it was just the first sip? Now it tastes kinda good
>>46695535I will bite this particular bullet, Millie will become my sex-addicted wife
>>46696091Bro are you trying to make me fantasize about a threesome with Millie and Enna?
>>46696069>math jokeany of them
>>46696069I miss Kubo KINO...
>>46696162sure why not. but seriously, I would love to have a threesome with millie and enna but that's where it stops. I don't want to see Enna in me and Millie's life after that, like zero contact with Enna.
>>46696069Millie (cantando).
>>46696069NijiIN aka Wave 0
>>466959231. Saviorfag2. Immature3. Not accountable4. Clingy and pressures people to commit5. Doesn't respect boundariesMillie just isn't suited for a healthy relationship.
>>46695503You don't watch her streams
>>46696324Wouldn't that be nijiES(pada)?
>>46696069Where's the Noor edit?
>>46696069THE HEART
Schedule up! No stream today. Ganbare Rosemi-sama.
>>46696479When is a niji going to do a proper MRESteve review where they taste test something from the Vietnam War or some shit?
>>46695467I love sluts so much bros
>>46695923this five times
Finana + Enna Fusion = Ennana
>>46695886He has all the typical issues the other males have. The difference is that the fanbase knows, they just think is 'cuter' that they don't understand him? It's weird
Hex just smooched my cock, goodbye losers
>>46696546they should smoke the cigarettes from these old WW1 rations on stream
>>46696594Isn't that a proseka character?
>>46696628how much cancer can i get from that i need the exact number before i try it
>>46696716Considering cigars from ww2 have more tobacco in them, more than the modern ones.
>>46696716Probably less with the lack of chemicals
>>46696343You sound like her ex-boyfriend
>>46696767>>46696771im going schizo (again)
Mannnnnnn I hope that Reimu actually does play Condemned
>>46694783The way he talked about it I thought he’d be gone for a few days or a weekTwo weeks? I’m not gonna make it
>>46696791Ok, Millie.
>>46695467You guys got your female Vox I hope you're happy
>>46696479She's been working a lot off stream and mentioned this entire month would be schedules like this. I know it means exciting things are coming but i hope they're not working her ragged
>>46696841Yeah, same. But, as long as it makes him happy, that's all that matters.
>>46696343>4. Clingy and pressures people to commit>5. Doesn't respect boundariesWhere did you get this info? Are you her ex?
>>46696853>implying she would go all the wayShe's a fucking womanchild.
>>46695923Reminder that Millie got astma because she didn't change her appartment filter for years. Millie is like a genuine womanchild that needs a malewife who'll do everything for her 23/7
>>46696885By watching her streams and collabs.
>>46695784If a few annoying fans are the most of his worries then he has it good
>>46696885I am her ex, yes, she raped me both during and after our relationship
>>46696930I didn't get those vibes from her in collabs.
finana doing a real succubus ASMR when....
I'm sitting waiting for Mysta to tweet something so I can reply in hopes he replies back. When did this become my life? Does it get any more pathetic than this?
>>46696849Ok flip national fruit but is chink in ethnicity
No Rosemi today either... I don't know what to do with myself
>>46696343The only problem with this is the saviorfag element
When will we get a female Hex? Like a pure, non-apologetic GFE who smooches her chat, flirts with them and promise to fuck them every 5 minutes of the stream?
>>46696866Same. Praying for her possible cold to pass quickly, praying she isn’t being overworked. Hoping she can pull through and the work she’s putting in pays off for her. Looking forward to her karaoke when it happens, looking forward to the MRE stream and the Brush up especially but the cooking simulator too. I love her and wish her the best.
>>46697063At least you aren't flirting with the anons /here/
>>46697093That's just Scarle.
>>46697047i saw some dude gift a big indie a game before and they kept pestering them to play the game they gifted but as far as im aware it never happened. a good reminder to not enable people
>>46697093That's Millie
>Reimu is trying to find a copy of Rule of Rose to playWould you say this is based, bros?
>>46697093Miori Celesta, come home
>>46697047Just subway surfers isn't enough. She has to go all the way.
>>46697139But she never fucks her chat.
>>46697168need to play the OG,Temple Run
>>46693262but sonny won't watch it, the trend will die and ill bury it
>>46697112nta but at least it’s more productive though, at least the flirting anons have a chance of meeting up and finding friends and partners in the future
>>46697171>he doesn't know about the deleted stream
>>46697129Scarle is too retarded to be GFE and her smooches feel platonic rather than seexual. I think Finana had actual potential to be one but she just doesn't commit to it at all
>>46697145aint that the game with a lot of rape and bullying? if so, Basado.
>>46697220Oh that collab with Enna? I was there. She only did it once though
>>46697160id rather not have here in nijien purely because I want to keep her menhera pussy to myself
>>46697145nah but it'll probably work out for her
>>46697145Ike has a copy, I think I remember him saying they can't play it? Or that he doesn't know if they can
Ok JP chads, if "Rei" means "bad luck" in Japanese, what does the suffix "-mu" mean? As in, Reimu clearly means "bad luck _______," but what, specifically?
>>46697139Millie does it ironically though. I need a girl who'll go like "Oh chat, you're so great today, let me kiss you mwah I love you so much" and really, REALLY mean it with no jokes or sarcastic undertones attached
I'm sad..I miss Pomu and I'm sad.
>>46697321Unironically blame twitterfags for shitting on that kinda behavior
>>46697345but is she your shining slut?
>>46697321Time to find a 1-low 2 view to groom, anon
>>46697079it genuinely takes me out of a doujin to read them spelling "cum" as "come"why the FUCK is it spelt "come" instead of "cum"
>>46697321You're in the wrong company then10-4 is what you need
>>46697345But she's streaming right now?
>>46697352Why is it ok when Hex, Ver and Vox are doing it, but it's suddenly "problematic" when a woman is doing it?
>>46697398because in japanese its iku which has a literal translation of come and most translators arent smart enough to put "cum"
uh... reimu what the fuck is this gay shit your raid sent me too?
>tfw indie I used to watch is actually a man and worst of all he sounds like a friend I havei feel betrayed bros, this is why i never EVER should have left my Niji bubble...
Why is Sonny still awake
>>46696185Bleach is so much better than Burn The Witch and I can't wait for the new arc of the Bleach manga to start.
>>46697451It's not okay, when men do it other men and twitter lesbians criticize it, the trick here is not to give a fuck either way
>>46697422It's not the same.She usually reads my comments and speaks with me. Now she's just talking to her past chat.
>>46697451Because it's unironically women who complain about other women doing it.
>>46697067Uuuh anon? That's awfully specific. Projecting much?
>>46697321Scarle? Nina?
>>46697588unironically their best songmr brightside is overplayed but this one is 10/10
>>46697524getting birthday art
>>46697530Nahhhh btw is kino
>>46697588I thought this is the shrek song.
>>46697552>He didn't talk to Pastmu in preparation for thisFoolish pomie
>>46697451they get shit on for it too, there's a reason hex and vox are the most hated en males on twitter
>>46697642It is
>>46697530I agree but BtW still has that Kubo charm... >I can't wait for the new arc of the Bleach manga to start.WAIT WHAT?
>>46697609>ScarleRetarded sister vibes>NinaWine aunt vibesSorry, but I'm not into incest, anon
>>46695923>Abused by her mother>Father fucked off cause he knew to get the fuck out of there>Clingy>Gets too easily emotionally invested into things, especially peopleShe's a 10/10 hottie but fuck that
>>46697671No I thought it was this.
>>46697664I unironically blame Kson for rising this "anti-parasocials" army with her holier than thou attitude and trying to pushing it on vtubing as a new progressive culture.
How long is house of fata morganaI can't handle this anymore
>>46697710>not into incestWeak genes
>>46697779just close the stream already if youre who i think you are
>>46697530Over the years I just realized that I really like Kubo's big tittied female designs and how he does full lips on them but nothing else.
since it is dead hours,what are you watching/doing right now anon?nothing for me to watch, maybe I'll play Dredge.
God why I am still awake
>>46697845Watching TV and fondling my ballsStandard ojisan stuff
>>46697845planning my path of exile build for friday and listening to shoegaze...
>>46697845Watching Saiki
>>46697717Wait, when did Millie say she was abused as a child?
>>46697845boutta go watch the mario movie in a couple of hours
Vox asked Ike to do the Hot Ones challenge with him and he couldn’t make it… Damn it Ike
>>46697324please tell me you aren't joking
>>46697976Be sure to tell me how it is budHope you enjoy those extra seats
>>46697845Right now?I'm watching you.I could be doing you too.You want me to?I bet you do you saucy little slut.
>>46697845Replaying Legend of Grimrok>>46697884Just close your eyes 4head.
>>46698012Please do me
>>46697698bro you didn't know?once the anime is done he will get back to the hell arc
>>46698010>someone remembered my fucking 3 AM postgo to bed bro...
Crossing my fingers that management is competent enough to check through Pomu's karaoke setlist to avoid having the VOD region locked
>>46698027holy hell legend of grimrok, i remember playing this like 10 years ago, kino dungeon crawler
Have there ever been read along streams in Niji?
Bud, why so hungry?
>>46698038asl?asl?ASL?Gimme yo number girl!
>>46698066Oh yeah, that reminds me. I should set that stream to archive.
>>46697845watching an ojisan trapped in a 21 years old body um cooking grass
>>46697845Playing Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon, listening to videos a video about Chronicles of Elyria being a scam
>>46697845TSB just finished up, so I'm going to finish my RE4 professional S+ run
>>46698048why can't this shit just end... first Boruto now this. Only Toriko didn't disappoint me out of the "new wave" shonen.
>>46698049I'm always here bud
>>46698169Are you (me)? >>46697941
You did apply, right anon?
>>46698118>girlAbout that...
>>46698256Go to sleep pregante famelira
>>46698073It was fun, I beat it months ago, on easy but I want to have a go at it on normal this time, the cube still gives me PTSD though.
>>46697989Where the fuck is he traveling then? Back to canada to off pako again?
>>46698049I remembered it but that’s because I was working, enjoy the movie, bud! Let us know if it’s good!
>>46698355Yes, to have sex with me specifically.
>>46698241>Naruto ends>Boruto ruined his legacy>Bleach ends>probably a washed up version of itself>>>>>One Piece will never ends>>>>>therefore, it will never get ruined1 BILLION IQ
>>46698355probably Japan
>>46698349i remember that boss lmao, maybe i should come back to this game at some point too
>>46698262no, you're (me)!
I just think that everyone should have a Pomudachi bf.They're all very caring and loyal and they have jobs too. They're perfect boyfriend material.
>>46698399>Trigun ends>New show ruins it's legacy>Laughs at the queen dying for 2 minutes straightDragoons, your oshi....
>>46698355Back in Japan to fuck the cute maids
>Aster one hand clapping Kino inbound tonight
>>46698489As long as they're not brazilian
>>46697530is that actually confirmed? i know its supposed to be hell arc or something but i thought its just a gossip
>>46698399One Piece is the best long-running shounen. The mid sized ones that are the best are better than it but one finished FMA and the other won’t finish in our lifetimes like Berserk HxH. Mecha is the better but dead genre
>>46698501Dont remind me...
>>46698241to be fair we were told about hell before I. bleach so it makes sense to go there but Boruto and Naruto just pulled shit out the ass like moon ninjas, Moon gods and Alien moon mommies
>>46697093I'll never understand why men have such low standards and are desperate enough to want a pickme grifter.
>>46698423I am thou, thou art I, from the sea of thy soul I cometh. I am Anon from the Hanged Man arcana.
>>46698539His sister is cute but she is not a maid
>>46698576That’s one dude and the neet population of SEA
>>46698083Fulgur is doing House in Fata Morgana playthrough which is basically a readalong, Vox did Picture of Dorian Grey readthrough and Finana did fanfic reading stream with Nina
>>46698550I'm not Brazillian.Post your steam or email address or something.
>>46698501>every old show or manga you love will be ruined by a terrible bad 3D infested adaptationI saw rumors of them making Godsider adaptation and I fear for it.
>>46698241Yeah I guess they could just let the story die but I read the chapter and Ichigo's son seems like a much better character than Boruto so far so I'm not really worried. Plus we get to see more of Kubo's sick ass monster designs which attracted me to Bleach in the first place. I fucking love the way he draws teeth and skeletons so much.
>>46698544I'm one hand clapping that little faggot's cheeks every night
>>46698264im a slur machine you wouldn't watch me sorry
>>46698603Hanged Man? Wait, we're Kenmochi?!?
>>46698736holy moply
>>46698660I am Dosupepe on steam, send me a friend request ;)
>>46698066in my experience, it's typically either SME, Avex, or Kings Record where Content ID will block the video
>>46698539Those cute maids he's fucking? All me.
>>46698576 I just tuned in into Hex's stream and got jealous and lonely because I'm not submissive and his flirting is doing nothing for me. I just wanted a girl who would do something similar for me
>>46698752 I swear to god if that was actually you
>rosechud hoursgarbage hours
I'm somewhat happy no one ever talks about wanting an aloupeep bf or gf. I really like my freedom.
>>46698233>Barely legal anon the only project I did was to throw your pape in the dirty floor.. kidding aside i think he will appreciate the cookbook one... It's well made
>>46698877I WILL fuck your feet
>>46698877i really am an outlier
>>46698877There's a good reason why buddy.
if i had to choose between a rosefag and an alloucreep, I'd take the alloucreep any day.
Sonny sleeping at 5am... I thought he forgot to gn again
>>46698762Kenmochi looks so cool
>>46698877Wasn't there a famelira itt who wanted to fuck an 18 year old aloupeep recently?
>>46698877same but instead i just get sekuharad..........
>>46698933aloucreeps atleast watch streams when Enna is live, rosebuds contiune on with their parasocial erp even when their oshi is streaming
>>46698831Completely fair but you should want a girl who does it because she's actually into it and enjoys it not someone who panders in the most outright and shameless way possible. I know they all do it for money but don't get someone who makes it that obvious at least, you know? You deserve better.
>>46698976I only sekuhara you because I can't do it in real lifeThink of it as a service
>>46698951They'll make a cute couple, their back and forths are adorable
gn sonny and /nijien/!!! I am excited for his streams tomorrow.. it's very late but i must take a short bath...
>>46698399>Shaman King and SK Hana>Negima and UQ Holderwhat about these??
>>46699074who the hell sleeps at almost 3 PM in the afternoon?
Everybody wants to rape the femanons, but where are the femanons that want to rape me :(
>>46697093You've had her for over a year now.
>>46699105Im not a burger
>>46699166Are you an eggroll? this apply to you guys?
>>46699152I don't know who that is anon
Maleanons talk about wanting a female Vox or Hex but when the hell are we gonna get seiso and sweet BFE that doesn't turn every stream into a BDSM session? When are we gonna get a guy that likes cuddling instead of choking? When are we gonna get a guy that likes positive affirmation instead of degradation. When are we gonna get a guy who wants you to call him "sweetie" instead of "daddy"? I want that so bad....
>>46699074Good night Briskadet! Sweet dreams!
>>46699095UQ Holder was so fucking bad and ruined it's legacyShaman king Sequel is so fucking bad because of the ridiculous power levels>Shiva has a power of 300 Million spirits>a girl who drains energy from the fucking Multiverse can only get 15 mil spirit points so it spits on the legacy too
>>46698782I'm sorry I can't date antis.Also you have the same name as my sister which weirds me out
>>46699247mmmm soseeg
Which livers would you like to see participate in a MTG tournament?
>>46699232Me when I get in
>>46698912Yeah, cuz most people suck. Everyone around me is constantly telling me I could easily get a gf but I just can't bother. The only girl I've ever been interested enough to go after was a blonde goth shortstack with glasses, but that bitch was already taken. Shit's just not worth the time.
>>46699073it feels a bit odd when you talk about me but you're a cool bud so i think it's fine
>>46699232EN is obsessed with the dom daddy type, if you want cute 'soft' boys who lean into bfe learn japanese.
>>46699249You didn't like the sex in outer space?I thought UQ Holder was based.
>>46699152which nijisanji is this? she looks cute
>>46699358Who the fuck in JP is like that
>>46699232thats basically doppio if you can get pass his power level. if you want a pathetic version of that, then its ver
>>46699257>sisters learning to falseflag
i wonder if selen would play Star Control 2 just so she could fuck thw mermaid women or the Shofixti
>>46699392>sex in outer spacewhy does this reminds me of Jason and Eve from Blaster Master Zero.
All Aloucreeps have STDs from injecting heroin in a dirty toilet stall
>>46699392the outpace sex was good but that was the only good part
>>46699467bull shit. sisters are incapable of learning.
>>46699526why dost thou hehe
>>46699027It would be the best case scenario desu. Noor, please, just hire one of those AVtuvers like Saruei. It's an untepmted market in EN and any corpo chuba who commits to pure GFE experience will be a fucking goldmine.
>>46699467Anon contacted the guy and he's a holofag
>>46699466He doesn't seem very BFE to me and I actually like that about him. He also keeps it contained to his ASMR drama CD streams which I REALLY wish all the boys would do instead of inserting it randomly in gameplay streams.
>>46697845Just finished watching cute maou-sama stream, I'm going to watch football now and hope they don't lose another game
>>46699232that's literally Doppio and Ver
>>46698568Hxh sucked and I'll stand by that until the end of time. The only reason elira likes it is because she ships the two main shotas
>>46699356I'll tone it down for you, peep. Just like seeing people potentially find happiness. You're a nice and sweet! Wishing you the best!
>>46699577what team bro??
>>46699232>but when the hell are we gonna get seiso and sweet BFE that doesn't turn every stream into a BDSM session?>When are we gonna get a guy that likes cuddling instead of choking? When are we gonna get a guy that likes positive affirmation instead of degradation. When are we gonna get a guy who wants you to call him "sweetie" instead of "daddy"? I want that so bad....
Now that the dust has settled....why did Petra give up on music?
>>46699610Red team
>>46699467I talked to him, he thought I was a woman and wanted to be my friend, fucking creep
>>46699547Browsing the feet thread.Gonna have a massive wank to some vtuber soles and toes later tehepero...
>>46699578>>46699627No offense but I legitimately forgot Ver existed.
>>46699596>Hxh sucked and I'll stand by that until the end of timebased and true, having to watch 100 episodes before it gets good means it was never good to begin with and only the very peak was worthwhile.
>>46699232>when the hell are we gonna get seiso and sweet BFE that doesn't turn every stream into a BDSM sessionAlban and Ver are already in Niji though
>LA Beast gets into the gamer wave>plays sponsored sport games>today we are eating Mysta's 12 month old moldy tea (with cup)>next week I am travelling to Japan to consume Kotoka's 3 year old conbini chicken sandwich
>>46699599I didn't say that you had to tone it down. I find it admirable that you're able to read in between the lines well.
>>46699310Hey, that's me on the lower left!
>>46699596HxH has one of the best power scale systems in shonen to this day but the story... I feel like the guy should write light novels not make manga
>>46699679HAVE A GOOD DAY
>>46699657Oh shit I've gotta check that out now
>>46699705Anon Arsenal doesn't even have a match today
>>46699679I unironically want a washed up Fortnite player guy to get in. Just imagine his kino interactions with Rosemi or Vox
>>46699716He's more seiso in comparison to other boys
>>46699735NTA but I hate how they established how nen worked just for Kurapika to crush the formula of "No person can control all types at 100%" on the very next arc
>>46699679LA BEAST HEREAnd today, we're going to be eating Kotoka's unwashed ass!Why????Because I need some views...
>>46699735Nen is just haki but lame
>>46699723are briskadets multicellular organisms that perform cellular division? what the hell...
I want to rape ryuguards, rosebuds, pentomos, famillies and maripets
>>46699787>high view only when collabing with Rosemi and/or Vox>low view on other contenthope the gamer have a great time
>>46699670>>46699596HxH should've ended when Gon met with his dad and the story ends open ended on wether or not he gets to the dark continentit's so retarded we are on this fucking boat ride with a bunch of people fighting for a throne I could give less a fuck about with powers that are so retarded and needlessly long >I can see into the future but not really because the future is undetermined but if I shit a log in 1 hour I can see the TRUE future that can be unchanged but if I shit a pebble I can see ways to make the the future I like come true
>>46699679You will never have a Todd. Never.
>>46699889Good thing im not in that list
>>46699853Anon he "borrowed" haki from nen since he needed something against DF users but that's an ancient as fuck debate.
Anons should not be allowed to date each other without my express permission
>>46699735IT DOES NOT THE SAME FUCKIN THING HAPPENS IN ALMOST EVERY ARC>Killua check out this cool move I just invented!>Wow that's super powerful it was able to defeat the bad guys almost immediately!>*Tries it on next seasons baddies and gets his ass handed to him >*invents another new move so he can triumph in the season >*get his ass kicked by the baddies next season when trying the move on them THATS NOT "GOOD POWERSCALING" IT'S THE SAME FUCKING THING EVERY OTHER SHONEN DOES
>>46699596Togashi isn't a perfect storyteller by any means but HxH does definitely have one of the more interesting power systems that weighs in wise usage of what you have vs straight power, something that a lot of shounens don't do well. Moreso the end of Gon's story is one of the best portrayals of real friendship between boys. A journey where you do everything together for a bit before life and reality kind of forces you to part ways and focus on yourself for a bit. One day they'll meet again and it'll be cathartic. I think what I like about it is each arc shows a different kind of storytelling, and Togashi is good at both subverting and fulfilling expectations.>>46699670It's about the journey, not the destination.
Personally I want to lick, kiss, fuck and cum on a hag mystake's feet
>>46699987fuck off Pomu
>>46699660Not too late to start.
>>46700001I want to lick ESL Mystake's brown SEA feet
>>46699965Observation haki was a thing way back in Skypiea though
>>46699965I don't read OP but I was under the impression most if not all haki users are also DF users
>>46699997thats why its kino when Gon uses his very first move to 1-shot the last baddie he every fights
>>46700032I didn't know he did this. Thanks, I'll give it a listen! I feel bad listening to other mens' ASMR but this one isn't lewd so I guess it's all right.
We really don't have enough NIJIEN feet art
Naruto Shippuden's magic system is the best because its the only realistic one
>>46699936>I want ToddWe have Todd at homeTodd at home: >>46699679
>>46700065no Oda just wrote himself into a corner of power like oh this guy can turn himself into literal magma like what are you going to do against that? You need something to negate that so hey there is that thing called haki and you can coat yourself in it or exert it to negate DF usage and actually it's like super powerful. Typical shonen stuff. A lot of characters with DFs have it because they are cool so obviously they should have a cool power.
>>46700144It's the realistic portrayal of the emotional arc that matters. The friendship between Gon and Kilua is far more maturely portrayed than anything in other shounens. You missed the point completely.
>>46700144But that's nekketsu. And hunter x hunter has world building like One piece.