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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31977029 No.31977029 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>31931843
What if your general was not just a concept but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!

Honored Edition

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:

- Continent Names
- Chuubanite doc
- No Timeloops

>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.
>Try to keep hornyposting, socposting and funposting to the absolute minimum until we hit the bump limit.
>Please refrain from posting if you are intoxicated.
>Ignore any trolls or falseflaggers. Report, hide and move on.


Ocean Currents:
Weather Systems:
Climate Analysis:
Tectonic Plates and their Movements
Geologic Provinces:



>> No.31977063
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Quoted by: >>31978494

Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.

>> No.31977123
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Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

>Vote Results
https://rentry.org/t7gqwu (most recent)
>Vote post archive

>> No.31977177
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Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

Also be sure to anchor your ideas for continent and ocean names here so we can discuss them.
For the voting results of our /vtl/ team: >>30042825 ; >>30323043 ; >>31255836
Team Caretaker Trip Code: !p84LALNCrk
Tourist's Guide of Vitubia:
If you wish to contribute to this, please submit a short text that introduces your nation by replying to this post.

>> No.31977226
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Quoted by: >>31978465

Anchor post for the chuubanite concept.

PLEASE KEEP ALL CONCEPTS ON THE CONCEPTS OF CHUUBANITE TO THIS CONCEPT CHAIN. Anons who do not wish to see chuubanite concepts should hide this concept.

Current Concept: https://rentry.org/chuubanite (CIP)

Official Chuubanite Concept Presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z17v5lWNjL8

>> No.31977785


>> No.31978040
File: 1014 KB, 498x333, bosnian-mode-bosnian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31978101

mfw Hoshiyomi lore

>> No.31978067

And to respond, I will stop talking about him now and I will do my best to prevent this from others if I can. Please, I just want to write fun lore.

>> No.31978086
Quoted by: >>31978101

wait that wasnt the right gif...

>> No.31978101
Quoted by: >>31978254


>> No.31978254
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>> No.31978311
Quoted by: >>31978326

fuck I meant SHUT UP
whats is wrong with me today

>> No.31978326
Quoted by: >>31978746


>> No.31978438
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Quoted by: >>31978465

new thread starting out great

>> No.31978465

I thank Mark Felton for this, video related.

>> No.31978494
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Took some advice to write a short story in hopes of shaking off my block. Archive under /mans/ I guess.

>> No.31978640
Quoted by: >>31979188

How did it make you feel? I loved it. Great work!

>> No.31978689
Quoted by: >>31979188

LOL! Funny story!!!!

>> No.31978720
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posting it here again jsut in case:
i mean i am not entirely opposed to it and more freedom for stuff liek artifacts does sound like a good point

>> No.31978746

i'll just go cry in the corner (〒īšã€’)

>> No.31978910
Quoted by: >>31979036

Remember this when thinking of Hoshiyomi women.

>> No.31978923
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Quoted by: >>31979188

that is a way too thick accent for me, i did not understand a single thing towards the end

>> No.31979036

based, it is sad we must be enemies when have so much in common...

>> No.31979043
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Quoted by: >>31979265


>> No.31979090

Yo retro, just to summarize the retro-chuubanite frame skip discussion, there are two paths that have arose kinda, and they're not exclusionary.
First there is the "Mirage light refraction" technique, where the chuubanite emits a haze which trails around and behind the ship. In this haze, light is refracted such that the ship appears to be where the trail began.
This: >>31971423
The second path is the cognitive effect, basically the chuubanite creates a visual effect which somewhat hypnotizes observers, making them hallucinate the ship to be in a different position than it actually is.
Both options have pros and cons, but I think they're workable, or you can have a combination of the two. Paragraphs has some concerns wrt their working in the setting, but I think he just underestimates the shit a bit of refraction or hypnotism can do.

>> No.31979159
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Quoted by: >>31979469


>> No.31979188
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Quoted by: >>31979286

Well, it certainly felt easier than the macro worldbuilding. At least as a one time thing. Glad you guys liked it. I might do stuff like this when I can't think of anything else.
there there, we all make dumb little mistakes like that.

I ran this through a online generator. I know it came out really wonky, but I'll just chalk it up to Kern was really hamming it up
>One of the things I do, is get bums out of tight spaces like these
>Axols in places like this can be scared and cranky, so it's important you ease them into coming out of their shell
>Careful now
>Alright. As we all know, these hairy brutes are meat lovers through and through. So by luring him out with this-

>> No.31979265

yeah it's me...

>> No.31979286

>>31979188 (me)
See? that 'was' was just unnecessary. Happens all the time.

>> No.31979469
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oh fuck
That's why I don't do trips, I'd instantly fuck myself like that.
That was delightful as fuck Vespiebro, I'd love to see more /mans/ adventures. The fucking accent in particular killed me, I had to speak the text out loud to know what was being said, which just made me laugh harder.

>> No.31979498
File: 2 KB, 124x117, B5EB0ED4-0BC7-4D6D-8A68-2B93B07DE939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31979750

HELLO GENTLEMEN AND SEX LOLIS. I will take this trip off as you fuckers want. Now, where is ROSE SEXPAI AND RI2NER?

>> No.31979595

why do you guys keep ignoring my points on why neither of those options would work? why are you acting like my suggestion isn't even an option?

>> No.31979631
Quoted by: >>31980058

thanks for the summary, i did read what you wrote but somewhere i got lost but this makes it easier to understand thank you

i msut admit i have a hard time choosing

the first one is definitly doing what i had in mind but i will admit some hypnotism like in the second could also work since a "frameskip" in emulation happens when the hardware doing the emulation is not strong enough and thus needs to skip frames in order to run smoothly and one could say that the hypnotism is a kind of "overloading" the brain forcing it to skip some information with the side effect of making people irritated at the thing

>> No.31979685
Quoted by: >>31983001

what was your suggestion?

>> No.31979750
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Quoted by: >>31980940

im here!

>> No.31979912

I wonder what kind of mushrooms can be cultivated in /rose/'s gardens. I know there's tunneling mushrooms that are used to break down rocks into sand and soil. I wonder what else. Also would be interesting if mushroom gardens were a thing. Having decorative colorful mushrooms could replace flowers in gardens.

>> No.31980058
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I'm not ignoring it, I was waiting for you to appear in the thread to address your concerns.
>mirages are incredibly simplistic natural phenomena, and don't let you see something from all angles as if it were somewhere else. you guys aren't understanding my concerns. i am saying a mirage will not make something that is actually at x appear at y from every perspective in every direction at the same time and to the same extent. bend all light going off the ship from all directions, shift it to a new location, and then precisely aim it in the right directions, including in the direction towards the ship, where it has to bend around the ship and still reach the other side without being obstructed, btw, it will be bent back, forth, and then back again that way, first from going away from the boat, then towards and past the boat, then back towards where it came from in the same direction, and then it would carefully dodge the ship to get to the other side. this is all done by a simple mirage? how?) you are not just bending light, you are implying the finest, most precise application of light bending without being able to explain how precisely you are able to achieve it. chuubanite has limits in that it can't use a non-sequitor method to achieve a goal. it has to be done in a way that is actually physically possible.
So, first, what is a mirage. Some types of mirages make things appear closer or farther than they actually are. Some rarer mirages can even bend light around a vertical axis, such that the object seems to be off to the side from where it actually is.
This describes exactly what the mirage proposal says: light comes out of boat, it is bent around a single (1) bend (as in this >>31971423), then it hits the observer. And all the light coming from the boat is bent thus. That's it. It is a relatively complex phenomenon, but it can be fully encoded into chuubanite glyphs, in my opinion.
the cognitive approach is basically just hypnosis. Careful attention or particular willpower can probably see through it, and I don't think it has any strange aspects.
You suggestion is basically the same as the refraction approach, but instead of the light's path bending, you say the light teleports. It's effectively the same thing, but it requires an aphysical event to occur.
As I mentioned, I think you could possibly combine the two. Slight hypnotism would help camouflage possible defects in the mirage, and hypnotism on its own would require to affect the perception of the target very strongly without the mirage. Together, they work better.

>> No.31980287

tfw ghost ships are just onobots deploying decoy mirages

>> No.31980306
File: 265 KB, 1500x1996, Casual Romance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the whole document. Asking a few things just for clarification.

>Praetorship is expected on the resume of future Augustus's but not Magister Equitum.
It wasnt clear from the context, so is the Magister Provinciae a praetor?

So who is the emperor? He isnt mentioned in the "Structure" section. Is he the Augustus? I'm assuming so but I want to be sure.

Other than those, I really like the "intelligence agency turned shadow government" idea. Feels like a pretty unique form of government in the setting.
>It shouldn't be much of a surprise that you will find in some wars agents from different subsidiaries supporting both sides just to spite the others.
Based. very similar to how the Serene Republic companies operate. Except that we have a lot more companies and they are not required to be loyal to the Republic (of nasfaqg) itself.

Are the different branches separate enough to have their own unique relationships with other nations? Say, could one branch have sympathies for one nation while another has sympathies for their enemies?

Its also fresh to see another nation that doesnt lean primarily into the military side of things, instead relying more on other forms of influence, in this case, the V.F.A.

Although 500,000 men sound like a lot to me, but I'm not a (18th century) milautist, so take this point with a grain of salt. I welcome any milautists to correct me on this.

As for the economy sector, seems solid to me. I like the inclusion of the senate gridlock and the patricians making things difficult. This also gives me a lot more context for the grain tax story, I like it doubly as much now.

Mercenaries also remind me, IF and only IF you are interested, you could have some mercenary contracts with the forces of the Serene Republic as well. Despite being outwardly just peaceful traders, there is a lot of internal strife in the republic (of nasfaqg), and we are basically in a constant state of corporate wars, and civil wars are not uncommon either, so we have experience fighting a modern force (ourselves).
And, naturally, we have mercenaries and privateers eager to sell their services to anyone.
I guess i should write about the general nasfaqgian military doctrine at some point. tl;dr, its gonna be something along the lines of "Artillery is Everything" and "body armor is too expensive, just use more gun"

Oh, and i repeat our interest for the use of V7 agents against ourselves. Actually, what is the nation's idea on trade with nasfaqg? I kind of dislike tying tradebegging into a feedback document but I dont want to make two posts where I could have made just one.

love you anyways

>> No.31980507
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>> No.31980526
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Quoted by: >>31980682


>> No.31980682
Quoted by: >>31981084

What are you doing for nasfaqg now?

>> No.31980940

Alright i will read this later but i want you and warsuner to tell me what nations you think we can trust for our future.

>> No.31981075

Just an FYI, he is reading the saga now.

>> No.31981084
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Quoted by: >>31981447

Currently I am reading vespiebro's story.
I am continuing my story on Sabatangan (wrote 2 pages yesterday).
I have the nasfaqg economy document rentry in the makings. That particular tab feels very scary to open, but now that I have the /nasa/rep's crop analysis, it should be a bit easier.

Talked with our rep, and we are likely going to go for a situation where the nation itself is actually relatively poor in natural resources, which would be used as an explanation for why the Serene Republic focus so heavily on trade. We aint got the raw material to run our own economy, so we bring those resources in from elsewhere. Still, the idea is a WIP.

I still need to figure out our mineral resources. Its been a while since I researched geology so its been a pain to try to get back to it.

After that, I should probably work on finishing my company rentry.

Oh, I also had a few ideas for /infinity/ to which I need to contact Kronieronie for the permission to post and canonize them.

>> No.31981110

Speaking of Kronies I want to ask about plumbing. Specifically deep well pipes and underground plumbing.

>> No.31981126

Conscripts. That would be male citizens of military age. I am assuming that.

>> No.31981148
File: 30 KB, 461x461, Ehcag9oU0AAe0jJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. holo IDs?
because duh
2. /inf/
they brought us into the medieval age.
3. /wah/
I want to say /hlgg/ since we do actual talks about Risu there. but no rep ;∆;
You like kronies dontcha?

>> No.31981291
Quoted by: >>31981361

>not og, warsuner just got here
Problem is Mep and Inf are rivals. I dont think this is a good idea to pick sides yet anyways. Mep hasnt finished their story (on me), kronieronie isnt here and this is just too soon.

>> No.31981361
Quoted by: >>31981467

Honestly, I would recommend you dont pick sides at all. Just stay friendly with both.

>> No.31981391
File: 581 KB, 835x809, FQTUEZ-UYAE32Qn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i think a mixture of both sounds good, thank you all for your help

>> No.31981447
File: 43 KB, 500x500, FOOLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31982952

>economy doc
>simulating modern day bull wallstreet
>in the renaissance-discovery era
this will be fun
and yeah I miss kronieronie too. Im having mid-may flashbacks and it hurts
i just enjoy being around /inf/. theyre all dorks and I like it.
>tfw no menhera femronie wife

>> No.31981467

I dont either, but we also are fucked because of the foreign powers and I feel like this is a disaster long term. As Og said. We will need to chose a side at some point. I just dont think we should yet.

>> No.31981523
Quoted by: >>31981637

Did OG say a side has to be chosen? Why?

>> No.31981527
Quoted by: >>31981678

Remain neutral to all sides is my advice. Only when one side actively aggresses on you do you pick a side.

>> No.31981610
File: 934 KB, 890x1280, 1654532122935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31981795

Ah clock, if your mineral research digs up iron, copper, or corundum, we'll basically throw anything in our natural resources at you for it in an official trade agreement with the Republic. If nothing else, I think you'd like our gold.

>> No.31981637
Quoted by: >>31981672

He said it a while back that eventually we would. I dont see why that time should be anytime in the near future. Fuck, we can barely defend ourselves without a foreign power. I hope he changes his mind, because this is a bad idea.

>> No.31981672

Proof next thread?

>> No.31981678
File: 1.31 MB, 1200x1697, thonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess this is just more pressure for us to unite the tribes and centralize
The Maumigny campaign against the watamelons showed just how disorganized we are
Maybe a clerical federation? with the temple of risu at the top.
borrow elements from /meat/ and /inf/ own forms of theocracies! (◠â€ŋ◕)
the synthesis of influences!

>> No.31981796
Quoted by: >>31981913

>the /meat/-/risu/-/infinity/ theocratic triple alliance

>> No.31981795
File: 3.13 MB, 3072x4096, The Serene Republic Zones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iron, copper, corundum
those are basically the only things we have at this moment, and why the eastern side of the republic has the names it does.
I actually did not remember we had iron, kek, just saw it when reviewing the old mineral analysis
Copper we have 100%, its probably our most abundant metal. Corundum I recall I searched up at some point and saw we could plausibly have Sapphires and Rubies so I went for it.

>> No.31981854
Quoted by: >>31982085

Boss, I say we cannot pick a side yet and chose our friends because we have no way of protecting ourselves without direct and full support from outsiders. The whole Mep-Inf thing is bad for us no matter what and if pick one, the other will attack us. We do not have a proper army yet, are not well armed enough and too divided as a people. I dont want to be anyones colony and i want a free risu, but we need time to become self sufficient. Our true friends will become apparent by then. Therefore, i shall list names and encourage you to not either.
t. Warsuner

>> No.31981856

Thanks pal. Don't know how many I'll do but I guess I can do a few.

Oh, and I saw >>31924933
Tourism and foreign trade hasn't really been able to be a thing up until very recently so the thing about being as good as dead... Well I suppose the people have had to struggle a lot through the years. I think I'm going to try and add a few tl:drs on the regions for now since I can't think of exhaustive descriptions or what kind of wood/minerals/etc would be around. Where would the possible textile industry most likely be centered I wonder?

>> No.31981913

>two holo denominations and one indie
Why would theocracies of different pantheons work together?

>> No.31981923

I wish I can introduce /risu/ to republicanism or confederacy. Something that lets the tribes keep their independence via counties but have a centralized government for foreign relations and protections. I'm biased with this kind of government I know.

>> No.31981951
File: 6 KB, 180x200, 1657982394868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allow us to introduce ourselves.

>> No.31982030
File: 685 KB, 878x939, hie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31982578

Did I hear "Something that lets the tribes keep their independence... but have a centralized government (for the little things)"
Allow me to introduce you nasfaqg, a very extreme example of just that.

>> No.31982081
File: 57 KB, 474x647, fishing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31982578

They could be introduced to republicanism via reading books in /who/, but we don't have any actual influence in there

>> No.31982085

The true friends are apparent. Infinity and Meat. Morig and Mep have ulterior motives. One hates Kronies for no reason, the other is ripping you off for lumber. Who has always been there for Risu? Infinity. Simple choice.

>> No.31982102

/risu/ might be too small for a confederacy but a republic might work. /risu/ just needs to figure out a constitution that works for them with fair representation.

>> No.31982128
Quoted by: >>31984839

Read the story, the accent was hard to understand for my esl brain but I think i got most of it. A fun read. How did writing it make you feel? did it help remove some of the writers block?

>more freedom for stuff liek artifacts
its my main motivation for proposing that. Im fien wither way, but i have a prefernce for the "multiple civs" idea.

>> No.31982211

Anon. Stop shilling nations when I know what I am talking about. This isnt a beauty pagent, I am offering my boss my opinion and you are not changing it.

>> No.31982285

Also, please stop speculating about our future government. OG likely has something in mind and I do not want timeloops over this.

>> No.31982288
File: 3.95 MB, 4127x5100, 1641525275212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, let's figure something out later...
Hey, I'll have you know the /morig/-/risu/ relationship is based on sex with priestesses. The lumber thing only came later.

>> No.31982418

If I had my way I would introduce /risu/ to nutcakes. And then offer nutcakes to the Temple of Risu as an offering. But that's just me.

>> No.31982533
Quoted by: >>31982590

Warsuner is based as fuck
>not a yesman like Ri2ner
>Offers a clear opinion, with reason
>Tells others that they will not change his opinion
Clearly, he worships Ayunda.

>> No.31982578
File: 32 KB, 112x112, 1615463530222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electorates are actually a good idea to keep the tribes their sense of identity and clan culture
but right now we need essential infrastructure to be controlled by a power above the tribes
and since we're all religious and revolve around the temple of risu, that would make theocracy a good option.
Also i dont wanna go against OG's wishes for religious tribesmen and this also fits with my modernist, or renaissance, whatever, movement.
Risu will get an actual central clerical government that handles essentials like roads, schools, communication (post office mind you not radios we didnt stole any ā˛ ī¸ĩā˛ ), and supply chain-logistics management (telling the tribes which region needs what) etc
while the clan tribes get to keep the tribal life (woodworks, farming, mining, foraging, planting trees) but this time less dum-dum because the shaman-wizard-witches (idk what to call our priests now OG please help) now teach people at schools and we have actual guilds to do business

>> No.31982590
Quoted by: >>31982731

He also sucks Mepper’s cock and hates Infinity because of unknown reasons.

>> No.31982661
Quoted by: >>31982731

Oh but you cant speculate ri2ner! The newfag said no!

>> No.31982731

Could you get my dick out of you mouth. I am on great terms with Mepper but that doesnt influence what I say. And stop trying to tribal me and Ri2ner. I am not replying again.

>> No.31982739

>not radios we didnt stole any
did I missed a chapter or something?

>> No.31982779

OG needs to listen to Warsuner more than your pie in the sky bullshit.

>> No.31982782
File: 531 KB, 579x594, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31982952

if you want to sell more iron, the Retro Reich is always happy ot have more

>> No.31982804

stop bullying the squirrels! theyre already suffering from squirrel brain!

>> No.31982843
File: 57 KB, 478x600, 6A1F3A48-FE4F-4206-9EB6-A700732C452F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Risuner Timeloop
You retards, thats not even OGsuner that asked them!!!! You have been dooped!!

>> No.31982895

That's what I was thinking. A hybrid system where tribes keep their identities and territory but have to answer to the Temple of Risu. If there's a dispute between tribes of two territories then the temple can act as a judge and settle the matter before fights break out. The temples will have holy decrees but tribes can still have freedom to settle matters on their own. Its not an infallable system but Risu's word is supreme law.

Anyway I'll get back to researching crops and nutcake recipes.

>> No.31982908

OK MOTHERFUCKERS A FALSEFLAGGER GOT YOU ALL. Ri2ner in about 2-3 hours I do want to ask you in particular stuff about /risu/ and any other of my fellow risuners. And it will be about the future of the nation. I'm already writing about it and was planning on sharing what I have so far. Once I get home of course. this is why I always have my trip on people...

>> No.31982952
Quoted by: >>31983278

Simulating the stock market will be a challenge, definitely.
Im sure kronieronie is coming back soon. he is living the wagie life and has a lot of things on his plate.

Well explained deadbeat. I have issues with the aphysical events so I am more a fan of the mirage idea.

The issue with us selling metals, especially iron, is that we need to import them ourselves in the first place. Corundum we can export, but copper and iron would most likely be used by our own industries.

Although, given that we have trade deals with some nations which have richer mineral resources than we do (namely, infinity and 2434, assuming the trade deal holds through Alice's lore rework), we could supply others that way.

>> No.31983001

small scale, light-specific teleportation. if you want to call it a hologram, fine, but the light is being displaced exactly as it would have been displaced normally, except it is in a different location. the other methods might either require a miracle of precision that absolutely was not justified by the explanation they gave at all, and/or non-locality in a mostly local system. whether or not hypnosis is real, it is something that requires the user to be susceptible, as in willing, and it absolutely could not make someone hallucinate such a specific, controllable interaction, if it could even cause hallucinations at all.
>but it can be fully encoded into chuubanite glyphs, in my opinion.
i know what a mirage is. usually, in hot environments, as the sun's rays heat up the earth, heat-pockets form off of the ground and into the atmosphere that refract light, allowing for minor, hypothetically circular pockets of bending light. light is too fast for it to bend more than a few degrees, and complex curvature such as what you would need to precisely navigate the light around a ship would be flat out impossible unless each individual cluster or so of photons were independently guided as if it involved divine intervention. think about where the light is traveling. the light goes towards the ship, something picks it up and reflects it around the ship, no matter where it is, to the destination, and then back to whatever direction it was going naturally, but if it is going in a direction that intercepts with the ship again, for the illusion to work from all angles it would have to precisely navigate around the ship, and then reconverge back on the other side like how air travels around a golf ball.
but wait a moment, if there were a force that could prevent light from intercepting the ship that wasn't being controlled by divine intervention, then what happens to the light that is getting sent to the illusory ship? does the ship have quantum invisibility that passes light to the other side, or does it send all light precisely towards the illusion? it would be trapped orbiting the ship and it's counterpart (forgot what the word was for when you have two points of orbit when it's an elliptical orbit) leaving a black void in one direction, or it would redirect all of the light, leading to quantum invisibility with no illusion. saying some of it goes past the ship doesn't make things better, since that just means the light wins that interaction enough of the time to send light in the right direction, but then you would expect it to win more often in other instances, meaning the real ship never goes fully invisible, and the illusory ship never goes fully opaque. both are visible, so no deception is created.
all of this, and i haven't even gotten into the main point. this requires precise control over the direction light travels. mirages are simple, a small curve that often creates distortions because it is imprecise. the curve is often continuous, you wouldn't expect the light to suddenly take a sharp turn in the opposite direction, converging and passing itself without interfering with itself as if that were normal, let alone make something like a drowning machine but for light. alternatively, if you think the light wouldn't have to be sent to the place where the illusion was actually being set up, then please consider the most basic sort of geometry. you can fine theta of a triangle by comparing the angle of both slopes that are toughing it.
this is why you have two eyes, for depth perception. what happens to something that is deceptively large/near or small/far when you change your frame of reference? the illusion is shattered, which i believe is what would happen if the origin of the light that makes up the illusion isn't at the location of the illusion itself. it must be dynamically sent around the boat to the point of the illusion and back on whatever path it would have taken normally unless it intersects the boat. and yes, besides the fact that mine would create a more perfect illusion, that ironically requires less complexity (in the form of precisely interacting systems) to work, even knowing that it involves essentially teleportation, our ideas are basically the same. unless i am misunderstanding something, my idea should be possible, and the others wouldn't be.

>> No.31983036

*cums on your tail*

>> No.31983097
File: 11 KB, 195x258, 574B0B11-41CD-47DF-8A8B-637DE1A00D31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! But I didnt actually write any of my national lore. That was Organic. I will make sure he sees this. Glad you liked it like I did. I need time to figure out trade honestly as a whole. My people can starve for now kek

PP, my man. What can I say? You wrote fucking Kino. I was reading it with my girl and she loved it too. My hoshihomie said everything I could say but more elegant than I could. Your amazing, and I cant wait for another chapter. Heck, neither can my girl. She now wants to write lore kek. Sounds unbelievable but it is true. Idk who she would write for.

>> No.31983143
File: 354 KB, 604x609, eehhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31983336

why do you hate me? ā˛ ī¸ĩā˛ 
I just wanna make Risu unified and stop burting itself all the time
did you think im gonna go anachronistic fascist or something?
eehhhhh??? Not again! why do I keep falling for people pretending to be OG? ( ;∀;)

>> No.31983151

Not me!!!!!!!!

>> No.31983226

>panon brings v7reps gf into the project.

>> No.31983253
File: 546 KB, 3424x2568, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31984061


>> No.31983277
Quoted by: >>31983320

I will say this. I do have a plan and I have been reading the thread. Despite being fooled the dude did have a point. Is the falseflagger an actual risuner? There were some good ideas I'm just saying. Just wait until I get home you sexy fucks.

>> No.31983278

hmm well we got our own deal with /2434/ so going through them directly would be cheaper in regards to iron then, we also got a big deal with /morig/ already in regards to iron so maybe we should change what we buy

Corundum is not something i honestly put much thought into but buying that would probably also worthwhile

>> No.31983320
Quoted by: >>31983556

Boss did you see my statement, warsuner here.

>> No.31983336
Quoted by: >>31983624

Ri2ner.... for someone who amogus all the time youre gullible

>> No.31983363
Quoted by: >>31984061

Anon... That's my point, the curvature is not complex, at least it is not complex enough to require more than one bend. Only one bend is required, just like a mirage. There is no black void thing, all the light takes the same path. One more time, look at >>31971423, and tell me where you think there should be a second bend.
Also, stereoptic vision is only able to estimate distance based on parallax up to about 20 feet.

>> No.31983410

Also about allies. We keep them all. They all have benefits that we can use. Morig is highly valuable because their diamonds in the hands of witches are prismatic bombs that can 1 shot galleons. Inf for obvious reasons. Mepper cuz the story and (eventually?) getting rid of the towel head problem.

>> No.31983437
File: 312 KB, 640x647, 9014DA22-0A31-481F-970A-E8C2CCD7614D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31983467

Yep, putting it back on after OG gets falseflagged. Sorry mates. One moment Zetabro

>> No.31983467

>Alice falseflags OG
>Panon puts the trip back on

>> No.31983518
File: 158 KB, 275x306, KroniiStare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im still pretty sure my "photon-storing-bubble" idea would be workable, even if it is incredibly convoluted.

>> No.31983556
Quoted by: >>31983728

Yes I did and your absolutely correct. This is pretty much what I want as well. Anyone who doesn't support our independance and self sufficiency will be pointed out soon enough. All we need to is unironically stop indulging in sex so much and get our horny asses to work. Speaking of work my breaks over. See you squirrel brothers soon.

>> No.31983578

Nigger, why would i falseflag as OGsuner when I wasnt even home to do it!!!!!

>> No.31983624
File: 103 KB, 1926x1075, nggaaaaahhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31983675

but Ive only pretended to be rabdom nameless lurkers not falseflagging as namefags!

>> No.31983664
Quoted by: >>31983768

Thank you so much for your kind words, I really appreciate that you and your girl enjoyed my autism so much that both of you can't wait for more. That shit inspires me to write and maybe I will get a chapter out tomorrow. Who knows? Also, how the heck did I wrote your woman into the project.

>> No.31983675
Quoted by: >>31983816

Why cant i speell properly today?!

>> No.31983728
File: 315 KB, 1113x1854, D2D5B894-40D3-4EFF-B142-B25BAEB46DED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31983768
Quoted by: >>31983940

Hell, IDK. She likes watching vtubers too and is a fucking writing nerd like I am. Guess it makes sense?

>> No.31983784
Quoted by: >>31983848

Whelp. Apologies for commenting on a subject I had no right to. Keep in mind these comments are my opinions. Take them as a grain of salt.

>> No.31983816

Your oshi is Risu
thats your problem

>> No.31983848
Quoted by: >>31983903

why do you even need a trip. I get Panon and OGsuner since as you just saw, it matters that they aren't falseflagged as. Even when you are falseflagged as, what does it even do to lore?

>> No.31983903
Quoted by: >>31984439

I have personally responded to a falseflagger multiple times thinking it was him, thats why he needs one.

>> No.31983940

I never would have guessed that anyone would rope in someone outside of vt into a worldbuilding project because of some millarp autism i wrote. (I am only putting the trip on when it matters now faggots.)

>> No.31984024

isnt this going to get sour since this is a '/vt/ world project'?

>> No.31984061

it has to work for all angles. consider >>31983253 except some is directly above the water, and some is in the water. that kind of distortion is highly dependent on the frame of reference of the viewer, meaning all you would need to do was move a bit in any direction to realize things aren't adding up. people consider wind and accuracy when using artillery against ships at sea, they would be paying attention to where their shots and the shots of others were firing and readjust their aim from there, whether or not they even realized there was an illusion at all. the location of the curve would have to account for the changing positions of the ship relative to the viewers, meaning if it to appear stationary, the frame of reference must move even faster than the ship just to account for one angle. from the other angles, what appears stationary for some would be hyperdrive from others, possibly in a way that blatantly defied physics. for it to work at all, it must not be a single bend. it cannot be a single bend. this is why i keep explicitly telling you that you need multiple precise bends in the light to make it possible. the only way you can do that, or at least the only way that has been suggested here thus far that i know of, is with teleportation. all the other ideas have major, critical flaws that make them barely physically possible, let alone cost effective or viable as a technique, and the idea was already bordering on the irreparably underpowered.

>> No.31984070
File: 29 KB, 320x320, 1660901909018450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31984110

Congrats you're a chad like that. She does post here so dont worry about that. A Man of Sex shall I say hahahaha. Ah well, enough about that. Glad to have read that bro. Will look to you when I need some help with milautism or other shit.

>> No.31984110
Quoted by: >>31984230

This confirms it, Alice is actually zetanon

>> No.31984230
File: 313 KB, 1429x1980, 1661528290433549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure buddy

>> No.31984233
File: 10 KB, 190x266, D9902CF2-44F3-4152-AFC6-0514EE3B3BC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its me nowâ€Ļ

>> No.31984328
Quoted by: >>31984369

imagine if alice actually was sockpuppeting as many people as you retards claim. Fucking kek, incredible I would have to kneel for how fucking based that would to have so many different personalities, writing styles and knowledge of this sites threads.

>> No.31984357
Quoted by: >>31984896

Anon, what you're saying isn't that multiple bends are required. What you're saying is that different bends are required depending on the direction the reflected light takes. This is completely different, and far less complex. Teleportation is basically just going "It works because of magic." It definitely challenges physics more than the other ideas.

>> No.31984369
Quoted by: >>31984400

it was a joke retard

>> No.31984400

I am joking around too, retard.

>> No.31984439

Again sorry about that. Schizos want me gone for a while. Timeloops aside at least I try to worldbuild and make things work.

>> No.31984443
Quoted by: >>31985876

>except some is directly above the water, and some is in the water.
No one would be in the water, you just create a bubble of the refractive material around the ship. And no one really cares if the people behind you or to the sides of you (where your allies would be at the start of a conflict) see through the mirage or not.
Whether the underpowered factor is an issue or not is up to retro, he is allowed to have that if he thinks its cool. Not everything in the universere needs or even should be the optimal version of the thing possible, thats just boring.
Besides, wasnt the entire point for this to confuse the enemy just for a little bit at the start of an engagement?
And in the case where the distortion is seen through, you can always have the bubble of reflection change in size or shape to create more confusion.

>> No.31984466

I would make a shitpost about being alice also but I don't want to get off topic. Hey faggots, what are you working on? I am just listen to some music and thinking rn.

>> No.31984595

You can do the bend in >>31971423 by just having multiple layers of material with different refractive indexes layered around each other

>> No.31984600
File: 279 KB, 946x2048, ewiwalove22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31984680

i am sorry PP for shitposting and teasing you, i didn't realize it would cause problems!! I will stop.

>> No.31984680
File: 181 KB, 1920x1080, 1657925031459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31984792

Hey, It's alright by me. I am used to getting timelooped everyday. I'd rather not, but quite used to it. How is your /yeah/ thoughts coming along?

>> No.31984701


>> No.31984706
File: 12 KB, 256x256, 1634950495558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been busy with other things but I think I'm ironing out what I want /lig/ societal structure to look like. Might try writing up a rundown of it tonight when I'm free.
One thing I've come up with is naming landmarks and other points of interest after notable /lig/chuubas that might not have enough discussion to warrant settlements or followings because they aren't discussed in the thread enough/people in the thread don't really watch them much. One example would be naming the highest peak in the nation or the most prodigious volcano after Shoto since he is always at the top of the numberspost in the thread whenever he streams.

>> No.31984792

uh, you ever have great ideas that are in your brain and put you have no idea how it into words... how do you fix it? Also extending this to anyone that wants to help, I only turn to him because he is LazuLight rep.
NijiEN hates him so much kek.

>> No.31984799
File: 54 KB, 960x748, 5 more minutes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to sleep, I didnt manage to do anything today and I feel a bit disapointed in myself. But eh, ill try harder tomorrow.

>> No.31984839
File: 845 KB, 400x400, 1659490944267502.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It did help a smidge. Added really short bulletpoints to all regions and I just had a few sparks regarding military stuff, like a tradition of spear militia in cities, with smaller settlements using weaponry taught to them by adventurers as part of missions to drill the citizenry as well as an all-female order of 'ashen knights' named so due to the large schizo activity that they are sworn to counter that tends to follows the blazing periods of prosperity.

>> No.31984842
Quoted by: >>31984902

Try to turn your ideas into bullet points instead of prose or whatever else, that always helps me a lot.

>> No.31984857
Quoted by: >>31984902

I'm probably not the best to ask for such a question since I am the King of Just Write Niggers. But I know other anons deal with this, so I recommend their words over anything I can offer sorry.

>> No.31984896
Quoted by: >>31985438

>What you're saying is that different bends are required depending on the direction the reflected light takes
per each viewer. meaning there would have to be multiple bends.
>Teleportation is basically just going "It works because of magic."
not really. we have already confirmed teleportation happens in this setting, things on the quantum scale are likely easier to teleport than things on the macro-scale, and if you are absolutely insistent that teleportation, despite having clear rules and being canonical in our setting, is "just magic" then we can make it a hologram based off of the natural ability for chuubanite to emit light, but the other ideas are unworkable. the only criticism i have recieved thus far is
>teleportation bad
but that isn't even necessary for my suggestion to work. as long as the origin of the light is at the location the illusion is occurring, and not merely a bend that would serve no purpose as far as making old ships viable, then i am happy with that. it's much more workable than the other ideas imo.

>> No.31984902

I'll try that, thanks. Just got to get these ideas into my mind again.
That's ok. Thanks anyways!

>> No.31984968
File: 180 KB, 862x775, hide the pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31985258

Bubbles are Everything

>> No.31985036
File: 1008 KB, 2048x2048, 1661755233856638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, chuubanite scares me because of these conversations I see. I don't think I will make it anything more than something that is benign like it did with Elira. Like I understand this, but I really don't want to deal with all of these pains over it.

>> No.31985090
File: 230 KB, 700x1006, Artillery is Everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31985379

Artillery is Everything

>> No.31985154
Quoted by: >>31985253

yes.... I can relate to this.... I am leaving it comfy senpai and others because it scares me because I know I will never be able to comphrend the more advanced properties that paragraphssenpai comes up with!!!

>> No.31985204

After all that time they put into the Chuubanite doc, the least you can do is try to understand it. It's not to their fault that you refuse to try to understand it beyond a basic level.

>> No.31985253

Also, you are even worse on this because not only do you refuse to understand it but you are lazy about it and demand others to help you.

>> No.31985258

sorry kronii, i don't mean to cause any problems or anything, i just don't think your idea would work given the setting. you are very good at the theoretical stuff, i just disagree with the suggestions of how to apply theory into practice. don't feel bad.

>> No.31985269
Quoted by: >>31985353

So are we still interested in the blue hole idea? I'm wondering if there's a way to create a blue hole without a dramatic meteor impact. Perhaps a collapsed volcano can work. Keep in mind that once you're deep enough in the hole there's no oxygen for marine life to breathe.

>> No.31985353
File: 11 KB, 256x256, 1654710999244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31985987

It's interesting. I was just spitballing about it at the time. It's not that high on my priority list right now.

>> No.31985379
File: 19 KB, 240x240, 1661411423723750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31985569

Abandon Chuubanite, Embrace Artillery and the stars.

>> No.31985438

Anon, your teleportation would have to create a field where the light being reflected off the ship (and no other light, otherwise it would create a black void where the ship currently is) precisely all gets relocated to another location. (Not even mentioning it was decided that teleportation would be reserved for things that are not used as tools by people). The hologram is almost worse because the information on the shape of the ship and its color and visual properties would all need to be encoded into the chuubanite, and it would all have to perfectly emit the shape of the ship while the actual ship is somehow being camouflaged.
Refraction idea requires... the light reflected off the ship to bend, that's it. Don't require precise information on its shape or color, don't even need to know anything about it, anything that is within the haze is a part of the mirage You can have the light be refracted differentially depending on the direction it takes through the haze, that's just an anisotropic material.

>> No.31985441

Out of curiousity, how many nations have truly embraced Chuubanite Autism? Meat, Morig and Risu?

>> No.31985534
File: 2.46 MB, 1194x2000, 1661765854569085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was thinking of something cool, Hoshiyomi has a comet impact crater in it. I don't entirely know how that would look, but it would be pretty cool wouldn't it? I am also not sure what we would do it (I know rare space metals but I don't know how iridium would effect anything in this era) with besides maybe... a holy site.

>> No.31985569

Consider: chuubanite artillery

>> No.31985585
File: 357 KB, 850x926, cuterion!1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares how it works, ITS COOL!!!!! I like it!!!

>> No.31985611
File: 164 KB, 1920x1080, 1640514537963.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31985811

Moshi moshi?

>> No.31985621
File: 162 KB, 408x456, 31352D2A-C542-4070-A3F6-0A6BA5B129B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and cool idea.

>> No.31985745
File: 164 KB, 1200x1200, 1661514701749378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, I am a perfectionist already. Last thing I want to get into is spec things like that. If anything, agree with Famelira, just mudane so I don't drive myself insane.

>> No.31985768
File: 43 KB, 680x510, FbFZ2atVEAIEtCG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like shit... I haven't made much progress on the lore today, I'm very sorry about that.
Vespiebro, have you seen what I sent you yesterday??

>> No.31985811

Still one of the best chuubanite posts ever posted in this thread

>> No.31985817
Quoted by: >>31985863

Are you planning on having EU4 comet events in Hoshiyomia?

>> No.31985863

Of course. Why would I miss such an opportunity like that. It's fortunate I have an elective monarchy otherwise hunting accidents would hurt us a lot.

>> No.31985876
File: 286 KB, 673x606, 1660059602906738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah this was never meant to be some super strong weapon, just something to help older ships be on more even with modern ships.

and honestly i think you guys are vastly underestimating the human element in this, these are people on a battlefield that suddenly have to deal with something out of left field while fighting for their life and not some bookworms sitting calmly in their armchair analyzing in peace what they just witnessed

>> No.31985887
File: 141 KB, 1281x2047, 1657679709171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei holy site at a shooting star's crater is the most perfect thing, sounds kino. We already have precedent for the Heavenly Realm sending down stellar stellar objects to Vitubia through /nasa/'s comet.
Ohh, not vespiebro, but what did you send him?

>> No.31985935
Quoted by: >>31985981

I want it bigger than Nasa's!!! Why? The schizos can't have a bigger one than me.

>> No.31985981

Oh, the schizos don't have it, it was all used up by the sanallites to rebuild their station.

>> No.31985987

Well if you want you can have a blue hole be surrounded by an atoll, which is the remains of a coral reef surrounding a lagoon usually made by a sunken island. I digress. Do what you want when you feel up to it.

>> No.31985998
Quoted by: >>31986069

does it sound cool? yes, so forget about if it has any "merits" just let it be a cool thing

>> No.31986013

He just asked me to give him some feedback on his economy

>> No.31986069
Quoted by: >>31986122

Based. That's why I told Emma she could have a massive volcanic lake. It's fucking cool.

>> No.31986122
Quoted by: >>31986167

Lava lakes are fun to throw stuff into.

>> No.31986126
Quoted by: >>31986170

You shouldn't get something because you think it's cool. You need merits to have it otherwise this project is high fantasy.

>> No.31986163

Volcanic lake != lava lake

>> No.31986167

It's not a lava lake, It's a semi-hotspring that acts like a giant hottub. (Its not that big lake on the map.)

>> No.31986170

I don't think that's quite right. It's fine to have things because they're cool, they should just preserve the internal consistency of the setting. I think both the crater and the volcanic lake do that.

>> No.31986257

Remind me how a crater is high fantasy when we have a national park in the united states called "Crater Lake"? Also, not all volcanic activity happens on the faults, yellowstone for example is a Caldera (I think that is the term.)

>> No.31986350
File: 824 KB, 922x1052, 1657923884374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real life isn't low fantasy (kek). It's unrealistic that we have such things IRL.

>> No.31986377
Quoted by: >>31986430

Caldera is the mouth of a volcano
You are looking for "hotspot"
And we have those already, Moriji is one for example.

>> No.31986430
Quoted by: >>31986589

Are you implying we cannot have more by any change. And yes, Yellowstone is a Caldera. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellowstone_Caldera

>> No.31986460

Time to blast some Vicky Vale in the rain with my lovely Makoto. I'll be back in, Idk, we will see.

>> No.31986497
Quoted by: >>31986522


>> No.31986522

Don't care, I'll be fine. Write some lore.

>> No.31986584

Quit socposting you flaming faggot.

>> No.31986589

Im implying that since we have some already, there can be more, hostileanon.

Its called a caldera because the entire area is the mouth of the volcano. Most volcanoes have calderas, whether they are located at the tectonic faultlines or not. The actual thing causing the volcanism is a hotspot/mantle plume.
Read your own wikipedia link a bit further, perhaps the section on "volcanism in yellowstone"

>> No.31986657
File: 182 KB, 700x1244, suiytan16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly based.

Retro, Remind me what your proposal was again?

>> No.31986725

quit sucking his cock! let me guess, your a w*man too aren't you?

>> No.31986771
File: 140 KB, 660x742, 1661452582641384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31986844

Fucking kek. No words, just kek.

>> No.31986844
Quoted by: >>31986953

you will get used to it!!!! but nevermind him, I forgot to ask you what ideas you had about phase???

>> No.31986953

My basic concept was that we either joined the war because we were alarmed by your moves or that we had some kind of friendship with phase. I guess we would be fighting Retro too, huh. I obviously think we would lose because I am not changing your plans, but how it goes is up to Sol and You. I will add my suggestions on my level of participation.

I think I missed /who/ rep too didn't I. Shit.

>> No.31986989
Quoted by: >>31987094

Of course you forgot them, you are a Nijifag in disguise. You interact with the nijis more than holos already. Pathetic, I had high hopes you would end this trend. Why are you letting her win?

>> No.31987049
Quoted by: >>31987103

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk yet. lets think more and maybe we can think of how this works

>> No.31987094
Quoted by: >>31987180


>> No.31987103

Somehow I knew talking with you and pp would get me my own schizo. Nonetheless, I agree. Thinking time.

>> No.31987141 [DELETED] 

>your teleportation would have to create a field where the light being reflected off the ship (and no other light, otherwise it would create a black void where the ship currently is) precisely all gets relocated to another location.
that was something i was thinking about, but who says chuubanite can't be made to react to light of certain frequencies, thus being able to encode and send data to chuubanite elsewhere which can emit light in the desired wavelengths to construct an image in another area. desu, i kind of gave up on the idea that this idea would be anything practical or reasonable, and at this point it would definitely be the smarter move to think of a different idea to make old ships viable against newer ones, but in terms of what would actually achieve the intended goal, i don't think any of the other ideas would cut it.
as someone who keeps mentioning that important detail in other discussions elsewhere, it really would not be that difficult to deal with in your case, i am pretty sure. against civilians who literally have no combat training or experience, then everything is chaos no matter how it's structured, but against soldiers of even moderate skill, it would be completely inconsequential. it's like being in a fight, and then suddenly, out of left field, your opponent makes a funny face at you and then resumes fighting. maybe it would be weird, but if you were incompetent enough to lose because of it, you weren't going to win regardless of it because you really shouldn't be on the front lines in general. i think you have a bunch of incredibly creative ideas that i could never have thought of, and that is commendable, but like how you depict your onobots, it seems more like your main driving thought process is "wouldn't it be cool if _" and then the rest is spent trying to figure out ways, fate be damned, that it could work, regardless of whether or not it makes complete sense at any given time. this is also why i decided i wanted to make it work, because you yourself said it fits your thread culture, and i want to help with that, if possible, but not if it means just granting any mechanism without at least a good enough explanation for how it works. hope none of this comes off wrong. i have been feeling paranoid about that recently with how often i accidentally say something offensive recently, idk what is going on, but i don't mean any hard feelings if they do come up.

>> No.31987180

Why do you think's its actually cunt and not the usual aliceschizo that attacks her or people she interacts with? Curious if you can tell or not.

>> No.31987193
Quoted by: >>31987998

>your teleportation would have to create a field where the light being reflected off the ship (and no other light, otherwise it would create a black void where the ship currently is) precisely all gets relocated to another location.
that was something i was thinking about, but who says chuubanite can't be made to react to light of certain frequencies, thus being able to encode and send data to chuubanite elsewhere which can emit light in the desired wavelengths to construct an image in another area. desu, i kind of gave up on the idea that this idea would be anything practical or reasonable, and at this point it would definitely be the smarter move to think of a different idea to make old ships viable against newer ones, but in terms of what would actually achieve the intended goal, i don't think any of the other ideas would cut it.
as someone who keeps mentioning that important detail in other discussions elsewhere, it really would not be that difficult to deal with in your case, i am pretty sure. against civilians who literally have no combat training or experience, then everything is chaos no matter how it's structured, but against soldiers of even moderate skill, it would be completely inconsequential. it's like being in a fight, and then suddenly, out of left field, your opponent makes a funny face at you and then resumes fighting. maybe it would be weird, but if you were incompetent enough to lose because of it, you weren't going to win regardless of it because you really shouldn't be on the front lines in general.
i think you have a bunch of incredibly creative ideas that i could never have thought of, and that is commendable, but like how you depict your onobots, it seems more like your main driving thought process is "wouldn't it be cool if _" and then the rest is spent trying to figure out ways, fate be damned, that it could work, regardless of whether or not it makes complete sense at any given time. this is also why i decided i wanted to make it work, because you yourself said it fits your thread culture, and i want to help with that, if possible, but not if it means just granting any mechanism without at least a good enough explanation for how it works. hope none of this comes off wrong. i have been feeling paranoid about that recently with how often i accidentally say something offensive recently, idk what is going on, but i don't mean any hard feelings if they do come up.

>> No.31987237

Yeah, well you never do shit anyways.

>> No.31987558

Another Hoshiyomi, bro got me interested with his talk of a crater being a holy site back in our general

>> No.31987633
File: 536 KB, 1073x600, 1659433442528489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31987695

the idea was since we will be of opposite sides for the /pcg/ war that from there we get into a naval conflict for a long time in the kizuna ocean but after like a decade a huge wave of schizo pirates is triggered(due to rushia yab or something like that) and that they are so massive that neither of us can fend them off alone so we gotta actually band together to fend them off and through that we learn that we actually don't really hate each other that much and do have soem respects for each other and from there can iniate peace between each other

>> No.31987695

Here my man. I don't have much done honestly.

Well, I don't think we hate each other in the first place. Being rivals doesn't mean we don't respect you. We certainly do. I'll have to consider this because I am particular things time wise.

>> No.31987738
Quoted by: >>31987882

WELCOME!!!! I am the ENEMY!!! but also a friend. I am alice, 2434 rep. Nice to meet you!!!

>> No.31987782
File: 177 KB, 1080x900, 1649554004514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31987882

Welcome home, anon.

>> No.31987882

Pretty good, I assume you are adding on to this over time right? Not sure what I can do or how this works totally, but sounds interesting to me to make a nation for our general.
Ah, It's nice to meet you as well. I think I will lurk and post for a while before writing anything. I love writing but I think i should learn some things first.

>> No.31987974

That's a good idea!!!! Stick around, I bite but not too much!!!!

>> No.31987998
File: 479 KB, 704x564, 1660042097338042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it is fine, this is why i wanted yours and others input into this to not just be like "i want this because it is cool and thus i have it now" but instead i wanna make sure it works within the established system. but i also want it to be something that is truly related to our concept of retro.

i just don't feel so strongly about this needing to be the most effective thing or something that suddenly turns naval combat on its head or whatnot. if it is merely a trick that can be used to bring some confusion on the battlefield and give an edge used in the right moment then that already sounds good to me.

also since it means we would already outfit some ships with chuubanite, there is also room for some other tricks to add

also on an unrelated note, can one technicly make a big chuubanite box and program it with glyphs to insta construct items out of resources put into the box?

>> No.31988018
Quoted by: >>31988090

I do plan on adding more, I am a perfectionist but also pragmatic enough to get things done so I can fix it later. I think oldrep got a vacation.

>> No.31988069

well it does not need to be full on naval conflict in form of our ships sinking each other at sight ect.

also for the timeframe, it could also just be a few months too, not particular about how long it would be

>> No.31988078
File: 228 KB, 1917x1080, 1640324543445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31988138

The Hitchhiker's Guide is a nice way to get a quick taste of the various nations we have going. https://rentry.org/ziuog
Enjoy your stay!

>> No.31988090

I figured as much. About both kek.. Well I will just lurk for a while here and there, see what I think of in time. I might like to write about that holy crater or something.

>> No.31988138

Will take a look around the world with this, and the lore docs. See what's going on. Interested in the "enemies" lol. Thanks

>> No.31988186
Quoted by: >>31988840

>also on an unrelated note, can one technicly make a big chuubanite box and program it with glyphs to insta construct items out of resources put into the box?
yes, but automation should be barred to the industrial era.

>> No.31988233
Quoted by: >>31988840

It's plausible, but do you really want to threaten the job security of your craftsmen like this? Also prolly a bit anachronistic, unless it only constructs simple objects.

>> No.31988289

Umm, should I open it? That's tempting...

>> No.31988383
File: 44 KB, 474x532, 142143342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31988485

Depends if you are keen on reading something like that. I personally found it to be one of the greatest things I have had the pleasure of reading on this site. If you enjoy Milautism. I think you would want to check it out.

>> No.31988434
Quoted by: >>31988485


>> No.31988485
Quoted by: >>31988522

Are you advertising this? Because I just opened it thanks to you.

Sounds worth a look, I like milautism a bit.

>> No.31988522
File: 65 KB, 560x600, myforest!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO!!! I am serious!!! There is no going back now...

>> No.31988592
Quoted by: >>31988774

That is a lot of chapters, Not going to consume this all at once, i'll read some of the more recent ones. Any chapters recommended?

>> No.31988614
Quoted by: >>31988815

Absolutely, it's a great story! Some other works you might enjoy:
Tachibana Gō and the Quest for the City of Gold
Sometimes Forbidden Knowledge Should Stay That Way
Sweet is the Nut
Kroniicle of a love story in /Risu/
Breaking the Chains: The Glorious 21st of August
The Marquis de Maumigny: Hero of Oiseau and Risu.

>> No.31988774
Quoted by: >>31988815

40 through 43.

>> No.31988815

Noted. I will get to these as well.
Alright, I'll take your word. This better be good.

>> No.31988840
Quoted by: >>31989052

nah i was jsut curious if my understanding is correct enough to see if this would be correct as a possiblity or not, was more a thought experiment than be trying to implement anything

>> No.31989052

if you are flexible with the method, almost anything is possible as far as i am aware, but like in reality, certain methods are better than others. tesla coils were never going to be good enough to justify their cost, no matter how cool they might be.

>> No.31989698
Quoted by: >>31989795

this is fucking amazing. holy shit I want to be part of a project with a man who writes shit like this.

>> No.31989795
Quoted by: >>31989843

Join us!

>> No.31989843

Already committed mentally when i saw this man make these ridiculous maps for a battle.

>> No.31990108

Why do you faggots love him so much? I wish we would get more meatheads and deadbeats to compensate for his ever growing fanclub. Even Cutiegoon is part of it now.

>> No.31990173
Quoted by: >>31990199

Cunt, fuck off.

>> No.31990197
Quoted by: >>31990275

Have you tried worldbuilding?

>> No.31990199

Why do you think this is Cunt? He was always supportive of Panon and Alice compared to other anons.

>> No.31990222
Quoted by: >>31990361

>fan club
Am i missing something? Bro is just wrote kino shit. Whats the problem with that. Hell yeah i want to meet him but “fan club”. Cmon man.

>> No.31990242
Quoted by: >>31990306

Its literally just other nijis

>> No.31990275
Quoted by: >>31990320

Bro i just got here and read good shit. I will world build in time. Trust me.

>> No.31990306

>two hoshiyomi liked it

>> No.31990320
Quoted by: >>31990409

Nice! What thread(s) are you from?

>> No.31990361
Quoted by: >>31990483

He has schizos and since you liked his story like i did, you have them too. Congrats bro, we made it already. Think you set the thread record. Comet Love.

>> No.31990409

I am a Hoshiyomi, my bro here told me about a crater as a holy site so i decided to check it out.

>> No.31990483

Hell yeah, now i will read other anons lore that got recommended.

>> No.31990569


>> No.31990759

>/morig/ ice vulcano
>/mans/ cool hole/cavern
>hoshiyomia holy crater
Any other supernatural elevations I need to know about?

>> No.31990865

Nijimales has a massive lake that is like a hotspring.

>> No.31991490

I mean!!!! I like everyone!!!!!! I don't personally think that I dickride Panon!!!! If anyone wants me to help them with something, I'm always up for it!!!!!

>> No.31991570

You do though. You obey him like a slave.

>> No.31991591

I don't see why that schizo mentioned you, you dickride him less than like half the thread at this point.

>> No.31991616

thread name or schizo.

>> No.31991627

His schizos are his biggest dickriders.

>> No.31991667
File: 287 KB, 558x591, 1647046661237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen. I am home. Risuners! Let us discuss our glorious nation shall we?

>> No.31991679


>> No.31991708

/uoh/'s giant mountain.

>> No.31991740

Ready. t. Warsuner

>> No.31991791
Quoted by: >>31991947


>> No.31991814

I bring an offering of peridot and nutcakes. Good luck.

>> No.31991841
Quoted by: >>31992006

Do I???? I haven't seeing much people aside from Panon and Cunt (I'm most likely wrong!!! Sorry if I forgot anyone!!!) giving me suggestions on my lore!! I don't think I obey to all of his suggestions though!!!

Like everyone here, he's a friend to me!!!! I would gladly listen if anyone has any suggestions regarding my lore!!!

>> No.31991947
File: 101 KB, 719x900, FbQ1zHiWIAIaWwy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31992066

Post your last saved Selen image!!!!

>> No.31992006

You just want to fit into his plans. He is th overseer and you are his slave. His suggestions are meaningless to him, he knows he will get his way through the wrath of the wicked whore of the north. Meanwhile, us good niji writers suffer oppression by his cruel hand of steel and everest sized ego. He bullies the newnijis into serfdom and turned rosebud into a mere court jester.

>> No.31992039

this could make good lore

>> No.31992066
File: 238 KB, 456x267, 51A07A84-FBF0-4F99-8CEF-C197549A8661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31992179


>> No.31992076
File: 100 KB, 1316x790, 1661291849048445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So first of all i am going to call the BOATS arc the exploration saga. Now that that is mainly over its time for the Fortification saga. Fortification in 3 different ways.
1. Literal. Barricades and outposts along the border as a warning system of any slavers
2. Internal. More communication between the tribes. All united under the religious banner of Risu
3. Guns. I was thinking that risuners needed to make their own firearm and use it for obvious reasons. Ceres and Demeter should both become metal processing/major manufacturing hubs in addition to the kronie stuff already there to produce a FUCKLOAD OF GUNS for our people. Cannons as well along the coastal defenses and for border control.

Our national security is our top priority. We will no longer be raid targets and anyone that tries it shall be exterminated.

>> No.31992134
File: 53 KB, 640x525, E2DB3B6E-464D-43D5-8CE8-152AA87D26F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you give me a supervillain arc???? Pretty based!!!

>> No.31992179
File: 49 KB, 680x680, FbGjavmaUAYBr0y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, my lore is literally /haha/ hating Pomerlane!!!! But this could be an inspiration for a story!!!

I kneel.....

>> No.31992192

Did you know OG i was planning to set up major gun and artillery manufacturing facilities in Maumigny along with an Officer School?

>> No.31992276
File: 4 KB, 182x230, 1645654171379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31992494

It's our time to repay the squirrels for all the sex... By the end of the exploration arc, the facilities above are probably at least established and ready to be expanded if desired.

>> No.31992275
Quoted by: >>31992332


>> No.31992277

How does the formattting look???? I tried to adjust it but I have no idea how is it for everyone!!!!

>> No.31992303
File: 693 KB, 2560x2723, 1648257644372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31992426

Can you get me that picture of the forts and cities that you made some time ago? Will be important for obvious reasons.

>> No.31992319

Forgot to post the link!!!! Sorry!!!!

>> No.31992332
Quoted by: >>31992494

You are not OGsuner, your opinion does not matter to me

>> No.31992426
File: 348 KB, 1200x717, risumepmap1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31992487

For Maumigny, I want the largest fucking shipyard in your lands for you. Fortified to hell just for you. A fortress and a symbol of our friendship that no one can match!

>> No.31992487

You fucking cunt. You are doing this on purpose now aren't you. I hate your fucking guts for trying to fuck over infinity like this as a Risuner. Fuck you!

>> No.31992494

Based mepper.
During this arc the risuners are basically gonna make their beaches lok like D day with walls, barbed wire if possible, lookout towers, bunkers, and other defensive installations. And of course cannons.

I will be calling this Project NUT! Nut of course being a thing with a soft interior but a very hard exterior. The idea is that since risuners do not need to invade territory then they just have to defend what they have. So the entire risuner army will be on border patrol all the time. A hard exterior to protect the weak interior. The NUT shall be formed

>> No.31992511

There's a joke to be made about OGsuner letting large militarized foreign powers waltz into /risu/ while Warsuner is away.

>> No.31992523
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1658468026115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31993049

Formatting looks great anon! What is the nature of this Dark Age? Are there specific aspects of foreign and local societies that are considered to be representative of the Dark Age?

>> No.31992538


>> No.31992573
Quoted by: >>31992718

Oh yes I am! I love OGsuner and Warsuner so much that I want our friendship to be so strong not even your fantasies could break it. See this as a middle finger to you, for attacking Warsuner and falseflagging as OGsuner.

>> No.31992581

In all seriousness i did the entire exploration arc to seek allies to stop slavers. Now that our presence in the world is established the risuners have come to realize their fragility if one of their allies gets a bit too greedy. So this is why we neeed to firtify ourselves and just make a FUCKLOAD of guns. Hence why this is the Fortification arc.

>> No.31992619
File: 219 KB, 414x478, 1653442448751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31992683

Sounds based. It's time for Risuner to fuck on their own wings.

>> No.31992620
Quoted by: >>31992916

I am here. Fuck the haters, GO MEPPER. I fucking LOVE this French son of a bitch so much and I missed him. Fucking legendary comeback.

>> No.31992683
File: 71 KB, 300x300, 1659701817509341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our goal this whole time was this! I welcome what you do because I want a STRONG INDEPENDENT A FREE RISU!

>> No.31992710
File: 175 KB, 1500x1346, 1649729892392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OGsuner has finally gotten the coom out of his brain, nanora. Respectable.

>> No.31992718


>> No.31992788
Quoted by: >>31992902

Also deadbeats, I think we need to be friends because I don't particularly like these Irytocrats, melons, nor the uncouth wahlers.

>> No.31992827
File: 240 KB, 2275x1915, 1660761416933569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31993345

Works well from what I can see! BTW if you want a more more accurate translation of "the dark ages" it'd be "Den mÃļrka tiden". "MÃļrka tidsÃĨlder" is more like "dark time period". If you just want the definite article it'd be "MÃļrka tidsÃĨldern".
Also gn

>> No.31992902
File: 172 KB, 850x1417, 1631020579439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31993039

I'm down, I'm currently writing about Deadbeats shedding a lot of blood fighting the Caliphate, so if we can get a bird friend out of it, it would be nice.

>> No.31992916
File: 1.03 MB, 1500x1080, 1659678841560335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DONT IT A COMEBACK! I been here for years
I'm rocking my peers, putting suckas in fear
Making the tears rain down like a monsoon. LOOK AT THIS FAGGOT CRY. GO RISU!!!!! I love you to my Risuner brother in Christ. Hell yeah!

>> No.31992923
File: 9 KB, 440x96, istinggar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course our three top allies are going to be inf from the east, morig from the west, and mep from the outh. towa doesnt seem too interested and we dont get attacks from up there so it will be the least fortified (there will still be some border patrol though). The south will naturally be the MOST fortified with the West side being very close by in terms of defensive installations. And the east will have some stuff too but it will mostly be the west and south that receive the majority of the attention. By the way for guns I really like the look and feel of the Istinggar. Pic related. I really want to have a "risuner gun" because of the idea that it would promote nationalism. A weapon of our own that we can be proud of.

>> No.31993039

We already liked you. You are our fishing friends!
Oh you better believe the SOUTH with be the most fortified. You will have the most beautiful city, most productive city and most kino city I can give a true friend.

>> No.31993049
Quoted by: >>31993468

Tyty!!!! I would like to leave it to the reader's imagination the specifics of it, but esentially the world has reached it's apex of corruption, and will begin to feast on itself over time, leading to an unrecoverable collapse; men killing men, ignorance, removal of tradition from oneself are one of the examples I can mention!
Essentially, compare this to the negative duality said in the Bhagavata Purana, which describes a transcendental, eternal reality that is immesurably large than any "material" creation. In this passage of time, you could it's cycles, and as such, it's duality. If something is called the "Dark Ages", it means that it has a beginning and an end, doesn't it?
If you're interested in it, I recommend studying Hinduism, especially the Yugas!!!!!!

>> No.31993134
File: 92 KB, 364x299, 1655477901093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot how BASED Mepper was. Schizo BTFO immediately on return. I fucking kneel you beautiful bastard.

>> No.31993201
Quoted by: >>31993372


>> No.31993296
Quoted by: >>31993435

A few other notes. Because Project NUT will of course focus so much on the outside of the nation we will of course need a very powerful "homefront". This is where the government stuff comes in. This part is also where a lot of the proper tree placements are gonna matter to maximize our yields. National pride should also be taken into account as I would want our (i guess you could call it the Risuner Border Army) to be paid very well and be seen as heroes. Anyway I do want to hear from both Ri2ner and WARsuner about this. Thanks to the bois who did give feedback and comment btw. I have thought about this for a very long time.

>> No.31993332
File: 487 KB, 680x1182, 1659715252306831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I love this shit. Ahhh, it feel goods to be back to dunk on these little bitches. >Don't reply to schizos.
Nah, Break the fuckers. like this little cry baby above. Alright Warsuner and OG, You ready to finish Maumigny?

>> No.31993345
File: 206 KB, 311x431, 1661697062609110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tyty!!!! Also ty for the translation!!! I know nothing about Norse languages!!!! Gn vespiebro!!!!

>> No.31993372


>> No.31993435

I say we get as much as Mepper wants to give us. Bro has the best options for our future with this new city and all the other shit. The Southern tribes will be advanced as shit soon. I am HYPED.

>> No.31993443
File: 245 KB, 390x411, onobot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31993503

...is this actually a real schizo or just Mepper fucking around for fun?

>> No.31993448
File: 302 KB, 600x706, 1653774565624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the story I was writing so far. I was going to ask for feedback so tell me what you fuckers think

A magical gathering for the future of /risu/
The year was 1130 VTE. The various witches and guards among all other participants gathered in the center of the village. A large circle shaped platform made of wood marks the village center with housing being high above in trees, similar to any risuner village. 30 witches and a single high witch were present along their guards, each carrying grape agate blaster staffs. The guards were seen all over the place on the floor and in the trees, always watching the outside perimeter so that nobody would know this meeting ever existed with the exception of the invited guests.

The witches form a circle in the village center surrounding the high witch and the meeting begins.

"Greetings my fellow witches. It has been a long time since we all met up to discuss the future of our nation. I have called you all here on a matter of top priority. The fragility of our nation and our over reliance on our foreign allies to protect us from threats."

This causes debate among the other attendees. Some of them criticize his words.

"But they are necessary. They exchange nuts with us and teach us new technologies"

"The kronies have been our friends for over a decade! We must return the kindness whenever possible. For fucks sake they are the reason we do not get raided by the /meat/ slavers on the west coast!"

"Maumigny of /mep/ saved our southern borders from the towelheads! Surely you do not mean to end all alliances do you?"

The high witch simply put up his hand and all of the others were silent. Once again it was quiet. He was surrounded by 30 magic users who have placed their trust in him and expected a good reason for his words.

"Please do not misunderstand me. I am not saying we will discontinue our alliances. What I am saying is that we must be able to fight for ourselves instead of having other people fight for us. Not only on a large scale level but also on a village to village basis."

A lot of the whispering from the witches is stopped by this point. They are reassured that he has good intentions and actually knows what he is doing. While there is a general respect for any of the 5 legendary high witches, they are thought to be over emotional with decision making.

"I will not allow a single other risuner to be captured only to be raped or killed for sport ever again. From this point on I expect all villages to have at least a small defense force along with watchmen to ensure that our children are safe. Furthermore I expect each one to have at least one dedicated elephant bird messenger so they can contact the nearest city and tell them to arm up as soon as possible."

The high witch points to one of the witches in the circle.

"You there, you were the one that handles Commodus correct? Tell me how the fuck the towelheads got into Panrong? It is the single most humiliating thing I have ever heard and a national embarrassment. To think that hundreds of people could move through our territory unnoticed!?"

The witch that was pointed at takes off her hood and reveals herself to everyone. She is a beauty to look at even as her face turns a bit red. She is clearly embarrassed by the whole situation even though it was a long time ago. (To be continued)

>> No.31993468
File: 161 KB, 728x469, 1656603682699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good. Lightweight, accurate weapon, ideal for running through the forest and sniping fuckers from the bushes. Deadbeat rifle-making techniques can be adapted to any kind of design, our engineers' knowledge base can save Risuners centuries of trial and error and allow them to develop their own effective designs. A weapon by risuners, for risuners.
I actually took a course on Hinduism, but obviously a 1 semester course will be very superficial, I can see the themes you bring up though. I love the cyclic nature of it all. I'd like to read more about the ignis essentiae...

>> No.31993503
Quoted by: >>31993667

No, this is the crybaby that bitches about me and warsuner all the time. I am happy he is getting BTFO after all of the drama he has caused.

>> No.31993545

>high witch (male)

>> No.31993579

ohh this sounds good, dunno why you were so worried about dialogue before

>> No.31993589

>unify the tribes
>weaponize the military
>centralize the government
...can we have a little tribal subjugation? As a treat?

>> No.31993601
Quoted by: >>31993824

Did you miss that Maumigny has two full infantry regiments of modern Risuners trained in 1124... And its Oiseau!

>> No.31993652
File: 116 KB, 850x1135, sample_f2cf16604525cabf4197d1512c8c15a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats would always be remembered in history as the ones who provided the squirrels with weapons while we provided you with one of the worlds best wood for making boats. Seriously I actually did research on Teak and that shit is GOOD for boats. Not to mention you will shit your fucking pants when you realize those diamonds of yours actually can destroy entire ships when used for MAGICS! Oh and we will always love exchanging our nots with you skelly bois

>> No.31993667
File: 364 KB, 650x650, 1658752259326447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he just seems so...weak, i am surprised he actually managed to stir up so much drama with such stupid behaviour

>> No.31993765

Thing is he usually does his shit when one of us is gone, that's how he gets shit stirred.

>> No.31993824
Quoted by: >>31993938

No I did not. I didnt specify but a lot of those men would be stationed at the forts along the general southern border. I actually would like to know if the Ghazi problem would have been resolved by this time. Not that it matters too much as we will still have a massive border defense but just curious.

>> No.31993860
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 1657924732393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31994870

Haven't you seen mine lose their minds? All schizos are weak.

>> No.31993938
Quoted by: >>31994018

That's up to PP, That's his story in the making with Pomerlane's son (!) fighting the Ghazis with Risuners, Maumigny, Kieselbach, and Commodus.

>> No.31994018
Quoted by: >>31994169

Royal Marriage in 1133. Campaign would start the next year, I know we discussed the details and I am ready for this shit if you are my brother in Christ.

>> No.31994049
File: 582 KB, 1649x1115, 1647618489632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well anyway that is basically it. Project NUT that will lead the fortification arc. Our major allies all have a part to play. Now I do have some details about both nasfaqg and the retro reich as well. But you can understand that those 2 are farther away and its because if sheer short distance that these 3 will be our closest allies. I actually did have original plans for retro reich to be our primary manufacturer and we design a gun based off of retro guns so that everyone looks at us and goes. "what the fuck are those risuners using for weapons"? Ultimately I scrapped it (sorry retrobro) because we have experts in modern military gear willing to help us.

>> No.31994087
File: 333 KB, 1568x2048, 1655562055070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31994195

Holy shit! Mepper and PP, why didn't you tell me. This is FUCKING KINO IDEA. Can I get involved?

>> No.31994169

Ah yes PP the military autist. Can you tell me about beach/coastal defenses? What would make sense for protecting a beach on a large scale?

>> No.31994186

my balls itch

>> No.31994195

Warsuner, this was a surprise for you actually because I wanted to wait till Maumigny was done to start it. Of course you can take control of Commodus in this. I want you to! His story doesn't end yet! OG, can I make a request of you for Warsuner to "manage" the Southern Risuner Tribes or whatever for this. Didn't you have ideas about the cross culture in the South anyways?

>> No.31994275
Quoted by: >>31994389

Wait till map 3.0, and I will "send" Pomeranian Engineers to design coastal fortifications for you. This will be because of the friendship of Commodus and the Pomeranian Crown Prince that this happens.

>> No.31994325
Quoted by: >>31994389

Coastal batteries near points of interest, patrols, sea walls around harbors. Those are the main ones.

>> No.31994363
File: 47 KB, 508x472, 1647436481312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31994454

Shit that's right boss, I had some ideas for Southern Risu's culture and shit. I kneel to my friends, you guys are fucking great.

>> No.31994389
File: 66 KB, 720x720, 1648297812097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31995057

fair enough. thanks man
sounds about right

>> No.31994454
Quoted by: >>31994516

Yeah, me and PP share a docs file for this shit since this thread was so toxic at the time.

>> No.31994516
Quoted by: >>31994676

How did you guys share this doc file with one another?

>> No.31994520

The only time i could remember an old beach battle was the one in the movie Troy. Anyone ever seen it? With brad pitt as the main character?

>> No.31994546

i never even knew of this... THIS IS SO AWESOME AND COOL!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.31994676
Quoted by: >>31994744

You have to share emails to send an invitation. Some people don't want to do that, but it's helpful. I started doing it with Mepper after the thread was unusable for a while.

>> No.31994715
Quoted by: >>31995057

>I actually took a course on Hinduism, but obviously a 1 semester course will be very superficial, I can see the themes you bring up though. I love the cyclic nature of it all.
It is really nice!!!! It gives a lot to work with!!! Keep reading about it tho!!!

>I'd like to read more about the ignis essentiae...
Well!!! The ignis essentiae in this case would mean a total deattachment from worldly materialism; either from the "weight" of battle or from a transcendent meditation - that's why there's much debate about it -, no one can properly define what would perfectly align an Emberian to an otherworldly realm, or something "more-than-life".
Going further, Andlig would mean, as I have written before, a complete distance from impermanent materials and states in an impermanent realm. It would be the first stage to reach Himmelriket, or the Heavenly world in which dieties inhabit!!!!

>> No.31994744
Quoted by: >>31994982

How did you share e-mails?

>> No.31994779
File: 357 KB, 568x620, 1661764866116130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Three of my favorite writers teaming up
This sounds like pure kino.

>> No.31994870
Quoted by: >>31995035

wouldn't be schizo's otherwise. on that subject, in our setting schizos are people that gain access to forbidden knowledge and go crazy from it. what happens to people who are strong enough to handle the truth?

>> No.31994982
Quoted by: >>31995150

Now why would I tell you that? I literally had my business email published in my Pomerlane Docs file until I remove it recently.

>> No.31995035
Quoted by: >>31995418

They become legends, like Pomerlane.

>> No.31995057
Quoted by: >>31996231

Ahh, now I'm really seeing some nirvana influences, if I'm picking up what you're putting down. I don't know if it's intentional, but this fits in really perfectly with the metaphysic lore of the world, with the Heavenly Realm and all. Good stuff.
Coastal batteries will often be housed in bastions shaped like stars, so as to deflect most cannonballs aimed at them harmlessly while being able to pummel enemy ships from a beneficial position. They look pretty cool.

>> No.31995130

>not even the deadbeats care about the panon project, just the panon generation.

>> No.31995150
Quoted by: >>31995237

What if other anons want to have a more comfortable way to discuss things with you?

>> No.31995237

Would you like my business email back in there? It was removed because Antichama was making burner emails and sending fucked up shit to me.

>> No.31995340
Quoted by: >>31995471

That's why you did!!!!!

>> No.31995418


>> No.31995429
File: 342 KB, 591x590, 1648502696305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31996154

wait really? damn Antichama really bit deep into you if he is that obsessed

>> No.31995471

Yes, literally was sending me scat and gore. I must say I feel bad that he kept doing it, I am more shocked he didn't tell anyone honestly. I really didn't want to tell anyone this because this will just encourage him again, but cats out of the bag.

>> No.31995496
File: 43 KB, 640x515, 1650211434133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31995595

PP you should probably not do that.

>> No.31995555
Quoted by: >>31995696

You're a nijiEN poster, one would think that would just be nostalgic.

>> No.31995595

There was a reason I removed it and I am likely not putting it up again for that reason. It worked when no one but those who actually looked at my lore every once in a while, knew.

>> No.31995696

Nice numbers, no i get no nostalgia from how awful that thread turned. I get nostalgia from the legendary things that happened pre-luxiem (Fujos aren't the problem, its the faggots that hate them that are).

>> No.31995877

Alright. I am back. I loved all of the stories I wrote. the Naval battles were Kino, the Clockguy was cool. Funniest story was Tachibana Go, holy shit that made me laugh hard at some points. I will dig deeper in the Pomerlane rabbithole tomorrow. Are any of the writers here? I just want to say I thought you all did great work.

>> No.31995971
File: 219 KB, 2048x1230, 1657755011866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!!! I wrote the Glorious 21st and Tachibana Go!!! We have SO many great writers here!!!

>> No.31996048

But even if you blocked him, he still has your e-mail address and can make new accounts. Did you have to make a new address, and you had to send it to everyone you were in touch with? That sounds like a pain.

>> No.31996079
File: 1.60 MB, 1488x2105, 1652058524527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright everyone im gonna continue my witch meeting story (and do the edit mepper said kek) so ill be busy. Glad to see that people seem to like it so far.

>> No.31996154
Quoted by: >>31996403

He didn't send CP or anything that would actually get me in trouble. Just shit up my email for a couple days with scat porn and ISIS videos. He had a breakdown in one of the emails where he actually admitted he loved and read my stories and was sad I stopped. Then he sent my an ISIS video after it from the same email in 2 minutes. I must admit I feel bad for the poor SOB.

>> No.31996213
Quoted by: >>31996403

Also, isn't it strange that antichama has never mentioned this e-mail in the thread?

>> No.31996231

Indeed!!! Andlig would be nirvana!!!! Himmelriket would be an entirely new realm that's essentially indescribable!! No human could ascend to it without abandoning their entire being!!

>> No.31996238
Quoted by: >>31996522

I did. But that email was a throwaway kek. I just deleted it and made another one. I never used it before Mepper sent me an email.

>> No.31996403
File: 747 KB, 936x898, 1657915571725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31998969

No. As I long suspected, the guy actually likes me. Antichama doesn't hate me in a traditional sense that he would go that far. I really don't get it.

>> No.31996520

antichama is a bizarre bastard. holy shit.

>> No.31996522
Quoted by: >>31996720

So Mepper is the only one to have contacted you with this e-mail?

>> No.31996720
Quoted by: >>31996889

Alice did as well. This email account is dead now, I use another one.

>> No.31996889
Quoted by: >>31996996

What about Emma? She has access to the doc with you as well.

>> No.31996894
Quoted by: >>31997301

>He had a breakdown in one of the emails where he actually admitted he loved and read my stories and was sad I stopped.
An actual schizo...

>> No.31996996

Alice shared hers with her in a rentry and they invited me to their docs. It's not that complicated really...

>> No.31997113
File: 17 KB, 474x263, embarrassedAlice!1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it matter how we got each other's emails... Nasfaq does this and kindred share a discord.

>> No.31997301
Quoted by: >>31997528

Well, isn't that what schizos are basically. A lot of them really like the person they attack.

>> No.31997528

Of course they do, if you genuinely despised a person you wouldn't put all the effort that some of these antis put in. I don't think the right term is schizophrenia. Hell, I don't know what the term is. It's classic love-hatred behavior. I wouldn't be shocked if some of the antis here also are fanboys of the same anons at other times.

>> No.31997711
Quoted by: >>31998162

What would be a good basis for a /ag/ conlang?

>> No.31997748
Quoted by: >>31997992

Well, the timeline of how you got in touch with each other is a bit weird, and Alice never mentioned she was giving you her contact info on here, so I wonder how Emma would even know to get it there.

>> No.31997860 [DELETED] 

Why would i publish his email when i get him to myself.. away from the other assholes? I take pride in being this arrogant bastard's anti.

>> No.31997958

This really doesn't sound convincing. Is it just me, or there's something weird about this whole situation?

>> No.31997992
Quoted by: >>31998220

I am alice...Why would I admit in thread like "HEY EMMA MY EMAIL IS IN THE ENTRY" when antis are watching?????

>> No.31998136

It's you. Nothing wrong with this. Also, your really replying to an anti.

>> No.31998162
Quoted by: >>31998389


>> No.31998186
Quoted by: >>31998298

World building thread btw

>> No.31998206

tit verification needed to trust the existance of fem nijis

>> No.31998220
Quoted by: >>31998421

How would you know she'll see it otherwise? Are you going to leave your e-mail in the rentry for a long time hoping she sees it? That seems even worse. Better would be to put a burner e-mail in the rentry, let Emma know, and setup communications with your real e-mail using it.

>> No.31998298

i mean we kidna are past bumplimit

>> No.31998315
File: 97 KB, 295x193, 1657106805595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we really having a discussion about how an anti thinks or how odd this is when considering the context.

>> No.31998389
File: 60 KB, 1200x720, db78cc863ed88045d6a8b40436ced792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31998649

now that's just insulting.

>> No.31998421

we were sharing a rentry and working on it. (It is a burner... why do i need to explain every detail to you....)

>> No.31998424
Quoted by: >>31998592

i assume people are just curious because they might wanna do similar things to setup communications with people they wanna write with in order to do it in peace and not fear schizo timeloops all the time

>> No.31998592
File: 108 KB, 243x233, noranekoconcern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31998969

There is nothing wrong with that!!!! I just don't like how it is turning into "Wow alice, this sounds SUS." I don't want to give the extact details out personally...

>> No.31998649
File: 1.26 MB, 2000x2527, 1657116525718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31999050

was just messing around.

i mean based on your society, what would be something you think would make sense to start writing with?

>> No.31998761

This entire discussion made me forget this
Thank you for enjoying the Saga. I appreciate your kind words from earlier, I just got sidetracked by things. A pleasure!

>> No.31998855

i am convinced that something smells here. i think its /ag/ actually

>> No.31998969
Quoted by: >>31999255

Well, it is sus. This >>31996403 >>31997860 especially seems extremely hard to believe as an interaction, and is completely OOC for what panon's antis usually sound like.

>> No.31999050
File: 130 KB, 782x943, 1647502410410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31999643

I am appeased.
Previous architects have mentioned Jamaica and Hawaii as possible land inspirations, so that's a likely possibility. I've just no clue how to actually begin writing a conlang

>> No.31999255

So what are your thoughts!???? Explain. Just say it bro!!!!

>> No.31999565

Panon clearly everyone!!!

>> No.31999577

I don't know. There's no proof of anything. The coincidences coupled with those weird explanations just seem strange. Can anyone else in the thread confirm that the Pomerlane Saga main page had Panon's email on it? Must've been for a while. I've opened it a couple times ( I do read the saga) and I don't remember seeing that email there.

>> No.31999588


>> No.31999643
File: 180 KB, 850x1234, 1657163423463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32000092

mint will always have a place in my heart

i guess start by coming up with some common rules you wanna have like certain common sounds you want letters to have or if you want each konsonant followed by a vowel ect

>> No.31999728

yes but he put it at the bottom. I never thought anything of it really as it was a bunch of random numbers and letters so i thought he put something by accident.

>> No.31999768

Who are you?

>> No.31999815

uhhh, i dunno, i have looked at it a good handful of times for one reason or another but i enver noticed an email but i also must admit that i never even looked out for something like that or cared at all

>> No.31999829
Quoted by: >>32000024

I am organic.

>> No.31999871

Can confirm. t. Warsuner. I thought the same.

>> No.32000024
Quoted by: >>32000181

Organicanon, I was wondering, how did you share your v7 doc with the new zeta anon?

>> No.32000092
File: 116 KB, 1024x1024, 1656813229740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, off the top of my head I can think of a few. I'll jot them down and see how far I can get afterwards

>> No.32000181
Quoted by: >>32000323

same way everyone else does, i put the edit code in and he deleted it.

>> No.32000229
Quoted by: >>32000323

I guess! I remember something like it. I never paid attention honestly that much.

>> No.32000287

>thread inquisition because an anti is a fucking weirdo.

>> No.32000323

How did he know to check the rentry for that code? Did you post about it in the thread?
Who are you?

>> No.32000476

Why do you need to know?

>> No.32000485

i did. why are you getting like this? do you somehow think we are the same person?
