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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29403420 No.29403420 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>29384348

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!

No Fun Allowed (Before We Get Shit Done) Edition

Interactive map:

Introductory blurb for new anons (Test version, subject to change):

- Chill with the Funposting and chatroom crap a little
- Name Oceans and Seas, possibly make new names for continents

- Maps!
- Chuubanite doc

>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.
>Try to keep hornyposting and funposting to the absolute minimum until we hit the bump limit.

>/∞/: !XcNdwMsONs, !np2UIvxwi. (backup)
>/meat/: !!J7IsvbPoQE1
>LazuLight: !Ju8511RBaI, !VPFshGyIyE

Ocean Currents:
Weather Systems:
Climate Analysis:
Tectonic Plates and their Movements
Geologic Provinces:



>> No.29403448
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP

>> No.29403536
File: 1.51 MB, 3000x1548, cf0f007334cbc2b7ded01afe4afed0f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29404002

Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.
>Planned Vote

>Vote Results
>Vote post archive

>> No.29403723 [DELETED] 
File: 3.66 MB, 4093x2894, da8645df3885638c5d826654adfc5632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anchor post for the chuubanite concept.

PLEASE KEEP ALL CONCEPTS ON THE CONCEPTS OF CHUUBANITE TO THIS CONCEPT CHAIN. Anons who do not wish to see chuubanite concepts should hide this post.

Current Concept: https://rentry.org/q92vo (CIP)

Official Chuubanite Concept Video: https://youtu.be/V83JR2IoI8k

>> No.29403808
File: 3.66 MB, 4093x2894, da8645df3885638c5d826654adfc5632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29452492

Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

What does the average Joe wear daily? Any formal dress impacted by tradition/culture? Is fashion being split by class or regional differences? Climate or other fantastical wackery making certain attire a necessity? Paint us a clearer picture of who you'll see walking through the streets!
What crops do your people grow for consumption? What about the food you import, and from where? Do you have unique delicacies? What are the common snacks or meals for the working class, or the rich and powerful? Any food reserved for ritual purposes? How about etiquette when eating? Any special practices during mealtime?
What kinds of entertainment is popular for your people? How important are they seen as part of life? Do different class people have sufficiently different tastes? How much do the chuuba gods play a role in these entertainments?
What religious rituals does your nation have to worship its deities? What's the religious structure look like? What's the official stance on other faiths?
>Alcohol and Drink
what do your people drink and what's is it made from? what sort of culture is there around drinking in your split?
What are your nation's current goals now? What are you trying to aim for in your development? Would said development make your people happy?
>Funeral Rites
How do your people observe the death of one of their own? What kind of ceremonies are held? How are their belongings handled?
What kind of musical instruments/music does your nation make/use?
Does your thread's nation have any naming conventions? What are people named, and why? Do names have meaning? Do people have surnames, and how are those derived?
How does the balance of power look in your nation? who are the ruling/most powerful class? Who are they competing with?
What sort of superstitions/folklore do your nation's people have, as in, are there things that the people believe in or things they think they know to be real that are not real on a meta level? What are omens of good or bad fortune? What mythical monsters lurk in the forests, or in the depths of the sea? Do some foods or materials have to be prepared in a certain way before they are seen as fit to use?
We are making a /vtl/ team! Here are the current suggestions:
Suggest and add to it!

>> No.29403891
File: 964 KB, 498x290, how does chuubanite work.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29405053

>Anchor post for the chuubanite concept.

PLEASE KEEP ALL CONCEPTS ON THE CONCEPTS OF CHUUBANITE TO THIS CONCEPT CHAIN. Anons who do not wish to see chuubanite concepts should hide this post.

Current Concept: https://rentry.org/q92vo (CIP)

Official Chuubanite Concept Video: https://youtu.be/V83JR2IoI8k (embed)

>> No.29404002
File: 334 KB, 850x1202, 52065a7db1f49083eceec92dddf8f5e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anchor post for Ocean, Sea, and Continent naming discussion.
Post your maps here so we can see them and talk about them

>Fixed vote archive link

>> No.29404103
File: 278 KB, 828x504, 0CD8CE9C-E10A-4923-95DB-A560AD4835AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never complain about my fuck ups again. I did bake the maria thread earlier with my trip still on

>> No.29404318
Quoted by: >>29405764


>> No.29404454

I just want to restate this. Also the reasons for stories to be non-canon is so that they do not interfere with other threads worldbuilding.

>> No.29404484
Quoted by: >>29404730


>> No.29404511
Quoted by: >>29404730

Do as you wish, you are welcome here

>> No.29404642

If you make a bread dog in Moriji story, I will make it canon.

>> No.29404668
File: 61 KB, 208x246, no bulli...[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzk8mwy.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deadbeat bros they're bullying me make them stop

>> No.29404730
Quoted by: >>29404939

Treat Bread Dog Stories as fiction within this world if you want to. I just don't want to mess with historical moments to threads I will not rep.

>> No.29404821
Quoted by: >>29405764

Only because I fuck up baking just about every other time in some way
>wrong previous thread, did it twice in one thread before i fixed it
>forgot picture
>forgot my own triprep
>baked with my triprep for a non worldbuilding thread.

>> No.29404868
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Quoted by: >>29405764

The art of bread baking is sacred in /morig/ anon, you earned those bants.

>> No.29404939
Quoted by: >>29405673

Eh, all i am saying is dont worry if its canon or not. Ill decide when it come to LazuLight but make a fun story and then ill make the decision.

>> No.29404978 [DELETED] 

Owl Republic
Leader: whoever the current president is idk
Unique ability: Civilization
>Improved Iron and forest provide +2 production, farms provide 1 production but cities require 30% more food to grow pop
Unique building: Printing press
>Every school building and library provides +1% science in the city, and every artifact or great work in this city provides 0.25% local culture production, every foreign artifact or great work placed in a wonder provides 1% global culture.
Unique unit(alternative to musketeers, limited to 4): Rangers
Movement: 2
Strength: 16
+14 bonus when attacking from forests and hills
Unique free promotion:
+1 sight
+1 movement in forests and hills
Upgrades to great war infantry

>> No.29405053
File: 758 KB, 1854x716, 652175B5-98DE-4246-A834-6609DCE70A8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29405173

Think this will add to the concept

>> No.29405110

>+1 sight
The hoomans like to watch...

>> No.29405173
Quoted by: >>29405247

Also want to say, paragraphsanon is one hell of a typer to get all of that in under the cooldown

>> No.29405182

What if some of us like the story you write for us and decide we want it to be canon? Can we do that? No pressure either way.

>> No.29405239 [DELETED] 

Very nice. Printing press sounds great if you put all your artifacts and great works in one place.

>> No.29405247

Fuck me, I hadn't even noticed... Yeah he is, that's powerful.

>> No.29405555
Quoted by: >>29405687

I miss sanitation and happiness mechanics from Civ 4 on the newer games.

>> No.29405673
Quoted by: >>29406005

First you have to bring Lazulight to modern day.

>> No.29405687
Quoted by: >>29405916

I kinda wish there was a game that was just Civ4, but with hexes. Because man Civ4 was solid, but hexes just feel so good to play with.

>> No.29405764

it isnt fair I made a whole new op image and i had a bunch of nice frazetta pics but the op image was too large and I had to rush to fix it and ma hand slipped....
im takin a nap, i will see you guys later.

>> No.29405910

Maybe you can use it next time, lunaito.

>> No.29405916

Yeah.. I agree… Civ IV did everything right BUT that

>> No.29405931
File: 998 KB, 1000x1000, 1655394279402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunaito... It's fine, I've fucked up OPs too. Just make sure to have all your files ready next time you wanna try it.

>> No.29406005
Quoted by: >>29406460

Working on it, might take a while with my thorough autism though.

>> No.29406091

Again, you will NEVER fuck up baking as often as me. One bad mistake doesn’t compare to me constantly bungling it

>> No.29406320

Anyways, i am off. Set eveyone around 600hrs. Lets not blow our top again (we will) like tonight

>> No.29406460

That's okay. I still have other drafts to finish.

>> No.29407783
File: 78 KB, 638x638, a0d640ab347aec855ba1e8a898621b7307107d65_hq (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29425607


>> No.29408030 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29408287

The Holy Republic of Infinitum or whatever are official name is, I can never decide

Leader: Ouro Kronii CCXXXVI (all priestesses are named Ouro Kronii)

Unique Ability: The City Must Survive
>+1 Food from tundra tiles. +1 Production and +1 Science from every 3 Citizens. +1 Culture and +1 Happiness from Libraries. -50% unhappiness from population. You can only build 1 city.
Unique building: Grand Archive
>Replaces National College. In addition to the stats of the National College: +2 Culture, +3 Happiness.
Unique Unit: Archivist
>Replaces Scout. In addition to the stats of the Scout: +1 Science rewarded for every Ancient Ruin discovered. +2 Science rewarded for every City State you discover first; +1 Science rewarded for every City State you meet after it has been discovered by another player. +3 Science rewarded for every National Wonder discovered.

Someone tell me if this is balanced.

>> No.29408228

The Holy Republic of Infinitum or whatever our official name is, I can never decide

Leader: Ouro Kronii CCXXXVI (all priestesses are named Ouro Kronii)

Unique Ability: The City Must Survive
>+1 Food from tundra tiles. +1 Production and +1 Science from every 3 Citizens. +1 Culture and +1 Happiness from Libraries. -50% unhappiness from population. You can only build 1 city.
Unique building: Grand Archive
>Replaces National College. In addition to the stats of the National College: +2 Culture, +3 Happiness.
Unique Unit: Archivist
>Replaces Scout. In addition to the stats of the Scout: 5 Science rewarded for every Ancient Ruin discovered. 10 Science rewarded for every City State you discover first; 5 Science rewarded for every City State you meet after it has been discovered by another player. 20 Science rewarded for every National Wonder discovered.

Someone tell me if this is balanced.

>> No.29408287

>OCC Challenge civ
Based on how Venice was, I bet it's broken as fuck but it seems more balanced than my broken Moriji units so it's alright.

>> No.29408420
Quoted by: >>29408676

We are just posting for fun but seem balanced enough
I'm assumed you were using civ 6 stats with those numbers lol

>> No.29408440
Quoted by: >>29408676

God I love playing one city challenges. Even if I suck ass at it. Maybe that's why I love the Big Boss leader mod. I'm just trying to make a Science focused version of Venice desu
It all evens out

>> No.29408676
Quoted by: >>29410276

If enough anons get into this, I might slap together a couple mods, throw a bunch of AI on a map, see what happens...
Oh yeah, I was. I'd need to adjust for a Civ V version.
They're so fun. My favorite was Korea OCC, it's what you say, science-focused OCC, which makes it even funnier and more fitting you'd go for that for Kronii.

>> No.29408965
File: 280 KB, 1000x1000, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word cloud for last thread.

>> No.29409141

>war just happens to be in between the two

>> No.29409664
File: 1 KB, 107x21, 1658982871731042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must do as the word cloud commands...

>> No.29409818
File: 120 KB, 850x939, __tsukumo_sana_and_sanallite_original_and_2_more_drawn_by_pako_pakosun__sample-bfe96cccc46b42be61ac65c87a5b1bfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft, gentle breeding sex with cutiegoon. That is all, carry on. I will take my denounce you cunts.

>> No.29410025
File: 1 KB, 102x28, 94678462774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the prophecy....

>> No.29410166
Quoted by: >>29411643

Religion Name: Kroniisism
Pantheon: Fertility Rites (or God-King)
Founding Belief: Interfaith Dialogue (or Tithe)
Follower Beliefs: Religious Community and Feed the World (or Swords into Plowshares)
Enhancer Belief: Holy Order (or Defender of the Faith)

Result: a massive Infinity City, very productive too. With the Unique Ability each 3rd Citizen will also contribute even more Production as well as Science. Now I really want to play this

>> No.29410185
File: 2 KB, 109x32, 1654961995713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wanna...

>> No.29410276

That'd be so cash. And yeah I played Korea a lot before, but never as a OCC. I should try that out! Damn, this thread makes me want to reinstall Civ V...

>> No.29410512

How would a chuubanite poison work?

>> No.29410713

Depends on which thread's chuubanite you're talking about. It seems most of them are poisonous in large enough quantities. Luna chuubanite would turn your insides into candy, /uuu/ chuubanite will saplingify you too quick, resulting in death, /morig/ chuubanite would destroy your mind, /meat/ chuubanite accelerates the life cycle, so enough of it probably isn't too good for you. Be creative!

>> No.29410805

same as most any other kind of poison. interestingly, though, i was thinking that you could create a chuubanite virus or bacteria that would spread asymptomatically throughout a population, and would only have symptoms in the presence of an activator substance, meaning you could condem people to a weakness they wouldn't know they had until it was already too late. i have been trying to think of natural ways to nerf such a thing, though.

>> No.29410853

>/meat/ chuubanite accelerates the life cycle
Wait, does /meat/ have a much lower life expectancy than other nations then, their lifestyle notwithstanding?

>> No.29411106
Quoted by: >>29421632

Maybe they have telomerase in their bodies, like lobsters, so even if their cells split more often their DNA doesn't age at an accelerated rate.
Normally yeah, a /meat/head who consumes a ton of their chuubanite should age a bit faster, through increased telomere shortening. But maybe the quantity of chuubanite in most /meat/heads is limited.

>> No.29411126
Quoted by: >>29421632

poison isn't the same as a disease or sickness. there is a technical difference, but i can't remember the specifics right now.
the life cycle as far as /meat/ defines it is "birth, suffering, death, rebirth" so while things would die at a faster rate, it would also be born, and reborn at a faster rate, too. basically, it is evolution itself. as a result, faulty healing and cancer are more common problems with excessive /meat/ chuubanite use.

>> No.29411325
Quoted by: >>29411659

Bacteria can be killed by antibiotics. And non-lethal viruses can be killed with the right antibodies.

>> No.29411643

Hmm, would Order or Freedom be better for Infinitum? I mean, I know Freedom would be better for the Science path and for the fact you only have once city, but Order matches up perfectly with the style of Frostpunk...

>> No.29411659

everything can be countered. that's not the point. the point is that it would have no symptoms until everyone suddenly dies unanimously. the body's response to a sickness informs people and thus culture how to respond to an outbreak, but if nobody has symptoms in the initial stage, you get viruses that are far more deadly. see ebola, and why anyone cared about it.

>> No.29411664 [SPOILER] 
File: 457 KB, 654x873, 1658564665598522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29411751
File: 63 KB, 229x193, 34525503356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29412342


>> No.29411908
Quoted by: >>29413998

So I think I'm just going to write about Charlie and the Risuner twins at the festival. I'm not going to touch the kidnapping plot. After that its story time with 9141 and Alex.

>> No.29412342
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>> No.29412371
File: 118 KB, 850x1234, __tsukumo_sana_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_handot_d_yot__sample-332d225b9148f8f52334bf55c96a0406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29412459

Ah, ok. I'm sorry.

>> No.29412459

I'm joking!!!! You can send whatever you want!!! I just had that image in my gallery for a while!!

>> No.29412477

You know this ends in instaloss, right? Brattygoon...

>> No.29412949
Quoted by: >>29413348

I don't believe you, source?

>> No.29412957
Quoted by: >>29413348

Nope!!! Why would it ever end in instaloss????

>> No.29413149
Quoted by: >>29413464

I was thinking about a snake chuuba or an alchemist chuuba creating a venom or toxin with chuubanite.

>> No.29413348

Goddamn Twitter search is a piece of shit but the artist is @SunsetSkyline1. He draws chuuba lewds and that image was a precursor to him drawing Selen reluctantly showing you her tits, then a shot of (You) on top of her with her claw digging into (You)r back

>> No.29413464

poison chuubanite would exist like any other kind of poison, yes.

>> No.29413998

>>29411908 (me)
Forgot to mention. This shouldn't really affect the kidnapping storyline. I just want to have fun with the Festival of Sheep.

>> No.29414827

Era After anon here with a freshly baked treat after leaving you guys for so long. Enjoy The Musings and Expoundings of Alber T. Kaasaki, an attempt to write with an 1700s-1800s English style taking place in a city previously belonging to /nasfaqg/ before the Era After.


This is the first time I've actually done an Era After piece on a general that actually has tons of lore, so I hope I've done well enough in that regard even if /nasfaqg/ isn't a thing anymore by the time of the story.

Also, do let me know about any comments or criticisms especially here. I'm not sure if this type of writing is too boring for people to read, I just wanted to entertain the idea. Thanks guys.

Anchor: >>29403448

>> No.29415049
Quoted by: >>29415179

Kek this kid's writing is funny, I enjoyed that. He's so self-assured of the greatness of his city. Is there gonna be more from him?

>> No.29415103
Quoted by: >>29415411

Don't worry about writing an era after for /nasa/. The territory is going to be repurposed into another general. We're waiting for post graduation to see what we'll do with it.

>> No.29415179

When I decide to get around to it, yeah.
Considering the state of other places around it, he might have a point, though it's certainly no paradise.

>> No.29415411

Also forgot to reply to this, well, let's say whatever happens there, I won't forget you guys if I get to your territory :)

>> No.29417279


>> No.29419039


>> No.29420010

Ahh... Nature is healing.

>> No.29420196

healing is nature. if it weren't, then it wouldn't be nature for long.

>> No.29420249

I’m going to ERP just to spite you

>> No.29420378

*swings my fat cock and balls in front of your face tauntingly*

>> No.29420619
File: 179 KB, 128x128, Wahhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29421391

Hello! what did I missed?

>> No.29421391
Quoted by: >>29421632

it would depend on what you were interested in and how long ago you were here, but while i have the attention of another /meat/head i might as well ask, do you think the mechanism me and retroanon worked out could be used by /meat/ society at large to any notable degree? it basically lets us control for complex conditions in our magic system by forcibly defining those complex conditions with artificial glyphs. i figure that might be useful for our catalognauts, but even in terms of our general society, i figure we might be able to find a lot of potential in these concepts depending on where we apply them. what do you think?

>> No.29421632
Quoted by: >>29421809

This comment chain? Hold on I'm trying to digest the 「CONCEPT」

>> No.29421809
Quoted by: >>29422239

not that one in particular, i was just explaining /meat/ chuubanite there. we already have a rentry on that. i was talking about the part where i was giving retroanon suggestions on how to make his chuubanite idea work. he wanted it to improve the part of something that someone has the most emotional attachment to. 3 arbitrary conditions that are highly context-dependent, improvement, user, and attachment, would have been hard to define in a purely chuubanite/conceptual sort of way.

>> No.29422239 [DELETED] 

Well, Retroanon's description of what Retro chuubanite sounds similar to the 「CONCEPT」of Tsukumogami. As a longer something is used, the more animated and soulful it becomes.
The object becomes something of a medium/transformer/engine that uses vtubium as fuel. Like how a wizard needs a wand or a staff, these artifacts define the strength and power of the chuubanite magic.
Fun fact; the idea of using any object as a medium of magic is a thing. I think that video on Cultivation Simulator would help.
Perhaps this could be the basic mechanic;
>An object's age of active service
Even if the artifact is over 300 hundred years old, if it was only used for 12 years, it wouldn't be able to produce much intended effect.
>An object's relationship with the user
If an object has been in active use for 100 years, the output's strength depends on the user. A 'clap your hands if you believe' as emotion, faith and believe are the most important factors in chuuba magic. Someone who has sentimental attachment to the artifact would produce a stronger output.

>> No.29422686
Quoted by: >>29422876

the main problem i was having before this was that there was no way to easily define such factors as "active service" as all the magic has to be done in the conceptual realm, but with artificial glyphs we can create a variable x with glyph x to match and define x as the concept which we are trying to define. that allows for less physically tangible concepts such as "active service" to be communicated through the conceptual realm. remember how we were having some problems with the precise activation of the tattoos? with this, we can create dynamic glyphs that can change the precise application of their effects according to the context in which they are used. we just need to be willing to meticulously define each of those contexts. think of it as the opposite of transubstantiation, where you are forcing a concept to change to represent a physical thing, rather than forcing a physical thing to change to represent a concept.

>> No.29422876 [DELETED] 

>but with artificial glyphs we can create a variable x with glyph x to match and define x as the concept which we are trying to define. that allows for less physically tangible concepts such as "active service" to be communicated through the conceptual realm
Wouldnt this create a loophole? Just slap a glyph defining 200 years on an artifact that had just rolled off a blacksmith's forge

>> No.29423366

similar to transubstantiation, a variety of factors are necessary to make it readable. for instance, we've thought of at least two factors that might be necessary just for the establishing of the concept of a unique "user". 1) the glyph would require dna as an activator substance. 2) the structure of the glyph would have to, in some way, denote aspects of the personality of each individual using it. we can come up with as many other factors as we want just for users, but it only gets more complex when you realize that every different concept could require a different criterion to be successfully defined. the problem with meta-concepts is that it's hard to point to a meta-concept and say "that is a meta-concept" and the problem with deceptive glyphs is that they are indistinguishable from failed glyphs.
remember, this "artificial glyph" concept ultimately takes on the function of "x" in these interactions. that is, a valueless number that only serves the purpose of acting as a placeholder. if i said "2+2=x" and then said "x=5" then that would invalidate the equation, making it lose all meaning in the process. math is worthless if it loses it's meaning, which is why you need to use dysfunctional glyphs to make such statements in the first place. x is not a number in the decimal system, which is why it can be replaced with any decimal number.

>> No.29423506
Quoted by: >>29424033

>dysfunctional glyphs
to clarify, x is a dysfunctional number as far as base 10 is concerned. that is what gives it the potential to be any number we assign it. with functional glyphs, we solve the question, with artificial glyphs, we ask the question so that it can be solved. that is the idea i am getting at.

>> No.29424033
Quoted by: >>29424864

>the glyph would require dna as an activator substance
Imo the activator should not be DNA as nostalgia is subjective and emotionally driven.
Perhaps brain activity and hormone levels would do?
This would allow some malleability if more than one people share sentimental value for the same object.
>the problem with meta-concepts is that it's hard to point to a meta-concept and say "that is a meta-concept"
>this "artificial glyph" concept ultimately takes on the function of "x" in these interactions. that is, a valueless number that only serves the purpose of acting as a placeholder
Since chuubanite magic is defined and executed by the Conceptual Realm, it effectively makes this form of magic 'Cloud Based'. It is the server that does all the heavy lifting. Calculations, definitions, and even transmission. Glyphs act like... client based requests.
The artificial glyph will give the server information such as the user's state of mind and the properties of the assigned object's input values (age, service).
>if i said "2+2=x" and then said "x=5" then that would invalidate the equation, making it lose all meaning in the process
This would not be a problem when it is the Conceptual Realm that handles the magic. We give it a request for X. The Conceptual Realm provides it after processing the input values.
>with functional glyphs, we solve the question, with artificial glyphs, we ask the question so that it can be solved. that is the idea i am getting at.
So to put it in layman, the glyph is incomplete as it is a set of requests; awaiting the final decision from the server?

>> No.29424864
Quoted by: >>29425341

>nostalgia is subjective and emotionally driven.
no, dna was important for establishing the concept of a single user. that was only one of the concepts we needed to clearly define to identify what the user valued about a thing. by necessity, then, it can't be hormones, because hormones don't define the person themselves. everyone has hormones, not everyone has the same dna. that is why dna is necessary with defining the person. brain activity would be one of those non-physical interactions that our old system couldn't identify.
there are two ways the brain sends information. one is through waves that are propagated through a neuron that reaches the internal ionic balance to achieve action potential, which is then further propagated through neural networks, but i believe there is a high chance that neural networks are far too inefficient to be good at storing information, so it very likely encodes those signals into rna which it can read later, hence why excessively recalling memory distorts it noticeably more than recalling it in moderation. either way, scale would determine that our activator substance would be on the genetic scale for identifying users.
this is a great analogy. ya, artificial glyphs are kind of like asking the server to finish your program, but someone still needs to write the code that tells the server how you want the black box to function. establishing that code for the first time is a pain, but all the effort spent there will be made up for in the convenience provided by that effort. the way you establish code is similar to machine learning, essentially.
you need to give it a bunch of data that narrows what it is you are trying to define, otherwise the server couldn't tell a bee and the letter b apart if it tried. remember, the conceptual realm breaks the concepts up as soon as they enter the conceptual realm, like black holes and spaghettification, you need to define smaller-scale concepts like "user" and "value" and "object" to answer questions like "what does the user specifically value in this object" otherwise those are meaningless terms, and you'll get an error for your use of undefined terms.

>> No.29425341
Quoted by: >>29426033

The bottleneck I'm trying to figure out is how do we convert a qualitative value into a quantitative value.
Retro chuubanite has subjective input; nostalgia/sentimentality.
The server wants objective input.

>> No.29425416
File: 793 KB, 1200x1200, MAGIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo nerds! think fast!!

>> No.29425501
File: 266 KB, 400x400, 1613373882370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29426033

Yeah yeah yeah I know; Rule of cool.
But I am enjoying having to use my full brainpower for once.

>> No.29425607

War anon, your day might have actually come. Civil war intensifies. How does vtwbg enact this ongoing event?

>> No.29425699
File: 100 KB, 692x1199, FYmnoZxVsAANn4Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29430480

Not WARAnon but kill Pomerlane!!!!!

>> No.29426033

we redefine the subjective input to be objective, of course. we actually already got the idea resolved more or less, but there is a reason i haven't said nostalgia to define it. i keep saying it's "what the user values in a thing" which, while still subjective, gives us leeway to make our criteria more objective. the method we came to was having a chuubanite trinket or stamp in the form of a glyph that represents the user, and then to have manufacturers put glyphs that represent different relevant attributes of the object itself onto the part of the object related to that attribute. the chuubanite will be strengthened by their feelings about that attribute when it is in effect due to their nostalgia, which will then improve that attribute through the chuubanite.
this was how we solved that, but you know full well we could get much more complex if we wanted to. i suggested a sort of integrated/mini-glyph that could be put inside a glyph to further increase the complexity of this system, but the potential of that is theoretically infinite. imagine how complex and customizable a fractal glyph could be. we are only at the beginning stages of imagining this technique of chuubanite usage, so we could definitely find more ways to make use of it, and i can't wait to see what ways people can come up with.
likewise, but i am only awake at all because of excessive coffee and adrenaline. i think i've been awake for almost 4 days straight, but i feel awake as ever so i guess i physically can't go to sleep anyways. lol.

>> No.29426161

correction, i had one cup of coffee because i needed to do work at a bad time, and the adrenaline is what's keeping me conscious.

>> No.29426425
Quoted by: >>29426579

jesas paragraphs, I dont know what is going on over at your end but 4 days of no sleep sounds horrible. Please please please dont hurt yourself, and try to get into a position where you can rest asap

>> No.29426579

it'll hit me soon enough, until then, i have ideas i want to talk about, and my mind wont rest until i get them put on paper, so if you would indulge me for a moment, it might help a bit.
on an unrelated note, /jp/ sent /meat/ to /trash/. feels bad.

>> No.29426648
File: 61 KB, 208x246, 1658685212588316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/meat/ bros...

>> No.29426787
Quoted by: >>29427070

sure, go on then

>> No.29427070

i'm waiting for the responce to >>29426033 so we can work on the idea more. in particular, i want to know how /meat/ might be able to benefit from it. i already gave the idea of using in in/with tattoos. the fact that we can still have the old method should give us even more options, too, which i like, but what else can we do with it?

>> No.29427078
File: 1.59 MB, 1000x1000, ohboyohboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29427113

Ah well. Time to post guro lewds.

>> No.29427113

already on it. probably the best part about being sent to /trash/

>> No.29427197

>i suggested a sort of integrated/mini-glyph that could be put inside a glyph to further increase the complexity of this system, but the potential of that is theoretically infinite. imagine how complex and customizable a fractal glyph could be. we are only at the beginning stages of imagining this technique of chuubanite usage, so we could definitely find more ways to make use of it, and i can't wait to see what ways people can come up with.
Now you are just making my client-server analogy literal. With this each glyph is essentially a mini-computer. I have no problem with that but oh boy this will take the 'world inspired by a website' theme much more literal.

>> No.29427446
File: 906 KB, 220x224, gonshern.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing /meat/heads interact with each other is scary
totally different from the ships

>> No.29427462

that just makes it better, but desu, i came up with the idea before you mentioned the server/client stuff. in retrospect, i can't believe i didn't see that connection, but i am sure glad that it was made, thank you. ya, this basically makes the conceptual realm a realm of computation, as well. to be fair, the concept of "2+2" is identical in all but the symbols used to "4" as they are, by definition, equal. they are the same concept, so this is a natural result of all we have made thus far. i love it.

>> No.29427556
Quoted by: >>29427727

i would love to have that kind of relationship with my fellow /meat/heads, but maybe less so here. i unironically love my thread culture and all the regulars over there, but not in a gay way necessarily. unless...

>> No.29427605
File: 523 KB, 480x270, handicap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everytime /meat/ gets sent to /trash/

>> No.29427625

Updated our resource and goods document. I swear eventually I'll make it have nice formatting...

>> No.29427671

i'll add what we have above to the rentry if nobody has any objections to it, but we can still talk about /meat/ specific stuff if you want.

>> No.29427727
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1080, patpatpat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29427911

I'm indifferent towards everyone else doing celebrityfag shipping but much prefer to be left out of it. Work ethics/professionalism thing.
Plus the fact I've always get accused of being a girl online multiple times what the fuck.

>> No.29427856
Quoted by: >>29428639

>meatheads interact with each other
>lore develops by a mile
>nijis interact with each other
>lore regresses by two miles
It do be a stealth /meat/ thread moment

>> No.29427911

desu, i was just starting to feel like maybe i wasn't the runt of the litter from the /meat/ cabal, and then you went and reminded me of the kind of cringefest i have allowed myself to become.

>> No.29428224
Quoted by: >>29428721

Eh you can still indulge if you want. As long as it is not excessive to the point you stopped discussing lore and just stay to socialize.

>> No.29428490

If you are a celebrityfag you are certainly in the lower end of it at least in my opinion. Most of your posts are pretty much only lore or meta discussions. Since your style of posts are pretty idiosyncratic it's kinda hard to not recognize you. Some of the anons might have taken things a little too far but you are disciplined enough that I usually don't consider what you post as a nuisance.

>> No.29428639
File: 52 KB, 457x497, 1658539397560308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This all started because of meidos persecution against/meat/bros nora. Meidos are the cause the schizos!

>> No.29428721

the reason my ideas are fairly prevalent as far as the chuubanite stuff is concerned is because once we established a strong enough foundation for /meat/ lore, i started trying to branch out and help others, and since i was the first guy to really make any suggestions for a magic system if i recall correctly (maichan's blessing) that ended up being the path i went down.
ty anon.

>> No.29429069
File: 74 KB, 583x567, FYc2oagWAAEJsze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally awake after a night out with my lads, time to catch up again. Feels like that's what I do most of the time these days lmao. At least there was a period of bumping in this thread from what I can see so maybe things have slowed down to an honestly more comfortable speed for me

>> No.29430384
File: 3.26 MB, 1123x1525, 1658289659653538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I'm considered a nuisance? Fucking nice, here are some space tits for you

>> No.29430477
File: 523 KB, 645x662, 34EBF7F3-CF43-48B3-8AFE-E4E07844E881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29430480

The moment we are on the map I am burning /haha/ to the ground.

>> No.29430484
File: 165 KB, 1398x918, 1658706171318948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29430542

...yeah, not touching that. I'm going to catch up on vods then try to see what lore I can brainstorm without being reliant on the location given

>> No.29430542
File: 51 KB, 306x427, 1658811291084829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29430568

Good choice, want a qrd anyway?

>> No.29430547
File: 697 KB, 3000x3321, 77476885_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29430745

Climate and biome stuff for /2434/, nijiEN and the Petra part of Anya-Petra: https://rentry.org/bc96g
Some stuff of note:
>The reliance on robust irrigation system for food production is theorised by Karl August Wittfogel to be the root cause of "oriental despotism" in his book of the same name, although its validity has been questioned, especially in said oriental countries.
>The list of crops is non-exhaustive as usual, so a lack of inclusion in the rentry should not be used as definitive proof of Alice's export list's inaccuracy.
>For monsoon climates, there is usually a slight difference between summer heat and summer rain, meaning that they would likely have a 3-season pattern: a warm-and-dry winter, a hot-and-dry summer, and a hot-and-wet monsoon season.
>what is geology anyway
I'll work on Phase later, although many parts of the rentry are also applicable to Phase due to the similar climate. The main difference is that Phase will be drier due to the cold current along its coast, and its southwest will have a hot semi-arid climate.

>> No.29430568
Quoted by: >>29430962

nta but I do want a qrd. I really want to know what has changed and why

>> No.29430574

Also risuners, you probably won't be able to get a lunaito to bed since most are too concerned about fortifying Kirby Village and establishing evacuation routes, however you could have some luck with a few of the bunaitos in the village, though there aren't really many bunaito characters

>> No.29430745

thanks for the work bro, checking it out, really doesn't prove alice is inaccurate as I think most of what she listed fits with what you said anyways. Appreciate it

>> No.29430962
File: 185 KB, 2048x1674, FXd1bRLacAA24bn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the first thing that happened was some drama around dates, Alice snapped, then retrobro snapped, all around a jolly good time. Then some fags came out of the woodwork bitching about quick threads and how their lore gets ignored or some shit(I mean, just write more interesting lore if you want responses) and how they were forced to catch up to like a whole thread and a half after finishing their day(I have two jobs, three wives, 7 kids and a dog kinda deal) so shit went down, and in the end nothing really changed aside from the fact people will not funpost not just because, ya know, fun, but to also spite the fucker. Oh and founder Hama remembered his tripcode password. and he's uuuuooooohhhhh

>> No.29431014

Founderchama* fucking autocorrect

>> No.29431235
Quoted by: >>29431378

>spite the fucker
Really, that is the kind of toxicity you and alice thrive off of so I think it is a kind of a pyschop to increase the shitposting in the future.

Also, once again thanks for yesterday. I found that having the robot british lady on Edge read shit out helps me edit so much better. She actually sounds like a human being and someone pronouces words i made up better than I can.

>> No.29431361

Oldfags love to self fellaciate themselves about how they are superior posters and contributors to the thread, like Nigger just fucking write. you are pouring gas on the fire because some of the people you target as "bad" do lore shit a lot.

>> No.29431378
File: 37 KB, 436x427, d0a72240_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29431612

Ey no problem mate. Still plan on doing the last pass through the entry, since I was about halfway done before irl struck. Just gotta get out of bed, and that's looking kinda difficult atm kek.

>> No.29431470
File: 2 KB, 121x125, 1655142791409s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough about "Old vs. New" posters and who is better. Idc, I respect everyone here, even my antis. Let's worldbuild today. What are you guys working on? I plan to continue my History of Pomerania, which was supposed to be a smaller consise work like a country overview that turned into my autismo extremo.

>> No.29431612

np np. I think I've said this but unless it's milautism, I have trouble giving any feedback because of head trauma. I'll read over someone else's shit 20 times and still not be able to say anything. I am fortunate that typing my shit up and looking over it is different just because I think it uses a different part of my brain. Thanks Cunt, take your time.

>> No.29431740
File: 60 KB, 227x215, 1656094241197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downing more coffee for Phase, but I admit I otherwise haven't been actually working on this project recently. tfw I'm reading biblical apocrypha and non-canon texts for ERP elsewhere and it's surprisingly fun

>> No.29431819
File: 944 KB, 2687x4096, 1656658065637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29431942

Currently working on putting at least one foot from under the blanket. That will hopefully start a chain of events that will eventually lead me to get the fuck up. After that? Idk, kill of a squirr-FUCKING FUCKJN AHHHHH I FORGOT THAT ONE ANON THAT WANTED TO HEAR THE PLOT FOR THE FESTIVAL KILLING AND I PASSED OUT!!!!! Fuck I hope he ain't still waiting for it. Sorry bro, bed happened.

>> No.29431844
File: 273 KB, 447x474, 1656951170874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to again thank my friend at meat for being so kind to me as to work on this out of their own time. Both of these should go under a new category with other climate/biome analysis under Nijicontinent called Climate Analysis. Perhaps we can move /rose/'s climate analysis and the one for /yeah/ and /haha/ too to make it more concise. Thank you Archive anon!

>> No.29431931
File: 104 KB, 331x206, 1658828912071939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spite the fucker
Please don't. I know you can find stuff like that fun, but I kinda want things to chill back down.
Trying to come up with a way in which /mans/ uniting works in-world, and whether I want them as united separate entities, or one big ol' bowl of mixed m&ms. I know at least one anon from the thread has asked for some way to include a history to magnation as sort magyar horsenomads. Also trying to form an actual idea of what the separate identities of the other fans since the intersection is big for the 4.

>> No.29431942

You're a saint for the effort you put in. This is the kind of shit I love about the unity of our thread. Thank you so much.
Happens to the best of us Cunt, I get asked questions while I am asleep and completely forget to answer them. I am sure anon will understand.

>> No.29431957
File: 43 KB, 500x500, FOOLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or morning.
It's like 2PM over here.

>> No.29431973
Quoted by: >>29432349

Biblically accurate angels ERP let's fucking GOOOOOOO!

>> No.29432026
File: 399 KB, 800x600, 1656431187974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck happened while I was away?

>> No.29432059

Oh my lordy lord, founderchama is an EUchad? Wait...2pm? Alright fucker, which Balkan country?

>> No.29432090
File: 701 KB, 1088x778, FNV_Lanius (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29432261


>> No.29432173
Quoted by: >>29433624

Would you like my advice on unity? I think that having a "league" system like the ancient greeks used would make more sense. It would allow you to have both of that. Here is an example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aetolian_League
It will make your life a lot easier to use this sort of format. (I will say this, Magyars would be hard to pull of no matter the Geography). I am sure you can find a fun name for what to call the League to if you think about it. If you need my help on this kind of stuff, I am open ears always.

>> No.29432220
Quoted by: >>29432971

people woke up it seems. are you the guy i was talking to earlier? if you have any ideas for how to apply the idea specifically to /meat/ i'm all ears.

>> No.29432261

Good morning brother, how are you?
War anon, do you like my works? I have a lot of war and death in them.

>> No.29432294

Drama. Lots and lots of drama. Which ironically, made the thread even more of a cesspoll than when we funpost/hornypost.

Oh I remember that guy, and he said it was mostly a shitpost since he didn't think we were all that serious about the whole worldbuilding thing, until I posted the rentry about the plan for the lore and he respectfully kneeled. Fun guy, said he might check us out sometime.

>> No.29432349

You know a funny thing about angels? That human guy who got like 4 lines in Genesis became one, at least according to a rabbi who the big G airlifted up heaven to see His awesome car.

>> No.29432372
File: 1.20 MB, 320x240, serbiastrong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29432608

>Slovene already in thread.

>> No.29432417

I want to write a short story about a Kronie navy officer, who doesn't respect that Infinity employs or even fraternizes at all with /meat/, tasked with having to figure out why communications with the port in /meat/ stopped sending reports. What follows is a buddy cop plot with the officer and a /meat/ retired varangian surviving in /trash/

>> No.29432551
Quoted by: >>29432739

Sounds like an interesting plot! I'll have to give it a read when you are done.

>> No.29432608

And people wonder why I act the way I do. We are considered femboys of the Balkan after all. I just add some dom and kusogaki in the mix to spice it up.

>> No.29432662
File: 21 KB, 300x244, cde18130a6bab61f8f22566de95e9b41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29432704
File: 1.73 MB, 2000x2000, 2000px-Austrian_Imperial_Standard_-_Infantry_pattern_mix_early_19th_century.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NGL, Slovenia is just Austria-lite. This post comes from the A.E.I.O.U Gang.

>> No.29432739
File: 157 KB, 512x512, kropain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! Now to actually write it...

>> No.29432848
File: 237 KB, 90x90, SQUISH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hunkering down in the library. Browsing while downloading papers off SciHub.
Danemǫrk. For the record I'm not Dansk. I'm just studying here.

>> No.29432889

Well fuck I got cross-eyed there.
Meant for. >>29432059

>> No.29432912
File: 569 KB, 2467x3004, 1658812728007528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dang. Welp, the journey to find another Balkan boy to wage glorious war with continues...

>> No.29432922

so i added all of this to my rentry. should be the last part of it https://rentry.org/q92vo here. hopefully we can discuss this further later on, /meat/bro

>> No.29432971
Quoted by: >>29433693

Im the one hosting the lecture with Paragraphs-chama.

>> No.29433013
Quoted by: >>29433122

How hard is it to find a smol anon in Copenhagen?

>> No.29433107

Sounds good except for the /trash/ part. Too meta.

>> No.29433122

Average is like 180cm there, founderchama could probably stand on a table and still be drowned in that sea of giants.

>> No.29433208
File: 1.50 MB, 220x248, wawa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29433428
File: 14 KB, 276x195, SureBud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh great, it's the squirrel. Were you the guy that wanted a synopsis of the festival killing?

>> No.29433531

It would've tied to Catalog lore, in a way.

>> No.29433588

As an alternative, assume us meatheads are emigres. Asylum seekers. Unable to return home with the dimensional rift prison in effect.
With our agents stationed abroad, there were no hassle at finding a place to house refugees.
Some of us were discussing to prepare an emergency thread off-site. JIC jannies got too powertrippy.
I am a nisse in a sea of jötunn

>> No.29433624
Quoted by: >>29433799

Oh, I was actually considering something like that albeit maybe with one member being a bit more of the central authority like with the various leagues of Athens. I could perhaps have it as the the four uniting to secure their independence from /stars/, with the Altventurers leading (or assuming leadership a bit after formation, with mag first leading due to age and larger population size). Did any league ever have a particular 'neutral ground' to convene?

>> No.29433693

i am paragraphsanon, and i was suggesting we continue hammering out the idea and finding an application for /meat/, but i think the majority of the thoughts that were keeping me wake have been stated, and now my mind is starting to fall into serenity. it might also be that i did a bit of exercise, but i didn't feel any more tired after or during that so idk. it was really nice to talk to you. i think of all of you guys as being really cool, and i kind of miss talking about lore stuff on the /meat/ threads, but i don't want to detract from other /meat/ stuff so i'm fine doing it here, but it's just enjoyable to be able to talk to people from the same thread every now and then. maybe insomnia is making me overly sentimental. i should really go to bed soon. thank you for the fun, goodbye.

>> No.29433758

So, exiled from home. Did the rift... Swallow up the the fetish isles? Did a rogue jannywraith tear open that rift in the first place?

>> No.29433799
Quoted by: >>29435988

I think that the Achaea league used Aigion as their meeting place https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aegium
but I think a better example would come in the form of Megalopolis which was founded for this purpose (and also to fuck the spartans)

>> No.29433841
File: 243 KB, 900x900, 1650044792443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29434137

Ah right, /meat/ as a country shouldn't exist anymore. Well fuck, there goes my communication network...

>> No.29433859

Put on the hat and you can be our gårdstomte pytte danskjävel

>> No.29433957
Quoted by: >>29434455

Anon, youre svensk?

>> No.29434060
File: 76 KB, 1865x899, D6F2VRZXsAAWR2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Founder-chama's part-time job

>> No.29434137
Quoted by: >>29434378

we still exist here but if i link it it will probably die. even if that one does die, the meme of this board being a stealth thread can give us some leeway. we used to get banned all the time, but we have survived this whole time despite that, and we plan to continue to survive despite this. we have many options, so they wont kill us that easily, that's for sure.

>> No.29434167
File: 153 KB, 900x1200, ExsDjBaVcAAY9LT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29435119

Haven't read any
Recommend me one

>> No.29434378
Quoted by: >>29434887

Founder's suggestion >>29433588 sounds like a good way to combine the stealth meat meme into it.
Even with our homeland closed off and those who were away became refugees, our spy network and cults were able to establish a government-in exile. So status-quo can somewhat maintain at a lower level.
Some merchant meathead who was in KFP when the janny event happened could just shrugs of and ask the local cult for asylum

>> No.29434455

Of course, and come winter I will march over the sound

>> No.29434887

Yea but the real question is, who would I be shipping goods to in order to strike a deal with you guys?

>> No.29435119

I would recommend these:
https://rentry.org/32a9t (Order of Battle)
https://rentry.org/98otx (Big Battle)
>Missing my detailed maps, tell me if you want them back in and I will fix them just for your pleasure.
>Fort Aurelia Massacre

All of these I would recommend. Aside from my maps being defunct for Atalanta, these should be good reads for you.

>> No.29435258

You have no idea how often I said "Jeg er nissen".

>> No.29435357
File: 50 KB, 456x449, 1646887422117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After I get re tested for the coof I have times and calender shit to do. Here is what I have so far

1118 VTE Risuners first make contact with /inf/
/inf/ declares /risu/ as a protectorate which we agree to
1119 VTE /risu/ declares independance while allowing /inf/ to be a big trade partner and in exchange for a road system linking both sides. The city of Demeter is established.
1121 VTE The very first Pinisi is constructed. It is immediately sent out to /morig/ in an attempt to make /risu/ a global power

I know there is a lot more and some of the dates may be a bit off but again im working on it. I hope that with risuner events times then you all can base shit off my timeline. Anyway im off. Will phonepost while waiting for doctor shit though so later lads.

>> No.29435454
Quoted by: >>29437012

>global power
you might want to reconsider what that term means OG.

>> No.29435466
File: 158 KB, 275x306, KroniiStare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... My deal with infinity is dated 1107 VTE.... Because city building takes time...

>> No.29435540
File: 135 KB, 810x810, 1658698751676920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29437012

>/risu/ a global power
Lmao even

>> No.29435567
File: 212 KB, 683x878, he magged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29437012

>the treerrats
>global power

>> No.29435599
Quoted by: >>29435685

Same problem Alice had. We might want to re consider allowing things happen before /inf/ desu because I have no doubt that /nasfaqg/, /2434/ and /morig/ have made contact with them.

>> No.29435632
File: 52 KB, 871x900, tomto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visit /vt/ UN
>see this guy sitting in the big chair
wat do?

>> No.29435685
Quoted by: >>29435834

I assumed the infinity dealings with /risu/ would have happened sometime at around 1103 VTE since that would have made sense, with the road and cities taking time to build

>> No.29435759
File: 339 KB, 600x600, 1658547206394636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pick up squirrel
>slam it down on that hat

>> No.29435813
File: 34 KB, 1024x1024, gnome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant fucking believe it! Founder-chama GNOMED all of us!

>> No.29435834

Funny, that is literally the same date Alice said too. It fucked her lore over because it made no sense for her to spend money in Risu post 1120 because of the problems in Phase.

>> No.29435988
Quoted by: >>29436337

Hmm, so using this as sort of a blue print...
>four separate city states (possibly part on /stars/ owned land?) band together to secure independence or to fight off an external force.
>Between all four nations, a new 'megalopolis' is formed as the de-facto capital of the newly found league
>A massive guild hall is built in this new city to act both as home to state-sponsored adventurers and as the new meeting place for the governing body of the land including representatives from the four founding cities
>Slowly heading towards more and more centralization as the boundaries between the founders whittle down

Feed it porridge, you do NOT want to upset the tomte of your homestead.

>> No.29436277
File: 51 KB, 330x540, 4709281i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29437306

Good. embrace your smolness

>> No.29436337
Quoted by: >>29436585

I like it. Would be nice to see some tension about those who are more loyal to their polis rather than the league itself and oppose centralization.

>> No.29436571

>tfw the UN has its own garden gnome
So this is what he meant by being a cheerleader-jester

>> No.29436585
File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, 1658897800787961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, there's going to be tension alright. Partly between federalists and centralists (names pending), but also on a more street level. The thread has a huge mix of people from different origins, so I'm considering making this new city have a *very* large population of fairly recently arrived migrants as well who the league is having some issues integrating properly, leading to occasional clashes among the regular folks with widely different traditions and cultures.
I just want to live a quiet life, just like my uncle lmao.

>> No.29436813
Quoted by: >>29437306

>schizos sieging UN
>dress up founder meathead as a garden gnome
>throw him out to ward off evil

>> No.29437012

>In an attempt
Your reading reps people.

>> No.29437086
Quoted by: >>29437306

Wait a fukken minute!
/meat/heads are supposed to be inspired by vikings too right?
Youre literally living in a nordic country!

>> No.29437163

Am I really going to change the dates around? I mean I can but I'm just saying I was certain this was around 1120 or so.

>> No.29437306
Quoted by: >>29437428

Well shit. Looks like I'll be the first sacrifice in a schizo attack.
Jawohl. I was the one who helped with developing the conlang.

>> No.29437428
File: 11 KB, 250x239, 486413a9_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29439510

Sacrifice? Nonono sweetie, we'll at least give you a knife!

>> No.29437509
File: 102 KB, 683x878, FYRvtbcVsAAOwok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/risu/ attempting to become a global power

>> No.29437618

Our fruits and plants grow at 3x the speed. We dominate the food and lumber markets. What can you do?

>> No.29437642
File: 676 KB, 944x626, 1655085253213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attempting doesn't mean they would ultimately be sucessful

>> No.29437762

/risu/ superpower by 1150

>> No.29437764

He can mag
Can you?

>> No.29437831
File: 92 KB, 364x299, 1655477901093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you understand what it takes to become a world power, you can attempt it all you want with your little boats and lack of sailing experience in anything larger than them, but Risu will never be a global power. Real Globalpowers are the ones set up in Risu.
>Our fruits and plants grow at 3x the speed. We dominate the food and lumber markets. What can you do?
Alice herself has a dominate food market and does well with food too. Her crops also have that advantage I think from Chuubanite and that she is in a better climate for that. Not to mention she has stonks with more profitable trade deals with luxury goods and stonks from Indeia. /nasfaq/ dominates the financial markets, and most of the other regional powers like /who/ and /inf/ are thriving. Risu is at the mercy of her friends.

>> No.29437955

Good morning.
...Can we possibly reconsider /inf/ timeline with everyone then?

>> No.29438022
File: 1.50 MB, 1397x1400, 1658716133149421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Create the most potent and addicting drugs in the world, dominating the market;
Use advanced alchemy to allow a large selection of crops to grow in our small land;
Using the ink golemancy, build the largest and most complex cities in the world;
Using the same golemancy, have acces to the biggest army in the world;
We have THE fanciest cloaks,
and most importantly,

>> No.29438204
File: 142 KB, 875x1200, cuterena!14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cunt, this will be taken seriously by the thread autists... They got on me for "acceleration" meme!!! Why doesn't Ogsuner get called out when he does the same shit?Not fair!!!! How are you lovely?

>> No.29438235

We still have the best SEX business of the world.

>> No.29438492
Quoted by: >>29438811

Good morning, Alice. What do you have planned?

>> No.29438497
File: 280 KB, 1811x974, 1658681945950716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29438607

oh god, I gotta think of not one, but four types of chubanite.

>> No.29438548
File: 1.00 MB, 1080x1080, 1658541560686292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it better fucking be. Because I am serious. We WILL MAG! Now that is not to say we don't have drawbacks, for one we are utterly incapable of handling chuubanite, and any and all reserves we have are just another export. This would go back to our founding myth, which I am currently working on (and just like all the other lore about /mans/ it has to wait till we are placed so I can hammer out the details)

Also, hi Alice, you feeling better today? Or should I open up a bottle of wine and we can get drunk together, cursing at the fuckers that try to make us not have fun?

>> No.29438607
File: 916 KB, 886x789, 1658715830810180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you covered, G.

>> No.29438811

Currently work on expanding my economical page with the new things in mind. After research we likely have some rich iron veins and also have some Bituminous coal upon my research. I am going to flesh it out more and add in other important economical things like canals, and roads. Chu~
Magging just the Hololive way of Nijisanjification in my opinion. Our friendship is a match made in HELL.

>> No.29438826
File: 134 KB, 291x290, 1658851818321337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29438908

Magically powered golems... without the magic material to power them? If anything, I had an idea of the magni associated one to be able to act as a sort of catalyst

>> No.29438908
File: 736 KB, 3864x2682, 1658562607554891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29439285

We'll make our own magic system, with Copium and Dragoon hookers!

>> No.29439285 [SPOILER] 
File: 108 KB, 1257x825, burnout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're getting too cocky, magmate

>> No.29439510

>gnome boy against a horde of schizos
I'd pay to watch this

>> No.29439806

Why were these posts deleted? They were just talking chuubanite

>> No.29440374
Quoted by: >>29440473

You know actually that's a good idea. Talk about risuner prostitution and how profitable it would be. Where others might not like the idea of SEX we risuners take pride in it. We shall dominate the SEX industry

>> No.29440473
File: 1.51 MB, 467x487, 92ee2e3c_original.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We shall dominate the SEX industry
lmao even

>> No.29440533
Quoted by: >>29440881

I updated my economy!!! See what you think?

>> No.29440700

We don't have to take care of babies afterwards and no cults involved. Come at us kindreds for we are the masters of SEX

>> No.29440881

Looking good, you've fleshed it out more and added more industry from research it seems.

>> No.29440929

>/horni/ wants to know your location

>> No.29440991

Send the babies to /uoh/

>> No.29441187

ppsenpai and nasfaqkronie, I am starting work on my India Company, what do you want to do with it???

>> No.29441221
Quoted by: >>29441335

Good morning everyone who just woke up.
If I'm being honest, I don't even know the exact years of Infinity's own events. You'll notice none of the ones we know were written by me. So I'm okay with rearranging it for everyone to come to an agreement. All I know is:
>Over a century ago, Infinity was like other contemporary nations
>volcano erupted huge plumes of ash, creating a volcanic winter referred to as the Great Storm
>Infinity panics and thinks they've offended Kronii, become isolationist for security and theocratic in their paranoia
>take on totalitarian, dogmatic rule to ensure survival
>fast forward to Storm waning, Infinity opens up to KFP, meat, and Risu in an effort to learn about the world they closed off to
>government experiences soft coup and opens out of isolation
>You Are Here

>> No.29441335

HEY! With you and OG, I am wondering if I can still have port made in Risu before you came out of isolation but the logic behind us not caring about protectorate is our relations are improving and we are focused else where in phase. Can that work?????

>> No.29441399

to me:
I would like to have it under construction before phase war in 1097 if that is possible.

>> No.29441808
Quoted by: >>29442428

Alice, since you already backed out, just do yourself a favor and move on so you can work on your India Company and other things. Not worth the time with Risu not offering you much anyways from the perspectives of your merchants imo.

>> No.29442034
Quoted by: >>29442428

Risuners only learned shipbuilding and in general started to explore the world recently. There's no way the city started construction more than 20 years ago. If you do have the city started in 1097 it would break quite a lot of stories. You should either go through with the Phase war and have the initial scope be much smaller, just building a decently sized town as a port of call for trading northwards or drop the war if you can't justify both funding a foreign war and a new city at the same time.

>> No.29442428

I see, that makes more sense Risu really doesn't offer us anything like it did when i first invested... I thought it would be our hub in Hololands it made less sense when i realized that it doesn't work like that.

>> No.29442837

superpower by 1130

>> No.29443078
File: 136 KB, 1200x675, A1F188B8-3CD3-4CF2-94D8-4B149E71BAD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29443087
File: 18 KB, 456x198, Screenshot_20220728_174509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29443519

Alice, use the name to represent the Hudtwalcker investor company. Hudtwalcker AG. The family is not only a bunch of bankers but has their own joint stock company that has holds in other industries too.

>> No.29443703
File: 21 KB, 180x200, 1653010998466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who doesn't respect that Infinity employs or even fraternizes at all with /meat/,
Sounds like the Deadbeat CIA psyops are working.

>> No.29443972

Nice! That would put Cultural Exchanges in 1121, and the main Moriji-Risu trade agreement in early 1122 I'd say.

>> No.29444310
File: 219 KB, 2048x1230, 1657755011866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is some of the basics for my india company. Tell me how it looks so far.

>> No.29444627

Hello, under Stories Individual, 05/21/22 Trade Deal with /risu/ (/risu/, /morig/, story), could you swap
instead? Thank you.

>> No.29445145
File: 2.05 MB, 498x498, 1658572626872927.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we have skirmish conflicts without going into an all out war? I wanna fight

>> No.29445310
File: 856 KB, 324x333, 1649080648065.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been sating my thirst for blood with fights against schizos. I'm also hoping /MANS/ is fucked up enough to justify some kind of casus belli against them, writing a conflict with Cunt seems like it'd be fun.
Also, surprisingly I haven't written anything where we actually fight /meat/, but I have plans to correct this...

>> No.29445607

Ye know I would want some action too but with how relatively isolated we are it's kinda hard to write one...

>> No.29445610
Quoted by: >>29445998

You would be at war with 2434 too, as we want close friendship with mans

>> No.29445721
File: 235 KB, 1332x2048, 1658849884590516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we don't do that, and instead just share a copium pipe?
/mans/ is here to do magics and make drugs, not wage war. We would body you anyway

>> No.29445820
File: 357 KB, 695x1199, cuterion!6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would and we would tag team them. ;)

>> No.29445828
File: 91 KB, 616x310, MANS of the Hill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well as the rep(?) brainstorming right now, I'll say that magnation likely has no problems with human experimentation, which altvernturers would have 0 issues to supply. Axelotles are mostly just 'rule of strength' barbarians in the north (I am absolutely naming the island Elysium if we're placed there). The Vesties... are honestly just fairly chill, albeit curious and with some separation anxiety. There's also the drugtrade I'm sure the alchemists will happily partake in and try to export.

>> No.29445998
File: 13 KB, 230x230, 1640666722150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good! Having two of the largest fleets be geopolitically aligned is a bit a boring anyway.
Nothing wrong with drugs, we partake religiously, but there's this talk of slavery and human trade, plus alchemy is like a couple steps and a hop from necromancy. Pretty heretical over all. Sounds like you're down?
Nice, sounds like there would be some political division on Deadbeat relationships then. Maggers would be the main point of tension while the other poleis would kind of get drawn into it.

>> No.29446115
File: 241 KB, 1920x1080, cutekaida!4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29446269

I love war and things are BORING right now. Where is the trade rivalries? Where is the naval battles? All we have done is blow up a few out of date ships and cities. W

>> No.29446188
File: 84 KB, 2048x1563, 1658797978569351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29446269

actually, while most nations can rely on the threads themselves for the culture of the nations, I might have to lean a bit into the personalities we've seen of the tempus to fill in the blanks
Well damn, I guess I might have an avenue for uniting both the peninsula (independense war from stars) and the island (fighting off deadbeat raids/invasion?)

>> No.29446269
File: 2.89 MB, 720x405, Final Deadbeat[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjbizw4.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29446742

Exactly, this guy gets it! I'd love to enjoy a war with you, friend.
Ohh, that would work out nicely. Nothing like an outside threat to get some Unity going.

>> No.29446395

>When you can't make a joke because its spam.

>> No.29446525
File: 15 KB, 274x283, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29446696


>> No.29446548
File: 67 KB, 623x483, 1658739439310307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slavery? Human trade? Good heavens who would ever do something like this? I can assure you our...helpers are more than willing to part ways with some(or the entirety) of their body parts for the sake of science, and it would be simply insulting to deny them their wishes and stomp on their enthusiasm, now would it? depends on how rep writes us, but yea I'm up for giving you the best war you will ever have.

>> No.29446607

Would the Holy Kingdom have bread? Trying to figure out what a person would eat for breakfast there

>> No.29446696
Quoted by: >>29446800


>> No.29446742
File: 1.70 MB, 235x230, 1658746955571695.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds great! I'll just... uh... mostly just leave the writing of the war to you then. I have 0 confidence on that front. I think I'm better at the SoL stuff. and if it is mostly in the past for the foundation of the nation, I imagine a trade war of sorts would still be going on

>> No.29446800

I think so, if anything you can import it from Pomerania.
Here's an idea, make the eastern one in french and the western one in German.
You could, y'know *nudge* call on the man who writes about war for a living here.

>> No.29446895
File: 56 KB, 424x600, cutealice!17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29446976

Wouldn't it be other way because of the Hudtwalckers, unless you want to have a rival banking family....

>> No.29446968
File: 180 KB, 1200x1200, 1658853774944189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I get the sudden wave of inspiration and see a way to do it without stepping on toes, I'll post and ask for feedback then. You sure do write a lot of war stuff, part of why I find it hard to come up with what I think would be good feedback myself.

>> No.29446976
Quoted by: >>29447339

Well Alice, I should ask you this then, is it bankers from Pomerania that have a lot of influence in your economy? I am willing to work that out because it could make some interesting dynamics within Nijisanji.

>> No.29446999
File: 52 KB, 623x381, 1658749405845694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29447209

*grabs the brick* No, mine, MINE!! You keep your grubby hands off it ya hear!?

>> No.29447084
Quoted by: >>29447605

How about this since Alice would be involved, I help you build your army and I will help both of your (and Morig) write naval battles too. I just want a good story.

>> No.29447209
File: 130 KB, 848x1200, cuterin!24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Takes the brick from your hands* NO YOU HE IS MY AMOUREAUX *wacks you several times across he head* You keep you bricks away from him!!!!!!!!!

>> No.29447339
File: 40 KB, 474x474, cuterena21!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29447426

hmmmmmmmmmmmm..... French and German Nobility in Japan..... I LOVE THE IDEA ITS SO WACKY AND COOL. I will need to update my lore!!!!

>> No.29447426
Quoted by: >>29447569

You could also tie this in with Rosemaiden's stuff about how the Rosebud Kingdom collasped and say that there is a large immigrant population of them in your lands (Pomeranians could be from the Obsydian Invasion too fleeing north.)

>> No.29447440

I was gonna say I grabbed 6 more bricks, but you know what, you can have this one, Alice.

>> No.29447537
File: 252 KB, 800x450, 1633153665417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it would be limited in scope as far as conflicts go, at least to start, since it doesn't sound like there are any raids going on. As I write the Black Fleet update, I'm realizing that the disunity of the navy leadership is a very good nerf, there is no way that more than one or two admirals would be interested in fighting the Mag menace, since /MENS/ doesn't seem like it would do full-on raids. The population of /morig/ would have a limited goodwill for this, and that's the main resource the Black Fleet requires for all its activities. Hell, maybe that Admiral will go rogue and there can be some Deadbeat vs Deadbeat action. I'm happy that you're up for it, I'll keep this in the back of my mind...

>> No.29447569
File: 72 KB, 512x512, cuteyorumi12!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to turn my capslock off.

>> No.29447572

I'm on break again
I honestly wouldn't mind, buuuut as others said, timeline stuff...
Nah he's just an upper class older gent who grew up in the age of isolation. He doesn't like deadbeats either!

>> No.29447605
File: 2.40 MB, 2303x1881, 1658680432168546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll think about it, but for now I must watch streams

>> No.29447654
Quoted by: >>29447851

I abandoned the thought already. no big deal!!!

>> No.29447851

Okie doke, alice!

>> No.29448022
Quoted by: >>29451463

That's how psyops work, you don't know it's the CIA who is buttering up journalists to put more anti-/meat/ propaganda in the local newspapers. Sounds like he'd be fertile ground for radicalization. Too bad buddy cop adventures tend to create strong filial bonds kek.

>> No.29448272
File: 1.38 MB, 1170x1437, 3CB43978-1411-4C85-85B1-A265416A425D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been imagining a traditional Japanese breakfast there over more “western” breakfasts. Obviously people still eat toast in Japan and whatnot, but I’ve been envisioning like, miso soup, fish, and white rice as a common breakfast for Kindred. Do we have a concrete list of Holy Kingdom imports and exports?

>> No.29448493
Quoted by: >>29448822

OK I have the K.A.G., the Germans, and the C.I.O. The French. No more worry over acronyms!!!

>> No.29448707
File: 367 KB, 851x730, Illusory_Labyrinth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW, about our magic system I was thinking of borrowing the idea from Witch Hat Alterier with the magic circles and stuff, so we basically inscribe rules into it and magic happens. The catalyst for it would be our blood, which in itself would be a magical circuit as well. Now that might not make sense, but bear with me.
>height of persecution
>a small group is barely scraping by on the edge of a kingdom
>some unknown alchemist decides shit needs to change
>makes a deal with an outer God
>attains the power of ink magic and a really fancy hand cloak
>singlehandedly carves up a territory for us, weaving firestorms and raising mountain sized golems
>time for Maglord to go
>trickster God he is, concots a potion with his own blood that allows his followers to also use ink magic before the outer God claims him
>it passes through generations, so no need to make the potion constantly
>now we can all do magics and stuff
>but we are really chill and love unity, so no fear of world domination

>> No.29448822
Quoted by: >>29449210

I see you established a Rosenknopse (Or something) Banking Family. Good work, you can use the Hudtwalckers for the West India Trading Company.

>> No.29448898
Quoted by: >>29449958

Not yet I don't think, but you could probably ask one of the climateanons what climate you guys have (unless you already know), and look up crops, animals, and fish native to a real life region with that climate. It's really helpful!

>> No.29448940
File: 685 KB, 1748x2134, 1658331475345362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29449958

Oh hey kindredsis, I haven't looked at the archives yet, but how much did you flesh out your cult? I wanna write a story about it and I would like as much info as possible.

>> No.29449210

We will see!!!!

>> No.29449217
Quoted by: >>29450885

So, basically Magged chuubanite has an affinity to blood and ink. You guys make magical glyphs using magic circles, and the activator substance is blood. Checks out!
The mountain-sized golem thing is more of a mythological/allegorical/far past thing, I imagine? Mountains are pretty big.

>> No.29449958
Quoted by: >>29450885

That sounds good. I’ll look through the archive too to see if anyone’s already mentioned it, otherwise if any of the climateanons are here and want to give me an idea for what the climate looks like for both the Holy Kingdom and Luxuria that’d be great!

Hi! It’s fleshed out a fairly good amount in terms of internal structure (the sense of sisterhood and community I’ve been talking about, that kind of thing) and luckily our relationship to everyone else is super cut-and-dry. Nobody wants anything to do with us politically kek. Stuff like crops and climate is still in the works; what kind of information are you looking for?

>> No.29450885
File: 214 KB, 743x925, FYWaJdiaQAEnKCT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The mountain-sized golem thing is more of a mythological/allegorical/far past thing, I imagine? Mountains are pretty big.
Oh no, the discarded golems from that war can still be seen dotting the countryside. Maglord quite literally raised entire mountains worth of material to create them. That was him though. He had a direct pact with the outer god. Since all the other alchemists after only have a small drop of his power inside of them, nothing like that would be possible.Unless...?. Nowadays, our top Magisters would be able to make at most 30-40m ones, and even for them it would take some time to create the curcuits. Bout half an hour I reckon.

Also, I want this to be removed from the whole chuubanite deal, since we already have a catalyst and a power source behind it. No need for some magical rocks.

Mainly how would the daily life of a bull be. Also would it be safe to assume some traditional japanese architecture for their homes? And how would new recruits be recieved? Like, would you have them be introduced to the entire group, or just the heads first, and then they settle in mostly on their own, helped by their sisters? Also how long till the new recruits get their first breeding? Would it happen as soon as possible or would there be a period where they just experience the life in the community before they are exposed to The Cock? Are there any "protocols" around the first breeding of the new recruits, like can a bull choose a newbie if she caught his eye, would they be helped by more experienced sisters during the act? Also is it ok if the story devolves into just regular smut?

>> No.29451105
File: 239 KB, 1442x2048, 1649000324313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29453138

I personally imagined we'd have more of a "Japanese Western" type of thing going on, where the foods are western but the seasonings and tastes are undeniably wafu. Red bean paste on pancakes, toast served with salted salmon, that sort of thing. Vox's lore and aesthetic is Japanese but his tastes are pretty British after all, and I think our culture being only surface-level Japanese is in the lore? Can't check right now, phone posting and my phone hates the archive for some reason.

>> No.29451217
File: 92 KB, 500x350, indiaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor this please under 2434. I love how this is turning out, just need to design a flag and company logo and we have a winner!!!!! Also need for Phaseanon to get his economy in order too...

>> No.29451238
Quoted by: >>29452216

I mean, all magic in /vt/ is powered by chuubanite. It isn't necessarily rocks, but it's what will be used to get the energy from your Outer God to your spells. Doesn't really change or take away anything from your setup. Also, is there any limit to how many golems can be raised in this way?

>> No.29451311
File: 60 KB, 512x512, cuterena11!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29451450


>> No.29451450
Quoted by: >>29451555

What happens when two traders of the two companies meet in /ringo/?

>> No.29451463

Journos can't leave a dent when the bread and butter of the cult is the common folk.
Populism and faith, brother.

>> No.29451555

well the border sort of deals with that. like if it were in the middle of city it would be split literally on the line. its silly!!!

>> No.29451720

Just as you were told last night, you just make scraps, nothing that detailed kek. I guess this was supposed to make us eat our words but just proved the whole point that you don't add anything but chatroom posts and shitposting.

>> No.29451840
Quoted by: >>29451909

Looks good. Are you going to figure out their holdings throughout the world next?

>> No.29451911
Quoted by: >>29452175

Oh fuck off. I am one of the anons who's been asking for less chatroom posting but you're clearly just an anti. Don't shit on her when she's been completely on topic today and is doing her best.

>> No.29451909
File: 1.36 MB, 600x338, 1658742787374108.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, retard.
YES. I want to get the Western Company in place too as it will help me figure out things better.

>> No.29452085
File: 360 KB, 539x500, berries [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8m0laq.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29452216

Who are you? Where's the brick?
Why does the UN only has one communal bonk brick?!

>> No.29452175

>completely on topic btw

>> No.29452216
File: 863 KB, 1800x2630, FYo7hi7VQAAgQzv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending on the complexity of the circuit. Small(up to 3m) "War devil" golems that would basically just be pointed in a direction and instructed "Smack everything that moves" could be produced en masse and there would be basically no limit to how many a single alchemist could make(aside from needing a drop of blood for each circuit).

Anything bigger and more complex than that would have limits, however. If one wanted to have some remote control over the golem, while you could still control multiple(and this would scale the stronger the alchemist is, ofc) it would put some strain on you.

The "Titan" class(25m+) would be limited to(I fucking lost the pic with the class pyramid) 3+ hand cloak alchemists, and even they could control 5 per person max. If we are stretching the limits to their absolute limit, Magisters could make a single 40ish meter Titan with full control, and some could even maybe manage some smaller ones(10-15m) on a really good day.

Man, you really are mad that Alice is getting that good PPanon dick on the regular, huh?

Not me this time! Alice stole it from me! Ask her!

>> No.29452250

You kids need to learn about not biting bait.

>> No.29452325
File: 97 KB, 295x193, 1657106805595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Albeit shitting on antis is fun sometimes as long as it doesn't get into a shit flinging match.

>> No.29452342
Quoted by: >>29452394

Didn't have any bait for most of the thread's existence, residents don't know how to react pls andastand

>> No.29452394

This is 4 channel. To expect bait comes with posting here. Anyways, ignore the bait and the call for not biting bait back to work.

>> No.29452477

I know how to get under PPsenpai now so wait till after page 5 for fun kek.

>> No.29452492

We should have a player named "The Brick" on the divegrass team. Just a giant brick with arms and legs.

>> No.29452568
Quoted by: >>29453317

Got it, that seems workable. Does the amount of blood needed vary? Are any other materials required?

>> No.29452585 [SPOILER] 
File: 817 KB, 1500x1500, 1659020970432129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with that, ladied and gentlemen, we have reached bump limit. May the horny be with you.

>> No.29452854
File: 546 KB, 924x682, grznqm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and Alice, I saw the Petora canal. You might want to consider the possibility of the same thing in better land down around Mito. You could have a canal that runs from Mito to Kaede in the future. That probably would be easier than most canals because the terrain is flat. Potentially possible now considering that the Nile Canal did exist in ancient times.

>> No.29452945
Quoted by: >>29453317

how many magisters would there be?

>> No.29453068
Quoted by: >>29453398

For reference, the Canal of the Pharaohs was about 60 kilometers long, while the Mito-Kaede canal would be about 750 kilometers.

>> No.29453138
File: 201 KB, 1240x1748, 438E2B9B-4116-47A1-A9CD-DF80B492B0F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh, I really like this. Makes for some variety and creativity.
>British tastes
Beans on toast… eugh…. [/spoilers]

Let me break this down a little, so many questions and I’m happy to help! Excited to see someone else’s spin on our humble little cult!

>Mainly how would the daily life of a bull be.
Personally I don’t imagine that bulls are really given much of an extended stay in Luxuria unless there’s some extenuating circumstances, like representatives from other nations visiting like with my Onobot story. The random travelers that are plucked from nearby are treated to a dinner while the girl/girls get ready because he needs some energy for the plowin’ and because hospitality is a focus of the cult. Then he’s sent over to do his duty and after that he’s either thrown back outside with a quick “thanks!” or killed if the elders have doubts about his ability to not blab about their sacred rituals. He will be given a private room to undress and redress in a robe provided for him because outside clothes aren’t permitted during rituals. Ruins the vibes.

>Also would it be safe to assume some traditional japanese architecture for their homes?
Architecture is way outside of my area of expertise so you may be able to get a better opinion from someone else, but for now I’ll say yes to this until someone else offers their opinions.

>And how would new recruits be recieved? Like, would you have them be introduced to the entire group, or just the heads first, and then they settle in mostly on their own, helped by their sisters? Also how long till the new recruits get their first breeding? Would it happen as soon as possible or would there be a period where they just experience the life in the community before they are exposed to The Cock?
New girls coming in is a very big deal and everyone remembers their introduction to the cult. I imagine that they meet the heads of the cult first as well as another cultist who sort of acts like a big sister to her. Like the buddy system, unironically. This big sister girl is someone who’s been around for at least a year or two and helps the girl get acclimated to life in the cult because meeting everyone all at once would certainly be overwhelming for anyone. At the end of her first month as part of the cult, a big dinner is held to serve as a welcome party and as a way to introduce her to more girls; ofc her big sister/buddy has also been introducing her to other cultists individually during that month period.

I would give it four months or so until the first Breeding for a couple of reasons:
1) Simply giving her time to get acclimated
2) Giving the elders opportunity to track her period cycles so her ovulation dates can be taken advantage of. Generally speaking, three months is a good amount of time to be able to really “predict” someone’s cycle, and some birth controls need 2-3 months to fully regulate a period. Giving a girl time before her first breeding allows them to track her cycles more effectively and optimize her breeding as well as plan ceremonies.

>Are there any "protocols" around the first breeding of the new recruits, like can a bull choose a newbie if she caught his eye, would they be helped by more experienced sisters during the act?
Bulls generally aren’t given much opportunity to choose girls because the heads are the ones who decide who breeds who and when it happens. Also because I don’t think the Bulls are present long enough within the cult to simply have the ability to get to know a girl; like I mentioned above, he’s brought in and breeds a girl on the same day. If he’s a traveler, there’s even less planning time. Political officials and representatives are given more freedom to request a girl in return for providing their good tidings and visit, but nothing’s guaranteed. A girl he requests he already pregnant, menstruating, in her three-month prebreeding period, waiting for a different ceremony, etc. And yes, like I established in my fic, a group of experienced and pregnant girls are present during a new girl’s first breeding.

>Also is it ok if the story devolves into just regular smut?
Is the sky blue? Write away!

Let me know if you need anything else! This was super fun to write up!

>> No.29453202
Quoted by: >>29453317

>>29453138 (me)

>> No.29453317
File: 139 KB, 500x500, 1658581305625568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. Since the blood is just the starting spark, a single drop can activate a circuit of any size. As for materials, nothing besides ink. Alchemists would have a large selection of them on their person at all times, so they can write on any material in any situation. That's actually one of the main functions of the hand cloaks. They act as both storage for various inks and as extra hands so that the more complex circuits can be completed faster. Just as an example, for a 1-hand cloak alchemist, a War Devil golem would take about 2 minutes to create, while the same alchemist would need upwards of 10-15 min for a 10m+ golem that he could control to some extent.

I would have to get some population numbers first, but I originally planed for there not being any more than 20 in the entire country. They are the highest rank of alchemists that achieved near impossible, and are the leaders of the country. Safe to say, even if there isn't a lot, just one appearing on a battlefield would essentially guarantee victory, specially if it's a land battle.

Calm your tits, sis, no killing yourself before you read my smut and rate it kek! Also, thank you so much for going into detain on the answers, I will try to make you proud!

>> No.29453356
File: 489 KB, 2896x4096, 1648277929420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me if this needs to be adjusted.

1118 VTE Risuners first make contact with /inf/
/inf/ declares /risu/ as a protectorate which we agree to

1119 VTE /risu/ declares independence while allowing /inf/ to be a big trade partner and in exchange for a road system linking both sides. The city of Demeter is established.

1121 VTE The very first Pinisi is constructed. It is immediately sent out to /morig/ in an attempt to make /risu/ a global power

1122 VTE (early) Contact with /morig/ established and trade route confirmed.
Cahya is selected to stay as ambassador.

1122 VTE (later) Sumargo's expedition to /rose/ is launched
Meatheads teach us how to mine bog iron.
The Retro Reich makes contact in Demeter.

1123 VTE Nasfaqg make contact and establish operations in Sabatangan.
Luknights visit Silvanus and establish an embassy.
/morig/ establishes a lumber depot in Silvanus.

1124 VTE Contact with /rose/ established
Diana's expedition to /meat/ is launched
/inf/ complete the road. Ceres is established.

1125 VTE Stories of /uuu/ have reached risuners. Risuners ask for aid of all powers to build a FUCKLOAD OF BOATS
Contact with /meat/ established
Neriah's expedition launched to the Retro Reich
Sumargo returns with /rose/ representatives

1127 VTE The Tri-fleet is complete. Jayawan, Hamdani, and Enoch selected as captains and launch for the 3 northern nations.
Diana returns from /meat/

>> No.29453398
File: 191 KB, 998x471, canal proposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Canal of the Pharaohs also had issues with elevation this one wouldn't it would be closer to 200km that 750 after calculations on the map.

>> No.29453406
File: 15 KB, 294x307, angyhime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dance for me, fools! Dance!

>> No.29453538

oh wow, you stories go far in to the future, more so than i expected

>> No.29453590
File: 3 KB, 257x253, 1637353584770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good to me anon.

>> No.29453673 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 424x600, sexyrena1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29453727

ppsenpai (only for him)I know what you like now so i want to tease you dirty homme. you want me to piss myself don't you, and lick it up? what would you do after, hmmmmm???? spank me????? >;) you perv.

>> No.29453727


>> No.29453740
File: 120 KB, 334x299, poorpommers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH FFS you damn brat.

>> No.29453797

Sorry, I had to embarrass him!! kek.

>> No.29453799
Quoted by: >>29453967

Fair enough, I just drew a line between Mito and Kaede. Just keep in mind this is a sizeable project, and canals from that period tended to have a limited draft depth.

>> No.29453839
File: 161 KB, 1700x1700, 1658583203711681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29454276

Hmm, I see. This changes some things. The general idea was for one of the Sanallite kids to eventually end up in the cult on his travels(after he is nice and grown up ofc) and stay with them for a longer period of time, and the first paragraph would be one of the newbies catching his eye.
Could turn the idea around I guess, make him just stumble upon them and getting the whole welcome.

>> No.29453967
File: 789 KB, 2894x3995, cutemya!22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who made a trench 100 feet wide, 30 feet deep
I think our nation would do this at some point in the distant past because it just makes sense for us... what do you think?

>> No.29454021
File: 289 KB, 558x591, 1647046661237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will be dancing with Lady Toffy soon before getting punched in the head

>> No.29454100
File: 1.38 MB, 1675x1334, 1656973123134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29454494

30 feet in the correct unit of measurement is 9.1 metres, draught of a 74 is 7.26 metres. I can fit a 74 through a canal like this. holy moly that is amazing for us!!!!!

>> No.29454179
File: 28 KB, 474x266, CuteAlice!60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can fit HMS victory in a canal like this.... holy moly THIS IS IT

>> No.29454276
File: 406 KB, 1748x1181, CFD61D68-2A0A-4BBF-A827-D3A02B859A54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29454698

You could definitely still do that! We’d never turn down a lost/abandoned child because taking care of others and raising children are among the cult’s main priorities, so I think a young Sanallite boy being raised in the cult and breeding a newbie down the line would be super interesting. As a cultist himself I imagine he’s given much more freedom than the randos.
I only had the ideas of random travelers and political officials in mind so my answers were tailored to those.

>> No.29454408
Quoted by: >>29454776

I'm the anon who said that yesterday, and I'd say it was true when she made it initially, but she recently updated the Rentry so it's more comprehensive. It's alright, although I'm not a fan of that iterative approach.
Could you use the company template since one is in use? It's in the archive. Other than that, I'm not sure if giving precise numbers is that worthwhile. Especially when it comes to warships/army. There's a severe lack of insight into how the company actually functions and what its economic activity is. If I were to read this without context I'd assume it details a military unit, not a company. Finally, is a company State-Owned if it's a venture capital company with over half of its worth owned by foreign investors?

>> No.29454442

Who dis namefriend? And why is he our leader?

>> No.29454455

>canals timeloop

>> No.29454494
Quoted by: >>29454544

This is insanely fuckhuge. The first canal over 50 feet wide in great britain was built in 1894 and was only 60 kilometers long. Canals of this length also had much smaller draft depths, and I don't think the engineering needed to build the locks to bring the ships up to the source of that river are available yet either, not at those dimensions. It would have to be a shallower canal that can support trade barges and such if you want to realistically be able to build it.

>> No.29454544

taps the sign

>> No.29454582

Fresh East Indian Flavored.

>> No.29454586

No canal-building magic yet, afaik.

>> No.29454617

No. /risu/ and /infinity/ canal plans which would have been far more feasible than this were rejected due to engineering and economic limitations. I don't see why this would be approved if the other one caused months of timeloops before going into the bin.

>> No.29454698
File: 173 KB, 850x1247, __magni_dezmond_holostars_and_1_more_drawn_by_asano_kazusasn__sample-a18351354686d52d6f292ea1e72df1d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29454997

Oh no, he would definitely be adult by the time he got down south to you guys. Probably late 20s, nearing 30s. Just following his researcher genes, he would end up on the nijicontinent. Probably got lost in the woods like an idiot and ended at your doorstep, and after getting the gist of it, was really interested and wished to be inducted into the cult. Could that setup work? Or should I go the ol' anime reliable and make him have an accident in the woods resulting in amnesia, and you just happened to find him and took care of him till he recovered, after which you kinda exploited the amnesia to score yourself some fat space aussie dick?

>> No.29454776

Please understand... I am just setting it up and trying to going to revise.

I will be back soon!!!

>> No.29454943
Quoted by: >>29455065

subtract 10 years from everything

>> No.29454997
File: 38 KB, 688x387, A0985E4C-06B7-45D8-9892-6FEF4D5EA13D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s your story so you pick the setup you prefer! I’m just here to provide lore. Spoiler sounds hot though, manipulation is always a yes in my book!

>> No.29455050
File: 371 KB, 1920x1120, 1658696891931033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29455438

Alright, got back from nowa's stream and getting some dinner. I like the ideas posted as a whole, but I kinda fear it leans a bit heavily into what would've been fitting if w were just /mag/ still. I can absolutely see it existing as a founding myth believed by the people of the Magpolis(?)

I'm also a smidge worried about the powerlevel of the size and amount of golems we're talking about here. I'd suggest that in the fashion of equal exchange, the material for the golem would need to be present when the golem is forged.

Also to continue (partly to see if we're on the same page and some of my own suggestions) while basic instructions such as "wack anything that doesn't wear these colors" could be done autonomously, anything more complex would require manual control. However, just to make it so that we can't just go full AoT rumbling with the amount produced, I'd suggest that the ink itself requires quite extensive effort to make and might require very finite resources. If anything, it's here that I would suggest getting chubanite involved if anything/anywhere.

Also the amount of people with glove cloaks would likely not be that many. Not catalognaut-tier rare, but still greatly outnumbered unless the population of Magpolis was much smaller than the others (which to me would be weird since he's arguably the most popular in the thread.)

>> No.29455065


>> No.29455107

What's the current canon year again? Was it 1123?

>> No.29455169
Quoted by: >>29455324

probably around 1128-1130 at this point

>> No.29455324
Quoted by: >>29455631

Around 1120 VTE, you can have your events happen in the neighborhood of that. Events considered to be right "now" seem to be around as this anon says >>29455169.
We should vote to officially advance to 1130 VTE soon.

>> No.29455428


>> No.29455438

>>29455050 (me)
Also, as a side note in terms of population, I check how large the two of my prefered areas we could be placed would be. The peninsula off of /stars/ is a bit smaller than England, while the island is roughly equal to the UK (northern ireland included) in size which is super big for a league of city states, but compared to the rest of the world we're still tiny. These would then be split into 4 roughly equally large parts (+maybe a smaller inter-league part).
I don't know what level of population density we'd be working with though.

>> No.29455497
File: 37 KB, 515x542, 1647423605994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29455840

How long do you guys think it would take the risuners to get from /risu/ to /uuu/?

>> No.29455631
Quoted by: >>29455676

Ah ok, was just wondering because /nasa/ was contained within a single year. So by>>29453356 we never met the squirrels.

>> No.29455676

Well, you could have everything happen in 1127-1128 VTE?

>> No.29455840

A couple months, maybe 5 to 7 months? It's a long way.

>> No.29456023

retro reich would have probably made contact in 1124 since the road was a factor in us making contact with /risu/
