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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.10 MB, 2998x3437, FUQPIx9agAE0Pzn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25533880 No.25533880 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:


https://twitter.com/3W1W4 (alt)
https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)





Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:
Open devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.
localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);
You only need to do this once, or until your browser data is cleared.

NijiEN song playlist:
To loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause.

Nijisanji chat log:

Aggie archive:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.

Previous thread:>>25527811

>> No.25533895


>> No.25533896
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>> No.25533907
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Randon, come home

>> No.25533910

>everyone thinks he’s too gay to have sex with a woman…

>> No.25533912

It was too good to be a shitpost, and the song was obviously made with effort despite the short time.
To be fair, a lot of old pinoy songs gets used in tv ads years or decades after they get released.
Someone was spamming tite (dick) in the chat

>> No.25533914
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>> No.25533915

rosemi-sama's large throbbing penis

>> No.25533917
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Our lovely precious Rosemi-sama~

>> No.25533921
File: 168 KB, 1920x1080, Mysta_Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25533923
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wuca wuca!

>> No.25533922


It's that time again, but this time can you guys please just show your top 5?

>> No.25533926
File: 279 KB, 2039x1378, FTGZgxhaQAAH9IV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira love!
I love this warm, fluffy dragon!

>> No.25533929
File: 293 KB, 1244x2048, FTh_EDsVsAEFXnD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mysta love

>> No.25533934
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Sonny LOVE!

>> No.25533936
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>> No.25533946
File: 152 KB, 1536x2048, BFFBFB7C-14F4-4B30-AF26-854A9B569B17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca love! Minecraft soon!

>> No.25533947

Some gray name nigger spamming the flip word for dick in her chat.

>> No.25533952
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, 1633813867217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina Love!

>> No.25533953

Millie's voice was heartwarming.

>> No.25533955

Fuck off. Not this early in the thread

>> No.25533959

It JUST occurred to me.
That the final explosion that just happened was The Boss using the Davey Crockett to blow up Graniny Gorki Research Lab we saw earlier.

Interesting, I always thought it was jets flying overhead

>> No.25533969

...is that what briskadets look like?

>> No.25533971

The briskadet design really grew on me... so cute

>> No.25533976

My top 5 were

>> No.25533978

From now until the end of the game is the best of the Metal Gear series.

>> No.25533980
File: 253 KB, 1448x2048, @ShiYang_nvn_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuuchan LOVE! shota fuuchan's soft legs....

>> No.25533981
File: 54 KB, 1187x634, FLioFuTaQAE0Y3s.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534138

I love my daughterwife! This is such a beautiful stream. I'M SO HAPPYYYY!!

>> No.25533983
File: 3.44 MB, 289x272, 1649984594583.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Pomu, she's my shining star!

>> No.25533985
File: 247 KB, 1273x2445, FUbTfenUsAAcqc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25533992

Here we go bros

>> No.25533994

>Somehow I doubt it

>> No.25533996

Shu, Elira, Petra, Mika, Millie and Alban on the jackbox collab on Nox channel. It seems she organized it I guess

>> No.25534002
File: 335 KB, 700x900, 1633595509430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534074


>> No.25534008
File: 24 KB, 332x383, fucking metal gear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her fucking face says it all.

>> No.25534010
Quoted by: >>25534097

I’m so happy that EN is helping to raise the profile of ID and KR. I love Taka

>> No.25534012

>Somehow I doubt it
Boss btfo I guess

>> No.25534016

>Shaman King
Nice Millie

>> No.25534020
File: 600 KB, 2480x3507, FRiwa1kVIAAQiFV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.25534023


>> No.25534025
File: 239 KB, 363x331, ewiwa hapopy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534072


>> No.25534024

Every Millie stream I watch turns into karaoke somehow

>> No.25534034
File: 72 KB, 750x437, 69503338-53D4-44AB-84A9-4DED9FB8804E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25534045


>> No.25534047

>surveyposting at the star of the thread

>> No.25534050

yep sonny stole the design from one of his fans lmao but its ok the artist was happy about it

>> No.25534051


>> No.25534052
Quoted by: >>25534083

These faggots in the chat lmao

>> No.25534054

Lmao russia isnt even our enemy, they've just fucked off to do weird shit with Ukraine.
Technically The Boss is still right.

>> No.25534069

She loves singing

>> No.25534072


>> No.25534073

>I may no longer be able to bear children
Just like Pomu

>> No.25534074

I was gonna say it looks pretty cute, but now... I'm not so sure anymore....

>> No.25534078

Who else is going to stream their POV? Because Millie won't like stream her POV, and I don't want to watch Nox's POV for this one.

>> No.25534083
Quoted by: >>25534106

whose chat??

>> No.25534090
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>> No.25534096
Quoted by: >>25534123

That's a good thing though.

>> No.25534097

I was on millie discord and stream and the quantity of ppl not knowing ID showed how this depends on the fanbase..

>> No.25534099

shut up mother fucker I'll kick your ass

>> No.25534100

nukes are bad m'kay - kojima

>> No.25534102
File: 109 KB, 1106x1080, Taka1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you guys enjoy the smash collab! I love my autistic CEO

>> No.25534104

That explains the sanctions

>> No.25534103
Quoted by: >>25534147

>multiple povs

>> No.25534106

Pomu's of course

>> No.25534107
File: 120 KB, 527x529, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534197

I didn't know VR had youtube channels, are these the only ones?

>> No.25534115

Did he actually? Omg

>> No.25534118
File: 259 KB, 1569x1260, 1653380316757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I may no longer be able to bare children"
>Pomu's eyes widen
Tick tock fairy...tick tock

>> No.25534123

I agree... It's just funny

>> No.25534122

Will Millie doing impromptu karaoke get the VOD nuked???

>> No.25534126
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>> No.25534131

probably just her, jackbox doesn't need multiple povs

>> No.25534134


>> No.25534138
File: 1.25 MB, 520x670, petora_heart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534260

I am enjoying every second of Petra's singing!

>> No.25534140

shu have 4 collabs with Elira in one week.....

>> No.25534141

Kill yourself

>> No.25534142
Quoted by: >>25534218

I mean, a large part of the reason Russia invaded Ukraine was because they wanted to join NATO, and NATO was made to oppose the USSR (hence why Russia doesn't want people joining it).
So even that's an extension of Cold War bullshit.

>> No.25534148

This will probably only have 1 pov like how it was done when Alban streamed it.

>> No.25534150

Probably just her anon. Theres no reason for many povs in jackbox

>> No.25534147
Quoted by: >>25534226

Wasn't there a jackbox collab where there were multiple povs? I remember it was during Millie's break.

>> No.25534159
File: 91 KB, 810x1080, 20220604_151631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Seffyna she is my beautiful seiso K-Fairy gf
(ง -᷄ω-᷅ )ว ٩( -᷄ω-᷅ )۶(ง-᷄ω-᷅ )ว ( -᷄ω-᷅ و(و

>> No.25534171
Quoted by: >>25534246

No she checks if she can sing it before actually singing.
and humming a song won't get it nuked.

>> No.25534176

Shup up Sundowner.

>> No.25534175

no, that's why she's checking if the songs are okay first before she sings it

>> No.25534179


>> No.25534188
File: 136 KB, 2048x2048, FSocqdAXsAEn68g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534209

shulira thriving!

>> No.25534186

go back

>> No.25534195

Pixy was right all along

>> No.25534196

She checked the anime songs if they were okay to sing, so I hope it doesn't. But she did sing normie songs earlier like Hotline Bling.

>> No.25534197

From the current active ones, yea. Nox is the most active out of them, she does a few streams on yt and use yt when she do collabs outside of china

>> No.25534201

Millie is an amazing singer

>> No.25534202

>nukes are bad, says only country to have been nuked

>> No.25534209

kill yourself

>> No.25534212
Quoted by: >>25534353

He had an entire stream brainstorming mascot ideas, now go back.

>> No.25534218
Quoted by: >>25534261

Ukraines wanted to join NATO since like 2001
But every time from Bush to Obama to Trump we've concluded that they're too corrupt and are bigger liabilities to NATO than an asset, and part of the NATO treaty is all countries must be self sustaining, non shitholes that add to the sanctity of NATO not take away from it

>> No.25534220

She's one of the best in the branch

>> No.25534221
File: 24 KB, 299x293, FE735CD9-D17C-46AB-98E3-A533DF6DB963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534268

nah i wasnt serious bruh he did take inspiration from the fan design but he gave proper credit and thanks on the mascot stream itself so its all good. mascot would have looked like this if it was all on sonny's design

>> No.25534223
File: 232 KB, 286x331, 1650950869010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys.. maybe the boss is right.. maybe *olo vs niji is pointless...

>> No.25534224
Quoted by: >>25534348

Wut? It’s just Jackbox

>> No.25534226
Quoted by: >>25534350

only one, alban's

>> No.25534227

She will.
I just need to try really hard.

>> No.25534239

sauce on this? kek
wasnt there also another one like this with these two?

>> No.25534240
Quoted by: >>25534294

why do you have to say "stole" he did show the original artist

>> No.25534245

>a world without communism or capitalism

>> No.25534246
Quoted by: >>25534376

What about the Hotline Bling she sang earlier when she was malding about Flips not knowing the concept of Timezones?

>> No.25534259

Was just gonna say that suspiciously seems like a lot amount of collapsing with elira... glad I'm not the only one who noticed

>> No.25534260

As i am enjoying every portion of Petra's body

>> No.25534261

Don't forget to put a Ukrainian flag in your twitter name though!

>> No.25534262
Quoted by: >>25534336

What's niji keijo?

>> No.25534267
Quoted by: >>25534320

Why do EOPs mispronounce literally every single foreign word..

>> No.25534268

This thread is sounding more and more like twitter what the fuck.

>> No.25534285
File: 413 KB, 1608x2048, A39EBC39-C1AB-400A-81AA-C4A48C4F9FC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cute spicy Latina ghost trying to finish Silent Hill but it’s getting late for me… I’ll finish the vod tomorrow

>> No.25534293
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>> No.25534294

why are you taking everything seriously this is /nijien/ go back

>> No.25534297
Quoted by: >>25534386

>Petra sang Oingo Boingo "I love little Girls"

>> No.25534302
Quoted by: >>25534381

>Millie starts singing
>Loses viewers

>> No.25534308
Quoted by: >>25534387


>> No.25534312

Socialism is communism with a glossy coat

>> No.25534320

It's almost like its a different language or something.

>> No.25534333
Quoted by: >>25534366

isnt this political stuff kinda yab to show

>> No.25534334

I hate Briskadets so much

>> No.25534336
Quoted by: >>25534377

Nijisanji's annual Keijo tourney

>> No.25534337

I only asked what your top 5 members were, damn, didn't know you were that fucking sensitive

>> No.25534339
File: 45 KB, 568x499, a mimir luca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight phantomo!

>> No.25534348
Quoted by: >>25534401

Ghosthunt Hopcon smash jackbox

>> No.25534350

Why do you think she's my oshi?

>> No.25534352

you sound like a newfag

>> No.25534353

I don't watch sonny, so how the hell was I supposed to know? Jesus Christ...

>> No.25534357

You crying makes me want to post it too and I despise the ship

>> No.25534366

This thread really is becoming Twitter

>> No.25534373
File: 23 KB, 338x250, 29144834-BD79-45DD-8086-57B7D4ED2F3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is full of reddit/twitter tourists anon

>> No.25534376

Short answer, it wont.

>> No.25534377

Wosemi's tiny ass will be eliminated immediately...

>> No.25534381


>> No.25534386
File: 311 KB, 2048x2048, 1642046566091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, I'm watching smash but ill have to watch petras vod

>> No.25534387

I'm one. I just wish they'd put in a little effort to not sound like twitter trannies.

>> No.25534388
File: 363 KB, 900x950, FUKP3L8aAAIjGjM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534447


>> No.25534393
File: 45 KB, 162x157, 1628190613466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534423

I hate the WEF now

>> No.25534401

Jackbox is next week, you’re really stretching

>> No.25534406

Here you go, the Boss spinoff, Konami. But I know you love your pachinko shit so much more.

>> No.25534405

wtf petra

>> No.25534418

Dude, the concept of socialism is to eventually transition to communism, and socialist countries are shitholes because it doesn't work.

>> No.25534422
Quoted by: >>25534456

I’m gonna go spread rrats about Sonny stealing designs from his fans now

>> No.25534423
File: 105 KB, 503x594, 1636777538615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25534434

That's actually not a bad idea

>> No.25534447


>> No.25534450
File: 139 KB, 512x512, 1623902250188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sending a 9 month pregnant woman to war

>> No.25534451

people forget, Konami is LITERALLY a conglomerate
They dont have to do SHIT ever again, they literally build and operate like 90% of Japanese Casinos

>> No.25534456

Go for it, sounds like a good idea for a bait thread

>> No.25534464

>Millie showing us the outtakes of her shitpost song

>> No.25534465

Different sample of the cuck song.

>> No.25534467

She's that good I guess.

>> No.25534468

millie singing her new song

>> No.25534480
Quoted by: >>25534501

You guys will hate it just like MGS survive because no kojimbo.

>> No.25534493

millie makes tagalog sound good

>> No.25534495

>there are two types of Pentomos, those who goes to MIT and those who have hemorrhoids - Petra Gurin
well pentomos, your leader has spoken. Which one are you?

>> No.25534497
Quoted by: >>25534534

so, how long until Pomu finishes the game??

>> No.25534498


>> No.25534500

Pregnant people are like mechas

>> No.25534501
Quoted by: >>25534516

You say that like Survive didn't suck ass.

>> No.25534511
File: 280 KB, 500x397, 1632327583284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shitpost song sounds great

>> No.25534516
Quoted by: >>25534607

It's alright

>> No.25534520
Quoted by: >>25534531


>> No.25534526

The Boss's scars are kinda hot...

>> No.25534529
Quoted by: >>25534689

luca you havent tweeted your waiting room and you start in 5 minutes

>> No.25534531

first reply best reply

>> No.25534533

Millie's friends were right about that outtake and I prefer the current version of the song.

>> No.25534534

5 hours, screencap this.

>> No.25534535

I HATE how this fight has no music till the last few minutes before the bombing.

>> No.25534540

Goodnight, phantomo!

>> No.25534545

Alban no...

>> No.25534551

Is Millie playing the Ukulele there?

>> No.25534563
Quoted by: >>25534586

>pomu successfully counter cqcd the first time
Im in fucking awe

>> No.25534565
File: 1.48 MB, 2828x4096, FUbezYEUAAUl_SR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534611

>> No.25534570


>> No.25534581
Quoted by: >>25534628

Shu needs to fuck off

>> No.25534586

it's... not even that hard lmao just pressy button

>> No.25534597

The music starts after 5 minutes. Just instrumental at first and then full on Snake Eater when there's like, 2:30 left. Once she starts singing Snake Eater, you have to finish the fight before the song ends.

>> No.25534600

I need a translation of Millie's song

>> No.25534605

Reminder that Briskadets are doxxfags even his mods, and they are twittertards and always break containment. Worst fanbase.

>> No.25534608
File: 51 KB, 703x630, a mimir luca 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25534607

But it's barely a Metal Gear game. That's the main issue people have with it.

>> No.25534611

Why did you crop the mating press panel?

>> No.25534613
File: 2.54 MB, 1897x1013, asdvsdavgasdgvasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25534614
File: 57 KB, 890x653, 1625709388370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534730

I have hemorrhoids but I'm not a pentomo...

>> No.25534626

The music video has English subtitles

>> No.25534628
Quoted by: >>25534688

I tabbed out of the collab, what'd he do now?

>> No.25534646

Like oshi like fanbase I guess

>> No.25534648

You’re not watching a single one of those streams

>> No.25534651

anon... the video has translations in it.

>> No.25534653

>Pomu pausing the fight every 5 seconds to fix a fucking minor hp issue that doesnt matter because you cant recover in this boss fight anyways

i fucking hate you pomu

>> No.25534659
Quoted by: >>25534722

I didn't even realize Reimu was streaming

>> No.25534661

No. It was Kizmet. here's the tweet for the credits


>> No.25534663
File: 192 KB, 2014x1556, FUdjMkeUsAActXT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed watching Sonny's BeamNG.drive stream today! The stream got off to a slow start because he'd elected to play a driving game known for realism with a keyboard instead of a steering wheel or even a controller, but once he got past the tutorial and into the real meat of the game - destroying cars! - that didn't turn out to be much of a blocker.
Games like these are a bit like Minecraft - there's no real 'direction' to them, especially since he ditched campaign mode fast, and the entertainment value of the stream really depends on your zatsudan skills and creativity in setting up interesting scenarios. These aren't easy talents to develop and I still maintain he's got a lot to improve, but he's also gotten quite a bit better and his love for carnage and destruction really lends itself to this game. His childlike glee at just being to smash together cars via power of god was a joy to watch, and I liked the silly little bits he did like manipulating the camera angles to put himself in the car. If he does try to play the game again, I look forward to how he's going to top going full (American) cop on an imaginary citizen and throwing their car around until it explodes into a pillar of fire, and then gently telling them 'thanks for your cooperation.' He ended the stream by saying that's the best he thinks he can get from the game, and he's probably right.

Thanks for listening to my TED talk. I've been really happy with Sonny's stream times this week because I'm PST, but I wouldn't blame him if he committed fully to his usual timeslot to avoid overlap. I do (selfishly) hope he sticks to doing one stream a week at an earlier timeslot, though, just to throw people like me a bone.

>> No.25534666

Briskadets are the worst fanbase here
holy fuck

>> No.25534668
File: 116 KB, 414x436, 1639441950691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night

>> No.25534675
Quoted by: >>25534706

can't you just snipe in this battle?

>> No.25534682
Quoted by: >>25534752

Fans are a reflection of the streamer

>> No.25534688
Quoted by: >>25535074

Shitposter from last thread is losing steam. Seems to have moved on to Briskadets.

>> No.25534689

he tweeted it!

>> No.25534692

Ako good

>> No.25534703


>> No.25534704
File: 5 KB, 242x32, yaminions why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are shu fans like this

>> No.25534705

I was literally watching the HP bar fill as you posted this

>> No.25534706

That's the pussy way though

>> No.25534709
Quoted by: >>25535027

How is she supposed to know that?

>> No.25534722

many such cases

>> No.25534730
File: 38 KB, 200x200, b4lbYpmSL8mE_9EPkqSLwAg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25534732 [DELETED] 

I really hate it how people use /nijien/ as some sort of safe space. Fucking niggers

>> No.25534737

No. but it's same guy that made her lo-fi theme for animillie and Enna's waiting on my phone.

>> No.25534744

A lot better than some of the Luxiem fan names you used to see, like "Mysta's toilet" and "Luca's whore/onahole"

>> No.25534748
Quoted by: >>25534793

That's literally the best part wtf are you saying?

>> No.25534747
File: 43 KB, 300x300, Sonny4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25535464


>> No.25534752

This case only works for Sonny

>> No.25534761

that's a tame one.

>> No.25534778

I don't find this anywhere near as bad as vox's dingleberries or the hundreds of miss Kaneshiros. It's just a reference to his wiggling icon

>> No.25534787

still better than Vox/Mysta/Sonny/Fulgur doormat

>> No.25534789
File: 66 KB, 200x200, rYpbYsWcJ4P48gTfmKKgDga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534856

I love how you're saying niggers just to fit in

>> No.25534793
Quoted by: >>25534866

Yes, why not do the best from the beginning?

>> No.25534798

Anon you sound… triggered
Your schizo safespace…

>> No.25534801
File: 1.31 MB, 2950x2980, FUcuaSiaAAACwGx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534853

Bald liver when?

>> No.25534813

Pomu is gonna beat the boss first try screencap this

>> No.25534820
Quoted by: >>25535309

Remunds me of that one person who's like everybody's doormat or whatever. Fucking cringe

>> No.25534830

Women like being men's possessions. Pretty weird.

>> No.25534831
Quoted by: >>25534870

>Mysta's toilet
I haven't seen this one before, I only saw that sugarmama

>> No.25534832

I can't even begin to understand who you're mad at, this feels like it can apply to anyone, as anyone.

>> No.25534834


>> No.25534835
Quoted by: >>25534911

See you guys in an hour when this boss fight is done

>> No.25534838
File: 263 KB, 1170x1600, 11346233452345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come here and I'll make you feel REALLY unsafe

>> No.25534843


>> No.25534842
Quoted by: >>25534950

Pomu will NEVER defeat The Boss!

>> No.25534850


>> No.25534848


>> No.25534849
File: 169 KB, 1951x1972, 24635C22-679E-4B1D-81CC-C4EF541F16E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534927

My cute son will show off his deezneyland again!

>> No.25534851

It's because people know that no matter what messed up thing they say, they will never be worse than the feet/head collecting mortician aloucreep.

>> No.25534853

Wave 6 or Shu's second outfit

>> No.25534856
File: 48 KB, 562x600, 1651761222131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25534858


>> No.25534861

I really hate how shizos think this is some sort of safe space. Fuck shitposters

>> No.25534866

The music kicking in on a delay is awesome.

One of the best experiences in the Metal Gear games is hearing the instrumental for Snake Eater starting to play during this fight when you weren't expecting it.

>> No.25534870

Mysta called them out during the second part of his Until Dawn stream, it's been a while

>> No.25534897

Every other post about mr. Highlighter boy, this thread is slowly becoming a Sonny thread

>> No.25534901 [DELETED] 

I really hate niggers

>> No.25534907

petra is a weeb!

>> No.25534911

she'll ask for help and cheese it because shes a woman and they hate any and all challenges and NEED to know how to cheat.

>> No.25534914
File: 161 KB, 2039x1378, FUPoRsfUsAAhhwG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25535201

my husband is streaming minecraft again!

>> No.25534916
Quoted by: >>25535464

>He ended the stream by saying that's the best he thinks he can get from the game
That was so fucking funny and a really sonny way to end it. I only got to watch the tail end of that stream, I was gonna go back to it but guess I didn't miss much

>> No.25534927

Starting now!

>> No.25534934

I tuned in to the Smash Collab and it isn't bad at all, what the fuck? They're just talking about smash.

>> No.25534936
File: 224 KB, 1500x1500, 1644202340177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25535464

Hopefully I'd get to see more of BeamNG from Sonny, maybe with a steering wheel controller next time.

>> No.25534943
Quoted by: >>25534994


>> No.25534949

NTA but it's possible. I do it all the time. You can only fully focus on two or three at a time but at the very least you can follow what's happening in all of them

>> No.25534950
Quoted by: >>25534997

She's fairly solid at CQC, so I think she'll beat her in less than an hour. Though Pomu is a master of choking on boss fights which are easy or play to her strengths.

>> No.25534956

You guys know how people said that when Pomu dated a girl it probably ended because it was abusive in some way, I think Pomu was the abuser honestly

>> No.25534971

Millie giving me head

>> No.25534977
Quoted by: >>25535046

world domination

>> No.25534986
File: 631 KB, 2452x4000, FUUst6DaQAAxMd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rape shitai wa

>> No.25534994

We really need to make a separate thread for them

>> No.25534997

She is getting those reversals, problem is that she is not judo'ing her after.

>> No.25534995

yeah, me.

>> No.25534999
File: 31 KB, 498x457, 1645355394013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25535001

>Ever believing this thread

>> No.25535002
File: 313 KB, 512x512, 1645903250205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millie gave me head. (real)

>> No.25535011
File: 84 KB, 300x300, atJJYtO1IISG8wSIzLgI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my japanese oshi! I hope he plays more driving games!

>> No.25535013
Quoted by: >>25535081

luca has remembered to turn playback/replay off recently, its nice

>> No.25535019
File: 5 KB, 489x159, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25535058


>> No.25535027

shes played like 20 hours of the game already

>> No.25535028

Alban said one thing in spanish and the spics latched onto him forever after that, despite him not actually knowing much spanish, it's pretty funny

>> No.25535032
File: 379 KB, 2640x1100, MV5BOGE1YzU2MGMtODc1NC00N2JmLTkyNTYtMGI3NjUxN2Q3YjE5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUxMjc1OTM@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are weak

>> No.25535046

Go back your own damn thread

>> No.25535054
File: 79 KB, 480x480, 1649234432860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25535103

>misses every shot with her sniper rifle
>I'm not doing any damage to her???

>> No.25535055

Spics are easily pleased when their existence is acknowledged.
t. spic

>> No.25535057

You're not allowed to post this, anon. Take it back.

>> No.25535058

Sonny is male so posts about him are twice as bad. That's basically 30 hits.

>> No.25535061

What makes you say that?

>> No.25535062

It's never bad. Just bored shitposters doing what they normally do.

>> No.25535063
File: 305 KB, 1392x908, 1653198908402.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually genuine in thinking in that Shu needs to stop interacting with Elira

>> No.25535069

She's doing pretty good now

>> No.25535071
File: 44 KB, 888x727, babyshu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby Shu!

>> No.25535074
Quoted by: >>25535101

Im not shitposting I just fucking wish some of them tried blending in even a little. That goes for every newfag.

>> No.25535081

I thought it was on purpose this whole time

>> No.25535085
Quoted by: >>25535158

Ike is in the smash collab

>> No.25535089

Just like flips...

>> No.25535090

So true sister

>> No.25535101
Quoted by: >>25535202

you all freak out when the thought of making another thread for boy discussion is made
deal with it fag

>> No.25535103

i guess she is not that good on shooting or fps games.

>> No.25535107

fuuchan will save him

>> No.25535111

Pomu... you're doing stamina damage with the CQC... just tranq her to stack it.

>> No.25535114
Quoted by: >>25535188

Or they could have sex to get it out of Shu's system

>> No.25535115
File: 2.29 MB, 1920x1080, 【HANDCAM】EATING WEIRD THINGS IN MY GROCERY STORE ✨ ☆⭒NIJISANJI EN ✧ Millie Parfait ☆⭒ 2-5-51 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25535265

I don't know what Millie just ate but it's making her freak it due to sourness

>> No.25535126
Quoted by: >>25535265

puke bros??
Is it happening...?

>> No.25535130

I want Shu to collab with her more and then one day he gets his heart broken and never collabs with her again.

>> No.25535131

Spics are so desperate that yesterday a presumably chicano insisted that Enna is "one of them" instead of obviously being a Chinese

>> No.25535141
Quoted by: >>25535169



okay she can cheese the boss however she wants now, i'm just happy she heard this lmao

>> No.25535144
Quoted by: >>25535187

Unironically this. He's extra unbearable when he's anywhere near her

>> No.25535148
Quoted by: >>25535190

that he didnt have it turned on?...

>> No.25535152

Millie talking about warheads is making me remember how my older sister used to run warheads under water to dilute the sourness until she built up a resistance to it

>> No.25535158

right now?

>> No.25535162



>> No.25535166

I mean, I get it, my people are the same way, it's just a little embarrassing to see people constantly asking him to say stuff in it when he doesn't know much and is currently learning JP instead

>> No.25535169

Pomu's going to get a time out before she beats The Boss.

>> No.25535173

Woah im so proud of luca wtf

>> No.25535174

Vox: "I feel like something's missing"

Yeah you gave up on Sekiro you weak ass bitch. Go back and beat the game.

>> No.25535179

no the boss has frontal protection when shes shooting

>> No.25535187

how so? I never noticed how he changes around her

>> No.25535188

And give the pathetic simp what he wants? HELL NO.

>> No.25535190
Quoted by: >>25535250

nta but my JP oshi always had rewind turned on...

>> No.25535192
Quoted by: >>25535261

It's turned off to avoid bad stuff being clipped easily and encourages more vod views.

>> No.25535197

Vox’s cocksleeve doko…I still remember when her SC got immediately deleted by ichigo because of her name kek

>> No.25535201
File: 345 KB, 1600x1600, FTS2W9IVUAAHSiO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how deezney land is coming along!

>> No.25535202

Thats irrelevant retard. Posts about them is fine point is these fuckers dont even bother lurking anymore.

>> No.25535206

oh my god... deezney looks amazing

>> No.25535207

I'm pretty sure the Boss' gun deflects shots to encourage melee in the fight. It's mean to be a constant CQC kino lol

>> No.25535208

Wosemi is pissing in my mouth

>> No.25535215

This but dark soul 2

>> No.25535216
File: 542 KB, 890x878, rsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rape-torture-murder-suicide with an anon from /NijiEN/

>> No.25535224
Quoted by: >>25535341

Luca said Elira and Selen helped build it, yeah?

>> No.25535228
File: 123 KB, 1920x1080, FUDd7MZUsAABbnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks as always TED anon. I preferred his old timeslots, but I'd be happy to just catch up on VODs if ever. I do hope he manages to find a good balance for burger/SEA fans.

>> No.25535227
Quoted by: >>25535266

still not better then his fan's branch

>> No.25535231

Deezney looks so pretty

>> No.25535234

if you find millie she'll give you her saliva for free
she's in the philipines btw

>> No.25535238

it’s cute how Luca is really passionate about making his deezney happen, he’s actually worked so hard on it

>> No.25535241
Quoted by: >>25535273

Is she gonna make it bros

>> No.25535249


>> No.25535250
Quoted by: >>25535294

rewind is annoying as a viewer, he's said in the past before along with millie and others telling him to turn it off but he just forgets

>> No.25535252
Quoted by: >>25535302

It actually pisses me off how much Snake fucking SUCKS at CQC despite helping develop it lmao
how the fuck do you even accomplish that. Just fucking break her arm you dumb ass

>> No.25535261

Not even close, the real reason is so that any buffering issues or new viewers will always relatively at the real stream time so chat isnt all over the fucking place with people like 15 mins behind.

>> No.25535265

Who wanna bet she'll puke after stream?
Seems like she's rushing it now and feeling it.

>> No.25535266
Quoted by: >>25535314

didn't they use a template and just edit some part?

>> No.25535268

Someone needs to start shipping that pretend Famelira unicorn with another anon, pronto.

>> No.25535273


>> No.25535279

Damn Luca, this place looked completely different 2 days ago...

>> No.25535282
Quoted by: >>25535461

He will find balance for jap fans...

>> No.25535288
File: 1.56 MB, 799x753, 12.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millie's ending the stream
She says she probably won't stream tomorrow
Millie love!

>> No.25535295
File: 718 KB, 1223x1012, file (15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too bud, let's meet up and hunt pentomos together

>> No.25535294

I see, guess I just got used to it

>> No.25535302
Quoted by: >>25535353

A theme many people don't pick up on is that Snake gets his ass beat less and less by The Boss after each encounter.

It's supposed to culminate in this boss fight where they fight at more or less an equal skill level

>> No.25535305
Quoted by: >>25535369

you can say "Pentomo" you don't have to pretend you want to rape or torture any other type of anon

>> No.25535309

I hate that I remember his name, fuck this

>> No.25535314

just like real tokyo deezny

>> No.25535315

I ship pretend famelira with me. God im so lonely.

>> No.25535326
File: 286 KB, 585x564, 1645003428537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he use creative mode?

>> No.25535334

Elira is streaming or she’s do it

>> No.25535337

the way millie says valorant is funny

>> No.25535339

All these collabs they've been in in during the last week and basically nothing noteworthy or out of the ordinary has happened with them two in any of them. It's just shitposting.

>> No.25535341

elira build a wall and selen built a gravestone

>> No.25535345 [DELETED] 

>Elira built the wall
>Selen built the gravestone
>the first two people who build in Deezneyland
Dragonsisters love...

>> No.25535348

Methinks this fairy is no good at video games

>> No.25535349

i hope not

>> No.25535353
Quoted by: >>25535409

Is that actually true?
Cause it just seems like he gets his ass kicked even harder every time lmao.

I mean I guess thats kinda kino, but it's also dumb cause she still lands vastly more hits on him then he does her

>> No.25535357

That's so fucking cute, Luca

>> No.25535358

He was building it with several livers, no.

>> No.25535362
Quoted by: >>25535386

I hate you all

>> No.25535363

Wait a minute, Snake Eater is sung by The Boss, or at least it's told from her perspective, isn't it? Yes, I'm slow.

>> No.25535369

I'll take anyone cute

>> No.25535386

cute tsun anon

>> No.25535392

Millie's scared about her first sponsorship streams and wants your support
Will you watch?

>> No.25535393

>elira built THE WALL

>> No.25535397

I'm investing into Deezney.

>> No.25535403

millie is nervous about her shill stream please watch her

>> No.25535407



>> No.25535408

Didn't he get some cheated mats from Finana?

>> No.25535409
Quoted by: >>25535445

>Cause it just seems like he gets his ass kicked even harder every time lmao.

How? Do you remember the first time on the bridge? She nearly killed him.

>> No.25535414


>> No.25535415

Sure if it's not gachashit

>> No.25535418

Do claymores actually help in this fight or is she right

>> No.25535423

He gets extra tryhard and acts all whipped, has to respond to or laugh at every little thing that elira says, even if it's not directed at him

>> No.25535425
File: 485 KB, 1680x1680, FTcuIGmUAAISUte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25535427

rrat translation: instead of Elira, that song was about Millie being cucked by Psyborg. The bit with the two lovebirds sharing icecream references one of their collabs where they said that Psyborg would be eating mint chocolate icecream and fries (lady and the tramp style) Aruvn, the song's mixer is a big Millgur fan too based on previous tweets where he says 'but you already got Pulgur(fulgur)'. Also why is Fulgur's rando comment pinned bellow that specific song huh? Makes you think...

>> No.25535430

its okay luca i like your deeper voice too

>> No.25535433 [SPOILER] 
File: 11 KB, 250x216, F9298532-4597-4398-943C-7249E01D1422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t open

>> No.25535436


>> No.25535441

Of course.
Jollibee sponsorship when though?

>> No.25535442

I don't regret investing onto DEEZNEYLඞND

>> No.25535443

*First solo sponsorship. She already had a sponsorship but it was with Nina and it was also on her channel, not Millie's

>> No.25535445
Quoted by: >>25535512

she broke his arm then threw him off a bridge tho
like, of course that'd almost kill him

>> No.25535446

I won't be part of the MIT pentomo club...

>> No.25535448

This is some schizo shit but I'm eating mint chocolate chip ice cream right now so I'm accepting it as truth.

>> No.25535451 [SPOILER] 
File: 831 KB, 1000x864, 1644106203795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25535535

you are weak

>> No.25535456

She's right that she would blow herself up

>> No.25535459


>> No.25535461

sea and jp have very similar timezones anyway, this is fine

>> No.25535464
File: 354 KB, 1415x2206, FUQXqVHUEAYUiSy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd recommend checking timestamps for the stream because there were some really funny moments, but unless you're a big Sonny enjoyer, the tutorial and campaign mode sections of his stream are fairly skippable. I did laugh at his sudden change of attitude the moment he got into campaign mode and saw the first mission was 'drive this car off a cliff,' though.
If he does another BeamNG stream, I hope he comes into it with a steering wheel and a plan - otherwise, I'm honestly not really sure if there's too much more he can get out of this game especially with the very colorful way he ended this stream. Kind of want him to try Eurotruck now, though.
I think it's really nice that his usual timeslot fills dead hours, too. At the end of the day, that's just my own thoughts and I'm not expecting him to accommodate me or anyone else - sometimes he's got his own off-stream commitments, sometimes he's got collabs that need to be scheduled at certain times. I'll just catch VODs when I can't make streams.

>> No.25535468


yes they do, they help on most fights with bosses that try to close range attack you in metal gear actually.

>> No.25535476
Quoted by: >>25535571

the meds, take them

>> No.25535477

Vox is gonna be thrilled.

>> No.25535478

Where do these images come from and why so people make them

>> No.25535481

Pomu would not be able to keep track of claymores. but they can.

>> No.25535500

wtf Shu Taka

>> No.25535503
Quoted by: >>25535575

I thought they would end at 3 hours.

>> No.25535510

Someone made one a day or two ago and it devolved from there

>> No.25535512

She doesn't break his arm or do any lasting damage in any of the subsequence cutscenes.

I mean, yeah, Snake doesn't come away looking like he got the best of her in any of them. But he doesn't get fucking owned like that first encounter either.

>> No.25535515

Luca finally wants to move out of his mother's place.

>> No.25535516

>I really need to move out
Anytime now...

>> No.25535518

You are all incels

>> No.25535520

I didn't think Luca's basement would be 24/7 cold during the cold months. This is going to be tough...

>> No.25535522
Quoted by: >>25535586

Nina isn't content with just ruining herself she has to bring everyone else down with her

>> No.25535524
Quoted by: >>25535560

Luca is talking about moving out again... luca youre going to cry when you leave your family home

>> No.25535530
Quoted by: >>25535567

He has so many plans for deezney...it's so cute and it makes want to play minecraft

>> No.25535531

Wait Luca actually lives in his mother’s basement?

>> No.25535533


>> No.25535534
Quoted by: >>25535578

Briskadets are attention whores

>> No.25535535

Fuck that babadook

>> No.25535542

Watching NijiEN has convinced me to download Minecraft for the first time ever. Bedrock or Java? I think NijiEN uses bedrock?

>> No.25535545

I'm sure you're a really nice person yourself

>> No.25535556
Quoted by: >>25535599


>> No.25535558
Quoted by: >>25535586

I thought basements is supposed to be a little warmer than the rest of the house

>> No.25535560

He WANTS to move out this time.
There's a difference.

>> No.25535566
Quoted by: >>25535603

I'd imagine the big problem for a streamer making the amount Luca is in moving is making sure you have reliable internet in place before moving.

>> No.25535567
Quoted by: >>25535622

hop on ninisani

>> No.25535571

Aruvn being a fan of Milgur ship is right though. I saw his reply tweets to Millie about it, heck he even said it in chat in one of Millie's streams.

>> No.25535572

Why does everyone in luxiem besides Ike want to move out?

>> No.25535575

Holy shit, they're still going? Smash with friends can be fun, but it's not THAT fun

>> No.25535576

Millie is desuwaing

>> No.25535577

>Cold ever

>> No.25535578

don’t worry we won

>> No.25535584


>> No.25535586

I think he's under the weather from the cold, his basement room is super cold and messes up his voice and sinuses. If he had coof he would have been sick already.
Heat rises, cool air sinks. Basements are always colder and attics are always stuffy.

>> No.25535589

because ike already lives on his own idiot

>> No.25535597

They all use java or else you would see tons on microsoft shit all over the place.

>> No.25535599
Quoted by: >>25535644

hopcon ninisani
we and nijien use java

>> No.25535602

Simple, they've got more money than they've had their entire lives.

>> No.25535603

>reliable internet
It's over...

>> No.25535613

ike lives alone. i think he has talked about wanting to move out before because of neighbors but not as bad as mysta's neighbors

>> No.25535616

For next week?

>> No.25535619

Cute tsun anon falling in love with a shitposter so she keeps coming back even though she hates this place!

>> No.25535622

I can't, I'm shy

>> No.25535631

didn't ask

>> No.25535635
Quoted by: >>25535683

He and Millie are friends

>> No.25535638

yes, he wasnt joking. you can hear them above him walking around in streams sometimes

>> No.25535644

meant for>>25535542

>> No.25535649

Java 100% unless you have friends that play bedrock or something. Bedrock performs a little better and supports cross-platform but uses microtransactions and can't be modded as easily.

>> No.25535657

Why stay home when you got the money to move out?

>> No.25535667

Rosemi died while teabagging

>> No.25535669

Luca will abandon his home cooked meals… he will get takeout every day

>> No.25535677

Pomu Chokepuff...

>> No.25535678

Java has infinitely more selection of mods than Bedrock.

>> No.25535683

I know. And the reply was more of a banter between friends. And I know Millie already revealed it in a stream that he and Millie have been friends for a long time.

>> No.25535684

Pomu is fighting The Boss in the lamest way possible. I didn't even know it was possible to make this fight look bad

>> No.25535695

he'll get fat.... finally.

>> No.25535707
Quoted by: >>25535918

housing market is so fucked that if you're making money like they are it might be best to just save it and outright buy a house.

>> No.25535710
File: 65 KB, 240x240, DqTzYZjXHuGS8gS_1rWYDw (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lucubs you should join out server to build something... someone is building a luxiem cafe

>> No.25535713
File: 154 KB, 2006x1337, D03CDCAD-2E6D-4635-87D2-4147485AE861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow I feel very emotional when Luca talked about needing to move out…

>> No.25535716
Quoted by: >>25535764

She's actually getting worse...

>> No.25535717

Because generally living at home is significantly cheaper. Every dollar you don't spend on rent is another dollar that can go into index funds.

>> No.25535729

I'm gonna save him by marrying him into my household.
Then I'll cook for him everyday.

>> No.25535734

my laptop would overheat and explode

>> No.25535737

brain damage from getting anally pounded by oji-sans all day please understand

>> No.25535742

is pomu the dsp of vtubers

>> No.25535745

Its one of the main three strats for this fight

>> No.25535750
Quoted by: >>25535820

Goddamn Shu is autistic as fuck when unhinged....I love it.

>> No.25535757

i thought you were talking about shu

>> No.25535758

this is pure pomu kino

>> No.25535763

She's starting to lose it bros

>> No.25535764

She's been streaming for 7 hours..she needs some real food.

>> No.25535765


>> No.25535766

Any seaniggers that bought the White Day merchs? Have you get the email yet?

>> No.25535768

He can cook simple things iirc

>> No.25535770
File: 49 KB, 632x775, 1469925535375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just realizing SNAKE EATER is nearly 20 years old...

>> No.25535776

Alban is still in MC?

>> No.25535783
Quoted by: >>25535843

I am playing with a laptop too... just use the minimal setting

>> No.25535787

nice my audio cut out when he screamed

>> No.25535790

Nigga this is Pomu we're talking about. Of course she wasn't going to beat The Boss in a cool way. I'm just here for her reactions.

>> No.25535792

Those ojisans? All me.

>> No.25535798

I want to watch Luca but I keep hearing my phone vibrating and it isn't vibrating, i think it's his BGM or something

>> No.25535800
Quoted by: >>25535843

Over minecraft? Bro...

>> No.25535803

Wasn't the fight against the boss supposed to be emotional? Pomu is making it so goofy

>> No.25535807

Pomu doesn't claim to be good at games. She makes it clear she sucks at games

>> No.25535810
Quoted by: >>25535855

Out of all the playthroughs i've seen. She's the first to not do it 1st try

>> No.25535818

wtf Shu Fuuchan

>> No.25535820

I love that about him. Wish he'd unleash that side of himself more often

>> No.25535821
Quoted by: >>25535843

download optifine and turn all the settings to lowest

>> No.25535824

I can feel it...
He'll say "cunt" in this stream...

>> No.25535825

it's funny how little faith the lucubs ITT have in luca kek

>> No.25535842

Every Millie solo stream is now I Do What I Want stream, and I love it.
And I feel so fucking old knowing entire Doraemon no Uta lyric

>> No.25535843

ill try it tomorrow
my laptop overheated, broke the inner fan and i had to get it fixed over genshin so

>> No.25535845

Best stream right now


>> No.25535851

this building stream is stress inducing

>> No.25535855

You haven't seen any playthroughs then

>> No.25535869

>"Are you cold, son?"
Why are men so stubborn?

>> No.25535873
File: 141 KB, 1196x913, 1653576529378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25535954

I love how Ewiwa is completely lost for most of the match

>> No.25535874 [DELETED] 

dw minecraft is def not like genshin

>> No.25535882

you wouldn’t get it

>> No.25535887

I played minecraft for years on an old macbook air.

>> No.25535888

As long as your settings are on low, Minecraft runs better than Genshin

>> No.25535893

>Petra threatening her viewers to listen to Millie's cover songs

>> No.25535895

Pomu always picks out the worst advice from chat...

>> No.25535900


>that username
It's a fucking dude, isn't it?

>> No.25535903

Did millie raid petra or something? I went out and she had like 1.3k and now she has 2k

>> No.25535918

Unironically? Now's the BEST time to buy a shitty foreclosed crack house or some land in a good neighborhood.
Building a house and shit is not ONLY cheaper statistically than buying, but nobody can take your land away from you if you own it as well.
At most buying land and a new house will probably cost like 500k, which isnt that bad considering once you own your land you have something to pass off to your children, or sell in like 10 years at 5x the initial value.

OR buy a crack house and hire a renovation company.
80% of all crack houses and foreclosed shitholes are insanely repairable, you can unironically buy one and fix it for only like 100k, then you have a house and land.
AND depending on the city you can also get tax breaks for "providing community value" which is a real thing and can be a pretty sizeable tax break.

>> No.25535932


>> No.25535939
Quoted by: >>25535983

when did millie end her stream? i didnt see any message

>> No.25535946

>The retweets
The rare Phantomo gosling in the wild

>> No.25535950

If you show alot of weakness people look down on you

>> No.25535951


>> No.25535953

god i hope so

>> No.25535954

Why does she keep on joining these collabs when she sucks at the game? It ruins the fun and she adds nothing by being silent during most of it

>> No.25535957

>streamer frustrated
>chat frustrated
What do you even do when this happens?

>> No.25535960

Yes, Millie raided Petra

>> No.25535965

i dont know how to play and dont want to bother anyone to teach me

>> No.25535967
Quoted by: >>25536066

leave her alone she just wants to hang out with her friends

>> No.25535971

>ruins the fun
But she's having fun and so is everyone else.
>being silent during most of it
There's not much to say when you die or aren't playing.

>> No.25535983

Yeah she did.

>> No.25535989

>will probably cost like 500k,
The land price in Australia alone is 700K for 300m squared anon. the median house price is 1 million right now.

>> No.25535988

Why do you love black cock so much?

>> No.25535992

wait for a miracle

>> No.25535995

minecraft is a kid's block game, it's extremely easy to learn
google will give you most answers

>> No.25535998

Just open a singleplayer world and fuck around for a couple of hours

>> No.25535997

so the reason why luca doesnt drink caffeine is because he becomes too hyper

>> No.25536004

laugh and shitpost on 4channel.org/vt/thread/25533880

>> No.25536009
Quoted by: >>25536039

How do I convince Millie to do proper Doraemon no Uta cover, it's so cute.

>> No.25536011

Why not? Hey Briskadets, make your own thread?

>> No.25536017

imagine the sex

>> No.25536019
File: 1.02 MB, 1477x1779, 0ABCCE5A-FEBB-458A-AE8B-4684A9007BDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately whenever I think of Mysta I instinctively refer to him as "my angel" in my head. I don't know why I defaulted to that because it makes me sound like a groomer but I can't stop.

>> No.25536034

Who is better in the smash between Rosemi and Shu?

>> No.25536037
Quoted by: >>25536116

Probably because you are a groomer idk

>> No.25536039

Her cover in that stream was heavenly even though it was impromptu

>> No.25536047
Quoted by: >>25536071

Fucking trash, the lot of you

>> No.25536049
Quoted by: >>25536161

Pomu "DSP" Rainpuff

>> No.25536051

thats kind of cute mystake...

>> No.25536054
Quoted by: >>25536135

fuck off buddy, Ewiwa is the cutest

>> No.25536055
File: 102 KB, 1692x1776, 1640031482825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I called him "my dumb fox grandson" in my head

>> No.25536059

Nooo anon you're not allowed to think of cute terms for your oshi youre parasocial

>> No.25536066
Quoted by: >>25536112

She can hang out with her friends offline or consider playing other games. This and the valo collab could've been much more fun and entertaining with someone else who actually knew how to fucking play

>> No.25536071

but anon, you're trash too!

>> No.25536072

kek the shitposters are changing their target

>> No.25536074

>was busy recording something offscreen
>was also awake during 3:00 am just to build in MC
Goddamn, this guy is so dedicated.

>> No.25536090
File: 8 KB, 331x90, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25536166

Based, also Pomu got one of the easter egg snakes

>> No.25536096

You can hold O to CQC her into the ground, right?

>> No.25536106

I want to witness hyper Luca...

>> No.25536111

wait it's winter in australia?

>> No.25536112

>muh gameplay fags caring about casual Smash
Now I've seen everything

>> No.25536115

luca youve talked about this heater sick thing everyday

>> No.25536116
File: 214 KB, 1314x2048, D8FAA826-C30A-4011-85B0-D8E48FAB968F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only like little boys if they're 2D.

>> No.25536126

Watching a hag fight against a stronger, older hag is fun

>> No.25536132

I will never be Japanese :^(

>> No.25536133

Anon... your hemisphere reps...

>> No.25536135

She talks like a drunk and her model is ugly as fuck with those stupid ass wings on top of her head

>> No.25536140

How does she not understand or respect iframes after 3 straight games of the mechanic?

>> No.25536141

your geography reps…

>> No.25536143

>Pomu's getting visibly frustrated at chat
It's over...

>> No.25536155

yeah theyre upside down so they have the opposite seasons from the northern hemisphere or whatever its called

>> No.25536158

Is that you Mysta?

>> No.25536160


>> No.25536161

Come on dude, just call her a drooling retard or something like that, no need to be offensive.

>> No.25536166
Quoted by: >>25536191

>posting your own superchat

>> No.25536170

its ok sonny, we still love you

>> No.25536173

upside-down land

>> No.25536175

it's better to counter and shoot her when she's still standing. she doesn't move for a very long time so you can aim for a headshot.

>> No.25536177


>> No.25536180

it's okay pomu

>> No.25536182

Chat's so impatient. Pomu got stuck on Bowser for like 3 hours despite that not being all that hard of a fight; now THAT was brutal.

>> No.25536191
Quoted by: >>25536291

jokes on you
I gave an akasupa to Pomu to cheer her on at the beginning of MGS3, and now im too poor until July

>> No.25536196
Quoted by: >>25536218

>I want to meet with Oliver-sensei again

>> No.25536200
File: 382 KB, 840x635, 1650603007409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brothers that will collab next week!

>> No.25536206

I do something like that with my oshi too

>> No.25536213
File: 241 KB, 1472x2048, FUc9xg4aAAAJxeP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a nice and chill collab but it's too late for me, I hope Taka hosts more Smash collabs, make them mixed branch too (if the ping won't be too bad)
love my sperg husband Shubert Yaminerd and his love for the dumbest smash, Melee

>> No.25536214
File: 156 KB, 1024x1024, e18d18b5331b8f4939a9abd8d913f8a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this while listening to Millie stream.
It's so good bro.

>> No.25536218

rrat: oliver treated luca like a son and oliver acted more like a dad than luca's own dad has

>> No.25536220

I'm sorry Pomu

>> No.25536224
Quoted by: >>25536235

it's what I do and I'm obese

>> No.25536235

Just stop being obese

>> No.25536238

Pomu... Sonny... Reimu... Ike...

>> No.25536244
Quoted by: >>25536269

If you ever learn to CQC this fight takes like 4 minutes.

>> No.25536248

imagine if she dropped mgs4 because the chat got too backseat-y

>> No.25536249
Quoted by: >>25536323

Well technically, Oliver treated Luca like a little brother.
Him, Luca and Mysta vibed together.

>> No.25536250

it’s alright reimu

>> No.25536255

Lucubs, be honest, are you fully satisfied with Luca's streams as of late?

>> No.25536257
Quoted by: >>25536376

NijiEN smash ranking
1. Fuuchan
2. Vox
3/4. Rosemi/Shu
5. Elira
6. Alban
I don't know much about Ike and Reimu.

>> No.25536266

pomu hurry up and finish so i can get more (You)s on my unrelated shitpost

>> No.25536269
Quoted by: >>25536318

That's the problem

>> No.25536273

why is there only one pov for this smash stream
everyone is mixed so low compared to taka

>> No.25536275
Quoted by: >>25536349

Tbf that was entirely because of playing through obs so she had to guess on the release timing like a second in advance

>> No.25536277

100% he's extra cute, the heart grows fonder, etc

>> No.25536281

I remember that, chat looked like a damn fool afterwards

>> No.25536291

Now that, that is based.

>> No.25536289

No, unless she's in that very rare stun animation where she's just kinda looking at the ground.

I'm more confused that apparently she can deflect bullets. I guess on harder difficulties you can't facetank her anyway.

>> No.25536294
File: 23 KB, 314x314, 1648209768561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25536298

Today’s my only free time since may oh shit I missed so much Sonny streams…

>> No.25536303
File: 240 KB, 540x542, 1648702677054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is Rosemi gonna start her next game series it's been so long since she finished Walking Dead and she's done nothing but collabs since then. At least her Sonic stream was fun.

before anyone says anything about /rose/ I'm not a schizo or a /rose/fag I just miss her comfy solo streams, she's really shy in collabs and it's awkward.

>> No.25536302


>> No.25536307

Luca talked to his friend's mother for the first time and the first thing she asked him was
>Are you normal?

>> No.25536309

>"I was talking with my friend today. He introduced me to his Mom"
>First thing they asked: "Are you normal?"
>"Uh, I don't think I am"
Lol wtf?

>> No.25536310

But we literally have verbal proof that Oliver was being the dad friend to Luca. Luca likes his dad anyway, his papa lets him ride while holding onto his back like a koala, when they drive on the motorcycle. His papa also cuts his hair.

>> No.25536311

Holy fuck Pomu's actually understanding how to counter the Boss now.

>> No.25536314

>the cheapest piece of house/land in my area is over 1M usd
>I make more than both my parents combined but I can't afford anything in the area even though they made significantly less than me when they bought the home even counting inflation over the last 20 years
I think it's time to just move to some backwater city in alabama so I can actually afford something.

>> No.25536318
Quoted by: >>25536367

You were saying?

>> No.25536323

I never ended up watched his return zatsu, what did he think of his first big trip and living with the bros?

>> No.25536335

I miss selen, she’s spoiled me with streaming every day that one day off is killing me, im glad she’s getting rest though

>> No.25536338

You think I'll be liveposting if I wasn't?

>> No.25536341

Can she at least finish the 90 other games shes started and never touched again?

>> No.25536343

Luca you retard...

>> No.25536348

>Pomu's actually learning
am I dead and in heaven?

>> No.25536349

It was literally rng. So no matter how much chat backseated, none of the back backseating mattered, it was all up to rng

>> No.25536353
File: 158 KB, 849x1200, FDY7tvOakAAVoEH.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That end was SO cute!! Muah muah bai bai Petora!!

>> No.25536355

How about finish the god know how many unfinished series first

>> No.25536359
File: 970 KB, 1203x1744, 1636352600452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6:40am... finally... I can sleep...

>> No.25536361

luca catfishing on instinct

>> No.25536367

yeah pomu handed the controller over to me

>> No.25536369

he cried on stream. he said he was happy and missed them a lot since they were really nice to him and everything

>> No.25536371

Cute Enna artwork

>> No.25536370


>> No.25536374

Imagine if Pomu actually still loses this attempt

>> No.25536375
Quoted by: >>25536395

>what did he think of his first big trip and living with the bros?
He really misses them.
Especially Oliver and Mysta.

>> No.25536376

pretty sure ike is a smash autist but I don't know if that makes him any good at it or not

>> No.25536381

Just keep aggroing her, Pomu...

>> No.25536393

Goodnight, pentomo! Rest well. You deserve it.

>> No.25536395

>Not Nina who spent the most time with him

>> No.25536397
File: 426 KB, 1332x1324, 1649604312380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm busy with touching grass activities lately. Is the Smash collab is worth watching for a yaminion?

>> No.25536398

pomu is sooooo bad

>> No.25536402


>> No.25536405

Her Pomu inhibitors were turned off

>> No.25536407

Watch Pomu choke this...

>> No.25536410
Quoted by: >>25536476

Most of them are one-off games that don't have a proper ending though. She hasn't started any story games really besides Sekiro which is never ever gonna be finished because it's too hard for her.

>> No.25536416

>"I'm not normal. Do you think I'm normal, chat?"
Just like me...

>> No.25536418

gn anon!

>> No.25536419
Quoted by: >>25536452

I hope you don't jinx it.

>> No.25536422

everything she thinks she knows about this fight is wrong, so not really.

>> No.25536433
Quoted by: >>25536763

It's pretty good, standard collab, they're having fun, Shu is comfortable (and therefore autistic)

>> No.25536434

why does it feel like pomudachi are just hate watching pomu

>> No.25536435
Quoted by: >>25536532

>it's not a bad thing to be a freak

>> No.25536437
File: 82 KB, 1000x1000, a mimir luca 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight pentomo!

>> No.25536439
File: 495 KB, 832x764, 1632384494787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25536460

It's okay bros, she just stalled until the song kicked in

>> No.25536450

Pomu I swear to god

>> No.25536452

Pomu learns, but so does the Boss. She has to be even tighter with her reaction timing now.

>> No.25536454
File: 148 KB, 1336x1892, C74F140F-03D1-4E11-B710-1A48D0B5CF5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Luca so much…

>> No.25536453
Quoted by: >>25536763

He cutely gushes over smash bros and gets owned and screams, but not really. It's a good collab, but not priority to catch up on.

>> No.25536458
File: 126 KB, 690x646, 20220523_101149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milord... Let's kill ourselves together... Life's hard...

>> No.25536459
Quoted by: >>25536763

Yeah,you will hear Shu screaming a lot.

>> No.25536460


>> No.25536465

He spent more time with Vox and Ike during their stay in "Paris", anon.
Even Luca's a guy who wanted to spend some time with his homies he'll probably meet once a year.

>> No.25536472
Quoted by: >>25536516

that's /v/tourists
they are parasocial to MGS kek

>> No.25536476
Quoted by: >>25536575

Half-Life: Alyx...
Donkey Kong Country...
Jump King...
Luigis Mansion 3...

>> No.25536477

Pomu Chokepuff...

>> No.25536480

I wanna smash Millie Parfait

>> No.25536481
File: 121 KB, 282x272, frowny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why people say it's a shitpost when I genuinely don't like Shu

>> No.25536487
File: 70 KB, 240x240, luca prayge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please dont kindred

>> No.25536490

If you're a regular Pomu watcher, good gameplay isn't something you expect. Blame the /v/tards.

>> No.25536495

He barely talked about Nina aside from explaining the time he almost fell asleep and had to be given snacks since he got so jetlagged at the aquarium.
He said he missed Oliver and Mysta the most and Mysta was like a brother to him, and that he almost wanted to cry when Oliver left.

>> No.25536507
Quoted by: >>25536529

MGS schizos are a different breed, it's always like this whenever Pomu is playing that game

>> No.25536509


>> No.25536511

Damn, Luca's getting all the gooks.

>> No.25536512

Because that's what a shitpost is

>> No.25536513


>> No.25536516
File: 206 KB, 419x313, shitposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25536525
Quoted by: >>25536642

And I don't know why people say it's a shitpost when I genuinely don't like elira

>> No.25536529

honestly this was one of the milder pomu mgs threads. limited to only a few schizos this time around

>> No.25536532


>> No.25536541

I can see why Luca took engineering.

>> No.25536546

Not yet, fellow kindred. Milord has to get to 1m first

>> No.25536551


>> No.25536552


>> No.25536553

Okay, that was a pretty cool conclusion to the fight.

>> No.25536556



>> No.25536565

>so many superchats
luca, lucubs think youre freezing to death and going to die

>> No.25536569

>actually gets the counter for the last hit

>> No.25536575

too hard
>Half-Life Alyx
she gets really bad motion sickness
>Donkey Kong Country
probably just forgot about it
>Jump King
doesn't have a real story and everyone else has played it to death
>Luigi's Mansion 3
also probably forgot about it

the only way to get her to revisit games would be to send her a superchat reminding her and hope she reads it but none of her donors ever mention those games.

>> No.25536576
Quoted by: >>25536763

It's okay, but I don't think it's really a must watch for any fanbases. They had fun, everyone took turns screaming or making cute noises, pretty standard collab fare

>> No.25536582

Because you're making 0 serious posts about him, I've never seen anyone comment about his laugh being annoying so many times in the span of 2 hours.

>> No.25536589


>> No.25536590
Quoted by: >>25536635

>Vox said I snored a little bit
Must've been due to asthma.

>> No.25536596
File: 1.67 MB, 2000x2500, 93D2A90D-663B-49C1-BD85-F409A3B1DE78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No we are going to SAVE each other ! WE ARE EACH OTHERS SAVIOURS.

>> No.25536597


>> No.25536601


>> No.25536609
Quoted by: >>25536640

i want to see the polaroids...

>> No.25536612
File: 329 KB, 585x564, 1627582234200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25536611

Hey only Aloupeeps are allowed to do suicide pacts!

>> No.25536614
Quoted by: >>25536654

fuuchan wants to be gangbanged TOT

>> No.25536616

>Richter main
>Lucina main
>Sora main
>Joker main

>> No.25536617
Quoted by: >>25536644

Anon, did you invest in Deezney already?

>> No.25536623

>"I just looked at the polaroid, and I miss them so much..."
He's so adorable...

>> No.25536628
File: 151 KB, 1080x1080, FUD3WKbX0AAUDAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25536692

Thinking about Reimu's 20-inch ghost cock that I want to be impregnated by is the only thing that got me through my 10 hour shift today...
Reimu my princess I know you're reading this, if you put in a good word for me with Tazumi I promise I will pleasure your massive cock and balls every day, just please save me from this hellish life...

>> No.25536635

He had a mild cold when he was there, he went to bed early when he felt bad
and Vox still crawled into bed with him despite that... SO CUTE
and he's describing cutesy photos he took with Mysta... SO FUCKING CUTE

>> No.25536637


>> No.25536640
Quoted by: >>25536675

We'll have to stick with fanarts..

>> No.25536641
File: 650 KB, 2362x3578, AF73E310-5B1E-4FD6-BEE9-AA5FE267C643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25536642

this famelira and this yaminion are destined to be together

>> No.25536644

Where do I buy stocks?

>> No.25536648
File: 94 KB, 1480x1649, 1636510837129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kindred...go to therapy alongside milord instead. You know in your heart of hearts it's what he'd want

>> No.25536649
File: 355 KB, 1271x2048, FUbURcsVUAAOs16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25536651

After all these years... it still hurts...

>> No.25536654

why is fuuchan such a cockslut....

>> No.25536659

That's so cute aaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.25536662
Quoted by: >>25536740

She probably has ADHD or something and trouble concentrating on just one game for too long
She just like me frfr

>> No.25536667
File: 60 KB, 240x240, flushge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca is so cute that I'm smiling and kicking my feet

>> No.25536669

Damn, must be fun goofing off with one of the boys...

>> No.25536671
Quoted by: >>25536709

the boss was kind of a bitch tho

>> No.25536675

its making me emotional

>> No.25536681

The scary thing is, Vox could create a suicide cult if he wanted to

>> No.25536689

>Fu-chan playing his main and trying to 3v1
Holy based

>> No.25536692


>> No.25536699

This was as kino as it possible could've gotten

>> No.25536703

Ocelot Kino time

>> No.25536709

Wait until the ending is over.

>> No.25536717
File: 300 KB, 512x512, 1653238591949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu is crying

>> No.25536720

Time for Ocelot and his shenanigans.

>> No.25536724

>"One day we'll meet again"

>> No.25536727

i'm pomu

>> No.25536737

You know it's painful to watch when anons spamming kino after she finally did it lmao

>> No.25536740

She's said it before in the past and it's been brought up multiple times in the thread. It's probably not ADHD but she admits to having trouble with sticking with one thing. It's why her gaming streams also tend to be the shortest out of Lazusydia.

>> No.25536748


>> No.25536749

I will never be able to stop thinking about that polaroid...I can see it clearly and I want to draw it

>> No.25536751

Shu already booked the ticket to go to paris...

>> No.25536754

>"I want to see Shu as well"
There's your crumbs for today, Shucafags.

>> No.25536756

I’ll be honest, I don’t really like it when he talks about his offcollabs. He’s making me feel emotional from it and I don’t like it…

>> No.25536759

Holy fuck Shu booked a ticket to see the boys but he got sick..... he never mentioned that.....

>> No.25536763

Guess I might skip this one... Thank you!

>> No.25536772

Rosemi is gone... now what?

>> No.25536775

>Snake punches Ocelot in the ribs.
>Ooh, right in the nuts!

Where does Pomu think the nuts are?

>> No.25536781

Pomu is getting wet from snake punching ocelot

>> No.25536783
Quoted by: >>25536797

He would've been there too, if he controlled his libido...

>> No.25536788

Actually it's my second dose since Shu called Simon 'Luca'

>> No.25536789
File: 670 KB, 1000x864, boopboopboop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting this again because it made sonny mad when i showed him

>> No.25536790

Was Ocelot pretending to be bad at hand-to-hand combat during all previous encounters?

>> No.25536794
Quoted by: >>25537022

>these moves are the SAME ones Solid Snake and Ocelot do at the end of MGS4

how did i JUST NOW realize this...

>> No.25536797

hoes over bros, he got what he deserved

>> No.25536798

why are you calling me a fag :c

>> No.25536807

He never mentioned he was going to join them on his stream either. We learned that from Luca and Mysta

>> No.25536809

This is all elira's fault

>> No.25536808

The thing about Ocelot is that he picks up new techniques fast.

>> No.25536837
Quoted by: >>25536868

shu betrayed the bro code
you wouldn't understand, woman

>> No.25536846

Women will NEVER understand this

>> No.25536862
Quoted by: >>25537712

>it made sonny mad when i showed him

>> No.25536865

Ocelot you fucking doxxfag.

>> No.25536868
Quoted by: >>25536923

But Uki is also his bro.....

>> No.25536871
Quoted by: >>25536904

Nara collab with Noraneko in less than 5mins

>> No.25536882

Your attempt to get these fanbases mad at each other doesn't work, they were literally talking last thread about how transparent you are

>> No.25536887
File: 1.08 MB, 2480x3508, 1650638604388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25536912

Does anyone know who drew this? I saved it off a previous thread and found a twitter that had it posted, but that person mentioned it's something they commissioned and not their own art

>> No.25536888

The revolver scene was too fucking cool, jesus christ

>> No.25536893

Damn its weird seeing mashiro is going to stream at this hour....

>> No.25536894


>> No.25536903
Quoted by: >>25537009

Pomu is ruining this scene by being a dumb bitch.

>> No.25536904

I'm ready for more indian kino

>> No.25536905

I hate getting teased

>> No.25536912
Quoted by: >>25537040

based on the artstyle, its probably a chinese artist

>> No.25536913

why does him describing some polaroids makes me want to cry...

>> No.25536915

>next polaroid
>Luca, Nina and Oliver
>Oliver's sitting down on a chair, chair is tiny, with his right hand, he's trying to tie his shoes, while his left hand, he's making a "heart symbol", he has a white mask on
>Luca is on the armrest, Luca pulled his own mask down, with his eyes closed, his arms over Oliver
>Nina's doing an asian squat, she's wearing a sweater, also doing peace signs, she's putting her palms to her chins, she wears a black mask (so does Luca).

>> No.25536917

Ocelot needs rape correction

>> No.25536923

uki is gay so it doesn't carry the same subtext of homoeroticism, therefore i choose to disregard this point

>> No.25536929

>pics of Luca hugging Oliver
I want to see those pics so bad I would accept death via shotgun directly afterwards.

>> No.25536934

the heart symbol is actually the korean finger hearts

>> No.25536951
Quoted by: >>25537109

Imagine Ike singing this one


>> No.25536957

Blanks can still kill people ocelot...
Alec Baldwin...
Bradon Lee...

>> No.25536961

and fujo pomu was born

>> No.25536965

I still don't understand what a Nijisanji keijo tournament is, can someone link a video or something?

>> No.25536971


>> No.25536973

Pomu, Ocelot is NOT gay for big boss. You just don't understand the bonds between men (straight).

>> No.25536976
Quoted by: >>25537712

ok reimu

>> No.25536981
File: 1.72 MB, 1244x911, 295026247376361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in the end, was he gay?

>> No.25536982

nigga fujo Pomu has always existed

>> No.25536985
File: 174 KB, 400x400, lucauwe_emoji1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25537024

luca you're being so cute today

>> No.25536988

she WILL NEVER figure it out

its just like how WOMEN WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND WHAT A BROJOB feels like

>> No.25536989

Why did Elira and Shu have different sicknesses?

>> No.25536992

t. straight man

>> No.25536998


>> No.25536997

I've been watching him burn down forests and do a lot of landscaping these past couple of Minecraft streams but I still haven't figured out what is Alban even planning to build

>> No.25536999

it was a russian taunt

>> No.25537000
Quoted by: >>25537082

LOL I'm not trying to rile up anyone, I just don't like elira

>> No.25537004

Damn pomu...

>> No.25537005

>Oliver was wearing a camo jacket, but his sleeves was only to his elbows.
>Luca can't see him because he's wearing a "camo" jacket
This cute retard...
>Luca was wearing a black jacket, and a white shirt, black pants, and shades (with a mask?)
>Nina was wearing a floral dress, white, red and black coloration.

>> No.25537007

Don't test your tulpa like that, it might decide to kill you one day

>> No.25537009

Shes trying to have fun with it again. I was annoyed for a second too and then i took a step back and let it go

>> No.25537010
Quoted by: >>25537042


>> No.25537014


>> No.25537015

>Snake reminds Pomu of her dead dad
>She wants to fuck him

>> No.25537020

>he laughs like my dad

>> No.25537021
Quoted by: >>25537230

It's the sports anime that's like sumo but with butts. I think Mysta did a watchalong of it?

>> No.25537022
Quoted by: >>25537038

MGS4 literally throws screenshots of that cutscenes when those exact move happens, how you couldnt tell?

>> No.25537019
Quoted by: >>25537136

ain't that the himawari sumo lotion wrestling thing


>> No.25537024
Quoted by: >>25537089

I’m getting emotional for some reason, unpog…

>> No.25537028
File: 80 KB, 1268x716, ljCmpfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25537035
Quoted by: >>25537073

Elira got sick off the water rides at disney, she had a bad ear infection.
Shu had some sort of week long sinus thing. Seems like standard plane plague.

>> No.25537038

because it does it with MGS 1 and 2 as well

>> No.25537037
Quoted by: >>25537055

>past tense
since when is her dad dead?

>> No.25537040

Ah yes, of course! That narrows it down to only a billion or so potential people, thanks

>> No.25537045
File: 17 KB, 477x267, 25424351234123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25537065


>> No.25537044

Reminds of that aloucreep that made an Enna tulpa months ago and it actually killed someone...

>> No.25537042
File: 4 KB, 209x87, firefox_2022-06-04_23-01-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yea bro

>> No.25537046

I remember when you play MGS4, during the final confrontation with Ocelot - he kisses you and you get an achievement. Of course you're a stand in for Big Boss in that fight, IIRC. The achievement says 愛 (love).
But Kojimbo probably did intend him to be straight. I always thought Kaz was sexier, anyway...

>> No.25537047

>He doesn't kiss his homies good night

>> No.25537055
Quoted by: >>25537077

Anon... how new...

>> No.25537060
Quoted by: >>25537096

Shu mouth
Elira ears
What do you think?

>> No.25537065
Quoted by: >>25537114


>> No.25537066

I'm the first one to defend a manly bond but Ocelot was DEFINITELY gay for Big Boss
and he's even european so he's double gay.

>> No.25537072

The Boss was training him in the background.

>> No.25537073

>Elira got sick off the water rides at disney, she had a bad ear infection.
literally how?
Disney water is super fucking sterile lmao

>> No.25537076

Oh, is Luca implying that it’s engagement ring…?

>> No.25537077

Since she debuted, I have a poor memory

>> No.25537082

Why are you replying to that anon pretending to be me? I made the Shu post about the tickets, and I love Elira.

>> No.25537087
Quoted by: >>25537185

Wait is luca describing photos from the trip?

>> No.25537089
Quoted by: >>25537137

same... i dont even know why, hes just talking. maybe its the music

>> No.25537096

Elira defiled Shu... No... This... This is not fair...

>> No.25537094

Nara with Noraneko

>> No.25537098

Elira has chronic ear infections

>> No.25537103
File: 219 KB, 400x400, 1645694378306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25537712

briskadet your meds...

>> No.25537109

imagine Ike singing at all
wheres the fucking karaoke

>> No.25537110

yeah, from me.

>> No.25537113
Quoted by: >>25537150

isn't last month the first time she's mentioned them?

>> No.25537114

Exactly, it's a brotherly gesture

>> No.25537118
Quoted by: >>25537249

You can get sterile water in your ears and catch an infection by not cleaning it properly

>> No.25537123

soon... I believe

>> No.25537130

Pomu sounds like she's in heat now holy shit my dick

>> No.25537133

Since there's only MGS4 left, I wonder what's a good series for Pomu to tackle next?

>> No.25537135

>Mika sent him a tiktok of a guy wearing crocs
>the guy was just walking, and another dude, named Flap Jack, stole his phone
>"Flap Jack, wtf!?"
>guy proceeds to remove his crocs,"Time to put these bad boys to sport mode! He's gonna regret it!"
>proceeds to chase Flap Jack. "Flap Jack holy crap!"

>> No.25537136

Doesn't that mean that Rosemi and Elira would have to have their 3D models for this event? Doesn't that mean they will eventually get their 3D models along with the rest of Lazulight and Obsidya?

>> No.25537137
File: 411 KB, 2048x2048, CC953B08-75E7-4B03-B877-E4320111CC5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25537190

It’s a combination of the music and his calm deep voice describing nostalgia… my heart…

>> No.25537140
File: 418 KB, 1200x1500, 1628184959863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want more cute art of Elira and Rosemi hanging out, kind of like this.

>> No.25537145
Quoted by: >>25537319

wait for his birthday stream

>> No.25537147

Alban's showing the Noctyx debut trailer again...cute.

>> No.25537150
Quoted by: >>25537217

Yeah, because it was only relevant then

>> No.25537157

I'm predicting youtube bots will takedown her stream during the sexy scene

>> No.25537159
Quoted by: >>25537226

Isn't she going to play Peace Walker too?

>> No.25537161

in 2 weeks!

>> No.25537163
Quoted by: >>25537230

There was an anime called Keijo. Basically in that anime's universe, Keijo is basically a female sumo wrestling but you use your breasts and ass to kick your enemy out of the ring.

>> No.25537167
Quoted by: >>25537309

Doesn't Eva end up being like a quadruple agent or something

>> No.25537171

She's playing peace walker first.

>> No.25537176
Quoted by: >>25537248

i'm still waiting for a source beyond one anon's post

>> No.25537177
Quoted by: >>25537231

no more heroes

>> No.25537178

I love Finana and my life made a turn for the better after finding her.

>> No.25537183

She's gonna do Peace Walker too

>> No.25537184

Imagine how drenched her chair will be when she gets to the final fight in MGS4.
Or the Kaz date side op in Peace Walker.

>> No.25537185

He is.

>> No.25537190
File: 279 KB, 1847x2480, FUW8gQRUsAACLvJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes just being cute and its cozy... nvm hes playing tiktoks

>> No.25537193
Quoted by: >>25537319

Probably saving for his birthday

>> No.25537195
Quoted by: >>25537254

pomu getting NTR'd live on stream

>> No.25537209

>i thought christmas only came once a year

>> No.25537210

Pomu must be shlicking it right now

>> No.25537218

Pomu is literally a teenager

>> No.25537217

then how do you know she has chronic ear infections if she's only mentioned it once?

>> No.25537219

Before you jump to conclusions keep in mind that Snake's pants never come off.

Snake is a virgin.

>> No.25537220
File: 74 KB, 1246x706, peek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25537360

Pomu's having fun.

>> No.25537223
File: 6 KB, 128x128, 1641017085585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25537227

Pomu became rosemi for a second there

>> No.25537226

Yeah she is

>> No.25537230
File: 544 KB, 799x449, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, Mysta did a watchalong of that a while back. He assigned Nijimems to each of the characters, pic related.

>> No.25537231
Quoted by: >>25537290

This, but the first game is perfectly fine as a stand-alone game.

>> No.25537232

He's now playing said TikTok vid.

>> No.25537233


>> No.25537237

What the fuck is Noraneko teaching Nara

>> No.25537244

Remember when Pekora had her stream deleted for this scene?

>> No.25537245

god this game is so sexy

>> No.25537248

It was just a joke in the stream I think. Maybe not even that I think Keijo literally just came up I wasn't listening closely.

>> No.25537249


>> No.25537251

watching this all when you already know the twist is pretty great

>> No.25537254

Eva is close enough for her to self-insert

>> No.25537262

Wait isreal?

>> No.25537267

At least Luca doesn’t browse tiktoks…

>> No.25537272

Pomu being cucked THIS hard

>> No.25537278
File: 462 KB, 445x907, sort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25537313

I don't really understand my taste, but this is accurate, aside from Deron being up there as I think I like Mito more but got biased watching a lot of Deron lately

>> No.25537286

>Luca watches TikTok vids
>but doesn't browse TikTok itself

>> No.25537290
Quoted by: >>25537742

okay BUT NHM2 has some of the best songs

how was NMH3?

>> No.25537292

I respect anyone that doesn't browse tiktok

>> No.25537302

bravo kojimbo

>> No.25537306


>> No.25537309

That's Ocelot (who's technically a triple agent, but same diff)
Eva was just a plain old double agent

>> No.25537311

More like he’s being fed by his friends tiktok videos and nothing more

>> No.25537313

damn how long did this take you

>> No.25537316
File: 234 KB, 720x578, 1652631960350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25537319
Quoted by: >>25537388

this little fuck pushed his 500k karaoke
all the way to his birthday


I get the feeling that he really, really doesn't want to sing live

>> No.25537320

i think i heard luca's mom's voice

>> No.25537321

The Chinese...

>> No.25537327

>traitorous whore is chinese

>> No.25537329

It's a good thing he doesn't considering how that jellyfish TikTok got stuck in his head, imagine if that was a daily occurrence.

>> No.25537334

Last time that sorter got posted, many people took so long going through it that the thread had already died by the time they finished

>> No.25537341

Maybe the holobronies arent wrong in hating china

>> No.25537342

I will never forgive the Chinese

>> No.25537347

Wow a woman is a liar and played with a man's emotions for personal gain I can't believe it

>> No.25537349

When will we get this but EN boys?

>> No.25537350

At least Pomu gets to keep it

>> No.25537355

i love the chinese, especially my chinese wife

>> No.25537359

But this is just convincing me to hate China.

>> No.25537360


>> No.25537365

okay BUT, snakes informants literally said one was named EVA and Adam lmao
They were both NSA code breakers.
So who the FUCK was the real EVA and why did Zero and all the intelligence niggas on Snakes side tell snake "yeah just trust her lmao"

>> No.25537368

We'll get it with Lazusydia

>> No.25537378

in my dream T_T

>> No.25537382
Quoted by: >>25537415

despite all this, china never had a real presence in MGS world

>> No.25537388

Ike and karaoke is like me and work assignments, dude ain't 'saving' shit he's just procrastinating

>> No.25537394
Quoted by: >>25537426

It’s not just holobronies. Plenty of fanbase hates them for all the right reasons.

>> No.25537396
Quoted by: >>25537451

>Next polaroid
>baffled at what Mysta is doing in the photo
>Luca, Vox and Mysta
>Vox to the left, wearing a white shirt with sunglasses, black jacket (not a leather one), he's holding a big bowl of candies won from the arcade, on his tummy, while looking on his phone
>Luca is holding a white bag with his right hand, he's looking at Vox, he's wearing an Android 17 shirt, with white pants
>Mysta is eating the candy, while looking at the camera, he's wearing a blue hoodie.

>> No.25537397

Pretty sure no one on snakes side knew cause they were Russian

>> No.25537399

>I have a reason to hate EVA now that I know she's a traitor chink bitch
Jesus Pomu...

>> No.25537410
Quoted by: >>25537462

Why do you want to destroy Fuuchan's back?

>> No.25537411

Well, it's not as if Big Boss is any better in that department.

>> No.25537415
Quoted by: >>25537469

just like the real world lmao
fuck china

>> No.25537419
Quoted by: >>25537444

I took it when that post was made, and waited until the thread got closer to dying, it took me about 12 minutes since I pressed replay on a song 3 times, but at one point I was spamming Tie because I don't watch more than half of Nijisanji.

>> No.25537426

Your xenophobia is showing anon

>> No.25537437
Quoted by: >>25537459

Legatus impression tskr
Ohhh, the immersion.

>> No.25537444
Quoted by: >>25537511

you know you can edit for it to be specific branches right

>> No.25537445

Ching chong to you too.

>> No.25537446


>> No.25537451

So cute...

>> No.25537454

yes? and thats why they're good spies lmao
a spy who can fuck is a spy who can get information

>> No.25537459

He knew…

>> No.25537462
Quoted by: >>25537521

Fuuchan gets a cheerleader outfit and becomes a mix between the commentator and emotional support

>> No.25537469

yep despite ALL their successes, their military is largely a joke, so they have to try other means in war
which is also largely a joke when you look at all the books

>> No.25537471
Quoted by: >>25537525

Chigusa is going to try Pineapple Pizza wonder if she got the idea from all the debating of it among EN members. I know Elira has brought it up before as being like their thing with those candies where the argue about the mushroom shaped ones or the bamboo shaped ones.

>> No.25537480


>> No.25537490

What is the philosophers legacy isn't it just a lot of money?

>> No.25537508

fulgur in luca's chat

>> No.25537510
File: 346 KB, 720x987, 1624371125051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25537511
File: 130 KB, 1031x1053, 1646640219941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I still took it since I was curious. I exited out of it but I think my top KR liver was Nagi and my top ID liver was Rai.

>> No.25537513


>> No.25537520


>> No.25537521

>Fuuchan gets a cheerleader outfit
T0T tummy....

>> No.25537522

Luca doesn’t open totsu… I hope he did…

>> No.25537525

Fine Ewiwa I'll watch your oshi

>> No.25537533
Quoted by: >>25537559

I still find it funny how "big boss" in mgs is an official American military title

>> No.25537536
File: 393 KB, 500x1417, B70DD1F6-D518-4EF0-A359-72FF7F5DE3C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25537540

>So who the FUCK was the real EVA
Some guy, we never see him but apparently Zero and the rest of the crew had no idea that both code breakers were dudes so it made things easy for fake EVA

>> No.25537542

Time to leave 4chan as the holofuckers have finally entered the thread

>> No.25537543
Quoted by: >>25537589


>> No.25537551

im fine without it, this is the most focused he's been on stream in minecraft in a while

>> No.25537557

I do too, but right now I want him to finish his stories because he will never return to this again if he gets distracted by Fuufuu in the call.
>Luca wearing his mask even in places where it was ok to take it off
>still got a cold

>> No.25537559

It's not really official. It's top secret.

This comes up in Peace Walker.

>> No.25537563
Quoted by: >>25537848

What did sigint do that was fucked up I can't remember

>> No.25537566

>codec call comic relief are the patriots
bravo kojimbo

>> No.25537575

Pomu's gonna fucking lose it at this final part.

>> No.25537584
Quoted by: >>25537599

What is this? This is so random I never get my oshi

>> No.25537588
Quoted by: >>25537730

>next polaroid
>three more left
>after the karaoke
>they're standing outside the karaoke place at 2:00 am.
>Mysta is doing the exact same pose, doing the peace sign, one arm around Luca's shoulder, eyes closed, with a big ass smile on his face.
>Luca was standing straight, leaning a little towards Mysta, He's wearing a white hoodie, with a backpack, with his facemask on, he's leaning back a little, raised chin, while looking at the camera, he's wearing blue shorts (claims his toned legs was bare from his thigh to his ankle),
>got distracted, so he said nothing about Vox

>> No.25537589
File: 246 KB, 605x579, rumao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25537599


>> No.25537603
File: 454 KB, 600x763, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of Chinese spies, you guys ever hear about that Chinese spy who pretended to be a woman and have a baby with a French government worker all so he could gather intel from him? He tied his dick back so when they had sex in the dark it was like penetrating a shallow vagina. And after the truth was revealed and they parted ways, years later the Chink revealed he loved the frenchie all along.
It's a somewhat famous story in Asian countries, but I was surprised that there's only like 1 English video about it on YouTube. It's what the movie M. Butterfly is based on. Pic related is the Chink btw.

>> No.25537617

I love pomu

>> No.25537623


>> No.25537625
File: 35 KB, 592x394, 1337561394998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you rike it?
>They separated after finished the 4th game
Never been the same after all...

>> No.25537628
Quoted by: >>25537683

this looked like one of those kpop boys,sorry

>> No.25537631

Pomu is gonna lose her shit when Big Boss shows up in MGS4

>> No.25537646

Enna was in the UK?

>> No.25537649
File: 708 KB, 1800x3508, FULvOCRXEAM48y5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm still not over luca and vox sleeping in the same bed

>> No.25537671


>> No.25537681
File: 715 KB, 940x530, world pomufication.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25537683

Kpop boys would probably make good pretend women too, to be fair.

>> No.25537686

She is in the middle of nowhere after plane crash

>> No.25537689

I must comfort Pomu

>> No.25537691
Quoted by: >>25537755

Pomu is good at faking a cry huh

>> No.25537692
File: 32 KB, 800x450, salute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25537693


>> No.25537704

was that pomu or eva

>> No.25537708

this ending is actually better than I remember

>> No.25537711

That German anon was mistaken.

>> No.25537712
Quoted by: >>25537807

Its true im not joking we talk every day. we talked right after his beamng stream and flirted and stuff. he always asks me for advice on how to stream better. we are close

>> No.25537716

wow, I can't believe Enna met the queen herself

>> No.25537718
File: 11 KB, 252x233, salute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25537719

>next polaroid
>Luca was sitting on a couch, he's doing a peace sign, arms outstretched left-and-right, almost t-posing, arms really high

>> No.25537726
File: 74 KB, 1244x707, a true patriot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ending fucks everybody up.

>> No.25537730

>got distracted, so he said nothing about Vox
classic luca

>> No.25537731
File: 27 KB, 400x400, kojimbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25537858

*invents the concept known as kino*

>> No.25537733


>> No.25537736
File: 557 KB, 1280x720, salute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25537737
Quoted by: >>25537770


>> No.25537739

Vox/Mysta/Ike off-collab!!!!

>> No.25537742

It was alright, I’d give it a 7/10 but that’s because I’m very biased towards the series and Suda51 games having started with NMH1 on the Wii back in 2010. The combat is the best in the series and I loved playing the game on spicy difficulty, but the game has a great opening and unfortunately can’t just keep the momentum going throughout.
It also feels unfinished or like they ran out of time or budget, because some areas like “Neo Brazil” are legit flat empty maps with nothing on them. Boss levels have also been mostly removed save for two, instead it’s mostly a jump straight to the boss after doing several encounters on the over world. There’s also less outfit variety sadly.
Having said that I still loved it especially playing it in bed, but it and TSA are grab it on sale games IMO. Better than Deadly Premonition and Shenmue 3 though.

>> No.25537750

What is this green text Lucuck even talking about

>> No.25537754


>> No.25537755

You're good at faking heterosexuality huh

>> No.25537762

so ends the last good mgs game

>> No.25537761
Quoted by: >>25538048

Man what a fucking game

>> No.25537766
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>> No.25537767
File: 90 KB, 247x240, 1641591751853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even I was starting to tear up...

>> No.25537770

dai yousei...

>> No.25537771

pomu we love you so much

>> No.25537773

that tea set looks like shit

>> No.25537781

watch streams

>> No.25537784
File: 1.77 MB, 450x253, 1394249157169.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25537810

>> No.25537783

Finally, the last one… I need this emotional feels to stop…

>> No.25537785
Quoted by: >>25537806

Wish I was playing with Pomu's butthole right now to take her mind off the sadness.

>> No.25537793

Posting about the stream. Is that not allowed or something?

>> No.25537798
File: 104 KB, 266x332, 1649388221735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it still gets me even to this day

>> No.25537799

>muting kino music
>can only hear pomu crying now

>> No.25537806

Women don't enjoy anal and anybody who tells you otherwise is lying.

>> No.25537807
File: 29 KB, 383x384, 1637182678761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get it, medication is expensive...

>> No.25537808

>Forgetting Old Snake Big Boss Kino in MGS4

>> No.25537810

why doesnt this Gif fucking include the one from MGS4?

>> No.25537812


>> No.25537813

Now without music is just pomu sobbing

>> No.25537815


>> No.25537816

every time pomu cries on stream it's cute

>> No.25537819

I still love MGS4 despite its flaws, and MGR is always a laugh. The other titles can go to hell, though.

>> No.25537822
File: 75 KB, 592x560, 1644113301933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the ending coming and i still cried, fuck

>> No.25537825

I opened Way to Fall in another tab for the crying to tear me up.

>> No.25537827

damn Pomu sounds genuinely sad I can't fap to this

>> No.25537829
Quoted by: >>25537861

She will be broken at the MGS4 final fight.
I too will be broken.

>> No.25537828

She's gonna forget to unmute during the post credit scene

>> No.25537834

Learn comprehension

>> No.25537835

>Richard doyle is the Fury and Big Boss in MGS4

>> No.25537837
File: 1.20 MB, 1170x1390, 1646498883115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25537840
Quoted by: >>25537877

Pomu is L I T E R A L L Y not like the other girls bro

>> No.25537849

my tongue is right here

>> No.25537848

DARPA was backing metal gear REX wasnt it?

>> No.25537850

Who in EN will have the guts to ask Tamaki to collab


>> No.25537851

>last polaroid
>Luca and Vox, standing next to each other, was when Vox left
>it was a photo of them hugging each other, Mika took the photo.
>Vox was hugging Luca so hard that his head was buried into Luca's shoulder
>Luca was looking straight to the camera, smiling

>> No.25537858
File: 1.53 MB, 335x974, 9979346486429.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love MGS3 so fucking much bros It's unreal.

>> No.25537861
Quoted by: >>25538004

The microwave hallway will do it too, it always does...

>> No.25537862


>> No.25537865

kojima made the boss a woman specifically so women could relate to her sacrifice

>> No.25537866

It involved The Boss (who was a woman) so women can UNIRONICALLY understand it

>> No.25537868 [SPOILER] 
File: 6 KB, 225x224, 1653778901132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dick status:

>> No.25537874
Quoted by: >>25537983

I thought this pic was Oliver?

>> No.25537877

She's a pretty mint lady for sure

>> No.25537880

Stabbing men on the back is something they can relate well with.

>> No.25537884

bravo kojima you did it again

>> No.25537888
File: 1.53 MB, 520x670, B4C89D97-C260-4D07-8B2C-217CE1CA4939.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25537894

I mean, in general yes. But Pomu loves anal.

>> No.25537895
File: 678 KB, 784x520, 1646061589588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu is an ojisan in a woman's body.

>> No.25537906
Quoted by: >>25537983

didnt he say it was mysta

>> No.25537905
File: 139 KB, 1024x742, 1637825300609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a lot

>> No.25537910

Wait if snake is the only one who knows the truth about the boss how did zero paramedic and sigint try to carry her legacy did he tell them I guess?

>> No.25537917
File: 1 KB, 32x32, GiyiYJ6jGcTm8gSZ2b44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25537927
File: 101 KB, 300x300, wahhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So proud of Pomu ;-; Fuck I'm crying too

>> No.25537931

>probably the best 2 weeks of my life

>> No.25537933

there are a couple out there and it's doubly hot because they're probably mentally ill

>> No.25537937
Quoted by: >>25537989

It's unfortunate that MGS4 still can't be properly emulated, I'll have to pull out my PS3 and deal with the slowdowns.

>> No.25537938
Quoted by: >>25537975

No media has ever made me cry through an emotion other than rage.
But it IS kino i'll give it that.

>> No.25537939

i didnt desu

>> No.25537940

After all these years, the feels are just as strong...

>> No.25537942

Snake is the only one EVA told. Snake told everybody else on the team.

>> No.25537945

Kojima truly is a genius in his own right
He even added vibration for girl gamers in MGS

>> No.25537946

The off-collab was ONE OF the best two weeks of his life.

>> No.25537952
File: 209 KB, 1024x640, steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done Boss, that's why there's no one else like you.

>> No.25537953
Quoted by: >>25538028

Kinda but since it was a mouth to mouth EVERYONE misinterpreted her legacy and EVERYTHING went to shit.

>> No.25537969

>metal gear week
lets go

>> No.25537970

is mgs4 good

>> No.25537975
Quoted by: >>25538018

what the fuck made you rage to the point of tears?

>> No.25537977


>> No.25537978


>> No.25537976


>> No.25537980

Considering Millie mentioned in the stream earlier that she watches this youtuber, do you think that she has already watched this video?


>> No.25537983

It was Vox.

>> No.25537982
Quoted by: >>25538676

>full week of mgs
fuck no

>> No.25537988

Luca is literally a dog, he is afraid of being alone

>> No.25537989

What's up with that? One would've expected it to have gotten plenty of special editions by now.

>> No.25537993

the ending is kino but everything else is kinda messy

>> No.25537994

No but yes.

>> No.25538001

>week of nothing but MGS4

yes pomu, follow salome and JP senpai footsteps, one game per week is kinda dumb anyways.

>> No.25538004

>"War has changed" intro
>Volga River
>Raiden's Resurrection
>Naomi's death
>Microwave hallway
>Snake vs Ocelot
>"Snake...Snake had a hard life"
How did such a messy game manage to cram in so many kino moments

>> No.25538005

>some of the pomudachis were feeling emotional over metal gear
>some of the lucubs were feeling emotional over luca describing his trip again

>> No.25538016

This is the most loaded question you can ask next to where to buy that figure of The Boss firing the Davy Crocket.
It's low at time and high at times, but its definitely a better story than fucking 5.

>> No.25538018
Quoted by: >>25538282

I played on EE as a kid.
Also fighting games sometimes cause I like them but they're insanely mentally taxing on my soul

>> No.25538020
Quoted by: >>25538063

>continuous streams of one game
finally I wish more vtubers would do this, waiting weeks for them to finish a game, if at all, was always something I hated

>> No.25538021

it was everyone's least favorite for a LONG time, take that as you will

>> No.25538026


>> No.25538028

Yeah that makes more sense cause they all clearly fucked it up even snake himself kinda

>> No.25538030

yes but also no.
it's definitely worth playing if you haven't.

>> No.25538039

they are..?

>> No.25538040

to think rising is the end of all of this

>> No.25538043
Quoted by: >>25538079

I only played MGS for the yaoi so I'm glad Pommers is doing 4 since that's my favorite MGS.

>> No.25538048

>Kojima's last game with FEELS
I'd cry like a bitch too if i played that game to the end

>> No.25538061
File: 1.33 MB, 1303x1500, bcd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kinoest game gets a whole week dedicated to it

>> No.25538063

Yeah same I'd so much prefer them to do it like this especially for story heavy games like this

>> No.25538067


>> No.25538074
Quoted by: >>25538788

Sadly EN audiences crave variety, so it takes months for them to finish one game, and they keep forgetting how to play between sessions.

>> No.25538076

Is Vox gonna be ok when he goes on break? He might kill himself if he’s away from his precious kindred

>> No.25538078
Quoted by: >>25538185


>> No.25538079
Quoted by: >>25538171

MGS3 and PW are better from a purely homolust perspective, so I imagine you specifically like old men.

>> No.25538081
Quoted by: >>25538225

It’s heavily flawed. I love it, but with how MGS2 was open ended, MGS4 trying to wrap up all the loose ends was messy as hell.
Also it is not an exaggeration that it is VERY cutscene heavy to where it can nearly outnumber the gameplay. Having said that, the gameplay is still top notch and the game still looks gorgeous for a 2008 release.

>> No.25538085
Quoted by: >>25538118

i take it back, luca cant be a father

>> No.25538087


>> No.25538089

How the fuck did the other half went to Gene of all people

>> No.25538096

>pomu keeps teasing chat with her gigantic ass and posting the "pomu anal" thing on twitter and calling herself "Pomu Assfuck" during the spicy noodle challenge

>women don't even like anal

This is more manipulative than Vox

>> No.25538101

Ghost bj>>>>>>>>>>>>>cuckdreds

>> No.25538114

The first wo chapters are good, then chapter 3 wastes away one of the best maps ever created in MGS on a stupid tailing mission while the maps from chapter 4 & 5 are minuscule riddled with cutscenes, thats from where the "MGS4 is a movie" meme comes from.

>> No.25538116

MGSV has made me appreciate it a lot more.

>> No.25538117

Ive never understood that sentiment. MGS4 is way more the emotional game for me. The boss is tragic sure but i never felt attached to her

>> No.25538118
Quoted by: >>25538143

It’s okay, he’ll learn once he becomes one. With my child.

>> No.25538132

Who the fuck is ocelot working for I've played every game and still have no idea

>> No.25538139

women absolutely like anal, that anon is a virgin.

>> No.25538142


>> No.25538143

i dont remember writing this

>> No.25538152

Consider that random Anons on 4chan might not be the best source on what women like in the bedroom.

>> No.25538157

John (Naked Snake) (Big Boss)

>> No.25538160


>> No.25538161

Neither does he.

>> No.25538164

He's addicted to double crossing people

>> No.25538171
Quoted by: >>25538212

Old men and gay domesticity

>> No.25538173


>> No.25538175

Who cares? We all know he's never going to change.

>> No.25538177

I just don't understand patriotism.
I think it's expected of any government or large corporation to screw over the little man.
Pomu don't do this to my dick

>> No.25538178
File: 908 KB, 680x910, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25538182
File: 70 KB, 1169x651, panther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got Panther ranking. Probably for killing everything.

>> No.25538184

>Codename Rank: Panther
>Kills: +150 humans

Lmao Pomu

>> No.25538185

Whose stream is this?

>> No.25538189

the cia then the patriots (but not really)

>> No.25538190
Quoted by: >>25538211

He was CIA

>> No.25538198

>>women don't even like anal
did she say that?

>> No.25538199

>Mysta hates kids because they're loud
>Luca hates kids because they're loud
They really are bros from different mothers

>> No.25538202

With the conclusion of MGS3, I feel like I need to point this out so no one gets confused later.

Big Boss did not have sex with EVA. He won't lose his virginity until he fucks what he believes to be an underage Paz in a cardboard box on the beach in Peace Walker.

>> No.25538203

basically the US until he fell in love with bibo

>> No.25538205 [SPOILER] 
File: 11 KB, 100x100, pompeek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25538208

he's working for and against everyone.

>> No.25538211

Dr. Pavel?

>> No.25538212
Quoted by: >>25538488

You're an Otasunesister. That explains everything.

>> No.25538214
File: 212 KB, 811x674, 1653255647285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, Pomu is weak to rimming

>> No.25538218

He makes good money

>> No.25538219

USA at first then his loyalty is solely for Big Boss.

>> No.25538225
Quoted by: >>25538377

I'd prefer Kojima not wrapping up every loose end. it felt too forced. He didn't do it right anyway since he went back and expanded a ton of Big Boss' backstory.

>> No.25538237
Quoted by: >>25538265

>happy pride

>> No.25538236

If you take it as it is and enjoy the ride, absolutely. Ive always cared way more about solid snake and his story closes out so well

>> No.25538242

i think he just has a boner for it

>> No.25538243

He will die with me

>> No.25538247
Quoted by: >>25538276

Who was the mastermind?

>> No.25538250

>my nose is so blocked today
Oh no...

>> No.25538251
Quoted by: >>25538320


>> No.25538254

coming from two of the loudest people in their wave, its pretty funny

>> No.25538257
Quoted by: >>25538287

And this is why I will always prefer it over MGS4.

>> No.25538263

>Happy pride

>> No.25538264
Quoted by: >>25538370

I only played MGS4 and 5 but I still cried...

>> No.25538265

She REALLY wants to smash clams.

>> No.25538276


>> No.25538282

>Also fighting games sometimes cause I like them but they're insanely mentally taxing on my soul
I empathize with this on a spiritual level.

>> No.25538283
Quoted by: >>25538320

gunna need a sauce

>> No.25538287
Quoted by: >>25538344

Nigger that IS mgs4

>> No.25538292
Quoted by: >>25538317


>> No.25538301

He already explained why, his room is really cold. He's been under the weather for several days but isn't sick

>> No.25538303

>Secret theater
Wasn't that removed from the HD collection?

>> No.25538305
Quoted by: >>25538347

Who's the director ocelot was talking to CIA director?

>> No.25538308

Of course she's pro gay shit, didn't you see her creaming herself over Ocelot and Snake?

>> No.25538312

okay SO
MGS3 he's working for the Philosophers to get the legacy to the US (he takes The Bosses role after Volgin uses the nuke)

Portable Ops he betrays the Philosophers and takes their money and gives it to his lover Big Boss (they start mother base with this money)

MGS5 and PW, he betrays nobody he's loyal to Big Boss

then he doesnt exist until MGS1, but apparently during this time he was getting in good with Liquid and raising him if MGS5 is to be believed.
He's also working for Solidus during MGS1

In MGS2 he's working with the Patriots, (during MGS1 - 4 he's still loyal to the Big Boss, at this time he's in a nanomachine induced coma and Ocelot needs to break him out)

MGS4 he combines all the patriot AI's into one so Solid snake can wipe them out, he does this and dies. Now Big Boss is freed from his coma as his final act towards his gay lover.

>> No.25538317


>> No.25538320
File: 151 KB, 1280x1280, 1636424602656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25538324
Quoted by: >>25538402

That's every MGS game. the problem was MGS4 has like 50 hours of cutscenes.

>> No.25538334 [SPOILER] 
Quoted by: >>25538454

I love when livers do shit like that just because it pisses off the tourists.

>> No.25538337

>secret threater isn't in the HD collection
what the fuck

>> No.25538336

This, but unironically.

>> No.25538338
Quoted by: >>25538382

Arent they both flips?

>> No.25538340


>> No.25538344

I'm dumb, meant to type MGSV.

>> No.25538345
Quoted by: >>25538379

Wave 6 never ever

>> No.25538347

Yeah, which would be John A. McCone since he was the CIA director in 1964

>> No.25538354

Based cunnychad snake

>> No.25538356
File: 35 KB, 300x300, wotagei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is amazing Pomu ToT

>> No.25538358

I missed it why did she bring it up?

>> No.25538363

Elira Pendora titfuck!

>> No.25538370

The ending to MGS3 (and 4) is kinda universal regardless of playing the games or not. The endings are directed extremely well and can make people who haven't even played the games cry. People can talk shit about MGS4 as much as they want, but that ending makes almost everyone cry.

>> No.25538371

>lesbian fujo
>being redpilled
Ehhhh nani

>> No.25538374

>I give my life, not for honor, but for you

>> No.25538375
Quoted by: >>25538420

if we're counting that as canon he also had anal sex with kaz

>> No.25538377

>I'd prefer Kojima not wrapping up every loose end. it felt too forced.

It was literally forced. He didn't want to make MGS4 and knew that the questions he posed in 2 weren't meant to have actual answers. He also knew that Konami wanted money and that the fans wanted answers.

Also, people often say that MGS2 was supposed to be the last one but literally every Metal Gear was supposed to be the last one other than Peace Walker. Even the original Metal Gear was only supposed to be a one-off until he saw someone else make a sequel to it and responded with Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake.

>> No.25538379

After luxiem outfits if we're lucky...

>> No.25538382
Quoted by: >>25538444

One is a brit Detective, while the other one's an Australian Mafia boss.

>> No.25538387
File: 42 KB, 500x500, sneeter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im stiiiiiiiiill
in a dreaaaaaaam
(s n e e t e r ~ ...)

>> No.25538396

Post-game rainbow camo unlock

>> No.25538397
Quoted by: >>25538471

you guys are making me want to play peace walker

>> No.25538402
Quoted by: >>25538493

All those cutscenes of Jonny shitting his pants and bumbling around are essential to the plot.
Pomu is gonna scream so loud when he proposes

>> No.25538408

She got a bunch of New Game+ face paints, including a rainbow pattern

>> No.25538410

To make you mad

>> No.25538414

>constant masterbaiton to snaek

>> No.25538419

You know I never played portable ops so that's why I never saw him actually start working with snake lol

>> No.25538420

Yeah but he wasn't a virgin at that point.

>> No.25538427

It's funny when thee /here/ fanbases of vtubers fool themselves into thinking they're heckin based homophobic racists like them.

>> No.25538435

Theres no USA Philosophers left when this happens, just CIA.

>> No.25538437
File: 501 KB, 877x548, 1642888243148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25538484

Just opened my copy of MGS4 and holy fuck I forgot about the kino comic in the manual. I hope someone brings it up for Pomu to check out.

>> No.25538440

MGS4 isnt a bad game
it's a product of rabid kojima fans forcing him to make a game when he wanted to give it to a third party

>> No.25538444

>One is a flipbong Detective, while the other one's a flipaussiewhore Mafia boss.

>> No.25538445

Are Solid and Liquid from the previous games Snake's actual, genetic offspring? I still can't wrap my head around who is who

>> No.25538452

When will you fags continue with this dead rrat?

>> No.25538454

I don't think anyone's actually mad in this case. It's just fun to pretend.
Maybe if she said it in peak burger hours, and especially if it was a tweet that could easily be made into a bait thread, but not now.

>> No.25538456
File: 53 KB, 612x532, Unttled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25538541

>My 2 favorites
This is just too cruel

>> No.25538471

Peace walker is great it's better then 4 imo

>> No.25538474
Quoted by: >>25538587

It was Konami.

>> No.25538484

The MGO comic is pretty funny as well.

>> No.25538488
File: 642 KB, 934x845, one of us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That explains everything.
I can't help it, they're perfect, even with Otacon's strange incest trauma because Kojimba decided to mix and match incest scenes he's read about before
while I mention it Kojima also has written a short story about mpreg with young boys

>> No.25538489

Based Pomu filtering the kinds of people who would actually unironically complain about this

>> No.25538493
Quoted by: >>25538559

I just know Pomu is gonna try to fight the geckos.

>> No.25538499
Quoted by: >>25538598

>He won't lose his virginity until he fucks what he believes to be an underage Paz in a cardboard box on the beach in Peace Walker.
I need further context.

>> No.25538507

>London ah FUCK

>> No.25538511

Luca you dumbass...I love you

>> No.25538513

They're direct clones of Big Boss. Solid Snake has all of Big Boss' dominant genes, while Liquid Snake got all of his recessive genes

>> No.25538516

No they're clones but Eva is the one who carried them and birthed them I guess they implanted his DNA into her

>> No.25538528

>Pomu liked MGS2


>> No.25538530

how the fuck did you miss the part where she encourage Selen to get her dick sucked by Frank in that shitty porn game?

>> No.25538533
Quoted by: >>25538557

>Putting MGS2 and 3 on the same level
No Pomu no this is heresy.

>> No.25538535

>still loving MGS2 after MGS3

>> No.25538536
Quoted by: >>25538558

Solid, Liquid and Solidus are all clones of Big Boss(Naked Snake)

Solid and Liquid were created with edited genes and Solidus was a perfect match clone.

>> No.25538541

The tie button exists for a reason
Also, good taste

>> No.25538545

I was always under the impression that the entire MGS franchise after 1 was basically that Wacky Deli episode from Rocko's Modern Life where it's Konami making him produce sequel after sequel no matter how hard he tries to torpedo it.

>> No.25538547
Quoted by: >>25539233

Luca stop giving a shit everyone else already slipped up and we already knew Mysta's house was visited. Fuck Nina for forcing them all to lie.

>> No.25538553
File: 484 KB, 440x910, nijisort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25538552

>Luca got scolded by his relatives in the UK
kek, it makes sense.

>> No.25538557
File: 82 KB, 1024x1005, 1629947414241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She *actually* has taste. Holy shit.

>> No.25538559

I mean if you shoot them in the legs then you can take them out pretty easily.
Not that Pomu is gonna be capable of that, instead opting to shoot the giant armored head instead of their weak squishy legs

>> No.25538558

Oh really I don't remember that about solidus

>> No.25538565
Quoted by: >>25538585

MGS2 is the best game of the series.

>> No.25538567
Quoted by: >>25538804

MGSV is the mayo episode, right?

>> No.25538574

of course a frenchman could fuck that

>> No.25538576

Yes. they were fertalized test tube babies but EVA was the surrogate womb

>> No.25538582

MGS2 is even better than MGS3, glad Pomu is still level-headed enough not to elevate 3 above 2.

>> No.25538585
File: 134 KB, 300x377, 1645675274488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25538586
Quoted by: >>25538668

but that's the 2nd best MGS

>> No.25538587

it's a WELL known fact that fans literally sent death threats to the guy who was SUPPOSED to make MGS4 and Konami was forced to put Kojima in the seat again.

>> No.25538592

2 is the best teebeeheich

>> No.25538598
Quoted by: >>25538711


>> No.25538603

So at this point Pomu doesn't know about zero para medic and zero being like evil masterminds right

>> No.25538611

Alban just said he'd probably never have top or daddy energy. My bottom Alban agenda is thriving.

>> No.25538624

That's MGS4 stuff.

>> No.25538625
Quoted by: >>25538664

Isnt that backwards? That was the whole irony of liquids obsession

>> No.25538627

Did Otacon's mother sleep with him or something...? Strangelove, yeah? I forget the details, it's been years. I used to be big into MGS but the fanbase was kind of cancer (as these threads prove continually) so I blocked it out of my mind. I took that energy and channeled my military man fetish into Golden Kamuy instead and it resulted in a lot more satisfactory ending for me.
But Otasune's cute. They had a nice relationship. Good bromance. Not familiar with the mpreg story.

>> No.25538633
Quoted by: >>25538664

anon... you didnt play the games...
it's the other way around. Liquid is superior but told hes recessive to see how he'd react.

>> No.25538635

It's the better game

>> No.25538643

at least he's honest with himself

>> No.25538651

We knew this from how much he struggled doing the dom punishment in Uno and immediately called Fulgur daddy when Fulgur told him how to act dominant

>> No.25538653

Fuuchan at 11th...

>> No.25538659

Don't spoil her, she's reading this thrad

>> No.25538662

Why the fuck wouldnt you love mgs2 after mgs3?

>> No.25538664

fuck it's been a while since I actually played 1, my b

>> No.25538666
File: 163 KB, 732x602, married with children btw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, my favorite genre of Kojima tweet.

>> No.25538668

For me it's 1>3>PW>4>2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5

>> No.25538675

Luca's such a good boy, kek

>> No.25538676

Fuck Yes

>> No.25538678

>A world without Hada
And after Luca told us she was an 11/10 K-pop tier diva that liked doing cutey girly things while dressing up, i miss her a thousand times more

>> No.25538682


>> No.25538706

Wait did she graduate?

>> No.25538708

Otacon's mom is Strangelove. Huey killed her when Otacon was a baby because she didn't want him used in Huey's dangerous Metal Gear experiments.

Later on Hal fucked Emma's mother, his step mother.

>> No.25538711

kek holy fuck I've never seen this BASED cunnyseur, shame what happens to her in 5.

>> No.25538721
Quoted by: >>25538743

So his uncle's a bong?

>> No.25538725
Quoted by: >>25538762

On hiatus until the end of summer due to illness

>> No.25538732
Quoted by: >>25538785

Okay you guys are acting fucking dramatic for no damn reason, and it would be for a one time one game thing. It isn't fucking like she would be going without her usual variety after that week

>> No.25538733

She's literally creaming herself over Snake right now

>> No.25538742

Hiatus to recover vocal chords

>> No.25538743
Quoted by: >>25538779

>they live in london
you tell me anon

>> No.25538746

>Hada's hotness with her sublime voice
Goddamn, I cannot even conceptualize so much sexiness in one package

>> No.25538747

Anons if you look like snake and you're autistic you've got a huge chance with Pomu...

>> No.25538753

MGS5's biggest drawback was taking a fucking linear game series and forcing it to be open world, and not adapting it to make any use of the open world except restrict the players to linear areas anyways

Also, it's insanely easy to micromanage the game and just win, I wish taking shit and people back had a bigger impact honestly and was harder to manage

>> No.25538755
File: 33 KB, 555x527, deito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25538801

>> No.25538756
File: 2.65 MB, 325x420, SmartSelect_20220604-234610_One UI Home.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25538801

>> No.25538760
File: 128 KB, 751x820, 1637850195967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25538801

Look at Pomu and her rugged husband

>> No.25538762

Oh shit that sucks

>> No.25538770

Time to crawl in the forest for a month until I look like rugged shit.

>> No.25538773

pomu is a slut

>> No.25538778


>> No.25538776

>Pomu never got invited
Oh no she must be hideous!

>> No.25538779
Quoted by: >>25538811

He actually did it.
A Hot air balloon...
>in london
not from what I've heard.
He said they lived far away.

>> No.25538781

Pomu's such a pick me lmao

>> No.25538784


>> No.25538785

Pomu want to finish MGS4 asap so, she can graduate !!!1!!!!

>> No.25538788

>anon acting like he knows most of Pomu's audience when he doesn't

>> No.25538795

Otacons fucked his stepmom, his real mom, strangove, died way before that

>> No.25538797
Quoted by: >>25538877

>never went to prom
>never had friends
>never had a date
>just wanted to go for the chocolate fountain


>> No.25538801

me on the right

>> No.25538804
Quoted by: >>25538854

Maybe, it's funny to me since looking at the release it's like he's trying to close off any possibility of a sequel
>fans want MGS2
kojimbo makes metanarrative about sequels that youtube video essayists fap to constantly
>fans want MGS3
kojimbo feels the series is canonically concluded despite being open-ended so makes it a prequel
>fans want a sequel to 2 anyway
ok fine everyone dies or will die
>ok but how about more bibo
ok fine but he's in a coma, twice, for a third of his life and also bye

>> No.25538806

what a sad roleplay lmao

>> No.25538808
File: 174 KB, 1740x964, pomu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25538809
Quoted by: >>25538890

Has there been a single vtuber that DIDN'T have a huge crush on Snake after playing these games?

>> No.25538810

>Pomu was a friendless loser in high school

>> No.25538812

Pomu didn't go to prom, how ugly is she bros..

>> No.25538811

he said they lived far from the main city so he got them a hotel closer to visit

>> No.25538815

That's why you put her face down ass up.

>> No.25538816
File: 263 KB, 642x433, Pomukira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25538859

>Pomu never got invited to prom
>I never got invited to prom
WE ARE losers

>> No.25538817
Quoted by: >>25538861

Just gotta workout a little bit more and I'm in...

>> No.25538818

It was something about being attracted to his step sister and fucking his step mom, it's been a while
mpreg thing is just Kojima being a fag on Twitter as he usually does. Most recent fudan moment was him saying Batman and Joker are in a relationship

>> No.25538837
File: 709 KB, 938x568, 1631932007960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, Pomu is parasocial with Snake

>> No.25538836


>> No.25538838

Prom was like 50 bucks, fuck that. I'm gonna stay home and play video games.

>> No.25538839
File: 956 KB, 209x300, 1645908460226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25538906

poor pomu, the john (naked snake) she liked died when he killed the boss

>> No.25538847

Prom seems absolutely horrendous. Glad I didn't grow up in 'murrica.

>> No.25538848
File: 113 KB, 771x1200, 1653703249043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25538935

>Nobody invited this to prom
Shit taste all around

>> No.25538851

4/10. Elevated up to infinity depending on your thirst

>> No.25538854
Quoted by: >>25539070

>kojimbo feels the series is canonically concluded despite being open-ended so makes it a prequel

this was a retarded conclusion honestly lmao
Nothing was wrapped up in MGS2 and the main antagonists are still loose.
you cant have an open ended story with that still looming overhead.

>> No.25538857

Hottest girl i knew in HS could easily have joined a modeling agency, was super active, and was one of the those sunday school christian girls. Never got asked out until her senior year when she got literally 1 date to the movies. That dude told people and it instantly snowballed into her being asked out every 5 seconds

>> No.25538859

I did get invited to prom but rejected the girl who asked cause I was retarded and thought I had a chance with another girl. Probably the closest I ever got to being a normie

>> No.25538861
Quoted by: >>25538925

You're also doing your charisma reps right bro?

>> No.25538875
Quoted by: >>25538922

God Pomu would have been so easy to groom in high school

>> No.25538874

Top Albanyans BTFO

>> No.25538876

>there are lonely fags here who never went to the prom
Now that's just sad.

>> No.25538877
Quoted by: >>25538921

Pomu never went to prom, never had friends, never had a date? Even I did all these things... Sad...

>> No.25538882


>> No.25538890

Cute tsunderia spider thought snake was corny unfortunately

>> No.25538899

>artificial wombs
>young male students
no one ever told me he was this based

>> No.25538902

Pomu literally explained this hundreds of times that she's super fugly in real life.

>> No.25538905

autistic boss...

>> No.25538906

He still has some charmingly autistic moments in Peace Walker, like the Santa Claus tape one.

>> No.25538908


>> No.25538910
Quoted by: >>25538982

>Pomu has said she has had a girlfriend before
Do you all just conveniently forget that or what?

>> No.25538921

anon this is the internet, you dont HAVE to lie

>> No.25538922

And right now.

>> No.25538923
Quoted by: >>25538963

prom is overrated, i couldve stayed home and be $80 richer

>> No.25538925

I got that taken care of already.

>> No.25538934

Thats so hot, cute submissive alban that cant even act the opposite...

>> No.25538935

They just knew they'd never had a chance

>> No.25538957
File: 63 KB, 250x250, 1632449053473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just like me fr fr

>> No.25538963
Quoted by: >>25539048

this, I went with 2 girls and I'm still a lonely fucking loser years later.

>> No.25538973

new voicepacks POG

>> No.25538974

Pomu is a disgusting weeb, the people who cared about the prom were probably bullying her

>> No.25538978

>The one guy that did ask out Pomu got rejected even with Batman backing him up
No wonder nobody asked her

>> No.25538982

I don't think they conveniently forget it. It's more like people cope by going "well she isn't one of THOSE fags" she is one of the good ones.

>> No.25538986
File: 910 KB, 1080x1080, 1625702081953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25539130

>9 replies

>> No.25538985

I never got the appeal of prom. If I wanted to I can dress up and eat at a nice place with my friends, without seeing potheads and retards from high school.

>> No.25538987
Quoted by: >>25539039

This confidence... I think I'm in love...

>> No.25539002

Was more likely she was the weird half japanese weeaboo midget in her high school who everyone avoided because she was weird as fuck and friendless

>> No.25539005

>paramedic is a weeb
>pomu is a weeb

>> No.25539009
Quoted by: >>25539030

Could you give me one time stamp of her saying that because I've seen people say that here but I've never seen her actually say it

>> No.25539020
Quoted by: >>25539252

I imagine for most people it wouldn't matter much even if she is ugly, but I also bet that she has low self-esteem and doesn't view herself in a way that's congruent with reality.

>> No.25539022

It's part of your mission, right?

>> No.25539026


>> No.25539030
Quoted by: >>25539102

It's from her membership stream

>> No.25539035


>> No.25539038

I didn't go to prom and the last time I talked to a woman around my age was when I graduated High School, in 2014, not even a "hi" after that

>> No.25539039
Quoted by: >>25539092

I just picked up some beers and wine, come on over to talk about metal gear and pomu.

>> No.25539042

You have to understand, BEING gay is fine, but casually saying happy pride once or twice is a radical political statement!

>> No.25539041

I wonder if pomus mental image of herself changed to her vtuber model

>> No.25539045

I do, I'm growing out my hair AS we speak, I'm going to make it bros I will charm Pomu with my dumb ass energy.

>> No.25539048
Quoted by: >>25539101

The same happened to me, but one of them became my friend while the other is currently my gf.
Must've been a problem in your end.

>> No.25539046

>i do talk to kiara

>> No.25539049

chicken mention

>> No.25539050

>i did talk to kiara

>> No.25539055
Quoted by: >>25539150

she isn't japanese or even half

>> No.25539057

I mean honestly it's true there's normal gay people and then those who make it their identity and are massive faggots about it, Pomu is clearly one of the normal ones

>> No.25539056

>I do talk to Kiara

>> No.25539067
File: 24 KB, 139x129, 1647831207282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25539065

That's why she doesn't want to be an idol...

>> No.25539070
Quoted by: >>25539153

of course you can. A Serious Man is a great movie where literally nothing gets wrapped up. whether it was done well in MGS2 is another matter.

>> No.25539074

cute Luca

>> No.25539092
Quoted by: >>25539190

If youre okay with a boy, sure...

>> No.25539101

I know anon I'm an autist I just had decent social skills back then.

>> No.25539102
Quoted by: >>25539144

Yeah sure thing lmao

>> No.25539117

and then paramedic become a little more then QUACK

>> No.25539130
File: 770 KB, 800x1094, 1628634280519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25539168

I was just joking lol

>> No.25539138

Unga bunga bros...

>> No.25539142


>> No.25539145

It's over

>> No.25539144

It's from her Watercolor painting stream, just membership to listen

>> No.25539147

Wait Pomu is Japanese?

>> No.25539149

Of course the greyname ignored the rules

>> No.25539150
File: 466 KB, 246x350, 1647583569425.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25539153

A lot of great films/literature don't have closed endings, but I think people who only play video games expect a neat bow on things. Probably the biggest problem with the series is that it ultimately did try to answer everything

>> No.25539154

when can we make chimkin an honorary /nijiEN/

>> No.25539166
File: 34 KB, 128x128, 1630042454911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow the rules.

>> No.25539168
File: 735 KB, 850x1156, checkem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon tells a joke
>he finds nine clowns instead

>> No.25539172
Quoted by: >>25539234

kfp shippers are kinda annoying though

>> No.25539175
File: 159 KB, 289x286, 5412321`313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She already is.

>> No.25539178

Why do tourists always fall for it?

>> No.25539181

I didn't go to mine, saved myself some money.

>> No.25539183
Quoted by: >>25539245

>i love shussy
i know its a superchat but theres my crumb

>> No.25539186
File: 351 KB, 1748x2480, FUbAtLrUAAAdotD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone share Alban's bday VP? Please?

>> No.25539188
Quoted by: >>25539220

>weird half japanese weeaboo midget in her high school who everyone avoided because she was weird as fuck and friendless
Stop, I can only get so hard...

>> No.25539190
Quoted by: >>25539277

It's just a night between the bros, nothing wrong with that is there? We'll just do normal bro stuff.

>> No.25539191
Quoted by: >>25539218

you can start by getting her to actually collab with nijisanji EN first

>> No.25539193


>> No.25539198

Lemme borrow 5 dollars then

>> No.25539204
Quoted by: >>25539232

who brought up kiara so pomu talked about her?

>> No.25539209

What about Kiara and Pomu?

>> No.25539210

No but she can do that thing where she slants her eyes with her fingers.

>> No.25539211


>> No.25539214


>> No.25539218

If I could I would
I don't even watch her, I just want Pomu to have that after all this time.

>> No.25539220

Right? Her high school classmates were blind and retarded, id love to keep a pomu for myself

>> No.25539227
File: 531 KB, 1000x1434, 1651289216057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for Pomu to collab with my girlfriend!

>> No.25539228


Pomu is a Japanese princess

>> No.25539230

kiara based
pomu based
thats it

>> No.25539232
Quoted by: >>25539298

She talked about idol stuff and a gray name jumped to mention kiara

>> No.25539233

Doesnt Mysta live outside "Paris". I doubt they could have visited.

>> No.25539234

>shippers are kinda annoying though

>> No.25539236
File: 105 KB, 578x163, 1640786262189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25539239
Quoted by: >>25539326

>i did something different
i gotta know luca

>> No.25539243

please let Pomu in Hololive she actually likes singing and idols and works hard

>> No.25539245
Quoted by: >>25539295

i didnt even realize it was a superchat i thought he just randomly said it

>> No.25539252
File: 72 KB, 480x480, 1630726076551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25539309

Being charming and fun goes a long way.

>> No.25539265
Quoted by: >>25539310

>works hard
that disqualifies her though

>> No.25539267

Sex, lots of it

>> No.25539268

Keeping begging, you nigger

>> No.25539269
File: 1.34 MB, 874x1095, 1654202029952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.25539277
File: 357 KB, 550x550, 1651269110665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet! I'll bring my own drinks too.

>> No.25539279

I knew one of those girls. Was looking through an old yearbook and discovered I completely missed my chance.

>> No.25539282

>works hard
She won't fit in then

>> No.25539286

they have discord sex often

>> No.25539292

I'm glad she won't come to brazil because knowing she was so close without being able to do anything would kill me

>> No.25539294

She said she had an ex gf in her akihabara tour stream, and the general melted down so hard it must have been NijiEN top 10 seethe moments to this day.

>> No.25539295

its nicer to think that way

>> No.25539298

Holofuckers, why are you like this?

>> No.25539304
File: 70 KB, 371x210, 1611339973835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25539309
Quoted by: >>25539345

It goes like 85% of the way unless you're the literal hunchback of Notre Dame. And even then there's people who would dig that

>> No.25539310


>> No.25539315
File: 69 KB, 732x720, 1620962283813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25539364

>want to order calorie mate online
>those prices

>> No.25539325

Wasn't she a holo reject?
Why would they accept her this time?

>> No.25539326
Quoted by: >>25539369

Probably a June bride vp

>> No.25539329

Try not to lose your mind too much aloupeep...

>> No.25539337

RIP UK Aloupeep

>> No.25539340

If Pomu really plays the MSX games I'm sending her a superchat car.

>> No.25539344

Honestly it's probably number 1

>> No.25539345
File: 109 KB, 400x400, 1645661893819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25539397

If only I had those qualities haha

>> No.25539349

What pomu is saying is why i kinda dont give a shit about mgs3. I cant find any sympathy for big boss when his plans for the world become so insanely retarded and destructive

>> No.25539350
File: 193 KB, 1167x1120, 1651812254198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed your shot Aloupeep... It's over...

>> No.25539355

It was really dramafags blowing things out of proportions, because in the grand scheme of things it doesn't even matter.

>> No.25539354

First time she had 0 streaming experience and was rightfully rejected for it.

>> No.25539364

I ordered a 2 pack for around $10 USD. It's technically an import, so the price kind of makes sense.

>> No.25539368

she said it in her "i'm taking a break to get surgery" stream

>> No.25539369

UOOOHHH i want this to be true but i also dont want it to be because id become even more parasocial

>> No.25539377
Quoted by: >>25539409

>Metal Gear 1
Was the Venom retcon really necessary?

>> No.25539390

I was one of those girls aside from being Japanese and the only person in my life whoever wanted to date me was a boy from high school who apologized for bullying me 5 years later, then asked if we could talk it over at lunch
sometimes I wish I said yes just to experience something but I felt scared he would like kill me or something since his instagram was full of depressed posts

>> No.25539391

Next she'll come to Australia but visit Sydney.

>> No.25539393

Before: 0 streaming and content creation experience
Now: She's Pomu

>> No.25539397

You probably do have them! Your posts are cute!

>> No.25539402

Yeah it was also like the last thing she said before her big surgery so it was even more of a blow up

>> No.25539409

No it was fucking retarded and still makes me mad to this day

>> No.25539419

>Meryl was good
Yeah, until she left Snake...
