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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.02 MB, 3000x1500, vtwbg-map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17126327 No.17126327 [Reply] [Original]

Bump limit reached
Previous: >>17036859

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as rival nations fighting bitter battles for the glory of their oshis.

2x Map: https://files.catbox.moe/7l45om.png
EX Map: https://files.catbox.moe/2v0vvs.png
>The map size is 54,000 x 27,000 pixels
>It is highly advised to "Right-click > Save target as" this image
>It is the largest filesize catbox will allow (186MB download, 195MB on disk)
>This map is to facillitate hamlet/village/town/city/etc. placement

CURRENT GOAL: Territory placement
>Note that the current map isn't set in stone.
>Geographical explanations of your region will help map placement.
>Greentexts of your generals lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.

Ocean currents: >>17088663
Weather systems: >>17092403
Climate analysis: >>17105079

Anya-petra: >>16984731
Shishilamy: >>16985187
/who/: >>16988212
haachama: >>17025642
Watamelon: >>17000105
/gorlz/: >>17043147
/ybc/: >>17045476
/ringo/: >>17055183

The "Before" Times: >>17081270
/meat/ barbarians: >>16927563 >>16983587 >>16992575
/uoh/ pilgrims: >>16972928
/hfz/ gladiators: >>16978229 >>16991094 >>17043122
The Divine Principality of /pyon/: >>16978884
/ag/ tropical paradise: >>16979120
/nasfaqg/: >>16977754 >>16977849 >>17027803
/ag/: >>16982972
/2434/: >>16983324 >>17010485
/#/: >>17005984
/∞/: >>17020534 >>17020794 >>17030248 >>17030835 >>17031541
haachama: >>17023473
Luna/matsuri: >>17024619
/UUU/: >>17044989

Micomet/Pekomiko: >>16981948
/vtsings/: >>16982525
/.../: >>16982630
/voms/: >>16982692
/become/: >>16983583
/ringo/: >>16983646
/vshojo/: >>16984833
/towa/: >>16984836
Luknights: >>16998218

>> No.17126651
File: 3.94 MB, 4000x2279, 1643157772701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently mapping "Fetischizon" (tentative name) building on >>17124329 proposals. Why Fetischizon? It's a portmanteau of "Fetishes and Schizo's Nation"

>> No.17127777

Morig lore post since it was missed by OP

>> No.17128562

Crossposting since the past thread was post bump limit. Suisei general location and tidbits of story and what they do, might expand it someday >>17126226

>> No.17129351
Quoted by: >>17130735

Lore post for /rrat/ >>17063145

>> No.17130735

Ah shit, at least I didn't miss too many

>> No.17131836

/hag/ better be on it's own island called Isle O' Hags. Banjo-Tooie was one of my favorite games growing up

>> No.17132503

friendly reminder that that upper-right island is reserved for prime architecture

>> No.17135400

>making each continent a category
This will create power imbalance and biasness. I propose no continent category.
Independent generals like fetishes and small corpos are like unaligned countries. They exist on every continent

>> No.17137985
Quoted by: >>17140783

>This will create power imbalance and biasness.
You mean, like how this board is so heavily dominated by Hololive and how everything mostly revolves around such?

>> No.17138577

Adding some lore for /kfp/ (>>17135543), hope you would-building anons are having fun.
Kaiserin Kiara is both head-of-state and head-of-religion in /kfp/.
Her empire is moderately militaristic and slightly prone to expanding beyond it's borders into /hlgg/ and the land of the blue bird.
Military service in her Empress' military is compulsory and everyone has had basic combat training for some fucking reason. Ne'er-do-wells are dealt with swiftly and harshly.
Primary trade with other nations is the rare commodity of soundposts and a rare orange medezine that causes vivid hallucinations and uncontrollable rage in some individuals.
The dominant religion of Watch Only Kiara Everyday and You Only Love Kiara dictates that all media must be for the greater good of our idol's plan.
One possible state motto: "A happy chimkin is one with blisters on his wings"

>> No.17138863
File: 3.76 MB, 3000x1500, 1643149563606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grouping corpos, indies, other threads separately
Yeah no. This is gay. We wont have any interesting cross thread moments if the nearest non-affiliated neighbor is across the ocean
Have a big corpo general sprawl across a continent, fill some empty spaces in between with small corpo threada or other threada
Like /pcg/ neighbors /infinity/
Also consider size.
According to this map, the proposed Holo region is the size of Eurasia combined, while Holo threads dominate the board not all of them are huge in population aka unique IPs
Small IP pool but high traffic is the equivalent of a dukedom

>> No.17139166

Forgot to mention
Not every vassal have to share a land border.
You could place holoX and council generals on the far west continents
Because they appear later, they were founded in colonies

>> No.17140783
File: 818 KB, 1042x908, Example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about owning the most territory, it's about making full use of it
Europe is the best example. It's not the biggest continent and it's not one unified state, but theyre all influential and rich.

>> No.17141239

>distance is a problem
why? just add a "anon travelled 12 days across the ocean to place X" or "nation X conducts an expedition for 1 month to invade X" don't complicate things

>> No.17141753
File: 3.70 MB, 3000x1500, vt proximity map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PROPOSAL: territorial boundaries
This is a map that more or less presents the territorial boundaries of the world. These boundaries are not meant reflect hard political lines, just proximity. This is an alternative to >>17138863 with a focus on trying to improve the influence the Neutral and Niji have overall while giving Hololive better boundary presence to everyone else.

>this is a mercator projection map
>--[stretches northward and southward
>--[equatorial regions are bigger than they appear
>--[polar regions are smaller than they appear
>not every feature of the current map is present, including possible new landmasses

>occupies the largest landmass
>has the widest climate diversity
>boasts the greatest proximity to all other regions

>occupies the second largest landmass
>has a relatively diverse climate
>has good proximity to other regions

the corpo-indies
>they have two large landmasses to allocate so many of them
>has a less diverse climate that they all have to share and put up with
>has good proximity to other regions

>it's just a bunch of independent regions like "the corpo-indies"
>occupies a region of very diverse climate
>has great proximity to other regions (that are relevant)

>it's neutral but __ BLACKED __

Notice that I didn't include schizo anywhere because that makes no sense. Those are the threads that are meant to be posted everywhere about everyone and anyone because schizos (and shitposters) have no concept of boundaries (or care about them in the first place).

>> No.17142471

I prefer this actually. We'll able to squeeze everything in and have natural borders as opposed to total homogenity

>> No.17142559

I think this set up is much better and further reflects how the board does revolve mostly around the holos. Others exist but with this Map the holos have the ability to reach out and connect to reach

>> No.17143875
File: 43 KB, 1350x900, ringo flag redesign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17158189

A redesign of /ringo/ flag based on >>17055183 . Color scheme borrowed from Flag of Benin. Also, funky apple.

>> No.17144829

/∞/ deserves an even larger land mass given they manifested rule 63 of the council.

>> No.17145351
File: 36 KB, 148x160, anya_smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get too cocky now schizoclocks

>> No.17145537

I second this. Patchwork bordergore is how threads behave

>> No.17146564

>/uoh/ bordering /ggg/ /la+/ and /rushia/
It could work

>> No.17147103

i think there are just a few key traits to consider when placing /infinity/
>arctic climate
>some sort of access route to /haha/ from whence the niji proselytisers came
>has a close connection to other council cities, but is thought of as the insane sex-crazed cousin of the family, and is where they send refugees deported for being horny
>the city itself is large (tall not wide as someone said) and busy, but most of its citizens rarely leave its walls because it's just snow for miles in every direction. even though their territory is a large arctic region, the kronies have minimal presence outside the main city

>> No.17148133
File: 5 KB, 180x200, 1631073479850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are deadbeats Jews?

>> No.17148155
Quoted by: >>17148286

deadbeats are not that competent

>> No.17148175

i think that you can have embassies of certain nations anywhere they are allowed while still maintaining a sort of geographic containment, especially for the fetish islands. it would be harder to contain them if there was no separating them by said subjects, and it would be difficult to make every nation neighbor ones that are related to them. besides, big groups like holo would definately make their own empire if given the chance, so either way they would naturally try to group up together if we are taking it logically. if you want to have them all more spread apart, so be it, it definately makes sense on some level, i just think your reasoning for why it wouldn't work can be worked around with embassies and what not. also, i loathe the idea of having a single superpower/corpo for each continent. that would turn every continent into "big corpo continent, also 2view peasantry that rely on big corp" no. the 2views should stand on their own merits, independantly from the bigger brands.

>> No.17148286

I mean, it's got some merit.
>stereotyped as wealthy, duplicitous
>often and historically scapegoated as the cause of the world's problems
>subject to attempted diaspora and genocide

>> No.17148321

/森カリオペ/ is currently a pariah state. Probably similar to gypsies.

>> No.17148807
Quoted by: >>17151807

I'd think itd be easier to just have each general describe the kind of location theyd want and then try situating them in locations thatd suit them best.then for those that dont have a particular area described, situate them close to countries they have high relations with.

As stated already, shishilamy would either be far north or far south in cold climate areas. Nearby would probably be nene and polka. Hfz would be more central and a bit isolated from the holo area. Nasfaq would probably be similar and would be close by and definitely maritime, so theyd need an island or a chain of islands. Ybc is more general but they also have pretty close relations to hfz so theyd probably be within sailing distance of wherever hfz is. Global would need to be in the center of whatever continent its places in. Kanatas would probably...? Be somewhere high up like a mountainous region near all of the above. And so on and so forth.

>> No.17150354
File: 172 KB, 500x495, [REDACTED], [GRADUATED], and Kiara right before Opeartion HoloDE was Encircled[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fau5zc9.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The final solution to the Niji question

>> No.17150685
File: 212 KB, 1336x795, 1612292840287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to claim a territory it'd be wise to send a list of at least 5 names of your provinces/regions.
>major power
min: 15 max: 20
>intermediate power
min: 10 max: 15
>minor power
min: 5 max: 10
Also name your capital city, population estimate and your country's mascot/leader.

>> No.17151784

Scaling based on subscribers count, CCV or any other metrics.

>> No.17151807
Quoted by: >>17157436

I agree. Looking at other posts, it seems we have two options, one easier to implement than the other:
The first is to group major corps together, granting each of them their own continent. This is easier as it means all boards relating to one corp is in one place. However, I agree with other Anons that this isn't the most creative option, and considering how much work has already gone into this it could be seen as a betrayal of that work.
The second is harder as it would mean combing through every last bit of lore that has been previously written, while also wrangling a cohesive answer out of other threads as to the geography and climate that best suits the theme, culture, and history of their oshi and then selecting the region that best reflects those sentiments. However, it allows for more creative freedom in the long run.

I think the next step would be to create somewhere to collate all this information, as it'll get very messy very quickly considering how many unique threads there are contained within the board as a whole.

>> No.17152335

>arctic climate
This went out the window the moment the winter solider kronie was rejected, and given the sheer amount of connections /infinity/ has both within hololive, but nijisanji since now we're seeing luxiem videos being posted, it's going to be need to be a temperate, central area.

>> No.17152413
Quoted by: >>17153495

Some /vtsings/ lore I came up with
>Be me
>Humble citizen of /hlgg/
>One day news is going around that the travelling bard's guild has arrived in town once again after a long pilgrimage across the world singing their last ballad.
>The bards often wander from place to place, having to set up and take down camps, and sending representatives to other continents in search for inspiration and musicians to join their next performance.
>Though the group consists of mostly musicians, some artists often join their ranks to offer their talents.
>It's also not uncommon to see bump mercenaries accompanying the bards in their camps, to protect them from getting evicted early.
>Though I'm not much of a singer myself, I decide to join the bards.
>After spending a few weeks with the group, their latest tune is ready to be performed
>The following week was spent performing our song for the people of /vt/
>Many would sing praises for the creativity and soulful talent of the bards, and some would heckle them for their "singing"
>I have returned home from my travels with the bard's guild and though my time with them felt short, it's only a matter of time before they will arrive in town to perform their songs once again.

>> No.17152775
File: 124 KB, 1920x1080, neneflag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me, a small carrot alien from planet Taotao
>Chilling with my buddies on a spaceship assigned to us courtesy of Nenepro, our job
>Phone's ringing
>everyone's phones ring at the same time too
>All of our wives look the same, part of Nenepro's '1 Nene 1 husband' program, we talk for a bit
>Power on the ship suddenly goes off, random explosions start causing the ship to stop working
>Nenepro engineering at it's finest
>Ship gets dragged into some planet's orbit, start plummeting through the atmosphere
>Wake up, still alive
>Everything looks green
>Roll over, see the sky
>See other nekkos salvaging whatever parts they can from the wrecked ship
Fuck, we're stranded

>> No.17153198
Quoted by: >>17153354

so... just a question for no malicious pourpose. Is a neeko edible raw or do you have to cook it?

>> No.17153354
Quoted by: >>17153623

Since nekkos have an alien biology i'd say that raw nekkos have a lot of harmful bacteria. But if you cook them then they'd taste just like normal carrots.

>> No.17153495
Quoted by: >>17164132

>long pilgrimage across the world
everywhere except /morig/

>> No.17153623
Quoted by: >>17153892

Just to make sure i've got it all understood, do neekos have any fleshy parts? like in their brains? do they have flesh brains or plant brains?

>> No.17153652
Quoted by: >>17153921

Why yes
Pikmin is my favorite game

>> No.17153892
Quoted by: >>17177866

Goddamn /meat/ trying to eat everything
I'll leave that for other husbands to answer, but personally I'd say yes

>> No.17153921

Kek, actually haven't thought of that game while making the post

>> No.17154247

How do you determine thread's power, though? Especially for threads unconnected to a chuuba directly, like fetish threads, nasfaqg, or hfz?

>> No.17154357

Was thinking on adding lore in regards to the particular games of addiction and/or interests, more of as parts of a culture of a nation and how these practices spread.

The practice of dinosaur breeding was introduced by kson souchou, ruler of 総長 + 会長 + 村長, back when she was Kaichou under the Hololive nation. While there was period in hololive nation's history where ALL the nations want to breed dinosaurs for a good 3-6 months, the city state of AkiChocoMel knew this best. When Kaichou seceded from the nation of holo to be its own nation state, a decision respected by everyone, while maintaining trade ties to the nation state of Kanata, she has chosen Aki of the nation of AkiChocoMel to succeed her in continuing this tradition in hololive. Up to this day, Kaichou still teaches the way of breeding dinosaurs to anyone who wants to learn this, like the nomads of /voms/

But it's not Kaichou who knows how to perform the art of dinosaur breeding. Someone in /niji/ also had innate knowledge of this art, yet when this art has spread, various tribes have been created, and a civil war was resulted and used the bred dinosaurs as tools of war.

>Monster Hunter
If you have noticed the armor and weaponry of Yukimins who are volunteers in the military of Shishilamy, they are made up of various metals, scales, bones, and hides of the monsters running around the world. This is because the Yukimins are also experienced Monster Hunters, as Lamy was an experienced hunter who has mastered the art of the Great Sword, one of the most unwieldly weapons for hunting. They are warriors who defend the homeland from the various monsters running around the world, and unique to the Yukimins, have experience in training the monster as well. This is also the case all of the Luknights as well, as homage to their princess Luna as an incredibly experienced hunter who knows how to use multiple weapons in hunting monsters. A part of a Luknight's trial involves hunting a monster and living to tell the tale.

Both Yukimin and Luknights use the hunted monsters as materials to create their armor and weaponry, and with their creations, use them to both defend and attack anyone who decides to go against their ways. Not only that, there are Monster Hunters living in the other countries as well, and may even be specialized in using certain weapons even Yukimin and Luknights have no experience in. For instance, the Flarefriends in bakatare know the art of using the Insect Glaive, the Gunlance by those who follow Akiroze, the Matsurisus and KFP practice the art of the small sword and shield, and the hunting horn is a popular hunting tool in /mio/,/ahoy/,/pol/ka,/wah/,and some even in /rbc/. It is easy to go to another nation even within the continent to learn the various weapons used, even going as far as the independent state of Kaichou's to learn the art of Heavy Bowgun, and the SSRBs are taught by the Yukimins the hunt monsters, but as they are more experienced in using guns, they are provided a light bowgun by default.

As they use these tools to defend the land, the aim of hunting these monsters is not to annihilate them, but to coexist with them.

I might want to write more for /ahoy/ and Touhou, both /holo/ and /niji/ participate on their own Mario Kart tournaments, Rhythm games in the heart of /niji/ and why people get confused why the heart of it is not in /ggg/, and mahjong in both /niji/,/nasfaq/ and in various indies. If you can give ideas, why eroge is a popular item in /micomet/ for MikoP, Minecraft lores and how it's treated, and Apex Legends.

>> No.17154502
Quoted by: >>17154619

numbers, and donations, probably, keep in mind that power in this context is relative to size, so even if a chuuba has a lot of influence over the others (like ai-chan) or a very competent group of followers, if they aren't wealthy they wont have enough to afford growing their boarders, and if they don't have as many people they wont need as large a nation.

>> No.17154611

Since this is a /vt/ based geopolitic the strength and power should be derived on the threads themselve.
Average IP, posts per minute, contribution to overall /vt/ board culture.
Not the actual chuuba's stats

>> No.17154619
Quoted by: >>17154677

It's the /vt/ land, not the chuuba land. A thread's power and general culture should be derived from the thread, not the chuuba they are focused on.
Numbers and inlfuence are fine if we are to determine the power of the chuubas who seem to be like deities of the world.

>> No.17154677

now that i think of it, you are right. i take back my previous statement.

>> No.17156504 [DELETED] 

Use this flaggets, it will save you from shame.

>> No.17156647
Quoted by: >>17157325

Use this flaggets, it will save you from shame.

>> No.17156699
File: 62 KB, 375x375, 375px-Pyon_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the logo on the divegrass wiki page so for now this should work for the /pyon/ flag.

>> No.17156734
Quoted by: >>17157184

maybe I'll put it on a green background later but I've gotta wage soon

>> No.17157184

The Five Principles are:

1. Keep It Simple. The flag should be so simple that a child can draw it from memory.
2. Use Meaningful Symbolism. The flag's images, colors, or patterns should relate to what it symbolizes.
3. Use 2 or 3 Basic Colors. Limit the number of colors on the flag to three which contrast well and come from the standard color set.
4. No Lettering or Seals. Never use writing of any kind or an organization's seal.
5. Be Distinctive or Be Related. Avoid duplicating other flags, but use similarities to show connections.

>> No.17157325

Kill yourself

>> No.17157436

would probably need to create some kind of relationship chart and a list of various climates under which each general would put their preferred climate type and 1 or 2, maybe 3, preferred neighbors. It would organically lead to large blocks of holo/niji/other anyway.

>> No.17157533

NTA but I liked the guide. However, their opinion on the Indonesian flag is shit.

>> No.17157618

the flags do not have to be perfect according to some random guide on the internet, just make sure they arent absolutely terrible. I'd take a soulful flag over a theoretically perfect one any day

>> No.17158189
Quoted by: >>17158566

i like it, looks realisticly weavable, and the geometry matches the alchemy/mage theme

>> No.17158566
File: 41 KB, 1350x900, ringo flag redesign 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Here's another version of the flag

>> No.17158931
File: 17 KB, 598x400, PyonFlag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17233664

Here let me throw you a bone based on the design of the crest.

>> No.17159753
File: 370 KB, 697x630, meatmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/meat/ Society is basically
>The Working Class
>The Ruling Class

>> No.17161691


>> No.17162420
Quoted by: >>17177505

/wg/ is a large, isolated tropical island littered with creations powered by a mishmash of both technology and magic, its inhabitants rarely venturing out into the wild wastes of /vt/. It is a city-state comprised mainly of scholars and aspiring scribes, although plenty of its residents are more than content with waiting for the latest epic to entertain them, or pore over older tomes. Many spindly towers dot the city, being the abodes of the great sages whom toil endlessly to give life to their creative visions. The gates of /wg/ are constantly open, allowing curious visitors to enter the city whenever they come across the wondrous, remote island. Most of the time, it is simply the odd traveller wondering what goes on in such an odd city, but every so often they become enamoured with the works found within the city, lighting a fire of creativity within themselves so that they themselves become yet another resident of /wg/.

The central attraction, and perhaps the most important building in the whole of the city, is the Grand Library, or simply known as The Archive. Run by a single being who's age predates even the city itself, The Archive is the central hub, and the lifeblood of the city. It is where all works are scripted into tomes and kept safe within its bowels. They are free to be perused by all visitors, although at times some tomes are lost within the twisting aisles of The Archive. Whether those tomes are lost due to the shame of some sages, or a more sinister reason is unknown. Nonetheless, the custodian of the library, only known as The Archivist, not only maintains, but also improves the building for better accessibility for visitors. Rumour says that other talented beings have assisted him in this endeavour.

The island, at least on paper, is neutral in all foreign affairs, taking no official stance on any major conflicts between the various empires of the world. Their primary concern is the creation, accumulation, and archival of written works. Though they began as an isolated hedonistic cult, reviling in suffering inflicted upon both others and themselves, over the ages the more vicious elements of their culture began to ebb away, and today the nation stands as a mostly functional society of eccentric artsy types. But the darker side of human imagination never truly left that tiny island, and morbid tales of pain and abuse continue to find their way into the archives to this very day.

Although not etched within the official history of the great city, every sage, scribe and traveller has heard of The Cursed Night, where the city was at war with itself against a seemingly invisible enemy, causing a schism between its people. As a result, /wg/ still bears deeply ingrained scars within the psyche of the island itself, even to this day. Do not speak of the night out loud, as the memory haunts the people, and threatens to bring the whole city into yet another Cursed Night.

Yet through this all, /wg/ stands proud, where the sages continue to create works of wonder for all to see and enjoy. Even those with the most degenerate desires can find something for themselves here, all they need to do, is look for it.

>> No.17164132
File: 59 KB, 578x566, 1631927888163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you actually paid attention to /jp/ and then /vt/ history, morig used to host /vsingers/ albeit it Mori-focused before /vsingers/ became a separate thread. "Extended universe" didn't come out of nothing. Now I won't credit mori herself for /vsingers/, but vtubers adjacent to her such as Ririsya and Boogey Vox. I know someone shilled Hachi there back in /jp/ and they just took her in, but they have no formal contact with each other. And as for actual history, /wvt/ was a reference to the Dutch West Indies and Anya-Petral Global is obviously akin to the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary.

I do know someone from /wvt/ already made a flag months ago, but I can't be assed to look for it at the moment.

>> No.17166191
Quoted by: >>17166880

wonder where the /vt/uber drawthread land would be

>> No.17166880

Probably the Florence of /vt/
Home of the best art

>> No.17169330


>> No.17170238
File: 270 KB, 1279x729, GasMaskLore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17215214

>when you live near the bait thread regions

>> No.17171421
File: 2.73 MB, 1920x1080, 5476890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is /infinity/'s final form

>> No.17172753

I was thinking of adding in some aspects of deadbeats being effective traders in order to justify the amount of indie shilling /morig/ gets here >>17117520 but I got carried away in a different direction and didn't. I was also thinking of them like traders like the Phoenicians rather than the jews.

>> No.17174942

/vtsings/, not /vsinger/, and i said that because of these posts

>> No.17175421
Quoted by: >>17179253

>morig used to host /vsingers/ albeit it Mori-focused before /vsingers/ became a separate thread. "Extended universe" didn't come out of nothing. Now I won't credit mori herself for /vsingers/, but vtubers adjacent to her such as Ririsya and Boogey Vox. I know someone shilled Hachi there back in /jp/ and they just took her in
We actually had a few other. Rene and Lucitain. A few western vtubers who spoke about Mori a bit or did covers songs. Miori is one. I know there are others but shes the only one I've take notice of

>> No.17177505
File: 25 KB, 720x576, The Writers' Block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17191226

Oh hey, I was just thinking about writing some /wg/ lore too. Guess I'll post my interpretation here as well.

/wg/ makes its home on a small volcanic island. Once under the rule of a harsh and abusive dictatorship, the creativity of its citizens is now allowed to flourish and expression through the written word is the main practice of all those who live there. Staying fairly neutral in the affairs of other nations, /wg/ can be found hosting visitors from all over. Of note is the above-average amount of trade with the fox kingdom in particular, and that those who set sail for Anya-Petra Island never seem to return. Though perhaps not the most technologically advanced nation, the citizens more than make up for it with their passion, needing no more than a pen and paper to create grand tributes to their deities. By far the most recognizable landmark of /wg/ is the Great Library, a massive archive storing the works of all its citizens. However, all is not peaceful in this seemingly idyll town. On an occasion that came to be known as the Longest Night, a disagreement came about on whether the Great Library should start being opened earlier in the day. In the midst of this argument, the volcano on /wg/’s island erupted, covering the sky in a noxious cloud which blotted out the sun. All the people took this as a sign of the deities’ disapproval of the opposing side, and so began a ferocious battle which killed many. Eventually, the skies cleared, ending the Longest Night, and the denizens of /wg/ settled into a new normal, though those that breathed in too much of the volcano’s toxic fumes were never quite the same afterwards, and occasional rumbles from the volcano continue to this very day.

The roads throughout the city are long and twisted, and those who are not careful often find themselves lost in a maze of alleyways and backroads. Even those who have spent their whole lives on the island can sometimes wander into unfamiliar territory. In fact, those who know the city best often whisper that the city’s pathways are always changing, waxing and waning to some unknown rhythm. While the Great Library is tall enough to be seen from anywhere, those who wish to contribute to its collection will find that getting there can range from a simple stroll to an arduous odyssey depending on the city’s temperament. And to make matters more difficult, deep in the heart of this city stands a massive stone prism, black as night and harder than diamond. No one knows how it first got there, but legends speak of a great treasure hidden within the center of this monolith. Writers attempting to add their works to the library may find the road they are on suddenly cut off by this stone, forcing them to search for another path around. Though other authors opt instead to slam their heads into the block repeatedly, hoping to somehow gain access to whatever lies inside it.

>> No.17177866
File: 118 KB, 1000x1000, thumbs_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17178564
File: 19 KB, 587x349, split flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loredump for /KFP/ in form of the history of my people:
also a flag based on the design from another kfp flag by @CrManzana

>> No.17178895

/yeah/ lore

/yeah/ is a quaint town in the NijiCaliphate, a newer settlement that was originally founded as /SCAM/, but had a hard time sustaining it's own population through the winter of baits, and so invited the nomadic Reimu and Nina fans that had no thread to call their own, and together renamed the settlement as /yeah/, wherein they freely worship and discuss their deities

>> No.17179253
File: 294 KB, 427x312, 1624549777838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17179956

There's Milky Queen and co. and that one indie that got incensed by OWTH only to come around and be on her side that gets some play once in a blue moon. Overall, extended universe posting has been forced to the wayside as the island has been beset by raiders from the Schizo Isles as of late.

>> No.17179956

Ya and there is few ontopic schizos who lose their shit if others come up

>> No.17182051
File: 18 KB, 2040x1080, mioflag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/mion/ flag

>> No.17182370

personally I think generals like /wg/ and drawfags should be considered less of an individual state and more like how maesters are in the Song of Ice and Fire. Things like Bait Threads and Schizos also probably don't need too large of a territory for them alone since they're consistent with every chuuba.

>> No.17182639
File: 62 KB, 855x570, us-idpoc1-l.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17182718

>t. Pocatello
Your flag is shit, just like your town.

>> No.17182718
File: 70 KB, 2000x1155, 1618546783228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17185001

What's the age of this world? Middle Age? Post Industrial Revolution? Sci-fi?

>> No.17185473

renaissance to enlightenment probably, no one has confirmed anything yet

>> No.17186047

>Things like Bait Threads and Schizos also probably don't need too large of a territory for them alone since they're consistent with every chuuba.
Those aren't even supposed to have a territory at all since they're more like conflicts, rebellions and other types of "major" events.

>> No.17186252

Can you niggers upload your fucking map templates at their rawest of raw filetype if you want people to use them? Christ

>> No.17186308

Also, the "final" map would need to be re-worked, as it's still in a patchwork state.

>> No.17191226
Quoted by: >>17192281

What is the rock a metaphor for?

>> No.17191603

i was thinking that /wg/ would be a kind of writer's guild with offices in different nations instead of it's own nation, and niche fetish generals would be like secret societies/cults/religions with members everywhere.

>> No.17192089

Depends on the chuuba, some civilizations are living in the space age with aliens while the /meat/heads are still in the days of viking raiding.

>> No.17192281
Quoted by: >>17200012

>filename related

>> No.17192458

>>17191603 (me)
i think that would add more depth to the whole thing. most real nations aren't homogenous in their fetishes and hobbies and interests, and the presence of organizations and stuff like that would reflect that. does that make sense?

>> No.17193088

The idea of the fetish cults gathering in secret meetings to discuss their plans of subliminally priming a chuuba towards showing her feet or over eating is amazing and I am proud to be a member of the Order of Sacred Architecture

>> No.17193564

That's definitely one way to do it, but I feel like the current map is so large that we'll end up with plenty of leftover space to fill anyway. I do like the idea though, more variety that way. For /wg/ at least, the two approaches don't seem mutually exclusive since the Archive would probably end up serving as a main headquarters for the guild with a small community of members having a settlement surrounding it. But it does allow more niche fetishes and the like to have their influences felt all over instead of being trapped in one place. Perhaps it would be better to draft some sort of cultural/religious influence map alongside a territory map, with some generals being kingdoms and others being movements.

>> No.17193906
File: 451 KB, 2100x2512, 1641217293785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17204613

I have known the great pleasures of the flesh, I will walk among the Long and consume that which is their master and source of ideation.

>> No.17195990
Quoted by: >>17204227

what exactly are chuubas in this universe anyway? are they deities or monarchs? are streams like divine visions from someone's god?

>> No.17198636

its beautiful

>> No.17200012


>> No.17200300
File: 88 KB, 1661x1002, wah_flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my attempt at a /wah/ flag

>> No.17200416

>is that... a xylophone? help me niggerman i'm going insane!!!!

>> No.17201017

>Once part of a different continent that spoke some language
>because of plate tectonic shenanigans, drifts off and crashes into a new archipelago next to voms, that archipelago speaks a different language.
which would explain why she's bilingual but bad at both

>> No.17201421
File: 96 KB, 1661x1002, wah_flag_orange_xylophone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...actually looks a bit better if I make the xylophone orange

>> No.17201798
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, Takeshi Sighting [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjgkip0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are tales that speak of a strange foreign man chasing down wagons on a horse at night
>Those who have encountered him recall hearing the man repeatedly screaming about sexual intercourse at the top of his lungs
>Followers and worshippers of this man believe he is some sort of sex deity, who roams the world in his never ending pursuit to become sex itself
>Sightings are most common in areas with a high concentration of debauchery
>They say if you go riding through the Fetish Lands at night, you can hear the echoes of his sex-fueled howling

>> No.17204227

>chuubas are largely associated with "idols" even out of Hololive
>the faith in them is a reference on how popular they are with the audience
Yes, anon. Deities. They can't be rulers of a world they haven't "descended upon".

>> No.17204534

oh i missed that in the lore

>> No.17204613
Quoted by: >>17205063

>The Long are those among the Know who have achieved immortality, either by transforming or discarding their physical forms, through their dealings with the Mansus.
>Long who commit the Crime of the Sky, a forbidden act very strongly implied to be eating one's children, become Alukites.
Based /meat/fags are cultists

>> No.17204680

>/asp/ is a cult of blasphemers dedicated to ascending themselves to godhood
one can only imagine what atrocities they get up to in order to satisfy their twisted goals

>> No.17205063

>/asp/ cultists want to achieve godhood
>/meat/ cultists believe the heavens is overpopulated and the chuuba gods need to be culled

>> No.17206138

>and then there's the gods that dare to even "grace" this world with their "presence", if only a transient one

>> No.17208382
File: 1.80 MB, 640x482, 1641209626501.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you achieved godhood why are you still here?
>the heavens is boring

>> No.17208904 [SPOILER] 
File: 159 KB, 1132x1600, FKAk_2CagAAaBgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they have the decency to use their power to look like this when appearing, then all is forgiven

>> No.17209941
File: 425 KB, 800x600, map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading through
/who/, /uuu/, /inf/, and /rrat/ lore.

Assuming we go with this distribution >>17141753, I think this would be a good place for the Council Kingdoms
>/inf/ gets their snow and can honestly be as big in the north as they want, no one wants to be there still
>/uuu/ is the forest that wages war with /inf/ and prevents their expansion to the rest of humanity
>/who/ are a vast diverse republic of forts
>/rrat/ monastery stays out of everything but control the trade route into the greater hololive empire

Lore wise:
>The most western part of Hololive (recently colonized)
>The "Council" area is the closest part of the hololive empire to Indie or Schizos
>The Council area is the gateway into the empire,

>> No.17210061

Nice borders retards.

>> No.17210560

Looks pretty good

>> No.17210654
Quoted by: >>17213208

>Planet Taotao's population are full of religious zealots who worship one 'Wife', who go around planets spreading her religion

>> No.17213208

Seems plausible

>> No.17213903

>/ringo/cultists attempt to concoct Ambrosia, encompassing every smell and taste of all VTubers that has, will, and never existed.

>> No.17213950

That's basically analogous to brewing holy water or Jesus-blood wine

>> No.17214484

What about Pippigers?

>> No.17214867
Quoted by: >>17217229

Isn't it supposed to be the philosopher's stone?

>> No.17215214
File: 65 KB, 640x786, 1611868540601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17216020

>Guessing future chuubas based on theor scents and piss

>> No.17217044

I envision Ambrosia as something that could "adapt" to one's desire. Yes, it's analogous to holy water, but the properties of Ambrosia may be more anomalous/esoteric. I should also mention that Ambrosia has three forms; solid ("choco"), liquid ("ringo"), and gaseous (i don't think we have a lingo for gas yet).

>> No.17217229

totally forgot about that
and alchemy is literally the core concept of fantasy-/ringo/ so that makes sense
possible lore tidbit that the ancestors of /ringo/ once travelled around seeking the original stone/elixir itself but settled a particular area when they changed their goals to replicating its properties through alchemy?

>> No.17217315
Quoted by: >>17217620

>the /hag/ sect devotes particular attention to the "old gods"
>the idols of /uoh/ are the greek gods to /hag/'s titans

>> No.17217469
File: 106 KB, 1200x600, PPT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17219654

Made a flag for /ppt/ aka THEかなたへようこそ
>own myths say the nobility descended from angels to rule over the commoners
>religious zealots, idol fanatics extreme Sora loyalists
>capitol resembling old Moscow, the city of churches
>the pride of the kingdom, the royal grand palace has been turned into a prestigious school hosting students from across the holo empire.
>national animal the majestic gorilla
As for placement/geography put it beside the other fourth gen.

>> No.17217620

But those pantheons are born in the same era
Titan worshippers are Kizuna era

>> No.17217671
File: 1.65 MB, 1000x1132, 28b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Were we not blessed with fertile land and beautiful chuubas to feed them? Is it not right to make it so that when a man gazes upon his oshi there is more for him to see than before? Why does the man whose bride is thin freeze come the winter yet the man whose bride is wide and wealthy in the flesh cuddle into her bosom and live many nights to come?
>Architecture, my brothers, it is the splendor and beauty of architecture. How can you say you've served your oshi if she does not quake the earth with the thunder of her thighs or jiggle with utmost splendor at the slightest of movements? You simply cannot! True love is expressed through the beauty of the swell of her belly, my brothers!
> Architecture is the fate of the world, be it known or not, and soon all chuubas will be bigger and thus better. The fat cats of both the Holo Empire and the Cities of Vshojo are already of our number and there are more to come, the prophet Orristerioso has already shown us paintings of his divine visions and of the fate in store for all oshis.
>Look upon his works and read the divine script of the Book of Brosnan, for within it are the recipies of cake and other delights which will further our goals. Go forth and rejoice for the new age of architecture is upon us!

>> No.17217813 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17217988

>/infinity/ being that small and isolated.
It has to way more centralized to Hololive based on how you have multiple groups coming there. There's even Nijishills.

>> No.17217909

>/infinity/ being that small and isolated.
It has to way more centralized to Hololive based on how you have multiple groups coming there. There are even Nijishills, so it is a given they're near the boarder of Hololive and Nijisanji as well.

>> No.17217988 [DELETED] 

I think the idea is they can expand in the frozen tundra or even more north off the map. Literally the Siberia of /vt/.
/infinity/ in this biome can have a port that literally connects it to the entire /vt/ ecosystem. It's the West Coast of the Holo Empire where other continents can reach if by boat.

If you put it in the center of Hololive, then it wouldn't make sense since shills literally have to trek across half of Hololive and be allowed passage to enter /infinity/, as oppose to just hopping on a boat and smuggling themselves into /infinity/

>> No.17218016
Quoted by: >>17220473

I think the idea is they can expand in the frozen tundra or even more north off the map. Literally the Siberia of /vt/.
/infinity/ in this biome can have a port that literally connects it to the entire /vt/ ecosystem. It's the West Coast of the Holo Empire where other continents can reach if by boat.

If you put it in the center of Hololive, then it wouldn't make sense since shills literally have to trek across half of Hololive and be allowed passage to enter /infinity/, as oppose to just hopping on a boat and smuggling themselves into /infinity/

>> No.17218134
File: 12 KB, 250x318, Ryan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am Anon Y'mos, and I'm here to ask you a question.
>Is a man not entitled to the (You)s of his bait? >'No!' says the man in /jp/, 'They belong to the 3D.'
>'No!' says the man in /hlg/, 'They belong to JP holos.'
>'No!' says the man in /hlgg/, 'They belong to everyone.'
>I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different.
>I chose the impossible. I chose... /vt/.
>A board where the shitposter would not fear the meido.
>Where the /ringo/fag would not be suppressed by petty disgust.
>Where the great would not be constrained by the small!
>And with the (You)s of your bait, /vt/ can become your board as well.

>> No.17218153

>There are even Nijishills, so it is a given they're near the boarder of Hololive and Nijisanji as well.
I didn't see this in their lorepost.... How significant is the Niji interaction in /inf/???

>> No.17218250

i think it's a little exaggerated, i'm pretty sure it's just one Dragoon-Kronie who posts niji images (mainly selen, but has used nina and pomu at times) and has developed a reputation as a cheeky offtopic-posting brat because he knows the meidos won't do shit about him
and yes, /infinity/ wants to give him rape correction

>> No.17218341
Quoted by: >>17220473

If it's an outlier, can just have them be Niji merchants rejected by The Hololive empire but the aristocracy of /infinity/ allows their black market trade by port.

Or more believable, /infinity/ was settled by Niji exiles.... It will have to fall into the /infinity/ representative to decide how Niji fits in. I don't think a small interaction should affect its whole placement given bigger parts of the lore require it to be in the north, and the Council lore requires them to be close together

>> No.17218437
Quoted by: >>17224118

I'm not a member of the nousagi but I think Pekoland should be modeled after Mussolini's Italy

>> No.17219654

Also make her having a trade partnership with /kson/

>> No.17219770
File: 545 KB, 1920x1080, 1631505585806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17245270

While waiting for the country borders to be finalized I've come up with a game idea for the HoI4 mod called "Yab" event. There are two ways for this event to be triggered, first: if the thread's stability reaches a certain threshold, let's say 30 percent. Also I'd be giving every countries a "rrat" debuff that lowers your stability everyday which could only be counteracted by spending "Ogey" political power.

Anyway, once that certain threshold is reached, the game spawns rrat/schizo/anti rebels/partisans on a random province you control which you would have to eliminate fast. Failing to do so, or if these rebels/partisans successfully capitulated your country, would give this newly created country an instant wargoal to its neighboring country. They'd invade and once they capitulated that poor nation a new wargoal would be given once again and this'd continue until the whole map is fully infested by rrats.

The second way for this event to be triggered is, well let's say a huge part of these "Yab" events would be based in real life and it'd be triggered automatically without the stability prerequisite. The stronger the Yab is, the harder you'd get fucked by partisans. One of this Yab is obviously Coco's graduation and once triggered would spawn rrats (could be zhangs too), not only in /hlgg/ but on every hololive-themed nations. Similar Yabs are the Nux drama for /vsj+/, Luxiem debut for /nijien/ (this could also affect /stars/ or any holo nation), and this fucking entire Mori drama.

>> No.17220473
Quoted by: >>17220560

If you're talking about lore, the winter aspect of /∞/ is overblown since it's only because of Kronii's frostpunk gameplay.

While there is the one Selen poster, I'm thinking it's multiple people now since there are Luxiem posts as well. And you don't see as much overlap between Selen and Luxiem.

>> No.17220560

>the winter aspect of /∞/ is overblown since it's only because of Kronii's frostpunk gameplay
I'd say her living in Canada also plays a part but it's pretty secondary to the frostpunk influence

>> No.17220866
Quoted by: >>17225384

>/ag/ as a nation doesn’t just want to fatten up people, but gods
Holy shit

>> No.17220881

Still seems a weak preface, otherwise you'd have a lot of Nijis and Ina all in arctic areas based on their geographic locations.

>> No.17223281


>> No.17224118

Peko is obsessed with explosives and going extreme
Look up 'Futurism and Marinetti'

>> No.17224180
Quoted by: >>17247680

Frostpunk is a pretty big staple of her usual content though

>> No.17225120


>> No.17225254

wtf I'm an architect now

>> No.17225384

>/asp/ creates new gods
>/ag/ fattens them up
>/meat/ consumes them
the circle of life

>> No.17226805
Quoted by: >>17227274

I never got into /nasfaqg/ but how the hell does a crypto market simulator have lore that borders on fanfics?

>> No.17227274

Quite simple. Take a group of completely random people from all walks of life and locations assembled via an anonymous message board, create a game around common interest of said people, transition from an anonymous to pseudonymous environment (given that Nasfaq has usernames, even though posters are still anonymous, gameplay exploits are not).
Mix this all together, and you get something that can loosely be called a community, with its in-jokes and mythos oriented around a v-tuber market simulator. Add in a solid dash of autism and leave to ferment over time, voila.
Also, it's not a crypto simulator. It would be closer related to proper stocks, except that due to game design and early choices such as no fixed share number it has a different environment inside of it.

>> No.17228022
Quoted by: >>17245054

Some lore scraps from the /nene/ general thread

>> No.17228321
Quoted by: >>17232033

Do we have a wiki, googledoc, or mirahaze to compile these lore and flags?

>> No.17229514 [DELETED] 


>> No.17230551


>> No.17231974


>> No.17232033


>> No.17233664
File: 168 KB, 1920x960, pyonflag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17235619


>> No.17235619
Quoted by: >>17236416


>> No.17236416
Quoted by: >>17245408

after some revision /pyon/ flag has been settled to this point: https://files.catbox.moe/2r90yl.jpg

>> No.17238180


>> No.17242135


>> No.17242634
File: 5 KB, 600x1100, numberflag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17275612

>be me
>got bored while looking at flags

I present you the "number cross"
>2:1 aspect ratio
>cross size is 5x10 'squares' representative of "the top five" and "top ten"
>outer perimeter is mostly representative of the "wider audience
>the color red is representative of the "bloody wars" of the gods and men and the numbers by which they're fought
>the color white is the peace through numbers
>the "number cross" is representative of numbers as the guiding principle for understanding the world
I added a white space perimeter to the number cross because I didn't like how it looked how the cross looks border-to-border. Might change my mind.

>> No.17245054

Stinky nene…

>> No.17245270

that sounds cool as all hell

>> No.17245408

one of these days I hope we have a stream where we can sperg out and do a little world building for the Divine Principality of Pyon

>> No.17247680

The problem is trying to match the lore when itself creates inconsistencies.
There's good reasons why arctic areas never became major trade hubs for the world.

>> No.17253271

we could always introduce a hidden resource local to their region or some magical elements.

>> No.17253573

Our patients has its limits. One day we will shut your lying deadbeat mouths

>> No.17255919


>> No.17259594

Magic things brings a lot more of problems though. It's better to just stay out of it

>> No.17259919
Quoted by: >>17260577

Anyone got a vectorized version of this?

>> No.17260577
Quoted by: >>17274618

None actually. The map was made by compositing multiple proposals
We need a drawfag to redraw it

>> No.17265268
Quoted by: >>17265728

anon Anchorage is on it's way to becoming a major trade hub, and in fact is a fairly significant trade hub even today.

>> No.17265728

that's thanks to airline travel, something that would not exists in any world that isn't the modern one, if it's post reinassance to early industrial it doesn't work out

>> No.17266232

Oh wait, are we establishing "no magic" in vtwbg? I don't remember which lore posts, but some might need to be revised.

>> No.17267114

>fantasy setting with mythos, chuuba goddesses, autism powers
>no magic
Fuck you on about?

>> No.17267916

Are we saying /inf/ is a major tradehub? It's huge, but most of /vt/ wants to avoid it. But people go there for the "experience". It's quite literally the equivalent of the USSR.

>> No.17267937

>autism powers
is that a form of magic? superpower? the Force?

>> No.17270280

what >>17253271 said, those inconsistencies are usually pretty simple to work around if you know what you are doing.
what. just make it a soft magic system that is limited by being rare and somewhat unreliable. make reliable magic either exceedingly rare or reliant on the chuubas.
i dont think infinity should be a trade hub, its far more like something like a grand library run by half-mad hermits.. they do not trade in goods, they trade in information and experience.

>> No.17270483

so yeah, i agree with you, and that was what my last point was meant to be

>> No.17272758

>fantasy setting with mythos, chuuba goddesses
Tbf, the Greeks also believed in mythos and gods

>> No.17274618
Quoted by: >>17289838

I'll consider doing it if no one steps up after maybe a week.

>> No.17275612

>peace through numbers
well this is why i feel something eerie about this. It's rasputin's cross.

>> No.17276057

>what are numberfags hiding from the rest of us

>> No.17276394
Quoted by: >>17277027

Except they aren't, given how /inf/ is a central hub board, so if you're actually trying to follow realistic trade, being in northern area would be a terrible position. You wouldn't waste the resources traveling all the way there and instead would rely on away point nation to deal out the goods, like what all the colonial powers did.

>> No.17277027
Quoted by: >>17278473

how exactly is infinity a central hub board? hlgg is a central hub board, infinity is just a split, although a fast one

>> No.17278473

supposedly because it's a second writefag general and gets alot of tourist traffic from nijifans

>> No.17278589
Quoted by: >>17278670

but all the writefags are just kronies save for a few rare exceptions
and I dont really recall seeing much nijifags there, at least during these past few weeks

>> No.17278670
Quoted by: >>17278691

well that's what the lore says, take it up with the inf representatives when they next appear I guess

>> No.17278691
Quoted by: >>17278707

>inf representative
I dont remember voting for him

>> No.17278707

you don't vote for represntatives

>> No.17280412
Quoted by: >>17285926


>> No.17282298
Quoted by: >>17285926


>> No.17285662
Quoted by: >>17285926


>> No.17285900
Quoted by: >>17319821

But that's what the port is for right? If it borders Niji, the rest of /vt/ can't trade with it. A northern port allows everyone in /vt/ to sail there if they are brave enough to face the cold waters.

It's in the middle too so the other continents get access not just Niji

>> No.17285926

Where is everybody?? Did the autism ran dry?

>> No.17286024

People like lore posting, but now that we have to do the hard part and think of how to make them all fit in the map, it just feels like work

>> No.17286098
Quoted by: >>17286126

yeah we really need a wiki or something where we can actually put all this stuff to paper and not just theorycraft, otherwise this project will die the moment people run out of easy stuff to do

>> No.17286109

the weekend is only just beginning, I reckon people will become interested again now that they have time

>> No.17286126

Quick! To the wikimobile!

>> No.17288170


>> No.17288998
Quoted by: >>17289229

What's the hard part? The maps?

>> No.17289229

Maps and placement. After a few days we still have not come to a consensus or a single source of truth of all placement suggestions so far.

Someone needs to
>crawl through all territory stakes
>put them in the giant ass map
>share said giant ass map
>people tear it apart about what should/shouldn't be changed

>> No.17289838

We haven't even come up with a proper finished map. I (>>17274618) want to do it, but I have things to do in the short term that keep me from allocating energy towards that.

>> No.17291681
Quoted by: >>17328695

Maybe the map is too big and that discourages? I mean, obviously the map needs to be that big but requiring 5.5gb of RAM to open it is too much for most people

>> No.17292310
File: 238 KB, 800x1231, 1630416473797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17292516
Quoted by: >>17293586

What's the difference between Indie and Unaffiliated?

>> No.17293586

Corpos that only have one chuuba like Tsugu.

>> No.17296037
File: 77 KB, 1145x799, E8GKdJMUUAM0vuC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who's gonna write the lore for snail?

She has to be apart of lore, though not the map given /vt/ history

>> No.17298357
Quoted by: >>17304560

The smart way to do this is to find lore that fits and is essential. Then find a location and then expand on the lore as would make sense per the location

>> No.17299004

anon I wage like 10 hours at work

>> No.17299994
File: 244 KB, 638x625, 1618262579725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17317910

>Did you ever hear the tragedy of Majo Carol of the Uoh Church? I thought not. It’s not a story the pilgrims would tell you. It’s a groomer legend.

>> No.17304560

I agree with this, need to start sifting through essential pieces of the lore.

I think the current map is good enough. If there's complaints on the land masses, we can add/remove as necessary but first need to start placing things on paper so it's not all up in the air

>> No.17305070

here's a proposal i came up in the moment: document some of the names/posters that pop up in various threads, as a parallel on how people make advancements as a whole in our world. It could substantially enrich some of the more lore-heavy threads. How's what sound?

>> No.17305690

could be interesting desu

>> No.17305816

That sounds complicated. Everyone is an anon and drama dies within a day usually, so it would be hard to judge what "impacts" the lore.
Take for example the "/inf/ civil war" with /Ourobros/ that happened in a span of an hour.

It only lasted a thread, barely 5 hours, and it was most likely only 3 anons involved, but it did make /vt/ aware of the current state of /inf/, and made jannies do something (high impact)

I'm sure we can write a good lore post on it. But /inf/ might take offense since any discussion about the split is "overblown since it's just 1 guy"
>inb4 /Ourobros/ was the Taiwan of /vt/

>> No.17306036
Quoted by: >>17306454

im already working on /inf/ and partially on /who/ on that regard. A good foundation we can go with how the SCP Wiki does it so everything writen can be counted as canon and the reader can choose what to believe or not. Mix n Match and you can create some interesting narratives.

>> No.17306454
Quoted by: >>17306765

SCP leans on reality warping though. We are trying to establish /vt/ events as it would in a medieval setting

I guess we can have "conflicting records" from different boards, however we will run into the same issue as the current /inf/ placement problem of "border of NijiSanji or glacial northern state"

>> No.17306703
Quoted by: >>17306758

>Take for example the "/inf/ civil war" with /Ourobros/ that happened in a span of an hour.
What's that?

>> No.17306758

two or so kronies tried to make a separate split for more focused discussion, it died quickly
just some deadbeat-tier stuff

>> No.17306765

true, true. Tried to brainstorm a few ideas on how it could work but the only idea that comes to mind is "because the world is so vast and large, the records are incomplete, so most things are passed by mouth, or if by some miracle, documented, but rather poorly, suggesting heavy bias."

>> No.17307098
Quoted by: >>17307172

Why would that need a janny?

>just some deadbeat-tier stuff
You are not helping me with this comparison kek

>> No.17307172

>/inf/ thread
>/Ourobros/ thread created as a split
>/kronies/ thread created to mock /Ourobros/
It was starting to spiral to different threads about Kronii

>> No.17310205
File: 5 KB, 180x250, 1642286103290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17310316

>just some deadbeat tier stuff
/morig/ has never entertained multiple splits so I have no clue what warrants this comparison in your eyes.

>> No.17310316
Quoted by: >>17310390

>he is denying the day of the doxx
Careful with the historical revisionism there my dude.

>> No.17310390
File: 200 KB, 290x355, 445445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17324527

Guac happened the one week I decided to take a break from the site and I still haven't done my archive reps.

>> No.17317910
File: 330 KB, 460x800, kiddie torture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a tale the saviorfags would tell.

>> No.17318309

Good lore dump, and the flag is nice too.

>> No.17319821

You do realize Niji and Holo are next to each other right? Just put it by the boarder.

>> No.17320002

Speaking from /∞/ you may want to have their various namefags included as rulers of it in a Council of sorts, because they generally drive discussion and are seen as “regulars” and have a tendency to both accidentally and deliberately discourage tourists. However this also manifests in cultural deviance (some claim the place is like a Discord server, but I don’t know how you’d transcribe that in a world building scenario)
So it might work best as a council of schizophrenic, wizardly isolationists that accept those who conform to their horny, scholarly ways - but reject those who try and proselytise and replace their traditions. They take horny refugees from other Council threads and welcome stories and tales about them, no matter how fictional (but have low tolerance for war propaganda or “rrats” against the other Council members)
The Council of /∞/ is usually in harmony but occasionally members (authors/namefags) depart or go incognito amongst the people, or go as ambassadors to other threads - or sometimes disappear altogether. Depending on how much autism is really being used in this world building stuff you could definitely account for that. I am one of the namefags but I’m not going to self fellate by jibbering about my “own” lore because that’s retarded, unless anyone specifically asks
So, is this going to be an EU4/HOI4 mod or is it just some good old fashioned autism? As a /gsg/fag I’m interested (though I can’t mod for shit)

>> No.17320227

Holy cringe I'm gonna nuke the 4chan servers if we include random namefags in our autismmap.
I much prefer the idea of having the chuubas be rulers or incernate gods as appropriate. This would be a good fit for Kronii given her Frostpunk runs.
Also yes, afaik it's pure autism, though it could be implemented in whatever we want eventually.

>> No.17320302

feels like integrating an infamous split's namefags directly to it's presentation is a horrible idea

>> No.17320391

Yeah, having it under direct Kronii rule makes more sense, but still being a society that is at once xenophobic and accepting of horny refugees makes it interesting. You’re probably right about the namefags, desu.

>> No.17320468

incarnate* gods

>> No.17320501

nta, but I think the choice of including namefags as part of the lore or not should be left to each of the threads to decide for themselves

>> No.17322208
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1630969934605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/infinty/ has written so much lore, we kinda need you guys to sort the placement shit out first.
you guys want next to be Niji or be USSR?
Discussion starts here >>17209941

>> No.17322451 [DELETED] 

that means the degenerates, indies,jp corpo, and half of hololive cannot reach infinity, since the Hololive border is wedged into Neutral and Niji

>> No.17322713
Quoted by: >>17328075

that means the degenerates, indies,jp corpo, and half of hololive cannot reach infinity, since the Hololive border is wedged into Neutral and Niji

also can we avoid talking condescendingly like a plebbit thread? Makes things easier on everyone, k thnx

>> No.17323386

I can’t speak for the whole thread, but I’m not sure why we ought to be close to the Nijis - it’s one or two Selen posters who usually get threatened with rape correction, the rest of the time it’s basically all Holo-posting. Also I’d argue /uuu/ is more in a Cold War in that hornyposters get told to “fuck off to infinity” speaking from experience, but KroFau shipping is usually accepted. So maybe they’re on good terms privately but in public dislike each other? Idk, it’s hard to say, because as a kronie myself I rarely post in /uuu/ despite liking Fauna a lot (and writing about her too)
USSR kinda works, especially with the Cold War thing I just mentioned, but it would imply the rest of the board hates us…wait, that might be right actually.
Would it be autism to give it some colonies near the degenerate areas and /wg/? Only small ones, but I know a lot of futafags and writefags in particular frequent the thread, the former often being refugees from other Council threads, Global and elsewhere; some of the latter are just cross posters though.

>> No.17323674
File: 41 KB, 330x370, 1616453567690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deadbeat-tier stuff
The fuck did we do ?

>> No.17324527
Quoted by: >>17324775

Guac was some really stupid roommate schizo massive misunderstanding shit. I did my reps and they weren't worth the time.
>namefag wants namefags to be rulers
Jesus christ I hope kronies bully you in your threads.

>> No.17324775

It was only an idea, if a dumb one, I’d never been to these threads before so I wanted to know what the place thought of it. In hindsight I probably should have lurked here more before posting. I’ll say it makes a lot more sense to have chuubas as rulers of their respective threads.

>> No.17328075

How would you know what reddiyors talk like, unless you're one?

>> No.17328551
File: 1.16 MB, 3000x1500, 16431708704821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you guys want next to be Niji or be USSR?
Why not both?
Personally I don't think claiming /∞/ is the USSR is practical because the USSR was a federation of states under one banner. The only comparable way to make /∞/ the USSR would be where they actively control other splits. Think Yugoslavia as another example.

As for where to best locate in easy distance of Nijisanji and several holo splits at least. Has a map been decided? I'd put /∞/ in one of these locations

>> No.17328695
Quoted by: >>17329468

it'd be a lot easier to work out if each nation just picked out like, 3~4 prefered locations on the map and then sort from there, giving precedence either highly specified locations based on lore given or larger generals to make them centralized

>> No.17329263

that's most chan drama though, there's whole encyclopedias of lore on /ybc/ that come down to things that happened in a 5 minute autism fit

>> No.17329324

The upper island is being requested by the deadbeats, the lower by NASFAQ if I remember correctly
Another problem with this map is that /nene/ /kfp/ and /haachama/ all requested land that by now has been declared a neutral region, how should we deal with this?

>> No.17329468
Quoted by: >>17329600

I think >>17328695 idea works best.
The generals should circle 3/4 areas they want. We can then start placing them, or recreate the map to fit the requirements better, instead of just deciding landmasses on random

>> No.17329600

To start I guess we first need a comprehensive list of all threads who are part of this project

>> No.17329649
Quoted by: >>17329683

They should be banished to the north because no one wants anything to with them, and they keep invading other regions.

>> No.17329683
File: 20 KB, 320x240, 1604523624473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17329750

>in favor of giving it to kronies

>> No.17329750

Kronies are the opposite where people come to them. Meanwhile /inf/ has fended off multiple doxbeat incursions.

>> No.17329813
Quoted by: >>17330011

/nasfaqg/ claimed the small island west of the lower circled island and portions of the peninsula to the west of the small island

>> No.17329826

Shut up sekkusu that's a horrible idea
T. Infinity namefag

>> No.17329942
File: 242 KB, 1080x535, Screenshot_20220129-172315_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on this post, I propose the Holo Roman Empire have a special forces unit (or medieval equivalent) of Kronies tasked with apprehending and imprisoning schizos. Something like an inquisition but instead of torture it's gayposting. This gives them a bad look to the rest of the empire though, for their methods and unusual culture within the Empire

>> No.17330011

And it's indie territory so it makes sense for them.
/∞/ officially claims the Lower island, and if necessary, will forcefully take the upper one from the deadbeats.

>> No.17330012
Quoted by: >>17330029

There is no proof. This is slander against the Holy Kronie Empire. We would need to seize you, your belongings and your wife for questioning.

>> No.17330029
Quoted by: >>17330105

>Spanish Inquisition but it's Kronies
>instead of torture it's gayposting

>> No.17330105
File: 36 KB, 449x299, monty-python-Kronie-inquisition-e1384924641333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17330188

This thread taught me one thing and it's that Kronies are fucking weird. Yes /meat/cand /ringo/ are weirder but you'd expect that from taboo fetish generals. /infinity/ is the fastest Holo split dedicated to a rather normal Holo so you don't expect them to be this fucking weird

>> No.17330221
Quoted by: >>17330262

This is why they should get an island, there is no way hey can be direct neighbors any group without it ended in one side destroying the other.

>> No.17330260
File: 523 KB, 1192x1787, ∞ strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17330288

Actually, it's one of the most active threads on /vt/ as a whole overtaking /ggg/ for split dominance and even being able to challenge /NijiEN/.

>> No.17330262

A far off arctic island that serves as a checkpoint for all seafaring visitors of the Holo Empire? Sounds good desu

>> No.17330288

to be fair, that was during a special stream wasnt it
I second this

>> No.17330292

Except that makes zero sense given the amount of visitors it gets from other splits. It should be isolated, yet still central.

>> No.17330321
Quoted by: >>17330349

You can still get a lot of visitors even if you are far away - the visitors just have to endure a more arduous journey, and visiting /infinity/ is a pain so that would fit the bill

>> No.17330335
Quoted by: >>17330384

>a far off arctic island in the Hololive Empire
so /infinity/ is basically Siberian Alcatraz. They are the containment thread, so it fits.
However Kronies are able to travel and make trade with other nations as per their lore posts

>> No.17330349
Quoted by: >>17330375

Not the amount they get, and from where they get.

>> No.17330355

Well if Holo Empire only has one naval access point, then Infinity / Infinitopia / Fort Infinity could be one island that's pretty isolated from the rest of the empire, but it's a chokepoint leading to the Empire from the perspective of other continents.

>> No.17330375

Thats even better for my point. Visitors come even from faraway lands to indulge in the.. madness of /infinity/ and their grand library

>> No.17330379
Quoted by: >>17330436

>Imagine a empire only having one point of entry
>Imagine the most powerful country only having one point of entry.
You can't be serious.

>> No.17330384

Part fort, part prison, part library, all schizo ...

>> No.17330407
Quoted by: >>17330419

>All these non-/∞/ posters trying to force /∞/ into some far away corner of the map.
No way fags.

>> No.17330419
Quoted by: >>17330443

>>>>>>>>>one naval access point
lmao no way
I go to infinity you faggot

>> No.17330436

NAVAL entry point. The old map was kind of close to that with the Empire connected by land to the Indies and the Sultanate, but there was a part where the sea still separated most of the empire from the Sultanate. the Anya-Petra island was in that sea, and Infinity was the closest land-based region on touching that sea.

>> No.17330438
Quoted by: >>17330484

>isolated, yet central
Really? Seriously?

>> No.17330443

>Claims he goes there.
>Doesn't even use the correct name.
Nice try tourist.

>> No.17330466

Why would continent only have one navel port?
Who would get control of the port?
You're opening a massive can of worms and infighting.

>> No.17330484
Quoted by: >>17330515

The marked islands reflect that, unless you want to swim there.

>> No.17330499

The only Empire in history of man that I can think of with a single "main" naval port would be the Russian Empire before it managed to reach across Siberia... and in that case, there was still Archangelsk as the northern trading port, and the situation was caused by proximity to the arctic region in the north. Here, with this map, it's virtually impossible to place the "holo empire" in such way.

>> No.17330515

It might be a shock to you anon, but naval locations like islands connected by shallow sea are the opposite of isolated. They are usually very well connected to the rest of the world, unless they are alone on a deep sea, a'la Saint Helena.

>> No.17330520

Even in the old map there were other naval access points for the holoempire

>> No.17330531
Quoted by: >>17330550

>ask me how I know you're not a regular in /inf/
pro tip: no one uses ∞ other archives or tourists

>> No.17330536

Shut up, Gabe.

>> No.17330550
Quoted by: >>17330615

>No one uses the actual name of /∞/ unless they aren't from /∞/
This is like a redditor trying to pretend they're from 4chan level of bullshit.

>> No.17330606
Quoted by: >>17330638

Good luck trying to enter it if the natives don't want you unless you have overwhelming force.

>> No.17330615
File: 2.68 MB, 400x225, 1445570036576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17330631

>oh noooo I got called out so I will call you a redditor, gottem ha ha
ctrl+f it yourself if you want newfag. I'm done spoon feeding you

>> No.17330631

>/∞/ is filled with tourists currently who don't even know how to type ∞
>That means the majority is right!
Begone reddit.

>> No.17330632

>it's an /infinity/ argues over proper spelling of /infinity/ episode
>but this time it's not contained in /infinity/ and is out for the whole board to see
if you're gonna be ambassadors for our split try to contain your autism so as to not somehow worsen our reputation

>> No.17330634

More than once, Infinity got visited by hlgg users who found it weird, cringe, and even straight up bad. And each and every time, a majority of infinity was thankful the global users didn't stick for long. The split is very xenophobic to the rest of the empire.

However, due to the high presence of other fanbases from the splits (we have an Irystocrat artist, an Irystocrat writer, a Sapling writer, and the one who handles the archive is a chumbud). So it's still accessible.

Maybe there's a happy middle? It could be a well guarded city with walls, maybe leaning on a fortress if you like the inquisition / prison island idea, but still accessible to the mainland.

>> No.17330638

There's this magical invention called 'ships', which allows you to traverse ocean faster than land transportation. The only island that could be considered to be 'safe' from entry is the one that has absolute hegemony over the navy, like Victorian England.

>> No.17330645
File: 558 KB, 727x606, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proposing this area for infinity since its central and isolated

>> No.17330654

I love it.
t. Kromie

>> No.17330686

>its the fucking tourist schizo

>> No.17330702

>n-n-n-no u...
The redditor is seething now.

>> No.17330735

Call in the inquisition

>> No.17330736
File: 252 KB, 480x270, 23632412412.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17330777

can the fucking kronies please not derail the thread?

>> No.17330741

Wait, why are people using the map with Nijisanji and Hololive continents switched around?
There should be a poll made over which division is used, so the thread can settle on a single map and single general area distribution.

>> No.17330746
Quoted by: >>17330776

What JP corpo & Indies visit /∞/?

>> No.17330772

I second this, I also preferred the older map

>> No.17330776
Quoted by: >>17330835

Nijis (males, Haha, and Nina). We had some pyon settlers a while back

>> No.17330777

It's Kronies verses their antis who are obsessed with making them Russians for whatever reason. We got Botan and Nina from hololive and nijisanji respectively for that.

>> No.17330806

But I like the winter aesthetic...

>> No.17330814
File: 786 KB, 147x170, adorable clock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like the winter aesthetic

>> No.17330835
File: 1.76 MB, 540x302, 1628193009115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17330871

>Nijisanji has their own continent
>But they're also JP Corpo

>> No.17330854

>it should be next to Niji because of 2 Nijifags
the counter argument to winter kino is stupid

>> No.17330871

Oh, sorry...

>> No.17330881
File: 1.34 MB, 1762x3300, 1631135324231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who are obsessed with making them Russians for whatever reason
well, the very first kronie designs were based heavily around Kronii's Frostpunk playthough, with heavy coats and such...

>> No.17330916
File: 1.01 MB, 1441x1080, 1632672815720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want you to die painfully after you've been institutionalized.

>> No.17330927
Quoted by: >>17330973

This. The winter aesthetic is just pure kino. No clue why anon hates snow so much.

>> No.17330939
Quoted by: >>17331449

This. The main archivist is a chumbud, does that mean Infinity is next to GGG? It's dumb

>> No.17330966

Your reading comprehension reps

>> No.17330972 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.58 MB, 3476x2209, 1630522544543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember...londoner rrats get the express route out of here and straight to hell

>> No.17330973
Quoted by: >>17330985

Because the frostpunk clock aesthetic was voted down in favor of the butler/maid one. You'd know that

And if you both did your reps, you'd know Kronii hasn't been dealing with cold conditions for a while and instead complains about sweating and her AC not working.

>> No.17330985
Quoted by: >>17331005

But we're infinity, not the main fanbase.

>> No.17331002

Making a poll would be good

>> No.17331005

You're clearly not even her Kromie, just a tourist.
And if you did your reps you'd know /∞/ managed to force a recount on the design..

>> No.17331019

I want you to read my post very carefully, and point to where I said this.
The only anon(s) that are against putting /inf/ in the north wants to put it on the border of Niji. At least from the conversations so far

>> No.17331034
Quoted by: >>17331174

I know. Bless K1

>> No.17331046
Quoted by: >>17332295

Well at least the thread didn't die before bump limit

>> No.17331061

>Infinity sits in a temperate region only sometimes covered by snow
>seasonally switches between frostpunk-esque and Victorian fashion
is this a decent compromise? Would make sense since kronii recently finished frostpunk so the snow border could be retreating

>> No.17331067
Quoted by: >>17331191

doesnt sound bad at all

>> No.17331156
File: 509 KB, 1919x1080, 1643449634597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello from /meat/

>> No.17331174

And dude I'm just on mobile I don't want to copy paste the symbol

>> No.17331187

that looks fucking amazign

>> No.17331191

Sounds very nice. Or maybe going with >>17330645, one island is snow and one island is not. Might not be realistic though...

>> No.17331239
File: 1.13 MB, 3000x1500, 1643261828343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this, but if we can make it an island that would be perfect.
Maybe add one in the area listed since it would be in region like you described. Or if we make the climates comparable to earth, it could be one of the 2 islands in the east since they should still be in the climate where they have both snow and hot summers.

>> No.17331264

Also it doesn't have to be the size of the block, just be some land in that area.

>> No.17331280

I think we still need a poll to choose between
and a version of

>> No.17331304

>Aztec illuminati runes
How many of your kind fell and repurposed to finally end up with this flag?

>> No.17331334

an island there in the east shouldnt even really fuck with the currents so that could work really well

>> No.17331399
File: 1.13 MB, 3000x1500, 1624050664110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we go with >>17138863, then just have /∞/ take over one of these islands. It keeps it close to the action and would still be in a temperate climate so it can have both a cold winter and hot summer.

>> No.17331411

I second this, and cast my vote for:
Since the alternative is starting from scratch again

>> No.17331449
Quoted by: >>17331728

He hasn't done an honest day's work in ages and is too busy trying to groom a menhera high school girl to take care of the archive. Not the best example to make.

>> No.17331516
File: 486 KB, 1454x606, infinitopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not good at map making but how's this? Of course this is just suggestion and it's up to OP / the map makers

>> No.17331552
Quoted by: >>17331731

>Temperate climate
>Further north than cold climate
You did say you were bad at it.

>> No.17331590
File: 3.42 MB, 3000x1500, 1633499015071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather we just create our own land mass >>17331239. It even makes sense from a current stand point since it would flow to the potential island from the west for traders to use.

>> No.17331617

I'd still prefer the idea here >>17331239, just remember that the map is a globe and that seemingly isolated area is actually right in between indies, niji and holo areas

>> No.17331728

Hey, I archived just last week...

>> No.17331731
Quoted by: >>17331800

not that anon, but according to the temp map >>17328551,
lat1 and lat2 are the polar tundra, lat2 to lat3 is "Subarctic continential", the suggested island placement is closer to lat3, which puts it in to a mix of subarctic to "humid continental".

It's not temperate, but how is it "further north than cold climate"??? Is there a coldspot in the map I'm not seeing?

>> No.17331759

Island a is affected by a cold ocean current and it is further up north. The area could plausibly have a cold climate but temperate I do not see

>> No.17331800
File: 128 KB, 1600x1113, world-climate-zones-map-vector-geographic-infographics-global-geography-science-171429167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The climate map is totally fucked up to be honest how Mediterranean climate can be that far up is stupid.
It should follow how the actual world climate is.

>> No.17331820
Quoted by: >>17331844

maybe make A and B both cold with C being more temperate. or all three could be cold, i prefer the frostpunk look more anyway

>> No.17331844
Quoted by: >>17331878

Make all 3 temperate, people are forgetting these things called 'seasons' exists where you can have nice weather and cold weather where your piss freezes before it hits the ground for the same area.

>> No.17331866
Quoted by: >>17331932

then 3/4th of the landmass will be frozen since the tropics are literally mostly water

>> No.17331878
Quoted by: >>17332247

i'm a geographylet, would this >>17331239 position have all 4 seasons? i prefer this position over >>17331399 because the former gives it access to other continents more readily

>> No.17331891
File: 11 KB, 611x109, 0209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17332260

>he thinks climate is independent from continent shape and air currents
retardchama... your geography reps

>> No.17331932

Then let the entire world be frozen let us /become/ forstpunk

>> No.17331936

Also one reason the climate map is different compared to our world is because it has more southern land than irl
No Eurasia/North America to take all the northern currents

>> No.17331949
File: 688 KB, 1912x952, köppen map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17332260

It does follow, its just based on a more in-depth analysis taking into accounts all sorts of stuff
Even in real world we can get Mediterranean climate as far up north as pic rel

>> No.17331982

would you believe if I say that if the earth isn't tilted, pic rel wouldn't be the case?

>> No.17331987
File: 501 KB, 1200x704, med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17332260

>Mediterranean climate can be that far up is stupid
Med climate can be on either side and against currents
See how Earth's med climate all face west

>> No.17332247
Quoted by: >>17332328

as far as I see, >>17331239 could easily have all 4 seasons, but overall the area would be on the colder side

>> No.17332260

Then this >>17331516 wouldn't work due to how the currents are.

>> No.17332295

That's /∞/, they'll keep you alive, but you just might not like the means they use.

>> No.17332301
Quoted by: >>17332328

that is precisely right. The northern island should be considerably colder and possibly also drier than the southern islands
Just switching the climate descriptions would make >>17331516 a lot more plausible

>> No.17332328
Quoted by: >>17332677

yeah i figured as much. that makes much more sense
is the above compatible with this? this could be nice too, having seasons but still being overall cold.

>> No.17332677
Quoted by: >>17332803

Maybe? The northern island more than the southern ones. I suspect the southern islands would have a quite ireland-like weather, with the northern island being a bit colder and drier, but still get above average rainfall. You'd have clear seasons. If you want the area even colder it could be moved a bit up north and this shouldnt cause any issues for the currents and other biomes

or the area can just be handwaved to be a bit colder but within the realms of plausibility if thats what people want. I made the climate analysis to help worldbuilding and give inspiration, not to stifle it.

>> No.17332748
Quoted by: >>17332803

First off, no piss fetish
Second, the islands are pretty far apart
Third, it would be easier just to have /inf/ be a big island where the northern part is mountainous so you can have year round cold climate.

>> No.17332803

that sounds really good actually.
hmm, i prefer the realistic one now that you explained it in a way my greographylet mind can understand kek. but we should also see what other kronies and the mapmakers think.
"Kronii Pee..." is a meme within /∞/, that's why i included it.
>big island
okay, but I'd still like a separate Alcatraz island. Maybe it's even manmade

>> No.17332899
Quoted by: >>17332996

Kronii has not pissed on the moon, yet.

>okay, but I'd still like a separate Alcatraz island. Maybe it's even manmade
Sound fair.

>> No.17332910

if no one minds, the islands could be tweaked a bit. Moved closer together, maybe up north a bit, make some of them slightly larger, etc
If the islands remain relatively small they shouldnt affect the currents that much. and even in the scenario that they do, fixing the area's climate approximation shouldnt be a big issue

I like the idea of a manmade island. sounds cool.

>> No.17332996

very nice! i'm glad i could help even if i know next to nothing about geography. i just like lorefagging kek

>> No.17333092

How far is the world technologically? I was under the impression it was 16th century.
