Previous: >>31455586What if your concept was not just a thread but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this thread where the fanbases and concepts of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!EU4 World War EditionInteractive map: document for new anons: GOALS:- Name Oceans and Seas, possibly make new names for continents- Chuubanite doc>Note that the map isn't set in stone.>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.>Try to keep hornyposting, socposting and funposting to the absolute minimum until we hit the bump limit.>Please refrain from posting if you are intoxicated.>Ignore any trolls or falseflaggers. Report, hide and move on.THREAD REP TRIPCODES: & TECTONICS POSTS (AIDS LORE/PLACEMENT):Ocean Currents: Systems: Analysis: Plates and their Movements Provinces: POSTS: ARCHIVE:
Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day.If you will be using a rentry link, please use> of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.Thank you!Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP
Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.>Vote Results (most recent)>Bylaws>Vote post archive - -Note:> For the Anon who owns the bylaws rentry please change it in accordance to the lastest voting results
CURRENT PROMPTSFeel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!>SpecialFor the voting results of our /vtl/ team: >>30042825 ; >>30323043 ; >>31255836Submissions for your vocaroo in the WAR chant and billboards (must be 512x96 or 1024x196) are still ongoingTeam Caretaker Trip Code: !p84LALNCrkLast but not least, an anon stepped up and wanted to do a quick tourist's guide for the various nations of Vitubia! >>29911443If you are up for it please submit a short text that introduces your nation by replying to this post.More details in the rentry below.
Anchor post for the chuubanite concept.PLEASE KEEP ALL CONCEPTS ON THE CONCEPTS OF CHUUBANITE TO THIS CONCEPT CHAIN. Anons who do not wish to see chuubanite concepts should hide this concept.Current Concept: (CIP)Official Chuubanite Concept Presentation: (embed)
The anchors feel a lot tighter without that ocean post. me how you like my organization right now, and good morning ppsenpai and other friends!!!
>>31506992We've only had three anchors for the majority of this thread's existence. It's not needed anymore since we've already named all the oceans. The two artic and antarctic oceans are the only remotely controversial ones. So it no longer requires an anchor.
>>31507110I agree. Hopefully we complete the chuubanite re-work eventually and we're back to normal.
>>31507027Looking good, Interested to see how you and Alice use the Empire itself. Will that loredoc be more a general, while the others go into details or will it have a good bit of detail on its own while the two subnations talk about what they rule over and the differences. I personally think talking about general things with the Imperial one such as "Basics of Belief", "Common Traditions, etc.", not to mention the Imperial Navy which I think you will get into (also the KAG and CIO should be Imperial sanctioned given their names). It's up to both of you but I like your moxy and style a lot miss emma. What is Tsuki mean in this context.
>>31507110To be honest, we could just have the Ocean and Continent thing under Prompts until we get continents named.
>>31507027It's nice but my personal taste would tell you to lose most of the planned subsections. Just makes it harder to read when you do start writing. Keep a separate version or a note file for all the things you planned to do.>>31507159Yeah but that really depends on comfyanon who is a pretty busy person. Even if it has to stay for longer due to his personal reasons it still acts as a sort of filter for chuubanite discussions, though I've only seen it used for that purpose during the first week of its creation.
>>31507288Need to ask my sister on this, I think the Imperial Rentry should have stuff like this more indepth>Imperial Navy>The Role of the Emperor>Common National Traditions, Culture and Religion>CIO and KAG>History (other two should be localized)>How the system works diplomatically. >In depth discussion of our version of KyotoTsuki means "Moon" and I am going with that because Nijijin just felt odd and the Empire of the Rising Moon is a nice touch.>>31507363Sort of my plan, this is just for me to get it down mentally some of the things I need.
>>31507571>>31507027OK GOOD MORNING MY ANGLO SISTER!!!! had to test something I LOVE how you did this, it looks great though I agree we need to not have so many subheading and put more into the Imperial Document. My biggest concern with the way we have it set up is that this will be perceived the wrong way because of my reputation. Nonetheless, lets press on.
>>31507767Alice you're really inspired today!!!!
>>31507819Of course!!! It's exciting to see my sister doing great work and I love it. Good Morning Dragoon <3!!!! PPsenpai, Good morning <3 Chu~Speaking of which, I copied your layout for 2434 Emma, I see some heading will be deleted but I suggest we wait on that until we know what is necessary.
>>31508030Umm, I think we can remove "Common Traits", "Cosmopolitan Culture", "Rural Culture", "Special Forces", "Intraimperial relations", "Policy (under Religion)", "Language". Combining "Sycretism and Religious Minorities" into one along with Classrelations and societal structure into one. (We might even want to move that to the Imperial one at a point). Many of these can be used on the Imperial one. What do you think?
Also, to the one who gave me the advice about reducing the number of headings, does this seem good to you? I sort of want to keep the economics one the way it is.
>>31506803Im pissed off right now because our general keeps getting deletedThe Trial against the defendant Cunt !.Q010oIZDo is still in session.Now it's break because I need my lunch. leaving you guys to come up with a conclusionCase 1: Betrayal against /mans/>Defendant mentioned thoroughly that he wished to be a permanent rep for /mag/ now turned /mans/>>28949540Oh trust me, I’m not leaving any time soon. Unless everyone decides to expel me, in which case I can’t do anything. As for streams, I’m tiding myself over with Vox and Alban and such. I might check out the Mag though, I’m no tribal.>>28943208OGpaperclip I hope you realize that /mag/ is here to stay, and with it, so am I. And last I checked, most of this thread agreed to putting me next to you. So you better not start getting smart, specially with cutiegoon, or there will be consequences. :D>28964216Yes yes YES!! I was also leaning towards the idea of a smaller state, with our capital being the only real city, with smaller guilds of alchemists establishing a few small villages/towns in the countryside. It would also allow us to squeeze in between different nations without taking up too much territory for us.As for the /nasa/ land, I was originally planning to have the boys land there as an expedition fleet or something, after getting isekai'd, but if /mag/ will stay alive and only for our boy, I would rather have us be somewhere closer to the action, as you put it. If a general is created for the other three, they can still occupy the soon-to-be-empty /nasa/.>>31166410Are you sure you want me to open my mouth? Because I am the devil that whispers in vespieBro's ear and starts nothing but timeloops and arguments.>>31030687The only thing we have over you is time. You are a fewfag, no two ways about it, while vespieBro, and specially me, have been a staple itt for far longer. Don't worry about it, as long as you keep engaging in discussions you will eventually become one of those detestable namefags in some fashion or other, and will be more recognizable and your lore will get talked about. Specially if you decide to be based ans start some timeloops!>>31316383And yea, I don't write lore worth shit, mainly because I don't care about this project anymore and am only here to stir shit nowadays. Like just look at the latest timeloop. That was all me influencing vespie to start shit on my behalf.>>31507452The one thing I will never do is willingly involve the guy into my drama. He is too precious for that shit. Why do you think I stopped interacting with vespieBro? Because some fuckers were giving him a hard time because of me. Better to just not interact and act like we don't know each other.>Defendant laid down rules>>31429946If you have the time to write lore about other nations, why not spend that time fleshing out your own nation more?>>31430591But you shouldn't write for repless nations so that they fit into your perception of how your corner of the world would look like. What if you write the lore for one of your neighbours about how your nations are constantly at odds with each other, and build your own nation off of that, and then a rep for said nation comes in and decided that nah, he wants to be friends with you?You just wasted perhaps weeks of your own time, and now have to scrap all of that. And if you push for the rep to instead keep your two nations as enemies, you are putting restrictions on him from the very momemt he joined. And that would just make most people leave.>Defendant proceeds to abandon /mans/ without any prior notice after weeks of investment and argument, and betrayed his own written rules>>31462289Gotta make a note of that for when I start writing for hirys kek>>31469260why would I choose mans ans vrt of all nations? Both have active reps and no relation to me. I gain nothing from it kekCase 2: /nasa/ Abuse>Claimed /nasa/rep should retire and not write for /nasa/ anymore>>29911184You need to get /nasa/ out of your mind>Would still retcon and rewrite lore himself>>31193566Yea no fuck that, I ain't blowing up the station. If anything, it's gates are now wide open, and Cass is willing to share as much knowledge as she can with the world. First come, first serve, hoomans. Here's your ticket to the space age.>>31258463So I instead opted for the backup plan: blow them all up. It's not the prettiest ending, but it's what we got.>Agrees to let others write for /nasa/ for the nation is gone and does not need rep>>31262307You know what? As the acting rep for /nasa/, I APPROVE OF THIS ACTION! GO WILD YOU FUCKERS KEK!!>Reaffirms his rep status and disagrees to allow /nasa/ to become collaborative>>31448442Oh and for everyone talking about collaborative /nasa/, as I have stated in the previous thread: go suck a fat one. I will sooner write risuner smut myself than see a /meat/head, or anyone, dictate how our lore goes. This is on me and Rep and nobody else.
>>31508397i think we need more for the cultural subheading if we are getting rid of a lot of things unless you plan on making it more in depth on the main one. Our plan was to have very similar nations over with differences that range from subtle to vastly different right? Maybe we should plan the Imperial one first and then delegate.
>>31508699yeah... lets focus on the Imperial one first. I will let you edit it with what you think needs included based on what I, PPsenpai and you think.
>>31508671Oh lordie, this is BEAUTIFUL! Good job Nisse, you did amazing!one thing though, 28949540 is not me, that's rosenpai. Other than that, masterful writeup! As some anons would say: BASED and Cunt BTFO'd
>>31508465It's a lot more reasonable
>>31508671the gnome's gotten mad
>>31508671Man... It's pretty damning when it's all together like that. I'm not sure what to do. It feels like Cunt literally can't help but fuck things up, like it's an illness, so kicking him out would be like letting the illness win. But I don't know how he'll improve, the nature of this issue makes it difficult. All the other anons with behavioral short-comings have worked on them and improved, but Cunt gets worse every cycle. I've seen that pattern before, "behaving, acting up, depression, behaving". He's too insecure to just embrace being accepted into the social group, so he feels the need to sabotage his relation with us. If he was actually nihilistic and didn't care he wouldn't self impose those honor rules, or have those periods of genuine participation. The only solution I can see is for him to take his meds, which we can't enforce easily.
Emma... I am shocked.
>>31509410woah... kino...
>>31509410....We can either go with Tsukino outright or tsuki no de, moon rise which would be Tsukinode
>>31509514Tsukinode I think would work better for our purposes... This connection to iinchou blew my mind.
>>31509410This is like discovering hidden meanings that you never would have thought of. I knew that Tsukino meant moon because of Sailor Moon but I never put two and two together about why the Nijisanji logo has a Moon in it and Iinchou. Rikun, you chuuni bastard.
>>31506715archive senpai, please replace the Empire of Ichikara with Tsukinode Empire and replace the doc I have for it because I changed the url. Sorry...
Oh, Emma, I think we need to talk about economics for the main lore doc because of Imperial Taxation.
>>31509892Economy would work for the Imperial Province and taxation, so that makes sense. Not to mention we haven't figured out how either of the shogunates work on the world stage or trade.
>>31508671Yo why is founderkun mad? what did cunt do?
>>31509971Last thread and all those posts he replied are a decent summary.
>>31509971Well, he explained it in the first sentence.>Im pissed off right now because our general keeps getting deletedAnd I also make for a good punching bag. I only hope this let him blow off some steam.
>>31510518waiting for the fire to die down
>>31510518Wondering how I could pour some more gas on said fire
>>31510575Yeah I saw. You all do that while I just go in the corner fucking laughing my ass off holy shit. 3 days off in a row and cunt getting anal raped by the whole thread. Today is a good fucking day
>>31510518Cunt tried to become /hirys/ rep and force his ideas, becoming Megas 2.0Founder got mad since he's betrayed /mans/ like a used condom and is still sitting on /nasa/ and not letting everyone write lore for it now that it's dead.the little got guts really
>>31510677*little one got gutsGoddamn phone
>>31510674Mind if I join you in that corner? Cuz honestly, this shit is funny as fuck
>>31510518Good morning, Alice and I are working on the Tskinode Empire.
Enoch logs chapter. whatever the fuckOh shit we managed to convince these guys that the grand directive is really fucking stupid and got them addicted to squirrel pussy.Our plan now is to infiltrate the big ship and blow up the big council members or whatever they are called. (night)We showed up inside boxes as the sanalites unloaded and we stabbed the fuck out of them and took their handheld death machines. Holy fuck these things are cool we used them to kill all these old people who are important for some reason. All the sanalites were freaking out but they were no match for us. We cannot stop winning. I will return to /risu/ with these things that they call "machine guns" and be hailed as a hero. Lets fucking go baby.
>>31510753Haha yes, isn't it hilarious how everyone is getting sick of your bullshit and questioning the friendship they might have felt towards you?God, edgelords are the worst. I'll take a honest asshole instead any day.
Emma, I just finished the opening layout for the Empire itself, reminder me what we need to put as subheadings?
>>31510910I mean, I made founder go archive diving and made a thread explode with one(1) post. That's pretty fucking hilarious if you ask me.
>>31511061Umm, can I have an edit code for this so we can share it? I trust this thread not to mess with us but just in case, refresh the page and you will see the new one.
>>31511069He's called 'Founder' for a reasonthis place is his child and it's getting bullied
I really like how the nijipeople are just actually worldbuilding while the rest of us are at war with each other. Ok anyway I need to do some last minute research specifically on the western side. Need to know what kind of nuts would grow on the west side since were semi arid there. Can nuts grow in whats essentially a fucking desert with some trees?
It seems I missed a lot while I was away…?
>>31511231 (me)Emma, I got your code (I am making a back up as well because I know better.) >>31511225Yeah, Njimales writer, my new best friend Emma!!!! Welcome back sister!!!!
>>31511225Not...really? Timeloops mostly. We did get a bunch of new writers though. /mep/, /mhm/, watamelon and /wah/ off the top of my head, as well as Emma, who writes for nijimales now.
>>31511225Welcome back! It’s very good to see you again.
>>31511201Would you care if I tell you it's not a desert?
>>31511201They took the criticism they received rather well, and changed their behavior. Maybe the rest of us could learn for once.
>>31511330Thank you! Was away for a while because I was having probably the worst weeks of my life ever from late June to early August but I’m alright now. Excited to write more here because I still owe you guys some smut after someone said my original story wasn’t smutty enough even though girls were quite literally getting fingered. Hope you all have been well, I love the writers here!
>>31511225Ah yes dont mind the holo people they are too busy with bullshit. Niji people are getting new bois and some ladies and are actually writing shit down. Oh btw Alice since your actually WORLDBUILDING I have not forgotten about your proposal for making wine. I just have had a lot of shit to do so never got to finish it. Once I finish up hooman chapter (which is what ill be focusing on today) I think I can get back to you.
Should we put up cunt's judgement up for vote?
>>31511418New writers!! Exciting!! Super excited to see what they do and maybe work with them/bounce ideas off one another!>>31511422>>31511481Hello!! Glad to see you guys are doing well!
>>31511470ahhh... I am so sorry for that!!!!!>>31511481Don't worry OG, I will be busy with Emma for a week at least, so work on your stuff. Mepper is on break FYI.
>>31511550Oh and BTW lunaito produced his first piece of smut! Definitely worth checking out in the archives!
>>31511658More smut? LET’S FUCKING GOOO. Will definitely check it out! I am a proud believe in the idea that every nation here could benefit from more smutty stories.
So for those wondering if any, the semi arid region I think would be based off the Sahal region of Africa. Its an area below the sahara desert that is still really fucking hot and dry but can support trees and with some regulated forest tampering, would be able to support more trees over time. I just really need to find out which types of food grow here, nuts in particular.
>>31511813I am sure you can just look up the region and find trees that suit your needs>>31511225You did miss a lot, Welcome back!
>>31512007Thank you so much! You guys are so sweet, thanks for the warm welcome back. Hopefully I didn’t miss anyone trying to reach me with any questions about Luxuria/Kindred worldbuilding or anything, I know comfy mentioned once he was waiting for the Kindred to come back before making any final decisions for some Holy Kingdom religion and legal lore. We talked about it a bit in /nenmen/.
Alice, sorry I am finding it hard to keep up with this thread sometimes. We need to think big about organization on the Imperial Page because we have several options in how we approach it.>>31512128You're welcome. I am Emma (called this just because it would be confusing to call me Nijimalesrep, Malesrep, NMrep), and I am the NijiMales rep. Myself and Alice are essentially the NijiJP reps now; so I am most pleased to meet you, Kindred.
>>31512256Yeah... me too. Let's just spend some time thinking this over.
>>31512007I actually just found out that afforestation is a thing. Which is really amazing because not only would you bet your fucking ass that risuners would partake in such a thing but it would eventually change the climate as some have said before. With the kronies/meatheads teaching us new shit things would be very different. Meatheads in particular know how to place trees efficiently and I think (correct me if wrong) would have some sort of knowledge about silviculture which risuners would hold to extremely high regards once learned. Anyway for the time being I will learn about this Sahal and possible other regions around the world to see wtf they got for dem trees. Note that deadbeats harvest teak wood from us and this has been going on for a VERY long time. Back then our climate was completely humid subtropical. With the west side now being semi arid this kind of fucks up that lore and i dont think deadbeats would march halfway across our land to get teak. So if this proves too much of a timeloop I will simply say that risuners long before kronies popped our isolation cherry would have been doing so much afforestation that we managed to change our entire climate to said humid subtropical through the sheer constant tree planting/harvesting.
>>31511225AHHHH!!! Welcome back kindred!!!!! I missed you a lot!!!! We have a lots of new writers now!!!! It's really great!!!!
>>31512454Yeah, I personally see no issue with this, especially considering this is fantasy after all. Fantasy shouldn't be an excuse overall but sometimes you just need to make lore justifying things.
>>31512454OG... not everything has to be taught. Have your own knowledge!REMEMBERThe year is 1130One thousand years have passed since we came from /jp/HoloID appeared before the split. There have been Risuners on /jp/You have 1 thousand years to figure out silviculture and do afforestationif it were me, all of this happened since the year 200+Right now there is no desert. it's gone. The Risuners have fully afforest everything
>>31512256It’s awesome to meet you too! I hope you have a great time here and that your creative juices never stop flowing. Writer’s block is the worst. Really looking forward to reading your ideas!
>>31512566Cutiegoon sweetheart! I missed you too. Hope you’ve been well; seeing so many familiar people as well as new writers is amazing!
>>31512587Thanks PP. I thought it would be logical for the tree loving/dependant people to know shit about fucking TREES of all things. I have said this before bit I will say it for the last time (and put this into my lore when im done with it) that /risu/ is definitely due for a climate change via human intervention and the entire country is humid subtropical. YO Alice! I do remember you wanting to set up wine shit but I am not sure if humid subtropical areas would be able to do that? I dont fucking know.>>31512645Fucking kek. Right as I was almost done typing this I see you bro. Yeah im going with this. I just dont know how to avoid confusion when some new anon sees the climate map and thinks, "wait wtf they have mad trees but its a desert"
Can we ask for help from our friends here on how we should lay this out??? Nijimales and 2434 are under one Empire but are two shogunates. The main reason for this is the amount of land we rule over. Our cultures are similar in many ways (threads) as is our style. There a differences as well, such as there being more religious syncretism in the West. What sort of detail should be in the Imperial Lore doc vs. the Shogunate lore docs in regards to Culture, Religion, and Society.
>>31512879OG, I want to do this but I need to focus on the interior of NijIJP for a good bit now. Focusing on foreign things is going to distract me...
>>31512454>correct me if wrongNo we do not have extensive silviculture.Plus I agree with >>31512645If your people have been living there for a millennium surely you would have developed knowledge about it your own terrain and homeland.>>31512879Idea: Like how history became myths.You could say that when you first arrived in that region post-split, it was desert and savannah. Your people had nothing but nuts and your belief in Risu.They plant the first tree, and it grew quickly. The Risuners kept planting and planting. Making them their homes. This was called Risu's Blessing. She gave you a forest out of a desert.This is the national myth every tribe believes in.So modern day (aka starting year) Risu land is not a desert anymore. But a thousand year old forest.
>>31512931Not to mention this Alice: Our Empire is one of the oldest in the world, I think older than Hololive and dates back to the times of Kizuna.
>>31513002Yeah yeah trust me i know the fucking feel. I was just saying to keep it on your mind like i do with a lot of shit. Focus on your stuff and I will focus on mine. One day though. Also side note I now realize why teak is so fucking valuable. Holy shit
>>31512879Sometimes I wonder if I should use the biggest font possible on every climate rentry to tell people climate does not equate biome, but maybe that would be too passive-aggressive.
>>31513113yeah we are basically like ancient china in this world, while other nations like 774 aren't the same, we still exist. PPsenpai gave us a good starting date with his starting date for LazuLight but I really really do not want to get too much into pre vt things.
>>31513084And this is going to go into the lore. I will have to make a section of risuner lore before the inf visit. >>31513131Pic related
>>31513327Nah, I've gotten over it. Just do whatever makes you happy.
>>31513113>>31513269Hololive is older than Nijisanji, but Nijisanji had much more of an impact pre-2020.
>>31513395What would that biome be called btw? I found temperate forest, rainforest, and boreal forest.
>>31513529Which biome?
>>31513558Pepega brain. I was trying to see if we would have a rainforest or just temperate. I dont think boreal would apply. After looking at a map I saw specifically that southeast US has temperate forest dominating the area and since i was basing a good amount of crops from that region since the climate matches then I just thought "well temperate forest makes sense so why the fuck not"
>>31512931To answer your question: I think general things should go in main while more regional specific things should go into the two other ones. It's up to you to decide how different each of those categories should be. I personally think Culture and to a lesser degree, Religion would see the most indepth stuff on the subs. Religion would be pretty much the same, as would many of the practices but as Comfy said, you should focus on what you in particular are interested it. Nijimales will differ a lot because, well, Male oshis only and from all branches, not just JP. Also, just so we can avoid a future timeloop, how does this work diplomatically overall.
Note: I may or may not be a fucking derp and am just googling shit and responding accordingly which is probably a bad idea. So I will give myself an hour or two to actually figure shit out for myself unless smarter anons want to pitch in. Ill be back people. With cool lore shit hopefully.
>>31513727PPsenpai, under culture we linked to the other lore docs where there culture is when it comes to differences? Just like have a subheading called "Differences" and say something along the lines "Over time the cultures developed differently in some areas, to see the differences, go to these (links)
5 threads deleted.and I got banned for spamming/jp/ hates us too now, deleted 2 threads in a row./trash/ accused us of posting lolis even when it's an image of our oshis...I dont even know what to do anymore.
>>31513878Yeah, that would work. Just remember not to overload yourself with this. I want you girls to make a great lore doc but please, do not overburden yourself with things like each Kami and overdetailing things yet. Your current goal ought to be provide a good lore doc that you can add on to overtime.
>>31513727>diplomaticallyI am avoiding that now!!!!
>>31513992im so sorry meatbros. Its probably some jannie that just personally hates that shit so hes abusing power. Really i feel fucking bad for you guys
>>31513992Branch out into posting ASCII guro
>>31513992I love you meatbros… there, there… Do I count as a meatsis if I imagine myself being tortured rather than imagine seeing someone else get tortured?
Also for the girls. I want you to seriously consider the concept of your culture being extremely influential. Now let me explain what I mean by this. Chinese culture IRL was the culture almost all East Asian nations got their own cultures from along with their local cultures. I cannot remember the terms but this culture absolutely needs to be true about your nation because of how much of an impact Nijisanji has had on the industry and in turn vt. In short, your culture will be less willing to adapt to others but can exercise cultural power over, in particular other Nijisanji nations.
>>31514227Yeah!!! I kind of saw us having this mentally of everyone but us being thought of as Barbarians or in the case of other nijisanji branches, something higher than Barbarism but still not true and pure to the way.
>>31514089no>>31514085>>31514116im ginna gontake a napor until i stop crying
>>31514085>No genuine discussion of indies allowedMeanwhile the state of the board
>>31513992>Inb4 we start getting deleted as well because you post pics of your oshis here
>>31514740Attaboy cunt! Keep up the good work!! No one will remember you when you're gone
>>31514313Ey if you ever need someone to pound on, I'm always here, Nisse. You have barely started uncovering all the shit I posted on here, so keep at it!>>31514820I would be concerned for you fags if you did.
>>31513699Well, the short answer is both, since /risu/ sits in the subtropical location, where whether it counts as tropical or temperate depends on which definition you use. If you go by the WWF definition, southeastern /risu/ would be subtropical moist broadleaf forests, while southwestern /risu/ would be a mix of subtropical dry broadleaf forests, and maybe subtropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands (depending on whether /mep/'s magical climate spreads beyond its border).Ultimately, the west is not as dry as you have described outside the southernmost part, and you can probably find some nut-bearing trees like pine (pinyon pine is the most well-known example in semi-arid environment, although it's a New World plant). Teak can also be grown in such an environment, although irrigation should help their growth during unusually long dry seasons.For the north, you can make a case for either subtropical moist broadleaf forests or temperate broadleaf and mixed forests. The difference is fairly minor, since both forests will be dominated by broadleafs. They might even be evergreen if the land is waterlogged enough to last between monsoon seasons (which is also why you see the subtropical forest spreading further north in China than in North America, as China experiences a much more noticeable monsoon than NA).
>>31514313What are we even gonna do? a feedback?Not like they'll take it seriously
Also for the girls:Here is how I think you should divide things better in terms of sections you have>GovernmentFocus on the Emperor, the roles of the two shoguns and the local administration of the Imperial Province and Imperial bureacracy depending if you do that too. Shogunates should be have more details around the local dynamics, daimyos and such. Overall, spend good time in both.>Society.Focusing on the Role of the Emperor in Society and the social stuff related to the Government things I mentioned. I am not sure about Classes, their relations, city vs rural, or any of that. Might be better to put it in Imperial if you think there might not be much difference between the way that lands under the shoguns rule.>CultureSince there will be a general culture you both share and mentality, detail this. What you need for this. Regional differences, customs and such will go in the Shogunate docs. Once again, Role of the Emperor needs to be talked about>ReligionGeneral overview of the religion and the religious policy of the Empire as a whole. Role of Emperor needs to be talked about here.>MilitaryAside from maybe the Imperial Guard, all of the army things go into the Shogunate docs.Navy, Imperial Navy will go in the Imperial doc while the local defenses in the shogunatesSpecial forces, you probably want them in all of them as there might be some differences as the lack of unity might cause this>GeographyOnly focus on the Imperial Province and the Climate in Imperial. It will be too confusing to talk about the this when it ties into economy so much, which needs to be mostly in the Shogunates. Speaking of>EconomyMostly Shogunate related things, with the Imperial province, taxation and whatever else you feel should be imperial falling under the Empire.>DiplomacyI am not touching this with a 20 foot pole but... If you want a potential idea, the Emperor plays a role in diplomacy but the Two Shoguns have equal say to make it hard to get things working right. Furthermore, I think you need to have this sort of "Imperial Chinese" attitude of Superiority.
>>31498616the time would be wrong however, it would need to be further in the past as just 100 years ago we would already have intercontinental travel, trade ect. i think the age of discvoery would be more like 600-700ish>>31511225welcome back, glad to see you and comfy returned
>>31515080We calculated it to 900 VTE (Myself and Retro.) or so. Remember that 0 VTE is 620 AD because 1750 tech - 1130 VTE is 620.
>>31515154Any other thoughts on >>31498616 ?
>>31515154ohh right i remember that vaguely, thats been so logn ago i forgot my own thing i did with you
>>31515047Agreed on government. Society... we need to discuss that more, Emma what do you think., Culture agreed, Religion agreed, should have regional differences in the individual ones, military yes, geography yes, economy yes albeit i am not sure how the taxation and things will work, diplomacy... there is a reason why I didn't want to touch this. I can already hear it coming. But I agree on the latter, we will decide on diplomacy eventually.
>>31515343I am not in the best place mentally to comment, sorry. I need to do my math reps. I think basic start date would be 850 or so.>>31515411Yeah we did it for canal
>>31515420I really do not see much changing on a societal level other than the minority groups in my realm. That is unless you want the east to be less feudal than the west.
>>31515596Just make sure to write it down this time, okay? Tell me if you need anything in particular too, I'll see how I can make it fit.
>>31514313>>31513992>crying because his obvious /d/ fetish thread kept getting deletedfaggot deserved it honestly.
>>31515582I don't know... part of it will have to do with economy in my opinion because of the way many things connect in societies. And that relies on Geography and stuff being mapped out...I am afraid to even touch the role of the Emperor because "powergaming" might be brought into question, which i mean... is it powergaming with our setup???? I would imagine the shoguns would disagree on foreign policy things a good bit actually which undermines imperial power. I need help from others so we don't get BONKED. We can do culture and religion right now however.
>>31515873Let me handle this one Alice!! I like culture and religion. I don't know what powergaming is so, is it treating this like a vidya? Because I do not want to do that at all. I want to make an interesting nations that is connected and has interesting power dynamics, cultural ties, etc.
>>31515962>is it treating this like a vidyaYeah... I have been accused of this as I am sure you know but i don't want it to be like that because I am interested in what you said too.
>>31515687screenshotted and saved. I learned from being a mega derp.
>>31515873as long as both nations are themselves at heart and can make decisions on their own in regards to matter then having a "figurehead" at the top that kind of gets ignored half the time anyway should be fine from my view
>>31515962It originally means super optimizing everything in the way you play a game to get the most possible advantage. It's more used (attempted) to warn people from being too focused on having their nation be successful in all it's endeavors and be super powerful ("we have THE best x in the world, and that's not a boast!").
>>31515805tell me for who you rep for this instant!
>>31516263Must be a tourist if he’s surprised to see fetish stuff here kek
>/meat/'s abuse got picked up by the boardOh boy
Unfortunate new: I won't be able to make much progress on the map. I've just had a lot of unforeseen circumstances sprung on me, and apparently I'm not going to be occupied until Friday.I'll do what work I can but I doubt I'll get much more than a few squiggles done. If you guys have anything to ask then now would be the time.Until Friday: Auf Wiedersehen
>>31516574sorry, very very sleep deprived right now. I'm going to be occupied until Friday. Not not occupied until friday.
>Tsukijin Culture is one of the oldest and most prominent in the history of Vitubia. It dates back thousands of years, back to pre-historic times and the dawn of civilization itself. Influential as it was, many gaijin and banzoku fail to realize its importance in history for their own purposes; going as far to claim it is insignificant or that's its influence was so destructive and calamitous to the old ways, that it destroyed them. The proud people of Tsukinode not only reject such notions, but believe it was uncivilized ways of the Shu and the Horosumu, which did what was claimed.This is what I wrote for an intro into our culture. What do you think? I think it captures the culture of Nijisanji well and puts it into /vt/ context as well.>>31516198I do not think myself nor alice intend to do this at all.
>>31516684I like it! I like how you used my reference to /#/ being Shu and how you presented the /vt/ narrative i see about Live2D ruining Vtubing (which is our fault).
I hope Founderkun is doing fine.
>>31516767I am changing it to shùzì, instead of Shu so no one gets confused.
Made some slight changes to the peoples part of /MANS/, new names and an actual description to the doggos. Next up... I think I'll reorganize a bit, maybe throw some of the prompts together to form a 'culture' section.If any climate expert would be around, I'd love to hear opinions on the new-ish split of climate between Mediterranean in the west (bordering tropical in the south) and Subtropical in the east (with a smaller settlement in somewhat dry conifer forrest lands). Would like to see how much of the current stuff in food and drinks can be reused. Also anything on mining and stuff would be super useful.
>>31516574How large did you intend to make the provinces? Like, how many would make up what is considered a normal sized nation rn? 5-10?
>>31516448What did you mean by this?
I have some ideas for a nation that shall not be named. For now /2434/ crops are priority one. Also my commentary ban for /wah/ is over.
>>31510518Hello OGsuner. >>31511225Welcome back! Have fun catching up!>>31514313Take care Secretary! >>31515154I mean, we can have the /vt/ ages, their lengths, their orders, and eveyrthing relating to them be different from the real world. There is no reason for us to follow the real world in this, unless it makes it easier or more fun. >>31501922And now finally, an answer.'>numbered pointsYeah, that was basically the idea. Each single "term" of the contract would be a glyph, which in itself is a set of glyphs. Basically the contract has 3 layer of glyphs, the contract itself is one huge glyph circuitry, which in turn is comprised of two sets of glyphs, the special glyph (or perhaps 'binding glyph'), and the terms. The term glyphs then are in turn comprised of yet smaller glyphs. emanticsI left out "artificial" because adding it into a non-formal "sharing of (yet) non-canon ideas" post did not feel right. I would add that for documentation probably, although I think the fact that I said >... contract's glyphs essentially create a Vitium Structure enough context to the reader to understand that this is not a naturally occurring concept. >and it requiring people to actively manipulate things in the physical and conceptual realms to create the conditions necessary for a vitium structure to form in a communicable way.So essentially, there would have to be a signing ritual. As the (artificial) Vitium Structure created by the contract would be a pretty "small" one (by energy mass), I dont think the creation of it would need as chaotic conditions as some other Vitium Structures would.> the concepts are always there, but artificial concepts are the forced tying and strengthening of those concepts togetherI personally think through the quantum interpretation, because its easier for me to understand. The way I see this working under that interpretation is that the Vitium Field is in a superposition of infinite concepts everywhere, being in the state of the all-encompassing everything concept, which is the most vague concept possible. More specific concepts are formed as energy is expended to remove sub-concepts from the everything concept. Energy is released when the more specific concepts collapse back to the vague.Kind of like with quantum fluctuations and empty space I suppose, with areas without fluctuations being the areas where "matter" exists. Its been a while since i heard of that though so my memory may fail me here.Point being, that artificial concepts are formed as stuff is removed and "shapes" (for the lack of a better term) are carved into the everything concept. When there is chaos in Vitium Field, shapes pop into existence spontaneously (and then are annihiliated), meaning that your Vitium-Strutcture-to-be could use an existing shape as its base, meaning that you need less energy to form that structure, and stabilize it.For me, "bundle of concepts (tied together artificially)" == "A superposition of structures in the Vitium Field, in a certain "shape" (for the lack of a better term". Im not sure if you are misunderstanding anything, am I? I feel like we are very much on the same page here even though we prefer to use different terminology and different interpretations. The outcomes are the same.
>>31517176I planned on splitting nations into 4 to 6 provinces each, based on how many natural geographic boundaries I could find in a nation that would justify the split. The size would vary.
>>31510518I got a spot for /risu/ to build windmills without deforestation if they don't mind hot and dry weather.
>>31517001tl;dr they're fineIt might be worth looking into different kinds of rice (primarily Japanese rice vs SEA rice) for different parts of the island. I think Japanese rice is more suitable for Mediterranean climate, while SEA rice benefits from the wetter subtropical climate.
>>31517479The only reason I use IRL dates is for my own convivence. Not everyone has to do it.
>>31517695how exactly would they be built. Also whats the fucking point if they have no electricity? Are you giving us wind power?
>>31515805Gentlemen, cut his oshi's pussy off, roast it in butter, and give it to our founder for brunch!
>>31517582Ah okok, just wanted to be on the same page in case I find the time to try my hand at it while you are busy. God knows that's about the only thing I can do that won't make the thread implode.>>31517877Dude...windmills don't need electricity...
>>31517705Yeah more of an anecdotal and personal observation but cultures in drier climates seems to favor short grained rice more than longer grained ones. It's probably related to irrigation and perhaps soil quality too but I have no real idea about those kinds of factors or in-depth knowledge of the spread and adoption of rice and those places.
>>31517877Not a fan of breads and pastries?
>>31518082>>31518093They do what? I get they spin but what exactly would that do? And my mom makes bread in a steel bowl so you dont need windmills for bread. And i know they dont need them i thought they made it for other shit.
>>31518093Risuners just eat the grains raw as a snack
As a pregsis I stand with the meatbros. /Preg/ got deleted so many times they just permanently gave up and moved to /d/ so I understand the meatbros’ struggle… it’s a hard world for fringe fetish fans. >>31517479And hi Comfy, hope you’ve been well!! I’ll go through the archives and backread after classes today!
>>31517877Windmills have been used to grind grains into flour and pump water from the ground and wells. Silly squirrel friend.
Alice, I updated the traits and value section. What do you think. Posting this for others to give feedback.As one famous sage once said, "From the ethics of its people, is a culture is formed". And the same is true about Tsukinode. Many of its people share common beliefs, values and character traits that they were nurtured into from birth. From the teaching of the Divines themselves, to that of prominent philosophers over the years, the Tsukijin have become what they currently are as a collective. These include:>A spirit of independence and freedom; that goes beyond the nation itself and compels one to think for oneself. Not one that works against the nation or community but alongside it in unity.>A common belief in the sacredness and purity of families and communities. The sanctity of which, is valued highly; before the nation itself.>A rejection of the tribal thought of superiority based upon the concepts of the Shùzì and the Horosumu. Wickedness comes from the philosophy of the Shùzì and loss of harmony from the Horosumu.>Respect and Honour towards the Emperor, thy religion, thy family, thy community and thy peers. Honour and Respect are shown through love but also being unafraid to question superiors or offer criticism towards them.>Being at peace with nature and the land, which all under the moon and the sun are equal in the eyes of the Kami.>Chaos and Peacefulness are both valued equally. A stable world needs both to prosper.>Service to one's community and Kami are the foundation of all things. As a result of these commonly held values, have caused these character traits to be common amongst the people of Tsukinode:>Free Spiritedness, in regard to thought and potential actions. (So long as it embraces the religious values and ethics of the nation)>Openness to criticism>Duty>Respectfulness, Honourablity and Trustworthiness>Longing for family and community>Piety>Amicability>Creativity and Passion
>>31518165Windmills are used in many different applications but they are notably used in the grinding of grain into flour. Risu dosen't have to use windmills however. I'm not aware of any windmills historically used in Indonesia or other Asian countries with a wet subtropical climate. Using animals or water can still do the trick.
>>31518165You use a set of gears and axels(might not be the correct term here) to transfer the motion of the wind blades down to the ground level, where you usually have a grindstone that grinds down the grain you put in.
>>31518318Love it, that seems very Nijisanji to me.
>>31518165Windmills have also been used for irrigation. I suppose it depends on how grain production is in /risu/ if windmills will be necessary.
>>31518165>>31518343 meSame principle as with the waterwheel btw, just different source of power.
>>31517705>>31518087So both kinds are sorta viable, but it might be that only one of them is native to the island while the other might be imported to start farming?Also I guess I can include some citrus fruits in the west and some berries to the north, does that sound about right?
>>31518447Wait windmills? In irrigation? You sure you ain't getting them mixed up with watermill perhaps? Also, we still in the right time period?
>>31516807no. im notim just gonna take the day off
>>31518660I mean windmills being used with pumps like in 1900's America. They probably are watermills. I'm dealing with morning wood. So I forgor.
>>31518327I think it might be because unlike wheat, rice can be eaten without being processed into flour first, which might explain why windmills weren't as common there. Rice flour still exists, but it's more for pastries and confections rather than main food AFAIK.>>31518566Seems reasonable to me.
>>31518318is this just for nijimales or is this for both sides? still got a bit of an issue linking the names to who is who
>>31518837Yea, did notice a reference to a windmill being used for that after I posted, honestly thinking they would be watermills is retarded on my part. Would still be skipping time periods to get pumps and shit though, wouldn't we?
>>31518805Get some rest
Architect here, /meat/bros are my eternal ally and are consistently proven to be immensely based. I will gladly feed you the flesh of slain custodians once this storm is weathered.By the way, I've been having some ideas about /ag/ that I'm wondering about. Some of them chuubanite and some of them not.As a naval power, I don't see /ag/ having a strong military power aside from a specialized type of ship. A large vast ship that is slow and tanky that can be loaded with a shit ton of cannons and is mostly used for defense.I have the idea that /ag/ chuubanite can be used in two ways: basic and precise. Basic Architecture would be based off of the general conception of /ag/ which is fat women good, the effects of the chuubanite would use vitubium(i think that's what it's called) in order to increase the active forces working on an object or concept, expanding the amount energy being put into something. Precise architecture is more about the True Architecture, which is about crafting the body into whatever form is most preferred and maintaining it through care and balance, this is based off of certain greentexts about Brosnan and that one discussion about wide hips with a petite body.I also considered that /ag/ could be able to communicate with whales after years of listening to whale songs off the coast and use them as secret spies.There's more but I don't have the time to post it right now.
>>31518178Am sorry to disappoint but its not comfy, its me, clocks alias nasfaqgronie
>>31519227>I also considered that /ag/ could be able to communicate with whales after years of listening to whale songs off the coast and use them as secret spies.Kino.
>>31518805We'll wait for you. Try to get yourself comfy!
>>31518805Love!! Take care…
>>31519101If the windmills were made from steel frames and tin blades then yes. Technically it is possible to use a medieval windmill to pump water. However the effort of building the windmill would not be worth it. Hand pumps would be more useful. Though /risu/ would have to consult /infinity/ on making them.
>>31519227>ag can talk to whaleskino Kino KINO
>>31519008This is for both sides, but things will differ in the individual areas based on local customs and beliefs.
>>31518805>/meat/head honcho himself is buck brokenShit. It's really the end times
Alice i started religion, think I am done for today. I was thinking about how nature would be important to us and how it might cause the climate to be the way it is along with the harmony of things.
>>31519227>>31518805You think we should spare some IPs and make meta threads?there's 2 up in the catalog right nowGet the ball rolling and the fire wont stop
>>31519492Never fucking mind, water pumping windmills were apparently used for around 2k years. So wouldn't even need to skip time periods, they can just have that shit.
>>31519646you did great work!!!! I love it. I guess I can start thinking about other things. I need to touch grass.
>>31519757Don't be a fucking idiot. This will just ruin this thread and get it destroyed.
>>31516574>Mountain is mountain againAyo!>>31518805Founder...>>31517479My based fellow chuubanite autist. Godspeed.>>31518165>And my mom makes bread in a steel bowl so you dont need windmills for bread.kek I love you OGsunerBtw Panon if you're around, could you post that picture you said represented Pomerlane.
>>31519801Yeah, me too. I want Comfy to give input on what I put eventually but maybe soon we can start on the map and other things because Religion and culture are a long-term project for me personally.
just cut our lossesget rid of /meat/ from the mapRetcon any lore that mentions themtheyre not even on /vt/ anymore
>>31519922I like the part about climate based around the religion's aspects. Adds interesting elements, I need to think about how that will translate in world and what it will mean.
>>31519910I'll get to you two girls later, not in a good mood rn sorry.
>>31519954thats it buddy. Now you've really crossed the line
>>31519996Was thinking like Japan's climate with all of the mist and such. I will be back in an hour or two, see you then sis.
how unoriginal are you two? moriji is already like this with mount mori and stuff. cmon, try something else.
>>31520085Don't bother with them, merely add them to the menu
>>31519954I like the /meat/ bros, so no. We will not.
>>31520203Moriji doesn't have a monopoly over... Mist? Mountains? Cease.
>>31519757Really do not do that, the fetish generals have good reputations because they are civil and don't act in ways that worsen the entire board. Spamming like that is just going to make the janny cock suckers have ground to stand on.
>>31520203At least have the balls to reply to the two girls, mate. I would very much like to see them tear you apart
>>31520123You're for nijimale, right? If so, your land would be more consistently hot (above 18°C every month) compared with Japan if that's alright with you.
>>31519954Put this nigga in the oven
>>31518805On the bright side, people are now talking about doing /vth/ to cleanse the boardCongrats dude. You just became a martyr!
>>31520579What's /vth/?
>>31520591Hololive ethnostate
>>31520591Hololive specific /vt/
>>31520591I assume "virtual Youtuber hentai"?
>>31520672I choose to believe this one, I like it more.
>>31520732Well if it's a janny going without meds, we might be in the line of fire already, founder's post got screencapped and posted in that meta thread.
>>31520123See you!!!Dont reply to bait!!! As it «mountain mist» is monopolized by anyone.. come on guys. I
>>31520862Founder kun...He's a Saint now
Btw, theoretical scenario: what would it mean for this project if /vth/ actually came to be and all holo discussion was moved there?
>>31520979Shit gets wacky and the world begins existing in two dimensions at once?
>>31520979Depends if Hololive is banned on vt. I also know this will never happen, as this is already a hololive board
>>31520979/vth/ only ever happens when there's 4 more branches of EN like NijiEN and they all retain the same amount of popularity on the board instead of the amount of board users just diverting attention or only slow growth like what is occurring with NijiEN.
>>31520979better odds of getting /vt/ (holoboard) and /vtu/ (/vt/ unmoderated).
>>31520979>>31521024>>31521053>>31521093DoneInternal workings of this continent
>>31521161/ahoy/ love...
>>31521161nasfaqg love!
>>31521161>using a map so outdated it even has the /uuu/ annexation
>>31521239Update the website then!AnywaysIf hololive board does exist, I feel like they would just be the domestic daily life of the holo continentno need to overthink
Guys, ummm. How do i implement this into lore????
>>31520732I do not kneel to the custodian who mistakes a mop for a sword.>>31520900He is immortalized by his martyrdom!
>>31521298(absent) Leader of the Custodians favor the Shogunateor something
>>31521341How does this even work???
>>31521291Download it from the ineractable map...
>>31521298You now have unlimited Janny powers (jk)
>>31521341>(absent) Leader of the CustodiansMaybe that explains their erratic behaviour>>31521365/2434/ kamishogun made a deal with the leader of the Custodians or something
I am obviously not planning on putting something as world breaking as Hiyo and Kuzuha’s friendship in world.
>>31508671What is the sentence anyways or conviction?
I do not approve of this union of two states, /nijimales/ and /2434/. Thanks to the meat shit, i couldnt keep track of this. However it is clearly unbalanced, goes against the precedent set with who-uuu, and is yet another example of powergaming by /2434/ for its own benefit.
Will your country adopt a wandering /meat/head?
>>31521925Can we not?
>>31521925*hits you with a brick*Crop analysis or shut the fuck up!
>>31521925we already got one>>31516809and he seems to have been accepted by the locals
>>31521914Assuming you arent a schizo, point out to us why you believe the three things you stated are accurate and relevant to it..
>>31521914>unbalancedNot a game mate>goes against the precedent set with who-uuuNobody is annexing anybody, they are both writing for their parts while collaborating>and is yet another example of powergaming by /2434/ for its own benefit.Keep seething that Alice has people that want to work with her and you don't
>>31522135>unbalancedTwo nations are working as one. This means they can use both of their power together>precedentuuu-who is relevant because that was one of the most important and clear examples of powergaming in this thread. Who reduced uuu to a rump state and we undid that. Nijimales and /2434/, while not the exact same, has the same consequences if left impeded>powergaming Vassals, colonies, island demands, etc.
>>31522302Yet this is, they will work together on everything so she is benefiting like she would if she had two nations under her control. Idc who it is either
>>31522436>they will work together on everythingt. voices in your head
Imagine two writers working together and staying totally on topic only to shit on them for it. This isnt a game. They both said this itt, and this is a non-concern considering they havent work it out yet.
>>31522436Imagining things. My goodness, they have a good lore reason for this too.
>>31522511>>31522573>>31522646My stance would be no different if it was Vsj and kson or fbk and any one of her splits
*sigh* Timeloops.
I haven't been paying too much attention to the area. Are they actually considering basically unifying into a massive blob, or are they simply working together as allied nations (with their own sovereignty intact, just helping each other write lore)? I'd consider the former a valid concern, but the latter quite silly.
Idk /2434/ could reunite the whole empire and I don't really mind at this point, as long as /rose/ is left alone
>>31522775Think of it this way from what i gather. Two Shogunates in imperial Japan, both of which rule lands on behalf of the emperor in their own interests.
>>31522882 (me)They will cooperate on some matters but not on others. Plus, its not like they have mapped out their new economy or anything atall
>all meta threads deletedShame
Wait… whats the issue???? This isnt a unifed state at all. Our cultures are similar and maybe even the two shoguns are on good terms but that doesnt mean we are single entity. I havent even made map, economy or military with emma.
I assumed that was the idea ever since Alice said /2434/ had a strong navy and nijimales has a strong army.
>>31523083I actually never said this…. We arent even sure what the military will be like or how it will work at all. This is an overhaul completely
Ok alice, i took a walk. Whats going on? Is there confusion about what is going on? We can clarify to everyone. not their tears be in vain
>>31522882I'll be honest, sounds a slippery slope but I guess as long as they can maintain themselves apart enough and show some conflicting interests since they are still supposed to be two seperate generals... sorta. When has there ever been a /nijimale/ thread? I can't find anything about it in the archives only /nenmen/
Whichever nation that hires Clio Aite as a general would be odds on favourite to win any warOr perhaps she would rule her own Prussia, an army with a state
>>31523162That was a while back, when you were writing for both nijimales and 2434, I'm not criticizing, just I assumed both countries were working together to cover each other's weaknesses. I don't see why people are surprised.
>>31523258who the heck are you talking about.>>'s complicated and we aren't going to game it like that anyways because that is just lazy imo
>>31523009They genuinely want to make the board worse, what could you expect?
Guys, if you have any concerns about what Alice and I are doing, please tell us! I don't want to "game" things. I don't care about all of that foolishness. I just want to have fun writing with someone I enjoy writing with on a project. Furthermore, I would hope at least we could know how it looks so far.
>>31523580<3 Same!!!!!>>31523252It's Nijisanji Males
>>31523252It's hardly a slippery slope when this isn't a vidya and they are depicting their threads accurately.
Feel like part of Megas' legacy is the concept of gaming in this world and the fear of it. The reality is both of these threads could work as one and it wouldn't break anything because:1. You must accept a war2. A Wars outcome is agreed on.Simple, I have no concerns whatsoever about this considering the main time powergaming happened, we just said no to him when he "conquered" other nations.
>>31521925I would like to say yes, but I’m not sure we can trust them around our pregnant girls…
I guess with all of this concerns, how do you think the Imperial navy works alice? I think it would be unified unlike the army but it wouldn't be perfect either because of reasons I am sure you or PPsenpai can make.
>>31523580Just remember to also show the differences between your nations too. Byzantium and The Holy Roman Empire were both "Roman" and followed the same god but they were far from being the same country.
>>31523999Rather poor comparison to be honest, Mate. Our threads are extremely similar on many things, unlike that example. Be patient however, as their is differences.
>>31523981thinking on this…
>>31524210You asked me for concerns, so I'm airing them
>>31524345Yes, and thank you! But i am addressing your concerns as well. Didnt mean if it was rude.
>>31520374Give me good reasons why they should stay? theyre a fetish general thats no longer on /vt/. the retard just destroyed all good faith in his stupid general for spamming the board with endless threads. and all they talk about is bullshit things like concepts and magic. especially that fucking stupid 'le epik sekrit cult shpees' just write that a schizo horde destroyed them overnight. you can colonize the land for EN3
>>31523880You are correctA more pressing issue would be the formation of voting blocs, but that too may be just my paranoia.
>>31524473I dont plan on voting for anything that:1. Doesnt concern me2. Doesnt feel like my opinion is relevant3. Is meta. So do not worry, i will abstain in most votes.
How active are /2434/'s volcanoes? Fresh ash is unuseable by itself but ash broken down over decades makes fertile soil.
>>31524461They have done a lot for this thread and are essential for the threads health in that they do climate, maps, geo, and weather shit that are essential for world building. Ridding them would wreck a lot of shit.
>>31524772I dont know… we might change climates so i beg you to wait on us for now. Others need you!!!!
>>31524851QRD on changing climate?
>>31524959It has to do with our religion. We will be more like Japan overall. I love what you do, but for your own times sake, come back to us later!!!!
>>31524461You are not of this general, you are a janny shill and actively make the site worse by using it.
>>31525007I was researching specifically Japanese crops. A lot of Japan's crops are imported from China, Korea, and some from Europe. I'll stop and finish Lazulight's crops then. It sucks but that's life.
>>31525373I am sorry… i hate that we did this to you but thank you for all you do!!!
Please stop biting bait.
Is /meat/ truly dead? im worried
>>31525412At least I wasn't fired this time.
>>31525818no. waiting for deadhours to be gone i guess.
>>31525895>>31524459actually, no need.
>>31525849Nasarep… please dont take it so personally; she probably didnt see your messages until now because of how much of a shitshow the past two threads have been and that she is working with me on lore. I am sorry this happened. I didnt see them until now either and i had trouble finding what she said sometimes.
>>31526004That was a joke mate. Lighten up.
>>31524461yeah, noTheir lore is kino, the cult is kino, your opinion is shit, suck my dick
>>31526078Listen up, mate. Wee bit hard to tell when the thread is on a knive’s edge like it has been. Haha
>>31526145Okay then. As long as nobody brings up the nation that shall not be named I'll be fine.
>>31526288Just thought it was odd you both typed similarly. Sorry.
>>31526332Nta, but yeah. See what you mean. Oh well, dont bite bait
Why are you fags so bad at ignoring bait even though it's the same rrats at the same hours every day?
Poor Founderkun. His oshi may not go nuke like Rushia, but he still lost his home
I saw someone wanted to write for hirys last thread, and turning us into monsters. Normally, i would be offended but I think you should do it mate. Fuck everyone else.
>>31519910I got some ass and enjoyed it. I'm going to be Mountain again until the need for ass arises again.>>31518082By the way just some advice as to what a "natural geographic boundary" is, I'm referring to Rivers, Mountains, and the starts and the borders of biomes, especially difficult to cross ones such as Thick forested areas and Swamps.
>>31526660that person is Cunt anon.Ignore himHe betrayed 2 threads before. Dont let him get yours.You should write instead of him
If it makes /meat/heads feel better.I just finished the second book in the Stormlight Archives and HOLY SHIT this is some good eating.
>>31526350*hits you with a brick*
>>31526767Thought his ideas were pretty based. Maybe ill write if you dont trust him
>>31526710Yea, probably gonna overlay all the different maps and go from there. Gonna see what I can cook up. >>31526767Suck my dick, I got their blessing now kek
>>31526836He needs to be kept on a tight leash because he has periodic downswings where he just wants to destroy whatever nation he's writing for due to his own bad moods. If you're interested you should write and use his ideas, just be prepared to say no and shut him down when he gets menhera again.
>>31526809*picks up another brick* OH YOU WANNA GO MATE?! COME ON THEN!!
>>31526911Ok, well if he does, thats his problem because ill take the lore and run.
>>31526911Mate I was gonna make them a nation of inbred cannibals that do little but eat and rape all day. Even I couldn't ruin a masterpiece like that.
>>31526836Just look at this entire post.Yes, we're having a trial against him>>31508671Cunt is notorious for latching onto a general, abuse it, before moving on to a new toy. The fact he's writing for /hirys/ isnt because he's from there. It's because he just got tired of /mans/
>>31527015Good! Welcome to the project.>>31527054I don't know, Cunt. I like you just fine and you write kino lore some times, but we've seen you do some pretty shitty things. I think the anon who said you have BPD has a point.
>>31527079I think you are missing that I know all of this.
>>31526967Don't make me get the dirty socks.
>>31527015Do it! It needs to written by a genuine /HiRyS/ posterIf you join the project, do not let him become your advisor Ask Bread Dog poster and Vespiebro
>>31510875Kek can this be the real end of /nasa/ please?
>>31527155Oh he can advise me, but I will just not listen when he says dumb shit.
>>31527217Cunt BTFO. I kneel to Takos and Irystocrats for being this based
>>31527258Why are you here? this is your trial
>>31527217Well either way, my only inspiration for your lore was scp 3288, so take a gander at that if you want to. Good a reason as any to pull another guy into the rabbit hole.
Hell, i aint sure my general likes anyone at all. Especially not deadbeats and ennafags.
In hindsight I didn't know what the guy would do at the time. Maybe I can write something again if I'm not banned from it.
>>31527370Bitch I'm on the side cheering y'all on!! Get that fucker cunt out of this general! WOOO!!
>>31527442Nice try, i know this is you cunt.
>>31514116>spoiler/meat/ is particularly about cannibalism but encompasses ryona and guro. sadists and masochists are both welcome.
>>31527449You aren't. Like anons have been telling you this whole time, go ahead and write the /nasa/ ending or histories or whatever the hell it is you want. You don't have to take the stupid shit he said to you seriously.
>>31527458false trip? or are you just rushia tier menhera?
>>31527516It's the latter. He's like that.
>>31527381Someone made a political compass of /vt/ the other day/HiRyS/ ranked highest on the 'monotheism' axis, only your chuuba is allowed. Other holos are heresy
I for one love Cunt
>>31527481No thats me
>>31527449Who ever said you were banned from anything? Didn't I specifically talk to you about any thoughts you have regarding the ending so we can iron out the details?>>31527481Nope. Not me sorry.>>31527516I'm just having fun with the whole situation kek.
>>31527547Fuck, there is a joke in there now about us being an irys anti containment thread. Either way. Whichever one of you dumb fuckers posted over there gets the rope.
>>31527547Post it.
>>31527547thats a very old political compass, i remember it being first posted in february or something
>>31527708I didnt save it sadly
Taking a gander at the map before start, disappointing that hoomen are so far away. I would have picked you first after ennafags. Shame morig it is the ocean. Ah well, motto is fuck em all to death.
>>31527665What? Im just your ambassador delegate
Sorry if i am rambling, wah. What are you feelings on morig.
Meanwhile risuners are currently WINNING
>>31527898Fuck Morig. They are our enemies. Why should i trust you?
>>31528042You shouldnt. But if you hate morig you are fine by us now.
>>31528042Do you like the squirrels?
>>31527381Are you at least neutral on KFP?
>>31528120Do you like Morig? OOC: i dont care personally, just playing the part.
>>31528165Depends on your stance on Morig. Since my thread hates mori, i cannot be friendly or even neutral in such circumstances.
>>31528165wait not this is /wah/ not HIrYS, I forgot. We're mortal enemies.
>>31528201OOC i do and in world theyre our biggest allies. Fuck yeah we like morig. We love exchanging nuts with foreign people.
>>31528253You are wahs mortal enemy too as you wanted.
>>31528249we're trade partners with MoriG...
>>31528284Then prepare your anus. And call the whole world to back you up, you’ll need it ;)>>31528297Hmmm i dont think my thread is fond of kiara at all desu
>>31528354Our anuses are ready for you. Come and taste our nuts and cum in our butts <3
>>31528354>>31528299Kyaaaa~ I have mortal enemies~ I'm going to write so much war Kino with you guys.Anyway, I'm going to be heading off to bed. This is probably going to be the last time you guys see me until Friday. take care all of you.
>>31506715 figure out actually shit later, consider this an appetizer.
>>31528800>IrYSI'm starting to doubt this is an irystocrat
>>31529011I have dyslexia, sorry.
>>31529011That just makes it more convicining because they are retards kek.
>>31529109another log for the HiRYS villain backstory fire...
Where will Cunt go next? Risu?
>>31529562Kek. Please. I want to see it.
Baker doko?
>>31529749You think I would ever let that happen. Nigger already tried to put /mans/ in /risu/ just to poison shit after his fucking squirrel murdering failed at /nasa/ there is no way I would allow it.
>>31529923Why did nasa eat squirrels?
I am going to write about Sanalite going rambo in Risu now kek.
>>31530199Because cunt as a kid watched his pets get anal raped by rodents so he has a squirrel hateboner.
>>31530199To answer you for real: while at work one day, a thought creeped into my mind. "what kind of flavor would Saplings produce if they were used as wood for smoking meat?" and then, since OG was going on about his tri fleet at the time, I also thought "hey, how would Risuners, specifically, taste if smoked with said wood?" and I shitposted about wanting to eat a risuner when I got home. The rest is, as they say, history.
>>31530889kinda based ngl
>>31506715>I’m here to chew bubble gum and kick squirrel’s ass and I am all out of bubble gum.Brent Rambo, my tribute to Sanalites
I heard climate change...
>>31531083Holy based. KINO
Honestly, I think we need to chill it down with the constant climate changes.
>>31531261I have a legit reason for mine.
>>31531375>assuming any others are wrong.
>>31531375Such as?
Look, I aint mobile baking. Someone else will have to.
>>31531478nigger. ill let others do their shit and ill do mine.>>31531499thousand years of squirrel planting trees like fucking crazy to the point that the savannah/desert is fucking gone.