>> | No.31513084 File: 1.45 MB, 400x400, aaakiiiiwwaaaaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>31512454 >correct me if wrong No we do not have extensive silviculture.
Plus I agree with >>31512645 If your people have been living there for a millennium surely you would have developed knowledge about it your own terrain and homeland. >>31512879 Idea: Like how history became myths. You could say that when you first arrived in that region post-split, it was desert and savannah. Your people had nothing but nuts and your belief in Risu. They plant the first tree, and it grew quickly. The Risuners kept planting and planting. Making them their homes. This was called Risu's Blessing. She gave you a forest out of a desert. This is the national myth every tribe believes in. So modern day (aka starting year) Risu land is not a desert anymore. But a thousand year old forest.